High Time For New Milestones
I consider the commemoration of this Jubilee as an invaluable opportunity to lay down bridges of dialogue, communication and exchange through numerous means that include business, art, history, cinema and music ~ H.E. Nasser Bourita
At a time when the world is going through unprecedented transformations, complex challenges and multidimen sional risks, there are also unique opportunities ahead of us. As a committed global partner of Serbia, Morocco wishes to move forward side by side to take advantage of this situation in order to embark on a much more promising path of mutual prosperity.
On 1st March, 2022, the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Serbia celebrated the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Belgrade and Rabat. To com memorate this special milestone, then Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikola Selaković and myself agreed, during his visit last year, to designate the year 2022 as the “Year of Morocco in Serbia and the Year of Serbia in Morocco”.

Since our bilateral relations have always placed people at the centre of its agenda and at the heart of its achievements, I consider the commemoration of this jubilee as an in valuable opportunity to lay down bridges of dialogue, communication and exchange through numerous means that include business, art, history, cinema and music. I believe that human relations are the main link to connect our two geo-strategically important states, and thereby better linking Africa to the Western Balkans.
The two nations, equally strong in the face of adversity, which have gone through key mo ments hand-in-hand, such as the 1st Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement in Belgrade in 1961, and two peoples united in the defence of their respective national sovereignty and terri
Moroccan-Serbian cooperation has proven to be in line with the flow of history. It is high time to set new milestones and elevate our cooperation to an unprecedented level amid the unprecedented challenges of recent times
torial integrity. The solid bond that unites us is not only the expression of a deep relationship
rooted in history, but also the primary attribute of the credibility and reliability that both our states enjoy within the international society and within our bilateral relations. At the end of the day, Morocco and Serbia, despite being separated by geography, share a common core of values that aligns our visions and welds our external action.

On the principals of mutual respect, common interest, and a shared informed vision, we have come a long way in further deepening our relations in many respects, especially in the most heartfelt and structural aspects. The friendship that binds our two nations has not been overlooked. His Majesty King Mohammed VI has personally cited Serbia amongst the inner circle of the Kingdom’s friends. It is, for us, the most significant signal of the excellence of those relations.
Looking ahead, I am utterly convinced that we can achieve more. This jubilee shoulders the responsibility of our like-minded governments to provide the adequate content to meet the expectations of our two Heads of States and peoples. To this end, the time has come to jointly explore the opportunity for a fully vested strategic partnership. A partnership that can equip us with the necessary means to respond to the ongoing transformations and take advantage of the immense opportunities that lie ahead. A framework that structures the workflow that our two diplomatic bodies, our public institutions and our governments can use as a springboard to reach the political and economic goals we want for our relationship.

Traditional Friends, Partners For The Future
The Republic of Serbia and the Kingdom of Morocco are bound by decades of sincere friendship. We are very proud of the unbreakable historical ties we have with the Kingdom of Morocco, a country with which we are commemorating 65 years of diplomatic relations this year. On the occasion of this important anniversary, a number of events have been organised throughout the year within the scope of the programme "Serbia in Morocco and Morocco in Serbia”
Our citizens had the opportunity to enjoy the rich cultural and artis tic programme prepared by our Moroccan friends, while Serbia successfully presented its history, culture and art in several Moroccan cities. I am convinced that this event, as well as other projects, will contribute to bringing our friendly peoples even closer together.
This anniversary year is an opportunity to affirm our shared commitment to developing cooperation in all fields, for which both Bel grade and Rabat have shown a high level of readiness. We have a rich history of togeth erness, dating back to the early days of the Non-Aligned Movement, and therefore it is incumbent upon us to deepen our political contacts and cultural cooperation in the period ahead, and especially the economic exchange for which there is huge untapped potential. In this regard, we will support in particular the work being done by the Serbia-Morocco Business Council, led by the chambers of commerce of our countries, and it is our de sire for it to become a bridge strengthening economic cooperation.
Serbia is strongly committed to continuing its successful harmonisation with Morocco in international organisations, in the spirit of friendship and mutual trust.
This is also a good opportunity to reaffirm my gratitude to the Kingdom of Morocco for
its continuous support to the preserving of the sovereignty and territorial integrity
of the Republic of Serbia, as well as for the principled position maintained by Morocco in international organisations.

It is with great pleasure that I recall the meetings I’ve had to date with high-level officials of Morocco, both in my capacity as Minister of Foreign Affairs and as Speaker of the National Assembly, and I particularly look forward to continuing my cooperation with Minister Nasser Bourita, who I consider as both my own friend and a friend of our people.

Serbia is strongly committed to continuing its successful harmonisation with Morocco in international organisations, in the spirit of friendship and mutual trustMOHAMED MEHDI BENSAID, MOROCCAN MINISTER OF YOUTH, CULTURE AND COMMUNICATION

Joint Moroccan-Serbian Youth Programmes Required

Cooperation between Morocco and Serbia flourishes more with every passing day. The two countries have understood the importance of building cultural bridges to bring people, and therefore countries, together.
As of today, Morocco and Serbia have devel oped strong cooperation in different fields of culture: cultural heritage, archives, arts, music, choreography and visual arts.
Increasing the axis of this cooperation and partnership provides a strong basis to create synergy between the different stakeholders.
Morocco and Serbia enjoy strong bilateral relations; the assessment of the celebration commemorating the 65th anniversary of the es tablishment of diplomatic relations is more than positive. In the field of culture, Serbia has become an important partner, especially when it comes to exchanging expertise between institutions, but also through increasing participation in cultural events and happenings organised by both countries.
It is a known fact that cultural diplomacy is an important vector, as it provides an opportunity for countries to showcase the richness of their culture on the international stage, and allows peoples to be brought together. It conquers the heart of every country: its citizens.
Apart from cooperation in other important fields, Morocco and Serbia have placed cultural cooperation under the spotlight, which has played a major role in strengthening relations between the two countries and enhancing our longstanding friendship.
The organisation of Moroccan events in Ser bia, such as the Moroccan Film Festival at the Yugoslav Cinematheque Film Archives and the Forum of Moroccan Artisans in Novi Sad, as well as participation in the Belgrade Book Fair, allows
The organisation of Moroccan events in Serbia, such as the Moroccan Film Festival at the Yugoslav Cinematheque Film Archives and the Forum of Moroccan Artisans in Novi Sad, as well as participation in the Belgrade Book Fair, allows Morocco to share and make known its culture on a different horizon, providing a chance to share experiences and visions
Morocco to share and make known its culture on a different horizon, providing a chance to share experiences and visions. It also provides an opportunity for the people to discover what both countries have in common, be that through literature, film or even music, as art and culture are universal languages.
As Minister of Youth, Culture and Communi cation, it is my belief that it is very important to
offer different cultural and artistic programmes to the Moroccan youth, as an opportunity for them to showcase their own creativity and innovative minds. Whether at a national or international level, we have to continuously encourage them to participate in such programmes and events.
The Ministry has a large network of youth centres (Maisons de jeunes) nationwide across Morocco. This infrastructure has been made to hold different activities related to education, the arts or even sport. This entails many young Moroccans being part of this large network and having direct access to these activities. The role of these youth centres is to develop talents, offer fun experiences and shape these young people in becoming responsible and well-balanced adults. The ministry can take advantage of this landscape to promote the youth’s participation in local, na tional and international events, in order to offer different perspectives and horizons to boost their sense of creativity and innovation.
On another hand, Morocco and Serbia have to jointly create youth exchange programmes, to help increase their openness to the world. Through these cultural programmes, targeting different artistic and cultural fields, both countries will offer diverse experiences open to the youth of both countries.
In this regard, I am looking forward to next year receiving my Serbian counterpart, Mrs. Maja Gojković, in Rabat, to discuss ways and means to reinforce our cooperation in cultural fields, such as the protection of cultural heritage and the cinematography industry. The Republic of Serbia and the Kingdom of Morocco share a longstanding friendship and I am sure that our relations will only grow closer in the future.
Jubilee Year Of Successful Cultural Cooperation
Iwould describe cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco in the field of culture as having been good in general from the outset, with a clear upward trend. This level of cooperation is primarily reflected in the bilateral documents signed between the two countries in the last decade covering the fields of culture, higher education, scientific research, education, professional training, communications, youth and sports.
The fact that the dialogue between Serbia and Morocco has particularly intensified this year, when we are celebrating 65 years of diplomatic ties, indicates the importance our two countries attach to strengthening our bilateral ties, nurturing friendly relations and promoting understanding between the two peoples. In this sense, we greatly appreciate the support and clear position of the Kingdom of Morocco in preserving Serbia’s cultural, historical and religious heritage in Kosovo, which is exceptionally important to Serbia.

It has been well recognised that cultural cooper ation is a pillar of international relations. Thanks to the very active embassies and ministries of culture on both sides, the “Year of Morocco in Serbia” and “Year of Serbia in Morocco” programmes were or ganised to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the establishing of diplomatic relations between our two countries. This significant anniversary provided additional impetus to the development of cultural cooperation and the exchange of experiences in the field of culture and art in both countries.
In addition to several events initiated by the Embassy of Morocco in Serbia, I would like to highlight two events at which Serbia presented itself in Morocco. The first is the exhibition Two faces of the Pirot Rug, organised by the Ethno
graphic Museum of Belgrade and presented at the Dar Si Said National Museum of Weaving and Carpets in Marrakech (169 rugs), which confirmed the similarity of elements of our cultures and in tangible cultural heritage. The Roads of the Roman Emperors, a joint exhibition of the Archaeological Institute of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts and Viminacium Archaeological Park, is currently in Rabat and will soon move to Tangier. Both exhibitions were implemented in cooperation with the National Foundation of Museums of the Kingdom of Morocco.
Preparations are underway for an official visit to the Kingdom of Morocco by a delegation of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Serbia, which is planned for early 2023, when agreements are to be signed covering the field of cultural heritage protection and cooperation in the field of film and audio-visual activities.

The Republic of Serbia, as a country that is deeply invested in global trends and the agenda for international cultural cooperation, is also fully dedicated to developing cultural cooperation with
the Kingdom of Morocco on a multilateral plain. As an illustration, a very important event will be held in Rabat during the coming weeks that relates to intangible cultural heritage, which is a topic of growing interest worldwide.

I would also point out that the Serbian public most often receives opportunities to get acquainted with the culture of Morocco through the activi ties of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Serbia, such as translations of the works of Moroccan writers into the Serbian language. The Moroccan Film Days event, held at the Yugoslav Cinematheque Film Archives, introduced the local public to Moroccan cinematography, as well as to Moroccan music and gastronomy and traditional Moroccan crafts.
Last, but certainly not least, the Embassy of Morocco regularly organises programmes within the framework of Francophonie Month in the Republic of Serbia, which has been part of the international organisation of La Francophonie since 2006 and has been an affiliated member since 2018. As the clear political will exists for Serbia to soon become a full member, we see an extended friendly hand in Morocco.
Given that we are approaching the end of 2022, we have a realistic basis to declare this year one of the most successful to date within the framework of cooperation in the field of culture.
Morocco is a country that captivates with colour and sound, with its rich history and long tradition of the written word that resonates far and wide. In the coming period, the Republic of Serbia will continue to be committed to enhancing cultural cooperation with the Kingdom of Morocco in var ious fields, but also to strengthening our bilateral relations in general.

We greatly appreciate the support and clear position of the Kingdom of Morocco in preserving Serbia’s cultural, historical and religious heritage in Kosovo, which is exceptionally important to SerbiaH.E. MOHAMMED AMINE BELHAJ, AMBASSADOR OF THE KINGDOM OF MOROCCO TO THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA

Shared Principles And Values
The creation of a success story will inspire entrepreneurs from both countries to invest and create win-win partnerships ~ H.E. Mohammed Amine Belhaj.
It was in March this year that Rabat and Belgrade formally commemorated the 65th anniversary of the establishing of their diplomatic relations. How did your embassy celebrate this jubilee?
Indeed, 2022 was a special year in the history of our bilateral relations, as we celebrated our long-lasting friendship, and the historical bonds uniting our peoples, in both Serbia and Morocco.
In this regard, the Embassy organised nu merous activities of an artistic, cultural and economic nature to celebrate this joyous episode in our history, with the aim of introducing to our Serbian friends the aforementioned aspects of the Moroccan identity.
The culmination of this commemoration will take place on 9th December, through a “TRIPLE CONCERTO” concert performed by talented Moroccan pianist Dina Bensaid, accompanied by two gifted young Musicians playing Violin and Cello, at Madlenianum Opera & Theatre.
I want to seize this opportunity to thank all our Moroccan and Serbian partners, for without their support and engagement we couldn’t have made this celebration the remarkable success that it has been.
At the political level, how would you evaluate relations between Morocco and Serbia? Relations between our countries are witnessing exceptional momentum at the political level, given that both the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Serbia believe in a set of principles and values, in particular respect for the territo

rial integrity and national sovereignty of United Nations member states.
Based on this common understanding, our friendly nations mutually support each other on the international scene. The position of the Kingdom of Morocco towards the Kosovo issue is a principled stance. My country does not sup port separatism and stands against all attempts to threaten the national unity and integrity of states. Hence, Morocco considers Kosovo a part of Serbia. At the same time, Morocco supports and encourages the political dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina led by Brussels, in order to find a permanent peaceful settlement to this issue.
On the other hand, the Republic of Serbia considers the Moroccan initiative of advanced autonomy for its southern provinces as a good solution to this artificial conflict, considering that it meets all the criteria set by the United Nations Security Council resolutions since 2007.
Thus, to summarise, I believe there is a clear will from our respective leaderships to further develop our bilateral relations and transform
them into a strategic partnership based on mutual respect and deep-rooted friendship.
You have been representing your country in Serbia for more than five years. In your opinion, what areas of cooperation still need to be developed?
Speaking frankly, I believe that we still have a long way to go when it comes to economic cooperation. I think that both our countries offer huge potential and benefits that are yet to be explored.
I always say that the Moroccan and Serbian economies are complementary rather than com petitive, and the commercial exchange between our countries should grow substantially if it is to truly reflect our excellent bilateral relations at the political level.
I was very happy to see that the commercial exchange between our countries quadrupled in 2020, reaching an all-time record of 743,31 Million Dirhams (approx. €70 million). Regardless of how much this number is below the aspirations of both our leaders, I believe that the dynamic is positive and that we must build on it by further encouraging initiatives and actions aimed at stimulating networking between our business communities and, more importantly, through the creation of a success story that will inspire entrepreneurs from both countries to invest and create win-win partnerships.
I am therefore looking forward to the holding of the 3rd session of the Joint Economic Com mission in Belgrade, and the 1st session of the Moroccan-Serbian Business Council, in order to start progressing on this matter, and to present a powerful indication of the strong will of our respective governments to boost economic cooperation between our countries.

Focused On Establishing Direct Flights
The Moroccan National Tourism Office unveiled its new international brand “Morocco - Kingdom of Light", which represents the cornerstone of the promotional campaign that Morocco is targeting and which is dedicated to international tourism, both on traditional and emerging markets
We launched a new communication platform that reveals the wealth that the Kingdom of Morocco has to offer: Morocco is much more than a destination to visit: it is a country that lives through its arts and crafts, its living culture, its gastronomy, its creativity and its human values - says Director of the Moroccan National Tourist Office Adel El Fakir, speaking in this interview for CorD Magazine.
In your opinion, how does the “Morocco - Kingdom of light” branding contribute to strengthening the trendy image of your country among Serbian tourists?

“Morocco – Kingdom of Light” is a powerful promise that positions Morocco among the world’s most coveted tourist destinations, which reinforces its repute and its attractiveness.
The campaign constitutes a turning point in the communication of the destination. It breathes new life into it and strengthens its reputation with the international public, particularly the new generations of travellers, young tourists, more dynamic, more connected, and in constant demand for the unexpected and new discoveries. We are convinced that this will also have a great impact on Serbian tourists.
How could the Moroccan National Tourism Office work to attract more Serbian tourists to Morocco?
The Serbian tourist market is an emerging market that represents a lot of potential for Morocco. Our country welcomed more than 5,000 visitors from Serbia in 2019. We aim to increase this figure by
The Serbian tourism market is an emerging market for Morocco that represents a lot of potential. Our country welcomed more than 5,000 visitors from Serbia in 2019. We aim to increase this number by undertaking a series of actions to establish the Morocco brand and highlight the Kingdom’s tourism and cultural assets in Serbia

undertaking a series of actions to establish the Morocco brand and highlighting the Kingdom’s tourism and cultural assets in Serbia. We have, for example, participated in the Moroccan culture and craft week organised in Serbia, and in the Belgrade Tourism Fair. We have also developed
synergies with the Moroccan Embassy in Serbia, through participation in cultural and promotional activities held in the Serbian city of Novi Sad.
At the same time, the Moroccan National Tourism Office is working with Serbian tourism operators to establish offers to increase sales of the Moroccan destination. We are also working to improve air connectivity between the two countries, as well as the scheduling of charter flights to Morocco.
Does the Moroccan National Tourism Office intend to organise tourism prospecting missions in the Balkan region, including Serbia in particular, in the near future? And when can we expect direct flights from Serbia to Morocco?
The Balkan region is a promising market for Moroccan tourism, and one that the Moroccan National Tourism Office will continue to explore in order to promote the Moroccan brand. We will launch many training and promotional actions with sales networks in 2023, in order to enhance the programming of the Moroccan destination by travel prescribers. We will also participate, over the next few months, in the main tourism fairs in the region, both in B2B and B2C segments.
In terms of communication, the Moroccan National Tourism Office will also target opinion leaders in an effort to generate content about Morocco and the various tourism potentials offered by our country.
In terms of air connectivity, we are focusing on the establishing of a direct air connection between Serbia and Morocco, in order to increase the number of tourists. I can already tell you that negotiations are underway with several companies.
Room To Create Further Opportunities
There is a good dynamic of the trade exchange between our two countries, which has tripled during the last few years, says General Director of the Moroccan Agency for the Development of Investments and Exports Ali Seddiki, speaking for CorD Magazine
However, he continues, “having said that, there is room for further opportunities, given the trade agreements Morocco has with more than 50 countries, in cluding West African countries and the U.S., and Serbia’s close relations with the countries of the Balkans and within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union.

In your opinion as director general of the Moroccan Investment and Export Development Agency, what are the appropriate ways to further promote economic relations between Morocco and Serbia?

Defining a joint roadmap, creating networking opportunities between business communities and economic institutions, supporting better knowledge of each countries’ sectors, competitive assets and business environment are ways to push economic relations to an enhanced level. Trade fairs, virtual or physical B2B and B2G meetings, conferences, and jointly prepared visits are appro priate tools to create the necessary connections to foster the emergence of opportunities between our two countries.
Such initiatives already take place with the support of AMDIE whenever possible, like the conferences jointly organised by the chambers of commerce of the Casablanca Settat Region in Morocco and Vojvodina Province in Serbia, but we want to do more.
With a view to the concluding of an MoU between AMDIE and the Serbian Development Agency, what is the impact of this mechanism
on the strengthening of economic ties between the two countries?
Precisely to go a step further, AMDIE and the Serbian Development Agency have discussed an MoU establishing a formal framework for organising events that will improve business ties and mutual knowledge in the interests of increasing mutual trade and investment flows. The MoU aims to facilitate the participation of representatives of the two countries in confer ences, seminars, business forums, symposiums, as well as the organisation of any event or action of common interest; it promotes training sessions and exchanges of experience, as well as business meetings and business visits.
What are the means deployed by AMDIE to attract more Serbian investors? In this regard,
does AMDIE plan to organise a Roadshow in Serbia in the near future?
Over the past 22 years, under the visionary leader ship of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Morocco has massively invested to make the most of its assets and build a competitive low carbon produc tion platform relying on world class infrastructure and cost-competitive renewable energies, as well as on a qualified and committed talent pool.
Thanks to free trade agreements signed with more than 50 countries, Morocco has established a geostrategic platform that offers access to more than 1.5 billion consumers in the U.S., Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
As a result, exports have doubled within a decade, and Morocco is now considered to be a primary, geo-strategically placed location to invest in and export to the world.
From Serbian investors’ perspective, Moroc co is also a gateway to Africa, offering a busi ness-friendly environment. Serbian companies can count on AMDIE to explore new markets.
To further support investments, Morocco is in the process of adopting a new charter for invest ment. It aims to reinforce Morocco’s incentives for all types of investors and businesses – including small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as larger groups.
Furthermore, AMDIE’s team remains at the disposal of any investor seeking information, connection, support, and follow-up on their pro ject. We see great potential in working together with our Serbian counterpart and look forward to planning a dedicated tour to showcase investment and export opportunities.

Highlighting Investment Opportunities
The Novi Sad International Agricultural Fair, the most important event for farmers at the level of Southeast Europe, was an opportunity to highlight the various investment opportunities that abound in Morocco
The new Green Generation Strategy 20202030 should enable Moroccan agriculture to become much more efficient and double the sector’s share in the Kingdom’s GDP, says ADA General Director El Mahdi Arrifi, speaking for CorD Magazine.

Under the reign of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, Morocco has undertaken several initiatives to promote the agricultural sector, notably the Green Generation Strategy 2020-2030. In your opinion, will this strategy make it possible to direct agriculture towards export?
The Green Generation 2020-2030 Strategy, launched by His Majesty King Mohammed VI on 13th February 2020, aims to consolidate the achievements made under the Green Morocco Plan through the adoption of a new vision and the implementation of modern means in the service of the agricultural sector. This strategy has placed the human element at the centre of its priorities, with the aim of promoting the emergence of a new generation of the agricul tural middle class. The Green Morocco Plan has transformed agriculture into an engine of modern, competitive and inclusive economic and social development. This plan has led to remarkable growth in agricultural production and exports. Indeed, Moroccan agricultural exports reached a value of nearly four billion euros during 2019, i.e., 2.8 times the value recorded in 2009 (€1.4 billion). In terms of volume, agricultural exports reached around 2.3 million tons in 2019, an increase of 64% compared to 2009 (t1.4 million). Thanks to the Green Morocco Plan, Morocco has positioned
itself among the world’s leading exporters of various agricultural products. For instance, the country is now the world’s number one exporter of capers and argan oil, the world’s third biggest exporter of canned olives and small citrus fruits, and the fourth biggest exporter of tomatoes.
The new Green Generation 2020-2030 Strategy should enable Moroccan agriculture to become much more efficient. The main objective remains to double the sector’s share in the Kingdom’s GDP, which currently stands at 12.3%. There is also a question of alleviating the trade balance by ex porting more products with high added value: the value of agricultural exports must thus increase from 3.4 billion euros in 2018 to 6 billion in 2030.
The Year of Morocco in Serbia was marked by Morocco’s first ever participation in the Novi Sad International Agricultural Fair. How would

you rate this participation and was it useful in terms of networking?

Indeed, the Agency for Agricultural Development (ADA), with the support of the Moroccan Embassy in Belgrade, organised Moroccan participation in the 89th edition of the Novi Sad International Agricultural Fair, which was held from 21st to 27th May 2022, through the establishment of an institutional pavilion of 80m². We had the honour of receiving, during the inauguration of this impor tant event, the visit of their excellencies Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.
The main objective of our participation was to promote investment and the business climate in the agricultural sector in Morocco, while high lighting required data that might be of interest to the Serbian audience and showcasing typical Moroccan products.
On the side-lines of this Fair, ADA hosted, in the presence of His Excellency the Ambassador of Morocco in Belgrade, an economic conference on investment opportunities in the agricultural sector in Morocco as part of the Green Gener ation Strategy.
In terms of networking, ADA organised B2B meetings throughout the duration of the Fair with institutions, companies and Serbian investors operating in the agricultural sector and interested in investing in Morocco.
This most important agricultural event at the level of Southeast Europe was an opportunity to highlight the various investment opportunities that abound in Morocco and that can entice investors from Balkan countries.
Belgrade Book Fair As A Platform For Moroccan Writers
“When I read The Bridge on the Drina many years ago, before the idea of visiting Belgrade had even crossed my mind, I was already wandering – through this novel – the cities, worlds and cultures of Serbian society without having met or had a personal relationship with any of its people”
As a person with a literary and artistic background, and as a player in the field of the culture economy (publisher), I usually find myself unable to rid my mind of the “images” I formed through my readings of the literature, philosophies and arts of a specific country or region. When I read The Bridge on the Drina many years ago, before the idea of visiting Belgrade had even crossed my mind, I was already wandering - through this novel - the cities, worlds and cultures of Serbian society without having met or had a personal relationship with any of its people. This is what happens to me, in my visits to many world capitals, from the Far East to beyond the Atlantic Ocean. Even when I discover that the image I have formed in my thoughts, through literary worlds, doesn’t reflect the reality, life or geography of spaces in these locations, I can never rid myself of the initial impressions I’d previously built in my head.
Herein lies the power of text, when it migrates to culturally different societies, playing a deci sive role, negatively or positively, in “creating” a certain image of a cultural group. In fact, my meetings with quite a large number of Serbian writers, creators and even ordinary people have deepened my belief that the “cultural economy”, through its creativity, has made our communi cation smoother, warmer, more human and very fruitful. That’s because culture – especially in its scholarly and literary aspects – leads to human values dominating the communication process, and driving everyone - despite all differences and backgrounds - to search for points of agreement,
Based on my personal experience, and by attending two editions of the Belgrade International Book Fair, I can confirm that this Book Fair should be turned into a platform for Morocco to build a strong and effective link between the Moroccan creator and the Serbian reader
rather than disagreement, and pushes us to contribute to building bridges of communication.
All of these reflections lead me to discuss my recent participation in the Belgrade International Book Fair, during which I had the chance to address the Serbian public through a literary conference and convey mainly two points.
The first was to introduce to those in front me the fact that there is an authentic Moroccan “literature, philosophy, poetry and formation”, and that the Moroccan identity is characterised by openness to all global intellectual and artistic

stripes, though without losing its own privacy and uniqueness.
The second issue can be summed up in the words of one of the attendees, who literally said, “Your intervention made me interested in learning more about Morocco, so that I could visit it.” I think that “culture has its politics” and it has its technical mechanisms that can play a major role in forming an “image” or rebuilding a relationship.
I truly believe that we should be freed of the traditional concept of fairs, as well as cultural promotion, because in addition to promoting books, we should search for mechanisms for cultural cross-fertilisation and build bridges of dialogue with cultural actors, writers and artists. I think that this trend has become a necessity, especially for Morocco, which has a genuine cultural and artistic impetus that only needs a good promotion!
I am convinced that the exchange of visits, through artistic and literary courses, and lectures, as well as the translation of artistic and literary works, remains urgent, particularly in the absence of an important accumulation between our two countries at this level.
Based on my personal experience, and by at tending two editions of the Belgrade International Book Fair, I can confirm that this Book Fair should be turned into a platform for Morocco to build a strong and effective link between the Moroccan creator and the Serbian reader.
I would like to conclude by expressing my firm conviction that today’s wish will become a reality tomorrow, and I can even state with confidence that a bridge over the river of our two cultures has been built, and people will soon begin to cross it!

Wonderful Student Life in Serbia
“As a student from Morocco, I can state that Serbia is not a popular place to go abroad to study, but I have found that it can be the best option for a variety of reasons. I was one of four students from the Kingdom of Morocco chosen to receive this fully funded scholarship and I am so excited to pursue my bachelor's studies here” ~ Nouhaila Boussaq
The scholarship organisers first met us at Nikola Tesla Airport, assisted us with everything and took us to the Radojka Lakić Student Dor mitories on Avala. We were given free accommodation and three meals every day. Furthermore, we received four months of intensive Serbian language courses from very appreciated professors at the Literature Faculty of the Uni versity of Belgrade. After passing the language exam, we received free translation to Serbian and recognition for our documents from the Agency of Qualification. We momentarily moved to the Stu
dent Dormitories in the city centre, where we enjoyed comfortable and good-quality rooms, as well as free food and health insurance.
I am thankful for the support to my educational journey from this
generous scholarship. It helped provide the push and motivation I needed to move forward with a positive attitude.
Besides the high quality of educa tion and the recognition of Serbian degrees in many other countries, Serbia is an interesting and afforda ble country to pursue your studies in as an international student. I had the best student life experience in Serbia. I had access to a lot of social, extracurricular and fun activities in my university campus. Serbian cuisine is quite varied, since it’s a combination of the Greek and Turk ish ones, so it’s very delicious. Like every student, I place a lot of value
on having fun, and Serbians are well known for throwing great parties, especially in Belgrade. Another fact is that people are very friendly and welcoming, and I’ve met many people here who’ve had a positive influence on who I am today. Overall, I enjoyed every moment in Serbia through festivals, museums, galleries and parties, while admiring the architec ture and the beauty of this Eastern European country.
Thank you once again for such an amazing opportunity for me. This first step that I made towards my dreams would not have been possible without the generosity of the “World in Serbia” Scholarship.

Discovering The World In Serbia
Iam Adnane Bouhtouri from the Kingdom of Morocco, a second-year medical student of the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Belgrade, one of the biggest and oldest public uni versities in Serbia, ranked among the world’s 500 best universities. I am so proud and lucky to be among the students benefiting from the

opportunities provided by the World in Serbia programme. This Scholarship offers all the necessary educational needs for an interna tional student to finish Faculty with lots of professional skills, despite the difficulties of the sys tem and language barriers, since we study with the Serbian language. I’m also so fascinated by Serbia’s
Nature and especially Belgrade, which is known for its romantic atmosphere, its nightlife, and its inhabitants, who made me feel welcome despite coming from a different culture. It’s also easy to make friends in Belgrade, as the majority of youngsters are curious to discover new cultures, thoughts and foreign languages.

I Left Part Of My Heart In Serbia
journey and create these collections with the assistance of my mother, the painter Fatima el Hajjaji, who I thank warmly for this wonderful collaboration - says Imane Belmkadden, speaking for CorD Magazine.
How did the Serbian public interact with the different shows dedicated to the Moroccan Caftan and other designs that you organised during your participation in Ethno Fest Belgrade?

“The Serbian public, and especially the Ethnology festival’s audience, was just FANTASTIC. Very diverse, with exceptionally sophisticated taste. I was delighted to hear the compliments and
The Serbian public, and especially the Ethnology festival’s audience, was just FANTASTIC. Very diverse, with exceptionally sophisticated taste. I was delighted to hear the compliments and perceptions of the public after the show
I’ve been to Serbia for a second time, the first time I was in Novi Sad and then I visited Belgrade. I am still charmed, impressed and emotionally filled by the love and care I have received. It is at the same time a privilege and also a responsibility that I bear deeply and cautiously, to show what is best about my country and to represent my culture with dignity, highlighting its beauty, its strength, its riches, and its diversity. I was able to accomplish this
perceptions of the public after the show. I was particularly touched by the beautiful words of Madame Tamara Vučić, the first lady of Serbia, who expressed her fascination and esteem for our Moroccan fashion, culture and heritage. I was happy because the audience, which was inquisitive, informed and cultured, truly enjoyed and under stood every piece! That was one of the greatest experiences I’ve had, and I’m extremely pleased when the messages I want to convey through every collection, by combining art, fashion, culture and heritage, reach hearts and minds easily.

Great Honour To Represent Morocco

trio, combining piano, violin and cello, providing the perfect balance between instrumental virtuosity and powerful sounds.
On each of my visits to Belgrade, I wanted to tell a story through my concerts, which will also be the case for the closing concert of the “Year of Morocco in Serbia”, scheduled for 9th December!
“It is my great honour to close this year’s celebration of the 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Belgrade and Rabat, and to participate in this symbolic link bringing the two countries together. I am sincerely moved that I am trusted to represent Morocco again through, in my opinion, the universal art that is classical music, which begins where the power of words ceases.

“I wanted, for this occasion, to put together a grandiose musical programme, with a musical

“I am proud and happy to play in Belgrade alongside two artists with a particular history, in emblematic works of the chamber music repertoire: Abdessamad Alassali, cellist of the Moroccan Philharmonic Orchestra, who comes from the sociocultural programme Mazaya that I work on in Rabat. It’s a programme offering socio-professional integration to young people who have dropped out of school and come from underprivileged backgrounds. Abdessamad is currently a professor not only within this pro gramme, but also at the International Schools of Music and Dance of the cities of Casablanca and Rabat in Morocco. Music gave him a taste of victory and a second chance; Mohammed El Hachoumi, who will be playing the violin, is also one of the mainstays of the Mazaya Programme, having formed an entire promotion of violinists.
“To say a word about the chosen trio, we wanted to tell you an epic story through Dum ky by Dvořák, a very special work that relates the thoughts of a hero who looks back on his adventures, sometimes with great joy, some times with nostalgia. It is a work with a lot of character, almost exuberant at times, and of an extreme sensitivity that we wanted to share it with the public.
“I hope that many of you will come and share with us these exceptional musical moments, the culmination of a jubilee year that’s been rich in events celebrating the friendship between our two countries.”

“I cherish special memories of my last visits to Belgrade. Every time I’m there, I receive a warm welcome, experience a real connection with the audience and, most importantly, I enjoy playing in front of the Serbian public” ~ Dina Bensaid
1st March 2022
Joint stamps issued by Morocco’s Barid Al Maghrib and Post of Serbia to mark the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Morocco and Serbia, illustrating the Mohammed VI Bridge in Rabat and Žeželj Bridge in Novi Sad.

15th-17th April 2022

Moroccan Film Festival featuring five films, organised by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Serbia in collaboration with the Moroccan Cinematographic Centre, the Serbian Ministry of Culture and the Yugoslav Cinematheque Film Archives.

12th-13th May 2022
Institutional meeting held between operators working in the field of crafts from Morocco and the province of Vojvodina, as well as an exhibition of Moroccan handicrafts organised in Novi Sad by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Serbia, in collaboration with la Maison de l’Artisan, the Chamber of Crafts of Casablanca-Settat and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Vojvodina.

20th-23rd May 2022

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán visit the Moroccan Stand at the Novi Sad International Agricultural Fair. The Agricultural Development Agency of Morocco, which ensured the first ever participation of the Kingdom in this fair with a stand, held numerous meetings with Serbian and international partners with the aim of promoting Morocco as a prime investment destination in the field of agriculture.

7th-8th October 2022
Moroccan participation in the international folklore festival Ethno Fest Belgrade, as a guest country in focus, with the intention of showcasing its diversity and richness. Talented Moroccan designer Imane Belmkaddem unveiled her collection of Moroccan Caftans and other clothes designed exclusively for this occasion, which was highly appreciated by the Serbian public who attended the event in great numbers.

26th May 2022
Literary Conference of Tahar Ben Jelloun, a Moroccan writer and member of the Goncourt Academy, entitled “Let’s follow in the footsteps of Tahar BEN JELLOUN”, organised by the Embassy the Kingdom of Morocco in Belgrade and held at the Museum of African Art in Belgrade.
19th October 2022
An exhibition entitled “Belgrade – Rabat: 65 years of diplomatic relations, 1957-2022” was organised by the Yugoslav Archives in cooperation with the Embassy of the Kingdom of Morocco in Serbia and with the support of the Serbian ministries of foreign affairs and culture.