Tyler Linnehan_Resume_2024

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tYlER RYan lInnEHan

Cornell University: College of Art, Architecture, and Planning

- Term: 2019 - 2023

- Degree: Master’s in Architecture

Ball State University: College of Architecture and Planning

- Term: 2015 - 2019

- Degree: Bachelor’s in Architecture

American Institute of Architects

- Public Outreach Chair

Deans List Recipient

- Years 1 through 4

Morphosis - New York City, NY - 2021

- Architectural Intern

DkGr Architects - Indianapolis, IN - 2018

- Architectural Intern

WBRC Architects - Bangor, ME - 2017

- Architectural Intern

Mr. Ung-Joo Scott Lee - Project Manager at Morphosis

- 212-389-1171

- s.lee@morphosis.net

- 153 West 27th St. Suite 1200, New York, NY

Mr. Joshua Coggeshall - Professor at Ball State University

- 765-702-8802

- jrcoggeshall@bsu.edu

- College of Architecture and Planning, Muncie, IN

Mr. James Kerestes - Professor at Ball State University

- 765-285-1932

- jfkerestes@bsu.edu

- College of Architecture and Planning, Muncie, IN

Design Communication Association International Conference

- Design Drawing Award - Ghosts of Tokyo

- Juror’s Choice Award - Ghosts of Tokyo

Conta C t a DDRESS Po R tfolio E D u C ation Involv E m E nt Wo R k Ex PER i E n CE R E f ERE n CES aWa RDS P R ofi C i E n C i ES Email: tylerlinnehanarch @outlook.com Phone: (812)-604-5119 1612 Sterling Oaks Dr. Sellersburg, IN, 47172

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