MMU Research Matters issue 4, September 2013

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Issue 04 | Winter 2014

Research Matters at the Faculty of Science and Engineering

Stem cell medicine

Professor Yvonne Alexander Page 2

Medical research funding success Dr Jamie McPhee Page 4

Citizen science Professor Martyn Amos Dr Nick Costen Page 6

Excellence through opportunity Welcome to the fourth issue of Research Matters which comes at a time when our academic community is working towards the first Research Excellence Framework. The new framework replaces the Research Assessment Exercise from 2014 and is used to assess research quality in UK higher education. The REF is an expert review which informs the allocation of research funding from the UK’s research funding bodies, four of which are relevant to our Faculty. One of the main goals of the REF is to provide accountability for research investment, and to show the benefits of that investment. In the Faculty of Science and Engineering we are fortunate to be able to demonstrate the wider impact of our research, and within these pages we detail that impact both for the University and for the wider community. From healthy ageing and self-assembling nano-molecules to stem cell therapies and Government night time flying policies, research from this Faculty is ensuring that boundaries are stretched and impact is far reaching. Look out for the next issue of Research Matters, being published next Spring, which will focus entirely on our REF submission. Much of our ground breaking research would not be possible without significant investment in equipment and facilities, and the analytical services we provide benefit academics and researchers alike in Manchester and beyond. You can read more about the state-of-the-art equipment that facilitates some of our research on page 8. We understand and capitalise on the benefits of collaboration, both cross-School and with other institutions. Some of the most ground breaking and forward-thinking research is the result of thinking outside of singular disciplines, and involves researchers from across the UK, Europe and beyond. Dr Jamie McPhee’s project exemplifies this interdisciplinary approach and you can read more about it on page 4. We are proud of our Athena SWAN Bronze status, a recognition of the steps taken to identify and challenge unequal representation of women in science, and we are currently working towards Silver status. Equality of opportunity is a priority at Manchester Metropolitan University, and the cutting edge work carried out by some of our female academics and researchers is testament to the importance we place on opportunity for all. In this issue we feature, among others, Professor Yvonne Alexander who is looking to understand how the body repairs itself and Dr Lindsey Munro who uses theoretical chemistry in a wide range of applications. Scientific discovery does not discriminate, and nor do we. Professor Pete Dunleavy Dean, Faculty of Science and Engineering Pro-Vice Chancellor, Research and Enterprise



News matters Big data clouds HIV Alzheimer’s link


Body, heal thyself! Regenerating tissue and treating disease from within the body


Medical Research Council funding £660k grant for research into muscle deterioration


Crossing boundaries Citizen science brings new collaboration

8 10 11

Analyse this! The appliance behind the science


Athena SWAN success A milestone in gender equality

Parliamentary showcase Portable labs visit the Commons On the surface Coating industrial materials at lower temperatures

Research Matters Issue 4. Winter 2014 Published by Manchester Metropolitan University in association with Copper Media Editor Amy Louvre Design Jo Phillips Photography Ade Hunter

News Matters Looking to the clouds Dr Liangxiu Han Dr Liangxiu Han, a reader in the School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology, has received funding from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) for her work ‘A cloud approach to automatic gene expression pattern recognition and annotation over largescale images’. Working collaboratively with the Medical Research Council, Human Genome Unit and the University of Edinburgh, Dr Han is principal investigator of the project which will focus on the design and implementation of a cloud computing-based intelligent system for addressing ‘big data’. The term big data is used to describe datasets that are so large they become difficult to capture, store and analyse using traditional database methods. Currently Dr Han is investigating these issues in relation to gene expression patterns in mouse embryo image data.

“ The term big data is used to describe datasets that are so large they become difficult to capture, store and analyse using traditional database methods. ” Phase one of three has recently been completed, which resulted in an international conference paper at the 8th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Dr Han said: “Biomedical research is moving to a data-centric paradigm, which requires large computing resources to scale the increasing volume and complexity of biological data. Cloud computing is emerging as a cost-effective solution to process and store massive data on demand. However, there are numbers of challenges that limit its widespread use in biomedical, data-driven applications. “With these questions in mind, this project is developing a cloudbased biomedical application tool for efficient gene expression pattern recognition and identification, which involves the use of large-scale images.” In July, Dr Han and Dr Emma Hodson-Tole organised a cross disciplinary workshop ‘Big Data Processing and Analytics in Biomedical Research’ which brought together researchers from across the Faculty to discuss their work and to identify challenges for data within biomedical research.

HIV link to Alzheimer’s Professor Mark Slevin The early onset and development of Alzheimer’s disease in HIV patients may be linked to production of a specific protein, according to Professor Mark Slevin. Professor Slevin, who is head of genetics, cell and molecular biology in the School of Healthcare, is working in collaboration with European researchers. “A substantial amount of evidence now points to the fact that release of the specific protein known as p17 from the HIV envelope into the circulation results in accumulation within the extra-cellular matrix of the brain,” Professor Slevin said. “The data we have demonstrates that p17 appears to induce directly cognitive decline in our in vivo model testing although the exact mechanism(s) are yet to be defined. Expression levels of p17 and its variants in the blood or cerebro spinal fluid (CSF) of patients with HIV might provide some indication of the risk of development of early onset disease.” The original work was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The team working on this project includes Professor Jurek Krupinski, Dr Ria Weston, Dr Christopher Murgatroyd and Ms Yasmin Zeinolabediny from MMU, Professor Arnaldo Caruso and Dr Francesca Caccuri from University of Brescia and Professor Giulio Alessandri and Dr Stephania Navone from the C. Besta Institute in Milan. Image: Immunohistochemical staining of mouse hippocampal region showing CA neurons positively stained with P17 (blue-grey) in Alzheimer’s positive animals.


Body, heal thyself! Professor Yvonne Alexander is keenly aware of the controversy over some methods of medical research and the inevitable debate around the use of stem cells. Professor Yvonne Alexander “The body has a natural way of repairing itself, and my goal is to understand how the body heals itself. If we can exploit its repair mechanisms, and understand those processes, we can look at generating new organs and enhancing the repair process instead of treating disease and alleviating symptoms with drugs. My research is informed by current trends in tissue engineering, regenerative medicine and stem cell therapies. “My focus is heart and blood vessel disease and the drive to try to regenerate damaged tissue through the body’s own repair system. I want to understand how cells communicate with each other and how genes are switched on in disease. Professor Alexander specialises in translational science with particular interest in vascular calcification. She is chairman of the British Society for Cardiovascular Research, a founder member of the European Vascular Biology Organisation and part of many national and international scientific committees. As well as lecturing extensively on vascular calcification and stem cell biology, Professor Alexander has secured numerous research grants and published a significant number of peer reviewed papers. Deaths from heart disease are declining, in part due to advances in the pharmaceutical industry with drugs like statins and also because of interventional surgery to, for example, implant stents or pacemakers. But success is not without challenge: these developments effectively mean that the number of people living with heart disease has increased, which in turn has stimulated interest from funding bodies about the use of stem cells and regenerative medicine as offering possible ways forward. “There has been much progress in the field to identify the presence of stem cells in body tissue and in blood. If we can understand the signalling mechanisms that trigger the movement of these cells, and how these processes differ in mature tissue, then we will be on the right track towards repairing damaged tissue. “Looking at different species and their behaviour can give us 2

insight into how we can develop ways of mimicking stem cells. In the laboratory, many scientists are using zebra fish as a model as the species is known to be able to regenerate the heart. If we can understand the regeneration process during development, or learn how blood vessels form and how different triggers and signals activate during the process, we can manipulate specific genes for the benefit of those who have succumbed to illness.” Yvonne and her team are also interested in biomarkers of disease. “Around 20 per cent of the population are walking around with undiagnosed diabetes or hypertension. If they are screened early enough we can use biomarkers – indicators of a biological state – to predict who would be more susceptible to a heart attack or stroke, and inform on their course of preventative treatment. Our goal would be to use lifestyle changes and specific medical intervention for individuals to prevent or reduce symptoms and thus improve both their quality of life and overall longevity.”

“ In 20 years’ time we will be able to develop a diagnostic ‘chip’ that can determine the type of drug regime most suitable for each individual patient. ” Manchester is home to the UK Biobank, a repository of biological samples from half a million people which aims to improve the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of serious and life threatening diseases. Yvonne continues, “We use these samples to look at the building blocks of the body, ie DNA profiles and proteins, to understand why some people develop certain diseases while others remain healthy. Using high technology

to look at gene tissue in the laboratory. We can study in a cell culture system and look at signals and specific signalling molecules, all the time trying to refine antibodies or drugs. This allows us to work with pharmaceutical companies who in turn develop specific antibodies or drugs. We take the science to the clinic, and into the pharmaceutical industry, who are then able to up-scale for mainstream use in clinical practice.

“ As scientists and researchers, we must be humble enough to say ‘I can’t do this, can we collaborate?’ ” platforms such as transcriptomics, proteinomics and metabolomics we can identify cells and molecules in the bloodstream and categorise them as biomarkers of disease. “In 20 years’ time we will be able to use patient stratification – the use of biomarkers to create subsets within a patient population – to develop a diagnostic ‘chip’ that can determine the type of drug regime most suitable for each individual patient. More targeted, personalised medicine is the goal: we want to promote a process of repair and bespoke medical intervention that is without trial and error risk and negative side effects. Research funding bodies are particularly keen on work to develop this ‘chip’ approach.” None of this research could take place without cross-disciplinary collaboration. Yvonne’s background is in molecular and cellular biology, but she has worked with clinicians throughout her research to understand how these problems present in a clinical setting. “These collaborations are very productive. Clinicians see their patients and enrol them onto studies, obtaining blood samples to investigate isolated cells or

“Scientists are encouraged to take an interdisciplinary approach; we can no longer sit in isolated laboratories. We must talk across disciplines and this is forcing change at a rapid rate. We can’t all be experts on everything so we have to set up collaborations with long term goals in mind, and find like-minded scientists who think outside of the box. As scientists and researchers, we must be humble enough to say ‘I can’t do this, can we collaborate?’ “In my role as chairman of the British Society for Cardiovascular Research I am part of an organisation set up specifically to facilitate dialogue and collaboration between institutions and bodies which exist to advance knowledge in heart and blood vessel disease. I’m also part of the North West Vascular Society Forum which tries to map out which universities have particular strengths and expertise.” Working in an interdisciplinary way not only increases chances of finding solutions to some of science and engineering’s biggest questions, it has also become a prerequisite for some successful research grants. Funding for Professor Alexander’s research comes from many sources including Diabetes UK, Alzheimer’s Research Campaign,

BBSRC and The British Heart Foundation, but she acknowledges that it is becoming more and more difficult to secure. “There is a push towards the idea of networking and collaboration. Even some highly-rated grant applications are not being funded. We all must move with the requirements of these interdisciplinary projects.” On the subject of public engagement, Professor Alexander’s commitment to bringing science to new and bigger audiences is clear. “I take part in science festivals, conferences, workshops and even very small scale sci-bar events. These are held at small local venues, and scientists are invited to talk about their research. “These sessions are vital in introducing the public to scientific research and in particular to controversial areas. We do need to debate some of these bioethical issues, such as stem cell research and use. Stem cell ‘tourism’, where someone can visit a website, book a hospital appointment in another country and pay lots of money in order to ‘cure’ a disease, is still rife. This is in no small part due to media coverage and the increasing use of the internet in our daily lives. “Many areas of stem cell research remain controversial. Embryonic stem cell research, for example. But I do believe it is the way forward. We have introduced the possibility of reparative and regenerative medicine; however, we mustn’t run before we can walk. “We have to be diligent about the precision of science, and in accurately conveying the complexities of the field to the public, in order to facilitate healthy debate about the ethics and possible consequences. With an inclusive and transparent approach, I envisage that when regenerative medicine becomes more widely accepted in clinical practice, it will have a big impact on the future health of the UK.”


Medical Research Council funding success Dr Jamie McPhee has secured a £660k grant from the Medical Research Council for his research into muscle deterioration. Dr Jamie McPhee “I’ve always been interested in how the body works and what keeps people healthy, and I’ve had a particular interest in how physical activity helps people stay healthier throughout their lives. I began my University career studying human and exercise physiology. The major focus of my PhD was to understand how different body systems interact during exercise. We were trying to understand the reasons why some people complete exercise training and become very fit, possibly even reaching elite athlete status, while others can work just as hard in training but will never reach elite athlete status. “Previous studies had identified a minority of people who were labelled as “non-responders” to exercise because they worked hard in training but didn’t seem to improve some aspects of health. But our work has shown that everyone who 4

completes exercise training derives some health benefits in one way or another. “For my postdoctoral research I looked at healthy ageing in a large-scale European Union-funded project, known as ‘MyoAge’. This large collaborative project included 19 research institutes from across the EU and my task was to design and carry out research to examine the way in which muscles become smaller and weaker in older age, and the impact of these changes on physical capability of older people and their health status. I coordinated the research activities across five different research groups based in MMU, Netherlands, Finland, France and Estonia. We were all collecting similar datasets so that we could pool our results and therefore define ‘healthy ageing’ in a European population.”

“ Our work has shown that everyone who completes exercise training derives some health benefits in one way or another. ” Dr McPhee is delighted that the Medical Research Council funding will allow him to continue his research on the underlying reasons why muscles deteriorate as we age, and work on identifying possible interventions to prevent that deterioration. “We have an ageing society and there is an increasing interest from governments as well as a moral responsibility to keep people healthier for longer so they can continue to lead independent lives and contribute economically.

“ Our research led us to believe that the deterioration of muscle size and function and the associated loss of balance and mobility in older age might occur as a consequence of changes in the nerves that control the muscles. ” “The School of Healthcare Science has a long tradition of research into ageing, and in particular ageing in a healthy and physically active way. Over the years we have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and expertise alongside excellent facilities. We have access to a range of modern imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging and x-ray imaging, and we have developed new techniques in neuromuscular physiology and cell and molecular biology. Some of our labs are dedicated to research into neuromuscular function and this provides an excellent platform on which to develop more focused research. “Our research within the MyoAge project led us to believe that the deterioration of muscle size and function and the associated loss of balance and mobility in older age might occur as a consequence of changes in the nerves that control the muscles. The MRC funding will, as part of the Life-Long Health and Wellbeing initiative, further examine this idea. We will carry out detailed assessments of nerves and muscles in 210 healthy people, young and old, as well as some frail elderly people with walking difficulties.” Dr McPhee and the team will be collaborating with clinicians at the University of Manchester and Manchester Royal Infirmary who have experience of working with frail elderly patients. “Our recent research into ageing at MMU focused primarily on ‘healthy’ older people, so it was vital to develop the partnership with clinicians who were working with frail older people. The city centre campus along Oxford Road in Manchester is an excellent place to work for the reason that academics and

clinicians from both Universities are located in very close proximity. “Studying complex biology requires collaboration: most research groups have very specialised areas of expertise. They don’t have access to all the necessary specialised equipment and facilities and so can’t provide all the answers. Collaboration is vital to bring together complementary experience and techniques. “If we want to answer the big questions such as ‘Why are we at greater risk of disease as we get older?’ or ‘Why do older people lose muscle mass and strength and become more reliant on others for help in their day-to-day lives?’, we need an integrative, multi-disciplinary approach to understanding aspects of human biomechanics during walking and balance, as well as the specialised physiology and cellular biology.”

“This new project will explore one of the possible mechanisms of ageing. The majority of research that’s gone before has focused on the muscle tissue itself, but our hypothesis is slightly different: we know that muscles are controlled by nerves which perhaps start to break down before muscles do. So if the nerves deteriorate, the muscles must follow. We’ve gone upstream, if you like, looking at nerve changes first. As a consequence of the changes to the way the nerves control muscles we also think that older people will have less co-ordination of their movement, leaving them more susceptible to falling.” Dr McPhee’s research is published regularly in leading scientific journals, with no fewer than six articles in 2013. “Having research published is a good recognition of the high quality and novel research that we do in the School. Our research also helps to raise the profile of the Faculty – it demonstrates our experience and expertise, which are important when it comes to successfully applying for funding and attracting high profile scientists and researchers. Of course students also benefit because they are taught by leading experts and have access to cutting-edge facilities.

“ We know that muscles are controlled by nerves which perhaps start to break down before muscles do. So if the nerves deteriorate, the muscles must follow. We’ve gone upstream, if you like, looking at nerve changes first. ” Dr McPhee’s previous work on characterising the way nerves and muscles deteriorate with ageing has enabled him to say the average person will lose around 30 per cent of their leg muscle mass by the time they are 70-80 years old; and that maintaining a physically active lifestyle helps to preserve muscle mass, physical capability and health. “What we haven’t done yet is provide a mechanistic explanation of why muscles are deteriorating as we get older.

“It’s important to broadcast our research findings to the wider community and show that we conduct novel and important research that has a direct impact on people’s lives, but also to pass on the message of healthy ageing.”


Crossing boundaries How collaborative science leads to citizen science and research success Professor Martyn Amos and Dr Nick Costen New interdisciplinary ways of working are bringing together academics from across the Faculty and ensuring that the University remains successful in securing grants for leading research. Martyn Amos, Professor of novel computation in the School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology, has led a number of initiatives to positively encourage cross-disciplinary working. “There’s such a diverse array of research carried out in Faculty but, as is the case in most universities, it can be fragmented with lots of researchers working independently on single projects. “Three years ago we began to change this strategically, and the catalyst was a successful grant from the EPSRC ‘Bridging the Gaps’ scheme. As its name suggests, the scheme aims to link researchers from different disciplines within the same institution and to get them talking and working together. “In a sense we’ve all been conditioned to working alone. Funding has always been competitive. There’s also the issue of just where do you publish work that’s of an interdisciplinary nature? Paradoxically this has all been exacerbated by the Research Exercise Framework as it demands that research be solid and sit in the middle of a unit. Funding tends to be given to those whose research is rooted clearly in the middle of a discipline. “When collaborations have taken place historically we find that the relationships tend to be asymmetric with one researcher supporting another. But here we are much more interested in symbiotic partnerships where one aspect 6

of research cannot happen without the equal participation of researchers from different disciplines.” The Bridging the Gaps project was initially aimed at researchers in nanotechnology, biology and informatics, but it quickly expanded beyond its initial scope. It also led to several subsequent successes, including a Wellcome Trust grant for the Manchester DIYbio project. ‘Do-it-yourself biology’ aims to democratise and widen access to biotechnology by bringing together amateurs and professionals to stimulate debate, widen public understanding and ensure the safe and ethical management of amateur experiments.

science and stimulate discussion. At the same time my PhD student Matthew Crossley was working on a zombie simulator software package, SimZombie, to illustrate different concepts such as immunisation and quarantine using ‘zombie infection’ as the vector. “The two came together, across disciplines, to create a genuinely new activity: monsters, microbes and maths, culminating in Jo and Matthew appearing in an immersive theatre production in Edinburgh! What started as two individuals from different backgrounds tacking related subjects became an interdisciplinary project with an equal relationship and reward.”

“ The Manchester Microbe Map is an online ‘bacterial atlas’ with volunteers swabbing local bus-stops, culturing the microbes they find and documenting results. ” The project, coordinated with Professor Jo Verran, resulted in the establishment of a DIYbio laboratory in Manchester and the Manchester Microbe Map, an online ‘bacterial atlas’ with volunteers swabbing local bus-stops, culturing the microbes they find and documenting results. DIYbio successfully grew interest in citizen science, amassing a local audience of over 700 people. The project was given a University-community partnership recognition award by the Manchester Beacon for Public Engagement. Professor Amos continues, “Jo set up the bad bugs book club, a meet up of people with an interest in science whose remit is to offer alternative readings of

Another successful outcome of the ‘Bridging the Gaps’ project brought together computer scientists and healthcare professionals to look at real time imaging of muscles. Dr Nick Costen from the School of Computing, Mathematics and Digital Technology takes up the story: “Professor Ian Loram and I had been trying to do this research for a while and we knew that Martyn had secured funding for interdisciplinary projects. We submitted our funding application in the knowledge that we had a pre-existing set of questions that we were interested in answering. We already had the expertise within the University, but the project allowed us to spend the necessary time to develop our ideas and to test them effectively.

“It gave us time to develop techniques for the real-time measurement of muscle activity and length. We could then construct models and run experiments concerning the control processes of muscular actions and the linkages between the perceptual and control systems in human activities. “The real-time processing concentrates on ultrasound of people’s muscles, particularly legs but also more complex muscular systems on necks. It segments the images into muscle and non-muscle, extracting parameters about them – their width and the degree and type of contraction. It supplies the results of those operations quickly so we can run feedback experiments in real-time. “The benefit is that it allows us to properly understand the processes that control our muscles. And, more practically, we

are interested in developing a range of medical applications, such as devices to detect muscle twitches, which are important in diagnosing conditions such as motor neuron disease.” Dr Costen and the team are also developing arrangements for measuring contraction in people’s necks, which is particularly important for musicians – violinists use their necks in a tense way to clutch and play the violin, often sustaining specific injuries. Some musicians need to be retrained in their posture in order to carry out their work effectively. “More broadly we want to work on the rehabilitation of people who have suffered peripheral nerve damage and have therefore lost control of their limbs. Their nerves grow back but they require feedback in the early stages in order to regain control of their limbs.” The collaborative and interdisciplinary work that this project facilitated has led to further external funding for Dr Costen and his team to develop their work into detecting muscle twitches, and that work is about to commence. Dr Costen is in no doubt about the benefits of the interdisciplinary approach: “A lot of this work wouldn’t have happened without this project. The thing about computer science is that you spend a lot of time developing methods and techniques of measurement, but we need other researchers to come along with problems that require measuring and solving. If we don’t have that external impetus we can’t make progress as quickly: we’d simply be working to develop algorithms without application. The collaboration imposes new constraints upon us and in responding to them, we have to come up with novel ideas which allow more general progress to be made.”

“ It’s a risky way to work, and we have to be prepared to fail. It’s like throwing seeds across a field. ” What are Professor Amos’ overarching views on this sort of collaborative work? “It’s a risky way to work, and we have to be prepared to fail. It’s like throwing seeds across a field. We had several small pots of money and we knew some of them would result in worthy research, and some might not. However, by taking that risk we have created some impressive interdisciplinary collaborations. “We now have a real culture of cooperation and a true synthesis of ideas and expertise. Other people have seen what can be done when we work in this way and they want to try it.”


Analyse this! The Faculty has made significant investments in state-of-the-art equipment to enhance the student experience and to improve research output. Alongside the specialist knowledge of technical staff, we offer commercial analytical services to a range of external organisations, including industry and academia. Sue Smith is group technical manager responsible for technical support for the Faculty: “Clearly this is expensive, specialist equipment which not only improves student teaching and the research capabilities of the University but also lends itself to income generation as we are able to offer high tech facilities and services. I think the University should be congratulated for this level of investment, which demonstrates the importance it places on having such facilities and equipment for students, staff and industry. “Students are able to use cutting edge equipment, and benefit from having live case studies to learn from. Research and knowledge exchange can also capitalise on this investment. “Our ability to react to the needs of students, staff and industry demonstrates how the partnership working between our technical staff and researchers has flourished, and means we can now push the boundaries in terms of fully exploiting the equipment we have. This brings exciting opportunities as the partnership between academics, researchers and technical staff continues to develop and grow, sharing the skills and expertise of all parties. Professor Paul Hooper, head of enterprise development in the School of Research, Enterprise and Innovation agrees: “For commercial work we have established a fast tracking system that enables us to respond quickly to external requests, setting up new systems and procedures to ensure effective risk management whilst enabling speedy turnaround to meet client needs. This has enabled the University to expand its commercial services through cost effective delivery on relatively small contracts to a range of new clients.”

“ Many groups have taken advantage of the facilities and expertise, resulting in high quality original research and associated research paper publications. ” optical microscopy, the scanning electron microscope and elemental composition via energy dispersive X-ray. Another recent client was an overseas institution seeking information on newly synthesised chemicals through the use of nuclear magnetic resonance analysis. Over the last year, 17 contracts have been completed for external organisations representing a significant new income stream for the University.

Academic partners

Since its inception the analytical services facility has grown from strength to strength. Early requests for access to the facilities came from small companies without analytical services, who were keen to test the composition or features of specific materials and to use the facilities for thermal analysis.

Researchers at institutions across the country have benefitted from the unique multi-function analysis available via a stateof-the-art field emission gun scanning electron microscope. The particular strengths of this facility are that it combines nano-scale resolution with specific analytical tools such as wavelength dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, electron backscatter diffraction, cathodoluminescence and in-situ micro-raman spectroscopy.

Clients range from a soft drinks company looking at the levels of sodium benzoate (E211) using high performance liquid chromatography to a recycling company investigating the composition suitability of materials for recycling using ashing,

Free at point of use to university partners, we provide technical assistance to academics and researchers at other institutions who need to carry out high quality nano-scale materials research across disparate fields. Many groups have taken advantage of the

Commercial partners


Portfolio of equipment Scanning electron microscope including FEG and EDX Magnifies a sample surface by 100,000 Used to determine surface and elemental composition of a sample and to study fractured surface Optical microscopy 800x magnification using reflected or transmitted light, dark/ brightfield fluorescent microscopy, confocal microscopy Used for surface analysis of any material Inductively coupled plasma Subjects samples to a very high temperature plasma Used to test solutions of low levels of toxic metals

Maira Guzman, technical officer, with the LC-MS 6540 from Agilent, a state-of-the-art instrument able to measure large molecules such as proteins and DNA fragments up to 500 ppb mass accuracy.

facilities and expertise, resulting in high quality original research and associated research paper publications. The facilities have been used for a variety of investigations including assessing efficiency of medicines via analysis of their crystalline form, analysis of particle retention on fully hydrated water filters, identification of pigments in ancient excavated fabrics, and cryo in-SEM Raman which has been used for the first time to localise carotene compounds thus promoting better hygiene during food preparation. Some 23 academic partners have utilised these services including the Universities of Bangor, Bolton, Edinburgh, Central Lancashire, Leeds, London, Manchester, Newcastle, Salford, West Scotland, Southampton, Imperial College and Daresbury Laboratory, with many using the facilities and expertise at Manchester Metropolitan University more than once. The quality of the research underpinned by this enhanced analytical capability is reflected by the range of publications in leading journals such as Science, Materials Letters, Environmental Science and Technology, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Advanced Applied Ceramics, Tribology International, Mineralogical Magazine and The Analyst. If you would like to explore the technical capabilities of our staff and facilities call Professor Herman Potgieter, head of analytical development, on 0161 247 1428 or email

Gas (GC) and high performance liquid chromatography Analyses and purifies compounds, monitors reactions, separates constituent mixture parts Used for analysing and monitoring reaction mixtures, leaching studies, impurities profile, quality control of compounds Weathering Tests materials for effects of weathering Used for testing external materials Molecular biology facilities Biological activity at the molecular level Used for DNA sequencing, genotyping, fragment analysis, locus tag and Allele list generation, DNA amplification and disease biomarkers Histology and tissue culture Common histological stains, immuno or lectin fluorescent staining, immuno HRP/AP brightlight staining, cell culture with live cell imaging Used for In vivo or in vitro identification of cellular components and processes X-Ray diffractometer Determines the crystal structure of compounds and average spacing between atoms. Used to identify crystalline phases and orientation and to determine layers of rows or atoms Spectroscopy, UV/VIS, FTIR, fluorescence, GC-MS Determines structural and functional group information, impurities in mixtures, monitors reactions, identifies individual components of a sample, determines compound concentration Used to indentify unknowns, for qualitative and quantitative analysis and reaction monitoring Thermal Analysis Properties of samples measured against different temperatures in a specified atmosphere over time Used for testing materials subject to different temperatures, tests ground pipes for degradation to test for recyclability.


Parliamentary approval for ‘lab on a chip’ research Dr Kirsty Shaw Forensic biologist Dr Kirsty Shaw recently presented her work on mini portable laboratories for forensic, archaeological and healthcare work in the field to Parliament. Dr Shaw’s research was shortlisted from hundreds of scientific projects science to appear in the Commons as part of the SET for Britain showcase of new and upcoming research in physics, biology, chemistry and engineering. Kirsty’s ‘lab-on-a-chip’ can potentially save millions in expensive laboratories and chemicals and also produce far quicker results at a scene or on site. The chips act as miniature flasks and test tubes scaling multiple lab processes down to a hand-held operation. Her technology is the first to confirm the sex of ancient human bones at an archaeological dig by testing powdered bones. Kirsty worked with University of Manchester archaeologist Kerry Brown and Oxford Archaeology North on the study, and said: “Traditional laboratory tests are prohibitively expensive in many archaeological digs, so we are missing out on lots of information and interesting history. 10

“ The use of mini portable labs is opening up all sorts of possibilities, for instance at crime scenes, where blood samples can be used to help identify a person’s DNA. ” “The use of mini portable labs is opening up all sorts of possibilities, for instance at crime scenes, where blood samples can be used to help identify a person’s DNA. “SET for Britain is important not only because as scientists we should be communicating to a wide range of society; but also because there are strong arguments for supporting new technologies and applications of knowledge from our Universities.” Andrew Miller MP who chairs the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, said, “This annual competition is an important date in the parliamentary calendar because it gives MPs an opportunity to speak to a wide range of the country’s best young researchers. “These early career scientists are the architects of our future and SET for Britain is politicians’ best opportunity to meet them and understand their work.”

New method to coat engineering components could have significant benefits for industry Professor John Colligon and Dr Vladimir Vishnyakov Scientists in Faculty have developed a novel method to deposit MAX phase material at lower temperatures than previously possible. MAX phase material is known to be thermal shock resistant as well as electrically conducting, and shows excellent radiation damage resistance. MAX phase materials in bulk are easy to machine and have ‘self-healing’ properties. Some MAX Phase surface coatings require high temperatures for their formation but many substrates, such as steel, would not withstand the high temperatures needed to apply the coating. In an MMU research programme funded by the Engineering and Physical Research Sciences Council, Professor John Colligon and Dr Vladimir Vishnyakov have developed a method to form a MAX phase material at 650°C, much lower than previously possible. The lower temperature process means that the coating can now be applied to materials of industrial interest which was not previously possible. The discovery could bring significant benefits for industry, with applications as coatings for engine components, turbine blades and car body parts, and radiation-resistant coatings for the nuclear industry. Surface coatings specialist Professor John Colligon said: “Many industrial components are made of steel, which is strong and durable but will deteriorate at temperatures above 700 degrees centigrade. For deposition of the MAX phase material the substrates would need to be at about 1000°C for the coatings to be applied. So, before this new coating method was developed, the MAX phase coating with all its useful properties could not be used. “This MAX phase material can now be deposited on a wide range of substrates, such as steel. Once formed this coating is stable to temperatures above 1500oC offering many engineering applications.”

Growing our green credentials Manchester Metropolitan University was crowned number one greenest university in the UK in the People and Planet League Table in June, taking first place in a field of 140 institutions. The University rose from 91st place to number one in a mere seven years and from 10th place last year. The annual survey takes in the entire higher education sector, and looks at attitudes and actions around sustainability. Manchester Metropolitan University scored maximum points in environmental policy, environmental staffing, carbon management, staff and student engagement, sustainability in the curriculum and waste management. It also scored highly in ethical investment, procurement and fairtrade, and water and energy management. The award validates the hard work undertaken by staff at the University, particularly the environment team, who work tirelessly to ensure that environmental issues are high on the agenda across the University. Vice-Chancellor Professor John Brooks said: “The whole university community is thrilled with this recognition from People and Planet. “At MMU, we firmly believe that a strong ethos of sustainability not only strengthens the University’s appeal to students but improves the experience in so many different ways. “Sustainability has been the main driver for the £350 million rationalisation of our campuses as we can and must meet the imperatives of the present without compromising the needs of the future. “In partnership with our students, we are working to create a sustainable university which goes beyond being carbon neutral and actually has a positive environmental impact.” Head of Environment Dr John Hindley: said: “We are creating a new, greener MMU and I couldn’t be more delighted because it’s been a long journey and a massive team effort.”


Athena SWAN The Faculty was recently awarded the Athena SWAN Bronze for its work on advancing women’s careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics and now has its sights set on a silver award. Established in 2005, Athena SWAN confers awards to institutions that are making clear and comprehensive steps towards identifying and challenging the unequal representation of women in science, the absence of diversity at management levels, low retention rates of female staff, and tackling the personal and organisational obstacles to women in the advancement of their academic careers. Equality and diversity manager Gavin Deadman co-ordinated the winning submission: “Science and engineering is an area that’s widely recognised as having a gender imbalance, and it is a male dominated area across all HE institutions. There are many reasons for this, including breaks in professional careers for personal reasons and life events such as maternity leave, that affect the career trajectory of women. Having a diverse workforce is beneficial to all staff. Diversity makes business sense – the more diversity you have the better equipped the University is to deal with change and challenge. “The Athena Bronze award is an important milestone for the Faculty and the University. We invited a detailed process of self-assessment, analysed gender differentiation data within the Faculty, audited what activities were already taking place to ensure that differentiation was decreasing and created an action plan to address any gender imbalance.” 12

The University has created the MMU Athena SWAN Action Group, a selfassessment team that was behind the original submission. The group evolved and now has responsibility for delivering the action plan, and a clear commitment to the following specific actions over the next three years: SET (science, engineering, technology) baseline and academic profiling The Faculty is carrying out regular data collection and analysis of academic profiles. This includes collecting data on maternity and paternity leave, exploring and addressing women’s experiences of returning to work after long absences and evaluating the usefulness of support mechanisms that allow women to make this transition smoothly. Part of the remit is also to understand why some women do not return to work.

engineering. This support is already in train: women in science and engineering were well represented at University events to celebrate International Women’s Day in March, for example. The Faculty is making great strides in its work to recognise and reward female staff. Whilst there is much still to do, many female scientists and researchers are flourishing in the Faculty’s already open and inclusive environment.

Dr Lindsey Munro Career transition points We are looking at what changes need to be made in order to better recruit, develop, retain and promote women in SET subjects, especially at times of change in their careers. The University has set up a gender specific network which allows academic staff to come together to discuss career and progression. Culture change and gender balance in decision making The Faculty will address cultural concerns insofar as how it is provides support for women and raises awareness of career opportunities available in science and

Theoretical chemist Dr Lindsey Munro says: “In theoretical chemistry, you are usually one woman in a room full of men. I’m so used to it that it doesn’t register; it’s never been an issue for me as we are all treated as equal. But I am predisposed to not noticing!” Lindsey acknowledges the work the University has carried out to make sure all staff are treated equally. “The University is working hard to ensure all researchers and academics are given a shot at, for example, applying for funding, with regular competitions and information sent out to everyone. It’s

“Even when something looks simple on paper actually synthesising it is incredibly difficult, and it can involve quite a bit of trial and error. Computational calculations can provide insights into a wide range properties of molecules in a much shorter time span than experimental approaches. The idea is to use the computational elements so that we can investigate a large number of molecules computationally and calculate their properties, allowing us to propose a much smaller list of target molecules with suitably tailored properties to experimentalists, saving them lots of time and money.”

“ This is an unique piece of work as the molecules the team is synthesising and modelling have not been made before; they are entirely novel molecules. ”

particularly focused on helping new academics and encouraging collaborations with industry.” “I chose theoretical chemistry as it was the most challenging subject I could think of. Too often students shy away from anything particularly challenging for fear of failure, but failure means doing things in a new way – if it was easy, it wouldn’t be interesting. Lindsey is clearly passionate about her research “One of the great joys of being a theoretical chemist is I get to perform research on a wide range of applications – from olfactory proteins and graphene through to fullerenes and their derivatives. Computational methods give us an understanding at an atomic level, such as how electrons and atoms behave. This is in stark contrast to investigating things at a larger scale, and combining the two gives a dual-level insight into properties and behaviour. We can predict where we think the electrons are distributed, and what effect that has on properties.” “I currently have a PhD student who is designing self-assembling nano-molecules. This is a collaboration with Dr Paul Birkett, who is an organic chemist, and one goal is to integrate the computational calculations with experimental results. Fullerenes, or buckyballs (football-shaped spherical molecules made up of twenty hexagons and twelve pentagons) are known to have interesting physical and electronic properties. Since they are nano-sized and can have functional groups attached to them, they have the potential to act as the core building blocks of selfassembling nanostructures. Unfortunately, the synthesis of novel functionalised fullerene molecules is very challenging, in part due to problems with low solubility.”

“My PhD student Nyevero Simbanegavi models the systems, looking at properties such as the binding energy of two fullerene derivatives, and based on the findings she can predict the growth patterns of these structures; identifying whether it is energetically more favourable to grow along a surface in 2D or outwards in 3D. She can also calculate the electron distribution in molecules, predicting how the molecules will interact with other species, as well as optical properties which show how these fullerenes have the potential to act as electron acceptors in solar cells. Alongside the computational calculations, we are also synthesising these molecules so that we can compare the results.” This is an unique piece of work as the molecules the team is synthesising and modelling have not been made before; they are entirely novel molecules. Professor Joanna Verran who heads science communication, public engagement and the School of Research, Enterprise and Innovation, adds: “I think the University and the Faculty has enabled me to develop my career as a scientist. Being a woman doesn’t seem to have made any difference to my career progression, but it is great to see how the Athena SWAN has allowed us to reflect on these issues. “Within my Head of School role I have had significant input in the University’s Athena SWAN submission. I joined the selfassessment team and hope that I have a lot to offer future implementation and actions as a senior female academic. My own experiences, and my knowledge of many of the Faculty’s staff and their career progressions, will help in this development, and I am keen to ensure that the Faculty continues to place such high value on staff satisfaction and career development.”


Researchers in the Faculty of Science and Engineering are working with many organisations including: Airbus Airports Council International ARUP BAA Belfast City Council Bobst Manchester Ltd. Cartwright and Sons Ltd. Corus Rail Department for Business, Innovation and Skills Department of Energy and Climate Change Eurocontrol European Commission European Space Agency Ferguson Polycom Ltd. GMPTE Goodlife Foods Ltd. Heat Trace Ltd. Jaguar Land Rover John Hogg Technical Solutions Ltd. Linpac Mouldings Liverpool City Council Lubrizol Manchester Airports Group

Matrix Polymers Metropolitan Police Micap Developments NATS Nestle Foundation NHS Pilkington Group Ltd. PJD Group Ltd. Proctor and Gamble Red Bull Racing S Cartwright and Sons Siemens Smith and Nephew Healthcare Snap-on Holdings Ltd. Society for General Microbiology Tata Steel The Met Office Thompson Airlines Transport for London Unilever Unipart Rail United Utilities UP Honeywell World Duty Free Group Yakult

Our research and knowledge working in partnership with external organisations has delivered significant commercial and wider benefit. If you are interested in working together, or would like further information about any of the research featured here, please contact: Amy Louvre, Marketing, Communications and Development Telephone: +44 (0)161 247 1627 Email:

Faculty of Science and Engineering Manchester Metropolitan University John Dalton Building Chester Street Manchester M1 5GD

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