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1 Böhme, G. 1993, ‘Atmosphere as the Fundamental Concept of a New Aesthetics’, in Thesis Eleven, Critical Theory and Historical Sociology, vol. 36, p.125

2 For further reading, see Truniger, F. 2013 ‘Filmic mapping’ Jovis Verlag


3 UNESCO 2020 ‘Wachau cultural landscape’ published online https://whc.unesco.org/en/ list/970/ Last visited 16-11-2020

4 This argument derives from a 2018 lecture by Prof.Dr. Pereira-Roders during a conference on heritage and sustainability in de Observant in Amersfoort

5 UNESCO 2020 ‘Dorset and East Devon coast’ published online https://whc.unesco.org/en/ list/1029/ Last visited 16-11-2020

6 For an example for precise OUV’s allowing development in UNESCO areas see the report on integrating renewable energy in de Stelling van Amsterdam, published online https://www.programmanieuwehollandsewaterlinie.nl/wp-content/ uploads/2019/03/190227_Rapport-SvA-en-NHW.pdf Last visited 20-11-2020

7 Bundesdenkmalamt 1999 ‘The world heritage Documentation for the nomination of Wachau cultural landscape’ https://whc.unesco. org/uploads/nominations/970.pdf Last visited 22-102020

8 Lajosi, K. 2010 ‘Wagner and the (Re) mediation of Art’ in FRAME 23.2, p.42-60

9 Krug, W. 2020 ‘Wachau: Bilder aus dem Land der Romantik’ Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz

10 Lajosi, K. 2010 ‘Wagner and the (Re) mediation of Art’ in FRAME 23.2, p.42-60

11 Ibid.


13 Ibid.


14 Dustin Cosentino ‘Passage Interdit: Gesamtkunstwerk’ https://www.kinfolk.com/passage-interdit-gesamtkunstwerk/ Last visited 16-112020

15 Krug, W. 2020 ‘Wachau: Bilder aus dem Land der Romantik’ Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz 17 Unesco website, available online https://en.unesco.org Last visited 16-11-2020

18 Ibid.

19 Easterling, K. 2014 ‘Extrastatecraft’ Verso publishing

20 Welterbegemeinden Wachau 2010 ‘Management plan Wachau world heritage’ https://www.weltkulturerbe-wachau.at/fileadmin/ Bibliothek/projects/_Projekte/WachauProjekte/ ManagementPlanWorldHeritageWachau_20170710. pdf Last visited 16-11-2020

21 Ibid.

22 Ibid.

23 Krug, W. 2020 ‘Wachau: Bilder aus dem Land der Romantik’ Verlag Bibliothek der Provinz

24 Ibid.

25 Welterbegemeinden Wachau 2010 ‘Management plan Wachau world heritage’ https://www.weltkulturerbe-wachau.at/fileadmin/ Bibliothek/projects/_Projekte/WachauProjekte/ ManagementPlanWorldHeritageWachau_20170710. pdf Last visited 16-11-2020

26 As noted by Prof. Dr. Cristian Abrihan, personal conversation

27 Welterbegemeinden Wachau 2010 ‘Management plan Wachau world heritage’ https://www.weltkulturerbe-wachau.at/fileadmin/ Bibliothek/projects/_Projekte/WachauProjekte/ ManagementPlanWorldHeritageWachau_20170710. pdf Last visited 16-11-2020

28 Sennet, R. 2018 ‘Building and Dwelling: Ethics for the City’ Penguin publishing

29 Hauenfells, T; Krasny E; Nussbaum, A. 2011 ‘Architekturlandschaft Niederösterreich Waldviertel’ SpringerWienNewYork

30 Wodak, R. 2016 ‘suppression of the Nazi past, coded language and discourse of silence’ in Seymour, D. and Camino, M. (eds.) ‘The Holocaust in the Twenty-First Century’ Routeledge

31 Hauenfells, T; Krasny E; Nussbaum, A. 2011 ‘Architekturlandschaft Niederösterreich Waldviertel’ SpringerWienNewYork

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