2020 Nov-Dec Corban Connection

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“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.’” — Matt 28:18

Associate Professor of Biology, Dr. Sarah Comstock, has partnered with Santiam Hospital to create a COVID test that is readily accessible to Corban and the local community.

This verse, selected long before the advent of the pandemic, is Corban's theme verse for the year. God knew the many trials we would face: a global pandemic, widespread social unrest, and catastrophic fires, each threatening to further divide us. But we rest in the knowledge that someone greater remains irrevocably in control.

Through this partnership, Corban science students are also able to participate in relevant and robust research. As a result, Corban is one of the only schools in the Northwest where students are engaged in practical and actionable COVID research.

For these young researchers, the experience has been both daunting and exciting. “I am surprised how prepared I was to conduct this research,” says studentresearcher Jack Farley. “I expected to show up and feel like a fish out of water, but because of the experience I’ve gained at Corban, I feel right at home.”

Four student researchers will assist Comstock in developing a saliva-based test that will increase Santiam Hospital's and Corban’s ability to test more individuals, by less invasive means, and with a quicker turnaround. Under Comstock’s guidance, these students have rare access to collaboration in a professional medical environment.

Read the full story at: go.corban.edu/ca1

CORBAN PARTNERS WITH ACT SIX This fall, Corban welcomed 11 Act Six scholars to campus. Each member of Corban’s first cadre of scholars is the first in their family to attend college, and comes from the Salem/Keizer school district or Portland metro area. Act Six is Oregon’s only full-tuition, full-need community leadership scholarship. It provides leadership training and tuition assistance for emerging urban and community leaders, bringing together diverse, multicultural cadres of students who want to use their college education to make a difference on campus and in their home communities. We believe that educational equity is key to our mission of educating students to make a difference in

the world for Jesus Christ. Impacting our underserved communities starts with providing opportunities to young, developing leaders who are proud to call these places home. More than 85 percent of Act Six scholars come from low-income households or are the first in their families to attend college.


The generous support of our community allowed many students to enroll who otherwise may have been unable to attend due to extraneous circumstances brought on by the pandemic. As a result, student enrollment for the Fall semester stayed strong and we welcomed more than 290 new students, comparing well to last year, when we saw a 15% increase in enrollment. We also have a record number of new graduate and online undergraduate students enrolled this semester, and our Clinical Mental Health Counseling program has the largest enrollment in four years. Even in the midst of challenging circumstances, God has continued to bless us, growing and strengthening our community as we seek to serve Him continually. Each day, God continues to show us that His faithfulness and authority reign supreme.


To Christ be all Glory,

Sheldon C. Nord, Ph.D. President

Applications are being accepted now for the 2021 cadre. Interested students should apply by December 1 at: go.corban.edu/ca3.

In a year when many universities have seen declines in their enrollment, Corban is maintaining or exceeding its enrollment growth. We give God the glory for His continual provision for Corban University, and we give thanks for our compassionate community and their selfless response through gifts to the Corban Emergency Student Care Campaign.


We invite you to share in that hope and enjoy this brief glimpse into the amazing work that God is doing through our students, faculty, and alumni at Corban University.

The Act Six Scholarship program helps Corban reach even more students and provide them with the opportunity to receive a standard of education that is excellence-driven, future-directed, and Christcentered.



In this time of division, we were so excited to reunite, welcoming students and faculty back to campus this Fall. Our faculty and support staff worked diligently to make sure this would be a possibility. While it’s been an adjustment for all, to be able to have community again, even six feet apart, has renewed a sense of hope campus-wide.

"A Prayer for Trying Times" Alumni Information The Huffmans' Story of Multiethnic Adoption Alumni Jenni Burke and Courtney Dodds Install Sinks for Portland's Homeless


Corban's Plan for a New Athletics Complex Faculty Publications Emergency Student Care Campaign Update David F. Miller Pavilion Dedication

COVID UPDATE The health and safety of our students and community continue to be a top priority, and we are thankful that we have been able to hold in-person classes for more than half of the semester already. Our students, staff, and faculty on campus have been diligent in following health and safety guidelines, proactively reporting symptoms, and complying with self-quarantining practices as needed to minimize health risks. While COVID-19 has been present on campus, our health and safety team has worked diligently to prepare for this eventuality and has acted in an abundance of caution to minimize the risk of it spreading and preserve our ability to remain an on-campus community. More information at: go.corban.edu/ca5


Corban's Computer Science Major Corban Invests in Student Workers International Spotlight: Partnership with Papua Record 5 Accounting Students Receive OSCPA Scholarships Events

"A PRAYER FOR TRYING TIMES" by Ruth LaFreniere ('64) Life has changed, the past is gone. Increasing sickness, strife abounds. What has happened to our world? Where, O where can peace be found? I'm learning, Lord, to be content. I'm leaning on the one you sent. To fill me now with peace and joy. The pain and doubting you'll destroy. I'll thank you, Lord, through all my days. You bring me peace - I'll offer praise. O use me now, use even me. To bring to others hope and peace.

TAKE A VIRTUAL TOUR Rediscover the beauty of Corban University's campus by joining a virtual tour. On this tour, you will be able to gather current information and reconnect with the campus experience as alumni Travez Whyte ('18) and Kyrie Fuqua ('18) guide you along the way. To register for a virtual tour, visit: go.corban.edu/ca9

THE HUFFMANS' STORY OF MULTIETHNIC ADOPTION AND RACIAL RECONCILIATION “Every child, no matter how they come to you, is an absolute miracle,” Wanda Huffman ('78) says, seated next to her husband of over forty years. Wanda and Dave ('78) were first drawn to Corban University—then Western Baptist College— because they were looking for a theologically sound education grounded in the truths of Scripture. “I wanted an accredited degree,” Dave says. “Then two years later, I met a really cute girl.” Even though they both attended Corban, Wanda and Dave did not actually meet while studying there, but through an outreach group at the church they both attended. A chance shuffling in their groups brought them together in ministry, and eventually in matrimony, as the couple was married at Deepwood Estate a few years later.

Handshake is Corban’s new online job connection platform, allowing students and alumni to find and post career opportunities, communicate with more than 7,000 worldwide employers, and learn about upcoming Corban Career Center events. Whether you are an employer looking for topnotch employees, or a student looking for your next opportunity, visit: go.corban.edu/ca11

ALUMNI CONNECTIONS FACEBOOK: Alumni Page: Corban University/Western Baptist Visit our page for University updates and event information. Alumni Group: Corban University/Western Baptist Join our alumni group for more relational involvement within our alumni community. INSTAGRAM: @corbanuniversity LINKEDIN: Corban University


EMAIL: alumni@corban.edu

Email to share updates such as name changes, marriages, obituaries, or special acknowledgments for yourself, or fellow alumni (that are deemed public information). Do you have questions about transcript or diploma requests, course descriptions, or faculty information? Contact: registrar@corban.edu. To explore all of our social media platforms and pages, visit: go.corban.edu/ca45


As the call continued, God’s providence rang clear through the other end of the receiver. “Our friend said, ‘I need to give you more information, because you need to know this baby may not be white.’” They could feel God moving. “I told him that was even more of a confirmation and answer to prayer than he could know,” Dave says. When they hung up the phone, they began to pray.

Though their meeting may seem conventional in the small Christian college scene—boy meets girl through the fertile dating grounds of church ministry—the circumstances that crowded into their married life after were anything but. After their first daughter, Kerensa, was born, Wanda and Dave found themselves confronting unexpected fertility challenges. Adoption began to impress heavily on their minds, but Wanda felt a specific calling. (left to right) Lydia, Priscilla, Kerensa, Wanda, Laurel, Gabriel, Dave “I knew that if we were going to adopt that we were going to adopt transracially,” she says. Dave Unconventionally, without the use of an adoption and Wanda called their parents and informed them agency, their second child, Lydia, became a part that they were considering adoption, and that the of their growing family. Dave calls it an a la carte babies they were praying for likely would not be adoption. Wanda calls it a miracle. “We had already white. But the calling they were beginning to feel determined that these children weren’t going to still only existed in the potential of their prayers. necessarily look like us, but they were going to be ours,” she says. “And that was the beginning. Every After another specialist visit, Dave and Wanda were one of our kids has a miraculous story like that.” left to weigh the cost and implications of the news

given to them by the doctor. That’s when their phone rang. One of Dave’s longtime friends tugged


his ear at the other end of the line. He wondered if the couple had considered adoption and informed them that he knew of a baby due to be born in a few months that needed home. “Dave said, ‘Don’t give the baby away!’” Wanda recalls.

Keep reading at: go.corban.edu/ca7

ALUMNI JENNI BURKE AND COURTNEY DODDS INSTALL SINKS FOR PORTLAND'S HOMELESS When Jenni Burke’s coworker, Tawney Johnson, first mentioned one of their client’s new initiatives to set up handwashing sinks for the homeless in impoverished downtown areas, Jenni knew exactly who to call. Burke ('04) is president of Illuminate Literary Agency, a self-described “boutique literary agency that helps purposeful authors build thriving writing careers.” But long before she stepped into the world of professional publishing, she stepped onto Corban’s campus as a young, idealistic freshman looking to make a splash in journalism. It was here, in her Corban core group, that Jenni met Courtney Dodds ('04). The two became friends, served on Mexico mission trips together, worked together in the admissions office after graduation, and stayed in touch throughout the years. Courtney is now the Communications Director at Union Gospel Mission, a nonprofit which serves people who are experiencing homelessness in downtown Portland, so when Jenni heard about sinks for the homeless, she called Courtney.

we can provide for people who are currently living outside, the better.” With the help of Jenni, her family, and Courtney’s team at UGM, they installed two sinks in the heart of downtown, near the Mission, and built one more which was later installed at a transitional housing facility. “It was encouraging to see Courtney and their team of people, who are consistently working every day to help people, feed people, give them a chance for a fresh start, do their work,” Jenni says. “And to see the men in their recovery program there making good progress and transforming their lives.” Read the full story at: go.corban.edu/ca13

“It was nice to get to work on something with Courtney that brought our two worlds together again,” Jenni says. She put Courtney into contact with her client Terrence Lester’s nonprofit, Love Sinks In, and Illuminate Literary Agency financed the cost of shipping for the installation of three sinks in downtown Portland. UGM committed to helping with their installation and upkeep. Courtney was thrilled to receive Jenni’s call. The timing was perfect, as UGM continued to try to find new ways to provide for people in need. “There’s been a lot of attention given to hygiene and handwashing among the homeless community, especially since the pandemic,” Courtney says. “Access to restrooms, running water, and hygiene in general is always a challenge and the more things

Corban alumni Courtney Dodds and Jenni Burke

CORBAN'S PLAN FOR A NEW STATE OF THE ART ATHLETICS COMPLEX 1) Add at least 130 student-athletes. 2) Maximize existing classroom space without building additional classrooms. 3) Eliminate the time and dollars wasted through facilities rentals and back and forth travel. 4) Improve facilities function and aesthetics. What is currently a liability to prospective athletes will become an asset that we can showcase. 5) Accommodate future growth of the complex through the completion of drainage infrastructure.

The accolades of our student-athletes are impressive, both on and off the field. While our athletes have always sought to glorify God in their athletic performance, our inadequate athletic facilities are a distraction to this goal.

and our Warrior faithful to attend true home games and boost our teams’ morale. Our student body needs to have easy access to cheer on their classmates and fully join in the Warrior experience. A new athletics complex helps solve these issues, providing our athletes and coaches with the resources they need to glorify God by competing to their full potential. The total investment includes a state of the art track and field complex with an artificial turf field and LED field lighting, along with extensive excavation work to remedy the drainage problems plaguing our athletics fields.

Our teams rely on rented facilities for practices and “home” games. This forces our athletes to sacrifice many hours of travel time away from campus for practices and games. This is a significant barrier not only to student-athletes’ performance on the field and in the classroom, but to recruitment as well, as prospective students see this as a hindrance to the excellence they strive to achieve.

A new athletics complex will help Corban achieve its goal of educating athletes to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ through the following:

Excellent athletics facilities also augment the community culture on campus, allowing families

6) Enter into lease agreements with local schools and the city, while improving our community partnership through hosted AMOUNT NEEDED AMOUNT COMMITTED: events. $1,855,201.80 46.4%


53.6% The most recent bids and estimates provided by our vendors total TOTAL INVESTMENT: $4.0 million. In $4,000,000.00 line with Corban University’s commitment to financial responsibility and wise stewardship, with the support of the Board of Trustees, we have made the decision to not break ground until this project is fully funded.

Discover more about this exciting campaign at: go.corban.edu/ca15



From the significance of names, to twisted uses of religion, to the origins of the Ceremony, this book answers all the questions you might have about religion in Margaret Atwood’s prophetic novel. This essential guide gives readers a fascinating look into the novel's world. Read and understand The Handmaid's Tale like never before.

Into His Presence is a helpful guide for pursuing intimacy with God and assessing contemporary cultural understandings of close relationships in light of those communicated in Scripture. In this volume, Tim Anderson develops a biblical and holistic portrait of nearness to God, exploring its key themes in relation to God's union within the Trinity, the Fall, God's fatherhood, marriage imagery, suffering, and our relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Dr. Tennant has taught literature and poetry at Corban for 25 years. An acclaimed poet, she has served as Vice President of Oregon State Poetry Association and is a member of the Christianity and Literature Conference, Oregon Poets, and the Oxford Round Table. Purchase a copy at go.corban.edu/ca19

Dr. Anderson has taught theology at Corban for 30 years and also works with the Corban School of Ministry’s ongoing pastoral training program in Cameroon and West Africa. Purchase a copy at go.corban.edu/ca21

CORBAN RAISES OVER HALF A MILLION IN STUDENT SUPPORT The Emergency Student Care Campaign (ESCC) was even more successful than expected. Despite facing widespread economic uncertainty, our Corban community displayed outstanding generosity. In total, $524,935.50 was raised to help students start, continue, and finish a Christcentered education. So many individuals who experienced uncertainty caused by economic hardship, job loss, and health concerns were

able to rejoin their on-campus community this fall because of your faithful support. We are incredibly grateful to our Corban community for making this possible. Your generosity is helping our students to continue on their journey of academic and spiritual growth, allowing them the chance to be educated to make a difference in the world for Jesus Christ. Thank you. For more details visit: go.corban.edu/ca17

CORBAN TO DEDICATE PAVILION IN HONOR OF FORMER PROFESSOR AND PRESIDENT, DR. DAVID F. MILLER "Sit down, I’ve got a story to tell you . . .” is exactly what Dr. Miller said to the many students, parishioners, and colleagues who came to him seeking advice. Throughout his years as a pastor, professor, and president, the story Dr. Miller wrote with his service continually strengthened the lives of those around him. On November 14, at 7:30pm, Corban University will be hosting a live-streaming virtual event, dedicating the Pavilion in honor of Corban's eighth president, Dr. David F. Miller. In his 17 years as head pastor at Valley Baptist of Perrydale, and his 20+ years teaching at then Western Baptist College, Dr. Miller faithfully preached the power

of the Gospel to all who would listen. As Corban’s president, he continued to do the same, ushering in an era of growth, improvement, and innovation which continues to be felt across Corban’s campus and in its community. This special building dedication in his honor will bring physicality to the permanence of his profound impact on this university. Join us as we honor the life and service of Dr. David F. Miller with this special dedication. Register for this virtual event today at: go.corban.edu/ca23



CORBAN RELAUNCHES COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJOR Corban has relaunched its computer science program for Fall 2020 in order to meet the growing need for competent, committed, Christian professionals in the diverse and expanding field of computer science. Dr. Tom Cornman, Provost, says, “We believe offering a four-year bachelor’s degree in computer science will effectively prepare our students for increasing opportunities in a data-driven, datarich world. While computer science majors will be especially equipped to meet today’s data needs, even other majors will have the option to add a computer science minor and gain the analytical skills necessary for a world that relies heavily on data.” Corban’s decision to relaunch computer science arose from increasing demand from prospective students and from employers in today’s marketplace.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, in the next ten years, jobs for software developers are projected to increase by 21%, with an 11% increase expected for computer and information systems managers, and a 32% increase in information security jobs—each well above the 5% national average for job growth. This is just a snapshot of the way businesses are increasingly relying on data systems, and those who know how to manage them. New Associate Professor of Computer Science, Dr. Deborah Thomas, says, “Just as it is important to have Christians in fields like nursing and teaching, it is equally important to have programmers and developers who are Christians being a light in corporate settings.” Learn more at: go.corban.edu/ca27

CORBAN'S NEW CAMPUS CARE INITIATIVE GIVES BACK TO STUDENTS This year, Corban University has pulled three major campus operation areas—janitorial, groundskeeping, and facilities maintenance—in house. The move will represent a savings to Corban as compared to outsourcing these functions, while maintaining quality and an emphasis on customer service. “Instead of taking in money from tuition and then funding an outside vendor, we try to reduce the cost and make the resulting savings available to the student through their employment,” says Vice President for Strategic Initiatives, Steve Sammons. Corban selected Arne Jensen Landscaping, a Christian-owned business serving the Salem community for the past 35 years, to help oversee the

groundskeeping aspect of this change. “We actually asked them to come in and to get missionally aligned with us,” says Sammons. “Aren Jensen [son of company founder Arne Jensen] has taken the lead of not only instilling work ethic in our student workers, but also leading from a discipleship standpoint,” says Sammons. “This has become more than just a job.” Read the full story at: go.corban.edu/ca35


Corban has an established history and partnership with the country of Indonesia, welcoming students from across the nation’s islands, many who come on government scholarships, to study on campus each year. But the most remote Papuan populations have often been overlooked. This year, Corban’s newest class of Papuan students was set to be the largest in school history, with over 50 students expected to enroll and begin their

academic journey on campus. But when news of COVID-19 outbreaks circled the globe, embassies began to shut down. With plans for on-campus education for new Papuan students on hold, Corban shifted its focus toward meeting these students where they were at. All 50 Papuan students were able to take courses via Corban's live-remote online learning option, gaining access to vital instruction. This year, 39 Papuan students have begun full-time coursework remotely in Papua, utilizing the live-remote option. "These students have the opportunity to become Christian thought leaders in Papua,” Allen says. "They will spread the gospel message throughout Indonesia." Read the full story at: go.corban.edu/ca37

FIVE ACCOUNTING STUDENTS RECEIVE OSCPA SCHOLARSHIPS “When I first heard about the OSCPA (Oregon Society of Certified Public Accountants) scholarship program over 20 years ago, they had never heard of Corban’s accounting program,” longtime Professor of Accounting, Dr. Bryce Bernard, says. Bernard quickly went to work to make sure his students had the opportunity to be recognized. Since the University first became recognized by the OSCPA, Dr. Bernard’s hard work has been paying dividends, as Corban accounting majors have been represented among the annual OSCPA winners nearly every year. This year, a record five Corban students were awarded scholarships.

Beginning November 5, Corban Theatre presents William Shakespeare's The Comedy of Errors. With limited seats available, or live-streaming virtually, this play is the perfect break from the bombardment of negative news, as Corban students share their gifts through this very accessible and hilarious comedy. The Comedy of Errors is a goofy tale of mistaken identity, farcical actions, and ridiculous coincidences. To enjoy Corban Theatre’s offered oasis of humor while also supporting the performing arts and local performing artists, visit go.corban.edu/ca25


INTERNATIONAL SPOTLIGHT: CORBAN UNIVERSITY'S Prior to 2015, Corban only received two to three Papuan students each year until Associate Provost of Global Engagement, Dr. Janine Allen, generated a dialogue with the Indonesian government concerning increased educational access, equity, and inclusion among native Papuan groups.


November 14 at 7:30pm, join us for this virtual event dedicating the Pavilion in honor of Corban's former theology professor and eighth president, Dr. David F. Miller. As president, Dr. Miller ushered in an era of growth, grace, improvement, and innovation which continues to be felt across Corban’s campus and in its community. This special building dedication in his honor will bring physicality to the permanence of his profound impact on this university. Register for this virtual event today at: go.corban.edu/ca23

CORBAN GIVING DAY On Tuesday, December 1, join the world’s largest global generosity movement, Giving Tuesday, by supporting student scholarships through your donation to the Corban Fund. This year, your gift of $500 or more will be memorialized with a custom engraved brick in our Legacy Plaza, beneath the clocktower. Learn more by visiting: go.corban.edu/ca29

REWATCH TIM HILLS COURT DEDICATION On October 10, we honored former men’s basketball coach Tim Hills with a custom court to commemorate his legacy of molding young men and women into champions of character. Tim Hills coached men’s basketball at Western Baptist for 23 years and compiled a school-record 389 wins during his tenure, including a National Christian College Athletic Association Division II national championship during the 1976-77 season. To view the full dedication video replay, visit: go.corban.edu/ca31

(left to right) Seth Mack, Lauren Barraza, Emma-Anne Lonsford, Andrew Phelps, Joshua Miller

“Usually U of O, OSU, and Portland State dominate the list of winners,” Bernard says. “But we had five students this year, which is a lot. It’s the most we’ve ever had, and it speaks to the quality of our students.” For the full story, visit: go.corban.edu/ca39

If you would like to view this online go to go.corban.edu/ca41 or scan this QR code.

STREAM THIS YEAR'S WORLD OUTREACH WEEK EVENTS FOR FREE WOW was highlighted by keynote speaker, Dr. Darrell Bock, author of Cultural Intelligence: Living for God in a Diverse, Pluralistic World. Dr. Bock’s message about extending Christ’s welcome in a divided world was shockingly relevant to today’s cultural climate. You can still participate by viewing recordings of the event videos for free. Visit: go.corban.edu/ca33

REACH OUT TO US This newsletter is printed on 15% PCW recycled content paper, using soy-based ink.

Do you have something you would like to see featured in an upcoming issue? Let us know at go.corban.edu/ca45, by email at advancement@corban.edu, or by mail.

www.corban.edu | 5000 Deer Park Dr. SE, Salem, OR 97317


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