international business sector in Serbia 2012 7th EDITION
Over 1,600 foreign & jointly-owned companies & 32 foreign business associations
A Daimler Brand Mercedes-Benz Srbija i Crna Gora d.o.o, Diplomatic and Direct Sales, Mrs. Biljana Dinic, Omladinskih brigada 33, 11000 Beograd in Serbia April Phone> +381 11 30International 19 107, Fax> Business +381 11 Sector 30 19 026, Mob>| +381 632012 27 52 67
Fly to work every day.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
International Business Sector in Serbia 2012
contents to reach 6 Aiming €5bln fdi,
Ralph Zigerlig, CEO of Carlsberg Srbija Group,
Andreas Zilcken, Regional Coordinator for the Western Balkans at the Trade Council of Denmark
Our Business is to Make Profit, Branko
Radujko, CEO of Telekom Serbia
13 Five Star Comfort Status Attracts 14 EUInvestors, Hotel “Serbia”, Vršac
Božidar Laganin, Director of Siepa
Missing Good Marketing, Branislav
Bugarski, Director of Vojvodina Investment Promotion Fund
18 Leading UK Investor,
Srdjan Lazović, Head of Corporate and Regulatory Affairs BAT SEE d.o.o.
PHOTOS Zoran Petrović TRANSLATOR Snežana Bjelotomić
Must Not 20 Elections Hinder Progress,
PROJECT MANAGERS Nataša Popović,; Biljana Dević,; Svetlana Okanović, Vanja Jokanović, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Ruža Ristanović
Andreas Haidenthaler, Austrian Trade Commissioner to Serbia Luftfahrt GmbH
Nadya Petkova, Director of Interlemind
30 Investing in Serbia,
EDITORIAL MANAGER Tanja Banković, PRINTING Rotografika d.o.o. Segedinski put 72, Subotica Guide to International Business Sector in Serbia 2012 published by: alliance international media Makenzijeva 67, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Phone: +(381 11) 2450 508, Fax: +(381 11) 2450 122 E-mail: ISSN no: 1451-7833 All rights reserved alliance international media 2012
Jeff Pennock, Director of Avala resources d.o.o.
Has Sizeable 31 Serbia Metals Endowment,
Jeff Pennock, Director of Dunav resources d.o.o. and Dunav minerals d.o.o.
40 Region Stabilizing
H.E. Mr. Pekka Orpana, Finnish Ambassador to Serbia
41 Expecting Growth
Sanja Ivanić, Director at the Franco-Serbian Chamber of Commerce
Private Sector to Lead Growth, Michael
Schmidt, Director of the Delegation of the German Economy in Serbia and Executive Director of the German-Serbian Business Association (DSW), Belgrade
63 Encouraging Developments,
H.E. Mr. Nils Ragnar Kamsvåg, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Serbia
Steps 64 Important Taken,
Dominique Kühling, Deputy Ambassador and Head of Economic Section, Embassy of the Netherlands
66 Tough Year Ahead,
H.E. Mr. Alexander Vasilyevich Konuzin, Russian Ambassador to Serbia
67 Optimistic Outlook,
Jan Stark, Head of Commercial Section, Embassy of Slovakia
Business in Serbia 49 Greek Prospering, Economic 68 Serbia’s Policy Good,
Thomas Bobotas, Executive Director of the Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, and Head of Greek Desk, Corporate Banking Division at Eurobank EFG a.d. Belgrade
Slobodan Šešum, Economic Officer, Embassy of Slovenia
Ivan Radojčić, Deputy CEO of OTP Bank
H.E. Mr. Christer Asp, Swedish Ambassador to Serbia
Duško Karagics, Deputy Head of Office, Office of Economic Affairs, Embassy of the Republic of Hungary
Pablo Gasos, Head of the Economic & Commercial Office, Embassy of Spain
52 Very Modest Export, 74 More Reforms Required, 54 Numerous Opportunities, Leader in Metal 75 Processing, Restoring Confidence, 56 India
H.E. Mr. Yossef Levi, Ambassador of Israel to Serbia
Paolo Toschi, Head of Economic Affairs at the Embassy of Italy
Waschuk, Canadian Ambassador to Serbia
Maintaining Macroeconomic Stability, H.E. Mr. Roman
Eu Candidate Status is a Strong Impetus,
Svetlana Božinović, Economic Advisor at the Croatian Embassy in Serbia
Levels 36 Record in 2011,
Lubos Joza, Head of the Commercial and Economic Section, Embassy of the Czech Republic
38 Tough Year Ahead,
H.E. Mr. Igor Jovović, Montenegrin Ambassador to Serbia
25 Good Signals for 27 Imbalance in Trade, 50 Improved Settlement 70 Investors, of Claims, 28 Old Trading Partners, Accession is a Magnet, Serbia in No Growth Uncertain Conditions, 51 72 Scenario, 29 Vienna and Beyond, NIKI
Status 37 Investing in the Future, 62 Candidate Brings Confidence,
Nebojša Ćirić Economy and Regional Development Minister
H.E. Mr. Erwin H. Hofer, Ambassador of Switzerland to Serbia
Aleksandar Pandurović, Director of Production, Trade and Services at Teximp
60 Continue EU Commitment,
Drive Up 78 Agreements Export, Arrangements 79 Trade Most Frequent, 80 Re-Branding a Country
Investment 61 Further Likely,
has Key 84 Serbia Advantages,
Advantage of EU Candidacy, Makoto
Hirose, First Secretary at the Embassy of Japan
Ana Stojkova, Head of the Agency for International Investment and Export Promotion, Embassy of Macedonia
H.E. Mr. Kim Kwang-keun, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Serbia
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Mark Harrison, Co-founder of the Serbian-British Business Club in Serbia
Bradley Harker, Senior Commercial Officer at the U.S. Embassy to Serbia, Belgrade
Nebojša Ćirić Economy and Regional Development Minister
Aiming to Reach €5bln FDI The IMF supports our budget allocated stimulations geared toward attracting more FDIs. In this way we attracted close to $3 billion (€2.26b) worth of investments last year, which is a record breaking amount in the region
maintain the good results from last year and that n one hand, Serbia has next year we are going to start recording growth embarked on the EU as a direct result of European integration." accession process and, on the other, it has been hit ► Recently you were appointed as a minister, and by an economic crisis. Then there are also the elections. are active in attracting foreign investors. What We have asked the Economy kind of experiences have you had from the variand Regional Development ous meetings held in the last few months and Minister Nebojša Ćirić about what is their common theme when it comes to the effect that these factors investing in Serbia? are going to have on the pro- Investors are mostly interested in some kind of jected FDI influx in Serbia. incentive or tax exemption granted by the state "Certainly, each of the facand / or local authorities. It is understandable tors will have some kind of since investors have decided to either extend or bearing on the overall FDI relocate their production or hire new workers influx in Serbia this year. during this difficult financial time. Obtaining EU candidate staExport-orientated businesses are interesttus is an excellent reference for potential invesed in our inter-governmental free trade agreetors primarily because it signals stability and ments, custom clearance procedures etc. Also, confirms the course that the country is taking. some investors want better infrastructure in loEvery single country that has gone through the cations that they are interest in. same process has experienced an increased in► The Serbian Government vestment inflow. Also, Even before the crisis, there are EU pre-accesis about to change in May. sion funds which we can What things should the the government devised use to build infrastructure new government continue a good economic course and increase our econodoing and what should be when it came to foreign my’s capacities. changed when it comes to On the other hand, we investments and attracting attracting new FDIs and have the global crisis that them. I am primarily referring retaining existing ones? hasn’t even spared the - When it comes to preto strategically important strongest economies in serving existing jobs, I investments made in three am certain that we should the world and which effects are very much felt in sectors – car production, ICT continue implementing our country. At the same programmes that pertain and electronics time, this is an election to stimulating or supportyear in Serbia when, traditionally, the intensity of ing certain sectors, especially metal processing. investments declines. According to the Economy Ministry’s projections, All in all, I would like to make a hypothetical we have managed to help certain sectors through calculation where the two sides are mutually exthe government’s programme of measures and, clusive and say that this year we are going to try to by doing so, preserved 40,000 jobs.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
In terms of FDI influx, I think that we need to complete pending projects and start implementing projects that are covered by contracts, as well as to continue with more intensive activities with the aim of appealing to new investors. The new government will have to allocate budget funds for incentives for these investors. Also, there has been some consideration given to re-activating subsidized loans.
ments will come. We have seen that car makers have been severely hit by the crisis and that they are searching for alternative locations for cheaper production. Of course, there is also agriculture, which has traditionally been our stronghold and which will receive substantial subsidies from the EU. I think that we should develop tourism and the service sector too.
► According to some economy experts, Serbia needs at least 4.5 to 5 billion euros of FDIs in order for annual GDP growth to be in the region of 5% and for the state to be able to repay its loans regularly. Can we expect such FDI influx to be made this year? - I agree with what you are saying and I think that we should invest as much effort possible in order for the FDI influx in Serbia to reach at least €5 billion. I don’t think that is feasible this year, just like it wasn’t feasible last year. However, I think that if we continue with the processes that we have started, in the following two to three years we can have a continuous FDI influx at the aforementioned level.
► Both
western and eastern investors have been expressing strong interest in various segments of our energy sector, which hasn’t seen many investments in the past. Can we have substantial energy investments if we don’t have the appropriate infrastructure in place and can Serbia
Which sectors, with the biggest foreign investment potential, should be given special attention in the future? - The good thing is that, even before the crisis, the government had devised a good economic course when it came to foreign investments and attracting them. I am primarily referring to strategically important investments made in three sectors –
I would like to emphasize that the money allocated for investment incentives is not a grant, but money that has been invested, and that, depending on the investment volume and type, will be returned to the state budget car production, ICT and electronics. Also, there is a notion of Serbia being an ideal location for export-orientated investments. I think that FIAT is the best illustration of this. This company alone will increase Serbian exports by 15%, directly hire thousands of domestic workers and engage even more people as suppliers and sub-contractors. This is a huge investment on the back of which many other similar invest-
handle this problem alone? - I think that Serbia can handle this problem alone if there is strong enough interest shown by investors, especially those willing to invest in renewable energy sources like water and wind. We should underline that this is a relatively new sector and only as of recently have investors been given an opportunity to implement energy projects through obtaining energy licences. International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Serbia because of the state administration’s efficiency, especially regarding the process of attracting investors and problem solving in certain areas. I would like to emphasize that the money allocated for investment incentives is not a grant, but money that has been invested, and that, depending on the investment volume and type, will be returned to the state budget in a period of 11 to 19 months. The most important thing for the IMF is that budget expenditure is kept under control. The IMF has absolutely nothing against Greenfield projects that were realized through the Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency According to the Economy (SIEPA) and for which the Ministry’s projections, we Ministry of Economy allohave managed to help cated close to 4.5 billion certain sectors through the dinars in 2012.
On the other hand, Serbia has already initiated certain projects like the construction of hydro-power plants which can be successfully implemented through joint investments with foreign partners. Validation of this can be seen in the fact that Serbia has signed a memorandum of understanding with the German company RWE that, I am sure, will send a very positive signal to potential investors. ► According
to prevailing economic projections, a very difficult period is ahead of us. Do you think that incentive programmes for new investors can continue in such circumstances? - A simple calculation will show you that this programme is the most profitable budget investment tool that we have at our disposal. I use the word ‘investment’ government’s programme of ► Do you plan to make since that is exactly what measures and, by doing so, more substantial investit is. This is not ‘spending money’ as many think. On ments through SIEPA in preserved 40,000 jobs average, one euro in suborder for as many people sidies for creating new jobs generates six euros as possible to discover the advantages of investof investments and that same euro yields returns ing in Serbia and to step up promoting Serbia as in the shape of budget contributions and revean investment worthy destination? nue, in 17 months. For instance, YURA company - Well, planning and wishing is one thing, and rein Rača has generated an investment return for alistic possibilities and restrictive budgets are our budget in only 11 months. something else. All big economies have agenWe should also bear in mind that allocated cies like SIEPA which have far larger budgets. euros are usually spent on the execution of works However, SIEPA has been managing to keep up done by Serbian companies which, in turn, prowith them with its energy and creativity. I don’t vides money for our workers - 60% of companies think that there is an industrial or production inthat use this programme are from Serbia. Also, vestment that hasn’t come to Serbia via SIEPA. the allocation criteria is devised in a way that they Last year, which was plagued by the economfavour parts of the country that are undeveloped, ic crisis, we managed to attract almost $3 billion investments that are geared toward export, high worth of FDIs which is more than any other readded value products and technologically adgional country. That is a commendable amount vanced work operations which all contribute to even for EU countries which have three times the recovery of our economy. more inhabitants like Romania. This is a result that the entire state has achieved, starting with ► FIAT and Gorenje have been underlining the the government and ending with local authorities. My ministry and SIEPA are responsible in efficiency and long-term profitability of this incoordinating their work. centive programme for investors. What is the What is certain, is that we are going to conIMF's opinion of the programme? tinue with the current practice which has yield- Apart from FIAT and Gorenje, there are quite a ed good results. ◄ few other investors who have decided to invest in
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Member of Erste Group
Most banks are good in opening accounts. Can you imagine a bank opening European business opportunities?
Erste Group is an important part of European banking tradition. During 190 years of existence, together with our 17,5 million customers in 8 countries, we learned how the European market breathes and that is why we are always ready to respond to its changes. For us, the European market is not a challenge, it is our home. As good hosts, we are opening our doors to you. If you are interested in European market and the numerous business opportunities it offers, Erste Group is the ideal partner for you. Join us on our home ground. Our home is your home.
Branko Radujko CEO of Telekom Serbia
Our Business is to Make Profit
"All managements are legally obligated to have a neutral stance on ownership issues which means that they should not comment on decisions made by shareholders regarding the way they dispose of their shares. Any student that has ever heard of the term ‘corporate governance’ is familiar with this phenomenon, as is every manager that has ever worked in a corporation,” says Chief Executive Officer of Telekom Serbia, Branko Radujko at the beginning of this interview shares, the decision was based solely, and only on the company’s business interests. For a long time, there had been a crisis in corporate management, which was brought on by a quite unusual shareholding agreement from 2004 that stipulated much bigger rights, at no extra charge, for the holder of a 20% stake in the company than the holder should have ever had. Hence, the company was hindered by many veto rights which, in the environment of heightened market competition, was no longer sustainable. For instance, if any of our competitors reduced the prices of their services, and, in response to that, Telekom determined new and more competitive prices, the members of the company’s managing board, appointed by the minority shareholder, had to vote in favour or against such price proposals. In the past, we had to wait several months for a session to be held, and then we had the minority shareholder using its right to veto, which again took several months to deal with. If a r. Radjko adds that...“If a holder of shares company responds to market changes with a five or decides to sell them, they are the one that sets the terms The reason behind the purchase of six month delay, it is certainly going to lose the and price, and if both a majority stake in HD WIN was to market game. In order of these conditions are secure a dynamic increase in the to avoid that, we offered met, they will sell them and, if not, they will number of users of our Open ITV the minority shareholdwhich focused on its abandon the sale. It is services and to find new sources of er, own domestic market management’s job to revenue and growth for quite some time angovern this in the best yhow, to sell those shares back to us in order for us possible way, to advance the key financial and busito continue in a more competitive and efficient fashness indicators and hence, depending on the cirion than before. cumstances in the global capital market, be there to maintain and improve their value.” ► Late last year, you bought a majority stake from ► Last year was one of the most dynamic years for HD WIN and by doing so became the majority owner of all four Arena Sport TV channels following Telekom. It’s only been a couple months from the govwhich you embarked on a new business activity – ernment voicing its intention to sell Telekom to decidproducing multi-media programming. What was ing to buy back a 20% stake in the company from OTE. the reason behind this acquisition? During that time, Telekom kept silent, so can you now - The only reason for this acquisition was to secure a tell us what led to this change in strategy? dynamic increase in the number of users of our Open - In regard to Telekom’s decision to buy back its own
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
ITV services. If you follow the industry closely, you will have noticed that the revenue from providing traditional services has been declining constantly which prompts telecommunication companies to find new sources of revenue and growth. Today, everybody is interested in developing multi-media services. And the rationale behind investing in TV content is very simple – in order for your service (in this case Open ITV) to generate new users and secure revenue growth, it is vital to have attractive sport content as a part of the channel package. If you don’t do this, you stand no chance to grow. In our case, sport content was split into two groups of channels –one that is owned by our biggest competitor in this business segment and one that we have invested in. The comparative advantage of us owning all four Arena Sport channels can be seen in the direct increase in the number of our Open ITV subscribers. Once the new sport season starts, I am confident that this growth will be the most dynamic ever thanks to exceptionally attractive rights that we acquired in the meantime, as well as being the highest possible quality of sports broadcasting.
petition. Out of 4,020 submitted applications, and following a careful and strict selection process, which was carried out in accordance with the latest experiences in this field, we have chosen the best candidates. Most of them are going to be employed in segments like economy, ICT, marketing, human resources, strategic planning, and internal audit, legal and logistic affairs. The fact that for many of these people Telekom was their first choice following graduation from university speaks volumes about the company’s market strength and
I believe that recovery will happen and that a new period of stability of the global capital market is coming, as well as a possibility of Telekom’s shares being floated on some of the leading global stock exchanges
► In announcing the launch of new products, the company said that viewers would be given an opportunity to activate certain channels for “24 hours”. Are they going to be charged per hour, or are we talking about a monthly / annual subscription fee? - We are going to inform our users about our new product options and services in an optimal, simple and understandable fashion. Besides, many new things are in the pipeline. ► You have just hired 73 young and trained professionals. What kind of jobs are they going to do in Telekom and do you plan to keep them once their training is over, considering the tough competition in the market? - Several years ago, we started to work on improving our staff. We have significantly reduced the number of employees in the past period without having to fire anybody. At the same time we have improved the educational structure of our workers and revitalized the company with young and professional people whom we employed via a public com-
its reputation as an employer. Recruiting these young people couldn’t have come at better time. We have solidified our leading position and we are embarking on a new development stage. Is there the possibility of Telekom floating its shares on one of the global stock exchanges in due course or are you going to wait for the crisis to subside? - Of course there is. Well, at least in the case of the aforementioned 20% shares that the company’s management has decision rights on. Although the idea of floating our shares is great, I don’t think that it is entirely enforceable or useful. Today, stock exchanges can have a devastating effect on a company’s balance. Still, I believe that recovery will happen and that a new period of stability of the global capital market is coming, as well as a possibility of Telekom’s shares being floated on some of the leading global stock exchanges. ► What benefits will Telekom derive from the introduction of digital television, mobile telephony and other for►
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
mats stipulated in the Digital Agenda, and what role will the company play in this extensive project? - Telekom is not a state-run institution, an official authority or a public enterprise that is funded from public revenue. It is a company that is founded in order to generate business revenue. Telekom’s business operations are executed according to an annual and strategic business plan. Anything that is done independently from this plan can only come under regulatory obligation imposed by a law or a bylaw. We respect this obligation, as any other operator that conducts its business legally would. We try to object in court to whatever we consider anti-Constitutional or going against general market principles and, by doing so, protect both the market and company from such occurrences. Therefore, we are relying on our plan, don’t expect any help, abide by the law and protect the interests of the company and market. Finally, I don’t believe that anybody can allocate a special role to one or more market participants. That would go against the universal rule that all competitors should be treated equally.
sided coin – first, there is the transparent way in which such management is appointed and second, such managers should be given a competitive salary including bonuses for accomplishing set business goals. You are not going to get top notch applicants via job ads which offer conditions that are not appealing to the very finest candidates. In the modern world, professional managers in private, but mainly state-owned companies are recruited via credible head hunting agencies which enable transparency and competence in selecting appropriate managers. Nonetheless, it is essential for these procedures to finally start. However, having professional managers is not a guarantee for higher business efficiency as long as the market is not partially or fully liberalized, and as long there is no corporatization or diversification of ownership and I am not referring solely to privatization.
You have announced regional consolidation and collaboration in programming exchange. Bearing in mind the political instability and uneven technological development in the region, how are the relevant negotiations developing? The e-communications market - Telekom is operational in sever► Serbia has passed the first stage in EU accession with the country in Serbia is inextricably linked al regional countries and is not enexpecting to be given the date of to the EU and global markets gaged in politics. We provide the same care to our users regardless of negotiations in early 2013, providwhere they live –Belgrade, Novi Pazar, Banja Luka, Sarajevo, ing that everything goes according to plan. How is Telekom Podgorica, Budva etc. I am not exactly sure what are you regoing to be transformed during this process and what is exferring to when you said ‘uneven technological development’. pected from the company in terms of the EU accession? In any case, our collaboration on exchanging TV content with - The e-communications market in Serbia is inextricably operators in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro, as well linked to the EU and global markets. We are a part of an inas Croatian Telekom, is exceptionally good, especially in the ternational ‘bloodstream’, and relevant regulation is written case of Arena Sport channels. In a short while, we are going to by the ITU and European regulatory authorities. In this reexpand our cooperation with Macedonian Telekom. gard, we have been implementing the harmonization process for a long time, have moved considerably forwards and ► You have been appointed as the Chairman of the ‘Summit I do not expect any major twists or surprises in this particular market. 100 Business Leaders of Southeast Europe’, which assembles a substantial number of managers from leading ex-Yu► The elections are now scheduled. Regardless of which politgoslav companies. Does having this forum mean that these companies cannot break into foreign markets alone? ical party wins, do you think that the practice known as ‘par- Regional networking is essential for growth in all industocracy’ will continue? Also, do you agree that, due to ecotries. Having compatible operations followed by a joint marnomic adversities, the future government will be forced to ket where companies can flourish is the bond between those appoint successful managers to run prosperous companies? companies. This year, we are primarily going to focus on con- I am not competent enough to assess that. Any government crete cooperation agreements, exchange of know-how and coming into office takes responsibility for everything that is advancing general business culture. The meeting between regulated by the Constitution and laws as coming under its a Summit 100 delegation and Croatian President Josipović, jurisdiction. That includes companies that are state-owned. who, together with the Serbian and Slovenian presidents, was The management format in those companies is something the patron, was quite successful. I expect the meetings in oththat the government decides on. Personally, I think that we er ex-Yugoslav countries, which will precede a larger summit need professional managers right now. The Serbian public in Aranđelovac in October, to be equally successful. ◄ often forgets that having professional managers is a two-
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Hotel “Serbia”, vršac
Five Star Comfort We can satisfy the needs of both our business guests as well as guests that come to Vršac as tourists
corporate Svetosavski trg 12, 26300 Vršac, Srbija Tel: +381 13 834 170, Fax: +381 13 835 252
Hotel Serbia has three conference halls that seat between 10 and 200 people and have the latest audio and video equipment. Every hall can be individually adjusted to suit users’ particular needs. Also, all halls have air conditioning and Wi-Fi Internet connection. Our hotel has a special place for celebrations, whether we are talking about birthdays, christenings, weddings, graduation parties, marriage anniversaries etc. We have carefully selected our service packages in order to help you organize an event and make your celebratory moments even more beautiful. Geographical location and the Vršac Mountains are perfectly suitable for outdoor sport activities like hiking in the Vršac Mountains, bike riding in the company of an experienced tour guide, horseback riding, flying a motorized kite, otel Serbia is located in the very centre of Vršac, a paintball, archery (shooting a bow and arrow in a forest, artown with a tumultuous past which can be seen from chery competitions, shooting an apple etc.), paragliding and many cultural and historic monuments and rich culfree climbing on natural rocks with provided protection and tural tradition. Vršac is a town that has something to offer to a professional instructor. visitors who are planning to stay in it for a while. Apart from a multitude of services that Hotel Serbia ofThe hotel is the ideal starting point for embarking on fers, there are also weekend wine a tour of everything that Vršac has Hotel Serbia is located in the tours which, apart from the acto offer. Hotel Serbia was opened in 1983 very centre of Vršac, a town commodation and dining at the hoand since 2008 operates as a part of with a tumultuous past which tel, also include driving through vineyards and visiting wine cellars the Spanish hotel group EIX Hotels from Mallorca. Although our ho- can be seen from many cultural where guests can taste many variand historic monuments and eties of wines while having a dintel has three stars, you will see for ner accompanied by the music of a yourself that, in certain segments, rich cultural tradition tambourine orchestra. our services surpass our category. The exceptional quality of catering services, accommoThe hotel has 80 rooms out of which 6 are suites. All dating and kind staff, a rich tourist offer and the hospitality rooms are furnished in accordance with the latest global of Vršac’s residents all guarantee that guests will only take standards and have a Wi-Fi Internet connection, an LCD TV, away with them wonderful impressions and good memories direct phone line, air conditioning with individual adjustfrom their Hotel Serbia stay. ◄ ment of temperature and a mini-bar. Also, we have rooms that are completely adapted to people with special needs. There are many additional services that will make your stay even more pleasant. There is a currency exchange office at reception which is open 24 hours a day and a business corner in the hotel lobby with two desktop computers that have a high-speed Internet connection, a scanner, fax machine and a printer. There is also the Verde Bar, Caffe&Gelateria (Ice Cream Shop) ’Buon Giorno’, hotel parking, car wash, children playroom and a fitness club called ’8’. The Alcudia restaurant serves both national and international cuisine, while our wine list has over 100 carefully selected wines, thus your gastronomic enjoyment can be absolutely perfect. Alcudia is an open restaurant and, apart from serving traditional hotel food, you can order á la carte dishes too.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Božidar Laganin Director of Siepa
EU Status Attracts Investors
“Foreign investors, who came and stayed in Serbia, are the best people to talk to about doing business in Serbia. Incidentally, there are very few investors that have left the country because of their internal problems like U.S. Steel
► You were quoted recently as saying that you exhe Serbian economy and its businesses are starting pected close to $1.5 billion (€1.3b) worth of FDIs to recover following one of in the country this year. What kind of investments the worst economic downturns would you like to see and what is the basis for your the world has ever faced. This, optimism? of course, has slowed down - In my job, both optimism and pessimism are not economic revival, but some dewanted. Realism is. In 2011, which was a year sericisions, made by the governously affected by the crisis, we managed to attract ment before the crisis, had ac$2.9 billion (€2.18) worth of FDIs and we have partialcomplished good results in atly based our projections for this year on that result. tracting FDIs. I am mainly reAlso, at any given time, SIEPA has between 80 and ferring to joint action in strate100 investment operations pending. Some of them are gically important investments still at an initial stage and some are about to be commade in three sectors – autopleted which gives us good enough reason to make mobile industry, electronics and such estimates. Late last year, we publicly revealed ICT – but also Serbia’s vision as investments made by Cooper Tires, Swarowski, NCR, an ideal production platform for export-orientated Bosch and several others which are going to contininvestments. ue to unfold according to plan this year. I would like to The country obtaining EU candidate status is an underline that there are several other investors that excellent reference for potential investors particuwe have been negotiating with, but due to confidenlarly in terms of stability and of the course that the tiality and our sincere desire not to obstruct their arcountry is taking. By getting candidate status, we rival to Serbia I will not go into detail. have entered deeper into contractual relations with ► In your opinion, what are the biggest hurdles that the EU. For the most part, we are talking about 'an economic contract' where the status is some kind the state should remove in order to improve the inof a certificate which speaks about long-term cervestment environment? tainty and predictability of the business climate in - The biggest minus is an insufficiently developed Serbia – said Director of SIEPA, Božidar Laganin in transport infrastructure and our infrastructure in response to the question of how can Serbia attract general. We need to reduce red tape and increase more FDIs this year. the capacity of local auAt any given time, SIEPA has He went on to saz thorities in order for "Still, I think that inves- between 80 and 100 investment them to be as compettors in Serbia are the operations pending. Some of them itive as possible in atbest equipped to talk to tracting new investors. are still at an initial stage and about doing business in Also, there is a problem some are about to be completed with corruption which, the country. Incidentally, there are very few investors who changed their mind although reduced, is still not uprooted or at least and left the country mainly due to global problems, cut down to a minimum. like U.S. Steel. Those investors who have re-invested I think that all levels of administration need to here, encouraged by good business results, are laybe better coordinated. I am referring to vertical coing down unwritten rules. A potential investor is alordination, from state to local authorities, as well ways more likely to believe somebody who is already horizontally. It often happens that ministries are not doing business in Serbia over somebody whose job it communicating enough with each other and they is to promote the country.” need to be in synergy in order to resolve a problem.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
The same thing happens with local authorities too, when two municipal departments are not cooperating enough in order to implement a certain project. Lastly, we need a positive atmosphere. We don’t need two or more local officials waging petty local ‘wars’ for a single investor. We are all individually, though publicly representing Serbia’s image, and the clearer the image, the better the response will be. ► Do you think that obtaining the EU candidate status alone, without any other instruments, is really a great advantage in attracting FDIs? - In all other countries, such steps forward in the European integration process resulted in an increased investment influx. Apart from sending out a good message to potential investors, there are also EU pre-accession funds available to us which we can use in financing the construction of infrastructure or building our economy's capacity. Most of these funds will go toward agriculture which is the only branch in our country that has been recording a foreign trade surplus and which also has huge investment potential. It is highly likely that candidate status will also bring better ratings with credit rating agencies, which is again something that potential investors and serious 'players' closely monitor.
tated investments, products with a higher added value and technologically more advanced work operations. Companies that have been recording losses are not eligible to apply, as well as companies that are undergoing bankruptcy, those that are involved in court proceedings and public enterprises. ► You are regularly in touch with foreign investors. In their opinion, what conditions have to be fulfilled in order for investors to invest their money in Serbia? - In this case, we cannot talk about individual things but rather the entire ‘package’. Earlier, the objections were mostly about political instability which we have eliminated. After that, they objected that we didn’t have active incentive measures, which we have introduced. Now, apart from Serbia’s usual comparative advantages like a favourable geographic position, good subsidies for investors and good tax rates, the country has validated its European course which offers much needed predictability to investors who are counting on us long-term. On top of that, there are free trade agreements which enable export companies to export free of, or at drastically reduced, customs duties to markets that have a cumulative total of one billion consumers. This makes Serbia ‘the best buy’ location for neighbouring investors.
Incentive funds are The investor incentive programme is allocated this year designed in a way that disbursements ► Foreign investors too. Given the cur- are made in four equal instalments in often complain that rent environment, workforce is not accordance with the realization stages our how realistic is it to educated, profiled or plan how high the incentives are going to be in recompetent enough in order to fit increasing despect to the number of employees? Was the money mands and efficient business operations. allocated for incentives last year spent in full? - We have a good heritage in terms of technical know- The investor incentive programme is designed in a how, but the workforce needs to be constantly educated way that disbursements are made in four equal inand trained. Simply put, a manager at FIAT is no longstalments in accordance with the realization stager going to have to educate a production worker from es – from concluding land purchase agreements, the very beginning since perhaps that worker's father to obtaining building and occupancy permits and had been doing the same job in the 1960s or 70s in the hiring workers. An investor is given three years to same town. However, that worker will have to be taught complete these stages starting with the signing of the very latest developments in the relevant production an agreement with the state. In line with that, this processes since they have been schooled by the old year's budget is also used for disbursements to insystem and had no chance of learning new things. vestors stemming from last year, the year before ► What are SIEPA's priorities in 2012? last and even 2009. By monitoring project implementation and com- We have a 'hot' season of fairs ahead of us and are municating with investors / fund users, we are able going to try to be present at close to 20 fairs abroad, to make a precise incentive budget for next year. together with 200 domestic companies that are going to exhibit. We would also like to administer as ► What are the most important criteria in order to much state aid as possible which would go toward our exporters and investors. When it comes to inget incentives? vestments, the goal has already been mentioned – - The criteria is formulated in a way to favour insufrepeating last year's results. ◄ ficiently developed parts of the country, export-orien►
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Branislav Bugarski Director of Vojvodina Investment Promotion Fund
Missing Good Marketing
“Out of 110 European regions, the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina was placed fourth in the Financial Times competition for the best European investment destination, while the municipalities Inđija, Sremska Mitrovica and Subotica reached the top of the list sending a positive signal to potential foreign investors”
n his capacity as director of the VIP fund of the Province of Vo j v o d i n a , B r a n i s l a v Bugarski is confident that more investments will follow the likes of Bosch and Siemens to the recently awarded region.
fourth place amongst 110 other regions while the municipalities Inđija, Sremska Mitrovica and Subotica reached the very top of the list which sends a positive signal to potential foreign investors. ► Was there any interest expressed by new investors in Cannes who are attracted to exploring Vojvodina's potentials and, if so, have you had any negotiations with them? - Yes, there was, since nobody from Serbia but us participated in this year's MIPIM. We arranged meetings in advance and managed to talk to several potential investors. We have also promoted Vojvodina as an investment destination for real estate developers.
Three mu► Last year, Vojvodina opened its European afnicipalities in Vojvodina and fairs office in Brussels which is amongst the the region as a first regional offices opened by a province from whole were choSerbia. Do you think that this project affected sen among the Vojvodina's ratings over other European investtop four investment destinations? ment destinations in Europe. What is your im- I am confident that the work done by the ofpression of the award ceremony that took place fice will affect the investment climate. My perin Cannes? sonal opinion is that, bearing in mind that it's - The award cerebeen only a year mony “European Large companies like Bosch, Continental since the office Cities a n d and Swarowski have signed investment was opened, we Regions of the need to wait a litcontracts. Siemens has decided to Future for 2012 bit longer for expand its production facilities here, tle / 2013”, held by things to be put FDI Intelligence as has Draexlmaier which is practically in place and for magazine, took the office to overgoing to double its capacity place at one come initial teethof the two most important real estate fairs – ing problems. They have already focused their MIPIM which is held in Cannes each March. activities on analyzing the surrounding enviThis is also a key event for everybody involved ronment and finding funds that are available in attracting FDIs. The ceremony was a celebrato Vojvodina through which the province can tion of success accomplished by European citimprove its social and economic development. ies and regions which were chosen as the top For an office that is only one year old, that is FDI locations, like Vojvodina. Our province won an excellent result. They are very valuable to ►
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us since their job is to point to investment trends, i.e. business opportunities that will be created following changes in European regulation which are important for the economy. ► Vojvodina's Prime Minister Bojan Pajtić has announced substantial investments to be made in Vojvodina. Can you elaborate? - Last year, large companies, like Bosch, Continental and Swarowski, signed investment contracts. Siemens has decided to expand its production facilities here, as has Draexlmaier which is practically going to double its capacity. Many other companies will follow suit. In that respect, 2011 was very positive for us and we are very optimistic about 2012 which is already off to a good start.
porting our products, but also through internationalization of our education. We also need more liberal regulation and allow an elementary or high school to start teaching in English or any other foreign language in line with the interests of the local community. I think that such flexibility is precious for our future competitiveness. ► What are the most common objections that foreign and domestic businesspeople have when it comes to the economic and regulatory environment in Vojvodina and Serbia? - I think that there is too much talk about that in comparison to how big the realistic challenges are. If we
► Apart from Subotica, Inđija and Sremska Mitrovica, what other Vojvodinian destinations are interesting to new investors and what are your arguments for choosing these destinations? - That all depends on the industrial branch or sector they are coming from. What we are proud of is that, in the past period, we have managed to secure investments in undeveloped areas like Bela Crkva where we are currently negotiating with an investor. Our guiding idea is to direct investors to local areas that are traditionally good Regardless of some areas having a are talking about domestic in their industry which has proven to be the best for- stronger industrial tradition, almost businesspeople, the objecmat for attracting FDIs. all our municipalities have at least one tions usually stem from not Apart from that, these arhow the system investor which is really encouraging knowing eas need to have approworks in other countries. priate spatial planning documents and infrastructure, In the case of foreign businesspeople, they are not fawhich are the two main prerequisites, as well as a miliar with our national regulations. This is sometimes workforce that has at least the elementary know-how done on purpose so investors are not given all the availneeded for a given industry. The workforce should also able information and subsequently we get surprised if be willing to have additional training at a later stage. they have negative impressions about our country. The I would not like to single out a town or municipalifact remains that our regulation is adapted to the EU ty in Vojvodina since they all have specific attributes. for the most part. It is competitive both in terms of fiRegardless of some areas having a stronger industrial nances and taxes and, with a profit tax of only 10%, we tradition, almost all of them have at least one investor can say that we have very good incentives that make which is really encouraging for us. this area exceptionally competitive. ◄ ► In your opinion, what should the state do immediately in order to use the candidate status to the fullest and promote Vojvodina as a good location for new investors? - I think that the state should launch a more aggressive marketing campaign. We need to use this tide of good news as that will bring results and affect investors who view us differently now than a year or two ago. Apart from that, we need to work more on making our economy more international, not only by ex-
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Srdjan Lazović Head of Corporate and Regulatory Affairs BAT SEE d.o.o.
Leading UK Investor British American Tobacco, established in 1902, is the world's most international tobacco group, operating in more than 180 countries. With a global market share of 13 percent and leadership positions in more than 50 markets, British American Tobacco is the second largest quoted tobacco group in the world
AT e m p loy s more than 60,000 people and has 45 cigarette factories in 39 countries. Its global portfolio has more than 200 brands, with the focus on Dunhill, Kent, Lucky Strike, Pall Mall, Vogue and Viceroy. The company`s global headquarters is in London. We have spoken with Srdjan Lazović, Head of Corporate and Regulatory Affairs BAT SEE d.o.o about their experience in Serbia so far, the business environment and corporate social responsibility.
work in BAT subsidiaries abroad – from Azerbaijan to our headquarters in London. ► How much were the previous BAT investments in Serbia? - Since the privatization, we have invested around EUR 200 mln in Serbia, out of which 115 mln was invested into the purchase and modernization of our Vranje factory. As a result of this investment, some of the leading global brands, like Kent, Lucky Strike, Pall Mall and Viceroy, are today produced in Vranje.
In what way does BAT contribute to the improvement of the business climate in Serbia? - BAT is one of the founders and a member of Board of Directors of the Foreign Investors Council (FIC), the leading international business association in Serbia. Through activities in the Council,the company is trying to point out measures aimed at improving the business climate in the country so as to, thereby, retain existing and attract new foreign investors. In this sense, we always emphasize that, besides political and macroeconomic stability, pre► BAT has been present in Serbia for 16 years. What dictability of the regulatory environment is of crucial importance for further foreign investments in are your experiences on the Serbian market? Serbia. BAT has always tried to be a true ambas- We started in 1996 as a representative office, but sador of Serbia and to promote it as an attractive the acquisition of Tobacco Industry Vranje in 2003 investment destination in all international forums was the major milestone. With that acquisition, the where we participated; this company became one of practice will certainly conthe leading foreign invesOur experience in the past tors and, at the same time, several years has showed that tinue in the future. the biggest UK investor in Serbia. The Serbian market there is obvious progress in the ► How would you rate the economic environment, but overall business environholds a very significant position in our business operthe situation is still not ideal ment in Serbia? ations in Southeast Europe. - Our experience in the past Experiences so far are mixed. We are still not makseveral years shows that there is obvious progress ing profit on the domestic market, due to the large in the economic environment, but the situation is number of, mostly, external factors that we cannot, still not ideal, and it is further complicated by the or can only partly influence. On the other hand, there economic crisis that has been present in the last are elements which we are satisfied with, i.e. the fact few years. On the other hand, since our arrival in that talented managers from Serbia are an imporSerbia, we try to maintain a constructive dialogue tant resource for the whole BAT group. In the last with the government and line ministries. We believe nine years, more than 30 colleagues of mine went to that such a relationship is vital for both parties, es-
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
► BAT is known as a pioneer of CSR in Serbia. Can you tell pecially having in mind the importance of the tobacco industry for the state budget. This dialogue, between the inus more about it? dustry and the state, in the past led to impressive results in - British American Tobacco is one of the originators of the certain areas. Today, revenues from excise taxes on cigaconcept of corporate social investment in Serbia. We are rettes are one of the most important sources of revenue for one of the founders of the Business Leaders Forum, the the Republic of Serbia budget, which makes Serbia a spefirst coalition of socially responsible companies in Serbia. cific market. For example, the percentage of the share of In the past nine years BAT has invested nearly EUR 1 mln in cigarettes in the budgets of EU member states is between CSR projects - ranging from the promotion of entrepreneur2 and 3 percent, while in Serbia in 2011, this figure was an ship, support to many educational and cultural institutions, incredible 12 percent, making Serbia in that element by far over to help for the victims of natural disasters, volunteer the first country in Europe. Probably even more important is involvement of employees, etc. the total share of cigarettes in the state budget – from less For example, for seven consecutive years, we have than 4 percent in 2003, we came to the projected 14 percent awarded prizes for the most successful small entrepreneur in 2012. The projection of the Ministry of Finance, articulatin Vranje. The award was established in cooperation with the ed into the Serbian budget for 2012, Ministry of Economy and Regional is that RSD 84 bln will be collect- Excise policy is essential to the Development, Serbian Chamber of ed from the excise on cigarettes, business of tobacco companies Commerce, the Regional Agency which, together with VAT, gives Economic Development and all over the world and in this for about RSD 105 bln in the budget, Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs or, as I already pointed out, the pro- context, Serbia is no exception Association of Vranje. jected 14 percent this year. ► What
is your view on the newly adopted Law on Excise? - Excise policy is essential to the business of tobacco companies all over the world and in this context, Serbia is no exception. Additionally, given the significant participation in the budget tax collection on cigarettes in Serbia, excise policy on cigarettes has an exceptional role for the state. We believe that the last change of the Excise law is a step in the right direction because it is a step towards harmonization with the respective EU Directive regarding tobacco products taxation. On the other hand, given that Serbia is still far from the minimum EU requirements regarding minimal excise, it is clear that this harmonization will continue in the years to come. What is important is that further harmonization with the minimum EU requirements has to be gradual, from year to year, in order to avoid sudden shocks to the market that can result in the appearance of illegal markets. There are negative examples of countries, even from Serbia’s neighbours (Romania as the most recent example) that have suddenly, "overnight", raised cigarette excise tax levels. The result in these countries was the appearance of an enormous illegal cigarette market in which everyone loses - the government, consumers and the industry itself. To conclude - Serbia will certainly continue harmonization with the EU in the tobacco taxation area, but it is essential that this should be a gradual harmonization in order to avoid possible distortion of the domestic tobacco market.
In line with the permanent orientation of helping those whose need it the most, in the aftermath of the Kraljevo earthquake, BAT helped the socially most vulnerable families in Kraljevo through the donation of two apartments with a total area of 120m2 / 80,000 EUR worth. Both families were selected based on criteria of the Kraljevo Center for Social Work. In the future, dependant on our resources and internal policies, we will continue with our cooperation with the community by supporting local projects, as well as transparent communication about all matters of common interest for both the community and for us. As a company with a socially responsible business focus, we believe that international expertise applied to the local market, with the engagement of domestic resources, will contribute to the further benefit of the whole society in Serbia. ◄
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Elections Must Not Hinder Progress In all countries, election years tend to have their own particularities and I hope that the situation of the real economy will not be forgotten amongst campaigning and negotiations about coalitions
happy that Serbia managed to receive candidate status. For us, Serbia belongs to Europe. Serbia does more than 55% of its foreign trade with the EU, and the EU is the single biggest donor of aid to the country by far. Bearing in mind all this, I believe it is a logical step for Serbia to orient it► What are your expectations when it self towards the EU. And yes, I do expect the candidate status to add some positive momentum comes to the overall economic situatowards future foreign investment. Considering tion in Serbia for 2012? the elections, I do hope that any coalition ne- This year will be special as there gotiations after the elections will be completed is not only the influence of the world quickly so that the country has a fully operational economy that we have to consider, but government as quickly as possible. In times like the fact that 2012 is an election year in Serbia. these, a functioning govIn all countries, election I do hope that any coalition ernment and predictable years tend to have their circumstances are more own particularities and negotiations after the I hope that the situation elections will be completed important than ever. of the real economy will not be forgotten amongst quickly so that the country has ► Do you think that pocampaigning and nego- a fully operational government litical stabilization in the tiations about coalitions. region could result in the as quickly as possible Under these circumstancconsolidation of the rees, it is very hard to predict a GDP-growth rate, gional market and, by that, higher business effibut I hope that it will be something in the range ciency or is it too early to expect such outcomes? of the previous estimates from the NBS or IMF. - I am no politician, but I can give you an answer from the economic field: Investors and business ► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcompeople in general look for stable, predictable circumstances. They want to know with whom they ing parliamentary elections to affect investment are dealing with and they want to know that their processes in Serbia and, if you do, what direction investment is safe and productive. Austria would will these processes take? not have achieved the economically strong status it - Austria has always supported Serbia´s path toenjoys today if it had been an unstable country. ◄ wards the European Union and we are extremely ndreas Haidenthaler is pleased that Serbia has received EU candidacy status and hopes that progress will not be stalled for too long due to the upcoming elections.
Andreas Haidenthaler Austrian Trade Commissioner to Serbia
austria Company Register AKZENT MEDIA d.o.o. Predrag Resanovic, Director Kneginje Ljubice 9, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 328 50 24 Fax: +381 11 263 78 35 ALCA TRGOVINA d.o.o Mitja Janezic, Director Beogradska 7, 11272 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2054400 Fax: +381 11 2054460
20 ALMA QUATTRO BELGRADE Kosance Dimitrijevic, General Manager Dositejeva 20/III, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2028900 Fax: +381 11 2028916 ALMI-A-ACK d.o.o. Vasilije Avramovic, Director Laze Savatica 16, 11080 Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 2199130 ALPINE d.o.o. Nevenka Sindjic, Director 27. marta 17,11120 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 30 37 680 Fax: +381 11 3345-769 Alufix d.o.o. Petar Komad Vladimira Gacinovica 1, 11000 Belgrade
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Tel: +381 11 3066775 ALUKÖNIGSTAHL d.o.o. Sasa Knezevic, Director Vladimira Popovica 6 11070 N. Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2223930 Fax: +381 11 3111165 ALUPLAST d.o.o. Alma Kapetanovic, Director
Batajnicki put 23, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 3070328 Fax: +381 11 3070441 ANDRITZ-VOITH PAPER Prof. DI Milorad Krgovic Bulevar oslobodjenja 267 / 20, 11000 Belgrade Tel/ Fax: +381 11 3985073 AQUAFINING
austria Company Register
GIA Technology d.o.o. Part of GIA Technology Group, Austria
passion for excellence transport + logistics
Construction & maintenance of petrol stations licensed by Austria
Primorska 86, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: 021 310 1 250 Fax 021 310 1 253 e-mail: Vladimir Lazic, Director Nemanjina 3,26000 Pancevo Tel: +381 13 344694 ATB SEVER HOLDING INTERNATIONAL Savo Mitrovic, Member of the Board Magnetna polja 6, 24000 Subotica Tel: +381 24 665100 ATTENSAM INTERNATIONAL d.o.o. Sasa Radovic Milutina Milankovic 11a, 11070 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 2603783 AUSTRIAN AIRLINES Elmar Erger, Director Terazije 3, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3248077 AUSTRIJSKA TURISTICKA ORGANIZACIJA ÖSTERREICH WERBUNG Klaus Kapper Tel: +381 113067770 AUSTROTHERM d.o.o. Dragomir Ilic, Director Arcibalda Rajsa 27, 11030 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2369280 Austrotherm –Marketingbüro Belgrad Vladimir Cujic,Marketing-Leiter in Belgrad Mob: +381 64 8234701 Avus-group
cargo-partner d.o.o. Beograd
Bulevar Arsenija Carnojevica 95A | SRB - 11070 Novi Beograd P: +381 11 312-0551 | F: +381 11 312-1474 | Nenad Terzic Tel: +381 11 3034071 AWT International d.o.o. Nevenka Kovac – Director Batajnicki drum 283f, 11080 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3304600 B.M.R.Montaze d.o.o. Aleksandar Despotovic, Director Hajduk Veljka 38, 15000 Sabac Tel: +381 15 303202 BAUMIT d.o.o. Branko Banjeglav, Director
Smederevski put 25k, 11113 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3475082 BAUMIT d.o.o. Belgrade, Ivana Kracunovic, Director Smederevski put 25k, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3131536 Fax: +381 11 3475082 BEIERSDORF d.o.o. Belgrade Daniela Gvozdenic, Director Omladinskih brigada 88a, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2220660 BINDER + Co Zoran Banovic Milana Tankosica 11/5, 11120
Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3293-749 BIOMEDICA MP d.o.o. Hans Dokulil, General Manager Djordja Pantelica 31, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 630-18-82 BIOMERIEUX Predrag Masic, General Manager Djordja Stanojevica 12/III, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2282160 BLUEWATERS Biljana Viduka, Director Hajduk Veljkova 11,21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4804600 BRAMAC KROVNI SISTEMI d.o.o.
Biljana Tomovic Bul.M.Pupina 10v, 11070 New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2129555 BRENNTAG CEE Srdjan Ilic, General Manager Sokobanjska 1; 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 6550050 CA IMMO d.o.o. Radivoje Karadzic, Director Milentija Popovica 5a, 11070 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 6555555 Cargo-partner Mirko Ilic, Director Tel: +381 11 3108040 CARAT AUSTRIA
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
austria Company Register Natasa Jankovic Kralja Petra 44; 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3944440 Centralna Putna Laboratoija D.O.O. Radomir Jakovljevic, Director Zivorada Petrovica 13, 21230 Novi Sad; Tel/Fax: +381 21 820180 CERATIZIT Dragan Stefanovic Vojislava Ilica 16/VI, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3806286 CHAPTER 4 COMMUNICATIONS Tamara Bekcic, General Manager Beogradska 54/V, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3862539 CHEMGINEERING d.o.o. Armin E. Mayer, Director Suboticka 23,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2412555 CHEMOPHARMA Nenad Grujicic, Director Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10g/I, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3115363 CITY EXPRESS d.o.o. Ivan Novakovic, Director Kumodraska 240, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3093003 CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hasche Sigle d.o.o. Dr. Radivoje Petrikic, Managing Partner; Cincar Janka 3, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3030136 CONFIDA CONSULTING d.o.o. Mag. Braunig Christian, Director Kneza Mihailova 22, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3039104 ConsulTeam d.o.o. Olga Svoboda, Director Prote Mateje 52, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 244 3980 DIALAB Export - Import d.o.o. Danijela Jovanovic, Director Carigradska 1, 11008 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3238-745 DIE PRESSE Thomas Roser, Director Koste Glavinica 25a, 11040 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 306-5253 Fax: +381 11 306-5254 DIGICARD co Prof. Dr.Pavle Bogetic Cara Nikolaja II 59, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 244 8928 DM DROGERIE MARKT d.o.o. Kammeringer Bettina, Director Bul. Mihajla Pupina 181, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2062900,
DPD Direktna paketna dostava d.o.o. Miloš Ogrizovic, Director Golubinacka bb, 22310 Simanovci Tel: +381 22 408808 Dr. RANTASA CONSULTING Danijela Vujisic ,Director Dr. Milutina Ivkovica 11A/5, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2669971 Fax: +381 11 3672047 Duropak Zoran Trnavac Balkanska 72, 37000 Krusevac Tel/Fax: 381 37 428556 DURST d.o.o. Hr. Roman Klott Mihaila Pupina 165, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2205 880 E.W.E. "ECOSYSTEMS" d.o.o. Predrag Kukolj ,Director Partizanske vode 4, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2500113 ECOREC d.o.o. Goran Vasic, Director 35254 Popovac Tel: +381 35 572203 Eglo Rasveta d.o.o. Suzana Jovanovic, General Manager Stefana Prvovencanog 28, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3981389 EINHELL d.o.o. Belgrade Ivan KUZMANOSKI, Director Vojvodjanska 386, 11271 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2269161 EJOT Tehnika spajanja d.o.o. Gf. Hr. Oliver Djuric Autoput Belgrade-Novi Sad 296X 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 8486082 ELSNER d.o.o. Ignaz Mascha, Director Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 64a 11070 New Belgrade EMC2 COMPUTER SYSTEMS Mladen Jevtic, Director Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2200-165 EPIC d.o.o. European Privatization & Investment Corporation Bobo Ristic, Director Dositejeva 26, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2622673 Fax: +381 11 2628975 ERSTE BANK a.d. Slavko Caric, Director
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 85b, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2015015 ESW Tennek Austria Boro Vasic Mira Popare 19, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3559506 EUROCARGO STROJKOVCE Dragan Simovic, Director Strojkovce 16203 Vucje Tel: +381 16 795-530 Eventim RS d.o.o. Ivica Stajkovic Director Toplicin venac 19-21, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3281025 First facility d.o.o. Milentija Popovica 5a, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 6149106 FEIX NUTRITION doo Zeljko Maksimovic, Director Bulevar cara Lazara 94, 21000 Novi Sad Mob: + 381 64 6616427 FERIT d.o.o. Mirjana Kukoljac ,Director Oblakovska 8, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 2651888 Festo GmbH, Belgrade Ivan Zekavica Toplice Milana 14a, 11050 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 304 96 95 FOOD LOGISTIC AUSTRIA, Uzice Predrag Djeric Dimitrija Tucovica, 31000 Uzice Tel/ Fax: +381 31 513539 predrag.djeric@foodlogisticaustria. FREY WILLE doo Danijela Belojevic, Shop Manager Terazije 26, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3626 296 : +381 11 3622348 GEBRUEDER WEISS d.o.o. Dragan Simovic, Director Marjana Djuric, Marketing Beogradska bb 11272 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3715235 GeoArt d.o.o. Goran Davidovic, Director Jurija Gagarina 48/69, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3113228 GFK BELGRADE D.O.O. Marijana Agic-Molnar Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10 b/II 11070 New Belgrade Tel./Fax +381 11 7155888;
GIA Industijska tehnika d.o.o. Oliver Maric direktor Temerinski put 48, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 6412600; GLOBO d.o.o. Judit Beker,Director Bajci Zilinskog 16, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 424357 GP PORR d.o.o. Walter Reckerzugl, Director Milutina Milankovica 11a, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3642200 GRAWE osiguranje A. D. O Wolfgang Czettl Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 115 D 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2092600 GrECo INTERNATIONAL d.o.o Predag Tomic ,General Director Dejan Papuga ,Executive Director Bledska 3, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3291867 GROTHUSEN AUDIO VIDEO Ljubisa Spegar ,Director Bul. Dr.Zorana Djindjica 95,11070 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2120588 Gruppa l´Ultima Zeljko Dobricic Cubrina 10. 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2181566 HAGLEITNER d.o.o. Dara Milojevic, General Manager Kraljevackih zrtava 5, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2392211 Hansa Flex Hidraulika d.o.o. Frank Schmidt, Director Tel/Fax: +381 11 193284 Mob: +381 64 169368 HAUZMAJSTOR Bojan Stevanovic, Director Dunavska 57a; 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3034034 HD EUROPEAN CONSULTING GROUP Danijel Pantic ,Director Francuska 5, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3286368 Fax: +381 11 32 88 661 HERZ Armaturen d.o.o. Milos Curcic, Director Industrijska zona bb, 22330 Nova Pazova; Tel: +381 22 328898 Fax: +381 22 328098; HILL International Natasa Savic, Director Ruzveltova 45, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 3294500; HIPP predstavništvo Kneza Milosa 51, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 3612944
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012 HÖDLMAYR –ZASTAVA d.o.o. Markus Waeger, Director Mr. Dusan Marjanovic Trg Topolivaca 4, 34000 Kragujevac Tel: +381 34 323239 Huber SRB d.o.o. Sasa Vukic, Director Viline Vode 47, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +38 111 2751929 HYPO ALPE-ADRIA- CONSULTANTS d.o.o. Vladimir Mrvic, Director Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6a, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2226820 Hypo Alpe-Adria-Leasing d.o.o. Vladimir Cupic, Director Rade Vojnovic, Director Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6a 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2226713 Fax: +381 11 2226799 HYPO-Leasing d.o.o. Christian Messner, Director Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 69 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2227000 Fax: +381 11 2226999 IB INTERBILANZ CONSULTING d.o.o. Marco Egger, Managing Partner Bulevar Milutina Milankovica 136a 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 6557043 Fax: +381 11 2693999 iC Consulenten Belgrade Peter Woetzinger, General Manager Kneza Milosa 19/III, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3237690 Fax: +381 11 3348529 IMMO CLEAN Dejan Markovic Zoran Simic, Director Ace Joksimovica 58/1, 11000 Belgrade; Tel/Fax: +381 11 2390327 IMO d.o.o. Mirko Vincetic Stevana Markovica 8, 11080 Belgrade; Tel/Fax: +381 11 2106404; INPRODUCT d.o.o. Mladen Radakovic, Director Milutina Milankovića 32, 11070 New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3017426 INSERT d.o.o. Sasa Jelaca, Director Paunova 41a, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 3066371 INTER DOMPANELI d.o.o. Johannes Walter Schaschl, Director Zrmanska ulica 29, 11030 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3548-671 IT AED Srbija d.o.o.
Zoran Zubac,Director Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 165a 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 136-213 JANKOVIC, POPOVIC & MITIC RA Mag. Nikola Jankovic RA Miloš Mitic RA Nenad Popovic Vladimira Popovića 6, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2076850; KELLER GEOTEHNIKA doo Robert Thurner Ustanicka 189/I-6b, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3470868 Fax: +381 11 3471518 KLACSKA Jugoslavija d.o.o. Stevan Jevtic, Director Pancevacki put 47, 11210 Krnjaca Tel: +381 11 2712378 KLIMA DOP d.o.o. Dragan Obradovic Autoput Belgrade-Zagreb BB (Blok 52, GP "Novi Kolektiv") 11077 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3190177 Fax: +381 11 3190563 KNAUF d.o.o. Milan Mihailovic Batajnicki drum 16b, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 2074500 Fax: +381 11 2074530 KONKAB doo Zeljko Nikolic, Director Prvomajska 32, 26210 Kovacica Tel/Fax: +381 13 660410 KONVEX d.o.o. Dragan Mihajlovic ,Director Skadarska 4/6, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3344772 KOTANYI d.o.o. Ronny Reto Egli, General Manager Kumanovska 14-16, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3532900 KRAFT FOODS d.o.o. Slavica Popovic Omladinskih brigada 88b 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3530870 KÜHNE & NAGEL d.o.o. Sasa Radosavljevic, Director Partizanska 228, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3715130 KUNSTTRANS d.o.o. Djordje Brankovic, Director Balkanska 32/IX,Belgrade 11000 Tel: +381 11 3611947 LAGERMAX Aleksandra Potkonjak, Director Golubinacka bb, 22310 Simanovci
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Više od pokreta.
austria Company Register Tel: +381 22 408861 LeitnerLeitner doo Rosana Draznik Resavska 23, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 116555105 LOGWIN ROAD + RAIL SRBIJA d.o.o. Vladimir Varicak, Director Novi Novosadski put 211, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 7870598 LORENCIC d.o.o. Jovan Vuckovic ,Director Servantesova b.b., 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 2107839 LUKINTEHNIK d.o.o. Ing. Slobodan Lukic, Director Indire Gandi 7/I, 11010 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 289 32 31 M.May Industrievertretungen. GmbH&Co.KG Predstavnistvo Belgrade Zeljka Todic ,Director M.Milankovica 138/13, 11070 New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 270240 MACO Predrag Boricic Mob: +381 63 487 636 Mob: +381 63 298 637 MEDIA FILM Dragan Grujicic, Director Milutina Milankovica 174 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 311 77 20 MEINL CAPITAL ADVISORS AG Gorica Obucina ,Director Alekse Nenadovica 15/III, 11000 Belgrade; Tel/Fax: +381 11 3449907 MERKUR OSIGURANJE a.d.o. Miodrag Kvrgic, Director Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6, 11070 N. Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2201250 Mersteel doo. Zoran Cvijovic, Director Partizanske Arijacije, 11070 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2228964 Fax: +381 11 2228997 MNG Centar doo Centar za ljudske resurse Vladimir Ivankovic, Director Jevrejska 24, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3284269 MORAVCEVIC VOJINOVIC & ZDRAVKOVIC Matija Vojinovic, Director Slaven Moracevic Francuska 27, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3202600 MULTICHEM-PURPEKTIN BELGRAD d.o.o. Director Zoran Roksandric
Colak Antina 15, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 369-0924 MUREXIN d.o.o. Dragan Ilic, Ceo Radoje Lakic 24, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax : +381 11 2422133 Nalco Österreich, Belgrade Aleksandar Krstic- Area Manager Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 165a 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3113057 Neofyton d.o.o. Zoran Tadic, Director Danila Kisa 7a, 21000 Novi Sad Tel/Fax: +381 21 452642 NINACOM Nebosa Skero Otona Zupancica 44, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3190125 Fax: +381 11 3193932 NITEA BÜROMÖBEL Vesna Jecmenica, Director Zorza Klemensoa 19, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3033050 Fax: +381 11 3033040 NORDMAN RATMAN Slobodan Nikolov, Director Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10V/I, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3017872 OM reklamna agencija d.o.o. Tel: +381 11 3246006 Fax: +381 11 3240620 OMV Serbia d.o.o. Karolj Lajko Director Omladinskih brigada 90a,11070 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2071500 Fax:+381 11 2071530; ORF Österreichischer Rundfunk Kralja Milana 15, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3227189 OTIS Christian Wappl, Director Bul. Mihaila Pupina 165a 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2134455 PANALPINA Representative Office Belgrade Snezana Petrovic, Director Nemanjina 40/II, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 36500-97 PEJAK-HANDEL d.o.o. Branko Pejak ,Director M. Tita 146, 15316 Banja Koviljaca Tel: +381 15 815635 PFT Systems Zoran Lazarevic, Director Bul. Arsenija Carnojevica 140/19 11070 New Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 3139764 PODGORINA FRUCHT d.o.o. Katarina Vucetic, General Manager Pere J. Komiricanca 27, 14253 Osecina Tel: +381 14 451165 PORSCHE LEASING SCG d.o.o. Rudolf Walker, General Manager Savski nasip 7, 11070 N. Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3042540 Fax: +381 11 3042449 PORSCHE SCG d.o.o. Manolito Vujicic, Director Zrenjaninski put 11, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3042400 Fax: +381 11 3042 409 Johnson Controls Austria GmbH Zoran Petrovic, Director Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10D/I Local 126 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 311 41 43 Fax: +381 11 213 76 94 MCT Handelsgesellschaft Bozidar Antonovic, Director Bul. kralja Aleksandra 86-88, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3113414 PRIMEX Export-Import Mirjana Saveski, Director Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 290 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2412325 PRISMA Risk Services doo Marija Vujasinovic,Director Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 121 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2028 051 PROCHASKA Saša Perisic Marsala Tita 73, 11426 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 7871277 PROMAT Violeta Antanasijevic, Director Kopaonicka 18, 18000 Nis Tel: +381 18 4530297 Fax: +381 18 4230570 PS ConFidas Wirtschaftstreuhand d.o.o. Alexander Samoning, Director Imotska 1, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3956 800 Fax: +381 11 3956888 QUALITY AUSTRIA CENTAR Igor Panin, General Manager Dravska 11; 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3807160 RAIFFEISEN EVOLUTION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT
Boris Ignjatovic, Director Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10 z/431, 11070 New Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 3115778 RAIFFEISEN LEASING d.o.o. Ralph ZETILBERGER Zetilbergger, Director Milutina Milankovica 134, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2017700 Fax: +381 11 3130081 Raiffeisen-Agro doo Milos Peric, Director Bulevar Dr. Zoran Djindjic 67/17 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2123035 Fax: +381 11 2123036 RAIFFEISENBANKA a.d. Oliver RÖGL, Chairman of the Managing Board Zoran Petrovic, Deputy Chairman of the Managing Board; Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 64a 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3202 100 Fax: +381 11 220 70 80 RAILOG Predstavnistvo Belgrade Damir KLASNJA ,Director Cara Lazara 13, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3033885 Fax: +381 11 2627848 RAPS ZACINI d.o.o. Dragan Jovic Bulevar Dr. Zoran Djindjic 45b 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3110882 Fax: +381 11 3130285 RAUCH d.o.o. Perica Aleksic, Director Francuska 5, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2652225 Fax: +381 11 2652298 RECA d.o.o. Vladan Ilic, Director Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10z/15 11070 N.Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3114426 Fax:+381 11 2134140 REHAU d.o.o. Nikola Ivosevic, Director Batajnicki put 283E 11080 Belgrade Zemun Tel: +381 11 3770301 Fax: +381 11 3770319 RÖFIX d.o.o. Darko Kovac ,Director Put za Novi Sad bb, 11080 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 848822 35254 Popovac Tel: +381 35 572583 Fax: +381 35 572584 ROGGENART
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Dragan VRANEŠ Vranes, Director Dzordza Vašingtona 12/35, 11008 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2397093 Fax: +381 11 2396979 ROHDE & SCHWARZ Österreich GmbH Representative Office Belgrad Petar Pavasovic, Director Toše Jovanovica 7, 11030 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 305-5025 Fax:+381 11 305-5024 ROTOGRAFIX d.o.o. Preduzece za prodaju grafickih mašina Mihailo Stankovic, Director Nehruova 129/III, 11070 New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2175959 Fax: +381 11 3179639 RWE MOST (REISNER & WOLFF) Darko Radovic Smiljaniceva 21, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3442719 S & T Serbia d.o.o. Predrag Vranes, Director Narodnih heroja 43/23, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 7116221 Fax: +381 11 7117665; SAFE INVEST d.o.o. Darko Bobesic, Director Terazije 43,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3234384 SAINT-GOBAIN GRAĐEVINSKI PROIZVODI d.o.o.RIGIPS Aleksandar Grujic, Director Vladimira Popovica 40,11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 6282444 Fax: +381 11 3149795 SCHACHERMAYER d.o.o Josef Roland Heinz Schachermayer, General Manager Autoput za Novi Sad BB, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 787-02-33 Fax: +381 11 7480 943 SCHENKER d.o.o. Neven Marcesku, Director Batajnicki drum 283d 11080 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3757717 Fax: +381 11 8488336 SCHIEDEL dimnjacki sistemi Silva Derca,Director Bulevar Arsenija Carnojevica 96/2 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3121-605 SCHILLER, Belgrade Ivan Milicevic,Director Sicevacka 1, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 3979508, Fax: +381 11 3979518, SCHRACK Energietechnik d.o.o. Nenad Rebic, Director Kumodraska 260, 11000 Belgrade
Tel/Fax: +381 11 3092600 SECURICOM-MULTISERVIS d.o.o. Marjan Gestakovski,General Manager Cara Urosa 25/3, 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 389 (2) 3297520 SIEMENS d.o.o. Tihomir Rajlic, CEO Omladinskih brigada 21, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2096005 Fax: +381 11 2096061 Siemens IT Solutions and Services d.o.o. Dragan STOKIC, General Director Pariske komune 22 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3012200 Fax: +381 11 3012250 SIMACEK FACILITY SERVICES SRB doo Radovan Kovac, Branch Manager Milentija Popovica 5a, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 6149156 Fax: +381 11 6149107 S-LEASING d.o.o. Bojan Basa, Director Djordja Stanojevica 12 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2010700 Fax: +381 11 2010702 SOKO INZINJERING Dragan Miladinovic, Owner Bulevar Arsenija Carnojevica 125 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3130561 Fax: +381 11 3130651 Soravia Management d.o.o. Director Miroslav Tantchev Svetog Nauma 1, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3699 802 Fax: +381 11 3699 803 SPECHT d.o.o. Jelena Opsenica, General Manager Nemanjina 40/III, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3650044 Fax: +381 11 3650084 SPIEGELFELD INTERNATIONAL d.o.o. Radivoje Nijemcevic, Director Milentija Popovica 5A 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 6603720 STRABAG d.o.o. Dipl. Ing. Dragan Pavelic, Director Antifasisticke Borbe 13A, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2221700 Fax: +381 11 2221940 SUN CHEMICAL d.o.o. Novica Milic,Director Vitezova Karadoreve zvezde 64 11160 Belgrade
Vienna and Beyond
NIKI Luftfahrt GmbH
Fly from NIKI’s hub in Vienna to Zurich, Barcelona, Hamburg, Berlin and other destinations, from only €89
IKI is pressing ahead with its growth strategy in 2012. As well as expanding the fleet with two new aircraft, taking the total to 23, NIKI’s range of products and services continues to go from strength to strength. The carrier is developing its Vienna hub, offering a wider range of connections that will also appeal to business travellers. NIKI has been operating two flights a day from Belgrade to Vienna since autumn 2011, meaning that customers can easily take a day trip from Serbia’s biggest city to the Austrian capital, or transfer in Vienna to other destinations such as Zurich, Berlin, Hamburg, Tel Aviv, Barcelona and Malaga. Since the 20th of March 2012 NIKI has been in a position to offer its customers access to a constantly growing network, even greater flexibility and individual solutions as an affiliate member of the oneworld alliance through its parent company, airberlin. “The passenger comes first” is more than just a slogan – outstanding service and passenger
comfort are the number one priority for the NIKI and airberlin team. The award-winning in-flight service includes free sandwiches and snacks from Demel and Sansibar, as well as complimentary drinks, newspapers and magazines. NIKI puts the passenger first even before take-off. The online checkin facility with free seat reservation, available at, helps to cut passenger waiting times at the airport. Early-bird flight deals are now available online at, via NIKI’s general sales agent and from travel agents. Flights to Vienna are currently available from €49 to Zurich, Berlin, Hamburg and Barcelona from €89 to Malaga from €109 and to Tel Aviv from €159. Frequent flyers can earn topbonus miles on all NIKI and airberlin flights. ◄
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
austria Company Register Tel: +381 11 3343350 Fax: +381 11 3343360 TAL Aviation Lidija Radic, Sales Manager Knez Mihailova 30/IV, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2631327 TCL Trans Cargo Logistic Internationale Spedition Dr. Mihajlo Vukicevic, Director Jurija Gagarina 26, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3021700 Fax: +381 11 3021744; Technik Design doo Dragan Glogovac, Director Pasterova 2, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 510780 Tel/Fax: +381 21 510 781 TERRA SRBIJA d.o.o. Sinisa Tomasic, General Manager Batajnicki drum 8A, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 3163255 Fax: +381 11 3161707 TERRANOVA d.o.o. Milan Spasic Koste Abraševica 17, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3806049 Fax: +381 11 3807574 TIPTEH d.o.o. Belgrade Damir Vecerka , Director Bul. Zoran Djindjic 45D, New Belgrade; Tel/Fax: +381 11 3131057 TM Immo d.o.o. Omladinskih brigada 21 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3613666 Fax: +381 11 3611111 TONDACH - POTISJE KANJIZA Jenei Istvan, General Manager Suboticki put 57; 24420 Kanjiza Tel: +381 24 873303 TOP TOURIST Dragoslav Popovic, General Manager Marsala Tita 48; 19 323 Grabovica Tel: +381 19 85058 Fax: +381 19 85888 TPA Horwath Tax & Finance Thomas Haneder Tel: +381 11 3223985 TRANSPETROL AUSTRIA GMBH, Belgrade Damir Klasnja , Director Cara Lazara 13,11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3033885 Fax:+381 11 2627848 TRENKWALDER KADROVSKE USLUGE d.o.o. Malisa Grujic , Director Omladinskih brigada 86, 11070 New Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 2129063 Bulevar Oslobođenja 36/2, 21000 Novi Sad; Tel: +381 21 530256 TROX Irena Popovic, Director Tel: +381 11 2622543 Truck & Car Solutions d.o.o. Robert Komenti Bul. Cara Lazara br. 94, 21000 Novi Sad; Tel: +381 21 531688 Fax: +381 21 533686 UNICREDIT BANK SRBIJA a.d. Klaus Priverschek, President Rajiceva 27-29, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3204500 Fax: +381 11 3342200 UniCredit CAIB Serbia d.o.o. Mitar Damjanovic, Director Kneginje Ljubice 11, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3286926 Fax: +381 11 3285509 Unicredit LEASING d.o.o. Gerald KERN, Director Vladimir Milojevic ,Director Tresnjevog cevta br1, 11070 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3093502 Fax: +381 11 3093501 UNIQA osiguranje a.d.o. Franz Weiler , President of the Executive committee Gordana Bukumirić , CITO, member of Executive committee Dragoljub Zdravković, CFO, member of Executive committee Milutina Milankovica 134 G 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2024-100 VAIT SRBIJA Dusan Erdeljan, Managing Director Rumenacki put 119 b, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 459450 Fax: +381 21 459916 VA Tech ELIN EBG d.o.o Director Gerhard SOCHOR Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10V/I 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3017-872 Fax: +381 11 3018-669 VB LEASING. Christoph Leitner, Managing Director Djordja Stanojevica 12, New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2016500 VIP MOBILE d.o.o. Thanasis Katsiroumpas President of the Management Board Omladinskih brigada 21 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2253333 Fax: +381 11 2253002 VMR - Magnetnorezonantni centar VAMED Vladimir Kovacevic, Director Hajduk Veljkova 11, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 424777
Fax: +381 21 424888 VOEST ALPINE d.o.o. Stefan Kaspar, Director Matthias Harms ,Director Antifasisticke borbe 18/3, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3118754 Fax: +381 11 134108 snezana.konsulovski@voestalpine. com VOEST-ALPINE INTERTRADING Dusan Erdeljan, Director Bulevar oslobodjenja 127/I, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 6614-990 Fax: +381 21 459450 VOLKSBANK a.d. Axel Hummel, Director Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 165g 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2013260 Fax: +381 11 2013270 W&P BAUMIT d.o.o. Arandjelovac Roland Hochholdin-Ger, Director Vencacki put bb,34300 Arandjelovac Tel: +381 34 727 410 Fax: +381 34 727 400 Wacker Neuson Kragujevac d.o.o. August Ornetzeder, Director Milice Milojkovic 13, 34000 Kragujevac; Tel/Fax: +381 34501085 WESTFALIA SURGE d.o.o. Petar Petrovic, Director Lazara Mamuzica 22,11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3166383 Fax: +381 11 3166 387 WIENER STÄDTISCHE OSIGURANJE a.d. Branko Krstonosic, CEO Trešnjinog cveta 1, New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2209900; WIFI SRBIJA Hrvoje Njegovec Tel: +381 11 3039115 WOLF, THEISS & PARTNER d.o.o. Miroslav Stojanovic ,Director Bul. Mihaila Pupina 6, 11070 New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 330-2900 Fax: +381 11 330-2925 WOMA BELGRADE Milos Velickovic, Director Rableova 18, 11050 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3432422 YKK AUSTRIA GmbH Danijela Radovanovic, Director Kosancic Ivana 5, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4739413 Fax: +381 21 4739412
belgium Company Register AGRICON Co. NINKOV Aleksandar, Manager Gagarinova 22 Novi Sad; + 381 21 443-762 + 381 21 442-070; AGRO-MIL STANKOVIC Dragan, Beheerder 37214 Pojate; + 381 37 805-154 +381 37 805-154 ALFASPED Tesic Dusan, Director Bratstva i jedinstva 32 Kanjiza; + 381 24 873 135 +381 24 873 164 ARCHPLAN D.O.O HELLEBUYCK Jan, Consultant Architect Bulevar Nikole Tesle 20/13 Zemun; +381 11 260-3882 +381 11 269-1913 ATLAS COPCO a.d. ILIBASIC Predrag, Deputy General Manager III Bulevar 23; Novi Beograd + 381 11 311-66-19 +381 11 311-66-21 381 11 311-55-78 AXIS DESIGN MILANOVIC Misa, General Manager Internacionalnih brigada 54 Beograd; +381 11 244 1200; BALGREEN d.o.o. PAVLOVIC Miodrag, Manager Nehruova 210, 11070 Beograd +381 637202644 +381 64 1136870 BergHOFF d.o.o. NIJEMCEVIC Radivoje, General Manager Neznanog junaka 14 11040 Beograd + 381 11 36-70-524 + 381 11 36-79-112 BOMORAN d.o.o. MILADINOVIC Bojan, General Manager Carli Caplina 39 (Hala Pionir) Beograd; +381 11 556-439 +381 11 329-31-79 BLOCKX EXPORT- IMPORT BENKOVA Miluska, General Manager Ciglanska bb; Bački Petrovac +381 21 781-507, +381 21 781-487 DELHAIZE GROUP David Vander Skuren, General Manager Autoput za Zagreb 35; 11000 Beograd 011/ 209-25-36; 011/ 209-25-39 DE VALK d.o.o. + EUROTEP VALCKE Johan, General Manager Prvomajska 45; Pancevo +381 13 304-977 + 381 13 334-313 ELECTRABEL d.o.o. VERMAUT Mahendra, General Manager Kralja Aleksandra 86-90 Beograd; +381 11 30.20.102 + 381 11 30.20.111
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012 ENERGO - ZELENA / ELECTRAWINDS Misic Nebojsa, Director Zeleznicka bb, Indjija Tel: +381 11 3449591 Fax: +381 11 3449590 GUIDANCE a.d. BAJIC Nebojsa, Director Kralja Milana 10; Beograd +381 11 2688-289 +381 11 2687-404 INOSTONE d.o.o. GRUJIC Grujica et Dejan, propriétaires Vojvode Bogdana 38 Beograd; +381 11 2424436 +381 11 308-72-11 INPHARM CO. D.o.o. Viljem Jovanovic, Director Cara Dusana 266 Zemun; +381 11 3073900 + 381 11 3073973; Ipka company RAMOVIC Ibrahim, direktor Brodarevska 74; Novi Pazar + 381 20 383-944 IZOLACIJA HOLDING a.d. Miška Jovanovića 9 Beograd; + 381 11 244-78-79 + 381 11 244-15-93 KBC BANKA a.d. - BEOGRAD Avram MILENKOVIC, CEO Omladinskih brigada 90v, 11070 Beograd; +381 11 30 50 300 +381 11 228 20 28; KBC SECURITIES TRIPOVIC Ana, Chairman of the Board Takovska 23-25; Beograd + 381 11 333 05 00 +381 11 333 05 02 Kenzai Group d.o.o. Auto – put za Novi Sad 74 Zemun; +381 11 3774253 +381 11 3774310 KORUS CONSULTING AGENCY KORIC Goran, General Manager Mestroviceva 38 Beograd; +381 11 2413 642 +381 64 9934 687 METECH d.o.o. KNABE Walter, General Director Djura Salaja 17; Smederevo + 381 26 644800 +381 26 611244 MEGA d.o.o. LOJANICA Nikola, Director Bulevar Vojvode Misica17/I +381 11 3691058 +381 11 3691058 MINEL-SCHREDER d.o.o. VUCKOVIC Bratislav, General Manager Tosin bunar 51; Zemun + 381 11 2614477 + 381 11 2612166 MONDI SERBIA d.o.o. KRUNIC Goran, Director Vrdila bb , 36000 Kraljevo 381 36 823-020 ; 021 ; 022
Fax 381 36 821-820 POLYDEC d.o.o. DJORDJEVIC Marina, Manager Pere Todorevica 15 Pozeska 67a; Beograd +381 11 305.94.23 + 381 11 305.94.23; PROFEX D d.d.o. STEVANOVIC Dragan, Manager Koste Jovanovica 35 Beograd; +381 11 3910-907 PURATOS d.o.o. DJORDJEVIC Orfej, General Manager Autoput za Zagreb 41 Novi Beograd; +381 11 3171-250 +381 11 3171-251 REYNAERS ALUMINIUM Sretenovic Sasa, General Manager Milutina Milankovica 27 Novi Beograd; + 381 11 313 2177 +381 11 313 2193 SUPER CANDY d.o.o. RISTIC Sandra, Director Bul. Zorana Djindjica 75 Novi Beograd; +381 11 2120554 +381 11 2120554 STYLOS d.o.o. BLAZIC Bosko, General Manager Futoski put 67; Novi Sad + 381 21 489-16-00 + 381 21 489-16-06 www.stylos.rsAGRO-MIL TARA INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING d.d.o Hugo A.M. van Veghel, Director Narodnog Fronta 73A/51-52 Novi Sad; + 381 60 525 00 20 + 381 21 63 666 12 TAVROS d.o.o. CANAK Bojan, General Manager Milutina Milankovica 76 Novi Beograd; + 381 11 318.06.40 +381 11 318.82.79 TERMOVENT KOMERC PEROVIC Dusan, Director Suboticka 23, Beograd +381 11 3087 966 +381 11 2413 544 URADI SAM d.o.o. JOVANOVIC Ivan, Director Omladinskih Brigada 19 11070 Novi Beograd + 381 11 2166533 +381 11 2276805 VIZZION EUROPE SA JOVICIC Rasko, Coördinator Diplomatska kolonija 22 11000 Beograd + 381 11 3676.502 + 381 11 3676.503 YUBE d.o.o. STOJANOVIC Jadranka, Director Brace Micica 66 31210 Pozega +381 31 823-043 +381 31 812-825
Imbalance in Trade
Our exports to Belgium hardly reach €100.1 million, and yet we import close to €164.2 million worth of goods from the country, hence Serbia has traditionally suffered from a deficit in trading with Belgium
he Kingdom of Belgium is considered a relatively important foreign trade partner of Serbia. In 2011, Belgium took 21st place on the list of countries we exported to and 24th on the import list. Both export and import grew up until 2009. In 2011, Serbia imported €164.4 million worth of goods from Belgium and exported €100.7 million. Serbia’s biggest exporters to Belgium are JT International AD, Methanol Acetic Acid Complex, Prvi Partizan AD, BlockX d.o.o., LR Fruit, MetalHemiko d.o.o., CT Computers d.o.o.,
There are close to 20 companies in Serbia that were founded with Belgian capital. Until recently, the biggest Belgian investment in Serbia was the acquisition of the Apatin Brewery by InBev. Also, KBC Bank has bought A Bank (formerly Alco Bank) Fruit and Vegetable Processing and Canning Company YUBE DOO and others. The biggest Serbian importers of goods from Belgium are Delta Sport d.o.o., Tarkett d.o.o., Foreign and Internal Trade and Marketing Company Yusafarm d.o.o., U.S. Steel, KL d.o.o., Beohemija and others. Serbian and Belgian businesses cooperate in the production sector, especially in metal processing and the chemical and agricultural/ food processing industries. The dominant form of economic cooperation between Serbia and Belgium is a classic buy / sell arrangement, which makes over 80% of export and 90% of import from Belgium. In another form of cooperation there is the processing service, which exports account for approximately 8%. There are close to 20 companies in Serbia that
were founded with Belgian capital. Until recently, the biggest Belgian investment in Serbia was the acquisition of the Apatin Brewery by InBev. Also, KBC Bank has bought A Bank (formerly Alco Bank). In 2009, the Apatin Brewery was sold to Anheuser-Busch InBev and CVC Capital Partners which bought all InBev breweries in Central Europe including the one in Apatin. CVC Capital Partners is a global financial, consultancy and investment company founded in 1981. The company has invested close to 18 billion euros through its funds. Recently, Delhaize Group bought a 100% share in Delta Maxi Group for 923.5 million euros. The company also undertook to settle 300 million euros of Delta Maxi’s liabilities. Apart from doing business in Greece and Romania, by acquiring Delta Maxi Group, Delhaize will become one of the leading retail chains in Southeast Europe. ◄
The founder of Blockx doo from Bački Petrovac is N.V. “Louis Blockx” Arendonk, Belgium. Blockx doo is production plant for production of all kinds of PP fabrics and sewing of different kinds of big bags for various purposes.
Blockx doo Blockx FIBC Production Ciglanska BB 21470 Bački Petrovac, Serbia T. +381 21 781 507 F. +381 21 781 487 Mob. +381 63 105 0484
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Old Trading Partners
In 2011, Bulgaria took 11th place on the list of countries that Serbia imported from and 12th place on the list of countries that Serbia exported to
projects), tourism (the Stara Planina area), as well erbia and Bulgaria are old assoas completion of a Corridor X section in the direcciates and trading partners. The tion of the Bulgarian border. In early 2011, Serbia neighbouring countries have aland Bulgaria signed a protocol from the first sesways, more or less successfully, traded sion of the Intergovernmental Commission for with each other and, in the last severEconomic Cooperation in the framework of the al decades, that cooperation has taken Serbian – Bulgarian Business Forum that took place many different formats. The two counin Sofia. According to the Bulgarian Information and tries have concluded several cooperTelecommunications Ministry, the protocol contains ation agreements with the most imfour guidelines for the development of goods exportant ones being the Agreement on change and cooperation between SMEs, sectoral Reciprocal Promotion and Protection of and chambers of commerce, including organizing Investments, Agreement on Cooperation business forums. in Tourism and The most important areas of The two sides also disAgreement cussed the construction on Economic cooperation are in energy, of a gas pipeline stretchCooperation tourism, as well as completion ing between Bulgaria and (came into force on 10th of a Corridor X section in the Serbia, the South Stream March 2010). Serbia and Bulgaria will continue to- direction of the Bulgarian border project and the possibility of Serbia participating promote economic relain the NPP Belene project. tions with the aim of further developing cooperation In 2011, Bulgaria took 11th place on the list of especially in areas like industry, agriculture, forestcountries that Serbia imported from and 12th place ry, energy, research and development, construction on the list of countries that Serbia exported to. The and cooperation between SMEs. deficit in trading between the two countries stood at The most important areas of cooperation are €96.1 million in 2011. ◄ in energy (The South Stream and Niš-Dupnica
bulgaria Company Register
BELARUS AGROPANONKA D.O.O. Dragoljub Svonja, Director Filipa Višnjića 10, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 524844; 523772 DINARA A.D. Biljana Sunkic, Director Save Markovića 3, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2464059 Fax: +381 11 2464462; TRIGON TIM D.O.O. Mile Supica, Director Gandijeva 148a, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3185646 Fax: +381 11 3185911 VULOVIĆ TRANSPORT D.O.O. Malisa Galjak, Director Lepenicki bulevar 1, 34000 Kragujevac Tel: + 381 34 335830; Fax: +381 34 335071 YUBEL INZINJERING Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10 New Belgrade; Tel: + 381 11 3116085 Fax: + 381 11 2145370
BRICO SPEC D.O.O Ivica Djordjevic, Director Djordja Stanojevića 12, 11070 N. Beograd, Tel: +381 11 2176292, Fax: +381 11 2287118, HANDYTEL D.O.O. Yulian Rajchel Rangelov, Director Mihaila Bulgakova 32B, Beograd; Tel: +381 11 3420556, Fax: +381 11 3047709, INTERLEMIND A.D. Nađa Petkova, Director Sime Pogačarevića 5, Leskovac, Tel: +381 16 245104, Fax: +381 16 242 227, INTERTRUST BELGRADE Radomir Jari, Contact Gandijeva 101a, Beograd, Tel: +381 11 2288731, Fax: +381 11 2288731,
intertrust_belgrade@ JUGOKAOLIN D.O.O. Borica Jovanović, Coordinator Dositejeva 11, 19000 Zaječar, Tel: +381 19 421530, Fax: +381 19 421221, K&K ELECTRONIC Nikolai Kitov, Director Nehruova 68B, Novi Beograd, Tel: +381 11 2091900, Fax: +381 11 2091901, LIVMIN A.D. Predrag Jovanović, Director 12.februar 82, 18000 Niš, Tel: +381 18 580650, Fax: +381 18 580658, MI GAS INŽINJERING D.O.O. Nikolay Bayrev, Contact Krajiška 71a, 11080 Zemun, Tel: +381 11 3739161, Fax: +381 11 3739160, MIN FAM A.D. Ivica Grozdanović, Director Šumadijska 1, 18000 Niš, Tel: +381 18 4241954, Fax: +381 18 4241954, MINMODEL A.D. Dragan Ranđelović, Director 12. februar 82, 18000 Niš, Tel: +381 18 580718, Fax: +381 18 580732, MINOM A.D. Nikolaj Jančev, Director 12. februar 82, 18000 Niš, Tel: +381 18 255591 Fax:+381 18 255591 MULTY GROUP Pavel Petkov, Director Marsala Tita, 11309 Lestane Beograd Tel: +381 11 803 0 633 Fax: +381 11 803 0 633, OFFICE 1 SUPER STORE
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Goran Nedeljković, Director Milosev kladenac 14b, 11126 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3460600 Fax: +381 11 3461011 milica.aleksiczavisic@offi PEX SERVICE Zahari Kalaydzhiev, Director Ugrinovacki put 116, 11080 Beograd, Tel: +381 11 3774531, Fax: +381 11 3774532, PRISTA OIL Mihail Ilinov Ilijev, Director Goce Delčev 34B, 11000 Beograd, Tel: +381 11 3196685, RUDNIK KOVIN A.D. Asen Goranov, Director Cara Lazara 85, 26200 Kovin, Tel: +381 13 741173, SRPSKA FABRIKA STAKLA A.D. Aleksandar Đukić, Director
Staklarska 1-3, 35250 Paraćin, Tel: +381 35 572810, Fax:+381 35 572614, SUMMIT TRADING D.O.O. Todor Evtimov, Director Koste Stamenkovića 11, 18000 Niš, Tel: +381 18 514104, Fax: +381 18 514105, TEMPO GAS D.O.O. Diliana Ivanova, Director Sime Lozanića, 11000 Beograd, Tel: +381 11 2667441, Fax: +381 11 2667441, TOPLIVO D.O.O. Kaloyan Slavkov Lubchov, Director Antifašistzičke borbe 15/1, 11070 Novi Beograd, Tel: +381 11 3118045, Fax: +381 11 2146962, TRADE EXPRESS D.O.O. Zorka Kirilova, Director Kružni put 40i Rakovica 11000 Beograd Tel:+381 11 2370988 Fax:+381 11 2370959 VULKAN A.D. Mramorski put bb, 18000 Niš, Tel: +381 18 4 289 912 Fax: +381 18 4 560 944 YUCOM INTERNATIONAL Evgeni Vasilev, Director Trg oktobarske revolucije 7,24000 Subotica, Tel: +381 24 553212, Fax: +381 24 553212, ZASTAVA KOVAČNICA A.D. Đorđe Pecelj, Director Kosovska 4, 34000 Kragujevac, Tel: +381 34 6170051, Fax: +381 34 6170060, kovacnica.prodaja@open.
Uncertain Conditions
Nadya Petkova Director of Interlemind
Rationalization and cutting back on operating costs are necessary conditions for preserving the current market position and competitiveness of our products
e came to Serbia in 2005 when we acquired a majority stake in the socially owned Leskovac based company LEMIND-FPL at auction. Following the privatization, and formal and legal procedures, we carried out important activities on stabilizing and advancing the company’s operations. We have secured the continuity of production, financial and material stability and safety,” says director of Interlemind from Leskovac, Nadya Petkova at the beginning of her interview for International Business Sector.
► Which
80% of our sales are domestic. Our buyers usually come from the construction sector, but there are also frozen fruit producers who use our products to build their cold storage units as our products are not harmful. Bearing in mind that investment activities have declined, it is now more difficult to reach real buyers, sell and get paid for finished products.
of your products is most in demand and ► How satisfied are you with the business envido you have plans to expand production? - We have launched some investments and ronment in which you operate? opened a new sandwich panel factory worth 10 - Despite the announcements made by ofmillion euros that uses brand new contempoficial authorities that a long-term and starary technological solutions. The factory’s annuble economic policy would be exercised in al capacity is 2.000.000 m2 and increased trading Serbia, practice shows that conditions for doin goods and services has resulted in significant ing business are still very uncertain and unacceleration of business trends. We produced up stable. Legislation is often changed and these to 10,000 tons of plastic-coated sheets, which is changes are frequently geared towards imfour times higher than average production in the posing more financial burden on employers. last few years. There isn’t enough money for working capiWe started to feel the tal and preserving curnegative impact of the The unstable dinar exchange rent liquidity and there economic downturn back are no cheap or incenrate and its constant in 2010. Interlemind’s loans. The unstable depreciation are creating huge tive management has always dinar exchange rate and negative fluctuations which its constant depreciation found ways to regularly pay its employees - avis creating huge negative have been annulling any erage salary per employfluctuations which have positive financial results ee in January 2012 was been annulling any pos43,500 dinars. itive financial results. So far, the state has been behaving like a ► Your products possess all the required certifiwicked stepmother to the economy by enacting regulations that have extracted all working cates. Does that help with export? capital from it. I think that the state should start - Rationalization and cutting back on opershowing good will by changing the way it collects ating costs are necessary conditions for preVAT, which should happen once an invoice is paid serving our current market position and comand not made. ◄ petitiveness of products since between 60% to International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Jeff Pennock Director of Avala resources d.o.o.
Investing in Serbia In 2011 Avala invested $19m in Serbia and with the favourable results to date the company has planned a further investment of $25m in 2012
vala Resources Ltd. is a Canadian-based gold & copper exploration company with a large block of exploration licenses and one concession, operating in Serbia through its subsidiary Avala resources d.o.o. We are speaking with director of Avala resources d.o.o. Jeff Pennock.
Which locations in Serbia have you been researching in order to find precious metals and where did you achieve the best results? Apart from gold and silver, what other precious metals did you find? - The focus for Avala is the exploration licenses it holds around Zagubica and Bor. Gold is the primary precious metal that the company is looking for; however, some bi-product revenues may be expected from silver. As for base metals, copper is leading the way for us. It is expected that gold and copper will be the main value drivers for the company.
► Recently, we were able to see reports regarding the results of long-term research ► Do you think the quantity of precious metals relating to precious metals in Timok County. The reports that you’ve discovered in the sedimentary rocks were compiled by Avala Resources. What is your is profitable enough for exploitation and if it is, view of the collated data? what kind of exploitation period are we talking - The team at Avala are all pleased with the reabout? sults compiled to date and are optimistic of con- We are optimistic on the economics of our tinued success in 2012 and Timok Gold Project and the going forward. We will work Avala resources d.o.o. has next step for us is to finalwith industry experts this 180 local Serbian staff on our ize and make public a ‘reyear who will review our source’, which will include work to prepare the nec- payroll including geologists, an independent consultand professionals from essary documentation to ant to verify our results. progress our project(s) to other disciplines. We are We have already retained a the next level. We will alfrom the U.K. to proud of our Serbian staff company so continue to work closedo just that. The next step ly with Serbian Government and have only 5 expatriates will be to conduct a prefeaofficials, who have been employed at the company sibility study which will betvery supportive to date, as ter determine the mining we work together to build a positive future for the method and potential life of the mine. Serbian Mining Industry. ► Do you use the know-how of Serbian experts ► Do you think that the generated results are in your research or do you rely solely on your own specialists? sufficient enough reason for the research to - Avala resources d.o.o. has 180 local Serbian continue? If that happens, are you going to exstaff on our payroll including geologists, and protend the research to include other areas? fessionals from other disciplines. We are proud - In 2011 Avala invested $19m in Serbia and with of our Serbian staff and have only 5 expatriates the favourable results to date the company has employed at the company. Primarily we rely on planned a further investment of $25m in 2012. our in house professionals but do bring in conMost of the investment in 2012 will be on our sultants from around the world to conduct speTimok Gold Project which has the best chance of cific tasks including training our team, providing advancing to the next level; however, the company independent advice and in quality assurance of will continue to conduct ‘grassroots’ exploration the data compiled by our professionals. ◄ in other areas to build our project pipeline.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Serbia Has Sizeable Metals Endowment The Serbian government is quite committed to working with companies like Dunav to expand the contribution of mining to the Serbian economy
unav Resources a well-capitalized company with approximately $6.0 million in its treasury as of January 31st, 2012, which it plans to use for the exploration and development of its mineral projects in Serbia. We have interviewed Jeff Pennock, director of both Dunav minerals d.o.o. and Dunav resources d.o.o. Can you brief us on the two Dunav companies that are operating in Serbia? - Dunav resources d.o.o. is a new company in Serbia, formed in 2011, and is focussed on ‘grassroots’ exploration (identifying new areas for further exploration). Dunav minerals d.o.o. is focused on two mature projects, specifically, the Surdulica Molybdenum Project and the Tulare Copper-Gold project.
► How much money has been invested in research in Serbia recently and what are your plans for the future? - In 2011, $6.3m was invested in Serbia and in 2012 the company will almost double that commitment as $11m is budgeted for investment in the country during 2012.
ic assessment. For Tulare, we at Dunav are proceeding with great haste on the project.
Jeff Pennock Director of Dunav resources d.o.o. and Dunav minerals d.o.o.
► Due
to a substantial hike in the global price of gold and projections that the price will continue to grow, how much gold you would need to find in order for the exploitation to become profitable? - The amount of gold that needs to be ‘in the ground’ in order to make extraction a profitable venture, depends on many factors including: grade (concentration of metal in the ground) and how close the metal is to surface (to determine if a less expensive open pit mine is possible). These factors and many more (especially metallurgy) are all considered when financial models are compiled to determine the economics of mining an ‘area of interest’. As for gold prices, yes, the high price is good news; however, gold is a commodity and the price can change, thus any economic analysis will take a conservative approach when considering gold price.
► You are known as a company that has always conducted credible research. Based on what you have found so far, do you think that Serbia can count on substantial income from gold, silver and other metal deposits? ► You have carried out research at two locations - Yes, our team does use a regimented system of in Serbia – Surdulica and Tulare. Could you tell procedures to ensure quality information which we us the difference between the projects and the then have reviewed by internationally renowned status of each of these iniconsultants to verify informatiatives in Serbia? tion and provide additional The new Mining Law in - The Surdulica Project comfort to our stakeholders. Serbia is a great step. The Serbia has a sizeable metals is a Molybdenum Project and the company actu- Government of Serbia seems endowment and the governally has a resource filed committed to stimulating ment is quite committed to with Canadian regulators working with companies like (Indicated - 22Mt @ 0.05% foreign investments within Dunav to expand the contribuMo and Inferred - 125Mt @ tion of mining to the Serbian the mining industry 0.05% Mo). The project is economy. The new Mining currently on hold because of a struggling molybLaw in Serbia is a great step. The Government of denum metal price due to a lack of world-wide Serbia seems committed to stimulating foreign indemand. For the Tulare Copper-Gold Project, the vestments within the mining industry and recently situation is much different; whereby, the compapublished the stated aim for “…mining’s contribuny has commenced a resource definition drilling tion to increase from 2% of GDP to 5% by 2020 and program and we expect to publish a resource in employ 35,000.” We at Dunav look forward to a con2012. This will hopefully allow Dunav to move the tinued successful relationship with the Government project to the next level, including an economof Serbia to meet this stated objective. ◄
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Maintaining Macroeconomic Stability
The Canadian Ambassador to Serbia, H.E. Mr. Roman Waschuk expects the Serbian authorities to continue their efforts in macroeconomic stability in 2012
anada-Serbia trade has increased almost tenfold over the past 5 years. In 2009, bilateral trade in goods totalled just under €45.3 million. In addition, Canadian investment commitments in the region (including Montenegro), which reached more than €378 million in 2007 and has been increasing steadily.
H.E. Mr. Roman Waschuk Canadian Ambassador to Serbia
Major Canadian-led infrastructure projects such as the Bor copper plant upgrading (already underway), the Brodarevo run-of-the-river hydro plants, and the recently-launched Bistrica reversible pump hydro power plant project are evidence of this positive trend, as is the increased Canadian investment in gold, lithium and other mineral exploration.
Do you think that political stabilization in the region could result in the consolidation of the regional market and, by that, ► What are your expectaSerbia’s EU candidate status higher business efficiency tions when it comes to the or is it too early to expect overall economic situation is a positive sign for thirdsuch outcomes? in Serbia for 2012? country investors, which - Hydro resources and pow- We have so far observed a we’ve seen reflected in er grids are no respecters of serious and consistent effort by the Serbian authorities to Canadian corporate interest in political boundaries, which is why infrastructure conmaintain macroeconomic opportunities here tractors and investors are stability, and expect this apalready taking a more regional approach. We’ve found proach to prevail for the remainder of the year. governments and their agencies quite open and supportive in this respect. ◄ ► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcoming parliamentary elections to affect investment proccanada Company Register esses in Serbia and, if you do, what direction will these processes take? Pharma Swiss – VALEANT REV Mirko Bogdanov, Director Miljana Vidovic, Director - Serbia’s EU candidate status is a positive sign for Bulevar Oslobodjenja 131, 11000 Belgrade Vojvode Stepe 18,11000 Belgrade third-country investors, which we’ve seen reflected Tel: +381 11 3093900 Tel:+381 11 3978453 in Canadian corporate interest in opportunities here.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Eu Candidate Status is a Strong Impetus
During the EU candidacy stage, many countries have recorded their biggest production growth, regulated their economic environment and tackled corruption and economic crime
countries with fragile democracies his year is going to be difficult, not only for such elections can lead to a bigger Serbia and regional countries, but virtualor smaller stagnation of the economy. ly everyone. The tidal wave of crisis is still Once the economy builds its own path, sweeping over the strongest global economies, devoid of politics and power shifts, European countries and the EU. The challengand starts walking along that path, we es are huge and solutions uncertain, while, in the will be able to say that we have encase of some important economic issues, there are tered democracy. either no solutions or, if there are, they are rathPolitical stability in the region is the er controversial. Unfortunately, economic theory key to market consolidation, sustainahad no ready answers for this contemporary ecoble growth and development, reduction of the unnomic downturn and is still searching for them. If employment rate and increasing the living standit wasn't hard enough for small countries, espeard in each individual country and thus the region cially those that are in the transition process, they as a whole. It is often political instability, and not are now having to deal with global problems on top the environment that we live in that is at the root of problems associated with economic and social of problems like stagnation, a shortage of effitransformation. After a new Serbian government is cient problem solving and other struggles that we formed, just like in the case of Croatia, that governgo through. In addition, we ment will have to go back to structural reforms and Political stability in the region is have to deal with many incontinue with the eco- the key to market consolidation, ternal problems and hurdles. The global economnomic transition and sustainable growth and ic crisis has made foreign transformation process development, reduction of capital somewhat scared aside from tackling other burning issues. On its the unemployment rate and or even spoiled, so foreign are not keen road to EU membership, increasing the living standard in companies to enter politically ambigSerbia needs to deal with a very demanding process each individual country and the uous and uncertain markets. Only speculative capof harmonizing its standregion as a whole ital is willing to come to ards and norms to those turbulent and dubious markets which brings new, of the EU and maintaining macro-economic stabilioften more difficult problems to deal with. ty while working toward accomplishing set goals. Today, the economy operates on a global, conSerious economic analysts and experiences of tinental and regional level and we, as small councandidate countries show that candidacy is a strong tries, should always remember that. Hence, if we impetus for domestic economic growth, while atconsolidate ourselves politically, we are going to fair tracting foreign investors, regulating the economic much better. There are many opportunities to be system and adhering to rules of a fair market game. seized, particularly through strengthening bilaterDuring EU candidacy stage, many countries have al cooperation and having joint access. All of that recorded the biggest production growth, regulated is based on the principles of economic partnership. their economic environment and tackled corruption Partnership should be our regional 'key' to 'unlockand economic crime. ing' the problem of the global crisis. â—„ Speaking about parliamentary elections, in
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Svetlana BoŞinović Economic Advisor at the Croatian Embassy in Serbia
croatia Company Register AMOROSO d.o.o. Marin Vranjes Bul.Mihajla Pupina 10z , 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2146 943 AG DINAS d.o.o. Marko Sabljak, Director Siroki put 16v, 11273 Batajnica Tel: +381 11 848 67 39 AGIT 2008 d.o.o. Slavisa Lazic, Director Nemanjina 4, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2657 648 AP SIGNALING d.o.o. Milovan Kesic, Director Jelenka Mihailovica 18, 11060 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2770542 ARMAVENT d.o.o. Hranislav Stojkovic Borska 9c, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 3592001 ATLAS AMBASADOR d.o.o. Kosovska 8/6, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3220878 Fax: +381 11 3226830 Avis d.o.o. Srdjan Lakic, Director Milentija Popovica 5, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3139616 Fax: +381 11 2129937 BADEL 1862 d.o.o Mirko Babic, Director Bul. Mihajla Pupina 121 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2132588 B4B Miroslav Guzvica, Director Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 73 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2120450 Fax: +381 11 2120453 BCC Services d.o.o. Kneza Milosa 82, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3065599 Fax: +381 11 3065598 BELUPO d.d. Nevenka Urosevic, Director Mosorska 1, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3098871 Fax: +381 11 2493226 BEOINSTAL d.o.o. Dragoslav Joksimovic, Director Petra Martinovica 35,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3541059 Fax: +381 11 3541059 BEOPANON MEDICAL d.o.o Pere Velimirovica 1d, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3670680 Tel/faks: +381 11 3671131 BEOTOK d.o.o. Zoran Tancic, Director
Stevana Sremca 41, 26000 Pancevo Tel: +381 13 361656 Fax: +38113 361302 BERNARDA d.o.o. Igor Potkonjak, Director Dimitrija Tucovica 107, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3806658 BETEL d.o.o. Goran Davidovic,Director Branka Bajica 30, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 510977 Fax: +381 21 512189 BIOGNOST d.o.o. Ilija Dimitrijevic, Director Blagoja Parovica 17/1, 11030 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3572411 Fax: +381 11 3572412 BMM POSLOVNA LIGA d.o.o. Mirko Djukic, Director Kursulina 7, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381/ 11/ 2440 378 Bomman-KB export-import Augusta Cesarca 5, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3691123, Fax: +381 11 36913451 CASTROL CROATIA d.o.o. Stevo Djokic, Director Takovska 46, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3293886 Fax: +381 11 3293885 CENTAR ZA RECIKLAZU a.d. Branislav Pejovic, Director Tome BuSe 14, 11250 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2580586 Fax: +381 11 2577315 CNT d.o.o. Bosko Milovanovic, Director Tel: +381 11 3115606 COMMEL-PRIKLJUCNI KABLOVI d.o.o. Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 3/3, 11070 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 3121492 CROMOS SVIJETLOST d.o.o. Laze Lazarevica 4, 15000 Sabac Tel: +381 15 350635 D.B.T. OKOVI Drago Bukovina, Director Ugrinovacki Put 41, 11080 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3754035 Fax:+381 11 3141461 DIJAMANT a.d. Slavica Keselj, Director Temisvarski drum 14, 23000 Zrenjanin Tel: +381 23 551050 Fax.: +381 23 546347 DRACOMERX Boban UzunoviC, Director Milutina Milankovica 25b, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3121425 Fax: +381 011 3121426 DRVO-TVIN d.o.o. Ratko Djordjevic, Director Bul.despota Stefana 108, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3292049 Fax: +381 11 3292039 EGMONT d.o.o. Ivana Simic - Golubovic, Director Bulevar Arsenija Carnojevica82/3 11070 Novi Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3132656 Fax: +381 11 3139763 EKO TANK d.o.o. Zivko Samardzija, Director Antifasisticke borbe 21d, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3130218 Fax: +381 11 3130217 EUROMAKINA d.o.o. Stevam Lastic, Director Tel: +381 22 461565 Tel: +385 21 203801 EUROPA PRESS d.o.o. Tanja Milanovic, Director Kneginje Zorke 96, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2041104 Fax: +38111 2041161 EUROMODUL d.o.o. Milan Copic, Director Industrijska zona bb, 22330 Nova Pazova Tel: +381 22 328003 Fax: +381 22 328 004 EXOR-ESI d.o.o. Branislav Jovanic , Director Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 165a 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3016881 Fax: +381 11 3113148 EURCO d.o.o. Branko Ilijin Zmaj Jovina 5, 22300 Stara Pazova Tel: +381 22 310697 Fax: +381 22 310698 FABRIKA HARTIJE a.d. Prilazni put Ada Huji 9, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3316501 Fax: +381 11 2771322 FELNA d.o.o Tomislav Markelj, Director Pariske Komune 106 , 23000 Zrenjanin Tel: +381 23 511565 Fax: +38123 511581 FEROTEHNA d.o.o. Zelimir Vukmanovic, Director Prvomajska 66/I, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 3167830 Fax: +381 11 3161320 FIMA INVEST a.d. Milan Marinkovic Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10a II/4 11000 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 4141603 FRIKOM a.d. Gojko Djosic,Director Zrenjaninski put b.b. ,11213 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2074100 Fax: +381 11 2074148 GASOP d.o.o. Radoslav Radojicic, Director Zaplanjska 84e, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3974686 Fax: +381 11 2463648 GEACHEM d.o.o. Darko Jovanovic Ljutice Bogdana 1a, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3067072 Fax:+38111 3672551 GEALAN d.o.o. Igor Nikolic, Director Majora Zorana Radosavljevica 374, 11273 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 3752903 GENESIS d.o.o. Slavica Spasic, Director Ratka Mitrovica 126, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2310297 Fax: +381 11 2310342 GISDATA d.o.o. Goran Stepanovic Beogradska 27, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3241677 Fax: +381 11 3244060 GLETER MAX d.o.o. Dejan Rajcevic Petra Kocica 6, 11070 Zemun Tel: +381 11 2109319 Fax: +381 11 2190380 GRAD –EXPORT Jovanka Sitnicic, Director Reljkoviceva 1, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3583374 Fax: +381 11 3057443 Svetog Save 140, 22240 Sid Tel: +381 22 712043 HIDRAULIKA KURELJA-PROLETER,
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
d.o.o. Krstic Sreten, Director Industrijska 1, 34000 Kragujevac Tel: +381 34 333171 Fax: +381 34 336204 HSM Informatika d.o.o. Dusko Mijatovic,Director Jovana Rajica 12, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3047186 Tel/Fax: +381 11 2835095 IDEA d.o.o. Aleksandar Seratlic Autoput za Zagreb 11/a, 11070 Belgrade IMO Djure Djakovica 8,11080 Zemun Tel:+381 11 2106404 Fax: +38111 3162906 INA d.o.o. Rikard Klobucar, Director Jove Ilica 4, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3099333 Fax: +381 11 3099444 IN 2 d.o.o. Ante Mandic, Director Vladimira Popovica 40, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2123023 Fax: +381 11 3015040 ING EKSPERT d.o.o. Mirjana Rajlic, Director Kneginje Zorke 9/III, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2436393 Fax: +381 11 3088703 INKER d.d Branka Milic Slobodanke Danke Savic 6 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2414824 Fax: +381 11 2417253 INOS PAPIR SERVIS a.d. Milorada Jovanovica 14, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2541880 Fax: +381 11 2547599 IN TIME EXPRESS d.o.o. Novosadski autoput 53, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 3774215 Fax: +381 11 3757163 INTELIGENTE SERVICES & PRODUCTION Mile Radmanovic , Director Vojvode Milenka 52, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3629241 Fax: +381 11 3629240 INTERCAPITAL SECURITIES a.d. Dragomir Milin, Director Makenzijeva 23, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3809985 Fax: +381 11 3837600 INTERPLANEKO d.o.o. Branko Rajer,Director Trg Nikole Pasica 5/VII, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3398739 Fax: +381/11/3035472 IREKS d.o.o. Svetozara Miletica 3, 26000 Pancevo Tel: +381 13 366669 Fax:+381 13 366669 ISS-INTERSERVIS d.o.o. Zoran Djuric, Director Jove Ilica 31, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2065522 Fax: +381 11 2065566 JADRAN Carape d.o.o. Zeljko Dzakula A. Tisme (Jadranska) 17, 21000 Novi Sad Tel/Fax: +381 21 6553 244 JADRAN GALENSKI LABORATORIJ d.o.o. Zorica Lazic,Director Mirijevski Bulevar 37a, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2771631 Fax: +381 11 2771544 JOLLY TRAVEL d.o.o. Trg Republike bb, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3220130 Fax.: +381.11.3343503 KANAAN d.o.o. Zvonko Popovic Brace Ribnikar 15/I/7, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 6398012 KARUPOVIC d.o.o. Generala Mihaila Nedeljkovica53 11077 Novi Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2166765 Tel/Fax:+381 11 2270667 KIKINDSKI MLIN a.d. Dusan Djukanovic, Director Svetozara Miletica 198, 23300 Kikinda Tel: +381 230 421 303 fax: +381/230 422226 KIM TEC d.o.o. Damir Dedic, General Manager Slobodna zona Beograd L12/4 Viline vode bb, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2070600 Fax: + 381 11 2070854 KING ICT d.o.o. Viline vode bb,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3313556 Fax: +381 11 3313 595 KONCAR – ELEKTROINDUSTRIJA d.d.
croatia Company Register Vlado Oreskovic Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10z/424 11070 Novi Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3017321 Fax: +381 11 2145485 KORDUN GRUPA d.o.o. Blagoja Parovica 19, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax:+381 11 3548315 KRAS COMMERCE d.o.o. Zivko Kapetanovic, Director Autoput za Novi Sad 96 , 11080 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3532904 Fax: +381 11 3532973 KTC d.o.o. Momir Djajic Pacirski put 61, 24000 Subotica Tel: +381 24 645800 KTD d.o.o. Vladan Joksimovic, Director Dobropoljska 63/3, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3699036 Fax: +381 11 3657068 KUMAL d.o.o. Aleksandra Lalic, President Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10i/223 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3112239 Fax. +381 11 3121 690 LANAC d.o.o. Ivan Vrbetc, Director Novi sor 88, 22000 Sremska Mitrovica Tel: +381 22 615322 Fax: +381 22 614312 LIMARIJA SEBASTIJAN a.d. Nada Sancanin, Director Zarka Zrenjanina 121, 21400 Backa Palanka Tel: +381 21 6045063 Ugrinovacki put 90D, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 3774874 LUKOVIC AGRI d.o.o. Marsala Tita 180, 23000 Kula Tel/Fax: +381 25 725606 M-PROINTEX d.o.o. Ivan Ristic, Director Kralja Petra I 334 11400 Mladenovac Tel: +381 11 8230 968 Fax:+381 11 8230-450 MAK TradeGroup Slavko Radmilovic, Director Podavalska 2B, 11231 Resnik Tel: +381 11 8040044 Fax: +381 11 8042425 MARTIMEX d.o.o. Veljko Marton, Director Knjeginje Zorke 16/II/5, 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 385 1 3670600 MATE d.o.o. Nikola M. Stajic, Director Bul.Arsenija Carnojevica 52 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2606414 Fax: +381 11 3119423 MEDI PLUS d.o.o. Zlatko Tesnak, Director Rumenacki put 55, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 6741144 Fax: +381 21 6363662 MEDIA CLIPPING Ljubisa Lukic, Director Hilandarska 32, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3243155 Tel/Fax: + 381 11 3234590 METAL CENTAR d.o.o. Miomir Urbanovic, Director Cara Dusana bb, 22313 Vojka Tel: +381 22 301019 Fax: +381 22 301 600 MILENIJUM OSIGURANJE a.d. Veljko Knezevic, Director Bulevar Milutina Milankovića 19b, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 7152300 Fax: +381 11 7152306 MIN DIV Svrljig, a.d. Dusana Trivunca 31, 18360 Svrljig Tel: +381 18 822345 Fax: +381 18 821270 MIRNOVEC PIROTEHNIKA d.o.o. Danilo Ljevnaic, Director Preradoviceva 2, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 22 618668 MIV - METALSKA INDUSTRIJA VARAZDIN Zoran Djukic,Director 51 Divizije 30, 24000 Subotica Tel: +381 24 671805 MOBIS ELECTRONIC d.o.o. Dragan Labus, Director Prve pruge 27c, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3192295 Fax: +381 11 3016896 MPG PLUS d.o.o. Drasko Roganovic, Director Dobrovoljacka 10, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2619799 Fax: +381 11 2619887 M-PROFIL d.o.o. Zdravko Valec, Director
GolubinaCki put b.b.,22300 Stara Pazova Tel: +381 22 310431 Fax: +381 22 310517 MULTIPHARM d.o.o. Slavica Klasnja-Paripovc, Director Mucenicka 2, 26000 Pancevo Tel: +381 13 351127 Fax: +38113 351537 MULTIVITA d.o.o. Milan Cvrkota, Director Belgradeski put bb, 26308 Vrsac Tel: +381 13 803448 Fax: +381 13 803385 NEXE BETON d.o.o. Dragan Stojiljkovic, Director Put Sajkaskog Odreda 7v,21 000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 820280 Fax: +38121 824968 NOVA SKOLSKA KNJIGA, d.o.o. Mirjana Miloradovic, Director Bul.Vojvode Misica 17/III, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3691259 Fax: +381 11 3690519 OKTAL PHARMA d.o.o. Petar Djuric, Director Dusana Dude Timotijevica 9, 11050 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3467999 Fax: +381 11 3467046 ORNELA by KBL d.o.o. Takovska 36-38, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 208 44 98 PALFINGER d.o.o. Vladimir Simonovic, Director Utve Zlatokrile 9, 26101 Pancevo Tel: +381 13 351790 Fax: +381 13 351290 PENTAKS LACUNA GROUP d.o.o. Predrag Niciforovic, Director Cvijiceva 66 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2084474 Tel/Fax: +381 11 2084475 PETROKEMIJA d.o.o. Zoran Matic, Director Ilije Ognjanovica 28, 21000 Novi Sad Tel/Fax: +381 21 424 472 PET CENTAR d.o.o. Igor Novak Bulevar Milutina Milankovica 1v 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2123310 Fax: +381 11 2123304
PODRAVKA d.o.o. Danijel Kocijan, Director Simina 18, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2184656 Fax: +381 11 3030207 PRIDE SPORT d.o.o. Zelimir Sekaric, Director Bulevar Oslobodjenja 235, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3099 877 Fax: +381 11 3099 878 PRINCIPAL d.o.o. export-import Baba Visnjina 26, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2140 467 RADIJATOR AD Nedeljko Grubesa, Director Belgradeska bb, 23000 Zrenjanin Tel: +381 23 541013 REDOX d.o.o. Nikola Radulovic, Director Ljutice Bogdana 1a, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2647107 RIBARSTVO OSIJEK d.o.o. Nemanjina 101, 15220 Koceljeva Tel: +381 15 556003 Fax: +381 15 556 420 RIJECKI SAJAM Mladen Stajduhar, Director Mike Alasa 3, stan 32, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2181980 ROTOGRAFIKA d.o.o Darko Vukov , Director Segedinski put 72, 24000 Subotica Tel: +381 24 636612 Fax: +381 24 636601 SPM Stamenkovic Cvijiceva 16, 18000 Nis Tel: +381 18 258426 Fax: +381 18 547310 SAPONIA COMMERCE d.o.o. Zoran Miladinovic, Director Viktora Novaka 4, 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 385 31 513513 SALON BANKARSKE OPREME d.o.o. Barbara Petric, Director Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10B II-5, 11070 New Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 3114740 SISCIA d.o.o. Mirjana Konc, Director Zeleznicka 4, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 420854 Fax: +381 21 29381 Sombor-gas d.o.o. Darko PavloviC,Director Trg Svetog Trojstva 1, 25000 Sombor Tel: +381 25 430851 Fax: +381 25 430850
STRAZAPLASTIKA d.o.o Josip Grilec, Director Ulica mira 33, 24000 Subotica Tel: +381 24 596151 +381/24/ 596 585 STRAŽILOVO a.d. Karlovacki vinogradi bb 21205 Sremski Karlovci Tel: +381 21 881641 Fax: +381 21 881793 STS d.o.o. Miro Todoric Industrijska zona 6, 11500 Obrenovac Tel: +381 11 8754790 Fax: +38111 8754780 TEREX CO d.o.o. Beogradska 242, 11253 Sremcica Tel: +381 11 8256430 Fax: +381 11 8256443 TJ MAXIM d.o.o. Gorica Maksimovic, Director Auto put za Zagreb br.22b, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3149786 Fax: +381 11 3149787 TIM KABEL d.o.o. Branislav Simic, Commercial Director Ugrinovacki put 88d,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3774887 Fax: +381 11 3774889 Tehnomobil-Protech d.o.o Branimira Cosica 13/I, 21000 Novi Sad Tel/Fax:+381 21 531433 Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 189/1a, 11070 New Belgrade Tel/Fax:+381 11 3191506 TEHNIX beo d.o.o. Dusan Grkinic, Director Kumodraska 265, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3978775 TEKSTIL-PROMET Mijo Simic, Director Slavonskih brigada 60, 11132 Zarkovo Tel: +381/11/ 516 700 TERRA DIVINA d.o.o. Robert Kolar, Director Pere Cetkovica 11e,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2992266 TELEOPTIK-GASNA OPREMA d.o.o. Lela Lakic, Director Trscanska 21,11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 3160775 Fax: +381 11 3163524 TISAKd.o.o. Vladana Djordjevica 4A 11050 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 635198 Fax:+381 11 186706 TDR d.o.o. Belgrade Sasa Omic Milentija Popovica 5a,11000 Belgrade Tel: +38111 6149 113 Fax: +38111 6149 117 Transagent d.o.o. Nemanja Zivanovic, Director Bul.Mihaila Pupina10I, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2928280 UNITAS d.o.o. Milan Tanasic, Director Batajnicki put 3, 11080 Zemun Tel/Fax: +381 11 3076584 UNIVERZAL d.o.o. Bulevar Vojvode Stepe 60, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 6403207 Fax:+381 21 6403068 VARTEKS PLUS d.o.o. Gospodska 3, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 2617073 Fax: +381 11 3165251 VATROSPREM a.d. Slobodan Cantric, Director Kumodraska 240, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3099621 Fax: +381 11 3099622 VELAS d.o.o. Ugrinovacki put 48, 11080 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2192 603 Fax: +381 11 210 29 79 VENTILATOR-TVUS d.o.o. Darko Petricevic, Director Trg Republike 5, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 3222068 VIBROBETON d.o.o. Bulevar Vojvode Misica 43/III 11070 New Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 3692727 VINDIJA LAJKOVAC d.o.o. Belgradeski put 37, 14224Lajkovac Tel: +381 14 73545 Fax: +381 14 73186 ZIGANTE tartufi d.o.o. Velibor Tepic, Director Ivana Kosancica br. 7, 21000 Novi Sad Tel/Fax: +381 21 548611 ZOO HOBBY INT d.o.o. Omladinskih brigada 102, 11 000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2227717 Fax: +381 11 2227716
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Czech Republic
Record Levels in 2011 Serbian EU candidate status is one of the first significant steps on a rather long road to becoming a Member State of the EU
Lubos Joza Head of the Commercial and Economic Section, Embassy of the Czech Republic
Last year our country was visited by more than he Czech Republic has always 27,000 Serbian tourists. Even more important is the been a strong advocate of the entrend, as this number represents a 39% increase as largement process per se and concompared to 2010. tinues to provide support to Serbia in the Concerning the FDI projects of Czech companies in country´s efforts to carry out all the reSerbia, we mainly register those that relate to the secforms and meet all the conditions that tors of energy, construction, food production and green are associated to its future membership. technologies. Regretfully, they have not zet matured. The year 2011 was truly successful Although some progress has been reached in from the perspective of economic relations Serbia in cutting the red tape, the administrative burbetween Serbia and the Czech Republic den on the central, and perhaps even more so on the with bilateral trade in goods reaching a new local level, including complicated procedures to obtain record level. According to our data, turnovarious permits, seems to remain the main challenge ver expanded by 49.2% to reach €580.2 for a larger inflow of FDI into the country. Serbian inmillion. Exports from the Czech Republic stitutions should not only continue, but strengthen into Serbia increased by 55.4% and Czech their endeavours to improve the situation. This would imports from Serbia by 37.3%. not only nourish the inflow of FDIs but also help to Also, Czech companies have succeeded in parunleash the proven but unused production potential ticipating in several projects as subcontractors, won of domestic companies. some tenders for big infraThe year of 2011 was The Czech Republic is structural projects financed truly successful from the more than willing to share by international financial inits transformation and prestitutions and a lot of work perspective of economic experience. A has been done in prepararelations between Serbia and accession number of seminars, meettion of a large-scale joint the Czech Republic ings, and study visits of Czech-Serbian infrastrucSerbian officials to the Czech Republic, organized on tural project. Consequently, in my view, a solid base purely bilateral level, have already take place. Also, for the coming years has been established. until at least 2017, we intend to continue our activiIn the area of trade in services, an increased ties as a donor country in Serbia in the frame of our intensity of contacts is also becoming more visiDevelopment Cooperation. Since 2006, through a ble. We are very pleased, for example, that Serbian number of programmes and projects, the total amount tourists, in ever increasing numbers, find the Czech of Czech grants to Serbia exceeded €15 million. ◄ Republic to be an attractive tourism destination.
CZECH REPUBLIC Company Register ALPINE PRO SCG d.o.o. Vuka Karadzica 16, 11500 Obrenovac Tel/Fax: +381 11 8722191 AUTOCACAK Milenko Kostic Konjevici bb, 32 000 Cacak Tel: +381 32 3035000 Fax: +381 32 459973 goca.glisovic@autocacak.; AZD Saobracajni sistemi d.o.o. Dragan Rajacic Risanjska 10a, Beograd Tel/Fax: +381 113065940
36 BANEX d.o.o. Rastko Zegarac Sasic Pavla 91, 22305 Stari Banovci Tel./Fax: +381 22 352226 Tel./Fax: +381 22 352304 BWC Group Slobodan Skundric Beogradska 129-131, 11277 Ugrinovci Tel: +381 11 8408655 Fax:+381 11 8408654
DEKONTA d.o.o. Aleksandar Lozajic Bul. dr Zorana Djindjica 87/4 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3017741 Fax:+381 11 3111762 DISCOVER THE WORLDCZECH AIRLINES Goran Jokic Takovska 9/III, Beograd Tel.: +381 11 3222124 Fax: +381 11 3222124 ELEKTRIFIKACIJA
ZELEZNICE d.o.o. Slobodan Nankovic Toplicin venac 7, 11000 Beograd Tel./Fax: +381 11 2621523 ELGRA VISION d.o.o. Miroslav Knezevic Gandijeva 249, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 6128181 Fax: +381 11 6128070 KOMO YU d.o.o. Slobodan Markovic Dalmatinska 44, Beograd Tel: +381 11 3347542
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Fax: +381 11 3347590 MAREX TRADE d.o.o. Pantelija Pantelic Zaplanjska 86, 11010 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3970290 Fax:+381 11 492276, 492278 MITAS d.o.o Ivo Somr, Director Industrijska b.b. 22400 Sremska Mitrovica Tel: +381 22 400000 Fax: +381 22 478838 PRESSKAN d.o.o. Jovan Pesterac Vojvode Petka 6, Stan 8
11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3830154 QUARTA d.o.o. Dragan Niksic, Director Uzun Mirkova 8, Beograd Tel: +381 11 3036681 Fax: +381 11 3036682 SMALL HYDROPOWER SYSTEMS Zoran Petrovic Bul. Arsenija Carnojevica 1O2/6; New Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 2601028, SVECOM d.o.o.
Ratko Radosavljevic Ustanicka 128a/III, 11050 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3474209 Fax: +381 11 3045507 VHS-Moravia d.o.o. Vlastimil Janos Suvoborska bb, 14000 Valjevo Tel: +381 64 9762354 YUBOREX d.o.o. Borislav Soso Dr.Nedeljka Ercegovca 29c 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 3165989
Investing in the Future The most valuable resource a company can have is people. By investing in them, you are investing in the business itself
EO of Carlsberg Srbija Group, Ralph Zigerlig, is proud of the company’s growth and CSR activities.
It is generally considered that privatized breweries are the most successful privatizations Serbia has realized so far. Carlsberg is one of the investment veterans in Serbia. Today, on reflection, how do you evaluate the efficiency of your investment and the decision to come to Serbia? - Since the beginning of our operation in Serbia, in 2003, when the brewery was bought, Carlsberg has invested more than EUR 165 million on the Serbian market, mostly into expanding production and logistic capacities, development of distribution channels, new brands and extensions. I would like to underline that we can proudly say that our investments in Serbia have proven to be justified, which is confirmed by Carlsberg’s steady growth on the Serbian market. For 2012, we have once again set ambitious goals for ourselves. Our planned business growth will be supported with investments and innovations, which have been evidently efficient so far, thus we have the same expectations for the future.
Ralph Zigerlig CEO of Carlsberg Srbija Group
management. Although there is a perception that the business climate in Serbia is more laid back than in other countries, at Carlsberg Srbija we believe that high quality always gets recognized by consumers, and it can only be achieved through efficiency and business discipline, and by strictly following the principles of the Integrated management system.
Besides the many years of strategic connection with sports, particularly world-class football, Carlsberg has been actively developing its corporate social responsibility program throughout the world. Which strategy lies behind these activities? - On the global level, Carlsberg Group operates in accordance with the six CSR policies, which all subsidiaries, including Carlsberg Srbija, have to implement. As a responsible company, we are active in the fields of environmental protection, preserving cultural heritage, investing in young talent, supporting the local ► The Danish management system has become community and responsible alcohol consumption. recognized throughout the world and you were Carlsberg Srbija was the first to support Ecotopia the first company in Serbia to implement the Fund’s project ‘Zelengrad’, by adopting and plant‘Integrated management system’. How does this ing 100 trees in Belgrade, system, based on high effiThe Serbian market certainly while its employees took ciency and business discipline, function in the fair- has significant potential; all that part in a voluntary action ly ‘laid back’ business enis needed is for large foreign ‘Working day for nature’ in Obedska bara, with the vironment in Serbia? What investors to recognize it goal of securing conditions seems to slow you down for the return of rare wading birds. In order to prothe most? vide young talent with development opportunities, the - It is already known that, in 2008, Carlsberg Srbija rebrewery continued its scholarship program for the ceived the certificate for successful implementation of best three students of Danish language at Belgrade the ‘Integrated management system’ (IMS) from the University, who were able to study at the University representatives of the organization for management of Copenhagen for a semester. In 2007, Carlsberg and quality audit and control “Lloyd's Register” in Srbija became the official caretaker of Dudjerski Serbia. Implementation of these, internationally reccastle park, and we have also set up the first Serbian ognized standards of the ISO Group, means unificaBeer Museum on the perimeter of our brewery in tion of all key management systems regarding qualCelarevo, with a collection of artefacts that presents ity, environmental protection, product safety, employthe rich brewing tradition in the area. ◄ ee safety and health protection, as well as business ►
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Tough Year Ahead
Even though overall predictions for 2012 are not too positive, we do see good signs that deserve to be mentioned. Most importantly, the recently gained candidacy status
ccording to Andreas Zilcken, Serbia will likely feel the effects of the continued financial crisis in Europe but believes the country will not go into recession.
What are your expectations when it comes to the overall economic situation in Serbia for 2012? - Although we can see signs that recovery from the worldwide economic crisis is getting closer, Serbia still has a tough year ahead. Since a major part of Serbian export is bound for EU countries, this year the country will also suf► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcomfer from the crisis in the EU. Exports are, in gening parliamentary elections to affect investment eral, not expected to rise until the end of 2012. processes in Serbia and, if you do, what direcThis, combined with the expected cuts in pubtion will these processes take? lic spending to meet IMF demands, will proba- As long as political stability, economic reforms bly make 2012 a tough year for average people. and a pro-European agenda is continued, we exOn the other hand, Serbia is continuing econompect continued investments. ic reforms and although no major growth rates Regarding candidacy status, we definitely exare expected, neither is the country expected to pect an overall positive effect. A continuing, stago into recession. ble pro-European reform policy will have a posiEven though overall predictions for 2012 are tive effect on investments and the economic clinot too positive, we do see good signs that demate. Candidacy status is very important. For serve to be mentioned. several years, one of the In general, political Most importantly the refirst questions asked by cently gained candida- stabilization can be expected Danish companies intercy status. This is no small in Serbia has been to result in a consolidation of ested thing. It is essential for how far along were negotithe regional market foreign companies when ations with EU. Now, being they consider whether to able to tell them that candiinvest in Serbia. During this year, the Danish dacy status has been reached, will be a very poscompany Grundfos will build their new factoitive message. The challenges ahead for Serbia ry in Indjija – a state of the art facility producwill be, amongst other things, in grasping oping highly energy efficient pumps mostly bound portunities in increasing energy efficiency and in for export. Last year Grundfos moved a smaller green energy. The recently passed energy law is production line to Serbia and I understand that a good step in the right direction but we still miss they have been very satisfied with the quality of some key incitement for consumers to manage their new Serbian employees, who very quicktheir own consumption and thereby save money. ly learned, adapted and reached the same levSerbia mostly bills for heating based on the size ►
Andreas Zilcken Regional Coordinator for the Western Balkans at the Trade Council of Denmark
el of productivity as their Danish colleagues in Denmark. The fact that Serbia is now a candidacy country confirmed for Grundfos that they made the right decision when they decided to build a new factory here. With such positive statements coming from an innovative company like Grundfos, we at the embassy work hard to make other Danish companies see the possibilities and advantages in Serbia. Investments like these will bring others along and will also encourage the Serbian authorities to continue the reform path.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
of an apartment and not the actual - In general political stabilization consumption. There are huge sav- can be expected to result in a conings to be made for the individual solidation of the regional market, consumer – and for the society – especially when taking the long if a direct link was made between history of mutual trade in the reconsumption and payment. As you gion into account. Although this move closer to the EU, a number is a process of many years and a of reforms in the environmental process that is already on-going. field will also be necessary. On The CEFTA agreement has conboth of these key areas, Denmark tributed to this and we often nohas many companies working with tice how Danish companies view t h e re g i o n state of the art energy efficiency A continuing, stable pro- as a whole. When we adand green energy technologies. European reform policy v i s e t h e m , often Bringing these will have a positive effect t h e y technologies to on investments and the start in one country and Serbia can geneconomic climate if business is erate huge savings, as well as let Serbia take ad- going as expected, they see it as vantage of its privileged conditions a natural step to continue to other for alternative energy sources. It countries in the region. When Croatia becomes a memcan mean major investments initially, but the huge savings gener- ber of the EU in 2013 the structure of ated will make investments profit- the region will also change. Croatia will be more oriented towards othable in the long run. er EU markets, while Croatian companies will not have the same nat► Do you think that political stabilization in the region could result ural access to the remaining CEFTA in the consolidation of the regional countries. Despite this, we believe market and, by that, higher busi- that the region in general is still ness efficiency or is it too early to tied strongly together and will continue to consolidate. ◄ expect such outcomes? TMB DIAMOND Mirjana Kebic Tel:+381 13 344-233 11277 Ugrinovci Tel: +381 11 8409528 TIPO Kotlogradnja Slobodan Bijelic, Owner/CEO 11000 Beograd Musculus Tel: +381 11 2711096 Srđan Matejic ,CEO Fax: +381 11 2711863 Vojvode stepe 346 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3098234 Tomex Srbija Milijana Nastasijevic, Director Novo Nordisk Pharma Srbija Ugrinovacki put bb Predrag Radoševic, Director 11277 Ugrinovci Milutina Milankovica 9b Tel: +3811 13 714735 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2222700 Triplan Srbija Vesna Glisovic, Director PTM d.o.o. Bul.Arsenija Carnojevica 99A Milorad Šakan,Director 11 000 Beograd Stojana Novakovica 17 Tel: +381 11 3133-328 15 000 Šabac Tel: +381 15 350909 VELUX Srbija d.o.o. StarAgent Plus Per Mikael Aakeson,Director Zoran Netkovic, Director Tamara Milovanovic,Director Makenzijeva 25 za Srbiju 11000 Beograd dr Ive Popovica Đanija 3 Tel: +381 11 2418600 11 040 Beograd, +381 11 20 57 500 www.velux.r
denmark Company Register Apollo Proing Katarina Stefanovic, Sales Manage Tel: +381 11 6455262 Fax: +381 11 6454929 11000 Beograd Brunata d.o.o. Jasmina Zecirevic,Director Bulevar Z. Đinđica 12ž/3 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 212 2956 Fax: +381 11 212 3367 Carlsberg Serbia d.o.o. Ralph Zigerlig,Director Proleterska 17; Celarevo Tel: +381 21 7550600 Fax: +381 21 7550658 Cowi Serbia d.o.o. DraganMilic, Director Dečanska 5; 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3225949 Danfoss d.o.o. Belgrade Slavica Petrovic Đorđa Stanojevica 14 Beograd Office Park II
11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2098550 Fax: +381 11 2098551 Danisco Cultor (Switz) AG Predstavnistvo Beograd Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10Z 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2144346 Ergomade d.o.o. RenéHaarup Tel: +381 18 653120 Grundfos Serbia d.o.o. Dušan Durkovic, Director Omladinskih brigada 90b 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2258740 Fax: +381 11 2281769 Lundbeck Export A/S Bulevar Zorana Đinđica 48A 1070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2129371 Milurovic Komerc Dušan Milurovic , Director Beogradska 32
Savski nasip 7, 11070 New Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2015601 Fax: +381 11 2015626 ADRIA MEDIA SERBIA d.o.o. Dr.Alexander Teutsch, Director Omladinskih brigada 88a 11070 New Belgrade DAX Elements doo Tel: +381 11 2079900 Zoran Nikolic, Director Tel/Fax.+381 11 2079988 Bulevar Arsenija Carnojevica 33/14 11070 New Belgrade AGROMARKET d.o.o. Mob: +381 65 4343999 Dragan Simovic Kraljevackog bataljona 235/2, 34000 DEKOR-ART laslo Mor, Director Kragujevac Narodnog fronta 73, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 34 308000 Tel: +381 21 468191 Fax: +381 34 308016 Tel/ Fax: +381 21 466361 EHOM (program AUTO INDUSAGRO CESLA D.O.O Bozidar Ivkovic,Commercial Director TRIJE) Aleksandar Najerica Radnicka 30 A ,21000 Novi Sad Severni bulevar 6, 11000 Belgrade Tel./Fax: +381 21 6225095 Tel./Fax: +381 11 2764589 ELOMATIC ALEGRINA NS d.o.o. Ivan Maksic, President Jelena Strkic ,Director Jurija Gagarina 28/30; 11070 New Mihajla Pupina 22,21000 Novi Sad Belgrade Tel./Fax: +381 21 456114 Tel: +381-11 2284118 ALPHA IMAGING d.o.o. Predrag Bjeletic, Director Vrtlarska 55, 11000 Belgrade EUROLIFT Tel: +381 11 3166612 Snezana Stankovic Pavlovic, Director Fax.: +381 11 3166226 Stanoja Banusevca 18a, 18000 Nis Tel: +381 18 593543 Fax: +381 18 59 12 37 ANALYSIS Nenad Andrejic, Manager Gandijeva, 76a (lok. 49-58), FINIMPORT d.o.o 11070 New Belgrade Dobropoljska 33, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11-3186446 Tel: +381 11 3657204 Tel/Fax.:+381 11 3186448 Tel/ Fax: +381 11 3657212 FINSKI PAPIR d.o.o AQUAMEC LTD VeliborDjakovic Miroslav Mitic, Sales Koste Jovanovića 36, 11040 Belgrade Majke Jevrosime 12/I, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2468916 Tel: +381 11 3034049 Tel/Fax: +381 11 3034048 ATLE Representation office Zoran Misic, Director Studentski trg 6, 11000 Belgrade F-SECURE Tel: +38111 2625013, Tanja Mihajlovic Fax: +381 11 2182660 Masarikova 5, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3061707 AVANT- HM-Kapital Fax: +381 11 3061708 Partizanka 75, 21201 Rumenka Tel: +381 21 6462283 GASOP d.o.o. Rajko Radojcic, Director BEOSPORT d.o. Zaplanjska, 84e 11040 Belgrade Aleksandar Jovanovic, Director Tel:+381 11 2463274 Viline Vode 47,11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax.: +381 11 463648 Tel: +381 11 2088132 Fax: +381 11 2088129 HM KAPITAL d.o.o BIBIS d.o.o Zaklina Hajdu, Director Slobodan Mitic Bul. M. Pupina 10 V/II, 110070 New Partizanka 75, 21201 Rumenka Tel/Fax.: +381 21 6462283 Belgrade Tel: +381 113132727 Tel/Fax: +381 11 3132666 IntesA Rade Arambasic, Director M.Z.Radosavljevica 283c, 11273 COMTRADE CT COMPUTERS Nebojsa Momcilovic, General Manager Belgrade
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Region Stabilizing The process of consolidation of democracy, rule of law and economy really started only a few years ago in Serbia. We all have reasons to believe that this process will move forwards rapidly as it did in those countries that were starting EU membership negotiations in the past
he Finnish Ambassador to Serbia, H.E. Mr. Pekka Orpana is hopeful that this year’s elections will not distract, and ultimately derail Serbia’s progress on its path to European Union integration.
H.E. Mr. Pekka Orpana Finnish Ambassador to Serbia
► What are your expectations when it comes to the overall economic situation in Serbia for 2012? ► Do you think that political stabilization in the - Expectations concerning the overall economic situation this year in Serbia region could result in the consolidation of the are certainly regional market and, by quite gloomy, One important result of the that, higher business efbut what is or is it too early to stabilization process is that it ficiency most imporexpect such outcomes? tant, is to look further creates more stable conditions - Political stabilization in ahead and to recognize for better functioning markets the region is moving forthe very high potential for ward and creating better rapid growth of investments and economic growth opportunities to all in the region to improve the in the coming years. wellbeing of citizens. One important result of this process is that it creates more stable con► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcomditions for better functioning markets internally, regionally and as part of the European market. ing parliamentary elections to affect investment The process will improve the competitiveness of processes in Serbia and, if you do, what direction countries in the region, which is in today’s world will these processes take? is the key to economic success and wellbeing. - The process of consolidation of democracy, rule As regards to Finnish companies, I can clearly of law and economy really started only a few years see a growing interest to enter the Serbian marago in Serbia. We all have reasons to believe that ket for businesses and investments. ◄ this process will move forwards rapidly in as it
finland Company Register Tel/Fax.+381 11 8482273 IZOTEH Zoran Miljanic Macvanska 21, 11000Belgrade Tel./ Fax: +381 11 2442491, KOVING Bojan Radulovic Pariske komune 24 ,11070 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3193408 Faks: +381 11 3193408 MasFerg Agro d.o.o. Mr. Djordje Milosevic, Director Futoski put 10, 21000 Novi Sad Tel/Fax: +381 21 400525
did in those countries that were starting EU membership negotiations in the past. The granting of EU candidacy status is already strengthening investors’ confidence towards Serbia and starting the negotiations will certainly make the trend irreversible. The upcoming parliamentary elections could affect the investment climate in Serbia if the election result means a u-turn in the EU integration process. MEDICO PHARM SERVICE Kruzni put, 36, 11309 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3041600 Fax: +381 11 3041620 METALOHEM Dusan Stanic, Director Zmaj Jovina 47/1, 21235 Temerin Tel: +381 21 851436 Fax: +381 21851400 METSO MINERALS (Central East Europe) Darko Susic, Sales Nikole Dobrovica 19, 11000
Danijelova 8, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3974612 Tel/Fax: .+381 11 3973952 Belgrade Tel: +381-11-2271558, RAITA Fax: +381-11-2271558 Zdravko D. Maravic Tel./Fax: +381 11 3472215 Tel./Fax: +381 11 3472075 MIN Company d.o.o Bogoljub Petrovic,Director Gospodar Jevremova 12, SCANDOM D.O.O. 11000Belgrade Srba Lukic, Director Tel./fax: +381 11 2185770 Jastrebovljeva,11, 11030 Belgrade Tel: +381-11-3573702 NOKIA SIEMENS NETWORKS Miodrag Radojevic, Director Djordja Stanojevica 14, 11070 SCP d.o.o. Belgrade Radenko Tresac, Director Tel: +381 11 3070111 27. Marta 39/II, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax.: +381 11 3343334 PKVM SISTEMI Momcilo Stevic,Manager
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
TEHNIKA HIDRAULIKE d.o.o Sasa Trajkovic, Director Svetozara Radojcica 80G, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3463094 Fax: +381 3463096 TERASA LUX d.o.o Karadjordjeva69 , 11000 Belgrade Tel./Fax: +381 11 3285261 Tel: +381 11 3285271 TIKKURILA ZORKA D.O.O Mikko Jalovaara, Managing director Hajduk Veljkova b.b. ,15000 Sabac Tel. +381 15 368800 Fax.+38115 368899
Expecting Growth The Franco-Serbian Chamber of Commerce is expanding despite difficulties that the economic crisis has brought to both Serbian and French companies
n this interview, the Chambers director, Sanja Ivanić, highlights the importance of implementing adopted laws in addition to public private partnerships.
panies operating in Serbia, and although the crisis has affected them just as it did with everybody else, they had relatively good overall results. Those companies are engaged in long term strategies, but further investment pace and volume will depend on the overall economic situation, and continuation of the reforms mentioned before. Obviously, investors expect secure conditions for investments, and there are still many problems related to issuing of permits and delays of payments. The competitiveness of the economy is a key issue in the reform process.
► In your opinion, what should the Serbian Government do first following the country being granted EU candidacy status, when it comes to advancing the business environment? - Serbia has already made considerable progress on internal reforms, but the hardest part is yet to come – it is not enough to only adopt laws, they should also be implemented. Simplifying the complicated administrative functioning and coordinating different administrative bodies should be the top priority, as well as ensuring the independence and efficiency of the justice system. Special attention needs to be paid to Serbia’s high public and private debt, budget deficit. ► Do you expect significant changStrict adherence es to take place Companies amongst members to fiscal rules and the continuation of of your organization recognize structural reforms the specific this year? are essential. advantages and - Our Chamber of In this regard, benefits that Commerce will conputting togethto grow, that is Serbia provides tinue er a legal framea certainty. In 2011 work for PPP based on the new we registered more than 20 new Public Private Partnership and members and expect to do even Concession Law is encouraging; better this year. we are now waiting for the imWe are participating in plementation of PPP projects. many B2B meetings in France, promoting Serbia and its po► What business results did the tentials; hence we are already companies from your country, seeing results of this campaign which operate in Serbia, accom- in the increasing interest of plish in late 2011 and Q1 of 2012? French companies for Serbia, - There are over 80 French com- especially SMEs. ◄
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Sanja Ivanić Director at the Franco-Serbian Chamber of Commerce
france Company Register
FREYSSINET branch BElgrade Construction Company Milutina Milankovića 23 11070 Novi Beograd tel: 011 311 98 26 fax: 011 214 06 72 Director: Miroslav HAVRAN Representative: Benoît MELEN AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE Trg Nikole Pasica 2, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3232622 Fax: +381 11 3033463; AGROBAZA Jean Francois Berger,Director Bul. Oslobođenja 30A, Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 532212 Fax: +381 21 533105 AGS BELGRADE DOO Fabris Grujic, Director Visnjicka 91,11060 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2085917 Fax: +381 11 2085918 AIR FRANCE BEOGRAD Donati Jean-Pierre , Director Knez Mihailova 30/II,Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2638222 Fax: +381 11 2638378 AIR LIQUIDE Francis Bucquet, Director Palmoticeva 12,Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3220734 AL GROSSO D.O.O. Ksenija FeketeCvetkovic Bore Kostica Velemajstora 55, Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2509637; ALCATEL LUCENT Emil Visloguzov, Director Omladinskih brigada 88, New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2286781 Fax: +381 11 2288298 ALMA QUATTRO Kosance Dimitrijevic, Director Dositejeva 20/3, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2028900 Fax: +381 11 2018025 ALSTOM Miodrag Jelisavcic, Director Kolarceva 4, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2185310 miodrag.jelisavcic@power. ARCELOR MITTAL DISTRIBUCIJA Nenad Krunic, Executive director Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10a, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3121380 Tel/Fax +381 11 3121559 AXA ZIVOTNO OSIGURANJE ADO Antonio Marchitrlli, Executive director Makedonska 35, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3373105 Fax: +381 11 2200401 Bul. Mihajila Pupina 6/XIV,
11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2200400 Fax: +381 11 2200401; ALFA DIGITAL Ivan Jankovic Baja Pivljanina 53a, 11040 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3630222 Fax: +381 11 3630229 ANSON PARTNERS Nicolas Herriau, Director Cika Ljubina 14/4, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3034015 Fax: +381 11 3037460 ATOS IT SOLUTIONS & SERVICES Dragan Stokic, Director Pariske komune 22, New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3012200 Fax: +381 11 3012250 BRICO SPEC Ivica Djordjevic, Director Djordja Stanojevica 12, Novi Beograd; Tel: +381 11 2176295 Fax: +381 11 2176292 CDE. S INTEREX Tarik Joniot, Director Otona Zupancica 1a, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2222000 CMA CGM DOO Lars Christian Kastrup,President Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10Z/116, New Belgrade; Tel: 381 11 3119161 COFACE SRBIJA Djordje Zivanovic,Director Bul. Oslobodjenja 111, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3976051 Fax: +381 11 3910975; CREDIT AGRICOLE Baldomero Valverde, CEO Brace Ribnikar 4-6, Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4876876 DANONE ADRIATIC Nebojsa Radakovic, General Manager Bul. Zorana Djindjica 67/7, New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3017583 DANOS AND ASSOCIATES Ivan Simic, Director Spanskih boraca 3, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2600603 Fax: +381 11 2601571; EGIS INTERNATIONAL Olivera Radulovic, Director Trg Nikole Pasica 2, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3031888 ELSYS EASTERN EUROPE Radomir Jovanovic, Director Omladinskih Brigada 88b, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3535200 Fax: +381 11 3535201 ESSILOR OPTICS D.O.O. Jure Mlakar, Director Nebojsina 4, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3446456 Fax: +381 11 3446417 EURO GARDI GROUP Zoran Floric, Director Rumenacka 17, Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 512311 Fax: +381 21 512238 FINDOMESTIC BANKA AD Patrick Collin, President of the Executive Board Bul. Mihajla Pupina 115a, New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3331733 Fax: +381 11 3336000 FREYSSINET BRANCH Miroslav Havran, Director Milutina Milankovica 23, 11070 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3119826 GIDE LOYRETTE NOUEL Ana Maric, Director Resavska 32, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3024900 GLOBAL PRESS d.o.o. Zorza Klemansoa 24, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2764538 Fax: +381 11 2764166 HIT Auto d.o.o. Eric Grasser, Director Staro Sajmiste 29, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2018025 INNOTECH INTERNATIONAL LABORATOIRE Radojka Ratkovic, Director Koste Glavinica 2, 11040 Beograd; Tel: +381 11 3692932 INTERPROM D.O.O. Aleksandar Antonic, Director Pariske komune 24 ,Novi Beograd; Tel: +381 11 2693130 Fax: +381 11 2692193 interprom_a.antonic@open.; IPSOS STRATEGIC PULS
Srdjan Bogosavljevic, Country Manager Gavrila Principa 8, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3284075 Fax: +381 11 2626430 KPMG DOO BEOGRAD Boris Milosevic, Director Kraljice natalije 11, Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2050500 Fax:+381 11 2050550 LABORATOIRE SERVIER Frédéric Ponelle, Director Bul. Mihajla Pupina 165v, New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2225060 Fax: +381 11 2225067 LAFARGE BFC ad Costin Borc, Director Trg BFC 1, 21300 Beocin Tel: +381 21 874100, Fax: +381 21 874225 LEGRAND ELECTRIC D.O.O. Dusan Perisic, Director Djordja Vajferta 36, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3835060 Fax: +381 11 3442887 LIMAGRAIN DOO Miroslav Sidrov, Director Vladislava Kacanskog 6, Novi Sad; Tel: +381 21 4750788 LOHR BT D.O.O. Jean Pierre Balloue, Director Becejski put 31, Backa Topola Tel: +381 24 712777 L'OREAL BALKAN DOO Brigitte Strellerb, General Manager, Bul. Zorana Djindjica 64A, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2205900 LPT D.O.O. Zaklina Nikolic Kusic, Director Gospodar Jovanova 2, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2180533 Fax: +381 11 2180647; MECAFOR PRODUCTS DOO Nebojsa Nedeljkovic, Director Novosadski drum bb, Senta Tel: +381 24 812270 Fax: +381 24 812254 MLEKOPRODUKT DOO Zivanko Radovancev, Director Temisvarski drum 24, Zrenjanin Tel: +381 23 549502 Fax: +381 23 525577
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Sladara Maltinex DOO Industrijska zona bb, 21400 Bačka Palanka Tel: +381 21 75 29 10 - Fax : +381 21 60 42 399
We give value to the Earth's potentials MSS STAFFING SERVICES Christelle Verneyre Ilije Garasanina 22, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3231559 NOVKOL AD Milorad Jankovic, General Manager Surcinski put 1k, New Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 7129180 Fax: +381 11 7129183 PEN AR LAN DUNAV D.O.O. Mata Forgic, Director Ivana Gorana Kovacica 46, 25272 Backi Monostor Tel: +381 25 807292 Fax: +381 25 807293 PERNOD RICARD Predrag Amidzic, General Manager Bul. Oslobodjenja 211, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3091500 Fax: +381 11 3974380 QUESCOM D.O.O. Nebojsa Kojic, Director Palmoticeva 29, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3232502 Fax: +381 11 3035023 PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS Emmanuel Koenig, Marica Aleksic, Directors Omladinskih brigada 88a, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3302100 Fax: +381 11 3302101 PUPIN TELECOM Slobodan Laketa, Director Batajnički put 23, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3070500 Fax: +381 11 2610583 RENAULT NISSAN SRBIJA DOO Milan Belin, Director Omladinskih Brigada 88, New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2178111; SAFEGE Zeljko Tmusic, Beogradska 27, Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3234730 Fax:+381 11 3346683 SAINT GOBAIN Aleksandar Grujic, Director Vladimira Popovica 40, New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2282333 SANOFI AVENTIS DOO Robert Gal, Director
Spanskih boraca 3, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2225900 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC Dragoljub Damljanovic, Director Vladimira Popovica 38-40, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3773100 Fax:+381 11 3121222 SERINFO D.O.O Christian Robert Krecanska 37, 26220 Kovin Tel: +381 13 742338 Fax: +381 13 745454 SLADARA MALTINEX AD Borislav Aralica, Director Industrijska zona bb, Backa Palanka; Tel: +381 21 752910 Fax: +381 21 742399 SOCIETE GENERALE BANKA SRBIJA Frederic Coin, Director Bul. Zorana Đindjica 50a, 50b 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3011555 Fax: +381 11 301832 sgyb.individualbanking@ SOCIETE GENERALE OSIGURANJE Francis Yung, Director Bul. Mihajla Pupina 115dj, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2608654 Fax: + 381 11 2607330 SOMBOLED DOO Zvonko Kolobara, Director Gakovacki put bb , Sombor Tel: +381 25 467300 Fax: +381 25 467390 Ugrinovacki put bb 11277 Belgrade; STREIT DOO Milos Ristic, Director Karadjordjevica 153, Nova Pazova; Tel: +381 22 321299 Fax: +381 22 328156 TARKETT DOO Miroslav Okuka, Director Industrijska Zona bb, Backa Palanka; Tel: +381 21 7557702; TIGAR AD Dragan Nikolic, Direktor Nikole Pašića 213, Pirot
Tel:+381 10 313121 Fax:+381 10 313122 danijela. TIGAR TYRES Bruno Masson, Director Nikole Pasica 213, Pirot Tel: +381 10 304000 Fax: +381 10 313141 TRANSEURO DOO Zoran Stevanovic, Director Staro Stajmiste 29, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3477277 Fax: +381 11 2887235 TRS DOO Dragan Biljic, Director Milutina Milankovica 11a, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3129751 Fax: +381 11 3129755 Veoila Transport Luv d.o.o. Claes Gotthold, Director Omladinskih brigada 90v, 11070 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3533590 Fax: +381 11 2283877 VEOLIA WATER SOLUTION & TECHNOLOGIES D.O.O. Nenad Obradovic, President Kralja Miljana 21, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3037763 Fax:+381 11 3037196 VERANO MOTORS -PEUGEOT Radomir Zivanic, Director Vojvode Stepe 352, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3094500 VIVA FRUIT DOO Dragana Nikosavic, Director Knez Mihailova 6/V, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2624095 VOSSLOH MIN SKRETNICE DOO Goran Radovic 12 Februar bb, 18000 Nis Tel: +381 18 580624 Fax: +381 18 583411 YU Rohé d.o.o. Vladimir Antic, Director Patrijarha Dimitrija 24, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2062800 Fax: +381 11 2062830; XPRO DOO Claude Istria, Baje Pivljanina 53a, Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3630200 Fax:+381 11 3630229
Private Sector to Lead Growth
“It is almost general consensus that growth should be led by the private sector, export-led and that it cannot be based, as in the past, on debt financing”
ichael Schmidt has the firm belief that for progress to be made, Serbia must tackle the justice system and political stability to further investments in the country. “The next step should be to concentrate on preparing the ground for the start of accession negotiations. For this to happen, progress has to be made particularly in the area of law and justice and further political stabilisation, which are also some of the key factors for attracting further investments. Independently of the process of EU integration, which can serve as a catalyst and anchor for reforms, the tax, pension, health and education systems which all need to be modernised to create room for economic growth,” said Michael Schmidt. “It is almost general consensus that this growth should be led by the private sector, export-led and that it cannot be based, as in the past, on debt financing. Despite operating in a difficult economic environment and with the elections looming, predictability and continuity in the business environment become of crucial importance for reaping the benefits of the newly awarded EU candidate status in terms of increased investments and trade.”
in Serbia, which are mainly export-oriented in their operations. We are hoping for stability, predictability and substantial reforms in the business environment, because this will be the basis for more varied and sophisticated investments in Serbia. The investments by Bosch and technology firm Mühlbauer in 2012 are a positive signal in this direction.
► Do you expect significant changes to take place amongst members of your organization this year? - We are glad that our membership, particularly when compared to other German Chambers of Commerce in the region, is permanently rising, despite the difficult economic environment. We try to embrace all sound companies which have, or strive to have business links with Germany, including local and small and medium-sized companies. Also, we recently renamed our association the GermanSerbian Business Association to pay tribute to the bilateral character and mutual interest of our activities and endeavours. Our members ► What business results did operate in all industries, but We are glad that our the companies from your coun- membership, particularly the focus is certainly on production, services, food- and retry, which operate in Serbia, when compared to other tail, energy and infrastructure. accomplish in late 2011 and German Chambers of All of these sectors are affectQ1 of 2012? - The German-Serbian Business Commerce in the region, ed by the economic crisis in different ways, some more, some Association (DSW), with its 220 is permanently rising, less. Generally, our companies members, will soon publish despite the difficult are relatively well positioned, the results of its annual survey of the business environeconomic environment because they have a good capital base, a clear business ment. Preliminary results show strategy and excellent products and services that can that with the downturn in economic activities in the gain market share even in difficult times. Our exportEurozone, and also in the domestic market, sales and oriented production companies can at least isolate expectations for 2012 have dropped. Nevertheless, themselves from possible vagaries of the Serbian some of our member companies have achieved good domestic market. We also hope that 2012 will mark results in 2011 and will expand their employment and the entry of new German market players in the retail, investments in 2012. This is particularly true for the energy and production sectors. ◄ approximately thirty German production companies
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Michael Schmidt Director of the Delegation of the German Economy in Serbia and Executive Director of the GermanSerbian Business Association (DSW), Belgrade
germany Company Register AAA-1 Rent d.o.o. Olga Kolarovic Žorža Klemensoa 19 Belgrad; 381 11 328 70 70 Adria Media Serbia d.o.o. Dr. Alexander Teutsch Omladinskih brigada 88a 11070 Belgrad 381 11 207 99 61 AGS Belgrade d.o.o. Fabris Grujic Višnjička 91; 11060 Belgrad 381 11 208 59 17 AKS Express Kurir d.o.o. Zdravko Vasojevic Gavrila Principa BB Sabac; 381 15 354 332 Alstom Representative Office Miodrag Jelisavcic Kolarčeva 4, Belgrad 381 11 218 76 55 Armstrong Building Products, B.V. Branko Stevanovic Vladimira Popovica 40 Belgrad; 381 11 260 7541 Atlas Grupa Filip Radojevic Stanka Dragojevica Broj 4 81000Podgorica Montenegro 382 20 409 809 Atrium Consulting d.o.o. Roman Klott Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 165G 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 220 58 23 Babcock Borsig Power Usluge d.o.o. Dejan Vracar Skadarska 15, Belgrad 381 11 303 33 40 Bahsig Bahn-Signalbau GmbH Uwe Langa Handwerkerstr. 4 / Hoppegarten 15366BerlinDeutschland 49 33 42 378 100 Ball Packaging Europe Belgrade LTD David Banjai Batajnicki drum 21A 11080 Belgrad; 381 11 377 06 00 BASF d.o.o. Harald Michael Kube Omladinskih brigada 90b 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 309 34 00 Bayer d.o.o. Miodrag Stankovic Omladinskih brigada 88b 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 207 02 63 BDO d.o.o. Ksenija Ristic-Kostic Kneza Mihailova 10, Belgrad 381 11 328 18 08 Berlin Chemie Repräsentanz Vladimir Hudjec Prilepska 1, Belgrad 381 11 365 70 98 Big Dutchman International GmbH Sasa Djuric Bulevar Oslobodjenja 30a Novi Sad; 381 21 633 41 41 Binvex - Standard d.o.o. Dragan Stefanovic Pozarevacka 35, Belgrad 381 11 383 68 82
Biotronik d.o.o. Djordje Krstic Bul. Arsenija Carnojevica 94/17 Belgrad; 381 11 243 96 27 Bozic i sinovi d.o.o. Nikola Egic Maksima Gorkog 3 Pancevo; 381 13 331 166 Buck d.o.o. Beograd Zoran Vasiljevic Milorada Jovanovica 9 11147Belgrad 381 11 2052 400 CB Richard Ellis d.o.o. Dragan Radulovic Omladinskih brigada 88b 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 225 87 77 CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz d.o.o. Dr. Radivoje Petrikic Cincar Jankova 3, Belgrad 381 11 320 89 00 Commerzbank AG Repräsentanz Belgrad Thomas Timme Vladimira Popovica 6, A-112 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 301 85 20 Condata d.o.o Branko Kujundzic Carice Milice 3, Belgrad 381 11 262 90 21 Confida Consulting d.o.o. Dr. Sascha Brunner Knez Mihailova 22, Belgrad 381 11 303 91 04 Corporate Media d.o.o. Carim Grahn Dragoslava Jovanovica 13/I Belgrad; 381 11 334 89 18 Craford Investment d.o.o. Zivojin Petrovic Paje Adamova 2, Belgrad 381 11 369 91 15 Creditreform d.o.o. Kaja Ristic Palmira Toljatija 5/III 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 269 60 59 DAD Dräxlmaier Automotive d.o.o. Miro Vidosevic Skladisna hala 1 Lokacija Bagljas, Aerodrom Zrenjanin; 381 23 519 001 Dekonta d.o.o. Aleksandar Lozajic Gen. Mihalja Nedeljkovica 112 Belgrad, 381 11 301 77 41 Dekra Zaposljavanje d.o.o Marko Bogdanic Antifasisticke borbe 12 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 212 04 54 Deloitte d.o.o. Milos Macura Terazije 8, Belgrad 381 11 381 22 16 Delta Generali Osiguranje d.o.o. Nebojsa Divljan Milentija Popovica 7b 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 201 27 50 Delta Hodling Milka Vojvodic Milentija Popovica 7b 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 201 23 50 Delta Inzenjering d.o.o. Branko Grgic Pariska 13/ IV, Belgrad 381 11 328 23 82
Dertour d.o.o. Vili Mitova Omladinskih Brigada 88b/IV 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 222 06 15 Deutsche Bahn AG Repräsentanz Beograd Radoslav Stepanov Takovksa 6/II/2, Belgrad 381 11 303 38 77 Deutsche Bank AG Repräsentanz Belgrad Nemanja Zugic Balkanska 2 IV Sprat, Suite 1402, Belgrad 381 11 205 50 50 Deutsche Lufthansa AG Lukas Negedly Terazije 3/III, Belgrad 381 11 303 09 44 Deutsche Schule Belgrad Klaus Eberl Sanje Zivanovica 10 11040 Belgrad; 381 11 369 31 35 Dewaco d.o.o. Dusanka Pezo Industrijska zona 22 Krnjesevci, 381 22 366 400 DHL International Beograd d.o.o. Darko Babic Jurija Gargarina 36v 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 310 55 00 Dorma Door Systems d.o.o. Jacob Christoph Mirijevski Bulevar 70, Belgrad 381 11 208 35 05 Dr. Oetker Mitic Zoran Vladimira Popovica 40 Belgrad; 381 11 2052 800 Dräger Tehnika d.o.o. Predrag Gvoic Tosin bunar 41, Zemun 381 11 373 99 11 DSD Konstruktion d.o.o. Dr. Frank Minas Dr. Milana Petrovica 21 Novi Sad; 381 21 67 91 888 Dunkermotoren d.o.o. Dzula Szabo Batinska 94, Subotica 381 24 630 100 EDR GmbH Helmut Ferrari Dillwächterstr. 5 80686München Deutschland 49 89 547112 049 89 d.o.o. Zdravko Loncar Vladimira Popovica 14 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 212 05 11; Elmat d.o.o. Velibor Bjelobrk Maksima Gorkog 135 Belgrad; 381 11 244 73 21 Embassy Techzones d.o.o. Ramgopal Narayanan Dedinjska 10; 11040 Belgrad 381 11 2660 694 EOS Matrix d.o.o. Irina Lada Djordja Stanojevica 14 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 330 07 00; Ernst & Young Beograd d.o.o. Stephen James Fish Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 115D 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 209 58 00; Erste Group Immorent
Serbia d.o.o Dr. Claus Graggaber Milutina Milanovica 15 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 228 74 82 Falke Serbia d.o.o. Sebastian Grundmann Bulevar Oslobodjenja BB Leskovac; 381 16 216 416 Farmalogist d.o.o. Silvana Dzudzevic Bul. Vojvode Misica 25-27 Belgrad; 381 11 331 50 00 Festo Gesellschaft m.b.H. Ivan Zekavica Toplice Milana 14 A 11050 Belgrad; 381 11 2892 295; FHI Zdravlje a.d. Miomir Nikolic Vlajkova 199, Leskovac 381 16 202 201 Finnex Intl. Trade Co. Ph. D. Predrag Tomic Hilandarska 16/11 Belgrad; 381 11 323 73 36 First Data SCG d.o.o. Olja Dakic Kopernikova 8, Belgrad 381 11 207 11 00 Fresenius Medical Care Srbija d.o.o Predrag Vranic Beogradksi put bb, Vrsac 381 11 395 10 00 Fresenius Medical Care Srbija d.o.o specijalna bolnica za hemodijalizu Aleksandar Danilovic Ustanicka 63, Belgrad 381 11 395 10 10 Fruterra d.o.o. Milan Timotic Cara Dusana 205 a, Zemun 381 11 3168 159 G.P. Gradjevinar Miroslav Mihajlovic Trnska 25, Belgrad 381 11.3446593 GEA Farm Technologies d.o.o. Petar Petrovic Lazara Mamuzica 22, Zemun 381 11 716 63 87 Gebrüder Weiss d.o.o. Dragan Simovic Beogradska bb, Dobanovci 381 11 3715 200 GfK Beograd - Growth from Knowlegde Beograd Marijana Agic-Molnar Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10b Belgrad; 381 11 7155 888 GIZ GmbH Uwe Stumpf Zupana Vlastimira 6 11040 Belgrad; 381 11 306 78 30; Glob Metropoliten Tours Mirjana Ljubinkovic Makenzijeva 26, Zemun 381 11 2430 899 GPSI Europe Projekt Management GmbH Andreas Kaiser Geraer Str. 9 07973 Greiz Deutschland 49 160 96434560 Grading d.o.o. Miroslav Mihajlovic Dimitrija Marjanovica 26
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Paracin; 381 35 887 14 01 Grah Automobile d.o.o. Aca Zlatic Kneza Milosa Obrenovica 9A Batocina; 381 34 501 060 Grammer System Pierluigi Ghiome 22. Decembar Aleksinac; 381 18 809 100 Grand Motors d.o.o. Stanko Radic Milutina Milankovica 21 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 209 06 61; Gruner Serbian d.o.o. Eduard Spreitzer Marka Oreskovica bb Vlasotince; 381 16 23 08 00 Harting Eastern Europe Max-Planck Dietmar Harting Straße 1 32339 Espelkamp Deutschland 49 57 72 47 9639 Heidelberg Jugoslawien d.o.o Alexander Hufnagl Patrijarha Dimitrija 24 11090 Belgrad; 381 11 304 54 60; Hemofarm a.d. Wolfram Heinisch Beogradski put bb, Vrsac 381 13 80 31 00 Henkel Srbija d.o.o. Georg Grassl Bulevar Oslobodenja 383 Belgrad; 381 11 207 22 09 Hinte GmbH Olaf Freier Bannwaldallee 60 76185 Karlsruhe Deutschland 49 721 9 31 33 0 Hödlmayr Zastava d.o.o. Markus Wäger Trg Topolivaca 4, Kragujevac 381 34 323 239 Holcim (Srbija) d.o.o. Popovac Gustavo Navaro Popovac kod Paracina Popovac; 381 35 572 200 Holiday Inn Belgrade Belexpocentar d.o.o. Thomas Pavlovic Spanskih boraca 74 11070 Belgrad; 381 11 3100 000; Holleman d.o.o. Dejan Tubić Milinka Kušića 1/3 11250 Beograd; 381 11 257 13 89; Hormann Vrata d.o.o. Bojan Simovic Cincar Jankova 3, Belgrad 381 11 8440 821 Hoyer d.o.o. Wolfgang Eidenberg Banjicki put 62, 11090 Belgrad 381 11 359 24 56 www.hoyer- .com HRG Serbia & Montenegro (BT - Pegrotour d.o.o. Predrag Spankevic Cubrina 4; Belgrad 381 11 303 66 26 Hyatt Regency Belgrade Jacques Morand Milentija Popovića 5 11070 Beograd; 381 11 301 1234; IMO d.o.o. Mirko Vincetic Nehruova 238
11070 Beograd; 381 11 2106 404;, Imperial Tobacco SCG d.o.o Vladimir Mikic Diplomatska Kolonija 20 Belgrad; 381 11 306 75 45 Industrie Maurizio Peruzzo Balkan d.o.o. Beograd Luca Serena Radnicka 35, Belgrad 381 11 355 22 42 Infoterm d.o.o. Nis Dzo Mikulovic Prvomajska 11-3, Nis 381 18 250 422 Inter IKEA Centre Srbija d.o.o Cedomir Jankovic Autoput 22, 11080 Belgrad 381 11 209 88 00 IVA 28 d.o.o. Bojan Ercevic Jurija Gargarina 231/322 11070 Belgrad, 381 11 301 56 40; KfW Beograd Jürgen Welschof Zupana Vlastimira 6 11040 Belgrad; 381 11 367 12 73; KK Konsultation Klaudija Kuljak Maßmannstraße 2 80333 München Deutschland 49 89 379 590 63 Knauf Zemun d.o.o. Milutin Ivanovic Batajnički drum 16 b, Zemun 381 11 207 45 30 Knauf Insulation d.o.o. Beograd Milan Cukovic Privredna zona, Zona 4 Zemun; 381 11 331 08 00 Knuth d.o.o. Bransilav Paunovic Zemunska 174 11272 Dobanovci; 381 11 226 14 77 Komnenovic Auto Milos Komnenovic Dragoslava Srejovica 2 c, Beograd; 381 11 329 23 89 KPMG d.o.o. Nina Bulatovic Kraljice Natalije 11, Belgrade 381 11 205 05 00 La Lubenica d.o.o. (Berlitz) Michela Bernacca Vladimira Popovica 44, Belgrade; 381 11 308 74 66 Labyrinth d.o.o. Nenad Miloavljevic Surcinska 21 b Belgrad 381 11 318 90 29 Legi-SGS d.o.o. Sebstijan Babic Novo Naselje 10, 11184 Belgrad; 381 11 800 14 07 LeitnerLeitner Rene Schöb Resavska 23, Belgrad 381 11 655 5105 Leoni Wiring Systems Southeast d.o.o. Rolf Reidinger Pane Dukica 1, 18400 Prokuplje 381 27 319 111 Linde Gas Srbija Ciprian Rinaldo Islai Petrovoselski put 143, Becej
381 21 681 10 10 Linde Viljuskari d.o.o. Vesna Jovanovic Autoput BG-NS 294a, Zemun 381 11377 42 41 Lindner d.o.o. Popovic Vojislav Koste Abraševića, 11050 Beograd; 382 11 3822 454 LMB SOFT d.o.o. Klaus Jentsch Bulevar Nikole Tesle bb, Nis 49 81 22 880 960 Logwin Solutions SRB d.o.o. Bogdan Soskic Ugrinovacki put BB, 11277 Belgrad; 381 11 3714 714 M+R Dichtungstechnik Thomas Wolf Am Sandborn 9, 63500 Seligenstadt, Deutschland 49 6182 95670 Mas-Promet d.o.o. Petar Kukic Brace Nastic 12, 11272 Beograd; 381 11 8465 624 Mašinoprojekt Kopring Radomir Lalic Dobrinjska 8a, Belgrad 381 11 3635 724 MBS Tehno d.o.o. Milenko Stankovic Bulevar Despota Stefana 21 Belgrad; 381 11 322 92 19 MCB edukacija d.o.o. Bojan Scepanovic Ustanicka 189, 11050 Belgrad 381 11 3047 126 Medinic Eksport-Import d.o.o. Ljiljana Belcevic Danicareva 57, Belgrad 381 11 304 77 44 Mercedes-Benz Srbija i Crna Gora d.o.o. Andreas Binder Omladinskih Brigada 33 11070 Belgrad 381 11 301 90 01 Merck d.o.o. Jacek Mazurkiewicz Djordja Stanojevica 12 11070 Belgrad 381 11 217 57 61 Messer Tehnogas a.d. Ernst Bode Banjicki put 62, 11090 Belgrad 381 11 353 72 70 Metro Cash Carry d.o.o. Beograd Veronika Puncheva Autoput za Novi Sad 120, 11080 Belgrad 381 11 377 73 66 Milsped d.o.o. Nebojsa Ikovic Savski Nasip 7, 11070 Beograd 381 11 2015 100 MMM Münchener Medizin Mechanik GmbH Michael Geutler, Rainer Balzer, Robert Eibl Semmelweisstr. 6, 82152 Planegg-München Deutschland 49 89 899 180 Mopex d.o.o. Dusan Radakovic General Zdavona 18, 11223
germany Company Register Belgrad 381 11 202 62 00 Muehlbauer d.o.o. Bojan Stojadinovic Aleksandra Stambolijskog 3/b, Belgrad 381 11 306 62 98 Multipartner S Predrag Krstev Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 298 A 11050 Belgrad 381 11 2320 277 NDP Audit & Consulting d.o.o. Vladimir Dabic Toplicin Venac 3/IV, Belgrad 381 11 308 57 80 NIKI Luftfahrt GmbH Otmar Lenz, Gottfried Neumeister Office Park 1, B03 1300 Wien Österreich 43 1 70126 481 NLB Interfinanz d.o.o Beograd Alesa Korencic Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 165 v, 11070 Belgrad 381 11 222 53 50 Norma Grupa Jugoistocna Evropa d.o.o. Nenad Medenica Batinska 94 24000 Subotica 381 24 644 500 Nutrivit d.o.o. Branislav Mamic Kozacinskog 6 21000 Novi Sad 381 21 661 20 68 Officecom d.o.o. Beograd Kai Aufenberg Tronoska 18 11185 Belgrad 381 11 377 45 38 Ogranak DB International Catleen Potter Terazije 16, 3. Floor 11000 Beograd 381 11 2686 316 Osram d.o.o. Miroslav Lajesic Djordja Stanojevica 14 11070 Belgrad 381 11 228 17 17 Panasonic Lighting Devices Serbia d.o.o. Dirk Bantel Karl Rojm bb 35210 Svilajnac 49 2842 980 228
Panos Inzenjering Zeljko Pantovic Delfe Ivanic 59 21000 Novi Sad 381 21 621 09 90 Phiwa d.o.o Rudolf Walter Matija Korvina 17 24000 Subotica 381 24 647 222 Plattenhardt KG Friedhofstrasse 52 Bernd Krog 73110 Hattenhofen Deutschland 49 71 64 77 03 Pre-Print d.o.o. Stanko Krstin Josifa Marinkovica 10 21000 Novi Sad 381 21 644 79 99 PricewaterhouseCoopers d.o.o. Emmanuel König Omladinskih brigada 88a 11070 Belgrade 381 11 3302 100 Procredit Bank a.d. Beograd Svetlana Tolmaceva Milutina Milankovica 17 11070 Belgrad 381 11 207 78 55 Profine d.o.o. Bojan Predojevic Batajnicki drum bb, Zemun 381 11 210 19 87 Protektorwerk Florenz Maisch GmbH & Co. KG Ljubo Nenadovic Miokovci bb 32000 Cacak 381 32 882 245 PS Confidas d.o.o Alexander Samonig Imotska 1 Belgrad 381 11 395 68 00 Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Dankovic, Jagodnik, Tomic Dragan Tomic Kralja Petra 51 Belgrad 381 11 263 37 26 Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Jankovic, Popovic i Mitic Nemanja Stepanovic Carli Caplina 37 Belgrad 381 11 207 68 50 Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Joskovic, Stojanovic & Partner Milan Joksovic
Internacionalih Brigada 38, Belgrad 381 11 344 59 70 Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Karanovic i Nikolic Dragan Karanovic, Dejan Nikolic Resavska 23 Belgrad 381 11 309 42 00 Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Moravcevic, Vojnovic, Zdravkovic in Zusammenarbeit mit Schöhnherr Matija Vojnovic, Slaven Moravcevic, Relja Zdravkovic Francuska 27 Belgrad 381 11 320 26 00 Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Tomic-Stevic-Dulic Ljubica Tomic Carice Milice 3/II Belgrad 381 11 328 52 27 Rechtsanwaltskanzlei Veljovic Dragan Veljovic Milutina Milankovica 108 11070 Belgrad 381 63 167 51 91 Rehau d.o.o. Nikola Ivosevic Batajnicki drum 283 E 11080 Belgrad 381 11 377 03 01 Reisswolf Serbia d.o.o. Milan Bogovac Volarsko Polje BB 22300 Stara Pazova Robert Bosch d.o.o Jovanka Jovanovic Milutina Milankovica 11a 11070 Belgrad 381 11 205 23 01 Rudnap Global Trade Igor Smiljkovic Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6/21 11000 Beograd 381 11 22 50 850 S&T Srbija d.o.o. Predrag Vranec Narodnih heroja 43/XXIII 11070 Belgrad 381 11 311 62 21 Sano d.o.o. Branimir Kampl Josifa Pancica 8 21000 Novi Sad 381 21 446 917 SAP West Balkans d.o.o. Vladimir Popovic
Omladinskih brigada 88b 11070 Belgrad 381 11 353 69 00 Sauter Buliding Control Serbia d.o.o. Mladen Vukanac Alekse Nenadović 15-17 11000 Beograd 381 11 3835 571 Schenker d.o.o. Neven Marcesku Batajnicki drum 283 d 11080 Belgrad 381 11 375 77 17 Schmitz Cargobull Vujo Crnomarkovic Novi novosadski put bb 11273 Belgrad 381 11 377 46 30 Schuch d.o.o. Ruma Steve Hoffmann Ulica Lejinova 187 22400 Ruma 381 22 490490 ShipsPark GmbH & Co KG Falk Holtmann Boschstr. 21 49733 Haren (Ems)Deutschland 49 5932 73 555 0 Siemens d.o.o. Tihomir Rajlic Omladinskih brigada 21 11070 Belgrad 381 11 209 63 05 Simacek Facility Services SRB d.o.o. Gromiko Nikola Milentija Popovica 5a 11070 Belgrad 381 11 614 91 56 SMF IT-Partner Wolf Preuster Bulevar Oslobodjenja 239 Belgrad 41 798 289 443 Solvadis Commodity Chemicals GmbH Frank Gladis Königsberger Straße 1 60487 Frankfurt Deutschland 49 69 57007 536 Spiegelfeld International d.o.o. Radivoje Nijemcevic Milentija Popovića 5a 11070 Belgrad 381 11 6603 720 Stan Technologies d.o.o. Dragoljub Stanojevic
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Aleksandra Petrovica 25 11080 Belgrad 381 11 414 50 50 Sweetwater d.o.o. Michael Doerks Gornja Toplica bb 14243 Gornja Toplica 381 14 600 48 Tecon sistem d.o.o. Sladjana Petrovic Antifasisticke borbe 21 b 11070 Beograd 381 11 301 78 74 Teleoptik - gasna oprema Lela Lakic Trscanska 21 11080 Belgrad 3581 11 3163 524 Termoinzenjering d.o.o. Milorad Krstic Miloja Djaka 2 11040 Belgrad 381 11 2065 400 Thales Rail Signalling Solutions GmbH Dr. Markus Hellenthal Colditzstraße 34 – 36 12099 Berlin Deutschland 49 711 869 468 50 germany ThyssenKrupp Elevatori d.o.o. Igor Tanaskovic Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10z/1 11070 Belgrad 381 11 212 96 12 TMG Industrial Management Consultants GmbH Jürgen Schilde , Klaus Dieterich Kralja Milutina 17a 11500 Obrenovac 381 63 321 490 TPA Horwath Tax & Finance d.o.o. Boban Djuric Terazije 5/4 Belgrad 381 11 322 39 85 TRC pro (Technical Research Center) Hotimir Licen Peradoviceva 31 21131 Petrovaradin 381 21 643 37 74 Trenkwalder d.o.o. Malisa Grujic Omladinskih brigada 86 11070 Belgrad 381 11 212 90 63 TUI Reisecenter Aleksandar Marinkovic Toplicin Venac 19-21 Belgrad
381 11 715 25 75 TÜV Rheinland Intercert d.o.o. Tibor Farkas Resavska 40/V 11000 Beograd 381 11 3616 156 TÜV Süd Serbia d.o.o Bosko Gavovic Rudnicka 2 11118 Belgrad 381 11 244 11 11 Unicredit Leasing Srbija Joachim Ahrer Trešnjinog cveta 1 11070 Beograd 381 11 3093 500 UniCreditBank Srbija Klaus Priverschek Rajiceva 27 – 29 Belgrad 381 11 320 45 00 Unifarm Medicom d.o.o. Radoje Krstonijevic Cara Dusana 264 11080 Belgrad 381 11 316 82 05 Uniqa nezivotno osiguranje d.o.o. Zoran Visnjic Milutina Milankovica 134g 11070 Belgrad 381 11 202 41 00 Vaillant Zoran Bisercic Radnicka 59 11030 Belgrad 381 11 3540 050 Valman d.o.o. Nebojsa Lackovic Vojvode Prijezde 10 Belgrad 381 11 744 60 94 VB Leasing d.o.o. Beograd Christoph Leitner Djordja Stanojevica 12 11070 Belgrad 381 11 201 65 03 vb savjeti d.o.o. – Kienbaum Partner Vladimir Blivajs A. Hebranga 28 10000 Zagreb Kroatien 385 14854 310 Vektor Electric d.o.o. Tihomir Jakovljevic Stanoja Glavasa 29 11080 Belgrad 381 11 275 14 47 Victoria Group Novi Sad Nikola Vujacic Hajduk Veljkova 11 21000 Novi Sad
381 21 489 54 00 Viessmann d.o.o. Beograd Bojan Grujicki Tabannovacka 3 Belgrad 381 11 309 78 87 Vip Mobile d.o.o. Alexander Sperl Omladinskih brigada 21 11070 Belgrad 381 11 225 61 00 Volksbank a.d. Beograd Axel Hummel Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 165g 11070 Belgrad 381 11 201 32 59 VUK Tax Attorneys Veljko Vukovic Toplicin venac 19-21 Belgrad 381 11 2028 044 Wacker Neuson Kragujevac d.o.o. Markus Ries Milice Miljojkovic 13 34000 Kragujevac 381 63 689 096 WASI d.o.o. Sasa Marinkovic Pancevacki put 38 11210 Belgrad 381 11 207 82 27 Weishaupt d.o.o. Beograd Zoran Veljkovic Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 6 11070 Belgrad 381 11 220 06 01 Wilo Beograd d.o.o. Dragan Simonovic Mijacka 3 Belgrad 381 11 285 12 78 Winterhalter Gastronom YU d.o.o. Zorica Petrovic Zrenjanski put 84c Belgrad 381 11 208 59 50 Wolf Theiss d.o.o. Horst Eberhardt Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 6 Belgrad; 381 11 330 29 00 Würth d.o.o. Beograd Aleksandar Grgic Pancevacki put 38 11210 Belgrad; 381 11 207 82 00 Xella Srbija d.o.o. Nikola Boroja Diše Djurdjevica bb 11560 Vreoci 381 11 811 73 50
Optoelectronics Group
There are several companies, which belong to the hi-tech optoelectronics technology programme, that operate on the grounds of the Niš Electronics Industry (EI Niš). The following specialized companies, whose production programmes are based on night vision devices, make the group: - Harder Digital Sova – the company produces all types of image intensifiers and optical components; - Photon Optronics – produces optical fibre components; - Sova Nvision – engaged in finished optoelectronic devices for night vision and action, including image intensifiers and thermal imaging equipment. This rounds off the entire technology and production concept in the said companies which has strategic importance in the companies providing the key components for their own development. All of the aforementioned companies are exporters with a strong emphasis on development of the domestic market. Exports are possible with a German partner company.
The market component was a determining factor in finding a strategic partner for a serious breakthrough in the foreign market. With its production programme and concept of extending its own production capacity and product range, German company Harder Digital was a truly interested partner. The three companies are expected to export to the European, American and Russian markets. In the following period, the Otoelectronics Technology Group will be an important base for the development of high technology in our country.
HARDER DIGITAL SOVA A.D. Bul. Cara Konstantina 80 18000 Nis, Serbia Phone: +381 18 550 970; Fax: +381 18 550 815 e-mail:
Linde Gas Serbia, a member of The Linde Group, has grown to be an important industrial gas supplier in Serbia. The company manufactures and distributes industrial, specialty and medical gases, welding products, and provides a range of related services including the installation of gas equipment, pipelines and associated engineering services. Linde Gas Serbia operates in all the major industrial areas across the country and is committed to delivering quality and reliable services and solutions that create value for our customers. For more information, please see Linde Serbia’s website at The Linde Group is a world-leading gases and engineering company with around 48,500 employees working in more than 100 countries worldwide. In the 2010 financial year, it achieved sales of EUR 12.868 bn. The strategy of The Linde Group is geared towards long-term profitable growth and focuses on the expansion of its international business with forward-looking products and services. Linde acts responsibly towards its shareholders, business partners, employees, society and the environment- in every one of its business areas, regions and locations across the globe. Linde is committed to technologies and products that unite the goals of customer value and sustainable development. For more information, see The Linde Group online at
Linde Gas Serbia Industrija gasova a.d. Becej Petrovoselski put 143, 21220 Becej Telefon: +381 21 /681 10 48, Fax: +381 21/ 681 10 50; +381 21/681 10 51
greece Company Register
A.D. SAJKASKA (Hellenic Sugar Industry) Michail Stravelas, Director Ind. Zona, Curuski put 3, 21 230 Zabalj Tel: +381 21 831 462 Fax: +381 21 832 395 Alpha Bank Srbija a.d. Georgios Papanastasiou, Director Kralja Milana 11, Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3302 782 Fax: +381 11 3243516 Alpha Copy d.o.o. Konstantinos Damofli, Director Raiceva 18, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3206700 Fax: +38111 3206732 Alumil YU Industry a.d. Rita Lozinsky, Director Industrijska zona bb, Nova Pazova Tel: +381 22 321673 Fax: +381 22 321244 ARXIKON D.O.O. Konstantinos Ioannou, Studentski trg 10, Belgrade Tel:+381 11 303 80 60 Fax:+381 11 263 86 09 Asco Vidak d.o.o. Eleftherios Kaltapanidis, Director Zeleznicka 5, 21410 Futog Tel:+381 21 895084 Fax:+381 21 895 768 Atlas Trading SM d.o.o. Musan Imamovic, Director Zrenjaninski put 139e, Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2960574 Fax: +381 11 2960578
11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2141414 Fax: +381 11 3132628 KOUMBAS SYNERGY Efthymia Koutsovasili Dimitrios Katsaros Tadeusa Koscuska 30, 3. sprat, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2635 184 Fax: +381 11 2638 349 Kumakis d.o.o. Antifasisticke borbe 38, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3015246 Fax: +381 11 3119922 Lamda Emporium d.o.o. Vassilis Leboukas, Director Smedervski put 18a, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3413906 Fax: +381 11 3413906 LG Hemija d.o.o. Natasa Stevanovic, Director Bulevar M.Pupina 3/4, Axon Company d.o.o. GRAND CASINO BELGRADE Belgrade Christoforos Markou, Director Elton Corporation d.o.o. Christos Tsemberas, Director Tel:0381 11 66 00 191 Mihaila Gajica Kale 9a Bul.Nikole Tesle 3, 11 080 Nevena Tisma, Director Fax:+381 11 66 07 805 11260 - Pecani Belgrade Belgrade Tel:+381 11 80 26 546 Tel: +381 11 2202 800 Bul. Vojvode Misica 17,; Belgrade MAKRO METAL MARKET Axxon Trading d.o.o. www.grandcasinoBelgrade. Tel: +381 11 3690531 D.O.O. Pavla Vujisica 13, 11080 com Fax: +381 11 3691549 Dimitris Patsalas, Belgrade; tel:+ 381 11 Hellas Computers d.o.o. Batajnicki put 23, 11080 4145 601 Vojvode Prijezede 9, Belgrade Belgrade fax:+ 381 11 3756 179 Tel: +381 11 4448685 Eltop d.o.o. Tel: +381 11 2108 044 Fax: +381 11 7440300 Sotiris Trokoudes, Director Fax: +381 11 2191 703 Milosa Obrenovica bb, 13000 MARFIN BANK A.D.BELGRADE Byzantio Kessidis Group Pancevo Christos J. Stylianides, president d.o.o. HELONA d.o.o., Tel: +381 13 512755 Dalmatinska 22, Belgrade Pangratios Kessidis, Director Milutina Milankovica 25/51 Fax: +381 13 512918 Tel: +381 11 3306 402 Miska Jovanovica 24, Belgrade 11070 New Belgrade Fax: +381 11 3306 482 Tel: +381 11 3973307 tel.: + 381 11 311 0399 Fax: +381 11 464469 fax: + 381 11 311 6664 Elvial West Balkans d.o.o. Mellon Trnasaction Coca Cola Hellenic Srbija Marko Lazovic, Director Technologies a.d Džordza Vasingtona 44, Bel- IKRP Rokas & Partners Milutina Milankovica 11 b Batajnicki drum 14-16, grade; Tel: +381 11 3222566 d.o.o. 11070 New Belgrade, Serbia Belgrade Dimitros Katsaros, Director Fax: +381 11 3222566 Tel.: +381 11 71 50 400 Tel: +381 11 3073100 Tadeusa Koscuskog 30, Fax: +381 11 26 91 699 Fax: +381 11 3073199 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2635184 Eurobank EFG a.d. Fax: +381 11 2638349 Belgrade Meridijan Inzenjering Crvenka a.d. Filipos Karamanolis, Director d.o.o. Aristeidis Vasilopoulos,Director Vuka Karadzica 10, Belgrade Haralampos Karagiozidis, Masarikova 7, 25220 Intracom Telekom d.o.o Tel: +381 11 2065880 Director Crvenka Zoran Stankovic,CEO Fax: +381 11 3027536 Korcaginovo naselje bb, Tel: +381 25 731122 Jurija Gagarina 7, Belgrade 32300 Gornji Milanovac Fax: +381 25 731710 Tel: +381 11 2040500 Tel: +381 32 725200 Fax: +381 11 2040501 Eucons Group d.o.o. Fax: +381 32 725199 Kralja Milana 7/5, Belgrade DIASTASI CONSTRUCTION Tel: +381 11 3246841 d.o.o. ISOMAT D.O.O Fax: +381 11 3246842 Metal Globe d.o.o. Kneza Milosa95, Belgrade Spyridon Vlachos Vassilis Ntertilis, member of Tel: +381 11 361 4887 Prhovacka bb, Simanovci EUROFAST GLOBAL the Bord of the Directors Fax: +381 11 306 7060 Tel:+381 22 215 0 100 Belgradeska 31/4 Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10a, Fax:+381 22 215 0 101 Belgrade, 11070 New Belgrade Tel.: +381 11 3241 484 Tel: +381 11 3015876 EFG LEASING A.D Fax: +381 11 3038 848 Fax: +381 11 3015878 Vuka Karadzica 10, Belgrade JUNIOR KM CARDS D.O.O. Tel:+381 11 30 27 555 Costas Michailides FLEXIGLAS PROMET D.O.O. Minoan Binding LaminatFax: 011 26 22 350 Palmira Toljatija 68a, 11 070 Stefanos Thomakos, ing d.o.o. New Belgrade Autoput Belgrade – Novi Georgis Kalaitzakis, Director EKO SERBIA a.d. Tel: +381 11 2607 074 Sad 150b Jovanke Radakovic 33a, Vasilis Panagopoulos, Director Tel: +381 11 3757 681 Fax: +381 11 3195 894 Belgrade Tosin bunar 274a, Belgrade Kalodoukas Holidays Fax: +381 11 3757 654 Tel: +381 11 2774755 Tel: +381 11 2061500 d.o.o Fax: +381 11 2085386 Fax: +381 11 2061555 Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10v,
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012 Neochimiki d.o.o. Marko Malavrazic, Director Pancevacki put 83C, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2084942 Fax: +381 11 2751950 NORDWOOD D.O.O. Vencacka 19a/27, 11 030 Belgrade Tel/Fax +381 11 250 68 26 Olympic Air Predstavnistvo Vase Carapica 14, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3036750 Fax: +381 11 3036850 OLYMPUS PLAZA FOOD PARKS YU D.O.O. Zivomir Misovic,Director Autoput za Nis bb; 11224 Vrcin Tel: ++381 11 8056 039 Pego d.o.o Michael Petrakis, Director Jug Grizelja 29, Zemun Tel: +381 11 3756676 Fax: +381 11 3756679 Piraeus Bank a.d. Neoclis Neocleous, Director Milentija Popovica 5b, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3024007 Fax: +381 11 3027866 PIRAEUS LEASING D.O.O. BELGRADE Milentija Popovica 5b, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2228 600 Profilco YU d.o.o. Ratko Jezdic, Executive Director, Auto-put za Novi Sad 118, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 377 9400 Fax: +381 11 3779450 P.V.F.Traders d.o.o. Boban Mitrovic, Director Vodovodska 158, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2391551 Fax: +381 11 2390112 Sapient Merkator a.d. Fotis Kanellopoulos,Director Zagrebacka 7, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3034084 Fax: +381 11 2622723 Sarantis d.o.o. Milana Resetara 7, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2090000 Fax: +381 11 2090003 S.P. EURO-DOM CO.CO. D.O.O. Stefanos Nikolaos Papazoglou Bul.Zorana Djindjica 83/10, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2120 566
Fax:+381 11 21 20 789 Taxol d.o.o. Karagiozidis Babis, Director Korcaginovo naselje bb, 32300 Gornji Milanovac Tel: +381 32 725416 Fax: +381 32 725416 TSOMOKS GROUP INTERNATIONAL Simeon Tsomokos, Director Rige od Fere 8/4, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3032235 Fax: +381 11 2636 031 THE END OF LINE D.O.O. Bul. Arsenija Carnojevica 76/1 11070 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3121 738; Thrace Plastics Packaging d.o.o. Jannis Spirakis, Director Cara Dusana BB, 22330 Nova Pazova Tel: + +381 22 0010 708 Titan Cementara Kosjeric a.d. Miroslav Gligorijevic, Director Zivojina Misica bb, Kosjeric Tel: +381 31 590333 Fax:+381 31 590381 Unisoftware d.o.o. Apostolos Tritas, Director Jurija Gagarina 49/41, New Belgrade; Tel: +381 64 2207773 Fax: +381 62 8602791 Veropoulos d.o.o. Belgrade Vassilios Kakagiotis, Director Milutina Milankovica 86, New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3119111 Fax: +381 11 3115501 Vitex Hermes d.o.o. Kralja Petra I 89, 22330 Nova Pazova Tel: + 381 223 35 327 Fax: + 381 223 36 320 V+O COMMUNICATION Marija Randjelovic,Director Bul.kralja aleksandra 43/5, Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 303 48 59 Fax: +381 11 303 48 69 Vojvođanska Banka a.d. Member of NBG group Marinos Vathis, President of the Executive Board Trg slobode 5-7, Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4886735 Tel: +381 21 6611512 Sumadijalek AD Alapis Group Omladinskih Brigada 90 V Airport City, zgrada 1 700, New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2251600 Fax:+381 11 2283 714
Greek Business in Serbia Prospering
Fifficulties in the home market have encouraged Greek companies to focus on their international activities which have obviously now become even more strategically important
- In view of the recent positive developments in Greece, such as the upgrades by the international rating agencies, further budget deficit reduction and progress in tax collections, we are optimistic that a gradu► In your opinion, what should the Serbian al improvement of the business environment in Greece will start happenGovernment do first following the country being ing immediately. These are encourgranted EU candidacy status, when it comes to adaging developments for the Greek invancing the business environment in the country? vestors who can continue looking into the pros- The Serbian Government must ensure stricter impects of the region and start reinvesting. Serbia, plementation of anti-corruption measurements, as due to its incentives to foreign investors is tradicorruption is marked as being one of the most probtionally one of the desired markets for Greek inlematic factors for doing business in the country. vestors, besides Bulgaria. We hope that the inThey should also reduce and simplify the bureaucreasing trends from 2010 & 2011 regarding cratic procedures, especially on local levels, and new members in HBA will continue, especially in create conditions for market competition by providgrowing sectors of the Serbian economy (touring equal rights to all competitors and proper reguism/leisure/hotel industry/agriculture/food/infralation of monopolies. In addition a national strategy structure).Taking into account that focus of comshould be created for export oriented sectors, such panies with Greek origin will be on their internaas agriculture, energy, military equipment, and the tional activities and extroversion, we expect posihealth and leisure industry. tive direct and indirect ef► What business results Serbia, due to its incentives fects to the existing members’ performance in ordid the companies from to foreign investors is der to enforce the activyour country, which operate in Serbia, accom- traditionally one of the desired ities of Greek company plish in late 2011 and Q1 markets for Greek investors subsidiaries in Serbia and increase the competitiveof 2012? ness of Greek products and services in general. - Despite the fact that the Eurozone (and Greek) We are also aiming to enhance connections and sovereign debt crisis peaked in late 2011, compajoint activities amongst our members, as well as nies of Greek business interest proved to be very rebetween HBAS and other business associations silient and generally maintained or even strengthin Serbia, enabling us to exploit further our poened their position and financial performance in tential and contribute to the Serbian economy. the Serbian market. Difficulties in the home marBased on established fruitful relations with the ket have encouraged Greek companies to focus on Serbian Chamber of Commerce and our plans to their international activities which have obviously activate relations with other foreign business asnow become even more strategically important. sociations, we expect HBA’s involvement as well ► Do you expect significant changes to take place as its members’ involvement into activities of Serbian economy to be further increased. ◄ amongst members of your organization this year?
homas Bobotas is encouraged by the fact that Greek companies in Serbia, despite the financial crisis in the Eurozone, have managed to not only maintain their position but in some cases even strengthen it.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Thomas Bobotas Executive Director of the Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, and Head of Greek Desk, Corporate Banking Division at Eurobank EFG a.d. Belgrade
Ivan Radojčić Deputy CEO of OTP Bank
Improved Settlement of Claims OTP Bank Serbia plans to grant more corporate loans and focus on debt refinancing and reconsolidation
he banking sector in Serbia has managed to avoid being severely hit by the economic downturn primarily owing to good capital adequacy of banks. In the meantime, the crisis spilled over into the real sector which started to affect banks in Serbia. For this interview we are talking to Deputy CEO of OTP Bank, Ivan Radojčić.
crisis from destabilizing the country’s entire financial system. OTP Bank Serbia plans to grant more corporate loans and focus on debt refinancing and reconsolidation. ► What measures should NBS undertake in order to boost credit activity? - It should prevent the foreign currency exchange rate from fluctuating too much and keep the inflation rate at bay. These are just some of the measures that would provide better credit conditions. The NBS paying interest rates on banks’ mandatory foreign currency reserves would create an opportunity for banks to lower their interest rates on loans indexed in foreign currency.
How long is the latency in repayment of both corporate and retail loans to OTP Bank? ► How much is the depreciation of the dinar - A certain number of companies are facing financial problems which have prevented them from reflected in your clients regularity in repaying regularly settling their financial obligations. their loans? The growth of problem loans has negatively - The foreign currency risk is going to be present affected the income from interest rates, as well in the forthcoming period too. Since the beginas generated higher costs due to increased loss ning of this year, the dinar has depreciated 6.16% provision allocations. against the euro and 7.23% against the Swiss Reduced economic activity and, to a certain exfranc. Every single time the dinar depreciates, tent, over-indebtedness are evident, which is why bank clients struggle to repay their loans. we are focusing on refinancing and reconsolida► OTP offers a wide range of loans for entretion. Our bank has seen improved claims settlement thanks to a pro-acpreneurs and small comSince the beginning of this panies. Could you tell tive restructuring of placements whenever necessary year, the dinar has depreciated us something about the and wherever possible. 6.16% against the euro and business trends in this When it comes to re7.23% against the Swiss franc. sector? tail loans, our citizens are - The spillover of negative Every single time the dinar global tendencies brought regular in paying their financial obligations and many challenges for small depreciates, bank clients the percentage of those struggle to repay their loans companies and entreprewho are late with repayneurs, primarily a chronic ments is very low. problem with difficult settlement of their claims. Weak market liquidity can result in high► How much does the state, through its legislaer loan costs. If for banks’ borrowing abroad is more expensive, then the banks will pay more for tion, bylaws and executive powers, protect banks local deposits. In turn, more expensive deposits in Serbia? mean more expensive loans. OTP plans to have - Through applying various measures, the very lively credit activity. ◄ National Bank of Serbia (NBS) has prevented the ►
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Accession is a Magnet For Serbia, like for other Eastern European and Western Balkan countries, the EU is the major foreign trade partner in exports. More than 55% of Serbian exports go to the EU
usko Karagics considers EU candidacy status to be a big plus to foreign investors not only in economic terms but also in reassuring them that Serbia has a predictable political and economical environment.
Hungary witnessed that progress in the EU accession process was a magnet for investments in our country. I am convinced that the same will happen in the case of Serbia. As for the parliamentary elections, from the point of view of international financial markets, the most important element is the quick establishment of a new government, because waiting too long for negotiations between potential coalition partners can discourage foreign investors.
► What are your expectations when it comes to the overall economic situation in Serbia for 2012? - I’m convinced that this year will be quite difficult for the Serbian economy. Nowadays everybody speaks about the crisis of European countries, especially about the crisis of the Eurozone. For Serbia, like for other Eastern European and Western Balkan coun► Do you think that political stabilization in the retries, the EU is the major foreign trade partner in exports. More than 55% of Serbian exports go to the gion could result in the consolidation of the regionEU, but the slowdown of the EU economy will lead al market and, by that, higher business efficiency to a decrease in demand for Serbia’s export prodor is it too early to expect such outcomes? ucts. Already we can see the first signs of this proc- It’s my view that it is not at all too early to exess, like the withdrawal of U.S. Steel, the reduction pect significant results from regional economic coof Serbia’s economic growth forecasts and or postoperation. On the one hand, political relations beponement of discussions tween countries in the reon the status of the precaugion have rapidly developed More than 55% of Serbian tionary stand-by arrangethe last few years. On exports go to the EU, but the over ment with the International the other hand, thanks to Monetary Fund. Currently, slowdown of the EU economy the Central European Free the two most serious probTrade Agreement (CEFTA), will lead to a decrease in lems for the Serbian econdemand for Serbia’s export regional trade relations omy are the high rate of have also expanded dynamproducts unemployment and inflaically in recent years and tion, which are amongst the number of business rethe highest in Europe. Fortunately, inflation is delations between companies from these countries is clining and is expected to return within the tolerincreasing year on year. The crisis of the Eurozone ance band of the National Bank of Serbia. However, can give this process a further boost, because as a the unemployment rate is still growing and it will be result of the decline in Western European markets, one of the biggest challenges for the new Serbian these countries will be forced to improve trade and government. economic cooperation with each other. ◄ ► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcoming parliamentary elections to affect investment processes in Serbia and, if you do, what direction will these processes take? - The most important aspects for foreign investors are a predictable political and economical environment. Therefore it is very important that Serbia was granted candidate status for EU membership.
Duško Karagics Deputy Head of Office, Office of Economic Affairs, Embassy of the Republic of Hungary
Hipodromska bb, 24107 SUBOTICA, PF 2, SRBIJA 0700 200 200 024/621-521 024/621-522 063/510-002; 063/86-88-278;
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Very Modest Export
hungary Amulet Simbel d.o.o. Istvan Nemeth Moša Pijade 23 -7 19210 Bor Tel: +381 62 137 9451 Egrokorr Trade d.o.o. Marija Perović, Director Milentija Popovica 30 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 3111871 Fax: +381 11 3114406 Elzett-Certa d.o.o. György Török, Director Put Jovana Mikića 56 24000 Subotica Tel: +381 24 621028 Exclusive Change d.o.o. Tamas Kocsor, Director Beogradska 57 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3039580 Forever Living Products d.o.o. Branislav Rajić, Director Kumodraska 162 11010 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3970123 Fornetti Mini Peciva d.o.o. Gabor Kovacs, Director Hipodromska bb 2400 Subotica Tel: +381 24 621 521 Goodwill Pharma d.o.o. Zoltan Tamas, Director Matija Gupca 14 24000 Subotica Tel: +381 24 554498 Fax: +381 24 602063 Intermol d.o.o./MOL group Zoltan Michael Takács, Director Omladinskih brigada 88/V 11070 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2096900 Isoplus d.o.o. Dejan Baltic, Director Aleksandra Stamboliskog 3/B 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 63 300512 Fax: +381 112662324
Kesz d.o.o. Szabolcs Breier Dobropoljska 63/7 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 63 8823278 Kolubara Univerzal a.d. Slobodan Milanovic, President of the Board Kosmajska bb, 11563 Veliki Crljeni Tel: +381 11 8120759 Konica Minolta poslovna rešenja SE d.o.o. Andrej Vojičić Milutina Milankovića 11A poslovna zgrada GTC Square, II sprat 11070 Belgrade +381 11 2691599 +381 11 2691-606 Masterplast YU d.o.o. Tivadar Bunford, Director Bodrogvari Ferenc 172 24000 Subotica Tel: +381 24 625825 Ormester Security Zastita Imovine d.o.o. Zsolt Posa, Director Matije Korvina 17 24400 Senta Tel: +381 24 528700 OTP Banka Srbija a.d. Imre Bertalan, Director Bulevar oslobodjenja 80 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4800001 Qualysoft Informatics d.o.o. Marko Ristic, Operations Manager; Jurija Gagarina 14 ž/3 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 4143474 Richter Gedeon Nyrt. Dr. Tibor Novak , Director Vladimira Popovica 6 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2608998 Valjevoput a.d. Birčaninova 128/V 14000 Valjevo Tel: +381 14 220614
In 2011, the trade exchange between India and Serbia amounted to €126.1 million with Serbia exporting €5.7 million and importing €120.3 million worth of goods it stood at almost €7.4 million. In 2011, foreign trade volume amounted to €126.1 million, with Serbian exports amounting to €7.7 million and imports €120.3 million. The Belgrade and New Delhi governments have already concluded a series of cooperation agreements covering various sectors. India is the hen it comes to economic second biggest country in the world cooperation with India, the population wise, with over one billion former Socialist Republic of inhabitants, and the seventh biggest Yugoslavia always maintained a trade in territory terms. The Indian economy is based on surplus, with the biggest volume of farming estrade exchange recorded The Belgrade traditional tates, agriculture, inin 1990 - €81.7 million, when exports amounted and New Delhi dustry, arts and crafts, to €45.7 million and im- governments and the IT and service ports €36 million. have already sector. With regards to Trade between the concluded Indian investments in two countries picked a series of Serbia, Indian compaup in 1996 but, now, Serbia imports far more cooperation nies have participated several unsuccessthan it exports. Since agreements in ful privatizations, and 1996, import from India has constantly grown and reached there have been no major Indian in€97.7 million in 2010. In regard to vestments made in Serbia. There was Serbian export, it has been very low a plan to build a €449.4 million techfor years, ranging on average from nology park in Inđija, but nothing has €3 to €5.2 million while, in 2010, come of that as of yet. ◄
india Agrogas (“Automat Industry” Representative) Milutina Milankovića 120a, 11080 Zemun , Tel: +381 11 311 47 29, Fax:+381 11 313 21 28 Agropanonka (Mahindra & Mahindra Tractors rep.) Filipa Višnjića 10,
21000 Novi Sad, Tel:+381 21 524-844, Fax:+381 21 523-772, Arvind Mills ltd. Vojvode Brane 30 , 11000 Beograd, Tel: +381 11 3808673, Indian House Jaroslava Cermaka 18-20, 11080 Zemun,
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Tel: +381 11 377 42 86, Fax:+381 11 377 42 89, Intermotors (Rep. of “Mahindra & Mahindra Motors”) Gundulićev venac 56 /II, 11000 Beograd, Tel: + 381 11 218 5566 Fax:+381 11 481 120,
Medico Uno (Ranbaxy Representative) Pančevački put 38, 11120 Beograd, Tel: +381 11 331 8571 “UTI” Ltd. Co. (Panacea Biotec Representative) Cara Uroša 27, 11000 Beograd, Tel: +381 11 3033 831
auction see auction south east europe
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Makenzijeva 67, 11000 Beograd, Srbija Tel: +381 11 2450 508; Fax: +381 11 2450 122; International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Numerous Opportunities I hope that the EU door, which has opened for Serbia, will lead to a better economic perspective and prosperity for all of its citizens.
proud to refer to a few examples of our on-going presence here: Aviv Arlon Retail Park that has recently opened in Pancevo, opening of Plaza Centres shopping mall in Kragujevac and Big Cee future retail park in Novi Sad. Let me also reiterate that Israelis have further invested in transportation, with Kavim as the sec► What are your expectations when it ond bus operator in Serbia, F&B industry acquiring comes to the overall economic situation Doncafe, manufacturing facility LPO in Ada which in Serbia for 2012? has been privatized by Bet Shemesh engines, and - I would like to express sincere hope for a in the field of agriculture with the Green Only joint genuine breakthrough in the Serbian econventure in Svilajnac and Makhteshim Agan subsidomy, rather than to talk about economic iary in Subotica, to mention but a few. I have witexpectations. It derives, perhaps, from the fact that I nessed recently another developing phenomenon, am not an economist but simply a friend of Serbia. in which Israeli hi-tech companies are using the As trade balance sheets demonstrate, Serbia services of young Serbian engineers who enjoy a marked a surplus in agriculture and I am absolutegood reputation in Israel. This is a promising direcly sure that it can make a dramatic progress in the tion of mutual benefit. international agricultural market. Serbia has been The biggest obstacles that companies complain blessed with all the necessary preconditions for adabout are bureaucratic ones. The procedures ofvanced agriculture such as skilled human resourcten seem to be unnecessary complicated, time cones, fertile soil and rich water flows. Don’t forget the suming and even discouragunique geographic location The biggest obstacles that ing for investors. In this rethat Serbia has in the heart companies complain about spect I would welcome and of Europe, which adds to its attractiveness as an investare bureaucratic ones. The urge a continuation of guilreforms and cut of ment destination i.e. for disprocedures often seem to be lotine unnecessary bureaucratic tribution and logistics cenunnecessary complicated, procedures. tres and R&D outsourctime consuming and even Let me remind you that ing. One should also bear in during the years of severe mind numerous free trade discouraging for investors crisis, Israeli companies agreements that Serbia has have never abandoned their activities in Serbia, with Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and CEFTA counalthough in some areas we have witnessed a tries, which are yet to be fully used. slow down. I hope that the EU door, which has opened for I would strongly recommend doing the utmost to Serbia, will lead to a better economic perspective expose Serbian potentials to Israeli investors and joint and prosperity for all of its citizens. venture projects. I certainly see a substantial realm for cooperation in advanced agriculture, clean-tech ► What would you recommend the Serbian busiand green energy, not to mention beef and dairy proness community do in order to draw in more induction. A good acquaintance with Serbian potentials vestments from Israel? What are the realistic pois a sine qua non for a good investment. However, tentials? readiness of local authorities to invest in joint-ven- As far as I know, Israeli companies are already the tures is essential. There are no free lunches and this biggest investors in the real estate sector in Serbia, is true too when it comes to investments. with over 1 billion EUR investments up to now. I am he area of agriculture is of particular importance for the Serbian economy and the Ambassador of Israel to Serbia, H.E. Mr. Yossef Levi, is hopeful it will be exploited to its full potential.
H.E. Mr. Yossef Levi Ambassador of Israel to Serbia
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Israel is known for the development of agricultural technologies, especially irrigation systems, as well as for ‘green technology’ in the production of solar and wind generated electricity. Can Israel help Serbia develop in this area, bearing in mind that agriculture has been declared our strategic development direction, as well as in electricity production which is at the focus of Serbia’s development? - Israel had no choice; due to scarcity of water and fertile land we were forced to develop innovative technologies to overcome what nature deprived us of. In this respect Israel became a leader in cutting edge agriculture solutions: drip irrigation, fertilizers, new seeds, greenhouses, dairy equipment, etc. “A land of milk and honey” so to speak. Every four years, Israel hosts a unique event, the Agriculture Exhibition and Conference AGRITECH, where producers, researchers, distributors, farmers and administrators are all gathered under one roof. This year SIEPA and the Embassy of Israel have launched an initiative to facilitate a study tour for Serbian agricultural companies to visit AGRITECH and establish contacts with their Israeli counterparts through B2B meetings. I would like to use this stage to invite Serbian companies to take part in this initiative by contacting SIEPA or the embassy in order to be provided with all the necessary information. We hope that this will be an important step forward in establishing more intensive agricultural cooperation, to the benefit of both our countries. ◄
israel Company Register Airport City Adir El Al, Omladinskih brigada 88, Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2090525 office@airportcitybelgrade. com Avital d.o.o. Assaf Dotan; Rajiceva 1 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2625684 Fax:+381 11 2621983; Aviv Arlon Holding doo Nir Saar Vladimira Popovica 6,Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3121608 Fax:+381 11 3121 610 Glosec doo Rea Reichmann, Velizara Kosanovica 2, Belgrade; Tel:+381 11 2413636 Fax:+381 11 2416123; Grand Motors Stanko Radic Milutina Milankovica 21, 11070 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2090 600 Fax:+381 11 2090 608 GTC BUSINESS PARK doo Mr. Pedja Petronijevic, Vladimira Popovica 38-40, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2120405 Fax: +381 11 3130752 Home Center Shemi el Halal Bulevar Vojvode Misica 12, Belgrade; Tel:+381 11 2067567; Kavim Serbia
TEVA Serbia d.o.o. Makenzijeva 24, 11000 Beograd Tel: 011/24-00-491, 24-00-492 Tel/Fax: 011/24-00-493
Mr. Gery Reznik, Lomina 67, 32000 Cacak, Tel: +381 32 221653 Fax: +381 32 224249 Kompani DigiTV Miroslav Jankovic Nusiceva 15,Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3348101 Fax:+381 11 3348101 Livnica preciznih odlivaka ad Aleksandar Miskovic 24 novembra bb, 24430 Ada Tel:+381 24 851807 Fax:+381 24 851 475; Ludan Engineering doo Mitra Milicevic Lamartinova 2, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2421306 Fax: +381 11 3861526 LUXEMBOURG d.o.o. Nikola Baros,Director Narodnog Fronta 73b, Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 548232 Maestro Jewellery Vladimira Popovica 6,Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3111459 Magan Agrochemicals d.o.o. Katica Halbrohr Petra Drapšina 4/1, Subotica Tel:+381 24 551666 Manta System doo Mr. Marko Antic Jurija Gagarina 134,11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2176304 Fax: +381 11 163752 Marina Management Dejana Obradovic Milentija Popovioca 5a, 11070 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 6557177 MEDICOM d.o.o. Predrag Vasilic, Director, Pocerska 3,15000 Sabac Tel:+381 15 311140 Fax:+381 15 311103 NETWORK Ivan Trifunovic Velizara Kosanovica 2, Belgrade; Tel:+381 11 2040900 Fax:+381 11 2040 960 OMEGA INFORMATICKI
INZENJERING Miloje Todorovic Tošin Bunar 268, 11070 Belgrade; Tel:+381 11 2091140 Fax:+381 11 2091141 Plaza Centers Sagiv Meger Lazarevacka 1,Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2647044 Fax:+381 11 2647068 Premier Dead Sea Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 86-90 Tel: +381 63 335293 Ramot Elram Management ltd Daniela Stojmanovska Resavska 28/VI, Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3343979 Fax: +381 11 3235425; STRAUSS Adriatic Aleksandra Bera, Director Milosa Obilica 41, Simanovci Tel:+381 22 408000 Fax:+381 22 408068 TAHAL- Fideco d.o.o. Vladete Kovacevica 2a, Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3605 400 Fax:+381 11 3605 499 TeleGroup Dragan Tajsic, Director Svetozara Miletica 9a, Belgrade Tel:+381 11 308981 Fax:+381 11 3081991 Teri Engineering Tesa Fuks Jurija Gagarina 153a, 11070 Belgrade Tel:++381 11 3176787 Fax:+381 11 1775568 TEVA SERBIA D.O.O Lidija Marusic Rako-Director Decanska 12/2, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3344656 Vlatacom Vladimir Cizelj, Milutina Milankovica, 11070 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3771100, Fax:+381 11 377 11 99 ZU apoteka RAVpharm Devora Velickovic, Narodnih heroja 63, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3133190 Fax:+381 11 3111035
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Restoring Confidence Serbia has demonstrated its ability to find convincing solutions to major challenges and we are confident that it will continue to do so
r. Toschi is hopeful that coupled with EU candidacy status, which has already positively affected foreign investors’ confidence, Serbia will continue to progressively instate political and administrative reforms to further economic growth.
Head of Economic Affairs at the Embassy of Italy
► Do you expect Serbia’s candidate status to affect investment processes in the country and what direction will these processes take? - EU candidate status has already given the markets a signal which greatly improved their confidence truly a premium asset these days. Italy now supports the rapid opening of negotiations for accession to the European Union, in line with the conditions set by the European Commission in its opinion on Serbia’s application for membership. Moving towards the EU, Serbia is building an institutional and economic environment able of ensuring prosperity more effectively. First of all, progressive harmonization with European legislation provides a guarantee of financial and economic stability and credibility, greatly contributing to the markets’ further confidence. In addition, through political and administrative reforms, Serbia is progressively instating a more open, international and competitive economic environment, where foreign as well as domestic companies can prosper and create jobs.
What are your expectations when it comes to the overall economic situation in Serbia for 2012? - For a few years now Serbia has been working on responding to the economic fluctuations which affected the eurozone and the world at large. While the international scenario is still rapidly evolving, and has certainly created many new challenges, these efforts have also brought improvements to the economic standpoint of Serbia. This dynamic is likely to continue in 2012. Most of all, Serbia has undertaken important steps in the process of harmonisation of its legislative and institutional framework towards EU standards. Such efforts have been recognised by EU institutions and Member States, in particular when they voted in favour of granting Serbia the status of EU candidate on the 1st of March. Serbia has undertaken ► Could political stabilization in the Serbia has demonstrated its important steps in the region result in the consolidation ability to find convincing solutions to major challenges, and process of harmonisation of the regional market and higher we are confident that it will conbusiness efficiency or is it too earof its legislative and tinue to do so. ly to expect such outcomes? In particular, in 2012 it will be institutional framework - All national economies face maimperative for Serbia to continue on the path of coljor challenges when withstanding the pressures of global laboration with international financial institutions and competition. As is the case of the EU, regional integration to continue attracting foreign direct investments. FDIs provides efficient tools to handle these challenges. obviously represent key factors for economic developLarger markets are more attractive for investment, ment. and more efficient in terms of regulation. Indeed, fragSerbia already represents an overall welcoming enmented regional markets diminish foreign investors’ vironment for foreign investors, as is shown by around interest if they constitute burdens through bureaucra500 Italian companies doing business in the country. cy, tariff barriers and diverging regulations. This number has almost doubled over the last Economic and political collaboration and intecouple years, and is destined to increase. This is gration in this region is therefore a natural perspecalso thanks to excellent relations between the two tive for increased growth and more effective marcountries, illustrated by the II Italy-Serbia Summit ket regulation - and this vision converges with EU of March 8th which brought to Belgrade Prime integration, in affirming a goal that Italy supports Minister Monti and seven ministers of our governwith great determination: this region, with Serbia at ment, and which also led to the signing of a number the centre of it, must advance rapidly towards the of agreements in the economic sector. European family where they belong. ◄ ►
Paolo Toschi
In 2012 we count on Serbia to continue on the course of reforms and reinforcing productivity.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
italy Company Register ADIGE BITUMI IMPRESA Stefano Bordin,President Oslobodjenja 52-57, 11000 Belgrade ; Tel: +381 11 2322684 Fax: +381 11 2322984 AERO EAST EUROPE Matic Milorad,General Manager Dimitrija Tucovica 2, 36000 Kraljevo Tel: +381 11 36 317370 AGB NIELSEN MEDIA RESEARCH Darko Brocic Gavrila Principa 8, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3284510 Fax: +381 11 3288205 AGROMEHANIKA AC Ljiljana Stetic, Director Miroslava Prodanovica –Micka 4 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 419151 Fax: +381 21 6410400 AGROPRESTIGE Zeleznicka bb, 24410 Horgos Jurija Gagarina 133/114, 11177 Belgrade; Tel: +381 24 793866 Fax: +381 24 792130 AGROPRODUKT Cara Dusana 12, 23112 Zrenjanin Tel: +381 23 510392 Fax: +381 23 531024 AL-IDEA doo Aleksandar Prvulj ,Director Pancevacki put 44,, 26232 Starcevo Tel: +381 13 633079 Fax: +381 13 630960; ALLOMETAL Prhovacka bb, Simanovci Tel: +381 22 480391 ARHITEMA D.O.O Dunavski kej 8, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2928714 ASKA Vrbaski Put 1, 25230 Kula Tel: +381 25 723731 Fax: +381 25 723741 ATEKS Milorada Jovanovica 9, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3051110 Fax: +381 11 3051118 ATTICA MEDIA SRB Danijela JovaNewc, General Manager Kozjacka 2, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2648436 Fax: +381 11 2648457 BALTHOR Makedonska 19, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3373712 Fax: +381 11 3373749 BANCA INTESA Draginja Djuric, President of Executive Board: Cara Urosa 54, 11000 Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 3108888 Fax: +381 11 310 88 55 BENVENTO-UMS Dubravka Petkovic, DeputyDirector Dragise Misovica 199, 32000 Cacak Tel: +381 32 375300 BENVENTO-color Drasko Vucetic, Director Dragise Misovica 199, 32000 Cacak Tel: +381 32 375110 BEOCOLOR – CHEMCO Knez Mihajlova 2, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3284035 BEOSANUS Osmana Djikica 1, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2087-540, BEOTUBI Vlada Kovacevic, Director Milutina Milankovica 34, 11070 New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2120012 Fax: +381 11 6133752 beotubi@gmail.coms B.I.C. doo Elviro Ici; Reljina 4/3, 11000 Belgrade; BIS MANUFAKTURA Slobodana Bajica 1, 11185 Zemun Tel: +381 11 3756719 Fax: +381 11 3756813 BOREA PARTI Mostarska 12;, 11080 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 11 210 0726 BUTANGAS INTERNATIONAL doo Bulevar Zorana DJindjica 65-9 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2120589 Fax: +381 11 3113664 CHAMPICOMP doo Valentino Sartor Kralja Petra I 2a, 26229 Plocica Tel: +381 13 757 012 Tel/Fax: +381 13 757430 CONCEPT INVEST doo Biljana Knezevic, Director Imotska 1, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3956800 COOPSERVICE BMK Bogdan Mamuzic, Director Svetosavska 9, 22300 Stara Pazova Tel: +381 22 310344 Fax:+381 22 310342 PREDSTAVNISTVO U BEgradu Koste Glavinica 2, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 265-9364 DAFAR Zoran Galovic, Director Ecanski drum 3, 23100 Zrenjanin Tel: +381 23 544635 DAMM MANAGEMENT & MARKETING doo Reljina 4/3, 11000 Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 2687107 Fax:+381 11 3626273 DDOR novi Sad Christian Otto Neu, General Manager Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 8, 21000 New Sad; Tel: +381 21 4886000; DEAMA-SB Oraska 60,Industrijska zona, Velika Plana; Tel: + 381 26 515340 DEKOTRA INZENJERING Makenzijeva 53/IV, 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2040300 DELTA GENERALI OSIGURANJE Andrea Simoncelli Milentija Popovica 7b, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: + 381 11 2012750 Tel/Faks: +381 11 3114381 ECOAGRI SERBIA A.D. Dragan Sataric, Director Sonje Marinkovic bb, 26340 Bela Crkva; Tel: + 381 13 851211 Fax: + 381 13 851041 ELEKTROREMONT Carmine Tarallo, President Ivana Mestrovica 2, 24000 Subotica Tel: + 381 24 548000 Fax: + 381 24 547848 EURO - COOD Knez Milosev venac 18 12000 Pozarevac Tel: + 381 12 514270 EUROFER Nemanjina 4/II, 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2642745 EUROIN Antonio Cagiano, Director XXV Nova 73, 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 8408392 EVRO GIUNTI Dimitrija Tucovica 41, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: + 381 11/3446 618 FAEBER LIGHTING SYSTEM doo Majora Gavrilovica 1 11420 Smederevska Palanka Tel: + 381 26 341050 Fax: + 381 26 341055 FANTINI SCIANATICO BALKAN doo Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10a/12, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3110240 FARMAN doo Takovska 45, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3292046 Fax: +381 11 3292048 FARMAN SAPORI doo Radosav Ristic, Director Serdar Jola 17a,11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2666665 Fax: +381 11 2668983 FERRARIPLAST Karadjordjeva bb, 25100 Sombor Tel: + 381 25 24523 FIAT AUTOMOBILI SRBIJA Antonio Cesare Ferrara Trg Topolivaca 4, 34000 Kragujevac Tel: +381 34 502620 Fax: +381 34 502622 FILM '87 Piero Amati, Director Kneza Viseslava 88, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3549149 FIM Put N. Heroja 12, 24420 Kanjiza Tel: +381 24 874700 Fax: +381 24 874165 FIN BETON Zani Luigi, Director Maksima Gorkog 34; 21000 New Sad; Makenzijeva 20; , 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3445830 info© FINDOMESTIC Angelo Scatigna, Chairman of the Executive Board Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 115a, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3336000 FIORANO doo Aida Delkic; Staparski put bb, 25000 Sombor Tel: +381 25 467500 GIRAMONDO doo Slađana Dugonjic Del Castilo Kneginje Zorke 40, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3440260 Fax: +381 11 3440165 GRUPPO FIORENTINO doo Fiorentino Nutricato, Director Orasacki put bb, 16210 Vlasotince Tel: +381 16 876015 Tel/Fax: +381 16 876018 HIV AD Omladinskih Brigada 11, 17500 Vranje; Tel: +381 17 421 585 HOME FURNITURE CASA ITALIA Ljubica Ivic Ivanisevic Slobodna Zona bb, 21400 Backa Palanka; Tel: +381 21 754 185 IC&PARTNERS Roberto Corciulo, Director Bulevar despota Stefana 12, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3348448 Fax: +381 11 3348453 INTERSTONES Zorica Miletic Topalovic, Director Krcevacki put BB, 34300 Arandjelovac; Tel: +381 34 705025 Fax: +381 34 705026
ITALIANA SALOTTI Juznomoravskih brigada bb 17542 Vranjska Banja Tel: +381 11 3132526 ITALTES Vojvodjanska 386 d, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2269016 Tel/Fax: +381 3206610 ITS BALKAN Svetogorska 35/2, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3035188 LASER BALKAN Fraron Lino, President Dunavac 1, 12208 Kostolac Tel: +381 12 241954 Fax: +381 12.241437 LE PARETI ITALIA doo Vesna StojaNewc Pozeska 58/7, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3660060; LEGNO PIU doo Studenicka 17, 18000 Nis Tel: +381 18 214677 MAGIC STEP Surcinska 18, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 154980 MASTROTTO & CO Kruzni put BB, 11309 Lestane Tel: +381 11 8035110 MIROGLIO FASHION SER Jurija Gagarina 16, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3446451 MODITAL Branka Nanac, Commercial Director Bulevar Zorana DJindjica 67 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 6557282 Fax: +381 11 6557281 MODITAL MANUFACTURING Industrijska zona Bagljas aerodrom bb, 23000 Zrenjanin; Tel: +381 23 559000 Mokint S Knez Mihajlova 2, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2621289 Fax: +381 11 3284035 Montagna SM Simina 21, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3034122 OMNIAPACK Michele Bellotto, Director Industrijska zona bb, 23272 New Becej; Tel: +381 23 771098 Fax: +381 23 775045 PANGEA RE Despota Djudja 13/1, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 63 1623221 PETRUZALEK doo Miodrag Maric, Director Majora Zorana Radosavljevica 313a 11273 Batajnica Tel: +381 11 8480271
Fax: +381 11 8481342 POMETON TIR d.o.o Cedomir Dumitraskovic, Director Djordja Vajferta 20-22, 19210 Bor Tel: +381 30 427476 Fax: +381 30 427475 POTIS Zelimir Radovic, Director Cede Vasovica 39, 12000 Pozarevac Tel: +381 12 555189 Fax: +381 12 555348 PROGETTI Romano Rossi, Director Kneza Milosa 79, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3628750 Fax: +381 11/3628752 PROLETER Katarina Mandic, Director Milinka Kusica 108, 32250 Ivanjica Tel: +381 32 662 518 PROMEK Predrag Mitic Oraska 60, 11 320 Velika Plana Tel: +381 26 515340 Fax: +381 26 515 180 RE SOURCING doo Kralja Petra 58/6, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2910855 Fax: +381 11 2910756 SAMER & CO. DUNAV AGENCIES Svetislav Jurisic, Director Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10E, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2120 749 SIGAS Nikole Pasica 2, 31210 Pozega Tel: +381 11 2626464 SLODESTRADE Snezana IvaNewc, Director Borska 92 F, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3591358 Tel/Fax: +381 11 3593372 SO.GE doo Belgrade Kralja Petra 58/6, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2910758 Fax: +381 11 2910756 STEAM SOLUTION doo Gianluca Calace, Director Kralja Petra 58/6, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2910758 Fax: +381 11 2910756 SUOLO E SALUTE SERBIAN Tamara Adamovic, Director Nikole Pasica bb, 11320 Velika Plana Tel: +381 11 2451377 TEMER GROUP Novosadska 348, 21235 Temerin Mob: +381 62 8283815
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
japan Company Register
TE-TO Teodora Deak, Director Zlatne grede 6, 24400 Senta Karadjordjeva bb, 24400 Senta Tel: +381 24 646100 Fax: +381 24 646132 UNICREDIT BANK SRBIJA Klaus Priverschek, President of Management Board Rajiceva 27-29, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3204500 Fax: +381 11 3342200 UNICREDIT LEASING d.o.o. Joachim Ahrer, Chairman of the Board; Tresnjinog cveta 1,11070 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3093500 Fax: +381 11 3093501 VALY d.o.o. Carlo Mariotti , Chairman of the Board; Belosevac bb, 14000 Valjevo Tel: +381 14 295000 Fax: +381 14 295032 VECAR VILJUSKARI Doo Mr.Dragan Srdic Svetozara Papica 2, 11180 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3169712 Fax: +381 11 3077465 VOLKSBANK Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 165g, 11072 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2017052 YU ARDO d.o.o. Gordana Glisic, Director Durmitorska 21, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3660 381 Fax: +381 11 3660 389 YUGOTUB doo Kralja Petra I Karadjordjevica 156 22330 Nova Pazova Tel: +381 22 328241 Fax: +381 22 328841 ZANNINI EAST doo Pera Todorovic, Director Belgradeski put bb, 26300 Vrsac Tel: +381 13 833405 Fax: +381 13 821076 ZASTAVA KAMIONI Djordje Nestorovic, Director Kosovska 4, 34000 Kragujevac Tel: +381 34 335355 Fax: +381 34 334658 ZELENA DRINA doo Fabrizio Bosco, Director Milana ObreNewca bb, 31250 Bajina Basta; Tel: +381 31 3865044 ZEMLJA I SUNCE Milinko Baltic; Pariske Komune 8, Zrenjanin Mob: +381 65 6300063
ALPHA IMAGING (SHIMADZU, FUJI FILM, HITACHI, ALOKA) Predrag Bjeletic, Director Vrtlarska 55, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 3166612 Fax: +381 11 3166226 BEOLASER d.o.o. (TOSHIBA) Dragan Rokic, Director Trgovacka 16a; 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2395639 BEOLEK (HITACHI) Gordana Martinov, Director Murska 1; 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3808124 Fax: +381 11 3808170 CURCIC EXPORT IMPORT DOO Rajko Curcic Vojvode Skopljanca 11, Beograd Tel: +381 11 2472222 Fax: +381 11 3973157 DELTA AUTO Rajko Mandic, Director Milentija Popovica 7b 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2012350 Fax: +381 11 2012207 DELTA ESPERO (MITSUTOYO) Vladimir Petrovic ,Director Skadarska 10a; 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3227367 Fax: +381 11 3248981 ECOTEH (KYOCERA MITA EUROPE) Vasilije Stanišić,Director Tabanovačka 2; 11000 Beograd Tel:+381 11 3910429 FUJITSU TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS Nebojsa Bjelotomic, Director Vladimira Popovica 8/V 11070 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2223510 Fax: +381 11 2223520 GRADITELJ AUTO (ISUZU) Zdravko Jokic, Director Bul. Slobodana Jovanovica 4a Novi Sad; Tel: +381 21 4808481 Fax: +381 21 4808466 ITOCHU Corporation Belgrade Representative Office Milos Vesnic ,Manager Vladimira Popovica 40 11070 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3016990 JTI International Marketing & Sales d.o.o. Cristian Cring, General Manager Vladimira Popovica 38 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2050300 Fax: +381 11 2050181; KOVING (ALPINE) Bojan Radulovic, Director Pariske komune 24 Beograd; Tel: +381 11 3193408 MITSUBISHI Hiroyasu Honda, Director
Vladimira Popovica 6, Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2223555 Fax: +381 11 2233557 OLYMPUS Ivanka Milenkovic, Director Đorđa Stanojevica 12 Beograd; Tel: +381 11 2222900 Fax: +381 11 2222902 PANASONIC/TECHNICS (MATSUSHITA) Jagos Medenica,Director Bul. Despota Stefana 41 Beograd; Tel: +381 11 3040124 Fax: +381 11 3344091 PLATTNER d.o.o. Nenad Plattner,General Manager Novosadski put 19; Backa Palanka Tel: +381 21 21 000 40 Fax: +381 21 60 40 157; PROFIL INTERNATIONAL (MAZDA) Branko Anđelkovic, Director Karađorđeva 13; 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2628200 Fax: +381 11 3031737 RADULOVIC d.o.o. (NISSAN) Dragan Radulovic ,Director Dragoslava Srejovica b.b. 11000 Beograd Tel: + 381 11 2080180 SKY TECHNOLOGIES doo MarkoZivotic ,Director Milutina Milankovica 1/L12 Beograd; Tel: + 381 11 3114722 Fax: + 381 11 2134335; SONY Central and Southeast Europe KFT Milan Vasic, Director Omladinskih brigada 88a Novi Beograd; Tel: +381 11 2225959; Fax: +381 11 2225960 TOYOTA Serbia d.o.o. Slobodan Radoicic, Director Zrenjaninski put 26; 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2090901 Fax: +381 11 2090902; TRIVAX (NIHON KODEN) Vladimir Trikic, Director Katarina Trikic, Sales Director Trise Kaclerovica 24a; Beograd Tel: +381 11 3975 820 Fax: +381 11 3975 830; VELAUTO (MITSUBISHI MOTORS) Đorđe Kolasinac, Director Đuje i Dragoljuba bb; 11090 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2321 055 Fax: +381 11 2321 277 XSELL INTERNATIONAL d.o.o. (KIKKOMAN) Milivoj Teodorovic ,Director Internacionalnih brigada 11/12 Beograd; Tel: +381 11 3444937 Fax: +381 11 4442953 YAMAHA PLATTNER Nenad Plattner, General Manager Novosadski put 19 21400 Backa Palanka
Advantage The overall economic situation in Serbia in 2012 largely depends on the economic crisis in the eurozone, but we cannot avoid saying that this year will be a difficult year for the Serbian economy
akoto Hirose is positive that if Serbia continues on its EU path the country will garner the rewards that accession brings. He also believes regional cooperation is an achievable short-term goal and will be to the benefit of all countries and foreign investors alike. ► What are your expectations when it comes to the overall economic situation in Serbia for 2012? - The overall economic situation in Serbia in 2012 largely depends on the economic crisis in the eurozone, but
I would like to congratulate Serbia with all my heart for getting the EU candidacy status! This must positively affect the investment process in Serbia. Foreign companies will definitely consider Serbia as a partner country of the EU we cannot avoid saying that this year will be a difficult year for the Serbian economy. In this sense, the year 2012 may be the year of challenge for Serbia in overcoming the economic crisis. If the economic crisis was to continue, the recovery of the Serbian economy would start later. In March Serbia acquired the status for EU candidacy and we think that the key point for the recov-
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
If you find that any of the details provided in the directory section of this special edition are incorrect, or your company has since changed its address or any other details, please contact alliance international media on + 381 (011) 2450 508 / 2450 122 or send the correct company information via email to, in order for us to provide our readers with correct and fully up-to-date information in future publications and on our websites.
of EU Candidacy ery of the economy of Serbia is in using its potentials, and in taking advantage of the candidacy status, which clearly demonstrates Serbia's political stability. EU candidate status can be one of the main advantages for Serbia in attracting foreign investment. In this time of crisis, the result cannot be seen easily, but it is important to continue with the efforts for overcoming these difficult times.
tinues enacting the current positive attitude towards European integration, the future of Serbia will be in Europe, and this irreversible trend will positively affect the overall investment climate.
â–ş Do you think that political stabilization in the region could result in the consolidation of the regional market â–ş Do you expect Serbia's candidacy and upcomand, by that, higher business efficiency or is it too early to expect such ing parliamentary elections to affect investment outcomes? process in Serbia and, if you do, what direction - Political stabilization in the region is will these processes take? a definite and - I would like to congratulate Serbia with all my If the countries in the region rather strong aspiration of foreign comheart for getting the aforestrengthen their mutual panies which are considmentioned EU candidaeconomic cooperation, I ering investment in the recy status! This must positively affect the investment believe we can expect much gion. The market scale of process in Serbia. Foreign higher business efficiency only one country from the is relatively small, companies will definitely across the region as a whole region but if the market becomes consider Serbia as a partintegrated and consolidated, it would be far more ner country of the EU, and the credibility of Serbia attractive to investors; furthermore, through conin the eyes of investors will certainly be consolidatsolidation of the regional market, various kinds of ed. Serbia is now a European country with an esstandardization in the business field would be fostablished reputation, and I hope that accession netered in all the countries of the region. gotiations with the EU will start as soon as possiPolitical stability will, without any doubt, conble in order to further improve the investment clisolidate the regional market as a whole, and if mate. This trend is also considered by Japanese the countries in the region strengthen their mucompanies as rather encouraging for further intual economic cooperation, I believe we can expect vestment in Serbia. much higher business efficiency across the region. As for the upcoming parliamentary elections, This kind of change will not take as much time, and it is still premature and difficult to foresee the I hope it would be achieved in the near future. â—„ outcome; however, if the next government con-
Makoto Hirose First Secretary at the Embassy of Japan
Olympus d.o.o. Beograd Djordja Stanojevica 12, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia phone: +381 11 2222 900 fax: +381 11 2222 901 web:
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Continue EU Commitment Ana Stojkova expects the economic situation in Serbia to improve post September 2012, providing a pro-European stance is the winning outcome following the elections
f the pro-European parties win the upcoming elections in Serbia, the country will soon receive approval from the European Union to start negotiations,” said Ms. Stojkova during this interview.
Ana Stojkova Head of the Agency for International Investment and Export Promotion, Embassy of Macedonia
► What are your expectations when it ► Do you think that political stabilization in the recomes to the overall economic situation gion could result in the consolidation of the regionin Serbia for 2012? al market, and, by that, higher business efficiency - Serbia bravely started 2012 and sucor is it too early to expect such outcomes? ceeded to meet the requirements for - As a country which has most of its territory and obtaining candidate status for EU mempopulation in the Western Balkans, the Republic bership. In the following two or three of Serbia will largely contribute to intensifying the months the greatest impact on the overall situation process of political stabilization in the region, conwill be felt from the upcoming elections. Significant solidating the regional market, and intensifying the improvements can be expected in the period from cooperation amongst countries from the region. September 2012. I expect Serbia to intensify trade Moreover, because of the modest size of the marand investment cooperin the region, sepI expect Serbia to intensify trade kets ation with EU member arately, investment and and investment cooperation trade players worldwide countries, as well as cooperation with the Republic with EU member countries, as build their perception of of Macedonia. well as cooperation with the the business potential of each country through a reRepublic of Macedonia gional perspective. ► Do you expect Serbia’s In the medium term and probably more so in candidacy and upcoming parliamentary elections the long term, these processes will positively reto affect investment process in Serbia, and, if you sult in higher business efficiency. But once again I do, what directions will these processes take? will note that the aforementioned positive process- Certainly there is a high degree of correlation es can only be realized if the pro-European orientabetween political and investment processes. If tion parties defeat their opposing forces and comthe pro-European parties win the upcoming elecmit to meeting the criteria for membership of the tions in Serbia, the country will soon receive apEU continues. Yet it is ultimately the decision of the proval from the European Union to start negotiacitizens of the Republic of Serbia and the upcomtions. It will have a positive influence on attracting political management of Serbia alone to detering foreign investments and also on Serbian exmine the future of the country. ◄ ports to the EU: cooperation between Serbia and
macedonia Company Register ADING d.o.o. Zoran Djurovic, Director Nehruova br.82,11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2160576 Fax: +381 11 2160576 ALKALOID d.o.o. Igor Petrov, Director Bul. Kneza Aleksandra Karadjordjevica br. 6; 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3670762 Fax: +381 11 3679071
EU member states will intensify; greater opportunities for using EU funds will be created, and so on. On the other hand, if the parties with an anti-European stance win the elections, it may negatively affect foreign investment and total trade between Serbia and EU member states.
ASSECO d.o.o. Miodrag Mircetic Milutina Milankovica 19g,11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2013111 Fax: +381 11 3015132 AXXON Trading d.o.o. Vlatko Jokic, Director Pavla Vujisica 13, 11080 Belgrade; Tel: + 381 11 4145 601 Fax: + 381 11 3756 179 FERTRADE d.o.o.
Aleksa Milicic Kralja Milutina 55 lok.2b, Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3618664 Fax: +381 11 3618664 GALEB AD – OHRID Ljuba Oljaca Zeleznicka 4, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 2622554 KOLID d.o.o. Kole Milcev, Executive manager Vladimira Popovica 22/12 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 63 484121
Fax:+381 18 214514 MLAZ-EKSPROM d.o.o. Anka Marson, Director Pajsijeva 3,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2658676 Fax: +381 11 2687661 MV SISTEM Co d.o.o. Tikves vinarija Matovic Zarko, Vukasinovic Gradimir Bulevar Oslobodjenja 85, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 63 407431 MZT HEPOS KTB d.o.o. Mile Mitkov, Director
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Gavrila Principa 29, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3287968 Fax:+38111 3287967 MZT – KTB Zlate Kocev, Director Gavrila Principa 29, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3287938 Mob: +381 63 366019 SILBEG d.o.o. Vlatko Topukov, Director Cara Urosa 6/1, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2624091 Fax: +381 11 2180044
SKOVIN d.o.o. Milutin Djurovic Vojvode Dobrnjca 38, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3390412 Fax: +381 11 3390799 UNIBUS (UNITIRES)/SANOS Slave Raspaskovski,Director Sarajevska 38, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3660203 Fax: +381 11 2201227 VEDRINA 2 d.o.o. Dragan Mileusnic,Director Cvetanova cuprija 141, 11126
Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3460868 Fax: +381 11 3460869 VINOTOK d.o.o. Jovan Elenov, Director Paunova 43/54, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 63 331590 VITALIA Prestavnistvo Belgrade Stole Zmejkoski , Manager Tel: +381 64 6422523 Tel: +381 64 2656910
Further Investment Likely
Republic of Korea
I believe that there will be more Greenfield investments and that an accent will be put on the agricultural potentials of Serbia
Yura’s investment was a good signal to another Korean company which has not only decided to invest in Serbia but to cooperate with a local company on a Greenfield project. Medsen IPC in cooperation with local Europe Inex which opened, as a joint ► What are your expectations when it comes to the venture named Mecen Evropa Tech, its overall economic situation in Serbia for 2012? factory in Stara Pazova on the 15th March - I believe that overall economic situation in Serbia 2012, manufacturing high quality insuwill improve in 2012 if Serbia keeps on striving for lation materials for the local and foreign a better economic environment and pursues its inmarket. Its investment is estimated at €4 centive investment policy, and also if the political million. At present it employs 35 people situation is stable. However, it does not depend onand its plan is to increase the number of ly on Serbia but also on stabilization in the economemployees to 60 within two years. ic situation of the EU as a whole. Samsung Electronic Sales Department has enlarged its activities in Serbia and opened its re► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcoming H.E. Mr. Kim gional centre for the Balkans in Belgrade. parliamentary elections to affect investment procKwang-keun I do believe that these examples will bring furesses in Serbia and, if you do, what direction will ther investments not only from Korea but from oththese processes take? Ambassador of er countries as well. I know at - Serbian candidacy is an imSeveral medium-sized the Republic of present that some other meportant stimuli which should Korean companies are Korea to Serbia dium-sized Korean compagive a positive signal to all forinterested in investing in nies are also interested in ineign investors. Serbia should keep on improving its laws and Serbia and are in the process vesting in Serbia and that they in the process of analyzregulations regarding investof analyzing possibilities are ing possibilities. ments and pursue its reforms in that sense. It should also work on the improvement of its infrastructure and publicize its potentials to the ► Do you think that political stabilization in the reoutside world. Its incentive policy should be contingion could result in the consolidation of the regionued to attract more foreign direct investment. al market and, by that, higher business efficiency If the upcoming parliamentary elections prove or is it too early to expect such outcomes? that Serbia will remain on the same course it will be - Political stabilization is a prerequisite for any mara good sign for investors. ket. If you think of the regional market on the terriI believe that there will be more Greenfield intory of the former Yugoslavia, political stabilization vestments and that an accent will be put on the agis very important. To do that, all the parties have to ricultural potentials of Serbia. make concerted efforts towards forging a market Korean direct investments are good examples friendly environment and thereby attracting more of Serbia being worth investing in. During 2010, foreign direct investments. ◄ Serbia’s incentive investment policy brought the Republic of Korea Company Register Korean company Yura Corporation, a leading Korean Ceragem Tel: +0700 7267864 New Belgrade supplier of automotive electrical and electronics Jurija Gagarina 36d, 11000 Fax: +381 11 4141303 Tel:+ 0800 343434 distribution systems. In just two years it has opened Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3121871 Tel: +381 11 2281431 Yura Corporation Fax: +381 11 3121875 four factories (one in both Rača and Leskovac and Fax: +381 11 2281411 Lucas Nam, Director two in Niš) employing 5000 workers. The company Kralja Petra 9, 34210 Raca www. SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS AUSTRIA Tel: +381 34 6170016 supplies car parts to the car manufacturers Hyundai LG Electronics Magyar Kft. Fax: +381 34 6170018 GMBH and KIA in the Czech and Slovak Republics. Its inPredrag Todorovic, Director Dal Jae Kim, Director Spanskih boraca 3/B/VII, 11070 Mala pruga bb, 11080 Belgrade vestment has been €46 million so far.
orean companies continue to invest in Serbia and there is talk of even more investments to come soon according to H.E. Mr. Kim Kwangkeun, the Ambassador of Korea to Serbia.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Candidate Status Brings Confidence This year is going to be difficult for all regional countries, but there are important indications that foreign investments will be a significant contributing factor to the development of the Serbian economy this year
.E. Mr. Igor Jovović says that although the financial crisis across Europe will play a role in the economic recovery of Serbia, he is confident that foreign investments will be a significant contributing factor on the road to recovery.
H.E. Mr. Igor Jovović Montenegrin Ambassador to Serbia
► What kind of economic situation do you expect to see in Serbia this year? ► Do you think that political stabilization in the re- I think that the expectations of the Serbian gion could result in the consolidation of the reGovernment and projections made by the World gional market and, by that, higher business effiBank about the economic growth, foreign and dociency or is it too early to expect such outcome? mestic investments, im- I agree with you – import and export, employ- Regional states, as well as their proving the political and ment and other paramesecurity situation in the political and business elite, ters will materialize this is a sin-qua-non need to act in a faster manner region year. Anyhow, this year will for the proper functionon improving mutual trust, be difficult for all of the ing and development of cooperation and friendship the integrated market in regional countries both economically and socially, while removing the remaining Southeast Europe. In adconsidering the inherited dition to all other measprejudices and hurdles state of the economy and ures, without stability it is economic downturn in Europe and the world. virtually impossible to raise the efficiency of individual economies, as well as the appeal of this area when it comes to FDIs. Bearing that in mind, re► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcomgional states, as well as their political and busiing parliamentary elections to affect investment ness elite, need to act in a faster manner on improcesses in Serbia and, if you do, what direction proving mutual trust, cooperation and friendship will these processes take? while removing the remaining prejudices and hur- Undoubtedly, Serbia being granted EU candidate dles whether they are of a political, discriminatory status is of great importance not only for the counor business nature since these hurdles are slowing down economic recovery and the further demontenegro Company Register mocratization and Europeization of the region. ◄ ARCON OVERSEAS LIMITED Vladimir Raskovic, Sales Manager Marka Miljanova 10, 21000 Novi Sad Tel/Fax: +381 21 417809 MD MARTINOVIC D.O.O. Branislav Kljajic, Director Bulevar Arsenija Carnojevica 123, 11070 New Belgrade
try, but the entire region too since, among other things, it will positively contribute to stability, reduce the risk for foreign investors and further develop the regional market. In that context, there are indications that, despite the global economic crisis, foreign investments will be a significant contributing factor to the development of the Serbian economy this year as well.
Tel:+381 11 2140148 Fax: +381 11 2140148 MONTENEGROAIRLINES Zarko Djurovic, Director Knez Mihajlova 23, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2621122 Fax: +381 11 2181861 PREDSTAVNISTVO LUKA BAR A.D
Trg Nikole Pasica 7, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3398755 Fax: +381 11 3398882, 13.JUL PLANTAZE Veselin Djurisic, Director Agostina Neta 34a 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 6161660 Fax: +381 11 3175704
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Encouraging Developments
Long term, Serbia’s EU candidacy will have a positive effect as it is a clear signal of Serbia’s future political direction
a clear signal of Serbia’s future political direction and gives investors confidence that necessary reforms will take place. However, elections create short-term uncertainty which will not encourage ► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcoming hesitant invesparliamentary elections tors to invest to affect investment Elections create short-term in the country processes in Serbia and, uncertainty which will not until the politif you do, what direcencourage hesitant investors ical situation tion will these processclears up. es take? - Long term, Serbia’s candidacy will have a positive effect on the willingness to invest in Serbia as it is ► Do you think that political stabilization in the region could result in the consolidation of the renorway Company Register gional market and, by that, higher business efficiency or is it too early to expect such outELO PAK d.o.o. TELENOR d.o.o. Tel: +381 11 3699530 Ilija Djenic, Director Mr. Kjell-Morten Johnsen Fax: +381 11 3657191 comes? Batajnicki drum 23, Omladinskih brigada 90, 11070 - There are very encouraging regional devel11080 Zemun New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3160142 Tel: +381 63 9863 RA PP ZASTAVA a.d. opments like Croatia’s EU-membership and Fax: +381 11 2193933 Slobodan Milovanovic, Serbia’s and Montenegro’s EU candidacy VIK-SANDV IK Director -ALBATROSSd.o.o. Trg topolivaca 4, 34000 tus, which will contribute to increased regionNERA NETWOR KS AS Branko Zmukic, Director Kragujevac al political stability. This would help in consoliNenad Stojanovic, Vrsacka 67, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 34 331986 Director Tel: +381 21 423875 Fax: +381 34 337077 dating the regional market and contribute to a Dobropoljska 26-28, Fax: +381 21 500101 better business climate. ◄ 11000 Belgrade t seems that 2012 will be a challenging year with very limited economic growth at best," sazs H.E. Mr. Nils Ragnar Kamsvåg.
H.E. Mr. Nils Ragnar Kamsvåg Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to Serbia
Order NOW! And receive your copy of the unique catalogue of all foreign companies in Serbia. SAVE 10% ON EACH COPY 1 copy 250 RDS for you 225 RDS 3 copies 750 RDS for you 675 RDS 5 copies 1,250 RDS for you 1,125 RDS 10 copies 2,500 RDS for you 2,250 RDS (Postage & Packaging Included)
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International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Important Steps Taken Much will be gained once the new restitution law is implemented and that particular cloud will have been removed from investment considerations
hen considering the future of the Serbian economy, Mrs. Dominique Kühling at the Embassy of the Netherlands has high hopes that the country will continue making the necessary steps to attract new investments.
Dominique Kühling Deputy Ambassador and Head of Economic Section, Embassy of the Netherlands
largest Dutch investment in Serbia so far and could be considered one of the highlights for the Serbian economy in 2012.
► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcoming parliamentary elections to affect investment processes in Serbia and, if you do, what direction will these processes take? - I am convinced that Serbia’s candidacy status ► What are your expectations when has a positive effect on investment processes inthe it comes to the overall economic sitcountry. The same holds true for the Stabilisation uation in Serbia for 2012? and Association Agreement that has been rati- The effects of the economic and financial crified by 25 out of 27 EU member states includsis will be felt for quite some time across Europe ing the Netherlands and will hopefully come inand in Serbia. But there is light at the end of the to force shortly. This is after all the best evidence tunnel, powered by the EU candidate status that of Serbia’s integration with was recently awarded to I am deeply convinced that the EU and Serbia’s alignSerbia. At this very moment it a future of peace, security ment with EU economic is crucial for Serbia to atand prosperity for Serbia standards. Do not underestimate the psychological eftract more foreign direct inis highly dependent on fect of both of these develvestment. Serbia has a lot to offer in terms of relative establishing good political, opments on foreign investors, including those from costs, skilled labour and geeconomic and cultural Netherlands, which up ographical position. But in relations with its neighbours the until now have not ventured order to capitalize on these into the Serbian market. comparative advantages, it is imperative that inWe trust that any new government, whatevvestors have confidence in the Serbian economy. er its political ‘signature’, will have the best inThis requires economic and political stability and terests of the Serbian economy at heart and will (legal) security. Foreign companies do not like therefore put the further necessary steps on surprises, predictability and efficiency are key Serbia’s road towards the European Union at the in obtaining permits and licenses, and in taxation centre of its reform policies. to name but a few areas. An important step has been taken recently by passing a law on restitution. Much will be gained once the law is imple► Do you think that political stabilization in the mented and that particular cloud will have been region could result in the consolidation of the removed from investment considerations. regional market and, by that, higher business Our embassy is encouraging Dutch businesses efficiency or is it too early to expect such outto come and see for themselves whether Serbia ofcomes? fers them the right trading and investment climate. - I am deeply convinced that a future of peace, seOne of the companies that has shown an interest is curity and prosperity for Serbia is highly dependthe Dutch cooperative Friesland Campina, which is ent on establishing good political, economic and considering the acquisition of Imlek and Suboticka cultural relations with its neighbours. It is a politiMlekara. If an agreement is reached, it will be the cal requirement for accession to the EU but also a
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
self-evident one. Viewed from an economic perspective there is a necessity to develop a single market. Individual markets in the region are rather small if measured against the European market. Good neighbourly relations are crucial for successfully conveying the message to investors and trade partners that they will be able to sell their products everywhere in the
Western Balkan. Secondly, good neighbourly relations translate into further EU integration progress, which in turn additionally stimulates investments as already explained. In times of economic crisis, the region has an extra incentive to look beyond differences and to work hard at achieving a positive cycle of reforms and an improvement in relations. ◄
netherlands Tebodin d.o.o.
Tel: +381 21 4878652
Zoran Petrovic, Deputy Director
Omladinskih brigada 90b, Belgrade
Bulevar AVNOJ-a 73/VI, 11070 New
Tel: +381 11 3538600
Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3132 465
Fax: +381 11 3538691
Fax: +381 11 3132 422
Vahali Service & Marine d.o.o.
Borko Jovanović,
Vincentius Cornelis Bernardus Maria
Bekker, Managing Director
Tel: +381 11 314 31 71
Omladinskih brigada 88b,11000
Savski nasip 7, 11070 Newv Belgrade
Fax: +381 11 314 31 70
Tel: +381 11 3188035
Tel: +381 11 3779900
Fax: +381 11 3188054
Fax: +381 11 3779911
VMZ Serbia and Montenegro
TMF Services d.o.o.
Consultancy Miro Smolovic, Director
Wavin Balkan LTD Justina Popovića 3 11283 Belgrade, Serbia; D Truck Puls
South-East Europe Rep. Office
Temišvarski drum bb, 23000
Petrina Makakova, Director
Zoran Angelus
Sonja Papak
Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 64a, 11070 Krunska 28, 11000 Belgrade
Novosadski Autoput 73, 11080
Scerbinova 6/19, 11030 Belgrade
Tel: +381 23 519700
New Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 3343464
Tel: +381 11 2397 391
Fax: +381 23 546511
Tel: +381 11 2209 300
Fax: +381 11 3230419
Tel: +381 11 3774160
Fax: +381 11 3572401
Fax: +381 11 2209 310
Fax: +381 11 3774162
United Serbian Breweries
Nicola Negri, President
Larive Serbia
Orion telekom
(Member of Heineken Group)
Justina Popovica 3, 11283 Belgrade
Fillini d.o.o.
Maja Rejger ,Director
Slobodan Djinovic,
Alexandros Danilidis , Managing
Tel: +381 11 3143171
Zorica Kondic
Kralja Milana 13,11000 Belgrade
Managing Director
Tekelijina 32, 21000 Novi Sad
Tel: +381 11 3233 108
Gandijeva 76, 11070
Tenerinski put 50, Novi Sad
Tel: +381 21 67 36 544
Fax: +381 11 3346 804
New Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 222 83 33
Levi9 Global Sourcing Balkan
Fax: +381 11 222 83 33
Dejan Curcic,
Managing Director
Vladimir Gogoljev,
Narodnog Fronta 21, 21000 Novi Sad Director
Philips (Representative office)
Tel/Fax.: +381 21 2301548
Trifkovićev trg 6, 21000 Novi Sad
Milentija Popovica 5b, 11000
Tel/Fax.: +381 21 239 2826
Tel: +381 21 4721036
Fax: +381 21 4721037
Tel: +381 11 6149270
Fax: +381 11 6149271
Hunter Douglas Representa-
Media Works
tive Office
Gandijeva 76a, 11070 New Belgrade
Milivoj Urukalo General Manager
Tel: +381 11 222 83 33
Rhein-Danube d.o.o (Shipyard
Izletnicki put 4A, 11070 New
Fax: +381 11 222 83 33
Djerdapski put bb, 19230 Kladovo
Tel: +381 11 2608538
Mercurius Shipyard Begej
Tel: +381 19 801024
Dragomir Subic,
Fax: +381 19 800315
ITW Welding Products BV
romania Arabesque d.o.o Decka bb, Simanovici tel.+381 22 481368 fax.+381 22 481355 ALSYS DATA d.o.o Vasilija Djurovica Vake 7 Tel: +381 11 2280 199 Fax:+381 11 3173 130 office.srb@alsysdata. com DIGI SAT d.o.o. Bulevar Vojvode Misica 51/a Belgrade; el:+381.11.3692915 Fax: +381.11.3692906 Mobexpert group doo Roxana Mateescu, General director Bulevar Oslobodjenja 149, 11000 Belgrade
Tel: +381 11 2468423 Fax: +381 11 3190770 roxana.mateescu@ Zelvoz Smederevo Novica Davidovic, General Manager Milosa Velikog 39, 11300 Smederevo Tel: +381 26 225325 Fax: +381 26 231704
If you find that any of the details provided in the directory section
TMF Services d.o.o.
of this special edition are incorrect, or your company has since
Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 64a 11070 Belgrade Contact: Petrina Makakova T. +381 11 220 93 00
changed its address or any other details, please contact alliance
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international media on + 381 (011) 2450 508 / 2450 122 or send the correct company information via email to office@aim. rs, in order for us to provide our readers with future publications and on our websites.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Tough Year Ahead
Speaking mid- and long-term, and bearing in mind the overall improvements in the country's investment climate, and the situation that the global economy is in, we can expect a certain revival with an investment influx
he following year is going to be tough economically speaking and there are still unresolved issues, which can be overcome," said H.E. Mr. Alexander Vasilyevich Konuzin, Russia’s Ambassador to Serbia at the start of this interview.
What are your expectations when it comes to the overall economic situation in Serbia for 2012? - I am going to base my expectations on the overall economic situation in Serbia on the projections made by Serbian and international experts. They share one common thought – this year will be difficult and some improvements in social and economic standing can be expected on► Do you think that political stabilization in the rely early next year. During the recently held business gion could result in the consolidation of the regionforum at Kopaonik, a lot market and, by that, highI think that Serbia being given al was said about the depth er business efficiency or is it and character of prob- EU candidate status is not going too early to expect such outlems that the Serbian to have a strong impact on the comes? economy had been exFDI influx, at least not in the - Above all, there needs to be periencing. a clear definition of “political immediate future stabilization.” Kosovo unilaterally declaring independence – is that considered im► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcoming proving political stability in the region or the oppoparliamentary elections to affect investment procsite? The same question can be asked about the atesses in Serbia and, if you do, what direction will tempts to turn Bosnia and Herzegovina into a unitary these processes take? state. Political stability and economic progress are, - I think that Serbia being given EU candidate status of course, interconnected. At a certain stage, like, is not going to have a strong impact on the FDI infor instance, after an open conflict, political stabiliflux, at least not in the immediate future. As a rule zation will have a beneficial effect on market relaof thumb, foreign companies invest where they extions. However, it is economic successes that conpect a quick return on their investment. FIAT starttribute to stronger political relations later. ◄ ed to implement its project in Kragujevac long be►
H.E. Mr. Alexander Vasilyevich Konuzin Russian Ambassador to Serbia
russia Company Register AEROFLOT Vladimir Kirpitnov, Deputy Director Knez Mihailova 30,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3286071 Fax: +381 11 3286083 AZOT AGRO DUNAV d.o.o, Maksim Grigorjev, Director Majke Jevrosime 51, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3220741 Fax: +381 11 3221581
fore Serbia was even contemplated as an EU candidate. On the other hand, the American company U.S. Steel left the Serbian market at a time when Serbia was on the verge of being given candidate status. Speaking mid- and long-term, and bearing in mind the overall improvement in the country's investment climate and the situation that global economy is in, we can expect a certain revival with an investment influx. As far as the effect that changing the government will have on the investment process, it will all depend on how long it takes for the new government to be formed and how determined this new government is going to be in carrying out exigent measures with which we are all quite familiar. FABRIKA BAKARNIH CEVI MAJDANPEK Vladimir Eremeev, General Director Industrijska zona bb, 19250 Majdanpek Tel: +381 30 453000 Fax: +381 30453033 IMPEX IB d.o.o Andrej Grecuhin, Director Vojvode Stepe 318, 11000
Belgrade Tel: +38111 2492302 Fax: +381 112465334 JASTREBAC AD- FABRIKA PUMPI Bul.12.februar 82, 18000 Nis Tel: +381 18 580653 Fax: +381 18 580 646 LUKOIL - BEOPETROL Aleksandr Vasiljevic Panfilov, General Director
Mihaila Pupina 165 d, 11070 Novi Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2220200 Fax: +381 11 2220294 MOSKOVSKA BANKA Vladimir Zecar, President Balkanska 2, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3952200 Fax: +381 11 3952240 NIS AD Kiril Kravcenko, General Director Narodnog fronta 12, 21000 Novi Sad
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Tel: +381 21 4812341 Fax: +381 21 4814326 Milentija Popovica 1, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3113311 PUTNIK Aleksandr Denisov, Director Palmira Toljatija 9, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2259840 Fax: +381 11 2259853 RUSKO - SRPSKA TRGOVINSKA KUCA
Radoslav Pasic, Director Safarikova 7, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4737540 Fax: +381 21 4737541 TEHNOPROMEKSPORT Kiril Glebov, Director Bul. JNA 165, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3970004 Fax: +381 11 3970256 TEPISI VELIKI BECKEREK-BELAN Temisvarski put bb, 23000 Zrenjanin Tel: +381 23 524210
Fax: +381 23 524137 TTRANSGAZ Sergej Struk, General Director Vladete Kovacevica 10, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3035478 Fax: +381 11 3035539 VAPEKS Veljko Petrovic, Director Preljina-Konjevici, 32212 Preljina Tel: +381 32 381991 Fax: +381 32 351440
Optimistic Outlook
We can see positive developments in the increased interest of companies from Slovakia to start businesses and investments in Serbia
an Stark says that Serbia, despite of plus points, still has a lot of work to do.
► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcoming parliamentary elections to affect investment processes in Serbia and, if you do, what direction ► What are your expectations when it comes to the will these processes take? overall economic situation in Serbia for 2012? - There is no doubt that European - The overall economic situation in Serbia for 2012 Union candidate status brings ecodepends on many factors, among which is the renomic benefits to Serbia. This type covery of the world’s economy, continuation of ecoof political development increasnomic reforms and furthering the EU membership es the credibility of Serbia in many process. Given the fact that Serbia has been grantways and reduces the risk for invested European Union candidate country status, and ments. It is not only a signal of assurin the last decade Serbia’s economy has attractance of Serbia’s stable development ed significant foreign investment in manufacturing but it also means that the reforms toand services, there is no reason not to be optimiswards a more liberal and competitive tic. If Serbia continues with the reforms towards economy have been successfully implemented. developing pro-investment and an export-oriented However, there is still a lot of work to do. Further economy I think it will soon achieve a solid average development of public-private partnerships, simannual rate of GDP of 5.4% from the pre-crisis peplifying of administrative procedures, reduction riod in years 2001-2008. of the grey economy and We can also see posiThere is no doubt that improvements in competitive developments in the increased interest of compa- European Union candidate tion policy could contribute status brings economic to the prosperity of Serbia’s nies from Slovakia to start businesses and invest- benefits to Serbia. This type economy. ments in Serbia. The Slovak of political development ► Do you think that political Republic is in 18th place according to the amount of in- increases the credibility of stabilization in the region vestment in Serbia from could result in the consoliSerbia in many ways 2000 – 2010, with €83.9 mildation of the regional marlion invested. Recently, investors from Slovakia ket and, by that, higher business efficiency or is it have shown even bigger interest and at the motoo early to expect such outcomes? ment we have a number of ongoing projects. The - Frankly speaking, it is too early to assess. In latest significant investment is the construction general, political stability in the Western Balkans of Water Park “Petroland” in Bački Petrovac (first could positively affect development of the regional phase of the investment is worth €8.5 million, total market and its consolidation and therefore higher investment is estimated at €20 million). business efficiency. ◄
Slovakia Company Register AERD - Asocijacia za edukaciju i regionalni razvoj Daniela Durasova, Director Námestie Oslobodenia 9, 26215 Padina Mob: +381 64 5261320 Fax: +381 13 667152 Aqua Therm Invest d.o.o.
Jozef Lastík 14. VUSB 4-6, 21470 Backi Petrovac Tel: +381 21 780619 Fax: +381 21 780618 Bratstvo AD, Subotica (Tatravagonka a.s. Poprad) Bikovacki put 2, 24106 Subotica Tel: +381 24 566800
Fax:+381 24 566303 Energocontrols YU d.o.o. Libor Broncek, Director Cara Dusana 49, 23000 Zrenjanin Tel: +381 23 525254 Fax:+381 23 546909 First Data Srbija i
Crna Gora d.o.o. Olja Dakic, Director Kopernikova 8, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2071100 Fax: +381 11 2071115 Gosa d.o.o. Ivan Hajnsild, Director Industrijska 70, 11420 Smederevska
Palanka Tel: +381 26 321946 Fax: +381 26 321759 Hupro Balkan Goran Dragojlovic Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10Z/I, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3119029 Mob: + 381 64 2564823
Proficut d.o.o. Ivan Zabunov, Director Ruda Hrubika 6, 21470 Backi Petrovac Tel: +381 21 781425 Fax: +381 21 781425 SLOVARM d.o.o. Autoput I-13 blok53 bb, 11070 Novi Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 3730103
Jan Stark Head of Commercial Section, Embassy of Slovakia Unimedpharma s.r.o Rastislav Sabo, Director Spanskih boraca 22b,11070 New Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3131863 Fax: + 381 11 3131863
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Serbia’s Economic Policy Good In Serbia there are approximately 1,400 Slovenian companies and in the beginning of 2012 alone we have seen many new investments
n Serbia there are approximately 1,400 Slovenian companies and in the beginning of 2012 alone we have seen many new investments,” said Slobodan Šešum.
Slobodan Šešum Economic Officer, Embassy of Slovenia
er countries. I believe this will positively influence economic growth in Serbia and also the Serbian balance of payment.
► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcoming parliamentary elections to affect investment processes in Serbia and, if you do, what direc► What are your expectations when it tion will these processes take? comes to the overall economic situa- I am confident that the candidate status for tion in Serbia for 2012? EU membership will have a very positive im- I think that the overall economic sitpact on the Serbian economy. Moreover, in oruation in Serbia will not be very differder to achieve an even more positive impact on ent from the economic situation in the the economy, Slovenia hopes that Serbia will region and in the EU. Unfortunately, all the EU start negotiations for EU membership as soon countries will have very low economic growth this as possible. Slovenian experiences are very posyear which will certainly affect economic growth itive, since we had robust economic growth afin Serbia since the majority of foreign investments ter receiving status for EU membership. I am in Serbia come from EU countries. Furthermore, sure that the upcoming parliamentary and local EU countries are also Serbia’s most imporelections will not affect the investment processtant trading partner. Nevertheless, I think that es in Serbia and that business cycles will continSerbia’s economic policy has been very good. I ue without any delays or would like to emphasize Hopefully, the upcoming hindrances. the excellent work of the Serbia Investment and elections will not affect the Export Promotion Agency ► Do you think that poinvestment processes in (SIEPA), the Ministry of litical stabilization in Economy and all the rele- Serbia and business cycles will the region could revant institutions involved. continue without any delays or sult in the consolidation Serbia has huge investof the regional marhindrances ment potential and many ket and, by that, higher unexploited opportunities which is why I am conbusiness efficiency or is it too early to expect fident that foreign companies will continue with such outcomes? their investment activities in Serbia. - In the near future, all countries in the region In Serbia there are approximately 1,400 will gain full member status in the EU and hence Slovenian companies and in the beginning of will become members of the common EU mar2012 alone we have seen many new investments ket. Consolidation of the regional market is just (Gorenje in Zaječar, Helios in Gornji Milanovac, a step towards the EU. With a bigger market Grah Automotive in Batočina, Javna razsvetljava and the free movement of people, capital and Ljubljana in Bajina Bašta. In April the compagoods, companies face tougher competition and nies Motvoz and Red Cat will open factories in consequently have to achieve higher business Leskovac). We work in close contact with many efficiency and higher economic growth. These other Slovenian companies which are planning to outcomes are not based on guesswork or unreinvest in Serbia or to expand their business here. alistic expectations, but on facts and merits. It I find it promising for Serbia that more and more is enough to simply look at Slovenian and all the Slovenian companies are exploiting numerous other new EU member countries economic defree trade agreements that Serbia has with othvelopment experiences. ◄
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Slovenia Company Register ABA CONSULT d.o.o. Hektoroviceva 6,Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3807224 Fax: +381 11 3807216 ADACTA d.o.o. Kneza Mihaila 2-4/VII, Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3033107 Laze Nancica 50, Novi Sad ADVANT d.o.o. Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10G/I / VP lok. 79 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3119110 Armic & Partners Law office Kneginje Zorke 2, Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3049089 Fax:+381 11 3477618 PRICA & PARTNERS LAW OFFICE Law office Kralja Petra 13, Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3031885 Fax:+ 381 11 2629331 Afaktor-faktoring Finansiranje d.o.o. Kralja Petra 45,Beograd Tel:+381 11 2632564 Fax:+381 11 2633527 ALPOS d.o.o. Janez Jensterle Naselje Aleksinacki Rudnik BB, 18220 Aleksinac Tel:+381 18 872700 ARCADIA RASVETA d.o.o. Alez Kostnapsel, Director Knicaninova 3,Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3286128 ATTOS d.o.o. Metalflex Tolmin, Slovenia Predrag Kasikovic,Director Temerinski put 26, Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 419999 Fax:+381 21 419900; AS Nezivotno Osiguranje a.d.o. Jova Miloradic, Director Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 165e,11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2608676 AUSTROCHEM d.o.o. Jovana Rajica 59, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2836470 AVTOTEHNA d.d., Atrikod d.o.o – Kruševac Snezana Semen,Director Slobodanke Petrovic bb 37000 Krusevac Tel:+381 37 443068 Fax:+381 37 423296 BG PLAN d.o.o. Milutina Milankovica 25b, I Floor, Unit 52,
11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3139124 BIMEX d.o.o. Nehurova 66, 11077 Beograd Tel:+381 11 6278565 CICIBAN BG d.o.o. Tomaz Petejan and Miroslav Corbic Bulevar Vojvode Stepe 86, 21000 Novi Sad Tel:+381 21 6611772 Cinkarna Celje d.d. Predstavnistvo Beograd Resavska 76, Beograd Tel: +381 11 2659484 Fax:+381 11 2659484 DEXY CO d.o.o. Milentija Popovica 9, 11070 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2693581; www. DOBA FAKULTET E-POPEJA DOO Polona Baloh,dir.predst.BG Milentija Popovica 9 SC, 11070 Beograd Tel:+381 11 2206669 Fax:+381 11 2283861; DUGA HOLDING A.D. Viline Vode 6, Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3217539 Fax:+381 11 2754380 DUNAV PAPIR d.o.o. Dragutin Ilic,Director Batajnicki Drum 6F, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3750323 Fax:+381 11 3750325 ECO CLEAN SERVICE Karlovacka 20, 11080 Zemun Tel: + 381 64 2122325 Fax:+ 381 64 7014856 EKAPIJA.COM d.o.o. Zdravko Loncar,Director Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10A, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 7152240 Fax:+381 11 7152241 ELEKTRONSKI BANKARSKI BIRO Beogradska 39, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3306502 Fax:+381 11 3348994 ETIB d.o.o. Miodrag Stojkovic,Director Brace Jerkovic 120, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3961668 Fax:+381 11 3961688 EUROPEN Trade International Trg Republike 3/V, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3536200 Fax:+381 11 3536247; www.
FERSPED AD Vujnovic Ljubisa,Director Nemanjina 6, Beograd Tel: + 381 11 3612501 Fax:+ 381 11 3615178 FIRSTDATA d.o.o. Kopernikova 8, Beograd Tel: +381 11 2071100 FRIDRO ALATI d.o.o. 34231 Dragobraca, Kragujevac Tel: +381 34 540488 Fax: +381 34 582284 GAMAELECTRONICS d.o.o. Misarska 11, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3239494 Fax:+381 11 3330333 GORENJE d.o.o. Marko Mrzel,Director Bulevar Milutina Milankovica 7 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3534100 Fax:+ 381 11 3534111 GRAND PROM d.o.o. Slobodan Vucicevic Director Omladinskih Brigada 88 Airport City, Building no. 1300, 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3112350 Fax:+ 381 11 3114625 HIDRIA d.o.o. IMP Klima Zorica Vojinovic,Director Jurija Gagarina 26V/III, Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2286648 Fax:+381 11 2286635 HIGHER Inženjering d.o.o. Nuba invest d.o.o Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 6/XV 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2200500 Fax:+381 11 2200501 HOLDING SLOVENSKE ELEKTRANE d.o.o. Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 117/ II,11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3115586 Fax:+381 11 3115587 HORNBACH d.o.o. Igor Horn,Director Nehruova 220, 11070 Novi Beograd Tel:+381 11 2177766 Fax:+381 11 2164728 HYPO ALPE- ADRIA LEASING d.o.o. Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 6,11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2226000 Fax:+381 11 2226555 HYPO GARANT DRUŠTVO ZA UPRAVLJANJE DOBROVOLJNIM PENZIJSKIM
FONDOM a.d. Direktor Milos Skrbic Marsala Birjuzova 3-5, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3036142 Fax:+381 11 3036143 IDENTICUS Sr d.o.o. Strumicka 75, Beograd Tel: +381 11 2850649 Fax:+381 112852375 IMPOL – SEVAL Valjaonica aluminijuma a.d. Ninko Tesic,Director Prvomajska bb, 31205 Sevojno Tel: +381 31 591110 Fax: +381 31 531086 INEA SR d.o.o. Karadjordjeva 12/254, 11300 Smederevo Tel: + 381 26 224203 Fax:+ 381 26 224203 INFOSTUD 3 d.o.o. Branislava Gajic,Director Vladimira Nazora 7, 24000 Subotica Tel: +381 24 650500 Fax: +381 24 650505 INFOTEHNA d.o.o. Podbreznik 15 8000 Novo Mesto, Slovenia Tel: +386 7 393 06 00 INTEREUROPA a.d. Nemanja Kacavenda,Director Zemunska 174 11272 Belgrade, Dobanovci Tel: +381 11 3109180 Fax:+381 11 3109151 nemanja.kacavenda@ ISKRATEL d.o.o. Ljubljanska cesta 24a 4000 Kranj, Slovenia Tel: +386 4 2072000 Fax:+386 4 2072712 IZOLACIJA HOLDING a.d. Kumodraska 257, Beograd Tel:+381 11 3986615; www. JUB d.o.o. Vladimir Miletic Director Dositejeva 32, 22310 Simanovc Tel: + 381 22 409928; KLETT Izdavacka kuca d.o.o. Svetozara Corovica 15/IV, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3348384 Fax:+381 11 3348385 KONTAL Stanislav Krisko, Director Kumodraska 241g, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3985 260
Fax:+381 11 3985 265 KOVINTRADE d.o.o. Topuzovic Miodrag,Director Bulevar vojvode Misica 14 hala 4 Beogradskog sajma Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3622722 Fax:+381 11 2655544 KOVIS BP d.o.o. Miroslav Djilas, Director Industrijska zona bb,21400 Backa Palanka Tel: + 381 21 754186 Fax:+381 21 754188 KRAS BEO Dane Miokovic, Director Miska Jovanovica 16-18, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2492698 Fax:+381 11 3974857 KRKA FARMA d.o.o. Adam Frenc, Director Jurija Gagarina 26 V/II,11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2288722 Fax:+ 381 11 2288729 LESNINA LGM d.o.o. Mihajlovacki drum bb, 23000 Zrenjanin Tel: +381 23 534398 LISCA Gorazd Uratnik Director Pere Velimirovica 2a, Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2663938 Fax:+ 381 11 3067118; MAKSIM BG d.o.o. Vojvode Putnika bb, 22320 Indjija Tel: +381 22 2150070 Kneza Milosa bb, 35230 Cuprija Tel: + 381 35 470904 Fax:+ 381 35 472160 MARMOR HOTAVLJE d.o.o. Janez Bizjak,Director Bezanijska 25, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 2454 891 MERCATOR-S d.o.o. Zeljko Banjanin, Director Temerinski put 50, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: + 381 21 4888415 Fax:+ 381 21 4888409 Mercator Centar Belgrade Bulevar Umetnosti 4, Beograd Tel: + 381 11 2015400 MERKUR International Milan Borota,Director PERUTNINA PTUJ Goce Delceva 46/I, Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2674756 Fax:+ 381 11 2674773 PETROL d.o.o. Aljosa Visnar,Director Spanskih boraca 24v,11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2129384 Fax: + 381 11 3132928 PINUS PLUS d.o.o. Dejan Jovanovic, Director Cirpanova 2/6, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 547572 Fax:+381 21 547572 PIVOVARNA LASKO d.d. Trubarjeva 28 3270 Lasko, Slovenia POSMED d.o.o. Petrijevska 165, 11300 Smederevo Tel: +381 60 6226666 POTEZA PARTNERS d.o.o. Zelezna cesta 18, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel: +386 1 3070700 Fax:+386 1 3070701; PRIMORJE d.d. Belgrade Stefan CinC, Director Vladimira Popovica 40, 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3052851 Fax: + 381 11 3052917 PRISTOP d.o.o. Bulevar Milutina Milankovica 136, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 7151750 Fax: +381 11 7151760; www. PROFIL GROUP d.o.o. Franc Jamsek,Director Kralja Petra 45, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2638705 Fax: +381 11 2638705 zoran.lazukic@profil-group. Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 165v com 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2220101 PRO KOLEKT d.o.o. Fax: + 381 11 2220102 Nikola Debac,Director; www. Internacionalnih brigada 59 Belgrade NPS d.o.o. Tel: +381 11 2402866 Marko Perovic, Director Fax: +381 11 2402870 Goce Delceva 44, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2609850 PROMONT GROUP d.o.o. Fax: +381 11 2601692; Milinko Cicmil, Director Privrednikova BB, 21000 Partizanske avijacije 4 , 11070 OKI AIR INTERNATIONAL Novi Sad d.o.o. Belgrade Tel: +381 21 443195 Nikola Tesla Airport Tel: +381 11 2057200 Fax:+381 21 444673 11180 Belgrade Fax:+381 11 2057211 PACIJENT d.o.o. MERSTEEL doo Partizanske avijacije 4, 11070 Pregrevica 168, 11080 Zemun PRVI FAKTOR Jelena Tanaskovic,Director Tel: +381 11 3161013 Belgrade Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 165v Fax: +381 11 2192231 Tel: +381 11 2057211 Fax:+381 11 2057201 MLM ARMAL d.o.o. Milos Kovacevic, Director Bulevar Vojvode Misica 37/4 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3060750 MODRIANI d.o.o. Golubinacka 54, 22310 Simanovci Tel: +381 22 480781 Fax: +381 22 480803 MSS Staffing Services d.o.o. Ilije Garasanina 22, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3231559 Fax: +381 11 3237784 NELT CO d.o.o. Marsala Tita 206, 11272 Dobanovci Tel: +381 11 3779100 Fax: +381 11 2071221 NemaDaNema d.o.o. Imotska 1,Belgrade NEW MOMENT NEW IDEAS COMPANY Zarko Sakan,Director Hilandarska 14, Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3229992 Fax: + 381 11 3346560 NLB Banka Belgrade a.d. Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 165v 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2225100 Fax:+ 381 11 3020306; NLB InterFinanz d.o.o. Marko Schneider Director Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 165v 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2225350 Fax: +381 11 2225351 NLB LEASING d.o.o. Dusan Stankov,Director
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Good Signals for Investors
Slovenia 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2225400 Fax: +381 11 2225444 RATING d.o.o. Milica Rakica 7/32, 11050 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3049089 Fax: +381 11 3477618 REAL SECURITY International d.o.o. Dobracina 30/1, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2627181; RIBBON-CMS d.o.o Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 100, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3120556 Fax:+381 11 3120557 RIKO d.o.o. Bul. Arsenija Carnojevica 217 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2120590 Fax: +381 11 2120591; Rojs, Peljhan, Prelesnik & Partneri Kralja Petra 30, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2622868 SAVA OSIGURANJE a.d. Dusko Jovanovic,Director Bulevar Vojvode Misica 51, Beograd Tel:+ 381 11 3644801 SLOVENSKE ZELEZNICE Jurija Gagarina 32 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3532815 Fax:+381 11 3532816 www.slo-ž SRC sistemske integracije d.o.o. Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 165v, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2225001 Fax:+381 11 2225002; SOFTNET d.o.o. Vladimira Popovica 40,GTC 19 Avenue, I sprat 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2120264 Fax: +381 11 2120266; SPICA CENTAR d.o.o. Darko Korac ,Director Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 165v, 11007 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2225070 Fax: +381 11 3133193 TABOR LJUBLJANA d.d. HOTEL PARK Tabor 9,1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Tel: +386 1 3002500 TENZOR d.o.o. Hadzi Ruvimova 58, Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 6365091 Fax:+381 21 6365007 TIM IZOLIRKA d.o.o.
Branka Erica 7, 22240 Sid Tel: +381 22 710633 Fax:+381 22 710666 TINTTER d.o.o. Vojkovo nabrezje 30a 6000 Koper, Slovenia Tel: +386 5 6306000 Fax:+386 5 6306001 TRANSPED a.d. Kralja Petra 45, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3209700 Fax: +381 11 2622064 TRIGLAV KOPAONIK a.d. Zoran Popovic Director Kralja Petra 28, Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3305100 Fax:+ 381 11 3305138; TRIGLAV PENZIJSKI FONDOVI a.d. Kralja Petra 45, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3036356 Fax:+381 11 3036 562 TRIMO- inzenjering d.o.o. Bulevar Arsenija Carnojevica 99b 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2129724 Fax:+ 381 11 2129726; TUSTRADE d.o.o. Tomaz Krizaj, Director Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10a, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3106242 UNIHEM TRADING d.o.o. Kumodraska 257, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3989044 Fax: +381 11 3989-088' VARNOST FITEP AD Gunduliceva 8-10, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 2194015 Fax:+381 11 2194015 VESIMPEX d.o.o. Slobodan Stankovic,Director Petra Konjovica 12v/C, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3510683 Fax: +381 11 3057947 VIATOR &VEKTOR TRANSPED Novi Sad Branimira Cosica 2,Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4892050 Fax: +381 21 4892030 ZUGAY d.o.o. Vojvodjanska 375, 11271 Surcin Tel: +381 11 3076305 Fax: +381 11 3076306 Gradski Park 8, 11080 Zemun WEISHAUPT d.o.o. Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2200601 Fax: +381 11 2200610 YU KAPITAL d.o.o. Dobracina 29, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3037320 Fax: +381 11 3037321
The Swedish Government believes that the candidate status for Serbia was well deserved. First and foremost it constitutes an important qualitative step forwards in Serbia’s EU process
erbia is firmly on the EU-track and will eventually be part of the EU’s internal market, something which will lead to increased interest in the Serbian market by foreign investors” - H.E. Mr. Christer Asp.
What are your expectations when it comes to the overall economic situation in Serbia for 2012? - The economic situation in Serbia may be a facing daunting tasks; nonetheless I strongly believe that 2012 is a good stepping stone to a very sturdy 2013. If we take into account economic data projections, painting a positive picture is rather challenging as growth is marginal and unemployment is on the rise. Also the freez►
H.E. Mr. Christer Asp Swedish Ambassador to Serbia
sweden Company Register ABB d.o.o - ASEA BROWN BOVERI Kumodraska 235, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3094300 Fax: +38111 3094343 AKZO NOBEL INDUSTRIAL COATINGS AB Goran Bogicevic, Regional Techical Sales Manager Stevana Milovanova 7/5, Novi Sad Alfa Laval South East Europe representative office Belgrade Vit Pekarek, M.D. for South East Europe Gandijeva 122B, New Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2283108 Fax: +381-11-3189755 koviljka.simunovic@ AQUA CONSTANTA – D & D COMPANY Vlajko Vukomanovic Bul. Mihaila Pupina 183,11070 Belgrade; Tel: +381-11-3192211 Fax: +381-11-8036311 AS IMPEKS Goran Brankovic, General Manager Boska Stojanovica bb, Valjevo Tel: +381 14 248438
Narodnih heroja 42/II ,11070 Belgrade; Tel: + 381 11 3148800 Fax: +38114 248438 Manager Fax: + 381 11 3148811 Vuka Karadzica 8/II, Belgrade ASTRA ZENECA UK LTD / Tel: +381-11-3285945 KANTHAL AB/ Granlund Rep office for Serbia Fax: +381-11-2623084 AB - ALSIMA d.o.o. and Montenegro Kruzni put 40,11309 Gianfranco Nazzi General GETINGE – Medika-ProLestane, Manager Central Balkans jekt d.o.o Tel/Fax: +381-11-8036311 Augusta Cesara 12, Predrag Nikcevic, General Belgrade Manager Tel: + 381 11 3336920 Kumodraska 241/a, LABTEH d.o.o. Fax: + 381 11 3674310 Belgrade Zoran Milic, Director ATLAS COPCO A.D Tel: +381 11 3099699 Gandijeva 144, New Predrag Ilibasic, General Fax: +381 11 3973911 Belgrade Manager Tel: +381-11-2161825 Milutina Milankovica 23, Fax: +381-11-3175441 New Belgrade; Tel: +381GRADITELJ GROUP LINDAB 11-2201641 Bulevar Slobodana Gospodara Vucica 174 c/7, Fax: +381-11-311 55 78 Jovanovica 4a Belgrade Novi Sad; Tel: +381-21Tel/Fax: +381 11 2850927 BROVEX MEKANISKA 4808400; www. VERKSTAD AB Fax: +381-21-4808466 Ana Kunovac General novisad@graditelj-group. Mogul Balkan d.o.o. Manager com Ruzveltova 48; 11040 Vojina Paleksica 48, Mose Pijade 17b, 11000 Belgrade 21241 Kac Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2652857 Tel: +381-21-6211404 Tel: +381 11 8055706 Fax: +381-21-711 061 Neshvyl LTD CINI d.o.o Cacak - VISION IKEA d.o.o Ljubica Miletic, Director TECH Omladinskih Brigada 31, Zarkovacka 40,11030 Slobodan Spasovic, Director Belgrade Belgrade ul. 15 bb32000 Cacak Tel: +381-11-2098800 Tel: +381-32-5563305 IKEA Trading & Services d.o.o Tel/Fax: +381 11 3559786 Fax: +381-32-5563 306 Autoput 22, 11080 Zemun; www. Tel: +381-11-2098831 ORIFLAME COSMETICS GAMBRO – MEDICON ITT FLYGT AB – MERIS d.o.o Nikola Baroli, Director Vladimira Popovica 40, Petar Belokapic, General Zoran Dzelatovic, Director
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3536100 Fax:+381 11 3536101 PERTEN INSTRUMENTS – SUPERLABORATORY Milutina Milankovića 25, New Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2222222 Fax: +381 11 2222222 RADIUS South East Europe d.o.o Hilandarska 20, 18000 Nis Tel: +381 18 247536 Fax: +381 18 516603 SANDVIK SRBIJA DOO Dragan Kovacevic, Managing Director, Omladinskih brigada 102, Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3110445 Fax: +381 11 3111185 SCA Hygiene Paper AB and SCA Mölnlycke AB – EURO MEDICO TRADE Koste Vojinovica 2, 11040 Belgrade; Tel:+ 381 11 3671511 Tel/Fax: + 381 11 3671911 SCANIA Srbija d.o.o. Tomislav Popsavin, Director Batajnicki put 1, Zemun Tel: +381 11 3162086 Faks: +381 11 2100711
ing of arrangements with the IMF has in- deserved. First and foremost it constitutes creased the country risk, which can caution an important qualitative step forwards in foreign investors, but then again EU candi- Serbia’s EU process. I do believe that it will dacy has an offsetting effect on that risk. send a clear signal to the international busiEven then we have seen investors inquiring ness community that Serbia is firmly on the about Serbia in a greater number lately i.e. EU-track and that Serbia will eventually be companies such as IKEA, Lindex and oth- part of the EU’s internal market, something ers. A good thing about Serbia is that just which will lead to increased interest in the a few larger foreign investors could have a Serbian market by foreign investors. Indeed, positive impact on the economic situation I do discern an increased interest in Serbia with injections of capital into market, which from Swedish companies as a result of the in term could help to revitalize industries focus the Serbian Government has put on the across the supply chain. All this should be EU process. The extent to which the upcomachieved with the help of Serbian policy ing elections will also affect the FDI process depends entirely on how makers doing a good job A good thing about the new government in keeping Serbia on the and parliament tackroad to recovery and proSerbia is that just a le bureaucratic and adgressive society. few larger foreign investors could have a ministrative problems to doing busi► Do you expect Serbia’s positive impact on the related ness in or with Serbia. candidacy and upcoming economic situation Unfortunately these parliamentary elections to affect investment processes in Serbia kinds of obstacles exist and I believe that it and, if you do, what direction will these proc- would be a win-win situation for Serbia and foreign investors if they were to be removed. esses take? - The Swedish Government believes that the candidate status for Serbia was well ► Do you think that political stabilization in the region could result in the Fax: +381 11 3442143 dation of the regional market and, by that, Seavus DOO Dejan Stojanovic, Managing Director; TetraPak Production d.o.o. higher business efficiency or is it too earBogdana Popovica 2, Nis Ivan Nesterenko, Chairman of the ly to expect such outcomes? Tel: +381-18-4577319 board of directors Fax: +381-18-4201410 Milutina Milankovica 11B, New - We are already beginning to see; Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2017333 aging signs of regional cooperation at differSECURITAS SE Fax: +381 11 2017380 Djordje Vucinic, Director ent levels and in different areas. In particular Zmaj Jovina 15,11000 Belgrade Troxo President Tadić and President Josipovis have Tel: +381 11 2284051 Mladen Stojanovic, CEO Fax: +381 11 2284050 Dusanov bazar, lok. 106 shown the way. This kind of regional Dusanova 5518000 Nis ation will certainly help to stabilize the south Tel: +381 18 292940 SKF EUROTRADE AB; eastern corner of Europe and it will give an c/o SKF- COMMERCE VALHALL d.o.o/HUSQVARNA important boosts to the economies in this Predrag Jovanovic, Director Predrag Knezevic, General manager; Bulevar Mihajla Pupina br. 10 Z/1 Volarsko Polje bb, Stara Pazova region. It is evident that the most important 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 22 366300 markets are those that are geographically Tel: +381 11 3115789 Fax: +381 22 366301 Fax: +381 11 2144914 close. Of course, there are still a number of S K F – COMMERCE political, economic, social and technical isBulevar Mihajla Pupina br. 10 Z/1, VEKOM CO/Marko Lift New Belgrade; Tel: +381-11Sasa Budanovic sues from the recent past to be dealt with, 3116181; Fax: +381-11- 2144914; Jove Ilica 31, Belgrade but I do believe that the political leaders of Tel/Fax: +381 11 3098165 SSAB Swedish Steel d.o.o. Tel/Fax: +381 11 3098166 the Western Balkans have shown the way. Hans Erik Gustav Hedman, Director And the international community, in particular Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 518 V/74 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3049045 VOLVO TRUCKS d.o.o the EU, will continue to support these differFax: +381 11 3049046 Svetosavska 213, 22304 Novi ent processes. Nordic cooperation has grown SVEBA-DAHLEN – NORDIK Banovci; Tel: + 381 22 366600 KORPORACIJA Fax: + 381 22 366699 strong and beneficial to all Nordic countries Aleksandar Puskar, President over the past decades. I believe that similar Fruskogorska 67, 21207 Novi Ledin- WINSTART d.o.o. ci; Tel/Fax: +381 21 6334322 Pera Tut, Director conditions for strengthened cooperation exist SWEDISH MATCH Nikolajevska 2, Novi Sad among the countries of the Western Balkans Jablan Bozidar, Director Tel: +381 21 6740024 Gospodara Vucica 115, Belgrade Fax: +381 21 6740026 and Nordic countries are ready to share our Tel: +381 11 3440164 experience in this regard. ◄
representative and distributor
For more than 25 years, Medicon has been the exclusive and authorized representative, distributor and service provider for the renowned Swedish company, Gambro. The product line includes the most advanced machines, disposables, dialyzers and solutions of the highest quality, used for hemodialysis and continuous renal replacement therapy. Also, meeting the needs of the hemodialysis patients in Serbia, Medicon has founded two specialized hemodialysis hospitals, in Belgrade and Novi Sad, and thanks to the latest technology equipment and highest quality products for dialysis, produced by the Gambro Company, we are proud to provide excellent hemodialysis therapy to patients, not only from Serbia, but also to patients from abroad. Our goal is the care for each individual patient, by providing them with adequate services and fulfilling all safety standards, but above all, with the quality of life and satisfaction that every person deserves.
Vojvodjanska 97, Dec Branch Office Vuka Karadzica 8 11000 Belgrade tel: +381 11 328 5945 fax: +381 11 262 3084
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Serbia in No Growth Scenario
The new government will have to pursue economic growth through economic reforms aimed at making the Serbian economy more efficient
ablo Gasos is concerned about the future of not only Serbia, but the EU as a whole.
Pablo Gasos Head of the Economic & Commercial Office, Embassy of Spain
► What are your expectations when it comes to the overall economic situation in Serbia for 2012? ► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcoming - A small and relatively open econoparliamentary elections to affect investment procmy like Serbia is strongly influenced esses in Serbia and, if you do, what direction will in the short-term by overall economic these processes take? trends. Unfortunately, growth prospects - I think the candidate status for EU membership for the European economy are bleak for 2012 and will prove positive for investment in Serbia. the outlook for 2013 and beyond is uncertain, given Parliamentary elections are a common feature the size of fiscal retrenchment in many European of democracy and should not affect investment deeconomies. cisions. However, if the new government wants to In this environment, the available estimates enhance foreign investment in Serbia, it will have to for economic growth in Serbia have been revised work hard in order to improve the investment envisteadily downwards to 0.5 % in 2012, which is acturonment in the country. The recommendations put ally a no-growth scenario. forward by the Foreign Investors Council might be a This poses a big chaluseful guideline in this relenge for the new gov- Parliamentary elections are a spect. ernment being elected in common feature of democracy 2012. In the last four years ► Do you think that politiand should not affect growth has been strongcal stabilization in the rely underpinned by a large investment decisions. However, gion could result in the increase in public debt: it if the new government wants to consolidation of the rerose from 34.2 % of GDP in enhance foreign investment in gional market and, by 2008 to 47.9% in 2011 and Serbia, it will have to work hard that, higher business effiis projected by the IMF to ciency or is it too early to reach 53.7% this year. expect such outcomes? But this policy of ever larger indebtedness can- Consolidation of the regional market is desirable not go on forever. The new government will have and will be made easier by the closer involvement to pursue economic growth through economic reof the region as a whole with the European Union. forms aimed at making the Serbian economy more Anyway, economic efficiency is achieved mainly efficient. There is a lot to be done within the adminthrough internal reform and this should be the foistration, in state owned enterprises, labour marcus of economic policies in the near future. ◄ Tel: +381 11 2400222 Fax: +381 11 2400111 Tel: +381 18 550705 Fax: +381 18 551061 HOTEL SRBIJA Aleksandar Kampfer EPTISA Regional Office for Svetosavski trg 12,26300 South East Europe Vrsac Alvaro Diez Santaclara Tel: +381 13 834170 Dubljanska 8, 11000 Belgrade Fax: +381 13 835252
spain Company Register ALPINE GRADJEVINSKO PREDUZECE DOO Ms. Nevenka Sindjic 27 marta 17, 11120 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3037680 Fax: +381 11 3037770
ket regulation, tax system and overall regulation of markets. In this task, candidate status for European Union membership may well provide a useful framework to undertake the necessary reforms. ENGEL SYSTEMS DOO Mr. Zivota Miljkovic Bul. Svetog Cara Konstantina 80-86, 18000 Nis
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012 INECO Cesar Sainz Andricev Venac 2/V, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3239348 Fax: +381 11 3231287 KOTEKS VISCOFAN DOO
NOVI SAD Andrej Filip Primorska 92, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4899600 TELVENT DMS Narodnog Fronta 25, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4883600 URSA DOO Bora Cesljevic, Director Milutina Milankovica 25, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2137548 Fax: +381 11 2137480
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More Reforms Required Elected governments have the difficult task to reduce their spending, lower the high level of debts, whilst still trying to create a framework for economic growth.
.E. Mr. Erwin H. Hofer is adamant that regional cooperation is of the utmost importance in providing the economies of all countries in the region a chance of becoming more efficient.
H.E. Mr. Erwin H. Hofer Ambassador of Switzerland to Serbia
to EU integration. While this status is good news for the markets and builds confidence, it does not yet imply, at this stage, concrete results. Therefore, it will be important that accession talks between Serbia and the EU start in due course and that during the negotiations necessary reforms will be launched, thus creating the basis for a much wider role of private initiative and reducing the impact of the state. Regarding the forthcoming elections, we are very pleased that for the first time in modern Serbia its parliament and government were able to carry out a regular election term. We hope that the elections will strengthen democracy and the support of all Serbian citizens towards public institutions. Nonetheless, we also hope that the ongoing election debate will not delay or block the reform process and that election promises will also not be an obstacle for reducing the budget deficit.
► What are your expectations when it comes to the overall economic situation in Serbia for 2012? - All partner countries of Serbia, including Switzerland, are still under the impression that the ongoing economic crises will not be overcome during 2012. Elected governments have the difficult task to reduce their spending, lower the high level of debts, whilst still trying to create a framework for economic growth. It is indeed a very challenging task. Nevertheless, this task is manageable, because even under difficult circumstances there are areas of economic growth. This is the reason why we strongly hope ► Do you think that political stabilization in the that the Serbian region could result in Government will be Regarding the forthcoming elections, the consolidation of able to apply a high we are very pleased that, for the first the regional market degree of budgetary and, by that, higher discipline. By doing time in modern Serbia, its parliament business efficiency so, the markets will and government were able to carry or is it too early to exregain confidence pect such outcomes? out a regular election term in the Serbian di- Indeed, we consider nar. It will be of utmost importance, as has been political stabilization in the region of utmost imporstressed during the Kopaonik Business Forum, tance since all the countries in Southeast Europe that the rebalance of the budget will take place, have a common history and heritage which should including the reduction of public expenses. be revitalized also in economic terms as soon as possible. This implies good working relations with all neighbours of Serbia, favouring direct contacts ► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcombetween citizens on all sides of the borders. ing parliamentary elections to affect investment However, such stabilization does not imply process in Serbia and, if you do, what direction a higher degree of productivity. It is just a prewill these processes take? condition to let the economy be more efficient. - First of all, I would like to congratulate the Therefore, much more reforms, and pulling back Serbian people and the Serbian Government for bureaucracy and administrative impediments are their achievement in obtaining candidate stanecessary to support entrepreneurial spirit and tus! Switzerland, although not a member of the better economic results. ◄ European Union, fully supports the Serbian road
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Leader in Metal Processing
The total turnover in trading with CNC machinery in our country is not at the satisfactory level, and our branch has always been the first to be hit by a crisis or recession
eximp SA is a large group that operates in ten countries and trades in CNC metal processing machinery. The business can be described as having four stages - consulting and machine sales, technology development, commissioning and training, servicing and postsales support. “We became operational in Serbia in 2001 due to Serbia’s capacity since, not so long ago, Serbia was the leading regional country in industrial production. The second reason we came was because we rounded off our operations in neighbouring countries where Teximp has sister companies. There is much still to do in improving Serbia’s business environment. The situation is far from ideal, but, in the last few years, we have felt positive tendencies,” says Aleksandar Pandurović.
Aleksandar Pandurović Director of Production, Trade and Services at Teximp
2010, we opened the Teximp Technology Centre which is a unique facility in Serbia. ► Are you satisfied with the quality of the workforce in Serbia? - Generally yes. Serbia has lost a lot of qualified workers in the last 10 to 15 years. The country needs to catch up to the latest global trends and industrial development. Only in that way can our workers and experts reach a higher level.
► To what extent does the overall economic situation in the country and the fluctuating exchange rate affect your busi► You supply the market with technologically adness operations in the country? vanced, precise CNC machinery and the accompa- The total turnover in trading with CNC machinnying software. Do you train and consult your buyery in Serbia is not at the satisfactory level, and ers and provide servicing and spare parts too? our industry has always been the first to be hit by - Our company’s slogan is 360o CNC! That means a crisis or recession. The that we provide consulting, sales, training, servOur stock of CNC machine number of sold machines is a direct indicator of a icing and technological spare parts brings a great country’s economic might. support. We have many advantage for our buyers Very frequent fluctuations satisfied clients who are a testament that we have since our response time is only of the dinar exchange rate managed to fulfil our goal two hours, no matter where are very detrimental to our business, and the losses and verify that our supour clients are in Serbia are not negligible. port does not end with a sale but is there 24 hours a day, 12 months a year. The fact that we have ► Since we are talking about very expensive mabeen operating for 10 years shows that we have chines and devices, could they be purchased via chosen the right path. Our stock of CNC machine leasing? spare parts brings a great advantage for our buy- Our company offers very favourable leasing arers since our response time – from the moment a rangements to potential clients for purchase of client reports a machine fault to us reaching that CNC machinery. For now, only CNC machines client – is only two hours, no matter where our produced by the U.S. manufacturer HAAS can be clients are in Serbia. That is a very important elpurchased via leasing, but we are working on exement that sways many potential customers our tending leasing arrangements to include other way. I would also like to underline that, in late brands as well. ◄
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Switzerland Company Register ABB d.o.o. Aleksandar Cosic, General Manager Kumodraska 235, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3094300 Fax: +381 11 3094343 ABS Holdings Serbia Nenad Popovic, President Brankova 30, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3337333 Fax: +381 11 2632960 Adecco Outsourcing d.o.o. Kolenc Marko, General Manager Vladimira Popovica 40,GTC 19 Avenija 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 7121709 Fax: +381 11 6695178 AED – Studio Doo Visokog Stevana 21 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2429488 Agrostar Doo Mihajlo Doric Ilije Ognjenovica 28,21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 420105 Fax: +381 21 420594 Ancora O.M.S. d.o.o (AMC) Ms. Olgica Savic, Vojvode Stepe 258/2, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 3985920, Fax: +381 11 3985920, AREVA T&D SA Biljana Miladinovic Gracanicka 1, 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2180150, Fax: +381 11 2180153, d.o.o Aleksandar Milic, General Manager Cerska 29, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3089627 Fax: +381 11 3088609 ARIUS a.d. Vojislav Simic, VP Business Development Narodnih heroja 30, 11070 Novi Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2600744, Fax: +381 11 2449329, Arsen Trade DOO Arsenije Živkovic, Director Smiljaniceva 6, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3086382 Art Project Đorđe Nedeljkovic Kneginje Ljubice 6/60, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 24 02 826 ATAP Dr. Alexander Simic, Director Kneginje Ljubice 11 ,11000 Belgrade Fax: +381 11 3282721
AudioBM d.o.o Blažo Pisaric, Director Nenad Salatic, Stellvertr. Director Zoran Mitrovic, Belgrade Vuka Karadžica 1, 21000 NoviSad Kneginje Zorke 16,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 21 571606; 571100 Fax: +381 11 2441182 Avital d.o.o Mr. Meir Avital, President Rajiceva 1, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2625630; 2625684 Fax: +381 11 2623615 BALKAN LIFT Balkan Lift Komerc d.o.o. Ljube Didica 28, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 6769435 Fax: +381 11 6769052 Basler osiguranje doo Dr. Vladimir Medan, CEO Vladimir Radic, Board Member Resavska 29, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3247716 Fax: +381 11 3342 903 Bayer d.o.o Miodrag Stankovic, Director Omladinskih brigada 88b, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2070200 Fax: +381 11 2070277 BERNINA Creative Center of Serbia (VIHOR TRADE d.o.o.) Ugljesa Jeremic, Director und Besitzer Balkanska 35-39, TC, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3620153 Bgroup Predrag Dragojlovic, Director Hadži Prodanova 16, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2683444 BIM – tex D.O.O. Božidar Stojiljkovic, General Director Sasa Cvetanovic, Director Đorđa Stamenkovica bb, 16000 Leskovac Tel: +381 16 242269 Fax: +381 16 242752 Bioclin d.o.o Central and Eastern Europe Béatrice Sauter Mike Alasa 26/VII/27,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2189 073 BMS Chemie doo Branko Drljaca, Director Blagoja Parovica 138, 11030 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3543508 Fax: +381 11 3571447 BPM WATCHES - EXPORT-IMPORT
Petar Vujicic, President Đevđelijska 19, 11120 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3809898 Centrotekstil (Bally) Knez Mihailova 25, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2183641 Fax: +381 11 2625190 Colos Basrak "Tormax" Automatic Marijana Basrak, Director Surcinski put 9N, 11070 Novi Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2269063 Fax:+381 11 2269064 Copechim Boris Vukobrat, Paris Mirjana Prljevic, Bojana Popovic Dositejeva 4/IV, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2621723 Fax: +381 11 626332 Danube Foods Group Dr. Daniel Boehi Bul. Zorana Đinđica 8a/II 11070 Novi Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2222520 Fax: +381 11 2222533 DATA 011 Slobodan Badževic, General Manager Milena Badževic, Director Andre Nikolica 29a, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3064500 Fax:+381 11 3691260; ; 3692396 Dekor Art d.o.o Laslo Mor, Director Narodnog fronta 73, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 466361 Fax: +381 21 466772 DiaHem-Gramim d.o.o. Dr. Andrej Gavrilovic,Gen. Manager Durmitorska 4, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3672126 Dufry d.o.o. Belgrade Iain Forrest, Area General Manager Duty Free Shops Aerodrom ”Nikola Tesla ”,11180 Belgrade 59 Tel: +381 11 2286442 Fax: +381 11 2286444 Ecorec d.o.o. Daver Salimovic, Sales & Marketing 35254 Popovac kod Paracina Tel: +381 35 572203 Fax: +381 35 572233 EFT Energy Financing Team Mr. Vuk Hamovic, Group Chairman Milos Hamovic, Managing Director Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10B/II 11070 Novi Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3011021 Fax: +381 11 3011030
Eko Farm Doo Novi Sad Zoran Mitrovic, Gen. Director Narodnog fronta 59, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 450601 Fax: +381 21 453025 Mrs. Gordana Mogorovic, Belgrade office Kavadarska 14,11000 Belgrade (Altamed - Franchiser) Tel: +381 11 2648793 Electronic Service d.o.o Zoran Ilic, Director Milovana Milovanovica 8,11306 Zaklopaca Ausstellungssalon in Belgrad Bul. Despota Stefana 109/A,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 8525398 Eli Lilly (Suisse) S.A. Predstavnistvo Vladimira Popovica 38-40, 11070 Novi Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3121050 Emilio Stecher d.o.o Mr. Mesa Podbicanin Velika Zupa bb,31300 Prijepolje Tel: +381 33 743860 Fax: +381 33 743861 Enia D.O.O (Sintelon A.D. Holding) Dragoslav Maric, GeneralDirector Industrijska zona bb, 21400 Backa Palanka Tel: +381 21 7557632 Fax: +381 21 7557450 Eurobank EFG a.d Belgrade Mr. Philippos Karamanolis Vuka Karadžica 10, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2065844; 2065882 Fax: +381 11 3028986 Eurocem Milovan Klacar Milentija Popovića 5/C2,11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3610927 Fax: +381 11 3619630 Europen Group Doo (Identico) Branivoje Lazovic, Director Trg Republike 3/V, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2025600 Fax:+381 11 2025615 Fischer Doo Slobodan Janackovic, Director Savski Trg 2,Kosancicev venac 11 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2622446 Fax: + 381 11 188712 FROMM Pakovanje Doo Branislav Milenkovic, Director Surcinska 21B/1,11070 Novi Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2261319 Fax:+381 11 2260431
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012 GA DOO Ivan Alikalfic, Director Jase Prodanovica 26,11108 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2084040 Fax:+381 11 2084050 Galen Fokus Zdenko Tojcic, Director Hadži Milentijeva 34,11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2433500 Fax:+381 11 3086988 GBD doo Miodrag Gavrilovic, Director Đusina 9,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3295965 Fax: +381 11 3295977 GEBERIT Predstavnistvo Ivan Džokic Vojvode Skopljanca 24,11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3096430 Fax:+381 11 3096431 Georg Fischer GF Petar Katic, Director Zitni Trg 11,21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 6467353 Holcim (Srbija) d.o.o. Gustavo Navarro, CEO Koste Racina 16, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3606000 IBR International Business Relations Holding AG Zoran Marinkovic, Managing Director Haldenstrasse 57,CH- 6006 Luzern Tel: +41 41 440 40 34 Fax:+41 41 440 40 35 IBS Inter-Business Service Ivan Alikalfic, Director SCG Kralja Milutina 32/V,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 361 09 45 Fax:+381 11 2641 046 Igeal Oberflächentechnik Igeal d.o.o Gordana Jankovic Pere Velimirovica 39-41,11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3514072 Fax:+381 11 3514073 IMC GmbH Signaustrasse 14,8008 Zürich Tel: +41 43 497 95 20 Intermerkur Doo Dejan Obradovic Zvecanska 38,11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax:+381 11 3692792, 3692827 Intermerkur Handel AG Predstavnistvo Belgrade Vladimir Ivanovic Zvecanska 38, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3692792 Fax:+381 11 3692827 Intermerkur Machinery & Services d.o.o Vladimir Ivanovic Zvecanska 38,11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3692792 Fax: +381 11 3692827 IntPro d.o.o Vladimir Lazarevic, Director Vojvode Stepe 120,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3096070 Fax: +381 11 3098671 B.P.M. Export-Import Petar Vujicic, President Đevđelijska 19, 11120 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3809898 Koeleman Foods Products doo Njegoseva 77a,11000 Belgrade Pere Jovanovica Komiricanca 27 14253 Osecina Tel: +381 14 52392 Fax:+381 14 52391 LUKAFOOD d.o.o. Momcilo Zivoinovic, General Manager Kneginje Zorke 84/II,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3442329 Fax: +381 11 3087836 MB Barter & Trading MBT Petimport Doo Milorad Jevtic Francuska 16,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3224286 Fax:+381 11 3248647 Megalis Trade Belgrade Gordana Kühne-Jovkovic Sitnicka 4,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3057245 Menta d.o.o Filip Radojevic, Logistics Manager Gospodar Jevremova 47,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3285014 Fax:+381 11 3285026 MERIS d.o.o. Narodnih Heroja 42/II, 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3148800 Fax: + 381 11 3148811 Metalika Sopot Dejan Ivkovic Milosava Vlajica 116e,11450 Spot Tel: + 381 11 8251400 Fax :+ 381 11 8251404 Metinvest SMC d.o.o Dusan Bilkic, CEO Alekse Bacvanskog 6, 11040 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2660 007 Fax:+381 11 2660 006 Miteco Knezevac doo Nevena Colic Mohora,General
Switzerland Company Register Manager BulevarOslobođenja 39, Rakovica,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3564 200 Fax: +381 11 3564 199 Miteco System Miodrag Mitrovic Krunska 11,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 323 4451 Fax:+381 11 303 2143 MP International d.o.o. Smederevska 8, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3290325 Fax:+381 11 3291960 MRG Export-Import Milun Grbovic Ustanicka 25/3, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2433799 Fax:+ 381 11 2433792 MSC Belgrade Zorica Katanic-Rosaj, Office and regional Manager Nemanjina 40/II, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3650040 Fax:+381 11 3034359 Neofyton Mr. Zoran Tadic,Gen. Manager Danila Kisa 7a,21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4723 248 Fax:+381 21 452 642 NESTLE ADRIATIC FOOD Ansgar Borneman, Country Manager Bul. Z. Đinđica 64a 11070 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2019300 Fax:+381 11 3132302 Nevokal Doo Vojislav Ilic Draže Pavlovica 31, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 2766170 NITEA d.o.o. Vesna Jecmenica, CEO Žorža Klemansoa 19,11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 303 30 40 Northamerican Sureties (NAS) d.o.o Mrs. Suncica Calic, CEO Radovana Simica Cige 38,11000 Belgrade; Tel:+381 63 8560501 Novartis Pharma Services Inc. Novartis Oncology and Transplantation Division Branislav Đorđevic, country manager Bul. Zorana Đinđica 71/18 (Pharma) Bul. Zorana Đinđica 71/ 15 (Oncology division) 11070 Novi Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3131126 Fax: +381 11 2120174 Officecom d.o.o Kai Aufenberg, Owner and General Manager Branko MilivojeviC, Director Handel
Tronoska 18,11080 Zemun Polje Tel: +381 11 3774535 ORAH Projects d.o.o Konstantin Vuk Savicevic, Vice President ORAH Cooperative and Director ORAH Projects d.o.o Bul. Kneza Aleksandra Karadjordjevica 38; 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3675875 Fax: +381 11 3675870 PERSPECTIVES Software Solutions DOO Drazen Tomic,General Manager Hilandarska 22/8,11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3037616 Petite Geneve Sava Petrovic Uskocka 7, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3285 667 Fax: +381 11 2181 041 Petrobart d.o.o. Herr Aleksandar Mileusnic Maglajska 1,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 113671032 Fax: +381 113672794 Pfiffner Instrument Transformers Ltd. Serbia & Montenegro Radovan Andrejic Aleksinackih Rudara 23, 11070 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 2609659 Pigmentum Doo Predrag Protic Cara Nikolaja II 49,11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3442810 Fax: + 381 113447 420 Popovic Company d.o.o. Aleksandar Zarin Cara Lazara bb,21234 Backi Jarak Tel: +381 21 848307 PP Egerton Predrag Popovic Grge Jankesa 8,11160 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3426776 Fax: +381 11 3426781 Protex Branch d.o.o Mr. Željko Novakovic Majke Jevrosime 19/1, 11000 Belgrade Radex doo Vladimir Matkovic Radina 20a 36212 Kraljevo Tel: +381 36 862099 Fax: +381 36 862248 Ringier Axel Springer d.o.o. Jelena Drakulic-Petrovic, Gen. Director Zorza Klemansoa 19, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 333 4 701 Fax:+381 11 333 4 703 Roche d.o.o.
Vojislav Petrovic, Director Milutina Milankovica 11a 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2022800/801 Tel/Fax:+391 11 2022803 Fax:+381 11 2022808 Sandoz Pharmaseuticals Representative Office Belgrade Mr. Ljubisa Kukuric, Country Head Kneginje Zorke 2,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 344 71 54 Fax: +381 11 344 71 62 SAUTER Building Control Serbia d.o.o Mladen Vukanac, Manager Alekse Nenadovica 15/II,11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3835571 Fax:+381 11 2452260 SCHILLER Predstavnistvo Belgrade Milan Krkovic, Directo Sicevacka 1, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3979508 Fax: +381 11 3979518 Schindler d.o.o Belgrade Goran Galic, Managing Director Bul. Milutina Milankovica 11a 11070 Novi Belgrade Tel: +381 11 260 8881 Fax: +381 11 260 8885 Securiton d.o.o Rade Mandic, Director Danila Lekica Spanca 31 11070 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3185018 Fax: +381 113187083 Selectchemie Serbia Nikola Jankovic, General Manager Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10z,11070 Novi Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3130813 SGS Belgrade Marinko Ukropina Jurija Gagarina 7 b,11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 7155275 Fax: +381 11 7155279 SIKA DOO Dragan Maksimovic Autoput za Novi Sad 244b 11273 Zemun Tel: + 381 11 3774011 Fax: + 381 11 3774331 SIMIN Export-Import Engineering Branko Simin Narodnog fronta 73/II,21000 Novi Sad; Tel: +381 21 469711 Fax:+381 21 469623 Singleton Solutions GmbH
Dejan Milosavljevic, Managing Director Trg Topolivaca 4 / 104-105 34000 Kragujevac Tel: +381 34 502 531 Fax: +381 34 502 533 Sk-Pred d.o.o Srđan Kuzmanovic, General Manager Svetogorska 2/1,11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3243077 Fax:+381 11 3231524 Sky-Express Majo Micovic, DirectorDigital Solution company Rudnicka 9, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2421580 Fax: +381 11 2421945 Step-Commerce D.O.O. Novi Sad Stevan Stepanov,Director Temerinska 22, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 451266 Fax: +381 21 451391 Sun Trade d.o.o Milos Pavlovic Njegoseva 37,11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 3162650 Fax:+38111 2194872 Swietelsky d.o.o. Belgrade Đorđe Zverzhanovski Bul. Fransa D’Eparea 88 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2647 392 Fax:+381 11 2647 379 Swiss Clean Company Aleksandar Gicic Export-Import Frontovska 38, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2392706 Swiss International Air Lines Lukas Negedly, Director Terazije 3/III, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 3226633 Tel: +381 3034 236 Swiss Labour Assistance (SLA) Mrs. Jelena Mijovic, SLA Country Coordinator for Serbia Kosovska 41 / I / 2,11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3221874 Fax:+381 11 3249162 Swissconcept d.o.o. Hinko Sauter, GeneralDirector Drasko Spasojevic, Director Kralja Milutina 32/V,11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 3610945, 3610948; Syngenta Agro Services AG Mr. Jacek Neuman, CU Head Adriatic Milentija Popovica 5a 11070 Novi Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3129981 Fax:+381 11 3129980 Tehnoplast d.o.o. Miroslav Bocanin
Dragan Bocanin Zdravka Jekica 119 22305 Stari Banovci Tel: +381 22 351 223 Fax:+381 22 351 223 TehnoTERM doo Aleksandar Kitanovic , MSc EEng Brace Dirak 39,35000 Jagodina Tel: +381 35 242587 Tek Energy d.o.o Jovan Lazarevic, Director Prote Mateje 52, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 308 7332 Teknox Group Serbia Doo Nikola Jovanovic Auto put za Nis 1786, 11224 Vrcin Tel: +381 11 3605250 Fax: +381 11 3605290 Teledot. d.o.o. Daniel Milutinovic, General Director Kneza Viseslava 70a, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 254 53 52 Telsonic d.o.o. Kac Jovanovic Darko,Director Laze Stejina 37, 21241 Kac Tel: +381 21 6210010 Fax: +381 21 6213738 Teximp Doo Aleksandar Pandurovic Surcinski put 1B, 11070 Novi Belgrade Tel:+381 11 7129428 Fax:+381 11 7129297 Tobler-Skele Qabil Jahiu, Director Rajince, 17523 Presevo Tel: +381 17 664658 Niski autoput 25, 11000 Belgrade Tomas doo Export-Import Belgrade Tomislav Stankovic, Director Dobanovacki put 8, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 3169 477 Fax: +381 11 3169 478 Tristan Fresh Produce d.o.o Sinđeliceva 66, 35210 Sviljanac Tel: +381 11 3449224 Fax: +381 11 3449228 TRS Swiss Production Doo Walthert Richard Rade Koncara 1, 21131 Petrovaradin Tel: +381 21 439900, 439132 Fax: +381 21 439901 UASYSTEMS Ltd. Milivoj Reljin Krunska 78, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3986470 Fax: +381 11 3449748 Unica Invest d.o.o Stojiljkovic Aleksandar, Corporation owner Džordža Vasingtona 52/5,11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3224797 University of New York in Belgrade Mrs. Slobodan Badževic, Managing Director Andre Nikolica 29, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3064 500 Veco Trade SA Aleksandar Maric Svetog Save 32/3,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 113085181 Fax: +381 113085182 Vekom Geo d.o.o. Veljko Fustic Trebinjska 24,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2850655 Vipol d.o.o. Mr.Prodanovic Dragan Besitzer und Director Apatinska 4,21000 Novi Sad Tel:+381 21 419 888 Fax.+381 21 4780200 Visual Impact d.o.o Srđan Rsumovic Oblakovska 28,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 369 00 43 VUCOMM Nikola Vuckovic Bul. Zorana Đinđica 67, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3017800 Youngculture Marco Zoppi, CEO Nebojsa Jovic, GeneralDirector Terazije 41,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3346969 Fax: +381 11 3346461 Zepter International Aleksandar Leko Bul. Mihajla Pupina 117, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3113233 ZMR Papic Branislav Papic Požarevaca 32,11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3830444 Fax: +381 11 3248011 3M East AG Milan Protic Predstavnistvo Belgrade Milutina Milankovica 23,11070 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 301 84 59 Fax: +381 11 3132551
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Agreements Drive Up Export
Last year, export to Turkey grew to 183 million euros, twice more than the previous year
assistance in the prevention, investigation and comurkey is one of more imporbating of customs offenses. tant trade partners to Serbia. In To date, Turkey has made around 95 million eu2011, Serbian exports to Turkey ros worth of investments in Serbia, which is far bereached a record 183.06 million euros low the capacity of Turkish economy. One of the which is 2.06 times higher than in 2010. most important investments was the acquisition This put Turkey in 19th place on the list of the Pančevo and Zaječar breweries by a Turkish of the leading countries that Serbia excompany called Efes. However, the breweries were ported to. In terms of imports, durlater sold on. ing the same period, Serbia importAccording to the Agreement on Cooperation in ed 22.9% more Turkish goods (the valInfrastructure Projects, priority is given to the conue of imports stood at €306.8 million). struction and reconstruction of the Novi Pazar – Turkey is in 15th place out of 201 counSjenica/Aljinoviće and Novi Pazar – Tutin roads. In tries when it comes to Serbia’s import line with the Agreement, three renowned Turkish partners. companies have signed Serbia has signed a douIn 2011, Serbian exports to three Memoranda of Understanding which pertain ble taxation treaty with Turkey reached a record to the construction of three Turkey. The Free Trade 183.06 million euros which is segments of the BelgradeAgreement came into force on the 1st of September 2.06 times higher than in 2010 Boljare motorway (the socalled Corridor XI) worth 690 2010. The agreement has million euros. It is also worth mentioning investvisibly improved the economic relations between ments in the construction of an airport in Sandžak the two countries and the volume of trade exCounty, an industrial park at the Pešter Plateau, as change between them grew, while Serbian export well as the construction of residential facilities. In reached a record level. As of last year, the two counaddition, Turkey has also donated 10 million euros tries have been implementing the Agreement on for capacitating Ladjevci Airport in Kraljevo in order Cooperation in Environmental Protection, and as of to turn this ex-military airport into a civilian one. 2010, the Agreement on Economic Cooperation and The Company Taner Jeans leased a part of Agreement on Technical and Financial Cooperation. Leskovac-based Leteks Company’s facilities for There are several others agreements that are im2.8 million euros and hired 85 workers, while, in portant for the development of bilateral economJanuary 2012, Turkish Boral Aluminum signed a ic relations like infrastructure cooperation agreememorandum on the construction of an aluminum ments, agreements on investment protection and profile factory that will employ 300 people. ◄ incentives and an agreement on providing mutual
turkey Company Register ADORA D.O.O. Omer Simsek, Director Episkopa Nikolaja 22, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3077822 Fax: +381 11 3077853 BEJZA D.O.O. EDUKATIVNI CENTAR Murat Koč, Director Vuka Karadžića 7, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3281449 Fax:+381 11 3283508
FLORY D.O.O. Mithat Kaya, Director Trg Nikole Pašića 1 11000 Beograd, Srbija tel: +381 11 32 38 917 fax: +381 11 33 47 284 INS EKOL D.O.O. Ibrahim Donmez,Director Smederevski put 45, 11000 Beograd Tel:+381 11 341-55-05 Fax:+381 11341-12-92 JUMLINE D.O.O.
Ibrahim Yumusak,Director Vojvode Mišića 17, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3691294 LYCTUM D.O.O. Erkan Muhacir, Director Pavla Vujisića 78A, Altina Zemun, Tel: +381113141060 Fax: +38162298009 MARTEX D.O.O. Marija Kade, Director Babičkih Odreda 76, 18000 Niš Tel: +381 18 590431 MERTER TEXTIL DOO Yilmaz Yigit, Director Branka Šotre 1/A, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3544747 Fax: + 381 11 3545791 MN DURAN D.O.O. BEOGRAD Nedret Duran, Director Gospodska 3,11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 2105212 Fax: + 381 11 2107-851 NOBEL ILAC SANAYII VE TICARET A.S D.O.O. Dejan Popović, Director
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Molerova 78, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 344 5947 Fax: +381 11 243 1048 OBBATEX D.O.O. Jusuf Memedov, Director Simeona Končarevića 40, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 3166191 SUR SOFRA DONER Nihat Ersan, Director Kralja Milana 47, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3640627 TATLE D.O.O. Eyyup Sabri Yuncu,Director Bul. Milutina Milankovica 1/L-8
11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3132916 Fax: +381 11 3132916 TURKISH AIRLINES INC. Ozgur Boran, Director Knez Mihajlova 30/V, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3036195 Fax: +381 11 3036 290 UNSAL D.O.O. Faruk Omer Pamukoglu,Director Save Kovačevića 86,36300 Novi Pazar Tel: +381 20 311415
Trade Arrangements Most Frequent
The former SFRY and USSR’s trade exchange stood at close €5.2 billion, with Ukrainian shares in that trade being almost 700 million euros
decade and has invested a signifiollowing the events in the Balkans and cant amount of money in the compaUkraine in the 1990s, the trade exchange ny’s development. This company owns between the two countries has been radfour factories in the Ukraine. ically reduced with a high foreign trade deficit The Novi Sad Company MK on the Serbian side. In the last ten years, trade Group leased close to 50,000 hecexchange has been constantly growing. In 2010, tares of land and is the only comthe total trade exchange amounted to €366.4 pany in the world that has implemented the million. Serbia’s exports stood at €146.6 milZAGA agricultural module which has centrallion, which is a 10% growth. Imports from the ized monitoring of agricultural production at Ukraine amounted to €219.7 million with the large areas distributed across different geobuy / sell arrangements being the most fregraphic locations. quent trade format. The Novi Sad Institute In the first nine months of Field and Vegetable of 2011, the overall trade Since October 2009, Serbia exchange between the two has made €29.9 million worth Crops and Ukrainian Sady Ukraine countries totalled €345.5 of investments in the Ukraine. Company have signed a contract million, with imports amounting to €223 mil- The biggest Serbian investor on the export of seeds worth close to €1.12 million and exports to €122.4 in the country is SintelonThe two sides have million which have been Tarkett from Bačka Palanka lion. been successfully coopstagnating. erating for the past eight years. In 2011, Serbia mostly exported mixtures The Zemun Polje Maize Institute has also of aromatic hydrocarbons, floor coverings and been cooperating for years with Agroukraina heating oil. Among the top ten Serbian exbased in Kiev. The Belgrade company ITM has port products, which account to more than signed a preliminary agreement with Ukrainian 80% of total exports to the Ukraine, customs company Euroterminal stipulating joint conduty for just for one product is 5%, while all struction of a distribution and logistics centre in other products are exempt from import cusOdessa. ITM has cooperated with Ukraine-based toms duty, which is a remarkable incentive for Mital for quite some time and imports coke, iron all Serbian producers who wish to sell their and profiles for the Serbian market. ◄ goods in the Ukraine. Since October 2009, Serbia has made €29.9 million worth of investUKRAINE Company Register ments in the Ukraine. The biggest AZOVIMPEX METALINVEST AEROSVIT Serbian investors in the country are Svjatoslav Fedorovic Serdjuk, Gen. Dusan Bilkic, Director Nikola Jelic, Director Director Alekse Bacvanskog 6, 11000 Nikole Spasica 3, Sintelon-Tarkett from Bačka Palanka Industrijska 27, 36000 Kraljevo Belgrade 11000 Belgrade and MK Group from Novi Sad. Tel: +381 36 392526 Tel: +381 11 2660007 Tel: +381 11 3283430 Fax: +381 36 392527 Fax: +381 11 3283430 Sintelon-Tarkett has been present on the Ukrainian market for over a International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
United Kingdom
Re-Branding a Country EU candidate status is a new and potent weapon in the armoury of the Serbian Government to use in trying to convince new foreign investors that Serbia is not like any other country in Europe
ark Harrison believes Serbia’s main issue lies in investor’s preconceptions regarding political instability. To boost the economy and attract FDI’s the country must use every available tool it possesses, particularly the recently gained EU candidacy status.
► What business results did the companies from your country, which operate in Serbia, accomplish In your opinion, what should the Serin late 2011 and Q1 of 2012? bian Government do first following the - It is a tough market for all companies in Serbia at country being granted EU candidacy the moment, and the country origin of a company itstatus, when it comes to advancing the self is therefore irrelevant. When you ask Serb busibusiness environment in the country? ness people how things are they say “We are sur- One of the main economic issues viving” and I believe that rings true for the majoriSerbia has failed to resolve is the lack ty of businesses in this country. Most likely 2012 will of medium to large Greenfield investbe a flat year, with no growth in GDP, in particular ments in the country. Most foreign investments over when the ripple effect from the Eurozone crisis hits the last 11 years have been through the privatisathe Serbian economy. This year will not be helped by tion of existing companies, and privatisation is now the election campaigns, which, from past experience, virtually over. In summary, why are foreign compawill put many projects on hold, as the government fonies choosing other neighbouring countries to set cuses on matters other than the economy and investup their new factory/production lines, in preference ments, and accordingly, from now until after the sumto Serbia? The answer does not lie in extra subsimer, we expect a low level of business activity. dies, reduced taxes, tax breaks or other financial incentives; Serbia has that to offer already. Yes, there is too much red tape, but that is not stopping inves► Do you expect significant changes to take place tors. Likewise the rule of law and effective courts amongst members of your organization this year? leaves a lot to be desired, but investors do not cite - The Serbian-British Business Club was formed this as a reason. less than a year ago, but has over 100 memThe issue can be described from both Serbian and EU candidacy provides bers in a very general sense as “The British companies. We have a ‘foot in the door’ to Brand”. In the boardrooms of been very fortunate in atforeign companies when deci- get companies thinking tracting the leading people at sions are made about in which positively about investing those companies to be repcountry to invest, Serbia is imresentatives at our meetings mediately at a disadvantage because of the percepand recently held a very successful reception at tion people have about the country, based in many the Economists’ Conference in Kopaonik. As the ways, on ignorance of the country, its strengths and Conference was held only a few days after the anstability, and in particular political stability. This is nouncement of the EU candidacy for Serbia, we not the potential investor’s fault, but this is a fact announced then that this will give added impeof business life. Therefore, EU candidate status is a tus to our efforts to increase bilateral trade and new and potent weapon in the armoury of the Serbian investment between Serbia and Great Britain. Government to use in trying to convince new foreign Bearing in mind it is an Olympic year for Great investors that Serbia is not like any other country in Britain and our Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Year (60 Europe, that not only has the EU seen it as suitayears on the throne), we are optimistic our memble for EU membership in the future, but also that bers can look forward to increased business beSerbia has many other things to offer, of which we tween the two countries. ◄ ►
Mark Harrison Co-founder of the Serbian-British Business Club in Serbia
are all aware. EU candidacy provides a ‘foot in the door’ to get companies thinking positively about investing in the country. It will probably be the last big boost Serbia can count on in the next few years in ‘branding’ Serbia as a place to invest, and the government should use it to its full advantage.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
united kingdom Company Register AGENA TECHNOLOGY Mr Ismet Grebovic, Manager Dositejeva 31, 22310Simanovci Tel: +381 22 408500 Fax: + 381 22 408501 ADOC doo Milorada Jovanovica 11, Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3051512 Fax:+ 381 11 3051500; AGRO FOOD Dusan Petkovic, General Manager Cara Dusana 266, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 63 212442 Fax:+ 381 11 3119857 AIRTREND GOBRID Goran Kolic, Managing Director Kumanovska 14, 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 383688600; ALBO Aleksandar Neskovic, Director Batajnicki drum 289, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 7870791 Fax: + 381 11 7870790; AL-GROSSO Ksenija Fekete Cvetkovic, Director Vodovodska 158, 11030 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2509793 Fax: + 381 11 2509742 ALLIED PICKFORDS SERBIA Jovica Grujic, Head of Operations Zarka Obreskog 23, 11273 ZemunBelgrade; Tel:+ 381 11 8487744 Fax:+ 381 11 8486868; ALMAKS SECURITY SYSTEM Slobodan Maksimovic, Director Gospodara Vucica 129 ,Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2852606 Fax:+381 11 2852608; ALTIS CHEMICALS DOO Savo Nijemcevic, Tehnical Director Pozeska 15A, 23000 Zrenjanin, Tel:+ 381 23 549412 Fax:+ 381 23 549807 AMTEK DESIGN SERBIA DOO
John Elkington, Director Gospodar Jovanova 65/ 2, Belgrade Tel/Fax::+381 11 334 8068 ARUP Olga Djuric-Peric, Chair-Management Board Djordja Stanojevica 14, Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 2099850 Fax:+ 381 11 2287580 BDSP YU Sinisa Stankovic Bulevar Arsenija Carnojevica 54A/16, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3017791 Fax: + 381 11 3017798 BEL EXPO Mr Dejan Starcevic, Managing Director Vojvode Dobrnjca 40; Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2632228 Fax: + 381 11 3284074; BOVAN COMMUNICATIONS Ana Bovan, Managing Director Zorza Klemansoa 13, Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3036133 Fax: + 381 11 3036134; BPA LONDON doo Malcolm Magee-Brown, Director Ljubinke Bobic 8/16,11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3182211 Fax: +381 11 3182211 BRITISH AIRWAYS Andjelka Palihnic Knez Mihajlova 30/IV, Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3281303 Fax:+ 381 11 2639629 BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO South East Europe doo Douglas Lafferty, General Manager Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 165G, 11070 New Belgrade
Tel: + 381 11 3108700 Fax: + 381 11 3108777 BUCK Jelena Karalejic, PR Manager Milorada Jovanovica 9, Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 2052400 Fax:+ 381 11 2052401; BUPA INTERNATIONAL BELGRADE Nikola Lalic, Director Milovana Marinkovica 4, Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2462765; CAM TOP Delcam CAD/CAM Systems Zoran Radovanovic, Owner Prvomajska 57, 11420 Smederevska Palanka Tel/Fax:+ 381 26 321857 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Obilicev venac 18-20, Belgrade Tel/Fax:+ 381 11 3286638 00 381 11 3286638 CHEMICAL AGROSAVA Jovan Mirkovic, Director Palmira Toljatija 5, 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3193556 Fax: + 381 11 2609026 CONDOR Oliver Vilotic, Director Svetosavska 137, Bajina Basta Tel: + 381 31 863111 Fax: + 381 31 864175 CONING-PPI Miloje Aleksic, Director Palmira Toljatija 4/55, Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2698858 Fax: + 381 11 319 4793 Coreside Savills Jovan Jovanovic, Principal Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 115v Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3010000 CRONY Predrag Mandic, Director
Surcinski put 1M, 11077 Belgrade Tel/Fax:381 11 2607766 CUMMINS DIZEL MOTORI doo Slobodan Sretenovic, Director Autoput 22, 11080 Zemun Tel: + 381 11 3149071 Fax: + 381 11 3149127 DELOITTE doo Milos Macura Terazije 8, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3812100 Fax:+ 381 11 3812101 DELTA SPORT Group Goran Karic, CEO Milentija Popovica 7/v, 11070 New Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 2012801 Fax: +381 11 2012829 EC HARRIS doo Sasa Trajkovic, Senior Project Manager Bulevar dr Zorana Djindjica 144v, 11070 New Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3535400 Fax:+ 381 11 3535401 EFT ENERGY FINANCING TEAM doo Dragan Stojadinovic, Head of Sales and Trading Spanskih boraca 3, 11070 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3011021 Fax:+ 381 11 3011030 EGERTON Grge Jankesa 8/42, 11060 Belgrade, Serbia Tel:+ 381 11 3426776 Tel/Fax:+ 381 11 3426781; ELECTRONIC SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Makenzijeva 32, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax:+ 381 11 2439255; ELEKTRA SISTEM Mrs Mirjana Obrenovic, Managing Director Palmira Toljatija 5/III,11000 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3192487
Fax: + 381 11 3192406 EMAC doo Dusan Mijic, Regional Director Rudjera Boskovica 2c, Novi Sad Tel: + 381 21 466474 Fax:+ 381 21 466653 ENGLISH BOOK Mrs Lisa Brown, Director Staro sajmiste 29, Belgrade, Serbia Tel/Fax:+381 11 3131044 ENVIROLAB d.o.o. Glavna 24, 24400 Senta Tel/Fax: + 381 24 822205; EQUEST doo (Belgrade) Vladan Zivulovic, General Manager Bulevar oslobodjenja 83,Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3975643 Fax:+ 381 11 3975643 ERNST&YOUNG Stephen Fish ,Country Leader Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 115d, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia Tel:+ 381 11 2095800 Fax:+ 381 11 2095890 FARM INDUSTRIES Mr Deen Williams, General Manager Veljka Petrovica 6, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: + 381 21 539530 Fax:+ 381 21 539531 FASHION CO d.o.o. Milija Babovic,President Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 115b 11070 Beograd Tel:+ 381 11 3532 222 FOOD LAND Vaso Lekic, Owner Omladinskih brigada 86, 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3182119 Fax: + 381 11 3180443; G4S SECURITY SERVICES doo-GM Uros Gojkovic, General Manager Viline Vode 6, 11000 Belgrade,
Tel: + 381 11 2097900; Gardner Denver d.o.o. Mr Zeljko N. Luketic, Managing Director Jaroslava Cermaka 2; 11185 Zemun Tel: + 381 11 3774533 Fax: + 381 11 3774544 GENEKO - RB GENERAL EKONOMIK Borisav Bojković, Director Bulevar Despota Stefana br. 59a, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3340591 Fax: + 381 11 3224437; GLAXO SMITHKLINE (GSK) Anna Pajuk-Kasprzak, General Manager Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3105700 Fax:+ 381 11 3105799; GLOBAL SUBSTATION SOLUTIONS doo Mr Radomir Nedic, General Manager Milentija Popovica 9, 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2206347 Fax:+ 381 11 2206094 GOWI/BOZIC I SINOVI Mr Jovica Bozic, Owner Maksima Gorkog 2, 26000 Pancevo Tel: + 381 13 365003 Tel/Fax: 381 13 346947; GRAFO NIN Mr Nebojsa Disic, Managing Director Djure Salaja 9, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3234974 Fax: + 381 11 3235002 GRAND MOTORS Milutina Milankovića 21, 11070 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 2090600 Tel/Fax: + 381 11 2090650; GRAYLING Ms Natasa Trslic Stambak, Regional Manager SEE Gospodar Jovanova 81, Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3287080 Fax:+ 381 11 2622328 HARRISONS SOLICITORS Mark Harrison, Principal
Gardner Denver d.o.o. Jaroslava Čermaka 2 11185 Zemun - Beograd; +381 (11) 377 45 33
Compressed Natural Gas “The clean alternative” CNG - compressors
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
united kingdom Company Register Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 6,Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3129823 Fax:+ 381 11 3129825 HEMTEK Ljubomir Hadzi Djordjevic, Procurist Svetozara Markovica 7, Belgrade Deset avijatiCara 2A, Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3049730 Fax: + 381 11 3049732; HOLYWELL NEOPREN Miodrag Zaric, Owner Mackov kamen 24a, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3670574 Fax:+ 381 11 3670574 HRG Serbia & Montenegro Predrag Spanjevic, Managing Partner Cubrina 4/4, 11000 Belgrade 00 381 11 3036016 00 381 11 3283304 I.C.P.S. Infinity, Consulting, Products & Services Ms Jelena Drakulic Jase Prodanovica 36, Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 2083882 IMI INTERNATIONAL Aleksandar Minic, Director Milutina Milankovića 1-b, 11070 Belgrade Tel/Fax: + 381 11 3111484 IMPERIAL TOBACCO Diplomatska Kolonija 20, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3067545 INEL Mr Damir Petric, Managing Director Pozorisni trg 4, 21000 Novi Sad Tel:+ 381 21 6611660 Fax:+ 381 21 6611272; ITM Group Toplica Spasojevic, Chairman Omladinskih brigada 86, 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3107400 Fax: + 381 11 3107492; ITN BEOGRAD doo Vera Markovic Dubrovacka 22, 11080 Zemun Tel:+ 381 11 3160323 Fax: + 381 11 3161770; JONES LANG LaSALLE Srdjan Vujicic, Managing Director Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 6, 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2200101 Fax: + 381 11 2200102 KPMG doo Mr James Thornley, Kraljice Natalije 11 , 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2050500 Fax:+ 381 11 2050550; LAURENCE WALTER SERBIA Aleksandar Djuricic, Director
Kovinski put bb, 11300 Smederevo Tel: + 381 26 649770 Fax: +381 26 653770; LAW OFFICE MUJEZINOVIC Selma Mujezinovic, Managing Partner in association with CLYDE&Co LLP Kneginje Ljubice 6/60, Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3283297 Fax: + 381 11 2622703; LINK CONSULTANTS Zoran Radovanovic, Owner Omladinska 11a, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3670264 Fax:+ 381 11 3670557 LIPEX d.o.o. Mr Goran Glisovic, Manager Krizaniceva 12A, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: + 381 11 2688816 Tel/Fax: + 381 11 2688413; Lloyd's Register Milan Ivanovic, Procurist Narodnih Heroja 43, 11070 New Belgrade Tel/Fax:+381 11 3016083; LUNATRONIC doo Bratislav Vulovic, Director Pozeska 36, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: + 381 11 3558446 Tel/Fax: + 381 11 3055171 MACE doo Branislav Simovic, General Manager Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 6/Xll, 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2200250 Fax: + 381 11 2200265 MAGAZA doo Goran Micovic, Director Batajnicki drum 301, 11273, Belgrade Tel/Fax: + 381 11 3774401 MAKROPROGRES Slaboljub Burmazovic,Owner Spasovdanska 8g, 11030 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2392328 Tel/Fax: + 381 11 2391857 MASINOKOMERC Nata Susnjarac, Director Marsala Birjuzova 2-4, Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2638-094 Tel/Fax: + 381 11 2635542 MEDICO PHARM Golub Konatar, Manager Kruzni put 36, 11309 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3041600 Fax: + 381 11 3041620 Mfe METALFER D.O.O Branko Zecevic, Chairman of the Board Rumski Put 27, 22000 Sremska
Mitrovica Tel:+381 22 621636 Fax:+ 381 22 622738 MILSPED Mr Nebojsa Ikovic, Director Savski nasip 7, 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2015100 Fax: 381 11 2015133 MINECO PLUS doo Mr Aleksandar Andrejevic, Director Strahinjica bana 1, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 2030626 MISAR Goran Vulevic, Director Ivana Milutinovica 9, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 2430589 Tel/Fax:+ 381 11 3441551 MORSON BEOGRAD Zoran Rudic, Director Decanska 12, 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3034520 Fax:+ 381 11 3034521 MOTT MacDONALD Ms Maja Rejger, Interim Manager Western Balkan Kneginje Zorke 20, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 2432098 Tel/Fax:+ 381 11 3830614 NINACOM Mr Slavisa Skero, Director Otona Zupancica 44, 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3190125, Fax:+ 381 11 3193932 NOVOLAB Jovanovic ljiljana ,Director Primorska 22, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 7293758 Fax:+ 381 11 7293534; OLIMPEX Mrs Olivera Veselinovic, Owner Metohijska 2, 11080 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2101904 Fax: + 381 11 2441418; OMNICO SYSBI Olivera Veselinovic, Owner Banjickih zrtava 32, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 2652355 Fax:+ 381 11 2652345 OWEN OWEN James Owen, Managing Director Kosovska 39/I, 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3030744 Fax:+ 381 11 3347032 PEARSON LONGMAN Natalija Elenskaja Kocovic, Market Manager Antifasisticke borbe 21b, Belgrade Tel/ Fax:+ 381 11 301 88 38 PHARM-OLAM INTERNATIONAL LTD Mr Pavle Vukojevic, Regional Director of Operations Omladiinskih Brigada 88b), 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3538700 Fax:+ 381 11 3538734 PHILLIPS Mr Peter Endrew Phillips, Owner Milentija Popovića 5b/III, Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 6149270 Fax:+ 381 11 6149271 PIMS d.o.o Simanovci Sinisa Smiljovic,General director Tel:+ 381 22 409100 Fax:+38122 409111 PLUTO CAPITAL LTD Serbia Justin Faiz, Director Zmaja od Nocaja 12, Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2627982 Fax:+381 11 2188793 POSEIDON GROUP Samir Becirovic Dobracina29, 11000 Belgrade PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS doo Emmanuel Koenig, Country Managing Partner Omladinskih brigada 88a, 11000 New Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3302100 Fax:+381 11 3302101; Prof Air DSGN doo Marko Nikolic, Director 27 Marta 6A, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: :+ 381 11 3349447 PROVIDEO LTD Novak Radumilo, Director Bul.Mihaila Pupina 10V/II, 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3115124 Fax: + 381 11 3115593; RADIX Radivoje Drazovic, Owner Bulevar Despota Stefana br. 116 11000 Belgrade, Tel:+ 381 11 3291040 Fax:+ 381 11 3290692 RIO TINTO Mr Nenad Grubin, Director Bulevar dr Zorana Djindjica 71, 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3110239 Fax: + 381 11 3116721 SAE Institute Belgrade Ivan Vlatkovic,, Director Cika Ljubina 8, 3rd floor, Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 2626632 Fax:+ 381 11 3284242
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012 SAMER & CO DUNAV AGENCIES LTD Svetislav Jurisic, Director Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10e 11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2120749 Fax:+ 381 11 3130532 SCOTT WILSON doo Biljana Vukotic, Deputy Director Studentski trg 7, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3284042 Fax:+ 381 11 3284043 SHELL doo Ms Dragana Kacar, Director Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10B/II, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3114030 Fax: 381 11 3114031 SONY Europe Limited Hirai Pumiatsi,. Director Omladinskih Brigada 88a,11070 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2225959 00 381 11 222 59 60 SOUTH EAST EUROPE CAPITAL PARTNERS (SEECAP ) Nemanjina 4, 112003Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3635935 Fax: +381 11 3635924 STEDIMEDIC Mr Stevan Mitic, Manager Rajiceva 22, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: 381 11 181 277 SUPERLAB Vladan Kocic, President Milutina Milankovica 25, 11070 New Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 2222 222 SVETLOST TEATAR Olivera Mitrovic, General Manager Milovana Saranovica 11, Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3977570 Fax: + 381 11 3978014 SYNGENTA AGRO SERVICES AG Jacek Neuman Milentija Popovica 5a,11070 Beograd Tel:+ 381 11 3129981 Fax:+ 381 11 3129980 TAGOR ELECTRONICS Goran Jovanovic, General Manager Bul. Svetog Cara Konstantina br.80-86, 18000 Nis, Tel: + 381 18 575545 Tel/Fax:+ 381 18 217125 TEIMC Mr Zoran Milakovic, Director Obilicev venac 18/V, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax:+ 381 11 2631112
TELIC Karnegijeva 3, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 3235281 TENFORE Dobracina 60 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3334951 Fax: + 381 11 3340488 TERRA SRBIJA d.o.o Batajnicki drum 8A, 11800 Zemun Tel: + 381 11 3163215 Tel/Fax: + 381 11 3161707 TLC Marketing PLC (Belgrade Office) Milan Miletic, Business Manager South East Europe Knjeginje Zorke 2, 4/5, Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 344 8208 Fax:+ 381 11 344 8211 TNS MEDIUM GALLUP Sladjana Brakus, Director Savski trg 9, 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 3613220 Fax: + 381 11 3628216 TOPEX TRADE Nebojsa Vidovic, Director Milesevska 26, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+ 381 11 2448789 Fax:+ 381 11 3087671; TRIM d.o.o. Ribarska 83, 35000 Jagodina Tel: + 381 35 220409 Fax: + 381 35 224604 Starine Novaka 4/1, 11000 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381 11 3245300 UNILEVER doo Mrs Snezana Vukalovic, Office Manager Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 New Belgrade Tel:/Fax + 381 11 2091800 YUCO HEMIJA Damjan Korda, Director Cara Lazara bb, 21234 Backi Jarak Tel:+ 381 21 848606 Fax:+ 381 21 848616; ZENITH OPTIMEDIA Rige od Fere 20/7 11000 Belgrade Tel: + 381 11 2030588 Fax: + 381 11 2030703 ZIZGIN Mr Zivko Maletkovic, Managing Director Kneza od Semberije 10 A, 11000 Belgrade Tel:+381 11 3086535 Fax:+ 381 11 3086545
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Makenzijeva 67, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Tel: +381 11 2450 508; Fax: +381 11 2450 122;
Serbia has Key Advantages For many U.S. and foreign corporations, the region of the former Yugoslavia has already coalesced into a single market. The political stabilization that has occurred here over the past ten years has been the single greatest factor that contributed to this occurrence
radley Harker at the U.S. Embassy talks about the Serbian Government addressing the state budget and structural reforms, in addition to praising the Serbian workforce and highlighting the importance of regional cooperation.
What are your expectations when it comes to the overall economic situation in Serbia for 2012? - Continuing uncertainty with respect to the crisis in the Eurozone will likely impede economic growth in Serbia in 2012. Combined with the recent decision by the IMF to suspend its Standby Agreement with Serbia due to outsized increases in Serbia’s public debt and the recent drop in the dinar, the outlook for Serbia’s economy in 2012 is challenging at best. Fortunately, there are ► Do you think that political stabilization in the some interim positive signs such as the recently region could result in consolidation of the reannounced successful regional market and, by that, structuring of Greece’s debt It is my firm belief that Serbia higher business efficiency by international lending inhas the right ingredients or is it too early to expect stitutions which could imsuch outcomes? in place to become a prove sentiment going for- For many U.S. and foreign regional hub for both U.S. corporations, the region of ward. It is imperative, however that the government investments and exports the former Yugoslavia has move aggressively to adalready coalesced into a dress the yawning budget imbalance and implesingle market. The political stabilization that ment structural reforms to position the country has occurred here over the past ten years has for growth in the long-term. been the single greatest factor that contributed to this occurrence. Here in Belgrade, as well as other capitals in the region, the push for great► Do you expect Serbia’s candidacy and upcomer efficiencies and synergies among the varing parliamentary elections to affect investment ious markets has led to the establishment of processes in Serbia and, if you do, what direction regional headquarters in place of individual ofwill these processes take? fices for each country. Given the pressure for - I would like to congratulate Serbia on the hiscompanies to reduce costs, while still servicing toric milestone of achieving European Union canthe market, I would expect this trend to condidate status. It is my hope that both the existtinue. This bodes well for Serbia due in large ing Serbian Government and the one that will be part to its size, location, and excellent workformed after the upcoming elections, will leverforce competencies. ◄ age this achievement to increase the visibility of ►
Bradley Harker Senior Commercial Officer at the U.S. Embassy to Serbia, Belgrade
Serbia as a market for both inward investment and as destination for increased levels of bilateral trade between the United States and Serbia. As I have noted in earlier articles, it is my firm belief that Serbia has the key ingredients in place to become a regional hub for both U.S. investments and exports, namely in terms of the talented and multilingual Serbian workforce, the country’s attractive wage structure, and its unique and advantageous trade agreements with the EU, Turkey and Russia among others. Showcasing these opportunities to business communities in the United States outside the usual suspects in Chicago and New York will be critical if the country truly wants to leverage and exploit the full benefit of what EU candidate status means, especially for American companies.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
USA Company Register AIG Life Osiguranje a.d.o. Spyridon Moschogiannis, Director Omladinskih brigada 88 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2092900 +381 11 2092909 AIRPORT CITY Omladinskih brigada 88 11070 Novi Belgrade +381 11 209-05-25 Algotech Pozeska 60 11000 Belgrade +381 11 353-76-00 Alliance One Tobacco d.o.o. Jelica Leontijevic, Director Cara Nikolaja II 59 11000 Belgrade +381 11 2458753 +381 11 3342475 ASSECO SOUTH EASTERN Milutina Milankovica br.19 g 11070 Belgrade +381 11 2013154 Avon Cosmetics d.o.o. Sebastian Cosmin Bako, Director Bul. Mihaila Pupina 165G 11000 Belgrade +381 11 2220000 Ball Packaging Europe David Banjai, Director Batajnicki drum 21a 11080 Zemun +381 11 3770602 +381 11 3770802 BasicMed Enterprise Zoran Basic, Director Viline vode bb 11000 Belgrade +384 11 41-40-705 +381 11 41-40-703 Bedminister Capital Managment Milena Gajovic Shrestha, Director Prizrenska 4a 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3067595 BEL MEDIC Koste Jovanovica 87 Viktora Igoa 1 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3091000 BOJOVIC DASIC KOJOVIC Dobracina 38 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3036468 CEEmark S&M d.o.o. Ivan Stankovic, Director Prote Mateje 11 11000 Belgrade +381 11 2435244 +381 11 2445110
CEED SERBIA Ivana Jovanovic,Director Bulevar Zorana Đinđica 67-2 11070 Belgrade +381 11 2129524 Cisco d.o.o. Goran Obradovic, Director Omladinskih brigada 88 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2092000 Coca Cola HBC Serbia a.d. Sotiris Yannopoulos, Director Batajnicki drum 14-16 11080 Zemun +381 11 3073100 +381 11 3073199 Colliers international Luke Dawson, Director Bul.Mihaila Pupina 115d 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 3139955 +381 11 3139958 Deloitte d.o.o. Milos Macura, Director Terazije 8 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3812100 DELTA SPORT Goran Karic,Director Milentija Popovica 7/v 11070 Belgrade +381 11 2012800 +381 11 2012801 Diners Club International Belgrade Ltd. Obrad Sikimic Director Njegoseva 72 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3441865 +381 11 3442065 EATON ELECTRIC d.o.o. Dragan Tadic, Director Milutina Milankovica 7, 11000 Belgrade; Tel: +381 11 3777 007 Ecolab Hygiene d.o.o Marianne Vukovic Pal, Deputy Gen. Manager Milana Tankosica 8, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 2084344 +381 11 2076802 ERNST & YOUNG Stephen Fish,Director Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 115 (Zgrada GRAWE osiguranja) +381 11 2095700 ERSTE BANKA Bulevar Oslobođenja 5 21000 Novi Sad +381 21 4809402 +381 21 4890651 EUROBANK EFG Vuka KaradZica 10 11000 Belgrade
+381 11 2023353 Eki transfers - Western Union Mirjana Zecevic, Director Kosovska 1/V 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3300301 +381 11 3228070 FIRST DATA SCG d.o.o. Olja Dakic, Director Kopernikova 8 11000 Belgrade +381 11 2071100 +381 11 2071115 FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE Predrag Vranic,Director Belgradeksi put bb 26300 VrSac +381 13 802502 Forever Living Products Branislav Rajic, Director KumodraSka 162 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3970127 +381 11 3970126 Grand Motors - Ford Motor Stanko Radic, Director Milutina Milankovica 21
11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2090672 Globex Group d.o.o. Aca Jovanovic, Deputy Director Goranska 12 11300 Smederevo +381 26 225273 +381 26 225273 Hewlett Packard Milos Djurkovic, Director Omladinskih brigada 90b 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2055800 +381 11 2055903 Honeywell Julian Hedera Director Bulevar Zorana Đinđica 64A/IV 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2120355 HRG Serbia&Montenegro Predrag Spanjevic, Director Cubrina 4/19 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3036016
+381 11 3283304 Hyatt Regency Hotel Jacques Morand, Director Milentija Popovica 5 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 3011234 IBM d.o.o. Iris Dzeba, Director Mihajla Pupina 6/20 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2013500 +381 11 2013501 IKEA Belgrade Autoput 22 11080 Belgrade +381 11 2098802 INTERMOL Omladinskih brigada 88/V 11070 Belgrade +381 11 2096900 JANKOVIC, POPOVIC, MITIC Vladimira Popovica 6, NBGP Apartments 11000 Belgrade +381 11 2076850
L'OREAL Brigitte Streller Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 64 a 11 070 Belgrade +381 11 2205900 McCann-Erickson Group Borislav Miljanovic, Director Terazije 7 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3283257 +381 11 2022200 bora.miljanovic@mccannprrs McDonald’s Restorani d.o.o. Dragos Pavicevic, Director Bul. Mihaila Pupina 85a 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 3119566 +381 11 3119609 MERIT SOLUTIONS RuZiceva 2 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3674321 Microsoft Software d.o.o. Jugoslav Piric, Director Makedonska 30/IV 11 000 Belgrade +381 11 3306601 +381 11 3306600 Millennium Film & Video d.o.o. Zoran Savic, Director Milana Rakica 64 11160 Belgrade +381 11 382 0 383 Oracle Serbia and Montenegro Klod Kolaro, Director Bulevar Zorana Đinđica 64a (GTC house) 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2016800 OTP BANKA Imre Bertalan, Director KARANOVIC - NIKOLIC Bulevar oslobodjenja 80 Resavska 23, 11000 Belgrade 21000 Novi Sad +381 11 3094200 +381 21 4800001 KONSING GROUP PFIZER Zdenko Lekan,Director Ivan Vodenicarevic Surcinski put 13 Neznanog Junaka 5 11070 New Belgrade 11000 Belgrade +381 11 7195871 +381 11 3674133 KOVING (ALPINE) Philip Morris d.o.o Zoran Jankovic,Director Paul Riley, Director Pariske komune 24, 11000 Belgrade Zorana Đinđica 64 a +381 11 3193408 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2010824 Kraft Foods +381 11 2010800 Phil Dickinson, Director Omladinskih brigada 88b 11000 Belgrade PriceWaterhouseCoopers d.o.o. +381 11 3530873 Emmanuel Koenig, Country ing Partner Omladinskih brigada 88a Leo Burnett d.o.o. 11000 New Belgrade Misa Lukic, Director +381 11 3302100 Danila Lekica 31 +381 11 3302101 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2090200 +381 11 2090295 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC Dragoljub Damljanovic ,Director
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
Vladimira Popovica 38-40 11070 Novi Belgrade +381 11 3773100 SEAF (Small Enterprise Assistance Funds) Ivana Jovanovic Bulevar Zorana Đinđica 67-2 11000 New Belgrade +381 11 2129524 SERBIAN BUSINESS SYSTEM Nenad Draskovic Beogradska 39 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3302500 SIEMENS Tihomir Rajlic,Director Omladinskih brigada 21 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2096005 +381 11 2096061 TELENOR Kjell-Morten Johnsen Omladinskih brigada 90 11070 Belgrade TRS SWISS PRODUCTION CLOVER TECNOLOGIES SneZana Vukovic Rade Koncara 1 21131 Petrovaradin +381 21 439900 +381 21 439132 TITAN CEMENTARA KOSJERIC Zivojina Misica b.b 31260 Kosjeric +381 31 5903200 VAN DRUNEN FARMS Lazar Kobilarov Njegoseva BB Ban. Karađorđevo +381 23 835018 VERANO MOTORS Vojvode Stepe 352, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3094500 WEST PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES Dejan Milutinovic Rimski Jarak BB 26220 Kovin +381 13 741744 WIENER STADTISCHE Branko Krstonosic ,Predsednik UO Tresnjinog cveta br.1, 11070 Belgrade +381 11 2209800 +381 11 2209900 XPRO d.o.o. Claude Istria, Director Baja Pivljanina 53a, 11040 Belgrade +381 11 36 30 200 +381 11 36 30 209; LUNA/TBWA Bojan Joksimovic, Director Milovana Marinkovica 3 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3980343 +381 11 3971883
K3 Company Rekultivacija i Ozelenjivanje D.O.O. (RIO) is one of the authentic examples how expertise coupled with environmental conscience can bring successful business results. RIO is a company that specializes in taking care of land and green areas. The company has four decades of experience in protecting the eco-system. Thanks to RIO’s activities, large areas in Serbia are being re-included in the nature’s cycle and are afforested or made suitable for agricultural work. With that aim in mind, RIO has launched a series of campaigns like ’The Children’s Forest’, an environmental project that entails building several dozen play and entertainment parks in towns of Kostolac and Požarevac with children included in planting. RIO bases its future plans on implementing small- and medium-size commercial environmental projects, from afforestation of inadequately used urban areas to creating conditions for greenfield investments.
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012
International Business Sector in Serbia | April 2012