Cornwall Seaway News October 16, 2014

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Seaway News

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Thursday, October 16, 2014 | Volume 29, Issue 6 | 37,418 Copies Serving Cornwall & area since 1985 |

The gloves are off in Cornwall election PAGE 8


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Game on, downtown

Children aged six to 14 will fill Pitt Street next month for a huge outdoor hockey tournament. As part of downtown celebrations focusing on the annual Santa Claus Parade, the Kinsmen Club of Cornwall is once again organizing a three-on-three hockey tournament to take place on what is normally a busy city street. Jeff McCullough, left, and Robin McIntosh, are co-chairs of Santa's Street Hockey Challenge. For more, see Page 2

Real Estate FOCUS 8 pg. pullout



Cornwall Express PAGE 28



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Cornwall celebrates International Day of the Girl

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