Cornwall Seaway News February 16, 2022 Edition

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Support local awareness and action. 349981

Akwesasne and SDG Survey

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Employment Opportunities P19 most recent job postings from Cornwall employers

Struggling to wear a MASK and HEARING AIDS?

Here’s Help!

Completely-In-Canal (CIC) Hearing Aids by Starkey Welcoming all WSIB, CSST, DVA and ODSP providers.

Get bowling!



Big Brothers/ Big Sisters Cornwall Executive Director Pierre-Luc Byham and Big Brother Darcy Grant are ready to knock down some pins as a part of the Tim Hortons Bowl for Kids Sake fundraiser. See page 10 & 11 for more information. (Nick Seebruch/ Seaway News).




1328 Pitt St.








(613) 932 - 2751

Cornwall to host climate action webinar declare a climate emergency in December situation. NICK LAURIN Anyone wanting to take part in the free event can do so by registering at https://us02web. WN_bxunUpkPQZWak6yb2zNOtw. Earlier this year, Angela Parker, Sustainability Project Coordinator for the City of Cornwall, created the Cornwall’s Youth for Climate Action

Seeing the forest and the trees at the Library

DANIEL MARION Cities are now looking at trees with a different lens. Not only are trees beautiful in a city scape, but they are also recognized for many other benefits. The latest science is confirming the health and social benefits that trees bring to a neighborhood. We have heard of carbon sequestration, oxygen production, filtering air pollutants, as well as the reduction of the heat sink effect caused by cities. In addition, we are now talking about the aromatic compounds that calm the nervous system and the social statistics that are showing us other benefits such as crime and vandalism reduction from having green spaces with trees. Unfortunately, in the last few years, the city of Cornwall and surrounding areas have lost about one third of the



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posts of this kind. (On this same note, it isn’t a good idea to have your address on Facebook.) So, by all means connect with friends and family members on Facebook: just make sure to use it and other social media platforms wisely. Riverfront Retirement Centre offers complete retirement living and you will feel safe living here. We comply with government recommended health measures. Waterfront Apartments available along with private suites and apartments. Plus much much more.

Call Us today for information and to discuss your needs and concerns Brian Kennedy GM 613-938-3535 x 296 1810 Montreal Road, Cornwall


- Seaway News -

2 - Wednesday, February 16, 2022

value. In collaboration with the library, there are plans for a student art exhibits to promote the Tiny Forest. This project has also been included in an environmental program at Cornwall Collegiate that helped to plant and maintain the forest and there are also plans to build a sign for the project. In addition, there have been conversations with Central Public School to use it as part of an educational curriculum. This will be the third growing season for the tiny forest, and it has surpassed my expectations. I am a gardener and I have planted hundreds of trees, mostly edible, and this forest has grown faster and stronger than any of the trees I have planted the same year and the year before. Without a doubt, if cities were to plant more trees using this system it would have a significant impact on their future wellbeing. The Tiny Forest @ Library is a project developed by the Tree Action Arbre, a working group of Transition Cornwall+. It is located on the east side of the Cornwall Public Library at the corner of Second and Sydney Streets in downtown Cornwall, Ontario. Be sure to pay a visit and check its progress. For more information on the Tree Action Arbre Group see


Three things you should never share on Facebook Using Facebook is a fantastic way to keep in touch with friends and family. However, certain features on the platform can pose a security risk. To protect yourself, never share these three things on Facebook. 1. Your full birth date and place of birth A study from Carnegie Mellon University found that this information could be searched in publicly available databases and bring up your Social Insurance Number. Sharing this information therefore puts you at risk of identity theft. 2. Your mother’s maiden name A common security question for online accounts asks your mother’s maiden name. Posting this information on Facebook could allow others to access these accounts. 3. A status revealing that you’re on vacation This may be interesting for your friends to hear about, but it may also be interesting for burglars, as it notifies them your house is empty. Recently, the New York Times reported on a gang of burglars in New Hampshire who used the tactic of scouring Facebook for

a forest-based ecosystem. When you build a new tiny forest, you must start by eliminating the grass, which is a species of plant that supports a totally different soil ecosystem from trees. The next step is to lay down a generous amount of organic matter followed by several inches of wood chips. Fortunately for this project the city was able to supply several tons of leaf compost for the organic matter and wood chips that came from the dead ash being cut down. Such a soil foundation becomes home for mycorrhizal fungi, which we now know as the key ingredient in a forest. Mycorrhizal fungi are nature’s internet, allowing the trees to exchange information and nutrients. This underground communication can protect trees from drought, pests and pathogens that can cause disease. Mycorrhizal fungi help build the soil structure that the trees need. With this technique, trees are planted closer together and thrive much better, as in a forest setting, than in a traditional landscape plan. They race with each other to take advantage of the sunlight which creates taller and straighter trees. The installation of the Tiny Forest at the library has created some conversations about these subjects and helps people to see their



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urban tree canopy due to the emerald ash borer. We have also witnessed how deforestation has been devastating our municipal tree cover as well as our rural forests. In 2019, during the rebuilding of Sydney Street infrastructure, the city had to make the decision to remove several mature trees growing in a patch of lawn by the Cornwall Public Library. With old trees being removed there was an opportunity to plant new ones. Coincidentally, a technique was being promoted about foresting small plots of land, known as the Miyawaki tiny forests. This method incorporates the characteristics of a mature forest in a newly planted tiny forest. Through supercharging the soil and thereby accelerating the growth of the trees to replicate decades of natural succession that would have occurred on the land. The Tree Action Arbre group thought that this tiny forest strategy would work here at the city center library location and that a small project such as this one could bring more attention to the importance of trees in our environment. A mature forest has a dense mat of organic matter made of leaves, twigs and branches which supply the perfect conditions to support

Working Group, to provide students with a safe and non-judgmental space to discuss climate change. The group is currently looking for students from CCVS, L’Heritage, and St. Matthew’s. Anyone interested in joining Cornwall’s Youth for Climate Action Working Group can do so by sending an email to Parker at

Benefits of Regular Oil Changes

all internal moving parts clean. Cheap oil will work for any vehicle but your vehicle can really benefit from the good stuff. Because engine oil is in constant contact with the many Tim Houle PHARMACY PHARMACIE moving parts it can start to collect minor pieces of debris. An oil Auto Talk filter will sift these fine particles of debris out and collect them The benefits of regular oil changes are many. In in its catch. If debris is left to build up the filter can become order to keep your vehicle performing optimally clogged and the entire system can suffer. Changing the engine and to get the maximum life from your engine, oil filter at least every other oil change is recommended to your vehicle ABSOLUTELY needs an oil and filter change regularly. ensure safe operation. Why does your engine need a regular oil change? Let’s keep it simple and highlight some key facts about oil. Engine oil is a: PHARMACY PHARMACIE • Lubricant – Oil, whether it is synthetic or natural is first and - Air Conditioning foremost a lubricant. After a while the oil will break down and - Exhausts lose its lubricating properties, this is natural and with almost any vehicle this will occur every 3 months of solid driving or 3,500- - Brakes - Suspensions 5,000 miles. • Coolant – Oil’s lubricating properties reduce friction and pulls - Tires heat away from the moving parts of the engine. Also most newer - Tune-ups cars have an oil cooler that pumps cooled oil back through the engine to reduce overall temperature. Ron • Cleaner – Engine oil will filter debris from the crank case and oil galleys. Most oil is also built with detergent packs which keep 1520 Vincent Massey Dr.,Cornwall 613-932-3111



CORNWALL, ON - On February 17, 2022, a webinar, called a Positive Discussion for Climate Action, will be hosted through the collaboration of the City of Cornwall, the St. Lawrence River Institute, and Cornwall’s Youth for Climate Action Working Group. This initiative backs the Council’s vote to

2021, joining over 500 Canadian municipalities in recognizing a climate crisis. The conversation will begin at 7 p.m. and will feature individuals, and organizations with one common interest in promoting the hard and dedicated work that is being undertaken in order to better the climate change

Celebrating 50 years of service NICK SEEBRUCH

Pictured from left-to-right: Bill Riley (Kinsmen), Rick Shaver (Kinsmen), Amy Gillespie (CCH Foundation Chair), Darryl Adams (Kinsmen President), Wes Libbey (Kinsmen)

Kinsmen support CCH with $12.5K donation PROVIDED BY THE KINSMEN CLUB OF CORNWALL Since 1933, the Cornwall Kinsmen Club has raised funds through a range of activities and invested these funds in order to meet the Community’s Greatest Needs. These needs change from year to year and thus we adjust the flow of funds accordingly. To assist us in our strategic process we have identified 7 broad categories: • Relief of Poverty; • Advancement of Education; • Culture and the Arts; • Health and Welfare; • Enhancement of Youth; • Enhancement of Public Safety and; • Community Service. Over the last year, a strategic planning process was undertaken internally to determine

the levels of funding that would be allocated to each of these broad categories. All community applications received were reviewed by members of the Cornwall Kinsmen Club and a budget for the year was established. Groups may still submit requests during the year for consideration – application form is available on our web site. As part of our Health & Welfare category, we are pleased today to announce a donation to the Cornwall Community Hospital Foundation in the amount of $ 12,500 to help purchase equipment for the Urology department. The Kinsmen Club wishes to thank all our community supporters that make these donations possible. TV Bingo players & merchants, participants at some of our events (Kinsmen Farmers Market, Pizza Party) and our other fundraising events.

CORNWALL, Ontario - Msgr. Kevin Maloney is marking an important anniversary this week. Friday, Feb. 11 marks the 50th year since Msgr. Maloney was ordained into the Catholic priesthood. Born and raised in the Cornwall area, Maloney had never considered a life of service to God until he was a teenager. Raised in a Catholic family, Maloney initially hoped to be a teacher, until he was asked by a priest when he was in Grade 11 of high school if he every considered joining the priesthood. After attending university in Nova Scotia, and London, Maloney entered the seminary and was ordained at the age of 25. Maloney said at that time, he could not imagine the kind of changes the world and the Church’s place in it would undergo over the next 50 years. “The biggest change today is the number of people who attend church on a regular basis,” Msgr. Maloney said, attributing the growing influence of a secular society. “The challenge is to meet people where they are at and bring to them the message of the Gospel.” Advice Mgsr. Maloney would give to a young man about to be ordained into the priesthood would be to be open to change. “Be open to the possibility of change and don’t be stuck in your vision of what the church is,” he said. Maloney does not believe that there is a decline in people who are seeking spiritual fulfillment however. Maloney explained that

Msgr. Kevin Maloney at the altar of St. Frances de Sales Church on Thursday morning, February 10, 2022 (Nick Seebruch/ Seaway News). while his in-person attendance for Mass is around 30-45 people, those who view his service’s live stream are in the hundreds. He began offering a live stream of his Mass in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. “There is a deep sprirituality in people,” he said. “There is a deep search for spirituality, for God, but less for the organized institutions of all religions.” While Maloney admitted that adapting to changes in spirituality in a growing secular society has been a challenge, one of his best experiences as a priest has been helping those in need through their hardships, and also being there for special moments in the lives of those in the community like wedding ceremonies. For the rest of the story visit



Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que les élèves de nos écoles ont obtenu le plus haut taux de diplomation des comtés de Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry, Prescott et Russell encore une fois cette année. C’est la 5e année que nos écoles affichent le plus haut taux de diplomation de tous les conseils scolaires de la région. Merci aux membres de notre personnel de la petite enfance à la 12e année pour cet exploit et félicitations à nos élèves ! 347236 - Seaway News - Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - 3


SeawaY communitY eventS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BOOKS AND ITEMS of a religious nature, the “Catholic Information Centre” is at your service from Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 146B, Chevrier Ave, room 124 (former Nativity School). (613) 933-5099 MULTIPLE MYELOMA SUPPORT: If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Myeloma and would like to connect with others for support and encouragement, please join “Cornwall Area Myeloma Suppor t Group” on Facebook, and email Mary Brink at We plan to hold virtual support meetings every second month. Looking forward to meeting you! CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB in Bonville – Breakfast from 8am til noon. Info: Roly 613-932-9396 or Helene 613-931-3076. ST. LAWRENCE SENIORS at ANAF Bingo on Mondays & Thursdays at 12 noon. Doors open at 10 am. Covid rules will apply. Face mask & vaccination papers mandatory. First come first ser ve (70 people max). No reservations. WEDNESDAY LUNCHES: by the members of the Knights of Columbus “Seniors & Friends”, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs) will be held on Wednesdays from 11:30am-1pm.

2-22-22 cial


KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs). Wings & Things every Thursday from 4:30 – 8 pm. Take-out available. THE SEAWAY SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB, 506 Pitt St open to members starting Feb 14 following EOHU guidelines. Activities include exercise, guitar lessons, guitar jamming, quilting, knit wits, art group, iPad training, Line Dancing, Yin Yoga, Mah Jongg, Choral Group, Swedish Weaving, Euchre, Canasta and Darts. Guitar lessons, exercise and special presentations are also offered on Zoom as well as on-site. Preregistration is required at (613) 932-4969. Phones answered from 9- 11:30 am every morning. T R I - C O U N T Y L I T E R AC Y Fr e e Landscaping and Grounds Maintenance program. Practice essential skills such as reading, writing, thinking, oral communication, and computer use while you learn about this popular position. Monday to Thursday 9am to 12pm for 5 weeks, starting February 28, 2022. Info: 613-932-7161. SEAWAY VALLEY COMMUNITY HEALTH: Stress Management: a 6-week virtual program that teaches skills to better manage stress. Mondays, Feb 28 - April 4 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. on the Zoom platform. Register: or call 1-888-936-0306 ext. 229. INGLESIDE LONG SAULT LOST VILLAGES LION’S CLUB Roast beef dinner drive through on Wed. March 2 from 4-7pm at the South Stormont Community Hall, 2 Milles Roches Rd Long Sault. Call 613-577-0818 to reserve your pickup time and prepay.

We’re going crazy with all the 2’s

SPAGHETTI FUNDRAISER: will be held on the last Friday of the month February 25th at Knights of Columbus, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs) from 11:30am-1 pm and 4-6:30 pm. T H E W I L L I A M S T OW N G R E E N THUMBS are reviving their in-person horticultural meetings starting February 28. A pot luck will be held in the Tartan room, upstairs, in the Char-Lan arena (Williamstown.) Hor s’doeuvres 6:00; Supper 6:30; Speaker introduced at 7:00 pm. Dessert 8:00 pm. Bring own plate, mug, and cutlery and proof of double vaccination. Membership fees are due. COLD WEATHER CROPS is the lecture topic presented by ZOOM. Zoom options for those at home. Call Lia at 613 347 3533 for info.

CORNWALL WESLEYAN CHURCH offering Sunday Morning Worship Service at 10:00 a.m. both in person and Virtual. Nursery and Konnect Kids, Etudes bibliques en francais , Les Mardis@18hr30 Zoom .Diriger par, Michel Lucas. Alpha in person or Zoom, Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. at the church for those who attend ALPHA. Masks are required for all indoor events. Info: 613936-9166 (780 Sydney St.) or Visit: LEGION BRANCH 297 LADIES AUXILIARY Executive meeting at 6 pm, general meeting at 7 pm on March 2, April 5, May 4, and June 1. President Ann Primeau.

For all your multi-media needs, contact


613-360-9165 |

Quickies will pay out $222 Cdn each. Games 1-6 will pay out $2222 US each.

The progressive jackpot and the community fund games will remain the same.

Program Schedule


for the week of

February 21 to February 27, 2022



We WILL DELIVER YOUR CASH PRIZE anywhere excluding Ottawa and Montreal Cards are available at Akwesasne Duty Free Tobacco, East Island Convenience, Arrowhead Pharmacy, Express Gas, and at Hummingbird Gift Shop

Check Out CKON Radio on Facebook for Game Details

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4 - Wednesday, February 16, 2022

- Seaway News -

CORNWALL NEWCOMERS CLUB welcomes women who have moved in the last 4 years to Cornwall and the surrounding areas within the SD&G Counties. Info: Louise 613-932-7557 to learn more. IS SOMEONE’S DRINKING BOTHERING YOU? You are not alone. There is help and hope. Call 613-9374880 or visit CORNWALL COMFORT QUILTS are handmade for and given to Cancer patients. If you or someone you know is in need of a quilt, please contact: Nicole 613 935-5593, Janice 613 936-1951 or Laura 613 936-2179. Curb side pick up with the use of a mask is in place. Email: CORNWALL NEW HORIZONS BAND is going to GOOGLE MEET starting January 31. We are holding our classes online until we can be at least 25 indoors. Mondays - beginners (but can play); Tuesday – Intermediate; Thursday – Band. Info: Raymond Lacroix at 613-360-1817 ÊTES-VOUS À LA RECHERCHE D’ARTICLES ou de livres religieux? Le « Centre d’information catholique » est à votre service du lundi au vendredi de 10h à 16h au 146B ave Chevrier, local 124 (ancienne école Nativité). (613) 933-5099.

Local News, Local Stories, Local People. Daily Updates Monday to Friday 5:30pm, 6pm, 10pm and 10:30pm


The Glen Walter sign on County Rd. 2 (Nick Seebruch/ Seaway News).

Plaques will celebrate South Glengarry history NICK LAURIN MODEL FE2F5NJ SPORT MODEL SHOWN














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Dealer order may be required. Anticipated delivery, March/April 2022. Canadian Black Book Best Retained Value 2021 Award given to Honda Civic/CR-V for the category of Car-Main/Compact Crossover/SUV in November/March of 2021. Please visit for more information about the award process. ΩLimited time lease offers available through Honda Financial Services Inc. (HFS), to qualified retail customers on approved credit. Weekly payments include freight and PDI (ranges from $1,700 to $1,870 depending on model), tire & environmental fee ($21) [This fee covers the cost to Honda Canada of collecting and recycling tires], A/C charge ($100), and OMVIC fee ($10). Taxes, licence, insurance and registration are extra. Representative weekly lease example: 2022 CIVIC LX SEDAN (Model FE2F2NE) // 2022 CIVIC SPORT SEDAN (Model FE2F5NJ) // 2022 CR-V LX 2WD (Model RW1H2NES) // 2022 Pilot Black Edition (Model YF6H0NKN) on a 60 // 60 // 60 // 24-month term with 260 // 260 // 260 // 104 weekly payments at 3.99% // 3.99% // 3.99% // 2.99% lease APR. Weekly payment is $65.95 // $76.99 // $82.99 // $241.05 with $1,725 // $1,725 // $2,110 // $0 down or equivalent trade-in and $0 total lease incentive included. Down payments, $0 security deposit and first weekly payment due at lease inception. Total lease obligation is $17,147.86 // $20,018.11 // $21,557.87 // $25,069.07. 100,000 // 100,000 // 100,000 // 40,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.12/km for excess kilometres. PPSA lien registration fee of $40.00 // $40.00 // $40.00 // $16.00 and lien registering agent’s fee of $6.50, due at time of delivery are not included. 2022 Civic Sport Sedan shown in Rallye Red // 2022 CR-V LX 2WD shown in Platinum White Pearl. Additional charge of $300.00 applies for premium paint colour. *None of the features we describe are intended to replace the driver’s responsibility to exercise due care while driving. Drivers should not use handheld devices or operate certain vehicle features unless it is safe and legal to do so. Some features have technological limitations. For additional feature information, limitations and restrictions, please visit and refer to the vehicle’s Owner’s Manual. ˇ Based on IHS Markit™ vehicles in operation as of June 30, 2020 for model years 2011 to 2020 vs. total new registrations of those vehicles. For all offers: licence, insurance, PPSA, other taxes (including HST) and excess wear and tear are extra. Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price. Offers only valid for Ontario residents at participating Ontario Honda Dealers from February 01, 2022 until February 28, 2022. Dealer may lease for less. Dealer order/trade may be necessary (but may not be available in all cases). Colour availability may vary by Dealer. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. Offers, prices and features subject to change without notice. See your Ontario Honda Dealer or visit for full details. - Seaway News - Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - 5

CORNWALL, ON - On Feb. 7, 2022, the Township of South Glengarry discussed a recommendation from the United Counties of SDG, regarding the SDG Historic Plaque project. The Historic Plaque project was recommended to the Township of South Glengarry on Dec. 6, 2021. This project will see the creation of three plaques in each lower tier municipality of SDG. These plaques will feature the reproduction of historic photos and content, and will be easily accessible by the general public. The Township’s Heritage Advisory Committee met on Jan. 14, and Jan. 21 to identify the locations and themes for the three South Glengarry plaques. The following are the results of the discussions held at those meetings: Glen Walter: Waler/St. Lawrence River theme, History of the St. Lawrence Fishing, Waterfront Trail Located on Township-owned green space/parkland on County Rd 2 (across from Glen Walter Park Rd.) Green Valley: Overall history of Green Valley, Rail/Train history, French Language education Located at the Green Valley Community Centre. Peanut Line: History of Peanut line Focusing on transition from rail line to recreational trail. Located near Williamstown Fairgrounds or other visible/high traffic area along Peanut Line. All councilors were in favour of the motion recommended by the Heritage Advisory Committee.



Are there no limits?

In any true democracy, the right to protest is most certainly sacrosanct. But I have yet to read of anybody questioning whether doing so, accompanied by a 40 000 kg truck, is permissible. Are there now no limits? In my day, I am proud to admit having had cause to exercise my democratic right, taking part a fair number of demonstrations, one involving 50 000 protesters - all totally respectful, with nary an audible expletive, let alone one patently visible for any kid to see. On every single occasion, the organizers first were required to inform the police, in order to ensure not only all-round safety, but minimal inconvenience to the general public. Never once was permission refused. Above all else, one thing was patently obvious to all concerned - this all had to be peacefully accomplished all in one day. Moreover, it had to be done on foot, bearing

only placards, banners, and tolerable ‘noise-makers’. No cars. No trucks. And most certainly no blockades, even for a single minute. What on earth has happened? Have these fundamental rules and requirements changed? Does ‘anything go’ in Canada in 2022? If not, then surely a potentially explosive demonstration - one which fails to get authorization and fails to adhere to these basic parameters - needs to be summarily nipped in the bud by those in authority. It is not just the illegal occupiers who merit our castigation and condemnation. Those of all stripes who are supposedly ‘in charge’ - first of our capital city and now of our bridges - have a lot to answer for. « Peace, order and good government » - our Founding Fathers’ ghosts must surely be wondering why they even bothered. Alan Scrivener Cornwall. On.

In response to the Mayor


“Addressing Mayor Glen Grant’s, Three minutes with the Mayor article dated February 9, 2022” I wish to take this opportunity to thank Cornwall’s Mayor Glen Grant for publicly educating us Canadians regarding our Canadian Charter of RIGHTS and FREEDOM. Mayor Glen Grant stated in his article that the current Protest in Ottawa has demonstrated symbols of hatred and other examples of incitement to cause harm to public and private property. I believe those few stated examples were carried out buy a couple of agitators, solely for the purpose of shedding a negative light on the Trucker’s Convoy Of Freedom demonstration. (The truckers themselves quickly addressed the actions of those few sited individuals.)The main stream Media then, very quickly went to work spreading this PROPAGANDA to influence public opinion. Mayor Grant went on to say that there have been explanations for the demonstration, such as the truckers vaccine mandates, but that he felt it hard to believe, since the majority of truckers were vaccinated. He has obviously not been paying attention to the demonstration or else he would’ve realized that the protest is being carried out not only by thousands of Canadian truckers, Country wide ,but also by hundreds of thousands of Canadians objecting to the Government’s vaccine mandates. I have personally attended the truckers convoy of freedom and witnessed along with many many other Canadians the demonstration in question. I wonder, did Mayor Grant take the time to attend Ottawa and witness for himself the truly Peaceful, Respectful coming together of Canadians, families and complete strangers alike whose sole purpose was to gain back their Rights and Freedoms, so vividly explained to us in his article, that have been stripped away from us during the past two years. If Mayor Grant did not personally attend,,

Ontario is getting stronger

6 - Wednesday, February 16, 2022

- Seaway News -

Across the province, more workers are joining the skilled trades as resources and industries in the north become part of the future of clean steel and electric vehicles. More jobs are being created by building new bridges and highways, expanding public transit and constructing new homes—all for a growing province. Home-grown businesses are manufacturing more of the things we rely on. Ontario’s economy is getting stronger. See what’s happening at

Paid for by the Government of Ontario


then some may suggest that he is acting on hearsay and if that is true, then some may feel that he may be part of the existing problem by perpetrating the very lies spread by the suspected government owned main stream media, or people with hidden agendas. I disagree with Cornwall’s Mayor Grant’s comment,”It is time to end this unruly and unlawful protest” Where did he receive the information that the demonstration was an UNRULY and UNLAWFUL PROTEST.... The Courts have determined that the protest is “LEGAL”. Unlawful, is When the Prime Minister of Canada insights hatred by calling unvaccinated Canadians, Racist, Misogynists and Extremists. Unlawful ,is when police officers, who took an oath to uphold the laws, to serve and protect, steal from law abiding Canadian citizens who are exercising their God-given right to protest. Unlawful, is when persons in authority issue unlawful orders to those officers to commit Criminal offences. IS this article, the Mayor’s personal opinion, which he, as a Canadian, has a RIGHT to express or that of his official office, because, if it is the latter, he certainly does not speak for a large number of Cornwall citizens that DO SUPPORT this Demonstration for our Canadian Rights and Freedom..... Some may believe that, this Three Minutes with the Mayor’s article is POLITICAL... I am proud to be a Canadian, I am vaccinated and I fully support the people in Ottawa and throughout Canada that are fighting to protect our Rights and Freedom, whether we are vaccinated or unvaccinated... Respectfully, (Only my Opinion) B. F. WELLS Cornwall, Ontario

Seaway News welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and may be edited for clarity or length. Please send your letters by email to or by mail to 501 Campbell Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, ON K6H 6X5. Please include your name, address and phone number.

Stand up to bullying on Pink Shirt Day

Common characteristics of school bullies

NICK LAURIN CORNWALL, ON - The community is wearing pink to celebrate the annual Boys and Girls Club Pink Shirt Day on Wednesday, Feb 23. The goal of this day is to help spread positive, and anti-bullying messages across the community.

While some children become bullies in kindergarten, others don’t start harassing people until they reach high school. It’s important to identify individuals who may be at risk of becoming bullies to help anticipate and prevent this type of behaviour. In general, school bullies tend to have the following characteristics:

“The past has been tough on all of us. The pandemic has hit kids really hard, but we are all feeling degrees of isolation. In times of uncertainty is when we need each other the most. It starts with kindness - towards each other, and towards ourselves. Kindness connects us, and Pink Shirt Day is to remind us to come together and create moments of positivity. Together we spread positivity and begin conversation around anti-bullying strategies. Our kids need to feel supported. Feel safe. Feel a sense of belonging,” said Jacquie Richards, Executive Director of the Boys and Girls Club.

• They’re dominant and impulsive • They have anger management issues • They’re controlling • They lack empathy and remorse • They have difficulty respecting authority figures and following rules • They’re physically stronger than their peers • They’re often perceived as popular and have high self-esteem

Pictured is Linda Merpaw Lebel, Special Event Coordinator with BGC Cornwall. (Nick Seebruch/ Seaway News)

Shirts are donated to kids in the community. This year we anticipate 500 shirts will be donated to youth in the community.”

In some cases, bullying can stem from underlying mental health issues. In addition, children who are abused or neglected are more likely to bully other kids.

The Boys and Girls Club hopes to sell 4000 Pink Shirts this year, whilst donating 100% of the proceeds to continue supporting BGC’s anti-bullying initiatives, throughout the month at all of their locations.

Each year, the Boys and Girls Club has over 100 Pink Shirt Day sponsors and community organization supporters. “Our community embraces Pink Shirt Day, and supports BGC programs,” said Jacquie. “As part of being a Pink Shirt sponsor, Pink

If you believe your child is bullying others, it’s important to take action. In addition to reaching out to the involved parties, consider consulting with a doctor, therapist or other health professional.

For more information on Pink Shirt Day, and anti-bullying initiatives, visit https://, or the Boys and Girls Club Facebook Page.

The legal consequences of cyberbullying





Jim McDonell, MPP/DÉPUTÉ Stormont-Dundas South Glengarry

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5720 Power Dam Dr., Long Sault 613-938-9622




Furthermore, it’s possible for bullying to cross the line into criminal conduct. Cyberbullying might lead to breaking the law if it involves criminal harassment, making threats, extortion or defamatory libel, among other things.



• Going to prison for up to five years • Having their computer, phone or other devices seized • Paying the victim’s costs to have the image removed from the internet

• Criminal offences to the local police • Cyberbullying to social media sites or apps • Online offences to • Offensive text messages and phone calls to your telephone service provider

When it comes to your own online behaviour, remember to be kind online. Only post comments you’d say to someone in person, and get permission before publicly sharing content that features other people or their work. - Seaway News - Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - 7

For starters, as of March 2015, the Criminal Code of Canada specifically states that anyone convicted of distributing intimate images without consent could face serious legal conse­quences, including:

HOW TO REPORT CYBERBULLYING If you or someone you know is the victim of cyberbullying, it’s important to know that you can report:


Cyberbullying is more than just hurtful. In fact, many types of online harassment are considered illegal and can lead to criminal prosecution.

GENERAL MANAGER: Rick Shaver EDITOR: Nick Seebruch EDITORIAL CLERK: Nicholas Laurin

501 Campbell Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, ON K6H 6X5 613-933-0014 WWW.CORNWALLSEAWAYNEWS.COM

Fixing rural education means everyone should be at the table NICK SEEBRUCH

8 - Wednesday, February 16, 2022

- Seaway News -

In my six years at Seaway News a recurring story has been the state of rural education in the United Counties of SD&G. I began at Seaway News in July of 2016. That September, the Catholic and public English language school boards issued their draft Pupil Accommodation Review (PAR) report which called for significant restructuring of schools and student spaces in the region. Schools in Ingleside, Long Sault, Williamstown, Lancaster and even Cornwall were put up on the chopping block for closure. The issuing of this draft report kicked off a movement, really, and a battle that in many ways continues to this day nearly six years later. Parents and students rallied together to save their schools. Some, like those at Rothwell-Osnabruck in Ingleside, and CharLan in Williamstown were successful in sparing their schools from cuts; others like SJ McLeod were closed, and some, like CCVS and St. Lawrence Secondary School in Cornwall will be closed in the near future as the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) prepares to build a new amalgamated school. As an observer, I saw this process pit school board administrators and trustees, who were attempting to follow their provincial mandate to meet the requirements of their budgets, against students, parents and local politicians who wanted to keep

their schools and their kids in their communities. Five-and-a-half years later, and this divide is still very much present. Late last year, the United Counties of SD&G commissioned a report analyzing the state of rural education. The results of this report identified both challenges and assets that rural education is currently facing. Some of the challenges the report points to include multiple school boards competing for the same pool of students, inconsistent delivery of programming across schools, and administrators viewing education as a business rather than a public service. The report culminated on Feb. 7 with a symposium hosted by the United Counties of SD&G with speakers who were all veterans in fighting school closures whether they be locally or from other parts of the province and beyond. Not invited to speak at the symposium were school boards, who were also not asked to provide their own views on rural education in the report commissioned by the Counties. Now, six years ago, during the PAR process, I was shocked to see so many rural communities that were facing the loss of their local school, and the prospect of seeing their kids riding on the bus for as long as an hour to go to another school in a different community. That being said, that was then, and this is

now. School boards should have been asked for their views in the report, and they should have been invited to speak at the symposium. “We can’t be on separate sides on how we go forward on rural education,” is what Todd Lalonde, the Chair of the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario (CDSBEO) told me last week. “But that’s where we are at in this community right now.” I also understand the school board’s mindset during the PAR process in 2016, even though I didn’t agree with it and still don’t. They are tasked with being financially sustainable, and that really, is what it all comes down to, finances and funding. Ultimately, the people with the real power to fix rural education are the politicians in Queen’s Park and they are the ones who need to be lobbied to make rural education financially sustainable. The fight to make rural education sustainable and to get the dollars needed to keep rural schools open will require a united front between school

Human Trafficking Awareness Day IN THE KNOW WITH SASS DEVIN COUCHMAN

February 22nd marks National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. You might be reading this and wondering why I’m talking about Human Trafficking today. You might be thinking that this doesn’t happen in our communities. The truth is that there are

high numbers of teenage girls and young women who are targeted in our communities and trafficked. While anyone can be at risk of being trafficked, research does show that some are more at risk than others. Those at higher risk include homeless or marginalized youth, youth struggling with self-esteem, bullying, discrimination, abuse, isolation, and other social and family issues, and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) youth. Now that we’ve discussed who can be trafficked, it’s important to discuss signs that someone might be being trafficked. Some behaviour changes can include

staying out more often and later, absent from school or decline in school performance, new or worsening anxiety, paranoia, or depression. Those being trafficked may withdraw or isolate themselves from friends and family, suddenly make a new friend that they want to spend all their time with or have a new boyfriend/girlfriend/ friend whom they don’t introduce to family or friends. There are also physical signs to look out for, including: wearing new and very different clothing from their norm, having new clothes or jewelry that they shouldn’t be able to afford, or having a new or second cell phone. The good news is that there is a lot that

boards, municipal governments, and the grassroots movements that have been fighting so hard for their communities. That however, is easier said than done. There will need to be a lot of negotiation I think between trustees, administrators and community organizers to find that much needed common ground. The fight is not done. Rural education really does have some systemic issues that need to be addressed. Rural schools are vital to their communities. Rural schools are meeting places and economic drivers, not just places of learning. Students shouldn’t spend an hour on the bus to go to a school outside of their community. The rural education report commissioned by the United Counties of SD&G has valuable insights into rural education and should not be left on a shelf somewhere to gather dust. What do you think of the state of rural education, readers? Email me a Letter to the Editor to

we can do to help those who are being trafficked and it can start in the home. If you’re seeing any of these signs in someone you know, talk to them. Let them know that you’re concerned and that they can tell you if they need help with anything. Open communication can go a long way. At SASS we have a Human Trafficking counsellor who specializes in helping teens and women aged 16+ who have been or are currently being trafficked. There are also other supports available in our community. If you have questions or need further support, please reach out to us at 613-932-1755.


You’re right. We’re not living in China EDITORIAL@CORNWALLSEAWAYNEWS.COM

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Cornwall is a great place to live Surrounded by Akwesasne and the Counties of SDG, this area is a gem and letting people know you are part of it will enhance your business profile. As this area grows, so does the business commitment to open small, medium and large operations along with a mixture of industry and health services. The coordinated infrastructure growth in both the city and townships has seen many new and exciting subdivisions and retail areas continue to be developed and filled with local families upgrading or new people moving in.

remain open until 9 p.m. on Thursdays and Fridays along with 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. hours the other four shopping days (a provincial law forbid Sunday shopping). Savemart Super Mart had challenged the city’s bylaw. The Vincent Massey Drive store set its closing hour at 10 p.m. The five downtown stores were People’s, F. W. Woolworth, Zellers, Beamish and Metropolitan. ... Cornwall’s first paid firefighter, who started his career with the Cornwall volunteer fire brigade in 1926, retired. Arthur Conliffe manned the overnight shift by himself for 16 years before becoming a fire safety inspector. He recalled the department acquiring its first pumper truck in 1939. TRIVIA ANSWER When Bob Rae was a youngster living in Washington with his parents, he delivered the Washington Star. One of his customers was then VicePresident Richard Nixon. In his autobiography, Rae recalls Nixon giving him 10 cents as a Christmas tip. Next door, a Democrat senator handed him $20 and told him to keep the change. TRIVIA When first elected to the House of Commons in 2002, this well-known politician’s married name was Hoeppner. She went back to her birth name when the marriage broke up. QUOTED - “I don’t hate my enemies. After all, I made them.” - Red Skelton

Cornwall’s very popular magazine, Cornwall Living, was first published in May 2008. Cornwall Living has emerged as the premiere publication in Eastern Ontario – profiling Cornwall and the surrounding region with over 132 pages of stories showcasing life in Cornwall and the area, including health care, music, sports, real estate as well as small and large business development. The magazine also has stories on the city’s francophone roots. Cornwall Living is designed and produced by Seaway News, in cooperation with Cornwall Economic Development.


Due to Covid -19, all winners will receive prize money by cheque, sent to winners address. No winners will report to studio.


group claimed that if you are under the age of 40 and unvaccinated, there is no chance of dying from COVID (so why get vaccinated). There’s also little chance of a cyclist being killed while cycling, yet I know of antivaxxers who wouldn’t think of venturing out on the road without wearing a helmet. ... NDP federal leader Jagmeet Singh rates an A-plus when it comes to leadership on the occupation file. ... Wonder if this would work: In the next pandemic, everyone who is vaccinated receives a vaccination card. If the health care system is overwhelmed and ready to collapse, unvaccinated folks with the virus go to the back of the line. ... A so-called Johns Hopkins study that claimed lockdowns were ineffective made a lot of hay among anti-mandate/vaxxers and their media cheerleaders. Problem is, it wasn’t a bona fide Johns Hopkins study. It was a working paper produced by three profs, two of whom aren’t connected to the renowned university. And all are economists with no medical training. As comic Bill Maher noted, ‘So you go to the hospital ER and the nurse says don’t worry, an economist will be right with you.’ THIS MONTH IN 1964 - Following an appeals court judge ruling that the city had no right to tell department stores when they could open and close, five downtown chain stores announced that they would

Contact Rick Shaver at or 613-933-0014 ext 7226

Year round every Tuesday. No breaks.

$1,000 Full Card CARDS AVAILABLE $250 T-Game AT CORNER $150 X-Game STORES $100 Small Square Serving Cornwall’s Greatest Needs Since 1933


Want To Join A Great Service Club … Contact Us Today - Seaway News - Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - 9

A female protester at the Ottawa Wellington Street encampment told a television reporter that the hostage-taking was about freedom. “This isn’t China,” she told the reporter. Thanks for the geography lesson. There are probably a lot of nursery school kids who didn’t know that we aren’t living in Asia. But she is spot on. This isn’t China. This is Canada. If this were China, the tanks would have been rolling down Wellington Street on Day One. If this were China the group that tore down the fence erected around the war monument after it was desecrated would had been hauled off to jail. Might even have had their finger nails ripped out. If this were China she wouldnít be standing in Tinamin Square with a sign that told President Xi to go screw himself while complaining about the lack of freedom. It would be one of those now your see her, now you donít after she was enrolled in a ‘re-education’ camp. Another protester said he was fighting so his grand kiddies will have the same kind of freedom he (a baby boomer) and his parents enjoyed when a kid. Perhaps most of our parents missed the memo, but I don’t recall any “freedom of choice” when it came to polio vaccinations given out in the school gym. And during the Second World War, Canadians didn’t receive an invitation to join the military. *********** If the local legal profession has an iron man award, somebody should nominate

Maurice “Moe” Gatien when the call goes out for the 2022 nominations Hey, how many 74-year-olds take a rugged 100-kilometre February stroll from Cornwall to the Parliament Buildings three days after being ambushed in his law office by a masked intruder, kayo’d in the struggle and rushed to hospital by ambulance, where, fortunately, the skilled medical folks at Cornwall Community Hospital, found no brain damage. (Please, no lawyer jokes. This is serious stuff) (Note to the 70-plus gang reading this: Moe Gatien is not an ordinary 74-year-old. He looks far younger than 74, eats all the “good stuff”, cycles for miles and runs marathons. Please Moe. You are making the rest of us look bad.) According to a report by the Eastern Ontario Health Alliance - not to be confused with the health unit with a similar name not only was the attack on Moe intentional, but that the foul-mouthed, gutless thug intentionally tried to hurt the lawyer’s feelings by calling him an old man. Hate to put pressure on Cornwall Police Service investigators, but gawd, you have to burn the midnight oil to get this monster off the street. And if this guy is convicted, he should be banned from going within 100 miles of a senior citizens building. With any kind of luck, he’ll get a 70-year-old judge. Call me a hard ass, but if I’m attacked and knocked out, the last thing I’d be concerned about is my feelings being hurt. You know, “Sticks and stones might break my bones but names will never hurt me.” Any way, the good news is that Moe made it to the illegal Wellington Street encampment, got a rousing reception from the folks, many of them lawbreakers, made a wonderful speech and, thank goodness, had a ride back to Cornwall. *********** Ads published by an anti-mandate/vax


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Good luck to all the participants!

Proud supporter of

Big Brothers & Big Sisters


It’s time to STRIKE IT BIG! Bowl for Kids’ Sake… Virtual is here!

609 Pitt Street | 613-937-0222

Proud Supporter of Big Brothers Big Sisters

Now you can decide WHEN, HOW and WHERE you bowl! Get a team together – or bowl solo. Bowl for Kids’ Sake is happening February 22nd until March 8th! This will be the first time in our 43 year history that we won’t lace up in an alley. But that doesn’t mean we won’t have fun playing the game virtually.

The possibilities are endless!

So, get creative and show us what you got! You can still “lace up” at home, in your backyard, at work, at the cabin. There will be prizes for the team who raises the most money, prizes for the most creative way to bowl, prizes for the most creative way to exercise and much more to come! Anytime…anywhere. Get your team ready and start the ball rollin’ and show your support at time when it’s needed more than ever.


841, rue Sydney Cornwall 613-937-2683

HOW TO CREATE OR JOIN A TEAM 1. Go to 2. Once you arrive on the SIMPLYK ‘Tim Hortons Bowl for Kids’ Sake’ page, click the ‘Fundraise’ button. 3. Select ‘Create a Team’, ‘Individual Fundraising’ (for the single player team) or ‘Join a Team’. Note: If you are joining a team, select one of the teams from the drop down menu. 4. Input your information. Do not forget to set a fundraising goal and put in your target in the ‘Campaign Target’. Click create. 5. Share, Share, SHARE! Copy the link provided, make a social media post with the link or send it in an email to friends and family to start collecting towards your campaign target


Proud Supporter of

Big Brothers & Big Sisters

Proud to support Bowl for Kids’s Sake Nick Alguire sales representative



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- Seaway News -

10 - Wednesday, February 16, 2022


Making dreams come true since 1937

6 Second St. E., Cornwall 613-932-4022


Proud supporter of Big Brothers Bowl for Kids’ Sake

1001 Sydney St., Cornwall 613-932-0123

Good Luck Participants

625 Montreal Rd., Cornwall 613.932.0001


Jim McDonell, MPP/DÉPUTÉ


1100 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON


• Create or join a team • Collect donations • Take pictures, a brief video, screen shots of how you participated and send them to us by email at • Follow us on Facebook –> @bbbscornwall, Instagram @bbbs_cornwall, Twitter • Tag us and hashtag on social media platforms

Proud Supporter of Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowling


More information - Proud supporter of Big Brothers Big Sisters 350313

5720 Power Dam Dr., Long Sault 613-938-9622

144 Pitt St., Cornwall 613-933-9675 530 Fred St., Suite B, Winchester 613-774-5627 91 Main St., Morrisburg

Cornwall Sleep Dentistry for Kids! Brought to you by Cornwall Specialty Dental

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Call us today: - Seaway News - Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - 11

Thank you Cornwall and Area for making this event a success. To all our sponsors Thank you. We will take pledges and donations until the end of February.


• Use household items like plastic water bottles or a toy plastic bowling set • Set up outside and use snowballs • Remember the ice bucket challenge? Encourage family and friends to donate to your team by completing a (safe) challenge • Don’t want to bowl? Choose any kind of physical activity. Run, walk, jog, jump rope, ski, go sledding, set up an obstacle course in the snow, go on a nature walk. Be CREATIVE.




Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry 120 2nd Street West Cornwall, ON K6J 1G5 Tel.: 613-933-6513

Releasing bananas and pomegranates Nick Wolochatiuk Dances with Words


Kindergarten kids tend to be somewhat helpless as far as getting dressed for winter recess, unscrewing jar lids and doing up shoe laces. As a supply teacher I was amazed at one youngster’s independence when confronted with the task of unpeeling his lunch banana. The next day when I saw him about to unpeel a banana I asked him to teach me how it’s done. “Sure, hold the stem really, really tight, with the banana facing in the smiling way. Hold

it way, way up…then surprise it by snapping it down real quick…then stop just as quick, as soon as it reaches your knees. There! Peel’s cracked open. Done.” This is for the adults in my reading audience: the forces needed in those two snappings are equivalent to the 8G jolts experienced when a jet fighter is catapulted off a carrier, then arrested by a cable upon returning to the deck. Zero to 200 kph, then 200 kph back to zero. Releasing the juicy seeds from a pomegranate requires the technique of a brain surgeon. I was appalled when I learned of a friend’s brutal manner of accessing the contents of the turtle carapace-like shell of the delicious fruit. He said, “I just cut it in half. Makes a bloody mess, but it works.”

I gave him this lesson. “Treat the pomegranate as if it were a globe. With a sharp knife score its hard but thin mantle at its Equator. Then add the Pole-to-Pole lines of the Meridian of Greenwich and the International date line. Cut at least six more lines of longitude. I do 75°W for Ingleside, 69°W for Qaanaaq (formerly known as Thule), 123°W for Whistler (where my son Kris hangs out), 158°W for Honolulu, 116°E for the 2022 winter Olympics site and 77°E, the origin of most callers who offer to clean my ducts or provide better internet security.” “Next, slice off both polar caps, at about 85°N and 85°S. Now you’re ready to carefully but firmly pry segments of the skin apart. Enjoy!”








12 - Wednesday, February 16, 2022

- Seaway News -



PUZZLE NO. 113. Copyright © 2021, Penny Press. Crossword puzzle answers use American spelling

ACROSS 1. Thin opening 5. Grandmother 9. Delight 12. Sit for a portrait 13. Huge quiz 14. Shepherd’s charge 15. Sound 16. Wood-eating insects 18. Playground item 20. Hither and ____ 21. Voice disapproval 23. Smooch 27. Lemon drink 30. Coffee server 31. Neck scarf 32. Boy 33. Slalom competitor 35. Important age 36. Squabble 38. Solemn lyric poem 39. Society girl 40. Drip 41. Convent inhabitant 42. Out of operation

45. Contact the office: 2 wds. 50. Fragrant shrub 54. White House staffer 55. Dollar 56. Fellow 57. Realize 58. Quick farewell 59. Mentally healthy 60. Wiggly creatures DOWN 1. Baths 2. Earring’s location 3. Land amid water 4. Golf pegs 5. Television company 6. Chopper 7. Not 8. Bullets, for short 9. Kind of plane 10. Be indebted to 11. Naturally! 17. Pens’ contents 19. Mistreat

22. French ____ soup 24. Like some tea 25. Angered 26. Attempt 27. Woeful expression 28. Be bold enough 29. Rim 31. Sporting facility 34. Teach 37. “When You Wish ____ a Star”

43. Hazes 44. Dog’s pest 46. Water body 47. Queue 48. Hero 49. Information 50. Unruly crowd 51. Some 52. Wow! 53. Roadside lodging

SOME GLOBAL CUTS – A sharp knife and some gentle persuasion: that’s all you need to release the delicious nutrients of a pomegranate. (Photo by Nick Wolochatiuk)

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few numbers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3x3 box.

Breaking news tip? Contact

NICK SEEBRUCH 613-363-4125 or

ARIES: You may spontaneously decide to get a new job or change your course of study. You’ll have a sudden breakthrough about what you really want in life. How­ ever, getting there will take some effort. TAURUS: You may secure financing for an important project. Talk to a finance professio­ nal about consolidating your debt so you can live the lifestyle you want. GEMINI: Clean your home to clear your mind. Also, you should have a serious con­ versation with your significant other before entertaining the idea of separation. If you act impulsively, you may regret your deci­ sion. CANCER: At work, you’ll need to add a few finishing touches to a project before show­ ing it to anyone else. This’ll help ensure you secure a good deal. Update your wardrobe and spoil yourself to celebrate your suc­ cess. LEO: You’ll enjoy hanging out with friends this week. Take the time to develop your creative talents. You’ll be proud of what you can accomplish by being confident in your­ self. VIRGO: You’ll meet inspiring people who expand your social circle and deepen your spirituality. You’ll take steps toward moving to a new location so you can take advan­ tage of a great opportunity. LIBRA: Be sensitive and affectionate in your relationship to avoid conflict. Good communication can diffuse tense situations. You may be confused about money. SCORPIO: You have a lot in store this week. If you like to travel, you may be ready for a new adventure. A simple getaway may become one of your most memorable experi­ ences. SAGITTARIUS: You have the creative inspi­ ration to create a masterpiece. You’ll make changes to your lifestyle that are in line with your aspirations. Everything will fall into place if you let life guide you. CAPRICORN: You’re in desperate need of some rest and relaxation. You may delve deeper into your artistic or spiritual inter­ ests. You may also volunteer to help those in your community who are less fortunate. AQUARIUS: Your social life is in full bloom. You’ll expand your circle of friends, even if only on social media. You may sign up for a gym membership or take up a new sport with friends. PISCES: You’ll have fun and be conta­ giously optimistic. At work, you’ll finish your tasks more quickly so you can help others. Your efforts will be rewarded.




From the left: 2022 Summerstown Forest Dion Snowshoe Race winner Berne Hogan, Peter Quevillon winner of the Summerstown Forest Challenge Race and Rob Lefebvre third place finisher in the 2022 Summerstown Forest Dion Snowshoe Race. Goddard photo

A great day for a race CAROL GODDARD, SPECIAL TO SEAWAY NEWS SUMMERSTOWN, Ontario – Hosted by the Friends of the Summerstown Forest, the 2022 Summerstown Forest Challenge Race and Summerstown Forest Dion Snowshoe Race was held on February 12. The mild weather was enjoyed by the volunteers, spectators and participants who gathered at the Summerstown Forest prior to the 10 a.m. start. Race Director Gilles Parisien explained the Summerstown Forest Challenge Race is part of the Dion Eastern Ontario Snowshoe Running Series. The event is sponsored by Dion Snowshoes with Parisien explaining the company makes “the only truly modular snowshoe made right here in North America.” This series is held at several locations in Eastern Ontario and attracts people from many parts of Ontario and Quebec. Parisien continued this race will be held on what he


www. cornwallseawaynews. com —DAILY UPDATES—

described as an ungroomed “single track snowshoe trail.” “It’s going to be a good race” commented participant Lisa Leskien of Sydenham as she waited for the race to begin. Following last minute instructions from Parisien, participants made their way to the starting line of the race and shortly after 10 a.m., a horn sounded and they were off! Jacques and Deborah Tessier are two of the many volunteers from the Friends of the Summerstown group which were on hand. Deborah explained they have been enjoying the forest for over 40 years ago, with Jacques explaining they enjoy volunteering for their community. Peter Quevillon from St. Thomas was the winner of the 4.2 km race, with Bancroft’s Bernie Hogan being the first across the finish line in the Summerstown Forest Dion Snowshoe Race. Proceeds from the race will be provided to Beyond 21 in Cornwall.

Prehistoric World exit 758 off Hwy.401

Long Sault

NEW E-EDITION ON LINE EVERY WEDNESDAY is daily for all your updated community news Happy 29th Birthday

Junior Happy Birthday

Place your ‘Let’s Celebrate’ in Seaway News for a chance to win a Frozen Celebration Cake compliments of Dairy Queen Cornwall and Seaway News. All Celebrate ads will be entered into the draw. One (1) weekly winner. Coupon to be picked up at Seaway News.


This week’s winner:



Kailey Mcleod

Pat Cunningham


Happy 66th Wedding Anniversary

HAPPY 100th


John & Geraldine (Parkman)





Mom will celebrate 100 years young on February 18, 2022.

This Mother, Grandmother, Great Grandmother, Aunt has always done things “Her Way!” Love from all your family

Hope it was a good one!!


Married on February 11,1956 - Seaway News - Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - 13

Celebrate To place your ad, call 613-933-0014 ext. 7258 or email



Un nouveau service de bibliothèque au Centre Benson NICK LAURIN

CORNWALL, Ontario - La Bibliothèque publique de Cornwall a lancé un nouveau service de bibliothèque de romans au Centre Benson le jeudi 10 février 2022. Le kiosque NovelBranch est une mini-bibliothèque qui contient 150 volumes de la collection de la bibliothèque de Cornwall. Le kiosque fonctionne un peu comme un distributeur automatique. Les personnes possédant une carte de la bibliothèque de Cornwall en règle peuvent utiliser le code à barres de leur carte pour accéder au kiosque et retirer les livres de leur choix. Grâce à la technologie d’identification par

radiofréquence (RFID), le kiosque permet de savoir quels livres sont retirés et quels livres sont retournés, et de communiquer ces informations au système informatique de la Bibliothèque publique de Cornwall. La directrice générale de la Bibliothèque publique de Cornwall, Helen McCutcheon, a déclaré que la bibliothèque surveillera de près l’utilisation du kiosque pour évaluer l’intérêt du service et les types de livres les plus populaires auprès des clients qui l’utilisent. Pour le moment, le kiosque contient des exemplaires des livres les plus populaires de la bibliothèque, notamment des romans pour jeunes adultes, des livres pour enfants, des thrillers, des mystères, des

romans d’amour, des romans d’action, des romans en français, etc. La bibliothèque ajoutera une boîte à suggestions au Benson Centre afin que les utilisateurs puissent soumettre leurs propres idées de contenu pour le kiosque. En plus d’utiliser une carte de bibliothèque pour accéder au kiosque, l’application pour téléphone portable de la bibliothèque peut également être utilisée. Le personnel de la bibliothèque sera présent au Benson Centre de 10 h à 16 h pour aider les nouveaux utilisateurs à se familiariser avec ce nouveau service. Le kiosque NovelBranch coûte environ 35 000 $ et son entretien coûtera à la bibliothèque environ 15 000 $ par an.

La directrice générale de la bibliothèque, Helen McCutcheon, retire quelques livres du kiosque NovelBranch de la bibliothèque publique de Cornwall, au Centre Benson, le jeudi 10 février 2022 (Nick Seebruch/ Seaway News).

Ouverture des inscriptions pour le financement du programme d’incitations régionales PROVIDED BY THE UNITED COUNTIES


Akwesasne et SDG Sondage


Soutenir la sensibilisation et l’action locale

LES COMTES, Ontario - Une nouvelle période d’admission pour le prochain cycle du programme d’incitatifs régionaux de Stormont, Dundas et Glengarry est maintenant ouverte. Les demandes pour le programme, qui est financé par SDG et administré en coopération par les comtés et les municipalités locales participantes, peuvent être soumises jusqu’au 25 février à midi. Les demandes doivent être soumises directement à l’agent de développement économique de votre municipalité locale.

Le programme d’incitations régionales a été lancé par SDG comme un outil pour aider à l’expansion et à la croissance de nouvelles entreprises au sein des comtés. Depuis 2018, les comtés ont investi plus de 600 000 dollars dans le programme d’incitations régionales. Cela a abouti à des projets de construction locaux d’une valeur de plus de 4,2 millions de dollars. Pour être admissibles au Programme d’incitatifs régionaux, les candidats doivent répondre à un certain nombre de critères et

démontrer qu’ils répondent à au moins une des initiatives économiques régionales identifiées par SDG. Les trois initiatives économiques régionales comprennent des projets qui : Stimulent l’investissement dans le tourisme et dans le secteur agricole en finançant des expansions diverses à la ferme et l’agrotourisme. Pour en savoir plus sur le programme, communiquez avec Tara Kirkpatrick à ou composez le 613-932-1515, poste 1227.


fevrier, 2022 - Cornwall Express -

L’Ontario est de plus en plus fort À la grandeur de la province, plus de travailleurs se tournent vers des métiers spécialisés alors que les ressources et les industries des régions du nord deviennent partie intégrante du futur de l’acier propre et des véhicules électriques. T:5.425"

Plus d’emplois sont créés alors que des ponts et des autoroutes se construisent, que le transport en commun se développe et que de nouvelles habitations se bâtissent pour une province en pleine croissance. Des entreprises d’ici fabriquent de plus en plus de produits sur lesquels nous comptons.

14 - Le mercredi 16

L’économie de l’Ontario se développe plus que jamais. Apprenez-en plus sur ce qui s’en vient à

Job Number: 11698296

Payé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario


Client/Brand: Ministry of Finance/Covid Recovery

Date: 2-9-2022 6:13 PM


.ithout When our company sells another buyer without another in the sale, we nvolved in the sale, we ommission to only 2%+hst. on to only 2%+hst. thinking of selling your home? savingS CLASSIFIEDS are substantial & simple 105

Properties for sale



Properties for sale

thinking your home? thinkingofofselling selling your home?

Deadline : Monday 4:00 PM Call centre business hours:

Properties for rent


Properties for rent

“Let us find you a place at no charge!”


of selling your home? homeowners will never pay more thanthinking 3-3/4%+hst E Maximize your results!which Enjoy the free publication commission includes full mls listing service, of your ad on unsure of where to go for advice as possibly the sales weekly local newspaper advertising representative untilor real sold, a E estate brokerage that Esold you your home is no longer active or in the real Eestate unique virtual tour and internet promotion. business? give us a call to discuss the sale of your Office 613-933-3283


Monday-Friday 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM

---------------------------- ONE BEDROOM ---------------------------28B MARLBOROUGH, upst 1bdrm, no app, no parking $750 Incl 3053 PITT ST #3, upst 1bdrm, f/s $825 Incl K6j 1a1 ---------------------------- TWO BEDROOMS ---------------------------23A GULF, main 2bdrm, f/s $1100+gas/elect 225A PITT ST, 2+bdrm, f/s $1600+elect; heat incl 328 FIRST ST E, sm upst 2bdrm, f/s $850 INCL MARCH ---------------------------- THREE BEDROOMS ---------------------------TO OUR ADVERTISERS : Please check your ad the first day it runs, if you find an error call us immediately. In the event that 345 B FIFTH ST W, upst small 3bdrm, no appl, no yard an error occurs, our responsability is limited exclusively to the charge for the first week of publication of your ad. All forms of K6j 1a1 discrimination are illegal. K6j 1a1K6j 1a1 $1250 Incl --------------------------- HAWKESBURY UNITS ---------------------properTY with no obligation. unsure of of where where to go for advice advice as possibly possibly the the sales sales 226 REGENT, HAWKESBURY, main 1bdrm, no parking for as $750+elect; heat Incl unsureunsure of where toto gogofor advice as possibly the sales representative or or real real estate estate brokerage brokerage that that sold sold you you 1035 CARTIER BLVD, 2bdrm CONDO UNIT # 5, f/s representative representative or real estate brokerage that sold you Third level, coin laundry $1050+elect your home is no longer active or in the real estate ---------------------------- HOUSES / SEMI --------------------------your home is no longer active orthe in the real estate 2 SNOWDON, 2+2bdrm bungalow $2195+gas/elect business? give us aa call to discuss sale of your business? give us call to discuss the sale of your 18939 HWY 2, fully furnished 2bdrm, short term/seasonal 105 Properties for sale 105 Properties for sale business? give properTY 685 Drivers / Transportation us a call tonodiscuss the sale of your Services divers 484 obligation. $2700+heat/elect WINTER MONTHS ONLY properTY with with no obligation. 2571 ROSS AVE, 3bdrm bungalow $2000+gas/elect properTY with no obligation. SENIOR MALE DRIVER 6556 RAE ROAD, 2bdrm house, no appl LÉGER'S TreasuAvailable to help during $1395+propane /elect res 613-937-0166. Covid-19. homeowners will never pay more than 3-3/4%+hst 18935 HWY 2, SUMMERSTOWN, 2bdrm bungalow, no appl Airport drives also. We buy house$1800 +elect Ottawa, Brockville, commission which includes full mls listing service, “Your Real Estate Team” hold, garage, stoKingston area. 1207 HENRY, 4bdrm main floor, f/s $2800 Incl MARCH rage items and 613-933-3267 weekly local newspaper advertising until sold, a Call 613-307-1531 16700 BLACK RIVER ROAD, LUNENBURG, 3+1 bdrm house, contents. $2500+oil/elect MARCH James (Jim) Lianne unique virtual tour and internet promotion. 15757 CONC 3-4 FINCH, 2+1 bdrm bungalow, appliances, Cornett Cornett $2000+propane/elect JUNE homeowners willstop never payWhen moreour thancompany 3-3/4%+hst Broker of Record Sales Representative Savings may not here. sells 245 YATES AVE & 440 CUMBERLAND AVE Eservice, commission which includes full mls listing ------------------- “CUMBERLAND GARDENS” ------------------Wanted Wanted THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME? homeowners your home directly to pay a buyer will never morewithout than 3-3/4%+hst 298 298 K6janother 1a1 NO UNITS CURRENTLY AVAILABLE weekly local newspaper advertising until sold, a LET OUR REDUCED COMMISSION

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2022 FULL SERVICE Savings may not stop here. When our company sells your home directly to a buyer without another savingS areofsubstantial simple thinking selling your&home? J. CORNETT REAL ESTATE, real estate brokerageBROKERAGE involved in the sale, we are 2%+hst. substantial & simple will further reduce our commission tosavingS only savingS are substantial & simple

e negotiable% by law. savingS are substantial & simple Commission rates are negotiable by law.

2 law. ittiable propertiesby already real estate brokerage involved the sale, we homeowners will never pay more than 3-3/4%+hst commission which includes full mlsin listing service,

** LANDLORDS/ INVESTORS ** unique virtual internet promotion. PLAN WORKproperties FOR YOU!!! unsure of where to tour goour forand advice as possibly the sales will further commission to only 2%+hst. Not intended toPropertysolicit already commission which includes full mls listing weekly localreduce newspaper advertising until sold, aservice, owners will never pay more than 3.75% representative or real estate brokerage that sold you ** ATTENTION LANDLORDS! ** LOOKING TO RENT +sellsHSTyourcommission. Commission rates areWhen negotiable by law. Furthermore if our Brokerage Savings mayvirtual not stop here. our company sells unique tour and internet promotion. weekly local newspaper advertising until sold, a your home is no longer active or in the real estate home without any other real estate for sale. Nothome intended to solicit properties your directly to a buyer withoutalready another 3 BEDROOM HOME listed company being involved, we will further reduce CELEBRATING 31 YEARS IN BUSINESS IN 2022! business? give ustour alisted calland to the sale of your unique virtual internet promotion. fordiscuss sale. our commission to 2%. Please call for information for our Management & One Time Rental Services

We have several potential tenants looking for rental units, if you have a unit and looking for a tenant, please give us a call to discuss how we can assist you!

real estate involved in the sale, we Savings may compared notbrokerage stop here. our company sells Need May 1st but cansavings move in anytime if neededto paying with noWhen obligation. seller savingsproperTY to HST. paying a hypothetical 5% commission including HST. seller compared a hypothetical 5% commission including Our team has over 35 years of real estate COMMISSION RATES ARE NEGOTIABLE BY LAW. our NOT INTENTED TO SOLICIT PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE. will further reduce commission to only 2%+hst. experience and will provide you with full service your home directly to a buyer without another 4 adults and mid-sized dog, parking for 3,

We are very proud to have served Cornwall & Surrounding area for the past 31 years with property management & janitorial services and hope to continue for many more! Our Success is having excellent working relations with our clients’, tenants’, and local businesses! Norm, Cheryl & Staff

or sale.



By appointmentsavingS are substantial & simple

Call 613-330-9683 or 613-330-9685

Commission rates are negotiable by law. Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale. real estate brokerage listed for sale. in the sale, wepublic access, due to social & physical distancing measures in place. involved

seller savings compared rates to paying a hypothetical 5% commission including HST. Commission are negotiable law. 2%+hst. government to assist in navigating this pandemic! STAY SAFE & BE WELL will further our commission tobyonly COMMISSION RATES AREreduce NEGOTIABLE BY LAW. NOT INTENTED TO SOLICIT PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE.

From the Management & Staff … Please follow all guidelines provided by the

Not intended to solicit properties already Commission are negotiable by law. Byrates appointment

Properties for sale


Properties for sale


Properties for sale


listed pay for sale. homeowners will more than 3-3/4%+hst Properties for never sale Properties for sale 105intended 105 105 Not solicit properties seller savings comparedto to paying a hypothetical 5% commission including already HST. commission which includes full mls listing service, COMMISSION RATES ARE NEGOTIABLE BY LAW. NOT INTENTED TO SOLICIT PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE. listed for sale. weekly local newspaper advertising until sold, a seller savings compared to paying a hypothetical 5% commission including HST. By appointment COMMISSION RATES ARE NEGOTIABLE BY LAW.tour NOT INTENTED TO SOLICIT PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE. unique virtual and internet promotion.

Properties for sale

Properties for sale


Properties for sale


ROYAL LePAGE By appointment PERFORMANCE REALTY ED TO SOLICIT PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE. Savings may not stop here. When our company sells your home directly to a buyer without another real estate brokerage involved in the sale, we will further reduce our commission to only 2%+hst. Commission rates are negotiable by law. Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale.

Cornwall 613-938-3860 • Alexandria 613-525-3039 Hawkesbury 613-632-7091 By appointment

ntment mmission including HST.

seller savings compared to paying a hypothetical 5% commission including HST. COMMISSION RATES ARE NEGOTIABLE BY LAW. NOT INTENTED TO SOLICIT PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE.


All agents are Sales Representatives unless otherwise shown as *Broker. intended to solicit agency contracts currently in place. ‡Ranked by Great Places to Work® Institute Canada, 2008-2020


345 SYDNEY STREET Extremely Rare Downtown Executive home ready for your home based office or family home. True craftsmanship featuring high baseboards, ceiling medallions, woodwork and sconces, beautiful kitchen and bathrooms, 5 bedrooms, and large detached garage make this a great place to call home. $699,900 MLS®1274029. PETER HICKEY 613-551-6776

SOLD - Seaway News - Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - 15

rties already thetical 5% commission including HST. 105



Savings may not stop here. When our company sells COMMISSIONbackyard RATES(fenced ARE NEGOTIABLE NOTMLS,INTENTED TOadvertising, SOLICIT PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE. free market analysis, Commission rates are negotiable by law. if possible). BY LAW.including By appointment real estate brokerage involved in the sale, we open houses and much more. your home directly to a buyer without another N O T I C E – COVID 19 Not intended to solicit properties already $2,000 per month. Will pay first & last. LET OUR EXPERIENCE WORK FOR YOU! will further reduce our commission to only 2%+hst. Please be advised that we are OPEN & our office is operating as usual, with the exception of




710 COTTON MILL ST #310 This 2 bedroom industrial loft style condo is the turn key, low maintenance option you’ve been waiting for. Boasting beautiful finishings throughout. Within walking distance you’ll find multiple services in the courtyard like a pharmacy, medical/dental and a bistro. $358,000 MLS®1277550 JEN BLAIR MANLEY 613-551-4133


574 JASE This 2+1 bedroom home offers immediate possession. Good investment opportunity or option for first time Buyers. Close to schools and other amenities. $325,000 MLS®1278114 JEN BLAIR MANLEY 613-551-4133

15890 CONCESSION 5-6 This 2+1 bdrm bung with dbl attached garage on a one acre lot. Solid wood kitchen cabinetry. Dining area with patio door access to the backyard. Spacious living room, 4 pc. Bath with tub/ shower combo. Basement finished with rec room and guest bedroom. Detached single car garage/ workshop. $489,500 MLS®1276374 JEN BLAIR MANLEY 613-551-4133


252 GILLIS ST, CORNWALL Nicely finished with custom cabinetry and quartz counters in kitchen and bathroom. Spacious open concept layout. Two main floor bedrooms. Hardwood and ceramic flooring. Partially finished basement. $575,000 MLS®1276430 JEN BLAIR MANLEY 613-551-4133


TRACEY, Ronalda E.


With profound sadness our family announces the passing of our remarkable Ronalda at 82 years of age. Wonderful wife to Henry Tracey and loving mother to Claire (Robert), Carol (Tom), Heather (Sylvain) and predeceased by her infant daughter Monique. Mom to chosen daughter Jodie. Friend and sister to Betty. She will be reunited with her parents, Pearl and Ranald Pecore, and her brothers, Leonard and Rod. Loving grandmother to numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews and friend to many extended family. Ronalda knew a long and very involved lifetime in dentistry with Dr. Bill Taylor, Dr. John Taylor and subsequently many years with Dr. Ven Topouzov, as well as many staff over the years. She was an aide and confident to many, many patients over the years. The family wishes to thank the staff at the Cornwall Community Hospital and Doctors especially the ICU staff. They were very caring. A special thank you to Monique Cote for the years of care and love. Funeral arrangements entrusted to the M. John Sullivan Funeral Home, 341 Pitt Street, Cornwall ON. As expressions of sympathy donations may be made to the Diabetes Association and the Ottawa Heart Institute. A Celebration of Ronalda’s Life to be held at a later date. Condolences may be left at



A Division of Munro & Morris Funeral Home

Love you Mom and Dad. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Lionel LeBlanc on Saturday, February 5th, 2022. at the Cornwall Community Hospital at the age of 82 years. Beloved husband of 46 years to Sylvia LeBlanc (née Shorey). Loving father of David LeBlanc (Kathy), Cheryl Summers, Kim Grant (Shawn Kelly), Mark Filion, Steven Filion (Angie) all of Cornwall, Michael LeBlanc (Marjorie) of Long Sault and Blaine Filion (Kelly) of Glen Walter. Cherished grandfather of many grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. Dear brother of Muriel Fields (William), Carolyn Brim both of Cornwall and Bernie LeBlanc (Rita) of Williamstown. He is predeceased by his parents; Eugene LeBlanc and Leoda LeBlanc (née Lauzon). His daughter; Karen LeBlanc and by his twin brother; Gabriel (Gibby) LeBlanc and his brother Ronnie LeBlanc and by his late wife, Doris LeBlanc (nee Lauzon). As per Lionel’s wishes cremation as taken place. Attendance controlled visitation will be held at the Wilson Funeral Home, 822 Pitt St. Cornwall, ON (613-938-3888) on Saturday February 19th, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Due to capacity restrictions, we encourage guests to reserve a time at or phone 613938-3888 to attend the visitation and the service. Masks and physical distancing are required at all gatherings. As expressions of sympathy, Memorial donations to the Heart & Stroke Foundation or Cornwall Hospice would be appreciated by the family. Condolences may be made online at


Death notices

Prayers / thank you cards


Prayers / thank you cards


Death notices

Thank you

The family of the late Shirley (Trudell) Pilon and the late Gerald Pilon

wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to relatives and friends for their many condolences, mass cards, flowers and donations to the Alzheimer’s Society and the Canadian Cancer Society. A big thank you to Rev. Matthew Brunet as well as Terry, Margo and Lazzarina from St. Peter’s Parish. Thank you to Tammy McCrae for the beautiful music. Thank you to the doctors and nurses on 2nd floor rehab and JMP. Thank you to Marie-Claude from M. John Sullivan Funeral home, for helping us plan a lovely and fitting tribute for our parents.


Death notices


Death notices


HATFIELD, Inez Lillian (Tilton)


December 26, 1920 – February 8, 2022


Death notices

After a long life well lived, our dear mother passed away in her 102nd year at the Empress Kanata on February 8, 2022. She was predeceased by her beloved husband Earl, parents Earle and Beatrice Tilton, sister Melba Julien, brother Garnet Tilton and great-grandson Garrett Watcke. Left with countless loving memories are her children – Sandra Watcke (Richard), Sharon Kennedy (Daniel) and Shelley Fredericks (Colin); her grandchildren – Craig Watcke (Molly), Marc Watcke (Kelly), Alison Kennedy, Jeremy Kennedy (Elizabeth), Steven Kennedy (Tabetha Pickup) and Jillian Fredericks (Graham Wight); her great-grandchildren – Hannah Watcke, Emma and Daniel Watcke, Andrew, Rachael and Evelyn Kennedy, Harper and Hudson Wight. She will also be fondly remembered by extended family and friends. Inez was especially proud of her family. She had a kind and loving heart, a beautiful smile and was a true friend. Inez had a tremendous sense of style and she never went anywhere without adding her coordinating earrings, necklace, and bracelet. An avid bridge player for over 70 years, Inez especially enjoyed playing duplicate bridge. Inez was a working mom who loved to cook and entertain, to sew clothes for herself and daughters, creatively decorate her home, and enjoyed playing golf. Inez and Earl travelled extensively, including trips to England, Malaysia, Singapore, across Canada and throughout the United States. Inez’s family would like to express their heartfelt gratitude for the exceptional kind and compassionate care provided by the staff of the Empress Kanata, CLIN Personal Care workers, and the Palliative Care Team of Bayshore HealthCare. Internment and a memorial service will be held at the St. Lawrence Valley Cemetery, Ingleside, Ontario, in the spring. In memoriam donations to a charity of choice. Sharing memories and online condolences at


Death notices


Death notices


Death notices



STANG, Jeffrey Raymond



- Seaway News -

STEWART, Keith Frank - passed away peacefully at the Cornwall Community Hospital on February 7, 2022. Keith was born in Cornwall Township on January 27, 1934. He and his siblings Neil, Duane, Dale and Lois grew up along the shores of the canal where they happily spent their time fishing, swimming and skating. They worked hard, even weeding carrots for a local farmer, earning 5c/day to pay for a movie. Keith worked for Domtar for 41 years as a machinist and retired as Mechanical Superintendent in 1993. It was outside of work that he made the most impact. STEWART, Keith had an outstanding career as a motorcycle racer for 9 years, sponsored Keith Frank by BSA New Jersey for 6 of those. Racing took him across Canada and the US, resulting in him winning the Canadian Road Racing, Ontario and Canadian ½ Mile Flat Track, and Canadian Grass Track Championships. Keith was a proud member of the Monument of Champions at Daytona Beach and was into the Cornwall Sports Hall of Fame. Keith also excelled in hockey LAHAIE & inducted and lacrosse as a goalie, both as a player and a coach for many years. SULLIVAN Keith loved being outdoors and enjoyed hunting and fishing which took Cornwall him from Newfoundland to BC and Alaska. He and his dad built “the camp” Funeral Homes in the early 60s which gave family and friends the opportunity to go boating, hunting, fishing or just to experience rustic living. There were many laughs and stories about the camp that continues to provide a chance to get away from it all. Keith could build or rebuild anything. His woodworking skills developed into furniture making and led to teaching at GVSS post-retirement. Keith, Neil and Dale were always working together to repair and build their homes and toys. His beloved fruit trees and garden continue to produce a bounty of food which he generously shared with local food banks. Keith and Waveney loved their trips to Mexico, Cuba and Hawaii. He actually got a bit lazy in the sun and could spend his day lying on the beach soaking in the heat. They also enjoyed Alaskan cruises, trips to northern US and all across Canada. Keith was the beloved husband of Waveney Stewart (Stuart) and father of Brian and Shawna. Pre-deceased by Shelley Ann (infant daughter), parents Captain Frank Stewart and Helen Stewart (Dawson) sister Lois Cherry (Don) and brother Dale (Marlene). Survived by siblings Neil (Olga) and Duane (Irene) and many nieces and nephews. Funeral arrangements are under the care and direction of Lahaie and Sullivan Cornwall Funeral Homes, West Branch (613-932-8482). By request, cremation has taken place. A Memorial Service will be held at St. John’s Presbyterian Church on Friday, February 18th, 2022 at 1pm. In keeping with current guidelines of the Church, attendees must show proof of double vaccination. Please send an RSVP to admin@ or call 613-932-8693. A private family service will be held at the St. Lawrence Valley Cemetery at a later date. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to Cornwall Hospice or St. John’s Presbyterian Church. Messages of condolence may be left at


In Memoriam

There is not a minute that goes by we don’t miss you.


16 - Wednesday, February 16, 2022


Robert Lalonde March 1, 2012 Rachelle Lalonde February 18, 2021



In Memoriam





Cornwall Funeral Homes

It is with great sadness the family announces his passing on Friday February 11, 2022 at the age of 56. Devoted and loving husband of Suzanne (neé Levac) and proud father of Sydney Anne. Jeff will always be cherished by his siblings; Kevin Stang (Nam) of Cornwall, Cathy Carson (Brent) of Charlotte, North Carolina, Shelley Coleman (Jeff) of Monkland and Brent Stang (Andrea) of Ingleside. He will be missed by his mother-inlaw Catherine (née Kenny) Levac (the late George Levac), and his in-laws Gilles Levac (Karen) of Cornwall, Sara Blacker (Dan) of Ottawa and Allison Levac (Gregg Robideau) of Oxford Mills. Treasured uncle to Cynthia, Tasha, Josh, Jordan, Braeden, Spencer, the late Matthew, James, Nathan, William, Hunter and Morgan and his grand-nephew Jaxon. Predeceased by his parents Bernard (Kelly) Stang and Elizabeth “Betty” (neé Poirier). He has now been reunited with his dear friends Antonio Teodoro and Andy Tardiff. Jeff loved to share his in depth knowledge of movies. He loved a practical joke and regaled many family gatherings with his mischievous exploits. His infectious smile and laugh were hard to resist. Jeff had a deep love of dogs and his pets were his cherished companions. In his childhood, Jeff enjoyed building Legos and he turned that passion into an avid collection as an adult, which he shared with his daughter, nieces and nephews. A private Service will be held at Lahaie & Sullivan Cornwall Funeral Homes West Branch, 20 Seventh Street West (613-932-8482). Spring interment will follow at Notre Dame Cemetery. As expressions of sympathy donations to the Diabetes Canada, would be appreciated by the family. Messages of condolence may be left at

Younger Generation and Home Ownership a large stumbling block in the way of our younger generations ability to become first time home owners. Multiple offers and competing with the older generations that have the money to outbid has certainly been a big ROYAL LEPAGE thorn in a lot of the Milennial and Gen Zer`s PERFORMANCE sides these past couple of years. While the REALTY market predictions for 2022 are much the LINDA GIROUX-DAIGLE, same as the last 2 years, home prices are SALES REPRESENTATIVE still on the rise due to demand for housing steadily increasing while inventory remains Just married? Have that dream job and it`s very low. People wanting to sell their homes time to leave the nest an go on your own? are just unsure if they should in this market. What`s next? Home Ownership? In today`s housing market, many young This past couple of years has certainly put buyers are relying on their parents to help


them. Parents need to be careful however when going down that path. There could be tax implications for either party. If they are listed on the mortgage as well, It could affect their children`s First Time Home Buyer incentives. There are many things to consider when making that decision, make sure to sit down and talk with a Realtor® they are educated when it comes to this area. Don`t rely on Google for all of your information. Different rules apply to different provinces, municipalities etc. Realtors` are in the know and are consistently updated when any changes are made or new information arises. Milennials and Gen Zer`s, take this time

and opportunity to save money and build up a nice deposit or even consider an income property to start off. There are also many programs available through The Canadian Government for First Time Home Buyers such as The First-Time Home Buyers Incentive, Land Transfer Tax Rebate and Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP) program to name a few. Do your research, speak to a Sales Representative and create a good game plan. This market will not last forever, your home ownership days are coming. Stay the course.

support your LOCAL services

Prayers / thank you cards

Thank you to St. Jude for favours received. A promise to have his prayer published. M.C.R. 349780



Wood Stoves Hardwood Pellets Pellet Stove Cleaning / Repairs Harman Pellet Stove Sales


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by 11:00 a.m. local time on: Thursday, March 3rd, 2022

Office 613 936-1924 Cell 613 362-0842 809 Pitt Street, Cornwall •

The Form of Tender will be available on Merx and the Township of South Glengarry’s website, on Thursday, February 17th, 2022. Tenders will be opened virtually shortly after the tender closing.


NOTICE: It is our wish to serve you through the classifieds, however, Seaway News can’t possibly verify the legitimacy of all ads. DO NOT SEND MONEY OR GIVE YOUR CREDIT CARD NUMBER to any company offering employment. Legitimate firms do not charge potential employees for a job. Opportunities to earn money at home by assembling products, etc. should be examined carefully. Check references of these companies. Do not send money or give your credit card number until you are satisfied you are going to get what you bargained for. Let the buyer beware.


Pamela Latreille Tel: 613-935-9444 Cell: 613-551-6414


PUBLISHER’S LIABILITY FOR ERROR: The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher’s liability for other errors or omissions in connection with any advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement. Toute reproduction des annonces ou informations, en tout ou en partie, de façon officielle ou non-officielle, est interdite sans la permission écrite de

501 Campbell Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, ON K6H 6X5 Rick Shaver, Publisher TEL: 613-933-0014 FAX: 613-933-0024 HOURS: Monday to Friday: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm - CLOSED 12:00 -1:00 PM FOR LUNCH . PUBLISHER EMERITUS: Dick Aubry



Professional Cleaning


If you should require further information, please contact Dave Robertson, Fire Chief Township of South Glengarry, 6 Oak Street, Lancaster ON, K0C 1N0 Inquiries must be received in writing (email) no later than February 25th, 2022 2022 4:00 PM local time.

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l’éditeur. Responsabilité de l’éditeur en matière de réclame : l’éditeur ne peut être tenu responsable des changements mineurs ou des erreurs typographiques qui n’affectent pas la valeur d’une réclame. En ce qui concerne les autres erreurs, sa responsabilité se limite strictement à la publication de l’annonce dans une édition subséquente ou le remboursement des frais de publication. The views of contributing writers are not necessarily the viewpoints of this newspaper or its publishers.

PUBLISHED BY: Published by icimédias inc. DISTRIBUTED BY: D&D Distribution. PRINTING: Transcontinental Qualimax, 130, Adrien-Robert Street, Gatineau, QC J8Y 3S2 Marc-Noël Ouellette, General-Manager icimédias Renel Bouchard, President icimédias - Seaway News - Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - 17

TENDERS on forms supplied by the Township of South Glengarry will be received in via email clearly marked as “Tender No. 13-2022, Purchase of 4x4 Pickup Truck (Fire Services) addressed to: Kelli Campeau, General Manager of Corporate Services/Clerk at the Township of South Glengarry, 6 Oak Street, Lancaster, ON K0C 1N0





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Scuttlebutt is a free forum to express views, give thanks and a little gossip or rumour. Seaway News has the right to edit, or refuse submissions. Send an email to:

Doe Dube thanks the grades One and Two class at Bishop MacDonell for the prescious handmade heart shaped Valentine sent to us Monday through the volunteers of Meals on Wheels, Glen-Stor-Dun Lodge. Bless their teachers for teaching them thoughtfulness. It is so appreciated.

Have a community comment you’d like to share? Email for it to appear in Scuttlebutt. Reader says: I am asking that the NEW TRANSIT Manager reinstate the cuts to routes to McConnell, Cumberland, Sunrise, on December 10.2018. Management said it was necessary as the buses were running late. A lot of issues are related to why buses run late. Weather, bus breakdown, detours, etc. Management always said, “Its better to run Did you know that Cornwall’s firefighters receive regular ice rescue training? A handful of new late than early” So I am asking the New recruits got to experience just how difficult — and cold — ice rescues can be, during a training Manager of Transit to reverse the route cuts session at Marina 200 earlier this week. to McConnell, Cumberland, Sunrise, from December 10.2018. Sunrise was the only route to serve Marleau at the top of Hamilton so lets get these changes back. Make cus- I will pick up your papers, print the copy of your Tax Return, bring it back to you and efile it. tomers happy, that’s what attracts more cusOr you can see me in my office. tomers. Lets Get it ON Cornwall Transit. AVERAGE $SINGLE SPOUSAL RETURN 40+HST $60+HST Have a cute pet that needs to be shared with the world? Email their photo and a short caption to CALL VOJTO: for it to appear in our Pet Corner. Seen on Facebook: Thanks to the kind perCongratulations to Francis Racine, former son in the white KIA who paId for my coffee at Standard-Freeholder journalist who is now the Tim’s on 9th Pitt. It made my day? I passed new Communications Officer with the City of on the kindness to the one behind me. Cornwall. He has some big shoes to fill left Kudos to Jas-Mar Paint Blinds Wallpaper The Seaway Valley Theatre Company is behind by Emma Meldrum, but he’s going to Shutters for their excellent, friendly service now holding auditions for There Goes do a great job. We look forward to continuing behind their products. -A happy customer of the Bride. Email for more to work with you at Seaway News. late, information. 348981



TAX RETURN AT HOME 613-347-1052

GO TO CornwallHospitalFoundation/videos/

From the City of Cornwall: There may still be snow on the ground, but it’s never too early to sign up to be a student volunteer with the 2022 Summer Playground Program! Applications for the program, which starts in early July, are now being accepted and can be filled by visiting summer-playground-program.aspx. Employment opportunities as a Park Leader will also be available in the coming months.

From the City of Cornwall: Something exciting is coming to Lamoureux Park and the Glen-Stor-Dun Lodge in the coming days. Can you guess what it is?


NEW Sauced & Tossed


Chicken Strip Basket With fries and your choice of dipping sauce


18 - Wednesday, February 16, 2022

- Seaway News -


Add a BRISK® Iced Tea

#HappyTastesGood Open for Take Out, Dine In & Drive Thru until 9 pm

Pitt & 13th St., Cornwall 613-938-6772

What a great couple celebrating Valentine’s Day like so many other locals…congrats Chris and Amanda Rohde.

Teacher: “If I gave you 2 cats and another 2 cats and another 2, how many would you have?” Johnny: “Seven.” Teacher: “No, listen carefully... If I gave you two cats, and another two cats and another two, how many would you have?” Johnny: “Seven.” Teacher: “Let me put it to you differently. If I gave you two apples, and another two apples and another two, how many would you have?” Johnny: “Six.” Teacher: “Good. Now if I gave you two cats, and another two cats and another two, how many would you have?” Johnny: “Seven!” Teacher: “Johnny, where in the heck do you get seven from?!” Johnny: “Because I’ve already got a freaking cat!”

Tucker Abraham looking handsome with his handkerchief. Email your favourite pet photo along with a small caption and we’ll publish it so all our readers can enjoy it, too!

We’re Hiring


Class A Diesel Mechanic

Employment Opportunities

The Township of South Glengarry has a career opportunity for a self-motivated individual. Reporting to the Roads Manager, the Mechanic is responsible to diagnose and warrant the maintenance of all Township heavy equipment.

most recent job postings from Cornwall employers

4 benefits of working for a family business No matter what industry they’re in, family businesses are unique. If you’re loo­king for a new job, here are some of the advantages of working for one. 1. They offer a sense of belonging. If you don’t want to feel like a number, joining a family-owned business is the right choice. You’ll likely be part of a small, close-knit team that’s truly invested in your well-being. 2. They subscribe to strong values. Family businesses are generally driven by strong values such as reliability, trust, respect, solidarity and transparency. These values are reflected in the way they treat their customers, sup­pliers, partners and employees. 3. They tend to endure for a long time. Since family businesses are passed down from one generation to the next, they continue to develop and grow over the years. This changing of hands keeps things fresh and ensures the com­­pany continues to thrive. 4. They have a good reputation. Family businesses have a strong interest in pro­tecting their reputation to encourage pride in the family name. They not only want to present a positive image to their customers, but they

also want their em­ployees to speak well of them. If you want to be part of a company run by a devoted and caring team, consider working for a family business.

This is a full-time unionized position based on scheduled eight (8) to ten (10) hour shifts and will include emergency response and overtime. This position maintains a current hourly rate of $38.00 The ideal candidate will have the following experience and preferred qualifications: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Ontario Secondary School Diploma or equivalent. A valid truck and coach license (310T) and automotive license (310S). A valid Ontario Class A or D driver’s license, with a Z endorsement, is considered an asset. 3-5 years experience on the repair of diesel powered equipment Must be capable of operating municipal construction and maintenance equipment Must be capable of working with a minimum amount of direct supervision. Must have the ability to write standard, legible service reports, read and understand service manuals. Must have working knowledge and understand the Provincial Health and Safety Legislation. Qualified and interested candidates should submit their cover letter and resume via email to: Cyndi DeVries, Human Resources Advisor @ no later than Friday February 25, 2022 4:00pm. For a detailed job description, visit the Careers page at

In accordance with the “Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act”, personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, and will be used for the purpose of candidate selection. Accommodations of persons with disabilities are available for all parts of the recruitment and selection process. Applicants need to make their required accommodations known in advance to the Human Resources Advisor, or designate. 350198


To deliver the AD-BAG in your area.

Water Treatment Operator

* Delivery areas available * Extra income * WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY delivery * Responsible and disciplined * Good physical condition

The Corporation of the Township of South Glengarry is currently seeking a Water Treatment Operator. Reporting to the Director of Water/Wastewater Operations the Water Treatment Operator will require the following skills and qualifications:


CARRIERS For All Areas Including Rural Drivers

This is a full-time unionized position offering an attractive compensation and benefits package and an excellent working environment. Salary range $27.54/hr - $28.39/hr

4 Carriers - City & Rural 4 Inside Inserters - Work inside warehouse - Get paid by the piece 4 Walkers - Work with manager on selected routes delivering by the house

Qualified and interested applicants should submit their cover letter and resume to Cyndi DeVries, Human Resources Advisor no later than 9:00am, February 24, 2022 by e-mail to We thank all applicants for their interest however, we will only respond to those selected for an interview. In accordance with the “Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act”, personal information is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended and will be used for the purpose of candidate selection.



Please contact Patrick Carriere at

Accommodations of persons with disabilities are available for all parts of the recruitment and selection process. Applicants need to make their required accommodations known in advance to the Human Resources Advisor or designate.

350096 - Seaway News - Wednesday, February 16, 2022 - 19

• Experience in Water/Wastewater Treatment and hold a minimum Class 2 Water Treatment Certificate which meets the requirements under the Ontario Regulation 128/04, Wastewater Treatment Class 2 Certificate which meets the requirements under the Ontario Regulation 129/04. (If not in current possession working towards both Level 2 Water and Level 2 Wastewater certification) • Minimum 1-2 years of experience in a public- sector work environment. • Effective verbal and listening communications skills • Maintain a valid Drivers’ License and clean driver’s abstract. • Demonstrated computer proficiency • Available for on-call schedules • Electrical and Mechanical experience will be considered an asset

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save $10


Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts 8-12 BREASTS 1.36 kg

SAVE $ 3 Shepherd’s Pie SAVE $ 3 Supreme Homestyle Lasagna

1999 save




Slow Cooked Beef Pot Roast 907 g


SAVE $ 5 Cabbage Rolls Also available,

4 lb Entrées

Lasagna 1.81 kg

1.81 kg

$19.99 save $2 Barbecue Teriyaki



1599 SAVE 3

Garlic Shrimp 9-12 PIECES 340 g


Tudor Centre


841 Sydney St. 613-937-3778 (in the Tudor Centre)


Sydney St.

Pitt St.

SAVE $ 4 Beef and Vegetable

Deep Dish Pies 907 g



SAVE $ 3 Chicken

Ninth St.

20 - Wednesday, February 16, 2022

- Seaway News -






Marinated Sirloin Steaks 4 STEAKS x 142 g/5 oz

1999 SAVE 4 $

ALL PRICES IN EFFECT THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17 TO WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2022 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Prices of products that feature the M&M Food Market Rewards Special logo are exclusive to members of the M&M Food Market Rewards program. Simply present your membership card, or sign up for a free membership in store or online, to take advantage of these exclusive offers. Products and prices may vary by region. Limits or restrictions may apply. Products may not be exactly as shown. M&M Food Market Express and other non-traditional stores offer a limited range of products; therefore special pricing and promotions are not valid at M&M Food Market Express or other non-traditional stores. Some illustrations in this flyer do not necessarily represent items on sale and are for design only. We reserve the right to correct any errors. Commercial resale of our products is prohibited. Trade-marks, service marks and logos displayed in this flyer are trade-marks of M&M Meat Shops Ltd. and others. Any duplication (including posting online) without the written consent of M&M Meat Shops Ltd. is prohibited. ©2022 M&M Meat Shops Ltd.

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