LNG 101

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If gas projects are responsibly managed, and if our communities are properly involved in all discussions, it’s possible that we can draw benefit from potential developments. The gas industry, which is growing in a responsible and safe way could provide opportunities to improve well being for individuals, communities and the region.

A Good Place

Employment New gas development activity means there will be jobs created during the construction and operation of new projects. Each of our communities may negotiate with gas companies and with the BC Government to make sure that if any developments occur, job opportunities are set aside for members of our communities. More importantly, these jobs must give individuals opportunities to receive training and, for example, move into management roles at companies doing business in our territory. Our leaders must also make sure that companies in our territory invest in our education systems and provide scholarships to communities where gas development is occurring.

building. We must also ensure that companies look first to businesses owned and operated by members of our communities when contracting.

Community At the community level, there are revenuesharing and other type of agreements that can be created with the province and with companies. These agreements give our communities direct economic benefits based on natural resource activities in our traditional territory. This money can be used to fund the band’s own initiatives - for example, building a new community building or investing in local resource development.

Economic For local businesses, there exist many opportunities for work associated with new gas development. Many of these are “secondary” jobs, which means they support the primary production of gas. This type of work includes things like camp and food services, waste management, construction, transport and hauling, fuel, forestry and road

“[Fracking] will be good for the economy and providing jobs but I worry about the environmental aspect and making sure everyone benefits from it” — Treaty 8 community member




Health and safety concerns related to gas development will be different in each community because there are different risks related to pipelines, construction, and extraction (“fracking”). Below are some examples of how the environment could be affected and the impact it would have on land and resources.

A Good Place

Land & Water Water quality and quantity could be affected by the building and maintaining of pipeline and fracking infrastructures. Blasting, grading and tunnel construction could alter both surface and groundwater flow and expose rock formations, which could potentially lead to contaminated soil and water. To protect our water, Treaty 8 is collaborating with the province of BC to create the “Northeastern BC Water Strategy.” This strategy will protect the health of our water-dependent ecosystems.

Air Air quality can be affected during construction and by air contaminants from combustion of fossil fuels used for construction equipment and pumping stations. People both near and far from oil and gas drilling are exposed to fracking-related air pollution. The risks are highest for workers and those living in close proximity to wells, but extend to entire regions where there are high concentrations of drilling activity.

Fish & Wildlife Risks to wildlife can be caused by the removal, alteration, and displacement of habitat, as well as by noise, changing access and sight lines for predators. Activities related to gas projects such as the clearing of vegetation, and the construction and placement of structures in

water, have the potential to affect fish habitat, migration, and fish health and mortality. We must ensure that any development considers sensitive habitats, hunting grounds, and the places that are important to you.

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR GAS For safety, companies are required to inspect their systems regularly using specialized technology. Before actual drilling occurs, years of research is conducted on the area, including ground quality, environmental effects, logistical issues, and a host of other tests that are necessary before moving forward. This is regulated by the BC Oil and Gas Commission.

COMPANY RESPONSIBILITY Gas pipeline development can have both positive and negative impact on the economic, social, and environmental landscape within our territory. It is the responsibility of the extraction company, construction contractors, and government to manage developments in a manner that minimizes negative impact and maximizes sustainability in our territory. It is a process in which our communities must also be involved with.



PROTECT OUR LAND & RESOURCES? How will our territory be affected? Together, our Nations are part of the Treaty 8 Tribal Association. This ensures the protection of our traditional territory. The vast Treaty 8 lands are made up of different environments, and are affected by gas projects in different ways. Depending on which community you belong to, your land and water will need to be protected in different ways.

Would gas disturb my way of living? There are gas reserves throughout Treaty 8 territories. This can bring fracking, drilling rigs, worker camps, service roads, and other development to our land. These sites could include hunting grounds and habitat for the animals, sacred areas of cultural significance, and of course, areas near the communities where we spend time on a day-to-day basis.

A Good Place

There are many examples of times when gas companies have had to re-route their projects in order to not disturb communities.

How are we monitoring the long term environmental impact? Treaty 8 has called for a Regional Strategic Environmental Assessment. This study would look at the cumulative effects of all natural gas development in Treaty 8 territory to date. From this study, leaders could make informed predictions about the long-term effects of any proposed new development. This will protect our lands, water, and way of life for our children, grandchildren, and future generations.

How are we protecting our waters? To protect our water, Treaty 8 is also collaborating with the province of BC to create the “Northeastern BC Water Strategy.” This strategy will protect the health of our waterdependent ecosystems by: 1) Increasing the monitoring of our groundwater, rivers, and lakes. 2) Strengthening and enforcing the regulations and management of our water resources. 3) Researching how much water is available and how much can be sustainably used in industrial practices. The water strategy will be guided and implemented by a “water working group” that includes representatives from our Treaty 8 communities.



WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! We can answer your questions or concerns so you can make an informed decision about gas projects in our Treaty 8 territory. Ways to stay connected are:



The Treaty 8 Tribal Association will be hosting community information sharing events on a regular basis. To find out the dates for upcoming events, visit agoodplace.com website, call the Treaty 8 Tribal Association office or visit your local band office.

The A Good Place website is an online communal “fireplace� that keeps everyone in the loop about issues that matter to all Treaty 8 communities.

agoodplace.ca Also, check out the A Good Place Facebook page to stay up to date and engage with other members.

facebook.com/ treaty8gathers

COMMUNITY LIAISON Voice your gas concerns! The Treaty 8 Tribal Association LNG Coordinator works to ensure our communities are up-to date with what is going on around proposed gas projects in our territory. The coordinator is available to answer any questions or concerns. CONTACT

Cheryl Martens cmartens@treaty8.bc.ca 250-785-0612 ext: 241

A Good Place




FRACKING Pressurized fluids (water, sand and chemicals) are sent down a pipe to create fractures in the rock and help release natural gas that is then extracted from the ground.

Here’s what could happen with the gas in our territory







LIQUEFACTION PLANT The liquified natural gas(LNG) is cooled and converted to a liquid at the liquefaction plant.


REGASIFICATION PLANT The natural gas, or LNG, is warmed to its gaseous state.


The gas is collected and transported to a liquefaction plant by pipeline.

A Good Place

The gas is loaded onto insulated, double-hulled ships to be transported overseas.

This natural gas is transported by pipeline to be used for consumption like heat, cooking fuel or as fuel for transportation vehicles.


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