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Table of Contents
Fiscal Year 2020
Annual Budget City of Coral Springs, Florida
Mayor Scott Brook
Commissioner Shawn Cerra
Commissioner Larry Vignola Commissioner Joshua Simmons
City Manager Michael Goodrum
City Attorney John Hearn
Budget Development Team Michael Goodrum, City Manager Melissa Heller, Deputy City Manager Horace McHugh, Deputy City Manager Frank Babinec, Fire Chief / Assistant City Manager Robert Curnow, Assistant City Manager Catherine Givens, Director of Budget and Strategy Vannelys Rivera, Budget Business Partner Laurie Bishara, Budget Manager Justin Kohls, Budget Manager Tyler Kohrt, Senior Financial Analyst Ronald E. Gomez. Financial Business Analyst Kristin Holowicki, Grants Manager Marissa Williams, Budget Analyst Brett Petrovich, Management Assistant Ana Fernandez, Principal Office Assistant Cover design by Christine Parkinson Jahrsdoerfer
Vice Mayor Joy Carter
Adopted September 18, 2019
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Distinguished Budget Presentation Award
The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) presented a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award to City of Coral Springs, Florida for its annual budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 2018. In order to receive this award, a governmental unit must publish a budget document that meets program criteria as a policy document, as a financial plan, as an operations guide, and as a communications device. This award is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current budget continues to conform to program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another award.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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How To Use This Book We have made every effort to make this book as easy as possible to read, but we understand just how difficult it can be to find what you’re looking for in such a complex document. To make your search easier, we’ve provided a number of tools to help you get what you need.
Organization of This Book The City of Coral Springs’ Annual Budget is made up of two separate books: The Annual Budget (this book, which includes the CIP) and the Business Plan. This Annual Budget volume is divided into seven sections: Introduction—This section contains the City Manager’s Letter, Mission, Strategic Goals, Core Values, Citywide Organization Chart, and a few brief statistics about the City and its history. Pages 1-22 Budget Overview—This section contains the Budget Process Overview, Budget Highlights, Fund Structure Overview, Fund Balance, Fund Summaries and Descriptions, Debt Management, Capital Improvement Program, and long-range planning tools. Pages 23-104 Business Plan—This section contains the current Market Environment, Service and Operations Strategy including ongoing and new initiatives, Financial Strategy, and Performance Management summary reports showing how well the City has performed in achieving strategic and departmental goals. Pages 105-188 Capital Improvement Plan—This section contains the capital improvement program for the General fund, Fire fund, Water & Sewer fund, Equipment Service fund, Charter School fund, Stormwater fund, Public Art fund, Fleet Replacement Program, Computer Replacement Program and Appendix of Unfunded Capital. Pages 189-298 Department Budgets—This section contains a description of each department’s mission, core processes and outputs, new initiatives, organization chart, revenue and expenditure summary, departmental key performance indicators, and capital improvement projects. Pages 299-348 Key Tools Appendix—This section includes the City’s Budget Resolution, Budget Strategic Goals...................................................................14 Ordinance, Financial Policies, Debt Service Maturity Schedules, and staffing Coral Springs Organization Chart................................19 information. Pages 349-390 Financial Policies—This section is an overview of the City’s Financial Management Policy Statements. Pages 391.1-391.38
Budget Highlights......................................................30-34 Summary Net Budget......................................................35
Tables of Contents
Combined Budget Summary........................................36
A comprehensive Table of Contents is provided to help the reader locate information in this document. In addition, each subsequent section contains a table of contents directly behind the tab page to identify specific information about that section. Following the main Table of Contents is a list of Tables and Illustrations to highlight charts and graphs that contain essential information. Pages 4-9
Fund Summaries & Descriptions.............................53-89
Fund Structure Overview..........................................38-39
Abbreviations and Acronyms A useful list of abbreviations and acronyms used in the book. Page 378
Major Capital Projects............................................102-103 Summary of new Initiatives..................................144-145 General Fund Five-Year Forecast.........................151-152 FY 2020 KPI Summary .............................................157-161 Composite Indicators .............................................162-164 FY 2020 Initiative Analysis......................................165-170 Benchmarking Summary Report..........................171-175 Capital Improvement Program............................190-225
A concise description of the terminology used in this document that is either technical in nature or unique to the City of Coral Springs. Each term is given a short entry that clearly defines it within the context that we use the term. Pages 379-384
Fleet Replacement Program................................ 226-246
Staffing........................................................................ 358-375
Computer Replacement Program...................... 248-285 Department Budgets............................................. 302-348
In the back of the book we are providing a useful index with pointers to important terms. Headings and subheadings with corresponding page locators are listed to help the reader quickly search and easily access information throughout this book. This tool can be used to search by specific topic, by alphabet, and by cross reference. Pages 385-389
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Table of Contents Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 How To Use This Book..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Strategic Goals............................................................................................................................................................................. 14 Core Values.................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Coral Springs at a Glance.............................................................................................................................................................. 16 Service Statistics.......................................................................................................................................................................... 18 City of Coral Springs Organization Chart...................................................................................................................................... 19 History of Coral Springs................................................................................................................................................................ 20 Budget and Strategy Division....................................................................................................................................................... 21 Budget Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 Budget Process Overview............................................................................................................................................................. 24 Budget Highlights........................................................................................................................................................................ 30 Combined Budget Summary........................................................................................................................................................ 36 Fund Structure Overview............................................................................................................................................................. 38 Fund Balance Overview............................................................................................................................................................... 40 General Fund Balance......................................................................................................................................................... 41 Fire Fund Balance............................................................................................................................................................... 43 Water and Sewer Fund Balance.......................................................................................................................................... 44 Health Fund Balance........................................................................................................................................................... 45 General Insurance Fund Balance......................................................................................................................................... 46 Equipment Services Fund Balance...................................................................................................................................... 47 Debt Service Fund Balance................................................................................................................................................. 48 Budgeted Funds Overviews......................................................................................................................................................... 53 General Fund Budget.......................................................................................................................................................... 53 Fire Fund Budget................................................................................................................................................................ 62 Water and Sewer Fund Budget........................................................................................................................................... 66 Stormwater Fund Budget................................................................................................................................................... 69 Health Fund Budget........................................................................................................................................................... 71 General Insurance Fund Budget.......................................................................................................................................... 73 Coral Springs Charter School Fund Budget.......................................................................................................................... 75 Public Art Fund Budget....................................................................................................................................................... 76 Equipment Services Fund Budget....................................................................................................................................... 77 Pension Fund Budget.......................................................................................................................................................... 80 Solid Waste Fund Budget.................................................................................................................................................... 82 Debt Service Fund Budget.................................................................................................................................................. 83 Debt Management............................................................................................................................................................. 88 Capital Improvement Program..................................................................................................................................................... 90 Impact of CIP on the Operating Budget.............................................................................................................................. 94 Capital Improvement Summary by Fund............................................................................................................................ 99 CIP Budget by Funding Source - All Funds........................................................................................................................ 100 General Fund CIP Summary by Funding Source................................................................................................................ 101 Major Capital Projects by Department.............................................................................................................................. 102 Major Capital Projects by Location.................................................................................................................................... 103 Business Plan...................................................................................................................................................................................... 105 Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................... 106 Market Environment.................................................................................................................................................................. 107
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Table of Contents (continued) Environmental Scan................................................................................................................................................................... 117 Service and Operations Strategy................................................................................................................................................ 120 Resonsible City Government...................................................................................................................................................... 121 City Investment in Today and Future.......................................................................................................................................... 128 Downtown Becoming Vibrant.................................................................................................................................................... 135 Growing Local Economy............................................................................................................................................................. 137 Premier Community in South Florida......................................................................................................................................... 139 Financial Strategy...................................................................................................................................................................... 146 General Fund Five-Year Forecast Summary ............................................................................................................................... 152 Performance Management........................................................................................................................................................ 156 Performance Management Summary........................................................................................................................................ 157 Composite Indicator Summary................................................................................................................................................... 162 Business Plan Initiative Analysis Report .................................................................................................................................... 165 Benchmarking Summary Report ............................................................................................................................................... 171 Customer Requirements Analysis............................................................................................................................................... 176 Process Improvement Teams...................................................................................................................................................... 186 Awards and Special Recognitions............................................................................................................................................... 187 Capital Improvement Program............................................................................................................................................................ 189 City Manager’s Office projects- FY2020............................................................................................................................. 190 Information Technology projects- FY2020........................................................................................................................ 191 Development Services projects- FY2020........................................................................................................................... 192 Police projects- FY2020.................................................................................................................................................... 195 Emergency Medical Services projects- FY2020................................................................................................................. 200 Public Works projects- FY2020.......................................................................................................................................... 203 Transportation projects- FY2020...................................................................................................................................... 205 Transportation Future capital projects.............................................................................................................................. 207 Parks & Recreation projects- FY2020................................................................................................................................ 209 Sportsplex projects FY2020.............................................................................................................................................. 211 Aquatics projects FY2020.................................................................................................................................................. 212 Fire Department projects FY2020..................................................................................................................................... 214 Water & Sewer Fund projects FY2020 .............................................................................................................................. 220 Equipment Service Fund projects FY2020......................................................................................................................... 223 Charter School Fund projects FY2020............................................................................................................................... 224 Stormwater Fund projects FY2020.................................................................................................................................... 224 Public Art Fund projects FY2020....................................................................................................................................... 225 Department Budgets Contents............................................................................................................................................................ 299 Budget Process Map.................................................................................................................................................................. 300 Department Budgets Overview................................................................................................................................................. 302 Sample Department Budgets Page............................................................................................................................................ 303 Department Budgets................................................................................................................................................................. 304 City Attorney.................................................................................................................................................................... 304 City Commission............................................................................................................................................................... 306 City Manager’s Office........................................................................................................................................................ 307 Development Services...................................................................................................................................................... 311 Financial Services............................................................................................................................................................. 316 Fire/EMS........................................................................................................................................................................... 319 Human Resources............................................................................................................................................................. 324
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Table of Contents (continued) Information Technology.................................................................................................................................................... 328 Parks and Recreation........................................................................................................................................................ 331 Police................................................................................................................................................................................ 338 Public Works..................................................................................................................................................................... 342 Summary of Fleet Purchases 2020............................................................................................................................................. 347 Appendix............................................................................................................................................................................................ 349 Millage Rate Resolution............................................................................................................................................................. 350 Budget Ordinance...................................................................................................................................................................... 352 Staffing...................................................................................................................................................................................... 358 Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)................................................................................................................................ 376 Abbreviations and Acronyms..................................................................................................................................................... 378 Glossary of Terms....................................................................................................................................................................... 379 Index......................................................................................................................................................................................... 385 Financial Policies................................................................................................................................................................................. 391
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Tables and Illustrations Introduction............................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Key Tools........................................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Coral Springs at a Glances............................................................................................................................................................ 16 Service Statistics.......................................................................................................................................................................... 18 City of Coral Springs Organization Chart...................................................................................................................................... 19 Budget Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................. 23 FY 2020 Budget Calendar............................................................................................................................................................. 29 Coral Springs operating millage rate ........................................................................................................................................... 30 Operating millage rate comparison with other municipalities..................................................................................................... 30 Voter-approved debt service millage rate.................................................................................................................................... 30 Tax Rate Fiscal Year 2020.............................................................................................................................................................. 30 Net full-time position changes per fiscal year.............................................................................................................................. 31 Changes in FTE’s in Fiscal Year 2019............................................................................................................................................. 32 Fiscal Year 2020 changes to full-time staff................................................................................................................................... 33 Timeline of major events impacting the City’s financial condition............................................................................................... 34 Annual net operating budget and capital.................................................................................................................................... 35 Appropriated Funds Budget - Fiscal Year 2020............................................................................................................................. 36 Fund structure overview.............................................................................................................................................................. 38 Major Funds................................................................................................................................................................................. 38 General Fund Balance.................................................................................................................................................................. 41 Fire Fund Balance......................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Water and Sewer Fund Balance................................................................................................................................................... 44 Health Fund Balance.................................................................................................................................................................... 45 General Insurance Fund Balance.................................................................................................................................................. 46 Equipment Services Fund Balance............................................................................................................................................... 47 Debt Service Fund Balance........................................................................................................................................................... 48 Summary of net budgeted revenues — Fiscal Year 2020............................................................................................................ 50 Summary of net budgeted expenditures —Fiscal Year 2020....................................................................................................... 51 Where the money comes from by source (all funds).................................................................................................................... 52 Where the money goes by category (General Fund only)............................................................................................................. 52 Where the money goes by type of program (all funds)................................................................................................................ 52 Millage rates, combined, historical.............................................................................................................................................. 56 General Fund total revenues—$133,595,003............................................................................................................................. 56 Franchise fees.............................................................................................................................................................................. 57 Utility service taxes...................................................................................................................................................................... 57 General Fund total expenditures—$133,595,003....................................................................................................................... 59 General Fund revenue and expenditure summary ....................................................................................................................... 60 General Fund non-departmental operating expenses................................................................................................................. 61 Fire Assessment rate schedule ..................................................................................................................................................... 63 Fire Fund total revenues—$26,654,759...................................................................................................................................... 63 Fire Assessment rate comparison Fiscal Year 2020 Adopted......................................................................................................... 64 Fire Fund total expenditures—$26,654,759*............................................................................................................................. 64 Fire Fund revenue and expense summary.................................................................................................................................... 65 Water bill for average single-family residence............................................................................................................................. 67 Water and Sewer Fund Total Revenues—$25,958,135.............................................................................................. 67 Water and Sewer Fund revenue and expense summary............................................................................................................... 68 Water and Sewer Fund Total Expenditures—$25,958,135 ....................................................................................................... 68
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Tables and Illustrations (continued) Stormwater Fund revenue and expense summary....................................................................................................................... 70 Health Fund revenue and expense summary............................................................................................................................... 72 General Insurance Fund revenue and expense summary............................................................................................................. 74 Ten-year fleet replacement cost................................................................................................................................................... 78 Equipment Service Fund revenue and expense summary............................................................................................................ 79 Solid Waste Assessment............................................................................................................................................................... 82 Allocation of Non-Voted Debt Service for Fiscal Year 2020........................................................................................................... 84 General Obligation Bonds Outstanding........................................................................................................................................ 85 Ad Valorem Millage Rate Charged for General Obligation Bonds.................................................................................................. 85 Debt Maturity Schedule............................................................................................................................................................... 86 Capital expenditure Fiscal Year 2020............................................................................................................................................ 90 Capital expenditure Fiscal Years 2020-2025................................................................................................................................. 90 Fleet Replacement Program contributions and expenses............................................................................................................. 92 Computer Replacement Program contributions and expenses..................................................................................................... 92 CIP funding sources- Fiscal Year 2020........................................................................................................................................... 93 CIP Operating Capital- Fiscal Year 2020........................................................................................................................................ 95 CIP impact on the operating budget FY 2020............................................................................................................................... 96 Vehicle Chargeback...................................................................................................................................................................... 97 Vehicle Maintenance & Gas.......................................................................................................................................................... 97 FY2020 Capital Projects Financed Via Grants................................................................................................................................ 98 Capital Improvement Summary by Fund..................................................................................................................................... 99 CIP Budget by Funding Source - All Funds.................................................................................................................................. 100 Major Capital Projects by Department....................................................................................................................................... 102 Major Capital Projects by Location............................................................................................................................................. 103 Business Plan...................................................................................................................................................................................... 105 Total Taxable Assessed Values.................................................................................................................................................... 108 Demographic charts.................................................................................................................................................................. 117 Population age.......................................................................................................................................................................... 117 Population trends...................................................................................................................................................................... 117 Growing Hispanic Population..................................................................................................................................................... 118 Place of birth............................................................................................................................................................................. 118 Language spoken at home......................................................................................................................................................... 118 Ethnic Origin of Foreign Population........................................................................................................................................... 118 Income....................................................................................................................................................................................... 119 Population below poverty level................................................................................................................................................. 119 City of Coral Springs’ Business Model......................................................................................................................................... 120 2019-2021 Short Range Transportation improvement plan....................................................................................................... 133 2040 Long range development of regional impact transportation improvement plan............................................................... 134 Summary of Fiscal Year 2020 Initiatives..................................................................................................................................... 144 Operating Millage Rate Comparison.......................................................................................................................................... 146 Forecast of Ad Valorem (Property Tax) Revenues........................................................................................................................ 148 General Fund Revenues............................................................................................................................................................. 148 Forecast of Half-Cent Sales Tax Revenues................................................................................................................................... 149 Forecast of Electric Utility Service Tax Revenues......................................................................................................................... 149 Forecast of State Shared Revenues............................................................................................................................................. 149 Forecast of Electric Franchise Fee Revenues............................................................................................................................... 149 Forecast of Code Compliance Revenues...................................................................................................................................... 150
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Tables and Illustrations (continued) Fire Assessment rate comparison Fiscal Year 2020..................................................................................................................... 153 Water and Sewer Fund forecasted debt service ......................................................................................................................... 154 Residential Solid Waste Assessment Rate.................................................................................................................................. 155 Key Results Performance Indicator Scorecard Report................................................................................................................. 157 Departmental Performance Scorecard Report............................................................................................................................ 158 Composite Indicator Summary Charts........................................................................................................................................ 162 Business Plan Initiative Analysis Report..................................................................................................................................... 165 Benchmarking Summary Report............................................................................................................................................... 171 Survey respondents by general location.................................................................................................................................... 176 Public Safety Response Time Satisfaction Comparison............................................................................................................... 177 City Communications Rating Comparison.................................................................................................................................. 177 Efforts to maintain quality neighborhoods................................................................................................................................ 179 Coral Springs as a place to live & raise children.......................................................................................................................... 179 Overall ratings of customer service............................................................................................................................................ 181 Overall perceptions of Coral Springs........................................................................................................................................... 182 Overall Business Atmosphere Rating.......................................................................................................................................... 183 Reasons Businesses Decide to Locate Here................................................................................................................................. 183 Ratings of City Property Taxes Compared to Other Communities ............................................................................................... 184 Best Ways for the City to Communicate with Businesses ........................................................................................................... 184 Ratings of City Property Taxes.................................................................................................................................................... 185 Capital Improvement Program............................................................................................................................................................ 189 Summary of Fleet Purchases 2020............................................................................................................................................. 226 Summary of Computer Replacement 2020................................................................................................................................ 248 Department Budgets Contents............................................................................................................................................................ 299 Budget Process Map.................................................................................................................................................................. 300 Appendix............................................................................................................................................................................................ 349 Summary table of Position Counts............................................................................................................................................. 358 Number of budgeted positions By Department—Fiscal Year 2020............................................................................................ 358 Position Counts for all Departments and Divisions..................................................................................................................... 359 Fiscal Year 2020 CRA Operating Budget...................................................................................................................................... 377
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners
Michael Goodrum, City Manager
FY2020 Adopted Annual Budget
September 18, 2019
John J. Hearn, City Attorney Debra Thomas, City Clerk
Coral Springs is a city with a defined mission, commitment to excellence and employees dedicated to our core values of delivering a high level of service to the community with a great sense of pride in serving. The City of Coral Springs continues to make intentional, proactive, and strategic steps to strengthen the financial position while increasing transparency, innovation, and operating efficiencies citywide. Throughout the year, informative discussions and community surveys with residents and employees provided valuable feedback. Guidance from the Commission through Strategic Planning sessions, Budget Workshops, Budget Briefings, and Budget Adjustments have built the enhanced service levels in the development of the FY 2020 budget. Strategic Plan for the Future The City is committed to financial integrity and long-term sustainability. It is my pleasure to submit the City of Coral Springs Adopted Annual Budget for Fiscal Year 2020; beginning October 1, 2019 and ending September 30, 2020. The budget document represents the policy direction set by the City Commission through the Strategic Planning process. The adopted business plan is intended to give a comprehensive view of the City’s new initiatives, market environment, environmental scan, and our customer requirements analysis from our business community. The FY 2020 Business Plan contains numerous tangible initiatives the City will undertake to move it closer to its vision of serving with excellence, innovation and integrity. The strategic goals were established by the Commission during a series of multiple workshops last fiscal year and continue to guide the organization. Each quarter the Commission meets to discuss projects in the strategic plan and a report is delivered to the Commission to ensure transparency and timeliness of the plan. The adopted budget supports the goals and priorities of the City Commission while at the same time maintaining the City’s outstanding service levels and AAA bond rating, with expenditures strategically linked to the goals, objectives, core businesses, and existing obligations of the City. The strategic goals include:
CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS, FLORIDA • OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Fiscal Year• 2020 Annual Budget 9500 W. Sample Rd. • Coral Springs, FL 33065 954-344-5906 • Fax 954-344-1043 •
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Strategic priorities form the basis for how we develop goals for the future and deploy resources necessary to pursue and achieve those goals. Focus on Financial Sustainability During last fiscal year the City began the process of reshaping the financial trajectory to a positive 5 year forecast enabling a plan to fund upcoming costs and long-term liabilities. This was achieved by City employees meeting in five town hall settings throughout the City buildings suggesting ideas and participating with an interactive 5 and 10 year forecast modeling various optimal and dismal scenarios. Employee focus groups, leadership and commission discussion took place to form the recommended action. The issue was an increasing cost growth for expenditures with a rate of 4.5% combined with a low, steady revenue growth rate of 2.5%. The recommended action was to structurally correct and slow the cost growth through reducing staff merit increases to a rate the City can afford, begin an increased cost share for health care over 5 years to a 80/20 split and to reduce FTE’s by 10 through attrition. In addition, the City refocused the City’s vision with employees to support a culture of “Serving with excellence, innovation, and integrity” and revised the core values to Teamwork, Respect, Accountability, Innovation, Leadership, and Superior Service. Employees now have an incentive to submit ideas for innovation and receive compensation for categories of customer service, process improvement, high quality, safety, and cost savings. This incentive is termed “Innovation Shark Tank” and will continue to be funded in FY2020. The City has also spent a year updating the financial policies to guide the preparation and ongoing monitoring of the budget and financials throughout the years ahead. Additional strategic elements to this process reflected in the FY 2019‐20 Adopted Budget include: • • • • • • • • •
Increasing public outreach with educational guides for the upcoming US Census Exploring shared services with outside agencies to reduce costs Increasing focus on building Stabilization Reserve fund balance Creating organizational efficiency by moving the Office of Emergency Management under the City Manager’s Office for City wide incidents Continuing to invest in employees and organizational culture Mitigating the increasing healthcare costs by establishing an employee health clinic Addressing cost growth in pension costs through contract negotiations Creating the Horticultural division in the Public Works Department to separate dedicated funding for plants, trees, shrubs, etc. Increasing budget transparency through budget videos shared through social media, website, and City TV.
The City Commission approved a new revenue source to specifically fund Stormwater operations and projects within the City. By approving this assessment, the increase funding generated is estimated at $1.6 million in new revenue annually. Coral Springs’ unique terrain and proximity to the Everglades makes controlling Stormwater challenging and dangerous during heavy bouts of rain. To address and improve our City’s aging infrastructure and drainage systems, especially in commonly flooded communities, a Stormwater program, which is funded by an annual assessment effective for Fiscal Year 2020 will appear on the November 2019 tax bill. The Stormwater Assessment will apply to residential, commercial, and institutional properties at a varying rate structure. Assessments are not based on property value, rather at a rate of impervious area per parcel (estimated amount of runoff from the property). The City is expanding the economic development department with additional resources and a continued partnership with the CRA to increase downtown development efforts. The City works diligently on business retention, attracting new businesses, and developing a retail strategy to diversify the tax base and increase property values of our community. During last fiscal year the City embarked on an Economic Development Strategic Plan. This will incorporate a market needs assessment, public and business input, and alignment to the City’s strategic plan with a presentation to the Commission schedule for November 2019. We welcome Costco, Athletica Health and Fitness, Young Chefs Academy, Air Adventure Park, John the Baker, Wild Fork, Aldora Aluminum and Glass, Grace Roofing, Emser Tile and Decimal Engineering. With a healthy housing market, new residential development is underway, and an energized commercial sector, developing growing and further diversifying the economic base will provide a more solid foundation to withstand future economic downturns.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Priorities and the Impact of Maintaining the Current Millage Rate in 2020 The Commission approved a balanced budget for Fiscal Year 2020 using a millage rate of 5.8732. Although this millage rate is the same millage rate as the FY 2018 and FY 2019 millage rate, it must be advertised as a tax increase because it is higher than the rolled-back rate of 5.6004 mills. The FY 2020 budget includes the following public safety enhancements for staffing and equipment, infrastructure and drainage upgrades, innovative projects that lead to operational efficiency, grant opportunities, and investing in our future: • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Enhancing staffing levels in Public Safety Adding 3 Firefighter/Paramedics Converting a Part Time to Full Time position of Community Involvement Coordinator in the Police Department Adding Public Safety equipment for field use and health and wellness of staff Converting 7 grass fields to turf fields and adding 4 pickleball courts to our park system Adding a Splash Pad and continuing to refresh our parks and maintenance plans Addressing aging drainage infrastructure through funding a Stormwater Assessment Program Developing an updated Economic Development Strategic Plan Increasing funding for median maintenance and landscape improvements Addressing IT Infrastructure Growth and Cybersecurity Implementing an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) project Enhancing grant research by adding a Part time Grant Writer and implementing a grant reasearch and management software tool to access additional grant opportunities Continuing our commitment to attracting and retaining a well-qualified, highly regarded workforce while setting up an employee clinic which will help minimize the rising cost of health care.
Additional points from the FY 2020 budget to highlight include: • • • • • • • • •
Replenish reserves from Hurricane Irma. The Debt Service millage rate will slightly decrease from 0.2652 to 0.2534. The Water rates will increase 3.5% per the 2013 Water and Wastewater Study, which equates to approximately $2.40 per month for the average single-family homeowner. The residential Solid Waste Assessment will increase by $30.00, from $260.00 to $290.00. The Single-Family Fire Assessment will increase from $200 to $227.82. The Multi-Family Fire Assessment will increase from $215 to $227.82. The Commercial Fire Assessment will increase from $26.19 to $26.99 per sq ft. The Industrial/Warehouse Fire Assessment will decrease from $3.64 to $2.71 per sq ft. The Institutional Fire Assessment will increase from $31.87 to $54.51 per sq ft.
Coral Springs continues to maintain a AAA bond rating from Standard and Poor’s and Fitch and Moody’s reaffirmed the Aa1 bond rating this past August 2019 which signals to the market the City of Coral Springs is a low-risk investment, thus, lower interest rates on any borrowing and lower payments on general obligation bonds. The City also received another unqualified opinion from external auditors. Excellent Customer Ratings Customer satisfaction is a cornerstone of our Business Model. The City of Coral Springs continues to set the standard with regard to the overall quality of City services and customer satisfaction. Our most recent community survey conducted in the Spring of 2019, 94% of the residents surveyed in the 2019 community survey rated the City’s customer services as “very good” or “good” and found 95% of the business surveyed in 2018 were satisfied with the service provided by City employees.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Financial Summary Based on the priorities identified and discussed above, the FY 2020 adopted budget totals $298.5 million. Of the total, $257.5 million is for operations and $40.9 million is for capital projects. In prioritizing the long‐term fiscal sustainability of the City, the Adopted Budget is structurally balanced, while maintaining a Stabilization Fund reserve of at least 17 percent, working toward a 17 – 25% target range for future contributions, as well as an Open Line of Credit of $10 million for Hurricane related incidents.
Fund General Fund
Fiscal Year 2020 Budget $133,595,003
Fire Fund
Water and Sewer Fund
Health and General Insurance Funds
Coral Springs Charter School
Public Art Fund
Equipment Services Fund
Solid Waste Fund
Stormwater Fund
Debt Service Fund
Total Operating Budget
Total Capital Improvement Program
Total City Budget
I encourage you to read further into the information describing the FY 2020 budget. Acknowledgements The development of this year’s Adopted Budget has taken a great deal of time, energy, and hard work from Department Directors, their dedicated staff and the Budget and Strategy Department. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for the collaboration between the City, the Commission, our residents and businesses. As we move forward with the many great initiatives we have on the horizon, I appreciate the confidence and support the Mayor and Commission have shown me and our tremendous staff. Thank you to our employees who live our vision of serving with excellence, innovation and integrity. We are deeply grateful for their dedication, commitment and ability to deliver quality services to our community.
Respectfully Submitted,
Michael Goodrum City Manager
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Strategic Goals Serving with Excellence, Innovation, and Integrity.
Responsible City Government
City Investment in Today and Future
Upgraded City Infrastructure, Facilities and Parks
Financially Sound City Providing Exceptional Services
Downtown Becoming Vibrant
Growing Local Economy
Creating A Sense of Place and Premier Community in South Florida a Destination
Increased Business Investment and Jobs
The Place for Families to Live in Great Neighborhoods Key Initiatives: • Grant Research Enhancement
• Landscape Operation Enhancement
• Federal Lobbyist
• Bus Shelter add Solar Power Fan
• Census 2020 Outreach
• Implementation of Economic Development Strategic Plan
• ADA Compliance Support • Senior Programming (Enhancement) • Employee Health Clinic • Adds to Staff: Civil Engineer • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) • IT Infrastructure Growth • Pickleball Courts • American League Upgrades
• Implementation of Economic Development Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system • Assist Developer for Cornerstone Project • Form Village Square Plan with Developer • Continue City Outreach on Business Retention, Expansion and Attraction (BRE) visits
• Splash Pad
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
• Infrastructure Improvements in Downtown • Enhance Downtown Events/ Entertainment • Develop Retail Strategy • Educational Guides • Add (3) Firefighter/Paramedics • License Plate Reader • Add to Staffs: Community Involvement Coordinator • Body worn cameras and in-car LPRs • Police Replacement Equipment
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Core Values Teamwork
• Supportive: Provides encouragement and supports team members in a kind and trusting manner; listens and responds constructively to support other’s ideas; manages conflict.
• Supportive and Caring: Supports risk taking and removes barriers to encourage innovative new ideas; encourages unity; responds with empathy; delegates responsibility to staff and encourages them; recognizes initiative; is fair and consistent in treatment of employees.
• Communication: Is clear and concise when communicating; is open-minded and respectful; uses a positive tone and body language. • Collaborative: Partners with other departments and customers to obtain the best possible solution; builds and sustains cooperative relationships.
Respect • Consideration: Exhibits concern and consideration for others.
• Committed to Organization: Fully committed to the success of the organization; models the City’s core values; ensures that employees understand how their work is important to the big picture. • Change Management: Clearly communicates need for change; implements strategies for effecting and controlling change; prepares and supports employees in making organizational change and takes action to develop skills needed as a result of change.
• Tolerance: Ability and willingness to accept another’s ideas and beliefs even if you they are different from your own.
• Develops Others: Creates a learning environment to ensure employees realize their highest potential; provides meaningful coaching and feedback, clear direction, and expectations.
• Gratitude: Shows appreciation early and often; expresses pleasure/thankfulness by what someone has done.
• Follows Through: Sees a task through to its completion; follows through on promises. • Truthful: Tells facts that are true; can be trusted to be honest and sincere.
Superior Service (Customer Centric) • Professional: Possesses self-control; shows respect at all times; is courteous, conscientious, reliable and competent. • Patient: Great listener, empathetic, and attentive. • Communication: Active listener, clear and concise, positive tone and body language; possesses great phone etiquette (i.e., transfers calls only once, uses person’s name). • Knowledgeable: Resourceful, self-learner, confident without being condescending, accurate, share knowledge; provides the correct answer; trained/certified. • Proactive: Anticipates customer needs by reading body language and responding professionally; offers alternatives to best meet customer needs; identifies real problem by asking appropriate questions.
• Takes Ownership: Takes responsibility and ownership for decisions, actions and results (this may include personal wellbeing and cost-effective decision-making); accountable for how and what is accomplished; takes pride in their work. • Transparent: Communicates how and why something occurs; operates in a way that creates openness and honesty; no hidden agendas creating collaboration, cooperation and collective decision making. • Ethical: Treats others with civility; demonstrates behaviors that are morally right.
Innovation • Creative Thinker: Thinks “outside of the box”; fresh perspective; pushes for new ideas; focused on improvements. • Forward Thinker: Interested in change and progress; thinks of new ways to do things; open to change; plans for the future not just the present; thinks of new and fun ways to engage employees and residents. • Dealing with Change: Responds to change with understanding and using a “problem-solving” approach; rapidly learns and uses new information; flexible and adaptable.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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City of Coral Springs
Glance Coral Springs at At a AGlance NUMBER OF SCHOOLS Elementary
High School
Charter (All Grades)
Total number of students: 30,419
Includes public schools, charter schools and out‐of‐city limits Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. (2018‐2019 School Year)
RACIAL COMPOSITION White (Non‐Hispanic) 44.47% 27.33%
LAND USE: LAND AREA 23.94 Sq. Miles
Black (Non‐Hispanic) American Indian Asian
2.12% 0.04%
Pacific Islander (Non‐Hispanic)
5.88% 0.12%
Other (Non‐Hispanic) 20.04%
Source: 2010 U.S. Bureau of the Census
*As of April 1, Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR)
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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City of Coral Springs
Glance Coral Springs at At a AGlance - continued PRINCIPAL PROPERTY TAXPAYERS Coral‐CS/LTD Associates
Florida Power & Light Spa the Grove LLC
Sherwood Forest at Coral Springs
Mid‐America Apartments LP CLP Harbor Inn Owner LLC
Property taxes are a significant source of income for the City of Coral Springs.
This chart illustrates the principal property taxpayers in the City.
Club Mira Lago Trust Cort
EQR‐Turtle Run LLC
SCG Atlas Sabal Pointe LLC
Alliance PJRT Limited Partnership
2018 CAFR. Coral Springs Economic Development
Broward County Schools
First Data/Fiserv
Publix Supermarkets
This chart illustrates the largest employers in the City of Coral Springs.
Coral Springs Medical Center
City of Coral Springs
Walmart/Sam’s Club
Coral Springs Auto Mall Target Macy’s Sears Roebuck & Co.
371 307 250 233
2018 CAFR. Coral Springs Economic Development
For more details, refer to Demographic Trends in the Business Plan section of this book.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Service Statistics
Table of Contents
Service Statistics Police (for FY2020)
Center For The Arts/Theater/Museum
Police officers Number of service calls Number of 911 calls Average emergency response time
*220 117,566 60,473 4:43 min.
Fire/EMS (for FY2020) Uniform strength (career and certified firefighters): Coral Springs (including Parkland) *184 Number of fire stations: Coral Springs 5 Parkland 3 Number of service calls (for Coral Springs): Fire 114 EMS 9,293 Other 3,985 Average response times (for Coral Springs): Fire 5:12 min. EMS 4:48 min. *Budgeted positions for FY2020
Theater size Capacity Meetings hosted Theater attendance Museum size Museum attendance Museum events Museum classes
67,000 sq. ft. 1,471 seats 32 109,000 13,500 sq. ft. 300,278 300 141
Parks and Recreation Number of parks Number of acres Number of park patrons Number of sports teams Number of tennis patrons Number of Aquatic Complex visitors Number of swim classes Number of swim class participants
49 768 5,200,000 670 160,000 600,000 460 3,500
Public Works Tons of waste recycled Streets / miles maintained City vehicles and equipment maintained Bike path / sidewalks
6,057 tons 224 miles 1,359 167 miles
Utility District Size Population served Customer accounts Miles of water lines Fire hydrants Number of wells Average daily water demand Daily water treatment capacity Permitted maximum day withdrawal Sewer lines / force mains Average daily sewer treatment Sewer reserve capacity
11.5 sq. miles 66,158 13,222 163 1,167 18 5.845 mgd 16 mgd 11.37 mgd 125.1/31.4 miles 7.56 mgd 9.79 mgd
Total City Staff Coral Springs Charter School Number of students (2019 School Year) Number of classrooms Number of teachers Grades
1,700 84 99 6 - 12
Full-time (includes city of Parkland fire staff) 873 Temporary (excludes Summer Recreation) 359 Total 1,232
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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City of Coral Springs Organization Chart Citizens/ Customers
Citizens Advisory Committees and Boards
City Commission City Attorney
John J. Hearn
Internal Auditor
City Manager
Michael Goodrum
Fire Chief/Assistant City Manager
Frank Babinec
Assistant City Manager Robert Curnow
Information Technology
Emergency Management
Director of Information Technology Stephen Dyer
Deputy City Manager
Horace McHugh
Budget and Strategy
Director of Budget and Strategy Catherine Givens
Communications and Marketing
Director of Comm. and Marketing Liz Kolodney
Development Services
Director of Development Services Susan Hess Krisman
Public Works
Director of Public Works Rich Michaud
Deputy City Manager
Melissa Heller
Chief of Police
Clyde Parry
City Clerk’s Office
City Clerk Debra Thomas
Public Safety Dispatch
Financial Services
Director of Financial Services Kim Moskowitz
Human Resources
Director of Human Resources Dale Pazdra
Parks and Recreation
Director of Parks and Recreation Rick Engle
Economic Development
Director of Economic Development
Kristi Bartlett
Legislative Affairs
Areas of Focus
Charter Offices
Charter Offices
Charter Offices Community Redevelopment Agency
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
History of Coral Springs 2018 City Celebrates 50th /anniversary
Ribbon cutting to New City Hall
2013 The City of Coral Springs becomes the first state or local government to receive the Baldrige Award
2007 30 year old City faces staggering growth rate- creating a huge demand for City services- Coral Springs City Center was renovated to add museum, Aquatic Complex was expanded, Sportsplex and Tennis Center created
1995 1990 1980
O. Benjamin Geiger was elected Mayor and began the task of making Coral Springs independent-including establishingthe City’s first ad valorem property tax- $4.0000 mils
City holds first election: Mayor Lewie Mullins and Vice Mayor Robert Fuller elected
Growth continued to be the City’s greatest concern. By 1985, the population surpassed 50,000 and schools were overcrowded. In 1983 total property value passed $1 billion mark
The census of 1970 set Coral Springs’ population at 1,489/ Broward County School Board voted to build the City’s first elementary school
1970 1967 1966
Westinghouse Electric Corporation acquired Coral Ridge Properties
City’s First employee was hiredPolice Chief Richard Vedilago
1964 July 1963, Coral Springs was Incorporation as a city
The Strategic and Business planning system we use today—allocating resources strategically through data-driven decision making—was instituted
Master plan for 50,000 residents living in small neighborhoods was developed
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Budget and Strategy Division We are pleased to present this nationally recognized planning and budgeting document as one of the many services we provide to the City of Coral Springs. Budget and Strategy is a division of the City Manager’s Office and is responsible for managing and implementing several cross-functional processes within the City, including: Strategic Plan
Business Plan
Program Analysis
Performance Management System
Financial Analysis
Annual Budget
Performance Benchmarking
Capital Improvement Program
Operational Auditing
Performance Improvement Projects
Technical Assistance for Departments
Our budgeting system meets all of the best practice recommendations of the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting, as well as previous recommendations by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). We have had the good fortune to receive the Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for twenty-six consecutive years. In past years, our Annual Budget has received “Special Performance Management Recognition” from GFOA as well as “Outstanding as a Policy Document and Operations Guide.” In addition, our performance Management and budgeting system has been cited as a “Best Practice” by the National Partnership for Reinventing Government. The Fitch Rating Agency uses our planning system as a model for cities interested in achieving the distinction of an ‘AAA’ bond rating. Our performance Management system was selected as a “Best Practice” by the American Quality and Productivity Center. We also received the Certificate of Distinction from the International City/ County Managers Association Center for Performance Analytics. Our strategic planning, performance Management, and budgeting efforts also contributed to the receipt of the 2007 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. We are the first state or local government to receive the Baldrige Award. In addition, we also received the Florida Governor’s Sterling Award for Organizational Performance Excellence in 1997 and again in 2003. We are the first organization to win the Governor’s Sterling Award for the second time. For more information, please visit our web site,, to download copies of our Strategic Plan, Business Plan, Annual Budget, Capital Improvement Plan, Performance Management Report and other related documents and presentations.
Thank You!
Catherine Givens
Director of Budget and Strategy (954) 344-5920
Vannelys Rivera
Budget Business Partner (954) 344-5928
Laurie Bishara
Budget Manager (954) 344-5938
Justin Kohls
Budget Manager (954) 344-1845
Tyler Kohrt
Senior Financial Analyst (954) 346-1723
Ronald E. Gomez
Financial Business Analyst (954) 340-4210
Marissa Williams Budget Analyst (954) 344-1133
Kristin Holowicki Grants Manager (954) 344-5902
Brett Petrovich
Management Assistant (954) 340-1808
Ana Fernandez
Thanks to the City Manager’s Office, the department heads and their staff for helping us make this budget successful! We would also like to acknowledge the valuable assistance of Christine Parkinson Jahrsdoerfer for developing the cover design of this budget document.
Principal Office Assistant (954) 340-1191 City of Coral Springs 9500 West Sample Road Coral Springs, FL 33065 Fax: (954) 344-1198
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Budget Overview Contents Budget Process Overview...................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Budget Highlights................................................................................................................................................................................. 30 Combined Budget Summary................................................................................................................................................................. 36 Fund Structure Overview....................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Fund Balance Overview......................................................................................................................................................................... 40 General Fund Balance.................................................................................................................................................................. 41 Fire Fund Balance......................................................................................................................................................................... 43 Water and Sewer Fund Balance................................................................................................................................................... 44 Health Fund Balance.................................................................................................................................................................... 45 General Insurance Fund Balance.................................................................................................................................................. 46 Equipment Services Fund Balance............................................................................................................................................... 47 Debt Service Fund Balance........................................................................................................................................................... 48 Budgeted Funds Overviews................................................................................................................................................................... 53 General Fund Budget................................................................................................................................................................... 53 Fire Fund Budget......................................................................................................................................................................... 62 Water and Sewer Fund Budget.................................................................................................................................................... 66 Stormwater Fund Budget............................................................................................................................................................. 69 Health Fund Budget..................................................................................................................................................................... 71 General Insurance Fund Budget................................................................................................................................................... 73 Coral Springs Charter School Fund Budget................................................................................................................................... 75 Public Art Fund Budget................................................................................................................................................................ 76 Equipment Services Fund Budget................................................................................................................................................ 77 Pension Fund Budget................................................................................................................................................................... 80 Solid Waste Fund Budget............................................................................................................................................................. 82 Debt Service Fund Budget........................................................................................................................................................... 83 Debt Management....................................................................................................................................................................... 88 Capital Improvement Program.............................................................................................................................................................. 90 Impact of CIP on the Operating Budget........................................................................................................................................ 94 Capital Improvement Summary by Fund..................................................................................................................................... 99 CIP Budget by Funding Source - All Funds.................................................................................................................................. 100 General Fund CIP Summary by Funding Source.......................................................................................................................... 101 Major Capital Projects by Department....................................................................................................................................... 102 Major Capital Projects by Location............................................................................................................................................. 103
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Budget Process Overview How the Budget Was Created The Strategic Plan began with the City’s vision, mission, strategic goals, and core values stated for the following five years. Reviewed and updated annually, the action plan creates a shared vision for the future of the community. Strategic Goals In 1997, the City Commission began a process of strategic planning designed to identify the issues that might prevent the City from achieving. This process of strategic planning will persist over the lifetime of the Strategic Plan. These long-range policy issues developed by the City Commission during the strategic planning process in Fiscal Year 2018, emphasize the values of our customers: • Responsible City Government • City Investment in Today and Future • Downtown Becoming Vibrant • Growing Local Economy • Premier Community in South Florida For each strategic goal, an action plan is developed for implementing policy, department operations, and performance indicators. Through this process, the Business Plan was developed: • Commission goal: Identify the vital issues. • Initiatives: Allocate activities, resources, personnel, investment and time planned for the year to achieve the City’s Mission and Vision. • Key Results Performance Indicators: Quantifiable key performance indicators used to evaluate customer satisfaction and performance levels in key areas of high importance for the City. • Departmental Key Performance Indicators: Quantifiable key performance indicators used to evaluate the operational performance of a department. By setting a performance target for each KPI, we are able to determine the resources necessary to attain the desired outcome. The Business Plan section contains a performance management summary report which includes a Key Results Performance Indicators scorecard, Departmental scorecard, Composite Indicators Summary, FY 2019 initiative analysis and a benchmarking summary report. City Mission
Business Plan Once the strategic goals are established, the operations of the City are reviewed and resources aligned to bring the strategic vision to life. Specific actions, programs, capital purchases, staffing requirements and funding levels are developed in response to the needs identified in the Strategic Plan. The Business Plan is an outgrowth of the strategic goals, capturing the City’s vision in a quantifiable form, improving decision-making and resource allocation. Initiatives in this year’s plan focus on innovative projects that lead to greater safety for our residents, economic growth, additional City services, improvements to an aging infrastructure and higher levels of customer service. A benefit of using a business plan is that we can establish a direct link between costs, activities, and key drivers. We use this model to monitor our performance by: • Performing variance analysis using cost drivers. • Mapping the process that links budget items to activities. • Identifying value-added and non value-added activities.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Strategic Goals Key Results Performance Indicators Departmental Key Performance Indicators
Table of Contents
In developing the annual operating budget, departments analyze both existing and potential services in light of the strategic goals. The Business Plan identifies added and removed services, which are then quantified in the line item budget. They reflect not only the strategic goals as set by the City Commission, but also incorporate feedback from customer surveys and environmental scans that contribute to the long-term financial health of the City. Departments set targets to meet the needs identified by the strategic goals. To meet these targets, programs within the departments have specific objectives that are measured through performance indicators. Staff’s individual objectives and performance indicators are then linked to the program objectives. Each employee knows what the end result should be and how it contributes to the Strategic Plan. In this way, the budget becomes a tool for monitoring, rather than controlling, operating performance. The scorecards included with each department’s summary is designed to show how the program objectives support the strategic goals. Each performance indicator is directly linked to the strategic goal it addresses. Our policy deployment model follows the illustrated path. It is significant we view the process in this fashion, so we combine top-down and bottom-up input, tightly linking targets to the strategic plan.
Budget Methodology The budget methodology utilized by the City of Coral Springs is a performance-based budgeting system. This type of budgeting system identifies a particular level of service performance for each type of service (program) and the resources needed to operate it, as well as describes the structure of the departments and the programs into which they are divided. The department’s budget is separated into the following components: Mission Statement— identifies the specific purpose for the department and how it relates to the City’s overall mission. Core Processes — A listing of the fundamental business processes or tasks the department is designed to provide and accomplish. Outputs—Indicate the volume, frequency or level of service provided. New Initiatives—new services or the removal of existing services as they relate to the strategic plan. Objectives and Key Performance Indicators—the objectives focus on particular program accomplishments that will be attained within the current year. All objectives are measurable by the performance indicators supplied. Each key performance indicator includes explicit links showing how program objectives are directly related to the strategic goals they support. Organization Charts—outline of program structure within the department. Program/Expenditure Summary—the budget for the department, summarized by program, if applicable, and by major category of expenditure: • Personal Services—salaries, overtime and other pay including vacation payment incentive, holiday pay, temporary wages. • Benefits—FICA, retirement contributions, health and other benefits. • Other Expenses—supplies, repairs, utilities, services and other costs. • Operating Capital—departmental machinery and equipment under $5,000.
Approach To The Budget Review Process Start-Up We begin by reviewing all current services in light of the Strategic Plan. Are current services sufficient or necessary? What are our customers’ needs and desires? What new initiatives should be undertaken to meet constituent requirements or a changing market environment? Through resident and business surveys, SWOC (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges) analyses, Slice of the Springs meetings, our customers’ input is a critical piece of the budget process. Then we develop a list of recommended changes arising out of this analysis, forming the basis for the Business Plan. Beginning with each department’s mission statement, which is a driving force behind the department’s budget and should set the direction of the department, we develop a projected budget based on the previous year’s budget with any new initiatives appended, and any discontinued services removed.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
From there, goals and objectives are developed that relate to each other, to the department’s mission, and the City’s Key Performance Indicators as outlined in the Strategic Plan. Goals and objectives should be realistic, quantifiable, and include improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of the department. Current goals and objectives may be used to establish a starting point for the future. In the spring, the Budget and Strategy Department distributes to departments a target budget for the coming year, which is based on projections of current year expenditures, as well as the two prior years’ actual expenditures. Included in this target budget are budgeted line items for salaries and benefits (for example, pension and health plan allocations). Also included are the current year’s goals and objectives for the department. At the same time, Capital Replacement Program, Capital Improvement Program and physical inventory worksheets are distributed for department input. Verification of all numbers and assumptions made in these categories is carried out by departmental staff. Personnel changes such as retirements, projected salary increases or changes in hours worked are submitted to the Budget and Strategy Department. Methodology The budget process proceeded in two steps. First, the Budget and Strategy Department asked departments to develop a budget with the expectation of no new money. Second, the City Manager’s Office asked departments to identify cost savings and/or revenue enhancements resulting from service refinements. The service refinement exercise was not necessarily about cutting service, but about finding a different way of providing that service. Investments were considered if they would lead to enhanced productivity or reduced expenditures. While indiscriminate, across-the-board cuts are easy to implement and have the pretense of equity and fairness, these cuts do not consider customer (that is, residents’ and business’) needs and expectations. The City of Coral Springs’ business model, by contrast, has customer-driven excellence as its foundation. Our customer-driven excellence philosophy enables the City to address potential challenges strategically. It involves awareness of current and emerging customer needs, expectations and trends, which, in turn, leads to increasing levels of customer trust, value, and satisfaction. Operating Expenses The target budget will also contain operating expenses based on projections of the current year’s expenditures. Actual users of the supplies and services review their practices and habits involving daily expenditures for possible efficiencies. Departments review line item account codes for descriptive accuracy to determine if they reflect the actual types of expenditures. Lastly, Departments provide justification for any changes from the target budget based on information from current year expenditures or information obtained from other sources, such as trends in next year’s contracts or service costs provided by the Purchasing Division. Capital Expenses Departments also evaluate all existing equipment, facilities, and other capital items, to determine if useful life has been exceeded, or will be exceeded, in the coming budget year. They then identify all recommended capital expenditures from this evaluation of equipment. Vehicle life expectancy information is provided by the Public Works Department-Equipment Services Division. Other capital expenses, such as office equipment, are estimated with help from the Purchasing Division. Each department maintains a six-year Capital Improvement Program plan for its equipment needs and submits their plan to the Budget and Strategy Department for review, summarization and presentation to the City Commission for approval. Business Plan Taking into account the market environment, customer expectations and emerging issues, the changes to service structure (discontinued services, new initiatives, etc...) are outlined and cross-referenced to the Strategic Plan. Citywide financial strategies are identified to address the long-term needs of the City in relation to emerging issues that have been identified through the strategic planning process. Anticipated results are identified and linked to strategic goals for inclusion in the City’s performance management system. Based on the recommended projects and services, a preliminary budget is presented at the Business Plan workshop.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Budget Format A municipal budget document should provide sufficient, meaningful and useful information to elected officials, City staff, and to the public. To that end, we have developed a budget document that serves six primary functions: • Policy document • Financial plan • Operations guide • Communication device • Performance overview • Values document Together, these budget elements define what the City of Coral Springs has done, what it plans to do, and how it will accomplish its objectives. The budget is a program- and performance-based plan that links prescribed organizational goals and objectives with the financial resources necessary to achieve them. Each of the budget’s programs represent a “product” of the City. Contained within each program are objectives and achievements. The program/performance budget is integrated with line item financial information to ensure optimal budget control. This program/performance budget enables the City Commission and the public to analyze the budget based on program goals and performance objectives rather than line item costs. In addition, this format provides information so that the City Commission and the public will have a better understanding of the allocation of resources among programs and the measurable work that each department will accomplish. The annual budget includes the following sections: Introduction, Budget Overview, Business Plan, Capital Improvement Plan, Department Budgets, Appendix, and Financial Policies.
Approving The Budget During the summer months, recommended operating and capital improvement program budget documents are prepared and presented to the City Manager and forwarded to the City Commission for review during public budget workshops. In accordance with State law, public hearings and final adoption of the budget occurs in September.
Monitoring The Budget The Budget staff is authorized to transfer funds within individual departments. Revisions that alter the total expenditures of any department within a fund must be approved by the Director of Budget and Strategy. Actual expenditures and operating transfers out may not exceed budget appropriations at the individual fund level. Appropriations which are neither expended, encumbered, nor specifically designated to be carried over, lapse at the end of the fiscal year.
Amending The Budget If it becomes evident that a particular fund has circumstances requiring a budget to increase, a budget amendment may be done. The Director of Budget and Strategy submits a request to amend the budget to the City Commission. The request contains a written explanation for the request. City Commission approval is required for budget amendments which alter the total adopted budget amount of any fund. Budget amendments must be posted on the City’s website within 5 days after adoption in accordance with Florida Statute 166.241. More information on the Budget process can be found in the Financial Policies section at the end of this book.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Basis of Budgeting The General, Fire, Coral Springs Charter School, and Debt Service fund budgets are prepared on a modified accrual basis of accounting except that encumbrances are treated as the equivalent of expenditures, as opposed to a reservation of fund balance. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized in the accounting period in which they become both measurable and available to finance expenditures of the fiscal period. Expenditures are recorded when a liability is incurred, as under accrual accounting. Debt service expenditures, as well as expenditures related to compensated absences and claims and judgments, are recorded only when payment is due, using the current financial resources measurement focus of accounting. At year-end, open encumbrance balances lapse. The budgets for the proprietary funds and internal service funds are prepared on the full accrual basis of accounting. These funds include Water and Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater, Health and General Insurance, and Equipment Services. Under the full accrual basis, revenues are recorded when earned (for example, water user fees are recognized as revenue when the bills are prepared) and expenses are reported when a liability is incurred, regardless of the timing of related cash flows, using the economic resources measurement focus of accounting. The differences between the budget basis and the full accrual basis of accounting include: (1) budgeting the full amount of capital expenditures as expense rather than depreciating them, (2) not budgeting interest earnings on restricted funds and impact fees, and (3) presenting debt service expense net of restricted investment proceeds. Guidelines The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) presents the status of the City’s finances on a basis consistent with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) (that is, the governmental funds use the modified accrual basis of accounting while the proprietary funds use the full accrual basis). In order to provide a meaningful comparison of actual results with the budget, the CAFR presents the City’s operations on a GAAP basis and also shows fund expenditures and revenues on a budget basis for the General, Debt Service and proprietary funds. • The City is required to prepare a balanced budget in which current revenues will be sufficient to support current expenditures. • The budget process and format shall be performance-based and focused on goals, objectives, and performance indicators. • The budget will provide adequate funding for maintenance and replacement of capital plant and equipment. • The City Commission will be provided with interim budget reports comparing actual versus budgeted revenue and expense activity. • The City shall establish and maintain a standard of accounting practices. Planning The City will annually prepare a Five-Year Forecast. The forecast will include estimated operating costs and revenues of future capital improvements, such as new parks and public works facilities, included in the capital budget.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
FY 2020 Budget Calendar As of June 14, 2019 Calendar FY 2020 Budget
Directors Planning
8:30 a.m.
CMO Executive Conf Room
8:30 a.m.
Everglades Conf Room
12/11–12/12 CC Planning Workshop February
Develop Budget Theme
CC Spring Retreat
10:00 a.m.
The Center – Rooms A & B
Budget Kickoff
2:00 p.m.
Budget Training Session I
10:00 a.m.
Everglades Conf Room
Budget Training Session II
2:00 p.m.
Everglades Conf Room
Budget Package due to Budget
2:00 p.m.
N:\Budget Forms
5/13– 5/20
Departmental Budget Meetings
Individually scheduled
CMO Executive Conf Room
Budget Recommendation to Sr. Staff
CMO Executive Conf Room
Business Plan Appeal
Individually scheduled
CMO Executive Conf Room
Business Plan Decision
CC Business Plan Workshop I*
6:00 p.m.
Sawgrass Room
CC Business Plan Workshop II* 5:15 p.m. TRIM Notification prepared and submitted to CC Adopt Preliminary Assessment Resolutions
First Public Budget Hearing*
Second Public Budget Hearing* 6:30 p.m. Adopt Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program
5:15 p.m.
*All Commission meetings and workshops are open to the public Abbreviations Used: CC—City Commission CMO—City Manager’s Office TRIM—Truth in Millage
T:\Division Share\City Administration\Management and Budget\Budgets\Fiscal Year 2020 Budget\Budget Calendar 2020.docx
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Budget Highlights
Tax Rate Fiscal Year 2020
General Operating Millage
Debt Service Millage
5.8732 0.2534
Combined City Millage Rate 6.1266
The Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget, which will be adopted on September 18, 2019, is a numerical reflection of the Fiscal Year 2020 Business Plan. By allocating resources in alignment with the City Commission’s five strategic goals and performance indicators, we believe this budget will successfully meet the challenges before us and set the stage for continued success in the future. Operating Millage Rate rate Voter-Approved Debt Service Millage Ratemillage rate Coral Springs operating millage Voter-approved debt service $1.0000
$7.0000 $5.8732 $5.8732 $5.8732
$6.0000 $5.0000 $4.0000
$4.5697 $4.5697 $4.5697 $4.3559 $4.3939
$4.7982 $4.7982
$0.4000 $0.2915
$1.0000 $0.0000
$0.2906 $0.2033
FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020
FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020
Budget in Brief The adopted operating net budget for Fiscal Year 2020 for all funds totals $212,471,956. This represents an increase of $11,394,442 or 5.7% compared to the Fiscal Year 2019 net budget. The Fiscal Year 2020 budget reflects community needs as identified in the Fiscal Year 2018-2023-2033 Strategic Plan and 2020 Business Plan. Highlights of the Fiscal Year 2020 budget include: • Total taxable assessed value as of July, 1st 2019 increased 4.6% in the City of Coral Springs to $10,755,584,476 when compared to the total taxable assessed value reported July 1st, 2018. • Operating millage rate will remain at 5.8732. Combined with the increase in assessed values, the City will receive approximately $2.64 million in additional property tax revenue. • The voter-approved debt service millage rate will decrease from 0.2652 to 0.2534, a decrease of 0.0118 or -4.4% mainly driven by the increase in assessed values.
FY 2019 Final Millage Rates
Plantation Pembroke Pompano Pines Beach*
* Pompano Beach includes a separate EMS millage of 0.5000
* Pompano Beach includes a separate EMS millage of 0.5000
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Coral Springs
Deerfield Beach
Hollywood Miramar
Comparing Coral Springs’ Fiscal Year 2020 operating millage rate to other cities’ final Fiscal Year 2019 operating millage rates.
$10 $9 $8 $7 $6 $5 $4 $3 $2 $1 $0
Operating millage rate comparison with other municipalities
Ft Lauderdale
Table of Contents
• The combined general operating and debt service millage rate is 6.1266 per $1,000 of assessed value, a decrease of 0.0118 or 0.19%. • The Fire Assessment for single-family homes will increase by $27.82, from $200.00 to $227.82. Multi-family assessment will increase by $12.82, from $215.00 to $227.82 per unit. Fire for commercial properties will increase by $0.89, from $26.10 to $26.99 per 100 square feet and industrial warehouse will decrease by $0.93, from $3.64 to $2.71 per 100 square feet. Institutional properties will also see an increase of $22.64, from $31.87 to $54.51 per 100 square feet. • Water and Sewer rates will increase by 3.5%, an increase of $2.40 per month for the average residential customer. • The Residential Solid Waste Special Assessment will increase by $30.00, from $260 to $290 per single-family home. • General Fund debt service for franchise and capital revenue bonds, as a percentage of total budget, will equal 6.1% in Fiscal Year 2020 as compared to 6.0% last year. The increase of 4.61% or $356,429 versus Fiscal Year 2019 is driven by the full year impact of the 2017 capital revenue note related to the Public Safety and Public Works Campus and to the addition of the 2019 lease payment for the Turf fields. The debt levels are well within the General Fund debt service limitation guideline of 12.5% of total General Fund expenditures. • With a General Obligation bond indebtedness of 0.24% of total taxable assessed value, the City is well below its self-imposed debt policy guideline of 5%. Capital Improvements • In Fiscal Year 2020, the City will invest $40,920,710 in capital improvements and upkeep of City-owned facilities. For details of the projects planned for this year, refer to the Capital Improvement Program section included in this document. Staffing • Total full-time positions in Fiscal Year 2020 is 831 (excludes Fire/EMS services for Parkland, contractual staff and commission). This represents an addition of three (3) full-time employees, offset partially by the conversion of a part-time position to full-time status. The table below shows the newly authorized positions for the upcoming budget year.
Net full-time position changes per fiscal year Net Full-Time Position Changes per Fiscal Year 50
40 30
29 22
16 8
11 3
0 -2
-10 -13
City of Coral Springs, Florida
FY 2020
FY 2019
FY 2018
FY 2017
FY 2016
FY 2015
FY 2014
FY 2013
FY 2012
FY 2011
FY 2010
FY 2009
FY 2008
FY 2007
FY 2006
FY 2005
FY 2004
FY 2003
FY 2002
FY 2001
Table of Contents
Full-time staff changes during Fiscal Year 2019 During the Fiscal Year 2019, the City established a goal of slowing cost growth. One of the objectives was reducing the headcount base by 10 Full Time Equivalent (FTE’s). Other objectives were addressed in the city and department operations. By the end of Fiscal Year 2019, twelve (12) vacant positions were eliminated via attrition. Conversely, a total of five (5) positions were added to support the fulltime needs of several city departments. The net impact was a reduction of seven (7) FTEs. In addition, the Fire department added eight (8) Firefighter/Paramedic positions to meet the demand and requirements of the new Parkland contract. The new FTE count at the end of Fiscal Year 2019 was 870 (excluding the five (5) commissioners) and was approved by the City Commission on July 2019 via Budget Amendment. The 870 FTE’s include regular and contractual resources: 828 regular, 42 contractual. The forty-two (42) contractual resources are: forty-one (41) for Parkland Contract and one (1) Emergency Management Planner. Fiscal Year 2020 will reflect a full- time staff total net increase of three (3) positions for a new total headcount of 873 (excluding five (5) commissioners)
Changes in FTE’s in Fiscal Year 2019 FY2019 FTE Count (before changes) Position Name
Principal Office Assistant
Development Services
Development Services Support Specialist
Development Services
Code Compliance Officer
Development Services
Parks Technician
Parks & Recreation
Maintenance Worker
Parks & Recreation
Principal Office Assistant
Positions Managed via Attrition
(1.0) (12.0)
Executive Assistant
City Manager's Office
Event Coordinator
Communications & Marketing
Director of Economic Development
Economic Development
Project Support Specialist
City Clerk
Emergency Management Planner (Contractual)
Emergency Management
Firefighter/Paramedics (Parkland)
Adds to Staff FY2019
Adjusted FY2019 FTE Count
Final FY2019 FTE Count
869.0 Incr/(Decr)
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
8.0 870.0
Table of Contents
Full-time staff changes for Fiscal Year 2020 Fiscal Year 2020 will reflect a full- time staff net increase of three (3) positions for a new total headcount of 873 (excluding five (5) commissioners) During the Fiscal Year 2020 Adopted Budget, staff requested the following five (5) new positions: •
(3) Firefighter Paramedics: The department is requesting three (3) additional firefighters in the Fiscal Year 2020 budget. The additional personnel would add one (1) firefighter/paramedic to each of the three (3) fire department shifts. Benefits include: increase in the amount of personnel on particular units such as the busier units that are running a heavy amount of calls for service. This would also decrease the need for some of the busiest ladder and engine companies having to respond to medical calls for additional staffing. Having the suppression companies remain available will allow faster and more efficient responses in their respective response zones. One (1) additional person per shift will allow additional personnel to utilize their allotted accrued leave time for both vacation and comp time at a more consistent rate, which would greatly improve morale and efficiency within the fire department.
(1) Civil Engineer: The addition of a Civil Engineer to the Utilities Division will improve the quality of the engineering services the City provides. This includes engineering design, inspections, and construction management all related to Capital Improvement Projects. This alleviates the expense of hiring an outside engineering consultant for routine engineering design and allows the current Civil Engineer to direct more attention to other time-sensitive projects within the City.
(1) Community Involvement Coordinator: The Community Involvement Coordinator will take the lead in coordinating the City’s Summer Breakspot, Summer Camp, Safety Town, Special Needs Database, Angel Tree gifting program, Holiday Programs, Shop with a Cop and Special Olympics. With the upgrade of this liaison position from part-time to full-time, the department will have the much needed coverage working with the citizens.
Installation of the Turf fields by the Parks and Recreation Department will result in two (2) vacant positions being reduced in Fiscal Year 2020. •
(2) Vacant Parks Technician positions will be eliminated via attrition. Efficiencies gained from the installation of the Turf fields will translate to a reduction on the maintenance requirements needed for the parks.
In Fiscal Year 2019, the City added 3 full-time employees and 8 contractual for Fire/EMS Parkland.
Fiscal Year 2020 changes to full-time staff Position Name
Civil Engineer
Utilities Administration
Community Involvement Coordinator
Parks Technician
FY2019 FTE Count 870.0 Fund Incr/(Decr) Fire/ 3.0 General Fund Water & Sewer 1.0 Fund General Fund
Adds to Staff FY2020 Parks & Recreation General Fund Positions Managed via Attrition Net change in Staffing Fiscal Year 2020 Final FY2020 FTE Count
City of Coral Springs, Florida
1.0 5.0 (2.0) (2.0) 3.0 873.0
Table of Contents
Financial Condition The improving local and regional economy has favorably impacted the City’s financial outlook. The City’s unemployment rate (July 2019 3.1%) is expected to remain below the National (3.7%) and State (3.3%) rates and signs point toward moderate economic growth. Despite downward pressure on revenues due to residential build-out, tax relief legislation, tariffs, and the increasing costs of goods, our City’s priority is to continue efforts in maintaining sound fiscal management and stability. The City’s healthy financial position can be attributed to long-term financial planning that identifies emerging issues which may affect our ability to provide the level and type of service customers expect. For that commitment to our citizens, the City Commission is proposing to maintain the current millage of $5.8732 this fiscal year, FY2020. As shown in the table below, our financial, political and natural environment is forcing management to make the hard but much needed decisions, to ensure the City continues to provide the exceptional level of services, control expenditure growth rate, and build up a healthy stabilization fund to prepare the City for future challenges.
How We Got Here
Timeline of major events impacting the City’s financial condition
Hurricane Wilma
Tax Reform
Ad Valorem Revenues
Economic Recession
Taxable Value
Other Revenue
Hurricane Irma
2005 (FY2006)
Used ~$30M reserves
Limited tax revenue a City could collect
Recently returned to pre-recession: $35M in 2007 $35M in 2015
Recession impacted all revenue sources
Taxable value ↓ 29% from 2008 to 2012
CST ↓ $1.8M (legislative driven)
$12.7M in costs (estimated)
↑ Foreclosures
Save Our Homes caps limit increase to 3%
↑ Unemployment
Recovering: at $9.69B, still not up to $10.39B In 2008
Interest Income ↓ $1.5M
↑Sworn Pension due to Δ State of Florida Mortality Tables
(unfunded mandates)
Additional $25,000 homestead exemption New homestead portability New property tax caps
↑ Commercial vacancies
FY18 – Unfunded mandate for Police & Fire $860,000
Home values reset at lower values and are locked due to SOH
Licenses and Permits ↓ $1.3M
Bond Ratings The City is proud to have earned the highest bond rating available from Standard and Poor’s (S&P) (AAA) and Fitch Ratings (AAA). As of August 2019, the City was reaffirmed from Moody’s Investors Service receiving the Aa1 rating. The City’s goal is to maintain the AAA from S&P and Fitch while making the changes needed to earn the Aaa bond rating from Moody’s. Increasing fund balance is an important change the City can make to achieve this goal. Achieving AAA bond rating is important for our residents because it indicates to investors that the City is a low-risk investment which translates into lower interest rates and corresponding lower interest payments on general obligation bonds.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Revenues The City’s intergovernmental, franchise, and other demand-driven revenues fluctuate with the economy. Most experts agree the economy will continue to grow at a modest rate in the near term. However, rather than growth returning to normal levels, the economy will move slowly but steadily upward. In the past two fiscal years, the City Commission maintained a millage rate as the property tax values increase was adequate to operate City services. In addition, a new revenue assessment will be incorporated to fund Stormwater operations and capital funding. This new revenue source will further diversify City revenues. Longer term, the City’s revenue growth is anticipated to be slow and more closely approximate to inflation; therefore, forecasts exhibit a growth rate under 3%. The City continues to suppress the expenditure growth rate to keep within the revenue growth rate. However, as CPI and other cost drivers increase with inflation, periodic millage increases may need to be considered in future years. Fund balances are improving as a result of growth-related revenues, improved productivity, and prudent financial management policies. Those fund balances have been leveraged to avoid future debt service by equity financing high priority capital purchases.
Annual net operating budget and capital Net Operating Budget Capital Improvements (CIP) Total Financial Program
Net Operating Budget General Fund Special Revenue Funds Fire Fund C.S. Charter School Fund Public Art Fund Enterprise Funds Water and Sewer Fund Solid Waste Fund Stormwater Fund Internal Service Funds Health and General Insurance Funds Equipment Services Fund Pension Fund Debt Service Fund Total Net Operating Budget
FY 2019 Budget $201,077,515 18,611,587 $219,689,102
FY 2020 Budget $212,471,956 40,920,710 $253,392,666
$ % Change Change $11,394,442 5.7% 22,309,123 119.9% $33,703,565 15.3%
FY 2019 Budget $85,918,500
FY 2020 Budget $89,678,203
$ % Change Change $3,759,702 4.4%
16,768,180 14,346,538 215,200
17,248,072 13,066,806 223,200
479,892 (1,279,732) 8,000
2.9% -8.9% 3.7%
19,236,622 4,893,880 0
20,564,075 5,675,317 3,374,944
1,327,454 781,437 3,374,944
6.9% 16.0% n/a
19,986,968 12,466,818 16,363,576 10,881,232 $201,077,515
23,335,093 12,104,454 15,927,560 11,274,232 $212,471,956
3,348,125 (362,364) (436,016) 393,000 $11,394,442
16.8% -2.9% -2.7% 3.6% 5.7%
Note: For a more comprehensive overview of net budgeted revenues and expenditures/expenses, refer to the Budget Overview section of this Budget.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Millage Per $1,000 Ad Valorem Taxes $5.8732 60,011,214 Ad Valorem Taxes $0.2534 (Voted Debt) Solid Waste Assessment 2,189,175 Fire Fund Special Assessment Stormwater Assessment Sales and Use Taxes 8,900,000 Franchise Fees 10,415,000 Utility Service Taxes 11,608,966 Licenses and Permits 4,409,005 Intergovernmental Revenue 10,836,074 Charges for Services 17,626,216 Fines and Forfeitures 2,548,735 Miscellaneous Revenues 4,194,979 Other Financing Sources 855,639
WATER & SEWER FUND $1,375,448
2,589,259 5,729,635 16,434,793 3,782,735
24,551,055 11,566 8,673,407
6,213,615 3,855,456 25,000 55,000 70,895
TOTAL BUDGET $2,828,648
$60,011,214 $2,589,259 $7,918,810 $16,434,793 $3,782,735 $8,900,000 $10,415,000 $11,608,966 $4,409,005 $30,286,495 $46,032,727 $2,573,735 $4,293,177 $22,258,930
General Governmental Services Education Public Safety Physical Environment Economic Environment Culture and Recreation Debt Service Capital Improvement Program Excluding Operating CIP Other Financing Sources (Uses)
18,855,230 580,250 69,066,362 9,531,500 730,909 16,015,598 8,093,863
10,709,048 $133,582,761 $12,242
$11,274,232 $0
$12,638,989 $0
$223,200 $0
$5,729,635 $0
1,262,543 $25,958,135 $0
4,503,009 $26,654,759 $0
1,032,031 $2,851,546 $931,189
$14,486,806 $0
$18,855,230 $15,067,056 $90,769,127 $39,267,159 $1,027,610 $16,238,798 $22,029,462 $12,638,989 $17,506,631 $233,400,062 $943,431
5,729,635 223,200 12,638,989
22,186,509 296,701
14,486,806 1,819,515
The tentative, adopted, and/or final budgets are on file in the office of the above referenced taxing authority as a public record.
Note: Revenues (sources) and Expenses (uses) for Equipment Services, Health, and General Insurance funds are incorporated within all other appropriated funds included in this summary and thus, not listed separately. Note: In accordance with standard budgeting practice, the main difference between the “Summary of Net Budgeted Revenues/Expenditures” on pages 34 and 35 and the “Fiscal Year 2020 Combined Budget Summary” on this page is that the latter does not include internal service funds to avoid double-counting interfund transfers (movement of money from one fund to another).
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Fund Structure Overview 325
FY 2020 Total Operating Budget and Capital $253,392,666
FY 2020 Net Operating Budget $212,471,956
General Fund $89,678,203
Special Revenue Funds $30,538,078
Internal Services Funds $35,439,547
Water and Sewer $20,564,075
Fire $17,248,072
Insurance $23,335,093
Solid Waste $5,675,317
Charter School $ 13,066,806
Equipment Services $12,104,454
Stormwater $3,374,944
Public Art $223,200
Enterprise Funds $29,614,336
Trust and Agency Fund $15,927,560 Pension $15,927,560
Debt Service Fund $11,274,232 Debt Service $11,274,232
Major Funds
Fund Name
Fund Type
General Fund*
City Operating Fund
Fire Fund*
Special Revenue Fund
Water and Sewer Fund*
Enterprise Fund
Solid Waste Fund*
Enterprise Fund
Stormwater Fund**
Enterprise Fund
Health and General Insurance Funds* Coral Springs Charter School Fund*
Internal Service Funds Special Revenue Fund Internal Service Accounts for the costs of maintaining the City’s fleet Fund Includes the Public Art fee receipts collected during the Special Revenue permitting process for new construction and renovations of Fund existing structures
Equipment Services Fund* Public Art Fund*
Fund Description Accounts for police, code compliance, parks and recreation, public works, building, emergency medical services, and administration services Covers the fire department and subsequent divisions, including administration, suppression, inspection, training, and communications Provides water and wastewater services to approximately 51% of Coral Springs residents Includes the non-franchise portion of the City’s residential solid waste special assessment to cover cost of hauler and disposal fees Provides for a Stormwater Collection Program to fund the operation, maintenance, planning, design, and construction of stormwater infrastructure to ensure effective drainage and water quality management. Contribute to the City’s insured general liability, property, workers’ compensation, life, and employee medical benefits Includes the revenues and expenses incurred in the operation of the Coral Springs Charter School
Pension Fund
Trust and Agency Fund
Accounts for the accumulation of resources to be used for retirement benefit payments to the City’s employees
Debt Service Fund*
Debt Service Fund
Covers the revenues and payment of voter approved longterm general obligation debt and revenue bond debt
*Indicates appropriated funds in accordance with the Budget Ordinance. **New in Fiscal Year 2020
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Fund Structure Overview (continued)
*FY 2020 Capital Budget $40,920,710
General Fund $15,004,213
Special Revenue Funds $13,708,874
Internal Services Funds $5,680,592
Water and Sewer $5,495,000
Fire $12,095,284
Insurance $1,062,352
Stormwater $1,032,031
Charter School $1,293,590
Equipment Services $4,618,240
Enterprise Funds $6,527,031
Public Art $110,000
Tree Trust $210,000
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Fund Balance Overview What is Fund Balance? Fund balance is the difference between assets and liabilities reported in a governmental fund at the end of the fiscal year. Fund balance tables for all major funds are presented on the following pages. How are Fund Balances Used? City staff reviews fund balances yearly to identify available surpluses. The surpluses become part of the City’s financial strategy to equity fund capital projects, supplement the funding of depreciation, and to pay down outstanding debt. Coral Springs is proud to be among an elite group of cities that are currently rated ‘AAA’ by Standard and Poor’s and Fitch and Aa1 by Moddy’s Investors Service. The City’s strong financial performance is due, in part, to the City’s long-term perspective and aggressive debt management. Prior to build-out, the City—through its growth management, strategic planning, and cost containment measures—had been able to generate reserves that were reinvested back into the community. The goal of the City has been to use surplus reserves in ways that positively affect the financial Five-Year Forecast by reducing long-term obligations, while avoiding property tax increases.
We have used surpluses to retire expensive debt, provide adequate funding for pension funds, enhance the education resources of the City, and provide “pay-as-you-go” financing structures for its equipment and technology upgrades. (See the Capital Improvement Program in the Budget Overview section for detailed information on replacement programs.) Prior to tax reform, it was evident surpluses would be decreasing at an increasing rate because the City had reached residential build-out and building/developmental-related revenues were expected to decline. To capitalize on these declining resources, surpluses were earmarked to provide a funding source for future capital expenditures. The allocation of reserves is intended to support operating expenditures required to maintain the quality of service our residents have come to expect. For more information on Fund balances refer to the Financial Policies section at the end of these book.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
General Fund Balance FY 2015 Actual
FY 2016 Actual
$21,222,176 $21,222,176
$25,547,249 $25,547,249
$27,942,164 $27,942,164
$27,215,029 $27,215,029
35,279,815 12,245,054 11,054,809 24,699,065 3,652,702 14,657,823 2,511,975 4,336,617 108,437,860
39,282,218 12,218,962 11,163,482 21,743,610 4,046,601 14,095,119 5,087,817 4,304,307 111,942,116
41,736,095 12,394,344 11,351,304 22,043,338 5,001,171 14,664,091 4,586,610 4,361,102 116,138,055
54,358,346 12,546,995 11,655,950 22,892,603 4,488,379 15,235,477 3,404,890 4,502,989 129,085,628
57,370,851 12,490,175 11,886,782 20,304,815 4,237,926 15,221,739 2,798,426 4,261,493 128,572,207
1,931,126 130,503,333
62,200,389 10,415,000 11,608,966 19,736,074 4,409,005 17,626,216 2,548,735 4,194,979 132,739,364 137,913 717,726 133,595,003
14,886,437 56,030,431 14,203,964 5,103,911 6,201,882 1,225,680 -
16,231,340 58,109,154 14,239,971 4,910,376 6,432,802 987,133 -
19,290,862 60,681,829 14,911,738 5,022,054 6,439,723 1,071,333 -
24,541,474 63,746,128 14,264,562 7,555,055 6,325,021 927,919 -
34,662,490 64,724,900 14,989,105 7,748,262 7,111,938 568,873 697,765
36,920,241 66,782,201 15,580,598 6,608,263 7,144,124 559,576
Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers In Transfers Out Special Item Total Other Financing Sources (Uses)
(6,460,482) (6,460,482)
(8,636,425) (8,636,425)
(9,447,651) (9,447,651)
(11,470,823) (11,470,823)
BEGINNING BALANCE Adjustment (Conference Center and Library) Use of Reserves REVISED BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUE/SOURCES Ad Valorem Taxes Franchise Fees Utility Taxes Intergovernmental Revenues License and Permits Charges for Services Fines and Forfeitures Interest/Other SUB TOTAL REVENUES Transfer from Grants Fund for CDBG Appropriations from fund balance TOTAL REVENUE/SOURCES EXPENDITURES/USES General Government Public Safety Parks and Recreation Public Works Development Services Educational Programs Capital Outlay Principal Retirement Interest Charges Interest TOTAL EXPENDITURES/USES
FUND BALANCE END OF YEAR Total Assets Liabiliities Deferred Inflows of resources Subtotal Fund balance Nonspendable Inventory Long-term note receivable Prepaid Items Advances to other funds Restricted Landfill Parks Committed Stabilization Fund Assigned Computer Replacement Program Facilities Replacement Parks replacement Subsequent years' expenditures Capital Projects Unassigned ENDING BALANCE
$ 35,537,958 $ 38,893,032 $ 7,918,567 8,179,184 2,072,142 2,771,684 $25,547,249 $27,942,164
FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$27,469,675 $25,538,549 $27,469,675 $25,538,549
40,142,264 $ 38,457,805 $ 9,790,308 8,115,025 3,136,927 2,873,104 $27,215,029 $ 27,469,676 $
$ $
1,138,336 -
949,546 -
935,702 -
912,912 -
24,153 81,945
24,371 81,945
24,687 81,945
25,132 -
1,882,094 542,357 3,544,390
2,291,671 919,265 4,655,576
1,830,834 948,778 212,746 1,959,254
1,943,906 673,848 364,621 1,691,983 -
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
General Fund Balance (continued) Discussion of changes in Fund Balance or Net Position: At the end of FY 2015, fund balance for the General Fund was $25,547,249 or 26% of total General Fund Expenditures. Of this balance, $106,000 is restricted by specific legal requirements, $18,333,974 has been committed to the City’s stabilization fund, $1,882,094 has been assigned to the computer replacement program, $542,357 has been assigned to facilities replacement, and $1,138,336 has been classified as nonspendable. The General Fund balance has increased by approximateley $4.3M. Revenues increased $2.2M primarily due to a Miscellaneous Fines (Code Citations/Liens) increase of $3.4M offset by a decrease in Intergovernmental Revenues ($679k) as well as a decrease in expenditures of $1.9M At the end of FY 2016, fund balance for the General Fund was $27,942,164 or 27% of total General Fund Expenditures. Of this balance, $106,316 is restricted by specific legal requirements, $19,019,790 has been committed to the City’s stabilization fund as per the City’s financial policy. The amount of $2,291,671 has been assigned to the computer replacement program, $919,265 has been assigned to facilities replacement, and $949,546 has been classified as nonspendable. The General Fund balance has increased by approximateley $2.4M. Revenues increased $3.5M primarily due to Ad Valorem Revenues and Miscellaneous Fines (Code Citations/Liens) offset by a decrease in Intergovernmental Revenues as well as a increase in expenditures of $3.25M when compared to actuals from FY 2015.
At the end of FY 2017, fund balance for the General Fund was $27,215,029 or 25% of total General Fund Expenditures. Of this balance, $106,632 is restricted by specific legal requirements, $21,221,083 has been committed to the City’s stabilization fund, $1,830,834 has been assigned to computer replacement program, $948,778 for facilities replacement as well as $212,746 for park replacements. $935,702 has been classified as nonspendable. The General Fund balance decreased by $727,135. The FY2017 revenue actual increased by 3.7% while FY2017 expenditures increased by 6.4%, when compared to FY2016 actuals. At the end of FY 2018, fund balance for the General Fund was $27,470,000 or 23% of total General Fund Expenditures. Of this balance, $25,000 is restricted by specific legal requirements, $21,857,000 has been committed to the City’s stabilization fund, $1,944,000 has been assigned to the computer replcaement program, $674,000 has been assigned to facilities replacements, $365,000 has been assigned to parks replacements, $1,692,000 has been assigned to fund future capital projects, and $913,000 is classified as nonspendable. The General Fund balance increased by approximately $255,000, primarily due to an increase in the ad valorem millage rate resulting in an increase in property taxes of $12.6 million. In FY 2019, there were no funds budgeted to be allocated from fund balance. The operating millage remained the same while property values increased slightly driving the revenue increase from FY2018 to FY2019. This also assumes that the city revenues and expenditures will be at 100% of budget at the end of 2019. In FY 2020, there were no funds budgeted to be allocated from fund balance. The operating millage remained the same while property values increased slightly driving the revenue increase from FY2019 to FY2020. This also assumes that the city revenues and expenditures will be at 100% of budget at the end of 2020. Hurricane Irma reimbursements are scheduled to go toward fund balance in FY2020.
General Fund 28,500,000 28,000,000 27,500,000 27,000,000 26,500,000
The Committed (Stabilization Fund) Fund Balance shown for each year complies with the City’s adopted financial policy of maintaining unreserved general fund balances of 17-25% of the current year’s budgeted expenditures, less capital.
26,000,000 25,500,000 25,000,000
For more information , please see the Financial Polices tab of this document, section 6.1.3
24,500,000 24,000,000
FY 2015
FY 2016
FY 2017
FY 2018
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Fire Fund Balance FY 2015 Actual BEGINNING BALANCE Use of Reserves REVISED BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUE/SOURCES Intergovernmental Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessment Charges for Services Interest and Other Income SUB TOTAL REVENUES Appropriations from fund balance TOTAL REVENUE/SOURCES EXPENDITURES/USES Public Safety Capital Outlay TOTAL EXPENDITURES/USES SURPLUS (DEFICIT) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers In Transfers Out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE
FUND BALANCE END OF YEAR Nonspendable/Restricted Unassigned ENDING BALANCE
FY 2016 Actual
FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$2,501,899 $2,501,899
$2,562,042 $2,562,042
$710,933 $710,933
$545,469 $545,469
$633,405 $633,405
$633,405 $633,405
74,668 9,596,691 8,529,911 34,371 18,235,641
46,620 9,635,043 8,474,235 39,206 18,195,104
66,579 10,446,316 8,559,781 43,136 19,115,812
156,189 11,228,209 9,306,499 54,081 20,744,979
17,518 14,069,749 10,268,045 55,000 24,410,312
25,000 16,505,688 10,069,071 55,000 26,654,759
18,120,825 187,444 18,308,269
18,648,446 300,500 18,948,946
19,688,399 548,722 20,237,121
21,282,057 561,337 21,843,394
1,181,131 (1,048,360) 132,771
1,261,593 (2,358,860) (1,097,267)
1,328,450 (372,605) 955,845
1,516,799 (330,448) 1,186,351
2,562,042 -
710,933 -
545,469 -
633,405 -
633,405 -
633,405 -
Discussion of changes in Fund Balance or Net Position: For FY 2013 - FY 2016 the entire fund balance in the Fire fund is restricted for fire safety per the City’s Financial Policies. This capital reserve will ensure continued operations in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency. At the end of FY 2015, there was a $60,143 increase in fund balance.
Fire Fund 3,000,000
At the end of FY 2016, the fund balance for the Fire Fund decreased $1,851,000 due 2,500,000 primarily to a transfer of $2,000,000 to the General Capital Projects fund to cover a portion of the construction costs for two new fire stations. 2,000,000 At the end of FY 2017, the decrease of $165,464 was a result of increased operating 1,500,000 expenditures. A Budget Amendment took place for FY2017. At the end of FY 2018, there was an increase of approximately $88,000 in fund balance, due 1,000,000 primarily to an increase in non-ad valorem special assessments and fire training tuition 500,000 revenue, offset by an increase in salary and benefit expenditures. In FY 2019, it was not necessary to allocate any portion of fund balance to cover expenses.
In FY 2020 it was not necessary to allocate any portion of fund balance to cover expenses.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
FY 2015
FY 2016
FY 2017
FY 2018
Table of Contents
Water and Sewer Fund Balance FY 2015 Actual
FY 2016 Actual
$42,076,819 $42,076,819
$45,150,398 $45,150,398
$47,822,929 (1,347,930) $46,474,999
50,468,231 $50,468,231
REVENUE/SOURCES Charges for Services Appropriations from fund balance TOTAL REVENUE/SOURCES
21,022,068 21,022,068
21,758,591 21,758,591
22,541,855 22,541,855
23,433,321 23,433,321
23,754,219 641,570 24,395,789
24,582,687 1,375,448 25,958,135
EXPENSES/USES Operating Expenses: Operating and Program Costs Administration Non-Departmental Depreciation TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES/USES
10,101,383 3,458,755 922,596 3,580,130 18,062,864
11,157,899 3,633,614 964,621 3,886,594 19,642,728
10,198,294 3,785,634 896,115 4,002,259 18,882,302
11,235,630 4,027,373 894,163 4,336,005 20,493,171
12,305,780 1,180,365 10,909,644 24,395,789
12,768,823 1,300,248 11,889,064 25,958,135
Non Operating Revenues (Expenses) Investment Income Interest Expense Bond and Loan Issuance Costs Other (Trustee fees/disposal of capital assets) TOTAL NON OPERATING REV (EXP)
59,246 (436,163) (44,766) (980) (422,663)
137,745 (603,116) (465,371)
121,847 (500,000) (11,350) (389,503)
170,121 (577,885) 14,367 695 (392,702)
587,038 (50,000) 537,038
1,228,034 (205,995) 1,022,039
108,583 684,822 (70,223) 723,182
35,655 1,821,579 (63,720) 1,793,514
NET ASSETS/POSITION Net investment in capital assets Restricted (Renewal & Replacement) Restricted (Impact Fees) Unrestricted NET POSITION END OF YEAR
31,352,457 1,644,867 12,153,074 $45,150,398
31,111,084 2,814,703 13,897,142 47,822,929
37,688,505 1,251,930 11,527,796 50,468,231
41,228,921 882,773 12,697,499 54,809,193
SURPLUS (DEFICIT) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENSES Other Financing Sources (Uses) Contributions from private source Capital Contributions Transfers Out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) CHANGE IN NET POSITION
Discussion of changes in Fund Balance or Net Position: At the end of FY 2015, the increase in fund balance is primarily due to $1,928,000 budgeted to equity finance capital projects in which no portion of this was used as well as lower than budgeted departmental expenditures.
FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$54,809,193 $54,167,623 (641,570) (1,375,448) $54,167,623 $52,792,175
0 0
The fund balance/net position shown for each year complies with the City’s financial policy of maintaning unrestricted reserves equal to two months of budgeted operating expenditures, less chargebacks, debt service, interfund transfers and capital costs.
At the end of FY 2016, the increase in operating earnings are due to a rate increase implemented in October 2015, offset by an increase in operating, program and administrative costs. 60,000,000
Water and Sewer Fund
At the end of FY 2017, the increase in fund balance is mainly due to $1,597,793 budgeted to equity finance capital projects in which no portion was used as well as lower than budgeted 50,000,000 departmental expenditures with a slight increase in recorded revenue. Additionally, the implementation of GASB Statement 75, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Post- 40,000,000 Employment Benefits Other Than Pensions, resulted in a restatement of beginning net 30,000,000 position. At the end of FY 2018, the increase in the fund is due primarily to a 3.5% rate increase 20,000,000 implemented in October 2017, offset by an increase of $1,279,000 in operating, program and administrative costs (primarily due to an increase in wastewater treatment fees charged to the 10,000,000 city by Broward County. In FY 2019, $641,570 was budgeted from fund balance to equity finance capital projects. In FY 2020, $1,375,448 was budgeted from fund balance to equity finance capital projects.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
FY 2015
FY 2016
FY 2017
FY 2018
Table of Contents
Health Fund Balance FY 2015 Actual BEGINNING BALANCE/NET POSITION REVENUE/SOURCES Operating Revenue Charges for Services General Fund Water and Sewer Fund Equipment Services Fund Solid Waste Fund Property/Casualty Insurance Fund Fire Fund Stormwater Fund Other Revenue Total Operating Revenue
FY 2016 Actual
FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
9,560,948 586,270 23,626 218,486 1,601,938 321,711 12,312,979
9,910,422 608,646 225,424 11,272 23,695 1,683,202 210,939 12,673,600
10,340,315 626,307 231,962 11,598 38,660 1,721,766 292,223 13,262,831
10,164,611 596,901 221,041 40,524 36,840 1,697,731 400,185 13,157,833
10,078,008 581,791 218,128 39,991 36,354 1,722,683 300,000 12,976,955
9,847,184 593,559 217,156 39,812 36,193 1,806,155 138,256 673,182 13,351,497
Non Operating Revenue Premium/Retirees Terminated/Cobra Employee W/Dependent Wellness Interest Income Appropriated Fund Balance Total Non Operating Revenue
792,016 2,291 581,024 15,074
789,120 5,045 571,133 75,000 26,776
805,594 27,272 605,770 75,000 29,633
883,303 28,805 782,128 100,000 47,431
990,000 20,000 1,118,025 100,000 20,000
914,450 20,000 1,570,430 150,000 30,000 737,950 3,422,830
EXPENSES/USES Health Plan Contingency Life Ins/ Long Term Disability TOTAL EXPENSES/USES
13,236,295 294,426 13,530,721
13,750,742 308,836 14,059,578
13,739,461 325,909 14,065,370
14,631,019 311,391 14,942,410
14,887,950 27,030 310,000 15,224,980
16,424,271 17,557 332,500 16,774,328
NET ASSETS/POSITION Designated/Reserved Undesignated/Unreserved NET POSITION END OF YEAR
3,554,966 $3,554,966
3,636,062 $3,636,062
4,376,790 $4,376,790
4,433,881 $4,433,881
4,433,881 $4,433,881
4,433,881 $4,433,881
Total Assets Net position end of year includes: Accounts payable & accrued Liabilities Compensated absences Accrued liabilities for estimated claims Total Liabilities
$39,924 $11,059 $636,549 $687,530.91
$7,972 $9,779 $690,580 $708,331
$11,175 $15,886 $671,382 $698,443
Discussion of changes in Fund Balance or Net Position: The fund balance/net position shown for each year complies with the City’s financial policy of maintaining unreserved retained earnings balance in the Health Fund of an amount equal to or greater than 25% of total budgeted health claims. At the end of FY 2015, the fund balance increased $172,663 mainly driven by the increase in pharmacy rebates and premium recoveries. At the end of FY 2016, the fund balance had a slight increase of $81,096 mainly driven by the increase in pharmacy rebates and premium recoveries. At the end of FY 2017, the fund balance increased $740,728, attributable to increased revenue and lower operational costs. At the end of FY 2018, the fund balance growth of $57,090 is attributable to increased revenues.
$25,335 $22,725 $769,147 $817,207
FY 2017
FY 2018
Health Fund 5,000,000 4,500,000 4,000,000 3,500,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 ‐
FY 2015
City of Coral Springs, Florida
FY 2016
Table of Contents
General Insurance Fund Balance FY 2015 Actual BEGINNING BALANCE REVENUE/ SOURCES Operating Revenue Charges for Services General Fund Water and Sewer Fund Equipment Services Fund Health Fund Solid Waste Stormwater Fund Fire Fund Total Operating Revenue
FY 2016 Actual
FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
2,270,469 636,326 26,575 2,680 386,848 3,322,898
2,457,333 716,154 27,183 2,718 1,359 419,754 3,624,501
2,625,727 757,393 29,067 4,360 1,453 446,457 3,864,457
2,907,469 838,761 31,067 4,660 5,696 495,117 4,282,770
3,164,772 915,657 33,513 5,027 6,144 545,402 4,670,515
3,392,049 1,022,638 34,790 5,219 6,378 22,150 604,560 5,087,784
Non Operating Revenue Motor Vehicle Workers' Compensation Other Interest Income Appropriated Fund Balance Total Non Operating revenue
76,539 70,504 41,941 22,610
137,475 1,136,267 53,739 37,807
98,651 54,646 79,351 41,952
137,396 19,750 92,492 67,940
50,000 50,000 40,000 25,000
50,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 1,375,352 1,545,352
1,325,770 1,837,311 221,602
2,020,967 1,977,134 508,672
1,576,992 2,037,027 224,836
1,778,869 2,109,196 334,227
2,007,459 2,529,903 298,153
2,092,563 3,181,743 296,478 1,062,352 6,633,136
Total Assets Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Compensated absences Accrued liability for estimated claims
$5,128,649 $15,531 $932 $3,488,000 $3,504,464
$5,576,757 $176,721 $1,836 $3,291,000 $3,469,556
$5,947,825 $44,549 $873 $3,495,000 $3,540,422
$6,580,095 $21,602 $1,033 $3,772,000 $ 3,794,635 $
EXPENSES/USES Workers' Compensation Property Casualty Transfer to Capital Fund TOTAL EXPENSES/USES CHANGE IN NET POSITION FUND BALANCE END OF YEAR NET ASSETS/POSITION Designated/Reserved Undesignated/Unrestricted
Discussion of changes in Fund Balance or Net Position:
At the end of FY2015, the fund balance increased by $149,809 due to higher recoveries and lower worker’s compensation claims. At the end of FY2016, the fund balance increased by $483,016. The excess of expenditures can be attributed to higher than expected casualty claims which were offset by insurance reimbursements.
3,000,000 2,500,000 2,000,000
At the end of FY 2018, the fund balance increased by $378,056, as a result of lower operational costs and increased recovery revenues.
General Insurance Fund
At the end of FY 2017, the fund balance increased by $300,202 as a result of lower operational costs and increased recovery revenues.
The unrestricted fund balance listed above for the General Insurance Fund is undesignated after setting aside reserves for the minimum of 125% of each year’s projected claims (for Property, Casualty, and Worker’s Compensation) or the amount as determined by the biannual actuarial report., per Financial Policy.
500,000 ‐
FY 2015
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
FY 2016
FY 2017
FY 2018
Table of Contents
Equipment Services Fund Balance FY 2015 Actual
FY 2016 Actual
$11,347,100 $11,347,100
$18,587,061 $18,587,061
$19,718,998 (539,172.00) $19,179,826
$20,261,620 $20,261,620
5,890,776 40,157 5,930,933
5,984,889 31,145 6,016,034
6,313,663 48,308 6,361,971
6,829,323 52,042 6,881,365
7,449,784 200,000 7,649,784
7,802,233 200,000 8,002,233
Non Operating Revenues Investment Income Appropriation from fund balance Gain on disposal of capital assets Total Non Operating Revenues
41,918 184,821 226,739
56,135 245,635 301,770
58,535 377,581 436,116
82,538 130,342 212,880
50,000 5,086,151 5,136,151
50,000 4,380,240 4,430,240
EXPENDITURES/USES Operating/Administration Depreciation Expense TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES/USES
2,823,778 2,638,684 5,462,462
3,621,567 2,639,523 6,261,090
2,792,728 2,923,085 5,715,813
3,103,840 3,188,122 6,291,962
8,662,527 4,123,408 12,785,935
8,126,135 4,306,338 12,432,473
Other Financing Sources/Uses Capital Contributions Transfers In Transfers Out Total Other Financing Sources/Uses
1,343,051 5,498,700 (297,000) 6,544,751
1,272,928 155,995 (353,700) 1,075,223
178,037 20,223 (198,740) (480)
674,444 13,720 (442,230) 245,934
$21,309,837 $21,309,837
NET ASSETS/POSITION Net investment in capital assets Unrestricted NET POSITION END OF YEAR
10,957,120 7,629,941 $18,587,061
11,913,124 7,805,874 $19,718,998
12,467,206 7,794,414 $20,261,620
13,645,993 7,663,844 $21,309,837
$21,309,837 $21,309,837
FY 2017 Actual
Discussion of changes in Fund Balance or Net Position: At the end of FY 2015, the fund balance increased due to the transfer of $5.4M from the Capital Fund. This represents the replacement of FY2015 borrowing. At the end of FY 2016, the fund balance increased by $1,131,937, primarily due to higher auction revenue and lower departmental costs. At the end of FY 2017, the fund balance increased as a result of higher auction revenue and lower departmentcal costs, similar to FY2016. Additionally, the implementation of GASB Statement 75, Accounting and Financial Reporting for Post-Employment Benefits Other Than Pensions, resulted in a restatement of beginning net position. At the end of FY 2018, the fund balance increased by $1,048,217, primarily due to lower departmental costs.
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$21,309,837 $21,309,837 $21,309,837 $21,309,837
Equipment Services Fund 22,000,000 21,500,000 21,000,000 20,500,000 20,000,000 19,500,000 19,000,000 18,500,000 18,000,000 17,500,000 17,000,000
FY 2015
City of Coral Springs, Florida
FY 2016
FY 2017
FY 2018
Table of Contents
Debt Service Fund Balance FY 2015 Actual
FY 2016 Actual
FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$252,937 $252,937
256,311 $256,311
543,220 $543,220
467,666 $467,666
496,462 $496,462
496,462 $496,462
REVENUE/SOURCES Ad Valorem Taxes Intergovernmental Interest and Other SUB TOTAL REVENUES
1,573,553 109,891 6,676 1,690,120
2,400,836 104,577 14,971 2,520,384
2,563,871 99,084 18,646 2,681,601
2,548,718 93,306 29,360 2,671,384
2,590,538 11,666 2,602,204
2,589,259 11,566 2,600,825
Other Financing Sources Interest Rebate Appropriations from fund balance Inter-fund transfers for Debt Service From General Fund From Fire Fund From Water and Sewer Fund Subtotal Other Financing Sources
7,737,434 404,852 50,000 8,279,028
8,093,862 448,985 50,000 8,673,407
1,400 5,082,350 1,595,487 6,679,237
1,900 6,561,209 1,913,429 8,476,538
750 7,296,127 2,653,408 9,950,285
750 7,449,362 2,539,360 9,989,472
11,400 8,104,967 2,764,864 10,881,232
11,400 8,677,573 2,585,259 11,274,233
4,992,491 4,992,491
7,780,000 (7,737,629) 7,200,692 (1,000,000) 6,243,063
7,193,130 7,193,130
7,346,884 7,346,884
256,311 -
543,220 -
467,666 -
496,462 -
496,462 -
496,462 -
SURPLUS (DEFICIT) OF REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES Other Financing Sources (Uses) Refunding Bonds Issued Payment to Refunded Bond Escrow Agent Transfers In Transfers Out Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE FUND BALANCE END OF YEAR Restricted for Bond Reserves Assigned to Debt Service Undesignated ENDING BALANCE
Discussion of changes in Fund Balance or Net Position:
Debt Service Fund
At the end of FY 2014- FY2015: Fund balance remained basically the same. At the end of FY 2016: The City issued $7,780,000 Capital Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2015 to refund Capital Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2008 (Series 2008). The Series 2008 refunded bonds are subject to redemption and are maturing from September 1, 2017 through September 1, 2021 at a redemption price of 100% of the call price. Proceeds of $7,737,628 from the Series 2015 Bonds were used to purchase direct obligations (federal securities) of the US .The advance refunding was undertaken to reduce total debt service payments. In April 2016, upon approval of the construction bid for the Municipal Complex, $1 million of fund balance was designated as funding source for this project. At the end of FY 2017: The fund balance reduced slightly by $75,554. The deficit is slightly larger than the transfer into the fund causing the reduction in fund balance.
600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 ‐
FY 2015
At the end of FY 2018: The fund balance increased slightly by $28,796.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
FY 2016
FY 2017
FY 2018
Table of Contents
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Summary of net budgeted revenues — Fiscal Year 2020 FY 2019 Adopted Net Budget General Fund
Percent of Total
FY 2020 Adopted Net Budget
Percent of Total
Dollar Change
Percent Change
Fire Fund
Water and Sewer Fund
Equipment Services Fund
Solid Waste Fund
Debt Service Fund
Health and General Insurance Funds C. S. Charter School Fund Public Art Fund
Stormwater Fund Total
100.0% $212,471,956
Note: The total net budgeted revenues and expenditures/expenses are equal. However, the total by fund for revenue and expenditure/expenses are different due to inter-fund transfers.
Fiscal Year 2020 Net Budget - All Funds - Revenues $212,471,956 Debt Service Fund Stormwater Fund 1.3% 1.8% Fire Fund 11.1% Health and Insurance Fund & Public Art Fund 2.8%
Charter School Fund 6.8%
General Fund 59.1%
Water and Sewer Fund 12.2%
Equipment Services Fund 2.2% Solid Waste Fund 2.7%
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Summary of net budgeted expenditures —Fiscal Year 2020 FY 2019 Adopted Net Budget General Fund
Percent of Total
FY 2020 Adopted Net Budget
Percent of Total
Dollar Change
Percent Change
Fire Fund
Water and Sewer Fund
Health and General Insurance Funds
C.S. Charter School Fund
Equipment Services Fund
Pension Fund
Solid Waste Fund
Debt Service Fund
Public Art Fund
Stormwater Fund Total
100.0% $212,471,956
Note: The total net budgeted revenues and expenditures/expenses are equal. However, the total by fund for revenue and expenditure/expenses are different because of interfund transfers.
Fiscal Year 2020 Net Budget - All Funds - Expenditures $212,471,956 Solid Waste Fund 2.7% Stormater Fund 1.6%
Equipment Services Fund 5.7% Water and Sewer Fund 9.7%
General Fund 42.2% Fire Fund 8.1%
Charter School Fund 6.1%
Debt Service Fund & Public Art Fund 5.4% Pension Fund 7.5%
Health and Insurance Fund 11.0%
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Where the money comes from by source (all funds) 9.2% 1.8% 1.5%
Ad Valorem Taxes Sales and Use Taxes Utility Service Taxes Intergovernmental Fines and Forfeitures Misc. Revenues
Special Assessments Franchise Fees License and Permits Charges for Services Capital Other Financing Sources
Where the money goes by type of program 12.0% 13.0%
3.8% 5.0%
Where the money goes by type of program (all funds) 0.4%
5.4% 6.4%
General Government Services Education Public Safety Physical Environment Economic Environment Culture and Recreation Debt Service Capital Improvements Other Financing Uses Reserves
Where the money goes 0.4% by category (General Fund Only) 38.7%
Where the money goes by category (General Fund only) 4.4%
4.2% 0.5%
43.9% 18.7%
Personal Services Benefits Other Operating Operating Capital Non-Departmental Interfund Transfers Debt Service
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Budgeted Funds Overviews
Table of Contents
GENERAL Fund Budget Summary FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019
FY 2020
Adopted Budget
Adopted Budget
General Fund Budget $
Change From FY19 Budget
Change From FY19 Budget
Revenues General Operating $41,736,095 2,143,527
$54,358,346 2,180,670
$57,370,851 2,189,175
$60,011,214 2,189,175
Electricity Solid Waste Towing/Other Subtotal - Franchise Fees
7,054,851 3,061,125 134,842 10,250,817
6,933,541 3,288,947 143,838 10,366,326
7,050,000 3,131,000 120,000 10,301,000
7,000,000 3,275,000 140,000 10,415,000
(50,000) 144,000 20,000 114,000
-0.71% 4.60% 16.67% 1.11%
Utility Service Taxes Electricity Water Propane/Natural Gas Subtotal - Utility Taxes
9,162,356 2,048,622 140,326 11,351,304
9,489,135 2,038,092 128,722 11,655,949
9,650,000 2,075,763 161,019 11,886,782
9,400,000 2,068,967 140,000 11,608,966
(250,000) (6,796) (21,020) (277,816)
-2.59% -0.33% -13.05% -2.34%
State Intergovernmental Revenues: Communications Services Tax Shared Revenues Alcoholic Beverages/Casino Sales Tax Other Revenue/Municipal Rebate Subtotal State Intergovernmental
3,839,170 4,351,475 171,140 8,210,210 54,580 16,626,574
3,529,670 4,525,113 265,758 8,759,771 56,876 17,137,188
3,700,000 4,800,000 59,382 8,868,219 51,896 17,479,497
3,200,000 4,800,000 50,000 8,900,000 53,453 17,003,453
(500,000) (9,382) 31,781 1,557 (476,044)
-13.51% 0.00% -15.80% 0.36% 3.00% -2.72%
Other Intergovernmental Revenues Miscellaneous Community Bus Program Revenues First Local Option Fuel Tax Second Local Option Fuel Tax Public Safety E911 Recycling Material Revenue Subtotal Other Intergovernmental Subtotal Intergovernmental
40,000 126,773 1,340,606 961,332 229,891 212,912 2,911,515 19,538,089
40,000 123,836 1,349,045 958,476 225,233 131,296 2,827,886 19,965,074
40,000 125,002 1,390,000 980,000 240,316 50,000 2,825,318 20,304,815
40,000 125,002 1,340,000 984,900 242,719 0 2,732,621 19,736,074
(50,000) 4,900 2,403 (50,000) (92,697) (568,740)
0.00% 0.00% -3.60% 0.50% 1.00% -100.00% -3.28% -2.80%
Permits and Business Tax Building Permits Not Related State Surcharge Rebillable Overtime Other Permits (Waste Hauling) Subtotal Permits
3,707,713 149,330 93,606 15,000 3,965,649
3,084,027 209,760 85,398 15,000 3,394,185
2,725,652 126,000 126,479 15,000 2,993,131
2,850,000 150,000 96,210 15,000 3,111,210
124,348 24,000 (30,269) 118,079
4.56% 19.05% -23.93% 0.00% 3.94%
Business Tax Subtotal Permits and Business Tax
1,127,204 5,092,852
1,175,659 4,569,844
1,244,795 4,237,926
1,297,795 4,409,005
53,000 171,079
Charges For Services Parks and Recreation Cypress Park Mullins Park North Community Park Neighborhood Parks Activity Center Recreation Services Summer Recreation Transportation Gymnasium Aquatics—Cypress Pool Aquatics—Mullins Pool Aquatic Complex Sportsplex Tennis Center Cypress Tennis Subtotal Parks and Recreation
116,168 278,442 28,946 90,813 43,672 20,495 481,614 29,391 449,782 50,613 58,621 1,374,660 378,961 321,654 95,103 3,818,936
106,778 304,533 33,399 109,100 61,451 19,031 416,791 24,956 462,735 84,308 52,678 1,487,396 480,192 292,584 106,887 4,042,819
127,889 259,830 47,477 116,388 46,023 18,946 510,000 38,031 475,262 131,971 69,348 1,557,428 346,862 344,387 129,187 4,219,029
230,447 315,027 148,426 118,716 46,943 19,325 520,200 28,792 484,767 134,610 70,735 1,588,577 347,500 356,802 131,771 4,542,638
102,558 55,197 100,949 2,328 920 379 10,200 (9,239) 9,505 2,639 1,387 31,149 638 12,415 2,584 323,609
Ad Valorem Taxes Solid Waste Assessment-FF
2,640,363 -
4.60% 0.00% /
Franchise Fees
City of Coral Springs, Florida
4.26% 4.04%
80.19% 21.24% 212.63% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% -24.29% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 0.18% 3.60% 2.00% 7.67%
Table of Contents
General Fund Budget Summary (continued) FY 2017 Actual
FY 2019
FY 2020
Adopted Budget
Adopted Budget
Change From FY19 Budget
Change From FY19 Budget
Charges for Services to other funds W&S Fund—Admin Services W&S Fund—Economic Development Fire Fund—Admin Services Subtotal - Charges for Services - Other Fund
2,200,109 271,050 1,797,982 4,269,141
2,373,409 283,247 1,878,891 4,535,547
2,487,616 296,701 1,968,139 4,752,456
2,575,154 296,701 3,668,139 6,539,994
87,538 1,700,000 1,787,538
3.52% 0.00% 86.38% 37.61%
Charges for Services—Other General Government City Hall in the Mall Public Safety EMS Transport Fees EMS Interfacility Transportation Public Emergency Medical Transportation EMS Contract Subtotal - Charges for Services - Other
885,794 949,448 1,512,562 2,406,184 17,921 172,823 1,751 5,946,482
1,096,260 1,068,727 1,876,816 2,568,708 15,883 174,360 1,751 6,802,505
860,127 1,088,592 1,707,784 2,572,000 20,000 0 1,751 6,250,254
781,307 1,143,022 1,776,095 2,649,160 19,000 175,000 0 6,543,584
(78,820) 54,430 68,311 77,160 (1,000) 175,000 (1,751) 293,330
-9.16% 5.00% 4.00% 3.00% -5.00% n/a -100.00% 4.69%
Subtotal - Charges For Services
Fines and Forfeitures Court Fines Other Police Fines Adult Deferred Prosecution Misdemeanor Diversion Prog-Admin fee Code Compliance Citations and Liens Other Miscellaneous Subtotal Fines and Forfeitures
878,665 144,339 89,859 28,413 3,468,864 823,526 5,433,666
1,206,205 160,063 93,180 26,598 1,935,753 638,993 4,060,792
900,000 180,426 90,000 30,000 1,208,000 390,000 2,798,426
927,000 184,035 90,000 30,000 658,000 659,700 2,548,735
27,000 3,609 (550,000) 269,700 (249,691)
3.00% 2.00% 0.00% 0.00% -45.53% 69.15% -8.92%
Other Income: Interest Rents & Royalties/Cell Tower Lease Sale CRA Contribution Charter School Lease Auction Adjusments for Hurricanes SW Disposal Rebate Solid Waste Disposal Agreement Facility Rental Other Miscellaneous Subtotal Other Income
325,159 1,288,094 50,000 1,420,000 11,587 0 22,605 404,010 165,601 294,691 4,016,322
436,366 1,262,160 70,614 1,420,000 23,832 261,933 22,580 425,286 158,457 366,065 4,447,294
338,130 1,484,404 155,675 1,420,000 20,188 0 3,222 418,323 150,638 132,999 4,123,579
360,507 1,484,404 155,000 1,420,000 20,592 0 2,400 422,506 150,638 178,932 4,194,979
22,377 (675) 404 (822) 4,183 45,933 71,400
6.62% 0.00% -0.43% 0.00% 2.00% n/a -25.51% 1.00% 0.00% 34.54% 1.73%
137,913 137,913
137,913 717,726 855,639
(0) 717,726 717,726
0.00% n/a 520.42%
Total General Operating Other Transfer from Grants Fund for CDBG Appropriation of fund balance for CIP Total Other Total Revenues
FY 2018 Actual
625,385 625,385
0 0
$114,222,617 $126,985,166
$128,572,207 $133,595,003 $
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
General Fund Budget Summary (continued) FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
Adopted Budget
Adopted Budget
Change From FY19 Budget
Change From FY19 Budget
Expenditures: Departmental City Commission City Manager Human Resources Financial Services Information Technology City Attorney Development Services Police Emergency Medical Services Public Works Parks and Recreation
$332,801 4,227,647 1,968,743 2,474,452 3,367,163 1,055,459 6,251,616 48,584,560 9,804,177 5,153,583 14,869,586
$343,834 4,134,715 2,139,311 2,734,040 3,925,979 1,044,383 6,364,793 50,864,273 10,442,114 7,205,703 14,349,497
$374,914 4,833,278 2,258,503 2,945,653 4,253,429 1,144,891 7,111,938 53,705,972 11,018,928 7,748,262 14,989,105
$381,247 5,562,868 2,472,245 2,989,796 4,666,238 1,219,261 7,144,124 54,939,564 11,842,637 6,608,263 15,580,598
Total Departmental
6,333 729,590 213,742 44,143 412,809 74,370 32,186 1,233,592 823,709 (1,139,999) 591,493 3,021,968
1.69% 15.10% 9.46% 1.50% 9.71% 6.50% 0.45% 2.30% 7.48% -14.71% 3.95% 2.74%
Non-Departmental Operating Capital Non-Departmental Operating Contingency Rebuild Stabilization Fund Contingency Economic Development Incentive Market Adjustments Other Post Employment Benefits Inventory/Over/shortage Microsoft Licensing CRA Special Assessment Tuition Reimbursement Charter School (Lease Expense) Center for the Arts Internal Auditor City Hall at the Walk Lease Library/Grounds Parking lot Maint Subtotal - Non-Departmental
341,922 725,176 10,307 27,750 113,928 95,103 418,036 193,647 41,676 522,267 503,744 10,825 284,309 7,554 3,296,243
459,770 1,046,090 327,356.00 25,935 2,326 116,206 (25,052) 201,273 312,574 45,625 504,740 413,673 0 123,985 9,505 3,564,007
697,765 959,149 637,172 0 150,000 75,000 116,206 220,000 353,223 80,000 568,873 464,600 25,000 0 10,000 4,356,987
559,576 1,091,649 669,031 12,242 150,000 75,000 168,000 220,000 354,315 80,000 580,250 425,000 25,000 10,000 4,420,063
Interfund Transfers Property/Casualty Fire Fund (Nonprofit Subsidy Churches/Schools) Fire Fund Govt. Assessment To Capital Fund Subtotal - Interfund Transfers
1,328,064 1,092,401 236,049 1,258,932 3,915,446
1,476,668 1,297,046 219,753 2,940,000 5,933,467
1,616,359 1,513,746 317,225 2,645,582 6,092,912
1,814,425 2,497,510 494,301 2,868,000 7,674,236
1,453,095 1,433,899 390,513 490,973 353,164 234,395
1,534,445 1,517,553 412,822 519,600 373,756 248,062
1,537,352 1,521,145 412,347 519,600 400,000 248,062
1,536,039 1,521,213 411,861 519,600 400,000 248,062
1,176,529 1,327,700 0
1,002,190 1,405,596 0
691,286.00 1,002,190 1,405,452 0
941,375 1,002,190 1,405,682 107,841
250,089 230 107,841
36.18% 0.00% 0.02% #DIV/0!
(138,189) 132,500 31,859 12,242 51,794 1,092 11,377 (39,600) 63,075 198,066 983,764 177,076 222,418 1,581,324
-19.80% 13.81% 5.00% n/a 0.00% 0.00% 44.57% n/a 0.00% 0.31% 0.00% 2.00% -8.52% 0.00% n/a 0.00% 1.45% 12.25% 64.99% 55.82% 8.41% 25.95%
Debt Service Revenue Bond 2014 Rev Bonds - (Refunding 2004) 2015 Rev Bonds - (Refunding 2008) 2010 Recovery Zone Bond ($5.9M/20yr/2.79%) 2013 Capital Revenue Note ($4.7M/10yr/1.95%) 2013 Lease Purchase Financing (Phone) 2014 Municipal Cmplx Loan Ph.1 ($10M / 2.47%) 2017 Capital Revenue Note ($10M/15yr/2.5%) 2015 Municipal Complex Bond Ph. 2 ($27.3M) 2015 Capital Revenue Note ($12M / 10yr / 2.32%) 2019 Turf Field Lease Subtotal - Debt Service Hurricane Gainsharing Total Miscellaneous Expenditures Total Non-Departmental Total Expenditures Revenues in Excess of Expenditures Number of FTE's
(1,313) 68 (486) -
-0.09% 0.00% -0.12% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1,756,517 15,828,474
6,137,631 22,649,129
$113,918,261 $304,356
$126,197,771 $787,395
n/a 11.00%
$ $
5,022,796 0
3.91% 0.00%
680.19 $
$128,572,207 $133,595,003 ($0) $0 688.06
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
General Fund Description The General Fund, as the main operating fund for the City of Coral Springs, provides for a broad spectrum of premier services including public safety, beautiful parks and recreational facilities, code compliance, athletic programs, an attractive aquatic complex, public works, building plan review and inspections, emergency medical services, and more. The majority of resources are provided by taxes. The General Fund budget is $133,595,003 for Fiscal Year 2020. This represents an increase of $5,022,796 or 3.91% from the Fiscal Year 2019 budget. This budget is adequate to finance the General Fund expenses and a portion of the Coral Springs Center for the Arts, Insurance, Debt Service, Equipment Services, and pension expenses relative to the General Fund.
General Fund Total Revenues - $133,595,003 General Fund total revenues—$133,595,003*
Revenues A summary of the Fiscal Year 2020 General Fund revenue by source is provided in the chart to the right.
Fines and Forfeitures 2.0%
Major revenue sources for the General Fund Fiscal Year 2020 budget include: Ad valorem taxes: $60,011,214 (44.9% of total revenues) Ad valorem taxes represent a levy on the assessed value of real and personal property. In Fiscal Year 2020 ad valorem taxes will account for 44.9% of total General Fund revenues.
Sales Tax 6.7%
Charges for Services 13.2%
Misc. Revenues 3.1% Intergovernmental 8.1%
Utility Taxes 8.7%
Permits and Business Tax 3.3%
Franchise Fees/Solid Waste Assessment 9.4%
Other 0.6%
The adopted general operating tax millage rate is 5.8732, same as Fiscal Year 2019. This rate is still below the state-imposed ten mill cap. The ad valorem revenue generated by the Fiscal Year 2020 tax millage rate is based on the July 1, 2019 assessed value provided by the Broward County Property Appraiser’s Office.
Ad Valorem Taxes 44.9%
* %’s may not add 100% due to rounding
Tax year 2019 gross taxable property value increased by 4.6% to $10,755,584,476 at July 1. New additions, annexations, and construction added $67,239,320 or 0.63% to the tax roll. The voter-approved debt service millage rate will decrease from 0.2652 to 0.2534 in Fiscal Year 2020. This represents a decrease of 0.0118 or -4.45% due to the increase in assessed values. There is no legal debt millage limit established by the State of Florida for its municipalities, counties, or independent taxing districts. City policy does, however, limit annual General Fund debt service expense to 12.5% of the total General Fund budget. At 6.1%, the City is well within its General Fund debt service limitation policy.
Millage rates, combined, historical Adopted FY 2017
Adopted FY 2018
Adopted Adopted FY 2019 FY 2020
Percent Change
General Operating Voter-Approved
Total Millage
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Franchise fees
Franchise fees: $10,415,000 (7.8% of total revenues) Franchise fees are charges to service providers for the right to operate within the municipal boundaries of the City. The “Franchise Fees” table presented on the right, includes current franchise fee rates, projected Fiscal Year 2020 revenues, and percent change from the adopted Fiscal Year 2019 budget. For more details, see Financial Strategy in Business Plan section of the document.
Type (% of Gross)
FY 2018 Budgeted Receipts
FY 2019 Budgeted Receipts
Electricity (6%)
FY 2019 Budgeted Receipts
FY 2020 Budgeted Receipts
Solid Waste Towing/Other Total
Percent Change
Utility service taxes Type (% of Gross)
FY 2018 Budgeted Receipts
Electricity (10%)
Utility service taxes: $11,608,966 (8.7% of total revenues) The City charges a 10% utility service tax on all utility payments made in the City. As shown in the “Utilities service taxes” chart to the right, Fiscal Year 2020 utility service tax revenues are projected to decrease by 2.34% or $277,816 from Fiscal Year 2019 budgeted revenue.
FY 2020 Budgeted Receipts
Water (10%) Propane (10%) Total
$9,650,000 $9,400,000 2,075,763
Percent Change -2.59%
Solid Waste Assessment: $2,189,175 (1.6% of total revenues) The City assesses residences for solid waste services. Waste Pro is the exclusive provider of residential solid waste service since January 2014. Intergovernmental revenue sharing: $10,671,072 (7.99% of total revenues) Intergovernmental revenue sharing is provided to local municipalities by the state using a predetermined allocation methodology based, in part, on population. Anticipated revenues to be received in Fiscal Year 2020 are as follows:
Communications service tax
State shared revenue
First local option fuel tax
Second local option fuel tax
Public safety E911
Alcoholic beverage license
Municipal rebate
The Communications service tax revenue is projected to decrease by $500,000 or -13.51% driven by the decline in the usage of land lines. The State shared revenue is estimated to remain flat, while the First and Second local option fuel taxes are projected to decrease by 1.90% or $45,100 in Fiscal Year 2020. Revenue for recycling materials is expected to decrease to $0.0 driven mainly by China’s decision to stop purchasing recyclable materials from USA. Public safety E911 revenues are expected to increase by 1.0% in 2020. Sales tax: $8,900,000 (6.7% of total revenues) Also considered an intergovernmental revenue, half-cent sales tax may be used for municipal-wide programs, municipal-wide property tax or utility tax relief, or principal and interest payments on capital projects only. Sales tax revenue is expected to increase 0.36% or $31,781 for Fiscal Year 2020 budget.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Permits and business tax: $4,409,005 (3.3% of total revenues) Building permit revenues are budgeted at $2,850,000, an increase of $124,348 or 4.56% from Fiscal Year 2019. This includes charges for permit and inspection services related to any construction, alteration, repair, or other activity required by the City Code and South Florida Building Code. After the steep decline in the number of building permit applications during Fiscal Years 2008 through 2013, the economy has significantly improved since then with the majority of current permits being issued for homeowner renovations. We are projecting a moderate increase based on the economic recovery that is bringing additional commercial and residential projects to our city. Building permits are 2.1% of total General Fund revenues. Business tax revenues are expected at $1,297,795, an increase of $53,000 or 4.26% over Fiscal Year 2019 budget. Formerly known as an “occupational license,” local governments are authorized to charge an annual “business tax” to businesses, professionals, and other for-profit enterprises for the privilege of operating a business within the City boundaries. Business tax revenues represent 1.00% of total revenues. Revenues received from rebillable overtime for building services and waste hauling permits are also included in this revenue category and account for another 0.1% of total revenues. Charges for services—Parks & Recreation: $4,542,638 (3.4% of total revenues) Parks and Recreation revenues are generated from user fees at the City’s parks, pools, and athletic facilities. Fiscal Year 2020 revenues are projecting to increase by 7.67% or $323,609. The increase is related to the adjusted user and administrative fees as well as field rental fees. Also, the Turf Fields installation will reduce maintenance downtime, adding capacity to the Parks. Charges for services—other funds: $6,539,994 (4.9% of total revenues) The transfer from the Water and Sewer Fund to the General Fund for administrative services is increasing by $87,538 or 3.52%. The transfer from the Fire Fund to the General Fund for indirect cost is increasing by $1,700,000, or 86.38%, in Fiscal Year 2020. These inter-fund transfers will fully reimburse the General Fund for the cost of administrative services related to Fire and the Utilities fund. The driver for the $1.7 million increase is the transfer from Fire for the EMS costs related to the resources dedicated to the Parkland contract. In addition, a transfer in the amount of $296,701, same level as 2019, is budgeted from the Water and Sewer Fund to the General Fund to support the Economic Development Division. Charges for services—other: $6,543,584 (4.9% of total revenues) Charges for services rendered represent a fair method of recovering the cost of providing a service to an individual or group, not the community at large. These user fees are primarily related to planning, EMS, and general governmental services. Fiscal Year 2020 revenues are projected to increase 4.69% or $293,330 from the Fiscal Year 2019 budget. EMS transport fees revenues are expected to increase by 3.0% or $77,160 over Fiscal Year 2019. City Hall at the Mall, that includes passport fees revenues, is expected to increase by 5.0% or $54,430. Public Safety revenues to increase by $68,311 mainly driven by an increase in the School Board reimbursement for resource officers (SRO’s). General Government revenues are expected to decrease by $78,820 or 9.16% from Fiscal Year 2019 budget mainly driven by a decrease in Landlord registration fees. This is a temporary impact driven by a change on the billing from calendar to fiscal year. Fines and forfeitures: $2,548,735 (1.9% of total revenues) Fines and forfeitures are revenues generated by enforcement and prosecution of municipal ordinances and state statutes. Fiscal Year 2020 revenues are projected to decrease $249,691 or -8.92% from Fiscal Year 2019 mainly driven by Code liens revenues. Miscellaneous revenues: $4,194,979 (1.73% of total revenues) The majority of the miscellaneous revenues include the Coral Springs Charter School lease, rents and royalties, interest earnings, and the Solid Waste Disposal agreement.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
The Coral Springs Charter School lease revenue will remain the same, $1,420,000. This represents 1.1% of total General Fund revenues. Rents and royalties include telecommunication tower leases and facility rentals. Fiscal Year 2020 revenues are expected to be $1,484,404, same level as Fiscal Year 2019. Interest earnings are expected to be $360,507 an increase of $22,377. This line of revenue is generated by investment earnings on the portion of cash reserve investments attributable to the General Fund. Interest earnings represent 0.3% of total General Fund revenues. Other financing sources: $855,639 (0.6% of total revenues) This revenue includes an appropriation from Fund Balance of $717,626 for CIP projects. This also contains a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for $137,913 that is budgeted to be received in Fiscal Year 2020.
Fundexpenditures—$133,595,003 Total Expenditures - $133,595,003 General General Fund total
The Fiscal Year 2020 General Fund budgeted expenditures total $133,595,003. This adopted budget represents an increase of $5,022,796 or 3.91% from the Fiscal Year 2019 budget of $128,572,207. A recap of departmental expenditures in the General Fund Budget includes:
Development Services Emergency Medical Svc. 5.3% 8.9% Financial Services HR/CAO 2.2% 2.8%
Non-Departmental 15.1%
City Commission: $381,247 (0.3% of total expenditures) The City Commission’s budget remains nearly flat over Fiscal Year 2019. City Manager: $5,562,868 (4.2% of total expenditures)
Information Technology 3.5% Police 41.1%
CMO/Commission 4.4%
The City Manager’s Office (CMO)includes Administration, Economic Development, Parks and Recreation 11.7% Budget and Strategy, Communications Public Works and Marketing, City Clerk, Emergency 5.0% Management and the CRA (Community %’s may not add 100% due to rounding Redevelopment Agency). The overall department increased by $729,590 or 15.1% in Fiscal Year 2019. The majority of the increase is attributed to a 3.0% in salaries, increases in benefits costs, additional staff approved later in FY19 (via budget amendment), forming the Office of Emergency Management in CMO, higher operational costs including equipment chargebacks and training. Human Resources: $2,472,242 (1.9% of total expenditures) Human Resources’ budget increased $213,742 or 9.46% mainly due to increase in wages and benefits costs for regular and parttime employees. Financial Services: $2,989,796 (2.2% of total expenditures) Financial Services’ budget increased by $44,143 or 1.50% from Fiscal Year 2019 budget mainly driven by wages. Information Technology (IT): $4,666,238 (3.5% of total expenditures) IT’s budget increased by $412,809 or 9.71%. The increase is mainly due to an increase in wages, higher service contract costs and new operating initiatives including training.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
City Attorney: (0.9% of total expenditures)
The City Attorney’s budget increased by $74,370 or 6.50% driven by wages. Development Services—Administration, Code, Building and Community Development: (5.3% of total expenditures)
Development Services includes the Administration Division, Code Compliance, Building, and Community Development. The budget for this department increase by $32,186 or 0.45%. Mainly driven by wages increase offset by positions reduced via attrition and other decreases in several operating expenses accounts. Police: $54,939,564 (41.1% of total expenditures) The Police Department’s budget increased by $1,233,592 or 2.30% mainly driven by higher salaries and benefits. Emergency Medical Services (EMS): (8.9% of total expenditures)
The EMS budget increased $823,709 or 7.48% primarily due to increased wages and staffing, and fleet life replacement cycle of recuses from 7 to 6 years useful life. Public Works: $6,608,263 (4.9% of total expenditures) The Public Works budget decreased by $1,139,999 or 14.71%, mainly due to the transfer of wages and benefits of staff supporting the newly created Stormwater fund. A portion of operational expenses was also allocated to the new fund. Parks and Recreation—includes Aquatics, Tennis, and Sportsplex: (11.7% of total expenditures)
Parks and Recreation’s budget increased by $591,493 or 3.95%. This increase is mainly driven by higher salaries and benefits.
General Fund revenue and expenditure summary Sources Revenues: Ad Valorem Taxes Solid Waste Assessment Sales and Use Taxes Franchise Fees Utility Service Taxes Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Charges for Services Fines and Forfeitures Miscellaneous Revenues Other Financing Sources Appropriated Fund Balance Total Revenues Uses Expenditures: Personal Services Benefits Other Operating Operating Capital Non-Departmental Interfund Transfers Debt Service Total Expenditures Rev. in Excess of Exp. Total full-time FTE's
FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$41,736,095 2,143,527 8,210,210 10,250,817 11,351,304 5,092,852 11,327,879 14,034,559 5,433,666 4,016,323 0 625,385 $114,222,617
$54,358,346 2,180,670 8,759,771 10,366,326 11,655,949 4,569,844 11,827,813 15,380,871 4,060,792 3,824,784 0 0 $126,985,167
$57,370,851 2,189,175 8,868,219 10,301,000 11,886,782 4,237,926 11,436,596 15,221,739 2,798,426 4,123,579 137,913 0 $128,572,207
$60,011,214 2,189,175 8,900,000 10,415,000 11,608,966 4,409,005 10,836,074 17,626,216 2,548,735 4,194,978 137,913 717,726 $133,595,003
$2,640,363 $0 $31,781 $114,000 ($277,816) $171,079 ($600,522) $2,404,477 ($249,691) $71,399 $0 $717,726 $5,022,797
4.6% 0.0% 0.4% 1.1% -2.3% 4.0% -5.3% 15.8% -8.9% 1.7% 0.0% n/a 3.9%
52,390,021 26,389,641 20,770,103 638,460 4,282,385 2,587,382 6,860,269 113,918,261
53,268,751 30,982,872 19,297,019 459,770 10,718,536 4,456,799 7,014,024 126,197,771
56,276,038 30,248,623 23,860,211 697,765 5,275,583 4,476,553 7,737,434 128,572,207
58,663,214 29,810,799 24,932,828 559,576 5,674,912 5,859,811 8,093,863 133,595,003
2,387,176 ($437,824) $1,072,617 ($138,189) $399,329 $1,383,259 $356,429 5,022,797
4.2% -1.4% 4.5% -19.8% 7.6% 30.9% 4.6% 3.9%
($0) (7.87)
n/a -1.2%
$304,356 664.66
$787,396 680.8
($0) 688.06
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
($0) 680.19
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
Table of Contents
Non-departmental: $4,420,063 (3.3% of total expenditures) The non-departmental budget increased by $63,075 or 1.45%. The increase is due to Other Post Employment benefits (OPEB), Charter School expenses, Federal Lobbyist and Census (new initiatives), partially offset by a decrease in the operating capital for Fiscal Year 2020. Internal fund transfers: $7,674,236 (5.7% of total expenditures) The interfund transfers budget increased by $1,581,324 or 25.95%. This increase is driven by higher allocations for the Fire Subsidy and Government assessments as well as an increase in the transfer to the Capital Fund to cover the costs of infrastructure projects. Debt service: $8,093,863 (6.1% of total expenditures) Debt service consists of capital and franchise revenue bonds, including an Economic Recovery Zone Bond issued in December 2010. General Fund Debt Service will increase $356,429 or 4.61% over the Fiscal Year 2019 budget driven by the 2017 Capital revenue note for the Public Safety/Public Works Campus and the addition of the Turf field lease. The amounts in 2020 reflect both, principal and interest payments estimated for the fiscal year.
General Fund non-departmental operating expenses Adopted FY 2019 Budget
Item Financial Quality Program
Internal Auditor Tuition Reimbursement Credit Card Charges Resident/Business Survey Benchmarking Innovate Downtown Election Expense Unemployment Festival of the Arts
25,000 80,000 90,000 25,000 15,000 20,000 44,000 14,000 20,000
State Lobbyist
Boards & Advisory Committees
25,000 80,000 90,000 25,000 15,000 20,000 44,000 14,000 20,000
$ Change
% Change 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Other Contractual Services Hurricane Preparedness (Safety) Special Event Banner Printing Census Innovative Ideas Incentive
0 8,700 184,718 6,500 40,000 0 100,000
70,000 8,700 184,718 6,500 40,000 65,000 100,000
70,000 0 0 0 0 65,000 0
n/a 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a 0.00%
CRA Assessment Boards and Commission Expense Accessibility Issues (Disability) Historical Advisory Committee Sports Commission Multi-Cultural Events Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Celebrat Sports Event Grants Education Grants Coral Springs Community Chest Holiday Parade Teen Political Forum Half-Marathon Kreul Classic Tournament Art Walk Events Community Outreach Pop Up July 4th
353,223 17,500 2,500 10,000 3,000 35,231 15,000 35,000 10,000 52,500 22,000 7,500 15,000 15,000 71,000 0 40,000
354,315 25,000 2,500 10,000 3,000 35,231 20,000 35,000 0 52,500 22,000 7,500 0 15,000 71,000 10,000 40,000
1,092 7,500 0 0 0 0 5,000 0 (10,000) 0 0 0 (15,000) 0 0 10,000 0
0.31% 42.86% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a 0.00%
$1,417,372 $1,550,964
Cross Federal Lobbyist Departmental Center for the Arts Rentals
Special Projects
Adopted FY 2020 Budget
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Fire Fund Budget Fire Fund Budget Summary Fire Fund Revenues: Non Ad Valorem Special Assessment Fees Non-Ad Valorem Special Assessment Fee Government Assessment Nonprofit Subsidy (Churches & Schools) Sub-Total Non Ad Valorem Special Assessment Fees Partial Year Assessment Intergovernmental Base Contract (Parkland) Base Contract (Broward County) Sub-Total Intergovernmental Charges for Services: Fire Inspection Services Fire Re-Inspection Fees Plan Review Fees Training Tuition Fees Training Miscellaneous Fees State Education Incentive Fund Off Duty Fire Rescue Service Sub-Total Charges for Services Fines and Forfeitures: Fire Inspection Fines False Alarm Recovery Sub-Total Fines and Forfeitures Other: Interest Income Miscellaneous Revenue Sub-Total Other Grants: Matthew Maria Sub-Total Grants
FY2018 Actual
FY2019 Adopted Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
FY2020 Adopted Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
10,344,575 236,049 1,092,401 11,673,025 49,040
$11,119,952 219,753 1,297,046 12,636,751 108,257
$12,198,885 317,225 1,513,746 14,029,856 39,893
$13,442,982 494,301 2,497,510 16,434,793 70,895
$1,244,097 177,076 983,764 2,404,937 31,002
10.20% 55.82% 64.99% 14.63% 77.71%
5,707,100 12,124 5,719,224
6,074,761 12,124 6,086,885
6,407,372 12,124 6,419,496
6,213,615 6,213,615
(193,757) (12,124) (205,881)
-3.02% -100.00% -3.21%
816,209 19,657 135,738 1,374,333 449,320 66,500 29,777 2,891,534
813,126 2,811 159,533 1,669,889 453,826 69,420 94,534 3,263,139
861,213 35,000 137,526 2,264,889 455,219 50,000 44,702 3,848,549
900,000 10,000 175,000 2,090,492 599,964 50,000 30,000 3,855,456
38,787 (25,000) 37,474 (174,397) 144,745 (14,702) 6,907
4.50% -71.43% 27.25% -7.70% 31.80% 0.00% -32.89% 0.18%
15,524 15,524
21,344 4,550 25,894
15,518 2,000 17,518
10,000 15,000 25,000
(5,518) 13,000 7,482
-35.56% 650.00% 42.71%
40,094 3,120 43,214
49,099 4,983 54,082
50,000 5,000 55,000
50,000 5,000 55,000
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
47,548 39,221 86,769
n/a n/a n/a
Grand Total - Revenues
Expenditures: Departmental Administration Communication Service Suppression Training Community Risk Reduction Total Departmental
$708,234 128,030 13,348,163 1,864,693 1,345,531 17,394,651
$749,895 131,211 14,366,676 2,145,857 1,552,432 18,946,071
$924,846 162,127 14,947,755 2,729,026 1,626,381 20,390,135
$908,685 165,416 16,190,913 2,685,426 1,752,325 21,702,765
($16,161) 3,289 1,243,158 (43,600) 125,944 1,312,630
-1.75% 2.03% 8.32% -1.60% 7.74% 6.44%
466,542 75,000 62,857 20,000 19,629 34,874 1,797,982 82,180 2,559,064
531,585 64,114 126,448 19,636 15,962 1,878,891 4,173 2,640,809
829,930 64,114 150,000 81,153 17,182 1,968,139 105,571 18,450 3,234,539
479,784 27,300 150,000 21,000 17,182 2,027,183 105,571 806,196 38,100 3,672,316
(350,146) (36,814) (60,153) 59,044 806,196 19,650 437,777
-42.19% n/a -57.42% 0.00% -74.12% 0.00% 3.00% 0.00% n/a 106.50% 13.53%
89,745 230,705 320,450
47,588 100,000 256,520 404,108
100,000 280,786 380,786
415,500 100,000 315,193 830,693
415,500 34,407 449,907
n/a 0.00% 12.25% 118.15%
132,860 100,000 50,000 282,860 3,162,374
132,860 100,000 50,000 282,860 3,327,777
132,860 100,000 121,992 50,000 404,852 4,020,177
132,860 100,000 166,125 50,000 448,985 4,951,994
44,133 44,133 931,817
0.00% 0.00% 36.18% 0.00% 10.90% 23.18%
Non-Departmental C.I.P. Other Contractual (Wellness) OPEB Contingency Other Contractual Services Microsoft Licensing Indirect Costs Economic Conditions Financial Strategy Computer Replacement Sub-Total - Non-Departmental Interfund Transfers: Capital Transfer to Equip Replacement Fund Property Casualty Transfer Sub-Total - Interfund Transfers Bond Debt Service: Revenue Bond-'04 (Refunding) Revenue Bond-'08 Revenue Bond-'17 Potential ERP Debt Service Sub-Total - Debt Service Total Non-Departmental Grand Total - Expenditures Revenues in Excess of Expenditures
FY 2017 Actual
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Fire Fund Description The Fire Fund is a special revenue fund to provide fire protective services to the citizens of Coral Springs. The City of Coral Springs also has a contractual agreement with the City of Parkland, Florida, to provide fire/rescue services. The Fire Department is funded by a special assessment. The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) portion of the Fire Department is funded in the General Fund (refer to the General Fund revenues and expenditures for information on the EMS budget).
Fund Total Revenues - $26,654,759 The Fire Fund budget is $26,654,759 in Fiscal Year 2020. This represents anFire increase of $2,244,447 or 9.2% over the Fiscal Year 2019 adopted budget. Fire Fund total revenues—$26,654,759
Other 0.3%
Major revenue sources for the Fire Fund for Fiscal Year 2020 budget include: Special Assessment: (61.9% of total revenues)
Charges for Services 14.5%
The primary revenue source for the Fire Fund is a non-ad valorem special assessment which makes up 61.9% of total revenues. The assessment increased $2,435,939 or 17.3% from Fiscal Year 2019. A portion of this fire assessment fee is subsidized by the General Fund for churches and schools that are exempt from this assessment. The General Fund also covers the fire assessment fee for government properties. The table below shows fire assessment fees are based on the type of property, not the value of that property.
Intergovernmental 23.3%
Special Assessment 61.9%
Intergovernmental: $6,213,615 (23.3% of total revenues) Intergovernmental revenues decreased by $205,881 or 3.21% due to expiration of the Broward County contract as well as the allocation of revenue from the contract with the City of Parkland for the delivery of Community Risk Reduction, Emergency Medical and Fire Protection Services. This partnership began in March 2004. The five-year contract was renewed beginning October 1, 2016. Charges for services: (14.5% of total revenues)
Charges for services, also known as user fees, are fees charged for a city service that are provided to an individual or group, not the community at large, such as training, inspections, and plan reviews. Charges for services revenue remained relatively flat. The training tuition and miscellaneous fees are tied directly to the training division expenditures. Other revenue sources for charges for services saw an increase in fire inspection services and plan review fees, offset by a decrease in off duty fire rescue services as well as fire re-inspection fees. Other: (0.3% of total revenues)
Other revenue includes interest income, fines, forfeiture, and false alarm recovery.
Fire Assessment rate schedule Property Use:
FY 2017
FY 2018
FY 2019
FY 2020
Residential (per unit) Single-Family
Commercial (per 100 sq. ft., up to 400,000 sq. ft.)
Warehouse/Industrial (per 100 sq. ft., up to 400,000 sq. ft.)
Institutional/Governmental (per 100 sq. ft., up to 400,000 sq. ft.)
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Expenditures The Fire Fund expenditures increased by $2,244,447 or 9.2% over the Fiscal Year 2019 adopted budget. The increase is primarily attributable to operating expenditures and capital.
Fire Fund Total Expenditures - $26,654,759 Fire Fund total expenditures—$26,654,759*
Major expenditures for the Fire Fund budget include: Suppression: (60.7% of total expenditures)
Community Risk Reduction 6.6%
The Fire Suppression Division responds to all fire calls and other emergency situations. The Suppression Division is comprised of Assistant Fire Chiefs, Battalion Chiefs, Captains, Rescue Lieutenants, and Firefighter/Paramedics. These units not only provide fire service for the City of Coral Springs, but also for the neighboring City of Parkland. This partnership has improved emergency response times and has benefitted both cities. The overall Suppression budget has increased $1,243,158 or 8.3% from Fiscal Year 2019. This increase is primarily due to the addition of three Firefighter/Paramedics, higher wages, and the increase of 8 firefighters for the Parkland Contract. Training: (10.1% of total expenditures)
Debt Service 1.7%
Training 10.1%
Interfund Transfer 3.1%
Suppression 60.7%
Non-Departmental 13.8%
Administration 3.4% Communication Services 0.6%
* %’s may not add 100% due to rounding
The Fire Training Division is responsible for the certification of fire and emergency rescue personnel. The Training Division budget decreased by $43,600 or 1.6% from Fiscal Year 2019. The Academy is self-sustaining, meaning revenues offset operational expenditures. Community Risk Reduction (formerly known as the Inspection Division): (6.6% of total expenditures)
This division recently changed its name to Community Risk Reduction (CRR) to better reflect the mission to prevent a fire incident or personal injury before it occurs. CRR staff provides fire inspection, plan review, public life-safety education, and fire related investigation services for the citizens of Coral Springs. The CRR budget increased $125,944 or 7.7% from Fiscal Year 2019. This is primarily due to an increase in personnel costs as well as operating and capital expenses. $908,685
Administration: (3.8% of total expenditures)
Fire’s Administration budget decreased by $16,161 or 1.8%. This decrease is from lower operational expenses as well as personal services and benefits decreasing.
Fire Assessment Comparison
local cities with full service fire departments
Fire Assessment rate comparison Fiscal Year 2020 Adopted $450 $400
*ISO 1 Fire Departments $350.00
$282.38 $235.00
$150 $100 $50 $0
*Ft Lauderdale
*Hollywood *Pembroke *Deerfield Pines Beach (BSO)
*Coral Springs *Pompano Beach
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Fire Fund (continued) Communication Services: (0.6% of total expenditures)
The Communication Services Division consists of telecommunicators and emergency call takers. Expenses in this area increased $3,289 or 2.0% from Fiscal Year 2019. The increase is primarily due to personnel costs. The cost of this division is split between the Fire Fund and EMS in the General Fund. Non-departmental: $3,672,316 (13.8% of total expenditures) Non-departmental expenses increased by $437,777 or 13.5%. The budgeted capital outlay and indirect costs make up 68% of the non-departmental expenses. Starting in fiscal year 2020, a recurring plan has been developed for capital items that are not a onetime purchase. These items have been removed from non-departmental expenses into interfund transfers. The major Fiscal Year 2020 Fire non-departmental expenditures include the following: • $2,027,183 to cover indirect costs associated with various City departments • $479,784 for capital outlay • $806,196 for financial strategy, $150,000 dedicated to financial policy contingency and $105,571 to economic conditions • $27,300 for contributions to Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) and $17,182 for Microsoft licensing costs • $21,000 for other contractual services and $38,100 for computer replacement $830,693
Interfund transfer: (3.1% of total expenditures)
The cost of property/casualty insurance premiums increased $34,407 or 12.3% from Fiscal Year 2019. An interfund transfer in the amount of $100,000 will be used to repay the Equipment Services Fund. One million dollars was borrowed from the Equipment Services Fund in 2016 to help fund an unexpectedly high bid to construct Fire Stations 43 and 95. The entire amount will be repaid within 10 years. New for fiscal year 2020 is the interfund transfers for capital. This includes capital projects that will take longer than the current fiscal year. $448,985
Debt service: (1.7% of total expenditures)
For Fiscal Year 2020, the Debt Service expenditure for the Revenue Bond Note 2017 has increased by $44,133. This funding is for the Public Safety/ Public Works Campus.
Fire Fund revenue and expense summary FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
Sources Revenues: Fire Fund Special Assessment Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Misc. Revenue/Interest Income Fines and Forfeitures Partial Year Assessment Total Revenues
$11,673,025 5,719,224 2,891,534 43,214 15,524 49,040 $20,391,561
$12,636,751 6,086,885 3,263,139 140,851 25,894 108,257 $22,261,777
$14,029,856 6,419,496 3,848,549 55,000 17,518 39,893 $24,410,312
$16,434,793 6,213,615 3,855,456 55,000 25,000 70,895 $26,654,759
Uses Expenditures: Personal Services Benefits Other Operating Operating Capital Training Division Non-Departmental Interfund Transfers Debt Service Total Expenditures
$10,413,069 3,681,869 1,435,019 466,542 1,864,694 2,092,522 320,450 282,860 $20,557,025
$10,728,497 4,492,403 1,579,314 531,585 2,145,857 2,109,224 404,108 282,860 $22,273,848
$11,176,200 4,662,887 1,822,022 829,930 2,729,026 2,404,609 380,786 404,852 $24,410,312
12,161,639 4,793,202 2,062,498 479,784 2,685,426 3,192,532 830,693 448,985 $26,654,759
($165,464) 111.34
($12,071) 115.20
$0 118.44
$0 124.76
Rev. in Excess of Exp. Total full-time FTE's
City of Coral Springs, Florida
$ Change from FY19 Budget
$ $ $ $ $
% Change from FY19 Budget
$2,404,937 (205,881) 6,907 7,482 31,002 $2,244,447
17.1% -3.2% 0.2% 0.0% 42.7% 77.7% 9.2%
$985,439 $130,315 $240,476 ($350,146) ($43,600) $787,923 $449,907 $44,133 $2,244,447
8.8% 2.8% 13.2% -42.2% -1.6% 32.8% 118.2% 10.9% 9.2%
$0 6.32
n/a 5.3%
Table of Contents
Statement of Revenues and Expenses Water and Sewer Fund Budget Summary Water & Sewer Fund
Revenues Operating Revenues Water Wastewater Private Fire Line Fee Meter Sales Backflow Recertification Adm. Fee Miscellaneous Income Charges for Service Total Operating Revenue Non-Operating Revenues Interest Income - Operating Interest Earnings-Revenue Bond Series 2012 Doubtful Accounts Capitalization from Prior Year CIP Appropriated Fund Balance Total Non-Operating Revenue Grand - Total Revenues Expenses Departmental Administration Water Distribution Wastewater Collection Water Treatment Total Departmental Non-Operating Wastewater Treatment Capital Administrative Services Revenue and Collection Non-Departmental Transfer To Renewal and Replacement Business Development Property/Casualty Computer Replacement Debt Service Potential ERP Debt Service Revenue Bond-Series 2010 Revenue Bond-Series 2012 ($8.7M/2.29%/20 years) Revenue Bond-Series 2015 ($4.7M/2.002%/10 years) SRF Loans Water Plant Imp DW0603010 ($5.4M/2.57%/20 years) Wells & wellheads DW0603020 ($1.8M/2.79%/20 years) Transm. Dist, Interconnect DW0603030 ($3M/2.79%/20 years) Source & Treatment DW061620 ($1.1M/3.06%/20 years) Lift Stations Rehab WW822020 Sewer Rehab WW06160 Forest Hills Wellfield DW061630 Subtotal Debt Service Total Non-Operating Grand Total - Expenses Revenues in Excess of Expenses
FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Adopted Budget
FY 2020 Adopted Budget
$9,063,534 13,083,232 27,077 13,085 22,945 (5,631) 337,613 22,541,855
$9,318,618 13,652,366 28,097 36,955 38,750 5,314 318,081 23,398,181
$9,378,788 14,058,830 27,171 10,609 19,675 10,000 217,514 23,722,587
$9,707,045 14,550,889 27,986 10,927 19,871 10,300 224,037 24,551,055
$328,257 492,059 $815 $318 $196 $300 6,523 $828,468
3.50% 3.50% 3.00% 3.00% 1.00% 3.00% 3.00% 3.49%
54,906 54,906
1,383,256 1,460,737
31,632 641,570 673,202
31,632 1,375,448 1,407,080
733,878 $733,878
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 114.39% 109.01%
$ 22,596,761
$ 24,858,918
$ 24,395,789
$ 25,958,135
$996,088 1,016,342 1,161,658 2,619,044 5,793,132
$1,038,984 1,007,687 1,222,129 2,672,466 5,941,266
$1,180,365 1,135,182 1,336,717 3,162,150 6,814,414
$1,300,251 1,172,993 1,347,067 3,243,445 7,063,756
$119,886 37,811 10,350 81,295 249,342
10.16% 3.33% 0.77% 2.57% 3.66%
5,353,580 235,057 1,643,397 556,712 349,416 5,246,000 271,050 678,913 6,623
6,025,105 368,748 1,750,950 622,459 290,100 6,599,000 283,247 754,879 9,752
6,671,731 287,100 1,834,120 653,496 355,334 4,410,000 296,701 826,290 6,050
7,005,318 335,000 1,925,826 649,328 362,784 5,160,000 296,701 927,543 19,500
333,587 47,900 91,706 (4,168) 7,450 750,000 101,253 13,450
5.00% 16.68% 5.00% -0.64% 2.10% 17.01% 0.00% 12.25% 222.31%
50,000 582,056 563,683
50,000 607,689 564,213
361,943 121,225 203,318 75,902 34,926 68,528 151,830
361,943 121,225 203,318 75,902 34,926 68,528 151,830
361,943 121,225 203,318 75,902 34,926 68,528 151,830
361,943 121,225 203,318 75,902 34,926 68,528 124,638
(1,969) 990 -
582,056 563,683
50,000 609,658 563,223
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -17.91%
-0.32% 0.18%
$0 $
$ % Change From Change From FY19 Budget FY19 Budget
$0 40.00
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Water and Sewer Fund Description The Water and Sewer Fund, as an enterprise fund, must be self-supporting through user fees charged for services. The purpose of the Water and Sewer Fund is to provide clean water and to safely dispose of wastewater for customers living in the Coral Springs water district, which is the area between Wiles Road and Royal Palm Boulevard. The Fiscal Year 2020 Water and Sewer budget totals $25,958,135. This amount represents a increase of $1,562,346 or 6.4% from Fiscal Year 2019. This increase is primarily due to higher departmental cost of $249,342, higher wastewater treatment costs of $333,587 and an increase in Renewal & Replacement capital funding of $750,000.
Water bill for average single-family residence
Water Wastewater Total Monthly Bill
2019 Average Bill
2020 Average Bill
$ Increase (Decrease)
% Increase (Decrease)
$25.10 $43.46
$25.98 $44.98
$0.88 $1.52
3.5% 3.5%
Note: Rates are calculated using an average consumption of 5,000 gallons for a single family residence (including 10% utility tax on water). Rate increase will be in effect October 1, 2018.
Water and Sewer Fund Total Revenues - $25,958,135 Water and Sewer Fund Total Revenues—$25,958,135
The City will continue with the 3.5% annual rate adjustment recommended by the 2013 Water and Wastewater Study for Fiscal Years 2014-2023. One of the principal objectives of the study was to develop a multi-year plan of water and wastewater rate revenue increases that will satisfy annual operating, debt service, and capital cost requirements as well as maintain adequate operating reserves. The City Commission has approved the recommended 3.5% rate adjustment for FY 2020. As illustrated in the table above, a typical single family residence in Coral Springs (consumption of 5,000 gallons per month) will notice an increase of $2.40 on the total monthly water bill.
Other 6.5%
Water 37.4%
Wastewater 56.1%
Major revenues for the Water and Sewer Fund include: Water: (37.4% of total revenue)
Revenue from the sale of water is estimated to increase by $328,257, or 3.5% compared to Fiscal Year 2019 budget. This increase is due to the recommended 3.5% annual rate adjustment. Wastewater: (56.0% of total revenue) $14,550,889 The wastewater revenue consists of a base charge to the customer for sewage disposal and a volume-based charge based on the monthly water consumption. For Fiscal Year 2020, the rate to calculate the volumetric charge will be $4.39 per 1,000 gallons of water use. This represents a 3.5% annual rate adjustment. Appropriated fund balance (5.30% of total revenues) $1,375,448 The allocation of surplus or fund balance will increase by $733,878 or 114.39% compared to FY 2019. This increase is due to the financing of specific capital projects in order to maintain the City’s water and sewer infrastructure. Other (1.2% of total revenue) $324,753 Other miscellaneous revenues include meter sales, private fire line fee, administrative fee for backflow certification, and interest income from fund balance.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Water and Sewer Fund Total - $25,958,135 Water and Sewer Fund Total Expenditures Expenditures—$25,958,135 The City has an aggressive plan to mitigate wastewater system inflow and infiltration problems, has acquired additional wastewater treatment reserve capacity, and has implemented measures to reduce operational costs. In Fiscal Year 2020 we will continue our efforts to control expenses and improve services to our customers. Non-Operating 44.5%
Major expenses in the Water and Sewer Fund include:
Wastewater Treatment 27.0%
Administration: $1,300,251 or 5.01% of total expenses Administration costs increased by $119,886 or 10.16% from the previous year’s budget. Water Distribution: $1,172,993 or 4.52% of total expenses The overall Water Distribution division is projected to increase by $37,811 or 3.33%
Wastewater Collection 5.2%
Capital 1.3%
Wastewater Collection: $1,347,067 or 5.19% of total expenses.
Administration 5.0%
Water Treatment 12.5%
The budget in this division increased $10,350 or .77%.
Water Distribution 4.5%
Water Treatment: $3,243,445 or 12.5% of total expenses Water treatment expenses increased by $81,295 or 2.57%. Wastewater Treatment: $7,005,318 or 27.0% Wastewater treatment costs are expected to increase $333,587 or 5%. Capital: $335,000 or 1.3% of total expenses Operating capital funds will be used to continue inspection, repair, and maintenance of water and wastewater valves, ongoing replacement of fire hydrants and the purchase of portable emergency generators at lift stations within the City.
Water and Sewer Fund revenue and expense summary FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
Sources Revenues: Water Wastewater Charges for Services Meter Sales Interest Income Appropriated Fund Balance Total Revenues
$9,063,534 13,083,232 382,004 13,085 54,907 0 $22,596,762
$9,318,618 13,652,366 390,242 36,955 77,481 1,383,256 $24,858,918
$9,378,788 14,058,830 274,360 10,609 31,632 641,570 $24,395,789
$9,707,045 14,550,889 282,194 10,927 31,632 1,375,448 $25,958,135
$328,257 $492,059 $7,834 $318 $0 $733,878 $1,562,346
3.5% 3.5% 2.9% 3.0% 0.0% 114.4% 6.4%
Uses Expenses: Personal Services Benefits Other Operating Operating Capital Debt Service Renewal and Replacement Insurance Other Non-Operating Total Expenses
$2,429,200 1,066,455 2,297,477 235,057 2,213,411 5,246,000 678,913 8,180,778 $22,347,291
$61,686 54,251 5,825,329 368,748 2,213,411 6,599,000 754,879 8,981,613 $24,858,918
$2,567,770 1,072,038 3,174,606 287,100 2,240,553 4,410,000 826,290 9,817,432 $24,395,789
$112,694 62,720 8,201,346 287,100 2,240,553 4,410,000 826,290 9,817,432 $25,958,135
($2,455,076) ($1,009,318) $5,026,740 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,562,346
-95.6% -94.1% 158.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 6.4%
$249,471 40.5
$0 40.5
$0 40.5
$0 41
Rev. in Excess of Exp. Total full-time FTE's
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
$0 0.50
n/a 1.2%
Table of Contents
Stormwater Fund Budget
STORMWATER fund budget summary FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2017
FY 2018
Change From Change From
FY19 Budget FY19 Budget
Revenues: Solid Waste Non Franchise
Interfund Transfer (from General Fund)
Expenditures: $4,279,828
Personal Services
Operating Expenses
Revenues in Excess of Expenditures
# FTEs
Interfund Transfer (to Capital)
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Stormwater Fund Description The Stormwater Fund is an enterprise fund established in Fiscal Year 2020. This fund provides for a Stormwater Collection Program to fund the operation, maintenance, design, and construction of stormwater infrastructure to ensure effective drainage and water quality management.
Revenues Stormwater Special Assessment (100% of total revenues)
Expenses $3,782,735
Operating Expenses: (22.8% of total expenses)
The Stormwater Special Assessment is collected as part of the City’s non-ad valorem special assessment upon residential and non-residential properties. The City has determined to assess and levy the assessment based upon the rate of $115.66 per 1 ERU, in order to fund the costs of operating a Stormwater Collection Utility and Stormwater Collection Program.
This represents the cost for contractual services, supplies such as chemicals, materials, patching and concrete, as well as vehicle chargebacks and fuel and maintenance allocations all related to program administration. Personal Services: (25.3% of total expenses)
This represents the cost for salaries/benefits related to the Stormwater Collection Program. Capital: (27.3% of total expenses)
This represents costs related to the planning, design, engineering and construction of capital improvement projects. Fund Balance: (24.6% of total expenses)
This represents funds set aside for future appropriations and required fund balance in accordance with financial policies.
Stormwater Fund revenue and expense summary
Sources Revenues: Water Interest Income Total Revenues
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$0 0 $0
$3,782,735 0 $3,782,735
$3,782,735 $0 $3,782,735
n/a n/a n/a
Uses Category Expenses: Personal Services Benefits Other Operating Capital Reserve Fund Balance Total Expenses
0 0 0 0 0 $0
$708,332 247,254 863,929 1,032,031 931,189 $3,782,735
$708,332 $247,254 $863,929 $1,032,031 $931,189 $3,782,735
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Rev. in Excess of Exp. Total full-time FTE's
$0 0
$0 9.55
$0 9.55
n/a n/a
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Health Fund Budget
health fund budget summary FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Adopted Budget
FY 2020 Adopted Budget
$10,340,315 626,307 1,721,766 11,598 38,660 231,962 12,970,607
$10,164,610 596,901 1,697,731 40,524 36,840 221,041 12,757,647
$10,078,008 581,791 1,722,683 39,991 36,354 218,128 12,676,955
$9,847,184 593,559 1,806,155 39,812 36,193 217,156 138,256 12,678,315
737,950 30,000
805,594 27,272 605,770 75,000 292,223 1,805,858
883,303 28,805 782,128 100,000 400,185 2,194,421
990,000 20,000 1,118,025 100,000 300,000 2,528,025
914,450 20,000 1,570,430 150,000 673,182 3,328,062
FY 2017 Actual Revenues Transfers: General Fund Water and Sewer Fund Fire Fund Solid Waste Fund General Insurance Fund Equipment Services Stormwater Fund Subtotal Transfers Appropriated Fund Balance Interest Income Recoveries: Premium/Retirees Terminated/Cobra Employees W/Dependent Wellness Other/Pharmacy Rebate Subtotal Recoveries
$ % Change From Change From FY19 Budget FY19 Budget
($230,824) 11,768 83,472 (179) (161) (972) 138,256 (136,896)
-2.29% 2.02% 4.85% -0.45% -0.44% -0.45% n/a -1.08%
737,950 10,000
n/a 50.00% n/a
(75,550) 452,405 50,000 373,182 800,037
-7.63% 0.00% 40.46% 50.00% 124.39% 31.65%
Total Revenues
$ 14,806,098
$ 16,774,328
$ 1,549,348
Expenses Health-Dental Contingency Long Term Disability Life Insurance
$ 13,739,461 188,107 137,802
14,631,019 194,305 117,086
14,887,950 27,030 200,000 110,000
$ 16,424,271 17,557 215,000 117,500
$ 1,536,321 (9,473) 15,000 7,500
10.32% -35.05% 7.50% 6.82%
Total Expenses
$ 14,065,370
$ 16,774,328
$ 1,549,348
Revenues in Excess of Expenses
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Health Fund Description The City provides insurance to employees in the areas of long-term disability, life insurance, and medical/dental insurance. The General, Water and Sewer, Fire, Solid Waste, General Insurance, Equipment Services and Stormwater funds are billed to cover premiums and claims, and to maintain an adequate reserve balance. Given the diversity of the Health Fund, the fund is categorized as health/dental, long-term disability, and life insurance to enhance accountability and budget control. The Fiscal Year 2020 Health Fund budget is $16,774,328. This represents an increase of $1,549,348 or 10.18 % from the Fiscal Year 2019 adopted budget.
Interfund transfers: (75.58% of total revenues)
Group health/dental program: (97.91% of total expenses)
Interfund transfers from the General Fund, Water and Sewer, Fire, Solid Waste, General Insurance, Equipment Services and Stormwater funds decreased by $136,896 or 1.08%. This revenue consists of recovering administrative cost for services regarding health, dental, life, and long-term disability insurance. This fee is calculated annually based on the number of full-time employees assigned to each department and fund. Recoveries: (19.84% of total revenues)
This represents health and dental insurance costs for the City, which is self-insured. This expense increased $1,536,321 or 10.32% from Fiscal Year 2019. The cost of the new employee clinic, $737,950, is also part of the increase. $215,000
Long-term disability: (1.28% of total expenses)
This represents the cost to cover long-term disability for fulltime employees. This program has enabled the City to cap sick leave accruals at 480 hours per employee, while providing employees long-term disability coverage. This expense is projected to increase $15,000 in Fiscal Year 2020.
Recoveries are premiums and other charges to employees, terminated employees, and retirees for the service of health insurance. Recoveries revenue increased by $800,037 or 31.65%. This increase is mainly due to increase projections in employee and retirees’ contributions. Other income: (4.58% of total revenues)
Life insurance: (0.70% of total expenses)
The cost of life insurance increased $7,500 or 6.82% from Fiscal Year 2019.
This income includes an appropriation from Fund Balance of $737,950 to start an employee clinic (see more details in the Business Plan section of this book). Also, this accounts for interest income, which is an estimate of the interest earnings that will be generated by the fund balance during the fiscal year. Interest income for Fiscal Year 2020 is projected to increase $10,000 from Fiscal Year 2019 budgeted income.
A contingency of $17,557 was budgeted to cover for differences in estimates versus actual payments. This expense decreased $9,473 or 35.05% from Fiscal Year 2019.
Health Fund revenue and expense summary FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$12,970,607 1,805,858 29,633
$12,757,647 2,194,421 47,430
$12,676,955 2,528,025 20,000
$12,678,315 3,328,062 30,000
$1,360 $800,037 $10,000
0.0% 31.6% 50.0%
Appropriated Retained Earnings Total Revenues
0 $14,806,098
0 $14,999,498
0 $15,224,980
737,950 $16,774,328
$737,950 $1,549,348
n/a 10.2%
Uses Expenses: Health-Dental Long-Term Disability Life Insurance Contingency Total Expenses
$13,739,461 188,107 137,802 0 $14,065,370
$14,631,019 194,305 117,086 0 $14,942,410
$14,887,950 200,000 110,000 27,030 $15,224,980
$16,424,271 215,000 117,500 17,557 $16,774,328
$1,536,321 $15,000 $7,500 ($9,473) $1,549,348
10.3% 7.5% 6.8% -35.0% 10.2%
$740,728 2.25
$57,088 2.25
$0 2.25
$0 2.25
Sources Revenues: Interfund Transfers Recoveries Interest Income
Rev. in Excess of Exp. Total full-time FTE's
$ Change from FY19 Budget
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
$0 0.00
% Change from FY19 Budget
n/a 0.0%
Table of Contents
General Insurance Fund Budget
general insurance fund budget summary General Insurance Fund
FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
$2,625,727 757,393 446,457 4,360 29,067 1,453 3,864,457
$2,907,469 838,761 495,117 4,660 31,067 5,696 4,282,770
98,651 54,646 79,351 232,648
137,396 92,492 19,750 249,638
FY 2019 Adopted Budget
FY 2020 Adopted Budget
$ % Change From Change From FY19 Budget FY19 Budget
Revenues Transfers: General Fund Water and Sewer Fund Fire Fund Health Fund Equipment Services Solid Waste fund Stormwater Fund Subtotal Transfers Appropriation Fund Balance Interest Income/Other Recoveries: Motor Vehicle Property Damage Workers' Comp Subtotal Recoveries Total Revenues
$3,164,772 $ 3,392,049 915,657 1,022,638 545,402 604,560 5,027 5,219 33,513 34,790 6,144 6,378 22,150 4,670,515 5,087,784
$227,277 106,981 59,158 192 1,277 234 22,150 417,269
7.18% 11.68% 10.85% 3.82% 3.81% 3.81% n/a 8.93%
1,375,352 30,000
1,375,352 5,000
n/a 20.00%
50,000 40,000 50,000 140,000
50,000 40,000 50,000 140,000
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
$ 4,139,057 $ 4,600,348 $ 4,835,515 $ 6,633,136 $ 1,797,621
Expenses Workers' Compensation $ 1,576,992 $ 1,778,868 $ 2,007,459 $ 2,092,563 $ 85,104 Property/Motor Vehicle Liability 2,037,027 2,109,194 2,529,903 3,181,743 651,840 Casualty/General Claims 224,836 334,227 298,153 296,478 (1,675) Transfer to Capital Fund 1,062,352 1,062,352
4.24% 25.77% -0.56% n/a
Total Expenses
Revenues in Excess of Expenses Positions
$ 3,838,855 $ 4,222,289 $ 4,835,515 $ 6,633,136 $ 1,797,621 $300,202
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
General Insurance Fund Description The City is insured in the areas of general liability, property and auto liability, and workers’ compensation. The General, Water and Sewer, Health, Fire, Health, Equipment Services, Solid Waste and Stormwater funds are billed to cover premiums, claims, and to maintain an adequate reserve balance in the General Insurance Fund. Given the diversity of the General Insurance Fund, the fund is categorized as workers’ compensation, property/motor vehicle liability, and casualty/general claims to enhance accountability and budget control. The Fiscal Year 2020 General Insurance Fund budget totals $6,633,136. This represents an increase of $1,797,621 or 37.18% from the Fiscal Year 2019 adopted budget.
Interfund Transfers: (76.7% of total revenues)
Interfund transfer revenue consists of administrative fees charged to other funds for services related to workers’ compensation and property/casualty insurance. The fee for workers’ compensation is calculated proportionally using the number of full-time employees per fund. The annual cost of property/casualty is allocated among the General Fund, Fire Fund, and Water and Sewer Fund. The increase is primarily attributable to higher insurance premium costs in Fiscal Year 2020. Recoveries: (2.1% of total revenues)
Recoveries revenue consist of motor vehicle, property, and workers’ compensation recoveries. Other Income: (21.2% of total revenues)
Includes an appropriation from Fund balance of $1,375,352 for Capital projects. Also includes Interest earnings from fund balance which are projected to increase $5,000 from Fiscal Year 2019.
Workers’ compensation: (31.55% of total expenses)
Workers’ compensation claims are estimated to increase by $85,104 or 4.24%. Property/motor vehicle liability: (47.97% of total expenses)
This represents a $651,840 or 25.77% increase for property/ motor vehicle liability due mainly to a rise in property insurance premium costs. Casualty/general claims: (4.47% of total expenses)
Casualty/general claims are expected to decrease by -.56% from Fiscal Year 2019 budget. Transfer to Capital Fund: (16.02% of total expenses)
A transfer to Capital Fund, from the General Insurance Fund balance, is budgeted for Fiscal Year 2020.
General Insurance Fund General Insurance Fund revenue and expense summary Sources Revenues: Interfund Transfers Recoveries Interest Income Appropriation from Fund Balance Total Revenues
FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
$3,864,457 232,648 41,952 $4,139,057
$4,282,770 $4,670,515 249,638 140,000 67,940 25,000 $4,600,348 $4,835,515
$5,087,784 140,000 30,000 1,375,352 $6,633,136
$417,269 $0 $5,000 $1,375,352 $1,797,621
8.9% 0.0% 20.0% n/a 37.2%
Uses Expenses: Workers' Compensation Property/Motor Veh. Liability Casualty/General Claims Transfer to Capital Fund Total Expenses
$1,576,992 2,037,027 224,836 $3,838,855
$1,778,868 $2,007,459 2,109,194 2,529,903 334,227 298,153 $4,222,289 $4,835,515
$2,092,563 3,181,743 296,478 1,062,352 $6,633,136
$85,104 $651,840 -$1,675 $1,062,352 $1,797,621
4.2% 25.8% -0.6% n/a 37.2%
$0 2.5
$0 0.0
n/a 0.0%
Rev. in Excess of Exp. Total full-time FTE's
$300,202 2.5
$378,059 2.5
FY 2019 Budget
$0 2.5
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
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Coral Springs Charter School Fund Budget cs charter school fund budget summary FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2020 Adopted Budget
FY 2019 Adopted Budget
$ Change From FY19 Budget
% Change From FY19 Budget
Revenues Intergovernmental Other Revenue/ Miscellaneous Appropriation of Fund Balance
$12,657,815 60,574 -
$13,347,504 70,891 -
$13,027,311 72,400 2,666,827
$13,175,932 60,874 1,250,000
$148,621 (11,526) (1,416,827)
1.14% -15.92% -53.13%
Total Revenues
Expenditures Operating Expenses (CSUSA) Transfer to General Fund-Lease Capital
$11,289,977 1,420,000 32,389
$11,304,276 1,420,000 265,887
$12,296,538 1,420,000 2,050,000
$11,773,216 1,420,000 1,293,590
($523,322) (756,410)
-4.26% 0.00% -36.90%
Total Expenditures
Revenues in Excess of Expenditures
Coral Springs Charter School Fund Description Charter Schools USA (CSUSA), a professional education management company, operates the school on the City’s behalf. The Fiscal Year 2020 Charter School Fund budget is $14,486,806. This represents an decrease of $1,279,732, or -8.12% from the Fiscal Year 2019 adopted budget.
Intergovernmental: $13,175,932 (91.3% of total revenues)
Operating expenditures CSUSA: (81.6% of total expenditures)
This revenue represents funds received from Broward County for students attending the Coral Springs Charter School. It is based on the updated calculation by the state for the new school year.
This represents the funds needed to operate the Coral Springs Charter School. Total operating expenses decreased $523,322 or -4.45%.
Other revenue: (0.4% of total revenues)
A majority of this revenue represents funds received for interest income. Appropriation of fund balance: (16.9% of total revenues)
Fund balance will be used to pay for building capital improvements such as air conditioner replacement.
Transfer to General Fund: (9.8% of total expenditures)
This is a lease expense to repay the General Fund for all schoolrelated expenses necessary to operate the Charter School including telephone, electricity, cable/satellite, water and sewer, waste disposal, pest control, building repairs and maintenance. There is no change from the current year. Capital: $1,293,590 (8.6% of total expenditures) Capital expenditures will be used for air conditioning replacement.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Public Art Fund Budget
public art fund budget summary FY 2017 Actual Revenues Public Art Fees Realized/Unrealized Gain/Loss Interest Rents and Royalties Appropriated Fund Balance Total Revenues Expenditures Operating Expenses Capital Total Expenditures Revenues in Excess of Expenditures
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Adopted Budget
FY 2020 Adopted Budget
$ % Change From Change From FY19 Budget FY19 Budget
$234,574 7,780 $242,354
$15,000 5,000 3,000 192,200 $215,200
$15,000 $ 5,000 203,200 $223,200 $
(3,000) 11,000 8,000
0.00% n/a 0.00% -100.00% n/a 3.72%
$22,109 135,479 $157,588
$57,542 92,553 $150,095
$105,200 110,000 $215,200
$113,200 110,000 $223,200
$8,000 $8,000
13.90% 0.00% 3.72%
$141,848 (1,458) 7,431 -
Public Art Fund Description The Public Art Fund is a special revenue fund utilized to account for the collection of Public Art fees, as well as operating expenditures to maintain all sculptures. No public tax money is used by this fund. Instead, Public Art Fees are fees charged to developers which are then used to purchase and maintain public art. The Fiscal Year 2020 budget for the Public Art Fund totals $223,200, a increase of $8,000 or 3.72% from Fiscal Year 2019.
Revenues The only source of revenue for this fund is the Public Art fee receipts collected during the permitting process for new construction and renovations of existing structures. The fee only applies to structures in excess of 12,500 square feet, except residences on less than one acre. Revenues are collected only from those developers who choose not to purchase and maintain public art on their own property.
Expenditures The cost of selecting, purchasing, and maintaining public art are the main expenditures of the fund, along with consultants, materials, and supplies needed to support the Public Art Committee. 11/25/2019
2:10 PM
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Equipment Services Fund Budget
equipment services fund budget summary FY 2018 Adopted Budget
FY 2017 Actual Revenues Operating Revenues Fuel and Maintenance Transfers General Fund Water and Sewer Fund Fire Fund Stormwater Fund
$2,698,432 256,403 418,600 81,960
$50,420 12,208 19,931 81,960
1.90% 5.00% 5.00% n/a
2,682,499 324,789 687,574 -
3,047,932 351,555 723,921 -
3,073,979 367,763 738,247 126,349
26,047 16,208 14,326 126,349
0.85% 4.61% 1.98% n/a
50,000 200,000
82,539 160,548
50,000 200,000
50,000 200,000
42,367 5,943 6,938,491
32,000 3,500 7,114,823
44,039 8,002 7,124,451
32,000 3,500 7,699,784
35,000 5,500 8,052,233
3,000 2,000 352,449
9.38% 57.14% 4.58%
3,205,949 3,205,949
260,727 3,990,137 4,250,864
24,090 3,788,288 3,812,378
170,381 4,915,770 5,086,151
4,380,240 4,380,240
(170,381) (535,530) (705,911)
-100.00% -11% -13.88%
$ 10,144,440 $ 11,365,687 $ 10,936,829 $ 12,785,935 $ 12,432,473
Non-Operating Revenues Appropriations from Fund Balance Financial Strategy Equipment Purchases Total Non-Operating Revenue
Expenses Operating Expenses Personal Benefits Other Expenses Charge Back Expense Total Operating Expenses Non-Operating Expenses Transfer to Capital Fund Equipment Purchases Total Non-Operating Expenses Grand Total Expenses Revenues in Excess of Expenses
$ % Change From Change From FY19 Budget FY19 Budget
2,648,012 244,195 398,669 -
Vehicle Charge Back Transfers General Fund Water and Sewer Fund Fire Fund Stormwater Fund Miscellaneous Revenues Interest Income Auction Charges for Fleet Services City of Parkland City of Margate Total Operating Revenue
Grand Total Revenues
FY 2020 Adopted Budget
FY 2019 Adopted Budget
FY 2018 Actual
$2,401,856 221,756 361,609 -
$2,521,932 232,842 379,687 -
2,433,262 310,824 584,356 -
2,682,499 324,789 687,574
58,532 517,986
$2,521,932 $ 232,842 379,687 -
0.00% 0.00%
890,163 $ 392,378 1,518,548 3,328,442 6,129,531
936,645 $ 391,272 1,910,541 3,694,862 6,933,320
874,495 $ 385,240 1,751,714 3,694,862 6,706,311
949,162 $ 974,988 394,254 401,210 2,019,834 2,131,697 4,123,408 4,306,338 7,486,658 7,814,233
25,826 6,956 111,863 182,930 327,575
2.72% 1.76% 5.54% 4.44% 4.38%
198,740 3,205,949 3,404,689
442,230 3,990,137 4,432,367
442,230 3,788,288 4,230,518
383,507 4,915,770 5,299,277
238,000 4,380,240 4,618,240
(145,507) (535,530) (681,037)
-37.94% -10.89% -12.85%
$12,785,935 $ 12,432,473
City of Coral Springs, Florida
$0 $
Table of Contents
Equipment Services Fund Description The Equipment Services Fund is an internal service fund used to account for the purchase, operation, and maintenance costs of the City’s vehicles and other major equipment; such as mowers and emergency generators. The City’s fleet inventory includes emergency vehicles (patrol units, rescues, fire trucks), buses for recreation, trucks for Building, Code Compliance, and fire inspections, as well as vehicles for maintenance of streets and parks, and generators. In addition, other small equipment such as workmans, mowers, ballpros, tillers, paint machines, pressure cleaners, trailers, etc. are essential to maintain tennis and basketball courts, city buildings and sport fields in optimal condition. The Fiscal Year 2020 Equipment Services Fund budget totals $12,432,473. This represents an decrease of $353,462 or -2.76% from Fiscal Year 2019. As a self-sustaining fund, the Equipment Services Fund provides maintenance services to all applicable departments in the City on a cost reimbursement basis. Cost recovery is performed for depreciation, also known as chargeback, fuel, maintenance, and operating expenses. These expenses are budgeted and paid for by the Equipment Services Fund; therefore, monthly interfund transfers are processed to reimburse this fund. For example, depreciation or chargeback, is an operating expense to gradually pay for the use of all equipment assigned to each department. The amount of annual chargeback is calculated for each piece of equipment using a simple formula that takes the cost of the item divided by the expected life (i.e., straight-line depreciation). The result is the amount to allocate to the user department annually for the number of years the item will be in service (refer to interfund transfers for allocation by fund). Budgeting depreciation for capital assets allows the City to “pay-as-you-go” finance its vehicles; therefore, avoiding debt. As illustrated on the “Ten-year fleet replacement cost” table, the average annual vehicle replacement cost for Fiscal Year 2020 through Fiscal Year 2030 is estimated to be $5.5 million.
Ten Year fleet replacement Ten-year fleet replacement cost
$9.0 $8.0 $7.0
$4.0 $3.0 $2.0
$8.2 $6.3 $5.7
$1.0 $0.0
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Revenues Major revenues in the Equipment Services Fund include: Interfund transfers: (62.4% of total revenues) $7,761,733 Departments are charged an annual administrative fee plus a proportional fuel, maintenance and replacement cost of their assigned vehicles and their share to operate the fleet division. For Fiscal Year 2020, interfund transfers into the Equipment Services Fund are allocated as follows: • Chargeback: General Fund: $3,073,979; Fire $738,247; Water and Sewer Fund $367,763; Stormwater Fund $126,349. • Fuel and maintenance transfers: General Fund $2,698,432; Fire $418,600; Water and Sewer Fund $256,403; Stormwater Fund $81,960. Appropriated Fund Balance: (35.2% of total revenues) $4,380,240 This revenue appropriation consists of $4,380,240 for replacement of vehicles and equipment. Miscellaneous Income: (2.3% of total revenues) $290,500 This source of revenue includes: • Return on investment or interest earnings on fund balance during the fiscal year. The projected interest for Fiscal Year 2020 is budgeted at $50,000, remaining at the same FY 2019 budgeted levels.
• Auction of vehicles is estimated at $200,000, remaining at the same FY 2019 budgeted level.. • Charges for Fleet Services is estimated at $40,500, increasing $5,000 from the FY 2019 budgeted level
Equipment Service Fund revenue and expense summary Sources Revenues: Interfund Transfers Parkland Maintenance Fee Margate Maintenance Fee Interest Other Approp Fund Balance (Fin. Strategy) Approp Fund Balance (Equip. Purchases) Total Revenues
FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$6,313,663 42,367 5,943 58,532 517,986 0 3,205,949 $10,144,440
$6,829,323 44,039 8,002 82,539 160,548 24,090 3,788,288 $10,936,829
$7,414,284 32,000 3,500 50,000 200,000 170,381 4,915,770 $12,785,935
$7,761,733 35,000 5,500 50,000 200,000 0 4,380,240 $12,432,473
$347,449 $3,000 $2,000 $0 $0 ($170,381) ($535,530) ($353,462)
4.7% 9.4% 57.1% 0.0% 0.0% -100.0% -10.9% -2.8%
Uses Expenses: Personal Services Benefits Other Operating Vehicle Chargeback Interfund Transfers Equipment Purchases Total Expenses
$890,163 392,378 1,518,548 3,328,442 198,740 3,205,949 $9,534,220
$874,495 398,293 1,738,661 3,694,862 442,230 3,788,288 $10,936,829
$949,162 394,254 2,019,834 4,123,408 383,507 4,915,770 $12,785,935
$974,988 405,410 2,127,497 4,306,338 238,000 4,380,240 $12,432,473
$25,826 $11,156 $107,663 $182,930 ($145,507) ($535,530) ($353,462)
2.7% 2.8% 5.3% 4.4% -37.9% -10.9% -2.8%
Rev. in Excess of Exp. Total full-time FTE's
$610,220 15
$0 15
$0 15
$0 15
City of Coral Springs, Florida
$0 0.0
n/a 0.0%
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Pension Fund Budget pension fund budget summary FY 2017 Actual Revenues Transfers: General Fund Fire Fund Water and Sewer Fund Solid Waste Fund Equipment Services Health Fund Stormwater Fund General Insurance Fund Total Revenues Expenses Police Pension Sworn EMS/Fire Pension Certified ICMA(401)a - General Employees ICMA(401)a - Management OPEB General Employees Pension City Commission Pension Total Expenses
FY 2019 Adopted Budget
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2020 Adopted Budget
$ Change From FY19 Budget
13,355,982 $ 1,094,896 209,360 3,185 64,100 22,305 9,684
12,762,775 $ 1,739,885 245,301 3,571 79,784 22,563 10,004
14,146,578 $ 1,878,466 231,652 7,258 67,476 21,985 10,161
13,819,482 $ 1,722,001 231,841 8,128 76,073 23,285 39,076 7,674
(327,096) (156,465) 189 870 8,597 1,300 39,076 (2,487)
14,759,512 $
14,863,883 $
16,363,576 $
15,927,560 $
8,766,068 $ 3,043,037 1,555,771 656,345 204,285 529,000 5,006
9,168,553 $ 2,604,882 1,591,822 652,184 254,054 587,157 5,231
10,254,797 $ 2,820,586 1,822,604 651,737 208,370 600,000 5,482
9,924,259 $ 2,642,152 1,789,613 756,054 210,000 600,000 5,482
(330,538) (178,434) (32,991) 104,317 1,630 -
14,759,512 $
14,863,883 $
16,363,576 $
15,927,560 $
Revenues in Excess of Expenses
Pension Fund Description The Pension Fund accounts for the accumulation of resources to be used for benefit payments to retired City employees. The Fiscal Year 2020 Pension Fund allocation is $15,927,560. This represents a decrease of $436,016, or 2.66%, from the Fiscal Year 2019 budget.
Revenues The $15,927,560 Pension budget has been allocated as follows: • $13,819,482 transfer from General Fund • $1,722,001 transfer from Fire Fund • $231,841 transfer from Water and Sewer Fund • $76,073 transfer from Equipment Services Fund • $23,285 transfer from Health Fund • $7,674 transfer from General Insurance Fund • $8,128 transfer from Solid Waste Fund • $39,076 transfer from Stormwater Fund
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Expenses Police pension expense: (62.31% of total expenses)
This represents a $330,538, or 3.22%, decrease from Fiscal Year 2019 budget. Since this is a defined benefit plan, it is necessary to maintain the appropriate funding levels for the pension’s obligation as determined by an actuary. EMS/Fire pension expense: (16.59% of total expenses)
This defined benefit plan was established in 2005 for firefighters and paramedics. This represents a decrease of $178,434 or 6.33%. As a defined benefit plan, it is required to maintain the appropriate funding level for the pension’s obligation as determined by an actuary. Employee (ICMA) expense: (11.24% of total expenses)
This represents a $32,991 or 1.81% decrease from Fiscal Year 2019. This is a defined contribution plan available to full-time general employees. Management (ICMA) expense: (4.75% of total expenses)
This is a defined contribution plan, based on salary, available to managers and supervisors. General employee pension expense: (3.77% of total expenses)
This is a single-employer defined benefit plan that was established in 1973 and was closed to new participants in 1988. This expense will remain flat compared to Fiscal Year 2019. OPEB $210,000 (1.32% of total expenses) This represents the City’s contribution to Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) provided to the City’s retired employees. These benefits principally involve health care benefits, but also may include life insurance, disability and/or other services. City Commission pension expense: $5,482 (0.03% of total expenses) There is no change from Fiscal Year 2019. This is a former Commission closed pension plan with only one remaining participant.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Solid Waste Fund Budget solid waste fund budget summary FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2017
FY 2018
Change From Change From
FY19 Budget FY19 Budget
Revenues: Solid Waste Non Franchise
Interfund Transfer (from General Fund)
Personal Services
Revenues in Excess of Expenditures
# FTEs
Expenditures: Operating Expenses
Interfund Transfer (to Capital)
Solid Waste Fund Description The Solid Waste Fund was established as an enterprise fund in Fiscal Year 2014. This fund includes the non-franchise portion of the City’s residential solid waste special assessment which covers the cost of hauler and disposal fees. In the first year of this fund, Fiscal Year 2014, only nine months’ of expenditures were included, to coincide with the start of the Waste Pro contract on January 1, 2014. At that time, the City began paying for solid waste collection and disposal separately. For Fiscal Year 2020, payments to the hauler and disposal providers will increase by the level of inflation plus a cost of service adjustment. The Fiscal Year 2020 Solid Waste Fund budget totals $5,729,635 which is an increase of $782,362 or 15.81% from Fiscal Year 2019.
Solid Waste Non-Franchise: (100% of total)
The solid waste non-franchise revenue is collected as part of the City’s residential non-ad valorem special assessment on residents’ tax bill and distributed to the Solid Waste Fund to cover the cost of collection and disposal of solid waste.
Operating Expenses: (96.9% of total)
This represents the cost for the waste hauler contract with Waste Pro and the cost of waste disposal paid to Sun Bergeron and Waste Pro. Personal Services/Benefits: (3.06% of total)
This represents the cost for the litter crew staff and a portion of the Streets Assistant Superintendent and Public Works Analyst salaries/benefits.
Solid Waste Assessment 2014
The residential solid waste assessment is included on the property tax bill issued each November. The assessment period is the upcoming calendar year.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Debt Service Fund Budget debt service fund budget summary The Debt Service Fund accounts for the repayment of voter-approved long-term General Obligation debt, as well as other long-term financing utilized by the City. Ad valorem taxes are used to pay debt service on general obligation bonds. Debt service on all other financing is allocated among the various funds of the City. The City is not subject to a legally-imposed debt limit but makes careful use of debt to finance major capital projects, such as new buildings, renovations, infrastructure improvements, and major equipment purchases, per self-imposed policies (see Financial Policies in the Appendix for details.) The Fiscal Year 2020 Debt Service Fund budget is $11,274,232. This represents an increase of $393,001 or 4% from the Fiscal Year 2019 Statement ofandRevenue budget primarily due to a capital revenue note for 2017 the addition ofand the turfExpenditures field lease.
Debt Service Fund FY 2017 Actual
FY 2018 Actual
FY 2020 Adopted Budget
FY 2019 Budget
Change from
Change from
FY19 Budget
FY19 Budget
Revenues Ad Valorem Taxes Transfer from General Fund Transfer from Fire Fund Transfer from Water & Sewer Fund Interest Rebate-Revenue Bond Series 2010 Interest Income
$2,563,871 $2,545,525 6,860,269 7,014,024 282,860 282,860 50,000 50,000 99,084 93,306 18,646 28,119 $ 9,874,730 $ 10,013,835 $
Total Revenues
$2,590,802 $ 2,589,259 $ 7,737,434 8,093,862 404,852 448,985 50,000 50,000 86,742 80,560 11,400 11,566 10,881,231 $ 11,274,232 $
Expenditures General Obligation Bond-2005B (Refunding) General Obligation Bond-2013 - (Refunding) Public Safety General Obligation Bond-2015 Public Safety NEW General Obligation Bond-Other
Total General Obligation Bond Franchise Revenue Bond-2014 (Refunded 2004) Capital Revenue Bond-2015 (Refunded 2008) Capital Revenue (RZED) Bond Series 2010 Capital Revenue Note 2013 Capital Revenue Bond 2015B Municipal Complex-Phase 1 Loan 2014 Municipal Complex-Phase 2 Series 2016A Municipal Complex-Phase 2 Series 2016B Capital Revenue Note 2017** Potential ERP Debt Service TURF Field Other - Trustee Fees
Total Revenue Bonds
531,603 998,498 1,006,828 750 2,537,679
528,750 1,013,766 1,006,567 750 2,549,833
534,844 $ 1,049,506 1,006,452 750 2,591,552 $
1,583,193 1,006,232 750 2,590,175 $
(534,844) 533,686 (220)
1,670,680 $ 1,617,505 511,888 519,600 1,405,114 248,062 889,669 76,330 7,412,605
1,667,305 $ 1,617,553 505,578 519,600 1,405,596 248,062 923,000 79,190 7,439,639
1,670,212 $ 1,621,145 499,090 519,600 1,405,452 248,062 923,000 79,190 813,278 500,000 650 8,279,679 $
1,668,899 1,621,213 492,421 519,600 1,405,682 248,062 923,000 79,190 1,107,500 500,000 107,841 650 8,674,057 $
10,000 $ 10,000 $
10,000 10,000 $
51% 0%
(1,313) 68 (6,669) (1) 230 294,222 107,841 -
0% -1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 36% 0% n/a 0% 5%
Other Issuance Costs
Total Other Total Expenditures
Revenues in Excess of Expenditures
(75,554) $
$10,881,231 $ 11,274,232 $
24,362 $
393,001 -
4% n/a
**Capital Revenue Note of $10M issued for Westside Facility purchase
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Debt Service Fund Description Debt Issuance and Refundings Capital improvements, equipment purchases, and facility projects are classified into “pay-as-you-go” and “debt financing” classifications. Pay-as-you-go capital items are $5,000 or less with short lives (less than four years) or involve the replacement of existing equipment where depreciation has been paid to a sinking fund. It is generally not prudent to spend operating cash on assets that have useful lives greater than five years because capital assets are paid for gradually over their useful lives by an annual depreciation charge to the current accounting period. Debt financing is used for major, non-recurring items with a minimum four years of useful life. When the City finances capital projects by issuing debt, it is amortized over a term not to exceed the average useful life of the project(s) financed. Current relatively low interest rates make debt financing economical and wise compared to cash financing. The City’s goal is to keep the average maturity of General Obligation bonds at or below 12 years. The City reviews its outstanding debt regularly to determine if the financial marketplace will afford the opportunity to refund an issue and lessen debt service costs. To consider the possibility of refunding an issue, a present value savings of three percent over the life of the respective issue, at a minimum, must be attainable.
Revenues Revenue sources for the Debt Service Fund Fiscal Year 2020 budget include: Ad valorem taxes: $2,589,259
23% of total revenues
Ad valorem taxes represent a levy of $0.2534 per $1,000 of taxable assessed value on real and personal property. This debt service millage rate is calculated separately from the operating millage rate and covers the debt service on the City’s general obligation bonds (voted debt) only. There is no legal debt millage limit established by the state of Florida for municipalities, counties, or independent taxing districts. Transfers from Other Funds: $8,592,847
76% of total revenues
Transfers in from other funds are the debt service payments for which each fund bears responsibility for the non-voted outstanding debt, including franchise and capital revenue bonds, a recovery zone bond, and lease purchase financing.
Allocation of Non-Voted Debt Service for Fiscal Year 2020 Capital Municipal Revenue Capital Complex Loan Bonds (RZED) Capital Ph. I 2014 & Revenue Bond Revenue 2010* Note 2013 Ph. 2 2016 2015B General Fund
Fire Fund
$411,861 $1,405,682
Capital Revenue Bond 2015
Capital Revenue Note 2017
$1,521,213 $941,375 $100,000 $166,125
Water & Sewer Fund Allocations by Issuance
Franchise Revenue Bond 2014
Turf Field Lease
Allocations by Fund
$1,536,039 $400,000 $107,841
Planned ERP Debt
$1,250,252 $411,861 $1,405,682 $519,600 $1,621,213$1,107,500 $1,668,899 $500,000 $107,841 $8,592,848*
* RZED debt service shown net of interest rebate. Only the net expected RZED debt service ($492,421-$80,560) is allocated to the General Fund.
The City limits its debt service expense allocated to the General Fund to no more than 12.5% of the General Fund budgeted expenditures. The General Fund expenditures for Fiscal Year 2020 are budgeted at $133,595,003. The debt service allocated to the General is $8,093,863, or 6.1%, well below the self-imposed limit of 12.5%. Annual General Fund debt service expense is limited to 12.5% of the total General Fund budget: current = 6.1%
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Debt Service Fund Description - cont. Expenditures Expenditures in the Debt Service Fund are the principal and interest payments on most of the City’s outstanding debt. There are two categories of debt: voted General Obligation (GO) bonds, and non-voted debt, which consists of a variety of instruments including bonds, notes, bank loans and lease purchase financing. General Obligation Bond Debt Service: $2,590,175
23% of total expenditures
General Obligation (GO) bonds allow municipalities to borrow money to pay for capital improvements and projects that benefit the entire community. Repayment of GO bonds is guaranteed by the “full faith and credit” of the City and the ability to raise taxes to pay the debt service via a separate voter-approved debt levy. The City has two voter-approved GO bonds outstanding, funded by ad valorem taxes. The current dedicated debt millage rate is $0.2534 per $1,000 of taxable assessed value. The City limits its total outstanding General Obligation debt to no more than 5% of the City’s total taxable assessed value. For Fiscal Year 2020 the General Obligation debt outstanding is $18.9 million which is 0.18% of the total taxable assessed value. General obligation debt outstanding shall not exceed 5% of the City’s taxable assessed value: current = 0.18%
General Obligation Bonds Outstanding
Rating Agency
Mullins Master Plan, Public Safety add’n
PS Comm., 2 Fire Stations, Safety Town...
Ad Valorem Millage Rate Charged for General Obligation Bonds FY2015
$0.2948 $0.2753
Moody’s Investor Service
GO Bond Rating Aa1
Standard and Poor’s
Much like an individual’s credit rating, a bond rating is a measure of an organization’s credit worthiness. The higher the bond rating, the more favorable the interest rates that can be obtained. Coral Springs has the highest bond rating (triple A) from two of the three rating agencies.
GO Refunding Bond Series 2013 This bond, issued April 25, 2013, matures October 1, 2026. Debt service totals $1,583,193 leaving a balance of $9,927,824. Refunded at a 2.18% interest rate, replacing the original 4.2% rate, this bond was originally issued in 2006 to fund the Mullins Master Plan project, including additional Public Safety Building space, a new fire station, and parking and access improvements to Mullins Park. GO Bond Series 2015 Public Safety Approved by voters in November 2014, this $12.45 million bond was issued in January 2015 at a rate of 2.40% to fund Public Safety projects: Upgrade Public Safety communications, construct two new fire stations, construct a new Safety Town, and renovate the CSI building. This bond has a maturity date of October 1, 2029. Debt service will be $1,006,232 leaving a year-end balance of $8,934,884.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Debt Service Fund Description - cont. Debt Maturity Schedule Mun Complex Ph 2 2016A
$18.5 M Bond $923,000
Mun Complex Ph 2 2016B
$3.8 M Bond
Mun Complex Ph 1
$10 M Bond
$5.9 M Bond
Cap Revenue Note 2017
$10 M Bond
Cap Revenue Bond 2015B
$12 M Bond
Cap Revenue Note 2013
$4.7 M Note
Cap Revenue Bond 2015
$7.8 M Bond
Franchise Rev Bond 2014
$9.4 M Bond
ERP Debt (estimate)
$5.0 M $500,000
GO Bond 2015 GO Bond 2013 Turf Field Lease
$12.45 M GO Bond $1,006,232 $14.3 M GO Bond $1,583,193 $6.1 M Lease $107,841
Par Value $18,460,000
Matures FY2034
Debt Service $923,000
Outstanding $18,460,000
Mun Cmplx Bond Phase 2 2016B Mun Cmplx Bond Phase 1 2014 Capital Revenue (RZED) Bond 2010
$3,770,000 $10,043,000 $5,913,000
FY2026 FY2024 FY2030
$3,770,000 $10,043,000 $3,494,813
Capital Revenue Bond 2015B Capital Revenue Note 2013 Capital Revenue Bond 2015 Capital Revenue Note 2017 Franchise Revenue Bond 2014 ERP Debt Turf Field Lease
$12,089,000 $4,679,582 $7,780,000 $10,000,000 $9,441,272 $5,000,000 $6,104,000
FY2025 FY2023 FY2021 FY2034 FY2020 FY2028 FY2030
$79,190 $248,062 $492,421 ($411,861 net) $1,405,682 $519,600 $1,621,213 $1,107,500 $1,668,899 $500,000 $107,841
Mun Cmplx Bond Phase 2 2016A
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
$6,563,000 $1,499,925 $1,589,000 $8,660,000 $0 $4,000,000 $6,104,000
Table of Contents
Debt Service Fund Description - cont. Revenue Bond (non-voted) Debt Service: $8,674,057
77% of total expenditures
Municipal Complex Bond (Phase 2) 2016A and 2016B The bulk of the funding for the new City Hall was issued in September 2016, and split into two parts. Series 2016A are tax-exempt bonds and Series 2016B, reflective of the cost of the public parking portion of the Complex, are taxable bonds. This was done to preserve the City’s flexibility in future economic development. No principal payments are planned until Fiscal Year 2025. Municipal Complex Bond (Phase I) 2014 Funding sufficient to meet early cash flow needs of the new City Hall was obtained September 2014. Interest-only debt service is planned until Fiscal Year 2021. Capital Revenue (RZED) Bond 2010 As part of the 2009 Federal stimulus (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act), the City issued taxable Recovery Zone Economic Development (RZED) bonds, with a rebate of 45% of the taxable interest paid. Issued December 2010 the proceeds funded downtown improvements. Capital Revenue Bond 2015B For Fiscal Year 2016 the operating millage rate was increased by 5% in order to fund debt service on $12 million of capital projects including the Aquatic Complex renovations (repairing the 50 meter pool), artificial turf in Cypress Park, Gymnasium renovation, security cameras in the parks, energy efficient field lighting, Center for the Arts roof repairs, interior improvements at the Center for the Arts, roadway resurfacing, pedestrian lighting on Forest Hills Boulevard, improvements at the Wiles Road and 441 intersection, forensic analysis equipment, and other police safety and investigative equipment. Capital Revenue Note 2013 This low interest rate debt (1.95%) funded projects in Fiscal Year 2013 Capital Improvement Plan, including Aquatics upgrades, Royal Palm Entryway, technology security, various parks renovations, and police surveillance equipment. Capital Revenue Bond 2015 Originally issued August 2008 to refund two capital revenue bonds from the Florida Intergovernmental Financing Commission (FIFC 2001A and FIFC 2002B.) This debt was refunded in October 2015 at a 1.75% interest rate. Capital Revenue Note 2017 The City looks to expand by financing the purchase of property near Westside Complex and south of the City’s Fire Academy. This note is a $10 million revenue bond with a 15 year term, has a rate of 2.5%, and prepayment at no additional cost after October 1, 2019. Franchise Revenue Bond 2014 The 2004 Franchise Bonds were refunded in 2014 at a rate of 1.7%. The 2004 bond had refunded the 1994, 1996, 1998 and 1999 Series, which were issued to fund capital for Public Works, Parks, as well as infrastructure improvements. Turf Field Lease 2019 The City is upgrading 7 grass fields into turf fields at various parks using offsetting expenditures. The lease is a $6.1 million lease finance with a maturity date of October 1, 2029. The interest rate is 2.2961% and the lease is a ten year term. The first year of the debt service schedule is interest only. ERP Debt Financing The City is pursuing an upgrade of the current business software by implementing an enterprise resource planning software. A 10 year plan has been constructed to help fund the cost of the new ERP system. The City is in the process of contract negations with the selected vendor.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Debt Management Water and Sewer Fund Debt Much of the water utility improvements identified in the City’s Water and Wastewater System Master Plan (August 2006) were funded by low-interest loans from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) State Revolving Fund (SRF). The City has seven outstanding SRF loans, each with a term of 20 years. The annual interest rate has varied from 2.50% to 3.06%. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budgets adopted in Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 included an additional $8.7 million in water and sewer system improvements, specifically a $6.7 million Phase 3 water plant improvement and a $2 million booster station rehabilitation. In December 2012, the City executed a 20 year bank loan of $8,745,000 at an interest rate of 2.29% to fund these improvements. In May 2015, the City issued $4,772,000 in new Water and Sewer Fund debt at a rate of 2.002% for additional capital projects including rehabilitation, replacement and improvement to the City’s water and sewer infrastructure. The estimated pledged revenue coverage ratio of the Water and Sewer Fund for Fiscal Year 2020 is 2.85. Gross Revenue
Less: Operating Expenses
Net Available Revenue
Debt Service Total
Debt Service
Water and Sewer Debt SRF Loan: Lift Station 20A/20B Rehab
Par Value
SRF Loan: Sewer Rehab Phase II
SRF Loan: Water Treatment Plant Improvements, Phase 1 and 2
SRF Loan: Raw Water Supply Wells
SRF Loan: Transmission, Distribution, Interconnects
SRF Loan: Source and Treatment
SRF Loan: Forest Hills Wellfield
SRF Loans Total
2012 Bank Loan
2015 Bank Loan
Water/Sewer Total Debt
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Debt Management - cont. Debt Ratios The City’s Total Taxable Value for the Fiscal Year 2020 budget is $10,755,584,476 and the population estimate as of July 2019 is 129,067.
Debt Service
GO Bonds
Debt Service
Revenue Bonds
Water & Sewer
SRF Loans
Water & Sewer
Revenue Bonds
Principal Outstanding October 1
Principal Principal Outstanding Payments
% of Taxable Value
Per Capita
September 30
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Capital Improvement Program
Table of Contents
capital improvement program The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is an economical and responsible financial plan to ensure quality public services today and in the future. The CIP is a separate budgeting process within the annual operating budget. Collectively, the CIP and the Five-Year Forecast serve as a road map to intelligently plan for the City’s future. The capital expenditures for Fiscal Year 2020 is programmed at $40,920,710. General Fund
Fire Fund
Water and Sewer
Equipment Service Fund
Charter School Fund
Insurance Fund
Stormwater Art Fund
Tree Trust Fund
Public Art Fund
The CIP procedure is used to plan, budget, and finance the purchase and/or construction of large capital infrastructure, facilities, equipment, and other fixed assets. The City uses this process to ensure these expensive, long-lived projects are aligned with its strategic direction and that the money is prudently spent. The capital item to be undertaken or purchased, the year in which it will be started, the anticipated capital outlay each year, the estimated impact on the operating budget, and the method of financing the project are all listed in the CIP summaries.
Capital expenditure Fiscal Year 2020 Capital Expenditures Fiscal Years 2020 $40,870,710 Stormwater Fund 2.5%
Charter School Fund 3.0%
Tree Trust Fund .5% Public Art Fund 0.3%,
Insurance Fund 2.6%
General Fund 36.7%
Fire Fund 29.6%
Equipment Services Fund, 11.3%
Water and Sewer Fund, 13.4%
Capital expenditure Fiscal Years 2020-2025 Capital Expenditures Fiscal Years 2020-2025 Stormwater Fund .7%
Charter School Fund Tree Trust Fund 1.6% 0.1%
Insurance Fund 0.7%
Public Art Fund 0.1%,
Fire Fund 9.8%
General Fund 41.9% Water and Sewer Fund, 25.5%
The six-year Capital Improvement Program includes Fiscal Year 2020 budget and expenditure projections for the next five years. The total capital plan for Fiscal Years 2020 through 2025 is $142,529,212. A detailed listing of all capital projects within the plan can be found in the Capital Improvement Plan section of this book.
Equipment Services Fund, 19.5%
The Capital Improvement Program provides detailed information for all CIP projects with capital outlays greater than $5,000 that the City plans to construct, improve, or purchase during Fiscal Years 2020 through 2025. The following policy guidelines are used to define a capital expenditure and steer the management of the process: • A capital expenditure is defined as a major construction, expansion, purchase, or major repair/replacement of buildings, utility systems, streets, or other physical structures or property which has an estimated total cost of $5,000 or more and generally has an expected life of at least five years. • Capital items under $5,000 are generally included in the various Fiscal Year 2020 funds’ operating budgets. • Capital improvements are programmed and scheduled based on the City’s projected financial ability to purchase and maintain the capital project. All projects are prioritized and ranked based on criteria including the strength of the linkage between the capital expenditure and the City’s strategic goals. • General Fund debt service expenditures will not exceed 12.5% of the total annual General Fund budget. • Voter-approved general obligation debt outstanding will not exceed 5.0% of the City’s total taxable assessed valuation.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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CIP Selection Process The CIP is updated annually to make adjustments for changing capital needs, changes in availability and cost of funds, and to add a year of programming to replace the year just completed. The CIP process begins in early January with an evaluation of the capital budgeting process to determine if there are any changes that will make the process more user-friendly, efficient, or effective. Next, departments conduct a fixed assets inventory including an inventory of vehicles, computers, and printers. Each department submitting a capital acquisition request must complete a Project Description Form . The request includes the following information: project title, department/division, linkage to strategic goal or initiatives, expected life of equipment (when applicable), additional operating cost/savings, additional revenue or income, contingencies, project description, project update, alternatives, impact on other departments, and a justification. One of the key components in the CIP process has been the linkage of the Capital Improvement Program to the Strategic Plan. In the spring, capital requirements flowing from the adopted Strategic Plan and Business Plan are identified. Each project recommended for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2020 capital budget is linked to the Strategic Plan as it relates to the City Commission’s five goals. The CIP also takes into consideration department needs, the Comprehensive Plan Capital Improvement element, and the Water and Wastewater Master Plan.
Prior to being included in the six-year Capital Improvement Program, each potential project is analyzed to determine its financial impact on operations, operating expenditures, and revenues. The total cost of each recommended project is identified as part of the capital budgeting process and associated operating expenses are included in the operating budget. In the CIP, the Project Description Form for each project identifies expected debt service costs, including interest rate and life expectancy assumptions, and operating and maintenance costs for new equipment. Fleet requests are accompanied by a Fleet Replacement Form identifying the vehicle type, quantity, replacement cost, vehicle identification numbers, model type, and specialty items necessary to put the vehicle in service. In addition, current status and condition of each vehicle is required as part of the justification submitted for review (e.g. mileage, life-to-date repair cost, etc). In Fiscal Year 2020, in an effort to ensure continuous funding for recurring CIP projects, the Budget office met with each department prior to budget kickoff to review and discuss all capital projects listed on their CIP plan. Those projects that were found to be non-recurring or critical were moved to an unfunded capital list (see p. 334-.336). This list totaling $36M is an appendix to the CIP plan and will be referenced during the budget process as funding becomes available for additional projects. The City evaluates each project recommended for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2020 capital budget through a CIP project prioritization funding exercise. The goal of this exercise is to reduce subjectivity when comparing projects and ensure that projects are prioritized on a citywide perspective- balancing needs and budget with strategic goals. The CIP Review Committee— made up of the City Manager, Deputy City Managers, and Assistant City Manager, the department requesting the capital, and staff from the Budget office—discusses all capital requests with further justification, research, and analysis during the budget meetings. If the need proves to be valid and the capital is part of the City’s overall strategic plan, the project is recommended for approval. The Senior Management Team reviews the entire list of proposed capital projects along with the funding sources and restraints. A final list of projects is recommended to the City Commission by this team for inclusion in the capital budget.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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CIP Project Categories
Computer Replacement Program contributions and expenses
Capital projects are divided into one of three primary categories: 1. Capital improvement projects: The purchase, replacement, maintenance, and repair of infrastructure and fixed assets is budgeted and accomplished through the Capital Improvement Program. 2. Fleet replacement: The entire inventory of vehicles and equipment is evaluated annually in order to prioritize replacement and repairs needed in the upcoming year, based on age, condition, maintenance cost, and expected life of each equipment. The Equipment Services Fund provides for the purchase, replacement, and maintenance of the City’s fleet and other large equipment (such as generators or tillers). This is an internal service fund in which departments are charged for the usage or depreciation of the equipment.
Planned Contributed Fiscal Year Expenditures Depreciation 2020 $438,584 455,956 2021 $805,920 478,754 2022 $915,900 502,691 2023 $258,750 527,826 2024 $433,100 554,217 2025 $970,520 581,928 2026 $420,100 611,025 2027 $711,250 641,576 2028 $296,600 673,655 2029 $1,005,820 707,337 2030 $552,750 742,704
Year‐end Balance 1,980,665 1,653,499 1,240,290 1,509,366 1,630,484 1,241,892 1,432,817 1,363,142 1,740,197 1,441,715 1,631,669
This recurring source of money makes the fund selfsufficient. Existing assets are replaced on a life cycle replacement schedule. New equipment can be added through a new initiative if it can be shown to support the Strategic Plan. The table below shows the estimated replacement cost of the City’s fleet inventory for the next ten years with corresponding annual contributions required from department users of vehicles, in order to make “pay-as-you-go” fleet purchases. This annual contribution eliminates borrowing money to finance a vehicle’s replacement. In Fiscal Year 2020, the City will invest nearly $4.4M to replace vehicles and equipment that otherwise would be more costly to maintain. Please see Capital Improvement Section of this budget book for detailed 10-year Fleet Replacement schedule. 3. Computer replacement: The Computer Replacement Program is used to purchase and maintain computer hardware (including scanners, laptops, and desktops) and software. This is also a self-sufficient, internal service fund. Existing computer technologies are replaced on a standardized replacement schedule that considers legacy as well as usage. The table above shows the annual investment cost to replace the existing inventory of computers. Please see Capital Improvement Section of this budget book for detailed 10-year Computer Replacement schedule.
Fleet Replacement Program contributions and expenses
Fiscal Year 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Expenses $4,380,240 $5,977,939 $5,787,977 $3,217,732 $3,717,850 $4,482,349 $6,384,606 $8,211,264 $8,189,360 $7,767,413 $3,283,795
Contributed Depreciation $4,306,338 $4,495,817 $4,693,633 $4,900,153 $5,115,759 $5,340,853 $5,575,850 $5,821,188 $6,077,320 $6,344,722 $6,623,890
Intra Fund Transfer $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0
Estimated Interest $45,645 $46,363 $33,005 $23,392 $41,450 $56,844 $66,997 $60,579 $37,285 $16,537 $2,475
Year-End Balance $ 4,636,287 $ 3,300,527 $ 2,339,188 $ 4,145,001 $ 5,684,360 $ 6,699,708 $ 6,057,949 $ 3,728,452 $ 1,653,697 $ 247,543 $ 3,590,113
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Capital Projects Funding Funding for capital projects can be obtained from any of the following sources: General Fund, Fire Fund, and Water and Sewer Fund operating revenues—these appropriated revenues will generally be used to purchase modest, routine operating capital items. Franchise revenue bonds and capital revenue bonds—this consists of debt that is secured through the pledge of City General Fund franchise revenues and other non-ad valorem revenues.
CIP funding sources- Fiscal Year 2020 Funding Source Operating General Fund
Fire Fund
Water and Sewer Fund
Equipment Service Fund
Water and Sewer revenue bonds—the Water and Sewer Fund is an enterprise fund supported by fees for service rather than by taxes. Revenue bonds are repaid with revenues generated from this fund, not by contributions from the General Fund. Revenue bonds are obtained to increase plant capacity and modernize the Utility system.
Equity Financing
General obligation bonds—this funding source requires voter approval and is used to finance major capital projects with an expected life of 15 to 30 years. Debt retirement is achieved through a special ad valorem debt millage separate from the General Fund ad valorem operating millage.
General Fund Loan
Variable-rate debt bonds and loans—this funding source will be used to purchase capital items through a financial institution with a contractual obligation specifying payment terms, including principal and interest to be paid over a period of time. Equity Financing— this is generally known as “pay-as-yougo” financing and involves dedicating budget surpluses that are generated in previous years to fund capital purchases. When the City equity finances some of its CIP, it reduces the amount of debt that needs to be issued.
General Fund Fire Fund Insurance Fund Equipment Service Fund Fire Fund Loan Renewal & Replacement
$4,380,240 $2,868,000 $415,500 $1,062,352 $238,000 $6,104,000 $11,200,000 $5,160,000
Grants CDBG
HOME Grant
SHIP Grant Department of Transportation
$167,139 $4,433,949
Tree Trust Fund
Public Art Fund
Stormwater Fund Charter School Fund Total Fiscal Year 2020 CIP
$1,032,031 $1,293,590 $40,920,710
Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) loan—this program provides low-interest loans for planning, designing, and constructing drinking water and wastewater projects. This program is also known as a State Revolving Fund (SRF) Loan. Grants—this funding source refers to giving of funds for a specific purpose. Funds may be granted from federal, state, or local sources, such as Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI), Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA), Florida Department of Transportation, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Justice Assistance Grant (JAG), Resource Recovery Board, Florida Department of Health, etc. Tax Incremental Financing (TIF)—this captures the future taxes of real estate improvements in a designated area to pay the present cost of these improvements. In summary, the six-year CIP provides the necessary components of a sound Capital Improvement Program. The table above lists the sources of financing for the capital budget in Fiscal Year 2020.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Impact of CIP on the Operating Budget Operating Capital Operating capital is a funding source for capital requests, vehicles, and equipment that are relatively modest in cost, have a short life expectancy and/or are purchased annually or fairly regularly. Each fund allocated money to make appropriate purchases or enhancements, financed through recurring revenues. Projects funded through operating capital in Fiscal Year 2020 totals $5,754,600. Please see CIP Operating Capital- Fiscal Year 2020 table for individual project costs. General Fund The General Fund operating capital for Fiscal Year 2020 totals $559,576. The purchase of replacement equipment such as ballistic helmets and shields, tactical SWAT vests, CUTS team equipment and license plate readers for Police department will be included in the General Fund Operating Capital. Also included is canal bank clearing and the painting and carpet replacement at the Public Safety building. A full list of Fiscal Year 2020 operating funded capital can be found on the following page. Fire Fund The Fire Fund’s operating capital for Fiscal Year 2020 totals $479,784. This allocation will be used for the purchase of 5 clean cab pickup trucks, rapid intervention team bags, tactical rescue training equipment, flashover and structure burn replacement, as well as other projects that can be found on the CIP Operating Capital- Fiscal Year 2020 table following this page. Water and Sewer Fund The Water and Sewer Fund’s operating capital of $335,000 will be used for ongoing replacement of fire hydrants, continuation of force and water main valve repair and replacement program and the purchase of portable generators for lift stations and dead end water main automatic flushers . Equipment Services Fund In Fiscal Year 2020, the City is projecting a $4,380,240 in operating capital expense in the Equipment Service Fund to replace vehicles and equipment that have exceeded their useful life (refer to Fleet Assets for more information).
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
CIP Operating Capital- Fiscal Year 2020
Water & Sewer Fund
General Fund Health & Wellness Equipment
Fire Hydrant Replacement Prog.
Hurricane Equipment
Force Main Valve Repair/Repl Prog.
Painting Public Safety Facility
Water Main Valve Repair/Repl Prog.
Carpet Replacement at Public Safety
Dead End Water Main Auto. Flusher
Ballistic Shields and Breaching Tools
Portable EmergGen. for lift stat.
Ballistic Helmets
License Plate Reader
CUTS Team Equipment
Computer/High-Tech Forensic Analysis
Video Forensic System
Intelligence Software Upgrades Tactical SWAT Vests
$20,000 $220,000
Bus Shelter Solar Power Fans
Canal Bank Clearing
Total General Fund Operating CIP
Total Water & Sewer Operating CIP
Equipment Service Fund Vehicle & Equip. Replacement
Total Equipment Serv Operating CIP
Fire Fund Tactical Rescue Training Equipment
5 Vehicles
Health & Wellness Equipment
Tower Upgrades
Hurricane Equipment
Rapid Intervention Team Bags
Structure Burn Replacement
Flashover Replacement
Total Fire Operating CIP Total FY 2020 Operating Capital
City of Coral Springs, Florida
$479,784 $5,754,600
Table of Contents
Impact of CIP on the City’s Operating Budget (cont.) Operating Expenses CIP projects can affect the City’s operating budget by increasing expenditures and offset by anticipated savings or new revenues generated by the project. Major capital projects requested for Fiscal Year 2020 are comprised mainly of rehabilitation and improvements to the water and sewer facilities, median improvements, road resurfacing and air conditioning replacements in the Public Works departments, replacement of playground equipment in Parks and Recreation and academy expansion and station renovations for Fire Department. These projects improve but do not expand the level of service the City provides. The operating impact, therefore, is either negligible or indeterminable at this time due to the early stage of the projects.
CIP impact on the operating budget FY 2020
Operating Budget $212,471,956
CIP Impact $29,499
Capital Improvement Budget $40,920,710
The operating impacts of other CIP projects are measurable and have been included in the operating budget. For example, the addition of 6 vehicles throughout the city will result in an impact on the City’s operating budget by increasing gasoline/ electric and depreciation costs. The additional fuel and maintenance cost for this new fleet is estimated at $11,590 and the annual depreciation charge for the use of this equipment is projected at $24,909. The addition of 7 turf fields is projected to reduce operating costs such as chemicals, materials, field renovation and personnel costs while increasing field rental revenue. These savings offset the cost of debt service and turf depreciation in Fiscal Year 2020. The operating costs associated with the construction of a splash pad in FY2020 will be budgeted in FY2021 due to timing of construction. Some capital projects are associated with the reduction of operating expenses. For example, the Parks’ light fixture replacement program will result in approximately $7,000 in cost savings by replacing existing fixtures with new energy efficient lighting systems.
Debt Service Debt service refers to the amount of interest and principal the City will pay on its outstanding debt during a fiscal year. In Fiscal Year 2020, the City will continue repayment of a $4.7 million loan to finance capital improvements in the General Fund. The total principal and interest payment for this loan in Fiscal Year 2020 is $519,600. In FY 2016, the City borrowed $12M to finance vital capital improvements for the General Fund. The total principal and interest payment for this loan in Fiscal Year 2020 is $1,405,682. The City will also continue to budget debt service related to the Municipal Complex in FY 2020. Debt service totaling $248,062 (interest only) is budgeted for the repayment of a $10M loan for the first phase of the Municipal Complex. An additional $23M was borrowed in FY 2016 to finance the construction phase of the Municipal Complex and debt service of $1,002,190 is budgeted in FY 2020 for this 20 year borrowing. In Fiscal Year 2020, the City will continue repayment of a $10M loan related to a new Westside facility. The total budgeted principal and interest payments for this loan in Fiscal Year 2020 is $1,107,500 for this 15 year borrowing. Additionally in Fiscal Year 2020, the City will begin payment on a $6.1M loan to finance 7 turf fields within the city. Debt service of $107,841 (interest only) is budgeted in FY 2020 for this 10 year borrowing. The City has secured long term financing from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan program for the improvements at the Water Treatment Plant as well as throughout the entire water and sewer system. The interest rate for this financing is 60% of the market rate, resulting in low-cost financing for these improvements over a term of 20 years. Approximately $15 million in SRF financing has been obtained and the projects have been completed (i.e. replacement of existing wells, construction of new raw water supply, and improvements at lift stations). In Fiscal Year 2020, debt service totaling $990,480 is allocated in the Water and Sewer fund for the repayment of existing SRF loans.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Impact of CIP on the City’s Operating Budget (cont.) The City will also continue repayment of an $8.7 million bank loan secured in Fiscal Year 2013 for the rehabilitation of booster stations and improvements on the water and sewer system. The interest rate for this loan is 2.29%. Principal and interest repayment for Fiscal Year 2020 is programmed at $607,689. In 2015, the City borrowed an additional $4.7 million to continue rehabilitation of booster stations and perform other necessary improvements to the water and sewer system. In FY 2020, $564,213 is allocated for the repayment of this 2.002% 10 year loan.
Fleet Assets Replacement of vehicles and fleet equipment is funded in the Equipment Services Fund. This internal service fund provides for the operating and maintenance costs of the City’s vehicles and major equipment. Fuel, maintenance and depreciation expenses are determined on a full-recovery basis for each fleet asset type. The allocated amount for each department in the City is budgeted taking into account the expected life of the vehicle/equipment, the type of equipment, fuel and maintenance cost, purchase price, and inflation.
Vehicle Chargeback General Fund
Water & Sewer Fund
Stormwater Fund
$367,763 $738,247
The City’s entire inventory of vehicles is inspected annually followed by a complete analysis of each fleet item, including mileage, life-to-date repair and maintenance cost, operational condition and life expectancy. This evaluation helps prioritize replacements and repairs for inclusion in the upcoming budget year. As a result, some vehicles originally scheduled for replacement are found to be in good condition. Therefore, replacement is not necessary. Instead, funding is placed in the budget to fund repairs, thereby extending their useful life. This strategy has resulted in annual cost savings to the General Fund, Fire Fund, Water and Sewer Fund and Stormwater Fund operating budgets by reducing the “chargeback” or annual allocation transfer to the Equipment Service Fund. Chargeback is a term used to describe the method to reimburse the Equipment Service Fund for the usage of an asset over its expected useful life (also known as funded depreciation) rather than borrowing money to buy the asset at the beginning of its useful life. Depreciation fees collected from a department are held in the fleet replacement fund until the money is needed to purchase fleet items. The total chargeback allocation for Fiscal Year 2020 is $4,306,338 of which $3,073,979 impacts the General Fund, $738,247 is charged to the Fire Fund, $367,763 is allocated to the Water and Sewer Fund, and $126,349 is allocated to the Stormwater Fund.
Fire Fund
Vehicle Maintenance & Gas General Fund
Fire Fund
Water & Sewer Fund
Vehicle maintenance expenses and gasoline costs are also funded by the Equipment Replacement Fund. This expense is also collected from all applicable departments via interfund transfers. The fuel and maintenance budget for Fiscal Year 2020 totals $3,455,395. The impact to the City’s general operating fund is $2,698,432. The Fire Fund allocation for Fiscal Year 2020 is $418,600, Water and Sewer Fund’s portion $256,403 and the Stormwater Fund allocation is $81,960.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Impact of CIP on the City’s Operating Budget (cont.) Grants The City of Coral Springs is continually seeking grant opportunities to help finance projects that support its five strategic goals and link to Business Plan initiatives. Grants from Federal, Local, and State sources are researched and applied for with the ultimate goal of funding specific projects that meet our customers’ needs while lowering departmental operating costs. For Fiscal Year 2020, the City projects $5,472,637 in grants to assist with funding of necessary capital projects, as described in the table below. The City of Coral Springs is an entitlement recipient of federal funds and receives an annual allocation from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The City is projected to receive an approximate allocation of $609,284. The purpose of these funds is to provide decent housing, a suitable living environment and better economic opportunities for low-to-moderate-income residents. The CDBG budget identifies the proposed projects for FY 2020 federal funding. This year’s total grant funds impact the City’s operating budget by supplementing 13.4% of the total capital expenditure for Fiscal Year 2020.
FY2020 Capital Projects Financed Via Grants Source of Grant
Project Housing Rehabilitation Lions Park Lighting Project
$40,043 $100,000
NW 24th Street Sidewalk Project
Castlewood Park Replacement
NW 28th Street Sidewalk Project
NW 27th Street Sidewalk Project
Ramblewood ADA Sidewalk Study
Youth scholarships
Senior recreational activities & Therapeutical Activity
HOME Grant
Housing Rehabilitation
SHIP Grant
Housing Rehabilitation
Rock Island Bike Lanes
Turtle Creek Bike Lanes
Department of Transportation
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Capital Improvement Summary by Fund Fund
FY 2020
Name Fire Fund General Fund Public Art Fund Tree Trust Fund Water and Sewer Fund Equipment Services Fund Charter School Fund Insurance fund Stormwater Fund Total
2:51 PM
Adopted $12,095,284 15,004,213 110,000 210,000 5,495,000 4,618,240 1,293,590 1,062,352 1,032,031 $40,920,710
FY 2021 Plan $389,000 4,291,382 20,000 0 6,590,000 5,977,939 515,653 0 0 $17,783,974
FY 2022 Plan $381,000 26,033,382 0 0 6,590,000 5,787,977 486,092 0 0 $39,278,451
FY 2023 Plan $349,000 4,071,382 0 0 6,490,000 3,217,732 0 0 0 $14,128,114
City of Coral Springs, Florida
FY 2024 Plan $349,000 6,328,382 0 0 5,590,000 3,717,850 0 0 0 $15,985,232
FY 2025 Plan $349,000 4,011,382 0 0 5,590,000 4,482,349 0 0 0 $14,432,731
Total Cost FY 2020-2025 $13,912,284 59,740,123 130,000 210,000 36,345,000 27,802,087 2,295,335 1,062,352 1,032,031 $142,529,212
Table of Contents
CIP Budget by Funding Source - All Funds Funding Source Operating General Fund Fire Fund W&S Fund Solid Waste Fund Equipment Services Fund Total Operating
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total Cost FY 2020-2025
$697,765 829,930 287,100 29,000 4,915,770 6,759,565
$559,576 479,784 335,000 0 4,380,240 5,754,600
$0 40,000 430,000 0 5,977,939 6,447,939
$0 32,000 430,000 0 5,787,977 6,249,977
$0 0 1,030,000 0 3,217,732 4,247,732
$0 0 430,000 0 3,717,850 4,147,850
$0 0 430,000 0 4,482,349 4,912,349
559,576 551,784 3,085,000 0 27,564,087 31,760,447
2,579,582 0 0 0 383,507 2,963,089
2,868,000 415,500 1,062,352 0 238,000 4,583,852
3,216,800 349,000 0 0 0 3,565,800
3,201,800 349,000 0 0 0 3,550,800
2,996,800 349,000 0 0 0 3,345,800
3,341,800 349,000 0 0 0 3,690,800
2,996,800 349,000 0 0 0 3,345,800
18,622,000 2,160,500 1,062,352 0 238,000 22,082,852
Reserves General Fund Facilities
0 0 0
Total Reserves
Grants CDBG Grant FDOT Justice Assistance Grant SHIP Grant FEMA AFG Dept of Environ Protection Grant Dept of Transportation TAP Grant HOME Grant Grant Dependent Total Grants
616,152 0 0 583,033 0 0 0 0 195,748 194,000 1,588,933
609,284 0 0 167,139 0 0 4,433,949 0 262,265 0 5,472,637
229,284 0 0 583,033 0 0 0 0 262,265 0 1,074,582
169,284 0 0 583,033 0 0 21,817,000 0 262,265 0 22,831,582
229,284 0 0 583,033 0 0 0 0 262,265 0 1,074,582
169,284 1,972,000 0 583,033 0 0 0 0 262,265 0 2,986,582
169,284 0 0 583,033 0 0 0 0 262,265 0 1,014,582
1,575,704 1,972,000 0 3,082,304 0 0 26,250,949 0 1,573,590 0 34,454,547
Renewal and Replacement Renewal and Replacement Total R&R Fund
4,410,000 4,410,000
5,160,000 5,160,000
6,160,000 6,160,000
6,160,000 6,160,000
4,060,000 4,060,000
3,760,000 3,760,000
3,760,000 3,760,000
29,060,000 29,060,000
140,000 0 0 0 0 0 140,000
6,104,000 0 11,200,000 0 0 0 17,304,000
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 1,400,000 0 0 0 0 1,400,000
0 1,400,000 0 0 0 0 1,400,000
0 1,400,000 0 0 0 0 1,400,000
6,104,000 4,200,000 11,200,000 0 0 0 21,504,000
0 2,050,000 2,050,000
1,032,031 1,293,590 2,325,621
0 515,653 515,653
0 486,092 486,092
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
1,032,031 2,295,335 3,327,366
Tree Trust Fund Tree Trust Fund Total Tree Trust Fund
415,000 415,000
210,000 210,000
0 0
0 0
210,000 210,000
Public Art Fund Public Art Fund Total Public Art Fund
110,000 110,000
110,000 110,000
20,000 20,000
0 0
130,000 130,000
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
Equity Financing General Fund Fire Fund Insurance Fund Solid Waste Fund Equipment Services Fund Total Equity Financing
Debt Service Loan (General Fund) Revenue Bond (W&S) Loan (Fire Fund) Potential Loan (Equip Fund) Potential Loan (General Fund) General Obligation Bond Total Debt Service Other Funds Stormwater Fund Charter School Fund Total Other Funds
CRA Funded CRA Funded Total CRA Funded Total CIP
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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General Fund CIP Summary by Funding Source Funding Source Operating—General Fund Emergency Medical Services Police Transportation Operating—General Fund Total Equity Financing Aquatic Complex Emergency Medical Services Information Services Parks and Recreation Police Public Works Transportation Sportsplex Equity Financing Total CDBG Grant Aquatics- Cypress Pool Development Services Parks and Recreation Transportation CDBG Grant Total Loan Parks and Recreation Sportsplex Loan Total HOME Grant Development Services HOME Grant Total SHIP Grant Development Services SHIP Grant Total Department of Transportation Transportation Department of Transportation Total FDOT Transportation FDOT Total Equity Financing Insurance Information Services City Manager Equity Financing Insurance Total Total General Fund CIP
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total Cost FY 2020-2025
$0 22,800 0 259,370
$24,776 459,800 75,000 559,576
$0 0 0 0
$0 0 0 0
$0 0 0 0
$0 0 0 0
$0 0 0 0
$24,776 459,800 75,000 559,576
422,500 141,000 229,328 525,000 393,149 482,000 955,000 0 3,192,977
76,600 107,300 480,000 823,100 99,000 320,000 832,000 85,000 2,868,000
100,000 139,300 480,000 705,000 200,500 417,000 1,175,000 0 3,216,800
100,000 139,300 480,000 705,000 200,500 417,000 1,160,000 0 3,201,800
100,000 139,300 480,000 705,000 200,500 417,000 955,000 0 2,996,800
100,000 139,300 480,000 705,000 200,500 417,000 1,300,000 0 3,341,800
100,000 139,300 480,000 705,000 200,500 417,000 955,000 0 2,996,800
576,600 803,800 2,880,000 4,348,100 1,101,500 2,405,000 6,377,000 85,000 18,622,000
43,447 125,624 72,081 375,000 616,152
40,000 40,043 259,241 270,000 609,284
40,000 115,043 74,241 0 229,284
40,000 55,043 74,241 0 169,284
40,000 115,043 74,241 0 229,284
40,000 55,043 74,241 0 169,284
40,000 55,043 74,241 0 169,284
240,000 435,260 630,445 270,000 1,575,704
0 0 140,000
5,232,000 872,000 6,104,000
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
5,232,000 872,000 6,104,000
195,748 195,748
262,265 262,265
262,265 262,265
262,265 262,265
262,265 262,265
262,265 262,265
262,265 262,265
1,573,590 1,573,590
583,033 583,033
167,139 167,139
583,033 583,033
583,033 583,033
583,033 583,033
583,033 583,033
583,033 583,033
3,082,304 3,082,304
0 0
4,433,949 4,433,949
0 0
21,817,000 21,817,000
0 0
0 0
0 0
26,250,949 26,250,949
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1,972,000 1,972,000
0 0
1,972,000 1,972,000
0 0 0
480,000 582,352 1,062,352
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
480,000 582,352 1,062,352
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Major Capital Projects Major Capital Projects by Department by Department Department/Fund City Manager's Office Development Services Public Works
Parks & Recreation
Capital Project
FY 2020 Budget
Funding Source
City Security Improvements
$547,352 Insurance Fund Equity
Housing Rehabilitation
$262,265 HOME Grant
Housing Rehabilitation
$167,139 SHIP Grant
Air Conditioning Repairs and Improvements
$150,000 Equity
Roof Repair & Replacement
$170,000 Equity
Turtle Creek bike lanes
$1,716,949 Department of Transportation
Rock Island Bike Lane Project
$2,717,000 Department of Transportation
NW 28th Street Sidewalk Replacement
$120,000 CDBG Grant
Curbing on Sample
$100,000 Equity
Road Resurfacing Program
$500,000 Equity
15-year Playground Replacement
$205,000 Equity
Light Fixture Replacement Program
$268,100 Equity
Lions Park Lighting Project Turf Fields
$100,000 CDBG Grant $5,232,000 Loan
Splash Pad
$250,000 Equity
Turf Fields
$872,000 Loan
Tactical (SWAT) Vests
$220,000 Equity
Network/Internet Infrastructure
$250,000 Equity
DNS, DHCP and IP (DD) Management Tool
$140,000 Insurance Fund Equity
Virtual Infrastructure Growth
$490,000 General/ Insurance Fund Equity
Information Services
Equipment Services
Water and Sewer Fund
Shop Equipment-Public Safety/Public Works Campus
$4,327,240 Equipment Fund Operating
Infiltration/Inflow Correction Program
$1,000,000 Renewal and Replacement
Lift Station Rehab Program
$1,400,000 Renewal and Replacement
Force Main Valve Repair/Repl Programs
$100,000 W & S Fund Operating
Force Main Integrity Evaluation
$100,000 Renewal and Replacement
Water and Wastewater Pumps
$150,000 Renewal and Replacement
Water Main Valve Repair/Repl. Program
$100,000 W & S Fund Operating
Galvanized Water Service Replacement Program
Fire Fund
$200,000 Equipment Fund Equity
Vehicle and Equipment Replacement
$450,000 Renewal and Replacement
Cast Iron Water Main Replacement
$1,000,000 Renewal and Replacement
Force Main System Improvements
$750,000 Renewal and Replacement
Water Wells Rehabilitation Services
$250,000 Renewal and Replacement
Fire Stations Painting & Improvements
$130,000 Fire Fund Equity
5 Pickup Truck Vehicles
$136,360 Fire Fund Operating
Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) Bags
$186,000 Fire Fund Operating
Academy Expansion
$7,000,000 Fire Fund Loan
Station 64
$4,200,000 Fire Fund Loan
Charter School Fund
Air Conditioning Replacement
$1,293,590 Charter School Fund
Stormwater Fund
Corporate Park Stormwater Improvements
$1,032,031 Stormwater Fund
Tree Trust Fund
Median Improvements
$210,000 Tree Trust Fund
Public Art Fund
Artwalk Sculpture
$110,000 Public Art Fund
*Major capital projects listed are those $ 100,000 and greater
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Major Capital Projects by Location Capital Projects Citywide Infiltration/inflow correction program Lift Station Rehab Program Water Main Valve Repair/Repl. Program Galvanized Water Service Replacement Program Water Well Rehabilitation Services Light Fixture Replacement Program Tactical (SWAT) Vests Virtual Infrastructure Growth 5 Adds to Fire Fleet
4150 Bldg
Housing Rehabilitation Air Conditioning Repairs and Improv. Water and Wastewater Pumps Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Road Resurfacing Program Cast Iron Water Main Replacement Network/Internet Infrastructure Force Main Valve Repair/Repl Programs Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) Bags
Median Improvements Roof Repairs & Replacement City Security Improvements Artwalk Sculptures Force Main System Improvements Fire Station Painting and Improvements DNS, DHCP and IP (DD) Management Tool Force Main Integrity Evaluation
North Community Park
Betti Stradling Park
Turf Fields
Splash Pad Fitness Area Replacement
Shop Equipment
40th Street/ Riverside Drive Road Resurfacing Program Lions Park
Fire Training
Expansion Turtle Creek Bike Lane Project
Corporate Park Stormwater Improvements
Rock Island Road Bike Lane Project
Sportsplex Turf Fields
Charter School Air Conditioning Replacement
Cypress Park
Sample Road
Turf Fields
Curbing 28th Street Sidewalk Replacement
Mullins Park Turf Fields
Station 64 Renovation
Playground Canopies
Facility Street name Capital project
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Project Description Form On-Line The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) database was placed on the intranet in 2004, also known as the “Knowledge Network”. This allows departmental personnel to have online access to existing projects and create new projects. City staff can modify, delete, view, and print existing projects or add new capital requests. These modifications and additions can be entered during the budget input time frame. When adding or updating a capital project, the following information should be included: capital expenditure amount, justification, complete description of the project, additional anticipated revenues and/or expenditure reductions, additional operating costs, impact to the operating budget, and linkage to the strategic priorities. The information from the project description form is gathered and downloaded into a database. This allows staff to generate and print reports, extract specific information from the database, and format it in an easy-to-read style for placement in the CIP book. Reports can be created by funding source, project cost, department, fiscal year, strategic priority, etc. The database can be manipulated to accommodate any specific requests. The image shown on the right is an example of a completed project description form for a capital project requested by the Police Department.
The CIP Database is an essential tool used in the Capital Budget to collect data and justification of capital projects.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Business Plan Contents Introduction....................................................................................................................................................................................... 106 Market Environment........................................................................................................................................................................... 107 Overview................................................................................................................................................................................... 107 Real Estate Trends...................................................................................................................................................................... 108 Economic Development............................................................................................................................................................. 109 Downtown Coral Springs........................................................................................................................................................... 110 Technology................................................................................................................................................................................ 111 Legislative Issues....................................................................................................................................................................... 112 Workforce Analysis..................................................................................................................................................................... 113 Emerging Issues......................................................................................................................................................................... 114 Environmental Scan.............................................................................................................................................................................117 Demographic Trends.................................................................................................................................................................. 117 Service and Operations Strategy..........................................................................................................................................................120 Resonsible City Government................................................................................................................................................................121 New Initiatives........................................................................................................................................................................... 121 Ongoing Initiatives.................................................................................................................................................................... 126 City Investment in Today and Future...................................................................................................................................................128 New Initiatives........................................................................................................................................................................... 128 Ongoing Initiatives.................................................................................................................................................................... 129 Downtown Becoming Vibrant.............................................................................................................................................................135 New Initiatives........................................................................................................................................................................... 135 Ongoing Initiatives.................................................................................................................................................................... 136 Growing Local Economy.......................................................................................................................................................................137 New Initiatives........................................................................................................................................................................... 137 Ongoing Initiatives.................................................................................................................................................................... 137 Premier Community in South Florida...................................................................................................................................................139 New Initiatives........................................................................................................................................................................... 139 Ongoing Initiatives.................................................................................................................................................................... 141 Financial Strategy............................................................................................................................................................................... 146 General Fund Five-Year Forecast Summary .........................................................................................................................................152 Performance Management Summary................................................................................................................................................. 157 Composite Indicator Summary........................................................................................................................................................... 162 Business Plan Initiative Analysis Report ............................................................................................................................................. 165 Benchmarking Summary Report .........................................................................................................................................................171 Customer Requirements Analysis........................................................................................................................................................176 Overview................................................................................................................................................................................... 176 Residential Survey Summary..................................................................................................................................................... 176 Business Survey Summary......................................................................................................................................................... 181
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Introduction The Strategy Behind the Plan The Business Plan outlines how City resources will be applied within our five Strategic Goals areas to achieve the strategic goals determined by the Strategic Plan. This Business Plan represents the second year in the current strategic planning process. Our strategic planning delivers a mission and a set of strategic goals that provide vision and direction for the City. While it has evolved over the years, true to the spirit of continuous improvement, it is still the linchpin in linking our day-to-day activities with the mission that we aspire to achieve. We often say the Business Plan gives “feet” to our strategic goals and establishes a structure for resource allocation. With the strategic goals set, appropriate outcomes identified, the operational performance of the City is analyzed by looking a key performance indicators which help optimize processes and bring the strategic vision to life. Specific initiatives are developed in response to the priorities identified in the Strategic Plan. This Business Plan is an outgrowth of the strategic goals, capturing the City’s vision in a specific, directed, and quantifiable form. The Market Environment section is the result of an environmental scan performed prior to the business planning process. It is presented in its complete form in the Strategic Planning Workbook, and then updated and summarized here in the business plan section of this budget document. We look at local demographic and economic forces to identify emerging issues and items of concern to our residents. Direct customer feedback is solicited through surveys, focus groups, and town meetings (Slice of the Springs), which becomes the basis for the Commission’s strategic planning.
Why Are We Here?
Our Service and Operations Strategy is organized by strategic goals to document the steps we are taking to achieve key results for each of the strategic goals. Key Performance Indicators, set by the Commission, are the measurable key results we intend to achieve.
Data Analysis
Citizen Input Strategic Plan Policy Business Plan Budget
Output to Citizens
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Market Environment Overview The Florida economy has shown growth over the past six years, however, the economy shows signs of slowing from a previously more rapid pace of growth. Even with a cooling in growth, Florida’s economy continues to post numbers above the national average Gross Domestic Product, the Unemployment Rate, Personal Income and Population Growth. Due to population playing a large roll in local governmental funding, the City must take precaution of a slowing population and the long term impacts. The City’s financial status remains positive as seen through the high investment grade “AAA” bond rating with Fitch and Standard & Poor’s, and Aa1 rating with Moody’s rating agency. In the current housing market, sellers of single-family homes and condos in Coral Springs continue to enjoy a strong market where the single-family homes market value increased 7% and condos increased 6.5%. As of now the City shows sustained growth in the commercial sector with new businesses such as Air Adventure, Outback Steakhouse, WAWA and Athletica Health and Fitness among others occupying the existing commercial space. The Economic Development Office (EDO) highly impacts the growth of the City’s local economic goal and focuses on the efforts of business expansion, retention, redevelopment, workforce development as well as improving the local business climate. In April 2019, the City embarked on a development strategic plan developing a road map of establishing a sustainable economic and diverse commercial tax base. The City of Coral Springs and the Coral Springs Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) work together on establishing a vibrant and sustainable downtown in which businesses, inhabitants as well as visitors can work, live, shop and entertain. Through its commercial enhancement program, the CRA encourages existing tenants and building owners to improve the building’s aesthetics and safety throughout the building. The City faces both new and old challenges and issues that influence our capacity to give the citizens the level of service we strive to provide. With concentration on controlling expenses to ensure a sustainable future, the City will continue to focus on areas such as the increasing cost of technology, attracting and retaining the City’s workforce, employee wellbeing programs and mental health support. The City continues to rely on our planning process to determine the most efficient available resources, identify priorities, and then allocate our resources accordingly. The City’s revamped Strategic Plan for years 2018-2023-2033 provide for where we are today, where we will be in 5 years, and a vision for what to look for in 15 years. In the Fiscal Year 2020 Business Plan, outlined here are the market conditions and trends impacting the City of Coral Springs.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Real Estate Trends
Housing Market Healthy
Total Taxable Assessed Values $12.0 $10.0 $8.0
$6.0 $9.82
$ Billions
Ad valorem property taxes, which are based on assessed values, make up 46% of the City’s total revenues. Growth in this singularly important revenue mainly comes from value increases in the commercial, retail and industrial sectors, new development, and millage rate increases. A majority of the City’s residential properties are protected by the Save Our Homes (SOH) cap, a Florida law that limits the increase on homesteaded property values to the lesser of the rate of inflation or 3%.
$2.0 $0.0
4.9% FY15
5.0% FY16
6.1% FY17
Source: July 1, 2019, values from FL Department of Revenue form DR-420. This percentage change in taxable value * This Percentage Change in Taxable Value compares today’s June 1 TTAV to last year’s July 1 TTAV compares today’s July 1 TTAV to last year’s July 1 TTAV.
• Single-family home sellers enjoy a strong market. Data for May 2019 shows the average sales price in Coral Springs remains very high at 98% of the listing price, with a median 26 days on the market (Miami Association of Realtors, June 2019). • Broward County has seen a 14% increase in active listings of single-family homes from May 2018 to May 2019; the inventory for condos increased by 11.6% (Miami Association of Realtors, June 2019). • Median sales prices in Coral Springs in May 2019 were $420,000 for single-family homes and $147,000 for condos, an increase of 7% and 6.5% from a year ago, respectively. In Broward County, median sales prices of single-family homes reached $370,000 in May 2019, an increase of 2.7% from the previous year. The median sales price of condos in Broward County was $180,000, an increase of 9% from the previous year (Miami Association of Realtors, June 2019). • The number of foreclosures since 2010 remained at a 91% decrease; roughly 500 in May 2019 which is down from a peak of 5,500 in May 2010 (CoreLogic, June 2019). The number of cases in all phases of foreclosure (lis pendens, oral judgments, REOs) is slightly declining. Commercial Sector Shows Sustained Growth • Cruise Planners relocated to the recently renovated University Place office building. Its modern, fun workspace houses over 125 employees. The Bristol Group invested significant capital into the building and continues to recruit new tenants. • Other new businesses absorbing existing commercial space include Athletica Health and Fitness, Young Chefs Academy, Air Adventure Park, John the Baker, Wild Fork, Outback Steakhouse, Petco and Costco. • Developers are also investing within the 442-acre Corporate Park of Coral Springs. Exeter Group Property continues its multimillion dollar renovation and development, which will lead to a total of 569,000 square feet of desirable industrial warehouse buildings to attract the City’s targeted industries and high-wage jobs. • The Corporate Park welcomed Aldora Aluminum and Glass, Grace Roofing, Emser Tile and Decimal Engineering and saw existing businesses Comfort Medical, D’Agostino Roofing, First Data/Fiserv and KB Electronics grow. • Business development continues to grow with 367 new business tax receipts issued during the first three quarters of FY2019.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Economic Development The Economic Development Office (EDO) directly impacts the City’s Growing Local Economy Strategic Goal. The City embarked on an economic development strategic planning process in April 2019 to create a road map for a sustainable economic environment. The EDO continues to focus its efforts on business retention and expansion, redevelopment, workforce development and enhancing the local business climate. Business Retention, Expansion and Attraction (BRE) Created robust BRE program to reach out to local companies to discuss business climate and resources. Made over 100 retention/expansion visits in FY19. Implemented a CRM system for tracking and reporting of economic development activities. The 2020 Business Excellence Awards will be presented on March 18, 2019 to six businesses in the following categories: Small Company, Large Company, Company to Watch, Heart of the Community, Legacy Award and Commissioner’s Award. The EDO sponsors the Coral Springs Coconut Creek Regional Chamber of Commerce Biz Academy from November 2019 to April 2020 providing seminars to the local business community on topics including networking, medical marijuana and disaster preparedness. Provide ongoing support and assistance to developers, contractors, and business owners. Serve as a liaison with City departments, County and State agencies. Stormwater improvements in the industrial park through the $2.8M EDA grant will begin. Social Media, Marketing and Branding Engaging on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram including documenting BRE activities on social media and tagging appropriate businesses and partner organizations. Increased posts and followers on all platforms significantly. In FY18, the EDO had increased its social media followers from 184 to 260 (41%). In FY19, the EDO increased its social media followers from 260 to 971 (273%). Created a video and campaign for the 2019 Florida Economic Development Week in February to engage the Commission as well as local businesses. The video was an educational piece on the impact of local economic development. Website improvements include new photos added (actual Coral Springs businesses) with updated content and data. A website audit conducted in FY19 will assist with rebranding and enhancements. Launched the inaugural “Savor the Springs” Restaurant Week October 11-20, 2019. 34 restaurants participated and a robust social media campaign took place leading up to and during the week. Economic Development Strategic Plan The City worked with Camoin Associates as the consultants for the six-month process. The scope of work included in-depth analysis of existing zoning and codes as well as targeted industries and existing industry base. The plan identified opportunities for growth and created an action plan matrix within four goal areas (Business Climate, Municipal Functions and Leadership, Physical Environment and Placemaking, Marketing and Communications). Activities are classified as short, mid and long term and low, mid and high priority.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Downtown Coral Springs The City of Coral Springs and the Coral Springs Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) are creating a vibrant and sustainable downtown in which residents, businesses, and visitors can live, work, shop and entertain. Efforts include redevelopment opportunities and programs to enhance the downtown. Events The CRA hosts and sponsors several events to bring more residents and visitors to the downtown. Sunset Yoga is held every Saturday at the Art Walk. Innovate Downtown, held in February 2020, is in its third year and features presentations by “Creators “in a Shark Tank-like pitch competition. A seasonal Farmers Market takes place on Sundays from 9:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. at the Old City Hall site from October to April. CRA Commercial Enhancement Grant Program The Commercial Enhancement Grant Program was implemented to encourage existing building owners and tenants located in the CRA to improve the aesthetics of commercial buildings and enhance safety in the rear of the buildings. For approved projects, the program will pay for 50% of the hard costs for the improvements. Commercial buildings may receive up to $25,000. Signs, painting, awnings/canopies, exterior windows/doors/storefronts, lighting, landscaping, enclosures are allowable projects. Eden Sample LLC and Santa Barbara Paints took advantage of the program in FY19. Downtown Mixed-Use Zoning District The Downtown Mixed-Use (DT-MU) Zoning District, established in January 2018, creates a zoning framework that requires all new development within the District to be pedestrian-friendly and mixed-use with an emphasis on the creation of places with an identity to transform Downtown Coral Springs. This mirrors downtown redevelopment trends and allows the City to be more economically competitive and attractive to a diverse demographic. Downtown Urban Design Guidelines In 2019, the City Commission approved guidelines within the CRA with the intention to supplement the standards in the DT-MU and foster a pattern/form of development consistent with the City’s and Community’s shared vision for the future of Downtown Coral Springs. The guidelines include but are not limited to architecture such as Art Deco and South Florida Contemporary as well as wall, window, awning and other signage. Wayfinding Signs The aesthetically pleasing directional signage will be installed in 2020. The signs will direct pedestrians and vehicular traffic to City Hall, the Art Walk, public parking and Broward Health in addition to other downtown facilities. CRA Infrastructure Improvements The CRA removed landscaping along Sample Road from Coral Hills Drive to 99th and replaced it with attractive, native landscaping. Broward County is replacing the existing light poles in the CRA with new, LED lights to improve visibility and enhance the safety of the area. Redevelopment Opportunities The Financial Plaza building is scheduled to be demolished in 2020 and replaced with a new mixed-use development. Cornerstone at Downtown Coral Springs includes approximately 350 residential units, restaurants, office space, entertainment and retail. Village Square, on the Northwest corner of Sample and University, is slated for a mixed-use development as well.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Technology The City of Coral Springs Information Technology strategic plan is a comprehensive blueprint that defines how technology will be envisioned, architected, and delivered to all City departments. The strategic plan will enable Information Technology (IT) to meet its mission by defining a strategy that adheres to best practices, governance, and supports the initiatives and vision of the City’s strategic plan. Defining this fundamental IT best practice favorably positions the City to take full advantage of future solutions and technologies we pursue.
Network Infrastructure The City’s network infrastructure was designed to provide data and voice redundancy shared across multiple data centers in the City. This foundation provides stability, bandwidth, and survivability to the critical systems that are necessary to run critical City operations. To ensure the availability of data, an enterprise class virtualized server and storage network was implemented. This technology provides a robust application layer, which is capable of handling the latest in software applications, as well as allowing for future platform growth. Enterprise Software Application The City has completed the Request for Proposal process and is currently in negotiations with Tyler Technology for a new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Combining multiple data elements into a seamless platform is necessary to meet the growing demands of the City, and to meet the expectations of our customers. In an effort to integrate the numerous work-flow processes that are now being done by multiple disparate platforms, or in many cases shadow systems, an ERP project will be necessary to create uniformity and up-to-date functionality. The ERP solution will also allow the City to take advantage of electronic document delivery, as well as drastically minimize many of the manual processes that are done today. Software Sustainability The City maintains a comprehensive inventory of the software products deployed across the environment. With the use of integrated tools such as Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM), we have the ability to conduct real-time inventories of all of the software in use on all City devices. In addition to maintaining software inventory, the City also maintains Enterprise License Agreements (ELA) with Microsoft, our largest software provider. In accordance to the ELA, the IT department maintains appropriate license levels, and keeps products on their latest versions and patch levels. The addition of the OneStop Shop to City Hall now provides a single location for citizens and contractors to interact with staff regarding Building Permits, Code Compliance, Business License, Planning Zoning, and Utility Billing needs. The Community Development software, TRAKiT, provides an additional toolset for our employees in the OneStop Shop to assist the citizens as efficiently as possible. IT Standardization The IT department maintains a change management practice modeled after industry standard protocols outlined by the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) governance body. ITIL governance dictates how changes to production systems are handled, documented, and communicated. Detailed logs of the regular weekly Change Advisory Board (CAB) meetings are kept, and changes must pass through the CAB before implementation. The IT department also follows the industry standards set for Project Management based on the Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK). Currently the IT department has two certified Project Management Professionals (PMP) on staff.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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On-Line Services and Registration Currently the City utilizes several online or web-based solutions to serve our residents. Our customers can pay water bills online, register and pay for parks and recreation classes or events, and enroll in our Fire Academy courses, and now utilize eTRAKiT, which provides the ability to access all Development services. Additionally, several of the City’s applications are hosted in the cloud when available and depending on the nature of the data. Online services provide the City with an added reach to our programs and payment options, which allow us to focus on our residents’ needs. Green Information Technology & Document Management/Imaging The IT department continues to invest in energy compliance by reducing our data center footprint and purchasing energy star compliant devices. Taking advantage of virtualized technology allows the IT department to maintain powerful systems that require less cooling and power than conventional server infrastructures. This reduction directly relates to data center efficiency and provides flexible architectures that can be deployed in smaller more efficient locations. The IT department also maintains a digital document management system that aims at reducing the physical paper products produced, which must be stored in costly offsite locations. Public Safety Technology Initiatives Public Safety is paramount to the integrity and security of the residents of Coral Springs. Our Police and Fire Departments are outfitted with the latest CAD E911 applications and state-of-the-art Motorola GPS enabled two-way radios. The IT department recently wrapped up a major upgrade to the infrastructure of the dispatch center that services all of fire and police. This upgrade brings our dispatch center up to the latest technology available, ensuring stability and reliability. In addition, IT implemented the Fireworks software to help firefighter’s better plan for and respond to events. Geospatial Integration GIS (Geographic Information System) is a framework to organize, communicate and understand the science of our world. Rooted in the science of geography, GIS integrates many types of data. It analyzes spatial location and organizes layers of information into visualizations using maps and 3D scenes. With this unique capability, GIS reveals deeper insights into data, such as patterns, relationships, and situations-helping users make smarter decisions. The City is involved in an extended process to review and optimize the City’s geospatial data, upgrade the GIS server and client software and expand the use of GIS technology within the organization. A review of current business applications and procedures will move forward to make utility maintenance, community development, dispatch operations and EOC activities easily accessible, transparent and customer focused. Attention is focused on optimizing the access and use of geospatial data by integrating it into business applications and processes.
Legislative Issues The City is concerned about legislation that will weaken its home rule authority or impose mandates without a corresponding funding source. The following issues reflect legislative challenges that require attention and clear direction to staff through the Strategic and Business Plans. State Appropriations With an initial surplus expected in the State 2019-2020 budget, a host of special local funding requests were submitted to State legislators and the City of Coral Springs was no exception, submitting over $7.5 million in appropriations requests for special projects. The final adopted pre-veto budget totaled approximately $91.3 billion. One of the nine special projects submitted by the City of Coral Springs made it to the pre-veto budget but ended up being vetoed in the final session. School Safety Pointing to recommendations by a commission created after last year’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, lawmakers passed a wide-ranging bill designed to bolster school safety. The bill included issues such as improving mental-health services, but almost all of the debate focused on a controversial provision that would expand the school “guardian” program to allow armed classroom teachers.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Workforce Analysis The following issues will be the focus of the City’s Human Resource Department in Fiscal Year 2020. Attracting and Retaining the City’s Workforce Our City has benefited from high levels of employee engagement and very low turnover for the last few decades. Many staff who joined Coral Springs at our peak growth in the early 1990s have remained with the City and built a lasting career. During the next five (5) years, it is anticipated that a large number of employees will make the decision to retire. In preparation for the inevitable organizational change, Human Resources is developing a new compensation and talent management strategy to attract our future workforce and support internal promotion/transfer opportunities. Turnover can result in new opportunities for others to advance within the organization and our Leadership Development Program is a key component to prepare our employees for professional growth. The Human Resources department will also recommend new workplace policies that address topics such flexible work arrangements and family friendly programs to further retain top talent in the organization. Delivering Wellbeing Programs including Mental Health Support The City recognizes the significant role that mental well-being plays in the overall health of its employees. With behavioral health issues accounting for a large amount of the health plan claims and increased rates of depression and other behavioral health issues, programming must support the evolving needs of the workforce. The tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas affected all City employees as well as the entire community. We recognize the need to support employees that will continue to experience the effects of such trauma in the days, months and even years after the incident. The City’s mental well-being programming includes access to free confidential onsite health coaching, no copays associated with behavioral health care, peer support programs, and free weekly yoga, meditation and fitness classes. The HR department will continue to develop meaningful programs to support a healthy workforce.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Maximizing Workforce Productivity and Embracing Innovation In 2019, the City introduced INNOVATION as one of our new core values. This new value will gain momentum in the year ahead as we encourage employees to submit their ideas for process or service improvements. All innovative ideas are submitted to an employee led review panel, and once evaluated, select projects are recommended for immediate funding. Additionally, employees who successfully implement an innovative project are recognized for their efforts. Soon the City will invest in a new Enterprise Resource Platform (ERP) that will dramatically improve internal operations and enable greater workforce productivity. The use of contemporary tools and technology in the workplace will require employees to adapt and evolve which in the long term will produce increased productivity. Our overall service delivery model will improve with greater workflow capabilities, self-service options and process transparency. To support the use of emerging technology within our organization; employees will continue to have access to our self-directed learning platform. Continuous learning will continue to be a top priority for employees and will help grow our collective knowledge base.
Emerging Issues The following issues may affect our ability to provide the level and type of service our customers expect. Community Engagement Community engagement is both a priority and a challenge for local government leaders. People engage with what they feel part of and value what they help to build. Engaging citizens and local communities is indispensable when it comes to developing a sense of ownership in local decision-making and service delivery. Thanks to the explosion and availability of affordable digital technologies, proactive agencies such as the City are poised to drive significant change in the way they interact with their communities. The City will do this by leveraging social media, video, mobile messaging and other tools to communicate with citizens in a way that is more engaging, interactive and personalized than ever before. Census 2020 The U.S. Census counts every resident in the United States. It is mandated by Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution and takes place every 10 years. The data collected by the decennial census determine the number of seats each state has in the U.S. House of Representatives (a process called apportionment) and is also used to distribute more than $400 billion in federal funds to local communities spent on infrastructure, programs, and services. The next Census in 2020 will require counting an increasingly diverse and growing population of around 330 million people in more than 140 million housing units. To get an accurate count, the Census Bureau must build an accurate address list of every housing unit, maximize self-response to the Census, and efficiently follow up with those who do not respond. The 2020 Census will be the second attempt to move away from paper in follow-up operations as the original plan for the 2010 Census was to use custom handheld devices for follow-up with non-responders. City staff has already begun working on this effort by ensuring addresses are accurate for the upcoming Census. Medical Marijuana On November 8, 2016, Florida voters approved amendment 2 to Florida Constitution which calls for legalizing medical marijuana for individuals with specific debilitating diseases or conditions as determined by a licensed state physician. It is also designed to require the Department of Health to register and regulate marijuana production and distribution centers. At the direction of the commission, staff brought forward an Ordinance repealing Ordinance 2017-124 and creating regulations permitting medical marijuana dispensing facilities within the city. Ordinance 2019-104 repeals Ordinance 2017-124 in its entirety and amends multiple Sections of Chapter 25 of the Land Development Code pertaining to Pharmacies, Medical Marijuana Dispensing Facilities, Medical Marijuana Processing Facilities, and Medical Marijuana Cultivation Facilities. Cybersecurity In recent years, cybersecurity has become the number one priority for state and local governments. Cyber-attacks continue to evolve in scope and sophistication. By 2020, according to the leading research and advisory company Gartner, a quarter of identified enterprise attacks will involve internet-connected devices. Lack of expertise, visibility and control, limited budgets, outdated/aging infrastructure, legacy systems and spending priorities are big factors causing state and local municipalities to fall victim to cyber-attacks. To combat the evolving cyber-threats facing government entities today, local governments must ensure they have an integrated approach to cybersecurity, tailored to address the broad scope of security needs. IT departments are focused like never before on comprehensive protection keeping their networks and data secure.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Occupational Cancer Legislation The Florida Senate voted unanimously to entitle firefighters to cancer coverage as part of doing their jobs. SB426 establishes cancer as an occupational hazard tied to firefighting granting certain benefits to a firefighter upon receiving a diagnosis of cancer if certain conditions are met. SB426 also requires an employer to make certain disability payments to a firefighter in the event of a total and permanent disability, to provide for death benefits to a firefighter’s beneficiary if a firefighter dies as a result of cancer or cancer treatments, and to adjust the allocation of funds to provide line-of-duty death benefits for members in the investment plan of the Florida Retirement System. Regionalization of Dispatch Since February 14, 2018, the Cities of Parkland and Coral Springs, along with the Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department, Broward Sheriff’s Office, the Coral Springs Police Department and the Broward County Office of Regional Communications and Technology, have worked together to improve communications and interoperability between agencies in the northwest section of Broward County. There has been much discussion of regionalization, having all dispatch in Broward County under one umbrella of service, or even in one location. The fact is, in Broward County interoperability is a far better solution and a practiced method used by public safety nationwide. In the event one system fails, the standing dispatch center may continue operating. Interoperability simply means that agencies can communicate with one another via radio and Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) systems. Improvements have been made between ORCAT, BSO, and Coral Springs to ensure effective interoperability. The City of Coral Springs is in the final stages of selecting the best options for making the CADs between the Coral Springs PSAP and the Regional PSAP fully interoperable. The options that have been explored thus far include interfacing the two current CADs together or purchasing a new Motorola P1 CAD for the Coral Springs PSAP and then linking the two CADs. The Cities of Parkland and Coral Springs, along with the Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department, Broward Sheriff’s Office, the Coral Springs Police Department and the Broward County Office of Regional Communications and Technology, continue to work together to ensure the highest level of service possible is provided to the communities for which we are responsible. Interaction with Other Agencies Local governments are finding the need to coordinate with external stakeholders through an intergovernmental liaison in order to enhance communication and partnership with other local agencies, county organizations and state representatives, as well as a variety of external partners. The goal is to foster a better understanding of programs, policies, rules and decisions, facilitate a better exchange of information and communication and promote cooperation and coordination amongst agencies.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Environmental Scan Demographic Trends
Decennial Census and American Community Survey
The U.S. Census Bureau’s Decennial Census provides actual counts of population and housing units every ten years, with the most recent one conducted in 2010. The 2010 Decennial Census still remains the best source for reporting basic demographic data, such as population counts, age and race/ethnicity, along with housing unit counts, occupancy and tenure. While the Decennial Census Survey provided an array of other socioeconomic data in the past, that practice was discontinued after the 2000 Census and replaced in 2005 by an annual survey called the American Community Survey (ACS). While the ACS does provide more timely data, it has a reduced sample size and greater sampling error. The ACS collects annual survey information continuously nearly every day of the year through a questionnaire mailed to a sample of households, and then aggregates the results over a specific time period. The ACS data is provided as 1-year, 3-year and 5-year estimates. The 5-year estimate is considered the most reliable socio-economic/demographic dataset. The analysis below uses the best available data for each category. Where appropriate, trending was done using the Census data for 1990, 2000 and 2010, along with the 2012-2016 ACS 5-year estimates (most recent estimates available from the ACS). A number of trends are worth monitoring as they may indicate the need for a new mix of services. Some trends include the increase in the proportion of residents over the age of 50, the decrease in proportion of school age residents, and the growing number of multi-lingual residents. Coral Springs has a majority minority population meaning the white non-hispanic population (44%) is less than half of the City’s total population. Census 2020 will kick off April 1st, 2020 and will be the first time residents will be able to submit their information electronically. City staff has already begin working to prepare for Census 2020, including verifying addresses and participating in the Borward County Complete Count Committee. It is important that all Coral Springs residents participate in the upcoming Census, as more than $675 billion in Federal funds and grants are based on population totals and breakdown by sex, race and other factors.
Population age
Population • Coral Springs is still a “young” community, with 26% of population under 18 • Population under 18 has seen a decrease in its share of the total population by 31% in 1990 • There has been some “aging” in the past 20 years • Median Age reported by the Census increased from 31.7 in 1990 (37.6 for Broward County) to 36.4 in 2012-16 (40.0 for Broward County) • Age group 50-64 increased its share of the population significantly, 87% since 1990 • The trend of aging population will continue through 2030 as Baby Boomers age.
Population trends 100%
The City is still a “young” community but the population is aging in place. There will be a continued need for youth and senior programs in the next 5 to 10year period.
80% 70%
60% 50% 40%
30% 20%
10% 0%
Under 5
Age 5 -17
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Age 18- 34
Age 35-49
Age 50 -64
Age 65+
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Growing Hispanic Population • Coral Springs has a Majority Minority population, according to the 2012-2016 ACS 5-year estimates. Majority Minority means the White Non-Hispanic population comprises less than 50% of the population. • Based on the racial and ethnic diversity of Miami-Dade and Broward Counties, the current trends will continue as a more racially/ ethnically diverse population continues to move from Miami-Dade into Broward (and Coral Springs).
Place of birth • Foreign-born population in the City has increased its share of the total population from roughly 1/5 to almost 30% since 1990. • The majority of foreign born residents come from the Caribbean/West Indies, Central America, and South America.
Ethnic Origin of Foreign Population Percentage of Native Born 100% 80%
Percentage of Foreign Born
2000 Census
2005‐2009 ACS
2012‐2016 ACS
60% 40% 20% 0%
Language spoken at home • The share of City’s population speaking another language at home has increased significantly, from 25% in 2000 to 37% in 20122016. • Roughly 1 in 8 residents speak English less than “very well” as reported by the 2012-2016 ACS. 100%
English only
Spanish or Spanish Creole
Other languages
90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20%
As the foreign born population increases from areas other than English speaking countries, there will be a future need to provide pertinent City information in other languages, and provide information in social media and other outlets to get information to the younger age groups.
10% 0% 2000 Census
2005‐2009 ACS
2012‐2016 ACS
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Income • Residents’ Median Household Income is 28% higher than the County and 22% higher than the U.S. • Residents’ Median Family Income is 18% higher than the County and 9% higher than the U.S. $90,000 $80,000
The City’s reputation as a place to raise a family will continue to attract young families with higher incomes as compared to Broward County and the U.S.
$77,629 $70,768
$50,000 $40,000 $30,000
Coral Springs
Broward County
United States
Coral Springs
Broward County
United States
$20,000 $10,000
Median Household Income
Median Family Income
A household consists of all people who occupy a housing unit regardless of relationship. A household may consist of a person living alone or multiple unrelated individuals or families living together. Median family income is typically higher than median household income because of the composition of households.
Population below poverty level • The percent of residents living below poverty level in the City is lower than the County and the State. • Poverty has doubled from 1990 (5.2%).
Coral Springs
Broward County
Although lower than the County and the U.S., this data does not include those living below the median household and median family income levels. These families continue to struggle to make ends meet. The fate of funding for Federal programs (HOME/CDBG and other HUD programs) has a direct impact on this population.
United States
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Service and Operations Strategy The purpose of the Business Plan is to set out detailed actions the City intends to undertake in the coming fiscal year to help achieve our Strategic Goals. The five goals identified by the City Commission set the agenda for this Business Plan, namely: • Responsible City Government • City Investment in Today and Future • Downtown Becoming Vibrant • Growing Local Economy • Premier Community in South Florida While the Strategic Plan sets out the vision, the Business Plan outlines tangible plans for making the vision a reality. In each of the goal areas, department directors have developed initiatives that will direct the way the City operates in order to address our five strategic goals and achieve the vision expressed in the Strategic Plan. A Word About Existing Services and Ongoing Initiatives
In some sections, we have highlighted initiatives that were in previous Business Plans that are still being implemented in Fiscal Year 2020. Generally, if an initiative is fully operational and integrated into our service package, it will not be mentioned. The emphasis is on multiyear implementation and the evolution of existing initiatives. For more detail about the services we provide and the performance indicators we use to manage those services, please reference the departmental sections of the Annual Budget. Our New Initiatives
Initiatives assists us in achieving our Mission and Vision. We include those we feel are significant contributors to supporting our strategic goals or put additional demands on our resources. In this way, we identify the most significant actions we plan to take next year. Wherever applicable, operating expenditures have been identified for the first year only. Capital expenditures also reflect only the first year of the project, and do not include capital carrying costs.
City of Coral Springs’ Business Model
Citizen Input
Data Analysis
Strategic Plan Business Plan Budgets Output to Citizens
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Responsible City government
Financially Sound City Providing Exceptional Services New Initiatives Hiring of Part-Time Grant Coordinator Lead Department: Budget & Strategy
Operating Expenses: $21,516
Capital Expenses: $2,450
Grant funding has made a significant impact on various departments throughout the City of Coral Springs over the last five years with our Grant Manager. As the City continues to research additional grant opportunities, an additional Grant Coordinator (parttime) to support designated departments will be beneficial to develop additional competitive grant proposals, increasing the opportunity to bring in more grant funding to the City.
Grant Research and Management Software Lead Department: Budget & Strategy
Operating Expenses: $19,000
Grant management has always been a tedious but important process for the City. The implementation of a grant research and management software tool enables cities to identify, analyze and summarize thousands of grant opportunities as well as centralize and streamline the grants management process. The use of this software will provide access to more grants and assist in tracking grant expenditures, reporting requirements and ensuring compliance resulting in more grant funding to the City.
Federal Lobbyist Lead Department: City Manager’s Office
Operating Expenses: $70,000
A federal lobbyist may help the City develop funding strategies for important projects, coordinate with federal agencies and Congress, and actively monitor, update, and advocate on our behalf regarding legislation impacting the City. These projects include areas such as transportation, infrastructure, housing, public safety/emergency management, and water resources.
Health and Wellness Equipment Lead Department: Fire/EMS
Capital Expenses: $12,000
Physical fitness for first responders is the highest importance and is imperative to the safety of our personnel. A physically fit firefighter is less likely to incur an injury while performing their job functions both around the stations and while on emergency calls. The addition of this equipment will enhance the firefighter’s ability to stay fit while on duty in a safe manner.
Census 2020 Outreach Lead Department: Development Services/ Comm. & Marketing Operating Expenses: $65,000 2020 marks the next decennial census nationwide. An accurate count in the 2020 Census is vitally important to the future of Coral Springs as census data is used to determine how nearly $675 billion is annually distributed for Federal funds annually to states, counties, and communities to support resources such as schools, hospitals, and fire departments. Census 2020 marks the first year that forms will not be mailed to residents. Instead, they will complete their questions online. Staff is recommending the creation of a Complete Count Committee to help coordinate outreach efforts to residents. This Committee will be active for approximately one year and will sunset upon completion of the Census. The group will establish subcommittees to focus on areas such as Cultural and Ethnic, Hard to Enumerate, Promotions, and Interfaith relations. The Complete Count Committee will also work with long-established committees like the Multicultural, Customer Involved Government, and School Advisory Board, to promote outreach efforts. Funding will be utilized to prepare and implement a strong, local marketing plan along with reaching out to various strategic populations and/or non-profit groups to train and aid in the filling out of the questions online. Laptops or ipads may be purchased, as appropriate, for this huge effort.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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American with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance Support Strategy Lead Department: Human Operating Expenses: $100,000
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design require that all electronic and information technology must be accessible to people with disabilities. The ADA standards apply to commercial and public entities that have “places of public accommodation” including resources provided via the internet. As technology continuously evolves, our methods for communicating and delivering information to the public have changed. Today our most popular methods for delivering electronic information are the City’s website and social media channels. To increase transparency and access for individuals with disabilities, the City will work with subject matter experts to identify opportunities for improvement and develop a new compliance plan that will be implemented during the next 1-3 years.
Professional Certifications Lead Department: Human Resources
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
To encourage and support a more proactive learning culture, Human Resource would modify the Tuition Assistance Policy to include work-related professional certifications. This expansion of the Tuition Assistance policy would supplement employee developmental needs that are not covered by existing department budgets. Funding work-related professional certifications will enable City departments to expand their knowledge base and grow expertise among existing employees. It will also nurture a continuous learning environment while preparing employees for future opportunities and broaden their skill set for possible promotions.
IT Specialized Technical Training Lead Department: Information Technology
Operating Expenses: $53,000
One of Information Technology’s goals is to become a leader in the implementation of business technology by developing staff capable of building and supporting solutions based on industry best practices. Specialized training in areas such as cyber security would enable staff to execute best practices for handling security incidents, employ processes and tools to identify attacks or attackers, and engage in evaluations of the city’s systems that take the perspective of an attacker to identify vulnerabilities.
Fellowship/ Summer Interns Lead Department: Human Resources
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
The Human Resources department has created a Summer Internship and Management Fellowship Program. The Management Fellowship Program was created in partnership with a local university and seeks to attract top Management in Public Administration (MPA) graduate students immediately upon graduation. The students gain valuable experience developing and leading strategic projects in support of a variety of City departments. The Summer Internship Program gives students and graduates from local high schools, colleges and universities the opportunity to build their business acumen skills and knowledge of public services. The City benefits from the infusion of fresh ideas and the students gain valuable experience while working to support the City’s strategic goals.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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GIS Consulting Services Lead Department: Information Technology
Operating Expenses: $109,000
Updating and correcting the authoritative data in our geodatabase is important for all departments in the City for accurate decision making, situational awareness and improved customer service to the public. Improved data will streamline the implementation of solution templates for utilities, public safety, community development, and economic development. Information Technology would engage GIS consulting services in order to assist with the revision of GIS data to account for mobile editing, version editing workflows and integration with other GIS enabled software in order to configure new GIS software tools and functionality. A redesigned geodatabase will better serve in the flow of data updates to those who need current and/or realtime data.
ESRI Enterprise Advantage Program (EEAP) Lead Department: Information Technology
Operating Expenses: $89,000
Esri Enterprise Advantage Program (EEAP) provides enterprise wide visioning and geospatial enablement through technical advisory and access to a combination of consulting and training services. GIS is a powerful platform for innovations around spatial and non-spatial data. Expansion plans by the GIS team will result in more employees with access to GIS tools and functionality to perform data exploration and analysis which will improve the operations and efficiency of the City.
Emergency Services Leadership Institute Lead Department: Fire Department
Operating Expenses: $36,000
The professional development of our members has been and will continue to be one of the priorities of the Fire Department. The Emergency Services Leadership Institute (ESLI) program is sponsored and hosted by the Florida Fire Chief’s Association in the interest of addressing contemporary leadership issues that affect mid-level (Lieutenant and Captain) and Chief Fire Officers. The professional development curriculum consists of 6 courses, each individual course is designed to stand alone as a specific educational experience. This training will enhance the leadership of our personal and assist them when making decisions pertaining to their position. Successful completion of the six courses will meet the requirements for graduation from the Emergency Service Leadership Institute.
Employee Health Clinic Lead Department: Human Resources
Operating Expenses: $727,950
A near-site clinic has the potential to strategically impact a variety of employee wellness issues including: preventative and sick care, disease management (health coach), prescription (Rx), compliance, improve employee attendance due to illness and reduce overall health care costs. To improve the sustainability of the City’s Health Fund, we need to evaluate opportunities to decrease overall health care costs. Providing an integrated employee health program strategically addresses the gaps and limitations of a standard health insurance model. By implementing a Near-site Employee Clinic, the City will have a strategic opportunity to address our gaps in care, under-utilization of health-services, prescription medication compliance and disease management needs by leveraging an external health provider who focuses 100% on our employee population. Once implemented the clinic can deliver a variety of scalable services catering to the City’s employees, their dependents and potentially offer services to local retirees. This model has been successfully implemented in other local cities and has provided a return on investment by effective managing and reducing health care costs. The initial operating expense of $727,950 includes $150,000 of startup costs (non-recurring).
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Well Being Strategy Lead Department: Human Resources Operating Expenses: $10,000 The City has a strong commitment to the wellbeing of our employees and develops timely programming to meet the ongoing needs of our employees and their dependents. Each year the Human Resources Department utilizes input from our Wellness Committee and Onsite Health Coach to enhance wellbeing programs with an emphasis on preventive care, chronic health conditions, disease management and improving mental wellness. Overall wellbeing engagement improves through increased education, expansion of online tools, in-person workshops and rewards that recognize employees who make their total health a priority. Our goal is to continue offering leading edge programs to support employees on their wellbeing journey.
Public Education Enhancement Lead Department: Fire Department
Operating Expenses: $23,000
Currently, there is limited public training on the proper initial response to a fire emergency. The proper initial response to an incipient fire is critical to achieving a positive outcome. This initiative includes various devices and items that simulate activating a fire alarm for fire department and occupant notification for person in the building, calling 911, as well as the proper use of a fire extinguisher. All these items can be used indoors and is intended for use in high density business and residential occupancies. There is also the option to use these props during the numerous special events that we participate in.
Cyber Security Insurance Lead Department: Information Risk Management
Operating Expenses: TBD
Cybersecurity insurance is designed to mitigate losses from a variety of cyber incidents, including data breaches, business interruption, and network damage. When the average cost of a cyber-attack is millions of dollars, and the subsequent risks associated with offline services are immeasurable (E-mail, Internet, Phone Systems, etc), having cyber-insurance is one more step that the City of Coral Springs can take to protect citizens and assets. By instituting a Cyber Security Insurance, the City will achieve the final layer in our layered plan of protection against today’s cybercriminal and inadvertent/unintentional internal breaches and attacks, protecting both the internal assets of the city and infrastructure and its’ citizens personal/financial data.
Senior Programming (Enhancement) Lead Department: Parks and Recreation
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
Today’s mature resident is seeking opportunities for continued education and lifelong health and fitness. This has led to an increased demand on the City’s senior programing. Currently we offer a variety of health, fitness, and education classes free of charge to Coral Springs seniors. We are one of the few cities that offer 100% free classes. Tai Chi, yoga, as well as a variety of other fitness classes are among the most popular offerings. Many of these classes reach capacity, with seniors signing up on a waiting list to attend. With the senior population growing, residents are asking for new activities.
Disaster Recovery Site Lead Department: Information Technology
Operating Expenses: $50,000
A disaster recovery site assures the ability to restore essential hardware, applications, vital data and recovery-time objectives to meet the time-sensitive business needs and functions of the city’s dependency on IT resources. A disaster recovery site will protect the city’s business data, systems and their backups providing restorative service to the critical business systems resulting in shorter recovery time. Policy driven directives ensure a controlled and staged return to operations by simplifying the process of action for granular management facing today’s emerging threats. All City departments will benefit from a disaster recovery site through its dedicated continuity of the City polices on uptime, disaster prevention an restoration using structures and strategic approach to threats from internal and external means.
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Civil Engineer Lead Department: Water & Sewer Administration
Operating Expenses: $92,429
The addition of a Civil Engineer to the Utilities Division will improve the quality of the engineering services the City provides. This includes engineering design, inspections, and construction management all related to Capital Improvement Projects. This alleviates the expense of hiring an outside engineering consultant for routine engineering design and allows the current Civil Engineer to direct more attention to other time-sensitive projects within the City.
Fire Department 50th Lead Department:
Fire Department
Operating Expenses: $50,000
In 2020, the Fire Department will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary (1970-2020). This is a milestone not only for the Fire Department but also for the City of Coral Springs. This impact will draw in recognition for the fire department and the city through marketing and advertisement throughout the community . Through this connection with the community, we will be able to showcase all of the strengths of our department and the services that the Fire Department provides. This anniversary will take place in 2020 with various events and initiatives which include: A 50th Anniversary logo design, official documents, uniforms, commemorative items for City Staff, Historical photo albums and video, Annual Awards Ceremony, Formal Dinner Celebration to Commemorate the 50th, and an Extravaganza which is open to the public.
Online Performance Management System Lead Department: Human Resources Operating Expenses: Existing Funds The Human Resources department is Implementing an online performance management solution that will improve the efficiency of the employee performance feedback process. Human Resources will be evaluating several best of breed solutions that can support the City’s ongoing need to deliver meaningful performance feedback to our employees. Consideration will be given to existing selfservice portals utilized by the Human Resources department when evaluating which options will strengthen the HR Service delivery model and streamline the delivery of feedback. Employee and Supervisor focus groups will be utilized to support the setup and testing of the new performance feedback system prior to implementing.
City Security Improvements Lead Department: Emergency Management
Operating Expenses: $547,352
The City’s current disparate security systems do not integrate to one another. There is no central viewing or management system. There is no operational panic, or lock down features at City Hall, Charter School, or at the Fire Academy. It is costly for us to hire contractors to work on our access system, and we do not currently have one vendor to work on these systems. This project will allow our city to bring existing systems into working order under the management of a new city wide security contractor. This will also bring our existing systems on line, provides improvement for our analog camera systems, and purchases servers for installment at key infrastructure. This combined approach ensures that our security will operate effectively while providing a platform for future sustainment.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Ongoing Initiatives Hiring of Grant Consultant (2019-2020) Lead Department: Budget & Strategy
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
One of the City’s goals is to increase grant funding awarded to the City. Currently, there is a Grant Coordinator on staff to develop all of the city’s competitive grant proposals. The addition of grant consultants will assist the grant coordinator and city departments in crafting more competitive grant proposals. City departments would have access to subject matter experts who can provide the professional guidance needed to develop competitive grant proposals to funders which will in turn increase the amount of grant funding that is awarded to the City.
Open Smart City- Strategic Planning Online Platform (2019-2020) Lead Department: Budget & Strategy
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
Recent events have led to a growing lack of confidence in our City. This lack of trust is not only directed at Coral Springs. Public trust in government remains near historic lows; with only 18% of Americans today saying they can trust the government to do what is right. The City’s current performance management system is failing and there are companies in the market which combine performance management and performance indicators into a scorecard for internal/external tracking and reporting. Exploring the use of an online platform to frequently update progress in the community will improve public perception and give our community a sense that they are able to track the new initiatives and reference the City’s strategic direction.
Linkedin Learning Subscriptions (2019-2020) Lead Department: City Manager’s Office
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
Linkedin Learning is an online platform that provides a multitude of online courses which would be available to all City employees. Training will be readily available to staff, no longer requiring users to register online or travel off-site. Training can be completed from the user’s desk at their most convenient time. Offering online courses to city employees will meet the City’s goal to “hire, develop and retain a top quality City workforce”.
Virtual Slice of the Springs Meeting (2017-2020) Lead Departments: Development Services, Communications and Marketing
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
Since 1995, the City of Coral Springs has held a series of “Slice of the Springs” neighborhood meetings, conducted in different sections or slices of the City – Southeast/Southwest, Town Center/Center West and Northside/Northeast. At each Slice meeting, City staff provides an annual update to the community and discusses relevant issues or concerns with the residents. The meetings are a chance for the residents to interact directly with staff members from all departments of the City, including Police, Fire, Community Development, Code Compliance, Building, Public Works and Parks and Recreation. After a decrease in attendance in 2014-2015, the three-meeting series held in 2015-2016 saw a significant increase in attendance. The attendance was boosted by the advertising efforts of the City’s Communications and Marketing Department through the City’s social media platforms. The goal of this ongoing initiative is to increase the number of participants in Slice meetings by including residents who would like to attend the meeting in person but are unable to do so. A “virtual” option allows people to attend “live” via their computer or mobile device. Attendees have the opportunity to attend the meeting in person at City Hall, or virtually via Facebook Live. Communications and Marketing and the Development Services departments conducted the first “Virtual Slice of the Springs” on April 20, 2017, again on April 12, 2018. and May 9, 2019. A panel of eight staff members answered questions from the public as they were submitted on Facebook while streaming live. This first Virtual Slice was a great success with over 250 questions or comments submitted and over 2,000 views during the 45-minute broadcast—and over 15,000 views to date.
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Innovation Incentive Recognition Program (2019-2020) Lead Department: City Manager’s Office
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
To encourage greater innovation within the City, an emphasis will be placed on creative thinking to help drive operational improvements in all areas of the organization. A new rewards philosophy will be promoted for employees to embrace the idea of innovation and launch a framework supporting innovative practices. Many of the new core values, established by the City Commission during recent Strategic Planning sessions, encourage higher levels of engagement among employees forming a stronger organization and greater retention of high-performing employees. This program is expected to yield productivity gains and monetary savings by replacing outdated practices. As of March 2019, the City received 26 ideas and have conducted 6 interviews, with finalist pending.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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City Investment in Today and Future
Upgrades to City Infrastructure, Facilities and Parks New Initiatives Park Summit Left Turn Lane Lead Department: Fire/EMS
Operating Expenses: $62,000
In order to provide emergency responses for the residents in the community, the Fire Department is proposing to add a left turn lane into the development of Park Summit. This left turn lane will provide left turn movement access to the west driveway into Park Summit Condominium by reducing but maintaining the exiting turn lane into Palm Village, the residential development just west of Park Summit. The addition of this turn lane is necessary to not only reduce the response times of emergency responders but also increase the safety of the first responders and the citizens by eliminating the need to perform a U-turn. The area in question prevents a U turn from being performed in one motion and opens the responding service providers to side impact accidents that are detrimental to all involved.
Pickleball Courts Lead Department: Parks and Recreation Operating Expense: $2,000 Capital Expenses: $85,000 The Parks and Recreation Department will construct 4 permanent, lighted outdoor pickleball courts at the Tennis Complex at Sportsplex. Pickleball is the fastest growing sport and is especially attractive to seniors but will be used by all ages. These courts will allow us to offer new programming at the Tennis Complex, which should result in higher membership for the facilities. We will also be able to offer Pickleball lessons and tournaments. Work will be completed by a contractor, which we will find through a competitive bid process.
Bus Shelter Solar Powered Fans Lead Department: Public Works
Capital Expense: $25,000
Staff is researching the feasibility of installing a solar or electrically powered box fan in the three existing and nine Kaleidoscope shelters to be furnished and installed by Broward County. The Kaleidoscope manufacturer, Landscape forms, has offered the assistance of their engineer to design a fan that can be retrofitted onto the shelter. A prototype would be proposed for the existing Kaleidoscope shelter located on the NE corner of Sample and Coral Hills Drive. Since this bus shelter accessory does not currently exist as an option from the manufacturer, there would be a design and custom fabrication period followed by installation and monitoring of performance. If the fan proved reliable and effective after a 3 to 6 month test period, then it could be expanded to the remaining 11 Kaleidoscope shelters in the inventory. Staff has estimated that 60 of the green Tolar shelters have reached the end of their useful life, showing signs of rust, and have proposed replacing them with the Kaleidoscope model in future years.
Turf Fields Lead Department: Parks and Recreation
Operating Expense: Existing Funds
Seven artificial turf athletic fields will be installed throughout the City in the following parks: 2 fields at North Community Park, 2 fields at Cypress Park, 2 Fields at Mullins Park and stadium field at Sportsplex. Artificial turf will eliminate the need to resod or regrade athletic fields which causes the field to be closed 2 to 3 months each year. Artificial turf fields are available year round which will allow for the hosting of more tournaments, generating economic impact to the City.
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Splash Pad Lead Department: Parks and Recreation
Operating Expense: Existing Funds Capital Expense: $250,000
As one of the ways to continue to provide for the residents, the City has decided to move forward with the project to construct a splash pad at a desired location within the City. The Splash Pad would include fountains and other spray equipment that would be open to the public free of charge. From the community engagement of Virtual Slice Meetings, Visioning Summits and City Surveys the City was informed that this was a project residents would like to see in the community.
Curbing on Sample Lead Department: Public Works
Capital Expense: $100,000
Sample Road is one of the main entryways to the City. A portion of the median between the Sawgrass Expressway and NW 120 Ave is uncurbed, encouraging illegal U-turns, causing deep ruts on the lawn and damage to shrubs and groundcovers which does not contribute towards the sustainability of the landscape, and reflects poorly on the aesthetics and maintenance of the City. Public Works is proposing to curb 1,200 linear feet of roadway to have this first median into the City completely curbed, which will prevent the ongoing damage to the lawn and will allow us to use trees with larger canopies, resulting in increased aesthetics.
Landscape Operation Enhancement Lead Department: Public Works
Operating Expense: $130,000
Currently, the arbor and horticultural activities on medians, right-of-ways and public buildings are being managed solely by the Horticulture Contract Coordinator. In order to complete landscape projects, the coordinator has to rely on other departments. The success of landscape beautification projects relies mainly on the proper water availability right after installation and during the dry season. Currently, we depend on the availability of the City’s Irrigation staff to assist with watering needs, but they cannot always accommodate our needs because they have other commitments or are under-staffed. The Public Works Department is proposing to contract out the inspections, repairs, and improvements of the irrigation system on areas that are under their responsibility, and to hire one part time consultant to assist as a Landscape Inspector. Having a person assist with landscape inspections, will ensure that all areas are being maintained as required on the contract, deficiencies are addressed in a timely manner, vertical clearance is maintained in all roads, unsafe situations are identified and corrected, and landscape installations and tree maintenance is conducted following best management practices.
Ongoing Initiatives Facilities/ Streets Cityworks Software (2019-2020) Lead Department: Public Works
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
In Fiscal Year 2017, the Utilities Division procured a software program called Cityworks, which is based on Public Works operations. It serves as an asset management program designed to achieve maximum life and usefulness of infrastructure improvements, as well as document total work order cost of labor, material, equipment and GIS. This project, which will be included in the ERP contract is a continuation of the city’s proactive approach to asset management empowering staff at all levels which should enact process improvements and operating efficiencies.
Landscape Improvement of Arterial Roads (2019-2020) Lead Department: Public Works
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
Landscape improvements along University Drive and additional arterial roads such as Coral Ridge Drive, Coral Springs Drive, Royal Palm Blvd, Atlantic Blvd, Sample Road as well as master parking, will improve traffic visibility, allow improved growth and appearance of plants and create a themed more uniform corridor. University Drive will be the first to be completed, bringing the road up to current FDOT Landscape Design standards which will have a positive impact on safety aspects of the road, and also improve the appearance by beautifying this main corridor with fresh and adequate landscape material. Following approval of plans, the bidding process will begin followed by the issuance of contract and construction term which will extend into FY2020. This project will make a positive impact on drivers who use the road as well as business located along these roads.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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New Shop Equipment (2019-2020) Lead Department: Public Works/Equipment Services
Capital Outlay: $200,000
Public Works Equipment Services repair facility will be relocated to the newly purchased Public Safety and Public Works building located at 4150 NW 120 Ave. This new facility is currently not equipped for Equipment Services to perform routine maintenance repairs on the city’ vehicles and equipment fleet. New equipment will be procured and installed into the new facility so that Equipment Services can continue to maintain the City’s fleet. Examples of equipment to be procured and installed include stationary above ground automotive lifts, portable heavy duty wheel lifts for medium & heavy duty trucks, overhead hose reels, bulk fluid storage tanks, automated bulk fluid delivery & recovery systems, compressed air system, automotive alignment rack, automotive exhaust extrication system, air circulators, lighting, (2) commercial hand wash stations, tire equipment, and overhead fall restraint system for fire truck bays.
Roadway Resurfacing (2001-2020) Lead Department: Public Works Capital Outlay: $500,000 The life expectancy of an asphalt road is about 20 to 25 years depending on vehicle volume. Effective pavement management calls for streets to be resurfaced approximately every 25 years. Beyond 25 years, the aggregate in the road base rises to the surface leading to the recurring formation of potholes. The goal is to resurface the road before there is deterioration of the road base; if not, the existing road has to be demolished and a new road reconstructed in its place. If roads are not resurfaced based on the planned timeline, the City could incur greater expenses in the future. The areas targeted in Fiscal Year 2018 include Pine Ridge North and Westview Drive, and University to Riverside Drive. For roads within the City’s utility service area, the resurfacing plan is linked to the Utilities Division cast iron water main replacement program. The water mains will be replaced in advance of the roadway resurfacing project. In Fiscal Year 2019, areas to be resurfaced include the North Springs subdivision. In Fiscal Year 2020, areas will include the Hills subdivision and Riverside Drive north of Wiles Road.
Maintain and Protect City Trees (2017-2020) Lead Department: Parks and Recreation
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
The City invested heavily in restoring the tree canopy after the devastation wrought by Hurricane Wilma, trying to reach at least a 30% three canopy coverage citywide. At this level, additional benefits are realized, such as reduction of heat islands, increased rainfall interception, reduced flooding, and increased oxygen production. As the City’s tree canopy continues to grow and mature, the need for tree trimming is increasing. Proper maintenance of City trees will help them withstand future storms. The City employs a tree trimming crew that applies specialized attention and care to the City’s tree inventory, which is essential in limiting losses in the event of another hurricane.
CDBG Action Plan (2019-2020) Lead Department: Development Services
FY 2020 CDBG Allocation: $761,605
Each year, the City is required to complete an Action Plan as a part of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, provided through the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The plan describes specific projects and activities the City will undertake in the coming year to address priority needs identified in the 2015-2020 Consolidated Plan. These priorities include providing a suitable living environment, providing decent and affordable housing, and expanding economic opportunities. The City’s five-year Consolidated Plan has the framework for the City’s annual Action Plan to identify housing, homelessness, community and economic development needs and resources, and then tailor a strategic plan to meet those needs.
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The program allows the City to utilize grant funds for capital improvement projects in the City’s low- to moderate-income areas which otherwise would have to be paid through the City’s Capital Improvement Program and allows 15% of the funding for public services (senior and youth programs). The following projects are listed in the Fiscal Year 2019/2020 Action Plan: • NW 28th Street Sidewalk Replacement: $120,000 • Lion Park Lighting Project: $100,000 • Castlewood Park Replacement: $85,000 • NW 27th Street Sidewalk Replacement: $70,000 • NW 24th Street Sidewalk Replacement: $60,000 • Youth Scholarship Program: $50,000 • Home Repair: $40,043 • Senior Recreation and Functional Training: $40,000 • Senior Recreation and Therapeutic Program: $24,241 • Ramblewood ADA Sidewalk Study: $20,000 • Planning and Administration: $152,321
Traffic Signal Intersection: Coral Ridge Drive and NW 41st Street (2019-2020) Lead Department: Fire
Capital Outlay: Existing Funds
This project involves the installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Coral Ridge Drive and 41st street in conjunction with Broward County and the transit authorities. The exit point onto major roadways pose visibility challenges for emergency responders and distracted drivers only compound the problem for emergency responders trying to leave the fire station. Emergency responders deserve safe, ready access to roadways adjacent to the fire station. The signal will not only ensure safe passage for emergency responders, but will create safer and more efficient traffic patterns at an intersection that host a large number of commuters who are employed at any of the commercial businesses located in the corporate park.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Traffic Management (2010-2020) Lead Department: Development Services, Public Works
Capital Outlay: $45,000
The Transportation Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 2020 shows the efforts planned or underway to ensure acceptable levels of service and safe driving conditions are maintained in the City. The City’s Traffic Management Team meets monthly to address issues pertaining to the safe and efficient use of the roadway network. Projects include traffic calming, road resurfacing, turn lanes at intersections, as well as pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure improvements. The TMT will investigate a pilot project to allow dockless scooters within the city limits. In Fiscal Year 2020, the City will work with Broward County and the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) to maximize the delivery of transportation infrastructure projects provided through the Transportation Surtax passed by voters in November 2018. In addition, with the completion of the Downtown Coral Springs Mobility Hub Master Plan, the City will work with the MPO to identify and seek funding for infrastructure projects for the Downtown Local Activity Center. The City will continue working with Broward County on pedestrian signal improvements to enhance mobility and connectivity, including the installation of audible pedestrian detectors at three intersections with high levels of pedestrian activity. Broward County is planning several improvements including updated traffic signal synchronization and the installation of new mast arms with pedestrian countdown signals. City staff will work with the MPO and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) on the following efforts: •
Implement projects that improve regional connectivity, including the initiative to build the Sawgrass Expressway Connector to I-95
Expand University Drive to six lanes north of NW 40th Street
Widen Wiles Road east of University Drive to six lanes
Advance multi-modal initiatives along Rock Island Road, Coral Ridge Drive, and Turtle Creek Drive
City staff will continue to monitor development within the Downtown LAC (Local Activity Center) to determine traffic impacts of new development as well as the ongoing development within the “Wedge” area of Parkland. Also in Fiscal Year 2020, $33,000 is being requested where $22,000 will be used to replace two temporary rubber speed cushions with concrete on Shadow Wood Boulevard. Additional funding is requested for the repair of speed cushions and maintaining the thermoplastic pavement markings and signage to improve the safety and visibility of all traffic calming locations throughout the City.
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2019-2021 Short Range Transportation improvement plan
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City Roadway Resurfacing Program Sidewalk/ADA Improvements Mast Arm Installation Wiles Road - Riverside Drive to Rock Island Road - Widen 4-6 lanes (2019) Rock Island Road Bike Lane and Sidewalk Turtle Creek Drive Bike Lane Project Traffic Calming Replacement Eastbound Right Turn Lane School Zone Mast Arm Improvements Street Lighting Project (County)
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2040 Long range development of regional impact transportation improvement plan
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1. University Drive/Sample Road - Add SB, EB and WB right turn lanes 2. University Drive/Wiles Road - Add NB, SB, EB, and WB left turn lanes - Add NB and SB through lanes 3. Sample Road/Coral Springs Drive - Add EB and WB right turn lanes 4. Sample Road/Riverside Drive - Add EB right turn lanes Add NB and SB left turn lanes 5. Sawgrass Expressway 6 lanes to 10 lanes 6. Coral Hills Drive - Sample Road to NW 29th Street Widen to provide a 3-lane cross section 7. NW 33rd Street - Coral Hills Drive to NW 99th Way Widen to provide a 3-lane cross section 8. University Drive - NW 40th Street to Sawgrass Widen from 4 to 6 lanes 9. Wiles Road - University Drive to Riverside Drive Widen from 4 to 6 lanes 10. Multi-Modal Improvements (2040 LRTP, Comp Plan) 11. Proposed Transit Center in Downtown DRI 12. Proposed Diverging Diamond Interchange 13. Future Sidewalks
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A. University Drive/ Sample Road - Add NB and EB right turn lanes, Bus Bay and Sidewalk Improvements (Completed 2007) B. Sample Road/Sportsplex Drive, install traffic signal (Completed 2006) C. Downtown Pathway (Completed 2016) D. NW 85 Avenue Northbound/Southbound turn lanes
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Area
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Downtown Becoming Vibrant
Creating a Sense of Place and a Destination New Initiatives Implementation of Economic Development Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System Lead Department: Economic Development
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
In Fiscal Year 2019, the Economic Development Office purchased Cloud Nine, a Customer Relationship Management software specifically designed for economic development activities. This allows the office to track projects, retention visits and prospects. The CRM system requires significant data entry and the EDO is working diligently to input the backlog of information by the end of the fiscal year.
Form Village Square Plan with Developer Lead Department: Economic Development
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
The Economic Development Office (EDO) is working with the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), Development Services and the developer of Village Square to ensure that the project fits the Downtown Mixed-Use Zoning approved in January 2018. The development will include retail, restaurants and office space on the northwest corner of University Drive and Sample Road.
Infrastructure Improvements in Downtown Lead Department: Economic Development
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
The CRA is working with the county to install new LED lights within the Downtown for enhanced visibility and safety. The Commercial Enhancement Matching Grant program is expanding to include the entire CRA and the funding allowance will increase to $25,000 to allow for more businesses to make improvements to their property. The CRA is also installing new landscaping between 99th and Coral Hills Drive.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Continue City Outreach on Business Retention, Expansion and Attraction Lead Department: Economic Development
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
The Economic Development Office meets with existing businesses in the City to identify challenges and opportunities and to provide connections to resources within the city, region and state. Staff also assists businesses interested in relocating to the city including site selection and demographic research
Develop Retail Strategy Lead Department: Economic Development Existing
Operating Expenses:
The City has a significant amount of retail leakage. To alleviate this issue, the EDO is developing a retail recruitment strategy. Staff is working with Retail Strategies to identify retail gaps and potential opportunities to fill those gaps. Finding the right retail mix and density is essential for a community seeking to create a sense of place for residents, businesses and visitors.
Enhanced Downtown Events/Entertainment Lead Department: Economic Development
Operating Expenses: Existing
The Community Redevelopment Agency is supporting community activities to create a sense of place in Downtown Coral Springs. Working with Communications & Marketing, the CRA will participate in and fund events such as Bites ‘n’ Sips, Seasonal Farmers Market, Innovate Downtown and Unplugged in an effort to bring people Downtown for entertainment and community engagement.
Ongoing Initiatives Design Guidelines for Downtown (2019-2020) Lead Department: CRA/Development Services
CRA Expenses: Existing Funds
In Fiscal Year 2019, the City approved design guidelines for the downtown that provide direction for developers and existing businesses regarding landscaping, signage, architecture and street furniture, etc. The CRA is working with Economic Development and Development Services to educate and inform about the changes and to encourage the utilization of the Commercial Enhancing Matching Grant program to implement the updates designs.
Development Agreement for the Cornerstone Project (2019-2020) Lead Department: CRA, Economic Development
CRA Expenses: Existing Funds
In 2018, a private developer acquired the Financial Plaza building and parking lot on the corner of University Drive and Sample Road and is working on developing a large mixed-use project called Cornerstone. The project, a component of the City’s vision for a walkable downtown, will serve as a catalyst for additional redevelopment in the CRA. The City and the CRA are negotiating with the Developer to provide a tax increment incentive; the final terms of the project components, requirements and aesthetics as well as compliance regarding the tax incentive will be memorialized in a Development Agreement between the City, CRA and Developer.
Innovate Downtown (2018-2020) Lead Department: Communications and Marketing, CRA
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
Innovate Downtown was launched in 2018 and takes place over two days. Friday night begins with 10 innovators competing in a “SharkTank” pitch contest to a panel of judges. The following night, the innovators showcase their products to the public at the City’s UnPlugged event. Two cash prizes are awarded – one to the crowd favorite, the other to the judges’ choice. The City hopes to expand this event in 2020.
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Growing local economy
Increased Business Investment and Jobs New Initiatives Implement a DNS, DHCP, and IP (DDI) Management Tool Lead Department: Information Technology
Capital Outlay: $140,000
Given the rapid emergence of new technological infrastructure such as visualization, cloud, SDN, and more, the City is executing the security measures to match. This comes in the form of implementing a management tool that will monitor the network detection access to new devices (DHCP), manage what these devices are accessing (DNS) and provide visibility of the entire network through the IP address management tool (IPAM). This will improve the detection time for modern threats and add a necessary layer of security and visibility for the City’s network.
User Cyber Awareness Training Lead Department: Information Technology
Operating Expenses: $15,000
Victims of cyber attacks are in the news nearly every day. Security awareness training can familiarize employees with the techniques commonly used by attackers, including what to look for in unsolicited emails, visits, and phone calls. Regular training will help to reinforce this, as well as providing reminders to avoid providing personal or corporate information and what to do when employees suspect the legitimacy of a contact.
Ongoing Initiatives Retention of Marketing Firm (2019-2020) Lead Department: Economic Development
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
Following development of the detailed Economic Development Strategic plan and Marketing Strategic Plan, staff will assess how best to work with an outside firm to execute the goals set forth in the plans. This may include assisting with decisions to place advertisements, attend trade shows, contact brokers and site selectors, provide familiarization tours, and develop marketing collateral. In addition, we will strive to present easily accessible and compelling data and information needed for a business to make a determination as to whether Coral Springs is the right location for them.
Economic Development Strategic Plan Implementation (2019-2020) Lead Department: Economic Development
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
In FY 2019, the City engaged a firm to conduct an in depth economic development strategic planning process. This work entailed an analysis of market, demographic, and business data to create a strategy for how the City may best deploy its resources to obtain a maximum return on investment for business attraction, retention and expansion efforts. The development of the strategic plan included community stakeholder engagement and visioning for what the business community will look for in the future. The implementation of the strategic plan supports the business plan goal of growing our local economy to increase business investment within the City and the creation of economic opportunity.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Quarterly Economic Development Reports (2019-2020) Lead Department: Economic Development
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
In FY2019, staff purchased a CRM software to track and document its business retention, expansion and attraction efforts. The CRM system creates customized reports related to retention visits, project management and case management as well as incentive compliance and site selection. EDO staff inputs data and pull reports on a quarterly basis.
Corporate Park Improvements (2017-2020) Lead Department: Economic Development Office (EDO)
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
The City and Property Owners of the Coral Springs Corporate Park Association have created a stronger dialogue, working cooperatively to address long-standing issues in the Corporate Park. City staff, the Association, the Coral Springs Regional Chamber, and Sunshine Water Control District continue to meet on a quarterly basis to discuss areas of concern. The City has also explored grant funding to address the drainage issues in the Park. The City will continue building solid, productive relationships and partnerships with existing and new companies in the Corporate Park to make it a better place to work and do business.
Economic Development Marketing and Branding (2016-2020) Lead Department: Economic Development Office (EDO)
Operating Expenses: Existing
Economic Development marketing efforts include a revamped website, increased social media outreach and rebranding. EDO staff is exploring the retention of a marketing firm to enhance its outreach and visibility through logo redesign, collateral materials and targeted business attraction efforts. The website,, provides more interactive, engaging content including video and photos of visits with local businesses. GIS software offers up-to-date demographic and labor force information as well as an online database of available industrial, retail, and office spaces. A live-chat feature will be implemented, and SEO will increase the number of visitors to the site.
Coral Springs Regional Chamber Business Academy (2017-2020) Lead Department: Economic Development Office (EDO)
Operating Expenses: Existing
Now in the fifth year, the Coral Springs Regional Chamber Business Academy continues to grow. Sponsored by the City of Coral Springs and FPL and led by experts focused on a specific topic or discipline, local small business owners seeking to grow their businesses have the opportunity to improve communication skills, gain expert knowledge, network with other businesses and expand resources to help their business succeed. The series of six classes begins in November and ends in April. A nominal fee will be charged to attend.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Premier Community in South Florida
The Place for Families to Live in Great Neighborhoods New Initiatives Body Worn Cameras and In-Car LPR Lead Department: Police
Operating Expenses: $495,840 (forfeiture funds)
Currently, the City of Coral Springs is one of the two cities in Broward County which do not utilize some type of camera system in relation to policing. The need to document incidents via body worn or in-car cameras has become increasingly standardized. Due to this, the State’s Attorney Office is beginning to rely heavily on body worn cameras video to obtain convictions. Additionally, the need to convey an accurate account of police related activity to the public has become vital. It is the duty of the City of Coral Springs to provide its residents with accurate and detailed descriptions of incidents which take place within the jurisdictional limits of the City of Coral Springs. Body worn camera systems will provide a more in-depth approach to managing investigations related to the Coral Springs Police Department.
Educational Guides for Residents and Businesses Lead Department: Development Services
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
In an attempt to have property owners, residents and business owners comply with the City codes and regulations, two of the City’s departments Development Services and the Communications & Marketing Department will work together to provide guidance. Guides will assist residents, businesses, property owners, and tenants to understand the most common issues and how to rectify the issues.
Additional (3) Firefighter/ Paramedics Lead Department: Fire/EMS
Operating Expenses: $186,627 Fire Fund/$114,384 General Fund
Capital Outlay Fire: $12,000
The Coral Springs Fire department currently maintains a staff of 153 shift based personnel, fifty (50) per shift. These personnel are responsible for the staffing of eight (8) fire stations located in the cities of Coral Springs and Parkland. The department is requesting three (3) additional firefighters in the Fiscal Year 2020 budget. The additional personnel would add one (1) firefighter/ paramedic to each of the three (3) fire department shifts. The benefits to the department and the City are as follows: Increase the amount of personnel on particular units such as the busier units that are running a heavy amount of calls for service. This would also decrease the need for some of the busiest ladder and engine companies having to respond to medical calls for additional staffing. Having the suppression companies remain available will allow faster and more efficient responses in their respective response zones. One (1) additional person per shift will allow additional personnel to utilize their allotted accrued leave time for both vacation and comp time at a more consistent rate, which would greatly improve morale and efficiency within the fire department. Currently the fire department rely on their staff member to work overtime so that an individual can take their earned vacation or personal time.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Community Involvement Coordinator Part-time to Full-time Lead Department: Police
Operating Expenses: $32,548
The Community Involvement Unit is the face of the Police Department and many times the City. The unit conducts numerous community events and partners with the community to provide excellent service and a positive message from the Police Department and City. In the past, the Community Involvement Unit has always relied on assistance from personnel in the Youth Liaison Unit to accomplish its mission. However, due to recent events, the flexibility of our School Resource Officers to assist with related projects has been extremely limited, making it more difficult to accomplish the Units missions. With the upgrade of this liaison position from part-time to full-time, the department will have the much needed coverage working with the citizens. The Community Involvement Coordinator will take the lead in coordinating the City’s Summer Breakspot, Summer Camp, Safety Town, Special Needs Database, Angel Tree gifting program, Holiday Programs, Shop with a Cop and Special Olympics.
Rapid Intervention Team Bags Lead Department: Fire
Capital Outlay: $186,000
A RIT (Rapid Intervention Team) is an OSHA mandated group that is mobilized anytime firefighters are working in a hazardous structure. RIT bags are a critical piece of equipment used to rescue a firefighter if they were to become injured or trapped during an operation. Our deployment of this tool allows us not only to have the necessary care on hand for our firefighters, but also allows us to seamlessly overlap with other municipalities that also utilize these vital assets.
Civil Unrest Team (CUTS) Lead Department: Police
Operating Expenses: $12,500
Capital Outlay:$19,400
The Civil Unrest Team (CUTS) was originally established in 2016 to protect the City from civil unrest. Capital funding was used for the initial purchase of equipment to operate and outfit 100 officers should need arise to protect the City from civil unrest. Since then, the City sees the benefit in creating a permanent place for this team within the City. This initiative will serve to give officers both the equipment and training to effectively de-escalate an incident.
Emergency Operations Center Upgrades Lead Department: Emergency Management
Capital Expenses: $35,000
The Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is a central hub for widespread incidents throughout the City. As technology improves, our EOC is unable to integrate. The upgrades will include improvements on the technology and infrastructure aspects of the building. These improvements will convert all technology to HDMI, improving our ability to broadcast directly to Blue Stream, and provides an audio visual solution with a complete management system for the devices located on the network.
Clean Cab Vehicles Lead Department: Fire
Capital Expenses: $136,360
A clean cab apparatus is an apparatus designed to facilitate a clean, healthy, and safe environment by reducing the exposure to contaminates associated with occupational exposures found in firefighting activities. Through this inititative, the front line operations emergency response vehicles will all be converted to clean cab. The purchase of five pickup trucks will provide the inspector/investigator with a clean cab environment and a separate area for all equipment that was utilized in any immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) environment. This initiative will provide a healthier environment for our members on a daily basis.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Ongoing Initiatives Police Hire Incentive (2019-2020) Lead Department: Police
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
The City is offering an incentive to attract quality sworn experienced law enforcement candidates. The incentive will award a $5,000 bonus for experienced Florida State certified law enforcement officer candidates who meet the requirements of holding a current certification as a Law Enforcement Officer in the State of Florida and have a minimum of one year full-time sworn, law enforcement experience (not limited to the State of Florida). Also, existing employees that recommend a sworn candidate that converts to a hire will receive a $500 bonus once the hire completes FTO. Through the City’s recruitment system, promotion of the incentive has been implemented.
Historic Preservation (2019-2020) Lead Department: Development Services
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
The County Commission is considering a change to its Historic preservation ordinance which will require cities to obtain Certified Local Government (CLG) status with the state of Florida. Designation as a Certified Local government makes historic preservation a public policy through passage of a historic preservation ordinance. The proposed ordinance establishes a historic preservation Board to develop and oversee the functions of its historic preservation program. Should the City chose not to become a CLG, designation and oversight of Historic Structures and districts within the City will be determined by the County Commission upon recommendation by County Historic Preservation Board. As many of the buildings in the city have just reached fifty years old within the last few years, an inventory of potential historic structures needs to be conducted. Master Site Files need to be created for potential historic structures, which includes research of builders, architects of records, historically significant events, architectural styles, etc. This research and creation of Master Site files will need to be conducted by a consultant with expertise in the area of historic preservation. Historic Preservation Design Guidelines will need to be developed and a Historic preservation Ordinance will need to be created and adopted in order to establish the program requirements within the City. The County’s proposed amendments were deferred by the Broward County Planning Council in April, 2019. The County Commission’s consideration is expected this summer. The City staff will engage in an historic preservation expert to begin site files should the amendment move forward.
Summer Breakspot Program (2017-2020) Lead Department: Police
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
During the summer of 2017 the Community Services division of the Police Department coordinated the facilitation of a “Summer Breakspot” juvenile feeding and outreach program in conjunction with Florida Impact. This 6 week program not only provided nourishment to at-risk children (ages 6-14) within our community, but also provided enrichment through daily safety presentations, reading and mentoring, arts and crafts, and sports activities. Coral Springs Police personnel staffed and operated the program, coordinating volunteers, providing educational and recreational components, sports activities, and food distribution. High school students and community volunteers were also recruited to assist with the daily operations. This year’s 2019 program will be held at James Hunt Elementary School. Seeking to reinstitute the “Summer Breakspot” program this coming summer and years ahead, a dedicated funding source would help with the continuance and possible expansion of the “Summer Breakspot” program.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Community Paramedic Program (2015-2020) Lead Department: Fire/EMS
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds (General Fund and Fire Fund)
Increasingly, 911 emergency services are being accessed by individuals with low acuity medical issues, the chronically ill, those with no access to primary care, and those with behavioral health needs who find themselves in crisis with no other way to access appropriate care. Invariably, many of these patients are transported by rescue to a hospital’s ER even though it may not be the most appropriate way to meet their needs. In March 2015, the Coral Springs Fire Department launched a pilot of a Community Paramedic program, based on best practices from several agencies across the nation. An existing, experienced paramedic was temporarily moved from the traditional 24 hour on and 48 hour off, to an eight hour a day, five days per week schedule to run the program. Based on the proven success of the interventions made to date, the City created a permanent Community Paramedic position in Fiscal Year 2017. This paramedic will continue the program on a permanent basis, conducting house visits to patients who traditionally have used the 911 system for non-medical emergencies, or as their primary source of healthcare. This paramedic will assist these patients in meeting their non-medical needs, helping them obtain resources directly, instead of through the already taxed 911 system. A community paramedic helps our citizens make better use of available emergency services and find solutions to problems that are not typically related to emergency medical care (transportation, follow up care, medication management, food, housing, utilities, etc.). These patients are being directly assisted or referred to agencies that can assist them.
Enterprise Software (2013-2020) Lead Department: Information Technology
Operating Expenses: $86,000
Capital Outlay: TBD
The City will need to invest in standardization of its core business processes through the implementation of a new Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP). Disparate systems and processes will be replaced with a more integrated approach to managing core processes in Finance, Budget, Purchasing, Payroll, Human Resources, Fleet Facilities and Asset Management. Implementation of a ERP solution will also enable the City to provide online service tools such as self-service for employees, online solicitation tools for vendors and standardized eGovernment tools for constituants. The implementation of the new ERP platform will be a phased process involving Finance, Budget, Human Resources, Information Technology, and representatives from key using departments across the City. Considerable time and effort is needed to ensure the preservation of existing data and the uninterrupted functionality of these key internal services.
FEMA Appeals Consultant (2018-2020) Lead Department: Finance
Operating Expenses: Existing Funds
For the past five fiscal years, the City has utilized the services of two firms to assist with ongoing FEMA appeals processes related to Hurricane Wilma: O’Briens Response Management and the Washington, DC office of the Baker Donelson law firm. This assistance needs to continue until we receive a final decision on the one outstanding appeal. The City’s use of these firms over the past four years has resulted in successful appeals of over $2,000,000. The remaining appeal is the result of an error on the part of FEMA and the State but the best course of action was to file an appeal.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Drowning Prevention/Water Safety (2007-2020) Lead Departments: Fire/EMS, Communications and Marketing Operating Expenses: Existing Funds Drowning is a leading cause of death among all children, and in Florida it is the number one cause of death in children under age four, with Broward County leading in this tragic statistic. Due to our close proximity to all forms of water and our high population of children, the City has made it a priority to heighten community awareness and focus on prevention efforts. One of the most significant prevention strategies we employ is our partnerships with local agencies and schools to bring swimming lessons to children and families in the community, offering free swimming lesson vouchers for children under four years of age, and recently began partnering to offer adult swim lesson vouchers. The Coral Springs Fire Department, together with our local partners, administers a program called “Watch Your Kid, You’ll Be Glad You Did�. This local community drowning prevention effort has become an action model for other cities in Broward County. The community team of agencies provides regular drowning prevention information and presents educational sessions to a wide range of community groups to raise awareness and provide pool safety instruction. The Police Department and Aquatics staff work together to support the message as part of their community outreach efforts. As part our overall Life Safety education initiative, CPR training mannequins are brought to most community events to educate the public on CPR training techniques, which also supports our Pulse Point initiative in improving both the response to drowning as well as cardiac emergencies. Many other programs, such as Sleep Safe and Car Seat Safety Installations, are utilized to further drowning prevention efforts. This efforts have resulted in a major shift in survivability for local children who do have a drowning event, with seven out of nine making full recoveries.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Summary of Fiscal Year 2020 Initiatives
Responsible City Government Hiring of PT Grant Coordinator Budget & Strategy Grant Research and Management Software Budget & Strategy Federal Lobbyist City Manager’s Office Health and Wellness Equipment Fire/EMS Census 2020 Outreach Development Services/Comm&Mktg American with Disabilities Act Compliance Support Strategy Human Resources Professional Certifications Human Resources IT Specialized Technical Training Information Technology Fellowship / Summer Interns Human Resources GIS Consulting Services Information Technology ESRI Enterprise Advantage Program (EEAP) Information Technology Emergency Services Leadership Institute Fire Department Employee Health Clinic Human Resources Well Being Strategy Human Resources Public Education Enhancement Fire Department Cyber Security Insurance Risk Management Senior Programming (Enhancement) Parks and Recreation Disaster Recovery Site Information Technology Civil Engineer Water & Sewer Administration Fire Department 50th Fire Department Online Performance Management System Human Resources City Security Improvements Emergency Management Hiring of Grant Consultant (Ongoing) Budget & Strategy Open Smart City- Strategic Planning Online Platform (Ongoing) Budget & Strategy Linkedin Learning Subscriptions (Ongoing) City Manager’s Office Virtual Slice of the Springs Meeting (Ongoing) Development Services/Comm&Mktg Innovation Incentive Recognition Program (Ongoing) City Manager’s Office City Investment in Today and Future Park Summit Left Turn Lane Fire/EMS Pickelball Courts Parks and Recreation Bus Shelter Solar Powered Fans Public Works Turf Fields Parks and Recreation Splash Pad Parks and Recreation Curbing on Sample Public Works Landscape Operation Enhancement Public Works Facilities / Street Cityworks software (Ongoing) Public Works Landscape Improvement of Arterial Roads (Ongoing) Public Works New Shop Equipment (Ongoing) Public Works/Equipment Services Roadway Resurfacing (Ongoing) Public Works Maintain and Protect City Trees (Ongoing) Parks and Recreation Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget 144
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Summary of Fiscal Year 2020 Initiatives CDBG Action Plan (Ongoing) Traffic Signal Intersection: Coral Ridge Drive and NW 41st St Traffic Management (Ongoing) Downtown Becoming Vibrant Implementation of Economic Development Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System Form Village Square Plan with Developer Infrastructure Improvements in Downtown Cont. City Outreach on Business Retention, Expansion & Attraction Develop Retail Strategy Enhanced Downtown Events/Entertainment Design Guidelines for Downtown (Ongoing) Development Agreement for the Cornerstone Project (Ongoing) Innovate Downtown (Ongoing) Growing Local Economy Implement a DNS, DHP, and IP (DDI) Management Tool User Cyber Security Awareness Training Retention of Marketing Firm (Ongoing) Economic Development Strategic Plan Implementation (Ongoing) Quarterly Economic Development Reports (Ongoing) Corporate Park Improvements (Ongoing) Economic Development Marketing and Branding (Ongoing) Coral Springs Regional Chamber Business Academy (Ongoing) Premier Community in South Florida Body Worn Cameras and In-Car LPR Educational Guides for Residents and Businesses Additional (3) Firefighter/Paramedics Fire Station 64 Replacement and Fire Training Academy Expansion Community Involvement Coordinator Part-time to Full-time Rapid Intervention Team Bags Civil Unrest Team (CUTS) Emergency Operations Center Upgrades Clean Cab Vehicles Police Hire Incentive (Ongoing) Historic Preservation (Ongoing) Summer Breakspot Program (Ongoing) Community Paramedic Program (Ongoing) Enterprise Software (Ongoing) FEMA Appeals Consultant (Ongoing) Drowning Prevention/Water Safety (Ongoing) City of Coral Springs, Florida
Development Services Fire Development Services, PW Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development/CRA CRA/Development Services CRA, Economic Development Comm. & Marketing,CRA Information Technology Information Technology Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development Economic Development Police Development Services Fire/EMS Fire Police Fire Police Emergency Management Fire Police Development Services Police Fire/EMS Information Technology Finance Fire/EMS, C&M
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Financial Strategy Financial Strategy Introduction
Operating Millage Rate Comparison
Operating Millage Rate Comparison FY2019 Actual
FY2020 Proposed
The City’s healthy financial position can be attributed to our long-term financial planning that identifies emerging issues which may affect our ability to provide the level and type of service our customers expect. We were able to achieve a structural balance between expenditures and revenues for Fiscal Year 2020 by relying on sound financial practices. Appropriations have been utilized for one-time capital projects when fund balance requirements are surpassed and a cost benefit exists to mitigate further exponential costs.
$1 $0
Deerfield Beach Coral Springs
Pompano Beach*
Pembroke Pines
Ft Lauderdale
* Pompano Beach includes a separate EMS millage of 0.5000
Structural balance has been achieved through: Maintaining operating millage rate of $5.8732 in Fiscal Year 2020; Decreasing the Debt Service millage rate from $0.2652 to $0.2534; Reducing Merit Pool Actively monitoring vacancies Establishing a new revenue source, Stormwater Assessment of a rate of 1 ERU = $115.66 Increasing Water and Sewer rates 3.5%, in accordance with the 2013 Water and Wastewater Rate Study; Increasing the residential Solid Waste Special Assessment from $260.00 to $290.00 per single-family household; Increasing the Fire Special Assessment Fee from $200.00 to $227.82 per single-family household; Increasing the Fire Special Assessment Fee from $215.00 to $227.82 per multi-family household; Health Fund expenditure increases; however, establishing an employee health clinic are expected to keep expenses lower. Use of Surpluses One important component of our long-term planning is utilizing all identified surpluses in all funds to pay for the following years needed capital items. Each year we carefully analyze all our funds to determine if any surpluses exist. Instead of leaving those funds idle, or spending them on on-going operating expenses which should be budgeted for, we invest them in needed capital improvements. As surpluses are declining it is more important than ever that future surpluses, beyond satisfying the appropriate financial reserve policy, be earmarked to provide a funding source for future capital expenditures, foregoing the need to borrow or issue additional debt, thereby avoiding future interest expense. Due to Hurricane Irma in FY2017, the majority of the cost of debris was paid in FY2018 yeilding zero surplus. Minimal surplus is expected for Fiscal Year 2019. Depreciation Funding depreciation of vehicles, computers, and parks (turf fields and 50 meter aquatic pool) is another vital component of our financial strategy. The “pay-as-you-go” approach allows the City to avoid debt service for vehicle replacement and for computer replacement. In 2017, the City set up a parks replacement plan for larger parks capital items such as the turf fields and 50 meter aquatic pool. The City will continue to fund vehicle, computer, and parks depreciation plans on an annual basis to ensure we can replace our vehicles, technology, and large park items when necessary, thereby avoiding the issuance of additional debt.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Fostering Commercial Development A key component to building a stronger, more vibrant future for the City of Coral Springs is the expansion of our commercial tax base. Over 46% of the City’s revenue comes from property taxes which are the City’s single largest revenue source. Property taxes are determined by the assessed value of real property within the City limits. In other words, increasing assessed values is vital to increasing revenue. The City has recovered to the pre-recession level from 2008. After several years of declining property values, the City’s Total Taxable Assessed Values, after Value Board adjustments, have reached a new height. The tax base is expected to continue to grow due to new commercial entities as well as key residential development projects currently underway. We welcome Costco, Athletica Health and Fitness, Young Chefs Academy, Air Adventure Park, John the Baker, Wild Fork, Aldora Aluminum and Glass, Grace Roofing, Emser Tile and Decimal Engineering. With a healthy housing market, new residential development is underway, and an energized commercial sector, developing growing and further diversifying the economic base will provide a more solid foundation to withstand future economic downturns. The City’s contribution to build a new Municipal Complex to serve as a catalyst for redevelopment of Downtown Coral Springs is in progress with the old Financial Plaza scheduled to be demolished and the Cornerstone project will begin the next fiscal year. Just as we leaned on these methods to exit the great recession on sound financial footing, we will rely on our Core Values and solid principles of financial management to guide our journey toward long-term financial sustainability. Moreover, this strategy will allow the City to continue to provide the same quality of services our customers have come to expect and preserve our community’s quality of life. The Impact of Hurricane Irma Hurricane Irma impacted the City of Coral Springs beginning on Saturday, September 9th, 2017 and continuing through Sunday, September 10th, 2017, with an incident period of September 7th – September 15th. The storm approached the State of Florida as a catastrophic category 5 hurricane. Realizing the threat, the City of Coral Springs took prudent and responsible action to prepare for a potential landfall on the southeast coast of Florida. Consistent prediction anticipated an east coast landfall, but ultimately the storm tracked to the west, saving the City from the most dangerous winds. Thankfully, damage to residences and buildings was limited with vegetative debris representing the greatest impact from the storm. The total cost from Hurricane Irma is approximately $12.7 million. Because of Irma’s timing, the staffing costs were expenses in FY2017. Much of the cost for debris related work and damage to City property was accounted for in Fiscal Year 2018 because it occurred after October 1, 2017. As a result, the City’s took a conservative approach in FY2018 and all surplus and a majority of additional unassigned reserves was used to fund the storm. The City’s stabilization fund maintained its reserve target of 17% without having to issue debt. While approximately $800,000 of the $9.2million funds have been reimbursed by FEMA. The remaining balance has been obligated by the State, however, the funds have not been wired. It should be noted that these numbers are subject to change until all costs are verified, paid and reimbursement is received from FEMA, the State and the City’s insurance carrier. In the meantime another hurricane season is upon us. The City has secured an open line of credit of $10M to last through this year’s hurricane season.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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General Fund Revenue Outlook General Fund Revenues
The primary source of revenue for the City is ad valorem property taxes, which comprise 45% of total budgeted revenues for the General Fund. The City receives another 16% of its General Fund revenues from other State-imposed taxes and utility fees. The remaining 39% comes from a wide variety of smaller intergovernmental and other demand-driven sources. The Fiscal Year 2020 Budget includes a increase of 4.60% in the ad valorem revenue driven by the increase in property values.
Ad Valorem Property Tax State Imposed Taxes Local Fees, Fines
As part of the Five-Year Forecast, we have made several assumptions about future revenue growth that have a major impact on the resources that we can plan to use. The following is an explanation of some of these assumptions.
Ad Valorem (Property Tax) Revenue The primary source of revenue for the City is ad valorem property taxes levied against the taxable value of real and personal property. The City sets the rate (“millage”) for this tax each year prior to October 1, which is applied to each property’s taxable assessed value as determined by the Broward County Property Appraiser. In Fiscal Year 2015, ad valorem property tax revenue made up about 34% of the City’s General Fund revenues. In Fiscal Year 2018 the City approved a millage rate increase of 22% changing this proportion to 45%. This increase in the millage rate, from $4.7982 to $5.8732, enabled the ad Forecast of Ad ValoremAd Valorem Taxes (Property Tax) Revenues valorem property tax revenue toward funding nearly half $80.00 of the City’s daily operations. $70.00
Homesteaded properties are protected by the Save Our Homes legislation and will only see an assessed value increase of 1.9% over last year. Overall the total taxable values for the City grew 4.60% for Fiscal Year 2020. Forecasts are for a conservative 4% property value growth each year.
$ Millions
$50.00 $40.00 $30.00 $20.00 $10.00
State-Imposed Taxes, Utility Taxes and Fees Two of the City’s major State revenues, Half-cent Sales Tax, State Shared Revenues, are distributed based upon each city’s share of the County population. Coral Springs is a built-out city, with little room for new development, however other cities within Broward County continue to grow. As these other cities grow, Coral Springs’ proportionate share of these revenues decreases. Utility taxes, franchise fees, and demand-driven revenues fluctuate with the economy or are based upon sources that are declining due to cultural shifts or advancements in technology. With little to no growth in these revenues, the City has to increase its reliance on Ad Valorem (Property Tax) revenue.
In 2017 the Florida legislature passed a bill that allowed voters to expand the homestead exemption to $75,000 from $50,000 for homes worth at least $100,000. The proposed constitutional amendment was voted on in November 2018 and the amendment did not pass.
Major General Fund Revenues
Fiscal Year 2019 Budget
Fiscal Year 2020 % Change Budget
Electric Utility Service Tax
$9.65 million
$9.4 million
Half-cent Sales Tax
$8.86 million $8.9 million
Electric Franchise Fee
$7.05 million
$7.00 million
Solid Waste Franchise Fee
$5.32 million
$5.46 million
State Shared Revenues
$4.80 million $4.80 million
Communication Service Tax
$3.7 million
$3.2 million
Total General Fund Revenues
$128.57 million
$133.59 million
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Forecast of State Shared Revenues Shared Revenues $10.00
$6.00 $5.00
$‐ 2009
$ Millions
$ Millions
Forecast of Half-Cent Sales Tax Revenues 1/2 Cent Sales Tax
The Half-Cent Sales Tax generates the largest amount of revenue for local governments among the state-shared revenues currently authorized. With the economic recovery this revenue grew 6% in Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014, but has since started a downward slide, missing State forecast estimates the past two years. The State forecasts increases related to tourism, motor vehicles, business purchases, and household goods. The hope is that an improving economy will continue to grow the overall sales taxes collected to make up for Coral Springs’ diminishing portion. We are forecasting a modest 2% annual growth over the next five years. State shared revenues are comprised of revenues from the state sales tax and the municipal fuel tax. As the economy continues to expand, the City predicts this revenue source will grow however Coral Springs’ share, same as for the Half-Cent Sales Tax, will shrink. A conservative 2% is forecast due to the drag of lower gas prices and the shrinking share of this blended revenue. Communications Services Tax (CST) has a State and local component; this data reflects only the local tax rate of 5.22% on retail sales of communications services. Going forward, the State is estimating negative growth rates for wireless service and a decline in landlines, which we reflect with an annual 2% decline in this revenue. The City levies a 10% utility service tax on all electricity payments made within the City, through FPL. Electricity charges are made up of a base rate and a fuel rate. The City receives no tax on fuel rate increases, only on the base rate. Because this tax is based on the consumption of electricity, the City expects low growth as complete build-out and full occupancy is reached. This revenue is conservatively forecast to increase 1% annually. The City authorizes FPL to provide electrical service in exchange for a franchise fee for use of rights-of-way and other public services. FPL bills each customer a portion of their total electric usage. As FPL rates increase and consumption of electricity grows, this revenue will increase. FPL increased base rates as of January 2017. With continuing low fuel prices, this revenue forecast for a slow increase (1%) in the growth of this revenue over the next five years.
Forecast of Electric Utility Service Tax Revenues Electric Utility Service Tax
Forecast of Electric Franchise Fee Revenues Electric Franchise Fees (6%)
$7.00 $6.00 $ Millions
$6.00 $5.00 $4.00
$5.00 $4.00 $3.00
City of Coral Springs, Florida
$‐ 2007
$ Millions
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Local Fees, Fines The City exercises its sovereign function to impose fees and fines, capturing revenue from licenses, permits, fines, and direct charges to use a service. These revenues are meant to recoup the cost to provide the service. A non-recurring revenue from Code Compliance activities was providing a larger than normal boost to the City in the last four years, but is budgeted to decrease nearly $250,000 for Fiscal Year 2020. The five year forecast is projecting a modest increase of 2% for this revenue. Overall, the ad valorem revenues will be the workhorse of the City’s budget going forward. As property values are expected to rise for the short term, the increased millage rate will keep the budget in balance. Further ahead when a real estate downturn occurs, other measures will need to be explored.
Forecast of Code Compliance Revenues $4.50 $4.00 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $0.50
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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General Fund Five-Year Forecast The General Fund Five-Year Forecast is an integral part of planning the City’s future fiscal position. It is an important tool used to determine a longer-range picture of the City’s financial horizon for financial stability. This tool is used to evaluate the level of risk the City could face over time if operational costs and expenditure decisions are higher than revenue growth. This model is the framework to peer into the near future to identify the deficits that might await us if we were to take no action. It helps City staff to conservatively quantify our financial outlook so we can adequately plan and be prepared to meet these challenges. As we forecast our financial and operating strategies, we use the model to determine the potential impact of decisions, focusing on long-term solutions rather than short-term “fixes,” which could lead to negative financial impacts in future years. This financial outlook provides an opportunity to both avoid future budget problems and maintain financial stability. The forecast integrates projections of the major drivers of the City’s annual budget, new programs, and the anticipated revenues over the forecast period. Preparing the FY2020 Budget, the City utilized the existing five-year forecast process for the General Operating Fund and incorporated a consultant to broaden the time horizon to 10-years, incorporating capital and the stabilization fund to test multiple permutations of future recommendations in a dynamic sustainability model for decision making. Actions and Recommendations: In Fiscal Year 2018, the City Commission approved a millage increase from $4.7982 to $5.8732 to provide funding for existing and for new business plan initiatives. Although national and state economies are improving at a slow but steady pace, local governments are still experiencing slowly recovering revenues, which was making it difficult to provide both essential services to the community and the much needed infrastructure improvements. For FY2020, we are proposing to maintain the current millage rate of $5.8732. The five-year forecast includes implementing the following recommendations: Slow cost escalation • FY2020: Reducing Merit Pool to 3% for General Employees and Police (Fire under contract) • FY2020: Continue the planned increase cost share of health care with employees • FY2020: Evaluating vacancies through attrition • FY2020: Adopt a Stormwater Assessment as many Broward Cities levy Diversify Revenue Options • FY2022: Begin a series of millage increases to keep up with inflation in future years If recommendations are implemented and no unfunded mandated or sudden change in forecasting, the General Fund will continue to operate with stable operations providing exceptional level of service to our community . Our success to date has been largely dependent upon planning ahead for the financial realities we project in coming years.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
of Contents
General Fund Five-Year Forecast Summary Adopted Fiscal Year 2019
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Revenues/Financing Sources Ad Valorem Taxes Solid Waste Special Assessment Utility Franchise Fees Utility Service Taxes Intergovernmental Revenues Licenses and Permits Charges for Services Fines and Forfeitures Miscellaneous Interfund Transfers
Total Revenues Expenditures/Financing Uses City Commission City Manager's Office Human Resources Financial Services Information Technology City Attorney's Office Police Department Emergency Medical Services Development Services Public Works Parks and Recreation Non-Departmental Interfund Transfers Capital Financing
Total Expenditures
Projected Fiscal Year 2020
$57,370,852 2,189,175 10,301,000 11,886,781 20,304,815 4,237,926 15,341,865 2,798,426 4,163,579 137,913
$60,011,214 $2,189,175 $10,415,000 $11,608,966 $19,736,074 $4,409,005 $17,626,216 $2,548,735 $4,194,979 $855,639
$374,914 4,833,278 2,258,503 2,945,653 4,253,429 1,144,891 53,705,971 11,018,929 7,111,938 7,748,262 14,989,105 3,659,222 3,447,330 11,080,782
$381,247 $5,562,868 $2,472,245 $2,989,796 $4,666,238 $1,219,261 $54,939,564 $11,842,637 $7,144,124 $6,608,263 $15,580,598 $3,860,487 $4,806,236 $11,521,439
4.6% 0.0% 1.1% -2.3% -2.8% 4.0% 14.9% -8.9% 0.8% 520.4%
Projected Fiscal Year 2021
Projected Fiscal Year 2022
$62,411,662 2,189,175 10,447,750 11,725,056 19,963,230 4,576,793 18,133,815 2,606,613 4,143,587 140,671
4.0% 0.0% 0.3% 1.0% 1.2% 3.8% 2.9% 2.3% -1.2% -83.6%
$66,565,866 2,189,175 10,480,828 11,842,307 20,197,320 4,752,452 18,624,768 2,666,455 4,189,027 143,485
6.7% 0.0% 0.3% 1.0% 1.2% 3.8% 2.7% 2.3% 1.1% 2.0%
3.8% $136,338,353
3.6% 3.2% 3.2% 3.2% 8.9% 3.2% 4.1% 4.6% 3.3% 3.3% 3.2% 2.0% 2.8% -18.5%
$407,377 5,920,902 2,628,731 3,176,819 5,520,446 1,296,906 58,786,088 12,936,551 7,600,474 6,968,761 16,578,620 4,430,702 5,088,606 9,581,221
3.2% 3.1% 3.0% 3.0% 8.6% 3.1% 2.8% 4.4% 3.0% 2.0% 3.1% 12.5% 3.0% 2.1%
1.7% 15.1% 9.5% 1.5% 9.7% 6.5% 2.3% 7.5% 0.5% -14.7% 3.9% 5.5% 39.4% 4.0%
$394,923 5,743,129 2,551,509 3,084,342 5,083,721 1,258,275 57,164,931 12,387,730 7,377,679 6,829,225 16,084,665 3,937,810 4,942,318 9,385,332
3.9% $136,225,590
Projected Fiscal Year 2023 $69,228,500 2,189,175 10,514,236 11,960,730 20,438,434 4,923,131 19,159,220 2,728,330 4,268,100 146,354
4.0% 0.0% 0.3% 1.0% 1.2% 3.6% 2.9% 2.3% 1.9% 2.0%
$145,556,210 2.8%
$419,142 6,098,512 2,705,394 3,267,394 5,980,029 1,335,688 60,389,757 13,496,864 7,818,361 7,192,036 17,071,209 4,138,065 5,245,867 9,568,256
2.9% 3.0% 2.9% 2.9% 8.3% 3.0% 2.7% 4.3% 2.9% 3.2% 3.0% -6.6% 3.1% -0.1%
$144,726,575 2.7%
Projected Fiscal Year 2024 $73,790,648 2,189,175 10,547,978 12,080,337 20,686,660 5,102,344 19,677,092 2,792,308 4,350,642 149,289
$76,742,274 2,189,175 10,582,058 12,201,140 20,942,093 5,290,517 20,209,016 2,858,463 4,362,976 152,275
4.0% 0.0% 0.3% 1.0% 1.2% 3.7% 2.7% 2.4% 0.3% 2.0%
$151,366,475 4.0% $155,529,988
$434,413 6,298,081 2,792,896 3,374,445 6,479,647 1,378,666 62,212,981 14,122,990 8,076,844 7,435,830 17,629,138 4,249,596 5,414,921 9,553,428
6.6% 0.0% 0.3% 1.0% 1.2% 3.6% 2.7% 2.3% 1.9% 2.0%
Projected Fiscal Year 2025
3.6% 3.3% 3.2% 3.3% 8.4% 3.2% 3.0% 4.6% 3.3% 3.4% 3.3% 2.7% 3.2% -0.2%
$450,362 6,504,881 2,883,624 3,485,643 7,001,026 1,423,155 64,276,719 14,756,341 8,345,384 7,688,455 18,207,980 4,365,481 5,596,654 9,291,164
$149,453,874 3.3% $154,276,868
3.7% 3.3% 3.2% 3.3% 8.0% 3.2% 3.3% 4.5% 3.3% 3.4% 3.3% 2.7% 3.4% -2.7%
Table of Contents
Fiscal Year 2020 Capital Improvement Program The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is a long-range plan for the timely replacement and maintenance of the City’s equipment and facilities. Financing options for capital needs are examined to determine the best source for each project including operating fund balances, capital reserves, grants, outstanding debt, and rating agency criteria for borrowing. In Fiscal Year 2020, Budget staff worked with each department prior to budget kickoff to review their capital plan and determine which projects were essential or recurring and which projects were considered nonessential or one-time requests. The goal of this exercise was to determine how much capital funding was required on an annual basis for crucial projects. Those projects that were found to be nonessential were placed on an appendix of unfunded projects to the capital plan and referenced during the budget process. Decisions about which requests to fund in the upcoming year’s capital budget were made based on a project prioritization funding exercise conducted by senior management. The highest priority projects are proposed for funding in the capital budget. Those are projects that satisfy a regulatory requirement, are tied to a new initiative, achieve the City’s strategic goals and objectives, contribute to the enhancement of aesthetic value, or maintenance programs that protect the City’s infrastructure. This evaluation resulted in adopted capital expenditures for Fiscal Year 2020 of $40.8 million, of which approximately $15 million is proposed for projects in the General Fund. The Water and Sewer Fund is budgeting $5.4 million in improvements to the water and wastewater infrastructure, the Fire Fund is budgeting $12 million in capital improvements and the Equipment Service Fund is budgeting $4.6 million for the replacement of vehicles in Fiscal Year 2020. This allocation also includes funding to perform repairs and preventive maintenance on vehicles and equipment to extend their useful life, the purchase of new fleet vehicle and funding for shop equipment in the 4150 Building, the future location of the Public Safety and Public Works Campus. The City has applied for various federal, state and local grants such as CDBG (Community Development Block Grants), Department of Transportation grants, and HOME/SHIP grants. These funds supplement $5.4 million of the total capital investment for the upcoming year. Other financing sources include operating capital supported by revenues, and equity. In Fiscal Year 2020, operating capital is estimated at $559,576 for the General Fund, $479,784 for the Fire Fund, $4,380,240 for the Equipment Services Fund and $335,000 for the Utilities Fund. Public Art Fund projects total $110,000, Charter School Fund projects total $1,243,590 and Tree Trust Fund projects total $210,000. Equity from the General Fund ($2,868,000), Insurance fund ($1,062,352), Fire fund ($415,500) and Equipment Service Fund ($238,000) and will be used for improvement and construction projects.
Fire Fund The Coral Springs Fire Department is adding three firefighter/paramedics. These adds to staff will ensure adequate staffing levels given the changing demands for service. Fire Stations 43 and 95 were recently rebuilt, funded by the 2015 General Obligation Bonds, to meet the recommended safety requirements for the staff who live in the stations. The Coral Springs-Parkland Fire Department is rated an “ISO Class 1” fire department by the Insurance Service Organization. It is the highest rating a fire department can attain for fire protection services in the United States.
Fire Assessment Comparison
Coral Springs has one of the lowest fire assessment rates for a single-family home in the area.
Fire Assessment rate comparison Fiscal Year 2020 local cities with full service fire departments $450 $400
*ISO 1 Fire Departments $350.00
$282.38 $235.00
$150 $100 $50 $0
*Ft Lauderdale
*Hollywood *Pembroke *Deerfield Pines Beach (BSO)
City of Coral Springs, Florida
*Coral Springs *Pompano Beach
Table of Contents
Water and Sewer Fund The City’s water and sewer infrastructure requires ongoing repair and maintenance to ensure the safe, efficient operation of the utility. To meet these capital requirements, the City secured long-term financing from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection State Revolving Fund (SRF) for improvements at the Water Treatment Plant as well as throughout the entire system. The interest rate for this financing is 60% of the market rate, resulting in low-cost financing for a term of 20 years. Over $15 million in financing has been obtained for the replacement of existing wells, construction of new raw water supply wells, installation of wellheads and transmission lines, and improvements at lift stations. In Fiscal Year 2020, debt service totaling $990,480 is allocated in the Water and Sewer Fund for repayment of SRF loans. In Fiscal Year 2014, the City began repayment of an $8.7 million bank loan secured during 2012 to continue rehabilitation of booster stations and complete Phase III of water treatment plant improvements. The interest rate for this loan is 2.29% with a debt service of $607,689 for Fiscal Year 2020. In Fiscal Year 2015, the City secured a $4.7 million low interest bank loan to finance the continued rehabilitation of the East and West booster stations as well as other system improvements. The interest rate for this loan is 2.002% with a debt service of $564,213 which has been budgeted in Fiscal Year 2020. Operating capital funds will be used for ongoing inspection, repair, and maintenance of water and force main valves ensuring all components of the sanitary system will perform as needed during times of emergencies, ongoing replacement of fire hydrants, and installation of automatic flushing systems at dead end streets to ensure water quality. The City will also continue to replace portable generators for lift stations in FY 2020.
Water and Sewer Fund forecasted debt service Revenue Bonds
$2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000
$1,171,902 $1,146,144 $1,145,137 $579,959 $1,141,879 $$1,145,865
$1,000,000 $990,478
$1,017,671 $1,017,671 $1,017,671
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Solid Waste Fund Solid Waste enterprise fund was established in Fiscal Year 2014 to collect the residential solid waste assessment and directly pay collection and disposal costs for residential waste and recycling. This process provides the City a clear picture of the costs involved in providing garbage service to residents. As of January 1, 2014 the City engaged Waste Pro as the City’s exclusive hauler of residential solid waste and recyclables, as well as commercial garbage hauler, ending a 15 year relationship with Waste Management. With this overhaul, residents continue to receive a low solid waste assessment, less than $25 per month, at $290.00 for FY 2020. Litter Control Litter continues to be an environmental concern among City residents. In February 2008 the Streets division of Public Works implemented a litter control program which currently consists of six part-time crew members and one part-time Lead Neighborhood Service Worker, which oversees the crew. The crew operates from John Deer Gators, a golf cart type vehicle, to quickly traverse public right of ways to pick up litter. Over the last eight years a total of 1,897 cubic yards of litter has been collected. This crew can de-litter about 159 miles of public land in 5 working days. Thanks to this program, resident complaints about litter are down.
Residential Solid Waste Assessment Rate
$243.72 $243.00
$233.64 $250.20
$248.00 $239.75
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Measuring Results Performance Management Performance Review Overview
The City has developed a performance management system to align department services and programs with the City Commission’s five strategic goals. The system enables departments to systematically measure results against targets and make timely adjustments when results fall short of expected performance levels. Three components make up the system: a performance reporting program, composite indicators that measures the overall financial and service operation position, and the State of the City report. These elements play an important part in the City’s overall Business Plan and help keep the organization on target. Departmental Key Performance Indicators Analysis
A total of 138 key performance indicators have been established to measure results achieved through services and programs provided by the City’s operating and support departments. Twenty five results are based on ratings from the resident and business surveys. Six performance indicators are blank because they are new for Fiscal Year 2020. Of the available 133 results, 108 (81.20%) key performance indicators met or exceeded their targets for Fiscal Year 2019, 17 (12.78%) were within 5% of their target and 8 (6.01%) did not achieve the target. Key Results Performance Indicators Analysis
Twenty six Key Performance Indicators (Formerly called Key Intended Outcomes or KIOs) have been established, all of which support at least one of the five strategic goals. Performance targets for each KPI were developed as part of the City Commission’s Fiscal Years 2018-2023 Strategic Plan. As of the end of Fiscal Year 2018, 15 of those targets have been met, 5 fell within five percent of their goal and 6 did not achieve the target. Six KPIs did not meet their target for the year: • Satisfaction ratings with City communications (Res. & Biz Surveys) • Athletic league participation • Increase in CRA Tax Revenue (New for 2019) • Net New Taxable Value as % of Total Taxable Assessed Value (BCPA) (Goal is to exceed 5 Yr Avg) • Non-residential tax base growth (Goal is to exceed 5 Yr Avg) • Maintain zero-growth in roadway crashes ( Goal: avgr over the previous 3 FYs) (New for FY2019)
Initiative Analysis The Fiscal Year 2019 Business Plan included 70 initiatives. Departments completed 53 initiatives, 12 initiatives are still “in progress” and 5 have been repositioned to use funding in more impactful ways.
Supplier and Partner Performance Data The City’s most important suppliers, partners, collaborators, and distributors are those that provide direct service to customers. A waste hauler picks up and processes trash and recycling. Professional Facilities Management operates the Coral Springs Center for the Arts. Charter Schools U.S.A. manages and staffs the City’s charter middle and high school. Blue Stream provides the infrastructure for television programming. Median mowing is accomplished through a group of contractors. Service standards are part of the contracts with these organizations; the standards spell out customer requirements and are discussed through periodic regularly scheduled meetings. For instance, City management meets quarterly with the principals of schools in the City to assess our partnership with them regarding athletic field use, after school programs, leadership development, etc.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Performance Management Summary Key Results Performance Indicator Scorecard Report Goal
Measure Type
Bel Effectiveness ow Pla Cau Effectiveness tion On Impact Tar On Responsible City Government Impact Tar Cau Impact tion On Effectiveness Tar get Cau Effectiveness tion On Effectiveness Tar get On Demand Tar get On Demand Tar City Investment in Today and Future get On Demand Tar get Bel Demand ow On Effectiveness Tar get On Demand Tar Downtown Becoming Vibrant Bel Effectiveness ow On Effectiveness Tar get Bel ow Effectiveness Pla Growing Local Economy n Bel Effectiveness ow Pla On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get Cau Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness tion On Effectiveness Tar Bel Effectiveness ow Pla Effectiveness
FY2017 Target
FY2017 Actual
FY2018 Target
FY2018 Actual
FY2019 Target
FY2019 Actual
FY2020 Target
Satisfaction ratings with City communications (Res. & Biz Surveys)
Employee satisfaction rating (Employee Survey)
Maintain AAA bond ratings (S&P)
Maintain AAA bond ratings (Fitch)
Maintain AAA bond ratings (Moody's)
Ratings of value for tax dollars and fees (Res. & Biz Surveys)
Ratings of customer service (Res. & Biz Surveys)
Resident rating of appearance of Parks and Rec. facilities (Res. Survey)
Rating of quantity of recreation programs for Youth (Revised 2019) (Res. Survey)
Rating of quantity of recreation programs for Adults (Revised 2019) (Res. Survey)
Rating of quantity of recreation programs for Seniors (Revised 2019) (Res. Survey)
Athletic league participation
Rating of condition/appearance of medians (Res. Survey)
Increase in CRA Tax Revenue (New for 2019)
Business rating of the image of the City (Biz Survey)
Non‐residential tax base growth (Goal is to exceed 12.40% 5 Yr Avg)
Coral Springs' June unemployment rate (Goal is to be below State Avg.)
Crime Rate/100,000 resident (Calendar Year)
Resident rating of City efforts to prevent crime (Res. Survey)
City Government respects religious & ethnic diversity (Res. Survey)
Ratings of Quality of Life (Res. & Biz Surveys)
Coral Springs Charter School graduation rate
Attendance at Downtown Events (New for 2019)
Net New Taxable Value as % of Total Taxable Assessed Value (BCPA) (Goal is to exceed 5 Yr Avg)
Maintain zero‐growth in roadway crashes ( Goal: avgr over the previous 3 FYs) (New for FY2019)
Cau Ratings of City efforts at maintaining quality of tion neighborhoods (Res. & Biz Surveys)
Reference Key On target/Above target Within 5% of target/At risk of not meeting target Did not meet target/At Risk of not meeting target Discussion Needed No update available at this time
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Departmental Performance Scorecard Report Scorecard
Goals Responsible City Government
City Attorney
Responsible City Government Responsible City Government
City Manager's Office
Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government
Budget & Strategy Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Communications & Marketing
Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government
City Clerk's Office Responsible City Government
Emergency Management
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get
Number of days lost from on the job injuries (Per 100 employees) Percentage of subrogation eligible dollars recovered
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Efficiency Tar get On Efficiency Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get
Internal customer satisfaction rating
Grant measures (New beginning FY2018): Grant Applications Submitted
Grant measures (New beginning FY2018): Grants Awarded
Grant measures (New beginning FY2018): Active Grants worked during FY
Facilitate or support cross‐functional process improvement teams # per year
Receive the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation award
Payroll regular salaries adopted budget versus actual, net of policy changes
Produce monthly financial statements within seven business days of period close
Customer satisfaction with communications (Internal Survey)
Cau Awareness of Coral Springs magazine by new tion residents (Res. Survey)
Cau tion On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Efficiency Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get Effectiveness
Number of followers on City Facebook New promotional/informational campaigns produced (Social media and City TV) Number of PIO engagements with local and national media (New beginning 2020)
Timely disposal of eligible paper records (New beginning 2019)
Train Department Record Liaisons on a yearly basis (New beginning 2019)
Responsible City Government
Enrollment in "Alert Coral Springs" (New beginning FY2020)
Responsible City Government
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Usage (New beginning FY2020)
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get
300 96%
Community Outreach Events (New beginning FY2020)
Growing Local Economy
Growing Local Economy
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target
LinkedIn Learning: Number of users (New beginning FY2020)
Preparation of Legislation within 10 workdays of request accompanied by backup material
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Department customer satisfaction rating
10 2,000 20 95%
Cycle time for small permits by the Zoning Division (Building Plan Review) (Days)
Cycle time for sign permits by the Zoning Division (Building Plan Review) (Days)
Growing Local Economy
Cycle time for plan reviews (new and major/minor) Cau Effectiveness by the Zoning Division (Development Review tion Committee) (Days)
Growing Local Economy
On Avg. number of days from the receipt of the Effectiveness Tar resident's application for rehabilitation assistance to get approval
QTRAC Data (30 Minute wait times) (New beginning FY2019)
"Building" Records Requests within 10 business days (New beginning FY2019)
Development Services
Growing Local Economy Growing Local Economy Growing Local Economy
Measure Type
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get
Requested inspections completed within one day
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Goals Growing Local Economy
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida Premier Community in South Florida Development Services
Growing Local Economy
On Timeliness ratio of CDBG spending: annual CDBG Tar allocation available by July 31 get
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get
Number of trees planted within the City Number of formal and informal neighborhood partnerships each year Percent of code cases brought into voluntary compliance prior to administrative/judicial process
Percent of respondents satisfied with City efforts at Cau maintaining the quality of their neighborhoods (Res. tion Survey)
Premier Community in South Florida
On Percent of survey respondents satisfied with the Effectiveness Tar City's efforts to support quality neighborhoods (Biz get Survey)
Premier Community in South Florida
On Process business tax applications within 7 business Effectiveness Tar days (New beginning FY2020) get
Growing Local Economy
Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government
On Percent of plan reviews completed within 15 working Effectiveness Tar days get
Growing Local Economy
Financial Services
Premier Community in South Florida
Growing Local Economy Economic Development
Measure Type
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get Bel Effectiveness ow Pla On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Cau tion On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar On Tar On Tar On Tar On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target 90%
Retain businesses who received a retention visit (New for 2019)
Increase in traffic to the Economic Development website (New for 2019)
Increase social media followers for EDO (New for 2019)
Internal customer satisfaction rating (Financial Services Internal Survey)
Percentage of purchase requisitions under $10,000 processed within 24 hours
Receive the GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting award
Water billings past due more than 180 days as percentage of outstanding bills
Number of repeat items in management letters prepared by the City's external auditors
Response time in less than 8 mins, 90% of time (Emergency Fire/EMS calls)
14 firefighters on scene within 10 mins 90% of time (Structural fires)
Provide inspection report to customer within 12 days (Revised FY17)
Perform annual fire inspections (comm. prop. & applicable multi‐family res. units)
Provide public education programs to residents ages 5‐11
Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days Out of stock level of the total inventory at Central Stores
Provide a minimum number of FL Firefighter Minimum Standards classes Provide a minimum number of EMT classes
Provide a minimum number of Specialty classes
Provide a minimum number of Paramedic classes
Satisfaction rating with the quality of the Fire Department (Res. Survey)
Satisfaction rating with the quality of the Emergency Paramedics (Biz. Survey)
Maintain Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) force
Maintain Fire Explorers program participation
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Measure Type
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Human Resources Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government
Employee engagement index
Percentage of employees that are satisfied with wellness activities
Percentage of employees that value Employee Benefits Package
Percentage of employees satisfied with Volunteer Services (New beginning FY2019) Percentage of employees who are satisfied with training resources
Employees satisfied with the Culture of Inclusiveness/Belonging (New beginning FY2019) Respond to customer requests within 2 days
Complete service request within 7 business days
Responsible City Government
Cau Employee satisfaction with the City culture of Effectiveness tion innovation (New beginning FY2020)
Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government City Investment in Today and Future
Cau tion On Effectiveness Tar get Cau Effectiveness tion Cau Effectiveness tion Effectiveness
Percentage of employees who would recommend working for the City to a friend
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Parks & Recreation
On Tar On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target
Employee satisfaction with the City culture of learning (New beginning FY2020)
Responsible City Government
Information Technology
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Impact Tar get
IT Development Projects implemented (In accordance with City’s Business Plan and IT Work Program)
Meet service level agreement regarding application availability
Meet service level agreement regarding server availability
Customer service rating of summer recreation program
Customer satisfaction rating from survey of Information Technology Meet service level agreement regarding network availability
City Investment in Today and Future
Cau Number of Senior Classes (New beginning FY2019) tion
City Investment in Today and Future
Cau Increase members and reduce member turnover: tion Aquatic Complex membership
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
Growing Local Economy
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get Bel ow On Tar get On Tar get On Tar On Tar On Tar get
99.50% 99.90% 99.50% 99.55% 99.50%
Increase members and reduce member turnover: Aquatic Complex membership turnover
Maintain customer service ratings at the Tennis Center
Membership turnover at the Tennis Center
Customer service rating for court maintenance at the Tennis Center
Sports Commission: Number of room nights
Maintenance & appearance of City parks (Revised 2019) (Res. Survey)
Customer service rating for parks and recreation staff (Res. Survey)
Safety rating of City parks (Res. Survey)
Cost recovery ratio for the Recreation Division
The combined cost recovery for the Aquatic Complex Division
Number of tennis special events
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Measure Type
On Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness Tar get On Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness Tar get On Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness Tar get On Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness Tar get On Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness Tar get On Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness Tar get On Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness Tar get On Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness Tar get On Premier Community in South Florida Impact Tar get On Downtown Becoming Vibrant Effectiveness Tar get Cau Downtown Becoming Vibrant Effectiveness tion Responsible City Government Responsible City Government
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness Public Works
Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness
Cau tion On Tar get On Tar get Bel ow Pla On Tar get
Premier Community in South Florida Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target
On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar On Tar get
Police Department's overall quality rating (Res. Survey)
Residents who feel that Coral Springs has remained or 75% become a safer place to live (Res. Survey)
Average Police response time (from time of call to arrival) ‐ (Previous year)
Stabilize the burglary rate at a 0% increase adjusted for population (Uniform Crime Report) (Previous year)
Maintain 0% increase in crime rate as adjusted for population (Uniform Crime Report) (Previous year)
Clearance rate for crimes (Uniform Crime Report) (Previous year)
Reduce or maintain percent change in number of robberies (Uniform Crime Report) (Previous year)
Traffic crashes per 1,000 citizens (Previous year)
Number of high school students that are awarded safe driving certificates at graduation
Police Department's Satisfaction rating by businesses (Biz Survey)
Safety rating by businesses (Biz Survey)
Public Works & Utilities Satisfaction Rating (Revised 2019) (Res. Survey)
City Hall internal customer satisfaction rating for janitorial services
Availability rate of all vehicles/equipment for all departments
Facilities routine work orders completed within 15 working days
Pot hole repair response time (Days)
Complete litter removal of 159 miles of road rights‐of‐ way in five working days (Days)
Storm drains cleaned per year Catch basins vactored per year (New beginning FY2020)
Fire hydrants serviced (Revised for FY 2018) Miles of street sweeping per year to meet NPDES standards
Length of sanitary sewer pipe liner rehabilitated (Linear Feet) (New beginning FY2018) Number of serviced valves per year
Percent of "unaccounted for" water
Reference Key On target/Above target Within 5% of target/At risk of not meeting target Did not meet Goal/At Risk of not meeting Goal Discussion Needed No update available at this time Tracking of KPI will cease starting in FY2020
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Composite Indicator Summary The following indicators were carefully chosen to give an overall representative snapshot of our financial and operating results. These measures correspond with the City’s mission and longtime focus areas: property values, safety, educational opportunity, customer satisfaction, recreation participation, community involvement, and employee productivity. Although we began tracking these results in 1994 as part of the Composite Index, for brevity we only show the post-2006 results.
Residential Property Value
Residential property values continue to increase, surpassing where they were 10 years ago.
Residential taxable assessed property values decreased drastically in Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011 due to property tax legislation passed in January 2008. The national recession which began in 2008 also contributed to depressed values.
$6.2 $5.4
Source: Broward County Property Appraiser’s Office
(Property values reflect calendar year rather than fiscal year.) 2006
As a % of Total Property Values
Non-residential values increased at a greater rate than residential for FY 2017. New commercial construction contributed to this increase. New commercial construction has decreased slightly in FY 2018 and FY 2019.
Incidents of major crimes per 100,000 population
(Crime figures are calculated utilizing calendar year rather than fiscal year)
Source: Broward County Property Appraiser’s Office
The incidents of major crimes per 100,000 population hit an all-time low in 2019.
2075.0 1736.6
(Property values reflect calendar year rather than fiscal year.) 2006
Source: City of Coral Springs Police Department and Florida Department of Law Enforcement Crime Report
Non-residential Property Percentage
Non-residential includes commercial/industrial sites, as well as agricultural, institutional, government and miscellaneous real estate.
Crime Rate
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Crime rate saw a major decrease in 2019 as this continues to be a focus area for the City.
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Number of Volunteered Hours Number of hours
Some of the activities offered by the Parks and Recreation Department are basketball, soccer, football, baseball, lacrosse, and cheerleading. Independent teams and programs, though not counted in this measure, also utilize City facilities. The decline is due primarily to the number of participants moving from recreational leagues to more competitive travel leagues, whose participants are not included in this measure.
10,151 9,500
Source: 2015 Resident Survey conducted by ETC Institute.
Athletic League Participants 8,763
Source: City of Coral Springs Human Resources Department Employee Survey
Employee Satisfaction
The number of volunteer hours in reached an all-time high of 45,068.50 for Fiscal Year 2018.
Source: City of Coral Springs Human Resources Department
No survey conducted; used prior year result
No survey conducted; used prior year result
No survey conducted; used prior year result
The City has consistently received high ratings in customer satisfaction from our residents. The Residential Survey is conducted every other year.
No survey conducted; used prior year result
No survey conducted; used prior year result
No survey conducted; used prior year result
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Source: City of Coral Springs Parks and Recreation Department
All employees are surveyed annually by the Human Resources Department to determine overall job satisfaction. Employees’ ratings of satisfaction are consistently high.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Employee Productivity
It will take fewer than five full-time employees to generate one million dollars of revenue.
Employees Per Million Dollars of Revenue
Source: Annual Budget
(Calculation includes fulltime employees for all funds divided by Net Revenues) 2006
Overcrowding has continue to decrease for Coral Springs public schools. Enrollment and capacity numbers are provided by the Broward County School District.
School Overcrowding
% Capacity Student Stations
Source: Broward County School Board (Percentages reflect academic year rather than fiscal year.)
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Business Plan Initiative Business Plan Initiative Analysis Report Goal
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government
Grant Enhancements: Writing Expansion (Hiring of Grant Consultant)
Analysis Report
Completion February 2019 – Staff sent a memo to the Commission evaluating the Return on Investment (ROI) of a Grant Writer. Over the past 5 years the total Grant Funding Amount is $7,548,571 to the $400,511 cost of the current 1 Grant Coordinator. In the Budget & Strategy upcoming budget process, a PT Grant Writer, additional grant writing contractual services and a new grant platform will be requested which is the cost of an additional Grant Writer.
Completion July 2019 – Staff completed the implementation of the comprehensive compensation study for all non‐sworn employees. The results will improve our ability to attract and compete for Comprehensive Compensation Human Resources talent within the south Florida region. The new pay structure Study provides a competitive wage base for existing employees and supports our ongoing retention efforts. The last three consoles have been installed and the county Dispatch Improvements (2018‐ Police completed the phone install on the consoles. The City has to 2019) Ongoing budget for three computers for the CAD. Funds for this initiative were re‐purposed for a community outreach pop‐up party. The event took place at Lions Park on the 7th of August. This outreach event provided City staff and Education Grants (2016‐2019) CMO Commissioners with the opportunity to connect with kids and their Ongoing families. Residents expressed their gratitude for the event and for our City's continued effort to reach out to the community. This event was a success. The innovation incentive recognition program continues to support Innovation Incentive Recognition CMO and sponsor the ‘Shark Tank’ participants as well as those who Program Electric Utility Vehicle
Public Works
Enhance Strategic Enforcement Team (2018‐2019) Ongoing
Responsible City Government
Event Management Process (2016‐2019) Ongoing
Communications & Marketing
Responsible City Government
Improving Human Resource Service Quality
Human Resources
Responsible City Government
Linkedin Learning Subscriptions
Responsible City Government
LiveU Equipment Purchase
Communications & Marketing
Responsible City Government
Multi‐cultural Events (1995‐2019) Human Resources Ongoing
The electric utility vehicle arrived Postponed indefinitely due to changes in manpower needed in other areas. The event working group has been fully established and is working together on all Special Events. They have been doing an excellent job. The NeoGov "On‐boarding" software has been purchased and implemented. It is being used during the new hire onboarding process. LinkedIn Learning has been deployed and budgeted for the second year. The subscription was updated to provide additional contents. Enrollment continues to increase with the support and persistence of the department liaisons. Next major development will be its incorporation into the leadership development program with structured and ad‐hoc learning. The LiveU Equipment was used for the first time during the opening of the Temple of time. MLK Celebrations were held the weekend of January 17 ‐ 19th. A Student Art & Literary Exhibits contest drew more than 300 entries which were judged and awarded trophies at a Student Award Ceremony. This year a musical/drama was also offered at a low cost to the general public. On the official King Holiday, we hosted a Diversity/Leadership Day for high scho0l and middle school students. Approximately 200 students attended this program. MLK Golf Tournament was originally scheduled for October 25th but was postpone to March 8th due to the passing of our Mayor, Skip Campbell. Coral Springs Country Club hosted the event and 110 players were in attendance. The proceeds of this event go directly into the MLK Scholarship Fund. Worldfest was celebrated on March 31st at the Sportsplex for the 13th year. This community event is intended to showcase the various cultures that abound in our area with music, entertainment, ethnic cuisine and arts/crafts for the young ones. National Day of Prayer went as planned with the exception of CommuniTea which the City eliminated per the new Special Events guidelines. International Dinner Dance took place September 28th. The event celebrated the Colombian culture with colorful performances and traditional Colombian cuisine. Nearly 400 guests attended for another successful event at the Coral Springs Marriott.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Time Budget Percent Status Status Complete
100% 100% 0% 100%
Table of Contents
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
A new Performance Management software application (ClearPoint Strategy) was implemented and went live July 1st. This new system is allowing us to track the operational performance of Open Smart City‐ Strategic Budget & Strategy departmental and City‐wide Key performance indicators. Work to Planning Online Platform develop a public facing performance management dashboard is currently underway. Tightrope Cablecast Upgrade for Communications Equipment was ordered and installed during the 3rd quarter. This City TV & Marketing project is complete. Development Services/ Communi Slice of the Springs meeting was held on 9/26/19. Meeting was Virtual Slice of the Springs cations held both virtually & in‐person at City Hall. Meeting (2017‐2019) Ongoing & Marketing On 09‐21 the City commemorated the International Day of Peace Youth Programs (2008‐2019) at the Coral Springs International Peace Garden. Local students Human Resources Ongoing and volunteers participated in a community peace ceremony by placing Peace “wish‐tags” throughout the Garden. The original project was on time, but the first set of bids we received did not meet the criteria. This forced us to go back out to bid. This changed the window of when the pool could be closed 25 Meter Pool Linear Upgrade Parks & Recreation for the upgrades. Our next opportunity to do the work is in November 2019. The new bids were received and the contract has been awarded. We are all set to go in November. Work will be completed by the end of 2019. Air Conditioning Technician
The installation of AC units was completed in Q3.
The Public Works Department determined it would be of greater benefit to have Cityworks, or "work order management software" be procured as part of the ERP package. Implementation is tentatively scheduled for FY 2022. The I.T. Department will be overseeing the implementation of the work order management software and the ERP. This initiative will be rolled up under the ERP initiative. No funds have been expended to date.
Cultural Facilities Grant for Museum Renovations
Development Services
Public Works
Inflow and Infiltration Public Works 10,353 LF or sanitary sewer has been lined to date. Rehabilitation Landscape plans are under review by FDOT. Plans expected to be Landscape Improvement of Public Works reviewed by next update (January 1, 2020). Arterial Roads Lights replacement was completed in early July. Field is ready for Light Fixture Replacement ‐ Aiello Parks & Recreation use and this project is complete. Field
100% 20% 100%
Maintain and Protect City Trees Parks & Recreation All tree projects have been completed on time and within budget.
Project was completed in early May. Playground is up and Parks & Recreation running. Project was completed within the allocated budget and on schedule.
City Investment in Today and Future
Mullins Park Playground replacement
City Investment in Today and Future
New Entrance for Sherwood Forest Park (2018‐2019) Ongoing
City Investment in Today and Future
New Shop Equipment
Capital Improvement projects have been out to bid and construction is underway. Senior and youth scholarship funds have been expended. Home Repair projects are under construction. Neighborhood partnership program funds and commercial façade project funds remain available and open for future projects.
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
Development Services
City Investment in Today and Future City Investment in Today and Future City Investment in Today and Future City Investment in Today and Future
Air conditioning technician reported to work on Jan. 14, 2019.
CDBG Action Plan
Facilities/Streets Cityworks software
Time Budget Percent Status Status Complete
Public Works
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
Public Works
Project is complete.
Procurement continues on hold pending build out of the 4150 building. Staff will work with existing budget when building is ready for furnishing. A depreciation fund was set up for replacement of large capital projects. There were no replacement projects in this years budget. In future years a recurring capital fund will be established for lighting replacement, playground replacement, fitness equipment replacement and asphalt pathway improvements. Funds will also be set up in a depreciation fund for replacement of the artificial turf field carpet replacement. Parks Replacement CIP Projects Parks & Recreation In addition we have funding in our operating budget for on going improvements within the park. We had over $500,000 in fiscal year 2019/20. All the identified projects for this year have been completed. We have some remaining funds that we are using to do some additional projects. One example is the resurfacing of the track at Sportsplex. That job will be completed in August. We are also going to replace some parking lot lights at Cypress Park with LED fixtures. Public Works
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
100% 0%
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City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future City Investment in Today and Future City Investment in Today and Future
Time Budget Percent Status Status Complete
Public Works
Bids opened on September 4, 2019. Engineering consultant is not recommending award to the lowest bidder due to the fact that lowest bidder has not been the prime contractor for a project within Broward County so, its lack of experience with Broward County Traffic and Engineering Division's regulations and stringent standards makes the Engineering Consultant not confident that lowest bidder can deliver the project and the associated BCTED approvals in a timely manner and in compliance..
Traffic Management
Development Services/Public Works
The TMT met each month during the quarter. Issues discussed included traffic calming on NW 110 Avenue, NW 40 Street, Royal Palm Blvd. bike lane proposal, Transportation Surtax 1st Amedment, Design Row parking, Forest Hills Elementary School traffic, Costco exits on Wiles Road and Coral Ridge Drive, and the SW 10th Street Connector PD&E Study. Five traffic studies were completed. An update of the Traffic Calming Program was presented at the City Commission Workshop on July 30, 2019.
Turtle Run Park Left Turn Lane
Public Works
The project is complete.
Public Works
Broward County has completed the project.
Development Services
Commission approved September 18, 2019.
Roadway Resurfacing
Wiles Road and 441 Entry Improvements Wireless Telecommunications Master Plan
The CRA hired Bermello Ajamil to establish supplementary urban design guidelines for the DT‐MU District. These guidelines provide further detailed explanation and graphic examples of the preferred form of future development within the entire CRA area and include design considerations for elements that are not specifically regulated within the DT‐MU. These elements add to the overall character/identity of the city, such as: signage, building features, lighting, landscaping and other design considerations. The Economic Downtown Becoming Design Guidelines for Downtown Development/CRA Consultants and the City and CRA staff engaged the stakeholders Vibrant during the development of the new guidelines. The CRA Board approved the new Downtown Urban Design Guidelines on November 5, 2018.The CRA held a merchants meeting in February to present the design guidelines. The consultant then presented them at the 3.6.19 Commission meeting where they were approved. The design guidelines have been codified and the EDO is educating businesses within the CRA of the new guidelines.
Cornerstone will be submitting updated plans to DRC in late October 2019 and presenting to the CRA Board in November. The Developer Agreement with the tax increment revenue (TIR) rebate incentive will be on the November CRA agenda for approval. The Economic Downtown Becoming Development Agreement for the stipulated agreement was extended into July 2020. The project no Vibrant Cornerstone project Development/ CRA longer includes a grocer. It now has 160K square feet of Class A Office, 350 apartments, 125 room hotel, 40K square feet of retail/restaurant and two parking garages. The new timeline has the building coming down in Summer 2020 and going vertical in Fall 2020.
On April 22nd, the CRA Board voted to not move forward with the decorative street lights on Sample Road due to high cost. Broward Public Works/CRA County will install the standard aluminum pole with the LED fixture in FY20. The new lights will improve visibility and enhance safety.
Downtown Becoming Vibrant
Downtown Decorative Street Lights
Downtown Becoming Vibrant
Innovate Downtown
Communications & Marketing/CRA
Downtown Becoming Vibrant
Intersection Approaches Upgraded to ADA Compliance
Public Works
Innovate Downtown was held on March 1st with 12 creators presenting to 4 judges. Charles Schwartz emceed the event and gave the Ted Talk. Two Degrees won the judges award and Strawfish won the audience award. Need diversity on judges and applicants next year. Open it up to the state to get additional funding for winners. FY 19 program consisted of making intersections on Royal Palm Blvd west of University ADA compliant. Project is complete.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Downtown Becoming Vibrant
Sample Road Master Parking Comprehensive Plan
Public Works/CRA
Growing Local Economy
Building Permit Fee Study
Development Services
Growing Local Economy
Code Compliance Operational Review and Training
Development Services
Growing Local Economy
Coral Springs Regional Chamber Business Academy
Economic Development
Growing Local Economy
Corporate Park Improvements
Economic Development
Growing Local Economy
Economic Development Marketing ‐ Website Redesign
Economic Development
Growing Local Economy
Electric Vehicles and Charging Stations (2017‐2019) Ongoing
Public Works
Growing Local Economy
New Quarterly Economic Development and Marketing Report
Economic Development
Growing Local Economy
Real Estate Summit
Economic Development
Growing Local Economy
Residential Realtor’s Event
Economic Development
Analysis Master Parking redesign is being coordinated through the CRA office. CRA Consultant has made presentations to the Board and Staff. The consultant presented to businesses within the CRA in February and to the Commission at the March 6th meeting. The Commission accepted the plan and presentation, but there is no funding available for the improvements. The CRA can explore potential grant funding for the project or explore bonding the project, but the CRA would have to borrow from the City. There needs to be some discussion about how we move forward and if this is still an active initiative. User Fee Study has been completed. Next Steps: Community Outreach Bring forward Ordinance for City Commission Consideration, November 13th Implement technology surcharge & best practices Consultant’s revised fee schedule effective 1/1/20 Provide for annual CPI rate adjustment 1. Four Officers received certifications as a Stormwater, Erosion, and Sedimentation Control Inspector. 2. Supervisor attended Skill Path, The Managers and Supervisors 3. Registrations for FACE renewed for 2019/20 4. New staff passed required FEMA certifications and Two staff completed supplemental FEMA certifications. The EDO supports the Coral Springs Regional Chamber of Commerce Biz Academy from October 2018 to April 2019 providing seminars to the local business community on topics including social media, customer loyalty, branding and cybersecurity. Program increases visibility of the EDO office and enhances relationships with business community. Attendance increased monthly. The EDA grant was awarded to the City and we are providing the local match. We have developed a timeline for the project and Public Works, Budget & Strategy and the EDO are working together on the project. The Job Growth Grant Fund is still in DEO waiting for approval. Our state lobbyists have a one‐pager. Additional improvements in the Corporate Park are ongoing and will be addressed by the economic development strategic plan. The EDO website has seen marked improvements over the last fiscal year. We meet biweekly with Matt Hoffman to update the website. We have added photos of real businesses in the City as well as linked it to our social media channels. We have also advertised Savor the Springs on it and created a micro‐site for the event. We hired a consultant to conduct a website audit that was finished in September with changes to be implemented in FY20. This is an ongoing effort that will incorporate recommendations from the economic development strategic plan. Installation of charging stations at City Hall Public Garage is completed. The EDO purchased a CRM system and is still inputting months of retention/expansion/attraction meetings into it. We track all of our visits on our calendars as well as present quarterly to the Commission on our activities. Camoin will be recommending reporting out to the Commission, City and staff as well. The Real Estate Summit was not held in FY19. The FY18 event was not well‐attended and with the economic development strategic planning effort, there was not enough time or staff to put on the event. We worked to engage realtors through visiting offices and presenting on the efforts of the EDO. They were invited to the ED Community Event Speak Up Coral Springs as well. Next year we may partner with the Chamber for roundtables that are more engaging and interactive as opposed to a panel addressing the realtors. The Residential Realtors Event was not held in FY19. With the economic development strategic planning effort, there was not enough time or staff to put on the event. We worked to engage realtors through visiting offices and presenting on the efforts of the EDO. They were invited to the ED Community Event Speak Up Coral Springs as well. Next year we may partner with the Chamber for roundtables that are more engaging and interactive as opposed to a panel addressing the realtors.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Time Budget Percent Status Status Complete
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The retention of a marketing firm is premature as we need to wait until the economic development strategy is complete. The CRA and EDO met with numerous entities to discuss an incubator or coworking space in the Downtown. Public universities want the space for free and there hasn't been a lot of interest Growing Local Venture Lab/or Co‐working Space Economic otherwise. Cornerstone will likely have a coworking space. The Economy Downtown Development/CRA Economic Development Strategic Plan’s scope will address this project. This has been purchased and will begin installation this upcoming Premier Community in Adding Radio Authentication to Police quarter to both Police and Fire Department radios. As radios have South Florida All Public Safety Radios come in for repair, they are being installed. The three additional members have begun their employment with the City. They are currently in their initial new‐hire training Premier Community in Additional (3) Fire/EMS program and will be on the trucks working within the next two South Florida Firefighter/Paramedics months. Growing Local Economy
Retention of Marketing Firm
Economic Development
Time Budget Percent Status Status Complete 0%
This initiative has been completed. We have assigned an additional SRO to Coral Glades High School, Coral Springs High School, JP Taravella High School, as well as Coral Springs Charter.
Throughout the year staff has added several new Senior classes and programs. We started bi‐monthly birthday bash programs to Premier Community in Additional Senior Programming Parks & Recreation celebrate all senior birthdays. They have been very successful with South Florida 50 to 60 seniors attending each event. We added fitness classes, table games, trips and more.
For this year we had multiple avenues for employees and residents to get involved and give back to the community. Events included Human Resources Thanksgiving baskets, Downtown in December, Holiday Parade, holiday giving initiatives, school supply drive, and Keep Coral Springs beautiful as well as other engaging events.
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
Additional (4) School Resource Officers
City‐wide Day of Service
The Community Paramedic program continues to operate at a very high efficiency rate. CP Toolan continues to receive vital follow‐up information from the crews and conducts patient evaluations Premier Community in Community Paramedic Program Fire/EMS shortly after the referral. CP Toolan is helping a large number of South Florida (2015‐2019) Ongoing at‐risk patients and ensuring that they get proper care in a variety of areas. Still waiting for permitting to move to the next steps of this Premier Community in Emergency Traffic Signal Fire project. South Florida The statement of work and license agreement have been reviewed by Legal and contributing departments. The Finance Premier Community in Enterprise Software department is completing the debt financing with plans to IT South Florida (Procurement) present at the December 18th Commission meeting. Upon commission approval, our intent is to kick-off with the implementation of Phase 1 (Finance / Budget) in January 2020. This is an ongoing process of incremental implementation as we Premier Community in Health & Wellbeing Strategy Human Resources progress through the year. South Florida Archeological and Historic Conservation Agency, Inc. completed a Development Premier Community in Desktop Resource Assessment for the City. County Commission to Historic Preservation Services South Florida consider Ordinance 10/15/19
Premier Community in Incentive to hire Police Officers South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
Interactive OnLine Mapping
100% 100%
Since the recent reinstatement of the law enforcement sworn hiring incentive program two hires met the eligibility requirements of the program. The incentive is prominently posted on the police employment page of the City’s website and is also highlighted on the job bulletin. The program was initially communicated via Facebook/Workplace and via a department‐wide email blast for purposes of obtaining employee referrals. It should be noted that there has not been a need for aggressive recruitment measures in the last few months as all vacancies were accounted for with existing applicants. However, it will be a critical tool going forward in light of hiring initiatives on the horizon.
Development Services
This interactive map was for residential permits. We completed and went live June 27, 2019. Feedback from customers have been very positive.
Premier Community in South Florida
Logistics Captain
The Logistics Captain position has been hired and filled. Captain Roseboom has begun his work in this new position. Captain Roseboom has already started with several new initiatives to improve and streamline the logistics section of our department.
Premier Community in South Florida
Principal Office Assistant Part‐ time to Full‐time
This is complete.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Premier Community in South Florida
Senior Outreach Newsletter
Premier Community in SWAT Sniper Rifle Replacement South Florida
Senior Newsletter mailed to senior residents each quarter. Communications Effective July 1, the Senior Newsletter was also sent out online via & Marketing MailChimp. Presentations to Commission have been completed. Ordinance Public Works approved in December. Commission approved the Stormwater Assessment for FY 2020 budget. This project is in the purchasing phase. No further progress can be Fire/EMS made until this phase is complete. Program ran for the final 11 days in July. All 150 children were sent home with a backpack filled with school supplies, school clothing, and summer reading books. Chief sent recognition letters to city employees and community volunteers for their participation. A Police special command staff recognition for Pastor Andy Fernandez was held on 9/26/19. Organizations who donated will be recognized on the 10/16/19 City Commission Meeting. This initiative has been completed. This initiative is complete. Sniper rifles have been conditioned and Police issued to SWAT snipers.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Premier Community in South Florida
Stormwater Assessment Implementation (2014‐2019) Ongoing Stryker Powerload Stretcher Restraint and Lifting Systems
Premier Community in South Florida
Summer Breakspot Program (2017‐2019) Ongoing
Premier Community in South Florida
Time Budget Percent Status Status Complete 100%
100% 0%
Table of Contents
Benchmarking Summary Report
The Benchmarking Summary Report is a tool designed to help understand how the City of Coral Springs performs relative to the top nine most populated cities in Broward County, giving greater insight into the overall performance of the City. The following factors have been chosen for the purposes of this benchmarking summary report: Population, Crime Rate, Single Family Fire Assessment Rate, Solid Waste Assessment, Stormwater Assessment, City Taxable Value, Millage Rates, Taxable Values for Single Family Homes, Median Household Income, Number of Households, Median Age, Median Value of Owner-Occupied Units and School Grades. The following cities were selected based on population size: Fort Lauderdale, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, Miramar, Coral Springs, Pompano Beach, Davie, Sunrise, Plantation, and Deerfield Beach. This chart compares population sizes for the ten most populated cities in Broward County. Coral Springs has the 5th largest population in Broward County with Fort Lauderdale being the largest and Deerfield Beach being the smallest in population size. Source: Bureau of Economic & Business Research (BEBR)
This chart compares crime rate for the ten most populated cities in Broward County. Coral Springs has the lowest crime rate when compared to the most populated cities in Broward County. Source: Uniform Crime Report (UCR)
This chart compares the fire assessment for the most populated cities in Broward County who assess a fire assessment fee. Coral Springs has the third lowest single family assessment fee relative to the most populated cities in Broward County. Source: Broward County Property Appraiser/City websites
This chart compares the solid waste assessment fee for the most populated cities in Broward County who assess a solid waste fee. Coral Springs falls in the middle when comparing the lowest rate (Sunrise) and the highest rate (Fort Lauderdale). All cities compared on this chart provide “cart” service. Cities who are not part of this comparison use a “pay as you throw” or “blue bag” rate system. Source: Municode/City websites
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Benchmarking Summary Report - continued This chart compares the stormwater assessment for the most populated cities in Broward County who assess a stormwater fee. Source: Broward County Property Appraiser/City websites
This chart illustrates the taxable value by City for the ten most populated Cities in Broward County. Coral Springs has the 5th largest taxable value among the ten cities in Broward County. The taxable value being compared is as of October 23, 2019. Source: Broward County Property Appraisers
This chart illustrates the millage rate by city for the ten most populated cities in Broward County. Source: Broward County Property Appraisers * Includes Fire/EMS millage
This chart illustrates the average taxable value for single family homes for the ten most populated cities in Broward County. Coral Springs has the 4th largest average taxable value for single family homes in Broward County. Source: Broward County Property Appraisers
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Benchmarking Summary Report - continued This chart compares the median household income for the ten most populated cities in Broward County. Coral Springs has the highest median household income when compared to the ten most populated cities in Broward County. Source: U.S. Census Bureau
This chart illustrates the total number of households by city for the ten most populated cities in Broward County. Coral Springs has 46.42% less households than Fort Lauderdale who has the most households and 16.87% more than Sunrise who has the least number of households. Source: Broward County Planning & Development Management Division
This chart compares the median age of residents for the ten most populated cities in Broward County. Coral Springs residents fall under the median average age of 40 years old, making it one of the most populated cities within Broward County with a younger population. Source: Broward County Planning & Development Management Division
This chart illustrates the median value of owner-occupied houses by city for the top ten most populated cities in Broward County. Coral Springs has the highest median value of owner-occupied housing units of the ten largest cities in Broward County. Source: Broward County Property Appraisers
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Benchmarking Summary Report - continued The following information was retrieved from the Florida Department of Education. The school grading scale being used to evaluate the performance of schools within the City of Coral Springs is the same grading scale being used by the Florida Department of Education. The school grading scale is as follows:
Grade A
Rating Scale 62 - 100
54 - 61 41 - 53 32 - 40 0 - 31
This chart illustrates Coral Springs’ average rating by school level (Elementary, Middle, High Schools and combination schools) and compares it to the combined average rating for the nine most populated cities in Broward County. The following cities were selected for this benchmarking comparison: Fort Lauderdale, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, Miramar, Coral Springs, Pompano Beach, Davie, Sunrise, Plantation, and Deerfield Beach. Source: Florida Department of Education
This chart illustrates the rating for Coral Springs’ elementary schools relative to the rating for elementary schools for the ten most populated cities in Broward County. Source: Florida Department of Education
This chart illustrates the rating for Coral Springs’ middle schools relative to the rating for middle schools for the ten most populated cities in Broward County. Source: Florida Department of Education
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Benchmarking Summary Report - continued
This chart illustrates the rating for Coral Springs’ high schools relative to the rating for high schools schools for the ten most populated cities in Broward County. Source: Florida Department of Education
“Combination” schools are schools that containg more than one grade level within the school (e.g. Charter schools with an elementary, middle and high school). This chart illustrates the rating for Coral Springs’ combination schools relative to the rating for combination schools for the ten most populated cities in Broward County. Source: Florida Department of Education
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Customer Requirements Analysis Overview In an effort to closely align the City’s limited resources with the needs and expectations of our residents, we use a number of “listening devices” to gather credible and useful data. This customer input is a critical piece of the Strategic Planning process. Our business model demands that we know our customers’ needs and expectations. Through citizen and business surveys, SWOC analyses, Slice of the Springs meetings and good, old-fashioned customer contact, we gain an understanding of our customers views.
Residential Survey Summary Purpose and Methodology
ETC Institute administered surveys to residents in the City of Coral Springs during February and March of 2019. The purpose of the surveys was to assess satisfaction with the quality of City services and to gather input about priorities for the community. A seven-page survey was mailed to a random sample of households in the City of Coral Springs. Approximately seven days after the surveys were mailed, residents who received the survey were contacted by phone. Those who indicated that they had not returned the survey were given the option of completing it by phone or over the Internet ( A total of 1,246 completed surveys. The results for the random sample of 1,246 households have a precision of at least +/-2.8% at the 95% level of confidence. There were no statistically significant differences in the results of the survey based on the method of administration (mail vs. online vs. phone). In order to understand how well services are being delivered in different areas of the City, ETC Institute geocoded the home address of respondents to the survey. A minimum of 200 surveys were completed in each of six areas of the City. The results for each area have a precision of at least +/- 6.9% at the 95% level of confidence.
Survey respondents by general location
Source: ETC Institute Coral Springs Resident Satisfaction Survey
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Overall Satisfaction:
Major Findings The major City services that were rated best include: the quality of fire services (91%), the quality of emergency medical services (89%), the quality of police services (86%), and the quality of City parks and recreation programs (81%). Residents were least satisfied with Code Compliance Division (53%). Areas in need of greater emphasis over the next two years
The major City services that residents thought should be emphasized most over the next two years were: (1) police services, (2) maintaining the quality of neighborhoods in the City, (3) parks and recreation programs, and (4) the code compliance division. Public Safety
“The City of Coral Springs in once again setting the standard with regard to the overall quality of City services.” 72% of residents surveyed are satisfied with the overall quality of services compared to a national average of 50% and a Florida average of 49%. Public Safety Response Time Satisfaction Comparison
The public safety services that were rated best included: how quickly EMS personnel respond to emergencies (85%), how quickly fire personnel respond to emergencies (82%), and how quickly police respond to emergencies (81%). Residents were least satisfied with police social media outreach (57%). The public safety services that residents thought were most important to emphasize over the next two years were: (1) the City’s efforts to prevent crimes and (2) patrolling in the city. Parks and Recreation Services
The areas of parks and recreation that were rated best included: the maintenance and appearance of City parks (84%), outdoor athletic facilities/fields (83%), and Coral Springs aquatic/pool facilities (76%). The parks and recreation services that residents thought were most important to emphasize over the next two years were: (1) the maintenance and appearance of City parks, (2) availability of information about recreation programs, (3) outdoor athletic facilities/fields, and (4) the quality of recreation programs for youth. Public Works/Utilities The areas of infrastructure/maintenance that were rated best included: bulk trash pick-up (79%), curbside recycling services (79%), residential trash collection services (77%), yard waste collection services (76%), and condition of major streets (75%). Residents were least satisfied with bike lane availability on major streets (50%). The areas of maintenance that residents thought were most important to emphasize over the next two years were: (1) the condition of major City streets, (2) the adequacy of street lighting on major streets, and (3) the condition of neighborhood streets. City Communications
Seventy-five percent (75%) of the residents surveyed who had an opinion were satisfied (rating of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale) with the quality of the Coral Springs News Magazine; 68% were satisfied with the City’s website (, and 64% were satisfied with the availability of information about City services.
City Communications Rating Comparison
Customer Service Over two-thirds of residents were satisfied with all five areas of customer service that were rated. The areas that were rated the best included: the courteousness of City staff (78%), the accuracy of the information received from staff (74%), and how easy the City was to contact (72%).
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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How Coral Springs Compares to Other Communities Overall Satisfaction
The City of Coral Springs is once again setting the standard with regard to the overall quality of City services. Seventy-three percent (73%) of the residents surveyed in the City of Coral Springs were satisfied (ratings of 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale) with the overall quality of City services, compared to a national average of just 50% and a Florida average of 49%. Coral Springs rates above the U.S. Average in 47 of the 53 areas that were assessed on the survey. Coral Springs is setting the standard for service delivery in 21 areas (rating 15% or more above the national average). Listed below are the comparisons for all 53 areas: Service
Coral Springs Aquatic/Pool Facilities Public Works Condition of major City streets Customer service by City employees Bulk trash pickup service Quality of services provided by the City Condition on of neighborhood streets Condition/appearance of medians Availability of information about City services City efforts to prevent crimes Parks & recreation How quickly police responds to emergencies As a place to live Outdoor athletic facilities/fields Police services How well your issues are handled City communication with residents How easy they were to contact Maintenance & appearance of City parks City efforts to keep you informed on local issues Enforcement of exterior maintenance of residential prop. Sidewalk maintenance in your neighborhood Adequacy of City street lighting of major streets As a City that is moving in the right direction As a place to raise children How well the City is planning for the future Litter collection on City streets Quality of recreation programs for youth As a place to work Courteousness of City staff How quickly they responded to your request Yardwaste collection services Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Curbside recycling services City's website: Enforcement of exterior maintenance of commercial prop. Accuracy of the information you received Fire services Frequency that Police officers patrol your neighborhood Value for City taxes and fees How quickly EMS personnel respond to emergencies Overall aesthetics of the City Enforcement of local traffic laws Hazardous waste drop-off Residential trash collection services Quality of recreation programs for adults Quality of life How quickly fire personnel respond to emergencies Code Compliance Walking and biking paths in the City City's social media outreach Fire prevention/education programs provided by the City As a place to retire
Coral Springs 76% 74% 75% 72% 79% 73% 70% 74% 64% 74% 82% 81% 87% 83% 86% 68% 64% 72% 84% 60% 58% 56% 70% 67% 84% 60% 75% 72% 65% 78% 70% 76% 89% 79% 68% 60% 74% 91% 66% 45% 85% 68% 68% 68% 77% 55% 76% 82% 53% 58% 52% 60% 53%
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
U.S . Average 35% 41% 48% 45% 53% 50% 48% 52% 45% 54% 63% 64% 70% 68% 70% 51% 48% 58% 70% 45% 42% 41% 56% 51% 70% 47% 61% 61% 53% 69% 60% 67% 81% 70% 60% 51% 65% 83% 59% 38% 79% 63% 64% 64% 75% 54% 75% 82% 54% 59% 55% 65% 58%
Variance 41% 33% 27% 27% 26% 23% 22% 22% 19% 20% 19% 17% 17% 15% 16% 17% 16% 14% 14% 15% 16% 15% 14% 16% 14% 13% 14% 11% 12% 9% 10% 9% 8% 9% 8% 9% 9% 8% 7% 7% 6% 5% 4% 4% 2% 1% 1% 0% -1% -1% -3% -5% -5%
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Other Findings • Eighty-seven percent (87%) of residents feel Coral Springs is an “excellent” or “good” place to live; only 4% gave a rating of “below average” or “poor”. Eighty-four percent (84%) feel Coral Springs is an “excellent” or “good” place to raise children; only 5% gave a rating of “below average” or “poor”.
Coral Springs as a place to live & raise children
• Ninety-two percent (92%) of residents feel safe walking alone in their neighborhood during the day; 89% feel safe in business areas during the day, and 84% feel safe walking alone in their neighborhood in general. • Sixty-nine percent (68%) of residents were “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with the quality of downtown events; only 7% were “dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied”. • The most frequently mentioned ways that residents get information about the City were: the City website (49%), Coral Springs Forum Newspaper (48%), and social media generated by the City (37%). • Eighty percent (80%) of residents reported they read the Coral Springs’ magazine “all the time” or “sometimes”; 17% reported they read the magazine “seldom” or “never” and 3% did not know. • The City services or facilities that were used most often were: MyCoralSprings on website, (45%), the Coral Springs Center for the Performing Arts (40%), Police services (32%), and City Hall in the Mall (31%). • The top four reasons residents indicated they originally made the decision to move to Coral Springs were: the nice neighborhoods (64%), housing (52%), the quality education system (50%) and the location (50%). • Fifty-one percent (51%) of residents, who had an opinion, were “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with the overall effectiveness of the City’s efforts to address public school issues; 28% were “neutral” and 21% were “dissatisfied” or “very dissatisfied”. • Nearly half (43%) of residents felt they had a good understanding of the important issues facing the City of Coral Springs; 29% did not, and 28% did not know. • Sixty-six percent (64%) of residents think the City of Coral Springs is continually improving as a place to live; 20% disagreed, and 16% did not know.
Opportunities for Improvement In order to help the City identify opportunities for improvement, ETC Institute conducted a Importance-Satisfaction (I-S) Priorities Analysis. This analysis examined the importance that residents placed on each City service and the level of satisfaction with each service. By identifying services of big importance and low satisfaction, the analysis identified which services will have the most impact on overall satisfaction with City services over the next two years. If the City wants to improve its overall satisfaction rating, the City should prioritize improvements in services with the highest Importance Satisfaction ratings. Based on the results of the Importance-Satisfaction Priorities Analysis, ETC Institute recommends the following:
Efforts to maintain quality neighborhoods
• Efforts to maintain quality neighborhoods • Code Compliance Division
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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The second level of analysis reviewed the importance of, and satisfaction of services within departments and specific service areas. This analysis was conducted to help departmental managers set priorities for their department. Based on the results of this analysis, the services that are recommended as the top priorities within each department over the next two years are listed below: • Public Safety: City efforts to prevent crimes and patrolling in the City • Parks and Recreation: quality of recreation programs for seniors and the availability of information about recreation programs • Maintenance: drainage maintenance in neighborhoods and condition of major City streets
Trends: Significant Increases and Decrease from last Survey in 2017 The significant increases and decreases among all of the items that were assessed from 2017 to 2019 on the survey are listed below (ratings of 3, 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale); changes of 3% or more were considered significant.
Service Area
Frequency that police officers patrol neighborhood Police Department Records Request Emergency Medical Services Public Works and Utilities Hazardous waste drop-off Bulk trash pick up City Hall Reception/Information Desk Value for City taxes & fees Walking and biking paths in the City Community bus service City senior center How well City is planning for future City Clerk's Records Request
88% 90% 98% 93% 92% 91% 96% 78% 83% 87% 88% 88% 90%
75% 87% 94% 89% 90% 88% 93% 84% 87% 93% 91% 91% 94%
13% 3% 4% 4% 2% 3% 3% -6% -4% -6% -3% -3% -4%
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Business Survey Summary
Business Survey: Bottom line up front
Purpose and Methodology During the winter of 2018, ETC Institute administered a survey to businesses in the City of Coral Springs. The purpose of the survey was to gather feedback from Coral Springs business owners and senior managers to identify ways improve the quality of City services. The survey was administered by phone, mail and internet to a random sample of 405 businesses in the City of Coral Springs. The overall results of the survey have a precision of at least +/-4.8% at the 95% level of confidence.
Perceptions of the City are very positive and continue to improve Overall satisfaction with City services remains high and stayed about the same 94% of businesses would recommend Coral Springs as a place to do business The top two reasons businesses plan to stay in Coral Springs are: (1) the City’s low crime rate and (2) ease of travel by car on major City streets
Major Findings Overall Satisfaction with City Services Thirty-nine percent (39%) of the businesses surveyed felt the quality of City services was higher than their expectations; more than half (55%) of the businesses surveyed felt the quality of City services was meeting their expectations and only 6% felt the quality of City services was below their expectations.
Satisfaction with Specific City Services, Departments, or Programs Eighty-two percent (82%) or more of the businesses surveyed were “satisfied” or “neutral” with all 16 of the City services, departments or programs assessed on the survey. The City services, departments, or programs that businesses were most satisfied with, based upon the combined percent of businesses who were “very satisfied,” “satisfied” or “neutral” were:
94% of businesses were satisfied with the quality of City services
• Emergency Paramedics (100%) • Fire Inspection (97%) • Police Department (96%) • Building Inspections (92%) • Building Division Call Canter (92%) Satisfaction with City Customer Service
Most (94%) of the businesses surveyed rated the City’s customer Ratings ofcustomer the City’s Customer ratings of service service as “very good” or “good;” only 6% of businesses ratedOverall the Overall City’s customer service as “poor.” Service By percentage of respondents (excluding don’t know/not sure)
Satisfaction with City Efforts to Improve Coral Springs Businesses were asked how satisfied they were with the City’s efforts to improve various aspects of the Coral Springs. Items that businesses were most satisfied with, based upon a combination of “very satisfied,” “satisfied” or “neutral” responses were:
Very Good 40%
• Litter collection on city streets (97%)
2018 2016 2014 2012
4% 3% 5% 3% 3%
Very Poor
• Clean city streets and public areas (98%)
39% 34% 37% 37%
56% 61% 57% 61%
3% 1% 0% 0%
95% 94% 94% 98% 97%
Total: Very Good + Good
• City efforts at maintaining the quality of neighborhoods (94%)
Customer service ratings remain very high
• Provide lighting in commercial areas (91%) • Support the availability of customer parking (90%)
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Satisfaction with City Codes and Regulations The City codes and regulations that businesses were most satisfied with, based upon a combination of “very satisfied,” “satisfied” or “neutral” responses, were: • Paint color regulations (92%) • Trash disposal regulations (90%) • Requirements for proper business appearance maintenance (90%) • Business parking regulations (90%) Importance of City Services The three City services, departments, or programs that businesses felt were most important to their organization were: • Police Department (45%) • Fire Inspection (28%) • Emergency Paramedics (24%) Overall Perceptions of the City Businesses were asked to indicate how satisfied they were with various items that may influence their perceptions of the City. The items that businesses were most satisfied with, based upon a combination of “very satisfied,” “satisfied” or “neutral” responses, were: • Overall quality of life (99%) • Overall image of the City (98%)
Overall perceptions of CoralofSprings Current Perceptions Coral Springs
• Overall feeling of safety (97%)
by percentages of respondents who rated the item as a 1 to 5 on a 5-point scale
Ratings of the Physical Appearance of the City Eighty-two percent (82%) of the businesses surveyed rated the physical appearance of the area where their business is located as “excellent” or “good;” 17% rated it as “average,” and only 2% rated it as “poor.” (does not equal 100% due to rounding)
Overall image of the City
Overall quality of life
Overall feeling of safety
Reasons for Moving to Coral Springs When asked to indicated which issues they felt were most important in their decision to locate their business in Coral Springs, the items that businesses identified as most important, based upon the combined percentage of “extremely important,” “very important” and “important” responses, were: • Telecommunications/utilities/other infrastructure (93%)
Quality of new development in the City
Quality of public education
Very Satisfied (5)
Satisfied (4)
35% Neutral (3)
• Overall image of the City (90%) • Access to Sawgrass Expressway (89%) • Attitude of local government toward business (88%) Reasons Business Will Stay in Coral Springs for the Next 10 Years The top reasons businesses indicated that they would stay in Coral Springs for the next 10 years were:
• Overall image of the City (26%)
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
• Ease of travel by car on major City streets (92%)
• Ease of travel by car on major City streets (33%)
• Low crime rate (92%)
• Low crime rate (37%)
Dissatisfied (1/2)
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Likelihood of Recommending the City as a Business Location Most (94%) of the businesses surveyed were “very likely,” “likely” or “somewhat likely” to recommend Coral Springs as a business location to friends, family and coworkers; only 6% were “not likely” or “not likely at all” to recommend Coral Springs as a business location.
Reasons Why Businesses Decide to Locate to Reasons Businesses Decide to Locate Here Coral Springs
By percentage of business respondents who rated the item as a 3, 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale
Low crime rate Overall image of the City
Ratings of the City’s Business Atmosphere Compared to Two Years Ago
Attitude of local government toward business
Nearly half (41%) of the businesses surveyed felt the City’s business atmosphere was “better” compared to two years ago; 49% of the businesses surveyed felt the City’s business atmosphere was the same compared to two years ago but felt it was “good,” 6% felt it was the same compared to two years ago but that it was “poor” and 5% felt it was “worse” compared to two years ago(does not equal 100% due
Extremely Important (5) Very Important (4)
Access to Sawgrass Expressway
Important (3)
Telecommunications/utilities/other infrastructure Proximity of important businesses Level of taxation Quality of schools
to rounding).
Ratings of the Labor Pool in Coral Springs
80% 100%
When asked to rate the labor pool in Coral Springs, the items that showed the highest positive ratings, based upon a combined percentage of “excellent,” “good” or “average” responses, were: • Productivity of the workforce (91%)
Overall Quality of Services Provided by Overall Business Atmosphere the City Rating
• Quality of labor (91%) • Stability of the City’s labor force (91%)
By percentage of respondents (excluding don’t know/not sure)
Significantly higher than your expectations
11% 14%
Higher than your expectations 18%
30% 32% 53% 50%
Expectations met
Use of the City’s Website
Forty-eight percent (48%) of the businesses surveyed indicated their organization had used the City’s website, 45% of businesses had not used the City’s website and 7% did not remember.
Significantly below your expectations
5% 4% 6%
Below your expectations
1% 1% 1%
94% 96% 94%
Total: Higher/Meeting Expectations
Satisfaction with Various Communication Services
The communication related services that businesses were most satisfied with, based upon a combination of “very satisfied,” “satisfied” or “neutral” responses, were: • City’s website: (97%) • Under the Sun magazine (96%) • Availability of information about city programs/services (96%) Best Ways to Communicate With Businesses The top three ways that respondents felt it would best for the City to communicate with businesses were: emails (55%), direct mail (53%), and personal calls (20%).
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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Overall Ratings of City Communication Eighty-one percent (81%) of the businesses surveyed rated the City’s communication with businesses owners and managers as “very good” or “good;” 14% rated the City’s communication with business owners and managers as “poor” and 5% rated it as “very poor.”
Property Taxes How Property Taxes Compare to Surrounding Communities Thirty-two percent (32%) of businesses felt the City’s property taxes were “about the same” compared to surrounding communities; 38% felt property taxes were higher compared to surrounding communities, 2% felt they were lower and 28% did not know.
Best Ways for the Communicate with Best Ways forCity thetoCity to Communicate Businesses
with Businesses By percentage of respondents
Emails Direct Mail Personal calls Social Media Newsletters City Website Brochures Business Forums City TV Workshops e HelpDesk
58% 53% 29% 21% 19% 13% 9%
Email and Direct Mail are the preferred methods of communication with the City
5% 4% 4% 4%
Ratings of the Amount of Property Taxes Businesses were asked to indicate their agreement with various statements regarding the amount of property taxes they were paying in relation to the quality of City services they were receiving. The results are provided below: • 46% of businesses surveyed felt property taxes were just right for the amount and quality of City services they were receiving. • 31% of businesses felt property taxes were too high for the quality of City services they were receiving. • 23% of businesses felt property taxes were high but felt the City was providing more services at a higher quality than expected. • 1% of businesses felt property taxes were too low for the amount and quality of City services they were receiving.
Ratings of CityTaxes Property Ratings of City Property ComparedTaxes to OtherCompared Communities to Other Communities By percentage of respondents
36% 37%
About the same 25%
4% 6% 4%
2008 26%
Don't know/ Not sure
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Other Findings The City services, departments or programs that businesses used most often were: • Fire Inspection (73%) • Business Tax (47%)
Ratings of City Property Taxes Ratings of City Property Taxes By percentage of respondents (excluding don’t know)
Property taxes are just right for the amount and quality of City services received
53% 57% 41%
Property taxes are high but, the City's is providing more services at a higher quality than expected
• Trash Collection Services (43%)
22% 19% 20%
• The Police Department (43%)
Nearly two-thirds (64%) of the businesses surveyed reported that they would know who to call or where to go if they had a complaint or comment about City services, 26% did not and 10% were unsure.
Property taxes are low for the amount and quality of City services received
2014 2012
Property taxes are too high for the quality of services received
• Water Billing (36%)
24% 24% 38%
1% 0% 1%
Over half (53%) of the businesses surveyed indicated they presently have a recycling program; 42% do not have a recycling program, and 5% were not sure. Most (86%) of the businesses surveyed did not feel that they had workforce training needs that were not being met; only 2% did have workforce training needs that were not being met and 12% were not sure.
Neighborhood Meetings The City completed its twenty-third year of the “Slice of the Springs” Town Hall Meetings during Fiscal Year 2018. Two meetings were held and 103 residents attended, which was a decrease in attendance from previous years.
Residents expressed their appreciation to City staff for maintaining high quality of life in the city, while also expressing their specific concerns
In 2017, the City began a new initiative called “Virtual Slice of the Springs” which allowed residents to attend and participate in Town Hall meetings through online platforms such as Facebook. The Virtual Slice of the Springs was a success during its first year, reaching just over 1,500 residents and gathering 293 comments. In 2018, the Virtual Slice of the Springs reached over 1,700 residents. A decrease in attendance to physical town hall meetings is expected as virtual Town Hall meetings begin to gain traction and become more popular. City staff from various departments presented on a number of important topics including: Storm drains maintenance, public rightsof-way maintenance, speeding/traffic calming and code related issues throughout communities among other topics. 99% of the residents that do attend rate the meeting as productive and 100% would recommend it to a neighbor. Residents expressed their appreciation to City staff for maintaining high quality of life in the city, while also expressing their specific concerns. Slice and Virtual Slice meetings continue to provide an opportunity for residents to interact directly with City staff from multiple departments, to raise their concerns and suggest programs and activities for their neighborhoods. The Slice meetings are taped and replayed on City TV 25, 25.2 or 725 on Advanced Cable Communications, via Channel 99 on AT&T U-Verse, you may also participate online by visiting and through Facebook live.
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Process Improvement Teams When the annual Environmental Scan indicates that customer requirements have significantly changed or when performance measures show that a service or delivery system needs improvement, a process improvement team is convened. If the issues are significant, the team will be a Cross-Functional Process Improvement Team with representatives from Financial Services, Information Services, Human Resources, the department that owns the process, and stakeholder departments.
Cross-Functional Teams
All City teams follow a six-step process improvement methodology. They refine the problem statement based on initial research and data gathering. The problem is analyzed through flow charting and reviewing more detailed data on the process. Additional data are collected as needed. Often data are stratified to gain insight. For instance, cycle time data might be put in subsets by time of day, day of week, and time of year. The team uses the data to form a hypothesis on what component(s) of a process is under-performing and how customers (often in a focus group) react to the hypothesis. More data are gathered to explore the best ideas. When the team is clear on “what is broken,” solutions are generated, in part by benchmarking. The best solutions are tested, refined and then implemented through an action plan. Stakeholders and customers are consulted in all phases. The team develops measures to monitor results and uses the results to develop further refinements.
• Complaint Tracking Team
Cross-functional teams and departmental teams do research to improve performance. These team efforts may be part of a routine cycle of review, in reaction to stakeholder or customer input (complaint data), or because performance data suggests an improvement is needed.
The City has benefited from the work of many cross-functional teams over the years. • Garage Team • Employee Health Benefits Team • Customer Service Standards Team • Police Vehicle Team • Water Billing Team • Time=Life Team • Tennis Center Team • Code Enforcement Team • Strategic Planning/Budgeting Process Team • Recreation Summer Hires Team • Compensation and Classification Team • Police False Alarm Team I & II • Fire Inspection Team • Fire Response Time Team • Aquatics Fitness Center Team • Internal Review against Sterling Criteria • Fleet Preventive Maintenance Team • Building Division Plans Review Team • Construction Project Management Team • Student Leaders in Government Team • Business Intelligence Team • Online Requests and Complaints Team • Visioning Team • Citation System Improvement Team • Boardwalk Replacement Team • Police Report Writing Team • Administrative Citation Team • Payroll Revision Team • Baldrige Application Writing Team • iVantage HR System Implementation Team • Utility Billing Team • Neighborhood Stabilization Program Team • Emergency Management Team (on-going) • Events Team • Fire Department Strategic Planning Team • Business Tax Team • Shark Tank Team
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Awards and Special Recognitions The City of Coral Springs is the first state or local government in the nation to receive the coveted Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, a Presidential honor that recognizes U.S. companies for organizational performance excellence. The City claimed the award in 2007, the very first year it was available to non-profit organizations. Of 84 total applicants, Coral Springs was one of 13 non-profits to apply and one of only four to receive a site visit in its category. All of the applicants were evaluated rigorously by an independent board of examiners in seven areas: leadership; strategic planning; customer and market focus; measurement, analysis and knowledge management; workforce focus; process management; and results. The award was presented at a ceremony in Washington, D.C. in April 2008. Twice in past years, a governor’s panel has said Coral Springs is run better than most businesses. And twice those efforts have earned Coral Springs the Governor’s Sterling Award (1997, 2003), which recognizes leadership and management. The Governor’s Sterling Award is given to organizations and businesses in Florida that have successfully achieved performance excellence within their management and operations. Each winner undergoes a series of in-depth assessments and evaluations by Sterling examiners that analyze productivity and organizational performance. Coral Springs was the first municipality to be awarded this state sanctioned, Baldrige-based quality award.
Striving to become an outstanding provider of services to the Coral Springs community, the Public Works Department has achieved national accreditation. Awarded by the American Public Works Association (APWA), the accreditation examiners reviewed 347 policies, procedures and practices to determine if the Department met the high standards for Accreditation. The Keep Coral Springs Beautiful litter collection program was also named a “Model Practice.”The City of Coral Springs Public Works Department is the first Accredited Agency in Broward County, the 11th in the State, and 121st organization in the nation. The award is granted for four years with a mandatory update every two years demonstrating continuous service improvement.
Wall Street’s three major rating agencies continue to uphold the City’s underlying bond rating, the rating of our bonds without insurance. The City’s general obligation bonds maintain the highest rating of ’AAA’ from Standard and Poors (S&P) and was re-affirmed by Fitch in 2015. The city also has an affirmed “Aa1” rating from Moody’s. These high ratings demonstrate our city very strong capacity to meet its financial commitments, and are earned only by a few cities in the nation. Over the years our High Grade ratings have saved the City millions of dollars in interest costs.
In 2017, Coral Springs is proud to announce that once again the Coral Springs Police Department received Advance Meritorious Accreditation with Excellence for Law Enforcement and Accreditation with Excellence for Communications from the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA®). This was the ninth Accreditation Award for Law Enforcement and the fourth Accreditation Award for our Communications Division. CALEA® accreditation is a voluntary process that requires accredited agencies to submit annual reports showing compliance with the program’s standards. During the CALEA® Awards presentation our department was the only agency to receive the Award with Excellence in both Law Enforcement and Communications out of more than 100 North American agencies. The purpose and importance of these programs is to improve the delivery of public safety services by maintaining standards which strengthen crime prevention, increase community support, establish nondiscriminatory personnel practices and formalize management procedures.
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Awards and Special Recognitions - cont Tree City USA is a renowned national program administered locally by state foresters using four standards to evaluate a community’s commitment to their urban forest resource. The National Arbor Day Foundation, in cooperation with the U.S. Forest Service and the National Association of State Foresters, annually recognizes communities that effectively manage their public tree resources. Coral Springs has earned the Tree City USA recognition each year since 1985. In 2006 the City of Coral Springs earned the distinction of Sterling Tree City USA for earning the Tree City USA Growth Award more than 10 years in a row.
In 2016, the Coral Springs Fire Department was awarded a Class 1 Fire Protection rating by the insurance industry advisory company ISO. The classification by Insurance Service Office, Inc. (ISO), known as the Public Protection Classification (PPC) program, assesses the fire-protection efforts in a particular community. Out of the 48,632 rated organizations in the United States, Coral Springs Fire is now among only 178 that are rated as ISO CLASS 1. ISO collects information on municipal fire-protection efforts in communities throughout the United States. Class 1 represents superior property fire protection. The program provides an objective, countrywide standard that helps fire departments in planning and budgeting for facilities, equipment, and training.
The International City/County Management Association honored the City with its Certificate of Distinction from the ICMA Center for Performance Analytics™. Only 19 jurisdictions in North America received this award, which is the second highest level of recognition given by ICMA’s Center for Performance Measurement. Criteria for the Certificate of Distinction include: Data collection and verification, training and support, public reporting, accountability and process improvement, networking, and planning.
The Coral Springs- Parkland Fire Department was named “EMS Provider of the Year” for 2017 by the Florida Health Department. Over the past six years, the department has focused on exceeding the standards set by the state department’s EMS strategic plan in training, public education and innovative initiatives. Many other fire departments from around the nation reach out to Coral Springs on a daily basis to benchmark and copy their models. The department has been focused on meeting and exceeding the standards set by the state department’s EMS strategic plan in training, public education and innovative initiatives.
Coral Springs Regional Institute of Public Safety, previously known as Coral Springs Fire Academy, is a four-time winner of this celebrated award for its ability to bring about realistic, innovative and cost effective training programs to Florida and abroad. The Fire Service Awards are coordinated through the Bureau of Fire Standards and Training (BFST) by State Fire Marshal’s Office annually and are sponsored by the Fire Training Director’s Association among other Fire Service related organizations. The Institute mission is to achieve student success by creating and sustaining a dynamic teaching and learning environment. As a public fire academy accredited to offer certificate programs, the entire curriculum is developed and presented in compliance with all local, state and federal standards.
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Capital Improvement Program General Fund City Manager’s Office................................................................................................................................................................. 190 Information Technology............................................................................................................................................................. 191 Development Services............................................................................................................................................................... 192 Police......................................................................................................................................................................................... 194 Emergency Medical Services...................................................................................................................................................... 199 Public Works.............................................................................................................................................................................. 202 Transportation........................................................................................................................................................................... 204 Parks & Recreation..................................................................................................................................................................... 208 Sportsplex................................................................................................................................................................................. 211 Aquatics..................................................................................................................................................................................... 212 Fire Fund............................................................................................................................................................................................. 213 Water & Sewer Fund........................................................................................................................................................................... 219 Equipment Service Fund..................................................................................................................................................................... 223 Stormwater Fund................................................................................................................................................................................ 224 Charter School Fund........................................................................................................................................................................... 224 Public Art Fund................................................................................................................................................................................... 225 Fleet Replacement Program............................................................................................................................................................... 226 Computer Replacement Program....................................................................................................................................................... 248 Appendix of Unfunded Projects.......................................................................................................................................................... 286 Project and Account Numbers-FY2020................................................................................................................................................290 Operating- General Fund (001).................................................................................................................................................. 290 Operating- Fire Fund (109)........................................................................................................................................................ 291 Operating- Water and Sewer Fund (402) ................................................................................................................................... 291 Operating- Equipment Service Fund (511) ................................................................................................................................ 291 Equity Financing (Fund 324)...................................................................................................................................................... 293 General Fund Loan Financing (Fund 334)................................................................................................................................... 295 Fire Fund Loan Financing (Fund TBD)......................................................................................................................................... 295 Renewal and Replacement Fund- W&S (403)............................................................................................................................ 296 Tree Trust Fund (102)................................................................................................................................................................. 296 Public Art Fund (113)................................................................................................................................................................. 296 Charter Fund Fund (111)............................................................................................................................................................ 297 Grants ( Fund 106 and 127)....................................................................................................................................................... 297
City of Coral Springs, Florida
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General Fund- City Manager’s Office CIP by funding source/total project cost Funding Source Project Name Operating General Fund Tightrope Cablecast Upgrade for Ci LiveU Equipment Purchase Operating General Fund Total Equity Financing Insurance EOC Upgrades City Security Improvements Equity Financing Insurance Total Total City Manager's Office
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Total Cost Plan FY 2020-2025
$46,070 15,500 61,570
$0 0 0
$0 0 0
$0 0 0
$0 0 0
$0 0 0
$0 0 0
$0 0 0
0 0 $0 $61,570
35,000 547,352 $582,352 $582,352
0 0 $0 $0
0 0 $0 $0
0 0 $0 $0
0 0 $0 $0
0 0 $0 $0
35,000 547,352 $582,352 $582,352
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Budget Total Project Cost 35,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 35,000 Insurance Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ City Manager's Office Total Project Cost 35,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 35,000 This project will allow for funding to enhance the Emergency Operations Center upgrades including improvements on the technology and infrastructure aspects of the building.
EOC Upgrades Responsible City Government
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan City Security Improvements Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 547,352 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 547,352 Insurance Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ City Manager's Office Total Project Cost 547,352 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 547,352 This project will allow our city to bring existing systems into working order under the management of a new city wide security contractor. This will also bring our existing systems online, provide improvements for our analog camera systems, and purchase servers for installment at key infrastructure. This combined approach ensures that our security will operate effectively while providing a platform for future sustainment.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
General Fund- Information Technology CIP by funding source/total project cost Funding Source Project Name Equity Financing Network/Internet Infrastructure Virtual Infrastructure Growth Uptime Monitoring Data Center Infrastructure Dell Secure Works Equity Financing Total Loan Collaboration Software Loan Total Operating General Fund Uptime Monitoring Dell Secure Works Collaboration Software Operating General Fund Total Equity Financing Insurance Virtual Infratructure Growth Implement a DNS, DHCP and IP (DDI) Mgmt Tool Equity Financing Insurance Total Information Services Total
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total Cost FY 2020-2025
$30,000 40,000 52,000 71,328 36,000 229,328
$250,000 150,000 0 80,000 0 480,000
$250,000 150,000 0 80,000 0 480,000
$250,000 150,000 0 80,000 0 480,000
$250,000 150,000 0 80,000 0 480,000
$250,000 150,000 0 80,000 0 480,000
$250,000 150,000 0 80,000 0 480,000
$1,500,000 900,000 0 480,000 0 2,880,000
40,000 40,000
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
13,000 9,000 10,000 32,000
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
340,000 140,000 480,000
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
340,000 140,000 480,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Data Center Infrastructure Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 480,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Information Technology Total Project Cost 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 480,000 Based on application changes and growth in data access requirements by City departments, Information Technology will have to stay ahead of user demands. To accomplish this task, additional data center infrastructure and server hardware replacement will be needed. This project will address that need. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total Implement a DNS, DHCP and IP (DDI) MBudget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 140,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 140,000 Equity‐ Insurance Fund Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Information Technology Total Project Cost 140,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 140,000 This is for the implementation of a management tool that will monitor the network detection access to new devices (DHCP), manage what these devices are accessing (DNS) and provide visibility of the entire network through the IP address management tool (IPAM).
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Network/Internet Infrastructure Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Information Technology Total Project Cost 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 This project will keep the City’s network infrastructure up to date to ensure that the City’s data systems are fast, secure, and reliable.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Budget Plan Plan Plan Virtual Infrastructure Growth Budget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 490,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Equity‐ General fund/Insurance Fund Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Information Technology Total Project Cost 490,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 This project is to grow the data storage infrastructure with based on increased departmental requirements.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
FY 2024 Plan 150,000 ‐ 150,000
FY 2025 Plan Total 150,000 1,240,000 ‐ 150,000 1,240,000
Table of Contents
General Fund- Development Services CIP by funding source/total project cost Funding Source Project Name CDBG Grant Neighborhood Partnership Housing Rehabilitation- CDBG Commercial Façade CDBG Grant Equity Financing Traffic Management Equity Financing Grant Dependent Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program (HLMP) Grant Dependent Tree Trust Fund Tree Subsidy Program Tree Trust Fund HOME Grant Housing Rehabilitation-HOME HOME Grant SHIP Grant Housing Rehabilitation-SHIP SHIP Grant Total Development Services
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total Cost FY 2020-2025
$15,000 50,624 60,000 125,624
$0 40,043 0 40,043
$15,000 40,043 60,000 115,043
$15,000 40,043 0 55,043
$15,000 40,043 60,000 115,043
$15,000 40,043 0 55,043
$15,000 40,043 0 55,043
$75,000 240,260 120,000 435,260
45,000 45,000
45,000 45,000
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
45,000 45,000
194,000 194,000
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
10,000 10,000
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
195,748 195,748
262,265 262,265
262,265 262,265
262,265 262,265
262,265 262,265
262,265 262,265
262,265 262,265
1,573,590 1,573,590
583,033 583,033
167,139 167,139
583,033 583,033
583,033 583,033
583,033 583,033
583,033 583,033
583,033 583,033
3,082,304 3,082,304
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 Budget Plan Plan Traffic Management Budget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 45,000 ‐ ‐ General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ Development Services Total Project Cost 45,000 ‐ ‐ This project is for the replacement of rubber speed cushions on City streets with concrete.
FY 2023 Plan ‐ ‐ ‐
FY 2024 Plan ‐ ‐ ‐
FY 2025 Plan Total ‐ 45,000 ‐ ‐ 45,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Housing Rehabilitation Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 40,043 40,043 40,043 40,043 40,043 40,043 240,258 CDBG Grant Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Development Services Total Project Cost 40,043 40,043 40,043 40,043 40,043 40,043 240,258 This rehabilitation program provides home repair assistance to homeowners who are experiencing conditions in and around their home that pose a threat to their health, safety, and welfare. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Housing Rehabilitation Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 262,265 262,265 262,265 262,265 262,265 262,265 1,573,590 Home Grant Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Development Services Total Project Cost 262,265 262,265 262,265 262,265 262,265 262,265 1,573,590 This rehabilitation program provides home repair assistance to homeowners who are experiencing conditions in and around their home that pose a threat to their health, safety, and welfare. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Housing Rehabilitation Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 167,139 583,033 583,033 583,033 583,033 583,033 3,082,304 SHIP Grant Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Development Services Total Project Cost 167,139 583,033 583,033 583,033 583,033 583,033 3,082,304 This rehabilitation program provides home repair assistance to homeowners who are experiencing conditions in and around their home that pose a threat to their health, safety, and welfare.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total Neighborhood Partnership Budget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost ‐ 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 CDBG Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Development Services Total Project Cost ‐ 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 75,000 Neighborhood Partnership Program (NPP) funds assist with providing outreach programs to neighborhoods within the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Target Area and provide the 50% matching funds required for the NPP. These funds can also be used to further the neighborhood involvement within the same qualified areas. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Commercial Façade Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost ‐ 60,000 ‐ 60,000 ‐ ‐ 120,000 CDBG Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Development Services Total Project Cost ‐ 60,000 ‐ 60,000 ‐ ‐ 120,000 This program is for commercial façade projects located within the program target area. The selected projects will be awarded matching grant assistance up to $40,000 and will focus on redesigning storefronts including features such as signage and lighting.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
General Fund- Police CIP Summary CIP by funding source/total project cost Recurring Capital Police
Funding Source Project Name Equity Financing Ballistic Helmets Ballistic Shields and Breaching Tools Communications Chair Repl Handgun Replacement Livescan Morphotrak Latent Station Radar Gun Replacement Surveillance Equipment Tactical (SRT) Vests Taser Replacement Total Station Replacement K-9 Tactical Vests Rapid ID Devices SWAT Weapons Combat Gauze SET- Ballistic Vests Bear Tactical Vests School Resource Officer CIP MSD School Resource Officer CIP SWAT Sniper replacement CUTS Equipment Equity Financing Total Operating General Fund Ballistic Helmets Computer/Hi-Tech Forensic Analysis Unit Intelligence Software Upgrades License Plate Reader Painting Public Safety Facilities Video Forensics System VIN Tracking Device Wireless Motor Kit Carpet Replacement Public Safety PSB 2nd Floor UPS Batteries/Capacitors Tactical (SWAT) Vests CUTS Team equipment Operating General Fund Total Police Total
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total Cost FY 2020-2025
$0 0 10,800 10,000 30,000 0 0 0 0 42,829 15,000 0 12,000 8,000 15,000 0 0 54,880 164,640 30,000 0 393,149
$0 0 0 0 6,000 7,500 0 32,500 0 37,000 0 0 11,000 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 99,000
$5,000 2,400 3,700 5,000 6,000 7,500 8,000 32,500 37,000 35,000 3,000 1,400 11,000 8,000 5,000 3,000 7,500 0 0 6,000 13,500 200,500
$5,000 2,400 3,700 5,000 6,000 7,500 8,000 32,500 37,000 35,000 3,000 1,400 11,000 8,000 5,000 3,000 7,500 0 0 6,000 13,500 200,500
$5,000 2,400 3,700 5,000 6,000 7,500 8,000 32,500 37,000 35,000 3,000 1,400 11,000 8,000 5,000 3,000 7,500 0 0 6,000 13,500 200,500
$5,000 2,400 3,700 5,000 6,000 7,500 8,000 32,500 37,000 35,000 3,000 1,400 11,000 8,000 5,000 3,000 7,500 0 0 6,000 13,500 200,500
$5,000 2,400 3,700 5,000 6,000 7,500 8,000 32,500 37,000 35,000 3,000 1,400 11,000 8,000 5,000 3,000 7,500 0 0 6,000 13,500 200,500
$25,000 12,000 18,500 25,000 36,000 45,000 40,000 195,000 185,000 212,000 15,000 7,000 66,000 40,000 30,000 15,000 37,500 0 0 30,000 67,500 1,101,500
0 0 0 0 0 0 9,800 5,000 0 8,000 0 0 22,800 $415,949
30,000 25,000 20,000 64,000 27,500 19,500 0 0 20,000 0 220,000 19,400 459,800 $558,800
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $200,500
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $200,500
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $200,500
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $200,500
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $200,500
30,000 25,000 20,000 64,000 27,500 19,500 0 0 20,000 0 220,000 19,400 459,800 $1,561,300
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Computer/Hi‐Tech Forensic Analysis U Budget Premier Community in South Florida Project Cost 25,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ General Fund Operating Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost 25,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ This project represents the purchase of computer hardware, specialized software and equipment for this forensic unit.
FY 2025 Plan Total ‐ 25,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 25,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Video Forensics System Budget Total Premier Community in South Florida Project Cost 19,500 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 19,500 General Fund Operating Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost 19,500 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 19,500 This project is to replace the existing Avid Meridien hardware and software that is currently being used to analyze videos submitted for investigations.
CUTS Team equipment Premier Community in South Florida General Fund Operating Police
FY 2023 Plan 13,500 ‐ 13,500
FY 2024 Plan 13,500 ‐ 13,500
FY 2025 Plan Total 13,500 86,900 ‐ 13,500 86,900
This project represents the purchase of equipment for the Civil Unrest Team (CUTS).
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Budget Plan Plan Plan License Plate Reader Budget Premier Community in South Florida Project Cost 64,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ General Fund Operating Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost 64,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ This project is for the replacement of existing license plate readers currently being used on road patrol.
FY 2024 Plan ‐ ‐ ‐
FY 2025 Plan Total ‐ 64,000 ‐ ‐ 64,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Budget Plan Plan Plan Ballistic Helmets Budget Responsible City Government Project Cost 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 General Fund Operating Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost 30,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 This project represents funding for the replacements of ballistic helmets for all S.W.A.T. team members.
FY 2024 Plan 5,000 ‐ 5,000
FY 2025 Plan Total 5,000 55,000 ‐ ‐ 5,000 55,000
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 FY 2021 Budget Plan 19,400 13,500 ‐ ‐ 19,400 13,500
FY 2022 Plan 13,500 ‐ 13,500
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total Ballistic Shields and Breaching Tools Budget Responsible City Government Project Cost 14,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 26,400 General Fund Operating Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost 14,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 26,400 This project represents funding for the purchase of ballistic shields and breaching tools for tactical response to emergency and disaster operations.
FY 2020 FY 2021 Budget Plan Carpet Replacement Public Safety Budget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 20,000 ‐ General Fund Operating Operating Impact ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost 20,000 ‐ This project is to replace carpet squares in the Public Safety facility.
FY 2022 Plan ‐ ‐ ‐
FY 2023 Plan ‐ ‐ ‐
FY 2024 Plan ‐ ‐ ‐
FY 2025 Plan Total ‐ 20,000 ‐ ‐ 20,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 Budget Plan Plan Painting Public Safety Facilities Budget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 27,500 ‐ ‐ General Fund Operating Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost 27,500 ‐ ‐ This project is for the painting of the interior and exterior of the Public Safety facilities.
FY 2023 Plan ‐ ‐ ‐
FY 2024 Plan ‐ ‐ ‐
FY 2025 Plan Total ‐ 27,500 ‐ ‐ 27,500
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total Rapid ID Devices Budget Premier Community in South Florida Project Cost 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 66,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 11,000 66,000 This project is for the purchase of a handheld wireless supported fingerprint scanning device that communicates via the Mobile Data Browser (MDB) to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement Rapid ID system known as FALCON.
FY 2020 FY 2021 Budget Plan Taser Replacement Budget Responsible City Government Project Cost 37,000 35,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost 37,000 35,000 This project is for the replacement of Tasers for the Police Department.
FY 2022 Plan 35,000 ‐ 35,000
FY 2023 Plan 35,000 ‐ 35,000
FY 2024 Plan 35,000 ‐ 35,000
FY 2025 Plan Total 35,000 212,000 ‐ 35,000 212,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 Budget Plan Surveillance Equipment Budget Premier Community in South Florida Project Cost 32,500 32,500 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost 32,500 32,500 This project is for the replacement of technical support vehicles.
FY 2022 Plan 32,500 ‐ 32,500
FY 2023 Plan 32,500 ‐ 32,500
FY 2024 Plan 32,500 ‐ 32,500
FY 2025 Plan Total 32,500 195,000 ‐ 32,500 195,000
Livescans Premier Community in South Florida General Fund Equity Police
FY 2020 FY 2021 Budget Plan 6,000 6,000 ‐ ‐ 6,000 6,000
FY 2022 Plan 6,000 ‐ 6,000
FY 2023 Plan 6,000 ‐ 6,000
FY 2024 Plan 6,000 ‐ 6,000
FY 2025 Plan Total 6,000 36,000 ‐ 6,000 36,000
This project is for the purchase of Livescans. Livescan is used by officers to capture fingerprints and palm prints electronically, without the use of ink. The LiveScan system captures all rolled fingers, flats, upper, lower, and writer’s palms during the booking process in a fast and reliable manner.
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Combat Gauze Budget Responsible City Government Project Cost General Fund Equity Operating Impact Police Total Project Cost This project is for the replacement of combat gauze.
FY 2020 FY 2021 Budget Plan 5,000 5,000 ‐ ‐ 5,000 5,000
FY 2022 Plan 5,000 ‐ 5,000
FY 2023 Plan 5,000 ‐ 5,000
FY 2024 Plan 5,000 ‐ 5,000
FY 2025 Plan Total 5,000 30,000 ‐ 5,000 30,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total Morphotrak Latent Station Budget Premier Community in South Florida Project Cost 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 45,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 45,000 This project is for the upgrade to the Printrak Latent Station for the latent examiners to ensure they have the tools and critical information to solve cases efficiently and accurately.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total Intelligence Software Upgrades Budget Premier Community in South Florida Project Cost 20,000 20,000 General Fund Operating Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost 20,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 20,000 This project will update the software currently utilized for undercover intelligence gathering.
FY 2020 FY 2021 Budget Plan Tactical (SWAT) Vests Budget Responsible City Government Project Cost 220,000 37,000 General Fund Operating Operating Impact ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost 220,000 37,000 This is for the replacement of tactical vests used by the SWAT team.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
FY 2022 Plan 37,000 ‐ 37,000
FY 2023 Plan 37,000 ‐ 37,000
FY 2024 Plan 37,000 ‐ 37,000
FY 2025 Plan Total 37,000 405,000 ‐ 37,000 405,000
Table of Contents
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total Station Replacement Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 15,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost ‐ 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 15,000 This project is for the purchase of a replacement total station. This equipment is used by Traffic Homicide investigators to map traffic homicide crime scenes.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 Budget Plan Plan Radar Gun Replacement Budget Responsible City Government Project Cost 8,000 8,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost ‐ 8,000 8,000 This project will facilitate the purchase of replacement radar units for motorcycle officers.
FY 2024 Plan 8,000 ‐ 8,000
FY 2025 Plan Total 8,000 40,000 ‐ 8,000 40,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan SET‐ Ballistic Vests Budget Responsible City Government Project Cost 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost ‐ 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 This project will facilitate the purchase of replacement ballistict vests for Strategic Enforcement Team (SET) Detectives.
FY 2025 Plan Total 3,000 15,000 ‐ 3,000 15,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Budget Plan Plan Plan K‐9 Tactical Vests Budget Responsible City Government Project Cost 1,400 1,400 1,400 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost ‐ 1,400 1,400 1,400 This project is for the replacement of K‐9 vests with GatorHawk K‐9 tactical vests used by the K‐9 unit.
FY 2024 Plan 1,400 ‐ 1,400
FY 2025 Plan Total 1,400 7,000 ‐ 1,400 7,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 Budget Plan Handgun Replacement Budget Responsible City Government Project Cost 5,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost ‐ 5,000 This project is for the replacment of handguns for officers in the Police department.
FY 2022 Plan 5,000 ‐ 5,000
FY 2023 Plan 5,000 ‐ 5,000
FY 2024 Plan 5,000 ‐ 5,000
FY 2025 Plan Total 5,000 25,000 ‐ 5,000 25,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 Budget Plan Plan Communications Chair Repl Budget Responsible City Government Project Cost 3,700 3,700 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost ‐ 3,700 3,700 This project is for the purchase of communication chairs in the Communication Center.
FY 2023 Plan 3,700 ‐ 3,700
FY 2024 Plan 3,700 ‐ 3,700
FY 2025 Plan Total 3,700 18,500 ‐ 3,700 18,500
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Bear Tactical Vests Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 37,500 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost ‐ 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 37,500 This project will replace tactical vests with Prima Vista International tactical vests used by the Burglary Enforcement and Reduction Team.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan SWAT Sniper replacement Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 30,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost ‐ 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 30,000 This project is for the replacement of current SWAT Sniper rifles with newer rifles which are lighter, smaller and more maneuverable.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Budget Plan Plan Plan SWAT Weapons Budget Responsible City Government Project Cost 8,000 8,000 8,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Police Total Project Cost ‐ 8,000 8,000 8,000 This project is for the replacment of MP5 guns for team members used by Special Weapons and Tactical Team.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
FY 2023 Plan 8,000 ‐ 8,000
FY 2024 Plan 8,000 ‐ 8,000
FY 2025 Plan Total 8,000 40,000 ‐ 8,000 40,000
Table of Contents
General Fund- Emergency Medical Services CIP by funding source/total project cost Funding Source Project Name Equity Financing Dive Rescue Equipment Stair Chairs Auto Ventilation Units Suction Units Stryker Powerload Stretcher Handheld Subscribers (radios) Handtevi Bags Lucas Devises Nitrous Kits FY2020 EMS recurring reduction Park Summit Left Turn Lane Monitor/Defibrillator Equity Financing Total Operating General Fund Health and Wellness Equipment Hurricane Equipment Operating General Fund Total EMS Total
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total Cost FY 2020-2025
$25,000 0 18,000 0 28,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 70,000 141,000
$20,000 3,000 2,600 3,500 0 15,800 1,100 16,800 6,500 0 38,000 0 107,300
$20,000 3,000 2,600 3,500 0 15,800 1,100 16,800 6,500 0 0 70,000 139,300
$20,000 3,000 2,600 3,500 0 15,800 1,100 16,800 6,500 0 0 70,000 139,300
$20,000 3,000 2,600 3,500 0 15,800 1,100 16,800 6,500 0 0 70,000 139,300
$20,000 3,000 2,600 3,500 0 15,800 1,100 16,800 6,500 0 0 70,000 139,300
$20,000 3,000 2,600 3,500 0 15,800 1,100 16,800 6,500 0 0 70,000 139,300
$120,000 18,000 15,600 21,000 0 94,800 6,600 100,800 39,000 0 38,000 350,000 803,800
0 0 0 $141,000
4,560 20,216 24,776 $132,076
0 0 0 $139,300
0 0 0 $139,300
0 0 0 $139,300
0 0 0 $139,300
0 0 0 $139,300
4,560 20,216 24,776 $828,576
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Auto Ventilation Units Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 15,600 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Emergency Medical Services Total Project Cost 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 2,600 15,600 This project is for the purchase of Autovents which are used to automatically provide respirations to a patient who is not breathing on their own. This equipment is used in conjunction with CPR and Advanced Life Support measures to care for a patient. We currently carry one autovent on each of our ALS rescues. This equipment has a life cycle of 7‐years. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Dive Rescue Equipment Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Emergency Medical Services Total Project Cost 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 120,000 This project is for the purchase of diving equipment which enable the Fire department to be prepared to respond to a host of water related emergencies.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Stair Chairs Budget Total Premier Community in South Florida Project Cost 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 18,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Emergency Medical Services Total Project Cost 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 18,000 This project is for the purchase of stair chairs which are used to facilitate the movement of patients from upper floors by means of the stairway.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Park Summit Left Turn Lane Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 38,000 38,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Emergency Medical Services Total Project Cost 38,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 38,000 This project is for the addition of a left turn lane into the development of Park Summit.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Handheld Subscribers (radios) Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 15,800 15,800 15,800 15,800 15,800 15,800 94,800 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Emergency Medical Services Total Project Cost 15,800 15,800 15,800 15,800 15,800 15,800 94,800 This project is for the replacement of portable Motorola radios required for each riding position on apparatus in order to receive emergency and non‐ emergency calls for service. This device is the crucial link between the unit in the field and dispatch. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Handtevi Bags Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 6,600 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Emergency Medical Services Total Project Cost 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 1,100 6,600 This project is for the replacement of Handtevi bags which carry pediatric management equipment and supplies necessary to care for pediatric patients while following the Handtevy Pediatric Management System. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Lucas Devises Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 100,800 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Emergency Medical Services Total Project Cost 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 16,800 100,800 This project represents the replacment of these battery powered cardiac compression machines that are utilized when providing CPR to patients in cardiac arrest.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Nitrous Kits Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 39,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Emergency Medical Services Total Project Cost 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 6,500 39,000 This project represents the replacment of nitrous kits used for the administration of pain relief medication in the form of a gas to patients. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Suction Units Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 21,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Emergency Medical Services Total Project Cost 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 3,500 21,000 This project is for the purchase of replacement equipment used in the care of ALS patients. This equipment extracts foreign material such as vomit or other bodily fluids out of a patients mouth. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Health and Wellness Equipment Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 4,560 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 4,560 General Fund Operating Operating Impact Emergency Medical Services Total Project Cost 4,560 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 4,560 This project is for the purchase of equipment which will enhance the firefighter/paramedic's ability to stay fit while on duty in a safe manner. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Hurricane Equipment Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 20,216 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 20,216 General Fund Operating Operating Impact Emergency Medical Services Total Project Cost 20,216 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 20,216 This project is for the purchase of equipment to be stored in a secure location and deployed as needed during activation of the department’s disaste plan, such as during a hurricane or mass gathering events.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Monitor/ Defibrillator Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost ‐ 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 350,000 General Fund Operating Operating Impact Emergency Medical Services Total Project Cost ‐ 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 70,000 350,000 This project is for the replacment purchase of this specialized piece of equipment which allow paramedics to view the electrical activity of the heart remotely, permitting diagnosis of cardiac‐related emergencies in the field. The device also allows EMS personnel to monitor carbon dioxide levels, carbon monoxide levels, blood pressure, pulse, and make pulse oxygenation assessments. It can also transmit essential information to the receiving hospital prior to the patient’s arrival.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
General Fund- Public Works CIP Summary
CIP by funding source/total project cost Recurring Capital Public Works
Funding Source Project Name Equity Financing Air Conditioning Maint/Replacement Speed Hump Repair and Restripe Street Light Upgrades Drainage and Swale Improvements Air Condition Tech- Vehicle Roof Repair & Replacement Sample Rd Master Parking Plan Equity Financing Total Loan City Works Software Loan Total Operating General Fund Roof Repairs Operating General Fund Total Public Works Total
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total Cost FY 2020-2025
$120,000 33,000 30,000 0 49,000 50,000 200,000 482,000
$150,000 0 0 0 0 170,000 0 320,000
$150,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 0 177,000 0 417,000
$150,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 0 177,000 0 417,000
$150,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 0 177,000 0 417,000
$150,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 0 177,000 0 417,000
$150,000 35,000 30,000 25,000 0 177,000 0 417,000
$900,000 175,000 150,000 125,000 0 1,055,000 0 2,405,000
100,000 100,000
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
55,000 55,000 $637,000
0 0 $320,000
0 0 $417,000
0 0 $417,000
0 0 $417,000
0 0 $417,000
0 0 $417,000
0 0 $2,405,000
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Public Works Total Project Cost 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 This project is a comprehensive program to ensure that all air conditioner systems throughout the city are working efficently and effectively.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total City Investment in Today and Future 170,000 177,000 177,000 177,000 177,000 177,000 1,055,000 General Fund Equity ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Public Works 170,000 177,000 177,000 177,000 177,000 177,000 1,055,000 This project is for the major repair and replacement of roofs in 35 locations throughout the city.
Air Conditioning Repairs and ReplaceBudget
Roof Repair & Replacement
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Public Works Total Project Cost ‐ 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 This project will alleviate drainage deficiencies city wide, eliminating flooding hazards.
Drainage and Swale Improvements Budget
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total City Investment in Today and Future 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 175,000 General Fund Equity ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Public Works ‐ 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 175,000 The funds requested for this project will be utilized for replacment of existing speed humps and for repair parts and striping of existing speed humps.
Speed Hump Repair and Restripe
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total City Investment in Today and Future ‐ 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150,000 General Fund Equity ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Public Works ‐ 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 150,000 This project will implement the requests received from customers throughout the year to upgrade or add new street lighting.
Street Light Upgrades
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
General Fund- Transportation CIP by funding source/total project cost Funding Source Project Name CDBG Grant New Sidewalk Construction Coral Hills Drive Sidewalk NW 28th Street Phase II NW 99th Ave sidewalk project NW 110th Ave Traffic Calming Ramblewood ADA sidewalk Study NW 24th Street Sidewalk Replacement NW 28th Street Sidewalk Replacement NW 27th Street Sidewalk Replacement CDBG Grant Total Equity Financing Alley Refurbishment Program Bridge Repairs Existing Walkways Renovation Guardrail Maintenance and Repair Resurface & Restripe Parking Lots Road Resurfacing Program Bus Shelters Repairs & Replacement University Drive Interconnectivity Project Intersection approach upgrade to ADA Master Parking Lot Refurbishing- ADA Compliance NW 39th Street Sidewalk and Drainage Curb/Culdesac replacement Rock Island Bike Lane Project Turtle Creek bike lanes University Drive Widening Project Curbing on Sample 40th Street Sidewalk Imp, Riverside to University Dr Equity Financing Total Operating General Fund Canal Bank Clearing Traffic Management Bus Shelter add solar power fan Operating General Fund Total Department of Transportation University Drive Interconnectivity Project Rock Island Bike Lane Project Turtle Creek bike lanes University Drive Widening Project Department of Transportation Total FDOT NW 39th Street Sidewalk and Drainage FDOT Total Transportation Total
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total Cost FY 2020-2025
$0 90,000 130,000 95,000 60,000 0 0 0 0 375,000
$0 0 0 0 0 20,000 60,000 120,000 70,000 270,000
$0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$0 0 0 0 0 20,000 60,000 120,000 70,000 270,000
175,000 10,000 0 65,000 75,000 500,000 25,000 0 75,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30,000 955,000
0 5,000 51,000 15,000 51,000 500,000 13,000 0 51,000 26,000 0 20,000 0 0 0 100,000 0 832,000
0 10,000 100,000 30,000 100,000 500,000 25,000 0 100,000 50,000 0 40,000 135,000 85,000 0 0 0 1,175,000
0 10,000 100,000 30,000 100,000 500,000 25,000 55,000 100,000 50,000 0 40,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 1,160,000
0 10,000 100,000 30,000 100,000 500,000 25,000 0 100,000 50,000 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 955,000
0 10,000 100,000 30,000 100,000 500,000 25,000 0 100,000 50,000 345,000 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,300,000
0 10,000 100,000 30,000 100,000 500,000 25,000 0 100,000 50,000 0 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 955,000
0 55,000 551,000 165,000 551,000 3,000,000 138,000 55,000 551,000 276,000 345,000 220,000 135,000 85,000 150,000 100,000 0 6,377,000
0 0 0 0
50,000 0 25,000 75,000
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
50,000 0 25,000 75,000
0 0 0 0 0
0 2,717,000 1,716,949 0 4,433,949
0 0 0 0 0
1,100,000 0 0 20,717,000 21,817,000
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
1,100,000 2,717,000 1,716,949 20,717,000 26,250,949
0 0 $1,330,000
0 0 $5,610,949
0 0 $1,175,000
0 0 $22,977,000
0 0 $955,000
1,972,000 1,972,000 $3,272,000
0 0 $955,000
1,972,000 1,972,000 $34,944,949
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Transportation projects- FY2020 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total City Investment in Today and Future 2,717,000 135,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,852,000 Dept. of Transportation/ Equity ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Public Works‐ Transportation 2,717,000 135,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 2,852,000 This project will add 5‐foot bike lanes to Rock Island, replace asphalt sidewalks with concrete, make ADA upgrades throughout the corridor, and add landscaping where appropriate. The road will also be milled and resurfaced and restriped.
Rock Island Bike Lane Project
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
Ramblewood ADA sidewalk Study
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
This project will conduct sidewalk study within the Ramblewood area of existing and non-existing sidewalks in order to create a design that is in compliance with current ADA standards and regulations.
NW 24th Street Sidewalk Rplcmnt.
City Investment in Today and Future
CDBG Grant Public Works
City Investment in Today and Future
CDBG Grant Public Works
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 60,000 60,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 60,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 60,000
This project is for the replacement of existing asphalt sidewalk with concrete which is in compliance with current ADA standards on the south side of NW 24th Street, between Forest Hills Drive and Riverside Drive.
NW 28th Street Sidewalk Rplcmnt. City Investment in Today and Future
CDBG Grant Public Works
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 120,000 120,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 120,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 120,000
This project is for the replacement of existing asphalt sidewalk with concrete which is in compliance with current ADA standards along the north side of NW 28th Street, east of University Drive
NW 27th Street Sidewalk Rplcmnt. City Investment in Today and Future
CDBG Grant Transportation
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 70,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 70,000
70,000 ‐
This project is for the replacement of existing asphalt sidewalk with concrete which is in compliance with current ADA standards on NW 27 between Forest Hills Drive and Riverside Drive.
Existing Walkways Renovation City Investment in Today and Future
General Fund Equity Transportation
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
70,000 th
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 51,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 551,000
51,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 551,000
This project is for the replacement of existing asphalt pedestrian walkways with concrete sidewalks.
Master Parking Lot Refurbishing‐ ADA Compliance City Investment in Today and Future
General Fund Equity Transportation
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 26,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 276,000
26,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 276,000
This project will remove existing asphalt sidewalk on the South side of the road between University drive and coral hills drive and replace with concrete sidewalk that is in compliance with current ADA standards.
Intersection approach ADA upgrade
Bus shelter‐ add solar power fan
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 20,000 20,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 20,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 20,000
City Investment in Today and Future
General Fund Equity Transportation
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 51,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 551,000
51,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 551,000
This project is for the upgrade of asphalt ramps at intersections to concrete that meet proper slopes and pitch on city roads.
Downtown Becoming Vibrant
General Fund Operating Transportation
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 Budget 25,000
FY 2021 Plan
25,000 ‐
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total 25,000
Funding in the project represents the cost associated with the feasibility of installing a solar or electrically powered box fan in the three existing and nine Kaleidoscope shelters to be furnished and installed by Broward County.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Canal Bank Clearing City Investment in Today and Future
Resurface and Restripe Parking Lots
Curbing on Sample
Operating General Fund Transportation
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 Budget 50,000
FY 2021 Plan
50,000 ‐
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Total ‐ ‐ 50,000
This project is for canal bank clearing, tree trimming, and clean-up in the corporate park to waters edge to comply with code.
City Investment in Today and Future
General Fund Equity Transportation
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
51,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 551,000 51,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 551,000
This project represents a maintenance program to resurface or reseal City parking lots.
City Investment in Today and Future
General Fund Equity Transportation
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 Budget 100,000
FY 2021 Plan
100,000 ‐
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total 100,000
This project represents the construction of curb for 1,200 linear feet of roadway which will allow the first median into the City to be completely curbed, preventing the ongoing damage to the lawn and allowing the City to use trees with larger canopies resulting in increased aesthetics.
Road Resurfacing Program City Investment in Today and Future
General Fund Equity Transportation
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,000,000
500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 3,000,000
This is a ongoing project to resurface City roads. Effective road resurfacing management calls for streets to be resurfaced approximately every 25 years.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 13,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 138,000
Bus Shelter Repairs and Replacement
This project is for the installation of bus shelters at locations that meet the Broward County Transit shelter criteria of 25 boarding per day, or necessary to meet the needs of our community as well as provides funds for shelter maintenance and improvements.
Guardrail Maintenance and Repair
Bridge Repair
City Investment in Today and Future
General Fund Equity Transportation
City Investment in Today and Future
General Fund Equity Transportation
City Investment in Today and Future
General Fund Equity Transportation
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 15,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 165,000
15,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000 165,000
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 55,000
5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 55,000
This project represents funds used to perform repairs identified in the Florida Department of Transportation inspection report of bridges over Cityowned roadways.
Curb/Cul‐de‐sac replacement
Turtle Creek Bike Lanes
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
13,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 138,000
This project represents a systematic maintenance and repair program for guardrails throughout the City to extend their useful life.
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
City Investment in Today and Future
General Fund Equity Transportation
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 20,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 220,000
20,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 220,000
This project is for the replacement of curbs and cul-de-sacs throughout the City.
City Investment in Today and Future
Department of Transportation Transportation
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 1,716,949 85,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,801,949
1,716,949 85,000 ‐
This project will add 4.5-foot bike lanes to Turtle Creek Dr., make ADA upgrades throughout the corridor, replace the median curb. The road will also be milled and resurfaced and restriped.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
University Drive Interconnectivity City Investment in Today and Future
Dept. of Transportation/ Equity Transportation
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
1,155,000 ‐
Total 1,155,000
1,155,000 ‐
This project involves improvements to University Drive between Sample Road and Cardinal Road-reducing two travel lanes in each direction to 11-feet and widening the outside lane to 14-feet, thereby providing a shared travel lane with bicyclists.
University Drive Widening Project City Investment in Today and Future
Dept. of Transportation/ Equity Transportation
Budget Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
20,867,000 ‐
Total 20,867,000
20,867,000 ‐
The University Drive Widening Project is being designed and constructed by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The project is funded by a Federal Highway Administration Grant awarded to the City by the Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization. The project will widen University Drive from NW 40th Street to the Sawgrass Expressway to a 6-lane facility . In addition, bike lanes and new sidewalks will be built and additional landscaping will be planted along the corridor.
NW 39th Street Sidewalk and Drainage Budget City Investment in Today and Future Department of Transportation/ Equity
Project Cost Operating Impact Total Project Cost
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
‐ ‐
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
2,317,000 ‐
Total 2,317,000
2,317,000 ‐
This project consists of enhancements to NW 39th street including improved drainage and sidewalks from Coral Ridge to NW 110th Ave in a partnership with DOT.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
General Fund- Parks & Recreation CIP by funding source/total project cost Funding Source Project Name CDBG Grant Youth Recreation Scholarship Sr. Recreational and Therapeutical Activity Lions Park Lighting Project Castlewood Park Replacement CDBG Grant Total Equity Financing 15-year Playground Replacement Light Fixture Replacement Program Athletic Field Renovations Asphalt pathway overlay American League upgrades Splash Pad Equity Financing Total Loan Turf Fields Loan Total Operating General Fund Landscape Beautification Irrigation Equipment Operating General Fund Total Tree Trust Fund ESL Improvements Tree Trust Fund Total Parks Total
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total Cost FY 2020-2025
$50,000 22,081 0 0 72,081
$50,000 24,241 100,000 85,000 259,241
$50,000 24,241 0 0 74,241
$50,000 24,241 0 0 74,241
$50,000 24,241 0 0 74,241
$50,000 24,241 0 0 74,241
$50,000 24,241 0 0 74,241
$300,000 145,445 100,000 85,000 630,445
300,000 125,000 100,000 0 0 0 525,000
205,000 268,100 50,000 0 50,000 250,000 823,100
205,000 300,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 705,000
205,000 300,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 705,000
205,000 300,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 705,000
205,000 300,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 705,000
205,000 300,000 100,000 100,000 0 0 705,000
1,230,000 1,768,100 550,000 500,000 50,000 250,000 4,348,100
0 0
5,232,000 5,232,000
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
5,232,000 5,232,000
70,000 18,000 88,000
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
75,000 75,000 $760,081
0 0 $6,314,341
0 0 $779,241
0 0 $779,241
0 0 $779,241
0 0 $779,241
0 0 $779,241
0 0 $10,210,545
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Sr. Recreational and Therapeutical Act Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 24,241 24,241 24,241 24,241 24,241 24,241 145,446 CDBG Grant Operating Impact Parks and Recreation Total Project Cost 24,241 24,241 24,241 24,241 24,241 24,241 145,446 The City offers opportunities for senior citizens to interact with each other during recreational activities. This program serves over 800 seniors each month through therapeutic and recreational programming. This funding provides daily activities at Sartory Senior Center. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan American League Upgrades Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 50,000 50,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Parks and Recreation Total Project Cost 50,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 50,000 This project is for the funding of improvements to the American League building located in Mullins Park. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Youth Recreation Scholarship Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Parks and Recreation Total Project Cost 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 300,000 The City offers many recreation programs to youth living in the City. The purpose of this program is to assist families who are unable to utilize these services due to the cost. Scholarships will be offered to low‐ to moderate‐income households to participate in the programs. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Athletic Field Renovations Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 550,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Parks and Recreation Total Project Cost 50,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 550,000 The City offers many recreation programs to youth living in the City. The purpose of this program is to assist families who are unable to utilize these services due to the cost. Scholarships will be offered to low‐ to moderate‐income households to participate in the programs. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Turf Fields Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 5,232,000 5,232,000 General Fund Loan Operating Impact 208,480 200,975 200,930 193,530 192,953 996,868 Parks and Recreation Total Project Cost 5,232,000 208,480 200,975 200,930 193,530 192,953 6,228,868 Seven artificial turf athletic fields will be installed throughout the City in the following parks: 2 fields at North Community Park, 2 fields at Cypress Park, 2 Fields at Mullins Park and stadium field at Sportsplex.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Splash Pad Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 250,000 250,000 General Fund Operating Operating Impact Parks and Recreation Total Project Cost 250,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 250,000 This project is to construct a splash pad at the desired location within the City.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Lions Park Lighting Project Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 100,000 100,000 CDBG Funds Operating Impact Parks and Recreation Total Project Cost 100,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 100,000 Funds will be used to remove and replace current metal halide fixtures with new LED fixtures to meet candle power and safety requirements.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Castlewood Park Replacement Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 85,000 85,000 CDBG Funds Operating Impact Parks and Recreation Total Project Cost 85,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 85,000 Funds will be used to remove existing playground and replace it at a centralized location in the park to increase safety measures. The playground structure will include new equipment, new curbing, new fencing and new ADA accessible surfacing.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total 15‐year Playground Replacement Budget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 205,000 205,000 205,000 205,000 205,000 205,000 1,230,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Parks and Recreation Total Project Cost 205,000 205,000 205,000 205,000 205,000 205,000 1,230,000 This project is to replace the City's Park's playgrounds on a 15‐ year cycle. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Light Fixture Replacement Program Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 268,100 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,768,100 General Fund Equity Operating Impact (7,000) (7,000) (7,000) (7,000) (7,000) (7,000) (42,000) Parks and Recreation Total Project Cost 261,100 293,000 293,000 293,000 293,000 293,000 1,726,100 The funds requested are part of our 10 year Master Plan to improve the City Parks. This covers the installation of the newer energy efficient, hurricane resistant light fixtures like those at North Community and Cypress Park. They have proven their value by reducing energy costs at both parks and they are better for surrounding residents because there is very little back lighting.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total Asphalt pathway overlay Budget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost ‐ 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Parks and Recreation Total Project Cost ‐ 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 500,000 This project is for the replacement of pathway overlay at various parks throughout the city.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
General Fund- Sportsplex CIP by funding source/total project cost Funding Source Project Name Equity Financing Pickleball Equity Financing Total Loan Turf Fields Loan Total Sportsplex Total
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total Cost FY 2020-2025
$0 0
$85,000 85,000
$0 0
$0 0
$0 0
$0 0
$0 0
$85,000 85,000
0 0 $0
872,000 872,000 $957,000
0 0 $0
0 0 $0
0 0 $0
0 0 $0
0 0 $0
872,000 872,000 $957,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Budget Plan Plan Plan Turf Fields Budget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 872,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ General Fund Loan Operating Impact 34,747 34,747 34,747 Parks and Recreation‐Sportsplex Total Project Cost 872,000 34,747 34,747 34,747 This project represents replacing the existing stadium filed located at the Sportsplex with artificial turf.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Pickle ball Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 85,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 85,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact Parks and Recreation‐Sportsplex Total Project Cost 85,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 85,000 This project is for the construction of 4 permanent, lighted outdoor pickle ball courts at the Tennis Complex at Sportsplex.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
FY 2024 Plan ‐ 34,747 34,747
FY 2025 Plan Total ‐ 872,000 34,747 173,735 34,747 1,045,735
Table of Contents
General Fund- Aquatics CIP by funding source/total project cost Funding Source Project Name CDBG Grant Sr. Rec and Therapeutical Activity CDBG Grant Total Equity Financing Chemical Feeder Repl for 3 Pools Fitness Equipment Replacement Motor Pump Repl— 3 pool sites Pool Heater Replacement 25 Meter Pool Liner Upgrade Equity Financing Total Aquatics Total
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total Cost FY 2020-2025
$43,447 43,447
$40,000 40,000
$40,000 40,000
$40,000 40,000
$40,000 40,000
$40,000 40,000
$40,000 40,000
$240,000 240,000
0 40,000 15,000 17,500 350,000 422,500 $465,947
5,000 40,000 11,600 20,000 0 76,600 $116,600
10,000 40,000 15,000 35,000 0 100,000 $140,000
10,000 40,000 15,000 35,000 0 100,000 $140,000
10,000 40,000 15,000 35,000 0 100,000 $140,000
10,000 40,000 15,000 35,000 0 100,000 $140,000
10,000 40,000 15,000 35,000 0 100,000 $140,000
55,000 240,000 86,600 195,000 0 576,600 $816,600
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Pool Heater Replacement Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 20,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 195,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Aquatics Total Project Cost 20,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 195,000 This project is for the six‐year replacement program of Geo‐Thermal heat pumps at the Aquatics Complex‐ 1 to 2 units each year. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Budget Project Cost 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Total Project Cost 5,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 This project is for the replacement of chemical feeders at the Aquatics Complex, Cypress Park, and Mullins Park pools.
FY 2025 Plan Total 10,000 55,000 ‐ 10,000 55,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Budget Plan Plan Plan Fitness Equipment Replacement Budget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Aquatics Total Project Cost 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 This project is for the ongoing replacement of the cardio‐ Fitness Equipment at the Aquatics Complex.
FY 2024 Plan 40,000 ‐ 40,000
FY 2025 Plan Total 40,000 240,000 ‐ 40,000 240,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 Budget Plan Plan Plan Senior Fitness Program Budget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 CDBG funds Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Aquatics Total Project Cost 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 This projects represents a Senior Fitness Program run through the Aquatic Complex and Sartory Hall.
FY 2024 Plan 40,000 ‐ 40,000
FY 2025 Plan Total 40,000 240,000 ‐ 40,000 240,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Motor Pump Replacement Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 11,600 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 86,600 General Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Aquatics Total Project Cost 11,600 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 86,600 This project is to continue replacement of pumps, motors, and compressors for Aquatics Complex, Cypress Park, and Mullins Park pools.
Chemical Feeder Replacement City Investment in Today and Future General Fund Equity Aquatics
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Fire Fund CIP by funding source/total project cost Funding Source Project Name Operating-Fire Fund Tactical Rescue Training Equipment Portable Radio Replacement Structure Burn Replacement Flashover Replacement Free Standing Shade Structure Traffic Signal Intersection- Coral Ridge/41st Training Messaging Displays Extrication Unit Crossover Utility Vehicle- new initiative Data Analytics and Scheduling Module (EPR Systems) Firefighter Bailout Kits- new initiative CSRIPS - Rehabilitation & Decon Center/Reno Security Gate- new initative New Vehicle for New hire- intitative Health and Wellness Equipment Tower Upgrades CSRIPS & 71 Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) Bags Add to Fleet- 5 Pickup Trucks Hurricane Equipment Operating-Fire Fund Total Loan Fire Fund Station 64 Academy Expansion Loan Fire Fund Total Equity- Fire Fund Dive Rescue Equipment Traffic Pre-Emption Thermal Imagers Gas Meters Self contained Breathing Apparatus Fire Stations Painting & Improvements Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Fireworks Park Summit Left Turn Lane LDH Equity- Fire Fund Total Fire Total
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Total Cost FY 2020-2025
$0 0 0 0 0 350,000 0 0 18,000 5,250 66,750 125,000 17,000 44,430 0 0 0 0 0 626,430
$65,000 0 17,000 10,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,440 25,000 186,000 136,360 32,984 479,784
$0 40,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40,000
$0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32,000
$0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
$65,000 40,000 17,000 10,000 0 0 0 32,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 7,440 25,000 186,000 136,360 32,984 551,784
0 0 0
4,200,000 7,000,000 11,200,000
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
4,200,000 7,000,000 11,200,000
0 25,000 25,000 0 0 135,000 0 18,500 0 0 203,500 $829,930
12,500 25,000 25,000 7,000 67,000 130,000 60,000 18,000 62,000 9,000 415,500 $12,095,284
12,500 25,000 25,000 2,500 67,000 130,000 60,000 18,000 0 9,000 349,000 $389,000
12,500 25,000 25,000 2,500 67,000 130,000 60,000 18,000 0 9,000 349,000 $381,000
12,500 25,000 25,000 2,500 67,000 130,000 60,000 18,000 0 9,000 349,000 $349,000
12,500 25,000 25,000 2,500 67,000 130,000 60,000 18,000 0 9,000 349,000 $349,000
12,500 25,000 25,000 2,500 67,000 130,000 60,000 18,000 0 9,000 349,000 $349,000
75,000 150,000 150,000 19,500 402,000 780,000 360,000 108,000 62,000 54,000 2,160,500 $13,912,284
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Fire Department projects FY2020 FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
Traffic Pre‐Emption
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000
Fire Fund Equity
Operating Impact
Fire Total Project Cost 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 This project is for the installation of Opticom traffic light controllers at four major intersections within the City of Coral Springs. The Opticom unit receives a radio signal from approaching emergency vehicles, stops other vehicle traffic from all other directions, and allows the emergency unit to safely proceed through the intersection with minimum delay. This minimizes the time it takes for emergency vehicles to reach an emergency scene and assists the fire department in achieving response goals.
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
Total ‐
Thermal Imagers
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000 ‐
Fire Fund Equity
Operating Impact
Total Project Cost 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 150,000
This project is to replace three thermal imaging cameras used in rescue units for search and rescue operations. These units can detect propane and natural gas leaks, and have an increased thermal range that help firefighters when searching for fire victims or people in wooded areas.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Dive Rescue Equipment Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 75,000 Fire Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Fire Total Project Cost 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 12,500 75,000 This project is for the replacement of specialized equipment for the dive team.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Fire Stations Painting and Improvement Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 780,000 Fire Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Fire Total Project Cost 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 130,000 780,000 This project is for the routine, on‐going repairs and maintenance of the fire stations.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Tactical Rescue Training Equipment Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 65,000 65,000 Fire Fund Operating Operating Impact ‐ Fire Total Project Cost 65,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 65,000 This project is for the purchase of specialized equipment for training in tactical rescue operations for both existing fire personnel and its area mutual aid departments. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Add to Fleet‐ Clean Cab Vehicles (5) Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 136,360 136,360 Fire Fund Operating Operating Impact 29,138 29,138 29,138 29,138 29,138 29,138 174,828 Fire Total Project Cost 165,498 29,138 29,138 29,138 29,138 29,138 311,188 This project will allow for front line operations emergency response vehicles to be converted to clean cab. The purchase of five pickup trucks will provide the inspector/investigator with a clean cab environment and a separate area for all equipment that was utilized in any immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH) environment. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Health and Wellness Equipment Budget Total Responsible City Government Project Cost 7,440 7,440 Fire Fund Operating Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Fire Total Project Cost 7,440 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 7,440 This project is for the purchase of equipment which will enhance the firefighter/paramedic's ability to stay fit while on duty in a safe manner. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Park Summit Left Turn Lane Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 62,000 62,000 Fire Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Fire Total Project Cost 62,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 62,000 This project is for the construction of a left turn lane into the development of Park Summit in order to provide left turn movement access to the west driveway into Park Summit Condominium, reducing but maintaining the exiting turn lane into Palm Village. FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
Tower Upgrades CSRIPS & 71
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
Fire Fund Operating
Operating Impact
Fire Total Project Cost 25,000 ‐ This project is for the upgrade of water, roof and lighting on two tower locations.
Hurricane Equipment
Responsible City Government
Project Cost Operating Impact
FY 2020 Budget
Total 25,000
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
Total 32,984
Fire Fund Operating
Fire Total Project Cost 32,984 ‐ ‐ ‐ This project is for the purchase of supplies and equipment needed to handle medical related events.
Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) Bags
City Investment in Today and Future
Project Cost
Fire Fund Operating
Operating Impact
Fire Total Project Cost 186,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 186,000 This project represents the purchase of a critical piece of equipment used to rescue a firefighter if they were to become injured or trapped during an operation.
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
Total 186,000
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Fire Department projects FY2020 (continued) FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 108,000
Fire Fund Equity
Operating Impact
Fire Total Project Cost 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 18,000 108,000 This project is for the purchase of new fire inspection software for completing annual inspection and re‐inspections. This is also a hydrant mapping software, fire pre‐planning module scheduler for tracking public education and data analytics module for pulling ISO and accreditation data reports.
Structure Burn Replacement
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
Fire Fund Operating
Operating Impact
Fire Total Project Cost 17,000 ‐ ‐ This project is for the replacement of structure bun props that are used at the Fire Academy
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 54,000
Operating Impact
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
Total ‐
Total 17,000
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
Fire Fund Equity
Fire Total Project Cost 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 54,000 This project is for the replacement of LDH hoses.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 360,000
Fire Fund Operating
Operating Impact
Fire Total Project Cost 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 360,000 This project is for the purchase of a second set of firefighting personal equipment for each firefighter and a primary set to each fire academy instructor that conducts live fire training.
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan ‐
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
Total ‐
Self contained Breathing Apparatus
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
67,000 67,000 67,000 67,000 67,000 67,000 402,000
Fire Fund Operating
Operating Impact
Fire Total Project Cost 67,000 67,000 67,000 67,000 67,000 67,000 402,000 This project is for the purchase of self‐contained breathing apparatus worn by firefighters to provide breathable air in an immediately dangerous to life or health atmosphere.
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
Total ‐
Gas Meters
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
7,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 19,500
Operating Impact
Fire Fund Equity
Fire Total Project Cost 7,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 19,500 This project is for the replacement of gas meters used in a variety of emergency situations.
Academy Expansion
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
7,000,000 ‐
Operating Impact
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
Fire Fund Loan
Fire Total Project Cost 7,000,000 ‐ This project is for the expansion of the current fire Academy building.
Station 64
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
4,200,000 ‐
Fire Fund Loan
Operating Impact
Fire Total Project Cost 4,200,000 ‐ ‐ This project is for the replacement of Fire Station 64 located at 500 Ramblewood Drive.
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan ‐
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Total 4,200,000
Table of Contents
Fire Department projects FY2020 (continued) FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
Flashover Replacement
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
10,000 ‐
Fire Fund Operating
Operating Impact
Fire Total Project Cost 10,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ This project is for the replacement of the current live fire flashover prop, additional steel, and welder to conduct fabrication.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Total 10,000 ‐ 10,000
Table of Contents
Fire Department future projects FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan
Extrication Unit
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
Fire Fund Operating
Operating Impact
Fire Total Project Cost ‐ ‐ 32,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 32,000 This project is for funding of a specialized unit using the "Jaws of Life" to assist in vehicle extrications during crashes, as well as other confined
Portable Radio Replacement
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
Fire Fund Operating
Operating Impact
Fire Total Project Cost ‐ 40,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ This project is for the purchase of two‐way radios which are the primary communication tool to respond to firefighting operations.
FY 2020 Budget ‐
32,000 ‐
FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan 40,000 ‐
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Total 40,000 ‐ 40,000
Table of Contents
Water & Sewer Fund
CIP Summary Water & Sewer Fund
Funding Source Project Name Renewal and Replacement Infiltration/Inflow Correction Program Water Meter Replacement Program Lift Station Rehab Program Galvanized Water Service Replacement Program Force Main System Improvements Cast Iron Water Main Replacement Water Storage Tanks and Clearwell Cleaning Force Main Integrity Evaluation Additional Downtown Improvements Water and Wastewater Pumps Wiles Rd. Utilities Relocation Phase 2 Water Wells Rehabilitation Services East and West Booster Station Generators Renewal and Replacement Total Revenue Bond Lift Station Rehab Program Revenue Bond Total Operating-W&S Fund Fire Hydrant Replacement Program Broward County Water Conservation Prog Force Main Valve Repair/Repl. Program Water Main Valve Repair/Repl. Program Painting WTP Dead End Water Main Automatic Flushers Portable Emergency Generators for Lift Stations Two New Vehicle Operating-W&S Fund Total Total
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
$750,000 60,000 1,400,000 250,000 500,000 1,000,000 0 0 0 100,000 0 300,000 50,000 4,410,000
$1,000,000 60,000 1,400,000 450,000 750,000 1,000,000 0 100,000 0 150,000 0 250,000 0 5,160,000
$1,000,000 60,000 1,400,000 450,000 750,000 1,000,000 0 100,000 1,000,000 150,000 0 250,000 0 6,160,000
$1,000,000 60,000 1,400,000 450,000 750,000 1,000,000 0 100,000 1,000,000 150,000 0 250,000 0 6,160,000
$1,000,000 60,000 0 450,000 750,000 1,000,000 300,000 100,000 0 150,000 0 250,000 0 4,060,000
$1,000,000 60,000 0 450,000 750,000 1,000,000 0 100,000 0 150,000 0 250,000 0 3,760,000
$1,000,000 60,000 0 450,000 750,000 1,000,000 0 100,000 0 150,000 0 250,000 0 3,760,000
$6,000,000 360,000 4,200,000 2,700,000 4,500,000 6,000,000 300,000 600,000 2,000,000 900,000 0 1,500,000 0 29,060,000
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1,400,000 1,400,000
1,400,000 1,400,000
1,400,000 1,400,000
4,200,000 4,200,000
60,000 0 50,000 50,000 0 25,000 50,000 52,100 287,100 $4,697,100
60,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 25,000 50,000 0 335,000 $5,495,000
100,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 50,000 80,000 0 430,000 $6,590,000
100,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 50,000 80,000 0 430,000 $6,590,000
100,000 0 100,000 100,000 600,000 50,000 80,000 0 1,030,000 $6,490,000
100,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 50,000 80,000 0 430,000 $5,590,000
100,000 0 100,000 100,000 0 50,000 80,000 0 430,000 $5,590,000
560,000 0 600,000 600,000 600,000 275,000 450,000 0 3,085,000 $36,345,000
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Total Cost FY 2020-2025
Table of Contents
Water & Sewer Fund projects FY2020 FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Infiltration/ Inflow Correction Program
City Investment in Today and Future
Project Cost
Renewal and Replacement
Operating Impact
Utilities Total Project Cost 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 6,000,000 This project is to prevent the inflow and infiltration of ground water into the sewer lines, which ultimately travels to a Broward County wastewater treatment facility where charges are incurred for treating ground water.
1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 6,000,000 ‐
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Water Meter Replacement Program
City Investment in Today and Future
Project Cost
Renewal and Replacement
Operating Impact
Utilities Total Project Cost 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 360,000 This project is an ongoing replacement of one to six inch water meters based on periodic testing. Meters that do not test at 99% efficiency are placed in the replacement schedule.
60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 360,000
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Lift Station Rehab Program
City Investment in Today and Future
Project Cost
Renewal and Replacement
Operating Impact
Utilities Total Project Cost 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 8,400,000 This project is an ongoing annual rehabilitation of existing City sanitary lift stations. This rehabilitation prevents sewer overflows and provides a reliable wastewater collection system.
1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 8,400,000 ‐
Galvanized Water Service Replacement Program Budget
City Investment in Today and Future
Project Cost
Renewal and Replacement
Operating Impact
Utilities Total Project Cost 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 2,700,000 This project is part of an ongoing program to replace the existing galvanized water pipes throughout the City's utility service area.
Water and Wastewater Pumps
City Investment in Today and Future
Project Cost
Renewal and Replacement
Operating Impact
Utilities Total Project Cost 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000 This project is for the purchase of pumps for water plant and wastewater lift stations as well as other critical assets to reduce the risk of system failure when pumps are out for repairs. This project will also replace pumps that have reached their life and are in need of major repairs to restore their capacity.
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 900,000
FY 2020 Budget
Fire Hydrant Replacement Program
City Investment in Today and Future
Project Cost
Water & Sewer Operating
Operating Impact
Total Project Cost 60,000
Force Main Valve Repair/Repl. Program City Investment in Today and Future Water & Sewer Operating Utilities
FY 2022 Plan
450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 450,000 2,700,000
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
60,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 560,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 560,000
This project will replace fire hydrants that are no longer serviceable or for which OEM parts are no longer available.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Budget Total Project Cost 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 Operating Impact ‐ Total Project Cost 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection requires Utilities to have a valve exercise program. This project is for the ongoing identification of valves in the system, incorporation into the GIS system and documentation of this exercise program. Valves that have reached their useful life and/or no longer functional will be replaced.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Water & Sewer Fund projects FY2020 (continued) FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Water Main Valve Repair/ Repl Program Budget
City Investment in Today and Future
Project Cost
Water & Sewer‐ Operating
Operating Impact
Utilities Total Project Cost 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 The Florida Department of Environmental Protection requires utilities to have a valve exercise program. This project is the on going identification of valves in the system to incorporate into the GIS system and document the exercise program. Valves that have reached their useful life and/or no longer functional will be replaced.
100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 ‐
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Dead End Water Main Automatic FlushersBudget
City Investment in Today and Future
Project Cost
Water & Sewer‐ Operating
Operating Impact
Utilities Total Project Cost 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 275,000 This project is intended to continue the installation of automatic flushing systems at dead‐end streets to ensure water quality.
Portable Emergency Generators for Lifts Budget
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
Water & Sewer‐ Operating
Operating Impact
Utilities Total Project Cost 50,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 450,000 This project is intended to fund the purchase of two emergency generators for lift stations on an annual basis. Project shall add portable emergency power generators to the fleet inventory for the 50 existing lift stations.
25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 275,000 ‐
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
50,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 450,000 ‐
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Water Wells Rehabilitation Services
City Investment in Today and Future
Project Cost
Renewal and Replacement
Operating Impact
Utilities Total Project Cost 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 This project is for the rehabilitation of existing water wells, required to restore them to their original design capacity and production.
Force Main System Improvements
City Investment in Today and Future
Project Cost
Renewal and Replacement
Operating Impact
Utilities Total Project Cost 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 4,500,000 This project is intended to implement the recommendations generated by a study of the existing condition of the sewer force mains in an effort to sustain a planned repair and replacement program.
250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 1,500,000 ‐
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 750,000 4,500,000 ‐
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
Cast Iron Water Main Replacement
City Investment in Today and Future
Project Cost
Renewal and Replacement
Operating Impact
Utilities Total Project Cost 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 6,000,000 This project represents removal/replacement of all cast iron water mains with ductile iron or polyvinyl chloride pipe.
Force Main Integrity Evaluation
Responsible City Government
Project Cost
Renewal and Replacement
Operating Impact
Utilities Total Project Cost 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 This project is intended to study the existing condition of the existing sewer force mains and develop a planned repair and replacement program.
Additional Downtown Improvements
Responsible City Government
Project Cost Operating Impact
1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 6,000,000 ‐
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 600,000 ‐
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
1,000,000 1,000,000 ‐
Renewal and Replacement
Utilities Total Project Cost ‐ 1,000,000 1,000,000 ‐ This project is for the installation of underground utility infrastructure in the mew downtown area.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Water & Sewer fund future projects PROJECT NAME
Painting WTP
Responsible City Government
Project Cost Operating Impact
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
600,000 ‐
Renewal and Replacement
Utilities Total Project Cost ‐ ‐ ‐ This project is for the painting of buildings inside the perimeter of the Water Treatment Plant.
600,000 ‐
Water Storage Tanks and Clearwell Cleani Budget
Responsible City Government
Project Cost Operating Impact
FY 2020 Budget
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan
FY 2023 Plan
FY 2024 Plan
FY 2025 Plan
300,000 ‐
Renewal and Replacement
Utilities Total Project Cost ‐ ‐ ‐ This project will implement a master plan for the timely cleaning of water storage tanks.
300,000 ‐
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
300,000 ‐ 300,000
Table of Contents
Equipment Service Fund Funding Source
FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2023
FY 2024
FY 2025
Total Cost
Project Name Operating-Equipment Services Fund Contingency for Equip Purchases Vehicles and Equipment Replacement Operating-Equipment Services Fund Total Equity Financing Equipment Fund Replacement of Inground Vehicle Lifts West Side Complex Construction Fleet Software Shop Equipment 4150 Bldg Fleet Electric Utlity Vehicle Fleet Vehicle Equity Financing Equipment Fund Total Total
FY 2020-2025
$50,000 4,865,770 4,915,770
$53,000 4,327,240 4,380,240
$56,000 5,921,939 5,977,939
$60,000 5,727,977 5,787,977
$60,000 3,157,732 3,217,732
$60,000 3,657,850 3,717,850
$60,000 4,422,349 4,482,349
$349,000 27,215,087 27,564,087
0 0 0 369,236 14,271 0 383,507 $5,299,277
0 0 0 200,000 0 38,000 238,000 $4,618,240
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $5,977,939
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $5,787,977
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $3,217,732
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $3,717,850
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 $4,482,349
0 0 0 200,000 0 38,000 238,000 $27,802,087
Fleet Vehicle Responsible City Government
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Budget Total Project Cost 38,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 38,000 Operating Impact 7,361 7,361 7,361 7,361 7,361 7,361 44,163 Total Project Cost 45,361 7,361 7,361 7,361 7,361 7,361 82,163
Equipment Service Fund Equity Fleet This project is for the purchase of a service vehicle which will be used to stage generators for City sponsored special events and during emergency situation such as hurricane preparedness and recovery. Replacement of Vehicles and FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Equipment Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 4,380,240 5,977,939 5,787,977 3,217,732 3,717,850 4,482,349 27,564,087 Equipment Service Fund Operating Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Fleet Total Project Cost 4,380,240 5,977,939 5,787,977 3,217,732 3,717,850 4,482,349 27,564,087 This project represents the vehicles and equipment scheduled for replacement in Fiscal Year 2019. FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Shop Equipment 4150 Bldg Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 200,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 200,000 Equipment Service Fund Equity Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Fleet Total Project Cost 200,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 200,000 This project represents the purchase and installation of shop equipment for the 4150 building including lifts, compressed air system, fluid distribution and management software system, waste oil system, ceiling mounted shop fans and work benches and shop tools.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Charter School Fund Funding Source
FY 2019
FY 2020
FY 2021
FY 2022
FY 2023
FY 2024
FY 2025
Total Cost
FY 2020-2025
$0 50,000 0 2,000,000 $2,050,000
$0 1,293,590 0 $0 $1,293,590
Project Name Charter School Fund Roof Replacement Air Conditioning Repair and Repl. Repair of Exterior Stucco Cracking Charter School relocation due diligence Charter School Fund Total
$445,653 0 70,000 $0 $515,653
$386,092 0 100,000 $0 $486,092
$0 0 0 $0 $0
$0 0 0 $0 $0
$0 0 0 $0 $0
$831,745 1,293,590 170,000 $0 $2,295,335
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Air Conditioning Repair and Repl. Budget Total City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 1,293,590 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,293,590 Charter School Fund Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Public Works Total Project Cost 1,293,590 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 1,293,590 This project is for the repair and replacement of air conditioning units in the Charter School.
Stormwater Fund Funding Source Project Name Equity‐ Stormwater Corporate Park Drainage Meadows and Dells Drainage Master Plan Equity‐ Stormwater Total Stormwater Fund Total
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Adopted $0 0 0 0 $0
$250,000 432,031 350,000 1,032,031 $1,032,031
FY 2021 Plan
FY 2022 Plan $0 0 0 0 $0
FY 2023 Plan $0 0 0 0 $0
FY 2024 Plan $0 0 0 0 $0
FY 2025 Plan $0 0 0 0 $0
Total Cost FY 2020‐2024 $0 0 0 0 $0
$250,000 432,031 350,000 1,032,031 $1,032,031
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total Corporate Park Drainage Budget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 250,000 250,000 Stormwater Fund Operating Impact ‐ Public Works Total Project Cost 250,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 250,000 This project will make improvements to the Corporate Park area's drainage infrastructure.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total Meadows and Dells Drainage Budget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 432,031 432,031 Stormwater Fund Operating Impact ‐ Public Works Total Project Cost 432,031 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 432,031 This project will make improvements to the Meadow and Dells area's drainage infrastructure.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Total Master Plan Budget City Investment in Today and Future Project Cost 350,000 350,000 Stormwater Fund Operating Impact ‐ Public Works Total Project Cost 350,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 350,000 This plan will evaluate drainage conditions in all neighborhoods and prioritize improvements.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Public Art Fund Funding Source Project Name Public Art Fund Artwalk Sculpture Artwalk Opportunity projects Public Art Fund Total
FY 2019 Adopted $100,000 10,000 $110,000
FY 2020 Budget $110,000 0 $110,000
FY 2021 Plan $20,000 0 $20,000
FY 2022 Plan $0 0 $0
FY 2023 Plan $0 0 $0
FY 2024 Plan $0 0 $0
FY 2025 Plan $0 0 $0
Total Cost FY 2020‐2024 $130,000 $0 $130,000
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Budget Total Project Cost 100,000 20,000 20,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 140,000 Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Total Project Cost 100,000 20,000 20,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ 140,000 This project represents funding of a sculpture for the Artwalk.
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023 FY 2024 FY 2025 Budget Plan Plan Plan Plan Plan Budget Total Project Cost 10,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 10,000 Operating Impact ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ Total Project Cost 10,000 ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ ‐ 10,000 This project represents funding of "opportunity" projects throughout the year.
Artwalk Sculpture Downtown Becoming Vibrant Public Art Fund Development Services
Opportunity Projects Downtown Becoming Vibrant Public Art Fund Development Services
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
FLEET REPLACEMENT PROGRAM Department/Fund Financial Services
Division/Program Name Water Billing
Div # 1602
Traffic Unit
Youth Liaison
General Investigations
Emergency Medical Services Fire/EMS
Code Compliance
Mullins Park
Neighborhood Parks
Beautification/ Landscape
North Community Park
Cypress Park
Development Services
Sportsplex/ Tennis
Parks & Recreation
Vehicle/Equipment Type Van, 7 Passenger Mini Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Unmarked Pursuit Interceptor Vehicle Unmarked Pursuit Interceptor Vehicle- rplcd w Charger Unmarked Pursuit Interceptor Vehicle- rplcd w Charger Patrol Vehicle- Tuarus rplcd w Charger Admin Interceptor Vehicle- rplcd w Traverse Van, 8 passenger Van, Cargo Admin Specialty Vehicle- rplcd w Durango Admin PickupTruck- rplcd w PU Admin Specialty Vehicle- rplcd w Jeep Admin Specialty Vehicle- rplcd w Jeep Admin Vehicle-rplcd w Traverse Admin Vehicle- rplcd w Explorer Admin Specialty Vehicle- rplced w PU Admin Vehicle- rplcd w Durango Admin Vehicle- rplced w Traverse Admin Specialty Vehicle- rplcd w PU Rescue Transport Vehicle Rescue Transport Vehicle Extrication Tool Escape -rplcd w PU Explorer- rplcd w PU 3/4 ton pickup Truck - replaced with Full Size PU Ford Escape Hybrid- rplcd w full size PU Ford Escape Hybrid- rplcd w full size PU Truck, pickup Ford Escape Hybrid- rplcd w Compact PU Ford Escape Hybrid- rplcd w Compact PU Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton- rplcd w Escape Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton- rplcd w Escape SUV-small rplcd w Escape Workman w dump body Mower, Zero Turn 5 Gang Reel Mower Tractor Toro Sand Pro Truck 1 Ton Mower, Zero turn- to be replaced with 2 trailers Tractor Paint Machine Truck with Water Tank and pump- body chasis replacemen Directional Arrows, DOT Truck, Pickup 3/4 ton Workman w dump body Workman w dump body Workman Chemical Sprayer Pickup- F150 Workman with dump body Spreader LELY Mower, Zero turn- to be replaced with a lift for 2135 Mini Trencher w trailer Truck, cab & chasis w crane Skid Loader w trailer Pickup 3/4 Ton Mower, Zero turn- replaced w lely spreader
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Year 2012 2013 2014 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2013 2014 2010 2010 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2008 2011 2013 2013 2013 2014 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 2013 2013 2014 2010 2010 2008 2010 2010 2008 2008 2009 2013 2012 2013 2007 2014 2014 2012 2007 2008 2015 2007 2012 2013 2013 2014 2013 2013 2015 2012 2004 2014 2008 2012 2013
Item ID 5005 9346 9367 9353 9355 9357 9376 9378 9384 9360 9386 9264 9279 9315 9318 9322 9330 9332 9334 9341 8081 8313 8314 8315 8080 9997 9975 8087 8091 8089 8097 8071 8072 8074 8076 8078 8083 7732 7731 1592 7007 7004 7009 7629 7628 6637 7643 6600 6021 6020 6011 1139 1142 1245 2102 1754 2226 1143 2101 1989 2270 1185 5713 1961 1962 1956 2022 1963 1959 1954 2223 2293 2198 2275 1353
Budget FY 2020 27,093 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 28,998 28,998 28,998 28,998 29,277 29,058 36,846 29,147 31,563 29,114 29,114 29,277 33,522 31,563 29,147 29,277 31,563 343,480 343,480 25,150 27,272 27,272 27,272 24,761 24,761 24,761 22,374 22,374 25,786 25,786 25,786 21,756 20,213 61,439 62,519 30,684 51,530 21,230 62,519 3,774 41,964 4,320 28,301 21,756 21,756 42,095 32,381 21,664 6,375 20,000 10,000 76,500 56,663 41,016 6,375
Table of Contents
FLEET Replacement pROGRAM (continued) Department/Fund
Division/Program Name
Div #
Equipment Maintenance
Public Works
Equipment Services
Water Distribution
Wastewater Collection
Vehicle/Equipment Type Backhoe Truck, Pickup 1/2 ton Truck, Pickup 1/2 ton Cab-Chasis w dump body Truck, Dump 16 yard Roller, 3 Ton Genertor, Westside 350 KW Pickup truck 1/2 ton-crew cab Van, transit Massage board Continigency Ford Escape Hybrid 1 1/2 Ton Dump Truck Truck, 1 ton Utility, Cab & Chasis w utility body Truck, 1 ton Utility, Cab & Chasis w utility body SUV Small Hybrid Sewer Jet cleaner Van Cargo 1/2 ton
Total Fleet Budget—FY 2020 * Equipment to be refurbished in FY 2020
Year 2010 2013 2013 2014 2006 2006 1998 2010 2014 2018
Item ID 4459 4410 4421 4412 4449 4477 Gen-57 4414 4418 5735
2010 2011 2011 2014 2011 2011 2008
5720 3337 3316 3003 3001 3336 3302
Budget FY 2020 100,000 32,680 32,680 64,840 133,810 73,899 200,000 35,510 36,120 13,100 53,000 25,786 64,840 51,530 52,550 25,786 169,625 38,252 4,380,240
City of Coral Springs, Florida
of Contents
tEN-yEAR rEPLACEMENT pLAN Dept # Item Description Financial Services 1602 Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Ext Cab 1602 Van, 7 Passenger Mini 1602 1/2 Ton Mini 1702 Mini Van, Cargo 1702 Forklift Financial Services Total
Dept #
Item Description
City Managers Office 4301 Pickup, crewcab City Manager's Office
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Dept # Item Description Communication and Marketing 0604 Full Size Cargo Van 0605 Chevy Tahoe Communications and Maketing
Dept # Police 4107 4107 4107 4107 4107 4107# Dept 4201 Police 4201 4107 4201 4107 4201 4107 4201 4107 4201 4107 4201 4107 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201
ID #
2019 2012 2017 2015 2015
5007 5005 5006 5511 5512
7 8 7 10 15
ID #
Life 7 $
ID #
2016 2018
5200 5201
10 7
Item Description
ID #
Armored Truck/Bear CAT for SWAT Mobile Command Center Trailer Van, Cargo DRW EXTL/HR Van, mini transit Dive ItemTrailer Description Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full SizeCAT for SWAT Armored Truck/Bear Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Mobile Command Center Patrol TrailerVehicle, Full Size Unmarked Interceptor to Charger Van, CargoPursuit DRW EXTL/HR Unmarked Pursuit Interceptor to Charger Van, mini transit Unmarked Taurus Dive Trailer Unmarked Taurus Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Unmarked Taurus Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol PatrolVehicle, Vehicle,SUV Full Size Admin Patrol Interceptor Vehicle, FullVehicle Size to Charger Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Unmarked Pursuit Interceptor to Charger Patrol Vehicle, SUV Interceptor to Charger Unmarked Pursuit Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Unmarked Taurus Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Unmarked Taurus Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Unmarked Taurus Patrol PatrolVehicle, Vehicle,SUV SUVTahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Admin Interceptor Vehicle to Charger
2009 2001 2017 2007 2016 2018 Year 2014 2014 2009 2014 2001 2015 2017 2013 2007 2013 2016 2017 2018 2017 2014 2017 2014 2015 2014 2013 2015 2013 2013 2015 2013 2013 2017 2013 2017 2015 2017 2013 2015 2014 2013 2013 2015 2013 2013 2015 2013 2014
9905 9907 8517 9992 9994 8518 ID # 9364 9365 9905 9366 9907 9388 8517 8313 9992 8314 9994 9459 8518 9460 9364 9461 9365 9416 9366 8081 9388 9347 8313 9421 8314 9349 9459 9350 9460 9389 9461 9346 9416 9367 8081 9347 9421 9349 9350 9389 9346 9367
Plan FY 2021
$0 $27,093 $0 $0 $0 $27,093
Adopted FY 2020 $0
Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe
Adopted FY 2020
Adopted FY 2020
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2021
10 $ 15 $ 10 $ 7 $ 7 $ Adopted 10 $ FY 2020 Life 7 $ 7 $$ -10 7 $$ -15 7 $$ -10 77 $$ 28,998 77 $$ 28,998 7 $ 10 $ 77 $$ -77 $$ -77 $$ -77 $$ 28,998 77 $$ 28,998 77 $$ 28,998 77 $$ -77 $$ -77 $$ -77 $$ 46,186 77 $$ 46,186 28,998 7 $ 7 $ 7 $ 7 $ 7 $ 7 $ 46,186 7 $ 46,186
Plan FY 2023
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2022
$0 $0
Plan FY 2021
$0 $0 $0 Adopted FY 2020
Plan FY 2022
Plan FY 2022
Plan FY 2021
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2023
$0 $0
$0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2024
Plan FY 2022
$335,624 $0 $0 $0 Plan $0 FY 2021$0 $47,570 $47,570 $335,624 $47,570 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $47,570 $0 $47,570 $0 $47,570 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 Plan $0 FY 2022$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $49,000 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $0
$0 $0 $25,080 $0 $0 $25,080
Plan FY 2024
$0 $0
Plan FY 2023
$0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2023 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,310 Plan FY 2023$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,310 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2025
$0 $0
Plan FY 2024
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $40,580 $0 $40,580
$42,530 $42,530
Plan FY 2025
$0 $0 $0 Plan FY 2024
$0 $53,540 $53,540 Plan FY 2025
$0 $0 $0 $0 Plan $0 FY 2024$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $43,661 $0 $43,661 $0 $43,661 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $43,661 $0 $43,661 $0 $43,661 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 Plan $0 FY 2025$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2027
$32,140 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,140
Plan FY 2026 $0 $0
Plan FY 2026
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2027
$0 $0 $0 $50,790 Plan $0 FY 2026$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,790 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,150 $0 $0 $0 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $55,150 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2029
$0 $34,330 $0 $0 $0 $34,330
Plan FY 2028
$0 $0
Plan FY 2027
$32,832 $0 $32,832 Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2028
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2029
$0 $0
Plan FY 2028
$0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30
$0 $0 $0 $0 $44,650 $44,650
Plan FY 2030 $0 $0
Plan FY 2029
$0 $0 $0
Total Cost FY20-30 $0 $0
Plan FY 2030
$0 $0 $0
$32,140 $61,423 $25,080 $40,580 $44,650 $203,873
$0 $0 $0
$42,530 $42,530
Total Cost FY20-30 $32,832 $53,540 $86,372
Plan FY 2027
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30
$0 $0 $17,917 $0 Plan $0 FY 2027$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $17,917 $35,670 $0 $35,670 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,670 $0 $0 $35,670 $0 $35,670 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $56,800 $35,670
$0 $0 $0 $0 Plan $0 FY 2028 $8,063 $58,500 $58,500 $0 $58,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,063 $0 $58,500 $0 $58,500 $0 $58,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 Plan $0 FY 2029$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,260 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,260 $0 $0 $60,260 $0 $0 $60,260 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,260 $0 $0 $60,260 $0 $0
$335,624 $0 $17,917 $50,790 $112,570 Total Cost FY20-30 $8,063 $106,070 $106,070 $335,624 $106,070 $0 $109,260 $17,917 $64,668 $50,790 $64,668 $112,570 $43,661 $8,063 $43,661 $106,070 $43,661 $106,070 $109,260 $106,070 $64,668 $109,260 $55,150 $64,668 $109,260 $64,668 $55,150 $43,661 $55,150 $43,661 $109,260 $43,661 $102,986 $109,260 $102,986 $64,668
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,800 $56,800
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $60,260 $0 $0 $60,260 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $61,260 Plan FY 2030$0 $0 -$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $61,260 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$55,150 $109,260 $55,150 $55,150 $109,260 $102,986 $102,986
of Contents
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Dept # 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201
Item Description Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size
Year 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2014 2013 2013 2014 2014 2013 2014 2014 2013 2015 2014 2015 2014 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2014 2015 2013 2017 2016 2016 2016 2015 2014 2014 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2014 2015
ID # 9351 9352 9353 9354 9348 9368 9355 9356 9369 9370 9357 9371 9372 9358 9390 9373 9391 9374 9375 9392 9376 9393 9377 9378 9379 9359 9380 9412 9362 9454 9429 9430 9431 9394 9381 9382 9395 9396 9383 9384 9385 9360 9386 9397
Life 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Adopted FY 2020 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 -
Plan FY 2021 $0 $0 $0 $0 $47,570 $47,570 $0 $0 $47,570 $47,570 $0 $47,570 $47,570 $0 $0 $47,570 $0 $47,570 $47,570 $0 $0 $0 $47,570 $0 $47,570 $0 $47,570 $0 $47,570 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $47,570 $47,570 $0 $0 $47,570 $0 $47,570 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2022 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $49,000 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $49,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $0 $49,000 $49,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,000
Plan FY 2023 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,470 $50,470 $50,470 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2024 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2026 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$55,150 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $0 $0 $0 $55,150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2027 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $56,800 $56,800 $0
Plan FY 2028 $0 $0 $0 $0 $58,500 $58,500 $0 $0 $58,500 $58,500 $0 $58,500 $58,500 $0 $0 $58,500 $0 $58,500 $58,500 $0 $0 $0 $58,500 $0 $58,500 $0 $58,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $58,500 $58,500 $0 $0 $58,500 $0 $58,500 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2029 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,260 $0 $60,260 $0 $0 $60,260 $0 $60,260 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,260 $0 $0 $60,260 $60,260 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,260
Plan FY 2030 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $62,070 $62,070 $62,070 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost FY20-30 $55,150 $55,150 $102,986 $55,150 $106,070 $106,070 $102,986 $55,150 $106,070 $106,070 $102,986 $106,070 $106,070 $55,150 $109,260 $106,070 $109,260 $106,070 $106,070 $109,260 $102,986 $109,260 $106,070 $102,986 $106,070 $55,150 $106,070 $55,150 $104,370 $51,980 $112,540 $112,540 $112,540 $109,260 $106,070 $106,070 $109,260 $109,260 $106,070 $102,986 $106,070 $102,986 $102,986 $109,260
of Contents
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Dept # 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201
Item Description Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, Full Size TIA Escape Patrol Vehicle, Full Size TIA Escape Patrol Vehicle, Full Size TIA Escape Patrol Vehicle, Full Size TIA Escape Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size to be replaced w S Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size to be replaced w S Patrol Vehicle, Full Size
Year 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2017 2017 2015 2015 2017 2015 2017 2017 2015 2015 2017 2015 2015 2015 2015 2010 2010 2018 2010 2010 2018 2018 2010 2017 2010 2017 2017
ID # 9398 9399 9432 9433 9434 9400 9401 9402 9403 9404 9405 9406 9407 9408 9409 9410 9411 9435 9436 9418 9419 9437 9420 9438 9439 9422 9423 9440 9425 9426 9427 9428 9260 9261 9466 9263 9264 9467 9473 9267 9441 9269 9442 9443
Life 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Adopted FY 2020 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
46,186 -
Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$49,000 $49,000 $0 $0 $0 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 $0 $0 $49,000 $49,000 $0 $49,000 $0 $0 $49,000 $49,000 $0 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2023 $0 $0 $50,470 $50,470 $50,470 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2024 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,980 $51,980 $0 $0 $51,980 $0 $51,980 $51,980 $0 $0 $51,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,980 $0 $51,980 $51,980
Plan FY 2025 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,460 $0 $0 $53,540 $53,540 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2026 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,520 $36,520 $0 $36,520 $0 $0 $0 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $0 $0
Plan FY 2027 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$60,260 $60,260 $0 $0 $0 $60,260 $60,260 $60,260 $60,260 $60,260 $60,260 $60,260 $60,260 $60,260 $60,260 $60,260 $60,260 $0 $0 $60,260 $60,260 $0 $60,260 $0 $0 $60,260 $60,260 $0 $60,260 $60,260 $60,260 $60,260 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2030 $0 $0 $62,070 $62,070 $62,070 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost FY20-30 $109,260 $109,260 $112,540 $112,540 $112,540 $109,260 $109,260 $109,260 $109,260 $109,260 $109,260 $109,260 $109,260 $109,260 $109,260 $109,260 $109,260 $51,980 $51,980 $109,260 $109,260 $51,980 $109,260 $51,980 $51,980 $109,260 $109,260 $51,980 $109,260 $109,260 $109,260 $109,260 $36,520 $36,520 $35,460 $36,520 $102,986 $53,540 $53,540 $55,150 $51,980 $55,150 $51,980 $51,980
of Contents
City of Coral Springs, Florida
4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201
Item Description
ID #
Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size TIA Escape Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, Full Size TIA Escape Patrol Vehicle, Full Size TIA Escape Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size TIA Escape Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size TIA Escape Patrol Vehicle, Full Size TIA Escape Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe
2018 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2010 2010 2017 2017 2017 2017 2010 2018 2011 2011 2018 2011 2018 2015 2018 2011 2018 2017 2015 2018 2018 2017 2018 2011 2018 2011 2011 2018 2011 2017 2018 2017 2011 2018 2011 2018 2018 2012
9474 9444 9445 9446 9447 9448 9278 9279 9449 9450 9451 9452 9284 9475 9286 9287 9476 9289 9477 9417 9465 9293 9478 9455 9424 9479 9480 9456 9481 9301 9464 9303 9304 9463 9306 9458 9482 9457 9310 9462 9312 9483 9484 9315
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Adopted FY 2020 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
46,186 46,186
Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2023
Plan FY 2024 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $51,980 $51,980 $51,980 $51,980 $51,980 $0 $0 $51,980 $51,980 $51,980 $51,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,980 $0 $0 $0 $51,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,980 $0 $51,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2025 $53,540 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $53,540 $0 $0 $53,540 $0 $53,540 $0 $35,460 $0 $53,540 $0 $0 $53,540 $53,540 $0 $53,540 $0 $35,460 $0 $0 $35,460 $0 $0 $53,540 $0 $0 $53,540 $0 $53,540 $53,540 $0
Plan FY 2026 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,150 $0 $36,520 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $0 $0 $0 $36,520 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $36,520 $0 $55,150 $0 $0 $0 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2027 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,800
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,260 $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$53,540 $51,980 $51,980 $51,980 $51,980 $51,980 $55,150 $102,986 $51,980 $51,980 $51,980 $51,980 $55,150 $53,540 $36,520 $55,150 $53,540 $55,150 $53,540 $109,260 $35,460 $36,520 $53,540 $51,980 $98,000 $53,540 $53,540 $51,980 $53,540 $55,150 $35,460 $55,150 $36,520 $35,460 $55,150 $51,980 $53,540 $51,980 $55,150 $53,540 $55,150 $53,540 $53,540 $102,986
of Contents
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4201 4202 4202 4202
Item Description
ID #
Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, SUV Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, Full Size Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, SUV Explorer Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Chev Tahoe Admin. Honda Civic-Hybrid (rplc w Travers Van, 8 passenger -REMOVE FROM FLEET Mini Van Van, 12 passenger Impala Motorcycle Motorcycle Motorcycle (remove per PD) 2014
2012 2012 2012 2012 2017 2012 2012 2012 2018 2012 2012 2018 2012 2018 2012 2018 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2018 2012 2012 2018 2012 2012 2015 2015 2015 2012 2012 2018 2018 2018 2017 2005 2019 2016 2018 2016 2016
9316 9317 9318 9319 9453 9321 9322 9323 9468 9325 9326 9469 9328 9470 9330 9471 9332 9333 9334 9335 9336 9472 9338 9339 9485 9341 9342 9413 9414 9415 9343 9344 9486 9487 9488 8112 9985 9916 9982 8122 8448 8449 8435
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 7 7 7 3 3 3
Adopted FY 2020 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 $ $ -
Plan FY 2021 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 47,570 47,570 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2022 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,000 $49,000 $49,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $24,300 $24,300 $0
Plan FY 2023 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,020 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2024 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2025 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $53,540 $0 $0 $53,540 $0 $53,540 $0 $53,540 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $53,540 $0 $0 $53,540 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $53,540 $53,540 $53,540 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,040 $26,940 $26,940 $0
Plan FY 2026 $55,150 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $55,150 $0 $55,150 $55,150 $0 $0 $55,150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,360 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2027 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $56,800 $0 $56,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $37,230 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2028 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $58,500 $58,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $29,870 $29,870 $0
Plan FY 2029 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,260 $60,260 $60,260 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2030 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $73,820 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost FY20-30 $55,150 $55,150 $102,986 $55,150 $51,980 $55,150 $102,986 $55,150 $53,540 $55,150 $55,150 $53,540 $55,150 $53,540 $102,986 $53,540 $102,986 $55,150 $102,986 $55,150 $55,150 $53,540 $55,150 $55,150 $53,540 $102,986 $55,150 $109,260 $109,260 $109,260 $106,070 $106,070 $53,540 $53,540 $53,540 $37,230 $0 $32,360 $133,840 $36,040 $81,110 $81,110 $0
of Contents
City of Coral Springs, Florida
4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4202 4203 4203 4203 4203 4203 4203 4204 4204 4204 4204 4205 4205 4205 4207 4207 4210 4210 4212 4301 4301 4301
Item Description
ID #
Motorcycle Motorcycle Motorcycle Motorcycle Motorcycle Motorcycle Motorcycle Motorcycle Ford Fusion Trailer, Speed Command Trailer, Speed Command- DNR Radar Trailer- DNR Message Board Trailer Message Board Trailer/Radar- REMOVE FROM FLEET Message Board Message Board Trailer, Motorcycle (2) Trailer (6) Radar Trailer-REMOVE FROM FLEET Pickup, Crew Cab Patrol Vehicle-Tarus to Charger Chevy Tahoe, SUV—K9 Patrol Vehicle, SUV—K9 Chevy Tahoe, SUV—K9 Chevy Tahoe, SUV—K9 Patrol Vehicle, SUV—K9 Chevy Tahoe, SUV—K9 Admin Vehicle—SUV Traverse Admin -SUV (GMC Arcadia) Admin -SUV SUV- Pathfinder Truck, PU 3/4 Ton Truck, PU 3/4 Ton Truck, PU 3/4 Ton Explorer Interceptor Safety Trailer-REMOVE FROM FLEET Explorer PI Gator SUV, Chevy Tahoe PPV Admin SUV (Chevy Traverse) SUV, Expedition, 4 door Admin Specialty Vehicle to Durango
2016 2018 2013 2018 2018 2018 2013 2018 2014 2009 2008 2008 2018 2018 2005 2012 2012 2012 2012 2004 2014 2013 2018 2013 2018 2018 2014 2018 2012 2017 2018 2018 2013 2015 2012 2016 2007 2016 2018 2014 2017 2014 2013
8450 8454 8451 8453 8456 8455 8452 8455 9387 8500 8501 8502 8520 8519 8506 8507 8508 8509 8510 8899 9996 8315 8618 8613 8619 8620 8616 8621 8077 8110 8116 8124 9911 9913 9912 9972 9991 9973 8906 9974 8111 9971 8087
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 10 7 7 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 10 7 7 7 7
Adopted FY 2020 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
28,998 29,147
Plan FY 2021 $0 $23,480 $0 $23,480 $23,480 $23,480 $0 $23,480 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $47,711 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,580 $0 $36,580 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,201 $0 $44,050 $0
Plan FY 2022 $24,300 $0 $24,300 $0 $0 $0 $24,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,540 $16,540 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $46,730 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2023 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $53,580 $0 $53,580 $53,580 $0 $53,580 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,690 $0 $32,690 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2024 $0 $26,030 $0 $26,030 $26,030 $26,030 $0 $26,030 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $17,550 $0 $0 $0 $14,970 $16,396 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,190 $0 $0 $55,190 $0 $0 $36,896 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $42,460 $0 $0
Plan FY 2025 $26,940 $0 $26,940 $0 $0 $0 $26,940 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,090 $34,680 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2026 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2027 $0 $28,860 $0 $28,860 $28,860 $28,860 $0 $28,860 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,670 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,005 $0 $0 $0 $35,840
Plan FY 2028 $29,870 $0 $29,870 $0 $0 $0 $29,870 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $19,760 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $62,025 $0 $62,130 $0 $62,130 $62,130 $0 $62,130 $0 $0 $0 $0 $44,990 $0 $44,990 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,672 $0 $44,050 $0
Plan FY 2029 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $21,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $63,990 $0 $0 $63,990 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $46,730 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2030 $0 $32,000 $0 $32,000 $32,000 $32,000 $0 $32,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,200 $0 $40,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost FY20-30 $81,110 $110,370 $81,110 $110,370 $110,370 $110,370 $81,110 $110,370 $30,000 $21,100 $0 $0 $19,760 $17,550 $0 $16,540 $16,540 $14,970 $16,396 $0 $109,736 $64,668 $115,710 $119,180 $115,710 $115,710 $119,180 $115,710 $36,150 $36,896 $35,090 $34,680 $81,570 $93,460 $81,570 $72,890 $0 $72,890 $15,005 $91,873 $42,460 $88,100 $64,987
of Contents
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
4301 4301 4201 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4301 4303 4303
Item Description
ID #
Admin Interceptor Vehicle Admin Specialty Vehicle to PU Admin Specialty Vehicle Admin Vehicle—Taurus Admin Vehicle—Impala Admin Specialty Vehicle Admin. Toyota Prius/Hybrid Admin Specialty Vehicle Admin Specialty Vehicle Admin Vehicle—Taurus Admin Specialty Vehicle Admin Vehicle—Impala Admin Vehicle—Impala AdminSUV Grand Cherokee Admin Pickup Truck Admin Specialty Vehicle to Jeep Admin Vehicle—Impala Admin Vehicle—Impala Admin Specialty Vehicle to Jeep Admin Specialty Vehicle SUV, Expedition, 4 door Admin Specialty Vehicle Admin Vehicle—Impala Admin Vehicle—Charger Admin Vehicle—Camry Admin Vehicle—Impala Admin Vehicle—Impala Admin Vehicle—Nissan Pathfinder Admin Vehicle—Impala Admin Vehicle—Impala Nissan Pathfinder Admin Vehicle—Impala to Traverse Admin Vehicle—Impala to Explorer XLT no Admin Vehicle—SUV Traverse Admin Specialty Vehicle to PU Admin Specialty Vehicle Admin Vehicle—Impala to Durango Admin Vehicle—Taurus to Traverse Admin Vehicle—Taurus Admin Vehicle—SUV Traverse Admin Vehicle—Maxima Admin Interceptor Vehicle to Traverse Van, 8 Passenger
2013 2013 2013 2014 2015 2013 2015 2013 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2019 2013 2013 2015 2017 2014 2014 2015 2014 2018 2017 2017 2017 2015 2018 2015 2018 2018 2011 2011 2011 2011 2018 2012 2012 2017 2017 2017 2013 2008
8082 8083 8084 8093 8099 8085 8100 8086 8092 8094 8095 8101 8102 8127 8091 8089 8103 8106 8097 8098 9979 8096 8120 8107 8108 8109 8104 8117 8105 8118 8119 8071 8072 8073 8074 8121 8076 8078 8316 8114 8115 8080 9997
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Adopted FY 2020 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
31,563 31,563 29,114 29,114 29,277 33,522 31,563 29,147 29,277 29,277 29,058
Plan FY 2021 $32,020 $0 $32,020 $32,020 $0 $32,020 $0 $32,020 $32,020 $32,020 $36,370 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,370 $0 $36,370 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2022 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,980 $0 $33,440 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,980 $32,980 $0 $0 $0 $32,980 $0 $0 $0 $32,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,980 $0 $32,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2023
Plan FY 2024 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,990 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,670 $38,740 $34,990 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,990 $34,080 $34,190 $0 $0
Plan FY 2025 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,040 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,040 $0 $36,040 $36,040 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,040 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2026 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2027 $0 $38,820 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $38,820 $35,800 $0 $0 $35,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,010 $41,240 $0 $38,820 $0 $35,840 $36,010 $0 $0 $0 $36,010 $35,730
Plan FY 2028 $39,380 $0 $39,380 $39,380 $0 $39,380 $0 $39,380 $39,380 $39,380 $44,720 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $44,720 $0 $44,720 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2029 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,560 $0 $41,120 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,560 $40,560 $0 $0 $0 $40,560 $0 $0 $0 $40,560 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,980 $0 $32,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$71,400 $70,383 $71,400 $71,400 $73,540 $71,400 $74,560 $71,400 $71,400 $71,400 $81,090 $73,540 $73,540 $34,800 $70,383 $64,914 $73,540 $34,990 $64,914 $81,090 $73,540 $81,090 $36,040 $35,670 $38,740 $34,990 $65,960 $36,040 $65,960 $36,040 $36,040 $65,287 $74,762 $36,150 $70,383 $36,040 $64,987 $65,287 $34,990 $34,080 $34,190 $65,287 $64,788
of Contents
tEN-yEAR rEPLACEMENT pLAN Dept # 4305 4305 4305 4305 4305 4305 4305 4503 4503 4503 4503 4502
Item Description
ID #
Full Size Cargo Van Full Size Cargo Van Van, Astro mini to Cargo SUV- Full Size Van, Cargo Van, Cargo ID Van, Transit Gator Van, Ford Transit Generator, 300 Kw-Public Safety Generator, 500 Kw-Public Safety Generator, 40 Kw-Radio Tower- DNR
2014 2014 2011 2018 2018 2018 2016 2018 2018 2013 2014 1994
9980 9981 9975 8113 9914 9915 9995 8905 9998 Gen- 81 Gen- 82 Gen-37
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 20 20 20
Police Total
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Dept # Item Description Fire/EMS Front Line Rescues 4702 Rescue Transport Vehicle 4702 Rescue Transport Vehicle 4702 Rescue Transport Vehicle 4702 Rescue Transport Vehicle 4702 Rescue Transport Vehicle 4702 Rescue Transport Vehicle 4702 Rescue Transport Vehicle Reserve Rescues 4702 Rescue Transport Vehicle 4702 Rescue Transport Vehicle 4702 Rescue Transport Vehicle 4703 Rescue Transport Vehicle 4702 Mobile Intergrated Healthcare Vehicle Front Line Pumper Trucks 4801 Truck, Pumper 4801 Truck, Pumper 4801 Truck, Pumper 4801 Truck, Pumper 4801 Quint 80 Firetruck/Ladder 4801 Pierce 100' Plattform Reserve Apparatus 4801 Truck, Pumper 4801 Truck, Pumper 4801 Truck, Pumper 4801 Quint 80 Firetruck/Ladder
Adopted FY 2020
ID #
2014 2014 2015 2015 2016 2016 2010
7732 7731 7734 7735 7762 7761 7754
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
2007 2001 2009 2009 2006
7749 7739 7751 7753 7743
2017 2018 2019 2009 2015 2016
7748 7765 7768 7729 7733 7760
2007 2007 1994 2015
7726 7727 O734 T7730
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
36,846 DNR
Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022
$36,894 $36,894 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DNR
Plan FY 2023 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Adopted FY 2020
Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022
$343,480 $343,480 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2024
Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2026
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $38,250 $0 $0 $0 $0 DNR
$0 $0 $0 $34,080 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DNR
$0 $0 $0 $0 $40,580 $40,580 $0 $0 $32,590 $0 $0 DNR
Plan FY 2024
Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2023
Plan FY 2027 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029
Plan FY 2030
$0 $0 $45,310 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DNR
$45,372 $45,372 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,455 $0 $0 $0 DNR
Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2027
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$82,266 $82,266 $82,156 $34,080 $40,580 $40,580 $38,250 $15,455 $32,590 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 DNR
Total Cost FY20-30
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30
$0 $0 $360,650 $360,650 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $378,680 $378,680 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $397,610
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$460,280 $460,280 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $483,290 $483,290 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $507,450 $507,450 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $532,820
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$803,760 $803,760 $843,940 $843,940 $886,130 $886,130 $930,430
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
n/a n/a n/a n/a
$0 $0 $0 $0
10 10 10 10 10 10
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $1,340,050 $0
$953,570 $0 $0 $0 $0 0
$0 $986,940 $0 $0 $0 $1,263,238
$0 $0 $1,021,480 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $1,057,230 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$953,570 $986,940 $1,021,480 $1,057,230 $1,340,050 $1,263,238
5 5 5 10
$0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0
of Contents
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Item Description Academy Engines & Rescues 4801 Truck, Pumper 4805 Truck, Pumper Pierce 4805 Truck, Pumper 4702 Rescue Transport Vehicle 4805 Truck Ariel SUV's/Chief Vehicles 4601 Ford F250 4601 SUV-Tahoe 4601 Suburban 4601 SUV-Tahoe 4801 4X4 Pick UP 4801 SUV-Tahoe 4801 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck 4x4- Rplced w FS PU 4901/4805 Tahoe 4805 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck Reserve SUV's 4801 3/4 Ton Pickup 4x4 4801 3/4 Ton Pickup 4x4 Extrication Tools/Jaws of Life 4801 Extrication Tool 4801 Extrication Tool 4801 Extrication Tool 4801 Extrication Tool 4801 Extrication Tool 4801 Extrication Tool 4801 Extrication Tool Generators 4801 Generator, 180 kw (Station 95) 4801 Generator, 45 Kw (Cagle) 4801 60kw Generator/was 45 Kw (Ramblewood 4801 Generator, 180 Kw (Station 43) 4801 Generator, 200 kw (station 80) 4805 Generator, 600 Kw (Academy) 4601 Generator
4901 4901 4901 4901 4901 4901
Fire Inspections 3/4 Ton Pickup 4x4 Safety Trailer Ford Escape Chevy Tahoe Ford Escape Ford Escape
Adopted FY 2020
Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022
Plan FY 2023
Plan FY 2024
Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2027
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30
ID #
1994 1993 1999 2008 1994
TO733 7712 T7721 7750 T7014M
5 5 5 5 5
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0
2012 2015 2008 2014 2015 2015 2014 2016 2012
7755 7744 T7703 7010 7719 7745 7009 7711 7756
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $27,272 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $71,160 $71,160 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $53,150 $0 $0 $0 $53,150 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,154 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$73,610 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $73,610
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,510 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $87,500 $87,500 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $65,350 $0 $0 $0 $65,350 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,615 $0
$73,610 $118,500 $0 $158,660 $158,660 $118,500 $78,782 $91,769 $73,610
2012 2012
7755 7756
7 7
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
n/a n/a
$0 $0
2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 2015
1532 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537 1592*
5 5 5 5 5 5 5
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,150
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$28,300 $28,300 $28,300 $28,300 $28,300 $28,300 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $29,150
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$32,810 $32,810 $32,810 $32,810 $32,810 $32,810 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33,790
$61,110 $61,110 $61,110 $61,110 $61,110 $61,110 $88,090
2016 2013 2014 2016 2009 2009 2014
Gen-01 Gen-20 Gen-83 Gen-11 Gen-77 Gen-74 Gen-21
20 20 20 20 20 20 20
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $308,371 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $4,000 $0 $0 $308,371 $0
2017 2015 2017 2016 2017 2017
7013 7757 7012 7724 7718 7738
7 10 7 7 7 7
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $32,590 $41,220 $32,590 $32,590
$50,890 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $108,340 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $40,090 $50,690 $40,090 $40,090
$50,890 $108,340 $72,680 $91,910 $72,680 $72,680
n/a n/a
of Contents
tEN-yEAR rEPLACEMENT pLAN Dept # 4901 4901 4901 4901 4901 4901 4901 4901
City of Coral Springs, Florida
4601 4801 4801 4901 4901 4801 4801 4801 4801 4805
Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022
Plan FY 2023
Plan FY 2024
Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2027
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30
ID #
Ford Escape Ford Escape Ford Escape Chevy Tahoe Ford Escape- rplc w 1/2 ton ext cab pu Ford Explorer- rplc w 1/2 ton ext cab pu Chevy Tahoe Pickup Silverado Other EMS cart (diesel) with Trailer Mobile Air Compressor truck/Air Van Fire Academy Trailer Cargo Van- high roof Ford Escape Dive Boat Sta 80 Dive Boat Trailer Sta 80 (together in cost a Dive Team Trailer Forklift/Lull Truck, Pumper Pierce
2017 2015 2016 2016 2013 2013 2016 2018
7758 7002 7759 7710 7007 7004 7011 7766
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
$0 $0 $0 $0 $27,272 $27,272 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $31,640 $0 $54,740 $0 $0 $31,640 $0
$32,590 $0 $32,590 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $43,661
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $33,540 $33,540 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $38,920 $0 $69,330 $0 $0 $38,920 $0
$40,090 $0 $40,090 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$72,680 $70,560 $72,680 $124,070 $60,812 $60,812 $70,560 $43,661
2015 1996 2014 2016 2017 2012 2012 2007 2016 1989
7742 7709 7008 7747 7746 7005 7006 7707 T7763 T726
7 10 15 7 7 10 10 10 15 5
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $225,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$63,530 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $51,660 $0 $35,100 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $33,568 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,070 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$80,820 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $63,530 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$144,350 $225,000 $0 $115,190 $33,568 $35,100 $0 $15,070 $0 $0
Fire/EMS Total
Dept # Item Description Development Services 3001 Truck, Pickup Frontier 3001 SUV Small 3001 Admin Vehicle, Hybrid
5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403 5403
Adopted FY 2020
Item Description
Code Compliance Ford Escape Hybrid to be rep'd w/Full sz P Ford Escape Hybrid to be rep'd w/Full sz P Ford Escape Truck, Pickup Full size Ford Escape Hybrid Ford Escape Ford Escape Ford Escape Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton Mini Ford Escape Hybrid Ford Escape Reg Ford Escape Ford Escape Ford Escape Ford Escape
Adopted FY 2020
Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022
Plan FY 2023
Plan FY 2024
Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2027
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30
ID #
2015 2013 2007
6621 6102 6103
10 7 7
$0 $0 $0
$0 $32,470 $0
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $34,440
$0 $0 $0
$30,000 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0
$0 $39,920 $0
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $42,350
$30,000 $72,390 $76,790
2010 2010 2013 2008 2010 2018 2012 2013 2012 2010 2014 2014 2014 2017 2017
7629 7628 7623 6637 7643 6647 7621 7624 6001 6600 6603 6604 6605 6606 6607
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
$24,761 $24,761 $0 $24,761 $22,374 $0 $0 $0 $0 $22,374 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $27,460 $0 $27,460 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,500 $3,500
$0 $0 $36,352 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,352 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33,570 $33,570 $33,570 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $28,520 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $31,830
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,780 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$33,280 $33,280 $0 $33,280 $30,080 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,080 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$58,041 $58,041 $36,352 $58,041 $52,454 $32,780 $27,460 $36,352 $27,460 $52,454 $36,570 $36,570 $36,570 $32,020 $35,330
of Contents
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
5301 5301 5301 5301 5301 5301 5301 5302 5302 5302 5302 5302 5303 5303 5304 5304
Item Description Building Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton Mini Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton Mini-EC- rpl w Escap Toyota/Prius Hybrid- rplc w Escape Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton Mini-EC SUV-small- replace w escape Truck, Pickup 3/4 Ton, Out of Service Ford Escape Reg Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton Mini-EC Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton Mini-EC Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton Mini- replace w esca Truck, Pickup (Prop) 1/2 Ton- replace w es Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton Mini-EC Ford Escape Reg Ford Escape Reg SUV-small Escape Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton Mini-EC
ID #
2012 2018 2018 2013 2009 1998 2014 2015 2017 2008 2008 2016 2014 2014 2009 2012
6013 6024 6025 6007 6011 6022 6017 6008 6022 6020 6021 6012 6015 6016 6010 6002
10 10 7 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Development Services Total
Dept # Item Description Public Works--Streets 5601 Concrete Mixer 5601 Truck, Pickup 3/4 Ton 5601 1 Ton Dump Truck, Cab-Chassis 5601 Directional Arrows 5601 Cab-Chassis w/Dump body 5601 Cab-Chassis w/Dump body 5601 Cab-Chassis w/Dump body-Diesel 5601 Cab-Chassis w/Dump body 5601 Mobile Air Compressor 5601 Curb builder with Trailer-removed 5601 Truck, Sewer Vacuum 5601 Backhoe 5601 Cab-Chassis w/Dump body 5601 3/4 Ton Cab-Chassis w utility body 5601 Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton crew cab hybrid 5601 Truck, Pickup 3/4 Ton rep w 1/2 ton 5601 Truck, Pickup 1/2 ton 5601 Truck, Pickup 3/4 Ton rep w 1/2 ton 5601 Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton crew cab 5601 Pickup Truck, 1/2 crew cab hybrid 5601 Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton 5601 Cab-Chassis w/Dump body 5601 Cab-Chassis W/Dump body
ID #
2009 2016 2015 2015 2011 2011 2015 2016
1492 4426 4422 4450 4448 4435 4441 4442 4473 4479 4480 4459 4433 4423 4427 4410 4413 4421 4425 4428 4440 4420 4412
6 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 10 7 10 10 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 7
2006 2011 2010 2011 2015 2018 2013 2014 2013 2016 2018 2015 2016 2014
Adopted FY 2020
Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022
Plan FY 2023
Plan FY 2024
Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2027
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30
$0 $0 $0 $0 $25,786 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,786 $25,786 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,000 $3,000 $0 $0
$27,460 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $27,460
$0 $0 $0 $28,280 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,300 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33,570 $0 $3,000 $0 $0 $0 $33,570 $33,570 $0 $0
$0 $0 $27,690 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $28,520 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $31,830 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $30,260 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33,600 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $34,660 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,660 $34,660 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$27,460 $30,260 $27,690 $28,280 $60,446 $0 $36,570 $33,000 $34,830 $60,446 $60,446 $31,820 $36,570 $36,570 $33,600 $27,460
Adopted FY 2020 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $32,680 $0 $32,680 $0 $0 $0 $0 $64,840
Plan FY 2021 $0 $0 $56,010 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $409,900 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,140 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2022 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $23,540 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,860 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $37,080 $0 $0
Plan FY 2023 $6,490 $49,820 $0 $4,721 $0 $0 $63,010 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33,210 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2024 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $61,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $61,200 $0
Plan FY 2025 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,170 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,170 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2027 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $66,880 $66,880 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $66,880 $0 $0 $40,190 $0 $40,190 $0 $0 $0 $0 $79,750
Plan FY 2028 $0 $0 $68,890 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2029 $7,658 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $45,610 $0 $0
Plan FY 2030 $0 $61,260 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $134,390 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,860 $0 $0 $0 $0
Total Cost FY20-30 $14,148 $111,080 $124,900 $4,721 $66,880 $66,880 $63,010 $61,200 $23,540 $0 $409,900 $234,390 $66,880 $56,860 $41,170 $72,870 $76,120 $72,870 $74,070 $41,170 $82,690 $61,200 $144,590
of Contents
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Dept # 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5601 5801 5801 5801 5801 5801 5801 5801 5801
Item Description Skid Steer Loader w/Tracks Pickup, 1/2 T, 8' bed, EC gas Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton EC Backhoe Caterpillar Cab-Chassis w/Dump body (FY 2015 Inter Truck, Dump 16 Yard Loader Mule, Litter Cart 4X4/was Workman Gator Workman, with Trailer Roller, 3 Ton Truck, Dump 2 1/2 Ton F250 Super Duty 385 HP F250 Super Duty 385 HP F250 Super Duty 385 HP Gator w trailer (147) Gator w trailer (148) Gator w trailer (149) Gator Gator Cab & Chasis, 1 Ton Dump body Generator, Westside, 350 KW Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton-EC Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton EC Pickup, 3/4 Ton,EC 8' bed, gas Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton Pressure Cleaner with Tank Pressure Cleaner & Trailer Pressure Cleaner & Trailer Pressure Cleaner & Trailer Pressure Cleaner & Trailer Pressure Cleaner & Trailer Facilities Pick up Truck 1/2 Ton -Hybrid Van, Transit Van, Utility Van, Cargo Transit Van Generator, City Hall Generator, City Hall Generator, City Hall, 283 KW Public Works Total
Year ID # Life 2011 4472 8 2012 4002 7 2014 2 7 2017 4460 10 2001 4431 7 2006 4449 10 2017 4463 10 2006 1495 7 2015 0146 7 2009 0139/0151 7 2006 4477 7 2017 4438 10 2015 4403 7 2015 4404 7 2015 4405 7 2014 140 7 2014 141 7 2014 142 7 2014 143 7 2014 144 7 2015 4424 7 1998 Gen-57 20 2015 4007 7 2015 4009 7 2012 4008 7 2013 4010 10 2014 0162 10 2005 0160 10 2005 0161 10 2011 1812 10 2011 1813 10 2011 1811 10 2010 2018 2018 2014 2018 2017 2017 1997
4414 4482 4429 4418 4429 Gen-102 Gen-103 Gen-52
7 7 7 7 7 20 20 20
Adopted FY 2020
Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022
Plan FY 2023
Plan FY 2024
Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2027
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $133,810 $0 $0 $0 $0 $73,899 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $39,360 $0 $0 $0 $0 $17,219 $0 $0 $0 $0 $27,672 $27,672 $27,672 $14,230 $14,230 $14,230 $14,230 $14,230 $0 $0 $34,140 $34,140 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $13,439 $13,439 $13,439
$0 $0 $0 $0 $152,580 $0 $0 $0 $13,750 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $61,170 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,160 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $36,210 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $147,110 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $14,685 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $31,970 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$108,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $294,700 $0 $0 $0 $90,890 $117,050 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,050 $11,050 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $48,410 $0 $0 $0 $0 $22,384 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,033 $34,033 $34,033 $20,010 $20,010 $20,010 $20,010 $20,010 $0 $0 $41,980 $41,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $214,690 $0 $0 $0 $16,900 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $75,250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $179,830 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$108,300 $31,970 $87,770 $147,110 $367,270 $313,640 $294,700 $39,603 $30,650 $14,160 $164,789 $117,050 $61,705 $61,705 $61,705 $34,240 $34,240 $34,240 $34,240 $34,240 $136,420 $200,000 $76,120 $76,120 $35,300 $36,210 $14,685 $11,050 $11,050 $13,439 $13,439 $13,439
$35,510 $0 $0 $36,120 $0 $0 $0 $0 $709,539
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $819,393
$0 $0 $28,910 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $373,890
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $207,621
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $284,195
0 $37,400 $0 $0 $33,790 $0 $0 $0 $153,530
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $67,270
$43,680 $0 $0 $44,420 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,081,910
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $467,774
$0 $0 $35,570 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $395,678
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $416,340
$79,190 $37,400 $64,480 $80,540 $33,790 $0 $0 $0 $4,977,140
of Contents
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Dept # Item Description Equipment Services 5501 Admin. Ford Escape 5701 Truck, Silverado, Pickup EC 5701 Truck, Pickup 3/4 Ton 5701 Truck,1/2 Ton-Hybrid Pool- DNR remove 5701 Truck, SUV 5701 Van, Freestar, 7 Passenger 5701 Van, Mini Passenger 5701 Van, Mini Passenger 5701 Van, Mini Passenger 5701 Van, Mini Passenger 5701 Message Board 5701 Message Board 5701 Ford Escape Hybrid 5701 Light Tower (4,000 WATT) 5701 Light Tower (4,000 WATT) 5701 Light Tower 5701 Light Tower 5701 Light Tower 5701 Light Tower 5701 Light Tower 5701 Light Tower 5701 Light Tower 5701 Light Tower 5701 Light Tower 5701 Light Tower 5701 Light Tower 5701 Light Tower 5701 Generator, Fleet, 150 KW 5701 Generator, Fleet Pool, 150 KW 5701 Gen, Fleet Pool, 65 KW 5701 Gen, Fleet Pool, 65 KW 5701 Gen, Utilities Spare, 600 KW 5701 Gen, GYM, 350 KW 5701 Gen, City Hall South, 175 KW 5701 Gen, Utilities, 65 KW 5701 Gen, Utilities, 65 KW 5701 Gen, Gun Range, 65 KW 5701 Generator on Trailer 55KW 5701 Generator, 65kw 5701 Generator, 100kw Equipment Services Total
ID #
2014 2006 2013 2005 2015 2016 2016 2016 2009 2009 2012 2018 2010 2002 2002 2003 2003 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2003 2010 2010
5703 SPW9 5705 5702 5737 5739 5717 5716 5709 5710 5735 5748 5720 5721 5722 5723 5724 5725 5726 5727 5728 5729 5730 5731 5732 5733 5734 Gen-07 Gen-08 Gen-17 Gen-76 SPW1 SPW2 SPW3 SPW4 SPW5 SPW6 Gen-02 Gen-18 Gen-19
Life 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
Adopted FY 2020 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $13,100 $0 $25,786 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $38,886
Plan FY 2021 $32,470 $0 $46,250 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $46,250
Plan FY 2022 $0 $0 $0 $0 $28,280 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $18,375 $18,375 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $65,030
Plan FY 2023 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,690 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $47,500 $0 $0 $80,190
Plan FY 2024 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,500 $30,500 $0 $0 $0 $17,550 $0 $0 $0 $10,910 $10,910 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,371
Plan FY 2025 $0 $43,661 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $60,140 $60,140 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $292,383
Plan FY 2026 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,360 $32,360 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $42,197 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $106,917
Plan FY 2027 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,110 $0 $31,720 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $39,192 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $87,022
Plan FY 2028 $39,920 $0 $55,963 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,963
Plan FY 2029 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,770 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,770
Plan FY 2030 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,200
Total Cost FY20-30 $72,390 $43,661 $102,213 $0 $63,050 $72,890 $30,500 $30,500 $32,360 $32,360 $29,210 $17,550 $57,506 $18,375 $18,375 $10,910 $10,910 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $12,844 $60,140 $60,140 $42,197 $39,192 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $47,500 $0 $0 $947,981
of Contents
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Dept # Item Description Water and Sewer 6001 Pickup truck, 3/4 T 6001 Small SUV 6002 SUV, Small Hybrid 6002 1 1/2 Ton Dump Truck 6002 Air Compressor 6002 Cab & Chassis EC 6002 Directional Arrows, DOT 6002 Backhoe w/ Extended Boom 6002 Backhoe w/ Extended Boom 6002 Truck, 1 Ton Utility, Cab-Chassis 6002 Trac Hoe, Small 6002 Trailer 6002 1 Ton Cab & Chassis w/utility body & crane 6002 Truck, 3/4 Ton PU 6002 1 Ton Cab & Chassis w/utility body 6002 Generator 150KW, PW lot 6002 Generator, Utilities, 125 KW 6002 Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton-lift gate 6005 Cab & Chassis- heavy duty truck 6005 Sewer Jet Cleaner 6005 Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton 6005 Truck, Sewer TV Equipment/Grout 6005 Van, Cargo 1/2 ton 6005 Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton 6005 Vacuum Pump 6005 Freightliner Vactor truck 6005 F350 Utility Body w/crane 6005 Van, Transit Cargo 6005 Cab-Chassis for Vacuum Equip.EQ 1790 6005 Generator, Utilities, 65 KW 6005 Generator, Utilities, 65 KW 6005 Generator, Utilities, 65 KW 6005 Generator TS175T 6005 Generator, 300 KW, Westside 6005 Generator, 65 KW-Portable 6005 Generator, Utilities, 65 KW Truck, Pickup, 3500- replaced w boom 6005 6003 Gator 6003 Workman 6003 Truck, 3/4 Ton Utility Body 6003 SUV-Mid Size- replcd w PU 1/2 Ton 6003 Loader w/ 3 Cubic Yard Bucket 6003 Truck, 1/2 Ton Nissan 6003 Truck, Cab & Chassis W/Dump
ID #
2012 2016 2011 2011 2011 2008 2008 2014 2014 2014 2008 2008 2015 2016 2011 2013 2002 2012 2015 2011 2014 2007 2008 2012 2008 2018 2015 2016 2005 2006 2006 2006 2013 1994 2009 2007 2006 2016 2009 2014 2011 2017 2013 2007
3300 3010 3001 3337 3326 3311 3340 3330 3342 3003 3320 3321 3322 3334 3316 Gen-79 Gen-67 3308 3323 3336 3007 3009 3302 3319 3324 3012 3317 3309 3328 Gen-14 Gen-15 Gen-16 Gen-80 Gen-35 Gen-45 Gen-75 3310 1692 1690 3005 3306 3315 3307 3304
Life 8 10 8 8 10 10 7 10 10 7 10 10 8 7 7 20 20 7 7 8 7 10 7 7 10 10 8 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 7 7 7 7 7 10 7 7
Adopted FY 2020 $0 $0 $25,786 $64,840 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $52,550 $0 $0 $0 $0 $51,530 $0 $0 $0 $0 $169,625 $0 $0 $38,252 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2021 $34,140 $0 $0 $0 $22,850 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $42,741 $14,576 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,140 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,845 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,575 $0 $0 $26,660 $0
Plan FY 2022 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $80,560 $0 $0 $0 $74,284 $0 $80,560 $0 $38,140 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $80,560 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,550 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2023 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,190 $0 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $67,195 $0 $0 $0 $4,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $164,630
Plan FY 2024 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $122,130 $122,130 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2025 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,010 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $249,590 $0 $13,380 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2026 $0 $35,620 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,970 $0 $0 $0 $37,630 $0 $37,384 $37,384 $37,384 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $38,140 $400,710 $0 $0
Plan FY 2027 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $64,620 $0 $0 $0 $0 $63,380 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $47,040 $0 $0 $538,840 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $37,384 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2028 $0 $0 $32,670 $82,140 $0 $61,820 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,980 $0 $214,880 $0 $97,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $73,548 $0 $0 $32,780 $0
Plan FY 2029 $43,240 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $99,080 $0 $46,910 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $16,260 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Plan FY 2030 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $102,050 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $102,050 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $231,660
Total Cost FY20-30 $77,380 $35,620 $58,456 $146,980 $22,850 $61,820 $5,010 $122,130 $122,130 $117,170 $42,741 $14,576 $182,610 $49,190 $114,910 $4,000 $74,284 $76,120 $179,640 $384,505 $85,050 $97,500 $85,292 $41,970 $56,845 $538,840 $182,610 $37,630 $67,195 $37,384 $37,384 $37,384 $4,000 $0 $0 $37,384 $249,590 $27,810 $13,380 $130,123 $38,140 $400,710 $59,440 $396,290
of Contents
tEN-yEAR rEPLACEMENT pLAN Dept # 6003 6003 6003 6003 6003 6003 6003 6003 6003 6003 6003
Item Description
Ford, Escape Generator, 350 KW-Forest Hills Park Generator, 125 KW-Riverside & Wiles Generator, 280 KW-East Pump Station Generator, 1250 KW-Eastside Water Plant Generator, 300 KW (Mullins Park) Generator, Utilities, 150 KW Dump Truck- Utilites Generator, 60Kw (lift station #13A) Generator 100KW, lift station #13B Generator 125KW, lift station #17E SUV-Midsize (Durango) Water and Sewer Total
2014 3004 2008 Gen-09 1995 Gen-46 1999 Gen-62 2007 Gen-05 2009 Gen-78 2004 Gen-72 2015 Add to Fleet 2013 Gen-84 2013 Gen-85 2010 Gen-03 T7724
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Dept # Item Description Aquatics 8301 Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton Aquatics Total Sportsplex/Tennis 8409 Gator w dumpbed 8409 Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton EC Tennis 8409 Workman 8409 Trailer 8409 Workman 8409 Power Roller 8409 Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton-EC 8409 Pickup Truck 1/2 Ton 8409 Golf Cart/Service 7812 Mower, Zero Turn 7812 Skid Loader 7812 Paint machine/Field Marker 7812 Blower 7812 Paint machine/Field Marker 7812 SandPro 7812 Spreader 7812 Mower, Reelmaster 7812 Mower, Push/Walk behind 7812 Turf Aerator 7812 Workman, Dump Bed 7812 Workman, Dump Bed* replaced with a Gato 7812 Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton 7812 Workman w/Sprayer Attachment Sportsplex/Tennis Total
ID #
Life 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 8 20 20 20 7
Adopted FY 2020 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $402,583 Adopted FY 2020
Plan FY 2021 $3,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $291,826 Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $365,654 Plan FY 2022
Plan FY 2023 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $184,070 $0 $0 $0 $0 $473,085 Plan FY 2023
Plan FY 2024 $33,570 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,195 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $333,024 Plan FY 2024
Plan FY 2025 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $267,980 Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2026 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $666,222 Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2027 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $751,264 Plan FY 2027
Plan FY 2028 $0 $389,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,026,518 Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $205,490 Plan FY 2029
Plan FY 2030 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $435,760 Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30 $36,870 $389,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $55,195 $184,070 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,219,406 Total Cost FY20-30
ID #
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
$31,370 $31,370
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
$31,370 $31,370
2018 2012 2013 2014 2015 2013 2014 2016 2018 2012 2004 2009 2015 2009 2019 2019 2015 2019 2009 2017 2008 2016 2014
1167 2020 1139 1110 1166 1176 2006 2016 1180 1142 1895 1140 1120 1141 1159 1182 1169 1266 1184 1161 1163 2036 1153
7 7 7 10 7 4 7 7 5 6 7 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 10 7 7 7 7
$0 $0 $21,756 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,213 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,969
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,390 $26,660 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,463 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $45,590 $91,103
$0 $0 $0 $0 $23,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $72,380 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $96,360
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $28,280 $18,890 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,390 $41,160 $0 $103,720
$26,440 $0 $0 $10,751 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,790 $0 $5,790 $37,300 $7,740 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $93,811
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,690 $0 $0 $0 $25,790 $73,878 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $27,760 $0 $0 $0 $139,118
$0 $39,570 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,810 $0 $0 $0 $0 $12,210 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $61,590
$0 $0 $30,610 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,610
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,780 $0 $21,900 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $97,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,070 $207,750
$0 $0 $0 $0 $33,750 $13,150 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,710 $0 $6,710 $37,300 $7,740 $0 $0 $22,440 $0 $0 $0 $0 $127,800
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $34,770 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $18,930 $41,160 $0 $94,860
$26,440 $39,570 $52,366 $10,751 $57,730 $35,230 $59,440 $63,050 $40,790 $46,003 $73,878 $12,500 $18,273 $12,500 $74,600 $15,480 $169,380 $12,210 $22,440 $27,760 $34,320 $82,320 $101,660 $1,088,691
of Contents
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Dept # Item Description Parks and Recreation Cypress Park 8101 Showmobile-Stage 8101 Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton 8101 Skid Loader 8101 SandPro 8101 Spreader 8101 5 Gang Rotary Mower 8101 Mower, Zero Turn 8101 Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Mini 8101 Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton 8101 Paint Machine 8101 Nissan leaf 8101 Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton 8101 Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Mini-EC 8101 Front End Loader w/ box blade 8101 Workman with Dumpbed 8101 Workman with Dumpbed 8101 Workman 8101 Workman with Dumpbed 8101 Workman, Dump Bed 8101 Mower, Zero Turn- to be replaced with lely Mullins Park 8102 5 Gang Reel Mower 8102 5 Gang Rotary Mower 8102 Tractor 8102 Forklift (Prop) 8102 Pickup-F250 8102 Workman W/Sprayer 8102 Top Dresser 8102 Workman with Dumpbed 8102 Workman with Dumpbed 8102 Ballpro 8102 Lely Spreader* repl w self propel paint 8102 Paint Machine 8102 Mower, Zero Turn 8102 Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Mini-EC 8102 5 Gang Reel Mower 8102 Soil Renovator 8102 Mower, Reel 8102 Skid Loader 8102 Arrow Board 8102 Arrow Board 8102 Aerifier 8102 Mower, Zero Turn
Adopted FY 2020
Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022
Plan FY 2023
Plan FY 2024
Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2027
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30
ID #
2007 2015 2008 2014 2018 2014 2017 2016 2012 2015 2019 2015 2014 2006 2013 2013 2016 2014 2019 2013
1173 2210 2198 1368 1392 1347 1352 2277 2275 1390 2280 2031 2015 2100 1344 1345 1346 1343 1341 1353
10 7 8 5 7 6 6 7 7 5 7 7 7 10 7 7 7 7 7 6
$0 $0 $56,663 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $41,016 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,375
$184,550 $0 $0 $0 $0 $68,930 $0 $0 $0 $13,050 $0 $0 $26,660 $0 $22,840 $22,840 $22,840 $22,840 $0 $0
$0 $35,160 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $33,210 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $7,370 $0 $23,390 $28,280 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $31,040 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $28,650 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,130 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $29,150 $8,540
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $92,380 $0 $0 $50,460 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $71,770 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,780 $98,390 $32,140 $32,140 $32,140 $32,140 $0 $0
$0 $43,240 $0 $39,620 $0 $0 $31,340 $0 $0 $0 $0 $40,860 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $10,380 $0 $0 $34,770 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$184,550 $78,400 $128,433 $70,660 $17,750 $161,310 $54,730 $63,050 $91,476 $28,180 $28,650 $74,070 $59,440 $98,390 $54,980 $54,980 $54,980 $54,980 $29,150 $14,915
2013 2016 2007 2012 2013 2015 2002 2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 2016 2014 2013 2009 2016 2004 2015 2015 2010 2016
1245 1249 2102 1299 2021 1282 2801 1286 1287 1267 1293 1292 1283 2238 1244 1297 1958 1195 2026 2025 1281 1285
6 6 10 8 7 7 8 7 7 5 5 7 6 7 6 5 6 7 7 7 5 6
$61,439 $0 $62,519 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $34,560 $27,512 $45,590 $0 $22,840 $22,840 $0 $0 $0 $0 $26,660 $67,100 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $67,740 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,320 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,020 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,583 $4,583 $15,940 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $23,390 $0 $0 $0 $76,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $23,390
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $30,140 $7,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $25,550 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $73,878 $0 $0 $0 $0
$82,340 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $79,178 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,350 $0
$0 $90,780 $0 $0 $33,289 $55,164 $0 $32,140 $32,140 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,780 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,470 $5,470 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $42,854 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $47,620 $8,463 $9,890 $31,340 $0 $0 $29,620 $101,850 $0 $0 $0 $0 $31,340
$0 $0 $101,840 $0 $0 $0 $47,750 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$143,779 $158,520 $164,359 $77,414 $60,801 $100,754 $80,070 $54,980 $54,980 $77,760 $15,763 $16,910 $54,730 $59,440 $146,278 $55,170 $177,850 $73,878 $10,053 $10,053 $36,290 $54,730
of Contents
tEN-yEAR rEPLACEMENT pLAN Dept # Item Description Parks and Recreation Cypress Park 8101 Showmobile-Stage 8101 Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton 8102 Workman w/Dump Bed 8102 Combinator 8102 Sod Cutter 8102 Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton 8102 Workman with Dumpbed 8102 Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton-EC Diesel 8102 Workman with Dumpbed 8102 Steer Skid Loader
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
8103 8103 8103 8103 8103 8103 8103 8103 8103 8103 8103 8103 8101 8103 8103 8103 8103 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116
North Community Park Workman w/Dump Body Workman w/Dumnp Body Mower, Zero Turn Pickup, 3/4 Ton Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton Workman Chemical Sprayer Paint Machine Paint Machine DNR Workman Chemical Sprayer-removed Pickup-F150 Workman w dump bed- diesel Mower, Zero Turn - funds to be used for lif Spreader LELY BallPro Neighborhood Parks Zero Turn Mower Truck, Pickup 3/4 Ton BallPro Toro sandpro Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton Deisal Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Mini 1 T Truck, reg cab, diesel Paint Machine Truck, Pickup 3/4 Ton Ball Pro Ball Pro Mower, Reel Master
Adopted FY 2020
Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022
Plan FY 2023
Plan FY 2024
Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2027
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30
ID #
2007 2015 2010 2013 2018 2015 2013 2016 2013 2008
1173 2210 1269 1291 1258 2204 1288 2008 1795 2199
10 7 7 5 5 7 7 7 7 8
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$184,550 $0 $0 $37,200 $0 $0 $24,400 $0 $24,400 $0
$0 $35,160 $0 $0 $6,610 $28,280 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $49,190 $0 $0
$0 $0 $26,440 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $42,780 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $7,660 $0 $30,610 $0 $30,610 $69,040
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $43,240 $0 $0 $0 $34,770 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,500 $0 $0
$184,550 $78,400 $26,440 $79,980 $14,270 $63,050 $55,010 $109,690 $55,010 $69,040
2013 2013 2016 2015 2017 2015 2016 2018 2014 2013 2006 2005 2013 2013 2012 2015 2015
1961 1962 1953 2029 2037 2028 2035 2260 1956 1992 1990 1955 2022 1963 1954 1959 1940
7 7 6 7 7 7 7 7 6 5 5 5 7 7 5 5 7
$21,756 $21,756 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $42,095 $0 $0 $0 $32,381 $21,664 $20,000 $6,375 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $39,960 $0 $35,160 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $23,920 $0 $0 $0 $38,740 $0 $0 $4,637 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,520
$0 $0 $0 $0 $37,300 $0 $0 $37,300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,130 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,420 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$30,610 $30,610 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $39,820 $30,480 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,333 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $31,096 $49,140 $0 $35,160 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $47,650 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,380 $50,000
$52,366 $52,366 $55,016 $89,100 $37,300 $70,320 $86,390 $37,300 $98,515 $9,970 $0 $0 $72,201 $52,144 $20,000 $24,885 $85,520
2017 2018
1752 2261 1758 1754 2219 2208 2274 2226 1989 2224 1755 1762 1796
5 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 7 7 7 6
$0 $0 $0 $30,684 $0 $0 $0 $51,530 $3,774 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $32,220 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $28,280 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$23,390 $0 $0 $0 $0 $46,120 $0 $0 $0 $35,160 $24,630 $24,630 $76,000
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $29,130 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,820 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $39,570 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $43,190 $0 $0 $0 $63,380 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$29,850 $0 $45,350 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $34,770 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $101,850
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,150 $44,540 $34,660 $34,660 $0
$53,240 $39,570 $77,570 $73,874 $63,050 $46,120 $29,130 $114,910 $14,744 $79,700 $59,290 $59,290 $177,850
2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2008 2016 2016 2015 2019
of Contents
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Dept # 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8116 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118 8118
Item Description BallPro Mower, Zero Turn- out of service Mower, Zero Turn- out of service Mower, Reel Master Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton Mower, Zero Turn - to be replaced with tw Top Dresser Sod Cutter Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton Truck, 1 Ton Dump Diesel Workman w/Dump Bed Versa-Vac Workman - diesel Tractor Workman w/ Sprayer Attachment Generator, 10 Kw-Mullins Park Generator, 7 Kw-Mullins Park Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton EC Truck, 1 Ton Dump Cab-Chassis Showmobile Truck, 1-1/2 Ton Truck, 1/2 Ton -Frontier Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton EC Sandpro Beautification/Landscape Crew Cab Landscape Truck Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton—Hybrid Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Pickup, 3/4 Ton Truck with Water Tank and Pump Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Mini Lift, Trailer Mounted electric Truck-1 Ton Dump Truck, Pickup, 3/4T, F250 Pressure Cleaner with Tank Bucket Truck Chipper C&C, F550 DRW, 11' stakebody Directional Arrows, DOT Directional Arrows, DOT Brush Chipper Chipper, Cab-Chassis Crew Cab Dump Body- Izuzu
Year 2014 2009 2009 2010 2015 2012 2015 2016 2015 2015 2016 2019 2017 2016 2007 2015 2009 2019 2015 2015 2012 2015 2016 2014
ID # 1748 1750 1751 1797 2033 1143 2804 1763 2005 2032 2259 1796 1294 1798 2101 1793* Gen-10 Gen-08 2010 2231 2004 2019 2220 2810
Life 7 6 6 6 7 6 8 5 7 7 7 7 10 7 10 7 20 10 7 7 7 7 7 7
2014 2019 2015 2014 2015 2017 2013 2015 2012 2014 2012 2009 2011 2007 2015 2012 2015 2014
2006 2233 2242 2023 2270* 2278 2135 2232 5713 1807 5715 5719 2218 1185 2027 5714 2211 2212
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 10 10 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
Adopted FY 2020
Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022
Plan FY 2023
Plan FY 2024
Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2027
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $21,230 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $62,519 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$32,220 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,420 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $22,840 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $56,010 $63,860 $0 $0 $25,461
$0 $0 $0 $72,380 $39,960 $0 $0 $0 $28,280 $39,960 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $46,960 $0 $0 $28,280 $0 $0 $27,460 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $48,590 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $31,970 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $35,640 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,440 $0 $0 $0 $29,150 $29,570 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$32,220 $0 $0 $97,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $32,140 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $68,890 $78,540 $0 $0 $30,808
$0 $0 $0 $0 $49,140 $0 $0 $0 $34,770 $49,140 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $57,750 $0 $5,920 $34,770 $0 $0 $33,760 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $59,760 $0 $0 $0 $101,840 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $39,330 $0
$64,440 $0 $0 $169,380 $89,100 $21,230 $35,640 $13,860 $63,050 $89,100 $108,350 $29,150 $29,570 $54,980 $164,359 $104,710 $0 $5,920 $63,050 $124,900 $142,400 $61,220 $71,300 $56,268
$0 $0 $0 $0 $41,964 $0 $0 $0 $28,301 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,320 $0 $0 $0 $0
$22,990 $0 $0 $34,140 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $70,440
$0 $0 $28,280 $0 $0 $0 $0 $72,550 $0 $0 $174,200 $0 $0 $0 $8,157 $0 $79,940 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $44,280 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $29,130 $0 $0 $0 $14,685 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $34,560 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $71,760 $0 $0 $50,670 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $51,620 $0 $0 $0 $34,800 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,310 $0 $0 $0 $0
$27,818 $0 $0 $41,980 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $86,630
$0 $0 $34,770 $0 $0 $0 $0 $89,230 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $10,030 $0 $98,310 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $54,470 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$50,808 $34,560 $63,050 $76,120 $93,584 $29,130 $0 $161,780 $63,101 $14,685 $174,200 $98,750 $71,760 $9,630 $18,187 $50,670 $178,250 $157,070
of Contents
tEN-yEAR rEPLACEMENT pLAN Dept # 8119 8119 8119 8119 8119 8119 8119 8119 8119 8119 8205
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
8209 8209 8209
Item Description Irrigation Directional Arrows/ trailer Directional Arrows/ trailer Directional Arrows/ trailer Backhoe/Trencher and Trailer Mini Trencher Truck, 1Ton Cab-Chassis 1 Ton Cab & Chasis Pickup Truck, 1 Ton w utility body, diesal Truck, Cab-Chassis w/Crane Truck, Cab-Chassis 1 ton Recreation Services 12 Passenger Van Transportation Bus, 16 Passenger w-handicap lift New Senior Bus- 36 passenger Bus, 26 Passenger w-handicap lift- replace Parks and Recreation Total
ID #
Adopted FY 2020
Plan FY 2021
Plan FY 2022
Plan FY 2023
Plan FY 2024
Plan FY 2025
Plan FY 2026
Plan FY 2027
Plan FY 2028
Plan FY 2029
Plan FY 2030
Total Cost FY20-30
2011 1185-1 2011 1187 2011 1188 2014 1197/1198 2004 2223 2014 2230 2015 2206 2009 2213 2014 2293 2015 2034
7 7 7 8 8 7 7 7 7 7
$0 $0 $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $0 $0 $76,500 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,230 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $138,670 $0 $0 $56,230 $0 $0 $56,230
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$5,010 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $10,630 $10,626 $0 $0 $0 $0 $60,630 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $14,080 $0 $0 $0 $94,080 $0
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $74,070 $0 $0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0 $170,540 $0 $0 $69,160 $0 $0 $69,160
$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
$5,010 $10,630 $10,626 $309,210 $24,080 $134,300 $125,390 $60,630 $170,580 $125,390
2011 2013 2010
2271 2225 2272
7 7 7
$0 $0 $0
$0 $220,500 $0
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0
$204,020 $0 $34,690
$0 $0 $0
$0 $266,805 $0
$0 $0 $0
$0 $0 $0
$204,020 $487,305 $34,690
$60,000 $3,217,732
$60,000 $3,717,850
$60,000 $4,482,349
$60,000 $6,384,606
$60,000 $8,211,264
$60,000 $8,189,360
$60,000 $7,767,413
$60,000 $3,283,795
$649,000 $61,400,523
Grand Total
Contingency CIP Fleet Budget
$53,000 $4,380,240
$56,000 $5,977,939
$60,000 $5,787,977
Table of Contents
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
COMPUTER REPLACEMENT PROGRAM Summary of Computer Replacement—Fiscal Year 2020 Department/Fund City Attorney
Division/Location City Attorney's Office Risk Management City Manager's Office City Clerk EDO
City Manager's Office
Budget and Strategy Emergency Manangment
Item HP M3027x MFP Laser Latitude 6520 Dell E6540 Laptop MS Surface Pro 4 Vostro 3300 Laptop Optiplex 9020 Latitude E6520 Optiplex 9020 Latitude E5470 Laptop w/Dock HP Laserjet MFP M575DN Optiplex 9020 sff Optiplex 960 Latitude E6540 Optiplex 9020
Optiplex 380 Latitude E5470 Communications and Dell Latitude E5470 Marketing Dell Latitude E7270 Precision T3600 MIT GIS PC Latitude E5470 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC Development Service Admin HP Laserjet Pro 400 M451D HP LaserJet 4200DN Optiplex 9020 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC Code Enforcement HP Laserjet 500 MFP - M525dn Development Services Panasonic Toughbook Precision T3600 MT GIS PC Planning & Zoning HP Color laserjet m750N Neighborhood Service Precision T3600 MT GIS PC Optiplex 9020 Building Latitude E5470 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Laptop Administration Latitude 6520 HP606x - B/W Finance Accounting HP LaserJet MFP M525DN HP LaserJet MFP M525DN Purchasing HP LaserJet M525DN MFP Revenue and Collection Canon DR 6010C Latitude E6520 Laptop City Hall in the Mall HP Laserjet Color - M651N Community Relations Optiplex 390 Human Resources Latitude E5570 Human Resources Latitude E6540 HP LaserJet M651N Color Printer
Quantity 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Unit Price $2,100 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 $3,450 $1,592 $1,850 $1,400 $2,100 $3,450 $1,400 $2,300 $1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 $1,800 $1,850 $1,800 $3,450 $2,100 $1,400 $1,800 $3,450 $5,000 $1,800 $3,450 $1,800 $1,400 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 $4,000 $2,100 $2,100 $2,100 $2,700 $1,850 $3,450 $1,400 $1,850 $1,850 $3,450
Total Cost $2,100 $1,850 $1,850 $5,550 $3,450 $3,184 $1,850 $1,400 $2,100 $3,450 $2,800 $2,300 $1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 $5,400 $1,850 $3,600 $3,450 $2,100 $1,400 $1,800 $3,450 $5,000 $7,200 $3,450 $3,600 $1,400 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 $4,000 $2,100 $2,100 $2,100 $2,700 $1,850 $3,450 $1,400 $1,850 $1,850 $3,450
Budget By Division $2,100 $3,700 $9,000 $5,034 $6,950 $6,950 $1,400 $12,350
$11,650 $10,650 $3,600 $5,100 $7,700 $2,100 $2,100 $4,800 $5,300 $1,400 $7,150
Table of Contents
COMPUTER Replacement pROGRAM-CONTINUED Department/Fund
Information Technology Information Services
Parks and Recreation
Sportsplex/Tennis Center
Office of the Chief
Vice and Intelligence Office of Professional Standards
Fiscal Management
General Investigations Police Human Resources Traffic SWAT Substation Unit Bike Unit Special Investigations Training Central Records Youth Liaison Criminal ID
Item Optiplex 380 Precision T3600 GIS PC HP 4700 Laserjet Surface Pro 4/w Dock Dell Latitude E7250 Dell Latitude E5470 Dell Latiture 7214 Origin EON Notebook Optiplex 7040 Optiplex 390 Latitude E5470 Optiplex 390 HPLaserjet M606X HP Laserjet M606X HP Laserjet 500 MFP - M525dn Lattitude E7270 Dell 5570 HP LaserJet MFP M575DN Latitude e5570 Latitude 6520 Optiplex 9020 HP Laserjet M606X Latitude 5570 HP Laserjet 500 MFP - M525dn Optiplex 9020 Latitude 6520 Latitude E7270 Dell Latitude 7214 - Rugged Dell Latitude E7270 Dell 7214 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 380 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Latitude E7270 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC HP Color Laserjet M651dn HP M606x - B/W Standard Optiplex 9020 Latitude E6520 Dell Optiplex 9202 sff Optiplex 380 Latitude 6540 Latitude E6520 HP laser jet color 400 HP4050TN HP LASFEJET Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Latitude Laptop E7270 HP Laserjet 500 MFP - M525dn Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 740 Latitude 5570 Optiplex 380 Optiplex 9020 HP 4700N Color LaserJet HP Color Laserjet M651dn
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Quantity 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1
Unit Price $1,400 $1,800 $3,450 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $1,850 $1,400 $2,100 $2,100 $2,100 $1,850 $1,850 $2,100 $1,850 $1,850 $1,400 $2,100 $1,850 $2,100 $1,400 $1,850 $1,850 $2,500 $1,850 $2,500 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,850 $1,800 $3,450 $2,100 $1,400 $1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $1,850 $1,850 $2,100 $2,100 $3,450 $1,400 $1,400 $1,850 $2,100 $1,400 $1,400 $1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $3,450 $2,100
Total Cost $5,600 $5,400 $3,450 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 $1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $1,850 $1,400 $2,100 $2,100 $2,100 $1,850 $1,850 $2,100 $7,400 $5,550 $4,200 $2,100 $1,850 $2,100 $5,600 $1,850 $1,850 $5,000 $1,850 $2,500 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,850 $1,800 $3,450 $2,100 $1,400 $1,850 $5,600 $1,400 $5,550 $1,850 $2,100 $2,100 $3,450 $5,600 $1,400 $3,700 $2,100 $1,400 $5,600 $1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $3,450 $2,100
Budget By Division
$19,250 $3,950
$3,250 $5,600 $8,800 $4,200 $9,050 $1,400 $5,800 $1,400 $7,450 $8,350
Table of Contents
COMPUTER Replacement pROGRAM-CONTINUED Department/Fund
Communications Center
Public Works
Administration Streets Facilities
Center for the Arts
Center for the Arts
Subtotal General Fund
Administration Prevention Fire Station 43 Inspection Fire Fund
Training Center Subtotal Fire Fund Water/Sewer Admin Water Distribution Wastewater Water Treatment Subtotal Water and Sewer Fund Equipment Services
Quantity 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 20 6 1 1 1
Unit Price $1,400 $3,400 $1,850 $1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $4,000 $1,400 $1,400 $1,850 $3,450
Total Cost $1,400 $13,600 $1,850 $1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $80,000 $8,400 $1,400 $1,850 $3,450 $391,834
Total General Fund
Water and Sewer Fund
Item Optiplex 9020 sff HP 4015X LaserJet Latiude 5570 Latitude E6250 Optiplex 380 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Getac Tablet - V100 Optiplex 380 Optiplex GX520 Latitude E6250 HP Color Laserjet M476DN
Subtotal Equipment Services Fund
Dell Latitude E5470 Dell Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 390 Dell Optiplex 9020 Dell Latitude E5470 M651N - Color HP M606X HP 3035 Multifunction LaserJet Dell Latitude E5470 HP 4700DTN Color LaserJet HP 4350DTN LaserJet HP M3035 Multifunction Printer Dell Latitude E5470
1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
$1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,850 $3,450 $2,100 $2,100 $1,850 $3,450 $2,100 $2,100 $1,850
$1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $11,200 $1,850 $3,450 $2,100 $2,100 $1,850 $3,450 $2,100 $2,100 $1,850
HP 4350DTN LaserJet Surface Pro 3 Dell E6540 Laptop Optiplex 9020 sff Optiplex 9020 HP 1320 LaserJet Surface Pro 3 Dell Latitude E5470
1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1
$2,100 $1,850 $1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $2,100 $1,850 $1,850
$2,100 $1,850 $1,850 $1,400 $2,800 $2,100 $5,550 $1,850
Latitude E5470 Dell Latitude E6540
1 1
$3,450 $1,850
$3,450 $1,850
$16,850 $1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $81,400 $15,100 $391,834 $10,000 $401,834 $1,850 $1,400 $1,400 $20,700
$11,350 $36,700 $3,950 $1,850 $1,400 $12,300 $19,500 $3,450 $1,850 $5,300 $463,334
Total Computers Replacement Budget—FY 2020
Total FY2019 Computers Replacement Budget Carryover C&M—0604 30" Cinema Apple Monitor C&M—0604 HP LASERJET - M525DN Code Enforcemt - 5403 GETAC F110/V110 Lind Code Enforcemt - 5403 Canon DR-G1100 Scanner General Fund Finance Admin - 1501 HP1606DN Accounting - 1601 HP425DN MFP Info Services - 2001 M525 MFP Substation Unit - 4211 HP3800N Colorjet Comm Center - 4502 HP PRO 400 Total
Budget By Division
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1
$1,400 $2,100 $4,000 $6,500 $1,000 $2,100 $2,100 $3,450 $2,100
$1,400 $2,100 $16,000 $6,500 $1,000 $2,100 $2,100 $3,450 $2,100
$1,400 $2,100 $16,000 $6,500 $1,000 $2,100 $2,100 $3,450 $2,100 $36,750
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN City Commission -0100
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Seat 2 SKYPE Seat 5 Seat 4 Seat 3 Seat 1 Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Commission Ron Stein New Develop. Total
2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2018 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Surface Pro 2018 Surface Pro 2018 Surface Pro 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Surface Pro 2018 Surface Pro 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050
Tag # 18441 18432 18445 21894 18420 21890 21920 23233 23232 23231 21917 21913 23230 23229 21991 21992
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 23,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 12,500.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 11,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 12,500.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 68,300.00
City Attorney -2502
Printer Executuve Assistant/Attorney Deputy City Attorney Executive Assistant Assistant City Attorney City Attorney Muni. Prosecutor/Cont. Attorney Total
2007 2018 2012 2012 2012 2012 2014
Model HP M3027x MFP Laser Optiplex 7020 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7290
Tag # 15716 21708 18430 18436 18438 18124 23611
$ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 7,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 7,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
FY 20‐30
$ 6,300.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 23,100.00
Risk Management -8801
Description/User Risk Management Assistant Risk Management Coordinator Printer Risk Management Coordinator Risk Assistant Total
Installed 2012 2012 2001 2015 2016
Model Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 HP 4350TN LaserJet Latitude Dell E6540 Laptop
Tag #
$ ‐ 21683 $ ‐ DNR 20535 $ 1,850.00 20662 $ 1,850.00 $ 3,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 3,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 3,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 16,700.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN City Manager-0501
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Deputy City Manager City Manager ‐ Laptop Executive Assistance Asst. to the City Manager Deputy City Manager CRA Administrator Deputy City Manager Executive Assistant CRA Administrator City Manager ‐ Laptop Deputy City Manager ‐ laptop Executive Assistance Project Manager Deputy City Manager City Manager Printer Asst. to the City Manager Total
2016 MS Surface Pro 4 2011 Vostro 3300 Laptop 2012 Optiplex 390 2018 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2018 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2018 Optiplex 7050 2010 Latitude E6500 Laptop 2012 Latitude E6500 Laptop 2012 Latitude E6500 Laptop 2013 Latitude E6530 2014 Latitude E6540 W/DOCK 2016 Surface Pro 4 2016 Surface Pro 4 2005 HP 4650DN Color Laser 2017 Optiplex 7050
Tag #
20626 $ 1,850.00 $ 3,450.00 17968 $ ‐ 21895 $ ‐ 17942 $ ‐ 21897 $ ‐ 18093 $ ‐ 21604 $ ‐ 17314 $ ‐ 18497 $ ‐ 18262 $ ‐ 19023 $ ‐ 19699 $ ‐ 21110 $ 1,850.00 21111 $ 1,850.00 14993 21895 $ ‐ $ 9,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 5,550.00 $ 13,750.00 $ ‐
$ 1,850.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,850.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 9,000.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 3,950.00 $ 9,800.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 5,550.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,950.00
FY 20‐30
$ 5,550.00 $ 10,350.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ 75,100.00
City Clerk -3501
Description/User Personal Harbor City Clerk‐Chambers City Clerk ‐ Laptop Asst. City Clerk Office Assistant Senior Office Assistant Senior Office Assistant Records Mgmt. Coordinator Costa City Clerk Multiple Users City Clerk ‐ Laptop Printer Scanner Scanner Total
2015 Optiplex 9020 2016 Optiplex 9020 2015 Latitude E6520 Laptop 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2016 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2010 Latitude D610 Laptop 2015 Latitude E6520 Laptop 2013 HP525F MFP 2015 Canon DR‐G1100 Scanner 2015 Canon DR‐G1100 Scanner
Tag #
20344 $ 1,400.00 20343 $ 1,784.00 20329 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
20614 $ ‐ $ ‐ 23978 $ ‐ 23977 $ ‐ $ 5,034.00
$ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 9,800.00
$ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 16,450.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,650.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ 6,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 6,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 22,800.00 $ 5,300.00 $ 1,850.00
FY 20‐30
$ 1,400.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,584.00 $ 5,550.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 5,550.00 $ ‐ $ 6,900.00 $ ‐ $ 13,000.00 $ ‐ $ 13,000.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 72,384.00
Economic Development Office -0502
Description/User Chief Economic Dev Officer Chief Economic Dev Officer Chief Economic Dev Officer Chief Economic Dev Officer Total
Installed 2015 2016 2015 2019
Model Optiplex 9020 Latitude E5470 Laptop w/Dock HP Laserjet MFP M575DN Surface Pro
Tag # 20195 21027 20197 23745
$ 1,400.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ 6,950.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ 4,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ 4,850.00
FY 20‐30
$ 4,200.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 10,350.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 24,550.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Budget & Strategy -1901
Description/User Senior Financial Analyst Senior Financial Analyst Senior Financial Analyst Shared PC Senior Financial Analyst Printer Intern Director of Budget Senior Financial Analyst Budget Laptop Printer Senior Financial Analyst Total
2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2014 HP M750DN Color LaserJet 2015 Optiplex 9020 sff 2015 Optiplex 9020 sff 2009 Optiplex 960 2015 Latitude E6540 2007 HP 8150DN Laser 2005 Optiplex GX280
Tag # 17925 17923 17939 17937 17966 19636 22026 22027 17097 20536 15604 14719
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 2,300.00 $ 1,850.00 DNR DNR $ 6,950.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ 7,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 DNR DNR $ 5,300.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 2,300.00 $ ‐ DNR DNR $ 5,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ 7,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 DNR DNR $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ 3,450.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 2,300.00 $ ‐ DNR DNR $ 5,100.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 5,550.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 41,750.00
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Emergency Management- 0503
Description/User Emergency Manager EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Laptop EOC Rugged Laptop EOC Rugged Laptop EOC Rugged Laptop EOC Rugged Laptop Emergency Management Coordinator Total
Installed 2017 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2018 2018 2018 2014 2015
Model Latitude Tablet ‐ 5285 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 Dell Latitude Dell Latitude 7214 Dell 7214 GETAC Optiplex 9020
Tag # 19711 19710 19706 19709 19708 19707 19705 19704 19703 19701 19702 19700 19724 19723 19722 19721 19720 19719 19718 19717 19716 19715 19713 19712 19714 21961 21978 21961
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ 20007 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
$ 2,100.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 46,500.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 5,400.00
$ 2,100.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 46,500.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
$ 2,100.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 47,900.00
FY 20‐30
$ 6,300.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 179,700.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Communication & Marketing -0604
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Creative Services Coordinator Printer TIGHTROPE Creative Service Coord. TIGHTROPE City Radio TIGHTROPE TIGHTROPE Editor/ Producer Printer‐MAC Printer‐poster Communications/ Mktg. Manager Graphics Designer Conference Room Writer/Media Relations Coord. Broadcast Comms. Coordinator Creative Services Coordinator Communications/ Mktg. Manager Creative Service Coord. Editor/Producer Communications/ Mktg. Manager Creative Service Coord. Editor/ Producer Intern/Videographer Editor/ Producer City TV Broadcast Comms. Coordinator Skype Video Room Office Assistant/Historain Graphics Designer Graphics Designer Interent Assistant Writer/Media Relations Coord. Conference Room N/A Intern/Graphics Designer Principal Office Assistant Office Assistant/Historain Communications/ Mktg. Manager Broadcast Comms. Coordinator Creative Service Coord. Inter /Front desk Communications/ Mktg. Manager Communication Coordinator Server‐MAC Total
Installed 2010 2015 2006 2006 2006 2011 2006 2006 2016 2007 2018 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2006 2014 2016 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2014 2014 2016 2013 2013 2013 2018 2018 2018 2015
Model 30" Cinema Apple Monitor HP LASERJET ‐ M525DN 12X2 A/V ROUTER 23" Viewsonic Monitor 250GB VIDEO ON DEMAND Optiplex 380 4CH ITB VIDEO SERVER HEADED CONTROL/CAROUSEL Latitude E5470 HP 5200TN LaserJet MAC HP LATEX 560 Printer HP ZR30W IMAC W 20" Monitor IMAC 27' 5K Retina IMAC W 27" Monitor IMAC W 27" Monitor IMAC W 27" Monitor IMAC W 27" Monitor/desktop Mac Laptop Mac Laptop Mac Laptop MAC Pro Desktop MAC Pro Desktop MAC Pro Desktop Primera Bravo DVD Duplicator ViewCast Streaming Video Dell Latitude E5470 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower Optiplex 7060 Dell Latitude E7270 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC Precision T3600 MT GIS PC Precision T3600 MT GIS PC Latitude 7280 Suface Book 2 Macbook Pro 13 MAC Pro 3.33 Server
Tag #
17397 20395 15527 15056 15526 17635 15525 15524 20818 23175 18941 20318 23452 20320 20321 20322 20323 20317 20316 20315 20312 20314 20313 15209 19753 20819 18432 18395 18417 17894 18022 18104 18097 18093 18446 23754 23755 20831 18984 18985 18983 21773 23182 23469 20370
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ CIP CIP
$ ‐ $ ‐ CIP
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ CIP CIP CIP
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ CIP CIP
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ CIP CIP CIP
CIP $ 1,400.00 CIP CIP $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ CIP $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 15,850.00
CIP $ ‐ CIP CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 13,500.00
CIP $ ‐ CIP CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 23,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 68,950.00
CIP $ ‐ CIP CIP $ ‐ $ 2,200.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ CIP $ 5,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 14,000.00
CIP $ ‐ CIP CIP $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ CIP $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 22,950.00
CIP $ 1,400.00 CIP CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,000.00 $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 31,400.00
CIP $ ‐ CIP CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 23,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ CIP $ 5,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 39,150.00
CIP $ ‐ CIP CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 25,100.00
CIP $ ‐ CIP CIP $ 1,850.00 $ 2,200.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 CIP $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 39,850.00
CIP $ ‐ CIP CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ CIP $ 5,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 15,600.00
CIP $ 1,400.00 CIP CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 23,000.00 $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 41,250.00
FY 20‐30
$ 5,600.00 $ 6,300.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,550.00 $ 4,400.00 $ 69,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 15,000.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 327,600.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Development Service Administration -3100
Vacant Development Services Coordinator Executive Assistant Laptop Assistant Director of Development Se Director of Development Services Printer, Color Laser Printer Director of Development Services Laptop Total
2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2016 Latitude E5470 2013 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC 2013 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC 2015 HP Laserjet Pro 400 M451D 2015 HP LaserJet 4200DN 2017 Dell Latitude 7280 2017 Dell Latitude 7280
Tag # 17817 18069 17969 20817 18980 18960 20292 20292 21774 21772
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 11,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,700.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 3,400.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 8,950.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,600.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,700.00 $ 1,700.00 $ 7,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,550.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 10,350.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 5,100.00 $ 5,100.00 $ 55,200.00
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Neighborhood Services -3004
Inspector 1 Atria Comm. Develop. /Housing Admin. Neighborhood Coordination Asst Comm.Develop./Housing Admin. Total
2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2013 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC 2013 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC
Tag # 17890 18101 18110 18982 18981
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 3,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 3,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 3,600.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 3,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 22,800.00
Planning & Zoning -3001
Description/User Slice of the Springs Slice of the Springs Plotter Senior Office Assistant Landscape Inspector Public Use Laptop Zoning/CC Meetings Planning & Zoning Manager Code Compliance Manager Senior Planner Chief Planner Printer Slice of the Springs Transportation Planner Printer ‐ Color Assistant Planner Shared GIS PC #1 Shared GIS PC #2 Associate Planner Total
2014 Hitachi CP‐WX3030WN 2014 Hitachi CP‐WX3030WN 2014 HP DesignJet T7100 ‐ Plotter 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2004 Latitude D600 Laptop 2008 Latitude D830 Laptop 2008 Latitude D830 Laptop w/Dock 2014 Latitude E6530 Laptop 2014 Latitude E6530 Laptop 2013 Precision T3600 MT 635W 2014 HP M525DN MFP 2009 Latitude E6500 Laptop 2012 Optiplex 7250 2015 HP Color laserjet m750N 2013 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC 2013 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC 2013 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC 2013 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC
Tag # 19294 19295 19653 18005 18130 14142 16226 16228 19292 19283 19194 19280 17196 21324 20383 18959 18978 18979 18977
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 10,650.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00
$ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 25,900.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 7,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 2,100.00 DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,900.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00
$ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 15,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 28,900.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ DNR $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 6,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR
$ 1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 15,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 9,300.00
$ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,800.00 DNR $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 26,950.00
FY 20‐30
$ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ 10,350.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 124,050.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Code Enforcement- 5403
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Office Assistant Office assitant Principal Office Assistant Principal Office Assistant Office Assistant Code Compliance Administrator Office Assistant Scanner Desk Office Assistant Senior Office Assistant Senior Office Assistant Code Compliance Supervisor Kitchen Principal Office Assistant Tax Collection Specialist Clerical Assistant Code Officer Code Officer Code Officer Code Officer Code Officer Code Officer Code Officer Code Officer Code Officer Code Officer Code Officer Code Compliance Manager Code Compliance Officer Broken Code Compliance Officer Code Compliance Officer Inspector 1 Code Compliance Officer Code Compliance Officer Broken Code Compliance Officer Code Compliance Officer Code Compliance Officer Code Compliance Officer Code Compliance Officer Code Compliance Manager Printer Scanner Code Compliance Manager Total
2015 Optiplex 9020 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2017 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2017 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2017 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2014 Optiplex 7060 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2014 Latitude E6540 Laptop 2014 GETAC F110/V110 Lind 2014 GETAC F110/V110 Lind 2014 GETAC F110/V110 Lind 2014 GETAC F110/V110 Lind 2008 Itronix VR‐2 Laptop 2008 Itronix VR‐2 Laptop 2008 Itronix VR‐2 Laptop 2008 Itronix VR‐2 Laptop 2008 Itronix VR‐2 Laptop 2008 Itronix VR‐2 Laptop 2008 Itronix VR‐2 Laptop 2008 Itronix VR‐2 Laptop 2014 Latitude E6540 2013 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC 2015 HP Laserjet 500 MFP ‐ M525dn 2015 Canon DR‐G1100 Scanner 2014 Panasonic Toughbook
Tag # 20345 18589 18588 21878 21876 21879 18442 21872 18439 18435 18455 17784 21873 17766 21869 18447 19772 19769 19773 19766 19776 23768 19770 19775 19771 19768 19767 19913 19917 19919 16169 19920 16161 16159 16160 16162 16163 16164 16165 16166 19914 18974 20491 20503 20079
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR $ 1,800.00 $ 3,450.00 $ 6,500.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 34,150.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 21,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ 6,500.00 $ ‐ $ 10,150.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,000.00 $ 36,400.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 6,500.00 $ ‐ $ 29,350.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,000.00 $ 21,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 17,200.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,850.00
FY 20‐30
$ 4,200.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 7,200.00 $ 10,350.00 $ 19,500.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 180,750.00
of Contents Code Enforcement- 5403 Description/User
City of Coral Springs, Florida
DESK #13 Development Services Coordinator DESK #38 DESK #20 DESK #33 DESK #6 DESK #24 DESK #26 DESK #25 DESK #5 DESK #16 DESK #11 DESK #8 DESK #27 DESK #40 Chief Building Official DESK #37 DESK #9 DESK #3 DESK #21 DESK #42 DESK #4 DESK #28 DESK #2 DESK #7 DESK #1 DESK #29 DESK #12B DESK #35 DESK #19 DESK #32 DESK #18 DESK #23 DESK #10 DESK #31 FRONT DESK #14 Printer #C Printer #B Printer #G Printer #E Printer Color GIS‐COPIER GIS‐COPIER Total
Total Development Services
Installed 2015 2016 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2017 2015 2017 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2010 2015 2014 2014 2018 2014 2004 2005 2005
Model Optiplex 9020 Latitude E5470 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Latitude E6540 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Latitude D6520 Laptop Latitude E6540 HP CP4525 Color LaserJet HP LJM601DN HP Laserjet M527F HP M525DN MFP HP2550N Color LaserJet OCETOS 400 ‐ CONTROLLER PART OCETOS 400 ‐ SCANNER PORTION
Tag # 20377 20816 17847 17793 17767 17781 17821 17971 18033 18046 17983 21325 21323 21317 21674 19977 21692 17995 21316 18035 17985 18050 18075 17871 21320 21322 18079 18063 18053 21321 17920 21319 18082 17763 17769 15228 19958 19285 19287 23314 19281 0 8927 8928
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR $ 5,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR $ 44,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR $ 3,950.00
$ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 DNR DNR DNR $ 11,350.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 DNR $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR $ 46,650.00
$ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR $ 5,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 DNR DNR DNR $ 7,650.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR DNR $ 1,400.00
FY 20‐30
$ 4,200.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 3,700.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 128,100.00
$ 64,500.00 $ 5,200.00 $ 100,100.00 $ 28,500.00 $ 53,500.00 $ 18,650.00 $ 37,900.00 $ 90,400.00 $ 28,650.00 $ 44,750.00 $ 38,750.00 $ 510,900.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Finance Administration -1501
City Controller Senior Office Assistant Director of Financial Services Printer Conference Room Director of Financial Services Printer Printer Total
2018 2018 2012 2012 2015 2012 2014 2015
Model Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 HP Laserjet Pro 300 M375NW Latitude E6540 Laptop Latitude 6520 HP1606DN HP606x ‐ B/W
Tag #
21925 $ ‐ 21898 $ ‐ $ ‐ 19969 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,000.00 20692 $ 4,000.00 $ 8,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 5,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 5,000.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 36,500.00
Accounting- 1601
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Printer Fin. Report/ Comp. Administration Accountant Accounting Analyst Payroll Coordinator Accountant Accountant Senior Accounting Assistant Payroll Technician Accountant Printer ‐ PD Records Printer ‐ Finance Printer Scanner Total
2014 2018 2018 2018 2012 2012 2018 2018 2018 2018 2013 2018 2015 2016
Model HP425DN MFP Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Dell Latitude 7280 Dell Latitude 7280 Dell Latitude 7280 Optiplex 7050 HP Pr0400 M401DN HP Laserjet Pro M402dne HP LaserJet MFP M525DN Canon Image Forumula
Tag # 19187 21923 21922 21924 18091 18096 21749 21746 21748 21921 18932 18933 20294 21002
$ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 14,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
2024 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 6,300.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 14,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 4,200.00
FY 20‐30
$ 6,300.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 48,100.00
Revenue & Collection-1602
Description/User Water Billing Rep Accounting Assistant Billing Operations Technician Accounting Assistant Water Billing Represetative Water Billing Represetative Window #1 Payroll Coordinator Window #2 Printer Printer Scanner Total
2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2018 Optiplex 7020 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2016 HP Laserjet M606dn 2015 HP LaserJet M525DN MFP 2016 Canon DR 6010C
Tag # 21908
21109 20267 20805
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 2,100.00 $ 2,700.00 $ 4,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 12,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 12,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 2,700.00 $ 2,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 6,300.00 $ 8,100.00 $ 39,600.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Purchasing- 1701
Senior Office Assistant Purchasing Administrator Purchasing Agent ll Purchasing Agent ll Purchasing Agent ll Front Desk ‐ Vacant Printer Total
2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2018 Dell Latitude 7280 2018 Dell Latitude 7280 2018 Dell Latitude 7281 2014 Optiplex 7050 2015 HP LaserJet MFP M525DN
Tag # 17967 17922 21968 21770 21767 23757 20293
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 7,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 7,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 23,100.00
Central Stores- 1702
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Purchasing Assistant Purchasing Assistant Purchasing Assistant Central Stores Coordinator Printer Total
2012 2012 2012 2016 2007
Model Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 9020 sff HP 4350DTN LaserJet
Total Finance
Tag # 17926 17921 17905 20364 16755
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 DNR $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ 19,800.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 45,000.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ 7,800.00 $ 15,500.00 $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 DNR $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 11,200.00
$ 45,000.00 $ 6,400.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 13,400.00 $ 154,300.00
City Hall in the Mall- 1001
Lobby Area Printer Applicants Blade PC Passport Service Supervisor Senior Office Assistant Rec Trac Total
2015 Latitude E6520 Laptop 2015 HP Laserjet Color ‐ M651N 2012 Optiplex 390 2018 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390
Tag # 19970 20291 17900 21685 21318 17908 18123
$ 1,850.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,300.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 7,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 7,000.00
$ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00
FY 20‐30
$ 5,550.00 $ 10,350.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 29,900.00
Community Relations- 0601
Description/User Comm. Relations Coordinator Community Relations Manager Office Assistant Office Assistant Total
Installed 2012 2012 2012 2012
Model Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390
Tag # 18073 18070 18118 17941
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 11,200.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Human Resources- 1000
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Human Resource Analyst Pension Administrator HR Support Specialist Human Resource Coordinator Sr. Human Resource Coordinator HR Support Specialist Senior Office Assistant Intern Front counter Human Resource Partner Director of Human Resources HR Manager Front counter HR ‐ CIGNA Director of Human Resources HR Support Specialist Conference room Color Printer Total
2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2015 Optiplex 9020 2016 Latitude E5570 2012 Canon DR‐6010C 2015 Latitude E6540 2015 HP LaserJet M651N Color Printer
Tag # 17970 17897 17985 21918 21919 18058 17940 17917 18072 18113 17911 18076 18065 20116 20952 18279 20534 20291
Total Human Resources
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 3,450.00 $ 8,550.00
$ 25,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,700.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,700.00
$ 38,100.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 18,200.00
$ 62,650.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 19,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 3,700.00
$ 41,900.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 2,700.00 $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 7,550.00
$ 47,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 61,850.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 18,200.00
$ 21,300.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 3,700.00
$ 9,250.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,700.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,700.00
$ 74,750.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 4,850.00
$ 66,200.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 8,100.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 10,350.00 $ 70,150.00
$ 468,750.00
Information Technology- 2001 Description/User Infrastructure Manager PSB 2nd Floor‐Old RPT PSB 2nd Floor‐Old RPT Network Analyst Database Analyst IS Training room Cisco Works What's Up Gold Development/Testing Support
Installed 2014 2011 2011 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014
Model Apple Macbook Pro Optiplex 380 Optiplex 380 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390
Tag # 20074 17429 17427 19996 19987 18406 18352 18352 18402 18427
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 2,300.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 2,300.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 4,600.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Information Technology- 2001 (continued) Description/User
City of Coral Springs, Florida
IT Support Specialist Support IT Support Specialist Solutions/ System Analyst Service Desk Monitoring Project Support Specialist IT Support Specialist Database Analyst Network Analyst Network Analyst Solutions/ System Analyst Application Network Analyst GIS Data Entry GIS Data Entry Network Analyst Solutions/ System Analyst Network Analyst Director of Information Services Programmer/ Analyst Project Support Specialist Network Specialist GIS IT Support Specialist GIS Applications Manager ???? IT Support Specialist IT Training Room PD Purchased wait Network Analyst Applications Manager IT Training Room IT Training Room IT Training Room IT Training Room IT Training Room IT Training Room IT Training Room IT Training Room IT Training Room IT Training Room IT Training Room IT Training Room Fire Loaner Loaner Laptop IS Loaner IS Loaner Network Analyst GIS/ Security Administrator Programmer/ Analyst IT Support Specialist PSB 2nd Floor‐Old RPT PSB 2nd Floor‐Old RPT Programmer/ Analyst GIS/ Security Administrator Printer‐GIS IT Support Specialist
Installed 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2011 2011 2011 2011 2014 2013 2013 2013 2011 2011 2013 2013 2012 2013
Model Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower Latitude 6520 Latitude 6520 Latitude 6520 Latitude E7240 Latitude 6520 Latitude E7240 Latitude 6520 Latitude 6520 Latitude 6520 Latitude 6520 Latitude 6520 Latitude 6520 Latitude 6520 w/dock Latitude D830 Latitude E6250 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6540 w/dock Latitude E6540 (210‐AAFM) Latitude E6540 (210‐AAFM) Latitude E6540 (210‐AAFM) Latitude E6540 (210‐AAFM) Latitude E6540 (210‐AAFM) Latitude E6540 (210‐AAFM) Latitude E6540 (210‐AAFM) Latitude E6540 (210‐AAFM) Latitude E6540 (210‐AAFM) Latitude E6540 (210‐AAFM) Latitude E6540 (210‐AAFM) Latitude E6540 (210‐AAFM) DELL 7214 GETAC GETAC DELL 7214 GETAC Dell Ultrasharp U3014 Monitor Dell Ultrasharp U3014 Monitor Dell Ultrasharp U3014 Monitor Optiplex 380 Optiplex 380 Precision T3600 GIS PC Precision T3600 GIS PC KONICA Precision T3600 GIS PC
Tag # 19998 18008 20006 18105 17919 19989 18115 18117 20010 20014 19997 19995 19988 19801 19802 18484 18478 18472 20071 18487 20070 18483 18470 18482 18494 18477 18256 18476 12637 18490 19965 19966 19876 19874 19881 19879 19883 19880 19875 19884 19882 19878 19877 19873 21026 17618 17621 21059 19330 18950 18948 18949 17428 17426 18961 18963 18547 18962
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ 1,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 DNR $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,600.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ 1,800.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 DNR $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ 1,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,200.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,600.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ 1,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 DNR $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ ‐ $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 2,400.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 5,200.00 $ 7,200.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Information Technology- 2001 (continued)
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Scanner GIS‐Plotter GIS‐Plotter/Scanner Printer ‐ Color Printer Programmer/Analyst (tammy) Solutions/ System Analyst Network Analyst Solutions/ System Analyst IT Director Infrastructure Manager Conf. Room Solutions/ System Analyst Senior Programmer Analyst IT Project Manager IT Director GIS/IT Support Specialist IT Support Specialist GIS Data Entry Total
Installed 2014 2011 2011 2008 2014 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015 2016 2015 2015 2019 2018 2018
Model Canon DR‐6010C HHP T7100 ‐ Plotter KIP 7100 Plotter/Scanner HP 4700 Laserjet M525 MFP Surface Pro 4/w Dock Dell Latitude E7250 Dell Latitude E5470 Dell Latiture 7214 Origin EON Notebook Optiplex 9020 sff Dell E6540 Laptop Surface Pro 3 Optiplex 9020 Dell Latitude E7250 Dell Latitude E7250 Dell Precision 3430 Optiplex 7050 Dell Latitude 7290
Tag # 18281 18817 18816 16274 19059 20680 20768 20822 20901 18982 19986 19969 20553 20380 20558 20557 23781 21786 23596
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 25,800.00
$ 2,700.00 $ 18,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 38,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 62,650.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 19,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 41,900.00
$ 2,700.00 $ 18,000.00 $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 47,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 61,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 21,300.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 9,250.00
$ 2,700.00 $ ‐ $ 18,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 74,750.00 $ 66,200.00
FY 20‐30
$ 8,100.00 $ 54,000.00 $ ‐ $ 10,350.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 468,750.00
Aquatic Complex-8303
Description/User PRINTER Pro Store Workstation Principal Office Assistant Workstation Parks & Recreation Coordinator Parks & Recreation Coordinator Aquatics Aquatics Manager Printer Printer (*backup only) PRINTER Spare (Back Corner) Parks Administrator/Pool function Total
2001 ITHACA SERIES 80+ 2012 Optiplex 390 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2015 Latitude E6540 Laptop w/Dock 2009 HP CM2320 Multifunction Printer 2007 HP 4350DTN LaserJet 2001 HP 812C DESKJET PRINTER 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Dell Latitude 7280
Tag # 18489 18434 21350 21362 21357 21349 21351 21352 20203 0 15756 18489 21346 21223
DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 11,650.00
DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 9,800.00
DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 3,250.00
DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
FY 20‐30
$ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 5,550.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 33,500.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Cypress Pool-8301
Description/User PRINTER PRINTER PRINTER Workstation Coaches Office Total
Installed 2001 2002 2014 2014 2014
Model HP 842C DESKJET PRINTER HP 940C DESKJET PRINTER HP LJ Pro M521 Printer Optiplex 7060 Optiplex 7060
Tag #
DNR DNR 19792 $ ‐ 23753 $ ‐ 23752 $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR DNR $ 2,000.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,800.00
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR DNR $ 2,000.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,800.00
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 9,600.00
Mullins Pool-8301
City of Coral Springs, Florida
PRINTER‐FRONT OFFICE SHARED Front Office Shared Printer Total
Installed 1997 1997 2012 2012 2014
Model HP 712C DESKJET PRINTER OKIDATA MICROLINE Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 HP M475NW Color Laser Jet
Tag #
DNR DNR 21337 $ ‐ 21336 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
Total Aquatics
$ ‐
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,850.00 $ 14,450.00 $ ‐
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
DNR DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 7,200.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 12,600.00 $ ‐
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00
DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 7,600.00
$ 9,050.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 50,700.00
Cypress Park-8101
Description/User Parks & Rec Coordinator Parks & Rec Coordinator Total
2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390
Tag #
17790 $ ‐ 18089 $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 5,600.00
Mullins Park-8102
Description/User Shared Shared Shared Parks & Rec Coordinator Parks & Rec Coordinator Parks & Rec Coordinator Parks & Rec Coordinator Irrigation PC Parks & Rec Coordinator Parks & Rec Coordinator Shared Total
Total Parks
2012 Optiplex 390 2017 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2011 Optiplex 390 2011 Optiplex 390 2011 Optiplex 390 2011 Optiplex 390 2011 Optiplex 380 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 7050
Tag # 17885 21332 21333 17962 17837 17913 18030 17415 21334 18419 21331
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 15,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 18,200.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 15,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 18,200.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 30,800.00
$ 36,400.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Recreation Services-8205 Cypress Park-8101
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Parks & Rec Coordinator ‐ Sartory Cen Back Printer Gym Parks & Rec Coordinator Parks & Rec Coordinator Principal Office Assistant Recreation Superintendent Parks & Rec Coordinator Parks & Rec Coordinator Senior Office Assistant Parks Administrator Gymnasium Front Desk Director of Parks and Recreation Parks & Rec Coordinator Parks & Rec Coordinator Total
2012 Optiplex 390 2014 HP M525DN Laser Printer 1998 HP 6127 Color Deskjet 2002 HP 4100 Laser Printer 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Latitude 7280 2012 Optiplex 390 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050
Tag #
18089 $ ‐ 19791 $ ‐ DNR 12797 DNR 21347 $ ‐ 21340 $ ‐ 21361 $ ‐ 21339 $ ‐ 17790 $ ‐ 18100 $ ‐ 21764 $ ‐ 17765 $ ‐ 21470 $ ‐ 21362 $ ‐ 23281 $ ‐ $ ‐
Total Parks and Recreation Services
$ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ DNR DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 16,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 35,000.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 2,100.00 DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 2,100.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ DNR DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 15,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 33,600.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 2,100.00 DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 39,200.00
$ 2,100.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 75,600.00
Sportsplex Tennis-7810
Front Desk Manager ‐ Tennis Center Executive Assistant Parks & Rec Coordinator Assistant Director of Parks and Recrea Total
2012 2012 2012 2012 2016
Model Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Latitude E5470
Tag # 21314 21360 21359 21358 20824
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 16,750.00
FY 20‐30
FY 20‐30
Sportsplex Athletic Complex-7812
Parks & Recreation Coordinator Total
Tag #
Tag #
2011 Optiplex 390
17880 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,200.00
Sportsplex/ Baseball-7812
Parks & Rec Coordinator Total
Installed 2011
Optiplex 390
17903 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,200.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Tennis Center-8409
Pro Shop Todd's Office Printer Printer Printer upstairs Total
2017 2013 2005 2015 2015
Model Optiplex 7050 HP Laserjet Pro 300 M375NW HPLaserjet M606X HP Laserjet M606X HP Laserjet 500 MFP ‐ M525dn
Tag #
21342 18947 20506 20507 20494
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 6,300.00
Tag #
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 6,300.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 6,300.00
$ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 25,900.00
FY 20‐30
$ 10,500.00
$ 55,250.00
Cypress Tennis-8401
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Printer Cypress ‐ Tennis Shop Total
2004 HP 4300DTN Laser Printer 2016 Optiplex 7040
20811 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐
Total Sportsplex Center
$ 12,350.00
$ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ 7,000.00
$ 2,100.00
$ 1,850.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 7,000.00
$ 3,950.00
$ ‐
$ 10,500.00
$ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,200.00
Office of the Chief-4101
Description/User Executive Assistant Fiscal/Accred Admin Chief of Police Printer Fiscal/Accred Admin Chief of Police Printer Chief of Police Total
Installed 2017 2017 2012 2014 2016 2016 2015 2014
Model Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 380 HP 551DN Color Laser Lattitude E7270 Dell 5570 HP LaserJet MFP M575DN Optiplex 7060
Tag #
21525 $ ‐ 21527 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ 20833 $ 1,850.00 20944 $ 1,850.00 20295 $ 2,100.00 23605 $ ‐ $ 5,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 8,550.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 4,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 35,500.00
Office of Professional Standards- 4102
Description/User Senior Office Assistant Tapit Law Enforcement Sergeant Part Time Desk Printer Law Enforcement Sergeant Printer Senior Office Assistant Total
Installed 2018 2012 2018 2012 2013 2016 2015 2018
Model Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 HP Laserjet Pro 300 M375NW Latitude 5570 HP Laserjet 500 MFP ‐ M525dn Optiplex 7050
Tag #
21520 $ ‐ $ ‐ 21521 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ 20837 $ 1,850.00 20492 $ 2,100.00 21523 $ ‐ $ 3,950.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 7,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 7,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,000.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 27,850.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN PD Human Resources- 4104
HR Support Specialist Principal Office Assistant Background Investigator Principal Office Assistant Printer Printer Scanner Human Resource Administrator Law Enforcement Captain Total
2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2008 HP 3600DN Color Laser 2014 HP M525DN 2004 Canon DR‐3060 2015 Optiplex 9020 2016 Latitude E6520
Tag # 17893 18026 17954 17953 16273 19696 14140 20350 18489
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 3,250.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 DNR $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 3,950.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 1,400.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 25,150.00
PD Vice and Intel- 4203
Description/User Tech Office Terastation VIN Office VIN Office VIN Office Youth Liaison Officer Investigator Youth Liaison Officer VIN Unit Investigator Investigator Law Enforcemenet Office Investigator Deputy Police Chief N/A Investigator OffSite Law Enforcement Sergeant Investigator Investigator Investigator Investigator Law Enforcement Officer Printer Investigator Intelligence Analyst Investigator Printer Total
Installed 2010 2006 2012 2012 2012 2007 2015 2010 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2012 2012 2017 2012 2018 2012 2012 2013 2015 2015 2015 2015
Model Compaq DC7900 Terastation Pro 2.0 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Latitude D620 Laptop Latitude E6500 Laptop Latitude E6500 Laptop Latitude 7214 Latitude e5570 Latitude E5570 Latitude E5570 Latitude E5570 Latitude 6520 Latitude 6250 Latitude 6250 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 HP 400 Color Laserjet Pro M451DW Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 HP Laserjet M606X
Tag # 17310 15516 17965 17856 17944 15670 17201 14599 21041 20956 20954 20955 20953 18255 18260 18596 18011 17986 21490 21489 21492 18103 21488 18815 20347 20349 20348 20504
CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 19,250.00
CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
CIP $ 2,000.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 16,000.00
CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,300.00
CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 12,950.00
CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 10,300.00
CIP $ 2,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,000.00
CIP $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 15,850.00
CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 16,400.00
CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
CIP $ 2,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 8,300.00
FY 20‐30
$ ‐ $ 6,000.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 3,700.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 114,350.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Special Response Team- 4107
Printer SRT Command Bus Command Bus Command Bus Command Bus Total
2010 2015 2015 2015 2016
SG290JD1162 Optiplex 380 Latitude 6540 Latitude 6540 Latitude 6540 Latitude E6520
Tag #
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 19975 $ 1,850.00 20613 $ 1,850.00 19964 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 8,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 7,400.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 7,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
FY 20‐30
$ ‐ $ 4,200.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 26,400.00
Fiscal Management- 4110
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Principal Office Assistant Laser Printer Principal Office Assistant Total
2012 Optiplex 390 2014 HP 5250D MFP 2015 Optiplex 9020
Tag #
$ ‐ $ ‐ 20346 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 11,200.00
K9 Unit- 4203
Description/User Prosper PC# 2 PC #1 Prosper Total
Installed 2014 2017 2017 2016
Model Optiplex 7060 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 GETAC
Tag #
23723 $ ‐ 21558 $ ‐ 21559 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 5,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 20,400.00
Tactical Gang- 4204
Tag #
FY 20‐30
Law Enforcement Officer
2018 Optiplex 7050
21624 $ ‐
$ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐
$ ‐
$ ‐
$ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐
$ ‐
$ ‐
$ 2,800.00
Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Captain Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Captain Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Printer Total
2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7020 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2013 GETAC 2013 DELL 7214 2018 Dell Latitude 7214 2013 DELL 7214 2014 HP M750DN Color Laser
21627 21618 21620 21622 21626 21621 21619 21625 21617 21623
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 31,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 3,450.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 16,000.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 15,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 3,450.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 16,000.00
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 85,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ 21065 $ ‐ 21956 $ ‐ 20922 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Patrol- 4201 Description/User
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Law Enforcement Lieutenant Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Sergeant Briefing Room Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Sergeant Senior Office Assistant Law Enforcement Sergeant Deputy Police Chief Law Enforcement Lieutenant Law Enforcement Captain Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Sergeant Report Writing Report Writing Report Writing Report Writing Report Writing Report Writing Report Writing Report Writing Report Writing Briefing Room Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Patrol Unit Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer N/A Bike Unit Law Enforcement Officer Patrol Unit Law Enforcement Officer Patrol Unit Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Lieutenant N/A Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer N/A N/A Anrade Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enfocement Officer Law Enforcement Officer
Installed 2012 2012 2012 2018 2017 2017 2012 2012 2012 2017 2012 2017 2017 2012 2016 2017 2017 2017 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016
Model Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7040 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower Optiplex 9020 GETAC GETAC DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 GETAC Dell Latitiude DELL 7214 DELL 7214 GETAC GETAC DELL 7214 GETAC Latitude 7214 Dell Latitiude DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 GETAC DELL 7214 GETAC GETAC Dell Latitude DELL 7204 DELL 7214 Latitude 7214 Dell Latitude 7214 DELL 7214
Tag # 21499 21510 21511 21497 21501 21505 17895 18086 21504 21507 21506 21503 21526 21508 20802 21495 21502 21496 19735 19737 19738 19736 19734 19733 19732 19739 19731 20353 16913 16915 20898 21004 21071 21023 21039 21012 16941 21029 20808 21005 17548 17626 21501 17601 21058 21015 20900 21001 21049 17497 20964 17508 16894 20881 20878 21051 20971 20965 20919
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$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
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$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
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FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Patrol- 4201 (continued) Description/User
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Investigator N/A Law Enforcement Officer Investigator Patrol Unit Loaner Youth Liaison Officer Youth Liaison Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Patrol Unit Investigator Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Traffic Unit Law Enforcement Officer N/A Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer N/A Patrol Unit Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Motorcycle Officer Law Enforcement Officer Spare N/A Patrol Unit Law Enforcement Sergeant Patrol Unit ‐ Loaner N/A Traffic Accident Investigator Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Training Unit Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Traffic Acciddent Investigator Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Patrol Unit ‐ Loaner Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Traffic Acciddent Investigator Spare Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Lieutenat Spare/Loaner Law Enforcement Officer N/A Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer
Installed 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016
Model DELL 7204 Latitude 7214 Latitude 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7204 Latitude 7214 DELL 7214 Latitude 7214 GETAC Latitude 7214 DELL LATITUDE DELL LATITUDE DELL 7214 Dell 7214 Latitude 7214 Latitude 7204 DELL 7214 DELL LATITUDE DELL 7214 DELL LATITUDE DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 Latitude 7202 DELL 7214 Latitude 7214 GETAC Dell Latitude 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL LATITUDE DELL LATITUDE DELL 7214 Latitude 7214 DELL 7214 GETAC GETAC DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 GETAC DELL 7214 Latitude 7214 dell Latitude Dell 7214 DELL 7214 Dell Latitude 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 Dell Latitude 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7204 DELL 7214 Dell Latitude 7214 Dell 7214
Tag # 20914 20971 20987 20845 20913 20991 20983 21003 17536 20847 21007 21038 21064 21060 20957 20808 21016 20959 20973 21069 21014 21028 20977 20905 21043 20998 16896 20984 20992 20980 21044 21008 21073 20981 20966 17539 17512 20807 21057 21035 17541 21051 21055 20968 20921 20908 20906 21067 21022 21050 21034 21046 21009 21019 20846 20810 20844 21018 20962
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FY 20‐30
$ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Patrol- 4201 Description/User
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Patrol Unit Youth Liaison Officer Law Enforcement Officer Road Patrol Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Youth Liaison Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Investigator Law Enforcement Oficer Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Officer Spare Law Enforcement Officer Patrol Unit Hildebrant Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Officer Investigator N/A Youth Liaison Officer Law Enforcement Officer N/A Law Enforcement Sergeant Patrol Unit Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Lieutenant Law Enforcement Officer Spare Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Spare Spare Spare Spare Executive Assistant Printer Printer Printer Printer Report Writing Briefing Room Briefing Room Law Enforcement Lieutenant Deputy Police Chief Law Enforcement Captain Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Captain Law Enforcement Officer Volunteer ‐ Purchasing 3 Floor
2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2013 2013 2013 2016 2016 2013 2018 2018 2014 2014 2013 2015 2016 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2015
Model DELL 7214 DELL 7204 DELL 7214 DELL 7204 DELL 7214 GETAC DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 GETAC DELL 7214 DELL LATITUDE GETAC DELL 7214 Dell Latitude Latitude 7214 GETAC DELL 7214 Latitude 7214 GETAC DELL 7214 Dell Dell Latitude Dell Latitude 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7204 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 Latitude 7214 DELL 7214 DELL 7214 Dell Latitude Latitude 7214 DELL 7214 Dell 7214 Dell 7214 GETAC GETAC Precision T3600 MT GIS PC HP Color Laserjet M651dn HP Laserjet CP4525 HP525DN MFP Laserjet HP 995CK DeskJet Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Latitude 6520 Latitude E7270 Dell Latitude 7214 ‐ Rugged Dell Latitude 7214 ‐ Rugged Dell Latitude E7270 Dell 7214 Optiplex 9020
Tag # 20979 20912 20999 20923 21045 17517 20986 20894 20972 21063 21010 20909 20920 17533 21013 21061 17534 20969 21025 21047 17569 20957 21070 17550 21017 21021 20978 20982 20995 20925 20915 20960 20910 21056 20916 20985 21000 20970 21068 21959 21978 19727 19728 18976 20496 17745 19312 7349 19740 20511 20352 20354 18488 20834 20847 20848 20832 21003 20487
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐
$ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐
$ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐
$ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 4,200.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 2,800.00
of Contents Patrol- 4201 Description/User Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Total
2019 Dell Latitude Rugged 12 2019 Dell Latitude Rugged 12
Tag #
23678 $ ‐ 23680 $ ‐ $18,650.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $498,650.00 $41,200.00
$ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $34,100.00 $32,300.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $497,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $20,850.00
$ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $59,000.00 $15,150.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $509,450.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $23,400.00
FY 20‐30
$ 8,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $1,750,350.00
Traffic- 4202
City of Coral Springs, Florida
TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer TCP Printer Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Captain Law Enforcement Officer ‐ Admin Motorcycle Officer Motorcycle Officer Motorcycle Officer General Use Motorcycle Officer Law Enforcement Officer ‐ Admin Traffic Accident Investigator Officer 4 Officer 6 Officer 5 Traffic Spare 2 Officer 7 Officer 1 Officer 8 Traffic Spare 1 Officer 3 Traffic Spare 3 Officer 9 Officer 2 Traffic Spare 4 Officer 10 Motocycle Officer Motorcycle Officer Motorcycle Officer Motocycle Officer Total
2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2014 Zebra RW420 Label 2012 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2016 GETAC 2016 GETAC 2018 GETAC V200 Tablet 2018 GETAC V200 Tablet 2018 GETAC V200 Tablet 2018 GETAC V200 Tablet 2018 GETAC V200 Tablet 2018 GETAC V200 Tablet 2018 GETAC V200 Tablet 2014 GETAC V200 Tablet 2018 GETAC V200 Tablet 2018 GETAC V200 Tablet 2018 GETAC V200 Tablet 2018 GETAC V200 Tablet 2018 GETAC V200 Tablet 2018 GETAC V200 Tablet 2015 Dell Optiplex 9202 sff 2015 Dell Optiplex 9202 sff 2015 Dell Optiplex 9202 sff 2015 Dell Optiplex 9202 sff
Tag # 19906 19907 19908 19909 19910 19205 19206 19207 19208 19209 19210 19211 19212 19213 19214 19215 19216 19217 19218 19911 21517 21518 21516 21514 17973 18060 18054 17768 16914 17631 23703 23707 23704 23710 23708 23701 23709 19249 23713 23711 23705 23702 23712 23706 20366 20365 20386 20367
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 12,500.00
$ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 31,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ ‐ $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 58,500.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 18,100.00
$ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 20,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ ‐ $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 69,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 12,500.00
$ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 25,600.00
FY 20‐30
$ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 13,500.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 253,700.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Humane Unit- 4202
Description/User Humane Officer Humane Officer Humane Officer Humane Officer Humane Officer Humane Officer Total
Installed 2012 2012 2012 2016 2016 2016
Model Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 GETAC DELL 7214 Dell Latitiude
Tag #
21368 $ ‐ 21366 $ ‐ 21367 $ ‐ $ ‐ 20989 $ ‐ 20926 $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 12,000.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 12,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 12,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 44,400.00
Community Involvement- 4207
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Community Involvement Coordinator Community Involvement Coordinator Shared Total
2017 Optiplex 7050 2003 {{X Laptop 2006 Optiplex GC520
Tag #
21529 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ DNR $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ DNR $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,800.00
Bike Unit- 4209
Description/User Bike Office Bike Office Bike Office Bike Office Bike Office Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Investigator Investigator Total
Installed 2016 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016
Model HP LASFEJET Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Dell 7214 DELL 7214 GETAC DELL 7214
Tag # 20888 20355 20356 20358 20357 21024 21037
$ 3,450.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ 21072 $ ‐ $ 9,050.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 16,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 21,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 16,000.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,600.00
FY 20‐30
$ 10,350.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 75,150.00
Training Unit- 4210
Description/User Scanning Desk ‐ Dispatch Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Officer Range Master Law Enforcement Officer Training Office Community Room Training printer Law Enforcement Lieutenant Range Master Total
2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 HP CM3530 FS MFP 2016 Latitude Laptop E7270 2016 Latitude Laptop E7270 2015 HP Laserjet 500 MFP ‐ M525dn
Tag # 21537 21384 21536 21535 20835 20836 20495
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 5,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 9,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 7,150.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 9,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 3,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 43,900.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Substation Unit- 4211 Description/User Substation ‐ Coral Square Mall Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Law Enforcement Officer Printer printer Total
2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2016 2016 2006
Model HP laser jet color 400 Optiplex 3010 Desktop Optiplex 3010 Desktop Optiplex 3010 Desktop Optiplex 3010 Desktop DELL 7204 GETAC HP3800N Colorjet HP4050TN
Tag # 20559 23849 23850 23851 23852 20806 17609 15608
$ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 7,650.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 8,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 5,600.00 $ 15,650.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 13,600.00
$ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 7,650.00
FY 20‐30
$ 6,300.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 10,350.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 58,150.00
Bear Unit- 4211
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Description/User Desk 5 Desk 3 Desk 4 Desk 2 Desk 1 Law Enforcement Sergeant/BIKE OFF Law Enforcement Sergeant Total
Installed 2013 2013 2013 2017 2012 2017 2016
Model Optiplex 3010 Optiplex 3010 Optiplex 3010 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Latitude 7214
Tag # 19289 19291 19290 21546 17876 21500 20844
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 28,800.00
General Investigations- 4301
Investigator Investigator Investigator Investigator Investigator Investigator Investigator Investigator Investigator Investigator Investigator Law Enforcement Sergeant Criminal Inves. Specialist Principal Office Assistant Investigator Principal Office Assistant Law Enforcement Sergeant Printer Printer Crime Analyst Printer Printer Printer Captain Senior Office Assistant Total
2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2011 Optiplex 380 2015 Optiplex 9020 2016 DELL 7214 2015 Optiplex 9020 2016 Latitude E7270 2013 HP Color Laserjet M452 2014 HP M525DN Laser Jet 2013 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC 2014 HP M525DN Laser Jet 2015 HP Color Laserjet M651dn 2015 HP M606x ‐ B/W Standard 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390
Tag # 18456 18085 17994 17996 18024 18006 19265 17997 18081 17859 17866 17839 16921 20360 20896 20375 20834 23386 23778 18975 19698 20497 20505 17823 17959
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 13,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 19,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,900.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 6,050.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 13,750.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,800.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 19,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,950.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 10,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,500.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 9,800.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 10,400.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 105,850.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Special Investigations- 4302
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Crime Analyst Analyzer Investigator Investigator Investigator Victim/Family Advocate Victim/Family Advocate Investigator Investigator Principal Office Assistant Spare PC Law Enforcement Sergeant Principal Office Assistant Investigator/Child Abuse/Sex Crime Investigator Investigator Law Enforcement Sgt‐ non barg Investigator Investigator Investigator N/A Printer Printer Empty Desk Total
Installed 2015 2005 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2012 2012 2018 2015 2015 2015 2015 2010 2010 2010 2010 2016 2003‐replace 2013 2015
Model Optiplex 9020 Toshiba Satellite A60‐S1561 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 9020 Latitude E6540 Latitude E6520 Laptop Latitude E6520 Laptop Latitude E6520 Laptop Latitude E6520 Laptop Latitude E6520 Laptop Latitude E6520 Laptop DELL 7214 HP4200TN HP 525DN MFP Optiplex 9020
Tag #
20486 $ ‐ CIP 21631 $ ‐ 21633 $ ‐ 21628 $ ‐ 21636 $ ‐ 21634 $ ‐ 21629 $ ‐ 21637 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ 21635 $ ‐ 20509 $ ‐ 20326 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ 21011 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ 20005 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 16,800.00
$ ‐ CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ 7,650.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 5,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 22,350.00 $ 2,100.00
$ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,400.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 3,700.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 65,100.00
Central Records- 4501
Description/User Lobby Records Supervisor Records Supervisor Principal Office Assistant Lobby Office Assistant Principal Office Assistant Principal Office Assistant Office Assistant Office Assistant Scanning Desk Records Supervisor Printer Printer Printer Scanner Scanner Total
2015 Optiplex 9020 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2014 Latitude E6540 2013 HP Pro400 M401DN 2013 HP 525DN MFP LaserJet 2014 HP M525DN MFP LaserJet 2012 Canon DR‐6010C 2012 Canon DR‐6010C
Tag # 20359 21548 21556 21551 18031 21555 21553 21554 21549 21557 21552 19730 18958 19313 19682 18280 18278
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 2,800.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 15,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 14,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,900.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 4,200.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00 $ 3,250.00 $ 58,750.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Youth Liaison- 4303
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Youth Liaison Officer Youth Liaison Officer Deputy Police Chief Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Sergeant Senior Office Assistant Law Enforcement Officer Shared PC Law Enforcement Officer Emergency Management Coordinator Youth Liason Officer Youth Services Coordinator Law Enforcement Sergeant Youth Liason Officer Youth Liaison Officer Law Enforcement Sergeant SRO Youth Liason Officer Youth Liason Officer SRO Youth Liason Officer Youth Liason Officer Youth Liason Officer SRO Youth Liason Officer Youth Liason Officer Youth Lianson Officer SRO SRO SRO SRO SRO Printer JIC Trailer JIC Trailer JIC Trailer JIC Trailer JIC Trailer Deputy Police Chief Total
2010 Optiplex 380 2010 Optiplex 380 2017 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2015 Latitude D830 Laptop 2015 Latitude E6540 Laptop 2015 Latitude E6500 Laptop 2009 Vostro 1510 Laptop 2009 Vostro 1510 Laptop 2009 Vostro 1510 Laptop 2009 Vostro 1510 Laptop 2018 GETAC 2018 Dell Latatidue 2013 GETAC w/doc 2018 Dell Latitude 2018 Dell Latatidue 2013 GETAC w/doc 2018 Dell Latitude 2018 Dell Latitude 2018 Dell Latitude 2018 Dell Latatidue 2018 Dell Latitude 2018 Dell Latitiude 2013 GETAC w/doc 2013 GETAC w/doc 2018 DELL Latitude 2018 Dell Latitude 2013 GETAC w/doc 2013 HP CP4525DN 2013 HP Laserjet Pro 300 M375NW 2008 Optiplex 740 2008 Optiplex 740 2008 Optiplex 740 2008 Optiplex 740 2016 Latitude 5570
Tag # 17453 17457 21544 21543 21540 17955 21539 18064 16320 20339 17315 16992 16990 16994 16997 21962 21963 18798 21971 21967 18810 21970 21968 21964 21965 21972 21969 18804 18809 21973 21974 18805 18899 18946 16074 16075 16076 16077 20874
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 7,450.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 79,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 11,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 9,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 71,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 13,950.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 7,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 77,000.00
FY 20‐30
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 287,550.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Criminal ID- 4305
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Video Forensic System Booking Room LATENT Crime Scene Technician Property Room Digital Evidence ‐ Patti Patruno Property Tech Law Enforcement Officer Crime Scene Technician Latent Fingerprint Examiner Crime Lab Technician Crime Scene Technician Crime Scene Inv. Unit Supvr. Property Room Crime Scene Technician Crime Scene Technician Digital Evidence Digital Evidence Crime Scene Technician Crime Scene Technician Crime Scene Technician Law Enforcement Officer Property Room Printer Scanner Printer CSI ‐ Lab CSI ‐Volunteer CSI ‐ Annex room CSI ‐ Volunteer Total
2015 Optiplex 9020 2006 PC CTJ5L81 2006 LATENT FINGERPRINT STATION 2013 Optiplex 3010 2014 Optiplex 7060 2011 Optiplex 380 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2016 DELL 7214 2016 DELL 7214 2018 Dell Latitude 2016 GETAC 2014 Getac S400 Laptop 2016 Optiplex 9020 2008 HP 4700N Color LaserJet 2008 Scanner 2015 HP Color Laserjet M651dn 2016 Optiplex 7040 2016 Optiplex 7040 2016 Optiplex 7040 2016 Optiplex 7040
Tag #
20095 CIP $ ‐ CIP $ ‐ 23759 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 21588 $ ‐ 21591 $ ‐ 21587 $ ‐ 21582 $ ‐ 21586 $ ‐ 21583 $ ‐ 21590 $ ‐ 21584 $ ‐ 21585 $ ‐ 21589 $ ‐ 21630 $ ‐ $ ‐ 21048 $ ‐ 20897 $ ‐ 21957 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ 20368 $ 1,400.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ 20493 $ 2,100.00 20852 $ ‐ 20854 $ ‐ 20855 $ ‐ 20853 $ ‐ $ 8,350.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 5,170.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 26,770.00
$ ‐ operating $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 15,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 2,800.00
CIP $ ‐ CIP $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 5,170.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 29,520.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 15,400.00 $ 1,400.00
2029 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 5,170.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 23,970.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 8,350.00
FY 20‐30
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 15,510.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 10,350.00 $ ‐ $ 6,300.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 138,960.00
Building Fleet/ Maintenance- 4503
Description/User Gas Boy PC Office Assistant Custodian Fleet / Facilties Coordinator Sr Fleet Facilities Coord. Facilities Technician Facilities Technician Motorcycle Officer Printer Total
2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 7050 2018 Optiplex 7050 2016 DELL 7214 2014 HP425DN MFP
Tag # 21594 21597 21596 21595
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ 21592 $ ‐ 21593 $ ‐ 21075 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 9,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 9,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 5,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 33,600.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Communications Center- 4502
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Communications Shift Supervisor Communications Technical Coord. Communications Administrator Camera Monitoring PC Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Communications Administrator Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare ‐ Loaner Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Law Enforcement Officer Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare ‐ Loaner Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Supervisor Code Compliance Supervisor FCIC‐Calltaker 2‐Channel Eagent Printer Main Channel Call Taker 5 Call Taker 1 Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare
2015 Optiplex 9020 sff 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2013 Optiplex 9010 Small Form380 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2014 Optiplex 9020 Mini Tower 2015 Latitude E5500 Laptop 2016 Delll 7214 2016 DELL 7214 2016 DELL 7214 2016 DELL 7214 2016 Latitude 7214 2016 Dell Latitiude 2016 DELL 7214 2016 GETAC 2016 Latitude 5414 2016 GETAC 2016 GETAC 2016 Latitude 7214 2016 GETAC 2016 GETAC 2013 GETAC 2016 Latitude 7214 2016 Dell 7214 2013 GETAC 2013 GETAC 2016 Latitude 7214 2013 GETAC 2013 DELL 7214 2016 Latitude 7214 2013 GETAC 2013 DELL 7214 2013 GETAC 2013 DELL 7214 2013 GETAC 2013 DELL 7214 2016 DELL 7214 2014 GETAC 2016 Latitude 7214 2014 GETAC 2018 Dell Latitude 2014 GETAC 2014 GETAC 2014 GETAC 2014 GETAC 2015 HP 4015X LaserJet 2015 HP 4015X LaserJet 2015 HP 4015X LaserJet 2015 HP 4015X LaserJet 2014 HP PRO 400 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 2017 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 2017 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 2017 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 2018 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex Mini Tower 910
Tag # 20260 18018 18009 18928 19902 19900 19901 17391 21074 21020 21033 21006 21053 20917 20987 17594 21019 17595 17583 20961 17592 17598 18614 20994 21062 18608 18622 20963 18607 20994 20966 18610 20963 18618 20958 18624 21054 21066 19323 21057 19328 21955 19322 19329 19326 19331 20552 20549 20550 20551 19359 21648 19259 19255 19267 19271 21650 19269
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,400.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,400.00 $ ‐ $ 3,400.00 $ ‐ $ 3,400.00 $ ‐ $ 3,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,000.00 $ ‐ $ 2,000.00 $ ‐ $ 2,000.00 $ ‐ $ 2,000.00 $ ‐ $ 2,000.00 $ ‐ $ 2,000.00 $ ‐ $ 2,000.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 3,400.00 $ 3,400.00 $ ‐ $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 4,200.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 10,200.00 $ 10,200.00 $ 10,200.00 $ 10,200.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Communications Center- 4502
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Call Taker 4 Info Channel Call Taker 6 Call Taker 2 Call Taker 3 Supervisor Fire Channel Backup Main Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Spare Dispatch Training Office Call Taker 3 Communications Technical Coord.
2018 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017
Comm Tech Coord Total
Model Optiplex 7050 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 Optiplex Mini Tower 910 Latiude 5570 Optiplex 7050 Dell Latitude E5570 Dell Latitude E5570 Delll Latitude E5570 Delll Latitude E5570
Tag # 21640 19264 19260 19256 19257 19261 19263 19265 19266 19268 19272 19274 20838 19262 21208 21209 21208 21209
Total Police
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 18,950.00
$ 140,150.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 85,600.00
$ 690,320.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 64,200.00
$ 387,650.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 15,250.00
$ 146,600.00
$ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 59,650.00
$ 163,600.00
FY 20‐30
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 89,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 60,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 18,050.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,250.00
$ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 143,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 63,500.00
$ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 468,750.00
$ 749,320.00
$ 205,300.00
$ 313,700.00
$ 81,000.00
$ 788,170.00
$ 266,150.00
$ 3,931,960.00
Public Works Admin- 5501
Public Works Analyst Admin Office Senior Office Assistant Admin Office Director of Public Works Director of Public Works
2014 2017 2017 2017 2012 2016 2017
Model Optiplex 7060 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Latitude E6250 Dell Latitude 7280
Tag # 23858 21715 21713 21712 18121 20330 21909
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 3,250.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 3,250.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 25,100.00
Public Works Streets- 5601
Description/User Equipment Operator II Senior Office Assistant Public Works Lead Worker Streets Superintendent Senior Office Assistant Public Works Project Technician Public Works Project Technician Equipment Operator II Public Works Lead Worker Total
2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2017 Latitude E5510 Laptop 2015 Optixplex 9020 Mini Tower 2012 Optiplex 380
Tag # 21378 21381 21377 21379 21382 21380 21762 20297
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 DNR $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 8,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 3,250.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 8,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 DNR $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 5,550.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00 $ 26,550.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Public Works Facilities- 5801
Team Room Facilities Superintendent Electrician Team Room Team Room Metasys Laptop Total
2017 2017 2017 2009 2015 2017
Model Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Latitude E6500 Laptop Optiplex 9020 Dell Latitude 7280
Tag #
21709 $ ‐ 21710 $ ‐ 21711 $ ‐ $ ‐ 20363 $ 1,400.00 21262 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
Total Public Works
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 3,250.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 4,650.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 18,200.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 3,250.00 $ 8,350.00 $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 6,050.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 21,850.00
$ 20,050.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 6,950.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 73,500.00
Center for the Arts- 9082
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Museum Museum Museum Museum Ticket Printer Ticket Printer Ticket Printer Ticket Printer Ticket Printer Ticket Printer Community Relations Liaison Museum Director Guest Services Executive Assistant/City Center Marketing Director/City Center Education Director/City Center Back of the Box Office Associate Director/City Center Executive Director Workstation Conference Room Workstation Extra PC General Manager/City Center Workstation Workstation Concessions/Catering Manager No Listing Workstation Artistic Director/City Center Technical Director/City Center Artistic Director/City Center Executive Assistant/City Center No Listing Box Office Director Printer 2nd floor Printer Printer 1st loor Museum Museum Technical Director Theater sound room Total
2014 Apple Macbook Pro 2014 Apple Macbook Pro 2014 Apple Macbook Pro 2014 Apple Macbook Pro 2017 Lemur S26 Option 2" 200DPI 2017 Lemur S26 Option 2" 200DPI 2017 Lemur S26 Option 2" 200DPI 2017 Lemur S26 Option 2" 200DPI 2017 Lemur S26 Option 2" 200DPI 2017 Lemur S26 Option 2" 200DPI 2019 Optiplex 7060 2014 Optiplex 7060 2014 Optiplex 7060 2010 Optiplex 390 2015 Mac Surface Studio 2015 Optiplex 9020 sff 2014 Optiplex 390 2014 Optiplex 9020 sff 2015 Optiplex 9020 sff 2017 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2017 Optiplex 7050 2015 Mac Surface Studio 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2012 Optiplex 390 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Mac Surface Studio 2012 Optiplex 390 2012 Optiplex 390 2014 Optiplex 7060 2015 Optiplex 9020 sff 2016 Latitude E5470 2017 HP M653DN 2012 HP Color Laserjet CP4525 2014 HP LaserJet 4555H MFP 2014 HP Pro Pagewide 772DW 2001 HP 5000DN Color LaserJet 2016 Optiplex 7040 2019 Latitude 5590
Tag #
23854 23855 23856 18396 21257 20254 17907 19981 20258 21389 21388 18449 21390 21255 21395 20255 21393 18424 21392 21256 18433 18423 23857 20253 20815 23457 18349 19956 23576 12099 21106 23783
DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
DNR DNR DNR DNR $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,400.00
DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ 4,100.00 DNR $ ‐
DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
$ 15,100.00 $ 9,200.00 $ 25,750.00 $ ‐
DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,600.00 $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
DNR DNR DNR DNR $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,100.00 DNR $ 1,400.00
DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐
DNR DNR DNR DNR $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,300.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,600.00
DNR DNR DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,100.00 DNR $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,900.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 3,900.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 10,350.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 5,200.00 $ 12,300.00 DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 10,050.00 $ 21,050.00 $ 5,500.00 $ 21,650.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 16,000.00 $ 17,350.00 $ 143,500.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN EMS- 4702
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Assistant Fire Chief Community Paramedic Captain Deputy Fire Chief Workstation Tablet Tablet Tablet‐ST 43 Tablet‐ST 42 Tablet Tablet Tablet‐ST 97 Tablet Tablet‐ST 80 Tablet ST‐109 Tablet‐ST 43 Tablet‐ST 80 Tablet Tablet Tablet‐ST 80 Tablet Admin Office Tablet Tablet‐St 109 Tablet Total
Tag #
2011 Getac S400 Laptop 2011 Getac S400 Laptop 2011 Getac S400 Laptop 2011 Getac S400 Laptop 2015 Optiplex 9020 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100 2016 Getac Tablet ‐ V100
17678 17677 17676 17675 20381 19140 19143 19150 19154 19144 19142 19156 19147 19148 19155 19149 19153 19146 19141 19152 19145 19139 19151 19157 19158
Total General Fund
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 81,400.00 $ 428,584.00
$ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 16,000.00 $ 795,920.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 905,900.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 80,000.00
$ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 17,400.00
$ 248,750.00
$ 423,100.00
$ 960,520.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 410,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 701,250.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 80,000.00 $ 286,600.00
$ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 16,000.00
FY 20‐30
$ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,200.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ ‐ $ 12,000.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 292,200.00
$ 995,820.00
$ 542,750.00
$ 6,699,294.00
FY 20‐30
Fire Administration- 4601
Description/User Office Assistant Division Chief Assistant Fire Chief Conference Room Lieutenant Clerical Assistant Senior Office Assistant Senior Office Assistant Public Education Officer Deputy Fire Chief Fire Chief Fire Chief Division Chief Assistant Fire Chief Division Chief Assistant Fire Chief Assistant Fire Chief Public Education Officer Fire Marshall Printer Printer Executive Assistant Knox Medical Safes Total
Installed 2012 2018 2017 2012 2018 2012 2018 2017 2012 2018 2009 2016 2013 2016 2014 2016 2016 2016 2014 2014 2014 2012 2015
Model Optiplex 7050 Dell Latitude 7280 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Dell Vostro Laptop Dell Latitude E5470 Latitude E6530 Panasonic CF 54 Latitude E6540 Panasonic CF 54 Panasonic CF 54 Getac S400 Laptop Getac S400 Laptop HP M525DN LaserJet HP Laserjet MFP M575DN Optiplex 390 Dell Latitude E6540
Tag #
21426 21791 21431 21432 21429 17999 21427 21430 21889 16480 20825 19022 20799 19963 20797 20798 17674 19327 19790 20500 17883 20533
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 DNR $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,000.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ 2,000.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐
$ 1,850.00
$ 16,000.00
$ 21,250.00
$ 4,000.00
$ 7,300.00
$ 16,000.00
$ 5,850.00
$ 19,400.00
$ 1,850.00
$ 21,450.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 12,000.00 $ 8,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 5,850.00 $ 120,800.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Fire Station- 42
Description/User PC PC Workstation Total
2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050 2017 Optiplex 7050
Tag #
21453 $ ‐ 21452 $ ‐ 21450 $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 8,400.00
Fire Station- 43 Description/User
City of Coral Springs, Florida
PC PC PC PC Printer Total
Installed 2012 2012 2012 2015 2016
Model Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 HP Laserjet Pro MFP M521D
Tag # 17810 21438 21436 18423 20759
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 3,450.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 3,450.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 19,500.00
Fire Station- 64 Description/User PC PC PC Printer ‐ Station 64 Total
Installed 2017 2017 2017 2016
Model Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 HP Laserjet Pro MFP M521D
Tag # 21439 21440 21441 20764
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 3,450.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 3,450.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 15,300.00
Fire Station- 71 Description/User Report Writing Captains Report Writing Printer ‐ Station 71 Total
Installed 2017 2017 2012 2016
Model Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 HP Laserjet Pro MFP M521D
Tag # 21443 21442 21444 20765
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 3,450.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 3,450.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 15,300.00
Fire Station- 80 Description/User Batallion Chief Workstation Report Writing Front Printer Total
Installed 2017 2017 2017 2012 2016
Model Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 HP Laserjet Pro MFP M521D
Tag # 21448 21446 21445 21447 20762
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 3,450.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 3,450.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 5,600.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 18,100.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Fire Station- 95
Description/User PC PC Report Writing Printer Total
Installed 2017 2017 2017 2016
Model Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 HP Laser Jet 521dn ‐ MFP
Tag # 21454 21451 21449 20763
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 3,450.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 3,450.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 4,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 15,300.00
Fire Station- 97
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Workstation Total
2012 Optiplex 390
Tag #
Tag #
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00
Fire Inspections- 4901
Description/User Office Assistant Senior Office Assistant Fire Inspector ll Workstation Fire Inspector ll Fire Inspector ll Fire Inspector ll Fire Inspector ll Fire Marshall Fire Inspection Captain Fire Marshall Fire Inspection Captain Printer Printer Printer/Troino Fire Inspector ll Fire Inspector Fire Inspector Fire Inspector Fire Inspector Fire Inspector Fire Inspector Fire Inspector Fire Inspector Fire Inspector Fire Inspector Fire Inspector Fire Inspection Lieutenant Spare Desk Total
Installed 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2015 2015 2015 2012 2015 2016 2015 2015 2009 0 0 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2017 2017
Dell Optiplex 9020 Dell Optiplex 9020 Dell Optiplex 9020 Dell Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 390 Dell Optiplex 9020 Dell Optiplex 9020 Dell Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 390 Dell Optiplex 9020 Dell Latitude E5470 M651N ‐ Color HP M606X HP 3035 Multifunction LaserJet HP 1000 LaserJet HP 2200 Business Jet Printer Dell Latitude 5285 Dell Latitude 5285 Dell Latitude 5285 Dell Latitude 5285 Dell Latitude 5285 Dell Latitude 5285 Dell Latitude 5285 Dell Latitude 5285 Dell Latitude 5285 Dell Latitude 5285 Dell Latitude 5285 Dell Optiplex 7050 Dell Optiplex 7050
20000 20003 19983 20228 20256 20253 19994 20004 20008 20826 20430 20429
23268 23269 23270 23271 23272 23273 23274 23275 23276 23277 23278 21939 21938
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 20,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 21,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 DNR DNR $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 43,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 18,200.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ 2,500.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,350.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 DNR DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 37,050.00
FY 20‐30
$ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 10,350.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 6,300.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 9,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 8,200.00 $ 6,700.00 $ 8,200.00 $ 7,200.00 $ 8,200.00 $ 6,700.00 $ 6,700.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 149,800.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Fire Training- 4805
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Workstation Workstation Workstation Workstation Workstation Workstation Workstation Workstation Workstation Fire Equipment Technician Office Assistant Students PC Division Chief EMS Workstation Workstation Division Chief Workstation Senior Office Assistant Asst. Chief Training Officer Workstation Downstairs Workstation Workstation Deputy Fire Chief 2nd Floor Workstation Office Assistant Laptop Laptop Public Education Officer Asst. Chief Training Officer Printer Printer ‐ Fire Training Printer Printer PC Lieutenant Total
Installed 2012 2017 2012 2017 2017 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2017 2012 2012 2017 2012 2017 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2007 2007 2008 2016 2015 2006 2006 2009 2003 2016
Model Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Latitude D620 Laptop Latitude D620 Laptop Latitude D830 Laptop Dell Latitude E5470 HP Color Laserjet HP 4700DTN Color LaserJet HP 4350DTN LaserJet HP M3035 Multifunction Printer Optiplex GX270 Dell Latitude E5470
Tag # 18527 21565 17979 21575 21571 17965 17964 18010 17980 18023 17992 21569 18014 18012 21589 17901 21580 17838 17861 15285 17949 17864 18108 19026 19025 19024 20331 19972 20333 20828 20385 15650 15639 17137 13654 20827
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 DNR $ 1,850.00 $ 11,350.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 30,800.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 9,750.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,850.00 $ 7,150.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 DNR $ ‐ $ 7,650.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 DNR $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 36,350.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 1,850.00 $ 7,900.00
FY 20‐30
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 3,450.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 DNR $ ‐ $ 7,650.00
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 4,200.00 $ ‐ $ 5,550.00 $ 124,150.00
FY 20‐30
Fire Prevention- 4902
Description/User Fire Marshall Total
Total Fire Fund
2015 Dell Optiplex 9020
Tag #
20229 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐
$ 36,700.00
$ 33,250.00
2022 $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 101,050.00
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ 13,750.00
$ 16,300.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐
$ 70,300.00
$ 41,300.00
$ 86,550.00
$ 14,100.00
2029 $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 24,900.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 4,200.00
$ 53,350.00
$ 493,650.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Water & Sewer Administration- 6001
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Utilities Mechanic UFO ROOM Senior Office Assistant Utilities Operation Manager Civil Engineer Printer Printer (Admin) Printer (Lab) Server Server Civil Engineer Office Assistant Uitilities Electrician Utilities Services Tech
Installed 2014 2015 2015 2016 2013 2018 2016 2007 2008 2008 2015 2016 2016 2017 2015
Model Optiplex 3010 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Precision T3600 MT GIS PC HP M653DN Color Laserjet HP CM2320 Color Multifunction HP 4350DTN LaserJet Dell Power Edge 1800 Dell Power Edge 1900 Dell E6540 Laptop Optiplex 9020 Surface Pro 3 Optiplex 7050 Dell Latitude E6540
Tag # 23859 20514 20361 20376 23176 20890
20342 20512 20668 21315 20252
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ DNR DNR $ 1,850.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 3,950.00
$ 10,450.00
$ 1,850.00
$ 4,850.00
$ 3,250.00
$ 2,100.00
$ 12,300.00
$ ‐
$ 6,700.00
$ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 DNR DNR $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 6,300.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,550.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 3,950.00 $ 50,800.00
Water & Sewer Distribution- 6002
Description/User Water Convervation Coordinator Field Operations Supervisor Water Convervation Coordinator Printer Water Conservation Coordinator Field Operations Supervisor Utilities Locator Tech Total
Installed 2012 2015 2016 2018 2016 2015 2017
Model Optiplex 390 Optiplex 9020 Pan Toughbook 54 HP color laserjet M577 Dell E6540 Laptop Dell E6540 Laptop Optiplex 7050
Tag # 20515 20132 23315 20619 21315
$ ‐ . $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 6,250.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,700.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,550.00 $ 1,850.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 2,800.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 3,250.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,700.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,550.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,000.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 11,450.00 $ 5,400.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 33,100.00
Water & Sewer Treatment- 6003
Description/User Workstation Spare PC (water plant) Utilities Maint. Supervisor Utilities Mechanic Chief Water Plant Operator Telemetry Base Telemetry Backup Water Plant Printer Utilities Mechanic Utilities Mechanic Utilities Mechanic Mechanic Equipment Room Civil Engineer Total
Installed 2019 2015 2015 2017 2018 2019 2006 2013 2005 2016 2016 2016 2016 2019
Model Optiplex 3010 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 9020 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex GX520 GETAC HP 1320 LaserJet Surface Pro 3 Surface Pro 3 Surface Pro 3 Dell Latitude E5470 Dell Presicion 5820
Tag # 23858 20510 20513 21386 23330 23811
20666 20667 20669 20829 23609
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 12,300.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ DNR $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,500.00 $ 7,900.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 10,200.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,900.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ 4,000.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 11,300.00
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 DNR $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 2,800.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ DNR $ ‐ $ 2,100.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 4,900.00
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 4,200.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ ‐ $ 8,000.00 $ 6,300.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 57,200.00
of Contents
tEN-yEAR computer rEPLACEMENT pLAN Wastewater- 6005
Description/User Utilities Coordinator Utilities Mechanic Video Recording Truck Total
2015 Optiplex 9020 sff 2015 Optiplex 9020 2013 Optiplex XE Desktop
Tag #
City of Coral Springs, Florida
2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2012 2012 2006 2016 2016 2016 2019 2017
Model Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 7050 Optiplex 390 Optiplex 390 Latitude D610 Laptop Latitude E5470 HP LASERJT Dell Latitude E6540 Dell Latitude 5490 Optiplex 7050
FY 20‐30
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
$ 4,200.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 9,800.00
$ 19,500.00
$ 18,100.00
$ 4,650.00
$ 18,700.00
$ 15,300.00
$ 12,400.00
$ 16,500.00
$ 8,650.00
$ 23,950.00
$ 8,200.00
$ 10,250.00
$ 150,900.00
Total Water & Sewer Fund
Spare Senior Office Assistant Lead Mechanic Fleet Superintendent Garage Garage Garage Generator Technician Mechanic Garage Spare Mechanic Printer Mechanic Assistant Superintendent Fleet Analyst Service Writer Total Equipment Service fund
20259 $ 1,400.00 20379 $ ‐ 18896 $ ‐ $ 1,400.00
Tag # 21375 21369 21370 21373 21371 20812 21372 21374 17840 17770 15226 20829 20889 20615 23744 21305
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,300.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,400.00 $ 15,400.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ 3,700.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,300.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00
$ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ 1,400.00 $ 19,100.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 3,450.00 $ ‐ $ 1,850.00 $ ‐ $ ‐ $ 5,300.00
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
$ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐ $ ‐
FY 20‐30
$ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 3,700.00 $ 10,350.00 $ 6,900.00 $ 5,550.00 $ 1,850.00 $ 2,800.00 $ 59,150.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 10,000.00
$ 110,000.00
Grand total
$ 500,084.00
$ 867,620.00
$ 1,041,200.00
$ 294,900.00
$ 470,000.00
$ 1,053,220.00
$ 488,250.00
$ 829,750.00
$ 339,950.00
$ 1,038,920.00
$ 616,350.00
$ 7,535,194.00
Table of Contents
General Fund
Add Team Office Space
General Fund
Add Bleacher Seating- Aquatics
General Fund
Covered Pad for Equipment in Maintenance Yard
General Fund
Filter Room Upgrade
General Fund
Deck Staining—Cypress
General Fund
Endless Pool
General Fund
Dryland Training Area
General Fund
Starting Block Replacement
General Fund
Fitness Center Expansion
General Fund
Lower Deck Lighting -Aquatics
General Fund
Spectator Seating Shade Program
General Fund
Replace teaching pool liner
General Fund
Pool Deck (cooling)
General Fund General Fund
Aquatics Aquatics
Event Parking Lot Upgrades Unfunded Recurring Capital
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Lobby Benches
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Lobby/Courtyard Trash Cans
General Fund
Center For The Arts
HVAC into Kitchen Area
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Kitchen Remodel
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Replace Risers and Portable Staging
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Replace Headphone System
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Digital Billboard
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Replace Stage Door Locks
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Replace Carpeting in Balcony & Mezzanine
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Theater Lobby Interior Refurbishing
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Nightlock Security Locks for Facility doors
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Portable Walk Through Metal Detextors
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Replace Banquet Tables
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Replace Banquet Chairs
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Meeting Room Projector & Ceiling Lift
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Replace Actor Wing Flooring
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Golf Cart (6-8 person)
Aquatics Total
$20,000 $250,000 $23,400 $1,277,900 $6,000 $5,000
$15,000 $40,000 $15,000 $5,000
$6,000 $10,000
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Replace Music Stands
General Fund
Center For The Arts
General Fund
Center For The Arts
General Fund
Center For The Arts
Room A&B Entrance Beautification
General Fund General Fund
Center For The Arts Center For The Arts
Renovate Elevator Interior Replace Wooden Doors
General Fund
City Manager
Center For The Arts Total
$2,500 $10,000 $15,000 $259,000
Mailing/Postage Machine
City Manager Total
$10,000 $10,000
General Fund General Fund
Emergency Medical Services Emergency Medical Services
Chest Compression Devices Unfunded Recurring Capital
General Fund
Information Technology
Dell Secure Works
General Fund
Information Technology
Collaboration Software
General Fund General Fund
Information Technology Information Technology
Uptime Monitoring Unfunded Recurring Capital
$150,000 $112,000
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Athletic Field and Court Light Fixtures-Lions Park
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Cypress- Artificial Turf for Batting Cage
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Cypress -Renovate Entrance to Tennis Office
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Cypress- Replace Artificial Turf on Playgrounds
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Cypress- Replace Pathway & Parking Lot Lights w LED
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Cypress- Replace PVC Fencing
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Cypress- Seal Coat & Stripe Parking Lots
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Cypress-Landscape Upgrades
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Cypress-Pathway Overlay
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Cypress-Replace 2 Wood Storage Buildings
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Cypress-Restroom Renov. for Pool Area/Locker Rooms
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
ESL Site Upgrades
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Gym Sidewalks and Landscaping
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Gymnasium Addition
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Irrigation Equipment
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Irrigation Pump Replacements
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Irrigation System Control
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Landscape Beautification
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Linear Park landscaping
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Little League Building
Emergency Medical Services Total
Information Technology Total
$122,000 $32,500
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
$150,000 $20,000
$100,000 $10,000 $200,000 $10,000 $150,000 $200,000 $90,000 $225,000 $30,000 $10,000,000 $94,000 $100,000
$150,000 $1,500,000
Table of Contents
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins Gym- Bleacher Renovations
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins Gym- New Backboard and Rims for Courts
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins Gym- Renovate Small Restrooms (2)
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins Gym- Table and Chairs
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins Gym-Floor Covers and Bars
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins Gym-New Backboards
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins Gym-New Control Pad
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins Gym-New Divider Curtains
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins Gym-New Doors for Building
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins Gym-New Flooring in Office Area
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins Gym-Renov Court Surfacing/Paint New Lines
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins Gym-Replace Court Lights w LED Lights
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins Gym-Widen Concrete Sidewalks
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins- Renovation to American Little League Building
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins- renovation to restroom on tract 23/24
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins-new LED light fixtures basketball/tennis court
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins-New Restrooms
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Mullins-Pathway Lighting
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NCP- Bumper Blocks
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NCP- New Artificial Turf for Batting Cages
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NCP- Renovate East and West Restrooms
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NCP- Replace Pathway & Parking Lot Lights w LED
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NCP- Replace PVC Fencing
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NCP-Pathway Overlay
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NCP-Renovate Interior of Wheel Building
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
New Restroom/Storage Building at Lions Park
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP- Bumper Blocks
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP- Field Renovations at Lions Park
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP- Parking Lot and Pathway seal coating and striping
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP- Renovate Kiwanis Park Outdoor Restroom Building
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP- Replace Chain Link Fence at Riverside Park
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP- Replace PVC Fencing at Various Parks
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP-New Chain Link Fence for Chevy Chase Park
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP-New Doors for Dugout Storage Rooms at Betti Strad.
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP-New Picnic Pavilion at Kiwanis Park
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP-Overlay Pathways and Parking Lots Various Parks
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP-Pathway and Parking Lot Overlay and Striping
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP-Replace Athletic Field/ Court Light Fixtures Lions PK
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP-Replace PVC Fencing
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP-Replace PVC Fencing at Various Parks
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP-Restroom Renovation at Forest Hills Park
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP-Restroom Renovations at Ralph Diaz Memorial Park
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP-Restroom Renovations at Sandy Ridge Sanctuary
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP-Restroom Renovations at Volunteer Park
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
NP-Restroom Renovations at Whispering Woods Park
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Pathway Lighting at 5 Parks
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Replace Restroom/Storage Building-Forest Hills Park
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Replace Two Wood Storage Buildings
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Senior Center
General Fund
Parks and Recreation
Skateboard Park Equipment Replacement
General Fund General Fund
Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation
Trailers Unfunded Recurring Capital
General Fund
Communications Center Carpet Repl
General Fund
PPE Gear 3M FR-64 Canisters-2023
General Fund
Computer/Hi-Tech Forensic Analysis Unit
General Fund
PSB 2nd Floor UPS Batteries/Capacitors-2021
General Fund
Painting Public Safety Facilities
General Fund
Rubber Flooring at Public Safety
General Fund
911 UPS Batteries-2022
General Fund
Radio Tower UPS Batteries-2023
General Fund
Carpet Replacement Public Safety
General Fund
Seal Coating Driveways
General Fund
Intelligence Software Upgrades
General Fund
Video Forensics System
General Fund
Parking Enforcement Vehicle
General Fund
AVL Security Display Replacement
General Fund General Fund
Police Police
Safety Town Improvements Unfunded Recurring Capital
$10,000 $43,600
Parks and Recreation Total
Amount $50,000 $5,000 $35,000
$5,000 $50,000
$20,000 $150,000
$25,000 $100,000
$8,000 $25,000 $50,000
$5,000 $300,000 $40,000 $50,000
$6,000 $20,000 $150,000
$600,000 $200,000 $6,522,000 $300,000 $15,000 $164,500 $10,711,100
Police Total
$16,000 $40,000
$19,500 $28,000
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
General Fund General Fund
Public Works Public Works
Electric Car Charging Stations Unfunded Recurring Capital
General Fund
Laser Grade clay courts
General Fund
Fence Replacement & repair
General Fund
Court Lighting
General Fund
Replace electrical panels at tennis center
General Fund
Replace Clubhouse Furniture
General Fund
Football Scoreboard Replacement
General Fund
Interior Renovations to Tennis Center Clubhouse
General Fund
Replace Light Poles at Tennis Center
General Fund
Renovate Locker Rooms- Tennis Center
General Fund
Scissor Lift for Light Pole Repairs
General Fund
Replace Windows- Phase II
General Fund
Landscape North Parcel
General Fund
Resurfacing Track and Courts
General Fund General Fund
Sportsplex/Tennis Sportsplex/Tennis
Replace Kitchen Appliances Renovate Baseball Infield
$35,000 $50,000
General Fund
40th Street Sidewalk Impv, Riverside to University Dr
General Fund
Alley Refurbishment Program
General Fund
Coral Hills Drive Sidewalk and Drainage
General Fund
New Sidewalk Construction
General Fund
NW 39th Street Sidewalk and Drainage
General Fund
Roadway Evaluation and Management software
General Fund
Rock Island Bike Lane Project
General Fund
Turtle Creek bike lanes
General Fund
University Drive Widening Project
General Fund General Fund
Transportation Transportation
University Drive Interconnectivity Project Unfunded Recurring Capital
$55,000 $223,000
Public Works Total
$30,000 $200,000 $35,000
Waste Transfer Station Improvements
$34,375,100 1,488,071 $1,488,071
Solid Waste Fund Total Total Unfunded Projects
Transportation Total
Public Works
$33,000 $97,000 $130,000
Sportsplex/Tennis Total
General Fund Total Solid Waste Fund
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
PROJECT AND ACCOUNT NUMBERS- FY 2020 The following pages include account and project numbers for Fiscal Year 2020 Capital improvements. The information provided in each table includes:
• Fund name and number
• Department name
• Funding source
• Project title
• Account number
• Project number
• Project type
• Project subtype
• Fiscal Year 2020 approved budget
City of Coral Springs, Florida
of Contents
Project and Account Numbers for FY 2020 Capital Projects Operating— General Fund (001) Funding Source Operating Department/Fund
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
General fund 513 526 541
Funding Source
Project Title Painting Public Safety Facilities Carpet Replacement Public Safety Ballistic Shields and Breaching Tools Ballistic Helmets License Plate Reader CUTS Team equipment Computer/Hi-Tech Forensic Analysis Unit Operating Video Forensics System Tactical (SWAT) Vests Intelligence Software Upgrades Health and Wellness Equipment Hurricane Equipment Bus Shelter add solar power fan Canal Bank Clearing
Account # 001-9030-521-62-01 001-9030-521-62-01 001-9030-521-64-01 001-9030-521-64-01 001-9030-521-64-01 001-9030-521-64-01 001-9030-521-64-01 001-9030-521-64-01 001-9030-521-64-01 001-9030-513-63-99 001-9030-526-64-01 001-9030-526-64-01 001-9030-541-63-01 001-9030-541-63-01
Project # n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Project Type n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Project Sub Type n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Subtotal Operating—General Fund
Operating—Fire Fund (109) Department/Fund
Fire fund
Subtotal Operating—Fire Fund
Funding Source
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Budget FY 2020 27,500 20,000 14,400 30,000 64,000 19,400 25,000 19,500 220,000 20,000 4,560 20,216 25,000 50,000
Funding Source Operating
Project Title Tactical Rescue Training Equipment Add to Fleet- 5 Pickup Trucks Health and Wellness Equipment Tower Upgrades CSRIPS & 71 Operating Hurricane Equipment Rapid Intervention Team (RIT) Bags Structure Burn Replacement Flashover Replacement
Account # 109-9030-522-64-01 109-9030-522-64-01 109-9030-522-64-01 109-9030-522-64-01 109-9030-522-64-01 109-9030-522-64-01 109-9030-522-64-01 109-9030-522-64-01
Project # n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Project Type n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Project Sub Type n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Budget FY 2020 65,000 136,360 7,440 25,000 32,984 186,000 17,000 10,000
of Contents
Operating—Water and Sewer Fund (402) Funding Source Operating Department/Fund
Water & Sewer
Funding Source
Project Title Fire Hydrant Replacement Program Force Main Valve Repair/Repl. Program Operating Water Main Valve Repair/Repl. Program Dead End Water Main Automatic Flushers Portable Emergency Generators for Lift Stations
Account # 402-9030-536-63-00 402-9030-536-63-00 402-9030-536-63-00 402-9030-536-63-00 402-9030-536-64-01
Project # n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Project Type n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Project Sub Type n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Subtotal Operating—Water and Sewer Fund
City of Coral Springs, Florida
$ $ $ $ $
Budget FY 2020 60,000 100,000 100,000 25,000 50,000
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Budget FY 2020 27,093 877,534 115,992 29,277 29,058 36,846 58,294 31,563 58,228 58,554 33,522 63,126 686,960 27,272 54,544 25,150 77,358 44,748 24,761 49,522 61,439 62,519
Operating—Equipment Services Fund (511) Funding Source Operating Department/Fund Financial Services
Fire/EMS Building Code Compliance Parks—Mullins
Funding TFA # Source Project Title 513 Operating Van, 7 Passenger Mini (19) Patrol Vehicle, Tahoes (4) Unmarked Pursuit Interceptor Vehicle- Charger Admin Interceptor Vehicle- Traverse Van, 8 passenger Mini Van 521 (2) Admin Specialty Vehicle- Durango Admin PickupTruck- Pickup Truck (2) Admin Specialty Vehicle- Jeep (2) Admin Vehicle-Traverse Admin Vehicle-Explorer (2) Admin Specialty Vehicle- Pickup (2) Rescue Transport Vehicle Pick-up Truck 522 Operating Pick-up Truck Extrication Tool 529 Operating (3) Small SUV- Escape (2) Ford Escape Hybrid- Compact PU 529 Operating Truck, pickup (2) Ford Escape Hybrid- rplcd w full size PU 5 Gang Reel Mower 572 Operating Tractor
Account # 511-1602-513-64-01 511-4201-521-64-01 511-4201-521-64-01 511-4303-521-64-01 511-4303-521-64-01 511-4305-521-64-01 511-4301-521-64-01 511-4301-521-64-01 511-4301-521-64-01 511-4301-521-64-01 511-4301-521-64-01 511-4301-521-64-01 511-4702-522-64-01 511-4601-522-64-01 511-4901-522-64-01 511-4801-522-64-01 511-5301-529-64-01 511-5403-529-64-01 511-5403-529-64-01 511-5403-529-64-01 511-8102-572-64-01 511-8102-572-64-01
Project # 205001 205002 205003 205004 205005 205006 205007 205008 205009 205010 205011 205012 205013 205014 205015 205016 205017 205018 205019 205020 205021 205022
of Contents
Operating—Equipment Services Fund (511) Funding Source Operating Department/Fund
Funding Source
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Sportsplex—Tennis Center
North Community Park
Cypress Park
Public Works—Streets
Equipment Services—Fleet
Water & Sewer Fund
Subtotal Operating—Equipment Services Fund
Total Operating—all funds
Project Title
Account # 511-8116-572-64-01 Toro Sand Pro 511-8116-572-64-01 Truck 1 Ton 511-8116-572-64-01 Mower, Zero turn- to be replaced with 2 trailers 511-8116-572-64-01 Tractor 511-8116-572-64-01 Paint Machine Truck with Water Tank and pump- body chasis replacem511-8118-572-64-01 511-8118-572-64-01 Directional Arrows, DOT 511-8118-572-64-01 Truck, Pickup 3/4 ton 511-8409-572-64-01 Workman w dump body 511-7812-572-64-01 Mower, Zero Turn 511-8103-572-64-01 (2) Workman w dump body 511-8103-572-64-01 Workman Chemical Sprayer 511-8103-572-64-01 Pickup- F150 511-8103-572-64-01 Workman with dump body 511-8103-572-64-01 Spreader LELY 511-8103-572-64-01 Lift for 2135 511-8119-572-64-01 Mini Trencher w trailer 511-8119-572-64-01 Truck, cab & chasis w crane 511-8101-572-64-01 Skid Loader w trailer 511-8101-572-64-01 Pickup 3/4 Ton 511-8101-572-64-01 Mower, Zero turn- replaced w lely spreader 511-5601-541-64-01 Backhoe 511-5601-541-64-01 (2) Truck, Pickup 1/2 ton 511-5601-541-64-01 Cab-Chasis w dump body 511-5601-541-64-01 Truck, Dump 16 yard 511-5601-541-64-01 Roller, 3 Ton 511-5601-541-64-01 Genertor, Westside 350 KW 511-5801-541-64-01 Pickup truck 1/2 ton-crew cab 511-5801-541-64-01 Van, transit 511-5701-519-64-01 Massage board 511-5701-519-64-01 Ford Escape Hybrid 511-5701-519-64-01 Contingency 511-6002-536-64-01 1 1/2 Ton Dump Truck 511-6002-536-64-01 Truck, 1 ton Utility, Cab & Chasis w utility body 511-6002-536-64-01 Truck, 1 ton Utility, Cab & Chasis w utility body 511-6002-536-64-01 SUV Small Hybrid 511-6005-536-64-01 Sewer Jet cleaner 511-6005-536-64-01 Van Cargo 1/2 ton
Project # 205023 205024 205025 205026 205027 205028 205029 205030 205031 205032 205033 205034 205035 205036 205037 205038 205039 205040 205041 205042 205043 205044 205045 205046 205047 205048 205049 205050 205051 205052 205053 205054 205055 205056 205057 205058 205059 205060
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Budget FY 2020 30,684 51,530 21,230 62,519 3,774 41,964 4,320 28,301 21,756 20,213 43,512 42,095 32,381 21,664 6,375 20,000 10,000 76,500 56,663 41,016 6,375 100,000 65,360 64,840 133,810 73,899 200,000 35,510 36,120 13,100 25,786 53,000 64,840 51,530 52,550 25,786 169,625 38,252
$ 4,380,240 $ 5,754,600
of Contents
Equity Financing (Fund 324) Department
Funding Source
Project Title
Account #
Project # 324000 324001 324002
Project Type FA FA FA
Project Budget Sub Type FY 2020 IS $ 80,000 IS $ 250,000 IS $ 150,000 $ 480,000
Data Center Infrastructure Equity Financing Network/Internet Infrastructure Virtual Infrastructure Growth
Development Services Subtotal Development Services
Equity Financing Traffic Management
$ $
45,000 45,000
Sportsplex/ Tennis
Equity Financing Pickleball
$ $
85,000 85,000
Equity Financing
Pool Heater Replacement—Aquatics Motor Pump Repl— 3 pool sites Fitness Equipment Replacement Chemical Feeder Repl for 3 Pools
324-9030-572-64-01 324-9030-572-64-01 324-9030-572-64-01 324-9030-572-64-01
324004 324005 324006 324007
$ $ $ $ $
20,000 11,600 40,000 5,000 76,600
Equity Financing
Dive Rescue Equipment Auto Ventilation Units Stair Chairs Park Summit Left Turn Lane Handheld Subscribers (radios) Handtevi Bags Lucas Devises Nitrous Kits Suction Units
324-9030-526-64-01 324-9030-526-64-01 324-9030-526-64-01 324-9030-526-64-01 324-9030-526-64-01 324-9030-526-64-01 324-9030-526-64-01 324-9030-526-64-01 324-9030-526-64-01
324008 324009 324010 203012 324012 324013 324014 324015 324016
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
20,000 2,600 3,000 38,000 15,800 1,100 16,800 6,500 3,500 107,300
Equity Financing
Surveillance Equipment Morphotrak Latent Station Rapid ID Devices Taser Replacement Livescan Combat Gauze
324-9030-521-64-01 324-9030-521-64-01 324-9030-521-64-01 324-9030-521-64-01 324-9030-521-64-01 324-9030-521-64-01
324017 324018 324019 324020 324021 324022
$ $ $ $ $ $ $
32,500 7,500 11,000 37,000 6,000 5,000 99,000
Information Technology Subtotal Information Services
Subtotal Sportsplex
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Subtotal Aquatic
Emergency Medical Services
Subtoal EMS
Subtotal Police
of Contents
Equity Financing (Fund 324) Department
Parks and Recreation
Funding Source
Project Title
American League upgrades Athletic Field Renovations Equity Fininacing Splash Pad 15-year Playground Replacement Light Fixture Replacement Program
Account # 324-9030-572-63-01 324-9030-572-63-01 324-9030-572-63-01 324-9030-572-64-01
Project # 203001 324023 203002 324024
Project Type FA FA FA FA
Project Sub Type PR PR PR PR
$ $ $ $
Budget FY 2020 50,000 50,000 250,000 205,000
Subtotal Parks and Recreation
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Existing Walkways Renovation Master Parking Lot Refurbishing- ADA Compliance Intersection approach upgrade to ADA Resurface and Restripe Parking Lots Curbing on Sample Equity Financing Road Resurfacing Program Curb/Culdesac replacement Bus Shelters Repairs and Replacement Guardrail Maintenance and Repair Bridge Repairs
324-9030-541-63-01 324-9030-541-63-01 324-9030-541-63-01 324-9030-541-63-01 324-9030-541-63-01 324-9030-541-63-01 324-9030-541-63-01 324-9030-541-63-01 324-9030-541-63-01 324-9030-541-63-01
324026 324027 324028 324029 203003 324030 324031 324032 324033 324034
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
51,000 26,000 51,000 51,000 100,000 500,000 20,000 13,000 15,000 5,000 832,000
Equity Financing Air Conditioning Repairs and Replacement Roof Repair & Replacement
324-9030-541-64-01 324-9030-541-62-01
324035 324036
$ $
170,000 150,000
Subtotal Public Works
Total Equity—General Fund
$ 2,868,000
Subtotal Transportation Public Works
Equipment Service Fund
Equity Financing
Shop Equipment 4150 Bldg Fleet Vehicle
324-9030-519-64-01 324-9030-519-64-01
203004 203005
Total Equity—Equipment Fund
Fire Fund
Total Equity—Fire Fund
Equity Financing
Dive Rescue Equipment Fire Stations Painting & Improvements Traffic Pre-Emption Thermal Imagers Park Summit Left Turn Lane Fireworks LDH Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Self contained Breathing Apparatus Gas Meters
324-9030-522-64-01 324-9030-522-63-01 324-9030-522-64-01 324-9030-522-64-01 324-9030-522-63-01 324-9030-522-64-01 324-9030-522-64-01 324-9030-522-64-01 324-9030-522-64-01 324-9030-522-64-01
324037 324038 324039 324040 203006 324041 324042 324043 324044 324045
$ $
200,000 38,000
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
12,500 130,000 25,000 25,000 62,000 18,000 9,000 60,000 67,000 7,000
of Contents
Equity Financing (Fund 324) Department
Insurance Fund
Funding Source Equity Financing
Project Title EOC Upgrades City Security Improvements Virtual Infratructure Growth Implement a DNS, DHCP and IP (DDI) Management Tool
Account # 324-9030-525-64-01 324-9030-525-64-01 324-9030-522-64-01 324-9030-522-64-01
Project # 203007 203008 203009 203010
Project Type FA FA FA FA
Project Sub Type CM CM IS IS
421-5603-538.63-01 421-5603-538.63-01 421-5603-538.63-01
191818 204000 204001
Total Equity—Insurance Fund
Stormwater Fund
Corporate Park Drainage Equity Financing Meadows and Dells Drainage Master Plan
Total Equity—Stormwater Fund
$ $ $ $ $
Budget FY 2020 35,000 547,352 340,000 140,000 1,062,352
$ $ $
250,000 432,031 350,000
$ 1,032,031
City of Coral Springs, Florida
General Fund Loan Financing (Fund 334) Department
Funding Source
Project Title
Parks and Recreation Subtotal Parks and Recreation
Lease Proceds
Turf Fields
Sportsplex Subtotal Parks and Recreation
Lease Proceds
Turf Fields
Project #
Project Type
Project Sub Type
$ $
5,232,000 5,232,000
$ $
872,000 872,000
Account #
Total General Fund Loan
Budget FY 2020
Fire Fund Loan Financing (Fund TBD) Department Fire Fund
Total Fire Fund Loan
Funding Source
Project Title Academy Expansion Station 64
Account # XXX-9030-522-63-01 XXX-9030-522-63-01
Project #
Project Type
Project Sub Type
Budget FY 2020 $ $
7,000,000 4,200,000
$ 11,200,000
of Contents
Renewal and Replacement Fund —W&S (403) Department
Water and Sewer Fund
Funding Source
Project Title Infiltration/Inflow Correction Program Water Well Rehabilitation Program Galvanized Water Service Repalcement Program Lift Station Rehab Program Water and Wastewater Pumps Water Meter Repalcement Program Force Main Integrity Evaluation Force Main System Improvement Cast Iron Water Main Replacment
Account # 403-6003-536-65-19 403-9030-536-64-31 403-9200-536-64-01 403-6003-536-65-60 403-9200-536-64-01 403-9030-536-64-31 403-6003-536-65-19 403-6003-536-65-19 403-9030-536-64-31
Project # 403001 403002 403003 403004 403005 403006 403007 403008 403009
Project Sub Type WS WS WS WS WS WS WS WS WS
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Total R&R *R&R: Renewal and Replacement Fund
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Budget FY 2020 1,000,000 250,000 450,000 1,400,000 150,000 60,000 100,000 750,000 1,000,000
Tree Trust Fund (Fund 102 Fund
TFA # Funding Source Project Title 541 Tree Trust Fund Median Improvements
Account # 102-9010-541-63-01
Project # N/A
Total Tree Trust Fund
Project Type FA
Project Sub Type TT
Budget FY 2020 $ 210,000 $
Public Art (Fund 113) Fund Public Art Total Public Art Fund
TFA # 579
Funding Source Public Art Fund
Project Title Artwalk Sculpture Artwalk Opportunity projects
Account # 113-8002-579-64-01 113-8002-579-64-01
Project # N/A N/A
Project Project Sub Budget Type Type FY 2020 N/A N/A $ 100,000 N/A N/A $ 10,000 $
of Contents
Charter School (Fund 111) Fund
Coral Springs Charter School Fund
Funding Source Charter School Fund
Project Title Air Conditioning Replacement Air Conditioning Repairs
Account # 111-0801-578-64-01 111-0801-578-63-01
Project # 201101 N/A
Project Project Budget Type Sub Type FY 2020 FA CS $ 1,250,000 FA CS $ 43,590
Total Charter School Fund
$ 1,293,590
Grants (Funds 106 and 127) TFA #
Funding Source
Parks and Recreation
Aquatic Complex Subtotal CDBG
Department 106 Grant Funding—CDBG Development Services
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Expenditure Account #
Revenue Account #
Project #
Project Type
Project Sub Type
Housing Rehabilitation Ramblewood ADA sidewalk Study NW 24th Street Sidewalk Replacement NW 28th Street Sidewalk Replacement NW 27th Street Sidewalk Replacement Youth recreation scholarships Lions Park Lighting Project Castlewood Park Replacement Sr. Rec and therapeutical activity Sr. Rec and therapeutical activity
106-3004-515-83-05 106-5601-541-63-01 106-5601-541-63-01 106-5601-541-63-01 106-5601-541-63-01 106-8205-572-82-00 106-8205-572-64-01 106-8205-572-64-01 106-8204-572-34-03 106-8303-572-34-03
106-3004-331-54-02 106-5601-331-54-02 106-5601-331-54-02 106-5601-331-54-02 106-5601-331-54-02 106-8205-331-54-02 106-8205-331-54-02 106-8205-331-54-02 106-8204-331-54-02 106-8303-331-54-02
201801 201806 201807 201808 201809 201802 201810 201811 201803 201804
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Housing Rehabilitation
Project Title
Budget FY 2020 40,043 20,000 60,000 120,000 70,000 50,000 100,000 85,000 24,241 40,000 $609,284
106 Grant Funding—HOME Development Services Subtotal HOME
262,265 $262,265
127 Grant Funding—SHIP Development Services
Housing Rehabilitation Admin - Salary Transfers
Subtotal SHIP Total Fund 106 Total Fund 127 Total Grant funding
127-3004-515-62-06 127-3004-515-62-07 127-3004-515-12-01
201901 201902
16,713 $167,139 $871,549 $167,139 $1,038,688
Table of Contents
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Department Budgets Contents Budget Process Map............................................................................................................................................................................ 300 Department Budgets Overview........................................................................................................................................................... 302 Understanding Departmental Performance Budgets................................................................................................................. 302 Sample Department Budgets Page..................................................................................................................................................... 303 Department Budgets.......................................................................................................................................................................... 304 City Attorney.............................................................................................................................................................................. 304 City Commission........................................................................................................................................................................ 306 City Manager’s Office................................................................................................................................................................. 307 Development Services............................................................................................................................................................... 311 Financial Services....................................................................................................................................................................... 316 Fire/EMS.................................................................................................................................................................................... 319 Human Resources...................................................................................................................................................................... 324 Information Technology............................................................................................................................................................. 328 Parks and Recreation................................................................................................................................................................. 331 Police......................................................................................................................................................................................... 338 Public Works.............................................................................................................................................................................. 342 Summary of Fleet Purchases 2020...................................................................................................................................................... 347
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
City of Coral Springs Budget, Strategic Planning & Performance Management Process Map January 2020 January
Spring Commission Retreat
Strategic Plan Final Draft
Res/Biz Survey (As Scheduled)
Strategic Plan
SWOC Analysis
Workbooks compiled and "Hot topics" identified
Environmental Scan Strategic Plan Report
Business Plan
Strategic Plan Report
Dept. Budget Packages Distributed for Business Plan, Staffing, Operating Budget, Performance Management, CIP & Replacement Programs
Environmental Scan
Budget Client Feedback
Packages returned
Select Initiatives
CMO/Dept Meetings
Staffing & Capital
Five‐Year Forecast
Line Item Review
Operating Budget & Performance Management
Review/Create KPIs
Performance Management Report
Capital Budget
Fleet Process Review
Performance Management Report
Replacement Programs Distributed & Conduct Fleet Budget Meetings
Replacement Programs Updated
New Capital Requests
Fixed Asset Inventory Distributed
Note: The Strategic Plan is a multi‐year plan. In certain years the Business Plan Environmental Scan are the first element.
Business Plan Workshop
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Prioritize Capital Funding
Table of Contents
New Commission Orientation
Strategic Plan Report
Strategic Plan Report
Business Plan Presentation
Fund Summaries Balanced
Proposed Budget Prepared
1st Budget Hearing
2nd Budget Hearing
Prepare Adopted Budget Book
Budget Adopted Performance Management Report
Adopted Budget Published
Yearly PM Reports
Proposed CIP Prepared
Budgeted Purchases
Adopted CIP Published
Fixed Asset Inventory Updated
Fiscal Year Ends
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Department Budgets Overview Understanding Departmental Performance Budgets The department’s budget is separated into the following components: Mission Statement—The statement must identify the particular purpose, goal and/or objective for the department and how it relates to the City’s overall mission. Core Processes—A listing of the fundamental business processes or tasks the department is designed to provide and accomplish. Outputs— Indicate the volume, frequency or level of service provided. New Initiatives—New services or the removal of existing services as they relate to the Strategic Plan. A list of the new initiatives follows. Organization Charts—Outline of program structure within the department. Program/Expenditure Summary—The budget for the department, summarized by program, if applicable, and by major category of expenditure: • Personal Services—salaries, overtime and other pay including vacation payment incentive, holiday pay, temporary wages. • Benefits—FICA, retirement contributions, health and other benefits. • Other Expenses—supplies, repairs, utilities, services and other costs. • Capital—departmental machinery and equipment under $5,000. Objectives and Key Performance Indicators—The objectives focus on particular program accomplishments that will be attained within the current year. All objectives are measurable by the performance indicators supplied. Each performance indicator includes explicit links showing how program objectives and their performance are directly related to the strategic goal(s) they support.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Sample Department Budgets Page jTitle
oRevenues and Expenditures
Indicates the department.
A summary of the budgeted departmental revenues and expenditures.
pPerformance Linkage
Developed by the department, this is a statement that identifies the particular purpose, goal or objective for the department.
The Strategic Goals and Directional Statement that support the department’s performance.
lCore Processes and Outputs qKey Performance Indicators A listing of the fundamental processes, tasks and the outputs for the department.
The actual historical operational performance and future targets for the department.
mOrganization Chart An organization chart showing the breakdown of programs, divisions and personnel.
nNew Initiatives Business Plan Initiatives for this department, if available.
j k
y ttorne City A
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FY2015 tual City Ac
FY2016 tu ice Offal sAc l ney' ttor GAoa 99%
nd 37 nce Fu ral Insura 49 Gene 2.5 % (8801) /
inator nt Coord nageme Risk Ma t k Assistan
FY2017 tual Ac Goal
49 47%
49 Litigation Outside
ey .85 orn95 City Att 5.75 (2502) / %
99% 49 47%
75)* orney (0.
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nt) Ris ees in all ary Expe Equivale Div. 60 01 tant (2) committ cial duties. ission m Summ sation nd v. 88 01 ll-Tim e ve Assis Comm offi Progra we r Fu nce Fu nd Di Es (Fu er ** Executi Compen an d Se er of FT to their s for City ura es Partn / Nu mb ; 25 % Wa ter General Ins Workers' al service ents. Resourc mber) * 02 ide leg 00 ; 50 ion Nu Human Div. 25 Property • Prov erating departm rdinate nt/ Divis Ci ty Attorn ey urces Di v. 10 bo me su y and (D ep art split 75% n Reso and op Casualt n Huma mmission *Pos itio n sp lit 50 % City Co Total itio **Pos ntracts • At tend meetings. ry Catego ions, co out ary By agency ce with s, resolut fashion. ces. Summ mplian dinance ts in a timely co ordinan or ct l 50 ra are d nt an en Persona • Prep sure co lutions docum en r so to he re fits e 0 ot Bene and ly 10 e fram penses oximate or test tim Other Ex are appr in the sh • Prep ts with Total reemen ses. s and ag and lea cts contract ntracts, Contra co are E's ts, ep FT reemen w and pr e. ly 20 0 ag • Revie inconvenienc oximate vendor w appr or revie ion are and/ Prosecut ca rd : • Prep olation tion. Vi l ga Score pa liti unici handle ty. n and M ters and of the Ci Litigatio behalf tory mat tu on t sta ur e on Scorecard deral co • Advis and Fe . ar in State risk. inquiries • Appe limiting staff. citizen ches to ond to dates to approa • Resp entive legal up ev ing pr t inu abou at ters. ent cont • Bring ative m and pres Ac t. dministr rfeiture cipate in ment/a and Fo • Parti y) employ Contrab Casualt City Attorney cipate in Florida ty and • Parti rce the , Proper fo en nsation essively Compe workers’ ty r rs’ fo • Aggr s ke nd (Wor program y, and proper Fu ce e an nc bilit insur l Insura in City ’s nal, vehicle lia Genera mainta sio ster and ation , profes Admini ation, general Organiz ns forming compe . gh-Per ative, Hi ce s. an ngoing) rage insur An Innov rsion (o ce cove ve Di an r ur s. s. im im eano ure ins to all cla ation cla Misdem gs, • Proc spond mpens meetin rkers’ co w and re mmittee s all wo • Revie ation Co mittee. proces fet y Evalu ive and e Com ilitate Sa cidents to th • Rece fac d an and ac dinate idents • Coor ng all inc reporti . t policies ement agemen manag k Risk Man ris ty ’s inister Ci • Adm
N ew In
79 $3,176,3 21,443 71,792 14 $3,269,6
98 $3,322,8 22,610 188,984 92 $3,534,4
7 $108,97 589,290 0 2,011,47 37 $2,709,7 1.50
2 $135,66 570,521 0 2,678,50 83 $3,384,6
6.62% 0.00% 47.06% 7.50%
5 0
40,000 5 $279,95
10.56% 1.66% 74.97% 7.50%
0 $161,10 34,694 84,161 5 $279,95
97 $1,687,2 2 2,130,73 196,427 56 $4,014,4
9 $136,59 1 1,018,87 1 2,579,03 01 $3,734,5
ge from % Chan dget FY16 Bu
ge from $ Chan dget FY16 Bu
56 $3,864,4 25,000 125,000 56 4,4 $4,01
97 $1,526,1 8 2,096,03 112,266 01 $3,734,5
70 $1,325,7 1 1,837,31 221,602 83 4,6 ,38 $3
30 $1,060,5 5 1,812,37 ) (163,168 37 9,7 ,70 $2
01 $3,624,5 25,000 85,000 01 $3,734,5
FY 2017 Budget
FY 2016 Budget
FY 2015 Actual
FY 2014 Actual
2.38% 2.86% 0.06% 4.14% 2.06%
$14,468 6,431 106 22 $21,027
4 $622,09 231,590 189,830 554 68 $1,044,0 5.75
6 $607,62 225,159 189,724 532 41 $1,023,0 5.75
0 $587,58 212,935 111,142 3,782 9 $915,43 5.75
0 $507,07 183,104 178,498 500 2 $869,17 6.00
tor l Prosecu Municipa
9 $915,43 9 $915,43
2 $869,17 2 $869,17
2.06% 2.06%
$21,027 $21,027
68 $1,044,0 68 $1,044,0
41 $1,023,0 41 $1,023,0
0.00% 0.00%
$0 $0
$30,000 $30,000
$30,000 $30,000
$29,035 $29,035
$18,453 $18,453
nd ance Fu l Insur Genera : es Revenu s Transfer ome Inc Interest ries Recove
orney City Att Deputy Assistan
FY2018 Goal
torney City At es: Revenu torney City At l ta To itures: ary Expend m Summ Progra torney City At Total ry Catego ary By Summ l Persona Benefits nses pe Other Ex n Litigatio Total
FY 2016 Budget
FY 2015 Actual
FY 2014 Actual
ge from % Chan dget FY16 Bu
ge from $ Chan dget FY16 Bu
FY 2017 Budget
4 $130,22 0 1,034,94 2 2,849,29 56 $4,014,4
($6,375) 16,069 270,261 5 $279,95
-4.67% 1.58% 10.48% 7.50% 0.0%
019 FY2020 FY2019 FY2 get FY2018 Actual Tar 017 FY2018 ual Target FY2017 FY2 Target Act ual Act Target an 100% 99% KPI erform % 99% Key P 99% 100 99% 99% orkdays of Measure Type n within 10 w 49 atio gisl ls f Le 37 Goa On Preparation o aterial 49 by backup m 14 49 Tar request accompanied 51 er 100 49 Effectiveness job injuries (P get ernment the Gov on ity rom e C Responsibl 85% 47% On Number of days lost f 64% 47% s) 68% 47% ctiveness Tar employee nt Effe ered 47% get ity Governme dollars recov ible elig Responsible C On ion f subrogat Percentage o ctiveness Tar nt Effe get ity Governme Responsible C
City of Coral Springs, Florida
ic at ce Ind
Department Budgets City Attorney
Table of Contents
City Attorney
To provide effective and timely legal representation and advice to the City Commission and City ney administration. This office zealously represents the City in legal controversies and is committed Priority: An Innovative, High-Performing to implementing the City Commission’s policy of minimizing exposures and potential liability. ment Type: Effectiveness FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 Core Processes and Outputs Goal Actual Goal Actual Goal Actual tion of Legislation (resolutions, ordinance, Research and Counsel when accompanied hin 10 workdays of request 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% 99% material• Represent the City Commission, City administration, and all assigned boards and committees of days lost from on the jobpertaining injuries per 100official duties. in all matters of law to their 49 37 49 95.85 49 51 • Provide legal services for City Commission and operating departments. 47% 52% 47% 66% 47% 68% age of subrogation eligible dollars recovered • Attend City Commission and subordinate agency meetings. • Prepare ordinances, resolutions, contracts and other documents in a City Attorney’s Office timely fashion. • Prepare approximately 100 resolutions and 50 ordinances. Contracts • Review and prepare contracts and agreements within the shortest time frame to ensure contract compliance without vendor inconvenience. • Prepare and/or review approximately 200 agreements, contracts, and leases. Litigation and Municipal Violation Prosecution • Advise on statutory matters and handle litigation. • Appear in State and Federal court on behalf of the City. • Respond to citizen inquiries. • Bring about preventive approaches to limiting risk. • Participate in and present continuing legal updates to staff. • Participate in employment/administrative matters. • Aggressively enforce the Florida Contraband Forfeiture Act.
New Initiatives Responsible City Government • Cyber Security Insurance
General Insurance Fund (Workers’ Compensation, Property and Casualty) Administer and maintain City’s insurance programs for workers’ compensation, general, professional, vehicle liability, and property insurance. • Procure insurance coverages. • Review and respond to all claims. • Receive and process all workers’ compensation claims. • Coordinate and facilitate Safety Evaluation Committee meetings, reporting all incidents and accidents to the Committee. Risk Management • Administer City’s risk management policies.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
FY20 Go
Table of Contents
Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category
FY 2017 Actuals
City Attorney Revenues: City Attorney Total
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$28,413 $28,413
$29,298 $29,298
$30,000 $30,000
$30,000 $30,000
$0 $0
0.00% 0.00%
Expenditures: Program Summary City Attorney Total
$1,055,461 $1,055,461
$1,073,204 $1,073,204
$1,144,891 $1,144,891
$1,219,261 $1,219,261
$74,370 $74,370
6.50% 6.50%
Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Litigation Operating Capital Total
$668,552 233,633 149,296 3,980 0 $1,055,461
$706,846 237,533 97,466 2,538 0 $1,044,383
$704,537 243,867 195,933 554 0 $1,144,891
$764,041 254,815 199,851 554 0 $1,219,261
$59,504 10,948 3,918 0 0 $74,370
8.45% 4.49% 2.00% 0.00% n/a 6.50%
FY 2017 Actuals
General Insurance Fund Revenues: Transfers Interest Income Recoveries Total
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$3,864,457 41,952 232,648 $4,139,057
$4,282,770 67,940 249,638 $4,600,348
$4,670,515 25,000 140,000 $4,835,515
$5,087,784 1,405,352 140,000 $6,633,136
$417,269 1,380,352 0 $1,797,621
8.93% 5521.41% 0.00% 37.18%
Expenses: Program Summary Workers' Compensation Property Casualty Total
$1,576,992 2,037,027 224,836 $3,838,855
$1,778,868 2,109,194 334,227 $4,222,289
$2,007,459 2,529,903 298,153 $4,835,515
$2,092,563 3,181,743 296,478 $5,570,784
$85,104 651,840 (1,675) $735,269
4.24% 25.77% -0.56% 15.21%
Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Total
$127,190 937,347 2,774,318 0 $3,838,855
$131,200 1,079,379 3,011,710 0 $4,222,289
$134,485 1,153,323 3,547,707 0 $4,835,515
$160,201 1,191,449 4,219,134 0 $5,570,784
$25,716 38,126 671,427 0 $735,269
19.12% 3.31% 18.93% n/a 15.21%
Scorecard: Key Performance Indicators Scorecard
Measure Type
Responsible City Government City Attorney
Responsible City Government Responsible City Government
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get
KPI Preparation of Legislation within 10 workdays of request accompanied by backup material Number of days lost from on the job injuries (Per 100 employees) Percentage of subrogation eligible dollars recovered
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target 99%
Reference Key On target/Above target Within 5% of target/At risk of not meeting target Did not meet target/At Risk of not meeting target Discussion Needed No update available at this time
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
City Commission
City Commission
CITY COMMISSION Mission To create the Premier Community by providing Customer Driven, Exceptional City Services in a Financially Responsible Manner while Engaging Our Community.
City Commission
Responsible City Government – Financially sound city providing exceptional services
City Commission 6 (0100) 1
City investment in today and future – Upgraded city infrastructure, facilities and parks
Executive Asssistant to the City Commission
Downtown becoming vibrant - Creating a sense of place and a destination Growing local economy – increased business investment and jobs
Mayor (0100) 0
Vice-Mayor 1 (0100) 0
Commissioner 3 (0100) 0
Left Number = Number of Positions Right Number = Number of FTEs (Full-Time Equivalent) Center Number = Department/Division Number
Premier community in South Florida – the place for families to live in great neighborhoods
Left Number = Number of Positions Right Number = Number of FTE's (Full-Time Equivalent) Center Number = Department/Division Number
Core Processes • Provide policy direction for City operations.
• Promote public participation in government through regular and special City Commission meetings, public hearings and workshops. • Encourage partnerships with the private and nonprofit sectors to resolve local issues.
Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category
City Commission Expenditures: Program Summary City Commission Total Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Total FTE's
FY 2017 Actuals
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$332,801 $332,801
$343,834 $343,834
$374,914 $374,914
$381,247 $381,247
$6,333 $6,333
1.69% 1.69%
$134,958 118,489 79,354 $332,801
$138,242 115,331 90,261 $343,834
$142,345 115,145 117,424 $374,914
$144,942 115,631 120,674 $381,247
$2,597 486 3,250 $6,333
1.82% 0.42% 2.77% 1.69%
(Department/Division Number) / Number of Position split 50% City Manager's Office Div
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
City Manager’s Office
Table of Contents
City Manager’s Office
CITY managers office Mission To provide support and systems that empower City departments to anticipate and meet customer expectations and carry out City Commission policy initiatives.
Core Processes and Outputs City Manager’s Office Organize and mobilize City departments to address the five Strategic Goals established by the City Commission. • Complete strategic activities for the City Commission’s five Strategic Goals. • Provide overall management of all City operations in a way that empowers employees to exceed customer expectations. • Provide effective communication between the City Commission, staff, residents and other customers. • Continue to attract quality businesses to the City of Coral Springs.
City Manager’s Office
FTEs (Full-Time Equivalent) v. 0501; 50% Water and Sewer Fund Div. 6001
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
City Manager’s Office (continued) Budget and Strategy
New Initiatives
Monitor City’s financial condition and provide financial strategies to ensure fiscal solvency. • Monitor the budget through monthly financial reports.
Responsible City Government
Prepare Strategic Plan, annual Business Plan and Annual Budget
• Grant Research and Management Software
• Produce the City’s Business Plan and Annual Budget which includes the Capital Improvement Program.
• Federal Lobbyist
• Process Strategic Plan including the Environmental Scan, the SWOC Analysis and the Strategic Planning Workshop Presentation.
• Hiring of Grant Consultant (Ongoing)
• Maintain Performance Management System. • Aggressively seek grants on behalf of the City and oversee administration of grant funding. • Collaborate with Police and Fire pension boards, Charter School Advisory Committee, Financial Advisory Committee, and other committees. Communications and Marketing Communicate public information in an effective, creative manner. • Publish three editions of Coral Springs magazine, Annual State of the City Report, and other informational publications. • Provide writing, design, photography and other graphic services for print, digital and video formats. • Provide multimedia, video and photographic support, and produce public service announcements and programming for use by the broadcast media. • Develop and manage the City’s social media accounts and websites, including and • Produce programming and manage the City’s TV station, Channel 25. • Provide City PIO function and manages media relations. • Produce programming and schedule the City’s radio station, 1670 AM. • Manage the concept, creation, planning and execution of Downtown Coral Springs events. City Clerk Serve as “Secretary” of the City. • Oversee City Commission agenda process which includes creation of bimonthly agendas, coordination of over 500 agenda memoranda, duplication and distribution of agenda material to interested parties, and continue to encourage the City’s “paperless agenda” environment. • Inform citizenry of public hearings by advertising pursuant to Florida law. Provide public notice for approximately 350 public meetings annually. • Manage codification and distribution to subscribers of the Municipal Code, both the general volume and Land Development Code. • Attend and prepare minute summaries for advisory boards and committees Serve as the City’s records custodian by preserving the integrity of the City’s official records, which encompasses business transactions, law and policy making, and property matters.
• Hiring of PT Grant Coordinator
• City Security Improvements • Open Smart City- Strategic Planning Online Platform (Ongoing) • Linkedin Learning Subscriptions (Ongoing) • Innovation Incentive Recognition Program (Ongoing)
Downtown Becoming Vibrant
• Implementation of Economic Development Customer Relationship Management (CRM) System • Form Village Square Plan with Developer • Infrastructure Improvements in Downtown • Cont. City Outreach on Business Retention, Expansion & Attraction • Develop Retail Strategy • Development Agreement for the Cornerstone Project (Ongoing) - With CRA • Innovate Downtown (Ongoing) - With CRA
Growing Local Economy
• Retention of Marketing Firm (Ongoing) • Economic Development Strategic Plan Implementation (Ongoing) • Venture Lab and/or co-working space downtown (Ongoing) • Quarterly Economic Development Reports (Ongoing) • Corporate Park Improvements (Ongoing) • Economic Development Marketing and Branding (Ongoing) • Coral Springs Regional Chamber Business Academy (Ongoing)
Premier Community in South Florida • Emergency Operations Center Upgrades
• Maintain a historical database of over five million document images Citywide from 1963 to the present and respond to public records requests. • Maintain a database of public meetings via audio tapes, CD-ROMs and summaries of the meeting proceedings, and respond to
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
more than 1,500 customer requests for information annually. • Provide for records disposal to the fullest extent permissible by Florida law, and the cost effective, legal maintenance of permanent records for all City departments. Serve as the director of municipal elections as required by the City Charter and Florida Statutes. Economic Development Promote absorption of existing vacant commercial, industrial and retail space by continuing to maintain and develop relationships with the top real estate experts in Broward County. Set the stage for new development as well as redevelopment while the economy improves and our proactive approach sparks opportunities in selected target industry sectors. • Implement Economic Development Strategic Plan. • Inventory industrial, commercial and retail properties in the City (owner-occupied/lease rates/comparison) • Market city on local, regional, state and national level through marketing and branding (explore retaining marketing firm) • Assist, support, and grow businesses in Coral Springs. • Continue to increase local property values through key tenant improvement projects. • Maximize the potential of the Coral Springs Corporate Park. • Maintain a competitive business environment. • Attract high-value industries and businesses. • Implement Downtown infrastructure improvements on the City Center Planning as catalysts for Downtown Redevelopment. Emergency Management To reduce the loss of life, property and protect our residents. • Develop policies, procedures and plans necessary to direct the emergency management functions of the City of Coral Springs. • Coordinate exercises and trainings aimed at preparing the City for a wider variety of hazardous events. • Establish partnerships with local businesses by focusing on business continuity and resilience planning. • Identify process improvements, grant opportunities, and implement processes to improve financial tracking, management, and responsible budgeting practices.
Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category City Manager's Office Revenues: City Clerk Total
FY 2017 Actuals
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$8,400 $8,400
$17,700 $17,700
$22,235 $22,235
$18,015 $18,015
($4,220) ($4,220)
-18.98% -18.98%
Expenditures: Program Summary Administration Economic Development Management & Budget Office Communications & Marketing CRA City Clerk Emergency Management Total
$1,417,883 265,839 686,000 1,145,699 0 712,225 98,197 $4,325,843
$1,150,034 281,485 694,496 1,243,351 86,655 765,349 112,831 $4,334,201
$1,094,120 580,909 836,286 1,311,909 85,061 805,831 119,162 $4,833,278
$1,293,684 677,658 955,258 1,505,182 0 899,203 231,883 $5,562,868
$199,564 96,749 118,972 193,273 (85,061) 93,372 112,721 $729,590
18.24% 16.65% 14.23% 14.73% -100.00% 11.59% 94.59% 15.10%
Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Total
$2,571,110 889,090 753,764 1,679 $4,215,643
$2,441,133 850,429 812,199 1,577 $4,105,338
2,759,729.00 918,741 1,154,808 0 4,833,278
3,246,079.00 1,067,882 1,246,457 2,450 5,562,868.00
486,350.00 149,141.00 91,649.00 2,450.00 729,590
17.62% 16.23% 7.94% n/a 15.10%
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Scorecards: Key Performance Indicators Scorecard
Measure Type
City Manager's Office
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Budget & Strategy
Communications & Marketing
Emergency Management
On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get
Internal customer satisfaction rating
Grant measures (New beginning FY2018): Grant Applications Submitted
Grant measures (New beginning FY2018): Grants Awarded
Grant measures (New beginning FY2018): Active Grants worked during FY
Facilitate or support cross‐functional process improvement teams # per year
Receive the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation award
Payroll regular salaries adopted budget versus actual, net of policy changes
Produce monthly financial statements within seven business days of period close
Customer satisfaction with communications (Internal Survey)
Number of followers on City Facebook New promotional/informational campaigns produced (Social media and City TV)
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Growing Local Economy
Growing Local Economy
Growing Local Economy
Responsible City Government
Community Outreach Events (New beginning FY2020)
Responsible City Government
Enrollment in "Alert Coral Springs" (New beginning FY2020)
Responsible City Government
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Usage (New beginning FY2020)
Number of PIO engagements with local and national media (New beginning 2020)
Timely disposal of eligible paper records (New beginning 2019)
Train Department Record Liaisons on a yearly basis (New beginning 2019)
Retain businesses who received a retention visit (New for 2019)
Increase in traffic to the Economic Development website (New for 2019)
Increase social media followers for EDO (New for 2019)
Reference Key On target/Above target Within 5% of target/At risk of not meeting target Did not meet target/At Risk of not meeting target Discussion Needed No update available at this time
300 95%
Cau Awareness of Coral Springs magazine by new tion residents (Res. Survey) Cau tion On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target
LinkedIn Learning: Number of users (New beginning FY2020)
Responsible City Government
City Clerk's Office
Economic Development
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
10 2,000 20
Table of Contents
Development Services
Development Services
development services Mission Promotes safety, livability and economic growth for our residential and business communities through collaboration and efficiency.
Core Processes and Outputs Community Development Provide technically-sound, professional recommendations to the City Commission, Boards/ Committees, and customers to facilitate land development actions citywide. • Maintain the City’s recertification of its Comprehensive Plan. • Maintain department customer satisfaction rating at 95% Coordinate and implement innovative neighborhood revitalization and enhancement efforts through continued interaction with residents and other government agencies. • Conduct in-person and virtual Slice of the Springs meetings and ensure 95% of attendees find the neighborhood meetings productive. • Collaborate on 10 neighborhood partnerships (formal and informal). Responsibly implement local state and federal regulations (CDBG, HOME, SHIP opportunities). • Screen applicants for home repair programs resulting in 20 grants being awarded each year.
Development Services
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Development Services (continued) Assist the public (residential and commercial) with general zoning information and aesthetic issues. • Maintain cycle time for new DRC plan reviews at 8 days by the Zoning Division. • Conduct 1,500 zoning inspections. • Maintain cycle time for sign permits and small permits at two days by the Zoning Division. • Continue to process designer and monument signs in two days to increase the aesthetic appeal while staying business focused. • Continue to provide accurate plan review to ensure compliance with land development regulations and architectural design guidelines in order to encourage an attractive and quality aesthetically pleasing community. • Administratively review 50 Development Review Committee and Architectural Review Committee projects. • Process 15 petitions for various land development actions, including newly established Administrative Zoning Review Committee. • Process 800 paint approval forms. • Census 2020 -Provide demographic information, act as liaison to Broward County Committees and establish a Complete Count Committee. Manage and improve the sustainability of the City’s urban forest through the Neighborhood and Environmental Committee, regular inspections, exotic species removal, general preventive maintenance, and environmental monitoring. Provide dedicated technical support to various City departments, including the Community Redevelopment Agency effort in conjunction with Downtown Coral Springs. Research and apply for various grants that support department objectives and improve mobility and connectivity within the City. Oversee operations of the Coral Springs Museum of Art and the Public Art Program to collaborate and create innovative artwork and programming. Utilize TRAKiT, particularly ProjectTRAK, to provide exceptional customer service. Building Process building permits with exceptional customer service, to ensure compliance with the Florida Building Code. • Continue to serve our walk-in customers via our innovative and convenient One Stop Shop. • Provide responsible plan reviews in 15 business days or less, 90% of the time. • Provide plan reviews and issue approximately 10,000 building permits. • Conduct approximately 25,000 building inspections. • Process 15,000 contractor license insurance information requests. • Conduct Pre-Construction/Pre-Submittal meetings for all large development projects to ensure they meet scheduled completion time. • Complete requested inspections within one day 95% of the time. • Process approximately 3,000 open permit search requests within three business days. • Process 1,000 record requests within 5 days 90% of the time. • Issue 10,000 notification postcards indicating approval to permit holders and property owners. • Respond to 45,000 incoming calls for Building Division via the dedicated Customer Call Center. • Utilize PermitTRAK and other innovative forms of technology, including improved on line services, to provide exceptional customer service. • Process approximately 200 building code cases • Process 40 Year Certifications as required by Broward County.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Development Services (continued) Code Compliance Provide exceptional service to internal and external customer requests, questions, emergencies, and complaints seven days a week. Utilize TRAKiT, particularly Code and LicenseTRAK, to provide exceptional customer service.
New Initiatives Responsible City Government
• Census 2020 Outreach - With Comm. & Marketing
Engage and educate the public on the City’s Code of Ordinances in order to achieve compliance with the code to preserve and enhance aesthetics and ensure safety citywide.
• Virtual Slice of the Springs Meeting (Ongoing) - With Comm. & Marketing
• Deliver consistent information on City codes and ordinances.
• CDBG Action Plan (Ongoing)
• Coordinate and implement innovative programs on code compliance issues in conjunction with other agencies and departments. • Administer registration and inspection programs for properties to enhance property values and neighborhood safety. • Provide friendly and accurate service within the newly established One Stop Shop. • Provide training to staff and volunteers to allow them to maintain a consistent high level of service. This training will enable the entire staff to stay up-to-date with industry best practices. Promote voluntary compliance through collaboration with property owners, property managers/associations, residents, business owners, and neighborhoods.
City Investment in Today and Future • Traffic Management (Ongoing) - With PW
Downtown Becoming Vibrant • Design Guildelines for Downtown (Ongoing) - With CRA
Premier Community in South Florida • Educational Guides for Residents and Businesses • Historic Preservation (Ongoing)
• Responsibly perform over 25,000 business and property inspections. • Identify and provide creative options for challenging properties, such as outreach for Home Repair, NPP Support business development in the City by educating business owners and outside agencies on various regulations and coordinating options based on their needs. • Process new Business Tax applications within 7 business days, 85% of the time Process the following: •
3,500 Lien inquiries.
3,500 Public Stuff inquiries
6,000 Business Tax receipts
6,500 Landlord Registrations
100 Public Records requests per year
5,000 One Stop Shop customers
8,000 phone calls received in the Call Center
Collect 7,000 Temporary Signs
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category Development Services Revenues: Community Development Building Code Compliance* Engineering Total
FY 2017 Actuals
FY 2018 Actuals
$137,976 3,960,013 5,820,284
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$105,000 2,984,836 3,223,795
$120,000 3,102,915 2,569,695
$217,980 3,383,018 4,249,359 0 $7,850,357
$538,295 1,096,960
$559,181 1,169,861
2,686,257 1,930,105 $6,251,617
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$15,000 118,079 (654,100) 0 ($521,021)
14.29% 3.96% -20.29% n/a -8.25%
$581,236 1,323,304
$587,888 1,417,310
$6,652 94,006
1.14% 7.10%
2,710,251 1,925,500 $6,364,793
2,923,237 2,284,161 $7,111,938
2,922,010 2,216,916 $7,144,124
(1,227) (67,245) $32,186
-0.04% -2.94% 0.45%
$3,866,739 1,763,231 610,745 5,911 4,991
$3,883,493 1,786,230 686,669 0 8,401
$4,418,282 1,863,045 812,634 1,300 16,677
$4,490,235 1,829,939 805,973 1,300 16,677
$71,953 (33,106) (6,661) 0 0 0 $32,186
1.63% -1.78% -0.82% 0.00% 0.00% n/a 0.45%
*Includes Business Tax revenue Expenditures: Program Summary Development Services Community Development Building Code Compliance Total Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Grants and Aids Interfund Transfers Total FTE's
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Scorecard: Key Performance Indicators Scorecard
Measure Type
Responsible City Government Growing Local Economy Growing Local Economy
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar On Effectiveness Tar get
Department customer satisfaction rating
Cycle time for sign permits by the Zoning Division (Building Plan Review) (Days)
QTRAC Data (30 Minute wait times) (New beginning FY2019)
"Building" Records Requests within 10 business days (New beginning FY2019)
Cycle time for plan reviews (new and major/minor) Cau by the Zoning Division (Development Review tion Committee) (Days)
Growing Local Economy
On Avg. number of days from the receipt of the Effectiveness Tar resident's application for rehabilitation assistance to get approval
Growing Local Economy Growing Local Economy Growing Local Economy
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida Premier Community in South Florida Growing Local Economy
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get
Requested inspections completed within one day
Percent of plan reviews completed within 15 working days
On Timeliness ratio of CDBG spending: annual CDBG Tar allocation available by July 31 get
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar On Effectiveness Tar get
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target
Cycle time for small permits by the Zoning Division (Building Plan Review) (Days)
Growing Local Economy
Growing Local Economy
Development Services
Number of trees planted within the City Number of formal and informal neighborhood partnerships each year Percent of code cases brought into voluntary compliance prior to administrative/judicial process
Percent of respondents satisfied with City efforts at Cau maintaining the quality of their neighborhoods (Res. tion Survey)
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
On Percent of survey respondents satisfied with the Effectiveness Tar City's efforts to support quality neighborhoods (Biz get Survey)
Premier Community in South Florida
On Process business tax applications within 7 business Effectiveness Tar days (New beginning FY2020) get
Reference Key On target/Above target Within 5% of target/At risk of not meeting target Did not meet target/At Risk of not meeting target Discussion Needed No update available at this time
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Financial Services
Financial Services
financial services Mission Financial Services To preserve the City’s strong financial condition by creating responsible financial strategies, effectively managing the City’s resources, and providing analysis and recommendations that ensure optimal economic outcomes. Center for the Arts To provide a diverse schedule of programming for all residents, reduce the deficit of the venue, and deliver high quality customer service to all.
Core Processes and Outputs Financial Services Provide financial policy, cash management, debt management, accounting, payroll, accounts payable, purchasing, central stores, and utility billing for the City. • Produce the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. • Process over 9,000 accounts payable checks and prepare over 30,000 payroll checks. • Reconcile and track over 40 different funds. • Process over 2,500 purchase orders. • Purchase over $32 million in goods and services. • Refinance and restructure City’s outstanding debt. Monitor City’s financial condition and provide financial strategies to ensure fiscal solvency. Maintain all water and wastewater customer accounts. • Process over 150,000 utility bills including standby.
Financial Services Director of Financial Services* (1501) / 2.25 (a) Senior Office Assistant (1501)
Assistant Director Financial Services (1501) / 0.50 (b)
Accounting Services (1601) / 8
Senior Accountant (3) Payroll Coordinator (2) Senior Accounting Assistant Accountant (2)
Assistant Director Financial Services (1701)
Revenue & Collection (1602) / 6
Water Billing Representative (3) Accounting Assistant Billing Operations Technician Team Leader/Supervisor
Administration (1701) / 6
Purchasing Agent II Purchasing Agent Contract Administrator Coordinator Senior Purchasing Agent (2) Central Stores (1702) / 4
(Department/ Division Number) / Number of FTEs (Full-Time Equivalent) (a)Position split 75% Financial Services Adm. Div. 1501; 25% Water and Sewer Fund Div. 6001 (b)Position split 50% Financial Services Adm. Div. 1501; 50% Water and Sewer Fund Div. 6001
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Warehouse Supervisor Purchasing Assistant (2) Assistant Central Stores Superintendent
Table of Contents
Financial Services (continued) Center for the Arts
New Initiatives
Coordinate event management and production. Program national tours. Provide theater and meeting room rentals.
Premier Community in South Florida
• Host 365 meetings.
• FEMA Appeals Consultant (ongoing)
• Accommodate over 122,000 theater attendants. Facilitate Museum exhibitions, programming, and events. • Museum hosts 105 events and 190 classes. • Accommodate over 35,000 museum attendees. Box Office services. Catering services and concessions.
Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category Financial Services Revenues: Revenue and Collection/ Lien Search Purchasing Total Expenditures: Program Summary Administration Museum Accounting Utility Billing Sub-Total Purchasing Administration Central Stores Sub-Total
FY 2017 Actuals
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$452,931 0 638,017 555,136 $1,646,084
$376,523 0 710,497 612,193 $1,699,213
$496,791 0 782,968 653,496 $1,933,255
$516,576 311,793 $828,369
$625,966 408,861 $1,034,827
$680,545 331,853 $1,012,398
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$0 0 $0
0.00% n/a 0.00%
$493,689 0 792,985 649,328 $1,936,002
($3,102) 0 10,017 (4,168) $2,747
-0.62% n/a 1.28% -0.64% 0.14%
$719,354 334,440 $1,053,794
$38,809 2,587 $41,396
5.70% 0.78% 4.09%
Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Total
$1,521,170 662,901 289,788 594 $2,474,453
$1,659,733 702,019 368,770 3,518 $2,734,040
$1,850,535 726,262 366,656 2,200 $2,945,653
$1,902,367 728,463 356,766 2,200 $2,989,796
$51,832 2,201 (9,890) 0 $44,143
2.80% 0.30% -2.70% 0.00% 1.50%
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Scorecard: Key Performance Indicators Scorecard
Financial Services
Measure Type
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
KPI On Tar get Bel ow Pla On Tar get On Tar get On Tar
Internal customer satisfaction rating (Financial Services Internal Survey)
Percentage of purchase requisitions under $10,000 processed within 24 hours
Receive the GFOA Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting award
Water billings past due more than 180 days as percentage of outstanding bills
Number of repeat items in management letters prepared by the City's external auditors
Cau Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days tion On Out of stock level of the total inventory at Central Tar Stores get
Reference Key On target/Above target Within 5% of target/At risk of not meeting target Did not meet target/At Risk of not meeting target Discussion Needed No update available at this time
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
fire/ems Mission To preserve life and property through emergency medical services, fire suppression, community risk reduction, public education, and community partnerships.
Core Processes and Outputs Administration Manage and administer the fire department’s budget, policies, and procedures while providing department-wide leadership and direction. Responsible for the direction and development of approximately 400 members of the organization. • Personnel include nine full-time fire administrative staff, 147 shift personnel, five fire academy administrative staff, 10 full-time fire community risk reduction staff, 100 emergency service instructors, and 100 Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) members. Oversee the daily operations pertaining to Risk Reduction, Prevention, Suppression, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), and Training. • Provide contractual Fire/EMS service to the City of Parkland and provide Fire/EMS to unincorporated Broward County. • Provide automatic aid to the cities of Margate, Coconut Creek, and Tamarac. Provide additional mutual aid response in accordance with federal, state, and local agreements. Commit to continuous involvement in major organizations and committees on a national, state and local level that affect the delivery of emergency services, safety, health and wellness of first responders. Fire Suppression and Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Respond to all types of fire-related emergencies within the City. Provide basic and advanced emergency medical care to victims of illness or injury. • Respond to a projected 16,000 calls for service. • Maintain a response time of 8 minutes or less at least 90% of the time to emergency incidents. • Provide treatment and transport approximately 9,500 patients to area hospitals. • Provide inter-facility transport services to the community. • Continue to acquire and utilize state of the art equipment to ensure the highest level of care to the community • Provide a Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) medic program to support local police departments. • Provide a specialty water rescue unit. • Maintain a ready fleet of apparatus consisting of 8 front line ALS transport units, 3 reserve ALS transport units, 6 front line advanced life support (ALS) pumpers, 1 ALS aerial apparatus, 2 reserve ALS pumpers, and 2 reserve ALS aerial apparatus. • Maintain a ready fleet of support service apparatus to include a mobile air support unit, a dive rescue boat, a special events cart, and an incident support trailer. Provide Community Paramedic program to help residents make better use of available emergency services and find solutions to problems that are not typically related to emergency medical care. Training Provide comprehensive training programs to enhance the skills of firefighters and their ability to deliver the highest level of service while safely responding to emergency incidents. Provide required medical, fire, and inspection related recertification training in accordance with national, state, and local regulations for members of the Coral Springs Fire Department.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Fire/EMS (continued) Deliver entry level, recertification, and advanced level courses in fire, EMS, and technical rescue to Firefighters / EMS personnel nationally and internationally. Provide various levels of training to military, federal, state, and local law enforcement personnel.
New Initiatives Responsible City Government • Health and Wellness Equipment
• Emergency Services Leadership Institute • Public Education Enhancement
Provide training and education to the residents and businesses within the community.
• Fire Department 50th
Research and evaluate the newest technology and procedures in the fire and EMS fields to enhance the delivery of services to the public.
• Park Summit Left Turn Lane
Organize the Fire Explorer Program, a career development program geared towards high school students who are interested in a career in the firerescue profession. Community Risk Reduction Perform approximately 6,600 annual fire inspections and approximately, 600 re-inspections on all commercial properties and applicable multifamily residential units. Perform fire and life safety inspections of all public and private schools. Perform approximately 1,100 permit inspections and review approximately 1,300 sets of plans annually. Provide annual fire safety and prevention education through Safety Town and various educational programs to the community. Provide hands-on fire extinguisher training to the public.
City Investment in Today & Future • Traffic Signal Intersection: Coral Ridge Drive and NW 41st St
Premier Community in South Florida • Additional (3) Firefighter/Paramedics
• Fire Station 64 Replacement and Fire Training Academy Expansion • Rapid Intervention Team Bags • Clean Cab Vehicles • Community Paramedic Program (Ongoing) • Drowning Prevention/Water Safety (Ongoing) - With Comm. & Marketing
Conduct fire investigations on all fire related incidents to determine origin and cause while working closely with local law enforcement and the Florida State Fire Marshal’s Office.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
of Contents
City of Coral Springs, Florida (f)Position split 62% Fire-Inspection Div. 4901; 38% EMS Div. 4702
(a)All positions are split 50% FireAdm. Div. 4601; 50% EMS Div. 4702
(b)All positions are split 23% Comm.Svc. Div. 4602; 77% EMS Comm.Svc. Div 4703
(c)All positions are split (d) Most positions are split 38% EMS Div. 4702; 62% Fire-Supression Div. 4801 62% Fire-Suppression Div. 4801; 38% EMS Div. 4702 **Position split 50% EMS Div. 4702; 50% FireAdm. Div. 4601
(e)All positions are split 77% EMS Comm.Svc. Div 4703; 23% CommSvc. Div. 4602
Table of Contents
Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category Fire/EMS Revenues: Fire Fund Fire Fund Special Assessment Intergovernmental Revenue Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenues Fines and Forfeitures Partial Year Assessment Doubtful Accounts Other Financing Sources Appropriated Fund Balance Capital Reserve Grants (Matthew and Maria) Sub-Total
FY 2017 Actuals
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$11,673,025 5,719,224 2,891,534 43,214 15,524 49,040 0 0 0 0 0 $20,391,561
$12,636,751 6,086,885 3,263,139 54,082 25,894 108,257 0 0 0 0 86,769 $22,261,777
$14,029,856 6,419,496 3,848,549 55,000 17,518 39,893 0 0 0 0 0 $24,410,312
$16,434,793 6,213,615 3,855,456 55,000 25,000 70,895 0 0 0 0 0 $26,654,759
$2,404,937 (205,881) 6,907 0 7,482 31,002 0 0 0 0 0 $2,244,447
17.14% -3.21% 0.18% 0.00% 42.71% 77.71% n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 9.19%
$2,603,943 1,751 0 $2,605,694
$2,264,132 1,751 0 $2,265,883
$2,614,211 1,751 0 $2,615,962
$2,868,379 0
$254,168 (1,751) 0 $252,417
9.72% -100.00% n/a 9.65%
Expenditures: Program Summary Fire Fund Administration Communication Services Suppression Training Volunteers Inspection Contract Services (Parkland) Prevention Operating Capital Debt Service Interfund Transfers Non-Departmental Sub-Total
$708,232 128,031 13,348,163 1,864,694 0 1,345,531 0 0 466,542 282,860 320,450 2,092,522 $20,557,025
$749,895 131,211 14,366,676 2,145,857 0 1,552,432 0 0 531,585 282,860 404,108 2,109,224 $22,273,848
$924,846 162,127 14,947,755 2,729,026 0 1,626,381 0 0 829,930 404,852 380,786 2,404,609 $24,410,312
$908,685 165,416 16,190,913 2,685,426 0 1,752,325 0 0 479,784 448,985 830,693 3,192,532 $26,654,759
($16,161) 3,289 1,243,158 (43,600) 0 125,944 0 0 (350,146) 44,133 449,907 787,923 $2,244,447
-1.75% 2.03% 8.32% -1.60% n/a 7.74% n/a n/a -42.19% 10.90% 118.15% 32.77% 9.19%
EMS-General Fund Emergency Medical Services Communication Services Training Sub-Total
$9,164,325 414,066 225,782 $9,804,173
$9,775,031 416,753 250,330 $10,442,114
$10,336,054 463,464 219,410 $11,018,928
$11,141,537 475,499 225,601 $11,842,637
$805,483 12,035 6,191 $823,709
7.79% 2.60% 2.82% 7.48%
10,413,069.00 3,681,869 1,435,019 466,542 1,864,693 0 2,092,522 320,450 282,860 $20,557,024
$10,728,497 4,428,289 1,617,849 531,585 2,145,857 0 2,109,224 404,108 282,860 $21,988,143
$11,114,845 4,727,001 1,819,263 829,930 2,729,026 0 2,404,609 380,786 404,852 $24,410,312
$12,161,639 4,765,902 2,241,109 479,784 2,685,426 0 3,192,532 830,693 448,985 $26,806,070
$1,046,794 38,901 421,846 (350,146) (43,600) 0 787,923 449,907 44,133 $2,395,758
9.42% 0.82% 23.19% -42.19% -1.60% n/a 32.77% 118.15% 10.90% 9.81%
$6,492,351 2,294,302 1,004,609 12,911 $9,804,173
$6,680,960 2,647,588 1,113,566 0 $10,442,114
$7,019,838 2,804,808 1,181,266 13,016 $11,018,928
$7,579,627 2,871,608 1,378,386 13,016 $11,842,637
$559,789 66,800 197,120 0 $823,709
7.97% 2.38% 16.69% 0.00% 7.48%
111.34 68.66 180.00
115.20 69.80 185.00
118.44 71.56 190.00
124.76 76.24 201.00
6.32 4.68 11.00
5.3% 6.5% 5.8%
EMS-General Fund Emergency Medical Services Contract Services Training Sub-Total Total Revenues
Total Expenditures Summary by Category Fire Fund Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Training Capital Reserve (Budget Amendment) Non-Departmental Interfund Transfers Debt Service
EMS-General Fund Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Sub-Total Total Fire EMS Total FTE's
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Scorecard: Key Performance Indicators Scorecard
Measure Type
On Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness Tar get On Premier Community in South Florida Effectiveness Tar get On Responsible City Government Effectiveness Tar get On Responsible City Government Effectiveness Tar get On Responsible City Government Effectiveness Tar get On Responsible City Government Effectiveness Tar On Responsible City Government Effectiveness Tar On Responsible City Government Effectiveness Tar On Responsible City Government Effectiveness Tar On Responsible City Government Effectiveness Tar get On Responsible City Government Effectiveness Tar get On Responsible City Government Effectiveness Tar get On Responsible City Government Impact Tar
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target
Response time in less than 8 mins, 90% of time (Emergency Fire/EMS calls)
14 firefighters on scene within 10 mins 90% of time (Structural fires)
Provide inspection report to customer within 12 days (Revised FY17)
Perform annual fire inspections (comm. prop. & applicable multi‐family res. units)
Provide public education programs to residents ages 5‐11
Provide a minimum number of FL Firefighter Minimum Standards classes
Provide a minimum number of EMT classes
Provide a minimum number of Specialty classes
Provide a minimum number of Paramedic classes
Satisfaction rating with the quality of the Fire Department (Res. Survey)
Satisfaction rating with the quality of the Emergency Paramedics (Biz. Survey)
Maintain Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) force
Maintain Fire Explorers program participation
Reference Key On target/Above target Within 5% of target/At risk of not meeting target Did not meet target/At Risk of not meeting target Discussion Needed No update available at this time
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Human Resources
Human Resources
human resources Mission Human Resources Serving employees, volunteers and the community by providing an inclusive environment supported by passionate, innovative and creative people. Health Fund To provide Coral Springs employees and their families with a competitive benefits package consisting of a comprehensive, yet cost effective program for health, life, and long-term disability benefits.
Core Processes and Outputs Recruitment Recruit top talent by coordinating advertising, screening, interviewing, testing, selection, employee database management. • Timely processing of job applications to identify the most qualified candidates. Employee Development Provide training and development opportunities in the areas of compliance, customer service, leadership development and other topics identified through needs analysis. • Offer training through a variety of methods including instructor-led, e-learning, webinars, forums, mentoring, shadowing, books, and articles. • Develop leadership training programs and other professional development options in support of the City’s succession planning process. Compensation and Classification Support the development and maintenance of the Citywide broad band classification system, preparation and maintenance of classification specifications, preparation and maintenance of job descriptions, and completion of salary surveys. • Perform a comprehensive review of the City’s classification and compensation system to ensure competitive salaries to enable the City to hire and retain the best qualified employees. • Timely and accurate processing of payroll change authorizations. Compliance/Safety Coordinate Citywide safety programs. • Provide effective methods to ensure a safe work environment including safety training, committee meetings, library, events and programs. Employee Relations Partner with departments to provide guidance and consultation on human resource matters. • Develop, communicate and implement policies. • Discretely manage employee relations issues. • Effectively manage collective bargaining negotiations.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Human Resources (continued) Benefits Administration
New Initiatives
• Administer Police and Fire retirement plans. • Provide administrative support for general employee retirement plan, self-insured comprehensive medical and dental plan, and fully insured vision plan. Ensure that the aggregate and specific reinsurance coverage is maintained. • Limit health care costs to less than the medical inflation rate. • Provide fully insured basic life insurance, employee paid supplemental group life, long-term disability coverage, and wellness programs to all eligible employees. Community Relations/Citizens Services/City Hall in the Mall • Act as a clearinghouse for citizen requests for information and service via the City’s Help Desk.
Responsible City Government
• American with Disabilities Act Compliance Support Strategy • Professional Certifications • Fellowship / Summer Interns • Employee Health Clinic • Well Being Strategy • Online Performance Management System
• Provide an added level of service and convenience by coordinating various new and existing city, county, state and federal programs and services at our City Hall in the Mall satellite location. • Human Resources staff serve as liaisons on the MLK Committee, Multicultural Advisory Committee, and the CustomerInvolved Government Committee. • Plan and organize community, multi-cultural and education-related events, including the Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend Celebration, State of the City Reception, Unitown, Uniteens, Unikids, Teen Political Forum, National Day of Prayer, International Dinner Dance, Worldfest, and other ethnic festivals. Quality Feedback Initiatives Provide strategic direction and support for the City’s internal quality initiatives and coordinate the annual support services survey, organization survey, and department director/supervisor 360-degree assessments. • Coordinate the City’s Sterling/Baldrige efforts including coordination of the Citywide survey.
Human Resources
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category
Human Resources Revenues: City Hall In The Mall Total
FY 2017 Actuals
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget $54,429 $54,429
% Change from FY19 Budget
$949,447 $949,447
$1,068,727 $1,068,727
$1,088,592 $1,088,592
$1,143,021 $1,143,021
5.00% 5.00%
Expenditures: Program Summary Human Resources
Community Relations Volunteer Services* City Hall In The Mall Total
287,391 139,413 412,121 $1,968,743
291,886 143,823 477,728 $2,139,311
360,319 169,937 449,634 $2,258,503
466,430 173,833 464,931 $2,472,245
106,111 3,896 15,297 $213,742
29.45% 2.29% 3.40% 9.46%
$1,234,074 455,273 275,844 3,552 $1,968,743
$1,352,588 497,596 283,277 5,850 $2,139,311
$1,411,066 481,427 363,010 3,000 $2,258,503
$1,593,745 511,315 364,185 3,000 $2,472,245
$182,679 29,888 1,175 0 $213,742
12.95% 6.21% 0.32% 0.00% 9.46%
*Division transferred from the Police Department Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Total FTE's
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$12,970,607 29,633 1,805,858 0 $14,806,098
$12,757,648 47,430 2,194,421 0 $14,999,499
$12,676,955 20,000 2,528,025 0 $15,224,980
$12,678,315 30,000 3,328,062 737,950 $16,774,328
$1,360 10,000 800,037 737,950 $1,549,348
0.01% 50.00% 31.65% n/a 10.18%
Expenses: Program Summary Health-Dental Long Term Disability Contingency Life Insurance Total
$13,739,461 188,107 0 137,802 $14,065,370
$14,631,019 194,305 0 117,086 $14,942,410
$14,887,950 200,000 27,030 110,000 $15,224,980
$16,424,271 215,000 17,557 117,500 $16,774,328
$14,887,950 15,000 (9,473) 7,500 $1,549,348
100.00% 7.50% -35.05% 6.82% 10.18%
Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Transfers Subtotal
$208,845 11,859,191 1,997,333 0 $14,065,369
$213,887 12,857,030 1,861,493 10,000 $14,942,410
$204,367 12,793,409 2,227,204 0 $15,224,980
$215,860 13,511,277 2,319,241 0 $16,046,378
$11,493 717,868 92,037 0 $821,398
5.62% 5.61% 4.13% n/a 5.40%
Non-Departmental Total FTE's
$0 $14,065,369 2.25
$0 $14,942,410 2.25
$0 $15,224,980 2.25
$727,950 $16,774,328 2.25
$727,950 $1,549,348 0.00
n/a $0 0.0%
Health Fund Revenues: Transfers Interest Income Recoveries Appropriated Fund Balance Total
FY 2017 Actuals
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
Table of Contents
Scorecard: Key Performance Indicators Scorecard
Measure Type
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Human Resources Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government
KPI On Tar On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get
Percentage of employees who would recommend working for the City to a friend
Employee engagement index
Percentage of employees that are satisfied with wellness activities
Percentage of employees that value Employee Benefits Package
Percentage of employees satisfied with Volunteer Services (New beginning FY2019)
Cau tion On Effectiveness Tar get Cau Effectiveness tion Cau Effectiveness tion Effectiveness
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target
Percentage of employees who are satisfied with training resources
Employees satisfied with the Culture of Inclusiveness/Belonging (New beginning FY2019) Respond to customer requests within 2 days
Complete service request within 7 business days
Responsible City Government
Employee satisfaction with the City culture of learning (New beginning FY2020)
Responsible City Government
Cau Employee satisfaction with the City culture of tion innovation (New beginning FY2020)
90% 90%
Reference Key On target/Above target Within 5% of target/At risk of not meeting target Did not meet target/At Risk of not meeting target Discussion Needed No update available at this time
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Information Technology
Table of Contents
Information Technology
information technology Mission To successfully integrate people, process and technology that foster partnerships and consistently delivering solutions that serve as the foundation of City operations.
Core Processes and Outputs The Information Technology department provides voice and data services to over 1,000 staff at 35 locations. The network includes over 275 mobiles devices and over 900 wired devices. The data network consists of systems that can access a full suite of general purpose software tools, as well as 142 business applications and services. Elements of the data network consist of computing platforms, local area networks (LAN), the wide area network (WAN), and a wireless infrastructure. Computing platforms in the network include AS/400, file servers, and application servers. Access to a computing platform from most locations is accommodated via LAN, which, in turn, is interconnected to form the City’s WAN.
Information Technology
Department/Division Number) / Number of FTEs (Full-Time Equivalent) )Position split 75% Information Technology Div. 2001; 25% Public Works-Utilities-Adm. Div 6001
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Information Technology (continued) Application Development and Integration Develop and maintain business applications, integrating them with the production computing environment. • Maintain, administer, and upgrade three AS/400 computing systems and the 35 HTE integrated applications that are operational on this platform. • Maintain and administer 125 servers and 125 applications that are server based.
New Initiatives Responsible City Government • IT Specialized Technical Training • GIS Consulting Services • ESRI Enterprise Advantage Program (EEAP) • Disaster Recovery Site
Infrastructure Management Plan, manage, and maintain a production environment (platforms, LANs, and WAN) in accordance with service level agreements related to security, reliability, availability, and performance of voice and data services. • Maintain and administer the City’s WAN, consisting of CISCO routers and switches at all City locations. Provide and support desktop access to general purpose software tools, business applications and data across multiple computing platforms, and external services, data, or applications.
Premier Community in South Florida • Implement a DNS, DHP, and IP (DDI) Management Tool
• User Cyber Security Awareness Training
Premier Community in South Florida • Enterprise Software (Ongoing)
• Maintain and administer the fully integrated voice and data network that consists of over 900 voice and data drops. The network serves all City locations with technology from CISCO systems. • Maintain, administer, and upgrade the City’s mobile computing environment for Police, Fire, Code Compliance, and Fleet Management. • Maintain, administer, and upgrade the GIS and AutoCADD computing platforms and applications serving departmental needs City-wide. • Maintain, administer and provide information relative to the City’s library of plat maps, as-builts, and design drawings. Customer Service Provide “on demand” service and support for system and security administration, problem resolution or coordination, acquisition research and assistance, and information requests relative to tools, data, and applications. • Respond to over 8,100 requests for service per year. Project Management Provide project governance based on sound project management methodologies, utilizing industry standard project management guidelines, the IT organization will manage the initiating, planning, executing, monitoring, controlling and closing of all technology projects..
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Scorecard: Key Performance Indicators Scorecard
Measure Type
Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Information Technology
Responsible City Government Responsible City Government Responsible City Government
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target
KPI IT Development Projects implemented (In accordance with City’s Business Plan and IT Work Program)
Meet service level agreement regarding application availability
Meet service level agreement regarding server availability
Customer satisfaction rating from survey of Information Technology Meet service level agreement regarding network availability
99.50% 99.90% 99.50% 99.55% 99.50%
Reference Key On target/Above target Within 5% of target/At risk of not meeting target Did not meet target/At Risk of not meeting target Discussion Needed No update available at this time
Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category Information Technology Revenues: Information Technology Total
FY 2017 Actuals
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
Expenditures: Program Summary Computer Services Total
$3,367,163 $3,367,163
$3,925,979 $3,925,979
$4,253,429 $4,253,429
$4,666,238 $4,666,238
$412,809 $412,809
9.71% 9.71%
Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Total
$1,623,315 635,217 1,087,170 21,461 $3,367,163
$1,782,169 644,772 1,436,132 62,906 $3,925,979
$1,911,044 673,846 1,667,039 1,500 $4,253,429
$1,850,829 633,962 2,179,947 1,500 $4,666,238
($60,215) (39,884) 512,908 0 $412,809
-3.15% -5.92% 30.77% 0.00% 9.71%
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
n/a n/a
Table of Contents
Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation
parks and recreation Mission To serve as a sports and entertainment destination to the residents of Coral Springs and northwest Broward County by providing exceptional leisure opportunities, beautification of the City, and support in reaching the City Commission’s strategic goals. We are focused on exceeding customer expectations through a philosophy of providing quality services, well-maintained facilities, and customer-friendly and attentive staff.
Core Processes and Outputs Maintenance Coordinate overall management of Parks and Recreation divisions. • Maintain quality athletic fields and courts for over 1,150 organized sports teams. • Maintain 49 parks totaling 768 acres including buildings, structures, landscaping, irrigation and equipment. • Maintain safe and clean tennis facilities at Tennis Center, Cypress Park Tennis Center, other City parks, and two middle schools. • Maintain ten pools, a 7,500 square foot fitness center, a full-service swim shop, and three concession venues. Landscape and Irrigation Install, repair, and maintain irrigation systems, landscaping, and athletic turf in parks, medians, and all public buildings, facilities and grounds. Recreational Programming Provide programming for seniors, teens, special needs populations, preschoolers, after-school, summer recreation, and at-risk youth among others. • Conduct 32,000 swim classes annually to over 4,000 participants through three different Learn to Swim programs. Administrative Services Manage new park construction and existing facility enhancements. Develop, implement, and monitor the budget and strategic plan for Parks and Recreation. City representative to sports groups, Kreul Classic, Sports Coalition Committee, and Sports Commission. Negotiate reciprocal use agreements with schools, both public and private. Prepare grants and inter-local, reciprocal use, and lease agreements. Revenue collection for permits, rentals, clinics, summer recreation and other programs. • Generate over $270,000 in tennis lesson revenue and over $400,000 in gross sales at the Swim Shop. Coordinate and secure sponsorships and advertising. Negotiate and administer contracts of third-party contractors providing a variety of services to facility customers.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Parks and Recreation (continued) Scheduling Provide field and court permits for 12 City-recognized sports programs, independent leagues and organizations, and drop-in groups. • Accommodate over 4,000,000 park visitors to all sites. • Accommodate 500,000 Aquatic Complex participants and visitors. • Host 118,000 tennis players. Transportation Provide community and senior bus service.
New Initiatives Responsible City Government
• Senior Programming (Enhancement)
City Investment in Today and Future • Pickelball Courts • Turf Fields • Splash Pad • Maintain and Protect City Trees (Ongoing)
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Parks and Recreation
(Department/Division Number) / Number of FTEs (Full-Time Equivalent)
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category Parks and Recreation Revenues: Parks Cypress Park Mullins Park North Community Park Neighborhood Parks Sub-Total
FY 2017 Actuals
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$116,169 278,442 28,945 90,814 $514,370
$106,778 304,533 33,399 109,100 $553,810
$127,889 259,830 47,477 116,388 $551,584
$230,447 315,027 148,426 118,715 $812,615
$102,558 55,197 100,949 2,327 $261,031
80.19% 21.24% 212.63% 2.00% 47.32%
$43,672 20,495 481,614 156,164 449,782 $1,151,727
$61,451 19,031 416,791 148,792 462,735 $1,108,800
$46,023 18,946 510,000 163,033 475,262 $1,213,264
$46,944 19,325 520,200 153,794 484,768 $1,225,031
$921 379 10,200 (9,239) 9,506 $11,767
2.00% 2.00% 2.00% -5.67% 2.00% 0.97%
$359,613 19,348 95,103 321,654 $795,718
$445,918 34,274 106,887 292,584 $879,663
$318,000 28,862 129,187 344,387 $820,436
$318,060 29,440 131,771 356,802 $836,073
$60 578 2,584 12,415 $15,637
0.02% 2.00% 2.00% 3.60% 1.91%
$50,613 58,622 1,374,661 $1,483,896
$84,308 52,678 1,487,396 $1,624,382
$131,971 69,348 1,557,428 $1,758,747
$134,609 70,735 1,588,576 $1,793,920
$2,638 1,387 31,148 $35,173
2.00% 2.00% 2.00% 2.00%
Parks Cypress Park Mullins Park North Community Park Neighborhood Parks Beautification Landscape Irrigation Honda Classic* Environmentally Sensitive Land Sub-Total
$1,258,518 1,641,141 814,503 1,538,554 1,204,958 1,470,166 614,049 0 225,376 $8,767,265
$1,388,534 1,592,713 989,916 1,785,300 605,472 690,228 635,726 0 244,751 $7,932,640
$1,454,631 1,628,550 1,157,222 1,784,679 568,438 505,239 679,422 0 263,711 $8,041,892
$1,564,307 1,636,624 1,226,028 1,898,972 756,044 509,949 636,903 0 273,809 $8,502,636
$109,676 8,074 68,806 114,293 187,606 4,710 (42,519) 0 10,098 $460,744
7.54% 0.50% 5.95% 6.40% 33.00% 0.93% -6.26% n/a 3.83% 5.73%
Recreation Activity Center Recreation Services Summer Recreation Transportation Services Gymnasium Sub-Total
$132,288 443,331 534,786 378,409 438,011 $1,926,825
$145,650 463,267 449,796 391,389 444,570 $1,894,672
$146,066 496,293 560,597 461,380 418,360 $2,082,696
$156,409 496,067 566,658 451,572 451,603 $2,122,309
$10,343 (226) 6,061 (9,808) 33,243 $39,613
7.08% -0.05% 1.08% -2.13% 7.95% 1.90%
Sportsplex/Tennis Sportsplex Athletic Complex Cypress Tennis Tennis Center Sub-Total
$290,182 546,784 194,161 678,050 $1,709,177
$243,739 652,295 194,930 690,589 $1,781,553
$282,955 722,278 223,719 803,622 $2,032,574
$289,358 688,099 198,448 815,712 $1,991,617
$6,403 (34,179) (25,271) 12,090 ($40,957)
2.26% -4.73% -11.30% 1.50% -2.02%
Aquatics Services Cypress Pool Mullins Pool Aquatics Complex Sub-Total
$401,084 291,924 1,773,316 $2,466,324
$428,847 316,048 1,995,737 $2,740,632
$496,434 280,547 2,054,962 $2,831,943
$577,447 238,418 2,148,171 $2,964,036
$81,013 (42,129) 93,209 $132,093
16.32% -15.02% 4.54% 4.66%
Recreation Mullins Activity Center Recreation Center Summer Recreation Transportation Services* Gymnasium Sub-Total *Includes Community Bus Program Revenues Sportsplex/Tennis Sportsplex Athletic Complex Cypress Tennis Tennis Center Sub-Total Aquatics Services Cypress Pool Mullins Pool Aquatics Complex Sub-Total Total Revenues Expenditures: Program Summary
Total Expenditures
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category Parks and Recreation (continued) Expenditures: Summary By Category Parks Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Sub-Total
FY 2017 Actuals
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$3,174,937 1,747,082 3,726,424 118,822 $8,767,265
$2,965,856 1,682,010 2,896,144 388,630 $7,932,640
$3,003,371 1,681,217 2,980,079 377,225 $8,041,892
$3,177,829 1,526,984 3,420,598 377,225 $8,502,636
$174,458 (154,233) 440,519 0 $460,744
5.81% -9.17% 14.78% 0.00% 5.73%
$771,884 231,284 923,657 0 $1,926,825
$736,848 227,061 930,763 0 $1,894,672
$844,025 248,471 990,200 0 $2,082,696
$872,738 252,753 996,818 0 $2,122,309
$28,713 4,282 6,618 0 $39,613
3.40% 1.72% 0.67% n/a 1.90%
Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Sub-Total
$635,407 249,388 817,308 7,074 $1,709,177
$654,988 246,059 795,539 84,967 $1,781,553
$767,506 310,335 867,840 86,893 $2,032,574
$706,945 268,134 929,645 86,893 $1,991,617
($60,561) (42,201) 61,805 0 ($40,957)
-7.89% -13.60% 7.12% 0.00% -2.02%
Aquatic Services Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Sub-Total
$985,353 399,557 1,081,414 0 $2,466,324
$1,086,958 399,293 1,151,275 103,106 $2,740,632
$1,111,552 412,402 1,207,989 100,000 $2,831,943
$1,228,283 420,508 1,215,245 100,000 $2,964,036
$116,731 8,106 7,256 0 $132,093
10.50% 1.97% 0.60% 0.00% 4.66%
$5,567,581 2,627,311 6,548,803 125,896 $14,869,591
$5,444,650 2,554,423 5,773,721 576,703 $14,349,497
$5,726,454 2,652,425 6,046,108 564,118 $14,989,105
$5,985,795 2,468,379 6,562,306 564,118 $15,580,598
$259,341 ($184,046) $516,198 $0 $591,493
4.53% -6.94% 8.54% 0.00% 3.95%
73.00 8.00 9.00 16.00 106.00
70.00 8.00 11.00 16.00 105.00
70.00 8.00 11.00 16.00 105.00
61.00 8.00 10.00 16.00 95.00
(9.00) 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (10.00)
-12.86% 0.00% -9.09% 0.00% -9.52%
Recreation Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Sub-Total Sportsplex/Tennis
Total Expenditures Expenditures - All Divisions Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Total Expenditures
FTE's Parks Recreation Sportsplex/Tennis Aquatic Services Total FTE's
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Scorecard: Key Performance Indicators Scorecard
Parks & Recreation
Measure Type
City Investment in Today and Future
On Customer service rating of summer recreation Tar program get
City Investment in Today and Future
Cau Number of Senior Classes (New beginning FY2019) tion
City Investment in Today and Future
Cau Increase members and reduce member turnover: tion Aquatic Complex membership
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
Growing Local Economy
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get Bel ow On Tar get On Tar get On Tar On Tar On Tar get
Increase members and reduce member turnover: Aquatic Complex membership turnover
Maintain customer service ratings at the Tennis Center
Membership turnover at the Tennis Center
Customer service rating for court maintenance at the Tennis Center
Sports Commission: Number of room nights
Maintenance & appearance of City parks (Revised 2019) (Res. Survey)
Customer service rating for parks and recreation staff (Res. Survey)
Number of tennis special events
Safety rating of City parks (Res. Survey)
Cost recovery ratio for the Recreation Division
The combined cost recovery for the Aquatic Complex Division
Reference Key On target/Above target Within 5% of target/At risk of not meeting target Did not meet target/At Risk of not meeting target Discussion Needed No update available at this time
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
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City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
police Mission To provide professional, high quality and innovative police service in partnership with the community.
Core Processes and Outputs Administration Administer the financial, operational and capital budgets of the department. Manage the overall working of the Police Department to provide a safe and secure community environment. Provide public informational services. Identify specific training needs of department personnel.
(Department/Division Number) / Number of FTEs (Full-Time Equivalent) *No full-time staff assigned to these divisions
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Investigations Investigate property crimes such as burglaries, thefts etc., and violent crimes such as batteries, assaults, domestic violence, child abuse (physical, sexual, and neglect), elderly abuse, adult sex crimes, homicide, and aggravated battery. Patrol
New Initiatives Premier Community in South Florida • Body Worn Cameras and In-Car LPR
• Community Involvement Coordinator Parttime to Full-time
Receive, process, and dispatch both emergency and non-emergency calls for Police and Fire Rescue.
• Civil Unrest Team (CUTS)
• Respond to 170,000 projected calls for service and incident response.
• Summer Breakspot Program (Ongoing)
• Police Hire Incentive (Ongoing)
Support Functions Process all external and internal requests for reports and information. Coordinate fleet and facility maintenance. Juvenile Operate the School Resource Officer program and present educational program at all grade levels. Coordinate court-ordered community service hours program for juveniles and adults.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category Police Revenues: Office of the Chief Off-Duty Detail Total
FY 2017 Actuals
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$2,370,370 525,086 $2,895,456
$2,743,362 843,067 $3,586,429
$2,639,282 502,033 $3,141,315
$2,780,649 802,115 $3,582,764
$141,367 300,082 $441,449
5.36% 59.77% 14.05%
-9.71% 1.44% 4.06% 80.01% 3.79% 1.70% -2.73% 5.11%
Expenditures: Program Summary Administration Office of the Chief Vice/Intelligence Human Resources Off-Duty Detail Communications Center Fiscal Management SWAT Sub-Total Administration-Community Services Youth Liaison
$311,879 2,543,035 314,450 556,054 3,064,356 929,682 250,822 $7,970,278
$225,970 2,533,411 313,631 742,842 2,869,909 999,826 290,500 $7,976,089
$438,343 2,671,778 314,197 353,233 3,071,242 988,439 302,278 $8,139,510
$395,763 2,710,124 326,969 635,854 3,187,772 1,005,214 294,019 $8,555,715
($42,580) 38,346 12,772 282,621 116,530 16,775 (8,259) $416,205
Community Involvement Training Volunteer Services* Central Records Crossing Guards Building and Fleet Maintenance Sub-Total
276,757 802,862 0 558,577 416,427 544,042 $6,187,586
372,689 772,710 0 708,188 440,652 639,406 $6,504,355
462,750 851,167 0 592,715 466,768 647,430 $7,452,905
516,752 858,163 0 584,249 497,879 731,366 $7,809,931
54,002 6,996 0 (8,466) 31,111 83,936 $357,026
11.67% 0.82% n/a -1.43% 6.67% 12.96% 4.79% n/a
Sub-total Administration $14,157,864 *Division transferred to Human Resources in FY 2015 Office of Professional Standards
$352,261 $352,261
$367,188 $367,188
$374,384 $374,384
$381,883 $381,883
$7,499 $7,499
2.00% 2.00%
1,944,901 $20,943,771
2,096,247 $21,976,017
2,222,457 $23,118,464
2,110,166 $23,308,933
(112,291) $190,469
-5.05% 0.82%
Special Operations Strategic Enforcement Team Humane Unit K-9 Street Intelligence Unit Bicycle Unit BEAR Unit Sub-Total
$1,729,111 239,706 1,193,769 616,047 868,215 1,266,414 $5,913,262
$2,265,904 237,638 1,246,296 655,604 905,026 1,242,917 $6,553,385
$2,361,964 248,711 1,344,329 681,901 981,199 1,313,243 $6,931,347
$2,497,375 249,562 1,346,315 694,482 1,051,108 1,317,223 $7,156,065
$135,411 851 1,986 12,581 69,909 3,980 $224,718
5.73% 0.34% 0.15% 1.84% 7.12% 0.30% 3.24%
Criminal Investigations General Investigations Special Investigations Crime Scene Investigations Dive Team Sub-Total
$3,299,895 2,628,388 1,179,892 11,031 $7,119,206
$3,478,218 2,692,016 1,190,906 13,268 $7,374,408
$3,642,001 2,761,676 1,270,919 14,765 $7,689,361
$3,619,846 2,733,602 1,336,151 14,938 $7,704,537
($22,155) (28,074) 65,232 173 $15,176
-0.61% -1.02% 5.13% 1.17% 0.20%
Office of Professional Standards Sub-Total Operations Support Patrol Unit Special Events Traffic Unit Sub-Total
Sub-Total Operations Total Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Total Positions FTE's
1.14% n/a 2.26%
$27,000,718 15,806,967 5,649,349 29,330 $48,486,364
$27,237,789 17,352,167 5,990,679 170,807 $50,751,442
$28,133,036 18,741,090 6,750,326 81,519 $53,705,971
$29,459,318 18,469,335 6,939,242 71,669 $54,939,564
$1,326,282 (271,755) 188,916 (9,850) $1,233,593 $0
4.71% -1.45% 2.80% -12.08% 2.30% n/a
302.00 301.63
309.00 308.63
311.00 311.00
311.00 311.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Scorecard: Key Performance Indicators Scorecard
Measure Type
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
Downtown Becoming Vibrant
Downtown Becoming Vibrant
KPI On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get Cau tion
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target
Police Department's overall quality rating (Res. Survey)
Residents who feel that Coral Springs has remained or become a safer place to live (Res. Survey)
Average Police response time (from time of call to arrival) ‐ (Previous year)
Stabilize the burglary rate at a 0% increase adjusted for population (Uniform Crime Report) (Previous year)
Maintain 0% increase in crime rate as adjusted for population (Uniform Crime Report) (Previous year)
Clearance rate for crimes (Uniform Crime Report) (Previous year)
Reduce or maintain percent change in number of robberies (Uniform Crime Report) (Previous year)
Traffic crashes per 1,000 citizens (Previous year)
Number of high school students that are awarded safe driving certificates at graduation
Police Department's Satisfaction rating by businesses (Biz Survey)
Safety rating by businesses (Biz Survey)
Reference Key On target/Above target Within 5% of target/At risk of not meeting target Did not meet target/At Risk of not meeting target Discussion Needed No update available at this time
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Public Works
Public Works
public works Mission Public Works To support Coral Springs in becoming the premier community in which to live, work, and raise a family by providing quality facilities, well maintained neighborhood infrastructure, beautiful City entrances and corridors, safe drinking water, reliable solid waste service, Engineering and Construction management, and an operationally efficient Fleet. Utilities and Engineering Division To provide the City utilities service area with safe drinking water, reliable water pressure for fire protection, and wastewater collection and disposal in accordance with County, State and National regulations and standards. To provide Engineering services by reviewing engineering plans for compliance with City engineering standards, including right of way permits for engineering improvements, and inspection services for Capital Projects.
Public Works
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Public Works (continued) Equipment Services
New Initiatives
To support all City Departments by writing vehicle and equipment specifications that meet operational needs, preparing for service, providing quality maintenance to maximize useful life, and disposition from Fleet.
Responsible City Government
Core Processes and Outputs
• Bus Shelter Solar Powered Fans
Civil Engineer
Premier Community in South Florida • Curbing on Sample
Public Works Administration • Coordinate overall department management, administration, and budget. • Oversee the contractual responsibilities of the solid waste franchise holder. • Manage median landscape and maintenance contract.
• Landscape Operation Enhancement
• New Shop Equipment (Ongoing)
Perform repair and maintenance of City-owned streets, bike paths, rights of way and parking areas.
• Roadway Resurfacing (Ongoing)
• • • •
• Facilities / Street Cityworks software (Ongoing) • Landscape Improvement of Arterial Roads (Ongoing)
Maintain 96.5 miles of bike paths and sidewalks. Maintain 224 center lane miles of City streets. Inspect 8 miles of state roads and 32 miles of county roads. Clean and maintain over 6,500 drains.
Facilities Perform in-house or contract for maintenance, repair, and minor construction of all City buildings. • Maintain 662,170 square feet of City facilities. Horticulture Plan, plant, establish and manage public trees and associated vegetation on public medians, right-of-ways, cul-de-sacs, City’s entry signs, public buildings and facilities. • • • • • • •
Maintain landscaped medians on 42 City, County, and State owned roads Maintain 49 cul-de-sacs and landscaped islands Maintain 19 City buildings and properties Maintain 23 public right-of-ways and canal banks Maintain 23 City entry and corporate signs Maintain 8,318 linear feet of Master Parking Maintain 40 lift stations, water treatment facilities, and transfer station
Utilities and Engineering Perform management, administration, and support for the daily operation of water treatment, water plant maintenance, water distribution, wastewater collection, and wastewater treatment. • Produce an average of 6.13 million gallons per day of treated water. Equipment Services Repair and maintain all City vehicles including fire, police, and small engine equipment. • • • • •
Maintain 767 vehicles/equipment, 497 pieces of small engine equipment, and 91 generators. Prepare specifications for new equipment and vehicle purchases. Provide specialized equipment installation for public safety vehicles and general fleet. Repair and service motorcycles for the City of Margate. Repair and maintain City of Parkland fire apparatus.
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category Public Works Revenues: Administrative Services Streets Engineering Total
FY 2017 Actuals
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$250,517 60,258 0 $310,775
$168,876 72,781 34 $241,691
$28,222 72,777 0 $100,999
$17,400 72,777 0 $90,177
($10,822) 0 0 ($10,822)
-38.35% 0.00% n/a -10.71%
$273,082 44,957 $318,039
$387,506 86,641 $474,147
$388,853 54,738 $443,591
$319,988 27,460 $347,448
Engineering Streets Facilities Management Arbor & Horticulture Total
$225,987 3,867,592 741,963 0 $5,153,581
$135,971 5,428,331 1,167,254 0 $7,205,703
$238,276 5,777,571 1,288,824 0 $7,748,262
$250,236 2,862,445 1,440,165 1,707,969 $6,608,263
($68,865) (27,278) ($96,143) $0 $11,960 (2,915,126) 151,341 1,707,969 ($1,139,999)
-17.71% -49.83% -21.67% n/a 5.02% -50.46% 11.74% n/a -14.71%
Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Total
$1,656,342 735,639 2,756,981 4,619 $5,153,581
$1,870,958 812,384 4,499,976 22,385 $7,205,703
$2,099,172 911,761 4,728,790 8,539 $7,748,262
$1,646,236 677,470 4,276,018 8,539 $6,608,263
($452,936) (234,291) (452,772) 0 ($1,139,999)
-21.58% -25.70% -9.57% 0.00% -14.71%
Expenditures: Program Summary Administrative Services Solid Waste Recycling Sub-Total
Water and Sewer Fund Utilities Revenues: Water Wastewater Private Fire Line Fee Meter Sales Backflow Recertification Adm. Fee Misc. Income Charges for Service Appropriated Fund Balance Interest Income
FY 2017 Actuals
Total Expenses: Program Summary Administration Water Distribution Water Treatment Wastewater Treatment Wastewater Collection Sub-Total Non-Departmental Total Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Sub-Total Non-Departmental Total FTE's
FY 2018 Actuals
$9,063,534 13,083,232 27,077 13,085 22,945 (5,631) 337,613 0 54,907
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$9,318,618 13,652,366 28,097 36,955 38,750 5,314 318,081 1,383,256 77,481
$9,378,788 14,058,830 27,171 10,609 19,675 10,000 217,514 641,570 31,632
$9,707,045 14,550,889 27,986 10,927 19,871 10,300 224,037 1,375,448 31,632
$328,257 492,059 815 318 196 300 6,523 733,878 0
3.50% 3.50% 3.00% 3.00% 1.00% 3.00% 3.00% 114.39% 0.00%
$996,087 1,016,341 2,619,045 5,353,580 1,161,659 $11,146,712
$1,038,984 1,007,687 2,672,466 6,025,105 1,222,129 $11,966,371
$1,180,365 1,135,182 3,162,150 6,671,731 1,336,717 $13,486,145
$1,300,251 1,172,993 3,243,445 7,005,318 1,347,067 $14,069,074
$119,886 37,811 81,295 333,587 10,350 $582,929
6.40% n/a n/a n/a 10.16% 3.33% 2.57% 5.00% 0.77% 4.32%
$2,408,977 1,066,455 7,660,701 245,637 $11,381,770
$2,394,695 1,047,641 1,395,704 22,890 $4,860,930
$2,567,770 1,072,038 9,827,926 253,411 $13,721,145
$2,743,293 1,113,189 3,186,813 20,461 $7,063,756
$10,965,521 $22,347,291
$19,997,988 $24,858,918
$10,674,644 $24,395,789
$175,523 41,151 (6,641,113) (232,950) ($6,657,389)
6.84% 3.84% -67.57% -91.93% -48.52%
$18,894,382 $25,958,135
$8,219,738 $1,562,346
77.00% 6.40%
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category FY 2017 Equipment Services Actuals Revenues: Fuel/Maint/Chargeback Transfers $6,313,663 Fleet Services to other entities: City of Parkland 42,367 City of Margate/Coconut Creek 5,943 Interest Income 58,532 Financial Strategy 0 Appropriated Fund Balance / Equipment Purchases3,205,949 Auction 517,986 Total $10,144,440
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
44,039 8,002 82,539 24,090 3,788,288 160,548 $10,936,829
32,000 3,500 50,000 170,381 4,915,770 200,000 $12,785,935
35,000 5,500 50,000 0 4,380,240 200,000 $12,432,473
3,000 2,000 0 0 (535,530) 39,452 ($353,462)
-10.89% 19.73% -2.76%
Expenses: Program Summary Equipment Maintenance Total
$9,534,220 $9,534,220
$10,936,829 $10,936,829
$12,785,935 $12,785,935
$12,432,473 $12,432,473
($353,462) ($12,785,935)
-2.76% -100.00%
Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Depreciation Interfund Transfers Equipment Purchases Total
$890,163 392,378 1,518,548 3,328,442 198,740 3,205,949 $9,534,220
$874,495 385,240 1,751,714 3,694,862 442,230 3,788,288 $10,936,829
$949,162 394,254 2,019,834 4,123,408 383,507 4,915,770 $12,785,935
$974,988 401,210 2,131,697 4,306,338 238,000 4,380,240 $12,432,473
$25,826 6,956 111,863 182,930 (145,507) (535,530) ($353,462)
2.72% 1.76% 5.54% 4.44% -37.94% -10.89% -2.76%
% Change from FY19 Budget 4.69% n/a 9.38% 57.14% 0.00%
n/a FTE's
Solid Waste Fund Revenues: Program Summary Solid Waste Non Franchise Interfund Transfer (from General Fund) Total Expenditures: Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Operating Expenses Interfund Transfers Total
FY 2017 Actuals
Expenditures: Summary By Category Personal Services Benefits Other Expenses Operating Capital Total Positions FTE's
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$4,415,912 0 $4,415,912
$4,619,530 0 $4,619,530
$4,947,273 0 $4,947,273
$5,729,635 0 $5,729,635
$782,362 0 $782,362
15.81% n/a 15.81%
$44,135 19,571 4,279,828 0 $4,343,534
$61,686 54,251 4,346,830 0 $4,462,767
$100,350 61,550 4,756,373 29,000 $4,947,273
$112,694 62,720 5,554,221 0 $5,729,635
$12,344 1,170 797,848 (29,000) $782,362
12.30% 1.90% 16.77% -100.00% 15.81%
0.00 0.00
n/a 0.0%
Positions FTE's
Stormwater Fund Revenues: Program Summary Stormwater Revenue Total
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2017 Actuals
FY 2018 Actuals
FY 2019 Budget
FY 2020 Budget
$ Change from FY19 Budget
% Change from FY19 Budget
$0 $0
$0 $0
$0 $0
$3,782,735 $3,782,735
$3,782,735 $3,782,735
n/a n/a
$0 0 0 0 $0
$0 0 0 0 $0
$0 0 0 0 $0
$708,332 247,254 863,929 1,032,031 $2,851,546
$708,332 247,254 863,929 1,032,031 $2,851,546
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
9.55 9.55
9.55 9.55
n/a n/a
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Scorecard: Key Performance Indicators Scorecard
Goals Responsible City Government Responsible City Government
Public Works
Measure Type
On Effectiveness Tar get On Effectiveness Tar get
Responsible City Government
Responsible City Government
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
Cau tion On Tar get On Tar get Bel ow Pla On Tar get
Premier Community in South Florida Premier Community in South Florida
Premier Community in South Florida
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
City Investment in Today and Future
On Tar get On Tar get On Tar get On Tar On Tar get
Public Works & Utilities Satisfaction Rating (Revised 2019) (Res. Survey)
City Hall internal customer satisfaction rating for janitorial services
Availability rate of all vehicles/equipment for all departments
Facilities routine work orders completed within 15 working days
Pot hole repair response time (Days)
Complete litter removal of 159 miles of road rights‐of‐ way in five working days (Days)
Storm drains cleaned per year Catch basins vactored per year (New beginning FY2020)
Fire hydrants serviced (Revised for FY 2018) Miles of street sweeping per year to meet NPDES standards
Length of sanitary sewer pipe liner rehabilitated (Linear Feet) (New beginning FY2018) Number of serviced valves per year
Percent of "unaccounted for" water
Reference Key On target/Above target Within 5% of target/At risk of not meeting target Did not meet target/At Risk of not meeting target Discussion Needed No update available at this time
FY2017 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2019 FY2019 FY2020 Target Actual Target Actual Target Actual Target
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Summary of Fleet Purchases 2020 Department/Fund Financial Services
Division/Program Name Water Billing
Div # 1602
Traffic Unit
Youth Liaison
4303 4305
General Investigations
Emergency Medical Services Fire/EMS
Code Compliance
Mullins Park
Neighborhood Parks
Beautification/ Landscape
North Community Park
Cypress Park
Development Services
Sportsplex/ Tennis
Parks & Recreation
Vehicle/Equipment Type Van, 7 Passenger Mini Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Patrol Vehicle, Full Size- rplcd w Tahoe Unmarked Pursuit Interceptor Vehicle Unmarked Pursuit Interceptor Vehicle- rplcd w Charger Unmarked Pursuit Interceptor Vehicle- rplcd w Charger Patrol Vehicle- Tuarus rplcd w Charger Admin Interceptor Vehicle- rplcd w Traverse Van, 8 passenger Van, Cargo Admin Specialty Vehicle- rplcd w Durango Admin PickupTruck- rplcd w PU Admin Specialty Vehicle- rplcd w Jeep Admin Specialty Vehicle- rplcd w Jeep Admin Vehicle-rplcd w Traverse Admin Vehicle- rplcd w Explorer Admin Specialty Vehicle- rplced w PU Admin Vehicle- rplcd w Durango Admin Vehicle- rplced w Traverse Admin Specialty Vehicle- rplcd w PU Rescue Transport Vehicle Rescue Transport Vehicle Extrication Tool Escape -rplcd w PU Explorer- rplcd w PU 3/4 ton pickup Truck - replaced with Full Size PU Ford Escape Hybrid- rplcd w full size PU Ford Escape Hybrid- rplcd w full size PU Truck, pickup Ford Escape Hybrid- rplcd w Compact PU Ford Escape Hybrid- rplcd w Compact PU Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton- rplcd w Escape Truck, Pickup 1/2 Ton- rplcd w Escape SUV-small rplcd w Escape Workman w dump body Mower, Zero Turn 5 Gang Reel Mower Tractor Toro Sand Pro Truck 1 Ton Mower, Zero turn- to be replaced with 2 trailers Tractor Paint Machine Truck with Water Tank and pump- body chasis replacement Directional Arrows, DOT Truck, Pickup 3/4 ton Workman w dump body Workman w dump body Workman Chemical Sprayer Pickup- F150 Workman with dump body Spreader LELY Mower, Zero turn- to be replaced with a lift for 2135 Mini Trencher w trailer Truck, cab & chasis w crane Skid Loader w trailer Pickup 3/4 Ton Mower, Zero turn- replaced w lely spreader
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Year 2012 2013 2014 2013 2013 2013 2014 2014 2014 2013 2014 2010 2010 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2008 2011 2013 2013 2013 2014 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2014 2014 2015 2013 2013 2014 2010 2010 2008 2010 2010 2008 2008 2009 2013 2012 2013 2007 2014 2014 2012 2007 2008 2015 2007 2012 2013 2013 2014 2013 2013 2015 2012 2004 2014 2008 2012 2013
Item ID 5005 9346 9367 9353 9355 9357 9376 9378 9384 9360 9386 9264 9279 9315 9318 9322 9330 9332 9334 9341 8081 8313 8314 8315 8080 9997 9975 8087 8091 8089 8097 8071 8072 8074 8076 8078 8083 7732 7731 1592 7007 7004 7009 7629 7628 6637 7643 6600 6021 6020 6011 1139 1142 1245 2102 1754 2226 1143 2101 1989 2270 1185 5713 1961 1962 1956 2022 1963 1959 1954 2223 2293 2198 2275 1353
Estimate FY 2020 27,093 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 46,186 28,998 28,998 28,998 28,998 29,277 29,058 36,846 29,147 31,563 29,114 29,114 29,277 33,522 31,563 29,147 29,277 31,563 343,480 343,480 25,150 27,272 27,272 27,272 24,761 24,761 24,761 22,374 22,374 25,786 25,786 25,786 21,756 20,213 61,439 62,519 30,684 51,530 21,230 62,519 3,774 41,964 4,320 28,301 21,756 21,756 42,095 32,381 21,664 6,375 20,000 10,000 76,500 56,663 41,016 6,375
Table of Contents
Summary of Fleet Purchases 2020 (continued) Department/Fund
Division/Program Name
Div #
Equipment Maintenance
Public Works
Equipment Services
Water Distribution
Wastewater Collection
Vehicle/Equipment Type Backhoe Truck, Pickup 1/2 ton Truck, Pickup 1/2 ton Cab-Chasis w dump body Truck, Dump 16 yard Roller, 3 Ton Genertor, Westside 350 KW Pickup truck 1/2 ton-crew cab Van, transit Massage board Continigency Ford Escape Hybrid 1 1/2 Ton Dump Truck Truck, 1 ton Utility, Cab & Chasis w utility body Truck, 1 ton Utility, Cab & Chasis w utility body SUV Small Hybrid Sewer Jet cleaner Van Cargo 1/2 ton
Total Fleet Budget—FY 2020 * Equipment to be refurbished in FY 2020
Year 2010 2013 2013 2014 2006 2006 1998 2010 2014 2018
Item ID 4459 4410 4421 4412 4449 4477 Gen-57 4414 4418 5735
2010 2011 2011 2014 2011 2011 2008
5720 3337 3316 3003 3001 3336 3302
Estimate FY 2020 100,000 32,680 32,680 64,840 133,810 73,899 200,000 35,510 36,120 13,100 53,000 25,786 64,840 51,530 52,550 25,786 169,625 38,252 4,380,240
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Appendix Contents Millage Rate Resolution........................................................................................................................................................350 Budget Ordinance...................................................................................................................................................................352 Staffing........................................................................................................................................................................................358 Summary table of Position Counts..........................................................................................................................358 Number of budgeted positions By Department—Fiscal Year 2020............................................................358 Position Counts for all Departments and Divisions...........................................................................................359 City Commission...................................................................................................................................................361 City Manager’s Office...........................................................................................................................................361 Human Resources.................................................................................................................................................362 City Attorney...........................................................................................................................................................362 Financial Services..................................................................................................................................................363 Information Technology.....................................................................................................................................364 Development Services—Administration.....................................................................................................364 Development Services—Code Compliance................................................................................................364 Development Services—Community Development...............................................................................365 Development Services—Building..................................................................................................................365 Police.........................................................................................................................................................................366 Fire/EMS....................................................................................................................................................................369 Public Works............................................................................................................................................................371 Equipment Services.............................................................................................................................................371 Solid Waste..............................................................................................................................................................371 Utilities......................................................................................................................................................................372 Parks and Recreation...........................................................................................................................................373 Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)..................................................................................................................376 Abbreviations and Acronyms..............................................................................................................................................378 Glossary of Terms.....................................................................................................................................................................379 Index............................................................................................................................................................................................385 Financial Policies......................................................................................................................................................................391
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Millage Rate Resolution
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Millage Rate Resolution (continued)
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Budget Ordinance
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Budget Ordinance (continued)
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Budget Ordinance (continued)
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Budget Ordinance (continued)
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Budget Ordinance (continued) EXHIBIT “A” Annual Operating Budget
EXHIBIT “B” Capital Improvement Program
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Staffing Summary table of Position Counts Department Name City Commission
FY 2016 Authorized Position FTE's 1.00 1.00
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTE's 1.00 1.00
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTE's 1.00 1.00
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTE's 1.00 1.00
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTE's 1.00 1.00
Position Change # % 0.00 0.00%
FTE Change # % 0.00 0.00%
City Manager's Office
Human Resources
Financial Services
Information Technology
City Attorney Development Services Police
Emergency Medical Services
Public Works
Parks and Recreation*
Total General Fund *Includes Sportsplex & Aquatics Fire Fund
Water and Sewer Fund Health Fund
General Insurance Fund (WC, Property and Casualty)
Equipment Services Fund
Solid Waste Fund
Stormwater Fund Total Staff All Funds Including Parkland, FL
Changes in Staffing Levels For Fiscal Year 2020, the number of full-time equivalent increased by 4. This increase was calculated by the addition of 3 Firefighters/Paramedics, a Civil Engineer, and a Community Involvement Coordinator. Two positions were managed via attrition giving us a final count of 873 FTE’s. These additional staff members are necessary to continue providing high quality services to our customers. Details of the new authorized positions are included in the Budget in Brief section and details of the new initiatives associated with these staff are described in the Business Plan section of this document.
Number of budgeted positions ByPositions Department—Fiscal Year -2020 Total By Department Fiscal Year 2020 City Commission
City Manager's Office
Human Resources/Health
Financial Services
Information Technology
City Attorney/General Insurance
Development Services
Public Works/Water and Sewer/Equipment/Waste
Stormwater Fund
Parks and Recreation
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Position Counts for all Departments and Divisions
FY 2016 Authorized Position FTEs
Department Name City Commission* Exec. Assistant to City Commission
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
6.5 0 6 6 0.91 5 2.09 26.50
6.5 0 6 6 0.91 5 2.09 26.50
6.5 0 6 6 0.91 5 2.09 26.50
6.5 0 6 6 0.91 5 2.09 26.50
5.5 0 6 6 0.91 5 2.09 25.50
5.5 0 6 6 0.91 5 2.09 25.50
3.5 1 6 7 0.91 5 2.09 25.50
3.5 1 6 7 0.91 5 2.09 25.50
5.5 2 7 7 0 6 4 31.50
5.5 2 7 7 0 6 4 31.50
2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 (0.91) 1.00 1.91 6.00
57.14% 100.00% 16.67% 0.00% -100.00% 20.00% 91.39% 23.53%
2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 (0.91) 1.00 1.91 6.00
57.14% 100.00% 16.67% 0.00% -100.00% 20.00% 91.39% 23.53%
7 5 1 13.00
7 5 1 13.00
9.25 4 1 14.25
9.25 4 1 14.25
9.25 4 1 14.25
9.25 4 1 14.25
9.25 6 1 16.25
9.25 6 1 16.25
9.25 6 1 16.25
9.25 6 1 16.25
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
2.25 7 6 5 4 24.25
2.25 7 6 5 4 24.25
2.25 7 6 5 4 24.25
2.25 7 6 5 4 24.25
2.25 8 6 6 4 26.25
2.25 8 6 6 4 26.25
2.25 8 6 6 4 26.25
2.25 8 6 6 4 26.25
2.25 8 6 6 4 26.25
2.25 8 6 6 4 26.25
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Information Technology
21.5 21.5
21.5 21.5
21.5 21.5
21.5 21.5
21.5 21.5
21.5 21.5
21.5 21.5
21.5 21.5
20.5 20.5
20.5 20.5
(1.00) (1.00)
-4.65% -4.65%
(1.00) (1.00)
-4.65% -4.65%
City Attorney
5.75 5.75
5.75 5.75
5.75 5.75
5.75 5.75
5.75 5.75
5.75 5.75
5.75 5.75
5.75 5.75
5.75 5.75
5.75 5.75
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
Development Services
4 4.00
4 4.00
4 4.00
4 4.00
4 4.00
4 4.00
4 4.00
4 4.00
4 4.00
4 4.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
4 8 12.00
4 8 12.00
4 8 12.00
4 8 12.00
5 8 13.00
5 8 13.00
5 8 13.00
5 8 13.00
5 8 13.00
5 8 13.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
12 8 4 1 2 27.00
12 8 4 1 2 27.00
12 8 4 1 2 27.00
12 8 4 1 2 27.00
12 8 4 1 2 27.00
12 8 4 1 2 27.00
12 8 4 1 2 27.00
12 8 4 1 2 27.00
11 8 4 1 2 26.00
11 8 4 1 2 26.00
(1.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00)
-8.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -3.70%
(1.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00)
-8.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -3.70%
Code Compliance
23 23.00
23 23.00
23 23.00
23 23.00
24 24.00
24 24.00
24 24.00
24 24.00
22 22.00
22 22.00
(2.00) (2.00)
-8.33% -8.33%
(2.00) (2.00)
-8.33% -8.33%
Grand Total Development Services
66.00 66.00
66.00 66.00
66.00 66.00
66.00 66.00
68.00 68.00
68.00 68.00
68.00 68.00
68.00 68.00
65.00 65.00
65.00 65.00
-3.00 -3.00
-4.41% -4.41%
-3.00 -3.00
-4.41% -4.41%
2 2 14 5 5 113 10 6 0 3 2 6 5 4 1 7 19 16 19 11 10 7 29 4 1 300 1 301.00
2 2 14 5 5 113 10 6 0 3 2 6 5 4 1 7 19 16 19 11 10 7 29 4 0.63 300 0.63 300.63
2 2 14 4 5 114 10 6 0 3 2 6 4 4 1 7 21 16 18 12 10 7 29 4 1 301 1.00 302.00
2 2 14 4 5 114 10 6 0 3 2 6 4 4 1 7 21 16 18 12 10 7 29 4 0.63 301 0.63 301.63
2 3 14 4 4 113 10 6 0 3 3 6 4 4 1 7 21 17 18 12 15 7 30 4 1 308 1 309.00
2 3 14 4 4 113 10 6 0 3 3 6 4 4 1 7 21 17 18 12 15 7 30 4 0.63 308 0.63 308.63
2 3 14 4 4 113 10 6 0 3 3 6 4 4 0 7 21 17 22 12 15 7 30 4 1 311 0 311.00
2 3 14 4 4 113 10 6 0 3 3 6 4 4 0 7 21 17 22 12 15 7 30 4 0.63 311 0.00 311.00
2 3 14 4 4 113 10 6 0 3 4 6 4 4 0 7 20 16 22 12 15 7 30 5 0 311 0 311.00
2 3 14 4 4 113 10 6 0 3 4 6 4 4 0 7 20 16 22 12 15 7 30 5 0 311 0.00 311.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 (1.00) (1.00) 0.00 (1.00)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a 0.00% -4.76% -5.88% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% -100.00% -0.32% n/a -0.32%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 (0.63) (0.63) 0.00 (0.63)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a 0.00% 33.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a 0.00% -4.76% -5.88% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 25.00% -100.00% -0.20% n/a -0.20%
*5 City Commissioners not included in total City Manager's Office City Manager's Office Emergency Management Budget & Strategy Communications and Marketing CRA City Clerk Economic Development Human Resources Human Resources Comm. Relations/City Hall in Mall Volunteer Services Financial Services Administration Accounting Revenue and Collection Purchasing Central Stores
Community Development Planning Neighborhood/Env.Services Building Building-Administration Building-Structural Building-Electrical Building-Plumbing Building-Mechanical
Police Office of the Chief Office of Professional Standards Vice and Intelligence Human Resources Fiscal Management Patrol Unit Traffic Unit K-9 Unit Tactical Unit Humane Unit Community Involvement Bicycle Unit Training Unit Street Intelligence Unit Emergency Management BEAR Unit General Investigations Special Investigations Youth Liaison Crime Scene Investigations Strategic Enforcement Team Central Records Communications Center Building/Fleet Maintenance
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Position Counts for all Departments and Divisions (continued) FY 2016 Authorized Position FTEs
Department Name EMS Emergency Medical Services Communication Services Training Public Works Administrative Services Streets Facilities Management Engineering Arbor & Horticulture
Parks and Recreation Parks Cypress Park Mullins Park North Community Park (31/35) Neighborhood Parks Beautification Environmentally Sensitive Land Landscape Irrigation
FY 2017 Authorized Position
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
60.7 6.16 1 67.9
60.7 6.16 1 67.9
61.5 6.16 1 68.66
61.5 6.16 1 68.66
62.6 6.16 1.00 69.8
62.6 6.16 1.00 69.8
64.4 6.16 1.00 71.56
64.4 6.16 1.00 71.56
69.1 6.16 1.00 76.24
69.1 6.16 1.00 76.24
4.68 0.00 0.00 4.68
7.27% 0.00% 0.00% 6.54%
4.68 0.00 0.00 4.68
7.27% 0.00% 0.00% 6.54%
2 20.75 5 0 0 27.75 0 27.75
2 20.75 5 0 0 27.75 0 27.75
2 21.75 5 0 0 28.75 0 28.75
2 21.75 5 0 0 28.75 0 28.75
5 22.75 7 0 0 34.75 0 34.75
5 22.75 7 0 0 34.75 0 34.75
4 22.75 8 1.5 0 36.25 0 36.25
4 22.75 8 1.5 0 36.25 0 36.25
2.75 13.45 8 1.5 1 26.7 0 26.70
2.75 13.45 8 1.5 1 26.7 0 26.70
(1.25) (9.30) 0.00 0.00 1.00 (10.55) 0.00 (9.55)
-31.25% -40.88% 0.00% 0.00% n/a -29.10% n/a -26.34%
(1.25) (9.30) 0.00 0.00 1.00 (9.55) 0.00 (9.55)
-31.25% -40.88% 0.00% 0.00% n/a -26.34% n/a -26.34%
11 11 9 16 1 1 15 8
11 11 9 16 1 1 15 8
11 11 9 15 1 2 16 8
11 11 9 15 1 2 16 8
12 12 11 18 1 2 6 8
12 12 11 18 1 2 6 8
13 13 11 17 1 2 4 8
13 13 11 17 1 2 4 8
10 10 10 17 1 2 4 7
10 10 10 17 1 2 4 7
(3.00) (3.00) (1.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00)
-23.08% -23.08% -9.09% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -12.50%
(3.00) (3.00) (1.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00)
-23.08% -23.08% -9.09% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -12.50%
Sub-Total Parks Recreation Activity Center Recreation Services Summer Recreation Transportation Sub-Total Recreation
1 5 1 1 8.00
1 5 1 1 8.00
1 5 1 1 8.00
1 5 1 1 8.00
1 5 1 1 8.00
1 5 1 1 8.00
1 5 1 1 8.00
1 5 1 1 8.00
1 5 1 1 8.00
1 5 1 1 8.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Sportsplex/Tennis Sportsplex Athletic Complex Cypress Tennis Tennis Center Sub-Total Sportsplex/Tennis
1 5 1 2 9.00
1 5 1 2 9.00
1 5 1 2 9.00
1 5 1 2 9.00
1 6.00 1 3 11.00
1 6.00 1 3 11.00
1 7.00 1 3 12.00
1 7.00 1 3 12.00
1 5.00 1 3 10.00
1 5.00 1 3 10.00
0.00 (2.00) 0.00 0.00 (2.00)
0.00% -28.57% 0.00% 0.00% -16.67%
0.00 (2.00) 0.00 0.00 (2.00)
0.00% -28.57% 0.00% 0.00% -16.67%
3 2 11 16.00 105.00
3 2 11 16.00 105.00
3 2 11 16.00 106.00
3 2 11 16.00 106.00
3 2 11 16.00 105.00
3 2 11 16.00 105.00
3 2 11 16.00 105.00
3 2 11 16.00 105.00
3 1 12 16.00 95.00
3 1 12 16.00 95.00
0.00 (1.00) 1.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% -50.00% 9.09% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 (1.00) 1.00 0.00 -10.00
0.00% -50.00% 9.09% 0.00% -9.52%
658.65 1 659.65
658.65 0.625 659.28
663.66 1 664.66
663.66 0.625 664.29
679.80 1 680.80
679.80 0.625 680.43
688.06 0 688.06
688.06 0 688.06
675.19 0 675.19
675.19 0 675.19
-3.87 0.00 (12.87)
-0.56% -13.50 n/a 0.00 -1.87% (12.87)
-1.96% n/a -1.87%
4.5 1.84 91.64 9.62 3.5 111.1
4.5 1.84 91.64 9.62 3.5 111.1
4.5 1.84 91.76 9.62 3.62 111.34
4.5 1.84 91.76 9.62 3.62 111.34
4.5 1.84 94.24 11.62 3.00 115.2
4.5 1.84 94.24 11.62 3.00 115.2
5.5 1.84 95.48 11.62 4.00 118.44
5.5 1.84 95.48 11.62 4.00 118.44
5.12 1.84 102.18 11.62 4.00 124.76
5.12 1.84 102.18 11.62 4.00 124.76
(0.38) 0.00 6.70 0.00 0.00 6.32
-6.91% 0.00% 7.02% 0.00% 0.00% 5.34%
(0.38) 0.00 6.70 0.00 0.00 6.32
-6.91% 0.00% 7.02% 0.00% 0.00% 5.34%
7.5 10 15 8 40.50
7.5 10 15 8 40.50
7.5 10 15 8 40.50
7.5 10 15 8 40.50
7.5 10 15 8 40.50
7.5 10 15 8 40.50
7.5 9.5 15 8 40.00
7.5 9.5 15 8 40.00
8.5 9.5 15 8 41.00
8.5 9.5 15 8 41.00
1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
13.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.50%
1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00
13.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.50%
Health Fund
1.5 1.50
1.5 1.50
2.25 2.25
2.25 2.25
2.25 2.25
2.25 2.25
2.25 2.25
2.25 2.25
2.25 2.25
2.25 2.25
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
General Insurance Fund Workers' Compensation, Property and Casualty
2.5 2.50
2.5 2.50
2.5 2.50
2.5 2.50
2.5 2.50
2.5 2.50
2.5 2.50
2.5 2.50
2.5 2.50
2.5 2.50
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
Equipment Services Equipment Maintenance
15 15.00
15 15.00
15 15.00
15 15.00
15 15.00
15 15.00
15 15.00
15 15.00
15 15.00
15 15.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
Solid Waste Fund Solid Waste
0.75 0.75
0.75 0.75
0.75 0.75
0.75 0.75
2.75 2.75
2.75 2.75
2.75 2.75
2.75 2.75
2.75 2.75
2.75 2.75
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
Stormwater Fund Stormwater
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
0.0 0.00
9.55 9.55
9.55 9.55
9.55 9.55
n/a n/a
9.55 9.55
n/a n/a
830 1 831
830.00 0.63 830.63
836.00 1.00 837.00
836.00 0.63 836.63
858 1 859
858.00 0.63 858.63
869 0 869
869.00 0.00 869.00
873 0 873
873.00 0.00 873.00
4.00 0.00 4.00
0.46% n/a 0.46%
4.00 0.00 4.00
0.46% n/a 0.46%
Aquatics Cypress Pool Mullins Pool Aquatic Complex Sub-Total Aquatics Grand Total Parks & Recreation General Fund
Fire Administration Communication Services Suppression Inspection Training Water and Sewer—Utilities Administration Water Distribution Water Treatment Wastewater Collection
Total Staff All Funds
5 City Commissioners not included in total
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division City Commission Detail of Positions
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
City Commission-0100 Full Time
Executive Assistant to the City Commission* Grand Total City Commission
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
*Mayor and Commissioners not included in total
City Manager’s Office Detail of Positions
City Manager's Office CMO Administration—0501 Full Time City Manager Deputy City Manager** Assistant to the City Manager*** Construction Project Manager**** Executive Assistant CMO Management Analyst* Assistant City Manager/Chief Innovation Officer Total Administration
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1.5 1 1 1 1 0 6.5
1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 6.50
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1.5 1 0 1 1 0 5.5
1.00 1.50 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 5.50
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1.5 0 0 1 0 0 3.5
1.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.50
* Position reclassified to Community Relations Coordinator and moved to Human Resources
*** Position reclassified to Executive Assistant
**Position split 50/50 with Public Works Utilities-Admin-6001
**** Position reclassified to Civil Engineer and split between Utilities and Public Works
Economic Development—0502 Full Time Economic Developement Director* CRA Administrator** Economic Development Coordinator** Director of Economic Development Total Economic Development
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
1 1.5 0 0 2 0 1 5.5
1.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 5.50
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00
0.00% 0.00% n/a n/a 100.00% n/a n/a 57.14%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00
0.00% 0.00% n/a n/a 100.00% n/a n/a 57.14%
1 0.09 1 0 2.09
1.00 0.09 1.00 0.00 2.09
1 0.09 1 0 2.09
1.00 0.09 1.00 0.00 2.09
1 0.09 1 0 2.09
1.00 0.09 1.00 0.00 2.09
1 0 2 1 4
1.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 4.00
0.00 (0.09) 1.00 1.00 1.91
0.00% -100.00% 100.00% n/a 91.39%
0.00 (0.09) 1.00 1.00 1.91
0.00% -100.00% 100.00% n/a 91.39%
0 0 0
0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0 0.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
1 0 1.00
1.00 0.00 1.00
1 1 2.00
1.00 1.00 2.00
0.00 1.00 1.00
0.00% n/a 100.00%
0.00 1.00 1.00
0.00% n/a 100.00%
1 0 0 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 6
1.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00
1 0 0 5 0.00 0.00 0.00 6
1.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00
1 3 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 6
1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00
0.00 (2.00) 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
0.00% -66.67% 0.00% 0.00% n/a n/a n/a 16.67%
0.00 (2.00) 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
0.00% -66.67% 0.00% 0.00% n/a n/a n/a 16.67%
1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 6
1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00
1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 6
1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 7
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 7.00
1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 7
1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00) 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a n/a 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00) 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a n/a 0.00%
(0.91) -100.00% (0.91) -100.00%
(0.91) -100.00% (0.91) -100.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 2.00 1.00 6.00
0.00 0.00 1.00 (1.00) 2.00 1.00 6.00
*Reclassified from Chief Economic Development Officer to Economic Development Director **Reclassified from CRA Administrator to Economic Development Coordinator
Emergency Management—0503 Full Time Emergency Management Manager Emergency Management Planner* Total Emergency Management *Adds to Staff FY2020
Budget & Strategy —1901 Full Time Director of Budget & Strategy Budget Business Partner* Financial Business Analyst Senior Financial Analyst Budget/Fund Manager Budget Manager Principal Office Assistant Total Budget & Strategy *Two Budget Business Partners converted to Budget/Fund Manager and Budget Manager
Communications and Marketing—0604 Full Time Director of Communications and Marketing Senior Videographer/Editor Broadcast Communications Coordinator Communications Coordinator* Creative Services Coordinator** Public Information Officer/Writer Event Coordinator Assistant Director of Communications & Marketing* Media Relations Coordinator** Total Communications and Marketing *Reclassified to Assistant Director of Communications & Marketing
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA)—3200 Full Time CRA Administrator* Total Community Redevelopment Agency
**Reclassified Creative Services Coordinator to Media Relations Coordinator
0.91 0.91
0.91 0.91
0.91 0.91
0.91 0.91
0.91 0.91
0.91 0.91
0 0
0.00 0.00
1 1 2 1 0 5 26.5
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 26.5
1 1 2 1 0 5 25.5
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 25.50
1 1 2 1 0 5 25.5
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 5.00 25.50
1 1 2 0 2 6 31.5
1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 6.00 31.50
*Reclassified to Economic Development Coordinator in Division 0502
City Clerk—3501 Full Time City Clerk Assistant City Clerk Records Management Coordinator Public Records Specialist* Project Support Specialist Total City Clerk Grand Total City Manager's Office *Reclassified to Project Support Specialist
City of Coral Springs, Florida
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% n/a 20.00% 23.53%
0.00% 0.00% 100.00% -100.00% n/a 20.00% 23.53%
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Human Resources Detail of Positions Human Resources—1000 Full Time Director of Human Resources* Human Resources Partner** Human Resources Manager Human Resources Coordinator Pension Administrator Human Resources Analyst*** Senior Pension Administrator Project Support Specialist Human Resources Project Manager Human Resources Onboarding Coordinator Total Human Resources
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
0.75 0.5 2.00 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 9.25
0.75 0.50 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 9.25
0.75 0.5 2.00 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 9.25
0.75 0.50 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 9.25
0.75 0.5 2.00 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 9.25
0.75 0.50 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 9.25
0.75 0.5 2.00 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 9.25
0.75 0.50 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 9.25
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a 0.00% 0.00%
1 1 1 0 1 4
1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 4.00
1 1 1 0 1 4
1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 4.00
1 1 2 1 1 6
1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 6.00
1 1 2 1 1 6
1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 6.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0 1
0.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.25 1 0 1 2.25
0.25 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.25
0.25 1 0 1 2.25
0.25 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.25
0.25 1 0 1 2.25
0.25 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.25
0.25 0 1 1 2.25
0.25 0.00 1.00 1.00 2.25
0.00 (1.00) 1.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% -100.00% n/a 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 (1.00) 1.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% -100.00% n/a 0.00% 0.00%
* Position split 75/25 with Health Fund-8501 **Position split 50/50 with General Insurance Fund Division 8501 *** Reclassified from Human Resources Analyst to Human Resources Project Manager
Community Relations—1001 and 1007 Full Time Community Relations Manager Passport Services Supervisor Community Relations Coordinator */ ** Project Support Specialist** Senior Office Assistant Total Community Relations *Reclassified from CMO Management Analyst to Community Relations Coordinator **Moved from City Manager's Office (Includes City Hall in the Mall)
Volunteer Services—1008 Full Time Volunteer Services Administrator Total Volunteer Services
Health Fund—8501 Full Time Director of Human Resources* Employee Benefits Program Manager Assistant Director Human Resources** Human Resources Coordinator Total Health Fund *Position split 25/75 with Human Resources-1000
**Reclassified from Employee Benefits Program Manager to Assistant Director Human Resources
City Attorney
Grand Total HR and Health Fund Detail of Positions City Attorney—2502 Full Time City Attorney Deputy City Attorney Assistant City Attorney * Executive Assistant Grand Total City Attorney
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
1 1 0.75 2 5.75
1.00 1.00 0.75 2.00 5.75
1 1 0.75 2 5.75
1.00 1.00 0.75 2.00 5.75
1 1 1.75 2 5.75
1.00 1.00 1.75 2.00 5.75
1 1 1.75 2 5.75
1.00 1.00 1.75 2.00 5.75
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.5 1 1 2.5
0.50 1.00 1.00 2.50
0.5 1 1 2.5
0.50 1.00 1.00 2.50
0.5 1 1 2.5
0.50 1.00 1.00 2.50
0.5 1 1 2.5
0.50 1.00 1.00 2.50
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
*Position split 75/25 Public Works Utilities-Admin-6001
General Insurance Fund—Property—8801* Full Time Human Resources Partner* Risk Assistant Risk Manager Sub-Total General Insurance Fund *Position formerly named Risk Management Coordinator
Grand Total City Attorney and General Insurance
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Financial Services Detail of Positions Administration—1501 Full Time Director of Financial Services Assistant Director Financial Services* Senior Office Assistant Total Administration
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
0.75 0.5 1 2.25
0.75 0.50 1.00 2.25
0.75 0.5 1 2.25
0.75 0.50 1.00 2.25
0.75 0.5 1 2.25
0.75 0.50 1.00 2.25
0.75 0.5 1 2.25
0.75 0.50 1.00 2.25
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
3 1 1 1 0 7
3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 7.00
3 1 2 1 1 8
3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00
3 1 2 1 1 8
3.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 8.00
3 0 2 1 2 8
3.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 8.00
0.00 (1.00) 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
0.00 (1.00) 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
4 1 1 0 6 13
4.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 6.00 13.00
4 1 1 0 6 14
4.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 6.00 14.00
4 1 1 0 6 14
4.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 6.00 14.00
3 1 1 1 6 14
3.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 14.00
(1.00) 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
-25.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a 0.00% 0.00%
(1.00) 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00
-25.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a 0.00% 0.00%
1 3 0 0 0 0 0 5
1.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00
1 3 1 1 0 0 0 6
1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00
1 3 1 1 0 0 0 6
1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00
0 1 0 1 2 1 1 6
0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 6.00
(1.00) (2.00) (1.00) 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
-100.00% -66.67% -100.00% 0.00% n/a n/a n/a 0.00%
(1.00) (2.00) (1.00) 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
-100.00% -66.67% -100.00% 0.00% n/a n/a n/a 0.00%
1 3 0 0 4
1.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 4.00
1 3 0 0 4
1.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 4.00
1 3 0 0 4
1.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 4.00
0 2 1 1 4
0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00
(1.00) (1.00) 1.00 1.00 0.00
-100.00% -33.33% n/a n/a 0.00%
(1.00) (1.00) 1.00 1.00 0.00
-100.00% -33.33% n/a n/a 0.00%
*Reclassified from City Controller
Accounting Services Accounting—1601 Full Time Senior Accountant Fin. Reporting & Compliance Admin. * Payroll Coordinator Senior Accounting Assistant Accountant* Total Accounting
*Reclassified from Fin. Reporting & Compliance Admin to Accountant Revenue and Collection—1602 Full Time Water Billing Representative* Accounting Assistant Billing Operations Technician Team Leader/Supervisor Total Revenue and Collection Total Accounting Services *Reclassified from Water Billing Representative to Team Leader/Supervisor Purchasing Administration—1701 Full Time Purchasing Administrator*** Purchasing Agent II* Project Support Specialist** Contract Administrator Coordinator** Senior Purchasing Agent* Purchasing Agent Assistant Director Financial Services Sub-Total Administration *Reclassified from Purchasing Agent II to Senior Purchasing Agent ** Reclassified from Project Support Specialist to Purchasing Agent ***Reclassified from Purchasing Administrator to Assistant Director Financial Services Central Stores—1702 Full Time Central Stores Coordinator* Purchasing Assistant** Warehouse Supervisor* Assistant Central Stores Coordinator** Sub-Total Central Stores *Reclassfied from Central Stores Coordinator to Warehouse Supervisor **Reclassified from Purchasing Assistant to Assistant Central Stores Coordinator Total Purchasing Grand Total Financial Services
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Information Technology Detail of Positions Information Technology- 2001 Full Time Director of Information Technology Assistant Director Information Technology Applications Manager Network Analyst Solutions/Systems Analyst IT Security Analyst Network Engineer IT Support Specialist** Database Analyst*** GIS Manager GIS Analyst*/** IT Project Manager**** Programmer Analyst*** IT Business Analyst Applications Analyst* Grand Total Information Technology
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
1 0 0 4 1 1 1 3.75 1 0 0 1 3 1 0.75 21.5
1.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.75 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.75 21.50
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
1 0 0 4 1 1 1 3.75 1 0 0 1 3 1 0.75 20.5
1.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.75 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.75 20.50
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1 1 4 1 1 1 3.75 1 1 0 1 3 1 0.75 21.5
1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.75 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 0.75 21.50
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1 1 4 1 1 1 3 0 1 0.75 0 4 1 0.75 20.5
1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 0.00 1.00 0.75 0.00 4.00 1.00 0.75 20.50
Position Change # %
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.75) (1.00) 0.00 0.75 (1.00) 1.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -20.00% -100.00% 0.00% n/a -100.00% 33.33% 0.00% 0.00% -4.65%
FTE Change #
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.75) (1.00) 0.00 0.75 (1.00) 1.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -20.00% -100.00% 0.00% n/a -100.00% 33.33% 0.00% 0.00% -4.65%
*Position split .75 Information Technology; .25 Public Works Utilities-Admin-6001 **Reclassified from IT Support Specialist to GIS Analyst ***Reclassified from Database Analyst to Programmer Analyst ****Position Eliminated
Development Services—Administration Detail of Positions Administration—-3100 Full Time Director of Development Services Assistant Dir. of Development Services Executive Assistant Development Services Coordinator Total Administration
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1 1 1 4
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1 1 1 4
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1 1 1 4
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1 1 1 4
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00
Position Change # %
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
FTE Change #
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Development Services—Code Compliance Detail of Positions Code Compliance—5403 Full Time Code Compliance Manager Code Compliance Technician Code Compliance Administrator Code Compliance Supervisor Code Support Specialist* Code Compliance Officer II Code Compliance Officer Senior Office Assistant Principal Office Assistant* Total Code Compliance
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
1 0 1 2 1 0 11 2 4 23
1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 11.00 2.00 4.00 23.00
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
1 0 1 2 1 0 11 2 6 24
1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 11.00 2.00 6.00 24.00
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
1 0 1 2 1 6 5 2 6 24
1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 6.00 5.00 2.00 6.00 24.00
*Reclassified from Principal Office Assistant to Code Support Specialist
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1 1 2 4 6 4 2 1 22
1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 22.00
Position Change # %
0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (5.00) (2.00)
0.00% n/a 0.00% 0.00% 300.00% 0.00% -20.00% 0.00% -83.33% -8.33%
FTE Change #
0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (5.00) (2.00)
0.00% n/a 0.00% 0.00% 300.00% 0.00% -20.00% 0.00% -83.33% -8.33%
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Development Services—Community Development Detail of Positions
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
Planning and Zoning—3001 Full Time Planning and Zoning Manager Assistant Planner Planning Technician Senior Planner Associate Planner Sub-Total Planning
1 1 0 1 1 4
1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 4.00
1 1 1 1 1 5
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00
1 1 1 1 1 5
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00
1 1 1 1 1 5
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Neighborhood/Environmental Services—3004 Full Time Community Development & Housing Coordinator Chief Planner Transportation Planner Environmental Coordinator/City Forester Senior Planner Museum Director Housing Specialist Neighborhood Coordinator Assistant Sub-Total Neighborhood/Environmental Svcs
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 8
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 8.00
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 8
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 8.00
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Total Community Development
Development Services—Building Detail of Positions Building—Administrative Services— 5101 Full Time Chief Building Official Building Services Administrator Senior Office Assistant DS Support Specialist* Senior Permit Services Representative Lead Permit Service Representatitve Permit Services Representative Total Administrative Services
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
1 1 1 0 2 1 6 12
1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 6.00 12.00
1 1 1 1 1 1 6 12
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 12.00
1 1 1 1 1 1 6 12
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 12.00
1 1 1 0 1 1 6 11
1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 11.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -8.33%
0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -8.33%
1 1 4 1 8
1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 8.00
1 1 4 1 8
1.00 1.00 4.00 1.00 8.00
1 1 5 1 8
1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 8.00
1 1 5 1 8
1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 8.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1 3 0.00 4
1.00 3.00 0.00 4.00
1 3 0.00 4
1.00 3.00 0.00 4.00
1 2 1.00 4
1.00 2.00 1.00 4.00
1 2 1.00 4
1.00 2.00 1.00 4.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Plumbing—5303 Full Time Chief Inspector Total Plumbing
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
Mechanical—5304 Full Time Chief Inspector Inspector II Total Mechanical
1 1 2
1.00 1.00 2.00
1 1 2
1.00 1.00 2.00
1 1 2
1.00 1.00 2.00
1 1 2
1.00 1.00 2.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Total Inspection
Total Building Administration and Inspection
Grand Total Development Services
*Position eliminated
Building—Inspection Structural—5301 Full Time Assistant Building Official Chief Inspector Inspector II Inspector I Total Structural
Electrical—5302 Full Time Chief Inspector Inspector II Electrical Inspector I Total Electrical
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Police Detail of Positions
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
Police-Administration Office of the Chief—4101 Full Time Chief of Police Executive Assistant Total Office of the Chief
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
1 1 2
1.00 1.00 2.00
1 1 2
1.00 1.00 2.00
1 1 2
1.00 1.00 2.00
1 1 2
1.00 1.00 2.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1 0 2 0 4.00
1.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 4.00
1 0 1 0 4
1.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 4.00
1 0 2 1 4
1.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 4.00
1 1 1 1 4
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00
0.00 1.00 (1.00) 0.00 0.00
0.00% n/a -50.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 1.00 (1.00) 0.00 0.00
0.00% n/a -50.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1 1 2 4
1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00
1 1 2 4
1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00
1 1 2 4
1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00
1 1 2 4
1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Vice and Intelligence—4103 Full Time Law Enforcement Sergeant Investigator Intelligence Analyst Total Vice and Intelligence
1 12 1 14
1.00 12.00 1.00 14.00
1 12 1 14
1.00 12.00 1.00 14.00
1 12 1 14
1.00 12.00 1.00 14.00
1 12 1 14
1.00 12.00 1.00 14.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Communications Center—4502 Full Time Communications Administrator* Communications Training Coordinator Communications Technical Coordinator Communications Shift Supervisor Emergency Call Taker*** Public Safety Telecommunicator*/*** Assistant Communication Center Manager** Communications Center Manager* Total Communications Center
1 0 1 6 2 0 0 0 29
1.00 0.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.00
1 1 1 6 2 0 0 0 30
1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 30.00
1 1 1 6 1 20 0 0 30
1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 1.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 30.00
0 1 1 6 0 20 1 1 30
0.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 0.00 20.00 1.00 1.00 30.00
(1.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
-100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% n/a n/a 0.00%
(1.00) 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
-100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% n/a n/a 0.00%
1 1 2 4
1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00
1 1 2 4
1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00
1 1 2 4
1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00
1 2 2 5
1.00 2.00 2.00 5.00
0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00
0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 25.00%
0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00
0.00% 100.00% 0.00% 25.00%
1 2 1 4
1.00 2.00 1.00 4.00
1 2 1 4
1.00 2.00 1.00 4.00
1 2 1 4
1.00 2.00 1.00 4.00
1 2 1 4
1.00 2.00 1.00 4.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Human Resources—4104 Full Time Background Investigator Project Support Specialist Human Resources Support Specialist* HR Onboarding Coordinator Total Human Resources *Reclassified from Human Resources Support Specialist to Project Support Specialist
Fiscal Management—4110 Full Time Deputy Police Chief Police Fiscal and Procurement Coordinator Senior Office Assistant Total Fiscal Management
*Reclassified from Communications Administrator to Communicatons Center Manager **Reclassified from Public Safety Telecommunicator to Assistant Communication Center Manager ***Reclassified from Emergency Call Taker to Public Safety Telecommunicator
Sub-Total Administration Administration-Community Services Building/Fleet Maintenance—4503 Full Time Senior Fleet/Facilities Coordinator Fleet/Facilities Coordinator* Facilities Technician Sub-Total Building/Fleet maintenance *Reclassified Principal Office Assistant to Fleet Coordinator from Div 4301 to 4503
Training Unit—4210 Full Time Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Officer Range Master SUB TOTAL TRAINING UNIT
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Police (continued) Detail of Positions
Administration-Community Services (continued) Central Records—4501 Full Time Records Supervisor Principal Office Assistant* Senior Office Assistant Office Assistant Total Central Records
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
1 3 1 2 7
1.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 7.00
1 3 1 2 7
1.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 7.00
1 4 1 1 7
1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 7.00
1 4 1 1 7
1.00 4.00 1.00 1.00 7.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1 2 14 1 18
1.00 2.00 14.00 1.00 18.00
1 2 14 1 18
1.00 2.00 14.00 1.00 18.00
1 2 18 1 22
1.00 2.00 18.00 1.00 22.00
1 2 18 1 22
1.00 2.00 18.00 1.00 22.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1 0 0 2
1.00 0.00 0.00 2.00
2 0 0 2
2.00 0.00 0.00 2.00
2 1 0 3
2.00 1.00 0.00 3.00
2 1 1 4
2.00 1.00 1.00 4.00
0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
0.00% 0.00% n/a 33.33%
0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00
0.00% 0.00% n/a 33.33%
Sub-Total Adm-Community Services
Total Administration
1 1 0 2
1.00 1.00 0.00 2.00
1 1 1 3
1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00
1 1 1 3
1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00
1 1 4 12 84 9 1 1 114
1.00 1.00 4.00 12.00 84.00 9.00 1.00 1.00 114.00
1 1 5 12 83 9 1 1 113
1.00 1.00 5.00 12.00 83 9.00 1.00 1.00 113.00
1 1 5 12 83 9 1 1 113
1 9 10
1.00 9.00 10.00
1 9 10
1.00 9.00 10.00
Youth Liaison—4303 Full Time Law Enforcement Captain Law Enforcement Sergeant Youth Liaison Officer Senior Office Assistant Total Youth Liaison
Community Involvement Unit—4207 Full Time Law Enforcement Officer Community Involvement Specialist Community Involvement Liason* Total Community Involvement *Adds to Staff FY2020
Police Office of Professional Standards—4102 Full Time Law Enforcement Sergeant (NB)* Senior Office Assistant Police Accrediation Coordinator Total Office of Professional Standards
1 1 1 3
1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1.00 1.00 5.00 12.00 83 9.00 1.00 1.00 113.00
1 1 5 12 83 9 1 1 113
1.00 1.00 5.00 12.00 83.00 9.00 1.00 1.00 113.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1 9 10
1.00 9.00 10.00
1 9 10
1.00 9.00 10.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Operations Support Patrol Unit—4201 Full Time Deputy Police Chief Law Enforcement Captain Law Enforcement Lieutenant Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Officer Traffic Accident Investigator Executive Assistant Senior Office Assistant Total Patrol Unit
Traffic Unit—4202 Full Time Law Enforcement Sergeant Motorcycle Officer Total Traffic Unit Sub-Total Operations-Support
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Police (continued) Detail of Positions Special Operations K-9 Unit—4203 Full Time Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Officer Total K-9 Unit
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
1 5 6
1.00 5.00 6.00
1 5 6
1.00 5.00 6.00
1 5 6
1.00 5.00 6.00
1 5 6
1.00 5.00 6.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1 1 8 10
1.00 1.00 8.00 10.00
1 2 12 15
1.00 2.00 12.00 15.00
1 2 12 15
1.00 2.00 12.00 15.00
1 2 12 15
1.00 2.00 12.00 15.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Humane Unit—4205 Full Time Humane Officer Total Humane Unit
3 3
3.00 3.00
3 3
3.00 3.00
3 3
3.00 3.00
3 3
3.00 3.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
Bicycle Unit—4209 Full Time Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Officer Total Bicycle Unit
1 5 6
1.00 5.00 6.00
1 5 6
1.00 5.00 6.00
1 5 6
1.00 5.00 6.00
1 5 6
1.00 5.00 6.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Street Intelligence Unit—4211 Full Time Law Enforcement Officer Total Street Intelligence Unit
4 4
4.00 4.00
4 4
4.00 4.00
4 4
4.00 4.00
4 4
4.00 4.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
Burglary Enforcement and Reduction (BEAR) Unit- 4212 Full Time Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Officer Total BEAR Unit
1 6 7
1.00 6.00 7.00
1 6 7
1.00 6.00 7.00
1 6 7
1.00 6.00 7.00
1 6 7
1.00 6.00 7.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Sub Total Special Operations
Operations- Criminal Investigations General Investigations- 4301 Full Time Law Enforcement Captain Law Enforcement Sergeant Investigator Criminal Investigations Specialist Crime Analyst Senior Crimes Analyst Senior Office Assistant Principal Office Assistant Total General Investigations
1 2 12 1 1 1 1 2 21
1.00 2.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 21.00
1 2 12 1 1 1 1 2 21
1.00 2.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 21.00
1 2 12 1 1 1 1 2 21
1.00 2.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 21.00
1 2 12 1 1 1 1 1 20
1.00 2.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 20.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -50.00% -4.76%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -50.00% -4.76%
2 10 2 2 16
2.00 10.00 2.00 2.00 16.00
2 11 2 2 17
2.00 11.00 2.00 2.00 17.00
2 11 2 2 17
2.00 11.00 2.00 2.00 17.00
2 11 2 1 16
2.00 11.00 2.00 1.00 16.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -50.00% -5.88%
0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -50.00% -5.88%
0 1 1 6 3 12
0.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 3.00 12.00
0 1 1 6 3 12
0.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 3.00 12.00
1 1 1 6 3 12
1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 3.00 12.00
1 1 1 6 3 12
1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 3.00 12.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Strategic Enforcement Team—4204 Full Time Law Enforcement Captain Law Enforcement Sergeant Law Enforcement Officer Total Strategic Enforcement Team
Special Investigations—4302 Full Time Law Enforcement Sergeant Investigator Victim/Family Advocate Principal Office Assistant* Total Special Investigations *Principal Office Assistant position eliminated Crime Scene Investigations - 4305 Full Time Crime Scene Investigations & Evidence Unit Manager* Latent Fingerprints Examiner Crime Lab Technician Crime Scene Technician Evidence Specialist Total Crime Scene Investigations
Sub-Total Operations-Investigations
Total Operations
Grand Total Police
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Fire/EMS Detail of Positions Administration—4601 Full Time Fire Administration—4601 Full Time Fire Chief* Deputy Fire Chief* Division Fire Chief Fire Equipment Technician* Executive Office Assistant* Senior Office Assistant Data Analyst* Logistics Captain** Total Administration
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0 4.5
0.50 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 4.50
0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0 4.5
0.50 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 4.50
0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 1 5.5
0.50 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.50 1.00 5.50
0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.5 1 0.5 0.62 5.12
0.50 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.62 5.12
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.38) (0.38)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -38.00% -6.91%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.38) (0.38)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -38.00% -6.91%
1.15 0.00 1.84
1.15 0.00 1.84
1.15 0.00 1.84
1.15 0.00 1.84
0.69 1.15 1.84
0.69 1.15 1.84
0.00 1.84 1.84
0.00 1.84 1.84
(0.69) 0.69 0.00
-100.00% 60.00% 0.00%
(0.69) 0.69 0.00
-100.00% 60.00% 0.00%
1.86 1.86 18.6 18.6 16.74 1.86 31 0 0 0.62 0.62 91.76
1.86 1.86 18.60 18.60 16.74 1.86 31.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 0.62 91.76
1.86 1.86 18.6 18.6 17.36 1.24 32.86 0.62 0 0.62 0.62 94.24
1.86 1.86 18.60 18.60 17.36 1.24 32.86 0.62 0.00 0.62 0.62 94.24
1.86 1.86 18.6 18.6 17.36 1.24 34.72 0 0.62 0 0.62 95.48
1.86 1.86 18.60 18.60 17.36 1.24 34.72 0.00 0.62 0.00 0.62 95.48
1.86 1.86 18.6 18.6 17.36 1.24 41.54 0.5 0 0 0.62 102.18
1.86 1.86 18.60 18.60 17.36 1.24 41.54 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.62 102.18
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.82 0.50 (0.62) 0.00 0.00 6.70
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 19.64% n/a -100.00% n/a 0.00% 7.02%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.82 0.50 (0.62) 0.00 0.00 6.70
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 19.64% n/a -100.00% n/a 0.00% 7.02%
1 1 1 0 3.62
1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 3.62
1 1 1 0 3.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 3.00
1 1 1 1 4.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00
1 1 1 1 4.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1 1 5 0 0 0.62 1 1 9.62
1.00 1.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.62 1.00 1.00 9.62
1 1 5 1 1 0.62 1 1 11.62
1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 0.62 1.00 1.00 11.62
1 1 5 1 1 0.62 1 1 11.62
1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 0.62 1.00 1.00 11.62
1 1 5 1 0 0.62 1 2 11.62
1.00 1.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 0.62 1.00 2.00 11.62
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.00%
*Positions split 50/50 with Fire-4601 and EMS-4702 **Split 62/38 with Fire -4601 and EMS -4702
Communication Services—4602 Full Time Emergency Call Taker** Public Safety Telecommunicator*/** Total Communication Services *Positions split 23/77 with Fire-4602 and EMS-4703 **Position reclassified from Emergency Call Taker to Public Safety Telecommunicator
Suppression—4801 Full Time Assistant Fire Chief* Battalion Chief* Captain (Fire)* Rescue Lieutenant* Driver Engineer/Paramedic* Driver Engineer/EMT* Firefighter/Paramedic*/*** Division Chief Fire Training Center**/**** Chief Training Officer**** Communty Paramedic***** Firefighter/EMT* Total Suppression *Positions split 62/38 with Fire-4801 and EMS-4702 **Positions split 50/50 with Fire-4801 and EMS-4702 ***Adds to Staff FY 2020 ****Position reclassified from Chief Training Officer to Division Chief Fire Training Center *****Eliminated split pay; position fully paid out of Division 4702
Training- 4805 Full Time Division Chief Training Center Accreditation & Compliance Administrator Senior Office Assistant Principal Office Assistant Total Fire Training
Inspection-4901 Full Time Fire Marshal Fire Inspection Captain Fire Inspector II Fire Inspector I Principal Office Assistant** Public Education Officer* Fire Inspection Lieutenant Senior Office Assistant** Total Inspection *Position split 62/38 with Inspection-4901 and EMS-4702 **Reclassified from Principal Office Assistant to Senior Office Assistant
Total Fire
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Fire/EMS (continued) Detail of Positions
Emergency Medical Service—4702 Full Time Fire Chief* Deputy Fire Chief* Division Fire Chief* Assistant Fire Chief** Battalion Chief** Community Paramedic Chief Training Officer*****/****** Captain (Fire)** Rescue Lieutenant** Firefighter/EMT** Firefighter/Paramedic**/**** Driver Engineer/EMT** Driver Engineer/Paramedic** Fire Equipment Technician* Public Education Officer*** Data Analyst* Senior Office Assistant*/# Executive Assistant* Fire Fiscal & Procurement Coordinator*/# Logistics Captain## Division Chief Training*****/****** Total Emergency Medical Service
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
0.5 0.5 1 1.14 1.14 0.38 0.38 11.4 11.4 0.38 19 1.14 10.26 0.5 0.38 0.5 1 0.5 0 0 0 61.50
0.50 0.50 1.00 1.14 1.14 0.38 0.38 11.40 11.40 0.38 19.00 1.14 10.26 0.50 0.38 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 61.50
0.5 0.5 1 1.14 1.14 0.38 0.38 11.4 11.4 0.38 20.14 0.76 10.64 0.5 0.38 0.5 1 0.5 0 0 0 62.64
0.50 0.50 1.00 1.14 1.14 0.38 0.38 11.40 11.40 0.38 20.14 0.76 10.64 0.50 0.38 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 62.64
0.5 0.5 1 1.14 1.14 1 0.38 11.4 11.4 0.38 21.28 0.76 10.64 0.5 0.38 0.5 1 0.5 0 0 0 64.40
0.50 0.50 1.00 1.14 1.14 1.00 0.38 11.40 11.40 0.38 21.28 0.76 10.64 0.50 0.38 0.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.40
0.5 0.5 1 1.14 1.14 1 0 11.4 11.4 0.38 25.46 0.76 10.64 0.5 0.38 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.38 0.5 69.08
0.50 0.50 1.00 1.14 1.14 1.00 0.00 11.40 11.40 0.38 25.46 0.76 10.64 0.50 0.38 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.38 0.50 69.08
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.38) 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.50) 0.00 0.50 0.38 0.50 4.68
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 19.64% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -50.00% 0.00% n/a n/a n/a 7.27%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.38) 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (0.50) 0.00 0.50 0.38 0.50 4.68
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 19.64% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -50.00% 0.00% n/a n/a n/a 7.27%
3.85 0.00 6.16
3.85 0.00 6.16
3.85 0.00 6.16
3.85 0.00 6.16
2.31 3.85 6.16
2.31 3.85 6.16
0.00 6.16 6.16
0.00 6.16 6.16
(2.31) 2.31 0.00
-100.00% 60.00% 0.00%
(2.31) 2.31 0.00
-100.00% 60.00% 0.00%
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
*Position split 50/50 with EMS-4702 and Fire-4601 **Position split 38/62 with EMS-4702 and Fire-4801 ***Position split 38/62 with EMS-4702 and Inspection-4901 ****Adds to Staff FY2020
******Reclassified Chief Training Officer to Division Chief Training *******Position split 50/50 with EMS -4702 and Fire -4801 #Reclassified from Senior Office Assistant to Fire Fiscal & Procurement Coordinator ## Position split 38/62 with EMS -4702 and Fire -4601
EMS Communication Services—4703 Full Time Emergency Call Taker** Public Safety Telecommunicator* Total Communication Services *Positions split 23/77 with Fire-4602 and EMS-4703 **Position reclassified from Emergency Call Taker to Public Safety Telecommunicator
EMS Training—4705 Full Time Assistant Chief Training Officer Total EMS Training Total EMS
Grand Total Fire and EMS
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Public Works Detail of Positions
Administrative Services—5501 Full Time Director of Public Works* PW Analyst*** Senior Office Assistant** Office Assistant Executive Assistant** Horticultural Contract Coordinator**** Total Administrative Services
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
0.5 0.5 1 0 0 0 2
0.50 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.00
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
0.5 0.5 1 1 0 1 6
0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 6
0.5 0.5 1 1 0 1 4
0.50 0.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 4
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
0.25 0.5 0 1 1 0 2.75
0.25 0.50 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 2.75
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
(0.25) 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 1.00 (1.00) (1.25)
-50.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% n/a -100.00% -31.25%
(0.25) 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 1.00 (1.00) (1.25)
-50.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% n/a -100.00% -31.25%
-53.33% -50.00% -40.00% -20.00% -50.00% -100.00% -40.00% -20.00% -20.00% -100.00% n/a n/a -40.88%
(0.40) (0.50) (0.40) (0.20) (0.50) (1.00) (1.60) (1.20) (0.20) (6.00) 0.60 2.10 (9.30)
-53.33% -50.00% -40.00% -20.00% -50.00% -100.00% -40.00% -20.00% -20.00% -100.00% n/a n/a -40.88%
*Split 50/50 between Admin-5501 and Utilities-6001 **Reclassified from Senior Office Assistant to Executive Assistant ***Position split 50/50 with Solid Waste Fund-5502
****Position moved and reclassified in new division 001-5602 Streets—5601 Full Time Streets Assistant Superintendent* Streets and Stormwater Superintendent** Lead Worker*** Construction Supervisor**** Right of Way Supervisor** Project Support Specialist***** Equipment Operator II**** Streets Technician**** Principal Office Assistant**** Neighborhood Service Worker****** Public Works Analyst***** Right of Way Services Worker****** Total Streets
0 0 2 0 0 0 4 6 0 5 0 0 21.75
0 0 2.00 0 0 0 4.00 6.00 0 5.00 0.00 0.00 21.75
0 0 2 0 0 0 4 5 0 6 0 0 22.75
0 0 2.00 0 0 0 4.00 5.00 0 6.00 0.00 0.00 22.75
0.75 1 1 1 1 1 4 6 1 6 0 0 22.75
0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 6.00 1.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 22.75
0.35 0.5 0.6 0.8 0.5 0 2.4 4.8 0.8 0 0.6 2.1 13.45
0.35 0.50 0.60 0.80 0.50 0.00 2.40 4.80 0.80 0.00 0.60 2.10 13.45
(0.40) (0.50) (0.40) (0.20) (0.50) (1.00) (1.60) (1.20) (0.20) (6.00) 0.60 2.10 (9.30)
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
0.00 0.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
n/a n/a
1.00 1.00
n/a n/a
*Split between three divisions: .40 to 420-5603, .25 to 410-5502, .35 to -5601 **Split change to 50/50 001-5601/420-5603 ***Split change to 60/40 001-5601/420-5603 **** Split change to 80/20 001-5601/420-5603 *****Reclassified from Project Support Specialist to Public Works Analyst ****** Reclassified from Neighborhood Services Worker to Right of Way Services Worker
Arbor & Horticulture—5602 Full Time Arbor/Horticultural Manager* Total Arbor & Horticulture
*Moved and reclassified from Division 001-5501 and position title changed from Horticultural Contract Coordinator to Arbor/Horticultural Manager
Facilities Management—5801 Full Time Facilities Superintendent Facilities Technician Facilities Assistant Supervisor Senior A/C Technician A/C Technician Lead Custodian Custodian Facilities Trade Technician Sub-Total Facilities Management
1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 5
1.00 1.00 0 0 1.00 1.00 0.00 0 5.00
1 2 0 0 1 1 1 0 7
1.00 2.00 0 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 7.00
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Engineering—5901 Full Time Engineering Inspector* City Engineer** Civil Engineer** Sub-Total Engineering
0 0 0 0
0.00 0.00 0.00 0
0 0 0 0
0.00 0.00 0.00 0
0.50 0.50 0.50 1.5
0.50 0.50 0.50 1.5
0.50 0.50 0.50 1.5
0.50 0.50 0.50 1.5
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
*Position split 50/50 between Division 5901 and 6002 **Position split 50/50 between Division 5901 and 6001
Total Public Works
Equipment Services Detail of Positions Equipment Maintenance—5701 Full Time Fleet Superintendent Lead Mechanic Generator Technician Mechanic/Fire-EVT Fleet Assistant Superintendent Mechanic Senior Office Assistant Total Equipment Services
Solid Waste Detail of Positions Solid Waste (Fund 410)— 5502 Full Time Public Works Analyst* Streets Assistant Superintendent** Neighborhood Service Worker Total Equipment Services
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1 1 2 0 8 1 15
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 9.00 1.00 15.00
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
0.5 0 0 0.75
0.50 0 0.00 0.75
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1 1 2 0 8 1 15
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 9.00 1.00 15.00
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
0.5 0 2 2.75
0.50 0 2.00 2.75
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1 1 2 1 8 1 15
1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 15.00
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
0.5 0.25 2 2.75
0.50 0.25 2.00 2.75
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1 1 2 1 8 1 15
1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 8.00 1.00 15.00
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
0.5 0.25 2 2.75
0.50 0.25 2.00 2.75
Position Change # %
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Position Change # %
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
FTE Change #
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
FTE Change #
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
*Position split 50/50 with Public Works Admin Div. 5501 **Position split 75/25 with Public Works Streets Div. 5601
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Utilities Detail of Positions
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
Administration—6001 Full Time Deputy City Manager* Director of Financial Services** Director of Public Works*** Civil Engineer**** City Engineer******** Assist. Dir. Public Works Applications Analyst***** Public Works Projects Technician#** Project Support Specialist IT Support Specialist#* Assistant City Attorney****** Assistant Director Financial Services******* GIS Analyst#*/***** Public Works Analyst#** Principal Office Assistant Sub-Total Administration
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
0.5 0.25 0.5 1 0 0 0.25 0 1 0.25 0.25 0 0 0 0 7.5
0.50 0.25 0.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.25 0 1.00 0.25 0.25 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 7.50
0.5 0.25 0.5 0 1 1 0.25 0 1 0.25 0.25 0 0 0 1 7.5
0.50 0.25 0.50 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.25 0 1.00 0.25 0.25 0 0.00 0.00 1.00 7.50
0.5 0.25 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 0.25 1 1 0.25 0.25 0.5 0 0 1 7.5
0.50 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 0.25 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 7.50
0.5 0.25 0.5 1.5 0.5 1 0.25 0 1 0 0.25 0.5 0.25 1 1 8.5
0.50 0.25 0.50 1.50 0.50 1.00 0.25 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.25 1.00 1.00 8.50
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (0.25) 0.00 0.00 0.25 1.00 0.00 1.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 200.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a n/a 0.00% 13.33%
0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (0.25) 0.00 0.00 0.25 1.00 0.00 1.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 200.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a n/a 0.00% 13.33%
0 0 1 3 1 2 0 1 0 10
0.00 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 10.00
1 1 1 2 1 2 0 1 0 10
1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 10.00
1 0.5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 9.5
1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 9.50
1 0.5 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 9.5
1.00 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 9.50
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 15
0.00 1.00 0.00 2.00 0 0 0 1.00 1.00 15.00
1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 15
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0 0 0 1.00 1.00 15.00
1 1 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 15
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 15.00
1 1 1 1 4 2 3 1 1 15
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 15.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 8
1.00 1.00 2.00 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 8.00
1 1 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 8
1.00 1.00 2.00 0 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 8.00
1 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 0 8
1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 8.00
1 1 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 8
1.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 8.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% n/a n/a 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% -100.00% 0.00% n/a n/a 0.00%
*Position split 50/50 with City Manager's Office-0501 **Position split .25 Utilities-Admin-6001; .75 Financial Svc.-1501 ***Split between three divisions: .25 to 420-5603, .25 to -5501, .50 to -6001 ****Adds to Staff FY2020 *****Position split .25 Utilities-Admin-6001; .75 IT-2001 ******Position split .25 Utilities-Admin-6001; .75 City Attorney-2502 *******Position split 50/50 with Financial Services-1501 ******** Position reclassified to be split 50/50 between Division 5901 and 6001 #*Reclassified from IT Support Specialist to GIS Analyst #**Reclassified from Public Works Projects Technician to Public Works Analyst
Water Distribution—6002 Full Time Utilities Superintendent Engineering Inspector* PW Lead Worker Utilities Service Technician** Utilities Locator Technician Utilities Service Worker Utilities Coordinator** Utilities Mechanic Utilities Electrician*** Total Water Distribution *Position split 50/50 between Division 5901 and 6002
Water Treatment—6003 Full Time Water Plant Superintendent Utilities Maintenance Specialist Senior Utilities Mechanic Utilities Mechanic Senior Water Plant Operator Class A Water Plant Operator Class B Water Plant Operator Class C Water Plant Operator Trainee Utilities Service Technician Total Water Treatment
Wastewater Collection— 6005 Full Time Utilities Coordinator Senior Utilities Instrumentation Technician Equipment Operator II Video Inspection Technician* Utilities Mechanic Utilities Electrician** Utilities Service Technician Public Works Lead Worker* Electrical and Instrumentation Technician** Total Wastewater Collection *Reclassified from Video Inspection Technician to Public Works Lead Worker **Reclassified from Utilities Electrician to Electrical and Instrumentation Technician Total Utilities Grand Total Public Works, Equipment, Arbor & Horticulture and Utilities
40.50 85.00
40.50 85.00
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Parks and Recreation Detail of Positions
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
Parks— 8100 Cypress Park—8101 Full Time Parks Administrator Parks and Recreation Coordinator Parks Technician Parks Lead Worker Maintenance Worker Sub-Total Cypress Park
1 1 2 1 6 11
1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 6.00 11.00
1 1 2 1 7 12
1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 7.00 12.00
1 1 2 1 8 13
1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 8.00 13.00
1 1 1 1 6 10
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 10.00
0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (2.00) (3.00)
0.00% 0.00% -50.00% 0.00% -25.00% -23.08%
0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (2.00) (3.00)
0.00% 0.00% -50.00% 0.00% -25.00% -23.08%
Mullins Park—8102 Full Time Director of Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Coordinator Parks Technician Parks Lead Worker Maintenance Worker* Sub-Total Mullins Park
1 1 2 1 6 11
1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 6.00 11.00
1 1 2 1 7 12
1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 7.00 12.00
1 1 2 1 8 13
1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 8.00 13.00
1 1 1 1 6 10
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 10.00
0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (2.00) (3.00)
0.00% 0.00% -50.00% 0.00% -25.00% -23.08%
0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 (2.00) (3.00)
0.00% 0.00% -50.00% 0.00% -25.00% -23.08%
1 0 2 1 5 9
1.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 9.00
1 1 1 1 7 11
1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 11.00
1 1 2 1 6 11
1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 6.00 11.00
1 1 2 1 5 10
1.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5.00 10.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -16.67% -9.09%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00)
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -16.67% -9.09%
1 0 2 1 1 10 15
1.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 15.00
2 1 2 1 1 11 18
2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 18.00
1 2 1 2 1 10 17
1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 10.00 17.00
1 2 1 2 1 10 17
1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 10.00 17.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Beautification—8117 Full Time Parks Adminstrator Sub-Total Beautification
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
Landscape—8118 Full Time Parks Services Coordinator Parks Technician Maintenance Worker Sub-Total Landscape
2 1 10 4.00
2.00 1.00 10.00 13
1.00 1.00 2.00 4
1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00
1.00 1.00 2.00 4
1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00
1.00 1.00 2.00 4
1.00 1.00 2.00 4.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Irrigation—8119 Full Time Parks Services Coordinator Parks Technician Maintenance Worker Sub-Total Irrigation
1 1 6 8
1.00 1.00 6.00 8.00
1 1 6 8.00
1.00 1.00 6.00 8.00
1 1 6 8.00
1.00 1.00 6.00 8.00
1 1 5 7.00
1.00 1.00 5.00 7.00
0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00)
0.00% 0.00% -16.67% -12.50%
0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00)
0.00% 0.00% -16.67% -12.50%
Environmentally Sensitive Land—8121 Full Time Parks and Recreation Coordinator Parks Technician Sub-Total ESL
1 1 2
1.00 1.00 2.00
1 1 2
1.00 1.00 2.00
1 1 2
1.00 1.00 2.00
1 1 2
1.00 1.00 2.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
*Transfer from Division 8118
North Community Park—8103 Full Time Parks and Recreation Coordinator Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Parks Technician Parks Lead Worker Maintenance Worker Sub-Total North Community Park
Neighborhood Parks—8116 Full Time Parks and Recreation Coordinator Parks Services Coordinator Parks Technician Parks Lead Worker Project Support Specialist Maintenance Worker Sub-Total Neighborhood Parks
Total Parks Recreation—8200 Activity Center—8204 Full Time Parks and Recreation Coordinator Sub-Total Activity Center
City of Coral Springs, Florida
1 1
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Parks and Recreation (continued) Detail of Positions
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
Position Change # %
FTE Change #
Recreation Services—8205 Full Time Parks and Recreation Coordinator Principal Office Assistant Sub-Total Recreation Services
4 1 5
4.00 1.00 5
4 1 5
4.00 1.00 5.00
4 1 5
4.00 1.00 5.00
4 1 5
4.00 1.00 5.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Summer Recreation—8208 Full Time Recreation Administrator* Sub-Total Summer Recreation
1 1
1.00 1
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
1 1
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
*Reclassified from Recreation Superintendent
Transportation—8209 Full Time Bus Driver Sub-Total Transportation Total Recreation
1 1
1.00 1.00 8.00
1 1 8
Sportsplex/Tennis Detail of Positions
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
Sportsplex—7810 Full Time Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Sub-Total Sportsplex
1 1
Athletics—7812 Full Time Parks and Recreation Coordinator Parks Lead Worker Parks Technician* Maintenance Worker* Sub-Total Athletics
1 1 1 2 5
1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 5.00
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1
0 1 1 4 6.00
1.00 1.00
0.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 6.00
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1
1 1 1 4 7.00
1.00 1.00
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
1 1
Position Change # %
1.00 1.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
FTE Change #
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 7.00
1 1 0 3 5.00
1.00 1.00 0.00 3.00 5.00
0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00) (2.00)
0.00% 0.00% -100.00% -25.00% -28.57%
0.00 0.00 (1.00) (1.00) (2.00)
0.00% 0.00% -100.00% -25.00% -28.57%
*Position Eliminated
Total Sportsplex/Athletics
Tennis—8400 Cypress Tennis—8401 Full Time Principal Office Assistant Sub-Total Cypress Tennis
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00%
Tennis Center—8409 Full Time Parks and Recreation Coordinator Parks Lead Worker Sub-Total Tennis Center
1 1 2
1.00 1.00 2.00
1 2 3
1.00 2.00 3.00
1 2 3
1.00 2.00 3.00
1 2 3
1.00 2.00 3.00
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
0.00 0.00 0.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
Total Tennis Services
Total Sportsplex and Tennis
Detail of Positions Aquatics—8300 Cypress Pool—8301 Full Time Parks Administrator Lead Lifeguard* Parks and Recreation Associate* Total Cypress Pool *Position reclassified from Parks and Recreation Associate to Lead Lifeguard Mullins Pool—8302 Full Time Parks and Recreation Associate* Total Mullins Pool *Position Eliminated Aquatic Complex—8303 Full Time Team Swimwear District Supervisor Parks and Recreation Coordinator Parks and Recreation Technician Parks and Recreation Associate Principal Office Assistant Maintenance Worker Lead Lifeguard Total Aquatic Complex Total Aquatics Grand Total Parks and Recreation
FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
0.00% -16.67%
Position Change # %
0.00 (2.00)
0.00% -16.67%
FTE Change #
1 0 2 3
1.00 0.00 2.00 3.00
1.00 0.00 2.00 3
1.00 0.00 2.00 3.00
1.00 0.00 2.00 3
1.00 0.00 2.00 3.00
1.00 1.00 1.00 3
1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00
0.00 1.00 (1.00) 0.00
0.00% n/a -50.00% 0.00%
0.00 1.00 (1.00) 0.00
0.00% n/a -50.00% 0.00%
2 2
2.00 2.00
2 2
2.00 2.00
2 2
2.00 2.00
1 1
1.00 1.00
(1.00) (1.00)
-50.00% -50.00%
(1.00) (1.00)
-50.00% -50.00%
1 1 1 5 2 1 0 11
1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 11.00
1 1 1 5 2 1 0 11
1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 11.00
1 1 1 5 2 1 0 11
1.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 11.00
1 1 1 4 2 1 2 12
1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 12.00
0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -20.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a 9.09%
0.00 0.00 0.00 (1.00) 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00
0.00% 0.00% 0.00% -20.00% 0.00% 0.00% n/a 9.09%
16.00 106.00
16 103.00
16.00 103.00
16 105.00
16.00 105.00
16 95.00
16.00 95.00
0.00 (10.00)
0.00% -9.52%
0.00 (10.00)
0.00% -9.52%
16 106.00
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Detail of Positions by Department and Division (continued) Stormwater Fund FY 2017 Authorized Position FTEs Stormwater Fund—420-5601 Full Time Construction Supervisor Director of Public Works Equipment Operator II Lead Worker Principal Office Assistant Public Works Analyst Right of Way Services Worker Right of Way Supervisor Streets and Stormwater Superintendent Street Assistant Superintendent Streets Technician Total Stormwater
FY 2018 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2019 Authorized Position FTEs
FY 2020 Authorized Position FTEs
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
0.2 0.25 1.6 0.4 0.2 0.4 3.9 0.5 0.5 0.4 1.2 9.55
0.20 0.25 1.60 0.40 0.20 0.40 3.90 0.50 0.50 0.40 1.20 9.55
Total Staff (Including Parkland, FL)
Total Staff (Excluding Parkland, FL)
City of Coral Springs, Florida
Position Change # %
0.20 0.25 1.60 0.40 0.20 0.40 3.90 0.50 0.50 0.40 1.20 9.55
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
FTE Change #
0.20 0.25 1.60 0.40 0.20 0.40 3.90 0.50 0.50 0.40 1.20 9.55
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Table of Contents
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) The Coral Springs Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) was established by the City Commission in 2002 to guide the City in its Downtown redevelopment efforts. The purpose of creating a CRA is to carry out redevelopment activities that include reducing or eliminating blight, improving the economic health of an area, and encouraging public and private investments in the CRA district. CRAs provide local government with a funding and planning mechanism to redevelop areas where market forces are not performing. The new City Hall is a catalyst for redevelopment as well as the Downtown Mixed-Use Zoning. The goal of the new zoning is to create a more urban feel for Downtown, with a lively mix of uses that includes commercial, office, residential and entertainment. The City and CRA’s investment resulted in a mixed-use project planned for the southwest corner of Sample Road and University Drive. The project, Cornerstone at Downtown Coral Springs, will feature 350 residential units, Class A office space, hotel and entertainment area with retail and restaurants. The focus of the FY 2020 Work Plan is to implement the overall objectives of the Coral Springs CRA. Specifically, efforts will focus on business retention and attraction, infrastructure improvements, mixed-use development/redevelopment and creating a sense of place for the community in Downtown Coral Springs. The Work Plan is centered on six goals: 1)
Promote, attract and support mixed-use development.
Improve parking, sidewalks, landscaping, signage and green space in the Downtown
Encourage Exterior Commercial Property Improvements
Promote Job Creation and Entrepreneurship
Attract and Retain Businesses
Support Community Activities that Create a Sense of Place
The activities and strategies aligned with these goals include: •
Work with the City and the Developer of the Cornerstone at Downtown Coral Springs mixed-use project to make sure the project meets the CRA’s vision. The Development Agreement was finalized in late 2019.
Partner with the City on the redevelopment of the old City Hall Parcel and the creation of an urban park on Parcel II.
Improve the aesthetics of Commercial Building (matching grant program) and developing strategies to activate empty spaces.
Implement the wayfinding signs project.
Host and expand the Innovate Downtown event.
Participation and funding of community events (Farmers Market, Sunset Yoga, Bites and Sips, Unplugged).
Continue working to improve aesthetics of Commercial Building (matching grant program) and developing strategies to activate empty spaces (co-working / incubator and Pop-Up shops)
In addition to continuing the projects highlighted above, the CRA is also going to work on some new projects and will continue working on the ongoing projects, such as the partnership with the Economic Development Office and the Chamber of Commerce, events and marketing initiatives to promote downtown, and the meetings with the Downtown Merchants Group.
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) - (continued) City ofYear Coral2020 Springs Agency (CSCRA) Fiscal CRA- Community Operating Redevelopment Budget Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Budget Amendment
Revenues 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
Revenues City of Coral Springs North Broward Hospital District Broward County Children Services Council of Broward County (CSCBC) Interest Earnings Projection Event Sponsorship Transfer from the CRA Trust Fund for Projects Transfer from the CRA Trust Fund (Not TIF) TOTAL REVENUE
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
Expenditures 1 1.1 1.2 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 4 4.1 5 5.1 5.2 5.3
Administrative CRA Legal Counsel Administrative Services Paid to the City
$ $ TOTAL ADMINISTRATIVE $ Professional Services Architectural/Urban Planning $ Engineering $ Appraisals $ CRA Financial Audit $ Marketing & Promotion $ Other Professional Services $ TOTAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES $ Operating Expenses Advertisements $ Postage $ Meeting Expenses $ Printing & Publishing $ Sponsorships $ Memberships $ General Liability Insurance for CRA $ Property Maintenance $ DEO Special District Fee $ Payment to Children Services Council of Broward County (CSCBC) $ CRA Events $ TOTAL OPERATING $ Capital Outlay Capital Outlay $ TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $ Additional Expenses RZEDB Debt Service Contribution $ Parking Garage Maintenance $ CRA Grants $ TOTAL ADDITIONAL EXPENSES $ TOTAL EXPENDITURES $
City of Coral Springs, Florida
PROPOSED FY 2020 354,314.96 62,282.02 109,142.74 29,451.84 3,500.00 2,500.00 277,163.00 85,000.00 923,354.56
PROPOSED FY 2020 45,000.00 105,000.00 150,000.00 50,000.00 1,000.00 8,000.00 13,800.00 12,000.00 105,849.72 190,649.72 3,000.00 100.00 1,250.00 1,500.00 2,500.00 495.00 6,000.00 500.00 175.00 29,451.84 60,000.00 104,971.84 327,733.00 327,733.00 50,000.00 100,000.00 150,000.00 923,354.56
Table of Contents
Abbreviations and Acronyms ACS A/P ARC ARRA AS/400
American Community Survey Accounts payable Architectural Review Committee American Recovery and Reinvestment Act The City’s mainframe/server*
International City/County Management Association Industrial Research Development Internal Service Fund* Internet service provider Information Technology
Justice Assistance Grant Key Performance Indicator* Local area network
Computer assisted design and drafting Comprehensive Annual Financial Report* Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies Community Development Block Grant* Community Emergency Response Team Capital Improvement Program* Communications and Marketing City Manager’s Office Certificate of Occupancy Consumer Price Index Community Redevelopment Agency Coral Springs High School Coral Springs Museum of Art Charter Schools USA Communication Service Tax Florida Department of Environmental Protection U.S. Department of Energy
Management and Budget Office Million gallons per day Martin Luther King Municipal Short-term Auction Rate Securities*
Other Post Employment Benefits
Police Department Professional Facilities Management Performance measure*
Economic Development Foundation Emergency Medical Services Enterprise Resource Planning* Equipment Services Fund* Environmentally Sensitive Land
Florida Department of Transportation Federal Emergency Management Administration*
SOH Save Our Homes SRF State Revolving Fund* (loan program) SRT Special Response Team SWOC Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Challenges SWOT Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats TIF TQM TRIM
Tax Increment Financing* Total Quality Management Truth in Millage*
Urban Area Security Initiative* Wide Area Network
*defined in the Glossary of Terms
FICA Federal Insurance Contributions Act Florida Intergovernmental Financing Commission* FIFC FPL Florida Power and Light F/T Full-time FTMS Financial Trend Monitoring System FTE Full-time equivalent* FY Fiscal Year* GAAP GASB GFOA GIS GMBA GO
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Governmental Accounting Standards Board Government Finance Officers Association Geographic Information Systems Government Management Budgetary Association General Obligation
Human Resources The City’s main data application vendor* U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Budget
Table of Contents
Glossary of Terms Accrual Basis of Accounting A method of accounting where revenues are recorded when service is given and expenses are recognized when the benefit is received.
Bonds A certificate of debt issued by an entity, guaranteeing payment of the original investment, plus interest, by a specified future date.
Actuarial A person or methodology that makes determinations of required contributions to achieve future funding levels that addresses risk and time.
Build-out That time in the life cycle of the city when no incorporated property remains undeveloped. All construction from this point forward is renovation, retrofitting or land cleared through the demolition of existing structures.
Ad Valorem Tax A tax levied on the assessed value of real estate and personal property. This tax is also known as property tax. Adopted Budget The proposed budget as initially formally approved by the City Commission. Amended Budget The adopted budget as formally adjusted by the City Commission. Amortization The reduction of debt through regular payments of principal and interest sufficient to retire the debt instrument at a predetermined date known as maturity. Appropriation A specific amount of money authorized by the City Commission for the purchase of goods or services. AS400 Midrange server built by IBM and designed for small businesses and departments in large enterprises and now redesigned so that it will work well in distributed networks with Web applications.
Business Plan A written document outlining how City resources will be applied to achieve the objectives determined by the Strategic Plan. Capital Equipment Physical plant and equipment with an expected life of five years or more. Capital Expenditure The approved budget for improvements to or acquisition of infrastructure, park development, building, construction or expansion, utility systems, streets or other physical structure with an estimated cost of $5,000 or more. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) A plan for capital expenditures to be incurred each year over a five-year period. Essentially, the plan allows for a systematic evaluation of all potential projects, specifies funding sources for all approved projects, and serves as an economic development tool. The CIP is linked to the City’s Business and Strategic Plans.
Audit An official inspection of an individual’s or organization’s accounts, typically by an independent body.
Capital Lease An agreement conveying the right to use property, plant or equipment usually for a stated period of time where the lessee assumes all the risks and rewards of ownership.
Assessed Property Value The value set upon real estate or other property by the County Property Appraiser and the State as a basis for levying ad valorem taxes.
Chargeback Term used to describe the method to reimburse the Equipment Services Fund for the usage of an asset over its expected useful life (also known as funded depreciation).
Attrition The reduction of staff by voluntary or involuntary reasons such as retirement, or it can be through resignation, or elimination of position.
Communications Services Tax Simplification Law A law created by Florida Legislature to combine communication services revenues with a two-tiered tax composed of State and local-option tax.
Balanced Budget A budget in which planned funds or revenues available are equal to planned expenditures. Benchmarking Determining the quality of products, services and practices by measuring critical factors (e.g., how fast, how reliable a product or service is) and comparing the results to those of highly regarded competitors. Bond Covenants A legally enforceable promise made to the bondholders from the issuer, generally in relation to the source of repayment funding. Bond Rating A measure of an organization’s credit-worthiness. The primary bond rating services—Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s—perform credit analyses to determine the probability of an issuer of debt defaulting partially or fully.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) One of the longest-running programs of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that funds local community development activities such as affordable housing, anti-poverty programs, and infrastructure development. Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) A dependent special district covered by Chapter 189, Florida Statutes responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects in the community redevelopment area of the City of Coral Springs.
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Glossary of Terms (continued) The Communications Services Tax (CST) ,implemented October 1, 2001, consolidates taxes imposed on retail sales of communications services. The tax is comprised of a state portion and a local portion. Each dealer who makes retail sales of communications services adds the amount of applicable taxes to the price of services sold. Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) This official annual report presents the status of the City’s finances in a standardized format. The CAFR is organized by fund and contains two basic types of information: a balance sheet that compares assets with liabilities and fund balance; and an operating statement that compares revenues and expenditures. Contingency An appropriation of funds available to cover unforeseen events that occur during the fiscal year. These funds, if not used, lapse at year end. This is not the same as fund balance. Coral Springs Charter School Fund This fund accounts for the revenues and expenses incurred in the operation of the Coral Springs Charter School. Funds are received from the state and through grants to teach approximately 1,600 students in grades six through twelve. Core Service A principal service or product delivered by a program or department that is necessary to the successful operation of the city. Often, core services are part of the mission of the program or department. Cross-Functional Team A team of employees from more than one department convened to analyze problems and create strategies for process improvement that have Citywide impact. Debt Service The payment of principal and interest on borrowed funds such as bonds and loans. Debt Service Fund The debt service fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal, interest, and related costs.. Deficit The excess of liabilities over assets—or expenditures over revenues—in a fund over an accounting period. Depreciation The decrease in value of physical assets due to use and the passage of time. Designated Funds that have been identified for a specific purpose. This differs from reserved funds, in that there is no legal requirement for funds that have been designated. Distinguished Budget Presentation Program A voluntary program administered by the Government Finance Officers Association to encourage governments to publish efficiently organized and easily readable budget documents and to provide peer recognition and technical assistance to the fiscal officers preparing them.
Encumbrances Obligations incurred in the form of orders, contracts and similar items that will become payable when goods are delivered or services rendered. Enterprise Fund A self supporting fund designed to account for activities supported by user charges: an example is the Water and Sewer Fund. Equipment Services Fund (ESF) An Internal Service Fund that accounts for the operating and maintenance costs of the City’s vehicles and major equipment. Fuel, maintenance and depreciation expenses are determined on a full recovery basis for each fleet asset type. Departments reimburse this fund for these costs through interfund transfers. Equity Financing A source of revenue that comes from surpluses that are generated in previous years. When the City Equity Finances some of its CIP it reduces the amount of debt that would have to be issued. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ERP software integrates various functions into one complete system to streamline processes and information across the entire organization. The central feature of all ERP systems is a shared database that supports multiple functions used by different business units. Escrow Money or property held in the custody of a third party that is returned only after the fulfillment of specific conditions. Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) Agency of the US government responsible for disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery planning. Fiduciary Funds Funds used to report assets held in a trustee or agency capacity for others and which therefore cannot be used to support the government’s own programs. The fiduciary fund category includes pension trust funds, investment trust funds, private-purpose trust funds, and agency funds. Florida Intergovernmental Financing Commission (FIFC) Debt service activity related to a bond series of the Florida Intergovernmental Financing Commission. Financial Trend Monitoring System A management tool that pulls together information from a government’s budgetary and financial reports, combines it with economic and demographic data, and creates a series of 22 financial indicators that, when plotted over time, can be used to monitor changes in financial condition and alert the government to future problems. Fines And Forfeitures Consists of a variety of fees, fines and forfeitures collected by the State Court System, including bail forfeitures, garnishments, legal defenders recoupment and juror/witness fees.
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Glossary of Terms (continued) Fire Fund A special revenue fund that provides for the Fire Department, consisting of administration, prevention, suppression, inspection and communications. Fiscal Year (FY) Any period of 12 consecutive months designated as the budget year. The City’s budget year begins October 1st and ends September 30th. Fixed Asset Items owned by the City that cost a considerable amount and has a useful life exceeding two years—e.g., computers, furniture, equipment and vehicles.
Homestead Exemption Pursuant to the Florida State Constitution, the first $25,000 of assessed value of a home which the owner occupies as principal residence is exempt from the property tax. HTE The City’s main data application vendor. Also known as Sungard. Inflation A rise in price levels caused by an increase in available funds beyond the proportion of available goods.
Fleet The vehicles owned and operated by the City. (See Rolling Stock)
Infrastructure Public domain fixed assets including roads, bridges, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage systems, lighting systems and other items that have value only to the city.
Franchise Bonds Bonds for the payment of which the City’s franchise revenues are pledged.
Intended Outcome are desired accomplishments, impact and/ or results.
Franchise Fee Charges to utilities for exclusive/non-exclusive rights to operate within municipal boundaries. Examples are electricity, telephone, cable television, and solid waste.
Interest Income Revenue associated with the City cash management activities of investing fund balances.
Full-Time Equivalent Position A part-time position converted to the decimal equivalent of a full-time position based on 2,080 hours per year. Fund A set of interrelated accounts to record revenues and expenditures associated with a specific purpose. Fund Balance The difference between assets and liabilities reported in a governmental fund at the end of the fiscal year. Gainsharing A city program, similar to corporate profitsharing, where departments and employees who contribute to cost savings or revenue enhancements may share in the resulting gain. This Fiscal Year, up to 10% of retained earnings and unappropriated fund balances in specific funds may be shared with employees. General Fund A governmental fund established to account for resources and uses of general operating functions of City departments. Resources are, in the majority, provided by taxes. General Obligation Bonds Debt issued by municipalities that are backed by the full faith and credit of the issuer. Governmental Funds Funds generally used to account for tax-supported activities. There are five different types of governmental funds: the general fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, capital projects funds, and permanent funds. Health and General Insurance Funds Internal service funds set up to account for the City’s insured general liability, property, workers’ compensation, life and employee medical benefits.
Interfund Reimbursement (Transfers) Administrative fees charged to other City funds (e.g. Water & Sewer Fund) for the provision of administrative and other City services. Intergovernmental Revenue Revenue received from or through the Federal, State, or County government. These include Cigarette Tax, State Revenue Sharing, Alcoholic Beverage Tax, Sales Tax (5th cent), Rebate - Municipal Vehicles. Internal Service Fund (ISF) A fund established to account for an entity which provides goods and services to other City entities and charges those entities for the goods and services provided. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Critical (key) indicators of progress towards an intended outcome/result. Linkage A system of interconnected parts or the act of linking. In our case, this refers to the relationships between the various performance measures, objectives, goals, and Key Intended Outcomes to ensure the entire organization is working together to achieve the City’s Mission. Major Funds The financial transactions of the City are recorded in individual funds. Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America set forth minimum criteria (percentage of the assets, liabilities, revenue or expenditures/expenses of the applicable fund category and the governmental and enterprise combined) for the determination of major funds. Mandate A requirement from a higher level of government that a lower level of government perform a task in a particular way or to a particular standard.
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Glossary of Terms (continued) Market Rate Value The appraised value assigned to property by the County Property Appraiser. Typically, this value represents “Fair Market Value” less estimated selling expenses. Mill A taxation unit equal to one dollar of tax obligation for every $1,000 of assessed valuation of property. Millage The total tax obligation per $1,000 of assessed valuation of property. Modified Accrual Basis The basis of accounting under which revenues are recognized when measurable and available to pay liabilities and expenditures are recognized when the liability is incurred except for interest on long-term debt which is recognized when due, and the noncurrent portion of accrued vacation and sick leave which is recorded in general long-term debt. The General Fund, Fire/EMS Fund, and Debt Service Fund budgets are prepared on the modified accrual basis of accounting except that encumbrances are treated like expenditures. M-STAR The rate of interest to be borne by M-STARS (either or both of the Series 2002B and Series 2002C Bonds while they bear interest at the M-STARS Rate) during each auction period. In no event may the M-STARS Rate exceed the maximum M-STARS Rate. Municipal Code A collection of laws, rules and regulations that apply to the City and its citizens. Neighborhood Services Team A program comprised of various City department team members developed to promote and strengthen the stability, development, revitalization and preservation of Coral Springs’ neighborhoods through community-based problem solving, neighborhood services and public/private cooperation. Non-Departmental Referring to activities, revenues and expenditures that are not assigned to a department. Non-Major Fund Total assets and deferred outflows, liabilities and deferred inflows, rev or expenditures/expenses of that individual governmental or enterprise fund are at least 10% of the corresponding total(assets, liabilities, and so forth) for all fund of that category or type and total assets, deferred outflows, liabilities, deferred inflows, revenues or expenditures/ expenses of that individual governmental or enterprise fund are at least 5 percent of the corresponding total for all governmental and enterprise funds combined. Operating Budget A budget for general revenues and expenditures such as salaries, utilities, and supplies.
Ordinance A formal legislative enactment by the City that carries the full force and effect of the law within corporate boundaries of the City unless in conflict with any higher form of law, such as state or federal. Outcomes Quality performance measures of effectiveness and of achieving goals. (e.g., customer satisfaction, awareness level, etc.) Outputs Process performance measures of efficiency and productivity. (e.g., per capita expenditures, transactions per day, etc.) Pay-as-You-Go Financing A method of paying for capital projects that relies on current tax and grant revenues rather than on debt. Pension Fund The Pension Fund accounts for the accumulation of resources to be used for retirement benefit payments to the City’s employees. Per Capita A measurement of the proportion of some statistic to an individual resident determined by dividing the statistic by the current population. Performance Budget A budget wherein expenditures are based primarily upon measurable performance of activities and work programs. Performance Measure (PM) Data collected to determine how effective and/or efficient a program is in achieving its objectives. Performance Management System The City’s methodology for monitoring operational performance . See Performance Management Summary Reports. Permit Revenue Fees imposed on construction-related activities and for the acquisition of other nonbusiness permits (e.g. dog, bicycle). Potable Water Water that is fit to drink. Present Value The discounted value of a future amount of cash, assuming a given rate of interest, to take into account the time value of money. To put it another way, a dollar is worth a dollar today, but is worth less than today’s dollar tomorrow. Property Tax A tax levied on the assessed value of real and personal property. This tax is also known as ad valorem tax. Proprietary Fund Enterprise and internal service funds that are similar to corporate funds, in that they are related to assets, liabilities, equities, revenues, expenses and transfers determined by business or quasi-business activities.
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Glossary of Terms (continued) Public Art Fund This is a special revenue fund where Public Art fees are collected during the permitting process for new construction and renovations of existing structures. Revenues are collected only from those developers who choose not to purchase and maintain public art on their own property. Public/Private Partnership A joint project conducted with resources of the city and a private organization, generally nonprofit. Examples in Coral Springs includes the efforts of the Economic Development Foundation and Civic, Cultural and Educational Foundation. Quarterly Performance Report A document that tracks performance achievements and status of departmental key performance indicators. Refunding Paying off an outstanding bond issue by using money from the sale of a new bond offering. In other words, issuing more bonds to pay off existing bonds. Reserves A portion of the fund balance or retained earnings legally segregated for specific purposes. Resolution A legislative act by the City with less legal formality than an ordinance.
Special Assessment A compulsory levy made against certain properties to defray part or all of the cost of a specific improvement or service deemed to primarily benefit those properties. Special Revenue Fund A fund used to account for revenues legally restricted to expenditures for a particular purpose. An example is the Fire Rescue Fund. State Revolving Fund (SRF) A low interest loan program from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for planning, designing, and constructing drinking water and wastewater projects. Sterling Award The Governor of the State of Florida created a program in 1993 to recognize Florida corporations for quality and organizational excellence. It is based on the criteria established for the national Malcolm Baldrige Award. Strategic Plan A document outlining long-term goals, critical issues and action plans which will increase the organization’s effectiveness in attaining its mission, priorities, goals and objectives. Strategic planning starts with examining the present, envisioning the future, choosing how to get there, and making it happen.
Retained Earnings An account in the equity section of the balance sheet reflecting the accumulated earnings of the Water & Sewer Fund, the Self-Insurance Funds, the Equipment Services Fund, or the City Centre Fund.
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) A funding source used in blighted areas designated by the City for redevelopment. The public improvements required for the project is financed with the incremental taxes generated by the increase in the assessed valuation of the new development.
Revenue Bonds Bonds whose principal and interest are payable exclusively from earnings of an enterprise fund. In addition to a pledge of revenues, such bonds sometimes contain a mortgage on the enterprise fund’s property.
Taxable Value The assessed value less homestead and other exemptions, if applicable.
Rolled-Back Rate The operating millage rate required to raise the same ad valorem tax revenues as were levied in the prior year, exclusive of new construction, additions to structures, deletions and property added, i.e. annexations. Rolling Stock Wheeled vehicles in the City’s fleet. Sales Tax Tax imposed on the taxable sales of all final goods Save Our Homes (SOH) is an assessment limitation, or “cap”, on increases in the assessed value of a homestead residence, otherwise known as Amendment 10 to the Florida Constitution.
Total Quality Management (TQM) A management philosophy that emphasizes customer satisfaction, continual incremental improvement, teams and employee training as critical elements to an organization’s long-run success. Transport Fees The cost to provide ambulance transportation to patients from home to hospital. Trust and Agency Funds These funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governments and/or other funds.
Self Insurance Fund This internal service fund is used to centrally manage the employee health and life insurance benefit packages, the workers’ compensation program, and the City’s insurance coverage of real and personal property.
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Glossary of Terms (continued) Truth in Millage (TRIM) The Florida Truth in Millage Act (TRIM) requires a specific method of tax rate calculation, form of notice, public hearing requirements and advertisement specifications prior to the adoption of a budget tax rate. The effect of TRIM is to inform taxpayers that their property taxes are changing (up or down), the cause (a change in the assessed value of their property and/or an increase in the proposed spending level) and how the proposed new tax rate compares to the rate that would generate the same property tax dollars as the current year (the “rolled-back” rate). Unappropriated Not obligated for specific purposes. (See Undesignated) Undesignated Without a specific purpose. (See Unappropriated) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) A federal grant program that provides funding support for target-hardening activities to nonprofit organizations. The program seeks to promote coordination and collaboration in emergency preparedness activities among public and private community representatives, state and local government agencies, and Citizen Corps Councils.
Utility Service Tax Taxes levied on consumer consumption of utility services provided in the City. The tax is levied as a percentage of gross receipts. Variable Rate A rate of interest subject to adjustment (e.g., the rate of interest specified may be a percentage of the prime rate on certain set dates.) Water & Sewer Fund (W&S) An enterprise fund established to account for the resources and uses of the Utilities function of the City and is prepared on the full accrual basis of accounting. The Utilities function consists of the provision of a clean water source and the proper disposal of wastewater. The Water & Sewer Fund is an enterprise fund and as such receives its revenues from charges levied for the provision of services to users. Working Capital A financial metric which represents operating liquidity available to a business. It is calculated as current assets minus current liabilities.
Useful Life The period of time that a fixed asset is able to be used. This can refer to a budgeted period of time for an equipment class or the actual amount of time for a particular item. User Fees Charges for expenses incurred when services are provided to an individual or groups and not the community at large. The key to effective utilization of user fees is being able to identify specific beneficiaries of services and then determine the full cost of the service they are consuming (e.g. building inspections). Fees are traditionally charged under the following circumstances: • Service is supplied to an individual or group • Benefits accrue to an individual or group • Service can be withheld from individuals who refuse to pay • Cost can be passed on to the ultimate beneficiary • Degree of utilization can be measured • Use of service is voluntary
Sources: Bailey, Larry P.; Governmental GAAP Guide; Harcourt Brace; 1994. Bland, R; Budgeting-A Guide for Local Governments, ICMA, 1997. Government Finance Officers Association; Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting; GFOA, 1994. Webster’s II: New Riverside University Dictionary; Houghton Mifflin Company, 1994.
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Note: Departments and funds are bold to help the reader locate them easier.
A Abbreviations and Acronyms 378 Ad Valorem Taxes 56 Millage rates 56 Operating Millage Rate Comparison 31 Tax Rate 31 Voter Approved Debt Service Millage Rate 31 Awards and Special Recognitions 187
B Bond ratings 35 Budget Award 2 Calendar 29 Highlights 30 Process Amending 27 Approving 27 Creation 24 Environment 24 Format 27 Methodology 26 Monitoring 27 Review Process 25 Where the Money Comes from by Source 52 Where the Money Goes by Line Item Category 52 Where the Money Goes by Type of Program 52 Budget and Strategic Planning Key Performance Indicators 158 Budget Highlights 30 Budget Ordinance 352 Budget Process Map 300 Budget Process Overview 24 Budget Resolution 350 Budget Summary Tables Coral Springs Charter School Fund 224 Public Art Fund 225 Building. See Development Services Business Plan Initiatives. See Initiatives
C Calendar See “Budget Calendar” 29 Capital Improvement Program Capital Improvement Summaries All Funds by Funding Source 91 General Fund by Funding Source 100-104 Summary by Fund 99 CIP Funding Sources 90 CIP Policies 391.22 Impact on Operating Budget 94 Major Capital Projects by Department 102 Major Capital Projects by Location 103 Center for the Arts
Service Statistics 18 Charts and Graphs Benchmarking 171-175 Budget Process Map 300 Business Survey 181-185 Capital expenditure 90 Capital Improvement Summary by Fund 99 CIP Budget by Funding Source- All Funds 102 Composite Indicators 162-164 Computer Rep. Program contributions and expenses 94 Customr Requirements Analysis 176-180 Debt Service Fund total revenues 84 Debt service millage rate 30 Debt Service Schedule 84-89 Fire Assessment rate comparison 63-64 Fire Fund total expenditures 64 Fire Fund total revenues 63 Five-Year Forecast: General Fund 151-153 Franchise fees 57 Fund Structure Overview 37, 38 General Fund CIP Summary by Funding Source 100-104 General Fund revenue outlook 148-150 General Fund total expenditures 59 General Fund total revenues 56 Major Capital Projects by Department 102 Major Capital Projects by Location 103 Millage rates 56 Operating millage rate 30 Operating millage rate comparison 30 Staffing 358 Tax rate 30 Total Positions By Department 358 Utility service taxes 57 Water and Sewer Fund total revenues 67, 68 Where the Money Comes from by Source 52 Where the Money Goes by Line Item-GF 52 Where the Money Goes by Type of Program 52 City Organization Chart 19 City Attorney Core Processes and Outputs 304, 305 Core Processes and Outputs; Mission; Org Chart 304 Key Performance Indicators 305 Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category 305 Staff 362 City Clerk Core Processes and Outputs 308 Mission; Org Chart 307 Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category 309 Staff 361
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Index (continued) City Commission Core Processes and Outputs; Mission; Org Chart 306 Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category 306 City Manager’s Office Core Processes and Outputs; Mission; Org Chart 307 Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category 307 Staff 361 Code Enforcement. See Development Services Communications and Marketing Core Processes and Outputs 308 Mission; Org Chart 307 Community Development. See Development Services Composite Index 162 Computer Repl Prog Contributions and Expenses 92 Coral Springs Awards and Special Recognitions 187 Bond Ratings 17 Budget Ordinance 352 Budget Resolution 350 Core Values 15 Education 16 Fire Assessment Fee 17 Land Use 16 Service Statistics 17 Solid Waste Fee 17 Staff Detail of Positions by Department and Division 361 Total City Staff 17 Total Positions By Department 358 Strategic Priorities 14 Tax Rate 16 Coral Springs at a Glance 16 Coral Springs Charter School Fund Budget Summary 75 Core Processes and Outputs City Attorney 303, 304 EMS/Fire 319 General Insurance Fund 304, 305 Information Technology 328 Police 338 Public Works 342 Core Values 15 Cross-Functional Teams 186
D Debt Management Policies 391.7 Debt Service Fund Expenditures 83 Fund Balance Table 48 Revenues 84
Debt Service Millage Rate 30, 84 Debt Service Schedule 85-89 Demographic Trends 117 Departmental Performance Budgets 305 Department Performance Measurements Summary 158-161 Development Services Core Processes and Outputs; Mission; Org Chart 311 Key Performance Indicators 315 Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category 314 Staff 364-365
E Equipment Services Fund Core Processes and Outputs; Mission; Org Chart 342-343 Key Performance Indicators 346 Staff 371
F Financial Condition 35 Financial Policies 391 Financial Services Key Performance Indicators 318 Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category 317 Staff 363 Financial Strategy 146 Fire Assessment Rate Comparison 63, 153 Fire Assessment (single-family residence) 16 Fire/EMS New Initiatives 320 Performance Measures 323 Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category 322 Service Statistics 17 Staff 369 Fire Fund Description 63 Expenditures 64 Fire Assessment Rate Comparison 64, 153 Fund Balance Table 43 Rate Schedule 62 Revenues 62 Fire Fund Balance Table 43 Five-Year Forecast-GF 151-152 Fixed-Assets Accounting Policies and Procedures 391 Fleet Purchases Summary 347 Franchise fees 57 Full-time positions added in Fiscal Year 2020 34 Fund Balance Overview 40 Fund Balance Tables Debt Service Fund 48 Equipment Services 47
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Index (continued) M
Fire Fund 43 General Fund 41 General Insurance Fund 46 Health Fund 45 Water and Sewer Fund 44 Fund Budget Overview General Fund 56 Fund Structure Overview 37, 38
Major Capital Projects by Department 102 Major Funds 37 Budget and Strategy Division 21 Map, Budget,Strategic Plan and Perf Measure Process 300 Market Environment 107 Millage Rate Resolution 350 Millage rates 30, 56 Mission City Attorney Office 304 City Commission 306 City Manager Office 307 Development Services 311 Financial Services 316 Fire/EMS 319 Human Resources 324 Information Technology 228 Parks and Recreation 331 Police 338 Public Works 342 Equipment Services 343 Utilities 343 Museum of Art Service Statistics 18
G General Fund Description 56 Expenditures 59 Five-Year Forecast 151-152 Franchise fees 57 Fund Balance Table 41 Millage rates 56 Revenue and exp summary table 60 Revenues 56 Utility service taxes 57 General Insurance Fund Expenses 74 Fund Balance Table 46 Revenue and Expense Summary Table 74 Revenues 74 Glossary of Terms 379
H Health Fund Expenses 72 Fund Balance Table 45 Revenues 72 How To Use This Book 3 Human Resources Key Performance Indicators 327 Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category 326 Staff 325
I Information Technology Key Performance Indicators 330 Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category 330 Staff 328 Investment Policies 391.27
K Key Results Performance Indicators Analysis 156 Key Tools 3
Net Budget See “Fund Structure Overview” 37, 38 New Initiatives. See Initiatives
O Ongoing Initiatives. See Initiatives Operating millage rate 30 Ordinance 352 Organization Chart Organization of This Book 3 City Attorney Office 304 City Commission 306 City Manager Office 307 Development Services 311 Financial Services 316 Fire/EMS 321 Human Resources 325 Information Technology 228 Parks and Recreation 333 Police 338 Public Works 342
Parks and Recreation Key Performance Indicators 336
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Index (continued) Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category 334 Service Statistics 18 Staff 373 Pension Fund Expenses 81 Revenues 80 Performance Budget Overview 302 Performance Measurement Policies 391.30 Performance Indicators City Attorney 305 City Manager’s Office 310 Development Services 315 Financial Services 318 Fire/EMS 323 Human Resources 327 Information Technology 330 Parks and Recreation 336 Police 331 Public Works 346 Police Key Performance Indicator 341 Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category 340 Service Statistics 18 Staff 338 Policies Capital Improvement Plan Policies 391.22 Debt Management Policies 391.24 Financial Reserve Policies 391.17 Investment Policies 391.27 Operating Budget Policies 391.7 Performance Measurement Policies 391.30 Revenue Policies 391.11 Use of Surplus Policies 391.20 Process Improvement Teams 186 Cross-Functional Teams 186 Property Tax Millage Rate 30 Public Art Fund Budget Summary 76 Expenditures 76 Revenues 76 Public Works Performance Indicators 346 Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category 342 Service Statistics 18 Staff 342
Q Quarterly Performance Review 156
R Recognitions See “Awards and Special Recognitions” 187 Replacement programs Computer Repl. Prog. contributions and expenses 248 Resolution See “Budget Resolution” 350 Revenue Policies 391.11 Revenues and Expenditures by Program and Category City Attorney 305 City Manager’s Office 309 Development Services 314 Financial Services 317 Fire/EMS 322 Health Fund 326 Human Resources 326 Information Technology 330 Parks and Recreation 334 Police 340 Public Works 344
S Sample Performance Budget Page 303 Service Statistics 18 Solid Waste Assessment 82 Solid Waste Fund Expenses 82 Revenues 82 Special Recognitions See “Awards and Special Recognitions” 187 Staffing 358 Detail of Positions By Department 359 Summary of Position Counts 358 Total City Staff 18 Total Positions By Department 358 Stormwater Assessment 17 Strategic Priorities 14 Summary Tables. See Budget Summary Tables Surplus Policies 391.20
T Table of Contents Main 5 Tables and Illustrations 8 Total City Staff 18
U Utilities Service Statistics 18 Staff 372 Utility Service Taxes 57
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Index (continued) V Voter-approved debt service millage rate 84
W Water and Sewer Fund Description 67 Expenses 68 Fund Balance Table 44 Revenues 67 Water/wastewater bill 67
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FINANCIAL POLICIES As of September 12, 2019
Department of Budget and Strategy Department of Financial Services
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Introduction The Financial Management Policy Statements, adopted by the City Commission, are an overview of the City’s financial policies and provide guidelines to City staff in managing and planning the City’s finances. Some policy statements are driven by requirements of state law or City Charter, while others are formally documented through policies and procedures. Statements that are driven by legal requirements will be noted as such. In some case, exceptions to the policy statements may be appropriate and/or necessary. Exceptions to stated policies will be specifically identified and the need for the exception will be documented and explained to City Commission and/or the City Manager. Section 1 Accounting, Auditing & Financial Reporting
Objective: The City will maintain accounting practices that conform to generally accepted accounting principles and comply with prevailing federal, state, and local statutes and regulations. The City shall prepare and present reports that analyze and evaluate the City’s financial performance and economic condition. 1.1 Accounting Practices and Principles The City will maintain accounting practices that conform to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) as set forth by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), the authoritative standard setting body for units of local government. All city financial documents, except monthly interim financial reports, including official statements accompanying debt issues, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and continuing disclosure statements will meet GASB standards. Monthly interim financial reports are on a cash basis and will be reported as budgeted. 1.2 Financial and Management Reports Interim Financial Reports will be provided monthly to management and City Commission that explain key economic and fiscal developments and note significant deviations from the budget. These reports will be reviewed monthly with the City Manager and provided to City Commission by the end of each month for the prior month. Quarterly reports on the status of the City's Strategic Projects will be provided through the City Manager’s office and made available to the City Commission. The reports will include project scope and work plan as well as comments on noteworthy activities. Quarterly, departments will report on service level measures and/or indicators as compared to target and prior years through the Department of Budget and Strategy. The City will annually prepare a Five-Year Forecast.
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1.3 Reporting and Analysis To ensure compliance with revenue, reserve, and budget policies, the City shall prepare reports and analyses annually to monitor, project, and estimate revenues and expenditures, specifically: Five-year forecast of revenues and expenditures shall be prepared in conjunction with the annual budget process for the following funds: • • • • •
General Fund Debt Service Fund Enterprise Funds Fire Fund Internal Services Funds
The forecast assesses long-term financial implications of current and proposed policies, programs, and assumptions that develop appropriate strategies to achieve the City's goals. The forecast will provide an understanding of available funding; evaluate financial risk; assess the likelihood that services can be sustained; assess the level at which capital investment can be made; identify future commitments and resource demands; and identify the key variables that may cause change in the level of revenue. The forecast will be used to identify anticipated financial issues so that a plan can be developed to address anticipated issues before they become reality. The assumptions used to prepare the five-year forecast shall be consistent with those used to prepare the annual operating budget, unless specifically directed by the City Commission. 1. Environmental Scan. A review of the local economy, land development trends, population trends, and customer expectations by the Department of Budget and Strategy as part of the Business Plan. 2. Situational Analysis. Every two years, as part of the strategic planning process, an analysis of the demographic, legislative, and customer requirements is made. Part of the process includes a SWOC (Strengths—Weaknesses—Opportunities—Challenges) analysis. 3. Composite Indicators. A set of ten indicators used to determine annual improvements published by the Department of Budget and Strategy in the Business Plan. 4. Revenue Manual. A guide to the major revenue sources that indicates the source, calculation, legal requirements, and accounting guidelines. Updated periodically by the Department of Budget and Strategy. 5. Reserve Analysis. Annually review the reserve levels and produce a report that indicates up-to-date reserve levels as compared to policy goals. 6. Investment Portfolio Reports. An annual report, in accordance with the investment policy, is designed to track and analyze the performance of our investment portfolio.
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1.4 Annual Audit Pursuant to section 218.39 of the Florida Statutes, the City shall have its accounts and records audited annually by an independent certified public accounting (CPA) firm, and it shall be completed within 9 months after the end of its fiscal year. It is the City’s goal to submit the audit at the first City Commission meeting in March for approval. The audit firm shall provide a management letter to the City. The audit firm shall also provide a Single Audit of Federal and State grants, when necessary. The objective of the audit of the financial statements by the independent auditor is the expression of an opinion on the fairness with which they present, in all material respects, financial position, results of operations, and its cash flows in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. The auditor has a responsibility to plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. The financial statements are management's responsibility. The auditor's responsibility is to express an opinion on the financial statements. An official Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) shall be issued no later than six (6) months following the end of the fiscal year. The CAFR shall be prepared to meet the requirements of the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting program through GFOA. This program establishes criteria that go beyond the minimum requirements for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles to prepare CAFRs that evidence the spirit of transparency and full disclosure. The Department of Financial Services shall be responsible for establishing a process to ensure timely resolution of audit recommendations. The Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), the Police Officers’ Retirement Plan and the Firefighters’ Retirement Plan shall have an annual audit performed by an independent CPA firm at the direction of their respective boards. 1.5 Financial Advisory Committee The City Commission may designate a Financial Advisory Committee. The role of the committee is to review and guide financial issues as needed and determined by the City Manager or City Commission. 1.6 Continuing Disclosure The Director of Financial Services will ensure that the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board's EMMA® website is current and all disclosures are filed timely with assistance from the City’s municipal advisor and bond counsel. EMMA® is the official repository for information on virtually all municipal securities. Continuing disclosure includes annual disclosure required within 180 days of fiscal year end, as well as material event disclosure required under the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rule 15c2-12 within 10 days of the occurrence of the even.
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Section 2 Financial Consultants
Objective: The City will employ qualified financial advisors and consultants as needed in the administration and management of the City’s financial functions. These areas include but are not limited to audit services, debt administration, and financial modeling. The City shall implement evaluation criteria for each financial consultant to ensure the City receives the highest quality services available. The factors in the selection of these consultants should include but may not be limited to: experience, expertise, ability to perform, the services offered, references, and methodology. In no case should price be allowed to serve as the sole criterion for the selection. 2.1 Independent Auditors In all matters relating to the assignment, an independence in mental attitude is to be maintained by the auditor or auditors. When contracting for audit services, the City shall request proposals from qualified firms, including the current auditors if their past performance has been satisfactory. The selection committee shall choose an independent firm of certified public accountants to perform an annual audit of the accounts and records, and render an opinion on the financial statements of the City. The firm is approved by the City Commission. Each year, the independent auditor will provide a letter of engagement to the City for annual audit services. Contracts are evaluated every five years. Audit staff rotation is discussed with the firm annually. 2.2 Arbitrage Consultants While the City is responsible to ensure that the records are in order, the calculations made, reporting completed, and filings made, the actual arbitrage calculation and reporting shall be contracted out to a qualified firm when needed. The arbitrage consultant shall complete a risk assessment of positive arbitrage on each bond issue annually as needed to determine the necessity for a calculation of positive/negative arbitrage in the current year. All bond issues in accordance with arbitrage regulation shall have each 5th year and final arbitrage calculations completed. 2.3 Bond Counsel Bond Counsel to the City has the role of an independent expert who provides an objective legal opinion concerning the issuance and sale of bonds and other debt instruments. As bond counsel are specialized attorneys who have developed necessary expertise in a broad range of practice areas, the City will always use a consultant for these services. Generally, bonds are not marketable without an opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel stating that the bonds are valid and binding obligations, stating the sources of payment and security for the bonds and that the bonds are exempt from State and Federal income taxes (if applicable).
Bond Counsel is responsible for the following tasks in a transaction:
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• Prepares and oversees bond proceedings; • Ensures that the City meets all the legal requirements and authorizations of the bond offering; • Discloses and analyzes all relevant legal and financial documents that may have a bearing on the validity of the offering; • Interprets relevant regulations and laws and assists in structuring the issue; • Writes key financing documents. 2.4 Disclosure Counsel Disclosure counsel is an independent firm, separate from bond counsel, which may be retained by the City to provide a legal opinion concerning accuracy of the information presented in disclosure and bond documents. 2.5 Municipal Advisor (Financial Advisor) The Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recommends that issuers hire a municipal advisor, also referred to as a financial advisor, prior to the undertaking of a debt financing. The City issues various types of securities to finance its capital improvement program. Debt structuring and issuance requires a comprehensive list of services associated with municipal transactions, including but not limited to: method of sale; analysis of market conditions; size and structure of the issue; preparation of disclosure documents; coordinating rating agency relations; evaluation of and advice on the pricing of securities; assisting with closing and debt management; calculating debt service schedules; and providing recommendations on management of the City’s finances, including evaluation of debt structures and refinancing opportunities. • The municipal advisor must be registered with the Securities & Exchange Commission and Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board as a municipal advisor. • In order to ensure that the City is receiving services at fair market value, upon completion of contract, staff will select a municipal advisor through a competitive procurement process. • While a municipal advisor plays a key role on the financing team, it is important to note that the City remains in control of the decision making process necessary for the issuance and sale of the bonds or implementing the financing. • The selected municipal advisor shall not be permitted to serve as underwriter on any bond transactions while serving in the municipal advisor role. Upon termination of the municipal advisor contract, a period of one year should pass before the firm may be engaged as an underwriter on any bond transaction for the City.
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Section 3 Budget and Long Range Financial Planning
Objective: The City will establish guidelines for budgeting to ensure a financially sound City and to establish a long-range financial planning process that assesses the long-term financial implications of current and proposed operating and capital budgets. 3.1 Balanced Budget The City is required to prepare a balanced budget in which current revenues will be sufficient to support current expenditures. The budget process and format shall be performance based and focused on goals, objectives, and key performance indicators. The budget will provide adequate funding for maintenance and replacement of capital. In addition, it is expected that the annual operating budget will be structurally balanced. A structurally balanced budget is further defined as recurring revenues funding recurring expenditures and adherence to fund balance policies. Deferrals, short-term loans, or one-time sources will be avoided as budget balancing techniques. If economic conditions dictate that the City Manager file a structurally imbalanced budget, it shall be accompanied by a plan to return the budget to structural balance and the resulting five-year financial forecast that reflects steps to be taken to return the budget to structural balance. 3.1.1 Use of Recurring Revenues
Recurring expenses will be funded exclusively with recurring revenue sources to facilitate operations on a current funding basis. Expenditures shall be budgeted and controlled so as not to exceed current revenues. 3.1.2 Use of Non-Recurring Revenues
Non-recurring revenue sources, such as a one-time revenue remittance or fund balance in excess of policy can only be budgeted / used to fund non-recurring expenditures, such as capital purchases or capital improvement projects. This will ensure that recurring expenditures are not funded by non-recurring sources. The following expenditures are considered non-recurring for budgetary purposes: • Transfers to Replacement Funds (Fleet and Computer Replacement Plan-CRP) • Capital Expenditures • Contingency Funds
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The following revenues are considered non-recurring in the definition of a structurally balanced budget: • Grant Revenues • Reimbursements for One Time Items • Short Term/Inter-Fund Loans Allowable uses of one-time revenues received during the year (over the budgeted amounts): • To replenish a draw down in the fund balance below policy requirements (including SelfInsurance Reserve in the Employee Benefits Fund) • Provide a one-time boost to infrastructure rehabilitation funding • To fund capital projects without an identified funding source • To fund one-time expenditures in the following fiscal year’s budget 3.2 Property Taxes The City must levy a tax rate sufficient to generate revenues that will meet outstanding operations and debt obligations, net of outside funding sources (transfers from other funds). The City Manager will recommend a tax rate that the City finances require in order to operate efficiently, yet effectively, and meets the City Commission’s expectation of services provided and service levels. If the current millage rate does not generate a minimum of 3% over the previous year’s projected total General Fund revenue, and the Commission wants to keep the same level of service, the City Commission will adopt a millage rate increase to maintain the current level of service. 3.3 Revenue Estimating for Budgeting In order to protect the City from revenue shortfalls and to maintain a stable level of services, the City shall use a conservative, objective, and analytical approach when preparing revenue estimates. The process shall include analysis of probable economic changes and their impacts on revenues, historical collection rates, and trends. This approach should reduce the likelihood of actual revenues falling short of budget estimates and should avoid mid-year service changes. 3.3.1 Water Revenues
Adjustments to water & sewer rates shall be made based on revenue requirements in accordance with the 10 year master plan for the Water & Sewer fund.
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3.4 Employee Compensation The City’s annual compensation plan shall be established by the City Manager within the budget adopted by the City Commission. In accordance with City Administrative Policy #06.06.02 - Merit Pay Program, the City Manager (or designee) has the authority to establish the annual merit increase budget, implement adjustments to salary structures in order to remain competitive in the region, authorize salary equity adjustments to address internal pay compression, determine appropriate hiring salary strategy, and set the maximum pay allowed for each respective position. With the support of the Human Resources Department, the City Manager also ensures all recruitment/selection, promotion and reclassification processes are executed fairly and equitably. Additionally, the City Manager has the authority to establish rewards, recognition and employee benefit programs to attract/retain top talent to successfully run the City. 3.5 Budget Management 3.5.1 Approving the Budget
During the summer months, recommended operating and capital improvement program budget documents are prepared and presented to the City Manager and forwarded to the City Commission for review during public budget workshops. In accordance with State law, public hearings and final adoption of the budget occurs in September. 3.5.2 Monitoring the Budget
The Budget staff is authorized to transfer funds within individual departments. Revisions that alter the total expenditures of any department within a fund must be approved by the Director of Budget and Strategy. Actual expenditures and operating transfers out may not exceed budget appropriations at the individual fund level. Appropriations which are neither expended, encumbered, nor specifically designated to be carried over, lapse at the end of the fiscal year. 3.5.3 Amending the Budget
If it becomes evident that a particular fund has circumstances requiring a budget to increase, a budget amendment may be done. The Director of Budget and Strategy submits a request to amend the budget to the City Commission. The request contains a written explanation for the request. City Commission approval is required for budget amendments which alter the total adopted budget amount of any fund. Budget amendment must be posted on the City’s website within 5 days after adoption in accordance with Florida Statute 166.241.
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3.5.4 Mid-Year Operating Deficits
During the fiscal year, the City may find revenues falling short and expenditures exceeding anticipated levels. If so, the City shall take immediate corrective actions if at any time during the fiscal year new expenditure and revenue estimates are such that an operating deficit is projected at year end. Corrective actions are to be implemented by the City Manager with a report to advise the City Commission of the actions taken. Corrective actions may include: • • • • • • •
Manage Vacant Positions Deferral of capital purchases Expenditure reductions Freeze merit increases Use of fund balance, including Replacement Fund balances Increase fees Lay-off employees
Short-term loans shall be avoided to balance the budget. The use of fund balance, which is a one-time revenue source, may be used to fund an annual operating deficit, only with a plan prepared as part of the annual budget to replenish the fund balance if it is brought below policy level. Section 4 Revenues and Other Resources
Objective: The City shall strive to maintain a balanced and diversified revenue system to protect the City from fluctuations in any one source due to changes in local economic conditions, which may adversely impact that source. The Department of Budget and Strategy shall maintain a revenue manual documenting the various revenue sources of the City and how those revenues are derived and estimated. 4.1 Administrative Services Charges The City shall determine annually the administrative services charges due to the General Fund from other funds for overhead and staff support using a cost allocation model. 4.2 Revenue Collections The City may maintain high collection rates for all revenues by monitoring monthly receivables. The City may follow an aggressive, consistent, yet reasonable approach to collecting revenues to the fullest extent allowed by law for those overdue in payments to the City.
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1. The City may contract for billing and collection services when it makes financial sense to do so. For example, Emergency Medical Transport billing requires a high level of knowledge relating to medical billing. 2. The City may contract for collection of delinquent receivables when it makes economic sense for the City to do so. For example, the City currently contracts directly for Emergency Medical Services delinquent receivables. 3. Write-off of Uncollectible Receivables: Receivables shall be considered for write-off and approved by the Director of Financial Services as follows: • State Statute authorizing the release or extinguishment, in whole or in part, of any indebtedness, liability, or obligation, if applicable • The write-off of uncollected accounts is a bookkeeping entry only and does not release the debtor from any debt owed to the City • The City shall estimate uncollectible accounts through an allowance for doubtful accounts 4.3 User Fees • The City shall recalculate the full cost of selected activities currently supported by user fees and charges to identify the impact of inflation and other cost increases periodically. • The City shall set fees and user charges for each enterprise fund, such as Water and Sewer, at a level that fully supports the total direct and indirect costs of operation, including the cost of depreciation and recapitalization. • The City shall review the costs of services it provides for the potential implementation of user fees and charges on an annual basis. 4.3.1 General Fund
• Where services provide a general public benefit, the City may finance those services through property taxes. • For services that benefit specific users the City may establish and collect fees to recover the costs of those services. • For services that provide both specific benefits and a general public benefit, it may be appropriate to subsidize from property tax revenues. • Costs of Services are defined as full-cost; direct, indirect, and overhead. • Factors in setting of fees shall include but not be limited to: market and competitive pricing, effect on demand for services, and impact on users, which may result in recovering something less than full cost.
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4.3.2 Enterprise Funds
• Utility rates and other fund user fees shall be set at levels sufficient to cover operating expenditures (direct and indirect), meet debt obligations and debt service coverage, provide pay-as-you-go funding for capital improvements, and provide adequate levels of working capital. • The City shall seek to eliminate all forms of subsidization between the General Fund and Enterprise Funds. • The Five-Year Financial Plan or Fund Master Plan shall serve as the basis for rate change considerations. • If rate increases are necessary, the Five-Year Financial Plan shall be built around smaller rate increases annually versus higher rate increases periodically.
4.3.3 User Fee Creation and Revision
Working with the department or office, the Department of Budget and Strategy will determine the cost for each service and determine a full-cost price. Once a fee has been proposed for a particular service, the fee will be compared to market, evaluated for potential effects on users such as low-income households, market demands of service, etc. A fee will then be recommended to the City Manager and City Commission based on all information gathered through the fee evaluation. Section 5 Expenditures and Services
Objective: The City will identify services, establish appropriate service levels and administer the expenditure of available resources to assure fiscal stability and the effective and efficient delivery of those services. 5.1 Purchasing and Vendor Selection The City shall maintain policies and procedures to ensure compliance with state laws relating to procurement of goods and services. It is the policy of the City that, when lowest qualified bid is not the sole determining factor for a contract award, the contract shall be awarded to the highest ranked vendor based on merit as determined by a thorough evaluation by a selection committee. Merit factors that can be taken into consideration include: qualifications, past experience, quality of team, equipment, scheduling, and proven performance. In accordance with City code, City Commission approval is required on purchases above the Purchasing Administrator’s purchasing limit. After purchasing staff verification that all applicable state laws, purchasing policies, and procedures have been followed, a recommendation for award is made to City Commission by staff.
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5.2 Departmental Business Plans Departments shall prepare a business plan to define their operating objectives. 1. The business plan should provide a link between the budget and the services provided; there should be no gaps or holes in accountability, either in accounting for resources provided or in defining services delivered. 2. The business plan shall include an organizational chart, service description and service levels, and measures that indicate how well the service is being delivered. 3. The Business Plan shall include an annual program of services for each department. 5.3 Maintenance of Capital Assets Within the resources available each fiscal year, the City shall maintain capital assets and infrastructure at a sufficient level to protect the City’s investment, to minimize future replacement and maintenance costs, and to maintain service levels. 5.4 Periodic Program/Service Reviews The City Manager and staff shall undertake periodic reviews of City programs and services for both efficiency and effectiveness. Outsourcing and contracting with other governmental agencies and/or the private sector will be evaluated as alternative approaches to service delivery. Programs or services determined to be inefficient and/or ineffective may be recommended through the annual budget process to be reduced in scope or eliminated. 5.5 Outsourcing of City Services The City provides many municipal services to its citizens covering a wide variety of disciplines. Attempting to perform all of these services in-house could dilute the City’s efficiency and not be cost effective. Two of the management tools utilized by the City to maximize efficiency and cost effectiveness are outsourcing and managed competition processes. The economic benefits of competition include lower costs and improved quality of performance irrespective of whether a given service is ultimately performed in-house or outsourced.
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Section 6 Fund Balances | Working Capital | Capital Reserves
Objective: The City will maintain the fund balance and working capital of the various operating funds at levels sufficient to protect the City’s creditworthiness as well as its financial position during emergencies or economic fluctuations. Should the budgeted fund balance drop below the minimum identified by the policy below, the City will establish a plan to replenish the balances to the minimum level in subsequent years. 6.1 Governmental Fund Balances There are five categories of Fund Balance in all governmental funds, not all will always be present. The categories are defined below: 1. Non-spendable- cannot be spent due to being non-spendable in form or the City being legally or contractually required to maintain this amount intact. For example, inventories and prepaid amounts are considered non-spendable. 2. Restricted- balances are subject to external restrictions from creditors, grantors, contributors, or laws of other governments. 3. Committed- use of funds is only for specific purposes as determined by City Commission. 4. Assigned- intended use of balances for specific purposes is established by the City Commission or delegated to the City Manager that is neither restricted or committed and includes the remaining positive balance of all governmental funds. 5. Unassigned- excess funds that have not been classified in the previous four categories for the general fund. This category represents the portion of fund balance which is not obligated or specifically designated and is available for general purposes. Unassigned fund balance would also include deficit residual balances for any governmental funds after reporting amounts as restricted, committed, or assigned fund balances. Deficit amounts cannot be reported for restricted, committed, or assigned fund balances in any fund. When both restricted and unrestricted funds are available for expenditure, restricted funds will be used first. When committed, assigned and unassigned funds are available for expenditure, committed funds should be spent first, assigned funds second, and unassigned funds last.
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6.1.1 Authority to Constrain Amounts
This section describes the criteria or level of authority required for each classification. Nonspendable funds are fund that cannot be spent because they are either not in spendable form (e.g. inventories and prepaids) or are legally or contractually required to be maintained intact. Restricted funds are funds that have constraints placed on their use either externally by creditors, grantors, contributors, laws or regulations or other government or by law through constitutional provisions or enabling legislation. Committed funds are funds that have constraints placed on their use by the City Commission. Assigned funds are funds that have constraints placed on their use by the City Commission or City Manager. 6.1.2
Procedures to Constrain
The process through which amounts are committed or assigned is as follows: Committed – The City Commission has the authority to set aside funds for a specific purpose. Any funds set aside as Committed Fund Balance requires the passage of a resolution by a simple majority vote. The passage of a resolution must take place prior to September 30th of the applicable fiscal year but the amount can be determined at a later date. A resolution would also be required to modify or rescind the specific use or amount. Assigned – The City Commission or the City Manager has the authority to set aside funds for the intended use of a specific purpose. This act would be in the form of a resolution, written request or as part of the annual budget process. Assigned funds may be determined as part of the annual budget process. Upon passage of a budget ordinance where fund balance is used as a source to balance the budget, that amount shall be recorded as Assigned Fund Balance. Any modification or rescission would be in a written notification to the Director of Financial Services. 6.1.3 General Fund Committed Fund Balance – Stabilization Fund
Maintaining a Financial Stabilization Account is a necessity for sound financial management and fiscal accountability. In accordance with the Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 54, the City Commission established a Financial Stabilization Account that is designated as Committed Fund Balance. The stabilization account provides the City with a “rainy day” fund for use in unforeseen, unbudgeted emergency situations, such as sustained declines in real estate values of more than 10% and/or property tax collections that decline by more than 5%; 1.5% decline in revenues or 1.5% increase in spending requirements imposed by the state or federal government or vital to maintaining day to day operations of the City (e.g. gas, electricity); non reimbursable natural disaster expenditures or emergency infrastructure failures costing greater than $1,500,000; or unforeseen litigation in excess of $1,000,000.
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The target level for the Financial Stabilization Account is 17-25% of General Fund budgeted expenditures less capital. The need to utilize the stabilization account must be established by the City Commission or the City Manager. If established by the City Manager, the specific need must be reported to the City Commission at its next meeting. A budget amendment must be approved by the City Commission. When such a need is recognized as part of the budget process, the need and amount will be documented as part of that process and adopted as part of the budget. When it becomes necessary for the City to draw funds from the stabilization account, wherein the balance drops below the target level of 17-25% of General Fund budgeted expenditures less capital, the City will develop a plan to replenish the account to the minimum level from net revenue surpluses in subsequent fiscal year(s) until the balance is restored to the minimum level. Compliance with the provisions of the stabilization fund policy shall be reviewed as part of the annual budget adoption process, and the amounts to be assigned from available fund balance may be determined during this process. 6.2 Working Capital The City shall maintain working capital sufficient to provide for reserves for emergencies and revenue shortfalls. Working capital reserves will be established and maintained as follows: 6.2.1 General Fund
The City shall include in the General Fund operating budget annually, a contingency account equal to 0.5% of the General Fund budgeted expenditures, less chargebacks, debt service, interfund transfers and capital expenditures. This contingency will expire at the end of each fiscal year and balances will not be brought forward. 6.2.2 Fire Fund
The City shall maintain a working capital reserve in the Fire Fund to ensure the continued operations in the event of a natural disaster or other emergency. The reserve will be greater than or equal to 17% of the Fire Fund operating budgeted expenditures less Training Division, nondepartmental, chargebacks, debt service, interfund transfers, and capital. In addition, a contingency of at least $25,000 in the non-departmental operating budget will be budgeted annually and will expire at the end of each fiscal year. 6.2.3 Water and Sewer Fund
The reserve will be equal to a minimum of two months of the Water and Sewer budgeted operating expenditures less chargebacks, debt service, interfund transfers, and capital costs. 6.2.4 Stormwater Fund
The City shall maintain a reserve equal to a minimum of 17% of the Stormwater budgeted operating expenditures less chargebacks, debt service, interfund transfers and capital costs.
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6.2.5 Health Fund
The City shall maintain an unreserved retained earnings balance in the Health Fund of an amount equal to or greater than 25% of total budgeted health claims. 6.2.6 Property, Casualty, and Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fund
The City shall maintain a reserve for the Property, Casualty, and Workers’ Compensation Insurance Fund of a minimum of 125% of the current year’s projected claims or the amount as determined by the biannual actuarial report. Risk Management and the City Attorney’s Office shall review and adjust on a quarterly basis the funding of the reserve. Adjustments to the reserves shall be reflected in the budget as current expense with an offsetting liability account. An independent actuarial report will be performed biennially on reserves to verify their adequacy. In addition, up to 20% of General Fund revenue in excess of expenditures, calculated annually, may be dedicated to support the insurance reserves as needed. 6.2.7 Charter School Fund
The Coral Springs Charter School shall designate an amount equal to two pay periods of salaries and benefits for Charter School employees as an assignment of fund balance on their financial statements. The City reports fund balance in the Charter School Fund as restricted for Charter school operations. 6.2.8 Pension Funds
All defined-benefit retirement plans (General, Police, and Firefighters) will be financed in a manner that systematically funds liabilities of the pension obligation per fund as determined by an annual independent actuarial valuation report. 6.3 Capital Reserves 6.3.1 General Fund Computer Replacement Program The City may transfer up to 20% of the General Fund revenue in excess of expenditures, determined annually from the financial operating statements prepared by the Department of Budget and Strategy, into the Computer Replacement Program or any other program for the purpose of creating a perpetual funding method for replacing the City’s computer related equipment. A ten-year funding projection is prepared annually to estimate future funding requirements.
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Table of Contents Facilities Reserve Program The City may transfer up to 20% of the General Fund revenue in excess of expenditures, determined annually from the financial operating statement prepared by the Department of Budget and Strategy, into the Facilities Reserve Program for the purpose of funding significant repairs and maintenance to City facilities. Parks Replacement Program The City may transfer up to 20% of the General Fund revenue in excess of expenditures, determined annually from the financial operating statement prepared by the Department of Budget and Strategy, into the Parks Replacement Program for the purpose of funding replacement of significant park facilities. Capital Projects Fund The City shall establish a capital reserve balance in the Capital Projects Fund for unanticipated expenses for the maintenance of buildings and replacement of related equipment of 0.5% of the total annual General Fund expenditures, less debt service, interfund transfers, chargebacks, nondepartmental expenditures, and capital expenditures. The purpose of this fund is to pay for new Business Plan initiatives of a capital nature that are adopted midterm, high-profile projects that go over budget, or emergency repairs not included in the annual operating budget or Capital Improvement Program. This fund is maintained at this level from year to year for this purpose. Water and Sewer Fund The City shall maintain a capital reserve balance inclusive of capital reserves required by bond covenants in the Water and Sewer Fund of the lesser of 15% of the budgeted annual operation and maintenance expense or prior year’s depreciation expense. Charter School Fund The Coral Springs Charter School shall designate 50% of the Charter School’s operating surplus to fund major facilities repair and maintenance, and an additional 10% of Charter School Fund operating surplus shall be designated for technology replacement. Tree Trust Fund The City shall maintain a Tree Trust Fund for the purpose of replacing or maintaining the City’s tree canopy.
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6.4 Use of Fund Balance/Working Capital Fund Balance/Working Capital shall be used only for emergencies, non-recurring expenditures/ expenses, or major capital purchases that cannot be accommodated through current year savings. Should such use reduce balances below the level established as the minimum for that fund, the request/decision to utilize said balances will include a plan to replenish funds to the minimum level in subsequent fiscal year(s). 6.4.1 Interfund Loans
Through the long range financial planning process, the City may identify a short term capital financing need that does not qualify for debt financing, and funds are available in other funds. An interfund loan is a loan from one fund to another that specifies repayment terms, and requires approval by City Commission. Interfund loans may not be used to support operating needs, but are allowable for cash flow needs related to capital projects. The Interfund loan shall be documented and defined as follows: • • • • •
Source of the Funding Use of the Funds (project) Maximum Amount Repayment Schedule Interest rate, if applicable
The proposed Interfund loan shall be identified during the annual budget and CIP process as a funding source. Any changes to repayment terms shall be approved by the City Commission via resolution and clearly identified in the budget document. 6.5 Use of Surplus It is the intent of the City to use all surpluses generated to accomplish four goals: meeting reserve policies, avoidance of future debt, funding one-time capital and reduction of outstanding debt. 6.5.1 General Fund
Any surpluses realized in the General Fund at year-end may be used first to meet policies set forth in the Stabilization Fund, Working Capital and Capital Reserves sections. Excess surplus may then be used for the following purposes: • • • • • •
Funding for Replacement Programs Retirement or Refinancing of Existing Debt Funding Capital Improvement Program Projects Contributing to Pension Trust Funds Contributing to OPEB Trust and other Trust Funds Contributing to the Community Redevelopment Agency
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6.5.2 Water and Sewer Fund
Water and Sewer Fund surpluses shall be first used to fund minimum reserve requirements as identified in the Working Capital and Capital Reserves section, with excess surpluses used to fund capital projects and economic development projects as follows: • Renewal and Replacement Fund Projects. Funds may be used to contribute to the Renewal and Replacement Fund balance for future capital expenditures. • Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Projects. Excess surpluses may be used to pay cash for CIP items to avoid future debt service, or may be used to pay down existing debt. • Business Development Reserve. A reserve for economic development incentives, projects, and programs may be established to provide funding for future community redevelopment and business development. 6.5.3 Other Funds
Equipment Services, Debt Service, and Insurance fund surpluses will be held in the fund generating the surplus to first contribute to meeting the reserve policies in Working Capital and Capital Reserves sections. Excess surpluses may be used to pay down debt, pay cash for CIP items, provide General Fund operating support, or to reduce interfund transfers from the General Fund. 6.6 Debt Service Funds The City shall maintain the debt service fund balance reserve as required by bond ordinances.
Section 7 Capital Expenditures and Improvements
Objective: The City will review and monitor the state of the City’s capital equipment and infrastructure annually, setting priorities for its replacement and renovation based on needs, funding alternatives, and availability of resources. 7.1 Capitalization Threshold for Tangible Assets A fixed asset is any tangible property owned by the City that is worth $1,000 or more and has an expected useful life of two years or more. Fixed assets include land, land improvements, buildings, infrastructure and equipment. Once purchased or acquired, all capital items are maintained in the physical inventory and Capital Replacement Program, if applicable, until disposed.
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7.2 Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) The City shall annually prepare a five-year capital improvement plan based on the needs for capital improvements and equipment, the status of the City’s infrastructure, replacement and renovation needs, and potential new projects in coordination of the development of the Strategic Plan, Business Plan, and Operating Budget, as well as ensuring compliance with the Comprehensive Plan’s Capital Improvement element. Future operating expenditures and revenues associated with new capital improvement will be projected and included in operating budget Five-Year Forecasts. Capital projects are improvements or additions to the City's physical plant/facilities and become part of the City's asset inventory. Capital projects can be further categorized into land, buildings, improvements other than buildings, and infrastructure, which includes roads, sidewalks, bridges, utility lines, etc. Capital costs typically consist of preliminary design, final design, and construction, and may involve the acquisition of land or easements. For every project identified in the plan, a project scope and project justification will be provided. Also, project costs shall be estimated, funding sources identified and annual operation and maintenance costs computed. Staff will identify the estimated costs and funding sources for each capital project proposal before it is submitted to the City Commission for approval. The City will determine and use the most prudent financial methods for acquisitions of new capital equipment and projects, based on its financial resources and market conditions at the time of acquisition. All capital projects submitted for approval must be justified in terms of how the project supports the achievement of the City’s strategic priorities and intended outcomes. Projects are prioritized and approved based on the relevance of the project to the City’s Strategic Plan and the impact on the end customer. The Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan shall be filed and year one funding approved with the annual budget. Years two through five are for planning purposes only, and may move up, back, or be phased as the project becomes more refined based on preliminary engineering and design work gets completed. The Five-Year CIP shall be limited to the affordability limits identified in the long range financial plans of the City taking into consideration pay-as-you go funding capacity, operating costs, etc. Affordability shall be determined by the revenue assumptions used to build the five year forecast. Projects that cannot be funded in the Five Year CIP using the affordability assumptions will be included in the CIP for future reference as an appendix of unfunded projects, and considered for future funding or a bond referendum.
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7.3 Replacement of Capital Assets on a Regular Schedule The City shall annually prepare a schedule for the replacement of its fleet, high value technology and high value parks capital assets. Funding for the replacement of these assets will be accomplished through the use of an annual depreciation structure charged to each participating fund at 100% of annual depreciation based on lifecycle or useful life of the asset. Within the resources available each fiscal year, the City shall replace these assets according to the Fleet, Computer, and Parks Replacement Policies. Capital Replacement Programs—the City shall establish equipment replacement and maintenance needs for at least a ten-year period and will update this projection each year. From this projection a maintenance and replacement schedule shall be developed and implemented. Funding for these programs will be made through funded chargebacks to user departments and held in sinking funds created for the purpose of paying for future replacements. Additional funding may be obtained through year-end surpluses as identified in “Use of Surplus”. The following replacement programs have been established: • Ten-Year Fleet Replacement Program • Ten-Year Computer Replacement Program • Ten & Twenty-five Year Parks Replacement Program 7.4 Capital Project Management All projects will be considered active once the fiscal year has begun with an appropriately adopted Capital Improvement Program budget in place. Projects will be initiated by the responsible department, which shall follow appropriate procurement policies and procedures. Projects funded with bonds, loans, or short-term notes will continue until the project is finished and closed on the general ledger. Projects funded by cash will expire at year-end, with no funding rolled forward unless approved by the Director of Budget and Strategy. Projects finished under budget will be closed and excess funds will be placed in fund balance for unrestricted use. Unrestricted, excess funds shall be used to fund future capital projects, new Business Plan initiatives adopted midterm, over-budget projects, or to refund financial instruments. Projects that will exceed budget must have a revised budget and request for additional funding submitted to the Director of Budget and Strategy at the earliest possible time. Additional funding may be identified through savings in other capital projects at the discretion of the Director of Budget and Strategy, or through Commission action, as appropriate to the procurement code.
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7.5 Physical Inventory An annual inventory of equipment will be conducted to ensure that the replacement, maintenance, and Capital Improvement Program projections are accurate, and that sufficient internal control over capital items is exercised. Section 8 Debt
Objective: The City will establish guidelines for debt financing that will provide needed facilities, land, capital equipment and infrastructure improvements while minimizing the impact of debt payments on current and future revenues. 8.1 Use of Debt Financing Debt financing, to include general obligation bonds, revenue bonds, lease/purchase agreements, and other obligations permitted to be issued or incurred under Florida law, shall only be used to purchase capital assets that cannot be prudently acquired from either current revenues or fund balance/working capital and to fund improvements and additions. Debt financing is utilized to spread payments for assets and infrastructure over their useful lives. Debt will not be used to fund operating expenditures. The City will pay cash when possible for capital improvements within the financial affordability of each fund versus issuing debt when funding capital expenditures and capital improvements. Projects that are rehabilitative in nature shall be earmarked for funding from cash instead of debt when possible. (This is not intended to include reconstruction projects that significantly extend the useful life of an asset.) Cash sources include, but are not limited to general fund one-time revenues, water and sewer system revenues and developer fees, and state and federal grants. 8.2 Bond Ratings In evaluating the issuance of additional debt to finance projects, the City shall take into account the statements of the rating agencies in regards to the City’s financial condition. Ratings reflect the assessment of the following factors, and these must be evaluated to determine the impact of potential bond issues: • • • • • •
Local economic activity Strong financial policies Budgetary performance Total liquidity and reserve balances Debt and contingent liability- evaluation of debt carrying costs as a percent of expenditures Impact of future debt issuance on bond ratings/debt profile and outlook
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8.3 Affordability The City shall use an objective analytical approach to determine whether it can afford to issue new general-purpose debt. This process shall compare City accepted standards of affordability to the current values for the City. These standards may include debt per capita, debt as a percent of taxable value, taxable value per capita, and tax rate. The process shall also examine the direct costs and benefits of the proposed expenditures. In addition, the analysis will evaluate the capacity within the General Fund to take on the operating expenditures associated with the completion of the proposed capital improvements. When a project will have a significant impact on the operating budget, the tax rate shall be shifted from debt service to maintenance & operations to support the increased expenditures. Further debt capacity shall be evaluated based on the remaining debt service tax capacity. The decision on whether or not to issue new debt shall be based on these costs and benefits, current conditions of the municipal bond market, and City’s ability to “afford” new debt as determined by the aforementioned standards. 8.4 Debt Service Coverage Annually, upon filing of the continuing disclosure requirements, the Director of Financial Services will transmit the “Historical Coverage” tables to the Deputy City Manager and the Director of Budget and Strategy. The communication ensures awareness of the City’s current debt level. In the event that a project may require debt, an affordability analysis will be done on a project by project basis. 8.5 General Obligation Bonds (GO’s) General Obligation bonds require voter approval. When the list of unfunded projects contains projects that the City Commission wishes to fund but cannot afford, then the City will consider taking a GO Bond Proposition(s) to the voters. 1. General Obligation bond proposals would include an analysis showing how the new debt combined with the current debt impacts the City’s tax rate and debt capacity. 2. General Obligation bonds must be issued to accomplish projects identified in the bond referendum and associated material. 3. General Obligation bonds must be issued for projects that are consistent with the wording in the bond propositions.
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8.6 Debt Structures • The City shall normally issue bonds with a life not to exceed 25 years for general obligation bonds and 25 years for revenue bonds, but in no case longer than the useful life of the asset. • The City shall seek level or declining debt repayment schedules and shall seek to retire 50% of the total principal outstanding within the average life of the bonds. • There shall be no capitalized interest included in the debt structure except as specifically disclosed to the Commission and justified by project needs. 8.7 Debt Refunding The City’s financial advisor shall monitor the municipal bond market for opportunities to obtain interest savings by refunding outstanding debt. As a general rule, the net present value savings of a particular refunding should exceed 3.0% of the refunded maturities unless (1) a debt restructuring is necessary or (2) bond covenant revisions are necessary to facilitate the ability to provide services or to issue additional debt. 8.8 Interest Earnings and Remaining Bond Proceeds Interest earnings on bond proceeds will be limited to funding changes to the bond financed Capital Improvement Plan in compliance with the voted propositions, cost overruns on bond projects, or be applied to debt service payments on the bonds issued. Issued but unspent bond proceeds may be appropriated for projects consistent with the ballot language after completion of projects identified in the approved bond propositions. 8.9 Sale Process The City shall use a competitive bidding process in the sale of debt unless the nature of the issue warrants a negotiated sale. The City will utilize a negotiated process when the issue is, or contains, a refinancing that is dependent on market/interest rate timing. The City shall award the bonds based on a true interest cost (TIC) basis. However, the City may award bonds based on a net interest cost (NIC) basis as long as the financial advisor agrees that the NIC basis can satisfactorily determine the lowest and best bid. Based on the fact that market conditions and the City’s needs change regularly, sales process parameters will be disclosed to and approved by the City Commission. 8.10 Underwriting Syndicates In response to the MSRB Rule G-17, which recognizes that the motivations of an underwriter may not be consistent with the best interest of the City, the City shall refer underwriters to its Municipal Advisor to review potential refunding opportunities. The City’s municipal advisor is prohibited from underwriting the City’s bonds while under contract with the City for municipal advisory services, and for a period of one year after termination of the municipal advisory contract.
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The City will consider past participation and results of competitive City of Coral Springs and component unit bond sales when engaging one or more firms to underwrite a negotiated bond transaction. 8.11 Rating Agency Presentations Full disclosure of operations and open lines of communications shall be maintained with the rating agencies. City staff, with the assistance of financial advisors, shall prepare the necessary materials and presentation to the rating agencies. Credit ratings will be sought from one or more of the nationally recognized municipal bond rating agencies, currently Standard & Poor's and Fitch Ratings Inc., as recommended by the City's municipal advisor. 8.12 Bond Ratings The City will prudently manage the General and Enterprise Funds and attempt to issue and structure debt to help maintain or increase the current bond ratings. 8.13 Lease/Purchase Agreements The City will use lease/purchase agreements for capital items when it is cost-efficient and provides for more attractive terms than issuance of bonds. Section 9 Cash Management & Investments
Objective: The City will maintain the City's cash in such a manner so as to ensure the absolute safety of principal, to meet the liquidity needs of the City, and to achieve the highest possible yield in compliance section 218.14 of Florida Statues and the City’s Investment Policy, as adopted by the City Commission. 9.1 Investment Policy All aspects of cash/investment management shall be designed to ensure safety and integrity of the City's financial assets. Cash/Investment management activities shall be conducted in full compliance with prevailing local, state, and federal regulations. The City shall review its investment policies on a periodic basis. Please reference the City’s Investment Policy as adopted by the City Commission. The City shall design and establish policies relating to a variety of cash/investment management issues, such as authorized investment institutions and dealers, permissible investments, maturity and liquidity requirements, third party custodial agreements, and such other aspects of the program, which necessitate standard setting in pursuit of appropriate prudence and enhanced protection of assets.
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9.2 Investment Strategy The City of Coral Springs maintains a consolidated portfolio in which it pools its funds for investment purposes. The City's investment program seeks to achieve safety of principal, adequate liquidity to meet cash needs, and reasonable yield commensurate with the preservation of principal and liquidity. Refer to the City’s Investment Strategy as adopted by City Commission annually for detail. 9.3 Interest Income Interest earned from investments shall be distributed to the funds from which the funds were provided. 9.4 Arbitrage Investments and Reporting The City's investment position as it relates to arbitrage is as follows: Investments on bond proceeds will be made with safety of principal and liquidity in mind, but with a competitive rate of return. Investment of bond proceeds will be clearly tracked and investment earnings recorded for arbitrage purposes. 9.5 Depository Bank The City of Coral Springs will select its official bank depository through a formal bidding process in order to provide the City with the most comprehensive, flexible, and cost-effective banking services available. Only officials authorized by the City Commission through the depository contract may open accounts in the name of the City or its component units. All checks shall have two signatures. Three persons shall be authorized to sign checks: the City Manager, the Mayor, and the Director of Financial Services. Signatures shall be affixed to all City checks via facsimile signatures, and are made with a secure laser check printing system. 9.6 Collateralization of Deposits Florida Statutes, Chapter 280, Florida Security for Public Deposits Act (the “Act”) prescribes the deposit authority of the City. Deposits whose value exceeds the limits of federal depository insurance are entirely insured or collateralized pursuant to Florida Statutes, Chapter 280. Under the Act, every qualified public depository shall deposit with the Treasurer eligible collateral of the depository to be held subject to his or her order. The Treasurer, by rule, shall establish minimum required collateral pledging levels. The pledging level may range from 25% to 200% of the average monthly balance of public deposits depending upon the depository’s financial condition and establishment period. All collateral must be deposited with an approved financial institution. The Public Deposit Security Trust Funds have a procedure to allocate and recover losses in the event of default or insolvency. City policy conforms to state statute.
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Section 10 Grants
Objective: The City will seek, apply for, and effectively administer federal, state and local grants, which support the City's current priorities and policy objectives. 10.1 Authority to Apply for Grant Funding Only the City Manager or an authorized designee may sign and submit grant applications on behalf of the City of Coral Springs. City Commission approval is not required in order to apply for a grant. 10.2 Coordination of Grant Policy and Grant Operations The City of Coral Springs must be able to track and manage grants at all stages of the grants process from funding research through project closeout. To accomplish this policy requirement, a central point of contact is hereby established within the Department of Budget and Strategy. 10.3 Acceptance of Grants All approved grants must be accepted by ordinances that simultaneously accept the grant and appropriate the funding. Prompt acceptance of grant awards either by regular or emergency adoption is essential in order as to expedite the execution of awarded grants by the City Manager or an authorized designee. (See Policy 09.04.05 for Grant Acceptance Guidelines). Any grant agreement that has a match over $45,000 must be approved by the City Commission. 10.4 Internal Audit of Approved Grants All grants awarded to the City of Coral Springs are subject to the possibility of a compliance audit in accordance with the most currently approved audit plan of the Department of Financial Services. The City Manager may request a special internal audit of any grant awarded to the City of Coral Springs.
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Section 11 Performance Management
Objective: The City shall create a Strategic Plan that identifies the strategic goals with corresponding key performance indicators (KPI) to help monitor and achieve the strategic goals. 11.1 Establishing Performance Requirements Annually, each department, along with the Department of Budget and Strategy, shall develop and review existing departmental performance measures that directly support the successful achievement of a strategic goals. The KPIs and targets shall measure and track the performance of core processes of the department and should reflect customer needs. The KPIs shall measure performance from one of the following “perspectives” (Measure Types): Impact, Demand, Efficiency and/or Effectiveness. • Impact: Measures the resources being used by a department and/or the impact on the community. (Example: The number of calls responded to by staff and the cost associated to responding to those calls and/or the benefit of having a place for the resident to call) • Demand: Measures the need for a specific service or program. (Example: The total number of incoming calls) • Efficiency: Measures cost efficiency. (Example: Responding to all incoming calls while looking to reduce cost) • Effectiveness: Measures how well an objective is achieved. (Example: The ability to effectively answer all inquiries and respond to all incoming calls) Department directors along with the Department of Budget and Strategy shall establish performance measures for each division or program within their department to monitor and project program performance. These measures must be linked to the strategic goal(s) they support. Supervisors shall negotiate fair and aggressive performance measures for each employee that directly support program objectives and departmental KPIs as part of the annual performance review process. KPIs should have sufficiently aggressive “stretch” targets to ensure continuous improvement. 11.2 Establishing Data Tracking and Reporting Requirements The Department of Budget and Strategy shall establish reporting frequency and “child measure” data to be tracked within each KPI (Parent Measure). The reporting frequency and child measure data must allow for detailed trend analysis and reporting. KPIs that track the performance of department and/or division core processes shall be monitored and reported using the most frequent “reporting frequency” available and shall continue to be monitored while the core process is performed by the department and/or division.
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Underperforming KPIs shall be monitored and reported using the most frequent “reporting frequency” available. Underperforming KPIs that monitor the performance of a core process(s) shall continue to be monitored while the core process(s) is performed by the department and/or division. Underperforming KPIs that do not monitor a core process(s) must achieve target for a minimum of one fiscal year before being removed from the Performance Management Report. 11.3 Reporting Performance Quarterly summaries of progress and departmental key performance indicators will be reported. A “State of the City” report shall summarize the operational and financial performance of the City each fiscal year. 11.4 Decision Making and Analysis The City’s strategic/business planning and budgeting decisions are based on a number of advanced statistical, economic, and financial models. The specific tools used include but are not limited to: • Citizen Surveys—Based on sound statistical sampling methods, a survey of residents and business owners will be conducted to gather widespread customer satisfaction, quality perceptions, and other attitudinal information. • Citizen Focus Groups and Advisory Boards—Focus groups (such as Vision 20/20) and advisory boards (such as Financial Advisory Committee) are teams made up of citizens and City staff to address specific concerns and strategic priorities. More than two dozen such committees currently exist. • Master Planning—Specific functions and processes are included in written plans, such as the Utilities Master Plan or the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. • SWOC Analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges are gathered from staff, Advisory Committee members, and other members of the community. • Process Improvements—The Service Improvement Process, a ten-step model established by the City to guide cross-functional teams through improvement cycles. • Revenue Forecasting Model—Statistical time series analysis and tracking model of major revenue sources. • Performance Management System—Quarterly performance evaluations. • Capital Budgeting Tools—Present value payback, net present value analysis, and own/lease analysis. • Five-Year Financial Plan—Multiyear forecasting of revenues and expenditures. • Ten-Year Fleet Replacement Plan—Equipment replacement model covering useful life of all vehicle classes.
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Glossary of Terms Accrual Basis of Accounting A method of accounting where revenues are recorded when service is given and expenses are recognized when the benefit is received.
Bonds A certificate of debt issued by an entity, guaranteeing payment of the original investment, plus interest, by a specified future date.
Actuarial A person or methodology that makes determinations of required contributions to achieve future funding levels that addresses risk and time.
Build-out That time in the life cycle of the city when no incorporated property remains undeveloped. All construction from this point forward is renovation, retrofitting or land cleared through the demolition of existing structures.
Ad Valorem Tax A tax levied on the assessed value of real estate and personal property. This tax is also known as property tax. Adopted Budget The proposed budget as initially formally approved by the City Commission. Amended Budget The adopted budget as formally adjusted by the City Commission. Amortization The reduction of debt through regular payments of principal and interest sufficient to retire the debt instrument at a predetermined date known as maturity. Appropriation A specific amount of money authorized by the City Commission for the purchase of goods or services. AS400 Midrange server built by IBM and designed for small businesses and departments in large enterprises and now redesigned so that it will work well in distributed networks with Web applications.
Business Plan A written document outlining how City resources will be applied to achieve the objectives determined by the Strategic Plan. Capital Equipment Physical plant and equipment with an expected life of five years or more. Capital Expenditure The approved budget for improvements to or acquisition of infrastructure, park development, building, construction or expansion, utility systems, streets or other physical structure with an estimated cost of $5,000 or more. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) A plan for capital expenditures to be incurred each year over a five-year period. Essentially, the plan allows for a systematic evaluation of all potential projects, specifies funding sources for all approved projects, and serves as an economic development tool. The CIP is linked to the City’s Business and Strategic Plans.
Audit An official inspection of an individual’s or organization’s accounts, typically by an independent body.
Capital Lease An agreement conveying the right to use property, plant or equipment usually for a stated period of time where the lessee assumes all the risks and rewards of ownership.
Assessed Property Value The value set upon real estate or other property by the County Property Appraiser and the State as a basis for levying ad valorem taxes.
Chargeback Term used to describe the method to reimburse the Equipment Services Fund for the usage of an asset over its expected useful life (also known as funded depreciation).
Balanced Budget A budget in which planned funds or revenues available are equal to planned expenditures.
Communications Services Tax Simplification Law A law created by Florida Legislature to combine communication services revenues with a two-tiered tax composed of State and local-option tax.
Benchmarking Determining the quality of products, services and practices by measuring critical factors (e.g., how fast, how reliable a product or service is) and comparing the results to those of highly regarded competitors. Bond Covenants A legally enforceable promise made to the bondholders from the issuer, generally in relation to the source of repayment funding. Bond Rating A measure of an organization’s creditworthiness. The primary bond rating services—Moody’s, Fitch, and Standard & Poor’s—perform credit analyses to determine the probability of an issuer of debt defaulting partially or fully.
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) One of the longest-running programs of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that funds local community development activities such as affordable housing, antipoverty programs, and infrastructure development. Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) A dependent special district covered by Chapter 189, Florida Statutes responsible for carrying out community redevelopment activities and projects in the community redevelopment area of the City of Coral Springs
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Glossary of Terms (continued) Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) This official annual report presents the status of the City’s finances in a standardized format. The CAFR is organized by fund and contains two basic types of information: a balance sheet that compares assets with liabilities and fund balance; and an operating statement that compares revenues and expenditures. Contingency An appropriation of funds available to cover unforeseen events that occur during the fiscal year. These funds, if not used, lapse at year end. This is not the same as fund balance. Coral Springs Charter School Fund This fund accounts for the revenues and expenses incurred in the operation of the Coral Springs Charter School. Funds are received from the state and through grants to teach approximately 1,600 students in grades six through twelve. Core Service A principal service or product delivered by a program or department that is necessary to the successful operation of the city. Often, core services are part of the mission of the program or department. Cross-Functional Team A team of employees from more than one department convened to analyze problems and create strategies for process improvement that have Citywide impact. Debt Service The payment of principal and interest on borrowed funds such as bonds and loans.
Enterprise Fund A self supporting fund designed to account for activities supported by user charges: an example is the Water and Sewer Fund. Equipment Services Fund (ESF) An Internal Service Fund that accounts for the operating and maintenance costs of the City’s vehicles and major equipment. Fuel, maintenance and depreciation expenses are determined on a full recovery basis for each fleet asset type. Departments reimburse this fund for these costs through interfund transfers. Equity Financing A source of revenue that comes from surpluses that are generated in previous years. When the City Equity Finances some of its CIP it reduces the amount of debt that would have to be issued. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ERP software integrates various functions into one complete system to streamline processes and information across the entire organization. The central feature of all ERP systems is a shared database that supports multiple functions used by different business units. Escrow Money or property held in the custody of a third party that is returned only after the fulfillment of specific conditions. Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) Agency of the US government responsible for disaster mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery planning.
Debt Service Fund The debt service fund is used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal, interest, and related costs.
Fiduciary Funds Funds used to report assets held in a trustee or agency capacity for others and which therefore cannot be used to support the government’s own programs. The fiduciary fund category includes pension trust funds, investment trust funds, private-purpose trust funds, and agency funds.
Deficit The excess of liabilities over assets—or expenditures over revenues—in a fund over an accounting period.
Florida Intergovernmental Financing Commission (FIFC) Debt service activity related to a bond series of the Florida Intergovernmental Financing Commission.
Depreciation The decrease in value of physical assets due to use and the passage of time. Designated Funds that have been identified for a specific purpose. This differs from reserved funds, in that there is no legal requirement for funds that have been designated. Distinguished Budget Presentation Program A voluntary program administered by the Government Finance Officers Association to encourage governments to publish efficiently organized and easily readable budget documents and to provide peer recognition and technical assistance to the fiscal officers preparing them. Encumbrances Obligations incurred in the form of orders, contracts and similar items that will become payable when goods are delivered or services rendered.
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Financial Trend Monitoring System A management tool that pulls together information from a government’s budgetary and financial reports, combines it with economic and demographic data, and creates a series of 22 financial indicators that, when plotted over time, can be used to monitor changes in financial condition and alert the government to future problems. Fines And Forfeitures Consists of a variety of fees, fines and forfeitures collected by the State Court System, including bail forfeitures, garnishments, legal defenders recoupment and juror/witness fees. Fire Fund A special revenue fund that provides for the Fire Department, consisting of administration, prevention, suppression, inspection and communications.
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Glossary of Terms (continued) Fiscal Year (FY) Any period of 12 consecutive months designated as the budget year. The City’s budget year begins October 1st and ends September 30th.
Homestead Exemption Pursuant to the Florida State Constitution, the first $25,000 of assessed value of a home which the owner occupies as principal residence is exempt from the property tax.
Fixed Asset Items owned by the City that cost a considerable amount and has a useful life exceeding two years—e.g., computers, furniture, equipment and vehicles.
HTE The City’s main data application vendor. Also known as Sungard.
Fleet The vehicles owned and operated by the City. (See Rolling Stock)
Inflation A rise in price levels caused by an increase in available funds beyond the proportion of available goods.
Franchise Bonds Bonds for the payment of which the City’s franchise revenues are pledged.
Infrastructure Public domain fixed assets including roads, bridges, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage systems, lighting systems and other items that have value only to the city.
Franchise Fee Charges to utilities for exclusive/non-exclusive rights to operate within municipal boundaries. Examples are electricity, telephone, cable television, and solid waste.
Intended Outcome are desired accomplishments, impact and/or results.
Full-Time Equivalent Position A part-time position converted to the decimal equivalent of a full-time position based on 2,080 hours per year.
Interest Income Revenue associated with the City cash management activities of investing fund balances.
Fund A set of interrelated accounts to record revenues and expenditures associated with a specific purpose.
Interfund Reimbursement (Transfers) Administrative fees charged to other City funds (e.g. Water & Sewer Fund) for the provision of administrative and other City services.
Fund Balance The difference between assets and liabilities reported in a governmental fund at the end of the fiscal year. Gainsharing A city program, similar to corporate profitsharing, where departments and employees who contribute to cost savings or revenue enhancements may share in the resulting gain. This Fiscal Year, up to 10% of retained earnings and unappropriated fund balances in specific funds may be shared with employees. General Fund A governmental fund established to account for resources and uses of general operating functions of City departments. Resources are, in the majority, provided by taxes. General Obligation Bonds Debt issued by municipalities that are backed by the full faith and credit of the issuer. Governmental Funds Funds generally used to account for tax-supported activities. There are five different types of governmental funds: the general fund, special revenue funds, debt service funds, capital projects funds, and permanent funds. Health and General Insurance Funds Internal service funds set up to account for the City’s insured general liability, property, workers’ compensation, life and employee medical benefits.
Intergovernmental Revenue Revenue received from or through the Federal, State, or County government. These include Cigarette Tax, State Revenue Sharing, Alcoholic Beverage Tax, Sales Tax (5th cent), Rebate - Municipal Vehicles. Internal Service Fund (ISF) A fund established to account for an entity which provides goods and services to other City entities and charges those entities for the goods and services provided. Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Critical (key) indicators of progress towards an intended outcome/result. Linkage A system of interconnected parts or the act of linking. In our case, this refers to the relationships between the various performance measures, objectives, goals, and Key Intended Outcomes to ensure the entire organization is working together to achieve the City’s Mission. Major Funds The financial transactions of the City are recorded in individual funds. Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America set forth minimum criteria (percentage of the assets, liabilities, revenue or expenditures/expenses of the applicable fund category and the governmental and enterprise combined) for the determination of major funds. Mandate A requirement from a higher level of government that a lower level of government perform a task in a particular way or to a particular standard.
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Glossary of Terms (continued) Market Rate Value The appraised value assigned to property by the County Property Appraiser. Typically, this value represents “Fair Market Value” less estimated selling expenses.
Ordinance A formal legislative enactment by the City that carries the full force and effect of the law within corporate boundaries of the City unless in conflict with any higher form of law, such as state or federal.
Mill A taxation unit equal to one dollar of tax obligation for every $1,000 of assessed valuation of property.
Outcomes Quality performance measures of effectiveness and of achieving goals. (e.g., customer satisfaction, awareness level, etc.)
Millage The total tax obligation per $1,000 of assessed valuation of property. Modified Accrual Basis The basis of accounting under which revenues are recognized when measurable and available to pay liabilities and expenditures are recognized when the liability is incurred except for interest on long-term debt which is recognized when due, and the noncurrent portion of accrued vacation and sick leave which is recorded in general long-term debt. The General Fund, Fire/EMS Fund, and Debt Service Fund budgets are prepared on the modified accrual basis of accounting except that encumbrances are treated like expenditures. M-STAR The rate of interest to be borne by M-STARS (either or both of the Series 2002B and Series 2002C Bonds while they bear interest at the M-STARS Rate) during each auction period. In no event may the M-STARS Rate exceed the maximum M-STARS Rate. Municipal Code A collection of laws, rules and regulations that apply to the City and its citizens. Neighborhood Services Team A program comprised of various City department team members developed to promote and strengthen the stability, development, revitalization and preservation of Coral Springs’ neighborhoods through community-based problem solving, neighborhood services and public/private cooperation. Non-Departmental Referring to activities, revenues and expenditures that are not assigned to a department.
Outputs Process performance measures of efficiency and productivity. (e.g., per capita expenditures, transactions per day, etc.) Pay-as-You-Go Financing A method of paying for capital projects that relies on current tax and grant revenues rather than on debt. Pension Fund The Pension Fund accounts for the accumulation of resources to be used for retirement benefit payments to the City’s employees. Per Capita A measurement of the proportion of some statistic to an individual resident determined by dividing the statistic by the current population. Performance Budget A budget wherein expenditures are based primarily upon measurable performance of activities and work programs. Performance Measure (PM) Data collected to determine how effective and/or efficient a program is in achieving its objectives. Performance Management System The City’s methodology for monitoring Key Performance Indicators. See Quarterly Performance Report. Permit Revenue Fees imposed on construction-related activities and for the acquisition of other nonbusiness permits (e.g. dog, bicycle).
Non-Major Fund Total assets and deferred outflows, liabilities and deferred inflows, rev or expenditures/expenses of that individual governmental or enterprise fund are at least 10% of the corresponding total(assets, liabilities, and so forth) for all fund of that category or type and total assets, deferred outflows, liabilities, deferred inflows, revenues or expenditures/expenses of that individual governmental or enterprise fund are at least 5 percent of the corresponding total for all governmental and enterprise funds combined.
Potable Water Water that is fit to drink.
Operating Budget A budget for general revenues and expenditures such as salaries, utilities, and supplies.
Proprietary Fund Enterprise and internal service funds that are similar to corporate funds, in that they are related to assets, liabilities, equities, revenues, expenses and transfers determined by business or quasi-business activities.
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Present Value The discounted value of a future amount of cash, assuming a given rate of interest, to take into account the time value of money. To put it another way, a dollar is worth a dollar today, but is worth less than today’s dollar tomorrow. Property Tax A tax levied on the assessed value of real and personal property. This tax is also known as ad valorem tax.
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Glossary of Terms (continued) Special Revenue Fund A fund used to account for revenues legally restricted to expenditures for a particular purpose. An example is the Fire Rescue Fund.
Public Art Fund This is a special revenue fund where Public Art fees are collected during the permitting process for new construction and renovations of existing structures. Revenues are collected only from those developers who choose not to purchase and maintain public art on their own property.
State Revolving Fund (SRF) A low interest loan program from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) for planning, designing, and constructing drinking water and wastewater projects.
Public/Private Partnership A joint project conducted with resources of the city and a private organization, generally nonprofit. Examples in Coral Springs includes the efforts of the Economic Development Foundation and Civic, Cultural and Educational Foundation.
Sterling Award The Governor of the State of Florida created a program in 1993 to recognize Florida corporations for quality and organizational excellence. It is based on the criteria established for the national Malcolm Baldrige Award.
Quarterly Performance Report A document that tracks performance achievements and status of departmental key performance indicators.
Strategic Plan A document outlining long-term goals, critical issues and action plans which will increase the organization’s effectiveness in attaining its mission, priorities, goals and objectives. Strategic planning starts with examining the present, envisioning the future, choosing how to get there, and making it happen.
Refunding Paying off an outstanding bond issue by using money from the sale of a new bond offering. In other words, issuing more bonds to pay off existing bonds. Reserves A portion of the fund balance or retained earnings legally segregated for specific purposes. Resolution A legislative act by the City with less legal formality than an ordinance. Retained Earnings An account in the equity section of the balance sheet reflecting the accumulated earnings of the Water & Sewer Fund, the Self-Insurance Funds, the Equipment Services Fund, or the City Centre Fund. Revenue Bonds Bonds whose principal and interest are payable exclusively from earnings of an enterprise fund. In addition to a pledge of revenues, such bonds sometimes contain a mortgage on the enterprise fund’s property. Rolled-Back Rate The operating millage rate required to raise the same ad valorem tax revenues as were levied in the prior year, exclusive of new construction, additions to structures, deletions and property added, i.e. annexations. Rolling Stock Wheeled vehicles in the City’s fleet. Sales Tax Tax imposed on the taxable sales of all final goods Self Insurance Fund This internal service fund is used to centrally manage the employee health and life insurance benefit packages, the workers’ compensation program, and the City’s insurance coverage of real and personal property. Special Assessment A compulsory levy made against certain properties to defray part or all of the cost of a specific improvement or service deemed to primarily benefit those properties.
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) A funding source used in blighted areas designated by the City for redevelopment. The public improvements required for the project is financed with the incremental taxes generated by the increase in the assessed valuation of the new development. Taxable Value The assessed value less homestead and other exemptions, if applicable. Total Quality Management (TQM) A management philosophy that emphasizes customer satisfaction, continual incremental improvement, teams and employee training as critical elements to an organization’s long-run success. Transport Fees The cost to provide ambulance transportation to patients from home to hospital. Trust and Agency Funds These funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity or as an agent for individuals, private organizations, other governments and/or other funds. Truth in Millage (TRIM) The Florida Truth in Millage Act (TRIM) requires a specific method of tax rate calculation, form of notice, public hearing requirements and advertisement specifications prior to the adoption of a budget tax rate. The effect of TRIM is to inform taxpayers that their property taxes are changing (up or down), the cause (a change in the assessed value of their property and/or an increase in the proposed spending level) and how the proposed new tax rate compares to the rate that would generate the same property tax dollars as the current year (the “rolled-back” rate).
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Glossary of Terms (continued) Unappropriated Not obligated for specific purposes. (See Undesignated) Undesignated Without a specific purpose. (See Unappropriated) Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) A federal grant program that provides funding support for target-hardening activities to nonprofit organizations. The program seeks to promote coordination and collaboration in emergency preparedness activities among public and private community representatives, state and local government agencies, and Citizen Corps Councils.
Water & Sewer Fund (W&S) An enterprise fund established to account for the resources and uses of the Utilities function of the City and is prepared on the full accrual basis of accounting. The Utilities function consists of the provision of a clean water source and the proper disposal of wastewater. The Water & Sewer Fund is an enterprise fund and as such receives its revenues from charges levied for the provision of services to users. Working Capital A financial metric which represents operating liquidity available to a business. It is calculated as current assets minus current liabilities.
Useful Life The period of time that a fixed asset is able to be used. This can refer to a budgeted period of time for an equipment class or the actual amount of time for a particular item. User Fees Charges for expenses incurred when services are provided to an individual or groups and not the community at large. The key to effective utilization of user fees is being able to identify specific beneficiaries of services and then determine the full cost of the service they are consuming (e.g. building inspections). Fees are traditionally charged under the following circumstances: • Service is supplied to an individual or group • Benefits accrue to an individual or group • Service can be withheld from individuals who refuse to pay • Cost can be passed on to the ultimate beneficiary • Degree of utilization can be measured • Use of service is voluntary Utility Service Tax Taxes levied on consumer consumption of utility services provided in the City. The tax is levied as a percentage of gross receipts. Variable Rate A rate of interest subject to adjustment (e.g., the rate of interest specified may be a percentage of the prime rate on certain set dates.)
Sources: Bailey, Larry P.; Governmental GAAP Guide; Harcourt Brace; 1994. Bland, R; Budgeting-A Guide for Local Governments, ICMA, 1997. Government Finance Officers Association; Governmental Accounting, Auditing and Financial Reporting; GFOA, 1994. Webster’s II: New Riverside University Dictionary; Houghton Mifflin Company, 1994.
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ANNUAL BUDGE T CITY OF CORAL SPRINGS, FLORIDA 9500 West Sample Road Coral Springs, Florida 33065 • 954-344-1000