Medicare workbook

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Medicare Branding / Will Brown / Corporate Identity 2014

Table of Contents Introduction Research Brand Development Application Conclusion


Medicare is a federal health insurance program, administered by the Social Security Administration, that provides health care for individuals 65 years of age up. Coverage is divided into: Part A (Hospital Insurance)

Part B (Medical Insurance)

covers inpatient hospital stays, care in a skilled nursing facility, hospice care, and some home health care.

covers certain doctors’ services, outpatient care, medical supplies, and preventive services.

Part C (Medicare Advantage Plan) a type of Medicare health plan offered by a private company (HMO’S & PPO’S) that contracts with Medicare to provide you with all your Part A and Part B benefits plus.

Part D (Perscription Drugs) covers perscription drug costs under original medicare (parts A & B).


Brand Analysis Visual Audit Competition Target Audience

Brand Analysis & Visual Audit

Official CMS logo

Official CMS website logo

Official Medicare Logo

Medicare does not have a stand alone branding intiative. Both Medicare and Medicaid are loosely branded under the parent organization, CMS (centers for medicare and medicaid services) which is a subsidiary for The Department of Health and Human Services. There is little aesthetic cohesion between these interelated government organizations. For example, on CMS’ own site, there is not one instance of the logo used. Instead, as with medicares site, a painstakingly redunant logo reading “” takes its place (as if an individual couldn’t already deduce they were on a ‘.gov’ site from searching it). Medicare is even more confusing, as a simple google search of “offical medicare logo” produces several versions, none of which appear on the site itself. These multiple half witted identities all colliding with eachother only serve to confuse beneficiaries who utilize these services.

Official Medicare website logo

Brand Analysis & Visual Audit

The following are examples of current goverment healthcare brand aesthetics as well as two private health insurers that work with Medicare.

Medicare Budget Cuts

$260 billion payment cut for hospital services. $39 billion payment cut for skilled nursing services. $17 billion payment cut for hospice services. $66 billion payment cut for home health services. $33 billion payment cut for all other services. $156 billion cut in payment rates in Medicare Advantage $56 billion in cuts for disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments. DSH payments go to hospitals that serve a large number of low-income patients.

$114 billion in other provisions pertaining to Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP

Data retrieved from:


Obamacare is the main source of competition in terms of funding priority currently. It is known now, according to a ‘Congressional Budget Office’ report, that from 2013 to 2022, an amazing $716 billion dollars will be taken from various medicare programs in order to pay for this new system. What does this mean for the generation of baby boomers seeking quality medical coverage in the next 10 years? Seniors will be facing higher premiums, lower quality service and many other downfalls as obamacare freight trains the middle class into extinction.

Target Audience

Medicare is offered primarily to seniors 65 years of age and older. With this re-branding comes an opportunity to market the medicare identity specifically towards the baby boomer generation. Many of these individuals are reaching retirement age and thus will need to weigh their health care options.

Brand Development

Mind Mapping Concept Statement Logo/Type Development Color Studies Final Logo/Type Solution

Mind Mapping

Current Perception: Confusing misleading impersonal indirect daunting

Wanted Perception: individual advocacy personal approachable informative direct






helpful descriptive

clear knowledgeable

entrust instructive



protect need

outspoken categorical



caring convenient

sympathetic advisory


Concept Statement



Opt Out

Beneficiary coverage will be nearly identical. Parts A - D will cover everything they previously did. However, under the new system, benefits and services are determined based the specific needs of each medicare recipient. Individuals needs will no longer be subject to amoral bureaucratic laws and regulation. If an recipient really needs care, but falls in ‘the grey area’ they will absolutely be covered.

Medicare will now be operating independently run hospitals throughout all major cities in the U.S. These will exclusively serve the elderly who are gravely ill. For all other recipients, On call doctors in all local towns will be on call to give at home medical examinations and so forth. The hospital will have an education and lifestyle center that serves to inform the elderly to lifestyle choice that will promote overall health and well being.

Medicare will no longer be a requirement. Upon turning 65, individuals are given the option to either accept original medicare or an advantage plan, or none. Personal sovereignty will be highly respected, and the government will no longer make it a penalty for an individual who makes the choice to live without health insurance. Ultimately, it is not the governments business if a person chooses to live and die the way they feel is best for them.

Logo Development

Logo Development

Logo Development

Fontin Sans Distric Thin Avenir Light

Blanch Dosis






Final Logo (B&W)

Symbol Logo

Word mark

Final Logo (color)

The logo is meant to instill a feeling of protection and sturdiness. The bold weight gives the impression of strength. The color choice is meant to soften the afore mentioned attributes and give it a more approachable and embracing aesthetic.

Final Wordmark

Color Studies

Brand Application

Signage Apparel Print Collateral Web & U.I.


Medicare Centers These facilities will have hospice care along with educational and advocacy centers for the elderly. Medicares ultimate goal is to give its beneficiaries an intimate and personal healthcare experience. These centers are exclusive to elder recipients.

Apparel Employee & marketing apparel

Print Collateral

Web & U.I.

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