It Doesn't Stop Here - Winter 2017

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Coram Deo Academy |


Michael Sobolik, Class of 2007!

Every season in life is both a blessing in itself and preparation for the next step. Looking back a decade ago at my Coram Deo years, I

Michael with Senator Ted Cruz

see three particular gifts the Lord imparted to me and cultivated in that season - the skill of writing, the art of debate, and love for the gospel.

To any student reading this: take every advantage of your time at CDA and learn to write well now. Don't wait until college. It will pay dividends the rest of your life. Because of teachers like Mrs. Powell and Ms. Loe, I entered Texas A&M with practiced writing and

It Doesn’t Stop Here


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It Doesn't Stop Here - Winter 2017 by Coram Deo Academy - Issuu