For the second time, the Marketing Network (Marketing mreža) presented awards to the most influential marketing and communication experts from companies in Serbia, under the auspices of the Mark Awards project (powered by PepsiCo), which is being held this year on 21 October under the banner "Be Remarkable"
of doing business and decided to be different, acknowledging professionals who have opted to be extraordinary and to rise above the culture of sameness –with exceptional results.
The goal of the recognition pro vided by the Mark Awards is to encourage and motivate marketing and communication experts from companies in Serbia, but also to highlight their potential, talent, creativity and ability to achieve top business results and brand recogni tion. The Marketing Network wants to utilise the Mark Awards to promote professional role models, but also to contribute to improving and developing marketing communications in Serbia.
Unlike other professional awards that exist on the Serbian market, we award individuals for their personal business and professional success; individuals who have made their mark on the marketing communications mar ket in Serbia over the previous period.
Following the very successful first edition of the Mark Awards, this year, under the general sponsorship of PepsiCo, the Marketing Network awarded recognition to experts from companies that have rejected old ways
This year saw 54 experts from com panies in Serbia nominated for the Mark Awards competition, with the expert jury deciding to reward 12 of those who left their mark on the Serbian market in 2021.
The jury of the Mark Awards com prises 15 distinguished professionals - directors of companies, directors of creative, PR and digital agencies, as well as one representative of the organizer. Composing this year’s jury were: Alek sandar Goračinov, Partner, Evoke Group; Ivan Zeković, CEO, Carnex; Miloš Jovović, Director of Strategic Planning for Central Europe, PepsiCo; Marko Njavro, General Manager, SBU Snacks, Atlantic Štark; Nataša Filipović, Managing Director, Ovation BBDO; Milivoj Đorđić, General Manager, Adria Region, SmartPoint Adria; Milija Zeković, CEO, SBB Serbia and Telemach Montenegro; Neda Đokić, Managing Director, HEINEKEN Serbia; Olga Ristić, General Manager, Frikom; Srđan Lazović, General Manager, Philip Morris International (Bosnia-Herze govina & Montenegro); Iva Đurković, Managing Director, OMD Media & LUNA TBWA Belgrade; Vanja Cvetkov, Busi
ness Director, Centrade Cheil Adriatic; Violeta Kovačević, CEO, Mercator-S; Vuk Kosovac, Head of Retail, Execu tive Board Member, OTP Bank Serbia; and Ivana Parčetić Mitić, Founder and CEO, Marketing Network. The jury had a difficult task, but we are certain that we’ve selected the very best of the best.
In the years to come, the Mark Awards will continue to reward individuals in rec ognition of their personal business and professional success; professionals who leave a stellar mark on the market with their work, represent guiding stars in the business and who, together with other bright stars, form the brightest constel lations that are visible to everyone in this business sky of ours. We will reward individuals who inspire, motivate and en courage us to reach for the stars ourselves, which is what makes them exceptional.
On behalf of all jury members, I con gratulate all winners of the prestigious Mark Awards!
*The general sponsor of the Mark Awards project is PepsiCo. The regional partner is Porto Montenegro and the project was also supported by Evoke Group, LUNA\TBWA Belgrade, Smart Point Adria, Infostud 3, Mercator - S and Ušće Shopping Center. The partner agency is Ovation BBDO.
Šarčević is winner of the Mark Awards recognition in the CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER OF THE YEAR category. She tells Cord how much today’s marketing activities affect the company’s overall business results.
How would you describe the development of the marketing communications market in Serbia over the last year?
Communication has become dominantly two-way, because now consumers also have their own media through which they influence brands and the entire market. So communi cation is more intense, and every written or spoken word can affect the perception of the brand and must therefore be monitored 24/7.
How challenging is it today to manage the marketing communications of one of the largest companies in Serbia?
When there are no challenges, we marketers create them. It’s just so interesting to do this job, because that’s how we make it through small and big victories. Atlantic Stark has entered a cycle of large capital investments that will refresh and improve the portfolio of all product categories in the coming period. That’s why we have no shortage of challenges, and it’s a privilege to be a member of a team that plays such an important role for the future of Stark’s brands.
How would you describe the REMARKABLE brand today?
Remarkable is a brand that generates such strong emotions in consumers that it is
difficult to replace it with any other similar product or service. The technical condition of exceptionality is to be unique in an area, and the task of good communication is to turn this uniqueness into something special and inspire commitment. When we have all that, we can expect business success. But today’s success is short-lived. For it to last, the brand must constantly research and work on itself, it must change and find a new way to complete the lives of its consumers. Štark’s brands, Smoki and Bananica, are the best proof that excellence is attainable, but also that it can be long-lasting.
To what extent do marketing activities today affect the company’s overall business results?
The condition for good business results is a strategy based on an in-depth analysis of market, trends and consumers, for which the marketing department is responsible. What distinguishes companies today in making strategic decisions is the way in which available information is used and transmitted to the internal and external public, and successful companies have found the right way for this.
If marketing is the helm of the company, why is it that when a crisis occurs, marketing budgets are cut first?
If marketing is the helmsman, then he will willingly cut the marketing budget because he has predicted waves too strong for his boat or the team he is leading. It is important to survive and wait for the right moment.
NATAŠA ŠARČEVIĆ, DIRECTOR OF MARKETING AND INNOVATION, ATLANTIC ŠTARKIn a sea of similar campaigns and information, how to tell a different story and remain true to the brand?
I don’t think it’s necessary to be different, it’s just very important to guess the right need and clearly point it out. People to day have too many choices, it is difficult to judge which ones are right, some like to experiment, when the risk is small... However, everyone appreciates a safe choice, and there is only one snack with a unique taste that has not gone wrong for 50 years.
What does the Mark Awards recognition mean to you and how will it affect your future career?
The Mark Awards is the most important recognition in my career so far and gives me wind in my sails to continue even more impressively. This recognition also shows how great the team of marketers and en gineers I lead is. I love them a lot because they teach me, supplement and inspire me how to develop Štark for the next 100.
tourist seasonality, different holidays, the whole equation becomes even more complex.
Bojana Nenadović is winner of the Mark Awards recognition in the CHIEF MARKETING OF FICERS OF THE YEAR - MULTI COUNTRY category. She talks to Cord about how to tell the local story of a global brand.
How do you tell the local story of a global brand? How important is localization of communication?
For years centralization has been the fo cus for companies, but recently consum er pressures have made global brands turn to localization and connecting with the demographics of the region in which they are located. People want something close, something they can relate to, and brands want to build relationships with consumers.
Reconciling those two requirements is challenging, especially if you lead large global brands that strive for consistency in communication across all markets. Moreover, if we are looking at markets with different consumer habits, specific
All this requires us to have a good understanding of the local context, con sumers and their habits. However, local ization alone is no longer enough. It is hyper-personalized content that will give you the best results in marketing.
How does one brand influence the culture of a region?
The big question is whether the brand influences the culture of a region or the region influences the brand culture. Per sonally, I think that global brands can have a greater influence on popular cul ture, regardless of the region, while local brands certainly borrow more from their local culture and look for inspiration in it, inevitably becoming part of its history over time, marking entire generations or eras.
Who is consumer 3.0 and what do they expect from your brand?
Consumer 3.0 expects the brand he trusts to be current, relevant and share his values. The best marketing for a brand these days isn’t advertising, it’s the action you take. Whether it’s environmental protection, mental health or human rights, the consumer wants their favorite brand to be active.
Consumer 3.0 wants to be able to reach his brand easily and quickly, whether he is shopping online or in a physical store. Its quality must be unquestionable and consistent at all times, but that is why the experience must be new and exciting again and again. Brands must be part of the most beautiful experiences and memories of consumers, and find their place in it.
The brand must also be active on all communication channels. It is very impor tant that the brand hears and responds, so forget about automated messages on social networks. Personalize the con tent. Co-create your next campaign with consumers, that’s how you get the best brand ambassadors!
What does the Mark Awards recognition mean to you and how will it affect your further career?
The mere nomination among such profes sionals is a great recognition, and an award in itself. It only makes me even stronger in my conviction that what we are doing makes sense and that it is noticed outside the framework of the company itself and the achievement of its business goals.
The prestigious award brings with it a sense of prestige and responsibility. The responsibility to be REMARKABLE in the years to come.
Stevović is winner of the Mark Awards recognition in the BRAND MANAGER OF THE YEAR category. She has been speaking to Cord about REMARKABLE brands.
How would you describe a REMARKABLE brand?
A remarkable brand is one that is trusted, since it often uses its credibility to raise the importance of a category or an entire industry. It is a brand that is easily engraved in the consumer’s soul with its performance because it has, first of all, an essence, a personal touch, character and consistent communication. It is maintained at the pin nacle of success by a solidly based strategy and clear goals. Listening to its environment, monitoring market needs and adjusting its portfolio are just some of the factors that keep it consistent with its core values.
Who creates a brand today - consumers or corporations?
Brands are created by innovators, those motivated, passionate and capable enough to reform existing or create completely new tools needed to overcome everyday challenges, or mechanisms for a simpler and more fulfilled life. Let’s remember that the biggest global brands in the IT industry, retail, media and telecommunications are actually the visions of individuals who, with an unbreakable connection with the con sumer, were built by then small businesses - today the world’s largest corporations. In order for a brand to survive and remain successful, its creators must initially pro
vide useful, then additional value to those who buy that brand, build a relationship with the consumer, and ultimately justify expectations for future offers and one day, with a little luck, become a “lovemark”.
Is brand building a sprint or a marathon?
Always a marathon. Along the way, as we can observe the strategic approach of brand building, certain sprints will often happen –tactical activities that will just strengthen the brand’s position on the market. What’s more, we should not forget that creating an outstanding “marathon runner” requires you to be well prepared for a race against competitors, and all this through training, constant work on yourself and fighting personal challenges. It is important to have a plan, strong support on the track and on the bench, to know when you should run, at what speed and when you plan to reach the finish line. The dynamics will occasion ally be determined by weather conditions, external factors, so they will adapt to new circumstances, while the final result, when everyone reaches the goal and looks back, will be a medal for serious work.
How important are changes for mature brands?
Changes are not only important, but also valuable for producers to be competitive on the market. Every change brings something new, and thanks to them, brands grow, de velop and respond to the modern needs of consumers. The agility of a mature brand to adapt to frequent turbulence in the world economy and to the digital transformation
ALEKSANDRA STEVOVIĆ, BRAND MANAGER, PEPSICOof business is of enormous importance for its positioning.
What does the Mark Awards recognition mean to you and how will it affect your further career?
The very nomination for the Mark Awards brought me great satisfaction, many new contacts, but also additional motivation and responsibility, especially towards the younger members of the marketing department of PepsiCo, with whom I will collaborate even more intensively in the coming period. As this competition for awarding individuals is designed so that each of the nominees is presented equally to the profession, to colleagues in respected positions and to the general public, I was extremely pleased to be one of this year’s candidates for brand manager of the year. Recognition of this type certainly provides personal satis faction, confirmation that I have made something of quality, something notable of which my family will be proud, which is my greatest reward.
MajaVujašković Đureinović is winner of the Mark Awards in the PR/CORPO RATE COMMUNICATIONS
MANAGER OF THE YEAR category. She has been speaking to Cord about woke communication and why inclusion and diversity are important for her company.
IKEA traditionally supports the LGBT+ population in Serbia and publicly de fends its position. Why is inclusion and diversity important for your company?
Inclusion and diversity are part of IKEA’s DNA. We believe that everyone has the right to the same treatment and oppor tunities for development regardless of any aspect of their identity. We believe our differences make us better and believe that we are a better company because of them. We always start from our coworkers and importance of creat ing an inclusive workspace and than of advocating for these values. We believe that diversity and equality are not only good for us, coworkers and society but
also for business. Many studies show how much more creative and successful teams can be when different team members bring different opinions and world views. We are brand for many people and we believe that if our coworkers are inclusive, they can better feel and understand the needs of our consumers, and create for them an environment in which they are comfortable to talk freely about their life at home, so we can then offer relevant solutions.
You run several different markets, is woke communication strategy applicable in every market?
We are mostly engaged in areas of sustain ability, diversity, and inclusion. Although different markets could have different social and cultural backgrounds, these topics are quite relevant everywhere. Of course, to be very relevant to consumers on certain market we need to look into what is really close to people’s hearts and what can have a positive impact, in order to create a positive change. The goal of woke communication is social change, and for this a certain brand and communication can only be the initial catalyst. Change can only happen in cooperation with other social actors and consumers.
How “slippery” is the woke terrain? How do you avoid crises?
It is generally slippery. The potential for a crisis is greater if the engagement of the brand is driven by commercial interests, and if it is not followed by an honest, strategic and long-term approach in which the brand is willing to invest its financial, communicative and expert resources in promoting positive changes in society. It is a much more complex and broader engagement than a campaign and is fundamentally integrated into the brand’s business strategy. In this sense, I think that the effect is most significant when the brand decides to act in areas that are close to its field of business, because in those areas it has expertise and can achieve a fundamentally positive impact. It is crucial that with such initiatives the marketing and communication teams have the essential support of the organization.
What does the Mark Awards recognition mean to you and how will it affect your future career?
I am very proud, because I see it as a col league-to-colleague recognition, and a moment that celebrates our profession and achievements. This recognition is not only for me, but for the entire team and the many other colleagues at IKEA who contributed, because as I have already underlined several times, the success of the initiatives that got me nominated are really the result of many years of efforts by the entire organization.
Tomić is winner of the Mark Awards recognition in the INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER OF THE YEAR category. She speaks to Cord about whether B2E (business to employee) is the business model of the future.
How critical is internal communication to the success of a company? The company’s success can largely depend on internal communications, i.e. informing its staff about the company’s vision, values and business goals. In essence, the importance of internal communications for business is not difficult to understand. Just as open, two-way communication is key to the success of any interpersonal relationship, so in a company, a regular exchange of information between teams, an open dialogue and understanding between leaders and their staff are key to achieving the business goals.
What role does management play in pre venting burnout syndrome in companies? A key role! It is the management that should take care of the amount and distribution of work and resources, empowering employees and ensuring a suitable balance between their business and private obligations. We live very dynamic lives, rushing to fulfill our daily obligations, often stuck in traffic or queues and in a constant race against time. If, in addition, we struggle at work with excessive demands, unrealistic deadlines and unclear communication with the manager, burnout is inevitable! In addition to flexibility that managers can provide to employees, a re lationship of trust and understanding, together
with time for relaxation and socializing, is also very important.
Is the salary level the only decisive factor for choosing an employer today? The salary is certainly an important factor and is the main subject of negotiations between the employer and a future employee. How ever, if that condition is easily fulfilled and we find ourselves in a situation where we can choose between several options, the choice of employer will be influenced by the stability of the company, its corporate culture and the values that are followed in the company. The possibility of development and advancement, the benefits that the company provides to its staff and that will affect the quality of their lives, that is, the balance between work and private obligations, are also important to candidates. These benefits can be flexible working hours, the possibility of working outside the office, health insurance, additional days off... Also, the company’s reputation and its relationship and responsibility towards the community become factors that influence the choice of employer among new generations of candidates. They want to see that in addition to profit, the company aims for some common good, some higher goal for the community.
Is B2E (business to employee) the business model of the future?
Judging by everything we have mentioned, yes, B2E is already the business model of the present and, I hope, of the future as well. The employee is finally at the center of attention, where he belongs. If we want to be attractive to users
SANJA TOMIĆ, EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATION MANAGER, A1 SERBIAas a company, we must first be attractive to employees and gain their trust. It remains for as many companies as possible to apply this model and work on improving the experience of their staff who consequently create a good user experience for consumers.
What does the Mark Awards recognition mean to you and how will it affect your further career?
The very existence of the Mark Awards recognition is important for our market, as it contributes to the promotion of the profes sion, sharing good examples from practice and stories of professionals who inspire us to push the boundaries. Although this award is given to individuals for personal business success, it is clear that behind the success of individuals in companies, especially when it comes to internal communications, there is teamwork and indispensable cooperation with many colleagues. The Mark Awards recognition is a very welcome confirmation of the success and strength of internal com munications in which my colleagues and I have invested a lot of energy, effort and creativity in recent years in an effort to preserve the unity and unique team spirit of A1 Serbia.
Miladinović is winner of the Mark Awards in the EMPLOYER BRANDING MANAGER OF THE YEAR category. She tells Cord what the purpose of brands will be in the future in relation to employees.
To what extent are employer branding strategies crucial for the success of a company today?
As with any other business project, having a clear strategy is a condition for success. It is there to guide us, but it starts with an important analysis that gives us insights into the current market situation, as well as our current reputation as an employer. This basis is very important for further setting the goals of employer branding campaigns, not only in terms of response and expectations from the candidates we address, but also in terms of the need for us as an employer to modify, and even rebrand or adapt our culture, in order to attract the people we need. At PepsiCo, we conducted extensive global research to understand who our audience is when we talk about candidates, how they perceive us in different segments, different regions and what is decisive for them when choosing
a new work environment. We organized focus groups locally, created Talent Personas to define our strategy more easily and to focus on the right things. Of course, it is not possible to implement all this if you do not have internal brand ambassadors who live what you are promoting and who are happy and satisfied where they work.
For the PepsiCo company, a significant ad vantage is the possibility of talents to work for other PepsiCo markets - from here in Serbia or even by moving to one of the PepsiCo markets anywhere in the world. For new generations, the possibility of working in global markets is a great professional motive. This kind of knowledge about the needs of a new generation is an important guideline for how we continue to shape our messages.
What will be the purpose of brands in the future in relation to employees?
Employees, like consumers, want to see the value a brand has for them. And this is not only about one primary value that the brand provides, but about a system of additional value that is reflected through the contribution to the improvement of a segment of society, a value that is important to them - whether it is about equality, inclusion, support for green agendas and influence on climate change. All this is equally important for employees. The ethics of the company or brand, as well as the goals pursued, are taken for granted, and all this must be supplemented by some strong, courageous and important support for the
future of the entire community.
How do we measure the success of employer branding projects today?
Employer branding is much more of a marathon than a 100-metre race. Yes, it is important how many applications you received for an open position, but it is much more important that there is continuity and long-term relationship between employer and employee. It is much more than a single campaign, because employee satisfaction is cared for and worked on every day. When satisfaction becomes the continuous everyday life of the team in the company, a good reputation travels quickly and creates an environment that some new talents who may not have even considered this option will want to be a part of.
What does the Mark Awards recognition mean to you and how will it affect your fur ther career?
First of all, I am very pleased that in Serbia we have such recognition for work in the field of employer branding and that this is an area that is recognized as important for the development of our market and individual companies. This is a significant wind in the sails of all employer branding teams, because we know that our work and contribution to the promotion and improvement of corporate culture, internal values and a good atmosphere are valued and help companies and talents to find their longterm business comrades and to create good practices in the region and share experiences.
Nestov is the winner of the Mark Awards in the DIGITAL MARKETING MANAGER OF THE YEAR category. She talks with Cord about how to reach “peak experience” on digital channels.
How do you reach “peak experience” on digital channels?
The basis of the experience we create is a well-designed digital strategy that in the digital era grows into a marketing strategy.
Today, digital is no longer just a media channel, but a competitive strategic advantage and the driving force behind the development of new products and services. Consumers take centre stage, and brands and the teams behind them are there to listen carefully to their needs, follow trends and adapt to the market in which they operate. Digital marketing enables two-way communica tion with consumers and gives brands the ability to successfully adapt to changes on the demand side, in real time - which is a condition for healthy business development as a whole. Brand experience becomes the basis of competitiveness, while content on digital channels is today measured by quali tative indicators of success, such as shares, saves and comments. The number of likes is certainly not decisive, but the usefulness that our content has for our consumer, and the sentiment it evokes. The emotion we transmit is particularly important and should be taken into account when considering what
is a “peak” for us as a brand, when and how to react to hype, trend or any other viral element that digital channels spread at high speed today. Their receptiveness and potency are often just a desire for quick results. That is why it is important that brands are guided by strategy, that there is a digital agenda and that digital KPIs are set and measured in accordance with brand and business goals. Then the measurability of digital is a function of the brand, and not an end in itself, which is often the case in an attempt to produce “peak experience”.
Why are most brands in Serbia not al ready on TikTok?
TikTok is growing in popularity, both among users and brands. Most brands today have a strategy for their appearance, which will only be more noticeable when advertising starts in Serbia. The presence of brands on any social network actually depends on the strategy of the brand: segmentation, positioning and targeting of users. TikTok is certainly interesting in terms of content and different from Facebook and Insta gram, but we should not ignore Meta and its adaptability, and in this sense the Reels format follows the popularity of this growing network, albeit less effectively.
Is NFT a passing digital fad?
The hot segment of cryptocurrencies has taken the Internet economy by storm and created a potentially huge opportunity
OLJA NESTOV, SENIOR DIGITAL MARKETING SPECIALIST, ATLANTIC GRAND (ATLANTIC GRUPA)for brands. Hybrid experiences are also in development. The limitation of ‘live experience’ in the past two years has already made room for virtual experi ence. We are witnessing the emergence of the ‘metaverse’, the concept of a new immersive digital environment. It is up to brands to explore and take advantage of the new, hybrid reality and create the opportunity for enhanced brand experi ence. Interactive content and the use of BLOCKCHAIN technology are steps that Grand kafa has already taken, while the first NFTs have already appeared on the Serbian market.
What does the Mark Awards recognition mean to you and how will it affect your further career?
I am enthusiastic about a bright digital future and that is why I will proudly and responsibly wear the Mark Awards rec ognition for Digital Marketing Manager of the Year, for the purpose of further progress and development of our profes sion as a whole.
Đorđević is the winner of the Mark Awards in the CSR
MANAGER OF THE YEAR cat egory. She is speaking to Cord magazine about whether it is possible to be responsible towards your brand and towards consumers (society) at the same time.
Will the formula in future read: sustainable = responsible = strong brand?
The essence of such a ‘formula’ is re sponsibility. For a brand to be strong, its activities must be strategically directed and visible to a wider population. People must be involved in the change, they must see and feel the improvement. This is how trust is built, image and reputation are strengthened, but also empathy and solidarity are developed. This is evident in all the campaigns and projects I have worked on both before and at Hemofarm Foundation – from ‘The Most Important Call in Life’, a campaign aimed at raising public awareness about the importance of organ donation and transplantation to
‘The Unbreakable’ campaign focused on fighting depression and stigma, and the ‘You Can Do It’ project in the Programme for Education, which is intended for final year students of medical, pharmaceutical, technical and technological faculties.
Why do companies swap from CSR to ESG strategies nowadays?
We live in a deeply divided world and the last thing I would like to witness is a debate about how we should refer to social responsibility. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and ESG (Environmental, Social and Govern ance) are complementary and cannot exist without each other. Both inform the public about the values, activities and goals of a company. Although CSR in most instances is not subject to quantitative assessment, it adds value and is a foundation for the brand’s ESG strategy. Taking just one look at the Hemofarm Sustainable Development Report 2021 would be sufficient for you to understand that CSR and ESG are just two sides of the same coin.
Is it possible to be responsible towards your brand and consumers (society) at the same time?
It is possible, of course. We live in times in which the boundaries between purpose and business are blurred, when to be re sponsible and do good is also good for business. There is no successful business
nowadays without social responsibility, which is primarily reflected in attitudes to employees, and then to the wider commu nity. Young people have long been opting for socially responsible brands, while the public expects companies and their lead ers to clearly and unambiguously express their views on the most important social and political issues. This is what the latest Edelman Trust Barometer, and one of the biggest philanthropists, Richard Branson, speak about.
What does the Mark Awards recognition mean to you and what effect will it have on your future career?
I didn’t believe that I would win the Mark Award. I was happy even to be short-listed for the CSR Manager of the Year. When I received the e-mail that I was the winner of the award, I was surprised and very glad. For me, rewards are a great stimulus, a confirmation that you are worth it and that you are doing a good job. They are also an opportunity to see where you stand compared to others. The fact that you are the winner among all the nominees for the ‘Mark Awards’ selected by the directors of 15 national and international companies and agencies is a great acknowledgment. I really don’t know how the recognition will shape my further career. I would like it to be a step ahead, as I know that I can give a lot more to the community I work and live in.
FilipGujaničić is winner of the Mark Awards in the RISING STAR OF THE YEAR category. He tells Cord how the marketing profession is still attractive to young talents.
To what extent is the marketing profession still attractive to young talents? Although marketing is considered a young and new profession, it has reached a major value on the global market in a short time. Sometimes we are not aware and often ignore how much influence marketing actu ally has on the growth and development of many companies. I can freely say that this profession is most interesting to younger generations who like research, creativity and dynamism and who think quickly. Young talents can best follow the dynamic pace in which we live today and invest their creativ ity in projects and opportunities that bring successful results to companies every day.
To what extent do young people today in the profession have opportunities for additional education, but also for their voice to be heard?
It is of key importance for the further devel opment of the company to give a voice to young people during their first employment, this will empower them and make them feel as if they belong here, that they and that
their contribution are valued. This approach to business not only helps them engage and develop team-building and leadership skills, but also helps companies continue to evolve, because that’s what the market dictates today. At Frikom, we mean by education that young people need to be taught how their voice can and should be heard, how to react in certain situations and in which direction they must further develop social and emotional skills, which will inevitably contribute to their further progress.
Can we say that today’s young talents are the “fuel” of the profession?
Absolutely. Young talents bring a fresh per spective and a different way of thinking to a company’s operations, and most are eager to learn and build skills and experience that will contribute to their further development. Every profession needs them, because they bring freshness and encourage innovation with their ideas and talent. A new way of thinking, a desire for work and effort, and adaptability, give them an advantage in a working environment that is more agile, changeable and faster than ever. It is of crucial importance that we work together to support everyone who wants to express themselves, so that they can assert them selves within their profession. At Frikom we implement the Talent Pool Management
project, which aims to identify young people with the potential to achieve top results and form new professional staff.
I believe that for every company and its success, it is necessary to provide support to those who are at the very beginning of their career, because over time they become an expression of the efficiency of a company.
What does the Mark Awards recognition mean to you and how will it affect your further career?
Most people want to be successful in their work, and this can only be achieved through hard work and dedication. Being recognized and appreciated in your in dustry means a lot, and every award and recognition only confirms the efforts made along the way. Winning a prestigious award such as the Mark Awards confirms all the hard work behind me. It motivates me to be even more successful in future projects and to be a role model for young people, one who will encourage them to make further progress.
FILIP GUJANIČIĆ, JUNIOR BRAND MANAGER, FRIKOMHow quickly and easily do consumers accept innovations in Serbia?
MILENA ĐORIĆ GUDURIĆ, MARKETING DIRECTOR FOR THE MARKETS OF SERBIA, MONTENEGRO AND BIH, MASTERCARDĐorić Gudurić is win ner of the Mark Awards in the BRAND INNOVATOR OF THE YEAR category. She tells Cord how quickly and easily consumers accept innovations in Serbia.
When is the right moment for innovation in a company?
The moment for innovation in a company is certainly before the moment when the innovation is put before users. First of all, the company must adopt a fundamentally creative and innovative way of thinking, which means that it will organically understand and create innovative products and services that it will present to users. I keep returning to the expectations of users - they are constantly growing, as their lifestyles change and diversify. Cultural changes and technical in novations affect the fact that the established approach to marketing has been upended, which is why brands have to innovate to remain relevant in the eyes of consumers.
Mastercard has brought numerous innovations in online and card payments to the market of Serbia and the region.
It is only a matter of time for users to accept innovations that intuitively fit into their every day life and meet their real needs. These are the conditions that actually dictate the pace of adoption of innovations, and the factors that help speed up that process are the nec essary infrastructure, regulation, education and practice. Payment technologies are a great example of this. Until 10 or 15 years ago, the use of cards could be described as shy, more oriented to ATMs than to payments in shops, and the use of e-commerce was practically at the level of statistical error. The reason for this was a lack of understanding of technology, insufficient situations for using cards and the mistrust of users who were deeply connected to traditional patterns of behaviour. Over time, through insisting on user education at every point of interaction with our brand, as well as through work with partners from the banking and trade sectors and numerous promotional campaigns, we managed to introduce innovations that have a long-term effect. Moreover, since the digitally native generation is growing up, it is realistic to expect that their needs will accelerate the further pace of innovation, and I believe that an exciting chapter in the development of the payment industry is ahead of us.
Why are Superheroes an innovation on our market?
With the Superhero.rs platform and fashion brand, NURDOR has also become an eCom merce retailer and that is the essence of
innovation in this project. The Superhero collection consists of pieces that follow fashion trends from season to season, which is also helped by guest designers. We decided on this approach because we wanted to make Superhero a brand that people will really want to wear, and will not associate it with donating purely out of pity. By creating a positive connotation and with a strong commitment to digital channels, the Superhero.rs online platform brings philanthropy closer to younger gen erations, as it is adapted to their habits. I think that this influence on changing the consciousness of the next generation of decision-makers is a major value that our Superheroes project brings.
What does the Mark Awards recognition mean to you and how will it affect your further career?
Awards for successful projects and the ef fort invested in their realization are always pleasing, and that is to say it immodestly, recognition for all the previous work you have invested in yourself to reach a certain level of excellence, but also an obligation to continue at the same pace. That’s why I congratulate all my colleagues on the awards they have won, as well as my colleagues who made it to the finals, because they have all contributed to moving the boundaries of our industry forward. I am especially grateful to my colleagues, who with their knowledge and experience are an invaluable part of the success of our campaigns and everything we have innovated on the market so far.
Danijela Gašparac is the winner of the Mark Awards in the SUPER HERO OF THE YEAR category. She tells Cord in which direction brands should transform, bearing in mind that we live in a hyper-personal era.
What does consistent brand management mean today?
It means not to change the essence of the brand due to gusts of “wind”. A good brand is consistent with itself, and the team that runs it is consistent with it. No crises, competition, internal and external changes can disrupt what it is. It’s okay to change communication, it’s okay, after a while and if necessary, to change communi cation platforms, focuses or channels, but consistent brand management assumes that the essence remains intact. And this is the key item that allows brands to be successful and stable in the long term.
How has the COVID-19 crisis affected brands? Did superhero brands stand out on the market during the crisis? Superheroes are perceived in various ways. For some, superheroes are brands that donated money to those threatened by pandemic conditions, for some, they are brands that provided encouragement and motivation in difficult times, and for some, those that took care of their staff.
For me, all of these are superheroes, as are all brands that have managed to survive without harming anyone, in any way.
Do consumers appreciate brands that continuously communicate with them, regardless of market developments? Do consumers like honest brands?
I think continuity is important, but the consistency I mentioned is more important. Even when its frequency is lower, consistent communication will give a stronger impact and better results. Honesty is crucial in all relationships, including between the brand and the user (the customer). This is also the strategy that I personally prefer to choose.
In what direction should brands trans form, bearing in mind that we live in a hyper-personal era?
I don’t think that brands need to drastically transform themselves, just to monitor the market(s) and trends carefully. We are seeing a huge shift in what market ing really is. It’s no longer about trying to convince people to buy from or work with your company. Instead, the priority has shifted to providing the best user experience that will keep people coming back for more. In addition to personalized advertising messages, it is necessary to find a way to listen and answer their questions, which today more than before
implies coordination of the primarily digital advertising team with customer support and sales. Whatever next year or the following years bring us, one thing is certain – the future of marketing and business lies in inclusion and connection with the real needs of customers. The user experience must be found in every aspect of an advertising campaign, and will increasingly be crucial for the per ception and survival of brands.
What does the Mark Awards recognition mean to you and how will it affect your further career?
It’s always nice when your effort and work is recognized, especially when it’s by renowned experts. Professionally it makes me very pleased, and I am sure that it is important that there is an award like this, which also recognizes the work of marketers, who are mostly always in the background. And the reward is just an additional incentive and responsibility, to keep learning and try to always be even better!
The reputation of the profession is creat ed by everyone who works in this sector, and we are all equally responsible for it. Whether it’s about company or agency staff, everyone is individually responsible, but also collectively, because we all know that the best ideas are born in a team and implemented through joint efforts.
What does REMARKABLE business success mean today and what percentage of that success is attributable to marketing?
It depends on how we look at it, for some it’s achieved numbers, for some it’s campaigns that leave a mark, the emotions we evoke in consumers... Also, it’s every opinion that is different from the generally accepted one, which leads to campaigns that are later viewed as unique - out of the box.
Jovanović is the winner of the Mark Awards SPECIAL RECOGNITION FOR PERSON AL CONTRIBUTION TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PROFESSION. He tells Cord what role the marketing departments of companies play in creating the business of the future.
How would you rate the Serbian mar keting communications market? Where are we in relation to the region?
We have had an excellent bounce-back after the corona crisis period. Growth is visible, both in marketing investment and in the growth of the number of agencies. That is why it should be especially focused on improvement through education. We continue to run behind the EU countries in investments, while in terms of the quality of marketing, I can freely say that the markets are quite similar. I think the key thing for the growth of the marketing communications market is the constant education of people at the C-level.
Why is it necessary to involve companies more actively in education and knowl edge-sharing with young talents who are taking their first steps in the profession?
It is extremely important to deal with young talents and share knowledge as much as possible, because in this way they mature much faster in a business sense and get a foundation at a high level. This is how we will get much more expert marketing people, who will constantly “raise” the reputation of the profession to an ever higher level.
What role do the marketing departments of companies play in creating the business of the future?
In the fastest companies, the most impor tant role. Only agile companies can respond quickly to micro-moments or market sit uations. There are official and unofficial statuses. In some companies, marketing is officially an important function, while unofficially, it is not. The business of the future is a company in which marketing is unofficially the most important department of the company.
Remarkable business success is when you go from being anonymous to becom ing the number 1 brand. REMARKABLE is the game changer. These are marketing experts who recognize a micro-moment in market behaviour and change the game, i.e. they satisfy a great unconscious need on the market. A good marketing expert makes the company or brand look smart, and a REMARKABLE expert makes the customer feel smart.
What does the Mark Awards recognition mean to you and how will it affect your further career?
As for my career, I don’t think it will change anything, except that it confirms that I have overcome all the challenges and that I have learned from them. Throughout my career, I was authentic, found new ways of promotion, I was not afraid to try something else, that’s how I learned and developed. This award is one of the signs that I am on the right path, an incentive to continue developing myself and others, and above all to believe in my vision and be persistent.