LNG 101

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If gas projects are responsibly managed, and if our communities are properly involved in all discussions, it’s possible that we can draw benefit from potential developments. The gas industry, which is growing in a responsible and safe way could provide opportunities to improve well being for individuals, communities and the region.

A Good Place

Employment New gas development activity means there will be jobs created during the construction and operation of new projects. Each of our communities may negotiate with gas companies and with the BC Government to make sure that if any developments occur, job opportunities are set aside for members of our communities. More importantly, these jobs must give individuals opportunities to receive training and, for example, move into management roles at companies doing business in our territory. Our leaders must also make sure that companies in our territory invest in our education systems and provide scholarships to communities where gas development is occurring.

building. We must also ensure that companies look first to businesses owned and operated by members of our communities when contracting.

Community At the community level, there are revenuesharing and other type of agreements that can be created with the province and with companies. These agreements give our communities direct economic benefits based on natural resource activities in our traditional territory. This money can be used to fund the band’s own initiatives - for example, building a new community building or investing in local resource development.

Economic For local businesses, there exist many opportunities for work associated with new gas development. Many of these are “secondary” jobs, which means they support the primary production of gas. This type of work includes things like camp and food services, waste management, construction, transport and hauling, fuel, forestry and road

“[Fracking] will be good for the economy and providing jobs but I worry about the environmental aspect and making sure everyone benefits from it” — Treaty 8 community member


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