"World Markets and Opportunities"
Azerbaijan The Land of Fire
2013 azerbaijan | World Markets and Opportunities | 51
Azerbaijan is ranked 51 in the Global Competitiveness Report for 2009-2010, which is above other CIS countries. Furthermore, even in the current economic situation Standard&Poor’s increased the Azerbaijani rating’s forecast from “stable” to “positive”
At 86.6 thousand square kilometers in total and a population of around 9.4 million, Azerbaijan, with its strategic geopolitical location, has been at the crossroads of several civilizations over the centuries
The folk arts of Azerbaijan are multi-colored, complete and rich, as its natural resources. The folk art is connected with daily life of people and cover a long period from ancient times to nowadays and including a variety of products from garments to housing goods and decoration 52 | World Markets and Opportunities | azerbaijan
Republic of Azerbaijan is the largest country in the Caucasus region of Eurasia. Known for its wealth of crude oil and natural gas reserves, Azerbaijan is bounded by the Caspian Sea to the east, Russia to the north, Georgia to the northwest, Armenia to the west, and Iran to the south
Azerbaijan led the world as the top reformer in 2007/08, with improvements on seven out of 10 indicators of regulatory reform. Azerbaijan’s extensive reforms moved it far up the ranks, from 97 to 33 in the overall ease of doing busines
Azerbaijan is a country of ancient culture. The talented and creative powers of the nation are personified in such epic monuments as "Kitabi-Dede Gorgud", "Oguzname" "Keroglu" and many others
The Government of Azerbaijan has set the development of Azerbaijan as an elite tourist destination a top priority. It is a national strategy to make tourism a major, if not the single largest, contributor to the Azerbaijani economy
The return of Heydar Aliev to the leadership in Azerbaijan laid the foundation for the ideology based on such universal humanitarian values as independence, state formation, patriotism, justice, democracy, national progress and secularity azerbaijan | World Markets and Opportunities | 53
H.E. Mr. Eldar Hasanov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Serbia
Leader in Development of South Caucasus
Azerbaijan is rapidly developing and modernizing in all segments. Democratic reforms are underway, as are major energy and transport projects of international importance. At the same time, Azerbaijan has been transformed into a country with the fastest economic growth, while becoming an integral part of the global community and Euro-Atlantic structures.
zerbaijan is very interested in the Balkan region considering that, in the last few years, the presidents of Serbia and Montenegro and head of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s presidency officially visited the country. At the same time, the President of Azerbaijan has officially visited several regional countries, including Serbia and Montenegro. We are talking to the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, H.E. Mr. Eldar Hasanov about the mutual interest expressed by the two countries, their collaboration and business and cultural ties.
• From where does this strong interest in the region originate, and what is your view of the development of the diverse bilateral relations between our two countries? - I am the Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to three Balkan countries, and I would like to use this opportunity to give you some brief information about Azerbaijan, which has a long history of statehood and a deep-rooted cultural and national heritage. Azerbaijan is rapidly developing and modernizing in all segments. Democratic reforms are underway, as are major energy and transport projects of international importance. At the same time, Azerbaijan has been transformed into a country with the fastest economic growth, while becoming an integral part of the global community and Euro-Atlantic structures. The country has been internationally recognized as a reliable partner. The most obvious example of this is Azerbaijan’s being chosen as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council in 2012-2013, and this is something for which we need to thank our strategic partner – the Republic of Serbia –since
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it was Serbia that has supported us during the election process. The main strategic directions of our development have been set out by the allnational leader of the Azerbaijan people, Heydar Aliyev. Today, these development directions are successfully pursued by his honourable successor Ilham Aliyev. Our country attaches great importance to establishing good friendly relations with all countries in the world. As you have underlined, the official visits of various heads of state to our country indicate interest for bolstering the cooperation with Azerbaijan. Of course, it is also important for Azerbaijan to strengthen its relations with the countries in this region, including Serbia, Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina in different segments. Boosting relations between these countries and Azerbaijan can contribute to the development of bilateral relations, regional and international cooperation. The development curve of our relations has been upward and dynamic, especially after the mutual official visits of the heads of states, foreign ministers, economy ministers, MPs and other high officials. Following this, our relations have been elevated to a new level – that of strategic partnership. During the official visit of Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić to Azerbaijan in February, the two sides signed a “Declaration on Friendly Relations and Strategic Partnership.” The documents signed by the two governments have formed a strong legal framework for the extension of our cooperation. I am confident
There is a strong international legal foundation for the resolution of the conflict with Armenia.
On the international stage, Azerbaijan and Serbia have mutually recognized each other's territorial integrity.
Information and communication technology (ICT) is one of the top priority segments in Azerbaijan.
that the activities of the joint intergovern- - Azerbaijan is a tolerant country, where people parliamentary democratic republic: the Demomental commission and inter-parliamentary of different cultures and religions have been liv- cratic Republic of Azerbaijan. Resting on the ties will be very important in solidifying our ing in peace for centuries. Therefore, our country ancient tradition of statehood and concordantly bilateral relations. Joint projects in various attaches a great importance to dialogue, respect combining global, European and national valsegments of economy, including transport, and love among all cultures and religions, and ues with the characteristics of Eastern cultures, the Republic became the first legal, construction, infrastructure and globally recognized state in the East. tourism, have been successfully Even at that time, the Democratic implemented. Republic of Azerbaijan bore the atFollowing a decree by Azerbaitributes of a state, had its own parjan President Ilham Aliyev, and liament, was the first country in the with the support of the AzerbaiEast to give women voting rights, jan government, several humanand made important decisions and itarian projects have been realcarried out practical steps in buildized, including sprucing up and ing the state, army, culture, educareconstructing the Tašmajdan tion and healthcare. As a result of the Park in Belgrade and the wharf long and arduous fight of the Azerin Novi Sad, constructing a mebaijan people for their independmorial complex in honour of the ence, and following the collapse of renowned Azerbaijan composer the USSR, Azerbaijan restored its Uzeyir Hajibeyli, the reconstrucindependence on October 18, 1991, tion of the Bajrakli Mosque in following the adoption of the ConstiBelgrade, the St. Petka Church tutional Act on State Independence. in Novi Sad, the Cultural Centre The modern-day, independent Azerin Novi Pazar, the Retirement baijan state is a true successor of the Home in Banja Luka, the Centre The monuments of Heydar Aliyev (left) and Uzeyir Hajibeyli (right) Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan for Blind and Vision-Impaired Children and Youth in Sarajevo, and the or- preservation of cultural and religious monu- which existed from 1918 to 1920. ments, as well as the national, ethnic and culphanage in Bijelo Polje. Also, following an initiative by the Azerbaijan Em- tural heritage not only in our country, but abroad • In the last ten years, your country’s economy bassy in Serbia, several books in the Azerbaijan too, especially in those countries that are Azer- has been rapidly developing. Could you describe the stages of this development for us language have been translated into Serbian, in- baijan’s strategic partners. and the main development prerequisites? cluding: “Heydar Aliyev” dedicated to All-National Leader of the Azerbaijan people from the edition • Azerbaijan is the first secular parliamentary - Today, the Azerbaijan economy is one of the “The Lives of Notable People, “Colours” by Ra- republic in the entire Muslim world (the parlia- economies with the most dynamic growth in the world. Thanks to successfully sul Rza, “Death Penalty” by Elchin conducted reforms, our country beEfendiyev, and Milorad Pavić’s “Dic- Every year, the Azerbaijan government gives a came a regional leader. Azerbaijan tionary of the Kzahars” has been donation to the Centre for Long-Term Care of has been actively participating in translated in Azerbaijan language. global economic and energy proDuring the official visit of Presi- Mothers, Children and Refugees in Vojvodina jects, both regionally and internadent Nikolić, we officially unveiled a monument erected in honour of Nikola Tesla in mentary republic was founded in 1918). What tionally. Our country has been contributing Baku. Every year, the Azerbaijan government gives kind of political heritage does this fact imply to energy safety in Europe. Even during the a donation to the Centre for Long-Term Care of and how important is the foundation of a par- very difficult global financial downturn, our liamentary republic for modern-day Azerbaijan? economic development did not stop. We have Mothers, Children and Refugees in Vojvodina. - The day of the foundation of the Democratic managed to triple our national GDP, i.e., to re• Your country has been supporting and ac- Republic of Azerbaijan, May 28, 1918, is one of cord 300% growth. Our economy has been ditively participating in the restoration of cul- the brightest and most memorable days in the versified while the state has been focusing on tural and religious heritage not only in Serbia, history of Azerbaijan statehood. In 1918, the year development of the non-oil sector. but in other regional countries too. What is the of the adoption of the Declaration of Independ- The Azerbaijan economy is liberal and we have ence in the East, the Muslim world got its first created good conditions for the development purpose of this support? azerbaijan | World Markets and Opportunities | 55
of the private sector. Such liberal economic • What is the future of the economic rela- - The Armenian aggression against Azerbaipolicies have also facilitated the develop- tions between Azerbaijan and Serbia? jan is currently the most painful problem for ment of entrepreneurship in the country. The - Bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and the Azerbaijan state and its people. The agprivate sector has over an 80% share in the Serbia have been rapidly developing The Re- gression is continuing, and there is still no economy. Overall, the modern-day Azerbaijan public of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Ser- solution in sight for the Armenian- Azerbaieconomy makes up between 75% and 80% of bia have created an intergovernmental com- jan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The conflict the entire South Caucasus economy. We have mission for commercial and economic coop- is a single biggest threat to peace and stabeen also implementing gradual measures eration which covers all aspects of economic bility in the region. For over 20 years, 20% toward reducing unemployment. During the cooperation. The Serbian-Azerbaijan Cham- of Azerbaijan’s territory has been occupied by last eight years, we have created over a mil- ber of Commerce was founded in Belgrade in Armenian armed forces as a result of ethnilion new jobs. The current unemployment rate 2010. The Serbian Government has created cal cleansing by the Armenians, following stands at 5%. Every year, housewhich millions of our countrymen became refugees and displaced hold income is almost double persons. In the occupied territhe country’s inflation rate. Information and communication tories, the Armenians have detechnology (ICT) is one of the top stroyed all social and infrastrucpriority segments in Azerbaijan. ture facilities, as well as ancient It gives us great pleasure to say cultural and historic monuments that, early this year, we launched and cemeteries. the first artificial satellite into There is a strong international lethe space, putting Azerbaijan in a gal foundation for the resolution group of countries with a space of this conflict. The UN Security programme. The influential interCouncil has passed four resolunational financial organizations tions about the conflict, demandhave ranked our economy highly. ing from the occupation forces to According to reputable internaimmediately withdraw from the occupied territories. Although tional rating agencies, Azerbaijan The monuments of Milorad Pavić (left) and Nikola Tesla (right) these resolutions have been is ranked 46th in the world on the adopted by the highest instances, economic competitiveness list, and Overall, the modern-day Azerbaijan economy they are not being implemented first in the CIS area. Azerbaijan has in practice. Besides OSCE, the also started to invest in foreign makes up between 75% and 80% of the entire European Council and the Eucountries, with most of our invest- South Caucasus economy ments made in regional countries ropean Parliament have passed and the countries that are our strategic partners. a favourable investment environment for important resolutions too, and the territorial At the same time, we have been expanding the Azerbaijan companies in Serbia. One of the integrity of Azerbaijan is supported by these geography of our investments and have started brightest examples of this is the Azerbaijan institutions. Unfortunately, Armenian politito invest in some European countries too. Invest- company AzVirt’s constructing a Corridor 11 cal leaders have been ignoring them. In that context, I would like to thank the Sering strengthens economic ties and plays an im- road segment from Ljig to Preljine. The Republic of Azerbaijan and the Repub- bian state and its parliament for including portant role in maintaining their longevity. I would also like to underline that, during the lic of Serbia have signed a total of 24 docu- the resolution about “Compliance with infirst six months of this year, over US $12.6 ments covering cooperation in various areas. ternational law and the peaceful settlement billion worth of investments were made in In 2012, the volume of trade between the of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karathe Azerbaijan economy. Most of these are Republic of Azerbaijan and the Republic of bakh conflict” in the parliamentary agenda, domestic investments (US $7 billion), while Serbia stood at US $25 billion, which has as suggested by Chairman of the Constituthe rest are foreign investments (US $5 bil- grown eight times. tional Affairs and Legislation Committee and lion). This is a very important issue, since Economic cooperation between Azerbaijan the Parliamentary Group for Friendship with Azerbaijan has been deemed as attractive to and Serbia has a great future, and there are Azerbaijan, Vladimir Cvijan. I would also like foreign investors for many years, validated in endless possibilities for further developing to add that the senates and parliaments of US $5 billion worth of foreign investments this cooperation in science, IT, infrastructure, many countries around the world have also made in the country in the space of only six transportation, tourism, agriculture and oth- passed similar resolutions. months. Foreign investments are important er areas of mutual interest. On the international stage, Azerbaijan and for any country. Regardless of the country Serbia have mutually recognized each other’s having its own strong financial potential, • What are the biggest problems that Azer- territorial integrity and fully support the inviothe trust that foreign investors have shown baijan is facing today, and what is happen- lability of state borders and sovereign rights in our country and their investments are re- ing with the Armenian- Azerbaijan Nagorno- of both countries. I would like to especially underline that the Azerbaijan state has always flected in the country’s overall development. Karabakh conflict? 56 | World Markets and Opportunities | azerbaijan
and will always support Serbia’s territorial integrity. • A presidential election is due to take place in Azerbaijan in October. What do you expect from the election, and which candidate has the best chance of becoming the next Azerbaijan president? - Since Azerbaijan is a secular, democratic and legal state, our presidential elections are certainly going to be held in accordance with the Constitution and legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, international principles and requirements and in an open and democratic manner. As a citizen of Azerbaijan, I personally believe that the people of Azerbaijan are going to vote for a bright future, prosperity and stability, and a candidate who advocates an independent policy and whose strategy will not remain on paper only but will be
a 21st century Azerbaijan? - Azerbaijan is a country with a good geographical position and substantial natural resources. Developing our scientific and technological sector, improving education and healthcare to comply with contemporary requirements, improving social welfare and preserving the country’s territorial integrity are the top priority issues for us. In terms of other segments, we have been implementing very important projects that will transform Azerbaijan into a true tourist country. The public indicator of this is the increasing number of summer and winter resorts, tourist centres, and hotels which are scattered all over the country. This year alone, five luxury (five star) hotels have been opened in Azerbaijan. Developing sports is also something that the state authorities
During the first six months of this year, over US $12.6 billion worth of investments were made in the Azerbaijan economy implemented in practice, based on his desire to serve the people. I am confident that, out of 15 presidential candidates, the Azerbaijan people, by far, trust the current president, Ilham Aliyev, the most. During the last decade, Ilham Aliyev secured political stability, steadfast economic development, modernized infrastructure, facilitated the development of new technologies, has successfully resolved and continues to resolve the population’s social issues (particularly those pertaining to refugees), and is absolutely capable of resolving the supremely important issue of the country’s territorial integrity. • Azerbaijan is situated on the intersection between the East and West. What are the strategic advantages and drawbacks of such a position? What is your vision of
feel strongly about, and we have already shown great results in this area. In the last 10 years, Azerbaijan built close to 20 Olympic facilities which resulted in our athletes winning more Olympic medals. We are proud of the fact that, for the first time ever, Baku will host the European Olympic Games in 2015. If we are talking about sports, I also have to mention that over 40 Serbian athletes and coaches are engaged in various sports in Azerbaijan. Simply put, we have many plans for our future, and I am confident that the Azerbaijan people want to see unity between the government and the people, while a purposeful domestic and foreign policy, conducted by the head of our state, will help in achieving the goals that we set for ourselves in the 21st century. ■
H.E. Mr. Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev, President of Azerbaijan
Master of Diplomatic Game More than 76% of voters supported Ilham Aliyev’s candidacy during the elections in 2003. In 2008, he was elected to the second term of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, after acquiring 88% of votes of electorate in the elections
he most influental figuers in Azerbaijan is it’s President Ilham Heydar oglu Aliyev. Within internal politics, he has never had serious rivals capable of challenging his firm grip on the Azerbaijani politics. Aliyev’s clear determination to defend his country’s independence in foreign affairs and masterful diplomatic game aimed at building effective relations with all the regional players He was born in December 24, 1961, in Baku, where he attended a secondary school from 1967 till 1977. In 1977, he entered the Moscow State University of International Relations (MSUIR). In 1982, upon his graduation, Mr. Aliyev had continued his education as a postgraduate student in MSUIR. In 1985, he finalized his research works and received a PhD degree in history. During the years of 1985-1990, he gave lectures at the Moscow State University of International Relations. From 1991 to 1994, he led a group of private industrial-commercial enterprises. In 1994-2003, he was the vice-president, and later the first vice-president of the State Oil Company of the Republic of Azerbaijan (SOCAR). He had been actively involved in the implementation of Heydar Aliyev’s oil strategy. He is an author of numerous research works on geopolitical aspects of oil strategy of sovereign Azerbaijan. He holds a degree of doctor of political sciences. In 1995 and 2000, he was twice elected to the Milli Majlis (Par-
liament) of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Since 1997, Mr. Ilham Aliyev is the President of the National Olympic Committee of Azerbaijan. For his great contribution to the development of sports and Olympic movement, Mr. Aliyev was awarded the highest order of International Olympic Committee and “Grand Cordon” Order of Merit of International Military Sport Council. He has been elected deputy chairman of the New Azerbaijan Party in 1999, first deputy chairman in 2001, and the chairman of the Party in 2005. From 2001 to 2003, he was the head of the Azerbaijani Parliamentary delegation to Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE). In January 2003, he was elected as Deputy-Chairman of Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe and member of the PACE bureau. In August 4 2003, following the approval of the Milli Majlis (Parliament), he was appointed as the Prime minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan. In October 15, 2003, he was elected as the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan. More than 76% of voters supported Ilham Aliyev’s candidacy during the elections. He assumed his post on 31 October, 2003. Ilham Aliyev was elected to the second term of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, after acquiring 88% of votes of electorate in the elections, held on October 15, 2008. He started to execute the Office of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 24, 2008. ■
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Mihailo Vesović, Deputy President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce
Cooperation Despite Distances Based on a survey conducted among interested company representatives, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce (PKS) has managed to compile a list of the economic cooperation segments which carry the biggest growth potential. Apart from having an organized approach to the Azeri market, there is a potential for growth in food industry, seed and seedlings and medication exports.
The bilateral economic cooperation between Serbia and Azerbaijan is characterized by a relatively small trade volume of a classical buy/ sell nature, devoid of more sophisticated cooperation formats. Serbian exports (to Azerbaijan) have been constantly growing, while we mostly import energy derivatives, like liquid butane. As of 2009, we have been also importing unwrought aluminium. As the Deputy President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Mihailo Vesović says in this interview for CorD, the Serbian economy wants to bolster economic and commercial relations with the Republic of Azerbaijan, especially in the export segment, as well as have a better quality product structure in trade between the two countries. 58 | World Markets and Opportunities | azerbaijan
• Could you rate the economic cooperation between Serbia and Azerbaijan for us? - In the first half of 2013, Serbia exported US $25 million in goods to Azerbaijan, six times higher than in the same period last year. The total trade between the two countries in 2012 amounted to US $33.71 million with the Serbian side recording a US $30.11 million surplus. The bilateral cooperation is still dynamic with both imports and exports growing. • Cooperation between the two countries has been reduced to regular trading. Is there any chance of
of Commerce (PKS) has managed to compile a list of the economic cooperation segments which carry the biggest growth potential. Apart from having an organized approach to the Azeri market, there is a potential for growth in food industry exports, namely: frozen and canned fruits and vegetables, pasta, confectionery, dairy products, food additives, meat products produced to the Halal quality standard, and sugar. Also, we can export seed and seedlings of grapes and different fruits, maize and potatoes. Apart from that, there is growth potential in exporting plant protection chemicals and veterinary medicine.
The two chambers have been periodically exchanging information about the new elements in legislation and doing business in Azerbaijan, as well as providing business people with the logistics required to establish business contacts having more sophisticated formats of the economic cooperation in the near future? - Based on a survey conducted among interested company representatives, the Serbian Chamber
This list also includes medications and medical equipment, furniture, flooring, paper, special cardboard, PVC and aluminium windows, doors, profiles, construction machinery, hydro-technical equipment, spe-
cial civil engineering constructions, electrical equipment, agricultural machinery and equipment, chemical industry products, paints, varnishes, industrial and specialized motor lubricants for protection of metal and rubber, tourism and tourist services, and arms and military industry. • Have Serbia and Azerbaijan concluded any international economic cooperation treaties? - Taking into consideration the need to define the framework of institutional economic cooperation, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Azpromo and a Cooperation Agreement with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Azerbaijan. At various events and meetings, business people from the two countries have talked about the obstacles in cooperation, mainly the great geographical distance between the two markets, high freight forwarding and transport costs and relatively high costs associated with business trips. The economies of Turkey and the Russian Federation exert a great influence over the Azeri market, while the customs treatment and visa regulation between our two countries additionally hinder cooperation. The chambers of commerce from both countries have been trying to facilitate better access to information about reputable companies and their business activities, and the creditworthiness of potential buyers and investors since business people have been underlining the need to have fast and accurate information at virtually every meeting. Also, the two countries’ chambers are advocating the signing of a special visa regime for business people to be put in place ASAP which would help in getting longer visas with unlimited number of entries. It would be a huge relief for business people if there were direct or corresponding links between the two countries’ banks based on standard
banking practices and compliant with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) regulation. The two chambers have been periodically exchanging information about the new elements in legislation and doing business in Azerbaijan, as well as providing business
ing materials, bending machines, hydraulic presses, gas filtering and purifying equipment, lathes, medication, electrolysis and electrophoresis equipment, metal transfer machines and iron and steel containers. In terms of import, the situation is much different since 99.9% of our import from Azerbaijan has been unwrought aluminium. Arms and the military technology industry, as well as companies like Sloboda Čačak, Prva Iskra–Namenska, Zastava Oružje Kragujevac and Yugoimport SDPR are the biggest exporters to Azerbaijan, as are Hemofarm Vršac and Tarkett Bačka Palanka. The export results achieved by Impamil Belgrade, Šabac Dairy and Jaffa Crvenka are a clear indication that Serbian food products should find their place on store shelves in Azerbaijan.
In the first half of 2013, Serbia exported US $25 million in goods to Azerbaijan, six times higher than in the same period last year. The total trade between the two countries in 2012 amounted to US $33.71 million with the Serbian side recording a US $30.11 million surplus.
people with the logistics required to establish business contacts. • The list of products that Serbia has been exporting to Azerbaijan has been constantly growing. Which products dominate the list? - In 2012, we mostly exported print-
In 2011, Azerbaijan ranked 62nd on the list of the countries to which Serbia exports to the most, while, in 2012, the country jumped to 32nd place. In the first half of 2013, we mostly exported industrial and laboratory electric furnaces, numerical lathes, machinery and mechanical equipment, hydraulic presses, grinders and electroplating machinery, weaponry parts and accessories to Azerbaijan. During that period, Serbian exports to Azerbaijan amounted to US $25 million, six times higher than in the first half of last year. • What has been the PKS doing on establishing a closer economic cooperation with Azerbaijan? - Exchanging business information, organizing business events and bilateral meetings, visiting and participating in fairs, taking part in the work of the Intergovernmental Trading and Economic Cooperation Commission and regular correspondence with the Serbian Embassy in Azerbaijan. These are the institutional activities carried out by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce. •
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Azerbaijan and Serbia
bilateral cooperation
A History of Friendship Foreign trade turnover volume of Azerbaijan Republic with Serbia accounted for US $22.37 million, including a volume of import US $22.35 million, export US $0.02 million for 2012. The share of Serbia in foreign trade turnover of Azerbaijan was 0.07%, including 0.23% for import and 0.0001% for export during the mentioned period. During 2012 the foreign trade turnover with Serbia increased by 8.08 times, including export 8.1 times and import 49.13% compared to 2011. Presidenet Tomislav Nikolic and President Ilham Aliyev
he Former Yugoslavia recognized the independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan on December 31, 1991. Diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Serbia and Montenegro were established on August 21, 1997. On March 25, 2010 the Ambassador of Azerbaijan in Serbia H.E. Mr. Eldar Hasanov presented his credentials to the President of Serbia. On February 2011 the Embassy of Serbia was opened in Baku. The Ambassador of Serbia in Azerbaijan presented his credentials to the President of Azerbaijan on May 26, 2011. High-level mutual visits Presidents: 11-13 May 2010: President of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Boris Tadic official visit; 8-9 June 2011: President of Azerbaijan, H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev official visit; 7-9 February 2013: President of Serbia, H.E. Mr. Tomislav Nikolic official visit Ministers: 18-19 April 2007: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Mr. E. Mammadyarov; 10-12 October 2007: Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Azerbaijan, Mr. H. Baghirov; 5 December 2008: Minister of Justice of Azerbaijan, Mr. F. Mammadov; 2326 June 2009: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Mr. Vuk Jeremic official visit; 12-14 July 2010: Min-
isterof Economic Development of Azerbaijan, Mr. Sh. Mustafayev; 3-4 May 2011: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Mr. E. Mammadyarov official visit; 31 August - 1 Sept 2011: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Mr. Vuk Jeremic; 5-6 September 2011: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, Mr. E. Mammadyarov; 3-4 November 2011: Minister of Economic Development of Azerbaijan, Mr. Sh. Mustafayev; 21 December 2011: Minister of Labour and Social Politics of Serbia, Mr. R. Ljajic and Minister of Agriculture, Trade, Forestry and Water Economy of Serbia, Mr. D. Petrovic; 24-25 January 2012: Minister of Economy and Regional Development of Serbia, Mr. Nebojsa Ciric; 2 February 2012: Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia, Mr. Vuk Jeremic; 14-15 March 2012: Minister of Economy and Regional Development of Serbia, Mr. Nebojsa Ciric; 15 March 2012: Minster of Youth and Sport of Azerbaijan, Mr. Azad Rahimov; 3-4 May 2012: Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Elchin Efendiyev; 26-27 November 2012: Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications of Serbia, Mr. Rasim Ljajic; 28 May 2013: Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Elchin Efendiyev; 1-5 July 2013: Minister of Youth and Sport of Serbia, Mrs. Alisa Maric
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Inter-parliamentary relations There is an inter-parliamentary working group between Serbia and Azerbaijan, approved by “Milli Majlis”. The chairman of the group is Malahat Ibrahimgızı. Vladimir Cvijan is the chairman of inter-parliamentary group in Serbian Parliament, which has 20 members. 6-10 July 2011: Vice-chairmen of the Milli Majlis of Azerbaijan Mrs.Muradova visited to Serbia. Cooperation in the different spheres Politic sphere 6 April 2010: Visit of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Araz Azimov to Serbia for politic consultations. 11 May 2011: Visit of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia Mr. Zoran Vuyic to Azerbaijan for politic consultations. 11 October 2012: Visit of the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Araz Azimov to Serbia for politic consultations. The main bilateral documents in the politic sphere: 1. Joint declaration of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and President of the Republic of Serbia. Baku, 13 May 2010.
2. Protocol on cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. Baku, 13 May 2010. 3. Declaration on friendly relations and strategic partnership between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Republic of Serbia. Baku, 8 February 2013. The project of “resolution about compliance with international law and the peaceful settlement of the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict” proposed in February 2013 by the Chairman of the Committee on Constitutional and Legal Affairs of the Parliament of Serbia, chief of Azerbaijan inter-parliamentary friendship group, Vladimir Tsvian, was included to agenda of the Serbian Parliament and the text of resolution was placed in the Parliament’s website. Economic sphere Azerbaijan-Serbia Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation was established in 7 June 2011. Co-chairs of Commission are Minister of Economic Development of Azerbaijan Mr. Shahin Mustafayev and Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign and Domestic Trade and Telecommunications of Serbia Mr. Rasim Ljajic. Up till now there were 2 sessions of the Commission. The last session was held in Baku on 26-27 November 2012. Five Business Forums was held between the two countries. 2010, in Serbia was established Serbia-Azerbaijan Chamber of Commerce. March 2013, Azerbaijan company “Azvirt” started to construction of the part Lyig-Prelyina of the “11th corridor” highway in Serbia. The main bilateral documents in the economic sphere: 1. Agreement between the Governments of Azerbaijan and Serbia on trade and economic cooperation. Baku, 13 May 2010. 2. Convention between the Governments of Azerbaijan and Serbia on elimination of double taxation with respect to property and incomes. Baku, 13 May 2010. 3. Agreement between the Governments of Azerbaijan and Serbia on promotion and mutual support of investments. Belgrade, 8 June 2011. 4. Agreement between the Governments of Azerbaijan and Serbia on economic and technical cooperation. Baku, 25 January 2012. Humanitarian sphere June 2010, the Azerbaijan Cultural Center was established in Belgrade. 2011- Thanks to donation of the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the refurbishment and
modernization of the park Tashmaydan in Belgrade was done with the built monuments to the national leader of Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev and popular Serbian writer-publicist Milorad Pavic. Furthermore, thanks to donation of Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, at Belgrade embankment in Novi Sad, the memorial was made and refurbished to the significant Azerbaijani composer Uzeir Hajibeili as well as refurbishment of lower level of the Danube embankment.
Constructing of Corridor 11
2011-2012- Thanks to President of the Republic of Azerbaijan H.E. Mr.Ilham Aliyev’s instructions and donation of Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the refurbishment was completed Bayrakly Jami in Belgrade, church of Saint Petca in Novi Sad and Cultural center in Novi Pazar. 7-9 February 2013- During an official visit the President of the Republic of Serbia H.E. Mr. Tomislav Nikolic to Azerbaijan was the official opening of the monument of outstanding Serbian scientist and physicist Nikola Tesla in Baku. 22 February 2012 the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev received a delegation led by Chairman of Serbia Olympic Committee Vlade Divac. In the meeting was given the international award of a “True friend of the Balkans” established by “Foundation Ana and Vlade Divac” to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr.Ilham Aliyev for his valuable contribution in the comprehensive development of relations between Azerbaijan
and Serbia, as well as the Balkan countries and special services in the approaching of Balkan nations. 21-24 August 2012- In the first international festival of sport films “Zlatibor-2012” held in Serbia, Azerbaijan film director Arzu Urshan’s film “Ball sometimes flies and sometimes falls to the ground” was awarded first prize in the festival. 29 June-2 July 2013- In the second international festival of sport films “Zlatibor-2013” held in Serbia, Azerbaijan film director Rafiq Guliyev’s film “Chovgan” was awarded the first prize. After the demonstration of the film award and diploma were presented to the staff of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Serbia. From 2013-2014th academic year, University of Belgrade allocated to the quota for one student (bachelor’s, master’s or doctoral level) from Azerbaijan. At the initiative of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Republic of Serbia was translated into Serbian and published books “from cycle of the life a well-known personalities” dedicated to “The national leader of Azerbaijan Haydar Aliyev”, “Karabakh realities” published by the Haydar Aliyev Foundation, “Uzeyir Hajibeyli”, a collection of poems Rasul Rza’s “Colors”, B.Mehdiyev’s “Red flagged 223th Belgrade division”, Elchin Efendiyev’s “Death sentence”, also was translated into Azerbaijani and published book of Serbian writer Milorad Pavic “Khazar dictionary”, published at the same time Serbian-Azerbaijani dictionary and conversational book, in 5 October 2011, produced by film studio “Salname” the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Azerbaijan Republic and devoted to the “223th Belgrade division” documentary film presented in Belgrade, in 14 March 2012 Huseynbala Miralamov’s “Embarrassment” was staged at the theater of “Slavia” in Belgrade structured by the Azerbaijan National Academic Dram Theater. The main bilateral documents in the humanitarian sphere 1. Agreement between the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia on education cooperation. Baku, 8 June 2011. 2. Agreement between the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Serbia on youth affairs and sports cooperation. Belgrade, 8 June 2011. 3. Agreement between the Governments of Azerbaijan and Serbia on cultural cooperation. Belgrade, 8 June 2011. Contractual-legal bases: 24 documents were signed between Azerbaijan and Serbia. ■ www.azembassy.rs, www.mfa.gov.az
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Economic Development of Azerbaijan
Leader of the South Caucasus
Azerbaijan boasted the second fastest growing economy among 179 countries, in terms of GDP per capita, in the period from 2001 to 2010. This trend even continued during the period of the global economic crisis, with Azerbaijan recording a GDP growth average of five per cent in the last five years
ollowing the collapse of the USSR and the restoration of the country’s independence in 1991, Azerbaijan began placing greater emphasis on economic reform. The main objective of the new policy of independence was to establish an economic system based on different types of ownership, coupled with transition towards a market economy and integration into global economic flows.
Azerbaijan’s period of economic development following the return of its independence can be divided into two main phases. Phase one, from 1991to 1995, was marked by economic chaos and reversals, but the period from 1996 to the present day has fortunatelybeen marked by an increase in macroeconomic stability and dynamic economic growth.
The Azerbaijani economy’s progress in all segments is illustrated by its incredible leap from 97th place to 33rd according to the World Bank's "Doing Business 2009"
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As a result of intense efforts and the foresight of Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev, significant results were achieved in a short period in terms of socio-economic development and in-
tegration into the global economy. During this period one of the main tasks of the country’s leadership was effectively utilising and reallocating revenues from the country’s oil wealth and natural gas supplies. With this in mind, in 1999 Aliyev adopted regulations for the promotion of cooperation with international companies operating in this field. The State Petroleum Fund was also established in order to channel oil export revenues to priority sectors of the economy and significant social and economic projects. International organisations currently assess the work of the Petroleum Fund and the transparency of its operations positively. The country lacked the infrastructure to export its oil and gas following the collapse of the Soviet
Union, but in 1996 it entered into an agreement allowing the export of oil through the Baku-Novorossiysk pipeline. The new Baku-Supsa oil pipeline then became operational in 1999 and agreement was later reached to build the Baku-TbilisiCeyhan oil pipeline, which is currently the largest crude oil pipeline for export. Expectedly, the development of the energy sector has played a dominant role in the progress of other sectors of the economy, entre-
As a result of intense efforts and the foresight of Azerbaijani President Heydar Aliyev, significant results were achieved in a short period in terms of socio-economic development and integration into the global economy preneurship and the enticing of foreign investment in non-oil sectors. According to popular magazine The Economist, Azerbaijan was the second fastest growing economy among 179 countries, in terms of GDP per capita, in the period from 2001 to 2010, and this trend even continued during the period of the global economic crisis, with Azerbaijan recording a GDP growth average of five per cent in the last five years. Today the country has a well developed transport infrastructure, with five international airports connected to major European and Asian cities, the largest port in the Caspian Sea, more than 29,000km of modern roads and 2,800km of railway lines. One of the biggest projects currently being implemented in the country is the construction of rail infrastructure on the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway line, which will not only contribute to the development of trade between Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey, but is also set to become an important transport route linking Europe and Asia. Work is also underway on the construction of a new international seaport in Baku, which will have an annual capacity of 25 million tonnes of cargo and a million containers. Construction of a new terminal at Baku’s main airport is also ongoing. It
will be the largest airport terminal in the South Caucasus, with an annual capacity of three million passengers. The Azerbaijani economy’s progress in all segments is illustrated by
its incredible leap from 97th place to 33rd according to the World Bank’s “Doing Business 2009”, which placed Azerbaijan among the world’s leading business regulation reformers. ■
Work is underway on the construction of a new international seaport in Baku, which will have an annual capacity of 25 million tonnes of cargo
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Confluence of East and West
The culture of Azerbaijan has developed as a result of many influences. Today, Western influences, including globalized consumer culture, are strong
ational traditions are well preserved in Azerbaijan. Some of the main elements of the Azerbaijani culture are: music, literature, folk dances and art, architecture, cinematography and Novruz Bayram. Novruz is a traditional Turkish holiday, which celebrates the New Year, and the coming of Spring. When Azerbaijan was part of the Soviet Union, celebration of Novruz was generally unofficial, and at times even prohibited. Currently in Azerbaijan, Novruz is treated as an official public holiday. Usually preparation for Novruz begins a month prior to the festival. Each of forthcoming 4 weeks is devoted to one of the four elements and called accordingly in Azerbaijan. Each Tuesday people celebrate the day of one of the four elements - water, fire, earth and wind. People do house cleaning, plant trees, make new dresses, paint eggs, make national pastries such as shakarbura, pakhlava and a great variety of “national cuisine”. Wheat is fried with kishmish (raisins) and nuts (govurga). As a tribute to fire-worshiping every Tues-
day during four weeks before the holiday kids jump over small bonfires and candles are lit. On the holiday eve the graves of relatives are visited and tended.
UNESCO proclaimed the Azerbaijani mugham tradition a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity
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Music and folk dances Music of Azerbaijan builds on folk traditions that reach back nearly a thousand years. Azerbaijani music has a branchy mode system, where chromatization of major and minor scales is of great importance. Among national musical instruments there are 14 string instruments, eight percussion instruments and six wind instruments. According to The Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, “in terms of ethnicity, culture and religion the Azeri are musically much closer to Iran than Turkey.” Mugham, meykhana and ashiq art are one of the many musical traditions of Azerbaijan. Mugham is usually a suite with poetry and instrumental interludes. When performing Mugham, the singers have to transform their emotions into singing and music. In contrast to the mugham
Heydar Aliyev Cultural Centre in Baku scheduled to open in September 2013
traditions of Central Asian countries, Azeri mugham is more free-form and less rigid; it is often compared to the improvised field of jazz. UNESCO proclaimed the Azerbaijani mugham tradition a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on 7 November 2003. Meykhana is a kind of traditional Azeri distinctive folk unaccompanied song, usually performed by several people improvising on a particular subject. Ashiq combines poetry, storytelling, dance and vocal and instrumental music into a traditional performance art that stands as a symbol of Azerbaijani culture. It is a mystic troubadour or traveling bard who sings and plays the saz. This tradition has its origin in the Shamanistic beliefs of ancient Turkic peoples. Ashiqs’ songs are semi-improvised around common bases. Azerbaijan’s ashiq art was included in the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage by the UNESCO on September 30, 2009. Since the mid-1960s, Western-influenced pop music, in its various forms, that has been growing in popularity in
Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani pop and folk music arose with the international popularity of performers like Alim Qasimov, Rashid Behbudov, Vagif Mustafazadeh, Muslim Magomayev, Shovkat Alakbarova and Rubaba Muradova. Azerbaijan made its debut appearance at the 2008 Eurovision Song Contest. The country’s entry gained the third place in 2009 and fifth the following year. Ell and Nikki won the first place at the Eurovision Song Contest 2011 with the song “Running Scared”, entitling Azerbaijan to host the contest in 2012, in Baku. There are dozens of Azerbaijani folk dances. They are performed at formal celebrations and the dancers wear national clothes like the Chokha, which is well preserved within the national dances. Most dances have a very fast rhythm. The national dance shows the characteristics of the Azerbaijani nation.
azeri music mugham
Literature Classical literature in Azerbaijani was formed in 14th century based on the various dialect Early Middle Ages dialects of Tabriz and Shirvan. Among the poets of
The film industry in Azerbaijan dates back to 1898. In fact, Azerbaijan was among the first countries involved in cinematography this period were Gazi Burhanaddin, Haqiqi (pen-name of Jahan-shah Qara Qoyunlu), and Habibi. The end of 14th century was also the period of starting literary activity of Imadaddin Nesimi, one of the greatest Turkic Hurufi mystical poets of the late 14th and early 15th centuries and one of the most prominent early Divan masters in Turkic literary history, who also composed poetry in Persian and Arabic. The Divan and Ghazal styles were further developed by poets Qasim al-Anvar, Fuzuli
and Khatai (pen-name of Safavid Shah Ismail I). The acclaimed Book of Dede Korkut consists of two manuscripts copied in the 16th century, was not written earlier than the 15th century. It is a collection of 12 stories reflecting the oral tradition of Oghuz nomads. The 16th-century poet, Muhammed Fuzuli produced his timeless philosophical and lyrical Qazals in Arabic, Persian, and Azeri. Benefiting immensely from the fine literary traditions of his environment, and building upon the legacy of his predecessors, Fizuli was destined to become the leading literary figure of his society. His major works include The Divan of Ghazals and The Qasidas. In the same century, Azerbaijani literature further
Binegadi National Park, Lok-Batan Mud Volcano, Baku Stage Mountain, Caspian Shore Defensive Constructions, Susha National Reserve, Ordubad National Reserve and the Palace of Shaki Khans. Among other architectural treasures are Quadrangular Castle in Mardakan, Parigala in Yukhary Chardaglar, a number of bridges spanning the Aras River, and several mausoleums. The task for modern Azerbaijani architecture is diverse application of modern aesthetics, the search for an architect’s own artistic style and inclusion of the existing historic-cultural environment. Major projects such as Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center, Flame Towers, Baku Crystal Hall, Baku White
Ell and Nikki from Azerbaijan celebrate with their co-performers after winning the Eurovision Song Contest 2011
flourished with the development of Ashik (Azerbaijani: Aşıq) poetic genre of bards. In the span of the 17th and 18th centuries, Fizuli’s unique genres as well Ashik poetry were taken up by prominent poets and writers such as Qovsi of Tabriz, Shah Abbas Sani, Agha Mesih Shirvani, Nishat, Molla Vali Vidadi, Molla Panah Vagif, Amani, Zafar and others. Along with Turks, Turkmens and Uzbeks, Azeris also celebrate the Epic of Koroglu (from Azerbaijani: kor oğlu for blind man’s son), a legendary folk hero. Architecture Azerbaijani architecture typically combines elements of East and West. Many ancient architectural treasures such as the Maiden Tower and Palace of the Shirvanshahs in the Walled City of Baku survive in modern Azerbaijan. Entries submitted on the UNESCO World Heritage tentative list include the Ateshgah of Baku, Momine Khatun Mausoleum, Hirkan National Park,
City and SOCAR Tower have transformed the country’s skyline and promotes its contemporary identity. Cinematography The film industry in Azerbaijan dates back to 1898. In fact, Azerbaijan was among the first countries involved in cinematography. In 1919, during the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, a documentary The Celebration of the Anniversary of Azerbaijani Independence was filmed on Azerbaijan’s independence day, May 28, and premiered in June 1919 at several theatres in Baku. In 1991, after Azerbaijan gained its independence from the Soviet Union, the first Baku International Film Festival EastWest was held in Baku. In December 2000, the former President of Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev, signed a decree proclaiming August 2 to be the professional holiday of filmmakers of Azerbaijan. ■
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Tourism in Azerbaijan
The Beauty of Nine Climate Zones At any time of year it is possible to visit Azerbaijan. Nine of the eleven climate zones that exist in our planet allow the country to welcome visitors all year round. But each of the seasons has its own unique colors and features. Which of them will bring you more pleasure can be found only through personal acquaintance with amazingly beautiful nature, the Caspian coast, ancient history and cultural traditions of Azerbaijan Baku Venice a long arificial canal built around the new carpet museum on the Bulvar in Baku
ourism is a growing part of the economy of Azerbaijan. The country was a well-known tourist spot in the 1980s, but the Nagorno-Karabakh War during the 1990s crippled the tourist industry and negatively impacted the image of Azerbaijan as a tourist destination. It was not until 2000s that the tourism industry began to recover, and the country has since experienced a high rate of growth in the number of tourist visits and overnight stays. In recent years, Azerbaijan has also become a more popular destination for religious, spa, and health care tourism. The climate of Azerbaijan is unique, as nine of the Earth’s 11 climate zones can be found in Azerbaijan. National Parks serve to the purposes of environmental
protection, educational, scientific, cultural researches, etc. Azerbaijan has a total of 8 national parks. alled City of Baku with the W Shirvanshah’s Palace and Maiden Tower The city of Baku has numerous historical and architectural monuments dating
Petroglyphs in Gobustan, Azerbaijan, dating back to 10,000 BC indicating a thriving culture
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to various historical epochs. The Walled City of Baku is the ancient historical core of Baku. In December 2000, the Old City of Baku, including the Palace of the Shirvanshahs and Maiden Tower, became the first location in Azerbaijan to be classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The Walled City of Baku
or Icheri Sheher hosts over 50 historical and architectural monuments from various eras. The Palace of Shirvanshahs is one of the pearls of Azerbaijani architecture. It was built in the beginning of the 15th century. It includes a historical complex, the palace, a divankhana, the Shirvanshah’s room, a palace mosque with minarets, bath house, a room of Seyid Yahya Bakuvi, and the Western divankhana monuments, which were built during a later stage. The complex construction began in 1441, while the Western divankhana was completed by architect Amirshah in 1558.
area during the wet period that followed the last Ice Age, from the Upper Paleolithic to the Middle Ages. The site, which covers an area of 537 ha, is part of the larger protected Gobustan Reservation. Zangezur National Park The Zangezur National Park (it was renamed and expanded in 2009 from former Ordubad National Park) is characterized by rich biological diver-
sity. It has 58 species of animals (35 of vertebrates and 23 of insects) and 39 species of plants which are included into the Red Book of Azerbaijan. The National Park comprises such rare and endangered species as Anatolian leopard, the mountain sheep-moufflon, bezoar goat, white-tail sea eagle, golden eagle, little bustard. Shirvan National Park The Shirvan National Park has a semi-desert landscape and water
Ateshgah of Baku Another interesting sight in Baku is the Ateshgah temple, situated in southwestern part of the Surakhani settlement in the Absheron peninsula, 30 km away from Baku. Ateshgah is a fire temple, built in the 17th-18th centuries. The temple’s central stone shrine is located on a natural gas pocket. The present structure was built approximately in 1713 AD, and the building of the central stone shrine was funded by merchant Kanchanagaran in 1810. The complex was turned into a museum in 1975 and now receives 15,000 visitors a year. It was nominated for World Heritage Site status in 1998 and was declared a state historical-architectural reserve. obustan Rock Art Cultural G Landscape Petroglyphs in Gobustan, Azerbaijan, dating back to 10,000 BC indicating a thriving culture. One of the most ancient and exciting monuments of Baku is Gobustan, famous around the world for its rock carvings. Gobustan is very rich in ar-
City of Baku
The Old City of Baku became the first location in Azerbaijan to be classified as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO cheological monuments, the reserve has more than 6,000 rock engravings dating back between 5,000 - 40,000 years. The site also features the remains of inhabited caves, settlements and burials, all reflecting an intensive human use by the inhabitants of the
Mount Bazarduzu the highest peak of Azerbaijan
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Shirvan National Park
birds. Ag-Gol has been incorporated into the list of UNESCO’s convention “On internationally important marshy areas as the residing places of birds�. Hirkan National Park Hirkan National Park is located in
body of approximately 40 square kilometres. The national park has an extremely rich ornithological fauna. Rare and valuable species of birds (turaj, little bustard, bustard, swans, flamingo, etc.) winter and nest in the marshy areas. Djeyran gazelles are the most widely spread mammals in the region. Ag-Gol National Park Ag-Gol National Park is located in the Mil plain of the Kur-Araz lowlands, it has semi-desert landscape and deserved the title of a bird paradise, as the most important winter and nest place of birds. The ornithological fauna of this reserve is very rich. Over 140 species of birds are found in this place including 89 species of nesting birds (Partridge, spoonbill, swan, teal, bustard, etc.). Ag-Gol national park is designed to protect the marshy ecological systems, as the nesting and wintering places of migratory and water
The ornamented gate of Shirvanshah Mausoleum in the Palace of the Shirvanshahs
Azerbaijani carpet (Shirvan subgroup) from National Carpet Museum of Azerbaijan
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the Lenkoran Lowland and the Talysh Mountains, and is 99% covered by forests in a primarily mountainous region, and is strictly protected. Hirkan National Park preserves relict and endemic plants species of Ter-
Azerbaijani cuisine
Original and Unique The Azerbaijani cuisine has long won recognition both in the East and in Europ
Ag-Gol National Park
tiary period. Forests of Hirkan account for 150 out of 435 types of trees and bushes. One can come across such types of trees, included into the Red Book of Azerbaijan as, Hirkan box tree, iron tree, chestnut leave oak, fig-tree, Hirkan pear-tree, Silk Acacia, Caucasus palmtree, Caspian gleditsia, butcher’s broom, alder-tree, such animals as the Persian leopard, the Talysh pheasant, golden eagle, etc. ■
he history of art to create recipes in Azerbaijan goes back centuries, is based on the vast experience of hereditary chefs are still present today. No wonder Azerbaijan is famous as the land of centenarians. Scientists explain this phenomenon due to favorable climate, lifestyle, organic food and the principles of good nutrition. The most sophisticated gourmets who come to the country from around the world, have the taste and aroma refinement dishes of Azerbaijani cuisine.
Exclusive Azerbaijani dishes - dolma, bozbash, bozartma, chikhirtma, khashil, piti, pilau govurma - are included in the national menu of numerous peoples of the Caucasus This kitchen is original and has a national character, which manifests itself in the specific cooking techniques and traditions of the Azerbaijani party. According to composition and a number of dishes, it is among the highly diverse and healthy ones, and the abundance of different kinds of meat, fish and vegetable specialties complemented by soft greens and savory spices. Traditional works of Azerbaijani cuisine are original and unique, they can not be confused with the dishes of other national cuisines. It is no secret that the culinary arts of Azerbaijan enjoy continued popularity. Exclusive Azerbaijani dishes - dolma, bozbash, bozartma, chikhirtma, khashil, piti, pilau govurma - are included in the national menu of numerous peoples of the Caucasus. “Nush Olsun!” - “Bon Appetite!”, Will tell you in any part ofAzerbaijan, are cordially invited to a plentiful feast or the most real feast of taste. These good wishes, you will hear constantly from many different people. ■
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