International Business Sector in Serbia 2010

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The Guide


IMPRESUM EDITOR IN CHIEF Tatjana Ostojić, ART DIRECTOR Tamara Ivljanin, DESIGNER Miloš Aleksić, EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Ana Stojanović PHOTO Slobodan Jotić, Darko Cvetanović LECTOR Pat Andjelkovic TRANSLATORS Snežana Bjelotomić PROJECT MANAGERS: Vesna Vukajlović,; Marija Savić,; Marija Petrović,; Snežana Terzić, GENERAL MANAGER Ivan Novčić, FINANCIAL DIRECTOR Ana Besedić, EDITORIAL MANAGER Tanja Banković, PRINTING Rotografika d.o.o. Segedinski put 72, Subotica The Guide to International Business Sector in Serbia 2010 published by: alliance international media, Knjeginje Zorke 11b, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, Phone: +(381 11) 308 99 77, 308 99 88, Fascimile: +(381 11) 244 81 27, E-mail: office@

CONTENTS NINA BULATOVIĆ Senior Partner KPMG, Cautious optimism for Serbian economy growth


VESNA ARSIC State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy in charge of Foreign Economic Relations, REGIONAL FREE TRADE ZONE




MSC VALENTINA IVANIC Director of the Centre for Strategic Economic Studies “Vojvodina-CESS”, Novi Sad, SLOW RECOVERY EXPECTED


HE CLARE BIRGIN Australian Ambassador in Belgrade, TRADE OPPORTUNITIES




SERGEY CHICHUK Chargé d’A aires of the Belarusian Embassy in Belgrade, FOREIGN INVEST MENT IS THE KEY


ANN-VÉRONIQUE MORTIER Investment and Trade Commissioner, Embassy of Belgium, NEW OPPORTUNITIES


This issue is audited by

ABC Serbia


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ERNST BODE President of the German Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade, INCREASING COMPETITIVENESS


VASILIOS NTERTILIS President of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Business Association of Serbia, A STEP IN A RIGHT DIRECTION


ORSOLYA SZECSENYI Head of the O ce for Economic A airs of the Hungarian Embassy in Belgrade, FAVORABLE CONDITIONS




H.E. ARTHUR KOLL Ambassador of the State of Israel to Serbia, WE BELIEVE IN ECONOMIC PROSPECTS


PAOLO TOSCHI Head of Economic Aairs at the Embassy of Italy, TO INCREASE AND IMPROVE LINKS


H.E. GEORGI DIMITROV Bulgarian Ambassador to Serbia, RIGHT DIRECTION


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SVATOPLUK CECH Economic Counselor of the Czech Embassy in Belgrade, INCREASING BUSINESS RELATIONS



RENE NYGAARD JENSEN Commercial Advisor at the Royal Danish Embassy



ERIC BLANCHETETE President of the French –Serbian Chamber of Commerce & CEO of Findomestic Bank in Serbia, CORRUPTION - THE BIGGEST PROBLEM



ISSN no: 1451-7833 All rights reserved alliance international media 2009


TETSUYA TSUBOTA First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Serbia, BIG STEPS TO EU INTEGRATION VLADIMIR KRSTEVSKI Advisor in the Embassy of the FYR Macedonia in Serbia, TO CONTINUE WITH REFORMS




TSJEARD HOEKSTRA Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, SERBIA NEEDS MORE PREDICTABILITY


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SLOBODAN ŠEŠUM Economic Counselor, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade, IMPROVE THE INVESTMENT ATMOSPHERE


PETER MOLNAR Counselor at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Belgrade, ENERGY IS THE MOST INTERESTING


HENRIK WINTERSTAM Swedish Trade Council, Embassy of Sweden, A WELL-KNOWN COUNTRY


ANDREU ARASA Head of the Economic and Commercial Office, Embassy of Spain, INTERESTING DESTINATION


H.E. MR. ERWIN HELMUT HOFER Ambassador of Switzerland to Serbia, FDI IS THE KEY TO DEVELOPMENT







NICK GROVES Head of Trade & Investment, British Embassy in Belgrade, IMPROVING BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT


DUŠAN FILIMONOVIC Director of the British-Serbian Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade, WAITING FOR PERMITS




BOJANA RISTIC Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia, CREATING BETTER INVESTMENT CLIMATE



Vesna Arsić, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy in charge of Foreign Economic Relations

REGIONAL FREE TRADE ZONE ttracting foreign investments and fostering economic relations with foreign countries are just few of the topics that we discussed with Vesna Arsić, State Secretary in charge of Foreign Economic Relations in the Ministry of Economy.


One of the most important if not the most important prerequisite in overcoming the effects of the economic downturn in Serbia is attracting foreign investments. There are close to 1,500 foreign companies operational in Serbia today, with several hundred of them being large corporations which have been investing in the country for years. Foreign direct investments do carry great significance not only in dealing with the economic crisis, but in the long-term economic development of our country. They usually bring a more extensive production, higher employment rate, export and fiscal revenue, and contribute to the technological modernization of our economy, improve the quality of managers here, and facilitate development of domestic companies through their inclusion in the list of suppliers that deliver to large multi-national companies. For example, according to the information we dispose of, three-quarters of Serbian export activities are carried out by companies in which foreign corporations have either a minority or majority stake.

Serbia is the only country in the region that enjoys the benefits of customsfree access to a market of around 800 million consumers 6 Guide to The International Business Sector

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Do you think that we acknowledge these foreign companies, their particularities and business standards they brought with them to Serbia when drafting and adjusting laws and other legal acts? One of the main goals of the Serbian government is to harmonize its domestic regulation with that of the EU by the end of 2012. By passing quite a few new laws and other legal acts, we are going to round off the legal framework for businesses that will be in line with the European standards. On the other hand, as a country currently working on becoming a WTO member, we also have to adopt laws, rules, and practices exercised by other WTO members. To what extent do foreign companies contribute to the advancement of the business climate in Serbia, bearing in mind that close to 1,000 companies from the EU are operational in Serbia? There are several very influential foreign investor associations in Serbia, the most prominent being the Foreign Investors Council, the American Chamber of Commerce, the German Business Association, and others. One of their roles is to serve as mediators in a dialogue between their members and state institutions and

in that way participate in advancing overall business conditions. I think that this dialogue has been quite lively, especially in the past period, and that foreign companies are providing significant support to the Government with their concrete suggestions all with the aim of creating a better legal, economic, and business environment. The Foreign Investor Council’s White Book is especially important in this respect. This is a valuable guide to the changes that we need to make. For example, most of the comprehensive regulation reform (known also as the regulation guillotine) is based on proposals made by the Foreign Investors Council. Are foreign companies treated in the same way as domestic when applying for loans and other benefits granted by banks and the state? There is no preferential treatment in this respect. Domestic companies don’t have an advantage over foreign ones nor viceversa. Commercial banks granting loans subsidized by the state are interested in a client’s solvency, the quality of its business performance, and the profitability of its investment projects, while the structure of its ownership capital is not important. The same applies to investment grants which the Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency provides under same conditions. Last year, there was a lot of talk about how efficient domestic regulation is particularly in the sense of facilitating foreign investments. What has been done so far in that direction? Although, fewer foreign investments were made last year in relation to the year before, we should not forget that compared to other regional countries, the government did conduct quite a few reforms. In May 2009 we set up a so-called one-stop-shop in the Business Registers Agency, thus shortening the company registration process to last five days. Also, we have started to implement the new Law on Spatial Planning and Construction, which, following the adoption of certain bylaws, will introduce the concept of private ownership over construction land and abbreviate the procedures associated with issuing various permits. I


he fact that U.S. Steel, Tarkett, Michelin, and other global brands have opened their production facilities in Serbia is important for our access to third markets, with these companies also having an opportunity to export. This means that Serbia disposes of resources that should be adequately trained, modernized, and become more competitive. This needs to be done in many areas. Bear in mind that only a handful of slaughterhouses in Serbia were given an EU export license, which shows the lack of many required export prerequisites.


have already mentioned the comprehensive regulation reform, following which we abolished over 400 legal acts. It is estimated that we will save close to €200 million of budget money annually. In addition to these legal reforms, we should not forget the hard work we have put in improving the transport infrastructure. The current government wants to build a network of motorways along the pan-European Corridor 10 by the year 2012. In 2009, a total of 50 kilometers

CEFTA IS CONSIDERED THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT TRADE PARTNER TO SERBIA, AFTER THE EU, WITH A 16% SHARE IN OVERALL TRADING of motorways were completed. Then we have a whole series of benefits that are available via the Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency and

local authorities. There is also the possibility of using free zones or industrial parks... We have also talked a lot about the advantages that Serbia can offer to foreign investors, particularly in light of the free trade agreement with Russia and selling goods on the Russian market. However, Russia has a different interpretation the agreement. What are the options that we have at our disposal? The importance of this agreement lies, first and foremost, in its exclusivity since Serbia is the only non-CIS country that has been given this right, while the level of trade liberalization with Russia has reached 98%. In this way, we have access to a market of over 150 million consumers, and you have to admit that in a time of global economic downturn, this is very important. The main condition for having customs-free access to this market is that goods and services that are exported are of Serbian origin (or bear a Serbian certificate of origin). With regard to the interpretation of the agree-

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Vesna Arsić, State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy in charge of Foreign Economic Relations ary 1st. Then there is the CEFTA 2006, an agreement that involves seven member countries – Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYROM, Montenegro, Albania, Moldavia, and UNMIK / Kosovo. This agreement entails free trading in industrial products, and as of recently, trading in agricultural produce has been par One of the objections tially liberalized (with the that business people have exception of Croatia). The about the free trade agreeFree Trade Agreement with ment with Russia is that Belarus came into force in the agreement is simply April 2009, with only 1% not used enough. What are of industrial products not the reasons for this? included in the agreement. It is up to the state authorThe same agreement was ities to put together a framealso concluded with Turkey work that will enable comin 2009, and subsequently panies to use certain benefits ratified in the Serbian Parin trying to access the marliament. Now it is up to the kets that they find appealing, like the Russian one which IT IS UP TO THE STATE AUTHORITIES TO PUT TOGETHER Turkish Parliament to do the same, and once this is is alluring indeed primarily A FRAMEWORK THAT WILL ENABLE COMPANIES TO done, the agreement will ofbecause of its absorption cafer benefits of asymmetrical pacity. The second thing that USE CERTAIN BENEFITS IN TRYING TO ACCESS THE liberalization to Serbia’s the authorities need to do is MARKETS THAT THEY FIND APPEALING advantage. This is similar to ascertain whether comto the EU model in terms of mercial arrangements are properly applied in practice and, if they are This implies an organized market approach our industrial products having immediate not, they should get involved in rectifying and better cooperation among companies customs-free access to the Turkish market, while when it comes to Turkey’s exporting the situation. Also, the state needs to help willing to deliver to this market. to Serbia, this will be a gradual process. with setting up national exhibitions and organized events where our products could With which countries did Serbia sign There is also a quite important free trade be showcased. There are many examples the free trade agreement and to what ex- agreement concluded with EFTA members that is going to be ratified quite soon. Of of this, and I would just like to mention the tent have these agreements been used? Memorandum on Cooperation concluded Serbia is the only country in the re- course, I’ve already mentioned the agreewith the Kursk district, participation in the gion that enjoys the benefits of custom ment with Russia, so I wouldn’t like to renational exhibition in Krasnodar, business free access to the market of around 800 iterate it. You’ve asked me to what extent forums, and similar. million consumers. Since 2000, we have these agreements have been used. Well, What companies interested in the been able to export to the EU countries have a look at Serbia’s overall foreign Russian market need to understand is that, customs-free (with the exception of a few trade figures in 2009 and you’ll notice that aside from taking into account the compe- products limited by quotas). Following over 80% of trade was done with the EU tition factor, they also need to secure the the implementation of the Interim Trade and CEFTA members. Markets that are continuity and volume of their deliveries. Agreement, this became formal on Febru- geographically closer to us obviously have certain advantages, but I am sure that all of the aforementioned free trade agreements n mid-February, we held consultations in LIBERALIZATION OF EXPORT will serve as a tremendous impetus and Belgrade with the Customs Union of Russia, open up new export opportunities, since Belarus, and Kazakhstan, formed on January 1st of this year, in order to come up with these agreements have just begun to be ima model that we are going to apply in the future bearing in mind that now we can plemented or are waiting to be ratified. extend the trade liberalization to include Kazakhstan. ment, there are always certain procedural circumstances that we need to consider, but I do think that everything applied in the practice so far has been properly interpreted. We don’t have any information about the agreement being implemented inappropriately.


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Are you satisfied with the way CEFTA turned out and how much is Serbia benefiting from it at the moment? CEFTA plays a huge role not only in advancing the regional goods exchange, but its significance extends much wider, i.e. through harmonizing various policies and practices, having transparent investment policies, competition regulation, intellectual property rights, and public acquisitions. Hence, prior to the agreement being drafted and signed, the EU provided great support since they saw this as the beginning of forming a free market and advancing collaboration at the regional level, which is just the first step towards a full EU integration. CEFTA’s importance is validated by the fact that Serbia’s export is constantly growing, as is the surplus in trading with CEFTA countries. CEFTA is considered the second most important trade partner of Serbia after the EU, with a 16% share in overall trading. Out of the total Serbian export, 30% pertains to export to the CEFTA countries, while the import from these countries amounts to 8% of the overall Serbian import. What we need to change is to reduce the share that the products with a low added value have in this trade. Nonetheless, no agreement is entirely perfect and there is always room for improvement, a chance to widen it even further. So, there is still lot to be done in CEFTA in order for this agreement to benefit its member countries even more. We need to eliminate non-custom barriers, further liberalize agricultural trade, use diagonal accumulation of origin more, and additionally liberalize services, remove investment obstacles, thus facilitating more foreign greenfield investments in exportorientated sectors, not discriminate in the public acquisition process, and set up fair competition trading in line with EU laws. This is what Serbia will work on during its year of presidency in 2010, with the help of other member states, i.e. it will try to create a fully functioning free trade zone in the region. The agreement is very stimulating when it comes to harmonizing domestic regulation with the EU’s, especially in relation to technical rules and standards, sanitary and phytosanitary meas-


acilitating diagonal accumulation increases the importance of the Interim Trade Agreement and other similar agreements and increases their appeal. Following the ratification of the free trade agreement with Turkey, this country is also included in the diagonal accumulation zone. In order for EFTA countries to join this zone, we need to harmonize the Interim Trade Agreement with the EU.


ures, public acquisitions and competition, and protection of intellectual property, all prerequisites for our joining the EU more quickly. You have also said that Serbia is working on becoming a World Trade Organization (WTO) member in 2010. What does the country need to do in order to become a member? The Ministry of Economy and Regional Development, coordinator of the negotiation process, and other government ministries are doing their utmost in finalizing this process as soon as possible. Generally speaking, negotiations about WTO membership have entered their final stage. They are conducted on two levels – multilateral and bilateral. The multilateral negotiations entail harmonizing and reforming our foreign trade regulation in line with WTO rules and principles. This is finished, for the most

NO AGREEMENT IS ENTIRELY PERFECT AND THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT, A CHANCE TO WIDEN IT EVEN FURTHER part, but we still need to adjust our position when it comes to issuing permits, pricing policy, state-owned trade companies, and trading in genetically modified products. With regard to bilateral negotiations, they will be probably concluded this year in the area of customs duty for industrial and agricultural products intended for the U.S., South Korea, Ecuador, Brazil, and the Ukraine. We have finished negotiations with Switzerland, Norway, Canada, the EU, and Japan, and have reached an agreement about goods concessions. We still need to finalize talks about liberalization of trading in services with the U.S., Switzerland, and

the Ukraine, and we can say that talks with Japan, Korea, Canada, Norway, Brazil, and the EU are done. However, we should bear in mind the saying that is popular in the WTO: “Nothing is over until it’s over.” To what is extent is Serbia ready to face global competition and which Serbian products could be interesting to buyers abroad? The import custom duty in Serbia is quite low – 6.14% - and we think that a gradual reduction of customs duty towards the EU and in the context of joining the WTO will not pose much of a problem to domestic manufacturers. We need to concentrate on export-orientated production and use the advantages of free access to the markets of those countries with which we have concluded free trade agreements. What does Serbia is looking for, following the reactivation of the Interim Trade Agreement that we have been unilaterally implementing since 2009? Reactivating the Interim Trade Agreement bears a great significance institutionally, since now we have a contractual relation with the EU as opposed to having only preferential access to the EU market on the basis of ATMs, which were actually a unilateral EU act, and at the same time, the first act on the way towards full integration in the EU. By implementing the Interim Trade Agreement, Serbia was assigned exclusive export quotas for sensitive products that are under a special regime in the EU like sugar (180,000 tons), wine (63,000 hectolitres), baby beef (8,700 tons), and certain sorts of fish. This agreement allows for diagonal accumulation with CEFTA members and Turkey. At the same time, this is a good signal for potential investors in terms of showing that our system is stable and that we have a European future.

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By Michael T. Harvey, USAID Mission Director

MEETING INTERNATI hile Serbia’s econBRIGHTER PROSPECTS omy wasn’t as badEven during the worst of the global ly hit as many oth- economic crisis, many Serbian companies ers, GDP still de- showed that they were capable of competcreased in 2009 and ing on global markets. And, Serbia clearthe country continues to lose more jobs ly has real potential for further growth in than it creates. several sectors. This growth can only be Meanwhile, overall foreign direct in- achieved, however, when the obstacles vestment has slowed across the region, as preventing it are approached in a stratepotential investors are putting most ex- gic manner. pansion plans on hold. Subsequently, As part of our wider program to supcompetition for the few foreign invest- port economic growth in Serbia, the ments that are being planned is extreme- United States Agency for International ly fierce. It is clear that Serbia’s transiDevelopment (USAID) is focused on the tioning economy will not be able to rely agriculture sector which, while already a on significant capital inflows to finance strong performer, still has significant potrade and current account deficits in the tential to further increase not only the volimmediate future. Thus, Serbia will have ume of exports but, more importantly, the to rely more on domestic resources to value of exports. The key was to look at spur economic growth in the short term. the whole process—from field to fork— In particular, Serbia will have to tangibly to see where changes could be made to increase exports in order to enable for- bring more value into the process. Our eign currency inflows and ensure the sta- Agribusiness Project is working with probility of the dinar, and more generally – ducers up and down the value chain to the stability of the economy. get more returns on their efforts. We help Fortunately, the news is not all bad. companies to prepare for and attend inThe overall investment climate in Eastern ternational food fairs, and we help them Europe showed signs of improvement in to make contacts with potential buyers. the last quarter of 2009, and Serbia is ex- After that, the quality of Serbian products pected to register small but positive growth speaks for itself. in 2010. As with any recovery, however, We believe that a number of other the recovery in employment levels will sectors can be very competitive internacertainly lag behind growth in output. In order to create new and better private sector jobs, Serbia will need to address its deep trade imbalance by increasing exports and meeting domestic demand in areas where imports dominate but where Serbian products could logically have a competitive advantage. This will require continued market based reforms and diminishing the dependence Attending a demonstration of USAID supon the public sector. ported Case Management System

W Michael Harvey, USAID

Across the board, last year was a tough year for Europe’s economies. Serbia weathered the financial crisis relatively well, but one key factor that insulated the economy was that exports are not yet a large part of Serbia’s economy, so decreased global demand didn’t overly affect production 10 Guide to The International Business Sector

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IONAL STANDARDS tionally, including furniture manufacturing and wood processing, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), building materials, construction management and even film production. We are working with companies in these sectors to help them meet international quality standards and better prepare their products and services for introduction into new markets. We are also helping to bring Serbian companies together to work jointly to attract business to Serbia. For example, we worked with the film produc-

Clearly, Serbia can compete. And, there are definitely many other sectors that have the potential for growth.

THE MACRO PICTURE Overall, we will continue to support Serbia’s efforts to improve its national competitiveness, to complete the transition process, and enable a more secure and stable economic environment. This effort will include work to improve the efficiency of the judicial system and strict enforcement of legal rights, decisive anti-

THE USAID IS FOCUSED ON THE AGRICULTURE SECTOR WHICH, WHILE ALREADY A STRONG PERFORMER, STILL HAS SIGNIFICANT POTENTIAL TO FURTHER INCREASE tion community to form the Serbian Film Commission which is now promoting the industry internationally. The Commission is working to show the world what Serbia has to offer, with the aim of re-establishing Serbia as a prime location to film commercials, television series and films. The Commission is currently working closely with the Government of Serbia to develop an incentive package for foreign film makers which will help bring many more productions and the jobs they create to Serbia. We have been working hand-inhand with Serbian Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in these and other sectors, and I am happy to report that together we’ve recorded significant successes. In the past two years, in the agricultural sector we have helped to secure export contracts for approximately $65 million. Our work with the other sectors has yielded an additional $72 million in sales, exports and investments into Serbia. Much of these successes have come about through our close cooperation with Serbian Government Ministries and other bodies, like SIEPA, which have helped improve the prospects of success for Serbian companies.

corruption policies, and implementation of effective free-market regulations. Once the global situation picks up, foreign direct investments, especially greenfield investments, can play a crucial role in decreasing the alarmingly high level of unemployment that has been persisting for years. As Serbia makes strides to join the EU, it needs to continue reforms in order to attract investors. Potential foreign and domestic investors seek a stable political environment and an overall

business climate that is not only conducive to doing business, but also offers a competitive advantage over other potential locations. In 2010 and beyond, USAID will continue working with our partners, both within the national government and at the local level, as well as from the private sector, to improve the overall climate for doing business in Serbia. We will be working very closely with the National Competitiveness Council and several ministries on the broad agenda that the Council has laid out to improve Serbia’s ability to attract investment and promote economic growth. One concrete success we would like to see this year is Serbia’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) – a process we have been supporting for several years. The common thread in all of these partnerships is a mutual desire to help Serbia complete its economic transition and become a full and successfully competitive member of the European Union. The year 2010 will be a challenging year, but it also offers Serbia a great opportunity to accelerate needed reforms that will allow Serbia to not only compete, but also to lead growth in the region as the world emerges from this crisis.

Serbian agricultural products are finding new markets abroad March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 11


By MSc Valentina Ivanic, Director of the Centre for Strategic Economic Studies “Vojvodina-CESS”, Novi Sad

SLOW RECOVERY EXPECTED Forecasts for the year 2010, which our Centre has developed together with the Vienna Institute for Advanced Studies, show that slow recovery is expected in the Serbian economy after the sharp downturn of economic activities recorded in 2009. hile big countries and economic integration such as the EU can grow even in recession conditions by relying on their internal market, this is not possible when it comes to small economies. Serbia exports only one fifth of its GDP and, speaking in the medium-term run, those values should rise to more than a half of the GDP value if we want to say that Serbia is an open economy. Serbia belongs to the group of countries committing themselves through exchange rate devaluation to the strategy of exiting the recession by increasing exports. However, the exchange rate devaluation in the case of Serbia has no significant impact on exports due to its unfavourable structure. In Serbia’s case, it is interesting to point out that it had high growth rates of 5.4% a year from 2002 to 2008, which is high when compared to the world economy grown rates (2%). From 2002 to 2008, 80% of growth consisted of growth in the sector of non-exchangeable goods and only 20% of growth in the sector of exchangeable goods (which is a precondition for ex-

W MSc Valentina Ivanic

hen it comes to sectoral allocation of FDIs, the expectations of entrepreneurs in Vojvodina for the future period are linked with agriculture, and later on with production. Third place, according to the expected inflow of investments, belongs to the energy sector and the list continues with trade and the financial services and insurance sector. Such expectations from entrepreneurs are in compliance with the change in the growth structure in Serbia and orientation to sectors that produce exchangeable goods.



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port expansion). Serbia’s unfavourable growth structure also implied a non-competitive export structure, and recession conditions only emphasized the unreliability of such structures in the long run. Vojvodina is in a somewhat better position thanks to a different export structure with prevailing agricultural produce,

BECAUSE SERBIA DOES NOT HAVE DEVELOPED REGIONAL ACCOUNTS, THE POLICY MAKERS OF THE GOVERNMENT OF VOJVODINA RELY ON QUALITATIVE INSTRUMENTS WHEN THEY FORMULATE RESPONSES TO THE RECESSION the demand for which is relatively stable on the world market even in recession conditions. However, if we look at the competitiveness of Vojvodina’s export structure in the long run, its unreliability, caused by high dependence on products that are under a strong impact of climate conditions, should be pointed out. Forecasts for the year 2010, which our Centre has developed together with the Vienna Institute for Advanced Studies, show that slow recovery is expected in the Serbian economy after the sharp downturn of economic activities recorded in 2009.

The forecast GDP growth rate for 2010 amounts to 0.7%. Employment, which always reacts more slowly to an increase in production, could increase in 2010 and reach 24.1% compared to unemployment in 2009, which was forecast to 23.7%. The forecast inflation rate for 2010 is 6.1%. The forecast budget deficit for the year 2010 is 4% of the GDP. It should be said that, contrary to Serbia, Vojvodina has a different set of instruments that it can deploy to affect recession conditions since it is not in the position to use macroeconomic policies (monetary, fiscal etc.). Vojvodina still disposes of potentials in the fields of industrial policy and investments into business infrastructure and human capital. According to official statistics, because Serbia does not have developed regional accounts, the policy makers of the Government of Vojvodina rely on qualitative instruments when they formulate responses to the recession. Field research that CESS conducted at the end of 2009 with a sample of 300 companies, interviewing the managers of the same, represents a qualitative instrument for the assessment of the business quality climate in Vojvodina. Business climate quality is all the more important because the world market is the place where companies, not states, compete and where micro-competitiveness is the concept that provides the competitiveness of the overall economy in the long run. More than 65% of entrepreneurs interviewed in Vojvodina think that competitiveness is not at the top of the Serbian Government’s agenda. When it comes to the Government of Vojvodina’s measures directed towards enhancing competitiveness, almost 75% of entrepreneurs assessed positively the support given to the development of clusters and measures aimed at enhancing co-operation between universities and economy to increase the scope of applied researches, development, and innovations (75%). Currently, competitiveness is not based on spatial factors and the availability of an abundance of cheap production factors, but rather on the capacity to use the same in the most productive way. Businessmen

in Vojvodina see a good geographic position as the main factor of competitiveness of Vojvodina (92.4%). 89.4% of them think that a qualified workforce is an important factor, while 86.7% think it is a developed telecommunication infrastructure. A cheap workforce is considered a competitive advantage by 86% of the interviewed individuals and such attitudes are present in the countries that attract FDIs oriented towards the use of cheap resources, instead of FDIs that are export-oriented. Competitiveness in developed economies is taking on more and more a nonprice character nowadays, since it is actually a matter of innovations, quality, design, and standardisation. Nevertheless, entrepreneurs from Vojvodina assessed price advantage as an important competitiveness factor at the level of industry (91.4%), which is typical for economies manufacturing products with lower added value. When we talk about competitiveness factors at the level of companies, entrepreneurs (93.7%) think that quality is an important factor for competitiveness, 93.4% of those interviewed assess adapting to the needs of clients as the second most significant competitiveness factor, while 93.3% think that the company’s reputation on the market takes third place. In developed economies, quality makes up a standardised category and it is implied

in business activities. High valuing of quality as a competitiveness factor shows that the quality control system is not a part of everyday practice of companies in Vojvodina and that it is a desirable to provide an example of the standard. In developed economies, significant factors of competitiveness include diversification of products, application of modern technologies, design, and marketing activities. The assessment of reputation as a significant competitiveness factor points to insecurity in conducting business activities in Vojvodina and on the market of Serbia in general, and it is connected with the problem of collecting of payment for goods and observing of contractual obligations. The data that Vojvodina entrepreneurs do not count with investments exceeding three million dollars in the period of three years to follow speaks about the impact of the recession on their decisions about investments into future activities. Entrepreneurs in Vojvodina place in front position investors from EU Member States, followed by investors from Russia (probably because of the investments into energy sector). The third place, taken by USA investors, comes as a surprise since they are ahead of investors from EFTA Member States. (It is known that investments from Norwegian investors were significant in Serbia.)

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HE Clare Birgin, Australian Ambassador in Belgrade

TRADE OPPORTUNITIES “We are certainly keen to increase the level of knowledge relating to Serbia amongst Australian companies and investors” the two agencies for mutual promotion of investment. We expect this over time to increase the levels of trade and investment flows and joint promotional activities.

t is important to have cooperation from Serbian local agencies to advise us of sound opportunities so that we have the confidence to advise our industries of these for their consideration, said HE Clare Birgin, Australian Ambassador in Belgrade.


How would you rate current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of the companies from your country to invest in Serbia? The Australian Embassy is committed to raising public awareness in Australia on trade & investment opportunities in Serbia. We report regularly on changes in policy, improvements in the regulatory environment and investment opportunities. We are currently in initial discussions with SIEPA on an agreement between SIEPA and Austrade, the Australian government’s trade and promotion agency responsible for encouraging increased bilateral trade and investment that will outline specific strategies and agreed areas of cooperation between

To which economic sector/projects are the companies from your country most interested in? Australian companies are active in all sectors throughout the world. It is our current government’s strategy to promote increased engagement with overseas markets in clean and renewable energy sectors, financial services and services more broadly. This is a clear strategic focus, however other sectors in which Australia has expertise and strengths in the European environment include mining and energy ( gas) – exploration, services and technology solutions. Australia has also significant experience in PublicPrivate Partnerships advising national and regional governments on structuring projects which have the best possible outcomes for all parties and the communities they are based in. Australian Investment firms are also active in Europe investing in infrastructure projects such as toll roads and port infrastructure – we expect more interest in this sector over the coming years. Australia has a good reputation for innovative and quality Franchising systems and this is another area of possible cooperation. These are just a few examples, but I trust they give you some idea of possible areas of interest.


s in all markets understanding the rules and regulatory environments can be daunting for Australian companies, good partnerships with local companies and the right advice is very important. Obviously when a country is undergoing rapid change and development there is a need to keep abreast of the changes and part of our job is to inform our government and Australian industry of these changes. 14 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

Are foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? I believe there is always more to be done and we are certainly keen to increase the level of knowledge relating to Serbia amongst Australian companies and investors. As I have noted one concrete step is developing a closer relationship with SIEPA and other relevant agencies and also assisting with high level government and business delegations from Serbia to Australia to make sure they make the best use of their time and meet the right people.

IN PARTICULAR SECTORS I AM SURE THAT WE WILL SEE INTEREST IN SERBIA AS A STRATEGIC GATEWAY TO OTHER PARTS OF EUROPE Will the economic crisis slow or stop the arrival of investors from your country to Serbia in 2010? As you might be aware Australia has been cushioned somewhat from the critical impacts of the financial crisis and we expect to have modest but continuing growth in GDP. However companies have of course had to make some tough decisions about where they allocate resources and how they invest and where. Australian companies continue to be active in Europe, particularly on the trade side and will endeavor to develop new markets. In particular sectors where there is a viable business case I am sure that we will see interest in Serbia particularly as a strategic gateway to other parts of Europe and in recognition of its long-term growth and development potential.


Andreas Haidenthaler, Austrian Commercial Attache in Belgrade

SIGNIFICANT INVESTOR or Austrian companies, Serbia was always an important market, said Andreas Haidenthaler, Austrian Commercial Attache in Belgrade, for the Guide to the International Business Sector in Serbia. Mr. Haidenthaler also mentioned that Serbia will continue to be so in the future.


“Nobody invests in a country only because it offers a slightly lower tax rate than its neighbors. Companies always look at the bigger picture.”

What are the most common problems that your association’s member companies face in Serbia? Our office represents all Austrian companies in Serbia, so I may say that we have a fairly good overview on what’s happening on the ground. Austrian companies are the biggest investors in Serbia, and therefore we can say that our companies know how to solve the day-to-day-problems that arise in business. There is still room for improvement, though. First and foremost, companies would like to see less red tape and a simplification of bureaucratic procedures. I would only like to cite the matter of obtaining building permits or regional differences as far as approval processes are concerned. I do welcome the Serbian government’s “regulatory guillotine” and hope that it will be successful. In your opinion, has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? Given the complexity of the matter and the fact that the process of implementation of the “regulatory guillotine” has only just begun, it would be untimely to ask for immediate results. Nevertheless, we do monitor the regulatory reform very carefully and we


or Austrian companies in general, Serbia was always an important market and will continue to be so in the future. Serbia and Austria are almost neighbours. Austrian products and Austrian companies are generally known to and appreciated by the Serbian people. Austria is the biggest foreign investor in Serbia. We have 300 Austrian companies present on the market. Since the beginning of February we can even claim that we have 2 airlines flying to Belgrade, namely Austrian Airlines and Fly Niki. There are lots of business opportunities, and with Serbia being on its way towards the European Union, the country is definitely worth a second look. 16 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

do have high hopes for its success. Generally speaking, if somebody were to ask me what a country should do to attract foreign investment, my answer would be to present itself as a stable, reliable business partner with an efficient, quick administration that ensures predictable circumstances and equal opportunities for everyone. Nobody invests in a country only because it offers a slightly lower tax rate than its neighbors. Companies always look at the bigger picture. How far along can your members plan their operations in Serbia, bearing in mind the frequent changes to the tax regime?

WORKING TO IMPROVE RANKING IS CERTAINLY ONE OF THE TOP ISSUES THAT FOREIGN INVESTORS WILL LOOK AT IN 2010. Especially in the field of finance, companies need to be able to plan their operations. This is of utmost importance to investors. They not only need this for their own purpose, but also for their supervisory boards back in their head office, for their banks, for their shareholders, and many more. The question of planning also does not stop at the tax bureau. It touches all aspects of business. Any sudden, negative change in the legal framework that affects predictability, be it additional taxes for certain industries like the mobile phone industry, or the introduction of complex new legal regulations, is bound to create irritation and a loss of trust amongst investors. Therefore, I hope that the reforms planned by the government will increase predictability and therefore also trust, because the latter is the most precious element a country has. How much does corruption in Serbia affect the business operations of the companies that are the association members? Corruption is a very sensitive subject and


companies which are faced with problems in this field do not tend to speak out openly. On the other hand, we can see that Serbia ranked 83rd in the 2009 Corruption Perception Index of Transparency International, and I do not believe that this ranking is something that Serbia is proud of. Besides the “regulatory guillotine,” working to improve this ranking is certainly one of the top issues that foreign investors will look at in 2010. In this respect I think it is very encouraging to hear from the Serbian government that the fight against corruption is one of their top priorities. What business results do you foresee by the end of 2010? I think after what we have seen in the past 1 ½ years, everybody is a bit more cautious when it comes to predictions. The effects of the worldwide economic crisis are not felt in all industries the same way and at the same time, making forecasts even more difficult. Another difficult issue is the psychological aspect of the crisis, which tends to create a kind of self-fulfilling prophecy. It is only natural that in such a climate of uncertainty several investments are being postponed and several projects are being rescheduled. 2009 was a difficult year and Serbian-Austrian trade, which had almost reached the 900 million euro mark in 2008, has seen a reduction last year. Still, I do hope that we have hit rockbottom and that from now on we can begin to see acceleration in economic growth. There are some positive signals, one of them be-

ing Serbia´s steps towards the EU, which is bound to create more interest from investors from the EU. Another positive sign is the fact that the Serbian banks have proven to be very stable during the crisis. I expect this to continue in the future, also because Austrian banks form a significant part of the Serbian banking sector.

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 17


COMPANY REGISTER ADVANCE POLJOOPSKRBA D.O.O. Director Hans Karall Hr. Franjo Dominković, stellv. Director, Međunarodni put 75,21233 Čenej, +381 21 714 346, +381 21 714 582,, AKZENT MEDIA D.O.O. Director Predrag Resanović Kneginje Ljubice 9, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 263 78 35, ALCA TRGOVINA D.O.O Hr. Michael Markota, Hr. Mitja Janezić Dobanovački put 58, 11080 Zemun, +381 11 3070722; 3070745, +381 11 3070755, ALMA QUATTRO BEOGRAD Sales Director Bojana Novaković-Brkić Dositejeva 20, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 2028-900, +381 11 2028-916, +381 11 328-5255, ALMI-A-ACK D.O.O. Director Vasilije Avramović Laze Savatića 16, 11080 Beograd, +381 11 219 91 30 ; 3161 005, ALPINE D.O.O. Director, Nevenka Sinđić 27. marta 17, 11120 Beograd, +381 11 30 37 680, +381 11 3345-769, +381 63 261-622, ALUFIX D.O.O. Contact person: Petar Komad Vladimira Gaćinovića 1, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 306 6775, ALUKÖNIGSTAHL D.O.O. Director, Ewald Müller Stellv. Director Saša Knezević Vladimira Popovića 6, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 222 3930, +381 11 3111165 ALUPLAST D.O.O. Director Alma Kapetanović Batajnički put 23, 11080 Zemun, +381 11 3070 328, + 381 11 3070 441, Mobil: 381 63 322-838, AKZENT MEDIA D.O.O. Director Predrag Resanović. CEO Kneginje Ljubice 9, 1100

Beograd, +381 11 328 50 24 Fax: +381 11 263 78 35 ANDRITZ-VOITH PAPER Prof. DI Milorad Krgović Bulevar oslobodjenja 267 / 20, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 398 50 73, +381 11 396 08 11, AQUAFINING Director Vladimir Lazić Nemanjina 3, 26000 Pančevo +381 13 344 694 ASSMANN SHOP DESIGN D.O.O. BEOGRAD Director Mihajlo Hadžistević Proleterske Solidarnosti 21e, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3133062, Mob.: +381 63 1033379, assmann@ ATB SEVER HOLDING INTERNATIONAL Ernst Brunner Magnetna polja 6, 24000 Subotica, +381 24 548-111, +381 24 547 498 ATTENSAM INTERNATIONAL D.O.O. Director Saša Radović Milutina Milankovic 11a, 11070 Beograd , +381 11 26 03 783, +381 11 26 03 728, AUSTRIAN AIRLINES Director Lukas Negedly Terazije 3, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 32 48 077, Fax: +381 11 32 48 783 office. AUSTROTHERM D.O.O. Mirka Obradovića bb, 14000 Valjevo, +381 14 291-310, Mob: +381 65 356-3410 AUSTROTHERM –MARKETINGBÜRO BELGRAD Director Dragomir Ilić DI Vladimir Ćujić, MarketingLeiter in Belgrad , +381 11 23 69 280,, office-beograd@ AVUS INTERNACIONAL -REGULISANJE STETA D.O.O. Director Prok. DI. Jur. Nenad Terzić Bul. Despota Stefanova 83, 11000 Beograd,

18 Guide to The International Business Sector

Tel: +381 11 303-4071 +381 11 303-4052 AWT INTERNATIONAL D.O.O. Director Aleksandara Sutulov Oml. brigada 102, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 2227600, +381 11 222-7611, BAUMIT D.O.O. BEOGRAD Director Ivana Kracunović Smederevski put 25k, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 313 15 36; 347 50 79, +381 11 347 50 82, BAUMIT D.O.O. Director Branko Banjeglav Smederevski put 25 k , 11113 Kaludjerica, +381 11 3475082, +381 11/3475079, BEIERSDORF D.O.O.BEOGRAD Directorka, Daniela Gvozdenić Oml. brigada 88 a, 11 070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 222 0 664, +381 11 222 0 663 BENE AG Director MichaelKarl Weritz Director Sascha Milanović Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6ª, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 62 22 88 77, michael.weritz@, BIOMEDICA MP D.O.O. Director Borko Jelenić Djordja Pantelica 31, 11080 Zemun, +381 11 2102 264; 3018-635 BINDER + CO Hr. DI Zoran Banović St. Milana Tankosica 11 / 5, 11120 Beograd, +381 11 3293-749, zbanovic@scnet. rs, BLUEWATERS Office Manger Aleksandra Malesev Project Development and Environmental Engineering Bul. Mihajla Pupina 25, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 480 4607, 4804600, +381 21 480-4623, aleksandra.malesev@bluewaters. B.M.R.MONTAZE D.O.O. Director Dragiša Despotović

/ March 2010

Hajduk Veljka 38, 15000 Sabac Tel: +381 15 303-202, +381 15 347-424, office@ BRAMAC KROVNI SISTEMI D.O.O. Bul.M.Pupina 10v (4/403), 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 2129-555 Fax: +381 11 2129-567 CA IMMO D.O.O. Director, Miloš Srejić Deputy Director, Christian Schitton, Kralja Milana 8/1, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3613 666, +381 11 3611 111, CHEMGINEERING D.O.O. Director Armin E. Mayer Subotička 23, 11000 Beograd, 9943-1 255 74 13 15 9943-1 255 74 13 20 CHEMOPHARMA Director Nenad Grujičić Bulevar Lenjina 10g/I App.323, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3115363; 3116088, +381 11 311 6088 CENTRALNA PUTA LABORATOIJA D.O.O. Director, Radomir Jakovljević Zivorada Petrovica 13, 21203 Veternik/Novi Sad, +381 21 820 180, +381 21 820 180,, www. CITY EXPRESS D.O.O. Director Igor Velimirović Kumodraška 240, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3093003, +381 11 3093022, info@, CMS REICH-ROHRWIG HASCHE SIGLE D.O.O. Dr. Radivoje Petrikić Cincar Janka 3, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3030 136, +381 11 3038-930, office@ CONFIDA CONSULTING D.O.O. Director, Mag. Braunig Kneza Mihailova 22, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3039104 CONSULTEAM D.O.O. Director: Frau Olga Svoboda Prote Mateje 52, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 2443980

olga.svoboda@consulteam. rs, ČELIK A.D. Director Slobodan Pavlović Karadjordjeva 67, 11100 Beograd,Tel : +381 11 2620453; 328-22-44, +381 11 2185104,, DIALAB EXPORT - IMPORT D.O.O. Director Toni Pesić Carigradska 1, 11008 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3238 745, +381 113242 777, DIE PRESSE Director Thomas Roser Koste Glavinića 25a, 11040 Beograd, +381 11 306-5253 Fax: +381 11 306-5254 DIGICARD CO Prof. DI Dr.Pavle Bogetić Cara Nikolaja 59, 11000 Beograd , +381 11 244 8928, DIGICARD D.O.O. Director Prof. Dr. Pavle Bogetić Cara Nikolaja II/59, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 444-8928, DLA PIPER WEISSTESSBACH VERZOGEN Director Louis Milicich DM DROGERIE MARKT D.O.O. Director , Stefano Baldesi Director ,Alexandra Korichi Bul. Mihajla Pupina 181, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 2062-900, +381 11 2062935, DOPPELMAYR REPRÄSENTANZ Director Andrea Kočovski 3.oktobar 294/10, 19210 Bor Tel: +381 30 434-932, +381 30 456-410, DPD DIREKTNA PAKETNA DOSTAVA D.O.O. Director Miloš Ogrizović Golubinačka bb , 22310 Šimanovci, +381 22 408-808, +381 22 408-805, milos. DR. RANTASA CONSULTING Director unbesetzt Vlajkovićeva 32/6, 11000 Beograd

Tel: +43-122/8880015 Fax: +43-122/8880080 ECOLAB HYGIENE D.O.O. Dr. Marianne Vuković-Pal (Henkel-Ecolab), Milana Tankosića 8, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 2084-345; 2076800, +381 11 2076-802 ECOREC D.O.O. Director Miroslav Premović 35254 Popovac, +381 35 572203 Fax: +381 35 572233 miroslav.premovic@ecorec. net ECT TRADING D.O.O. Director Bernhard F. Hoffmann Popova bara 4, 11211 Beograd 00381-11/3329-377 EGLO RASVETA D.O.O. Director Suzana Jovanović Savski nasip 7, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 160 251 Fax: +381 11 153 820 EINHELL D.O.O. BEOGRAD Director Ivan Kuzmanoski Vojvodjanska 386, 11271 Beograd Tel: +381 11 22 69 161, +381 11 2269 161, info.serbia@ EISENWERK SULZAU WERFEN - ESW TENNEK AUSTRIA Hr. DI Boro Vasić Mira Popare 19, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3559-506, +381 11 3544978, vljuban@, EJOT - TEHNIKA SPAJANJA D.O.O. Gf. Hr. Oliver Djurić Autoput Beograd-Novi Sad 296X, 11080 Zemun, +381 11 848 60 82, +381 11 848 00 56,, EKSIMBANKA A.D. BEOGRAD Trg Nikole Pašića 10, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11/3028-686 Fax: +381 11 3231-935 ELSNER D.O.O. Director Ignaz Mascha Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 64ª,

X March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 19


11070 Novi Beograd. Tel: +381 11 220-7090 EMC2 COMPUTER SYSTEMS Director Mladen Jevtić Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 2200-165, +381 11 2200- 167, jevtic_mladen@ EPIC D.O.O. Director Bobo Ristić Dositejeva 26, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 2633-290; 2622-673, bobo.ristic@ ERSTE BANK A.D. NOVI SAD Director Slavko Carić , Jasna Terzić Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 85b, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 2015015 Fax: +381 11 2015095 ESW EISENWERK SULZAU WERFEN (HANDELSVERTRETUNG) Hr. DI Boro Vasić Mira popare 19, 11030 Beograd Tel: +381 11 35 59 506 Fax: +381 11 35 44 978 EUROCARGO STROJKOVCE Director Dragan Simović Strojkovce, 16203 Vučje Tel: +381 16 795-530, 795531, 795-540, 795-541, +381 16 795-542, 794-009, dragan. EUROFOAM-SUNDER Director László Szántó Cara Dusana bb, 22330 Nova Pacova, Tel: +381 22 323811, +381 22 323812, sneza@ EVENTIM YU D.O.O. Natasa Lazic-Rosić Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 77, lokal 6,11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 314 98 87, +381 11 260 72 53 E.W.E. “ECOSYSTEMS” D.O.O. Director Predrag Kukolj Partizanske vode 4, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 2500 113, +381 11 2512 024, ewe-es@ FEIX NUTRITION D.O.O Director, DI. Željko

Maksimović Bul. cara Lazara 94 , 21000 Novi Sad, +381 64 6616 427, FERIT D.O.O. Director Mirjana Kukoljac Oblakovska 8, 11000 Beogad Tel: +381 11 2651-888, +381 11 2651-888, dragos@ FESTO GMBH OGRANAK BEOGRAD Ivan Zekavica Toplice Milana 14a, 11050 Beograd, +381 11 304 96 95; Fax: +381 11 304 96 95; GEBRUEDER WEISS D.O.O. Director Slobodan Marković Djordja Stanojevica 12, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 2179-061 Fax: +381 11 2179-121 GEOART D.O.O. Director, Goran Davidović ‘’Sava Centar’’ , Delegatska jedinica 1, 11070 Beograd, +381 11 311-3228; geoart@ GFK BELGRADE D.O.O. Management Belgrad:Marijana AgicMolnar Milutina Milankovica 27, 11070 Beograd, +381 11 3130 – 500; 011/3130 225, +381 11 3130 053 Marijana.agic-molnar@gfk. com., GLOBO D.O.O. Director Ingolf Schwarz Bajci Zilinskog 16, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 424 357 judit.beker@globo-lighting. com GP PORR D.O.O. BEOGRAD Director Walter Reckerzügl Svetog Nauma 2, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 113642 200; 3699 040, Fax: +381 11 3699 041, GRAWE OSIGURANJE A. D. O. Wolfgang Czettl Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 115 D, 11070 N. Beograd, Tel:+381 11 2092-600 Fax: +381 11 2092-661

20 Guide to The International Business Sector

GRECO INTERNATIONAL D.O.O GeneralDirector , Predag Tomić Bledska 3, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 380 99 43, +381 11 380 99 43, p.tomic@,, GROTHUSEN AUDIO VIDEO Director Ljubiša Spegar Representative Office Beograd, Bul. Dr.Zorana Djindjica 95/ lok 5 11000 Beograd, +381 112120588 GRUNDFOS OFFICE BELGRADE Director Saša Ilić Oml. brigada 90b , 11070 N. Beograd, Tel: +381 11 2258740, +381 11 2281-769, GRUPPA L´ULTIMA Zeljko Dobricić Cubrina 10, 11000 Beograd Tel:011/2181566,, www. HAGLEITNER D.O.O. Director, Branko Milojević Kraljevačkih žrtava 5, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 2512-327, +381 11 2392-220, office@ HANSA FLEX HIDRAULIKA D.O.O. Vojni put 165 F/II, 11080 Beograd Tel: +381 11109361, +381 11109361, yub@hansa-flex. com, Juergen.albrecht@ HAPPEL GESELLSCHAFT M. B. H. Director Djurica Bajković Otona Župančića 32b, 11070 Novi Beograd, Tel/ +381 11 319-3955, gea-klyu@ HD EUROPEAN CONSULTING GROUP Director, Danijel Pantić Francuska 5, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 32 86 368, ax: +381 11 32 88 661, danijel_ HEIDELBERGER DRUCKMASCHINEN OSTEUROPA VERTRIEBS GMBH Director Snezana Hauenstein Pljevaljska 2b, 11000

/ March 2010

Beograd Tel: +381 11 3045-480, +381 11 2860-027, info.yu@ Snezana.Hauenstein@ HERZ Director Radislav Omorac Car Dušana 1 ,11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 8488-701, +381 118484-913, HILL INTERNATIONAL Director Dragan ČANDRLIĆ Ruzveltova 45, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3294 505 ; 3294 506, HIPP PREDSTAVNIŠTVO Director. Branka Trisic Bircaninova 17, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 2642603, HÖDLMAYR –ZASTAVA D.O.O. Director Markus WAEGER Trg Topolivaca 4, 34000 Kragujevac Tel: +381 34 323-239 Fax: +381 34 335-916 markus.waeger@hoedlmayr. com HUBER D.O.O. Director Dejan NIKOLIĆ Djerdapski put bb, 19320 Kladovo +381 18 88-415, Mobil: +381 63 452680, huber@ HYPO ALPE-ADRIACONSULTANTS D.O.O. BEOGRAD Director Vladimir Mrvić Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6a , 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 222-6820, Fax: +381 11 222-6899 HYPO ALPE-ADRIALEASING D.O.O. Director Vladimir Čupić Director Rade Vojnović Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6a ,11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 222-6713, +381 11 222-6799 HYPO-LEASING D.O.O. BEOGRAD Miodrag Vujović Bul. Mihajla Pupina 6 9 & 10 , 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 222-7000, +381 11 222-

6999, Christian.Messner@ IB INTERBILANZ CONSULTING D.O.O. Director Tatjana Drasković Maršala Birjuzova 51, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 2620787 t.draskovic@ib-gtbeograd. IC CONSULENTEN BEOGRAD Office Manager, Irena BRAJOVIC Kneza Milosa 19/III Belgrade, Serbia, +381 11 32 37 690, Fax +381 11 33 48 529,, INPRODUCT D.O.O. Director Radenko Kosmajac Proleterske solidarnosti 38, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 21-20-350, Fax: +381 11 21 33 160, Mob.: +381 63 8499-441, radenko.kosmajac@ INSERT D.O.O. ZUMTOBEL STAFF - THE LIGHT Director Saša Jelača Paunova 41a, 11000 Beograd, /Fax: 113066371, +381 11 3066 371 INTER DOMPANELI D.O.O. Director Johannes Walter Schaschl Fr. Jelena Brajović, Director der Verkaufsabt., Zrmanska ulica 29, 11030 Beograd, +381 11 3548-671, Fax: +381 11 2542-267, prodaja@ ITM AED SRBIJA D.O.O. Director Zoran Zubac Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 165ª, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 136-213; 136-923, +381 11 213-5183, JANKOVIĆ, POPOVIĆ & MITIĆ RA Mag. Nikola Janković Čarli Čaplina 37, 11000 Beograd +381 11 208-3099; 768-050; 761-409, JOLI & CO Director Slobodan Milošević Gospodara Vučića 54, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3440-689, +381 113440-702, KELLER GEOTEHNIKA D.O.O. DI Robert Thurner

Ustanicka 189/I-6b, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3470 868 Fax: +381 11 3471 518 KLACSKA JUGOSLAVIJA D.O.O. Director Stevan Jevtić Pančevački put 47, 11210 Krnjača Tel: +381 11 2712-378; Fax.: +381 11 2711-773 KLIMA-DOP D.O.O. GF. Dipl. Ing. Dragan Obradović Oblavska br. 16, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 2648 337, +381 11 3693 087, KNAUF D.O.O. Director Milutin Ivanović Dalmatinska 65a, 11000 Beograd , +381 11 2074500, +381 11 2074530, office@ KOMPASS DATABASE D.O.O. Director Branislava Janković Kozjačka 9 ,11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 369-1140 Fax: +381 11 369-1143 KONVEX D.O.O. Director Dragan Mihajlović Skadarska 4/6, 11000 Beograd, Tel: +381 11 3344 772, +381 113341 389, konvex@ KOTANYI D.O.O. Director Zoran Stanojković Kumanovska 14-16, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 344-5723; Fax: +381 11 2430-490 zoran.stanojkovic@kotanyi. com KRAFT FOODS D.O.O. BELGRAD Director Michael T. Wraneschitz Oml. brigada 88b, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 3530870, Wraneschitz@krafteurope. com KÜHNE & NAGEL D.O.O. Director Saša Radosavljević Oml. brigada 102, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 2209140, +381 11 2209190


KUNSTTRANS D.O.O. BEOGRAD Director Djordje Branković Balkanska 32/IX , 11000 Beograd, +381 113611947, LOGWIN ROAD + RAIL SRBIJA D.O.O. Director DI Vladimir Varićak Mihajla Pupina 15, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 3016-565 LORENCIC D.O.O. Director Jovan Vučković Vodovodska 158, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 23 93 055, +381 11 23 53 055, LUKINTEHNIK D.O.O. Director Ing. Slobodan Lukić Indire Gandi 7/I, 11010 Beograd, +381 11 289 32 31 MACO SERBIEN, MAZEDONIEN, MONTENEGRO,KOSOVO DI Predrag Boricić Tel. +381 63 487 636, Fax +381 63 298 637, p.boricic@ MAGNETNOREZONANTNI CENTAR VAMED Director ,Vladimir Kovačević Bul. oslobodjenja 111, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 424 777, +381 21 424 888, vmrns@ MEDIA FILM Director Dragan Grujičić Milutina Milankovica 174, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 311 77 20, +381 11 2139 760 MEINL CAPITAL ADVISORS AG Director, Gorica Obučina Alekse Nenadovića 15/III/5, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 381

11 344 99 07, Fax: +381 11 381 11 344 96 07 MERKUR OSIGURANJE A.D.O. Director Miodrag Kvrgić Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 6 , PC Usce, 22. Sprat, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 2201 250, +381 112201251 M.MAY INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNGEN.GMBH&CO. KG – PREDSTAVNIŠTVO BEOGRAD Director, Željka Todić M.Milankovića 138/13, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 270 240, +381 11 311 56 75, Mob : +381 63 270-240 MNG CENTAR DOO Director Vladimir Ivanković Višnjički venac 27, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3033160, +381 11 3286269, office@ MOELLER ELECTRIC D.O.O. Director Jaroslav Šuda Anita Batricevic Directorin Dobanovački put 44, 11080 Beograd, +381 11 3777 007 Fax: +381 11 3777 017 WERKSADRESSE: Hr. Nikola Bjegović, Leiter der Verkaufsabt. Rumski put 13,22000 Sremska Mitrovica, +381 22 600025 MORAVCEVIC VOJINOVIC & ZDRAVKOVIC Director,Matija Vojinović Hr: Slaven Moračević Francuska 27, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3202600, +381 11 3202601

MPD TRADE (JENBACHER) Director, Mirko Nikolić Čarli Čaplina 7, 11000 Beograd , +381 11 329-3794, +381 11 329-3600, mirkoni@ MULTICHEM-PURPEKTIN BELGRAD D.O.O. Director Zoran Roksandić Čolak Antina 15, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 369-0924, +381 11 369-2890, zoranro@ MUREXIN D.O.O. CEO, Dragan Ilić Radoje Lakić 24, 11000 Beograd Tel/Fax: +381 11 2422133, +381 11 3713213, info@, NEOFYTON D.O.O. Zoran Tadić Danila Kisa 7ª, 21000 Novi Sad, Tel: +381 21 452 642, Fax.: +381 21 472 32 4, info@ NITEA BÜROMÖBEL Director ,Vesna Ječmenica Maršala Birjuzova 38/I, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3033050, +381 113033040, nitea@ OEKB FINANCIAL SERVICES D.O.O. Director Mag. Danis Balagija Cara Lazara 3/l, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3282-050 Fax: +381 113282-049 sá OM REKLAMNA AGENCIJA D.O.O. Managing Director David Meister Gospodar Jevremova 52, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 2346 006 Fax: +381 11 3240 620,, OMV SERBIA D.O.O. Director Borislav Radosavljević

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 21


Oml. brigada 90a/Airport City, 11070 Beograd, +381 11207-1500; 2071557, +381 11 2071530, ORF ÖSTERREICHISCHER RUNDFUNK Mag. Ferdinand Christian Wehrschütz Kralja Milana 15, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 322 71 89, +381 113227189; OTIS Director,Christian Wappl Bul. Mihaila Pupina 165ª, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 213 44 55 ; 214 41 62, +381 11311-4258, cwappl@ PANALPINA WELTTRANSPORT GMBH Director Snežana Petrović Futura Center, Nemanjina 40/II, 11000 Beograd , +381 11 36500-97, PEJAK-HANDEL D.O.O. Director Branko Pejak M. Tita 146, 15316 Banja Koviljaca, Tel:. +381 15 815635 Fax.: +381 15 815636 PFT SYSTEMS Director, Zoran Lazarević Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10V, app. 216, 11000 Belgrad, +381 11 3119669, +381 113132416 PMC INTERNATIONAL BELGRADE Director Edvard Tončev Neznanog junaka 18, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 26 68 269 PODGORINA FRUCHT D.O.O. Director Čedomir Nikolić Pere J. Komirićanca 27, 14253 Osečina, +381 14 51-165, +381 14 51-452, PORSCHE LEASING SCG D.O.O. Managing Directror Vojo Miladić Savski nasip 7, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 304-2440, Fax.: +381 11304-2449, adriana.bizinger@ PORSCHE SCG D.O.O. General Manager Director Bojan Muravec Zrenjaninski put 11, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3042 400; Fax: +381 11 3042 409; 3042 419 PREDSTAVNISTNO JOHNSON CONTROLS AUSTRIA GMBH Director Zoran Petrović Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10D/I Local 126, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11

311 41 43, +381 11 213-76 94 PREDSTAVNIŠTVO KOSCHE HOLZPROGRAMM BEOGRAD Director Srdjan Sikirica Sibinjanin Janka 11/3, 11000 Beograd, Tel: +381 11 2639-160, +381 11 2639-160, srdan.sikirica@ PRIMEX EXPORT-IMPORT Director Mirjana Saveski Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 290, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 2412325 PROMAT - PROTIVPOŽARNA ZAŠTITA U GRADJEVINARSTVU Director , Fr. Violeta Antanasijević Kopaonička 18, 18000 Niš Tel:/Fax: +381 18 230-570 PROSE D.O.O. Director August Ornetzeder Milice Milojković 13, 34000 Kragujevac, , +381 34 501085Fax: +381 63 10 99 048 , dragana. PS CONFIDAS WIRTSCHAFTSTREUHAND D.O.O. Director Alexander Samonig Imotska 1,11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3956 800, +381 11 3956 888, RAIFFEISENBANKA A.D. Director Mag. Oliver RÖGL, Bulevar Zorana Djindjića 64a , 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 32 02 100; 2207-014; 2207-002, +381 11 11 220 70 80, RAIFFEISEN-AGRO DOO Bulevar Dr. Zoran Djindjić 67/17, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 2123035, +381 11 2123036 RAIFFEISEN LEASING D.O.O. Director Ralph Zetilberger Milutina Milankovica 134, 11070 N.Beograd, Tel: +381 11 201-7700 +381 11313-0081 RAIFFEISEN EVOLUTION PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Director Boris Ignjatovic Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10 z/431, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3115778; 3115776, Fax: +381 11 3115778

22 Guide to The International Business Sector

RAILOG ,PREDSTAVNISTVO BEOGRAD Director, Damir Klasnja Cara Lazara 13, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3033-885, +381 11 2627-848, damir.klasnja@railog. rs,, RAPS ZAČINI D.O.O. Herr Mag. Thomas Neumayr Bulevar Dr. Zoran Djindjić 45b, 11070 Novi Beograd, Tel. +381 11 311 08 82, +381 11 3130285,, t.neumayr@ RAUCH D.O.O. Director, Perica Aleksić Baje Pivljanina 13, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2652-225, +381 11 2652-298, RECA D.O.O. Director Vladan Ilić Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10z/15, 11070 N.Beograd, +381 11 311-4426 Fax: +381 112134-140, reca@ REHAU D.O.O. Director Nikola Ivošević Batajnički put 283E, 11080 Beograd, +381 11 3770-301, +381 11 3770-319,, RÖFIX D.O.O. Director Darko Kovač Put za Novi Sad bb, 11080 Beograd-Zemun, +381 11 848822 35254 Popovac Tel: +381 35 57258-3, +381 35 57258-4 , darko.kovac@roefix. com ROGGENART Director Dragan Vraneš Džordža Vašingtona 12/35, 11008 Beograd, +381 11 2397-093 Fax: +381 11 2396-979 ROHDE & SCHWARZ ÖSTERREICH GMBH Director Petar Pavasović Representative Office Belgrad Toše Jovanovića 7, 11030 Beograd Tel: +381 11 305-5025, +381 11 305-5024, rs-srb@rohde-schwarz. com, ROTOGRAFIX D.O.O. Director Mihailo Stanković Preduzeće za prodaju grafičkih mašina, Nehruova 29/III, 11700 Novi Beograd, +381 11 2175959, +381 11 1779639, rotografix@ SAFE INVEST D.O.O. Director Darko Bobesić Terazije 43/IV, 11000 Beograd 6

/ March 2010

Tel: +381 11 3234-384, +381 11 3034-975, SAINT-GOBAIN GRAĐEVINSKI PROIZVODI D.O.O. Director Aleksandar Grujić Vladimira Popovića 40 ,11000 Beograd, +381 112282-333 , +381 11 3149-795, office.yu@ SCHACHERMAYER D.O.O Director Dusan Bandin Vojvođanska 370, 11271 Surčin Tel: +381 11 844-00-21 +381 11 844-03-93 SCHENKER D.O.O. Director Slavoljub Jevtić Batajnički drum 283d , 11080 Beograd, +381 11 377 42 20, +381 11 84 88 331,, SCHIEDEL DIMNJAČKI SISTEMI Director Silva Derca Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 96/2 , 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 3121-605, SCHILLER PREDSTAVNIŠTVO BEOGRAD Director , Milan Krković Sicevacka 1, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 3979508; 2463928; 2463948, +381 11 3979518, SCHRACK ENERGIETECHNIK D.O.O. Director Nenad Rebić Kumodraška 260, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 309-2600, +381 113092620, SECURICOM - MULTISERVIS D.O.O. Director /CEO ,Joachim Bazso Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10z/II, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 3115376, SIEMENS D.O.O. CEO Tihomir Rajlić Oml. brigada 21, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 2096-005, +381 11 2096-061, SIEMENS IT SOLUTIONS AND SERVICES D.O.O. BEOGRAD. GeneralDirector Dragan Stokić Pariske komune 22, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 3012200 Fax: +381 11 3012250, S-LEASING D.O.O. Director Bojan Basa Djordja Stanojevica 12, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 2010 700, +381 11 2010-702 SPECHT D.O.O. T TC 2FUTURA2 Director, Dusan Rakitić Nemanjina 40/III, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 365 00 44, +381 11365 00 84 SPIEGELFELD INTERNATIONAL D.O.O. Director Radivoje Nijemčević Neznanog junaka 14, 11040 Beograd, +381 11 3679 111, +381 11 3679 112 SORAVIA MANAGEMENT D.O.O. Director,Bernhard Ebner Director Miroslav Tantchev Svetog Nauma 1,11000 N. Beograd, +381 113699 802; +381 113699 803; 265 1030 S & T SERBIA D.O.O. Director Predrag Vraneš Narodnih heroja 43/23, 11070 Novi Beograd , +381 11 311-6221, +381 11 311-7665, predrag. STEINWENDNER D.O.O. Director ,Nataša Čobanin Čarnojevićeva 49, 23000 Zrenjanin, Tel./Fax.: +381 23 541-464 STRABAG D.O.O. Director Dipl. Ing. Dragan Pavelić Antifasisticke Borbe 13A, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 2221 - 700 , +381 11 2221 - 940 SUN CHEMICAL D.O.O. Director Novica Milić Teodora Mirijevskog 64, 11160 Beograd, +381 11 444 7834 Tel ./ +381 11 444 2578 SWIETELSKY D.O.O. Director Dipl. Ing. Djordje Zverzhanovski Bul.Fransa D´Eperea 88, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 2647-379, +381 11 2647383, TCL TRANS CARGO LOGISTIC Director Dr. Mihajlo Vukičević Internationale Spedition Knez Mihailova 14, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3021 700, +381 11 3021 209,, TECHNIK DESIGN D.O.O Director Dragan Glogovac Pasterova 2, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 510780, +381 21 510 781, TERRANOVA D.O.O. Dipl.Ing. Milan Spasić Koste Abraševića 17, 11000

Fax: +381 11 3344-543; UNICREDIT CAIB SERBIA D.O.O. Director, Mitar Damjanović Kneginje Ljubice 11, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3286 926 Fax: +381 11 3285 509, UNICREDIT LEASING D.O.O. BEOGRAD Director, Gerald KERN Director Vladimir MILOJEVIC Bul. Umetnosti 2a, 11070 Beograd, +381 11 3093502; Fax: +381 11 3093501 UNIQA OSIGURANJE A.D.O. VORSTAND: Director Ozren PRICA Director Franz WEILER Milutina Milankovića 134 G, 11070 N. Beograd Tel: +381 11 2024-100; 2024-181; Fax: +381 11 2024-160 VA TECH ELIN EBG D.O.O Director Gerhard Sochor Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10V/I, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 3017-872, +381 11 3018 669 gerhard.sochor@siemens. com VB LEASING. Milan Vićentić, Hr. Klaus Spitzer Djordja Stanojevica 12, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 20 16 500, Fax: +381 11 20 16 560, VIP MOBILE D.O.O. GeneralDirector, Alexander Sperl Oml. brigada 21, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 2253333, +381 11 225-3002, VOEST ALPINE D.O.O. Director Igor Rup Director Vladarka MANDIĆ Bulevar proleterske solidarnosti 18/3 , 11070 N. Beograd , +381 11 3118754, +381 011 213-4108 Fr. Suzana Konsulovski, +381 11 311 83 38, , +381 11 134-108, VOEST-ALPINE INTERTRADING

Director Dušan Erdeljan Bulevar oslobodjenja 127/I, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 6614-990; Fax: +381 21 459450, VOLKSBANK A.D. Director, Axel Hummel Bulevar umetnosti 16ª, 11070 N. Beograd, +381 11 201-6969, +381 11 2013270,, WELLBURY INFRASTRUKTUR-BERATUNGS GMBH Director Sladjana Brajović Dečanska 12/VI, 11000 Beograd, Tel: +381 11 3223329; +381 11 3037077, wellbury@gmail. com, WESTFALIA SURGE Director Petar D.O.O. Petrović Lazara Mamuzića 22, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3166 383 Fax: +381 11 3166 387 petar.petrovic@westfalia., W&P BAUMIT D.O.O. Director, Roland Hochholdin-Ger Venčački put bb, 34300 Arandjelovac, +381 34 727410, Fax: +381 34 727400, hochholdinger@ WIENER STÄDTISCHE OSIGURANJE A.D. BEOGRAD Director Christoph Rath Mihaila Pupina 10a, 11070 N.Beograd, +381 11 2209907, +381 11 2209956 WOLF, THEISS & PARTNER D.O.O. BELGRAD Director Miroslav Stojanović Bul. Mihaila Pupina 6, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 330-2900, +381 11 3302925, WOMA BEOGRAD Director Aleksandar Veličković Rableova 18, 11050 Beograd +381 11 3422-204; 3421699, YKK AUSTRIA GMBH Predstvnistvo u Srbiji


Beograd , +381 11 2419434, +381 11 380-7574, TERRA SRBIJA D.O.O. Director Stefan Bauer Partizanske avijacije 8, 11077 Beograd, +381 11 317-5198, +381 11 163-432, TIPTEH D.O.O. BEOGRAD Director Damir Večerka Bul. Zoran Djindjic 45 D, lok. 18, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 31 31 057, damir. TM IMMO D.O.O. Oml. brigada 21, 11 070 Belgrade, +381 11 36 13 666, +381 11 36 11 111, TRANSPORT CONSULT GMBH AUSTRIA Director Dušan Antonić Palmotićeva 5, 11000 Beogradm, Tel: +381 11 30 35 687, Fax: +381 11 30 35 688 TRENKWALDER KADROVSKE USLUGE D.O.O. Director Malisa Grujić Oml. brigada 86, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 21 29 063, +381 11 22 74 089, Bulevar Kralja Petra I 30, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 6772096, +381 21 6772096, TRUCK & CAR SOLUTIONS D.O.O. Sladjana Hrgic Bul. Kralja Petra I br. 53, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 531 688, TRUSTSIX D.O.O. Director, Gregor Todt Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra 86, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 311-8539, +381 11 311-9538, gregor.todt@ UNICREDIT BANK SRBIJA A.D. Director Klaus Priverschek Rajićeva 27-29 , 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3204-500;

Director Kristijan Milanović Kosančić Ivana 5, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 473 94 13 Fax: +381 21 473 94 12

kristijan_milanovic@ykk. YU ROHÉ D.O.O. Director Vladimir Antić Patrijarha Dimitrija 24,

11090 Beograd, +381 11 206 2800 Fax: +381 11 206 2830

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 23


Sergey Chichuk, Chargé d’Affaires of the Belarusian Embassy in Belgrade

FOREIGN INVEST Belarus ambassy is organizing different kinds of meetings and workshops, spreading information via the Internet and mass media. t is very pleasant for us to look at the progress that Serbia displays to improve conditions for making business since, according to research carried out by the World Bank, the Republic of Belarus is among the leaders in these activities. Our country set itself an ambitious task to join the top thirty countries that are the best for business. In 2009 Belarus moved up to 58th position in the world ranking,” said Sergey Chichuk, Chargé d’Affaires of the Belarusian Embassy in Belgrade.


“Investment from Belarus will be made in the machine-building branch of Serbia through the creation of joint factories.”

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of companies from your country to invest in Serbia? Quite favorable legislative conditions have been made in Serbia to attract foreign investment. The national terms of running business apply to foreign investors. On the other hand, there are promotional arrangements such as tax remissions for foreign investment. The decline in inflow of investment to Serbia in 2009 was the result of a decrease in business activity in Serbia and in the whole world. At the same time, there are some negative signals caused, in my opinion, by excessive inner politicization of working with investors on large projects and when privatizing state-run enterprises. In certain cases it comes to nationalization of previously sold works. Such facts cannot but


f course, the global economic crisis substantially slowed down manufacturing, trading and investing processes over the entire world. I believe that the crisis will not have a serious influence on the economic cooperation between Belarus and Serbia, and I hope that the lowest point of crisis has already been passed. We expect that some cooperation projects will be put into action in 2010. 24 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

alert potential investors, including ones from Belarus. Which economic sector/projects are companies from your country most interested in? Like Serbia, Belarus considers foreign investment an important factor for economic growth. We are interested in promoting Belarusian products well known throughout the world such as tractors, trucks, trolleybuses, buses, road-building machines, home equipment, and many others. Therefore, investments from Belarus, as I see it, will be made first of all in the machine-building branch of Serbia through the creation of joint factories. Today we are working on such projects with our Serbian partners.

IN MY OPINION, BELARUSIAN BUSINESS PERSONS DO NOT HAVE SERIOUS PROBLEMS WITH THEIR SERBIAN COLLEAGUES OR SERBIAN GOVERNMENTAL STRUCTURES Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? I think both embassies and state structures of both countries are doing much to inform businessmen in Belarus and Serbia on this point. We organize different kinds of meetings and workshops, and spread information via the Internet and mass media. The Embassy has established good contact with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and also with the SIEPA agency, whose experience was

used when organizing a similar institution in Belarus. What are the most common problems that companies from your country face with in Serbia? In my opinion, Belarusian businesspersons do not have serious problems with their Serbian colleagues or Serbian gov-

ernmental structures. Last year we signed the Free Trade Agreement, the Business Council was founded, and the Regional Office of the Belarusian Chamber of Commerce and Industry was opened in Belgrade. However, the level of mutual cooperation is still inadequate because of two main factors – an insufficient exchange of information on business oppor-

In your opinion, has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? I believe that Serbia doesn’t have a complicated system of registering enterprises, investing, doing business and foreign trade activities. The fiscal system is also rather simple. Moreover, many things have been changed in recent years.

COMPANY REGISTER BELARUS AGROPANONKA D.O.O. Director Dragoljub Svonja, Filipa Višnjića 10, 21000 Novi Sad, Tel: +381 21 524844; 523772, BELLNTER GROUP D.O.O. Director Aleksandar Bitus, Terazije 27, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2025184, Fax: +381 11 2025184,

DINARA A.D. Director Branislav Antonijević, Save Markovića 3, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 2464462, Fax: +381 11 2464462,, TRIGON TIM D.O.O. Director Mile Šupica, Gandijeva 148a, lok.61, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 3185646, Fax: +381 11 3185911,

VULOVIĆ TRANSPORT D.O.O. Director Mališa Galjak, Lepenički bulevar 1, 34000 Kragujevac, Tel: + 381 34 335830, Fax: +381 34 335071, YUBEL D.O.O. Contac Person: Dušan Zorić, Bul.Oslobođenja 11, 21000 Novi Sad, Tel: + 381 21 444929, Fax: +381 21 444854,

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 25



tunities and a lack of effective logistics schemes for delivering goods. But we are working on this matter.


Ann-Véronique Mortier, Investment and Trade Commissioner, Embassy of Belgium

NEW OPPORTUNITIES elgian businessmen, thanks to the crisis, are starting to look for new opportunities in new, unexplored markets, and the Office of the Commercial Attache at the Embassy of Belgium has more work to do since the crisis, said AnnVéronique Mortier, Investment and Trade Commissioner, Embassy of Belgium for the Guide. “Serbia is the kind of market which is not too far and which is expected to enter the EU but not that fast. This gives Belgian investors the opportunity to get all the advantages they are looking for,” explained Mrs. Mortier.

B “Serbia continues to have a bad image abroad and to many businessmen Serbia is not even an option. One of our goals is to try to change this image in their minds”

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of the companies from your country to invest in Serbia? Serbia attracted fewer greenfield projects over the last two years due to the global economic crisis. This gives Serbia the opportunity to put in place instruments to make Serbia more attractive as an investment option. Nevertheless the biggest challenge of Serbia is to promote itself as an attractive country for investments and in that sense the image of Serbia should be promoted as well. Most people in Belgium still have a bad image of Serbia, but I can assure you that every single businessman that came to know Serbia fell in love with it. They open their eyes when they see what the opportunities of this country are, and how well educated and friendly Serbs are. And they all come back. Which economic sector/projects are the companies from your country most interested in? There is a huge interest for the moment for green energy, mostly wind and biomass, because there are big opportuni-


ometimes there is still confusion about land ownership. In some sectors there is not enough competence and the power is in the hands of only one or two companies. You still have non-tariff barriers that can be problematic at the border with the custom agencies. And last but not least, the administrative burden can still be very heavy for Belgian businessmen who are not used to so much paperwork, queues, and stamps.” 26 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

ties in that sector in Serbia, but also all possible ecological projects have their attractiveness to Belgian companies. We also see a great focus on the ICT market. As Serbia has highly skilled but cheaper people in this sector, Belgian ICT companies are trying to find the right partners over here to do outsourcing of projects in this sector. Also the construction and transport sectors are attractive to Belgian entrepreneurs. Do foreign investors have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? Not at all. Serbia continues to have a bad image abroad and to many businessmen Serbia is not even an option. One of our goals is to try to change this image in their minds. Nevertheless, because of the economic crisis, more companies are starting to become interested in the possibilities of countries such as Serbia because Serbia is not in the EU yet but will be in a couple of years. And as Serbia is not too far away from Belgium, they try to take advantage of all those circumstances. Has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? Yes. Some businessmen registered their new company during the last months and were enchanted by the quickness of the whole procedure. It took them only a couple of days to finish with the start-up of their company. This is really a great step in the right direction. Will the economic crisis slow or stop the arrival of investors from your country to Serbia in 2010? Not at all. We have more work to do since the crisis, because Belgian businessmen, thanks to the crisis, are starting to look for new opportunities in new, unexplored markets. Serbia is the kind of market which is not too far and which is expected to enter into the EU but not that fast. This gives the Belgian investors the opportunity to get all the advantages they are looking for.

Fax: 381 11 30-72-444, AREX MARZIPAN D.O.O. Nebojsa MISIC, Directeur général Njegoseva 77A – 11000 Beograd , Tel: 381 11 344-9591, Fax: 381 11 344-9587, office@, ATLAS COPCO A.D. ILIBASIC Predrag, Deputy General Manager III Bulevar 23 – 11070 Novi Beograd , Tel: 381 11 311-66-19, Fax:381 11 311-55-78 Predrag.ilibasic@rs.atlascopco. com BAD & EMS RAMOVIC Ibrahim, Vertegenwoordiger 29. novembar 30 – 36320 Tutin Tel: 381 20 383-944 Fax: 381 20 383-944 BALKANDIA BERIC Branislav, Directeur Ul. 29 novembra 1A – 11460 Barajevo (Lipovica Tel: 381 11 83.25.415 Fax: 381 11 83.25.415 E-mail: BALGREEN D.O.O. PAVLOVIC Miodrag, Manager PAVLOVIC Anita, Director

Nehruova 210 – 11070 Beograd Tel: 381 637202644 E-mail: BERGHOFF D.O.O. NIJEMCEVIC Radivoje, General Manager Neznanog junaka 14 – 11040 Beograd , Tel: 381 11 36-70524, Fax: 381 11 36-79-112 rnijemcevic@berghoff-scg. com BOMORAN D.O.O. MILADINOVIC Bojan, General Manager Carli Caplina 39 (Hala Pionir) – 11000 Beograd , Tel: 381 11 556-439, 381 11 329-31-81 Fax: 381 11 329-31-79 E-mail: BLOCKX D.O.O EXPORT- IMPORT BENKOVA Miluska, General Manager Ciglanska bb – 21470 Bački Petrovac , Tel: +381 21 781507, Fax: 381 21 781-487, CALYPSO RM D.O.O. KLISURA Predrag MIJACIKA Marin, propriétaires Milovana Marinkovica 31 – 11000 Beograd, Tel: 381 11 397-6122, Fax: 381 11 397-6687, DE VALK D.O.O. + EUROTEP VALCKE Johan, General

Manager Prvomajska 45 – 26000 Pancevo Tel: +381 13 304-977 , Fax: 381 13 334-313, ELECTRABEL D.O.O. VERMAUT Mahendra, General Manager Kralja Aleksandra 86-90 – 11000 Beograd , Tel: +381 11 30.20.102, Fax: 381 11 30.20.111,, natasa., GUIDANCE A.D. BAJIC Nebojsa, Directeur Kralja Milana 10 – 11000 Beograd Tel: 381 11 2688-289, Fax: 381 11 2687-404,, HELLEBUYCK ARCHITECTS HELLEBUYCK Jan, Consultant Architect Nikole Tesle 20/13 – 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 260-3882 , Fax: 381 11 269-1913,, INMACO D.O.O. PAVLOVIC Miodrag, Manager Nehruva 210 – 11070 Novi Beograd , Tel: 381 11 215-04-98 Fax: 381 11 215-04-98 E-mail: www.balkansgreenhouses. com

INOSTONE D.O.O. GRUJIC Grujica et Dejan, propriétaires Vojvode Bogdana 38- 11120 Beograd , Tel: 381 11 2424436, Fax: 381 11 308-72-11 E-mail: INPHARM CO. D.O.O. ZIVKOVIC Vesna, General Director RAKIC Milica, Business Assistant Cara Dusana 266 – 11080 Zemun, Tel: 381 11 307-39-29 381 11 307-39-32 Fax: 381 11 307-39-73 IZOLACIJA HOLDING A.D. KRASOVEC Branko, General Director Miška Jovanovića 9 – 11000 Beograd Tel: 381 11 244-78-79 381 11 344-18-53 Fax: 381 11 244-15-93 KBC BANKA A.D. - BEOGRAD Avram MILENKOVIC, CEO Chief Financial Risk Officer Pozeska 65b – 11000 Beograd Tel: 381 11 30-50-300 Fax: :381 11 35-40-930, office@, KBC SECURITIES TRIPOVIC Ana, Chairman of the Board Takovska 23-25 – 11000

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 27


COMPANY REGISTER AGRICON CO. NINKOV Aleksandar, Manager Gagarinova 22 – 21 000 Novi Sad, Tel: +381 21 443-762, Fax: 381 21 442-070, agricon@, aninkov@, AGRO-MIL STANKOVIC Dragan, Beheerder 37214 Pojate, Tel: 381 37 805-154, Tel: +37 805-000, Fax: +381 37 805-154 / 805-000, ALFASPED TESIC Dusan, Directeur Bratstva i jedinstva 32 – 24420 Kanjiza , Tel: 381 24 873 135, Fax: 381 24 873 164, E-mail:, www. APATINSKA PIVARA A.D. APATIN Trg Oslobodjenja 5 – 25260 Apatin – Vojvodina Tel: 381 25 783-111, Fax: 381 25 738 120, Jelena.brajovic@, APATINSKA PIVARA A.D. – NOVI BEOGRAD SETKA Ilija, General Manager Milutina Milankovica 11a, I sprat, GTC Square, 11070 Beograd, Tel: 381 11 30-72-400


Beograd, Tel: 381 11 333 05 00 Fax: 381 11 333 05 02 E-mail: KENZAI GROUP D.O.O. CARPETLAND GEERAERT Patrick, General Manager Autoput za Novi Sad 74– 11080 Zemun 1.Bul. Umetnosti 27 – 11070 Novi Beograd, Tel : 00/381/11/21-30-216 Fax: : 00/381/11/31-10-253 e-mail : 2. Cara Dusana 36-40 – 11000 Beograd, T/F : 00/381/11/2621-272, e-mail : centar@ 3.Temerinska 76 – Novi Sad T/F : 00/381/21/52-80-12 4. Obrenoviceva 42 – 18000 Nis , T/F : 00/381/18/24-72-40 e-mail : 5. Masarikova 67, 15000 Sabac T/F : 00/381/15/34-88-32 6. Zorza Klemansoa 19, 11000 Beograd, Tel. : 00/381/11/26280-34 , Fax: : 00/381/11/32852-93, Tel: 381 11 377-42-54 Fax: 381 11 377-43-10 E-mail: contractworld@kenzaigroup. rs, KORUS CONSULTING AGENCY KORIC Goran, General Manager Mestroviceva 38 – 11010 Beograd Tel: 381 11 397-91-09 Fax: +381 11 397-91-09 MASSIVE LIGHTING D.O.O. GUGOSKI Sasa, Directeur-Generaal Autoput 22 – 11080 Zemun Tel: 381 11 31-49-014 METECH D.O.O. KNABE Walter,

General Director Djura Salaja 17 – 11300 Smederevo Tel: 381 26 644-800 381 26 613-347 381 26 649-522 Fax: 381 26 611-244 walter.knabe@metech-srbija. com MEGA D.O.O. LALIC Radoje, Executive Director LOJANICA Nikola, Director Dimitrija Tucovica 101 – 3100 Uzice Tel: 381 11 3691131 Fax: 381 11 3691722 MINEL-SCHREDER D.O.O. VUCKOVIC Bratislav, General Manager Tosin bunar 51 – 11080 Zemun Tel: 381 11 2614-477 381 11 2100-933 Fax: 381 11 2612-166 MONDI SERBIA D.O.O. KRUNIC Goran, Director Vrdila bb , 36000 Kraljevo 381 36 823-020 ; 021 ; 022 Fax: 381 36 821-820 PLANTA SPONTANEA D.O.O. Raymond-Paul DIGNEFFE, Directeur Kralja Petra Prvog. bb – 19220 Donji Milanovac Tel: 381 30 590-247 381 30 590-699 Fax: 381 30 590-069 POLYDEC D.O.O. DJORDJEVIC Marina, Manager Pere Todorevica 15 – 11030 Beograd Pozeska 67a – 11030 Beograd Tel: 381 11 305.94.23 381 11 305.94.25

28 Guide to The International Business Sector

Fax: 381 11 305.94.23 E-mail: PROFEX D D.D.O. STEVANOVIC Dragan, Manager Koste Jovanovica 35 - 11000 Beograd Tel: 381 11 5910-907 Fax: 381 11 2460-749 PUNCH GRAPHIX SRB D.O.O. BJELAJAC Bosko, Sales Representative Business Center ‘Takovo’ – Takovska 45 -11000 Beograd Tel: 381 11 3292576 Fax: 381 11 276-74-52 PURATOS D.O.O. DJORDJEVIC Orfej, General Manager Autoput za Zagreb 41 – 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: 381 11 3171-250 Fax: 381 11 3171-251 E-mail: REYNAERS ALUMINIUM SRETENOVIC Sasa, General Manager PARMAC Aleksandra, Sales Enigneer Milutina Milankovica 27 – 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: 381 11 313 2177 Fax: +381 11 313 2193 Aleksandra.parmac@reynaers. com, ROBELCO D.O.O. STEFANOVIC StéphaneThoms, Consultant Nusiceva 20/15 – 11000 Beograd S.A. TRANSURB TECHNIRAIL N.V. MARKOVIC Slobodan, Représentant/Consultant pour la région des Balkans Ul. Branka Sotre 16 – 11147 Beograd Tel: 381 11 3555712 Fax: 381 11 3555712 E-mail:

/ March 2010 SUPER CANDY D.O.O. RISTIC Sandra, Directeur Bul. Avnoj-a 75 – 11070 Novi Beograd La Chocolate Terazije 26 – 11000 Beograd Tel. 381 11 30 67 790 Fax: 381 11 21-20-554 E-mail: STYLOS D.O.O. BLAZIC Bosko, General Manager Futoski put 67– 21000 Novi Sad, Tel: 381 21 489-16-00 Fax: 381 21 489-16-06 E-mail: TARA INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING D.D.O Hugo A.M. van Veghel, Director Narodnog Fronta 73A/51-52, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: 381 60 525 00 20 Fax: 381 21 63 666 12 E-mail: TAVROS D.O.O. CANAK Bojan, General Manager Jurija Gagarina 81 – 11070 Novi Beograd Milutina Milankovica 76 – 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: 381 11 318.06.40 Fax: 381 11 318.82.79 TELDICO D.O.O. MILOSAVLJEVIC Dragoslav, Managing Director Prvomajska 8/I – 11080 Zemun-Beograd Tel: 381 11 21-92-916 Fax: 381 11 21-02-983 E-mail: TERMOVENT KOMERC PEROVIC Dusan, Propriétaire, Directeur général MLADENOVIC Jelena, secrétaire Suboticka 23 – 11000 Beograd

Tel: 381 11 3087 966, 3087 967, 3087 372 ,3087 404 Fax: 381 11 2413 544 E-mail: dusan@termovent-komerc. com ULTRAPOLYMERS D.O.O. TRIPKOVIC Predrag, General Manager POLEKSIC Maja, Assistant Bul. Arsenija Carnojevica 66/3 – 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: 381 11 21-22-035 Fax: 381 11 311-91-20 maja.poleksic@ultrapolymers. URADI SAM D.O.O. JOVANOVIC Ivan, Director Omladinskih Brigada 19 – 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: 381 11 216-65-33 Fax: 381 11 227-68-05 VIZZION EUROPE SA JOVICIC Rasko, Coördinator PETROVIC Miodrag, Lands and Projects Manager JOJIC Mileva, Financial Advisor Diplomatska kolonija 22 – 11000 Beograd Tel: 381 11 3676.502 Fax: 381 11 3676.503 YUBE D.O.O. STOJANOVIC Jadranka, Directeur Général Brace Micica 66 – 31210 Pozega, Tel: 381 31 823-043 ou 825-023 ou 812.825 Fax: 381 31 812-825 ZELENA Nebojsa MISIC et Tamara DRECUN Tel: 381 65 3558888 Nebojsa Misic 381 65 8884200 Tamara Drecun

H.E. Dante Coelho de Lima, Brazilian Ambassador in Belgrade

“The relevant administration ought to fight against current monopolistic positions in sectors of the economy” emoving so-called administration obstacles will yield positive effects soon after, with certain effects already visible, albeit reduced because of the ongoing recession that Serbia should overcome during the next quarater,” says H.E. Dante Coelho de Lima, Brazilian Ambassador in Belgrade.


Which economic sectors/projects are the companies from your country most interested in? I think that the biggest interest is expressed in agriculture, i.e. agroindustry, to be more precise, since we have very strong companies in that sector and are currently the biggest meat and meat product exporters in the world. I think that Brazilian construction companies ought to express more interest in construction projects and modernization of motorways and bridges.

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what needs to he Serbian administration simbe done in order to heighten the interest of ply has to continue with modBrazilian companies to invest in Serbia? ernization at all levels in order for Brazil is the eighth largest global econo Do foreign investors have sufficient inthe required permits to be issued in my, currently experiencing very strong ecoformation about investment opportunities the shortest time possible. nomic development with an average FDI inin Serbia? flux of over $30 billion over the last fifteen do think that the Serbian administration sim Ever since I was appointed an ambassador years. The market is huge indeed and, year ply has to continue with modernization at all in Belgrade, I noticed that the Serbian governto year, the population’s spending potential levels in order for the required permits to be ment and its institutions have been putting in has been growing so that Brazil is one of the issued in the shortest time possible. The rela lot of to get foreign investors to know their few countries that have so far been successevant administration ought to fight against country. Unfortunately, it is quite evident that ful in overcoming the effects of the global current monopolistic positions in many of the the global economic crisis took its toll, with financial downturn. At the same time, this economy’s sectors. I say this in a capacity of countries like Serbia hit the hardest by a reis also the reason why companies from my a Brazilian citizen, since I am quite familiar duction in the overall investment activities in country have seldom been investing outwith this problem. Experience from Brazil the world. Since the economic situation in the side Brazil. The country certainly wants to shows that once you reduce the monopoly, most developed global economies has somecontinue with successful export trends and foreign investments go up, and the entire sociwhat improved, now is the moment to step up I think that in that respect, our companies ety benefits from market competition. your campaign abroad and provide more inneed to have a more profound presence formation about the Serbian market. in the world. Transitional Has the regulatory recountries like Serbia, which form or simplification of THE SERBIAN ADMINISTRATION SIMPLY HAS TO has exceptionally good comadministration procedures CONTINUE WITH MODERNIZATION AT ALL LEVELS IN (the so-called regulatory munication and trade agreements with neighbouring yielded visible ORDER FOR THE REQUIRED PERMITS TO BE ISSUED IN guillotine) countries, pose a challenge results? THE SHORTEST TIME POSSIBLE for Brazilian companies I think that any effort in that want to solidify their the direction of expediting presence in Europe. This year, we are going and simplifying business procedures is good. What are the most common problems to try to establish as many direct contacts Removing so-called administration obstacles that the companies from your country had between companies as possible, hoping that, will yield positive effects soon after, with to face in Serbia? once the economic crisis subsidies, we are certain effects already visible, albeit reduced Regrettably, I cannot give you a concrete going to find projects that will be mutually because of the ongoing recession that Serbia answer to this question since there are no beneficial. should overcome during the next quarter. Brazilian companies in Serbia. However, I


March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 29




H.E. Georgi Dimitrov, Bulgarian Ambassador to Serbia


S “The investment climate in every country is a function of multiple factors, but the major ones are security for invested capital, good return, acceptable tax policy, stable legislation, and transparent and simplified administrative procedures”

erbia is a neighboring country with good socio-economic perspectives,” said H.E. Georgi Dimitrov, Bulgarian Ambassador to Serbia for the Guide.

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of the companies from your country to invest in Serbia? The investment climate in every country is a function of multiple factors, but the major ones are security for invested capital, good return, acceptable tax policy, stable legislation, and transparent and simplified administrative procedures. From this point of view, the Republic of Serbia has a certain way to go, although the policy of your political leadership, especially the declared European integration priority, is headed completely in the right direction and the measures undertaken gradually improve the investment climate in the country. The second part of your question should be directed to your governmental and economic organizations. In the light of the declared “economization” of Serbian foreign policy, it is expected that a diplomat charged with entirely economic tasks will be sent to Bulgaria in March. Your business chamber has a representative in Sofia who also works on attracting Bulgarian investors. Which economic sector/projects are companies from your country most interested in? Serbia is a neighboring country with good socio-economic perspectives. Bul-


ill the economic crisis slow or stop the arrival of investors from your country to Serbia in 2010? Definitely yes. That is an objective trend given that our two countries are affected by the crisis to almost the same extent. Despite that, no dramatic drop in Bulgarian investment in Serbia is witnessed as compared to pre-crisis years. 30 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

garian business in practice shows interest in investing in all spheres of economic life- finance, trade, and services. The Embassy does not have the ability to register all Bulgarian investments in Serbia; however the biggest ones (in financial terms and in the number of property transactions) seem to be those in industrial production, trade, and services. Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? As far as Bulgarian investors are concerned, they are mostly private companies and the fact that they decide to invest in Serbia means they possess the needed information to do so. The Embassy, of

THE PROBLEMS OUR INVESTORS FACE, HAVE MOSTLY TO DO WITH ADMINISTRATIVE BARRIERS AND BURDENSOME PROCEDURES AND BUREAUCRACY course, regularly informs interested parties of major economic trends and events in Serbia and lends concrete assistance to Bulgarian firms. As practice shows, however, surprises are not excluded when starting work in a new place. The Republic of Serbia is well-known at home and Bulgarian firms often show interest towards particular investment deals, but so far they mostly limit themselves to examining the possibilities. What are the most common problems that companies from your country face in Serbia? The problems our investors face have

are made with Serbian private and public companies from the same sector. It often happens that old obligations of a privatized company arise that were not made known prior to purchase. It is rare that a Bulgarian investment, even the best functioning one, gets positive cover in the media. Some circles work through the media

in creating a negative image of the Bulgarian investor in Serbia. Some thoughtless observations of certain politicians also work in that direction. These things are being discussed among our business milieu and only part of the potential Bulgarian investors limit themselves to exploring business possibilities.

COMPANY REGISTER PEX SERVICE Zahari Kalaydzhiev, Director Ugrinovacki put 116, 11080 Belgrade +381 11 3774531; +381 11 3774532; BRICO SPEC D.O.O Marin Todorov, Director Džordža Stanojevića 12, 11070 N. Belgrade, +381 11 2176292; +381 11 2176288,; MULTY GROUP Pavel Petkov, Director Slobodan Lale Berberskog 96, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3474484; +381 11 3474484,; HANDYTEL D.O.O. Yulian Rajchel Rangelov, Director Mihaila Bulgakova 32B, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3420556; +381 11 3047709, NOVA SRBIJANKA Anton Valiov, Director Vladike Nikolaja 58, 14000 Valjevo, +381 14 222048; +381 14 228016,; PRISTA OIL Mihail Ilinov Ilijev, Director

Goce Delčev 34B, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3196685;; RUDNIK KOVIN A.D. Asen Goranov, Director Cara Lazara 85, 26200 Kovin +381 13 741173; TEMPO GAS D.O.O. Diliana Ivanova, Director Sime Lozanića, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 2667441; +381 11 2667441 TRADE EXPRESS D.O.O. Zorka Kirilova, Director Mira Popare 30, 11030 Belgrade +381 11 3541010; +381 11 3541027 VULKAN A.D. Kiril Kirilov, Director Mramorski put bb, 18000 Niš +381 18 262257; +381 18 265 856; YUCOM INTERNATIONAL Evgeni Vasilev, Director Trg oktobarske revolucije 7, 24000 Subotica, +381 24 553212; +381 24 553212,; SUMMIT TRADING D.O.O. Todor Evtimov, Director Koste Stamenkovića 11 lokal 5

18000 Niš, +381 18 514104; +381 18 514105; МI GAS INŽINJERING D.O.O. Nikolay Bayrev, contact Krajiška 71a, 11080 Zemun +381 11 3739161; +381 11 3739160; OFFICE 1 SUPER STORE Goran Nedeljković, Director Milosev kladenac 14b, 11126 Belgrade +381 11 3460600; +381 11 3461011; TOPLIVO D.O.O. Kaloyan Slavkov Lubchov, Director Antifašistzičke borbe 15/1, 11070 New Belgrade, +381 11 3118045; +381 11 2146962, INTERTRUST BELGRADE Radomir Jari, contact Gandijeva 101a, lokal 4, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 2288731; +381 11 2288731 intertrust_belgrade@ K&K ELECTRONIC Nikolai Kitov, Director Nehruova 68B, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2091900;

+381 11 2091901 nikolai.kitov@ SRPSKA FABRIKA STAKLA A.D. Aleksandar Đukić, Director Staklarska 1-3, 35250 Paraćin +381 35 572810; +381 35 572614 JUGOKAOLIN D.O.O. Borica Jovanović, coordinator Generala Gambete 44, 19000 Zaječar +381 19 421530; +381 19 421221 CHEMICAL INDUSTRY NEVENA A.D. Desislava Dimitrova, General Manager Đorđa Stamenkovića bb, 16000 Leskovac, +381 16 252364; +381 16 244656; A.D. FOPA Georgi Georgijev, Genral Manager Industrijska zona, Suva Morava, 17510 Vladičin Han; +381 17 473001; +381 17 472160;; INTERLEMIND A.D. Nađa Petkova, Director Sime Pogačarevića 5, 16000 Leskovac

+381 16 245104; +381 16 242 227 ZASTAVA KOVAČNICA A.D. Đorđe Pecelj, Director Trg Topolivaca 4, 34000 Kragujevac +381 34 323545; +381 34 323497 MIN FAM A.D. Ivica Grozdanović, Director Šumadijska 1, 18000 Niš, +381 18 4241954; +381 18 4241954 MINMODEL A.D. Dragan Ranđelović, Director 12. februar 82, 18000 Niš, +381 18 580718; +381 18 580732 LIVMIN A.D. Predrag Jovanović, Director 12. februar 82, 18000 Niš, +381 18 580650; +381 18 580658 MINOM A.D. Nikolaj Jančev, Director 12. februar 82, 18000 Niš +381 18 255591; +381 18 255591 MININŽENJERNIG A.D. Zorica Marković, Director Šumadijska 1, 18000 Niš; +381 18 4262053; +381 18 4522243;

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 31


mostly to do with administrative barriers and burdensome procedures and bureaucracy. Sometimes state officials do not show sufficient understanding to the short-term problems of our investors. Our companies know that they cannot rely on compromises, but at the same time it becomes clear that such compromises


POSITIVE ECONOMIC RELATIONS Despite all the aforementioned measures, the global economic crisis led to a decline in trade exchange with the Republic of Croatia

Prime Minister of Serbia and Croatia, Mirko Cvetkovic and Jadranka Kosor in Gornjim Mrkama, a village near Podgorica, jointly cut ribbon marking the start of construction of the highway Bar – Boljati in October last year ince 2000, economic relations between the two countries have been entirely positive, a result of more frequent political and economic dialogue and of bringing institutional order into mutual relations, something that we are still doing to this day. On June 24th, 2009 an agreement on economic cooperation was signed by the Serbian and Croatian governments. The agreement facilitates a certain continuity and defines conditions for the further advancement of long-term economic cooperation, both overall and in parts that are of interest to both parties. The goods exchange has already been regulated by the


CEFTA according to which no customs duties are applied to industrial products exported to both countries, while in the case of agricultural products, customs duties and quotas have been correlatively reduced. Despite all the aforementioned measures, the global economic crisis led to a decline in trade exchange with the Republic of Croatia. In past years, this exchange has had an upward tendency. For example, in 2008 it reached almost $1 billion, with ex-

ports to Croatia amounting to $435 million. This year, we have also reached the best export / import ratio, i.e. 80% of imports were balanced out by exports. In the period between January and October 2009, the total trade exchange stood at $531 million, with Serbian exports worth $228 million, a 39.1% decline. With regards to imports, they amounted to $302.9 million, a 35.3% de-

less ferrous metallurgy products, heating oil, ethylene polymers, leather, tractors, and so on. Also, reduced production and demand in both countries had its bearing. According to the Croatian Statistical Office, during the first ten months of 2009 exports to Serbia recorded a 32% decline in comparison to the same period last year, while imports from Serbia were reduced by 39%. In

IN 2008, CROATIA’S EXPORTS TO SERBIA GREW BY 17% IN RELATION TO 2007, WHILE IMPORTS FROM SERBIA WENT UP BY 30% cline in comparison to the same period in 2008. The reason for this is found in the fact that we imported less food from Croatia, primarily baby food, ready meals, soups and chowders, confectionary, various sauces and spices, light mineral oils, and such. If we are talking about the Serbian side, we exported


2008, Croatia’s exports to Serbia grew by 17% in relation to 2007, while imports from Serbia went up by 30%. In 2009, two counties had two important greenfield investments in Serbia (made by Nexe Group from Našice and DIV-Tvik from Samobor). In 2008, we invested a total of €113.9 million in Serbia.

roatia exports between $1 and $1.2 billion worth of agricultural and food products annually. This is a great opportunity for Serbia to export some of its food to Croatia, providing that the export, storing, and distribution be carried out via Serbian companies. There are also quite a few opportunities for jointly building infrastructure facilities in Serbia, as well as to jointly produce cars, locomotives, trains for short and long distances, wagons, trams, etc.


32 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

AMOROSO D.O.O. BEOGRAD (DrLuigi d.o.o. Šestanovac) Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10ž, 11070 Novi BGD, +381 11 2146 943; ADRIATICA.NET D.O.O. BEOGRAD ( grupa, Zagreb) Kosovska 8/6, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3220 878, +381 11 3226 830 AG DINAS D.O.O. BEOGRAD (AG Dinas d.o.o. Đurđenovac) Široki put 16v, 11273 Batajnica, +381 11 848 67 39 AGIT 2008 D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Agit d.d. Zagreb) Nemanjina 4,11000 BGD, +381 11 2657 825, +381 11 2657 648 AP SIGNALING D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Altpro d.o.o. Zagreb) Jelenka Mihailovića 18, 11060 BGD, +381 11 2778 655, +381 11 2778 655 ARMAVENT D.O.O. ZEMUN ZASTUPNIK (Strojar d.o.o. Donja Bistra) Borska 9c, 11080 Zemun, +381 11 359 2001 ASTRA INTERNATIONAL D.O.O. BEOGRAD (ASTRA INTERNATIONAL d.d. – Zagreb) Majke Jevrosime 44/1, 11000 BGD, +381 11 334 35 20, +381 11 322 50 72 ATLANTIC BG D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Atlantic group, Zagreb) Save Kovačevića bb, 11000 BGD, Leštane, +381 11 8036 282 ATLAS AMBASADOR D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Atlas d.d. Dubrovnik) Kosovska 8/6, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3220 878, +381 11 3226 830 BADEL 1862 BEOGRAD D.O.O. ( Badel 1862 d.d. Zagreb) Bul. Mihajla Pupina 121, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2137 832, +381 11 2132 588 B 4 B, NOVI SAD (B 4 B d.o.o. Zagreb) Bulevar Zorana Djindjića 73, 11070 Novi Beograd +381 11 2120 450, +381 11 2120 453 BCC SERVICES D.O.O. BEOGRAD (BCC Services d.o.o. Zagreb) Kneza Miloša 82, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 30 65 599, +381 11 30 65 598 BELUPO D.D. BELUPO D.D. KOPRIVNICA Mosorska 1, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3098 871, BEOINSTAL D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Metalac sever, Vrbovec) 11000 BGD, +381 11 3541 059, +381 11 3541 059 BEOMAXTEC D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Ingpro d.o.o. Zagreb) Bul.M.Pupina10ž /app123, 11070 N.BGD, +381 11 311 8956, +381 11 311 8955 BEOTOK D.O.O. PANČEVO (TEK-PROJEKT HIDRO d.o.o. Rijeka) Stevana Sremca 41, 26000 Pančevo,+381/13/ 361 657, +381/13/ 361 302 BERNARDA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Bernarda d.o.o. Pušćine, Nedelišće) Bul. Arsenija Čarnojevića 99a 11070 Novi BGD, +381 11 301 50 71, +381 11 301 50 71 BETEL D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Free Port d.d. Zagreb) Juhorska 4, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2789 782 BIGZ PUBLISHING, BEOGRAD (Školska knjiga d.d. Zagreb) Bul. Vojvode Mišića 17/III, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3691 259, +381 11 3690 519 BILJEMERKANT D.O.O. BAČKA PALANKA (Biljemerkant d.o.o. Osijek) Trg bratstva i jedinstva 17, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3189 625, +381/21/ 6046 990 biljemerkant@ptt.yu BIOGNOST D.O.O. (Biognost d.o.o. Zagreb) Marička 12, 11090 BGD, +381 11 3556 463 BMM POSLOVNA LIGA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Poslovna liga BMM d.o.o. Zagreb) Kursulina 7, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2440 378, +381 11 3449 758, BOMMAN-KB EXPORT-IMPORT, BEOGRAD –ZASTUPNIK (Tvornica lakih metala d.d. Šibenik) Gundulićev venac 3,11000 BGD, +381 11 3227 434, +381 11 3222 251,bomman@ BOSO, D.O.O. BAČKA PALANKA (Boso, d.o.o. Vinkovci) Jugoslovenske armije 42, 21400 Bačka Palanka, +385 32/ 341 211, B.P. EUROGRUPA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (B.P. EUROGRUPA

d.o.o. Zagreb) Jurija Gagarina 30, 11000 BGD, +381 11 216 99 18, +381 11 2288 733 CAMBI-CO D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Dona d.o.o. Gornja Stubica) Metohijska 44, 11000 BGD, +381 11 316 9461 CASTROL CROATIA D.O.O. ( Castrol Croatia d.o.o. Zagreb) Takovska 46, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3293 886, +381 11 3293 885 CEDEVITA D.O.O. ZAGREB PREDSTAVNIŠTVO BEOGRAD Dragačevska 11, 11000 Beograd CENTAR ZA RECIKLAŽU A.D. BEOGRAD (C.I.O.S. Zagreb) Tome Buše 14, 11250 Beograd Železnik, +381 11 2580 586, +381 11 2577 314 CETINKA D.O.O. VRŠAC (Cetinka international d.o.o. Trilj) 2. Oktobar 105, 13000 Vršac, +381/13/ 833 435, cetinka@ CNT D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Funda d.o.o. Zaprešić ) Starine Novaka 3, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3245 552,, COMMEL-PRIKLJUČNI KABLOVI D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Commel d.d. Zagreb) Antifašističke borbe 24/6 11080 Beograd, +381 11 3121 492, +381 11 3121 717 CRIER MEDIA GRUPA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Crier Media Grupa d.o.o. Zagreb) Cetinska 32, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 303 33 30 CROMOS SVIJETLOST D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Cromos Svijetlost d.o.o. Lužani) Laze Lazarevića 4,15000 Šabac, +381/15/ 350 635, DATA-LINK D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Data-link d.o.o. Zagreb) Admirala Vukovića 32 11000 BGD, +381 11 3080 748, +381 11 3980 551 D.B.T. OKOVI BEOGRAD (DBT d.o.o., Zapresić) Aleksandra Popovića 4 11 070 Zemun-Altina, +381 11 3756 801 DIJAMANT A.D. ZRENJANIN (Agrokor d.d. Zagreb) Temišvarski drum 14, 23000 Zrenjanin, +381 11 551 001, +381 11 546 347 DIV TVIK D.O.O. VALJEVO (Div d.o.o., Samobor) Vladike Nikolaja 58, 14000 Valjevo, +381/14/293 740, +381/14/ 293 931, tvik-div@beo yu DOMINUS BOOKS D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Dominović d.o.o. Zagreb) Bul.Despota Stefana 88/3, 11060 BGD, +381 11 2768 360, +381 11 2768 360 DRVO-TVIN D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Tvin d.o.o. Virovitica) Bul. despota Stefana 108, 11000 BGD, , +381 11 32 92 039, drvo-tvin@ beo yu DVOKUT SEE D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Dvokut Ecro d.o.o. Zagreb) Dečanska 5/II, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3226 451, +381 11 3248 931, ECO-JET D.O.O. BEOGRAD (MEDIANEA d.o.o. Novigrad) Generala Aračića 10, 11000 Beograd, info@medianea.he EGMONT D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Egmont d.o.o. Zagreb) Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića82/3 11070 Novi BGD, +381 11 3132 656, +381 11 3139 763 EKO TANK D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Rijekatank d.o.o. Rijeka) Proleterskre solidarnosti 21ž 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3016 447, +381 11 3130 217 EUROMAKINA D.O.O. IRIG (Euromakina d.o.o. Split) Ive Lole Ribara 65, 22406 Irog, +381/ 22/ 461 845, +381/22/ 461 050 ELEKTROMAX (Elektomax d.o.o. Rijeka) Požarevačka 10-11, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3441 939 EMANITA D.O.O. NOVI SAD (Emanita d.o.o. Vukovar) Žika Popović 4/2c, 21 000 Novi Sad,/ +381/21/ 432 133, golnat@ EUROPA PRESS D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Europa Press Holding, Zagreb) Kneginje Zorke 96, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2041 104, +381 11 2041 161, EUROCABLE D.O.O.( Eurocable d.o.o. Zagreb) Nehruova 51/ alokal br.100/I, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 317 70 96 EUROCOM PLUS D.O.O. VALJEVO (Vindija d.d. Varaždin) Vladike nikolaja 60,

14000 Valjevo, +381 11 3640 448, +381/14/ 221 955 EUROMODULD.O.O. BEOGRAD (Stara Pazova); (Euromodul d.o.o. Viškovo) Svetosavska 11-St.Pazova Industrijska zona-Nova Pazova, +381/22/ 328 003, +381/22/ 328 004, EXOR-ESI D.O.O. BEOGRAD (EXOR INFORMATICKI INŽENJERING d.o.o. Zagreb) Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 165a,11070 Novi BGD, +381 11 3016 881, +381 11 3113 148 EURCO D.O.O., STARA PAZOVA (Eurco d.d., Vinkovci) Zmaj Jovina 5, 22300 Stara Pazova,+381/22/ 310 697, +381/22/ 310 698 FABRIKA HARTIJE A.D. BEOGRAD (PAN d.o.o. Zagreb) Prilazni put Ada Huji 9, 11000 BGD, +381 11 277 11 93, +381 11 2771 322 FELNA D.O.O ZRENJANIN (Zlatko Markelj d.o.o. Zagreb) Prvomajska 53, 23000 Zrenjanin, +381/23/ 511 581, +381/23/ 511 565 FEROTEHNA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Ferotehna d.o.o. Škrljevo) ul.Mihaila Pupina 10z, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3111 260, +381 11 3111 841 FIMA INTERNATIONAL D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Fima-vrijednosnice d.o.o. Varaždin) BeogradTrg Nikole Pašića 5/1, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3021 621, +381 11 3021 622 FIMA INVEST A.D. BEOGRAD (Fima grupa d.d. Zagreb) Trg Nikole Pašića 5/1, 11 000 BGD, +381 11 3021 621, +381 11 3021 626 FIMA PERFECTUS LLC, BEOGRAD (Fima grupa d.d. Zagreb) Trg Nikole Pašića 5/1, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3021 637, +381 11 3021 635 FRIKOM A.D. BEOGRAD (Agrokor d.d. Zagreb) Zrenjaninski put b.b. 11213 BGD, +381 11 2074 101, +381 11 2074 118 GAVRILOVIĆ MGP D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Gavrilović d.o.o.

Petrinja)11000 Beograd GASOP D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Pastor grupa d.d. Zagreb), Zaplanjska 84e, 11000 BGD, +381 11 397 46 86, +381 11 246 36 48 GEACHEM D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Geachem d.o.o. Zagreb) Ljutice Bogdana 1a, 11000 BGD, +381 11 306 70 72, +381 11 367 25 51 GEALAN D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Gealan d.o.o. Zagreb) Lazar Mamuzića 26a, 11070 Zemun, te. +381 11 3077 142, +381 11 3077 143 GENESIS D.O.O. BEOGRAD ( Genesis d.o.o. Rijeka) Ratka Mitrovića 126a, 11000 BGD, +381 11 239 17 92, +381 11 2310 297, GISDATA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Gisdata d.o.o. Zagreb) Beogradska 27, 1000 BGD, +381 11 3241 677, +381 11 3244 060 GLETER MAX D.O.O. ZEMUN (Kožul d.o.o. Slavonski Brod) Petra Kočića 6, 11070 Zemun, +381 11 2109 319 GRAD - EXPORT, ŠID (GradExport d.o.o. Vinkovci) Svetog Save 140, 22240 Šid, +381/22/ 714 936 GRAFPEX D.O.O. ZAGREB PREDSTAVNIŠTVO U BEOGRADU (Grafpex d.o.o. Zagreb) Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 95, 11070 BGD, +381 11 2120 968, +381 11 131548 HGSPOT-APPLY D.O.O. BEOGRAD(HGspot d.d. Zagreb) Milovana Milovanovića 2 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3065 056, +381 11 11 2688 813 HIDRAULIKA KURELJA-PROLETER, D.O.O. ( HIDRAULIKA KURELJAd.d. StubičkeToplice) Industrijska 1, 34000 Kragujevac, +381/34/ 333 171, +381/34/ 336 204 HORIZONT INTERNACIONAL D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Horizont inetrnacional d.o.o. Zagreb) Palmotićeva 22/5 11000 BGD, +381 11 324 47 67, +381 11 334 62 96 HSM INFORMATIKA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (HSM Informatika d.o.o. Zagreb) Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 37/IV, 11040 BGD, +381 11 3063 949, +381 11 3063 947 IDEA D.O.O. BEOGRAD

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(Agrokor d.d. Zagreb) Bul. Milutina Milankovica 19, 11070 BGD, +381 11 2202 600, +381 11 2202 717 IMO, BEOGRAD (Zagrebački velesajam d.o.o. Novi Zagreb) Đure Đakovića 8, 11080 Zemun, +381 11 2106 404, +381 11 2106 404 INA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (INA d.d. Zagreb) Jove Ilića 4, 11000 BGD, el: +381 11 309 93 33, +381 11 30 99 444, IN 2 D.O.O. ( IN 2 d.o.o. Zagreb) Vladimira Popovića 40, 11070 BGD, +381 11 2123 023,3015 030, +381 11 3015 040, INFOARENA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Infoarena digitalni sardžaji d.o.o. Zagreb) Radovana Simića Cige 15/35, 11000 BGD,: + 385 1/ 4828 953 INFORATIČKI SISTEMI D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Informatika dvijetisuće d.o.o. Zagreb) Narodnih heroja 8, 11000 BGD,: +385 95 541 1982 ING EKSPERT D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Ing Ekspert d.o.o. Zagreb) Kneginje Zorke 9/III, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2436 393, +381 11 308 8703, ing.ekspert@sezampro.yu INKER D.D.( Inker d.d., Zaprešić),Slobodanke Danke Savić 6,11000 BGD,/ +381 11 2414 824 INOS PAPIR SERVIS A.D. (BeogradBelišće d.d. Belišće) Milorada Jovanovića 14, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2541 880, +381 11 2547 599, inospap@net.yu IN TIME EXPRESS D.O.O. ZEMUN (In time d.o.o. Zagreb) Novosadski autoput 53, 11080 Zemun, +381 11 3774 215, +381 11 3757 163 INTELIGENTE SERVICES & PRODUCTION (Pluto d.d. Zagreb) Vojvode Milenka 52 lokal 3, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3629 241, +381 11 3629 240 INTERCAPITAL SECURITIES A.D. BEOGRAD (Interkapital d.o.o. Zagreb) Makenzijeva 23, 11000 Novi BGD, : +381 11 3809 983, +381 11 3837 600 INTERPLANEKO D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Interplan d.o.o. Karlovac) Trg Nikole Pašića 5/VII 14, 11000 BGD, +381 11 339 87 39, +381 11 303 54 72 interplaneko@sezampro.yu

INTERSIN D.O.O. BEOGRAD ZASTUPNIK (Istravino d.d. Rijeka) Jovanke Radaković 41a 11000 BGD, / +381 11 3429 582, 502, intersin@sezampro.yu IREKS D.O.O. PANČEVO (Ireks Aroma d.o.o. Zagreb) Svetozara Miletića 3, 26000 Pančevo, +381/13 / 366 669, +381/13 / 366 669, ISS-BONAČIĆ &ĐURIĆ INTERNE SERVISNE SLUŽBE D.O.O. BEOGRAD (ISS-Bonačić KD) Jove Ilića 31, 11000 BGD, +381 11 206 55 93, +381 11 206 55 66 JADRAN ČARAPE D.O.O. NOVI SAD (Jadran tvornica čarapa d.d. Zagreb) A. Tišme (Jadranska) 17 21000 Novi Sad, +381/21/ 6553 244, +381/21/ 6553 244 JADRAN GALENSKI LABORATORIJ D.O.O. BEOGRAD (JGL d.d. Rijeka) Pančevački put 38, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2710 254, +381 11 2710 253, jgl@beo net JADRANSKI NAFTOVOD D.O.O. ( Janaf d.d. Zagreb) Požarevačka 5-7, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3445 808 JAMNICA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Agrokor d.d. Zagreb) Knežopoljska 1, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2087 755, +381 11 2087 767 JELEN DO A.D. JELEN DO (Nexe grupa d.d., Našice) 31215 Jelen Do, +381/31/ 590 599, +381/31/ 590 570 JOLLY TRAVEL D.O.O. BEOGRAD ( grupa, Zagreb) Kneza Miloša 9, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2020 300 JUGOTON-CROATIA RECORDS D.O.O. (Croatia records d.d. Zagreb) Branka Ćopića 12, 21000 Sremski Karlovci,+381/21/ 545 552, +381/21/ 545 552 KAMENSKO D.O.O. NOVI BEOGRAD (Kamensko d.d. Zagreb) Palmira Toljatija 5/II, 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 2602-828, kamensko@eunet.yu KANAAN D.O.O. NOVI SAD,( Kanaan d.o.o. Donji Miholjac) Braće Ribnikar 15/I,stan 7, 21000 Novi Sad,+381/21/ 6398 012 KARBON D.O.O. TOPOLA (Karbon d.o.o. Zagreb) Karadjordjeva 136, 34310 Topola, +381/34/ 705 000, +381/34/ 813 598 karbon@ptt.yu

34 Guide to The International Business Sector

KARUPOVIĆ D.O.O. NOVI BEOGRAD; Generala Mihaila Nedeljkovića 5311077 Novi BGD, +381 11 66 765, +381 11 2270 667 KB-TEX D.O.O. NOVI BEOGRAD (Arena d.o.o. Pula, Španskih boraca 60/3, 11070 Novi BGD,: 011/ 2140 579 kb-tex@eunet.yu KIKINDSKI MLIN A.D. KIKINDA (Agrokor d.d. Zagreb) Svetozara Miletica 198, 23300 Kikinda, +381/230/22 320, +381/230/ 22 226,, kimlin@ ptt.yu KIM TEC D.O.O. BEOGRAD (M san grupa d.o.o. Zagreb) Slobodna zona BGD, L12/3, Viline vode bb, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2070 656, +381 11 2070 697, KING ICT D.O.O. BEOGRAD (M san grupa d.o.o. Zagreb) Slobodna zona BG, L12/4 Viline vode bb, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2070 850, +381 11 2070 854 KONČAR – ELEKTROINDUSTRIJA D.D. (Končar–elektroindustrija d.d. Zagreb) Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10ž/424, 11070 Novi BGD,: +381 11 30 17 321, +381 11 2145 485 KONICA MINOLTA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Konica Minolta Hrvatska d.o.o. Zagreb) Španskih Boraca 38a, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3114 826, +381 11 3113 647 KONSTRUKTOR-GRADNJA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Konstruktorinženjering d.d. Split) Bulevar Vojvode Mišića 43, 11000 Beograd, +385/21 409 210, marsel.friedl@ KORDUN GRUPA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Kordun-alati d.o.o. Karlovac) Blagoja Parovića 19, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3548 315, +381 11 3546 219 KOTEKS TRGOVINA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Koteks d.o.o. Split) Narodnih heroja 36, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3194 490, +381 11 3194 467 RAŠ COMMERCE D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Kraš d.d. Zagreb) Bul. Vojvode Mišića 41, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3690 235, +381 11 3067 524, KTC D.O.O. SUBOTICA (KTC d.o.o. Križevci) Braće Radića 3 Pacirski put 61, 24000 Subotica,

/ March 2010

+381/24/ 692 455, +381/24 / 692 770, KTD D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Hempel d.o.o. Umag) Dobropoljska 63/3, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3699 036, +381 11 3657 068, KUMAL D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Kufner Grupa d.o.o. Zagreb) Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10 I/434, 11 070 BGD, +381 11 3112 804, +381 11 3115 123 KUTJEVO & BRIČ D.O.O. ZEMUN (PODRUM, Kutjevo) 22. Oktobar 7 I/102, 11080 Zemun, +381 11 269 1533 LABUD D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Labud d.o.o. Zagreb) Viline vode bb, 11000 BGD, +381 11 20 84 981, +381 11 2084 980 e-mail: LAGER D.O.O. MALI POŽAREVAC -( Lager Bašić d.o.o. Zagreb) LAMAGO, BEOGRAD (Ivančica d.d., Ivanec) Ljube Sercera 46, 11000 BGD, +381 11 39 77 007 LANAC D.O.O. SREMSKA MITROVICA, (Lanac d.o.o. Zagreb) Novi šor 88, 22000 Sremska Mitrovica, +381 22 615 312, +381 22/ 614 239, LAMAX INŽENJERING d.o.o. Beograd (Pan Parket d.o.o. Orahovica) Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10g, lokal VP9, 11000 BGD, +381 11 311 5379 e-mail: LESAFFRE RS D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Kvasac d.o.o. Prigorje Brdovečko(Zaprešić)) Ugrinovački put bb, 11277 Ugrinovci, +381 11 3714 743, +381 11 3714 744 LIMARIJA JEDINSTVO SEBASTIJAN, A.D.( Limarija Sebastijan, Bestovje) Žarka Zrenjanina 121, 21400 Vojvođanska 389 v Jurija Gagarina 27, 11271 Surcin Bačka Palanka,+381/21/ 6045 063, +381/21/ 60 44 974 LIVING BG INTERNATIONAL D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Living Zagreb),Vojvođanska 389v, 11271 Surcin, Jurija Gagarina 27, 11070 Novi BGD, tel/ +381 11 312 9718 LUKA RIJEKA (Luka Rijeka d.d. Rijeka) Nemanjina4/I, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2643 220, 2641 155/502 LUKOVIC AGRI D.O.O. KULA (Elektrotehnika d.o.o., Križevci) Maršala Tita 180, 23000

Kula,+381/25 725 606, +381/25/ 723 749, M-PROINTEX D.O.O. MLADENOVAC (M-profil d.o.o, Zabok) Kralja Petra I 334,11400 Mladenovac, +381 11 8230 968, +381 11 8233 317 MACAL-PALMA CO. D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Macal-palma Co., Viškovo) Otona Župančića 28/20, 11070 BGD, +381 11 3167 620, +381 11 3167 620, macalpal@ MAGMA INTERNATIONAL D.O.O. N.BEOGRAD (Magma d.d. Zagreb) Bulevar umetnosti 4, 11070 Novi BGD, +381 11 311 06 42, MAK D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Gumara Čavić d.o.o. Zagreb) Nevesinjska 1, 11000 BGD, +381 11 344 08 53, +381 11 344 12 35, mack@net.yu MARANI D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Marani d.o.o. Zagreb) Bul. Mihajla Milankovića 180/32 11070 Novi BGD, +381 11 2135 660, +381 11 2135 660 MARTIMEX D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Martimex d.o.o. Zagreb) Vojvode Stepe 482 b, 11000 BGD, +381 11 394 81 26 MATE D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Mate d.o.o. Zagreb) Bul.Arsenija Čarnojevića 52, 11070 BGD, +381 11 311 94 23, +381 11 311 94 23, MEDI PLUS D.O.O. NOVI SAD (Medi plus d.o.o., Zagreb) Kolo srpskih sestara 12/7, 21000 Novi Sad, +381/21/ 6741 144, 6363 662,, MEDIA CLIPPING, BEOGRAD (PRESS CLIPPING d.o.o. Zagreb) Hilandarska 32, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3243 155, 3234 590, METAL CENTAR D.O.O. VOJKA (Strojopromet-Zagreb d.o.o. Šenkovec) Cara Dušana bb, 22313 Vojka,+381/22/301 614, +381/22/ 301 600, METALSKA INDUSTRIJA VARAŽDIN (MIV d.d. Varaždin) 51 Divizije 30, 24000 Subotica,+381/24/ 576 454 MILENIJUM OSIGURANJE A.D. BEOGRAD (Croatia osiguranje d.d. Zagreb) Kneza Miloša 82/I, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3620-623, MIN DIV SVRLJIG, A.D. (DIV d.o.o. Samobor) Dušana Trivunca 31, Svrljig,+381/18/ 822 540, +381/18/ 821 270 MIRNOVEC PIROTEHNIKA D.O.O. NOVI SAD (Mirnovec pirotehnika d.o.o. Samobor) Preradovićeva 2, 21000 Petrovaradin MOBIS ELECTRONIC D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Mobis-electronic d.o.o. Zagreb) Bulevar Avnoja 77, 11000 BGD, +381 11 313 2820, +381 11 313 2821 MPG PLUS D.O.O. BEOGRAD (MPG d.o.o. Zagreb) Trg Nikole Pašica 1, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2281 114, +381 11 2281 114 MORAVA MERMER, BEOGRAD (Kamen d.d.,Pazin) Gospodara Vuciča 225,11000 BGD, +381 11 2412 079, +381 11 2413 746 moravamermer@eunet.yu M-PROFIL D.O.O. STARA PAZOVA (M-Profil d.o.o. Zabok) Golubinački put b.b., 22300 Stara Pazova,/ +381/22/310 147 MREŽA ZNANJA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Mreža znanja d.o.o. Zagreb) Vladimira Popovića 6, 11000 BGD, +381 11 222 35 03, +381 11 222 33 73 MSC YACHTING CLUB BEOGRAD (Euromarine d.o.o. Zagreb) Nušićeva 14/III, 11000 BGD, +381 11 32 22 870, +381 11 322 666 7 MSH D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Torte i to d.o.o. Zagreb) Prote Mateje 60-62,11000 BGD, +381 11/ 242 1330, MULTIPHARM D.O.O. PANČEVO (Dietpharm d.o.o. Rakitije) Mučenička 2, 26000 Pančevo, +381 13/ 351 127, +381/13/ 351 537, multiph@ , MULTIVITA D.O.O. VRŠAC (Atlantic grupa, Zagreb) Beogradski put bb, 26308 Vršac, +381/13/ 803 383, +381/13/ 803 385 MUNJA BATERIJE D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Munja d.d. Zagreb) Cvijićeva 18/14, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2084 596, +381 11 2765 579, NIVETA COMMERCE D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Niveta d.d. Osijek) Knez Mihajlova 83, 22300 Nova Pazova, / +381/22/ 331 279,

(Generalturist d.o.o. Zagreb) Milentija Popovića 5 11070 Novi Beograd Hyatt Regency BGD,+381 11 3113 050, +381 11 3115 214 PETRAKOM D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Petrakom do.o.o. Zagreb) Bulevar oslobodjenja 197 11000 BGD,+381 11 3976 997 PEVEC D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Pevec d.o.o. Bjelovar) Milana Rakića 48, lokal 11, 11000 BGD,+381 11 3625 235, +381 11 3316 618 PIP-APILAND D.O.O. SIRIG (Pip pcelarstvo, priroda, Zagreb) Milana Reljina 46, Sirig PODRAVKA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Podravka d.d. Koprivnica) Simina 18 11000 BGD, +381 11 2184 656, +381 11 30 30 207 POLET A.D. NOVI BEČEJ (Nexe grupa d.d., Našice) Železnička 13, 23272 Novi Bečej,+381/23/ 771 200, +381/23/ 771 617 POLET-KERAMIKA D.O.O. NOVI BEČEJ (Nexe grupa d.d. Našice) Železnička 13, 23272 Novi Bečej,: +381/23/ 773 231, +381/23/ 773 035 PRIDE SPORT D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Pride sport d.o.o. Zagreb) Bulevar Oslobodjenja 235, 11000 BGD,+381 11 3099 877, +381/11 3099 878 brinje@sezampro.yu PRINCIPAL D.O.O. EXPORTIMPORT, BEOGRAD (Heruc galerija d.o.o. Zagreb) Baba Višnjina 26, Terazije 36 – maloprodaja, 11000 BGD, +381 11 344 1917, +381 11 344 18 65 PREDSTAVNIŠTVO LOLA RIBAR D.D.( Lola Ribar d.d. Karlovac) Dimitrija Tucovića 2a, Mladenovac (varoš) +385/47/ 432 333 PROSVIJETA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Golden Marketing-Tehnička knjiga d.o.o. Zg) Stojana Protića 28, 11000 BGD, +381 11 308 66 60, +381 11 245 68 89, RADIN-GRAFIKA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Radin-grafika d.o.o. Zagreb) Smederevski put 25k, 11050 BGD, +381 11 347 5082, +381 11 347 50 79, rg-beograd@ RATKO MITROVIĆKONSTRUKTOR D.O.O.( Konstruktor-inženjering d.d. Split) Bul. Mihila Pupina

115,11070 N.BGD,+381 11 3149 784, +381 11 3149 787 RADIJATOR AD, ZRENJANIN (Ljevaonica Bjelovar d.o.o. Bjelovar) Beogradska bb 23000 Zrenjanin,+381/23/ 522 230, +381/23/ 542 014 RECRO-NET D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Recro-net d.o.o. Zagreb) Bul. Milutina Milankovica 11b 11070 BGD,+381 11 3121 444 REDOX D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Redox d.o.o. Zagreb) Ljutice Bogdana 1a, 11000 BGD, / +381 11 264 71 07 RENO PROM D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Tehno max d.o.o. Sveta Nedelja) Bul.Arsenija Čarnojevića 69a, 11070 Novi BGD,+381 11 2129 741, +381 11 2129 741 RIBARSTVO OSIJEK D.O.O. KOCELJEVA (Ribarstvo d.o.o. – Osijek) Nemanjina 95, 15220 Koceljeva (Valjevo),+381/15/ 556 420, +381/15/ 556 420 ekonomskibiro@jova net RIJEČKI SAJAM, BEOGRAD (Riječki sajam d.o.o. Rijeka) Mike Alasa 3, stan 32, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2181 980 RIO EGO D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Rio d.o.o. Rijeka) Njegoševa 2 (hotel Park) 11000 BGD, +381 11 3640 381, ROTOGRAFIKA D.O.O. SUBOTICA (RADIN-GRAFIKA d.o.o. Zagreb) Segedinski put 72, 24000 Subotica, +381/24/ 636 611, SPM STAMENKOVIĆ, NIŠ (Franck d.d. Zagreb) Cvijićeva 16, 18000 Niš,+381/18/ 258 426, +381/18/ 547 310 SAPONIA COMMERCE D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Saponia d.d. Osijek) Ustanička 178, 11000 BGD, +381 11 2886 921, +381 11 288 0059, saponia. SALON BANKARSKE OPREME D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Salon bankarske opreme d.o.o. Zagreb) Bul. Dr. Zoran Djindjića 65/8, 11070 Novi BGD, +381 11 313 2848, +381 11 311 4740 SISCIA D.O.O. NOVI SAD (T.K.T. Zlatna Igla d.o.o. Zagreb) Železnička 2, 21000 Novi Sad, , +381/21/ 6611 987 SIVIĆ & SIVIĆ D.O.O. EXPORTIMPORT (Vetropack-straža d.d. Hum na Sutli) Ivana Milutinovića 63, 24000 Subotica, +381/24/ 34

028, +381/24/ 552 612 SOMBOLED D.O.O. SOMBOR (Dukat d.d. Zagreb) Save Kovačevića b.b., 11309 Beograd (Leštane),+381/25/ 467 300, +381/25/ 467 300, +381 11 8036 166, SOMBOR-GAS D.O.O. SOMBOR (Montmontaža d.d. Zagreb) 21.oktobra 11, 25000 Sombor,+381/25 / 236 42, +381/25/ 430 850, SPECTATOR AVANT D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Spectator avant d.o.o. Zagreb) Milentija Popovića 5,11070 BGD,+381 11 313 96 16, +381 11 212 99 37, Free 0800 200 100 STRUMIN-S.E.E, D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Ventilator-tvus d.o.o. Gornji Stupnik) Bul. oslobodjenja 197 11000 BGD,+381 11 3976 997 STRAŽAPLASTIKA D.O.O. SUBOTICA (Stražaplastika d.d. Hum na Sutli) Ulica mira 33, 24000 Subotica,+381/24/ 596 151, +381/24/ 596 585 STRAŽILOVO A.D. SREMSKI KARLOVCI (Nexe grupa d.d. Našice) Karlovački vinogradi bb, 21205 Sremski Karlovci,+381/21/881 850,860, +381/21/ 881 793, dragan. STF- COMMERCE D.O.O. NOVI SAD (GRADATIN, Zagreb) Narodnog fronta 53, 21000 Novi Sad,/ +381/21/ 446 203, stfns@ ptt.yu STS D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Strojoservis d.o.o. Zagreb) Industrijska zona 6, 11500 Obrenovac,+381 11 8754 790, +381 11 8754 780 STIL-TRGOVINA D.O.O. NOVI SAD (Stil Trgovina d.o.o. Zagreb) Cara Dušana 60, 21000 N. Sad, + 385/ 1/ 3707 414, SUPER STOP D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Super stop d.o.o. Zagreb) Viline Vode 47, 11000 BGD,+381/26/ 812 371, +381 11 2763 864 SWING INFORMATIKA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Swing Informatika d.o.o. Split) Resavska 28/VI, 11000 BGD, +381 11 322 06 51, +381 11 324 59 94, office@ ŠAFRAM D.O.O. NOVI KNEŽEVAC (Šafram d.o.o. Zagreb) Nenada Valčeva 2, 23000 Novi Kneževac,+381/230/ 81 120

TJ MAXIM D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Elka kabeli d.o.o. Zagreb) Trajka Rajkovića 5, 11070 Novi +381 11 2280 572 TIM KABEL D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Tim kabel d.o.o. Zagreb) Batajnički drum 283 d, 11080 BGD,+381 11 3757 457, +381 11 3757 457 TEHNOMEHANIKA, BEOGRAD (Tehnomehanika d.o.o. Donja Stubica) Omladinskih brigada 52/24, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3017960, +381 11 30 17 879 TEHNOMOBIL J.T.D. ( TEHNOMOBIL j.t.d. Zagreb) Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10v/217 11000 BGD,+381 11 212 0525, +381 11 3111 983 TEHNOMOBIL-PROTECH D.O.O.( Predstavništvo u Novom Sadu TEHNOMOBIL j.t.d. Zagreb) Konstantina Danila 4 21000 Novi Sad,+381/21/ 427 027, +381/21/ 524 762 TEHNIKA AG D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Tehnika d.d. Zagreb) Hađži Melentijeva 8, 11000 BGD,+381/63/ 656 477, TEHNIX BEO D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Tehnix d.o.o. Donji Kraljevec) Kumodraška 265, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3978 775, +381 11 3978 776, TEKSTIL-PROMET (Galeb d.d. Omiš) Slavonskih brigada 60, 11132 Žarkovo, +381 11 516 700, TERRA DIVINA D.O.O. NOVI SAD (Terra Divina d.o.o. Buzet) Laze Nančića 50, 21000 N.Sad, +381/21/ 636 9087, +381/21/ 469 777 TELEOPTIK-GASNA OPREMA D.O.O. (Svan d.o.o., Karlovac) Tršćanska 21, 11080 Zemun,+381 11 316 0016, +381 11 3163 524 TISAKD.O.O. BEOGRAD (Tisak d.d. Zagreb) dr. Vladana Đorđevića 4A, 11000 BGD,+381 11 3821 001, +381 11 3820 990 TDR D.O.O. BEOGRAD (TDR d.o.o. Rovinj) Milentija Popovića 5a, 11 000 BGD, +381 11 6149 113, +381 11 6149 117 T.K.T. (Zlatna Igla d.o.o. Zagreb) Železnička 2 21000 Novi Sad TRANSAGENT D.O.O. (Transagent d.o.o. Rijeka) Bul.Mihaila

Pupina10I, Isprat apartman 512 11070 BGD, , +381 11 311 9519 UNIMED D.O.O. BEOGRAD (zastupnik Pliva d.d., ZAGREB) Resavska 16a, 11000 BGD,+381 11 33 44 656 UNITAS D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Unitas d.d. Zagreb) Batajnički put 3, 11080 Zemun, +381 11 3076 584, UNIVERZAL D.O.O. BEOING, BEOGRAD (Univerzal d.d. Varaždin) Nova skojevska 29, 11000 BGD, , +381 11 3564 859 VARTEKS PLUS D.O.O. ZEMUN (Varteks d.d. Varaždin) Gospodska 3, 11080 Zemun, +381 11 617 073, +381 11 316 52 51, varteks@ VATROSPREM A.D. BEOGRAD (Pastor grupa d.d. Zagreb) Zaplanjska 84 e, 11000 BGD,+381 11 243 14 16, 011/ 244 46 53 vatros@datanet.yu VELAS D.O.O. ( Velas d.o.o. Velika Gorica) Kralja Petra 45, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3076 056, VENTILATOR-TVUS D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Ventilator-tvus d.o.o. Gornji Stupnik) Bul. oslobodjenja 197, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3976 997 VIBROBETON D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Vibrobeton d.d. Vinkovci) Bul.Arsenija Čarnojevića 80/IV/11, 11000 Beograd, +381 11 3133 595 VINDIJA LAJKOVAC D.O.O. LAJKOVAC (Vindija d.d. Varaždin) Beogradski put 37, Lajkovac, +381 11 2252 725, +381 11 2252 729 ZIGANTE TARTUFI D.O.O. NOVI SAD (Zigante tartufi d.o.o. 52460 Buje) Ivana Kosančića br. 7, 21000 Novi Sad, +381/21/ 549-041, +381/21/548 611 ZOO HOBBY INT D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Zoo hobby d.o.o. Split) Auto put 13 Blok 53m, 11 000 BGD, / +381 11 373 00 85, +381 11 373 0086, info@ WERKOS ENGINEERING D.O.O. NOVI SAD (Werkos d.o.o. Osijek) Zmaj Jovina 14, 21000 Novi Sad, +381/21 / 424 733, +381/21/ 424 733,

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 35

CROATIA NEXE BETON D.O.O. NOVI BEČEJ (Nexe grupa d.d. Našice) Železnička 13, 23272 Novi Bečej, Poslovna jedinica - Bul. Vojvode Stepe 10, 21 000 Novi Sad,+381/21/ 6772 188, +381/21/ 403 266, NOVA ŠKOLSKA KNJIGA, D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Školska knjiga d.d. Zagreb) Bul.Vojvode Mišića 17/III, 11000 BGD,+381 11 3691 297,+381 11 3690 519, OFFSET S D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Offset tisak NP GTD, d.o.o. Zagreb) Đordja Stanojevića 12 11070 Novi Beograd, vrza@offset. hr, OKTAL PHARMA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Okral Pharma d.o.o. Novi Zagreb) Višegradska 4 11000 Beograd, +381 11 646 850 ORNELA BY KBL D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Ornela d.o.o. Zagreb) Takovska 36-38 11000 Beograd, +381 11 208 44 98, PALFINGER D.O.O. BEOGRAD (PK d.o.o. Škrljevo) Pere Cvetkovića 40/14, 11000 BGD,+381 11 2085 218, +381 11 2085 539, PAN INDUSTRIJA PAPIRA D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Pan-papirna industrija-tvornica kartona I kartonske ambalaže d.o.o. Zagreb) Žitomislička 10a, 11030 BGD,+381 11 239 40 59, +381 11 11 22 760 PANON TRADE D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Panon trade d.d. Zagreb) Kneza Višeslava 88, 11000 Beograd, t.+381 11 3548 430, l.126, f: +381 11 3059 215, PENTAKS LACUNA GROUP D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Lacuna d.o.o. Zagreb) Bul. Oslobodjenja (JNA) 255, 11000 BGD, +38111/ 247 7784, +381 11 397 27 97 PETROKEMIJA D.O.O. NOVI SAD (Petrokemija d.d. Kutina) Ilije Ognjanovića 28 21000 Novi Sad,/ +381/21/ 424 472, PET CENTAR D.O.O. BEOGRAD (Pet centar d.o.o. Zagreb) Bulevar Milutina Milankovića 1v, 11000 BGD,+381 11 212 33 10, +381 11 212 33 04 PAN ALEX A.D. BEOGRAD


Svatopluk Čech, Economic Counselor of the Czech Embassy in Belgrade

INCREASING BUSINESS RELATIONS he lack of relevant information, legal framework, investment climate, equal rights for all competitors is the most common problem that companies from our country in Serbia,” said Svatopluk Čech, Economic Counselor of the Czech Embassy in Belgrade.


How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of companies from your country to invest in Serbia? Investment climate is one of the most important elements to influence foreign investors to come to Serbia. We can see some positive development in this field, but there is still a lot of to do in this respect. To further improve the investment climate, it is necessary to speed up the relevant legislation process, to build a standard legal framework for business activities, to continue in transition reforms, and to keep the terms of market competition and the regulation of monopolies. There is a certain level of uncertainty over the further economic development (exchange rate, inflation, etc.) which ought to be decreased.

From 2006 through 2010, the Czech government will contribute an amount of 11 million euros to the realization of concrete development projects in Serbia, mostly in the environmental area.

Which economic sector/projects are companies from your country most interested in? The current financial and economic crisis affected mutual economic relations between The Czech Republic and Serbia. According to the latest Serbian data, Czech export to Serbia in 2009 dropped by 30% and Serbian exports to The Czech Republic by 35%. In spite of these facts, we are confident that our mutual business will come back to the previous level within a year. We can even predict substantial increasing of our business relations in a short period. Czech companies


he implementation of the regulatory ‘guillotine’ had to be done by December 2009. The main focus was to meet the target of reducing administrative business operation costs by 20 – 25 percent by 2011. Implementation of this reform is not easy, but it should result in a more favorable business environment and increased competitiveness of the Serbian economy based on the reduction of transaction costs for investors, elimination of administrative burdens, and cost and time savings for business entities.


36 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

have elaborated several projects in Serbia mostly in the energy and infrastructural sectors and we do believe that some of them will be realized in the near future. Czech companies are also very active in the environmental area and they have finished many small and medium environmental protection projects. The Czech Republic is also very active in the field of development cooperation in Serbia, which is the greatest receiver of Czech development assistance all over the world. From 2006 through 2010, the Czech government will contribute an amount of 11 million euros to the realization of concrete development projects in Serbia, mostly in the environmental area.

ACCORDING TO THE LATEST SERBIAN DATA, CZECH EXPORT TO SERBIA IN 2009 DROPPED BY 30% AND SERBIAN EXPORTS TO THE CZECH REPUBLIC BY 35% Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? There is a lack of information about Serbia itself abroad, and not only about local investment opportunities. It will be very helpful to create a more positive picture and better image of Serbia and to offer investment opportunities to the foreign business society in a more proper and more intensive way. Will the economic crisis slow or stop the arrival of investors from your country to Serbia in 2010? It could be said that the crisis will probably slow down investments in Serbia for some time. But Serbia on its way to Europe could be a very interesting place to be making investments in the near future. Serbia ought to use its comparative advantages to attract foreign investors in a more proper and significant way. Regarding Czech forthcoming investment plans in Serbia, we are optimistic and looking forward to enhanced cooperation and realization of some great projects.


The Guide

New Edition


Creating a more sustainable, cleaner and safer world by making wiser decision and choi ces March 2010

COMPANY REGISTER ČEZ SRBIJA DOO Aleksandar Obradović, Director Bul.Mihaila Pupina 6 11070 Novi BGD, +381 11 2200701, +381 11 2200704,, AŽD SAOBRAĆAJNI SISTEMI DOO Dragan Rajačić, Director Risanska 10a 11000 BGD, +381 11 3065940, drasko.azd., ALPINE PRO SCG DOO Stanislava Ivković, Director Bul. umetnosti 27 Novi BGD, +381 11 8722191, stanislava., www. CZECH AIRLINES Katerina Belunkova, Director Kralja Milana 6 11000 BGD, +381 11 3614592, beg@czechairlines. com, COLY DOO Milan Pavić, Director Magelanova 21 11000 BGD, +381 11 2168181, +381 11 2168181 , coly@seyampro. rs,

CONING DOO Jovo Pupovac, Director Cara Dušana 67/I 11000 BGD, +381 11 3222145, +381 11 3228992, coningdoo@, DEKONTA DOO Aleksandar Ložajić, Director Bul.Zorana Đinđića 87/4 11070 N.BGD, +381 11 30 17741, + 381 11 3111762, KOMO YU Slobodan Marković, Director Dalmatinska 44, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3347542, +381 11 3347590,, www. MAREX TRADE DOO Pantelija Pantelić, Director Zaplanjska 86 11010 BGD, +381 11 3970290, +381 11 2492276 ,, NEPEJCHAL & CO Ales Nepejchal, Director Đuke Dinić 10 11000 BGD, +381 11 2404685, YUBOREX DOO Borislav

Šošo, Director Nedeljka Ercegovca 29c 11080 Zemun, +381 11 3165989, +381 11 3165989,, ELEKTRIFIKACIJA ŽELEZNICE DOO Slobodan Nanković, Director Topličin Venac 7 11000 BGD, +381 11 2621523 , +381 11 2621523, www. RUMA-GUMA Rudolf Mačak, Director Industrijska bb 22400 Ruma, +381 22 400000, +381 22 471494, QUARTA DOO Dragan Nikšić, Director Uzun Mirkova 8 11000 BGD, +381 11 3036681, SVECOM DOO Ratko Radosavljević, Director Ustanička 128a 11050, BGD, +381 11 3474209, +381 11 3045507,,

“The Green Serbia” is a new publication of alliance international media, endorsed by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia. The project is geared towards solving the major ecological problems facing not only our country, but the whole region, Europe and the world. “The Green Serbia” is realizing in cooperation with companies and organizations whose corporate business policy is actively considering the future of Serbia and the world. The year of 2010 in Serbia will be marked by implementation of some of the crucial laws, regulations and by-laws such as the Law on Waste Management, Law on Packaging and Packaging Waste, Law on Spatial Planning and Construction which should establish waste management system and pave the way for the cost-efficient implementation of future projects.

For future information please call +381 11 308 99 77 or contact us: office@

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 37



IMPORTANT PARTNER The EUR 170mn bridge over the Danube – to be called the “Chinese Bridge” – will connect the Belgrade municipality of Zemun to Borca

The Zemun - Borca Bridge he overall value of Chinese export in 2009 stood at $1,200 billion, which meant that this Asian economic giant surpassed Germany to become the country with the highest export value in the world. German exports amounted to $1,170 billion. However, the export data for Germany is still unofficial and is based on statistical estimates (BGA). In 2009, China surpassed the U.S. when it came to car sales, although nobody expected this to happen at least until 2020. In addition to cars, China also became the biggest exporter of steel and in the Q3 alone, Chinese economy recorded a 8.9% growth. Estimates show that the overall 2009 growth amounted to 8.3%. The country’s foreign currency reserves exceeded a record $2,000 billion despite the ongoing economic crisis. These are the highest foreign currency reserves in the world. In 2007, China was ahead of Germany, taking third place among the biggest global economies, while approaching Japan, which holds second place in the world. The U.S. economy remains the overall strongest. Chinese export per capita is still


far lower than the German one, which is primarily the result of a huge difference in the number of people living in the two countries. China is also the world’s biggest buyer of oil and iron ores, as well as the biggest global investor.

CHINESE FOREIGN CURRENCY RESERVES EXCEEDED A RECORD OF $2,000 BILLION, DESPITE THE ONGOING ECONOMIC CRISIS. On October 23rd, representatives of Serbia and China signed a preliminary agreement on the construction of a bridge over the Danube and connected roads. The preliminary agreement to build the ZemunBorca Bridge, which is to be named the China Bridge, was signed by Serbian Minister for the National Investment Plan Verica Kalanovic, Belgrade Mayor Dragan Djilas, and Xue Tiezhu, General Manager of the Market Development Department of the China Road and Bridge Corporation.


hina is the fourth biggest foreign trade partner to Serbia. According to data from the Serbian Statistical Office, in 2008 Serbia exported to China $5.8 million worth of goods. The products that Serbia usually exports to China are rubber and plastic moulding machines, conveyor belts and plastic belts, cold rolled belts, industrial cables, copper ores, paper and cardboard, juices, and frozen raspberries. Serbia imported a total of $1.719 billion worth of goods from China in 2008. These are mainly electronic circuits and components, assemblies and assembly parts, devices that transform gas into liquid, consumer goods, clothing, footwear, peanuts, faucets, valves, motorcycles, and foundry coke.


38 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

Mladjan Dinkic, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Regional Development, told a press conference after the signing ceremony that construction would be launched in mid-2010 and completed by 2013, while the cost of the whole project is estimated at 170 million euros (255.3 million U.S. dollars) of which 144.5 million euros (217 million dollars) will be secured from a Chinese loan and 25.5 million euros (38.3 million dollars) will be earmarked by Serbia. This is one of the biggest infrastructure projects realized in cooperation with China so far, and also very important for the region, said Dinkic, adding that the bridge would significantly ease the traffic strain in Belgrade, while the transport of goods would take place out of the city. The preliminary agreement was signed on the basis of an agreement on economic and technical cooperation for infrastructure construction between Serbia and China signed on August 20th of last year in Beijing during Serbian President Boris Tadic’s visit to China. COMPANY REGISTER HUAWEI TECH INVESTMENT CO. LTD Yan Linxiang, Director Vladimira Popovića 38, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2209608; +381 11 2209607, kristina. stanimirovic@huawei. com, SINOCHEM CORPORATION Peng Yanlin, Director Krupanjska

11a, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3671416 +381 11 3675912 ZTE CORPORATION Guo Lei, Director Resavska 34 II/2, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3618132, +381 11 3612598

Rene Nygaard Jensen, Commercial Advisor at the Royal Danish Embassy in Belgrade

“It is very important for all investors that Serbia continues to cut unnecessary bureaucracy, increase efficiency in public administration, and improve infrastructure.”

he most common problem that Danish companies encounter is the lack of sufficient regulatory frameworks. Many laws are passed through parliament, but sometimes implementation is lagging behind or information is not clearly disseminated. Therefore, companies are not always sure what applies,” said Rene Nygaard Jensen, Commercial Advisor at the Royal Danish Embassy in Belgrade, for the Guide.


sibilities existing in Serbia in terms of outsourcing. Especially SMEs are finding that Serbia and neighbouring countries are good alternatives to Central Europe. We have also noticed an interest in major infrastructural projects, which will have to be carried out in order for Serbia to fulfill EU directives. Finally, we have had increasing activities in the agro- industrial sector, and a delegation in both food industry and agriculture visited Serbia last autumn.

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of the companies from your country to invest in Serbia? I would rate the investment climate in Serbia as relatively good. There are still plenty of issues that need to be dealt with, especially related to slow and tedious bureaucratic procedures, but what makes up for this is a genuine will to help foreign investors be successful in Serbia. From our experience, this will goes all the way through the structures, from the municipality level to high officials. But it is very important for all investors that Serbia continues to cut unnecessary bureaucracy, increase efficiency in public administration, and improve infrastructure.

Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? Overall, it is fair to say that Serbia is still a relatively unknown destination for many Danish companies. The region has not hitherto been considered of strategic importance. However, as the world is getting smaller, the position of Serbia and the progress which Serbia has made, especially in relation to its EU integration, means that more Danish companies are becoming aware of the potential. For this to materialize, companies need more factual information about the benefits of investing in Serbia. We are trying to change this every day through our extensive contact with Danish companies and industry organizations. But it takes time to change perception.

Which economic sector/projects are companies from your country most interested in? We see an increased interest in wellqualified labour, especially in the field of engineering. Danish companies are increasingly becoming aware of the pos-

In your opinion, has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? Cutting unnecessary bureaucratic procedures is extremely important when improving the investment climate. The government’s initiative was greeted with huge support and keen interest when it was announced. A lot of work has gone into this and many key players such as FIC have made substantial proposals. We notice the effects of the guillotine, but there is still a long way to go. I think many foreign investors had expected more visible results from the work with the guillotine project. Part of the project is also lack of implementation.

COMPANY REGISTER CARL BRO A/S BELGRADE Jørgen Engel +381 11 3236260, office@carlbro-serbia. org, CARLSBERG SERBIA D.O.O. Isaac Sheps +381 11 3303900 COWI SERBIA D.O.O. Mirko Radovanac +381 11 3225948, DANFOSS D.O.O. BELGRADE Slavica Petrovic +381 112098553, slavica.petrovic@, DANISCO INGREDIENTS +381 11 3116671, ERGOMADE D.O.O. René

Haarup +381 18 653120 , GRUNDFOS SERBIA D.O.O. Sasa Ilic +381 11 264 7877 MAERSK SERBIA D.O.O. Petar Visekruna +381 11 3065916, srbmng@maersk.

com, NOVO NORDISK PHARMA SRBIJA Predrag Radosevic +381 11 222700, prer@ VELUX SERBIA D.O.O. Ulrik Holst-Jensen +381 11 367 0468, ulrik.holst-jensen@,

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 39




READY TO SUPPORT he business environment in Serbia has improved over the years,” H.E. Kari Veijalainen, Ambassador of Finland in Belgrade, said recently. In his opinion, additional measures are still needed to attract more foreign investments and companies. In recent international comparisons on competitive and social-economic development (World Economic Forum and the World Bank) Serbia ranks somewhere in the middle (between 60-100). The EU integration process is important for the necessary structural reforms and measures to improve competition. Serbia is still considered a high-risk country according to criteria used by credit risk institutions. “The Foreign Investors Council (FIC) recently published its White Book on the investment climate in Serbia. It includes a number of recommendations on how to improve business regulations. I was pleased to note that Government Ministers viewed the report as a very useful instrument and promised to take speedy action in converting the recommendations of the Foreign Investors Council (FIC) into reality,” said His Excellency. Trade exchange between the two countries is still relatively low. Total trade for the eleven months in 2009 was 48.8 million USD, 48% less as compared to the same period in 2008 when it was 93 million USD. Serbian exports to Finland have been reduced by 14% and amounted to 8.2 million USD, while for 11 months of 2008 they were 9.5 million USD. However, there was a noticeable and substantial reduction of imports, even 52%, which amounts to USD 40.6 million, compared to the refer-

T “The EU integration process is important for the necessary structural reforms and measures to improve competition. Serbia is still considered a high-risk country according to criteria used by credit risk institutions.”


ommodity exchange of the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Finland in the period 2005- November 2009 in millions of USD

Year 2005 2006 2007 2008 11/2008 11/2009

Export 4,1 5,5 10,1 10,5 9,5 8,2

Import 30,0 38,6 73,8 88,6 83,5 40,6

40 Guide to The International Business Sector

Total 34,1 44,1 83,9 99,1 93,0 48,8

/ March 2010

Balance -25,9 -33,1 -63,7 -78,1 -74,0 -32,4

ence period in 2008 when it was 83.5 million USD. “It is true that our trade is quite modest. Through the visit of the trade delegation from Finland, we wanted to give companies better information about today’s Serbia and to encourage their representatives to establish direct contacts with interesting Serbian businesses. Of course, Serbia must do its own share and intensify efforts to increase its exports. The integration process with the EU plays an important role in this, too,” agreed H.E. Kari Veijalainen. He also mentioned that when the value and volume of trade is small, peaks and lows can be clearly seen in the statistics. In 2008-09, the global economic crisis struck the Finnish economy hard, for it is highly dependent on exports and mainly in investment goods. “Our exports and imports have dropped

FINNISH EXPORTS AND IMPORTS HAVE DROPPED SHARPLY, NOT ONLY WITH SERBIA BUT WITH MOST OTHER COUNTRIES AS WELL sharply, not only with Serbia but with most other countries as well. The same applies to the Serbian economy. In your trade, imports have dropped even much more than exports,” stressed His Excellency. The ambassador was of the opinion that the key is to have adequate legislation, the right priorities, and effective measures to implement reforms. “We in Finland have a long tradition in establishing a welfare society based on equality and basically the same opportunities for all citizens. It is not simple to copy a system from other countries. It is, however, useful to examine the best practices in different countries and also to learn from the mistakes of others. We in Finland are ready to work together with Serbia to enhance those aspects of society,” said H.E. Kari Veijalainen, Ambassador of Finland in Belgrade.

ABLOY ASSA AGROMARKET D.O.O. Mr. Zeljko DENDIC Sales Kraljevackog bataljona, 235/2 34000 KRAGUJEVAC 381 34 30 80 00 fax. 381 34 30 80 15 “AGROVOJVODINA MEHANIZACIJA” A.D. Sentadrejski put 165 (Rimski Sancevi) 21000 Novi Sad 021/6350278, fax. 021/419129, ALPHA COPY D.O.O. Rajiceva, 18, 11000 Belgrade, +381-11-3206700 tfax. +381-11-3206732 ALPHA IMAGING D.O.O. Vrtlarska, 55, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11-3166612, fax.+381 11-3166226 , AQUAMEC WATER MASTER Dreging technologies, environmental monitoring , AQUAMEC LTD “Branch Office Belgrade” Eng. Miroslav MITIC, Sales Koste Jovanovica, 36 11040 Belgrade, +381 11-2468916 AVANT TECNO OY Machines, loaders BIBIS D.O.O. YUBC, Bul. M. Pupina, 10 V/II, room 18 110070 N. Belgrade,

+381-11-3132727, fax. +381-11-3132666 Email: BRONTO SKYLIFTS Fire fighting equipment COLOUR MASTER CENTER Mr. Aleksandar ACIMOVIC, Managing Director 3861837, 3862164 Juzni bulevar, 84 11000 Belgrade EHOM (PROGRAM AUTO INDUSTRIJE) Mr. Aleksandar NAJERICA, Severni bulevar, 6 11000 Belgrade /fax. +381 11-3292055 EUROLIFT Stanoja Banusevca 18a 18000 NIS, 381 18 59 35 43, fax. 381 18 59 12 37 F-SECURE Data security company FINIMPORT D.O.O. Dobropoljska, 33, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11- 3 65 7204 , fax. +381 11 - 3657212m, branko., FINSKI PAPIR D.O.O. Mr. Velibor DJAKOVIC Majke Jevrosime 12/I 11000 Belgrade

011-3034049 tfax. 011-3034048 FISKARS CONSUMERS OY Garden tools, scissors FISIOLINE OY FRUCO D.O.O. Spomenka MILETIC , Director Kraljevica.Marka 33/23 21000 NOVI SAD t/f. 021-456114; 021-456213 GASOP D.O.O. Zaplanjska, 84e, 11040 Belgrade, +381 11-2463274, fax. +381 11-463648, HIAB Lyftkranar HM KAPITAL D.O.O. Cirila i Metodija, 40 21000. Novi Sad tel/fax. 021/6462283 kontakt@hm-kapital. IZOTEH Mr. Zoran MILJANIC, Manager Macvanska 21 11000 Belgrade / fax. 011-2442491 JUJO THERMAL

Thermal paper JUNTTAN Hydraulic pile/driving machines KEMPPI OY Welding machines&accessories KONE OY LABTEH Gandijeva, 32, 11000 Belgrade, +381-11-2161825 Tfax.-11-3175441 LAGERHOLM, SAUNA SUPPLIER LAMOR CORP. AB LAROX CORP. Filatrations solutions LUMON OY M-REAL & MYLLYKOSKI OY Printing papers and paper board MASFERG AGRO” D.O.O. Mr. DJordje MILOSEVIC, Director Futoski put, 10 21000 NOVI SAD tel/fax. 021/400525 MEDICO PHARM

If you find that any of the details provided in the Directory section of this special edition are incorrect, or your company has since changed its address or any other details, please contact alliance international media on + 381 (011) 308 99 77 / 308 99 88 or send the correct company information via email to, in order for us to provide our readers with correct and fully up-to-date information in future publications and on our websites.

SERVICE Kruzni put 36, 11309 Belgrade (Lestane) +381-11-3041600 fax. +381-11-3041620 office@medicopharm. com, “METALOHEM Eng. Dusan STANIC, Director Zmaj Jovina 47/1 21235 TEMERIN 021/851436 fax. 021/851400 MIMAS COMPANY D.O.O. Gen.Mihajla NEDELJKOVICA, 106, BELGRADE fax. +381 11-165085 MIN COMPANY D.O.O. Mr. Bogoljub PETROVIC, Director Gospodar Jevremova 12 11000 Belgrade /fax. 011/2185770 MOLOK OY Recycling system NOKIA OUTOTEC www. OY MIRKA AB Coated abrasieves PKVM SISTEMI Mr. MOMCILO STEVIC, Manager Danijelova, 8 11040 Belgrade, +381 11-3974612 fax. +381 11-3973952 Email: PLANMECA, DENTAL EQUIPMENT PLANMED. OY, MAMMOGRAPHY EQUIPMENT RAITA OY

Equipment & apparatus for indoor arenas and outdoor stadiums Mr.Zdravko D. MARAVIC Belgrade t/f. +381-11-3472215 z.maravic@beo rs RAPALA Fishing lures SAMPO ROSENLEW Harvesters SCANDINAVIAN SECURITY SOLUTIONS D.O.O. Mr. Branimir RESTOVIC, Director Tadeusa Koscuskog, 84 11106 Belgrade t/f. +381-11-3282170 SCP D.O.O. Kraljice Marije, 39/II 11000 Belgrade Tel/fax. . 011/3343334 fax.011/3229295 TEHNIKA HIDRAULIKE D.O.O. Svetozara Radojcica, 80 G, 11070 NOVI Belgrade 011/3463094 fax.011/3463096 TERASA LUX 11000 Belgrade Karadordjeva, 69 /fax. 011/3038206 TIKKURILA Paints, www.tikkurila VAISALA OYJ Meteorological equipment VALTRA VEXVE OY Valves

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 41




Eric Blanchetete, President of the French –Serbian Chamber of Commerce & CEO of Findomestic Bank in Serbia

CORRUPTION - THE he major problems we are facing here are long administrative procedures, regulations covering areas of corporate governance, investment policies, and environmental legislation that are not harmonized fully with EU standards, and therefore the implementation of those standards should be a priority,” said Eric Blanchetete, President of the French –Serbian Chamber of Commerce & CEO of Findomestic Bank in Serbia, for the Guide.


“Serbia is a country in transition. It is important to tackle corruption systematically to avoid its becoming institutionalized.”

What are the most common problems that your association’s member companies face in Serbia? Members of the French-Serbian Chamber of Commerce are working intensively with representatives of business community countrywide to identify the most significant obstacles that impair growth of the domestic economy and greater flow of investments. This is one of the key aspects of our work – jointly determining steps to be undertaken to achieve a more positive economical atmosphere and create new jobs. Our research shows that complex and burdensome procedures that are results of legislation that is not pro-business-orientated often discourage business people from engaging in Serbian economy. Thus, we are focusing on working jointly with domestic stakeholders and business people on streamlining procedures and improving economical environment. The major problems we are facing here are long administrative procedures, regulations covering


he tax regime in Serbia offers a wide range of incentives to investors who, on the one hand, are seeking new investment opportunities and on the other, to reduce cost. The corporate tax rate of 10% is one of the lowest in the region. Withholding tax on dividends, interest, and royalties is 20% and may be reduced when a double tax treaty is in existence. The transfer of shares is not subject to tax, based on these years’ amendments of the Property Tax Law. As a means of attracting foreign investors, the Serbian government extended tax incentives by offering a 10-year tax holiday, various tax credits when investing in fixed assets and non developed areas, and incentives for hiring new employees.


42 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

areas of corporate governance, investment policies, and environmental legislation that are not harmonized fully with EU standards, and therefore the implementation of those standards should be a priority. But probably the most important is the lack of an adequate infrastructure and a long-term development plan for the country. Has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? The fact is that all countries in transition such as Serbia face an enormous task of reviewing and updating the legacy of laws, rules, and other instruments dating

THIS IS ONE OF THE KEY ASPECTS OF OUR WORK – JOINTLY DETERMINING STEPS TO BE UNDERTAKEN TO ACHIEVE A MORE POSITIVE ECONOMICAL ATMOSPHERE AND CREATE NEW JOBS back decades. Serbia should be able to make rapid and visible progress by using the regulatory guillotine approach. If the guillotine is successful, the cost and risk of doing business in the national economy will be visibly reduced, improving competitiveness, investment, and job creation. If, let’s say, South Korea reviewed over 11000 regulations in 11 months and eliminated almost 50 % of them, which was projected to produce over 1 million new jobs and $36 billion in new FDI as a result of the lower barriers to entry and lower compliance costs on business, then I am positive that Serbia will be able to do even better, keeping in mind that the regulatory guillotine is a technique that can dramatically speed up the process of reviewing, eliminating, and streamlining regulations.

How much does the corruption in Serbia affect the business operations of the companies that are the association members? Corruption is one of the most important problems facing all countries in the region. While there are some indications that corruption may have become less rampant in recent years, available evidence suggests that corruption is unfortunately still present, while trust in key institutions is low. Serbia is a country in transition. It is important to tackle corruption systematically to avoid its becoming institutionalized. However, while good news and perceptions are thin on the ground, we find that the country is on a positive track in several areas: there are signs of greater control of public procurement, conflict of

interest has begun to be regulated, access to information and transparency of the government institutions have improved significantly, and the capacity of enforcement agencies to investigate and prosecute organized crime and corruption is increasing. The burden of rules and procedures has eased for private business, cutting opportunities for corruption. A lasting impact on corruption levels cannot be achieved without sustained political will at the highest levels of government. The reduction of corruption over previous years had been fostered by foreign trade liberalization, the reform of the public finances, and liberalization in general. What business results do you foresee by the end of 2010?

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 43



We are positive in our forecasts and we firmly believe that 2010 will be a much better year than the previous one, which was greatly affected by the crisis. One of the key arguments for this rationale is that the banking sector in Serbia is very stable and fully capable of supporting the growth of the economy. This is a very important point since this cannot be said for most neighboring countries. Also, the level of the Serbian GDP is still under the level it was 20 years ago, which simply by logic leaves a lot of room for development. The latest estimate of activity suggests that the economy should grow by around 1.5% this year, primarily driven by investment and consumption. Furthermore, our optimistic prediction is also based on the fact that the political situation in Serbia is more stable than ever, especially in the sense that practically all political parties agree on the proEuropean path of the country.


COMPANY REGISTER PHYSIQUE Mitić Miloš Durmitorska 19/25, 11000 Belgrade, 065 38 065 38 PERSONNE PHYSIQUE Salov Maja Bul. Arsenija Carnojevica 170/4, 11000 Belgrade PERSONNE PHYSIQUE LE Bloas Erwan Stojana Novakovica 18, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 22 58 777 AGS BELGRADE DOO Grujić Fabris, Directeur Niški Autoput 17, 11000 Belgrade, 347 2321, www. AGROBAZA/ GROUPE AXEREAL Moulin Frederic Đorđa Jovanovića br.2, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 53 22 12, +381 21 53 31 05 AIR FRANCE BEOGRAD Donati Jean-Pierre, Directeur Knez Mihailova 30/II, 11000 Belgrade, +328 79 08, 263 83 78, www.airfrance. com AIR LIQUIDE Zizic Dejan, General Manager Palmoticeva 12, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 2200 126 ALFA DIGITAL Ankovic Ivan, Gen-

Omladinskih brigada 88, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 22 88 298 ANSON PARTNERS Herriau Nicolas, Directeur Knez Mihailova 42, 11000 Belgrade 2189195, 30 33 156 ARCELOR DISTRIBUCIJA Miloš Predrag, Executive Director Milutina Milankovica 25B, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 313 31 35, AREVA T&D Miladinovic Biljana, Directrice de vente Gracanicka 1, 11000 Belgrade, 218 01 50, 328 19 47, ARHITEKT AGENCIJA Miskovic Petar, Directeur Bul. Mihajla Pupina 63; app4, 11000 Belgrade 30 18 269, 30 18 269 DTP TERASSEMENT Medic Mirko, Business Development Manager Balkan Area Aljehinova 3/20, 11000 Belgrade COFACE Vlajcic Pavle, Directeur Bul. Oslobodjenja 111, 11000 Belgrade, 011/397 60 51, 011/397

Headquarter Novi Sad Braće Ribnikar 4-6 21000 Novi Sad Phone: +381 21 4 876 876 Fax: +381 21 4 876 976

eral Manager Radnicka 5a, 11000 Belgrade30 51 615 ALSTOM Jelisavcic Miodrag, Directeur Gracanicka 1, 11000 Belgrade, 2185310 ALCATEL LUCENT Visloguzov Emil, SEO Serbie, BiH,Montenegro

Francois Edouard Drion, President of the Executive Board Milentija Popovića 5a, 11070 New Belgrade, +381 11 3305876; +381 11 3305802, francois.drion@ CA LIFE Benini Guglielmo, Director Milentija Popovica 5a/VI, 11000 Belgrade, 381 11 33 05 810, +381 11 33 05 903 DANONE ADRIATIC Radaković Nebojsa, General Manager Bulevar Avnoja 67/7, 11000 Belgrade, 381 11 301-7583, +381 11 313-1900, DANOS AND ASSOCIATES Jovanovic Jovan, Country manager Vladimira Popovica 6, 11000 Belgrqde +381 11 2600 603, www. DELTA M GROUP Pellet Laurent, EVP – Deputy CEO Milentija Popovica 7b, 11000 Belgrade, 381 11 20 12 219, DU PONT SRB Couery Olivier, Directeur Omladinskih brigada 88, 11000 Belgrade , +381 11 20

Offices Belgrade Milentija Popovića 5a 11070 Novi Beograd Phone: +381 11 3305 800 Fax: +381 11 3305 976

60 51 COMITE OLYMPIQUE DE SERBIE Manojlovic Predrag, President Generala Vasića 5, 11040 Belgrade, +381 11 3671 575, +381 3671887 CRÉDIT AGRICOLE SRBIJA AD NOVI SAD

44 Guide to The International Business Sector

90 585, +381 11 20 90 599, ELSYS EASTERN EUROPE Cerisier Fabien, Regional Manager Omladinskih Brigada 88 – B1500, 11000 Belgrade +381 1131 15 252, www. EURO GARDI GROUP Floric Zoran, Directeur

/ March 2010

Rumenacka 17, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21/ 51 23 11, +381 21/ 51 23 11 EUTELSAT Divjak Tihomir, Représentant Brace Baruha 9 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 21 85 344, +381 11 21 85 344 FARMER & SPAIC Farmer Chris, Directeur Toplicin Venac 11, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 32888-50, +381 11 3288846 FINDOMESTIC BANKA AD Blanchetete Eric, President of the Board Kosovska 10 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 33 31 733, +381 11 33 31 766 FINDOMESTIC BANKA AD Mutricy Bertrand, Chief Financial Officer Kosovska 10, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 333 1771,+381 11 323 1766 FINDOMESTIC BANKA AD Pejčinović Radivoj, Member of the Executive Board Kosovska 10, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 333 1755, +381 11 323 1766 FINDOMESTIC BANKA AD Verneyre Jean, Secrétaire Général Kosovska 10, 11000 Belgrade , +381 11 33 31 737, GIDE LOYRETTE NOUEL Santoni Carol, Avocat collaborateur responsable Serbie Andricev venac 2/III, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 30 24 900, GIDE LOYRETTE NOUEL Cvijanovic Marina, Business Development Manager Andricev venac 2/ III, 11000 Belgrade

+381 11 30 24 900, +381 11 30 24 910 GLOBAL PRESS D.O.O. Daboudet Mathieu Directeur de la Distribution, de l’Informatique et de l’Organisation Žorža Klemansoa 24, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 276 4538, +381 11 276 4166 HEINEKEN Mahot Francois Xavier, General Manager Omladinskih brigada 90 b, 11000 Belgrade , +381 11 3538 611, +381 11 3538691, HYATT REGENCY BEOGRAD Moura Georges, Director of Rooms / Sales & Marketing Milentija Popovica 5, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 301 1102, +381 11 31 12 330, www.belgrade. IDR & PARTNERS DOO Lebas Philippe, Directeur Krunska 85, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 2453 458, +381 11 24 55 431 IMLEK AD Popović Srđan, Directeur Marketing Imlek Maršala Birjuzova 41, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3772 413, +381 11 3772 411, www. HIT AUTO Grasser Eric, Directeur Staro sajmiste 29, 11000 Belgrade , +381 11 20 18 000, +381 11 20 18 037, KARANOVIC & NIKOLIC Gannon Patricia Avocat Lepenička 7, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3094-200 KPMG DOO BEOGRAD Mutricy Daphne, As-

sistante Manager/Tax department Kraljice Natalije 11, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 2050571, +381 11 2050550, LAFARGE BFC AD Borc Costin, Dirécteur Général Trg BFC 1 , 21300 Beocin , +381 21/87 41 01, +381 21/87 41 04 LAFARGE BFC AD Goldstein Daphna, Marketing & Cementitious Manager Trg BFC 1, 21300 Beocin, +381 21 874 160, 38 21/87 41 04 LEGRAND Govedar Michel , Directeur Bureau & Resp. Zone Balkans Est Djordja Vajferta 36, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 2453 936 +381 11 3835 060 LOHR BALLOUE JeanPierre, General Director Becejski put 31 24300 Backa Topola, 381 24 712 777, +381 24 718 100, L’OREAL BALKAN DOO Streller Brigitte, General Manager Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 64A, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 22 05 900, +381 11 22 05 934 L’OREAL BALKAN DOO Bresson Benjamin, Supply Chain Manager Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 64A, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 22 05 902, +381 11 22 05 901 MSS STAFFING SERVICES VERNEYRE Christelle, Responsable Commercial Ilije Garasanina 22, 11000

3302101, PUBLICIS, Kusic Zaklina, CEO Gospodar Jovanova 2, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 2180 533, +381 11 2180 286, PUPIN TELECOM Radovanovic Miroslav, President of company BATAJNIČKI PUT 23, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3070 516, +381 11 3070 400 RENAULT NISSAN SRBIJA DOO Belin Milan, Directeur Géneral Omladinskih Brigada 88, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 21 78 187, +381 11 21 78 186, SAINT GOBAIN Grujić Aleksandar, Président Vladimira Popovica 40/III, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 22 82 444, +381 11 314 97 95 SANOFI AVENTIS DOO Marjanovic Pavle, General Manager Vladimira Popovica 40/IV, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 21 20 541, +381 11 31 32 045 SAFEGE (GROUPE SUEZ) DUPLOUY Jean-Claude, Team Leader Dusina 2,11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3247994 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC Costa Giovanni, Country Manager Milutina Milankovica 7d, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3773 100, SERVIER Caillaud Aurélien,

Directeur du Bureau de Representation Bul.Zorana Djindjica 87/2, 11000 Belgrade , +381 11 30 17 790, +381 11 30 17 309 SLADARA MALTINEX AD Nikitine Konstantin CEO INDUSTRIJSKA ZONA BB, 21400 Backa Palanka +381 21/752 910, 381 21/604 2399 SOCIETE GENERALE BANKA SRBIJA Brajovic Nemanja, Corporate Relationship Manager Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 50 a/b, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 222.1.235, +381 11 31.32.885 SOCIETE GENERALE BANKA SRBIJA Porcher Patrick, Administrative Manager Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 50 a/b, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 30 11 590 SOCIETE GENERALE BANKA SRBIJA Toussaint Antoine, President of the Executive Board Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 50 a/b, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 30 11 401, +381 11 31 32 885 SOCIETE GENERALE BANKA SRBIJA Verseils Gilles, Vice President of the Executive Board Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 50 a/b, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 30 11 425,

+381 11 30 11 885 SOCIETE GENERALE OSIGURANJE Debard Stéphane, Directeur Général Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 115dj, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 26 08 655 SOCIETE GENERALE BANKA SRBIJA Hosemans David, Direct-

18300 Pirot +381 10/313 121, +381 10/313 122 TIGAR AD Petković Jelena, Executive Director Nikole Pašića 213, 18300 Pirot +381 10/313 121, +381 10/313 122 TIGAR TYRES Masson Bruno Nikole Pasica 213, 18300

Istria Claude, Executive Director Baje Pivljanina 53a, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 36 30 200, +381 11 36 30 229 WILHELM & CO Ziza Ponjevic Gisèle, Responsable de développement SEE Velislava Vulovića 15, 11000 Belgrade

eur Financier Bulevar Zorana Đinđića 50 a/b, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 30 11 590, +381 11 31 32 885 STREIT JUCIT DOO Medenica Nenad, Responsable de site Kralja Petra I 156, 22300 Nova Pazova +381 22/33 12 99, +381 22/33 21 99 TIGAR AD Nikolic Dragan, General Manager Nikole Pašića 213,

Pirot TELEKOMUNIKACIJE RACUNARI I SERVISI Biljic Dragan, Directeur Mose Pijade 7A, 11130 Kaludjerica, +381 11/312-9751, +381 11/312-9755 VEOLIA TRANSPORT Gotthold Claes, Country Manager/CEO Zrenjaninski put 86 M, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3317 517, 381 11 3317 533 XPRO DOO

AMBASSADE DE FRANCE Remond Olivier, Chef de la Mission Economique Zmaj Jovina 11, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 302 36 20, +381 11 3023621 AMBASSADE DE FRANCE Parquet Olivier, Conseiller Commercial - Adjoint du Chef de Mission Zmaj Jovina 11, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 302 36 20, +381 11 3023621

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 45


Belgrade, +381 11 32 31 559, +381 11 32 37 784 MSS STAFFING SERVICES Maksić Zagorka, Consultante en Ressources Humaines Ilije Garašanina 22, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 30 37 582, +381 11 32 37 784 MLEKOPRODUKT AD Peron Benoit, Directeur Marketing Ventes Temisvarski drum 24, 23000 Zrenjanin, +381 23/525 577, +381 23/547 245, NOVKOL AD Višnjić Nikola, Technical Manager Surcinski put 1k, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 260 79 79, +381 11 31 29 183, NOVKOL AD Janković Milorad, General Manager Surcinski put 1k, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 260 79 79, +381 11 260 79 81 NOVKOL AD Hranisavljević Miloš, Executive Manager Surcinski put 1k, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 260 7979, +381 11 260 79 81 PERNOD RICARD Amidzic Predrag, General Manager Bul. Oslobodjenja 211, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3091 517, +381 11 3091 507 PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS Koenig Emmanuel, Country Managing Partner Omladinskih brigada 88a, 11000 Belgrade , +381 11 3302100, +381 11


Ernst Bode, President of the German Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade

INCREASING COMPETITIVENESS orruption in Serbia exists to a certain extent but it is not much different, even less present than in other countries in the region,” said Ernst Bode, President of the German Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade for the Guide.

C “The simplification of administrative procedures is a good and important step towards a more efficient, simpler, faster bureaucracy hopefully also leading to cost reduction in companies.”

What are the most common problems that your association’s member companies face in Serbia? The most common problems of German Business Association members and other foreign investors include long and complex administrative procedures, e.g. export and import procedures, procedures for electricity and natural gas connections, building permissions, and practically all issues in connection with land ownership. In your opinion, has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? The simplification of administrative procedures is a good and important step towards a more efficient, simpler, faster bureaucracy hopefully also leading to cost reduction in companies. For example, Messer Tehnogas is one of the few companies in Serbia which has become a partner of the Customs Administration and has been enabled by this institution to have a simplified export and import customs clearance procedure. However, daily dealing with many administrative segments is so far unchanged and there remains room for improvement. How far along can your members plan their operations in Serbia bearing in mind the frequent changes to the tax regime? I believe the tax regime in Serbia is satisfac-


have a very strong conviction that besides the current ongoing crisis, the government has lately made some good moves to support the industry but still needs to do a lot more. The industry as a whole has nearly vanished and the little that is left needs to be revived. Serbia needs investments in efficient state-of-the-art equipment, production capacities, focus on industrial production and agriculture instead of import and trade. It must increase its competitiveness on the world market.


46 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

tory and very competitive and, without considering the general economic crisis in the world which has made most plans uncertain, members of our Association can plan their activities and future operations in Serbia. How much does corruption in Serbia affect business operations of the companies that are the association members? Corruption in Serbia exists to a certain extent but it is not much different, even less present than in other countries in the region. I do not want to downplay the problem, but I am convinced that many other countries in Europe, among them several member countries of the EU, have a corruption problem which is far more serious than in Serbia.

DEALING WITH MANY ADMINISTRATIVE SEGMENTS ON DAILY BASES SO FAR IS UNCHANGED AND THERE REMAINS ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT What business results do you foresee for the end of 2010? The optimistic announcements in Europe and the world regarding the weakening of the economic crisis and beginning of an upward trend in world economy will hopefully also have a reflection on Serbia by the end of this year. After all, Serbia is not performing so badly compared to its direct neighbors. By and large, I have a very strong conviction that besides the current ongoing crisis, the government has lately made some good moves to support the industry but still needs to do a lot more. The industry as a whole has nearly vanished and the little that is left needs to be revived. Serbia needs investments in efficient state-of-the-art equipment, production capacities, focus on industrial production and agriculture instead of import and trade. It must increase its competitiveness on the world market. This is certainly not an easy long-term process, but is absolutely necessary and will certainly yield good results for the future of Serbia.

AAA-1 RENT D.O.O. – SIXT FRANŠIZE Žorža Klemensoa 19, BGD , Tel: +38 11 328 6654, Fax: +38 11 218 1088, ADRIA MEDIA SERBIA D.O.O. Omladinskih brigada 88a, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 2079 900, Fax: +381 11 2079 988, b.rademann@ ARNDT MANAGEMENT CONSULTING GMBH - NIŠ CONSULTING Bul. Sv. Cara Konstantina 80 - 86, 18000 Niš, : +49 69 974 67 136, reinhold.arndt@ arndt-management-consulting. com; BDO D.O.O. Knez Mihailova 10, BGD, Tel: +381 11 32 81 399, Fax: +381 11 32 81 808, HOLIDAY INN BELGRADE, BELEXPOCENTAR D.O.O. Tel: +381 11 3100 040, Fax: +381 11 3100 100, BERLIN CHEMIE REPRESENTATIVE, Prilepska 1, BGD, Tel: +381 11 3657 098 Fax: +381 11 3657 101 BIG DUTCHMAN INTERNA-

OBO Bettermann d.o.o. Sentandrejski put 184, Novi Sad tel/fax: +381 (0) 21 410 533, +381 (0) 21 410 534 Branch Office Belgrade Vodovodska 158/5, Belgrade tel: +381 (0) 11 2397 395, fax: + 381 (0) 11 2397 394

ATRIUM CONSULTING D.O.O. Bul. Mihajla Pupina 165 G, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 220 5810, Faks: +381 11 220 581,, BALKAN LAND DEVELOPMENT D.O.O. Žarkovačka 21g, BGD,, g.tripinovic@ BALL PACKAGING EUROPE BELGRADE LTD. Batajnički drum 21A, BGD, Tel: +381 11 3770 644, Faks: +381 11 377 0844, david_, www. BASF D.O.O. Omladinskih brigada, N.BGD, Tel: + 381 11 30 93 403, Fax: + 381 11 30 93 401, harald.kube@basf. com, BAUKU D.O.O. Kosovska 35, BGD, Tel: +381 11 3034 527, Fax: +381 11 3220 905, bauku@beo rs, BAYER D.O.O. Omladinskih brigada 88b, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 2070 272 , Fax: +381 11 2070 263,, www.bayercrop-

TIONAL GMBH – NOVI SAD Bul. Oslobođenja 30a, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 6334 141 Fax: +381 21 6 334 141 BINVEX – STANDARD D.O.O. Požarevačka 35, BGD Tel: +381 11 3836 848 Fax: +391 11 3836 882 BOŽIĆ I SINOVI D.O.O. Maksima Gorkog 2, 26000 Pančevo, Tel: +381 13 331 166, Fax: +381 13 346 947, BT-PEGROTOUR D.O.O. (HRG SERBIA) Cubrina 4, Sprat IV Stan 19, BGD Tel:+381 11 3038 920 Fax: +381 11 3283 304 CD-COMPILE GMBH Dušana Vukasovića 50``ctor: Distribution of POS terminals CMS REICH-ROHRWIG HAINZ Cincar Jankova 3, BGD Tel: +381 11 3030 136

Fax: +381 11 3038 930, COMMERZBANK AG REPRÄSENTANZ BELGRAD Genex Apartmani,Ap.112 Vladimira Popovica 6,N.BG Tel: +381 11 30 18 520; Fax: +381 11 30 18 523, thomas.timme@ CONDATA D.O.O. Carice Milice 3, BGD, T/F: +381 11 2629 021, vesna., CONFIDA CONSULTING D.O.O. Knez Mihailova 22, BGD, Tel: +381 11 3039 104, Fax: +381 11 3039 105, MEDIA D.O.O. Dragoslava Jovanovića 13/I, BGD, Tel: +381 11 3240 134; Fax: +381 11 3348 917, carim.grahn@ www.cmserbia. com CRAFORD INVESTMENT D.O.O. Paje Adamova 2, BGD, Tel: +381 11 3699 115; Fax: +381 11 2665 457,, www. D.O.O. Palmira Toljatija 5/III, N.BGD, Tel: +381 63 383 410; +381 11 2696 059, Fax: +381 11 2672 998, ,www. DRÄXLMAIER AUTOMOTIVE D.O.O. Skladišna hala 1, Lokacija Bagljaš Aerodrom, 23000 Zrenjanin Tel: +381 23 519 001 Fax: +381 23 519 056 MERCEDES-BENZ SRBIJA I CRNA GORA D.O.O. (DAIMLER CHRYSLER SCG D.O.O.) Omladinskih Brigada 33, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 3019 042, Fax: +381 11 3019 049 DEKRA ZAPOSLJAVANJE D.O.O. Antifašističke borbe 12, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 2120 454, Fax: +381 11 2120 458 DELTA GENERALI OSIGURANJE D.O.O. Milentija Popovića 7b, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 2012 750, Fax: +381 11 2012 748, aleksandar. DELTA M D.O.O. Milentija Popovića 7b, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 2012 350; +381 11 2012 220 Faks: +381 11 2012 207 DELOITTE D.O.O. Makenzijeva 24, BGD Tel: +381 11 3812 100; DERTOUR D.O.O. YBC Bul. M. Pupina 10V/II, 212, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 3119 618, Fax: +381 11 319 651 DEUTSCHE BAHN AG REPRÄSENTANZ BEOGRAD Takovska 6/II/2, BGD, Tel: +381 11 3033 877 Fax: +381 11 3234 690, www. PREDSTAVNISTVO DEUTSCHE BANK AG, FRANKFURT A.M. – GERMANY Balkanska 2, IV Sprat, Suite 1402, BGD, Tel: +381 11 2055 052, Fax: +381 11 2055 053,, DEWACO D.O.O. Poenkareova 16 , BGD, Tel: +381 22 366 400, Fax: +381 22 366 429,, www. DHL INTERNATIONAL BEOGRAD D.O.O. Juria Gargarina 36, N.BGD Tel: +381 11 3105 500 Fax.+381 11 3105 510; +381 11 3105 599, DORMA ELMAT MAKSIMA GORKOG 135, BGD

Tel: +381 11 2447 321,Fax. +381 11 2447 321,, www. DRÄGER TEHNIKA D.O.O. Tošin bunar 41, BGD Tel: +381 11 3739 911 Fax: +381 11 3739 912 DSD KONSTRUKTION D.O.O. Milana Petrovica 21, 21000 Novi Sad, Tel: +381 21 6791 888, Fax: +381 21 458 228, EKAPIJA.COM D.O.O. Vladimira Popovića 14, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 2120 511, Fax: +381 11 2120 513 EOS MATRIX D.O.O. Đorđa Stanojevića 12, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 3300 700, Fax: +381 11 3300 777 EUROCARGO D.O.O. INTERNATIONALE SPEDITION & TRANSPORT Selo Strojkovce, 16203 VucjeLeskovac, Tel: +381 16 230 400, Fax: +381 1679 4009, jasmina@

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 47



GERMANY EUROPOOL INTERNATIONAL TRACKSYSTEMS D.O.O. BEOGRAD Cara Uroša 11 , BGD, Tel: +381 11 3284 391, Fax: +381 11 3284 053, matic@ EXECOM D.O.O. Bul. Kralja Petra I 89, 21000 Novi Sad , Tel: +381 21 4770 500, Fax: +381 21 4772 998 FIRST DATA SCG D.O.O. Kopernikova 8, BGD, Tel: +381 11 2071 100, Fax: +381 11 2071 115, olja. ,www. FORMAN BGD D.O.O. Srpskocrkvena 20, 22320 Indjija, Tel: +381 22 555 814 Fax: +381 22 555 814 ecimovic@forman-gmbh. com FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE SRBIJA D.O.O. Beogradski put bb, 26300 Vrsac, Tel: +381 13 802 502 Fax: +381 13 821 060 predrag.vranic@fmc-ag. com, Jurija Gagarina 11, N.BGD Tel: +381 11 395 1000 Fax:+381 11 395 1009 GEZE D.O.O. Elemirski put BB, 23000 Zrenjanin,, www. GFK Milutina Milankovića 27, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 3130 500 , Fax: +381 11 3130 053 ,, www. GRAH AUTOMOBILE D.O.O.Kneza Miloša Obrenovića bb, 34227 Batočina, Tel: +381 34 501 060, Fax: +381 34 501 061 GRAND MOTORS D.O.O. Milutina Miankoviča 21, N.BGD, Tel: +381 112090 661,, GRUNER SERBIAN D.O.O. 29. Novembra BB, 16210

Vlasotince, Tel: +381 16 230 603, Fax: +381 16 230 601, ; GTZ-GESELLSCHAFT FÜR TECHNISCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT GMBH Zupana Vlastimira 6, BGD T/F: +381 11 2666 544;, www. GU BKS D.O.O. Autobahn nach Novi Sad 2V, BGD Beograd - Zemun, Tel: +381 11 2098 500, Fax: +381 11 2098 520, jarno.pitl@g-u. de, HEIDELBERG JUGOSLAVIJA D.O.O. Pljevaljska 2 B, BGD, Tel: +381 11 3045 460 Fax: +381 11 2860 027 alexander.hufnagel@ HEMOFARM A.D. Beogradski put bb, 26300 Vršac, Tel: +381 13 803 100, miodrag.babic@hemofarm. com HENKEL SRBIJA D.O.O. Bul.Oslobođenja 383, BGD Tel: +381 11 2072 200, Fax: +381 11 2072 294, nenad. HINTE GMBH Griesbachstraße 10, D-76185 Karlsruhe, Tel: +49 (0) 721 931 330, Fax:+49 (0) 721 831 4240, HÖDLMAYR ZASTAVA D.O.O. Trg Topolivaca 4, 34000 Kragujevac Tel: +381 34 323 239 Fax: +381 34 335 916 HOLCIM (SRBIJA) D.O.O. POPOVAC Popovac kod Paraćina, 35254 Popovac Tel: +381 35 572 260 Fax: +381 35 572 577 HOLLEMAN D.O.O. Milinka Kušića 1/3, BGD Tel: +381 11 257 13 07

48 Guide to The International Business Sector

Fax: +381 11 257 13 89, www. HOYER D.O.O. Banjički put 62., BGD Tel: +381 11 3592 456 Fax: +381 11 3055 760 HYPO ALPE-ADRIASECURITIES D.O.O. Goci Delčeva 44, N.BGD Tel: +381 11 2226 809 Fax: +381 11 2226 896 ICC INTERNATIONAL CONSULTING CENTER D.O.O. Kralja Petra 32, BGD Tel: +381 11 3300 100 Fax: +381 11 3300 137 dragica.atanaskovic@ IVA 28 D.O.O. Jurija Gagarina 231/322, N.BGD Tel: +381 11 3015 640 Fax: + 381 11 3015 635, KELLER GEOTECHNIK D.O.O. SRBIJA Ustanicka 189/I-6b,, BGD Tel: +381 11 3470 868 Fax:+381 11 3471 518 Tel: +43(0)3137 3767 1214 Fax:+43 (0) 3137 3767 37 KFW BEOGRAD Župana Vlastimira 6, BGD Tel: +381 11 3671 273 Fax: +381 11 3670 128 KNAUF D.O.O.BEOGRAD Privredna Zona Gornji Zemun , Zona 4, BGD - Zemun Tel: +381 11 2074 500 Fax: +381 11 2074 530, www. Obalskih radnika 4g, 11030 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3540 174 Fax: +381 11 3545 152

/ March 2010

librabgd@eunet.yu LINDE GAS SRBIJA Petrovoselski put 143, 21220 Bečej Tel: +381 21 6811 010 Fax: +381 21 6811 051 slobodan.macedonic@ LINDE VILJUŠKARI D.O.O. Autoput BG-NS 294a, BGD - Zemun Tel: +381 11 3757 401; Faks: +381 11 3757 362, www. LOHER ELEKTRO SUBOTICA D.O.O. Batinska 94 24000 Subotica, Tel: +381 24 623 500, Fax: +381 24 623 592, istvan.sekula@, LUFTHANSA AKTIENGESELLSCHAFT-LUFTHANSA BEOGRAD Terazije 3, BGD Tel: +381 11 3034 944 Fax: +381 11 3225 009, www. MÄNZ AND PARTNER D.O.O. Kralja Milana 10/II, BGD, Tel: +381 11 2686 683; Faks: +381 11 2687 930 MBS TEHNO, D.O.O. Bul.Despota Stefana 21,BGD Tel: +381 11 3229 219; Fax: +381 11 3347 482 MEDIAPRINT-SRBIJA DOO BEOGRAD (POLITIKA DAILY) Mosorska 14 , BGD Tel: +381 11 3301 161 Fax: +381 11 3373 042 MEDINIC EKSPORTIMPORT D.O.O. Daničareva 57, BGD Tel: +381 11 3047 744 Fax: +381 11 2837 009 MERCK D.O.O. Djordja Stanojevica 12, N.BGD Tel: +381 11 2175 761 Fax: +381 11 2176 781

MESSER TEHNOGAS A.D. Banjički put 62, BGD Tel: +381 11 3537 210 Fax: +381 11 3537 299 METRO CASH CARRY D.O.O. BEOGRAD Autoput za Novi Sad 120, BGD - Zemun, Tel: +381 11 3777 366, Fax: +381 11 3777 580, veronika. METZ GROUP D.O.O. BEOGRAD Njegoševa 40, BGD Tel: +381 11 446 916 Fax: +381 11 2459 943 MILOŠEVIĆ CREATIVE COMMUNICATIONS D.O.O. BEOGRAD Resavska 49, BGD Tel: +381 11 3612 383 Fax: +381 11 3612 199, www. MOBEXPERT GROUP D.O.O. BEOGRAD Bul. oslobođenja 149, BGD Tel: +381 11 2468 423 Fax: +381 11 3910 770, MUEHLBAUER D.O.O. Aleksandra Stambolijskog 3b, BGD Tel: +381 11 3066 298 Fax: +381 11 2660 258 NEUMANN INTERNATIONAL AG BEOGRAD Kneza Sime Markovića 7, BGD, Tel: +381 11 2182 588 Fax: +381 11 2186 763 boban.ilic@neumann-inter. com NLB INTERFINANZ D.O.O. BEOGRAD Bul. Mihaila Pupina 165 v, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 2225 350, Fax: +381 11 2225 354 OBI SRB TRGOVINA D.O.O. Vladimira Popovica 6/209, N.BGD Tel: +381 11 3018 518,

OFFICECOM D.O.O. BEOGRAD Tronoška 18, 11185 BGD Tel: +381 11 3774 535 Fax: +381 11 3774 538 PANOS INŽENJERING Bul. Oslobodjenja 127/IX, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4720 800 Fax: +381 21 4720 692 zeljko.pantovic@panosing. com, PECOCAR D.O.O. Miletićeva 124, 23000 Zrenjanin, Tel: +49 6235 490 966; +381 23 546 816 Fax: +49 6235 7901 PHIWA D.O.O. Matije Korvina 17, 24000 Subotica, Tel:+381 24 647 222, PMC INTERNATIONAL PERSONAL - UND MANAGEMENT- BERATUNG GESELLSCHAFT M.B.H. BEOGRAD Kralja Petra 32, BGD Tel: +381 11 3282 417 Fax: +381 11 3282 416 pmc@pmc-international., POLIKLINIKA MIRAMONTI D.O.O. BEOGRAD Tolstojeva 44, BGD, Tel: +381 11 3671 352, Fax: +381 11 3679 452, info@ POLYMIT-B D.O.O. ŠABAC Branimira Ćosića 6, 15000 Šabac, Tel: +381 15 360 300; Fax: +381 15 360 308 bilanpolymit@nadlanu. com PORSCHE LEASING SCG D.O.O. BEOGRAD Zrenjaninski put 11, BGD Tel: +381 11 2016 955 Fax: +381 11 3042 549 PORSCHE SCG D.O.O. BEOGRAD Zrenjaninski put 11 P. fah 16, 11210 Beograd

Fax: +381 11 2076 899 ( RA )ADVOKATSKA KANCELARIJA JOKSOVIĆ, STOJANOVIĆ & PARTNERS Internationalnih brigada 38, BGD Tel: +381 11 344 03 74 Fax: +381 11 344 59 72, www. ( RA )ADVOKATSKA KANCELARIJA KARANOVIĆ I NIKOLIĆ Lepenička 7, BGD Tel: +381 11 3094 200 Fax: +381 11 3094 223 dragan.karanovic@ ( RA )ADVOKATSKA KANCELARIJA LUČIĆ & MILOVANOVIĆ Omladinskih brigade 88a, NBGD Tel: +381 11 3302 100 Fax: +381 11 3302 101 predrag.milovanovic@ ( RA )ADVOKATSKA KANCELARIJA BOJOVIĆ & DAŠIĆ Gospodar Jovanova 83, BGD T: +381 11 3036 468 F: +381 11 3036 469 ( RA )ADVOKATSKA KANCELARIJA TOMIĆSTEVIĆ-DULIĆ Carice Milice 3/II, BGD T/F: +381 11 3285 227 ljubica.tomic@tomic-stevic. REEMTSMA- IMPERIAL TOBACCO SCG D.O.O. Diplomatska Kolonija 20, BGD, Tel: +381 11 3067 545 Fax: +381 11 3067 187 vladimir.mikic@reemtsma. co.yu REHAU D.O.O. Batajnički drum 283 E, BGD – Beograd - Zemun Tel: +381 11 3770 302; REUM D.O.O. BEOGRAD Carl-Reum-Ulica Veliko Polje, SRB- 35210 Svilajnac Tel: +381 65 6284 606 ROBERT BOSCH D.O.O. Milutina Milankovića 11a, N.BGD Tel: +381 11 2052 331 Fax: +381 11 2052 333 jovanka.jovanovic@bosch. com, ROBERTS TRAVEL AND CONSULTING D.O.O. Majke Jevrosime 24, BGD Tel: +381 11 3032 135 Fax: +381 11 3224 796 S&FRIENDS SCHOLZ&FRIENDS D.O.O. Gospodar Jevremova 53, BGD T/F: +381 11 2639 640 , S&T SERBIA D.O.O. Narodnih heroja 43/XXIII, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 3116

221, Fax: +381 11 3117 665, S.E. TRADE Slanački put 26, BGD Tel: +381 11 2972 223 Faks: +381 11 2972 223 nebojsavranes@zerowaste. rs, SANO D.O.O. Mileve Simić bb, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 446 917; +381 21 419 484, SAP WEST BALKANS D.O.O. Omladinskih Brigada 88 b, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 3536 900, Fax: +381 11 3536 919, vladimir., www. SCHENKER D.O.O. Batajnički drum 283d, BGD Tel: +381 11 3757 717 Fax: +381 11 8488 331 SCHOLZE GRUPPE D.O.O. Bul. Despota Stefana 13, BGD, T:+381 11 333 7470 471, SIEMENS D.O.O. Omladinskih brigada 21, N.BGD Tel: +381 11 2096 005; Fax: +381 11 2096 061 SIG COMBIBLOC GMBH & CO. KG Hadži Ruvimova 61/33, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 6310 179 Fax: +381 21 6310 179, www. SINALCO SRBIJA D.O.O. Gornja Toplica bb, 14243 Gornja Toplica

If you find that any of the details provided in the Directory section of this special edition are incorrect, or your company has since changed its address or any other details, please contact alliance international media on + 381 (011) 308 99 77 / 308 99 88 or send the correct company information via email to, in order for us to provide our readers with correct and fully up-to-date information in future publications and on our websites.

Tel: +381 1460 048 Fax: +381 1460 047 SPIEGELFELD INTERNATIONAL D.O.O. Neznanog junaka 14,BGD Tel: +381 11 3679 111 Fax +381 11 3679 112 SUNOKO D.O.O. Trg Marije Trandafil 7, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4878 111 Fax: +381 21 522 277, www. THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATORI D.O.O. Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10 z apartman 443, N.BGD Tel: +381 11 2129 612; TM IMMO D.O.O. Djordja Stanojevica 12, N.BGD Tel: +381 11 3189 120 Fax: +381 11 3187 924 TRCPRO Preradovićeva 31, 21131 Petrovaradin T/F: +381 21643 3824;, TRENKWALDER D.O.O. Omladinskih Brigada 86, N.BGD Tel: +381 11 2129 063 Fax: +381 11 2274 089 TÜV SÜD SAVA D.O.O. Starine Novaka 3, BGD Tel: +381 11 3035 533; Fax: +381 11 3245 552 UNIFARM MEDICOM D.O.O. Cara Dušana 264 , BGD - Zemun Tel: +381 11 2198 451 Fax: +381 11 2612 292, VICTORIA GROUP NOVI SAD Hajduk Veljkova 11, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4895 400 Fax: +381 21 521 204 VIESSMANN D.O.O. BEOGRAD TRIŠE KACLEROVIĆA 27 L, BGD Tel: +381 11 3097 887 Fax: +381 11 3097 886 VOLKSBANK A.D. BEOGRAD Bul. Mihaila Pupina 165g, N.BGD Tel: +381 11 2013 259 Fax: +381 11 2013 270 www.volks WASI D.O.O. Pančevački put 38, 11210 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2078 227 , Fax: +381 11 3318 532 WEISHAUPT D.O.O. BEOGRAD Bul. Mihaila Pupina 6, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 2200 601 Fax: +381 11 2200 610, , www. WILO BEOGRAD D.O.O. Mijačka 3, BGD Tel: +381 11 2851 275 conditioning WINTERHALTER GASTRONOM YU D.O.O. Zrenjanski Put 84c, BGD Tel: +381 11 208 5950 Fax: +381 11 2710 348 WOLF THEISS PC Ušće, Bul. Mihajla Pupina 6, N.BGD Tel: +381 11 3302 900 Fax: +381 11 3302 925 miroslav.stojanovic@ WÜRTH D.O.O. BEOGRAD Pančevački put 38, BGD Tel: +381 11 2078 200 Fax: +381 11 2078 210 XELLA SRBIJA Diše Đurđevića bb, 11560 Vreoci T/F: +381 11 8123 522

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 49


Tel: +381 11 3042 418; Fax: +381 11 3042 419; PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS, D.O.O. - PWC BEOGRAD Omladinskih brigada 88a, BGD, Tel: +381 11 3302 100 Fax: +381 11 3302 101 com, PROCREDIT BANK A.D. BEOGRAD Milutina Milankovica 17, N.BGD, Tel: +381 11 2077 991, Fax: +381 11 2077 905 PROFINE D.O.O. Batajnički drum bb, BGD Zemun, Tel: +381 11 2101 987, Fax: +381 11 3076 012, PROTEKTORWERK FLORENZ MAISCH GMBH & CO.KG Miokovci b.b., 32000 Čačak, Tel/Fax: +381 32 8822 45, nenadovic@, PS CONFIDAS D.O.O. Imotska 1, BGD Tel: +381 11 3956 800 Fax: +381 11 3956 888 P.S. TELEFONIJA A.D. BEOGRAD Kumodraška 241, BGD Tel: +381 11 3404 000; Fax: +381 11 3404 112, ( RA )ADVOKATSKA KANCELARIJA GIDE LOYRETT NOUEL Andrićev Venac 2/III 11 000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3024 900 Fax: +381 11 3024 910 ( RA )ADVOKATSKA KANCELARIJA JANKOVIĆ, POPOVIĆ & MITIĆ Čarli Čaplina 37, BGD Tel: +381 11 2076 850


Vasilios Ntertilis, President of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Business Association of Serbia

A STEP IN A RIGHT DIRECTION reece is among the first investment partners of its neighbouring countries including Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, while it is also strengthening its leading role in the region’s financial services sector. Greece is a stabilizing force in Southeast Europe, and also a driving force for the accession of the broader area to the European Union and other institutions that foster co-operation and peace. With this in mind, Greece is implementing the Hellenic Plan for the Economic Reconstruction of the Balkans, a five-year development aid programme which will allocate a total amount of €550 million from the national budget to foster peace, stability, and European orientation of the countries of Southeast Europe. Greek banks have been among the top performers in the European banking sector, while the operations of Greek commercial banks in the wider region, extending from its next-door neighbours in Southeast Europe to Poland, have been expanding at double-digit rates of growth year-on-year. Economic relations between Greece and Serbia are supported by the historical closeness and friendship between our two nations, probably the closest friendship Serbia enjoys with any other nation. The economic relations between Serbia and

G “Greek companies came to Serbia to remain despite the difficulties, which we believe that we are getting through in good spirit and good cooperation with the Serbian authorities.”


reek companies plan to double their investment in Serbia by 2010, especially if the country achieves political stability and gets on the path to European Union membership. “At least 50 Greek companies are waiting to invest in Serbia,” said Vasilios Ntertilis, Chairman of the Hellenic Business Association of Serbia. “The planned investment is certainly 2 billion euros by 2010.” The association groups 120 Greek businesses established in Serbia, mainly in the telecommunications, finance, tourism, real estate, and textile sectors, with an estimated investment to date of some 2 billion euros and a 25,000-strong work force. Greek investors are looking into Serbia’s real estate and retail trade sectors and some smaller financial industry deals. Source: Reuters


50 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

Greece are examples of how economic relations with other countries should be developed.Greek businessmen have invested about two billion euros in various sectors of Serbia’s economy to date. The most exposed Greek investments are in the field of banking: The National Bank of Greece, EFG Eurobank, Piraeus Bank, Alpha Bank, and Marfin Bank, but investments in the oil industry are also significant, with Hellenic Petroleum, Eco-Yu, and Neochimiki, which who bought Prahovo. Titan Cement Kosjerić purchased a cement plant, while commercial and retail enterprises include the significant Veropoulos chain, with its rich supermarkets. Major hoteliers Grecotel bought Belgrade’s Hotel Metropol and

OUR TARGET FOR 2010 IS TO KEEP THE SAME RESULTS WE ACHIEVED IN 2009, MAYBE EVEN WITH SLIGHT IMPROVEMENT Lampsa bought the Hyatt. In the field of real estate, there is Bluehouse and Lambda, to mention only the larger companies. There are also a number of Greek industrial companies operating successfully in Serbia. These were some of the reasons to talk with Vasilios Ntertilis, President of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Business Association of Serbia. What are the most common problems that your association’s member companies face in Serbia? When we talk about the most common problems that members of the Hellenic Business Association face in Serbia, we believe that these problems are common for all foreign companies with business activities here. Some of them are bureaucracy, instability of the dinar, and high interest rates.

How far along can your members plan their operations in Serbia bearing in mind the frequent changes to the tax regime? The planning of our Association members’ operations in Serbia depends on the line of business that each of our members is engaged in. But as similar problems with frequent tax regime changes also exist in Greece, we can say that we are “trained.” Anyhow, Greek companies came to Serbia to remain despite the difficulties, which we believe that we are getting through in good spirit and good cooperation with the Serbian authorities.” How much does corruption in Serbia affect the business operations of the companies that are the association members? As for the corruption in Serbia we don’t have measurable indications, but we find that things seem to be getting better and better. What business results do you foresee by the end of 2010? Our target for 2010 is to keep the same results as in 2009, maybe with slight improvement.

COMPANY REGISTER A.D. ŠAJKAŠKA (HELLENIC SUGAR INDUSTRY) Director Thomas Gkoutziamanis Ind. Zona, Čuruški put 3, 21 230 Žabalj , Tel: +381 21 831 462 , Fax: +381 21 832 395 , ALPHA BANK SRBIJA A.D. Director,Georgios Papanastasiou Kralja Milana 11, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: + 381 11 3302 782, Fax: +381 11 3243516 , gm-office@ ALPHA COPY D.O.O. Director Konstantinos Damofli, Raićeva 18, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 3206700 , Fax: +38111 3206732 , milinic@, ALTO GRAĐEVINSKI MATERIJALI D.O.O. Theologos Gavalas Moše Pijade 14, 11 224 Vrčin, Tel: +381 11 80 55 690 ALUMIL YU INDUSTRY A.D. Director Charikleia Lozinsky, Industrijska zona bb, 22330 Nova Pazova, Tel: +381 22 321673, Fax: +381 22 321244 alumilyuindustry@yahoo. com, ARIOFIL D.O.O. Director Aleksandar Tanasković, Višnjička 130, Belgrade, T: +381 11 2970010, F: +381 11 2771374 , ARXIKON D.O.O. Konstantinos Ioannou Studentski trg 10, 11 000 Beograd , Tel: +381 11 2638 609 Fax: +381 11 2638 609 ASCO VIDAK D.O.O. Director Eleftherios Kaltapanidis, Železnička 5, 21410

Futog, Tel: +381 21 895084 , Fax: +381 21 895768, vidak@, ASHLEY WORLD GROUP Milica Katic Knjeginje Ljubice 28, 11 000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2637 684 ATLAS TRADING SM D.O.O. Director Mušan Imamović Zrenjaninski put 139e, Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 2960574, Fax: +381 11 2960578, atlastradingsm@ AXON COMPANY D.O.O. Director Christoforos Markou, Blagoja Rankovića

Tel: +381 11 3073100 Fax: +381 11 3073199 CRVENKA A.D. Director Thomas Gkoutviamanis, Masarikova 7, 25220 Crvenka, Tel: +381 25 731122 Fax: +381 25 731710 CYCLAMIN D.O.O. Spyridon Gkinis, Nikolaos Nanopoulos Zrenjaninski put 114, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 3320287, Fax: +381 11

Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 206 1500, Fax: +381 11 206 1555, v.panagopoulos@, ELTON CORPORATION D.O.O. Director Nevena Tišma, Bul. Vojvode Mi[i’a 17, 11000 Belgrade , Tel: +381 11 369053, Fax: +381 11 369154,, ELTOP D.O.O. Director Sotiris Trokoudes Miloša Obrenovića bb, 13000 Pančevo , Tel: +381 13 512755, Fax:

NEOCHIMIKI DOO Pančevački put 83, 11 210 Beograd, Srbija Tel : +381 11 2084 942 Fax : +381 11 2751 950 e-mail :

20, 11 260 Umka-Pećani Tel: +381 11 8026546 Fax: +381 11 8026547, AXXON TRADING D.O.O. Director Vlatko Jokić, Surčinski put 9n, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 2269057 Fax: +381 11 2269058 BYZANTIO KESSIDIS GROUP D.O.O. Director Pangratios Kessidis, Miška Jovanovića 24, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 3973307, Fax: +381 11 464469, CHARIS CHALDOUPIS & PARTNERS PREDSTAVNIŠTVO Director Tatjana Dekleva Koljenović, Hilandarska 23/6, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3033649 Fax: +381 11 3033659 COCA COLA HELLENIC SRBIJA A.D Director Sotiris Yannopoulos Batajnički drum 14-16, 11000 Belgrade

2082777, cyclamin@bitsyu. net, DDB BEOGRAD D.O.O. Director Marie Agaliotou, Dobračina 30, 11000 Belgrade , Tel: +381 11 2627181 Fax: +381 11 2627541 DELTA M D.O.O. Director Milka Vojvodić, Milentija Popovića 7b, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 2012220, Fax: +381 11 2012227, milka.vojvodic@ DIASTASI CONSTRUCTION D.O.O. Director Efstratios Simopoulos, Kneza Miloša 95/8, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 3660312, Fax: +381 11 3067060, EFG LEASING A.D. Director Nenad Maksic, Durmitorska 6L, 11 000Belgrade Tel: +381 11 36 37 101 EKO YU A.D. Director Vasilis Panagopoulos, Tošin bunar 274a, 11000

+381 13 512918, eltop_ ELVIAL WEST BALKANS D.O.O. Director Marko Lazović, Džordža Vašingtona 44, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 3222566, Fax: +381 11 3222566, ERYTHROS ASTERAS D.O.O. Director Panagiotis Rouhotas, Ljutice Bogdana 1a, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 2662548 , Fax: +381 11 2662963 EUROBANK EFG A.D. BEOGRAD Director Filipos Karamanolis, Vuka Karadžića 10, 11 000 BGD, Tel: +381 11 2065880, Fax: +381 11 3027536, office@ EUCONS GROUP D.O.O. Director Zoran Anđelković, Kralja Milana 7/5, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 3246841, Fax: +381 11 3246842 ,

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 51


In your opinion, has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? We can say that the regulatory simplification of the administration is definitely a step in a right direction, but it is still early to draw conclusions about the effects that it will have on business. We do believe that it will be clearer in the near future.


EUROFAST GLOBAL Tassos Topalis Beogradska 31/4, 11 000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3241 484 Fax: +381 11 3038 848 EUROGARMENT D.O.O. Director Nikolaos Agnoglou, Kovinski put bb, 26225 Deliblato, Tel: +381 13 765484, Fax: +381 13 765484 FIBRAN D.O.O. Vesna Dračić, Director Bul. Arsenija Čarnojevića 68/II, 11000 Belgrade , +381 11 3133702,, FIRST GLOBAL BROKERS A.D. Ioannis Cholevas, Director Vuka Karadžića 6, 11000 Belgrade , +381 11 3285184 ,, FLEXIGLAS PROMET D.O.O. Stefanos Thomakos Autoput Beograd – Novi Sad 150b , +381 11 3757 681,, GRAND CASINO BEOGRAD Christos Tsemberas,Director Bul. Nikole Tesle 3, 11 080 BGD, +381 11 2202 800 GREEK TRADE Hristos Konas Ljube Didića 1/7, 11 000 BGD, +381 11 323 0 565 HELLAS COMPUTERS D.O.O. Aleks Tselekidis, Director Vojvode Prijezed 9, 11000 Belgrade , +381 11 4448685 , +381 11 7440300,, HELONA D.O.O. Mitalkov Harilas, Director Treći Bulevar 25, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3116664 , +381 11 3110399, IKRP ROKAS & PARTNERS D.O.O. Dimitros Katsaros, Director Tadeuša Košćuškog 30, 11000 Belgrade , +381 11 2635184, +381 11 2638349,, www. IN HOTEL Ružica Petrović Dedijer, Gen. Director, Bul. Arsenija Čarnojevića 56, 11000 Belgrade , +381 11 3105354, +381 11 3105351, INTRACOM TELEKOM D.O.O. Tomislav Bajević,

Director Jurija Gagarina 7, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 2040500, +381 11 2040501,, www. ISOMAT D.O.O Spyridon Vlachos Zrenjaninski put 86, 11 210 Beograd , +381 11 2710 141, +381 11 2710 045 IV ARHITEKTE Ilias Veneris Sremska 9, 11000 BGD, +381 11 3065 290, +381 11 2658 310 JUNIOR KM CARDS D.O.O. Costas Michailides, Olivia Kattami Palmira Toljatija 68a, 11 070 Novi Beograd +381 11 2607 074 KALODOUKAS HOLIDAYS D.O.O. Zlatko Janković, Director Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10v, New Belgrade, +381 11 2141414 , +381 11 3132628 KAPAIMPEX D.O.O. Kotsakis Christos, Director Svetozara Markovića 42, 11000 Belgrade , +381 11 2686276, +381 11 2686567 KOUMBAS SYNERGY Efthymia Koutsovasili Dimitrios Katsaros Tadeuša Košćuška 30, 3. sprat, 11 000 Bgd, +381 11 2638 349 KUMAKIS D.O.O. Snežana Bašić, Deputy Director Antifašističke borbe 38, New Belgrade, +381 11 3119922, +381 11 3119922 LAMDA DEVELOPMENT Danilatos Zissimos Evaggelos Mantzavinatos Bul.Vojvode Bojovića 6-8, 11 000 Belgrade +381 11 3235 813 +381 11 2182 228 LAMDA EMPORIUM D.O.O. Vassilis Leboukas, Director Smedervski put 18a, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3413906, +381 11 341 390, vas.emporium@eunet. rs , LG HEMIJA D.O.O. Nataša Stevanović, Director Savska 17, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3065607 , +381 11 3065608, MAKRO METAL MARKET D.O.O. Dimitris Patsalas Batajnički put 23, 11 080

52 Guide to The International Business Sector

Belgrade +381 11 2108 044 381 11 2191 703 MARFIN BANK A.D.BEOGRAD Rodoula Hatzikyriakou , Vladan Matić Dalmatinska 22, 11 000 BGD, +381 11 3306 402, +381 11 3306 482 MEETING POINT D.O.O. (CAFFE DA CAPO & EVEXIA HEALTH CLUB) Ilias Pavlou, Giorgos Karadimas Strahinjića Bana 74, 11 000 Beograd +381 11 2854 415 MEGASTORS ELECTRONIKI D.O.O. Nikos Karakostas, Director Bul. Arsenijević Čarnojević 69d, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 2222888 , 381 11 2222889 , MELLON TRNASACTION SOLUTIONS D.O.O. Michael Kefalopoulos, Director Milentija Popovića 9, 11000 New Belgrade +381 11 3112575 , +381 11 3539003 , MERIDIJAN INŽENJERING D.O.O. Haralampos Karagiozidis, Director Korcaginovo naselje bb, 32300 Gornji Milanovac +381 32 725200 , office@ METAL GLOBE D.O.O. Vassilis Ntertilis, member ofBord of the Directors Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10a, New Belgrade , +381 11 3015876 +381 11 3015878 , METROPOL PALACE HOTEL D.O.O. Manoussos Tsouhlarakis, Director Bul. Kralja Aleksandra 69, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3230910 +381 11 3246251, office@ MIDIO D.O.O. Goran Milentijević, Director Mekenzijeva 57, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3449058 +381 11 2444761 midio@beo rs MINOAN BINDING LAMINATING D.O.O. Georgis Kalaitzakis, Director Jovanke Radaković 33a,

/ March 2010

11000 Belgrade, 381 11 2774745, 381 11 2085386 NATIONAL BANK OF GREECE A.D. Ioannis Pechlivanidis, Cherman of the Board of the Directors Bul. Mihaila Pupina 113, 11000 Belgrade , 381 11 3019900, +381 11 3019936 NEOCHIMIKI D.O.O. Marko Malavrazić, Director Pančevački put 83C, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 2084943 , +381 11 2751950 NORDWOOD D.O.O. Slobodanka Jacić Venčačka 19a/27, 11 030 Beograd OLYMPIC AIR PREDSTAVNIŠTVO Ioannis Papaslanis, Director Vase Čarapića 14, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3036750 OLYMPUS PLAZA FOOD PARKS YU D.O.O. George Tokas Tošin bunar 274a, 11 070 Novi Beograd +381 11 2289 420 PARATIRITIS D.O.O. Sladjana Mijajlović Čarlija Čaplina 35, 11 000 Beograd , T/F: 381 11 27 65 437 PEGO D.O.O. Michael Petrakis, Director Jug Grizelj 29, 11080 Zemun, +381 11 3756676, pegodoo@yahoo. com PIRAEUS BANK A.D. Dimitris Frangetis, Director Milentija Popovića 5b, 11070 Belgrade, +381 11 3024007 +381 11 3024043, banka@ PIRAEUS LEASING D.O.O. BEOGRAD Konstantinos Tsiolis, Takovska 49b, 11 108 BGD, +381 11 2228 600 PROFILCO YU D.O.O. Ratko Jezdic, Izvrsni Direktor Auto-put za Novi Sad 118, 11000 Belgrade,+381 11 377 9400, +381 11 3779450, profilco@nadlanu. com , P.V.F.TRADERS D.O.O. Boban Mitrović, Director Vodovodska 158, 11000

Belgrade +381 11 2391534 SABO PREDSTAVNIŠTVO Panagiotis Sarigelos, Director Milutina Ivkovića 2a, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3699572, +381 11 3691053 SAPIENT MERKATOR A.D. Fotis Kanellopoulos, Gen. Manager Zagrebačka 7, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3034084, +381 11 2622723 SARANTIS D.O.O. Petar Labudović, Director Milana Rešetara 7, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 2090000 +381 11 2090003, office@ , S.P. EURO-DOM CO.CO. D.O.O. Stefanos Nikolaos Papazoglou Bul.Zorana Djindjica 83/10 , T/F381 11 2120 566 STONECRETE D.O.O. Janis Daggoulidis, Director Miška Jovanovića 16, 11000 Belgrade , +381 11 3978879 +381 11 2461650 SYN BUSINESS D.O.O. Yannis Sofianopoulos, Director Ivankovačka 20a, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3223589 , +381 11 3037514 TAXOL D.O.O. Karagiozidis Babis, Director Korčaginovo naselje bb, 32300 Gornji Milanovac +381 32 725416 TELEKOM SRBIJA A.D. Christodoulopoulos Georgios, Deputy Director General Takovska 2, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3341479, 3335760 , ychristo@telekom. rs, TEXNI D.O.O. Nenad Radović, Director Novosadski put bb, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 8488224 TGI HELLAS D.O.O. TO JE TSOMOKS GROUP INTERNATIONAL Simeon Tsomokos, Director Rige od Fere 8/4, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3032235 , of-, www. THE END OF LINE D.O.O. (MAILLIS GROUP) Patrikios Sarantakos Bul.Mihaila Pupina 3/3, 11 070 Novi Beograd T/F:381 11 2133 085 THRACE PLASTICS PACKAGING D.O.O. Jannis Spirakis, Director Cara Dušana BB, 22330 Nova Pazova, +381 22 321555 +381 22 323628, t.miletic@ TITAN CEMENTARA KOSJERIĆ A.D. Miroslav Gligorijević, Director Živojina Mišića bb, 31260 Kosjerić, +381 31 590404 +381 31 590398, cemkos@, UNISOFTWARE D.O.O. Apostolos Tritas, Director Jurija Gagarina 49/41, 11070 New Belgrade , +381 64 2207773, +381 62 8602791 VEROPOULOS D.O.O. BEOGRAD Vassilios Kakagiotis, Director Milutina Milankovića 86, 11000 New Belgrade, +381 11 3119111 +381 11 3115501 VITEX HERMES D.O.O. Prodromos Eftychidis, Director Kralja Petra I 89, 22330 Nova Pazova, +381 22 323133, +381 22 326320 V+O Marina Švabić Prote Mateje 24/I/3, 11 000 BGD, T: 381 11 386 27 22 F: 381 11 386 27 23 VOJVOĐANSKA BANKA A.D. Marinos Stratopoulos, President of the Executive Board Trg slobode 5-7, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 4886735, +381 21 6611512 ŠUMADIJA LEK A.D. (ALAPIS GROUP) Giannis Georgakopoulos Bul.Mihaila Pupina 10a, 6.sprat, st.15, 11 070 Novi BGD, +381 11 311 01 52

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Orsolya Szecsenyi, Head of the Office for Economic Affairs of the Hungarian Embassy in Belgrade

FAVORABLE CONDITIONS “Hungarian companies are mostly interested in machineries, electronics, the automotive industry, the petrochemical industry…”


ungarian companies are mostly interested in machineries, electronics, the automotive industry, the petrochemical industry…

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of companies from your country to invest in Serbia? The Serbian investment promotion system is good and the conditions for foreign investors can be qualified as favorable. Hopefully, the reform of the Law on Privatization will solve the problems and annul the existing loopholes, and clarify all the missing information and unexplained questions before the privatization starts. These uncertainties can jeopardize the successful implementation of the privatization process. Which economic sector/projects are the companies from your country most interested in? Hungarian companies are mostly interested in machineries, electronics, the automotive industry, the petrochemical industry, environmental protection technologies, food production, agribusiness, IT

technologies and telecommunications, the pharmaceutical industry, biotechnologies, medical instruments, and logistics. Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? In my opinion, foreign investors have very good sources of information about investment opportunities thanks to the excellent websites of Serbian Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SIEPA) and Vojvodina Investment Promotion (VIP)

HUNGARIAN COMPANIES ARE STILL VERY MUCH INTERESTED IN INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN SERBIA and also due to the good personal contacts and cooperation between our office and these two agencies. Hungarian companies can receive general information in English as well as answers to their specific questions contacting SIEPA or VIP directly or through our office. What are the most common problems that companies from your country in Serbia are faced with?


think there is improvement in the investment climate thanks to the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) because the procedure of creating new enterprises became simpler, much shorter, cheaper, and more transparent.


54 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

One of the most common problems is, for example, providing the financial guarantee (bank guarantee, collateral) in the case of transport from Hungary. Another financial-related problem is that Serbian companies are not willing to pay. Consequently, problems might occur when companies do not respect payment deadlines. Another group of problems is connected to the long sanitary inspection process in case of exporting milk and meat products from Hungary. Inspection and endorsement of exporting pharmaceuticals and medical equipments from Hungary also lasts very long. As mentioned before, certain problems might occur during the privatization process because of incomplete information or unexplained conditions of the full privatization process (especially concerning the obligatory investment period) at the time of signing the privatization contract. Will the economic crisis slow or stop the arrival of investors from your country to Serbia? In 2009 the arrival of Hungarian investors already broke off due to the global economic crisis, which began in 2008. This tendency will likely be present also during 2010. On one hand, implementation of existing or pending business contracts is slightly slowed down. On the other hand, enquiries submitted by Hungarian companies to our office are still numerous and persistent. Hungarian companies are still very much interested in investment opportunities in Serbia.


COMPANY REGISTER ARCADOM A.D. Gabriella Nadj Nebojšina 12, 11000 Belgrade, gnadj@arcdom. rs, CONTITECH RUBBER - KOLUBARA Director Jori Zoltan 6728 Szeged, Budapesti út 10. Tel: 00 36 62 566 902 EGROKOR TRADE D.O.O. Director Marija Perović Milentija Popovića 30, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3111871 Fax: +381 11 3111871 EUROTEAM D.O.O. Director Kerekes Lajos Glavna 54, 24300 Bačka Topola Tel: +381 24 716820 Fax: +381 24 715743 EXCLUSIVE CHANGE Director Kocsor Tamas Beogradska 57, 11000 BGD, Tel: +381 11 303 9580 FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS D.O.O. Director Branislav Rajić Kumodraška 11010 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3970123 Fax: +381 11 3970126 FORNETTI D.O.O. Director Kovacs Gabor Hipodromska bb, 24107 Subotica Tel: +381 24 621521 Fax: +381 24 621522 GOODWILL PHARMA D.O.O. Director Zoltan Tamas Matije Gupca 5, 24000 Subotica Tel: +381 24 554498 Fax: +381 24 554498 MALÉV Emina Stojanovic Kneza Mihaila 30, 11000 Beograd METRO CASH & CARRY D.O.O. President of the Board of Di-

rectors Veronika Puncheva Autoput za Novi Sad 120, 11080 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 3777280 Fax: +381 11 3777125 MOL-INTERMOL D.O.O. Director Zoltan Michael Takacs Omladinskih brigada 88/V, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2096900 Fax: +381 11 2096904 ORMESTER SECURITY ZAŠTITA IMOVINE D.O.O. Director Zsolt Posa Boška Jugovića 20, 24400 Senta Tel: +381 24 816990; 381 63 7313501 Fax: +381 24 816990 OTP BANKA SRBIJA A.D. Director Horvath Szabolcs Bulevar Oslobođenja 80, 21000 Novi Sad, Tel: +381 21 4800000 Fax: +381 21 4800032 QUALYSOFT INFORMATICS D.O.O. Marko Ristić Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10ž/II, 11070 New Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3111122 Fax: +381 11 311112 RICHTER GEDEON NYRT Director Novak Tibor Vladimira Popovića 6, 11070 New Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 2608998, Fax: +381 11 2608958 SAT-TRAKT Director Zsemberi Janos Jovana Rajica 5a, 11000 BGD, Tel: +381 11 304 7567 VALJEVOPUT A.D. Deputy Director Dragan Popović Birčaninova 128/V, 14000 Valjevo Tel: +381 14 220614 Fax: +381 14 220614

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 55


H.E. Ambassador Mrs. Nengcha Lhouvum

FRUITFUL COOPERATION ndia has handled the global economic crisis very well, and in the year of global recession has been able to achieve economic growth of around 8%. In 2010 India will continue its economic expansion both on the domestic and global market, and we must all work to link the Serbian economy more closely with the Indian economy, so that both economies benefit from mutual economic growth in the coming decade, said H.E. Ambassador Mrs. Nengcha Lhouvum for the Guide.


“In order to improve the overall investment climate, we feel there is a need to raise the levels of competitiveness for foreign investors and to increase the volume of joint economic collaboration between the two countries.”

How would you rate current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of the companies from your country to invest in Serbia? Generally the investment climate in Serbia is improving. The Serbian Government, along with its agencies, is doing a lot to attract foreign direct investments. The Government has drafted a number of incentives and tax cuts for foreign investors. These incentives and subsidies are quite competitive in comparison to regional economies. The present global and economic crisis is an opportunity for India and Serbia to establish a very fruitful cooperation. Both countries have created an institutional framework by signing several bilateral agreements. In order to improve the overall investment climate, we feel there is a need to raise the levels of competitiveness for foreign investors and to increase the volume of joint economic collaboration between the two countries.


nder the Agreement of Trade and Economic Cooperation between India and Serbia, a Joint Economic Committee (JEC) was established in February 2006. The revival of trade and economic cooperation as its main goal, the JEC has declared that the following sectors would be of the biggest mutual interest: Healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and traditional medicines; Information Technologies; Agriculture and Food processing; Biotechnologies; Science and Technologies; Construction and Infrastructure projects.


56 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? Because of the problems Serbia had in the 90’s, Serbian economy was isolated from the rest of the global economies. Local economies worldwide have become more global, with high levels of FDI and trade growth. Serbia was not part of this process for a decade. We believe that because of this absence from the global scene, companies in Serbia know very little about India and Indian companies know very little about Serbia. This information gap is one of the main obstacles to the increase of trade and foreign investments.

THE SERBIAN ECONOMY AND ITS INFRASTRUCTURE ARE SET TO BE MODERNIZED IN THE COMING YEARS What are the most common problems that the companies from your country face in Serbia? Problems are visible in the field of traditional medicine, as Serbia has special procedures for these groups of products. Serbia’s international credit rating also makes it more difficult for Indian companies to financial backing from international banks for projects in Serbia. In your opinion, has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? The reform of the administrative procedures was carried out by the Serbian Government Ministries at the end of 2009. Some benefits of the reform are already visible, for example the registration of companies has become quicker and other tax benefits are also visible. Serbian economy and its infrastructure are set to be modernized in the coming years. We


believe that this is the most opportune time for Indian companies to invest. Will the economic crisis slow or stop the arrival of investors from your country to Serbia in 2010? The economic crisis has already had effects on investments coming into Serbia, as investments have dropped some 50% compared to the previous year. The crisis has postponed the investment of the Indian IT Industry representative Embassy Group, which had already started its investment into building an IT park in the Municipality of Indjija. Some other Indian investors interested in the privatization process have also had difficulties with acquiring funds from international banks to finance projects in Serbia. The value of money has gone up in this crisis, so in order to invest worldwide, it’s more challenging than before the crisis. COMPANY REGISTER A-LEK (Himalaya’ Herbal Co. Representative) Golsvortijeva 4, 11000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 344 0152 / 3446888, Email: AGROGAS – (“Automat Industry” Representative) Milutina Milankovića 120a, Zemun, Tel/Fax: +381 11 311 47 29, 313 21 28, AGROPANONKA (Mahindra & Mahindra Tractors rep.) Filipa Visnjica 10, 21000 Novi Sad, Tel:+381 (21) 524-844 Fax:+381 (21) 523-772, ARVIND MILLS LTD. Vojvode Brane 30, Belgrade, Serbia, +381 11 3808673,, www.arvindmills. com INTERMOTORS (Rep. of “Mahindra& Mahindra Motors”) Gundulićev venac 56 / II, 11 000 Belgrade, Tel: + 381 11

218 5566, INDIAN HOUSE Jaroslava Cermaka 18-20 11080 Zemun, Tel: +381 11 377 42 86 , Fax:+381 11 377 42 89, E-mail: MEDICO UNO (Ranbaxy Representative) Pančevački put 38, 11 120 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 331 8571 NIIT (IT EDUCATION) English School of Business Zmaj Jovina 4/III, Belgrade, Serbia Tel/fax (+381 11) 328 48 19, Email:, www. TAFE INDIA Ivankova 24 , Belgrade , Tel: 011 2754184, Fax:011 2752771, “UTI” LTD. CO. (Panacea Biotec Representative) Cara Uroša 27 11 000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 3033 831

If you find that any of the details provided in the directory section of this special edition are incorrect, or your company has since changed its address or any other details, please contact alliance international media on + 381 (011) 308 99 77 / 308 99 88 or send the correct company information via email to, in order for us to provide our readers with correct and fully up-to-date information in future publications and on our websites. March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 57


H.E. Arthur Koll, Ambassador of the State of Israel to Serbia

WE BELIEVE IN ECONOMIC PROSPECTS srael was relatively lightly hit by the crisis and there is high motivation among Israeli investors who operate in foreign markets and definitely among those in Serbia to increase their presence, said H.E. Arthur Koll, Ambassador of the State of Israel to Serbia for our Guide.


“Israeli investors continue to believe in the future of economic prospects in Serbia, which will undoubtedly be enhanced the closer Serbia comes to membership in the European Union.”

How would you rate current the investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of the companies from your country to invest in Serbia? There is no question that the investment climate in Serbia during this time of crisis is not favorable. This is reflected by the fact that in 2009 Serbia saw a significant drop in foreign direct investments and the question now is whether it will change with some more optimistic forecast in 2010. We should remember that one of the main obstacles for the foreign investor at this time is the difficulty in obtaining loans from banks to finance projects. In addition, country risk is high, which adds to the cost of any potential investor. However, Israeli investors continue to believe in the future of economic prospects in Serbia, which will undoubtedly be enhanced the closer Serbia comes to membership in the European Union. I wish to touch on the issue of trade, as well. A lot of emphasis is understandably being put on attracting foreign direct investments into the country. However, I’d like to stress that export activity can greatly benefit the country by


e will continue to see sustained interest in the sectors where the Israeli companies have already invested such as real estate, housing, transportation, retail, etc. I project that Israeli companies will find new interests in Serbia in the following sectors: major infrastructure projects, energy, clean-tech, all aspects of water technology and water needs, definitely in agriculture, and some other areas.


58 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

providing employment and inflow of hard currency. Therefore, personally, I’m somewhat disappointed by the level of the bilateral trade between our two countries, and I’m absolutely confident that we should do more to explore each other’s markets and increase the trade in both directions. Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? There is always room for improvement, but I don’t think that the problem lies in insufficient information but rather in objective difficulties of financing and the effects of the global crisis, the lack of a strong, local money market and in addition, the fact that the country is still going through the process of reforming its regulatory system. The lack of laws regarding nationalization and restitution is also unhelpful.

ONE OF THE MAIN OBSTACLES FOR THE FOREIGN INVESTOR AT THIS TIME IS THE DIFFICULTY IN OBTAINING LOANS FROM BANKS TO FINANCE PROJECTS Has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? It wouldn’t be fair to judge so quickly the effectiveness of this reform. We have to give it some time since it has to seep down from the decision makers to all levels of bureaucracy, but I do not doubt the good intentions of those who insist on making the life of foreign investors simpler and more transparent. In that sense, I already feel an improvement in the climate projected towards foreign investors

Will the economic crisis slow or stop the arrival of investors from your country to Serbia in 2010? A lot is still not known in regards to 2010. There is greater optimism about the

global economy and particularly the American economy, which is the driving force. Most analysts believe that the worst is behind us, but there are still many risks on the road and therefore one has to be very careful about projecting the future. Israel was relatively lightly hit by the crisis and there is high motivation of Israeli investors who operate in foreign markets and definitely among those in Serbia to increase

their presence. That would, to a large extent, depend on the activity of the government here to obtain financing for national projects, on the change of policy by international banks in the way that they act and provide sufficient financing at a reasonable rate, and of course on the continuation of regulatory reforms so that the investor who comes here will find a friendly, welcoming, and efficient system.


AIRPORT CITY BELGRADE Mr.Adir El Al Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 Novi Beograd, Tel: 011/2090525 ADIRAH DOO Mr. Vlada Veličković Narodnih heroja 63, 11070 Novi Beograd, Tel: +381 11 311 10 35 Fax: +381 11 313 32 39 Mob: +381 65 344 84 32, AVITAL D.O.O. Mr. Assaf Dotan Cara Dusana 48, 11000 Beograd Tel: 011/2625684, Fax:011/2621983, www. CEE – BIG Mr. Robert Yahav Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 64a 11000 Beograd, Tel/fax: 011/2608585 Robert.Yahav@gmail. com CLUB HOTEL RIVIERA Mr. Franc Josef Shalevn Hocohen Njivice bb, 85347 Igalo, Montenegro, +382 31 681 500, Fax: +381 31 673 030 rivierahotel@cg.yu ENGEL MARINA DORCOL DOO Mr. David Ericson

Vase Pelagica 68, 11000 Beograd, Tel: 011 3699420, GTC BUSINESS PARK DOO Mr. Pedja Petronijevic Vladimira Popovića 38-40 11070 Novi Beograd, Tel: +381 11 21 20 405, Fax:+381 11 313 07 52 GRAND MOTORS Mr. Stanko Radic Milutina Milankovica 21, 11070 N. Beograd, Tel: 011/2090600, Fax: 011/2090608,, GLOSEC DOO Mr. Rea Reichmann Velizara Kosanovica 2, Tel: 011 241 3636, Fax: 011 241 6123, www. HOME CENTER Mr. Shemi el Halal Bulevar Vojvode Misica 12 11000 Beograd, Tel: 011/2067567, KAVIM SERBIA Mr. Gery Reznik Lomina 67, 32000 Cacak, Tel: 032 221 653, Fax: 032 224 249 KOMPANI DIGITV Mr. Miroslav Jankovic Nusiceva 15, 11000 Beograd Tel: 011/3348101, Fax:011/3348110 info.digitv@kompani. com LIVNICA PRECIZNIH ODLIVAKA AD Mr. Aleksandar Miskovic 24 novembra bb, 24430 Ada, Tel: 024 851 807, Fax: 024 851 475 LUDAN ENGINEERING DOO Mrs. Mitra Milicevic Lamartinova 2, 11000 Beograd Tel:011 242 1306, Fax: 011 386 1526 Mob:064 856 6057, LUXEMBOURG D.O.O. Mr. Nikola Baroš Narodnog fronta 73b, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: 021/548-232, Fax: 021/63 66 905, nikola@ MAGAN-YU D.O.O. Mrs. Katica Halbrohr Petra Drapsina 4/1, 24000 Subotica, Tel: 024/551666, katica. MEDICOM D.O.O. Mr. Milan Jovanic

Pocerska 3, 15000 Sabac, Tel: 015/311 140, Fax:015/311103, Cell: 063/216208 MAESTRO JEWELLERY Ms Ana Pisot Hotel Intercontinental Vladimira Popovica 6, 11000 Beograd Tel/fax: 011 3111459,, MANTA SYSTEM DOO Mr. Marko Antic Jurija Gagarina 134, 11070 Novi Beograd, Tel: 011 217 63 04 Fax: 011 1 63 752 NETWORK Mr. Borka Ben-Ari Velizara Kosanovica 2, 11000 Beograd, Tel: 011 2040900, Fax: 011 2040 960 borka.benari@network. rs, NEOPLASTIKA DOO Mr. Dragutin Zagorac Suvoborska 7a, Tel: 011 265 1251 Fax: 011 265 1388, OMEGA INFORMATICKI INZENJERING Mr. Miloje Todorovic Tosin Bunar 268, 11070 N. Beograd, Tel: +381 11 2091 140, Fax: +381

11 2091 141, PLAZA CENTERS Mr. Sagiv Meger Vladete Kovacevica 14, 11000 Beograd, Tel: +381 11 2647044 Fax:+381 11 2647068 / PREMIER DEAD SEA Ms. Mia Amon 063 335 266, mia@ www.premierdeadsea. rs RAMOT ELRAM MANAGEMENT LTD Ms Daniela Stojmanovska Resavska 28/VI, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3343979 Fax: +381 11 3235425, www. STRAUSS ADRIATIC Mr. Milan Petrovic, Milosa Obilica 41, 22310 Simanovci Tel: 022/408000, Fax: 022/408068 o.bojadzic@doncafe. co.yu TAHAL D.O.O. KONSALTING I INZENJERING Mr. David Rettig Vladete Kovacevica 2a, 11000 Beograd, Tel: 011/3605400, Fax: 011/3605499, www. TERI ENGINEERING Mrs. Tesa Fuks Jurija Gagarina 153a, 11070 N.Beograd Tel: 011/3176787, Fax:011/1775568, TELEGROUP Mrs. Diana Gligorijevic, Svetozara Miletica 9a 11000 Beograd, Tel: 011/308981 Fax: 011/3081991 office@telegroup-ltd. com, VLATACOM Mr. Vladimir Cizelj Dunavska 7, 11080 Zemun, Tel: 011 377 11 00, Fax: 011 377 11 99 Vladimir@vlatacom. com ZAD PHARMACIA DOO Mrs. Vesan Dimitrios Serdar Jola 3A, 11000 Beograd, Tel/fax: 011 266 716, pharmaciazad@beotel.yu ZU APOTEKA RAVPHARM Mrs. Devora Veličković Narodnih heroja 63, 11070 N. Beograd Tel:+381 11 311 10 35 Fax: +381 11 313 32 39 Mob:+381 63 106 96 36 devorah@ravpharm. com

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 59


in the relevant ministries. But there is still some way to go before ‘’full victory’’ can be declared on unnecessary and duplicate bureaucracy.


Paolo Toschi, Head of Economic Affairs at the Embassy of Italy

TO INCREASE AND IMPROVE LINKS he role of Italian institutions is to promote and constantly look for new economic opportunities for Italian investors, in order to stimulate their interest towards the Serbian market and to foster cooperation between Italian and Serbian partners. In extreme synthesis, we act as an interface between Italian and Serbian economic stakeholders in order to increase and improve links between them,” said Paolo Toschi, Head of Economic Affairs at the Embassy of Italy.


“In 2009, Italy was still Serbia’s third economic partner and its second partner, if energy trade is not taken into account.”

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of the companies from your country to invest in Serbia? In general, we can still say that Serbia is experiencing high investment flows from foreign countries. In 2009, Foreign Direct Investments totaled USD 2.0 billion, according to the Ministry of Economy, only slightly down from 2.1 in 2008. These were mainly concentrated in the financial sector, and, in addition, in the IT, transport, chemical production, and manufacturing sectors. Italy has been steadily ranking among the very top investing foreign countries in Serbia over the past few years. Of course 2009 was particularly difficult, but already 2010 is much more promising. A number of Italian investors are entering this market and preparing additional operations. FIAT comes immediately to mind, with an extremely large and strategic investment: but many others are following.

n 2008 the most relevant Italian car-industry, FIAT, entered the Serbian market. It signed a contract with the Serbian government in order to acquire productive assets of Zastava and create an important automobile center with an investment over 700 million euros, which will be one of the leading FIAT factories in Europe. A large number of Italian automotive sector suppliers will soon follow FIAT’s lead.



60 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

Which economic sector/projects are companies from your country most interested in? Italian companies are already present in many sectors in Serbia. We have a particularly strong presence in the financial and insurance sectors: Banca Intesa Beograd and Unicredit are relevant for a large share within the whole banking market. Also in the insurance sector, Gruppo Generali is the first private insurance group and third operator within the market, while Fondiaria is the second insurance group in Serbia. In this sector, 44% of the market is operated by Italian companies. We also have a number of important companies in the industrial sector. Specifically, in the knitwear and underwear sub-sectors, we are present with Pompea, GoldenLady and Calzedonia manufacturing plants. We can also mention Adige Bitumi for the road sub-sector, Fantoni for the wood-furniture sub-sector, Decotra and AcegasAPS in multi-utilities, Fantini and Ferrariplast for the construction sector, SFIR Amadori for the agro-industry, Applicazioni Elettriche Generali in the electromechanical engineering sector, and Mondadori and Giunti for the publishing industry. Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? For our part, and with great cooperation from competent Serbian institutions, in particular the Ministry of Trade and SIEPA, we are actively spreading information about new investment opportunities in Serbia. In this respect, every month we organize numerous events in order to connect Italian and Serbian economic operators. On this occasion there will be three working groups exploring topics of high priority for Serbia: agriculture and rural development, civil society, and business

What are the most common problems that your companies face in Serbia? Italian companies in Serbia usually face problems common to other similar countries receiving FDIs. For instance, the legislative and institutional framework still has to complete its approximation towards European standards, but we can say that Serbia has made significant progress over the last few years. As an important factor for progress we can mention the Interim Trade Agreement with the EU, which recently came into force. It is an important step towards the adaptation to European “acquis” in five main areas: trade liberalization, competition, intellec-

tual property rights, transit transportation, and state aid control. Has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? Bureaucratic slowness indeed constitutes an obstacle to streamlined and quick procedures for economic stakeholders. Therefore, regulatory reform and simplification of administrative procedures will

BUREAUCRATIC SLOWNESS INDEED CONSTITUTES AN OBSTACLE TO STREAMLINED AND QUICK PROCEDURES FOR ECONOMIC STAKEHOLDERS definitively result in more incentives for investors to enter Serbia. And, faithful to this view, Serbia is undergoing administrative reform, as requested by the EU preaccession process, and agreed in the IMF’s Stand-by Agreement.

Will the economic crisis slow down or stop the arrival of investors from your country to Serbia in 2010? The economic crisis has resulted in a standstill for many investors worldwide. In 2009, Italy was still Serbia’s third economic partner and its second partner, if energy trade is not taken into account And several signs for optimism remain today: the economic agreement between Fiat on one side and Zastava and the Serbian government on the other represent the biggest industrial foreign investment in Serbia, which will indeed mature throughout 2010. Also, on February 12th at the Italy-Balkans Investment Forum in Verona, the technical study on the reconstruction of the railway connecting Belgrade and the Montenegrin port of Bar was presented, another important investment which opens many additional opportunities. Similar concrete opportunities for important Italian investments exist in the energy sector, in other areas of transport infrastructures, agro-industry, wood and furniture, and the leather industry.

COMPANY REGISTER AZIENDA SERBA ADIGE BITUMI IMPRESA Director: Darko Višnjić Oslobođenja 52-57 11000 Beograd Tel. 011/232 2684 Fax: 011/232 2984 AGB NIELSEN MEDIA RESEARCH Director: Darko Broćić Gavrila Principa 8 11000 Beograd, Tel. 011/328 4510, Fax: 011/328 8205, darko. AGRIROMAGNA Director: Atila Tot Maršala Tita 49, 24321 Mali Iđoš, Tel./Fax: 024/730 024; AGROMEHANIKA AC Director: Ljilja Milinarić Miroslava Prodanovica – Micka 4, 21000 Novi Sad Tel. 021/419151, www.agromehanika-ac. AGROPRESTIGE Director: Jovo Delibašić Jurija Gagarina 133/114 11177 Beograd, Tel. 024/793 866 AGROPRODUKT Director: Janoš Palatinuš Cara Dušana 12, 23112 Zrenjanin, Tel. 023/510 392 AL-IDEA DOO Director: Aleksandar Prvulj Pančevački put 44 26232 Starčevo, Tel.: 013/633 079, Fax: 013/630 960, ALITALIA SERVIZI S.P.A. Director: Goran Jokic Terazije 43,11000 Beograd Tel. 011/323 5266 Fax: 011/323 5267;

ALLOMETAL Director: Ottavio Castellani Čika Ljubina 11 11000 Beograd,, Ana Drobnjak 0638160440 ASKA Director: Gloriano Marmilla Vrbaski Put 1 25230 Kula, Tel. 025/723 731, Fax:025/723 741; ATEKS Director: Marko Ćulibrk Milorada Jovanovića 9. 11000 Beograd. Tel.: 011/305 1102 Fax: 011/305 1297 ATTICA MEDIA SRB Director:Massimo Monti Kozjacka 2,11000 Beograd Tel. 011/2653718/9; AZIRA FASHION

Director: Dusica Vlahovic Industrijski put bb 21400 Bačka Palanka Tel./Fax: 021/750 938; BALTHOR Director: Ivan Bulatovic Makedonska 19 11000 Beograd Tel./Fax: 011/3373 712 BENEVENTO-UMS Director: Antonio Carbone Dragiše Mišovića 199, 32000 Čačak Tel. 032/375300 BEOCOLOR – CHEMCO Director: Gilberto Plahuta Knez Mihajlova 2 11000 Beograd Tel. 011/ 328 4035 BEOSANUS Director: Antonio Roccella Slovenska 3, 1000 Beograd

Tel. 011/3657285 BEOTUBI Director: Vlado Kovačević Bul. Mihajla Pupina 11/10, 11000 Beograd (grad) Tel./Fax: 011/2120 012; B.I.C. DOO Director: Elviro Izzi Reljina 4/3 11000 Beograd Tel.: +39 0865 412966 Fax: +39 0865 451170 BIS MANUFAKTURA Director: Nebojša Stanivuk Slobodana Bajića 1 11185 Zemun Tel./Fax: 011/3756813 BOREA PARTI Director: Miljan Jakšić Banatska 28 b, 11000 Beograd, Tel. 011/210 0726 BUTANGAS INTERNATIONAL DOO Director:Goran Đurđević Bul. Zorana Đinđića 65-9 11070 Novi Beograd Tel. 011/212 0589 Fax: 011/3113664 CENTRAL EUROPE METALSDirector: Nikola Simović Vidikovački venac 15/27, 11000 Beograd (Rakovica) Tel. 011/2614 549 CHAMPICOMP Director: Valentino Sartor Kralja Petra I2a 26229 Pločica, Tel. 013/757 012, Fax. 013/ 757129 champicomp@yahoo. com; CINECITTA Director: Piero Amati Kneza Višeslava 88, 11000 Be-

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 61


environment for SMEs. Last February 11th and 12th, Verona hosted the “Italy and the Balkans investment forum,” where Minister Milosavljevic was present and met with over 300 Italian companies and potential investors. In April, Italian Minister for Economic Development Claudio Scajola will visit Serbia. It will be a great occasion to reinforce and renew economic connections between the two countries.


ograd (Čukarica) Tel. 011/354 4967 COOPSERVICE BMK Director: Bogdan Mamuzić Svetosavska 9 22300 Stara Pazova Tel. 022/316 874 COSSUTTA TRANSPORTI Director: Anthony Maravic Svetogorska 22, 11000 Beograd (Stari Grad) Tel. 011/3245515, CROMWELL BALCANI Director: Riccardo Rocca Masarikova 5,11000 Beograd Tel. 011/306 1735 DAFAR Director: Giuseppe Massacci Ečanski drum 3 23100 Zrenjanin Tel. 023/544635-19 DAL DEGAN-MORAVA Director: Antonio Dal Degan Kralja Aleksandra Obrenovića bb 37230 Aleksandrovac Tel. 012/254 507 DAMM MANAGEMENT & MARKETING DOO Director: Franco Delneri Reljina 4/3,11000 Beograd Tel.: 011/3626 273 Fax: 011/2687 107 DEAMA-SB Director: Raffaele Romolo Vidoja Đulića 36a, 11318 Miloševac Tel. 026/515 340 DEKOTRA INŽENJERING Director: Snežana Petrović Makenzijeva 53/IV 11000 Beograd (grad) Tel. 011/2040 300 DUNAV AD Director: Stefano De Sabata Trg Oslobodjenja 9 25260 Apatin Tel. 025/773 522 EBC DOO Director: Marina

Radisavljevic Gospodar Jovanova 44/I 11000 Beograd Tel.: 011/3288274 Fax: 011/3288 274 ECOAGRI SERBIA A.D. ZA POLJOPRIVREDNU PROIZVODNJU Director: Milosav Šupić Sonje Marinković bb 26340 Bela Crkva Tel.: 013/851211 Fax: 013/851097; ELEKTROREMONT Director: Carmine Tarallo Ivana Meštrovića 2 24000 Subotica Tel.: 024/546165 Fax: 024/547848 EURO – COOD Director: Galasso Domenico Knez Milošev venac 18 12000 Požarevac Tel. 012/514 270 EUROEDIL Director: Milorad Matić Dimitrija Tucovića 2 L4-L5, 36000 Kraljevo, Tel. 036/317 370 EUROFER Director:Danilo Mrvošević Nemanjina 4/II 11000 Beograd Tel. 011/264 2745 EUROIN Director: Antonio Cagiano XXV Nova 73 11000 Beograd (Zemun) Tel. 011/8408 392 EVRO GIUNTI Director: Novica Jevtić Dimitrija Tucovića 41 11000 Beograd (grad) Tel. 011/3446 618/19/20 FAEBER LIGHTING SYSTEM DOO Director: Vladimir Pavlović Majora Gavrilovića 1 11420 Smederevska Palanka Tel.: 026/341 050 Fax : 026/341 055 FALC EAST Director: Marcello Ambrosi Lole Ribara 26

62 Guide to The International Business Sector

19350 Knjazevac Tel. 019/737900 FANTINI SCIANATICO BALKAN DOO Director: Canio Scianatico (Presidente CdA) Milutina Milnakovica 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel. 011/3011964 Fax.011/3011960 FARMAN DOO Director: Milan Keleuva Takovska 45, 11000 Beograd, Tel. 011/3292 046 E.mail: FARMAN SAPORI DOO Director: Radosav Ristić Serdar Jola 17 a 11000 Beograd Tel. : 011/266 6665 Fax: 011/266 8983 FED & RITA Director: Margherita Spinetta Sentandrejski put 184 21000 Novi Sad Tel. 021/419081 FENIX – LEGNO Director: Severino Caridi Laznica bb,12321 Laznica Tel. +381631805967 FERRARIPLAST Director: Srđan Bulutić, Karađorđeva bb 25100 Sombor Tel. 025/24 523 FIAT UFFICIO DI RAPPRESENTANZA Director: Jadran Soldić, Omladinskih Brigada 33a, 11000 Beograd Tel. 011/227 6292 FIAT AUTOMOBILI SRBIJA Contatto: Miodrag Misa Ognjanovic Trg Topolivaca 4, 34000 Kragujevac Tel. 034/323435 Cell. 064/8626362 FILM ‘87 Director: Piero Amati Kneza Višeslava 88 11000 Beograd Tel. 011/354 9149

/ March 2010 FIM Director: Livia Kado Put N. Heroja 12 24420 Kanjiza Tel. 024/874700 FIN BETON Director: Sanja Zani Prote Mateje 30 11000 Beograd (grad) Tel. 011/3085250 FIORANO DOO Aida Delkić Staparski put bb, 25000 Sombor, Tel.: 065/3122408 FRIULEXPORT Director: Predrag Krečković Šumadijska 1,18000 Niš Tel. 018/254 598 FULGAR EAST DOO Director: Adolfo Carlo Perosi Jevrajska 12,23000 Zrenjanin Tel. 023/515686 Fax. 023/515794; FUNNY SHOES Director: Sergio Sari Ilije Garašanina 33/5, 11000 Beograd (grad) Tel. 024/711 414 GB PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Director: Saša Veselinović Dunavski kej 8 11000 Beograd Tel.: 011/2928714 Fax: 011/2928713; GIRAMONDO DOO Director: Sladjana Dugonjic Del Castillo Kneginje Zorke 40 11000 Beograd Tel.: 011/344 0260 Fax: 011 344 0165 GRADAC FAVRO Director: Milisav Slabić Djerdapski Put bb 19320 Kladovo Tel. 019/801 424 GRUPPO FIORENTINO DOO Director: Fiorentino Nutricato Orasacki put bb 16210 Vlasotince Tel.: 016/876015 Fax: 016/876004 andrea@gruppofiorenti- HIV AD Director: Rade Novković Omladinskih Brigada 11, 17500 Vranje Tel. 017/421 585 HOME FURNITURE CASA ITALIA Director: Ljubica Ivić Slobodna Zona bb 21400 Bačka Palanka Tel. 021/ 754 185 HYDROTEK Director:Mirjana Leković Makedonska 5/II/6 TC “Trg Republike” 11000 Beograd (Grad) Tel. 011/334 3465 IC&PARTNERS Director: Gabriele Copetti Cika Ljubina 11, 11000 Beograd Tel. 011/328 8101, ax: 3288106, INTERLOG Director: Erich Cossutta Svetogorska 22 11000 Beograd (Stari Grad) Tel. 011/3347445-554 INTERSTONES Director: Zorica Miletić Topalović, Karađorđeva 17/2, 34000 Kragujevac Tel. Fax: 034/360 792 ITALIANA SALOTTI Južnomoravskih brigada bb 17542 Vranjska Banja Tel. 011/3132 526 ITALTES Director: Ljiljana Filipović Vojvođanska 386 d, 11000 Beograd (grad) Tel. 011/2269 016 ITALTEX-INTIMO Director:Daniela Vojinović Novobečejski put bb 23273 Novo Miloševo Tel. 023/786 806 ITASER KONSALTING Director: Daniele Sassi Tadeuša Košćuška 86 11000 Beograd ITS BALKAN Director: Stanko Maksimovic Svetogorska 35/2 11000 Beograd (grad) Tel. 011/3035188; KIJEVO Director: Darko Višnjić Oslobođenja 52-57 11000 Beograd (grad) Tel. 011/232 2686 KOINE’-ADRIATICA DOO Director: Massimo Iacovazzi Poslovni centar “Lupus” Zmaj Jovina 26 21000 Novi Sad Tel./Fax: 021/462707 KOMORA ITALIJANSKOSRPSKIH PRIVREDNIKA Director: Vincenzo Divella Kneza Mihaila 47/I, 11000 Beograd, Tel. 011/3287725 KORIUM Director:Stanko Mraković Prešernova 17 11000 Beograd (Vračar) Tel. 011/324 6689 LASER BALKAN Director: Lino Fraron Dunavac 1,12208 Kostolac Tel. 012/241 954 LEGNO PIU’ DOO Director:Nenad Miljković Studenička 17,18000 Niš Tel./Fax: 018/214677 Cell.: 065/4475001 LEONARDO Director: Andrea Brotini Jovana Mikića 56 24000 Subotica Tel. 024/551 953 M.C.D. Director: Antonio Castagnaro Kralja Petra I bb 12220 Veliko Gradište Tel. 012/63135 MAGIC STEP Director: Slobodan Nešić Surčinska 18, 11000 Beograd , Tel. 062/233 173 MASTROTTO & CO Director: Murat Spahić Kružni put BB, 11309 Leštane, Tel. 011/803 5110 MIN LOKOMOTIVA Director: Saša Bojić Šumadijska 1, 18000 Niš (grad), Tel. 018/262 067

POMETON TIR DOO Đorđa Vajferta 20-22 19210 Bor, Tel.: 030/427 476 Fax: 030/427 475 POTIS Director: Želimir Radović Čede Vasovića 39 12000 Požarevac, Tel. 012/ 555 189, PREDSTAVNIŠTVO IVECO S.P.A. Director: Vladimir Knežević Otokara Kersovanija 2, 11000 Beograd (grad), Tel. 011/397 68 91 PREDSTAVNIŠTVO KEDRION SPA Director: Giovanni Accrogliano’ Terazije 10/I,11000 Beograd Tel. 011/3612490 PROGETTI Director: Romano Rossi Kneza Miloša 79 11000 Beograd, Tel. 011/3628750/2/3 Fax. 011/3628751; PROLETER Director: Bernhard Josef, Wilhelm Kampshoff Milinka Kusica 108, 32250 Ivanjica Tel. 032/662 518 REGIONE EMILIAROMAGNA Director: Enrico Cocchi Gospodar Jevremova 39, 11000 Beograd, Tel.: 011/3287665, Fax: 011/3287136, sscotti@ SAMER & CO. DUNAV AGENCIES Director: Svetislav Jurišić YUBC, Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10E/I, 11070 Beograd (Novi Beograd) Tel. 011/2142 332 SIGAS Director: Cesare Pillon Nikole Pašića 2,31210 Požega Tel. 011/2626464; SLODES TRADE Director: Snežana Ivanović Borska 92 F,11000 Beograd Tel. 011/3591358; SO.GE DOO BEOGRAD Director: Luigi Zani, Kralja Petra 58/6, 11000 Beograd Tel. 011/2910758, Fax: 011/2910756, info@so-ge. com, SPIK IVERICA AD Venijamina Marinkovica 139 32250 Ivanjica, Tel.: 032/66 11 66, Fax: 032/66 33 20; SPIK MORAVA Venijamina Marinkovica 139, 32250 Ivanjica, Tel.: 032/66 11 66, Fax: 032/66 33 20; SPIK NAPREDAK Venijamina Marinkovica 139 32250 Ivanjica, Tel.: 032/66 11 66, Fax: 032/66 33 20; STEAM SOLUTION DOO Kralja Petra, 58/6, 11000 Beograd, Tel.: 011/2910 758 Fax: 011/2910756 STEEL PLANT SREMSKA MITROVICA Director: Filippo Tagliabue Rumski put 27 22000 Sremska Mitrovica Tel.: 022/618 207 Fax: 022/622 738 SUOLO E SALUTE SERBIAN Director: Duško Đurić Nikole Pašića bb, 11320 Velika Plana, Tel. 026/511476, office@sesasrb. com, TEMER GROUP Director: Sanja Zani Prote Mateje 30

11000 Beograd (grad) Tel. 011/3085250 TE-TO Director: Ljubiša Radenković Karađorđeva 66,24400 Senta Tel. 063/528182, office@ VALY Director: Carlo Mariotti Beloševac bb,14104 Beloševac Tel. 014/295005 VECAR VILJUŠKARI DOO Director: Dragan Srdić Svetozara Papića 2 11180 Beograd (Zemun) Tel./Fax: 011/3169 711; VERSIL LEGNO Director: Nebojša Kaljević Dragomira Mike Milovanovića 63 11000 Beograd (grad) Tel. 011/2140965 YU ARDO Director: Marinko Radić Kneza Miloša 95/6 11000 Beograd Tel. 011/268 4170/80 YUGOTUB DOO Director:Klara Stojanovic Kralja Petra I Karadjordjevica 156,22330 Nova Pazova Tel.: 022/328 241 Fax: 022/328 841 ZANNINI EAST DOO Director: Pera Todorović Beogradski put bb

26300 Vršac ,Tel. 013/833405 ,Fax: 013/821076 , aleksandra. ZASTAVA KAMIONI Director: Đorđe Nestorović Trg Topolivaca 4 34000 Kragujevac Tel. 034/335 355; ZELENA DRINA DOO Director: Radojica Petrović Milana Obrenovića bb, 31250 Bajina Bašta, Tel.: 031/865 044, Fax: 031/864 269, ZEMLJA I SUNCE Director: Franco Benati Pariske Komune 8 23100 Zrenjanin Tel. 065/6300063 ZLATIBOR-MERMER Director: Dragan Milojević Pekarska bb,31000 Užice Tel. 031/563 833/44 ZONA INDUSTRIALE ITALIANA Director: Nebojša Kaljević Bože Jankovića 17 11000 Beograd (Voždovac) Tel. 011/3016872 ZUCCHELLI - BALAN Director: Đorđe Balan Goranska 12, 26000 Smederevo, Tel. 026/231 125 3POINTS Director: Luca Brezza Nemanjina 40, 11000 Beograd, Tel. 011/3650060 BANCA INTESA Director: Draginja Djurić

If you find that any of the details provided in the directory section of this special edition are incorrect, or your company has since changed its address or any other details, please contact alliance international media on + 381 (011) 308 99 77 / 308 99 88 or send the correct company information via email to, in order for us to provide our readers with correct and fully up-to-date information in future publications and on our websites.

Milentija Popovica 7b 11000 Beograd Tel. 011/2011200 Giancarlo Miranda CONCEPT INVEST DOO Alessandro Bonnesi International Desk Manager Imotska 1,11000 Beograd Tel.: 011/3956 800 DDOR NOVI SAD Director: Darko Botić Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 8 21000 Novi Sad Tel. 021/4886000 DELTA GENERALI OSIGURANJE Director: Nebojša Divljan Milentija Popovica 7b, 11000 Beograd Tel. 011/2220555 FINDOMESTIC Director:Eric Blanchetete Kosovska 10,11000 Beograd Tel.: 011/333 1733 Fax: 011/333 1766; RE SOURCING DOO Director: Mario Schiavo Kralja Petra 58/6, 1000 Beograd, Tel.: 011/291 0758 Fax: 011/291 0756; UNICREDIT BANK SRBIJA Director: Klaus Priverschek Rajiceva 27-29,11000 Beograd Tel.: 011/3204580 Fax: 011/3342200 UNICREDIT LEASING Director: Gerald Kern Bulevar umetnosti 2a 11070 Novi Beograd Tel. 011 3093 500 VOLKSBANK Director: Gordana Matić Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 165g 11072 Beograd Tel. 011/2017052

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 63

ITALY MIN SPECIJALNA VOZILA Director: Zefir Basic Šumadijska 1, 18000 Niš (grad), Tel. 018/254 598 MIN VAGONKA Director: Zefir Basic Šumadijska 1, 18000 Niš (grad), Tel. 018/247 182 MIROGLIO SER Director: Alberto Salvano Jurija Gagarina 16, 11000 Beograd (grad), Tel. 011/ 26 57 881, MIXER SYSTEM Director: AntonioCosta Čika Ljubina 11, 11000 Beograd, Tel. 011/3433028 MODITAL TRADE Director: Goran Milovic Surčinska 11 F, 11077 Novi Beograd, Tel. 011/2260130 MODITAL MANUFACTURING Bagljaš aerodrom bb 23000 Zrenjanin Tel. 023/559 000 MONTAGNA SM Director: Milan Lalošević, Zmaj Jovina 15, 11000 Beograd Tel. 011/3034122/3/6/7 OMNIAPACK Director: Dragan Jakovljev Industrijska zona bb 23272 Novi Bečej Tel. 023/771 098 PANGEA RE Director: Thomas Weis Despota Djudja 13/1, 11000 Beograd Tel. 063/1623221, t.dzida@ PETRUZALEK DOO Director: Miodrag Manic Majora Zorana Radosavljevica 313 a, 11273 Batajnica Tel.: 011/8480 271 Fax: 011/8481 342 PIACERE MOLISE Director: Paolo di Laura Frattura Dunavska 15 21000 Novi Sad Tel./Fax: 021/661 4730;


Tetsuya Tsubota, First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Serbia

BIG STEPS TO EU INTEGRATION ne reason why foreign investments in Serbia have not increased is the fact that the overall image of Serbia has still not improved, declared Tetsuya Tsubota, First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in the Republic of Serbia for the Guide.

O “Serbia needs to make improvements to its investment climate to encourage Japanese businessmen to invest in Serbia.”

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of the companies from your country to invest in Serbia? The investment environment in Serbia is not as bad as before, because of low corporation income tax and the cheap but good quality of labor, and Serbia’s favorable geographic position. One reason why foreign investments in Serbia have not increased is the fact that the overall image of Serbia has still not improved. On the other hand, Serbia has made big steps towards EU integration, the visa regime towards Serbia has been abolished, Serbia has submitted its application for EU candidacy, and the Interim Trade Agreement officially came into force very recently. These events will contribute to the improvement of Serbia‘s image and increase the reliability of the country. Therefore, I think that businessmen will become more and more interested in Serbia as a favorable investment destination, and I also think that Serbia needs to make improvements to its investment climate to encourage Japanese businessmen to invest in Serbia. In which economic sector/projects are companies from your country most interested? In my everyday contact with Japanese businessmen they show great interest in and expectation for Serbian agriculture. For Japan, which lacks food, importing 60 percent of food, cheap but quality agricultural products, is indispensable. Of course, there are certain conditions to be fulfilled when exporting agricultural products to Japan, but if these problems can be solved, Serbian agricultural products would find their place on the Japanese market.


apanese investors have become more careful because of the economic crisis. However, it is just a difficult economic situation that makes investors look for a more attractive investment environment. I think Serbia has to seize this moment to attract foreign investors.


64 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? Unfortunately, I cannot say that potential foreign investors have enough information concerning opportunities for investment in Serbia. As I have already mentioned, the investment environment in Serbia is not so bad, but the problem is that it’s not well-known. The most important thing for Serbia is to appeal its progress concerning the integration to EU, and spread information about Serbia. I would like to mention that the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) organized an inspection visit of Japanese business people to Serbia in November last year. During their visit, Japanese businessmen got to know the investment environment in Serbia. The Embassy of Japan

THE INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT IN SERBIA IS NOT SO BAD, BUT THE PROBLEM IS THAT IT’S NOT WELL-KNOWN took advantage of that occasion to organize a seminar on the Serbian investment environment, in which Mr. Bozidar Djelic, Deputy Prime Minister, representatives of the City of Belgrade, and the Foreign Investors Council took part. My opinion is that this seminar was very significant, as Japanese businessmen got the latest information on the Serbian market. What are the most common problems that the companies from your country face in Serbia? In Serbia there are companies that operate very successfully with Japan and other companies that wish to do business with Japanese companies. I sometimes hear that they want to have contact with and get support from the Serbian Government. I hope that the Serbian Government will act more correctly with regard to their demand. In your opinion, has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? We are aware of various reforms and procedure simplification, but we cannot be sure if this has brought results, but in any case it is a very positive move. I would like to point out again that potential foreign investors have to be aware of it.



ALPHA IMAGING (SHIMADZU) Director: Predrag Bjeletić Vrtlarska 55, 11080 Zemun, Tel: +381 11 3164 033, Fax: + 381 11 3166 226 BEOLASER D.O.O. (TOSHIBA) Director: Dragan Rokic (063 234 739) Trgovačka 16a (TC “Mondo”), 11 000 Belgrade, Tel/Fax: +381 11 2395 639, www.beolaser. com BEOLEK (HITACHI) Director: Gordana Martinov Murska 1, 11 000 Belgrade DELTA ESPERO (MITSUTOYO) Director: Vladimir Petrović Skadarska 10a, 11 000 Belgrade, Tel/Fax: +381 11 3227 367, 324 8981 DELTA M (HONDA) Director: Ivana Veselinović Milentija Popovića 7b, 11 000 Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 2012

350, Fax: +381 11 2012 207, ECOTEH (KYOCERA MITA EUROPE) Director: Dragan Milošević Ustanička 82, 11 000 Belgrade, Telephone: +381 11 3863 326, Fax: +381 11 3863 329, ww.kyoceramita-europe. com FUJITSU TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS Director: Nebojša Bjelotomić Vladimira Popovića 8/V, Belgrade, Tel: + 381 11 2223 510 Fax: + 381 11 2223 520 GRADITELJ AUTO (ISUZU) Director: Slavica Ilić Bul. Slobodana Jovanovića 4a, 21000 Novi Sad, Tel: + 381 21 4808 481 Fax: + 381 21 4808 466, JTI INTERNATIONAL MARKETING & SALES D.O.O. General Manager: Cris-

tian Cring Vladimira Popovica 38 Tel: +381 11 2050 300 Fax: +381 11 2050 181, ITOCHU CORPORATION Belgrade Representative Office Business Consultant: Miloš Vesnić Vladimira Popovića 40, Belgrade, Tel: + 381 11 301 6990 KOVING (ALPINE) Director: Bojan Radulović Pariske komune 24, Tel/Fax: +381 11 319 3408, MITSUBISHI Director: Hiroyasu Honda Vladimira Popovića 6 (Genex Appartments, A-205), N. Belgrade, Tel: + 381 11 222 3555 Fax: +381 11 223 3557 MITSUI – CO. LTD General Manager: Dragoslav Karadzic Vladimira Popovića 6 (Genex Appartments), N.

Belgrade, Tel: +381 11 311 3328, 311 3491, Fax: +381 11 301 8079 OLYMPUS Director: Ivanka Milenković Djordja Stanojevica 12, Tel: +381 11 2222 900, 2222 902, Fax: +381 11 2222 901, PANASONIC/TECHNICS (MATSUSHITA) Director: Jagoš Medenica Bul. Despota Stefana 41 Tel: +381 11 3040 124, Fax: +381 11 3344 091, www. PROFIL INTERNATIONAL (MAZDA) Director:

www.radulovic-group. com SKY TECHNOLOGIES (ALPINE) Director: Marko Životić Milutina Milankovića 1/L12, Tel: + 381 11 3114 722, Fax: + 381 11 2134 335, www. SONY OVERSEAS D.O.O. Director: Milan Vasić Omladinskih brigade 88a Tel: +381 11 222 5959, Fax: +381 11 222 5960, www. SUBARU ĆURČIĆ (SUBARU) Owner: Gane Ćurčić Vojvode Skopljanca 29, Belgrade

+381 11 2090 901, Fax: +381 11 2090 902, www. TRIVAX (NIHON KODEN) Director: Vladimir Trikić Sales Director: Katarina Trikić, Triše Kaclerovića 24a Tel: +381 11 3975 820, 39 75 830, Fax: +381 11 3976 092, VELAUTO (MITSUBISHI MOTORS) Director: Djordje Kolašinac Đuje i Dragoljuba bb, 11090 Bgd, Tel: +381 11 2321 055, Fax: +381 11 2321 277

Belgrade Representative Office Vladimira Popovica 40, 11070 Belgrade tel.: 011/301 69 90

PIC: Mr. Milos Vesnic, manager e-mail: Representative office for Western Balkan region of one of leading Japanese general trading companies engaged in trading of various products and services, as well as business investment

Tel: +381 11 2472 222, Fax: Branko Andjelković Karadjordjeva 13, Tel: +381 +381 11 3973 157, www. 11 2628 200, Fax: +381 11 TECHNO EXPORT IM303 1737 PORT (KOMATSU) RADULOVIĆ D.O.O. (NIS- Director: Slobodan Terzin Banatska 83a SAN) Director : Dragan TOYOTA SCG Director: Radulović Dragoslava Slobodan Radoičić Savski Srejovića b.b. Belgrade, Tel/Fax: + 381 11 2080 180, nasip 7, N. Belgrade, Tel: XSELL INTERNATIONAL D.O.O. (KIKKOMAN) Director: Milivoj Teodorović Internacionalnih brigada 11/12, Tel: +381 11 3444 937, 064 3130 149 Fax: +381 11 4442 953

& Deutchland Gmbh

Olympus d.o.o. Beograd Djordja Stanojevića 12, 11070 Belgrade Serbia

phone: +381 11 2222 900 fax: +381 11 2222 901

Address: Vladimira Popovića 6 (Genex Appartments), N. Belgrade Telephone: +381 11 311 3328, 311 3491 Fax: +381 11 311 3649

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 65


Vladimir Krstevski, Advisor in the Embassy of the FYR Macedonia in Serbia

TO CONTINUE WITH REFORMS ccording to the information we dispose of, the so-called regulation guillotine has been yielding visible results since the very beginning. In FYR Macedonia, application of similar measures gave a significant impetus to the economy and to foreign investors,” says Vladimir Krstevski, Advisor in FYR Macedonia’s Embassy in Serbia.


“When it comes to production cooperation between the two countries, we see great potential in joint activities on third market.”

What is your view of the current investment climate and Serbia, and what still needs to be done in order for the FYR Macedonian companies to show more interest for investing in Serbia? Last year, the Serbian government implemented a series of measures which we think will exert a positive influence on foreign investments in Serbia. The judicial reforms hold special importance, as does the government’s determination to accomplish viable results in fighting organized crime and corruption. On the other hand, we salute the stimulating measures, which we, in FYR Macedonia, started to apply some three years ago and which pertain to various tax incentives and subsidies for greenfield investments and re-investment of profit, as well as simplifying the process of company registration and the regulation guillotine. Also, there are many other subsidies provided by local authorities when it comes to investing in technology and industrial parks. The results achieved in the EU integration process have also had a positive influence. The size of Serbian market, the country’s geo-strategic position, CEFTA, and free trade agreements concluded with Russia, Belarus, and Turkey are beneficial too. It is of vital importance to continue with reforms, primarily to further stabilize the country and, by that, the region, both politically and security-wise, as well as to persevere with the EU integrations and invest more effort into advancing condi-


he biggest objections that our companies have relate to certain products having preferential treatment, as well as certain companies being given an advantage in public acquisitions. There have been objections made on the account of relevant authorities when the privatization of the chemical industry Župa from Kruševac and Jugoremedija from Zrenjanin were annulled. Both of these companies were bought by FYR Macedonian investors. Also, investors from other countries have complained about so-called non-custom barriers that are severely interfering with the development of trade and other forms of collaboration.


66 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

tions for foreign investors in your country. What business sectors or projects have Macedonian companies expressed interest in? Unfortunately, due to objective circumstances, we haven’t noticed any significant investor potential in either country in the last few years. Most of our economic cooperation boils down to regular trading (95%). But, bearing in mind the compatibility of our economies and other benefits, we have estimated that our companies would achieve the best results from establishing production cooperation in the areas like agriculture, textile and chemical industry, ferrous metallurgy and energy, machine building, construction, transport, and a few others. When it comes to this kind of cooperation, we see great potential in joint activities on third markets.

SERBIAN ECONOMY HAS A GREATER POTENTIAL AND YOUR COMPANIES ARE WELCOME TO INVEST IN MACEDONIA In your opinion, do foreign investors have enough information about investment opportunities in Serbia? No, they don’t. You need to implement a special promotion strategy and spend substantial financial means on it. Having Serbian economic diplomats abroad is a good step towards overcoming this particular problem. We did the same two years ago, and, in our experience, the results will come once the crisis subsides. Has the economic crisis slowed down or even stopped investors from FYR Macedonia investing in Serbia in 2010? The economic crisis has already had a detrimental effect on overall economic relations between our two countries. The 2009 trade exchange dropped by at least 25%. The crisis will be present throughout 2010 too, albeit to a lesser extent. There are justifiable reasons for not expecting a large investment influx from FYR Macedonia to Serbia. Serbian economy has a greater potential and your companies are welcome to invest in FYR Macedonia.

MAKO MARKET Batajnički drum br. 263, 11000 Beograd Andrea Tasevski , direktor tel. 011- 377 4327, fax. 011-377 4808, MV SISTEM CO D.O.O. Tikveš vinarija Bulevar, Oslobođenja br. 85, 11000 Beograd, tel. 063/ 407 431 MLAZ-EKSPROM D.O.O. Pajsijeva br.3, 11000 Beograd, tel. 011-265 8676, 268 6870 fax: 011 268 7661 MZT HEPOS KTB D.O.O. BEOGRAD Gavrila Principa br. 29, 11000 Beograd tel./fax: 011- 328 7968, 328 7967, mzthepos@ MZT – KTB Gavrila Principa br. 29, 11000 Beograd tel./ 011 328 7938, mob.063 366 019 SILBEG D.O.O. Cara Uroša br. 6/1, 11000 Beograd Tel. 011- 262 40 91, 063/201584, Fax: 011- 218 00 44 SKOVIN D.O.O. Vojvode Dobrnjca br. 38, 11000 Beograd, Tel. 011- 339 04 12, Fax. 011 339 07 99, UNITIRES D.O.O. Sarajevska br. 38, 11000 Beograd (Sanos) tel./ fax. 011-366 02 03 VEDRINA 2 D.O.O. Cvetanova ćuprija br. 141 11126 Beograd, tel. 011-346 0868, fax. 011 346 0841, vedrinakrsto@ VITALIA Stole Zmejkoski , tel. 064/ 642 25 23, 064/ 265 69 10, stolez@vitalia. VINOTOK D.O.O. Paunova br. 43/54, 11000 Beograd, tel. 063/ 331 590, 065/ 331 5900, vinotok@

BETTER COOPERATION Serbia is the biggest export - import partner to Montenegro, followed by Italy, Germany, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia. here is a realistic possibility of economic cooperation between Serbia and Montenegro becoming even better. The two countries have reached a full understanding about the relevant conditions like uninterrupted flow of people, goods, services, capital, and information. The cooperation should be extended along market principles and economic interests of companies from the two countries. The obstacles that Montenegro and Serbia encounter on this way are mainly of an administrative nature and relate to improving border crossing operations, and removing other non-custom barriers, something that should be constantly worked on, the Serbian Chamber of Commerce says. Joint infrastructure projects involving the both countries are focused on reconstructing the Belgrade – Bar railway track, better utilization of available capacities in the Port of Bar, as well as the port’s extension and modernization, advancing transport routes in both countries, and joint projects in the energy sector (mainly electricity). Both countries’ share should advance these mutual interests even further. Serbia is the biggest export-import partner to Montenegro, followed by Italy, Germany, Greece, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Croatia. The total trade exchange between Serbia and Montenegro in 2007 amounted to $1,092.7 million, 38,32% higher than in 2006. Overall Serbian exports to Montenegro amounted to $966,7 million, 50.1% higher as compared to 2006. In 2007,


Serbian imports from Montenegro were reduced by 15.4% in comparison to 2006 and stood at $126,3 million, with Serbia recording an $840 million trade surplus. In order to reduce this deficit, Montenegrin trade partners should be more agile in offering their products on the Serbian market. During the first seven months of 2008, trade exchange between the two countries amounted to $955,9 million, 73.20% higher than during the same period the year before. When it comes to imports from Montenegro, they went up by 90.95%, compared to the same period the year before, and amounted to $127.00 million. The trade exchange surplus stood at $701,9 million. COMPANY REGISTER 13.JUL PLANTAŽE Veselin Đurišić, director, Agostina Neta 34a 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 2161660, +381 11 3175704, 13.jul@beotel.yu, AIRTREND GOBRID Goran Kolic Kumanovska 14,11000 Beograd, +381 11 383-68-86, ARCON OVERSEAS LIMITED Sasa Zdravkovic Vidikovacki Venac 83, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 265 1769,, MD MARTINOVIĆ D.O.O. Branislav Kljajić, director Bulevar Arsenija Čarnojevića 123 11070 Novi Beograd, +381 11 2140148, +381 11 2140148 MONTENEGROAIRLINES Žarko Đurović, director Knez Mihajlova 23 11000 Beograd, +381 11 2621122, +381 11 2181861, PREDSTAVNIŠTVO LUKA BAR A.D Darko Knežević, director, Trg Nikole Pašića 7 11000 Beograd +381 11 3398755, +381 11 3398882,


ne of the most important, if not the most important investment by a Serbian company in Montenegro is the one carried out by Telekom Serbia, which became the third mobile telephony operator in Montenegro. The company plans to invest close to €100 million in the coming period, with half of that amount invested in developing the mobile telephony network and Internet technology. March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 67


COMPANY REGISTER ADING D.O.O. Nehruova br.82, 11070 Novi Beograd Zoran Đurović direktor tel. 011-216 0576, 215 8014, 176 9338, fax. 011 216 0576, 215 8014, 176 9338 mail: ALKALOID D.O.O. Bulevar Kneza Aleksandra Karađorđevića br. 6 11000 Beograd Igor Petrov, direktor Tel. 011-367 07 62 Fax. 011 367 90 71 mail: ASSECO D.O.O. Milutina Milankovića br.19 g, 11070 Beograd, Miodrag Mirčetić, tel. 011 201 3154, faks. 011 301 5132, AXXON TRADING D.O.O. Surčinski put br. 9 N, 11000 Beograd, Vlatko Jokić, direktor, tel/fax: 011-226 90 57 i 065/ 22 00 234 mail: BOVIN & ŠAJN Koče Kapetana br. 14 Kneza Mihaila br. 6, 1000 Beograd, Zeljko Šajn, direktor, tel. 063/ 577 788 FERTRADE D.O.O. Kralja Milutina br. 55 lok.2b, 11000 Beograd, tel. 011361 8664, 361 8665, fax. 011 361 8664, 361 8665, GALEB AD – OHRID Železnička br. 4, 11000 Beograd, tel/fax: 011-262 2554 KNAUF D.O.O. Dalmatinska br. 65 a, 11000 Beograd tel. 011- 207 45 11, fax. 011 207 45 30, mail: KOLID D.O.O. Vladimira Popovića br. 22/12, 11070 Novi Beograd, tel. 063/484 121; Niš 018/ 214 514,


Tsjeard Hoekstra, Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

SERBIA NEEDS MORE PREDICTABILITY ndependent of the origin of investors, a clear path for the future brings more to much- needed certainty and predictability,” said Tsjeard Hoekstra, Deputy Head of Mission Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


“To improve interest of the companies from the Netherlands, Serbia must send a clear message that there is a level playing field on the market for all companies.”

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of the companies from your country to invest in Serbia? The investment climate in Serbia and its appeal to foreign investors depends primarily on the sector from which the investors and companies originate. For example, expected increase of demand for buses and coaches, a company like VDL chose to intensify its activities in Serbia. On the other hand, companies involved in marketing-related software development chose to postpone investments as marketing budgets have declined. To genuinely improve the investment climate, Serbia needs more predictability. At the same time, to improve interest of the companies from the Netherlands, Serbia must send a clear message that there is a level playing field on the market for all companies and that it is a country of equal opportunities. Next to a sound compe-


uring the crisis, companies tend to evaluate their business strategies and plans. This often opens doors for more outsourcing, and therein lie new opportunities for Serbia. Since the beginning of the year we have seen an increase in interest in economic cooperation with Serbia and often it is the first step before the investments. We already had some investments announced, like in case of VDL, yet there were also investments that were cancelled or postponed. The general impression is that the crisis has slowed down the realization of investments, but not the interest. Therefore, it is very important for Serbia to keep the existing investors who already made the decision to expand in Serbia, and help them.


68 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

tition policy this could be most easily achieved through a strong rule of law, and in that light further improvements remain to be seen in practice. At the same time, some long-awaited reforms have taken place, for example, in the field of spatial planning, but the reform has not been completed in a way to keep the attention and interest of the investors. It shouldn’t be forgotten that unblocking the SAA played a role to reaffirm Serbia’s determination to proceed with EU integrations.

MOST OFTEN, PROBLEMS THAT DUTCH COMPANIES ENCOUNTER ARE RELATED TO ISSUES SUCH AS BUREAUCRACY OR GENERAL BUSINESS UNPREDICTABILITY, WHICH IS IN TURN CAUSED BY WEAK RULE OF LAW Which economic sector/projects are the companies from your country most interested in? Companies from the Netherlands are, now traditionally present in the area of agriculture, shipbuilding, and metal processing in general, as well as in infrastructure. In the coming period we expect to see an increasing interest in water-related infrastructure projects and the Embassy will facilitate those demands. We expect to build up on already existing cooperation in this field, laid out by the Dutch-Serbian Business Council for Infrastructure and Environmental Protection. Our Embassy is also involved in intensifying cooperation

Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? When it comes to information about investment opportunities, one could conclude that Serbia has done a good job to make information accessible. This information is also quite often relevant and interesting. Serbia has taken a step further and launched a project to send economic diplomats to boost these efforts further. We hope that one such economic diplomat gets sent to the Netherlands as well. However, it’s not only information that is needed for business to take place. In some cases it is the image that prevents businesses from deciding to use the information and grasp the opportunities. What are the most common problems that the companies from your country are face in Serbia? Most often, problems that Dutch companies encounter are related to issues such as bureaucracy or general business unpredictability which is in turn caused by weak rule of law. Interestingly enough, strengthening the rule of law alone could result in visible improvements in doing business. Another common problem is perception that there is no level playing field for all companies in Serbia. Without a level playing field, there can hardly be any competition, efficiency, or benefits proportional to investments. Let the best player win. Practical advocating of competitiveness pays of through improved international competitiveness.


ADRIA MEDIA SERBIA PUBLISHING Omladinskih brigada 88a, 11070 N. Beograd Phone:++381 11 329 0809 Fax: ++381 11 329 08 07 D TRUCK PULS DAF TRUCKS Contact person: Zoran Angelus Novosadski Autoput 73. 11080 Beograd P/F: ++381 11 3774160 HINTTECH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Managing Director: Dejan Curcic Jermenska 9, 21000 Novi Sad Phone: ++381 21 301 205 Fax: ++381 21 639 26 96 HUNTER DOUGLAS REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS General Manager: Milivoj Urukalo Izletnički put 4A, 11070 New Belgrade P/f: ++381 11 260 85 38 m.urukalo@hunterdouglas. ITW WELDING PRODUCTS BV SOUTH-EAST EUROPE REP. OFFICE WELDING PRODUCTS AND EQUIPMENT Contact person : Sonja Papak Vodovodska 158, 11147 Belgrade, Phone: ++381 11 2397 391, Fax: ++381 11 2397 392, sonja. LARIVE SERBIA FINANCIAL CONSULTING AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Director: Maja Rejger Kralja Milana 13, 11000 Beograd, Phone: +381 11 3233 108, Fax: +381 11 3346 804, LEVI9 GLOBAL SOURCING BALKAN D.O.O. Information Technology Products and Services Director: Vladimir Gogoljev Trifkovicev trg 6, 21000 Novi Sad, Phone: ++381 21 4721 036, Fax: ++381 21 4721 037 PHILIPS (Representative office) Representation of the Founder, advertising and information activities Director: Milan Banovic Trg Nikole Pasica 5, 11000 Beograd Phone: ++381 11 3242 977 Fax: ++381 11 3342 303 RHEIN-DANUBE D.O.O (Shipyard Kladovo) Ship building, conversion, repair and maintenance Derdapski put bb, 19230 Kladovo Phone: ++381 19 801 024 Fax: ++381 19 800 315 TEBODIN D.O.O. CONSULTANTS AND ENGINEERS Deputy Director: Zoran Petrovic Bulevar AVNOJ-a 73/VI, 11070 Novi Beograd Phone: ++381 11 3132 465

Fax: ++381 11 3132 422 TMF SERVICES D.O.O. ACCOUNTING AND ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Bulevar Zorana Djindjica 64a, 11070 Novi Beograd Phone:++381 11 2209 300 Fax: + +381 11 2209 310 UNITED SERBIAN BREWERIES (MEMBER OF HEINEKEN GROUP) BREWERIES Contact Person: Katarina Spoljaric Omladinskih brigada 90B, 11070 Belgrade, Phone:++381 11 35 38 600, Fax: ++381 11 3031 351, Katarina.spoljaric@heineken. com VAHALI D.O.O. SHIPBUILDING Savski nasip 7, 11070 Novi Beograd, Phone: ++381 11 3188 035, Fax: + +381 11 3188 054, VVMZ SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO CONSULTANCY Director: Mr. Miro Smolovic Krunska 28, 11000 Beograd Phone: ++381 11 3343 464 Fax: ++381 11 3230 419 WAVIN PLASTIC PIPES AND FITTINGS Contact person: Igor Solovjev Justina Popovića 3, 11283 Beograd Phone:++381 11 316 91 96 Fax: ++38111 316 91 95

If you find that any of the details provided in the directory section of this special edition are incorrect, or your company has since changed its address or any other details, please contact alliance international media on + 381 (011) 308 99 77 / 308 99 88 or send the correct company information via email to, in order for us to provide our readers with correct and fully up-to-date information in future publications and on our websites. March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 69


in the field of agriculture. Apart from the private sector, this cooperation is intensive on the level of the ministries involved.


H.E. Haakon Blankenborg, Norwegian Ambassador to Serbia

FAIR COMPETITION hen Serbia develops its regulations according to national interest, that is what is always different from one country to another. National interest should always be defined in a transparent and predictable way, and as much as possible according to European standards,” said H.E. Haakon Blankenborg, Norwegian Ambassador to Serbia.


“Telenor’s investment was a signal for other potential investors that the Serbian market is something they should investigate a little bit more.”

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of the companies from your country to invest in Serbia? The overall estimation is that the business climate is good and predictable, regulations are predictable and transparent, and there is fair competition both for national and international companies. There are no privileges for domestic or foreign companies. Things can apparently be improved, but my overall statement is that business environment is good. Which economic sector/projects are companies from your country most interested in? There are not so many Norwegian-owned, or let’s put it this way, companies with their main office in Norway. They cover a variety of sectors. Telecommunications like Telenor are of course the most visible one on public market. There are also companies working in the invisible telecommunication market of infrastructure, and we have at least one company working in that segment. There are companies working in the mechanical industry;


would say that the European standard is not a fixed idea. The basic thing is if it is not notified with EU regulation authorities, it should be as much as possible according to those authorities. This is what Serbia is trying to do now with its approach towards the EU. I am not thinking about membership in a political way, but being a member of regulatory system. When I compare it to Norway, our government developed regulations to safeguard national interest but in our system, though we are not member of the Union, most of the regulations must be certified by EU authorities, just to notify others that we don’t have hidden regulations.”


70 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

one is in Kragujevac. We also have companies in the consumer market, the packing company “Elopack” here in Belgrade, so if you buy a liter or milk it will most likely come in a Swedish or Norwegian pack. There are companies focusing entirely on engineering. Now we are focusing on the steel and mechanical industry. I think that is a potential for Serbia because Serbia has a skilled labour force. Serbia cannot compete with some far-away countries in costs of labour force, but quality is very important. Much of this is going to be related to the petroleum industry and shipping. I can not say it is a focal point, but it is important for investors. There are also things that are not investments, but are trade-related.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO DEVELOP A MARKET BECAUSE EVERY COUNTRY CAN DEVELOP ITS OWN SYSTEM AND REGULATIONS, BUT IT IS IMPORTANT THAT IT IS PREDICTABLE AND TRANSPARENT Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? First of all, much can be better in Serbia as in other countries, and that is our driving force. When I say ‘better,’ that’s not a synonym for ‘perfect’ but it is good. Things can always be better and one challenge is to develop the system further for smaller investors. Big companies can always easily find what they need. They have their own capacity in infrastructure; they can hire someone to investigate the market, so I would say that the challenge is to develop that system of information that is tailored toward smaller companies. I’ve been talking to people who are looking for business opportunities and if it was a smaller company, it is much more difficult for them. A smaller

In your opinion, has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? Most of us would like to see, let’s say “a one-push system” where there is only one office to visit and is important to strive towards more simplified procedures and to have one address where you can solve as much as possible. The most important thing is to develop a market because every country can develop its own system and regulations, but it is important that it be predictable and transparent. You shouldn’t suddenly face hurdles in the market which don’t fit the basic regulations. This is of course more important for companies who would compete on the national market. A number of these companies located in Norway use Serbia as a base for export to

other countries, and that is a different kind of investment than if you are competing on the national market. Will the economic crisis slow or stop the arrival of investors from your country to Serbia in 2010? I would have to refer to what I could feel. There was much more activity than when the crisis accrued. Many more companies were active before and many investors became more careful, and they were not prepared for the risk. That doesn’t mean they have disappeared, only that a more limited number of companies came. It had an effect indeed and we are still not where we were before the crisis. In our part of the world, it was important that big investors made investments like Telenor did. That was a signal for other potential investors that the Serbian market is something they should investigate a little bit more.

COMPANY REGISTER VIK-SANDVIK -ALBATROSS D.O.O. Branko Žmukić, Director Vršačka 67, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 423875, +381 21 500101, ELOPAK D.O.O. Đorđe Stojilković, Director Batajnički drum 23, 11080 Zemun, +381 11 3160 142 +381 11 2193933,, NERA NETWORKS AS Nenad Stojanović, Director Dobropoljska 26-28, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3699530, +381 11 3657191, RAPP ZASTAVA A.D. Slobodan Milovanović, Director Trg topolivaca 4, 34000 Kragujevac +381 34 331 986, +381 34 337077, TELENOR D.O.O. Stein-Erik Vellan Omladinskih brigada 90, 11070 New Belgrade, +381 63 9863,

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 71


investor can be just as important as a big one.


MORE INTENSIVE COOPERATION The bilateral economic cooperation between the two countries has been constantly on the up Romanian companies haven’t made any big investments in Serbia so far, with the exception of Tender Investment Group from Timisoara (which owns 34 companies all over the world), which acquired ownership rights in the Fam Far pharmaceutical company from Kruševac and the Fam Hotel in the same town. This privately-owned Romanian company has also become the single biggest shareholder in the Serbian company Pupin Telekom a.d. The consortium of Romanian companies Remar and Grampet has acquired a 70%

Djerdap hydro-electric power plant


s a neighbouring country, Romania is an important economic partner to Serbia. The bilateral economic cooperation between the two countries has been constantly on the up. When it comes to Serbia’s trade exchange with the world in 2008, Romania ranked 10th in Serbian exports (with 3.6%) and 11th when it comes to imports (2.7%), according to the Serbian Chamber of Commerce. COMPANY REGISTER MOBEXPERT GROUP ARABESQUE D.O.O. Daniel Giurgea, Director DOO Roxana Mateescu Speaking of overallDirector relations between General Decka bb, SiGeneral, Serbia and Romania, the bilateral manovici, Pecinci, Tel/fax: Bulevar Oslobodjenjaeconomic and takes an im++381 22 481trade 368, fax:cooperation 149, 11000, Beograd, portant place. In the last fifteen years, ++381 22 481 355, daniel. Serbia,Tel: ++381 11 246 trade exchange between two 84 23, the fax: ++381 319 DIRECTOR AL- via 07 70, roxana.mateescu @ tries was TEHNIC, executed traditional trade SYS DATA D.O.O Ciprian arrangements, with production cooperaPetra Kocica 35a,of these Pojoga ZELVOZarrangements. SMEDEREVO tion making 30% Slobodan Ristic, GenZemun, Tel/fax: ++381 The limiting factors of the trade exchange eral Manager Member of 11 31 66 091, ciprian. with Romania are payment difficulties, Grampet Group Romania absence of production cooperation and Milosa Velikog 39, 11300 DIGI SAT D.O.O. Marcel long-term business arrangements, lack of Popa Director Genral Smederevo, Tel: ++381 financial support, and failing to use busiFranse d’Perea 88 26 225 325, Fax: ++381 ness opportunities in 231 the704service sector

72 Guide to The International Business Sector

(mainly tourism and transport). When it comes to products that Serbia exports to Romania, these are ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgical products, chemical products, construction materials (ceramic blocks, cement, roofing tiles), agricultural produce (maize), rubber products, and pharmaceutical products. If we are talking about goods that Serbia mostly imports from Romania, they are oil derivatives (diesel fuel, liquid butane), electricity, train cars, chemical products (PVC, polyether alcohol), agricultural produce (brewer’s barley, salt), cars, aluminum wires, and aluminum alloys. There exists the possibility of cooperating with Romania in areas like energy, oil, gas, chemical and petrochemical industry, production of transportation vehicles, food processing industry, and tourism.


THERE IS THE POSSIBILITY OF COOPERATING WITH ROMANIA IN AREAS LIKE ENERGY, OIL, GAS, CHEMICAL AND PETRO-CHEMICAL INDUSTRY… stake in the train car company Želvoz from Smederevo (an investment worth €8.6 million). Timior Collant Company from Timisoara (owned by Italian businessmen) opened a sock factory in Kikinda (an investment worth €100,000). The factory currently employs 100 people. Arabesque Company, (the biggest Romanian construction materials distributor), recently opened a distribution facility in Belgrade, covering over 100,000 square metres.

hen it comes to the energy sector, cooperation is focused on maintenance works on the Djerdap hydro-electric power plant, and both countries are involved in the implementation of one of the most important energy projects in the region – the PEOP oil pipeline (stretching from Constanza to Trieste via Pancevo). Cooperation is carried out through the Intergovernmental Committee made of Serbian, Romanian, and Croatian representatives. Serbia has also expressed interest in participating in the Nabucco project, a gas pipeline that will run through Romania.


/ March 2010

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ENERGY - THE BASE FOR “The value of Russian investments made in Serbia amounted to close to a billion U.S. dollars, and this is mostly attributed to investments made by Lukoil and Gazprom Neft,” said the Russian ambassador to Serbia, H.E. Alexander Konuzin.

NIS headquarters building in Novi Sad n the first ten months of 2009, the overall trade exchange between Serbia and Russia reached the amount of $1.9 billion, which is a 47% decline. Serbian exports to Russia fell by 43% compared to the same period in 2008, and they stood at $279.3 million, while imports also declined by 47%, and they amounted to $1.6 billion. Economic cooperation between the two countries should be improved following the 47% decline, the president of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce, agreed Miloš Bugarin and Russian Ambassador to Serbia Alexander Konuzin last December. They also outlined that energy remained the basis of the bilateral cooperation, while the Russian ambassador said that “the commitment that Russia under-


74 Guide to The International Business Sector

took when it comes to cooperating with Serbia on the South Stream project and the Banatski Dvor gas storage is being honoured.” Mr. Konuzin added that even if there were certain delays in the implementation of those projects, the two sides

would make important decisions concerning the projects soon that would involve both Serbian and Russian companies. The Russian ambassador also pointed out that Russia wanted to invest in Serbia long-term, while announcing that there was a possibility of economic and trade cooperation between the two countries advancing in 2010 due to the formation of the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. Mr. Konuzin also said that Russian business people often consult the Russian Embassy in order to acquire information about investing in Serbia, where they are also warned about the problems that Russian companies have experienced when investing in Serbia. These problems pertain to honouring sales contracts since, as the ambassador says, due to the problems associated with transition it often happens that “the buyer doesn’t know what is he buying, and seller doesn’t know exactly what he is selling.” The Russian ambas-

SRBIJAGAS AS A PARTNER TO A RUSSIAN INSURANCE COMPANY e public enterprise Srbijagas and the Russian insurance company Sogaz, the latter of which is owned by Gazprom Group, will set up a joint insurance company in Serbia where Sogaz will have a 51% share and Srbijagas 49%. The Letter of Intention was handed over to the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) at the end of last year, and the official request will be submitted to the NBS at the end of February or beginning of March. The plan is for the joint insurance company to become operational during the Q2 of 2010, and, during the first three years of operation, between %7.5 and %8 million will be invested in the company. The company will be called Sogaz Serbia and will mostly focus on energy, i.e. property insurance, risk insurance, and later a voluntary health insurance, which is still not that widespread in Serbia.


/ March 2010

sador mentioned the Jastrebac company and the Majdanpek copper pipe factory as examples of failed cooperation between Serbian and Russian companies. The problems with the latter company dated back to Majdanpek’s previous owners. However, at the beginning of February this year, Alexander Konuzin said that the final agreement on the projects that would be funded with money from the $1-billion-loan provided by Russia still hasn’t been reached. On the occasion, the ambassador reminded that the two sides did reach an agreement about a $200-millionportion of the loan, which would be used to stabilize the Serbian state budget. “Ministries of finance from both countries have agreed about technical conditions pertaining to using and repaying this loan. When it comes to the second loan installment, the first thing that we need to define is what it is going to

be spent on,” the ambassador explained. According to him, there are several joint projects by Russian and Serbian railways that have been defined, but no agreement has yet been reached as to what exact projects will receive funding. Konuzin

IN THE FIRST TEN MONTHS OF 2009, THE OVERALL TRADE EXCHANGE BETWEEN SERBIA AND RUSSIA REACHED THE AMOUNT OF $1.9 BILLION, WHICH IS A 47% DECLINE pointed out that each project’s value should be determined, and depending on the project type and complexity, the loan terms and conditions will be set. The ambassador also said that the companies of COMPANY REGISTER

AEROFLOT, Vladimir Kozemjakin, Director, Knez Mihailova 30, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3286071, +381 11 3286083,, ABS HOLDING, Zoran Radosavljević, Gen. Director, Bul. Zorana Đinđića 8a, New Belgrade, +381 11 2016370, +381 11 2016380,, AZOT AGRO DUNAV, Maksim Grigorjev, Director ajke Jevrosime 51, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3220 741, +381 11 3221581,, www. CILOVYJE MASHINY

, Mihail Valerjevic Cvetkov, Director, Bul. Mira 13B\3, Belgrade, +381 11 3674255,, www. FADIP , Drago Pejić, Gen. Director, Trg Oslobođenja 3-4, 21220 Bečej , +381 21 6915971, +381 21 6915971, fadip@, FABRIKA BAKARNIH CEVI MAJDANPEK, Pavel Avdejev, Gen. Director, Industrijska zona bb, 19250 Majdanpek, +381 30 453000, +381 30 453033, GAZKOMPLEKTTRANS, Sergej Struk, Gen.

Director Vladete Kovačevića 10, Belgrade, +381 11 3035478, +381 11 3035539, IMPEX IB D.O.O., Andrej Grečuhin, Director Vojvode Stepe 318, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 2492302, +381 11 2465334, impexib@verat. net, JASTREBAC AD- FABRIKA PUMPI Bul.12.februar 82, 18000 Nis, +381 18 580 710 LUKOIL - BEOPETROL, Aleksandr Panfilov, Gen. Director, Mihaila Pupina 165 d, 11070 New Belgrade, +381 11 2220200, +381

11 2220294, office@, MOSKOVSKA BANKA, Vladimir Zecar, President of the Board of Directors Karađorđeva 89, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 39522, +381 11 3613419,, www. NIS AD Kiril Kravcenko, General Director Narodnog fronta 12 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 481 40 21, +381 21 481 43 26, PUTNIK Aleksandr Denisov, Director, Dragoslava Jovanovića 1, 11000 Belgrade, +381

11 3208 777, +381 11 3202720, info@putnik. com, RUSKO - SRPSKA TRGOVINSKA KUĆA, Radoslav Pašić, Director, Šafarikova 7, 21000 Novi Sad, +381 21 4737540, +381 21 4737541, srtk@neobee. net RUS KONSALTING, Krasnov Andrej, Director Gradski park 2, KSC Pinki, Zemun, +381 11 3771612, krasnol@ TEHNOPROMEKSPORT, Cergej Urusov, Gen. Director, Bul. JNA 165, Belgrade, +381 11 3970004, +381 11 3970256, tpe@, TEPISI VELIKI

BEČKEREK-BELAN, Gordana Ristić, Director, Temišvarski put bb, 23000 Zrenjanin, +381 23 524137 +381 23 524137 VAPEKS Preljina-Konjevici 32212 Preljina +381 32 +381 991 WEFK BANK Nebojša Dželebdžić, Director, Vladimira Popovića 6, Geneks A 202, New Belgrade +381 11 2223409 +381 11 2223202

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 75



the Russian railway would participate in building railway tracks in Serbia. When asked to what extent Serbian companies have been using the advantages of the Free Trade Agreement with Russia, Alexander Konuzin said that the Russian market could take many of the products that were sold on Serbian market, primarily fruits and vegetables. “The problem is that these quantities are distributed among small producers. In order for the cooperation to be an efficient one, you need to group the goods, something Serbian producers are not accustomed to,” the Russian ambassador said. He also mentioned that the value of Russian investments made in Serbia amounted to close to a billion U.S. dollars, and this is mostly attributed to investments made by Lukoil and Gazprom Neft. “We are trying to bring Russian SMEs to Serbia, but this is not easy, since your market is currently undergoing a transitional period. You need to improve your legislation and change the current practices where the buyer doesn’t have enough information about the company he wants to buy,” Konuzin outlined.


Slobodan Šešum, Economic Counselor, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade

IMPROVE THE INVESTMENT ATMOSPHERE very simplification for doing business is welcome,” said Slobodan Šešum, Economic Counselor, Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia in Belgrade, for the Guide.


“Today almost 200 companies are members of “Slovenacki Poslovni Klub,” situated in Belgrade. “Poslovni Klub Slovenije & Vojvodine,” established in February, 2009. is based in Novi Sad and its membership is growing fast.”

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of companies from your country to invest in Serbia? The investment climate in Serbia is positive and it is still improving. The Serbian Government has done a lot to improve the investment atmosphere. Certainly, a big step forward was the ratification of the Interim Agreement on Trade between Serbia and the EU. Serbia is also a member of CEFTA 2006, a consolidation of 32 bilateral agreements signed by 8 countries. On many fields Serbia is passing new laws in line with the “acquis communautaire.” According to the experiences of EU member countries, the volume of inward foreign investments increased considerably during their accession period. That was the case also with Slovenia and I am sure that it will be the same also with Serbia. Slovenia supports the integration of Serbia into the EU. Serbia offers many investment opportunities which are still going to be exploited in the future. Serbia is the country where Slovenia invests the most. Almost one third of all Slovenian investments are concentrated in Serbia. That is why Slovenian companies know all the positive details regarding Serbia and its economy and that is


lovenian companies are present in virtually all sectors in Serbia. Approximately 1.500 Slovenian companies are registered on the Serbian market, so it’s hard to find a single sector in Serbia where Slovenian companies are not present. Slovenian companies are involved in both greenfield investments and in privatization processes.


76 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

why they are eager to invest in Serbia. Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? I think that Slovenian investors have sufficient information about the Serbian market and about the opportunities that Serbia offering. In Serbia we have two Slovenian business associations. The oldest and the biggest one is the “Slovenački

SLOVENIAN INVESTORS HAVE SUFFICIENT INFORMATION ABOUT THE SERBIAN MARKET AND ABOUT THE OPPORTUNITIES THAT IT OFFERS Poslovni Klub,” situated in Belgrade. Today almost 200 companies are members of this Club. The second Club is the “Poslovni Klub Slovenije i Vojvodine,” established on February 18th, 2009. This Club is based in Novi Sad and its membership is growing fast. What are the most common problems companies from your country are faced with in Serbia? Slovenia and Serbia have excellent relations. As I mentioned, there is really a huge number of Slovenian companies present on the Serbian market. Since they are present in such different sectors and since there are so many Slovenian companies present on the Serbian market, it is normal that some of them encounter problems. And when the problem arises, then the most important thing is that everybody involved is trying to find a solution. Sometimes we find that the problem arises just because of a misunderstanding.

the negative consequences. According to provisional data for 2009 as compared to 2008, Slovenian exports decreased by 19 % while imports decreased by 26.4 %. During the economic crisis, Slovenian companies had difficulties to export products made in

Slovenian factories, so it would not be logical to invest in new production capacities abroad at that time. I am confident that by the end of the economic crisis Slovenian companies will resume their investment activities.

COMPANY REGISTER AC-BROKER A.D. Director Branislav Bogdanović, Knez Mihailova 111511000 Beograd Tel: + 381 11 2027700 ADACTA EXECOM D.O.O. Director Bogdan Obradović, Knez Mihailova 2-4/7, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3033107 Fax: +381 11 2626 870 info@adacta-execom. net www.adacta-execom. net BEOPUBLIKUM A.D. Director Milan Milićević Obilićev Venac 26, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3345171 Fax: +381 11 3345080 www.beopublikum. com BIGLL - TRGOVINA RAŠICA DOO Slađana Dobrilović, foreman Knez Mihajlova 19 ,11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2622726 Fax: +381 11 2622726 CICIBAN BG D.O.O. Miroslav Čorbić Tošin Bunar 167a, 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 3196092 Fax: +381 11 3196092 COLJA, ROJS&PARTNERS

D.O.O. Director Marija Oreški Kralja Petra 30, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2622868 Fax: +381 11 2639752 colja-rojs-partners. com DCB HELIOS D.O.O. Director Ivan Lužovec, Pazovački put bb, 11080 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3164633 Fax: +381 11 2107549 DUGA A.D. Director Bojan Mikec, Viline Vode br. 6, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3217000 Fax: +381 11 3392472 ETI B D.O.O. Director Miodrag Stojković Pančevački put 85, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2712943 Fax: +381 11 2711220 miodrag.stojkovic@ EVACO INTERNATIONAL D.O.O. Director Barbara Čerenčić, Ratarski put 37b, 11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 2198057 Fax: +381 11 2198057 GORENJE D.O.O. Director Marko Mrzel Kralja Milutina 46, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3610 555 Fax: +381 11 3613215 HOLDING SLOVENSKE ELEKTRARNE D.O.O. Director Boris Mezgec Bul. Mihaila Pupina 117, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3115586 Fax: +381 11 3115587 HYUNDAI AUTO D.O.O. Director Slavc Habič Milutina Milankovića 7V, 11000 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2252300 Fax: +381 11 2252303 ILIRIKA Director Igo Popović Knez Mihailova 1115/V, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3301000 Fax: +381 11 3301050 IMPOL – SEVAL VALJAONICA ALUMINIJUMA A.D. Director Ninko Tešić Prvomajska bb, 31205 Sevojno Tel: +381 31 591100 Fax: +381 31 532962

INTEREUROPA A.D. - LOGISTIČKE USLUGE BEOGRAD Director Nemanja Kačavenda Zemunska 174, 11272 Dobanovci Tel: +381 11 3109150 Fax: +381 11 3109151 JUB D.O.O. Director Vladimir Miletić Novo Naselje 32, 22310 Šimanovci Tel: +381 22 481404 Fax: +381 22 481409 KOVINTRADE D.O.O. Director Miroslav Cicak Milana Rakića 35 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3821384 Fax: +381 11 2412265 KOVIS BP D.O.O. Director Miroslav Djilas Industrijska zona bb , 214000 Bačka Palanka Tel: +381 21 754186 KOZMETIKA AFRODITA DOO Director Ognjen Matić Stevana Markovića 8, 11070 Zemun Tel: +381 11 2195203 Fax: +381 11 3160933 kozmetika-afrodita. com

KRAS-BEO Director Dane Mioković Miška Jovanovića 1618, 11040 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3974857 Fax: +381 11 3974857 KRKA FARMA DOO Director Radivoj Topalov Jurija Gagarina 26V, 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2288722 Fax: +381 11 2288729 andjelina.arsic@krka. biz LISCA DOO BEOGRAD Director Milan Bilanović Pere Velimirovića 2a, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2663938 Fax: +381 11 3067118 LTH D.O.O. Director Velibor Đorić Kraljice Marije 38, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3245243 MARMOR HOTAVLJE DOO Director Janez Bizjak Bežanijska 25,11080 Zemun Tel: +381 11 2454891 Fax: +381 11 2454891 MERCATOR-S D.O.O.

Director Stanka Čurović Temerinski put 50, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 4888400 Fax: +381 21 4888409 MERKUR INTERNATIONAL D.O.O. Director Bojan Pongrac Partizanske Avijacije 4 , 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2228900 Fax: +381 11 2228902 MLM ARMAL D.O.O. Director Ivan Kocbek Kapetan Mišina 16, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3282952 Fax: +381 11 2180967 mlmarmal@ikomline. net NLB BANKA AD BEOGRAD Zoran Đurović, president Bul.Mihaila Pupina 165, 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2225118 Fax: +381 11 2225194 NLB LEASING D.O.O. Director Dušan Stankov Bul.Mihaila Pupina 165V, 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2225301 Fax: +381 11 2220102

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 77


Will the economic crisis slow or stop the arrival of investors from your country to Serbia in 2010? The economic crisis has hit the Slovenian economy severely. Slovenia is an exporting country and that is why we felt

NOVA KBM BANKA D.D. Director Alojz Kovše Gospodar Jovanova 43, 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2621411 Fax: +381 11 3285651 PALANAČKI KISELJAK AD Director Dragan Simić Vojske Jugoslavije 2, 11420 Smederevska Palanka Tel: +381 26 321433 Fax: +381 26 322433 PERUTNINA PTUJ DOO Director Milorad Đokić Generala Nikodija Stefanovića 1,11000 Beograd, Tel: +381 11 3672259, Fax: +381 11 2667710 , office@ PETROL D.O.O. Director Aljoša Višnar Španskih boraca 24v, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2129384 Fax: +381 11 3132928 natasa.momcilovic@, PRISTOP D.O.O. Vladimir Krulj Bosutska 2, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2993218 Fax: +381 11 2993218 PRVI FAKTOR - FACTORING D.O.O. Director Dmitar Polovina Bul.Mihajla Pupina 165/V, 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2225400 Fax: +381 11 2225444 SLOVENSKE ŽELEZNICE PREDSTAVNIŠTVO

BEOGRAD Director Slobodan Macić Resavska 16,11000 Beograd, Tel: +381 11 3239760, Fax: +381 11 3239760, szmacic@ SVILANIT D.O.O. BEOGRAD Director Nebojsa Vučetić Ustanička 128b, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3047061 Fax: +381 11 3047062 nebojsa.vucetic@ TRANSPED BEOGRAD Director Tijana Čečević Kralja Petra 45,11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2639512 Fax: +381 11 2639512 TENZOR D.O.O. Director Marija Jelovac Hadži Ruvimova 58, 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381 21 6365091 TIM IZOLIRKA D.O.O. Director Milivoj Džaleta Branka Erića 7, 22240 Šid Tel: +381 22 710666 Fax: +381 22 710633 TRIGLAV KOPAONIK A.D.O. Director Zoran Popović Kralja Petra 28, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3305100 Fax: +381 11 3305138 TRIMO INŽENJERING D.O.O. Director Damir Kočan Bul.Arsenija Čarnojevića

78 Guide to The International Business Sector

99b , 11070 N. Beograd Tel: +381 11 2129724 Fax: +381 11 2129726 TOSAMA PREDSTAVNIŠTVO D.D. BEOGRAD Director Predrag Đurović Nehruova 66, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2108450 Fax: +381 11 2108450 TOZA A.D. Director Stanko Ilić Ečanski drum 3, 23000 Zrenjanin Tel: +381 23 544635 Fax: +381 23 548557 TUS TRADE D.O.O. Director Tomaž Križaj Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10a, 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 3111960 Fax: +381 11 3111960 UNIHEM TRADING DOO Director Dejan Marin Nova Mokroluška 17, 11050 Beograd Tel: +381 11 2886158 Fax: +381 11 2886255 VARNOST FITEP A.D. Director Branislav Vukasović Gundilićeva 8-10, 11080 Zemun, Tel: +381 11 3076931 Fax: +381 11 2194015 varnostfitep@sezampto. rs ŠPICA CENTAR D.O.O. Darko Korać Beogradska 39/III, 11000 Beograd Tel: +381 11 3247415 Fax: +381 11 3247995

/ March 2010

COMPANY REGISTER - SLOVAKIA AERD NOVI SAD Daniela Durašova, Director Marka Miljanova 18/I, 21000 Novi Sad 381 21 6610291 381 21 6610291 BAMEX D.O.O. Branko Mihajlović, Director Pive Karmatijevića 25, 11000 Belgrade 381 11 2463144 381 11 2463144 CHEMOLAK Loretta Harisova, Export Manager 0 421.905.406.011 ENERGOCONTROLS YU D.O.O. Ivan Antony, Director Artemova 11, 23000 Zrenjanin, 381 23 537882; 65 4455662 381 23 537882 ESOTOUR D.O.O. Pavel Palenkaš, Director Narodne Revolucije 4, 21470 Bački Petrovac 381 21 780677 381 21 782503 EVPU Roman Tuchyna 421.903.272.257 FIRST DATA SRBIJA I CRNA GORA D.O.O. Olja Dakić, Director Kopernikova 8, 11000 Belgrade, 381 11 2071100, 381 11 2071115, office@ GOŠA D.O.O. Vladimir Šumy, Director Industrijska 70, 11420 Smederevska Palanka, 381 26 321946; 64 8392068 381 26 321759 HUPRO BALKAN Goran Dragojlović, Ekskluzivni zastupnik 381 64 256 48 23 IMUNA PHARM PREDSTAVNIŠTVO Dusan Palenkaš, Director Narodne Revolucije 4, 21470 Bački Petrovac 381 21 780677; 63 585053, 381 21 782503 INFRAINVEST D.O.O. Zlatko Prokopec, contact Turgenjeva 1, 21000 Novi Sad 381 21 4778160; 63 8572145 381 21 4778160 INTRAPROFIL D.O.O Milanko Šaković, Director Đure Strugara bb, 11300 Smederevo 381 26 642940 381 26 642942 IVA D.O.O. Michal Potran, Director Tolstojeva 14, 21000 Novi Sad, 381 21 542216 381 21 542217 IPESOFT JAN ROVNANIK jrovnanik@ JANKOF D.O.O. Jan Farkaš, Director Beogradski kej 27, 21000 Novi Sad 381 21 522990 381 21 422090 LALIĆ - COLORSPOL D.O.O. Lazar Lalić, Milan Jakubjak – Directors, Kelebija, 24000




Subotica 381 25 436265; 63 521160 381 25 436265 PHOBOS Pavol Kvačkay, Director pkvackay@ PROFICUT D.O.O. Ivan Zabunov, Director Ruda Hrubika 6, 21470 Bački Petrovac 381 21 781425; 64 6467037, 381 21 781425 SES TLMAČE Peter Gaži, Regional Director 421.905.402.653 SLOVARM D.O.O. Marija Durandzi, Director Jurija Gagarina 127/34, 11070 Novi Beograd, 381 62 219720 381 11 2165 142 STROJSTAV D.O.O. Damir Milošević Director Jurija Grizelja 18, 11 080 Beograd 381 11 375 77 81 TRAMING TRADE D.O.O. Štefan Tisovski, Director Dr Nedeljka Ercegovca 29M, 11080 Zemun, 381 11 2102460; 63 321957, 381 11 2102460 UNIMEDPHARMA S.R.O. Rastislav Sabo, Director panskih boraca 22b, 11070 New Belgrade 381 11 3131863 381 11 3131863 office@unimedpharma. rs,

Peter Molnar, Counselor at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Belgrade

t a meeting of the SerbianSlovak Business Forum on December 4th last, attended by Slovak President Ivan Gasparovic and businessmen from the two countries, investors from Slovakia voiced interest in investing in energy and infrastructure sectors. Serbian Chamber of Commerce Vice President Mihailo Vesovic said that Slovakia is a very important economic partner for Serbia and recalled that the volume of trade hit record heights in 2008, when it reached almost $600 million. Slovakia ranked 14th on the list of Serbia’s foreign trade partners in terms of exports and 17th in terms of imports in 2008. Vesovic said that the best examples of cooperation between the two countries are the successful privatisation of Gosa from Smederevska Palanka and the cooperation between US Steel Kosice and US Steel Smederevo. Peter Molnar, Counselor at the Embassy of the Slovak Republic in Belgrade stressed that the Slovak government believes that Serbia’s energy sector has great potential and must be developed further, adding that Slovak investors are interested in investing in the construction and rehabilitation of electrical power plants in Serbia, as well as in cooperation in all other industrial areas. Some of the issues of economic cooperation between the two states provided the reason for an interview with Mr. Molnar.


“Slovakian investors are interested in investing in the construction and rehabilitation of electrical power plants in Serbia, as well as in cooperation in all other industrial areas.”

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the inter-

think that the economic crisis will not stop the arrival of investors from my country. We are very sure that one of our priorities of our foreign policy is to develop good relations with Serbia, and that is why we are convinced that the high level of political connections between Slovakia and Serbia will continue. We are very sure that investors from my country will be willing to enter the Serbian market and economy in 2010.



est of the companies from your country to invest in Serbia? I believe the current investment climate in Serbia is very good. I am very sure that many Slovakian companies are willing to invest in Serbia. They are still interested in participating in all projects in Serbia. Which economic sector/projects are companies from your country most interested in? From my country, the companies most interested in participating in the development of your economy are from the energy sector.

ONE OF THE PRIORITIES OF OUR FOREIGN POLICY IS TO DEVELOP GOOD RELATIONS WITH SERBIA Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? Yes, foreign investors are very well informed about investment opportunities in Serbia. I think that foreign companies have to be active. What are the most common problems that companies from your country face in Serbia? In some cases Slovakian companies see that cooperation with Serbian companies requires several obligations that could delay any final contract, which is a problem not only for Slovakian companies but for Serbian companies as well. In your opinion, has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? I am very sure that regulatory reform of administration procedure has obtained very positive visible results.

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 79




Henrik Winterstam, Swedish Trade Council, Embassy of Sweden

A WELL-KNOWN COUNTRY triving towards a smoother bureaucracy with more transparency and facilitating payments from local partners are important steps for improving the interest for Serbia among Swedish companies. Many companies are aware of the ongoing EU process and understand that further EU integration will reduce the risk of their efforts on the market,” said Henrik Winterstam, Swedish Trade Council, Embassy of Sweden.

S “We are expecting an increase in the amount of Swedish companies wanting to take a closer look at Serbia during 2010.”

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of companies from your country to invest in Serbia? Many Swedish companies active in Serbia have a long history of presence on the market, which has allowed them to gain positions among the leading companies within their segments. They have found ways to navigate through networks, bureaucratic procedures, and regulations and are therefore familiar with the business climate. One comment by some locally present firms is that companies which are not yet present should look at this market as soon as possible since waiting more may be costly. Which economic sector/projects are the companies from your country most interested in? Transport, mining & construction, the manufacturing industry, and telecommunications have traditionally been among the most important sectors for Swedish companies in Serbia. These remain important, but interest is shown for a wide array of sectors.


wedish companies active in Serbia report inefficient bureaucracy, complicated custom procedures and lack of transparency as the main obstacles when doing business in Serbia.Corruption shall not be ignored, but most companies report that they do not suffer from this issue to a large extent. Also problems with receiving payments in time have been reported as an issue. However, most companies seem to be able to tackle both administration and delayed payments by using patience and knowledge about how to best handle these issues.


80 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

Environmentally-related opportunities are worth underlining, as e.g. water and wastewater treatment, waste management, and recycling. This is a sector which holds many strong Swedish companies and that has large investment needs in Serbia. In recent years, there has been a growing number of companies investigating the possibilities in using Serbia as a production base, e.g. for metal manufacturing or IT-services. Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? Serbia as a country is well-known in Sweden, partly thanks to the fact that Sweden hosts a large Serbian diaspora. There are also many Swedish entrepreneurs of Serbian origin active on the market. However, when it comes to companies in general in Sweden, the picture of business opportunities and challenges in Serbia is

WHEN INFORMING ABOUT THE SERBIAN MARKET AT SEMINARS IN SWEDEN, ONE’S FIRST STEP IS USUALLY TO EXPLAIN THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE MARKETS IN THE REGION OF THE BALKANS generally not very clear. When informing about the Serbian market at seminars in Sweden, one’s first step is usually to explain the difference between the markets in the region of the Balkans. It is not unusual that companies approaching the Balkans for the first time do not know where to start. On the other hand, some companies are very precise when defining their intentions of approaching Serbia, quite often as a natural next step after having discovered Romania or the countries of central Eastern Europe. Will the economic crisis slow or stop

companies explained their intention of consolidating activities to Sweden, neighboring countries, and key markets, thus holding off on approaching markets with higher risks. The recent increase in market information requests hopefully indicates a change in expectations about the coming year, which could with a bit of luck result in an increased amount of Swedish companies wanting to take a closer look at Serbia during 2010.

COMPANY REGISTER A B B D.O.O - ASEA BROWN BOVERI Kumodraska 235 11000 Beograd Tel: +381-11-3094 300 Fax: +381-11-3094 343 Attn: Mr Aleksandar Cosic, Gen. Manager AJ OFFICE & INDUSTRY SUPPLIES AB – AS IMPEKS Mirka Obradovica 3 14000 Valjevo Tel: +381 14 248 438 Fax: +381-14-248 438 Attn: Mr Sasa Brankovic Mr Goran Brankovic AKZO NOBEL – CONING PPI Kosovska 2,21000 N. Sad Tel: +381-21-557 392 Fax: +381-21-557 483 Attn: Mr Miloje Aleksic, General Manager AKZO NOBEL INDUSTRIAL COATINGS AB Stevana Milovanova 7/5 21000 Novi Sad Mr Goran Bogicevic, Regional Techical Sales Manager ALFA LAVAL SOUTH EAST EUROPE, REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE BELGRADE Gandijeva 122B 11070 Belgrade Tel: +381-11-31 89 755 Fax: +381-11-31 89 75 Attn: Vit Pekarek, M.D. for South East Europe ALSTOM POWER Gracanicka 1,11000 Beograd Tel: +381 112185310 Fax: +381 112638109 Miodrag Jelisavcic,

General Manager Web: ASTRA ZENECA UK LTD / Rep office for Serbia and Montenegro Augusta Cesara 12 11000 Beograd Tel: + 381 11 33 36 920 Fax: + 381 11 36 74 310 Attn: Mr Dejan Sencanski, Country Manager ATLAS COPCO A.D Milutina Milankovica 23 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381-11-311 66 20 Fax: +381-11-311 55 78 Attn: Mr Predrag Ilibasic, Gen. Manager SNA EUROPE (BAHCO TOOLS) Zagorska 10/35 11080 Zemun T/F: +381-11-2106 365 Attn: Mr Dusan Kukavica, Director Web: BENTONE – POPOVIC & CO Niska 8,11000 Beograd Tel: +381-11-344 11 78 Fax: +381-11-2438 726 Attn: Mila Jankovic, Director BINEMIKOM - ABS PUMPS Tose Jovanica 11 11030 Beograd Tel: +381-11-30 58 138 BROVEX MEKANISKA VERKSTAD AB Vojina Paleksica 48 21241 Kac Tel: +381-21-6211 404 Fax: +381-21-711 061 Attn: Gojko Kunovac,

General Manager BT – GORENJE INVEST D.O.O. BEOGRAD Bulevar Milutina Milankovica 7,11000 Belgrad Tel: +381 11 / 3539-842 Fax: +381-11-353 4111 Attn : Mr Zoran Đinović CINI D.O.O CACAK - VISION TECH ul. 15 bb, 32000 Cacak/ Beljina Tel: +381-32-263 305 Fax: +381-32-263 306 Attn: Mr Slobodan Spasovic, Director DYNAPAC – GRADITELJ GROUP Bulevar Slobodana Jovanovica 4a 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381-21-48 08 400 Fax: +381-21-48 08 466 Attn: Mr Sasa Sekulic, Manager ELECTROLUX AB – REP OFFICE Dositejeva 17/I 11000 Beograd Tel: +381-11-2627 779 Fax: 381-11-2620-814 Attn: Mr Dusan Grahovac, Manager LM ERICSSON INTERNATIONAL AB Vladimira Popovica 6 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381-11-311 3899 Fax: +381-11-311 2249 FERROMET BEOGRAD AB Vlajkoviceva 12 11000 Beograd Tel: +381-11-322 46 33 Fax: +381-11-322 21 53 Attn: Mr Branko Jovanovic, Manager LABTEH D.O.O.

Gandijeva 144 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381-11-2161 825 Fax: +381-11-3175 441 Attn: Mr Zoran Milic, Director GETINGE – MEDIKAPROJEKT D.O.O Kumodraska 241/a 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381-11-30 99 699 Fax: +381-11-39 73 911 Mr Predrag Nikcevic, General Manager GRINDEX – TEMAG Dr. Ivana Ribara 87/8 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381-11-262 25 25 Tel: +381-11-601 444 Attn: Mr Milan Jokanovic, Director GAMBRO–MEDICON Vojvodjanska 97, 22441 Dec Branch office Belgrade Vuka Karadzica 8/II 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381-11-328 59 45 Fax: +381-11-26 23 084 Attn: Mr Petar Belokapic, General Manager VALHALL D.O.O/HUSQVARNA

Volarsko Polje bb 22300 Stara pazova Tel: +381-22-36 63 00 Fax: +381-22-36 63 01 Attn: Mr Predrag Knezevic, General manager HÖGANÄS – CROLL INVEST Petra Martinovica 37 11000 Beograd Tel/Fax: +381-11-3058435 Attn: Ms. Katarina Ljubinkovic IKEA D.O.O Omladinskih Brigada 31 11070 Beograd Tel: +381-11-209 88 00 IKEA TRADING & SERVICES D.O.O Omladinskih Brigada 31 11070 Beograd Tel: +381-11-209 88 00 ITT FLYGT AB – MERIS D.O.O Narodnih heroja 42, 11070 Beograd Republika Srbija Tel: + 381 11 314-88-00 Fax: + 381 11 314-88-11 Web: Attn: Mr Zoran Dzelatovic, Director AQUA CONSTANTA – D &

Nebojša a Bogojević al Sales Manager,SSAB Manager,SSAB Plate Pla Regional x®and W Hardox®and Weldox®® 3 101 888 9 Mob: +381 63

D COMPANY Bul. Mihaila Pupina 183 11070 Beograd Tel: +381-11-319 22 11 Fax: +381-11-8036 311 Attn: Mr. Vlajko Vukomanovic KANTHAL AB/ GRANLUND AB - ALSIMA D.O.O. Kruzni put 40 11309 Lestane, Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381-11-8036 311 Attn: Mr Zeljko Preradovic, Manager Web: LINDAB Yu Biznis centar, 99-100 Bul. Mihaila Pupona 10 d 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381-11-311 04 86 Fax: +381-11-311 04 85 Attn: Mr Dejan Arsenijevic Web: MOGUL BALKAN D.O.O. Koste Glavinica 23a 11040 Belgrade Tel: +381 11 2650 763 Web: ORIFLAME COSMETICS ORIFLAME KOZMETIKA D.O.O. Karađorđeva 89 11000 Beograd

SSAB Swedish h Steel d.o.o Buleva Bulevar Kraljaa Aleksandra 51 518-V/74, 11050 Beograd B ad +381 11 3049 045 Tel: + Fax F : +3 +381 11 3049 046 Mob: +3 +381 1 63 101 888 9 Mob: k:+3 +381 1 22 391 411 Stock: w ssab com

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 81


the arrival of investors from your country to Serbia in 2010? It is probably also too early to tell what the effects of the crisis will be for 2010. Many Swedish companies present seem to have good hopes about the economy starting its recovery in the near future, but at the same time they refrain from making predictions too early. On the other hand, we are experiencing an increased interest in Serbia among Swedish companies. During 2009, many


COMPANY REGISTER Tel: 011/3618-400 Fax: 011/3618-401 Attn: Ms Karolina Georgieva, Gen Manager` PERTEN INSTRUMENTS – SUPERLABORATORY Milutina Milankovića 25 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 22 22 222 Fax: +381 11 22 22 222 Attn: Mr Vladan Kocic RADIUS SOUTH EAST EUROPE D.O.O Hilandarska 20 18000 Nis Tel: +381-18-247 536 Attn: Mr Vladeta Milenkovic, Executive Director Web: SANDVIK SRBIJA DOO Omladinskih brigada 102 11070 Beograd Tel: +381-11-222 77 04 Fax: 222 77 26 Attn: Mr Dragan Kovacevic, Managing Director SANDIK MINING AND CONSTRUCTION Omladinskih brigada 102 11070 Beograd Tel: +381-11-222 77 04 Fax: 222 77 26 Attn: Mr. Miomir Milivojevic, Manager SCA HYGIENE PAPER AB AND SCA MÖLNLYCKE AB – EURO MEDICO TRADE Koste Vojinovica 2 11040 Beograd Tel: +381-11-3671 511 Fax: +381-11-3671 911 Attn: Mrs Kosovka Vujic Ohlsen, Manager SCANIA SRBIJA DOO Batajnicki put 1 11080 Zemun, Serbia Tel/F: +381-11-316 20 86 Tomislav Popsavin,

Country manager SCANIA CREDIT Batajnicki put 1 11080 Beograd/Zemun T/F: +381-11-316 91 02 Attn: Ms Ljiljana Brankovic, Manager SEAVUS DOO Bogdana Popovica 2 18000 Nis, Serbia Tel: +381-18-4577319 Fax: +381-18-4201410 Attn: Mr Dejan Stojanovic, Managing Director Serbia SECURITAS SE Zmaj Jovina 15 11 000 Belgrade Tel: +381-11-3099 570 Fax: +381-11-3099 570 S K F – COMMERCE Bulevar Mihajla Pupina br. 10 Z/1, objekat 10 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: Tel: +381-11-311 57 89 Fax: +381-11-2144 914 Attn: Mr Predrag Jovanovic, Managing Director Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and KA Manager SKF SEE SKF EUROTRADE AB C/O SKF- COMMERCE Bulevar Mihajla Pupina br. 10 Z/1 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381-11-311 57 89 Fax: +381-11-2144 914 Attn: Mr Milos Bjelica SSAB SWEDISH STEEL D.O.O. Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 518 V/74 11000 Belgrade Tel: +381-11-3049 045 Fax: +381-11-3049 046 Attn: Mr Nebojsa Bogojevic, Regional Sales Manager SVEBA-DAHLEN –

82 Guide to The International Business Sector

NORDIK KORPORACIJA Fruskogorska 67 21207 Novi Ledinci Tel/Fax: +381-21-6334 322 Attn: Mr Aleksandar Puskar, President SWEDISH MATCH – BEODAG D.O.O. Gospodara Vucica 115 11000 Beograd Tel: +381-11-3440 164 Fax: +381-11-344 2143 Attn: Mr Jablan Bozidar, Director www.swedishmatch. com TETRAPAK PRODUCTION D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 11B 11070 Novi Beograd Tel: +381 11 2017 361 Fax: +381-11-30 41 380 Attn: Mr Ivan Nesterenko, Chairman of the board of directors THULE – TANDEX Preradoviceva 9, 24 000 Tel: 24-602 140 Fax: 554 920 Attn: Leposava Gemes TRELLEBORG BUILDING SYSTEMS / NESHVYL LTD Zarkovacka 40 11030 Belgrade, Serbia Tel/Fax: +381 11 3559786 Attn: Mr Nebojsa Miletic, Managing Director TROXO Dusanova 55, Dusanov bazar, lok. 106,18000 Nis Tel: +381 18 29 29 40 Attn: Nenad Severovic VEKOM CO/MARKO LIFT Jove Ilica 31,11040 Belgrade Tel/Fax: +381-11-3098 165 Attn: Mr Sasa Bu-

/ March 2010

COMPANY REGISTER danovic, Managing Director Web: VOLVO D.O.O Svetosavska 213 22304 N. Banovci, Serbia Tel: + 381-22-366600 Fax: + 381-22-366699 Attn: Mr Marcus Hörberg, Managing Director VOLVO BUS CORPORATION Svetosavska 213 22304 Novi Banovci, Serbia Tel: + 381-22-366600 Fax: + 381-22-366699 Attn: Mr Nenad Luzanin, Country manager Balkan Region VOLVO FINANCIAL SERVICES INTERNATIONAL Svetosavska 213 22304 Novi Banovci, Serbia Tel: + 381-22-366600 Fax: + 381-22-366699 Attn: Mr Sasa Strizak, Country Manager VOLEX TRUCK D.O.O (SLP) Kraljice Marije 67 11000 Beograd Tel: +381-11-30 86 384 Attn: Mr. Mladen Angelus VOLVO CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT VOLMONT D.O.O. Ustanicka 128 a 11050 Beograd Tel: +381-11-30 46 960 Fax: +381-11-34 74 340 Attn: Mr Dragan Medenica, General Manager WINSTART D.O.O. Nikolajevska 2 21000 Novi Sad Tel: +381-21-674 00 24 Fax: +381-21-674 00 26 Attn:Mr. Pera Tut, Director

COMPANYEIX HOTELS HOTEL SRBIJA Mr.Aleksandar Kampfer Svetosavski trg 12, 26300 Vršac Tel. +381-13/ 815-545 Fax.+381(0)13/ 812933 ENGEL SYSTEMS DOO Mr. Zivota Miljkovic In Spain: Mr. Joan Montane Folch +34 93 719 18 11 ( Bul. Svetog Cara Konstantina 80-86, 18000 Nis Tel. +381 18 550 705 Fax. +381- 18- 551 061 EPTISA REGIONAL OFFICE FOR SOUTH EAST EUROPE Mr. Álvaro Diez Deli Radivoja 15, 11000 Beograd, Tel. +381-11344 89 75, Fax.+381-11-344 81 29 GRADJEVINSKO PREDUZECE ALPINE DOO Ms. Nevenka Sindjic 27 marta 17, 11120 Beograd, Tel. +381 11 3037 680, Fax.+381 11 334 57 69, , KOTEKS VISCOFAN DOO NOVI SAD Mr. Juan Rasilla Primorska 92, 21000 Novi Sad Tel. +381 21 420 822 info@koteks-viscofan. com URSA, DOO BEOGRAD Mr. Miroljub Pantovic In Spain: Mr. Joaquín

Losano Agramont, financial director (office in Slovenia) Tel. + 386 7391 83 07 Milutina Milankovica 25, 11070 Novi Beograd Tel. +381 11 2137 480 Fax. +381 11 2137 480 miroljub.pantovic@ www.ursa. co.yu; INECO Contact person: Mr. Cesar Sainz Belgrade Metro System Project Office Andricev Venac 2. 5th Floor, 11 000 Belgrade. Serbia, Tel. +381 (0) 11 3239348 Fax. +381 (0) 113231287 TELVENT DMS Mr. Dragan Popovic In Spain: Mr. Jesús Manuel Rios Odero Sremska 4, 21000 Novi Sad, Tel. +381 21 4893 500, Sr. Dragan Popovic KERABEN ZORKAKERAMIKA Mr. Pablo Díez Gandia PC Usce, Bul. Mihaila Pupina 6, 11070 Novi Beograd Tel. +381 11 2200 541 Fax. +381 11 22 00 543 OGRANAK INSTALACIONES INABENSA S.A BEOGRAD - E.P. SERBIA Ms. Purificación Ramos Montoro (purificacion.ramos@ inabensa.abengoa. com) Alekse Nenadovica 15/15 - Sprat 6 11000 Beograd Tel.: +381 11 383 61 19 Fax.: +381 11 241 81 99

Jorge Andreu Arasa, Head of the Economic and Commercial Office, Embassy of Spain

pain has been traditionally more oriented towards other regions. The Serbian market is becoming an interesting destination for Spanish exports and investments. That was one of topics that we discussed with Jorge Andreu Arasa, Head of the Economic and Commercial Office, Embassy of Spain.


“One of our main priorities for 2010 is the implementation of the financial cooperation programme, amounting to ¤46 mil, signed in 2006 and extended in 2008, between the Republic of Serbia and the Government of Spain.”


What are the most common problems that your association’s member companies face in Serbia? In the past, the Serbian market was less attractive for Spanish companies due to the fact that the business climate was not very favourable for investments. Spain has been traditionally more oriented towards other regions. However, due to the many political and economic changes that have taken place over the last 10 years, bilateral economic relations between our two countries have been steadily increasing. Trade volume has been progressing over the last few years and figures show that Spanish exports to Serbia have almost tripled in the period 2005-2008, going from 47.5 million euros to 130 million euros. According to foreign trade indicators for the period January - November 2009, Spanish exports were in the range of 100 million euros. Although this is slightly less than in the previous year, it still represents a solid result, considering the current economic crisis. The experience of Spanish companies searching business opportunities in Serbia shows that the common problem appears to be the lack of a clear legislative framework and its full implementation. This usually leads to lengthy procedures and actions, which ultimately slows down business activities and decreases interest in the local market. In your opinion, has the regulatory re-

he main complications Spanish companies established in Serbia have encountered regarding taxes have been related to tax exemptions of EU-financed projects. However, most of these issues have been quickly resolved. We hope that the “Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement” that regulates taxes on income and property, signed by Spain and Serbia on March 10, 2009, will additionally encourage economic cooperation between the two countries and will increase Spanish companies’ interest in the Serbian market.


form or simplification of administration procedures (so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? In my opinion, the simplification of administrative procedures is a rather positive step towards attracting foreign investments and partners. Serbia as a transition country streaming towards a membership to the EU should use its strategic position in the Western Balkans and its comparative advantages in terms of free market accessibility to the EU, CEFTA and EFTA countries, Russia, Belarus, and Turkey (a market with more than 700 million consumers). In addition to these, facilitation of administrative procedures is of crucial importance for investors to come. Reforms should reduce the costs as well as the time necessary for completion of business operations. Similar reforms will certainly have a positive domino effect on economic activity in the country. However, it is still too early to see and comment the concrete results of these reforms.

CORRUPTION HAS SHOWN TO BE A VERY DIFFICULT PROBLEM IN ALL TRANSITION COUNTRIES How much does corruption in Serbia affect business operations of the companies that are association members? Corruption has shown to be a very difficult problem in all transition countries. Fortunately, as far as the activities of Spanish companies in Serbia are concerned, there were no or very few complaints or problems related to corruption. What business results do you foresee by the end of 2010? One of the main tasks of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Spain in 2010 is to continue to provide services related to bilateral B2B and investor matchmaking between Serbian and Spanish business partners. Our main objective is to enable Spanish companies to learn more about the Serbian market which is becoming an interesting destination for Spanish exports and investments, especially in years of the economic crises.

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 83




H.E. Mr. Erwin Helmut Hofer, Ambassador of Switzerland to Serbia

FDI IS THE KEY TO DEVELOPMENT fter almost 20 years of successful bilateral cooperation amounting to some 200 million euros, my government has just adopted a new strategy covering our cooperation with Serbia over the next 4 years, said H.E. Mr. Erwin Helmut Hofer, Ambassador of Switzerland in Serbia, for our Guide.


“We are convinced that the Serbian economy can play a crucial role within the region through its strong historic links to European countries, its good basis of agriculture, industry, and business environment.”

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of companies from your country to invest in Serbia? The main feature affecting business last year is certainly the global financial and economic crises that also hit Serbia and its particularly fragile economy still in the process of transition. As a matter of fact, there have been significant developments in the foreign trade regime in the framework of Serbia’s clear commitment towards becoming a member of the EU. First, visa liberalization for Schengen countries, including Switzerland, which came into force at the end of last year, will greatly facilitate international business contacts. Second, the Interim Trade Agreement between the European Union and Serbia, under which trade will be liberalized gradually, took finally effect on February 1st 2010 and should encourage trade substantially. Last but not least, Serbia has just submitted its application to become a member of the EU, a clear


e hope that the measures and further pace of reforms, including the restructuring of public administration in the coming months and years will empower the Serbian Government to shape more favourable business conditions, enable a successful implementation of the legislation, and to raise competitiveness in the business environment in Serbia.


84 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

confirmation of the speeding up of the European integration process of Serbia. For Switzerland, not a member of the EU, it is important to mention that a Free Trade Agreement was signed last December between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), of which Switzerland is a member, and Serbia. This agreement is expected to enter into force in the near future, which will boost our bilateral trade relations. Before the background of this doubtlessly great recent success for Serbia on the political level, we are convinced that the Serbian economy can play a crucial role within the region with its

WE HAVE BEEN AND ARE STILL PROVIDING CLOSE ASSISTANCE TO THE TEAM NEGOTIATING SERBIA’S ACCESSION TO THE WTO strong historic links to European countries, its good basis of agriculture, industry, and the business environment. However, taking a closer look at the situation for the real economy, while considering the high correlation between competitiveness and the business climate, gives us a more critical picture: According to World Competitiveness Report, Serbia faces still a low competitiveness index, even compared with some neighbouring countries. The report shows that the business climate in Serbia has even deteriorated in 2009. As a matter of fact, Serbia slipped from 85th to 93rd position among the 134 countries analyzed. Competitiveness is the key dimension in Serbia’s transition that Switzerland would like to tackle. As a matter of fact, after almost 20 years of successful bilat-

Which economic sector/projects are companies from your country most interested in? The major Swiss investment in Serbia has been the purchase of the concrete factory in Popovac by the Holcim Company. Other represented sectors are the insurance sector, represented by Basler Insurance; the pharmaceutical industry with Roche, Novartis, Phamaswiss, and Sandoz; the

THE MAJOR SWISS INVESTMENT IN SERBIA HAS BEEN THE PURCHASE OF THE CONCRETE FACTORY IN POPOVAC BY THE HOLCIM COMPANY energy and telecommunications sector; and the nutrition sector represented by Nestlé Adriatic Food. The SME sector is very interested in the IT sector in Serbia. However, links of the Serbian economy to Switzerland are much more intense than the official figures show, particularly since some of the major international companies operate in Serbia out of Switzerland. In your opinion, do foreign investors have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? The Embassy of Switzerland has very much endeavoured to promote trade and investment flows from Switzerland to Serbia and vice-versa. We inform competent authorities, professional organizations, and economic chambers in Switzerland in a timely manner about all strategic and

important issues. And, we can be useful to identify potential business partners. In this sense, I am confident that those who are looking for new markets and business opportunities have the opportunity to get sufficient information on that topic. Foreign direct investment (FDI) is essential for Serbia’s further development, based on a competitive market economy. Switzerland has therefore put commensurate efforts into projects aimed at boosting Serbia’s attractiveness for FDI. Among such instruments are the Startup Fund, aimed at financing promising joint ventures between Swiss and Serbian companies. We have also contributed to the World Bank’s Doing Business Report and the OECD’s Investment Compact, both of which are aimed at improving the business climate in the region. Last but not least, we are a major contributor to a series of investment and venture capital funds, such as the European Fund for Southeast Europe (EFSE). What are the most common problems that the companies from your country in Serbia are faced with? There are no particular problems for Swiss companies compared to those from other countries or even from Serbia. Nevertheless, the most common problems Swiss companies in Serbia report about are insufficient transparency in the privatisation process, complicated bureaucracy procedures, burdened administration, corruption, and low labour market efficiency. We strongly believe that, apart from the rapprochement with the EU, Serbia’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO) would be highly beneficial to our relations, not only because the WTO is headquartered in Geneva. For small countries like ours, the WTO offers great opportunities to take advantage of comparative trade advantages and export freely to the rest of the world. For this reason, we have been and are still providing close assistance to the team negotiating Serbia’s accession to the WTO. In your opinion, has the regulatory reform or simplification of administra-


SKADARSKA 34. Beograd, Tel: 011/303 52 52

tion procedures (the so-called ‘regulatory guillotine’) yielded visible results? It is commendable that the Serbian Government has launched the project of streamlining the present legislative framework Comprehensive Regulatory Reform a.k.a. “Guillotine Project.” The Government has propelled a comprehensive legislative endeavour and set the milestones. Nevertheless, there is still space for improvement in formulating necessary by-laws and in the enforcement and the implementation of the current legislation. We were and still are very glad to complement the national Guillotine Project with a similar approach at the local level, our sub-national competitiveness project, implemented by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a part of the World Bank. The project has enabled 4 cities in Serbia (Krusevac, Uzice, Vranje, and Zrenjanin) to streamline their legislation to simplify business procedures. The success of the operation is being replicated in 4 more cities.

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 85


eral cooperation amounting to some 200 million euros, my government has just adopted a new strategy covering our cooperation with Serbia over the next 4 years. Its main objectives are to support Serbia’s European integration by contributing to improving social inclusion, reducing poverty, and increasing the competitiveness of its economy. These goals will be reached by a series of programmes in the fields of economic development, rule of law and democracy, education, and energy development.


COMPANY REGISTER ABB D.O.O. VERTRETUNG BELGRAD Aleksandar Cosic Kumodraska 235 11000 Beograd com ABS HOLDINGS SERBIA Nenad Popovic Brankova 30 11000 Beograd ADECCO EMPLOYMENT AGENCY D.O.O. BEOGRAD Kolenc Marko Gavrila Principa 8 11000 Beograd AED – STUDIO DOO Dragoljub Minic Nevena Pajic-Bobot Visokog Stevana 21 11000 Beograd AGROSTAR DOO Ilije Ognjenovica 28 21000 Novi Sad Mihajlo Doric ALSTOM (Schweiz AG) Predstavnistvo Beograd Gračanička1,11000 Beograd Zoran Ivic com ANCORA O.M.S. D.O.O (AMC) Vojvode Stepe 258/2 11000 Beograd Olgica Savic AREVA T&D SA Biljana Miladinovic Gracanicka I,11000 Beograd ARIUS A.D. Vojislav Simic, Goran Marceta Narodnih heroja 30 11070 Novi Beograd ARHI.PRO D.O.O Aleksandar Milic Cerska 29,11000 Beograd aleksandar.milic@arhipro. com ATAP Dr. Alexander Simic, Kneginje Ljubice 11 Jugovica 2a, 11000 Beograd BASLER OSIGURANJE DOO Dr. Vladimir Medan Resavska 29,11000 Beograd BIOCLIN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE Béatrice Sauter Mike Alasa 26/VII/27, SRB-11000 Belgrade BAYER D.O.O Miodrag Stankovic, Omladinskih brigada 88b 11070 Beograd BMS CHEMIE DOO Branko Drljaca Sladjana Loncar Blagoja Parovica 138 11030 Beograd B.P.M. EXPORT-IMPORT Petar Vujicic, Djevdjelijska 19 11120 Beograd 35 COFIS Branislav Stanojevic, Gandijeva 5/ Appartm. 6 11070 Novi Beograd “TORMAX” AUTOMATIC Ljuban Basrak, Colos Basrak Surcinski put 9N 11070 Novi Beograd COPECHIM Boris Vukobrat Dositejeva 4

86 Guide to The International Business Sector

11000 Beograd DANUBE FOODS GROUP Dr. Daniel Boehi Bul. Zorana Djindjica 8a/II 11070 Novi Beograd DEKOR ART D.O.O Laslo Mor Narodnog fronta 73 2100 Novi Sad DUFRY DOO BEOGRAD Iain Forrest Aerodrom « Nikola Tesla » 11180 Beograd 59 DIAHEM-GRAMIM D.O.O. Dr. Andrej Gavrilovic Partner of DiaHem AG Distributor of DiaMed Switzerland Durmitorska 4 11000 Beograd EFT ENERGY FINANCING TEAM Dr. Svetislav Bulatovic Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10 11070 Novi Beograd EKO FARM DOO NOVI SAD Zoran Mitrovic. Narodnog fronta 59 21000 Novi Sad Gordana Mogorovic, Kavadarska 14 11000 Beograd EMILIO STECHER DOO Mesa Podbicanin Velika Zupa bb 31300 Prijepolje ENIA D.O.O (SINTELON A.D. HOLDING) Dragoslav Maric Industrijska zona bb 21400 Backa Palanka EUROBANK EFG A.D BEOGRAD Filippos Karamanolis

/ March 2010

Vuka Karadzica 10 11000 Beograd EUROCEM Milovan Klacar Kralja Milutina 53/28 11000 Beograd EUROPEN GROUP DOO (IDENTICO) Branivoje Lazovic, general manager Olivera Stojanovic, Executive manager Trg Republike 3/V 11000 Beograd FISCHER DOO Slobodan Janackovic Savski Trg 2 Kosancicev venac 11 11000 Beograd FROMM PAKOVANJE DOO Branislav Milenkovic Surcinska 21B/1 11070 Novi Beograd b.milenkovic@fromm-pack. com GA DOO Jaše Prodanovića 26 11108 Beograd 12 Ljube Stojanovica 21 Ivan Alikalfic GBD DOO Miodrag Gavrilovic, Djusina 9 11000 Beograd GEBERIT PREDSTAVNISTVO Vojvode Skopljanca 24 11000 Beograd Ivan Džokić POLIEURETENSKI SISTEMI (Representative of Georg Fischer GF) Zitni Trg 11 21000 Novi Sad Petar Katic HOLCIM SRBIJA D.O.O. FABRIKA CEMENTA

N.POPOVAC 35254 Novi Popovac Belgrade: Koste Racina 16 gustavo.navarro@holcim. com Gustavo Navarro IBS INTER-BUSINESS SERVICE Kralja Milutina 32/V 11000 Beograd Ivan Alikalfic IGEAL OBERFLÄCHENTECHNIK IGEAL D.O.O Pere Velimirovica 39-41 11000 Beograd Gordana Jankovic INTERMERKUR DOO Zvecanska 38 11000 Beograd Dejan Obradovic INTERMERKUR HANDEL AG Predstavnistvo Beograd Zvecanska 38,1000 Beograd Vladimir Ivanovic INTPRO D.O.O Vojvode Stepe 120 11000 Beograd Vladimir Lazarevic Francuska 37a,11000 BGD KOELEMAN FOODS PRODUCTS DOO Njegoseva 77a,11000 Beograd Pere Jovanovica Komiricanca 27,14253 Osecina, Serbia Placide Machoud LIGHT STUDIO D.O.O Marka Oreskovica 62 11000 Beograd Aleksandar Milic LUKAFOOD D.O.O.

Kneginje Zorke 84/II 11000 Beograd Momcilo Zivoinovic, General Manager MB BARTER & TRADING MBT PETIMPORT DOO Francuska 16,11000 Beograd m.jevtic@mbt-beograd. com Milorad Jevtic MBT ZDRAV MBT KORAK D.O.O Terazije 35,11000 Beograd Zoran Markovic MEGALIS TRADE BEOGRAD Sitnicka 4,11000 Beograd Gordana Kühne-Jovkovic MERIS D.O.O. Narodnih heroja 42/II 11000 Beograd Zoran Dzelatovic 3M EAST AG Predstavnistvo Beograd Milutina Milankovica 23 11070 Novi Beograd Milan Protic METALIKA SOPOT Milosava Vlajica 116e 11450 Spot Ivan Vuckovic METINVEST SMC DOO Teodora Drajzera 36 11000 Beograd Dusan Bilkic MRG EXPORT-IMPORT Ustanicka 25/3 11000 Beograd Milun Grbovic MSC BELGRADE Nemanjina 40/II, Kanc. 4 11000 Beograd Zorica Katanic-Rosaj Konstantin Vuk Savicevic PERSPECTIVES SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS DOO Hilandarska 22 11000 Beograd Drazen Tomic PETITE GENEVE Uskocka 7,11000 Beograd Sava Petrovic PETRA GROUP MAENZ & PARTNERI D.O.O Kralja Milana 10 11070 Novi Beograd Dalibor Stula PFIFFNER INSTRUMENT TRANSFORMERS LTD. Serbia & Montenegro Vlajkoviceva 29 11000 Beograd; Radovan Andrejic PIGMENTUM DOO Cara Nikolaja Drugog 49 11000 Beograd Predrag Protic PHARMASWISS SA Vojvode Stepe 18 11000 Beograd Petr.nemec@pharmaswiss. com Petr Nemec PHONAK – AURIS Jug Bogdanova 23 11000 Beograd Stevan Jovanovic POPOV CLOCKS & WATCHES Zeleznicka 41,21000 N.Sad Milena Popov POPOVIC COMPANY D.O.O. Cara Lazara bb 21234 Backi Jarak azarin@popoviccompany. Aleksandar Zarin

PP EGERTON Grge Jankesa 8 11160 Beograd Milenko Popovic RADEX DOO Ratina 20a , 36212 Kraljevo- Ratina Milos Matkovic RE/MAX FRANCHISING SERBIA & MONTENEGRO Karadjordjeva 89/II 11000 Beograd Miodrag Kusic RINGIER D.O.O. (BLIC PRESS) Kraljice Marije 1/IX 11000 Beograd Jelena-Drakulic-Petrovic ROCHE D.O.O. Milutina Milankovica 11a 11000 Beograd vojislav.petrovic@roche. com Vojislav Petrovic SCHILLER PREDSTAVNISTVO BEOGRAD Sicevacka 1,11000 Beograd Milan Krkovic STOS D.O.O (SWISS CLEAN) Frontovska38,11000 Beograd Aleksandar Gicic SANDOZ PHARMASEUTICALS Representative Office Belgrade Kneginje Zorke 2 11000 Beograd ljubisa.kukuric@sandoz. com Ljubisa Kukuric SAUTER BUILDING CONTROL SERBIA D.O.O Alekse Nenadovica 15/II 11000 Beograd Mladen Vukanac SCHINDLER D.O.O

BEOGRAD Bul. Milutina Milankovica 11a,11070 Novi Beograd goran.galic@rs.schindler. com Goran Galic SECURITON D.O.O Danila Lekica Spanca 31 11070 Beograd Rade Mandic SELECTCHEMIE SERBIA Bul. Mihaila Pupina 10 11070 Novi Beograd Nikola Jankovic SINGLETON SOLUTIONS GMBH Milentija Popovica 1 34000 Kragujevac dejan@singleton-solutions. com Dejan Milosavljevic SGS BEOGRAD Boze Jankovica 39 11000 Beograd marinko.ukropina@sgs. com Marinko Ukropina SIKA DOO Autoput za Novi Sad 244b 11273 Zemun maksimovic.dragan@ Dragan Maksimovic SIMIN EXPORT-IMPORT ENGINEERING Narodnog fronta 73/II 21000 Novi Sad Branko Simin SK-PRED D.O.O Svetogorska 2/1 11000 Beograd Srdjan Kuzmanovic SYNGENTA AGRO SERVICES AG Milentija Popovica 5a 11070 Novi Beograd Dimitrije Djurovic

SWISS-CONCEPT D.O.O Kralja Milutina 32/VII 11000 Beograd Hinko Sauter LUFTHANSA SWISS INTERNATIONAL AIR LINES AUSTRIAN AIRLINES Terazije 3,11000 Beograd lukas.nededly@austrian. com Lukas Negedly, SWISS BUILDING D.O.O(FELA PLANUNGS AG) Representative Office Danila Lekica Spanca 21 11000 Beograd Milivoj Djupovac TELSONIC D.O.O. KAC Laze Stejina 37,21241 Kac Miodrag Mijic TEXIMP DOO Murska 14,11000 Beograd jovica.bodrozic@teximp. com, Jovica Bodrozic TOMAS DOO EXPORTIMPORT BEOGRAD Dobanovacki put 8 11080 Zemun Tomislav Stankovic TRS SWISS PRODUCTION DOO Rade Koncara 1 21131 Petrovaradin Vito Oliva UNICA INVEST D.O.O Dzordza Vasingtona 52/5 11000 Beograd Dr. Markus Elsinger UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK IN BELGRADE Andre Nikolica 29 11000 Beograd; Miona Badzevic Andjelkovic VECO TRADE D.O.O

Svetog Save 32/3 11000 Beograd Aleksandar Maric VEKOM GEO D.O.O. Trebinjska24,11000 Beograd Veljko Fustic VIPOL D.O.O. Apatinska 4,21000 N. Sad Prodanovic Dragan VISUAL IMPACT DOO Office Belgrade Deligradska 24 11000 Beograd Sasa Sipka VUCOMM Bul. Zorana Djindjica 67 11070 Novi Beograd Nikola Vuckovic VULKO DOO Visnjicka 15,11000 Beograd Milanko Paunovic YOUNGCULTURE Cara Lazara 16,11000 Beograd Nebojsa Jovic THURSDAY GROUP SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE D.O.O. Kraljice Natalije 46-48 11000 Belgrade Ognjen Djurdjevic ZEPTER INTERNATIONAL Bul. Mihajla Pupina 117 11070 Beograd Aleksandar Leko ZMR PAPIC Pozarevaca32,11000 Beograd Branislav Papic

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 87


COMPANY REGISTER NEOFYTON Danila Kisa 7a,21000 N. Sad Zoran Tadic NESTLÉ ADRIATIC FOOD Bul. Zorana Djindjica 64a Beograd Cedric.boehm@cs.nestle. com Cédric Boehm NESTLÉ ICE CREAM SRBIJA DOO Milutina Milankovica 9b (III Bulevar) 11070 N. Beograd nestleicecream@rs.nestle. com Naum Janakiev NETSET GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Osogovska 10,11030 Beograd Zoran Savic NITEA D.O.O. Žorža Klemansoa 19 11000 Beograd Vesna Jecmenica NLB INTERFINANZ D.O.O. Bul. Mihajla Pupina 165v 11070 Novi Beograd Borut Müller NORTHAMERICAN SURETIES(NAS) DOO Radovana Simica Cige 38 11000 Beograd Suncica Calic NOVARTIS PHARMA SERVICES INC. NOVARTIS ONCOLOGY AND TRANSPLANTATION DIVISION Bul. Zorana Djindjica 71/18 (Pharma) 11070 Novi Beograd Branislav.djordjevic@ Branislav Djordjevic ORAH PROJECTS DOO Bul. Kneza Aleksandra Karadjordjevica 38 11000 Beograd


HUGE POTENTIAL FOR COOPERATION “Turkish investors are interested in textiles because there is a possibility to upgrade textile companies and factories”, HE Ahmet Suha Umara, Turkish Ambassador in Belgrade. HE Ahmet Suha Umara, Turkish Ambassador in Belgrade said recently that Turkish investors are interested in various sectors in Serbia. „One is textiles because there is a possibility especially in the Sandžak region to upgrade textile companies and factories and then use this opportunity to manufacture textiles for export-


he potential of cooperation with Turkey is huge, and the advantages of Serbia are textile and food industries and construction,” said Miloš Bugarin, President of the Chambers of Commerce. “The existing level of investment of Turkey is around 45 million dollars, which really does not reflect the capacity or the ability of a country that has 78 million inhabitants and which has its own economic expansion over the last ten years and the best way to defend their interests through economic expansion,” said Bugarin.


ing to Russia and other countries. In the case of air transport, I know that already talks are going on between THY and JAT which I personally support very much because I see it as a strategic step in our eco-


nomic relations. JAT has flying rights to many airports worldwide, there are Serbs working and living all over the world and they are inclined to come every year to their country, not only to Serbia, but to all ex-Yugoslav republics. Secondly, JAT has a good basis to start new air transport activity. This requires some improvement in equipment and in new aircraft. THY is one of the fastest growing airlines on earth, we have a lot of aircraft, and most of these are new and now THY is planning to buy new ones, with a strategic vision into the future. So when I took into consideration this strategic view, JAT fits very well. I hope that the talks between the two companies will result in something very useful“, said HE Ahmet Suha Umara.


urkish President Abdullah Gul, during a visit to Serbia in late October last year, said that the potential for economic cooperation insufficiently used, and that there is room for Serbia to find a place among exporters from Turkey, a country which annually buys 200 billion dollars worth of goods. COMPANY REGISTER

ADORA D.O.O. Omer Simsek, Director Episkopa Nikolaja 22, 11000 Belgrade 381 11 3077822 381 11 3077853 MERTER TEXTIL DOO Yilmaz Yigit, Director Branka Šotre 1/A, 11000 Belgrade 381 11 3544747 381 11 3545791 mertertextil@sesampro. yu TATLE D.O.O. Eyyup Sabri Yuncu,

Director Autoput 20, lok 18, 11000 Belgrade 381 63 304504, MN DURAN D.O.O. BEOGRAD Nedret Duran, Director Gospodska 3,11080 Zemun 381 11 2105212 381 11 2105212, mnduran@eunet.yu INS EKOL D.O.O. Ibrahim Donmez, Director Smederevski put 45, 11000 Belgrade

88 Guide to The International Business Sector

381 11 3411292, 381 11 3410780 JUMLINE D.O.O. Ibrahim Yumusak, Director Vojvode Mišića 17, 11000 Belgrade 381 11 3691294 SUR SOFRA DONER Nihat Ersan, Director Kralja Milana 47, 11000 Belgrade 381 11 3640627 OBBATEX D.O.O. Omer Bajsal, Director

/ March 2010

Simeona Končarevića 40, 11080 Zemun 381 11 3166191 MARTEX D.O.O. Marija Kade, Director Babički Odred 76, 18000 Niš 381 18 590431 LYCTUM D.O.O. Erkan Muhacir, Director Slobodana Glumca 8 B, Altina, 11000 Belgrade 381 11 191584 EDUKATIVNI CENTAR BEJZA D.O.O.

Murat Koč, Director Vuka Karadžića 7, 11000 Belgrade 381 11 3281449 S.T.R.FA & MI Ihsan Kaya, Director Jurija Gagarina 248, 11000 Belgrade 381 63 7171231 FLORY D.O.O. Mithat Kaya, Director Ugrinovački put 99c, 11000 Belgrade 381 11 3774839

NOBEL ILAC SANAYII VE TICARET A.S D.O.O. Dejan Popović, Director Molerova 78, 11000 Belgrade 381 11 3445947 381 11 3445947 dejan.popovic@nobel. UNSAL D.O.O. Faruk Omer Pamukoglu, Director Save Kovačevića 86, 36300 Novi Pazar 381 20 311415 omerpamukoglu@gmail. com

Serbian exports to Ukraine, by the end of June 2009, dropped by around 26.3%Umara, Turkish Ambassador in Belgrade.

uring the first six months of 2009, the overall trade exchange between Serbia and Ukraine recorded a 52% decline, and it stood at $212.6 million, data collected by the Serbian Chamber of Commerce shows. Serbian exports to Ukraine, by the end of June 2009, dropped by around 26.3%, and their value was $83,2 million, while imports went down by 61.2% and amounted to $129.4 million. In 2008, the total trade exchange between the two countries was more dynamic, amounting to close to $858.9 million, 69.5% higher compared to 2007. The value of Serbian exports to Ukraine was close to $207.5 million, and in comparison to 2007, rose by 54.2%. Exports continued to grow in 2008 too, recording a 75% growth in relation to the year before, with a total val-



ue of $651.41 million. The trading deficit with Ukraine in 2008 amounted to $443.96 million, while the value of exports covered 31.8% of the value of imports.

DURING THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF 2009, THE OVERALL TRADE EXCHANGE BETWEEN SERBIA AND UKRAINE RECORDED A 52% DECLINE When it comes to overall Serbian exports for 2008, Ukraine took 16th place with a share of 1.88%, while when it comes to import figures, the country was placed eighth, with a 2.86% share. The most important goods exported to Ukraine in 2008 were floor coverings and waterproof wallpaper (35.4%), jet fuel (21.86%), paper

hen it comes to imports, the most dominant products were iron ores and agglomerated concentrates (30.55%), coke and semi-coke charcoal (22.7%), iron ores and non-agglomerated concentrates (10.52%), hot rolled wire (7.49%), hot rolled tablets (3.02%), ammonium-sulfate (1.51%), hot rolled products in coils (1.32%), hot rolled rods (1.26%), coiled products (1.25%), and paper and cardboard (1.24%).


and cardboard (3.34%), white sheet metal of up to 0.2 millimetre thickness (2.65%), aromatic carbon-hydrogen mixtures (2.16%), and assembled floor coverings (2.09%). Serbia also exported sunflower seeds (1.75%), tufted textiles (1.50%), and fruit seedlings (1.41%). Serbian companies that exported the most to Ukraine in 2008 were Tarkett from Bačka Palanka, Petroleum Industry of Serbia, Enia from Bačka Palanka, Tetrapak from Belgrade, the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad, U.S. Steel Serbia from Smederevo, Pančevo-based HIP Petrohemija, Agroexim from Belgrade, Hemofarm from Vršac, and the Majdanpek Copper Pipe factory. The companies that imported the most from Ukraine last year were U.S. Steel Serbia, Jeep Commerce from Belgrade, New Steel from Zemun, Elopak from Belgrade, Unifert also from Belgrade, Fertil from Bačka Palanka, Asco Vidak from Futog, Vital from Vrbas, and Petroleum Industry of Serbia. COMPANY REGISTER AEROSVIT Nikola Jelić, Director Nikole Spasića 3, 11000 Belgrade, 381 11 3283430 381 11 3283430 aerosvit@eunet.yu AZOVIMPEX Svjatoslav Fedorovic Serdjuk, Gen.Director Industrijska 27, 36000 Kraljevo, 381 36 392526 381 36 392527 UKRAINIAN DANUBE SHIPPING Sergej Kostev, Director direktor Knežopoljska 1, 11000 Belgrade Beograd

381 11 3392424 METALINVEST Dušan Bilkić, Director Teodora Drajzera 36, 11000 Belgrade 381 11 3676094 SERBIA D.O.O. Mitar Damjanović, Director Kneginje Ljubice 11 11 000 Belgrade 381 11 3286926; 381 11 3285 509 mitar.damjanovic@caib.; www.

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 89




Nick Groves, Head of Trade & Investment, British Embassy in Belgrade

IMPROVING BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT peaking for the 2010 Guide, Nick Groves, Head of Trade & Investment at the British Embassy in Belgrade, said that Serbia could also engage more with existing business networks, such as the British-Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Serbian City Club.

S “UK companies are currently considering investments in the electronics and aerospace sectors, spa resorts, and renewable energy projects.”

How would you rate the current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of the companies from your country to invest in Serbia? As the global economy shows signs of recovery, companies are beginning to feel more confident in making investment decisions again. As far as attracting investors is concerned, Serbia still has work to do to stand out from its neighbours and other competitors, who are all after the same investment funds. The country has stayed more or less static in the Ease of Doing Business and Competitiveness tables, with issues concerning property being the most problematic, in particular the time it takes to get hold of construction permits. With Serbia looking to attract increasing levels of greenfield investment, incoming companies will want to be sure of their property rights. Other problems also persist, such as anti-competitive practices and the level of bureaucracy. The government recognises that it needs to improve the business environment, and has launched the regulatory guillotine as one way to achieve it. However, political signals are now very positive. The Interim Agreement on Trade, which came into force on February 1st, should make the process of importing to and exporting from Serbia quicker and cheaper. Additionally, renewed momentum towards the EU will give added confidence to investors that Serbia will continue to reform and offer opportunities as a place to do business. Which economic sector/projects are the companies from your country most interested in? UK companies are currently considering in-


hope that we’re now past the worst and that investment activity will pick up as companies look to position themselves for the expected recovery. Creditors are still jumpy and investment funds hard to come by, but the more Serbia works to reform its business environment, the more attractive it will become.


90 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

vestments in the electronics and aerospace sectors. Another company is keeping a keen eye on the development of spa resorts, and yet ano ther is in negotiations over a very interesting renewable energy project. Do foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? I don’t believe that UK businesses are well informed about Serbia as an investment destination. Hopefully, the recent appointment of an economic attaché to the Serbian Embassy in London will help raise the country’s profile among investors. Serbia could also engage more with existing business networks, such as the British-Serbian Chamber of Commerce and the Serbian City Club, which has over 700 members working in Europe’s leading financial centre – the City of London.

THE PROBLEMS FACED BY UK INVESTORS ARE PROBABLY FAMILIAR TO OTHERS, REGULATORY UNCERTAINTY, PROBLEMS CONCERNING PROPERTY, THE WEIGHT OF BUREAUCRACY, DIFFICULTIES WITH THE LEGAL SYSTEM What are the most common problems that companies from your country face in Serbia? The problems faced by UK investors are probably familiar to others, regulatory uncertainty, the problems concerning property I’ve already mentioned, the weight of bureaucracy, difficulties with the legal system. But while recognising that challenges persist, most UK investors are reasonably satisfied with their businesses in Serbia. In your opinion, has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? The first laws were repealed at the end of last year. I think it’s still too early to see concrete results. But perhaps more important are the new laws that will bring Serbia into line with European standards.

Dušan Filimonović, Director of the British-Serbian Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade


WAITING FOR PERMITS “We as a Chamber think that a few things could make big improvements, such as making clear what users can expect,” Dušan Filimonovic, Director of the BritishSerbian Chamber of Commerce in Belgrade What are the most common problems that your association’s members face in Serbia? The most common problems that our members are facing are the overall non-transparent, long, bureaucratic process of acquiring permits, long, slow, and lengthy customs procedures, and differences in practice from one customs office to another, with large disharmony between local and international standards. Due to the abolishment of VAT refunds and VAT registration for some of our members without legal presence in Serbia, these members do not have any means of recovering VAT paid in Serbia. It also discriminates against them in relation to Serbian taxpayers. How far along can your members plan their operations in Serbia bearing, in mind the frequent changes to the tax regime? It is obvious that our members cannot plan their operations long term, but the Ministry of Finance has put forward a draft proposal that addresses the majority of the existing problems of corporate taxpayers’ taxation. I hope that the Parliament will adopt such changes. How much does corruption in Serbia affect the business operations of your association’s member companies? Salaries in Serbia are low and the unemployment rate is high. It is not easy to live off 250 euros in Belgrade. This is not a reason for corruption, but it does provide a breeding ground. If an opportunity arises to make more money through some sort of corruption, it has to be seized it can go unnoticed. We as a Chamber think that a few things could make big improvements such as making clear what users can expect. If

the maximum time it takes to process a given request is acceptable and known in advance, there is little incentive to pay in order to get it done faster. People can plan around a known delay. This would not only prevent corruption but would make the administration’s work much better. Users should also be able to see their information, the status of their request, and who is accountable for it. Let’s educate people about the real cost of corruption and let’s explain to them the benefit of having the above propositions implemented. Once there is an acceptable way of doing things, those who do not comply should be sanctioned. What business results do you foresee for the end of 2010? In order to boost the level of direct investments, the Government issued a decree on the terms and conditions of attracting direct investments. The essence of this important measure is the assignment of the non-refundable funds to companies involved in manufacturing activities, the internationally marketable services sector, and the research and development sector. Therefore, I expect improvements in these sectors by the end of 2010. Unfortunately, another hard year lies ahead.

CORPORATE TRAVEL MEETINGS INCENTIVES CONFERENCES EVENTS HRG Serbia & Montenegro BT Pegrotour d.o.o. Cubrina 4/4 11000 Belgrade Serbia Tel: +381 11 303 6016; 303 6017 303 8920; 303 8921 Fax: +381 11 328 3304

Member of: British Serbian Chamber of Commerce


German Chamber of Commerce International Congress and Convention Association

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 91


COMPANY REGISTER AGENA TECHNOLOGY Mr Ismet Grebovic, Manager Dositejeva 31, 22310 Simanovci, +381 22 408519, +381 22 408501 ismet.grebovicagenatechnology. com, AIRTREND GOBRID Mr Goran Kolic, Managing Director Kumanovska 14, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 11 3836886, 3837733, 3085740, +381 11 344 41 13, ALLIED PICKFORDS SERBIA Mr Jovica Grujic, Head of Operations Zarka Obreskog 23, 11273 ZemunBelgrade, Serbia, +381 11 8487744, +381 11 8486868 , movers@ ALTIS CHEMICALS DOO Ms Aleksandra Nijemcevic, Director Pozeska 15A, 23000 Zrenjanin, +381 23 549412;, 381 23 549412, AMTEK DESIGN SERBIA DOO Mr John Elkington, Director Gospodar Jovanova 65, Flat 2, 11000 Belgrade, +381 11 334 8068, 381 11 334 8068 john.elkington@amtek-group., ARCON OVERSEAS LIMITED Mr Sasa Zdravkovic, Director Vase Pelagica 16, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 381 11 2651769, 381 11 3692236, ARUP Mrs Olga Djuric-Peric, Chair-Management Board Djordja Stanojevica 14, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 11 2099850, +381 11 2287580,, ASTRA ZENECA Mr Dejan Sencanski, General Manager Augusta Cesarca 12, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 11 3294542, +381 11 750402, BDSP YU Mr Sinisa Stankovic,

General Manager Bulevar Arsenija Carnojevica 54A/16, VI & VII floor, 11070 Belgrade, +381 11 3017791, +381 11 3017798 , bdsp@bdsp., BPA LONDON DOO Mr Ivan Ristic, Project Manager Mr Malcolm Magee-Brown, Director Ljubinke Bobic 8/16, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 11 3182211, +381 11 3182211 BRITISH AIRWAYS Mrs Natali Brodnik Radovanovic, Country Manager Knez Mihajlova 30/IV, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia +381 11 3281303, +381 11 2639629 BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO SOUTH EAST EUROPE DOO Kristian Kornerup, General Manager Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 165G, 11070 Belgrade +381 11 3108700, +381 11 3108777 ,, BUPA INTERNATIONAL BELGRADE MrNikola Lalic,Director Milovana Marinkovica 4, 11040 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 63668833 COMPAIR SOUTH EAST EUROPE DOO Mr Zeljko N. Luketic, Managing Director Miroslava Cermaka 2, 11185 Zemun - Belgrade + 381 11 3774533, + 381 11 3774544, CUMMINS DIZEL MOTORI DOO Mr Slobodan Sretenovic, Director Autoput 22, PO Box 113, 11080 Zemun- Belgrade + 381 11 3149065, + 381 11 3149127 DELOITTE DOO Mr Srdjan Petrovic, Adria Director (Tax Partner) Makenzijeva 24, 11000 Belgrad + 381 11 3812100, + 381 11 3812101,, www. DIV PRODUCTION PLANT Mr Mike Edwards, Operations Manager Stefana Prvovencanog 209, Vranje, +381 17 401140, +381 17 21609 DOOSAN BABCOCK ENERGY LTD Mr Dennis Morrison, Site Project Manager Bul. Mihajla Pupina 10-V/619,11070 Belgrade + 381 11 3018774, dmorrison@ EC HARRIS DOO Mr Sasa Trajkovic, Senior Project Manager Bulevar dr Zorana Djindjica 144v, 11070 Belgrade + 381 11 3535400, +381 11 3535401, sasa.trajkovic@, EFT ENERGY FINANCING TEAM DOO Mr Svetislav Bulatovic, Group Head of Sales and Trading Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10b, 11070 Belgrade + 381 11 3011021, + 381 11 3011030, EMAC UPRAVLJANJE INVESTICIJAMA DOO Mr Dusan Mijic, Regional Director Rudjera Boskovica 2c, 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia, + 381 21 466474, +381 21 466653 EQUEST DOO (BELGRADE) Mr Vladan Zivulovic, General Manager Bulevar oslobodjenja 83, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, + 381 11 3975643, + 381 11 3975643 ERNST&YOUNG Ms Mirjana Kovacevic, Country Managing Partner, Mr Fotis Demetriou, Partner Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 115d, 11070 Belgrade + 381 11 2095800, + 381 11 2095890 G4S SECURITY SERVICES DOO MrDragisa Marinkovic,General

Dizel i gasni motori Dizel generatori Kogenerativna postrojenja Filteri i originalni rezervni delovi Servis - 24h dostupan

Auto put 22 P. Fah 113, 11080 Zemun tel + 381 11 314 90 71 fax + 381 11 314 91 27

92 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

Mannerd Guarding Sevices / Alarm Monitoring / CIT

G4S Security Services d.o.o. 240 Kumodraska Street 11000 Belgrade Serbia

Manager Kumodraska 240, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, + 381 11 3092700, + 381 11 3092730 , office@rs.g4s. com, GLAXO SMITHKLINE (GSK) EXPORT LTD Ms Crina Ancuta, General Manager Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 Belgrade, + 381 11 3105700, +381 11 3105799 , GLOBAL SUBSTATION SOLUTIONS DOO Mr Damir Karagic, General Manager The Sava Centre, Milentija Popovica 9, 11070 Belgrade + 381 11 2206347, + 381 11 2206093,, HARRISONS SOLICITORS Mr Mark Harrison, Principal Terazije 34,11000 Belgrade + 381 11 3615918, + 381 11 3615030 mark.harrison@ harrison-solicitors. com, HRG SERBIA & MONTENEGRO Mr Predrag Spanjevic, Managing Partner Čubrina 4/4, 11000 Belgrade + 381 11 3036016, + 381 11 3283 304 , www. IMI INTERNATIONAL Mr Zoran Jovanovic, Deputy General Manager Milutina Milankovića 1-b, 11070 Belgrade, + 381 11 3111484,

Telephone: +381 11 3092 700 Fax: +381 11 3092 730 mail:

+ 381 11 3111484, zoran@, INTERDEAN INTERNATIONAL RELOCATION BELGRADE Mr Vladan Jankovic, Sales Visnjicka 51, 11000 Belgrade + 381 11 2970 997, + 381 11 2970 997, KING STURGE DOO Mr Srdjan Vujicic, Managing Director PC Usce - Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 6, 11070 Belgrade + 381 11 2200101, + 381 11 2200102, KPMG DOO Kraljice Natalije 11, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, + 381 11 20 50 500, LAURENCE WALTER SERBIA Mr Vladan Paunovic, Director Kovinski put bb, 11300 Smederevo, Serbia, + 381 26 653770 daca.kragovic@laurencewalter. com, LAW OFFICE BAKLAJA IGRIC MUJEZINOVIC IN ASSOCIATION WITH CLYDE&CO LLP Ms Selma Mujezinovic, Managing PartnerGospodar Jevremova 47/12, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3038822, + 381 11 3038309, clyde@, LINK CONSULTANTS Mr Zoran Radovanovic, Owner Omladinska 11a, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Address, + 381 11 3670264, + 381 11 3670557,, MACE DOO Mr Branislav

Simovic, General Manager Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 6/22, 11070 Belgrade + 381 11 2200250, + 381 11 2200265, MINECO PLUS DOO Mr Aleksandar Andrejevic, Director Vuka Karadzica 9, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, + 381 11 3033317, + 381 11 2632882, MMD SE EUROPE Mr James Gunn, Regional CEO Obilicev Venac 6/10, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, + 381 11 303 6068, + 381 11 334 2535 MORSON BEOGRAD Mr Zoran Rudic, Director Decanska 12, 11000 Belgrade + 381 11 3034520, + 381 11 3034521 zoran.rudic@morson-beograd. com, OWEN OWEN Mr James Owen, Managing Director Kosovska 17/III, 11000 Belgrade + 381 11 186307, + 381 11 3222729, PARKVETS - NS Dr Srdjan Srdjanov, Director Dimitrija Polit Desancica 14, 21480 Srbobran + 381 21 735496, + 381 21 735496, PHARM-OLAM INTERNATIONAL LTD Mr Pavle Vukojevic, Regional Director of Operations Omladiinskih Brigada 88b (Airport City), 11070 Belgrade, Serbia, + 381 11 3538700 (ext 38134), 3538734, + 381 11 3538734,, www.

COMPANY REGISTER 3061 059,, www.britishembassy. RIO TINTO RIO TINTO INDUSTRIAL MINERALS EXPLORATION Mr Nenad Grubin, Director Bulevar dr Zorana Djindjica 71, 11070 Belgrade +381 11 311 0239, nenad.grubin@riotinto. com, SCOTT WILSON DOo Biljana Vukotic, Deputy Director, Studentski trg 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 11 3284042, +381 11 3284043, SHELL DOO Ms Dragana Kacar, Director Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10B/II, 11070 Belgrade +381 11 3114030, +381 11 3114031, shellbeograd@shell. com, SMITH HODGKINSON TOTAL ASSET SOLUTIONS Mr Vladislav Ilic, Country Manager Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10d-122, 11070 Belgrade +381 11 3018624, vladislav.ilic@shm., SONY PROFESSIONAL SOLUTIONS EUROPE Mr Djordje Djukanovic, Business Development Executive Omladinskih Brigada 88a, 11070 Belgrade, +381 11 222 59 72, +381 11 222 59 60, Djordje. TELIC Spanskih boraca 24, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 11 3132976, +381 11 3133049 MrS.Shridhar,Group CEO TLC MARKETING PLC (BELGRADE OFFICE) Mr Milan Miletic, Business Manager South East Europe Knjeginje Zorke 2, 4/5, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 11 344 8208, +381 11 344 8211 UNILEVER DOo Mrs Snezana Vukalovic, Office Manager Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 11 2091800, +381 11 2091800 snezana.vukalovic@unilever. com, VECTOR MANAGEMENT DOO Mr Drago Vukalovic, Business Development Executive Knjeginje Zorke 2, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 308 5107, +381 11 308 51 07,, ZENITH OPTIMEDIA Mr Milan Maravic, Managing Partner Rige od Fere 20/7, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 2030608, +381 11 2030703, milan.maravic@

UNITED KINGDOM POSEIDON GROUP Mr Nemanja Marijan, Director Mr Predrag Nikolic, Director Bulevar Mihaila Pupina 10d/I, 11000 Belgrade + 381 11 2140403, + 381 11 2137994 PLUTO CAPITAL LTD SERBIA Mr Justin Faiz, Director Zmaja od Nocaja 12, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 11 2627982, +381 11 2188793, justin@ PRICEWATERHOUSE COOPERS DOO Mr Emmanuel Koenig, Country Managing Partner Omladinskih brigada 88a, 11070 Belgrade, Serbia, +381 11 3302 100, +381 11 3302 101, office@yu.pwcglobal. com, main/home/index.html RBTT CONSULTANTS DOO Mr Marko Nikolic, Director Dravska 15,11000 Belgrade +381 11 383 6040, +381 11 383 6041, REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES & FACILITIES “British Embassy Belgrade Commercial Section Resavska 46,11000 Belgrade +381 11 3061 062, +381 11

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 93


Cameron Werker, Commercial Attache, US Embassy

BUSINESS ENV I “We will work with the Government and private sector to promote Serbia in the United States.”

s Serbia attractive to US investors, was one of the questions that we set to Kameron Werker, Commercial Attache, US Embassy.

How would you rate current investment climate in Serbia and what has to be done in order to improve the interest of the companies from your country to invest in Serbia? Serbia is the natural economic and geopolitical hub of the Balkans with abundant economic growth potential. The country has reaffirmed its commitment to Euro-Atlantic integration, which for foreign investors translate into political stability, a prerequisite for attracting further investment. I commend the government for steps it has taken during the economic downturn to move on key reforms to improve the business climate, including the laws on, Foreign Trade, Prevention of Money Laundry and Financing Terrorism, and Protection of Competition Nevertheless, while the OECD recently improved Serbia’s country’s credit risk rating from category 7 to category 6, it still notes that the risk level is significantly high (7 is the most risky). Dun & Bradstreet also recently confirmed its DB5a ‘high risk’ rating for Serbia. In order for the government to improve interest among U.S. companies, it must develop a cohesive investment strategy and deliver a unified message to foreign investors that will help lower that risk premium. U.S. companies need to know that the government is commit-


.S. companies have a broad interest in Serbia, as can be seen from the wide range of industries in which they already invest. Sectors of interest to U.S. companies include alternative energy, medical and pharmaceutical, IT, safety and security, and infrastructure development. In addition, U.S. companies are interested to help Serbian entrepreneurs develop the franchising sector, an effort in which the U.S. Embassy has been actively engaged. 94 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

ted to implementing systems that will spur judicial reform, protect intellectual property rights, provide equal treatment for foreign companies, and ensure international obligations are honored. U.S. companies will closely watch Serbia’s compliance to its IMF commitments as well as its efforts to resolve a long-standing issue with OPIC which has resulted in OPIC suspending its loan and insurance programs for any potential future deals involving the Serbian government. Are foreign investors, in your opinion, have sufficient information about investment opportunities in Serbia? Unfortunately, no. While SIEPA is

CORRUPTION AND TRANSPARENCY REMAIN TWO OF THE PRIMARY OBSTACLES FOREIGN COMPANIES FACE IN SERBIA charged with promoting investment, they are unfortunately understaffed and underfunded. Nevertheless, SIEPA did successfully recruit a Clean Energy Trade Mission from the U.S. state of Massachusetts last year, which has potential to bring significant U.S. investment to Serbia. Both my office and my colleagues at USAID work closely with SIEPA to increase the awareness of the Serbian market among U.S. businesses and investors, and we will continue that partnership. In addition, the government recently adopted a program to assign ‘economic diplomats’ to strategically important countries, who should promote investment opportunities to potential foreign investors. What are the most common problems that the companies from your


VIRONMENT country in Serbia are face with? Corruption and transparency remain two of the primary obstacles foreign companies face in Serbia. The World Economic Forum’s 2009-10 Global Competitiveness Report cited corruption as the most problematic factor in doing business in Serbia. Companies face corruption at the lower levels of government precisely because processes are not transparent and regulatory/ statutory deadlines are either non-existent or not followed. These issues primarily surface after a company has decided to invest in Serbia as they relate to the day-to-day operations of an entity. In fact, the World Bank’s Doing Business 2010 report cites the country’s worsening performance in key indicators, including issuing construction permits, registering property, protecting investors, paying taxes, trading across borders, and enforcing contracts. Foreign companies are not seeking special treatment, they simply ask for equal and fair treatment. Did the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? Recognizing the need and having the political will to implement this administrative reform was an important first step to improving the business environment in Serbia, but it is a bit premature to quantify visible results. The coming months will be crucial for the government to show its commitment to this initiative. I am encouraged by the guillotine process thus far and hope that all Ministries responsible for issuing permits, certifications, registrations, etc. will focus on streamlining their processes, eliminate redundant procedures, and adhere to specified deadlines. It is one thing to court foreign investment, as Serbia does, it is entirely different to provide sufficient ‘aftercare’ to investors once they have actually invested in Serbia. The best PR the country can receive is from the foreign investors that have already committed to Serbia. These are the companies, based on their operational experience in Serbia, that will either encourage or discourage their peers about investing in Serbia.

RECOGNIZING THE NEED AND HAVING THE POLITICAL WILL TO IMPLEMENT ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM IS AN IMPORTANT FIRST STEP TO IMPROVING THE BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT IN SERBIA, BUT IT IS A BIT PREMATURE TO QUANTIFY VISIBLE RESULTS. THE COMING MONTHS WILL BE CRUCIAL FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO SHOW ITS COMMITMENT TO THIS INITIATIVE Serbia in 2010. We will work with the government and private sector to promote Serbia in the United States, but ultimately Serbia’s business environment must attract foreign investors. Continued reform, greater transparency, adherence to the rule of law, and obligating commitments will be the key to Serbia attracting greater foreign investment in 2010 and beyond.

Will the economic crisis slow or stop the arrival of investors from your country to Serbia in 2010? Recovery has started in the United States and capital is slowing becoming available again. Just as with other companies around the world, U.S. companies will need to secure their existing operations before they can once again look to new investments. However, just as the U.S. trade mission to Serbia late last year, I expect other such missions and interest in March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 95


Bojana Ristić, Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia

CREATING BETTER INVESTMENT CLIMATE THE GOVERNMENT MUST WORK A LITTLE BIT HARDER ON THE PROMOTION OF INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN SERBIA nfreezing and implementation of the Interim Trade Agreement provides for the establishment of a free trade area between Serbia and the EU and brings about a number of important aspects of the economic life. In that regard, AmCham strongly believes that European integrations represent a great opportunity for Serbia in the area of modernizing existing regulations and introducing globally accepted business standards,” said Bojana Ristić, Executive Director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia, for the Guide.


Bojana Ristic, right, AmCham CSR Conference 2009

“It is unrealistic to expect that in times of global economic crisis there will be major investment in Serbia.”


nitial results of the guillotine process is the abolishment of regulations which do not have any relevance to current business activities and that have not been in use for quite a number of years. However, regarding fine-tuning of existing legislation with a view of reducing administrative burden, we will have to wait a while longer for any visible results. Also, we are expecting to receive adequate feed-back from the Government in case some of our suggestions are not adopted. 96 Guide to The International Business Sector

/ March 2010

What are the most common problems that your association’s member companies face in Serbia? Some major issues that foreign investors are currently facing include the absence of a modern regulatory framework in the area of labor law, long and complicated procedures for getting building permits, the slow process of legalization of existing industrial facilities, the need for further liberalization of foreign exchange transactions, and a generally inefficient public service that is not directed at investors’ needs. AmCham is doing its best to use a constructive approach to influence changes in these areas and to draw attention to the best experiences in the region, especially those of countries that are EU members now.

How far along can your members plan their operations in Serbia bearing in mind the frequent changes to the tax regime? It is important to note that the tax system is only one of the factors analyzed when determining a business plan or deciding whether to invest in a particular jurisdiction. Aside from this factor, we have others such as macroeconomic stability, legal certainty, implementation of laws, efficiency of the judicial system, developed infrastructure, price and quality of the labor force, size of the market, and closeness of other potential markets, free trade agreements, purchasing power and political stability. However, tax effects are always

factored into investment models. If we assume that there is political and legal stability, the attractiveness of the tax system becomes more important. When deciding to adjust certain tax incentives, the creators of fiscal policy should analyze what other possibilities Serbia offers when compared with other countries. Introduction of the ten percent temporary mobile tax does not represent a good signal for existing investors nor for other investors thinking of coming into the Serbian market as they are directly related to the unpredictability of the business environment.

the business sector leading by setting positive precedents, including engaging in a series of efforts to promote international best-practices in organizational ethics. What business results do you foresee by the end of 2010? It is unrealistic to expect that in times of global economic crisis there will be major investment in Serbia. I think that we all have realistic expectations, and the centre of gravity in times of recession did move toward survival and savings. If we take into account the fact that the Serbian economy was hit belatedly by the crisis, it

WE BELIEVE THAT THE ABOLISHMENT OF UNNECESSARY ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES WILL CONTRIBUTE TO MORE EFFECTIVE BUSINESS OPERATIONS OF THE COMPANIES THAT HAVE INVESTED IN SERBIA How much does corruption in Serbia affect the business operations of the companies that are the association members? We have no precise data how much corruption affects the business operations of our member companies. Furthermore, we believe that our current efforts should focus on improving the business environment and government to business relations. In this vein, AmCham identified business ethics as one of our primary areas of concern and we have adopted an approach predicated upon

Bojana Ristic, AmCham Luncheon with Radovan Jelasic (right)

is expected that the recovery will be delayed as well. Thus, at this moment, our members have reservations about optimistic scenarios for economic recovery, especially regarding the first half of 2010. However, the precondition for the realization of any optimistic prognoses is the Government’s commitment to economic reforms, continuation of macroeconomic stability, and predictability of the business environment. We strongly believe in and emphasize that in addition to regulatory and administrative reforms, in times of crisis it is of vital importance for the Government to intensify dialogue with the private sector with a view to defining key measures of economic policy. This will create a better investment climate for existing and future investors and help increase the competitiveness of the country. The most important thing for Serbia is to keep existing investors in the country satisfied because potential investors will want to hear something positive about Serbia first-hand. In addition, the Government must work a little bit harder on the promotion of investment opportunities in Serbia. This is where it would be a good idea to have a look at the experiences of other countries.

March 2010 / Guide to The International Business Sector 97


In your opinion, has the regulatory reform or simplification of administration procedures (the so-called regulatory guillotine) yielded visible results? We believe that the abolishment of unnecessary administrative procedures will contribute to more effective business operations of the companies that have invested in Serbia, and that it will result in attracting new direct investment. In this regard, as part of the guillotine process, the American Chamber of Commerce has submitted suggestions and comments concerning over 30 legal acts. In addition to the abolishment of unnecessary regulations, we welcome the introduction of one-stop shop concept in public services and a shorter deadline for the application of e-government.


XXX COMPANY REGISTER AIG LIFE OSIGURANJE A.D.O. DIRECTOR SPYRIDON MOSCHOGIANNIS Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2092900 Fax, +381 11 2092909 ALLIANCE ONE TOBACCO D.O.O. Director Dušan Cmiljić Cara Nikolaja II 59, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 2458753, Fax, +381 11 3342475, ieftimov@aointl. com, AVON COSMETICS D.O.O. Director Elena Starkova Bul. Mihaila Pupina 165G,11000 Belgrade +381 11 2220000 Fax, +381 11 2220003 BALL PACKAGING EUROPE Director David Banjai Batajnički drum 21a, 11080 Zemun +381 11 3770602 Fax, +381 11 3770802 BASICMED ENTERPRISE Director Zoran Bašić Viline vode bb, 11000 Belgrade, Tel, + 381 11 2760120 Fax, +381 11 2760120 BEDMINISTER CAPITAL MANAGMENT Director Milena Gajović Shrestha Prizrenska 4a,11000 Belgrade, Tel, +381 11 3067595 Fax, +381 11 3967596 dijana@bedminstercapital. com CEEMARK S&M D.O.O. Director Ivan Stanković Prote Mateje 11, 11000 Belgrade, Tel, +381 11 2435244, Fax, +381 11 2445110, CHRYSLER BALKANS

D.O.O. Director Stavros Paraskevaides Omladinskih brigada 33, 11070 New Belgrade, Fax, +381 11 3019115, milovan. CISCO D.O.O. Director Goran Obradović Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2092000 Fax, +381 11 2092001 CITIBANK N.A. Director Ana Drašković Bul.Zorana Đinđića 64A/IV, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 3011198 Fax, +381 11 3133469 COCA COLA HBC SERBIA A.D. Director Sotiris Yannopoulos Batajnički drum 14-16,11080 Zemun +381 11 2029124 Fax, +381 11 3073199 COLLIERS INTERNATIONAL Director Maja Šahbaz Bul.Mihaila Pupina 115d,11070 New Belgrade +381 11 3139955 Fax, +381 11 3139958 DELOITTE D.O.O. Director Miloš Macura Makenzijeva 24, 11000 Belgrade, Tel, +381 11 3812100, Fax, +381 11 3812101, tipavlovic@ DINERS CLUB INTERNATIONAL BELGRADE LTD. Director Enes Zajmović Njegoševa 72,11000 Belgrade, +381 11 3442065 Fax, +381 11 3441865, ECOLAB HYGIENE D.O.O

98 Guide to The International Business Sector

Marianne Vuković Pal, Deputy Gen. Manager Milana Tankosića 8, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 2084344 Fax, +381 11 2076802 EKI TRANSFERS - WESTERN UNION Director Mirjana Zečević Kosovska 1/V, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3300301 Fax, +381 11 3228070, FIRST DATA SCG D.O.O. Director Olja Dakić Kopernikova 8, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 2071100 Fax, +381 11 2071115 FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS Director Branislav Rajić Kumodraška 162, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3970127 Fax, +381 11 3970126 FOX TELEVIZIJA D.O.O. Director Dan Bates Autoput 22, 11080 Zemun +381 11 2091000 Fax, +381 11 2091001, GRANCD MOTORS FORD MOTOR Director Stanko Radić Milutina Milankovića 21,11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2090672 Fax, +381 11 2090628, GLAXOSMITHKLINE EXPORT LTD Director Zoran Purković Omladinskih brigada 88, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 3105700 Fax, +381 11 3105799 GLOBEX GROUP D.O.O. Deputy Director Dr Aca Jovanović Goranska 12, 11300 Smederevo +381 26 225273 Fax, +381 26 225273

/ March 2010 HEWLETT PACKARD Director Slobodan Radić Omladinskih brigada 90b, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2019900 Fax, +381 11 2019936 HONEYWELL Director Laszlo Kormoczi, Bul. Zorana Đinđića 64A/ IV,11070 N. Belgrade, Tel, +381 11 2120355, Fax, +381 11 2120355, laszlo. HRG ERBIA&MONTENEGRO Director Predrag Španjević Čubrina 4/19, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3036016 Fax, +381 11 3283304 www.hrgworldwide. com/rs HYATT REGENCY HOTEL Director Žan Pjer Markadije Milentija Popovića 5, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 3011234 Fax, +381 11 3112234 belgrade.regency@hyatt. com http,//belgrade.regency. IBM D.O.O. Director Miloš Đurković, Mihajla Pupina 6/20, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2013500 Fax, +38111 20135001 com KONSING GROUP D.O.O. Director Zdenko Lekan Surčinski put 13, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 7195871 Fax, +381 11 7195874 KRAFT FOODS Director Aleksandar Rašković Francuska 81, 11000 Bel-

grade +381 11 2071246 Fax, +381 11 3032333 LEO BURNETT D.O.O. Director Miša Lukić Danila Lekića 31, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2090200 Fax, +381 11 209200 LUNA/TBWA Director Bojan Joksimović Milovana Marinkovića 3, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3980343 Fax, +381 11 3971883 MCCANN-ERICKSON GROUP Director Borislav Miljanović, Čika Ljubina 16/II, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 2022200, Fax, +381 11 3283257 MCDONALD’S RESTORANI D.O.O. Director Jovan Blažić,Bul. Mihaila Pupina 85a, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 3119566 Fax, +381 11 3119609 jovan.blazic@ MICROSOFT SOFTWARE D.O.O. Director Vladan Živanović Makedonska 30/IV, 11 000 Belgrade +381 11 3306600 Fax, +381 11 3306601 MILLENNIUM FILM & VIDEO D.O.O. Director Zoran Savić Preševska 90, 11160 Belgrade,el, +381 11 2403600 Fax, +381 11 2403600

office@millennium-film. com NEOCHIMIKI D.O.O. Director Marko Malabrazić Pančevački put 83c, 11210 Belgrade +381 11 2084943 Fax, +381 11 2751950 ORACLE SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO Director Dragana Jović, Bul. Avnoja 64a, V sprat, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2016800 Fax, +381 11 2016810 PFIZER H.C.P. CORPORATION Director Zoran Labudović Neznanog Junaka 5, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3110801 Fax, +381 11 3346173 PHILIP MORRIS D.O.O Director Skip Bornhuetter Zorana Đinđića 64 a, 11070 New Belgrade +381 11 2010800 Fax, +381 11 2010824 PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS D.O.O. Omladinskih brigada 88a, 11000 New Belgrade +381 11 3302100 Fax, +381 11 3302101 US STEEL SERBIA D.O.O. Director Richars Veith Goranska 12, 11300 Smederevo +381 26 224459 Fax, +381 26 225048 XPRO D.O.O. Director Claude Istria Radnička 5a, 11000 Belgrade +381 11 3051616 Fax, +381 11 3051625

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