The Cornwall Triathlon was held over the weekend with Young Champions Day on Saturday, August 20 and Adults Events on Sunday, August 21. Pictured here: Siblings Leah Dekker (13) and Milo Dekker (11) both won 1st place in their duathlons. Younger brother Maverick (6) also participated this year. The Dekker family has taken part in the Cornwall Triathlon nine times since 2011, starting with their oldest daughter who was there this year to watch her siblings compete. Cornwall’s second Art Walk of the summer took place downtown last Friday, August 19. Beth Brown and her mother, Amanda Brown, were set up in front of the Historic SDG Jail making balloon animals and hats for kids. photos by Krystine Therriault/Seaway News
Busy weekend in Cornwall

Quels que soient vos centres d’intérêt, ce ne sont pas les activités qui manquent pour remplir vos journées cet été. Voici 10 suggestions pour vous aider à démarrer.
A partially renovated section at Riverview Manor houses 6 beds to provide people from Cornwall, SDG, Prescott-Russell and Akwesasne, who are at least 16 years old, with safe accommodations and on-site 24/7 sup port services as an alternative to hospital admission or detention if they are experien cing a mental health or substance use crisis, and are subject of a police inquiry.
Our lives can be packed to the rim! We shuttle around from work, to school, sports, gatherings and all over again. Even our downtime can be full of entertainment options. Being still and quiet is not something we are used to. Yet, God directs us in the Bible: ‘Be still and know that I am God.’ (Psalm 46:10). He knows it’s hard for us to sit still. Here are three practices that can help ground us in the craziest of days.
2 -202224,AugustWednesday, 333867
Live life to the fullest at Chateau Glengarry CHATEAU GLENGARRY
Pastor Jim
2. ORGANISEZ UNE SOIRÉE JEUX Vos options sont aussi nombreuses que variées. Gardez votre esprit vif en lançant les dés, en mélangeant les cartes ou en testant vos connaissances. Vous pouvez apprendre à vos petits-enfants un jeu nouveau pour eux ou organiser une soirée jeux de société régulière avec des amis.
3. BOUGEZ VOTRE CORPS Du golf au jardinage, les occasions de pratiquer une activité physique pendant l’été sont nombreuses. Vous pouvez également rejoindre un club de marche ou vous inscrire à un cours de yoga, de tai-chi ou d’aquagym. Souvent, ces cours collectifs sont proposés à l’extérieur par beau temps et peuvent être adaptés si vous avez une mobilité réduite.
1. Try to practice some ‘daily gratitude.’ When we feel things are spiraling, take a few moments of reflection to see that God’s goodness is working even amid the routing details that make up our days. God could be in the sweet hugs and kisses your kids dole out before heading to school. It could be an encouraging conversation you have with a co-worker during a demanding workday. Don’t explain good things away. The practice of writing, photographing, sharing, or praying about things we are thankful to God for on a daily basis is powerful. It’s training the eyes of our heart to see the Lord at work in the mundane details of the ‘every day.’ C.S. Lewis (Narnia) wrote: “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen. Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else!”
369878 5 façons pour les seniors de rester occupés
5. EXPLOREZ VOTRE CÔTÉ ARTISTIQUE Que vous préfériez peindre, photographier, tricoter ou jouer d’un instrument de musique, il existe de nombreuses façons d’être créatif. Des activités comme le scrapbooking et la sculpture de châteaux de sable vous permettent d’allier créativité et temps passé en famille.
3. Resist the ‘fight-or-flight’ response When we feel overwhelmed, it gets harder to calm our emotions and respond with a sense of peace or control. Look up! Breathe! Pay attention to triggers in your life that can make you more anxious. God invites us to ‘Cast our cares on him, because he cares for us.’ (1 Peter 5:7).
4. PLANIFIEZ UNE SORTIE CULTURELLE Offrez-vous une soirée au théâtre ou assistez à un concert. Si vous voulez passer un aprèsmidi avec vos petits-enfants, allez au cinéma ou visitez un musée. N’oubliez pas que l’été est une période propice à toutes sortes de festivals et d’événements locaux.
The length of stay can be up to a maximum of 30 days and depends on the crisis a client is experiencing and the measures that need to be put in place.
Email your question or comment about Chateau Glengarry, we will include you in our newsletter list, then you could win monthly lucky one $50 Gas Gift Card ☺ Promotional $2165 per monthall-inclusive for selected rooms For more information to to book a tour, call DIANE at 613-525-4440 or email:
2. Pause ‘n Pray We can experience God in profound ways even with our less-than-perfect on-the-run prayers. When we face chaos or start to feel like our day is becoming more than we feel equipped to handle on our own, that is the exact moment we need to stop and pray! Prayer can be as simple as ‘Lord- Help!’ or a ‘thank you Lord.’ It’s so easy to forget that we have access to God’s helping Holy Spirit all the time.
Cornwall Community Hospital’s Community Addictions and Mental Health Services has partnered with Riverview Manor, Cornwall Police Service, Akwesasne Mohawk Police, and Ontario Provincial Police of SDG and Prescott-Russell to open a first-of-its-kind Safe Bed Program in Cornwall, thanks to support provided by the Ministry of Health.
Hon. Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health, poses alongside stakeholders and community partners at an announcement event for the new Safe Bed Program, held at Cornwall Community Hospital on August 17, 2022. Pictured left to right: Deputy Chief Vince Foy (Cornwall Police Service), Councillor Carilyne Hébert (City of Cornwall), Grand Chief Abram Benedict (Mohawk Council of Akwesasne), Shawn McMartin (Riverview Manor), Staff Sergeant Greg Smith (Ontario Provincial Police, SDG Detachment), Board Chair Josée Payette (Cornwall Community Hospital), Hon. Sylvia Jones (Deputy Premier and Minister of Health), President & CEO Jeanette Despatie (Cornwall Community Hospital), MPP Nolan Quinn (Stormont – Dundas – South Glengarry), Warden Carma Williams (United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry), Chief of Police Shawn Dulude (Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service), Hawkesbury Detach ment Commander Chris McGillis (Ontario Provincial Police), and Russell Detachment Commander Luc Duval (Ontario Provincial Police).
1. RETOUR À LA NATURE L’avantage du plein air, c’est qu’il existe de nombreuses façons d’en profiter. Observez les oiseaux dans votre jardin, promenez-vous dans les bois ou faites du vélo dans la campagne. Vous pouvez aussi faire un pique-nique dans le parc ou prendre votre canne à pêche et passer un weekend à camper au bord d’un lac.
“Our government is working with Cornwall and communities across Ontario to support critical mental health and addictions and inte grated social services,” said Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. “The impacts of mental health and addictions chal lenges can be felt in every community, and we are working with our partners in health care and across sectors to ensure Ontarians con tinue to receive life-saving treatment when they need “Historicallyit.” there hasn’t been enough local, safe and supportive accommodations for people who are experiencing a mental health or substance use crisis. We greatly appreciate the support of our community partners, includ ing the Ministry of Health, to launch this new program, and we look forward to working with them to make our community a healthier and safer place,” says Jeanette Despatie, President & Chief Executive Officer at the Cornwall Community Hospital. Since launching in April, the Safe Bed Program has already welcomed 30 clients, and the program’s six beds have been steadily occupied.Moreinformation on the program can be found at /en/
Findingwww.firstbaptistcornwall.caPeaceinHectic Days 105 St. Paul Street, Alexandria ON
God’s Word (the Bible) is our rock, especially when everything else feels uncertain. Personal peace can be found in God’s presence; call on Him!
To be eligible, individuals have to be referred to the program by police, a mobile response team or crisis team. Upon admission, partici pants receive stabilization supports and establish recovery-oriented goals with the help of program staff. They also receive: meals and personal care items; mental health and sub stance use support; help with rebuilding sup portive relationships with family and friends; and, referrals to community-based services.
Crisis Safe Bed Program Launches in Cornwall

Father Thomas retired in 2001, after which he assisted occa sionally in various parishes until an accident in 2010 limited his mobility.“Hewas a very religious priest, very old fashioned,” said Father Thomas’ sister, Madeleine Cardinal, “He had a very nice, quiet death. He was in hospice for three days.” He is survived by six sisters and predeceased by one brother.
Father Thomas Villeneuve touched the lives of many in his 68 years serving the Diocese of AlexandriaCornwall. He was ordained to the priesthood at St. Columban Parish in Cornwall in 1953. He served as an assistant pastor in Cornwall at St. John Bosco Parish and St. Francis de Sales Parish before being appointed pastor of St. Paul’s Parish in Dalkeith in 1957.Hewas appointed pastor at seven other churches over the course of his ministry, including St. Anthony Parish in Apple Hill, St. Michael’s Church in Monkland, Our Lady of Grace in Ingleside, St. Pius X in Long Sault, the historic parish of St. Raphael’s in St. Raphaels, St. Mary in Williamstown, and St. William in Martintown.
Visitation will take place at Wilson Funeral Home on Thursday, August 25 from 2 - 4 PM and 7 - 9 PM. There will also be a visita tion at St. Columban Church starting at 11 AM on August 26 until the funeral at 2 PM.
Announcing the Passing of Father Thomas Villeneuve
www.cornwallseawaynews.comNewsSeaway -202224,AugustWednesday,3 376157 FundraiserMarketVendors& AugustSunday,28,202210AM-4PM (level 2 of the old Sears) 7 Local Rescues 20+ Local CatsAdoptableVendors&Kittens For informationmore on the rescues and facebookvendorsvisitourpage!AuctionSilent11AM-1PM
KRYSTINE THERRIAULT ktherriault@seawaynews.mediaManyCornwallcitizenswill remember the Jello Jump, an annual event that was first hosted at the old Brookdale Mall. This September, it’s making a comeback at Arnold Bethune Park at 75 Simcoe Street in Long Sault. According to the Cornwall Community Museum, “The annual event which launched in 1981, was co-sponsored by the Brookdale Mall and CJSS Radio.” The last annual Jello Jump took place in 1999. A 10-year anniversary event was held at the Cornwall Square in 2009. After hearing reminiscing about the Jello Jump on the radio station Boom 101.9, Lost Villages Lions Club mem ber Gerald Potvin decided it was time to bring back the popular event. “Prior to the event closing I made the jelly every year,” explained Potvin, “I also had a chance to jump in the jelly twice.” Hopeful participants can buy a button for $10 to have their name put on a ballot for a chance to jump in a swim ming pool filled with green jello. In the jello are numbered pucks that correspond to different prizes. This year, the prizes will range from $50 to $550. Many local businesses have donated gift cards and other prizes for the occasion. Sponsors have also donated the pool and ladder needed for the event, along with 10, 100-gallon bags of biodegrad able gelatin purchased from Amazon to fill the pool!
The Phil Everson Memorial Scholarship was organized after the sudden passing of Phil Everson in September 2019, shortly after he com pleted the Ottawa Army Run. Phil Everson was a former St. Lawrence Secondary School Student who always wanted to give back to his high school in some way, and with the help of generous donors his dream has become reality. The family was happy to present the 2022 Phil Everson Memorial Scholarship in person this year, for the first time as a result the Covid-19 pandemic. The third annual scholarship fund was awarded to Haleema Chaudhry, in the amount of $2157. The family was hap pily surprised to find out that the recipient is a former Grade 2 student of Johneen Everson, Phil’s mother. Haleema will be attending Queen’s University in the fall to pursue her BA with a major in Psychology. A deserving student, Haleema has done a lot for our community, includ ing raising money for the Canadian Cancer Society focusing on Childhood Cancer Awareness, volunteering at the Agape Centre, and supporting the “Cornwall Gives a Shirt” campaign by collecting over 400 lbs of clothing.
A draw to choose the winners will take place on September 7, 2022, at the regular meeting of the Lost Villages Lions Club. About 20 jumpers will be chosen. The Jello Jump will take place on September 10 at noon, with registration at 11 am. There will also be a vendors market that day from 10 am - 3 pm and food trucks present for the event. For more information visit the “Lost Villages Lion’s Club” Facebook page or call: Sharon @ 613-577-0818 or Gerry @ 613-577-1808.
Phil Everson Memorial Scholarship Awarded to SLSS Graduate
On August 19, 2022, at the age of 96, Father Thomas Villeneuve passed away at the Cornwall Hospice. According to a memo released by the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall on August 20, “Fr. Thomas Villeneuve was born on June 28, 1926, in Lachine, Quebec, to Ernest Villeneuve and Kathleen Gagnon. He studied arts and philosophy at the Seminary of Philosophy in Montreal and theology at the Grand Seminary of Ottawa.”
Jello Jump Returning to Long Sault in September

MULTIPLE MYELOMA SUPPORT: If you or someone you know has been diag nosed with Myeloma and would like to connect with others, join us on Facebook, and email at cornwallareasupport@myel We plan to hold virtual support meetings every second month.
4 -202224,AugustWednesday, COMMUNITYMATTERSLocalNews,LocalStories,LocalPeople.DailyUpdatesMondaytoFriday5:30pm,6pm,10pmand10:30pm Program Schedule for the week of AUGUST 29 to SEPTEMBER 4, 2022 SeawaY communitY eventS 372384 Registration $20 For more info., contact Todd Prieur 613-551-3430 Friday, September 2, 2022 7:00 p.m. BEST DECORATED CAR $150 Sponsored by Newington Firefighter’s Assoc. disabled*Limitedseating $5,000AVAILABLEPRIZE 372387 COUNTYCOUNTYSTORMONTFAIRFAIR LABOUR DAY WEEKEND • SEPTEMBER 2-5 • NEWINGTON *Limited disabled seating Friday, September 2 7:00 REGISTRATIONp.m. $20 Info: Todd 613-551-3430Prieur WWW.STORMONTFAIR.CA Sunday September 4 Grandstand,6:00pmNewington$1,200PrizeMoneyDeniseBeaudette-Manley613.863.1455SEARCHTALENT REGISTER EARLY! 372941 COME SEE ALL THE ACTION FRIDAY, AUGUST 26 GENERAL GATES OPEN AT 5PM Canadian money is at par with the general admission and pits admission 313 Frogtown Road, Hogansburg, NY 518-358-1033 www.mohawkintlraceway.comCORNWALLNEWCOMERSCLUBwel comes women who have moved in the last 4 years to Cornwall and the SD&G Counties. Info: Louise 613-932-7557. IS SOMEONE’S DRINKING BOTHERING YOU? You are not alone. There is help and hope. Call 613-937-4880 or visit www. CORNWALL COMFORT QUILTS are handmade for and given to Cancer patients. If you or someone you know is in need of a quilt, contact: Nicole 613 9355593, Janice 613 936-1951. Email:
JELL-O JUMP organized by the Ingleside Long Sault Lost Villages Lions Club. Buy a button and fill out a ballot for a chance to jump into a pool of JELL-O, find a puck and win great prizes. Vendors and food on site. DRAW taking place Sept. 7, JUMP on Sept. 10 from 10am-5pm at Arnold Bethume Park, Long Sault. Info and to buy button’s call 613-577-0818 or 613-577-1808.
LIVING LIFE TO THE FULL is back but for adults this time! The Free 8-week wellness program runs on Thursdays @ 6:30 P.M. in Programming Room 1 & 2 (Cornwall Public Library). Sign up for the first session on Sept. 15 by Email: smer or Phone (613) 932-4796 ext. 266.
TRI-COUNTY LITERACY COUNCIL is offering a FREE 6- week certificate train ing program with job placement starting Sept. 6. Students will practice com munication and interpersonal skills, learn to provide excellent customer ser vice, and much more. Register: 613-932-7161.
135th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION OF NATIVITE de la BVM CHURCH at 220 Montreal Rd in Cornwall on Saturday September 10, 2022. 4:00: Mass at church presided by Mgr. Marcel Damphousse, archbishop of OttawaCornwall. 6:00: dinner⁄show at Agora Hall. Tickets on sale before & after masses and parish office 613-932-7505.
CORNWALL WESLEYAN CHURCH invites you to our Sunday Morning wor ship Service at 10:00 a.m. Nursery available, Kids Konnect has been can celled for the summer except for Aug. 28 “ End of Summer Fun Day “ Bible Studies will return in September. Info: 613-9369166 ( 780 Sydney St.) or cornwallwes or visit www.cornwall
TRI-COUNTY LITERACY. If you’re look ing to always have cash and not take work home, consider a career as a Food & Beverage Server! Our agency is offering a free 6-week training program with job placement. Graduates receive three cer tificates Server, Smart Serve and Food Handler. Adults 19+ welcome to apply, including those with a SELF-IDENTIFIED disability such as anxiety, depression, etc. Class starts September 12, 2022 (runs Mon.-Thurs,, 1pm-4pm). Call 613-9327161. Seats are limited.
SPAGHETTI FUNDRAISER: August 26th at Knights of Columbus, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs) from 11:30am-1 pm and 4-6:30 pm. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BOOKS AND ITEMS of a religious nature, the “Catholic Information Centre” is at your service from Monday to Friday 10am-4pm at 146B, Chevrier Ave, room 124 (former Nativity School). (613) 933-5099
CORNWALL NEW HORIZONS BAND meets on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 3:30 pm at St. Felix de Valois Church Hall. Info: Pat 613-931-1580 or email: gplem2904@ or visit us on facebook.
CORNWALL SENIORS ON WHEELS PROGRAM is happening this summer in Lamoureux Park. If you are a senior (65+) please call or go on-line to book a free scenic ride on our Trishaw Info:
BINGO AT THE CCÉC ! Come play every Monday at 6:00pm. Doors open at 4:00pm. NO RESERVATION. Meet us at CCÉC 146b avenue Chevrier, K6H 1S1, Cornwall.
ACOUSTIC GUITAR LESSONS for sen iors 50+ offered at Seaway Senior Citizens Club 506 Pitt St starting in September. Students must bring their own guitar.Beginners lessons with Paulette- learn major chords and easy songsIntermediate lessons with Joe -must be familiar with most major chords, and Intermediate lessons with Ed -learn chord ing, picking, different strumming patterns and more. Jamming sessions are also being offered. Call Paulette at 613-9337474 or the Club at 613-932-4969 for info.
BEREAVED FAMILIES of ONTARIOSOUTH EASTERN REGION - Need help with the loss of a loved one? Open Support and Share Adult group sessions held monthly every 3rd Thursday at the Starbrite center located at 343 Pitt St. Register at or email bfo.enquiries@bfos or call 613-936-7470.

ST. LAWRENCE SENIORS AT ANAF –Bingo on Mondays & Thursday at 12 Noon. Doors open at 10am. Upcoming euchre on September 7. Please call on Thursday, Sept. 1st to reserve your place. NO BINGO on SEPT. 5 (Labour Day).
CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB Bonville. Breakfast every Sunday 8-noon. Contact Roly for info: 613-932-9396.
BLESSED SACRAMENT PARISH, Cornwall - Annual Parish Fundraising Supper on Sun., Sept. 11, 2022, from 4-7pm, Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall. Menu: Spaghetti & meat sauce, salad, buns and pie.
FURREVER LOVED MARKET & FUNDRAISER: Support 7 local cat rescues at a market in the Cornwall Square on Sun, Aug. 28 from 1-4 pm. 20+ local vendors, adoptable cats & kittens, silent auction 11-1 pm.
SQUARE DANCE LESSONS. Every Friday nights (except holidays) starting Sept. 9 from 7-9 pm at Knox-St. Paul’s United Church, 800 12th St. East. Teens 12-18 accompanied by an adult dance fore free. Info: linda 613-360-5216 or 613-936-2563.
CORNWALL NEW HORIZONS BAND is a community band that helps people learn, relearn or refresh their skills in how to read music and play a band instrument. You are invited to join our fun, growing band program starting in September. Band rehearses Thursdays and instructional classes are Mondays & Tuesdays. Info: or 613-362-4881 or 613-931-1580 KID’S NATURE ZONE DAY, Sat. Sept. 24 from 12-4 pm at the Upper Canada Bird Sanctuary. Crafts, interactive activities, BBQ. No Charge. Donations to Friends of the Sanctuary accepted. MAKERS POP-UP MARKET: Sat., Aug 27 from 10 am - 3 pm in WB Hub, located at Unit 116, 705 Cotton Mill Street. Featuring 20+ local makers and artisans.
NEW MEMBERS ARE WELCOME. SEAWAY WINDS CONCERT BAND invites musicians who play an instrument at an intermediate level to join us. Rehearsals every Wednesday, 6:45pm to 8:45pm at The Salvation Army Community Church, 500 York Street. Info: Barb Hunter at 613-534-2111.
MONKLAND FARMERS MARKETAugust 27, 2022 from 11-3 - Rain or Shine - held at Katrina’s Corner Kitchen 17311 Country Road 43, Monkland. THE CORNWALL LEGION BRANCH 297 is please to announce that Bid Euchre will resume on Thursdays 15th, 22nd and 29 of September. Games start at 1 pm. FUNDRAISING BBQ AND YARD SALE Sept. 10th 11am-3pm at Seaway Senior Citizens Club, 506 Pitt Street at Fifth. Tables for crafts/garage sale items avail able to rent. Call (613) 932-4969 to reserve.
STORMONT COUNTY FAIR, September 2-5, 2022 in Newington, ON. Check out for all the fair info. Starting off with a Bang! with the Demolition Derby on Sep. 2 at 7pm
WEDNESDAY LUNCHES: by the mem bers of the Knights of Columbus “Seniors & Friends”, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs) Wednesdays from 11:30am-1pm. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs). Wings & Things every Thursday 4:30–8 pm. Take-out available.
ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Fish and Chips. Every Friday from 4:30-6:30. Take out or eat in. Order in advance 613-933-2362.
SEAWAY SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB, 506 Pitt St is now open for all activities. Full vaccination required. For a full list of activ ities or to register call: (613) 932-4969.
$8 Burger or hotdog, chips, cookie, and a drink BBQ & YARD SALE SeptemberSaturday 10 11 am - 3 pm 506 Pitt Street Corner of Pitt & 5th Sts. Cornwall, ON Live Entertainment with R & R 613 - 932 - 4969 375914 WATER QUALITY AT LOCAL BEACHES IS IMPROVING!! A recent assessment of the Beach Closings Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI) indicates that we are meeting all of the scientific criteria to change its status from “impaired” to “not impaired”. HAVE YOUR SAY!!! Community Comment Period - August 17 to October 16, 2022 Have you noticed the improvements to water quality at your beach? Do you think that the status of this “Beneficial Use” should be changed to “not impaired”? Please submit your comment by visiting: 376690 photo credit Stephany Hildbrand THE PATRONS OF ST. COLUMBAN FOUNDATION PRESENTS A FUNDRAIS ING CELTIC CONCERT on Sunday September 25 at 2 p.m. in St. Columban’s Church, 36 Fourth St. West, Cornwall. Musical entertainment Brigadoons. Admission is freewill donation. MEMORIAL AND DECORATION DAY SERVICE for the Gravel Hill Cemetery, Sunday, September 4 at 2 pm in the cem etery, weather permitting. Rev. Colleen Gillanders-Adams will conduct the service with music by Jennifer Buhr. Please bring a lawn chair, if the Service is cancelled due to the weather, Board Members will be at the Church to collect donations that day from 1:30 to 2:30 or they can be mailed to 17351 Gravel Hill Road, Monkland ON K0C 1V0
THE CORNWALL LEGION BRANCH 297 SENIORS over 60 club’s monthly lunch eon, meeting and bingo will be held on Thurs. Sept. 8, starting at noon. Your old membership cards will be needed to renew this year’s membership of $5.00.

Earth Week, Eco Day, bio-blitz scavenger hunt at
Parkinson Community of Cornwall & Area hosts Spinning Wheels Tour 2022
Prior to the Climate Emergency declaration in December 2021, the City conducted a com munity-wide Climate Change Survey. One thou sand and thirty people participated. Through this survey we learned that there was a low level of awareness around the City’s 2021 sus tainability initiatives, so we created the month ly Eco Update e-newsletter to keep the com munity informed. Furthermore, 72 per cent of the respondents wanted to see the City do more for climate change and there was signifi cant support for a Climate Action Plan (CAP). We’ve listened and we are progressively delivering.Thereare more than 160 municipal CAPs
implemented across Canada. Cornwall is now joining those municipalities with its first ever CAP. July 7 was Cornwall’s CAP kickoff meeting. This feasible plan will be the road map to guide the City to achieve carbon emission-reduction goals while improving the community to become more resilient to the changing climate. Now in stage two of this project, the CAP con sultant is creating a community greenhouse gas inventor y and forecast. Cornwall’s CAP is scheduled to be completed February 2023. Cornwall’s CAP will be created with input from the community, and we are seeking stu dents who are passionate about the environ events and the future of our planet. Are you a secondar y school student and want to have your say? Consider joining Cornwall’s Youth for Climate Action Working Group. This group will give young people a voice on climate change issues and an opportunity to provide feedback for the CAP. Applications are due September 16. For more information and to!TheAnnualGreatLitterCleanupwilltakeplaceonSeptember16.
the community, and we’re already planning for next year!
Since declaring a Climate Emergency, the City of Cornwall has not only been looking into its own but it has also been providing more educational outreach for the community. the Summer handful the City has offered to
of what
policies and practices,
A climate action plan
On August 31 the Parkinson Community of Cornwall & Area is hosting the Spinning Wheels Tour 2022. The event will celebrate and acknowledge the incredible achievement of this team of three early onset Parkinson Cyclists and their driver that started in Victoria and will end in Newfoundland. They are stopping to answer questions about Parkinson to bring aware ness and encourage donations to their pro ject and local Parkinson support groups.
A presentation will be made at the regular Rotary Cornwall Sunrise meeting on August 31 at 7:00 am, at the Seaway Valley Theatre company facility. Afterwards, a public event co-hosted by Cornwall Tourism and Parkinson’s Awareness is being held at the Civic Complex at 9:00 am with dignitaries invited.Agroup of local cyclists will be biking with the team from Civic Centre to Lancaster and beyond. The Spinning Wheels in Nipigon On. L-R: Darlene Loghrin, Virginia Lake, Mike Loghrin, Jim Redman, Tomm Olien, Steve Iseman.
Playground Program, and conservation walking tours are just a
6 -202224,AugustWednesday, Embrace higher rates As interest rates rise so do your returns. Give a big hug to higher returns. Call us today or go online and let us create a plan for YOUR financial wellness. 4.3% ON 3 YEAR TERM DEPOSITS AkwesasnePowWow A'nowara'ko:wa Arena, Cornwall Island, Ontario Dance, Drum, and Smoke Dance Competition Traditional Craft & Food Vendors 10 A.M.- Gates Open to General Admission: $8 September 10 & 11, 2022 akwesasnepowwow@yahoo.comThisisadrugandalcohol free www.akwesasnepowwow.comevent. Coming from Cornwall? Use the FREE Cornwall Bus Shuttle! Pickup locations at Walmart and Aquatic Center Parking Lot Please do not bring your pets. 375007 Angela Parker Eco Update SUSTAINABILITY PROJECT COORDINATOR CITY OF CORNWALL
“The Spinning Wheels group from Ontario is very committed to bringing awareness in a very active way,” said Virginia Lake, Coordinator of Parkinson Awareness Cornwall SDG & Akwesasne, “It is a personal challenge for them, and we wish them the best on their journey.”

 376207 2205 Vincent Massey Drive www.riversidechrysler.ca613-938-0934 Summer Tailgate Event! 3 DAYS FREE 5 COMPREHENSIVE100,000YEARKMWARRANTY* Including free oil changes and tire rotations FUNDRAISER FOR THE UNITED WAY - DONATIONS ACCEPTEDRiverside Chrysler will make a donation for every vehicle sold during this event 130OVER NEW VEHICLES TO CHOOSE FROM Wednesday 24th, Thursday 25th and Friday 26th During the 3 day eventCome take a Picture at our dealership, post and tag us, get entered into a drawFaceAugustFriday26thFreeB.B.Q.,PaintingandTheHappyPopcornCo. *5 year 100,000km gold plan includes 2 oil changes and 2 tire rotation per year. Valid from August 24th to August 31st, see dealer for details.

8 -202224,AugustWednesday, MEDIA EDITOR: Rick Shaver REPORTER: Krystine Therriault PUBLISHING ASSISTANT: Jennifer Mayer MEDIA COORDINATOR: Colleen Parette 501 Campbell Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, ON K6H 6X5 613-933-0014 WWW.CORNWALLSEAWAYNEWS.COM
With a new council on the way, and the potential for some high-profile administra tors leaving city hall via retirement or a change of scenery, seeds are being plant ed for some distinct changes here in Cornwall.Let’sadd another to the growing list of changes that may be in the offing – mov ing city hall to the Cornwall Civic Complex. Since COVID turned the world upside down councillors have been meeting in the salons at the civic complex, which offers ample space for social distancing, and even more room for the general pub lic to attend the twice-monthly civic sessions.Atcityhall, on the second floor, the offi cial council chambers are a stately, if not intimate setting to convene council meet ings. The space is functional and has the added bonus of being part of local herit age and histor y. But it’s just too darn small. Cornwall’s original Town Hall was on Pitt Street near Water (part of the United Counties complex today.) Town Hall relocated closer to its current Pitt Street location, expanded and then was replaced by a more modern structure. The building, immediately south of the current city hall, housed the police station and the fire hall.When all this progress was taking place in the 1940s, 50s and 60s the infra structure required to host a city council meeting was decidedly less. Workstations, complete with access to power and lap tops for both admin and council mem bers, was not required. Neither were TV cameras and all the infrastructure required to broadcast the meetings. But over the decades all of that material, completely necessary in this day and age, has eroded what little real estate is available in that room. Things become extremely crowded when hot-button issues create a stir among residents. When those individuals descend on city hall to attend a meeting, the crowd can often spill into the hallway. The poor wags at the media table may lose their seat and be forced to (gasp!) stand.COVID has helped to prove that the extra space allowed for meetings in the salons at the complex is enough of an impetus for the city to call in the moving vans. There’s also plenty of space in the admin wing at the complex to seriously consider consolidating other departments at that locale. The salons could still be used for events when not in use as the council chambers, so there is no need to fret about lost rev enue the city sees via rentals of that space.Wecould even have a debate about moving the Cornwall Sports Hall of Fame out of the complex and into the Benson Centre. We would argue more people walk through the Benson Centre concourse on a weekend than the dank ‘basement’ at the complex where the hall of fame cur rently resides. We bring that up because more eyeballs would get to celebrate the accomplish ments of Cornwall athletes if the hall of fame was just a bit more visible. And by moving the hall of fame out of the complex, there would be more room to consolidate office space at one central municipal location. Heck, the city may even save money on overhead with fewer buildings to administer. Perhaps this plan could be explored by some of the new, invigorated city council lors we’re expecting to see around the council table.
Time to call in the moving vans?
Seaway News welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and may be edited for clarity or length. Please send your letters by email to or by mail to 501 Campbell Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, ON K6H 6X5. Include name, address and phone number.
Letters to the info@seawaynews.mediaEditor
An open letter to God
Dear Editor: It’s great that the recent triath lon was a success, however it may be time for a lane change. It’s time for the organizers to look elsewhere. The event was completely disruptive for businesses and residents in theThearea.last time that I counted, there were 19 empty stores on Montreal Road. Le Village needs more than a triathlon to bring energy and life to the area. Hosting the Santa Parade on Montreal Road would be a good start. At least there would be foot traffic and an opportunity for locally owned businesses to benefit from the event. Mark A. MacDonald
USE THEM – If you want to hear the call of the loon, the howl of the wolf, the hoot, hoot of the owl, or your partner whispering, “I love you, dear!”, wear ear protection. (Photo by Juliet Gill)
Dear God, My apologies for bothering you at this time. I realize that you are quite busy overseeing what’s happening in Ukraine, dealing with the inflation problem, arguing with the antivaxxers and overseeing the floods and wildfires.Firstof all, I must compliment you on the wonderful job you did on HUMAN ANATOMY 101. I particularly admire how well you did on the FEMALE FEATURES app. Very nice! However, just as WINDOWS 12 is on the horizon down here, may I respectfully suggest that you start giving some thought to up-grad ing the EARS FEATURES app. In your Genesis days, ears had just about one purpose, to facilitate hearing, but some people fail to use it for listening. After the Industrial Revolution, Thomas Edison and the transistor, there have been big changes. Oops! I forgot to mention what COVID has wrought upon ears. The earliest burden imposed on ears, or ‘auricula’ if you prefer the fancy term, was the addition of ear adorn ments, various attachments onto the lobe called barbells, dangles , drops, hoops, hug gies and jhumki. There are earrings that hold onto the lobe by the magnetic attraction between two parts. Unfortunately, permanent earrings were used as a mark of slavery. Then came eye glasses. Much later, hear ing aids. When COVID came on the scene, there was the addition of face masks that had to hold on for dear life by a loop a of elastic behind the ear. Finally, the plastic face shield! All that paraphernalia doesn’t leave much room for ear buds. Fortunately, some folks who work near chain saws, jet engines, jack hammers and construction vehicles have had the wisdom to use ear guards. I certainly do. That’s why I still have good hearing. People of extreme northern and southern latitudes have added ear muffs to their winter attire.God, excuse my rambling on. Also, I must apologize for using a generic name to address you, and not using your proper name. I’ve con sulted with several priests, rabbis, imams, scholar s, and even atheists and agnostics, but none agree on what that name is. Finally, here’s my plea. Please come up with a more robust ear design, one that can cope with all the current demands imposed on it. I have no idea what new ones are just out of earshot, but you certainly do.

www.cornwallseawaynews.comNewsSeaway -202224,AugustWednesday,9 375155
Dealer order may be required. Anticipated delivery of 2023 HR-V is September 2022; Anticipated delivery of the 2022 Pilot is September 2022. ΩLimited time lease offers available through Honda Financial Services Inc. (HFS), to qualified retail customers on approved credit. Monthly payments include freight and PDI ($1,950), tire & environmental fee ($21) [This fee covers the cost to Honda Canada of collecting and recycling tires], A/C charge ($100), and OMVIC fee ($10). Taxes, licence, insurance and registration are extra. Representative monthly lease example: 2023 HR-V EX-L Navi (Model RZ2H7PK)// 2022 Pilot Touring (Model YF6H6NKNY) on a 24 // 24-month term with 24 // 24 monthly payments at 4.45%//3.45% lease APR. Monthly payment is $713.20// $1,084.03 with $0 // $0 down or equivalent tradein and $0 total lease incentive included. Down payments, $0 security deposit and first monthly payment due at lease inception. Total lease obligation is $17,116.74// $26,016.83. 40,000 // 40,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.12/km for excess kilometres. PPSA lien registration fee of $16.00 // $16.00 and lien registering agent's fee of $6.50, due at time of delivery are not included. 2023 HR-V EX-L Navi shown in Platinum White Pearl// 2022 Pilot Touring shown in Obsidian Blue Pearl. Advertised price/payment includes charge of $300//$300 for premium paint colour. *None of the features we describe are intended to replace the driver’s responsibility to exercise due care while driving. Drivers should not use handheld devices or operate certain vehicle features unless it is safe and legal to do so. Some features have technological limitations. For additional feature information, limitations and restrictions, please visit disclaimers and refer to the vehicle’s Owner’s Manual. For all offers: licence, insurance, PPSA, other taxes (including HST) and excess wear and tear are extra. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price. Offers only valid for Ontario residents at participating Ontario Honda Dealers from August 03, 2022 until August 31, 2022. Dealer may lease for less. Dealer order/trade may be necessary (but may not be available in all cases). Colour availability may vary by Dealer. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. Offers, prices and features subject to without See Dealer visit for full details.
your Ontario Honda
DEALER ORDER/TRADE MAY BE NECESSARY. Technologically advanced. Naturally dependable. OVER 96.14% OF ALL Honda MODELS SOLD IN CANADA IN THE LAST 10 YEARS ARE STILL ON THE ROAD TODAY. Meet the all-new versatile 2023 HR-V. MODELMODELYF6H6NKNYRZ2H7PK Reserve yours today. PILOT RESERVE YOUR 2022 HR-V THE ALL-NEW 2023 LEASE FOR UP TO 24 MONTHSΩ ON ALL 2022 PILOT MODELS 3.45 % APR LEASEFROM FOR UP TO 24 MONTHSΩ ON ALL 2023 HR-V MODELS 4.45% APR FROM • HONDA SENSING™ SAFETY TECHNOLOGIES* • ECON MODE & ECO ASSIST™ • i-VTM4™ AWD SYSTEM • AVAILABLE ENTERTAINMENTREAR SYSTEM • HONDA SENSING™ SAFETY TECHNOLOGIES* • ECON MODE & ECO ASSIST™ • AVAILABLE REAL TIME AWD™ • REMOTE ENGINE STARTER 1200 Brookdale 613-933-7558Ave. WestDan Sales Consultant MarcBray Sales Consultant BissonnetteMario Business Manager 375356 MatthewWoolley Sales Consultant ScottRyan Sales Consultant DharamSodhi Sales Manager 376440 Register Online www.charlanskatingclub.comat: Pre-CanSkate Learn-to-Skate for Beginners Monday 5:00-5:30 pm Monday 5:30-6:00 pm $395 CanSkate/Teen/Adult Monday 6:00-6:50 pm Thursday 6:00-6:50 pm (Teen/Adult) $440 Junior STARSkate Wednesday 6:00-6:50 pm Thursday 5:55-6:50 pm Saturday 3:30-4:20 pm *includes 50 mins coaching $850 Senior STARSkate Wednesday 5:00-6:00 pm Thursday 4:45-6:00 pm Saturday 3:00-3:50 pm *includes 50 mins coaching $900 Char-Lan Skating Club Season begins September 12 Email: for details
École élémentaire catholique Sainte-Lucie (CSDCEO) students have been collecting pull tabs over the years as a school project. This past Thursday, August 11th, 436 lbs or approximately 683,648 tabs were delivered to Gerdau Metals Recycling, Cornwall. Gerdau generously offered Prime rate for aluminum which equated to $362.00 The monetary amount raised from the tabs was then donated to the SD& G Cornwall Shrine Club to be directed to the Shriners Hospitals for Children – Canada. Pictured L-R Claire Hazell - École élémen taire catholique Sainte-Lucie (CSDCEO), from the SD&G Cornwall Shrine Club Rory L. MacLennan PP, Rick Gilmer Club Presi dent, Andrew Gingras - Gerdau & Len Fin namore PP Pull Tabs for Shriners Hospitals for Children – Canada Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy Walker ClimateCare has chosen to support the Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy this month through their WeCare program. Each month, Walker ClimateCare donates to a local non-profit organization as a part of their WeCare program. Walker’s employees also have a say in which non-profit receives their support. Pictured above (L-R) is Ian Henderson, HR Manager and Sam Reda, Director of Operations – Ontario Region - Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy. submitted photo

Proud homeowner s are maintaining the grass along the waterfront trail in the dis trict. Dog bagbag dispensers are filled daily by several volunteers.
A husband and wife were driving through Louisiana. As they approached Natchitoches, Jane in Bonville says it’s been a sweltering summer with sufficient rain. My “garden” was as usual, a washout, except for perennials. While in N.B., I purchased 7 perennials, and proud that mom has been honoured in this mural that celebrates South Mountain Fair.
A BIG REMINDER, Cornwall Square is hosting a Cat Rescue Assistance –Adoptathon - Vendor Market fundraising event on Sunday August 28th, 2022, along with a silent auction, all in support of community cat rescues. The event will take place in the upper level of the former Sears store from 10:00am to 4:00pm. Yes, the event will start at 10:00am. The Ghost Walk for Charity will once again be held here at the Cornwall Square during selected days in the latter half of October. Get ready for another Spooooky Time. Cornwall Square is still looking for a few specialty vendors for the Cornwall Square Christmas Season. We have a couple of spaces available for the November 19, 2022, to December 24, 2022, period. Its Back-to-School time and if you are looking for supplies, Dollarama and Shoppers Drug Mart are here for you. If your needs are tech oriented, then drop into The Source. Want to upgrade your phone or your plan or even give your phone a new look? Come on over and visit our telecom store: Telus/Koodo, Bell World, Virgin Mobile, Wireless Wave and The Source. If you are looking to give your phone case a make-over, then come and visit Kool Kovers and Majestik Communications. On vacation, want to avoid the chores list? want to get away from the heat? Want to stay cool? Come and see us here at Cornwall Square. Stay cool, stay dry and eat a meal or a snack. Remember, shop indoors, shop The Square, and support your local merchants that make up Cornwall’s retail sector.
An increase in police presence has been noticed by residents and a Recovery Mobile Clinic will be making visits to the area.
The Renaissance Association will be revising its action plan in the coming months. We believe the new municipal council and city Administration should budget for the rejuvenation of the east end by utilizing a different approach to managing substandard properties, in a timely manner and acceptable to the residents who live in the Renaissance district.
10 -202224,AugustWednesday, WWW.SUMMERHEIGHTSGOLF.COM SENIOR GREEN$26.25FEEWITHCART$40.2512:3012:30AllAvailableDayMondayto2Tuesdayto2Wednesday12:30to2Thursday OVER THE AGE OF 55 357854 While on vacation in our region, we have up-to-date news, weather and community events at your fingertips. BOGO Box Novelty Sale 366170 Pitt & 13th St., Cornwall 613-938-6772 Open for Take Out, Dine In & Drive Thru until 10 pm #HappyTastesGood WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. BUY 1 GET 1 FOR $5 scuttlebutt
Renaissance Association News
The Association has offered city officials several dozen recommendations to date. One recent recommendation is for the city to assign a summer student next June to identify overgrown weeds following NO MOW MAY, for action by bylaw. Another is to assign a bylaw officer to take care of busi ness in the district. EXPROPRIATION of s o me properties should also be considered.Apilotproject to cleanup a designated set of streets [buildings, lots, front yards, porches, grass, etc.] in the district, 5-6 streets per year, for a 4-year period, is a unique possibility and one that could be subsequently applied to all needy locations. A document is being prepared outlining this prospect which would serve as a roadmap for the city to better manage sub-standard properties and associated social issues in future.Citystaff has done a good job of keeping district parks well mowed this summer. Volunteers were busy collecting litter in parks, at the harbour, the shoreline, a stretch of Montreal Rd. and some side streets and thanks to some divers, four gro cery carts were recovered from the river.
Inspector Chad Maxwell who is in charge of Field Operations and Sgt. Scott Coulter will update executive members on how our objectives fared this summer. Work done to date by Renaissance folks is moving the district closer to a cleaner, safer, healthier and law-abiding community. Since the formation of this grassroots organization Mark MacDonald has acted as Chair and Pam Carson and Ray Carson have managed research, communications and report-writing as well as the cleanliness portfolio. Thelma Cameron and Lisanne Séguin have also participated in key meet ings with city personnel, including the mayor, the CAO, the Police Chief and her staff as well as ACC Futures [Port Lands]. If you are interested in serving on the Renaissance committee or wish to contrib ute some time to undertake a task or two please contact us comrenaissanceassociationcorat,nwall@gmail.Keepyoursuggestionscoming!

Select Cornwall accommodations are offering spe cial Cycle and Stay packages with a dis counted room and a great breakfast to fuel the day’s adventure. Check out the Cornwall Tourism web!
The beautiful weather has arrived which means it’s time to get rolling in Cornwall. Cycling is a favourite pastime in Cornwall – and for good reason. Cornwall is proudly recognized as a Bicycle Friendly Community by the Share the Road Cycling Coalition and the city’s inviting and accessible cycling network stretches over 75 kms to virtually every corner of the community. The scenic Riverside Trail (part of the province-wide Wa terfront Trail) is a true gem, stretching the length of Corn wall’s beautiful waterfront – a distance of 18 km. Bike rentals Bike rentals are back at Marina 200! It’s a perfect place to embark on a waterfront cycling trek. The bikes are avail able for rent daily from 8 am to 6 pm and bikes can be reserved by calling the marina at 613-932-8301. Park and ride The Cornwall Civic Complex offers the perfect starting point for your next cycling adventure in Cornwall. Located in Downtown Cornwall, the Civic Complex provides ample free parking directly along the celebrated Riverside Trail. The Civic Complex is also just steps away from the many trendy shops and restaurants along Pitt Street in Down town Cornwall. Wrap up your adventure with a nice meal and a cool drink on one of the many inviting patios Looking to make a weekend of it?
p p o p o pOntario,Canada NewYorkState,UnitedStatesTownshipof South Stormont ofTownship GlengarrySouth BensonCentre HWY138 HIGHWAY 401 STPITT RDBOUNDARY AVMcCONNELL SECOND ST E VINCENTMASSEYDR MARLEAU AV DRDAMPOWER AVBROOKDALE SOUTH BRANCH RD SECOND ST W CORNWALL CENTRE RD SYDNEYST TOLLGATE RD W CUMBERLANDSTNINTH ST W MARLBOROUGHST NINTH ST E WATER ST W DRKANEBNICK WATER ST TOLLGATEE RD E THIRTEENTH ST W LEMAY ST QUEEN ST EMMA AV AVRIVERDALE INDUSTRIALPARKDR TENTH ST E ADOLPHUSST STCAMPBELL AVWALLRICH ELEVENTH ST E HOLYCROSSBV MERCIER AV BALMORALAV THIRD ST E SEVENTH ST W IROQUOISDR STLOCHIELSEVENTH ST E AVHOOPLE Recreation Path / Waterfront Trail ´ 0 0.5 10.25 Kilometers Scale www.Cornwall.ca1:30,000www.ChooseCornwall.caBikeLanesBikeBoulevard(BikeFriendly Route) RECREATIONAL PATH AND BIKE LANES Scan for Map App p Water Bottle Filling Stations StormontCornwall•Glengarry MapCycle TourismCornwall’sCycling Network • Approx.100km of water with the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail • Travel within our forests and side trials and throughout the city and towns • Easy access to accommodations, restaurants, shopping and attractions - many of which are bicycle-friendly throughout the region. Cornwall and SDG has over 1000 km of County and City Road cycling that are designed with wide bicycle lanes provided CORNWALL MAPS Available at SDG Community Maps Interactive Community Maps are available through the United Counties of SDG website. SDG Open Road Cycling Maps Looking for some fun local routes to cycle this summer? Take a look at the Counties of SDG Open Road Cycling Maps.
Bike rentals are back at Marina 200 for waterfront.Cornwall’salongadventurefunseekingthoseacycling
It’s time to get rolling in Cornwall
LOOKING FOR A NEW CYCLING DESTINATION THIS SUMMER? For those seeking a fun trail experience, Cornwall is the perfect destination. For cycling maps & more, 361444

It’s a beautiful cycle ride throughout South Stormont and scenery awaits you as you ride the country roads, with many a small shop or restaurant along the way. Spend the day enjoying the sights and sounds.
12 -202224,AugustWednesday,NewsSeaway
More maps and descriptions available at SDG Counties web site, : and/or
Glengarry Routes Heritage Tour In 2017 the Townships of South and North Glengarry developed a joint Glengarry Routes Heritage Tour map. This collaborative project’s objective was to investigate, inventory and create a comprehensive list of heritage sites which were then developed into a historic tour. North StormontNorthGlengarryStormontCornwall•Glengarry MapCycle Tourism 361453 SUMMER IS COMING! RESERVE YOURS BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE 1112 Marleau Ave., 613-361-0017Cornwall CORNWALL MOBILESMALL ENGINE$2199+tax“WOLF”“MAX”foldable$1999+tax Licenced L.L.C.B.O. 15261 County #2, Ingleside www.soldeacapulco.weebly.com613-537-2642 362848 Great Food • Great Friends Great Entertainment... good times 29 Long Sault Dr., Long Sault 613-534-3959 363110FINALDON’ 364442 • Road bikes • Mountainbikes • Hybrids • Unicycles • Tandems Bicycle World ... Outa’ this world • Skateboards • Snowboards • Skis • Electric bikes • Downhill bikes • & much more Open Mon.-Fri.10-6; Sat.10-6 364844 NEW LOCATION 24 NINTH ST. 613-932-2750EAST
South Stormont Offers lots of great cycling
Early settlement in the area began in 1785 Finch Township was originally part of the Royal Township of Osnabruck, and Roxborough Township was originally part of the Royal Township of Cornwall. Stormont County was created in 1792, and both Finch and Roxborough were separated from their southerly parents in 1798. The hamlet of Berwick was first settled by four Cockburn brothers from Scotland in the early 19th century. Berwick became the administrative home of municipal government in the former Finch Township, incorporated January 1, 1850. The New York and Ottawa Railway was built in 1897 and sent up to four daily passenger in 1883. Berwick remains the administrative centre of North Stormont. Enjoy cycling throughout . many stores, services and restaurants on routes.
The Glengarry Routes Heritage TourBrochure is a collection of inventoried natural and built heritage locations amassed through a collaborative project between the Townships of North and South Glengarry. The Brochure highlight Glengarry’s heritage through several driving tours that last one hour on average but may go much longer if you choose to stop in and visit our friendly shop keepers along the way!

The most fun you’ll have on two (fat) wheels. Explore the beautiful Summerstown Trails on wide, groomed trails. Don’t have a bike? No problem. Rentals are available at the parking lot on weekends. Distance: 7.2 km River to Ruins Take a tour from River to Ruins with a trek from the Raisin River in Williamstown to the historic ruins of St.Raphaels in South Glengarry. Distance: 23.2 km Tour De Lancasters From North to South, take a round-trip tour of Lancaster with this route that features the perfect pit-stop of the Lancaster Wharf. Distance: 42 km
StormontCornwall•Glengarry MapCycle Tourism 361863 South Glengarry Ontario’s Celtic Heartland Enjoy your ride throughout -NewsSeaway-202224,AugustWednesday, 13 Cycling Routes Martintown St. Raphael's CORNWALL Bainsville Apple Hill SummerstownWilliamstownLancasterNorthLancasterSouthLancaster St-Anicet BeaudetteRivière Green Valley Alexandria St-Télesphore St-Polycarpe ProvinceProvinceofQuébecofOntario 0 5 2.510 Kilometers ´ Township Boundary Tour De Lancasters River to Ruins Great Lakes Waterfront Trail CYCLING ROUTES Fat in the Forest K 25 K L 18 K L 18 K L 18 K L 19 K L 27 K 20 K 20 K L 34 K 34 K 26 K 23 K 2 K 2 K 27 K L 17 K 17 K 25 K 43 K 43 K L 20 Summerstown Trails Lake St. Francis (St. Lawrence River) K401 K401 CornersBrownHouse K 19
The Great Lakes Waterfront Trail runs on scenic County Rd 2 through most of the Township of South Glengarry. This winding stretch of road follows the shoreline of the St. Lawrence River and passes through the quaint villages of Glen Walter and Summer-
South Glengarry Cycling Routes Fat in the Forest

14 -202224,AugustWednesday,NewsSeaway www.cornwallseawaynews.comEXPLORE GLENGARRYSTORMONTCORNWALL SUMMER EVENTS CORNWALL SDG CYCLE TOURISM MAP IS DEVELOPED TO GET MORE PEOPLE TO ENJOY OUR REGION THIS SUMMER ON THEIR BICYCLES. More detailed maps and information can be found at all theses township offices or at SDG Counties or Cornwall Tourism. StormontCornwall•Glengarry MapCycle Tourism Serving Cornwall & SDG since 1985 Saunders Hydro Dam Visitor Centre Located on the banks of the St. Lawrence River, Ontario Power Generation’s Saunders Hydro Dam Visitor Centre showcases the history of the St. Lawrence Seaway and Power Project as well as the communities and people affected. Come explore our exciting and informative interactive displays that make our visitor centre a key tourist destination in the Cornwall area. Please note events are subject to change. For info on these & many other events, visit Summerstown Trails Open 24/7 Glengarry, Nor’Westers & Loyalist Museum Wednesday - Monday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sir John Johnson House HistoricNationalSite /page_nhs_eng.aspx?id=566 St. Raphael’s Ruins 7 days a week 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Cooper Marsh Monday to Friday 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Art Walk Friday, August 26 Downtown Cornwall Arts in the Park Various dates, Lamoureux Park Chesterville Fair August 26 - 28 Chesterville Stormont County Fair September 2 - 5 Newington Annual FestivalStrawberries – starts at 10am Phantoms of Yore September 9 & 10 5pm-9pm Eastern Ontario Garlic Market Saturday, September 17 Lamoureux Park Apples & Art Studio Tour Saturday, September 24 & Sunday, September 25 Various locations 358226 1 Water St. East, Cornwall Follow us on Facebook Anchoring the downtown core at Pitt St. and Water St. Parking for over 1,000 vehicles. 2 level Shopping Centre with Food Court on upper level. “WELCOME TO THE SQUARE” Mon. to Fri.: 9:30am-7:00pm; Sat.: 9:30am-5:30pm; Sun.: 10:00am-5:00pm New Beginnings 45 stores and services to meet your needs. Tim Hortons, Cedars, Wok Express, Asian, Shoppers Drug Mart, Dollarama, Peoples Jewellers, Charm Diamond Jewellers, The Source, Cleo, GNC, & 35 others. ACCESSORIESBICYCLES,REPAIR,SPECIALIZEDNORCOIGOANDWOLFF TotalCyclerySports 241 Pitt St., Cornwall 613-938-8585

the letter and
PUBLIC SKATE ($2 charge) Sunday .......................11:00 a.m. to 11:50 a.m. STICK AND PUCK ($5 for Thursday evening, free during weekdays) Monday ......................11:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. Thursday ....................11:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. Thursday ........................4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (September 22 until October 27 only) 2022 MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Get Ready to vote! Elections are coming up October 19 - 24. SEE WHO’S RUNNING! The nomination period is now closed, and an official list of candidates running for Municipal Office and School Board Trustees can be found on our website at VOTERS’ LIST We are working hard to make sure all information on the Voters’ List is accurate and up to date. Visit to confirm, update or add your information to the Voters’ List. If you have
regarding issues with
• Wash your car only if necessary.
The Township Office will be closed on Monday, September 5 for Labour Day. 2022 COUNCIL Mayor Bryan McGillis 613-937-3116
on the Voters’ List, please
Thursday ....................10:30
LONG SAULT SKATING CLUB can register for the Long Sault Skating Club at the Long Sault arena on Tuesday, September 13th or Wednesday, September 14th between 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Questions about the available programs can be directed to Carolin at 613-534-8119.
Residents are encouraged to sign up for e-billing to receive their bills through email. For details and to register for this free service, please visit the Township website or contact Bailey McBride at
The Township’s Lancer Centre Programming will be starting up again this Fall. Registration for youth basketball, pickleball, adult badminton and the indoor walking club will open on Tuesday, September 6th. More information about each of these programs including the duration, times and cost are available online.
It is not too late to register for the South Stormont Minor Hockey. For more information and to register, visit
during weekdays) Monday ......................10:30
Councillor Cindy Woods 613-930-5381
skating schedule: PUBLIC SKATING ($2
Councillor Andrew Guindon 613-330-1935
The Township of South Stormont encourages all residents to help conserve our precious water resources. Here are a few ways you can do your part:
Sunday ...........................3:00
Councillor Jennifer MacIsaac 613-537-2555
Deputy Mayor David Smith 613-577-2081
There will be NO CHANGE to garbage or recycling collection due to the holiday. The next Leaf and Yard Waste Collection Day is scheduled for Monday, September 12. Upcoming Household Hazardous waste days at the City of Cornwall depot are: August 27th and September 7th, 10th, 21st and 24th. TOWNSHIP OF SOUTH STORMONT IS CURRENTLY SEEKING FOR THE RFQS: RFQ 23-2022 – Buildings Asset Management Plan Submission Deadline: September 12th at 11:30 A.M. RFQ 24-2022 – Hiring of Winter Maintenance Equipment Submission Deadline: August 30th at 11:00 A.M. RFQ documents can be obtained by contacting the Public Works Coordinator at TAXES
The first installment of the 2022 final tax bill was due July 29, 2022. If you have not already made this payment please note penalty and interest has been applied to your account. The second instalment will be due September 29, 2022. Please visit our website to sign up for e-billing and/or pre-authorized payments in order to never miss another due date. You can also view your account 24/7 through our online portal visit our website and follow the links under Living Here – Property Taxes to register.
The Long Sault Arena is excited to welcome back our regular rental groups as of September 12th with Public Skating beginning on Monday, September 19th. This will be the regular public for Sundays, free a.m. to 11:30 a.m. a.m. to 11:30 a.m. p.m. to 3:50 p.m.
The Township has established a new bursary program that will see 3 deserving students entering post-secondary studies $1,000 each to put towards their education! For all the details, including eligibility requirements and to submit an application, please visit
BEGINNER recently received a letter information follow instructions on contact the Town Hall at 613-534-8889 or to have this resolved.
As part of our Alarmed for Life program, South Stormont Fire & Rescue firefighters will be going door-to-door and placing valuable smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarm information on selected homes. Alarmed for Life is a home fire safety awareness program that informs residents of the importance of having working smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. This is an educational program only and is designed to help keep our community safe. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact our Fire Prevention Officer, Nick MacGillivray at 613-534-8889 ext. 251, or
The anticipated return of the Stormont County Fair is nearly here! Gather with friends and family for the demolition derby, midway rides and games, agricultural exhibitions, live entertainment and much, much more! The fair takes place from Friday, September 2 – Monday, September 5th. Visit for all the details!
www.cornwallseawaynews.comNewsSeaway -202224,AugustWednesday,15 LABOUR DAY OFFICE CLOSURE
• Fix leaks. A leaking faucet can waste up to 11,000 litres of year and a leaking toilet can waste up to 275,000 litres a year. To check your toilet for leaks, add a few drops of food coloring or a dye tablet to the water in the tank, but do not flush the toilet. Watch to see if the coloring appears in the bowl within a few minutes. If it does, the toilet has a silent leak that needs to be repaired.
• Wash only full loads of laundry. By washing full instead of partial loads, you could save up to 13,600 litres of water a year.
• Water wisely. Water your lawn and garden only every second day and do it early in the morning. Avoid wasting water on sidewalks and other paved areas.

Many people are happy that the Government of Ontario has scrapped the fee for license plate renewals along with the sticker system. People who paid for their license renewal during the pandemic were also pleasantly surprised to get a refund for fees paid after March 2020. However, that doesn’t mean you can drive around with an expired license. The upheaval of this system in the last couple of years has caused a lot of confusion. It’s important to know that if you own a passenger vehicle you must still renew your license plate for FREE through Service Ontario.
Karaoke with Luc
Ladies Club Champion: Gail Adams Men’s Club Champion: Camden McCuaig Ladies A Class: Irma Leduc Men’s A Class: Billy Martin Ladies B Class: Jeanine Pilon Men’s B Class: Nick Saucier Men’s Senior 55+: Gerry Sabourin Men’s Legends 71+ : Royal Desormeaux
Ontario continues to experience a sys tem-wide pressure on emergency department staffing levels due to staff vacancies across the system. Through HGMH’s gradual resump tion planning the hospital is now in a position to resume full 24-hour Emergency Depar tment service 7 days per week effective today, August 22, 2022. The temporary partial clos ure and gradual resumption planning of the Emergency Depar tment has allowed staffing to stabilize to a level that the organization can safely resume normal operations.
The resumption of 24-hour emergency ser vices 7 days per week is made entirely pos sible by the hard work and dedication of the staff and physicians at HGMH. Changes to schedules, nurses continuing to work addi tional shifts, onboarding 9 new and returning nur ses, and partnering with nurse staffing agencies have all been contributors to the safe resumption plan.
“I really want to support the kids in our community,” said Flavour Kingdom’s owner, Paramjit Singh, “I know there is a need for it.” Singh has already been making a differ ence in our community with his Langar to End Hunger program, which offers free meals to the public on the 13th of each month. That program has been a huge success, with approximately 700 - 800 meals served at last weekend’s langar. “It’s been two years since we became part of our beautiful Cornwall community, and to support and help our community is what defines us,” shared Singh in a Facebook post, “We dream of not letting anyone go hungry and one day we will achieve that with your support.”Flavour Kingdom is located on 208 Montreal Road.
16 -202224,AugustWednesday, Yard YardSALESALE Garage sale ads will run in our Community Calendar Page Word Ads starting at $12.45 tax included. ✮ ✮ 375737 Call 613-933-0014 ext. 7258 or email
In Celebration of Summerheights Golf Links 60th Anniversary the 60th Annual Club Championships were held over the weekend of August 20 & 21, 2022. 1963 one year after Summerheights had opened the origin al 9 holes Club Championships were inaugurated. David Courville emerged as the 1963 Men’s Club Champion. Ladies would enter into the championships in 1967. The nowClub60varyingtwiceofholeswithplayedchampionshiporiginalwasovertwodaysscoresfor18beingcomprisedplaying9holesperdayfromteelocations.yearslatertheChampion(s)aredeterminedbyplaying successive rounds on the 36 hole golf course comprised of the Matheson & MacLennan Courses respectfully.Scorestabulated; the Club Champions were announced & Trophy presentations were held on Sunday August 21st. Ladies Club Champion was determined by one extra paly off hole, Gail Adams pared the First hole, 494 yard par 5 on the MacLennan course to cap ture the Ladies Club Championship. Camden McCuaig , 2021 Junior Club Champion com peted in the Men’s division this year to take the Men’s Club Championship. Congratulations to all that participated.
Resumption of Full 24-hour Emergency Department services at HGMH
376826 ARMY / NAVY / AIRUNITFORCE#342 Along with a new menu starting Wednesday August 31st 5:30-7:00
“Since March 31, 2022, police have charged 16 people under Section 7(1)(a) of the Highway Traffic Act for driving a motor vehicle without a currently validated permit. Another 29 individ uals have been warned,” shared Cornwall Police Se r vice’s Director of Corporate Strategy & Communications, Stephanie MacRae in response to our email asking when police are going to start enforcing the new system. License plate renewals can be completed in person or online every one or two years. You can renew your plate up to 180 days before it expires, usually before your birthday. Even though you no longer receive a sticker, law enforcement will see that your plate was renewed immediately. To renew your license plate, you need your: • license plate number • vehicle permit number • insurance company name and policy number•odometer reading • to pay any defaulted fines, tolls, or fees Keep in mind that the process for commercial and heavy vehicles (over 3,000 kg) is a little different. Also, snow vehicles still require a plateDidsticker.youknow? You can sign up for free digital reminders (offered by the province of Ontario) via email, text, or phone call so you never miss another expiry date! Reminders are sent 60 and 30 days before your license plate renewal is due.
Free Meal Kits for Kids to End Hunger
“I would like to thank the HGMH team for supporting the safe resumption planning, and our system partners who were also impacted by the difficult decision to partially close our emergency department over the last number of weeks. We also sincerely appreciate our community’s understanding as our hospital navigates this challenging situation. We want you to know that your care is our highest prior ity, and the key to all our decisions is safety of our community and our people”. AlldredHughes added. The hospital continues to actively recruit new Registered Nurses and Registered Practical Nurses to the organization. Recently it has been announced that eligible nurses can receive up to $25,000 to work at HGMH through the Community Commitment Program for Nurses sponsored by the Government of Ontario, for a 24 month return of service.
Summerheights Golf Links 60th Annual Club Championships
Do you need to renew your license plate? P.M. St Denis 6:00 to 10:00 P.M. out say goodbye summer let’s fill
Come on
Flavour Kingdom Offers
Starting on August 20, 2022, Flavour Kingdom will be offering free meal kits for kids on the 20th of every month. These meal kits will be available to children under 12 for takeout from 11am to 5pm, and will include fresh seasonal veggies, fruits, juice, and a little dessert.
“The priority of HGMH is providing safe patient care at every encounter. Regular oper ations would not have resumed if we could not do so safely. Although we are at a point where we can safely resume 24-hour 7 days per week emergency services, our staffing remains delicate and cannot guarantee that ad hoc closures may not be required in the future as the safety of our patients and staff is our priority” said Robert Alldred-Hughes, President & CEO.
the house. 14 Marlborough St. N. Check us out on facebook NOW SERVING WINGS

Students of all ages use backpacks. On top of choosing a model that’s w your child’s needs, you must ensure it’s used correctly to prevent back injuries. Here’s how.
www.cornwallseawaynews.comNewsSeaway -202224,AugustWednesday,17373144 #TeamRoxAvonmore,16935info@roxboroughbus.com613.346.25111.800.281.5833CountyRoad43,ONK0C1C0 School Bus Service • Private School Service Bus Rentals • Airport Shuttles Wheelchair Accessible Buses 374061 Welcome back to schoolanotheryear Job Zone d’emploi 144 Pitt St., Cornwall 613-933-9675 530 Fred St., Winchester www.jobzonedemploi.ca613-774-5627 WELCOME BACK STUDENTS 376114 Kinsmen donate $5,000 to Centre105 We are pleased to announce the 2022/2023 donation of $5,000 to Centre 105 Drop-In Day Program, of the Anglican Church on Second Street. They offer a hot breakfast, a hot drink, as well as a safe place to socialize! “Our Centre 105 team is so thankful to the Kinsmen Club of Cornwall, for this generous donation, which will be used to support our breakfast program,” said Taylor Seguin, Executive Director of Centre 105, “As we all know, food is more expensive than ever. This will go a long way in providing nutritious meals, with quality ingredients, from local suppliers. The team at the Kinsmen Club has always shown 105 tremendous support, since the drop-in started. The Kinsmen Club understands that to help the most vulnerable individuals in our community, we need to work together, as a team. Thank you.”
How to fit and use a backpack
• Adjust the shoulder straps. These straps carry most of the weight and must be adjusted to prevent friction between the material and your child’s neck. Moreover, they mustn’t cut off blood circulation under the arms. Your child must be able to move their arms freely.
1. Keep food cool. Lunchbox contents can be kept cold right up to the moment they’re eaten with the help of one or two ice packs. You can also add a frozen water bottle or drink to your child’s meal. 2. Use correct containers. If a meal must be heated up, put it in an airtight and micro wave-safe container. An insulated container, like a Thermos, is another way to serve hot food, especially if a microwave isn’t available.
3 lunchbox safety rules
• Distribute weight evenly. The bag should sit on both shoulders and have a balanced weight to prevent injury. Store heavy objects their gait while carr ying their backpack, check its contents and adjust the straps. You might also consider a visit to a chiropractor.
First, fill the container with hot water and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then, after pouring out the water, add the hot meal before seal ing the Thermos. 3. Clean the lunchbox regularly. You should sani tize your child’s lunchbox several times per week by washing it with soap and hot water. If you notice an unpleasant smell, use a water and baking soda solution to get rid of it. Are you looking for a new lunchbox for your child? Choose a model that lets you separate cold and warm foods.
• Use other belts and straps. Use the vari ous belts and straps to keep the bag close to the body while allowing enough room to slip a hand between your child’s back and the pack. Hip straps help distribute the bag’s weight and keep it securely in place.
Pictured (L-R) Wes Libbey (Kinsmen Club), Joey Jodoin (Owner-Joe’s Meat), Taylor Seguin (Executive Director- Centre 105), Darryl Adams (Kinsmen Club)
One of the biggest advantages of a boxed lunch is that your children can enjoy a homemade meal. Here are three handy rules to protect your chil dren from food poisoning and keep their food fresh.
• Check the height. The backpack shouldn’t exceed your child’s shoulder height. It must also rest on the hips, not on the buttocks.

Warehouse 8,000 sqft; #2: 7,800 sqft - barn, home & wrkshp. Combine resi dential & outbldg/wrksp/wrhse. Park vehicles, RV etc. AG zoning - Agricultural/Equestrian/ Farm Produce/Bed & Breakfast/HomeBased Business/Kennel, Winery. $1,455,500 MLS®1307975 DEREK APPROXIMATELY613-861-9107BISSONNETTE53ACRES!17543 ISLAND RD, MARTINTOWN Open concept kitchen & dining rm & sun room with f/p. Main flr primary bdrm with patio doors. Upper level has 3 bedrooms & 4 piece bthrm. Bsmt unfinished, lrge enough for storage. Landscaped yard, large deck that wraps around the side of the house, garden & gazebo. 2 car garage. $799,900 MLS®1306253 DEREK613-861-9107BISSONNETTE WELCOME TO YOUR DREAM HOME ON OVER 8 ACRES! 16372 CENTENNIAL DRIVE, AVONMORE Modern 3+1 bedroom bungalow built in 2019. Bright, open concept living area with large kitchen, ceramic floors, granite, stylish light fixtures. Living room w/vaulted ceiling, rustic beams & hardwood floors. 2 bathrooms, finished basement, large deck with jacuzzi and large garage. $630,000 MLS®1303844 LINDA613-551-5839GIROUX-DAIGLE STUNNING BUNGALOW WITH BACKYARD OASIS OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY, AUG. 28 1-2:30PM 2042 PITT ST, CORNWALL This owner occupied tri plex is situated on almost an acre lot in the desirable north end. Surrounded by lush green with no rear neighbours. Detached garage (2010) with cement floor/with 40 amp ser vice. Close to schools and amenities. $555,000 MLS®1298272 JEN BLAIR OPPORTUNITY613-551-4133MANLEYKNOCKINGFOR A PIECE OF COUNTRY IN THE CITY! PRICENEW 6811 ST LOUIS POINT RD, SOUTH GLENGARRY This 4 bedroom waterfront walkout with detached double garage offers not only immedi ate possession but breathtaking river and mountain views. Access to waterside balcony to enjoy a beverage while watch ing the ships pass by. $798,000 MLS®1299248 JEN BLAIR 613-551-4133MANLEY YOUR SUMMER STARTS NOW! SOLD 415 ANTHONY ST, CORNWALL This quaint all brick home boasts a carport and a heated detached garage room for toys and tools! Fenced backyard, garden shed and partially landscaped all in a desirable area. $448,500 MLS®1299819 JEN BLAIR 613-551-4133MANLEY WELL MAINTAINED 3+1 BEDROOM BUNGALOW PRICENEW
16431 COUNTY 36 RD, LONG SAULT This Queen Anne style 6 bedroom, 5 bathroom home rests on a hilltop overlooking 115 countryside acres. Gourmet kitch en with cherry wood cabinets and breakfast nook. Wood fireplaces on 3 levels. Spacious bedrooms, 2 with en-suite bathrooms. $1,750,000 MLS®1291486 JEN BLAIR 613-551-4133MANLEY
JEN BLAIR 613-551-4133MANLEY
14 STRACHAN This large 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom 2-storey house is located in the quiet village of Long Sault with a fenced in backyard and large deck for enter taining. It has been recently updated with modern finishes including the addition of a 3 piece en-suite and new shingles. $472,500. MLS®1295819
18 -202224,AugustWednesday, classifieds raining 600 to 799100 to 299 rEal E 300 to 399 400 to 599 900 to 999 vEhiclEs 800 to 899 spEcial EvEntsToll Free Number 1-866-637-5236 CoNNeCTiNg buyers inaNdsellersTogeTheryourneighbourhood 33 33 FrameColour Heading Bold Our extras Askyourcallcentreagenttoday! deadline : Monday 4:00 pM Call centre business hours : Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 pM Payment methods : tO Our Advertisers : please check your ad the first day it runs, if you find an error call us immediately. in the event that an error occurs, our responsability is limited exclusively to the charge for the first week of publication of your ad. All forms of discrimination are illegal. Maximize your results! enjoy the free publication of your ad on 105 Properties for sale 105 Properties for sale105 Properties for sale 105 Properties for sale105 Properties for sale 105 Properties for sale105 Properties for sale 105 Properties for sale All agents are Sales Representatives unless otherwise shown as * ¥Not intended to solicit agency contracts currently in place. Ranked by Great Places to Work WWW.PERFORMANCEREALTY.CA376707 Cornwall 613-938-3860 • Alexandria 613-525-3039 Hawkesbury 613-632-7091 0000 WILLY ALLAN RD, SOUTH STORMONT Build your dream home with plenty of recreation al land as your playground. Mixed bush ash and maple. 22 Acres deemed wetlands by the minis try ( eligible for tax rebate) nice lit tle clearing to build on. Estimated 15-20 acres gravel 20 feet deep. $350,000 MLS®1298304 JEN BLAIR 613-551-4133MANLEY BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME! 19595 CABER RD, SOUTH GLENGARRY This beautiful 2 + 2 bedroom bungalow with an impressive detached shop is situated on 95 acres of land. 50 acres workable (25 acres tiled) with the balance in mixed bush. Hunting cabin, trails, gazebo and office in the shop. MLS®1295974$1,445,000 JEN BLAIR 613-551-4133MANLEY THE WORK LIFE BALANCE OPPORTUNITY YOU’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR! 106 ANTHONY ST, CORNWALL This recently built home with attached garage is boasting tasteful fin ishes and upgrades. Be greeted by a stone front exterior and covered front step. Many amenities nearby. $574,500 MLS®1307675
5190 BRUNET ROAD, SOUTH STORMONT Amazing commercial space with tons of potential for different busi ness needs. Currently being used as a mix of residential apartment, storage, offices, workshops, and machin ery shop. The detached 1000sq.ft garage has tons of open space to fit heavy equipment or a motorhome. $574,900. MLS®1297204
16195 EIGHTH LINE RD, MOOSE CREEK Two indus trial bldgs built in 2008. #1:

homeowners will never pay more than 3-3/4%+hst commission which includes full mls listing service, weekly local newspaper advertising until sold, a unique virtual tour and internet promotion.
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seller savings compared to paying a hypothetical 5% commission including HST. COMMISSION RATES ARE NEGOTIABLE BY LAW. NOT INTENTED TO SOLICIT PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE.
By appointment E K6j 1a1 unsure of where to go for advice as possibly the sales representative or real estate brokerage that sold you your home is no longer active or the real estate business? give us a call to discuss the sale of your properTY with no obligation. homeowners will never pay more than 3-3/4%+hst commission which includes full mls listing service, weekly local newspaper advertising until sold, a unique virtual tour and internet promotion.
homeowners will never pay more than 3-3/4%+hst commission which includes full mls listing service, weekly local newspaper advertising until sold, a unique virtual tour and internet promotion.
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seller savings compared to paying a hypothetical 5% commission including HST. COMMISSION RATES ARE NEGOTIABLE BY LAW. NOT INTENTED TO SOLICIT PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE.
savingS are substantial & simple By appointment E K6j 1a1 unsure of where to go for advice as possibly the sales representative or real estate brokerage that sold you your home is no longer active or in the real estate business? give us a call to discuss the sale of your properTY with no obligation.
thinking of selling your home?
homeowners will never pay more than 3-3/4%+hst commission which includes full mls listing service, weekly local newspaper advertising until sold, a unique virtual tour and internet promotion.
Savings may not stop here. When our company sells your home directly to a buyer without another real estate brokerage involved in the sale, we will further reduce our commission to only 2%+hst. Commission rates are negotiable by law. Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale.
By appointment E K6j 1a1 unsure of where to go for advice as possibly the sales representative or real estate brokerage that sold you your home is no longer active or in the real estate business? give us a call to discuss the sale of your properTY with no obligation.
savingS are substantial &K6jsimpleE1a1
www.cornwallseawaynews.comNewsSeaway -202224,AugustWednesday,19 501 Campbell Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, ON K6H 6X5 Rick Shaver, Publisher TEL: 613-933-0014 FAX: 613-933-0024 HOURS: Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - CLOSED 12:00 -1:00 PM FOR LUNCH PUBLISHER EMERITUS: Dick Aubry PUBLISHED BY: Published by icimédias inc. DISTRIBUTED BY: D&D Distribution. PRINTING: Transcontinental Qualimax, 130, Adrien-Robert Street, Gatineau, QC J8Y 3S2 Marc-Noël Ouellette, General-Manager icimédias Renel Bouchard, President icimédias NOTICE: It is our wish to serve you through the classifieds, however, Seaway News can’t possibly verify the legitimacy of all ads. DO NOT SEND MONEY OR GIVE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER to any company offering employment. Legitimate firms do not charge potential employees for a job. Opportunities to earn money at home by assembling products, etc. should be examined carefully. Check references of these companies. Do not send money or give your credit card number until you are satisfied you are going to get what you bargained for. Let the buyer beware. PUBLISHER’S LIABILITY FOR ERROR: The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with any advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for theTouteadvertisement.reproduction des annonces ou informations, en tout ou en partie, de façon officielle ou non-officielle, est interdite sans la permission écrite de l’éditeur. Responsabilité de l’éditeur en matière de réclame : l’éditeur ne peut être tenu responsable des changements mineurs ou des erreurs typographiques qui n’affectent pas la valeur d’une réclame. En ce qui concerne les autres erreurs, sa responsabilité se limite strictement à la publication de l’annonce dans une édition subséquente ou le remboursement des frais de publication. The views of contributing writers are not necessarily the viewpoints of this newspaper or its publishers. 105 Properties for sale105 Properties for sale105 Properties for sale105 Properties for sale105 Properties for sale105 Properties for sale
Savings may not stop here. When our company sells your home directly to a buyer without another real estate brokerage involved in the sale, we will further reduce our commission to only 2%+hst Commission rates are negotiable by law. Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale. seller savings compared to paying a hypothetical 5% commission including HST. thinking of selling your home?
seller savings compared to paying a hypothetical 5% commission including HST. COMMISSION RATES ARE NEGOTIABLE BY LAW. NOT INTENTED TO SOLICIT PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE. Office 613-933-3283
thinking of selling your home? savingS are substantial & simple By appointment E K6j 1a1 unsure of where to go for advice as possibly the sales representative or real estate brokerage that sold you your home is no longer active or in the real estate business? give us a call to discuss the sale of your properTY with no obligation.
homeowners will never pay more than 3-3/4%+hst commission which includes full mls listing service, weekly local newspaper advertising until sold, a unique virtual tour and internet promotion.
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unsure of where to go for advice as possibly the sales representative or real estate brokerage that sold you your home is no longer active or in the real estate business? give us a call to discuss the sale of your properTY with no obligation.
2022 FULL SERVICE companypromotion.sellsanothersale,weonly2%+hst by alreadylaw. withoutlisting3-3/4%+hstservice,untilsold,apromotion.companysellsanothersale,weonly2%+hst NewsSeaway
negotiable by alreadylaw. including HST. ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE. substantial & simple appointment E K6j 1a1 as possibly the sales brokerage that sold you in the real estate discuss the sale of your commissioninvolvedadvertisingmoreobligation.than3-3/4%+hstmlslistingservice,untilsold,ainternetpromotion.ourcompanysellswithoutanotherinthesale,wetoonly2%+hst. negotiable by law. properties already commission including HST. PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE. 336776 225 Properties for rent 225 Properties for rent WANTED TO BUY Good condition vinyl records. Rock n roll or Blues. Call 613-347-7377Stan 362988 298 Wanted ROOM FOR RENT in owner occupied house. Shared facilities, close to downtown area. Call 613-935-4299 375939 245 Rooms and board for rent 374819CallDELIVERIES!!Needhelpwithdeliveries?Parcels,packages,prescriptionsoraridesomewhere?me613-307-1531 482 Miscellaneous services 369509 PROFESSIONALPIANOTUNING by former President of national tuners’ organization, CAPT, with over 20 years experience. $180 even, including free pitch-raise & any taxes. (613) marklarin@gmail.com936-3912 482 Miscellaneous services CLASSIFIEDS Maximize your results! Enjoy the free publication of your ad on 1-866-637-5236 Your Classifieds CLASSIFIEDS 298 Wanted 202224,AugustWednesday, NewsSeaway www.cornwallseawaynews.com397 On demande COLLECTOR buying film cameras, old comics, records, toys, old paperbacks, Allo Police and more. 613-519-8494 483 Compagne/compagnon MAN 54 years looking for women, dating, relationship, 613-363-6648friendly. 484 Services divers LÉGER'S Treasures 613-937-0166. We buy household, garage, storage items and contents. 482 Miscellaneous services 2 202224,AugustWednesday,NewsSeaway www.cornwallseawaynews.comCOLLECTOR buying film cameras, old comics, records, toys, old paperbacks, Allo Police and more. 613-519-8494 483 Compagne/compagnon MAN 54 years looking for women, dating, relationship, 613-363-6648friendly. 484 Services divers LÉGER'S Treasures 613-937-0166. We buy household, garage, storage items and contents. 505 Companion 202224,August
www.cornwallseawaynews.com397 On demande COLLECTOR buying film cameras, old comics, records, toys, old paperbacks, Allo Police and more. 613-519-8494 483 Compagne/compagnon MAN 54 years looking for women, dating, relationship, 613-363-6648friendly. 484 Services divers LÉGER'S Treasures 613-937-0166. We buy household, garage, storage items and contents. Your message travels farther with us. ADVERTISE WITH 613-933-0014US. Not intended to solicit properties already listed, commission is negotiable by law CALL ASSIST 2 SELL TODAY FOR YOUR SAVINGS! WOW! NEVER PAY MORE THAN 3.75% +HST. QUESNELPAT Sales 613-930-5236Rep BRISSONAMANDA Sales 613-330-5079Rep WHEELERTRACY Broker of 613-577-1948OwnerRecord625 Montreal Rd., Cornwall 613.932.0001 With Each Office Independently Owned & Operated 362160 20249 KENYON, CONC 6 RD. MLS®1295005 $1,280,000. Log home, 3 beds, 2 baths 1110 FIFTH ST. E. MLS®1305634 $449,900 3 beds, 2 baths, detached garage MLS®1306136 NEW PRICE $799,900 Duplex, Main Unit 2 bedroom, Lower Unit 1 bedroom 3502 MARYDALE AVE. MLS®1307143 $450,000 3+1 bedroom, 2 bath, attached garage 1761 MACINTYRE MLS®1297645 $659,900 3+1 beds, 2 baths, garage NEW PRICE ST. ALBERT MLS®1298377 $1,695,000 2+2 baths, 3 beds, 3+2 garages NEW PRICE “Let us find you a place at no charge!” MANAGEMENTPROPERTY 1991 613-936-1533 334067 N O T I C E – COVID 19 Please be advised that we are OPEN & our office is operating as usual, with the exception of, public access. We are here to greet you at our door and/or by appointment only, to ensure continuing practicing of physical distancing for the health well-being of our staff. From the Management & Staff …STAY SAFE & BE WELL CELEBRATING 31 YEARS IN BUSINESS IN 2022! We are very proud to have served Cornwall & Surrounding area for the past 31 years with property management & janitorial services and hope to continue for many more! Our Success is having excellent working relations with our clients’, tenants’, and local businesses! Norm, Cheryl & Staff ** LANDLORDS/ INVESTORS ** Please call for information for Our Management & One Time Rental Services ** ATTENTION LANDLORDS! ** We have several potential tenants looking for rental units, if you have a unit and looking for a tenant, please give us a call to discuss how we can assist you! ---------------------- ONE BEDROOM 333 B ST FELIX, upst, cozy 1bdrm, f/s, fully renovated $980 +gas/elect 34 B LAUBER, studio, no appl $625+elect 733 A FIRST ST E, upst 1bdrm, f/s $950+gas/elect OCT 1124 CUMBERLAND # 4, upst 1bdrm, no appl $850+elect OCT -------------------- TWO BEDROOMS ------------------205 FOURTH ST W # 6, upst 2bdrm, f/s, coin laundry $1075+elect; heat incl OCT 156 A DANIS, upst 2 + bdrm, adult only, no pets preferred, $895+elect NOV 29A SIXTH ST W - main 2bdrm, no appl $1500+elect OCT ------------------ THREE BEDROOMS 509 SECOND ST E, upst 3 bdrm, no appl, w/d hkups $1450+elect; heat incl --------------------- HOUSES / SEMI 729 LYNN, 3 BDRM townhouse, f/s, $2100+elect 321 FIFTH ST W, 2+1 house, f/s $1750+gas/elect SEPT 1127 FIFTH ST E, 3+1 bdrm $2500+gas/elect -Sept --------------------------------------------------------------------------------245YATESAVE&440CUMBERLANDAVE“CUMBERLANDGARDENS” NO UNITS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME

LePellée, Claire Gisèle, 87, of Montreal, Quebec, passed away peacefully on August 18, 2022, after living a full and healthy life. Claire is survived by her son Randy (Isabelle) and two loving grandchildren, Mia and Lex. Claire was a loving mother, wife to her late husband, Roy Kenneth Lee, sister to Dolores, Claudette, Marguerite, Jeanne, Martin, predeceased by sisters Thérèse, Louise, and friend to everyone.Clairespent most of her childhood between Trenton, ON and Verdun, QC, ending her journey in Bromont, QC. Claire was a kind, positive and loving woman of faith. She was a very caring person and made friends everywhere along her journey. Claire’s passion for life was admired by her family and friends as they shared special moments together and everlasting memories. Claire will forever remain in our hearts. We love you! Visitation will be from 10:00am until 2:00pm at Les Jardins Urgel Bourgie, located at 3955 Chemin de la Côte-de-Liesse, Saint-Laurent, QC, H4N 2N6, on Saturday, August 27, 2022. Funeral services for Claire will be at the same location later that day from 2:00pm to 3:30pm followed by a reception on the premises.
Lancaster Branch
Ian Douglas Highway, after a short courageous battle with cancer, on August 16, 2022, at the age of 71. Beloved son of the late Eileen and Stanley Highway. Ian leaves behind his devoted wife of 26 years, Candace Ingram Fradette, her children Kristin Fradette (Mario Gosselin) and Chandra Fradette (Shawn Todasco) and their children, who were blessed to have him as their “Gumpy”. He will be sadly missed by his sister Carol and brotherin-law Wayne Morrison, nephews, Neil (Melissa Paquette) and Scott (Janice Duval) and niece, Carrie (Sean McCormick). Ian was a devoted great-uncle to their children. He will be lovingly remembered by Phyllis and Ron Hedge, Clarice Johnson and family, Jan Ingram, Wendy Waters (Richard Ferris) and Charlie Varin. Ian was known for his humour, generosity and passion for life, especially the outdoors. He was a long-time employee of Giant Bicycles Canada as their Regional Sales Manager until his retirement in 2017. The family greatly appreciated the care provided at the Lakeshore General Hospital Oncology, Medical and Palliative Care units and the Radiation Oncology Department at the McGill University Health Center, and the support and love of the community in Westley’s Point. Funeral arrangements under the care and direction of the Munro & Morris Funeral Homes, 46 Oak Street, Lancaster, 613-347-3629. A celebration of Ian’s life will be held at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, South Lancaster, Ontario on Friday, August 26, 2022 at 11AM. Visitation will take place prior to the service, from 10-11AM in the church. The Reverend Ian MacMillan officiating. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Lakeshore General Hospital Foundation or the Canadian Cancer Society. As a memorial to Ian, a tree will be planted in a memory woods. A tree grows - memories live. Condolences may be made online at
FernandeMYRE, A Division of Munro & Morris Funeral Home
20 -202224,AugustWednesday,NewsSeaway 817 In Memoriam 817 815 Death notices 815 Death notices815 Death notices 815 Death notices815 Death notices 815 Death notices815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices
MYRE, Fernande – It is with deep sorrow and heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Fernande Myre, on Wednesday, August 17, 2022 surrounded by her family in her home at the age of 90. Beloved wife of the late Claude Myre (2011). Loving mother of her son Guy Myre, her daughters Diane Montpetit (Patrick), Claudette Matte (late Roger Bourget), Francine Filion, Sylvie Hickman (late Dale), Céline Verville (Luc) and Chantal Herrington (Gerry). She will be dearly missed by 23 grandchildren and 39 great grandchildren. Also survived by 2 brothers-in-law and 3 sisters-in-law, by many nieces and nephews. Predeceased by her daughter Joanne Roy (Maurice), her parents Georges and Donalda Sicard (née Lalonde), 4 brothers, 6 sisters, 1 grandson and 2 great granddaughters. The family wishes to express their sincerest appreciation to Dr. Anthony DiCintio, Kaval the Bayshore nurse, to Paramedic Elizabeth (Liz) Hill, where words cannot express the gratitude for your care and compassion you have provided Fernande and her family. Family and friends will be received at the Wilson Funeral Home, 822 Pitt Street, Cornwall, on Friday, August 26, 2022 from 7 – 9:00 pm and Saturday, August 27, 2022 from 9 – 10:00 am followed by Funeral Mass at Ste Thérèse-de-Lisieux at 10:30 am. Rite of Committal to follow at Notre Dame Cemetery, 17945 South Branch Road, Cornwall. As expressions of sympathy, memorial donations to Hospice Cornwall would be appreciated by the family. Online messages of condolences may be made in the obituary section of:
It is with deep sadness that we announce the peaceful passing of Leonard Marleau at Cornwall Hospice in the early morning of Monday, August 8, 2022 at the age of 86 years. He will be deeply missed by his beloved wife of 65 years, Antonine Marleau (nee Racine). Loving father of Pauline Ezard (Dave) of Cornwall, Marcel Marleau and Richard Marleau (Sherry) both of Long Sault, Michael Marleau of Cornwall and Christine Riess (Mike) of Glen Falls, NY. Cherished grandfather of Morgan, Amanda, Jessica and great-grandfather of Brooklynn, William, Adeline and Lennon. Dear brother of Ramona Germain (late Romeo). Leonard is predeceased by his parents; Ernest Marleau and Mary Marleau (nee Dixon), two grandchildren; Sheena and Ryan Ezard, one brother; Raymond Marleau (late Simone) and by two sisters; Rita Paquette (late Bernie) and Doris St. Denis (late Raymond). In keeping with Leonard’s wishes cremation has taken place. Visitation will take place at Wilson Funeral Home, 822 Pitt Street (613-938-3888) on Wednesday, September 7th, 2022 from 1 p.m. until the time of service. A memorial service will be held in the chapel of the funeral home on Wednesday, September 7th, 2022 at 2 p.m. Expressions of sympathy contributions in his memory can be made to Community Living Stormont County, Cornwall Hospice or to the charity of choice would be appreciated by the family. Online messages of condolences may be made in the obituary section of:
Your loving husband, Bob and family life, loved dearly In death love still In our hearts you hold a place No one else will ever fill. I cried endlessly when you died But I promise I won’t let the tears Mar the smiles that you’ve given me when you were alive I know you are listening from above. memory of a dear wife
0000000 In loving
DorothyCooper OBITUARY MARLEAU,Leonard1936-2022 A Division of Munro & Morris Funeral Home 376251
OBITUARY ClaireLePellée,Gisèle

Each tender must be accompanied by a tender deposit in the form of a certified cheque, bank draft or bid bond for a minimum of 10% of the total tendered amount, made payable to the Township of SouthTendersGlengarry.aresubject to a formal contract being prepared and executed. The Township of South Glengarry, at its own discretion, reserves the right to accept or reject any compliant or non-compliant tender and advises that the lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted.
Sealed tenders, which shall be clearly marked in the Subject Line as to contents, will be received by email at before: 2:00 PM, local time, on Wednesday August 31st, 2022 Esdale, P.Eng. Street Cornwall, ON, K6J
For the rehabilitation of the Williamstown Peanut Line Bridge. A general description of the work includes existing wood deck removal, new steel beam and grating deck structure, new steel guard and steel beam guide rail (provisional).
www.cornwallseawaynews.comNewsSeaway -202224,AugustWednesday,21 843 Tenders 843 Tenders843 Tenders 843 Tenders CLEAN STREAK Professional Cleaning • PROUDLY SERVING CORNWALL & AREA SINCE 2010 Office 613 936-1924 Cell 613 362-0842 809 Pitt Street, Cornwall • GUARANTEED AGAINST MOVEMENT Foundations, Additions, Streetlights, Decks, Underpinning, Fencing, Signs, Docks, Bridges/Walkways, Solar Applications AnchoringExclusiveSolutions 344226 344240 COMMERCIALRESIDENTIAL • CUSTOM KITCHEN/BATH LAYOUT/DESIGNCABINETRYSERVICE•COUNTERTOPS•CUSTOMMILLWORKPLUMBINGFIXTURESTILEWORK SHOWROOM - 809 PITT ST., CORNWALL W.E.T.T. INSPECTIONS Wood PelletHardwoodStovesPelletsStoveCleaning / Repairs Harman Pellet Stove Sales 344324 ATKINSON 613-938-3999 374495 Happy and all your family and friends! xox HappyBirthday5th 375996
Questions will be received until end of day August 29th, 2022 and shall be sent via email to the Engineer. The Township reserves the right to distribute any and all questions (anonymously) and answers pertaining to this tender by addenda. The final addendum, if applicable, will be issued on August 30th, 2022
A non-mandatory job showing will be held on Wednesday August 24st at 10:00 a.m. However, all proponents are expected to examine the site prior to submitting their bid.
800 Second
1H6 Phone : 613-935-3775 x280 Email: 376266 Crystal Fenton Celebrating her 40th Birthday On August 28th, 2022 Love Family & Friends 376597 CLASSIFIEDS Maximize your results! Enjoy the free publication of your ad on 1-866-637-5236 Your Classifieds CLASSIFIEDS support your LOCAL services BUSINESS CARD SERVICE DIRECTORY •IN PRINT • ONLINE This week’s winner: GEORGIE LET’S CELEBRATE CASH XInteracAvailableNot Place your ‘Let’s Celebrate’ in Seaway News for a chance to win a Frozen Celebration Cake compliments of Dairy Queen Cornwall and Seaway News. All Celebrate ads will be entered into the draw. One (1) weekly winner. Coupon to be picked up at Seaway News. AD DEADLINE: FRIDAY AT NOON To place your ad, call 613-933-0014 ext. 7258 or email 376326 Would like to wish a very special 26th Birthday to Lyne St. HowCelebratingPierre-OuelletonAugust22,2022timesflies!LovefromMom ContactNEWSBREAKINGTIP? TherriaultKrystine Reporter 613-933-0014613-363-4125 ext ktherriault@seawaynews.media7256
Engineer EVB Engineering Greg
The tender documents and applicable addenda may be obtained from Merx and the Township of South Glengarry website. Please email to be added to the plan takers list and addendum distribution list (it is the responsibility of the plan takers to check the Merx and Township of South Glengarry websites regularly for addendums).
The Corporation of the Township of South Glengarry Invitation to Tender
On the same day, and shortly after the closing time, the tenders will be opened, and the total tendered amount will be read by the Township. The virtual opening can be attended via zoom at the attached link:
Rehabilitation of the Peanut Line Bridge CR-19, Williamstown Tender #25-2022

SAGITTARIUS: In your professional life, new responsibilities have the advantage of offer ing you better prospects for the future. Expect to take a few extra hours to complete all your projects.
VIRGO: Your friends will influence you to participate in a shopping day, and you’ll sug gest 1001 activities. Even if nobody comes along, that won’t stop you from going on an adventure or playing some sport.
CAPRICORN: Your boss will invite you to take a training course that’ll open doors to a more promising future. Expect advancement after receiving your diploma. Celebrate your good fortune; a pleasure trip appears on the
AQUARIUS: The arrival of September is synonymous with renewal. It marks a new year for students and a return to work for other people. You’ll take advantage of this time to examine your way of life in detail to better align your path with your values. Even if you’re not always at ease in crowds, you’ll be responsible for bringing people together for a big event. To experi ence success, you’ll sometimes have to step out of your comfort zone. all your multi-media needs, contact one of our team
SCORPIO: Much to your delight, friends may take you away for a relaxing weekend. Alternatively, it may be your life partner who offers you a lovely romantic getaway. Any kind of solitude can only be beneficial.
You’ll have a lot of work, particularly small, urgent details to take care of, both at work and home. Don’t hesitate to ask other members of your family for a hand. They’ll be happy to be able to help. : Some of your good friends will in vite you to participate in a regularly scheduled activity, something that could keep you in shape through the cold season. This’ll prove as good for your self esteem as it is for your : You’ll spend time at home with your family. You’ll also take time to arrange your love nest according to your tastes while the weather is still mild. The results will sat : You’ll have to move around a few times and play taxi for your loved ones. You’ll spend a lot of time on the phone and on so cial media. You’ll demonstrate curiosity and find it easy to speak.
22 -202224,AugustWednesday, WEEK OF AUG. 28 TO SEPT. 3, 2022 HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every col umn and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few num bers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3x3 box. PUZZLE NO. 885 | LEVEL: ADVANCED ACROSS 1. Off yonder 5. Siesta 8. Hubbub: hyph. 12. Rigging line 13. Building addition 14. Dazzled 15. Like stockingssome 16. Beerlike brew 17. “You _ ___ Me” 18. enforcedRigorously 20. Picnic insect 22. ____ school 24. Scary 28. Pixie 42. Disregard 44. Curved line 46. Pasture 50. Hero 53. Deli bread 55. Babble wildly 56. Mood 57. Electrified particle 58. Spoken 59. Bird feed 60. Future bloom 61. Spill the beans DOWN 1. Painting and dance, e.g. 2. Shoe filler 3. Imitator 21. Cravat 23. Album entry 25. Traveled 26. Chills 27. ____ out (barely manages) 28. Side of New York 29. Citrus fruit 30. Babble 35. Applaud 38. Closed tightly 43. cardFortuneteller’s 45. Bassinet 47. Confront 48. Arena shape 49. In good health 50. contractionCommon 51. Buck’s mate 52. Single 54. pronounPersonal PUZZLE NO. 140. Copyright © 2021, Penny Press. Crossword puzzle answers use American spelling HOROSCOPE CROSSWORD
LIBRA: Take a step back to relax and look at things from a better perspective. When you look at the big picture, all will become clearer, and you’ll be able to redirect your personal or professional path.
LEO: You’ll find yourself with a mountain of files to handle at work. Although the situation generates stress, you’ll benefit from extra income, which you’ll find more than wel come.

135ème ANNIVERSAIRE DE L’ÉGLISE NATIVITÉ de la BVM au 220 chemin Montréal à Cornwall. Samedi le 10 septembre 2022! 16h: Messe à l’église présidée par Mgr Marcel Damphousse,Archévêque d’Ot tawa-Cornwall. 18h: Souper ⁄ Spectacle à la salle Agora. Billets en vente avant et après les messes et au bureau de la paroisse 613-932-7505.
3 JOURS DE FESTIVITÉS ACCESSIBLES GRATUITEMENT ! Brunch inclus ! 24 - 25 - 26 août de 10h00 à 17h00 ! Lancement de la programmation 2022-2023. Venez participez à une gamme d’activités et découvrez de nouveaux ateliers. Rendezvous au CCÉC 146b avenue Chevrier, K6H 1S1, Cornwall JEUX AU SOLEIL !! Venez nous rejoin dre tous les mardis de 9h00 à 15h00 cet été (juillet et août) Nombreuses activités, des cadeaux et de la limonade fraîche vous attendent !Suivez-nous sur notre page Facebook @centrecharlesemile claude pour rester informé ou appeleznous au 613-932-1035. Rendez-vous au CCÉC 146 JOURNÉE DE LA ZONE NATURE POUR LES ENFANTS, le samedi 24 septembre de 12 h à 16 h au Sanctuaire d’oiseaux du Haut-Canada. Artisanat, activités inter actives, BBQ. Sans frais. Les dons aux Amis du Sanctuaire sont acceptés.
« Notre gouvernement collabore avec Cornwall et les collectivités de l’ensemble de l’Ontario pour soutenir les services indis pensables de santé mentale et de lutte contre les dépendances ainsi que les ser vi ces sociaux intégrés, a dit la vice-première ministre et ministre de la Santé, Sylvia Jones.
LE CLUB DES AÎNÉ(E)S DE-STETHÉRÈSE-DE-LISIEUX Va reprendre ses activitiés, le mercredi 14 septembre, 2022 à 13 heures. Toutes les personnes de 55 ans et plus sont invitées à se join dre à nous pour jouer à des jeux de cartes variés ou aux dards (fléchettes). Pour plus de renseignements, communiquez avec Denise. Tél. 343-585-3361
ÊTES-VOUS À LA RECHERCHE D’ARTICLES ou de livres religieux? Le « Centre d’information catholique » est à votre service du lundi au vendredi de 10h à 16h au 146B ave Chevrier, local 124 (ancienne école Nativité). (613) 933-5099.
L’hon. Sylvia Jones, vice-première ministre et ministre de la Santé, aux côtés d’intervenants et de partenaires communautaires lors d’une annonce concernant le Programme des lits sûrs à l’Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall, le 17 août 2022. De gauche à droite : Vince Foy, chef adjoint (Service de police de Cornwall), Carilyne Hébert, conseillère (Ville de Cornwall), Abram Benedict, grand chef (Conseil des Mohawks d’Akwesasne), Shawn McMartin (Manoir Riverview), Greg Smith, sergent d’état-major (Police provinciale de l’Ontario, détachement de SDG), Josée Payette, présidente (Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall), l’hon. Sylvia Jones (vice-première ministre et ministre de la Santé), Jeanette Despatie, présidente et directrice générale (Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall), Nolan Quinn, député provincial (Stormont–Dundas–South Glengarry), Carma Williams, président du conseil de comté (Comtés unis de Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry), Shawn Dulude, chef de police (Akwesasne Mohawk Police Service), Chris McGillis, commandant du détachement de Hawkesbury (Police provinciale de l’Ontario) et Luc Duval, commandant du détachement de Russell (Police provinciale de l’Ontario).
MARCHÉ POPULAIRE DES FABRICANTS : samedi 27 août de 10 h à 15 h au WB Hub, situé à l’unité 116, 705, rue Cotton Mill. Plus de 20 fabricants et artisans locaux seront présents.
3 JOURS DE FESTIVITÉS ACCESSIBLES GRATUITEMENT ! Brunch inclus ! 24 - 25 - 26 août de 10h00 à 17h00 ! Lancement de la programmation 2022-2023. Venez participez à une gamme d’activités et découvrez de nouveaux ateliers. Rendezvous au CCÉC 146b avenue Chevrier, K6H 1S1, Cornwall b avenue Chevrier, K6H 1S1, Cornwall. LE CLUB DES AÎNÉ(E)S DE-STETHÉRÈSE-DE-LISIEUX Va reprendre ses activitiés, le mercredi 14 septembre, 2022 à 13 heures. Toutes les personnes de 55 ans et plus sont invitées à se join dre à nous pour jouer à des jeux de cartes variés ou aux dards (fléchettes). Pour plus de renseignements, communiquez avec Denise. Tél. 343-585-3361
FURREVER LOVED MARKET & FUNDRAISER : Soutenez 7 sauvetages de chats locaux lors d’un marché au Cornwall Square le dimanche 28 août de 13h à 16h. Plus de 20 vendeurs locaux, chats et chatons adoptables, vente aux enchères silencieuse de 11 à 13 heures.
VENEZ NOUS REJOINDRES TOUS LES MARDI de 9h00 à 15h00 cet été (juillet et août). Nombreuses activités, des cadeaux et de la limonade fraîche seront offerts* gratuitement* ! Suiveznous sur notre page Facebook @centre charlesemileclaude pour rester informé ou appelez-nous au 613-932-1035. Rendez-vous au CCÉC 146b avenue Chevrier, K6H 1S1, Cornwall.
Les Services communautaires de santé mentale et de dépendances de l’Hôpital com munautaire de Cornwall (HCC) ont conclu un par tenariat avec le Manoir Riverview, le Service de police de Cornwall, l’Akwesasne Mohawk Police et la Police provinciale de l’Ontario (SDG, Prescott et Russell) afin de mettre en place le Programme des lits sûrs, le premier du genre à Cornwall, grâce à l’ap pui du ministère de la Santé.
durer jusqu’à 30 jours, selon la crise vécue et les mesures qu’il faut mettre en place.
Les répercussions des défis associés à la santé mentale et aux dépendances pouvant se faire sentir dans chaque collectivité, nous travaillons avec nos partenaires des soins de santé et des autres secteurs pour nous assurer que la population ontarienne con tinue à recevoir les traitements nécessaires à la sur vie lorsqu’elle en a besoin. »
« Par le passé, il n’y avait pas assez de lieux d’hébergement locaux, sécuritaires et de soutien pour les gens vivant une crise de santé mentale ou liée à la consommation de substances, a dit la présidente et directrice générale de l’HCC, Jeanette Despatie. Nous sommes très reconnaissants de l’appui de nos partenaires communautaires, dont le ministère de la Santé, afin de lancer ce nou veau programme et nous avons hâte de tra vailler avec eux pour faire de notre commun auté un endroit plus sain et plus sûr. » Depuis son lancement en a vril, le Programme des lits sûrs a déjà accueilli 30 personnes et ses 6 lits sont régulièrement occupés.Ontrouvera plus de renseignements sur ce programme au ca/fr/LeProgrammedeslitssurs.https://www.cornwallhospital. -ExpressCornwall -2022août,24mercrediLe 23 LE MERCREDI 24 AOÛT 2022 | VOL. 13, NUMÉRO 21 | WWW.CORNWALLSEAWAYNEWS.COM SEAWAY ÉVÉNEMENTS COMMUNAUTAIRES
U n e section partiellement rénovée du Manoir Riverview compte 6 lits pour donner aux personnes d’au moins 16 ans de Cornwall, des Comtés unis de Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry, des Comtés unis de Prescott et Russell et d’Akwesasne un hébergement sécuritaire ainsi que des servi ces de soutien 24 h sur 24, 7 jours sur 7, et ce, en tant qu’alternative à l’admission hos pitalière ou à la détention si elles vivent une crise de santé mentale ou liée à la consom mation de substances et qu’elles font l’objet d’une enquête policière. Pour être admissibles à ce ser vice, les gens doivent avoir été aiguillés vers le pro gramme par les services policiers, une équi pe d’intervention mobile ou une équipe d’inter vention d’urgence. À l’admission, les participants reçoivent des soutiens à la sta bilisation et établissent des objectifs axés sur le rétablissement avec l’aide du person nel du programme. Ils obtiennent aussi des repas et des articles de soins personnels, un soutien en santé mentale et pour lutter contre la consommation de substances ainsi qu’une aide pour rebâtir des relations de soutien avec la famille et les amis. Ils sont aussi aiguillés vers les services communautaires.Lesséjourspeuvent
Lancement du Programme des lits sûrs à court terme en cas de crise à Cornwall

24 -202224,AugustWednesday,NewsSeaway CORNWALL 841 Sydney St. 613-937-3778 (in the Tudor Centre) CentreTudor St.Ninth Pitt St. $999perlb Chicken Masala Chicken Korma Beef Stroganoff Jambalaya save Breaded Chicken Breasts 8 PIECES 907 g Crispy CHOOSE FROM 3 VARIETIES. *Registered Trademark of the Canadian Celiac Association. each Creamy Chicken Pot Pie 250 g Beef and Mushroom Pot Pie 225 g 399 each save $1 For Rent - Because You Deserve The verY BesT Call 613 534 8400 exT 1 or Toll Free 877 524 6327 By JCS Godard Investments Inc. 1125 Second Street West, Cornwall ON NOW Leasing Lease includes services such as: + Unlimited long distance calling (Canada & USA) and unlimited local calling. + Cable & Internet + Access to most amenities at Riverdale Terrace. Beautiful apartments for rent Sunset Court SigN-Up TODAY & We WILL PaY YoureXPeNses*MovING *Some conditions apply. Please call for details Model suite open by appointment 374264