U.S. Supporting Serbia
Strengthening Iraq’s Army
H.E. Mary Burce Warlick,
H.E. Falah Abdulhasan Abdulsada,
President of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS)
The U.S. Ambassador to Serbia
Ambassador of Iraq to Serbia
Feb ‘11 / Issue NO. 79
Us or Them Tomislav Nikolić,
interviews opinions news comments events PRICE 250 RSD cOMMEnT
Arab Street Awakes
Aware of the seriousness of the Tunisia symptom, many Arabic leaders will do anything to stay in power
here to Stay and grow cOrPOrATE
Piraeus has invested in excess of 600 million euros which makes Piraeus Group one of the largest foreign investors in Serbia GOrDAnA ĆIrJAnIĆ, WrITEr, WInnEr OF THE nIn LITErArY AWArD
what you’ve Always wanted "I wanted to find out how much TV has penetrated a person’s psyche, affected his or her personal memories and sleep" qATAr 2022 WOrLD cuP
Construction Paradise
Qatar intends to host the World Cup 2022 and will spend US $50 billion
IVO JOSIPOVIĆ President of croatia
will be the Same