CorD Magazine 113

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IRENA VOJÁČKOVÁSOLLORANO United Nations Resident Coordinator in Serbia



European Parliament Special Envoy for the Balkans

MAR ’14 / ISSUE No. 113

Italian Ambassador to Serbia


interviews opinions news comments events PRICE 300 RSD FIGHTING CORRUPTION

Nobody is Immune Belgrade Dances to the World’s Tune 11th BELGRADE DANCE FESTIVAL



The Goal is


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COVER MIROSLAV LAJČÁK, Slovakian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs

The Goal is Permanent Stability




An explosive month on the streets of Bosnia and Herzegovina has shown that stability in the region cannot be taken for granted. However, Miroslav Lajčák has confidence in each West Balkan state’s ability to overcome their specific problems and make the strides necessary to fulfil their European Union ambitions.


JELKO KACIN, European Parliament Special Envoy for the Balkans





MIROSLAV LAJČÁK, Slovakian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs










H.E. Mr. GIUSEPPE MANZO, Italian Ambassador to Serbia





IRENA VOJÁČKOVÁ-SOLLORANO, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Serbia


B ELGRADE DANCES TO THE WORLD’S TUNE 11th Belgrade Dance Festival



ANA IVANOVIĆ, Tennis Player






Comment PAGE 6





DUBRAVKA KOSIĆ, Senior Partner at Kosić Law Office











Comment PAGE 32




ASSISTANT EDITOR: Jovana Gligorijević ART DIRECTOR: Ilija Petrović CONTRIBUTORS: Rob Dugdale, Mirjana Jovanović, Radmila Stanković, Steve MacKenzie, Zorica Todorović Mirković, Sonja Ćirić EDITORIAL MANAGER: Tanja Banković PHOTOS: Zoran Petrović, Časlav Vukojičić COPY EDITOR: Chris McDonald TRANSLATION: Snežana Bjelotomić PROJECT MANAGERS: Biljana Dević, Marina Pilipović, Dunja Filipović, Darko Novaković, Milica Pajić,


G20 Sydney Finance Ministers’ Meeting


EDITOR: Saša Marić


How Others Do It: Fighting Corruption


March 2014


FINANCIAL DIRECTOR: Ana Besedić OFFICE MANAGER: Nataša Nešić, PRINTING: Rotografika d.o.o., Segedinski put 72, Subotica CorD is published by: alliance international media Makenzijeva 67, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Phone: +(381 11) 2450 508 Fax: +(381 11) 2450 122 E-mail: ISSN no: 1451-7833 All rights reserved alliance international media 2014




This issue is audited by ABC Serbia

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Sending Positive


I was once told by a high-ranking Serbian official that when high-political issues – such as Belgrade’s cooperation with the ICTY or its relations with Priština – were overcome, Serbia would easily and quickly become a fully fledged member of the EU… JELKO KACIN, European Parliament Special Envoy for the Balkans


lthough I knew very well that difficult, sometimes counted in the millions. frustrating and long accession talks would prove this It will take years to restore citizens’ trust in the rule of law. gentleman wrong, I could see his point: artificial and The first steps have been taken in terms of the adoption of stratself-imposed political issues had hindered Serbia’s egies on judicial reform and the fight against corruption, as well journey towards the EU for far too long. After the years of waas accompanying action plans for their implementation. Now vering that followed the assassination of Prime Minister Zoran the screening for Chapters 23 and 24 has been finished, the Djindjić, Serbia took its first, firm step in its accession negotiaCommission will produce a screening report outlining the steps tions on 21 January. But the real, challenging, day-to-day toil over Belgrade needs to take in order to ensure a smooth opening of the implementation of reforms begins only now. these crucial chapters. The first EU-Serbia intergovernmental conference marked First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić has tried to rea historic date for Serbia. Above all, it sent a positive signal to assure a sceptical public that the snap parliamentary election on the business community, whose investments are badly needed 16 March will not slow down reform efforts. It is essential that a to revive economic growth. The Serbian economy is still hovernew government is sworn in as soon as possible after the election ing at around 70% of its output in 1990. Unemployment is north cycle – no demanding reform can be carried out without strong, of 25%, while Serbia’s youth bears little hope of finding decent active political support for the public administration. Whoever jobs after years of seemingly endless slump. Bearing in mind weak demand Whoever takes power after the election, the intricate from traditional trade partners in network among vested interests embodied in political Europe – the EU is by far Serbia’s largparties and economically powerful individuals must est trade partner – the prospect of a quick economic recovery remains quite be severed if systemic corruption is to be rooted out a challenge. Nevertheless, Serbia’s disadvantage – the fact it isn’t part takes the reins of power after the election, the intricate network of the EU common market – is paradoxically one of its main among vested interests embodied in political parties and ecohopes. By delivering on the EU agenda over the coming years, nomically powerful individuals must be severed if systemic corSerbia’s leaders will fundamentally change the image of the ruption is to be rooted out. country, thereby attracting more foreign investors to create jobs. Lastly, I wish to emphasise that the April agreement on the Moreover, long overdue structural reforms to the Serbian econnormalisation of relations with Kosovo was reached because omy will need to be implemented as an essential component of of the political courage and vision Serbian and Kosovo leaders EU-related reforms. These reforms will boost growth and create demonstrated. Future progress along Serbia’s road towards jobs in the coming years. the EU will require stamina for reform accompanied by conAt the same time, judicial reform and the fight against corrupsistent, meticulous implementation of the acquis. As Serbia’s tion and organised crime lie at the heart of Serbia’s efforts to prechief negotiator Tanja Miščević noted, “the toughest part of pare itself for EU membership. Decades of authoritarian rule have the negotiations is being done at home”, not in the premises undermined trust in state institutions and the rule of law. The of the European Commission. If the next government lives up botched reform of the judiciary, launched in 2009, hasn’t met its to the task and delivers results, Serbian citizens will witness proclaimed goals while at the same time inserting a new element economic and social improvement years before the country ofof uncertainty into the legal system. The backlog of cases can be ficially joins the EU. ■ 6 |

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Belgrade Marathon

Become a Master of Charity! For the eighth consecutive year, Belgrade Marathon and CorD magazine will be holding the CorD Charity Masters – a race in which it is more important to be charitable than first. The Charity Masters race will take place in correspondence with the upcoming 27th Belgrade Marathon, to be staged on Saturday 27 April 2014. We are inviting you to run (or stroll if you so desire) at least 5km to raise money for the charity of your choice. Over the last seven years, runners in the CorD Charity Masters have raised more than ₏123,000, which has been donated to more than 40 institutions and individuals in need.

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Saturday 27 April 2014.

HOW TO RAISE FUNDS Each participant should secure sponsorship of at least RSD 400 per every kilometre they run during the race.

HOW TO MAKE A PAYMENT Donations should be paid either to CorD’s special account or directly into the accounts of the organisations you wish to benefit from your donation.

WHERE TO DONATE Race participants have complete freedom to choose any humanitarian organisation they wish to run for. Every CorD Charity Master will receive a certificate and a commemorative T-shirt as proof of their participation. The results of the race and details of funds raised will be published in CorD magazine, as well as on and, while the formal presentation of donations by teams will feature in the June 2014 issue of CorD.

FAQS • How can I apply to compete in the CorD Charity Masters? - Send an email to charitymasters@ or a fax to (+381) 11 2450 122 with a completed registration form. The closing date for registration is 20 April. • Who checks how many kilometres have been completed by runners? - This is a charity race, with each runner expected to calculate the length of their own race. In addition, special referees will be tasked with assisting for half- and full-marathon runners. • How does one become a sponsor or obtain a sponsor? - Sponsors can be any individual, company, organisation, association or mission that agrees to pay the runner. Sponsors can also include work colleagues who are willing to collect funds for the charity of your choice. You can obtain sponsorship within your company or from family, friends… whoever wants to join the race. CorD magazine will sponsor the first 10 runners who apply.

• How many participants can compete in the CorD Charity Masters? - In agreement with the organisers of the 27th Belgrade Marathon, all participants who apply for the CorD Charity Masters will be accepted. • Is there a minimum sponsorship level per kilometre? The amount of money individuals give to charity is not always the most important factor. Accordingly, there is no set minimum. • What percentage of the money raised goes to charity? One hundred per cent of the money raised goes to charity. • Will CorD Charity Masters run alongside other Belgrade Marathon participants? Yes. All members of the CorD Charity Masters team will start the race at the same time as all other runners competing in this year’s 27th Belgrade Marathon.


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The Goal is

PERMANENT STABILITY An explosive month on the streets of Bosnia and Herzegovina has shown that stability in the region cannot be taken for granted. However, Miroslav Lajč ák has confidence in each West Balkan state’s ability to overcome their specific problems and make the strides necessary to fulfil their European Union ambitions



iroslav Lajčák, Slovakia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, has strong ties with the Western Balkan region. Not only has he served as High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, he was also his country’s Ambassador to FR Yugoslavia (later the unified Serbia and Montenegro), Albania and Macedonia. As such, he is especially qualified to talk about the region’s ongoing political issues as well as each country’s specific EU perspective. Lajčák speaks exclusively to CorD about why a European future is so important to the West Balkans, and why the integration of all West Balkan states is key to realising the European Union’s vision of a continent united. ■ Having worked as a diplomat in nearly every country in the Bal-

kan region, do you think permanent stability will only happen if there is a new international agreement endorsing territorial rearrangement of existing borders?

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- Lately the Balkan region has made tremendous progress, which has most definitely been witnessed by the entire European Union. Although it may have surprised some non-believers, I took it as an-




There is no reason for any rearrangement of existing borders, since their significance will gradually diminish once a country becomes a part of the EU.

Since joining the EU, Slovak-Czech bilateral ties have become even stronger. The EU is by far the most successful modern integrative project.

It is essential to keep the visa-free regime for Serbians travelling to the Schengen area. Slovakia will certainly not initiate any changes in this matter.

other confirmation that the Balkan region undoubtedly belongs to the European family. The enlargement process, which was strongly reinforced in 2013 and at the beginning of 2014, is the best evidence that the EU perceives the situation in the Balkans positively. Permanent stability is not just a vision anymore. On the contrary, it is a clearly defined goal with a good chance of being reached in the near future. I strongly believe that stability and prosperity in Europe is possible only with the West Balkans fully integrated within the EU. And now, with the clear-cut conditions on the table, the countries just have to take the last step: to fulfil the criteria. They just have to do it; it is as simple as that. But at the same time, that does not mean it is an easy process. In this context, there is no reason for any rearrangement of existing borders, since their significance will gradually diminish once a country becomes a part of the EU, as it was with us in Central Europe too.

■ Having witnessed history unfold, more people believe that Yugoslavia should have been kept alive as a unitary state at any cost, while others think the Yugoslav republics should have parted ways in the same manner as the Czech Republic and Slovakia. What is your take on this?

■ You are well acquainted with the region, its peoples and politicians. If you were to single out just one key problem in the Balkans, which would it be?

- We have all seen recently that although some problems might be seen as insurmountable, with sufficient political will, courage and determination to reach a compromise, everything is possible. The most significant example is the Brussels Agreement reached by Belgrade and Priština, which even the biggest optimists were

CATHERINE ASHTON, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, and LAJČÁK.

The enlargement process, which was strongly reinforced in 2013 and at the beginning of 2014, is the best evidence that the EU perceives the situation in the Balkans positively

- Firstly, let me emphasise that I do not believe these returns to the past have any positive benefit for the former Yugoslav republics. What we all must focus on now are today’s goals and challenges; let historians deal with history. We know these challenges are numerous, and, although much work has been accomplished, there is still a long way ahead of us. We must devote our time to the future, not to a past long gone. The Yugoslav successor states each have their own problems, but also one shared goal that is clearly above all others: EU membership. Hence, ‘Yugoslavia’, which once tried to establish a modus vivendi for its nations and ethnic groups, can be united again under the common European flag. This was also the utmost motivation for the Czech Republic and Slovakia following our separation 20 years ago. Since joining the EU, Slovak-Czech bilateral ties have become even stronger. The EU – and I cannot stress this more – is by far the most successful modern integrative project. Without its power and engagement, creating a safe and secure environment in the Balkans would be much more difficult.

initially sceptical about. On the other hand, there are obviously crucial issues to tackle that concern the whole region – rule of law, the level of corruption, organised crime or social dialogue, alongside economic challenges. The current protests in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), recently followed by others in Podgorica, show us it is weak economies and high levels of unemployment that citizens wish to improve, not ethnic animosities, which certain irresponsible politicians are trying to put the blame on. Nevertheless, I remain convinced that the European integration process is by far the best instrument to resolve such problems. The example of Slovakia, which had to deal with similar issues in the past and ultimately achieved the highest level of integration – becoming part of the eurozone and the Schengen area – is proof of that. ■ You have called recent events in Bosnia and Herzegovina a ‘Bosniak Spring’. What do you think is at the root of the demonstrations in BiH?

- All those people on the streets – and the number is many – give you the basic answer. Most of them can hardly live on the small |

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income they earn, be they unemployed, pensioners or talented and educated people wasting their skills and knowledge in jobs for which they are overqualified. They have seen enough injustice in the country’s economic and social life, as well as incompetence, weak rule of law and a high level of corruption. Not only frustration at their current situation but also gloomy prospects for their future has fuelled their desperation and led them to take to the streets. Here, I must say that this was no surprise for me. On the contrary, were I a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina, I would join the protests too because the domestic politicians bear a huge portion of responsibility for this situation and increased pressure is the only way to make them more committed. Their lack of determination and vision has caused the stagnation of the country in many fields, including the integration processes with the EU and NATO. ■ Why do you think demonstra-

tions took place mostly in towns with a majority Bosniak population rather than those with majority Serbian and Croatian populations?

- This is a very good question and the answer may not be a simple one. However, I would expect that there is a correlation between the locations where the demonstrations took place and locations where people have experienced severe economic and social decline for the past 10-to-15 years. The situation is unfortunately really very difficult in all parts of the country and calls for a quick response. The politicians are those who should come up with solutions and concrete deeds. Moreover, claims that there is some hidden ethnically motivated agenda behind the protests are plain wrong and should be condemned as absolutely counter-productive and unacceptable.

ple and their voters, they should attempt serious self-reflection and try to perceive the current situation as an opportunity to transform and modernise the country.

■ You were the EU’s High Representative in BiH and are in favour of changing the so-called Dayton Constitution. How can the national issue in Bosnia be resolved?

- There are different models of accommodation for national issues in modern states that can serve as inspiration for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Each of the models reflects a particular historical, cultural and political context. The same goes for Bosnia and Herzegovina: there is a need for a functional model that will reflect the overall context and have broad societal support. Let me stress the following: even the best possible theoretical model will not function if there is a lack of mutual confidence and political will. ■ Is it realistic to expect a domino effect or some kind of ‘ex-Yugoslav Spring’ throughout the region? It all started with Slovenia last year, and some think Montenegro could be next…

- It is not correct to compare the Arab Spring with the situation in the Balkans because the two regions find themselves in completely different political, social, ethnic and cultural contexts. Not even the heirs of the former Yugoslavia could be expected to follow the same Many political route. Each of the West Balkan countries is leaders in Bosnia unique and their respective paths have diverged. Slovenia was the first to become a and Herzegovina are member of the EU. Croatia took longer to either trying to find an join the EU’s ranks, but finally succeeded excuse or substantiate in doing so last summer. Serbia and Monexplanations that would tenegro are on the right track, although there are still open issues that need to be suit their particular addressed. BiH and Macedonia lag behind, political goals. If they but there is still hope that processes in ■ Republika Srpska has already expressed really care about their those two countries might speed up. So no, its doubts about the spontaneity of the people and their voters, there is no common ground for this kind of protests, suggesting they are a prelude to domino effect. Fortunately, we have a posiousting Milorad Dodik and a new attack they should attempt on the Serb entity. This is despite the tive agenda for the region. serious self-reflection belief that the protests are about corrupThat does not mean that the situation in the West Balkans is ideal, especially tion and social dissatisfaction as a consewith respect to the economy, employment, general living standquence of an unsustainable state tailored in accordance with the Dayton Agreement. What are your views on this? ards, the rule of law and the level of corruption and organised crime. As I have already mentioned, we in the EU are focused on - This is just another explanation formulated in Bosnia and Herthe development of the region and are ready to continue to offer zegovina and it has not convinced me at all. I tend to believe that our assistance and support wherever it is necessary. There is no many political leaders are either trying to find an excuse or subglobal player that would be more engaged and focused on the Balstantiate explanations that would suit their particular political goals. If they really care about Bosnia and Herzegovina, their peokans than the EU, and Balkan countries are well aware of this. Due

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to various reasons, be they geographical, cultural, strategic or economic, the EU simply cannot be replaced in its role by anyone else. Hence I am convinced that it is only enlargement, with its transformative power, that will ultimately contribute to the long-lasting stability and progress of the West Balkans. ■ When asked how Serbia could com-

paper and their implementation is by far the greatest challenge. We in the EU will ensure we keep both sides at the table and motivate them to make further progress. According to my understanding, agreements from the dialogue envisage legal and constitutional changes anyway. But what I would like to stress is that this is not a special case. In fact, each and every new EU member state has had to modify or amend its constitution in some way. Both the EU and candidate countries evolve over time and these changes must be reflected, sometimes even in the form of constitutional changes. I am sure that an adequate legal formulation will be found and that it will be no tragedy for Serbia, as some are trying to put it.

It is not correct to compare the Arab Spring with the situation in the Balkans because the two regions find themselves in completely different political, social, ethnic and cultural contexts

mence EU accession talks while its constitution still cited Kosovo as part of its territory, you responded by saying, “The EU certainly will not take over the unsolved problems of anyone.” Does this statement imply that, before becoming an EU member, Serbia must remove Kosovo from its constitution and, in essence, formally recognise it as an independent state with which it must foster good neighbourly relations?

- Concerning the substance [of what I said], it was a preoccupation with previous unresolved issues, which had diverted attention away from the main EU challenges. As for relations between Belgrade and Priština, nowadays the main challenge is the further continuation of dialogue on both a political and technical level, as well as the implementation of agreements already reached. This must be our primary focus, as we have already noticed that several important agreements remain only on

■ Why does Serbia continue to receive unconvincing diplomatic

messages from Brussels about the EU not insisting on recognition of Kosovo’s independence?

- Firstly, I would like to underline that the EU has always stressed that normalisation of relations between Serbia and Kosovo via the means of dialogue is the most important issue. That is the first and foremost diplomatic message from Brussels. I am glad it has been followed by both Belgrade and Priština’s leaders. The process of dialogue and its concrete results, including the Brussels Agree-



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ment, means they are convinced their future is firmly connected with the EU family. To put it differently: their EU perspective has become irreversible and the dialogue has no other alternative anymore. It must be made clear: non-recognition of the UDI of Kosovo does not mean a denial of its European perspective.

■ Following Croatia’s EU accession, what would be a realistic pace be for the rest of the region to join the EU?

make the EU today the most attractive civilised project. And it must be stressed that it has always remained open for new members. I have always mentioned the success story of the Slovak Republic, which has contributed to the stability, security and prosperity of the EU, and at the same time the process of transformation and integration paved the way for a better life for the country’s citizens.

- The enlargement process, based on European values, is impor■ The possibility of bringing back the visa regime for Serbian citizens has been mentioned fairly often. Some have even said tant for all European nations and people, including those from this threat is a tool used to discipline Serbia. How realistic is it the Balkans. On the other hand, the accession process is unique to expect Serbian citizens to be made to stand in line for visas and highly specific to each country because each is assessed on once more? its own merits. One should not speculate about dates and numbers; setting very ambitious dead- I remain convinced it is essenlines has always been particularly tial to maintain the current visaattractive, but also politically irfree regime for Serbian citizens travelling to the Schengen area. responsible. When speaking with Slovakia will certainly not initiate countries’ individual leaders, I alany changes in this matter. I also ways stress that fulfilment of the believe the issue of false asylum established criteria for memberseekers will be resolved in coopership is crucial and specific conditions cannot be simply bypassed. ation with EU member states, parConcerning the West Balkans ticularly the most affected ones, as a whole, it is clear that the pace and that respective measures will of integration and readiness for be taken by Serbia’s competent EU membership varies from one state institutions. country to another. One of the most crucial steps in the recent ■ We are about to mark the cenperiod was the European Countenary of World War I and the Balcil’s decision to open accession kans is being viewed as a ‘powder keg’ once more due to growing negotiations with Serbia. But – We are here to help poverty. What can the EU do to change again – to each its own: in each respecthis given the low level of enthusiasm tive West Balkan country there is a clear the leaders of the among EU members for assisting Europe’s understanding of what needs to be done, West Balkans succeed poorer countries financially? changed, adjusted and improved to make in bringing forward their European dreams come true. - The truth is that the best tool against bemeasures for economic coming a ‘powder keg’ is to maintain social stability and prosperity within a country ■ What is your message to Eurosceptics consolidation and and security outside its borders. I must outside the EU who believe that once Sergrowth restoration. But admit there is some truth that enthusiasm bia, Montenegro and the rest of region’s you have to do your part has fallen a bit. However, the enlargement accession becomes imminent, the EU will too – that’s how it works process still remains a key part of all imno longer exist in its current form? - It is clear that during recent decades the portant EU policy documents. This vision EU went through both qualitative and quantitative changes. Tothat the EU shall ultimately encompass all European states reday it includes 28 members and the integration process has been gardless of language or history is still powerful enough. Moreostrengthened by the creation of the Schengen area and the estabver, there have been concrete measures and policies initiated by the EU to help keep this vision alive. lishment of the eurozone. The EU today is a powerful political, The EU has established and continues to provide assistance economic and monetary union, which is a more than solid ground despite the crisis inter alia via the Instrument for Pre-Accession for its future. However, the world around us evolves, matures and Assistance (IPA), supporting reform processes and the overall demoves on, and the EU adapts to ever-changing conditions to remain an effective player on the world stage. velopment in the region, not only via the provision of expertise Right now we have identified the four pillars that constitute and technical means, but also through financial assistance. We are the essence of the future EU: monetary union, fiscal union, ecohere to help the leaders of the West Balkans succeed in bringing forward measures for economic consolidation and growth restonomic union and democratic legitimacy. Common values and rules, along with financial guarantees in times of global crisis, ration. But you have to do your part too – that’s how it works. ■

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“I want you to understand that the destabilisation of Ukraine is not serious just for Romania, but the whole of Europe will be affected.” — Traian Băsescu, President of Romania

Harbin Ice Festival Celebrates 30th Year

The Harbin International Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival in China, one of the largest in the world, celebrated its 30th anniversary this year. The festival had four areas for visitors to explore: snow sculptures carved by internationally renowned artists on Sun Island; ice sports and other activities on the frozen River Songhua; ice lanterns in Zhaolin Park; and Snow World on the western side of Sun Island. The entire site covered 600,000m² and required the work of 10,000 people to chip blocks of ice from the Songhua and stack them to form the towering castles and arches of the site. The month-long event usually draws around 800,000 visitors every year, the majority from China, but with others coming from Japan, Thailand, Singapore and South Korea. AUTOMOTIVE

Tesla Breaks into Top Five Brands

pany led by billionaire Elon Musk reported its first quarterly profit and Consumer Reports the next day gave the US$71,000 battery-powered Model S a score matching the highest ever given to any vehicle. DRUG TRAFFICKING

Drug Lord ‘El Chapo’ Guzman Captured

Tesla Motors Inc., the youngest US automaker, ranks in the top five brands among people surveyed by Consumer Reports – another accolade from the magazine that rates Tesla’s Model S among the best cars it’s ever tested. Tesla was fifth in the poll, up from 11th last year, behind namesake brands such as Toyota, Ford and Honda, as well as Chevrolet, according to the Yonkers, New York-based magazine. The results come from a December survey of 1,578 vehicle owners asked to rank brand attributes, including quality, safety, value, design and technology. “Over the last six months or so there has been a lot of visibility for that brand, a lot of media attention, so there’s more awareness for consumers,” said Tom Libby, an auto analyst for Polk in Southfield, Michigan. A surge in Tesla shares began in May, after the Palo Alto-based com16 |

Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman, 50, the man the US has called the world’s most powerful drug trafficker, was captured in the beach town of Mazatlan, Mexico’s top prosecutor said.

of tunnels to a drainage system. In a recent attempt to detain the alleged capo, authorities tried to break down a door reinforced with steel. In the time it took to break through, Guzman had escaped. In their hunt for Guzman, federal forces refrained on several occasions from capturing him in public places to prevent civilian injuries. No one was wounded in his arrest.

28-year-old Francesca Pascale after an Italian court finalised his divorce settlement, five years after his longsuffering wife announced that she could no longer tolerate his “consorting with minors”.


Berlusconi Free to Marry 28-year-old Fiancée There are possible wedding bells for Italy’s three-time prime minister and his young fiancée after an Italian court granted him a divorce from Veronica Lario. Silvio Berlusconi is free to marry


Pascale, who is younger than some of the 77-year-old former PM’s children, has made no secret of the fact that she is determined to formalise their engagement and get married at the earliest opportunity.

UAE Claims It’ll Make Drone Deliveries Within a Year Guzman gained infamy in 2001 after escaping from a high-security prison and allegedly building up the Sinaloa Cartel, named after his home state and known for beheading its enemies or hanging their bodies in public places. These tactics, coupled with his business acumen, helped him build a personal fortune of about US$1 billion, according to Forbes magazine. Before his capture, Guzman had been moving among a series of properties connected by a network

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In December, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos famously said it might be possible to deliver packages via drones in four to five years. The United Arab Emirates thinks it can top him, claiming it will have a working system in a year, according to a Reuters report. The government wants to use it to deliver ID cards, drivers licenses and permits to citizens. Given the scepticism and question marks Amazon faced for its fourto-five year window, it seems ambitious for the UAE to have a working system to cover the entire country within a year. The project’s engineer has said fingerprint and eye-recognition systems will be used to protect the drones and their packages. This adds more layers of complexity to a challenging project. Drone delivery seems a perfect fit for a place known for its sense of excess, such as desert-based indoor skiing. But whether it can be done and executed quickly remains to be seen.



“A good future for Ukraine cannot be founded on violence and extremism.” — Frank-Walter Steinmeier, former German Minister for Foreign Affairs

China Building Second Aircraft Carrier

made no secret of their desire to see China build a powerful ‘blue water navy’ that would boost the country’s international status and its controls over the seas.

Britain’s Future King, Saudi Princes and a Secret Arms Deal


Invading Switzerland? Try Before 8am or After 5pm

China has started work on its second aircraft carrier as part of a push to develop what would become the world’s second-biggest navy. Wang Min, the party chief of Liaoning province in northeast China where the vessel is reportedly being built, said the carrier’s construction would take six years and added that China’s navy eventually planned to build four such carriers. Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post estimated that the new carrier, which is being built in the northeastern port of Dalian, would be completed by 2018. Chinese-language reports about the carrier’s development were reportedly deleted over the weekend, prompting claims that Beijing had hoped to keep the project low profile. However, military strategists and Chinese President Xi Jinping have


Want to invade Switzerland? Here’s a tip: strike outside office hours. When an Ethiopian Airlines Enterprise aircraft carrying 202 passengers entered Swiss airspace last month, following its hijacking by the co-pilot en route to Rome,

Switzerland’s Air Force remained grounded. That’s because the incident occurred outside normal office hours. Instead, French and Italian fighter jets escorted the Boeing 767 to a safe landing in Geneva. “You have a budget and you have to prioritise,” said Swiss Air Force spokesman Jürg Nussbaum. While Switzerland monitors airspace around the clock, intervention only occurs during routine business hours starting at 8am, he said. The Ethiopian plane, which originated in Addis Ababa, landed in Geneva shortly after 6am and the co-pilot gave himself up to the police after sliding down a rope from the cockpit window. Authorities briefly closed the airport, and by early afternoon it had resumed normal service. The relaxed attitude towards the breach comes just a week after Swiss voters approved a plan to toughen border restrictions and curb immigration. Swiss officials say that the Ethiopian co-pilot is unlikely to receive asylum, and that he faces as many as 20 years in prison.

The day after Prince Charles donned traditional robes and joined Saudi princes in a sword dance in Riyadh, Britain’s biggest arms company BAE announced that agreement had finally been reached for the sale of 72 Typhoon fighters to the Gulf kingdom. Announcing the deal in mid-February, BAE Chief Executive Ian King said the public was “never going to know” how much the Saudis were paying for them. They were reported to have initially offered £4.4 billion, but BAE had been pressing for more. Andrew Smith, spokesman for the Campaign Against the Arms Trade (CAAT), said: “It is clear that Prince Charles has been used by the UK government and BAE Systems as an arms dealer.” The prince’s aides said he had nothing to do with the deal and had not discussed it during his trip. A spokeswoman for Prince Charles said the Salam deal, as it is called, “did not come up in any of his conversations” with the Saudi royal family and politicians, including Deputy Prime Minister Muqrin bin Abdulaziz, Saudi Arabia’s former intelligence chief. LOTTERY

Homeless Hungarian Lottery Winner Gives Money to Charity

László Andraschek won Hungary’s biggest ever lottery jackpot – HUF 630 million (€2.06 million) – after buying a ticket at a railway station on his way to Budapest for a workshop for recovering alcoholics. “I had only picked six numbers and the female shop assistant reminded

me that I needed to pick a seventh,” he said. “I told her to make it 24 – it doesn’t matter anyway.” The first thing Andraschek did after realising his life had changed forever was to repay debts to his family – and buy a car for his three children. “When the car salesman asked me how much I would be willing to spend, I held up three fingers,” the 55-year-old from Győr said. He and his wife Anikó said they would spend the money wisely. A large portion of the cash will be used to set up a foundation for addicts and women abused by their husbands. Andraschek has already proven his generosity, as last September’s win remained a secret until he made a sizeable donation to a hostel for the homeless last month. The 55-year-old gave up drinking five years ago and insists he now has “no need to return”. |

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TEAM SERBIA The football-loving Italian Ambassador promises his country will do all within its power to promote Serbia’s EU ambitions. Relations between the two countries are strong and supportive, diplomatically and in terms of trade. But in Manzo’s view, the wider European project will only reach its natural conclusion once Serbia and its fellow Balkan states are in the EU integration efforts, such as providing training for magistrates and further improving police cooperation. Manzo recently watched the 1930 World Cup-themed Serbian movie ‘Montevideo, Vidimo Se!’ and is quick to throw his full support behind and belief in Team Serbia as it faces its more modern international challenges.

■ Italy is one of Serbia’s most important foreign trade partners, with an increasing number of Italian companies relocating production to Serbia. Do you think today’s Serbian business environment for foreign investment is acceptable?


ood news from Belgrade. Italy first trade partner of Serbia in 2013,” tweeted Italian Ambassador to Serbia H.E. Giuseppe Manzo on 3 February this year, referring to a news article in which Italy was ranked Serbia’s number-one trading partner. Away from bilateral trade, the former journalist is keen to point out the specific ways in which Italy can help Serbia’s EU

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- Looking at the numbers in December, I was very glad and also proud to see that in 2013 Italy had become Serbia’s first trade partner and largest investor. According to the most recent figures, the total for exports and imports is approximately €3.5 billion, while Italian investments last year were estimated at around €2 billion. Hundreds of Italian companies, mostly small- and medium-sized enterprises, look to Serbia in search of growth and the opportunities they find here to expand their business, and sell goods, in third countries. As for the business environment, I think a good answer to your question comes straight from our business community in Serbia. It is growing in numbers and last November the Italian-Serbian Chamber of Commerce became the largest such organisation – today it has 245 members. Of course, from time to time Italian companies encounter difficulties and delays. That is natural at a time when Serbia is facing such a thorough process of modernisation. What is more important is that whenever these problems arise,




According to last year’s figures, Serbian-Italian exports and imports were approximately €3.5 billion, while Italian investments were around €2 billion.

Recognition of Kosovo’s independence is not written into any of the agreements that have been signed. Not in Chapter 35, nor the Brussels Agreement.

Italy will be President of the European Union in the next semester, and Serbia and the Balkans will be very high on its programme’s priorities.

I have found in Serbian institutions the will to overcome them. They have also shown awareness of the necessity to improve the conditions in which investors – not only foreigners – work. After the elections, we will continue to encourage the new government to work even harder on this priority. The current political leaders from the main parties understand clearly that addressing the economic crisis through reforms of the main sectors is not only in the interest of foreign investors. Right now it is the number-one priority of the Serbian people.

objectives, which Italy also strongly advocates for in Brussels. We believe that through exports and new international opportunities, our small and medium enterprises – the backbone of the Italian economy – can access new markets and our economy can grow. At the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs we call it ‘diplomacy for growth’. Our Minister [of Foreign Affairs] Emma Bonino has been very active in instructing all of our embassies around the world – and of course here in Belgrade too – to

■ Is there further Italian interest in making significant new investment in Serbia? How realistic is it to expect more major Italian companies to come to Serbia?

- Although, as I said, small and medium enterprises are the backbone of Italy’s presence in Serbia, we have recently witnessed some big and well-known Italian companies showing interest in coming to Serbia. Only few weeks ago, a world leader in food production such as Ferrero signed an important memorandum of understanding with the Serbian government to establish Serbian production of hazelnuts through the participation of small and medium lospare no effort and use every opportunity Italy has played and cal growers. I mentioned the need to rewill continue to play an to help our companies along their internalaunch the Serbian economy and I believe path to growth. active role in supporting tional agriculture is a key sector in starting the This is not a zero-sum game for SerSerbia’s aspirations engine of growth in Serbia. If this new probia. Our companies – both large ones and ject is finalised, it could provide a signifitowards Europe because lesser-known – bring growth to Serbia too. I mentioned agriculture when I told cant boost and open new opportunities to we believe that the about Ferrero, but we also see it in Serbian farmers. European project of the you other sectors where our companies emThe opening of EU membership nefounding fathers will gotiations in January was a milestone for ploy thousands of Serbian workers – from Serbia and its citizens. Italy has played only be completed when automotive, to the clothing industry and and will continue to play an active role in the Balkans joins Europe food processing etc. When I first arrived in supporting Serbia’s aspirations towards Belgrade last summer, I called it the ‘500 Europe because we believe that the European project of the effect’; I wasn’t only referring to the name of the famous car that founding fathers will only be completed when the Balkans joins Fiat makes in Serbia, but also to the number of Italian small and Europe. But, as you can see, it is not only the Italian government medium enterprises operating here. Unfortunately, I fear I canthat believes and invests in Serbia’s European future, but also not use this motto any more because the number has changed Italian companies. – and not the one of the car!

■ How have Italian trade unions reacted to an increasing number of large companies relocating to Serbia and other countries in the region? - Employment and growth are the two most important priorities in Italy. Unions and business organisations both share these

■ Some time ago you said there is nothing hidden in Chapter 35 of EU accession negotiations and that Serbia will not be asked to explicitly recognise Kosovo’s independence. However, many diplomats have mentioned precisely this as a main condition for Serbia’s entry into the EU. How do you interpret this? |

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- I have not seen recognition of Kosovo’s independence by Serbia written into any of the agreements that have been signed. Not in Chapter 35, nor in the 2013 Brussels Agreement. This is because, as we know, recognition is not a condition. This does not mean that we should not strongly encourage Belgrade and Priština to commit to, and finally deliver, that comprehensive normalisation of relations that Brussels is requesting. The Chapter 35 screening has been completed. It is a process that will accompany accession negotiations and we trust that Belgrade and Priština will keep up the good work and proceed steadily in that direction.

■ You claimed you could wager that Serbia would become an EU member by 2020 if it continued with its current commitment to European integration. Do you still stand by that assessment?

solution to a weak Europe is not to try to repair malfunctioning structures and mechanisms temporarily, but to build a stronger union, with the true goal of a United States of Europe in mind. This means member states with equal rights and also equal responsibilities. If one is not ready and willing to adjust its policies in order to achieve this, that is what I would consider a second- – if not third- – class member state. ■ In Serbia we are anxiously following events throughout Europe

marking the 100th anniversary of World War I. Here there is a general impression that history is being reassessed in favour of those who claim that Serbia was most responsible for the outbreak of war. What is Italy’s attitude on this issue?

- I am following the debate and hearing and reading many different voices and opinions from the four corners of the world about why and how the First World War started, who is to blame etc. I am not a historian and I would rather invite everybody to use this opportunity to do what for me is most important: honouring those who lost their lives in a conflict where nine million soldiers and seven million civilians were killed. I intend to do so in Belgrade, where, in our military cemetery, are buried more than 1,000 Italian soldiers killed during the Great War, which Italy and Serbia fought together as allies. Every time I visit that place I do not ask myself who is (more) responsible for it; I pledge to do all I can to avoid things like this from happening again.

- I said it is possible. I said we have witnessed developments and achievements – I am of course referring to the dialogue between Belgrade and Priština and the 20-some meetings between the two delegations – that nobody would have bet a euro (or dinar) on just two years ago. For this we should give credit to those, here and in Priština, who dared to do things that were once considered unrealistic given the circumstances of the time. Belgrade has done it once, it could do it again. Again, it is up to the players to play We have witnessed and win the game. I love soccer and I reachievements that cently watched ‘Montevideo, Vidimo Se!’; nobody would have perhaps Europe 2020 is even harder for the Serbian team than getting to the bet a euro (or dinar) on World Cup semi-finals, but if you have a just two years ago. We strong team and great, honest supporters, ■ Serbia reached a difficult agreement should give credit to you can try to do it. with Priština and thereby opened the door those who dared to do As for supporters, Italy will continue to the EU. However, the assessment of to help Serbia in the European integration many observers is that relations with Bosthings that were once process, especially regarding Chapters nia and Herzegovina will also become a considered unrealistic. 23 and 24 – justice and home affairs. We focus of decision-making about the level Belgrade has done it will be President of the European Union of future integration. What does the EU once, it could do it again expect from Serbia in this case? in the next semester, and Serbia and the Balkans will be very high on the list of our - I think Serbia can be a stabilising factor programme’s priorities. We will start with Italian judges advisin the region. We have seen how Belgrade has reacted very reing your negotiating team on the training of magistrates; we will sponsibly to the recent turmoil in Bosnia, which is a very positive strengthen the already excellent police cooperation, particularly message, not only to Banja Luka or to Sarajevo, but to the entire on migration issues. region… to Brussels, actually. Serbia has, I would say, a ‘natural’ interest in supporting regional stability, which has been pursued inside the country and with Priština in order to speed its Euro■ Eurosceptics in Serbia often point out that there are now firstand second-class EU countries, and that the union is not dedicated pean path and show credibility to foreign partners and investors. to all countries equally. What is Italy’s experience in that regard?

- We do not believe so. We do not want it. Actually, we think the

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■ Everyone is talking about the immutability of borders while

also emphasising that Bosnia and Herzegovina is completely dysfunctional in its current state. Where can a possible solution be found?

- That has nothing to do with borders. The territorial integrity of Bosnia is a fact, achieved through a very difficult process in Dayton that brought an end to a tragic war. We should be looking at initiatives and mechanisms that help Bosnia to address its real problems with its economy, in its society and within its institutional structures. Europe is aware of these things and so is the international community.

The solution to a weak Europe is not to try to repair malfunctioning structures and mechanisms temporarily, but to build a stronger union, with the true goal of a United States of Europe. This means member states with equal rights and equal responsibilities

■ You have authored articles about the role of the media in the war on terror and also served as a visiting professor at the University of Languages and Communication in Milan, as well as being an active Twitter user. How important are social networks to understanding the new media world order, especially the fact it is extremely difficult to censor them? - Social media is a powerful new tool that is different because it is as powerful as it is widely accessible by ordinary people, not just the inner circles of media professionals, politicians and business corporations. When I arrived in Belgrade I started tweeting through my @beppemanzo account and I see many other ambas-

sadors are doing the same. It helps me to better understand the environment I am working in through direct interaction with people. I encourage Serbs – not only the youngest from civil society, but also those who have official duties – to use this tool to improve their ability to connect with the real needs of people. ■ How would you assess the state of media freedom in Serbia?

- I was a journalist before joining the Italian foreign service so I know how important it is to be free to report, explain or analyse a particular event. On the other side, a politician – a decision-maker – has to be more careful and responsible if he knows the media will independently and freely report on and assess his conduct. This is why you must have the strongest laws to guarantee free and responsible information, and not to leave it to the players to make the rules. On that, Serbia really needs to continue working, along with the EU accession negotiations, to pass laws that have already been put on the table and enforce them with determination. It was a good sign a few weeks ago when Serbia climbed from 63rd to 54th place in the Reporters Without Borders World Press Freedom Index. ■


Будимпешта чека произвођаче, дистрибутере и набављаче прехрамбене, пекарске, посластичарске, односно хотелско - угоститељске индустрије. На ново конципираном стручном сајму као излагачи појављују се између осталог водеће фирме струке. На сајму учествује 80 % излагача из Мађарске, а 20% њих са међународног тржишта.

Нови стручни сајам на Будимпештанском Сајмишту HUNGEXPO Регистрација за бесплатно посећивање сајма, информације о излагачима и детаљније о програмима на сајту:


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■ Photo: Zoran PETROVIĆ


Combating Discrimination

AND VIOLENCE A recent study found that more than half of respondents from the Serbian state administration believe their colleagues to have behaved in a discriminatory way or voiced discriminatory opinions. As Serbia continues its transition towards becoming a modern EU state, such issues will need to be faced and tackled through education


he United Nations in Serbia are a family of 25 development agencies that are recognized for their role and efforts in supporting the citizens and institutions to build safe, secure and stable society on the principles of fairness and equal opportunity for all.

■ A recent study titled ‘Attitudes of Representatives of Public Authorities towards Discrimination’, organised by the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality with the support of UNDP, showed a worrying level of discriminatory behaviour in state institutions. Which institutions are worst affected?

- More than half of respondents from the state administration believe their colleagues have expressed discriminatory behaviour or voiced discriminatory opinions. However, one must note that there is still insufficient understanding of the very notion of discrimination and its basic elements, including that discrimination

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must always have a personal distinctive characteristic as a basis for unequal treatment. Courts and public prosecutor offices are recognised most frequently as institutions that do not treat citizens equally. They contrast with Vojvodina province institutions, while the national government, parliament, local assemblies and administrations are in between. All institutions, especially those that have the most direct contact with citizens, need to conduct some soul-searching and find, with the help of the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, ways to tackle discriminatory attitudes and behaviour. ■ According to two thirds of public authority representatives, most discrimination occurs when it comes to employment. What is the key to solving the problem of discrimination in a country where “more than a fifth of representatives from public authori-

ties do not know that discrimination is prohibited by law, and as many as a third do not know or consider that hate speech is not prohibited by law”?

available data, 35 per cent of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or nonpartner sexual violence. However, some national violence studies show that up to 70 per cent of women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime from an intimate partner. In the case of Serbia, two UN-supported surveys in 2010 – one in Central Serbia and one in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina – showed striking levels of prevalence with more than half of women having experienced some form of violence in the family and in intimate relationships. This points to the urgent need for further actions, on the one hand – to respond to violence and protect survivors, and on the other – to prevent violence from happening in the first place.

- At the Human Rights Day 10 December 2013 conference, commemorating the 66th anniversary of the adoption of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the Serbian government, with the support of the UN Human Rights Office, promulgated the National High-Level Government Mechanism for Monitoring the Implementation of UN Human Rights Bodies’ Recommendations. Considering many recommendations made to Serbia in the past 10 years concerned the consistent implementation of otherwise very good laws, this is a step in the right direction by the government towards the full enjoyment of human rights in Serbia. For a long time, Serbia has been passing very good laws in the fight against discrimination in employment. UNDP was proudly a part of these efforts. Its longstanding partner, the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality, which UNDP helped to create, is raising awareness and fighting discrimination within state institutions, both on the prevention and enforcement level. Consistent implementation of the laws that have been adopted is extremely important in the fight against discriminatory attitudes and behaviours, helping to build a strong human On Human Rights Dayrights culture, which is a precondition for 10 December 2013, the a society free of discrimination. In short, Serbian government, there is no one single recipe for solving the problem of discrimination. It is a problem with the support of the that requires holistic measures over a long UN Human Rights Office, period. It is a never-ending battle. ■ Every other woman and girl in the coun-

try (about 54%) falls victim to some form of violence. With such alarming statistics, where does Serbia rank in the region and how does it compare to the EU?

promulgated the National High-Level Government Mechanism for Monitoring the Implementation of UN Human Rights Bodies’ Recommendations

- Violence against women and girls is a problem of pandemic proportions which affects all countries. Based on UN data globally, up to 60 percent of women worldwide experience some form of violence (psychological, physical, economic or sexual) from men in their lifetime, and most of this violence takes place in intimate relationships. Statistics indicate that violence against women and girls is a universal phenomenon, irrespective of income, class and culture. Among women aged between 15 and 44, acts of violence cause more death and disability than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents and war combined. Perhaps the most pervasive human rights violation that we know today, violence against women devastates lives, fractures communities, and stalls development. Recent data on two forms of violence - physical and sexual violence - are also very alarming. According to a 2013 global review of

As for comparable data with the EU, a clear estimated figure of prevalence rates of VAW in the EU is difficult to provide, due to differences in the methodologies used, and insufficient availability and accessibility of prevalence survey data. Currently the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights is preparing a comparative study in the countries of South-East Europe, which will provide us with valid comparable information for the Region.

■ In Serbia, the UN is taking part in

an international campaign to combat violence against women. Since 2005, four projects relating to violence against women have been implemented at state level and in Vojvodina. What can you tell us about these projects?

- The UN in Serbia has been supporting Serbia for over a decade in fulfilling international and national commitments on gender equality and advancing the rights of women in all spheres of life. When it comes to combating violence against women, since 2005 four UN-supported projects have been implemented at the national level and in Vojvodina. They are: ‘Schools without Violence’, led by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and UNICEF (2005-2012); ‘Combating Sexual and Genderbased Violence’, implemented by the Gender Equality Directorate of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy and UNDP, with |

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of course, are affected by elections and some are not. However, we cial support from Norway (2009-2012); ‘Towards a Comprehensive have agreed scenarios with our partners to ensure our projects are System to End Violence against Women in AP Vojvodina’, impleimplemented during a pre-election period as well. mented by the Provincial Secretariat for Economy, Employment and Gender Equality (PSEEGE) with the support of the UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women (2009-2012); and ‘Violence against ■ What are the main problems you face when implementing proChildren in South East Europe’, implemented by UNICEF and the jects in Serbia? EU (2011-2013). - Serbia’s institutions face various challenges while implementing These projects have contributed to the government’s efforts to projects, and the UN is there to help them meet these challenges. As improve the policy and legislative framework to prevent and coma neutral and a proactive partner, we are able to deliver politically unbiased support, drawing on our vast, comparative experience bat violence against women in Serbia. They addressed the need worldwide. Perhaps one of the main developto strengthen the institutional response to violence committed, to improve the ment challenges is that it requires a longhorizontal and vertical coordination of term perspective and long-term donor relevant stakeholders and to strengthen commitment, meaning we must plan our prevention efforts. We supported the activities several years in advance, togethcreation of the knowledge base related er with the government, to address the to violence against women here and contrue development needs of Serbia’s people. tributed to the visibility of the issue in the media. The ultimate aim of all these ■ Which projects in Serbia are you most actions was to introduce a zero-tolerance proud of? culture towards violence against women. - I am especially proud of long-term proCurrently, three agencies – UNDP, jects that achieved behavioural change, UNICEF and UN Women – are implementa change that results in respect for one another and for our nature, which we ing a joint project, ‘Integrated Response to need to protect for generations to come. Violence against Women in Serbia’, which While this might sound very superficial, aims to integrate the efforts of all stakewe are looking to achieve a standard in sociholders, including women’s NGOs. To womWe supported the en’s NGOs goes the greatest appreciation for ety where it is not acceptable that: a doctor creation of the their committed work over the past three takes a bribe for the treatment of an older knowledge basis related person; a politician does not take care of the decades in advocating for institutional and to violence against public recognition of survivor needs. We are needs of the whole population; an employer supporting women’s NGOs, which provide does not employ a woman from a minority women in Serbia and a specialist SOS helpline service on a volor does not give her the same salary as a contributed to the man; waste is discarded without filtering or untary basis most of the time, to have their visibility of the issue in recycling; and so on. expertise recognised by the state through the media. The ultimate the establishment of a national SOS helpline service that would be available 24/7. aim of all these actions ■ What will be the UN country team’s main As a neutral third party, we are also dodevelopment area in Serbia in 2014? was to introduce a zero ing our best to bring partners from the pub- While we will continue with the implementolerance culture towards tation of ongoing projects, we are looking forlic and private sectors together with a joint violence against women ward to developing a dialogue with the new goal of making a safer society for women. With the B92 Fund we are raising awaregovernment about a long-term development strategy for Serbia. In this dialogue we will jointly take stock of how ness about violence against women, updating our work on a daily far the UN country team in Serbia has come in supporting Serbia’s basis on the website people and institutions over the past decade. In this respect, I would highlight the support UN agencies have provided on all levels that ■ How would you rate your cooperation with Serbia and Vojvohas contributed to Serbia’s current EU candidacy status. dina’s public institutions? Do projects tend to slow down during Now we have to look ahead. We will continue to give support the pre-election period? to the EU accession process while addressing developmental is- The UN is a partner to the government and all people in Serbia. We have a residential presence at the invitation of the government, sues. This means we will focus on development goals of imporand this specific status, in comparison with other development tance to the people of Serbia, as they have expressed during last partners, also reflects on our cooperation with Serbia’s instituyear’s ‘The Serbia We Want’ national consultations. These goals are mainly: a continuous push for human rights for all; healthtions, leading to full national ownership over initiatives we support and their smooth implementation. We work with a variety of care for all; education for all; protection of the environment; and partners from all branches of government and at all levels. Some, fair and decent jobs. ■ 24 |

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Climbing Back

TO THE TOP The former world number one seemed destined for greatness just a few years ago. Since then, form and fitness wobbles have prevented her from capitalising on her meteoric early rise. But a new coaching setup has the re-focused Serbian star gunning for a big 2014. She already has one title under her belt this year and she’s looking for more…



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t 26, Ana Ivanović is playing her best tennis in years and has the opportunity to regain the elite status that looked inevitable in 2008. She won at Auckland in January, beating Venus Williams in the final, just days after beating Williams’ sister and world number one Serena at the Australian Open. Although Ivanović stumbled in the quarter-final, losing to Canadian teenager Eugenie Bouchard, she had some great performances in Melbourne. Now, after six years and an unexpected slide, one of Serbia’s biggest tennis stars has finally returned to the sport’s biggest stage. In an exclusive interview with CorD, Ivanović explains how she has re-focused on tennis and is eager to return to the top. But she is more than just an athlete; Ivanović is a brand – the US$100 million wom-




It’s no secret Monica Seles was my idol when I was a kid and that I started playing tennis because of her. I used to admire the way she played so much, and the way she won.

She’s probably the greatest player ever and I’d never even won a set against her. So to beat her at a Grand Slam was one of the best wins of my career.

It was an honour to become an ambassador. It feels special to think I can have a small, positive influence through our School Without Violence campaign.

an, as some have called her. In her home country she is a role model and worldwide she is a star. Some might find the unrelenting focus a burden, particularly when so much attention is often paid to her looks. Ivanović, however, is steely; she has long since learned how to cope with the pressure and the limelight.

- I’m very happy. I didn’t have many expectations in Auckland. I felt confident before the tournament because my preparation had gone well, but I didn’t expect to play such good tennis straight away. Beating Serena in Melbourne is obviously one of the best victories of my career. I still have a little regret because of the way I lost in the quarters. But overall I am more than satisfied.

■ What are your main objectives for 2014?

- My goal is to qualify for the WTA Championships in Singapore. It was my goal before the season started and I’m very happy to have made a good start and be in the first eight positions after January. I know there is a long way to go, so it’s good that I’m near the top already, instead of having to play catch-up like I did in previous seasons. I have a good foundation to build from.

■ Are you planning to break back into the top 10?

■ You have won matches against the Williams sisters just two weeks apart. What does that mean to you? Is it a boost or additional pressure to repeat the feat again and again?

My win over Serena was an important step and I am looking forward to my matches against top players. Getting into the top 10 isn’t easy, but I have confidence in my ability and I believe I can

- Yes, that’s my main goal at the moment. I am not so far away now, but I need to be able to beat the top players on a regular basis. Obviously my win over Serena was an important step and now I am looking forward to my matches against other top players. Getting back into the top 10 isn’t easy; there are many good young players around, such as Sloane Stephens and Simona Halep, and everyone is very hungry to reach the top. But I have confidence in my ability and I believe I can achieve this goal. ■ How pleased are you with your results so far this year?

You have won a title and reached the quarter-finals in Melbourne…

- It’s definitely a boost. I see it only in positive terms. It gives me a lot of confidence and will help me the next time I play against them, and also the next time I play against other top players. Serena is probably the greatest player ever and I’d never even won a set against her. So to finally beat her – at a Grand Slam – was obviously huge for me. It’s definitely one of the best wins of my career. ■ What aspects of your game do you need to improve?

- What I want to improve most of all is my consistency. I always feel like I can play some great tennis, but it’s a case of doing it a lot more often, on a daily basis and not just a few times a year. In order for me to achieve my goals this season, consistency will be very important.

■ What other tournaments are on your 2014 itinerary? - It will be quite similar to last season, with around 22 tournaments, I think. I will of course play all the Grand |

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because he has come in with new ideas and analysis. He has quickly learned all the players, he watches them closely and he has given me excellent advice on how to play against them. He has made things quite simple because he has come in and made very accurate assessments of players. He doesn’t over-complicate things or put pressure on me and that helps me to relax and play better.

Slams and major tournaments such as Indian Wells, Miami, Madrid and the China Open. Then there are other big events like Rome, Dubai, Doha… Regarding the smaller events, I will play Monterrey after Miami again, and I will play Birmingham this year instead of Eastbourne. My biggest goal this year is to play at the Championships in Singapore at the end of the season. ■ Do you expect to win on

■ Zlatko Novković looks af-

clay rather than hard courts again?

ter your fitness. Despite his youth, would you say he is already an expert at his job?

- Clay is probably my best surface but I enjoy playing on hard courts too. It’s hard to say for sure, but I’d probably agree that I’m more likely to do well on clay than hard courts – and I love the French Open. ■ What kind of off-court

training have you been doing? Anything new compared with previous years?

- I’ve been doing a lot of work in the gym to improve my strength. I feel like it’s worked well and I’m stronger than I was last season. Of course, Nemanja [Kontić, Ivanović’s coach] has his own way of working – different drills and ways of training – and I am enjoying that too. ■ Can you tell us more about

Kontić’s qualities and your working relationship with him?

It’s a good thing to cry after a defeat because it shows how much I care. I put so much concentration and emotion into each match, so sometimes there is an emotional reaction afterwards. But not after every defeat, just the ones that hurt the most

- Nemanja and I have great cooperation. He is very knowledgeable and has a great way of communicating his ideas. Of course it helps that we are both Serbian. It helps, too, that he’s a very good player, so we hit together almost every day. He can feel my game in a way non-playing coaches can’t. When he comes onto the court during my matches he has clear ideas and is very helpful. So we’re very pleased with our cooperation so far.

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■ How different is he from your previous coaches? - I think it helps that he is fairly new to women’s tennis

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- Yes, he is. I have never been too concerned about age; talent is much more important than how old someone is. Zlatko already has a lot of experience and I’ve known him for many years. We work extremely well together and I’m very happy to have him on my team.

■ Can you tell us about what the WTA Tour is like behind the curtain? How does the WTA treat you as an individual and as a player?

- There is great cooperation between the WTA staff, me and my team. My agent is in regular contact with them and they are always so helpful. They are a non-profit organisation and I think they’ve done a very good job of growing the game and taking it to new parts of the world. They’ve also done an amazing job with sponsors and prize money – the numbers have gone up, even during the financial crisis when other sports were losing their sponsors.

■ Is there anything you don’t like? - Well, the only thing I don’t really like is that it seems like each year the WTA rules get more strict! ■ What do you think of prize money in tennis? Is it fair that men and women share the same amount?

- Yes, I think it is. You hear some stats like, “This wom-

for me and it was an amazing experience to play against him at a charity event in Germany some years ago. It felt surreal, actually. He was a great person to talk to and I was really flattered that he took the time to offer me a lot of advice.

an earned this amount of money for playing only this amount of time,” but you can’t really take these stats in isolation – there are many short men’s matches too. I think we can all agree that men and women have quite different bodies, so it’s normal and correct that we play three sets. The men’s game is obviously very popular right now but we are playing our part in growing the game. Look at Li Na and all the people who watch her in China.

■ What is it like having to

fulfil all of the off-court sponsorship obligations you have?

- It can get a little hectic at times but the most important thing is to maintain a good balance. Sometimes that means saying “no” and resisting some opportunities. The most important thing is always my tennis, and I don’t sacrifice my training for anything else. Overall, I think I have everything in good balance. I spend time working with my sponsors but not too much.

■ Who is your best friend

among colleagues on the WTA Tour?

- My best friend in tennis is Sorana Cirstea. Actually, she is my best friend outside of tennis too. Of course, we have a lot in common. She is a lovely girl and she is also a very funny person. We have a lot of fun together and always look forward to tournaments that we’re both playing in.

■ Who do you respect most of the legendary players? - It’s no secret Monica Seles was my idol when I was a kid and that I started playing tennis because of her. I used to admire the way she played so much, and the way she won. Then I got to meet her and got to know her a little bit as a person – and I started to admire her even more.

I think it’s fair that prize money is equal. You hear some stats like, “This woman earned this amount of money for playing only this amount of time,” but you can’t really take these stats in isolation – there are many short men’s matches too

■ And the men? - It would have to be [Andre] Agassi. He was also a hero

■ Who picks the colours and design of your kit?

- First and foremost it is Adidas, the designers. You may have noticed that often my outfits follow the fashions of the season, especially in terms of colour. But I have a little input too – they start designing a dress at least 18 months before it goes on sale, and I see some early designs and offer my feedback about both the look and how practical it is to play in. ■ Which tournament has the best

infrastructure and accommodation, in your opinion?


• Ivanović still has her first ever racquet, which her father gave her for her fifth birthday. It’s in her bedroom cupboard • She is a superstitious person. Her luck-related rituals include avoiding stepping on the lines of the court • Her favourite drinks are water, orange juice and mango smoothies • Ivanović’s fastest serve was recorded at 201km/h (125mph) against Anabel Medina Garrigues in the fourth round of the 2007 French Open. As of September 2010, it is listed as the fifth fastest serve in the history of women’s tennis • Her favourite Adidas outfit is, unsurprisingly, the cherry-red dress she wore when she won the 2008 French Open |

113 March 2014 | 29

- Good question! I don’t remember being asked this before. There are many tournaments that are really well-run, so I feel a little bad just choosing one or two, but it’s hard to beat Auckland. They take such good care of players and even took us on sightseeing tours and some other activities. Everything is very easygoing there. ■ And which tournament has the best food?

- It would have to be Stuttgart. The selection is huge, with all kinds of cuisines and even a chocolate fountain!

achieved the things I’ve achieved without them and I’m so grateful for their support. I absolutely love it when they are able to come to tournaments and support me, although I know that, no matter what the time, they will always be watching me back in Belgrade, even at 4am! I am a very familyorientated person and always will be. One day, I want a large family of my own. ■ In the last few years

the WTA rankings have been very volatile. How much do injuries impact on the rankings’ dynamics?

■ In your role as a UNICEF ambassador, you are dedicated to helping children in Serbia. What is it about this role that motivates you?

- It was an amazing honour to be asked to take on this role of ambassador – I didn’t think twice about it. It feels very special to think that I can have a small, positive influence on some people’s lives through our School Without Violence campaign. I was inspired by athletes such as Monica Seles as a kid, so I know that children sometimes look up to us, and I try to be a good role model for children. Tennis has given me a lot and this is just a small way of giving something back.

What I want to improve most of all is my consistency. I feel like I can play some great tennis, but it’s a case of doing it a lot more often, on a daily basis and not just a few times a year

■ How important is your family to your career and private life?

- It’s everything to me – there is nothing more important than family. My family have always been my biggest supporters and they always will be. I could not have


- Unfortunately, injuries are a part of being a professional athlete and I’ve had my fair share, like any other player. But I can’t blame injuries for my performances. In some ways, last year was a good year – it was my highest year-end ranking in a few years and I reached a Grand Slam quarter-final for the first time in a long time. But I still haven’t reached my goal of getting back into the top 10, so there is a lot of work to be done. ■ You are seen as quite a sensitive, emotional person. Do you sometimes cry in the locker room after a defeat?

- Yes, I think it’s because of my personality. But it’s a good thing, actually, because it shows how much I care. I put so much concentration and emotion into each match, so sometimes there is an emotional reaction afterwards. But not after every defeat, just the ones that hurt the most.

• Ivanović always has a song playing in her head during matches • Her most embarrassing moment in tennis was when she took another player’s racquet bag onto court after mistaking it for her own • One of Ivanović’s proudest achievements was winning 16 matches in 15 days as she captured back-to-back titles on the ITF Women’s Circuit when she was 16 • She has the most-visited website of any sportswoman (according to 30 |

113 March 2014 |

■ Is there any chance of a record or a movie?

- No chance of a record! I’m such a bad singer. Regarding being in a movie, who knows what will happen after my career. I have been fortunate to have been offered some small roles in the past, but my focus is on tennis and it didn’t suit my playing schedule, so I had to say no.

Unfortunately, injuries are a part of being a professional athlete and I’ve had my fair share like any other player. But I can’t blame injuries for my performances

■ Who’s your hero outside of tennis? - Nelson Mandela.

■ You always look stylish at pre-tournament parties. Are you your own stylist or do you take tips from anyone about clothes and makeup?

- I do my own styling mostly, sometimes with help from my friends. ■ Do you have any beauty secrets or tips to share? - I always carry a lipbalm with me. And Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream.

■ Which fictional character would you most like to have

lunch with and why?

- The Little Mermaid. Because of the underwater world! ■ Maria Sharapova has launched her own candy line, Sugarpova. If you could create own brand of something, what would it be?

- A cosmetics brand.

■ What hair products have you been using? - Well it’s going to be quite disappointing for you to hear, but because as I have so much stuff when I travel, I never take shampoo. I use the ones in the hotels. So that’s about it. It’s embarrassing actually!

■ If you were hosting a dinner party and could invite any three people, living or dead, who would you choose?

- That’s a tough one. Well, I would definitely invite Nelson Mandela. Probably Jennifer Aniston – I love ‘Friends’. And maybe Wentworth Miller. ■ If given the chance to study full-time at university, what degree would you take aside from finance?

- Psychology. I’d also like to study another language. ■ |

113 March 2014 | 31




Nobody is Immune Anti-corruption efforts have been in the news in Serbia for some time now. Tackling this insidious problem is seen as intrinsic to the country’s bid to become EU-ready. But are EU member states as corruption-free as we would like to believe? CorD investigates a Europe-wide issue that harms the taxpayer and can bring down governments


According to a comprehensive study ment was very significant in terms of head of the start of Serbia’s presented at the European Parliament the historically important relations beEU accession negotiations, in April last year, EU members lose an tween Serbia and the EU, adding: “By the consensus among the estimated €323 billion annually due signing this agreement, Serbia has international community to corruption, which is almost a third joined the family of European peoples has been that, although Serbia has acof the proposed EU budget for 2014that are combating organised crime in complished a lot in combating corrup2020 and far in excess of earlier estia more efficient way.” tion, the country still has a long way to mates of €100 billion. The report, comThe European Union has the most go. The latest news, underlining the impiled by the Bertelsmann Foundation in sophisticated anti-corruption methportance of the European integration Germany and Berlin-based private uniods, as outlined in the Corruption process to Serbia’s anti-corruption efversity Hertie School of Governance, Perception Index 2013 survey conforts, came on 16 January, with Serbia classifies every member state into one ducted by Transparency International. signing an operational agreement on of four categories of corruption risk Countries such as Austria, Belgium, strategic cooperation with Europol, and anti-corruption capacistipulating an exchange of ty. It also highlights a link beinformation and the particThe findings of the Anti-Corruption Offices tween corruption and EU state ipation of Serbian police in show that reports of embezzlement and budget deficits, particularly in operations around Europe. corruption come mostly from the private Greece and Italy. Such findThis collaboration with ings have brought into quesinternational institutions is sector or individuals, while individual state hugely important just prior to governments are “most hesitant” to report EU tion the widespread belief that EU membership brings EU negotiations, said Serbian fund abuse cases in their “own backyard” with it anti-corruption benPM and Interior Minister Ivica efits; Greece, Italy and Spain Dačić, adding that Serbia have all regressed in their fight against Denmark, Finland, France, Italy, Ireland, now has new tools at its disposal: “The corruption, despite each state’s longLuxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, more we use these [tools], the better term EU membership. Sweden and the UK have the lowest the results we are going to achieve in Advocating a “zero tolerance policorruption perception index, along fighting organised crime and corrupcy towards fraud against the EU budgwith non-European countries the US tion, as well as diminishing other risks et”, in July the European Commission and Canada. However, the EU is still that are a threat to European citizens proposed the establishment of the unhappy with its results and has been and countries.” European Public Prosecutor’s Office. working to create even more antiEuropol director Rob Wainwright al“With public finances under pressure corruption tools. so said that the signing of the agree-

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113 March 2014 |

throughout the EU, every euro counts,” said European Commission Vice President Viviane Reding. “Member states report an average of about €500 million of suspected fraud each year. But the real amount of fraud is likely to be significantly higher. The victim is the EU budget and, of course, the European taxpayer. It is a federal budget. If we don’t protect it, nobody else will do it for us.” The new body would primarily work to protect the European budget, while harmonising and expediting national legislative procedures across the EU. It would eliminate the inability to gather evidence in crossborder cases, since its jurisdiction would cover almost all EU members. “The European Public Prosecutor’s Office will consist of a European public prosecutor, supported by four deputies and located in head office, and European delegated prosecutors, based in each of the member states,” said EU Antifraud Commissioner Algirdas Šemeta. “These delegated prosecutors will be in charge of directing investigations and prosecutions on the ground, and they will come from, and remain a part of, their own national justice systems.” A ‘college’ of 10, consisting of the public prosecutor, four deputies and five delegated prosecutors, will ensure seamless integration between the EU and its nation states, while every decision made by the office can be reviewed in the national courts of each member state. The findings of the Anti-Corruption Offices show that reports of embezzlement and corruption come mostly from the private sector or individuals, while individual state governments are “most hesitant” to report cases of abuse of EU funds in their “own backyard”. Out of all conducted investigations, less

than half (42.3%) resulted in a conviction before the national courts. Should the member states and the European Parliament second the proposal, the European Public Prosecutor’s Office is expected to start operating on 1 January 2015. Denmark and the UK have already decided against participating in this allEuropean project, while Ireland is yet to have its say in the matter. Away from the EU’s anti-corruption methods, there are other ways

threatened to “break the arms” of rivals who had been using the investigation to undermine his term in office just prior to local elections scheduled for March. The Turkish media believes that the corruption investigation and subsequent arrests happened as a result of the fight for power between Erdoğan’s government and the Islamic movement headed by US-based cleric Fethullah Gülen, who is thought to have a huge influence on Turkey’s police and judiciary. Erdoğan has no plans to retreat, while political analysts believe the corruption affair will diminish the reputation and influence of the Turkish PM, a man previously thought to be one of Turkey’s most powerful political figures since founder of the modern Turkish republic Kemal Atatürk. Croatia, meanwhile, was ranked 57th in the Corruption Perception

According to a study presented at the European Parliament last year, EU members lose €323 billion annually due to corruption, which is almost a third of the proposed EU budget for 2014-2020 and far in excess of earlier estimates of €100 billion to curb corruption. In late-December, Turkey was rocked by a major corruption scandal, which still hasn’t died down. Turkish Minister of Environment and Urban Planning Erdoğan Bayraktar, Minister of the Interior Muammer Güler and Minister of Economy Zafer Çağlayan all resigned after their sons had been implicated in a major corruption case. In mid-January, a number of police and prosecution officials were relieved of their duties, while heads of police in at least 15 Turkish provinces had to resign following government efforts to quell the scandal. Ankara’s head of police resigned the day after 350 of his officers had been either transferred or fired. Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdoğan even

Index 2013, a jump of five places compared with 2012, indicating a drop in the country’s corruption index. The country came third in the West Balkans, and while business etiquette in Croatia is considered better than in the rest of the region, it is still far from the desired level. The most effective prevention of corruption in business is via stricter tax audits, commented anti-corruption expert Zorislav Antun Petrović following the results. “Also,” he added, “I’m afraid that in Croatia, cousinly, regional or party ties are too often the decisive factor in concluding contracts, which doesn’t formally constitute a bribe, but it can certainly be viewed as corruption and harmful to the economy.” ■ |

113 March 2014 | 33



Finance Ministers Agree Global Growth Target The G20 nations will aim to increase global growth by at least two percentage points over the next five years, but are yet to endorse a clear action plan to achieve that target


discussions this weekend,” he said. But detailed plans to achieve the 20 finance ministers and The communique commits to a growth are yet to be enunciated. central bank governors set global response to base erosion and International Monetary Fund (IMF) the growth goal, an ambiprofit shifting, endorsing the comManaging Director Christine Lagarde tion that translates to about mon reporting standard for autowelcomed the meeting’s focus on US$2 trillion in economic activity, after matic exchange of tax information. growth as its “rallying factor”. two days of meetings in Sydney. Implementation details are expected to She said predicted hostility beIn an acknowledgement of concerns be fleshed out later this year. tween advanced and emerging econoabout the impact of the US Federal Concerns were also raised over the mies, particularly over the effect of US Reserve’s tapering programme, the oflack of progress on reform of the IMF. tapering, had not eventuated. ficial communique said all central banks G20 countries “deeply regret” that Lagarde said the IMF stood ready to “maintain their commitment that monIMF quota and governance reforms provide support to Ukraine following etary policy settings will continue to be agreed to in 2010 had not yet become days of political turmoil. She said this carefully calibrated and clearly commueffective, the communique said. It could include policy advice and financial nicated”. Central banks are urged to be urged the US to ratify the re“mindful of impacts on the forms by April. global economy”. The meeting welcomed recent signs The meeting welcomed reHost nation Australia had of improvement in the global economy, cent signs of improvement in been pushing for ambitious in particular, growth strengthening in the the global economy, in particuglobal goals to increase ecoUnited States, United Kingdom and Japan lar, growth strengthening in the nomic growth. United States, United Kingdom The communique says alongside continued solid growth in China and Japan alongside continued there is “no room for complaand many emerging market economies solid growth in China and many cency” and the G20 nations emerging market economies, and the assistance, but she pointed to potencommit to develop new measures to resumption of growth in the euro area. tial negotiating complications as a refoster growth. But the communique said the globsult of the leadership upheaval. “We will develop ambitious but realal economy “remains far from achievUK Chancellor George Osborne had istic policies with the aim to lift our coling strong, sustainable and balanced called on the G20 to send a strong meslective GDP by more than 2% above the growth”. It pointed to weaknesses in sage that financial support would be trajectory implied by current policies some areas of demand, recent volatility available to help the people of Ukraine over the coming five years,” the docuin financial markets, high levels of pubrebuild their country. ment says. lic debt, continuing global imbalancUS Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said “This is over US$2 trillion more in es and remaining vulnerabilities within the decision to focus on growth stratreal terms and will lead to significant some economies. egies was important because it was a additional jobs. To achieve this we will The G20 economies committed to “shared objective”. Lew contrasted the take concrete actions across the G20, creating a climate that encouraged discussion with past debates over ausincluding to increase investment, lift higher investment, particularly in interity measures. employment and participation, enfrastructure and small and medium “It’s in all of our interests and that’s hance trade and promote competition, enterprises. ■ why there was such a consensus in the in addition to macroeconomic policies.”

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113 March 2014 |








CEO of Progetti d.o.o.

CEO of DDOR Novi Sad

Turning Dissatisfaction The Client into Innovation Comes First

Senior Partner at Kosić Law Office

Investors Need Security |

113 March 2014 | 35



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SPRING GROOMING In spring the weather becomes warmer and you start looking to spend more time outside. So why not make your garden an escape from all of life’s stresses and problems?

For best results, alter the cutting direction.

Prepare your lawn properly Lawns are green oases of personal wellbeing, bringing nature into our modern, cultivated world. Grass covers a quarter of the Earth’s surface. Grass also prevents soil erosion, reduces dust formation, softens noise, regulates temperature and cleans the air. Your lawn is much more than countless blades of grass; it not only looks pleasant and refreshing, but, through photosynthesis,significantly improves your garden’s the microclimate. FOR LARGE SURFACES iMOW: TECHNOLOGY OF THE FUTURE AVAILABLE IN SERBIA SOON First came smartphones, and now the latest generation of smart lawnmowers. iMOW is the first robotic lawnmower to do all the lawn work for you. All you need to do is set the programme on your Viking iMOW and the Viking robotic lawnmower will follow your instructions. The only thing left to do then is plan how you’ll spend quality time with your family.

• P rogrammable mowing time (e.g. Tuesday, from 2pm to 6pm) •W on’t mow areas without grass • B ypasses obstacles • R eturns to the docking station when battery needs recharging •M ows in the rain • P erfect for surfaces ranging from 1,000m² to 3,000m² If you require flexible and fast mowing in narrow alley passages and around various obstacles, we recommend the tractor T5 series.

•G rass-catcher box with 250-litre capacity that empties automatically with the help of the lever on the driver’s seat • F ast forward/reverse drive lever •C omfortable single-pedal operation •N ew sporty design • L arge wheels that won’t damage your lawn •M owing deck with 2 blades

CREATE YOUR OWN OASIS WITH THE HELP OF VIKING MACHINES Make your garden beautiful with very little effort, some practical advice and state-of-the-art VIKING technology. Here are a few tips to refresh and tidy your garden after winter. CARE

Spring During winter months, leaves wither away. The wind blows leaves and foliage from trees and bushes onto the lawn. The lawn has probably suffered under the weight of snow and is now grey and brown in appearance. Clear the lawn with a rake, a vacuum leaf collector or a suitable VIKING lawnmower. Once the ground has dried and warmed up (+10°C), with growth resumed, bald patches in the lawn can be re-sown. Flower islands or patches with wildflowers should be mowed only after they have bloomed in order to allow them to seed. These areas should not be fertilised to ensure flowers blossom again next year again.


Mowing, fertilisation, irrigation, addition of sand, ventilation, verticulation

Temperature, water, light/ shade, wind, snow, frost


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Diseases, pests, aggressive plants

Trampling, thickening


Grain size, pH, density, organic substances, accumulation of water and nutrients

• C utting height can be adjusted to one of 7 levels • R obust yet light polymer housing •W e recommend the self-propelled MB 443.1 T/MB 448.1 TX with wider cutting blades to ensure smoother mower movement • A lternatively, there is the ME 443.1 with electrical engine

Mowing Mowing regularly makes the lawn dense. The grass creates new side shoots, leaves and runners, while wild growth (weeds) is suppressed. The optimum mowing height is 3.5-5cm (but in the shade, you should never cut grass below 5cm!) If grass is mown lower than its cutting tolerance, the lawn will dry out. If the grass is too high, mowing should be done in several stages – never at once! Depending on the region, lawn characteristics and the weather, your lawn should be mown between 20 and 25 times during the vegetation period from mid-April to late-October, i.e. every week depending on growth. If the blades are sharpened regularly, your lawn will look nice and mowing will be easier.


• C lears space and brings order to your garden •M akes good-quality natural fertiliser from branches and leaves • S upplies your garden soil and plants with needed nutrients Once you decide the time has come for a big clean-up, you’ll need the VIKING shredder. It will make room in your garden for new ideas. Take care of your garden’s neglected areas in record time and use your imagination to create new features. For those who missed the opportunity to prepare their garden in autumn for winter, you now have a last-minute chance to do so. The VIKING shredder will help to refresh your garden’s green areas without spending money on fertiliser – because now you can use shredded cuttings from your garden as natural fertiliser.

With VIKING products work in your garden will become a pleasure! VIKING – A MEMBER OF THE STIHL GROUP FOR MORE INFORMATION GO TO WWW.STIHL.RS


Business Dialogue 01

The Road “The road to the EU has two stages – the process and membership – both equally important, as membership is pointless without reforms.” — Vesna Pusić, Croatian Minister of Foreign and European Affairs



Class with a Capital C

Excitement Builds for the 40th International Building Fair

Mercedes-Benz’s new C-Class heralds a new chapter in the carmaker’s success story and sets new standards in the premium mid-range class Thanks to its intelligent, lightweight design – boasting weight savings of up to 100kg – excellent aerodynamics and new, economical engine, the Mercedes-Benz C-Class establishes a new benchmark. A host of new assistance systems offer safety of the highest standard, while new suspension (optionally air-sprung) provides exemplary driving comfort as well as nimble and agile handling. In terms of appearance, the C-Class adopts a progressive approach with its smart design and high-class interior. Many other innovations and interior touches underscore the saloon’s energising comfort and refined sportiness. In all, according to Mercedes-Benz, the quality of the C Class feels like an “upgrade to a higher class of travel”. “Mercedes at its best – that’s the new C-Class, which sets new standards for the mid-range sector on many fronts,” says Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber, the managing board member of Daimler AG responsible for group research and Mercedes-Benz car development. “It is characterised by an emotionalyet-clear design, which is continued in its high-quality and modern interior. Its efficient, high-performance engineering provides the basis for a high standard of driving enjoyment.” Ola Källenius, Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Mercedes-Benz, adds: “The new C-Class embodies Mercedes-Benz’s claim of ‘the best or nothing’ in uncompromising style. This is immediately apparent when encountering our new saloon for the first time, as it creates the impression that one is sitting in a higher class of automobile. I am sure our customers will be delighted by the high-class appeal and agility of the new C-Class.” The new C-Class Saloon will be available for order soon.



S-Leasing Concludes 10,000 Contracts On 13 February, the S-Leasing company signed its 10,000th contract The milestone contract was signed with company Core Distribution for the leasing of a Fiat Punto Classic 1.2 van. CEO of S-Leasing Vladimir Pajović said that company employees had been investing a lot of effort into justifying clients’ trust by providing excellent service, and by having a simple and adaptable approach. “We want our existing and future clients to keep val40 |


idating these claims of ours, and we promise that we are going to be here to celebrate many more years of company operations and many more joint contracts,” he added. In 2013, S-Leasing celebrated its 10th anniversary of operations in Serbia. The company began 2014 on a successful note, as corroborated by the quality of its work and the satisfaction of its existing clients.

113 March 2014 |

The Southeastern European construction industry’s biggest exhibition event, the 40th International Building Fair, is taking place at the Belgrade Fair from 8 to 12 April, with the following branches of the building industry showcasing their line of business: research and innovation in design, construction and maintenance of buildings, a wide range of the latest construction materials, construction machinery, devices, equipment and tools, information technologies, building furnishings and interiors, prefabricated houses, modern construction systems and maintenance. Many new products will also be exhibited at this year’s fair, including the latest window and door hardware, completely automated production of carpentry products, novelty Al and PVC processing machinery, technologi-


cal advances in the construction chemistry and floor coverings industry, renewable energy sources and condensation technologies, polyurethane spray machines and concrete surface repair and protection systems. Attractive, informative exhibitions will be accompanied by professional panels on the contemporary construction business, organised with the help of Serbia’s relevant scientific institutions. There will also be business anniversaries for certain exhibitors, as well as the participation of the Association of Civil Engineers and Technicians of Serbia. The main sponsor of the 40th International Building Fair is Roloplast Mošić Company from Sremska Mitrovica. Welcome to all with a desire to build in a way that’s tailored to your needs. VB LEASING

VB Leasing Validates Leadership Position Despite the leasing industry going through a difficult period, there are still companies that have managed to navigate the economic downturn successfully. One such company is the Serbian branch of VB Leasing, which, despite adverse market conditions, has accomplished its best business results in 10 years, recently released results from the Serbian Business Registers Agency show. Out of the 16 leasing companies operating in Serbia, VB Leasing ranks first in terms of contracts concluded and funding allocated via financial leasing. With over €32,750,000 worth of funded leasing objects in 2013 (a 12.32% market share), VB Leasing was the only leasing company to conclude more than 1,000 new financial leasing contracts – specifically, 1,121 contracts (14.12% market share) – increasing the number of contracts concluded by a fifth relative to last year. VB Leasing recorded good business results overall. In 2013, in terms of the company’s combined financial and operational leasing results, VB Leasing ranked third when it comes to number of contracts concluded and funds allocated for the purchase of objects for SMEs, such as cars, industrial machinery and commercial and agricultural machinery.



“It is good that both countries see the future in the same way – as peaceful and stable, a future in which issues are addressed openly.” — Aleksandar Vučić, First Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia


DDOR BG Car Show & MotoPassion Come to Belgrade

Placements & Postings APPOINTMENTS@AIM.RS

The Belgrade Fair will be holding the DDOR BG Car Show and MotoPassion, the 8th International Motorcycle, Spare Parts and Accessories Fair from 14 to 20 March All automotive brands present on the domestic market will be showcased, with a presentation format consisting of uniformed stands. The fair is all about the final product: cars, as an indispensable means of transport, our desire and need for them as consumers, all of which fuels inexhaustible discussion between experts and passion and fascination among car lovers. Brand new models will be exhibited at the DDOR BG Car Show, with importers and dealerships keen not to miss an opportunity to showcase their latest models. The exhibition of related industries, spare parts and accessories is also an integral part of the Car Show, attracting attention from businesspeople in Serbia and from abroad. In a purely business sense, this is by far the most dynamic area of the fair. MotoPassion, the 8th International Motorcycle, Spare Parts and Accessories Fair, will also be taking place at the same time. An army of motorcycle lovers will be able to see this year’s latest models. Apart from offering the opportunity to buy new bikes, the fair also provides visitors with the opportunity to purchase safety equipment and accessories from a wide product range.


VERA JOVANOVSKATIPKO New Macedonian Ambassador to Serbia

BRIGADIER GENERAL LUCO BATTA New Chief of NATO’s Military Office in Belgrade


Systems for Integrated Business Management The Koving company was formed more than 25 years ago and specialises in consultancy services, planning, design, implementation, maintenance and distribution of telecommunication and technical protection systems. With more than 7,000 references in Serbia and the region, the company is the market leader in its field. Efficient ICT system management and integration with technical protection and monitoring systems is the foundation of efficient business operations, facilitating a company’s development and leading to greater profits. Simple management of complex, technically superior systems in

real time through integration combines video surveillance, burglar and fire alarm systems, access and movement control, network infrastructure and telephony system, electronic product protection system, people counting and multimedia. Each of these systems improves business operations by preventing risk, controlling discipline and enabling an efficient reaction to fast changes in the market. They also facilitate strategic decision-making based on realistic reports that exclude the possibility of error. This ensures stable growth and development and a significant competitive advantage.

RADOMIR DIKLIĆ New Director of BETA News Agency

Born in 1975 in Skopje, Mrs. Vera Jovanovska-Tipko MD MSc was appointed Macedonian Ambassador to Serbia on 4 February this year. Her educational and professional background is in psychiatry and cognitive behaviour psychotherapy. She has entered the diplomatic field following her longstanding contribution and commitment to the community in improving health and wellbeing. She is a communication, negotiation and conflict-resolution expert who implements cognitive behavioural techniques in business and politics. Jovanovska-Tipko has served as an international coordinator for non-government organisations and has taken part in numerous national and international conventions. She actively promotes improving the political, economic and cultural climate through profound analysis, research and knowledge of cultural differences. She speaks English and Italian fluently. Luco Batta was born on 4 March 1956. He graduated from the University of Turin, majoring in Military Studies and received his master’s degree from the same university. Batta also graduated in Diplomatic Studies from the University of Trieste. From 1979 to 1990, he was commander of the 7th Tank Battalion, after which he worked for the training office at the War College until 1993. After serving in the Italian Army’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, he was appointed battalion commander at the Military Academy. From 2000 to 2002, he was commander of the 17th Infantry Regiment in Sora, after which he taught armed forces organisation at the War College. Batta was an Italian military emissary to Serbia from 2004 to 2007, and in 2006 was promoted to the rank of brigadier general. In December 2007, Batta became head of the NATO Military Liaison Office in Belgrade, where he served until the end of 2008. Upon his return to Italy, he worked at the logistics centre of a military school at the Italian Army Training Command for Land Forces Operations. Batta is the recipient of several medals and decorations, including the Medal of Military Merit, the Gold Cross for military functions and the Medal of NATO. He is married and has a daughter. Following the retirement of former Director Ljubica Marković and a unanimous vote by the news agency’s assembly, BETA has made journalist and diplomat Radomir Diklić its new director. Diklić is a graduate of the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Law and during his career in journalism has worked for Radio Belgrade and news agency Tanjug. He has worked as a correspondent from West Africa and worked with the AFP, BBC, Canadian, Belgian, French and Australian radio, as well as other international media outlets. He served as Ambassador to France from 2000 to 2005, during which time he was awarded the title of Grand Officer in the National Order of Merit by the President. He was also Ambassador to Belgium and Luxembourg from 2008 to 2012 and was a foreign policy advisor to President Svetozar Marović of Serbia and Montenegro in 2005 to 2006.

APOLOGIZE In the February issue of CorD magazine, it was wrongly written that Mr. Dejan Turk, CEO of Vip mobile, is the Chairman of UNICEF Foundation of Serbia, instead of Chairman of UNICEF Foundation of Slovenia. We apologize to Mr. Turk and our readers. |

113 March 2014 | 41

Business Dialogue INTERVIEW


Turning Dissatisfaction into Innovation Shoe-maker Progetti has been in Serbia through all of the country’s ups and downs, producing high-quality goods branded ‘Made in Serbia’ and sold worldwide. CEO Romano Rossi explains his company’s philosophy and his belief in the future growth in the Serbian economy


s near-neighbours, Serbia and Italy have a strong trading relationship. Serbian-based Italian shoe and shoepart company Progetti has been in this country for more than two decades, making it a key part of this successful relationship.

pediment to investor attempts to create new jobs? - It is no secret that labour costs are one of the most attractive points for investing in Serbia, especially for industries with a high incidence of labour phases. Based on this principle, any intervention that reduces labour taxes and contributions is more than welcome. A wise company can use these savings to increase, at least partially, the net salary of its workers, increasing the general satisfaction of the workforce, and also to increase expenditure to the benefit of the entire community. We have about 1,000 direct employees, with plans to increase that number as long as we have favourable laws that contribute to making this process faster.

dissatisfaction: • People – we believe in Serbian workers’ capabilities, we have invested in education, staff training and incentives, with extraordinary results. Aside from myself and my brother, the only Italian working in the company currently is the production manager; the rest are Serbian; • Structure – we have invested in technology, our working environment and are implementing our own software programs adapted to our specific needs. Our operating management system and production control is unique; • Dissatisfaction – our philosophy is: to build something unique and innovative, you have to be dissatisfied – and we constantly are!

■ You have been operating in Serbia for more than 20 years, surviving the country’s economic and political changes. From today’s perspective, what is your assessment of the decision to We don’t just produce footwear parts, but entire ■ Tell us about Progetti’s strategic plans. Does the company become one of the first foreign shoes for top world brands. The challenge was plan to expand in the region? companies to invest here? to put the trademark ‘Made in Serbia’ into - That’s an area we are working - To have been established in the market, and we can say proudly that we on. We were elected to conduct Serbia for so long has several advantages, the main one being that an investment through SIEPA that are an important part of this success story we have an excellent knowledge would result in the recruitment of the country, its customs and society. We ■ In Serbia you make products for reof 150 employees and was scheduled to nowned global brands. Judging by the also feel we are in a good position to discuss start this spring. Unfortunately, bureaucratic company’s production growth, your and contribute to Serbia’s possible future problems have slowed down the process economic development. However, we are still clients are satisfied with the quality of and we are now considering whether to proceed or move the entire project to Bosnia. your products. What is the basis of your looking for more political stability, which We are also continually having problems production process in terms of product would help promote certainty and security with the issuance of travel permits for our end quality? for foreign investors. transportation vehicles. We would like to - The challenge was to put the trademark think that after many years of continued ‘Made in Serbia’ into the market, and we can ■ Progetti has close to 4,000 employees presence in this territory, we could expect say proudly that we are an important part and stakeholders. Do you think current better treatment in such an important area of this success story. We achieved this with legislation, in particular the Labour Law of our business. ■ a three-part strategy: people, structure and and taxes and contributions, is an im42 |

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The Client Comes First When life throws you a curveball or you just have bad luck, it’s important to have a safety net. DDOR Novi Sad has been providing insurance to Serbian citizens and businesses for 70 years, and, despite bumps in the road economically, the company is as stable and secure as its products ■ The Serbian insurance industry had a boom, which has since been disrupted by the economic crisis. In your opinion, what should be done to imDOR Novi Sad CEO Dr. prove the insurance sector business Christian Otto Neu is keen to environment? extol the additional benefits - Serbia’s insurance industry has great of becoming a client at one of potential, but there are too many insur■ DDOR has expanded its list of prodSerbia’s major insurance providers, and ance companies on the market. It was ucts to ensure vehicle insurance clito educate people on just why insurclear before the crisis that everyone exents receive a ‘package’ of services ance is so vital for an anxiety-free life. pected Serbia and the region to flourthat enable them to drive without worish through direct foreign investments, ry and to have certainty in the event of ■ Since November 2012, DDOR has but unfortunately that did not happen. a road accident. How interested are clibeen part of Unipol Group, one of Given the economic crisis is abating in ents in these packages and which adItaly’s most influential financial inmost developed countries, we hope it ditional services are of particular interstitutions. How much extra influence will also be felt in Eastern and Central est to drivers and vehicle owners? has that given DDOR in the Serbian European countries. - Traffic accidents happen every day, insurance market? Serbia approaching the EU is surely and we have incorporated valuable - Becoming part of this group is by all a positive thing, so therefore the ecoEuropean experience with DDOR’s longmeans excellent news for DDOR Novi nomic situation is expected to improve. standing business tradition to provide Sad, which is one of the leaders in the Our sector could benefit from reasona better service in Serbia. A decrease in Serbian market, with a long-standable tax initiatives in domains ing tradition just shy of 70 years. DDOR is the only comDDOR has always worked to educate people such as life and voluntary penpany that Unipol Group owns about insurance. We are present in almost all sion insurance. Such a move would have a positive impact abroad and it fits in nicely with lines of insurance and oriented to all people, on our operations too. Unipol’s business strategy.


of the total risk equalisation reserves in the market. Our clients’ satisfaction with our service is by all means our priority, hence we strive to assess and pay out claims regularly and accurately in all insurance classes.

not just entrepreneurs, farmers and large

systems. We work to improve our services ■ DDOR has a large focus on ■ You are known as an insuragricultural insurance polier that quickly, accurately and monitor the needs of the market cies, followed by businesses, and regularly evaluates and property owners, families, individuthe number of road accidents will save pays claims for all the types of insurals and pensioners… Do you believe money that would otherwise be spent ance. How is that achieved? Serbian citizens consider insurance on medical treatment, absence from - DDOR Novi Sad is an organised comthe best way to protect against damwork, vehicle repairs etc. Therefore pany that achieved moderate growth of age and inconvenience? we are motivated to invest in drivnearly 2% in 2013 despite difficulties in - DDOR has always worked to educate ers’ knowledge, making us the only inSerbia’s insurance market. We concludpeople about insurance. We are present surance company in Serbia to provide ed the year with RSD 8.5 billion of writin almost all lines of insurance and orifree education at NAVAK, the National ten premiums, a solid balance sheet and ented to all people, not just entrepreDriving Academy, when clients purchase adequate technical reserves. We have no neurs, farmers and large systems. We MTPL and CASCO insurance policies. problems covering our technical reserves work continuously to improve our serThis way we reaffirm that the client with assets prescribed as standard and vices and monitor the needs of the marcomes first; our mandatory car insurwe successfully meet the National Bank ket. An improved economic situation ance, which costs the same at every inof Serbia’s strict standards. will primarily benefit Serbia’s citizens, surance company, is twice as valuable DDOR bases its operations on ecoand consequently contribute to the debecause it provides risk coverage and nomic principles. As such, our risk velopment of our line of business. ■ free education for drivers. equalisation reserves comprise 40% |

113 March 2014 | 43


Business Dialogue 01

Greece “The people of Greece are still suffering from the consequences of the painful but nevertheless needed reforms that are taking place.” — Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council



Farmers Received €769 million in First Months of 2014

Illegal Sale of Cut Tobacco Expands

The Agency for Payments and Interventions in Agriculture (APIA) has paid more than RON 3.4 billion (€769 million) to Romanian farmers since the start of the year. Payments of €2.5 billion are estimated to be made until the end of the year. “For payments as part of the SAPS 2013 campaign from the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF), €560 million has been granted to 1,015,000 farmers of the 1,048,402 requests made in the 2013 campaign,” said APIA. “For Axis II of EAGF and national budget co-financing, €16.5 million was paid, as well as more than €102.8 million paid to 654,000 farmers for direct complementary national payments.” At the same time, beneficiaries of reconversion programmes in the wine, fruit and milk sectors among producer groups received €3.3 million. Programmes for the promotion of farm produce, wines included, benefitted from €345,900, while €1.7 million was paid to less favoured persons in 2013. As for state aid, APIA paid a direct national complementary payment of about €76.6 million in the animal husbandry sector to 58,000 beneficiaries and about €400,000 for insurance premiums in agriculture. EAGF allocated €1.403 billion to Romania for the single area payment plan in 2013, but farmers can get no more than €139.17 per hectare. According to APIA data, land areas recorded for payment grew annually from 8.952 million hectares in 2007 to 9.760 million hectares this year, with 2.395 million hectares representing grazing areas.


Car users in Albania were astonished last month when car insurance prices shot up by almost 50%. An annual car insurance policy now costs ALL 20,000-21,000 (€142-€150) if purchased from any of the nine insurance companies operating in Albania, including state-owned INSIG. This movement in car insurance prices is seen by road users as unacceptable. They say such a drastic increase is abusive. To strengthen their conviction, they have pointed out the prices applied by companies last year. In the period from January to March 2013, annual insurance varied from ALL 5,500-6,000 (€39-€43). The price fell three or four times in June before suddenly shooting up to €100 in November 2013 and €150 in February 2014.

The retail price of cigarettes in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), effective from 1 January 2014, is significantly more than last year, with the cheapest brands costing €1.40 and upmarket brands costing more than €2.00 per pack. It is the result of a decision to establish a specific and minimum excise on cigarettes this year, which was adopted by the Governing Board of the BiH Indirect Taxation Authority (UIO). The decision stipulates that the proportional excise duty is paid on cigarettes at a rate of 42% of retail price with a special excise tax of €0.46 for a pack of cigarettes. UIO BiH stated that the decision is only the continuation of the process of harmonising excise duties in BiH with the excise policy of the EU. The UIO also adopted a proposal for an amendment to the



Significant Increase to Cost of Car Insurance Policies

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BiH Excise Law, in accordance with EU directives, based on the introduction of a specific excise duty on cut tobacco, which this year amounts to around €40 per kilogram. The intention is to prevent possible fraud in the tobacco market and tobacco products. As expected, the sale of cigarettes has been replaced by the sale of tobacco, which is not burdened with the high excise, and in its legal sale the base of the VAT calculation is lower. The mass emergence of the illegal sale of cut tobacco is for the most part taking place in flea markets, where payment obligations are avoided and low-quality tobacco is often offered. Source: Independent Balkan News Agency


Kosovo Needs 1,457 Foreign Employees A study conducted by the Business Alliance of Kosovo (AKB) has concluded that the country needs to employ around 1,500 foreign nationals. The study, the results of which were published on 11 February, was carried out at the request of the Social Economic Council in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare. This study is valid for 2014 and is expected to be used by Kosovo’s state institutions to determine the number of foreign employees the country needs. The head of AKB, Agim Shahini, declared that the study involves 2,100 companies all over Kosovo. Of that total, 70.5% responded to the survey. The study indicates that in 2014 companies in Kosovo will need 1,457 foreign employees covering different sectors of business, services and production. The majority of foreign employees are needed in transport, telecommunications and construction. Specifically, 399 employment permits have been issued by the construction sector, 348 permits have been issued by the transport and telecommunications sector and 135 permits have been issued for the production sector.



Rovinj Company Mirna Goes Bankrupt

113 March 2014 |

Fish cannery Mirna from the western Croatian town of Rovinj has gone bankrupt. The factory, which has a long history and employs 250 workers, could not strike a deal with the state over its debts. Rovinj Mayor Giovanni Sponza has reiterated that the town will try to use all legal possibilities to help the factory out of bankruptcy.



“Circles which stir animosity, hatred and enmity, which set Bulgarian citizens against one another… will not be welcomed by society.” — Rosen Plevneliev, Bulgarian President

Placements & Postings


Azerbaijan to Invest €500 million in ‘PortoNovi’


The company Azmont, backed by Azerbaijan’s state oil company SOKAR, has began construction on the ‘PortoNovi’ project worth €500 million. After months of preparatory work, work officially started in February on one of the biggest tourist complexes in Europe, in Kumbor on the Montenegrin coast. The deadline for completion of the tourist complex is May 2016. A former military barracks in one of the most beautiful parts of the Bay of Kotor will be the location of the ‘One & Only’ tourist resort. The plan envisages the construction of 550 residential villas, 150 commercial spaces and 1,200 parking places, as well as markets and sports and spa complexes. This is the largest investment in Montenegrin tourism industry and the first of a few that have been announced this year. The Montenegrin government expects large benefits from taxes and direct investments, as well as new jobs. For the complex’s construction, about 6,000 workers will be hired from Montenegro, the surrounding regions and the world. Azmont has opened an academy for the training of workers in Bijelo Polje in the north of Montenegro. So far 700 workers have enrolled. The company has announced that it expects to have finished training 1,000 to 3,000 people in carpentry, masonry, plumbing and other construction specialisations in the next 12 months. The project, funded by Azerbaijan state oil company SOCAR, will include the construction of the modern marinas with the capacity for 250 berths, with a focus on mega-yachts, and about 70 shops, cafes, restaurants, a beach club and a tennis academy. Some 65% of the complex’s capacity will be available to citizens. The Kumbor tourist complex is to be built by the company Kerzer from the Bahamas, which has signed a contract with Triangle Investment in England, which is operating as the agent of SOCAR.



Luka Koper Plans to Increase Profit to €21 million In February, supervisors at port operator Luka Koper adopted a business plan for 2014, following the document being rejected twice. The group’s operating revenue is set to reach €151.2 million this year, with the parent company accounting for €144.1 million. The operating profit of the group is to go up by 112% to €27.3 million year-onyear. The parent company’s operating profit is set to increase by 140% to €25.4 million. The group is to invest a total of

€37 million this year, with transhipment capacity to go up by 5% to 18.9 million tonnes of cargo. “The plan is very demanding, but it can be achieved, providing the serious participation of the entire management,” chief supervisor Alenka Žnidaršič Kranjc told the press after a supervisory board meeting. Luka Koper also published an unaudited business report for 2013. The group posted a net profit of €8.5 million, which was 19% (€2 million) lower than 2012. By delaying the payment of taxes, the group has increased its net profit by €1.5 million.

PAVEL ŠERCL New Managing Director of the EAM Business Unit at Mondelez International


New Managing Director of Mondelēz International’s EAM Business Unit for Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia, Mr. Pavel Šercl, will assume his duties on 1 March. Prior to this appointment, Šercl was a sales director at CE Integrations. He came to Mondelēz in 2004 from the role of sales director at Kraft Foods Czech and Slovak, where he has been a director since 2007, successfully conducting the integration of Kraft’s chocolate sector in 2009. As of 2012, he has been sales director for several areas in the region, overseeing the company’s sales strategy in Central Europe, as well as the integration of the Central European sales sector with Mondelēz’s structure in the EU. Šercl has an MBA from the Business School of Prague Open University.


Wine Exports Boosted in 2013 Macedonian vintners have good reason to celebrate after the country boosted its wine exports in 2013 to record levels, according to the country’s Agriculture Ministry. Compared with average exports from 2007 to 2012, Macedonian wine exports rose by almost 50% last year. The total volume of exported wine in 2013 was 885,000 hectolitres, earning some €50 million. The increase in profits is largely attributed to Macedonia’s success in selling greater quantities of bottled and branded wine, which sells for higher prices. Last year’s exports of bottled wine have tripled overall since 2005 – when Macedonia sold some 5.5 million litres – to 17 million litres.





shift from past trends, when Macedonia exported only a small portion of wine in branded bottles – the majority went in tanks. Wine is the second largest agricultural export from Macedonia after tobacco. Most of the wine goes to the European Union, although some ends up in the United States, Canada, China and Russia. Germans consume by far the largest amount of Macedonian wine exported to the EU and Macedonia is among the five largest wine exporters to Germany. |

113 March 2014 | 45

Business Dialogue INTERVIEW


Investors Need Security Foreign investments require investor safety, says lawyer Dubravka Kosić, and this safety cannot be obtained through the mere application of laws without the relevant bylaws – to do so paints a picture of arbitrariness, which, with the nature of Serbia’s always-changing political climate, can turn a safe investment into a risk


n the extensive experience of the Kosić Law Office, existing regulation does not inspire trust among foreign investors due primarily to a lack of crucially important laws in areas that are of most interest to investors.

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- The bylaw shortage problem should not be viewed through the same eyes as red tape. People who work on foreign investment projects usually overcome the bylaw shortage problem with the proper application of laws. However, this cannot be considered a foundation or behavioural model. Foreign investments require investment ■ The Kosić Law Office has been a part of a private safety, and this safety cannot be obtained through the practice founded 70 years ago. Do you think legislation in Serbia is conducive to a better climate for mere application of laws without the relevant bylaws, as foreign investment? that paints a picture of arbitrariness, so, with changes - Undoubtedly the legislative environment is important in the political climate, what was once a safe investment for developing a good business climate. Maintaining legal becomes a risk. security through balanced and full-bodied legislation is Foreign investors particularly object to the lack of a factor that predominantly influences the investment modern investment laws. It is impossible to build sectors decisions of foreign investors. Regardless of investment of the economy using the help of foreign investments if format, foreign investors want to know on what grounds you don’t have the legal framework based on which you they can preserve the money they invested in Serbia and attracted, implemented and secured those investments. further develop their businesses. If we look at our country’s cooperation with Italian Serbian legislation does not businesses, and the recent Undoubtedly the legislative inspire trust among foreign insigning of a memorandum of environment is important for vestors due primarily to a lack of understanding, this is a great developing a good business climate. example of how results can crucially important laws in areas that generate the most interMaintaining legal security through be achieved in a short time, est from foreign investors. It is balanced, full-bodied legislation is a providing both sides have vital to know the requirements a clear vision and mutually factor that predominantly influences beneficial intentions. and hurdles in practice, and to the decisions of foreign investors upgrade laws. Due to the fact the Participation in projects requirements of practice have not been considered, we merely tells us that we should never stop bolstering our are now at a stage where practice is absolutely different to relations with foreign businesses. Drawing on years of laws and bylaws. practice, we can say that representing Italian companies and businesspeople has always been coupled with a readiness to translate agreed strategies into concrete invest■ Red tape and inadequate legislation are among the ments. However, everything that has been implemented, most frequent objections made by foreign investors, or started to be implemented in the past, should be an inmainly due to a shortage of the bylaws required to dicator of how much can be accomplished with full-bodied implement laws. What is your take on this problem?

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legislation that covers all issues in this area. Ordinary citizens couldn’t care less whether a certain issue is to be regulated with one or two laws because they are only concerned with results. In order to achieve results, the state needs to have a framework in which it operates. This framework is legislation. The problem with red tape should be viewed separately. As a member of national and international organisations, our law firm has participated in projects whose goal was to cut red tape. We gave sensible answers as to why bureaucratic demands should be either reduced or abolished altogether, all from the viewpoint of our practice, of course. ■ In your opinion, what should the government’s post-election priorities be in terms of passing new laws? - The election should not be an obstacle to legislative activities in the sense of the basic economic development guidelines that have been set. Legislative activities need to be enhanced in all areas where theory does not coincide with practice. Firstly, we need to change obsolete laws or laws that contradict other legislative solutions and practice. In that respect, we need to change the Labour Law and the Bankruptcy Law. The latter dates back to 2009 and its shortcomings can best be seen in practice. There are many instances where bankruptcy proceedings have been instigated

The election should not be an obstacle to legislative activities in the sense of the basic economic development guidelines that have been set. Legislative activities need to be enhanced in all areas where theory does not coincide with practice

at the mother company, which also entails bankruptcy proceedings in daughter companies. The biggest problem with these kinds of situations is the issue of estate bankruptcy and claims by creditors, especially secured ones. We need to adopt laws that regulate the way, status and formats of foreign investments. We should also underline that Italian investors have a long-standing trust in our economy. Fairs and conferences in Italy our law firm has organised or participated in with Italian colleagues mainly exist to bring the Serbian market closer to Italy and to present an investment format. We also need to tackle the issue of companies in restructuring. So far none, or very few of them, have managed to carry out a successful restructuring. The Privatisation Law needs to be harmonised with the demands of practice for the few remaining companies that are still eligible for privatisation. We especially need to resolve the issue around the status of companies that were not privatised successfully and have no assets that buyers consider appealing. ■


The Lurking Threat of Deflation Twenty years ago, flat or slow growth in emergingmarket economies would have made only a small dent in the expansion of the world’s gross domestic product. But now developing nations make up 40% of global GDP


or these countries, the coming year looks like a period of weak growth because of lower prices for commodities, a slowdown in global trade, and sliding exchange rates. Disinflation – a drop in the growth of inflation – could become a worldwide problem if the central banks of emerging economies raise borrowing costs too rashly. India, South Africa and Brazil were among those who boosted interest rates in January as investors dumped their currencies. The Bank of America predicts that more monetary tightening is likely in South Africa and Brazil. South Korea, Hungary and Malaysia are expected to increase their benchmark rates by the end of this year as well. Higher borrowing costs will lower demand from such countries as companies and consumers tighten their belts. The slowdown will put more pressure on commodity prices. The US and other advanced economies could feel a disinflationary pinch if their currencies continue recent gains, making the prices of imported goods cheaper and exports less appealing to markets with weaker currencies. Import prices in the US declined 1.5% in January from a year earlier. Disinflation is bad because it keeps companies from raising prices and workers from getting decent raises. It also can lead to deflation – a drop in prices – which is even worse. “We see rising risks of deflation, which could prove disastrous for the recovery,” said IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde. Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi have said they don’t see deflation or disinflation as threats serious enough to loosen monetary policy further for now. Despite their confidence, Barclays strategists say the eurozone faces a bigger chance of Japanese-style deflation than investors or policymakers believe. (Deflation in Japan started in the mid-1990s, when the banks, wounded by a real estate bubble, stopped lending.) Inflation of 0.7% for the eurozone is less than half the ECB target. The ECB’s monetary policy is looking too tight, national budgets have been cut aggressively and bank lending has yet to improve, Barclays said in a recent report. In the US, excluding food and energy costs, the personal-consumption expenditure price index rose 1.2% in 2013, the smallest gain since 1955. Fed policymakers are forecasting inflation of about 1.5% at year end and 2% sometime after. ■ |

113 March 2014 | 47


Business Dialogue 01

Ukraine I “We believe Ukrainians themselves should find a way out of the political crisis… We expect all other partners of Ukraine to follow the same principle.” — Sergei Lavrov, Russian Foreign Minister



Outstripping EU Climate Goals

Scrapping Nuclear Plants Will Cost Country Billions

The Danish parliament agreement has cleared the way for the passage of climate targets that would outstrip the recent goals set by the EU

Shutting down Germany’s nuclear power plants is going to be very expensive

The bill would establish a legally binding requirement that Denmark cut its greenhouse gas emissions to 40% below its 1990 levels by 2020, and that the government return to the question every five years to set new 10-year targets. The legislation would also establish a Climate Council – modelled on a similar body in the UK – to advise the government on the best ways to continue reducing Denmark’s reliance on fossil fuels. Denmark’s present and former governments have already committed the country to a goal of 100% renewable energy generation by 2050, and the new bill is seen as a concrete step towards achieving that goal. A 40% reduction from 1990 levels by 2020 is on par with the carbon emission cuts the National Research Council advised the US to take on in 2010. It’s also noticeably more ambitious than the target the European Parliament recently passed – to cut emissions to 40% below 1990 levels by 2030 – for the EU as a whole.




Inflation Continues Double-digit Rise

The pass-through effect of recent hikes to petroleum prices and utility tariffs on the general price levels of goods and services continues to push the rate of inflation beyond the single-digit target of the Ghanaian government. The phenomenon has also been aggravated by the depreciation of the cedi against major foreign trading currencies, particularly the US dollar. In January, the inflation rate shot up to 13.8%, the highest the country has recorded since March 2010. Since then, inflation had been in the single digits until the start of 2013, when it reverted to double digits (10.1%), maintaining that rise to date. 48 |


The decision to move away from nuclear energy is a done deal in Germany, where it is intended that all nuclear power plants be offline by 2022. The decision will cost billions of euros at a time when there is concern that the expansion of renewable energy is already pushing up electricity rates. Some experts hold the view that the €34 billion set aside by operators for dismantling the power plants after they’ve been mothballed will not be enough to US

Facebook to Buy WhatsApp for US$19 billion Facebook Inc will buy fast-growing mobile-messaging startup WhatsApp for US$19 billion in cash and stock in a landmark deal that places the world’s largest social network closer to the heart of mobile communications and may bring younger users into the fold. The transaction involves US$4 billion in cash, US$12 billion in stock and US$3 billion in restricted stock that vests over several years. Founded by a Ukrainian immigrant who dropped out of college, Jan Koum, and Stanford alumnus Brian Acton, WhatsApp is a Silicon Valley startup fairytale, rocketing to 450 million users in five years and adding another million daily. “No one in the history of the world has ever done something like this,” Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg said on a conference call last month. Source: Reuters



Nearly Half of Largest Companies Under Foreign Ownership Among the 100 companies with the biggest turnover in Estonia, foreign owners own 46, contributing a total of 50% of total turnover and 64% of total profit. “Considering the relative youth of local capital, the fact that Estonia’s larger companies belong to foreign companies can be considered rath-

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er normal,” said auditing company EY Baltic partner Ivar Kiigemägi. “Both can be considered positive for Estonian business, since more local companies are created and when Estonian owners sell their stakes and channel the sales revenue back into businesses, the influence of our businesses also increases.”


do the job. The government officially lists nine nuclear plants as providers of electricity for Germany’s power grid. Eight additional reactors were already switched off in the wake of the Fukushima disaster in Japan, while another 16 power stations are currently undergoing the long shut-down process. In total, at least 33 facilities will need to be dismantled, with contaminated scrap also in need of disposal. CHINA

Expanding the Use of Yuan Across Borders China will continue to expand the cross-border use of the yuan this year, its central bank said last month The People’s Bank of China (PBoC) will gradually upgrade the yuan formation mechanism and expand the exchange rate’s floating range in an orderly way, according to the PBoC. The statement came after the Shanghai free-trade zone (FTZ) announced that five third-party payment firms have been approved to handle yuan-denominated crossborder payments in the zone. The Shanghai office of PBoC said that Allinpay, ChinaPay, Dongfang Electronics and Shengpay are now allowed to process cross-border payment in the Renminbi in the FTZ. The yuan’s cross-border settlement was 3.64 trillion yuan (US$597 billion) in the first eleven months of 2013, 350 times that of 2009.

Ukraine II



“The United States supports the democratic, European aspirations of Ukrainians and endorses the opposition leaders’ efforts to defend democracy and choice for the people of Ukraine.” — John Kerry, US Secretary of State



Iberdrola Plans €2.21 billion Latin American Investment

US$183 million Penalty Handed Out to Boeing

The Danish parliament agreement has cleared the way for the passage of climate targets that would outstrip the recent goals set by the EU

Turkey has demanded US$183 million worth of services from US aircraft maker Boeing as compensation for the late delivery of airborne early-warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft, a defence undersecretary official has said. The Turkish Defence Ministry has requested an increase in the start-up support period from an initially planned two years to five years, as well as three years of software maintenance services and close to US$32 million in spare parts, in return for cancel-

Spanish utility company Iberdrola will invest €2.21 billion into Latin America by 2016 as it focuses on Mexico and Brazil’s burgeoning power infrastructure sectors. In an outlook report released at the end of last month, Bilbao-based Iberdrola said the investment represents more than a fifth of the firm’s global budget for the period. Network connections comprise 57% of planned works, followed by renewable plants with 22%. The remainder consists of conventional generation and supply projects, as well as other unspecified works. Iberdrola praised Mexico and Brazil’s “stable and attractive frameworks” for private investors. “Forecast capacity growth is likely to expand in line with GDP, [led] in Mexico by combined cycle gas plants and in Brazil through hydro and wind,” the company said. The company’s Mexico project portfolio includes three combined cycle stations – Norte III (900MW), Baja California (300MW) and Monterrey (1.04GW) – while in Brazil the firm is building three hydroelectric plants: Belo Monte (11.2GW), Teles Pires (1.82GW) and Baixo Iguaçu (350MW).


Algeria, with Africa’s second biggest gas reserves (estimated at 4.2 trillion cubic meters), has asked Russia’s Gazprom and Lukoil to tender for the joint development and exploration of some of the 30 fields that make up a fifth of the country, says Gazprom International. Sonatrach is the largest

Algerian and African company and the 11th largest oil consortium in the world, and currently holds a monopoly in gas exports. Valery Nesterov from Sberbank CIB said the discovered reserves have remained unchanged for the past decade, while domestic consumption is growing. This has eaten into Algeria’s exports to the rest of the world, with supplies to Europe falling 18.5% in 2013 to 37.9 billion cubic metres.



Millhouse Capital to Invest US$500m in Office Hub ROMAN ABRAMOVICH


Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich’s investment vehicle Millhouse LLC is to spend up to US$500 million to build a business centre on the edge of Moscow


Inflation Below Target for First Time in Four Years


Gazprom and Lukoil to Jointly Develop Oil and Gas

ling the US$183 million delay penalty and accumulated interest, said Cemal Evci, a project director at the Undersecretary for Defence Industries (SSM). Evci said the Boeing contract had been valued at US$1.385 billion but there had been a US$59 million reduction, as some of the requirements were not met. He also noted Turkey had paid US$637 million to Boeing in advance.

MARK CARNEY, Governor of the Bank of England

Britain’s inflation rate slipped in January below the official 2% target for the first time since 2009, making it less likely that the Bank of England will move soon to raise interest rates. Chris Williamson, chief economist at Markit, described the combination of falling inflation and strong economic growth as being a ‘Goldilocks’ scenario. The Bank of England’s policymakers will be able “to keep their foot on the accelerator for longer via lower in-

Official figures from last month showed consumer prices were up 1.9% in the year to January, down from the 2% rate in December terest rates to help drive a strong and more sustainable recovery”, Williamson noted. Until recently, the bank had been indicating that its key interest rate would remain at the record low of 0.5% until joblessness fell to a more tolerable level. Once that unemployment threshold neared, Mark Carney, the bank’s governor, will decide to update the so-called forward guidance to broaden the range of indicators to be considered before rates are raised.

The new development, named Skolkovo-Park for Business, will comprise six office buildings designed to accommodate some 10,000 personnel, with parking for 2,900 cars. The company said the project would incorporate the highest ecological and energy-saving standards, and was expected to be completed in 2017. Skolkovo-Park for Business is part of a larger development that also includes the construction of a residential cluster, called Skolkovo-Park for Life, a large park and an 18-hole golf course. Millhouse has already spent US$400 million on residential development for the project, bringing its total investment in Skolkovo-Park to US$900 million. Source: RIA Novosti |

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AFTER WORK 07/02/2014

First Regional ‘Neuromarketing’ Workshop

Serbia and the region’s first ‘neuromarketing’ workshop in was organised by DNA Communications and attended by communications professionals, experts in business development, top management and experienced marketers, PR and sales teams. The keynote speaker was SalesBrain CEO Dr. Christophe Morin, whose company is the world’s first neuro-marketing agency. Morin presented the latest neuroscience findings relevant to marketing and communications.


Planet Business Awards 2014 At the eighth anniversary of publications Ekonometar and Business Magazine, publisher Radojka Nikolić held a reception at Belgrade’s Crown Plaza Hotel. In the presence of numerous guests, the Planet Business annual awards were presented to: Imlek General Manager Slobodan Petrović for the successful management of the company; Jasmina Knežević of Bel Medic Clinic for successful entrepreneurship; and Banca Intesa CEO Draginja Djurić for the most successful programme of corporate social responsibility.



‘History of Insurance in Serbia, Montenegro and Yugoslavia until 1941’ Promotion

The book ‘History of Insurance in Serbia, Montenegro and Yugoslavia until 1941’, written by Dr. Zdravko Petrović, Dr. Vladimir Čolović and Dr. Duško Knežević and published by the Belgrade Banking Academy (BBA) – Faculty for Banking, Insurance and Finance, Dossier Publishing House and the Institute for Comparative Law, was promoted at an event held in Belgrade. The book has been described as a pioneering work of its kind, with illustrations, documents and data documenting the history of the development of insurance in the region. Its appearance is timed to coincide with the 175th anniversary of insurance in Serbia. Speakers at the event included Dr. Wolfgang Rohrbach, Dr. Zdravko Petrović and Dean of BBA Dr. Hasan Hanić.

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Uniqa VIP Cocktail Reception and Exhibition Uniqa Insurance hosted a cocktail party at the Gallery of the Serbian Military House to mark the Uniqa-sponsored ‘Hidden Treasures of the House of Jevrema Grujić’ exhibition. For the first time in two centuries, the restored art collection of some of Serbia’s greatest painters – Paja Jovanović, Uroš Predić, Steva Todorović – was presented to the public. Visitors were able to examine great artworks, rare weapons from the First and Second Serbian Uprising, royal decorations and gifts and other rich archival materials. The exhibition is the joint project of the House of Jevrema Grujić, the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments, the Central Institute for Conservation in Belgrade and the Defence Media Centre.


UK’s The Lawyer Magazine Names Karanovic & Nikolic Law Firm of the Year The Lawyer, a weekly British magazine for top commercial lawyers and in-house counsel, has named Karanović & Nikolić law firm of the year for Eastern Europe and the Balkans during the magazine’s annual European awards ceremony on 20 February 20 in London. The awards showcase legal knowledge and expertise, recognising excellence in corporate, finance, projects and competition work. All award recipients are commended for having demonstrated a commitment to excellence across the board and a clear strategic vision for the future.

LAZAR ŠEĆEROVIĆ, descendant of Jevrem Grujić (left), FRANC WYLER, CEO of Uniqa Insurance Serbia, GORDANA BUKUMIRIĆ, Executive Director and Board Member of Uniqa Non-Life Insurance, ALEXANDER CONIC, nephew one of Jevrem Grujić’s descendants and ALEKSANDAR DJORDJEVIĆ


Nordic Panorama The BalkanKult Foundation and the Belgrade Cultural Centre organised the 10th Nordic Panorama, an international festival presenting the best short, documentary and animated films of the year from Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway and Iceland. This year’s festival featured 28 documentaries, short films and experimental films from the Nordic region, with the backbone of the programme coming from the programme of the Five Towns Film Festival held last year in Malmo, Sweden. The festival was opened by Finnish Ambassador to Serbia H.E. Mr. Orpana Peka. After its presentation in Belgrade, the festival is due to travel to more than 15 cities across Serbia, including Novi Sad, Zrenjanin, Niš, Leskovac, Sopot, Obrenovac, H.E. MR. PEKA ORPANA, Finnish Ambassador to Serbia Lazarevac and Pančevo.

ED TILLOTSON, Commercial Director of The Lawyer (left), PATRICIA GANNON and DEJAN NIKOLIĆ, Senior Partners at Karanović & Nikolić and MISHAL HUSAIN, BBC News presenter |

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MICHAEL HASENAU, Deputy German Ambassador to Serbia

MRS. HANSEN and H.E MR. MICHAEL BORG-HANSEN, Danish Ambassador to Serbia


ArtLink European Music Cycle A concert by cellist Jan Vogler at the Kolarac Endowment Great Hall marked the beginning of a new concert cycle of European music called the ArtLink European Music Cycle. Cooperation between ArtLink and the German Embassy in Serbia resulted in the Kolarac Endowment audience witnessing the extraordinary, prodigious skills of the German-born cellist who lives in New York.

H.E. MR. GIUSEPPE MANZO, Italian Ambassador to Serbia (left), MRS. MANZO and IVAN TASOVAC, Culture Minister of Serbia 28.01.2014

Private Screening at Italian Embassy 28.01.2014

Official Opening of Crowne Plaza Belgrade More than 1,000 guests, including representatives from the diplomatic corps and numerous public figures, attended the official opening of the Crowne Plaza Belgrade hotel, the renowned hospitality brand’s first hotel in Serbia and the Balkan region. President of Delta Holding Miroslav Mišković said that more than €40 million had been invested in the hotel’s renovation, adding that it would employ 250 staff. Crowne Plaza Director Živorad Vasić added that the Crowne Plaza has 416 rooms, 12 conference rooms, two restaurants, a lobby bar, a fitness and spa centre, as well as the biggest indoor swimming pool in Serbia.

MRS. KIRBY (left) and H.E. MR. MICHAEL KIRBY, US Ambassador to Serbia, IVANA VESELINOVIĆ, Senior Vice President of Delta Holding, MRS. and MR. MIŠKOVIĆ, ANGELA BRAV, CEO of InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) Europe, ROLF HIBNER, Vice President of Operation IHG, CE Europe and ŽIVORAD VASIĆ, Director of Crowne Plaza

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Mrs. and Mr. Giuseppe Manzo, Italian Ambassador to Serbia, hosted a private screening of Paolo Sorrentino film ‘The Great Beauty’ at the Italian Embassy’s residence. The film won four prizes at the 2013 European Film Awards, as well as a Golden Globe in 2014. ‘The Great Beauty’ is Italy’s entry in the Best Foreign Language Film category at the 2014 Oscars. After the screening, guests enjoyed a buffet dinner.



Media Association Anniversary The biggest, most prominent association in the Serbian media industry, the Media Association, celebrated its 10th anniversary in the presence of numerous media, political, business and cultural figures, as well as the heads of 18 media companies and members of the association. At the celebration, Chairman of the Media Association’s Managing Board Zoran Sekulić reminisced about the organisation’s activities over the last decade as well as discussing its plans for this year and next year. Association co-founder and Executive Director Zoran Papić also announced his retirement. Papić was given gifts and praised by members for his work as one of the organisation’s long-standing executives.

DALILA LJUBIČIĆ, Executive Director of the Media Association, ZORAN SEKULIĆ, President and ZORAN PAPIĆ, Executive Director


Austrian Chamber of Commerce President Visits To mark the visit of Austrian Chamber of Commerce President Christoph Leitl to Belgrade, the Economic Affairs Section of the Austrian Embassy in Serbia and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce (SCC) held a joint press conference at which they discussed longterm cooperation between the two chambers, as well as the support Austria has given Serbia along its path to EU membership. The conference was attended by journalists and members of both organisations, with SCC President Željko Sertić and Leitl chairing.

CHRISTOPH LEITL (left), President of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, ŽELJKO SERTIĆ, SCC President and ANDREAS HAIDENTHALER, Commercial Counsellor at the Embassy of Austria


SAM After Holiday Cocktail at the Hyatt Regency The Serbian Association of Managers (SAM) started 2014 with its ‘After Holiday Cocktail’ reception at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Belgrade. SAM member and Sales and Marketing Director of the Hyatt Regency Vojka Glišević hosted the party, where guests were greeted by SAM President Milan Petrović, who announced that 2014 would be a year of new, quality activities and events.

Two Decades of FoNet

JELENA BULATOVIĆ, SAM Executive Director (left), MILAN PETROVIĆ, SAM President and VOJKA GLIŠEVIĆ, Hyatt Regency Sales and Marketing Director

News agency FoNet celebrated its 20th anniversary at the Aero Club in Belgrade in the presence of media professionals, friends and representatives of the diplomatic corps. FoNet founder, Director and Editorin-Chief Zoran Sekulić said the agency had been established in response to political/war propaganda and hate speech, and was the result of conscientious objection. “We took responsibility for our work, both the good and the bad,” He added.

H.E. MR. LAURENT STOKVIS, Dutch Ambassador to Serbia (left) and ZORAN SEKULIĆ, FoNet Director and Editor-in-Chief 07.02.2014

LJUBICA GOJGIĆ, B92 journalist and H.E. MR. HEINZ WILHELM, German Ambassador to Serbia |

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FACES & PLACES 11.02.2014

The 35th Anniversary of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Marked

H.E. MR. MAJID FAHIM POUR, Iranian Ambassador to Serbia (left), and DUŠKO KNEŽEVIĆ, Atlas Group

The Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Republic of Serbia H.E. Mr. Majid Fahim Pour hosted a reception at the Jelena Club in Belgrade to honour the 35th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. Guests at the reception were entertained with traditional Iranian music.


Annual Assembly Meeting of Serbian Association of Managers The seventh regular annual assembly meeting of the Serbian Association Managers (SAM) took place at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Belgrade. SAM President Milan Petrović submitted the work report for 2013 to members present and proudly pointed out the fact that SAM now had 309 members, its biggest number since establishment.

ANA SOFRENOVIĆ, actor, DAVID MCFARLANE, British Chargé d’Affaires, IVAN CVEJIĆ, Editor at BETA News Agency, and UROŠ BALOV, Director of Albion Books 13.02.2014

‘Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch’ Book Promotion MILAN PETROVIĆ, President of SAM

British Chargé d’Affaires to Serbia Mr. David McFarlane hosted a promotion for Sally Bedell Smith’s book, ‘Elizabeth the Queen: The Life of a Modern Monarch’. The book has been published by Albion Books in Serbia. The translation is the first Serbian-language biography of Queen Elizabeth II, coinciding with the Queen’s record reign of 63 years. The only monarch who ruled longer was Queen Elizabeth’s great-grandmother, Queen Victoria.


London School of Commerce Belgrade Celebrates Third Anniversary

The London School of Commerce (LSC) Belgrade, an associate college of Cardiff Metropolitan University, celebrated its third anniversary at the Hyatt Regency Hotel with Serbian First Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić as special guest. Vučić participated in the traditional LSC Belgrade leadership forum, at which he spoke about corruption and the European integration process. Guests were also greeted by Lynne Montgomery, PhD coordinator at LSC Belgrade, British MP Mark Field and John Phillips, director of International Development at LSC Group. The party was also attended by various EU ambassadors, VIP guests from the business world and LSC Belgrade students.

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JOHN PHILLIPS (left), Director of International Development at LSC Group, MARK FIELD, British MP for Westminster and City, ALEKSANDAR VUČIĆ, First Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, and DR. LYNNE G. MONTGOMERY, Head of Academics at LSC Belgrade


Results of Innovation Fund Programmes

PROF. DR. TOMISLAV JOVANOVIĆ, Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development

The Innovation Fund held a reception at the Aero Club to mark the official announcement of the results of public calls for participation in the Early Development Programme and the Cofinanced Innovative Programme. Both programmes have been implemented under the umbrella of the Support for Projects of Innovation Programme funded by IPA funds and implemented in collaboration with the World Bank. Speakers at the event included Serbian Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development Professor Dr. Tomislav Jovanović, Michael Davenport, head of the delegation of the European Union to Serbia, Tony Verheijen, head of the World Bank Office in Serbia, and members of the Innovation Fund’s Expert Committee.



Serbian Statehood Day Reception Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić hosted a reception in honour of Serbian national holiday Sretenje (Statehood Day). Officials, representatives of the diplomatic corps, religious officials and assorted other guests attended. Nikolić spoke of the history behind the holiday, explaining how the renewal of the Serbian state started with the first Serbian uprising. He added that the Sretenje Constitution was the foundation for democratisation, while the enlightenment and liberal ideas contained within were the basis for the Serbian state’s future development.

TONY VERHEIJEN (left), Head of the World Bank Office in Serbia, and MICHAEL DAVENPORT, Head of the delegation of the EU to Serbia

Indian Embassy Celebrates Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) Programme

NEBOJŠA RODIĆ, Defense Minister, MRS. and PRESIDENT NIKOLIĆ, and GENERAL LJUBIŠA DIKOVIĆ, Chief of Staff of the Serbian Army

Indian Ambassador to Belgrade H.E. Ms. Narinder Chauhan hosted a reception to celebrate the success of her country’s Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme with Serbia. Chauhan told those present that Serbia and India have traditionally enjoyed excellent relations, and, with trade ties on the rise, noted that there is solid ground to raise the countries’ relationship to an even higher level. Among the many guests attending the reception were Minister without Portfolio Sulejman Ugljanin and President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Željko Sertić.

NEMANJA STEVANOVIĆ, Advisor to the First Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, ŽELJKO SERTIĆ, President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, SULEJMAN UGLJANIN, Minister without Portfolio, and H.E. MS. NARINDER CHAUHAN, Indian Ambassador to Serbia 24.02.2014

Anniversary of Kuwait’s Independence

The 53rd anniversary of Kuwait’s national independence was celebrated at the Kuwaiti Embassy in Belgrade, as well as an official reception at Belgrade’s Hyatt Regency Hotel. Kuwaiti Ambassador to Serbia H.E. Mr. Yusuf Ahmad Abdulsamad said that diplomatic relations between the two countries go back more than half a century and remain cordial with no outstanding issues. Among guests at the reception were Minister without Portfolio Sulejman Ugljanin, HRHs Prince Aleksandar Karadjordjević and Princess Katherine and members of the diplomatic corps. |

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Parni Valjak Kombank Arena, 8 March @ 20.00

After two fantastic concerts at a packed arena in 2010 and the release of a new album, ‘No Surrender’, which has seen its singles become smashes in charts all over the region, one of Croatia’s greatest pop-rock bands will play the Kombank Arena on 8 March. And given Parni Valjak’s numerous love-themed hits, it’s sure to be an emotional night to remember. “We have strong memories of the intensity of emotion and positive energy we experienced at our two concerts at Belgrade’s Kombank Arena three years ago,” said the band. “We’re really looking forward to 8 March and the opportunity to sing for such a fantastic audience. We want to prove that what happened in 2010 was not a coincidence. “International Women’s Day on 8 March is a special date, when more attention is paid to the women in our lives! Our songs mostly have romantic themes and we are happy that women are a large part of our audience.”

15th International Guitar Art Festival various locations, 11-16 March @ 20.30 The International Guitar Art Festival was founded in 2000 and today is a professional and expert event that gathers classical guitarists of all kinds: amateurs, pupils from primary and secondary music schools, students, their teachers and professors, and leading world guitarists.

Programme: Tuesday, 11 March Dom Omladine (Main Hall) 20:00 – Naxos Trio 21:00 – Badi Assad Korto Cafe and More (Guitar Art Midnight Café Club) 23:00 – Welcome Party Wednesday, 12 March Dom Omladine (Main Hall) 19:00 – Johannes Moller 20:00 – Lukasz Kuropaczewski 21:00 – Ivanović & Kontaxakis Duo Korto Cafe and More (Guitar Art Midnight Café Club) 22:30-02:00 – Guitar Art Midnight Café Club Thursday, 13 March Dom Omladine (Main Hall) 19:00 – Jelica Mijanović 20:00 – Eduardo Fernandez 21:00 – Anonimous 4 Ensamble Korto Cafe and More (Guitar Art Midnight Café Club) 22:30-02:00 – Guitar Art Midnight Café Club

Friday, 14 March Dom Omladine (Main Hall) 19:00 – Gabriel Bianco 20:00 – Eliot Fisk 21:00 – Katona Twins Korto Cafe and More (Guitar Art Midnight Café Club) 22:30-02:00 – Guitar Art Midnight Café Club Saturday, 15 March Sava Centre 20:00 – Alberto Lopez Group – Espetaculo Siento 21:00 – Sara Lazarus & Winterstein Quartet Sunday, 16 March Dom Omladine (Main Hall) 19:30 – Closing Ceremony & Awards 20:00 – Isabel Noronha Trio Korto Cafe and More (Guitar Art Midnight Café Club) 23:00 – Goodbye party For further information, please visit

11th Belgrade Dance Festival various locations, 30 March-14 April

The Belgrade Dance Festival has become a tradition and a first-class cultural event that is eagerly anticipated each year. Performances of renowned ballet and modern dance companies, renowned choreographers and current productions and resulted in the formation of new audiences and the establishment of ever-higher standards when it comes to dance. Its consistently high-quality programme has given Belgrade and Serbia a prestigious position on the European festival and dance map. In previous years, the Belgrade Dance Festival has hosted the Mariinsky Theatre Ballet of St. Petersburg with choreographer George Balanchine, the Ballet of the Paris Opera with William Forsythe, Rudolf Nureyev and Maurice Bejart, the National Dance Company of Madrid with the creations of Nacho Duato, the Netherlands Dance Theatre I and II with choreography by Jirí Kylián, Paul Lightfoot and Sol Leon, the Cullberg Ballet settings of Mats Ek and Johan Inger, La Scala Ballet with Mauro Bigonzetti, Monte Carlo Ballet with choreographer Jean-Christophe Maillot, Ballet Genève with Tešigavare and Fonjadakisa Šerkauija, Italian AterBalletto… Other notable appearances include those by the Sofia National Ballet (George Balanchine, Mario Piazza),

FEST 2014 Sava Centre 28 February-9 March The first FEST, under the slogan ‘A Brave New World’, opened on 9 January 1971 at Dom Sindikata in Belgrade with a screening of Robert Altman’s ‘MASH’. Envisioned as an annual review of the best films of the season, the Belgrade International Film Festival – FEST – evolved to become one of the most important film festivals in Europe and a pillar of Belgrade’s cultural life. Over the years, FEST has become an indispensable element in the coming of 56 |


Gabriela Montero

age of generations of local cinephiles and filmmakers. For more information about this year’s FEST, please visit

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Kolarac, 3 March @ 20.00 Critics claim this interpretation of Schumann by Gabriela Montero has everything – bursts of rhythmic brio, subtle dynamic shading, strength during climactic moments and inspired lyricism from one reflective section to the other. Her most powerful weapon is expression without pathos. Visionary interpretations and virtuoso improvisational skills have drawn loyal followers

Thessaloniki (Konstantinos Rigos), Athens (Ray Bar), Lyon, Skopje, Maribor (Edward Klug), Prague (Itzhak Galili, Petr Zuska), Biarritz (Thierry Malanden), Tulsa (Nacho Duato, Twyla Tharp), Marseille (Frederic Flamand and Zaha Hadid) and Sao Paulo. Individual dance companies include Shen Wei Dance Arts, Inbal Pinto Dance Company, Henri Oguike Dance Company, Wayne McGregor Random Dance, Emanuel Gat Dance, Conny Janssen Dunst, Kibbutz Dance Company, Akram Khan Dance Company, Jasmin

Vardimon Dance Company, Peeping Tom and Compagnie Blanca Li, as well as performances Philip Sera, Laura Balis, Jasmin Goder, Amanda Miller, Javier de Frutos, Ismael Ivo, Talia Paz, Bernard Monte, Gaja Weizmann (Club Guy & Roni), Enrique Rodovalja, Christian Spook, Emia Greco… the list goes on and on. Performances have toured successfully through Novi Sad, Niš, Kruševac, Užice and Sombor. One of the festival’s greatest highlights was surely the visit of Mikhail Barišnjikov and Ana Laguna, who performed at the Serbian National Theatre in Novi Sad in May 2009. The Belgrade Dance Festival was founded in 2003 at the initiative of the International Dance Council CID UNESCO from Paris and the festival’s selector, choreographer Aja Jung. For further information about BDF, visit www. to Montero from around the world. “I am connected with my audience in a completely unique way,” she says. “Since improvisation is a huge part of who I am, it is the most natural and most spontaneous way to express myself.” Montero often invites the audience to suggest melodies for her improvisations. In fact, it has almost become a mandatory part of her performances, whether playing a recital or a concert with a full orchestra. And this month her interactive approach to performance will be heard at Kolarac in Belgrade for the first time.


National Ballet of Spain

Les Misérables

Sava Centre, 28 March @ 20.00 The National Ballet of Spain will perform for the first time at Belgrade’s Sava Centre, meaning the Serbian public will finally be able to enjoy the masterpieces of the great Carlos Saura, such as ‘Carmen’ and ‘Flamenco, Flamenco’.

Madlenianum, 15 March @ 19.30 The premiere of ‘Les Misérables’ is actually a restoration of the musical that brings several new features. Since its first performance in 2007, the play was a regular part of Madlenianum’s repertiore until 2011. Now, ‘Les Mis’ is back by popular demand! This revamp, after three years and 43 stage plays, is brought to you by the same team but with a new twist.


Lord of the Dance The world famous dance group will present its latest two performances, ‘Seville World’, choreographed by artistic director Antonio Nahar, and ‘Gritto’, choreographed by Antonio Canales. The Spanish ‘bajlarines’ have already presented their new repertoire outside of their homeland – from America to Japan and China – winning over audiences and garnering media praise. After such an experience, the art of flamenco promises to remain in the hearts of the audience forever. In ‘Seville World’, Antonio Nahar mixes classical Spanish dance with more contemporary dance and music trends, displaying a distinctive artistic language and his own creative stamp. The score evokes a sense of longing and nostalgia, the traditions and smell of Andalusia. Flamenco guitars join with the voices and other flamenco instruments, reflecting the sonic landscape of southern Spain.


Noah Sava Centre, 26 March @ 20.30 The Belgrade premiere of the movie ‘Noah’ will be held at the Sava Centre on 26 March. Directed by visionary auteur Darren Aronofsky, ‘Noah’ has an impressive cast featuring Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly and Anthony Hopkins. Its biblical plot centres on Noah, who takes drastic maritime measures to protect his family when God sends an apocalyptic deluge Earth’s way.

Kombank Arena, 18 March @ 20.00 The masters of dance who perform ‘Lord of the Dance’ have returned to follow up the string of performances that amazed audiences and shook the Kombank Arena to its foundations. ‘Lord of the Dance’ is neither concert nor play, nor can it be classified as a ballet; it’s a fairytale – at least that was the local media take after the show’s previous appearance in Belgrade. Famed Irish dancer Michael Flatley’s creation is a global bestseller, one of the world’s leading dance spectacles. Such is demand, during the show’s 18 years of existence, Flatley’s dancers have evolved into two continuously active troupes performing all over the world.

Flatley, the creator and director of this award-winning international dance phenomenon, has proved through his vision that hearts and minds united through music and dance can cross international boundaries. ‘Lord of the Dance’ continues to shatter box office records worldwide, leaving audiences breathless and clamouring for more. Tickets to see Flatley’s troupe are priced at RSD 2,200, RSD 2,500, RSD 2,900, RSD 3,300 and RSD 4,000 and can be purchased at all CS Eventim locations, as well at the Kombank Arena box office and Belgrade Ticket Centre.

Chicago Terazije Theatre, 7 March ‘Chicago’ is one of Broadway’s most popular musicals, mixing passion, lust, intrigue, murder, showbusiness and bribery of judges and lawyers. Through its variety of musical hits such as ‘All That Jazz’ and expressive, high-quality choreography, ‘Chicago’ tells a satirical tale about the America of the turbulent 1920s. The story begins when unfulfilled actress and singer Roxie Hart, who dreams of success on the stages of Chicago, kills her lover. In prison she

Deep Purple


meets her idol, the famous Velma Kelly. The two of them will stop at nothing to reach their goals, which is where corrupted lawyer Billy Flynn steps in…

Kombank Arena, 18 February

Songs from latest album ‘Now What?!’ and hits from across British legends Deep Purple’s nearly half-century-long career rocked Belgrade last month at the Kombank Arena. This was the fourth concert in Belgrade for one of rock’s most influential bands. The band first played at Pioneer Hall in 1975, as well as the Belgrade Fair in 2003 and 2006. Cuts from the latest and 19th career album ‘Now What?!’, released in April last year, included ‘Hell to Pay’, ‘Vincent Price’ and ‘Above and Beyond’, which they dedicated to keyboardist John Lord, who died in 2012. The Kombank Arena screens displayed photos of legendary musicians, with the distinctive Deep Purple sound at times bolstered by passages of classical

French Film Weekend Dom Omladine/Fontana, 7-9 February During this weekend of French films, the French Institute presented a selection of films whose plots are centred around journeys. Whether an American-style roadtrip or an introspective journey, the films’ protagonists and their adventures moved audiences to laughter, tears and introspections of their own.

music such as Bach. The audience, which consisted of Belgraders and people from around the region, went crazy for the band’s older songs, especially ‘Strange Kind of Woman’, ‘Space Truckin’’ and ‘Lazy’, and were equally rapturous in their reception for Ian Paice’s drum solo during old hit ‘The Mule’. The show culminated with hit ‘Perfect Strangers’ before concluding with the classic, distinctive riff of ‘Smoke on the Water’. Among those who enjoyed the show was Serbian President Tomislav Nikolić, revealing a hidden rocker streak.

of the Americana hall and is intended primarily for high school and university students aged 14 to 25. It is equipped with the latest Apple Macintosh computers operating leading platforms such as Mac OS, Windows, Linux and Android. The purchase of another computer is planned, as well as 3D printers, 3D scanners and materials for robotics. It will function as a space for educational activities and a place for young people to launch start-up projects. The first free workshop at the IT Corner will be held from 7 to 12 March. The lecturer will be Apple-certified trainer Milan Adamov of the company 4D, and the workshop will address the basics of the Apple Mac operating system.

Tenderness and Punishment IT Corner Opening Dom Omladine, 20 February Dom Omladine’s IT Corner was opened on 20 February and is designed to provide Belgrade youngsters with the opportunity to train, learn and develop IT-centric creativity. The IT Corner was opened by Tatjana Matić, Secretary of State for the Ministry of Foreign and Internal Trade and Telecommunications, Steven Stark, press attaché for the US Embassy in Serbia, and Marko Stojanović, acting Director of Dom Omladine. The opening was attended by media representatives, youth organisations, universities and research institutions. The IT Corner is located in the front lobby

Instituto Cervantes, 25 February Goran Točilovac’s book ‘Tenderness and Punishment’ was presented to the Belgrade public on 25 February at the Instituto Cervantes. Belgrade native Točilovac is an author

of crime novels and stories in the Castilian language, even though his mother tongue is Serbian. Since 1977, he has lived in Paris and last December he announced ‘Tenderness and Punishment’ as his latest novel, which has been issued by Paracaídas Editores in Lima, Peru. Of Točilovac, critic Roger Cohen of the New York Times has said, “No other writer in such a critical way deals with the labyrinth of anxiety, violence and urban sensuality as Goran Točilovac. Virtuous and disturbing, Točilovac is an indispensable writer of our time.” |

113 March 2014 | 57

■ By Sonja ĆIRIĆ


Belgrade Dances to the


Belgrade’s annual Dance Festival provides an opportunity for Serbian audiences to witness the work of some of the world’s most popular choreographers and dancers. BDF is in its 11th year and taking place from 30 March to 14 April – CorD has the lowdown on its organiser and some of this year’s most exciting performers


he Belgrade Dance Festival (BDF) is one of the best European and global dance events. This year the festival takes place for the 11th time from March 30 to April 14. Renowned Serbian ballet dancer Aja Jung is the festival’s founder and director. The practical side of organising and managing a largescale global dance event in Serbia is the first topic broached with Jung. “Today,” she says, “the Belgrade Dance Festival is almost a solitary example of a superior, full-bodied artistic experience in Serbia, which every year keeps getting better, more attractive and more prolific despite the crisis, a lack of interest from official city and state authorities and the overall deterioration of culture and education.

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“If you are asking me for the recipe, I don’t have one. All I can say is that we invest a huge amount of effort and that my working day lasts about 16 hours. I have no holidays or weekends, and this has been the case for the last 11 years. That’s why it would be good for national institutions – apart from embassies, sponsors, media and friends – to get on board, to support this event now it has become so large and recognised worldwide. This festival brings prestige to Belgrade, it makes it stand out in global artistic circles and assembles audiences both from here and abroad.” Devising the festival programme usually “starts a couple of years before the actual festival”, she adds. “At this moment, we have the programme for the next two years. In order to remain at the very top of world festivals, you need to try to reach out to those troupes and choreographers who are very busy and hard to get to, and not the ones who are offering themselves. “The selection process is a serious and responsible activity during which you need to forget about yourself and create while keeping current trends, events on the world stage and proven talent or the talent in the making in mind – as well as have a lot of intuition, experience, contacts and referrals. If you want to realise a global project, which has won over the trust of domestic audiences, you need to be brave

and always willing to risk. Our biggest risk, unfortunately, is always about being able to cover our expenses because we don’t have a budget defined in adAJA JUNG vance like other world festival peers.” It is interesting to hear Jung discuss the fusion of art and business in terms of the festival: “Without business there is no art. Large companies in Serbia have invested in the Belgrade Dance Festival programme, and this was done just as it is in the rest of the world, along the same principles – professionally, responsibly and long-term. “Our partnership with Vip Mobile has been going for seven years now and is viewed as a good example of cooperation between art and business. For several consecutive years now, Societe Generale has also supported the festival substantially, as have Nivea, “If you want to realise the Hemofarm Foundation, Heineken, Henkel a global project, you Serbia, Doncafe, Nestlé need to be brave and Adriatic, Roche, Grand always willing to Casino Belgrade, DDOR risk. Our biggest risk, Novi Sad, Eco Serbia and unfortunately, is always the Lasta company. about being able to “These companies cover our expenses are mostly managed by because we don’t foreign executives, i.e. have a budget defined people who are aware of in advance” – BDF founder the importance that culAja Jung ture and art have for a community and a nation. There would be no Belgrade Dance Festival without their support. The festival is also supported by the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina’s Provincial Culture Secretariat, partly because some of this year’s festival events take part in the Vojvodina towns of Vršac, Novi Sad and Pančevo. The event’s patron is the Delegation of the European Union to Serbia, and the Republic of Greece as the country presiding over the EU Council. They play the role of visibly positioning and promoting BDF in Europe and the world.” Full-length ballet ‘One Thousand Pieces’, choreographed by Alejandro Cerrudo and performed by renowned Ameri-

can troupe Hubbard Street Dance Chicago, will open the festival. “Hubbard Street Dance Chicago is a not-for-profit organisation comprised of four departments:” says Hubbard artistic director Glenn Edgerton, “the main performance company, Hubbard Street Dance 1; our ensemble for early career artists, Hubbard Street 2; our public facility offering dance training in multiple techniques for all skill levels, the Lou Conte Dance Studio; and our youth, education and community programmes.” The latter is a collection of initiatives serving more than 3,000 students in schools every year, offering dance practice, encouraging appreciation of dance among children and families and providing adaptive dance experiences for people afflicted by ailments such as Parkinson’s disease. “Our funding comes mostly from contributions by foundations, corporations, government grants and individuals, and that is supplemented by studio and ticketing revenues, education programmes, fundraising events and donated services,” says Edgerton. Hubbard Street Dance Chicago is a repertory company representing works by famous contemporary American and foreign choreographers, and, in the words of Edgerton,

“cultivating ascendant dance artists through continuous commissioning of original works. “Our repertoire is always changing GLENN EDGERTON and being renewed through initiatives, including Hubbard Street 2’s annual international choreographic competition, and regular opportunities for our own dancers to develop and premiere new choreography. “That said, we are committed to five signature choreographers – Nacho Duato, Mats Ek, William Forsythe, Jiří Kylián and Ohad Naharin – as well as our current and first resident choreographer, Alejandro Cerrudo. This season, Cerrudo’s evening-length work ‘One Thousand Pieces’ returned to Chicago and premiered on tour to enthusiastic audiences and positive reviews, and we’re about to present our first ever mixed-repertory programme devoted to the work of Jiří Kylián. So I would say we do have ‘landmark’ or ‘signature’ works – but they are different each year.” |

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According to Edgerton, the troupe has “18 full-time and salaried dancers in our main ensemble, plus six members of Hubbard Street 2 and two dancROBERT CONN er apprentices – our main company is one of the only dance ensembles in the United States to offer employment year-round.” As artistic director, Edgerton personally works with the dancers every single day, “coaching them in the works they’ll perform and staging some of those works myself – such as ‘Sarabande’ by Jiří Kylián, which we’re working on now. “I also teach company technique classes many mornings, which are ballet classes specifically designed to prepare the dancers for whatever choreography they’ll be rehearsing throughout that day. We “Our company consists have held auditions for company positions each year, in of myself as artistic Chicago as well as New York director, executive City. For the company’s proproducer, associate jects and new creations, we producer, part-time cast exclusively from those bookkeeper, then dancers already employed by production manager, us; there are no recent occastage manager, sions of us hiring dancers on rehearsal director – a temporary basis.” and nine dancers” – Elsewhere on the BDF Shaun Parker of Shaun programme, six short variParker & Company ations collectively called ‘Shadowplay’ pay homage to the special relationship between Theater Augsburg in southern Germany and famous Israeli choreographer Itzik Galili, who lives and works in the Netherlands. Robert Conn, artistic director of the Augsburg theatre company, says, “The theatre in Augsburg is funded by the city of Augsburg, and also thanks to different foundations and donors. Seven-anda-half per cent of full operating and a 150% increase to the artistic budget is supported by our sponsors.” On the subject of the company’s repertory policy, Conn says, “As a former dancer of American Ballet Theater, the National Ballet of Canada and Stuttgart Ballet, I was fortunate to work with many important choreographers, and thus 60 |

113 March 2014 |

able to bring them to work with the company in Augsburg. With these contacts, we have managed to build a collection of commissioned and acquired works from more than 45 international choreographers to date, featuring some of the biggest names creating in dance today, such as William Forsythe, Itzik Galili, Christian Spuck, Mauro Bigonzetti and Alejandro Cerrudo. “The company places a strong priority on its prolific creativity and a distinctive focus on new commissions,” Conn says, adding that the company always has 16 full-time dancers. “We choose dancers from auditions, and for the period of one season, not for every project. The artists come from all around the world and they are all classically trained dancers with great experience in contemporary techniques. They need to have athleticism, versatility and be able to perform a broad-ranging repertoire. “As artistic director,” he concludes, “I have been leading the company for almost seven years in a row.” Australian troupe Shaun Parker & Company will be performing at BDF for the first time ever. The company will introduced itself with its funny, playful and poignant new show choreographed by award-winning Australian choreographer Shaun Parker. “Shaun Parker & Company is an exhilarating and bold

new Australian dance company that has exploded onto the international dance scene,” says Parker. “But it’s so SHAUN PARKER much more than ‘dance’, or what people perceive as dance. It’s a company on a fast trajectory to international prominence by focusing on delivering the highest quality performing arts, integrating choreographic forms, storytelling, diverse musical styles and theatrical invention, communicating strong, direct messages on big themes to the largest number of people nationally and internationally.” Based in Sydney, the company has already toured many festivals, performing its ‘Happy as Larry’ show at 10 venues across the UK, including a sold-out season at London’s Sadler’s Wells. “Our company is partly funded by the Australian Council for the Arts, which is the national funding body, as

well as Arts NSW, which is our state funding organisation,” says Parker. “We also work hard to raise additional funds through philanthropy, fundraising and sponsorship. The company also does a lot of community and education work.”

As befitting a man unafraid to name his troupe after himself, when asked about the members of his company, Parker is forthright when assessing his GRADIMIR PANKOV own influence: “Our company consists of myself as artistic director, executive producer, associate producer, part-time bookkeeper, then production manager, stage manager, rehearsal director – and nine dancers. “It is not a permanent ensemble, rather we work projectto-project depending on the balance of new work and productions that may be touring.” Parker is however a little more serious when discussing his company’s repertoire and projects: “Our works are highly physical dance productions that deal with a strong sense of humanity within the thematic framework, while also incorporating elements of humour. I originally trained in science so am always inspired to explore complexities within the human condition. Along with our main stage and festival works, we also have two community outdoor works for children and families.” For the fourth year running, the ‘Vip is Inviting’ award will be given out at the festival. This year’s recipient is Gradimir Pankov, director of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal. This year will also be the first time Les Grands Ballets Canadiens has performed at BDF, where it will appear both in Belgrade and Novi Sad. The troupe will perform the full-length ballet ‘Minus One’, which is an original creation of the company. “Today, I am the head of one of the biggest ballet companies in the world, and that’s the priority,” says Pankov. “Many ballet and dance companies from all over the world have danced on our stage in Montreal. Our stage is open to everybody and we have guest appearances from other companies and choreographers throughout the year. This gets audiences going and puts Les Grands Ballets Canadiens in a position of measuring itself against other worthy competitors.”

Les Grands Ballets Canadiens has 40 dancers, all of whom will perform at BDF. “We have about the same number of people who work backstage, in administration and management, as well as technical staff, ticket office staff, tailors and wardrobe specialists,” says Pankov. “It is very important for dancers to try different choreographers and always participate in the creative work of new choreographers. It’s good to have a standing choreographer, but it’s also limiting unless the choreographer has enough latitude to – apart from being engaged in his own work – listen intently and follow what is happening on the global stage. “[Jiří] Kylián, for instance, has a whole army of choreographers at the Netherlands Dance Theatre, with some of them being the most popular and in-demand choreographers in the world. I have always found it important for both dancers and audiences to be happy, because that is the only way forward. Working with great established choreographers on the one side and young guns on the other is my recipe for success. By doing this, the troupe is also being tested every year – and our door is always open to fresh young dancers who are chosen at auditions.” “It’s a great honour Pankov says Les Grands Ballets Canadiens’ main sources of to receive the ‘Vip revenue are primarily “ticketis Inviting’ award in ing revenues, guest appearancBelgrade, where I es, financial support from the used to dance, and city of Montreal and numerous to present my best donors. The Canada Council for artistic opus since the Arts is supporting us during leaving Yugoslavia” this tour, during which we are – Gradimir Pankov going to perform in Belgrade and Novi Sad on 11 and 12 April respectively, and they do so because this is our first performance in Serbia. “I am very happy we have managed to put together a Balkan tour for Les Grands Ballets Canadiens. We are thankful to the Belgrade Dance Festival for being able to perform in Athens, Skopje, Belgrade and Novi Sad this spring. Also, it is a great honour to receive the ‘Vip is Inviting’ award in Belgrade, where I used to dance, and to, in a way, present my best artistic opus since leaving Yugoslavia.” ■ |

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CHILL OUT users, altering the way we use the internet. According to recent calculations, Facebook currently has 1.23 billion active monthly users – approximately one-sixth of the world’s population. If the site were a country, it would now be the third largest in the world behind China (1.36 billion) and India (1.239 billion). In fact, it is now bigger than the populations of next four countries – the US, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan and Nigeria – combined.

Facebook has a Sixth of the World’s Population Last year Facebook marked the 10th anniversary of the world’s biggest social networking site. Founded in a Harvard dormitory by Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes and now a billion-dollar business, Facebook has become a way of life for

Kumbh Mela, the Largest Peaceful Gathering in the World Kumbh is a mass Hindu pilgrimage of faith in which Hindus gather to bathe in a sacred river. It is considered to be largest peaceful gathering in the world with over 100 million people visiting last year. It is held every third year at one of four places chosen by rotation – Haridwar, Allahabad (Prayaga), Nashik and Ujjain – meaning Kumbh Mela is held at each of these four places every 12 years. Mauni Amavasya, in which visitors take a holy dip, traditionally attracts the largest crowds. Last year’s Kumbh Mela was held on 14 January at Allahabad. More than 30 million devotees and ascetics bathed for Mauni Amavasya.

Diamonds That Rock A rare 29.6-carat diamond has been recovered at Petra Diamonds’ Cullinan mine in South Africa. The same company unearthed a 25.5-carat blue diamond in 2013, which sold for US$16.9 million. This latest diamond is also expected to sell for an equally eye-watering price. A Petra statement said, “The stone is an outstanding vivid blue with extraordinary saturation, tone and clarity, and has the potential to yield a polished stone of great value and importance.”

Crocodile Supposedly on the Loose in Bristol

Coronation Bridge in Bristol, where the croc was spotted

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Police in south-west England are on alert after a bus driver reported spotting a crocodile under a bridge in Bristol. Chief Constable of Avon and Somerset Police Nick Gargan said the reptile was spotted under the Coronation Bridge: “One of our of-

ficers was flagged down by a bus driver claiming to have seen a 1.8m crocodile under Coronation Bridge. We can’t find it,” he wrote on Twitter. When asked by one Twitter user whether there was a crocodile on the loose, Mr Gargan replied, “It may mean precisely that, madam. No need to stay indoors – but you may want to think twice before you go water-skiing.”

Virgin Mary Weeps Oil? Hundreds of people flocked to a small town in northern Israel to view a statue of the Virgin Mary that residents claim “weeps” oil. Members of a Christian family from Tarshiha, near the border with Lebanon, say they witnessed a miracle in their living room. Osama Khoury said last month that his wife Amira found the statue “covered

with oil”. Amira herself said that the statue “spoke to her” and told her not to be afraid. After a neighbour witnessed the oil, word soon spread. Parts of the statue appear to be slick with moisture, even after it is wiped off. The family says it is most striking when a ‘tear’ appears to roll down the statue’s cheek. Some 2,000 people are claimed to have come to see the statue.

Cannabis University to Open in Florida A Florida man is taking learning to a higher level with the launch of a so-called cannabis university. The school, set to open in Tampa, is dedicated to educating its students about medical marijuana. A group of 25 people attended the first class on medical marijuana, which organisers call the next frontier in medicine. “That’s why we’re on the cutting edge,” says Jeremy Bufford, founder of Medical Marijuana Tampa. “This is the frontier of a new type of medicine and we need to be able to do the research to find out exactly what potential there is,” he added.

Mass Wedding in South Korea

Jeremy Bufford

Creepy Sleepwalker Statue at College A sculpture of an underwearclad sleepwalking man was recently installed at Wellesley College in Massachusetts, leaving students seriously creeped out by its lifelike appearance. According to the Boston Globe, sculptor Tony Matelli cre-

Thousands of nearly identically-dressed couples tied the knot in a mass wedding in South Korea last month at an event organised by the controversial Unification Church. Some 2,500 couples took part in the ceremony at the church’s global headquarters in Seoul, and a total of about 20,000 couples were married around the world by watching proceedings live on the internet. Couples travelled from all over the globe to take part in the ceremony. Sun Myung Moon, a media and business mogul turned self-styled messiah, founded the church in 1954 in Seoul. He preached new interpretations of the Bible, raising eyebrows and causing critics to label the church a cult. Since Moon’s death in 2012, his 70-year-old widow Hak Ja Han has presided over the church’s ceremonies. ated the nearly nude statue, titled ‘Sleepwalker’, as part of an ongoing exhibition at the college’s Davis Museum. Not long after the sculpture’s installation on 3 February, hundreds of students at the allwomen’s campus signed a petition to remove the piece, stating the opinion that “the sculpture does not add value to the campus community”. |

113 March 2014 | 63


The Best



Battle of the Oranges IVREA, ITALY Every year in the northern town of Ivrea in Turin province, some 500,000kg worth of fresh oranges are stockpiled ahead of the Battaglia delle Arance (Battle of the Oranges), a re-creation of a historic fight between the townsfolk and a ruling tyrant. Teams wage a full-on fruit war and not even a red-capped declaration of sovereignty will protect you from getting juiced. Legend has it that sometime between the 12th and 13th centuries, Ivrea’s lord attempted to rape the daughter of a miller on the eve of her wedding, exercising his ‘droit du seigneur’ (right of the lord) to take the virginity of his serfs’ daughters. In a twist of fate, the plan backfired and the rebellious young woman decapitated him – with one brave strike of her sword, she set the town free from oppression. 17 MARCH

St. Patrick’s Day DUBLIN, IRELAND

The number of festivals being held around the world is increasing by the year. One could speculate that a growing sense of alienation – caused by our dedication to smartphones and social networks – is pushing us to gather in ever-bigger crowds of people every once in a while just to enjoy some real human interaction


ultural curiosity gives our day-to-day a greater sense of engagement and meaning, offering the opportunity not only to stay sane, but to make friends and experience new things. There are hundreds of

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festivals happening in Europe this year, and CorD has a selection of the best – for a fuller, happier life. After all, as Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

113 March 2014 |

Each 17 March marks the day in circa 457 AD when St. Patrick died and took his story to the grave. The only known details of his life come from two handwritten letters sent by Patrick to himself, while the rest has been propagated through myth. It is known that St. Patrick was born in England and was kidnapped from his home by Irish raiders at the age of 16. Following six years as a slave, God visited him in a dream and encouraged him to escape. Fuelled by his divine vision, he finally broke free and returned to his English family to carry God’s mission back to Ireland. In addition to crediting St. Patrick with the spreading of Christianity to Ireland’s pagans, ancient legend holds that he drove every snake out of the country. Old Irish folklore also tells us that Patrick would use a three-leafed shamrock to explain the Holy Trinity – the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Given the strength of religious feeling that remains in Ireland today, St. Patrick’s legacy has carried through the years – and can now be honoured with a pint of Guinness in hand.


2-4 MAY

Las Fallas

Combat des Reines



This celebration dates back to the Middle Ages, when excess winter supplies were torched in an equivalent of spring cleaning. Today’s rendition takes on a more grandiose approach, paying homage to Spain’s history and culture through spectacular displays of pyrotechnics. Long before light bulbs, Valencian carpenters plied their trades under candlelight, using pieces of wood called parots as wick holders. Come spring, when sunlight replaced candlelight, the parots were burned. This pagan ritual merged with the church’s commemoration of St. Joseph, patron saint of carpenters, and Las Fallas was born. Today, effigies are dressed up in costumes: the larger ones are called fallas, the smaller, doll-like ones, ninots. The ninots have grown in size and detail, as have the cartoonish fallas, which typically depict satirical scenes and current events. These days, the fallas can have structures of up to 30m in size.

11-20 APRIL

Semana Santa SPAIN Semana Santa (or Holy Week) is the Spanish name for Easter. It dates back to the 16th century, when the church decided to present the story of the Passion of Christ in a way laypersons could understand. It was decided the best way to do so would be a series of street processions depicting scenes from the fall and resurrection of Jesus. The festival is at its most extravagant in Andalusia, particularly Seville and Malaga. But non-Andalusians say this version is not the true Semana Santa. To people elsewhere in Spain, the true Semana Santa can be found in the region of Castilla-Leon – in Zamora in particular, as well as Valladolid, Salamanca, Avila, Toledo and Segovia. Even Madrid, a city relatively free of Semana Santa, still enjoys a reverent atmosphere every Easter.

Over several consecutive Sundays every spring and during a few exhibitions in the autumn, the Swiss district of Valais and the neighbouring alpine districts host a face-off between local cows in an event known as Combat des Reines – or Battle of the Queens. Unlike the fierce cockfights of Asia, these cowfights are more like sumo matches or glorified pushing contests, during which the otherwise regimented Swiss let their hair down and enjoy the fun as they consume copious amounts of wine and sausage. With each round the competition comes a step closer to crowning La Reine des Reines – the Queen of Queens. Eringer cows are bred specifically for ‘combat’ rather than for their edible assets, and are pampered before competitions with fancy diets that can include white wine and cake. There’s an awful lot of pressure to win, with rumours that some cows have been genetically modified or ‘doped’. The National Finals, or La Race d’Hérens, attracts around 50,000 spectators to Martigny’s ancient Roman amphitheatre. 23 MAY-10 JULY

Stars of the White Nights ST. PETERSBURG, RUSSIA


King’s Day (Koningsdag) AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS On 30 April 2013, the Netherlands welcomed its first male monarch since 1890: King Willem-Alexander. This succession changes one of the country’s biggest festivals, not least the fact Queen’s Day now has a new name, a new date and new significance. The Dutch had previously celebrated Queen’s Day on 30 April, the birthday of earlier monarch Queen Juliana, since 1949. On her investiture, Queen Beatrix decided to retain the date in honour of her mother (not to mention the fact that the weather on her own birthday of 31 January isn’t nearly as nice). As of next year, King’s Day will be celebrated on 27 April, Willem-Alexander’s birthday. This year, however, it is being held on 26 April as the birthday itself falls on a Sunday. And while we’ve yet to experience King’s Day in its modern guise, it is likely to carry over many of the traditions and characteristics of Queen’s Day as celebrated for decades.

The Stars of the White Nights festival is an extravaganza of the arts, featuring music, opera, ballet, film and outdoor celebrations including the Scarlet Sails, wherein a fleet of red­sailed tall ships let off a gunpowder-packed fireworks show, Russian-style. Long walks along the River Neva reveal roving gypsy bands, jugglers, sword swallowers, fire eaters, even stoic Russian mimes who surprise you with their humour. Come 2am, even the drawbridges raise their arms in awe. This flurry of events creates a manic energy, with Russians packing everything they can into their short summer celebrations before the return of winter. |

113 March 2014 | 65

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Italian Ambassador to Serbia


IRENA VOJÁČKOVÁSOLLORANO United Nations Resident Coordinator in Serbia



European Parliament Special Envoy for the Balkans

MAR ’14 / ISSUE No. 113

Issue No. 113



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The Goal is


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Nobody is Immune Belgrade Dances to the World’s Tune

113 March 2014 |

CorD 113 March COVER.indd 1


24.02.2014 16:27:00


March 2014


Shopping, Gadgets, Fashion and more‌




Master the Party Scene

Cool Home Gadgets

Get Ready to Charm

Blue Eastbury Hopsack Jacket

MakerBot Replicator Mini

Michael Kors Strap Watch




For the Woman

IN YOUR LIFE As March arrives, men should be thinking about how to best show appreciation for their significant other. International Women’s Day is on 8 March, and this shopping guide is CorD’s way of helping you find a gift for the woman in your life. Of course, no one gift could ever truly convey the love you have for your partner or wife, but this collection of interesting suggestions might offer some creative ideas on how to bring a little extra happiness into the life of the one you love. — Take a look!

Stephen Webster Ring PRICE: €275 Crafted from rhodium-plated silver, this ring wraps around the finger three times with sharp points at either side.

Valentino Landscape Silk Scarf PRICE: €245 Worked in classic navy and white colours, it will make a timeless addition to any accessories repertoire.

Alexander McQueen Skinny 3D Skull Bangle PRICE: €190 Wear alone or stacked with similar styles to maximise its impact.

Monica Vinader Siren Thin Cuff Bracelet PRICE: €300 Monica Vinader’s siren thin cuff bracelet is a beautiful piece designed in 18-caratgold-plated vermeil.




Mulberry Effie Satchel

Eddie Borgo Pentagon Necklace

PRICE: €780 Ideal for everyday wear, an absolute must-have for this season and beyond.

PRICE: €395 Eddie Borgo’s pentagon necklace is an exquisite example of quality craftsmanship. Plated in bright yellow gold, this chunky honeycomb pendant sits on a fine, flat chain.

Armani Jeans Patent Shopper PRICE: €138 A spacious shopper perfect for the weekend and spacious enough for your essentials.

Chloé Elsie Zipped Wallet PRICE: €400 Elegant and refined, Chloé’s Elsie zipped wallet is a timeless accessory that is sure to complement both casual and formal outfits beautifully.

Bone Hoop Earrings PRICE: €40 Fourteen-carat-plated bone hoop earrings.

Emporio Armani Watch PRICE: €128 A classic design defines this handsome leatherstrap watch, with its understated white dial that features three-hand time and a date window.






Shed those Layers and Get Ready to Charm

When it comes to fashion, the spring months are a time for throwing those warm, multilayered winter clothes to the back of the wardrobe and preparing for the sunshine with a lighter selection. March and April can be a headache for women, particularly if you receive an invitation to a light afternoon/early evening cocktail party. Cocktail parties are far removed from formal dinners, where movement and conversation are limited as guests plough through a seven-course meal, whether they like it or not. Let CorD make springtime mingling a breeze with a selection of clothes fit for fun and flirting over a cocktail or four.



Jodie Wool Blend Cardigan Khaki round-neck with long sleeves, a contrast centre zip and two front pockets.

Fossil Fishtail Braided Leather Belt



Roughed-up leather in a trio of tones composes a fishtail-braided belt that pairs with an abundance of styles and silhouettes.

Carven Bow Back Jungle Print Court Shoe PRICE:


Floral Print Scarf A subtle geometric overlay intensifies the graphic appeal of a gauzy scarf in a kaleidoscopic floral print.

Purple and green jungle-print slingback shoe with rounded toes and bow detail at the back of the strap. These Carven court shoes have a 9cm heel, satin uppers, leather inners and leather sole.





Burberry Single Button Jacket Subtle stripes emphasise the textured fabrication of a finely tailored jacket styled with epaulettes and a regimented row of buttons on each cuff for an understated military touch.




Preen Iris Blue Flower Printed Jersey Dress


Navy long-sleeve bodycon dress with floral print and coloured stripe detailing across the front and arms plus faded patches of print as part of its design. PRICE:




Manolo Blahnik Tayler Pump A muted nude hue refines the patent posh of a classic d’Orsay pump. PRICE:


Small orchard leather bowling bag lined with signature fabric containing two interior slip-in pockets and one interior zipped pocket.

Michael Kors Double Wrap Leather Strap Watch



St. John Beaded Trim Metallic Slub Knit Jacket

A tonal sunray dial matches the golden gleam of a round watch case that whips around the wrist with a chic, double-wrap leather strap.

Tonal embellishments at the collar and pocket flaps elevate a shimmering slub-knit jacket that is tailored exquisitely for a fitted silhouette. A trio of twinkling buttons furthers the glamorous design.

elegant champagnecoloured jacket with unusual lapels



metallic gold blouse with lace on the sides

Burberry Regency Blue Small Orchard Bowling Bag

Mihaila Pupina 6, Ušće Shopping Center +38111 269 2326; +38111 311 1453 +38164 821 0581 Knez Mihajlova 40; +38111 218 3030 +38164 821 0576 Knez Mihajlova 23, +38111 328 7085 +38164 821 0594

clutch bag with tassels



skirt with wide pleats in floral print

elegant sleeveless lace dress in beige PRICE:





earrings with a picture of a girl



Ciciban footwear company is a family run business, owned by the Petejan family from the village of Miren in Slovenia. Back in 1953, Pavle Petejan made his first pair of children’s orthopaedic shoes under the guidance of an orthopaedist. Today, the Petejan family is the leading producer of anatomical shoes in the region of former Yugoslavia. The company pays close attention to technological developments, and innovation, in order to make top quality footwear. Ciciban is committed to the notion that a skilful pair of shoemaker’s hands is crucial in the production of good quality shoes. Hence, the company has never moved its production facilities from Slovenia and, to this day, the factory remains under the watchful eye of the Petejan family.

Ciciban uses the highest quality, natural materials for their products, Each season, the company launches 300 new shoe models, in line with the latest fashions. Today, Ciciban is the synonym for excellent and comfortable children’s shoes. Ciciban’s products have been approved by medical specialists including physiatrists and orthopaedists.

Ciciban has its own retail store network, with easily recognisable shops, in which both parents and children take delight. Accordingly, each shop has a ‘fun corner’ for children and each child receives a present. You will find Ciciban’s shops all over former Yugoslavia. In Belgrade Ciciban’s stores are located in the most prestigious locations such as on Knez Mihailova, Ušće Shopping Centre, Delta City etc.

Footwear for all occasions Well known for its traditional quality, Ciciban’s range for this season again is in keeping with current fashion trends with its cheerful patterns which children will delight in. The new models from the spring summer 2014 collection are elegant and stylish, very lightweight and comfortable. Their comfort will provide real pleasure in all a child’s activities. For this season, Ciciban has released about 300 new styles across several ranges. Here is a small taste of what they have in store this season.

MARINES - for the first steps The characteristics of this range are flexible soles with carefully selected leather which enables a complete bending of the feet thanks to their suppleness. Within the shoe is an anatomic insole which provides additional stability and comfort for the feet. Natural leather enables good air circulation and allows the necessary ‘breathing’ of feet. Sizes: 17-21

There are shoes for all occasions – from the everyday to the special – for pre-school children with Ciciban’s ranges of Classic, Softy, Over, Kevin, Rolly, Palos, Linus, Energy, Kiss, Planet, Janet, Seatle, Naik, Brio, Run, Timber, Aspen and ten more production lines. Sizes: 18-40

‘Light, comfortable, anatomically shaped, and made from natural materials, CICIBAN shoes enable the healthy development of children’s feet and comfort with each step’

Mr sc. med. dr Jelena Rakić Milanović Specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation

Ciciban shops in Belgrade: Ciciban, Knez Mihailova 32, telefon: 328 12 23 ● Ciciban, Ušće Shopping Center, tel: 312 06 99 ● Ciciban, Delta City, tel: 220 38 56 Ciciban, Terazije 35, tel: 303 42 61 ● Ciciban, Prote Mateje 62, tel: 386 36 13 ● Ciciban, Banovo brdo, Ščerbinova 6, tel: 354 26 22 Ciciban corners in Planika shops in Belgrade: Planika, Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 52, tel: 30 34 724 ● Planika, Stadion Voždovac centar, II sprat, tel: 630 58 04


Techno Talk


Cool Home

GADGETS Use 2014’s latest, neatest gadgetry to turn your place into a smart-home. CorD has a cutting-edge tech marvel for just about every room – even your bathroom. Whether you’re preparing food, listening to tunes wirelessly or creating solid objects out of thin air via 3D printing, your home will be 21st-century-proof. Brushing your teeth will never be the same again.

MakerBot Replicator Mini PRICE: €1,020 Alongside its new Replicator and supersized Replicator Z18, MakerBot has lifted the lid on the Replicator Mini – potentially the first affordable consumer 3D printer for home users. Wi-Fi allows for printing from mobile devices, as well as other interactions such as monitoring progress remotely via a built-in camera.

AeroDream One iPhone Speaker Dock PRICE: €399 The AeroDream One music tower station stands over 3.3m high and weighs almost 400kg – so in order to connect your device at the top, you’ll have to climb a ladder. The tubeshaped docking station delivers 10,000W worth of sound and features a 28cm subwoofer and five-channel amplifier.

Canary Home Security PRICE: €399 Having raised more than US$2 million to develop its home security system, Canary is back with an upgraded system and an iOS app to control it all with. The app shows live video feeds, alerts and lets you adjust your security settings remotely. Out summer 2014.

AeroPress Coffee & Espresso Maker PRICE: €22 The AeroPress uses total immersion and gentle pressure to produce up to four cups of micro-filtered coffee or espresso in less than a minute. And all with low acid levels and the perfect taste.


Polaroid Socialmatic Camera

LaCie Christofle Sphère

PRICE: €220


Originally floated as a concept back in 2012, the Android-based Socialmatic produces Polaroids as we know and love them. An inkless printing system enables users to print stickers of their sepia-tinted images and customise them via an 11cm touchscreen. Ready for release by the end of 2014.

TREWGrip Keyboard PRICE: €185 The TREWGrip is a handheld keyboard and air mouse for your mobile tech, smart TV and desktop. Its standard QWERTY layout is split and rotated so hands gripping it can touch-type effectively, even on a smartphone. Due for release in summer 2014.

iGrill2 Bluetooth Smart Meat Thermometer PRICE: €73 This device lets you monitor the temperature of your food from up to 50m away, letting you know when it’s been cooked to perfection.


The LaCie Sphère designed by Christofle is a handcrafted hard drive enclosed in a spherical case of silver-plated steel. Due to its round shape, the Sphère requires a careful manual plating process. It is stamped, silver-plated and finally polished for perfect brightness. The highly reflective finish makes the hard drive a decorative piece to accompany any upscale home or office workstation.

Kolibree Toothbrush PRICE: €73 The Kolibree toothbrush records every use via its accelerometer. Once connected to your Android or iOS smartphone via Bluetooth, the Kolibree app synchronises your brushing data automatically and lets you know whether you got everywhere and how long you brushed for.

Dream One Speaker PRICE: TBC Not only do these speakers provide incredible surround sound, they’re also wireless and enabled with every kind of connectivity you can imagine, turning any and every device into a DJ deck. With its sleek rocket-like shape, there’s nothing these speakers can’t do. Out this autumn.




Master the Party Scene

Most of the invitations to parties and receptions you’ll receive this year will come with a clearly defined dress code, so if you’re looking for the right attire, read on. If you’re invited to a more casual event such as a cocktail party, it’s better to opt for a more informal wardrobe. In this instance you can never fail by combining dress pants with a stylish jacket or shirt. Alternatively, you could push the boat out a little and combine a tux with a tieless, light-coloured shirt. Here, CorD provides you with the flexible wardrobe armoury you’ll need to look dapper with a Martini in one hand and a cigar in the other.

Paul Smith Leather Vintage Striped Belt Featuring Paul Smith’s signature swirl print, this belt is finished with a silver-toned buckle.



Billy Reid Wesley Slim-Fit Cotton Suit Jacket

Franklin Round-Frame Sunglasses

With its completely unstructured and unlined fit and its soft cotton and cashmere-blend corduroy fabric, this suit jacket is designed to be worn with matching trousers. Try a knitted tie to maintain the off-duty approach to smart style.

Handmade in France, this sturdy acetate pair has clear frames and contrasting tortoiseshell arms.



Carlsbad Penny Loafers

Polo Ralph Lauren Cardigan

Leather-soled men’s slip-on loafer dress shoes with woven or linen vamp and saddle insert, as well as a single oak leather sole with dovetail heel.

A classic V-neck cardigan crafted from luxe 100% pima cotton and finished with genuine mother-of-pearl buttons.







Milano Micro Houndstooth Wool Suit

Skopes Madrid Suit Waistcoat Skopes’ five-button waistcoat with straight-jetted pockets, a jetted ticket pocket and adjustable back matches the Madrid jacket and Madrid trouser.

This sharp, Italian-made wool suit in an ultrafine houndstooth pattern impeccably pairs a lean jacket featuring two-button, notch-lapel cut with slim, neatly pressed flat-front trousers. PRICE:




Mélange Houndstooth Sport Shirt

Peter Millar Wool Blazer

A fine blue houndstooth styles a handsome spread-collar sport shirt cut in a trim, modern fit.

Fine wool forms a clean-cut blazer formed in a timeless twobutton, notch-lapel cut.





Toro Wingtip

Trim Fit NonIron Dress Shirt Richly dyed stretch cotton makes for a noniron dress shirt equipped with classic point collar and mitered, adjustable-button cuffs.



Deeply coloured leather sculpts this classic wingtip with Bologna construction for a glove-like fit and exceptional flexion.



'Protégé SUD' Straight Leg Pants Lightweight, incredibly soft pants are cut for a straight-leg fit that’s comfortable through the seat and thighs.





Charvet Silk Pocket Square

David Yurman Royal Cord Bracelet

Tucked into a breast pocket, this is a mark of considered distinction. Dots may vary slightly with each square.

Sterling silver 8mm-wide bracelet with woven black rubber and magnetic clasp.

Jaeger Blue Eastbury Hopsack Jacket Cut in a slim eastbury block, this is a contemporary, flattering choice. PRICE:







Bremont Chronograph Watch This ALT1-Classic Bremont automatic chronograph is stylish enough to wear to formal occasions but also built to withstand extreme conditions.





Boss Hugo Boss Suit

Prior Cotton Blazer

Lushly textured wool defines a classic suit with pick stitched notch lapels and modern flatfront trousers.

Made from a cotton elastane blend, the Prior jacket is this season’s style essential. Design notes include contrast 2 button fastening, 4 button cuff, notch lapel, slanted flap and chest pockets and a single vent to the centre back.

Givenchy Leather Obsedia Backpack The buttery-soft calf leather Obsedia backpack allows you to carry your essentials in a sleek and sophisticated manner.



Armani Jeans Exclusive J08 Slim Fit



These limited edition Armani Jeans fuse effortless laidback style with a modern edge; finished with an aged wash yet cut in a flattering, contemporary slim leg. A casual wardrobe staple best paired with a plain white tee for instant designer appeal.



Acqua Di Parma Tournée Tie Holder The Acqua di Parma Tie Holder is made with beautiful buffalo skin, and finished with a precious brown moiré silk lining. Each product is hand made with care and passion by expert Florentine leather craftsmen.

Biom Hybrid' Golf Shoe Waterproof Hydromax leather enhances the durability of a sporty golf shoe designed with a triplecomponent, anatomical footbed for superior comfort and a secure fit.





'Manistee' Brogue Leather Belt Brogue detailing defines a handsome leather belt with a polished buckle


Dolce & €360 Gabbana Stripe Dress Shirt A subtle diamond weave textures a finely striped dress shirt crafted in Italy from luxurious, lightweight cotton. |

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113 March 2014 |

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