1 minute read
Infrastructure clashes with housing
Unavoidable in Krems-East is the car infrastructure. The sound of trucks blazing past is omnipresent. The Landersdorfer Straße and (to a lesser extent) the Hofrat-ErbenStraße are used as shortcuts for the commerce and industry related traffic to reach the 37 highway. Both these streets cross the housing of Krems-East.
Neither road is necessary for industrial traffic to reach the highway. Reducing the maximum speed to 30 km/h or banning trucks on these roads would massively increase the living standards of the area (especially along the Landersdorfer Straße) with little impact for the industry. It is exemplary for the power relations between Krems-East and the Wachau that the inhabitants of Krems-East cannot get these easy-fix problems on the agenda. Other relatively easy-fixes that would improve the living quality of the neighborhood are more frequent public transport between the Lerchenfeld and the trainstation (currently only two buses an hour) and solving barriers for slow traffic caused by the high intensity roads.
The UNESCO-development plan states that many young inhabitants move away because of lack of affordable housing. KremsEast has high-quality affordable houses. Improving the lived qualities of Krems-East might retain these young inhabitants for the region.