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Both the booklet “Creating a framework: a spatial analysis and twelve design recommendations for Krems-East” and the short film “Painting a picture: on the fringe of world heritage” could not have been made without many people lending their time and expertise to the project. I’d like to thank the following people for their contribution.

The historian specialized in the modern history of Krems, Dr. Robert Streibel, took the time to share many historic sources and personal anecdotes about the Lerchenfeldsiedlung. His suggestions led to the most interesting character of the short film: Gustav Steinschorn.


The encouragements of curator and writer on site specific art and film Claudia Slanar and filmmaker Johann Lurf kept my own doubt in check. Johann’s tips on editing further improved the short film.

Head of Büro für Baukulturerbe Prof. Dr. Cristian Abrihan explained his work on the preservation of the Wachau to me. His observations enriched the research in this booklet. Ulrike Jägert was the calming presence during the more stressful parts of the project. Our conversations and her insights and feedback made the project into what it is now.

Hanna Husum, Jan Strootman and Wilma Strootman proofread parts of the work and gave constructive feedback.

Finally, I’d like to thank the teams of AIR and ORTE. Especially Johan Nane Simonsen and Christina Nägele. Christina was a great sounding board throughout the production of the film and booklet. She provided very helpful feedback and kept me up to date with interesting art and architecture events in both Krems and Vienna. Johan was an accommodating host and made the stay in Krems very easy. He even ended up narrating the short film and the project is all the better for it.


For inquiries on the booklet and the short film cornestrootman@gmail.com

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