Dear Parent/Guardian Welcome back! We hope you have had a lovely summer and enjoyed the break. Below are a few pointers to help get the new year off to a good start. Please can we request that all children observe the school’s school uniform policy and have their full PE kit in school every day. We advise that all pieces of uniform are labelled with your child’s name to enable us to identify which items belong to which children easily. Please also ensure that all children bring a coat to school every day as the weather is still very changeable. Children can bring in bottled water, in a clearly named sports bottle, to use throughout the day. In Year 2, children will complete big write on a Friday morning. Homework for the lesson will be sent on the Thursday to help children prepare for their writing activity. In year 1, children will continue to complete big talk until later on in the year. Please ensure that any money sent into school is in an envelope with your child’s name, amount and what the money is for to allow money to be processed accurately. Can we also ask that all children are in school on time as lessons start promptly at 8.55am. Our topic this term is mountains. We have attached a copy of the planning which outlines what your children will be learning about throughout the topic. We are hoping to arrange a trip to Rivington Pike to enrich the topic further. If you have any resources or books on hills, mountains or Lord Leverhulme please feel free to send them into school. Below is a list of websites which may be of interest if your child wishes to find out more about the topic. These sites are great to follow up work done in maths, English and science. Thank for your support and if you have any questions or concerns then please feel free to contact us at school. Mrs G Wakefield
Miss N Charlesworth