CorD Magazine No.85

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Joining the eu an immense inner transformation

the face of Digital serbia Jasna Matić,

eu recognizes the importance of the south stream

Vuk Drašković,

the State Secretary for Digital Agenda of the Serbian Government

Director General of Srbijagas

Dušan Bajatović,

sEP ‘11 / issUE NO. 85

Writer and the leader of SPO

interviews opinions news comments events priCe 250 rSd SPecIAl edItIon - the GUIde

foreign investors council

Improvement of business enviroment in Serbia

echoeS FRoM the MeRKel – SARKoZY MeetInG

strong signal

The French and German leaders unveiled far-reaching plans for closer eurozone integration and tighter debt rules FeW FAShIon AcceSSoRIeS cAn enhAnce An oUtFIt lIKe A necKtIe

neckties are Back again

If, as Oscar Wilde observed, “A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life,” then a well-tailored necktie collection is an emblem of accomplishment FolloWInG the ReSIGnAtIon oF SteVe JoBS

the minister of magic steps Down Can Silicon Valley’s most disruptive firm prosper without its maker?

MIlIcA deleVIĆ dIRectoR oF the GoVeRnMent oF SeRBIA’S eURoPeAn InteGRAtIon oFFIce

eu Wants



85 September 2011 | 1

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