Cornwall Seaway News March 5, 2015 Edition

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Thursday, March 5, 2015 | Volume 29, Issue 26 | 38,985 Copies Serving Cornwall & area since 1985 |


Fire debate heats up at city hall PAGE 2

'A Better Vu of Cornwall'

Two proud Cornwallites have started a campaign to create a chain reaction of good deeds. Matthew Girgis and Jamie Maracle, owners of Vu NightSpot, posted a video challenge on Facebook titled 'A Better Vu of Cornwall.' The humourous short clip shows the pair committing various acts of kindness for unsuspecting strangers. For more see Page 6.

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Systemic issues plaguing Cornwall fire department: association CORNWALL, Ontario - Frustrated firefighters are going public with a slew of problems they say are plaguing the Cornwall service - and driving up costs for taxpayers. Chief among their concerns is the “dysfunction” with how the department has been run in recent years, said Cornwall Professional Firefighters Association president Jason Crites, in large part because of a revolving number of managers, an inability of city council to understand how the service should operate and ineffective fire prevenRIVETTE tion measures. A “damning” report from August, 2013, authored by the Ontario Fire Marshal’s office, points to widespread issues within the fire service, Crites added. “The City of Cornwall is not meeting minimum legislated requirements,” reads the report. “(A review) identifies inconsistencies and deficiencies in the delivery of fire protection services in the City of Cornwall.” And while the report is more than a year old, Crites suggests very little has been done at the fire service to reverse the issues. It appears clear, according to the report, that there was confusion among top brass at the fire service about just who is responsible for what,

specifically when it comes to high-profile issues like fire prevention and efforts to reduce response calls. “Interviews with the fire chief and deputy fire chief indicated that each believes that oversight of the fire prevention bureau is the other person’s responsibility,” reads the report. “The lack of oversight has resulted in systematic failure of this division of the department.” The fire prevention bureau’s job is to educate the public on practices to prevent homes and property from going up in flames. Perhaps as a result, Cornwall tops the Ontario list of fires per 10,000 structures with 32 - more than communities like Toronto (19), Ottawa (16) and Waterloo (15). Firefighters are fed up, and are going public with their concerns. “We’re trying to work with them…but this is telling them ‘You’ve got gross errors that need to be fixed.’ But they’re having silly conversations about... things that don’t even matter and it’s extraordinarily frustrating for the membership,” said Crites. And that’s not all. An Ontario Fire Marshal review team tasked with cataloguing fire safety inspections within the Cornwall department came up empty. “The review team experienced difficulty determining the degree to which fire code compliance is achieved and enforced (in Cornwall),” reads a portion of its 2013 report. “There is currently no measure of results for the impact or effectiveness of fire prevention activities provided to the residents of the municipality.”

Firefighters are particularly frustrated that it is budget time, and city council appears intent on making changes to the policies within the department when it comes to staffing levels, in hopes of corralling the skyrocketing costs of salaries. In particular, city council is taking issue with a unique, and some say expensive, policy that requires a particular fire platoon to be staffed with 14 people, to ensure there is a minimum of 10 available to fight a fire. The balance of the individuals can often be found on vacation, long-term leave or training. But the firefighters point to the fact that even 10 is not enough to fight a typical structure fire, and that overtime is almost always required when a household blaze is being doused. “You run into overtime pretty quick. If it’s a structure fire we’re looking for help right away,” said Crites, suggesting if more was done to prevent fires, the cost of the department would decrease. “Fires are expensive when you have them, but they cause a lot of problems. Some of these streets…I can’t walk down Louisa Street without throwing a baseball and hitting a house that’s been on fire. It’s pretty hard to have decent property values when half the street has been boarded up or been hit by fire at some time.” The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) recommends that 15 firefighters combat a typical single-family home fire. Cornwall gets close if all 14 are available for a shift, but the minimum is often 10. “The people that are anti-us are going to say

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2 - Thursday, March 5, 2015

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(structural fires don’t happen) very often, but it’s a hell of a lot more often than it should be,” said Bruce Donig, a member of the Cornwall firefighters association as well as the district two vice-president for the Ontario Professional Firefighters Association. “God forbid there’s ever an inquest.” City councillors, though, were having none of it. Coun. Andre Rivette defended the fire service , and suggested union members are using the 2013 fire marshal’s report to advance a political agenda. The veteran city councillor suggested it’s time for a fire service board, not unlike the police service board that Rivette chairs, to be created. “It’s time to go in to make sure what’s being done is supposed to be done,” said Rivette. Donig points out that during inquests local fire service numbers are often contrasted against NFPA standards. Problems are compounded at the department, said Crites and Donig, because of changes at the management level. Since 2009 there have been two fire chiefs and four deputies, with more changes on the way. The fire service is currently without a deputy chief, and chief Rick McCullough is retiring in a matter of weeks. Interviews have already begun for his replacement. “We view some of this as the root cause for a whole bunch of what’s going on within our department,” said Donig. “We get that costs are of a concern to the council and the community at large, but the reality is we’re here to do a job. We want to do that job, we just wish the council would engage and start to address some of our concerns.” Once again Rivette was emphatic. “I think they hung the chief out to dry,” Rivette said. Coun. David Murphy suggested while the fire association members have concerns about service, community safety is not being impeded. “The firefighters have concerns and I don’t have an issue with them expressing those concerns,” he said. “Are the residents of Cornwall safe? Of course they are.” Crites is frustrated that many incumbents who retained their seats at the table are not addressing issues that are on the record, and significantly impeding the success of the service.

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Todd Lihou


Council shelves plan to cap tax increases over the next four years CORNWALL, Ontario – City council turned down a plan Monday to set a threshold to mitigate potential tax increases over the next four years. Councillors said Monday it is too early, and not enough material has been digested, to agree to a plan set forward by councillors Elaine MacDonald and Claude McIntosh to cap tax hikes at no more than 10 percentage points over the term of council. The plan called for cost of living increases only, with no service cuts. But a majority of councillors said the plan

didn’t do enough to address water and sewer rates, another bill for taxpayers, and likewise did not address the skyrocketing costs of emergency services. “If we’re going to do something let’s make sure we’re transparent and we (establish) the bottom line for the taxpayer,” said Coun. Andre Rivette. His colleague Coun. Mark MacDonald sounded alarm bells concerning the city budget, and said the plan was not strong enough. “I have to say very strongly, it’s the opposite of what we should be doing,” he said. “What we’ve been handed is a stack of material this high.” MacDonald gestured to a stack a couple of

feet high. “We are on the verge - do not take my word for it, ask the treasurer - of financial collapse,” he continued. “The course that we’re on cannot be sustained.” While finance manager Maureen Adams agreed the city cannot sustain the amount it spends on emergency services without tax hikes or service cuts, she stopped short of calling it a “collapse.” MacDonald conceded overstepped with that language. Mayor Leslie O’Shaughnessy said the city’s tax rate is indeed too much for many, and said more work needs to be done to plan long-term to miti-

gate that. “This is an issue this council will have to address. I agree if we cut costs, there will be an impact on services in some place,” he said. “We better be cautious though, we’re sticking (in) a percentage…we haven’t had an opportunity to sit down as a council in a strategic planning session. Those priorities will lay the basis for a financial plan.” McIntosh said the city would be getting a deal if it voted for the plan. “I think 2.5 per cent average per year is pretty good,” he said, and McIntosh suggested the city will at some point go with water meters, which could result in savings for some homeowners. - Seaway News - Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 3


Todd Lihou



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‘Magic and Misdirection’ is no trick Adam Brazeau

CORNWALL, Ontario - Homegrown talent Ryan Lalonde will take centre stage at Aultsville Theatre next Saturday. Cornwall’s Lalonde, 36, employs a no smoke, no mirrors style to engage his audience, whether he’s performing to one person or a packed crowd. So don’t expect wands, top hats, or a rabbitin-a-hat at ‘Magic and Misdirection,’ a show for all ages, aimed at adults. The event takes place in Cornwall at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, Mar. 7. “It’s a show filled with magic, comedy, fun interaction, and a great night of entertainment,” said Lalonde. His numerous sold-out performances at Eight Zero Zero, popular private party

appearances, and crash courses in magic for beginners over the last several years have garnered local buzz. Seeing David Copperfield live in Ottawa in 1994 sparked his passion for illusions, and he has delighted in entertaining others with sleight-of-hand tricks since. “Inspiration comes to me in different ways - sometimes listening to a certain song on the radio will give me an idea for magic,” he said. Lalonde doesn’t try to convince people that he has special powers, because he doesn’t have to - his act is like witnessing actual wizardry. Tickets ($21.50 each/plus applicable fees if ordered online) can be purchased at the Cornwall Civic Complex box office from Mon. to Fri. or printed online at For more information, contact the box office at 613-938-9400 or click here.

Cornwall magician Ryan Lalonde .Jason McNamara (Framed Photography)

Overwhelming support pours in for Scott family Adam Brazeau

4 - Thursday, March 5, 2015

- Seaway News -

CORNWALL, Ontario - There was no disputing that Cornwall takes care of its own at a spaghetti supper fundraiser for 37-year-old Mike Scott and his family Sunday night. Over 325 community members rallied at the Royal Canadian Legion (Branch #297) for a hot meal and silent auction to support Scott and his wife Tia in the aftermath of his medical crisis. On January 18, the father of two collapsed in his home following a “puzzling” heart attack and was rushed to the ICU at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute. Nine days later, Scott awoke from a medically induced coma. (Read our previous coverage here). Event organizers told Seaway News that $8,305 was raised to help cover the cost of any health-related expenses. “It’s really overwhelming to see how compassionate everybody is towards Mike and his family right now,” said co-organizer Amy Alguire. “I was speaking with them last night, and his wife said when this all started Mike couldn’t understand why everyone was being so nice and going out of their way. But it’s because Mike’s a nice guy, and his girls and Tia are active in the community, and everybody’s just pulling together for them.” Scott, a custodian at Central Public School in Cornwall, has been placed on a heart trans-

plant waiting list. Scott’s parents, Harvey and Diane, were awestruck as they watched the lineup for salad, spaghetti, and dessert continue to grow rather than thin out after two straight hours. “It’s overwhelming,” said Diane. “We can’t describe how wonderful the people in Cornwall are.” Harvey added: “It gives us a push to keep going, and hope knowing that there are so many people out there that care.” He described Mike as a fighter, and that health-wise he’s going strong despite having a hard day on Sunday. “He gets tired easily, but you know what... he’s at home with Tia,” said Diane. The Scott connection runs deep in the Cornwall area. Alguire used to work with Tia – when she found out what happened, she started collecting small e-mail money transfers to help. Then, event co-organizer Angèle Thompson started crowd-funding for the cause. So far she has raised over $2,500. Thompson has been friends with the Scotts since the 90s. Find out more about her efforts by clicking here. Andrée Naud organized the dinner aspect of the fundraiser. She also worked with Tia. Naud noted that every business and individual she asked to help support the event offered a resounding ‘yes,’ especially Baxtrom’s YIG. After only living in Cornwall for four years,

Organizers Amy Alguire (left), Angèle Thompson, and Andrée Naud (right) at the spaghetti supper and auction fundraiser in support of the Scott family at the Royal Canadian Legion in Cornwall on Sunday, Mar. 1, 2015.Adam Brazeau Naud said: “I chose the right community I guess.” Zumba instructors Jasmine Delage and Adele Wilson, who were also in attendance, are hosting a fitness fundraiser with Big J’s DJ Service for the Scotts at the Central Public

School gym on Tuesday, Mar. 3 from 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Admission is a minimum donation of $10. To show your support and get updates on fundraisers, join the Hugs for Mike & Tia Scott Facebook page.


‘Seedy Sunday’ roots itself in Cornwall

Adam Brazeau

CORNWALL, Ontario - The Agape Centre said goodbye to winter and welcomed in a new season at the first edition of an urban agriculturethemed event. Over 75 people visited Seedy Sunday on March 1, the seed sale and swap event hosted by the food bank/soup kitchen/thrift store in collaboration with Transition Cornwall+. The crowd boasted a mix of dedicated farmers, gardeners, environmentalists, as well as homeowners and apartment dwellers interested in growing their own food. “We’re really pleased with the turnout,” said co-organizer Kendra Smith, volunteer coordinator for the Agape Centre. She noted that the event was a great opportunity to promote the ‘Plant a Row Grow a Row’ program that encourages gardeners to grow a row of fresh produce to donate to a local food

bank. “We love donations of fresh produce - and as quickly as it comes through our doors, we’re giving it away in our food bank,” said Smith. Vendors sold a wide variety of locally grown heirloom and heritage seeds, as well as foodrelated plant materials like fruit trees and shrubs suitable for urban environments and catalogues from local seed companies. Sylvie Paquette, coordinator of the Eastern Ontario Agri-Food Network, and her infant daughter Emoke purchased some seeds for their farm in Alexandria. Paquette was also there to scope out the reaction to Cornwall’s inaugural Seedy Sunday. “It’s fantastic to see all these vendors representing farms in the area, and their different focuses,” said Paquette. She added: “The location for this event is great. I love the work Agape does with its community garden and its other activities.”

Paquette said using these seeds for growing food in an urban setting is an ideal way for Cornwall area residents to try and learn something new without the commitment of planting an entire garden. Kat Rendek, coordinator of All Things Food - an SDG-based food security network - handed out the Agri-Food Network’s regional Farm Fresh Local Food map to visitors. A new edition is set to surface this spring. Local gardening and environmental groups offered resources and advice on planting and harvesting. Exhibitors included Seeds of Diversity, Tourne-SOL, Koz Roots Garlic and Herb Farm, and Growing Up Organic, among others. Seedy Sunday, also known as Seedy Saturday, is a series of annual events across the country where people exchange and purchase seeds and plants in a social setting with expert gardeners ready to give advice.

Sylvie Paquette, coordinator of the Eastern Ontario Agri-Food Network, and her 20-month-old daughter Emoke visited the Transition Cornwall+ booth at the Agape Centre’s Seedy Sunday on March 1, 2015. Environmentalist Elaine Kennedy handed the Paquettes a free bag of snapdragon seeds for their home garden in Alexandria. Adam Brazeau

Many residential snowbanks may be here until spring Todd Lihou

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complaints coming to the city about snowbanks at many Cornwall intersections and along boulevards. Some intersections in the city, and along many driveways, have become problematic as motorists find it difficult to see oncoming traffic. De Wit said city officials are making decisions about specific areas of concern within the traffic network based on community feedback, but there is no generalized plan to branch out into

residential neighbourhoods once snowbank work is completed in downtown areas. “We are doing as best we can with the siteline issues,” said de Wit. “ Snowbanks could grow even larger if more snow is dumped on the area - a distinct possibility that spring is still weeks away. The city is trying to balance the costs of sending out more crews to remove snow versus the traffic issues that have been created by Cornwall snowbanks.


CORNWALL, Ontario - If you live in a residential neighbourhood in Cornwall, you may be stuck with Everest-like snowbanks until spring. The city is in the midst of removing as many of the towering mammoths as possible, but so far has restricted its work to downtown areas, bus routes, busy city streets and very narrow roads.

Neighbourhoods like Sunrise Acres, Riverdale and other residential sectors of the city have had their mountainous snowbanks left relatively untouched - and that could persist until Mother Nature takes care of things herself. “The primary concerns are the (busy) streets and the bus routes,” said Bill de Wit, the city’s infrastructure manager. “We want to make sure they are safe.” De Wit conceded there are “hundreds” of



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Habitat for Humanity clicks its heels together for fundraiser Adam Brazeau

CORNWALL, Ontario - Wizard of Oz characters followed the yellow brick road into Cornwall, as part of an audience participation screening at Galaxy Cinema in support of Habitat for Humanity Seaway Valley. More than 100 moviegoers helped raised well over $1,000 for the non-profit, communitybased organization on Saturday, Feb. 28. “We wanted to put the fun in fundraiser,” said Charles Leclair, special events/marketing coordinator for Habitat for Humanity. Dozens of youth dressed as their favourite Oz characters: cue the Fourkiotis siblings, who came as Dorothy (complete with Toto), Cowardly Lion, Scarecrow, and Tin Man. Their mother, Angela Matthews, said the 1939 classic was by far her favourite childhood movie, and jumped at the chance to share it with a new generation. Matthews said: “I loved the title of the event. The whole thing was really well done. I wish more people came, but I think if they continue it will grow bigger.” To add to the festivities, Jennifer MacDonald, a volunteer for Habitat, mingled with audience mem-

bers dressed as Glinda, the Good Witch. It wasn’t your typical movie screening either. Guests were encouraged to bring five simple props from home - keys, flashlights, lollipops, bubbles, and a hat – to interact with the movie on cue. For example, when a character said the words ‘house’ and ‘home,’ the crowd would jingle their keys. The Children’s Aid Society of SDG coordinated a face painting area manned by four staff members. The Seaway Valley Theatre Company donated props and costumes for the photo booth that was on site to help collect additional donations. To date, 11 homes have been built for low-income families throughout SDG. Well, minus the ‘G’ that is. Only Stormont and Dundas residents have been the lucky recipients of the Habitat’s generosity. The next ‘home build’ is targeted for Glengarry, but it won’t be anytime soon. Leclair told Seaway News Habitat is taking a step back. “We’re not building for 2015,” said Leclair. “We’re taking a year off to build a bank account.” He added: “Typically what has happened in the past is we will have money to start building a home and half-way through we’re relying on our Re-store sales for funding to pay for the balance.” Leclair said Habitat is looking at building a semidetached in Glengarry in 2016 to potentially house

Pictured from left are Tin Man - Eleni Fourkiotis, Cowardly Lion - Antonios Fourkiotis, Dorothy and Toto - Georgie Fourkiotis, Scarecrow - Nico Fourkiotis, and Charles Leclair, special events/marketing coordinator for Habitat for Humanity Seaway Valley. Adam Brazeau event was launched in 2013 when Warner Bros. and two families to make up for the missed year. Since the Re-store in Bonville’s sales support the Habitat for Humanity formed a partnership in celemajority of the home build, Leclair is working close- bration of the film’s 75th anniversary to help the ly with executive director Leigh Taggart to help non-profit create decent, safe and affordable housbring extra funds. The ‘There’s No Place Like Home’ ing for low-income families.

Downtown business challenges ‘A Better Vu of Cornwall’ CORNWALL, Ontario - Two proud Cornwallites have started a campaign to create a chain reaction of good deeds. Jamie Maracle and Matthew Girgis, owners of Vu NightSpot, posted a video challenge

on Facebook Thursday (Feb. 26) titled ‘A Better Vu of charity, the pair is up for any task. Cornwall.’ “We hope to give the citizens of Cornwall a little The humourous short clip shows the pair com- kick in the butt in the right direction,” said Girgis. mitting various acts of kindness for unsuspecting “Take a little pride in your city. Help clean it up. strangers. From a simple gesture like holding a door Lend a neighbour a hand. Or help out the needy.” open for a shopper to raising money for a local Anyone can participate in the initiative. Post

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Cornwall and area bathed in pink

news CORNWALL, Ontario - It was a bright day in Cornwall, but it had little to do with the sunshine. It was Pink Shirt Day and thousands of individuals were wearing colourful shirts, pants and even shoes to mark the occasion that draws awareness to a growing anti-bullying message last Wednesday. Students at Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School were decked out in their best pink outfits - and for good reason. The all-boys Grade 7-8 class was named winner of the Boys and Girls Club of Cornwall/SDG PSA Contest. The class put together a public service announcement with a theme of ‘Belonging’ to capture the award. Jacquie Richards, the club’s executive director, said all 2,000 of the $10 pink T-shirts sold

out. The funds will assist the non-profit agency deliver after-school programs at eight various locations. But the clothes don’t make the cause. Richards said the level of awareness raised has been extraordinary. In honour of Pink Shirt Day, members of the Cornwall Community Police Service made a change to their uniforms. Cornwall Police Chief Dan Parkinson said the fashion statement sends a message, loud and clear: “we are not going to put up with bullying anymore.” Meanwhile, at the BGC 506 Clubhouse, dozens of students gathered for pink cupcakes and lessons on bullying from city cops. With a feather boa wrapped around his neck, David Pecore, 11, said everyone should have the right to wear the colours they want. “Nobody should feel left out,” said Pecore.


Celebrating Pink Shirt Day 2015 at the Boys and Girls Club of Cornwall/SDG 506 Clubhouse.

In honour of Pink Shirt Day, members of the Cornwall Community Police Service made a change to their uniforms on Wednesday, Feb. 25, 2015. Adam Brazeau

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Get Ready! - Seaway News - Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 7

Pictured are Cornwallites Daemen Wanless 11, Arianne Lalonde, 11, David Pecore, 11, and McKenna Quenneville, 10. photos by Adam Brazeau


OPEN HANDS: New program a ‘win-win situation’ CORNWALL, Ontario - After 32 years, Jeff Wright finally has a place to call home and a family to share it with. Wright was welcomed into the Bojarski family as part of the Open Hands’ Home Share program. The 48-year-old was diagnosed with Down syndrome at an early age and has lived in a group residence since his teens. “He makes you appreciate the little things in life, ‘cause he does, and he let’s you know,” said Beverly Bojarski. Open Hands is looking for more community members to open their doors. The Cornwall-based government-funded organization is a division of Ottawa- Carleton Association for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (OCAPDD). It specializes in housing

and residential care for people with intellectual disabilities. Andrew Kennedy, program manager for both SIL (Supported Independent Living) and Home Share, said there are at least half a dozen matches waiting to be made. “If we could get more people to fit into a loving family it would be a win-win situation for everybody,” added Kennedy. Joseph Geneau, a quality assurance manager with Open Hands, is working with Kennedy to build the program into a solid support system that integrates people with disabilities into the community. Before any individual is paired up, there’s a nearly four-month process to make sure that the home share provider understands their role. A potential match has their background,

references, and medical history checked as well as fire and safety issues at the house. “That’s the thing, it’s finding the people who have the qualities the Bojarskis have,” said Geneau. “Because we need people who are dedicated to improving the life of another person.” Since Oct. 2014 the program’s first match has been inseparable. “He became family,” said Beverly. Meanwhile, Wright hung on her every word. His sister resides in Ottawa and was involved in the selection process. Open Hands-operated group homes range from three individuals that live together up to eight in some of the settings. For more information, e-mail akennedy@ or call (613) 933-0012.

Cornwall’s Beverly Bojarski has welcomed Jeff Wright into her home as part of the Open Hands’ Home Share program.

include former Ottawa Senators John Barrett. Photo opportunities will be available during the drivers’ meeting before the riders leave the fairgrounds, as registration takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. Speeches, awards, a silent auction, and prizes start at 5:30 p.m.

Speakers will include Byron Smith, co-founder of Ride for Dad and National Ride Captain. Participants are able to register and pledges can be made online at For more information, visit the event’s Facebook page. Contact the club at or (613) 465-6283.

Adam Brazeau

Third ‘Ride for Dad’ ready to roll Adam Brazeau

Nation Valley ATV Club’s third annual Telus ATV Ride for Dad. The ride begins at the Mountain Township CORNWALL, Ontario - The roar of ATVers will Agricultural Hall (2967 Lough Road, South echo throughout North Dundas at the annual Mountain, Ont.) at 10 a.m. prostate cancer fundraiser this Saturday. This year’s rally is presented by the Ottawa Nearly 200 riders are expected to attend the Senators Alumni, and celebrity ride captains

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8 - Thursday, March 5, 2015

- Seaway News -

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2014 toyota veNza

(stk 04-619) this is a Limited. Loaded, AWD, leather, roof, Nav, heated seats, Bluetooth, pw, pl, cruise, only 12,000 km



OR $250 biweekly/ 84 mths



OR $139 biweekly/ 84 mths


for financing Jason Leduc


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2013 dodge dart

2010 volkswageN Jetta

2011 volkswageN golF

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OR $123 biweekly/ 84 mths

2008 HyuNdai veraCruz**

(stk 04-492) this SUV is loaded, AWD, leather, roof, power seats, pw, pl, air, cruise, 115,000 km



(stk 04-6330 pw, pl, cruise, ac, seat warmers, great on fuel, diesel, 154,000 km


(stk 04-615) seat warmers, pw, pl, ac, cruise, pw, pmirrors, diesel, 161,000 km


OR $137 biweekly/60 mths

2013 Mazda5

(stk 04-207) 7 pass., pw, pl, cruise, AC, balance of factory warranty, very clean, 25,000 km


11,995 $137



biweekly/60 mths

2008 Mazda b4000

(stk 04-423) 2WD, nice truck, V6, pw, pl, ac, CD player, cruise, 142,000 km




OR $139 biweekly/ 84 mths

OR $184 biweekly/72 mths

OR $146 biweekly/60 mths

2013 MitsubisHi laNCer

2005 Ford explorer sport traCk

2008 Mazda tribute

(04-552B) great looking car, pw, pl, air, cruise, heated seats, auto, tinted windows, balance of factory warranty, 48,000 km



OR $139 biweekly/ 84 mths

Bi-weekly payments include taxes. Purchase price, taxes/licence extra. admin fee is $299. Some models are ex-daily rentals.




OR $130 biweekly/ 84 mths

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JaSon LeduC

2011 CHevy aveo

(stk 04-638) pw, pl, ac, manual 5 spd. cruise, sunroof, 60,000 km



**some photos not exactly as illustrated

Jason Varrin

2009 suzuki sx4*

(stk 04-410) pw, pl, AC, Sirius, great on fuel, clean car, 90,000 km


125 Cornwall Centre rd • 613-932-4514

(stk 04-404) cruise, pw, pl, ac, sunroof, CD player, 146,000 km



(stk 04-231B) cruise, pw, pl, ac, CD player, irius, 114,000 km



OR $137 biweekly/60 mths

*some photos not exactly as illustrated


Scott Cashion

Corner of Hwy 138 and Cornwall Ctr Rd.

613-932-1883 Bi-weekly payments include taxes. Purchase price, taxes / licence extra.

Jason Veenstra - Seaway News - Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 9

2012 volkswageN Jetta**

(stk 04-641) diesel, standard shift, sunroof, heated seats, cruise, air, keyless entry, balance of factory warranty, 85,000 km

2013 HyuNdai soNata

(stk 04-643) what a beautiful car, 4 cyl., auto, air, pw, pl, cruise, heated seats, keyless remote entry, balance of factory warranty, 68,000 km


d l o s


Sap should begin flowing in a matter of days: sugar bush CORNWALL, Ontario - The best part of winter’s end happens soon - maple sugar production. Producers in the area have begun tapping trees and while the sap isn’t quite flowing yet, by this time next week production should begin ramping up. Angela Coleman, owner of the Sand Road Sugar Camp in Moose Creek, said in an interview her operation has begun tapping the more than 2,700 trees they use to produce the sweettasting treat Canada is famous for. “It looks like the time for us is now,” she said. “We would say things look very promising.” Last year was terrible for maple producers. A winter that wouldn’t quit, combined with a spring that seemed to show up out of nowhere, led to a very short production season.

Coleman said the transition to spring from winter this year appears to be more gradual, considering the temperatures in the long-range weather forecast. And that bodes well for syrup producers. “The sun is pretty warm, so that’s a good sign,” she said. “You can see it with some of the melt on the driveways. “The temperatures might not be there, but the sunshine plays a big role.” And the good news kept right on coming Monday morning. South Nation Conservation, in partnership with Sand Road Maple Farm, is once again offering its popular Maple Education Program, which provides a unique, hands-on history of the production of maple syrup. Guided by SNC interpreters, pre-booked

K-12 school groups enjoy a leisurely hike through the sugar bush while learning how maple syrup makes it from the tree to your breakfast table. The bilingual program is offered March 3 through April 3, and interested schools must book their visits with SNC in advance. Tours are also available for adult groups. The Sand Road log cabin remains open to all visitors even while tours are being conducted. The two-hour tours, which follow the K-12 science curriculum, start at 9:30 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. To offset expenses, the cost per participant is $6, which includes the tour and a maple treat The best part of winter’s end happens and must be paid in advance. Pancake meals are soon - maple sugar production. also available starting at $4.50 per person. The minimum number per group is 15. To help make Additionally, SNC is offering Maple Education the program more accessible, SNC offers a buss- Lesson Kits to be loaned to schools and groups ing subsidy of up to $150 per eligible school. who aren’t able to visit the programming site.

Spring is coming - just not as quickly as some would like

10 - Thursday, March 5, 2015

are being pushed into central and eastern Canada. So, while our friends on the west coast enjoy warm temperatures and green grass, those of us in the east continue to bundle up. “This is not going to be something people will want to have,” said Gillham. The good news? Precipitation is expected to be below normal, so don’t expect as much snow/ rain to kick off spring. And, Gillham said once winter finally exits (don’t worry, it can’t stay cold forever) the balance of spring is expected to see normal temperatures.

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- Seaway News -

CORNWALL, Ontario - Winter’s icy grip on the The national weather broadcaster released its weather soon, with forecasts suggesting it will Cornwall area will last longer than you want, annual spring outlook Tuesday, and the news likely be mid- to late April (or even May) before according to The Weather Network. isn’t good for those looking to enjoy some warm we start seeing consistently normal temperatures. Meteorologist Doug Gillham said in an interview there will be some warm days, to be sure, but the average will see below normal temperatures to usher in spring. “It’s not going to be as harsh as February was,” he said. “The emphasis (for cool weather) will be on the first half of spring.” The reason? Those pesky Russians. Gillham said with jet streams continuing to track well into the north, artic blasts from Siberia

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‘Emotional Creature’: SASS to host March break camp Adam Brazeau

Speakers include Coun. Carilyne Hebert, real estate agent Nada Kovinich, Seaway Valley CrossFit coach Jessica Legue, and Akwesasne Mohawk Police Constable Leanne O’Brien. The event is being held at the Social – Conference & Event Centre at 130 Sydney Street. In 2014, SASS served over 167 women with roughly 748 counselling hours, compared to

137 in 2013, according to Vinet. Hours prior to speaking with Seaway News on Wednesday (Feb. 25), SASS accepted two new clients. For more information or to register, contact Jessika Thompson, SASS public education coordinator, by phone at 613-932-1755 ext. 27 or by e-mail at


CORNWALL, Ontario - Female leaders in the Cornwall area are teaming up with Sexual Assault Support Services for Women of SDG&A to empower a new generation at a free March break camp. Young women wondering what to do from Monday, Mar. 16 to Friday, Mar. 20, might want to consider the SASS ‘I Am an Emotional Creature’ camp, titled after the Eve Ensler book of the same name. “We’re doing this to unite and empower teen girls to talk about the issues they’re facing,” said Jessika Thompson, SASS public education coordinator. The camp is geared for female youth who want to talk about issues like body image, bullying, consent, and violence against women around the globe. “We’re looking for girls, not specific to them, who may be struggling with their own identity, or involved with ‘sexting’ and may not be aware

of the repercussions,” said Vinet. She added: “It’s also for the girls who want to make a difference – interested in social growth and political change. The theatrical component is the activist part.” The camp will end with a performance of Ensler’s ‘I Am an Emotional Creature’ by the group of March breakers. SASS limited the amount of spots to create a tight-knit group. Already, only eight are left. Corporate sponsors, including Dr. Rachel Navaneelan and Michele Allinotte of Allinotte Law Office, have rallied to ensure there is no cost for any of the participants. “All we ask is they bring their own lunch snacks will be provided,” said Thompson. Cornwall Transit vouchers will be provided, and SASS is also working with local taxis to help transport anyone from the Stormont-DundasGlengarry area. Special guests will discuss health and nutrition, teen pregnancy, texting and the law, and politics.

news - Seaway News - Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 11


Pictured are Angela Vinet (left), SASS of SDG&A executive director, and Jessika Thompson, SASS public education coordinator.Adam Brazeau

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For the month of March Pro-Oil Change is helping to support the Agape Centre. Any customer who donates a non-perishable food item will be entered into a draw for a

NEW AT THE JOY OF LEARNING! Offering a variety of presentations with the purpose of Together Making a Difference within the development and/or senior sector. Call 613935-6857 or visit: ST. PATRICK’S TEA & BAKE SALE ~ St. Columban’s Catholic Women’s League invites you Tuesday, March 17, 1:30 pm to 3 pm at the St. Columban’s Activity Centre (Room 201 Agape Centre). Admission $6. BEREAVED FAMILIES OF ONTARIO Cornwall and Area Support and Share Night is open to anyone who has lost a loved one through death. Next support group meeting is Wednesday, Mar. 11 from 7-9pm at 216 Montreal Road. No cost to attend. Info: 613936-1455 or visit the Drop-In Centre at 216 Montreal Road. BAKE SALE The ladies’ from the Greek Community would like to invite everyone Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Mar. 26, 27 & 28 for a fundraiser bake sale inside the Giant Tiger (609 Pitt St, Cornwall) from 9am until closing time. All money will go towards the Cornwall Community Hospital. Everyone Welcome! SEAWAY TOASTMASTERS PUBLIC SPEAKING GROUP meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, 7-9pm, at the Riverdale Retirement Residence, 1200 Second West. For more information (613)330-1922. UPPER CANADA MIGRATORY BIRD SANCTUARY Moonlight Ski and Snowshoe Event. The Friends of the Sanctuary invite novice and experienced skiers and snowshoers to join us for a wonderful evening of skiing, snowshoeing or walking under a moonlit sky on Saturday, March 7. The first group heads out at 7pm, the last group departs at 7:10pm, so please arrive early enough to be fitted and ready to leave. Enjoy a hot beverage with new friends around a cozy fire. We have ski and snowshoe equipment available if required. A $5. donation to the Friends of the Sanctuary is requested for this event. If the weather is questionable, please call the Visitor Centre at 613537-2024 between 12:00 and 4:00 to confirm trail and weather conditions for the evening event.



Winner will be drawn at the end of the month.


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12 - Thursday, March 5, 2015

- Seaway News -

Free oil CHange

MARCH BREAK ACTIVITIES at the Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary. Everyone is welcome! Monday, Mar. 16, Cornwall Aero Modellers, Air show starts at 1pm, Tuesday, Mar. 17, Visitor Centre open 12-4pm, Wednesday, Mar. 18, Beginner Birding Class & field trip, 2 classes (10-12 students of all ages) at 12:30 & 2pm. Registration is recommended; please send an e-mail to, Thursday, Mar. 19, Scavenger hunt, Friday, Mar. 20, Hotdog BBQ and Poker walk/run, Cost $2/person, Saturday, Mar. 21, Backyard Astronomers, Due to scheduling conflicts, this presentation has been postponed until later in the spring. Check our website for further notices. If the weather is questionable, please call the Visitor Centre at 613-537-2024 between 12:00 and 4:00 to confirm trail and weather conditions for the evening event. Please visit our website at for more info. We are located off County Road #2, 11 km east of Morrisburg between Upper Canada Village & Ingleside OR alternatively, take Hwy 401, exit 770 South at Ingleside to County Road #2, travel West for 2 km and follow the signs. WOODSMOKE BLUEGRASS JAMBOREE Weekend of fantastic live music, March 27 & 28, NAV CENTRE Theatre, Cornwall, 7pm. Details: woodsmokebluegrass TRICOUNTY COUNTRY MUSIC JAM Saturday, March 7 at the IOOF Hall in Williamsburg-7:30 p.m. CHURCH ALIVE SERIESBlessed Sacrament Parish will be hosting a series of talks on Monday evening during Lent. The evening will start at 6:30pm and end at 7:30pm. Everyone is invited to attend and share. We will end our Lenten CHURCH ALIVE SERIES with THE FRANCIS EFFECT. Please join us on the following dates… March 9th - Social Justice, March 23rd - The Consecrated Life, March 30th - The Francis Effect. CASINO TRIP to Rideau Carleton on Friday, Mar. 27, bus departs at 4:30pm. For more info, call 613-932-6534. “Bring a friend or two”. Proceeds toward St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Lotto Draw & Dance, Saturday, March 7, 8pm–12am. Draw– 10pm. Light Lunch–11pm. Entertainment by “REVIVAL”. Everyone Welcome. CONCERNED ABOUT DISABILITY SUPPORTS IN YOUR COMMUNITY? To register, email dvallieres// MOOSE LODGE (1367) Dance to Ray Campeau, Saturday, Mar. 7, 8pm-12am. We have Hall Rentals for all occasions. Moose Lodge, 443 – 11th St. West. 613-938-0666.

Available in 0W20/5W20/5W30/10W30 only. European formula oils are subject to a surcharge.

*May not be combined with any other offer. Coupon must be presented at the time of service. Offer includes up to 6 Liters of Valvoline Branded oil. Services requiring more than 6 liters of oil are subject to a surcharge. Includes conventional filter, premium filters are subject to a surcharge. Limited time offer. Cornwall Location Only.

Program Schedule for the week of March 9 to March 15, 2015

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COMMUNITY CALENDAR THE “HOUSE OF HOPE” WELCOMES YOU to a Christian meeting place at 353 Montreal Road, open Sundays for worship at 11am for lively singing, great Bible teaching and hot coffee. Many other weekly activities as announced. Food Cupboard available the last Sunday of each month. The “House Of Hope “ is an outreach of First Baptist Church, Cornwall. “For God so loved the world....” THE CORNWALL AND DISTRICT HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY is holding its next meeting on Tuesday, March 10 at the RCAFA, Wing 424, 240 Water St. West at 7pm. Our topic - “Butterflies” will be presented by Dave & Colleen from the Maitland Garden of Hope. Join us!!

SOCIAL DROP-IN & LUNCHEON: 353 Pitt St. 613-930-4892 x229. First Thursday of every month, 10am-1pm. Anyone interested in finding out more about Seaway Valley Community Health Centre’s groups are invited. Come meet new friends!! ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARTY with Bob & Ducky at the RCAFA Wing 424 / 240 Water St. West on Sunday, Mar. 15. Starts at 3pm. Great Music / Irish Stew. HEALTHY YOU! 353 Pitt St. 613-930-4892 x229. This is a free 3-week group program with ongoing monthly support that will help you change your lifestyle and manage your weight through healthy eating and physical activity. Led by our Registered Dietitian and Exercise Specialist.

CENTRE CHARLES-ÉMILE-CLAUDE ~ PARTICIPEZ AUX NOUVELLES ACTIVITÉS PHYSIQUES : BADMINTON, les mardis de 14 h 00 à 15 h 30. (annulé 24 mars 2015). YOGA, les mercredis de 10 h 00 à 11 h 00. RAQUETTE, mercredi 4 mars à Upper Canada Bird Sanctuary. PATINAGE, les vendredis 13 et 27 mars, au Centre Benson (Pad 2), de 13 h 00 à 14 h 00. Renseignements : France, agente d’intégration sociale aux activités physiques, CCÉC, 613.932.1035, IRISH STEW SUPPER ~ Sunday, Mar. 15, 5pm, Knox St. Paul’s United Church, 800 Twelfth St. East (off of McConnell St. North). Tickets $20. Available at the church office or at the door. For tickets and more info, call Deb at 613-938-3704.






LGBTQ SOCIAL GATHERING (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, Queer): 353 Pitt St. 613930-4892 x229. First Thursday of every month, 5-7pm. Allies and family members welcome too. Support education and resources provided in a safe environment. Find us on Facebook: Search LGBTQ Cornwall SDG to join the group. BIG BREAKFAST ~ Sunday, March 8 from 8am-12pm at Blessed Sacrament Church Hall, by Bishop Brodeur Assembly fourth degree Knights of Columbus. Funds for Holy Trinity, St. Joseph and St. Matthew’s for Missionnary Project. Good Will Donation. Come one ... come all! BINGO EVENT St. Therese de Lisieux, Parish Church, Thursdays; March 19, April 16, April 30, May 14, May 28, June 11. Early bird 6:30pm. Information 613-933-0664.









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◆ Lease payments of $64/$93 on the 2015 Rogue/2015 Pathfinder must be made on a semi-monthly basis and cannot be made weekly. Weekly lease payments are for advertising purposes only. †Offer is administered by Nissan Canada Extended Services Inc. (NCESI) and applies to any new 2015 Micra/Versa Note/Sentra/Altima/Juke/Rogue/Pathfinder models (each, an “Eligible Model”) leased and registered through Nissan Canada Financial Services Inc., on approved credit, between March 3 – March 31, 2015 from an authorized Nissan retailer in Canada. Eligible only on leases through NCF with subvented rates. Offer recipient will be entitled to receive a maximum of six (6) service visits (each, a “Service Visit”) for the Eligible Vehicle – where each Service Visit consists of one (1) oil change (using conventional 5W30 motor oil) and one (1) tire rotation service (each, an “Eligible Service”). All Eligible Services will be conducted in strict accordance with the Oil Change and Tire Rotation Plan outline in the Agreement Booklet for the Eligible Vehicle. The service period (“Service Period”) will commence on the lease transaction date (“Transaction Date”) and will expire on the earlier of: (i) the date on which the maximum number of Service Visits has been reached; (ii) 36 months from the Transaction Date; or (iii) when the Eligible Vehicle has reached 48,000 kilometers. All Eligible Services must be completed during the Service Period, otherwise they will be forfeited. The Offer may be upgraded to use premium oil at the recipient’s expense. The Eligible Services are not designed to meet all requirements and specifications necessary to maintain the Eligible Vehicle. To see the complete list of maintenance necessary, please refer to the Service Maintenance Guide. Any additional services required are not covered by the Offer and are the sole responsibility and cost of the recipient. Offer may not be redeemed for cash and may not be combined with certain offers NCESI reserves the right to amend or terminate this offer, in whole or in part, at any time without prior notice. Additional conditions and limitations apply. Ask your retailer for details. ≠Representative semi-monthly lease offer based on any new 2015 Rogue S FWD CVT (Y6RG15 AA00)/2015 Pathfinder S V6 4x2 (5XRG15 AA00) CVT transmission. 1.99%/2.9% lease APR for a 60/60 month term equals 120/120 semi-monthly payments of $139/$201 with $0/$0 down payment, and $0/$0 security deposit. First semi-monthly payment, down payment and $0 security deposit are due at lease inception. Prices and payments include freight and fees. Lease based on a maximum of 20,000 km/year with excess charged at $0.10/km. Total lease obligation is $16,682/$24,130. This offer is only valid from March 3 - 31, 2015. $500 NCF lease cash appplicated only on the 2015 PathfinderS V6 4x2 (5XRG15 AA00) CVT transmission. Conditions apply. ◆ $31,882 Selling Price for a new 2015 Murano S FWD CVT (LXRG15 NA00). Conditions apply. **MSRP starting from $29,998 for a 2015 Nissan Murano S FWD (LXRG15 NA00) excluding Freight and PDE charges and specific duties of new tires. ▲Models shown $36,482/$48,502/$45,382 Selling Price for a new 2015 Rogue SL AWD Premium (Y6DG15 BK00)/2015 Pathfinder Platinum (5XEG15 AA00)/2015 Murano Platinum AWD (LXEG15 TE00). *◆±≠▲Freight and PDE charges ($1,750/$1,720/$1,750), air-conditioning levy ($100) where applicable, applicable fees (all which may vary by region), manufacturer’s rebate and dealer participation where applicable are included. License, registration, insurance and applicable taxes are extra. Lease offers are available on approved credit through Nissan Canada Finance for a limited time, may change without notice and cannot be combined with any other offers except stackable trading dollars. Retailers are free to set individual prices. Dealer order/trade may be necessary. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. Offers, prices and features subject to change without notice. Offers valid between March 3 - 31, 2015. °Based on full-line brands (those selling both cars and trucks) on a rolling 12 month year over year retail sales volume basis. *Ward’s Large Cross/Utility Market Segmentation. MY15 Pathfinder vs. 2015 and 2014 Large Cross/Utility Class. Offers subject to change, continuation or cancellation without notice. Offers have no cash alternative value. See your participating Nissan retailer for complete details. ©1998-2015 Nissan Canada Inc. and Nissan Financial Services Inc. a division of Nissan Canada Inc.


CORNWALL SEAWAY NEWS - Seaway News - Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 13


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Firefighters are making noise, but is anyone listening?

Tough talk last week from Cornwall’s firefighters. Reps from the Cornwall Professional Firefighters Association, in an interview with yours truly, listed a litany of problems within the department, contained in a fire marshal’s report that dates back more than a year and a half. The problems, according to the report, centre on leadership and fire prevention but the message from the union is clear: there is dysfunction within the department. The problem for the association might be that their message is falling on deaf ears. And I don’t mean city councillors, some of whom were more than a bit peeved that the union would go as far as it did with some of the comments. No…it would be average taxpayers, some of whom are ignoring the message being offered by the union. The problem, as it almost always is, is optics. The firefighters association is the only municipal union that has parked itself within council chambers to listen in on the budget talks. Proponents say this is because they are taking an active interest in the debates taking place among their bosses – a valid point, I would say. I think every municipal union in the city should have a rep at the budget meetings. But critics are lambasting the union for ONLY taking an interest in the budget talks because they could end up losing members – and others have gone a step further and consider their growing numbers in the council

chambers to be a form of intimidation. Not sure I’d go that far…but some are. The big issue headed into the fire budget talks centres on replacing four empty spots (one per platoon) within the department – city council is considering leaving the spots empty and rolling the dice that overtime costs won’t skyrocket as some suggest. While the union may be scoring points when it comes to shining a light on areas within the fire service that need improvement, they are losing the PR war. Ask anyone on the street about being a Cornwall firefighter and the answers are pretty telling when it comes to the public opinion: “They only fight about four fires a year.” “Nearly all of them have part-time jobs because their full-time job is so easy.” “They only work about six shifts a month.” “They sleep all night.” Of course most of those sentiments aren’t steeped in reality – but the problem for the firefighters association is they exist, and not much is being done to counter those arguments. Let’s be honest, being a firefighter in Cornwall is a pretty sweet gig. First of all…you’re a firefighter. Name one little boy that at one point in time didn’t have a fantasy about roaring out of the station in a fire truck. In many cases these guys are, quite literally, living the dream. Firefighters are also paid pretty well – and rightly so…if my house is on fire I want a guy manning the hose who is paid well, not some guy looking to do something else with his life. And finally, it would appear as though the firefighters association is a union I wouldn’t want to mess with. They are passionate, knowledgeable and aren’t afraid to mix it

up if challenged (see Mark MacDonald’s ‘pig’ comment for evidence of that). If I’m a firefighter, I’m glad they’ve got my back. Life, in a city where jobs are scarce and minimum wage is a constant theme, could be a lot worse than being a full-time firefighter. So…if it is to have any success convincing the public it deserves the people it wants, the firefighters association has to do a better job when it comes to public relations. I put that point to association leaders Jason Crites and Bruce Doing, when we spoke last week. They agreed, with some convincing, that more work in educating the public of their point of view is required. But Doing did suggest: “It shouldn’t be incumbent on the association to address these issues.”

Letters to the Editor

In a perfect world, he is right. But city council continues to stare down a budget with a tax increase that hovers north of three per cent, combined with a challenging jobs market and a local economy that is very much middle-of-the-road. It’s no wonder that there are grasps somewhere, anywhere, to save some money. I agree there are issues to be addressed with the Cornwall Fire Department. It would appear many of those issues will be put to rest when this much-ballyhooed Fire Master Plan finally sees the light of day in a few weeks. The challenge I put to the fire association is this – you make some good points…now you have to convince the naysayers those points are valid in the current economic climate.

Dear editor: Re: Tax Increase Some city residents and councillors

support an unrealistic goal of reducing or holding taxes. To me, this is like a wishful thinking that a multinational company will build a big manufacturing plant in Cornwall

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14 - Thursday, March 5, 2015

- Seaway News -

It’s time to think long-term, says writer with high paying jobs within next few years. Zero tax increases cannot be achieved for this year. It may be possible in the next five to ten years. Every year the cost of running the City will keep going up and the city will need more revenues. However one could work towards increasing the tax base (the number of taxpayers and businesses) over a period of time so that the tax load will be shared by more taxpayers, thus reducing the need of a tax increase. Our stagnant population of 47,000 for over 50 years does not help in increasing the tax base to generate more funds to run the city. I know this easier said than done. But do we have a choice ? We have to think outside the box of ways to make this happen and not just give up and hope time will change or a miracle will happen.

Another point, I would like to raise: Why does the city wait for fall or winter to start thinking what increase will be required in the taxes? Why not do a budget for two years so that we know what is likely to happen next year. This will give council a full year to debate and see if the city can reduce the expenses anywhere. Successful businesses do a oneyear budget with a 3-5 year projection to realize what they will face ahead. I support Mark McDonald’s idea of a 20-year plan for the city. Mayor and Councillors received the mandate from the people to help move our City forward. Lets support them in their efforts for a long term plan. Naresh Bhargava, Cornwall, Ont.

Seaway News welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and may be edited for clarity or length. Please send your letters by email to or by mail to 29 Second Street East, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1Y2. Please include your name, address and phone number.

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Ald. Brunet, who labelled firefighters as labourers, said: “For the 32 first-class firefighters their education ranges from Grade 7 to Grade 12 with the average formal education for the group being Grade 10.” In another shot at the firefighters, Brunet said they were given a liberal clothing allowance, 18 paid sick days each year, were provided sleeping quarters along with the “opportunity for all the moonlighting that can be obtained.” Brunet also called for a composite force made up of volunteers and full-time firefighters. The firefighters prez fired back:“In Cornwall you have people like Ald. Brunet, people who have never done a physical day’s work in their lives.” What is that line about the more things change, the more they stay the same? TRIVIA ANSWER The New York Cafe was destroyed in an August 1972 fire. It was opened in 1913 at 129 Pitt St. by Peter Wong. The Cafe was Cornwall’s first Chinese restaurant. Also destroyed in the fire was the next door building housing Ford’s Jewellers. Snetsinger’s Hardware, Miller’s Men’s Wear and Marilyn’s Dress Shop received extensive water damage. Six firefighters were injured while fighting the fire: Capt. Clarence Snider, Lt. Ed Stewart, George Clarke, Bill Hope, Ray Campeau and Lt. Roy Riviere. A big danger was dynamite stored in a building behind the hardware store. TRIVIA This Pitt Street stationary store was owned and operated by Harry and Thelma Sliter. It closed in 1987. The original store opened in 1882. HITTING THE RECALL BUTTON On March 5, 1971 Cornwall and area residents woke to news that the night before, in British Columbia, Prime


Minister Pierre Trudeau and Margaret Sinclair had married. But a bigger story, at least for Cornwall and area, was unfolding. A raging blizzard swept into the area overnight and before it moved out a total of 52 centimeters of snow, fueled by strong winds, had been dumped in a 29-hour period. It was the worst snowstorm in our history. Life in the city and counties came to a standstill. On a clogged Highway 401 an estimated 500 transports were stranded between Ingleside and Lancaster. Teams of snowmobilers rescued the drivers. It took two days to clear Highway 401 and longer for many rural roads. Seven bulldozers were used to clear city streets. AROUND AND ABOUT Harry Valentine reminds us that bicycle lanes for Second Street were first discussed by city council back in 1973, when Ed Lumley was mayor. ... Coldest February in recent memory kind of takes the chill off global warming. ... Not much doubt that Christine Elliott will become the new leader of the Ontario Conservatives which will put women in charge of all three parties in the legislature, a first for Canadian provincial politics. ... Last Thursday, Whitehorse was seven degrees warmer than Cornwall. ACROSS THE POND Cost of getting an education at St. Lawrence University in Canton, N.Y., about 30 miles south of here, is going up. New annual fee schedule (tuition, room and board) is $62,150. Over at Clarkson University in Potsdam, the annual cost is $56,250. ... Tale of two systems: fewer hospital stays and visits to ER on this side of the border cuts costs. The opposite is the case in the U.S. where the goal of hospitals is to increase the number of patiens. A drop in admissions and

ER visits is the reason Massena Memorial Hospital posted a $65,778 net loss in January. ... The St. Lawrence County district attorney’s office has been given the go-ahead to hire two assistant district attorneys. The salary - $57,336. On this side of the border some court security guards make more. ... Thirty miles up river a multi-million dollar expansion of the Ogdensburg port is under way. The expanded port will employ some 60 dock workers. THIS AND THAT Shortly after an Ottawa area man was killed on July 2, 2010, a woman, described as his jilted ex-lover, was charged with murder. Last week she was found guilty of manslaughter. The case puts the spotlight on a plodding justice system. She spent 4 1/2 years in custody awaiting trial. What happens in such cases when an accused person is found innocent of all charges after spending years in custody? Getting a case to trial in a year is considered fast. Most take one to two years. ... Kudos to the Wesleyan Church congregation (Sydney Street) for opening a centre for fire victims. It is called the Wesleyan Refuge and provides accommodations for fire victims up to 30 days. The $30,000 needed to renovate part of the church (former school) for living quarters was raised by the congregation. SPORTS STUFF Just in case you were wondering, the Leafs have a worse record under coach Peter Horachek than the fired Randy Caryle. The Laughs have won just four of 23 games with Horachek behind the bench. Yes, those coaching changes sure make a difference. ... Imagine paying $300 to watch the Sabres and Leafs go through the motions.



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Check out hundreds of murals at - Seaway News - Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 15

As baseball legend Yogi Berra liked to say, “It is deja-vu, all over again.” So it is with shots currently being fired across the bow over the cost of maintaining the Cornwall Fire Department and shift numbers. Turn back the page to 1971. Ald. Roy Brunet and Cornwall Professional Firefighters Association were locked in a war of words over salaries, manpower and the use of paid volunteers. A third fire station in the north end of the city was another issue. Brunet lit the fuse when he told a local radio station that salary demands by the local firefighters were“ridiculous”and suggested that their base pay was too rich for the community to shoulder. In short, he alleged they were fat cats feeding at the public trough. (Does this not sound familiar?) Guy Lepage, firefighters association president, punched back, noting that the average annual salary for the 45 firefighters (down from 48) was $8,300, which placed Cornwall 58th out of 72 Ontario departments. The firefighters were seeking a $600 annual increase. The union was pushing the city to return to a complement of 48 firefighters with 12 men on each of the four shifts. The decrease was the result of two resignations and one retirement, vacancies that the cost-conscious council was hesitant to fill. Lepage said that one shift at No. 2 station was operating with three men and during one sevenday stretch had just two men. How nasty did things get back in the 1971 verbal brawl?



History repeats itself with fire barbs CLAUDE MCINTOSH



Tourney title The NGS atom C Braves claimed the A championship at their home tournament Saturday in Maxville. Pictured in front is Hayden Begin. Second row from left: Corinne Anderson, Morgan Casselman, Zayne Rutley, Blake Nuttall, Wyatt Amsing and Zache Gauthier. Third row: Aidyn Nuttall, Lucas Martel, Hamish Nowry and Matthew Bill. Back row: head coach Todd Anderson, assistant coach Larry Begin, assistant coach Brian Nowry and trainer Christine Casselman.

Canadian Tire Gas Bar Draw Cornwall Senior Men’s Curling held the Canadian Tire Gas Bar Cup Draw from Feb. 3rd to Feb. 27th 2015. Twenty eight teams participated with the Lawson rink winning the playoffs.Pictured are: Lead Bob Cameron, skip Brent Lawson, Canadian Tire Gas Bar representative Peter Hurrell, third Mike Cox, second Ron Marchant and Senior Men’s president Brian Landry.

The Knight family - espionage, tragedy and their cup

Road salt is used to create a lower freezing temperature on road surfaces, leading to less ice on roadways. While this salt can save countless lives during snowstorms, it could also shorten the life of your car. Salt is corrosive, and after time, it can eat away the paint on your vehicle, lead to rusting problems on the frame and even damage to the undercarriage. While some people regularly wash their cars during the winter, others choose to wait until spring. Salt is activated by heat, so the corrosive effects speed up when the weather is warmer. Whenever you choose to wash your vehicle,



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and complications arose. David Lascelle died on November 11th leaving his wife Beulah and seven children. Two men, connected by a love of sports and a minor traffic mishap, were both gone within a few short months of each other.

Kinsmen Minor Girls Softball Registration


it’s a good idea to do so as the next season sets in. Once spring comes around, it is imperative to give the undercarriage of your car a thorough wash. Salt sucks up the moisture in humid air, which could lead to even more problems once the weather heats up.

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on August 4th Ambrose Knight died. David Lascelle was kept in custody as police pondered manslaughter charges, but none were ever laid and he returned to his taxi, but suffered an attack of appendicitis in October 1937

Cornwall Colts

Your Car and Road Salt Tim Houle Auto Talk

Recently, this picture arrived on my desk - it is thought to be a photo of Dr. William Knight. During the mid 20’s he donated a Cup to the local city hockey league which was appropriately called the Knight’s Cup. The first four seasons the Cup was awarded, it went to the Howard Smith Paper Mill team twice, followed by the Collegiate Institute and Mille Roches clubs. Does anyone know where this trophy may be today Is this even a photo of Dr. Knight and his trophy? I sure would like to know, because as you have just read, this simple photo spawned a look into some interesting local history.


It’s time to unlock the vault for a little trip back in time. On December 6, 1929, Cornwall’s Dr. William Knight died after a brief illness. The son of former CCVS principal Adolphus G. Knight and son-in-law of former Cornwall Mayor Ambrose F. Mulhern, William Knight was a prominent dentist in town, partnering with Dr. R.S. Robertson for many years. He was involved in fraternal organizations and was an avid sportsman. The Knights had four children Katherine, Douglas, Elaine and Ambrose. William was a member of the Cornwall Golf and Country Club. His daughter Elaine would take up the sport and win three ladies championships at the Cornwall Club. Elaine would attend the University of Toronto and during WWII, she was most likely recruited by U of T law and engineering professor Benjamin deForest Bayly to work for (Sir) William ‘Intrepid’ Stephenson’s Top Secret WWII spy agency at Rockefeller Plaza in New York City. Bayly was a mastermind in communication devices working as a buyer for the agency transferring secrets between Great Britain and the United States. Stephenson’s covert group also reacted to some of the Nazi enigma codes intercepted by the allies during

the war. Elaine would later work for the United Nations in Paris and London before returning to Toronto where she practiced law for 25 years. Dr. Knight’s son Ambrose, must have followed his father around the old course too, as he became an outstanding golfer. Before the age of 21, Ambrose (Rarie) Knight claimed the club championship three consecutive years from 1932-1934, represented the Cornwall Club in the Ottawa District Championships winning the 1933 crown. Golf seemed to be the perfect sport for Ambrose Knight as he suffered from a serious heart condition that limited strenuous activity. He would attend the University of Toronto and his 1935 U of T golf team captured the Inter-Collegiate title. During the summer of 1937, Ambrose was in Cornwall after his second year at Osgoode Hall Law School. On June 26, as he watched, a taxi, driven by David Lascelle (a fine hockey player in town who toiled for the local Rough Riders and French Flyers) sideswiped Ambrose’s parked automobile on First Street. Knight gave chase in his car and as reported in the Standard-Freeholder, “Knight had overtaken the Lascelle machine on First east of Marlborough.” An altercation took place and Lascelle was charged with assault. A few days later Ambrose was admitted to hospital, his heart was failing and a month later,


16 - Thursday, March 5, 2015

- Seaway News -

Thom Racine

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Speedway revved up for new sportsman series Adam Brazeau

Engines roar at the Cornwall Motor Speedway.

CORNWALL, Ontario - Race car fanatics will have plenty to cheer for this summer with the addition of a new local series that attracts more competition to the Cornwall Motor Speedway. The Bandit Motorsports Sportsman Challenge will join a full schedule with three events, including two 100-lap features, and on the final night of the series, two 50-lap features. “This series is a great addition for the summer,” said Martin Bélanger, communications director for the speedway. “And with an extended race format, great purse, and interesting points fund, the field of Sportsman coming from Ontario, Quebec, and northern United States should be really strong.” The premiere race will take place on Saturday, May 2 during the first edition of the Spring Sizzler. On Canada Day (Wednesday, July 1), the Sportsman will return as the headliner, and the final event will run on Sunday, Aug. 9. Nearly $10,000 will be up for grabs on each night, according to Bélanger. Each race winner will receive $2,000 during the 100-lap event and $1,000 during each 50-lap feature race. Bélanger said the points fund sponsored by Bandit Motorsports and the speedway will reach over $3,000 (in money and contingencies) with the series champion receiving $1,000, second place $750, third $500, with fourth and fifth receiving a 2016 season pass. For more information, visit

Adam Brazeau

River Kings win! when Sandrzyk blasted a one-timer past Cesar. Laval got the equalizer with a shorthanded marker at 11:23 of the first when Juraj Kolnik beat Karvouniaris with a nifty deke on a breakaway. The Predateurs took the lead on a tic-tactoe play finished off by David Masse at 9:03 of the second. Mathieu Brunelle also capitalized on a passing play with 4:12 to go in the middle frame to open up a two-goal lead for Laval. Cue the comeback. Stay-at-home defenceman Brennan Barker jumped into the play and beat Cesar with a wrist shot from the high slot 1:56 into the third to give the River Kings some life. Moment later, at 2:57, J.P. Caron one-timed a perfect pass from Antony Courcelles past Cesar to level the score. Then, things got interesting. With a melee in front of the Laval bench, Karvouniaris and Cesar

met at centre ice for an entertaining scrap. The River Kings goaltender pinned the Laval netminder, much to the delight of Cornwall fans. That set the table for the game winning goal. Sandrzyk, in front of Cesar, was credited with the winner at 6:15 of the third to complete the comeback. The goaltending battle wasn’t the only entertainment on this night. Curtis Tidball dropped Laval’s Sebastien Laferriere late in the first period before Manuel Frechette took on

Kinsmen Minor Soccer Association


Registration March 7 9am-3pm .................................$90. Registration March 28th 9am-3pm..........................$100. Fee for 3rd child (or more)...................................... $40.

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heavyweight David Starenky in a lengthy bout. Karvouniaris (first), Barker (second) and Sandrzyk were the announced stars. Cornwall outshot Laval 41-29, including 19-5 in the third. The regular season wraps up on Saturday, March 7 when the River Kings host Trois-Rivieres at the Civic Complex. Game time is 7:30 p.m. The River Kings will face the first-place Eperviers in the first-round of the playoffs. The series is expected to begin Friday, March 13 in Sorel.

CoaChes needed

• New players proof of age required

• Divisions from U5 (2011) to U18 (1997) Download your registration form @ - Seaway News - Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 17

CORNWALL, Ontario - The Cornwall River Kings snapped a 10-game losing streak with a 4-3 victory over the Laval Predateurs at the Ed Lumley Arena. Cornwall rallied from a two-goal deficit in the final period to edge the Predateurs in front of 1,339 fans on Saturday, Feb. 28. Andre Sandrzyk scored twice, including the game-winner, giving head coach Bob Desjardins his first victory behind the River Kings bench. On a night when former River King Chris Cloutier made his return to town, it was goaltender Pete Karvouniaris who stole the show. In a wild third period, he dropped the trapper/ blocker with counterpart Stephane Cesar at centre ice. Cornwall opened the scoring 24 seconds in


Students showcase their skills CORNWALL, Ontario - Thinking outside the recipe box kept students off the hot seat at the inaugural Master Chef skills competition at St. Matthew Catholic Secondary School. Twelve students from the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) took part in the television-inspired event in Cornwall on Tuesday, February, 24. Originally, organizers were hoping to have six participants, but demand was so strong that the competition was broken into two sessions. “We had students from as far as Carleton Place and Perth,” said Dan Lortie, CDSBEO Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) coordinator. The budding chefs were expected to create a meal with a mystery box, containing half a chicken, tarragon, frozen peas, basmati rice, and dried apricots. They were judged on industry standard components, including creativity, presentation skills, taste, flavour, texture, and sanitation. “It’s the first time we do this,” said teacher Kelly McDermid. “We would love to make this an annual event and expand it if we could.” Judges were Lucas McCabe, executive chef at the Nav Centre and a participant on Chopped Canada, Tony Koggel, food service manager for

Chateau Cornwall, and Michael Laurie, education officer for the Ministry of Education. Competing schools included St. Joseph’s, St. Matthew, St. John, Notre Dame, and St. Michael. For results, check this article online at www. Meanwhile in Cornwall, more than 250 students took part in a range of events from carpentry to hairstyling at the 7th annual Eastern Ontario Skills Competition. Lortie said the event, held at St. Lawrence College and two other venues, was designed to give students a flavour of the trades in hopes they will consider them as a career choice. The competition brought together CDSBEO and UCDSB pupils to rebuild small engines, build boot benches, create unique hairstyles, build cabinets, and even test their skills with a flight simulator. First-place winners at the event included: Bobby Walker, North Dundas District High School, small engine repair; Kody Johnston, Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School, cabinet making; Monica Oshker, Russell High School, photography; Finn Hogue, St. John Catholic High School, journalism; Seth Willard and Sam Poole, St. John Catholic High School, two-person carpentry; Andre Houde, Jeremy Forget, Brandon Lepage, and Derek Lister, La Citadelle Secondary School,

Students cook up a storm at the inaugural Master Chef skills competition at St. Matthew Catholic Secondary School on Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2015. Submitted photo 4-person house building; and Nick Burns, Thousand Islands Secondary School, welding.

UCDSB students will have their chance to impress in the kitchen at an upcoming culinary skills competition in Gananoque.

More than 250 students tested their skills Tuesday in a range of events from carpentry to hairstyling at the 7th Annual Eastern Ontario Skills Competition in Cornwall. The event, held at St. Lawrence College and two other venues, was designed to give students a flavour of the trades in hopes they will consider them as a career choice, said Dan Lortie, Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator for the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO). “There is a projected shortage of tradespeople throughout Canada,” added Alex MacDougall, Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Facilitator for the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB). “This day provides an opportunity for students to be exposed to the trades. They get a trades experience as well as the opportunity to compete against other students.”

The competition brought together entrants from both the CDSBEO and UCDSB to rebuild small engines, build boot benches, create unique hairstyles, build cabinets and even test their skills with a flight simulator – all in a bid to inspire entry into the trades. First-place winners at the event included: Bobby Walker, North Dundas District High School, small engine repair; Kody Johnston, Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School, cabinet making; Monica Oshker, Russell High School, photography; Finn Hogue, St. John Catholic High School, journalism; Seth Willard and Sam Poole, St. John Catholic High School, two-person carpentry; Andre Houde, Jeremy Forget, Brandon Lepage, and Derek Lister, La Citadelle Secondary School, 4-person house building; and Nick Burns, Thousand Islands Secondary School, welding. Students from both boards say they

Projects – Labour Market Resources - News & Events - Articles Our mandate includes directing the workforce planning and development in support of government training programs and employment related services. This includes identifying priorities for training; making recommendations on programs and services to ensure they are accessible, effective and responsive to local needs; and working with Community Partners to resolve labour market and socio-economic development issues.

North Dundas District High School student Bobby Walker won first place in the small engine repair event.) Phone: 613-932-0210 Toll free: 1-877-234-1368 Email: 6018007

18 - Thursday, March 5, 2015

- Seaway News -

Students show their talent in the trades

S p onS ore d b y t h e e a St e r n o n tario training b oard

enjoyed the event. “I think it’s really fun to come out and challenge myself against others and see how fast they can work because I can learn how well I can do compared with others,” said Walker, the Grade 10 winner in small engine repair. “This contest can also show students that maybe they’re better off in the trades for a career.” Seth Willard, a Grade 12 student at St. John Catholic High School in Perth, added that the

competitive atmosphere allows students to step up their game. “You look a lot more at the details because you have someone to compete against so you work to do your best,” said Willard, who was entered in the two-person carpentry event with partner Sam Poole. Organizers of this year’s event are already looking at ways to improve the 2016 competition, which may include a more concerted effort to publicize it in the preceding weeks.

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open HoUse open HoUse open HoUse satUrday 1-2:30 PM satUrday 3-4:30 PM SUNDAY 1-2:30 PM $319,900

18473 GLEN RD, WILLIAMSToWN - $349,900

3854 4Th LINE RD., GLEN RobERTSoN (M0422) Super efficient, well laid out 3 bdrm side-split on 12 beautiful acres. Gor- (L3780) BE SETTLED BY SPRING! Snug 2+1. 5 min from shopping, schools, hospital. (L2206) Large 4+1 Bdrm home, huge yard with pond, in-law suite, an oversized work- geous large kit with lots of cpbds, spacious rec rm with bar, hot tub, an oversized A Nature Lover’s Dream with cross-country ski strails just around the corner. Ideally shop with wdstv is the ultimate MAN CAVE. All of this on 2+ Acres. 2-car garage for the handyman. sited for 10KW Hydro One microfit solar (financial & layout pdf’s available).



(M0404) 2650 Sq.ft. 5 bdrm home. $189,900 710 CoTToN MILL ST - UNIT 510 Gas heat,. 2+1 baths, 4-car heated att (M0656 ) 3+1 Bdrm raised bung. Gas (L3820) 2 Bdrm, 2baths, waterview Condo. garage. 50x100 tin shed on 1.31 Ac. IM- furnace, C/A, wdstove, hdwd & ceramic Rooftop patio with BBQ, Library, Gym, LockMEDIATE POSSESSION! flrs plus fin bsmt. er, Guest Suite & inside parking/wash bay.

LUC PoIRIER† 613-936-3778 LUC PoIRIER† 613-936-3778 LUC PoIRIER† 613-936-3778

SOLD #17-2201 PoWER DAM DR $64,900

START OUT OR RETIRE HERE! (M0453) Affordable, bright, & beautiful. Move in ready with many recent upgrades.

WAYNE ThoMPSoN* 613-362-3820



16345 JENKINS RD., LoNG SAULT $239,900




(M0273) Beautiful from top to bottom! 1696 sq.ft.++. Too many upgrades to mention. Sneak a peek Saturday.

WAYNE ThoMPSoN* 613-362-3820

NEW PRICE $569,000

INGLESIDE - $138,900 COUNTRY CENTURY HOME NEW PRICE $189,900 (L3565) A pleasant mixture of old & new (M0586) A 1400 sq.ft.brick bung with det (L2730) This home has it all charm, garage. Needs work, but is a lot of house 19 CRESCENT VIEW DR • NEW PRICE - $169,900 in this 4 bdrm home on acre lot with lots for the asking price. (M0011) 1+1 Bdrm brick bung with interlocking brick drive & man-cave garage. character, location & so much more. of extras. Shows well. Appliances Included for QUICK SALE! MIChAEL VANDER MEER** MIChAEL VANDER MEER** MIChAEL VANDER MEER** MIChAEL VANDER MEER** 613-938-2121




(L3291) A unique opportunity with this 3 bdrm home on large lot has commercial area & sep entrance & includes extra lot.

MIChAEL VANDER MEER** 613-938-2121


(L3218) WATERFRONT BUNGALOW with water, sewer & gas services. Movein-condition.

RoN WooD* 613-363-3001

* designates sales representative **designates Broker † designates Broker of record - Seaway News - Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 19


(L1345) This one is well-established, liquor licence, seating for 149, parking, great (M0581) VOTED “BEST OVERALL TOWN SETTING 2014”.Charming 2+1 bdrm split- (M0123) IDEAL FAMILY HOME! 3+1 bdrm with open concept kit. Close to all outdoor (L3628) Large family home with In-Law Suite, wrap-around verandah, oversized gaBrookdale location. level, 2 baths, hdwd flrs, main flr laundry, totally fin bsmt, huge deck, 24’ abv grd pool. sports, snowmobiling, ice skating, etc. A MUST SEE! rage - perfect for workshop.


Updated 3+1 bedroom, 1180 sq ft all brick north-end bungalow. Nice eat-in kitchen with plenty of oak cupboards and counter space, spacious master bath. Basement with large finished rec room, 3 pc bath, 4th bedroom, exercise room. Private yard, above ground pool, carport and a great 30’x20’ heated garage (built in 2010). Many recent updates: shingles, garage, driveway, decks, flooring, fresh paint throughout and many more.

776 iroquoiS drive

3080 Boundary rd.

Updated 3+1 bedroom, 1200 sq ft brick bungalow. Hardwood and ceramic floors, modern kitchen, living room with wood fireplace, nicely updated bathroom. Finished rec room with woodstove, updated 3pc bath/laundry room, 4th bedroom and office. Fenced and landscaped lot, above ground pool, patio area, carport. Great location, close to hospital and all amenities.

Beautiful 2+1 bedroom country home on a .85 acre lot within city limits. Quality workmanship throughout. Significantly renovated and updated with large updated kitchen w/centre island and slate floors, spacious dining room, living room with cathedral ceilings, propane fireplace, hardwood floors. Main floor laundry/foyer, 2 full bathrooms. Wrap around deck, 26`x22` heated garage. Almost everything updated in last 10 years!

65 WeLLington St.


2070 Pitt St




Executive 1746 sq ft, 3+2 bedroom, stone bungalow in upscale Riverview subdivision in Glen Walter. Open concept layout with spacious living room, gourmet kitchen w/island, dark maple cabinetry, granite countertops and porcelain tile flooring. Large master bedroom with walk-in closet, beautiful ensuite bath, main floor laundry. Finished basement with rec room, 3rd full bathroom, 4th bedroom and office/workout room.

f cus real estate

f cus $227,900


18360 Lana dr.

real estate


OPEN HOUSE SUNdAy 1:00-2:30 3032 JOHNStON AVE.


Nice 3+1 bedroom semi-detached home in a family friendly, north-end neighborhood. Main floor w/cozy living room, eat-in kitchen w/oak cabinets and patio doors leading private side deck, updated 4 pc bath with tiled walls. Basement with family room, natural gas stove, 4th bedroom and nice 3pc bath. Ductless a/c system. Fully fenced rear yard. Great starter home or perfect for those looking to downsize.

Very clean, 1700 sq ft, 3 bedroom home in the north end. Built in 1988. Oak hardwood and ceramic floors throughout. Nice kitchen w/centre island, 2 living/family rooms, 2 dining areas. Master bath has jacuzzi tub. Finished basement w/rec room, office/4th bedroom, 3 pc bath, laundry room. Landscaped with interlock walkways, BBQ centre, 30`x20` insulated workshop. Large back deck and private yard. Quality workmanship throughout.

Jamie Ross Sales Representative

CoRNWaLL ReaLTY iNC., BRokeRage

Each office is independently owned & operated

613-938-8100 | Cell: 613-930-7677 |


HOME OF THE WEEK – MLS M0584 - $369,000 20570 Old MOntreal rd Year round home/ cottage with beautiful waterfront on Lake St. Francis on St. Lawrence River just east of Lancaster.

A dedicated, professional, no-pressure approach to real estate! 6110512

Cornwall 613-938-3860 ¥Not

Alexandria 613-525-3039

Ingleside 613-537-2000

All agents are Sales Representatives unless otherwise shown as *Broker. intended to solicit agency contracts currently in place. ‡Ranked by Great Place to Work® Institute Canada, 2008-2014




Just minutes from the Quebec border, this simply beautiful, raised bungalow was built in 2007 and has a breathtaking view of the St. Lawrence River. Here are some of the attributes of this home: 3 bedrooms, dining & living room which has bay windows, fireplace, cathedral ceiling in the large & bright living room, hardwood & ceramic floors throughout, main floor laundry, french doors leading to the covered deck & walkway, double heated garage with office and studio, gazebo, shed & more. $364,900 MLS M0616

20 - Thursday, March 5, 2015

- Seaway News -

HARDEEp SINGH 613-936-3996

17367 AMELL RD, ST ANDREWS WEST Beautiful country home located on a very private treed lot. Offering 3+1 bedrooms, 2 baths, large entertainment areas and neutral decor. Move in condition! Above ground pool. Enjoy the beauty of all 4 seasons. Located within a short commute to Hwy 417. Call to arrange a viewing today! MLS# M0570 $279,900.

SUSAN HELMER 613-938-3860

15082 COLONIAL DRIvE Built in 2014, this brick front raised bungalow has plenty to offer its new owners. With 3 bedrooms and a fresh open concept floor plan, this home is family friendly. Natural gas heat, stove, dryer and BBQ. Municipal water. Call today for full details. MLS# M0535 $279,900.



WHY RENT!!! 516 FIRST ST. E., CORNWALL Very affordable 3 bedroom, 1 ½ bathroom, renovated 2 storey brick home is just waiting for you. If you are renting you should definitely be looking at this home. All the major work has been done, as well as being freshly painted. Call me today to make an appointment. MLS# M0518 $117,900. FAYE ALLOTT 613-571-9605

BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY BUNGALOW 18338 COUNTY RD 22, MAXvILLE Beautiful bungalow sitting on 1 ¾ acres. Hrdwd floors, open concept living/ dining room & kitchen, 3 large bdrms, master bdrm has ensuite & walk-in closet, mudrm has access to the backyard with deck & gazebo. Bsmt with finished rec rm, bdrm & 2 pc bath & loads of storage. Insulated & heated workshop with a 12 ft door. Don’t miss out on this one! MLS# L2388 $339,900. FAYE ALLOTT 613-571-9605


3 WINDEMERE DR, INGLESIDE Simply beautiful this 2

storey 2700 sq/ft brick home was built in 2008 and has a beautiful view of the water. It also offers 4 bedrooms, 4 baths, large dining & living room with fireplace, eat-in kitchen, main floor family room, laundry room, double heated attached 24 x 26’ garage, hardwood & ceramic floors, forced air gas heating, C.A., natural gas generator and more on 100 x 240 feet deep lot. $549,900

HARDEEp SINGH 613-936-3996

SOLD OvER 20 ACRES! 617 CUMBERLAND ST., CORNWALL Buying your first home? This is the one for you. Combined living and dining room, large master bdrm on main floor with 3 pc ensuite and large closet with built in organizer, bright kitchen with many cupboards and patio doors to the deck and a fenced yard. This home is turnkey ready. MLS# L3376 $144,900. FAYE ALLOTT 613-571-9605

17275 CAMpBELL RD, MONkLAND Custom built 2132 sq ft, 3 bedroom brick bungalow with 2 way fireplace between living rm and dining rm. Master bedroom with ensuite. Partially finished bsmt with 2 extra rooms. Double car garage and a park like yard. MLS# L3829 $315,000. FAYE ALLOTT 613-571-9605

206 YORk STREET Don`t miss this one of a kind custom built home right in the heart of the city, on a beautifully landscaped double lot. This unique home has 1200 sq. ft. on the main level plus a fully finished basement. The design of this home will leave you with endless possibilities. Zoned residential 30 makes it perfect for an at home business. The lot has a circular paved driveway with a second detached garage. The front of the home has a courtyard feel and the back has a 3 season sun room to sit and admire the outstanding landscaping. This home will not last long. Call Jo Ann for a private viewing. MLS# M0624 $205,000.

JO ANN LANGSTAFF 613-577-1873

334 CARLETON ST, CORNWALL This affordable 2 storey home could be yours. The main floor has a living room, main floor laundry, powder room and a large country kitchen with patio doors that lead to a large covered deck and great backyard for entertaining. The second floor has 3 good size bedrooms and a 4pc bathroom. The basement is dry with plenty of room for storage. Call Jo Ann for a private viewing. Don’t wait at this price it won’t last long! MLS#L3713 $116,900. JO ANN LANGSTAFF 613-577-1873

DOWNTOWN CONDO 33 CUMBERLAND STREET UNIT 207 Beautiful secure building built in 2010. This unit has a large master bedroom with a walk-in closet, full ensuite bath with very convenient washer and dryer hook ups in it. The second bedroom is a good size and the main bathroom is a 3-pc with a double shower. The main living space is open concept living, dining and kitchen. The condo boasts large windows that bring in lots of beautiful sunshine and an 8’x8’ balcony finishes it. This one won’t last long. Call Jo Ann for a private viewing. MLS# M0098 $239,900. JO ANN LANGSTAFF 613-577-1873


JO ANN LANGSTAFF 613-577-1873

TED LANGSTAFF 613-861-1870

real estate

f cus cus

open House sundAy 1-2:30pM

real estate

OPEN HOUSE SUNday, MarcH 8tH 2-3:30PM

713 Mcconnell Ave. • new listing! $234,900




1265 sq. ft. all brick bungalow, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, finished rec room with gas fire place, main floor laundry, rear deck and central air. CHESTER LECLERC LTD • 613-933-9709


This large home wants to wow you, but needs your commitment and love to restore it to its true stately potential. Listed at $125,000 - this is a good starting point.

Todd Thompson, Sales Rep. 613-938-8100 | Cel: 613-551-7908

22 Ault Drive, inglesiDe Mls l3183

Lynn White

Sales Representative


613-361-1225 OFFICE: 613-932-4663

Each office is independently owned & operated

Building quality homes since 1955


Beautifully updated 1560 sq.ft. brick bungalow with finished basement features sunken living room with hardwood floors and gas fireplace(2008). All hardwood and ceramic on the main floor, 2 updated baths(2011,2013), gas fireplace(2012) in the rec room, patio doors off master to a deck and fully fenced yard. New weeping tile(2013) and sewer line(2014), furnace (2008), central air(2011)and a single attached garage. Visit Todd this Sunday!


Royal lePage PeRfoRmance Realty Cornwall 613-938-3860

Alexandria 613-525-3039

Ingleside 613-537-2000 opEN hoUSE SUNDAy 1-2:30pm


61 hICkoRy ST, INGLESIDE Lovely all brick bungalow in the village of Ingleside. With three plus one bedrooms and two full bathrooms, this house makes an excellent family home. Features a covered, screened in deck, whirlpool tub, central air and central vac. Call today for your private showing. MLS# M0609 $209,900.

CLAIRE hALLIDAy ARmSTRoNG 613-551-2812


oNLy 2 BLoCkS FRom ThE hoSpITAL

60 SANTA CRUZ, INGLESIDE Don’t let the classic farmhouse exterior fool you, this home has been completely renovated throughout. Over 2700 sq. ft. with 5 bdrms and 3 baths. A bright and sunny kitchen offers a modern feel with a beautiful water view. Four season sunroom, heated inground pool and hot tub. Plus newer windows, fibreglass shingles, new flooring and a large vil age lot on municipal services. MLS# L3756 $289,900. CLAIRE hALLIDAy ARmSTRoNG 613-551-2812

62 vALECREST DR. Only 2 blocks from the hospital and is also on a quiet street! This home features 3 bdrms & 1 bath. The entrance has dbl drs & solid wood bannisters. There is a bright pass-through kitchen that leads to the dining room. Downstairs boasts high ceilings and a fireplace in the recreation room. $184,500. TIm FRANCIS 613-361-2846

97 ACRES 15735 hoopLE SEvENTh Nestled back in the country sits this lovely old farmhouse on 97 acres of land, yet less than 25 minutes from Cornwall. 4 bedrooms, one and a half baths and a large floor plan should accommodate a large family. Recently updated flooring in the kitchen and a couple of bedrooms. Approx. 45 acres farmed as cash crop. 2 outbuildings, one with power. MLS#L3711 $349,900. CLAIRE hALLIDAy ARmSTRoNG 613-551-2812

BEAUTIFUL kITChEN 253 IvAN CRES. Sunshine fil s this well maintained home. Comes with 2+1 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Features a cook’s kitchen with island and breakfast bar. Vaulted ceilings in the living room add extra charm. Many updates over the last few years including forced natural gas furnace, central air and hot water tank. Put this one on your list to see! $239,900. TIm FRANCIS 613-361-2846



BUy ToDAy, pRoFIT FoR TomoRRow

1424 RENEAL STREET, CoRNwALL Located on a quiet north end street, this 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom home offers many upgrades including roof, furnace, sewer lateral and more. Large yard with deck. Close to schools, shopping, health club and bike path. Quick possession is possible. $172,000 MLS L2692 LAURIN (moE) mAURAIS* 613-363-3052

5684 hwy 138, CoRNwALL Family bungalow on the edge of the city. Garage, gas heating, central air, pool, hot tub, four season solarium. Large living room, functional kitchen and finished rec room. Nice sized lot, 2 sheds, deck and gas bbq. Come have a look! $205,000 MLS M0324 LAURIN (moE) mAURAIS* 613-363-3052

49 11Th STREET wEST, CoRNwALL For the smart buyer to invest in the future. Duplex, each with 2 bdrms, well maintained with fenced back yard. Many newer upgrades in each unit including flooring, bathroom Fixtures and many newer windows. Quick and easy access to the new Walmart. 1 shed provided for each unit. MLS# M0405 $179,900. TRACEy vEINoTTE 613-363-9496

440 NINTh ST E., CoRNwALL Centrally located to schools, hospital, shopping and transit, your family can be a part of the action in this 4 bedroom home, in a growing part of the city. Enjoy summer nights in your backyard with a beautiful inground pool with fountain, patio’s and landscaping. This home is also tastefully decorated with a modern touch, has a finished rec room and single detached garage. Heck! We’ll even throw in all the appliances…. Invest in your future! Why rent when you can own a home just like this one. MLS# M0628 $149,900.

pENNy RUDDERhAm 613-930-3377 ATTENTIoN LoNG SAULT AREA I have clients that are seeking a 3 bedroom 1400+ sq ft bungalow in and around Long Sault. Property has to be connected to municipal water and also have natural gas. If you or anyone you know is thinking of selling a home like this call/email me.

pENNy RUDDERhAm 613-930-3377


65 moNACo CRES. Beautiful home in a great neighbourhood. Large 3 bdrms, 2 baths, hardwood and ceramic floorings, gas furnace and fireplace. MLS# M0041 $324,900.

jEFFERy mARTELoCk 613-363-5555

29 BRookDALE AvENUE, CoRNwALL Fantastic 3 bedroom home that will suit your family’s needs! Immediate possession available. Call today for total details. MLS# L3613. hILDA BUITING 613-913-0891

5601 hIGhwAy 138, ST. ANDREwS wEST Don`t miss this cozy home with a great size private yard. This home offers a large living room and a dining room off the kitchen. Lots of updates, newer gas furnace and on municipal water! Potential to add main level third bedroom. $139,900 L3454

4863 2ND LINE RD. LANCASTER Spacious 3 bedroom home, tastefully renovated, 1 ½ bath, natural gas heat, AC, attached garage, large corner lot, close to the Quebec border. MLS# M0566 $185,000.


305 FIFTh STREET, wEST Many upgrades to this home. Located in a nice area, detached garage, windows (2014), furnace (2014), shingles (2014). MLS# M0358 $149,900

jEFFERy mARTELoCk 613-363-5555 Cornwall Alexandria Ingleside 613-938-3860 613-525-3039 613-537-2000

jEFFERy mARTELoCk 613-363-5555


DoUG ARkINSTALL 613-360-0948 - Seaway News - Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 21

RECENT LAmINATE FLooRING 707 SyDNEy STREET Recent laminate flooring in the entrance way, living rm, dining rm and in the upstairs bdrms, updated kitchen with ceramic backsplash, natural gas heat, dining room. Needs your TLC. MLS# L2769 $129,900 pETER hICkEy 613-551-6776

real estate

f cus

Open HOuse sunday 1:30 – 3:30 pm $

269,900 6107585

taxes included (net)


How to prevent water damage



Donna Forget

taxes included (net)

Tracy Wheeler

Sales Rep


Direct: 613-360-0929


Direct: 613-577-1948

Suite 111, 722 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON K6J 3R9

58 Forestdale


568 esdale Court





taxes included (net)

29 CypReSS Lane, IngLeSIDe

Distinctive executive 3 plus 2 bedroom bungalow, on a quiet cul de sac . Home features marble and hardwood flooring, a spacious living room, kitchen with ample cabinets, dining room with patio doors to large deck and pool, 2 marble walled showers, large master bedroom. Enjoy convenient laundry off the double attached garage, Additional living space with a family room, rec room, office/den, and a third bathroom. $399,900

70-72 Forestdale

14095 DaFoe RD

Custom built log home on 4.3 acres and an additional 53 acres of land for the hunter or nature enthusiast. Modern kitchen, one of a kind wood burning fireplace, master bedroom with ensuite, walk in closet, balcony and lots of room for the toys. $449,900

~ Other Inventory available ~ For evening or weekend appt. Call alex at 613-361-9371

at 613-938-3886 ext. 27 for viewing or information.

6800 pILon’S poInT RoaD

711 auguSTuS

Cute and Cozy starter home that is better than renting! Open sitting and living room with recent floors, recent kitchen, updated 4 piece bathroom, new drywall and freshly painted. Outside enjoy a large fenced yard and exterior siding completed in 2013. $84,900


1 Fraser ave

“Large, BeautifuL BungaLow in St. andrewS weSt”

(M0638) -1698 sq ft bungalow, 3+1 bedrooms, 3 bath, open concept, hwd &ceramic, vaulted ceilings, ensuite, finished lower level, garage, many updates

226 sunnyside ave


5484 Poplar ave


800 Briarhill ave

(M0280) - ideal starter home, 1145 sq ft, (M0423) - Beaver Glen, 1931 sq ft, (l3813) - spacious & bright 3+1 bedroom open concept, 3 bedrooms, finished lower 3+2 bedrooms, 4 bath, granite, built-in bungalow, 1282 sq ft, gleaming hwd floors, level, FaG heating (2010) , central air (2010), appliances, finished lower level, walk-out oak kitchen with island, modern style dbl car port, 50’x100’ lot/fully fenced basement, 2.14 acres, many upgrades finished basement/fireplace/move right in

open HouSe Sunday 1-2:30 pm



$139,900 332 Fifth st e

(M0138)- cute, charming & extremely well maintained starter home, 1098 sq ft, hardwood, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, det garage, 40’x100’ lot, move-in condition

1100 Princess st - riverdale

all brick, 1068 sq ft, 3+1 bedrooms, 2 bath, hwd floors, remodelled kit & bath, fnished lower level, circular driveway, close to schools & park

1753 MacIntyre ave

(M0486) - executive 2834 sq ft home, 3+1 bedrooms, 4 bath, gourmet kit, main floor laundry, heated pool, additional det garage & lots of extras

9th Annual

Community Fundraiser

Pizza Party A tradition continues...


Best Restaurant Pizza Tasting

local restaurants will enter an all-dressed pizza to be judged “best” in Cornwall. Louis’ Pizzeria

Join Us For A Fun Night

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Independently Owned & Operated

649 Second St. e., Cornwall, On Marianne Léger Broker



Friday, March 20th, 2015

6 p.m. at the Best Western Parkway Inn, Cabaret Room

REMAX Cornwall Realty Inc. Brokerage

Help Us Raise Money for Local Charities

Table of 8 = $20000 ~ Single = $2500 Jean Léger Broker



22 - Thursday, March 5, 2015

- Seaway News -


Also Available

• Green Peppers • Hot Peppers • Onions • Hamburger • Ricotta • Garlic • Hawaiian • Salad • Canadian Bacon •

Pepperoni • Extra-Cheese • Supreme • Mushroom • Tomato • Sausage • Vegetable • Prosciutto • Pepperoni • Extra-Cheese • Supreme

Pick of the Week

Country living on approx. 11 acres and water access off canal to the St. Lawrence sits this well maintained 1 bdrm bungalow. Open concept, kitchen, dining & living room, a 4 season sun room, det. garage, boat lift, gazebo and a place to relax or fish. $244,900

Pepperoni • Extra-Cheese • Supreme • Mushroom • Tomato • Sausage • Vegetable • Prosciutto • Pepperoni • Extra-Cheese • Supreme

J.F. Markell Homes ltd.

According to a recent survey, 25 per cent of Canadian homeowners have experienced water damage to their home over the past two years. Water seepage/leakage inside their home was the most common (36 per cent) cause with basement flooding (31 per cent) and roof leaks (26 per cent) rounding out the top three. Depending on your home insurance policy, some of these causes of water damage may be covered, while others may not. •Maintain eaves troughs and downspouts to ensure that leaves and debris are clear for water flow during rain and snowstorms. This can also prevent ice damming that could cause damage to roofs ultimately seeping into the ceilings of your home. •Ensure that your roof, doors, windows and your basement foundation are properly maintained and seal any cracks to avoid possible seepage or leakage into your home. •Have someone check your property if you are going away for more than three days. Drain the plumbing and ensure you maintain proper heating in your home, as well as insulate any exposed pipes to prevent freezing. •Avoid piling snow against your house foundation to reduce the risk of water leakage into your basement. Clearing the snow just three to five feet from your home should reduce any problems.

Tickets available at Scotia Bank , Brookdale Ave., Cornwall

Best Western Parkway Inn & Conference Centre


Call to disCuss your new house needs

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HeuReS D’ouVeRtuRe RéguLièReS DeS MAgASiNS. Le montant des rabais peut être modifié. NouS ACCePtoNS LeS PRiNCiPALeS CARteS De CRéDit. NouS ACCePtoNS LeS CARteS-CADeAux SeARS. touS LeS ARtiCLeS SoNt DiSPoNiBLeS DANS LA LiMite DeS StoCkS. LeS RABAiS MoNtRéS Ne PeuVeNt êtRe CoMBiNéS À AuCuNe AutRe offRe ANNoNCée PAR SeARS. © Sears Canada inc., 2015. tous droits réservés Ne031Z115

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88 Haut ou culotte

cette fin de seMaine seuleMent!


pendant la relÂcHe

Volume 5, Numéro 47 le Jeudi 5 mars 2015 38 985 exemplaires


C’est devant une salle comble, le vendredi 27 février 2015 au Théâtre Aultsville à Cornwall, qu’a été présenté le Gala Juste pour rire dans le cadre des Rendez-vous de la francophonie (RVF). Le gala, qui est une présentation de l’ACFO-SDG et de ses nombreux collaborateurs dont Juste pour rire et la Fondation canadienne pour le dialogue des cultures, a créé tout un engouement chez les francophones et francophiles de la région de Cornwall en vendant dans un temps record les 600 billets disponibles. L’ACFO-SDG a déjà annoncé la vente des billets pour le Gala Juste pour rire du 28 mai prochain présentant les 12 finalistes du Concours LOL. Vous pouvez vous procurer vos billets au coût de 15 $ à toutes les Caisses Desjardins de Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, Prescott et Russell. Vous pouvez aussi communiquer avec l’ACFO-SDG au 613-933-8104 ou par courriel au

24 - le jeudi 5 mars 2015

Les membres de l’équipe masculine sont : Finley Flemming, Phillipe Laurin, Vincent Blais, Théodore Lacroix, Alexandre Tremblay, Philip Bédard, Élexis Bourget, Ashton Trépanier, Antoine Lafrance Jack Verville, Les membres de l’équipe féminine sont : Makayla Bergeron, Audrey Millellette, Mégane Tremblay, Charlotte Haley, Jodiane Villeneuve-Beaudette, Alexa Villeneuve, Emma Scott, Teya Knight, Ashleigh Hayes Mélika Marleau,

Les garçons et les filles de l`école Rose des Vents ont eu la chance de pratiquer, pour la première fois cette année, le volleyball atomique. C’est un nouveau sport qui prépare nos élèves pour le volleyball qui sera joué au niveau intermédiaire à l’école publique L’Héritage. L’école Rose des Vents avait une équipe de filles et une équipe de garçons qui sont allées en tournoi le 4 et le 17 février 2015. Les joueurs ont démontré un bel esprit sportif et de l’entraide. M. Stéphane Paradis et Mme Mélanie

Félicitations à tous pour votre super performance! Fiona Labonté et Abby Dazé 5e année

Depuis 1937 vos rêves deviennent réalités 6 Second Street East, Downtown Cornwall

613-932-4022 •


- Cornwall Express -

Davidson ont été les entraîneurs de ces équipes sportives.


Nouvelle façon de bouger et d’être en santé!

on avance l’heure! le 8 mars 2015, n’oubliez pas d’avancer vos horloges d’une heure.

Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry & Akwesasne

Elle n’a ni amis ni famille

thank you

A huge thank you to the following people and businesses that contributed to the success of our Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction Fundraiser for Mike Scott and his family. Mike is the 37 years old local man awaiting a heart transplant and this event raised a total of $8,305 to help with the financial aspect of this medical emergency.

thank you for your compassion and love Alex Mac Dougall Astro Printing Au Vieux Duluth Baxtrom Independent Grocer Benson Group Best Western Buyer’s Choice Home Inspections Casa Paolo City Press Printing Cracked Up Foundation Repair Cornwall Spine Care Plus Earthway Chiropractics Eight Zero Zero

Epicure - Angie Boisvenue Event Volunteers Fantasia - Carolyn Cox Floral Expressions Gibbs Family Jesse Winchester Knot by Design Kristen Leroux - RN Laura’s Flowers Life’s Little Pleasures Little Miss Headbands McIntosh Massage Therapy Mrs B’s Gifts and Home Décor

Moustache Joe’s No Frills Paolo De Marchi Photography Paul Bowen Pommier Jewelers PURE esthetics R Bazinet Ramada Rodney Rivette RONA Home Center Royal Lepage Sapphire Spa Sherry McCullough

South Glengarry Pet Accommodations Summit Fitness and Health Taylor Made Cards Teresa Thomas Tim Francis The Brick The Village Diner Travel Quest Vikings Volleyball Vitalglow Zumba with Jasmine

thanks from the family & organizers: mike & tia scott, amy alguire, andrée naud, angèle thompson For Further information: Follow us on Facebook at: Hugs for Mike & Tia Scott E-mail: Donations:


Le comité organisateur de la Journée de la Femme est fier d’annoncer sa septième édition le dimanche 29 mars 2014 à l’École secondaire catholique LE RELAIS : 100 rue McNab, Alexandria. Ouverture à 10h, entrée gratuite. Des sacs cadeaux seront offerts aux 400 premières dames qui achèteront un bracelet donnant droit aux tirages de prix de présence dont une paire de billets Via Rail d’une valeur de 1,071$. Des activités pour toute la journée : plus

À guichet fermé pour LOL

de 90 exposants, encan silencieux, défilés de mode, bingo, kiosques de nourriture….. Une chance de gagner une paire de billets d’Air Canada à destination de l’Amérique du Nord (incluant : Hawaï, le Mexique et les Caraïes). Les billets de tirage sont disponibles chez les marchands locaux d’Alexandria et seront aussi vendus sur place. Les profits de la journée serviront à l’achat d’équipements pour les patients de l’Hôpital Glengarry Memorial.


Lord et Lady Baden-Powell Les Membres des unités francophones de Sparks, Brownies, Guides et Pathfinders ont porté leurs uniformes à l’école lundi en honneur de la fête des fondateurs des mouvements Guides et Scoutes, Lord et Lady Baden-Powell. Le 22 février, connu comme la Journé de la Pensée, est célébré autour du monde par des millions de Guides et Scoutes. Dans la photo: À l’école Marie-Tanguay, Chloe Paquette et Peyton Andre (Sparks), McKenna Quenneville (Guide), Izabelle Dignard, Brianna Atkins et Eleanor O’Shea (Brownies).

501 rue Campbell, Cornwall, ON Unit 6 K6H 6X5 Tél. : 613-933-0014 Fax: 613-933-0024

ageNT dU CrédiT : Sue Perry


rédaCTeUr eN CHeF : Todd Lihou

JOUrNalisTe : Adam Brazeau

direCTeUr des veNTes : Patrick Larose

veNTes :

Matthew McConnell Guy Lalonde Steve Jasmin Stefan Kolbinger 613-363-6801 613-362-1134 613-363-5276 613-362-1929 613-363-4486

COOrdONNaTriCes aUX veNTes : Jennifer Mayer Melissa Parent

impressiON :

réCepTiONNisT : Diane Lafrance

COOrdONNaTriCe de prOdUCTiON : Colleen Parette

iNFOgrapHisTes : Kim Poirier-Froats Josée Veenstra Christine Gauthier


Roxanne Delage

CariCaTUrisTe :

James Lapierre

éditeur émérite:

dick Aubry

Transmag 10807, rue Mirabeau, Anjou, QC H1J 1T7

pUblié par : Transcontinental Media G.P. viCe-présideNT : Opérations Ouest du Québec / Ontario Solutions locales Jacques Blais

présideNT :

François Olivier


toute reproduction des annonces ou informations, en tout ou en partie, de façon officielle ou non-officielle, est interdite sans la permission écrite de l’éditeur. responsabilité de l’éditeur en matière de réclame : l’éditeur ne peut être tenu responsable des changements mineurs ou des erreurs typographiques qui n’affectent pas la valeur d’une réclame. en ce qui concerne les autres erreurs, sa responsabilité se limite strictement à la publi-cation de l’annonce dans une édition subséquente ou le remboursement des frais de publication

Les réductions d’impôt travaillent pour vous. Différentes mesures de réductions d’impôt sont offertes pour aider les familles canadiennes, comme le crédit d’impôt pour les activités artistiques des enfants, le crédit d’impôt pour aidants familiaux, le doublement du crédit d’impôt pour la condition physique des enfants et la baisse d’impôt proposée pour les familles*. De plus, en produisant votre déclaration de revenus en ligne et en vous inscrivant au dépôt direct, vous recevrez votre remboursement plus vite. Pour en savoir plus, allez à


Rick Shaver


direCTeUr géNéral :

Réductions d’impôt |

*Mesure sous réserve de l’approbation du Parlement





Regardez jusqu’où votre amour de la musique pourrait vous mener.



Mixeur de son

D i r e c t e u r d eRA3191 l a pprintu badsl i c i t é RA-3191_CRA_TRM_F_23_J.indd

Arrangeur (musique)

A g e n t d e p r o4.8125” p r i éx t7.14” é intellectuelle




4.8125” x 7.14”


Faites de votre passion votre carrière. On peut vous aider. ACCOUNT



Jen Woodall


Travis Cowdy




1 A


Leigh Reynolds



Claire Esseltine



Russell Grant


Steph Cameron




Te ch n i c i e n e n a u d i o



Ingénieur en instrumentation

Concepteur d’outils

Chanteur de concert

Pr e n e u r d e s o n


Ingénieur électricien

Ingénieur en logiciel

Avec l’éventail de subventions, de bourses et de prêts d’études du Régime d’aide financière aux étudiantes et étudiants de l’Ontario, financer vos études au collège ou à l’université pourrait être plus facile que vous le pensez.

Gérant de vedettes

M a r ch a n d i s e u r

Faites une demande dès le mois d’avril 2015.

C o m m i s s i o n n a i r e d ’ a ch a t

M é c a n i c i e n d e ch a n t i e r /rafeo


Adjoint administratif

R é d a c t e u r e n ch e f d e r e v u e

Ingénieur du son


Te ch n i c i e n d e p o s t p r o d u c t i o n








Payé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario

FEB 17, 2015


Date: February 2015

Studio Docket: 31015254-P

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Agency Docket: 31015254

Ad Number: mtcu_5254_15_head_008f Job Description: Headphones Passion Ad

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Language: French

Publications: Express Cornwall, L’Express Ottawa - Cornwall Express - le jeudi 5 mars 2015 - 25

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Toll Free Number 1-866-637-5236 SPECIAL EVENTS


600 to 799

800 to 899

900 to 999


Properties for sale


Miscellaneous for sale


Miscellaneous for sale




––––––––––––––––– ALExANDRiA UNiTS –––––––––––––––– 26 BISHOP ST, 4bdrm -2 storey house, f/s, w/d, $1350+(GaS/ELECT) 88 ST PaUL ST, 1bdrm 2 level- 2 bdrm $595+ELECT 88 ST PaUL ST, 2bdrm 2 level- 2 bdrm $650+ELECT

Top Prices Paid For Gold, Fine China, TVs, VCRs, CDs, Movies, Antiques, Small Furniture We Pawn, Buy, Sell & Trade 224 Pitt Street 613-933-2333


Eamers Corner Subdivision (off Mercier)

“The Wakeman 1087” 1087 Sq.Ft. 2 bedroom all brick bungalow, open concept country kitchen overlooking living room! Main floor laundry room. Very bright home! Built Beyond Code for your peace of mind !








Public / legal notices


Public / legal notices

please visit for all other details

Will design & build a personalized home in other locations including your own personal lot in or out of town. BUILT BEYOND CODE


1100 Marleau Ave 613-932-7686 www.

–––––––––––––––––– iNgLESiDE UNiTS ––––––––––––––––– 60 DICKInSOn, 2bdrm units, f/s $625+(ELECT) 60 DICKInSOn #1, lower 1bdrm, f/s $525+(ELECT) (aPRIL) 74 ST LaWREnCE #10, main 1bdrm, no app $595+(ELECT) 74 ST LaWREnCE #4, upst 2bdrm, no appl $595+(ELECT) 74 ST LaWREnCE #6, bachelor, f/s $520 InCL


Flats / apartments for rent


Flats / apartments for rent

2 BDRM HOUSE FOR RENT Located at 2 FenneLL crescent 6109479

Recently painted, new floors, windows. Washer & dryer hookups. No appliances. Pay own utilities (gas heat). asking $850/mth First and last months rent required. References. Available immediately. caLL 613-932-3387 For appointment to view

Quality antiQue & ColleCtible auCtion Sale


SAtuRdAy, MARch 14 At 9:30 AM


to be held at our facility 15093 cty Rd 18, east of Osnabruck centre. From hwy 401 take Ingleside Exit #770 dickinson dr., travel north approx. 1-1/2 km to Osnabruck centre, turn east onto cty. Rd 18, travel ½ km. Watch for signs. Antique furnishings, apt. Size flat-top piano, outdoorsman collectibles incl. duck decoys & fishing related items, smalls & collectibles incl: approx.. 30 Beswick Farm Animal Figurines, coins & more. Now booking Spring Outdoor On-Site Auctions. Call for remaining dates.

Owner & Auctioneer Not Responsible for Loss or Accident We pay all consignors same day terms: Cash or Good Cheque with proper ID Prop: Ms. Eileen Mannion Auction Conducted by

Peter Ross Auction Services Ltd.

Ingleside, On. Tel: 613-537-8862 See for full listing


Flats / apartments for rent


Flats / apartments for rent

––––––––––––––––––––– COMMERCiAL ––––––––––––––––––– 133 SYDnEY ST, main floor, approx 900 sq ft $700+(GaS/ELECT)

OHWISTHA CAPITAL CORPORATION NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF FIRST MEETING Notice is hereby given that the above-mentioned company was deemed to have filed an assignment in bankruptcy on the 19th day of February, 2015 and that the first meeting of creditors will be held on the 12th day of March, 2015 at the hour of 10:00 A.M. at the office of Raymond, Chabot Inc., 2505 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa, Ontario. DATED AT OTTAWA, THIS 24th DAY OF FEBRUARY, 2015. Stanley Loiselle, CIRP, Trustee in Bankruptcy >6099218

2505 St. Laurent Blvd., Ottawa 613 236-5678

817 5776393

––––– 245 YATES AvE & 440 CUMBERLAND AvE –––––– 2 BDRM UnITS, $735.00-$775.00 UnITS aVaILaBLE UTILITIES & aPPLIanCES InCLUDED COIn LaUnDRY On SITE One PARKInG sPOt Incl • nO Pets PRefeRRed CaLL FOR aVaILaBLITY 3 & 4 bedroom townhouses - $1000-$1200 incl.


The Seaway Auction Company

–––––––––––––– HAWKESBURY UNiTS ––––––––––––––––– 265 DUFFERIn, upst 1bdrm, f/s $625 InCL 749 REGEnT #4, main 1bdrm, f/s $600 InCL

–––––––––– 3 BEDROOMS / HOUSES / SEMi ––––––––––– 214 MCKEnzIE ST, 2+1bdrm bungalow, $1200+(GaS/ELECT) 636-a CHaMPLaIn, lower 3bdrm duplex, $695+(ELECT) 20 FREnCH ST, Long Sault, 3bdrm semi, no appl $975+(ELECT) 237 FIRST ST E, main 3bdrm, no appl $650+(ELECT) (MaR) 21 MILLVILLE, main 3bdrmm, f/s $875+(GaS/ELECT) (aPRIL) 18134 STREET RD, 2bdrm bungalow, f/s $1000+(PROPanE/ELECT) (aPRIL)



“Jennifer Blair Manley” of

New Detached Single Family Home 3213 Northdale Drive

––––––––––– BACHELOR / ONE BEDROOM ––––––––––––– 29-C FOURTH ST E, main 1bdrm, f/s $600 InCL (MaRCH) ––––––––––––––––––– TWO BEDROOM –––––––––––––––––– 905 MaRLEaU aVE, main 2bdrm, f/s $975 InCL 212-a GUY ST, upst 2bdrm, f/s $725 InCL 335-a PRInCE aRTHUR, upst 2bdrm, adult bldg $600+(GaS/ELECT) 411-a PRInCE aRTHUR, upst 2bdrm, no appl $595+(ELECT) OR $750 InCL 133-B SYDnEY ST, upst 2bdrm, no appl $950 InCL 11-a CHRISTY aVE, upst 2bdrm, f/s $900+(ELECT) 107 BEDFORD ST, 2bdrm 2 level, f/s $700 InCL 232 MCCOnnELL aVE, 2 bdrm main $795 InCL. 21-a aRTHUR ST, upst 2bdrm, f/s $625+(GaS/ELECT) OR $750 InCL 143 THIRD ST E, 2bdrm, no appl $650+(GaS/ELECT) 1311 CUMBERLanD, 2bdrm semi, no appl $675+(GaS/ELECT) (aPRIL) 338-a ST FELIX, upst 2bdrm, f/s $500+(GaS/ELECT) (MaY)

- Seaway News -

Properties for sale

OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1-3:00

“Let us find you a place at no charge!”


26 - Thursday, March 5, 2015



Flats / apartments for rent


400 to 599

In Memoriam

Passed away March 21, 2011 Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps him near.

NOW SERVING ALEXANDRIA & MORRISBURG 1 & 2 & 3 bedroom units available for rent Visit our website

NOTICE: It is our wish to serve you through the classifieds, however, Seaway News can’t possibly verify the legitimacy of all ads. DO NOT SEND MONEY OR GIVE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER to any company offering employment. Legitimate firms do not charge potential employees for a job. Opportunities to earn money at home by assembling products, etc. should be examined carefully. Check references of these companies. Do not send money or give your credit card number until you are satisfied you are going to get what you bargained for. LET THE BUYER BEWARE. The Publisher will not be responsible for any errors in any advertisement after one insertion. Advertising is accepted on the condition that in the event of a typographical error, that portion of the advertising space occupied by the erroneous item together

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In Memoriam

Donald Parent

Visit our website:

Tel: 613-933-2227 ext. 223


In Loving Memory of




300 to 399


Flats / apartments for rent


100 to 299




Sadly missed by wife Nina, children Ray (Tara), Sonia (Allan), grandchildren Nathan (Holly), Nick, Noah, Natasha, Amanda, Lilyonna & Amber.

Martintown; Maxville; Monkland; Moose Creek; Morrisburg; Newington; North Lancaster; South Lancaster; St. Andrew’s West; St. Isidore; Summerstown; Williamsburg; Williamstown; Glendale; Winchester; and Winchester Springs and Cornwall Island. Seaway News/Cornwall Express: 501 Campbell St., Unit 6, Cornwall, ON K6H 6X5 TEL: 613-933-0014 FAX: 613-933-0024 HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 8:30 am - 5:00 pm; Fri. 8:30 am - 4:00 pm. CLOSED DAILY FROM 12:00 PM-1:00 PM. Published weekly by Transcontinental and distributed by D&D Distribution.



r neigh

In you



Flats / apartments for rent

APARTMENT 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 2nd floor, no utilities, $500. 514-817-4444


Help wanted


Flats / apartments for rent

NEWLY renovated Large 1-bedroom apartment, 316A and D, Marlborough Street, $650 Monthly, some utilities included, 1st and last required No dogs please. Call 613-932-8432 or 613-551-4720


Help wanted


Rooms and board for rent

FURNISHED: room for rent for female, many extras. No parking. No pets. $350 per month. Ava i l a bl e n ow. 613-933-7515




Help wanted




TV, PHONE AND INTERNET All for under $100/ month. JC Satellite, 613-340-8770






TENDER CONTRACT NO. 05-2015 SURFACE TREATMENT Tenders, in sealed envelopes plainly marked as to contents, will be received at the South Stormont Town Hall, located at 2 Mille Roches Road, Long Sault, until 11:15 a.m. on March 18, 2015 for the following: APPROXIMATELY 103,600 SQUARE METERS

Help wanted


P.O. Box 84, 2 Mille Roches Road Long Sault, K0C 1P0 Tel: (613) 534-8889 Fax: (613) 534-2280 e-mail:


WANTED for scrap: cars, trucks, machinery, scrap metal, batteries, appliances, hot water tanks and BBQ. Free pick-up. Call anytime. 613-543-9071



Tender forms are available at the office of the undersigned.





Tender Opening: An official public opening of tenders will take place at 11:15 a.m., March 18, 2015, South Stormont Town Hall. For further inquiries, please contact: Ross Gellately, CET Director of Public Works P. O. Box 84 2 Mille Roches Road, Long Sault (613) 534-8889 Ext. 240





Your Classifieds

Maximize your results! Enjoy the free publication of your ad on yourclassified


P.O. Box 84, 2 Mille Roches Road Long Sault, K0C 1P0 Tel: (613) 534-8889 Fax: (613) 534-2280 e-mail:

Help wanted


Help wanted


Help wanted


Help wanted

Tender Opening: An official public opening of tenders will take place at 11:00 a.m., March 18, 2015, South Stormont Town Hall. For further inquiries, please contact:

EmploymEnt oppoRtUnIty


Tender forms are available at the office of the undersigned.

The Canadian Mental Health Association - Champlain East is a community-based agency dedicated to providing community support services to persons living with a mental illness and concurrent disorders. Our Branch has been designated under the French Language Services Act since 1991 and as such, is committed to providing services in both official languages (French and English). Administrative Assistant, (1) Permanent Part-Time (21 to 35 hours per week) based out of Cornwall : Qualified candidates possess a Post-Secondary education in Office Administration with one year of general office experience or equivalent combination of education and experience. Advanced language skills in English and French are required. The salary scale, subject to union contract, commences at $19.79 per hour depending on experience. Current job vacancies are posted on our website and all applications must be received and submitted through our website by March 13, 2015. To access our job postings and application page go to, Careers tab, where you can view the job description and submission details. We thank all applicants for their interest and will contact those being considered for the position.









Tender for the Provision of Audit Services

The Seaway Valley Community Health Centre (SVCHC) is a charitable, not-for-profit organization created to provide primary health care, health promotion and community development services to Cornwall and area residents. The Board of Directors of SVCHC invites tenders from qualified candidates to provide Audit Services. This contract will be for a duration of 3 years beginning March 31st, 2015. Interested parties can obtain tender documentation on the SVCHC in person at 353 Pitt Street or from the website at For further details, please contact D. St John-de Wit at 613-930-4892, ext 101. Submit Sealed Tenders marked “Confidential: RFP-002� by 1:00 p.m. on March 27th, 2015 to the attention of: Debbie St John-de Wit, Executive Director, Seaway Valley Community Health Centre, 353 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON K6J 3R1 - Seaway News - Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 27

Ross Gellately, CET Director of Public Works P. O. Box 84 2 Mille Roches Road, Long Sault (613) 534-8889 Ext. 240



Tenders, in sealed envelopes plainly marked as to contents, will be received at the South Stormont Town Hall, located at 2 Mille Roches Road, Long Sault, until 11:00 a.m. on March 18, 2015 for the supply and delivery of approximately 41,265 tonnes of Granular Quarry Materials.





• Painting/Drywall • Flooring/Light Plumbing • Interior Wall Washing • Skating/Hockey Rinks

Pamela Latreille

Residential • Janitorial 5777238

Bonded & Insured

613-935-9444 613-551-6414

No Job Too Small

Paul Leger

Tel: 613-936-0684 Cell: 613-662-0684 Email:

Please visit us at 1100 Marleau Ave. Cornwall 613.932.7686

• Home, Office & Apartment General/Heavy Cleaning & Windows • Construction, Fire & Flood Cleaning • 19

“Where InstallatIon Makes the DIfference”

Hours: Monday to Friday: 8am to 5pm Saturday: 9am to 12pm


EquIpMEnT lTd .

28 - Thursday, March 5, 2015

- Seaway News -

“Your hobby farm specialists” Hwy. 43, Alexandria • 613- 525-3120 or 613- 525-4009


come and see the

new pellet stoves

all MOdels financing On


Hours: Mon.-Fri: 8am-5pm; sat. by appt. only

Showroom Open: Monday to Friday Noon to 5 pm



Renovation / Construction

840 Campbell Street • 613.932.1571

get Ready foR WinteR


FRee estimates

• WETT inspections • Pellet stove servicing


• New Construction • Electical Renovation & Repairs • References • Satisfaction Guaranteed ECRA/ESA Lic.#7009315 Owned and operated by master electrician

Stephane St DeniS 613-362-5747 e-mail:



• Roofing

ask about our no hassle financing!

SHArOn FOrtier, Owner/Operator


613-933-4448 580 Wallrich Avenue, Cornwall ON.

• Balcony • Exterior Siding • Paving Stones • Kitchen



FeAturiNg bOth heAted & NON heAted iNdOOr Self serve storage units

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Come see Cornwall’s window Professionals!


Wallrich mini storage inc.


Doors • Windows • Decks • Flooring • Plumbing, etc.


1955 - 2015



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• New homes starting at $185,000 • Complimentary Design Services • Build on your lot or on one of ours • Multiple locations available • Built Beyond Code! Home: 613-938-7285 Cell: 343-370-5706 - Ask for Ritchie

Residential – Commercial Renovation & Repair




Don’t leave your good manners at home NICK WOLOCHATIUK DANCES WITH WORDS NUTHILLTOOGMAIL.COM Holiday travel to lands of tropical warmth and sunshine is expensive, despite the so-called bargain package deals available. We yearn for our two weeks of indolence and cosseting by subservient locals. That’s why airline terminals and the Caribbean resort beaches have throngs of foreign tourists. Cuba is a popular destination for many sun-seekers. Over 60% of Cubans work in the service industry, primarily tourism. Its exports are less than half of its imports. The literacy rate is higher than in Canada, but its professionals, such as doctors, earn

less than $50 a month. Many are farmed out to work abroad, but their foreign salary becomes a source of revenue for the government. Those doctors only keep their domestic pittance. Despite the disparity between our wealth and the gnawing poverty of the street locals, tourists tend to mete out payment for services given that are more parsimonious than any P.O.W.’s ration. During my recent visit to Havana, the streets were teeming with locals and tourists. We were constantly being offered tours of the city in pedal-powered carts and Chevrolets and Oldsmobiles of the same vintage that my dad used to drive. We were entreated to browse store-front racks that were sagging with Che


Guevara T-shirts. As a tourist we cannot improve the lot of every needy person, or every one who offers to sell us some rum, cigars or recreational substance. However, if we choose to photograph someone’s colourful costume, or their dog wearing sun glasses and a little sombrero, or take a ride on their pedi-cab, we can confer some dignity upon them by avoiding demeaning haggling and being generous in our compliments. If we choose to not avail ourselves of what is being offered, we can still be polite and gracious when declining. Isn’t that what our parents and teachers taught us at the dinner table and in school? A smile, a wave and a cheery ‘Hola!’ go a long way.

“Hola!” – I didn’t need any peanuts from this vendor, but his non-invasive sales approach and my courteous decline resulted in both of us enjoying a pleasant half-hour conversation. (Photo by Nick Wolochatiuk)

Frozen Celebration Cake

compliments of Dairy Queen Cornwall and Seaway News

All Celebrate ads will be entered into the draw. One (1) weekly winner. Coupon to be picked up at Seaway News


This Week’s Winner: MAXIM & YANIK

Bonne Fête


De la part de ses 3 enfants: Réjean (Audrey), Jean-Guy (Monique), Richard (Marie-Josée), 6 petits-enfants et 15 arrières-petits enfants.


Love, Matante Josée & Uncle Matt xo




r u o m a ’ d p u o c u ea b ec v A - Seaway News - Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 29


95 ans le 9 mars 2015


Have you made your reservation to the From a reader: Sour grapes to neighbours Seaway Winter Food Festival yet? Kudos to who think it’s okay to use an east-end street as organizer Sebastien Manigat for putting the a snowmobile drag strip and, of course, their Cornwall area’s culinary scene in the spotlight. four-wheeler in the summertime. Where are the police when you need them? The countdown is on for 1st annual Cornwall & Area Pop Event (CAPE) on Saturday, April 18 at The Martintown Mill is calling for artists and the Benson Centre. vendors for the third edition of its popular ‘Sundays at the Martintown Mill’ series from Congrats to Cornwall’s Olympia Bowl ban- June 7 to September 27. For further informatam girls team who dominated at the YBC prov- tion, contact Barb at 613-347-2540 or jbrackincial championship event!

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On the outskirts of a small town, there was a big, old pecan tree just inside the cemetery fence. One day, two boys filled up a bucketful of nuts and sat down by the tree, out of sight, and began dividing the nuts. ‘One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me,’ said one boy. Several dropped and rolled down toward the fence. Another boy came riding along the road on his bicycle. As he passed, he thought he heard voices from inside the cemetery. He slowed down to investigate. Sure enough, he heard, ‘One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me.’ He just knew what it was. He jumped back on his bike and rode off. Just around the bend he met an old man with a cane, hobbling along. ‘Come here quick,’ said the boy, ‘you won’t believe what I heard! Satan and the Lord are down at the cemetery dividing up the souls.’ The man said, ‘Beat it kid, can’t you see it’s hard for me to walk.’ When the boy insisted though, the man hobbled slowly to the cemetery. Standing by the fence they heard, ‘One for you, one for me. One for you, one for me.’ The old man whispered, ‘Boy, you’ve been telling’ me the truth. Let’s see if we can see the Lord.’ Shaking with fear, they peered through the fence, yet were still unable to see anything. The old man and the boy gripped the wrought iron bars of the fence tighter and tighter as they tried to get a glimpse of the Lord. At last they heard, ‘One for you, one for me. That’s all. Now let’s go get those nuts by the fence and we’ll be done.’ They say the old man made it back to town a full 5 minutes ahead of the kid on the bike.


OFFERING AGILITY CLASSES Starting Sunday, March 8, 2015

Beginner through masters levels. Have fun with your dog, all dogs are welcome. Qualified instructors. Classes are just outside of Cornwall. Check us out at Call Bev at 613-678-2553 or e-mail at to register.



“soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur... happy kitty, sleepy kitty, pur pur pur” this is kitty, a 2 year old tabby. she was adopted from the ospCa on Valentine’s Day. proud owners: Josée & matthew Veenstra Bring in or email your favourite pet photo along with a small caption and we’ll publish it so all our readers can enjoy it, too! Drop in to our office at 501 Campbell St. - Unit 6 or email DEADLINE IS MONDAY 5PM


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Don’t forget to put your clocks ahead by 1 hour this Saturday evening before going to bed. Annoying Relatives ~ Even though they knew it bothered me, my relatives would mercilessly tease me at weddings, telling me, “You’re next! You’re next!” They finally stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals! Pet Tip of the Week: March is Spay/Neuter Month. Tens of thousands of healthy, but unwanted pets are euthanized each year in Ontario. You can help by having your pet spayed or neutered and by raising awareness about this pet overpopulation crisis. Lynne Menard like to give a huge “thank you” up to Greg Kitts (Owner of Dynamic Auto Service & Maintenance garage) for such fantastic service. I recommend everyone I know (family, friends, co-workers) to go see Greg for their automobile service. There are only 23 days left until spring...the countdown is on!

Great finish Julia Vo is a Grade 5 student at Immaculate Conception who entered the Habitat for Humanity ‘Meaning of Home’ poetry national contest. Of the more than 7,000 entries, she placed third. She is seen with her teacher Kim Adams.

Giddy-up! The Cornwall Colts earned their first shootout victory of the season on March 1. Transition Cornwall+ members turned a sweet tooth into a veggie lover with their squash soup at the Agape Centre for Seedy Sunday. Half-a-cup just wasn’t enough.

Add Vinegar To Mop Water Sharon Fortier

owner/operator shar’s private cleaning services

Shar’s Tip of the Week

6101326 - Seaway News - Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 31

Add a few drops of white vinegar to your mopping bucket to remove soap traces. If the floor is linoleum or vinyl, add a few drops of baby oil to bring a soft gleam to the surface - a mere 1 or 2 capful at most, or you’ll turn the floor into a skating rink.


We’re Moving! YES! EvErything Must go!


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32 - Thursday, March 5, 2015

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