The Cornwall Fire Service will continue to have a leadership team consisting of a Fire Chief and two Deputy Fire Chiefs within its organizational structure. Recruitment efforts will begin shortly for Chief Stephenson’s replacement who will work in parallel with Leighton Woods in the other Deputy Chief role.
Chief Matt Stephenson replaces Jeff Weber who retired in July, In addition to leading the department, he will continue to oversee several projects that are planned over the next couple of years including the completion of a new Fire Hall as well as an update to the City’s Fire Master Plan.

WHAT’S INSIDE Happy Retirement, Cookie! P3 Meet The Maker P12 Cornwall Means Business P13 Recommended Reads P17 Community Events P18&19 Cornwall Express P22&23

“I am excited to serve the residents of our community as Fire Chief and look for ward to the challenges this new role will present,” said Chief Stephenson.
613-932-7210 • Quality Doors & Windows 2855 Marleau Ave., Cornwall, Ontario Bus. 337083 Great Service Exceptional Value 342652 ALL UNDER ONE ROOF - 820 CAMPBELL ST., CORNWALL - OPEN TO PUBLIC MONDAY-FRIDAY 7AM-5PM ATTENTION ALL ROOFERS! WE ARE YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR ALL YOUR ROOFING MATERIALS WE ARE HIRING - APPLY TODAY! 358755613.519.4933 DON’T LET YOUR AC FAIL YOU THISPRECISION$SUMMER59.99TUNEUPWITHWECAREMEMBERSHIP 371520 374756 CORNWALL’S ONLY LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED HEARING AID CLINIC! Easy Access – Free Parking – Saturday Bookings 1328 Pitt St., Welcoming all WSIB, CSST, DVA and ODSP providers Hear the sounds that matter most! 375104 37 YEARS 1985-2022 SERVING CORNWALL & AREA SINCE 1985WWW.CORNWALLSEAWAYNEWS.COMWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 | VOLUME 38 ISSUE 3

“I am honoured to take on this import ant role and the challenges and responsibilities that go with it. I feel extremely proud to be part of such an amazing organization.”
Chief Matt Stephenson
“Through strong leadership and cooper ation, I will work collaboratively with council, our Fire Service personnel, com munity members, city staff and our County Fire Services to excel Cornwall Fire Services into the future.”
submitted photo

There’s a new Fire Chief in town

How do you qualify? Well, you must live in the city — either own, rent or live in shared accommodations — or be what is called a non-resident elector. That’s someone who owns or rents a property in the city but who doesn’t live here.
Cornwall, ON – The Cornwall Police Service (CPS) has purchased a new Armoured Rescue Vehicle (ARV) to enhance officer and public safety. The vehicle will provide members of the Cornwall Emergency Response Team (CERT) greater capacity to handle high-risk situations that would require an elevated level of protection.
The funds to purchase the ARV were taken from the existing 2022 CPS Fleet Budget, after learning that no new standard police vehicles were available for purchase due to supply chain delays. This created an oppor tunity to realign funds already contained in the 2022 Fleet Budget, and put them towards the purchase of the ARV; therefore, not incur ring any additional costs to taxpayers.
think! For example, if you really can’t get out and vote on October 24, you can attend one of the many advance polls to cast your ballot.Soon
4. Soyez prudent lors du paiement: l’adresse du site doit commencer par « https » et une icône de cadenas fermé ou de clé (intacte) devrait se trouver en bordure de la barre d’adresse. Vérifiez la devise et le coût total (taxes, livraison, etc.) avant de payer et ne fournissez que les renseignements nécessaires — votre numéro d’assurance sociale n’en fait pas partie!

The CPS has purchased a demo-model ARV from Zodiac Engineering at a cost of $95,000.00 before taxes. After comparing a variety of options, it was recognized that there would be significant savings as a result of it being a demo-model, with brand new ARV’s being sold at costs exceeding $400,000.00. Despite being a demo, the vehicle joins the CPS fleet having never been deployed in any police operations.
s’il a bonne réputation — lisez les commentaires des clients.

The Fall Clinics will be every Tuesday and run for 6 weeks; a Winter program is also contemplated. enroll, call FBC at 613-936-6643; between 9 - noon someone is usually there to answer calls, or any time; please leave your name and number and your call will be returned.
First Baptist Church (FBC), Cornwall is PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE that legendary SD&G basketball coach, Bob Thompson will be conducting free youth (age 7 – 19; boys and girls)
and weapons. The ARV offers the necessary ballistic coverage to protect the occupants of the vehicle and is solely used for rescue pur poses, without having any offensive capabil ities. The vehicle will only be used in high-risk incidents and for police training purposes. It will not be used for random or routine patrol calls for service.
105 St. Paul Street, Alexandria ON
Did you know that the upcoming 2022 Municipal Elections are less than two months away? That’s right, Cornwall residents will be heading to the polls on October 24.
For more information to to book a tour, call DIANE at 613-525-4440 or email:
Anyone wanting to vote must be a Canadian citizen, be 18-years of age or older (on Oct 24) and qualify to vote in the City of Cornwall.
Once deployed this fall, the ARV will be used by CERT in situations involving injured person rescue, citizen evacuation, negotia tions, barricaded persons and when respond ing to high-risk warrants involving firearms
CPS Reveals New Armoured Rescue Vehicle
Basketball Clinics
In 2021, police responded to 49 incidents involving weapons, which is up 6.5% from the previous year. So far in 2022, CERT has been deployed in two situations involving firearms where the ARV would be instrumental in evacuating citizens from an imminent threat in the area.
Avec la crise de la COVID-19, vous avez adopté le magasinage en ligne? Voici quelques conseils pour faire vos achats de façon sécuritaire: 1. Apprenez à reconnaître les indices de fraude : des offres trop alléchantes, des sites Web peu professionnels et des demandes de renseignements bancaires alors que votre panier est vide sont autant de signes louches.
You will of course be able to vote at those four locations on the actual day of the elections.TheCity of Cornwall’s website is also a great way to learn more about who has put their name in for a spot around the council table.Inall, there are a total of 11 positions that need to be filled — one mayor and 10 councillors.Youcanfind all their names under the List of Candidates tab.
The Clinics will be open to all skill levels (beginners to advanced); participants will be grouped accordingly. Learn/improve your Dribbling • Ball Handling
“The ARV will provide officers and members of the public with an elevated level of safety,” said Officer in Charge of Infrastructure Services, George Knezevic. “With a changing climate in policing and public safety, officers need to be prepared for every possible scen ario and require the necessary protection to keep themselves and others safe during res cue operations.”
So what are you waiting for? Visit cornwall. ca/elections/ and become an informed voter today!
Although voting is easy, it’s important to make sure that you’re an informed voter when ever you head out to cast your ballot. You can learn quite a lot about the process of voting by simply visiting the City of Cornwall’s website at,you’llbeable to see if you’re on the voter’s list. All you have to do is fill out your name, date of birth and street address under the Information for Voters tab. If you’re name isn’t on the list —you’ll be given the opportun ity to register to vote. There are several rea sons why your name might not be on the list — including if you’ve recently moved.
Comment faire des achats en ligne de façon sécuritaire?
The Advance Polls will be held from Oct. 6 to Oct. 8 and from Oct. 11 to Oct. 13 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. at either the Benson Centre (800 Seventh Street West), the Cornwall SDG Paramedics Services Building (601 Campbell Street), the Cornwall Square Shopping Centre (1 Water Street) or at St. Felix Church Hall (620 Glengarry Boulevard).

Francis Racine It’s a Fact!
• Passing/Catching Defense, • Shooting, and Each evening will include a fun competition.
The CPS had previously received a loaned 1996 VIP Armoured Vehicle from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, which has come to the end of its lifespan and is in need of exten sive and costly repairs.

starting October 18, 2022 from 6:30 - 8 pm. at the church 310 York Street
you will be receiving your Voter Identification Card. Bring it along with identifi cation to prove you are the person whose name appears on the voters’ list. Don’t worry if you do not receive your Voter Identification Card as long as you have proper identification you can still vote.
2 -202214,SeptemberWednesday, Live life to the fullest at Chateau Glengarry

Promotional $2165 per monthall-inclusive for selected rooms
3. Renseignez-vous sur les diverses politiques (échange, remboursement):retour, vous éviterez ainsi les mauvaises surprises en cas de pépin. Elles ne sont pas clairement exposées? Magasinez ailleurs!
2. Assurez-vous que l’entreprise est fiable: vérifiez qu’elle est inscrite au Registraire des entreprises et visitez le site Internet de l’Office de la protection du consommateur pour savoir si elle a fait l’objet de plaintes. S’il ne s’agit pas d’un commerce québécois, voyez s’il est mentionné sur d’autres sites Web et
Voting is also a lot easier than you might
Be an informed voter during the upcoming 2022 Municipal Elections
The vehicle was officially presented to the Cornwall Police Services Board on September 1st, 2022 and will be deployed upon comple tion of officer training on use of the vehicle this fall.
Opening its doors on February 21st, 1989,
Campground Office Hours beginning September 6, 2022:
1860s Fall Fair Weekend Saturday, September 17 to Sunday, September 18 –included in Village Admission
Upper Canada Migratory Bird Sanctuary remains open until October 17
by Cookie Kalsi and the late Betty ParadisKalsi, Kalrim Cycles and Sports has strived to provide the highest level of service and qual ity products for our customers, “All the years we have had serving this amazing community – our home – it’s not just an honour, but a blessing,” says Corey Kalsi. “To have the sup port of our customers for all this time, it is incredible just to think about it. We are truly grateful.”Cookie and Corey would like to encourage everyone to continue supporting our local businesses. “Without the support of our com munity shopping locally, we would not have been in retail business for the past 33 years. Neighbours, family, and friends own and oper ate many small businesses. We hope you will continue to support them as you have us.”
To learn more, visit
Upper Canada Village: Open for regular pro gramming Wednesday-Sunday, September 7-18 from 9:30-5:00 p.m.
Walking tours only daily September 12, 13, 19-30 from time on the hour between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Mille Roches Campground
Woodlands Campground
Crysler Park Marina: Open daily until Oct 10 Upper Canada Golf Course: Open daily from
Open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from October 1 to October 31
Campgrounds: Most campgrounds remain open until October 10
Long Sault Parkway: Open until November
“To all of our customers who have been with us since the very beginning, and those who walked into the store for the first time today – THANK YOU. It is because of you that I delayed my retirement for this long. Unfortunately, I’m not getting any younger,” says Cookie Kalsi with a smile. “I will truly miss all of our customers and friends who have been my motivation to come to work each day. Although I would love to keep going, the time is right to take a step back and enjoy some time with my family.”
Former Seaway News reporter Roxanne Delage covered Queen Elizabeth’s (pictured here with the Duke of Edinburgh) last visit to Canada in 2010, for Seaway News.

What’s Closed After Labour Day
As kids head back to school it may seem like summer is over, but that doesn’t have to mean the end of cultural and recreational experiences or family fun in Eastern Ontario.
It is with mixed emotion that after 33 years in retail business, Cookie Kalsi has announced his long-earned retirement and Kalrim Cycles and Sports will close its doors for the last time on October 28th, 2022.

Summer Isn’t Quite Over for SLPC
www.cornwallseawaynews.comNewsSeaway -202214,SeptemberWednesday,3 OPENHOUSE September 15th to 18 th from 1 – 6 pm Virtual options also available. Drop in to any Chartwell retirement residence, where you can look around, get your questions answered and explore how we can make your life better. Call or visit us today! 1-844-727-8679 | CHARTWELL CORNWALL 41 Amelia Street, Cornwall CHARTWELL McCONNELL 801 4th Street East, Cornwall 368052

Friday – Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
St. Lawrence Parks Commission (SLPC) prop erties remain open after Labour Day with modified hours and programming.
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. from September 1 to September 30
Sunday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
All beaches and day-use areas
100% of the proceeds from vendor rental space and the silent auction were donated to participating rescues. Rescues in attendance were Calico House Cat Rescue, Pawportunity Cat Rescue, C & K 4 Legged Rescue, Furrball Cat Rescue, and Cattrap.
“I noticed that my bills are much better,” she says. “I noticed a big difference in the comfort. The upstairs was definitely much warmer in winter and much cooler in the summer.”
She thought it sounded like a good idea, so she took a few minutes and applied. Not long after she learned that she qualified, she received a visit from a program delivery agent, who checked her home and confirmed she could receive free insulation and draft proofing.
How to get free insulation, draft proofing and a smart thermostat
Despite the many passionate individuals and rescues in our community doing every thing they can to fight for the wellbeing of cats and kittens in Cornwall, the problem
continues. One of the best ways citizens can help is by making sure their cats are spayed/ neutered as soon as possible.
That’s what Brampton homeowner Rosemary, like many Ontarians, had often wondered. Rosemary’s home was built in 1972 and at fifty years old it was drafty, especially through the windows, electrical outlets and attic hatch.
“ I noticed that my bills are much better.” Rosemary
Applications are still open for the upcoming Subsidized Spay Neuter Program taking place in October.
Is there a simple way to make an older home more energy efficient and comfortable?
Markets and traditional fundraisers aren’t the only way that local rescues are fighting to stay afloat. On June 20, 2022, Tiny but Mighty Kitten Rescue announced the launch of a Patreon account in the hopes that monthly donations will offset expenses such as cat food, litter, and vet bills. Patreon is a unique crowdfunding platform where members are encouraged to donate monthly in exchange forInperks.this
KRYSTINE THERRIAULT ktherriault@seawaynews.mediaFivelocalcatrescues recently joined together for the Furrever Loved Vendors Market and Fundraiser at the Cornwall Square. This was the second event of its kind hosted at the mall, the first having taken place in February of this year.
so please know you have saved lives by assisting rescues. Thank you so much for every ounce of support.”
4 -202214,SeptemberWednesday, 378762
One afternoon while she was watching TV, a news reporter mentioned the Enbridge Gas Home Winterproofing Program, which provides free insulation, draft proofing and a smart thermostat to income-qualified homes.
told her no. I said, ‘I’ve been in touch and they’ve done it for me.’”
© 2022 Enbridge Gas Inc. All rights reserved. ENB 1102 09/2022ADVERTISEMENT JOB NO. / CLIENT / PROGRAM DATE PUBLICATION (VENDOR) / INSERT. DATE FILE NAME: eng_ENB1102_HWP_SponsoredAd_CornwallSeawayNews_9-833x6-2143_ID02
they approach a home to deliver the mail. Dog incidents can range from threatening encounters to being attacked and bitten. Reminder to dog owners: Do not open the door during deliveries or allow your dog to approach our employees while they are out in the community. A way to prevent your dog from approaching our employees is to keep them in another room at the time of the delivery. Our delivery agents also see dogs wandering in neighbourhoods, which can cause further anxiety. Please make sure your dog is restrained and is not roam ing free.
Like many older adults, Rosemary is on a fixed income, so every little bit she can save on energy use helps with household budgeting. “I budget very carefully,” she says. “Saving money on heating helps me, my budget, a great deal.”

CORNWALL, ONTARIO – Every day, our employees deliver to millions of homes across Canada. An estimated 36 per cent of these households have dogs, according to 2021 figures, and our delivery agents encounter them every day while delivering mail and parcels. Our top priority is the safety of our employees, which includes safe access to mailboxes and the front door.As much as we love our canine pets, they are protective of their homes and their families. It’s impossible for our delivery agents to know how any dog will react when
“Working with Cornwall Square has enabled Calico House Cat Rescue to keep our doors open longer than we ever would’ve alone,” Anna Carriere commented on a post on the Cornwall Square’s Facebook Page, “To simply say thank you would be an understatement,
case, fans and supporters of the rescue can donate as little as $5 per month in exchange for exclusive updates including pictures and videos not seen elsewhere.
If you’re looking for ways to save energy and live more comfortably and sustainably at home, take Rosemary’s advice and apply. “You’ve got nothing to lose,” she says. “It’s free. The workmen that came were great and the assessor was really nice and everybody has been really good and it’s been very efficient and I would really recommend it.”
Starting at $20 per month, donors can vote for the names of foster cats and kittens that come into care. As of September 1, 2020, the Tiny but Mighty Patreon has 140 patrons –just ten shy of their 150-patron goal.
L to R: Lynn Legault (Furrball rehab cat rescue), Anna Carriere (Calico House Cat Rescue), Debra Van Gaalen (Calico House Cat Rescue), Kathleen Dixon (Pawportunity Rescue), C & K 4 Legged Rescue
Local Cat Rescues Forced to Get Creative to Stay Open
To learn more about the program and see if you qualify, visit or apply by phone in minutes at 1-844-770-3148. Whether you rent or own, you may qualify.
An important reminder from Canada Post to dog owners
The market was situated on the second floor of the Cornwall Square where the old Sears store used to be. In addition to 20+ local vendors, there were also adoptable cats and kittens present as well as a silent auc tion that took place from 11am to 1pm.

If your home qualifies, there is no catch—the program really is free and there is no cost to the homeowner. It may sound too good to be true, but in fact more than 22,000 Ontario households have participated in the Home Winterproofing Program. Could yours be next?
“One of my friends said she’d heard about it but she thought it was a scam,” Rosemary says. “And so I
Once the free upgrades were installed, Rosemary saw a difference almost immediately.
SLPC would like to thank the hundreds of students that made this summer season a


“You’re the bravest men and women I’ve met, to do what you have done is amazing,” said Mayor Glen Grant.
“We estimate that 80 to 90% of people with Parkinson’s don’t engage in any sort of com munity,” said Jim Redmond, “So, we thought we would try to spread the word about the benefit of community, the benefit of exercise, and we think that makes a tough diagnosis just a little more hopeful.”

success. They have contributed to the SLPC mis sion of providing an exceptional customer experi ence and driving economic prosperity in the region. Without them, our sites would not be able to welcome the 600,000 visitors that visit us every year or attain the more than $80,000,000 estimated annual economic impact SLPC sites generate for Eastern Ontario.
made their way towards the province of Quebec.“We’d be nowhere without our support at home, our caregivers,” added Steve Iseman, “Virginia knows all too well that they didn’t

“Last night when I saw ‘over 5,500 kilom eters’ – I was sweating just reading the web site,” joked MP Duncan as he took the mic to thank the team, “when somebody receives a diagnosis there’s a physical challenge but there’s also a mental one as well that some times we underestimate … One thing I try to do is see the glass as half full because what you’ve been doing is inspiring despite the challenges that you face.”

RETIREMENT information, please call 613-937-4488 visit us at 850 Boundary Road

sign up for this. One person got the illness, but two people are dealing with it… or more. And for those in the community who are help ing those in need there are no words to reflect just how grateful we are.”
As the school bell tolls for students every where, St. Lawrence Parks Commission (SLPC) is preparing to say goodbye to a vital part of its seasonal workforce. Each summer season, SLPC proudly welcomes more than 300 stu dents from across Eastern Ontario to work as retail associates, groundskeepers, fishing instructors, historic interpreters and many more positions that are critical to operations at its 10
rewarding experience for us. Physically chal lenging as it has been, being here with Rotary Club earlier and you here today makes it so worthThereit.”to see them off were members of Parkinson Community of Cornwall and Area, Virginia Lake and Tomm Olien, MP Eric Duncan, Mayor Glen Grant, members of Cornwall Tourism, as well as members of the community and the media.
“We started on June 25th in Victoria. We have a ferry booked on September 16th to get us to Newfoundland. That will mean that we will have cycled on every province in the country, and it has been such a marvelous
Best wishes for the school year ahead!
Spinning Wheels Tour Visits Cornwall on Route to Newfoundland
www.cornwallseawaynews.comNewsSeaway -202214,SeptemberWednesday,5378765 Safely dispose of unwanted or obsolete agricultural pesticides and livestock/equine medications –Next Cleanfarms collection in these areas in 2025. For collection dates elsewhere, go 519-287-3317 613-735-3689 Thurs., Sept. 22 Reesor’s Seed and 1291 Bruce Rd. # 3 Thurs., Sept. 22 Clark Agri Service 4891 Canborough Cleanfarms 2022 Unwanted Pesticides & Old Livestock/ Equine Medications Collection Southern Ontario – September 19 to 27 Partner SCAN ME @cleanfarms 2022_CF_UPLM_CornwallSeawayNews_4.861x6.2857.indd 1 2022-08-31 5:12 PM 379663 ALRIM CYCLES & SPORTS DIV. OF KALRIM IND. LTD.

KRYSTINE THERRIAULT ktherriault@seawaynews.mediaTheteamfromtheSpinning Wheels Tour stopped at the Civic Complex to speak to the community about their journey across Canada to raise money and awareness for Parkinson’s Disease.Whilethe weather was chilly, spirits were high as Steve Iseman, Jim Redmond, Mike Loghrin, and Darlene Richards-Loghrin shared moments from their journey and the motiva tions behind their cross-country bicycle tour with the crowd.
To follow their journey or donate to the cause, visit
Thank you for your support and loyalty for the past 33 years.
campgrounds, six beach and day-use areas, three historic sites, two scenic parkways, golf club and marina.
SLPC is one of Eastern Ontario’s largest sea sonal and student employers with 64 full time staff, increasing to more than 500 staff during peak tourism season, the majority of which are students at both the post-secondary and sec ondary levels.

SUMMER’S OUT FOR SCHOOL: SLPC Students Wrapping Up the Season
SALE After 33 years proudly serving our local community and beyond, Kalrim Cycles and Sports will be closing on October 28th, 2022 as Cookie Kalsi begins a well-earned retirement. 850 BOUNDARY RD., CORNWALL 613-937-4488 All inventory priced to clear. Bikes, parts and accessories. Fixtures, furniture, tools and equipment also available For

Before they left, Cornwall Tourism gifted the men and woman some Cornwall souvenirs,
Students bring unique skills to their summer jobs, such as the ability to play instruments, ath letics, trade skills and even pumpkin carving, making memorable experiences for guests on the front line and behind the scenes. In return, students gain valuable experience of their own and an introduction to the tourism industry.
be presented in front of the South Glengarry Council on Monday, September 19th at 7 pm at the Char-Lan Recreation Centre in the upstairs Tartan Hall.
We have been notified that this matter will
The circle has been functional for close to twenty years. It allows garbage trucks, snow plows, school buses etc to turn safely. It also allows a safe area for the neighbourhood chil dren to play. Given trucks will not be able to
6 -202214,SeptemberWednesday, 377138 OPEN HOUSE REGISTRATION&New Members of All Ages and Abilities Are | For information visit: OPEN HOUSE October 1, 2022 • 10 am – 2 pm 220 Water St. E, Cornwall 613-936-2027 Take a tour of the facility Learn the essentials of the game Enjoy an ice beginner experience 379571 VOTE CLAUDE POIRIER FOR COUNCILLOR x Your Vote in this MunicipalmattersElection Fall Mums Assorted sizes * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Largest selection in Cornwall and area Pumpkins • Gourds Corn stalks Stop into our two locations for all your Fall Décor needs OPEN 8-6 daily 379716GIFT SHOPPE & GROCERIES Open 7 Days - Two locations to serve you 75 Cornwall Centre Road & Power Dam Drive & Hwy 2 Letters to the Editor -

A concerned South Glengarry neighbor, Dr. Ashok Nadkarni

erty for himself.
Seaway News welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and may be edited for clarity or length. Please send your letters by email to or by mail to 501 Campbell Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, ON K6H 6X5. Include name, address and phone number.

turn without going into reverse. the safety of many children in our neighbourhood will be at risk. Most of the homeowners of this small division have signed a petition opposing the proposal of a “hammerhead”. However, rumors are that Council will vote in favour of Mr. MacEwan. They are a prominent and wealthy family, and this is not the first time that the South Glengarry Township have ignored public opinion (see articles below). We feel we are not being heard.
If the rumors are true and Mr. MacEwan’s motion is accepted despite heavy community opposition, this goes against the democratic process. Furthermore, this would be a news worthy event, especially preceding a municipal election. We hope that you can join us.
Dear Editor: I am writing to you for help with a small community. I live on Farlinger Drive, which ends in a beautiful cul-de-sac circle over looking the St. Lawrence River.
Mr. MacEwan claims it is a measure to deal with smuggling. However, I and many of the neighbours feel that smuggling would be solved by erecting a fence, increasing lighting and placing surveillance cameras without tak ing away the circle.
Willis James “Jim” MacEwan has placed an application with the Township to alter Farlinger Circle. The MacEwan family are the owners of MacEwan Petroleum and MacEwan Agricentre. The alteration proposal changes the circle into a “hammerhead”, shortens the public roadway hindering neighbours’ view of the river and allows Mr. MacEwan to gain waterfront prop
www.cornwallseawaynews.comNewsSeaway -202214,SeptemberWednesday,7 378933 Rick Shaver • Jennifer Mayer • Colleen Parette Kim Poirier-Froats • Steve Jasmin • Bill Begin Guy Cote • Krystine Therriault James Lapierre • Nick Wolochatiuk • Claude McIntosh Scuttlebutt and Freelance contributors www. CornwallSeawayNews .com Happy 37thSeawayAnniversaryNews

On behalf of all my staff, thank you for your continued support of our 37 years in Cornwall and WhatSD&G.started as a weekly newspaper has turned into a local media company.

From our newspaper, to our web site, to our series of magazines, our local staff has the experience to create and produce award winning up to date information our web

Publisher/GeneralThankiswww.cornwallseawaynews.comsiteavailable24/7.youManager Rick Shaver sales 2022/23 FALL & WINTER COMMUNITY GUIDE SOUTH STORMONT COUNCIL INFORMATION PARKS AND RECREATION BUILDING AND BYLAWS SOUTH GLENGARRY COMMUNITY GUIDE 2022 SPRING SUMMER Finney Bridge Photo taken by FALL & WINTER EDITION

Earlier in the day Queen Elizabeth had been part of an official ceremony at the Cornwall Civic Complex. Her Majesty rubbed shoulders with local dignitaries, including former Mayor Gerald Parisien, who must have been wondering how he became so fortunate as to find himself seated right next to Queen Elizabeth dur ing ceremonies at the complex. Photos of the event suggest the mayor and Her Majesty became fast friends.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower, VicePresident Richard Nixon, N.Y. State Gov. Nelson Rockefeller and Ontario Premier Leslie Frost. Has there ever been a time in Cornwall’s history when so many lead ers, with names that drip of history, have gathered here to celebrate such an accomplishment?We’reunsureif such an occasion will ever happen again. Her Majesty also vis ited our region in 1951 when she was Princess Elizabeth. In 1967 she signed the city’s Golden Book while visiting Canada to mark Expo ’67 in Montreal, as well as Ottawa’s centenary.
Her Majesty was on a 13-day cross-Can ada visit that included stops on the east coast, as well as Ottawa, Morrisburg, Prescott, Kingston and others. It just so happened that Cornwall was in the midst of year-long bicentennial celebrations. So was Trinity Anglican Church, located on Second Street West just opposite of what is now known as Times Square.
REPORTER: Krystine Therriault
501 Campbell Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, ON K6H 6X5 613-933-0014 WWW.CORNWALLSEAWAYNEWS.COM
8 -202214,SeptemberWednesday,
Too cold for the throngs of Cornwallites and visitors to the Seaway City who gath ered on various streets in and around the downtown core for a singular purpose – to see Queen Elizabeth II in the flesh.

Her Majesty’s trip put an exclamation mark on events that celebrated local his tory in Cornwall.
While distance keeps the Royal Family tucked away across the vast Atlantic Ocean, the reality is we remain connected to our British forebearers through visits like those mentioned here.
Sept. 27, 1984 was a cold day in Cornwall
Yes, as far as the polarity of magnets, that’s true, but in other situations they repel. Let me tell you why I hold that opinion.Eversince the days of Cain’s murder of Abel (Genesis 4:8), the Jews and the Gentiles, Protestants vs. Catholics, bornagains vs. agnostics, there has been div ision in worship of God.
Then came the Axis powers vs. the Allies, followed by the Warsaw pact being con fronted by the NATO alliance. North Korea’s dominance of the north has not been resolved with a peace agreement, but just an uneasy truce. Communist China is still lusting after the Nationalist China (Republic Of China), staring at it across the Straits of Taiwan.Looking at the Americas, Argentina’s attempt to regain The Falkland Islands was
In 1976, as part of celebrations for the Montreal Olympics, she visited Upper
EITHER OR…but rarely both. It’s the rare person whose taste buds salivate by a positive stimulation from both of these toppings. A good jam is probably a com mon meeting ground.

Watch out for attractions and repulsions when making travel plans for a cross-Can ada adventure. One may say, “I can great a great deal on tents, sleeping bags and mos quito netting.” The other utters, “Here’s a list of Hiltons from St. John’s to Victoria.”

I don’t know what North Dakota has against South Dakota. There’s a North Carolina and a South Carolina, so why is there a West Virginia but no East Virginia? We all know there’s the ‘news’ states: Jersey, Mexico and York, but I never hear of the ‘olds’ of those three states.
On this day the dreariness of autumn was evident, as temperatures had plunged to single digits. But the cold weather was quickly forgotten when a Cadillac convert ible (with the top DOWN, no less) approached Second Street and Queen Elizabeth, dressed in a beautiful blue coat with a gorgeous purple head scarf, stepped from the vehicle.
motorcade as it sped by, on Second Street Queen Elizabeth was in full view.
Some families, in a panic that they might have nothing more for Queen Elizabeth than a friendly smile, swiped flowers from inside Trinity Church so that something a little more formal could be offered, just in case.
Her Majesty quietly walked the street for a time, accepting greetings from those in the“Welcomecrowd. to Cornwall, Your Majesty.”
thwarted by the Iron Lady’s intervention.
This was not the first time Queen Elizabeth visited our region. Way back in 1959 to mark the completion of the St. Lawrence Seaway and power project Her Majesty was the guest of honour, along side political heavyweights like U.S.
Few regions in the world have had a sin gle Royal visit, let alone a bunch.
When Britain settled things on the Plains of Abrahaham, New France was partitioned into Upper and Lower Canada, now Ontario and Quebec, a troubled marriage to this day. I heard a report of an airplane crashing in Newfoundland and Labrador. How’s that possible? Was the Cessna 150 that enor mous? Did pieces of the wreckage ricochet from St. Anthony to Goose Bay, all the way across the Strait of Belle Isle?
The passing of Queen Elizabeth last week reminds us that time is fleeting, and even the most stalwart of leaders are suc ceeded. We offer our sincere condolences to the Royal Family on behalf of a grieving community that was, if even for a few short instances, an extension of the Monarchy.
devout vegetarian beside a carnivore adher ent. They’re as likely to mix as oil and water.
(Photo by Nick Wolochatiuk)
So where shall those travel twains meet? A train for the twains might work. They should book on VIA Rail’s Transcontinental. P.S. How many errors can you find in this week’s DWW? It was written under the pres sure of hurrying to get a flight in my 359th and 360th different types of aircraft. Proofread carefully or go flying? I chose the latter.
To the tenter, road maps are regarded as an invaluable tool. To the ‘Hiltoner’, road maps are but a puzzling bunch of squiggly lines and mysterious colours. The Hiltoner’s only roads to be travelled in Ontario are the 400 series, or the USA’s Interstate series. Mnemonic: even-numbered east-wests and odd-numbered north-souths. Route 66: east to west, Chicago to Santa Monica.
Let’s set aside politics and religion, two topics I long ago eschewed (since my first column, August, 1994). Let’s talk about the severe divisions regarding foods. When Everest teams are decided, a marmite eater is never tented with a peanut butter. Both find the opposite’s fare appalling. When deciding dinner fare, don’t sit a
Canada Village near Morrisburg.
The crowd of 2,000 exploded. While on some side streets school children had gathered with their parents, teachers and other onlookers for a quick glimpse of the
“Thank you.”
on Facebook page; and via our mailing list.
Survey is at: TC_Plus_elections2022
We are in 1984. A colleague of Edith, a regis tered nurse, suggested her to join the Big Brother Big Sisters agency in Cornwall to become a Big Sister. Edith decided to follow her colleague’s advice and became a Big Sister. This journey has now been lasting for 38 years. Through her jour ney with BBBS, Edith had a total of 8 Little Sisters. She is still in communication with her first Little Sister whose match started in 1984. Edith’s inten tion when she became a Big Sister was to make a difference in a child’s life. Little did she know that her Little Sisters would change hers as well. Asking Edith to identify a great memory with one of her Little Sister is a difficult question as she has multiple good memories with each of them.

Every day, 11 Canadians are diagnosed with multiple myeloma, an incurable blood cancer

Edith’s journey with her Little Sisters is still ongoing.
If so, please read Edith’s story: Being a Big Sister, a journey of the past 38 years.
energy and food and financial uncertainty. The group believes that by working together we can create a more affordable, caring, healthy and secure future for all. As a grassroots, commun ity-led group our aim is to inspire everyone in our region to work together to increase our com munities’ capacity to not just survive but thrive in the face these challenges.
If elected, how will you ensure people of all ages and abilities in your municipality are provid ed with safe, accessible, affordable and attract ive transportation options including active modes (e.g., walking, riding a bicycle) and transit all year long?
Thinking of becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister?
f elected, how will you prevent further deforestation and ensure the municipal tree can opy is protected and increased to meet or
They’ll help to keep myeloma research moving forward and to improve the lives of Canadians impacted by this devastating disease.”
Active and Connected Municipalities –Focused on sustainable transportation. Municipal transportation systems have the potential to contribute to life satisfaction and overall health and wellbeing.
Greening Municipalities – focused on green space and trees. The current minimum recom mended municipal tree canopy coverage is at 40%.I
If you want to follow Edith’s advice and want to know more about becoming a Big Sister or a Big Brother, please call us at 613-933-8035 or email us at
The survey is comprised of five questions. In filling out the survey candidates are giving their implied consent to Transition Cornwall+ to pub lish and share their responses via various com munications channels. Responses will be post ed on the Transition Cornwall+ website; shared
In the 2018 Municipal election, Transition Cornwall+ posed questions and invited all the area candidates to respond on-line.
Food Security – focused on locally grown food. Access to fresh, affordable food is a fun damental human right.
Waste management – focused on reduction and diversion. All municipalities are facing the need to increase diversion to extend landfills’ lifespan as much as possible.
John Towndrow Cornwall+Transition
www.cornwallseawaynews.comNewsSeaway -202214,SeptemberWednesday,9375167 101 Third St. W., Cornwall | bigbrothersbigsisters.ca613-933-8035
You want to make a difference in a child’s life?
For the full story, visit cornwallseawaynews. com
Picture is Edith and her current Little, Jersey.
If elected, what waste management actions would you commit to reducing waste, increasing waste diversion and what targets would you set for your municipality?
But one that struck to mind is when one of her former Little Sister got married, she asked Edith’s husband to walk her down the aisle. Edith’s late husband was also a Big Brother involved with the agency. To Edith, her Little Sisters are part of her family.Oneof
If elected, what action would you take to help support, promote and increase the production and use, by your community, of sustainable and environmentally sound, locally grown food.
In preparation for the 2022 municipal elec tion Transition Cornwall+ has prepared four new questions for candidates in the City of Cornwall and the six municipalities in the Counties of Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry.
Most of the candidates took time to answer the questions and over the last four years many municipalities have taken action on climate change, active transportation, tree canopy, waste management and food security.
Edith’s Little Sister is now a mother of three and Edith is like a grandmother to them. She loves to visit them. One of Edith’s ‘’grand children’’ even interviewed her to write an essay about her involvement as a Big Sister as part of a school project. When we asked Edith what she would say to somebody who is considering be coming a Big Sister or a Big Brother, she immedi ately answers: ‘’Hurry up and sign up’’.
exceed the minimum recommended level. For those in rural areas, how will you work with the agricultural community to do this?
Municipal Election 2022 – Making Communities Stronger
In 2018, Mary Brink was given a lifechanging diagnosis. After a hike in the moun tains while visiting her son in British Columbia, Mary, a mother of seven, started to suffer severe neck and back pain. The pain was so severe that Mary eventually went to a nearby hospital emergency room where she was given morphine to ease the pain for her flight home. By the time she returned to Cornwall a few days later, the pain was unbearable. Little did Mary know, but she was soon to be diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a little known and incurable blood cancer. Mary was 61 years old.
Questions For Candidates
On October 24th, be sure to not only vote, but be an informed voter! Check out candidates answers that will posted at https://transition and on Facebook.
Inaugural Cornwall Multiple Myeloma March
Mary (centre) and her husband of 44 years, John, with 21 of their 22 grandchildren at their first reunion this summer since her diagnosis four years ago. The latest grandson, Sterling, is not featured in the picture. He was born on August 24, 2022 ciate others to join them on her walk.

Transition Cornwall+ supports all local/ regional communities in facing the challenges posed by the climate crisis, the rising cost of
During this 2022 municipal election we are reaching out to all municipal candidates to gain a better understanding of their vision and action plan related to sustainability and com munity vibrancy, unique to their municipality. We plan to share their responses so that voters can make an informed decision about who they want to govern over the next four years.
Mary’s journey has not been easy, although you will not hear her complain about it. She has had difficulties finding a treatment plan effect ive in slowing down the progression of her dis ease without leaving her with crippling side effects.“Mybalance isn’t great. My legs just don’t feel right because of side effects from one of the medications I take. I tire easily, feel shaky sometimes, and I have slight vertigo,” says Mary. “I like to joke that John, my husband of 44 years, is better support than using a walker! He’s my greatest encourager in so many ways,” help those living with myeloma, Mary spearheaded a local support group this spring with Linda VanderSchaaf, who is also living with the disease. This year, Mary has decided to launch the first-ever Cornwall Multiple Myeloma March on September 17, 2022, at 11 a.m., at the Band Shell in Lamoureux Park. Mary and her family hope to raise $3,000. She welcomes and would appre
Every year, we’re getting closer to finding a cure,” says Martine Elias, Executive Director of Myeloma Canada. “That’s why the funds raised at the Cornwall March are so critical.

“Four years ago, my family and I had never heard of myeloma and had no idea what it was. Worse still, we didn’t know what my future held, if I’d still be around to read stories to my grand children and have memories with them,” recalls Mary who has 22 grandchildren with whom she is very Maryclose.andher family are not alone. While myeloma is the second most common form of blood cancer, few people have ever heard of it. The reality is that the number of Canadians
living with myeloma is on the rise, increasing the urgent need for greater investment in and access to life-saving treatments and care.
Sergeant Scott Coulter talked about the Cornwall Police Service VSMART unit and answered questions from the public and local organizations at the Passports to Hope event.

noticed the prevalence of mental illness, addiction, and suicide in our community and decided to act. With the help of Emily Millar, they compiled a list of services available in our community so people who are struggling know where to turn.
Mitch, a volunteer with the CMHA, shared his powerful testimonial of growing up as a gay transgendered individual who has found self-love and acceptance after several suicide
10, 2022, several community organizations participated in “Passports to Hope” – Creating Hope Through Action, a World Suicide Prevention Day event. Held at the Cornwall Public Library, the event was co-hosted by the Suicide Prevention Coalition and CMHA Champlain East.

The VSMART unit consists of a specially trained police officer and a social worker employed through the hospital. The VSMART team responds to calls in plain clothes. They also arrive in a grey, unmarked vehicle to put those in crisis who may be wary of police more at ease. One of the primary goals of the VSMART unit is to reduce apprehensions within the vulnerable sector.
The Glengarry Mental Health Initiative will also be putting 10 MOOD Kits with mental wellness tools into each high school in the area and plan to fund subsidized therapy for those in need in our community.
The next guest speaker was Sergeant Scott Coulter, who oversees crime prevention in the city. Part of his duties include supervising the VSMART (Vulnerable Sector Mobile Acute Response Team) program.
Participants were asked to interact with each table, learn a little about the services they provide, and get a password to put on their ‘passport’. Those who collected the most passwords were entered in a draw to win $100 in wellness supplies and other prizes.Throughout the two-hour event there were several guest speakers. The first speaker, Katelin Morrissette, led the group in a mind fulness and breathing exercise. She stressed the importance of finding time to be in the present moment in a culture that often meas ures our worth by how much we do.
To wrap up the event, members of the Glengarry Mental Health Initiative were pre sented with the Living Works Community Impact Award after their very first fundraiser, a soccer tournament, raised more than $35,000 to support mental health in Cornwall andThisSDG.inspiring group of six young adults
Local organizations with a table at the event included the Mental Health and Addictions Centre, Inspire Community Services, Men Talk, Bereaved Families of Cornwall, United Way, MOOD Kits by Emily Millar, EOHU, The Glengarry Mental Health Initiative, Diversity Cornwall, Seaway Valley Community Health Centre, l’équipe psy cho-sociale, Parent’s Lifeline, and more.
Each organization that was present at this event plays an important role in supporting the mental health of individuals in Cornwall and the counties.
10 -202214,SeptemberWednesday, 379438
KRYSTINE THERRIAULT ktherriault@seawaynews.mediaOnSaturday,September
“If you asked a police officer 10… 15… 20 years ago what policing was all about it would be like getting into that car chase, foot chase, doing drug raids, kicking down doors and all that good TV stuff,” said Coulter, “but the real ity of it is, catching bad guys has slipped down on the list and we deal with people in crisis on a daily basis now.”
Missed this event? Many of these commun ity partners will be back for the 2nd annual Recovery Day Cornwall taking place at Lamoureux Park from 11am-4pm on Saturday, September 24th.
After Sergeant Coulter, Emily Millar was asked to come up and talk about her MOOD Kits. A registered psychotherapist in the area, Millar developed her MOOD Kits during the pandemic to encourage people to acknow ledge their feelings and take an active role in their mental wellness. These kits include a list of Emergency Mental Health Contacts and an invitation to create a Safety Plan for those with low mood and/or suicidal ideation.
Pettipas, a representative of CAPSA (Community Addictions Peer Support Association) also spoke at the event. Pettipas shared her story of institutionalization, longterm recovery (she will be six years sober in November), and her passion for removing stigma when it comes to speaking about mental health.
Cornwall Comes Together and Takes Action to Prevent Suicide
“This is a career exploration course where students will find out all aspects of the transpor tation worker field, so not just truck driving but also dispatch, scheduling, supervising, and more,” explained Mark-Andre Roy, Instructor for the Transportation Worker program, “We’ll be looking at what options are available, the skills that are needed and developing the skills for those various positions.”
Job seekers who enjoy socializing and require flexible working hours may be interested in the cashier“Studentsprogram.aregoing to work through a curricu lum, and they’re going to benefit from a lot of really excellent guest speakers,” said Carol Anne Maloney, Course Instructor and Coordinator of Volunteers at Tri-County Literacy, “We’ll have somebody from Farm Boy, Happy Popcorn Company, Mrs. B’s... Students are also going to get experience on the P.O.S. system in class and in the placement.”
This course is great for current transportation industry workers who are considering a change. It’s also an ideal steppingstone if you’ve been considering work in the transportation field but aren’t sure where to start.
“This is a market driven solution for our region, with a reference group that has guided the curriculum’s development. The idea is to develop a resilient workforce, which is why Workforce Wellness is the first topic covered in all three courses,” explained Danielle Bray, one of the course Instructors.
“I try to make it a very positive experience. I’m looking forward to it and I’m hoping the students will look forward to it as well,” Maloney added.
• The car makes a clunking noise when you drive over speed
***Covid protocol followed/ Masks Optional *** 800 12th St. East, Cornwall Saturday, September 17, 2022 9 am – 2 pm VENDORSONSITE
• A squeaking noise can be heard when you apply the brakes
For more information, call Tri-County Literacy Council at 613-932-7161 or visit their website.
Is your car well maintained?
Each course will include a guest speaker com ponent where local industry leaders will share their expertise with students. Upon graduating, students will receive wellness supplies to sup port them when they enter the workforce.
• The heating, cooling and ventilation systems
Food and Beverage Server – starts September 12
available to adults 19+. Individuals with self-identified disabilities are encouraged to apply. Training supports can be made available for students who require assistance with trans portation or work-safe footwear.
Worker.Thecourses are six weeks long (except the transportation course, which is five weeks) and
“For this particular program, the graduates will be leaving with three certificates. Not only our certificate from our school, the Essential Skills Training Server Certificate, but due to the fund ing we’ve been able to include the Smart Serve
as well as the Safe Food Handling certificate which normally they must pay for,” said Instructor, Danielle Bray, “So, students leave with three cer tificates to add to their employment portfolio.”
Transportation Worker – Starts October 24 When people think of transportation work, most think of long-haul driving across the coun try or even back and forth to the United States.
travel smaller distances and go home to their families at the end of the day.
Tri-County Literacy’s Transportation Worker course highlights different options available in the area, like shunt drivers who back up trucks to the loading docks and short haul drivers who

• The braking system
Three New Tri-County Literacy Programs Starting Soon
• The belts and hoses
• The steering wheel shakes or pulls to one side
The programs being offered are Food and Beverage Server, Cashier, and Transportation

NewsSeaway -202214,SeptemberWednesday,11
KRYSTINE THERRIAULT ktherriault@seawaynews.mediaTri-CountyLiteracyrecently announced special funding from the Ontario Skills Development Fund to address workforce shortages in the area. As a result, three new courses with job placements for graduates are starting in September and October. Those who are interest ed should apply quickly as spots are limited.
The exhaust system
If a problem is detected, your mechanic can fix it using the right tools and parts.
inspection is a must to check the condition of your vehicle’s various components, including:
Many car defects can be detected by visually inspecting your vehicle, noticing how it handles on the road and listening for unusual sounds. For example, you might notice that:
Have you’ve been told that “everywhere is hir ing” but no employers are calling you in for an interview? If so, one of these courses could be just the opportunity you’ve been looking for!
• One or more of the exterior lights is cracked or burned out
If you want to confirm that your vehicle is fit for all kinds of weather and road conditions, only a mechanic with a car lift can verify whether or not it’s mechanically sound. An
If your car isn’t regularly maintained, its components can wear out prematurely and the vehicle can become dangerous to drive.
- Air Conditioning - Exhausts - Brakes - Suspensions - Tires - Tune-ups Massey Dr.,Cornwall GRAND BAZAAR
1520 Vincent -
• There’s a warning light illuminated on the dashboard
• The steering and suspension systems
If you notice these or other issues, have it inspected and repaired before it becomes a hazard.
Tim Houle Auto Talk

MASSEY PLACE AUTOPRO Kyle 336163 Available for a limited time at participating rotisseries. Suggested serving. While supplies last. ® Registered trademark of St-Hubert Group Ltd. 705 Brookdale Avenue, CORNWALL 613 limitedtime FRIED CHICKEN is back 375748 375993 THE ✼ Baked Goods ✼ Food-To-Go ✼ Almost New & Antique Items For Sale Knox-St. Paul’s United Church A community of faith within the United Church of Canada

The Food and Beverage Server Program will run Monday to Thursday from 1 - 4pm.
According to the Government of Canada Job Bank website, “Job opportunities for food and beverage servers are good in Ontario over the next three years.” Some of the employers hiring in this industry are restaurants, bars, banquet halls, hotels, motels, and golf courses.
Cashier – Starts September 6

12 -202214,SeptemberWednesday, 357991 HelpClassifiedWanted Ad Coverage Get your help wanted / job opportunity ad in the Seaway News and online on Seaway News Serving Cornwall and area for 36 years. GET COVERAGEFULLandSDG,readersCornwallseawaynews.comandCornwall,Ottawa,TorontoQuebecregions. BONUS Seaway News also offers CORNWALL MEANS BUSINESS – Business Industry Profile ads plus web, plus stories, plus photos. is looking to hire a full time ELECTRICAL/ INSTRUMENTATION TECHNICIAN out of our Lancaster office Apply here ➤ is looking to hire a full time ELECTRICAL/TECHNICIANINSTRUMENTATION out of our Lancaster office Apply here ➤ PLUS On our website 350,000 monthly views ELECTRICAL/TECHNICIANINSTRUMENTATION Further information can be found at or to apply, please submit your resume via email to Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc. (TNPI) operates a regulated pipeline in the Southeastern Ontario to Montreal corridor, delivering refined petroleum products used by businesses and consumers for more than 70 years. TNPI is looking to hire a full time Electrical/ Instrumentation Project Technician out of our Lancaster office. The ideal candidate will have a safety-first mentality and can work under pressure, managing multiple tasks at any given time. Some travel will be required between Montreal and Toronto. Industrial Electrician (442A) or Construction and Maintenance (309A) Interprovincial Red Seal certification is required. 4-5 years of related work experience in heavy industrial and process environments will be considered an asset. 356315 Ad in Seaway Over33,000newspaperNewsdelivered100,000views Your Employment ad will be posted on website JOB listings Section CONTACT ONE OF OUR SALES REPRESENTATIVES TODAY! Steve Jasmin | 613-362-1929 | • Bill Begin | 613-360-9165 | Guy Cote | 343-585-4009 | EXAMPLEEXAMPLEEXAMPLE
KRYSTINE THERRIAULT ktherriault@seawaynews.mediaTheHandmadeArrayis a small business based out of Cornwall and SD&G. It was founded in 2017 by Ashley Barnhart, who specializes in knitted hats and accessories.

“Seeing our small business community come together and supporting one another plus getting to mingle with all the wonderful people I’ve met in general would have to be the most rewarding part of organizing these small events. Watching the vendors thrive and grow at each market is another one of my favorite aspects,” shared Barnhart, “The big gest challenge of organizing the events, oh boy. Probably dealing with getting the insur ance sorted, handling vendor contracts, and permits.”
How it all started:
In addition to making and selling hats and headbands for babies, kids, and adults, last year Ashley started organizing markets to build a community of local makers and arti sans. I asked her about the most fulfilling and difficult parts of organizing these events.
Before launching her business, Ashley picked up crochet as a hobby to help cope with anxiety.
Ashley was creating so much that she decided to put some items up on Facebook
marketplace. They sold well, which inspired her to turn her hobby into a business! Since then, she has switched over to mostly knitting.
You can shop The Handmade Array in three different ways:
2) Custom orders can be placed via direct message on Facebook or Instagram.
The City of Cornwall’s Senior Friendly Community Committee is happy to announce their 2022 Aging Well: Senior Health and Safety Fair. The fair is taking place on Wednesday September 28th from 11am to 6pm at the Benson Center.

“Aging well is prolonging our autonomy and guaranteeing the desired quality of life.” Bernard Lamarche, Chair of the Senior Friendly Community Committee.

Opening ceremonies will be held at 1:00pm in the Automotive room and will be followed by Keynote speaker James Conklin, PhD. James is an author, educator, scientist, and consultant who currently leads a study of how long-term care homes are coping with change during the COVID-19 pandemic. James looks forward to sharing his passion with event attendees.Bilingual workshops are scheduled through out the day on topics such as movement and nutrition for wellbeing, the power of laughter, brain health, retirement living options and so much more. Exhibitors range from senior clubs, education and volunteer opportunities, municipal services, senior living homes, recreation programs and more.
Food and monetary donations will be accepted for the Agape Center. Donations will
provide attendees with a chance to win sever al Toprizes.learn more about participating vendors, workshop schedules and topics please visit,please contact event coordinators at the Social Development Council of Cornwall and Area by phone at 613930-0211 or by email at info@sdccornwall.
ca.This event is funded in part by the Government of Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program.

This free event is open to everyone and will showcase services and programs for seniors and their caregivers. With 40 exhibits and 15 workshops focused on aging well there is cer tain to be something for everyone.
1) Pre-made hats and accessories can be purchased on their Facebook page, at Kids Korner on Pitt Street, and at Piper’s Closet in Hamilton. Also, coming soon to The Village Green in Ingleside!
AGING WELL: The Senior Health & Safety FairMeet the Maker
Ashley Barnhart – The Handmade Array
“It really did help,” she said, “but then I ended up with an abundance of hats.”
3) You can also find The Handmade Array at various pop-up markets in the area
Where to shop The Handmade Array:
Micheline had to give up some things to make the switch. She took a pay cut, lost seniority, and vacation time, but none of that mattered. She had watched many of her fellow PSWs become cold and hard over the years, as well as suffer from poor health, and she did not want the same for
the only people some of these seniors see on a regular basis.
“I tried it, and I just couldn’t believe it because it didn’t feel like it was work. I couldn’t believe I was getting paid to do what I was doing,” she shared, “I didn’t feel at all like I had in the past 19 years. I was me. They really appre ciate everything you do so you begin to feel worthy again. You’re doing some thing to make a difference.”
herself.So,what makes Carefor so different? It’s the quality of time and attention they give to both their clients and staff.
Whether you’re a seasoned health care provider or recent graduate, Carefor has a lot to offer new employ ees including rewarding pay and bene fits programs, flexible or set work schedules, and staff development

– Micheline Matte
Micheline Matte took the first PSW course offered by St. Lawrence College 20 years ago. She entered long-term care hoping to eventually go into nurs ing, but motherhood had other plans. After 19 years of LTC work, Micheline was burnt out. Like many PSWs, strict timelines and minimal resources meant that there was little to no time to really care for patients.
www.cornwallseawaynews.comNewsSeaway -202214,SeptemberWednesday,13
“I just wasn’t the same person at all. You go into it with so much compas sion and patience and you want to do so much good, but after so many years it just feels like nothing you do mat ters,” said Micheline.

“In long term care you’ve basically got your timeline… people need to be up for breakfast, back to bed, toilet, lunch. There isn’t really time for any thing,” Micheline explained, “Here, they give you so much time to spend with clients. Their personal care is so personal, it’s not hurry up and get it done. If you want to take a nice bath or shower, were going to do it all and it’s going to feel nice for you. We’re not only given five minutes.”

For more information about employ ment opportunities and what makes Carefor special, visit careers.

Carefor is always on the lookout for PSWs with heart to provide compas sionate care in seniors’ homes and healthcare facilities. For many clients, Carefor workers are like family; they’re

opportunities.Mostofall,they offer employees the opportunity to truly make a difference in the lives of clients.
Enter years ago, Micheline was looking for a change. A friend of hers had started working for Carefor and she figured it was worth a shot.
Carefor Puts the Care in Personal Support Work
From the moment he was diagnosed with heart disease at the young age of 40, Gilles wanted to become involved and help educate about the Educationdisease.isalso
System (CCDSS) about 1 in 12 (or 2.6 mil lion) Canadian adults aged 20 and over live with diagnosed heart disease. Every hour, about 14 Canadian adults aged 20 and over with diagnosed heart disease die.
SaveStation Unveiling at Riverdale Park in Memory of Gilles Gagnier
Minister David Piccini
Volunteers meet every Thursday afternoon in a room provided for free by the Cornwall Senior’s Club at 119 Pitt Street. These ladies knit and crochet all year long and do beautiful work. Although they’ve only been in their current location for two years, some members pre viously knit for charity through the Red Cross. Others have been knitting for charity since their 20s!The club’s work is donated to schools, long term care facilities, and hospitals – wherever the need. Items like hats and mittens are donated to schools to keep kids warm during cold months. They also donate items to Baldwin House, Riverview Manor, Marlborough Place, Salvation Army, St. Vincent de Paul, and Winchester District Memorial Hospital. Keep up the amazing work ladies!
Notice of Study Completion
This launch introduces the first 24/7 accessible, wall mounted SaveStation cab inet in Cornwall, Ontario. The cabinet will house a Lifepak CR2 AED. The technology built into this SaveStation allows for 24/7 monitoring of the AED to ensure it is always ‘ready for rescue’. This cabinet also keeps the AED warm in the winter and cool in the summer.“Gilles grew up in Cornwall and always held a special place in his heart for his community,
14 -202214,SeptemberWednesday,
and its residents. As an avid athlete all his life, he is a testament to the fact that sudden cardiac arrest can happen to anyone,” says the SaveStation crowdfunding page, In mem ory of Gilles, this SaveStation with life-saving AED is accessible to everyone at the park and in the immediate area.”
Interested persons should provide written comment to the municipality on the proposal within 30 calendar days from the date of this Notice. Comment should be directed to the Water Purification Plant Supervisor, Mr. Owen O’Keefe, 861 Second Street West, Cornwall, Ontario, K6J 1H5, telephone: (613) 930-2787, x2573, our consultant, Marco Vincelli, P.Eng., Vice-President, EVB Engineering, 800 Second Street West, Cornwall, Ontario, K6J 1H6, telephone: (613) 935-3775, x 210 or at In addition, a request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study (i.e. requiring an individual/comprehensive EA approval before being able to proceed), or that conditions be imposed (e.g. require further studies), only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Indigenous and treaty rights. Requests on other grounds will not be considered. Requests should include the requester contact information and full name for the ministry. Requests should specify what kind of order is being requested (request for additional conditions or a request for an individual/comprehensive environmental assessment), how an order may prevent, mitigate, or remedy those potential adverse impacts, and any information in support of the statements in the request. This will ensure that the ministry is able to efficiently begin reviewing the request. The request should be sent in writing or by email to:
Please note that ALL personal information included in submission to the Minister – such as name, address, telephone number and property location – is collected, maintained, and disclosed by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for the purposes of transparency and consultation. The information is collected under the authority of the Environmental Assessment Act or is collected and maintained for the purpose of creating a record that is available to the general public as described in Section 37 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Personal information you submit will become part of a public record that is available to the general public unless you request that your personal information remain confidential. For more information, please contact the Ministry’s Freedom of Information and Privacy Coordinator at (416) 327-1434. This revised notice is issued on September 13, 2022.
The City of Cornwall owns and operates Cornwall’s drinking water system. This includes the Water Purification Plant, which provides potable water to the City of Cornwall and surrounding area. The Water Purification Plant obtains water from Lake St. Lawrence, next to the R.H. Saunders Power Dam. The City is proposing to install a secondary water intake. Risks have been identified at the existing intake. If a catastrophic event takes place, and the existing water intake is unusable, a secondary intake will provide redundancy.

Not only have countless members of our community benefited from the work of this club, but it also offers a time for seniors to get out and social ize. Club members often bring in treats to share and enjoy along with a cup of tea or coffee.

A ribbon cutting ceremony took place on Saturday, September 10th at 1pm in Riverdale Park, Cornwall, followed by a brief demonstra tion of the AED. This date was chosen since it marked the one-year anniversary of Gilles’ passing.Thank you to Gilles Gagnier all those involved for introducing this live saving tech nology to our community!
City of Cornwall 861 Second Street West Cornwall, Ontario K6J 1H5 tel: 613-930-2787, OOkeefe@cornwall.cax2573
If there is no request received by October 13, 2022, the City will proceed to design and construction of the secondary intake, as presented in the planning document.
Minister of the ConservationEnvironment,andParksCollegePark5thFloor,777BayStreetToronto,ONM5B2H7
“Riverdale Park is at the heart of our com munity. It is where families gather for a picnic. We see children playing on the structures and enjoying the splash pads,” explains the team, “It is common to see teenagers playing on the basketball courts. The tennis courts are always busy with people practising the sport they love! It is an excellent place to install a public AED.”
“KnitWits” club are ladies with hearts of gold, who knit for charity – making mitts, hats, scarfs, slippers, socks, lap blankets, and baby blan kets. They accept donations of money or wool and pro vide members with every thing they need to come in and knit (or crochet).

This project is being planned under Schedule B of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment to comments received as a result of this Notice, and the receipt of necessary approvals. The City intends to proceed with the design and construction of this project. The project plans and other information are available at and at the following locations:
Owen O’Keefe, Supervisor, Water Purification Plant
Cornwall Water Purification Plant Secondary Intake Environmental Assessment
Director, Environmental Assessment and Permissions Branch Ministry of the EnvironmentalConservationEnvironment,andParksApprovalsBranch135St.ClairAvenueWest,1stFloor,Toronto,ONM4V1P5
a big part of SaveStationʼs mission. Their website states, SaveStation is also … a public awareness program that is providing critical education about CPR and how to use an AED. With just 4 minutes to save a life, we need the public to feel confi dent to take action in an emergency. Knowing where to go and what to do when witnessing Sudden Cardiac Arrest is the first step to save a Accordinglife.” to 2017–2018 data from the Canadian Chronic Disease Surveillance
KRYSTINE THERRIAULT ktherriault@seawaynews.mediaSeptember10,2022, was the one year anniversary of the sudden passing of Cornwall local, Gilles Gagnier, from a heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest at the age of 51. In memory of their brother, Gillesʼ sisters Denise Gagnier Acker and Claire Pecore, along with his wife Nancy Kelly have raised over $8,000 to install a SaveStation with an Automated External Defibrilator (AED) in Riverdale Park.

Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 4:30pm Telephone: 613-930-2787
Thank You “Quiet Angels” of Cornwall!
Cornwall City Hall - 360 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON K6J 3P9
IT specialists must be able to communicate with their colleagues and clients. This means you must be good at conveying your ideas, making yourself understood and finding the best moments to do so.
ServiceMaster Restore is currently looking for a CARPENTER, CARPENTER ASSISTANT AND GENERAL LABOURER to join their team. Please send resume to admin.cornwall @ or drop off at 801 Campbell Street Cornwall On K6H 7B7

to switch gears constantly. Therefore, you must be well organized and able to multi-task to keep up with your workload.Doyouhave these qualities? If so, you have everything you need for a long career in this promising field. For more information plus additional web job postings visit or call 613-933-0074
Under the general direction of the Supervisor, Customer Service, the candidate will provide service to the general public regarding billing inquiries, payments, routine credit arrangements, and other customer service-related requirements. The candidate will also be required to complete the billing process and review readings and consumption for accuracy, calculate and check bills against history for any discrepancies, print and post bills as required. The ability to effectively deal with customer complaints in a professional and courteous manner is essential for this position.
3 essential qualities for IT professionals
Cornwall Electric, together with FortisOntario, is committed to nurturing a positive, professional, and equal opportunity workforce. In accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, we are equipped to accommodate individual needs identified to us throughout our hiring process.
As an IT employee, you’re often required to solve pro blems. Consequently, you must enjoy challenging your self and looking for innovative solutions. You must also be inherently curious to stay updated with the latest technologies in a constantly evolving field.

We thank all respondents, however due to volume we will only contact those selected for an interview. -
Qualified and interested applicants should submit their cover letter and resume through the Career Opportunities page at by September 30, 2022. We thank all respondents, however due to volume we will only contact those selected for an interview.
TRAINING SUMMARY • Fully subsidized training • 12-week full-time training • Individual support for childcare, transportation and other needs is available • Certificate of completion, 3 credits towards OSSD and bonus* upon successful completion of the program ADMISSION CRITERIA* • Criminal Record Check for Vulnerable Clients • Selection interview and medical certificate • Good physical condition *Some conditions apply. 379659
Qualified and interested candidates should submit their cover letter and resume through the Career Opportunities page at by October 7, 2022

Cornwall is a beautiful, safe and friendly growing community. Cornwall is located on the banks of the St. Lawrence River in Eastern Ontario and has everything you need to enjoy an exceptional quality of life. With a small-town feel, businesses and waterfront minutes away from your front door along with new opportunities awaiting around every corner. Cornwall is located near Kingston, the picturesque 1000 Islands and is a short drive from Ottawa/Montreal. Cornwall is an affordable place to live and a wonderful region to raise a family. Cornwall Electric is currently recruiting for a:
Cornwall Electric, a FortisOntario company, who provides electrical transmission and distribution to approximately 28,000 customers in and around the Cornwall/Gananoque areas, has an employment opportunity for a:

Cornwall Electric (CE) together with FortisOntario, is committed to nurturing a positive, professional, and equal opportunity workforce. In accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, we are equipped to accommodate individual needs identified to us throughout our hiring process.
Whether you already work in information technology (IT) or are just starting your studies, here are three qua lities essential to your success.
Reporting to the Supervisor, Logistics, the successful candidate will be required to assist with the general building maintenance at the main Cornwall Operations Centre and Cornwall District Heating (“CDH”) plant, requiring a minimum 4th Class Operating Ticket. Responsible for buildings and equipment at the Operations Centre and CDH facility to ensure safe operations by conducting regular preventative maintenance and inspections. Address areas that require attention and work with any outside general contractors to schedule and to make certain work orders are completed. Adhere to all Company policies and procedures and comply with all relevant legislation and standards.Ifyouhappen to be seeking a rewarding career, are flexible, an opportunity to work both independently (such as on-call requirements), be part of a collaborative and dynamic team with an attractive benefits plan, OMERS pension and more - we encourage you to apply!
If you want to thrive in IT, you must have exceptio nal organizational skills. Depending on your job, your colleagues may regularly interrupt you and require you

NewsSeaway -202214,SeptemberWednesday,15


most recent job postings from Cornwall employers

We’re Hiring Employment Opportunities
Cornwall Electric is offering this part-time position (30-37.5 hours/week) with an attractive compensation/benefits package, OMERS pension plan, professional development, an excellent working environment, and more. If you happen to be seeking a rewarding and exciting career - we encourage you to apply!
Did you know that GVEAH Pet Store installed a new sign replacing the iconic and old looking original sign. GVEAH also changed their store interior to make it easier for customers to navigate their way around the store. From fish to birds, GVEAH is the place to go to find the ones that suit you the best. Jacob will be glad to listen to what you are looking for and match you up with just the right fish or bird. GVEAH also carries all the accessories and supplies you will need for your fish and or bird. You will also find, on occasion, the cutest of bunnies.
Did you know that Cornwall Square will holding a Thanksgiving Food Drive in cooperation with the Agape Centre? The 2-week event starting on September 21st, the first day of the Fall season, and ending on October 5th, aims to collect over 500 pounds of food focusing on non-perishables, cereals and other breakfast food to
What a great day at Cornwall Golf Club last week when Kinsmen Life Member John Baird hosted 11 other Kinsmen from around the region for a game of golf. Very special day as most these Kinsmen have been friends for 30 plus years, some over 40 years. From Brockville to Chateauguay they came and enjoyed a day of friendship and golf (did we count score) . ..until we meet again.

supplement the Agape Centre’s inventory of basic food supplies. Look for the collec tion centre here at Cornwall Square on the upper level at the top of the escalator. We all have the ability to support those who are less fortunate than ourselves, let us do so.

Pitt & 13th St., Cornwall 613-938-6772 Open for Take Out, Dine In & Drive Thru until 10 pm 2ND ANNIVERSARY SALE WHITE DEERBUCKWHEATCLOVERFEEDNOWINSTOCK While quantities last / see store for details. FEEDMOÏSE&SEED 3784161433 Pitt St., Cornwall 613-932-1653 MANDERLEY GRASS SEED QUALITY GRASS SEED The Pet Corner

When will the City of Cornwall address the issues of dangerous speeding and unaccept able noise levels from these vehicles. Living on Montreal Road is like living on a speedway as I am sure it is on many streets. We have 2 retirement homes in this area and there has to be an impact on their well being .It is time to do what the town of Prescott has done and reduce the speed limit to the city. If this is not to your liking start placing speed bumps or increase traffic lights or institute radar. This situation has been going on far too long . The Cornwall citizens deserve action on this dire situation.
While on vacation in our region, we have up-to-date news, weather and community events at your fingertips.

Did you know that the Furrever Cat Rescue and Vendor Market held on Sunday August 28th raised close the $1,400.00 for the 4 participating rescue groups? Cornwall Square wishes to thank everyone who sup ported this event.


Did you know that Cornwall Shoe Repair is far more than “The Ye Olde Cobbler Shop”. Gary and his team have an array of leather products from purses to jackets to wallets to new footwear on top of the ability to create custom fit footwear and jackets.

It’s that time of year again. Line painting is starting up once more on September 19. Trucks will have flashing lights, and signage and cones will be set up. Please do not pass the trucks — you will likely get paint on your vehicle. Instead, use an alternate route or follow at a safe distance.

Did you know that Bayshore Home Health will be hosting an information session out lining their services to the public? They will be setting their booth in the east courtyard between Shoppers Drug Mart, Dollarama and Headliners Beauty Salon. More details in the coming weeks.
Remember, shop indoors, shop The Square, and support your local merchants that make up Cornwall’s retail sector.

DIANNE NIXON presented a $5000.00 donation to Laurencrest Youth Services on behalf of the RBC Foundation. She is a proud Board President and Board member for 14 years and these funds will help support the Youth in our community. Laurencrest has been helping our youth for 54 years through community outreach programing and residential care. #RBC # Laurencrest Youth Services Inc.

Did you know that Maurice’s has intro duced a childrenswear section in their store? A mainstay in the Ladies fashion category here at Cornwall Square, Maurice’s has expanded its offering with the recent addition of the “junior fashionista” lines to complement its women’s clothing selection.
Cornwall Shoe Repair has been a long-term tenant at Cornwall Square and Gary and his family have looked after the needs of Cornwall residents for decades. Be it a simple repair to your favorite leather product or a custom creation, Cornwall Shoe Repair is the place to visit.
16 -202214,SeptemberWednesday,scuttlebutt
The Cornwall Regional Airport is receiving over $1.1 million through a non-repayable investment from the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario).
The family and friends of Brian Fawcett are honouring his strength and courage through a thoughtful donation that will support patients at Winchester District Memorial Hospital (WDMH). They have provided funds to purchase a specialized patient mattress for the Medical/Surgical Unit.
Honouring A Legacy of Strength and Courage
Transportation Initiative (RATI), for four south ern Ontario airports: Kingston Airport, Cornwall Regional Airport, Huronia Airport and Arnprior Airport.“Itis important that we support our regional airports, airlines and transportation eco systems across southern Ontario for the thou sands of workers employed in this sector and for the many businesses and communities that depend on them,” says Helena Jaczek, Minister responsible for the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario. “By investing in these four airports, we are strength ening our regional connectivity networks to build a stronger, more resilient economy.”
“I am pleased, on behalf of the Cornwall Regional Airport Commission, to recognize the support of the Government of Canada for the valuable Regional Air Transportation Initiative funding through FedDev Ontario,” says Dean Hollingsworth, City of Cornwall Councillor and Cornwall Regional Airport Chair. “This contribu tion will assist with ongoing investment to ensure future growth at the Cornwall Regional Airport.”Funds will be used to help adapt existing facilities including funding for a new terminal design, electrical upgrades, runway lighting and security camera installations.
Brian’s wife Dianne shares the meaning behind this special gift: “Since Brian had Parkinson’s disease, we were going to have donations go to Parkinson’s Canada, but chose WDMH instead because of the amaz ing care given to Brian. We wanted to give back and decided on a special mattress to help prevent bedsores. It will help many patients, 365 days a year.”
the year was established. Groups may still submit requests during the year for consider ation – application form is available on our web
Club wishes to thank all our community supporters that make these dona tions possible. TV Bingo players & merchants, participants at some of our events (Kinsmen Farmers Market, Pizza Party) and our other fundraising events.
The funding is part of an overall $2.8 million contribution through the Regional Air
Are We There Yet? Travelling More Responsibly with Your Children recommended reads Book review

Cornwall Regional Airport Receives $1.1 Million Funding Boost
“Our heartfelt thanks to Dianne and her family for thinking of the current and future patients during their time of loss,” notes Kristen Casselman, Managing Director, WDMH Foundation. “We are very touched that we were chosen as a charity of choice as a way to honour Brian’s legacy of strength and courage, and as one way for his family, friends, and community to remember him.”
Since 1933, the Cornwall Kinsmen Club has raised funds through a range of activities and invested these funds in order to meet the Community’s Greatest Needs. These needs change from year to year and thus we adjust the flow of funds accordingly. To assist us in our strategic process we have identified 7 broad categories: Relief of Poverty;
• Health and Welfare;
“I told Brian what we were doing, and I know he would have been pleased,” adds
Habitat For Humanity 2022-2023 -
• Enhancement of Youth;
NewsSeaway -202214,SeptemberWednesday,17
• Enhancement of Public Security and;
• Culture and the Arts;
Dianne Fawcett (centre) and daughter Rebecca Holmes (left of Dianne) present the cheque to Natasha Armstrong, RN (far left); Clinical Manager Mike Paglia and Kristen Casselman, Managing Director, WDMH Foundation (far right).

• Advancement of Education;
Dianne. “Brian went through a lot and he never complained or felt sorry for himself. Thank you to family and friends for your donations in Brian’s memory, David Lapier for collecting them, Kristen for working with us, and the nurses and doctors who took care of Brian (and me).”
This is the book to help us do just that.
Todaysite we are pleased to announce the 2022/2023 donation of $1,500 to “Habitat For Humanity Re-Store”, a building supply stores that accept and resell quality new and used building materials, furniture, appliances, and household items. They generate funds to support Habitat’s building programs, while reducing the amount of used materials that are headed for overflowing landfills! They are an environmentally friendly store that makes sense!TheKinsmen
Over the last year, a strategic planning pro cess was undertaken internally to determine the levels of funding that would be allocated to each of these broad categories. Today’s donation falls under the relief of poverty thrust of our strategy. All community applica tions received were reviewed by members of the Cornwall Kinsmen Club and a budget for
“This grant initiative will support expansion of services at the Cornwall Regional Airport and the attraction of future commercial and private tenants,” said Lyle Warden, Mayor of South Glengarry and Vice-Chair of the Cornwall Regional Airport Commission.
Rachel Dodds and Richard Butler are sea soned travelers and have taken their chil dren and grandchildren to visit countries around the world. With a wealth of experi ence, they not only have stories to share, but they have a lot of sound advice to help others travel with children to make it a rewarding and responsible adventure for everyone. Are We There Yet? is more than just a guide full of travel tips. It’s an adven ture in itself, as the authors share countless tales of what can happen while taking chil dren on the trip of a lifetime. The book is well organized, with detailed chapters that include sage advice on everything from plan ning the trip to summing up the adventure with more activities after returning home. Responsible traveling is a key point through out, as adults and children alike must learn respect, not only for the country they visit but also for the people they meet. Each well-documented chapter has true experi ence stories that will heighten readers’ awareness of what can happen, and what children can truly learn from these travel
The specialized mattress costs $6,203.70.
Photo (L-R) JM Lemoeligou (Kinsmen Club) Darryl Adams (Kinsmen Club- Past President) Breckyn Caers (Community Engagement Coordinator- Habitat For Humanity) Leigh Taggart (Executive Director- Habitat For Humanity), Claude Legault (Kinsmen ClubPresident)

Southern Ontario is a strategically-located and globally recognized region that offers many advantages for local businesses, including state-of-the-art infrastructure, a diverse work force and a strong regional air transportation network. Regional airports play an important role in the movement of people and goods across the country, serve industries and drive significant economic benefits across communities.Formoreinformation, visit choosecornwall. ca.
• Community Service.
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FEDERAL RETIREES Annual Members Meeting of Cornwall and District Branch AMM on Sept. 21 at 10 am at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall, 415 Second St. W. Present and retired federal employees, Armed Forces personnel, federal judges, and non-pensioned veterans are invited. Following the meeting there will be a presentation on fraud crimes and lunch will be served. RSVP federalretirees.corn
LIVING LIFE TO THE FULL is back but for adults this time! The Free 8-week wellness program runs on Thursdays @ 6:30 P.M. in Programming Room 1 & 2 (Cornwall Public Library). Sign up for the first session on Sept. 15 by Email: or Phone (613) 932-4796 ext. 266.

IS SOMEONE’S DRINKING BOTHERING YOU? You are not alone. There is help and hope. Call 613-937-4880 or visit www.
CORNWALL NEW HORIZONS BAND is a community band that helps people learn, relearn or refresh their skills in how to read music and play a band instrument. Beginners start Mon. Sept. 26 at 3:30 -5 p.m. at St. Felix de Valois church hall and also Mondays (starting Sept. 26) at CCVS music room 6:30 – 8 p.m. - best to arrive 15 minutes earlier. Intermediate class starts Tues. Sept. 20 at St. Felix de Valois church hall 3:30 – 5 p.m. Band rehearses Thursdays at St. Felix de Valois church hall 3:30 – 5 p.m. Info: or 613-362-4881 or 613-931-1580.
ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Fish and Chips. Every Friday from 4:30-6:30. Take out or eat in. Order in advance 613-933-2362.

JOIN THE APPLES AND ART TOUR On Sept. 24 and 25, 10am-4pm at Salem United Church in Summerstown. In addition to visit ing the church and adjacent cemetery full of interesting history, visitors will be able to enjoy a Quilt Show. There will also be an opportunity to buy goodies and frozen pies at the famous Salem Church bake sale table. Come and enjoy!
THE PATRONS OF ST. COLUMBAN FOUNDATION presents a fundraising Celtic concert on Sunday September 25 at 2 p.m. in St. Columban’s Church, 36 Fourth St. West, Cornwall. The musical entertainment will feature the Brigadoons. Admission is freewill donation. All are welcome.
CORNWALL NEWCOMERS CLUB wel comes women who have moved in the last 4 years to Cornwall and the SD&G Counties. Info: Louise 613-932-7557.
IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BOOKS AND ITEMS of a religious nature, the “Catholic Information Centre” is at your service from Monday to Friday 10am-4pm at 146B, Chevrier Ave, room 124 (former Nativity School). (613) 933-5099
ÊTES-VOUS À LA RECHERCHE D’ARTICLES ou de livres religieux? Le « Centre d’information catholique » est à votre service du lundi au vendredi de 10h à 16h au 146B ave Chevrier, local 124 (ancienne école Nativité). (613) 933-5099.
ST. LAWRENCE SENIORS AT ANAF – Bingo on Mondays & Thursday at 12 Noon. Doors open at 10am. Upcoming euchre on September 27. Please call the club before noon to reserve your place.

THE ROTARY CLUB OF CORNWALL SUNRISE is again offering Rotary ‘Mums for Thanksgiving. Delivered to a local address of your choice - $15 per 6” pot between September 28 – October 1. Order online at or from any Cornwall Sunrise Rotarian.
SEAWAY WINDS CONCERT BAND invites musicians who play an instrument at an inter mediate level to join us. Rehearsals every Wednesday, 6:45pm to 8:45pm at The Salvation Army Community Church, 500 York Street. Info: Barb Hunter at 613-534-2111.

CORNWALL COMFORT QUILTS are hand made for and given to Cancer patients. If you or someone you know is in need of a quilt, contact: Nicole 613 935-5593, Janice 613 936-1951. Email: Mcintyren58@hotmail. com.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs). Wings & Things every Thursday from 4:30 – 8 pm. Take-out available.
BINGO AT THE CCÉC! Come play every Monday at 6:00pm. Doors open at 4:00pm. NO RESERVATION. Meet us at CCÉC 146b avenue Chevrier, K6H 1S1, Cornwall.

WEDNESDAY LUNCHES: by the members of the Knights of Columbus “Seniors & Friends”, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs) Wednesdays from 11:30am-1pm.
BEREAVED FAMILIES of ONTARIO - SOUTH EASTERN REGION - Need help with the loss of a loved one? Open Support and Share Adult group sessions held monthly every 3rd Thursday at the Starbrite center located at 343 Pitt St. Register at or email or call 613-936-7470.
MULTIPLE MYELOMA SUPPORT: If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Myeloma and would like to connect with others, join us on Facebook, and email at We plan to hold virtual support meetings every second month.
SPAGHETTI FUNDRAISER: will be held on the last Friday of the month September 30th at Knights of Columbus, 205 Amelia St. (downstairs) from 11:30am-1 pm and 4-6:30 pm.
SEAWAY SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB, 506 Pitt St is now open for all activities. Full vac cination required. For a full list of activities or to register call: (613) 932-4969.
18 -202214,SeptemberWednesday, COMMUNITYMATTERSLocalNews,LocalStories,LocalPeople.DailyUpdatesMondaytoFriday5:30pm,6pm,10pmand10:30pm Program Schedule for the week 19SEPTEMBERofTO25,2022 SeawaY communitY eventS Check Out CKON Radio on Facebook for Game Details 613-575-2100 / 613-575-2101 335724 RADIO BINGO! CKON Radio Bingo for Tuesday, Sept. 20 at 7pm AMERICAN MONEY PAYOUTS FOR GAMES 1-6 WE WILL DELIVER YOUR CASH PRIZE ANYWHERE EXCLUDING OTTAWA AND MONTREAL Cards are available at Akwesasne Duty Free Tobacco, Arrowhead Pharmacy, A’thre’s Convenience Store, East Island Convenience, Express Gas, Hummingbird Gifts & Tobacco, and Jocks Quickstop 377012

KRYSTINE THERRIAULT ktherriault@seawaynews.mediaTheSeawayValleyTheatre
with her to celebrate their 25th wedding anni versary, but he’d much rather be at home watching the seventh game of the World Series on TV. Comedy ensues as they mingle with guests in the VIP lounge, including the show’s cynical director, his needy girlfriend, and a mot ley assortment of actors. It all peaks with the “performance” of what’s got to be one of the worst plays ever written. A witty, fast-paced love letter to the theatre from Canada’s most produced playwright.”
L to R: Veronique Lacroix (Cilla), Michael DeWolfe (Michael), Bethany Lynn (Libby), Neil Carriere (Clayton), Laurie McRae Bingley (Ruth), Greg Taylor (Jack). Not in picture: Grant Reso (Richard), Mike Chatelain (Tom).
AUTUMN ART & CRAFT SALE in the Super Structure Building on the Avonmore Fairgrounds, 16301 Fairview Drive, Avonmore, Sat. Sept 17 from 10 to 4. Free Admission, Lunch Available 11 to 2pm. Hosted by the Roxborough Agricultural Society.

SEAWAY STRINGS is a group of fiddlers who meet every Wednesday afternoon from 1 - 3 pm at the Seaway Senior Citizens Club at 506 Pitt St. Newcomers are welcome to join us in playing Celtic, Old Time and various styles of fiddle tunes. Info: Rick 613 932 2872.
LA CITADELLE ALUMNI FIRST GOLF TOURNAMENT showcasing many local entre preneurs. The tournament will be held at the Cornwall Golf and Country Club on Sept. 18. All proceeds will go to the school for stu dent-based programs and activities. Info: 613-662-3553!

“There is one lady who is brand new to the atre and she’s doing a super good job. We have one who is only in his second play and he’s doing very well,” shared Barnes when asked about casting the play, “The others have
THE MOCCASIN RAILROAD CLUB meets at 7 pm the first Wednesday of each month except July and August, at the Centre Charles Emile Claude, 146B Chevrier Avenue. All modellers and rail enthusiasts welcome. Info: 613 930-5646.
CORNWALL QUILTERS GUILD will hold the next monthly meeting on Mon. Sept. 19 at 7:00 pm in St. Matthews Lutheran Church Hall, 1509 2nd St. W. Info: Barb 613-360-8079.

Opening Night is a comedy that’s a play about a play. According to the synopsis on the SVTC“Ruthwebsite:Tisdale, a theatre lover, wins a pair of tickets to the opening night performance of a new play. She drags her husband Jack along

HOT LAPS BEGIN AT 6:45PM 313 Frogtown Road, Hogansburg, NY 518-358-1033 FRIDAY SEPT. 16 ~ TWO DAY WEEKEND ~ SATURDAY SEPT. 17 378606 GENERAL ADMISSION: Adults $20; Seniors $15 Kids $5. when accompanied by an adult PIT ADMISSION $37 w/Dirt license; $40 w/o Dirt license PIT GATES OPEN AT 4PM | GENERAL GATES OPEN AT 5PM 358 Dirt Car Series Race, Twin Leaf presents the 9th Annual Pete Mitchell Memorial Sportsman Race, and Pro stock Series Race. Dirt Car Sportsman Series, Dirt car Pro Stocks, Mod Lite and Vintage Confirm your registration at Are you on the list to vote? Register to have your say on October 24 You can help decide who represents you on the 2022 - 2026 Cornwall City Council You are eligible to cast a ballot in the municipal election if, on Voting Day, you are: A Canadian citizen 18 years of age or older A resident of the City of Cornwall, an owner or tenant of land in the City or the spouse of an owner or tenant Not otherwise prohibited from voting 379020

THE PSAC/CEIU LOCAL 621 will be offer ing a free self defence class for women. This is a community service for the women of our community on October 18th between 6:30 & 8:30 pm at the Knox St Pauls Church, 800 Twelfth Street West SQUARE DANCE LESSONS. Every Friday night (except holidays) from 7-9 pm at KnoxSt. Paul’s United Church, 800 12th St. East. Teens 12-18 accompanied by an adult dance fore free. Info: linda 613-360-5216 or 613-936-2563.
THE CORNWALL LEGION BRANCH 297 is please to announce that Bid Euchre will resume on Thursdays 15th, 22nd and 29 of September. Games start at 1 pm.
CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB –Let’s Play Euchre on Sept. 21 at 7 pm. Info: Roly 613-932-9396 or Helen 613-931-3076.
The cast and crew have been working on this production since mid-June. Although it can be hard to cast a play over the summer, the group has great energy and comedic timing. They’ve even gone viral on TikTok!
Company is start ing their 17th season with Opening Night by Norm Foster. The play’s opening night is September 16th and will run for three week ends until the final performance on October 2nd.The play is being directed by Marion Barnes, who directed several plays for Glen Productions before they closed. She has previously directed Opening Night, as well as my Darling Judith (another Norm Foster), My Fair Lady, Wrong for Each Other, and others. The play’s producers are Josee Julien and Cheryl Snider.
Opening Night Comedy Kicks Off the SVTC’s 2022/23 Season
CORNWALL TOWNSHIP LIONS CLUB Bonville. Breakfast every Sunday 8-noon. Contact Roly for info: 613-932-9396.
September 24, 2022 from 11-3 - Rain or Shine - held at Katrina’s Corner Kitchen 17311 Country Road 43, Monkland

KNOX ST. PAUL The Grand Bazaar will be taking place on Sat., Sept 17th from 9am-2pm. Baked goods, food-to-go and almost new & antique items for sale. Everyone welcome.
This play is expected to be the start of an exciting season for the SVTC, with other plays of Music in February, Leading Ladies in May, and Puss in Boots in July.
THE CORNWALL SENIOR CITIZENS CLUB General Meeting will take place at 10 am Monday, Sept. 26th followed by a lunch. Membership card needed upon entry.
KID’S NATURE ZONE DAY, Sat. Sept. 24 from 11am-4 pm at the Upper Canada Bird Sanctuary. Crafts, interactive activities, BBQ. No Charge. Donations to Friends of the Sanctuary accepted.

CAPRICORN: Many people are counting on you this week. You may have to make a diffi cult decision. Gather as much information as possible to ensure you make the right choice.
Exciting things are happening! Your friends will invite you to social gatherings and sporting events. You’ll be focused on staying in shape for your physical and mental health.
LEO: There’s a lot of confusion, especially at work. A family getaway will make you feel rejuvenated, even if it was difficult and time consuming to arrange.
SAGITTARIUS: You’ll get excellent news about financing one of your dreams. You must overcome your fears and anxieties to make it a reality. You’ll feel immense pride, and nothing will slow you down.
AQUARIUS: Your health may suffer due to overwork. You can only succeed professionally if you work as hard as you play. Your being must be at the top of your priority
You’ll be warmly applauded after a liant achievement. You’ll receive some form of reward or appointment. You have plenty of reasons to feel accomplished and confident. MOMENT

You’ll be able to lighten the mood in any situation. Your playful nature will help you reach amicable agreements. Others will actively seek your opinion.
20 -202214,SeptemberWednesday, 379529 HAPPY 80th BIRTHDAY LarryGretzky!Cleary Love Family & Friends Celebrate Let’s This week’s winner: LARRY CLEARYXNOTINTERACAVAILABLE Place your ‘Let’s Celebrate’ in Seaway News for a chance to win a Frozen Celebration Cake compliments of Dairy Queen Cornwall and Seaway News. All Celebrate ads will be entered into the draw. One (1) weekly winner. Coupon to be picked up at Seaway News. AD DEADLINE: FRIDAY AT NOON To place your ad, call 613-933-0014 ext. 7258 or email CASH WEEK OF SEPT. 18 - 24, 2022 HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the grid so that every row, every col umn and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through 9 only once. Each 3x3 box is outlined with a darker line. You already have a few num bers to get you started. Remember: you must not repeat the numbers 1 through 9 in the same line, column or 3x3 box. PUZZLE NO. 888 | LEVEL: BEGINNER ACROSS 1. Complains 6. Hog’s dwelling 9. That dude 12. Another time 13. Foot part 14. Keats work 15. Small drum 16. Glossy paints 18. Prevents 20. Vicinity 21. asRecede,thetide 24. Lacy mat 26. Perches 29. More slack 33. Gather organizeand 34. Establish as true 35. Bends down 37. Attack 38. Chirps 40. Tissue layer 41. Sensible 44. Informal denial 46. Washer setting 48. Calculated sums 53. Broadcast 54. Had food 55. Red cosmetic 56. Little bit 57. Door opener 58. Windowsill DOWN 1. Truck component 2. In times past 3. Hurried 4. Young swine 5. Stuck-up person 6. Office worker, for short 7. Throat part 8. Team cheer 9. Weeder 10. Not moving 11. formationFlat-topped 17. Municipal officials 19. Promotional spots 21. Goofs up 22. Skiff 23. ____ tie 25. Clips 27. Inclines 28. Kind 30. TV serial 31. Something wicked 32. Bank (on) 36. Legislative body 37. Venomous snake 39. Slammer 41. Petty argument 42. Elaborate melody 43. Geek 45. Nobleman 47. Desk wood 49. Buck’scompanion 50. Faulty item 51. Breakfast item 52. Letter after cee PUZZLE NO. 143. Copyright © 2021, Penny Press. Crossword puzzle answers use American spelling HOROSCOPE CROSSWORD

LIBRA: You’re in a good position to get a promotion at work. You’ll also be successful on the financial front. Even your investments will show good returns despite the economic situation.
The idea of taking a trip will cross your mind. You’re curious, and your thirst for knowledge is insatiable. You’ll organize a large scale project on your own or with your family after a deep desire to change and live according to your values.
You’ll enjoy spending time at home this week. You may also take the opportunity to move around some furniture to clean up your living space and clear your mind.

You may struggle to budget for certain expenses. You’ll also realize you have the means to achieve your dream of pur chasing a house or going on a trip.
VIRGO: If you suffer from chronic fatigue, you’ll slowly improve your situation by making small changes. You may also feel the need to participate in more activities to deepen your spirituality.

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The main way that the Legion raises money to help local veterans is via the Poppy Fund, when poppies are given in exchange for
Canadian Legion Branch 297 are aware that there are several homeless veterans in Cornwall who may need assistance. They strongly believe that no vet should go without and would like veterans in the area to know that they are not a government agency.

This fundraiser runs from the last Friday in October until Remembrance Day on November 11th.The biggest struggle now is getting veter ans to come to them for help in the first place.“They’re anti-establishment; they have been forced to become that way because of what governments have failed to do for them, or even their next-door neighbour,” said Kerry Patterson, 2nd Vice, “There are so many vet erans who came back from Vietnam and Afghanistan that were shamed by their fellow citizens for having participated in those actions, and so they become hermits. And those are the people that we’re trying to help. So many of them have PTSD and it’s a tragic situation.”TheLegion’s
Jason Riley, a lifelong Cornwall resident, is running for Cornwall City Council in the upcoming municipal elections being held on October 24th. Jason is thrilled to announce the launch of his new campaign website, As a husband, father, grandfather, and community volunteer, he was proud to announce his candidacy for Cornwall city council in early May and today, he is announcing the launch of his campaign website.Jason is inviting the voters of Cornwall to explore his website, “The new website has details about my background and starts to outline my full campaign platform.” Jason adds that he “hopes the voters of Cornwall will check back often as the website will be updated regularly as we get closer to election day”.

Legion Members Concerned About Homeless Veterans in Cornwall
“We know how to apply or help people apply for stuff they need,” explained Dona McNish, 1st vice, “Let’s say they’re not getting the pen sion that they should be, we can help them apply for it. We can’t get it for them, but we can help them try and get the paperwork going for it.”
donations at booths and boxes across town.
• Transportation to medical appointments

KRYSTINE THERRIAULT ktherriault@seawaynews.mediaCornwall,ON–Members of the Royal

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Jason Riley launches campaign website

• Basics like pillows and blankets to start vets off if they find a home
Another way that the Legion helps veterans is by donating to organizations that provide direct support to vets in our community. A few examples include sending food to non-profits like Centre 105 that feed vets and funding hospitals and homes (i.e., the Glen Stor Dun Lodge and St. Joseph’s) that treat and house veterans.TheLegion can also help by seeing if veter ans are entitled to a pension that they are not currently getting.
The Homes for Heroes Foundation has suc cessfully built two tiny home communities for veterans in Calgary and Edmonton and are in the process of planning a similar community in Kingston, Ontario. Our Legion has reached out to local government representatives, including MP Eric Duncan, to ask for support in building at least 6 tiny homes in the next year to address our local homelessness crisis.
• Shoes if theirs are worn out
“We don’t want to miss people who are struggling outside on the street,” said President, Marvin Plumadore, “These fellows have been left behind for many, many years and the more we can do to help them, the better it is for everybody.”
• A safe, warm, dry place to sleep
The Legion is here to provide support to veterans of all kinds, anonymously and with no questions asked. All they need is the vet eran’s regimental number to confirm their status.Legion members can help by providing vets with:•Food to eat
main goal is to get these vet erans off the street.
• Backpacks
Le Comité communautaire ouvert aux per sonnes âgées de la Ville de Cornwall est heureux d’annoncer son événement Bien vieillir – Le salon santé et sécurité des per sonnes âgées de 2022. Le salon a lieu le mercredi 28 septembre, de 11 h à 18 h, au Centre Benson.

Cet événement est financé en partie par le programme Nouveaux Horizons pour les aînés du gouvernement du Canada.

Des ateliers bilingues sont prévus tout au long de la journée sur des sujets comme le mouvement et la nutrition en vue du bienêtre, le pouvoir du rire, la santé du cerveau, les options de vie à la retraite et bien plus encore. Les exposants comprennent des clubs pour personnes âgées, des possibilités d’éducation et de bénévolat, des services municipaux, des foyers pour personnes
Vous pouvez contribuer à décider qui vous représentera au sein du Conseil municipal de Cornwall 2022-2026.
Les cérémonies d’ouverture auront lieu à 13 h dans la salle Automotive et seront suivies par James Conklin, conférencier prin cipal, Ph.D. James est auteur, éducateur, sci entifique et conseiller qui dirige actuellement une étude sur la façon dont les foyers de soins de longue durée font face au change ment pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. James se réjouit de partager sa passion avec les participants à l’événement.

Inscrivez-vous afin de voter le 24 octobre

êtes un citoyen canadien avez 18 ans ou plus êtes un résident de la ville de Cornwall, un propriétaire ou un locataire d'un terrain dans la ville ou le conjoint d'un/une propriétaire ou d'un/une locataire. n'avez pas d'autre interdiction de voter
Pour en savoir plus sur les vendeurs partici pants, les horaires des ateliers et les sujets, visitez le site

Le veau : avec sa saveur douce, le veau vous donne la possibilité de réa liser des boulettes bien juteuses. Pour rehausser son goût, combinez-le avec du fromage, des fines herbes ou quelques aromates.
HAMBURGERS : variez la viande de vos boulettes!

Le poisson et les crustacés : qu’il
Confirmez votre inscription à

Cet événement gratuit est ouvert à tous et met en vedette des services et des pro grammes pour les aînés et leurs proches aid ants. Avec 40 expositions et 15 ateliers axés sur le thème Bien vieillir, il est certain qu’il y aura quelque chose pour tout le monde.« Bien vieillir prolonge notre autonomie et gar antit la qualité de vie désirée. » Bernard Lamarche, président du Comité commun autaire ouvert aux personnes âgées.

Vous avez le droit de voter à l'élection municipale si, le jour du scrutin, vous :

âgées, des programmes de loisirs et plus encore.Lesdons alimentaires et monétaires ser ont acceptés pour le Centre Agape. Les dons permettront aux participants de gagner plu sieurs prix.
Êtes-vous sur la liste électorale?
Le bison : tendre et plus maigre que la majorité des viandes, le bison pos sède un goût plutôt marqué. Pour le déguster pleinement, il suffit de l’as saisonner de quelques épices et fines herbes.Lebœuf : très goûteux, le bœuf est assurément LE classique du hambur ger. Si sa saveur plus prononcée ca moufle parfois certaines épices, il peut rapidement devenir la base d’une bou lette décadente s’il est mélangé à des morceaux d’oignon, à du fromage en grains, à de la chair de saucisse ita lienne ou à des petits cubes de chori zo!
L’agneau : raffinée et délicate, cette viande fait des hamburgers absolu ment savoureux. Pour la mettre en valeur, ajoutez-y du bacon, du fromage de chèvre, du jus de lime ou quelques feuilles de menthe fraîche.
Le porc : très polyvalent, le porc vous permet d’exprimer votre créati vité! Son goût plus discret se prête parfaitement aux différents mélanges d’épices : cajun, BBQ, asiatique, etc.
Bien vieillir: le salon santé et sécurité des personnes âgées
s’agisse de saumon, de thon, de mo rue ou d’une autre espèce, le pois son donne un aspect plus léger au hamburger traditionnel. Il en va de même pour les crustacés comme le homard et le crabe.

La volaille : la dinde, le poulet et le canard sont des viandes parfaites pour des boulettes. En plus de pouvoir être assaisonnée comme bon vous semble, la volaille peut aussi être cui sinée en version panée divinement croustillante!Visitezvotre boucherie, votre pois sonnerie ou votre épicerie préférée pour vous procurer des viandes de qualité!

Pour toute question, veuillez communiquer avec les coordonnateurs de l’événement au Conseil de développement social de Cornwall et de la région par téléphone au 613-9300211 ou par courriel à
La saison estivale est idéale pour se régaler de délicieux hamburgers. Pour varier vos festins à venir, utilisez diffé rentes viandes pour concevoir vos boulettes!
VENTE D’ART ET D’ARTISANAT D’AUTOMNE dans le bâtiment Super Structure du champ de foire d’Avonmore, 16301 Fairview Drive, Avonmore, le samedi 17 septembre de 10 à 16 heures. Entrée gratuite, déjeuner disponible de 11 à 14 heures. Organisé par la société agricole de Roxborough.
âgées de 18 ans et plus pourront recevoir leur vaccin à partir de la semaine du 26 septembre. Tous les indi vidus qui ont reçu leur série primaire de vaccins contre la COVID-19 sont admis sibles à la dose de rappel du vaccin bivalent contre l’Omicron, aussi long temps qu’il s’est écoulé au moins 3 mois depuis l’administration de leur dernier vaccin contre la COVID-19.
Dans les cliniques communautaires du BSEO, les vaccins bivalents contre la COVID-19 ne sont présentement dis ponibles que sur rendez-vous. Cependant, les clients sont acceptés sans ren dez-vous s’ils désirent recevoir une dose de la série primaire des vaccins contre la COVID-19, ou si ce sont des enfants âgés de 6 mois à 11 ans. Il est également pos sible de recevoir votre vaccin chez votre médecin ou votre fournisseur de soins primaires, ainsi que dans votre pharma cie. Veuillez communiquer avec eux directement pour en savoir plus ou pour prendre rendez-vous.
Les rendez-vous sont disponibles en ligne à 18tembrevaccingroupesbre1-833-943-3900Centredezvous-vaccin/’Infoprovincialpourlavaccinationauàpartirdu12septemà8h.Lespersonnesappartenantauxsuivantspourrontrecevoirleurbivalentdèslasemainedu12sep:•lespersonnesde70ansetplus•lesfournisseursdesoinsdesantédeansetplus•lesrésidentsd’établissementscollectifstelsquelesfoyersdesoinsdelonguedurée,lesmaisonsderetraite,lesmaisonsdesoinsdesAînés,etlespersonnesvivantdansd’autresétablissementsoffrantdesservicesd’assistanceetdesanté,etleursaidantsessentiels•lespersonnesimmunodéprimées

-ExpressCornwall -2022septembre,14mercrediLe 23373625
accès à ce nouveau vaccin de rappel bivalent contre la COVID-19 », dit le Dr Paul Roumeliotis, Médecin hygiéniste au BSEO. « J’encourage tout le monde à se faire donner une dose de rappel du nou veau vaccin qui selon moi, a une bien meilleure capacité de prévenir les infec tions d’Omicron et prévenir la maladie grave. Alors que la COVID-19 s’installe comme l’un des virus qui circulent nor malement dans la communauté, ce vac cin de rappel nous aidera à mettre fin à la phase pandémique pour revenir à un état plus normal. »
Pour de plus amples renseignements sur le vaccin contre la COVID-19, con sultez
Le BSEO offre une dose de rappel du vaccin bivalent contre la COVID-19 dès le 12 septembre
VIVRE PLEINEMENT SA VIE EST DE RETOUR, mais pour les adultes cette fois-ci ! Le programme de bien-être gratuit de 8 semaines se déroule les jeudis à 18h30 dans les salles de programmation 1 et 2 (Bibliothèque publique de Cornwall).
Le vaccin de rappel bivalent contre la COVID-19 : un autre outil du parcours vers un état normal
Inscrivez-vous à la première session le 15 septem bre par courriel : ou par téléphone (613) 932-4796, poste 266.
KNOX ST. PAUL Le Grand Bazar aura lieu le samedi 17 septembre de 9h à 14h. Vente de pro duits de boulangerie, de nourriture à emporter et d’articles presque neufs et anciens. Tout le monde est le bienvenu.
SEAWAY WINDS CONCERT BAND invite les musiciens qui jouent d’un instrument à un niveau intermédiaire à se joindre à nous. Répétitions tous les mercredis, de 18 h 45 à 20 h 45, à l’église communautaire de l’Armée du Salut, 500, rue York. Renseignements : Barb Hunter au 613-534-2111.
• les personnes enceintes de 18 ans et •plusles populations autochtones et des Premières Nations de 18 ans et plus, ainsi que leurs partenaires de vie et les membres de leur ménage (incluant les partenaires et les membres du ménage non autochtones) de 18 ans et plus
LE ROTARY CLUB OF CORNWALL SUNRISE offre à nouveau des “Mums” pour l’Action de grâce. Livrées à une adresse locale de votre choix - 15 $ par pot de 6 pouces entre le 28 septembre et le 1er octobre. Commandez en ligne à https:// ou auprès de tout Rotarien de Cornwall Sunrise.
Le Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario (BSEO) offrira une dose de rappel du vac cin bivalent contre la COVID-19 de Moderna dans ses cliniques de vaccina tion qui commencent le 12 septembre. Les vaccins bivalents offrent une protec tion contre la souche originale du virus de la COVID-19 ainsi qu’une protection contre le variant Omicron BA.1. Les résul tats des études préliminaires indiquent que le vaccin bivalent protégera égale ment contre les sous-variants d’Omicron BA.4 et BA.5.
« Alors qu’arrive l’automne et que nous entamons une autre saison de rhume et de grippe combinée à la COVID-19, je suis heureux que nous ayons maintenant
Les vaccins bivalents contre la COVID19 sur rendez-vous seulement
Les personnes enceintes et les fournis seurs de soins de santé ne peuvent pas prendre un rendez-vous en ligne entre le 12 et le 25 septembre. Ils doivent appeler l’InfoCentre provincial pour la vaccination au 1-833-943-3900 ou prendre ren dez-vous dans les pharmacies participantes.Lespersonnes
(modéré à sévère) de 12 ans et plus
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24 -202214,SeptemberWednesday, 501 Campbell Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, ON K6H 6X5 Rick Shaver, Publisher TEL: 613-933-0014 FAX: 613-933-0024
Friday: 9:00 am
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QC J8Y 3S2 Marc-Noël
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sells your home directly to a buyer without another real estate brokerage involved in the sale, we will further reduce our commission to only 2%+hst Commission rates are negotiable by law. Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale. seller savings compared to paying a hypothetical 5% commission including HST. COMMISSION RATES ARE NEGOTIABLE BY LAW. NOT INTENTED TO SOLICIT PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE. 2022 FULL SERVICE until sold, a companypromotion.sellsanothersale,weonly2%+hst. by alreadylaw. withoutlisting3-3/4%+hstservice,untilsold,apromotion.companysellsanothersale,weonly2%+hst. negotiable by alreadylaw. substantial & simple appointment E K6j 1a1 as possibly the sales brokerage that sold you in the real estate discuss the sale of your commissioninvolvedadvertisingmoreobligation.than3-3/4%+hstmlslistingservice,untilsold,ainternetpromotion.ourcompanysellswithoutanotherinthesale,wetoonly2%+hst. negotiable by law. properties already commission including HST. PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE. 336779 CLEAN STREAK Professional Cleaning • 341379 PROUDLY SERVING CORNWALL & AREA SINCE 2010Office 613 936-1924 Cell 613 362-0842 809 Pitt Street, Cornwall • GUARANTEED AGAINST MOVEMENT Foundations, Additions, Streetlights, Decks, Underpinning, Fencing, Signs, Docks, Bridges/Walkways, Solar Applications AnchoringExclusiveSolutions 344227 344241 COMMERCIALRESIDENTIAL • CUSTOM KITCHEN/BATH LAYOUT/DESIGNCABINETRYSERVICE•COUNTERTOPS•CUSTOMMILLWORKPLUMBINGFIXTURESTILEWORK SHOWROOM - 809 PITT ST., CORNWALL W.E.T.T. INSPECTIONS CUBEX HARD WOOD PELLETS Wood stoves WETT PelletHarmanInspectionsPelletStovesStoveCleaning/Repairs344325 ATKINSON 613-938-3999 369509 PROFESSIONALPIANOTUNING by former President of national tuners’ organization, CAPT, with over 20 years experience. $180 even, including free pitch-raise & any taxes. (613) marklarin@gmail.com936-3912 Contact Markell (MPM) 613-938-3886 e. 22 After hours contact between 613-360-25904:00-7:00pm APARTMENTSCHARMING 2-bedroom well-kept apartments. Central convenient location, walkable to park, attractions.downtown, In-unit laundry and fireplace FROM $1500/MONTH. 379114 379622ONLINE ONLY AUCTION Reginald and Patricia Anderson : contents of Executive Home BIDDING OPENS: WED. SEPT. 14, 12:00 NOON EST BIDDING CLOSES: WED. SEPT. 21, 8:00 PM EST (SOFT CLOSE) PICK UP (by appointment only booked online): Fri. Sept. 23, 9am – 4pm Sat. Sept.24, 9am – 2pm 22 Fairholme Dr., Morrisburg, 1-613-933-7672ONFurtherlisting& • Gibbard Dining set • Leather 3 pc. Sofa set • Oak Queen bed room set • 65” Samsung Television Exterior furnishings-Spring 2022 • Power & Hand Tools, Hardware • Treadmill, Elliptical Textiles Kitchen ware, home décor, seasonal decorations • Royal Albert Dinnerware, signed Aynsley China Estate Jewellery: gold, silver, fashion Coins: Silver, Newfoundland, Paper Money, Tokens TERMS: 10% Buyer’s premium, MasterCard, Visa, E-Transfer, Bank Transfers support your LOCAL services BUSINESS CARD SERVICE DIRECTORY •IN PRINT • ONLINE 225 Properties for rent 225 Properties for rent
savingS are substantial &K6jsimpleE1a1
www.cornwallseawaynews.comNewsSeaway -202214,SeptemberWednesday,105 Properties for sale105 Properties for sale 205 Flats / apartments for rent205 Flats / apartments for rent 395 Auctions395 Auctions395 Auctions395 Auctions STRIPALL RESTORATIONS Professional Wood Stripping & Refinishing for over 30 years Kitchen Cupboards • Furniture • Floors Staircases • Doors •Antiques Lead Paint • Water & Smoke Damage Colour Change • Century Homes • No Dipping Free Estimates 1-800-763-8281 Local Calls 613-534-8494 Find us on Facebook for info and photos 330650 LEAKY ROOF? LEAKY BASEMENT? We fix that and everything in between ONE CALL. ONE CONTRACTOR! Residential & Commercial Over 35 Years Experience Construction Project Manager MerpawConstruction@yahoo.ca613-662-5377 K MERPAW CONSTRUCTION INC. 330851 “Let us find you a place at no charge!” MANAGEMENTPROPERTY 1991 613-936-1533 334080 N O T I C E – COVID 19 Please be advised that we are OPEN & our office is operating as usual, with the exception of, public access. We are here to greet you at our door and/or by appointment only, to ensure continuing practicing of physical distancing for the health well-being of our staff. From the Management & Staff …STAY SAFE & BE WELL CELEBRATING 31 YEARS IN BUSINESS IN 2022! We are very proud to have served Cornwall & Surrounding area for the past 31 years with property management & janitorial services and hope to continue for many more! Our Success is having excellent working relations with our clients’, tenants’, and local businesses! Norm, Cheryl & Staff ** LANDLORDS/ INVESTORS ** Please call for information for Our Management & One Time Rental Services ** ATTENTION LANDLORDS! ** We have several potential tenants looking for rental units, if you have a unit and looking for a tenant, please give us a call to discuss how we can assist you! ---------------------- ONE BEDROOM 733 A FIRST ST E, upst 1bdrm, f/s $1000+gas/elect OCT 1124 CUMBERLAND # 4, upst 1bdrm, no appl $850+elect OCT 1107 FIRST ST E, upst 1bdrm, no appl $1000 +elect OCT 133C SYDNEY ST, 1bdrm, 2level rear of bldg., appliances, one parking spot (small car) $1600 Incl OCT -------------------- TWO BEDROOMS ------------------29A SIXTH ST E, main 2bdrm, no appl $1600+elect OCT 156- A DANIS, upst 2+bdrm, no appl, adult only bldg. $895+elect NOV ––--TWO PLUS BEDROOM-INGLESIDE 40 ELM ST, upst 3bdrm, fully renovated, four appl. $1600+elect ------------------ THREE BEDROOMS ------------------712-A MONTREAL ROAD, 3bdrm, no appl $1450+gas/elect OCT --------------------- HOUSES / SEMI 1127 FIFTH ST E, 3+1 bdrm $2500+gas/elect-OCT 245 YATES AVE & 440 CUMBERLAND AVE “CUMBERLAND GARDENS” NO UNITS AVAILABLE AT THIS TIME thinking of selling your home? savingS are substantial &K6jsimpleE1a1unsure of where to go for advice as possibly the sales representative or real estate brokerage that sold you your home is no longer active or in the real estate business? give us a call to discuss the sale of your properTY with no obligation.
thinking of selling your home?
LADY seeking kindhearted gentleman 55+, a partner for friendship, compagnonship or hang out with. If interrested please reply describing a little bit about yourself and a photo and telephone number (no email). All letters will be acknowledge. Please send it to: P. O. box: 533, Cornwall, P.O. Main, Ontario. K6H 5T2
homeowners will never pay more than 3-3/4%+hst commission which includes full mls listing service, weekly local newspaper advertising until sold, a unique virtual tour and internet promotion.
COLLECTOR buying film cameras, old comics, records, t oys, old paperbacks, Allo P olice and more. 613-519-8494
LADY seeking kindhearted gentleman 55+, a partner for friendship, compagnonship or hang out with. If interrested please reply describing a little bit about yourself and a photo and telephone number (no email). All letters will be acknowledge. Please send it to: P. O. box: 533, Cornwall, P.O. Main, Ontario. K6H 5T2 Services divers

Prices are still rising, although much slower than the past few years. Inventory is improv ing, although not greatly. Homeowners are still in a very comfortable position financially. In Cornwall, as of July 2022, there was a 23% increase compared to July 2021. With the average house price sitting at $382,022 in July 2022, compared to $310,449 in July 2021.Looking at the news, the reports from the banks are all over the place. Scotiabank is estimating a double-digit increase in 2022 with a worst-case scenario of +9.8%. BMO is on the opposite end of the spectrum saying a decline of 21%. CMHC sits in the middle with a chance of up to a 5% drop in sales.
seller savings compared to paying a hypothetical 5% commission including HST. COMMISSION RATES ARE NEGOTIABLE BY LAW. NOT INTENTED TO SOLICIT PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE.
2) Unlike every other market crash, employ ment is high. Back in 2008, unemployment was up to 10% in the USA. We are currently sitting around 3%.
Based on the information provided to us, we can expect a market crash will be felt in some major cities, but Cornwall and area will not see much change and here is why:

By appointment
By appointment
Office 613-933-3283

483 Compagne/compagnon
E K6j 1a1
397 Wanted
Services divers
483 Compagne/compagnon
LADY seeking kindhearted gentleman 55+, a partner for friendship, compagnonship or hang out with. If interrested please reply describing a little bit about yourself and a photo and telephone number (no email). All letters will be acknowledge. Please send it to: P. O. box: 533, Cornwall, P.O. Main, Ontario. K6H 5T2
savingS are substantial & simple
Services divers
COLLECTOR buying film cameras, old comics, records, toys, old paperbacks, Allo Police and more. 613-519-8494
homeowners will never pay more than 3-3/4%+hst commission which includes full mls listing service, weekly local newspaper advertising until sold, a unique virtual tour and internet promotion.
LÉGER'S Treasures 613-937-0166.
397 On demande
homeowners will never pay more than 3-3/4%+hst commission which includes full mls listing service, weekly local newspaper advertising until sold, a unique virtual tour and internet promotion.

unsure of where to go for advice as possibly the sales representative or real estate brokerage that sold you your home is no longer active or in the real estate business? give us a call to discuss the sale of your properTY with no obligation.
3) Back in 2007, consumer confidence was very low. People were not spending money. Right now, our problem is not a shortage of money, but rather a shortage of “stuff”.
they have almost reached their hard limit where the government will need to correct itself and reduce rates once again. If the rates keep increasing, they risk crippling the economy as a whole, and that is even worse than inflation.
505 Companion On demande
Derek Bissonnette Royal PerformanceLepage Realty SALES REPRESENTATIVE

Current homeowners are worried that their mortgage renewals might become too expen sive and those who could not afford a house during covid, are excited and hoping for a crash like 2008.
Why is this recession different?
thinking of selling your home?
one knows what to expect, Cornwall and Ottawa tend to be sheltered.
homeowners will never pay more than 3-3/4%+hst commission which includes full mls listing service,

unsure of where to go for advice as possibly the sales representative or real estate brokerage that sold you your home is no longer active or in the real estate business? give us a call to discuss the sale of your properTY with no obligation.
482 Miscellaneous services

Personally, I predict prices to stay con sistent into 2023 for the city of Cornwall.

E K6j 1a1

seller savings compared to paying a hypothetical 5% commission including HST. COMMISSION RATES ARE NEGOTIABLE BY LAW. NOT INTENTED TO SOLICIT PROPERTIES ALREADY LISTED FOR SALE.
Savings may not stop here. When our company sells your home directly to a buyer without another real estate brokerage involved in the sale, we will further reduce our commission to only 2%+hst Commission rates are negotiable by law. Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale.
COLLECTOR buying film cameras, old comics, records, toys, old paperbacks, Allo Police and more. 613-519-8494
1) Inflation is high EVERYWHERE in the world, not just Canada and the US. There was an increased amount of money printed across the globe and spending. EVERYONE is now facing that inflation.
As of July 2022, Cornwall is up 23% in sales price average compared to July 2021. However, we sit at only a 1.5% increase from January
LÉGER'S Treasures 613-937-0166.
Savings may not stop here. When our company sells your home directly to a buyer without another real estate brokerage involved in the sale, we will further reduce our commission to only 2%+hst. Commission rates are negotiable by law. Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale.
savingS are substantial &

Not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale.

482 Miscellaneous services On demande
We buy household, garage, storage items and contents.
unsure of where to go for advice as possibly the sales representative or real estate brokerage that sold you your home is no longer active or in the real estate business? give us a call to discuss the sale of your properTY with no obligation.
4) Interest rates are still low overall, and
We buy household, garage, storage items and contents.

Savings may not stop here. When our company
thinking of selling your home?

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to The Ottawa Heart Institute, Cornwall Community Hospital, Cornwall Masonic Charitable Foundation, and the Karnak Shriners. Messages of condolence may be left at

Aucunes paroles ou mots ne peuvent exprimer ton absence dans cette dernière année. Tu nous manques tellement. Heureusement, il demeure les souvenirs de toi gravés dans nos coeurs, dans nos mémoires, un petit soulagement. Pour toujours, ta femme et quatre enfants.

Peacefully at the Cornwall Community Hospital on Saturday September 3, 2022 at the age of 88. Beloved wife of the late Robert (Bob) Simon. Cherished and devoted mother of Tina Simon-Lalonde (Marc-Maurice) and precious grandmother of Melanie Laframboise and Eric Lalonde. Proud great grandmother of Alexander and Alivia Laframboise. Yvonne is predeceased by her parents, John and Donalda (née Lashambe) Jesmer her sisters Dorothy (late Kenneth) Dewe, Shirley (late Andy) Prieur and by her brothers Claude, Rodolphe (late Pauline), Reginald (late Simone) Charles and William “Bill” (Jeannine) Jesmer.
Colette Montpetit
Carl loved to cook and take care of people, treating friends, family, and anyone who like to eat, at home and beyond. He was often the resident chef at the Bonville Lions Club and friends’ weddings. He loved smoking game, producing sausages, salami, chili, bisques and fish mulligan for everyone.
Carl was always busy, and his life ran out before he could finish all his projects; he was still giving James lists to be completed, and issuing orders and instructions to everyone visiting or attending him at the hospital. Carl died as he lived; dignified, stubborn, and on his own terms. He was a kind, loving and caring father, partner, and friend right until the end. He will be terribly missed.
Carl collected friends as a sunflower attracts bees and blue jays, and everyone was important to him. Some were old neighborhood and school friends, with others made everywhere he travelled over the years. Carl was loved by all for his generosity, kindness, and charisma. He could always be counted on to provide sound advice and people often sought him out for guidance ranging from major life decisions to engine repair. When he retired from Domtar in 1999, Carl and Marilyn embarked on numerous worldwide adventures by car, RV, cruise, and everything in between, visiting China, Alaska, Yukon, Russia, Central and South America, Ireland, Scotland, England, and Spain, to name a few. Carl and Marilyn moved to Harrisons Corners in 1987 – this being the first time Carl lived anywhere other than Seymour Avenue in Cornwall. While living at “The Farm” Carl and Marilyn hosted BBQs and parties, for new friends and old, at every opportunity – no gathering was too large, no weather too unpredictable, and any accomplishment or event was celebrated.
Over the years, Carl was an avid angler, hunter, and boater. He traveled to Grosse Île, Quebec, for snow geese; Nipigon for Moose; Vermont, Northern Tier, New York, and Harrison’s Corners for deer; Victoria Island for Artic Char; and anywhere the perch were biting.
Messages of condolences may be left at
Family will be in attendance at Lahaie & Sullivan Cornwall Funeral Homes East Branch, 614 First Street East (613-932-2481) on Friday September 16, 2022 from 9:00 am to time of service.

wishes to extend their deepest gratitude and appreciation for the support from our family, relatives and friends who comforted us in the recent passing of our dearly beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother, and for the donations to Cornwall Hospice and sympathy cards. A special thank you to Father Claude Thibault, Monsignor Réjean Lebrun and Father Kevin Maloney for the prayers and the beautiful celebration of life. Also, thank you to the Wilson Funeral Home Staff for the compassionate care and the great service they provided to the family. family of the late
With love, Her husband and the family
It’s been a year that my love passed away and I miss her every second of the day.
SIMON, Yvonne (née Jesmer)
Publication must be promised. Thank you, St. Jude. C.D.
Carl Nelson Ault, age 81, of Cornwall, Ontario passed away peacefully in his sleep on Friday September 2nd at the Ottawa Heart Institute, after a lengthy battle with heart disease. Carl is survived by his loving wife of 62 years Marilyn (née Malenfant), daughters Carla Vanderhelm (Martin) of Brockville, Kimberley (Paul) and Katherine (Sandy), both of Whitby, and his son James (Karen) of Maxville; grandchildren Adam and Jessica Vanderhelm, Liam, Noah, and Mara Ault, Euan Archibald, and great-grandchildren Max and Sam Vanderhelm, and Adrianna and Rene Sauve. Carl was preceded in death by his parents Dorothy (née Jarvis) and Earl (‘Scorny’) Ault.

Carl was a long-time, active member of the Eastern District Masons, Cornwall Lodge No. 125, where he was elevated to the status of Master Mason following which he joined the Shriners and the Royal Order of Jesters. Carl found great joy as a Shriner and could always be counted on to contribute in their activities, which ranged from proudly driving a parade firetruck, sporting his cheeky grin while ringing the fire bell, repairing organization vehicles, or cooking at events.
A Memorial Service for Carl will be held at the Lahaie and Sullivan Cornwall Funeral Home 20 Seventh Street West, Cornwall, ON on Saturday October 1, 2022 at 11 am, with visitation from 9 am to 10:30 am, followed by reception at the funeral home.
The family of Leonard Marleau wish to extend our gratitude to the staff and nurses at the Cornwall Community Hospital and to Hospice Cornwall for their compassionate care and comfort of Len. We are thankful to Dr. Miller and Dr. Sharda for their excellent services and dedication. A special thank you to Dr. Ghantous for all the years of caring for Leonard. We are forever grateful to family and friends who helped us during this difficult time, as well as their generous donations to Hospice. To Farther Marc Gaudet, thank you for the beautiful service honouring Leonard, and to Tammy MacRae, for the lovely music. We are truly appreciative to Wilson Funeral Home and Chantal Pilon-Dupuis for the personalized care shown to our family. Leonard will live on in our memories for ever.
26 -202214,SeptemberWednesday, 817 In Memoriam 817 In Memoriam 815 Death notices815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices 845 Prayers / thank you cards 845 Prayers / thank you cards845 Prayers / thank you cards 0000000 378000


A Memorial Mass will be held on Friday September 16, 2022 at St. Felix de Valois Church at 11:00 am with burial to follow at Notre Dame Cemetery.Memorial donations to Canadian Lung Association in Yvonne’s name, would be appreciated by the family.
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of the late Sue Alys Lamoureux (nee Wade) at the Cornwall Community Hospital on Thursday, September 8, 2022 at the age of 79 years. Beloved wife of the late Roger Lamoureux. Loving mother of Debbie Menard (Paul) of Lancaster and Diane Roberts (Gerry) of Cornwall. Cherished grandmother of Shayne Sloan (Maude), Patrick Ménard, Christine Leger (Shawn), Erin Wesley (Kyle) and Kevin Ménard (Kathleen) and great-grandmother of Liam, Alek, Emery, Logan, Scarlett, Connor, Quinn and Benjamin. Dear sister of Timothy Wade (Leslie). She is predeceased by her parents; Walter Wade and Margaret Wade (nee Wolstenholme) and by one brother; Brian Wade (Kathie). Sue loved her family and they all adored her. Visitation will take place on Saturday, September 17th, 2022 at 822 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON (613938-3888) from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m., followed by a chapel service at same location. Expressions of sympathy in her memory can be made to the Canadian Cancer Society would be appreciated by the family. Online messages of condolences may be made in the obituary section of:

379428 The Myre Family FernandeMyreThankYou
Antonine Marleau and family Leonard Marleau Thank You 379736 845 Prayers / thank you cards 815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices 815 Death notices
Upon retirement, Carl was joined almost daily in his back shop by his other retired friends. This group, lovingly known as ‘Team Geriatric’, repaired and painted each other’s vehicles while solving the problems of the World and mysteries of the Universe. They would wrap up at 4 pm, gather in front of the shop to discuss the following days events over a few beers.
JULY 3, 1945 – SEPTEMBER 18, 2021
Roger Moïse
379428 OBITUARY SueLAMOUREUX,Alys(neeWade)1942-2022 A Division of Munro & Morris Funeral Home379558

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Last contest winner Jen Baker
Osteoporosis is fre quently mentioned in the media and other health information resources. Despite the name being familiar to most people, osteoporosis is a com plex topic, and the wealth of information online can become overwhelming.Tobegin,osteoporosis is a condition in which bone tissue is broken down at a faster rate than it is formed. This process causes a decrease in bone density as the structure of the bone becomes more porous (minute spaces/holes). The related impairments of bone mass and strength ultim ately increases the risk of fragility fractures.
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Answer the question and send your answer by 12 noon Monday to:
Physicians will play an important role in prescribing medications that are appropriate for each individual’s stage of osteoporosis or osteopenia.
Osteoporosis is a condition that can affect anyone; however, there is a higher prevalence in Caucasian people, older adults and women. Additionally, menopause is an important consideration because it leads to decreased estrogen levels. Estrogen is dominant in bone metabolism as it promotes the formation of new bone and reduces the amount of bone that is broken down. Alcohol consumption, cigarette smoking, and family history are also risk factors for osteoporosis.
CPS Releases 2021 Annual Report
Play our golf trivia and you could be a winner of a Large Gourmet Pizza from Boston Pizza.

The Cornwall Police Service (CPS) is pleased to present its 2021 Annual Report. The report was presented to the Cornwall Police Services Board at the September 1st, 2022 meeting and subsequently approved by the Board.
“This workshop is the second in a free educational series offered at Cooper Marsh by the RRCA and its community partners through the Cooper Marsh Biodiversity Project,” says RRCA Stewardship Specialist, Brendan Jacobs. “In August, an aquatic invertebrate workshop had participants collecting and identifying field samples and learning how they could use their catches’ varying levels of pollution toler ance as water quality indica tors. We are thrilled to now offer this workshop with our partners from MCA to showcase the cul tural uses of some of the many plants found at Cooper Marsh.”
Natasha Ingram Movement Matters

includes details on how the CPS is continuing to prioritize Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity.

More specifically, a physical therapist will introduce and progress impact and resistance focused exercises. Impact exercises, such as marching, step-ups or jump squats and resistance exercises completed with body weight, resistance bands or weights, purposefully increase the force that is loaded through your bones. This creates necessary stress on the skel etal system that is required to stimulate the growth of new tissue and thus, increase bone density.
Golf Trivia
“We will explore the Marsh’s different areas and learn how their varying conditions can be conducive to nurtur ing different plant species which have various cultural uses, not only for food and medicine, but also for activ ities such as making cordage, weaving mats, and build ing old-school fish traps,” says Kayla Sunday, MCA’s Environmental Services Manager. “There will be a little bit of history, some botany, and a whole lot of love for creation.”Asspaces are limited, pre-registration is required on
Participants at the September 29 workshop will be able to learn about some of the useful qualities of the plants found at Cooper Marsh Conservation Area in South Glengarry, such as jewelweed, which holds medicinal properties.
“Captured in the report are the many strategic accomplish ments of the Service throughout 2021, along with crime sta tistics, and some of the many initiatives that are taking place to create a safer community,” said Chair of the Police Services Board, Elaine MacDonald. “Throughout 2021, as society con tinued to deal with the impacts of a global pandemic, the Cornwall Police Service foraged ahead to still accomplish many great things, while ensuring the safety of residents.”
Carol Ann Baxter, LPGA/PGA
the RRCA website at
The report also includes the 2021 Crime Statistics. Despite increases in crime and calls for service, community safety continues to remain a top priority for the CPS. The Service is eager to continue implementing new crime prevention strat egies and initiatives that allow us to work collaboratively with the communities we serve towards our vision of, “A Safer Cornwall.”TheCPS welcomes members of the public to read the 2021 Annual Report, which serves as an important method of reporting back to the community.
The report highlights some of the major accomplishments of the CPS during 2021, including Chief Spowart becoming the first female Chief of Police for the Service, the develop ment of the 2021-2023 Strategic Plan, as well as the initia tives being undertaken to address many high level community concerns, including opioid prevalence, mental health and addictions, as well as traffic safety. Additionally, the report
We will draw before each publication. Winners pick up coupon at Seaway News. No cash value. Seaway News decision final.
The Cooper Marsh Biodiversity Project is a multi-year effort to protect and enhance the Marsh’s rich biodivers ity through habitat planting and enhancement, invasive species control, biodiversity monitoring, and outreach. This project was undertaken with the financial support of the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund, a Government of Canada’s Department of Environment and Climate Change program in partnership with Conservation Ontario. Funding for the project was also provided by Ontario Power Generation.
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For more information visit or contact (613) 938-3611 or
They may also suggest supplements to promote increased bone density such as calcium or vitamin D. Exercise is another crucial component in the treatment of osteoporosis. A physical therapist can provide specialized education and guidance on an exercise program that is tailored to an individual’s abilities and meets safety precautions for their degrees of bone density loss.
1. What was the name of the golf course where the European Ryder Cup team infamously came back to clutch victory from the jaws of defeat?
If you have questions or concerns, or would like to discuss this more with a trained professional, please feel free to contact us at Move Therapeutics, 343-885-1240.
“As I review the 2021 Annual Report, I am quickly reminded of the incredible achievements by our employees during a year that brought a considerable amount of change,” said Chief of Police Shawna Spowart. “The employees of the Cornwall Police Service have proven time and time again of their ability to pivot, adapt and prevail, and I continue to be grateful for their dedication in serving the residents of Cornwall.”
A diagnosis of osteoporosis is made through the completion of a bone mineral density test. Qualified health care providers will order this test beginning at age 65 in women and 70 in men. This painless test, also referred to as dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), examines the quan tity of minerals in your bones. These results may also produce the diagno sis of osteopenia which indicates reduced bone density that is not low enough to be considered osteoporosis.
I’m a firm believer that you should always commit your putter head first, then set your stance around that. If, once you get over the ball you want to move the face of the putter you need to start again... recommit then set your stance. When it comes to putting every millimeter counts!
The Raisin Region Conservation Authority’s (RRCA) Cooper Marsh Conservation Area offers ideal ground for hundreds of different plant species. From jewelweed to sweetgrass, these plants not only support the rich var iety of animals at the Marsh, but many have also trad itionally provided medicine, food, and other uses to local Indigenous peoples such as the Mohawks of Akwesasne. For those looking to broaden their local botanical knowledge, the RRCA is partnering with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne’s (MCA) Environment Program to offer a free outdoor educational workshop on September 29, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Cooper Marsh Conservation Area, where participants will discover the various cultur al uses of some of the plants found at the Marsh.
Public Plant Workshop at Cooper Marsh Offered
Aligning your putter head on your intended line is critical to sinking more putts. Often I see people take their stance then put the putter head down.
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There are many treatment options for osteoporosis through a wide range of allied health care professionals.
Early Warnings of Osteoporosis
28 -202214,SeptemberWednesday,- CORNWALL 841 Sydney St. 613-937-3778 (in the Tudor Centre) Sydney St. Centre St.Ninth Pitt St. Prices of products that feature the M&M Food Market Rewards Special logo are exclusive to members of the M&M Food Market Rewards program. Simply present your membership card, or sign up for a free membership in store or online, to take advantage of these exclusive offers. M&M Food Market Express and other non-traditional stores offer a limited range of products; therefore special pricing and promotions are not valid at M&M Food Market Express or other non-traditional stores. We reserve the right to correct any errors. ALL PRICES IN EFFECT TO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2022 MADE WITH 100% WHITE CHICKEN BREAST MEAT save $4 save $8 each 999 2199 Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts 8-12 BREASTS 1.36 kg/3 lb Jalapeño and Cheddar Cheese Sticks 13-16 PIECES 454 g Chicken Strips 27-33 PIECES 1.36 kg 15-21 PIECES 454 g PadChickenThai *Registered Trademark of the Canadian Celiac Association. Used under license. 10 99 DELICIOUS SELECTION MAY VARY BY STORE. CHOOSE FROM 10 VARIETIES. per lb $999 HomestyleSupremeLasagnaCheese CannelloniSpinachand save up$3 to 336213 For Rent - BECAUSE YOU DESERVE THE VERY BEST By JCS Godard Investments Inc. We understand & we are here for you. Model suite open by appointment 1200 Second Street West, Cornwall ON K6J 1J3 Moving residents in with extreme caution. Mandatory Covid-19 testing.Suites 613-932-3707AvailableExt703 Call 613 534 8400 or Toll Free 877 524 6327 377156