The Planets By Ella Holliday
Mercury has been visited by the marina 10 space craft. Marina 10 has mapped a little less than half 45% mercury’s surface. Mercury is the planet closest to the sun it is 36 million miles or 58 millions kilometres. Unlike many of the nine planets mercury has no moon. Mercury whizzes round the sun at 30 miles per hour second.
Venus and earth are often called twins because of there similar size, mass, density composition and gravity. Venus’s surface is very hot about 400 Celsius. Even though Venus is very cloudy it is simply to hot for rain to form. Venus has no moon.
Earth is a small, rocky planet which supports a variety of life!. The Earth is the densest major body in the solar system. ~The Earth is orbited by one moon. ~The Earth is 4.5 to 4.6 billion years old, but the oldest known rocks are less than 4 billion years old.
Mars is the home of "Olympus Mons", the largest volcano found in the solar system. The valles marineris – the largest planet in the solar systems located at mars Mars is nicknamed the red planet because it is covered with rust-like dust. Mars experiences violent dust storms which continually change its surface.
Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is so big that you could fit all the other planets in the solar system inside it. Jupiter has 16 known moons! Jupiter is so big that you could cram 1,000 Earths inside of it!
Saturn is the second biggest planet, but it’s also the lightest planet. Saturns rings are made of ice. In many ways, Saturn is similar to Jupiter, but it is much smaller If there was a bath tub big enough to hold saturn ,saturn would float like water
Like Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus is a gas giant. Uranus’ axis is at a 97 degree angle, meaning that it orbits lying on its side! Uranus has 15 known moons.
Uranus is a giant gas planet which is made up of mostly rock and various ices.
Neptune was discovered in 1846. Neptune has 13 moons. The first person to probably see Neptune was Galileo, who marked it as a star in one of his drawings. Neptune is the coldest planet in the solar system.
Pluto is a dwarf planet.
Pluto’s orbit sometimes brings it closer to the Sun than Neptune
Pluto is farthest from earth. Pluto has one moon. It's called "Charon."