3 minute read
Proud Of A Small Jubilee
from Communications 2023
precision in communication with target audiences. Today, information is distributed through digital channels at an unfathomable speed, and in this regard, expectations from agencies are high and imply expediency and precision in response and reaction, but also enable more intensive adoption of trends necessary to realise various PR activities. In short, digitalisation has brought numerous new opportunities for PR and requires us to constantly evolve, which makes our already dynamic profession even more interesting.
The PR industry is changing at such a speed that it is difficult to predict in which direction it will develop. Are there, however, any trends that you would single out?
Trends in PR are changing faster than ever before. PR professionals are constantly accepting change, all with the aim of making the most of them to improve their communication strategies and achieve better results. As one of the trends, I would single out Artificial intelligence, which brings new challenges in public relations, but also opportunities in terms of automation of routine tasks. All this allows PR professionals to focus on creative and strategic activities.
I would also add that the basic function of public relations involves establishing and nurturing positive relations between the communicator and the target audience, so with all the changes that technology brings to us the essence of PR remains unchanged.
Headline&Dkit provide services in the field of communications, but what sets them apart are their advisory and practical approach to each client. They believe that their advisory services are much more important now because the channels and the way to approach target audiences have changed so much communicate faster, news is changed faster, as are posts on social media. In the flood of bad news and the general atmosphere of impending new disasters, it is really difficult to draw the public’s attention to ordinary stories about some corporation helping a vulnerable person, or to promote a new coffee, cheese or other brand, without it being an ordinary advertisement. Because even that paid advertisement or narrative must have content that stands out and attracts people.
New communication channels make our work more dynamic and, to put it colloquially, quick-thinking, but it’s still important how we think and analyse, and what we advise our clients - this is the message from Headline&Dkit.
Year after year, and here you are celebrating your 15th birthday, proud of more than 50 satisfied clients, 300+ press conferences, 1,000+ press releases... But Headline is much more than that... All of us at Headline are really proud of this small jubilee. Not only because we have survived and expanded in turbulent times, but above all because of our team of dedicated people and clients whom we support in communications throughout the years. I believe that the unification with the agency DKit, which specialises in digital communications, has contributed to this, so today we deal with communication with the media, the organisation of events, crisis communication, digital marketing, web site development, a whole set of digital communications services, up to relations with professionals and an influential public. And since, I have listed everything with which we can compete on the market, want to single out what, in addition to the people in our team, is most important. We provide services in the field of communications, but what sets us apart is advisory and a practical approach to each client.
What has changed in communications, apart from the channels?
Now the approach is much more individual and each strategy must be adapted to
The strategy must be adapted to the specifics of the industry, the market, the current economic situation and the client's business goals the specifics of the industry, the market, the current economic or epidemiological situation and the business goals of the client himself. People today react and

If they want to be relevant, do companies and brands need to appear on all channels and formats where their customers are? Brands need to appear on channels that their target groups follow, but this does not mean that they should go to everything or everyone that is trending at that moment, but rather start from researching what their target group really follows. The trend is that the most important thing is the number of clicks, and not whether the text was actually read by a potential customer. On the other hand, in our market and the region, there are really great creative minds and ideas from which all kinds of things can be created that attract attention on Tik Tok, on FB, and on news sites.
Recently, I saw one smart solution from a known food brand that reproduces well known sound of consumption of the product. For me, it provoked a clear emotional association to that brand more than all their advertisements in recent years. So, we should not only think about the channels, but how we will produce a “feeling of hunger” among those we need to reach.
Andrea Ivančević Rocket Flow Founder & CEO