Budget Highlights FY2015

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Budget Highlights

Tax rate Fiscal Year 2015

Introduction The Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Budget, which was adopted on September 17, 2014, is a numerical reflection of the Fiscal Year 2015 Business Plan. By allocating our resources in alignment with the City Commission’s five strategic priorities and departmental performance indicators, we believe this budget will successfully meet the challenges we have before us and set the stage for continued success in the future.

Budget in Brief The adopted operating net budget for Fiscal Year 2015 for all funds totals $161,821,110. This represents an increase of $5,285,073 or 3.3% more than the Fiscal Year 2014 net budget. The Fiscal Year 2015 budget is balanced, prudent and responsive to community needs as identified in the Fiscal Years 2014 - 2015 Strategic Plan. Some features of the Fiscal Year 2015 budget that deserve special attention are: • No change to the adopted operating millage rate of $4.5697. By retaining the current millage rate, the City will collect approximately $1.6 million additional property tax revenue than Fiscal Year 2014 budget. The average single-family homesteaded homeowner will pay an additional $15.40 in property taxes due to an increase in home values. • The voter-approved debt service millage rate will increase from $0.2033 to $0.2038, an increase of $0.0005 or 0.2%. • The combined general operating and debt service millage rate is $4.7735 per $1,000 of assessed value, an increase of $0.0005 or 0.01%. • The Fire Assessment fee for SingleFamily homes will remain at $141.36. • Water and Sewer rates will increase by 3.5%. An increase of $2 per month for the majority of residential customers. • The Solid Waste Special Assessment will be $225.84 for Single-Family homes. An increase of $4.92 or 2.2% from the previous year.

General Operating Millage


Debt Service Millage


Combined City Millage Rate


Operating Millage Rate-5.2% Increase No change in the Coral Springs Operating millage rate $6.0000 $5.0000 $4.0000

$4.3559 $4.3939

$4.5697 $4.5697 $4.5697


$3.8715 $3.8715 $3.8715 $3.3651 $3.3651

$3.0000 $2.0000 $1.0000 $0.0000 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015

The operating millage rate will remain the same as in Fiscal Year 2014. Keeping the millage rate exactly the same, $4.5697, will be considered a 5.2% tax increase.

Operating Millage Rate Comparison – 5.2% Increase - $4.5697 Operating millage rate comparison Fiscal Year 2015 FY 2015 Proposed $8.0000 $7.0000 $6.0000 $5.0000 $4.0000 $3.0000 $2.0000 $1.0000 $0.0000


$6.7654 $5.9142 $6.0543 $5.6368 $6.2317

$5.2476 $5.0829 $4.5697 $4.1193

When comparing Broward County cities with populations greater than 70,000, Coral Springs’ operating millage rate is one of the lowest of the 10 municipalities.

Voter-Approved Debtmillage Service Millage Voter-approved debt service rate Rate $1.0000 $0.8000 $0.6000 $0.4000

$0.3924 $0.2510


$0.2915 $0.2134





$0.2906 $0.2033


$0.0000 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015

The debt millage rate will increase from $0.2033 to $0.2038 or 0.2% in Fiscal Year 2015.

City of Coral Springs, Florida


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