y y Fl Awa JUNE 2010 | ISSUE No. 1 |
Your Free Copy
A Cosy, Glitzy Gem
Central London Shopping Guide
TOURISM The Belgrade Fortress | PARIZ Grad o kome se sanja | LIFESTYLE&LEISURE Ada-Ciganlija | PRETORIJA Vodič za navijače | RESTAURANT Monte Cristo |
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EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Ms. Tatjana Ostojić EDITOR Sanja Djokić ASSISTANT EDITOR Philomena O’Brien ART DIRECTOR Tamara Ivljanin, t.ivljanin@cma.rs DESIGNER Ilija Pertović, i.petrovic@aim.rs EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Ana Stojanović, Zlatica Ivković, Milan Topalović, Josef Helc PHOTO Đorđe Stanić, Petar Lazović SALES Jelica Lepori, j.lepori@aim.rs, Vesna Vukajlović, v.vukajlovic@cma.rs; Snezana Terzić, s.terzic@aim.rs, Marija Savić, m.savic@aim.rs GENERAL MANAGER Ivan Novčić, i.novcic@cma.rs FINANCIAL DIRECTOR Ana Besedić, a.besedic@cma.rs
SADRŽAJ / CONTENTS LEPOTA POKRETA 6 Sedmi Beogradski Festival Igre
PARIZ 28 Grad o kojem se sanja
CULTURAL DIVERSITY 12 Etiquette, manners, and cross cultural, or intercultural communication have become critical elements required for all international and global business executives and managers
34 Pan-European Events June 2010
SRBIJA... I JOŠ KO? 18 Svetsko prvenstvo 2010. u Južnoj Africi očekuje se s najvećim stepenom nestrpljenjau bar 32 zemlje sveta – učesnicama ovog mega sportskog događaja
DISTRIBUTION Ivan Lakatoš PRINTING Rotografika d.o.o. Segedinski put 72, Subotica
All rights reserved
Ovaj broj je prijavljen za oudit
TOUR 54 THE BELGRADE FORTRESS ART 58 Tifani lampe - Za oko i dušu
SHOPPING 62 Central London Shopping Guide LISA BRAUN 40 Između Notingema i Beograda
OFFICE MANAGER Tanja Banković, t.bankovic@cma.rs
Special thanks to Duffry d.o.o. FlyAway is Published by: alliance international media Knjeginje Zorke 11b, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Phone: +(381 11) 308 99 77, 308 99 88 Fascimile: +(381 11) 244 81 27 office@allianceinternationalmedia.com www.allianceinternationalmedia.com ISSN 1820 - 7391 www.allianceinternationalmedia.com alliance international media 2010 COBISS.SR-ID 174005260
SVADBA ZA MAŠTANJE 36 Tradicionalno kolektivno venčanje, koje organizuje Skupština grada, okupilo je ispred Starog dvora više od dve stotine parova
ZASAVICA 48 A Donkey Haven
A COSY, GLITZY GEM 42 Restaurant - Monte Cristo
AUTOMOTIVE 66 50 ugliest cars of the past 50 years
PRETORIJA 22 Vodič za navijače SELECTING A WINE 26 Ordering Wine in a Restaurant
BETWEEN DESIGN AND ART 44 Daniel Young, New York designer
ABC Serbia
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Beogradski festival igre
Lepota pokreta
SEDMI BEOGRADSKI FESTIVAL IGRE, održan prošlog meseca u Beogradu, pokazao je da je postao dobra tradicija, događaj koji podrazumeva dolazak istaknutih baletskih i savremenih plesnih kompanija, poznatih koreografa i aktuelnih produkcija
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Tekst & foto BFI a festivalu su nastupile baletske kompanije i plesne trupe iz Italije, Belgije, Kine, Velike Britanije, Francuske, Izraela, Portugala, Holandije i Švajcarske. Predstave su izvedene u Sava Centru, Beogradskom dramskom pozorištu, Jugoslovenskom dramskom pozorištu, Operi “Madlenianum”, Srpskom narodnom pozorištu u Novom Sadu, Narodnom pozorištu u Nišu i Narodnom pozorištu u Somboru. Jedan od najpopularnijih i najprisutnijih savremenih koreografa na repertoaru svih poznatih baletskih kompanija u svetu, sigurno je Mauro Bigonceti. Miljenik beogradske publike, od vremena kada se kao igrač pojavio u Sava Centru u postavkama Amadea Amodia, do predstave Mediteranea u izvodbi Baleta milanske Skale, došao je sa trupom Aterballetto, da bi na istoj sceni predstavio dva sasvim no-
va naslova iz svog bogatog opusa. Kao udisaj i Zemlja, na najbolji način potvrđuju zahtevnost i ultimativne standarde današnje igre, ali i posebnu, toplu atmosferu svojstvenu trupi i vokabularu koreografa. Samo dan kasnije u Novom Sadu, gledaoci su imali priliku da vide nesvakidašnji baletski projekat. Lućiano Ligabue je jedan od najpoznatijih italijanskih rok kompozitora i pevača. Njegova muzika poslužila je kao podloga i inspiracija za pokret. Certe Notti je naslov koji pomera plesne standarde. Koreograf je obećao da će “ova noć biti kao hvatanje voza za koji ne znamo do kog mesta vodi, ali će to biti mesto naših mogućnosti i naših poraza, mesto naše osamljenosti i u isto vreme našeg zajedničkog učešća, ukratko - biće metafora scene, ili će možda scena biti metafora ove noći…”
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Beogradski festival igre Iz londonskog Sadlers Velsa stigla je jedna od najtraženijih plesnih produkcija, predstava Bahok u koreografiji Akrama Kana i izvođenju Nacionalnog baleta iz Pekinga. Koreograf koji sarađuje sa zvezdama poput balerine Silvi Gijem ili glumice i oskarovke Žilijet Binoš, ovom predstavom je potvrdio da “za nomade, dom nije adresa… dom je ono što oni nose sa sobom.“ U jednoj od savremenih globalizovanih, tranzitnih zona, susreću se različiti ljudi i pričaju svoje životne priče. Sve njihove priče su istovremeno jedinstvene i univerzalne. Iz koje god kulture da dolaze, one su nalik jedna drugoj… protkane istim temama, željama, usponima i padovima, verovanjima i strepnjama... Paolo Ribeiro je ime koje se vezuje za Gulbenkijan Balet. Kada je legendarna kompanija prestala da postoji, ovaj koreograf je osnovao Kompaniju Paolo Ribeiro, kako bi dalje nastavio pravcem koji je učinio portugalsku savremenu igru poznatom. Predstava Majorka je namenjena svim onima koji su nepopravljivi obožavaoci Šopenove muzike. Za klavirom smo slušali još jednog majstora, vrhunskog pijanistu Pedra Burmestera. Ovaj plesni komad nema velike ambicije, već nudi opušteno uživanje za sve generacije. Poseban događaj bila je predstava Ulica Vandenbranden broj 32, potpuno nov naslov sa repertoara poznate belgijske plesne trupe Peeping Tom. Nesvakidašnji projekat, koji govori o ličnom izboru, trenutku i sposobnosti donošenja odluke, koji mogu odrediti čitav ljudski život. Zanimljiv umetnički tim, predvođen Gabrijelom Karizo i Frenkom Šartijeom, prisutan je već duži niz godina na svim značajnim scenama, plesnim i pozorišnim festivalima u svetu. “Nešto izuzetno se dešava u Izraelu. Tamo je plesna scena zanimljiva i toliko različita od evropske i svetske“, izjavio je nedavno
Mihail Barišnjikov. Beogradski festival igre je od svog prvog izdanja predstavljao izraelske koreografe i plesne kompanije. Pre nekoliko godina, poznata trupa Kibbutz Dance Company, otvorila je BITEF. Pred beogradsku publiku, koreograf Rami Ber se vraća sa novim naslovom. Inspirisana tekstovima iz Vojceka, predstava Na pojavu sunca je prava mera za sve one koji su odani intenzivnom plesnom izrazu, neponovljivoj energiji i punoći koreografskog jezika, aktivno i atraktivno osmišljenoj sceni i kostimu, ali i dizajnu svetla. Ovo je naslov koji hrabri gledaoca da oslušne i uspostavi vezu sa sopstvenim unutrašnjim svetom, a ne traži predhodno plesno iskustvo. Dan kasnije, trupa je nastupila u Somboru, sa predstavom Kef-Kafim (dobar provod). Mešavina pokreta, energije, ritma, virtuoznosti i poezije. Kompanija Blanke Li nedavno je otvorila Festival u Monpeljeu i sezonu Teatra Champs-Elysees u Parizu sa predstavom Vrt uživanja, i ponovo uspela da oduševi, zaintrigira, povede, zavede i podeli publiku i kritiku. Glumica, igračica, koreograf i filmski reditelj, Blanka Li je ostvarila veliki broj izuzetnih projekata sarađujući sa Viktorijom Abril, Danijelom Tompsonom i Kristijanom Lakroa. Darujući pokret istoimenoj slici Hijeronimusa Boša, ”izraz mestu gde se pakao stapa sa rajem, satira sa moralnošću, gde opsednutost gresima i spasenjem dostiže nezadrživu snagu”, lepa i intrigantna koreografkinja koja je potvrdila zanimljiv događaj. Da se pravda mora zadovoljiti, potvrdilo je prvo gostovanje Kompanije Jasmin Vardimon, jedne od najtalentovanijih predstavnica mladih umetničkih i plesnih snaga londonskog Sadlers Velsa i britanske scene, jer je njen talenat izuzetan. Tvrdnji u prilog idu
Koreograf AKRAM KAN koji sarađuje sa zvezdama poput balerine SILVI GIJEM ili glumice i oskarovke ŽILIJET BINOŠ, ovom predstavom je potvrdio da “za nomade, dom nije adresa… dom je ono što oni nose sa sobom.”
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agrada Evropske inicijative i Fonda “Jelena Šantić” (2006), priznanje UNESCO-a, u vidu titule vodećeg plesnog projekata u regionu Jugoistočne Evrope (2006), kao i prijem u Svetsku plesnu alijansu (2007), bili su podsticaj i obaveza za manifestaciju Beogradski festival igre. Posećenost predstava i formiranje nove publike, pozitivne kritike i prisustvo u lokalnim i inostranim medijima, informativni i edukativni sadržaji namenjeni domaćoj plesnoj zajednici, popularizacija savremene igre u regionu, kao i mogućnost da plesna umetnost nađe put do najšire publike emitovanjem programa na televiziji, samo su neki od rezultata koji određuju kreiranje programa. Festival je osnovan na inicijativu Međunarodnog saveta za igru CID UNESCO iz Pariza, a selektor programa je beogradska balerina i koreograf, Aja Jung. naslov i tematika postavke koju je trupa predstavila beogradskoj publici. Justicija je prva plesna krimi priča koju ste ikada gledali. Neponovljiv plesni teatar, filmske dinamike, u koreografiji i scenografiji koje su odnele najprestižnije nagrade u Velikoj Britaniji. Poseban stil, inteligentan humor, nov plesni (ili pozorišni) rečnik... Pakao je naziv jedne od najnovijih postavki čuvenog holandskog dvojca Emio Greko - Piter Šolten. Pakao savremenog sveta, nametnute estetike, prikaz preživljavanja života iz pozicije različitih, do tragične karikature dovedenih likova. Muzika osamdesetih, pa nagli skok do Betovena i nazad. Zanimljiv koreografski rukopis, izuzetno moderan, a neraskidivo vezan za klasiku. Balet Ženeve prvi put je gostovao u Srbiji i predstavio program koji se sastoji od tri svetske premijere. Možete se pitati kakva je veza između vazdušastog univerzuma Sabura Tešigavare (Raj), baroknog transa Adonisa Foniadakisa (Prema želji), i kulturalnog unakrsnog fronta koji zastupa Sidi Larbi Šerkauji (Daleko). Sva tri koreografa dele estetiku u okviru koje spiritualnost ima važnu ulogu. Sva trojica postavljaju ljudskost na centralno mesto u kreativnom procesu. Fonjiadakis nas prenosi u vihor barokne virtuoznosti, Tešigavara nudi svetliju spiritualnost, delikatno nepomičnu u vazduhu, a Šerkauji nagoni na ražmisljanja na temu identiteta i predrasuda, i konačno obećava ljudski put, topao i povremeno zabavan… Pozivajući ove umetnike da podele veče, Balet Ženeve se nada da glasno govori o sebi i svojoj budućnosti, kao domu esencijalne kreativne energije, u kome postoji podjednaka svest prema umetničkim dužnostima i poziciji u plesnoj istorijskoj tradiciji.
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All Night Shopping!
n May 7th, Belgrade hosted the very successful Grazia Shopping Night. Huge numbers of Belgrade shoppers had the opportunity to enjoy making a large purchase at the event. The biggest attraction was the Zira Shopping Bus that, with music and champagne onboard, drove 35 beautiful girls attired in wedding dresses through the city centre. Zira Centre also organized a cocktail party on the roof of the shopping bus for a number of media representatives and shoppers as it drove through the streets of Belgrade - an ideal introduction to the evening shopping party that continued way into the night.
Emirates Annual Profit Jumps Four-fold
et profit at Emirates airlines rose more than four-fold to $964 million on the back of cost cutting and a nearly 21 percent rise in passengers, even as the airline industry remains battered by the economic downturn, the carrier announced on Wednesday. For the entire Emirates group - which includes ground services and other businesses - net profit was up nearly 250 percent to $1.1 billion. The results suggest the Dubai-based carrier, the largest in the Middle East, remains committed to its aggressive expansion plans that include four new routes this summer - including Baghdad - and talks to add more planes to the 146 aircraft already on order.
od sloganom „Pobeda svih rekreativaca“, početkom maja u Beogradu je održana tradicionalna Beogradska Coca-Cola Biciklijada. Više od pet hiljada biciklista, starosti od 15 do 85 godina, uživalo je vozeći poznatom trasom od Trga Republike do platoa na Ušću. I ove godine, jednu od najmasovnijih sportskih gradskih manifestacija, organizovala je Asocijacija „Sport za sve“, uz podršku Skupštine grada Beograda i pod generalnim pokroviteljstvom kompanije Coca-Cola i Coca-Cola Hellenic Srbija
Despite the upbeat figures, the chairman and chief executive of the Emirates group called it their “toughest year.” “It has been an exceptional year of continued profitability against a backdrop of the worst global recession in generations,” said Sheik Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum.
Elton John in Belgrade Elton John will perform in June at the Belgrade Arena for the first time! Elton will be on the road in 2010 with Billy Joel, with Ray Cooper and with his band: Bob Birch (bass), Kim Bullard (keyboards), Davey Johnstone (guitars), John Mahon (percussion) and Nigel Olsson (drums). A former student of the Royal Academy of Music in London, England, the man born Reginald Kenneth Dwight in 1947 left school and immediately began his path in the music industry. His first band, Bluesology, was formed in 1961. He would later take his stage name (Elton John) from the Bluesology saxophonist Elton Dean and their charismatic frontman, Long John Baldry. Elton John was introduced to Bernie Taupin in 1967 by Ray Williams at Liberty Records. Amazingly, their first compositions were conducted by mail. In 1968 they became staff songwriters for Dick James’ DJM label, farming out music to budding pop stars. Tickets for the event are available from 8,950 dinars. www.arenabeograd.com 10 FlyAway
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Massive Attack u Areni
antastični britanski bend „Massive Attack“ će 25. juna nastupiti u „Beogradskoj areni“! Legendarni muzičari iz Bristola koji su srca ljubitelja muzike zauvek osvojili originalnim stilom i hitovima kao što su „Unfinished Sympathy“, „Protection“ i „Teardrop“, u Beograd dolaze u okviru turneje na kojoj promovišu novi album „Heligoland“. Nakon šest godina „Massive Attack“ ponovo dolaze u Srbiju, a srećnici koji su bili na koncertu koji su 2004. održali na „Egzitu“ i dalje prepričavaju njihov fenomenalan, emocijama prepun nastup, koji nam je ostao u sećanju kao jedan od najboljih koncerta u istoriji „Egzita“. Zaštitni znak sastava „Massive Attack“ oduvek su bili izuzetni gostujući ženski vokali, kao što su Šara Nelson, Elizabet Frejzer („Cocteau Twins“), Šinejd O’Konor, Trejsi Torn („Everything But the Girl“) ili Houp Sandoval („Mazzy Star“). Cene ulaznica su 2.190 dinara
Wizz Air za London i Dortmund
ađarski Wizz air će početi da leti na liniji BeogradLondon od 20. juna, umesto 24. jula, kako je prvobitno planirano. Planirana su po dva leta nedeljno od aerodroma “Nikola Tesla” do aerodroma Luton (cena povratne karte Luton-Central London-Lutonu je oko 25 Eura) u Londonu - sredom i nedeljom. Polasci iz Londona planirani su u 17.35, dok avion iz Beograda poleće u 21.55. Od 5. jula na toj liniji planirano je uvođenje četiri leta nedeljno - ponedeljkom, sredom, petkom i nedeljom. Wizz air je ranije najavio da će od 12. juna uvesti i liniju Beograd-Dortmund. Cene karata u jednom smeru biće od 24,99 evra, sa svim taksama, a u prvih 12 meseči očekuje se 80.000 putnika na letovima iz Beograda.
Fly Niki: Od €29 za Beč
ustrijska low cost kompanija Fly Niki ponudila je u Srbiji “Saver” tarifu, u kojoj nije moguć povraćaj novca, ali je moguće izabrati neki drugi let, uz automatsko umanjenje plaćene sume za iznos taksi i troškova koji nisu troškovi samog leta. Cena leta na relaciji Beograd - Beč (jedan pravac) kreće se od 29 € po osobi. Plaćanje se može obaviti kreditnim karticama Visa, Diners, MasterCard i American Express. Na letovima kompanije Fly Niki dozvoljeno je besplatno poneti prtljag do 20kg po osobi. U avion se može uneti jedan komad prtljaga ne teži od 6kg (8kg ako se laptop kompjuter unosi uz prtljag) i čije dimenzije ne prelaze 55cm x 40cm x 20cm. Sav prtljag koji pređe dozvoljenu težinu naplaćuje se posebno i to za letove kraće od 3000 milja 10 € po kilogramu a za duže letove 20 € po kilogramu. FlyAway 11
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CULTURAL DIVERSITY Etiquette, manners, and cross cultural, or intercultural communication have become critical elements required for all international and global business executives and managers s international, multinational, transnational, multi domestic, and global business continues to expand and bring people closer, the most important element of successful business outcomes may be the appreciation and respect for regional, country, and cultural differences - known as cultural diversity. Having insight into the cultural dynamics of a country or region can be very helpful to understand why people act the way they do, and the appropriate way you should act while in that country. To assist with this understanding FlyAway is offering an insight into:
ENGLAND • Always be punctual in England. Arriving a few minutes early for safety is acceptable. • Decision-making is slower in England than in the United States; therefore it is unwise to rush the English into making a decision. • A simple handshake is the standard greeting (for both men and women) for business occasions and for visiting a home. • Privacy is very important to the English. Therefore asking personal questions or intensely staring at another person should be avoided. • Eye contact is seldom kept during British conversations. • To signal that something is to be kept confidential or secret, tap your nose.
To signal that something is to be kept confidential or secret, TAP YOUR NOSE • Personal space is important in England, and one should maintain a wide physical space when conversing. Furthermore, it is considered inappropriate to touch others in public. • Gifts are generally not part of doing business in England. • A business lunch will often be conducted in a pub and will consist of a light meal and perhaps a pint of ale. • When socializing after work hours, do not bring up the subject of work. • When dining out, it is not considered polite to toast those who are older than yourself.
FRANCE • Punctuality is treated very casually in France. • France is a highly stratified society, with strong definition and competition between classes. • The French handshake is brief, and is accompanied by a short span of eye contact. • Always shake hands when meeting someone, as well as when leaving. French handshakes are not as firm as in the
The French have a great respect for privacy. KNOCK AND WAIT before entering into a room. Additionally, do not “drop in” unannounced
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United States. • Business can be conducted during any meal, but lunch is best. • Avoid drinking hard liquor before meals or smoking cigars between courses. The French believe this permeates the taste buds, compromising the taste of the meal. • Gift giving is left to the foreigner’s discretion. • Good gifts to present include books or music, as they demonstrate interest in intellectual pursuits.
RUSSIA • As a foreigner, you are expected to be on time to all business appointments. However, your Russian counterpart may be late, as this may be a test of your patience. Do not expect an apology from a late Russian, and do not demonstrate any kind of attitude if your business appointments begin one or two hours late. This may also be a test of your patience. • Social events are more relaxed. It is acceptable for foreigners to be 15 to 30 minutes late. • Patience is an extremely important virtue among Russians; punctuality is not. • Russians are known as great “sitters” during negotiations. This demonstrates their tremendous patience. • The U.S.S.R. was officially an atheist nation in the days of communism. Now, however, participation in religion in increasing, with many citizens practicing Protestantism, Islam, Russian Orthodoxy, and Judaism. • Some “hard-line” Russians still view compromise as a sign of weakness, and often refuse to back down. To these individuals, compromising is bad business. • As a foreigner, you should realize that “final offers” are often not actually the end of the negotiations, and that often times the outcome will be more beneficial and attractive if you can hold out.
Be alert and open to taking a drink or having a toast, as refusing to do so is a serious BREACH OF ETIQUETTE • There is a Russian term meaning “connections” or “influences”. It is extremely difficult to do business in Russia without help from a local. To help with this, gifts, money or other items are often a good idea when doing business in Russia. • If attending dinner at a family residence, it is appropriate to bring a gift, such as a bottle of wine, dessert, or a bouquet of flowers.
• When shaking hands with someone, be sure to take off your gloves, as it is considered rude not to. • When attending any formal engagements such as the theatre, it is appropriate to check your coat and other belongings at the front door of the establishment. • Do not show the soles of your shoes, as this is considered impolite. They are considered dirty, and should never come in contact with any type of seat (like on a subway or bus). • Be sure to have plenty of business cards with double sides of information. One side should be printed in English, the other side in Russian.
SPAIN • The family is the most important thing to people in Spain. • The Spaniards often consider deadlines an objective that
Time is VERY RELAXED. It is wise for foreigners to be punctual, but Spaniards do not put a great emphasis on time themselves INDIA: Use only your right hand
n India eating with your hand (instead of utensils like forks and spoons) is very common. There’s one basic rule of etiquette to observe, particularly in non-urban India: Use only your right hand. Don’t stick either hand into communal serving dishes: instead, use the left hand to serve yourself with utensils and then dig in. Needless to say, it’s wise to wash your hands well before and after eating. For breads for all types, the basic technique is to hold down the item with your forefinger and use your middle-finger and thumb to tear off pieces. The pieces can then be dipped in sauce or used to pick up bits before you stuff them in your mouth. Rice is more challenging, but the basic idea is to use four fingers to mix the rice in curry and pack a little ball, before you pop it in your mouth by pushing it with your thumb. Most of the restaurants do provide cutlery and its pretty safe to use them instead of your hand. Eating by hand is frowned on in some “classier” places. If you are provided with cutlery and nobody else around you seems to be doing it, then take the hint.
El Salvador: Make appointments a MONTH IN ADVANCE of your trip by telephone, fax or e-mail FlyAway 13
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BUSINESS MANNERS will be met if possible, but do not become overly concerned if the deadline is not achieved. • Although many Spanish business people speak English, it is a good idea for foreigners to have all of your materials printed in Spanish. • Business cards should be two-sided, one side having English and the other side containing Spanish. When presenting your business card, place the card with the Spanish side facing your Spanish colleague. • Much like Mexico, business in Spain is often obtained as a result of personal relationships. While the relationship building process takes time, it is imperative to gain such relationships if you are to be effective in Spain. Also, you must be very selective when choosing your Spanish representative, as it is extremely difficult to change to another person. • Be prepared for chaotic business negotiations. Often numerous people will be speaking simultaneously. • Men who are close friends will often exchange a hug. • Women who are close friends usually meet and part with a small hug and a kiss on each cheek. • Negotiations are usually an extremely long and arduous task, so do not be in a rush to close a deal in Spain. • Dining is usually associated with establishing business relationships in Spain, so be prepared for your business associate(s) to join you at any or all of your daily meals. • Dinner is usually served after 9:00p.m, so you may want to take full advantage of the siesta and get in a nap.
CHINA • Do not use large hand movements. The Chinese do not speak with their hands. Your movements may be distracting to your host. • Personal contact must be avoided at all cost. It is highly inappropriate for a man to touch a woman in public. • Do not point when speaking.
The most acceptable gift is a BANQUET • To point do not use your index finger, use an open palm. • It is considered improper to put your hand in your mouth. • Avoid acts that involve the mouth. • It is illegal to give gifts to government officials, however it has become more commonplace in the business world. • It is more acceptable to give gifts either in private or to a
group as a whole to avoid embarrassment. • Quality writing pens are considered favored gifts. • The following gifts and/or colors are associated with death and should not be given: clocks, straw sandals, a stork or crane, handkerchiefs, anything white, blue or black. • Always arrive on time or early if you are the guest. • Do not discuss business at meals. • Do not start to eat or drink prior to the host. • As a cultural courtesy, you should taste all the dishes you are offered. • Sample meals only, there may be several courses. • Never place your chopsticks straight up in your bowl. By
If you are someplace with a line or queue, GO TO THE END and wait your turn placing your sticks upright in your bowl your will remind your host of joss sticks which connotes death. • Do not drop the chopsticks it is considered bad luck. • Do not eat all of your meal. If you eat all of your meal, the Chinese will assume you did not receive enough food and are still hungry. • Women do not usually drink at meals. • Tipping is considered insulting, however the practice is becoming more common.
USA • Business conversation may take place during meals. However, many times you will find more social conversation taking place during the actual meal. • Business meetings may be arranged as breakfast meetings, luncheon meetings, or dinner meetings depending on time schedules and necessity. Generally a dinner, even though for business purposes, is treated as a social meal and a time to build rapport. • Gift giving is discouraged or limited by many US companies. A gracious written note is always appropriate and acceptable. • If you do give a gift, it should not appear to be a bribe. • An invitation for a meal or a modest gift is usually acceptable. • Do not use or chew on a toothpick in public. Many public places and private homes do not allow smoking. In some areas laws have been passed to prevent smoking in public places.
Guatemala: Shaking hands and saying “MUCHO GUSTO” is very proper 14 FlyAway
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13 Facts About Google Did you know that the name ‘Google’ was an accident? A spelling mistake was made by the original founders who thought they were going for ‘Googol’ 1. The prime reason the Google home page is so bare is due to the fact that the founders didn’t know HTML and just wanted a quick interface. In fact it was noted that the submit button was a long time coming and hitting the RETURN key was the only way to burst Google into life. 2. Due to the sparseness of the homepage, in early user tests they noted people just sitting looking at the screen. After a minute of nothingness, the tester intervened and asked “Whats up?” to which they replied “We are waiting for the rest of it”. To solve that particular problem the Google copyright message was inserted to act as a crude end of page marker. 3. One of the biggest leaps in search usage came about when they introduced their much improved spell checker giving birth to the “Did you mean…” feature. This instantly doubled their traffic, but they had some interesting discussions on how best to place that information, as most people simply ignored it. But they discovered the placement at the bottom of the results was the most effective area. 4. The infamous “I feel lucky” is nearly never used. However, in trials it was found that removing it would somehow reduce the Google experience. Users wanted it kept. It was a comfort button.
Employees are ENCOURAGED to use 20% of their time working on THEIR OWN PROJECTS 5. Orkut (the social network site) is very popular in Brazil. Orkut was the brainchild of a very intelligent Google engineer who was pretty much given free reign to run with it, without having to go through the normal Google UI procedures, hence the reason it doesn’t look or feel like a Google application. They are look-
ing at improving Orkut to cope with the load it places on the system. 6. Google makes changes small-and-often. They will sometimes trial a particular feature with a set of users from a given network subnet; for example Excite@ Home users often get to see new features. They aren’t told of this, just presented with the new UI and observed how they use it. 7. Google has the largest network of translators in the world.
They listen to feedback actively. Emailing Google isn’t emailing a blackhole 8. They use the 20% / 5% rules. If at least 20% of people use a feature, then it will be included. At least 5% of people need to use a particular search preference before it will make it into the ‘Advanced Preferences’. 9. They have found in user testing, that a small number of people are very typical of the larger user base. They run labs continually and are always monitoring how people use a page of results. 10. The name ‘Google’ was an accident. A spelling mistake made by the original founders who thought they were going for ‘Googol’. 11. Gmail was used internally for nearly two years prior to launch to the public. They discovered there was approximately six types of email users, and Gmail has been designed to accommodate these six. 12. They listen to feedback actively. Emailing Google isn’t emailing a blackhole. 13. Employees are encouraged to use 20% of their time working on their own projects. Google News and Orkut are both examples of projects that grew from this working model.
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Svetsko prvenstvo 2010 u Južnoj Africi očekuje se sa najvecim stepenom nestrpljenja u bar 32 zemlje sveta - učesnicama ovog mega sportskog događaja.
rbija je jedna od zemalja koja se dosta rano i među prvima kvalifikovala za Svetsko prvenstvo i sada sa nestrpljenjem, ali i realnim šansama, očekujemo dobre vesti sa roga Afrike. Sve svetske prognoze se slažu da ovog puta Srbija, koja prvi put igra pod ovim imenom na Svetskom fudbalskom šampionatu, ima dosta razloga da očekivati dobre vesti, jer konačno imamo tim sastavljen od samih svetskih zvezda. Svi se, takođe, slažu da kod Srbije kvalitet nikad nije bio problem, već razne igre van terena, kojih, nadajmo se, ovog puta neće biti. U toku je veliko zagrevanje i evo kako su svetski mediji videli šanse svake od 32 ekipe na Svetskom prvenstvu.
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SRBIJA u prvih 15 Prema prognozama najvećih svetskih kladioničara, Srbija se za sada nalazi u gornjem domu reprezentacija, iza Meksika, ali ispred SAD, Danske, Grčke, Nigerije... Prognozirano 15. mesto Srbije samo je nagoveštaj da naša reprezentacija ima velike šanse da se odlično plasira u Južnoj Africi
1. Španija.................................................................. 4-1 2. Brazil..................................................................... 5 -1 3. Engleska..............................................................11-2 4. Argentina............................................................. 9 -1 5. Italija................................................................... 12 -1 6. Francuska..........................................................12 - 1 7. Nemačka............................................................ 14 -1 8. Holandija.......................................................... 14 - 1 9. Obala Slonovače............................................. 25 - 1 10. Portugalija..................................................... 25 - 1 11. Paragvaj.......................................................... 40 - 1 12. Čile................................................................... 50 - 1 13. Meksiko........................................................... 50 - 1 14. Srbija............................................................... 66 - 1 15. SAD.................................................................. 66 - 1 16. Gana................................................................ 75 - 1
17. Kamerun......................................................... 80 - 1 18. Južna Afrika................................................... 80 - 1 19. Urugvaj........................................................... 80 - 1 20. Danska........................................................... 80 - 1 21. Grčka............................................................. 100 - 1 22. Nigerija......................................................... 100 - 1 23. Australija...................................................... 125 - 1 24. Švajcarska.................................................... 175 - 1 25. Slovenija....................................................... 175 - 1 26. Slovačka....................................................... 200 - 1 27. Japan............................................................. 200 - 1 28. Južna Koreja................................................ 250 - 1 29. Honduras...................................................... 400 - 1 30. Alžir................................................................500 - 1 31. Novi Zeland.................................................. 750 - 1 32. Severna Koreja.......................................... 1000 - 1
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VODIČ ZA NAV Čuveni južnoafrički ugostitelj Fortunato Mazzone posetiocima svetskog prvenstva, pa i onima koji će krenuti na prvu utajmicu “orlova” protiv Gane 13.juna, savetuje kako da se najbolje zabave pre i posle utakmice www.guardian.co.uk ako je Pretorija prilično veliki grad, sa preko dva miliona stanovnika, u njemu ćete imati utisak kao da ste u jednom velikom selu punom fakulteta, škola, i vladinih institucija. Za opušteni, polu-ulični vajb, svratite u Carlton Café (Shop 71, 13th Street, Menlo Park; +27 12 460 7996; carltoncafe.co.za), čija izuzetna i savremeno spremljena hrana nikada ne omane. Ostavite mesta za desert. Tržni centar Duncan Yard (1204 Prospect Street, Hatfield; +27 12 362 2224; duncanyard.co.za) vrvi od zanimljivih nekomercijalnih prodavnica i cool umetničkih tipova. Trenutno najpoznatiji kafe bar u gradu je BICCCS café (Prodavnica 5A, Tržni centar Waterkloof Heights, 103 Club Avenue; +27 12 346 3203). Osim toga, njegov vlasnik je niko drugi do Fortunato Mazzone. NAJBOLJA MESTA ZA GLEDANJE FUDBALA: Bar odmah pored restorana Godfather Steakhouse u kvartu Centurion ima odlične šnicle, savršeno hladno pivo, i veliki ekran (Prodavnica
t 'PSUVOBUP .B[[POF više puta nagrađivani kuvar iz Južne Afrike i vrsni gastronom
2, Biella Centre, ugao Heuwel Street i Mike Crawford Street, Centurion; +27 12 663 1859/3302) Eastwoods Tavern (391 Eastwood Street, Arcadia; +27 12 344 0243) ima nekoliko velikih ekrana, jeftino točeno pivo, jednostavnu hranu i glasne goste koji vole fudbal. Udaljen je samo 100 metara od stadiona Loftus – gde igraju utakmice Svetskog prvenstva 2010 – tako da očekujte da ćete atmosferu osetiti u punoj meri. Ovo je definitivno mesto za bučan i uzbudljiv izlazak. NAJBOLJA MESTA ZA PIĆE: Rhapsody’s (ugao Glen Manor i Lois Avenue, Menlyn; +27 12 348 6000; rhapsodys.co.za) je mesto gde je često gužva, dolazi uglavnom mlađa ekipa, a zatvara se tek duboko u noć. Bar u okviru restorana Pachas u kvartu Hazelwood (Club 2 Centre, 22 Dely Road, Hazelwood; +27 12 460 5063; pachas. co.za) uređen je sa stilom. Pored toga što je smešten odmah pored dobrog restorana, i sam ima veoma udobne sofe, i idealan je za tiho piće u sitne sate. NAJBOLJA MESTA ZA ŽIVU MUZIKU: U poređenju sa Johanesburgom, Pretorija malo kaska kada je reč o živoj muzici, ali dobre žive reggae i alternativne svirke možete čuti i videti u Tings an’ Times (1065 Arcadia Street; +27 12 430 3176) u kvartu Hatfield, gde u glavnom žive studenti. Mesto je malo ofucano, a hrana prilično prosečna, ali je atmosfera odlična i bar je pun studenata kad bendovi nastupaju. Po gradu ima više sjajnih džez klubova, ali odlazak u zabačene delove grada može da bude opasan, jer ima dosta kriminala. Bolje ne idite tamo sami.
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AVIJAČE NAJBOLJA MESTA ZA ULIČNU HRANU: Ulična hrana u Pretoriji je, iskreno rečeno, loša, i to najviše zbog loših higijenskih standarda. Ipak, ako baš morate, potražite kioske sa nacionalnim specijalitetom, kobasicom boerewors. I obavezno tražite da vam natrpaju crnog luka. NAJBOLJA MESTA ZA FINU HRANU: La Madeleine u kvartu Lynnwood (122 Priory Road, Lynwood Ridge; +27 12 361 3667; lamadeleine.co.za) je mesto sa nesumnjivo jednom od najboljih francuskih specijaliteta u Južnoj Africi. Okruženje je izuzetno, a restoran ima pravu porodičnu atmosferu, s jelima koja zadovoljavaju visoke međunarodne standarde. Ritrovo Ristorante (Waterkloof Heights Shopping Centre, 103 Club Avenue; +27 12 450 5173; ritrovo.co.za) je najnagrađeniji italijanski restoran u Južnoj Africi, a u njemu jela sprema autor ove liste, čuveni južnoafrički kuvar Fortunato Mazzone. Ovde ćete naći fenomenalne specijalitete i izuzetan izbor vina, ali bez pompe koja obično prati ovakve ekskluzivne restorane. NAJBOLJE OD BESPLATNOG: Tokom Svetskog prvenstva će malo toga biti besplatno. Ipak, ulaz u većinu južnoafričkih muzeja se plaća minimalno, a poseta memorijalu Park slobode (Freedom Park) (freedompark.co.za) može da bude prilično potresna. Farm Inn, na oko 15 minuta vožnje od Pretorije, (Lynnwood Rd; tel: +27 12 809 0266; farminn.co.za) ima odličan zatvoren rezervat za divlje životinje, gde možete direktno komunicirati sa gepardima i ostalim velikim mačkama. NAJBOLJE PRODAVNICE/PIJACE: Menlyn Park (ugao Afterbury Road i Lois Avenue, Menlo Park; +27 12 348 8766; menlynpark.co.za) je tržni centar u klasičnom stilu, sa ogromnim izborom prodavnica – tačnije, preko 500. Brooklyn Mall (ugao Fehrsen Street i Lange Street, New Muckleneuk; +27 12 346 1063/4; brooklynmall.co.za) je manji, ali i prefinjeniji. Ulična pijaca ispred zoološkog vrta (232 Boom Street; +27 12 328 3265; zoo.ac.za) je odlično mesto za kupovinu suvenira – ali ne zaboravite da se cenjkate, jer će vas u suprotnom trgovci odrati do gole kože. I pazite na novčanik. Irene Village Mall (ugao Nellmapius Avenue i Van Ryneveld Drive, Irene; +27 12 662 4446; irenevillagemall.co.za) je sjajno mesto za decu, sa velikom centralnom fontanom po kojoj se pen-
traju životinje, tako da možete na miru da idete iz prodavnice u prodavnicu. OMILJENO MEĐU LOKALCIMA: Union Buildings (Government Avenue; +27 12 300 5200; thepresidency. gov.za) je sedište vlade, a tu se nalazi i kancelarija predsednika. U ovom delu se nalazi nekoliko divnih parkova, a pogled na panoramu Pretorije je veličanstven. ŠTA JOŠ VIDETI U OKOLINI: Ljupko malo ribarsko selo Dullstroom (dullstroom.co.za) nalazi se dva i po sata vožnje ka istoku. Atmosfera je kao iz prošlih vremena, a u centru ima mnoštvo zanimljivih prodavnica. Nešto bliže je grad Cullinan, do kojeg autom treba oko 30 minuta. Cullinan je grad kod kojeg se nalazi najpoznatiji aktivni rudnik dijamanata na svetu, u kojem su iskopana dva najveća dijamanta u istoriji. Tu je i odličan grčki restoran.
Ulična hrana u Pretoriji je, ISKRENO REČENO, LOŠA, i to najviše zbog loših higijenskih standarda. Ipak, ako baš morate, potražite kioske sa nacionalnim specijalitetom, KOBASICOM BOEREWORS. I obavezno tražite da vam natrpaju crnog luka
CONTACT EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA 163 Marais Str, Brooklyn, Pretoria, South Africa Embassy (phone): +27 (0)12 346 6191 / 4139; +27 (0)12 460 5626 Embassy (fax): +27 (0)12 460 6003 Working Hours: Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM FlyAway 23
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GOLE ČINJENICE ● Kalifornija je izdala najmanje šest vozačkih dozvola na ima Isus Hrist. ● Кеnguri ne mogu da hodaju unazad. ● “Džedak” је zvanična religija sa preko 70.000 sledbenika u Australiji. ● Prema nedavnom istraživanju, više od polovine odraslih Britanaca imali su seks na javnom mestu. ● Većina alkoholnih pića sadrži svih 13 minerala, neophodnih za održavanje ljudskog života. ● Načos је hrana koju najviše vole trudnice. ● Svake godine pacovi ujedu 24.000 Amerikanaca. ● Većina snova traje samo 5 do 20 minuta. ● Kosa muškarca ili žene može da se isteže 25% od njene dužine – bez kidanja. ● U proseku novčanica američkog dolara traje osamnaest meseci. ● Prvi domen ikada registrovan je simbolic.com ● U USA se svake sekunde pojede po 100 kilograma čokolade. ● Venera je jedina planeta koja rotira u smeru kazaljki na satu. ● Pingvini mogu da pretvore slanu vodu u pijaću vodu. ● U Las Vegasu su 1980. suspendovali bolnicare koji su se kockali, dok je pacijent umirao! ● U samo deset minuta, uragan može da oslobodi više energije nego svo raspoloživo nuklearno oružje na svetu. ● Svakih sat vremena u svetu se poništi skoro 22.000 čekova. ● Više od 50% ljudi na svetu – nikad nisu pozvali ili primili telefonski poziv. ● Najviše fatalnih saobraćajnih nesreća ima u julu. ● U ustima jednog čoveka ima više bakterija, nego što ima ljudi na svetu. ● U Vašingtonu (US), na svakih 19 stanovnika ima jedan advokat. ● Avokado ima više proteina nego bilo koja druga biljka. ● Prosečan automobil proizvodi kilogram zagađenja na svakih 35 kilometara! ● Najmoćnija električna jegulja živi u rekama Brazila, Kolumbije i Perua. Može da proizvede 400-650 volti. ● Antartik je jedini prostor na planeti, koji ne pripada bilo kojoj zemlji. ● U Indiji, zakon ne brani da se žena uda za psa. ● Veća je verovatnoća da ćete biti napadnuti od krave, nego od ajkule. ● Više od trećine muškaraca čačka nos dok vozi.
Naravno da je izmišljotina kako je popularna igra golf dobila ime po skracenici “Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden” (Samo za muskarce – zabranjeno za žene). Reč golf potiče iz rečnika srednjovekovne Škotske i Holandije. Mada u to vreme nije postojao standardizovan pravopis, veruje se da je reč „golf” potiče od holandske reči „kolf” ili „kolve”, što znači „klub”. Kasnije je ova reč u škotskom dijalektu tranformisana u reč „gouf” ili „golve”
Forbes Steve Forbes, chairman, CEO and editor-in-chief of the “Forbes” magazine, recently held a news conference in New York, to release the list of Forbes’s World Billionaires 2010. The richest billionaire is Carlos Slim Helu and the “poorest” on the list of ten is Karl Albrecht with $23.5 billion. Mexican Telecom titan Carlos Slim Helu took the title of the world’s richest person from Bill Gates’ pocket, and became the first non-U.S. billionaire to claim the spot in 16 years. The net worth of Mr. Slim, 70, who built a telecommunications empire after buying Mexico’s state-run phone monopoly two decades ago, raised $18.5 billion, to $53.5 billion. Mr. Gates, 54, chairman of Microsoft, fell to second as his net worth increased $13 billion, to $53 billion. Mr. Buffett, 79, chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, was third with $47 billion, a rise of $10 billion. According to Forbes, billionaires have an average net worth of $3.5 billion, up $500 million this year. There are a total of 1,011 billionaires this year, up from 793 a year ago. Here’s the rest of the Top 10: 1. Carlos Slim Helu & family, $53.5 billion 2. William Gates III, $53.0 billion 3. Warren Buffett, $47.0 billion 4. Mukesh Ambani, $29.0 billion 5. Lakshmi Mittal, $28.7 billion 6. Lawrence Ellison, $28.0 billion 7. Bernard Arnault, $27.5 billion 8. Eike Batista, $27.0 billion 9. Amancio Ortega, $25.0 billion 10. Karl Albrecht, $23.5 billion
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Ordering Wine in a Restaurant
Selecting a Wine With just a little “how to” knowledge, you can start ordering wine with your head held high. Keep reading for some valuable wine-ordering advice
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Respecting The Past xxx Having A Vision Of The Future T
he village of Vinča, situated at the very foot of Oplenac Hill, has always been known for its vineyards and wines. The natural wealth of sun kissed slopes, fertile land, the wind rose and a favourable climate has been captured in what many call the best Serbian wines. This is the home of the Aleksandrović Wine Cellar and this is where the story of Serbian royal wines starts.
ur pledge - „Royal Wines from Serbia“ - speaks volumes about the abundant viticulture on the Oplenac Hill where our vineyards are located. Following the renowned royal winemaker, Živan Tadić giving us his famous recipe for the Trijumf wine, we have continued in the footsteps of King Petar I and Aleksandar Karađorđević who, many years ago, showed the glorious Oplenac wines all over Europe.
oday, the Aleksandrović Wine Cellar is the leader among ’small’ wineries in the country and the region, with the annual production standing at 400,000 bottles. By applying the latest technology, global trends, scientific discoveries and with the tradition of many past generations in mind, Aleksandrović is the first Serbian winery that has seriously embarked on building an international career.
nly last year, the wines from our cellar were awarded with 14 medals at the most important global competitions (Decanter, The International Wine Challenge, The International Wine and Spirit Competition, Mundusvini, and The Austrian Wine Challenge, to name just a few). We won three gold medals for wines ’Vizija’ (2006 vintage), ’Trijmuf ’ (2008 vintage) and ’Trijumf Barrique’ (2007 vintage).
wing to everything we have done so far, our wines have found their way to wine menus of the most prestigious restaurants in England, Switzerland, Russia and the US for several years now. We are carefully conquering new markets with the aim of presenting global wine varieties through Serbian terroir.
y creating ’Trijumf ’, ’Trijumf Barrique’, ’Harizma’, ’Oplenac Selection’, ’Tema’, ’Varijanta Oplenac’, ’Euforija’, ’Trijumf Noir’, ’Regent’, ’Vizija’ and ’Rodoslov’ we have realized that we should never forget the past if we wanted to create the wine of the future. This is our legacy. This is our vision.
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Grad o kojem se sanja ,,Pariz, stari grad, a uvek mlad je, Pariz je kao LONAC U KOJEM SE SVE PUŠI, sve gori, sve sija, sve ključa”, govorio je Onore de Balzak, čuveni francuski pisac, koji je tako dobro razumeo ovaj grad 28 FlyAway
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Tekst Zlatica Ivković
azivaju ga gradom svetlosti, najromatičnijim gradom, kulturnom, umetničkom i turističkom mekom sveta... meni se, ipak, najviše dopada metafora o Parizu - Pokretni praznik, kako je knjigu svojih memoara iz mladosti (boraveći u francuskoj prestonici između dva svetska rata) naslovio američki nobelovac Ernest Hemingvej. Koliko je do sad pokoljenja intelektualaca hrlilo u ovaj grad nalazeći ovde duševnu hranu; koliko se ljubitelja knjiga naslađivalo civilizovanom razonodom sakupljanja retkih izdanja; koliko je studenta iz pariskih umetničkih škola hitalo u Luvr kako bi tamo proučavali umetnička dela, a onda opet žurili u svoje ateljee da razgovaraju i sanjaju o svojim ostvarenjima koja će možda jednog dana biti vredna pamćenja. A koliko je tek turističkih hodočasnika iz celog sveta hrlilo da udahne miris davno utemeljene kulture sa osećanjem da se nalaze u istinskom središtu civilizacije. Uzbudljivo je slušati Evropljane, Azijate, Amerikance, Afrikance... ljude iz celog sveta kako zaneseno ponavljaju dva sloga Pa - riz. U ovom gradu, ako ste pažljiv posmatrač, osetićete se kao u bioskopskoj sali. Videćete kako se odvija film u kojem se svakog trenutka događa nešto novo i neočekivano. ”Glumci” dolaze iz celog sveta. Još je pre više od jednog veka Viktor Igo rekao da Pariz ima nameru da preraste u kontinent. Nema sumnje da je Pariz grad koji bi svako poželeo da poseti, bar jednom u životu. Ipak, ko češće putuje zna da se istinski duh grada može doživeti tek pošto se ponovo u njemu boravi, nakon što su već viđene najpoznatije znamenitosti i obiđene uobičajne turističke rute. Ovo pravilo posebno važi za Pariz. Prestonica Francuske svojom veličinom, bogatstvom spomenika, mestima koje treba posetiti i intezivnim životom koji pulsira danju, kao i noću, često zbunjuje one koji u nju prvi put dolaze. Zato, grad krcat sa tolikim bremenom prošlosti, možda, treba obilaziti pešice. Njegova istorija se otkriva lutajući nasumice ulicama i vrlo je izvesno da se pri tom tumaranju zaljubite u ovaj grad, nalik na srebrno dugme otpalo sa odore nekog plemića, ili u njegov, poput francuske šansone, neizrecivi šarm. No, odakle da započnemo ovu kratku šetnju Parizom? Zašto ne od samog srca grada, ostrva Site na kojem je Pariz rođen. U vreme, njegove najranije istorije pre 2000 godina, grad se zvao Lutecija. Ostrvo i danas grupiše nekoliko najslavnijih građevina kao što su Notr Dam, Sent Šapel, Konsijeržeri... Na Siteu, ostrvu zagrljenom kracima reke
Sene, dominira katedrala Notr Dam. Njeno pročelje slovi, kako je to rekao Kenet Klark, za „najintelektualnije u celoj gotskoj umetnosti“. A da bi ste osetili kako to srce kuca treba da uđete u samu katedralu. Kakva će vas tišina i mir dočekati ispod moćnih savijenih kamenih lukova. Kakvu divnu igru svetlosti će videti vaše oči kroz prozorske vitraže i rozete katedrale, a ukoliko budete imali sreće da se u njoj zateknete u nedeljni smiraj dana, dočekaće vas ritmički šapat molitvi i zvuci orgulja. Potpuni doživljaj. Kad ste već na Siteu pređite na levu obalu Sene, preko mosta Sen Mišel, u Latinski kvart. Hodajući bulevarom istog imena stići ćete u Lukseburški park. Taj divni vrt, najlepši, najveći i najslavniji na levoj obali Sene, bez sumnje inspiriše na sanajrenje. Njega treba posetiti bez obzira na trenutno raspoloženje i godišnje doba. Stanje duše u blagom padu svakako će se popraviti osobenom atmosferom koja ovde vlada.
Okolina Pariza je takođe krcata istorijskim nasleđem, koje je teško ukratko opisati. U svakom slučaju preporučujemo obilazak DVORCA VERSAJ, simbolu francuske monarhije, građevini po čijem su uzoru evropski vladari gradili svoje palate
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19.5.2010 12:17:56
Ako ste u prilici, obavezno svoje mališane povedite u Diznilend Park ili ASTERIKS PARK. Oba su udaljena 30 kilometara od Pariza, ali do njih se može doći i brzim metroom, takozvanim RER Na levoj obali Sene Pariz je univerzitetski grad. U središtu Latinskog kvarta smešten je Univerzitet Sorbona. Studenti se sreću na ,,faksu¨ Žisijeu, Sorboni, šetaju po ,,Bul’ Mišu¨, bulevaru Sen-Mišelu, idu u ,,Luko¨, Luksemburški park, ili u ,,bibli¨, biblioteku Sent-Ženevjev. Ovaj deo grada podjednako pripada studentima i turistima, koji između dva bulevara, Sen Mišel i Sen Žermen, neštedice troše korake, a potom se odmaraju u brojnim kafićima, tavernama, bistroima… iz kojih dopire miris slasnih kroasana i tople café au lait. Drugi, pak, pronalaze predah u knjižarama, antikvarnicama, galerijama, prodavnicama…, a njih ovde ima na svakom koraku. Simbol Pariza svakako je Ajfelova kula, ili kako je od milja zovu “dama od čelika”. Sagradio ju je Gustav Ajfel povodom svetske izložbe 1889. godine i stogodišnjice Francuske revolucije. Naravno, puritanskom ukusu lokalnih umetnika izgradnja tornja izazvala je zgražavanje i protest. Toranj je trebao biti srušen nakon 20 godina po isteku koncesija, ali ponovo su pisane peticije, ovaj put u korist Tour Eiffel. Opstala je zahvaljujući anteni za radio-telegrafiju, radio-telefoniju, a kasnije televizijski program. Danas je to jedna od najposećenijih znamenitosti Francuske, a reka turista svakodnevno strpljivo čeka u redu kako bi se popeli na jedan od njena tri vidikovca. Sa ovog poslednjeg, na visini od 274 metra pogled se prostire do 67 kilometara unaokolo. Drugi simbol Pariza je Trijumfalna kapija. Slavoluk pobede smešten na trgu Šarl de Gol, koji se nekada zvao Trg zvezde
(Etoal) nazvan zbog 12 avenija koje se kao zraci pružaju od centra. U čast pobede svoje vojske izgradnju Trijumfalne kapije je od arhitekte Šargrina naručio Napoleon I 1806. godine. Četiri godine kasnije imperator je imao nameru da svoju novu ženu Mariju Lujzu provoza Parizom i provede ispod slavoluka. Ali kako nesrećni arhitekta za te četiri godine nije uspeo da osigura temelje spomenika, naređeno mu je da od skela i platna napravi lažnu kapiju ,ne bi li se sačuvao carski obraz. Kapija je završena tek 1836. godine za vreme vladavine Luja Filipa, a Napoleon je 1840 ipak prošao ispod slavoluka, ali u svečanoj povorci kojom su ispraćani njegovi posmrtni ostaci.
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19.5.2010 12:17:59
Neki kažu da je reka Sena NAJLEPŠI BULEVAR PARIZA. Malo ko ne obiđe Pariz krstareći Senom takozvanim “brodovima mušicama” (BATEAUX MOUSHES). Jednočasovnom vožnjom uz stručne vodiče, upuznaćete znamenitosti Pariza iz jedne sasvim drugačije perspektive
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19.5.2010 12:18:01
Svojom veličanstvenom figurom Trijumfalna kapija zatvara pogled prema Šanzelizeu, jednoj od najpoznatijih avenija na svetu. Avenija dugačka dva kilometra i široka 70 metara, deli se na dva dela razdvojena kružnim trgom (Rond point des Champs Eliyseeis), od kojeg nastavlja prema trgu Konkord. Ovo omiljeno šetalište turista pripada najotmenijim delovima grada. Na njoj su nanizani uobičajeni, ali i luksuzni restorani i prodavnice koje prodaju robu najpoznatijih svetskih marki. Avenija se završava na trgu Konkord kojem se možete podjednako diviti i danju i u sumrak, ili noću. Da bi se stekao najbolji pogled na celinu trga trebalo bi otići u sam centar, u podnožje egipatskog obeliska. Obelisk je jedan od ovdašnjih najstarijih spomenika koji je Francuskoj poklonio sultan Mehmed Ali (1831. godine) za vreme vladavine Šarla X. Egipatski spomenik, visok 23 metra, potiče iz hrama u Luksoru (XIII v.p.n.e.), a na njemu ispisani hijeroglifi slave podvige faraona Ramzesa II. Stub je smešten između dve fontane rađena po uzoru na one sa trga Svetog Petra u Rimu. Na obodu trga osam statua simbolično predstavljaju osam najvažnijih gradova Francuske: Strazbur, Lion, Ruan, Lil, Nant, Marsej, Brest i Bordo.
Sa Konkorada ulicom Rivoli stižete do Luvra. Koliko vam je vremena potrebno da obiđete najveći muzej na svetu, procenite sami. Novi glavni ulaz u obliku staklene piramide projektovao je američki arhitekta kineskog porekla, Ieoh Ming Pei, a u šali se naziva i Miteranova piramida. Po nalogu predsednika Fransoa Miterana pokrenuta je rekonstrukcija muzeja pod nazivom Veliki Luvr, izgrađena je staklena piramida, a pokoljenja će ovog velikog francuskog državnika pamtiti, između ostalog, i po tome što je za vreme njegovog predsednikovanja izgrađena Velika kapija na Defansu, Biblioteka Francuske i zgrada nove Opere na Bastilji. Među neverovatnim radovima koje je poduzeo gradonačelnik Osman u svojoj zamisli novog Pariza, trg Opere je jedna od najvažnijih kreacija prestonice prema kojoj hrle velike arterije i veliki bulevari.Trgom dominira impozantna fasada Nacionalne muzičke akademije, popularno nazvane Opera. Građena je u stilu arhitekture Napoleona III, i svakako će vam zastati dah pred bogatsvom ukrasa i barokne zakićenosti. U blizini se nalazi i čuveni kafe Café de la Pe, jedini kafe koji reflektuje vreme sjaja velikih bulevara iz XIX veka.
Aerodrom Šarl de Gol Pariski aerodrom Šarl de Gol, је drugi najprometniji aerodrom u Evropi, posle londonskog Hitrou aerodroma. Smešten je 23 кilometra severo-istično od Pariza, a sa gradom je povezan velikim brojem veza. Do centra Pariza vozom se stigne za oko 45 minuta (do Lila i Brisela za jedan sat), dok autobusom ili kolima treba znatno više zbog gustog saobraćaja na putu A1 – preko Port dela Šapel. Vozovi idu svakih 15 minuta, dok autobusi kreću sa aerodroma svakih pola sata i stižu do Monparnasa preko Gar de Lion i obratno. Aerodrom Šarl de Gol ima tri moderna terminala, sa obiljem barova, restorana, prodavnica, banaka i menjačnica. Sva tri terminala su povezana besplatnim šatl linijama, koje dnevno koristi preko 200,000 putnika. Terminal 2 ima bežični internet.
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19.5.2010 12:18:02
kuća nanizanih po obodu kaldrmisanih uličica koje gledaju na unutrašnja dvorišta, u kojima su nekada živeli, pisali i slikali poznati boemi Monmartra. Tu su stvarali Renoar, Utrilo, Tuluz-Lotrek, Pikaso, Modiljani…, a njihova dela izložena po muzejima širom sveta, vraćaju nas u to vreme. Ako ne zbog monumentalnog zdanja Bazilike svetog Isusovog srca (Basilique du Coeur Sacre de Jesus), Monmartr treba posetiti jer se sa njega pruža veličanstven pogled na panoramu grada, pa ga još zovu i “balkon Pariza”. Tu je i čuveni kabare Mulen Ruž u kojem su između dva rata, u zlatno doba Monmartra, gostovali Žozefina Beker i Moris Ševalije. I danas, posle više od sto godina u ovom kabareu gosti uz šampanjac uživaju u zvucima i prizoru francuske igre kan-kana. Neki kažu da je reka Sena najlepši bulevar Pariza. Malo ko ne obiđe Pariz krstareći Senom takozvanim “brodovima mušicama” (Bateaux Moushes). Jednočasovnom vožnjom uz stručne vodiče, upuznaćete znamenitosti Pariza iz jedne sasvim drugačije perspektive. Posebnu draž ima noćna plovidba kada jaki reflektori s broda osvetljavaju priobalje i raskošne senske mostove. Pariz je grad koji se stalno rezvija, kreće, menja, evoluira poput ljudskog bića. On se ne preobražava, on raste, obogaćuje se novim građevinama koje privlače i oko sebe stvaraju novu energiju čiji talasi zapljuskuju sve njegove arondismane. Njegova modernost kristališe urbanu formu oko starih građevina, a bez obnavljanja tih mesta Pariz bi ostao mrtav grad u kojem bi samo njegova prošlost privlačila posetioce. Predsednik Žorž Pompidu je govorio: “Silno bih želeo da Pariz ima jedan kulturni centar koji bi bio i muzej i centar stvaralaštva u kojem bi primenjene umetnosti se susretale sa muzikom, filmom, literaturom i audiovizuelnim sadržajima…“. Njegov san se ostvario 1977. godine. Originalna i smela arhitektura Centra Žorž Pompidu, zovu ga i Bobur, po imenu trga na kojem je sagrađen, izaziva ili odbojnost ili oduševljenje. Iako su o njemu sa užasom pričali kao o rafineriji, zbog mnoštva cevi za ventilaciju na spoljnoj fasadi zdanja, danas je to jedno od najposećenijih mesta pored Ajfelove kule i dvorca Versaj. Na trgu ispred Bobura, kao nekad na mostu Pon Nef, ili na trgu ispred katedrale Notr Dam, dolaze žongleri, klovnovi, pevači, muzičari, glumci... Kako se samo čovek oseća slobodnim u toj gomili. Drugim rečima, odakle god došli, osetićete da vam Pariz pripada!
Svojom veličanstvenom figurom TRIJUMFALNA KAPIJA zatvara pogled prema Šanzelizeu, jednoj od najpoznatijih avenija na svetu. Ovo omiljeno šetalište turista pripada NAJOTMENIJIM delovima grada Za one koji vole da kupuju da kažamo i to da se u blizini Opere nalaze čuvene robne kuće Printemps, GrandsMagasins, Galeries-Lafayette, koje doprinose izuzetnoj živosti kvarta bez obzira na vreme i doba dana. Nekada stecište izuzetno talentovanih slikara, Monmartr je danas prepušten ravnodušnosti grda Pariza. Velika je šteta što je ovo šarmantno mesto ostavljeno na milost i nemilost neumoljivoj najezdi turista i komercijalnih slikara. Većina pridošlih slikara, čak iako imaju talenta, besomučno ponavljaju iste motive Monmarta koje ne oklevaju da prodaju po visokim cenama. Ali ovde još uvek postoji veliki broj starih
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19.5.2010 12:18:10
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19.5.2010 12:26:10
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19.5.2010 12:26:13
Svadba za
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a maštanje Početkom maja, ispred Starog dvora održano je jubilarno, deseto kolektivno venčanje „Svadba za maštanje”, u okviru koje se ove godine venčalo 200 parova iz cele Srbije. Prva „Svadba za maštanje” održana je 1999. godine u toku NATO bombardovanja. Vremenom je akcija prerasla u turističku, privrednu, kulturnu i humanitarnu akciju, a od ove godine to je i gradska manifestacija. Tokom deset godina njenog održavanja venčalo se oko hiljadu parova iz Srbije, Republike Srpske, Makedonije, Crne Gore, Kanade, Švedske, Danske, a bila je i jedna nevesta iz Kine. Mladencima je obezbeđeno potpuno besplatno venčanje, video zapisi, fotografije, boravak u Beogradu, kao i puno vrednih i lepih nagrada. Akciju venčanja organizuje Udruženje novinara Srbije u saradnji sa Radio-televizijom Srbije i opštinom Savski venac, a pod pokroviteljstvom Grada Beograda.
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19.5.2010 12:18:52
TRADICIONALNO KOLEKTIVNO VENČANJE koje organizuje Skupština grada okupilo je ispred Starog dvora više od dve stotine parova raznovrsnih godina, porekla i profesija, ali istog, dobrog raspoloženja
eobavešteni prolaznici, koji su se našli u ulozi svatova, pratili su dugu kolonu venčanica i odela koja se Kosovskom ulicom kretala ka Skupštini grada, dok su oni kojima je manifestacija „Svadba za maštanje“ poznata - aplaudirali mladencima. Buduće supružnike je na platou pred Starim dvorom dočekalo više hiljada pozvanih svatova, uz bučne aplauze i muziku sa razglasa, pa se može reći da je pred Skupštinom grada u isti mah održano 200 velikih svadbi. „Ovde smo svi svatovi svakome. Kad smo se ovako okupili, zajedno ćemo i da proslavimo” bio je razdragan Milan, otac jednog od mladoženja. Nakon lepih želja gradskih zvaničnika, iz više od 400 grla odjeknulo je složno i gromko „da“, koje je svojom odlučnošću na-
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19.5.2010 12:19:01
Iz više od 400 grla odjeknulo je složno i GROMKO „DA“, koje je svojom odlučnošću nagovestilo SREĆNE BRAKOVE govestilo srećne brakove. Kad su formalnosti završene, mladenci su se prepustili čestitanjima, željama i zagrljajima svojih svatova. Hiljade osmeha i buka dva trubačka orkestra učinili su plato ispred gradske skupštine veselim kao retko kada. Razdragane svadbare nije bilo lako ponovo okupiti u kolonu, ali niko nije propustio novo okupljanje kod fontane na Trgu Nikole Pašića, gde su mladenci bacali novčiće u fontanu. Kad je prizvala sreću, povorka je krenula ka Skadarliji, gde je uz tradicionalno posluženje nastavila slavlje. „Veoma smo želeli da se venčamo na ovaj nesvakidašnji način, neobičnom procedurom. Mnogo je lepše zavetovati se na večnu ljubav u velikom društvu. Oduševljeni smo i pozivamo sve parove koji su neodlučni da što pre zauzmu mesta za sledeću godinu” pričali su gotovo u glas, kao što i priliči, novopečeni supružnici Dejan i Andrijana Baković. Da sve bude još lepše, među mladama je bilo čak 17 trudnica. Skupština grada, Turistička organizacija Beograda i beogradske firme obezbedile su mladencima raznovrsne poklone i popuste, a najbolje želje parovima pismeno su poslali mnogi proslavljeni umetnici i sportisti, poput Radeta Šerbedžije, Emira Kusturice, Stefana Milenkovića, Vlada Divca, Ane Ivanović, Jelene Janković i Novaka Đokovića.
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19.5.2010 12:19:13
Između Notingema i Beograda
Direktor i vlasnik firme The English Book koja je ekskluzivni zastupnik najvećeg univerzitetskog izdavača na svetu Oxford University Press, Lisa Braun je pre svega žena neiscrpne radne i poslovne energije
ada Lisa Braun prvi put stupi u razgovor sa nekim sa ovih prostora najčešće se čuje komentar: „Vi tako dobro govorite srpski i bez akcenta kao da ste rođena Srpkinja!”. Kada govori engleski niko ne posumnja da nije Engleskinja jer je provela više od četrdeset godina u ovoj zemlji gde i danas živi, ali rad i u Srbiji. Ne u Beogradu, nego zaista u Srbiji, s obzirom da njena firma poseduje knjižare u svim našim većim gradovima. Pored Srbije, The English Book ima svoje knjižare i u Crnoj Gori i Republici Srpskoj. Rekli bi smo veliki posao i veliki zalogaj za jednu ženu. – Moj život se odvija na putu, između Notingema, gde mi je dom i Beograda, gde se nalazi sedište moje firme. U avionu provodim toliko vremena da komotno mogu da izdržavam jednu turističku agenciju! Tu ne računam zaposlene u svojoj firmi kojih imam oko sedamdeset, a koji takođe neprestano putuju i promovišu engleske udžbenike i knjige. Normalno je za Lisu, kako sama kaže, da kad se ujutru probudi, ne zna da li je u Engleskoj ili u Srbiji. Za nju je putovanje između Notingema i Beograda kao vožnja gradskim prevozom s kraja na kraj grada.
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Lisa Braun je pre petnaest godina odlučila da se uključi u deo velikog projekta učenja engleskog jezika prepoznavši u njemu jedan od najunosnijih svetskih poslova. Vremenom se pojavila i želja da započne posao koji bi je povezao sa zavičajem, a zatim se prisetila da je jedina prava veza i pravi posao između dve zemalje zapravo jezik.Učenje jezika Englezi dovode do perfekcije, neprestano izlaze novi udžbenici, snimaju se kompakt diskovi, kompjuterizuju se nove metode i polako se osvajaju novi prostori, nove zemlje, novi gradovi... – Moja firma je ekskluzivni zastupnik najvećeg univerzitetskog izdavača na svetu Oxford University Press. Snabdevamo udžbenicima i privatne i državne škole za učenje engleskog jezika, fakultete i institucije. Odlično sarađujemo sa Ministarstvom za obrazovanje i uz pomoć naših univerzitetskih izdavačkih kuća iz Engleske i Mak Milana dovodimo eksperte da upoznaju naše profesore sa najnovijim metodama rada sa decom. Vodimo profesore iz Srbije u Englesku na usavršavanje jezika, svake godine organizujemo susrete nastavnika (Teacher meeting) u Srbiji i već nekoliko godina jedna smo od najpouzdanijih kuća koja organizuje letnje škole za školarce od 7 do 19 godina,ali i za odrasle, u Notingemu i Kanterberiju, a od ove godine i na Kopaoniku. Kada se jednom prilikom našla u holidej kampu u Skegnesu na obali Atlantika, odlučila je da se više ne vraća kući, jer je tamo upoznala svog budućeg supruga Teresa Gordona Brauna. – Slučajno smo se sreli. Pogledali smo se i kako je on imao najlepše plave oči na svetu i uz to bio neobično odlučan da održi našu vezu, na kraju smo se i venčali. Javila sam mojima u Beograd da uzmu šećer i vodu pre nego što sam im saopštila da se udajem. Roditelji su pokušali da spreče naš brak, ali u tome nisu uspeli. Tako sam ja februara 1968. postala gospođa Braun. U to vreme Teri Braun je radio u velikoj građevinskoj firmi, a Lisa u Institutu za mikrobiološka ispitivanja vode. Pošto se svima predstavljala kao Lalica, Englezi su je s početka zvali Lika što se njoj nikako nije dopadalo. Mnogo joj je lepše zvučalo Lisa, pa je to ime upisano u njena dokumenta. Vrlo brzo je otkrila šta znači brak na engleski način. – Naravno da se ustaje u osam, u devet ste na poslu, u pet popodne se vraćate kući, onda se sprema večera, radi u bašti i priprema za sutrašnji dan. Petkom uveče muškarci s društvom idu u pab na partiju bilijara ili snukera kada se i žene viđaju sa svojim društvom. Subotom pre podne se kupuje, popodne supružnici idu u restoran, često u društvu prijatelja ili rođaka, nedeljom se sprema kuća i bašta i tako dalje, i tako dalje. Sve u svemu, veoma dosadno. Bezlična svakodnevnica je prekinuta onog trenutka kada je Teri, nezadovoljan svojim poslom, predložio da se presele u Južnoafričku Republiku.
– Iznad Kejptauna je Tejbl Mauntin preko čijeg se odsečenog vrha oblaci valjaju kao testo kad prospete iz vangle. To je zaista nebeski grad. Nigde nisam videla toliko zvezda noću kao u Kejptaunu. Bez predrasuda prema ljudima drugih rasa bilo joj je teško da se navikne na rasnu segregaciju, a iznenadilo je koliko su starosedeoci teško prihvatali doseljenike. – Ali uprkos svim problemima, kolonijalni život u Kejptaunu je divan, dve i po godine sam živela kao u snu, priseća se Lisa. Po povratku u Englesku, Lisa je studirala biznis na Lester univerzitetu i počela da se interesuje za politiku. I za nekog ko potiče iz naših krajeva bilo je prirodno da se priključi laburistima. Kada se iz ove partije izdvojila Socijaldemokratska partija Dejvida Ovena prišla je njima, a 1983. izabrana je za odbornika u Veću okruga Lester. I danas čuva pismo Dejvida Ovena u kojem joj on čestita na pobedi. Baveći se politikom dobro je upoznala i Pedija Ešdauna i Najdžela Lotona koji je bio prvi čovek u kabinetu gospođe Margaret Tačer. Kad je shvatila da politika zahteva celog čoveka, Lisa se okrenula privatnom poslu. Posao kojim se sad bavi započela je pre 15 godina. Sada sa njom radi i njen sin Ričard Braun koji je na Kent univerzitetu u Kenterberiju diplomirao filozofiju sa primenjenom književnošću. Ričard se uključio u letnje škole i sam predložio Kopaonik kao jeftiniju a za turizam najbolju destinaciju. Već nekoliko godina ozbiljno razmišlja da osnuje svoju sopstvenu turističku turu, kako bi stranim turistima dočarala lepote srpskih planina, reka, šuma, brda, pećina… Kada je na jedno putovanje po Srbiji povela Endrju Glasa, direktora British Council-a, uspela je i na njega da prenese deo svog entuzijazma za turističko razgledanje Srbije. U međuvremenu, postala je vrsni poznavalaca vina. Sada već ima dve vrste vina sa sopstvenim etiketama koje poklanja prijateljima i poslovnim partnerima. Putujući po Srbiji, stigla je i do Rajačkih pivnica. Do sad ih je kupila šest. Ima, kaže nameru da ih u potpunosti sredi i zajedno sa drugim entuzijastima koji su to isto uradili, ponudi putnicima namernicima lepotu predela i čuveno rajačko vino. Lisa Braun je bez sumnje uspešna žena, ali i pored svih poslova koje uporedo obavlja ona i dalje, neprestano i uporno traga za novim idejama. Razmišlja o srpskim suvenirima, imanjima za proizvodnju zdrave hrane; traga za retkim knjigama; pokušava da naše loše prevedene pisce prepeva na dobar engleski jezik; traga za načinima da uposli mlad svet kod nas, trudi se da nerazvijene krajeve u Srbiji poveže sa međunarodnim donatorima... da spojii dve civilizacije, dve kulture. Iako je Lisa Braun osoba koja je mnogo toga doživela i spoznala u životu ona u sebi nosi dovoljno energije, mašte, ljubavi i potrebe da svoje spoznaje prenese i drugima.
Petkom uveče muškarci s društvom idu u PAB na partiju BILIJARA ili snukera kada se i žene viđaju sa svojim društvom. Subotom pre podne se KUPUJE, popodne supružnici idu u restoran, nedeljom se sprema kuća i bašta... SVE U SVEMU, VEOMA DOSADNO
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A Cosy, Glitzy Gem
The food presentation was straightforward and simple, yet elegant and appealing. It made for a perfect and light Friday dinner. We skipped dessert, but the menu offered several tempting treats including cheesecake, tiramisu, and panacotta By Jelena Mickić
s a little girl, I loved to read. I’d say I was an avid reader and still am. I would spend my summer holidays reading books, mostly world literature classics. One summer many years ago, I embarked on the adventure of reading a very long book written in two volumes by Alexandre Dumas, père. The novel was The Count of Monte Cristo. It wasn’t a particularly easy read for a child. Dumas père had a tendency to leave the main story and its characters and develop the narrative into very small details around some minor character of the novel. This would draw my attention away from the main story and made me impatient, but I was persistent, as the novel not only spoke of a treasure trove, but was a treasure trove itself. I felt exactly the same when I
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In center of the city Monte Cristo cafe-restaurant is situated near the Belgrade Botanical Gardens in Takovska Street. As with many other restaurants in the city centre, if coming by car, finding an available parking spot can be a bit of an issue. Although glitzy in its appearance, this place is not pretentious at all. With an average price of 600 dinars for a main course and children’s portions at 200 dinars, it makes for a very budget-friendly option. walked into a cosy cafe-eatery with the name of Monte Cristo last month. My senses were overpowered with details and strong colors, and it took me some time to get the notion of where I was. The moment my brain started processing the sensory input, it stopped looking for the obvious connection between the novel and the restaurant. I had heard about this place for the first time several years ago, but back than it was a club, not a restaurant. It has actually been mentioned in a trite Serbian chick-lit novel How to Hunt a Husband. Although visually very eclectic, Monte Cristo’s menu came as a nice surprise, as it is very intelligently and cohesively put together. It consists of a good and clever choice of dishes, easy to cook and savor. It opens with the breakfast options - a combination of continental breakfast and hearty food and also includes a lighter version of the English breakfast. Lunch and dinner dishes are focused on protein, such as chicken, beef, lamb, and salmon in combination with grilled or roasted vegetables. The menu is obviously made to suit a contemporary lifestyle and food choices that follow it, but what I like most in its simplicity and limited number of choices is the notion that those ingredients and produce do not sit in the kitchen’s freezer for too long, simply as they have to go. What always makes me cringe is a twenty page long menu, with obscure and complex sounding dishes that hardly ever make it to the table; the source of its ingredients deep frozen, and waiting for someone one day to order them.While we were deciding what to order, we nibbled on toasted garlic baguette chunks and cream cheese with pesto. That gave us our first taste of the Mediterranean for the evening. For a starter, we decided to share a portion of deep-fried feta cheese croquettes, garnished with rocket lettuce, and seasoned with pesto. The feta was mild in taste, soft and creamy inside; the batter was perky and crispylight. For the main dish, my companion had grilled chicken breast stuffed with bacon and mozzarella, served on a bed of mashed potatoes with cooked carrot sticks and spinach leaves. The plate was topped with a nice, creamy button mushroom sauce. Although dominant in taste, the mushrooms nicely integrated into the dish and added a hint of a personality to it. The dish was mild and tasty, though lacking a bit of seasoning, but that was easily fixed. The mozzarella was the low moisture kind that recalls cheddar cheese,
not the milky white and soft, creamy one. The mashed potatoes though tasty, reminded me of baby food. If they’d had a more rustic texture, I’d have appreciated them more. My companion’s tomato salad was simple to its core. Tomato slices topped with onion rings and pesto. If you like pesto, you can’t go wrong with this. It’s as simple as that. On the other hand, my main dish was a combination of pan-fried chicken breast and shrimp and button mushroom sauce with fried potato chunks on the side. Although not a fan of fried potatoes or fried anything in general, these potatoes were crispy and velvety-soft at the same time. My two generous slices of chicken were slightly overcooked though, but the shrimp-mushroom sauce made up for it. The food presentation was straightforward and simple, yet elegant and appealing. It made for a perfect and light Friday dinner. We skipped dessert, but the menu offered several tempting treats including cheesecake, tiramisu, and panacotta. The wine list is extensive and you can order both by the glass and the bottle. The service was very pleasant and fast and I was satisfied with other details that distinguished a professional attitude to work from the common lack of interest. As the night passed, guests came and went. Some popped by for a drink and chitchat, others for a meal. The atmosphere was conversational and the unobtrusive pop-chart background music lent an upbeat feel to it.
Although visually very eclectic, Monte Cristo’s menu came as a NICE SURPRISE, as it is very intelligently and cohesively put together
CHICKEN BREAST For the main dish, my companion had grilled chicken breast stuffed with bacon and mozzarella, served on a bed of mashed potatoes with cooked carrot sticks and spinach leaves. FlyAway 43
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INTERVIEW Daniel Young, New York designer
Between Design and Art By Žarka Radoja n today’s contemporary world, design is completely geared towards a consumer society and because of that its original role is being lost. Some designers agree that the economic crisis actually benefited design by purifying it and making it revert to its original purpose of designing things that society actually needs. U.S. professor and design philoso-
merely style-oriented, it loses touch with what is truly needed by people.” New York designer, Daniel Young, shares Papenek’s opinion. Until recently, Young was a lawyer, but after 30 years in the business, he decided to do what he has loved the most since he was a young man and which was a hobby of his during his years in practice. Young’s designs have certainly attracted the attention of many renowned designers such as Steven Heller
“I think that the best thing for design would be to DOUBLE, EVEN TRIPLE the economic downturn.”
The essence of design is to make things that society actually needs, and there is less and less of that in the world. A lot of junk is being made that actually nobody needs, which exists for the sole purpose of keeping the consumer society alive and well – says U.S. designer Daniel Young in an interview for CorD magazine
pher, Victor Papanek said that “design has become the most powerful tool with which man shapes his tools and environment (and, by extension, society and himself). But when design is simply technical or
and Mirko Ilic. The underlying philosophy of his style is easily accessible simplicity and innovation. Young’s design is also socially engaged, i.e. non-commercial and thought-provoking, prompting people to think about
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social issues like religion, homosexuality, gay marriage, and media maU.S. states, is denied the right to marriage. Commenting on the fact nipulation. It also draws attention to important and tragic events in the that the gay-pride parade has been banned in Serbia, Young says “In world, like the Darfur conflict. Whether using practical things such as the U.S., the federal government does not have control over the right magnets, jewellery, t-shirts or posters or something else as his vehicle, to marry, but the individual states do, and this is where many battles Young has a clear mission to fulfil. are being fought at the moment. Because of that issue, I’ve designed “I want to save my soul and help others see things certain things. People think that it is God who decides more clearly. I have always been designing and I Paradoxy Products who ought to get married. That is simply not normal. have to admit that I was glad to have been a lawWith regards to Serbia, the country is recovering from hrough his small yer first and designer later, since if I had immedimany difficult events, but that is inevitable and the world of Paradoxy ately taken on design, I would probably make stutime will come when we will understand that partnerProducts, Young tackpid things like most of today’s designers – they onship is not only designed for a man and a woman.” les a large quantity of ly make things that are marketable. I could easily His message for Darfur is very strong. The postinformation by offering earn money from making elegant, smart, and useful er Darfur is interpreted as an acrostic for Nazi con20 selected headlines things totally unconnected to the profound ideas that centration camps during the Second World War and from daily newspapers I am interested in as an adult, that is to design only visualized as a barbed wire fence. Speaking of reliwhose word order can those products that teach us sagacious philosophical gion, Young is trying to draw attention to the fact that be changed to give the principles,” Young explains. being religious is a personal and private matter, and onlooker a possibility to According to him, the first rule of design should not an obsession that actually is detrimental to everyactually feel the way in be the same as the first rule of medicine: “Don’t do body who thinks differently. “I did religion. The meswhich news is shaped anything bad.” sage – Curb your God – means keep Him under conand presented, as well as “Don’t just design. Think first whether society actrol. I don’t say you shouldn’t believe in God. If you to draw attention to the tually needs that design. Unfortunately, in 99% of caswant a god who casts thunderbolts, you got it. If you significance of changing es the answer is ‘no.’ So don’t design if you don’t have want a god who tells you not to work on Sundays or the order of words. Only something good to contribute to society. If you do deto abstain from certain foods, you’ve got that too. But in that way can people cide to design, first acquaint yourself with the history don’t use your god for attacking and humiliating othtruly understand what of design. Don’t make more garbage, more ugliness, er people, or for considering these people less worthy. exactly media manipulaand more things that can hurt. My philosophy canLeave them alone; curb your god.” The economic crition is, just like ying and not be applied in the commercial world since it would sis has affected all elements of society, including deyang magnets should reduce production. In other words, the world needs sign. However, according to certain designers, the crimake them think about to produce junk in order for people to buy it and for sis was more than welcome since it eliminated trash what is at the core of this money to exchange hands. As a result, the entire sysfrom design. This is what Papanek warned about back philosophical sign which tem is corrupted, from top to bottom. I advocate pure in the 1970s when he said in his book Design for a is interpreted differently design. I design only the things that I think people Real World: “The main trouble with design schools by everyone while actuneed, things that are essential. How many forks does seems to be that they teach too much design and not ally being a pure art. the world need? Hence, chopsticks are a wonderful enough about the ecological, social, economic, and piece of design. Just a simple set made of two choppolitical environment in which design takes place.” sticks. That’s all you need to pick up your food. If you want to deYoung also thinks that the crisis is one of the best things that hapsign, first learn the history of design, don’t do anything without havpened to design lately. “I think that the best thing for design would ing knowledge first about what was done in the past,” Young explains. be to double, even triple the economic downturn. There is still too Young designed a ying and yang two piece magnet, puzzles that demuch nonsense around. Once things get more difficult, design bepict the history of art, t-shirts that say “Curb your God” or “Marriage comes simpler, and it imposes the concentration of things that you and justice for all,” which support the gay community that, in certain really need,” our interlocutor concludes.
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Travelling to Work
tunned commuters at London’s Charing Cross station had a rude awakening on May 17th when four daring men and women bared all as they travelled to work on the London Underground. The purpose of this stunt was to promote a new six-part series of the Naked Office on Virgin1.
Arab-American Takes Miss USA Title
24-year-old Arab-American woman has won the Miss USA title, despite nearly stumbling in her evening gown. Rima Fakih of Dearborn, Michigan, won the pageant at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino on the Las Vegas Strip after strutting confidently in an orange and gold bikini, wearing a strapless white gown and saying health insurance should cover birth control pills. Miss Fakih, a Lebanese immigrant, told pageant organizers her family celebrates both Muslim and Christian faiths. She moved to the United States as a baby and was raised in New York, where she attended a Catholic school. Her family moved to Michigan in 2003. Miss Fakih sold her car after graduating from university in Michigan to help pay for her entry in the Miss Michigan USA pageant.
Osuđen medved
ud u makedonskom gradu Bitolj proglasio je medveda krivim za krađu i izazivanje štete jer je krao med od jednog makedonskog pčelara. On se borio protiv njegovih upada glasnim turbo-folkom. “Pokušao sam da mu poremetim koncentraciju svetlosnim efektima i muzikom, jer sam čuo kako se medvedi boje toga”, izjavio je pčelar Zoran Kiseloski nakon što je dobio parnicu protiv medveda. “Zato sam kupio generator, osvetlio to područje i pustio Cecine pesme”, dodao je Kiseloski. Meda se nekoliko nedelja nije pojavljivao, ali se vratio kad se generator ispraznio i kada su utihnuli narodnjaci. Sud u Bitolju proglasio je medu krivim zbog štete počinjene na košnicama i odredio mu kaznu od 140hiljada denara (oko 18.000 dinara; 180 Eura), ali će taj iznos, budući da meda nema vlasnika i da pripada ugroženoj vrsti, morati da plati makedonska država. 46 FlyAway
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German Man Marries Cat
German man has unofficially married his cat after the animal fell ill and vets told him it might not live much longer, The Bild newspaper reports. It says Uwe Mitzscherlich, 39, paid an actress 300 euros to officiate at the ceremony, as marrying an animal is illegal in Germany. Mr Mitzscherlich said he had wanted to tie the knot before his asthmatic cat Cecilia died. The cat and groom have lived together for 10 years. “Cecilia is such a trusting creature. We cuddle all the time and she has always slept in my bed,” Mr Mitzscherlich, a postman from the eastern town of Possendorf, told Bild. Actress Christin-Maria Lohri, who officiated the ceremony, was quoted as saying: “At first I thought it was a joke, but for Mr Mitzscherlich it’s a dream come true”.
Laptop i iPad povećavaju rizik od nesanice
ni koji koriste laprtop ili iPad neposredno pred spavanje, povećavaju rizik od nesanice, kažu naučnici. Korisnici elektronike, kao što su laptop ili iPad, “obmanjuju” našu svest, stvarajuć privid da je i dalje dan, što ometa spavanje i dovodi do nesanice. Stručnjaci posebno upozoravaju na korišćenje iPad, koji emituju plavo svetlo, što zbunjuje ljudski mozak, koji tu boju povezuje sa dnevnom svetlošću. Pored toga, ljudske oči su posebno osetljive na plavu svetlost, koju mozak očekuje da vidi tokom dana, a ne noću. Eksperti sa kalifornijskog univerziteta preporučuju da je dosadna knjiga daleko bolji način za odmaranje mozgra i dobar san. Smatra se da televizijski ekran daleko manje remeti navike ljudi, jer svetlo ekrana, zbog udaljenosti, ne utiče toliko na nesanicu. FlyAway 47
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A Donkey
A unique nature reserve located some 80 kilometres west of Belgrade; Zasavica can be found on the fertile Mačva plain, near the town of Sremska Mitrovica. It is an asylum and habitat for an abundance flora and fauna
egend has it that dragons still exist in Zasavica. Guests are greeted with a traditional Serbian serving of bread, accompanied by lard made from the indigenous breed of pigs called Mangulica, which is then sprinkled with ground red paprika. The area is also known for producing the most expensive cheese in the world - mostly made to order. The cheese is made from donkey’s milk and a kilogram costs 1,000 euro. During Donkey Day, which took place for the second consecutive year on April 24th, there was a cooking competition at which cooks competed to make the best donkey meat stew. Zasavica is also known for its fishing competitions, where anglers try to catch the biggest pike, as well as for excellent birdwatching. There is also a mini zoo which is home to animals that represent the so-called genetic heritage of Serbia – Mangulica or swallow-bellied Mangulica, the Podolian cow, the Balkan donkey, the mountain horse, the Balkan goat, the Vlasko-
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Haven Vitoroga sheep, the Golovrata chicken and the Buša cow. When it comes to the quality of Zasavica’s waters and eco-systems, it could be said the proof is in the catch. This autumn, two huge pikes (according to the relevant angling rules) were caught – one weighing 12 kilograms, the other 6.1 kilograms. The reserve is also known for its beaver population. It has been estimated that close to 80 beavers, grouped in 15 families live here - something the reserve’s caretakers are especially proud of. Beaver
pups who left their parents this winter had chips implanted in October. The pups usually stay with their parents three to four years, and during that time both parents take care of them. By implanting chips, experts are able to track their migration and movement into new territories within Serbia. After implanting chips in 2004, zoologists found that some of them had travelled 120 kilometres up the Sava River, all the way to Brčko in Bosnia and Herzegovina, while others
According to these maps, Zasavica is ONE OF THE EIGHT locations in the BALKANS where these mythological creatures resided swam 50 kilometres south, to the river Jadar near Lešnica (Loznica). If you want to become acquainted with the abundant historical heritage of this part of Mačva and Srem, you should definitely visit the Zmaja od Noćaja ethno-house. Here you will be greeted with traditional Serbian dishes, homemade wine and brandy, and good music. The welcoming atmosphere is further enhanced by decorative elements and architectural features reminiscent of Mačva from the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. While enjoying your food and drink in authentic surroundings, you might even hear a legend or two about dragons. Historical records dating back to 5000 B.C show that in swampy areas of North Mačva inhabitants built irrigation and drainage alleys. Historical Celtic maps show that dragons used to live here a long time ago. According to these maps, Zasavica is one of the eight locations in the Balkans where these mythological creatures resided. Locals have been known to tell tales of the dragons still living here and will explain how you can recognize one. They say that dragons are “black and hairy on top, and have shiny, smooth bellies - just like otters”. It is quite interesting to note that recently an otter was seen here after many years of absence, which illustrates that nature in Zasavica is truly pure and untouched. The Zasavica Nature Reserve covers an area of 1,850 hectares. It is located on the territory of the municipalities of Sremska Mitrovica and Bogatić, and is part of the Black Sea basin. It is one of the last such areas in Serbia. River habitat FlyAway 49
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dominates the reserve which comprises of the river Zasavica and its confluent Batar, which are close to 33 kilometres long. The area has both water and swamp eco-systems with meadows and forests. In order to preserve this eco-world, the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia placed the Zasavica reserve and its river banks under state protection in 1997, under a “Category 1” classification – “a natural resource of exceptional importance”. Most of the 360 known species of algae and 180 species of zooplankton live here, which speaks volumes about the pu-
rity of the oxygen-abundant waters. Colonies of fresh water sponges, which inhabit the river bed, have also been found. To date, over 250 species of insects have been recorded in Zasavica, with many of them classified as nature’s rarities. Forests, meadows and grasslands are home to 55 species of butterflies, with six of them rarely found in Europe and one being the only such species in the world. Also, 37 species of dragon fly exist here, while shallow dew ponds are home to the Lepidurus crab which is considered a living fossil among crabs.
When it comes to mammals, there are 50 SPECIES in Zasavica with the most important being the OTTER AND BEAVER
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DONKEY DAY At the end of April, an event called ’Donkey Day’ was held in Zasavica. Visitors were given the opportunity to sample cheese made from donkey milk, kulen, sausages, and for the first time ever, donkey meat stew prepared by 23 cooking teams from all over Serbia, and two teams from Slovakia and Hungary respectively. The winners were a team from a Novi Sad-based wine cellar, Aleks. The youngest visitors were able to play with donkeys at the farm, which currently houses 109 of them. When it comes to ladies, the Zasavica reserve has created a special face soap and moisturiser made from donkey’s milk, which is also made in Belgium, Italy and France. Twenty grams of cheese made from donkey’s milk costs 2,500 dinars, so the moisturiser was sold for 1,000 dinars and the soap for 500 dinars. A special liqueur made from
donkey’s milk, concocted according to a Belgian recipe where it is very sought after, was also available on the day. “A donkey is a widely appreciated animal throughout the rest of the world, and we, here, have almost forgotten about it,” says one of the event’s organizers. “In Italy, there is a farm with over 700 donkeys. They have 14 different species. The French have nine and we have one. We are going to register the second species soon – a great Banat donkey. Donkey milk is really precious and of much better quality than cow’s milk. It doesn’t have a lot of fat and it has 60 times more vitamin C than cow’s milk“, the people in Zasavica say. During the ’Donkey Day’, the youngsters played with the donkeys at the farm and later joined the adults in a collective lunch. The pots used to prepare donkey stew were completely empty at the end.
Twenty-five species of fish such as pike, tench, bitterling, loach, and mudminnow can be found in Zasavica’s waters. The Umbra Kameri or mudminnow lives only in Zasavica which makes this fish an extraordinary rarity. The Umbridae family is made of three species, with only one found in Europe. This fish lives in still and slow-moving waters, and, if the water dries out, the fish buries itself in mud in order to survive. The reserve is a perfect ground for ornithological research, as well as extraordinary birdwatching. A total of 186 species of birds are registered in the reserve, with 130 of them nesting here. Black coots, and grey and white herons are abundant. In addition there are white and black storks, little bitterns, American bitterns, and purple herons. The mute swan has become a regular guest in the Zasavica reserve, with some known to nest here occasionally. The proof that Zasavica is rich in marine-life is seen in the fact that birds such as the cormorant and little grebe often frequent this area, looking for fish. If you take a walk along the river banks, you may spot a small bluish-green bird fly-
ing just above the water and diving in to catch fish called the kingfisher. You may also notice nests hanging in the forest beside the river. These nests are made by an 11-centimetre-long bird called penduline tit (Latin name - Remiz pendulinus L). Birds of prey play an important role in maintaining the reserve’s eco-balance. There are total of 16 species here, including three species of eagle (the white-tailed eagle, the osprey and the imperial eagle), with some of them having a wing span of two metres. Zasavica’s forests are also home to the goshawk which plays a sanitation role within the reserve. The forests near Zasavica are intersected by meadows and grass-fields, and provide a habitat for sparrowhawk, while the Eurasian hobby lives in swamps nearby. There is also the white-tailed eagle, so named for his white wedge tail. The most frequent bird of prey found here is the common buzzard which feeds on field rodents. The swamps of Zasavica are covered with reeds and are a natural habitat for the marsh harrier, while, on the forest’s outskirts, an abundance of common kestrels can be found.
You may spot a small bluish-green bird flying just above the water and diving in to catch fish, called the kingfisher
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When it comes to mammals, there are 50 species in Zasavica with the most important being the otter and beaver. The European beaver was returned to Serbia after 120 years of absence, following the implementation of an international re-introduction project. In 2004, 35 beavers where shipped to the reserve from Bavaria. Due to the fact the beaver is a nocturnal animal, it can rarely be seen during the day, but the evidence of its existence can be seen in knocked down trees and erected dams, of which there are six in Zasavica. All beavers have had micro-chips implanted in order to monitor their whereabouts. Collected data shows that beavers have been migrating south (to the river Jadar near Lešnica and Bitva near Glušac), as well as to the east (to the river Sava near Brčko, Bosnia and Herzegovina) and the west (to the Šabac area). In 1998 a project was launched dedicated to the pres-
ervation of ancient animal species indigenous to Zasavica such as the Mangulica pig, the Podolian cow and the Balkan donkey. These animals, (500 Mangulica pigs, 70 Podolian cows and 100 Balkan donkeys), freely graze on the Valjevac meadows throughout the year. Historically, with the introduction of somewhat meatier species of pigs, Mangulica slowly disappeared from the market. Latest research has shown that Mangulica’s fat contains up to 80% less damaging cholesterol than ordinary pig fat. As part of the tourist experience, you can sample the ham, bacon, kulen (flavoured sausage made of minced pork) and sausages made from Mangulica meat. In addition you can try the milk, moisturisers, cream, liqueur and soap all made from donkey’s milk. And don’t forget the donkey milk cheese, considered by many to be the most expensive cheese in the world.
Most of the 360 known species of algae and 180 species of zooplankton live here which speaks volumes ABOUT THE PURITY of the oxygen-abundant waters 52 FlyAway
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Tour through Belgrade
THE BELGRADE FORTRESS The Belgrade Fortress was built as a defensive structure on a ridge overlooking the confluence of the Sava and the Danube rivers during the period between the 1st and the 18th centuries. Today the fortress is a unique museum of the history of Belgrade By TOB he fortress complex is made up of the Belgrade Fortress itself, divided into the Upper and Lower Towns (Gornji/Donji Grad) and Kalemegdan Park. Parts of the walls and some individual buildings from different periods have been preserved in the Upper and Lower Town, such as gates, museums, monuments, towers and churches. The entire area of the Fortress along the river banks gives you a unique and breathtaking view of
the confluence, New Belgrade and Zemun. Kalemegdan, the most beautiful and largest of Belgrade’s parks is also a most important historic location, dominated as it is by the Belgrade Fortress. Kalemegdan Park is in the city center and easily reached from Knez Mihailova Street (a pedestrian mall). Kalemegdan contains the Cvijeta Zuzorić Art Pavilion, the Music Pavilion, and the Great Staircase (Veliko Stepenište), the zoo, a children’s fun fair, and a number of monuments, sculptures, sports and catering facilities. www.tob.co.rs www.beogradskatvrdjava.co.rs
OLD BELGRADE Republic Square, Knez Mihailova Street and Kosančić Square - the oldest parts of the historic center of the town - nestle directly against Kalemegdan. Take a walk through Kosančić Square, up to Princess Ljubica’s Residence, the National Bank of Serbia and then to the Knez Mihailova Street. This pedestrian precinct and main city street, now protected by law, is one of the oldest and most valuable city environments, with a whole range of impressive buildings and town houses which sprang up at the end of the 1880s. It is generally believed that as early as Roman times this was the centre of the settlement of Singidunum, while during Turkish rule the streets wound through the gardens, fountains and mosques that stood in this part of town. Today it is the main business area of Belgrade and the headquarters Today Knez Mihailova of many national institutions. Republic Street is the MAIN Square – the main town square is BUSINESS AREA a favorite meeting spot and is also of Belgrade and home to the National Theatre, the the headquarters of National Museum, the Monument to Prince Mihailo Obrenović III and many NATIONAL the Monument to Branislav Nušić, a institutions famous Serbian writer. 54 FlyAway
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ZEMUN – GARDOŠ Once a separate town, Zemun has since 1945 been a municipality within the city of Belgrade. The history of Zemun as a town in the modern sense of the word begins in 1717 with the arrival of the Austrians and its inclusion in the Habsburg Monarchy. It became an important defence against the Turks and developed as an economic and trading center at the border of the empire. This strengthened the position of Zemun as a cultural center, and had an The Fortress is the OLDEST BUILDING in especially favorable on the Serbs Zemun and is mentioned as influence who were then under early as the 9TH and 11TH Turkish rule. The Fortress is the oldest CENTURIES. building in Zemun and is mentioned as early as the 9th and 11th centuries. The remains that can be seen today date from the 15th century. In the center of the fortifications is the Millennium Tower, which was erected by the Hungarian authorities in 1896 and restored in 1962. It is also known as the Tower of Sibinjanin Janko (Kula Sibinjanin Janka). www.tob.co.rs
The suburb of Vinča is about 14 kilometers (9 miles) from Belgrade and is widely renowned for its sites of exceptional archaeological interest. The prehistoric site of Belo Brdo is right on the banks of the Danube and is known internationally for the remains of a large Neolithic settlement found there, in a cultural layer 10.5m (34.5ft) deep and covering an area of nearly 10 hectares (25 acres). Each of the layers that have accumulated, and which mark the individual phases of life in Vinča (covering the period from about 4500 BC to 3200 BC) contains a veritable treasure trove of the most diverse artifacts: tools and weapons of stone and bone, everyday domestic vessels, richly decorated ritual vases, a large quantity of figurines in the shape of humans and animals in exceptionally striking style, jewellery of various rare types and expensive materials and countless other articles and works of art produced at Vinča itself or brought in from distant parts – from Central Europe, the lower Danube region and the Mediterranean. For organized tours, contact your nearest tourist information center. www.tob.co.rs
Skadarlija is MOST FREQUENTLY compared to the Parisian quarter of MONTMARTRE
The old Bohemian quarter of Belgrade grew up at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century when the cafés were frequented by the leading lights of Belgrade cultural life. It is most frequently compared to the Paris ian quarter of Montmartre, both because of its appearance and its happy, ebullient and creative atmosphere. In this street you will find numerous national restaurants and have the opportunity to actually taste a piece of Serbian tradition. FlyAway 55
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Tour through Belgrade
ST SAVA’S CHURCH St Sava’s Church is one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world. The construction of the church began in 1935 and it was resumed in 2000. It was designed in accordance with basic construction principles for Serbian and Byzantine churches. It has the form of a Greek cross with a dome over the nave. It occupies an area of 3,650 square meters. Its three choir galleries can hold 700 people and the church itself can hold 10,000 people. Entrance is free of charge and the church is open until midnight. www.tob.co.rs; www.hramsvetogsave.com
AVALA Avala is the name of the mountain overlooking the city of Belgrade. Nicknamed one of two “Belgrade mountains” (the other one being the mountain of Kosmaj), it is situated in the south-eastern corner of the city and provides a great panoramic view to Belgrade, Vojvodina and Šumadija, as the surrounding area on all sides is mostly a lowlands. It stands at 511 metres (1,677ft) above sea level and is 18km from the centre of Belgrade. The mountain is covered with deciduous and coniferous woods and the Avala nature reserve has been protected by law since 1859. www.tob.co.rs
The wooded and well-kept Topčider Park stretches over 111,336 m2, in the Topčider River valley, and for 150 years has been a favorite picnic spot of the people During the first of Belgrade. During the decades of the first decades of the 19th century this area was full 19th century this of vineyards and country area was full of houses belonging to the VINEYARDS wealthy. Between 1831 and 1833 plane trees were planted in what were the old lime pits around Prince Miloš’s Residence, and they still stand there today. After the Second World War, regulation of the Topčider River was carried out, which led to this natural complex becoming Belgrade’s most frequented picnic spot. Within the beautiful woodland surroundings are the Topčider Church (Topčiderska crkva), the Guard House (Dom garde), and a number of restaurants. www.tob.co.rs
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Prince Aleksandar II, his wife Princess Katarina and his three sons Prince Petar, Prince Filip and Prince Aleksandar returned to their home, the Royal Palace in Belgrade. The There are two palace complexes in Belgrade – the one in town Royal Palace was built between 1924 and 1929, as a private comprising the Old Palace (Stari dvor) and the New Palace residence of King Aleksandar. It consists of the Main Entrance (Novi dvor), and the one in Dedinje, which includes the Royal Hall, the Blue Salon, King’s dining room, the library, King’s Palace (Kraljevski dvor) and the White Palace (Beli dvor). Study – authentically furnished, as well The Old Palace, which was the home as the cinema. The art collection prides of the Serbian Obrenović dynasty, Today the Old Palace houses itself on its selection of paintings, made was built in late 19th century. It was the BELGRADE CITY by prominent national and international built with the intention of surpassing all the previous residences of ASSEMBLY and the MAYOR’S painters. OFFICE. www.tob.co.rs www.kraljevina.org Serbian rulers, for use by the newly created Kingdom of Serbia with King Milan Obrenović as head of state. Due to reconstruction following the heavy damage suffered during both world wars, the appearance of the Palace differs significantly from the original design. Today the Old Palace houses the Belgrade City Assembly and the Mayor’s Office. The New Palace was built in early 20th century for the residential needs of the Karađjorđević dynasty. The New Palace was the official residence of King Aleksandar Karađorđević from 1922 to 1933, after which the Palace was handed over at the wish of the King to Prince Pavle’s Museum, which moved into the building in June 1934. Today the New Palace is the Office of the President of the Republic of Serbia. The Karađorđević dynasty was founded two centuries ago. After the World War II, in 1945 the monarchy was illegally abolished. The communist regime deprived the royal family of their citizenship and confiscated their property. In 2001, when they reclaimed their citizenship, the heir to the throne,
Ada Ciganlija has more than 50 OPEN-AIR SPORTS FIELDS, including a golf course and cable-ski circuit.
On the river Sava, close to where it flows into the Danube, just four kilometres from the city center, lies Ada Ciganlija, at one time an island, now a peninsula. Sava Lake is surrounded by more than seven kilometres of well-kept shingle beaches, whose water is warmer and cleaner than in the river. The lake is ideal for mass recreation, swimming, rowing, kayaking, water polo, diving, wind-surfing and other sports, and a number of international and domestic championships have been held there. Ada Ciganlija has more than 50 open-air sports fields, including a golf course and cable-ski circuit. There are also beach volleyball courts and inflatable water soccer pitches, and facilities for the extreme sports of bungeejumping, wall-climbing and paintball. For anglers there is the Ada Safari Lake, covering six hectares, stocked with prized and rare fish of a strictly controlled quality. The catering facilities of Ada comprise dozens of rustic restaurants, floating restaurants and house boats, which by their individual styles preserve and foster the bohemian tradition of Belgrade. It is a unique experience to arrive to Ada by private boats or small ships operating from Branko’s Bridge and Blocks 45 and 70A. This service is available from May to October from 9am to 7pm. Should you decide to get there by public transportation, use one of the following bus lines 23, 37, 51, 53, 55, 58 or 88. www.adaciganlija.rs www.tob.co.rs
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Tifani lampe
Ĺ˝ivopisne i elegantne, Tifani lampe unose otmenost, nostalgiju i pre svega, toplinu u svaki ambijent. Svojom jedinstvenom pojavom i svetlosnim, formalnim i koloristiÄ?kim potencijalima ukazuju na hedonizam, ali i dobar ukus vlasnika ovih predmeta
58 FlyAway
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oko i dušu Ljubica Jelisavac - Katić ifani lampe su izdanci Art Nouveau stila. Muzejske i aukcijske kuće i kolekcionari izuzetno ih cene, i oduvek je na svetskom tržištu vladalo veliko interesovanje, kako za autentične primerke, tako i za reprodukcije originalnih Tifani lampi. Međutim, priča o Tifani lampama, kao i o čuvenoj Kapotijevoj knjizi «Doručak kod Tifanija» i istoimenom filmu Blejka Edvardsa, sa glamuroznom Odri Hepbern, ne može biti potpuna bez podsećanja na Tifanijeve...
Luis Komfort Tifani, Amerikanac francuskog porekla, proslavljeni njujorški dizajner nakita, stakla, keramike, slikar, filantrop i dekorater, rođen je 18. februara 1848. godine, u Njujorku, kao najstariji sin u poznatoj draguljarskoj porodici. Čuvenu njujoršku firmu Tiffany&Co osnovao je još 1837. godine njegov otac Čarls Luis Tifani. Suprotno očekivanjima svog oca da nastavi tradiciju pravljenja nakita, svakako sluteći svoj veliki talenat, Luis Komfort Tifani se još u mladosti okreće slikarstvu. Školovao se u SAD i Parizu, slikao ulja i akvarele, u Evropi i Maroku. Po povratku u SAD, postao je član Nacionalne akademije za dizajn u Njujorku. Tek u drugoj polovini osme decenije 19. veka, počeo je da se bavi bojenim staklom u jednoj radionici u Bruklinu, a uzor su mu bile kolekcije rimskog i sirijskog stakla, koje je video u londonskom Viktorija i Albert muzeju. Tako nastaju njegovi prvi vitraži za crkve, sastavljeni iz stakala floralnih oblika, a Tifani odlučuje da staklo bude presudni materijal u njegovoj umetnosti. Te godine je osnovao i sopstvenu firmu, jer je već imao prijav-
ljen patent za opal prozorska stakla - radikalno novi pristupu izradi stakla koje danas prepoznajemo kao Tifani materijal. Osnovne karakteristike ove tehnike su kombinovanje boja tako da se dobija spektar nijansi i trodimenzionalni efektat. Tifani je bio jedan od vodećih proizvođača stakla, inovator je više vrsta stakala, a svetski je poznat po staklu koje je nazvao «Favrile» (naziv preuzet od latinske reči fabrilis koja označava ručni rad) koje se preliva u duginim, sjajnim bojama i koje je slobodno oblikovano u kombinaciji sa legurama bronze i drugih metala. Ova tahnika je bila veoma popularna od 1890. do 1915. godine, a potom ponovo od 1960. godine. Svoju prvu cvet-vazu «Favrile», Tifani je predstavio 1893. godine, a u periodu od 1896. do 1900. godine, proizveo je veliku količinu vrhunskog «Favrile» stakla, koje ga po impresionističkim efektima svrstava u predvodnike secesionističke tendencije. Tifanijeva karijera se dobro razvija i on 1893. preuzima porodičnu fabriku Tifani, koja tada već ima preko tri stotine radnika, što dizajnera, što duvača stakla i zanatlija drugih veština. Doveo je u Njujork najbolje duvače stakla iz Venecije, i vrhunske hemičare iz Londona, gde su zajedno eksperimentisali. Lično je nadgledao svaki proizvedeni komad stakla, a arhitekti su dizajnirali motive za lampe, vitraže i druge dekorativne predmete. Posle lampi na gas, Edisonovim otkrićem električne sijalice, usledilo je dizajniranje abažura od stakla, a Luis Komfort je lično zaslužan i za oblik današnje sijalice. Edison i Tifani su zajedno radili dekorativnu i scensku rasvetu za prvi teatar sa električnom rasvetom, pozorište Liceja u Njujorku. Na prekretnici vekova, Tifani je potvrdio svoj međunarodni ugled i na Svetskoj izložbi u Parizu. Posle očeve smrti 1902. postao je umetnički direktor Tiffany&Co. a firmu je preimenovane u „Tifani studio“, sa sedištem u raskošnoj zgradi na Medison Aveniji. FlyAway 59
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Godine 1911, nastalo je njegovo značajno delo, ogromne staklene zavese za Palatu lepih umetnosti u Meksiko Sitiju, a u Sent Luisu, sedam crkava i dve grobnice istaknutih porodica krase Tifanijevi vitraži, Među njegovim klijentima bili su i Mark Tven, Kornelijus Vanderbilt, a ostavio je velikog traga i u enterijeru Bele kuće. Zbog prostorno i vremenski dalekosežnog uticaja njegovog stvaralaštva, koje miri zanatsko i umetničko, Amerikanci ga smatraju najvećim umetnikom svih vremena. TIFANI LAMPE Tifani lampe se sastoje iz baze, stabla i svoda. Nijanse svoda, odnosno abažura, plene zahvaljujući ručno rađenom kvalitetnom staklu, postavljenom u bronzani okvir, dekoracije inspirisane organskim i naturalističkim motivima. Obzirom na epohu, vredno je pomena da su mnoge Tifani abažure kreirale upravo žene dizajneri. Za vretena su kao inicijacije, asocijacije, služili renesansni, zodijački ili srednjovekovni motivi, kao i bambusi... Baze su većinom izrađene od bronze, ponekad sa pozlatom, a neretki su i primerci izvedeni u mozaiku. Proces izrade lampe, kod koje je ukras sastavni deo tela komada, sličan je onome koji odgovara vitražu. Boja stakla se dobija, prema 130 godina staroj recepturi, ubacivanjem metala ili oksida metala u tečnu staklenu smesu, koja se potom duva i razliva u ploče. Čar ovako dobijenog stakla je u tome što svaka tabla ima svoju jedinstvenu teksturu. Inače, najskuplja su žuta, narandžasta i crvena stakla, jer se u smese za njih dodaje zlato. Najpre se pristupa rezanju stakla na komade prema crtežu, a zatim sledi spajanje lemljenjem pojedinačnih komada prethodno oivičenih tankim bakarnim folijama. Originalne Tifani lampe kao eksponati dekorativne umet-
nosti, izvrsno očuvane zahvaljujući kvalitetu materijala i izrade, moguće je videti u brojnim američkim muzejima. Većina komada Tifani produkcije su obeleženi, obično sa inicijalima «LCT», malim slovima, ali ih ima i bez potpisa i numeracije. TIFANI U BEOGRADU Takoreći svuda u svetu, pogotovo poslednjih decenija, osnivaju se radionice za izradu kopija Tifani dizajna, prema originalnim metodama samog Tifani studija. Pojedine od njih su izuzetnog renomea, što im obezbeđuje kako pedantan ručni rad Tifani tehnikom, tako i raspolaganje najfinijim staklom. Takvi radovi stižu na daleke destinacije, i nije teško zamisliti izraz lica naručioca, u trenutku kada iz pristigle drvene kutije izlaže pogledu, u sopstvenom enterijeru, lampu izuzetnog
Proces izrade lampe, kod koje je ukras sastavni deo tela komada, sličan je onome koji odgovara vitražu. BOJA STAKLA se dobija, prema 130 GODINA staroj recepturi
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oni podržavali, a nije ni čudo da je tako s obzirom na majstorstvo koje se ogleda u svakom njenom komadu. U svojoj radionici, Pivačeva lampe radi prema obrascima starim koliko i ovaj zanat, a ponekad i poštujući sopstvene ideje ili želje naručioca. Boje su uglavnom stvar ličnog ukusa i potreba, a oblici su na raspolaganju u katalozima. Danas je moguće kupiti kalup starog uzorka, kakve koriste svuda u svetu. «Dakle, možete kreirati šta god želite, ali već više od sto godina, 500-600 modela lampi stalno su na ceni, a tačno se zna i koje od njih najbolje idu» - kaže Nionela Pivač, i nastavlja: «Za ovaj posao nije neophodno da imate licencu, mislim da je poseduje samo jedan čovek u Evropi. Počela sam da izrađujem Tifani lampe posle desetodnevne obuke kod jedne gospođe, koja živi nedaleko od Beograda. Zanat je težak, ali se brzo uči, međutim, obuka nije garancija da ćete biti uspešni. Pored skupog stakla, neophodno je uložiti i veliki fizički napor da bi se izradila lampa, koja ima od 100 do 1500 delova. Za čuveni Laburnum ili Wisteriu, koja ima samo 25 cm u prečniku, ponekad je potrebno čitavih tri meseca rada. Inače, do finalnog proizvoda svaki komad stakla prolazi kroz sedam faza. To su: iscrtavanje, sečenje, lomljenje, brušenje, foliranje, lemljenje i patiniranje.» Nioneline lampe se dopadaju klijentima, ali i svima onima koji su bili u prilici da ih vide, i koji ih možda sada sanjaju u sopstvenim ambijentima. A Nionela ih radi po ceo dan. «Rad, trud i malo sreće, što važi za svaki posao,verujem da su tajna uspeha i u ovom zanatu.» - kaže žena, čiji život svakodnevno boje specifični zvuci Tifani rapsodije.
Među brojnim umetničkim zanatlijama koji u Beogradu izrađuju Tifani lampe i vitraže, jedna od uspešnijih je NIONELA PIVAČ, čije se lampe nalaze svuda po svetu, od Kine i Japana, Novog Zelanda i Australije, preko Evrope do SAD sklada i moći da u trenu oplemeni prostor i zagreje dušu.U Americi, kolevci Tifani stila i najplemenitijeg stakla koje se koristi za njega, ljudi se pretežnije bave ovim zanatom kao hobijem, nego kao glavnim poslom. U Evropi, novi primerci nastali po uzoru na originale postižu znatno više cene nego oni koji se proizvode u SAD. Među brojnim umetničkim zanatlijama koji u Beogradu izrađuju Tifani lampe i vitraže, jedna od uspešnijih je Nionela Pivač, čije se lampe nalaze svuda po svetu, od Kine i Japana, Novog Zelanda i Australije, preko Evrope do SAD. Naručioci se odlučuju za njene radove, uvidom u njen sajt, dok je prvih deset godina, koliko se i bavi ovim zanatom, radila uglavnom za prijatelje. Kako kaže, imala je sreće da su je
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Central London Shopping Guide
DRESS Price: 14.5 €
TUNIC Price: 7.5 € SHORTS Price: 22 €
JACKET Price: 37 € DRESS Price: 22 €
TOP Price: 9.5 € SKIRT Price: 22 €
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DRESS Price: 29.5 € DRESS Price: 14.5 €
TUNIC Price: 11 € NECKLACE Price: 11 €
DRESS Price: 13.5 € NECKLACE Price: 9.5 € FlyAway 63
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HERVE LEGER Spray Dress This Herve Leger spray-effect bandage dress is a must-own for any stylish wardrobe as bodycon remains a key trend for Spring/Summer ‘10. Pair with the highest black heels for maximum impact and, for particularly glamorous parties, be sure to add a statement necklace or a pair of diamond studded chandelier earrings. £1,600.00
ESCADA Jersey Jumpsuit Draped and digitally printed, this ontrend Escada playsuit references two spring/summer ’10 looks at once. £795.00
JUST CAVALLI Leopard Print Gown This stunning Just Cavalli gown references the print of the season to its most dramatic maximum. Wear with glamorous gold accessories and the wildest of attitudes. £919.00
DKNY Garden Print A-line Dress This simple DKNY A-line sequinned shift will look fabulous with flat metallic accessories. £309.00
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ST JOHN Crystal Stone Dress An embellished take on the classic black shift dress. Crystal stones and organza trim accent the exceptional cut with a shot of glamour. £929.00
TIBI Palm Beach Strapless Dress Tibi’s pure silk strapless dress stands out in a sea of spring/summer pastels with its strong colour palette of greens, blues and pinks grounded by sophisticated black. £369.00
PAUL & JOE Cap Sleeve Dress Evoking the sensuality of the Orient, this chic black dress is a timeless must-own piece for the contemporary wardrobe. Fitted for a sleek silhouette, all it requires is rouge lipstick and killer heels to complete the statement. £430.00
DVF Printed Jersey Wrap Dress The famous DVF wrap dress gets ultra-sophisticated this spring/ summer ’10. Wear it with neutral accessories and a flawless blowdry for al-fresco lunching. £300.00 SONIA BY SONIA RYKIEL Leopard Dress Unleash your wild side with this fabulous Sonia by Sonia Rykiel leopard print dress. An unusual wide zip neckline finishes this bright cotton and silk mix piece and makes it the perfect pull-on-and-go look. £269.00 FlyAway 65
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A Half-Century of Automotive Eyesores
ugliest cars
50 of the past 50 by Damian Joseph onsidering how many new cars are rolled out every year, it’s no surprise that a few might be just plain homely. There’s a chance that certain styles might become fashionable with a dash of retro hip. (Well, maybe not from the 1970s.) But for the most part, the following 50 cars will never be anything but design duds.
Chevrolet El Camino (1959) The front end of a car and the back end of a pickup—convenient but unsightly. The El Camino went through several redesigns, each worse than the one before. This 1982 model seemed to be wearing dental braces, and the chrome accents over its wheel housing only draw the eye to mystifying hub caps.
Citroën Ami (1961) Design: Flaminio Bertoni This car has fenders that drop below the tyre line and a top that extends from the back like a porch roof. Add some oddly shaped windows and dot-sized brake lights for a uniquely strange-looking vehicle. Lightburn Zeta (1963) This Australian car was designed by a maker of cement mixers and
washing machines, but that might be obvious. There are two grilles, both in a fence-like pattern, with protruding headlights on either side. Wartburg 353 ( 1965) Can you find one thing you like about this East German car? Volkswagen Thing ( 1969) This is the design philosophy of the Thing: Take the basics of the Beetle—an engine, powertrain, and seats—and plop them in an unfinished metal box. There’s no front grille, the bumper is an afterthought, and nobody bothered to round the fenders. AMC Gremlin (1970) Design: Richard A. Teague Introduced on April Fool’s Day, the Gremlin was ugly, but it’s had its fans. Still, that doesn’t excuse the abruptly angled back end, saucer hubcaps, and aborted rear windows. It also came in some nasty colors including a brown-copper concoction. Bond Bug (1970) Design: Ogle Design No, it has nothing to do with James Bond, and yes, it was legally driven on real roads. The Bug defies car design language with three wheels, a boat-like bottom, and zip windows.
Ford Pinto ( 1970) Design: Robert Eidschun The Pinto doesn’t seem so bad - that is, until you remember how sexy Fords from the 1960s were. The design devolved into hexagonal headlight housings, a grille that’s only a few inches tall yet wide enough to become the car’s focal point, and a rear end that apparently melted from the roof. Ford Mustang II (1973) Somehow, Ford transformed the classic first-generation Mustang into this. Gone are the sleek lines, side intakes, and close-to-the-road profile. Instead, the Mustang II looks like many cars of the ‘70s: bloated, heavy, bland, and forgettable. Bricklin SV1 (1974) This ride has a well-earned reputation for being a complete mechanical clunker—and it looked like one, too. The front end is squared like an awful dress shoe, is wider than the driver’s cabin, and
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rises high before sloping down dramatically, giving it a front-heavy, unstable appearance. Sebring-Vanguard CitiCar (1974) Design: Bob Beaumont The CitiCar might hold the record for being the most widely produced, street-legal, electric vehicle, but that doesn’t make up for its looks. The sloped front end and zip-windows give it the appearance of a rolling tent Volvo 240 ( 1974) Design: Jan Wilsgaard The overriding theme for the Volvo 200 series was safety, not looks. The front end is stretched yet barely sloped, giving the body a chunky look. The headlights and front rubber bumper are oversized and overbearing. Even the headrests could have used a redesign.
Chevrolet Chevette (1975) Another car people love to hate. The dual-grid grille, shiny hub caps, and wide hatchback never won the Chevette an award, but they did earn it a place in automotive history. Aston Martin Lagonda (1976) Design: William Towns Remember when you were young and sketched objects with wacky proportions? That’s how the looooong Lagonda may have been have been designed. The short, wide front looks smooshed, and the grille appears to have been taken from another car. It’s even uglier when you consider it was priced at some $150,000. Matra Rancho (1977) Design: Antonis Volanis The French produced the Rancho to mimic the Range Rover, but they cut some aesthetic corners to cut cost. The rear cargo section towers over the rest of the vehicle, and the side and rear windows are oversized, but the bottom half of the vehicle resembles a small pickup truck. Subaru Brat (1978) The Brat—the name is short for Bi-drive Recreational All-terrain Transporter—ripped its basic design from the already dreadful Chevrolet El Camino. But Subaru brought the front end of the car/pickup mashup to more of a point, carving long lines and adding rubber bumpers down the sides, and a sunroof up top. Yugo (1980) Design: Zastava Koral The Yugo gets rapped for being ugly, when it was really more of a mechanical nightmare. Consumer Reports told shoppers they’d be better off with any used car than a brand-new Yugo. The body’s design, though, isn’t too far from the language of Volkswagen and Volvo: simple, proportional, and efficient. DeLorean DMC-12 (1981) Design: Giorgetto Giugiaro Nothing dates the past like its impressions of the future. The DeLorean’s matte look and flat shape are due to the car’s stainless-steel panels that leave the factory unpainted. The rear is especially disconcerting with its window shading and cubed tail lights.
Cadillac Cimarron (1982) The Cimarron went a long way in killing Cadillac’s reputation. It was basically a Chevy Cavalier with few extra pieces of chrome and a heftier price tag. The front end is far too busy, housing blocky headlights, a grille that resembles a sewer grate, and a couple of cringeworthy orange parking lights. Citroën BX (1982) Design: Marcello Gandini The BX seems like an attempt to place the most geometric shapes possible on one car. The windows, doors, and sides of the rear hatch seem to fit like puzzle pieces, rather than a uniform styling. Plastic hubcaps complete this masterpiece Toyota Van (1984) An extremely sharp front slope, bus-like windows, and some gaginducing paint jobs made the Toyota (TM) Van an eyesore for the ages. What’s more, all four wheels are pushed toward the vehicle’s center, implying a seesaw-like imbalance. Mercury Sable (1985) Design: Jack Telnack The front end’s row of lights was popular in its day, but hasn’t held up over time. This model has Spirograph-like rims, plastic bumpers cut with decorative lines, and a pretty high bleh factor. Lamborghini LM002 (1986) There’s a reason you don’t hear about Lamborghini (VOW) SUVs. Take a look: awkward geometric doors, angular fenders, and a busy hood. The only thing round besides the wheels are the headlights, which don’t quite seem to fit the machine’s aesthetic. Nissan S Cargo (1989) A tall curved roof, bizarre rear cargo hold, and windows shaped like pizza slices make this vehicle stunningly strange. The large body looks even more mis-shapen sitting on its tiny wheels, and for proportion’s sake, the headlights could use a bit more space between them. And what’s with the circular rear windows? Renault Twingo (1992) Design: Patrick le Quément The ultra-small headlamps of this city car are cut in half on the French Twingo - it looks sad - and the front end has an unusually steep slope for a car its size.
Toyota RAV4 (1994) A “crossover” SUV, the RAV4 seeks to combine the strength of a car and a light truck, but apparently, that concept didn’t extend to its aesthetics. The plastic bumpers and door appear to have gills. The soft stylings of the body were meant to appeal to women, but poor sales proved it appealed to no one very much. Suzuki X-90 (1995) The X-90 was related to the Sidekick, but even uglier. Its only claim to fame is becoming the go-to ride for Red Bull’s roving ads. The front end is stubby, the driver’s cabin seems truncated, and the rear wing is gimmicky. Ford Taurus (1996 - 3rd Gen) Design: Jack Telnack An oval was the design inspiration for the third-generation Taurus, and to ill effect—the headlights, grille, windows, front intakes, and bubble-butt rear end mimic the shape. A year after this model was FlyAway 67
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AUTOMOTIVE introduced, the Taurus lost the title of America’s top-selling car. Plymouth Prowler (1997) Design: Chip Foose A pie wedge on wheels, the Prowler is indulgent and corny - perfect for a mid-life crisis. The sharp, angular front also draws attention to the squished headlights, jarring grille, and seemingly pasted-on front bumper. Toyota Prius (1997) The first mass-produced hybrid must have been an exercise in technology, not design. The spoiler is supposed to make the Prius look sporty. But the car still has all the style of a soybean. Fiat Multipla (1998) The Mulipla featured two sets of headlamps, gigantic side windows, and a front windshield that could have come from a UFO. Maybe it was meant to be ironic, but New York’s Museum of Modern Art displayed this mutant in its “Different Roads - Automobiles for the Next Century” exhibit. Nissan Cube (1998) It might be called Cube, but there’s hardly a straight line on it. The side windows might have come from cruise ships, the hub caps are disastrous, and the grille and headlights look like a pair of cheap sunglasses. Volkswagen New Beetle (1998) Design: J Mays & Freeman Thomas VW defiled a classic car design with the New Beetle. The entire front end is swollen, the headlights are too large, and the exaggerated fenders are gimmicky. Plus, the windshield looks as if it had been stretched back over the front of the roof. Cadillac Escalade (1999) The perfect car design if fuel, practicality, maneuverability, and class mean nothing to you. One of the most self-indulgent vehicles ever made, the Escalade is for looking rich while you’re burning gasoline. Corbin Sparrow (1999) Designer: Michael Corbin The electric, three-wheeled Sparrow was designed for a single occupant, so naturally it’s tiny. The curvaceous body, bent windshield, and concave hood, though, make the car look like a rolling big toe. PT Cruiser (2000) Design: Bryan Nesbitt The Cruiser was meant to look retro, but some styles shouldn’t be recycled. The body’s oversized face and grille are flashy. The front wheel housing is inexplicably long, extending back into the front door. The flared logo on the hood attempts to convey regality, but the Cruiser just can’t back it up. Pontiac Aztek ( 2001) Design: Wayne Cherry Perhaps the most hated of ugly cars, the Aztek’s body appears to be hammered into shape. The head and rear lights are too small, the encompassing bumper resembles a trash can, and the rear end is total minivan. No wonder GM is dropping Pontiac. Chevrolet Avalanche (2002) Design: Marc R. Asposito The Avalanche is another modern American case study in excess. The Ferrari Enzo (2002) Design: Pininfarina The Enzo’s superfluous curves and angles take flashy overcompensation to a new high. The V-shaped hood, scooped-out doors, and bulbous windshield scream overkill.
dual cabin, stacked headlights, and wheelhouses all seem unnecessarily supersized, but the real culprit here is the abruptly cut rear bed. BMW 7 Series (2002) Design: Chris Bangle The 7 Series made designer Bangle simultaneously loved and hated. Critics ridiculed the concave and convex panel work - dubbed “flame surfacing” - and the “Bangle-Butt,” an extra strip of metal below the trunk. Hummer H2 (2002) Design: Wayne Cherry The archetypal American gas-guzzler was a hulking monstrosity. For better or worse, the Hummer didn’t stray far from its military origins, with an imposing front grille, utilitarian doors, and box-shaped windows. If pride comes before a fall, then the H2 is fitting for Detroit.
Chevrolet SSR (2003) This truck has curves - way too many of them. Its round cabin, massive fenders, and teeny round headlights are better suited for cartoon vehicles. With such a long sloping hood, why the crowded cluster of logos, headlights, and the grille in the front? Honda Element ( 2003) Someone at Honda (HMC) must have liked the abhorrent Aztek. The Element is just another giant box on wheels adorned with plastic bumpers. The roof’s height is constant, so when it reaches the lopped-off back end, it appears as if someone backed the vehicle into a wall. Subaru Baja (2003) Design: Peter Tenn Designer Tenn said the Baja was inspired by rally-race trucks, but it looks a lot more like an El Camino or Brat. Take that car/truck hybrid style, add an all-encompassing plastic bumper, and you have this eyesore. SsangYong Rodius (2004) Design: Ken Greenley The Rodius might be like any other minivan, that is, until you see the back end. The roof extends over peculiarly placed bent glass windows, and the brake lights are far too large. Look below, and what’s that? Plastic hub caps Škoda Roomster (2006) This Czech vehicle aims to provide a sizable customizable cargo space, which is fine, but its design is dizzying thanks to mismatched front and rear doors, windows planted at different heights, and too-tall tail lights. Jeep Compass (2007) Jeep is an automotive classic. So why the Compass? The signature round headlights look out of place, while the fake grill and mismatched panels are more evidence that the Compass’ designers lacked a unified vision. Toyota Scion IQ (2010) Design: Toyota ED2 This is what happens when car companies try to be hip. The tiny cabin makes the wheels look gigantic, and the exaggerated front and rear bumpers seem pointless and tacky. Besides, its toy-like body doesn’t exactly convey safety.
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RECOMMENDED – NEWLY OPENED! Njegoseva 28a, 11000 Belgrade
Lavender is not native to Serbia, but it is commonly grown as an ornamental and medical herb. Since May 2010 it has been growing at Lavanda shop at Njegoseva 28a (in between Prote Mateje and Alekse Nenadovica Streets)
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Exclusive range of the famous Jamie Oliver Kitchenware, at special prices
CorD 71 / May 2010 69
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Airline Companies office@itravelgroup.net http://en.aegeanair.com/
Aeroflot Russian Airlines (SU) (+381 11) 209 7244 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa Knez Mihailova 30 11000 Beograd Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 3286 064 (+381 11) 3286 071 Fax (+381 11) 3286 083 Radno vreme ponedeljakpetak 08:00-16:00h ponedeljak-nedelja (osim srede) 09:00-13:00h sreda 11:00-15:00h begtosu@aeroflot.ru begapsu@aeroflot.ru http://www.aeroflot.ru/
Adria Airways (JP) (+381 11) 2286 457 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Zgornji Brnik 130h, 4210 BrnikAerodrom, Slovenija Oki Air International, GSA Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” Beograd, 11180 Beograd 59 Tel / Fax (+381 11) 2286 457 (+381 11) 2286 458 (+381 11) 209 7457
Mob (+381 60) 7209 383 (+382 67) 209 383 Radno vreme : ponedeljakpetak 09:00-17:00h subota-nedelja: 11:00-16:00h adr.beograd@adria.si adr.belgrade@adria.si okiairbeg@oki.me http://www.adria.si/ http://www.oki.me/
Aegean Airlines (A3) (+381 11) 209 4863 Predstavništvo Kancelarija na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: iTravel group d.o.o. GSA Aegean Airlines Takovska 9, 11000 Beograd Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” Beograd, 11180 Beograd 59 Tel (+381 11) 3222 124 (+381 11) 209 4863 Fax (+381 11) 3224 527 (+381 11) 209 7068 Radno vreme: ponedeljakpetak 09:00-17:00h subota-nedelja 07:00-19:00h
Aerosvit Ukrainian Airlines (VV) (+381 11) 3283 430 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Nikole Spasića 3 11000 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 3283 430 (+381 11) 3283 531 Fax (+381 11) 3283 531 Radno vreme ponedeljak-petak 09:00-16:00 h aerosvit@eunet.yu http://www.aerosvit.com/
Air France (AF) (+381 11) 2286 481 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Knez Mihailova 30/II 11000 Beograd
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Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” Beograd, 11180 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 2638 222 (+381 11) 2286 481 Fax (+381 11) 2638 378 (+381 11) 2286 478 Radno vreme ponedeljak-petak 08:00-16:00h ponedeljak, utorak, četvrtak i subota 07:00-13:00h sreda, petak i nedelja 10:00-13:30h http://www.airfrance.com/
AirBaltic (BT) (+381 11) 3222 124 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: iTravel group d.o.o. GSA airBaltic Takovska 9, 11000 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 3222 124 Fax (+381 11) 3224 527 Radno vreme: ponedeljakpetak 09:00-17:00h (zatvoreno za javnost) salesserbia@airbaltic.com http://www.airbaltic.com/
Alitalia (AZ) (+381 11) 2286 232 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu
“Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Terazije 43/I 11000 Beograd; Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Beograd Tel. (+381 11) 3245 000 (+381 11) 2286 232 Fax (+381 11) 3235 267 (+381 11) 2286 232 Radno vreme: ponedeljakpetak 08:30-16:30h; ponedeljak-nedelja 2 sata pre leta groups.beg@alitalia.it begtsaz@alitalia.it; www.alitalia.com/
Austrian Airlines (OS) (+381 11) 2289 849 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Terazije 3/III 11000 Beograd Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 3248 077 (+381 11) 2289 849 Fax (+381 11) 3248 783 (+381 11) 209 7145 Radno vreme: ponedeljakpetak 08:30-16:30h ponedeljak-nedelja 06:30-17:00h office.belgrade@austrian.com http://www.austrian.com/
British Airways (BA) (+381 11) 2286 185 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd, Knez Mihailova 30/IV, 11000 Beograd Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 3281 303 (+381 11) 2286 185 (+381 11) 209 7662 Fax (+381 11) 2639 629 (+381 11) 2286 185 Radno vreme: ponedeljakpetak 09:00-17:00h ba-beg@eunet.yu www.britishairways.com/
Cimber Sterling (QI) Administrativni centar Kancelarija na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Cimber Sterling A/S Lufthavnsvej 26400 Soenderborg, Denmark http://www.cimber.com/
Czech Airlines (OK) (+381 11) 3614 592 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu
“Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Kralja Milana 6/I 11000 Beograd Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 3614 592 (+381 11) 3066 341 Fax (+381 11) 3614 590 Radno vreme: ponedeljakpetak 09:00-17:00h; subota-nedelja 11:30-15:30h ticketing.beg@czechairlines.com stationmanager.beg@czechairlines.com www.czechairlines.com/
Gazpromavia (GZP) (+381 11) 3037 106 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: FLYTIME d.o.o. GSA Palmotićeva 27, 11000 Beograd FLYTIME d.o.o. GSA Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 3037 106 (+381 11) 3222 150 Fax (+381 11) 3233 758 Radno vreme: ponedeljakpetak 09:00-17:00h; subota 09:00-15:00h office@avio-karte.rs office2@avio-karte.rs http://www.avio-karte.rs/
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Airline Companies Germanwings (4U) (+381 11) 209 4863 Administrativni centar na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Waldstr. 224, 51147 Cologne Germany Tel (+353 01) 6058 442 (+381 11) 209 4863 Fax (+381 11) 209 7068 Radno vreme: ponedeljak-nedelja 07:00-19:00h Web site http://www.germanwings.com/
Jat Airways (JU) (+381 11) 209 7207 Poslovni centar Bulevar umetnosti 16 11070 Novi Beograd Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 311 4222 Rezervacije: (+381 11) 311 2123 (+381 11) 209 7207 Fax (+381 11) 311 3915 (+381 11) 311 2853 Rezervacije: (+381 11) 311 3905 (+381 11) 2286 450 Radno vreme: ponedeljak-petak 08:30-16:30h Rezervacije: ponedeljak-petak 08:00-20:00h; subota 08:00-16:00h nedelja 09:0014:00h rezervacije: panjkovicz@jat.com sefsmeneposlovnica4@jat.com www.jat.com
LOT Polish Airlines (LO) (+381 11) 2289 849 Administrativni centar na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Kancelarija avio-kompanije Austrian Airlines Adresa: Ul. 17 stycznia 39 00-906 Warsaw, Poland Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Beograd Tel (+48 22) 6068660 (+381 11) 2289 849 (+381 11) 2289 863 Fax (+48 22) 6068662 (+381 11) 209 7145 Radno vreme: ponedeljak-nedelja 06:30-17:00h http://www.lot.pl/
Lufthansa (LH) (+381 11) 3034 944 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Terazije 3/VII 11000 Beograd Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Beograd Tel rezervacije: (+381 11) 3034 944 (+381 11) 3034 944 Fax (+381 11) 3225 009 Radno vreme: ponedeljak-petak 08:30-16:30h; ponedeljak-nedelja 05:30-17:00h info@lufthansa.co.yu http://www.lufthansa.com/ http://www.lufthansa.rs/
MALEV Hungarian Airlines (MA) (+381 11) 2631-327 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa Delfino Travel GSA
Knez Mihailova 30/IV 11000 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 2631-327 (+381 11) 2631-091 Fax (+381 11) 2631-327 (+381 11) 2631-091 Radno vreme: ponedeljakpetak 08:00 - 17:00h ponedeljak-nedelja 07:0019:00h belgradegsa@malev.hu http://www.malev.com/ http://www.delfino.com.mk
Montenegro Airlines (YM) (+381 11) 2286 241 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Knez Mihailova 23/I 11000 Beograd Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 2621 122 (+381 11) 3036 535 (+381 11) 3036 536 Fax (+381 11) 2181 861 (+381 11) 2286 373 Radno vreme: ponedeljakpetak 08:00-19:00h; subota 08:00-14:00h; ponedeljaknedelja; 05:30-19:00h office.belgrade@mgx.cg.yu http://www.montenegroairlines.com/
NIKI Luftfahrt GmbH (HG) (+381 11) 321 6888 Hotline Serbia Administrativni na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Office Park 1 Top B3 A-1300 Vienna International Airport Austria NIKI Ticket Desk Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” Terminal 2 - prizemlje 11180 Beograd 59
Tel (+43) 1 701 26 0 (+381 11) 2286 423 Fax (+43) 1 701 26 481 office@flyniki.com serviceteam@airberlin.com http://www.flyniki.com/
Norwegian Air Shuttle ASA (DY) (+47) 67 593 000 Administrativni centar na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Postboks 115 1330 Fornebu Norway Tel (+47) 67 593 000 (+381 11) 209 4863 Fax (+47) 67 593 001 (+381 11) 209 7068 Radno vreme: ponedeljaknedelja 07:00-19:00h http://www.norwegian.no/
Olympic Air (OA) (+381 11) 2286 274 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Vase Čarapića 14/I 11000 Beograd Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 3036 750 (+381 11) 3036 850 (+381 11) 3036 851 Fax (+381 11) 3036 750 (+381 11) 3036 850 Radno vreme: ponedeljakpetak 08:30-16:30h; ponedeljak-nedelja 4 časa pre i 2 časa posle leta olybeg@eunet.yu http://www.olympicair.com/
Spanair (JK)
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(+381 11) 3222 124 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: iTravel group d.o.o. GSA Spanair Takovska 9, 11000 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 3222 124 Fax (+381 11) 3224 527 ponedeljak-petak 09:00-17:00h (zatvoreno za javnost) office@itravelgroup.net http://www.spanair.com/
11000 Beograd Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Beograd Tel, Rezervacije: (+381 11) 3030 140 (+381 11) 3030 140 Fax (+381 11) 3248 625 Radno vreme: ponedeljak-petak 08:30-16:30h ponedeljaknedelja 05:30-17:00h http://www.swiss.com/
Swiss International Air Lines (LX) v(+381 11) 3030 140 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Terazije 3/VII
TAROM Romanian Air Transport (RO) Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Web site http://www.tarom.ro
11:00-15:45h begtkinfo@thy.com http://www.thy.com
Turkish Airlines (TK) (+381 11) 209 7225 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Knez Mihailova 30/V 11000 Beograd Aerodrom “Nikola Tesla” 11180 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 3036 195 (+381 11) 209 7225 (+381 11) 209 7226 Fax (+381 11) 3036 290 (+381 11) 209 7227 Radno vreme: ponedeljak-petak 09:00-17:00h ponedeljak-petak 10:00-15:45h; subota-nedelja
Tunisair (TU) (+381 11) 3233 174 Predstavništvo na Aerodromu “Nikola Tesla” Beograd Adresa: Skadarska 19/I 11000 Beograd Tel (+381 11) 3233 174 Fax (+381 11) 3247 900 Radno vreme: ponedeljakpetak 09:00-17:00h tunisair@sezampro.yu http://www.tunisair.com/
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Od kada su građanima Srbije krajem prošle godine ukinute vize, zabeležen je izuzetno veliki porast putovanja u zemlje Evropske unije. Za ta putovanja neophodno je posetiti domaće osiguravajuće kuće i izvaditi zdravstvena putna osiguranja. U svim osiguravajućim kućama primetno je veće interesovanje građana. Od početka godine „Delta Đenerali“ izdao je oko 15.000 polisa, „Viner štediše“ oko 9.000, a broj polisa u „Dunav osiguranju“ je porastao za gotovo 100 odsto. To su sigurni pokazatelji da je i povećan broj putovanja u zemlje EU. Postoje osiguranja sa pokrićima od 5.000, 10.000, 15.000, 30.000 ili 35.000 evra, ali preporučuje se ovo poslednje. U većini osiguravajućih kuća postoje i posebne ponude za decu i grupna putovanja. U „Dunav osiguranju“, ako roditelji krenu na put sa decom, oni plaćaju samo za dve odrasle osobe, dok je za decu, koliko god da ih ima, osiguranje besplatno. Takođe, postoje i popusti za veće grupe, dok je osiguranje skuplje ako se, recimo, ide na skijanje, pošto se onda povećava mogućnost od povreda.
Putna zdravstvena osiguranja Za jednu odraslu osobu 7 dana 9,1 evro 15 dana 19,5 evra 30 dana 39 evra *Cene osiguranja za turističko putovanje za osobu starosti od 18 do 70 godina, osigurana suma od 35.000 evra
Porodični paket Za 7 dana 19 evra Za 15 dana 40,5 evra Za 30 dana 81 evro *Pod porodicom se podrazumeva najmanje jedan roditelj do 85 i deca do 18 godina. Cena je definisana bez obzira na broj dece, što znači da je za njih osiguranje besplatno
Open hours: 00.00-24.00 (365 days a year); Additional information: The lift is accessible to the garage users.
Garage “Masarikova” Adress: Masarikova no. 4 Parking spaces for passenger cars: 460; Floors: 3 underground and 6,5 above the ground; Open hours: 00.0024.00 (365 days a year); Additional information: The lift is accessible to the garage users.
Garage “Aerodrom” Adress: ‘Airport complex’ Parking spaces for passenger cars: 521; Floors: 3 and 4 Open hours: 00.00-24.00 (365 days a year) A Belgrade taxi fare is cheaper by up to 20% if ordered by phone. The discount is calculated at the end of the ride by deducting up to 20% from the total price on the meter. Belgrade has several taxi companies but all rates should be the same. The initial rate for a fare during the day is about 1.5 euros, and each additional kilometre is charged at 0.5 euros. As an example of costs, a taxi trip from Belgrade to Novi Sad is about 70 euros, and from Belgrade city-center to Nikola Tesla Airport is about 10 Euros.
Public Parking Stations In public parking stations there are marked parking places for disabled persons’ vehicles displaying a valid sticker. Disabled drivers are entitled to three hours of free-of-charge parking in at public parking stations in especially marked places. After this period they pay for parking by the hour.
Parking on the Street Garage “Pionirski park” Adress: Dragoslava Jovanovica no. 2; Parking spaces for passenger cars: 472; Floors: 3 underground floors Open hours: 00.00-24.00 (365 days a year); Additional information: Garage ‘Pionirski park’ is a City Council garage and JKP ‘Parking Servis’ is in charge of servicing the garage.
The owners of vehicles with a disabled person sticker do not pay for parking on especially marked places for disabled persons’ on street. These places are marked with vertical and horizontal lines.
GARAGES Garage “Obilicev venac” Adress: Obilicev venac no. 14 - 16 Parking spaces for passenger cars: 620; Floors: P+5 Open hours: 00.00-24.00 (365 days a year)
Garage “Zeleni venac” Adress: Kraljice Natalije no. 13 Parking spaces for passenger cars: 306; Floors: П+5,5
Garage “Vukov spomenik” Adress: The corner of the streets Kraljica Marija and Ruzveltova; Parking spaces for passenger cars: 122 Floors: 1 underground floor Open hours: 00.00-24.00 (365 days a year).
This division is responsible for towing away illegally parked cars, removing broken-down cars, vehicle transportation for the police, bulky load manipulation and bus and truck transportation. It consists of three departments. Address: Staro Sajmiste bb Tel: 011/301-70-70
74 FlyAway
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Kneginje Zorke 11b, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Tel: + (381 11) 308 99 77; e-mail: office@cma.rs www.cordmagazine.com www.allianceinternationalmedia.com
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