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The Arts Factor!

‘The Arts Factor’ exhibition High Street Medical Centre, Stonehouse.

Anna Buckland Stonehouse, Gloucestershire

LISTENINGS AT THE GRAFFITI YOUTH POD PROJECT. Many young people don’t appear at their doorsteps, it is often

Graffiti Pod Project

their parents or older family members who answer the door. So how do you reach young people to listen to them? This was the question I posed to a group of residents early in my training year. Several residents were fed up with the unsightly ‘Youth Pod’

young member who attends Council meetings and another

that had been dumped beside the glistening new youth building,

who attends Steering Group meetings to develop the local

supposedly to be used for storage or refreshments at the skate

Neighbourhood Plan. ‘The Arts Factor’ group is now over twenty

park. One of the residents volunteered that they had graffiti skills,

-five people strong and they have recently initiated a ‘Junior Arts

another could design posters and they could all make cake and

Factor’ and an art group for young carers from Stonehouse.

refreshments! They decided that they would have a week-long Graffiti Project in the skate park where young people could


enjoy creating a ‘masterpiece’ out of the ‘Youth Pod’ eyesore and

The most exciting element of this journey is that young people

I had the opportunity to listen to them!

have started to interact with the community on multiple fronts. Recently they were asked by the local doctors’ surgery to

What were their loves and concerns? The young people confided

mount an exhibition of their work to raise awareness about arts

that they felt there were no opportunities to express themselves

opportunities in the community. The doctors evidenced that many

artistically, that they were not consulted about their needs and

patients felt calmer and more relaxed before appointments,

that they were viewed in a negative way by many adults in the

making very positive comments about the art filled waiting room.

community. I asked how they were going to change this, what

The doctors’ surgery have now asked me to support the young

action were they going to take, who were they going to meet

people to develop a year-long rolling programme of ‘themed’

with? As the week-long ‘Graffiti’ project progressed, they decided

art for the surgery. Many members of ‘The Arts Factor’ have

to form an ‘action group’ and called themselves ‘The Arts Factor.’

also joined the community choir which rehearses at the Dupree

They managed to get the local church hall for free to meet and

Building. The young people have noticed that members of the

discuss how they were going to move forward. They started free

choir stop to talk to them now when they see them around

art sessions one evening a week in the church hall with the help

the town. When members of Hazelwood sheltered scheme

of qualified adults they’d managed to persuade to supervise on

saw the exhibition in the surgery, the young people were

a rota basis. The young people mobilised, having meetings with

invited by the sheltered residents to help them display

the Town Council and Stonehouse Community Partnership (SCP)

their art work. The young people offered to prepare an

who agreed to support them, as did several qualified volunteers,

inter-generational lunch for visitors to enjoy during the

therefore the ‘The Arts Factor’ project was born.

Hazelwood exhibition.



SCP moved into the ground floor of the Durpee Building (3,000

My next projects include facilitating young people in organising the

sq ft), kindly donated free of charge by local businessman Gerry

Stonehouse Community Arts Festival and I am continuing to work

Dupree, and the young people were invited to join with the local

in Stonehouse in my progression year, facilitating six community

community groups using this amazing building. The ‘Arts Factor’

art groups through RSLM methodology and supporting new

now meet regularly with SCP at Dupree Building, and have one

emerging groups to continue the great work which is being done.

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