CRA: factors for tax exemption of fisheries business related income

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Date: May 8, 2014

CANADA REVENUE AGENCY (CRA) POLICY RE: CONNECTING FACTORS REQUIRED FOR TAX EXEMPTION UNDER S. 87 OF INDIAN ACT OF BUSINESS RELATED FISHING INCOME FOR REGISTERED STATUS INDIANS OR BANDS/ORGANIZATIONS See CRA Website Reference: FISHING [Revised 2014-01-13] If you carry on a commercial fishing business, your income from that business is generally treated the same as any other business income. Determining whether your business income is exempt from tax is based on the factors that connect income to a reserve. In determining whether your commercial fishing business income is connected to a reserve, factors that may connect your business income to a reserve are: (i)

the location of your fishing activities – catching, preparing and transporting the fish; and


the location of your selling activities - including the location of your customers, and the location of the sale of the fish. Your income from a commercial fishing business is generally exempt from tax if the actual fishing activities of your business take place within the geographic boundaries of a reserve. If your fishing activities take place mainly offreserve and your customers are located off-reserve, your fishing income may not qualify for the exemption under section 87 of the Indian Act. However, other connecting factors, described below, may apply to exempt your fishing income from tax.

On March 20, 2012, the Federal Court of Appeal (FCA) released its decisions in the cases of Ron Ballantyne v. Her Majesty the Queen and Her Majesty the Queen v. Ronald Robertson and Roger Saunders (leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada denied October 25, 2012). In both cases, the FCA found that the fishing income earned by the taxpayers was situated on a reserve and exempt from tax. The CRA will apply these decisions in similar situations, where the connections between the reserve and the fishing income are bona fide and there is no artificial manipulation of the connecting factors, to exempt all of your fishing income from tax for the 2012 and following tax years. A similar situation means that ALL of the following conditions are met:

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