Cordelia Pickford. Portfolio

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INDEX 0. About Me


1. Graphic Design

4 - 13

Poster design


Editorial design


Packaging & Branding

8 - 13

2. Illustration

14 - 21

3. Art

22 - 27

4. Photography

28 - 33

5. Multimedia

34 - 43

App design

36 - 39

2D Animation

40 - 41

Web design

42 - 43

6. Set Design

44 - 47

7. Product Design

48 - 55

8. Projects

56 - 71


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 3

GRAPHIC DESIGN - Branding & Packaging - Corporate Identity - Poster Design - Editorial Design -

4/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


HELVETICA POSTER Typographic Poster / 2016 Area: Poster Design Description: Poster design inspired by the worldwide known typeface, “Helvetica”. In this exercise I used a grid like composition, to make reference to the style of this font as well as using the colours of the Swiss flag as a mention to its origins.

2017 / PORTFOLIO / 5

ESPRESSO MAGAZINE Magazine Design / 2017 Area: Editorial Design Description: Espresso Magazine, is the name given to a print edition in which coffee is the topic that appears throughout. In the process of creating this magazine, I edited a series of articles about coffee in all its shapes and sizes, starting with its fascinating history, its influence on our culture, its place in the economy; also including a whole section on its appearance in the culinary and art world, together with some opinions on this beverage. In this magazine, you can find all sorts of areas of design: photography, infographics, illustration, publicity and poster design.

6/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 7

LIBERALIA 4.5 Wine Label / 2016 Area: Packaging Description: Label, logo and packaging design for the Crianza Wine, Liberalia 4.5. Its logo is designed out of a geometrical shaped typeface, with the intentions of creating a modern and well-defined label. Its circular shapes emphasize the idea of a dot in the name four “point� five, as well as imitating the round shape of a grape. The use of a strong red on top of the almost black bottle is carefully chosen to go well with the type of wine it contains. Finally, as for a second packaging to contain and protect the bottle; I designed a black rectangular box which shares the same aesthetics and style.

8/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 9

ASTURIAN CIDER TFG / 2017 Area: Packaging and Branding Description: For my end of degree project I decided to apply all the skills I had learnt in my degree on a traditional product in my environment, by redesigning graphically the Asturian cider botlle. Having in mind my intentions of creating something new, without breaking with the essence of this product, I decided to base my project on ideas defended by the “Slow Food” and “Slow Design” movements, getting inspiration in the nature and the surroundings of this drink. In total, I designed 22 labels, inspired each one on the 22 different varieties of Asturian cider apples and at the same time representing some element belonging to the Asturian nature or culture.

10/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 11

12/ PORTFOLIO / 2017

2017 / PORTFOLIO / 13

ILLUSTRATION - Book illustrations - Ilustration series - Collage -

14/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


COLLAGES Ilustrations / 2015 Area: Ilustration Description: Self-initiated series of collages made by experimenting with different techniques and mediums. Combining magazine cutouts, calligraphy, drawing and painting, the idea was to accomplish a collection of dynamic and balanced compositions with an abstract content.

2017 / PORTFOLIO / 15

COMPRO, ROBO, VENDO UN PICASSO Illustrated book / 2016 Area: Ilustration and Editorial Description: Layout design and illustrations for Quino Collante’s short story, “Compro, Robo, Vendo un Picasso”. The format chosen for this paperback book, is approximately A5. As for the illustrations, they are collages, combining recycled coloured paper with graphite and ink.

16/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 17

LLANES DE A TO Z Illustrated book / 2015 Area: Ilustration and Editorial Description: Self-edited book featuring an illustrated alphabet of Llanes. From A to Z, each letter represents an emblematic monument, place or feature of Llanes. The techniques used are black ink for the letters and watercolour and pencil for the illustrations.

18/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 19

SKYLINES Panoramic illustrations / 2015 Area: Ilustration Illustration series drawn in markers and ink, in which a village, town or city is represented in one single line, by presenting its most emblematic buildings, sites and monuments. In this series there are three different sizes, which correspond to the size of the place it represents; therefore the smaller size is for villages and the biggest for cities of a larger scale.

20/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 21

ART - Exhibitions - Painting - Surf Art -

22/ PORTFOLIO / 2017




Exhibition / 2015

Exhibition / 2012 & 2014

Area: Exhibition

Area: Exhibitions

Description: Being my third Art Exhibition, in September 2015, I presented my latest collection of work in El Centro de Llacín de Porrúa. In this exhibition I had on show two series I had painted in the same year. The first consisted of a series of beach scenes and another of scenes from Llanes, using mixed media. The other series consisted of a series of illustrations of skylines, painted in markers and ink, representing villages, towns or cities by drawing their most emblematic buildings and features. Alongside both of these series, I also presented my self-edited book, Llanes A to Z, a complete illustrated alphabet of Llanes.

Description: My two first ever art Exhibitions. The first being in 2012, at the age of 17 in the Casa de Cultura de Llanes, in this exhibition I presented a series of local landscapes in watercolour. Two years later, I held my second exhibition during Easter 2015 in Porrúa, were I exhibited a series of paintings of lighthouses of the area.

2017 / PORTFOLIO / 23

EASTERN ASTURIAS IN MIXED MEDIA Mixed Media / 2015 Area: Art Description: Collection of paintings of Asturian beaches and Llanes. Using mixed media, these paintings were created by combining newspaper cuttings, graphite, watercolour and ink, which all together created a textured surface but with homogenous finishing. 24/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 25

SURF ART Surfboards / 2014 Area: Surf Art Description: Surfboard designs painted by hand and made on comission. These designs turned out to be very colourful making reference to the surf world.

26/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 27

PHOTOGRAPHY - Creative Photography - Product Photography -

28/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


GLASS BALLS Product Photography / 2015 Area: Photography Description: Photographic series of amusing glass globes. This project consisted of learning how to work with transparent and reflective surfaces, such as glass, using a white backdrop and lighting equipment.

2017 / PORTFOLIO / 29

30/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


DON’T PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD Product Photography / 2015 Area: Photography Description: Photographic series of food, mainly of pieces of fruit and vegetables, following the theme: “Don’t play with your food” combining the idea of food with play, by drawing on the pieces of fruit traditional games such as wordsearch, noughts and crosses, football or basketball. This series was completed on a white background in a photography studio.

2017 / PORTFOLIO / 31

ASTURIAN APPLES Product Photography. TFG / 2017 Area: Photography Description: In order to complement my cider bottle designs, I created a photographic series of the 22 aplles each design presented. Each one of these apples presented some type of element which associated it to its correspondant bottle design.

32/ PORTFOLIO / 2017

2017 / PORTFOLIO / 33

MULTIMEDIA - App Design - 2D Animation - Web Design -

34/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


CRAZY COFFEE Computer Game / 2017 Area: Multimedia Description: Small computer game designed using the program called Construct. This game consists of a flying coffee machine, whose movement is coordinated with the arrow keys of the computer, flying around the screen with the mission to get as many coffee beans as possible without getting destroyed by the flying cups, making the player go back to the start.

2017 / PORTFOLIO / 35

LACES UP FOR IOS IOS App Design / 2016 Area: Multimedia Description: App Design for IOS. Laces Up is an App that helps you get out of the house. By calculating your routes whether it’s to go for a run, a walk, off to work or just a simple shopping trip, it gives you no excuse not to do your laces up and get going.

36/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 37

LACES UP FOR ANDROID Android App Design / 2017 Area: Multimedia Description: Laces Up is an App that helps you get out of the house. By calculating your routes whether it’s to go for a run, a walk, off to work or just a simple shopping trip, it gives you no excuse not to do your laces up and get going. Not only does it calculate your route, but it is also an amazing tool for keeping check on your progress, saving your favorites, and giving you advice, and therefore fitting with your profile created. This version is adapted for the Android interface, and therefore follows all its material design guidelines, making it usable on all Android devices. 38/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 39

FOOD AROUND THE WORLD 2D Animation / 2016 Area: Animation Description: 2D vector animation made in Adobe Flash. In this small sequence, 9 typical dishes or food from around the world appear one after another playing with different types of transitions and animations. These 9 chosen countries are: China, Japan, the USA, Mexico, Brazil, Morocco, Spain, France and England.

40/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 41

WEB DESIGN HTML. ONLINE PORTFOLIO Web Design / 2017 Area: Web Design Description: Portfolio web designed from scratch using Adobe Dreamweaver, and made in html, CSS and Java Script. Being my portfolio, my intentions were to design a creative and original page, presenting my most significative projects in an organized manner.


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 43

SET DESIGN - Theatrical set design - Exhibition set design -

44/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


SET DESIGN FOR BIZET’S CARMEN Opera et design / 2015 Area: Set Design Description: Set design for Georges Bizet’s Opera “Carmen”. Project worked on in collaboration with Ángel Aguado, in which four different sets are designed for all four acts of this opera. The idea itself looks for an original result, combining aesthetics with practicality, taking in account all the problems an Opera can bring. Our approach plays with only one central element from which all four sets are created. This centerpiece, which consists of an elevated platform limits the space of action and focuses the public’s attention by avoiding any lateral distractions.

2017 / PORTFOLIO / 45

46/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 47

PRODUCT DESIGN - Object design - Packaging and Branding -

48/ PORTFOLIO / 2017

MIMO Product design / 2017 Area: Product design Mimo consists of a range of products designed to keep your workspace neat and tidy, as well as looking after your possessions. Merging modern and traditional together, Mimo allows you to start looking after objects such as CD-ROMs, memory sticks, cables, mobiles or earphones, by presenting a design similar to those of traditional toys. A spinning top to stack up Cds, a yo-yo to roll up your earphones and many more.

2017 / PORTFOLIO / 49

50/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 51


PETRALUX Product design / 2017 Area: Object design Petralux is the name given to this series of bedside table lamps. As indicated by its name, each lamp is inspired by one of the three different types of rocks: sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous. This project was developed by a team of three people, and it consisted of giving each type of lamp attributes related to the type of rock it was inspired by. For the metamorphic lamp, the stone chosen for its inspiration was slate, hence its dark colours and its laminar appearance. As for the igneous design, its holes and organic texture are based on the pumice stone. Finally the sedimentary lamp shows layers with different levels of transparency to make reference to limestone. 52/ PORTFOLIO / 2017

2017 / PORTFOLIO / 53

ATA Product design / 2017 Area: Product design “Ata” is the name given to this series of necklace designs. This name, meaning in Spanish “to tie” makes both reference to the character of jewelry itself as it is a form of knot tied around the human body, as well as making reference to its source of inspiration: sailors Knots. Each necklace reinterprets one of the most used knots in the world of sailing, abstracting its shape and form, leaving a noticeable resemblance.

54/ PORTFOLIO / 2017

2017 / PORTFOLIO / 55

PROJECTS - Miguel Marinero - La Barrica Blanca - Asturchips -

56/ PORTFOLIO / 2017

MIGUEL MARINERO - MBFW 2015 - Exhibition 2016 Team project work for the famous fashion designer Miguel Marinero.

CATWALK BACKDROP. MBFW 2015 Backdrop design / 2015 Area: Set design Description: In this team project, I collaborated with the famous Spanish Fashion Designer Miguel Marinero in the creation of a backdrop for his Fashion show in the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week 2015. The design of this backdrop was inspired by Ibarrola’s “Cubos de la Memoria” in Llanes, and it was painted on panels which were used behind the models on the cat walk. 58/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 59

MIGUEL MARINERO. MUSEO DE ARTES DECORATIVAS Exhibition design and montage / 2016

tion, various panels and backgrounds were designed; all inspired by the “Cubos de la Memoria” of Ibarrola in Description: Llanes, being the theme of the exhibition. In this team project, I collaborated with the famous During the inauguration, a performance took place, in Spanish Fashion Designer Miguel Marinero in the de- which we painted a series of 3 mannequins, making sign and installation of his latest exhibition: “Del Arte, reference to the 3 themes of the exhibition, all with the Del Artista y del Territorio” In the layout of this exhibi- intention to combine art and fashion. Area: Set design

60/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


2017 / PORTFOLIO / 61

LA BARRICA BLANCA - Coasters - T-shirts - Tables & Posters Series of designs created for “La Barrica Blanca”, a drinks bar in the centre of Llanes.


COASTERS LA BARRICA BLANCA. Graphic design & Illustration / 2015 2017 / PORTFOLIO / 63

TABLES LA BARRICA BLANCA. Graphic design & Illustration / 2016

T-SHIRTS LA BARRICA BLANCA. Graphic design & Illustration / 2016

64/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


SCHWEPPES LA BARRICA BLANCA. Graphic Design / 2016 2017 / PORTFOLIO / 65

ASTURCHIPS - Corporate Identity - Packaging - Branding -


LOGO. ASTURCHIPS. Graphic design / 2016 2017 / PORTFOLIO / 67

CRISP PACKETS. ASTURCHIPS. Packaging / 2016 68/ PORTFOLIO / 2017


PROMOTION & PUBLICITY. ASTURCHIPS. Graphic design /2016 2017 / PORTFOLIO / 69

QUESERÍA PICURRIELLU - Cheese labels Cheese labels for the Asturian dairy, “Quesería PicUrriellu”


VALLE OSCURU CHEESE. PICURRIELLU. Graphic design / 2016 2017 / PORTFOLIO / 71

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