September Newsletter Dear Parents, May we take this opportunity to say a great big thank you for your support over the last week as your children have made their next step along life’s journey. The children have been a pleasure to teach and have made a positive start to the year. They looked very smart on the first day of term and we are pleased to see most children’s clothes are labelled. Please could we just ask however you to double check that all Quick Reminder items are done including coats.
Foundation Stage Unit Fund
All the children across the unit (Nursery and Reception) participate in a very practical, hands on curriculum. These activities often require extra funding over and above the basic school budget. E.g. pasta garlands and food tasting as part of looking at other cultures. Play dough, shaving foam and soap flakes slime to enable the children to develop fine motor control. This is the type of things your £2 weekly
R Dinner money due in on a Friday please. Nursery Wrap around money due in on a Wednesday All Foundation Stage
Library Books Reception have brought home a library book today to share and enjoy with you. We do not expect your child to read this book but enjoy talking about it.
Houses and Homes This term our topic is “Houses and Homes”. During this topic we will look at different homes, try to recognise our address. As part of the topic we will also include their likes and dislikes, what they are good at and areas that they feel they would like to get stronger at. We will also be looking at recognising their name and beginning to write it in the schools cursive style. As well as developing many more skills. We will be looking at their “All About Me” books throughout this unit so if you haven’t already done so please could you return them as soon as possible.
Earrings Lancashire County Council P.E Advisers warn against the wearing of any form of earrings for P.E. or games as children are vulnerable to serious injury. Therefore school policy is that earrings must be removed for P.E. To help us keep your child safe please can we ask that
Recyclable Materials All the children spend a lot of time building and making models. You will be surprised what they can do with old boxes, yoghurt pots, cartons and bottles. Please could you send them into the unit an a regular basis. Could we ask that they
We are collecting Morrison’s vouchers and the Nestle box top book tokens. We also collect Tesco and Sainsbury’s vouchers
Reception Places For September 2013 We will be sending out the reception application booklets out as soon as we received them in school ( mid October). These booklets give information about the application process and how to apply for you chosen school. Alternatively you can apply on line through the Lancashire County Council website. All applications needed to be in by 15th January. Offers will be sent by 2nd class post on 26th April. If you have any queries or need support please ask the foundation team or at the Children’s Centre.
Letters Please could we ask that you check your child’s bag daily for any letters that might have come home. Could we also ask that any replies are handed to the