the Best or nothing
Bojan Pajtić,
H.E. Alexander Konuzin,
Andreas Binder,
President of the Government of Vojvodina and Vice President of the Democratic Party
Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia
CEO of Mercedes-Benz SCG
mar ‘11 / ISSuE nO. 80
treaty on european Security
elections over Minority government
interviews opinions news comments events PRICE 250 RSD SRBIjAnKA TURAjLIĆ, CITIZEn oF SERBIA
Serbia needs a Broom
Serbia must seriously arrest a certain number of people. Figuratively speaking, we need standardisation and we cannot stop at which neurosurgeon took how much money EMIL TEDESCHI, PRESIDEnT AnD CEo oF ATLAnTIC GRUPA
never a politician
I have never been a member of any political party, I am not directly involved in politics, nor do I intend to be ZoRAn vUKovIĆ, THE DEAn oF THE FACULTY oF FInE ARTS In BELGRADE
art at its purest
Fraktal is removed from politics, dishonesty, and cheating. In order to survive, it must remain open, and pure CorD CHARITY MASTERS 2011
Become a Master of charity!
We are inviting you to run at least five kilometres to raise money for charity
I Speak
80 March 2011
March 2011
the government will Survive
Marko Blagojević, Director of Operations at the Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CeSID)
I Speak Montenegrin
Bojan Pajtić, President of the Government of Vojvodina
nataša Krstić, Head of Corporate Communications at Eurobank EFG
H.E. Alexander Konuzin, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia
never a politician
Emil Tedeschi, President and CEO of Atlantic Grupa
Saving for old age
DDOR Garant, pension funds
EDITORIAL DIRECTOR: Tatjana Ostojić, EDITOR: Jelena Aleksić, ASSISTANT EDITOR: Philomena O’Brien, ART DIRECTOR: Ilija Petrović, CONTRIBUTORS: Vojka Vignjević, Ana Stojanović, Ana Golović, Petar Škorić
80 March 2011
profIle Become a Master of charity
dinar devaluation
culture news
Serbia needs a Broom
culture calendar
Andreas Binder, CEO of Mercedes-Benz SCG
Igor Ljubičić, Business Development Director of G4S
Srbijanka Turajlić, Citizen of Serbia
treaty on european Security
outsourced Security
we Invest in european values
Slobo Pajović, CEO of the Port of Bar
elections over Minority government
the Best or nothing
Igor Lukšić, Prime Minister of Montenegro
More than 100 years
Svetlana vukajlović, Director of Jedro Health Clinic
regional opportunity
Regional Conference of Business Dialogue - Cargo 10
Slow progress
Bosnia and Herzegovina on its Way to the EU
acts against the State
Business to Business
PHOTOS: Časlav Vukojičić, Darko Cvetanović TRANSLATION: Goga Purić, Snežana Bjelotomić EDITORIAL MANAGER: Tanja Banković, PROJECT MANAGERS: Vesna Vukajlović,; Marija Savić,; Jelica Lepori, SALES EXECUTIVE Marija Radujko,
FINANCIAL DIRECTOR: Ana Besedić, GENERAL MANAGER: Ivan Novcic, PRINTING: Rotografika d.o.o., Segedinski put 72, Subotica CorD is published by: alliance international media Kneginje Zorke 11b, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Phone: +(381 11) 308 99 77,
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CorD Charity Master 2011
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art at its purest
Zoran vuković, the dean of the Faculty of fine arts in Belgrade
a warm welcome
the world’s 10 Most expensive hotel rooms
you can always do Better
Dragana Roter-Crkvenjakov, Head of the Corporate Communications Department at VIP Mobile Fax: +(381 11) 308 99 88 E-mail: ISSN no: 1451-7833 All rights reserved alliance international media 2011
This issue is audited by
ABC Serbia
The Government Will Survive European Union candidacy sounds very enticing and can serve as a good springboard for winning the next election which would also create another opportunity for making life in
Marko Blagojević, Director of Operations at the Center for Free Elections and Democracy (CeSID)
Serbia tolerable There are 24 MPs from G17 which, in the current balance of power, makes them almost irreplaceable. he Serbian Prime Minister has dismissed the Minister of If I believed the conspiracy theothe Economy, Mlađan Dinkić, for publicly saying that the ry (and I don’t), I could maybe think that the former Minister of Prime Minister was not responsible for making any decithe Economy and Regional Development was defying the Prime sions whatsoever and that government was full of sycophants. Minister, and by that, the entire Democratic Party on purpose, So, the Minister of the Economy, who officially resigned after bewishing for everything to end as it did. ing dismissed, is now the Chairman of the G17 Plus parliamentaAll of the above makes sense if it means the end of a conry caucus (, while the ministers from his party are flict between the Democratic Party and G17. If, however, the bigstill government members with the exception of Verica Kalanović gest Serbian political party is determined to obliterate its coawho resigned immediately after Dinkić’s dismissal. lition partner, then that is a whole different story. Speculations Does this mean that the government and Prime Minister’s that the G17 parliamentary caucus might be split into several undermined authority has been regained? I am not so sure groups could be the continuation of this duel. In any case, the about that. question is, who stands to benefit from all of this. The answer One thing is certain. The Prime Minister deciding to replace Dinkić to this question depends on the final result of the political crisis, was the Democratic Party ( demonstrating its powwhich, at this moment is very difficult to foresee. Calming the siter. After all, it was Cvetković who said that he made the decision uation down and regaining control over the government certainafter meeting with the members of the party from whose ranks ly suits the Democratic Party especially if the party succeeds in the Prime Minister was appointed. One might ask what kind of ausharing responsibility for the existing and future successes (read thority a Prime Minister can have if his position ‘belongs’ to a pofailures) with its coalition partners. litical party. This position doesn’t have or cannot have any original I do believe that early elections are not in the best interest of any authority. Its authority originates from the authority of the party party of the governing coalition, as well as for the opposition or that has endorsed the position itself. It would be completely difat least most of it. The only party ferent if the Prime Minister were alDinkić, although replaced (and some that would benefit if the elections so the President of the political party to which this position ‘belonged’. would argue humiliated), is in a pretty were scheduled early is the Serbian Progressive Party ( That would be a whole new ball comfortable situation now game. But, in this way... Currently, this party has only 20 or Anyhow, I believe that Dinkić, although dismissed (and some so MPs which is just one quarter of the number that they will would argue humiliated), is in a pretty comfortable situation now. have following the upcoming elections. For the same reason, the In the year before the elections, at which his party will probably party that would be harmed the most by the early elections is the participate independently, he is not going to be at the forefront Serbian Radical Party ( Hence, it of the government that Serbian citizens consider the main culprit comes as no surprise that many believe that this party can profor the low living standards. Let’s not forget that he is still a part vide the governing coalition with silent support in the parliament of that government and will continue enjoying the privileges that in the event of the Democrats deciding to get rid of Dinkić or in being in power brings. the case of Dinkić deciding to step out of the governing coalition Even if the new Minister of the Economy comes from G17 and leave his coalition partners high and dry. ranks, this person will be somebody who is not easily recognisI predict that this government will survive while waiting for a able by the general public and thus not immediately identified good chance to schedule elections. I also believe that early elecwith G17 Plus. tions are possible only if the ruling parties have something to ofHence, in the upcoming period, he could easily take up a pofer to the electorate. The EU candidacy sounds very enticing and sition of moderate opposition. Of course, he should not overdo can serve as a good springboard for winning the next election it and his political partners will have to continue to tolerate him. which would also create another opportunity for making life in His party’s position in the governing coalition is not at all bad. Serbia tolerable. ■
80 March 2011
interview Igor Lukšić, the Prime Minister of Montenegro
I Speak
Montenegrin Language is an important part of national identity and, regardless of somebody having a problem with that, I have been speaking and will speak the Montenegrin language which is now formally accepted, although it has been in use for centuries
exclusive By Jelena ALEKSIĆ
espite being at the helm of government for only two months, Igor Lukšić, the Prime Minister of Montenegro (, talks in an exclusive interview with CorD about his first informal visit to Belgrade, and the relationship between the once close countries. The youngest prime minister in Europe also discusses the approximation of Montenegro toward the European Union, the country’s level of crime and the fulfilment of the seven EU criteria in order to commence Montenegro’s pre-accession negotiations. ■ You were appointed as Prime Minister only a couple of months ago. Did this position help you with having a clearer view of the situation in Montenegro than when you were the Finance Minister, and how different is your perception of Montenegro now as the Prime Minister compared to then?
80 March 2011
- Each job in public office has its peculiarities, but my perception of Montenegro has remained the same and has nothing to do with the job I was doing then or am doing now. I love and respect my country, with all its peculiarities, virtues and flaws and I try to contribute to its development through my line of work. I am quite aware of the responsibility that my position carries, and I need to look at social issues in a comprehensive way, which was not compulsory when I was the Finance Minister. Hence, every step forward that Montenegro takes I see in the light of my dedication to my profession, and this is how people of authority should feel, as well as every single Montenegrin citizen. Our goal should be to jointly provide a better regional and international position for Montenegro, and, by doing so, create a better living standard for our citizens. This might sound trite, but that is our true goal.
Pre-accession Negotiations
ur aim is to start the negotiations as soon as possible, but not before we carry out all seven tasks set before us by the European Commission. It would be good if these two things happened at the same time. We are aware of the fact that there are certain areas that need to be improved and we are dedicated to advancing them with the capacities that we have at our disposal. The most important thing is to carry out the reforms in a way that will benefit the citizens of Montenegro. Personally, I would like that to happen tomorrow, but since everything takes time, we need to deal with this issue to the best of our abilities. If we do that, I am confident that we are going to receive positive feedback from the European Union and that the negotiations will commence.
■ What is the biggest challenge that Montenegro will face on its way to the EU? - I would not classify the European Union requirements ■ You have said, on several occasions, that the Monas being any more or less challenging. They are all equaltenegrin government’s official policy will mostly continly important to us and each task will be dealt with in the ue on what has been done in the past by Prime Minister best possible way. This is how I see things. Everything Milo Đukanović. You have also said a couple of times is important to us. We don’t want to be a society that that “you are not Đukanović’s extended hand”. How do changes in only a few segments, but want to be a society you respond to the opposition parties who claim that that changes overall and adopts the European standards. Ðukanović is still a shadow ruler? Although the seven EU criteria that we need to fulfil do - I have already said that I would never have accepted bepose a challenge, we also have the economic and social coming the Prime Minister at such a difficult time for the agenda to deal with, i.e. to country if I was not given the opportunity to make Relations between our two countries create good economic conditions for all our citizens. independent decisions. Of course, I am open to good are now much better compared to the advice. The government’s post-referendum period and the time ■ German authorities have recently said that policy is geared towards accomplishing goals that were immediately prior to the recognition of “organised crime poses a significant problem in set during Mr. Đukanović’s Kosovo’s independence Montenegro”. To what detime as the Prime Minister gree will the proposed amendments to the Constitution and these goals are – European and Euro-Atlantic integraresolve this problem and do you share the EU’s opinion tion, and the economic and social progress of the entire soconcerning organised crime in Montenegro? ciety. New people and new energy also means fresh ideas. It - You have probably noticed that most of these internawould not be good if the current and former government tional reports, including those that cover Montenegro and were the same. Changes are good and necessary, despite the the regional countries, talk about the progress being made general course being the same. I have said on quite a few in combating organised crime. Let me remind you of a occasions that it comes completely naturally to me to listen recent Gallup poll according to which, of all the regional carefully to the advice given to me by Mr. Đukanović or any countries, Montenegrin citizens feel that their lives were of my co-workers. Still, I am the one that is ultimately releast affected by organised crime. According to Transparsponsible for the decisions the government makes and I am ency International’s Corruption Perception Index 2010 in charge of the decision making process. This is nothing (, Montenegro is one of the two least new. That is what management is all about.
European Union Long-term competitiveness cannot be improved if you don’t conduct structural reforms which are the most difficult to implement.
Organised crime Organised crime is not an isolated deviation in just one society. Even developed countries have to deal with it.
NGOs Following the consultations, I gave precise instructions to all ministries based on the requests and suggestions made by the NGOs.
80 March 2011
fulfil or at least begin to fulfil by the time its mandate expires? - If a country has macro-economic stability then it has economic stability too. Hence, we have implemented many measures towards that goal. This is not an easy process since it has entailed cutting back on salaries, suspending bonuses, and changing and supplementing many laws that affected a substantial number of citizens. However, I am confident that the people did understand why we had to do it and that making any decisions was just an extension of a social dialogue. Our debut on the European capital market in 2010 is something that I am especially proud of. We designated 2010 as the year of economic stabilisation. In 2011, we have set the planned deficit at 2.62 percent of the national GDP, which is below the Maastricht criteria ( By implementing the concept of healthy finances, our plan is to generate a surplus by 2013, and thus reduce public debt which is currently moderate. However, long-term competitiveness cannot be improved if you don’t conduct structural reforms which are the most difficult to implement. Also, you need to carry out regulatory reforms and the so-called regulation guillotine in order to advance the business environment. The latter is one of our imperatives and we also need to continue with the restructuring process. We would like to see economic growth ■ As soon as you were appointed, you met I have said on quite a few occasions that it of 2.5 percent of the with the NGO sector comes completely naturally to me to listen national GDP, with increased liquidity and said that this would carefully to the advice given to me by Mr. and competitiveness. become standard pracĐukanović or any of my co-workers In addition to contice in the future. Your ducting structural reopponents commented forms and improving the business environment, we that you were just promoting yourself, while NGOs welare going to help SMEs with their development, try to comed the initiative. What was your goal when meeting draw as much foreign capital into Montenegro as poswith the NGOs - self-promotion or dialogue? sible, create conditions for greenfield investments, and - The government and I, as Prime Minister, don’t have implement the policy of balanced regional development any opponents in society’s sectors, but, as I said during so that our long-term economic growth can be between the three-week-long consultations with representatives of four and five percent. all the segments, we have allies in accomplishing mutual goals – becoming an EU member and raising the quality ■ There are six new ministers in the Montenegrin govof life in Montenegro. I am quite happy with the outcome ernment. Foreign observers in Montenegro say that the of these talks, and I know that my interlocutors feel the changes you instigated were more radical than expectsame. At the meeting, we pinpointed certain problems, we ed. Are we in for more surprises when it comes to your agreed which problems we were going to work on, and staff? what I am happy to report is that they are all willing to - I made staff changes that I considered necessary and see Montenegro progressing on its way to the EU, to make brought in new people who are best equipped to deal with the country a better place to live for every citizen and more the tasks ahead. I don’t think that I will be unpleasantly competitive on the international scene. This is not propasurprised, but if it turns out that there is a weak link in the ganda. Following the consultations, I gave precise instrucchain, I will find ways to overcome that, all with the aim tions to all ministries based on the requests and suggesof providing the smooth running of the country’s system tions made by the NGOs during ’The Consultation Days’. and achieving overall progress. ■ The EU remains Montenegro’s number one goal. What ■ You’ve been to Belgrade on several occasions for pereconomic requirements does the government need to corrupt countries in the region (along with Macedonia). The Fraser Institute from Canada ranked Montenegro 66th when it comes to economic freedoms. Regardless of these indicators, I can confirm that we are fighting organised crime through every means possible and are trying to stamp it out throughout state institutions which is quite visible in practice, you would agree. Organised crime is not an isolated deviation in just one society. Even developed countries have to deal with it.
Montenegro’s new Prime Minister is known for his love of basketball as well as a passion for heavy-metal music.
80 March 2011
sonal reasons, but while here you also met with the Serbian President Boris Tadić and Prime Minister Mirko Cvetković. Are these ‘informal visits of a formal nature’ a new model for improving relations between ‘official’ Belgrade and Podgorica? - I did come to Belgrade on a private matter and used my time there to meet with the Serbian authorities. I think that this is just good manners. What I would like to underline is that the relations between the two countries are now much better compared to the post-referendum period and the time immediately prior to the recognition of Kosovo’s independence. The topics that we discussed during my recent visit to Belgrade were primarily economic in nature and this also shows that relations have grown ‘warmer’ compared to before. Regardless of whether these meetings were of a formal or informal nature, I think that they serve the interests of regional cooperation and joint European goals, and should be more frequent.
■ You have said recently that Montenegro would not reexamine its decision to recognise Kosovo’s independence in the light of Dick Marty’s report on human organ trafficking. Are you going to reconsider this before you send your ambassador to Kosovo bearing in mind Marty’s accusations on account of the KLA and Hashim Thaci? - Montenegro will not change its stand and Dick Marty’s report ( is an internal political issue for Kosovo which will be dealt with by international and domestic institutions, regardless of my personal view. Still, this will not affect our relations, and the dynamics of diplomatic ties will depend solely on our two countries’ agendas.
■ According to a 2010 survey, 41.6 percent of Montenegrin citizens surveyed said that Serbian was their mother tongue, while 38.2 percent said that it was Montenegrin. The official grammar and vocabulary of the Montenegrin language was adopted last year which the opposition parties claim was the beginning ■ Did you also discuss political isof the obliteration of the Serbian sues? What about economic ones, nation from Montenesuch as the construcgro’s map. What is tion of the motorway? Montenegro will not change its stand and Did you also talk about Dick Marty’s report is an internal political your take on this issue and which language the extradition of Vesissue for Kosovo which will be dealt with do you consider your elin Vukotić to Montenegro? by international and domestic institutions, mother tongue? - Everybody has the - I think that the topics regardless of my personal view right to be what they we discussed were adwant to be and to speak equately presented to whichever language they please. Montenegro is a demothe general public. We used these short meetings to discuss cratic, multiethnic and multi-confessional state. I certainly how to strengthen cooperation, whether economic (in secdon’t have the intention of ‘erasing’ any nation from Montors like infrastructure and energy) or regional. We agreed tenegro’s ethnic map. Serbs, Albanians, Croats, Bosniaks, that this was the key to the advancement of the West BalMuslims, the Roma, Egyptians, as well as any other nakan states. We also talked about the implementation of the tionals living in Montenegro enjoy the same rights as concluded bilateral agreements and concluding new ones. Montenegrins and that is something that I will never question. Language is an important part of national iden■ Prior to your inauguration, the departing Prime Mintity and, regardless of somebody having a problem with ister, Milo Đukanović, said that the relations between that, I have been speaking and will continue to speak the Serbia and Montenegro were burdened by the issues of Montenegrin language which is now formally accepted, Montenegro’s sovereignty and by the recognition of Kosalthough it has been in use for centuries. ovo’s independence. What is communication between the two countries like now and do you expect it to change? ■ You are the youngest prime minister in Europe. Do you - Communication is satisfactory and I believe it will stay think that this adds or detracts from your political credthat way. There have always been ups and downs in bilatibility? eral relations, but I do think that there is way of improving - Each person has a choice – to do his or her job well, or relations between Montenegro and Serbia even further. not. I am always going to do my job to the best of my abiliThis is an opportunity that we must use primarily when ties and let the results speak of my credibility. Youth and it comes to economic relations. We share the same goal of professionalism can only increase or validate political and becoming an EU member, and good regional cooperation professional credibility, not take it away. ■ can push us in that direction. 12
80 March 2011
advertorial Slobo Pajović, CEO of the Port of Bar
More than 100 years This year the Port of Bar celebrates its 105th anniversary ■ What type of goods dominates in your business activities at the moment and what is your vision for future development? - Last year we achieved a significant level of handling operations with dry bulk cargo, principally with different types of ore, scrap iron, rock aggregates, consequently n 1906 a company was established in setting a record concerning the volume Pristan involved with the construction of these goods. For certain deals we have and development of a free mooring at long-term contracts, so we therefore expect Bar, with an added free zone and railway these trends to continue in the forthcomfrom Pristan to Skadar Lake, and the sailing period. We have also planned some ing of motorised vessels on the lake. Over new activities related to the export of ore the years the Port experienced great from Montenegro and the region. The Port of Bar has grown into a destruction, especially during World Without the vision for future, sucWar I, however after World War II cess, no matter how significant, modern and contemporary port, significant investments commenced. does not necessarily mean advanceable to handle all types of goods This gave us good reason to talk ment over the long term. Aware of with Slobo Pajović, the CEO of the this fact, we have prepared attracPort of Bar. new owner, after successfully applying the tive development projects that represent a tender procedure. Establishing two port step forward towards a new concept of our ■ Mr. Pajovic, this year the Port of Bar is operators, the segmentation of business company as the regional port. celebrating its 105th anniversary; tell us activities was done in the whole territory something more about the long tradition of the port. ■ Is this new concept based upon realistic of the company you head. conditions? - Over the past 105 years the Port of Bar ■ Is it correct that your company has nar- Yes. If I state that our clients, apart from ( has not just survived, but rowed the scale of its business? Montenegro, come from Albania and all progressed and advanced. This long tradi- I think it would be more precise to say the the countries of ex-Yugoslavia, then you tion reflects our constant presence in the route of business profiling has been taken, will agree the concept is well grounded. market and our ongoing competition with as opposed to scaling down. Namely, the competitive ports by maintaining an optiContract on mutual relations between the ■ What is the Port’s potential? mal level of port services, which requires two port operators stipulates that, until - Human resources. Starting from the dockhuge investments in equipment and infrathe privatisation of one of them, the Port ers all the way to executive management structure. We have been doing our best to of Bar deals with the warehousing and we are all part of the same team dedicated follow current trends, and as a result the handling of liquid, dry bulk cargo, grains, to the fulfilment of our professional duPort of Bar has grown into a modern and as well as with storage operations for genties; aiming to achieve the best possible pocontemporary port, able to handle all types eral cargo. In addition, there are warehoussitioning of the Port of Bar in the regional of goods. es for special purposes and a cold storage market, as well as to offer high quality plant with a capacity of 4.5000 MT. The services and attract new clients. ■ What type of activities have you carried entire territory of the port is under the free I hope that in my words your esteemed out in order to improve your business? zone regime which brings certain benefits readers will recognise an honest and open - First of all, according to the Programme to its users. invitation for cooperation. ■
of the Government, which is our majority shareholder, we entered into a restructuring process. At the shareholders’ general assembly meeting, a year and a half ago, the decision on the restructuring of the company through the dissociation and incorporation of a new shareholding company ’’Container Terminal and General Cargo’’ was passed. Simultaneously four limited liability companies were established that are one hundred percent owned by the Port: ‘IT and Communications’, the hotel ‘Sidro’, ‘Security and Fire Protection’, as well as ‘Maritime Affairs’ that gained a
80 March 2011
interview Bojan Pajtić, President of the Government of Vojvodina and Vice President of the Democratic Party
Elections Over Minority
If the tension continues, elections could prove to be a better solution than minority government. On the other hand, scheduling early elections would be the worst possible solution for the country in general and for the European integration process in Serbia
exclusive By Jelena Aleksić
he political crisis that rattled Serbia in midFebruary following the dismissal of Minister of the Economy, Mlađan Dinkić, fuelled speculations about who will be appointed as the new Prime Minister. Vojvodina’s Prime Minister, Bojan Pajtić, has been long considered one of the most serious candidates for the position. In an interview with CorD magazine, the Vice-President of the Democratic Party talks about early parliamentary elections, the distrust among members of the governing coalition and the authority of the current Prime Minister, Mirko Cvetković. He also talks about the alleged secession of Vojvodina, his relations with Boris Tadić and the U.S. officials he met at the Prayer Breakfast hosted by President Barack Obama. Early in the interview he talks about current political topics, particularly Minister Dinkić being replaced, and his claims that he would still support the government that, according to him, has no authority.
80 March 2011
■ How probable is the scenario of the Democratic Party (DS) allowing Dinkić and his party colleague Verica Kalanović to act as opposition which, according to political analysts, would suit them perfectly? - I see no reason for G17 Plus ( continuing to make moves towards the destabilisation of the political system. I don’t think that that is rational since I see no political gain for them if they do that. Mlađan Dinkić acting as opposition just doesn’t seem realistic at the moment. It remains to be seen what will happen in three months’ time. ■ In case the new governing coalition setting falls through, bearing in mind that Dinkić is continuing to harshly criticise the government and the Democratic Party is also not holding back, does the Democratic Party have an alternative solution when it comes to supporting the minority government? - The Democratic Party is a serious political party ready to meet challenges head on. If the tension continues, elections could prove to be a better solution. On the other hand, scheduling early elections would be the worst possible solution for the country in general and for the European integration process in Serbia. The Democratic Party ( has an absolute majority in the provincial parliament and I see no problems with that.
■ It is a public secret that you are quite independent from the
Democratic Party headquarters which, allegedly, Boris Tadić is not too happy about. Is that the key to your success and the support you have in Vojvodina? What are the relations between the provincial government and Boris Tadić like? - Boris Tadić is the president of my party and my friend, and, as such, he enjoys my support. When you are in public office, you have to make peace with the fact that you will be constantly exposed and probed. Also, you have to get used to people who don’t mean well and can only speculate since they have nothing else to pin on you.
ment from the position of personal authority and he had our support in that. This was a forced move, rather than planned one, and, at the time that the decision was made, nobody assumed or calculated anything including the support from G17 members.
■ The departing Minister of the Economy, Mlađan Dinkić, said that his party did not vote in favour of this year’s Vojvodina budget because “the provincial government allocated no development funds to local authorities in Vojvodina which, after all, did not consist only of Novi Sad”. How would you respond to that? - I think that recent poMlađan Dinkić acting as opposition just litical events answer doesn’t seem realistic at the moment. It that question too. As the President of Voremains to be seen what will happen in jvodina’s government
■ Is Dinkić considered a possible partner in the elections, whether they are scheduled early or on time? three months’ time ( w w w. vo j vo d i n a . g ov. - I think that you will rs), I am interested in get an answer to that every single municipality in Vojvodina, including the question in the days to come. These past events have smallest ones. I am confident that citizens have recogdisrupted the trust within the governing coalition, but nised this since I am constantly out, visiting these local that does not mean that this trust cannot be regained communities. At least twice a week, I go to towns and if we manage to reach an agreement and continue villages in Vojvodina, talk to the citizens and find out working together towards accomplishing the goals that about their priorities which I, and my team, are responbrought us together in the first place. sible for fulfilling. ■ Is it true that the G17 Plus members were consulted ■ How would you rate the current relations between before the party’s president Mlađan Dinkić was rethe Democratic Party and G17 Plus not only on the placed? provincial, but also the state level? - The Democratic Party has never upset the relations - G17 Plus has a certain political agenda and I think that and collaboration within the governing coalition and they should continue supporting the government and I think that Prime Minister Cvetković made his deciSerbia’s path towards the EU, as well as the government sion on launching the proceedings for Dinkić’s replacePrayer Breakfast We agreed for a delegation of U.S. senators and congressmen to come to Serbia.
Žeželj Bridge This is the biggest bridge to be built in the last few years and we have forged a partnership in order to build it.
Office in Brussels Preparations are in the final stages and the provincial officials are in Brussels almost on a daily basis.
80 March 2011
reshuffle. It remains to be seen how much this stand is going to be appreciated. We are going to keep on insisting on the prime minister’s authority being given due respect and on maintaining the unity within the government.
world. Also, we agreed for a delegation of U.S. senators and congressmen to come to Serbia and this can send very positive signals to U.S. investors. ■ Although the provincial government has been ready to open its office in Brussels for quite some time, this still hasn’t happened. Why is that? Did you talk about this with Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić? - Preparations are in the final stages and the provincial officials are in Brussels almost on a daily basis. The opening date of the office is just a technical issue, not the crucial one. There is a substantial political will for Vojvodina to have its representatives in Brussels within the Serbian Mission.
■ For the first time ever, a representative of the provincial government was invited to attend the Prayer Breakfast. What are your impressions from this event? - Yes, this is the first time in history that a high Vojvodinian official was invited to attend the Prayer Breakfast. The biggest value of this event is the fact that you can establish and build contacts with the top US officials, as well as high officials from other countries and business executives. The ■ You have recently signed a invitation to attend the Prayer contract stipulating construcBreakfast was a sort of recognition of the Žeželj Bridge which tion of the results accomwill cost 45.3 million euplished by the provincial ros to build. Almost half There are manipulative people who government. One of the of this amount will come want to make Vojvodina look like an true achievements of Vofrom IPA grants. Is it rejvodina is preserving the enemy to Serbia and honestly they are alistic to expect that the identity of the national construction will take inappropriate minorities that live here only 32 months bearing and the successes we have in mind previous experihad in attracting investments at the time of the global ences with projects of that size in Serbia? economic downturn. I consider these my priorities too, - Yes, I think it is. The construction of the Žeželj i.e. attracting FDIs, making the economy stronger and Bridge is not only important for the citizens of Novi creating new jobs. So far, we have been more focused Sad and Vojvodina, but it also has huge internationon the European Union, but we should not undermine al importance. The bridge will be an integral part of the huge potential that the partnership with U.S. busithe railway section of Corridor X, and, as such, will ness and political institutions has. aid the economy and attract more investments. This bridge will help Serbia resemble the developed Euro■ During your stay in America, you met with senators pean countries. This is the biggest bridge to be built Mark Pryor and Jeanne Shaheen. What did you talk in the last few years and we have forged a partnership about? in order to build it. We are also going to provide one - Yes, I met with Senators Mark Pryor and Jeanne third of required funds. We are very satisfied with the Shaheen, as well as Congressman Robert Aderholt and fact that a joint commission has carried out a tender Thomas Countryman, the Deputy Assistant of the US procedure which has saved us money. The EU plans Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for European and Euto invest five million euros from IPA funds in buildro-Asian Affairs in the State Department. I also had the ing the approach roads leading to the bridge. This will pleasure of meeting Nancy Pelosi, the former Speaker help us with diverting money to other important inof the U.S. House of Representatives. The Prayer Breakfrastructure projects. fast was the perfect opportunity to openly discuss the political and economic situation in the region and the ■ During your official stay in Berlin you said that Aus16
80 March 2011
trian, Hungarian and Slovenian companies had expressed interest in acquiring agricultural companies in Serbia. Which foreign and Serbian companies were you referring to? - It is standard practice not to reveal the details of negotiations before the negotiations are concluded and concrete proposals have been made. It would be irresponsible of me to do that. We are a very competitive area when it comes to foreign investments because we provide good incentives, have a qualified workforce, have made infrastructural improvements in the sense that we have reconstructed and are continuing to reconstruct over 3,000 kilometres of roads in Vojvodina, as well as several bridges. I have to point out that none of the foreign investors have withdrawn from Vojvodina so far.
something. I think that these kinds of stories are really without merit and actually nobody cares about them any longer. There are manipulative people who want to make Vojvodina look like an enemy to Serbia and honestly they are inappropriate. If you want the truth, people living in Vojvodina are a real example of loyalty – if you want to be patriotic, pay your taxes on time. Vojvodina is full of conscientious and loyal citizens.
■ Is Oliver Dulić your biggest rival in the province, as reported by the Belgrade media? - I didn’t even know that we were rivals. The Democratic Party is a team and we are team members. We cooperate and we are on friendly terms. It is always fun to see how we are made into enemies by the media. The two of us have very different political ambitions and I am confident that we are never We are going to keep on insisting on the prime minister’s authority being given going to see each other as competitors.
■ Vojvodina currently resembles a huge construction site. What investments need to be due respect and on maintaining unity completed by the end of this government’s ■ You have recently within the government term? What goals have said that the Law on you set? Public Assets and Law on the Financing of Vojvodi- During this government mandate, we have completna ought to be enacted this year. How important are ed huge investments projects – we have built a modthese laws for the province? ern emergency centre, the bridge near Sremska Rača, - The most important competencies, like the ones that and the bridge on the Tisa River near Ada. There are concern development, have already been transferred infrastructure projects in Novi Sad that haven’t been whether we are talking about establishing the Develtouched for decades, and we have finally begun to work opment Bank of Vojvodina, Fruška Gora National on them and use them for their intended purpose. I am Park or drafting regional and spatial plans. The Law very happy with the fact that this investment cycle is on Public Assets is one of the most important laws not one of the biggest ever instigated in the last few years. I only for Vojvodina, but for every single municipality expect the new medical complex in Sremska Kamenica in Serbia. I expect this law to be enacted very soon. called ‘Kamenica 2’ to be completed by the year end. This is, after all, what the state government has also Once finished, this will be one of the most modern confirmed. health facilities in the region. ■ Do you expect relations between the members of the ■ Vojvodina has its own statute with most of the comGovernment of Vojvodina to change after extraordipetencies transferred from the state to the province nary or regular elections? despite the opposition parties’ resistance. The opposi- No, I don’t. The door-to-door campaign and extraordition claims that the statute has opened the door for nary local elections both demonstrated that the Demosecession. Do we have reason to fear that we are going cratic Party dominates the political scene in Vojvodina. to live through a déjà vu scenario of certain parts of The provincial government is doing its job well and Vothe Serbian territory seceding? jvodinian citizens are very aware of how much weight - I see no reason for being anxious, let alone fearing each official pulls. ■ 18
80 March 2011
We Invest in European Values Real support to society is implemented in a systematic manner, and not through occasional initiatives or sponsorships/donations By Ana Stojanović
t the end of last year, the Balkan Community Initiatives Fund (BCIF) granted Eurobank EFG with the Virtus Award for the Bank’s nation-wide contribution to corporate social responsibility in 2010. This award was one of the topics that we discussed with the Head of Corporate Communications of Eurobank EFG, Nataša Krstić.
’We Invest in European Values’ is based on five main pillars – supporting higher education, environmental protection, public health, integration of persons with disabilities into society and the working community and, as of last year, promoting culture. So far, we have invested over 3.6 million euros in these projects with the intention of providing help and support to Serbian society where it needs it the most. Also, together with the Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation (, we have launched the affinity MasterCard’ Big Heart’, for collecting funds for the reconstruction of playgrounds in kindergartens all over Serbia. Additionally, in collaboration with the Inclusive Society Development Center, we have initiated the ‘Moving Inclusive Museum’ an exhibition of student design works, presenting items whose design is adjusted to use by persons
■ Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the hot topics of the business Nataša Krstić, world. In your opinion, can we say that Head of Corporate all CSR projects are truly about CSR? Communications at Eurobank EFG - There are different perspectives of perceiving CSR. Real support to society is impletime and with the adequate education of all mented in a systematic manner, and not stakeholders, CSR will be viewed in a more through occasional initiatives or sponsorrealistic light. If you are referring in your ships/donations. Also, a true CSR question to economic benefits such as cerproject is not necessarily the most exTogether with the Ana and pensive one, but the one that changes Vlade Divac Foundation we have tain privileges that companies involved in CSR have, for example, one-fifth of the social conscience deeply and for the long term and puts a spotlight to a launched a charity MasterCard amount that we donated to the Atelje 212 Theatre ( was spent on burning issue within the community. called ’The Big Heart’ paying VAT. If socially responsible comIn addition to this, a CSR programme panies were exempt from paying at least with disabilities.. In 2010, we launched needs to substantially change other peoa fraction of taxes, there would be many ‘Medifree Programme’, which entails free ple or companies’ awareness in a way that more projects and sponsorships aimed at medical protection for the Bank’s clients inspires them to get involved. The Virtus making people’s lives better. that receive salary through the Euro Plata Award is a clear indicator that we got inPremija current account. For the first time volved in the areas that were of essential ■ What does the Virtus Award mean for ever, this project will provide top quality importance to society, and that is true CSR. your Bank in the long run and what are health protection and a series of free mediyour future CSR plans? cal examination at the Bel Medic Hospital ■ When you received the Virtus Award, - The Virtus Award is the most prestigious for the Bank’s clients. you said that corporate responsibility award given to CSR projects, as well as a was an integral part of the Bank’s idengreat responsibility. In 2011, we will con■ Do you think that corporate social retity that had been fostered since the very tinue helping young talents and “green” sponsibility has a direct economic benefit beginning. projects. As the first bank in Serbia to befor the companies implementing it? - Ever since we became operational in Serbia, come a member of the United Nations - This is a premise that is often propagatin 2003, Eurobank EFG (www.eurobankefg. rs), as a bank that is one of the biggest invesEnvironment Program for Finance Initiaed by your colleagues, journalists. They tors in the country, has had a strategically tive (UNEP FI) (, we plan to claim that corporate social responsibility promote sustainable development and ecodevised and continuously implemented projects are actually just advertising or PR projects with banks and other financial inCSR programme. Our comprehensive corcampaigns of the companies that are imstitutions through this initiative. ■ porate responsibility programme named plementing them. Still, I believe that, over
80 March 2011
interview h.E. aLEXandEr konuzIn, aMBaSSaDOr OF thE rUSSIan FEDEratIOn tO SErBIa
treaty on
european SecurIty What we suggest is that security in the Euro-Atlantic region should not be founded on block divisions but on a different foundation – on the principle of equal security for everybody. This is the gist of the initiative launched by President Dmitry Medvedev, which should result in concluding a comprehensive and legally binding agreement on European safety. We have been talking quite a lot with our international and bilateral partners about this
exclusive By Jelena ALEKSIĆ Photo: Darko CvETAnovIĆ
.E. Alexander Konuzin, the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Serbia in his interview with CorD talks about his perspective on the upcoming dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, and comments that the current atmosphere is not the most conducive to negotiations. We also discuss the idea of Serbia joining NATO, relations between the armies of Serbia and Russia and economic cooperation between the two countries. Our conversation begins with a question concerning the impending talks between Belgrade and Pristina. ■ You have said recently that Russia did not see what kind of role it could play in the negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo’s Albanians and that you were not too optimistic when it comes to the outcome of these negotiations. Could you please elaborate?
80 March 2011
- My approach is determined by a careful analysis of obtary/political block. Another thing is that we think that jective factors. Belgrade wants the negotiations to start the Alliance’s expansion in the current situation will as soon as possible because it is not satisfied with the only increase the divisions in Europe and pose a higher situation, which is a result of illegitimate and unilateral security threat to Russia. Our Serbian partners know moves made by Priština. The whole situation is moving how we feel, just like they know about the propositions towards an even deeper political, economic and social made by Moscow in terms of creating conditions for crisis which will make the lives of people in Kosovo equal security of all subjects in the Euro-Atlantic politiintolerable. I know this from having personal contact cal and geographical zone. and talking with people living there. Also, Belgrade is ■ You are known for your stance that NATO is a milmindful of Brussels which views these negotiations as itary-political alliance and that any new members an integral part of the Euro-integration process in Serjoining the organisation pose bia. On the other hand, Priština a security issue for Russia. is not that willing to have the How far along is the realisadialogue. It wants to perpetution of the idea, put forward ate this situation imposed by Russia, to devise the new with external assistance and to concept of European securimake legitimate the forceful esty? What would that concept tablishment of control over the entail? territory by force. This suits the - What we suggest is that sepatrons of Priština’s regime and curity in the Euro-Atlantic redue to the widespread corrupgion should not be founded on tion in Kosovo, the authorities block divisions but on a differcompletely depend on these ent foundation – on the principatrons. Among other things, ple of equal security for everythe mediators are showing inbody. This is the gist of the inidecisiveness because there is tiative launched by President no unity amongst them and Dmitry Medvedev because of a negative Priština is not that willing to have the ( reaction by the public dialogue. It wants to perpetuate this which should result (electorate) to the cannibalistic nature of situation imposed with external assistance in concluding a comprehensive and lePriština’s authorities. and to make legitimate the forceful gally binding agreeTo cut a long story short – the current at- establishment of control over the territory ment on European security. We have mosphere is not the been talking quite a lot with our international and bimost conducive to negotiations. Still, Russia will suplateral partners about this. This is an important strategic port the dialogue as initiated by Belgrade. We see these matter that has global dimensions and I think that a lot negotiations as a vehicle to reach a mutually acceptable has been done in this respect. However, it is absolutely agreement between the two sides on all issues. necessary to abandon the psychological burden of the past and have a true understanding of the contempo■ Russia remains consistent in its decision not to recrary security challenges. ognise the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo. Could this decision change if Serbia were to join NATO? ■ Speaking of security, Russia has been facing the most - I see no connection between these two issues. Russia’s aggressive forms of terrorism in its territory. Do you stance on Kosovo is determined by the principles of inthink that this issue is something that Russia should ternational law and decisions made by Serbian authoriresolve internally or is this closely related to the recent ties. In regard to NATO (, countries are free to independently build their relations with this miliwave of international terrorist attacks? Terrorism Terrorists in my country are supported from abroad in terms of human resources, money and ideology.
EULEX There are strong suspicions about the current EULEX mission actually being unable to deal with such a huge task.
free time Your capital is one of the most beautiful in the Balkans, and maybe even in Europe.
80 March 2011
-- Terrorism in Russia has an internal during large sporting events, but eveand international nature. This is also ry day. Of course, we are counting on true for many other states since this tight cooperation with international phenomenon has a global character. partners which has been already esTerrorism can be eliminated only tablished in many aspects. by oppressive measures as it has not ■ Dick Marty visited Russia recentdeep political, social, economic and ly, just prior to the publication of ideological roots. Hence, Russia’s the report on the issue of human efforts are not only geared toward organ trafficking in Kosovo. Do you preventing terrorist attacks from know who is responsible for this happening and suppressing terrorist report being published so late and activities, but also toward solving the how should EULEX react to it? problems that are a breeding ground - Dick Marty’s recent visit to Russia for terrorism. Huge budget funds are was not in connection with his rebeing allocated to ‘problematic arport on human organ trafficking in eas’. We also need to closely cooperKosovo. In regards to your ate with our international Russian experts have been analysing question as to why such partners because terrorists extensive investment projects that an important document, as in my country are supportthis report is, was published ed from abroad in terms have a long-term future so late; Dick Marty has alof the human resources, ready given an answer to that. In his report, he says that money, ideology and material means. I am happy to see capitals of a number of Western countries chose to look that Russia and Serbia have a close cooperation when it the other way when it came to the crimes committed comes to combating terrorism. by chiefs of the former Kosovo Liberation Army under ■ Bearing in mind that Russia will be the host of two the pretext of maintaining political stability in the terimportant sporting events – the Winter Olympics in ritory. As I see it, EULEX ( should have reacted by way of asking for an urgent adoption of Sochi in 2014 and the World Football Championship the measures with the aim of launching an investigation in 2018 – could the escalation of terrorist attacks, like into the crimes mentioned in Dick Marty’s report. Howthe one on Domodedovo Airport, jeopardise the orever, it should be said that there are strong suspicions ganisation of these events? about the current EULEX mission actually being unable - We have already paid a great deal of attention to the to deal with such a huge task. It was distinctly said that safety aspects of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi at the UN Security Council meeting on 16th February and the World Football Championship. The terrorist atthis year. As we all know, EULEX has no jurisdiction tack on Domodedovo Airport has brought to the surface outside Kosovo and obviously the investigation should serious security breaches and inadequacies in the Rusbe carried out in other countries too, primarily in Albasian transport sector. We are undertaking additional nia. Hence, Serbia’s proposal for the UN Security Council measures that ought to yield good results. We are going to initiate the forming of an international investigation to use all available security resources in Russia, not only team was an understandable and logical Cooperation Between Army’s move. It would be good if this special international investigation team reported directly to the UN Security Council. ■ Last year, the relations and cooperation between the Serbian and Russian army were not that great. What is your view of the relationship today? Friends of Kosovo disagree with this. It - Cooperation between countries depends on mutual wishes and possibilities. Most seems that we are dealing with double of the Serbian Army’s weapons are of Russian origin. Many Serbian officers have standards yet again. been educated in my country. Due to a series of objective and historical reasons, bilateral military cooperation hasn’t been developing recently in a way that the both sides would necessarily be satisfied with. During last year’s visit by the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation’s Armed Forces (, General Nikolay Makarov, to Belgrade, specific measures for advancing cooperation in this sensitive area were devised. Special task forces, established for this purpose, have been meeting and preparing relevant proposals. There will be new high-level meetings soon that will just cement the mutual interest shown by the two countries in developing their military cooperation based on centuries-long ties between the Russian and Serbian armies. 22
80 March 2011
■ During his official visit to Russia, Dick Marty talked to Russian officials about the relations between Russia and Georgia. What are the latest developments in this area? - Unfortunately, Georgian authorities are continuing with their ill-defined policy. Tbilisi has been building on
these revengeful illusions towards Abkhazia and South Ossetia by preparing the army. Tbilisi is also using pronounced anti-Russian rhetoric. Of course, in such an environment, it is impossible to maintain any kind of official contacts between our two countries. However, the centurieslong ties between our nations are being maintained. It is impossible to sever them – they are so widespread and intertwined both in Russia and Georgia. I am confident that the day will come when relations between Russia and Georgia will be based on real, democratic and friendly terms.
ets. In the political sphere intensive contacts on high and highest level are being maintained, members of foreign affairs and other government ministers are having regular meetings. Also, we are currently getting ready to sign the Declaration on the Strategic Partnership between Russia and Serbia. The energy sector is where the two countries are cooperating really well. What lies ahead of us is the construction of the Serbian leg of the South Stream gas pipeline; we are working on making Banatski Dvor underground gas storage operational, while the Russian company OAO Gazprom Neft is a NATO’s expansion in the current ■ It seems that since the strategic investor in Petrosituation will only increase the acquisition of Petroleum leum Industry of Serbia. Industry of Serbia (NIS) divisions in Europe and pose a higher We are going to work on by a Russian company, several joint railway infrasecurity threat to Russia Russian investments structure projects that will have become infrequent. Could the global economic be financed by the Russian export loan amounting to crisis be to blame or there is a different reason? $800 million. Overall, our bilateral and economic rela- I cannot agree with you. Firstly, Petroleum Industions have a good future, but further dynamics will detry of Serbia ( has been implementing an pend solely on the level of mutual interests. investment programme worth hundreds of millions of euros. Secondly, the Russian oil company Lukoil ■ Mr. Konuzin, you are one of the most agile ambas( has been expanding and modernising sadors in Belgrade. What is your perception of Belits petrol station network year-on-year and this expangrade and what do you usually do when you are not sion runs into tens of millions of euros. Thirdly, the working? Bank of Moscow ( is increasing its opera- When I am not working, I am still working. I am tions in Serbia. Fourthly, Russian companies are parjoking; however unfortunately, there is some truth to ticipating in the announced tender to purchase shares it. In my spare time, I love to take my family out for a of Telekom Serbia ( In addition to all walk around Belgrade. Your capital is one of the most the aforementioned, Russia has granted a loan to Serbeautiful in the Balkans, and maybe even in Europe. bia of which disbursement depends on Serbia submitI have found out that many buildings that are conting relevant projects. Russian SMEs have been acquirsidered Belgrade’s landmarks have been designed by ing assets in the tourism, construction and other secRussian architects including the government buildtors. Russian companies that are already operational ing, the building that houses your Foreign Ministry, in Serbia are willing and ready to invest more in order the Serbian Army Headquarters, the royal palace of to expand their business. However, they occasionally Beli Dvor, and the churches of Alexander Nevsky have to deal with bureaucratic, corporate and nonand Archangel Gabriel. There are dozens, even huneconomic obstacles. Last, but not least, Russian experts dreds of such buildings. There are two monuments are analysing extensive investment projects that have in the new cemetery – the monument to the Belgrade a long-term future. So, things are moving along quite Liberators and the monument erected in honour of well in this area. two million Russians who died during World War I including in Serbia. Both monuments were built by ■ In your interview for CorD magazine last year, you Russians. But I do feel affected when I see the buildsaid that relations between Serbia and Russia had being of the Serbian Orthodox Church Patriarchy. Both come more dynamic following the official visit of the externally and internally, this building is reminiscent Russian President, Mr. Medvedev, to Serbia. What is of Byzantine and Russian national architecture. The your view of the current economic and political relabuilding gleams with solemnity and deep spirituality. tions between the two countries? It speaks to you saying “There is Russian spirit here. - The dynamic nature of our relationship has many facThere is a smell of Russia.” ■
80 March 2011
interview Emil Tedeschi, President and ceo of atlantic grupa
Never a
politician I have never been a member of any political party, I am not directly involved in politics, nor do I intend to be. I am a member of the President of Croatia’s Business Council and we meet occasionally in order to have a constructive talk about the most important economic issues, but our conclusions are not always unanimous or binding for the President
By Jelena ALeksić
ast year, Atlantic Grupa bought Droga Kolinska for 243 million euros. In an exclusive interview with CorD, President of the Board of Atlantic Grupa, Emil Tedeschi, reveals that this purchase has put an end to further acquisitions, at least for this year. For the first time he speaks openly about their intentions to buy Podravka, the plans for which have been abandoned, despite the fact that Croatian media regularly speculate on the potential of the acquisition.
80 March 2011
■ There has been a lot of talk about where you got the money to purchase Droga Kolinska. My question is: what prompted you to make such a substantial investment at the time of the economic downturn? - Our development strategy entails regional expansion, and Droga Kolinska ( was the perfect candidate for this as it was very compatible with Atlantic Grupa ( The entire takeover of Droga Kolinska was transparent throughout, including the financing – 45 percent of the funds came from our own accumulation and capital increase, i.e. the money generated by the company and its shareholders, 45 percent came from a credit line and the remaining 10 percent was so-called mezzanine financing provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ( Atlantic Grupa is a stable and financially healthy company; we have excellent relations with capital market participants, which, along
with our money, enabled us to fund such a big investment regardless of the business environment. ■ You have announced additional investments worth five million euros to be made in Soko Štark, as well as a plan to cut back on the company’s overheads. What do these strategies entail exactly? - Soko Štark ( is one of the most important confectionary producers in Serbia with exceptional brands, tradition and a quality that is widely recognised. We do intend to develop brands like Smoki, Bananica, Najlepše Želje and others even further, as well as working on increasing their sales figures outside Serbia, which is, currently, the main market for these products. This year, we plan to invest in further automatization of the company’s production process, and to acquire a new production line. By adapting the existing production lines, we will be able to produce Multipower energy bars, which are our own brand, in Soko Štark. Currently, we are producing this bar in third-party companies. These are all very important synergies in our business system. Our intention is also to centralise certain operations at the Group level, such as procurement.
Podravka - Yes or No?
t the beginning of last year when the state hinted that its stake in Podravka ( may be put up for sale, Atlantic Group unequivocally expressed its interest in acquiring the company. Our strategy entails expanding the company to include the region and Podravka fit perfectly into that strategy. Our condition was for the state to sell its entire stake in the company, which the state authorities and its coalition partners decided not to do, in the end. I am happy that things turned out the way they did. Currently, we are focused on integrating Droga Kolinska into Atlantic Group and our plans do not include Podravka.
■ Previously it was the producers who made the rules in the consumer goods sector. Today, it is the supermarket chains. What is your opinion? - True, that has changed, but I would argue that none of the sides have the final say, especially when we are talking about large suppliers with a wide product range, as we are. I would rather call our relationship a partnership where each side has valid arguments required for good quality negotiations.
■ Serbian businessmen complain that Croatia has ■ Do Croatian consumers have a different attitude toshut its door on their inwards Smoki since you beIn 2011, we will focus on vestments and say that it is came the brand’s owner? - I don’t think that Croatian integrating and consolidating Droga virtually impossible to win a tender if you come from consumers ever had any problems with Smoki. This Kolinska into our system. We don’t Serbia. Have any of your Serbian colleagues comproduct is the synonym of plan on any new acquisitions plained to you about this quality for the entire product and what is your experience with investing in Serbia? category in our region. Also, Smoki is not only the mar- Personally, I have had no bad experiences with inket leader in Serbia and other regional countries, but vesting in Serbia and it is difficult for me to discuss also in Slovenia. The problem with Smoki, Argeta or the others. In 2001, we opened a product distribution Cockta is that they were not accessible enough to the company, which is doing really well, and in 2007, we Croatian consumer; hence their potential was not fully submitted the highest bid for the acquisition of Mulutilised. Good quality distribution and good relations tivita from Hemofarm ( Today, we with consumers are important prerequisites for market own Soko Štark, Grand Prom and Palanački Kiseljak success. We prove this on a daily basis in the entire rebecause we made the best offer and we have been really gion and we are focused on having the best distribuwell received by the people and other companies here. tion possible, on increasing the strength of the entire If we are talking about cross-border investments, I reproduct range and developing partnership relations ally think that the reason for such disproportion lies in with consumers. This will enable our brands to be of the strength of national economies. This is an economic even better quality and to be widely recognised in the axiom. Croatia needs to work on its investment climate, market. The consumer is interested in a good product at and that is the core of the problem. Local investors in a fair price. It is as simple as that. PLANs
By adapting the existing production lines, we will be able to produce Multipower energy bars, which are our own brand, in Soko Štark.
The President is always open to discussion about any topic and is ready to listen to any professional argument.
There are too many procedures that slow down investments, and this pertains to both domestic and foreign investments.
80 March 2011
Croatia are faced with the same problems as foreign ones. Croatia needs investments and I doubt that any investor, with a clear cut strategy, has been met with disapproval.
lead to the better functioning of the state and transparency in economic, social and political processes.
■ You are a member of the economic task force formed ■ What is the Croatian investment by the Croatian President Ivo climate like from the perspective Josipović. Does the President of administrative procedures, taxconfer with you and other busies and state subsidies? nessmen often? - From the investment standpoint, - The Croatian president has Croatia has substantial adminismade quite a few reputable trative and tax burdens. Certain businessmen and economic regions – like Istria and North experts his advisors. We meet Croatia – have been making investoccasionally in order to have ing easier which has resulted in a constructive talk about the their faster development. Genermost important economic isally speaking, there are too many sues, but our conclusions are procedures that slow down investnot always unanimous or bindments, and this pertains to ing for the President. both domestic and foreign That is the democratic In many ways, Croatia is already investments. This is somequality of this body. The a part of Europe and I don’t see any thing that we need to seriPresident is always open ously work on. dramatic changes taking place by the to discussion about any topic and is ready to listime we join the EU ■ Bearing in mind that reten to any professional forms have still not been argument and then completed, does that cause any business problems for form his opinion about a certain issue. your company and how does a Croatian entrepreneur feel about economic reforms? ■ You have no other ties to politics except the afore- Our company is stable. Several years ago, we carried mentioned one? out a series of restructuring procedures which made our - I have never been a member of any political party, I am operations easier and made us better prepared to face not directly involved in politics, nor do I intend to be. As the crisis, which has been subsiding too slowly. There a businessman and employer I participate in the work are big structural problems that we have to deal with done by professional associations which, along with and that were only aggravated by the crisis. However, other social partners, are dealing with the issues that are several steps forward have been made in the last few important for the country’s wellbeing. I was the Chairyears as a result of the negotiations for EU candidacy. man of the Croatian Employers Association (HUP) and I am an optimist and I believe that unresolved issues I have been active in the Association since its very beginwill be dealt with shortly so that Croatia can finally has ning. I am also a member of the Parliament’s task force its own, well-deserved place in the Union. Of course, that supervises accession negotiations between Croatia each country will be viewed separately, in terms of EU and the EU, as well as a member of the Business and membership, but I think that the whole process will Social Council, the National Competitiveness Council be rounded off once the entire region becomes a part and the President of Croatia’s Business Council. of the EU. ■ The Serbian media recently speculated that Centro■ What changes will Croatia undergo once it joins the proizvod was for sale, which was promptly rebutted European Union? by the company saying that only strategic partnership - In many ways, Croatia is already a part of Europe and I was being considered. Is your company going to be don’t see any dramatic changes taking place by the time this strategic partner? What are your plans for 2011? we join the EU. We need the reforms for ourselves, and - In 2011, Atlantic Grupa will focus on integrating the EU was just the catalyst of these positive processes. and consolidating Droga Kolinska into our system. However, one thing is certain – the procedures and We don’t plan on any new acquisitions in the upcomstandards that come with being an EU member will ing period. ■ 26
80 March 2011
corporate DDOr garant
Saving for old Age Not only do pension funds provide an opportunity for people to invest money long-term under favourable conditions, but it also gives them a chance to save for old age. As the saying goes – a penny saved is two pence clear
DOR Garant (www.garant-penzije. number of companies and individuals The majority of DDOR Garant’s clieu) is one of eight voluntary penare joining us on a daily basis because ents (close to 91 percent of them) work sion funds that currently exist in they have recognised our mission and for 900 companies that have recognised Serbia. On 31st December 2010, the ashave fully accepted it,” Mr. Škrbić adds. DDOR Garant as a trusted friend in sets of the members of DDOR Garant DDOR Garant took on its first clibusiness and saw an opportunity to give stood at 1.988 billion dinars or 19.075 ents in January 2007 when the company their employees a chance to have an admillion euros. On the same day, ditional income when they retire. All you need to do is to reduce the total number of members of “Employers taking good care your monthly spending a little this voluntary pension fund stood of their employees are becoming at 57,543, with 30,515 active (or the norm in Serbia, and additionbit and to pay that money into a paying) members. The Director al pensions, which are exempt voluntary pension fund of DDOR Garant voluntary penfrom taxes and contributions to sion fund, Mr. Miloš Škrbić, the amount of 4,343.00 dinars, has many years of experience are the ideal way to reward in the insurance sector and is employee loyalty and provide considered one of the innovaa safe future for them,” comtors in the voluntary pension ments Mr. Škrbić. fund sector. He talks about the Not only do pension funds fund’s future and plans and provide an opportunity for peosays that the fund has great ple to invest money long-term ambitions. under favourable conditions, “I am not talking only but it also gives them a chance about the Serbian market, but to save for old age. As the sayregional markets too. I am ing goes – a penny saved is two confident that we are going to pence clear. successfully realise our vision “You don’t need to earn to become the leading finanmuch to secure a carefree retirecial institution and the biggest ment. All you need to do is to DDOR Garant took on its first agent of (voluntary) pension inreduce your monthly spending a surance within the Prva Group little bit and to pay that money clients in January 2007 when the d.d. Ljubljana in South-Eastern into a voluntary pension fund. company arrived on the voluntary Europe,” Škrbić outlines. You decide how much you can He adds that the company’s pay. DDOR Garant will do its utpension insurance market mission is to continue being a most to increase the money you arrived on the voluntary pension insurcompetent partner to the entire workhave deposited. Saving for old age is one ance market as a brand new player. ing population of South Eastern Europe of the most important investments that “We have successfully positioned helping them to maintain the quality of you can make in your life,” the Director ourselves in the pension fund industry their lifestyle and ‘joie de vivre’ during of DDOR Garant points out. by being patient and working diligently. their retirement. “What is important is to obtain thorFrom the very beginning we have main“Prva Group Ljubljana (www.prvaough information about the products on understands its clients’ needs tained that our strength comes from offer. Let’s plan your retirement income and is the best choice for private volundealing only in private pensions,” Škrbić together, as this needs to be done for the tary pension insurance. An increasing says. long-term,” Miloš Škrbić concludes. ■
80 March 2011
interview Andreas Binder, CEO of Mercedes-Benz SCG
The Best or Nothing
n his interview with CorD magazine, Mr. Andreas Binder, CEO of Mercedes-Benz SCG announces that Serbian car lovers can expect some surprises at the upcoming Car Show in Belgrade. He proudly talks about the traditions that the company is part of and with moderate optimism predicts a recovery in car industry subsequent to the crisis. The main reason for our interview, however, is to discuss the significant anniversary that Mercedes is celebrating this year.
The spirit of innovation, one of our key driving forces, is firmly rooted in our corporate culture - forever with the goal of guaranteeing personal mobility also for future generations and providing each individual customer with the optimal vehicle for their individual needs 28
80 March 2011
â– Mercedes-Benz is celebrating its 125year anniversary this year. Can you please share with us some of the facts of the history of the automobile? - Mercedes-Benz ( invented the first car in history thanks to Karl Benz and his patent No. 37435. It was on 29 January 1886 that he filed an application in Berlin for a patent on his three-wheeled motor car. Since then, this day has been considered the official birthday of the motor car, which in 2011 will be the 125-year anniversary. The patent is widely recognised as the birth certificate of the automobile. The Patent Motor Car was equipped with a horizontal single-cylinder fourstroke engine with a maximum speed of 16 kilometres per hour. It followed
a holistic approach in that the engine, chassis and drive were precisely tuned to one another and formed a single entity. In this respect, Benz was far ahead of his competitors, who were still incorporating their engines into converted carriage-type vehicles. Later, at the turn of the century, the Mercedes 35 hp, the prototype of all modern passenger cars, became the definition of a fundamentally new and consequently prevailing vehicle architecture: it marked the transition from the longlegged ‘motor carriage’ to the motor car as we know it today.
self-evident part of the automotive experience of every motorist. This explains why it can be said that there’s a bit of Mercedes-Benz in every modern-day motor car. ■ What is the key to this success? - It was Carl Benz who said: “The love of
atic research activities, which led at the beginning of the 1970s to the official establishment of a separate research department. Today, Mercedes-Benz has at its disposal a global knowledge network with some 19,000 researchers and developers around the world – an interdisciplinary think tank, brimming with pioneering spirit, expertise and motivation, with the purpose of continuing to make the best cars in the world.
■ On 29th January in Stuttgart, Daimler organised an impressive event for numerous guests including the Ger■ These inventions of Daimler man Chancellor and many and Benz have changed the other international guests. world for the better. Many inPlease tell us how important novations first introduced by this jubilee is to the company Mercedes have since become and for the automotive world industrial standards. generally? - Today, 125 years after Carl - Daimler ( celebrated the anniversary of Benz first registered his patent the automobile exactly 125 and more than 80,000 patents years to the day that Carl Benz later, many of Mercedes’ inregistered his ‘vehicle with gasnovations have since become On 29 January 1886, Mercedes-Benz engine drive’. Approximately infallible parts of modern cars, such as ABS, ESP, the AIRBAG, invented the first car in history thanks 1,400 guests were hosted by the ‘inventor of the automobile’ at etc. This means that there is a to Karl Benz and his patent No. 37435 Mercedes-Benz World in Stuttbit of Mercedes in every modgart, with guests of honour inern car. I am very proud to cluding the German Federal Chancellor, say that nowhere in the world is there inventing never dies,” and it was Gottlieb Dr. Angela Merkel ( a manufacturer that has invested more Daimler who came up with the famous wiki/Angela_Merkel). International guests in the development of automotive safety maxim “The best or nothing”. Mercedesfrom the automotive industry, politics, than Mercedes-Benz. For 70 years now, Benz has remained true to these guiding business, sports, society and the media, the safety experts at Mercedes have been principles for almost 125 years. The spiras well as members of Daimler’s Board systematically at work studying the it of innovation, one of our key driving of Management, and many of Daimler’s causes of accidents, lessening their effect forces, is firmly rooted in our corporate employees attended this event. I think it and helping avoid accidents. culture - forever with the goal of guaranis obvious that it was a very special night The seatbelt and airbag are further teeing personal mobility for future genfor our company and all of our proud examples of innovations that were inerations and providing each individual employees who were privileged to attroduced into series production by customer with the optimal vehicle for tend such a unique birthday celebration. Mercedes-Benz as original solutions to their individual needs. This innovation It is not only the fact that we have this real-world problems. Today, they are a is founded on Mercedes-Benz’s systemCelebrations
Motor Show
German Federal Chancellor, Dr. Angela Merkel and 1,400 guests attended the Mercedes Benz party in Stuttgart.
I am very confident that there is great market potential for the automotive sector in the forthcoming years.
I am pretty much convinced that Mercedes-Benz will surprise the public with innovations and an extraordinary show in March.
80 March 2011
enduring heritage and experience that makes all of us very proud but also the knowledge that this was one of the most important milestones of modern history for all human beings.
better prices and financial conditions. Traditionally, the period after the Motor Show has proven to be very dynamic and profitable in all segments.
- As is the case all around the world, Mercedes-Benz is also a very popular brand here in Serbia. We have the highest market share amongst our core competitors and lead the luxury market. I Currently our highest selling model is think this shows that people re■ What can the audience here ally appreciate our brand in Serin Serbia expect from Mercedes- the E-Class, which has also been the bia. Currently our highest selling Benz, especially during the Momodel is the E-Class, which has best seller globally for many years tor Show? Do you expect better also been the best seller globally sales during this period? for many years. Our flagship is - We have just presented one of the most the S-Class which is the world’s most attractive models from our product successful luxury saloon. Lately in Serrange, the new CLS. Customers were bia we are also seeing a very high level delighted with the previous model, the of interest in our SUV family options, competition was taken aback and for especially the ML-Class and GLK-Class. many years the CLS remained the only four-door coupé in its class and since ■ And to conclude with economic and October 2004 has been the car of choice market conditions... Mr. Binder, what is for some 170,000 buyers around the your opinion regarding the increase of globe. We expect the same level of sucsales and improved market conditions cess with the new model, and delivered during 2011? three of these to our first customers dur- The automotive market is becoming ing the launch. We also plan to organise more and more competitive. One of something very special in honour of our the major challenges for this sector in grand jubilee during the International Serbia in 2011 is to provide not only Motor Show in Belgrade (www.sajam. good products, but also attractive In addition we will be presentnancing solutions and good after-sales ing many premieres including the most service. In regards to financing soluattractive and most luxurious models tions it is well known that – specifiwhich are not able to be seen on the cally in commercial vehicle business – street. I am pretty much convinced financial institutions are providthat Mercedes-Benz will surprise ing their services to the Serbian It is much more difficult to the public with innovations and market with a fair share of risk win a customer back than to keep an extraordinary show in March. again. In the meantime we are him satisfied and loyal In terms of sales expectations, working very closely with the I believe that the Motor Show in strongest partners in the market general seems to attract more custom■ Do Serbian people drive luxury vehiin order to provide attractive financing ers. With many launches and actual cles? What are the most appealing and packages to our clients. No less imporoffers, manufactures usually provide popular models in Serbia? tant however is the after-sales service. We are therefore directing our focus more and more onto customer satisfacInnovation tion and we will continue to develop and improve our after-sales service and nnovation has always been the key to success for Mercedes-Benz and is set network. It is much more difficult to to become even more important in the future. Without the courage to go in win a customer back than to keep him search of new ideas, there would be no motor car; and without innovation, there satisfied and loyal. would be no progress. Mercedes-Benz, the inventor of the motor car, has always In general the economic situation pressed ahead vigorously with the development of that mode of transport. For in Serbia will not change significantly instance, the company has repeatedly underpinned its claim to technological leadership with over 80,000 patent applications since 1886, the year in which within a short period of time, but I am Carl Benz and Gottlieb Daimler, respectively, unveiled their ‘Patent-Motorwagen’ very confident that there is great marand ‘motorised carriage’. As the world’s first car, the Benz Patent is the symbol ket potential for the automotive sector of pioneering spirit par excellence. In its day, the exquisitely engineered threein the forthcoming years and I expect wheeler made it clear at first sight that a new age of mobility had dawned. slight improvement for our business Daimler’s motorised carriage was the first motor car with four wheels. in 2011. ■
80 March 2011
Outsourced Security Only a ‘tailor-made’ security solution, which follows the changes in risks and threats, may contribute to optimal security at an optimal cost
ue to their customers’ wide varitection are settled in accordance with ety of business, G4S ( their attractiveness and security zoning, has developed a new strategy in which means – mapping attractiveness the Serbian market and has begun to to site plan(s). There are many challengimplement tailor-made security solues which have to be considered during tions. Only a ‘tailor-made’ security soluthe mapping, such as: the high level of tion, which follows the changes in risks complexity, multiple locations, multiple and threats, may contribute to optimal business activities, different risk profiles, security at an optimal cost. The deteraccess, and security systems. mination of the appropriate security By integrating quality-management level is the most significant and most tools and techniques, the G4S team procomplex issue. vides proven methods to measure and The security of every corporation manage the performance of security Igor Ljubičić, Business should be based on the prevention of projects. Lack of security performance Development Director of G4S all harmful acts or events which could management reflects deficiencies such as: impact and jeopardise the three very there is no policy, the solution is isolatimportant aspects of every corporation ed from business management, security rity provider should have qualified manand its business continuity, i.e. operahas little credibility, security is inconsistagement which is capable of carrying tions, growth outlooks and corporate ent and the waste of resources is signifiout a complete security solution - from reputation. cant. Appropriate security performance the creation of work procedures, selecThe first step in the creation of a management brings important benefits tion and vetting of security officers, the unique security solution is the organisation of appropriate trainset up of a risk management G4S has developed a new strategy ing as well as sufficient technical framework which consists of the and financial resources, regional in the Serbian market and has proper understanding of the busicoverage and an insurance policy ness context and identification of for professional and legal liability. begun to implement tailor-made the business and technical risks. The company G4S Serbia opersecurity solutions The risk management framework ates its business through 26 regionshould cover all the business acal centres all around Serbia. Each tivities of one corporation. The next step such as: a clear understanding of success centre has a regional manager, quality is a detailed assessment and the prioritifactors, the business is aligned with secuand control staff and security coordinasation of risks which leads to a ranking rity, service is measurable; it is a source tors assigned to specific sites. This gives of the set of risks and the definition of of motivation and gives us a more prethem the advantage of being able to a risk mitigation strategy. Once the set cise allocation of resources. The result of manage security solutions in a timely up is in place, the implementation of the high-quality performance management manner as well to unify the quality of solution requires the fine-tuning and adis the proper understand of security, a service within the whole territory of Serjustment of the strategy in order to keep rise in accountability, the dedication of bia. Also, their long-term experience in it operational. time and resources in order to achieve providing a wide variety of services and The basic purpose of the security clear goals and making security the estheir organisation gives them the adaptassessment methodology is the evaluasential corporate asset. ability to react, change and innovate tion of threats, vulnerabilities and busiThe selection of a security service in order to fulfil all the security needs ness impacts, in order to determine the provider should be mostly based on the and requirements of their customers, as strategy for operating within an acceptprovider’s capabilities. The capability of well to follow new technologies and apable level of risk. Priorities for asset proa security provider means that the secuproaches. ■
80 March 2011
Dinar Devaluation In 2010, the dinar weakened primarily against the euro of all the European currencies. The domestic currency lost as much as 9.6 percent of its value, and the year ended with double-digit inflation. This is why we have asked bankers and economists: Whether we should expect a continuation of the trend of the depreciation of the dinar in 2011 and what will be the greatest influence on the domestic currency’s fluctuation? Svetlana Tolmacheva, Chairperson of the Executive Board, ProCredit Bank
Trends may continue
same effect. Although a more intensive credit activity in the local currency is a positive trend, it reduces the banks’ offer of foreign currency in the short term. It is to be expected for such trends to be continhe basic cause of the depreciation of the diued in the foreseeable future. On the other hand, the state has begun nar last year was certainly the reduced offer a more intensive indebtedness abroad and via issuing index treasury of the foreign currency in comparison to the debonds, which is a counter thesis to the previously stated factors. Thus, mand for it. Factors which have an influence on the offer and demand ratio are primarily the def- the fluctuation of the exchange rate in 2011 will depend, among othicit of the current account, inflow of capital, fluc- er things, on the volume of the further cross-border debts of the state and the issuing of index treasury bonds. And of course, one tuation of the country’s and companies’ indexed debts and crossof the more relevant factors is the amount of foreign investments, border debts, and the interventions of the NBS on the foreign exwhich was significantly reduced in 2009 and change market. Throughout the previous peThis reduction of the 2010. However, apart from foreign capital inriod, Serbia has achieved a reduced deficit of the current account, primarily due to the redeficit is, per se, a positive vestments in the end of 2010 we saw higher interest of foreigners for investments in diduction of the export and import residual, and factor which affects the nar debt securities. That leads to the highthat trend could continue in the future, since stabilisation er offer of foreign currency, and in 2011 we the growth of the euro’s exchange rate, along can expect such type of investments to conwith reduced expenditure, has influenced less of the exchange rate tinue. When we quantify all relevant factors, demand for imported goods in the same periwe can see that in 2010 the offer of foreign currency was significantly od. This reduction of the deficit is, per se, a positive factor which aflower than the demand which led to the depreciation and the need fects the stabilisation of the exchange rate, however, it should be for the National Bank of Serbia to intervene with close to 2.5 billion seen combined with other factors. When it comes to the fluctuation euros. In 2011 we can expect this imbalance to reduce and, if needof indexed and cross-border debts of the state and economy, a drop ed, the National Bank of Serbia can ’cover’ the exchange rate fluctuain the total cross-border debts of companies was achieved in 2010, tions with a relatively small amount of money. Of course, the current which changes the ratio of offer and demand for foreign currenassessment is based on the number and the complexity of the factors cy in favour of a reduced dinar exchange rate. A substantially smallthat affect the foreign currency exchange rate, and there is the possier growth of the banks’ clients’ index portfolio compared to what it bility of the aforementioned factors or economic categories changing was in the pre-crisis period, which is partly due to less overall credunder the influence of wider social developments. it activity, and partly due to a larger share of credits in dinars, has the
Slavica Pavlović, member of the Executive Board of Eurobank EFG
Dinar stability
ny significant weakening in the exchange rate of the dinar this year should not be expected. As a contribution to a more stable exchange rate in the following period there have been investments announced such as the investment of Fiat or the selling of 32
80 March 2011
end of last year. However, there is a high Telekom. Since the beginning of the year, rate of inflation which has a reverse afthe dinar has achieved a mild strengthenfect, which is why the NBS is forced to coning in comparison to the euro, which is the stantly sharpen the monetary policy aimed first declaration of the domestic currenat securing the stability of the dinar’s rate cy’s stability. The stabilisation of the doand decreasing inflation. The result is the mestic currency’s fact that recentexchange rate is The stabilisation of the dinar is ly, in a very short partly a result of period of time, the decrease in partly a result of the decrease in there was an inthe demand for the demand for foreign currency crease of both of foreign currency, the instruments mostly arising from the payment of a quarof monetary policy - and mandatory reter of the foreign exchange debts by the serves and the reference interest rate.
Zoran Petrović, Deputy President of the Executive Board of Raiffeisen Banka
the domestic and peripheral EU markets, and due to constant challenges in respect of financing the foreign imbalance, we Mild depreciation are expecting a mild depreciation of the dinar during this year. easons for the current strengthening of That weakening of the domestic currency in respect of the euro the dinar should be sought in the high levwill be around the level of the difference in the inflation rates el of the dinar’s interest rate which has attractin Serbia and the EU. ed financial investors to, because of their ‘hunIn the circumstances of the situation in the peripheral EU memger’ for profit, take positions at the beginning of bers’ debt market deteriorating more drastically, this would lead to the new budget year and invest in dinar assets. the growth of investors’ aversion toward the risk and a slightly negaBesides, the market of foreign exchange risk tive influence on the dinar. In other words, there would be a retreat protection instruments which have been developed in the last two of foreign investors from the dinars’ assets and a consequent weakenyears thanks to the mutual efforts of the ing of the dinar, as was the case in May Analysts at Raiffeisen Bank are NBS and domestic banks, has contribut2010, when, due to the escalation of the expecting moderate economic Greek debt crisis, there was a retreat of ed to the mitigation of the depreciation trend which has occurred in particular in foreign investors, and the dinar nominalgrowth in Serbia this year of the first quarter in the last two years. ly declined against the euro by 3.4 perabout 2.5 percent We are expecting this trend of the mitcent within a period of 30 days. igation of the dinar’s weakening to continue throughout the enThe volume of this year’s non-residents’ investments into the tirety of 2011, as well as in the years to come, alongside the further Ministry of Finance’s treasury’s bills is much greater than last year, development of this market. Moreover, the expected inflow of diand as a consequence, the effect of the weakening of the dinar rect investments from the selling of ‘Telekom’ and other announced would be more significant. ‘green-field’ and ‘brown-field’ investments this year will influence Anyway, the analysts at Raiffeisen Banka are expecting moderthe further weakening of the depreciation pressures. ate economic growth in Serbia this year of about 2.5 percent, and Of course, in the case of non-residents’ investments init is estimated that the inflation rate at the end of the year could to treasury bills, it is hard to say how long this trend may last. be just about at the upper level of the 2011 target, meaning at the Under the assumption that there is no significant turbulence in level of 7.5 percent.
Georgios Papanastasiou, President of the Executive Board of Alpha Bank
Significant Structural Inconsistencies
attractive to foreign investors, he since the dinar interest rate is Serbian one of the highest in Europe, economy having as a consequence the is suffering increased demand for dinars from signifwhich leads to its appreciation, icant strucsomething we have noticed tural inconsistencies which imsince the beginning of 2011. pose the further depreciation of Other market expectathe local currency. However, the tions, especially those regarddinar exchange rate is highly ing foreign direct investments leveraged by market forces, i.e. through the privatisation of demand and supply, and is very large public owned entities is volatile to sudden changes. also a significant parameter The current interest rate differential beThis high interest since the local exchange rate tween the dinar rate differential is market is considand the euro assumes further very attractive to ered very ‘shallow’ and thus depreciation of foreign investors very volatile. the dinar since Taking into consideration the local currency is traded in the above it is unwise to make the forward market at a signifiany long term forecasts regardcantly higher rate than the curing the trend of dinar/euro exrent one is. change rate nowadays. Previous On the contrary, this high experience is the best witness. interest rate differential is very 34
80 March 2011
Slavko Caric, Chairman of the Executive Board of Erste Bank Novi Sad
Less Marked Depreciation Pressures
eprerowings in euros and in relation to ciation the euro, in recent period has also pressures in had a positive impact on the stabi2010 were lisation of the exchange rate. generatThe downside risks remain ased due to a sociated with the susceptibility few importo the sentiment of foreign investant factors: the adverse investor tors, who are still predominantsentiment affected by the crisis in ly influenced by developments in the euro-zone, then slow capital inthe euro-zone. In this context it is flows, with a trend toward the reimportant to persevere with fiscal duction of the external indebtedconsolidation in order to ensure ness of the private sector. The becredibility. Also, in the scenario of ginning of 2011 and recent events a less restrictive monetary policy in the market do suggest a stabiby the end of 2011, which could lisation this year. happen if inThe beginning of Keeping the balflation shows a 2011 and recent ance of payments downward trend deficit on compaand falling referevents in the rable, although ence rate, the instill relatively high market do suggest a terest rate diflevels, in 2011 as stabilisation this year ferential will well, with the exnot be so propected inflow from the privatisanounced. In this context, the protion of Telekom Serbia, suggest less nounced volatility will continue, marked depreciation pressures. and we can expect movement in The stronger orientation of the the range of 100 to 110 dinars per Ministry of Finance toward boreuro this year.
quotations We should not publicly judge the ministers from the Socialist Party of Serbia as that creates an atmosphere that will not help the government in its work. I think that we need to fully utilise the efforts geared towards finding the best way for the government to function and use this to decide which ministries should go and which should be kept in line with our needs. Ivica Dačić, President of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) and Deputy Prime Minister
You need to take out loans to buy weapons in line with NATO standards. And then you have Greece, which has as many F16 jets as you can want, but is a slave to debt. Emir Kusturica, film director
A straw can break the camel’s back at any given moment and a seemingly lit-
tle thing can push people onto the streets, just like in Tunisia. Branislav Čanak, President of the Nezavisnost Trade Union
Šešelj has been trying to destroy us for ages, however that is not a question for me but for the men in white coats. Aleksandar Vučić, Vice President of the Serbian Progressive Party
I will never apologise for anything. There are many people who should apologise to me. Jovo Kapičić, the former Head of the Department of State Security (UDBA) in charge of the Belgrade area
A little old lady, who is in the adjacent hospital room, gave me an amazing gift – a Bentley. Frau Lisa is a German countess and is a kind-hearted and fun woman. She loves when I make her laugh. Željko Mitrović, the owner of PINK Television
Dragan Marković Palma talking to the Minister of Agriculture on his mobile phone whilst in the middle of a press conference... Another thing Mr. Minister (to Minister of Agriculture, Saša Dragin). I need to tell you something that you haven’t asked me about as yet and now I am going to say it for all the journalists to hear. I said that two government ministers need to be replaced and I would like to tell you that neither of those ministers are you. Dragan Marković Palma, the President of the JS Party
Dragan, thank you very much. Saša Dragin, Minister of Agriculture
When I was asked to judge the work done by the government, I said that I would be biased on the basis I had to judge something that I have been involved in. In the hall, I said that I would grade myself with an ‘A’. However, I do think that one can always do better, even in the best of situations. Mirko Cvetković, Prime Minister
We are all on board the Titanic. The only difference is that some are on the main deck and some below it. Čedomir Jovanović, President of the Liberal Democratic Party
The Progressives’ new shoes are obviously too tight for them, so they are no longer saying what they were taught to say and are regressing back to 20 years ago. Nada Kolundžija, Head of the Democratic Party’s parliamentary caucus
If I were in the Democratic Party, I would not let go of Cvetković, just as I would not let go of any minister from the Socialist Party of Serbia. Slavica Đukić Dejanović, the Speaker of the Serbian Parliament
Have I ruined Serbia? Did I listen to the foreign ambassadors? Is Montgomery (ex ambassador of America to Serbia) America? Tomislav Nikolić, President of the Serbian Progressive Party
The Spokesperson of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), Ivica Dačić, is a member of Tadić’s coalition, while the Spokesperson of the Yugoslav Left Party (JUL), Aleksandar Vulin is in Toma Nikolić’s coalition. We have entered the 21st century with a spokesman from the SPS and a spokesman from the JUL. Žarko Korać, MP from the Liberal Democratic Party
The government is a shareholding company made up of political parties who wait on a daily basis to be allocated a dividend or have a share in the profit. Milan Knežević, businessman
The freedom to search for solutions is a source of energy that is lacking in Serbia. Vesna Pešić, Chairwoman of the Liberal Democratic Party’s Political Council
80 March 2011
interview Srbijanka Turajlić, citizen of Serbia
Serbia Needs a Broom Serbia must seriously arrest a certain number of people. Figuratively speaking, we need standardisation and we cannot stop at which neurosurgeon took how much money. That is really impermissible, but it is not a real fight against corruption
By Jelena Aleksić Photo: Darko CVETANOVIć
he insists we describe her as a citizen of Serbia even though she could just as easily attach the title of ‘professor’ to her name; Srbijanka Turajlić, a citizen of Serbia and a fierce fighter for democracy, speaks her mind on the lost ideals of the civil fight for changes in Serbia 10 years ago. Although she herself has not forsaken the fight for truth, she does not hide the fact that, as a member of the academ-
80 March 2011
ic community, she feels humiliated in her country which is ruled by arrogant politicians who are without a vision. In her interview with CorD, she talks about morals, politics, the brain drain from Serbia, the relationship between political parties and tycoons, reality and the future of Serbia. ■ Last month, there was an article in a daily newspaper which openly and tendentiously attacked the integrity of Verica Barać, the president of the AntiCorruption Council. You were the first to stand up in her defence. Why? - She was appointed to a position from which she is expected to save the coun-
try from the disease known as corruption. She has not succeeded with this, but, unlike many who have been part of the Council (www.antikorupcija-savet. and who have resigned because they felt there was nothing that could be done; she said that the public at least should know about what is going on. If she had also resigned, we would not know a thing. ■ Have you given up the fight? - No, but I do not know a way in which a person can have a serious fight. I keep up with what people like Verica Barać are doing. I am concerned with the fact that the government and the entire ruling establishment are prone to selling the story that there is something wrong with Verica and that the things she is telling us could not be further from the truth. I expect completely different things from the government. The first thing to do is check everything she
has been warning us about, and these things are the high levels of corruption and the relationship between business and politics. Unfortunately, we are a conformist and sleeping society which does not want to discover the true nature of those relationships. ■ Why? - Because it suits the intellectual elite. Interest is a small personal private dowry. We lost our dignity in the 90s and have never recovered it. Nowadays, people think this way: ‘What can I change on my own. Nothing. Since I cannot, I will not meddle’.
■ Every other day, there is a corruption scandal in Serbia, but there are no epilogues. - That is exactly right. We have just heard that everyone from the ‘suitcase’ affair has been acquitted. It is hard to believe that someone was walking around the city with a suitcase full of money because they wanted to go for a walk. That is not normal. However, since these people are close to the party from the ruling coalition, it was inevitable that the people from the ‘suitcase’ affair ended up being acquitted. As long as things are this way, we will not move anywhere. Here people are arrested for incidents involving amounts of 3,000 euros, on the same day that on TV we see a lot of evidence showing how 120 million euros disappeared from the state company ‘Kolubara’. So people go after the man who stole 3,000 euros and will forget about the robbery at ‘Kolubara’ which is the authority’s aim. that the little money they get is enough to trample over their ethical and life convictions. That is horrible.
is going. We have individuals who are not able to set the goals of where they should be ten years from now, where they would like their children to be ten years from now.
■ Are the elite who started the reforms in 2000 now standing with their ideals disappointed, or as a part of the ap■ Does that mean they are fine with it? proach that things are fine the way they - People are scared that things may beare, so they keep quiet? ■ How do citizens of Serbia know - During the 90s, the opposition where they want to be if the auAt this moment, people are tired, parties, not the elite, led the peothorities do not? ple, and this was not spontaneous. - If an individual does not know all supplies are exhausted and Even students were drawn to powhat they want, what will they the system we live in is more litical parties. The real question is base their decision in the elections why people, and especially intel- destructible than the one in the 90s on, I wonder? Ideally, all those lectuals, are keeping quiet. I do not parties should clarify to people know anyone in Serbia who does where they see themselves in the scientific work and who privately will come even more difficult for them and years to come so that people can decide not say that it is a terrible thing that believe that if they are well behaved and on who to vote for based on that. Here, the minister of science is building a obey the authorities, things might be no party gives any explanations. The centre for the promotion of science and better. only thing they say is that things will get wasting borrowed money. When I ask even worse if we vote for someone else. each of them individually about what ■ Is that the ideal of democracy for And when you talk to people before the they are going to do about it, they say – which everybody, even you, fought elections the constant question is, what “nothing of course”. Scientific workers for? will be the lesser evil. And so it is based apply to the ministry, get some money - This is not one of the ideals of democon that judgment that votes are cast in for their research and that is enough. racy we fought for, but unfortunately it Serbia. Thus, we remain caught in a vicious is a reflection of the nature of our socicircle where everybody is complaining ety. We are a society which does not see ■ Since the democratic changes, Serbia privately, but publicly they are saying a common goal nor is capable of doing has been electing the same people for something completely different. There anything for it. We also have authorigoverning functions, and the question are many such examples. What bothers ties who do not have a goal, because which always arises is, whether there is me personally is actually the attitude we do not know where this country an alternative. Do the entire political The authorities
The academia
The tycoons
The authorities do not realise how difficult it is to live in Serbia now, just because they have a pleasant life.
Our academic community is indifferent to the fact that everyone thinks we are thieves and that our colleagues are thieves.
Finally, if President Tadić has a problem with the tycoons, he should first set things straight with the tycoons in the Democratic Party.
80 March 2011
and intellectual elite of Serbia have the screen, you tend to believe Boris Tadić. of Serbia simply does not want anything capacity for change? However, when this man says someto change. All surveys indicate that 80 - It is certain that there must be something five times, and nothing happens, per cent of students believe we are corone like the late Prime Minister Zoran people open their eyes. So, the story rupt. This means that I, as an individual, Đinđić in Serbia, but who is allowed to about the tycoons involved fogging peofind it irrelevant that 80 percent of my be seen. Unfortunately I do not see such a ple’s eyes over. We all know that tycoons students think I am stealing. This is not person. The question is who now wants have a lot of money, and President Tadić only an issue of the faculty in Kragujeand can be visible enough. There are calls them and everyone’s happy. If it vac, but also an issue for the entire Sernot many who would actually attempt was serious, something would have hapbian academic community. This is the to change something, because the difference between us and the rest I do not see a power which is able of the world. When just such a authorities have tried really hard to make these people invisible. to change things, nor do I not see situation occurred in Zagreb, peoThey would simply endanger the ple were convicted to six months ruling structure. Serbia needs a an opening for someone to appear and everything was over. The one big broom. We will see whether it whose fault it was went to prison will come from within. Serbia must seriand those who were innocent went back ously arrest a certain number of people. to school. Over there, people primarily Figuratively speaking, we need standcare about showing that not all people ardisation and we cannot stop at which are thieves and they do not want to have neurosurgeon took how much money. thieves surrounding them. Our academThat is really impermissible, but it is not ic community is indifferent to the fact a real fight against corruption. that everyone thinks we are thieves and that our colleagues are thieves. ■ Should a journalist, on her show, uncover corruption affairs or is that the ■ Is this ultimately the role model we job of the police? inherit from the authorities? - A journalist’s job is not to deal with in- Yes, but that cannot be an excuse. If vestigations, but it is a good thing that we have a corrupt government, then Brankica Stanković exists. Apart from we ourselves have to do something to Verica Barać, she is the only person willchange it. ing to risk a great deal in order to wake up Serbia. It is interesting that after the ■ How do you explain the fact that attack on Verica Barać, no one stood up Serbia is at the top of the list for ‘brain in her defence. This is because we work drain’? for companies run by tycoons, because - People are leaving us and they will Verica Barać is a threat to everyone’s keep leaving until this becomes a decent existence. It is difficult to imagine country for living in. In the mid life to be considerably better if we A journalist’s job is not to deal with 80s, there was no brain drain beall stood behind the president of cause this was a decent country to investigations, but it is a good thing live in. We have had a drain of the the Anti-corruption Council. super-talented people who wanted that Brankica Stanković exists ■ The relationship between tyto do jobs for which there were no pened. Finally, if President Tadić has a coons and politics is a rather popular technical prerequisites. There are several problem with the tycoons, he should topic of late. The Serbian president, research centres in the world which are first set things straight with the tycoons Boris Tadić, has called on extremely unique. People should go there because in the Democratic Party because we all rich people to donate part of their forotherwise, humankind will not make know there are many of them. Let Presitune and build a bridge, but has never any progress. If Tesla had not gone to dent Tadić tell us what he is going to do given any concrete names. What is the America, we would not have electricity. in that situation. matter here? The problem occurs when the departure - Boris Tadić ( is inof young people becomes massive, such volved in fogging over people’s eyes, ■ In this Serbia can someone be punas in the situation of Serbia. When I talk which is exactly what he did when he ished for corruption? to young people I realise money is not called on the tycoons. He seems very - That is the point. We had an affair inthe only problem. Young people do not smooth and polite and the media recvolving professors from Kragujevac and want to live among thieves, not even ognise that. When you see him on the nothing happened to them. The public among those of us who have lost all our 38
80 March 2011
pride. They want a society where there is a system of values, where thieves are being punished and if I were younger, I would probably think the same way.
that is true. Still, it is more profound than this. This is not about individual people, but about the fact that each of them feels that they are the most important and so annihilates what their predecessors have done the moment they come to office. That is disastrous for the reform of education. Each genuine reform needs continuity and the broadest consensus. Things would appear quite different
tions. Courts were working. We can easily agree that the verdicts reached back then were horrible, but nowadays there are no verdicts at all. In such a context, one can freely say that people’s lives now are worse than in the 90s, apart from the war factor.
■ Does it have to do with the education system of Serbia? - We failed to notice that educational profiles which humanity needs nowa■ What is the deal? days have changed. We should no longer - We do not have incompetent, but arteach children to learn things by rogant people ruling us. Those heart but to recognise what they People are leaving us and they will people should realise for themneed from the sea of facts, and selves that something has to be keep leaving until this becomes a our educational system has not changed. Our entire government decent country for living in yet realised that. We make awful is not steeped in thievery, but a mistakes in education because we part of it is. There is the possibilhave not understood that the children had each minister since 2000 onwards ity that this second part might wake up who are getting schooled have gained continued doing what had been done and demand changes, because I do not their initial level of awareness from the with reforms. see any other way. computer. It is often the case that they know more than their teachers. ■ The question we have not tackled is ■ What does that mean - are you exthe matter of the strikes rocking Serbia pecting the same prevalence of political ■ Yes, but those are the children who and the poverty affecting citizens. Is powers in the elections? are harassing each other and their there awareness about the low quality - I do not see a power which is able to teachers. You must admit that this was of peoples’ lives in the political strucchange things, nor do I not see an opennot the case while the old method of tures? Are the political elite detached ing for someone to appear. ■ education and the teachers’ authority from the people? was still valid. - Belgrade is a fan- I agree. This is the situation now betastic place to live cause we are a society where violence is compared to how not being punished. Violence was punpeople live in smallished for the first time in the case of the er places. It is a formurder of Brice Taton and the question tunate coincidence remains whether this would have hapthat these people pened if he had not been a foreign citistill have land so zen. For years we have witnessed ramthey are not starvpages and violence. Just remember the ing, although there hooligans who demolished Belgrade in are such instances. the ‘Kosovo is Serbia’ protest and nothAll that points to ing ever happened to them. Girls stealthe fact that the ing sneakers have had to answer to jusauthorities do not tice, but not those who have set embasrealise how difficult sies on fire. This is the way in which the it is to live in Serbia generations, who watch violence not now, just because being sanctioned, are being raised here. they have a pleasChildren are watching their teachers ant life. At this monot being protected by anyone and who ment, people are do not have any reputation with those tired, all supplies children. are exhausted and the system we live ■ What is the key problem of the eduin is more destructcation system, does it have to do with ible than the one in the ministers we are electing? the 90s. Then, the - We do not have much luck when it system was bad, but comes to our ministers of education there were
80 March 2011
interview Svetlana Vukajlović, Director of Jedro Health Clinic
One-stop-shop In Jedro, our consultants are there to help our doctors. We also have the latest medical equipment and the building that houses Jedro was specifically built for medical purposes. This is one-stop-shop, so to speak, and here specialised and diagnostic checkups are performed swiftly and safely few years. What do you think of the Serbian health system today from the position of a director of a privately-owned health facility? - The view is the same, only my role has changed. As director of the Republic Institute for Health Insurance (, my role was to enable the efficient distribution of fi-
rector of a private health facility, which has all the predispositions for offering quality health protection to those citizens who are able to pay additional, I am trying to make our services available to a bigger number of people through good organisation and the development of voluntary health insurance. I still think By Jelena Aleksić that one of the main problems that the Serbian healthcare system is facing is edro is the first health clinic in Sera lack of control of the scope and the bia to be founded by an insurance quality of work done in state hospitals company. CorD talks with due to the inability of both Svetlana Vukajlović, the direc- In Serbia the private health insurance the state and health managtor of Jedro health clinic about ers to finally bid farewell sector is at its very beginning and quality health protection in Serbia to the so-called ‘uranylovka’ and the difference between the state (levelling or egalitarianism). its share in the insurance market is health system and the private one. This, of course, suits private only two percent She talks of the future of the market practices to which even in private health clinics and what those people who are not nancial means so that people with health she sees as the shortcomings of Serbia’s that well-off are turning to for medical insurance could enjoy their legal right to healthcare system. treatment. Hence, developing voluntary health protection in accordance with the health insurance is a viable answer to money that they paid every month for ■ You were at the helm of the Republic the growing financial pressures on both mandatory health insurance. As the diInstitute for Health Insurance for quite a the state health fund and patients.
J 40
80 March 2011
■ In your opinion, in which direction will private clinics in Serbia develop? - Private clinics are free market agents. Their founders are the ones who decide how profitable and sustainable their investments are going to be and in which developmental direction the private health clinics will take.
■ Do you think that, in time, the most reputable doctors will start working for private clinics, which is often the case in other countries? - We already have the most reputable doctors working here in Jedro (www., which is covered by supplementary employment contracts. We have concluded contracts with over 70 doctors that are permanently employed in the state health sector, including quite
adequate compensation for their work.
■ Can you compare the costs of medical treatments in private and state health facilities? - I cannot speak for other private clinics, but, in our clinic, doctors are paid much better than in state hospitals, while the number of check-ups they perform per ■ What is more profitable for the state day is much lower than those in a state – to build its own hospitals or to pay pahospital. This is how we make sure that tients with mandatory health each doctor spends enough insurance for their treatment time and pays enough attenin private hospitals which are tion to each patient. This, of built and maintained by pricourse, has a bearing on the vate entities? price, as does the work on - If the state lacks capacity in a maintaining certain health certain area, and that capacity standards, the quality of is available in the private secmedical equipment, the faciltor at a price that is the same ity itself, the know-how etc. or lower than the one charged There are many things in the by the state health sector, I state health sector that make absolutely agree that the state no sense. Recently, a Danish needs to use that capacity and expert assessed that the state that it will profit from it. This health sector could save up to is the case with, let’s say, cardi10 million euros annually by othoracic surgeries. There are just fixing the leaking faucets long waiting lists since the in hospitals. Then, there is the health authorities have failed to Our biggest advantage is our highly surplus workforce and other irprovide sufficient capacities for rationalities like nobody being professional medical team made these surgeries on time. Private held responsible for bad financial up of medical experts with many capital saw an opportunity there results. On the other hand, you and offered to the state the opcan only stay afloat in the private years of clinical experience portunity to use ORs at the same health sector if you provide the price. I see no reason for the state highest quality at a realistic price. a few doctors who teach at the Belgrade to reject this offer since that would be Faculty of Medicine and ones who detrimental to the people who have ■ Two years ago, you said that “private work at the Military Medical Academy state health insurance. health insurance offers fewer advan(VMA) (, as well as tages for more money”. Has anything several of the most eminent medical ex■ Is the state ready or willing to provide changed since then? perts with many years of clinical expesubsidies for the construction of new - No, it hasn’t. The fact remains that rience. Unlike the private sector, which privately-owned health centres? mandatory health insurance offers more appreciates quality, compensation in the - I don’t see any reason for the state to do safety in the sense that you are entitled state sector does not correspond to the that. However, the state could offer conto health services even when you are not amount of work that doctors and other cessions in areas that are not adequately working and not paying insurance conmedical staff do. Hence, it is quite logical covered like cardiothoracic surgery or tributions. This insurance also covers that the best doctors are turning to the radiation therapy. sick leave, as well as treatments that are private sector which is ready to provide considered a financial risk like dialysis. Privatisation The privatisation of the Serbian health sector is a long way off. There isn’t even proper legislation to regulate it.
Policy The private health insurance policy of Delta Generali costs 2,000 dinars a month and it will cover all health services.
quality You can only stay afloat in the private health sector if you provide the highest quality at a realistic price.
80 March 2011
However, relatively low financial conof Delta Generali ( for medical purposes. This is one-stoptributions for mandatory health insurcosts 2,000 dinars a month and this polshop, so to speak, and here specialised ance (under 300 euros per insured pericy will cover all outpatient health servand diagnostic checkups are performed son) and the many services that it covices, as well as some hospital treatments swiftly and safely. ers, in addition to the aforementioned provided by the private health sector. I problems certainly have a bearing on don’t think that that is out of reach. ■ Jedro is the first health clinic in Serthe quality of health services, the waitbia to be founded by an insurance com■ Could you compare the health clinic ing lists, inadequate medical equippany. Holders of Delta Generali’s insurthat you manage to other similar clinment, and both medical workers and ance policy enjoy special benefits here. ics in Serbia? patients being discontent. Mandatory Could you describe how that translates health insurance is a social catin practice? Foreign citizens can get physical egory and, in that respect, cannot - Holders of Delta Generali’s be compared or be considered insurance policies can get checkups for far less money than in an alternative to private health medical treatments not only their native countries insurance. But, private health inin Jedro, but in 300 other surance, as an additional form of medical facilities that the insurance, can be a good supplement to company has concluded relevant conthe mandatory one and thus reduces the tracts with. Jedro is fighting for its marfinancial risks that are associated with ket position by offering high quality the health services that compulsory inhealth services and patient care. On the surance doesn’t cover. other hand, Jedro offers a comfortable stay and quality which the holders of ■ How developed is the private health private health insurance policies can eninsurance system in Serbia and what joy and, by doing so, it promotes the dedoes it lack? velopment of this insurance segment. In - In our country, the private health inother words, the holder of a Delta Gensurance sector is at its very beginning. erali health insurance policy can pick a Its share in the insurance market is only facility to receive medical treatment at two percent (10 million euros of the without additional costs and without overall premiums). If you bear in mind having to pay on the spot. They do enjoy the fact that citizens are paying close to special benefits at Jedro, but Jedro is also a billion euros for health services, aside open to anyone wishing to receive medifrom the ones covered by mandatory cal treatment here. health insurance, then you can imagine the potential for the further ■ Could you tell us somedevelopment of private health Mandatory health insurance is a social thing about the health proinsurance. In order to expedite tection of foreign citizens in category and cannot be compared this development, the state auSerbia and what Jedro can thorities need to step in and help offer them? or be considered an alternative to by allowing tax deductions. The - Foreign citizens are usually private health insurance current legislation stipulates that ’covered’ by foreign health inyou have to pay contributions to surance policies which cover - Our biggest advantage is our highly prothe state on private health insurance just the costs of their medical treatments fessional medical team made of medical like in the example of mandatory insurabroad. What we offer is a health standexperts with many years of clinical expeance, which, you will admit, is illogical. ard that is equivalent to that in Europe. rience that are permanently employed Even though people who pay private We can also accept foreign health insurin the clinic and are available to patients health insurance are not a financial burance policies. Foreign citizens can get 24/7. Other health facilities usually hire den to the state, they still have to pay physical checkups for far less money beginners or state health consultants double taxes. than in their native countries. who, due to previous engagements, cannot be at the patient’s disposal all the ■ There is the perception that private ■ What is your view of the privatisation time. In Jedro, our consultants are there health insurance is way out of reach of the Serbian health sector? to help our doctors. We also have the latfor most Serbian citizens. What do you - The privatisation of the Serbian health est medical equipment and the building think? sector is a long way off. There isn’t even that houses Jedro was specifically built - The private health insurance policy proper legislation to regulate it. ■ 42
80 March 2011
regional conference Business Dialogue – Cargo 10, ‘Challenges and Perspectives of the United Rail’
Regional Opportunity In late February the Business Dialogue – Cargo 10 ‘Challenges and Perspectives of the United Rail’ conference was held, with over 200 participants, including ministers, heads of regional railway companies, large haulage companies, bankers, producers and service providers in the railway sector
Our next Conference
For all additional information visit or contact us directly at: Kneginje Zorke 11b; 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, Tel: +381 11 308 99 77; Fax: +381 11 308 99 88
significant regional ministerial conference pre- mentation, to the benefit of all participants. Hence, this first senting the perspective of one of the first regional initiative for promoting the international endeavour enrailway projects attracted an unexpected level of tails holding a regional ministerial conference which is not interest from not only railway operators in the only of huge importance for the project’s success, but also East Balkans, but also from for establishing a timely connecaround Europe. The confertion between the companies and ence was officially opened investors that are interested in by the Serbian Minister establishing cooperation,” said for Infrastructure, MiluMinister Mrkonjić in his opentin Mrkonjić and over 200 ing address. participants from 15 Eu“Cargo 10 is envisaged as ropean countries listened an important link between to the addresses given by the many countries that will regional leaders from the benefit from joining this alliinfrastructure, railway and ance. In order to succeed and cargo industries. Frank Jost meet users’ needs, we need to from the EU Commission substantially cut back on cargo Minister Milutin Mrkonjić: “Cargo DG TREN - Rail Transport transport times. On certain fre10 is envisaged as an important link and Interoperability also quently used railroads, this time gave an opening address. between the many countries that will needs to be reduced by up to 20 The first panel discussion hours. This is not only a job for benefit from joining this alliance” at the conference was dedius, the railway companies and cated to the regional railthe construction companies, way sector, the second prebut also for the governments of sented the regional railroad the countries that should assist operators, participants of by investing, enabling a more the third panel discussion efficient transport flow and talked about railway insimplifying border procedures. frastructure, while the last Only through constant commudiscussion was dedicated nication and efficient cooperato railway legislation and tion between interested parties, funding investments. will we be able to reduce cargo “The aim of this contransport times from Munich to ference is to present and Istanbul to only 40 hours and to promote the idea of Cargo 10 and to bring together all the ensure at least 2,000 or 3,000 trains, out of a total of 7,000, interested parties to jointly implement Cargo 10 projects use railway Corridor X (Ljubljana – Zagreb – Belgrade – Iswith each party willing to contribute to the project’s imple- tanbul via Hungary),” the Minister outlined. ■
80 March 2011
& places CORRECTION In the last issue of CorD (No. 79) on page 38 there was an inadvertent error in the caption under this photo. The caption should have read:
From left: H.E. Mr. Aly Galal Bassiouny, Ambassador of Egypt to Serbia, Vuk Jeremić, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Prof. Dr. Branko Kovačević, Rector of the University of Belgrade at the Inauguration Ceremony of the Serbian-Egyptian Friendship Association, organised by the Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in cooperation with the Organising Committee of the Association, on 21 January at the university rectory. We apologise for this unintentional error.
Lord Tomlinson, Chair of the LSC Advisory Board and the British Ambassador to Serbia, H.E. Michael Davenport at the ceremony marking the opening of the London School of Commerce Belgrade on 08 February.
Milorad Dodik, the President of Republika Srpska was presented with the ‘Emperor Dušan Golden Dinar’ award by the Prime Minister of Serbia Mirko Cvetković, in recognition of his work in strengthening economic and cultural ties between Serbia and the Republika Srpska, at a ceremony organised by the Club of Business Journalists on 07 February. 80 March 2011
His Holiness Patriarch Irinej of Serbia and writer Dobrica Ćosić attended the ceremony organised by the Club of Business Journalists at the National Theatre on 07 February.
Ambassador of Italy to Serbia, H.E. Armando Varricchio and his wife Micaela, and Vuk Jeremić, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and his wife Nataša at a charity ball sponsored by the wife of the President of Serbia, Tatjana Tadić, which was held at the residence of the Ambassador of Italy, on 12 February.
Ambassador of Iran to Serbia, H.E. Abolghasem Delfi welcomes Ambassador of Russia to Serbia, H.E. Alexander Konuzin to the National Day reception celebrating the 32nd anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of Iran on 11 February.
From left to right: H.E. François-Xavier Deniau, Ambassador of France to Serbia, Dr. Nicolas Moll, historian and H.E. Wolfram Maas, Ambassador of Germany to Serbia at a joint lecture on the occasion of the anniversary of the ‘Elysée Agreement’ held in the conference hall of the University of Belgrade Rectorate on 24 February.
H.E. Wei Jinghua China’s Ambassador to Serbia, and Žarko Obradović, the Minister of Education celebrate Chinese New Year at the House of Culture ‘Student City’ on 13 February. Photo: Aleksandrija Ajduković
faces & places
Front row from left: Mr. Klaus Priverschek, CEO of UniCredit Bank Serbia and his wife; Mrs. Micaela Varricchio, wife of the Italian Ambassador to Serbia; Mrs. Tatjana Tadić, wife of the President of Serbia and H.E. Armando Varricchio, the Ambassador of Italy to Serbia at the charity auction of art works of contemporary Serbian and Italian artists, which was organised by the Embassy of Italy at the National Museum of Belgrade on 11 February.
80 March 2011
& places Miroslav Mišković, President of Delta Holding welcomes Belgrade Mayor Dragan Đilas to a special ceremony celebrating the 20 year anniversary of Delta Holding, held at the Continental Hotel on 04 February.
On the occasion of the celebrations of Army Day, General Miloje Miletić, the Chief of the Army of Serbia and Dragan Šutanovac, the Minister of Defence welcomed guests at the Old Headquarters Great War Hall on the on 15 February.
Australian Ambassador to Serbia, Dr. Helena Studdert bids farewell to outgoing Australian Federal Police Senior Liaison Officer, Mark Dokmanović (second from left), at a reception at the Ambassadorial Residence on 17 February. Kazuaki Kameda, Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of Japan and Goran Pekez, Corporate Affairs and Communications Director for the Adriatic region at Japan Tobacco International (JTI) at the performance of the Japanese musical and theatrical group ‘Variki’, which was organised by the Japanese Embassy, the Japan Foundation and JTI, on 11 February at the National Theatre.
From left to right: Mr. Milan Milošević, Director of the Archives of Yugoslavia, Crown Prince Alexander Karađorđević, and, H.E. Alexander Konuzin, Ambassador of Russia to Serbia at an exhibition of Russian icons, which was officially opened on 18 February at the Royal Palace and was organised by the Russian Orthodox Club in Moscow.
80 March 2011
genetic lab project Rudnap Group ( has signed a contract with GAK ‘Narodni Front’ ( accepting the donation of funds which will contribute to the realisation of the ‘Genetic Lab’ project at GAK. The funds donated will be used for building extensions, reconstruction and for equipping the clinic, transforming it into an extremely modern laboratory. The contract was signed by Aleksandar Skulić, General Director of Rudnap Group, and Professor Dušan Stanojević, the Director of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic ‘Narodni Front’. “We feel that laboratories like this are extremely important for the birth of healthy generations of our population which are the future of this country. Our company perceives social responsibility as an opportunity to contribute to improving the lives of members of the community, of our employees, their families, and our activities are mostly aimed at young people,” Mr. Skulić said.
Professor Dušan Stanojević, the Director of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic ‘Narodni Front’and Aleksandar Skulić, General Director of Rudnap Group
culinaria fIne food Organisers of the ‘Culinaria Fine Food Fair’ - the company Žižgin ( and the Agribusiness project ( ) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - held a working breakfast as part of the international promotion of the fair. The concept of the fair, open exclusively to professional visitors, and which will be held for the second time from September 28th-30th in Belgrade, inspired a high level of interest in those who attended the breakfast. “Judging by the interest the fair caused last year, I feel that it is safe to say that the Culinaria Fine Food Fair is on track to becoming the largest and the most prestigious event for the food industry in the region,” Susan Fritz, director of USAID to Serbia, pointed out. Susan Fritz, director of USAID to Serbia
fashionista fIleS
80 March 2011
after work
their brand identities. If you are planning your next business trip to either New York or London be sure to take a look at ‘travel’ where you’ll find reviews of a selection of the hottest, ‘up to the minute’ restaurants. If it’s chic and hip you are after, you’ll find it here. The creator of this blog is socialite and model Sara Brajovic, who is one of grew up in the fashion and art hotbeds of Paris, Geneva, London the coolest blogs and online magand New York whilst studying, modelling and acting. She’s been inazines ‘out there’ today. It was vited to the world’s most salubrious events and parties and counts launched on 1st February 2011 international and influential people, socialites, actors, musicians and and receives over 200 hits daily aristocrats amongst her friends. from all around the word. The site Sara will share her vast experience in fashion and style and will gives fashion insider’s tips on style offer lifestyle tips that will inspire discerning women who appreciand travel as well as advice on how ate what’s chic and who insist on being one Sara Brajovic grew up in the to create cool outfits for different step ahead of the crowd. Russian Tatler magafashion and art hotbeds of Paris, zine, which focuses on the lives of the glamoroccasions. WARNING - big budgets apply! ous and all things ‘lifestyle’, recently ran a stoGeneva, london and New York Make sure you check out the ry about Sara’s unique style. section covering lesser-known hip designers and their collections So check it out ... and be in with the cool crowd. and also the section on the more established fashion houses and
region Bosnia and Herzegovina on its way to the EU
Slow Progress Fifteen years after the signing of the Dayton Agreement, Bosnia and Herzegovina is on the verge of candidacy negotiations with the European Union the High Representative in Sarajevo (www. is still open, and the Bonn Powers are still in force. The Powers give a wide authority to the High Representative to intervene in and decide about certain issues until the Bosnian authorities reach an agreement on these issues at the state level. One of the problems that Bosnia and Herzegovina has to overcome on its way to the European Union is discordance when it comes to constitutional reforms. The international representatives have
ence since the amendments will fortify the power of the state authorities in Sarajevo. This, according to the Republic of Srpska’s officials, undermines and even breaches the Dayton Agreement. It is highly unlikely that the opposing sides By Vojislava Vignjević will come to some sort of understanding when it comes to this issue. espite having the status of a When it comes to the Euro-integranegotiator, Bosnia and Herzetions, the Republic of Srpska is fully govina is lagging behind the backing the process. Banja Luka says other regional countries when that getting candidacy status and fulit comes to EU integration. Macedonia, filling European standards should be Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia and Albaconsidered the priority of everybody in nia have all signed the Stabilization and Bosnia and Herzegovina, including the Association Agreement ( entities’ governments. However, the Reeu/enlargement) before Bosnia. public of Srpska’s authorities say that Croatia, Macedonia and Monthe individual constitutions of each Despite having the status tenegro have all applied for EU entity should be taken into considof a negotiator, Bosnia and candidacy which has been suberation and add that they are strongsequently granted. Bosnia and ly against the misuse of certain EU Herzegovina is lagging behind Herzegovina is falling behind in processes in an effort to further inother regional countries when it this process too. crease the powers of the Bosnia and The European Union and Herzegovina government, since that comes to EU integration Bosnia and Herzegovina signgoes against the EU standards. ing the Stabilization and Association been insisting on amending the ConstituThe Republic of Srpska President, Agreement was a signal to the internation so that Bosnia and Herzegovina can Milorad Dodik, says that the Republic tional community to start implementbecome a fully functional state, capable of Srpska is fully backing the European ing its withdrawal strategy in the counof overcoming the obstacles on its way to integration and the stabilisation of the try, primarily terminating the Office of the EU and successfully moderating its situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina the High Representative (OHR) and the legislation with the European one. This and the region, in addition to preservBonn Powers. This is where the SAA is where the Bosnian Federation and ining its autonomy. “The Republic of Srpwith Bosnia and Herzegovina differs ternational community agree. However, ska wants peace and we have no interest to other regional countries. However, one Bosnian entity – the Republic of Srpin being adventurous. We want to prethe international community still hasn’t ska – is opposing this notion claiming serve our autonomy, through legal and withdrawn from Bosnia. The Office of that it would jeopardize its very existlegitimate means, but we also want to
80 March 2011
Stefan Füle: “The country needs to have capacities to adopt and fully implement the EU laws and regulations.” develop in a way that is conducive Also, Bosnian authorities are still to the Euro-Atlantic integrations in very much on opposing sides when a framework that will not harm the it comes to the reform priorities, like Republic of Srpska, its autonomy, moderating the country’s Constitusubjectivity and right to have own tion in line with the European Conidentity,” Dodik underlined. vention on Human Rights and estabOn the other hand, the economic lishing a single economic area. The downturn, which is reflected in the European Commission also points growing inflation rate and unemout that a limited improvement has ployment, and a drop in living standbeen made in judiciary reforms, as ards, has significantly slowed down well as that political pressure on the Euro-integration process in Boscourts and judicial authorities is still nia and Herzegovina. Also, the insubstantial. ternational assistance to all regional The EU Enlargement Commiscountries, including Bosnia, will be sioner Stefan Füle underlined that progressively reduced. Bosnia and Herze“Bosnia is trailing begovina has to harmoBosnia and hind on its way to EU nise its Constitution membership since its Herzegovina still with the European political leaders cannot Convention on Huagree on the country’s has a lot of work man Rights (www. future,” said Jelko Kacin, ahead in order, as well as to improve the functhe Deputy Head of the to advance tionality of state instiEuropean Parliament towards EU tutions. Delegation in charge of “The country needs relations with Albania, membership to have capacities to Bosnia and Herzegovina, adopt and fully impleSerbia and Montenegro. ment the EU laws and regulations,” He warned that it had been four Füle said. months since parliamentary elecAll in all, Bosnia and Herzegovina tions in the country and that state still has a lot of work ahead in order bodies, like the Council of Ministers, to advance towards EU membership. still haven’t been formed. However, the country’s internal strucIn its latest progress report, the ture is very complicated – it has three European Commission confirmed constitutional nations and two entithat Bosnia and Herzegovina had ties, and, when deciding about imporprogressed, albeit slowly and modtant issues like constitutional reform, estly, in certain segments, while in it takes a lot of time for everybody to others there was no progress at all. agree. Maybe that is the reason why The country also made slow progress Bosnia and Herzegovina is lagging in meeting the requirements that behind other regional countries when would result in closing of the Ofit comes to Euro-integration and this fice of the High Representative. The is something that the international progress made in reforms relating community is surely aware of. ■ to EU accession has been limited.
Jelko Kacin: “Bosnia is trailing behind on its way to the EU membership since its political leaders cannot agree on the country’s future.”
Law Change Warning
he European Commission (EC)
( w w w. e c . e u r o p a . e u )
warned Greece that unless it changes it’s tax amnesty legislation, it may face a lawsuit at the European Court of Justice. According to the Commission, the current law favours Greek residents holding their money abroad. Taxpayers who voluntarily disclose their money kept in foreign banks and transfer the funds to local institutions are taxed at lower rates on those sums than those citizens who keep their money in Greece.
EU Obligations
he EU Enlargement Commissioner, Stefan Füle, told the European Parliament (EP) ( that Albania must meet requirements set by the European Commission if it wants to continue its EU integration process. During a special discussion on Albania, Füle urged EP members to assist Albanian colleagues in understanding their obligations.
Membership Progress
he European Parliament adopted a resolution to conclude Croatia’s EU membership negotiations in the first half of 2011.The resolution was adopted by 48 votes to 43 with 52 abstentions. Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) said Croatia has made substantial progress in introducing the reforms needed to join the EU but more reforms are still needed.
80 March 2011
region Controversial Bulgarian newspaper offices bombed
Acts Against the State This attack coincided with the visit to Bulgaria of four EU commissioners, including Home Affairs Commissioner Cecilia Malmström viser, businessman and bg), told reporters he was “not surprised” an alleged leader of an at all, hinting that he had even expected organised crime group, an attack of this type. who was recently released “I’m glad it was planted professionfrom house arrest. ally, so as not to kill people,” the SofiaKristina Patrashkova: “Galeria” editor-in-chief In numerous interbased daily Dnevnik quoted him as views Galeria editorsaying, noting that he had instructed Inn explosion hit the offices of in-chief Kristina Patrashkova and her terior Minister, Tsvetan Tsvetanov and a Bulgarian newspaper on deputy, Yavor Dachkov, insisted that the head of DANS, Tsvetlin Yovchev to take February 10th, causing minor attack was “a political act aiming to inimmediate action. damage, but no one was intimidate” them. Ivan Kostov, one of the co-chairs of jured. The makeshift bomb, which was “It is obvious that our newspaper is the right’s Blue Coalition, views the explaced at the front door of the ‘Galeria most critical of the government,” Patplosion as a continuation of the attack Weekly’s’ premises on the first floor of a rashkova told state-run Bulgarian Naagainst the government, aimed at furbuilding in downtown Sofia, went off at tional Radio ( ther undermining Brussels’ confidence Many politicians disagreed however, about 5:40am. The blast shattered winin Bulgaria’s ability to fight organised stressing that the explosion was an act dows of the three-storey house, as well crime. against the state, rather than the weekly as of nearby residential buildings, and He also reiterated the Blue Coalition’s newspaper. also damaged two cars. The only person call for the interior minister’s dismissal This attack coincided with the visit inside the newspaper’s offices was a seso that the government can succeed in curity guard, who escaped unhurt. fighting organised crime. They Nedyalko Nedyalkov, the owner cited also Tsvetanov’s failure to Many politicians disagreed of Millennium publishing company, counter petty crime, the leakhowever, stressing that the whose offices are located in the same ing of classified information, explosion was an act against the building, told reporters that the the extensive use of special guard was “fine”. surveillance devices, as well state, rather than the weekly “The door flew towards him and as violation of the basic prinnewspaper he hid under the table,” the publishciples of democracy as other er said, noting that the attack most motives for demanding his reto Bulgaria of four EU commissioners, probably was targeted at Galeria. placement. including Home Affairs Commissioner The paper recently published several An investigation into the bombing Cecilia Malmström - who was schedleaked wiretaps of Customs Agency Diattack was launched immediately. Solvuled to arrive in Sofia later in the day rector Vanyo Tanov’s telephone convering the case will be “very difficult” howat a crucial time for the Balkan nation’s sations with Prime Minister Boyko Boriever, Krasimir Velchev, a senior GERB Schengen bid. sov, Finance Minister Simeon Djankov lawmaker predicts. Commenting on the incident, Boyko and other senior government officials. “It was conducted by professionals,” Borisov, who leads the ruling centreIt is widely believed to be close to Alexei he said. “It is not like someone got upright Citizens for the European DevelPetrov, a highly controversial former State set with the newspaper and put a bomb (Source: ■ opment of Bulgaria (GERB) (www.gerb. Agency for National Security (DANS) adthere.”
80 March 2011
80 March 2011
business 2 business Piraeus Bank
increases share capital Piraeus Bank’s Rights Issue of over exploit growth prospects of the broad€807 million has been successfully er region as soon as prevailing condicompleted. Total subscriptions reached tions permit. €1,044 billion, which means that the Recently, Piraeus Bank, with the goal rights issue was oversubscribed by 1.3 of further enhancing its liquidity, issued times. €1.25 billion of Upon the complecovered bonds of tion of the capital ina three-year tencrease, the total equre with an extenuity capital of Piraeus sion period of 10 Bank Group (www.piraeyears and coupon rate of one-month will amount Euribor plus a marto €4.1 billion, thereby gin of 100 basis strengthening the cappoints. The transital adequacy ratios by action has been 200 basis points. This success- The successful completion of the given a ‘A-‘ ratful completion of share capital increase enables ing by Fitch and the share capiPiraeus Bank to reinforce its will be listed on the Luxembourg tal increase enapresence in the banking market Stock Exchange bles Piraeus Bank to face the challenges of the econom- ( ic environment from a stronger poThe transaction has been issued sition, to reinforce its presence in the under Piraeus Bank’s three billion eubanking market, to expand its ability to ro covered bond programme. Barclays raise funding with the gradual normal- Capital acted as the coordinator of the isation of the interbank market and to programme.
UNIQA’s speedy results According to the annual report on car insurance claims compiled by the National Bank of Serbia, which included
11 insurance companies, last year UNIQA ( was the fastest insurance
Last year UNIQA was the fastest insurance company in regards to settling insurance claims based on cumulative figures company in regards to settling insurance claims based on cumulative figures. Official reports also put UNIQA in the number-one position in 2008 and 2009. The National Bank of Serbia ( report compiles data on vehicle insurance claims by third parties and is the basic criterion in assessing the promptness of insurance companies in dealing with car insurance claims.
Serbia and introducing a new and quite unique insurance product to Serbia, “Dunav Osiguranje” is raising the bar in the indusAt the 33rd International try and expanding its product range. All of this is done with the Tourism Fair in Belgrade, aim of meeting the expectations of our clients and offering the “Dunav O s i g u r a n j e ” best quality support in all segments of their life and work. This Company (Dunav Insurance is yet another validation that we are achieving the best possible Company) ( results not only in our primary business activity, but also that presented a unique and in- we are working on modernising our operations and constantly novative insurance project expanding and improving our product range and business opthat they will be implement- erations. This is also another step toward meeting the needs of ing together with SalusBank Serbia’s citizens,” said Director General of “Dunav Osiguranje”, Serbia ( Milenka Mila Jezdimirović. Salus Bank is the first health-record database that contains com), an online health-record database. The Director General of “Dunav Osiguranje”, Milenka Mila Jezdimirović and the President the personal health records of each user. The owner of SalusBank, Dr. Ivano Labruna signed an agreement of coop- The owner of a ‘Dunav Osiguranje – SalusBank’ of a ‘Dunav Osiguranje – eration at Dunav’s stand at card is able to use the card in health SalusBank’ the fair. Also present were the emergencies as it contains all the relevant card is able Director of SalusBank Serbia, health data that a medical worker requires to use the Aleksandar Saša Đorđević, Marketing Manager of SalusBank, Italia Claudio Honegger and nu- card in health emergencies as it contains all the relevant health data that a medical merous media representatives and public figures from Serbia. “By signing the contract of cooperation with SalusBank worker requires.
80 March 2011
Placements & Postings
Harrisons move to UŠĆE
H.E. Alain Kundycki,
new Ambassador of Belgium to Serbia
After over eight years based at the famous Protocol building in Terazije, Harrisons Solicitors ( have recently moved their Belgrade Office to the UŠĆE Tower. Mark Harrison commented “It was a tremendous wrench to leave Protocol, which has a special place in history, as Yugoslavia was created there in 1918, hence the name of the building. However our new landlords, MPC Properties, have kindly refurbished the 24th
Hopefully we can celebrate moving to UŠĆE by signing the sale of Telekom Srbija
Dragiša Slijepčević, new President
of Constitutional Court of the Republic of Serbia
Judge Dragiša B. Slijepčević (55) the new President of the Serbian Constitutional Court was born in Sečanj, Vojvodina. After gaining his Law Degree, he was employed at a high school in Sečanj. In 1980, he was appointed as judge at the Sečanj Municipal Court and, ten years later, as a judge at the Zrenjanin County Court. Subsequently, he was appointed at the Zrenjanin Commercial Court in 1992, and four years later, he was employed by the High Commercial Court in Belgrade. Judge Slijepčević was previously a member of the High Council of Justice, and is currently a member of the Bar Exam Commission.
Major General Miodrag Jevtić, new Rector of the University of Defence
The new Rector of the University of Defence, Major General Miodrag Jevtić, was born in 1956 in Smederevo. He graduated from the medical school in 1981, specialised in general surgery in 1992, and was awarded the title of Doctor of Medical Sciences in 1997. He has served as the Chief of the Military Medical Academy ( since April 2005.
Stephen Fish, new Secretary Treasurer
at AmCham Serbia
Stephen Fish started his career in his native England, before moving to the Middle East. He then lived and worked in the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary and Slovenia before he moved to Croatia in 2008 to head up the Ernst & Young ( country practice. Last year he also took on the practice in Serbia and moved to Belgrade. As a Partner in Ernst & Young, he is currently in charge of coordinating the firm’s services in Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia-Herzegovina.
80 March 2011
business 2 business
floor of UŠĆE Tower to suit our business requirements and we now have an excellent office facility at the top of the tower to continue servicing our clients. It is a landmark building, like Protocol, so it was a fitting move for our English law firm. In a small way I like to think our firm created a little bit of history at Protocol as well. Numerous head-line privatisations and foreign investments were created there, for clients such as Fiat Group Automobile, U. S. Steel Serbia, British American Tobacco and Heineken International to name but a few. However time moves on, and hopefully we can celebrate moving to UŠĆE by signing the sale of Telekom Srbija (, where we act for the Serbian Government. Finally, UŠĆE complements our new offices in Podgorica and our City of London base, so our clients can continue to look forward to receiving the professional advice and service which they demand and deserve. My only regret about moving to our new offices is that for the first time in my 14 years in Belgrade, I cannot walk to work!”
H.E. Alain Kundycki began his role as Ambassador of Belgium to Serbia in February, 2011. Previous roles have included Head of Desk for Eastern Europe (1972-1973), Head of Desk USA-Canada (1975-1978) and Commercial Attaché in Atlanta (1978-1982). As a career diplomat his postings have been at the Brussels Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1982-1984), Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire (1982-1987), Mexico (1987-1991), Ottawa (1991), in Montreal as the Representative of Belgium on the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (19911995), Director for Subsahara Africa for the Brussels Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1995-1998), Ambassador to Bolivia (1998-2002), Consul General in Montreal (2002-2004), Deputy Chief of Staff of the Minister of Foreign Affairs in Brussels (2004-2006), and Ambassador to Luxembourg (2004-2011). H.E. Alain Kundycki has one son and one daughter.
Placements & Postings
Major General Milan Bjelica, Deputy
Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces
Major General Bjelica was appointed as the Deputy SAF Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces by the decree of the Serbian President Boris Tadić on 15th February. He was born in 1956 in Stolac, He graduated from the Military Academy (, department of infantry in 1979, completed General Staff School in 1995, and General Staff training in 2001. He was appointed as the Chief of the Minister of Defense Cabinet on 31 October 2005.
Miloš Đurković, new Second Vice-President of AmCham Serbia
Miloš Đurković is the Managing Director of Hewlett Packard Serbia ( He has spent more than 16 years working in the IT industry in Serbia and neighbouring countries. He was the General Manager of IBM Serbia as well as the Head of the Representative Office of CISCO Systems, responsible for the markets of Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Albania. Mr. Đurković graduated from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Electrical Engineering. He was a member of the Managing Board of NALED (The National Alliance for Local Economic Development), and is still is a member of the Association of Serbian Corporate Directors. He is married and has two children.
Colonel Marijan Novaković, the newly appointed Head of the Military Medical Academy
The new Head of the Military Medical Academy (, Colonel Marijan Novaković, was born in 1957 in Vučitrn. He graduated from medical school in 1982, specialised in plastic surgery in 1988 and became a Doctor of Medical Sciences in 1998. He had been the Chief of the Clinic for Plastic Surgery and Burns, at the Military Medical Academy since 30 June 2004.
Young Woong Lee,
new Regional Executive Director at LG
Young Woong Lee (51) from South Korea, has been appointed as the new Executive Director of LG’s Hungarian branch ( which covers nine countries in Central and South Eastern Europe. He has worked for LG in the U.S. and Japan. Mr. Lee graduated from the state university in Seoul. He has worked for LG for 25 years and has a substantial amount of experience in business management, marketing, finances and product management. Young W. Lee succeeded Sang Yong Lee as the Executive Director who has been transferred to Italy in the capacity of the Director of the Italian branch of LG. 54
80 March 2011
business 2 business Carnex
building an effluent plant
Carnex ( has finsihed the main project for the construction of the wastewater treatment plant which will be released in the central effluent plant for the treatment of Vrbas Municipality wastewaters. The public inspection of the Environmental Effect Study has been completed as well as the tender for selecting the firm to carry out the construction works. “Upon the fulfilment of the project, CARNEX will significantly contribute to the preservation of the Great Bačka Canal,” Hugh McReynolds, Managing Director of Carnex, pointed out at a recent press conference and added, “When it comes to Carnex’s planned investments, this plant repre-
Upon the fulfilment of the project, Carnex will significantly contribute to the preservation of the Great Bačka Canal sents a priority. The value of designing the project as well as the construction of the plant amounts to over two million euros.” “The construction of this project should begin this year while the deadline for its completion will depend on the dynamics Hugh McReynolds: of managing the works. Managing director Construction companies from Serbia will be engaged to carry out the works in question,” announced Mr. McReynolds. Carnex has embarked on the process of obtaining the integrated licence (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control – IPPC) ( necessary for conducting the company’s business operations. For the company, obtaining the IPPC licence means the implementation of the best available techniques with the aim of integral environmental protection and significant investment in the next few years.
ITM awarded The Business Journalists Club presented a plaque and ‘Emperor Dušan’s Gold Coin’ to ITM Company (, recognising it as one of the best companies in Serbia. This prestigToplica ious award was bestowed at a ceremony at the National Theatre of Belgrade. Dragan Đuričin, a Spasojević: professor at the Belgrade Faculty of Economy and CEO of ITM Radio and ITM Company was Television Serbia reportawarded as the one of the er, Dragan Jokić, presented the award to ITM’s CEO, best companies in Serbia Toplica Spasojević.
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80 March 2011
Placements & Postings
CorD keeps you up to date with the latest engagements in politics, business and diplomacy
The Ministry for Human and Minority Rights ( has announced the appointment of the new State Secretary of this ministry, Slavica Denić, who is the first Roma to be appointed to this function. Slavica Denić is a Professor of Philosophy, a member of the Regional Education Council, was a journalist of RTV Vojvodina, the President of the Board of Directors of the Roma Inclusion Office of AP Vojvodina and a member of the monitoring team for the project of the Regional Educational Secretariat, ‘Mentor work in secondary schools and integration of Roma children’.
Patrice Filoche, new President of the French-Serbian Chamber of Commerce Mr. Patrice Filoche (54) was elected as the new President of the French-Serbian Chamber of Commerce in January 2011. He graduated from École Nationale Supérieure d’agronomie et des Industries Alimentaires (ENSAIA), Nancy, and has spent his entire career working for major French dairy groups. In 2009 Mr. Filoche was appointed to the position of General Manager at Somboled doo (, the Serbian subsidiary of Lactalis group. Prior to this position Mr. Filoche spent more than 12 years working in foreign countries such as Mexico, Uruguay and Spain. He is married with one child.
Ivan Vujačić, new untitled member of the
Francesco Fiamingo, new Offer
Slavica Denić, new State Secretary in the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights
Board of Governors at AmCham Serbia
Professor Ivan Vujačić is a member of the Board of Directors at Eurobank EFG ( He served as the Ambassador of Serbia to the US from 2002 to 2009. As the Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Economics at Belgrade University, Professor Vujačić is also known as a renowned economist, recognised for his economic projections during the transition and privatisation process. He was a Fulbright scholarship student at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA (1983-1984), and afterwards gained professional experience by participating in numerous economic seminars.
Colonel Dejan Janković, the newly
Management Director at METRO Cash & Carry Serbia
Francesco Fiamingo has been appointed offer management director and board member at the wholesale company METRO Cash & Carry Serbia ( Mr. Fiamingo graduated from economy at the Sapienza University of Rome in 1996, and he has a strong background in wholesale business. Before starting his career at METRO, he ran his own company in Rome and worked in the sales team of the food division of Nestle Italy. Mr Fiamingo joined METRO Cash & Carry Italy in 1998 as department manager responsible for various food categories in store operations and later on joined the purchasing team.
appointed Chief of Military Police
The Chief of Military Police, Colonel Dejan Janković, was born in 1964 in Kosovska Mitrovica. He graduated from the Military Technical Academy in 1987, completed command staff training in 2002, and General Staff training in 2007. He has been at the post of the Chief of the Military Security Agency ( Support Department since the 24th March 2010.
Nebojša Atanacković,
new member of the European Integration Council Nebojša Atanacković graduated from the Belgrade Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering. He is the proprietor of the Centar Boban Company ( and one of the majority shareholders in the Nafta Shareholding Company. He was Deputy President of the Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO) from 1995 to 2000 and an MP over three separate terms from 1992 to 2000. Mr. Atanacković founded the Serbian Association of Employers (UPS) in 1994 and is currently the Association’s Chairman. He was the UPS President from 2000 to 2005. Mr. Atanacković is a member of the Republic of Serbia’s Social & Economic Council. 56
80 March 2011
Zoran Petrović, new untitled member of the Board of Governors at AmCham Serbia Zoran Petrović is currently the Deputy Chairman of the Managing Board at Raiffeisen Bank (, where he is responsible for Treasury and Investment Banking. He began his career at the Economics Institute in Belgrade. In 1992 he joined Yugobanka where he spent four years in Corporate and five years in the Treasury Division. He has worked for Raiffeisen since 2001. Since 2007 he has been the Deputy Chairman of the Managing Board. He graduated from the University of Belgrade’s Faculty of Economics, and is a founder of the money market curve in RSD – Belibor & Beonia.
Colonel Duško Žarković, the new
Chief of Air Force Staff
The new Chief of the Air Force Staff, Duško Žarković, was born in 1968 in Benkovac. He graduated from the Military Academy’s, Department of the Air Force in 1990, completed General Staff School in 1999 and General Staff training in 2006. He was appointed Assistant Commander for Operations at the Air Force Command on 10 February 2010.
Placements & Postings
CorD keeps you up to date with the latest engagements in politics, business and diplomacy
Vladimir Ćurgus, new Secretary General at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Vladimir Ćurgus was born in 1952 in Zemun, and graduated from the Law School in Belgrade. Between 1981 and 1984 he was the Head of the International Department of Social and Child Protection Services and during his rich career he has also been the Deputy Director of the Federal Social Security Institute (1990-1991) and the President of the UNICEF National Committee and Coordinator for Cooperation with International Humanitarian Organisations (1991-1994). Between 2006 and 2011 he was the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to the Republic of Turkey. Mr. Ćurgus is married with two children.
Veljko Lalić,
new Editor-in-Chief of the Press daily newspaper
The new Editor-in-Chief of the Press daily newspaper ( was born in Belgrade in 1976 and is a journalism graduate. He began his journalistic career in 1995 by working for the Večernje Novosti. He is the youngest recipient of the annual Novosti Award (1998) and the Serbian Journalist Association Award (2005). Mr. Lalić is also the recipient of the Man of the Year Award for the best column (2010) and the Miša Anastasijević Plaque for his editorial work for the Press Weekly (2010). He is fluent in English. Mr. Lalić has attended many international courses including the Guardian Course for the Most Talented Journalists in South East Europe which was held in Zagreb, in 2005.
David Banjai, new untitled member of the
Board of Governors at AmCham Serbia Mr. Banjai currently holds the position of Plant Manager with Ball Packaging Europe Belgrade Ltd. (www.ball-europe. com) and is responsible for BPE’s operational performance in South-eastern Europe. He joined BPE in 2004 as the Engineering Manager at the Belgrade facility overseeing the installation and start-up of production as well as the recruitment and training of new employees. In 2006 Mr. Banjai took over the responsibility of Manufacturing at BPE Belgrade as the Assistant Plant Manager, before being appointed Plant Manager in 2008. Prior to joining Ball Packaging Europe, Mr. Banjai spent five years in Hungary in various technical roles at Siemens.
Jelena Kralj, new untitled member of the Board of Governors at AmCham Serbia Jelena Kralj is been a Senior Consultant and Country Manager for Serbia at Pedersen & Partners ( - a firm operating globally in 41 wholly owned offices - since 2007. Previously, Ms. Kralj was an Advisor to the Minister of Finance and Manager of the Securities and Capital Market Department at the Ministry of Finance of Serbia. She has also served as General Manager and a shareholder at the ‘EFA’ brokerage firm. Ms. Kralj has been a Member of the Board of AmCham Serbia since February 2009, also serving as AmCham’s HR/Task Force Manager.
Tomaž Berločnik, new Chairman of the Management Board of Slovenian company, Petrol The Supervisory Board has appointed Tomaž Berločnik (42), MSc, as the new Chairman of the Management Board of Petrol ( His five-year term began at the beginning of February. Mr Berločnik is a previous member of Petrol’s Supervisory Board and is therefore already familiar with the company. In addition, he is an established businessman with a wealth of experience, which is why he was considered to be the right choice for Petrol’s leadership and to be able to manage Slovenia’s largest energy company in an active and development-oriented manner. Tomaž Berločnik has a master’s degree in economics (MBA). He has also been President of the Management Board of Donit Tesnit.
Brigadier General Goran Radovanović, the newly appointed Deputy Commander of the Training Command
Deputy Commander of the Training Command, Brigadier General Goran Radovanović, was born in 1962 in Zaječar. He graduated from the Military Academy (, Department of Air Force missile units in 1984, became the Master of Military Sciences from 1998, and finished General Staff Training in 2001. He was appointed as commander of the Guards of the SAF as of 12 November 2006.
Colonel Milomir Todorović, the newly appointed Commander of the Guards
Serbian Army Guard commander, Milomir Todorović, was born in 1965 in Vitez. He graduated from the Military Academy, in the department of infantry in 1990, completed the General Staff school in 2000, and General Staff Training in 2008. He has been the Deputy Commander of the Guards since 14 July 2008.
Manja Grčić,
President of B92’s Executive Board
Manja Grčić was born in 1979 and was schooled in Libya, Iraq, Zambia and Sri Lanka. She graduated with a journalism degree from a prestigious college in the UK. Following graduation, she worked as a reporter for BBC and then returned to Belgrade where she was involved with news programming at TV B92 ( Manja has also worked as a PR advisor for USAID (, after which she went on to work for Pink TV as a director of the Media System Company. Following this position, she was appointed as Deputy Director of Fox TV. Ms. Grčić also worked in Slovenia during 2008 as the Director of the national TV station TV3 Slovenia which is owned by MTG (Modern Times Group).
80 March 2011
sport CorD CharIty MaStErS 2011
Become a Master of Charity!
We are inviting you to run (or stroll if you so desire) at least five kilometres to raise money for charity
he Belgrade Marathon gives the Serbian capital a chance to showcase its beauty and treasures to the world each year. And this year is no exception, with the traditional Belgrade Marathon to be held on 17th April for the 24th time. The Belgrade Marathon is far and away the biggest group sporting event in Serbia and, thanks to the decision of the City Assembly, it has also been proclaimed as an event of special significance to the city. This year around 40,000 competitors are expected to take part in the main race, promoting solidarity, endurance,
80 March 2011
persistence and fair play. Adding to the event, for the seventh consecutive year, CorD Magazine is organising the ‘CorD Charity Masters’ – a race in which it is more important to be charitable than to be first. The Charity Masters race is to take place in the context of the upcoming Belgrade Marathon. This year we are inviting you to run (or stroll if you so desire) at least five kilometres to raise money for charity. Registering to participate in the CorD Charity Masters is simple and all money raised by participants will be donated to the organisation of your choice.
HOW TO RAISE FUNDS Each participant should secure sponsorship of at least 400 dinars per every kilometre that they run during the race.
HOW TO MAKE PAYMENT Donations should be either paid into CorD’s special account or directly into the accounts of the organisations who are the beneficiaries of the donations.
WHERE TO DONATE Race participants have complete independence in the selection of any humanitarian organisation they wish to run for (ORCA, School without Violence, etc.). Every CorD Charity Master will receive a certificate and commemorative t-shirt as proof of their participation. The winners (most funds raised) will receive symbolic commemorative prizes. The results of the race and details of funds raised will be published in CorD’s May issue, on and, while the formal presentation of donations by the teams will feature in the June issue of CorD.
Apply today and make a difference!
The CorD Team, Kneginje Zorke 11b, Belgrade Tel: 011 308 9977; Fax. 011 308 9988; e-mail:
CorD Charity Masters – Faqs • How can I apply to compete in the CorD Charity Masters race? - Send an email to; or fax to (+381 11) 308 9988. The closing date for registration in the CorD Charity Masters is Friday 15th April.
• How many participants will be accepted for the CorD Charity Masters? - In agreement with the organisers of the 24th Belgrade Marathon, all participants who apply for the CorD Charity Masters will be accepted.
• Who will check how many kilometres have been completed by the runners? - This is charity race and each runner is expected to calculate the length of their own race. In addition, special referees will be tasked with assisting half and full marathon runners.
• Is there a minimum sponsorship level per kilometre? - The amount of money individuals give for sponsoring charity efforts is not always the most important factor. Accordingly, there is no set minimum.
• How does one either become a sponsor or obtain a sponsor? - Sponsors can be any individual, company, organisation, association or mission which agrees to pay the runner. Sponsors can also include work colleagues willing to collect funds for your charity of choice. You can obtain sponsorship within your company or from family members, friends...whoever wants to join the charity race.
• What percentage of the money raised will go to charity? - 100% of the money raised is to go to charity. • Will CorD Charity Masters run alongside all the other participants in the Belgrade Marathon? - Yes. Members of the CorD Charity Masters team will start the race at the same time as all other runners competing in the 24th Belgrade Marathon.
“The thirty-first London Marathon will take place on the very same day as the Belgrade Marathon, Sunday, 17 April 2011. Known as one of the biggest running events in the world, it offers generous prize money. In 2010 we had 36,549 finishers. Between them the runners raised £50.6 million for their own charitable good causes,” said the Chief Executive of the London Marathon, Nick Bitel to CorD
80 March 2011
culture news Underworld at EXIT
night. Tickets for the festival can be purchased online at
his year the famous Exit Festival ( at Novi Sad will be held from July 7 to 10. Exit is an annual summer music festival which takes place in the grounds of the Petrovaradin Fortress and attracts in excess of 160,000 people. Previously announced acts for this year’s festival include Arcade Fire, Hadouken!, Tiga, James Zabiela, Gramophonedzie, and Portishead who will be bringing their cinematic quality of sounds to the magical fortress. Organisers have just announced that Underworld will also grace the stage at the festival.
This year the famous Exit Festival at Novi Sad will be held from July 7 to 10 Underworld, pioneers of electronic music and known for putting on an incredible live show, promise to give festival-goers a memorable
TAP 011 - Belgrade Arena, 01 April
enowned Serbian pop band Tap 011 ( Tap_011) started their life in 1992 as ‘Tapiri’. The band is made up of five
Tap 011 reached the heights of their success in the 90s members: Đole, Goca, Milan, Ivana and Pera. Tap 011 probably reached the heights of their success in the 90s and are best known for their singles ‘Lesi’, ‘Zbog Tebe’, ‘Okreni broj 95’, ‘Reka’ and ‘Playboy’. In 1995, they released their first album ‘Novi Svet’ (New World) which was very successful and was followed a year later with their next album ‘Gaće’ (Underpants), which made Tap 011 one of Serbia’s most popular bands at the time.
‘Montevideo’ success
erbian film ‘Montevideo, God Bless You’ has achieved major success with over 400,000 viewers seeing the movie in the eight weeks it has been on in cinemas. The film directed by Dragan Bjelogrlić with screenplay by Srdjan Dragojevic, tells the story of a Serbian football team who decides to follow a dream that takes them on a journey to the First World Football Championship in Montevideo, Uruguay in 1930. The plot is inspired by real
Montevideo is inspired by real life events that took place in the late 1920s life events that took place in the late 1920s, and follows a group of Belgrade football players, their lives, friendships, romances and troubles. The film has already achieved major accolades at the Fipresci Serbia 2010 awards (www. winning Best Picture, Best Director, Best Director of Photography, Best Script, and Best Production Design.
Joe Cocker - Belgrade Arena, 29 May
fter a four year hiatus blues-rock singer Joe Cocker (www. is returning to Belgrade. A major player in the music industry for more than forty years, Cocker has released 21 studio and four live albums. His unmistakable bluesy-soul voice is a musical trademark in its own right. Not only has Cocker sold millions of records and had massive hit singles all over the world, he is also a Grammy, Golden Globe and Academy Award winning artist. The man has
“I want to do a little montage in the middle of the show that includes some old songs like ‘Simple Things' and ‘Tonight'” even received an OBE! Without a doubt he is not only a true music legend but also one of the most successful and popular singers of the last four decades. When he was last here in the White City four years ago Cocker promised the audience he would “be seen here again” 60
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and he will fulfil this promise at his May concert. Playing live is and always has been an integral element of his job and one that Cocker obviously enjoys immensely, so Belgrade audiences will be able to look forward to quite a concert. In addition to presenting songs from his latest album ‘Hard Knocks’ he is also planning some other surprises. "There are some songs that are quite successful but have always been neglected for live shows", he explains. "Of course we always do ‘You Can Leave Your Hat On' and ‘Unchain My Heart', but this time I want to do a little montage in the middle of the show that includes some old songs like ‘Simple Things' and ‘Tonight'.
Breakfast at Tiffany’s - at Madlenianum
emun opera and theatre venue, Madlenianum (www., has announced a 26th March premiere of the dramatisation of Truman Capote's ‘Breakfast at Tiffany's’. The show will feature Dubravka Mijatovic as Holly Goliath (the character played on the big screen by Audrey Hepburn), has been dramatised by Milena Bogavac and is directed by Ana Radivojevic Zdravkovic. On 17th February at a press conference promoting the play, Dubravka Mijatovic, said that comparisons between herself and Audrey Hepburn were not too much of a problem due to the fact that "this is a
Preserving language
n the occasion of ‘International Mother Language Day’ on 21 February, at a press conference at the Ministry of Culture works by Pavel Chase, Laszlo Dvoračka, Adam Mezin and Ivana Dulic were all presented. At the event, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Culture (, Snežana
In Serbia there are more than 30 ethnic minorities who speak as many languages
Dancing City
he festival of street dance titled ‘Dancing City’ will be held for the first time between 4-6th of March at the Youth Centre of Belgrade,
Dubravka Mijatovic said that comparisons between herself and Audrey Hepburn were not too much of a problem melodrama, even though it is full of politics. "We tried to distance ourselves from the book and the movie, and I think we have made a step forward using a new medium, the theatre," she added.
and will present some of the best choreographers of modern hip hop, jazz and street dance, and will also feature workshops for young people. Festival guests include the choreographer Nicolas ‘Nick’ Bassa (known for his work with Michael Jackson and Justin
The concept of the festival came from two experienced and successful dancers and choreographers from Serbia Timberlake). The concept of the festival came from Milice Cerović and Alekse Raifovića, two experienced and successful dancers and choreographers from Serbia, and support has been received from the City of Belgrade and the U.S. Embassy. According to the organisers, the festival is open to all young people who are interested different styles of dance. Details can be found on
Homage to Selaković
he Chaos art gallery will be holding an exhibition in March that will act as a tribute to Rada Selaković (www. /, a Serbian artist who died prematurely in 2008, after a serious illness. The artist was quite renowned and had held hundreds of exhibitions at home and abroad. This exhibition will be a retrospective of three different facets and different procedures in her treatment of art - from her earliest works where the classic drawing of lines are the primary means of expression, through to strictly abstract geometric compositions on rice paper, and also decorative works and motifs. The exhibition will be held from 15th March to 8th
Rada Selaković was quite renowned and had held hundreds of exhibitions at home and abroad April. Selaković, won several awards, including the ‘FFA’ (1978), the Award of the October Salon (1983), the Golden Palette ULUS (1995), the Great Seal of the collective Grafičckog (2004) and the 39th Herceg Salon in 2006.
80 March 2011
culture news
Stojanović Plavšić said that in 2010, the Ministry of Culture had approved more than 40 million dinars for the implementation of 72 projects for the funding of projects in the field of public information in languages of national minorities. The projects covered 12 languages including Albanian, Bulgarian, Vlach, Hungarian, Romany, Romanian, and Slovak. In Serbia there are more than 30 ethnic minorities who speak as many languages.
theatrical performance, and is in Serbia, so any comparison is unnecessary.” Director Milena Bogavac said that after re-watching the movie directed by Blake Edwards, she was surprised by how often ‘Breakfast at Tiffany's’ is described as a romantic
culture calendar CLASSICAL MUSIC
13 March, 11:00 Kolarčev Podium Chamber Music Concert of chamber music, of Serbian composers Madeleine Stokić Vasiljevic, violin, Miloš Nikolić, clarinet, Maja Mihic, piano, Vladimir Vasiljevic, violin Programme: J. Bosnjak, M. Mihajlovic, D. Despić, A. Vujic Free entry
Kolarac Foundation Hall Concert Programme - March 2011. 02 March, 18.00 Music Workshop Concert of stringed instruments by the Faculty of Music Free entry 04 March, 20.00 Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor: Luis Fernandes Maljeiro Soloist: Dojon Kim, viola Programme: Weber, K.M. von Hofmajster, L. V. Beethoven 06 March 11.00 Kolarčev Podium Chamber Music Robert Lakatos, violin and Uki Ovaskainen, piano Programme: Bach, Frank, Isayeva, Wieniawski, Free entry 7 March, 20.00 Celebrating 40 years of work at the Faculty of Music by Prof. Zorica Cetkovic
13 March, 20.00 ‘Greats’ music scene Pinchas Zukerman, violin and chamber ensemble Programme: Brahms, Schumann, Schubert 16 March, 18.00 Music Workshop Concert by piano students from the Faculty of Music Free entry 18 March, 20.00 Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor: Noam Zur Soloists: Anna Maria Cure, alt and Hugh Smith, tenor Programme: Mahler - Songs of the Country
09 March, 18.00 Bass concert by Faculty of Music students Free entry
19 March, 20.00 Katarina Jovanovic, soprano Ajvan Ludlow, baritone Uki Ovaskainen, piano Tatiana Simonovic, piano Programme: Schumann
09 March, 20.00 Concert by the Orchestra of the National Theatre in Belgrade Conductor: David Porcelijn Soloist: Natasha Jovic Programme: Jan Vandilsen, Prokofiev, Ravel, Berlioz
20 March, 11:00 Cycle Jubilee 99th birthday of Prof. Andrea Preger Participating pianists Vladimir Beograd Arena 08 March, 20.00 Željko Samardžić
10 March, 19.00 Piano duo Carlos Lama and Sofia Cabruja 10 March, 20.00 Panio duo Jenó Jandó and Károly Mocsári Programme: Liszt 11 March, 20:00 Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, soloists Conductor: Vladimir Kulenovic Programme: J. Pachelbel, A. Sedlar-Bogoev, Mozart 62
80 March 2011
Popular Bosnian Serb pop-folk singer Željko Samardžić is well known and loved throughout the former Yugoslav republics.
Milosevic, Nevena Popovic, Milos Mihajlovic, Vladimir Cvijić et al. plus dramatists and vocal artists Free entry 20 to 31 March 41st International Competition of Youth Music, Belgrade Discipline: violin Tickets for all concerts available at: KOLARAC FOUNDATION HALL Studentski Trg 5, Ph: 011 263 0550 (programme is in English)
CONCERTS Concerts @ Beograd Arena Tickets available though: CARD SERVICE:, Dubrovacka 18, Zemun, Ph: 011 30 77 170 TICKET CENTER CULTURAL CENTER: Trg Republika 5, Ph: 011 262 8342 USCE SHOPPING CENTRE Info desk: 10:00 - 22:00 EVENTIM: Toplicin Venac 19-21, New Belgrade, Ph: 011 3281025 or 3281026
@ Sava Centre 07 March, 20.00 Kemal Monteno Popular Bosnian singer-songwriter, born to an Italian father and a Bosniak mother, who has enjoyed a successful career in the region of former-Yugoslavia. 08 March, 20.30 Goran Karan A Croatian singer who specialises in songs influenced by Dalmatian folk music and is known for his powerful and refined tenor voice. 10 March, 20.30 Gregorian Gregorian is a German band which performs Gregorian chant-inspired versions of modern pop and rock songs. The band features both vocal harmony and instrumental accompaniment. Spring Piano Festival - Stars play Liszt 11 March, 20.00 Lovro Pogorelić Spring Piano Festival - Stars play Liszt 12 March, 20.00 Simon Trpčevski
18 March, 20.30 Amadeus Band Amadeus Band is a Serbian group who combines the influence of hard rock and heavy metal music, with modern pop, rock and Serbian folk music, creating a strange and unique sound. They cite as their influences Deep Purple, Pantera, Metallica, Iron Maiden, Steve Stevens, Toto, Phil Collins, Joe Cocker and Jamiroquai.
Beograd Arena 22 March, 21.00 Faithless British electronica band with creatively named band-members Maxi Jazz, Sister Bliss and Rollo. The group is best known for their dance songs ‘Insomnia’ and ‘God Is a DJ’, and have sold over 12 million records worldwide.
Sava Centre 26 March, 20.00 Ondrej Havelka & His Melody Makers Masters of Swing - The Story of Jazz Concert Ondrej Havelka & His Melody Makers is a synonym for the authentic interpretation of the popular music of the swing era, i.e. music dating back to the 1930s and 1940s.
@ the National Theatre of Belgrade 02 March GiuseppeVerdi’s ‘Il Trovatore’ 05 March Mozart’s ‘The Maggiage of Figaro’ 19 March Gaetano Donizetti’s ‘Lucia di Lammermoor’ * All commence @ 19.00
@ the National Theatre of Belgrade Tickets available from: Ticket Office at the Sava Centre Ph: 011 220 6060 Working hours: 10:00 - 20:00 (working days); 10:00 15:00 (Saturday) & 1 hour before event
01 March Ludwig Minkus’ 'Don Quixote'
Ticket Office at the Cultural Centre of Belgrade Ph: 011 262 8342 Working hours: 09:00 - 20:00 (working days); 10:00 20:00 (Saturday)
08 March Tchaikovsky’s 'The Sleeping Beauty'
The Adjustment Bureau 03 March thriller Director: George Nolfi Cast: Matt Damon, Emily Blunt, Anthony Mackie, John Slattery, Terence A thriller-sci-fi-action-romance film, loosely based on the Philip K. Dick short story, ‘Adjustment Team’. Features a smooth-talking congressman whose political future is thrown in doubt by uncontrollable events and the arrival of a mysterious woman in his life.
10 March Tchaikovsky’s 'Swan Lake' 15 March Dobrijević /Lightfoot, Léon/ Kylián 'Triple Bill' 22 March Giuseppe Verdi's 'The Lady of the Camellias' 24 March P.I. Lidia Pilipenko’s 'The Impure Blood' 30 March Ballet to the music by Henry Purcell 'Songs'
* All commence @ 19.30 Tickets available from: Ticket Office of the National Theatre of Belgrade Francuska, Ph: 262 0946 (English option available)
MOVIE PREMIERES 17 March, Rango animation Director: Gore Verbinski Cast: Johnny Depp, Bill Nighy, Isla Fisher, Abigail Breslin, Alfred Molina, Harry Dean Stanton Rango is a pet chameleon who lives in a terrarium. He has long thought himself a hero, but then finds himself removed from his contemporary American southwest surroundings and ending up in an Old West town called Dirt. 10 March, True Grit western Directors: Ethan Coen, Joel Coen Cast: Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Hailee Steinfeld, Josh Brolin True Grit is an American-styled western written and directed by the well known Coen brothers and is the second adaptation of Charles Portis' 1968 novel, previously adapted in 1969 for a film starring John Wayne. The plot involves a determined U.S. marshal helping a stubborn young girl to find the killer of her father.
culture calendar
@ the National Theatre of Belgrade March 09, 20.00 CONCERT OF THE NATIONAL THEATRE’S OPERA ORCHESTRA I. M. Kolarac’s Legacy Building Conductor: David Porcelijn, guest artist Music by: Prokofiev, Ravel, Brahms
02 March Vojislav Voki Kostić’s 'Who is Singing Over There'
30 March Zoran Marković and Aleksandar Ilić’s ‘Interval / Viva La Vida!’
31 March, I Am Number Four action sci-fi thriller Director: D.J. Caruso Cast: Alex Pettyfer, Timothy Olyphant, Teresa Palmer, Dianna Agron, Kevin Durand, Callan McAuliffe Three of them are dead. He is number four. An action packed thriller that follows the story of John Smith, a 15-year old alien from the planet Lorien, and his guardian, Henri.
80 March 2011
interview Zoran Vuković, the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade
Art at its Purest Fraktal is removed from politics, dishonesty, and cheating. In order to survive, it must remain open, and pure
By Ana Golović
n the occasion of the ‘Night of the Open Ateliers’ which was held in Belgrade, Pančevo and Novi Sad for the first time on 14th February, we spoke with the Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, Zoran Vuković, who is also the president of the organisational committee of the Fraktal 3 association. Our objective was to discover what one of the most respected members of our art community thought about such an original and interesting idea, as well as to, in a way, recapitulate how successful the evening of its debut was.
■ What are your first impressions as one of the organisers of this event and primarily as an artist? - I am an organiser for the least part. I think that we are on the verge of it becoming very significant. I believe it will. Everything has been created for young people, no matter which academy they have graduated from. We have opened the theme of ateliers, and relations toward them; the relationship of the city and the state toward them. Is an atelier also a cultural institution? Certainly the city has to nurture it as such, especially because it is an institution that is easily recognisable and understandable at first sight. The education which begins at elementary school must be based on tradition and culture. Young people are leaving after finishing their studies, and they need to have some elementary working conditions in order to come back. To this day, there are many artists who do not have anything but their atelier where they live and work and raise their children. Unless this city and society realise that they need to support such a thing, the relationship will crumble.
■ Artists opened their ateliers, their very personal spaces, to the broader public. What sort of dimension did that give to the entire event? The primary idea of the - An atelier is never closed. We had ■ On the evening of February 14th, about 50 open ateliers, and in many love and art came together in Belgrade. young people behind the of them there were a number of Where were you on the ‘Night of the project was to find a way artists working, and in some there Open Ateliers’? in which society would were works on display by artists - At love’s side; there was no other place who don’t have their own ateliers. to be. We had an excellent theme to open recognise them This was a means of making friends the deanery of the Faculty of Fine Arts and broadening knowledge. where the party for the VIP guests was held. As the president of the organisational committee, along with the director and ■ What specifically does the Night of the Open Ateliers mean the people from Fraktal 3 (, I wanted to greet for artists? all those who had helped us and supported us with this idea. - Art is rarely being written about in the media these days; we There were not a lot of people and the only way to get in was have the opportunity to see and read but there are very few with an invitation. We spent about two hours together, and critiques. Everything boils down to ‘my friend wrote this and then we took a tour of the ateliers. On that night, I visited that about me’. There is no objective selection. Such a situation two ateliers on the northernmost part of the city, right by the in the media has created the circumstances where there are Pančevo Bridge, with a number of the guests. 64
80 March 2011
many disappointed people. The worst scenario is when someone is recognised abroad in the first instance, and only then, here. That is why it is a good concept for artists to open their ateliers, to show their art, to meet new people and to expand their circle. The question of - can one live from art - is interwoven with this. I will only say that regardless of me being a professor and having somewhat of a status, it is difficult to make a living from art. But the best life is a life of art!
a positive thing to be able to have musicians, painters and designers spend time together and work in one place because they are individuals after all, they have different ways of thinking. In art, two and two is always something other than four, and this is always true.
■ In the social context, this event brings us back to the times of the magic of intimacy and creation in the ateliers of famous artists. Was this your primary objective? - The primary idea of the young people behind the project was to find a way in which society would recognise them. To teach society that, in addition to basic existential matters, there is also art and that it has to be present in our life. We are currently experiencing some form of discrepancy when it comes to all the things that should be known. It is time for this society to stand on its two feet, with one foot on art and the other on a good existence and the tradition it has.
■ What are the plans for the future? Will the Night of the Open Ateliers become a tradition? - It takes a lot of time, favourable circumstances and for lots of conditions to be fulfilled in order for something to become a tradition. Now we are compiling impressions, observing what could have been done differently, and finding potential mistakes so that we will be able to create foundations on which we can make it into a tradition. If it does not become a tradition, it is our own fault; there will have been something missing in our organisation.
■ Are you afraid of over-commercialisation and are you fighting against this? - No, you know, we live in consumer society. In total, we have about 3000 students at all four faculties of our University. ■ The Night of the Open ateliers was organised by the assoThis is rather small compared to everything else. If we work ciation of Fraktal 3. What is the concept veiled behind that together, we might move something. The question of the exname? istence of art in society must be raised. This - Together, the group tried to explain to is a part of ‘University talk’. No artist is me what Fractal 3 means. Eventually, against selling something. It is not like we we came to the area of quantum meare moving the limits of art toward the fact chanics, where this is a formula which that anything sold at a good price is considmarks particles, the tiniest parts of ered art, and that anything not sold goes something. Fraktal is removed from into the trash. There should be a time sepolitics, dishonesty, and cheating. In lection without marketing tricks. The deforder to survive, Fraktal must remain inition I am interested in is that marketopen, and pure; not literally pure, but ing is about how to make a man buy somefreshly cleansed of politics, gossip, hearthing he does not even need, as opposed say, and of ‘I can create and invoice, and to how to keep somebody who persistothers will pay’. When all these ently works and paints and has noththings are removed, love is the It is a positive thing to be able ing but expenses, is ruined financially, essence that is left. Since I am a to have musicians, painters and but is still painting. Those are two opman, I always vote for love between a man and a woman. designers spend time together posing poles. I hope that there are going to be enough smart and wise peoBecause, only this love can creand work in one place ple who will know how to make peace ate what is honest and it is the with some things. only way to reach a goal.
■ We were able to see ateliers which were not strictly those belonging to painters. How did cooperation with designers, and even musicians, come about? - It is only natural that this sort of cooperation took place. We have something which is known worldwide and that is the University of the Arts (, separate from the University of Belgrade, with all its benefits. This is why it is
■ Does this mean that other cities in Serbia are planning on joining in? - At one point I saw a list which showed all of those places that were open for the Night of the Ateliers, and this certainly corresponded with the plans of the Fraktal 3 association. They should expand from Kruševac to Subotica and so on. Anywhere there are 10-15 ateliers, there should be recognition for the requirement of this kind of association, so that people are able to observe what artists are doing. ■
80 March 2011
A Warm Welcome Zlatnik Kej prides itself on freshly prepared cuisine with an emphasis on freshwater fish and seafood, in addition to an abundant selection of domestic wines By Philomena O’BRIEN Photo: Darko CVETANOVIĆ
here’s something rather comforting about visiting a friend’s for lunch on a cold grey, winter’s day. You know you will be treated to something that is prepared with care and that it will be hearty and tasty. And for me, there’s something not quite so enticing about heading out into the cold bleakness to an impersonal restaurant meal. So, it is with some trepidation that I make my way toward a pre-arranged lunch date with a friend on Zemunski Kej (Zemun Quay) as the clouds are closing in. My initial misgivings are unfounded. We arrive at the well-known Zemun eatery of Zlatnik Kej (Golden Quay) and are greeted at the door with a warm and friendly welcome. Once shown to our table and seated with drinks menu in hand, we are left to chat, settle in and make our way through the rather extensive offering of libations – but more on that later. One of my restaurant bug-bears has been assuaged already. There is nothing I dislike more at the beginning of a meal than a waiter who brings you a menu and immediately expects an order and will hover until gratified. Or worse, one that is never returns! We are off to an encouraging start, so drinks order given, I relax and take some time to absorb our surroundings. My initial impression of the interior of the
80 March 2011
The ‘medaljoni Zlatnik Kej’ sauce has a delicious smoky flavour and the beef is soft and tender restaurant is that of cosiness and comfort. It has been furnished to feel very much like the interior of someone’s dining room. Paintings of Zemun landmarks, homely wallpaper, architectural detailing and even the ‘dining’ tables and chairs convey the feeling of being in a friend’s home. In fact it is only thr red and white checked table cloths give the ‘restaurant’ game away. There is a happy buzz from surrounding diners, and a general feeling of warmth and cheeriness. This sets the mood for the meal, and with a cold, grey not-quite-Spring day outside, there is nowhere I’d rather be – a great dining companion and homely relaxed surroundings. Zlatnik Kej prides itself on freshly prepared cuisine with an emphasis on freshwater fish and seafood, in addition to an abundant selection of domestic wines. In summer they have a lovely bašta (garden) that looks out over the Danube where a number of the items on the menu reside prior to becoming the key ingredients in a dish. The menu is quite extensive. Cold starters include steak tartare, the obligatory Caesar salad and an octopus salad, but it’s the mouth-watering hot starters of beef rolls with pumpkin seed sauce (I’ll be back!), black risotto and the grilled octopus that tempt me. I’ve been warned however that the mains here are quite substantial and ... after all ... it is only lunchtime.
a deep red ávajar-coloured hue, it is something fit for a It is when we arrive at the riba (fish) options that Serbian Flintstone. Zlatnik Kej comes into its own. Touting itself as a freshWhile not a normally a lover of fish that have not water and seafood restaurant, the number of choices previously called the sea their home, I am impressed on the menu only supports this claim. Salt water fish with my perch. I have always associated river fish with options number over 15 including dentex, John Dory, a muddy taste so the fresh, clean and almost sweet palsalmon, grilled tuna steaks and grilled sea bass. Maybe ate of it is a pleasant surprise. The flesh is firm and has I am a little ignorant adopting this approach, but I been cooked for just the right length of time. The butnever eat seafood when I am not within easy reach of tery olive and anchovy sauce topping the fish is a perthe sea. And why would I? With such a great selection fect accompaniment – the piquantness of the sauce onof ‘sweet water fish’ (as fresh water fish are described ly compliments the fish and is of just the right strength on the menu) this is what piques my interest. so as not to overpower the gentleness of the flesh. Hmmm, what to choose? Smoked trout, grilled catI am told the ‘medaljoni Zlatnik Kej’ sauce has a defish, pike/perch grilled or accompanied by couple of licious smoky flavour and the beef is soft and tender. different sauces, smuđ orli with several of other options Again, nothing too fancy, but just good, honest, tasty from the river not more than 20 meters from where we food. Sir’s side of fries, while certainsit. I ask our waiter for a recommenly not cordon bleu, reminds me that dation and I must admit I am slightthis eatery is more about flavoursome ly frustrated with his response of food than fancy food. “I can recommend everything. It is The drinks menu at Zlatnik Kej all special and we take great pride in while not exhaustive is rather extenthe ingredients we use and the pressive. It includes a big bourbon/whisentation of the dishes.” I appreciate ky selection, several rakija, a good his confidence and realise I need to choice of brandies and cognac (innarrow it down a little. The grilled cluding Courvoisier and Hennessy), pike/perch in sauce is suggested and a decent beer selection, I wait to be surprised The good news for outdoor-lovers is and three champagnes with what the vaguely described ‘sauce’ entails. that from the first of March they will be by the bottle. However it is with their extensive Non-seafood-eaters opening their outdoor dining areas selection of domestic can relax as there are wines that Zlatni Key certainly plenty of nonreally comes into their own. With fishy options including beef fillet a strong focus on Serbian wines – steak, grilled chicken fillet, veal cuttwelve whites and eight reds – dinlet, turkey fillet, veal cutlet with oners also have the option of vintages ion, pepper, kajmak cheese and parsfrom France, Italy, ex-Yugoslavian reley; and turkey with pine nuts and gions and Chile. blue cheese. ‘Rabbits’ have a huge seBing suckers for something sweet lection of salads with over 12 choicto round of a meal, we opt for cheesees on the menu. My dining compancake and homemade ‘krem pita’ ion settles on one of the house spe(cream pie). The deserts, while not cials – ‘medaljoni Zlatnik Kej’ – beef earth-shatteringly creative, are certainly tasty. My krem fillet cooked in a pot with bacon, pepper, tomatoes, and pita is a nice change from ‘Hleb & Kifler’s’ almost imonions in a white sauce. possibly white and shiny version. It has a slight taste of The meals arrive and while very simply presentcornflour, I assume to thicken it, but overall it is pleased they look like good, solid and substantial meals – ant. The cheesecake is flavoursome - a soft biscuit base, home cooking. The ambiguously described ‘sauce’ on a firm ‘cheese’ centre and with a fresh and sweet strawthe menu that accompanies my perch turns out to be a berry fruit topping. combination of green olives and anchovies. The perch Dining at Zlatnik Key is perfect way to enjoy simfillet itself sits a pool of butter sauce and is accompaple yet well-cooked meals that have a focus on good nied by a fried potato and spinach side. I vow to work quality, fresh ingredients and local produce. Service is off the butter at some point with some hearty exercise relaxed but efficient – waiters manage to keep an eye but for now I’m just going to sit back and enjoy. My on you but without hovering over the table. The good companion’s meal is impressive. A meat-lover extraornews for outdoor-lovers is that from the first of March dinaire, he is grinning blissfully at the rather substanthey will be opening their outdoor dining areas. ■ tial piece of bovine on his plate. Topped with a sauce of
80 March 2011
The World's 10 Most
EXPEnSIvE HoTEL RooMS The Imperial Suite is reached via a private elevator and has four bedrooms, six bathrooms with mosaic marble floors, a cocktail lounge and a terrace with a dramatic view through the bulletproof windows over the city Source: DIR joURnAL
id you know that prices at the best hotel suites went up ten percent last year? Are you ready to drop about USD$30,000 (22,000 euros) for one night? Would you be willing to spend that kind of money on a hotel room? And by the way, none of the nightly room rates includes tax so be prepared to add another 10 to 17 percent to your bill at checkout.
9 ritz-carlton Suite, Ritz-Carlton Moscow
Nightly Rate: uSd$18,200 (€13,300)
he floor-to-ceiling windows in the Ritz-Carlton Suite will give you the most beautiful views of the Kremlin, Red Square, St. Basil’s Cathedral, and Christ the Saviour Cathedral. The furnishings are in a Classic Russian Imperial style. The 232 square metre suite comes with a spacious living room, dining area, library, office room and boardroom, grand piano, and heated floor. You will get to enjoy five meals a day and their very own KGBapproved autonomous energy supply system and secure telecommunications array.
80 March 2011
10 the penthouse Suite, The Martinez Hotel, Cannes
Nightly Rate: uSd$18,000 (€13,200)
his is the biggest, most expensive, and the only terraced penthouse suite on the Cote d’Azur. Both of the two suites available have a jacuzzi, plasma screen televisions, DVD library, kitchen, open bar, private butler on call 24/7 (ditto for a limousine), and an option to join both suites into one big apartment. Luxury has no limit here – the design is Art Deco style, with streamlined furniture, silk curtains and teak parquet floors. The wraparound terrace has views of the Lerins Islands as well as the entire Bay of Cannes and can comfortably hold 100 people. One Saudi sheik liked the suite so much he wanted to rent it for five years. The hotel said no. What else can you say? Tres magnifique!
8 royal Suite, Burj Al Arab, Dubai
Nightly Rate: uSd$19,000 (€14,000)
he two-story, 780 square metre suite features views over the Arabian Sea, marble flooring, a rotating fourposter bed in the master bedroom, a dining area, and a private cinema and elevator between the split-level rooms. The marble bath comes fully stocked with full-sized products from Hermes. Guests are met by a chauffeur driven Rolls-Royce Silver Seraph (or, for a bit extra, by a helicopter). A personal butler stands 24/7 at the ready to fulfil every wish. The Royal Suite is the last word in luxury with a marble and gold staircase, leopard print tufted carpets and Versace linens. What you can also enjoy is a submarine ride to an underwater restaurant complete with shark-infested aquarium.
7 Imperial Suite, Park Hyatt, Vendôme, Paris
Nightly Rate: uSd$20,000 (€14,700)
The Bridge Suite has 10 rooms that are decorated in black, red and gold, including a 22-karat gold chandelier in the dining room
6 the Bridge Suite, The Atlantis, Bahamas
Nightly Rate: uSd$22,000 (€16,000)
he Bridge Suite is located on top of a bridge that connects the two Royal Towers buildings, so it overlooks the entire resort and marina area. An 800 square foot balcony and 3.6 metre high ceilings throughout with full length windows allow you to enjoy a 360 degree view of the water, lagoons and pools on Paradise Island. We can make a guess that most of the room price is paid for the location of the suite. Forbes reports the suite has hosted such guests as Oprah, Michael Jackson, Celine Dion, and Bill Gates. The suite has 10 rooms that are decorated in black, red and gold (including a 22-karat gold chandelier in the dining room). The living area is a 116-square-metre room with a grand piano and twin entertainment centres. The master bedroom has a sitting area, his-and-hers closets so large that you can park your car there, and hand-painted linens. The kitchen also has its own entrance, so a permanent staff of seven, including a butler and a cook can access the room without bothering you.
his pricey suite is located on the fifth floor and covers 200 square meters. A 60 square meter balcony overlooks the Rue de la Paix, with an outstanding view of the Vendôme column. The Imperial Suite has high ceilings, a dining room, kitchenette, bar, and a mansard roof. It also includes an in-suite spa with whirlpool bath, steam room shower and a built-in massage table. Also included is high-speed Internet access and a computer with flat screen monitor, multi-line telephones, and a separate work area to help you enjoy your work a little more.
80 March 2011
5 presidential Suite, Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo
Nightly Rate: uSd$25,000 (€18,300)
his luxurious suite is located on the 53rd floor and looks over Tokyo providing spectacular views that include the Imperial Palace’s outer gardens and Roppongi Hills. The suite’s 306 square meters provides absolute luxury including a stunning four poster bed in the master bedroom, personal concierge, connected living room/dining room, an oversized marble bathroom with a Sony Bravia 20 inch flat screen television, and access to the indoor pool and fitness studio.
New York’s tallest hotel Four Seasons, with floor-to-ceiling bay windows offering a breathtaking 360 degree view of the city
3 ty warner penthouse, Four Seasons Hotel, New York
4 villa la capula Suite, Westin Excelsior, Rome
Nightly Rate: uSd$29,000 (€21,150)
ocated on the fifth and sixth floors underneath the cupola of the hotel which was made famous by Fellini’s movies, this suite covers 570 square metres and has an additional 168 square metres of balconies and terraces. While it only has two bedrooms, five more can be joined onto it. The entire suite was remodelled in 1998 for a cost of
Nightly Rate: uSd$34,000 (€24,700)
he USD$50 million Ty Warner Penthouse at the Four Seasons Hotel in New York was designed by legendary architect I.M. Pei, Peter Marino and hotel owner Ty Warner. The nine-room suite has walls inlaid with mother of pearl, gold and platinum-woven fabrics. It is located on the 52nd floor of New York’s tallest hotel with floor-to-ceiling bay windows offering a breathtaking 360 degree view of the city. If that is not relaxing enough you can enjoy a waterfall in the Zen Room, play the grand piano in the library or soak in a tub overlooking Central Park. Full spa treatments, a personal trainer and a 24/7 butler are all included, and if you still really want to leave your room, you can choose to be chauffeured in a Rolls Royce or Maybach, and you’re always guaranteed a table at the hotel’s renowned L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon restaurant.
80 March 2011
around USD$7 million, and it now includes all things Roman and excessive – a cupola, a Pompeiistyle jacuzzi pool, frescoes (the painted horizons on the frescoes were designed to match perfectly with the real Roman one), stained glass windows, and a balcony which includes a sun deck overlooking the Via Veneto district. The downstairs area also has a private kitchen, and the dining room features an antique Murano glass chandelier, a private wine cabinet with over 150 wines to choose from and a study/library covered in hand-carved wood. And what really makes this suite over the top is a private cinema with Dolby surround sound. Now that’s living la dolce vita.
2 hugh hefner Sky villa, Palms Casino Resort, Las Vegas
Nightly Rate: uSd$40,000 (â‚Ź29,200)
f anyone knows how to vacation in Las Vegas, it will be Hugh Hefner. Even though he is known as a bit of a homebody he has been known to spend a few nights away from the mansion at the Sky Villa in Las Vegas. The suite itself was built to model the original playboy mansion; it also incorporates elements derived from a vintage Playboy magazine article about the ultimate bachelor pad. The suite cost roughly USD$10 million to build but high-rollers can rent it for a small USD$40,000 a night. Everything screams S-E-X-Y at the Sky Villa. The two-story 840 square metre villa includes a glass elevator, a rotating bed set beneath a mirrored ceiling, a glass wall jacuzzi that extends out over the hotel and offers amazing Strip views, around-the-clock butler service, massage and spa rooms, work-out room and poker table, fireplace, three bedrooms, and pop-up plasma TVs. Sorry... Bunnies not included.
The Hugh Hefner Sky Villa suite cost roughly USD$10 million to build but high-rollers can rent it for a small USD$40,000 a night
1 royal penthouse Suite, President Wilson Hotel, Geneva
Nightly Rate: uSd$53,000 (â‚Ź38,600)
room has a billiards table, a library and a cocktail lounge with a view of the water fountain, and can accommodate 40 people. The dining room seats 26 people around an oval mahogany table. Security in the Imperial Suite is among the best in the world, ideal for celebrities or travelling heads of state who visit the United Nations headquarters next door at the Palais Wilson.
he The Imperial Suite, which is actually the entire top floor of the hotel, is reached via a private elevator and has four bedrooms, six bathrooms with mosaic marble floors, a cocktail lounge and a terrace with a dramatic view through the bulletproof windows over the city, across Lake Geneva and Mont Blanc. The suite is decorated in a contemporary style, with marble and hardwood floors. The living
80 March 2011
ing present when admitting sins to a priest. “One cannot speak in any way of confessing via iPhone,” Father Lombardi said, adding that confession required the presence of the penitent and the priest. The application is not designed to replace going to confession but to help Catholics through the act.
Catholics cannot confess by iPhone, the Vatican has said, after the launch of a ‘confession application’ sanctioned by the US Catholic Church. Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, said technology was not a substitute for be-
TWEETING IN COURT ‘Tweeting’ is to be allowed from hearings at the highest court in Britain. Supreme Court justices are “content” for journalists, members of the public and legal teams to use “live text-based communications” to let the outside world know what is happening in the courtroom. Consent was given because cases before the court do not involve interaction with witnesses BBC include family cases involving the or jurors. Exceptions DEFENDS ‘TOP GEAR’ welfare of a child, cases where publication of proceedings might prejudice a pending jury trial and those where reporting restrictions apply. The BBC has apologised to Mexico’s London ambassador af(Source: ter presenters on the popular motoring show Top Gear said he would be too sleepy to protest, and described Mexicans as lazy and feckless. But it defended the original remarks, saying jokes centred on national stereotypes were part of the humour of NO GOVERNMENT? NO SEX! the show. The publicly funded broadcaster said the show’s If you want a politician’s attention, hit ‘em in executive producer had written to Ambassador Eduardo the pants. That’s the message from a Belgian senMedina Mora and apologised for the comments. The diplomat had said he was infuriated by the “offensive ator who has urged legislators’ spouses to go on and xenophobic” remarks made by hosts Richard a sex strike until their partners form a new coaliHammond, Jeremy Clarkson and James May, tion government. Flemish parliamentarian Marleen which has been sold to television chanTemmerman, a member of the Socialist Party, proposed nels around the world. prohibiting hanky-panky as a way to end the political (Source: www.reuters. June’s inconclusive election. deadlock that has followed com) days without a government. Belgium has gone over 250 (Source:
HORSE ENJOYS A PINT A horse called Basil has finally been allowed into his local pub in Staffordshire, UK, for a refreshing pint. The Welsh Cob stallion visits his favoured watering hole every Sunday at the Meynell Ingram Arms in Burton, Staffordshire. His favourite drink
is the locally brewed ale Marson’s Pedigree, which is always waiting for him at the bar in his very own glass. Manager Guy Wallis says: “After he’s been for a ride he loves nothing more than to come inside for a quiet pint, with the locals. (Source:
Finnish scientists are analysing a golden, cloudy beverage found in a 19th century shipwreck at the bottom of the Baltic Sea, hoping new beers can be modelled on the ancient brew. Chemical analysis is currently being undertaken to determine the ingredients and possibly the recipe used in brewing of what may be “one of the world’s oldest preserved beers.” Scientist Arvi Vilpola said he had “the honourable task” of being the one on the research team to sample the brew. “It was a little sour and you could taste the saltiness of it slightly,” Vilpola said. (Source: 72
80 March 2011
leisure centre and its new pool. Eighty to ninety percent of people who contacted the council about the plan had backed the scheme; however, local trade union officials are less than impressed with the plan, saying it was a reflection of the massive public spending cuts being implemented by the government.
A local authority in England has given the go ahead for a swimming pool to use energy created by the crematorium next door to heat its water. The plan, the first of its kind in Britain, will see waste heat from the incinerator chimney used to warm up the neighbouring
NO LOVE FOR VALENTINE’S Not everybody in Russia loves Valentine’s Day. This year authorities in Belgorod province urged schools and other state institutions to refrain from celebrations marking the heart-shaped holiday, seen by some conservative Russians as an unhealthy foreign phenomenon. The initiative is part of a recent directive on ‘measures to provide for spiritual security,’ which calls on officials to ban Valentine’s Day and Halloween celebrations in educational and cultural centres. Many nightclubs and other businesses in the province 600km south of Moscow were also asked not to plan any special events for the February 14 holiday. (Source:
Celebrities in the States are now helping their fans find love. At the “The Fix-Up Show,” a weekly stage show in Los Angeles, celebrities help set their fans up on dates. Celebs do this show just for the fun of it as there is no pay. According to host/creator J. Keith van Straaten, the show started up in New York last summer and moved to Los Angeles. Celebrities who’ve helped make matches include comedian Margaret Cho, former ‘Brady Bunch’ cast member Eve Plumb, comedy writer Bruce Vilanch and ‘Price Is Right’ host Drew Carey. (Source:
DEAF DOG LEARNS SIGN LANGUAGE A dog who couldn’t hear has learned some sign language thanks to inmates at a U.S. prison and children at a school for the deaf. Inmates at a Missouri prison trained the deaf dachshund named Sparky in sign lan-
The more, the merrier is certainly true for Ziona Chana, a 66-year-old man in India’s remote northeast who has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren - and wouldn’t mind having more. They all live in a four storied building with 100 rooms in a mountainous village in Mizoram state, sharing borders with Myanmar and Bangladesh. “I once married 10 women in one year,” Chana was quoted as saying. His wives share a dormitory near his private bedroom and locals say he likes to have seven or eight of them by his side at all times. The wives take turns cooking, while his daughters clean the house. (Source:
guage and then asked the Missouri School for the Deaf in Fulton to take him in. Today, Sparky is right at home with the school’s youngsters, who have taught him additional sign language. A second deaf dog, a Boston Terrier named Petie, may be on his way to the school soon. (Source:
80 March 2011
chill out!
A specialist ice cream parlour in London plans to serve up breast milk ice cream and says people should think of it as an organic, freerange treat. The breast milk concoction, called the ‘Baby Gaga’ will be available at the ‘Icecreamists’ restaurant in London’s Covent Garden. Priced at a hefty 16 euros a serving, the milk will be provided by mothers who answered an advertisement on the online mothers’ forum Mumsnet. Victoria Hiley, 35, is one of 15 women who will be donating milk to the restaurant after seeing the advert. “What could be more natural than fresh, freerange mother’s milk in an ice cream? And for me it’s a recession beater too - what’s the harm in using my assets for a bit of extra cash,” Hiley said in a statement. The Baby Gaga recipe blends breast milk with Madagascan vanilla pods and lemon zest, which is then churned into ice cream. (Source:
Gizmos & GADGETS Music to the Ears WHAT: Denon has announced the launch of the Denon Ceol, a mini hifi system that offers internet radio, network music streaming, iPod/iPhone dock, USB memory, AirPlay and much more; all in a shiny, white box. It offers excellent sound performance and a fast broadband connection to the Internet is achieved via an Ethernet cable or wireless LAN (Wi-Fi), allowing for a unique music experience anywhere at home.
Rockin’ Robots WHAT: Cubelets are a robot construction kit that fosters computational thinking about complex systems. By combining sensor, logic and actuator blocks, kids can create simple reconfigurable robots that exhibit surprisingly complex behaviour. A standard kit comes with 20 magnetic blocks that can be snapped together to make an endless variety of robots and each cubelet in the kit has different equipment on board and different default behaviour.
Be Envious Thin and light with a 17-inch screen, this HP Envy 17 3D would be a laptop to be proud of, even if it didn’t do 3D. It is an outstandingly well built and designed laptop at a reasonable price, with excellent design and top rate performance. A control panel allows you to select which programs you’d like to add 3D effects to, and you can set the depth of the effect with a simple slider. It has one of the fastest mobile quad-core processors underneath its sleek aluminium skin, and it’s thinner than competitively powered 15-inch machines like the Asus G53 3D.
THE DAMAGE: €1,900
80 February 79 March 2011 2011 | |
Super Slim Sharp Sharp has unveiled its new super stylish BDHP90S 3D Blu-ray Player its first foray into 3D bluray territory. The player has a built-in wireless LAN function which allows users to establish a wireless connection via DLNA to other devices in the home network in order to transmit music, photos or videos from PC to TV. There is an Internet connection, you can play YouTube videos directly through the machine and the on-screen control panel function means the player can be controlled from an on-screen menu by a TV remote.
THE DAMAGE: €4,159
Hardcore Smartphone Super-sized but with a great keyboard, the new Dell Venue Pro Smartphone 7 is best suited to the hardcore business communicator. It already ranks as one of the most intuitive smartphone operating systems but the extra bulk of the QWERTY may be too much for some to swallow. However, if you need messaging skills but can’t bring yourself to join the BlackBerry brigade, the Venue Pro could be your saviour.
Smart and Stylish
If you want the latest television technology and features, look no further. This Samsung PS50C6900 TV offers smart styling and exhaustive specs. In terms of picture, edges are drawn sharply, brighter scenes show punchy, vivid colours and there’s good attention to detail. It ticks all the Internet TV boxes with BBC iPlayer and LoveFilm apps, with Internet@TV giving access to a wealth of streaming content. You can connect to DLNA-enabled devices and stream your own media to your TV, while two USB inputs can handle pictures, audio and video.
THE DAMAGE: €1,425
80 March 2011
talk Plenty to Talk About WHAT: The Binatone iHomePhone has recently been released and its makers are claiming that it is the world’s first Android-powered home phone. It runs Android 1.6, is made up of a DECT digital cordless phone, with Wi-Fi b/g/n on board, a microSD card slot and a 2.8-inch, 320 x 240, touchscreen display. Built-in it has a YouTube application, contacts manager, an email client, a picture viewer, an MP3 player and a personal organiser. Battery life is eight hours for talk-time, 80 hours for standby, and it comes with a docking station that also has built-in stereo speakers.
Stupendously Good Sound The design might not be to everyone’s taste, but these Beyerdynamic T50P headphones produce stupendously good sound. High frequencies sound smooth and detailed with no thinness or hardness, and vocals sound clear and concise. Thanks to the closed-back design, there’s little if any noise leakage, and a solid, full-bodied sound. They’re comfortable, too. The main leatherette earpads sit securely but snugly on your ears.
Great Sounding Wireless
The new Libratone Beat wireless iPod speaker is very different to its competition. For a start it’s a tall, obelisk-like device with just a single button blemishing its otherwise furry woollen exterior. The Libratone Beat’s uniqueness isn’t limited to the way it looks – with five drivers that use technology called FullRoom to bounce sound off the walls and expand the soundstage.
THE DAMAGE: from €665
High Tech Audio Dan D’Agostino’s name is synonymous with highchanged with the unveiling end audio, and this hasn’t of his latest product – the Momentum monoblock amplifier. The amplifier is smaller than one might expect at only four inches high, yet it projects 300 real world watts into eight ohms. It doubles into four, and then again into two ohms at 1,200 watts utilising pure copper heat sinks and venturi cooling. And judging by its design features it does more than pump out great sound!
THE DAMAGE: €30,800 *per pair *this is not a typo
80 March 2011
Tough as Nails The Panasonic FT2 is hard to dislike, especially if you’re looking for a tough camera. It’s freeze-proof to 10˚C, waterproof to a depth of ten metres, impervious to dust and can withstand a two metre fall onto concrete. The mode dial allows you to flick rapidly between full auto, intelligent auto and the various scene modes and the JPEG it snaps are sharp and burst with vibrant colours. You can also capture HD movies in detail-rich 720p.
A Fresh Approach The award-winning Beyerdynamic A1 amplifier gives you every last nuance of sound from a recording and is at its best paired with the company’s headphones. A great combination that produces an addictive, fresh sound that will have you replaying albums unlistened to for years. It offers great timing, and dynamics with control and precision.
THE DAMAGE: €1,175
Pure Digital Evoke Mio by Orla Kiely Handbag designer Orla Kiely has moved into a new domain with this funky designer radio - primarily aimed at the ladies. Not only does it look pretty, it also sounds pretty. It comes with solid specs with DAB and FM tuners, a stereo output, headphone connection and an auxiliary input. In terms of sound, it’s light on base and best with voices – it’s no party-starter but provides plenty of insight if lacking a little excitement.
Arcam rCube It might have taken Arcam a little while to clamber aboard the speaker/ dock bandwagon, but it has paid off with a thoroughly thought-out device. It features touch-sensitive controls, 3.5mm input, composite video output, component video output, USB input and in addition to being a docking station it can stream PC-borne music wirelessly using an optional USB transmitter, or directly from an iPod or iPhone using a Kleer dongle. One rCube can also both send and receive to/from a second rCube, establishing a multi-zone network easily. The bass is taut and controlled, while the midrange is full of detail. Integration with open, crisp and high frequencies is flawless. In short, the rCube is everything you could want from an iPod speaker dock.
80 March 2011
iciban footwear company is a family run business, owned by the Petejan family from the village of Miren in Slovenia. Back in 1953, Pavle Petejan made his first pair of children’s orthopaedic shoes with the guidance of an orthopaedist. Today, the Petejan family is the leading producer of anatomical shoes in the region of former Yugoslavia. The company pays close attention to technological developments and innovation in order to make top quality footwear. Ciciban is dedicated to the idea that a skilfull pair of shoemaker’s hands is crucial in the production of good quality shoes. Hence, the company has never moved its production facilities from Slovenia and, to this day, the factory remains under the watchful eye of the Petejan family.
80 March 2011
Ciciban uses the highest quality, natural materials for their products, and each season, the company launches 300 new shoe models, in line with the latest fashions. Today, Ciciban is the synonym for excellent and comfortable children’s shoes. Ciciban’s products have been approved by medical specialists including physiatrists and orthopaedists. Ciciban has its own retail store network, with easily recognisable shops, in which both parents and children take delight. Accordingly, each shop has a ‘fun corner’ for children and each child receives a present. You will find Ciciban’s shops all over former Yugoslavia. In March 2011, a new store will be opening in downtown Belgrade, located near the fountain in Knez Mihailo Street.
In the Heart of Belgrade!
MARINES - for the first steps Footwear for all occasions Well known for its traditional quality, Ciciban’s range for this season again keeps abreast of current fashion trends with its cheerful patterns which children will delight in. Ciciban’s Spring/Summer 2011 collection is distinguished by its bright colours in natural and pastel palettes, flowery patterns, various texts, flower and butterfly embroidery, decorative seams and shiny materials. For this season, Ciciban has released about 300 new styles across several ranges. Here is a small taste of what they have in store this season.
The characteristics of this range are flexible soles and carefully selected leather which enables a complete bending of feet thanks to its softness. Within the shoe is an anatomic insole which provides additional stability and comfort for the feet. Natural leather enables good air circulation and allows the necessary ‘breathing’ of feet. Sizes: 17-21
80 March 2011
There are shoes for all occasions – from the everyday to the special – for pre-school children with Ciciban’s ranges of Bio, Rolly, Solero, Megan, Brix, Poker, Romy, Travel, Track, Capri, Crown, Laika, Loren, Dalia, Bronx and Naik. Sizes: 18-40
80 March 2011
‘Light, comfortable, anatomically shaped, and made from natural materials, CICIBAN shoes enable the healthy development of children’s feet and comfort with each step’ Mr sc. med. dr Jelena Rakić Milanović Specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation
Shops in Belgrade Knez Mihailova 32 (from the middle of March) * Terazije 35, tel: 303 42 61 * Ušće Shopping Center, II sprat, tel: 312 06 99 * Prote Mateje 62, tel: 386 36 13 * Ščerbinova 6, tel: 354 26 22 * Ciciban corner in store Planika in Mercator center, Bulevar umetnosti 4, tel: 313 00 51
80 March 2011
You Can Always Do Better “It is quite unbelievable that I am now using a
Dragana Roter-Crkvenjakov,
phone on a daily basis to find my way around
Head of the Corporate Communications Department at VIP Mobile
towns I’ve never been in or to look for a parking place or check my friends’ status on social networks, as I have always considered myself the least tech-savvy person”
to succeed in life and work, you need to be a good communicator and women are very talented at verbal and nonragana Roter-Crkvenjakov graduated from law and verbal communication. Some would go found out, pretty soon afterward, that she would never as far to say that we ‘emit’ emotions, just like phones,” she be a lawyer. Instead she had a desire to get into journalexplains. ism and international relations. Her first job was as a student Dragana says that she was lucky enough to work with exeditor at Indeks 202 radio station. After that, she worked as a ecutives who highly valued perfecting one’s work skills. Hence, civil servant and today she is the Head of the Communications back in 1989, the then Information Committee sent her to a Department at VIP Mobile ( marketing course. “I spent most of my spare time working for youth me“In McDonalds you have the highest level of training. I can dia like the avant-garde student radio station called Indeks remember as if it were yesterday, the BBC’s workshop for peo202 where I was editing news as a student. Many people were ple who were in front of the cameras,” Dragana says. astounded to see a hip young girl actually enjoying reportTelekom Austria Group (, of which ing from the more or less staged political sessions. As a child growing up in Belgrade, I would be interested in the living VIP Mobile is a member, has recently opened an internal workstandards of our students and topics such as campuses, canshop with dozens of courses for all employment profiles. So, teens and student loans,” Dragana says. everybody who has the know-how, like Dragana, can assume After meeting with the people who were in charge of runthe role of a teacher or a mentor. ning the higher learning sector in the country she quickly “Together with my colleagues from the Managing Board of abandoned the notion of authority since their unprofessionthe Public Relations Society of Serbia (, I am inalism came as a rude awakening to her. Still, she was lucky. volved in preparing a training programme for PR people since Soon after she graduated, two we know that contemporary comopportunities presented them- Contemporary communication skills munication skills and exchanging selves. She got a job offer from experiences are vital for anybody and exchanging experiences are vital the Politika Express daily newspawishing to do this job in a proper (which used to be one of the for anybody wishing to do this job in a fessional manner,” Dragana exmost popular newspapers in the plains. professional manner former Yugoslavia), as well as a Her personal motto is ‘you can job offer from the then Government’s Information Secretariat always do more and better’. to work in the Foreign Information Department. Dragana de“It is quite unbelievable that I am now using a phone on a cided on the latter option. daily basis to find my way around towns I’ve never been in or “It was more challenging and the salary was better,” she to look for a parking place or check my friends’ status on sosays. cial networks, since I have always considered myself the least Dragana and her co-workers ‘learned the trade’ in PR agentech-savvy person,” Dragana adds. cies. The factors that have been most helpful in her career are “Ana, Maja, Ivan and I all try to be as creative as possible. the direct exchange of experiences with her colleagues and We want each press conference or event to be different, innothe opportunities to attend professional workshops. vative and entertaining. Our biggest reward is to see that our “A Dutch man called Anne Van Der Meiden swayed me tocolleagues and business partners respect us and that they enwards PR. In 1991, he held the first ever PR course in Belgrade,” joy working with us,” Dragana outlines. Dragana says. “I have never been one to have other people She likes her job as she thinks that she has a lot in comperplexed about my profession. I firmly believe that silicone mon with telecommunications. breasts cannot compensate for lack of prudence,” Dragana “We are dynamic, direct, simple, open and clear. If you want concludes. ■
80 March 2011