CorD magazine 75

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ERA OF ENTREPRENEURS Branislav Grujić, president of the Business Club ‘privrednik’

OCt ‘10 / iSSuE NO. 75

DAWN RAID AGAINST MONOPOLIES dijana marković Bajalović, phD, president of the Commission for the protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia

ENTHUSIASM MOVES THE COUNTRY h.e. Wei jinghua, Ambassador of the people’s Republic of China to Serbia

interviews opinions news comments events pRiCE 250 RSD

SPecial eDiTiON iTaliaN bUSiNeSS SecTOr iN Serbia 2010/11



More frequent incidents in Novi Pazar are a logical consequence of the long-term inadequate relations towards this region Serbia: TeN YearS afTer

TELLING TRUTHS Since the October 5th, 2000, Serbia has achieved significant progress, but... SPOrT


The successes of Serbian sportsmen are still being put in the sphere of phenomena that is difficult to explain


THE FUTURE is in the EU

CorD 72 / June 2010 3

October 2010






By Ognjen Pribićević, until recently the Ambassador of Serbia to Germany and higher scientific associate of the Institute of Social Sciences in Belgrade



Dame Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy



H.E. Wei Jinghua, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Serbia




Branislav Grujić, president of the Business Club ‘Privrednik’


EDitORiAL DiRECtOR: Tatjana Ostojić, EDitOR: vera Didanović, ASSiStANt EDitOR: philomena O’Brien, ARt DiRECtOR: Ilija Petrović, COntriButOrs: Jelena Mickić, Ilija Despotović, vojka vignjević, Zorana Stakić, Jelena Jovanović, Bojana Bošković, Ljubomir Đorđević,

4 CorD 72 / June 2010



By Dr. Milan Parivodić, Foreign Investors Services - Chairman, former Minister of International Economic Relations



Dušan Petričić, cartoonist and illustrator










By Aida Ćorović, human rights activist and president of the ‘Urban in’ NGO from Novi Pazar


Dijana Marković Bajalović, PhD, President of the Commission for the Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia



Audit Bureau of Circulations Serbia (ABC Serbia) Seminar

By Dr Dejan Jovović, scientific adviser-expert for international finances; adviser at the Bureau for Regional Cooperation PKS






How are staff selected in Serbia?



Bosnia and Herzegovina






vladimir Stanković, Jasmina Lukač pHOtOS: Darko Cvetanović, Časlav vukojičić tRANSLAtiON: goga Purić. Snežana Bjelotomić editOriAL mAnAGer: Tanja Banković, prOjeCt mAnAGers: vesna vukajlović,; Marija Savić, m.savic@; Snežana Terzić, fiNANCiAL DiRECtOR: Ana Besedic,

Helene Larsson, Cultural Counsellor at the Embassy of Sweden in Belgrade




The Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences: From high energies to nanotechnology



Serbian Spas and Health Resorts



Zdravko Lončar, Managing Director of eKapija, Business Portal

GenerAL mAnAGer: Ivan Novcic, printinG: Rotografika d.o.o., Segedinski put 72, Subotica CorD is published by: alliance international media kneginje Zorke 11b, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia phone: +(381 11) 308 99 77, 308 99 88

Bemus 2010

Fax: +(381 11) 244 81 27 E-mail: ISSN no: 1451-7833 All rights reserved alliance international media 2010

This issue is audited by

Abc Serbia


WE ALL SHARE A COMMON GOAL There are many problems, but the results which have been accomplished so far point to the fact that this is a successful project, which has not been entirely completed.


wenty years after the reunification of Germany, which was officially ended on October 3rd 1990, one thing is for sure this was a successful project, regardless of the fact that is has not been entirely completed and that it is still burdened by numerous problems. Germans have accomplished a lot after the reunification, primarily in the domains of infrastructure and economic progress. However, there are still observable differences between the east and the west of the country, which have had different histories in the last decades, and their citizens have formed different working habits, relation toward work, life, spare time, and so on. All of that is visible when you go to Germany, even today. The weakest point of this project is certainly the fact that people from the east of Germany are still going to the west, looking for better life conditions. Even with the substantial efforts of the German government and translocation of great corporations to the east (Siemens, BMW, et al), a significant number of young people are still moving from the former Eastern Germany to the west, to Baden Wurttemberg, Bavaria, North Rhine, and Westphalia. Anyway, it is the same situation as with Romanians and Bulgarians who, after joining the EU, are still attempting to find better jobs and better life conditions in the developed countries in Europe. That process will continue until the lifestyles in the east and west become approximately the same, which is, in my opinion, the goal of the EU project. Thus, although the German reunification process has not been completed during these 20 years, I believe it will happen in the foreseeable future. Based on the good results accomplished so far and the

The good news is that still, despite all those differences, we all share a common goal - and that is a better life, which is what led to the downfall of the Berlin wall 20 years ago, and to the downfall of the non-democratic regime of Slobodan Milošević 10 years ago way in which the country is going toward its set goal even despite the current problems, countries of the Balkans and Eastern Europe could learn important lessons from the German experience - and accept them in the European integration process. Despite the Euro-skeptics who are still saying that the Bulgarians and Romanians expected faster progress after their joining of the EU, one should not, even for a second, lose from the perspective the fact 6 CorD 72 / June 2010

that the project of reunification in the EU is the greatest and certainly one of the most beautiful, if not the single most beautiful project in the history of mankind. This is a project which provides a better, safer and more tolerant life - although, unfortunately, that cannot happen overnight. The EU has no equal. That is why all our efforts aimed at fulfilling the requirements for joining the EU are absolutely necessary. It is the only project which is offering a perspective to Serbian citizens. Almost simultaneously with the 20th anniversary of German unification, Serbia is marking 10 years since the downfall of Slobodan Milošević’s regime. A decade after until recently the the changes we are still not satisfied Ambassador of Serbia with what has been accomplished. to Germany and higher The reasons should be looked for in what has been happening in Serbia scientific associate of the Institute of Social Sciences in the last 20 years. Then, unlike the other countries in the region which in Belgrade started opening up after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Serbia took a step in the wrong direction. Unlike the Germans, we went in the wrong direction and made a mistake for which we will pay for decades. Although the two significant jubilees - two decades of German unification and a decade since the downfall of Milošević’s regime almost coincide - it is difficult to draw a parallel between Serbia and Germany. We are divided by great differences - not only economic, but also cultural ones. We have a different mentality and different relation toward history and work. The unification of Germany was accomplished in an entirely different ambience: Germany is a key country of the EU and very firmly integrated in the NATO structures, and €2,000 billion were invested in its unification. All of those things do not exist in Serbia there is no EU or NATO membership, and in the last decade a hundred times less money has been invested in Serbia. These create too great a difference to make any serious comparisons of the processes whose jubilees are being marked at the beginning of October. The good news is that still, despite all those differences, we all share a common goal and that is a better life, which is what led to the downfall of the Berlin wall 20 years ago, and to the downfall of the non-democratic regime of Slobodan Milošević 10 years ago. n

By Ognjen Pribićević,










is in the EU What matters is that people can experience real improvement in their lives. Getting closer to the EU has many advantages; economically and socially. What most people want is to live in a safe environment, have a permanent job and have hope for a better future for their children. Experiences from previous enlargements show that the EU can provide for this



igh Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, had a lot of dealings with Serbia in September. After the successful Brussels talks on the joint presentation of Serbia and the EU before the UN General Assembly, held on September 9th, when the Resolution on Kosovo was adopted, the High Representative

8 CorD 72 / June 2010

Assembly opens a new phase. For Serbia and Kosovo the of the EU again met the Serbian president, Boris Tadić, in future lies within the European Union. New York on September 23rd. The second September meeting of Ashton and Tadić took place after the Baroness had This dialogue should be seen as a real opportunity. talked with the Kosovo Prime Minister Hašim Tači, also Above all, it is chance to remove obstacles on the path toin New York. The topic of the New York talks was the orwards the EU. It has the support of Belgrade, Pristina and ganisation of a discussion between Belgrade and Priština, the EU and could be a big boost for regional cooperation which was announced right after the adoption of the Kosovo in the Balkans. It has the potential to generate genuine and Resolution. According to Tadić, it was agreed at the New functioning cooperation. Something that is essential for the York meeting that the discussion between Belgrade and region's European perspective. Priština should be led by expert negotiation teams, and all parties agreed that the talks n When do you expect the closure of the iCj process in the the commencement of should commence as soon as possible. Baroness Ashton the talks? un General Assembly opens a new discusses the solutions to the r Over the coming pephase. for serbia and Kosovo the Kosovo problem in her interriod we will engage in view with CorD. with our future lies within the european union consultations partners and the two sides to seek their views and n After the adoption of the agree with them on how to proceed with the offered diaResolution on Kosovo at the UN General Assembly seslogue. EU integration is a long term process and therefore sion, (the agreement on which was previously reached it is important that the dialogue can start now. The sooner between the EU and Serbia), dialogue between Belthe better of course, but we will also need to make sure grade and Priština with EU mediation is expected to that it is well prepared. I had the first opportunity to meet start. Is there a plan for that dialogue - how it will be representatives of Serbia and Kosovo, as well as other inorganised, and what themes will be covered? ternational partners, such as the United States, this week in r The resolution is a good common basis for looking to the New York, to listen to their views. future. The closure of the ICJ process in the UN General

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forward the application to the Commission for an opinion. Consultations among Member States on this issue are ongoing and have intensified lately. I believe the Council will return to the issue in the near future.

Catherine Ashton and Boris Tadić

The aim of the dialogue is to promote cooperation, achieve progress on the path to Europe and improve the lives of the people n Is the special status of the Serbian municipalities in the north of Kosovo and southern enclaves going to be one of the topics of negotiations, as some sources claim? r The aim of the dialogue is to promote cooperation, achieve progress on the path to Europe and improve the lives of the people. It is on this basis on issues that are encompassed under the European agenda - that Belgrade and Pristina should converse. There are many areas where there is a need to promote cooperation and to develop a working relationship. Many areas where there is a need to apply and agree on common European standards. I expect this to be a step-by step process where the two sides will tackle specific issues in a manner in which they both agree to approach them. n After agreement on the Resolution on Kosovo, there have been some assessments regarding a possible hastening of the European integrations of Serbia. Is it true that Serbian candidacy will

There are many areas where there is a need to apply and agree on common European standards be discussed very soon? Is Serbia now on its way to fulfilling the requirement so commonly mentioned by European officials - the ‘normalisation of relations with Kosovo’? r The future of Serbia lies in the EU. We have received Serbia's application to join the EU and the next step is for the Council to take a decision to 10 CorD 72 / June 2010

n What could be a beneficial outcome for the people of Kosovo? Do you expect that ‘normal’ life can be established in foreseeable future? r What matters is that people can experience real improvement in their lives. Getting closer to the EU has many advantages; economically and socially. What most people want is to live in a safe environment, have a permanent job and have hope for a better future for their children. Experiences from previous enlargements show that the EU can provide for this. The EU integration process will also further assist in attracting much needed foreign investment which in its turn is necessary to foster socio-economic development which should ultimately lead to better living standards for everyone. ■

Chronology of events after the proclamation of Kosovo’s independence September 9th 2010 - the UN General Assembly adopted by acclamation - without voting - the proposition of the Kosovo resolution, submitted by Serbia, with the support of the EU. The Resolution salutes the European block’s offer to aid in the establishment of a dialogue and promoting cooperation between Belgrade and Priština. After the talks between Serbia and the EU, the assessment that the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo’s independence is unacceptable was omitted from the text of the original document. Serbia’s opposition to the International Court of Justice’s findings that Kosovo’s independence is not a breach of international law was also omitted from the Resolution. July 22nd 2010 - the Declaration of Independence of Kosovo is not a breach of the international law, because it does not forbid declarations, the International Court of Justice stated its findings which were supported by ten, and opposed by four judges. This is how the 14 judges answered the question: “Was the Declaration of Independence of the temporary self-authority institutions of Kosovo from February 17th 2008 proclaimed in accordance with international law?” It was the first time in the history of the highest judicial body of the United Nations that it gave an opinion on the attempt of secession. The Hague court did not acknowledge the right of the Kosovo Albanians to secede because it was said that ‘the Court did not decide on the right to self-determination’ and the decision on the further process of the Kosovo problem solving was left to the UN General Assembly. December 22nd 2009 - the end of the deadline for answers to the three questions asked by the judges of the International Court of Justice after the nine-day discussion: Is independence allowed outside the decolonisation context? Did the temporary institutions of Kosovo lead a campaign before the fall 2007 elections, wanting to unilaterally declare independence? And did the Rambouillet document set the grounds for the self-determination right?

March 26th 2008 - Serbia announced it would ask the International Court of Justice to state its opinion on whether the proclamation of independence of Kosovo breached international law. February 21st 2008 - About 500,000 people gathered in the centre of Belgrade at the ‘Kosovo is Serbia’ rally. In the riots after the rally, one protester died, about 200 people were hurt, and 192 were detained. The rioters set the building of the American Embassy on fire and demolished the Croatian Embassy. February 18th 2008 – The Serbian parliament confirmed the governments decision on the annihilation of the ‘anti-legal unilateral proclamation of independence of Kosovo’. Two hundred and twenty five MPs voted in favour of the Serbian government’s proposition at the irregular session. February 17th 2008 - the Parliament of Kosovo declared independence, which was followed by a great celebration on the streets of all major cities in Kosovo. Days after that, the independence of Kosovo was acknowledged by: the USA, Turkey, Albania, Germany, Italy, France, Great Britain, Australia, Poland, and so on. As of September 20th 2010, 70 countries have acknowledged Kosovo’s independence.

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December 1st-11th 2009 - the discussion on the legitimacy of the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo Independence began before the International Court of Justice in The Hague. Serbia and Kosovo were given three hours each for presenting their respective arguments. During the nine days of the discussion before the International Court of Justice, 29 delegations stated their opinions on the legitimacy of the self-proclaimed independence of Kosovo. October 8th 2008 - the UN General Assembly adopted, by the majority of votes, Serbia’s request that the International Court of Justice should state its opinion on the legitimacy of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo. The Serbian proposition of the Resolution was supported by 77 delegates, and six delegates were ‘against’- representatives of Palau, Nauru, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Albania and the USA. August 15th 2008 – the Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister, Vuk Jeremić, officially handed in the request to the UN General Assembly, asking that body to support Serbia’s resolution, which calls for the International Court of Justice’s opinion on the legitimacy of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo.



Moves the Country

China continues with reforms and the policy of opening, progressively removing system barriers which are preventing the development of productive forces, which has been initiated by the creativity, enthusiasm and initiatives of great people

exclusive By Vera didAnOvić photo: Darko CvetAnOvić


nly 30 years ago, China was a country with enormous economic problems, and today it is the second strongest world power. Data for the second quarter of this year shows that its economy scored a head-spinning growth of 10.3%, and according to World Bank assessments, China might become the greatest world power by 2025. As Serbian President Boris Tadić has said, that very power is one of “the four pillars of Serbian foreign politics” (alongside the EU, the USA and Russia). In the last couple of years, the contacts of Chinese and Serbian officials have gained intensity, and relations of the two countries are “the best they have ever been”, according to Tadić. In his interview with CorD, H.E. Wei Jinghua, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Serbia, talks about China’s ‘economic boom’, unsolved problems, relations between the two countries and the position of the Chinese people in Serbia. n Economists have various perspectives on China’s economic boom. In your opinion, what has contributed most to that success? r In the last 30 years, during the period of enacting reforms and 12 CorD 72 / June 2010

eXAmpLes Of GrOWth opening policies, China has gone through great changes and prospered. This kind of policy has enabled China’s GDP to grow at the rate of 9.8% a year, which is higher than the avery using nine percent of its workable land area, China has managed age growth of the world economy by 6.8% in the same period. to solve the problem of feeding 20% of the world’s population. The number of poor rural households has been reduced by 240 million in The Chinese economy is the third largest in the world, and it the last 30 years, which is 75% of the total poverty reduction in develis number one in exports and number two in imports, which oping countries. Universally speaking, the basic nine-year long educamakes it the greatest new economic system in the world. tion system has almost eradicated youth illiteracy. In 1978, the number Over the last 30 years, China has continued its stable deof students was 860,000, and in 2009 that number grew to 22,850,000. velopment for which there are several reasons. First of all, After the successful organisation of the Olympic and Para-Olympic China is continuing with reforms and the policy of opening, Games in Beijing, China was also, for the first time in 150 years, the host progressively removing system barriers which are preventing of the World Show in Shanghai. the development of productive forces, which has been initiated by the creativity, enthusiasm and initiatives of great people. China is constantly enhancing the economic and political r A recent media report said that Chinese GDP exceeded the reform of the system based on the combination of socialist Japanese one in the second quarter and China is now number two in the world. However, China is still a developing counmarket economy and socialist democratic politics. Secondly, try. We should not only look at the total economic capacities, the simultaneous development of Chinese civilisation and the but also at the population. brave use of others’ experiences of civilisation development Based on GDP per capita, China is one of the counare of vital interest to China. It represents a spiritual guarantries with low income. Data from China’s Statistics Bureau tee for China’s sustainable development. Thirdly, the Chinese shows that GDP per capita in 2008 was $3,300, and China government advocates building a harmonious society which was the 104th country in pays attention to all rights the world, which on averand interests. The Chinese We hope that the relevant serbian age represents a country government pays attention to the adequate solving of institutions will treat Chinese businessmen of low income. According to the World Bank’s rerelations between reform, justly and in an unbiased way, and that port for 2010, in 2008 indevelopment and stabilthey will protect the rights and interests comes per capita were a ity. Fourth, China conmere $2,490 and China tinues using its favouraof Chinese businessmen and investors’ was at number 130 in the ble opportunity for peace world, placed among the in the world in a peaceful trust according to the law, and thus countries with low inway, so that it will fulfil its promote a stable and healthy future in comes. own development and furBased on statistics ther contribute to main- the development of the economic-trading about population structaining and stimulating relations between China and serbia ture, a great number of world peace with that depeople live in rural areas velopment. The main thing and in poverty. Out of one billion 300 million people, 700 is that when it comes to domestic politics, China solves inner million live in rural areas. According to UN standards, 150 conflicts it is facing with its own powers, and that it is workmillion poor people live in China, and 43 million of them live ing on building a harmonious society, and in the field of foron extremely low incomes of 1067 RMB and less, and about eign politics, that it is peacefully developing foreign politics 15 million live in a state of poverty (786 RMB). and contributing to maintaining world peace, common development, mutually useful cooperation, all with the aim of n How did fast economic growth influence the modernibuilding a more harmonious world. sation of production technology? n Despite rapid economic growth, the country is still r Seen from the basis of economic growth, the level of profacing a high level of poverty. duction powers in China is very low and traditional tech-


COOPERATION The level of economic trade cooperation of our two countries and bilateral political relations are not in accordance

MODERNISATION Based on the level of social development, it is clear that China is still going through the modernisation process

INFRASTRUCTURE We pay special attention to the fact that Serbia has quite a lot of needs when it comes to building infrastructure

CorD 72 / June 2010 13

nology is still used, which slightly r When it comes to health, social and increases the value of the final prodeducational insurance, China still has uct by improving the processing. to develop and improve in the public The value of each farmer’s work affairs sector. Investments in education is $407, which does not equal half in China make up 2.4% of GDP value, of the average world level. The ore which is lower than the world average consumption for producing 10 thouwhich is 4.9%. Health expenses per sand yuan of GDP is much higher capita amount to 1/8 of the world averthan in developed countries, and is age. In the entire country, there are 830 four to six times bigger than the avmillion people with a disability, which erage world level. is almost as much as the entire German Compared to the share of ecopopulation and they include 260 milnomic development, one of the biglion households. When it comes to scientific-techgest problems is the very structure nological creativity, China still holds a of the economic system. First of passive position within the internationall, industry is developing unevenal competitiveness fight. State investly. Industry, agriculture and service ments in science and technology are branches score 49%, 11% and 40% far less than in the leading countries of in the GDP, which is respectively 11 the world. Research and development times, two times and 5/9 compared funds in 2008 made up with the share of those of GDP, which is branches in developed At the moment there are 6,000 Chinese in 1.45% certainly lower than the countries. Secondly, there is unequal development be- Serbia going to school and doing business. average of 2.25% in the OECD countries. The tween cities and countries. They live in harmony with Serbian citizens, World Economic Forum The difference between the on global competitiveincomes of a city household which substantially contributes to the ness forces for 2009and a country one in 2008 improvement of the development of the 2010 assessed that China was 3.3 times. Thirdly, reis in 79th place for its gional development is unlocal economy and the traditional firm scientific-economic deeven. Differences in the friendship of our two people velopment. development of the eastern and western part of the n The world is overflowing with Chinese goods, but country are three times greater, which represents a 2.3 times there are not many famous Chinese brands. How do you the difference in GDP per capita. explain such a paradox? Based on the level of social development, it is clear that r Seen through the trading structure, China is in a low posiChina is still going through the modernisation process. In tion in the global industrial chain. Chinese industry and en2009, the level of urbanisation was 46.6%, which is 50% trepreneurship are still oriented toward ‘intensive work’ and lower than the urbanisation level in the world. According to ‘natural resource consumption’, and not far from the state of the Human Development Index (HDI UNDP), China is in ‘high capacity, low quality’, ‘high consumption, low profit’. 92nd place in the world with a 0.772 development rate and is The processing trade still holds too big a share in the exportamong the countries with a medium development rate. import trade, so that the production system is not fully turned n Has economic growth enabled significant progress to independent production of its own brands and intellectual in health and social insurance and educational conproperty. Chinese products have their limits on the internaditions? tional market.

Deficit of natural resources


hina is a country with a deficit in natural resources. The amount of resources per capita is lower than in many developed countries. The amount of drinking water per capita is only one third of the world level. Potential consumption of energy per capita is lower than the average world level, and consumption of coal and natural gas is half and one-fifth, respectively, of the world level.

14 CorD 72 / June 2010

n How do you assess the relations of China and Serbia? r There is a profound traditional friendship between China and Serbia. Regardless of the changes on the international scene or the sudden changes within the two countries, both parties have a consistent mutual respect, mutually strong relations, and they understand and support each other’s areas of interest. Chinese side pays a lot of attention to the development of relations with Serbia and respects its independent

choice of development path. During president Tadić’s official visit to China in August 2009, our countries established a relationship of strategic partnership, which has led ChineseSerbian relations into a new phase of development. n Does the same positive conclusion apply to economic relations as well? r Economic-trade cooperation between China and Serbia represents an important integral part of bilateral relations. However, the level of economic trade cooperation of our two countries and bilateral political relations are not in accordance. There is the matter of the volume of trade, which is not very high, and the trade imbalance, mutual investments and companies’ cooperation, which are comparably weaker, as well as the absence of sustainable projects. Lately, the Serbian economy has had stable growth; the investment environment is gradually changing, which is creating favourable conditions for Chinese companies’ investments to Serbia. We pay special attention to the fact that Serbia has quite a lot of needs and demands when it comes to building infrastructure. In the meantime, 30 years have passed since the beginning of reforms in China and Chinese companies are very powerful when it comes to the construction of roads, bridges and power plants and they have a great deal of experience. Chinese financial institutions also support Chinese companies to do business abroad. A year ago, bilateral economic-trade cooperation scored positive results. Both parties have moved toward a stable future of cooperation on big projects - construction of a bridge and a power plant. The Chinese side believes that good political relations will come in handy for the constant strengthening of business cooperation in the economic-trading area. China is hoping that Serbia will increase the promotion of Chinese companies and that it will actively familiarise them with the investment environment and projects, but it will also open the doors for Serbian companies on the Chinese

of the Zemun-Borča bridge over the Danube. This project, which includes the investment of €170 million, is the first large project of economic-technological cooperation in the area of infrastructure on which both parties have agreed by signing a contract in August last year, and it is also the first bridge in Europe which is to be constructed by a Chinese company. The leaders of both countries are paying a lot of attention to this project, which has been called ‘the Chinese Bridge’ on the biggest European river, the Danube, and which will contribute to the future prosperity of Borča and Belgrade. During the official visit of the President of

China is constantly enhancing the economic and political reform of the system based on the combination of socialist market economy and socialist democratic politics the National People’s Congress, Mr. Wu Bangguoa, to Serbia, both parties signed an agreement on the financing of the bridge construction and participated in the ceremony of laying the cornerstone. It is estimated that works will start next spring.

n How many Chinese people are living in Serbia at the moment? Are they asking you for help with solving problems, and what are those problems? r At the moment there are 6,000 Chinese in Serbia going to school and doing business. They live in harmony with Serbian citizens, which substantially contributes to the improvement of the development of the local economy and the traditional firm friendship of our two people. The Chinese Embassy to Serbia takes full interest in the legitimate protection of the rights and interests of Chinese businessmen in Serbia and wants to provide all necessary assistance. We hope that the relevant Serbian institutions will treat One of the main points of economic-trade Chinese businessmen justly and in an unbiased way, and that they will protect the rights and interests of cooperation between China and Serbia is Chinese businessmen and investors’ trust according the law, and thus promote a stable and healthy futhe project of construction of the Zemun- to ture in the development of the economic-trading relations between China and Serbia. Borča bridge over the Danube

market and thus expand exports to China. Chinese-Serbian economic-trade relations of mutual interest and mutual gain will not only bring real economic benefits to the people of our two countries, but they will also set stable grounds for the strategic partnership of China and Serbia. n Are you monitoring the preparations for the construction of the ‘Chinese Bridge’ Zemun-Borča? Is everything going according to plan? r One of the main points of economic-trade cooperation between China and Serbia is the project of construction

n There have been announcements regarding the opening of a Chinese Cultural Centre in Belgrade. Can we expect this to occur soon? r During the visit of Mr. Bangguoa to Serbia, both parties signed a memorandum regarding the opening (construction) of Chinese and Serbian cultural centres in both countries. Both parties are discussing the specific procedures of enacting this project. We believe that with joint efforts of both sides, the project of cultural centres definitely has good start, which will deepen the cultural cooperation of the two countries and enrich the strategic partnership. ■ CorD 72 / June 2010 15


Dawn Raid against

MONOPOLIES At the moment, the Commission is leading five proceedings in the area of cartels, three proceedings determining the abuse of dominant position and about 20 cases of concentration


By Zorana stAKić photo: Darko CvetAnOvić 16 CorD 72 / June 2010

he Commission for the Protection of Competition has information about the dealings of cartels in the food industry market of Serbia and is leading investigations against them. Assumptions that it is under the control of about ten cartels (which are based on secret, illegal treaties and agreements about prices and conditions of trade between food processors and traders) were hot topics in the Serbian media last month. While journalists are trying to find out who the companies are with the dominant position on the Serbian market, the Commission for the Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia is leading five proceedings in the area of cartels, three proceedings determining abuses of dominant position and about 20 cases of concentration. In her interview with CorD magazine, Dijana Marković Bajalović, PhD, President of the Commission for the Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia talks about the way in which the body is fighting breaches of competition and about the problems it comes across in that fight. “Restrictive agreements or as we colloquially refer to them - cartels and monopoly agreements - are a direct breach of competition. The most serious breach of competition is an agreement on prices, when competitors agree on the prices at which the products will be sold. Another, just as harmful practice, is an agreement on the market division. Such agreements, inherited from the period of self-governed agreed economy, become secret, without written traces. It then becomes a major problem for the anti-monopoly bodies to determine the existence of such an agreement. While in

the developed countries of the world, such as the USA, the bodies which deal with fighting monopoly have the power to investigate, the Commission for the Protection of Competition of the Republic of Serbia has only has the option of arriving unannounced to the premises of certain companies, but only if it has previously acquired information that specific evidence is to be found there. In slang this is known as an ‘dawn raid’. To find specific evidence, you must know what you are looking for. You need to have someone, shall we call him an insider, who will provide a ‘tip-off’ regarding the existence of an agreement to you and who will tell you where the evidence is, and where it is contained.”

predAtOry prACtiCes


here are so called predatory practices in the market. This occurs when a company intentionally reduces the prices of its products or services, making it appear at first glance that it is in the customer’s favour, but they do this up to the level where their competition can no longer survive, and can no longer follow those prices, and they push them off the market in that way. After that, they continue the practice of high prices. There are numerous examples of this.

or the displacement of existing ones, then these are actions on which we will place sanctions.

n Still, the Commission for the Protection of Competition n What does the current Serbian market look like? Are there those who have abused their dominant position, who offers the opportunity for those who provide ‘tip-offs’ to were close to it, or who entered the concentration process? the existence of such agreements, certain ‘privileges’. r Yes, Y because that is a way to make it easier for the Commisr Problems have been found in food production and processing and in retail, where chain stores act as ‘bottle necks’ between sion to find such evidence. The person, who is doing the reporting food producers and buyers. On one hand, they dictate the terms and bringing evidence of the existence of cartels or monopoly in their relationship with food producers, and on the other, the agreements, may be granted such privileges as to be released terms under which they sell the goods to the ultimate consumcompletely or have their sanctions eased. Ever since the new law came into force on November 1st last year, the Commission has ers. It needs to be pointed out that in the very process of privafaced a lot of agreements which were reported all of a sudden, and tisation, which started in 2001, market structures were created which showed us that the which do not have enough We have legal monopolies, e.g. state entire market had worked competition for the time on that principle for a period owned companies which have exclusive being. There have been of time. All the participants many purchases which were making deals among rights to deal with a specific sector, which have created conditions for themselves. is particularly prominent in the sectors of a dominant position, especially in the milk industry. n Do monopolies exist in energy, transportation, and utility services Salford Investment Fund bought shares in the Imlek, Serbia? Zaječar, Subotica and Novi Sad dairy companies and in such a r It is our practice to not talk of a ‘monopoly position’. The way they acquired a dominant position in the milk industry. So, legal term is a ‘dominant position’. This is the common terminow we have a problem. Also, we have legal monopolies, e.g. nology also used in the EU, while in American they use the term state owned companies which have exclusive rights to deal with ‘monopoly’. It is a position of certain economic strength which a specific sector, which is particularly prominent in the sectors allows you to act independently to a certain extent. Of course, of energy, transportation, and utility services. They dictate the we have such situations in the Serbian market, and the Commisbusiness terms, but the Commission has the power to react to sion for the Protection of Competition is constantly determining such companies and put sanctions on them. acts of abuses of dominant position and leading investigations, of whose outcomes I naturally cannot speak. I believe that we We also had the case of Western Union which deals with the now, after rounding up the necessary bylaws, finally can comrapid transfer of money, which signed exclusive contracts with plete cases about which the public will be informed on our webmost of the Serbian banks so that they could not sign cooperation site. As long as there is healthy competition, it will influence our agreements with other companies within the same sector. prices to stay lower and supply to be more diverse. If somebody The most recent example is that of Merkator which anhas such a market position that he can apply behaviour patterns nounced leasing the retail outlets of a company called Coka. aimed at either the prevention of arrival of new competitors This act automatically increases the number of retail out-

AGREEMENT The most serious breach of competition is an agreement on prices, when competitors agree on the prices at which the products will be sold

HINDERANCE problems have been found in food production and processing and in retail, where chain stores act as ‘bottle necks’ between food producers and buyers.

INEDEQUATE COMPETITION In the very process of privatisation, which started in 2001, market structures were created which do not have enough competition for the time being CorD 72 / June 2010 17

do their shopping. Usually, this is the most contentious issue. One of the most important criteria is the market share. As an example we can use the cooking oil market. As there are four or five producers of cooking oil in Serbia, market share is calculated as the ran What are the amounts of fines for those tio between the total production and selling found to have abused a dominant position of oil in Serbia and their participation in that in the market? production or selling. If we say that Dijar The fines are in accordance with the Eumant sells 60% of the total quantity of cookropean practice, and they amount to 10% ing oil sold in Serbia, then that company is of total annual income. We have adopted presumed to be dominant because the Law certain by-laws and guidelines which were on Protection of Competition in Serbia aspublished on our website, where you can see sumes that if someone’s share exceeds 40%, how the amount of a fine is calculated. The then it holds a dominant position. However, basic parameter in determining the fine is As long as there is if there is potential competition which curcalculating the relevant income. In practice, the maximum values are rarely taken into healthy competition, rently does not offer a concrete product or service in the market, but can get into the consideration. In other countries’ the fine can it will influence our market in a short period of time, then this is be up to three percent, but in the past there was a fine which exceeded one billion euros. prices to stay lower a limiting factor. So, if there is a possibility of imports, if tariffs for cooking oils are low, A couple of hundred million euros is a comand supply to be if there are other producers of cooking oil in mon amount for a fine. the region who can in a period of time offer more diverse larger amounts of oil, then the one who has n What are the criteria for determining a large market share will not be able to use the situation to his a dominant position? advantage and to charge a monopoly price. r There are several criteria for determining a dominant position. First of all, it is necessary to precisely define the so called relevant market of the product, in a production and geographin Do you have any register of companies and their status in cal sense. It is established by determining the kind of goods regards to monopolies, on any grounds? and services which pose competition to others in the market, r No, because the situation is constantly changing. Last year, whereas a geographical market does not always coincide with there was a new producer of cooking oil and they relatively a country’s borders. It may be a local or regional market. quickly took over a significant percentage of the Serbian market Sometimes it is very difficult to determine the relevant product and influenced the reduction of the existing competitors’ powmarket and geographical market. In this case, certain economers. Every time you start a proceeding, you have to determine ic analyses are done, which are primarily aimed at a customsomeone’s market position. The Commission, in accordance ers’ behaviour, or finding which products the customers feel with the new law, leads proceedings exclusively on official are interchangeable and at which geographical locations they grounds, because there have been cases when the Commission has been unnecessarily burdened by cases which were not relCurrent procedures evant to us, not even at first glance. It is wrongly understood that the Commission should protect anyone who deals with anything and has problems with his competition. We protect competition ccording to information published on their website, the as a process, and if some competitors are ruined in the process Commission for the Protection of Competition has started proceeddue to the lack of quality or bad business, it is not our problem. ings against the following companies: ‘Idea’, ‘Swisslion’, ‘Grand Prom’, ‘Metro Cash & Carry’, and ‘Delta DMD’. In the cases of ‘Idea’ and suppliThus, participants may start an initiative to draw our attention ers ‘Swisslion’ and ‘Grand Prom’ it remains to be determined whethto a certain problem, but we make the decision as to whether er business was done on an agreed formula to determine retail prices, we will take action. The Commission determines whether there or agreeing on an additional discount for retailers to sell the goods at is an abuse of dominance in the market. Sometimes it is obvia recommended price. By solving the case of ‘Metro Cash & Carry’ and ous, and sometimes participants, aware of their market position, ‘Delta DMD’ it will be established whether there has been an exchange know that they might have a problem, so they undertake differof classified market information between the producers and retailers. ent actions to prevent it. lets and our law sees this as concentration. Concentration control is all about determining whether a dominant position is to be gained or boosted.


At the same time, the Commission is leading proceedings under the previous Law on the Protection of Competition against ‘Inway’ and ‘Metro Cash & Carry’, ‘Dijamant’ and 24 companies which operate in the retail market for food products. Also on the list for determining the actions of abusing a dominant position are ‘Frikom Srbija’, ‘Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Serbia’, and even ‘JKP Gradska Groblja Kragujevac’. 18 CorD 72 / June 2010

n How did you determine in the WAZ case that the company had a monopoly position? r The WAZ procedure has still not been completed. I cannot make any comments about it. ■


Era of

ENTREPRENEURS Unfortunately, our initiatives are being seen as a threat to the existing relations and monopolies over the economic interests of our country. I must say that many of our initiatives are world trends and represent the way in which many much more developed countries than ours behave

By Vera didAnOvić


hen at the beginning of May he was elected as the president of Business Club ‘Privrednik’, which brings together representatives from over 20 large domestic companies, Branislav Grujić, president of PSP Farman and president of the Board of Directors of Jugodrvo, acted in a different manner to his predecessors. In the name of the club, which has an aura of mystery around it, he addressed the public via the media, in an interview with the intriguing title of ‘We are not enemies of the politicians’. “We have to stop dealing with falling away from the USA and Europe, with the European disaster. We have an inner problem so let us deal with it,” Grujić said amongst other comments, only three days after he was elected the as head of ‘Privrednik’. In the meantime, members of ‘Privrednik’ have started a few initiatives, but there are still no indications that a 20 CorD 72 / June 2010

fundamental improvement of communication between the economic and political elite has taken place. The problem in the relationships of the economy and the state is one of the topics Grujić discusses in his CorD interview.

case here, but throughout the world, from America to Western Europe and Russia to the Far East. The demise of companies only leads to new losses of jobs. Interestingly, the same economists are not irritated by losses of state-owned companies, worth hundreds of millions, and this is money which is going to have to be covered by all Serbian citizens.

n After negotiations with the IMF, minister Dinkić announced the increase of funds aimed at assisting the economy. Do you see any reasons for optimism? n What is the problem with the relations between the state and businessmen? In the last couple of months, r As early as June, together, we (the Union of Economists of there have been several initiatives all of which have evenSerbia, the Association of Corporate Managers of Serbia and tually failed (the meeting of large entrepreneurs, trade ‘Privrednik’) gave our vision of the possibilities for an easier unions and the government; the proposition of measures overcoming of the crisis via the increase and simplification for overcoming the consequences of the crisis, who the of investment loans to the economy. Relieving the burdens of signatories are, and so on). the economy however is also required for easier recovery and development, which would have its goal as the starting of exr Unfortunately, our initiatives are being seen as a threat to the existing relations and monopoports from Serbia. We are glad that minister Dinkić supported some of lies over the economic interests of i can only say to those our propositions and that he is tryour country. I must say that many ing to start as much Serbian produc- economists who are smirking at of our initiatives are world trends tion as possible with the examples those with problems nowadays and represent the way in which of aiding foreign investors. We cermany much more developed counbecause they have based their tries than ours behave. This was tainly feel that aid to the domestic economy is more than welcome. progress on credit resources, confirmed at the meeting of 17 countries at the Bled-Kopaonik fothat it is not a serbian recipe, rum in numerous speeches of the n Recently, requests by businessmost eminent world experts. men asking for the state’s aid nor is it a transferring of with getting loans have become Our hand is still reaching for responsibility to citizens more frequent. On the other the joint resolution of the problem, hand, there are economists who and we are hoping that eventually say that it is not right that citizens take on the responsithere will be new contacts among all the participants in the ecobility for the irrational behaviour of certain businessmen nomic environment of Serbia. who are threatened with a debtor’s crisis. What should the state do, and how would you defend your position? n Despite the critical attitude of businessmen toward the way in which the government is working, there is r It is not assistance with getting loans that is being asked still wide-spread conviction about the enormous influfor, but long-term sources of financing for all export-orientence of ‘tycoons’ on the government. Can you see this ed sectors or those which are substituting imports. When it influence? comes to relief loans for regular business, it is asked that the possibilities for altering the rules which categorise companies r That reputation of the influence of businessmen on the govare found. Profitable companies are truly rare these days, so ernment or the authorities is systematically nurtured. I do not the way in which they are categorised must be adjusted in the even want to use the word tycoon. In his speech at the forum times of crisis. in Bled, Professor Hermann Simon clearly explained that inevitably in the development of the forthcoming period, it will I can only say to those economists who are smirking at come to the shifting of the managerial body of a company those with problems nowadays because they have based their from a manager to a businessman. This also means that it has progress on credit resources, that it is not a Serbian recipe, nor already become a rule in Germany - top managers have to buy is it a transferring of responsibility to citizens. There are times shares for their yearly salaries, and in the case of the drop in when there has to be mutual solidarity between the state and value of the shares package, they have to repay the difference the companies which are employing people. It is not just the

OFF SHORE Ownership of Serbian companies by off-shore companies does not reduce any taxes paid in Serbia, nor does it have anything to do with Serbia

INSOLVENCY The government should find a way to settle its debts to companies in the shortest possible time and thus end the chain of insolvency in this sector

DIRECTIONS We have agriculture and energy as two strategic directions, where we have the option of making something more important CorD 72 / June 2010 21

between how much they were worth and the new value. For board members, that amount is three times as big as their annual salary. Those are millions which managers have to invest and guarantee with their own money. Whether we want it or not, the time of entrepreneurs is before us, so any devaluation of them is like renouncing your own sportsmen.

resolving disputes in the economy, in business via the media, or even worse, using methods of force. This is what is sending images of a country that is insecure for investors. Everyone takes into consideration all practical matters and based on them, reaches a decision on the level of business risk.

n How many countries are really aiding in the development projects n Part of the negative sentiment of of domestic investors? the public toward businessmen is caused by the business dealings of r We have not had such examples, off-shore companies. Why do the at least, not that I know of. If I tell members of ‘Privrednik’ also opt you that when it comes to obtaining for this kind of business and does construction permits in 2010 we are it have anything to do with tax obranked as 174th in the world, then I do ligations? not see this as some great encouragement for the development of projects. r Companies’ ownership and resident Also when it comes to the real-estate sector, a country where companies’ paying taxes is something which is the object of the value of land and real-estate has been practically annihioptimisation in all countries of the world, and that way of lated has deep problems, investment-wise. business is not Serbia’s or a Serbian businessmen’s specialty. Ownership of Serbian companies by off-shore companies The situation in this segment of the market is that there is does not reduce any taxes paid in Serbia, nor does it have no turnover, not even with discounts of over 50-60% of the anything to do with Serbia. Cyprus as a member of the EU is price. It means that the banks are facing great problems in separticularly far from being an off-shore zone. curity when providing loans, which makes them unavailable. Interferences of the state into the construction of apartMany factors influence the ownership structure. At the ments, by using state resources, guarantees and construction basis of offshore operations are such factors as the simpliciwithout a transparent economic analysis is blocking the few ty of running a business, partnership relations when partners projects which could be undertaken now. are foreigners or foreign companies, as well as options for exIt would be much better to provide finance to buyers over panding business to other markets, which is very difficult for a long period with more favourable conditions. Serbian companies to do. The law on the leasing of real estate is still not functioning, Serbia is ranked as 137th in the world according to the although it was adopted months ago. analysis of the World Bank regarding paying taxes (compared The inexistence of long-term sources for the start-up of to Macedonia, which is number 26), so it is a problem of both production is restricting the establishment of successful prodomestic and foreign investors. According to their analysis, duction businesses in it is our duty to perform Serbia. 66 payments a year. This Whether we want it or not, the time takes 279 hours. All taxes of entrepreneurs is before us, so any shown as a percentage of n Can it be said there profit amounts to 34% (in is a different attitude devaluation of them is like renouncing Macedonia the percentage of authorities toward your own sportsmen is 16.4%). foreign and domestic investors? n Here, the classification of rich people into ‘businessr Unfortunately, I must admit that there are different attimen’, ‘tycoons’ and ‘controversial businessmen’ became tudes. It is much easier for our government, due to the monquite domesticated. In the rest of the world, a ‘tycoon’ is a strous atmosphere in society which we have created, to supman of great riches, and ‘controversial businessmen’ are port foreign businesses over domestic ones. usually in prison. How would you, as president of the most Just imagine this headline: ‘Tycoon John Doe given hunprestigious business club in Serbia, comment on such terdreds of millions of taxpayers’ euros to build a factory’. minology? Then probably, numerous scandals would start, many people from non-governmental organisations would show up to r I will repeat once again that there are businessmen-encondemn it, and ‘independent’ analysts or consultants would trepreneurs, and everything else is terminology used not for explain what kind of abuse it is. economic, but some other purpose. I deeply loath clashes and 22 CorD 72 / June 2010

So who of the authorities needs any contact with domestic business after that, when it can only lead to losing ratings? The wellbeing of Serbia is far away in this matter.

Returning to global markets is much more complex and it demands an organised approach via the structure of contracting companies which should be both state and privately owned. Its target would be negotiating large deals abroad and the distribution of business to local subcontractors.

n Lately, it can often be heard from businessmen that they ‘have had enough’ and that they are getting ready to take their business away from Serbia. Is that a real n State officials claim that Serbia has started exiting the danger? crisis. Do you agree with such estimations? r There are many businessmen who have successfully r It is formally true, but fundamentally, Serbia is still far from worked outside Serbia, so one should not rule out that posrecovery, being under the pressure of transitional problems, sibility. Pressure of the companies from the neighbouring combined with the economic crisis. The following - the level countries which are buying the of our production, percentage of last remnants of the free market is Inflation is the only starting device exports, the GDP, devastating degrowing on a daily basis; so many mographic data - does not give us which will make the financial Serbian companies will soon be a chance to be optimistic. If we owned by other foreign owners. maintain today’s trends, in 40 world invest again years the Serbian population will be 20% smaller. n It could be said that for the time being you do not have such inThe struggle for the recovery of tentions, in addition to businesses Serbia is just starting. We have agin different parts of the world, you riculture and energy as two stratehave commenced a large project in gic directions, where we have the New Belgrade worth €170 million. option of making something more What is it exactly about? important. In 40 years, the necessity for food in the world will increase We are beginning the construction by 70%. phase of the West65 project, which is a multifunctional, housing-business complex. n You have announced the ‘secOur concept is that it will be the ond wave of the tsunami’ in the new centre of Belgrade on the other form of inflation, which could side of the river. It has over 900 mehit Serbia in two to three years. tres of pedestrian streets and a square What did you base your forecast bigger than Republic Square. on and is there a way of preventWe are hoping that the situation in ing this negative scenario? Serbia will be a bit better when, at the r Inflation is not just a scenario end of 2011, we come out to the marfor Serbia, but will probably first ket and start selling our capacities. hit the rest of the world, and then Serbia. n To what extent are you burInflation is the only starting dedened by the Law on Planning and vice which will make the financial Construction? world invest again. At the moment, companies in the USA and Europe are r For the moment no, because we started the process under demonstrating record incomes, record liquidity with a huge the old law. rate of unemployment. Practically, nobody is investing further or thinking about expansion. n The government has recently adopted a set of measIf you think pragmatically, there must be something which ures to boost the civil engineering industry, worth about will wake up investors and start the system. 12.6 billion dinars. How do you view those measures? Do Before the crisis it was the greed for profit, and today it you see a way for the Serbian civil engineering industry can only be the feeling of the devaluation of money. to recover and resurface on the global markets? If the pressure for the creation of a back-up currency r The government should find a way to settle its debts to which will be super-national wins, then that could be the trigcompanies in the shortest possible time and thus end the chain ger for new changes. Just remember how the introduction of of insolvency in this sector. euro imperceptibly changed the parity of prices in Europe and The recovery depends a great deal on quality financing, the in how many segments, the euro equalled the deutschmark on revival of the real-estate market, and speeding up the process the level of prices. That was nothing but inflation. ■ of obtaining permits. CorD 72 / June 2010 23



Partnership for Development The Public-Private Partnership model has still not become active in Serbia due to an absence of adequate legal regulations. In developed countries, this model is being applied in the areas of planning, production, financing, business and charging for numerous public affairs, and it represents significant savings on all levels of government. The initiative for the adoption of appropriate legislation has been brought up in the public arena in Serbia too, but there is still no information on the timing of its adoption or what its contents will be. CorD asks a couple of experts the following question:

In which area would Serbia benefit the most should it adopt the Law on Private-Public Partnership (PPP), which it still does not have? Miloš Bugarin, President of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce Ideal for transitional economies Public-private partnership, a relationship of long-term cooperation between the public and private sector, is a particularly significant model in transitional economies and represents a solution for many infrastructural projects. Public-private partnership is one of the best models for attracting investment capital in the areas of infrastructure, energy, healthcare, ecology, tourism, education, even sport and culture, and especially into the privatisations of public and private utility companies. The Serbian Chamber of Commerce advocates the enactment of a clear and transparent legal framework for the cooperation of the public and private sector. Although in Serbia there are many examples of cooperation between the public and private sector, at this moment we do not have a regulatory act which regulates the framework for the development of

I feel that PPPs should be the source of fresh private assets, much needed by the public sector for providing already existing services of a higher quality, or new public services public-private partnerships. That is why numerous projects in the area of public affairs are not being realised, which are most suitable for being financed according to PPP. A meeting with the topic of public-private partnership was recently held at the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, where participants from countries in the region presented their experiences and gave suitable advice and models, which will certainly be useful to us in the course of making strategies, and later on the law. The application of PPP implies a clear legal and institutional framework, criteria for evaluation and assessment of the project’s justifica24 CorD 72 / June 2010

tion, as well as suitable supervision over the application. I feel that PPPs should be the source of fresh private assets, much needed by the public sector for providing already existing services of a higher quality, or new public services, which, in the long run, could lead to releasing additional budget funds which could be transferred to the existing, or new developmental projects. Through its application, the PPP can provide better management and the more efficient provision of public services to all citizens of the Republic of Serbia. Moreover, the public sector secures a stable political and legal framework, encourages, follows, directs and develops the public-private partnerships; and the private sector provides the new management, commercial and financial discipline and new private sources for financing of extensively large and complex projects, important for the long-term development of various parts of society. Nenad Popović, President of ABS Elektro and Vice-president of the Democratic Party of Serbia Chance for Employment Above all, those areaswould be transport infrastructure, energy and civil engineering. In Europe, most of the roads have been constructed via PPP. In Hungary, by applying this model, the M5 and M6 highways were constructed, as well as a large number of students’ dormitories, hospitals, even prisons. In the Czech Republic, a highway from the airport to Prague was constructed, as well as the premises of the Supreme Court. In Slovakia, the D1 highway from Bratislava to Žilina was built. The application of the PPP model is particularly important at the moment, when the state, due to the economic crisis, does not have enough money to independently finance projects necessary for a country’s development. Serbia needs roads, because they bring life and jobs to the entire territory where they are built, but the state cannot construct them by itself due to an enormous budget deficit. The enactment of the Law on PPP would enable the private sector to


The PPP model would have the most effect in the areas of transport infrastructure, energy and civil engineering Požega highway, the Niš-Dimitrovgrad railroad, and ports on the Danube’s sailing corridor though Serbia. If we talk about energy, these are projects related to the construction of the South Stream, the underground gas reservoir in Banatski dvor, and reconstruction of the thermal power plants ‘Kolubara’ and ‘Nikola Tesla’. In civil engineering, there are hospitals, faculties, students’ dormitories, courthouses, and sports facilities. In European countries there is a growth trend of PPP application in the area of waste management. In the next 10 years, €10 billion will be invested in this area in Europe, and I see that as a chance for the employment of a large number of Serbian citizens. Ðorđe Staničić, General Secretary of the Standing Conference of Cities and Municipalities in Serbia Law in public interest In the practice of the Republic of Serbia, the term public-private partnership, although frequently used, is not defined well enough, or clearly enough. In our legal framework there is not a single law or by-law which precisely gives the definition of a public-private partnership. Besides that, no clear or concrete procedures which should be applied in all phases of the procedure have been defined. You will agree that these kinds of understatements can pose a great problem,

In our legal framework there is not a single law or by-law which precisely gives the definition of a public-private partnership particularly for the public sector, for those units of local self-authorities which are rather inexperienced when it comes to these arrangements. Despite the current situation, the principle of public-private partnership, or in other words these kinds of arrangements, should serve as

H.E François-Xavier Deniau, New French Ambassador to Serbia François-Xavier Deniau has been appointed as Minister Plenipotentiary 1st class. His previous career postings have included Ambassador in charge of the renegotiation of the Franco-African Defence Agreements (April-September, 2010), a mission to Pristina (September-December, 2009), Ambassador at the Permanent "Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes Representation of France to the United / Frédéric de la Mure" Nations and the International Organizations in Vienna (2005-2009), Director of the Department of Strategic Affairs in the Ministry of Defence (2001-2005), non-resident Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Bahamas (1998-2001), Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Dominican Republic (1998-2001). Ambassador Deniau is married to Alexandra Molden and they have four children.

H.E. Franc But, New Slovenian Ambassador to Serbia The new Slovenian Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia is H.E. Franc But. Ambassador But presented copies of his credentials to the Foreign Ministry of the Republic of Serbia on 3rd September 2010. Most recently Ambassador But was the Slovenian Ambassador to the Czech Republic (2007-2010), and prior to this was the State Secretary for the EU at the Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia (2004-2006), Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia (2000-2004), Acting Director of the Agency for Agricultural Markets and Rural Development (April - December 2000) and State Secretary for EU and Rural Development at the Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia (1997-2000).

H.E. Helena Studdert, New Australian Ambassador to Serbia New Australian Ambassador to Serbia Dr. Helena Studdert presented credentials to the Serbian President, Mr. Boris Tadic on 16th September. Dr Studdert has been with the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade since 1997. Previously she has held the position of Director of Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation which Australia hosted in 2007 and was most recently Director in the Consular Policy Branch, a position she has held since May 2008. Dr Studdert has extensive experience within the department and has served overseas at the Australian High Commission in New Zealand. She holds a PhD in History and a Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours from the University of New South Wales and a Graduate Diploma in Foreign Affairs and Trade from Monash University. Dr Studdert is married and has two children. cont. page 43 CorD 72 / June 2010 25


construct roads. The private sector would provide assets, knowledge, technology, and the state would invest its resources for a period of time, all the while being aware of public interest, citizens’ needs and the quality of services provided by the private investor. When it comes to transport infrastructure, the application of this model would allow the construction of Corridor 10, the Horgoš-


leaders an instrument leading to the accomplishment of the aforementioned goals, such as improvements in the level of utility services provided to citizens by the municipalities, the creation of an environment for attracting investments, for environmental protection, and so on. Construction, maintenance, development or providing of services of public interest, as well as the construction of local infrastructure, are financed from the state budget or from the budgets of units of local self- authorities, dependent on the type of object or service. However, the public-private partnership model enables the inclusion of private partners into the businesses of making projects, financing, construction, maintenance and management, especially in the domain of providing certain types of utility services; and it is a commonly accepted opinion that private partners engage the necessary funds more easily and they imply better efficiency, new knowledge and technologies, promoted business procedures, and so on. All of the above means that partnership with the private sector has its role in the realisation of projects of public interest. Miroslav Prokopijević, economist Boost for Corruption Should the mentioned law be enacted, the only thing which will increase will be the corruption rate. Even without it, Serbia is a country of crime and corruption. The reason: profit will be privatised via private companies, and losses will be transferred to the public sector. To get an opportunity like this, one would have to bribe a person of authority on the matter, and those with the authority are politicians.

Should the mentioned law be enacted, the only thing which will increase will be the corruption rate Rade Simić, Director of ‘Brzan Plast’ For a Cleaner Serbia Serbia would benefit the most in the area of utility services, which would extraordinarily contribute to the recycling industry in the sense of getting the quantities they need for processing. The separation of especially packaged waste, in which they do not 26 CorD 72 / June 2010

see much of an interest, is a true burden for the current utility companies, and the private sector would be much more efficient in every way with the aim of environmental protection. Fresh assets which are at the private sector’s disposal and the creation of a stronger infrastructure, and at the same time larger responsibilities toward the sector, would contribute to a cleaner Serbia

Serbia would benefit the most in the area of utility services, which would extraordinarily contribute to the recycling industry Neven Marinović, Executive Director of Smart Kolektiv Combined synergies Nowadays, it is absolutely clear that none of the sectors has enough power, capacities or resources to entirely on its own, deal with the growing social, economic and ecologic challenges. In that sense, cooperation between different sectors, in this case private and public, is a necessary and significant step forward. From my and the perspective of areas and topics dealt with by Smart Kolektiv, we mostly think about PPP in the context of fighting climate changes, promotion and development of alternative sources of energy, greater energy efficiency or support to sustainable transport. These are the areas which need the synergy of public services and

Maybe we can think of the PPP as a potential stimulus for the development of different economies with a positive augury, such as social, green or sustainable companies, which do not have capacities and resources, and the private sector, which on the other hand, has no authority or access to the mentioned areas, except when combined with the state. The PPP is often put in the context of large infrastructural projects. Still, I frequently think of PPP as of a means for the reduction of poverty, inclusion of often excluded groups and citizens into economic flows, via for example, creation of private initiatives in the recycling business, which would in a way formally include the collectors of raw materials, or via opening business opportunities which would employ and engage various endangered categories of citizens. Some of these initiatives are appearing shyly and they represent a kind of social economy or social entrepreneurship concept. Maybe we can think of the PPP as a potential stimulus for the development of different economies with a positive augury, such as social, green or sustainable.

event aUDiT bUreaU Of circUlaTiONS Serbia (abc Serbia) SeMiNar

Internet &NEWS EVOLUTION The key lecturer at the seminar, which was supported by USAID and IREX, was Steve Herrmann, director of the BBC News website


er generated content’. The Internet enables its users to participate in the creation of the website, and using that opportunity increases their loyalty to a certain web location. Mr. Herrmann explained that the contents of the website have to be easily accessible over the search engines, and Search Engine Optimization plays a vital role here. For the sake of illustration, 25% of traffic to UK news sites comes from Google, and approximately 11% of BBC news traffic comes from Google. Aleksandar Mitić, director of the Web Journalism School of the Journalist Association of Serbia, began his lecture by covering the specific features related to Serbian news sites. Visible improvements in the previous period include design, informational architecture and the integration of social networks, as well as more significant interaction via forums and comments in several media. The key problems of Serbian web

n September 23rd at Belgrade’s Continental Hotel, a seminar with the topic of ‘Internet and the News Evolution’ was held, organised by the Audit Bureau of Circulations Serbia (ABC Serbia), and with the support of USAID and IREX. In addition to Steve Herrmann, the director of the BBC News website, who was the key lecturer, seven other renowned activists of the Serbian web scene held presentations on topics related to establishing and the functioning of online news portals. It was precisely Mr. Herrmann’s lecture on the topic of ‘Online news: What works?’ that grabbed the most attention from the 200-plus listeners present at the seminar. During the one-hour presentation, he covered the basic facts on the way the BBC News website - which is a website taking on and managing information received from 2000 journalists, creating 500 web pages a day – functions. As the key characteristics which make a website successful, he stated speed, simplicity, visual likeability, relevance of the contents and simplicity of the search; the key principle being ‘Give people the information they need to lead their lives’. Apart from promptness, when managing a website, one must be Photo: Petar ranković aware of the priority of the information shown. It is common for the journalism are the lack of the real web exclusivity and contents converinterest of visitors to grow during unusual events or crises, so Mr. gence. What needs to be done in the forthcoming period is focusing on Herrmann demonstrated this trend by using a graph with a diagram of the original production of contents, strengthening multimedia and inthe number of visitors since January 2008 until February 2009. This vestments in education in the area of web journalism. graph clearly showed the peaks of visits at the time of local elections in In the follow-up to the event, presentations were held by Dejan London, the ‘Big Bang’ experiment, the beginning of the banking crisis Restak, business development manand the terrorist attacks in Mumbai. ager of Wireless Media and longInterestingly, information about As the key characteristics which make a drifts of snow in February 2009 website successful, he stated speed, simplicity, term director of the B92 website (who spoke of the site conception drew the most attention of website visual likeability, relevance of the contents and its positioning on the Internet) visitors. The news on the website has to and simplicity of the search; the key principle and Jasna Milošević, media rebe written in a simple way, accord- being ‘Give people the information they need search manager of Ipsos Strategic Marketing (who presented the reing to Mr. Herrmann. The storytellto lead their lives’ sults of the Youth and New Media ing principle is applied, with the 2010 research). Then, Jovan Protić, director of Ringier Online and pubstating of key facts and answers to the questions of ‘who, what, when lisher of ’24 Sata’, offered recommendations to the those present on how and where’. Design and navigation on the website follows the ‘simplicto attract investors and turn a good idea into profitable project. ity’ guideline- the website is neat and easy to use even for the user who Executive Director of ABC Serbia, Milan Kovačević, spoke about the is visiting it for the first time. The short statement of facts is much betpossibilities and benefits of web membership in the association, while lecter than long elaborations, all the while taking care that the answers to tures of providing sustainability of projects and stable incomes of websites all key questions are provided. were given by Vladimir Aranđelović, Digital Account Manager of Direct A news portal has to have the option of the automatic display of the Media agency, and Bojan Rendulić, director of Fastbridge agency. ■ list and links to the most popular (most read) articles, as well as ‘usCorD 72 / June 2010 27

oppinion Serbia: Ten Years After

Telling Truths Since the downfall of Milošević’s regime on October 5th, 2000, Serbia has achieved significant progress in many areas, but with such crucial problems as a lack of membership to key alliances such as the EU and NATO and the ongoing Kosovo issue, there is still a long way to go


ompared to the abyss in which we were in during nist law, restored nationathe 1990s, Serbia has achieved significant progress lised property, amended the in terms of political democratisation, economic concivil code to solidify private solidation, the fight against crime, and the safety of property, did a quick privaour citizens. Looking from that perspective, probably tisation by a general issue the highest achievement is that we do not fear a new war or civil of vouchers, and peacefully unrest, and that Serbia did not take up arms to defend Kosovo. parted ways with Slovakia. Yet, compared to the countries in the region (Hungary, Romania, Internationally they knew Bulgaria, and Croatia) and remembering what our expectations where they belonged and were about our country, Serbia is far behind and people are disestablished close instituappointed. tional and personal links to Key promises of DOS1 have been broken. EU membership the US, EU and NATO. They still looks remote and uncertain. Serbia is not in NATO. The Koreally aligned themselves to sovo problem is still unresolved, and this is becoming an obstacle modern European values. So which must be removed very soon. The economic system is not did we on paper: our Constisustainable, often un-restructured or ill-restructured. The rule of tution in Article 1 proclaims By Dr. Milan Parivodić, that the “Republic of Serbia law and general legal culture is low, both in terms of legislation Foreign Investors Services - is the country of the Serbian and enforcement. The injustices of communism have neither been condemned nor corrected; historic laws have not been Chairman, former Minister people and all citizens which passed or are not enforced. The living standard is lower than beof International Economic reside in it, founded on the rule fore the world crisis, industrial output and exports are very low, of law and social justice, prinRelations and unemployment is very high. Why? ciples of civic democracy, huAfter the freefall of the Serbian state and society in the 1990s man and minority rights and and after 55 years of communism (quod ab initio vitiosum est non belonging to European principles and values”. postest convalescere tractu temporis)2, Serbia had to reinvent itNot only have we not reinvented Serbia in the last ten years; self after the Democratic revolution of 2000. We had to reinvent we have cornered ourselves by declining to accept political realiourselves politically from the outset, by setting a new civic Euroties and the best economic practices of the world around us. It is pean tone into our political discourse and state practices. From high time to tell the nation several obvious truths, which all thinksuch a basic political paradigm shift other fundamental reforms ing people already know, and to set new policies for the future. would ensue in the fields of economy, law, state and local adminOnly a dramatic shift in political paradigms and practices can save istration and culture. us from a slow death and finally set our sails in the direction of our Just remember what Messrs true national goals. Havel and Klaus did in the Czech Weaknesses of our politiNo one is excited about NATO, but Serbia Republic. They solved all “surgicians which block fundamental must have a vote at the table which decides cal” transition problems in the reforms are: on its own security. This is the minimum we first four years and in the right 1. Economic short-sighted need for an equal voice in our region order: enacted an anticommupopulism which ignores basic 28 CorD 72 / June 2010

economic best practices; the day after, like in March 1999 when Milosevic offered that Ser2. Pseudo-nationalism which advocates unrealistic goals and bia joins NATO. alliances and ignores realistic goals; Did Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia lose anything (exist3. Secretive relations between tycoons and political parties ing or prospective) by joining NATO? Does the South Stream gas which distort the functioning of the state and postpone ecopipeline evade Bulgaria because it joined NATO; do they have a nomic and political reforms; worse deal on it than we do? Will Serbia loose an important ad4. Unwillingness to remedy communist human rights violavantage by joining NATO? Are NATO countries poorer than Serbia? tions and to take up wholeAre they less influential than heartedly European civic Serbia? Are their citizens less society values; free than Serbs? The answers 5. Instead of setting clear are obvious. optimistic visions which No one is excited about would shape public opinion NATO, but Serbia must have towards modern and reala vote at the table which deistic European goals, they cides on its own security. This closely follow irrational pubis the minimum we need for lic sentiments and feel poan equal voice in our region. litically tied by them. This reality should vividly and I will give an example of courageously be explained to an important debate which our nation, which naturally Serbia needs, although it has strong reservations due to definitely does not bring the 1999 NATO bombing and votes. Our Parliament has adopted all other defeats we have endured Serbia had to reinvent itself after the in the last 20 years - by not being a resolution on neutrality in spite of Democratic revolution of 2000. We the fact that all the countries around part of NATO. Chancellor Conrad Serbia are in NATO, including CroaAdenauer managed to bring Westhad to reinvent ourselves politically tia and Albania (except Bosnia and ern Germany into NATO even after from the outset, by setting a new Macedonia - as troubled states). We it was reduced to the stone-age by civic European tone into our political the Atlantic Alliance air raids only all know that NATO is setting the sediscourse and state practices curity environment in this part of the a few years earlier. That is leaderworld. Serbia does not have a vote at ship. Look where Germany is today that table, while all our historic rivals do - Croatia, Hungary, Buland remember where Eastern Germany was before it joined garia and Albania?! This gives them a huge security and political NATO. NATO membership of Serbia will indirectly accelerate the advantage over Serbia. Serbs lost wars for territories in Croatia, growth of our economy and improve living standards, strengthBosnia and on Kosovo because our opponents were backed by en our international influence and align us with regional reality. NATO, while we were seeking ineffective alliances elsewhere or We must speed up our EU accession process, which looks unpremore often, nowhere. dictable today. Serbia must strengthen its influence on Kosovo Had Milosevic not been blind-folded by communist anti-Westin order to protect our citizens effectively, churches and monasern ideology, and made a strategic alliance with NATO in 1989, teries and cultural heritage and whatever else can be achieved Serbs would have remained peacefully in their historic territories with Kosovo. An effective tool to achieve both strategic goals is in Croatia and Bosnia, and Serbia would be the economic and poNATO membership. litical powerhouse of the Balkans. Even the pragmatic communist Asterix and Obelix can resist Julius Caesar’s legions because Tito signed the trilateral agreement with Greece and Turkey de 1) they are cartoon heroes and 2) even they have a magic potion facto joining NATO - which secured Yugoslavia decades of peace giving them supernatural strength. Our children are not cartoon and international influence. Think in advance of Sandžak ... not heroes and deserve a peaceful and prosperous life, smarter than the life their parents lived. This requires true leadership from politicians and an open heart of the people. n

Serbia must strengthen its influence on Kosovo in order to protect our citizens effectively, churches and monasteries and cultural heritage and whatever else can be achieved with Kosovo

DOS - Democratic Opposition of Serbia, the political block which overthrew Milosević’s regime in October 2000. 2 That what is vitious from its inception cannot convalesce by the passage of time – one of the basic principles of law. 1

CorD 72 / June 2010 29

comment SaNDŽak

Eternal Powder Keg More frequent incidents in Novi Pazar are a logical consequence of the long-term inadequate relations towards this region, whose poor citizens are burdened by deep-rooted feelings of frustration and being marginalised

By Aida ćOrOvić, human rights activist and president of the ‘Urban in’ NgO from Novi pazar


n order to observe the current situation in Novi Pazar, but also in the entire Sandžak region in the right way, it is necessary to go back a couple of decades in time. This area was considered to be poor and rather marginalised even in the days of the second Yugoslavia. It was characterised by a low-cumulative economy personified in the textile and footwear industry, as well as by agriculture which did not develop expansively enough on Pešter plateau. The last 20 years have been one of the most difficult periods in the recent history of this region. The beginning of the war and the disintegration of Yugoslavia would split Sandžak to three parts, and each of them would share the destiny of the

the commencement of a serious dialogue with the most important actors in public life in sandžak, not only with religious leaders, is needed 30 CorD 72 / June 2010

country where it remained. During Slobodan Milošević’s rule, the Serbian part of Sandžak became a permanent powder keg, and this attribute has followed it until the present time. The immediate war surrounding it, which lasted until the end of 1995 in the case of the war in Bosnia, was a constant source of fear and pressure over the population living in this region. Arrests, accusations of betrayal, kidnappings, murders, robberies and so on, have created an atmosphere of fear which is, in a way, present among the inhabitants of Sandžak, especially in the outskirt areas around Prijepolje and Priboj, which experienced war crimes. At the time, the key political factor in the region was the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), lead by Sulejman Ugljanin, whose secretary was Rasim Ljajić. This party, aided by its sister-party from Sarajevo, became the most popular and most influential Bosniak party in Sandžak. Sulejman Ugljanin’s rhetoric was a secessionist and warmongering one and, as such, it served as an excuse for the crimes committed there. In 1993, Ugljanin, allegedly under the pressure of the state authorities, went to Turkey, leaving the party to Rasim Ljajić. He would try to win it himself, but he never fully succeeded in this because the party had an extremely nationalistic streak, and even then, Ljajić’s stands were those of reforms and much less nationalist-radical. Ugljanin came back to Serbia in 1995 under the watchful eye of State Security (DB), for which he had basically been working from the very beginning of his political engagement. His conflict with Ljajić, who would soon establish his own party, the current Social-Democratic Party (SDP), dates back to that period. The conflict of these two political leaders and these two parties would mark the second half of

should be mentioned that Ugljanin had an enormous merit for Zukorlić’s schooling and his arrival to the position of Mufti, and that he had never disguised his intentions of placing political and religious structures under his control, all with the aim of reaching financial wealth which would generate constant power and influence. However, at the very beginning of his mandate, Zukorlić demonstrated a high level of ambition, an undoubtful intelligence, shrewdness and authoriin the terms of adopting the un resolution ty. His politically-religious pragmatism became obviin his attempts to impose himself on Milošević’s on Kosovo, it can be assumed that serbia is ous structures as the future Rais-ul-Ulama, meaning the entering a new phase of calming tensions in head of the IC in Serbia. Considering the fact that the country and the region, so the sandžak Milošević had a loyal partner in Ugljanin, and that used and abused religious institutions for his problem is becoming particularly sensitive he own purposes, never dealing with them because he wanted to truly develop them, he skilfully avoided Zukorlić’s offers of partnership. However, Zukorlić cleverly lord of Sandžak whose influence would cover all spheres of used the time of war-crazed citizens’ vast support to religious public life. The result of such a model of power was the longcommunities, and he worked on the complete reorganisation standing robbery of Novi Pazar’s, Tutin and Sjenica budgets, and modernisation of the IC, and education of a great number which were places where SDA’s power was untouchable, and the devastation of those local self-authorities due to unhidden and brutal nepotism. Ugljanin attempted to simulate the work of those institutions and organisations which were not under his control, so as a result of this, numerous NGOs were established, as well as many other parallel institutions, which served to translocate money from the city budget. Ugljanin’s unquestionable power and pressure over opponents and the utter absence of any democratic principle would reach their peak during Vojislav Koštunica’s time, who shared non-democratic, conservative, and militia methods and principles of political activity with Ugljanin. The Mufti of the Islamic Community in Serbia, Muamer Zukorlić, profiled himself as a very influential person and a shadow leader. His political activity was based on criticism of Ugljanin on one hand, and of Koštunica and his political estabugljanin had an enormous merit for lishment on the other. In order to limit Zukorlić’s power and Zukorlić’s schooling and his arrival to the burden him with problems he would have to solve within his institutional home base, Koštunica established, or better to say, position of mufti reactivated the Islamic Community (IC) of Serbia whose influof Islamic priests. He also worked on returning the ‘vakuf’ ence was mostly personified through the multi-decade activiproperty - the property which had been for centuries left as ty of Belgrade Mufti Hamdija Jusufspahić. Koštunica and the bequest and endowment to the citizens of Serbia. Ministry of Faith renewed the work of this IC which was a deAfter the democratic changes in 2000, Zukorlić in an unfacto a legal heir of the IC of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and usually easy and speedy manner made contact with the first of SFRY, but the way and the moment of its reactivation were democratically elected Prime Minister, Zoran Ðinđić, who exclusively aimed against the influence of the IC in Serbia, inbenefited from good relations with churches and religious stitutionally, and Mufti Muamer Zukorlić, personally. communities because of the reforms he wanted to enact in The answer to the question of how and why it happened the country. Zukorlić presented himself to Ðinđić as a dythat the state then dealt with Zukorlić also has to be looked namic, young reformer of the IC, who wanted to work on the for in the even earlier history and the expansion of activities development of Sandžak. Ðinđić supported the foundation of of the Islamic Community, but also of religious institutions Zukorlić’s private university without any reserves, and it beand communities in general. Zukorlić came to the head of the gan operating in March 2002. It is assumed that all the prepIC in Serbia in 1993 as a 23-year-old which was a precedent arations for appointing Zukorlić as the Rais-ul-Ulama were in previous religious practice because the head of such an infinalised, but the murder of the Prime Minister halted the stitution was required to have both fundamental and formal planned chain of events. maturity, which such a young man simply could not have. It the 1990s and almost the entire decade after the democratic changes. The Belgrade authorities have quietly supported this because it was an efficient and long tested way of keeping one group, in this instance, the Bosniaks, under control. While Ljajić was building his political career in Belgrade and was managing his local party at the same time, Ugljanin was, far from democratic rules, allowed to become a kind of a feudal

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and also by abusing the justified discontent of the poorer and poorer Bosniaks and the indifference of the Belgrade authorities in dealing with this region. Lately, Zukorlić has not been shy with creating conflicts in order to demonstrate his influence over the ‘hungry and dissatisfied ones’ in a way that presents him as the only negotiator with the state. What has now become rather visible is the fact that Zukorlić skilfully manipulates the religious feelings of the Sandžak Muslims and that he is brutally using the Islamic Community, which doubtlessly plays an important part in individual lives, as well as in the collective consciousness of the believers, frequently attempting to equal himself with that institution and even put himself over it. On the other hand, the enormous wealth he obviously possess (gained through the IC, and also the University and the Faculty for Islamic Studies, as well as numerous private companies of The Mufti of the Islamic Community in Serbia, Muamer Zukorlić closest friends and relatives), the increasing haughtiness and aggressive behaviour Lately, Zukorlić has not been shy with creating (complaints to the media, threats to opponents, usage of the conflicts in order to demonstrate his influence religious paper for clashes with political and public enemies, over the ‘hungry and dissatisfied ones’ a brazenly expensive vehicle fleet, SUVs with his name written in capital letters, and so on) point out to the establishment of a new kind of idolatry which is unsuitable and unseen in es took place, and Zukorlić once again ended up as a losthe newer practice in this territory. That idolatry belittles the er, because the newly-appointed president Tadić clearly did very essence of authentic Islam, which is based on the abnot show any interest in fulfilling his part of the obligations sence of the cult of personality, as well as on the high level which he most likely had accepted in exchange for Zukorlić’s of social sensibility. support on the local level. That regrouping benefited Ugljanin In the terms of adopting the UN resolution on Kosovo, it the most, who had been recognised as the biggest problem can be assumed that Serbia is entering a new phase of calming and the deal-breaker in the development of Sandžak. To mintensions in the country and the region, so the Sandžak probimise his influence, Ugljanin was transferred to Belgrade and lem is becoming particularly sensitive because it remains to be awarded by the ministry which had neither mandate nor monthe only neuralgic point and the obstacle for such tendencies. ey. Ljajić, together with DS, several local Bosniak parties and If the state is firmly dedicated to resolving the problem, it will a coalition of Serbian parties, took over the local self-authorhave to provide the minimum of legal environment in this reity. It was taken over with budget holes worth millions of digion. In the instance of Zukorlić’s activities, it means the renars, left by Ugljanin’s administration. examination of work of his higher-education institutions (both Considering the fact that both most important political in the sense of programmes and finances), re-examination of leaders have been in Belgrade as members of the government financial dealings of numerous kindergartens, the processing since the summer of 2008, a void was now left at the local of criminal charges against his bodyguards, punishing ‘hate level, which provided an opportunity for the creation of new speech’, and re-examination of the ownership of the alleged political options and new leaders. Mufti Zukorlić recognised ‘vakuf’ property. At the same time, the commencement of a that as his biggest chance. No matter that he came from a reserious dialogue with the most important actors in public life ligious institution, he began his political conquest of Sandžak in Sandžak, not only with religious leaders, is needed. Serbs by activating the Bosniak cultural community and appointing must certainly be included in that dialogue, because all of us himself as its head, all with the aim of winning the majority who live in this area, regardless of the nationality, share the in the future Bosniak National Council. The sham victory on same hardships, poverty and deeply rooted feelings of frustrathat field signalled to him to move on with his political action and of being marginalised. ■ tivities, which he used by applying the warmonger’s rhetoric, Encouraged by Ðinđić’s support, Zukorlić’s expectations were transferred to later authorities. Still, Koštunica recognized Ugljanin as his partner in Sandžak, and attempted to silence the increasingly louder protests of the main Mufti by the anti-constitutional establishment of a parallel Islamic Community. Due to such relations of the state toward the already well-complicated matter of the Bosniaks and Sandžak, as well as the justified criticism at the expense of Koštunica’s power and the increasing terror Ugljanin demonstrated on the local level, Zukorlić won the undivided support of the civilian sector, numerous political parties, and even international factors. In the election campaign in the early spring of 2008, Boris Tadić came to visit Mufti Zukorlić, which should have demonstrated to the local voters a new chapter in the cooperation of the country and the IC. After the democratic option won the elections, a certain regrouping of forc-

32 CorD 72 / June 2010


solution is in exports The long-term stability of the exchange rate of the dinar is not possible to achieve without applying structural changes to the domestic economy In the last ten years, the politics of the ‘managed flexible’ dinar cit, and thus a high demand for foreign currency used to finance imexchange rate, led by many countries in the process of transition, has ports and service foreign debts. One should not disregard negative been led in our country. economic-financial events in our environment, and various speculaThe policy of the over-rated and until recently, relatively stable, tive moves aimed making a profit from the drop of the dinar’s value. course of the dinar has been applied in practice for many years. The Since the introduction of the euro on January 1st 2002 until midNational Bank of Serbia (NBS) sets the rate according to supply and 2010, the dinar has weakened over demand, and it intervenes in the foreign currency market in both di80% compared to the euro, and rections only when it is necessary to prevent great daily oscillations from the beginning of the global of its course. The growth of domestic prices was many times higher economic crisis in September 2008 than the changes in the rate of the dinar compared to the most releuntil the middle of this year, the vant world currencies. This, among other things, led to a huge foreign dinar has lost over 35% of its value trade deficit, and it had cover in privatisation, foreign debt, investcompared to the euro. To prevent ments, the inflow of cash remittances, donations, and so on, when the excessive drop of the exchange according to some estimations, from the year 2000 until now, on this rate of the dinar, until September basis over $70 billion came into Serbia - which was mostly used for this year the NBS has intervened spending, and less for the development of the economy. on the international foreign curThe over-rated course of the dinar and the previously applied rency market with over €1.8 billion, rash liberalisation of imports, which stifle domestic production, have whereas during the entire last year, a negative effect on the total macroeconomic movements in the about €650 million were spent for country, especially in the area of economic relations with countries this purpose. Since the beginning of abroad, because the exchange rate is one of the generators of large Scientific Adviser-Expert for the year, the dinar more than any of exports, which does not function in the favour of an increase in prothe European currencies, has weakInternational Finances; duction and exports. ened the most against the euro and Adviser at the Bureau for The dinar has found itself in a paradoxical situation, because it the USD. The weakening of the diRegional Cooperation PKS is stronger in years of extremely low competitive strength of the nar has influenced a certain recoveconomy and insufficient production activity in industry, with an ilery of Serbian exports this year. liquid real sector and outdated economic structure. Imports and the The NBS states that the primary goal of this central monetary foreign-trade deficit were also in constant growth, and vast foreign institution is ‘accomplishing and maintaining the stability of prices’, currency assets were spent on the import of mass-consumption thus indirectly, the stability of the dinar. The Central Bank has stated goods. So, we had a constant appreciation of the domestic currency, that it will intervene in the market with higher amounts of foreign without real back-up, instead of letting the dinar depreciate and have currency reserves, which amount to about €12 billion, should the a lower value. movements of the course of dinar jeopardise the accomplishment of The course of foreign exchange mirrors the economy and it is imthe goal that inflation this year equals 6% (plus/minus 2%). possible to have a strong dinar in a weak economy with small exports The NBS will defend the dinar more aggressively because inflaand insufficient income of foreign tion is expected to grow, since Businessmen are not using enough of the capital. The basic reasons for the there is a danger that this basic instruments of protection against foreign weakening of the dinar can be prigoal of monetary policy will be marily found in an uncompetitive jeopardised. The drop of the dinar exchange risk. So for example, from the and weak economy, where the intotal amount of foreign currency bought this might be stopped with stronger flation rate is higher than the euro interventions from its own foryear, only 1% was acquired by using these monetary zone. Then, we have an eign currency reserves or with a instruments of protection extremely high foreign trade defirestrictive monetary policy. In Au-

By Dr Dejan Jovović,

34 CorD 72 / June 2010

gust this year, the NBS raised the referential interest rate by 0.5%, to tion of the economic situation in the country, which has to change. 8.5%, because of an assessment that in July inflation was higher than It implies reductions in public expenditure and the application of adexpected; then in September it was raised to 9% to strengthen the equate fiscal policy, which is the best mid-term recipe for the defence restrictiveness of monetary policy and to keep inflation within the of the exchange rate. This approach requires ensuring the predicttargeted frame. This gave the signal that it was ready to tighten monability of the business environment, a clear legal framework and a etary policy and defend the exchange rate, in other words, to hold stable political situation in Serbia. back inflation. In August and September this year, the dinar was parLong-term stability of the dinar exchange rate cannot be achieved tially stabilised, which was the result of an increased supply of foreign without eliminating the fundamental imbalances, or in other words, currency and the increase of the referential interest rate of the NBS. without the implementation of structural changes in the domestic An unstable exchange rate and large fluctuations are not in the economy. It implies tax reform and rigid financial discipline, expendieconomy’s interest, because they ture reduction, a deficit of balance In August and September this year, the dinar increase the foreign exchange of payments (primarily of foreign was partially stabilised, which was the result of trade) and fiscal deficit and inflarisk and inflation expectations, and in terms of a two-currency an increased supply of foreign currency and the tion, increase of inflow of foreign system, there is a serious risk to increase of the referential interest rate of the NBS capital, domestic competitiveness the economy’s functioning. Busiand foreign currency reserves, as nessmen feel a basic requirement is well as serious reforms in the public to have a predictable and stable disector. nar exchange rate on which they can The possible introduction of a plan their business parameters. The fixed rate for the dinar, which is advostrengthening of the euro is beneficial cated by some, would open doors to for exports, but businessmen prefer a the black market of foreign exchange. stable exchange rate, especially those The prerequisite for the fixed rate is who deal with long-term production a drastic reduction in public expenin Serbia, and the weakening of the diture, which would be very painful dinar devalues their income and they for both the budget user and the delose because of it. signers of economic policy. The fixed Businessmen are not using rate would lead to faster spending of enough of the instruments of protecthe foreign currency reserves of the tion against foreign exchange risk. So country, would encourage imports for example, from the total amount and consumption, and the biggest of foreign currency bought this year, only 1% was acquired by using benefit of all would be large capital. Then we would find ourselves in these instruments of protection. These are mostly forward contracts, the situation where the foreign exchange reserves have been spent which enable the importer to fix the date and the rate at which he and that we do not have the means to defend the unrealistic fixed will buy the foreign currency in advance, at the time of importing rate, because we are lacking real sources of income in the situation the goods. The fact is that only 13 out of 34 banks which do busiwhere we export little and there are no new significant foreign inness in Serbia offer these options, and they do not earn anything vestments. more on this contract than the regular buying and selling of foreign The choice of currency regime depends on the state of the given currency. The share of foreign currency forward transactions in ineconomy, its competitiveness and export capabilities, the state of the terbank trade is less than 5%. It is obvious that businessmen lack balance of payments, the level of foreign debt, inflation and other faith in pre-arranged foreign exchange rates. That is why it is in the macroeconomic parameters in a specific period of time. NBS’ interest to encourage companies to set up better cooperation In our situation of prominent uncompetitiveness and insuffiwith banks, which offer various instruments of protection from the ciently equipped, technologically outdated (at least 20 years by EU risk of foreign exchange rate changes (swap, forward rates, hedging, standards) and weakly organised economy for exports, the regime options, and so on). of the controlled flexible rate of the dinar, with regular adjustments The strength of the domestic currency primarily depends on the of the NBS according to movements in the foreign currency market, export strength of our economy and the inflow of foreign capital. which enables amortisation of foreign economic impacts is, for the The dinar will become stronger if our time being, the best option for SerThe possible introduction of a fixed exports and direct foreign investments bia. The imperatives are for greater grow, and the other way around, it will rate for the dinar, which is advocated by Serbian exports, reindustrialisation, weaken if our exports are weak and export-oriented industry, which is some, would open doors to the black or there are not enough foreign investbest for the long-term stabilisation of market of foreign exchange ments. The course of dinar is a reflecthe dinar. n CorD 72 / June 2010 35

feature HOW are STaff SelecTeD iN Serbia?


CRITERIA Srđan radovanović

By Jasmina LuKAč

ratko Marković

When acquiring a position in public enterprises and state institutions, political eligibility is often more important than expertise and past performance

Svetlana vukajlović

Dragomir Marković

made based on his (renewed) political affiliation and a coalition agreement. For now, there is no indication that he will refuse the bestowed position. onstitutional law professor, Ratko Marković, was seriMany ‘renowned citizens’ have followed in Ilić’s footsteps and toously offended when Deputy Prime Minister Božidar day they are running institutions that are of great social importance, Đelić informed him through the media that he had are public enterprises with very high turnover, or even worse, are been appointed as Chairman of the Managing Board companies whose business operations dearly cost Serbia and its imof the Institute of Social Sciences for purely political poverished population. reasons. The offended professor could not live with the fact and pubThere are many state-run companies that operate at a loss. For licly declined the appointment, which he had accepted only two days years, JAT Airways has been quite high up on the list of companies previously. that have been generating substantial losses – according to official The story about professor Marković, who was a close associate data, the company’s losses in 2008 stood at 25 million euro and this of the former Serbian president, Slobodan Milošević, is an obviyear it is 26 million. So, what did the government do in this case? Did ous illustration of the principle used in selecting people who manit, maybe, launch a public (international) competition in search of a age public enterprises and state institutions. And this has been goleading expert that could help the national airline? No, it didn’t. Just ing on for years. In many cases political affiliation is the main selecas in many other similar cases, the members of Mirko Cvetković’s tion criterion and this is not considered the only crucial factor when cabinet, following in the footsteps of their predecessors, flipped a choice needs to be made between two equally qualified candidates. through their political agendas, and appointed a lawyer and a member Expertise and past work performances are sometimes not even taken of the Democratic Party (DS), Srđan Radovanović as the new head into account. So, in making the decision to appoint Ratko Marković, of the company. In addition to party membership, Radovanović’s who is a member of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), to a position past references are the following – he was a member of the bankin a highly renowned institution, the Serbian government was not ruptcy administration of the too bothered about the fact that Belgrade Department Store it was Marković who was the the anecdote about how company staff is (RK Beograd) and has been a author of the infamous Law on selected is not only the anecdote about lost member of the managing board Universities from 1998 which stripped Serbian universities money and bad decisions. it is a story about in food processing companies like Soko Štark and Palanački of their autonomy, and left 200 misguided criteria and not having a proper Kiseljak. professors and associates withJAT, as a company that is out a job (because they were system of values in place which is sometimes losing money, has been widenot ‘politically correct’ or ‘subso ridiculous that it becomes funny ly covered in the media due to ordinate enough’). To make speculations about the company matters worse, the government being put up for sale. The losses generated by other public enterprises, made the decision about Marković’s appointment at the same sessuch as the Electric Power Industry of Serbia (EPS) and Srbijagas, are sion at which it appointed Mile Ilić the Chairman of the Managing even higher. However, the principle remains the same – these compaBoard of the Institute for Comparative Law. Ilić was thrown out of nies are also managed by political party officials. Dragomir Marković the Socialist Party of Serbia following the rigged elections in 1996. from the Democratic Party runs EPS. Marković possesses certain relIlić was not offended when he ‘found out’ that his appointment was


36 CorD 72 / June 2010

financial system, Svetlana Vukajlović failed to generate support from evant experience which was not gained in a successful company, but government officials for her re-appointment. The public has never rather at EPS (he was the director of the Strategy and Investment been given a proper explanation as to why the decision made by the Directorate). The CEO of Srbijagas, Dušan Bajatović (a member of RZZO’s Managing Board was not adhered to, so the overall impresSPS) doesn’t have even that level of experience as he has been known sion is that Vukajlović did not have the required political backing. purely for his political engagement. He was the deputy president of The story of how company staff are selected is not only an anecSPS and the head of the party’s branch in Vojvodina before he bedote about lost money and bad came ‘a reformed socialist’ and assumed the leading role in For years, politicians have been the managing decisions. It is a story about misguided criteria and not havdemonstrations against extradirectors of Skijališta Srbije (Ski Resorts ing a proper system of values diting Milošević to the Hague Tribunal. of Serbia), Puteva Srbije (Roads of Serbia), in place which is sometimes so ridiculous that it becomes funA similar situation can be Železnica Srbije (Railways of Serbia) and ny. A perfect example of this is found in other public enterprises too. For years, politi- other public enterprises, and their work hasn’t the predicament that Minister Rasim Ljajić has found himself cians have been the managing resulted in positive changes in recently. He publicly comdirectors of Skijališta Srbije plained that he could not re(Ski Resorts of Serbia), Puteva place a state secretary in his ministry, who scandalised the public by Srbije (Roads of Serbia), Železnica Srbije (Railways of Serbia) and advocating the ‘importation’ of 100,000 women from Laos, Burma, other public enterprises, and their work hasn’t resulted in positive Cambodia and Vietnam to become wives for Serbian bachelors. This changes. Nothing has happened. Nevertheless, there are a few shining state secretary is also, of course, a political official and the scandal examples; despite being given unanimous support by the Managing reached such proportions that his party (the Socialist Party of Serbia) Board of the State Health Insurance Institute (RZZO) and despite the decided to spare the public from his further ‘wise’ suggestions and fact that, during the six years of her managing the Institute, this orreplaced him. ■ ganisation was transformed from a financial failure into a sustainable

Politics,the most profitable profession


For those who climb a bit higher up the par- the possibility of gaining an ambassadorial poere, just like in all poor countries, ty’s hierarchy, a trade in services provided by sition which is traditionally a part of mythologipolitics has always people on the local level is just beginning. Heads cal confirmation of your intellectual status - evebeen one of the more of municipal authorities have the most benefit, ry tortured writer sees himself as Andrić. When it comes to opportunities for profit, profitable professions, since they handle construction and similar perin most cases even the mits, as well as tenders for construction and re- these lucrative positions filled by people from most profitable one. construction of roads, infrastructural network the parties’ leadership, boil down to positions Miša Đurković, Institute Serious business im- and so on. Tenders have been a miracle, and as of members of boards of directors of rich pubfor European Studies plies risks, anxiety; in- recently as 2004 in the campaign for the mayor of lic companies or a minister’s seat. The position of tellectual work demands a lot and gives a little Belgrade a robbery mechanism was discovered: a Member of Parliament is not bad for our conin return; sport implies hard work and renunci- after winning a tender and during the work, the ditions either: no obligations, good salaries and ations, and it also requires talent. Politics is the accounts were being pumped up so that the final daily wages, travel expenses, and so on. Who do all these people answer to? To the paronly area where you do not need anything. It is amount substantially exceeded the tender offer. enough to be obedient, to perform the tasks you The extra money was shared among the people ty’s leadership and it answers to the tycoons (while they had money) and ambassadors of the most are asked to do and slowly you will ascend the hi- from the authorities and the contractor. Particularly keen on corruption is the so- powerful Western countries. The entire politicians’ erarchy which primarily brings money, fame, socalled intellectual, artistic-type and other kinds caste is financed from the same sources and is comcial and business connections and so on. pletely separated from the people and counWhat parties nowadays mostly use The worst reproduction of the try’s real problems. The electoral ritual every to attach their staff is employment. The very fact that the salaries are almost dousystem of values is the one where hard four years increasingly represents a competition without any real possibility of choice. ble compared to the salaries in the private work and renunciations are despised, The worst reproduction of the system of sector speaks about the grotesqueness of and corruption becomes the basis of a values is the one where hard work and rethe system, as well as about the fact that nunciations are despised, and corruption the one who has no choice must do everycorruption of the system becomes the basis of a corruption of the thing to find a job which will allow him to feed his family. The pressure is so high that even of elite who mingle with the parties. The parties system. Why would a young man go to work in party membership no longer guarantees a job - it buy such people through either the head posi- the private sector for 25 thousand dinars, when is necessary for the candidate to ‘help the party’, tions of cultural institutions, or scholarships and he can earn 50 thousand in management, if he privileged projects. The highlight is, of course, joins one of the parties? or in other words, make some form of a racket. CorD 72 / June 2010 37

region BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA: General elections on October 3rd

National offerings Big surprises are not expected in the sixth general elections after the war. The balance of power of political parties, according to the polls, will remain unchanged

By Vojislava Vignjević

est multi-ethnic party, SDP BiH, can primarily count on the votes of Bosnian voters, even ore than three million voters will when it comes to that party’s candidate for choose authorities of the state, enthe Croatian member of the BiH Presidency, tity and canton level in Bosnia and Željko Komšić. It remains to be seen what Herzegovina on October 3rd. Citizens will the electoral scores will be for another mulelect members of the BiH Presidency, repreti-ethnic party, Our Party, which was foundsentative of the Houses of the BiH Federation, ed several years ago by the movie director and National Parliament of the Republic of Srpska Academy award winner Danis Tanović. (RS), President and Vice President of the RS The two strongest Croatian parties will and representatives of cantons of the BiH probably remain to be Dragan Čović’s HDZ Federation. Voters numbering 3,127,778 are BiH with its partners, or Boža Ljubić’s HDZ registered on electoral lists - 1,192,182 voters 90 and Zvonko Jurišić’s HSP in the RS, and 1,934,417 voters in BiH, which form a coalition. A the BiH Federation. The elections The general elections, the sixth since the fierce competition is expected will cost 12.6 million convertible war, see BiH with more than half a million among Bosnian parties - Sulejman marks, or 6.3 million euros. unemployed people, a weary economy, Tihić’s SDA and Haris Silajdžić’s The general elections, the sixth Party for BiH. The SDA candisince the war, see BiH with more high rates of corruption and crime and date, Bakir Izetbegović, son of the than half a million unemployed peohalted constitutional reform, on which party’s founder Alija Izetbegović, ple, a weary economy, high rates the EU insists, but which is dividing BiH will oppose Silajdžić in the race of corruption and crime and haltfor the Bosnian member of the ed constitutional reform, on which as Sarajevo advocates the constitutional BiH Presidency. In the electorthe EU insists, but which is dividchange and Banja Luka opposes it al race, a chance is being given ing BiH - as Sarajevo advocates the to another Bosnian party, the Party for Better (DNS) from the Republic of Srpska have seconstitutional change and Banja Luka opposes Future of BiH, founded by the media tycoon cured their seats in the Parliament, and the it. BiH awaits the October elections, without and owner of Avaz, Fahrudin Radončić. same goes for the Social-Democratic Party the liberalisation of the visa regime, but with The main struggle in the Republic of (SDP), Party of Democratic Action (SDA), indications from European institutions that it Srpska will be between Milorad Dodik’s Party for BiH (SBiH), Croatian Democratic will be excluded from the European Council if SNSD, with SP and DNS, and the opposiCommunity (HDZ) and Croatian Democratic it is not capable of applying the decision of the tion gathered around SDS and PDP of Mladen Community 90 (HDZ90) from the BiH Court for Human Rights to allow minorities to Ivanić, called Together for Srpska. Ivanić will Federation. stand for election. compete with the candidate of Dodik’s party, It seems that at this moment, there are no Thirty nine parties, 11 coalitions and 13 Nebojša Radmanović, for the Serbian member multi-ethnic parties strong enough to win a maindependent candidates are participating in the of the BiH Presidency. jority after October 3rd. On paper, the strongelections. Party offerings come from national


Božo Ljubić 38 CorD 72 / June 2010

matrixes, which was also the case in the previous elections. So it might be expected this time too that voters will primarily decide over those parties which represent their national corpus. According to surveys conducted, when it comes to the line-up of political parties in BiH and on the entity level, there are no surprises expected. The Union of Independent SocialDemocrats (SNSD), Serbian Democratic Party (SDS), Party of Democratic Progress (PDP) and Democratic National Union

Dragan Čović

Haris Silajdžić

Sulejman Tihić

Mladen Ivanić

Milorad Dodik

Both of the strongest Croatian politi- and economically strong and sustainable re- solved in the coming years. The electoral programme of the opposical groups have chosen a slogan in which the gions within BiH and the EU. Creating conword ‘strength’ dominates. So, the HDZ 90 ditions for sustainable economic development tion coalition ‘Together for Srpska’ is based on and HSP coalition’s message is ‘the Strength primarily through the reduction of unemploy- economic recovery and stabilisation of the RS, strengthening institutions and fightof Communion’, while HDZ ing crime and corruption. BiH is leading their campaign BiH awaits the October elections, without High representative of the with the message ‘The Strength the liberalisation of the visa regime, but with International Community for BiH, in Which I Believe’. In the Republic of Srpska both the indications from European institutions that it Valentin Inzko, sent an open letter major competitors mention the will be excluded from the European Council if to citizens where he said that the forthcoming elections are the key to word ‘Srpska’ in their slogans. it is not capable of applying the decision of the the better future of the country and On the one hand, the SNSD Court for Human Rights to allow minorities the better life of four million citislogan is ‘Srpska Forever’, zens. Assessing that in the previand on the other is the oppoto stand for election ous four years, the focus has been sition’s ‘Together for Srpska’. The Sarajevo- based parties are focusing on the ment and joining European integrations are on political divisions instead of job creation, people and the country. So, the SDA’s message the most important messages that HDZ BiH is the reduction of poverty or fighting corruption, Inzko pointed out that “It is not good and nois ‘People Know’, and the Party for BiH is say- sending to voters. ■ The ruling SNSD in the Republic of Srpska body wants to repeat those four years.” ing ‘The State Before All’ and the SDP BiH is is offering voters, it emusing ‘The State for a Man’. The electoral programme of SDP BiH was phasises, a successful made based on the opinion of 10,000 BiH cit- and already proven parizens on the key issues which are bother- ty’s politics in the struging them. According to the party’s president, gle for a stable, developed Zlatko Lagundžija, the programme has been and safe BiH. Such policreated in a way that is based on the function- cy means peace, tolerance ing of the economy which is the only answer and understanding in BiH to the crisis, by creating new jobs, employment and the region. However, the party has strong reacand new investments. In its programme SDA BiH points out that tions to the electoral platit has a responsible policy which has kept BiH forms of the Sarajevotogether. According to its president, Sulejman based parties which are Tihić, the party advocates the equality of peo- seeking BiH constitutional ple - Bosnians, Serbs, Croats and others who changes. So the RS Prime feel BiH is their home. The Party for BiH Minister Milorad Dodik with its president Haris Silajdžić advocates the says that the party’s polchange of the constitution adopted in Dayton. itics, which act within The party is in favor of abolishing the system the Dayton Treaty, rules of internal division into entities and the pro- out constitutional changmotion of civic order of the state without eth- es, stressing that they will nic divisions. In the HDZ BiH election’s pro- not be the sole keepers of gramme, it is said that the party is fighting for the Dayton Treaty saying, BiH as a country which has a legally and polit- “On the contrary, we will ically stable democratic state based on equali- ask for the matter of RS ty, a developed market, competitive economy and BiH status to be reCorD 72 / June 2010 39

region MONTENEGRO: Commercialisation of University Education

Flood of Degrees

An increasing number of students are acquiring a poor education, and nobody can offer an answer to the question of where all these college graduates will find a job By Ilija Despotović


ontenegro has been hit by a flood of faculty degrees. A total of three universities, one state and two private, have enrolled six thousand new students in this academic year. It is estimated that Montenegro currently has almost 25,000 people with degrees. Only eight out of 21 Montenegrin cities do not have an academy or faculty - all others are university cities. Various business schools seem to grow like mushrooms after the rain. Humanities, classical sciences, as well as more contemporary subjects, are the most common at all universities. However, the new technical faculties have come to the brink of extinction, due to the fact there is no interest in them. At two private universities - ‘Mediteran’ and ‘Donja Gorica University’ (UDG) both in Podgorica - mostly law, management and ‘European Studies’ are being taken, despite the fact that the law school and faculties of economy and philosophy at the state university have the most students. In the last couple of years, these three faculties have individually enrolled as many as one thousand students. Of over 4,500 students who are enrolled at the University of Montenegro this year, about three thousand will have to pay for their studies – ranging from 500 to 1,000 euros depending on the faculty. The minority is being schooled at the state’s expense. School fees at private universities are on the annual level of 1,500 euros per student. The state university has about twenty ‘classical’ faculties and a lot more, even as many as one hundred, study programmes. There are a dozen such study programmes at private universities. Based on this fact, many are concluding that university education is actually turning into a special kind of business. One of the co-owners of the Donja Gorica pri-

40 CorD 72 / June 2010

One of the co-owners of the Donja Gorica private university, which has the aim of becoming the ‘Montenegrin Cambridge’, is the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milo Ðukanović vate university, which has the aim of becoming the ‘Montenegrin Cambridge’, is the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Milo Ðukanović. This fact is often used by the opposition, by constantly claiming that the state university is being ‘intentionally’ ruined in Montenegro, even more so because the Montenegrin Assembly has adopted the new Higher Education Law. Among other things, it is anticipated that the state will finance the schooling of a number of students from private universities, and they will also have the right to a place in state students’ dormitories. Representatives of the University of Montenegro more frequently assess that ‘states’ higher education is being let go due

to carelessness, and lack of planning. Provost of the university Anđelko Lojpur warned at the beginning of the new school year that a strategy for the development of higher education in Montenegro should be introduced. If that is not done, he says, there will be chaos, the consequences of which will particularly be felt by the new generations of students, and of course, the entire society of Montenegro. Above everything, Lojpur is bearing in mind the overflow of requests for the opening new faculties. Faculty degrees are being mass produced. A large number of high school children are apparently enrolling into studies primarily for gaining social status, and not for their own or society's needs, or to postpone facing a reality where there are no jobs - although not even the completion of studies can guarantee a job. Numerous criticisms regarding the easy issuance of licenses for new studies are arriving at the address of the Ministry of Education. The general downfall in the quality of studies is being spoken about in the public arena, for which the Bologna Declaration - its concept, but even more the way in which it is applied – is rather beneficial. The University of Montenegro has assessed that this institution is being increasingly put aside as far as the budget is concerned, that scientific-exploration work is disappearing, and that ‘partisan dictatorship’ rules the institution. There is no doubt that in such a situation the most important questions are - what kind of staff is being ‘produced’ by these universities with so many ‘minuses’, or where will all these young people find jobs, out of which not a small number is basically, in such a schooling system, ‘buying’ a faculty degree. Montenegro has an insufficient framework for hiring, and Europe is traditionally suspicious toward the quality of degrees acquired in these territories. ■

eXCLusive Business COnferenCes CorD 72 / June 2010 41

Inviting ‘Paypal’

Climabiz for Change Piraeus Bank SA Athens has embarked on a new innovative European project, titled ‘Climabiz’ which aims at preparing the Greek market to timely adapt to the new conditions arising from climate change Climabiz is carried out by Piraeus Bank in collaboration with the environmental organization WWF Greece and face3ts, a consulting company with expertise in climate change issues. The project is co-financed by the European Commission through the gards to climate change. “This project addresses the big quesfinancial instrument “LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance”. The duration of the tions of our times; that is, how and to project is 3 years and its actions will take what extent is a company affected by climate change, and how it place in Greece, Bulgaria, Piraeus Bank will can cope with it. This evalRomania and Cyprus. contribute to uation is happening for Through Climabiz, Piraeus Bank will contribute to tacktackling climate the first time in Greece and it is also an innovative ling climate change by change task within the European identifying the impacts and business opportunities arising from Union”. – stated Mr. Vrasidas Zavras, climate change, developing applications General Manager of Piraeus bank Green and e-tools to estimate impacts of climate Banking Sector. “The project’s acronym change and the adaptation opportunities Climabiz derives from the words “Climate” for companies. The Bank can also develop a and “Business” signifying that tackling clisupport system for companies with a goal mate change creates development opporfor smoother adaptation to climate change tunities, and this is exactly what this new and raise awareness among Piraeus Bank’s project of Piraeus Bank is aiming to dememployees, clients and general public in re- onstrate”. – explained Mr. Zavras.

BA Cancels Flights

British Airways will cancel flights from Belgrade to London Heathrow starting on November 30th 2010. Emil Delibašev, commercial manager of British Airways for the Balkans, said that the decision on the cancellation of flights was difficult to reach. “However, this route is no longer sustainable because it is not contributing to the profitability of our business,” he stated. Passengers who have made reservations with British Airways from Belgrade after November 30th will be contacted by the airline or their travel agent so that alternative arrangements can be made. 42 CorD 72 / June 2010

Aqua-park in Vojvodina The Slovakian company ‘Aqua Terming’ will build the Aqua World aqua-park in Bački Petrovac. The total value of the project is 22 million euros, which is the biggest Slovakian investment in Serbia so far. It has been announced that the first phase of construction should be over in spring next year. In addition to the Olympic-sized and small-

This is the biggest Slovakian investment in Serbia so far er pools (one of them with salt water), a hotel and other necessary tourist and catering features will be opened within the 20 hectares of the park. The future aqua-park will be located on the route to Novi Sad outside Bački Petrovac, 18 kilometres from Novi Sad.

Serbia and Macedonia together will send an official note to the company ‘PayPal’ so that it will come to the market of the two countries and offer its services. “While talking with my Macedonian counterpart, we reached the conclusion that the Macedonian case is exactly the same as ours, that is to say, that they have been communicating with ‘PayPal’ for years, but there have been no significant steps forward with the arrival of

A united market of 10 million users will be more attractive to ‘PayPal’ that company to these areas”, Jasna Matić, the Minister of Telecommunications, said. Matić said that both countries had activation of this service in their strategic plans and that was why an agreement to ‘unite’ the market which now involves 10 million users, so as to make it more attractive and interesting for ‘PayPal’ services, was reached. The latest research of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia on the usage of informational-communicational technologies in Serbia shows that more than 87% of Internet users have never bought anything over the Internet. That purchasing over the Internet exists among the Serbian citizens is demonstrated by not only the great number of websites aimed at this kind of purchase, but also research of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, according to which in 2009 more than 280,000 citizens purchased or ordered goods and services over the Internet.


gold star for qualIty

The company SIMPO Line was awarded this year’s prestigious prize International Star for Quality, awarded by Business Initiative Directions (B.I.D.), an organisation dedicated to promoting the culture of quality among leading companies in the world. Criteria on which the International Star for Quality award is based are excellence in business, quality, brand prestige, technology, innovations and expansion. Recipients of the award are chosen by the BID Council, along with leading persons from the most globally influential companies. In explaining the basis of the decision to award

RECIpIENTS OF ThE AWARD ARE CHOSen By THe BID COunCIL, ALOng wITH LeADIng PerSOnS frOM THe MOST gLOBALLy InfLuenTIAL COMpANIES SIMPO Line with the Gold Star for Quality, the committee stated the fact that this was the only furnishing company that had seven hotel chains as part of its list of references. The symbol for the Gold Star for Quality is one of the most recognised emblems of quality and excellence, and this successful Serbian company has become a part of the group of global business leaders possessing this award. SIMPO Line is part of the SIMPO group, and is dedicated to furnishing all kinds of interiors - hotels, residential and commercial premises, restaurants, offices, health institutions, fitness centres and schools, on a turn- key basis. An impressive list of references includes luxury resorts and five star hotels, such as the Holiday Inn and Four Seasons chains, and many more.

upDAtE: Ericsson in "Foreign Investors Council 2010" In CorD's special edition "Foreign Investors Council 2010", on page 61, an error was made in an interview with Mr. Antonio Passarella, Country Manager at Ericsson, entitled "New Age - New Solutions". The wrong quotation has been inserted in the caption and published in the interview. Instead of "The vision of Ericsson is that by the year 2020 they will have 15 billion connections", the following sentence was supposed to be published, "The vision of Ericsson is that by the year 2020 they will have 50 billion connections". We would like to apologize to Mr. Passarella and the readers for this negligent mistake.

Susan Fritz is the new Mission Director of USAID’s Mission to Serbia and Montenegro. As the Mission Director, she oversees USAID’s annual $40 million Serbia and $5 million Montenegro programs. These programmes focus on civil society, rule of law, media independence, good governance, private Ministère des Affairesagriculture sector productivity, and the busisector development, étrangères et européennes / Frédéric ness-enabling environment. Ms Fritz can draw on a wealth of expela Murein the Balkan region. Most recently, she served as riencedeworking Deputy Mission Director of USAID/Kosovo. Her previous positions include Regional Democracy Officer based out of USAID/ Bulgaria, Director of the Democracy and Conflict Mitigation Office for USAID/Central Asia, Elections and Political Process Team Leader in the USAID Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance, and Chief Democracy Officer for USAID/ Bosnia. As Chief Democracy Officer, Fritz helped set up USAID’s first Mission to Bosnia in 1996, shortly after the Dayton Accords.

COLLeen dArrAGh, Executive Director of Finance at U.S. Steel Serbia U. S. Steel Serbia has announced that Ms. Colleen Darragh has been appointed as Executive Director of Finance. Ms. Darragh most recently served as the manager of financial analysis at the U. S. Steel Gary Complex located in Gary, Indiana, USA. Ms. Darragh succeeds Mr. Matthew Lewis who has been advanced to the position of Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for U. S. Steel Europe. Ms. Darragh (40) received her Bachelor of Science at the College of William and Mary, Virginia, USA and later received her Masters in Business Administration at the University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. She joined United States Steel Corporation in August 2006 as the director of external reporting and was advanced to her most recent position in March 2009.

fERENC ERDEi, New system supply director at henkel in Kruševac Ferenc Erdei has been the new system supply director at Henkel Merima in Kruševac since September. Erdei has been working for Henkel for 20 years. He has spent the most of his career in Hungary, and has worked a year in both Vienna and Dusseldorf. He gained the experience required for performing this new function while working as the production manager, manager of several international projects and as the director of the packaging sector. Erdei took over office from Vojkan Marić, who has been performing the function of the head of the Board of Directors and the system supply director of Henkel Merima over the past four years, and who is continuing his career with Henkel in Turkey. CorD 72 / June 2010 43


The 35th international Star for Quality convention was held in Geneva on September 5th and 6th, as part of the Business Initiative Directions Awards, awards intended to recognise the prestige of outstanding companies, organisations and businesspeople

susAn fritZ, New Mission Director of USAID’s Mission to Serbia and Montenegro


Cls - neW desIgn ICon A generation ahead: with 170,000 buyers worldwide. tribute of the new model. the CLS, Mercedes-Benz Celebrating its world The effect of the dynamcreated a new vehicle cate- premiere at the Paris mo- ic, athletic form has been gory in 2003 which for the tor show the new CLS enhanced with a new infirst time combined the el- builds on the pioneering terplay of lines and areas. egance and dynaThe front edge of the ThE EFFECT OF ThE DyNAMIC, structure, above the mism of a coupé with ATHLeTIC fOrM HAS Been the comfort and funcmudguards, which tionality of a saloon. slopes off towards ENhANCED WITh A NEW The public were dethe rear - known as lighted, the competi- InTerPLAy Of LIneS AnD AreAS the dropping line by tion astounded and a style role of its predecessor yet designers - is not only a icon was born: for years at the same time is an en- novel design feature but the CLS has endured as the tirely new edition. The typ- also represents a new inonly four-door coupé in its ical CLS outline, with its terpretation of a formal declass, and since October elegantly long propor- sign element harking back 2004 it has been the car tions, is the dominating at- to the uniquely rich wealth of choice for of forms present in historic around Mercedes sports cars.

aIk kuWaItI Interest The Kuwaiti State Investment Company is the new investor in the ownership structure of AIK bank from Niš. After balancing transactions from the previous trading week, data from the central register shows that the State Investment Company from Kuwait entered the ownership structure of AIK bank by purchasing 0.10 percent of the shares. Austrian Unicredit bank has also fortified its position, whereas Luxemburg ING and

DATA frOM THe CenTrAL REgISTER ShOWS ThAT ThE STATE INVESTMENT COMpANy FROM KUWAIT ENTERED ThE OWNERShIp STRUCTURE OF AIK BANK domestic trading company Angokolonijal are on the selling side. Niš Bank gained special attention from the investing public in July when it was announced that its digest owner, Greek ATE bank, with a 20% share, failed to pass the stress-testing which was executed on the European Union level.

germans to subotICa

energoProjekt aChIevement

German company Norma has announced that starting in November it will build a new factory for the production of parts for the car industry, which will hire 327 people, in Subotica. The Serbian Government will contribute 5,000 euros for every new employee, and the city of Subotica is providing a free construcThE SERBIAN tion site. The agreegOvernMenT wILL ment on the construcCONTRIBUTE 5,000 tion of the new factory of car parts, on EUROS FOR EVERy which 11.2 million eunew eMPLOyee ros will be invested, was signed by the Minister of Economy Mlađan Dinkić, Director of Norma Group John Stevenson and the Mayor of Subotic,a Saša Vučinić. Dinkić said that production will start in July 2011. He said that at the beginning of next year Norma will start hiring the first group of workers who will be trained in factories in Poland. Norma Company is the leading world producer and distributor of car parts for the first mounting for numerous car producers, such as Volkswagen, Audi, Peugeot, Citroen and others.

Energoprojekt Holding Company is in 118th place in the ranking list of the 200 largest international projectconsulting companies. The list is compiled by American magazine ‘Engineering News Record’, and it is compiled on the basis of total incomes made by construction companies on the international market. It was stated by the company, which includes ‘Energoprojekt visokogradnja’ and ‘Energoprojekt niskogradnja’, that this year’s 118th position is five places better than their position on last year’s list. In the competition against the world’s largest contractors, Energoprojekt slightly dropped its ranking, and went down from 186th to 190th position. ‘Energoprojekt visokogradnja’, as a contractor, has made a new business deal at a construction site in Russia, where it will work on the construction of an apartment complex in the city of Syktyvkar, whose value has been estimated at five million euros. It was stated in the announcement published on the Belgrade Stock Market website that the works are being performed over an area of 27,000 square metres, and the deadline for completion of the project is 18 months.

44 CorD 72 / June 2010


Delta the Biggest

is ranked as 109th, while ‘Telekom Srbija’ positioned itself at 118th. Serbian company EFT Holdings is 149th, followed by Delta Maxi as 239th. Among the top 500 are Srbijagas, ranked at 308th on the level of accomplished income, ‘US Steel Serbia’ is 351st and Merkator S is 419th. Deloittes says that when it comes to Serbia, a growth of the purchasing power of citizens is not expected in the short-term and that in the future, food and drink sellers will have slight business problems caused by companies which deal in various other sectors. Žarko Mijović of Deloitte says that when it comes to the sector Twelve Serbian companies have found themselves on the of mass consumption goods, the traditional list of the TOP 500 arrival of ‘new world’ companies and commercial largest companies Twelve Serbian chains to Serbia, of Central and and the expanEastern Europe, companies have according to found themselves sion of the network of the exDeloitte. on the traditional isting commerAmong the 10 best positioned list of the TOP 500 cial chains can companies from largest companies be expected, as well as the Serbia, four are of Central and growth of the from the energy Eastern Europe, participation of sector, two from according to private brands. the media and tel‘Dunav osecommunications Deloittes iguranje’ was sector, and only ranked at 42nd on the top list of one is from the industry sector. Delta, at 72nd position, with insurance companies according a total income from sales worth to gross calculated premiums, €1.65 billion and net profit of and ‘DDOR’ came in at 50th. It is pointed out in the €46.5 million, is the most successful of all domestic companies, the Deloitte's announcement that alranking list of audit and consult- though Serbian banks are not to be found on the list of the 50 biging firm Deloitte shows. On the list, the next best ranked gest banks, Serbia’s banking secafter Delta is EPS at 75th, and af- tor this year is characterised by ter that comes PTT Serbia at 101st high liquidity, a satisfying level place. This year, on the list of the of capitalisation and a concentrabest Central European companies, tion index which remained on a Petroleum Industry of Serbia (NIS) relatively moderate level.

British Ambassador to Priština, Andy Sparkes, has been appointed the Deputy Chief of the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo. Sparkes will come to office after Roy Reeve leaves, in mid October. The appointment is for a period of one year, with the possibility of extension. Andy Sparkes became British Ambassador to Kosovo in April 2008, and prior to that was Ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo and Republic of Congo (2004- 2007), then Deputy of the High Commissioner for South Africa (2001- 2004), and Deputy of the Ambassador to the Republic of Indonesia (1999- 2001). In the earlier period of his career he had engagements in Turkey and Thailand. In London, he performed the function of the assistant of the human resources director and the export services director in the UK Trade and Investment Promotion Agency.

Mihailo Stanišić, New General Director of Strauss Adriatic Strauss Adriatic Company, the producer of Doncafé, has a new General Director. Mr. Mihailo Stanišić, who previously held the position of Sales Director at Wrigley d.o.o. in Serbia, was appointed to the position in July 2010. For the last 15 years, Mr. Stanišić has performed managerial functions in the territory of Serbia and former Yugoslavia, and has contributed with outstanding results in the field of marketing and sales of the company’s products. During that period, the company has additionally fortified its position in the Serbian market. Mihailo Stanišić graduated from the Law School of Belgrade University.

Aleksandar Radosavljević, Global Sale Development Vice-president in Carlsberg Group The new Global Sales Development Vicepresident of Carlsberg Group (with its headquarters in Denmark) is Aleksandar Radosavljević, who until now has been the General Director of Carlsberg Serbia. Radosavljević performed the duties of the general director of Carlsberg South-Eastern Europe for a period of time, as the first man of Carlsberg Serbia. From 2003 to 2007, he was the Commercial Director of Carlsberg Serbia and Executive Director of Carlsberg BiH. Prior to his engagement at Carlsberg, he was the Sales Director for Serbia and Montenegro, and Regional Sales and Distribution Director at Allied Domecq Company. In 2009, he held also the post of the President of the Foreign Investors’ Council (FIC), where he actively participated in the promotion and encouragement of dialogues between representatives of foreign investors and the Serbian Government. Gabor Bekefi, General Director of Carlsberg South-Eastern Europe, will perform the function of the General Director of Carlsberg Serbia until the appointment of the new director. CorD 72 / June 2010 45


Among the 10 best positioned companies from Serbia, four are from the energy sector, two are from the media and telecommunications sector, and only one is from the industry sector

Andy Sparkes, New Deputy Chief of Eulex


CArtOOns AGAinst Bitterness

I have never believed that cartoons have an extraordinarily powerful influence on political and social movements. It holds a particular place in the awareness of primarily serious, decent, smart and funny people. It helps swallow the bitterness of everyday life more easily and less painfully

46 CorD 72 / June 2010

By Vera didAnOvić


ne of Serbia’s leading cartoonists, Dušan Petričić, has lived in Toronto since 1993. He started his career in the most significant newspapers and magazines of former Yugoslavia, and then continued working in the leading papers of North America - the New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the Toronto Star, Scientific American, and so on. Since 2009, he has been regularly publishing his works in Serbia as a permanent associate of the Belgrade daily Politika. He has won countless awards around the world for books and political cartoons: in Belgrade, Montreal, Tokyo, Budapest, Amsterdam, Leipzig, Moscow, Ankara, New York, Skopje, and so on. He has taught the preparation of books and illustrations at Belgrade’s Academy of Applied Arts and he has been a professor of animation and illustration at Sheridan College, Oakville, Canada. In his interview with CorD, Petričić com-

pares his Serbian and Canadian experiences, but with his own comment that he is much more precise expressing himself through drawings than words. n You have been living in Toronto for 17 years, but you also publish your works in Serbia. Where do you find inspiration more easily? r I have lived long enough in both environments, so I no longer have any serious problems with challenges and provocations (these are more accurate formulations of that what you called ‘inspiration’). There are always a lot of those provocations in both environments, although they are of a different nature. n What has provoked you most this summer? r Two events in Belgrade - the attack on journalist Teofil Pančić and attacks on foreigners. Our way of dealing with differences (which is now becoming traditional) is driving me mad. In Toronto - a statement from one of the mayoral candidates, Rob Ford, during the election campaign, on the subject of emigrants in Toronto went something like this: there are a lot of them; I will deal with that matter as mayor. It gave him a real headache and problems in the public sphere.

honesty in it, so you simply start missing someone’s spontaneous grumpy reaction.

n And how would you explain to a Canadian coming to Serbia where he is going - without a pencil? r That explanation would probably somehow border your previous question. I would try hard to explain to them that n Is there a difference between the way of addressing in Serbia an open, direct and spontaneous approach, which audiences in Serbia and North America - I suppose that sometimes makes different social and cultural milieu influ- the first thing an emigrant notices here is the the ears hurt, awaits them. If we disregard ence the interpretation of events? How excessive kindness, the state of always grinning the extreme examples is that difference with all 32 white and healthy teeth, and all that of xenophobia toward foreigners, they seen in the work of a in a very high pitch. it feels good for the first 15 will come across excartoonist? r Of course there is. minutes, but then it becomes more and more tremely warm hospitality with occasional A cartoonist must live irritating with each year that goes by spikes. long enough in an environment so that he can responsibly and seriously take up the slightly risky work n Are there any works you have published in Serbia of cynical commenting on various events in that environment. which would not do well in Canada, and the other way No matter how well organised and arranged a country it is, around? Canada is abundant in fine material for each cartoonist. It r Of course there are. A part of that is to do with topics. We seems to me that after 17 years I have got quite a good grasp do not have the same focuses and interests, simple as that. of this environment, and that I have recognised and adopted The other part, however, refers to the way of understanding the language which is understood by the audience here. humour and what is funny. Belgrade is an extremely funny environment and I am not exaggerating when I say it is more n How would you describe that mentality, if you don’t have a pencil on you? CANADA RuLES ChALLenGe r The first thing an emigrant notices here is no matter how i think that there are in fact, for me it the excessive kindness, the state of always well organised and too many various has always been grinning with all 32 white and healthy teeth, arranged a country it rules related to this a challenge to and all that in a very high pitch. It feels good is, Canada is abundant profession, which elegantly skip over, for the first 15 minutes, but then it becomes in fine material for implies playfulness and and overcome the set more and more irritating with each year that each cartoonist spontaneity framework goes by. That is because there is no genuine CorD 72 / June 2010 47

What I want to say is that here the terms have not limited me in that way. In fact, for me it has always been a challenge to elegantly skip over, and overcome the set framework. n Are you under the impression that political correctness is ‘penetrating’ Serbia as well? r To be honest- I am not!

sophisticated in the discipline of recognising and interpreting ‘what is funny’. Nonetheless, it should not be forgotten that Canada is a multinational country with different approaches to humour and cartoons.

n So what should we do about it? Enjoy spontaneity, resignedly make peace with the situation or try to change something? r I suppose that the hardships the people are facing will make us in time change a thing or two and adopt something from the ‘loathed’ West. In 20, 30 years we will suddenly realise that we are different in something. Who lives that long!

n Do cartoons and satire have the same importance in this ‘rushed’ 21st century, as they once had in the ‘golden’ seventies and eighties? Are people still sensitive to criticism, or have they become ‘immune’ to everything in the modern conditions of life? n Can you explain to us using a concrete example, the difr To be honest - I have ference in approach - what Belgrade is an extremely funny never believed that caris funny in Belgrade, and is not funny in Toronto? environment and I am not exaggerating toons have an extraordinarily powerful influence on r Well, let’s put it like this when I say it is more sophisticated political and social move- in Belgrade, either verbal ments. It holds a particular or drawn comments from the in the discipline of recognising and place in the awareness of male section of the populainterpreting ‘what is funny’ primarily serious, decent, tion referring to the female smart and funny people. It section are very popular from helps swallow the bitterness of everyday life more easily a male chauvinist point of view. In Toronto, where there is and less painfully. no way you would see a man turning to look after a beautiful woman in the street, restaurant or at work, let alone making a verbal comment, that kind of humour is nor nurtured nor n How do you see Serbian cartoons today? understood. Then again along with saying that, Canada is a r I am under the impression that it has become sadly banal, multinational environment with a lot of different individuals like many other things. With respect for the valuable excep- even if you did come across such a thing, you can be certain tions, of course. that it is not a sample of authentic Canadian culture. n On arriving in Canada, you came across the rules of political correctness with work. Did you see that as a limitation, or as an inspirational challenge? r I believe that once, in conditions of political incorrectness in our country, I have always played by some rules and that I had a precise feeling for the limit of good taste.

I suppose that the hardships the people are facing will make us in time change a thing or two and adopt something from the ‘loathed’ West 48 CorD 72 / June 2010

n In Canada, you have met with different rules regarding working with illustrations for children’s books, which are a significant part of your opus. Which differences are those? r The word ‘rules’ in your question is actually the key word. I think that there are too many various rules related to this profession, which implies playfulness and spontaneity. The rules are partly of a marketing nature, but they also come from the need of this environment to put everything in some firm and precise framework, to systematise things. But, it is also a creative challenge, isn’t it? n Your famous cartoon ‘Battle for Belgrade’ is now the theme of the souvenir shop window in Belgrade. In it, there is the battle between the ‘blue ones’ who are polluting and destroying the city and the ‘red ones’ who are defending it. When you come to Belgrade now, do you feel that the red or blue ones have the advantage? r It seems to me that it is still a dead heat between the two. Sometimes I feel that the blue ones are winning, sometimes the red ones are charging ahead. The important thing is that the battle is still on. n You have lived abroad long enough and have been coming to Belgrade often enough to register the changes which are happening in Serbia. In your opinion, in which direction is Serbian society going? r Do not make me verbalise myself on this matter. I will mess something up. I am much more precise in expressing my attitudes when I think and draw. n What are you most excited about when coming to Belgrade? r To see my children, grandchildren and the wide and silent Danube alongside my Zemun. n Considering your Canadian experience, what worries and concerns you the most about today’s Serbia? r With or without my Canadian experience, I am most irritated by arrogance and superciliousness, and I am most concerned by the evident absence of any ideas. But, that is a general problem of the times we live in.

With or without my Canadian experience, I am most irritated by arrogance and superciliousness, and I am most concerned by the evident absence of any ideas. But, that is a general problem of the times we live in n Critics have noticed the difference in the ‘Belgrade’ and ‘Canadian’ phase of your drawings. What is the difference between the ‘Belgrade’ and the ‘Canadian’ author of those drawings? r I do not know if that difference is the consequence of moving from one location to the other. I am keener on believing that it is the consequence of the ‘time’ factor. I am older, I suppose more mature and experienced. That is why my drawings are more mature and of higher quality. n Are you contemplating your definite return to Belgrade? r YES! ■

Children’s books


s a co-author or illustrator, Petričić has created over 30 children’s books which have been published in the territories of former Yugoslavia or North America. Titles include: “Let’s Play” with Camilla Gryski, Kids Can Press, Toronto; “The Bone Button Borscht”, by Aubrey Davis, Kids Can Press, Toronto; “The Color of Things”, by Vivienne Shalom, Rizzoli, New York; “The Tumbledown Hill”, by Tim Wynne-Jones, Red Deer Press, Red Deer; “The Longitude Prize”, by Joan Dash, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York; “Rude Rumsay and Roaring Radishes”, by Margaret Atwood, Key Porter, Toronto; “All we Need are Dragons”, by Ljubivoje Ršumović, BIGZ, Belgrade; “Story about Childhood-Nikola Tesla”, with Dušan Radović, BIGZ, Belgrade. CorD 72 / June 2010 49

& faces

places H.E. Nengcha Lhouvum, Ambassador of India to Serbia and Zdravko Ponoš, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs for Serbia at the reception marking the 63rd anniversary of the Independence of India.

H.E. Alexander Konuzin, Russia's Ambassador to Serbia and Nebojša Bradić, the Minister of Culture for Serbia at the opening of the ‘Week of Russian Film’ on 14 September at the Sava Centre.

A reception was held at the Australian Ambassador’s residence in Dedinje to officially congratulate designate Serbian Ambassador to Australia, Ms Neda Maletic on 8 September. Both the Australian Ambassador to Serbia, H.E. Helena Studdert, and Ms Maletic gave short speeches and presented each other with gifts relevant to their respective homelands.

From right: Aleksandar Antić, President of the Belgrade City Assembly; Ms. Renate Brauner, Vice Mayor of Vienna; Željko Ožegović, City Council member; Jasna Matić, Minister of Telecommunications of Serbia; Slobodan Milosavljević, Minister of Trade and Services; and Oliver Dulić, Minister for the Environment and Spatial Planning on the occasion of ‘Days of Vienna’ in Belgrade on 8 September.

H.E. Inigo de Palacio Espana, the Ambassador of Spain (left); H.E. Andrzej Jasionowski, the Ambassador of Poland; and Col. Jerzy Szczepanczyk at the cocktail party celebrating the Armed Forces Day of Poland on 9 September at the Embassy of Poland in Belgrade.

From left: HRH Prince Alexander; Mrs. Alison Andrews; HRH Prince Peter; HRH Princess Catherine; HRH Alexander; HRH Prince Philip and Mr David Andrews at the reception celebrating the occasion of 25 years of marriage of the royal couple Karađorđević on 17 September at the White Palace in Dedinje.

50 CorD 72 / June 2010

French Ambassador, Jean-Francois Terral and his wife hosted a farewell cocktail party for about 450 guests who came from the political and public life of Serbia, on 17 September at their residence.

General manager of CorD magazine Ivan Novcic, and Sara Brajovic were among 350 exclusive guests who gathered on the Greek island of Spetses to celebrate the wedding of Greek Prince Nicholas with Tatiana Blatnik. Sarah and Tatiana are close friends from childhood, and currently have their own PR agency in London.

Austrian Ambassador in Belgrade H.E. Clemens Koja; Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković; Ružica Đinđić, President of the Zoran Đinđić Fund; and Serbian President Boris Tadić welcomed the fourth generation of participants in the ‘Experiencing Europe - Serbian Young Professionals in Austria’ internship programme on 14 September.

H.E. Mary Warlick (left), US Ambassador to Serbia and H.E. Dante Coelho de Lima, Brazilian Ambassador to Serbia with his wife, at a reception on the occasion of Brazil’s Independence Day on 7 September.

faces & places

H. E. Stephen Wordsworth, the British Ambassador to Serbia at the signing of the PEXIM Foundation and Cambridge Fund for scholarships for students from non-EU members (Cambridge Overseas Trust), which was founded by the Cambridge PEXIM scholarship programme to support students from Serbia to continue their education at university.

CorD 72 / June 2010 51

& faces

places H.E. Igor Furdik (left), the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic and Vincent Degert, Head of the EU office in Belgrade, at the cocktail party marking the occasion of Slovak Constitution Day on 6 September at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic

The Minister of Defence of Serbia Dragan Šutanovac, and the Charge d’Affaires a.i. of the People’s Bureau of the Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Mr. Giuma A.S. Alghali at the reception on the occasion of the 41st Anniversary of the ‘1st September Revolution’, on 22 September at the Continental Hotel.

H.E. Felicitas Mercedes Ruiz Zapata, the Ambassador of Mexico to Serbia and H.E. Arthur Koll, the Ambassador of Israel to Serbia at the reception marking the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Proclamation of the Independence of Mexico, on 16 September at the Hyatt

H.E. Wolfram Maas German Ambassador to Serbia and HRH Prince Alexander Karađorđević at the exhibition of artworks created by people under the care of the Bethel Foundation, at the White Palace in Dedinje on 23 September. The Bethel Foundation helps provide support to invalids.

The Ambassador of Italy H.E. Armando Varricchi (left), the designer of Alfa Romeo cars Alessandro Maccolini and the CEO of FIAT Automobiles Serbia Giovanni De Filippis at the reception for the launch of the long-awaited Alfa Romeo ‘Giulietta’. The new Alfa was presented on 22 September at the Embassy of Italy – its launch in Serbia.

52 CorD 72 / June 2010

Telekom Supports Talent

Branko Radujko (left), General manager of Telekom and Srdjan Ognjanović, Director of the Mathematics High School

By signing the ‘Protocol on Cooperation’, Telekom Serbia and the Mathematics High School of Belgrade entered into a long-term agreement, and have awarded scholarships to attend Cambridge University to the six best students from the high school. Telekom Serbia will continue to, in accordance with its long-term support of high school students, provide new talent with the necessary financial support to enter the competition, reward success and participate in various aspects of education through workshops and lectures, according to the company’s general manager Branko Radujko. "This collaboration represents an investment in prosperity for Telecom, and Serbia, and is an example of successful companies," said Srdjan Ognjanović, Director of the Mathematics High School.


Carlsberg Serbia, with its beer brand LAV, has launched the newest project of support to Serbian football, this time to the football clubs of Red Star and Partizan. Wanting to provide an innovative form of support, the company has recently launched special promotional 0.5l cans with the emblems of the two most popular Serbian football clubs. The idea is that 75% of profit from selling LAV beer in these cans, which is three dinars per can, is aimed at the development of the clubs. The idea for this project was Presenting a football jersey to Alexander Radosavljević born last year, when LAV joined the sponsor pools of these clubs, and the contract which was signed then will encompass the current season too. The promotional cans with clubs’ emblems will be available at the same price as LAV beer in regular 0.5l cans. This project is just a part of the planned activities for supporting football, and the company is planning to find a way to support other Serbian clubs, both those in the first league and those in lower ranks, through various future actions. Red Star's general secretary Andrija Kleut

Ambassador of Denmark H.E. Mette Kjuel-Nielsen, U.S. Ambassador H.E. Mary Warlick and British Ambassador H.E. Stephen Wordsworth with recycling waste-bins for glass that the three diplomatic offices collected over the past few weeks. The Ambassador of Denmark was the host of the event in which the three diplomatic missions got involved in the recycling campaign which was implemented by Carlsberg.

CorD 72 / June 2010 53

after work

DIPLOMATIC support for recycling

comment SPOrT

Better than the State

The successes of Serbian sportsmen are still being put in the sphere of phenomena that is difficult to explain, when the results are compared to the conditions and finances

By Vladimir stAnKOvić, NIN Weekly an additional dimension: it provides the winner with one million dollars. If that million makes its way to TA Serbia’s account, a substantial part of it will be given to the players who won matches with the Americans, Croats (as guests) and Czechs on their way to the finals, but a lot will remain for the traditionally empty safe of the Association. TA Serbia received 49,433,500 dinars from the state budget in 2009, while in 2010 the state, via the Sports Association, planned for 68,457,750 dinars or 38.5% more. However, the TAS lost €300,000 in the organisation of the Federation Cup (the women’s version of the Davis Cup) matches with Russia and Slovakia because the venues were not filled. The story about Serbian sport is a phenomenon that is difficult to explain because the highest of results are being accomplished in conditions which are far from those of the competition in other countries, even the surrounding ones. In this summer’s Athletics European Championship, on the list of the most successful countries, Serbia, even without winning a single medal,


n a single week, September 12-19th, Serbian sport scored three new great successes on the international scene: the water-polo players, world champions by the way, won a bronze medal at the European championship in Zagreb; on the same night, our basketball players were just a half second away from the finals of the World Championships in Istanbul, and they ended up in the high fourth place; and then the tennis players made it to the finals of the Davis Cup by beating the Czech Republic by 3-2. The finals against the French (December 3rd-5th), which will be once again played in the Belgrade Arena, is now awaiting the tennis players, and that match, in addition to the enormous significance of sport, has

54 CorD 72 / June 2010

serbian sport mostly owes its present and future to the enthusiasm of parents who are investing in their children, hoping that some day they might reach the level needed for going abroad, where fame goes hand in hand with money but with a few finals and remarkable results, came in better than, for example, Slovenia, which invests a lot more money in athletics and which was athletically the most developed country in the former SFRY. The story about the Serbian swimmers is even

although it is yet to be approved by the government, and the more drastic. If Milorad Čavić is not a ‘Serbian product’ because ‘black-and-whites’ have already advertised the firm in Donjeck, he developed his sense of swimming in the USA, then what and they did the same in their match with Arsenal in Belgrade. about Nađa Higl who became the world champion in a ‘rentSomeone made a humorous calculation that the EPS-Partizan ed pool’, travelling from her home town Pančevo to Belgrade, contract will cost each employed citizen of Serbia €0.44, which Kruševac or Knjaževac? In the recent World Championship, could particularly irritate Red Star fans. archers ‘shot’ numerous medals and received their Olympic viThe mayor of Belgrade, Dragan Ðilas, got €100,000 from sas for London 2012. some city reserves during the latest successes in water-polo and It is not that the country of Serbia is not investing money basketball and passed them on, at the same time appealing on the in sports but it invests what it can, and it is - a little. The state state and society to help those who represent Serbia in the best budget should stretch to all sides, which means cutting down on possible way. He did the same when Partizan basketball players all sides to satisfy as much of those knocking on the state budgneeded help, but these are ad hoc solutions. The money is, most et as possible. According to the data of the Sports Association frequently found, of Serbia for 2010, there are 103 sports associations and various but only afclubs on the list of state funding users! Sports have been dividter some results ed into seven quality categories and 73 associations are on this have been accomlist, whereas the other 30 users are from various uncategorised plished - there are associations, sport clubs, recreational clubs, invalid-sportsman few who are ready associations, and so on. In total, according to the 2010 plan, the to invest in adstate will pass 1,403,325,000 dinars on to sport, which is 35% vance and then more than last year, but a billion dinars less than the sports aswait for the acsociations have asked for. According to the delivered budgets complishment. of sports associations, the total planned funds for Serbian sport One of the were 4,082,844,412 dinars, but that sum would be around 3 bilways in which lion, because the state gave 1.4 instead of 2.4 billion. The other sport clubs are 1.6 billion is provided by the associations themselves, often insurviving is the directly looking for sponsors via state, or sports contracts with constant selling of state-owned companies. players. However, One of the safest income Lacking a stable system of financing there are fewer and fewsources are the awards givmeaning lacking money - the state is er big transfers in football, en by international federations, but the problem is reaching for ‘alternative solutions’ which but although Red Star and Partizan sell one or two that there are few such asconsists of pressure on (a few) successful players each year, a substansociations and it is necessary to reach the top to get state companies to sponsor certain sport tial part of the budget is already closed. The basketball a share in the pie. The footassociations and collectives club Partizan is, thanks to its ball players brought €3 milsuccesses from the previous seasons, this year for the first time lion back home from Africa; Partizan provided itself with €7.2 in the situation to have a closed budget before the start of the million from the UEFA by entering the Champion’s League, and season. It has signed a contract with MTS, sold Aleks Marić to each point will win it €100,000; the volleyball players traditionPanatinaikos and somewhat solved the money matter, but it really make good money by participating in the final tournaments mains to be seen what the sporting result will be. The waterof the World League; the tennis players provided half a million polo club Partizan could not join the race for returning Vanja euros by reaching the finals, and are ‘aiming’ at the million for Udovičić to the club where he came from, so he ended up in the winner, but the list of those who can get money from abroad Zagreb’s Mladost as the first elite Serbian sportsman who will pretty much ends there. play for a Croatian club since the dissolving of the SFRY. Lacking a stable system of financing - meaning lacking Serbian sport mostly owes its present and future to the enmoney - the state is reaching for ‘alternative solutions’ which thusiasm of parents who are investing in their children, hopconsists of pressure on (a few) successful state companies to ing that some day they might reach the level needed for going sponsor certain sport associations and collectives. There are long abroad, where fame goes hand in hand with money. Enthusiasm lines in front of Telekom’s, NIS’s and other companies’ doors, is found among coaches too, especially those working with chiland the priorities are determined (probably) at the state summit. dren; there are a lot of schools and camps, especially in basketIntervention from ‘a place of authority’ could probably explain ball; there are summer football schools, developed systems of the pairing of EPS, a company with great losses because it cancompetition, and most importantly, there is talent. The problem not collect enormous debts of 75 billion dinars, to FC Partizan. is there would be even more of them and the results would be Allegedly, the UEFA asked that the club has a ‘general sponsor’ better if there were better conditions. ■ and Partizan ‘was assigned’ EPS. The contract is worth €800,000, CorD 72 / June 2010 55

44th BITEF


etween the 15th and 25th of September, the Belgrade International Theatre festival (BITEF) presented its main programme consisting of 10 theatrical productions from Belgium, Hungary, Italy, Germany, Slovenia, Poland, Russia and Serbia. The Festival opened at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre with ‘Isabella’s Room’, directed by Jan Lauwers, and performed by the Needcompany troupe from Brussels. In addition to this contemporary piece of theatre, the Belgian troupe also presented another play, ‘Two Deer’, inspired by the death of a war correspondent in Kosovo. Interesting performances in this year’s programme included the Hungarian play ‘Frankenstein-Project’, directed by Cornell Mundruco; the Italian play of the Virgilio Sieni troupe from Firenze, ‘Sad Tropics’; and the Slovenian plays ‘The Mask’ from the MGL Theatre of Ljubljana and ‘G2 Monument’, by authors Janez Janša and Dušan Jovanović. Domestic plays included the drama ‘Bacchae’ from the National Theatre of Belgrade, directed by a guest from Sweden, Staffan Waldemar Holm; and ‘Who Would like a Mum like Mine?’ by the author Dalija Aćin.

The play ‘Uncle Vanja’ by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, directed by German Jurgen Gosch, marked the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great Russian writer. This year’s BITEF panel ‘Chekhov in the 21st century’ was also dedicated to the famous playwright. This year, BITEF renewed the ‘Showcase’ programme, within which contemporary domestic productions were presented, and traditional side programmes ‘BITEF on Film’ and ‘BITEF Polyphony’ were also held. Another part of the side programme was the

The Festival opened at the Yugoslav Drama Theatre with ‘Isabella’s Room’, directed by Jan Lauwers, and performed by the Needcompany troupe from Brussels exhibition of the famous Slovenian director Tomaž Pandur, as well as the promotion of a capital study on BITEF by Russian theatrologist, Natalia Vagapova. The founder of BITEF, the Belgrade City Hall, singled out 29 million dinars from the yearly budget for this year’s staging of BITEF, and substantial material support was also provided by the Republic Ministry for Culture.

New season at National Theatre


he National Theatre in Belgrade kicked off its 142nd season on September 14th with ‘Lucia of Lammermoor’, by Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti,

The central part of the ‘Days of Russian Spiritual Culture’ was the series of Russian films shown in the Sava Centre directed by John Ramster from England, and conducted by maestro Johannes Harneit. The leading role in the opera was entrusted to Snežana Savičić Sekulić. Numerous new plays and co-productions, as well as the opening of the theatre museum in November, have been announced for the 142nd season of the National Theatre. Furthermore, four new awards which will be given to younger artists were announced. The newly-established awards will be given once a year to the best in the areas of set and costume design, opera art, ballet and the dramatic arts.

Caravaggio – the mystery of the two Saint Francis pictures in meditation On the occasion of the celebration of the death of Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571 -1610), the Italian Embassy in Belgrade, will be holding an exhibition entitled "Caravaggio – the mystery of the two Saint Francis pictures in meditation." The exhibition will be held at the ‘Palace of Italy’ from 14 to 27 October 2010. This event represents a unique opportunity to enjoy up close of the great master of Italian baroque, which is being implemented within the framework of a bilateral summit between the governments of Serbia and Italy.

The Man who Killed Tesla


he alternative historical novel by Goran Skrobonja Petar Arbutina, the editor at ‘Laguna’ publishing house, ‘The Man who Killed Tesla’ was presented in the said that Skrobonja had not only created a novel of alMuseum of Nikola Tesla in Belgrade on August 6th. ternative history, but also conjured up an ‘authentic history which did not happen to us (to Parts of the presentation included exSerbia)’, that he has created a ‘new auperiments with remote controlling, Skrobonja ‘returned thenticity’ based on literary lies which transformers and induction fiction to literature’ is ‘bound to be believed ’ by the reader. engines. Arbutina deemed that Skrobonja had Visitors to the promotion participated in these experiments, which ‘returned fiction to literature’. signified the significance of Tesla’s inven- Skrobonja, who also works with translations and in tions for modern civilisation. Footage of Bel- publishing, wrote the novels ‘Brood’ and ‘Korota, Novel grade from the 1920’s - the period when the by Soldiers’, as well as numerous stories summarised in novel ‘The Man who Killed Tesla’ is set - was three author’s collections - the last one ‘Silent Cities’ was also published by ‘Laguna’. shown in the background.

56 CorD 72 / June 2010

Dali - Divine Worlds


n September 3rd the Ambassador of Spain to Belgrade, Ignacio de Palacio Espana, opened the ‘Divine Worlds’ exhibition of artist Salvador Dali (1904-1989), at the Museum of History of Yugoslavia (Museum 25th May). The exhibition, which runs until November 14th, presents for the first time in Serbia more than 200 graphic sheets from two of Dali’s most voluminous opuses ‘Biblia Sacra’ and ‘Divine Comedy’. ‘Divine

Mokranjac Days


n September 9th in Negotin, Southern Serbia, the traditional music event ‘Mokranjac Days’ was opened by the Serbian Minister of Culture Nebojša Bradić. The annual event is dedicated to the memory of the famous Serbian composer and conductor Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac (19561914), famous for incorporating Serbian music heritage into artistic music. The festival has been held each September since 1966, in Mokranjac’s birth house.

The festival’s competitors’ programme this year includes choirs from Serbia and other regional countries, including ‘Stanko Dragojević’ from Montenegro, ‘Lola’ from Belgrade, ‘Musica Humana’ from Ada, ‘Josip Štolcer Slavenski’ from Croatia and ‘Stiv Naumov’ from Macedonia. Guests can also enjoy an exhibition of paintings by Vladimir Veličković in the gallery of the Cultural Centre in Negotin. ‘Mokranjac Days’ will be closed on October 14th with a performance by the State academic choir ‘Glinka’ from St. Petersburg.

Days of Russian Spirituality


he ‘Days of Russian Spirituality’ were held in Belgrade from 14th to 20th September. This event included a series of contem-

Comedy’ was created in 1964 and encompasses 100 graphic works, and ‘Biblia Sacra’, Dali’s vision of Biblical sayings, was made in 1967 and includes 106 graphics, also done using various techniques. The works on show have, to date, only been seen by audiences in Slovenia (Bled and Maribor) and in New York, and have come to Belgrade thanks to exhibition organiser, the Slovenian gallery of ‘Deva Puri’.

The works on show have, to date, only been seen by audiences in Slovenia and in New York

porary Russian films screened in the Sava Centre, a performance of the ‘Relikt’ trio and the choir of the Moscow Patriarchy, as well as a gala-performance of leading soloists of Russian ballet. The central part of the ‘Days of Russian Spiritual Culture’ was the series of Russian films shown in the Sava Centre, which was opened with a projection of Andrei Kravchuk


n exhibition of Argentinean and French artist, Antonio Segui, opened on September 14th at the ‘Chaos’ gallery and will run until October 15th. Antonio Segui is thought to be one of the greatest Argentinean painters of his day, and his works are found in numerous pres-

The central part of the ‘Days of Russian Spiritual Culture’ was the series of Russian films shown in the Sava Centre ‘Admiral’, an epic work set in the historic period from 1916 to 1920. The offering also included films: Alexander Smirnov’s ‘Deathly Dance’; ‘Room and Salt, or Sentimental Journey to the Homeland’ by Andrei Jurjevich Hrzanovski; Vera Vitalievna Glagoljeva’s ‘There is only one War’; Vera Storozeva Mihajlovna’s ‘Spring is Coming Soon’; Vladimir Ivanovich Hotinenk’s ‘Priest’; and Pavel Semjonovich Lungin’s ‘Emperor’.

Antonio Segui’s ‘Chaos’

tigious collections and museums all over the world, one of them being Belgrade’s Museum of Contemporary Art. Segui, whose opus is dominated by drawings and also by large-scale paintings, was born in Argentina in 1934, and has lived and worked in Paris since 1963. He has taken part in numerous group exhibitions, has had more than 300 individual presentations

Segui is thought to be one of the greatest Argentinean painters of his day around the world, and is a laureate of many awards for his work. The exhibition at ‘Chaos’ gallery was opened by the Minister for Culture Nebojša Bradić, the Argentinean Ambassador Mario Bossi de Ezcurra, French Ambassador JeanFrançois Terral, as well as Segui himself, for whom the ‘Chaos’ exhibition served as a reason to visit Serbia for the first time. CorD 72 / June 2010 57


17 October, 18.00

Belgrade Jazz Festival 28 October - 31 October

Hall of the National Bank of Serbia FLAUTO DOLCE, Early music ensemble Artistic leader Ljubomir Dimitrijević


17 October, 20.00

28 October

Sava Centre, Great Hall 19.30 Rigmor Gustafsson & radio.string. quartet.vienna (Sweden/Austria) 21.30 Wayne Shorter Quartet (USA) Youth Cultural Centre 23.00 Pannonia Project (Serbia) Kraak & Smaak LIVE (Netherlands)

29 October

Dom Sindikata 19.30 Kornelije Kovač. “Fusnota 7 +” (Serbia) Guest Aleksandra Kovač 21.30 Charlie Haden Quartet West (USA) Youth Cultural Centre 23.00 Zerkman Big Bang (Serbia) Azymuth (Brasil)

30 October

Kolarac Hall 19.30 Enrico Rava New Quintet (Italy) 21.30 Orchestre National De Jazz. “Around Robert Wyatt”(France) Youth Cultural Centre 23.00 Sinne Eeg (Denmark), Alice Russell (UK)

31 October

Youth Cultural Centre 19.30 Jason Moran & The Bandwagon (USA) Magnus Lindgren. “Batucada Jazz” (Sweden) Tickets available through BILET Servis, Trg Republike 5, Phone: (011) 30 333 11


21 October, 20.00


18 October, 20.00

22 October, 20.00

18 October, 18.00

Kolarac Hall, VLADIMIR MILOŠEVIĆ, piano Program - Robert Schumann and Frederic Chopin – Bicentenary of birth

19 October, 20.00

Hall of the National Bank of Serbia QUARTET SINE NOMINE Lausanne Program- Schumann, Beethoven

20 October, 20.00

Kolarac Hall, LES ANGES FRANÇAIS KAREN VOURC’H, soprano, Susan Manoff, piano, Program - Canteloube, Debussy, Sibelius, Ravel

CLASSICAL MUSIC Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra

All concerts are at Kolarac Hall, at 20.00

Hall of the National Bank of Serbia CENTENARY OF BIRTH OF THE COMPOSER VOJISLAV VUČKOVIĆ (1910-1942-2010)

23 October, 12.00 and 17.00

National Theatre – Raša Plaović Scene BEMUS FOR CHILDREN MOZART. DON GIOVANNI, puppet opera National Marionette Theatre, Prague

23 October, 20.00


24 October, 12.00

Hall of the National Bank of Serbia SMALL JAZZ ENSEMBLES AND PERCUSSIONISTS of the School Of Music Stanković

24 October, 20.00

16 October, 20.00

Yugoslav Drama Theatre OPENING - RTS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Conductor BOJAN SUĐIĆ MARTIN GRUBINGER, percussion Program -Avner Dorman, Stevan Kovač Tikmajer, Hindemith

22 October

17 October, 12.00

Autumn, Conductor Muhai Tang, Soloists Krasimir Stefanov, trombone Program - J. Brahms, H. Tomasi, A. Dvorak Tickets available at Kolarac Foundation Hall, Studentski Trg 5, Phone: (011) 263 05 50;

58 CorD 72 / June 2010

City Hall, LJUBICA MARIĆ. PRESENTATION OF THE COMPLETE RECORDINGS The music of Ljubica Marić is performed by theDonne di Belgrado Trio. Aneta Ilić (soprano), Stana Krstajić (flute) and Natalija Mladenović (piano) National Theatre OPERA OF THE NATIONAL THEATRE MOZART. LE NOZZE DI FIGARO (premiere) Director Jagoš Marković Conductor Premil Petrović Cast - Katarina Jovanović, Snežana Savičić Sekulić, Nebojša Babić, Željka Zdjelar

42nd BEMUS - Belgrade Music Festival 16 October- 24 October

Hall of the National Bank of Serbia INSTRUMENTALISTS AND SINGERS of the Department of Ethnomusicology of the Mokranjac School of Music Artistic leader Sanja Ranković

21 October, 18.00

Walking on a String, Conductor Cristian Brancusi, Soloists Stefan Milenković, violin, Program - F. Schubert, E. Grieg, J. Brahms

29 October

Sava Centre CLOSING - NEW YORK PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA, Conductor Alan Gilbert, Leonidas Kavakos, violina, Debussy, Sibelius, Brahms Tickets available through BILET Servis, Trg Republike 5, Phone: (011) 30 333 11;

51st October Salon, Belgrade International Annual Exhibition of Contemporary Art

8 October – 21 November

Venue: Former Military Academy in Resavska 40b, (Future building of the

Belgrade City Museum) Curators: Mr. Johan Pousette and Ms. Celia Prado (Sweden)

‘Dom za Vešanje’ (Time of Gypsies) 10 November -14 November, at 20.00 Sava Centre, Great Hall

Working hours: Thursday – Sunday 12.00 – 20.00; Friday 12 am - 22 pm, Free entrance on Tuesday. Closed on Mondays.

‘Le Temps des Gitans’, or ‘Time of the Gypsies’, is adaptation of Emir Kusturica’s 1988 award-winning movie of the same name. Closer to a riotous spectacle than lyric opera, the 100-minute one-act show is held together as much by imaginative staging as by a score alternating between folksy Gypsy music and hard rock. The libretto is written by Nenad Jankovic.

Artists: Amar Kanwar (India), Steve McQueen (UK/ Netherlands), Eva Koch (Denmark), Aernout Mik (Netherlands), William Kentridge (South Africa), Jonas Dahlberg (Sweden), Teresa Hubbard & Alexander Birchler (USA/ Switzerland), Harun Farocki (Germany), Maja Bajevic (Bosnia), and Ana Adamovic (Serbia).


Tickets available through BILET Servis, Trg Republike , Phone: (011) 30 333 1, and the Sava Centre, Milentija Popovica 9 , www., Phone: (011) 220 60 60

Salvador Dali – ‘Divine Worlds’ 03 September - 15 November Museum of Yugoslav History

More than 200 graphic works by Salvador Dali containing two of his largest suitesBiblia Sacra and Dante`s Divine Comedy.

Parni Valjak 16 October, 20.00 Belgrade Arena

Parni Valjak is a Croatian and former Yugoslav rock band who formed in 1975. They were one of the top acts of the former Yugoslav rock scene, and are currently one of the top rock-and-roll bands in Croatia. Tickets availavle from Belgrade Arena, Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevica 58, Phone: (0900) 11 00 11, (011) 307 77 86

Matt Bianco 14 October, 20.00

Sava Centre, Great Hall Matt Bianco is a UK band that was formed in 1983. They are mainly known for their success in the mid 1980s and their jazz, Latin-flavoured music.

Museum of Yugoslav History , Botićeva 6, 11000 Beograd, Phone: (011) 367 14 85

Some Day - Milica Tomić Until 10 October

Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art Curator of the exhibition - Dejan Sretenović The main concept of the exhibition ‘Some Day’ is to turn the gallery space into a production space. Sequences of the production processes, work methods and explorations that are ongoing, finished or continued by different means and in a different medium constitute the basic structure of the exhibition. Salon of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Pariska 14, Phone: (011) 2630-940

FILM Days of Austrian Films ‘The Others – That’s Who We Are’

14 October-20 October

The Cultural Centre of Belgrade Movie Theatre The review will present 12 Kiki Lesendric & Piloti contemporary Austrian films. 02 October, 20.00 Belgrade Arena


Zoran Kiki Lesendrić is a Serbian rock musician, best known as the founding member of the band Piloti, which released a number of albums in the former Yugoslavia in the 1980s and 1990s. This Belgrade concert will promote his first solo CD fom 2008 and his recently published live CD ‘Svet je lep kada sanjamo’.

Tickets available from Belgrade Cultural Centre, Movie Theater, Kolarčeva 6 Phone: (011) 2621 174


Directed by Oliver Stone Starring: Charlie Sheen, Michael Douglas, Tamara Tunie. Genre: Drama, Action


Directed by Zack Snyder Voices: Helen Mirren, Geoffrey Rush, Emily Barkley. Genre: Animation, Adventure

THE OTHER GUYS Starts:14 October

Directed by Adam McKay Starring:Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Keaton, Will Ferrell, Eva Mendes. Genre: Action, Comedy

EAT, PRAY, LOVE Premiere: 19 October, 20.00

Starts: in Belgrade Cinemas on 21 October Directed by Ryan Murphy Starring:Julia Roberts, James Franco, Javier Bardem. Genre: Drama

ŠIŠANJE (HAIR CUTTING) Film premiere: 06 October, 20.30

Directed by Stevan Filipović Starring: Nikola Rakočević, Bojana Novakovic, Viktor Savic, Nikola Kojo, Nataša Tapušković. Genre: Drama Tickets available from the Sava Centre Phone: (01) 220 60 60;

CorD 72 / June 2010 59


An Open BOOK

“For the Swedish Embassy it is very important that these are not just one way dialogues but two-way communications and a valuable exchange of information”

By philomena O’Brien photo: Darko CvetAnOvić


weden is well known for its literary classics and as the honorary guest at this year’s Belgrade Book Fair the Swedish Embassy and associated partners are taking their role very seriously. With a strong focus on children’s and contemporary Swedish literature, we speak with Helene Larsson, Cultural Counsellor at the Embassy of Sweden, about what else they hope to promote and achieve as a result of their inclusion.

60 CorD 72 / June 2010

n Sweden has always had a very strong focus on literacy and literature. How important is it to be the ‘honorary guest’ at this year’s Belgrade Book Fair. What can people expect to see? r It is very important that we are part of the Belgrade Book Fair. Our appearance will be based on work we have been doing at the Embassy for many, many years – translations, seminars and meetings with numerous different writers. There has also been an ongoing collaboration with the Faculty of Scandinavian Language and between writers from Sweden and Serbia and as a result we are now focusing this on the book fair. As part of the Swedish involvement in the fair, we will have 20 writers coming from Sweden. These authors will not just talk about their works and literature but also about how they engage within society. We will be connecting Swedish writers with Serbian journalists and writers to take part in debates and discussions. For the Swedish Embassy it is very important that these are not just one way dialogues but twoway communications and a valuable exchange of information. We will also be sending the writers out all around the city for workshops, seminars, debates and discussions to six or seven local partners, satellites, and locations around the city. There will be events for both adults and children. Half of our Swedish guests are children’s writers and illustrators, and we have initiated about 24 different activities for children, which are part of the overall 40 to 50 events that the Swedish Embassy will be organising. As an example of one of the children’s activities, we will have an artist and children working together to build what they consider to be a ‘child-friendly city’ with recycled materials and glue pistols. Following the building of the city they will discuss what actually makes a child-friendly city. After this they will go to the pavilion and meet a Serbian actor who will read a story for them and afterward they will meet the Swedish author.

n Sweden is an open, innovative, progressive, and transparent country – how will these qualities be reflected in your stand at the book fair? What will the main focuses be? r In terms of the pavilion space, we are building this together with IKEA. We want the space to be open and transparent, to be welcoming, to feel like you are coming home to someone, like a big living room; and through these qualities the pavilion will communicate transparency and openness and help make people feel they are welcome. In respect of content, we will be holding an exchange of information between Serbian and Swedish writers and translators, and through this communication and debate we hope to create a feeling of openness and transparency. We will have two main focuses at the book fair. The first focus is on children rights - to literature, to culture and to be involved. The other focus is on contemporary Swedish literature – we want to take this opportunity to present contemporary Swedish society and so will only be featuring literature from the last six to ten years. We also want to show a little of Swedish design and this will be achieved through the involvement of IKEA. n The Book Fair project for Sweden is an innovative cooperation between four Swedish partners - the Embassy of Sweden and IKEA located in Serbia, and the Swedish Arts Council and the Swedish Institute, located in Sweden. How did this grouping originate? And who initiated the project in the first place? r The initiative came from the Swedish Embassy and the Swedish Arts Council. We have been working with them and the Swedish Institute in regards to Swedish literature and translations for the last five or six years, so it was very easy to coordinate ourselves in this cooperation. When I saw the IKEA stand at the book fair in Gothenburg last year I knew at once

We will be holding an exchange of information between Serbian and Swedish writers and translators, and through this communication and debate we hope to create a feeling of openness and transparency they also had to be part of the project. IKEA were very positive about being involved and are also interested in the valuebased discussions we will be holding, and of course are eager to display the various facets of Swedish design at the fair. n Does the project have a title and where did this title originate from? r ‘Voices from Sweden’ is a very appropriate title as the events around the book fair are not just about literature and the written word, but also involve discussions, debates, work-

shops and music (we are also participating in the Belgrade Jazz festival the same week with Rigmor Gustafsson and Magnus Lindgren), so it involves all kinds of ‘voices’ not just written ones. The Serbian translation of the title, ‘Glåsövi

As a result of our inclusion in the book fair I would like to see more Swedish titles translated into Serbian of course, but I’d also like to see more cooperation between Serbia and Sweden Svedske’ also works well. When we considered the title, we took into consideration how language can be written or spoken, and that music and art is also a kind of language. n Sweden is famous for many literary classics. Will there be any renowned or celebrated Swedish authors who will be attending the Book Fair as guests? r We will have one very important person, who is not Swedish, but a Belgian illustrator and writer, Kitty Crowther, and is the award-winner of the Swedish Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award (worth around 500,000 euro which is the biggest children’s literature prize in the world). Other guests include feminist writer Maria Sveland, awarded writers Helena Henschen and Steve Sem-Sandberg who both write fiction using documentary material and Ulf Peter Hallberg a well known factual and documentary author. Åsa Lind, a Swedish children’s writer, will be the Swedish contribution to the opening of the book fair. n No doubt being involved in a project like this takes a lot of resources in terms of effort, time and money. What do you expect the results to be on a cultural level? r As a result of our inclusion in the book fair I would like to see more Swedish titles translated into Serbian of course, but I’d also like to see more cooperation between Serbia and Sweden. This is not just one-way communication I am talking about, this is something that needs to be a two-way dialogue of communication, cooperation and exchange. The Embassy is not able to achieve this by ourselves. The involvement from the Serbian side is always huge. It is the same with Sweden – there is a big amount of interest from Sweden, not just with the book fair but all the work we do in Serbia. n How do you expect this opportunity will change people or improve people’s perceptions of Sweden? r I think people know a lot about Sweden already. With the visa liberalisation last year we have seen an increase in the number of people travelling to Sweden. There is also a large Diaspora in Sweden so there has been a lot of contact over the years between Serbia and Sweden, which was particularly obvious in the 60s and 90s and has continued on from that. ■ CorD 72 / June 2010 61

music beMUS 2010

festivity fOr musiC LOvers Three great stars are coming to Belgrade for the 42nd October music festival - the New York Philharmonic Orchestra, percussionist Martin Grubinger and alt singer Marijana Mijanović. Opera premiers and recollections of the doyens of Serbian classical music have also been announced

Alan Scindler


By Jelena jOvAnOvić

and Munich; conductors Herbert fon Karajan and Zubin Mehta, he oldest Belgrade festival of artistic music - the violinist Yehudi Menuhin, cellist Ksenija Janković, violinist Belgrade Music Festival (BEMUS) - will be held for Jovan Kolundžija and so on. BEMUS also has a long tradition the 42nd time this fall from 16th to 24th October. Just when it comes to presenting significant Serbian composers, and as in previous decades, BEMUS will present an inall grand local musicians have played at this festival. Part of the teresting and varied music programme and concerts of the great festival tradition is the performance of exclusive premiers and names of the world of classical music. The highlight of this festival productions, and one segment of the programme is dedyear’s BEMUS will certainly be its closing night – a concert icated to opera and ballet. of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra in the Sava Centre Biljana Zdravković, the director of Jugokoncert and a on October 24th. The performance of percussionist Martin member of the BEMUS committee, explains that, at the time Grubinger, a concert of Marijana Mijanović with the Basel of it foundation, BEMUS was the onChamber Orchestra, opera premiers and recollections of the doyens of Serbian At the time of it foundation, ly large international festival in former classical music will be further treats for Bemus was the only large Yugoslavia. She says that the early 1970s were a time of establishing and developthe public. international festival in ing great festivals in Belgrade; it was a The Belgrade Music Festivals were former yugoslavia time of maturity, politically and artisticalfounded in 1969 on the initiative of the ly. BEMUS is one of the festivals which launched Belgrade into Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra. The state financially assisted European and global artistic orbit (BITEF the Belgrade Theatre with the foundation of BEMUS, and Jugokoncert (the Belgrade Festival was established in 1967, and FEST the Belgrade Film concert agency) was included in its organisation from the very Festival in 1971). start. Over the last four decades, BEMUS has hosted philharmon“The first visits from the Moscow State Orchestra, or the ic orchestras from Vienna, Los Angeles, Berlin, St Petersburg, 62 CorD 72 / June 2010

Dorman’s brilliant piece, which lasts about Bolshoi Theatre, or the Paris Orchestra, or the half an hour and for which Grubinger will Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra…were big be using an entire series of instruments. One steps for socialist Belgrade. Then the city preof the reasons we could not hold this consented itself as an excellent host, and the aucert in Kolarac Hall is that the entire coldience here was an excellent audience who lection of instruments on the stage takes were able to appreciate quality. BEMUS has up 28 square metres next to the symphonchanged our music as well, and it has influic orchestra, and there is no space for this enced the fact that musicians need to realise in Kolarac Hall. there is an enormous field beyond their previThe opening will feature the RTS ous grasp which should be explored and conSymphony Orchestra performing the prequered, and that a new form of communicamier of this year’s BEMUS order, written tion with the world should be established,” by Stevan Kovač Tikmajer, and at the end says our interlocutor for CorD. of the programme Hindemith’s Symphonic This year’s BEMUS will be the last one Metamorphosis will be performed,” our infor Sreten Krstić, concertmaster of the Munich Michael Herdlein terlocutor announces. Philharmonic Orchestra, who has been the seThis year’s BEMUS will also have two operas in its prolector for the past four years. From 2011, our distinguished comgramme. Mozart’s ‘The Marriage of Figaro’ performed by the poser and professor at the FMA, Zoran Erić, will be the selector. Belgrade National Theatre will have its premiere on October “We started working on this year’s Festival with rather small 21st, and few days later the Puppet Theatre from the Czech ambitions, and we have produced an attractive Festival which Republic will present itself to the Belgrade audience, also with will present three major stars,” Biljana Zdravković says. The a Mozart opera. New York Philharmonic Orchestra is a star in itself, with its con“We are honoured to have this premiere at BEMUS. It has ductor Alan Gilbert, and the soloist who will be performing with been signed by three interesting authors - Katarina Jovanović, the them, Greek violinist Leonidas Kavakos, is a world superstar. new director of the National Theatre’s opera, the famous theatre He is coming to Belgrade with Sibelius’ concerto for the violin director Jagoš Marković and Premil Petrović, a brilliant composand orchestra. Kavakos was 18 when he won the International er of the younger generation who lives in Berlin and who will Sibelius Competition, and distinguished experts think that at the be making his debut with the National Theatre’s opera orchesmoment there is no other violinist in the world who plays Jean tra. The other opera, which Sibelius’ concerto as well. The second major star Over the last four decades, BEMUS has hosted will be performed on the small stage of the National coming to Belgrade, accordphilharmonic orchestras from Vienna, Los Theatre, is Mozart’s opera ing to Zdravković is singer Angeles, Berlin, St Petersburg, and Munich; ‘Don Giovanni’, performed Marijana Mijanović. “She was born in conductors Herbert fon Karajan and Zubin by the national puppet thefrom Prague. We will Valjevo, then went abroad Mehta, violinist Yehudi Menuhin, cellist Ksenija atre present this play to Belgrade when she was very young Janković, violinist Jovan Kolundžija and so on in two versions - the first and became the greatest star one, 45 minutes long, will be of world’s concert stages and held at 12 o’clock and will be adjusted to children. The other, a opera scenes. She is an alt, the lowest female voice, and as such, two-hour long performance for an adult audience, is scheduled she might go unnoticed with the regular audience. Marijana for that same day at 5p.m,” says the director of Jugokoncert . Mijanović is an exquisite singer, and I do not know how it came Sets of tickets for this year’s BEMUS cost 5,390 dinars. to be that she has never had a concert in Belgrade. We are exSingle tickets are available at the box offices of all halls where traordinarily glad that she will have a concert as part of BEMUS. the Festival is being held. This year, there are a lot of free proShe will be accompanied by the Basel Chamber Orchestra, and grammes - entrance is not being charged for all concerts which the programme will consist of Vivaldi’s and Handel’s arias are being held in the hall of the National Bank of Serbia. which is a rarity and a special pearl in this year’s BEMUS pro“BEMUS has its regular audience, but that audience does gramme,” the director of Jugokoncert says. not have a lot of money, and they mostly expect to get tickThe third and the youngest star of the Festival is the Austrian ets for free or that the entrance to the concerts will be for free. percussionist Martin Grubinger, who will play at the openUnfortunately, this is no longer possible,” comments Zdravković. ing, with the symphonic orchestra of the RTS, under conducShe says that the state can no longer finance large projects, as tor Bojan Suđić. well as the fact that it is needed to function in several spheres on “He has completely, out of the blue, conquered the world the state level - to adopt new laws on culture, to enable benefits with his phenomenal musicality, and he has perfected playing for those who sponsor culture, and so on. ■ percussion. In Belgrade, he will perform the premier of Avner CorD 72 / June 2010 63


We desiGn tHE futuRE

Joint research project activities of both the Vinča Institute and DESY were presented at an exhibition opened in the Science and Technology Gallery in the Serbian Academy of Science and Art (SANU) on 7th September

NEW SpACE AND tiME gy accelerators. DESY’s projects DiMENSiONS are quite unique in the world. For the past 2,500 years, first philosophers Magnificent experimental search and then scientists have been trying to answer for new particles and the validathe following question: “What is the origin of tion of new physics theories and the matter that surrounds us?” From the first models in the area of high enerDr Ivanka Božović Jelisavčić idea of the atom, a tiny particle, tens of milgies are ‘born’ in one-of-a-kind By Zorana stAKić lions of which fill up a millimetre of space, accelerators which are considered the greatest photo: Darko CvetAnOvić now we have come to abstract terms and 12 physics research results to date. elementary particles which build matter and “The group of scientists at the Vinča are merged together under the action of elecInstitute of Nuclear Sciences is one of the he collaboration between the Vinča tro-magnetic strong and weak nuclear interacyoungest such groups in Serbia in the area of Institute of Nuclear Sciences from tion. Most people think of life as being threehigh energy physics. Despite being the youngBelgrade and the German nationdimensional space and of the existing time diest, in terms of its formal and legal status and al laboratory, DESY (Deutsche mension, completely unaware of the existence average age, this group is participating in the Elektronen-Synchrotron, a research centre of of maybe even 7 additional curved space-time largest number of international collaborathe Helmholtz Association) is one of the key dimensions. tions in this field. In addition to the ATLAS milestones in cooperation between Serbia and Only a decade ago, pupils were learning experiment (A Toroidal LHC ApparatuS), we Germany – said Božidar Đelić, Serbian Deputy about the universe beare also taking part Prime Minister in charge of European integraA team of vinča researchers ing mostly empty, about in the H1 experiment tions and Minister of Science and Technology, stars, planets and galwhich entails studyat the opening of the exhibition apropos five has developed molecular axies lying in attenuating proton structure in decades of the DESY laboratory and ten years markers which can predict the ed empty space despite the DESY accelerator of collaboration with the Vinča Institute of metastatic potential in their multitude. Today, called HERA. The daNuclear Sciences in the field of high energy as it turns out, baryonta collected from this physics (HEP). breast cancer ic matter (i.e. the stars, research gives interJoint research project activities of both the planets and galaxies) make up only 4% of esting material for the future study of proton Vinča Institute and the DESY were presentthe entire mass of the observed space, 23% is collisions at LHC which, in turn, will give ed at an exhibition opened in the Science and made of dark matter and we still don’t know us a precise insight into many unknowns. Technology Gallery in the Serbian Academy what that really is, while the remaining 70% is As well, participating the project of the fuof Science and Art (SANU) on 7th September. dark energy and we can only make weak preture Linear Collider (ILC), what we are doThis interesting poster exhibition with the sumptions on what it could be. ing is designing the future,” says Dr Ivanka rather futuristic title of “Insight Starts Here” “Particle physics is one of the youngBožović-Jelisavčić, the exhibition organiser showcased the operations of one of the top est branches of physics and is gradually beand the head of the high energy physics group five laboratories in the world which is encoming one of the most glamorous scientifat the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences. gaged in researching science with high ener-


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over 100 kEuro to Vinca scientist on a comic disciplines because it taps into fundamenmon task to explore the proton structure. “I tal issues. As a matter of fact, we don’t know came back to Serbia in 2004., after PhD at what the universe is made of. On one hand, CERN and a postdoc at DESY. Most of us we have been learning an awful lot about the from the VINCA HEP Group, like myself, world that is so far removed from our exare back to Serbia since a few years carrying perience, which, intuitively speaking, is not the experience and standards from some relclose to us, and, yet, there is so much that we evant laboratories worldwide. Nevertheless it still don’t know. The more we find out, the more we comprehend how vast One of the areas where the Vinča our ignorance is,” Dr BožovićJelisavčić explains. researchers have been given international These accelerators, which recognition is nano science are often realised as colliders, are exceptionally complex and grandiose devices which, at first glance, look very scifi. The Large Hadron Collider (or LHC for short) is the most powerful accelerator ever built by a human. This device is designed to accelerate protons to the speed of light and, at the same time, cool them down to the temperature of 1.9 degrees above the absolute zero (-273.17 degrees celsius). Its circumference is 27 kilometres, and it is located in a circular tunnel, some 100 metres below the ground near Geneva (most of the tunnel lies on French territory). “Colliders are close to cylindrical in shape and have a very complex and layered internal structure (like a roll) of subdetectors, where strong magnetic fields are generated which affect the trajectory of charged particles through the detector. ATLAS, a project in which the HEP group is engaged in, is 46 metres long and 25 metres wide and it weighs ‘only’ 7,000 tons. However, we are not stopping our experimental research at this. If LHC is a magnifying glass we need ILC as a microscope to highlight the ‘new physics’ through the preciis amazing to me that Vinca, an Serbian insion measurements. With our activity at ILC stitution, achieved to be a respectable partwe are engaged in the AIDA project funded ner in the technologically most advanced disby EU through the FP7 framework, where we cipline of science – high energu physics”, said are partners to over 70 countries in Europe and Dr. Božović Jelisavčić. beyond. We are working on developing accelerators of the future,” Dr Božović-Jelisavčić Genetic engineering outlines. The AIDA project is coordinated by and X-rays CERN and, differently from the most FP calls There is a scene in the movie called ‘The dedicated to the Balkan region, this ‘creme de Balkan Spy’ (’Balkanski špijun’) where one of la creme’ of the European science with future the characters exclaims: “There goes Vinča!” accelerators. Its platform is scientific and techalluding to the handling of hazardous material nological excellence and I am glad that Serbia - nuclear waste. However, the Vinča Institute found its place in this club. has gradually changed its profile and is more High energy physics in the Vinca Institute focused on multi-disciplinary and inter-disciis recognized by its excellence internationally. plinary research in the field of nano sciencVinca and DESY are partners in the project of es and nano & bio technology, biomedicine the German Research Foundation that brought

and high energy physics. In these areas, the Institute is internationally recognised for its scientific excellence. One of the areas where the Vinča researchers have been given international recognition is in nano science. A team of Vinča’s scientists exhibit photographs with the so-called scanning tunnelling microscope (which is a specialised electronic microscope) of carbon nano tubes which are functionalised by deoxyribonucleic acid which is wrapped around the nano tube. “These nano tubes are actually tiny carriers which, just like miniature robots in the human body, can carry genetic material or medicine. This is an extraordinary achievement in nanotechnology since it allows the manipulation of nano-structures. These nano tubes can be functionalised by genetic materials, and hence can be used in genetic engineering or can serve as carriers for medicine that will trick your immune system into the curing of, let’s say, auto-immune diseases,” says Dr Božović Jelisavčić. She also outlines the work done by a team of Vinča researchers that developed molecular markers which can predict the metastatic potential in breast cancer. In 2009, this project was awarded by the Belgrade City authorities. CorD’s interlocutor also draws attention to another field of science – photonics. The DESY laboratory is working on XFEL - a billioneuro-project together with 12 other countries. They are using a part of the superconducting accelerator from the TESLA Project (which was the original seed for the technology of the Linear Collider) to use accelerated electron groups to radiate X rays of the highest brilliance ever. Such radiation performs the function of an X-ray laser. “This project will make it possible to lighten quantum objects at the nano-scale, and make recordings of biochemical and surface reactions. This means that these rays will be practically applicable in geology, nano-technology, discovering new medicine in the biomedical field and molecular technology. The project is supposed to be implemented in 2014 and it is a chance for Serbia to consider a possibility to take part” says this highly renowned high technology physics scientist. ■ CorD 72 / June 2010 65


out! MICRO-CHIPPING MUDDLE A man who had his dog micro-chipped before it was stolen cannot be told of its location because of data protection laws. Dave Moorhouse’s Jack Russell terrier, Rocky, was stolen in 2007 and he was informed earlier this year that the microchip provider had discovered details of his dog’s new address - however, they refused to pass on the animal’s whereabouts claiming

it would breach the Data Protection Act. Last week a court refused Mr Moorhouse’s request for a court order compelling Anibase, the microchipping database, to reveal the name and address of the new owners. Mr Moorhouse, 56, from Huddersfield, West Yorks, said: “What’s the point of having your pet microchipped if you can’t get him back?” (Source:



The Munich beer festival celebrated its 200th birthday this year with millions of visitors from around the world. The event which ran for 17 days was opened by Munich’s mayor Christian Ude by ‘tapping’, or opening up, the first beer barrel on the stroke of midday, following a tradition begun in 1810. For the 200th anniversary of the beer festival, the price of a one-litre beer was upped to a sobering cost of between €8.30 and €8.90 euros. And for the first time, smokers hoping to enjoy a cigarette with their ale were best advised to leave their packets at home after the state of Bavaria decided to ban smoking across the state in all pubs, cafes and beer tents.

A spy lands on a beach near a casino and strips off his wetsuit to reveal a smart tuxedo. Sound like scenes from a James Bond movie? In fact they’re real-life examples of spycraft revealed for the first time in a new authorised history of Britain’s foreign intelligence service MI6 from 1909 to 1949. IN his new book author Keith Jeffery, a history professor at Queen’s University in Belfast, paints a picture of the agency’s cash-strapped, freewheeling early days as it battled not only the Nazis and Soviets but also government red tape. “The real James Bonds are in fact more interesting than the fictional ones,” Jeffery said after the launch of the book, for which he was granted unprecedented access to MI6 archives. (Source: )

(Source: )

LORD OF THE DANCE Scientists have revealed the secret to how a man can attract women on the dance floor: it’s all in the way he moves his neck and torso and the speed at which he moves his right knee. The team of psychologists at Northumbria University in the United Kingdom say large and varied

movements involving the neck and the trunk tended to be judged as the best dance moves by female study participants. James Cook University health psychologist and sexologist Frances Quirk says the results prove that a lot of human attraction is based on subconscious cues about the health, vigour or strength of a potential mate. (Source: )

ANACONDA ANXIETY A 73-year-old Polish pensioner was shocked to find a 6.5-foot-long anaconda peering up out of her toilet bowl in her flat in Wroclaw, south-west Poland, local police said. “After she raised the lid of the toilet seat, the lady saw a huge snake that wanted to slither out of the toilet bowl. She immediately slammed down the toilet lid and called us,” Pawel Petrykowski, a Wroclaw police spokesman, told AFP. After arriving on the scene, police and an employee from the local zoo managed to catch the reptile, which is native to South America. While the anaconda was taken to the zoo, police launched an investigation aimed at identifying its owner. (Source: 66 CorD 72 / June 2010

RARE HITLER PAINTINGS AT AUCTION A recently discovered collection of paintings by Adolf Hitler could fetch more than £150,000 when they are sold at auction soon, experts have said. The paintings by Adolf Hitler will be sold at Mullocks auction house in Ludlow, Shropshire The selection of watercolours were all paint-

ed around 1908 when the future leader of Nazi Germany was simply known as an artist attempting to earn a living. Scenes depict views across vast areas of farmland with a distant church spire on the road, village scenes and rows of factories. The paintings have come to light after they were found within a large estate in Austria's north by an unnamed lawyer who bought the property.

COUCH POTATOES DELIGHT Got a few pounds to lose? Cancel the gym membership. An increasing body of research reveals that exercise does next to nothing for you when it comes to losing weight. More and more research in both the UK and the US is emerging to show that exercise has a negligible impact on weight loss. The Mayo Clinic, a not-for-profit medical research establishment in the US, reports that, in general, studies “have demonstrated no or modest weight loss with exercise alone” and that “an exercise regimen… is unlikely to result in shortterm weight loss beyond what is achieved with dietary change.” (Source:

KITSCH CAR ACCESSORY CarLashes are already a hit among women drivers in the US and are rapidly gaining popularity in Britain. The accessories are fixed above the headlights with tape designed not to damage the paintwork when removed. The US firm which launched CarLashes in January, Turbo Style Products, invites customers to ‘dress up your headlights with a touch of fashion’. Fans of the accessory have created a Facebook group to share pictures of their cars. Around 3,000 people have become fans of the product on the social networking site. Carlashes cost around €19. (Source:

THE 10 KITSCHEST CAR ACCESSORIES 1) CarLashes 2) Fluffy dice 3) Crystal handbag hook 4) Princess on Board sticker 5) Racing stripes 6) Dashboard flower 7) Fluffy steering-wheel cover 8) Under-car LED strip lights 9) Rear spoiler 10) Fluffy seat covers



chill out!

New York mayor Michael Bloomberg has revealed he only has two pairs of work shoes. Last year he made more money than anyone else in the world; he has a personal fortune of $17.5bn (£11.2bn); and he also happens to be the mayor of New York City. But according to recent reports, media baron Michael Bloomberg has only two pairs of work shoes, and he’s been wearing the same black loafers for more than a decade. “You do something called resoling and re-heeling,” he told the New York Post. “You don’t have to throw them away and get new ones, you can use the old ones.”

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OASES Of trAnQuiLLity In over 53 thermal resorts around Serbia, the benefits of which even the ancient Romans enjoyed, spa therapies have been adapted to treat a wide range of health ailments and diseases


utumn is the ideal time to go to the spa - for treatment or a rest. In Serbia there are over 1,000 cold and warm mineral water springs, and a great wealth of natural mineral gases and medicinal mud. In over 53 thermal resorts, the benefits of which even the ancient Romans enjoyed, spa therapies which involve drinking medicinal water or taking medicinal baths have been adapted to treat a wide range of health ailments and diseases. Today, the spas are increasingly returning to what they once were – places for rest, enjoyment and recreation. Wellness programmes have become very popular in Serbian spas over the last few years. The programmes entail spa therapies which are ideal for preventing illness, restoring physical and spiritual vitality and great form and appearance, renewing skin elasticity and firming neglected muscles.

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vrnjAčKA BAnjA Vrnjačka Banja spa is located in central Serbia, 200 kilometres south of Belgrade. It rests on the slopes of Goč Mountain and in the valleys of the Vrnjačka and Lipovačka rivers. Vrnjačka Banja has seven mineral springs, four of which are used in spa therapies. The Topla Voda spring, which is unique because it is the same temperature as the human body (36.5°C), is of the carbonic acid homoeothermic variety and is used for drinking and bathing. The cold mineral springs, Snežnik (17°C), Jezero (27°C) and Slatina (14°C), are of the alkaline-earth variety. For those who prefer rivers and angling, 10 kilometres from Vrnjačka Banja, on the Zapadna Morava River, there is the Podunavačke Bare lakes area, where sporting events also take place. Goč is also an ideal place for hunting, with its managed hunting grounds. Vrnjačka Banja guests can go on organised visits to the nearby Studenica, Žica, Gradac, Sopoćani and Đurđevi Stupovi monasteries, as well as to the remains of the Ras, Maglić, Brvenik and Koznik fortresses.

vrnjačka Banja

Banja Vrujci

Banja Vrujci

Bukovička Banja Bukovička Banja spa is located in Aranđelovac, at the base of Bukulja Mountain. It lies at 256 metres above sealevel and is 76 kilometres from Belgrade. In the recreation block, in addition to the standard hydrotherapeutic procedures, there is a whirlpool bath with underwater massage, a solarium, sauna, hydro-kinetic showers, massage showers with adjustable pressure and temperature, mud baths and a fitness centre. Bukovička Banja Park, spread out over an area of 21.5 hectares, is one of the most beautiful in Serbia. The Marble and Sounds Festival is held in the park every year, as is the international World of Ceramics Festival. Visitors to Bukovička Banja can visit Risovača Cave, an archaeological site from the late Stone Age and one of the oldest testaments to the existence of humans on the Balkan Peninsula and its museum which houses numerous archaeological and ethnological exhibits. The surrounding area contains numerous cultural and historical monuments: Karađorđe’s Fortified Town (Karađorđev Grad) in Topola, St George Church (Crkva Svetog Đorđa) in Oplenac, and Orašac – the place where the First Serbian Uprising began in 1804. The adjacent hunting grounds are full of small game and the artificial Garaši Lake offers opportunities for angling.

Banja Vrujci spa is located at the foot of the Suvobar and Maljen mountains, in the Toplica river valley. Vrujci is situated 92 kilometres from Belgrade and has a mild moderate continental climate, standing at between 179 and 252 metres above sea-level. The thermal waters in Banja Vrujci (28°C) contain calcium, magnesium and selenium. The rehabilitation centre offers a full range of health treatments: kinesiotherapy, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy and mud therapy. The mineral water is used for bathing and drinking, and peloid – curative mud – is used in pack form. The area surrounding Vrujci is set apart by its stunning landscape and diverse forests. The Valjevo mountain range is ideal for hunting and the Toplica, Kolubara and Lepenica rivers lend themselves to fishing. In the vicinity of Banja Vrujci there are village households which cater to tourists. The village of Struganik and the house in which military leader Živojin Mičić was born, are not far from the spa, as too are the Bogovođa monastery and the village of Brankovina, the town of Mionica and the city of Valjevo with their rich historical and cultural heritages.

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Banja Koviljača Banja Koviljača spa is located in western Serbia, in the Drina river basin. It lies on the right bank of the river, at the foot of Gučevo Mountain, 125 metres above sea-level. The spa is six kilometres from Loznica and 142 kilometres from Belgrade. Sulphurous mineral waters (which range in temperature from 15 to 28°C) and the curative mud are the natural medicinal elements of Banja Koviljača. Treatments are performed in the Banja Koviljača Specialised Rehabilitation Hospital, with the use of hydrotherapy, peloid therapy, magnetotherapy and manual, underwater and vibro-massage. A special children’s rehabilitation department, the first of its kind in Serbia, has been opened in the specialised hospital. The spa is surrounded by one of the largest and most beautiful parks in Serbia, suitable for walking and leisure. The famous Kursalon spa ballroom building captivates visitors with its beauty, the rich interior evoking the spirit of bygone times and the opulent balls once held there. The surrounding area of Banja Koviljača is full of cultural and historical attractions. On Cer Mountain there are the remains of old towns and fortresses (Kosanin and Trojanov Grad), as well as the Charnel House Memorial (Spomen Kosturnica), and in the spa itself there are the remains of Koviljkin Grad and Gradac monastery. Nearby to Banja Koviljača is Tršić, the birth place of Vuk Stefanović Karadžić, with a stateprotected ethnic village which shows visitors how life was in Vuk’s day. Also here is the Tronoša monastery, which houses the Museum of Vuk’s Early School Life and is where the great man learned to read and write. On the Drina there are managed locations for angling and on Gučevo there are a great many picnic sites. 70 CorD 72 / June 2010

Sokobanja is located in south-eastern Serbia 230 kilometres from Belgrade, between the Ozren and Rtanj mountains, on the banks of the Moravica River. The natural therapeutic features of Sokobanja are its thermal mineral springs (with temperatures ranging from 28 to 45.5°C) which are used for bathing and inhalation, and the moderate continental climate characterised by favourable atmospheric pressure, moderate rainfall, little fog and a few windy days, a high concentration of oxygen, ozone and negative ions in the air and an absence of air pollution. A wide variety of sporting, cultural and tourist events are held in Sokobanja throughout the year, including the First Accordion of Sokobanja, the International Ecological Cartoon Biennale, Sokograd Art Colony, the Golden Hands of Sokobanja, Saint Jovan Biljober and Spa Summer of Culture among others. During summer, guests can bathe at managed bathing sites on the Moravica River, Bovansko Jezero Lake and the artificial lake in the Moravica Klisura gorge, which are also ideal for fishing. The area surrounding Sokobanja has many picnic sites and forest and sealed paths lead to Oštra Čuka, Ozren Mountain’s highest peak (1117 metres). Trails on Ozren lead to the Jermenčić monastery, the ruins of the Tatomirov Grad fortress and the 580metre-long Ozrenska Pećina cave. The 11 metre-high Ripaljka waterfall, formed by the Gradašnica River, is also nearby.

Banja Koviljača

Niška Banja Niška Banja spa is located in south-eastern Serbia, beside the main road between Niš and Sofia. It lies at the foot of Koritnik, which is part of the Suva Planina Mountain, at 248 metres above sea-level. It is 10 kilometres from Niš and 250 kilometres from Belgrade. The natural therapeutic factors of Niška Banja are the gentle and moderate continental climate, the thermal mineral waters and the naturally mineral-rich mud. The medicinal waters, which come from five springs, are earth-alkaline homeothermic (36-38°C) and lightly mineralised. The healthcare and tourist facilities are located in a managed park which covers an area of five hectares. In the vicinity of Niška Banja there is the Košutnjak Forest Park which has fitness circuits. Exciting paragliding competitions are also held in Niška Banja, with competitors taking off from the slopes of Koritnik and landing in Niška Banja. Guests to Niška Banja can visit nearby cultural and historical attractions including the Mediana (residence of Constantine the Great), and the Skull Tower (Ćele Kula).

Niška Banja

Banja Kanjiža Banja Kanjiža spa is located in northern Serbia, on the right bank of the Tisa River. It is 40 kilometres from Subotica and 120 kilometres from Novi Sad. The spa is located in a large park and stands 87 metres above sea-level. The spa has a continental climate, with warm summers and cold winters. The thermal mineral waters are hyper-thermal, with temperatures of between 51 and 72°C, and contain sodium, hydrocarbonate, iodine, bromide and sulphide. Curative mud – peloid – is used during treatments. Guests have access to a large number of sport facilities: two indoor pools, sauna, solarium, gym, sports hall, athletics track, volleyball, basketball, handball and tennis courts and football grounds. These facilities allow the spa to offer a special programme of medically supervised sports training. On the banks of the Tisa River there is a park with walking trails, and the river itself is ideal for water sports and angling. Nearby hunting grounds allow for the shooting of small and large game. Trips from Kanjiža to Subotica, Lake Palić and the Zobnatica stud farm can also be arranged. (Source: National Tourism Organization of Serbia)

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Oktoberfest celebrations - 17th September

Bavaria in Belgrade

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Oktoberfest is a 16- to 18-day festival held each year in Munich, Germany. It is one of Germany’s most famous events, with some six million people attending annually. The celebration is an important part of Bavarian culture and 2010 marks the 200 year jubilee of the event


his year Serbia got to experience its very own Oktoberfest. The inaugural Belgrade event was organised by the German Business Association in Serbia with the aim of celebrating this very national and essential part of German culture and mentality. A huge tent housed rows and rows of beer-drinking tables, music was provided by an original brass band from Bavaria, and guests downed many litres of German beer and German wurst (sausages) - all obligatory for such an event. Organisers ‘built a bridge to Serbia’ by also engaging a Serbian band - the Dejan Petrovic Big Band orchestra, winner of the Golden Trumpet at the Guca festival. All agreed that the event was a great success. “This was the first proper Oktoberfest in Belgrade and a good start to hopefully a tradition of holding it annually. The response by our member companies, friends of the German Business Association and guests has been tremendous. We believe that we can organise an even bigger Oktoberfest next year. We would also like to open it up to the wider public and hold it over several days,” says Mr. Michael Schmidt, organiser of the Oktoberfest event and Director of the Delegation of German Economy in Serbia and Montenegro, and a board member of the German Business Association in Belgrade. Mr. Schmidt is hoping that German, Serbian and international companies use this event as an excellent platform for improving customer relations or as an internal team building event. MercedesBenz demonstrated this successfully on the second day by extending Oktoberfest for another day and inviting their customers. Other companies came in groups of 20 or 30 people and simply had a good time together. Oktoberfest is an ideal demonstration of the fact that German business is now well-established in Serbia. Mr. Schmidt comments that, “With over 170 member companies the German Business Association is one of the biggest bilateral chambers in Serbia. Oktoberfest events are an excellent way to increase German visibility, to offer members and partners something unique, and ultimately to establish and deepen business contacts.” The event was held thanks to support from within the German Business Association including sponsors such as MercedesBenz, Gebrüder Weiss, Wolf Theiss and Holiday Inn.

german Ambassador to Serbia h.E. Wolfram Maas and Mr. Ernst Bode, president of the german Business Association in Serbia and CEO of Messer Tehnogas AD

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Colours seen on the catwalks are reflecting not just the change in temperature but also the tough economic times so you'll see lots of dark, deep and nature-inspired colours. Also expect to see lots of dramatic and feminine prints, accessories and other details this season! These details include animal prints, ruffles, lace, plaid, brocade, ethnic patterns, florals, zippers, chain, studs, chunky statement necklaces, Art Deco style jewellery, drapes, striped leggings and tights, bold coloured opaque tights, sequins, gray knits, and ruchings.

Bags are a big part of the winter fashion scene. Simple and solid colored suede and leather bags should be on the top of your shopping list for fall winter 2010. Indulge in tan, brown or black suede/leather bags for the casual bohemian look. If you want something that goes with everything, choose bags with minimal details. However, if your style is more on the fun side, try leather bags with braided straps, buckle pockets or maybe some gold and exotic embellishments.

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And finally, knee and thigh high boots are the latest comeback from the fall-winter fashion 2010 catwalk and are higher than ever. Not to mention that they look slimming on most legs!

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WhAt’s hOt in GAdGet-WOrLd Samsung’s Galaxy Tab What: Possibly the worst-kept secret in tablet-land (more so than the iPad), but the final specs were finally revealed in early September and Europe can now purchase the brand new Samsung Galaxy Tab. It runs Android 2.2 (Froyo), measures seven inches and has flash. This GT-P1000 model has a 7-inch TFT-LCD WSVGA screen (with 1024 x 600 pixels), and is powered by a Cortex A8 1.0GHz processor and a PowerVR SGX540 GPU and runs with 512MB of RAM. When: On sale in Europe mid-September and in the US / other areas of the world later in the year. the damage: Between €699-€799 in europe, £679 and $300-$400usd.

ASUS Multimedia Laptop What: The Asus NX90Jq laptop has finally been released after almost eight months of waiting. It sports a sleek design, and looks unlike any laptop you will have ever seen thanks to technology design company Bang & Olufsen. The crisp 18.4inch backlit screen is nestled between two narrow speakers, while the dual side touch-pads look and feel like DJ-style turntables. It’s like a whole new computing experience. When: Was released on the market late August. the damage: Available online for around $2,500usd.

Arc Touch Mouse What: The new Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse will be completely compatible with Windows 7 and will also sport Microsoft’s ‘Blue Track’ technology which allows the mouse’s laser to glide over any surface. Plus there will also be a 2.4GHz wireless connection and a symmetrical design that allows both left- and right-handers to use it easily. When: From September/October. the damage: from $69.95usd.

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Low-Cost Video Conferencing What: WowWe Inc. has launched a new service designed to bring the power of video communication to the masses. iWowWe. com gives users video email and conferencing tools that are easier to use and more affordable than any other product on the market, without sacrificing quality. It allows users to communicate seamlessly with anyone, whether they have a WowWe account of their own or not. When: Released early September. the damage: priced from $19.95usd a month.

Still Need a Kindle? What: If you’ve been holding out until the features justify the price, Amazon may have just tipped the scales in your favour - the new Kindle is the best model yet and it’s only $139! The Kindle has been around for a while now and has quite gained a reputation for being one of the best electronic readers. The best part about Kindle is that it keeps getting better and better. The latest release offers 4GB storage (which will hold a huge amount of text!); battery life of up to four weeks on a single charge, and a much higher contrast ratio meaning everything is easier to read. When: Released in September. the damage: $139usd.

Toshiba Camileo S20 Camcorder

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techno technoTALK

What: The Toshiba Camileo S20 comes at a great price but is still able to support high-definition recordings. It has been designed to support 1080 high-definition video which is then complemented with digital stabilisation that will compensate camera shake. Other features include LED light for shooting in a low-light environment, time-lapse that has three pre-set intervals, motion detection for surveillance, and SD or SDHC card-support to store the video footage. When: Released in August. the damage: about $180usd.


talk iPhone Without a Phone What: The new Apple iPod Touch 4G. The highlight is the high, 960 x 640 pixel resolution display - the sharp, vibrant, display of the screen is certainly impressive. The wonderfully curved stainless steel back fits beautifully into your hand and simple clean lines look elegant from every angle. It is marginally slimmer at 7.2mm (111 x 58.9 x 7.2mm overall and weighs 101 grams). It can record 720p high definition video, it runs at the same speed of the iPhone 4 using the same Apple A4 chip... and almost everything about the new iPod Touch seems better than the original. When: Released mid-September. the damage: priced from $229usd (8GB), $299usd (32GB) and $399usd (64GB).

Razer ‘Orca’ Headphones What: For those who like to stand out in a crowd! The Orca is green. Really green. It’s also What designed for on-the-go use, with a shorter, standard braided cable accompanied by a two-meter extension cord. Internally, you’ll find 40mm drivers with neodymium magnets, a 15-21,000Hz frequency response and a conventional 3.5mm headphone plug. When: Was released on the market late August. the damage: $59.95usd / €59.95.

Apple TV Smaller and Cheaper What: Apple TV is a digital media receiver and a network device that allows you to play multimedia content from your PC or Mac on your HDTV. The new version is 80% smaller than the previous one and it comes with a built-in power-saving battery. All you have to do is plug your device into a power outlet and connect it to the HDTV and you’re good to go. The device uses WiFi and ethernet connections and no additional wires are required. When: Due for release in late September or early October. the damage: from about $99usd / £99.

80 CorD 72 / June 2010

New Sony DSLRs What: Sony is back in the digital camera game, introducing new models (SLT-A55V and SLT-A33), which are powered by the world’s first translucent mirror technology that paves the way for simultaneous auto focus and capture in an interchangeable lens digital camera. These new models are capable of delivering continuous phase detect AF during 10 fps high-speed shooting and full HD movie shooting moments. When: Released late August. the damage: the sony A55 and A33 will retail for around $750usd and $650usd, respectively for only the body – if you want to include the 18-55mm zoom lens, that will cost you another $100usd.

Super-Value BlackBerry Outdoor Handheld GPS What: The new Magellan eXplorist 510, 610 and 710 devices allow adventurers to navigate to outdoor destinations worldwide, capture geo-tagged photos along the way, and share their experiences online when they return home. Each eXplorist model combines a highsensitivity GPS, an intuitive user interface, easy-toread mapping and accurate navigation. When: From October in Europe. the damage: $349, $449 and $549usd.

And finally... while not strictly ‘techno’...

tHE struGGLe is Over This could be the solution to that ongoing struggle to find the beginning of the sticky tape. The V-Tape concept design is pretty basic. It’s just a plain roll of tape with a little v-shaped cut along one edge. Thanks to that cut, you’ll tear off the tape in the same spot each time and know where to find the end. The V-tape won an ‘iF Concept Design 2010’ award. CorD 72 / June 2010 81


What: The new BlackBerry Torch 9800 smartphone is a really interesting device because it combines many BlackBerry smartphone standards (full QWERTY keypad, touch screen, trackpad) in a fresh package. The size and shape of the device is nearly identical to the 9700, and in fact its dimensions (4.4-inches up and down by 2.4-inches across when closed) are within spitting distance of the simpler, portrait QWERTY model. The Torch has a five megapixel camera along with an LED flash and the device does an excellent job of capturing images, particularly close-ups. When: Released mid-August. the damage: Amazon is already slashing the price of the torch down to $99usd with a new two year contract, down more than 50% from the phone’s launch price of $199usd.


Everything starts with a dream For me, it is always important to have something that I dream of, and then it becomes something that I focus on and something that I fight to achieve. I never let people destroy my dreams


.he awareness of one’s own comparative advantages, a good network and having your own dreams are the most important factors for success. This is what Zdravko Lončar, Managing Director of Business Portal eKapija, believes. “It is very important to look at your comparative advantages and position yourself in the best way to take advantage of your qualities. To outperform your competition you need a comparative advantage,” says Lončar, a professional with strong experience in the IT and Telecommunications fields gained both here and abroad. Having a good network is also very important for success according to Lončar: “The English are very good at networking and all Anglo-Saxon societies create multiple levels of networks which are really helpful in supporting their members. From golf clubs, through various professional associations, Rotary Clubs to freemasonry and other fraternal societies, members interconnect and create a supporting net for whatever they are doing. Even young mothers network in so-called ‘play groups’ so it is easier for them to grow and take care of their kids. That is why I was one of the founders of the Serbian Association of Managers which is now one of the strongest and most influential business associations in Serbia, helping members conduct successful business. eKapija is also a network which supports its members. Being very much a B2B portal, we provide a number of services which help our members become better informed, better positioned and more

I enjoyed my life in Australia, it helped me to create that ’stereo view’ of all aspects of life and I would recommend to anyone to spend some period of their life in a different country successful in their business. On eKapija you can find business information that is hard to find in one place and our slogan conveys what we want to be – Daily habit of successful”. It is obvious that the recipe is showing results: “eKapija is growing in Serbia at an approximate rate of 30% annually. We had some slowdown due to the global economic downturn but we expect to be on the same ratios in the next year. Our target is to become the best business portal in the region. That is why we are putting much emphasis on establishing our business in other countries of the region. We are currently operating in Bosnia but 82 CorD 72 / June 2010

we are preparing to spread our business in Croatia and Macedonia and at some later stage Bulgaria, Slovenia etc,” Lončar says. Lončar spent a significant amount of time overseas and that required many important decisions to be made. ”Obviously it was big decision to try our luck in Australia. As a young family we went there and after a few years of struggle and fight for our place, we managed to establish ourselves quite well. I very much enjoyed my work in Fujitsu where I learned quite a lot, from pure profession to understanding big business operations in countries like Australia. I enjoyed my life in Australia, it helped me to create that ’stereo view’ of all aspects of life and I would recommend to anyone to spend some period of their life in a different country,” says Lončar. Democratic changes which started in 2000 initiated his return to Serbia and the starting of his own business: ”Although democratic changes have been slower than we expected, they Zdravko Lončar, are happening and we are here to give Managing Director our bit to help Serbia move forward and become a better society. Through of eKapija, my work in eKapija and through my Business Portal other arrangements I am trying to give my best, trying to encourage others to do the same and if we all do our own bit we shall tomorrow certainly be a better society, wealthier and a stronger country.” For success, an important ingredient is to dream your own dreams. “For me it is always important to have something that I dream of, and then it becomes something that I focus on and something that I fight to achieve. People who have given up on their own dreams are often unhappy and discouraged. I never let people destroy my dreams. To realise your dreams it is important to make a plan and surround yourself with people who can help your dreams come true”. ‘”It is also very important to have a balanced life; balance between professional and family life. Both things are very important to me and I am putting in a lot of effort to strike the right balance. I also have little things in life that I really enjoy and that are only mine. I preciously take care of them and enjoy moments doing them, it is very important to have your own way to ’unwind,”’ Lončar says. ■

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