Will Brown - La river workbook

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L.A. River Branding / Will Brown / Corporate Identity / Spring 2014

Table of Contents

Introduction Research Brand Development Application Development Conclusion


Positioning Statement:


“The Los Angeles River traverses our diverse city, touching neighborhoods from its headwaters in Canoga Park through downtwown. Today, most of the rivers 51 miles (32 of which are in the City of Los Angeles) flow within a concrete channel, serving a vital function as a flood control measure for the city and county of Los Angeles. This important but singular function has limited the vast potential of the river as a focal point for economic growth and community revitalization, environmental stewardship, and recreational opportunities. After nearly two years of research and dialogue, the long awaited Los Angeles River Revitalization Master Plan provides the first comprehensive proposal for river restoration.

The City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works

The plan provides a 25 to 50 year blueprint for transforming the cities 32mile stretch of the river into an “emerald necklace” of parks, walkways, and bike paths, as well as providing better connections to the neighboring communities, protecting wildlife, promoting the health of the river, and leveraging economic reinvestment. In order to give the plan continued life, it proposes the establishment of an innovative, three-tiered river management structure–linking together governance, entrepreneurship, and philanthropy. In fact, the city has already laid the groundwork for ongoing cooperation with other public agencies such as the County of Los Angeles, the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, and the Army Corps of Engineers, to facilitateriver corridor improvements as soon as possible...” - Antonio R. Villaraigosa Mayor

The Challenge: Create comprehensive branding and environmental design solutions for the L.A. river revitalization project.

Specifics: Although the Identity branding of the river is universal, the entirety of the environmental design will be focused on the proposed area known as ‘the taylor yard’; one of many sites along the L.A. river that has been cited for renovation.


Brand Analysis Visual Audit Target Audience

Brand Analysis & Visual Audit

Assessment: The L.A. rivers current branding aesthetic is not much to write home about. Since much of the river is simply bike paths or inaccesible spillways,and with not much recreational space, the branding of the river is extremely limited. Aside from the rare small pocket parks, the LA river brand hits a dead end in terms of both experience and perception. Current Brand Aesthetic To the left are several examples of the current brand initiative of the L.A. river. The egret symbol is dated and seems to reflect the lack of care put into the river. The directional signage is typical of state and government design. That being, it tends not to take any sort of stance. It remains impartial as a brand since there are countless signs just like it all over california. The same goes for the color scheme, which is the standard state government branded green and blue.

Brand Analysis & Visual Audit

Wanted Brand Aesthetic: To the left are a series of renderings from the L.A. river masterplan document. They visualize the intended architectural redesign of various areas of the L.A. river cited for recreational revitalization. It is clear that an aesthetic of stylistically contemporary architecture and design is of the utmost importance. It is this initiative of contemporary design in the context of 20 to 30 years in the future that takes precedence with this re-branding of the L.A. river.

Target Audience

Key Demographics: Seniors Age: 65 + Adults: Age: 18 + Children: Age: 5 + One of the primary functions of this renovation is to provide local residents and the general public with a recreational outlet that is easily accesible, safe, welcoming and fun to be at. With that said, absolutely any personwho enjoys parks and nature will be catered to.

Brand Development

Mind Mappig Concept Statement Logo/Type Development Color Studies Final Logo/Type Solution

Mind Mapping Current Perception EXERCISE



Current Perception:












With a vast majority of the L.A. river covered in concrete, it is no surprise that currently, its perception by the public is anything but positive. Ironically, the reason for its blanketing in concrete is for protection of the populace; this has been greatly overshadowed by the many negative impacts this has had on the environment of the river and the peoples relationship to it.





Wanted Perception:

Wanted Perceptio n
















Renovation and rehabilitation of the river to its natural habitat, along with tastful integration of modern design standards will bring about a much needed perception change in the eyes of the public. In the next 30 years people opinion and usage of the river will grow exponentially.

Concept Statement

Taylor Yard Revitalization: As one of the larger areas of un-utilized land along the L.A. river, this former train yard presents developers with an immense opportunity to make this great chunk of land a beacon for communal activity, nature conservancy and sustainable living. There is already an existing recreational park hugging this land to the east. This new renovated area will be part nature walk, with thick flora and fauna transporting patrons into another world. Several large grassy knolls will be availbe for picnics, concerts, or simply relaxing. There will be several bridges connecting the westside neighborhoods with the park as well. Identity & Environmental Branding: The identity and wayfinding systems of the L.A. river will be a direct reflection of the contemporary design standards utilized in the construction of this, and many other parks. They are specifcally designed within the context of a 20 to 30 year timeline of renovation. It is assumed that within that time frame, the style and trends of environmental design for Los Angeles will take on a more minimal and contemporary aesthetic, as technologies change and trends develope.

Concept Statement Utilizing Future Technology: As technology continues to advance at an exponential rate, it is the duty of The City of Los Angeles to utilize any resource possible that enables the L.A. river to be a source of life for the surrounding populace. Hydroelectric Power: At present, there does exist small hydroelectric power plant made for smaller rivers. The effectiveness of this means of power for the neighborhoods surrounding the river is debateable at present. But in light of the revitalizations timeline of 20 to 30 years; it is not unreasonable to assume that technology in these areas will advance to the point where it could power entire counties. In fact, dams have already been proposed as part of the revitalization master plan. It is prudent that The City of Los Angeles look into this resource for clean energy. 3D Printed Structures: By far the most readily available ‘future’ technology, this method of building can produce a 2500 sqft house in less than 24 hours. This type of technology and its potential effect on the entire future of urban construction is unprecedented. It would truly be foolish if The City of Los Angeles did not utilize this technology to its fullest extent in revitalization process.

Logo/Type Development Initial ideation: During this process I absorbed myself in Los Angeles culture. Gaining inspiration from art past and present as well as the various cultural history embedded into this diverse city. I knew from the get go that there should be reference to harsh angles, and tall slender buildings. I felt that typography could do this adequately and used symbols and imagery sparingly. Along with utilizing the egret in certain thumbnails, I also drew influence from the patterns created by the native gabrielino indians as well.

Logo/Type Development

District Thin Dosis Dins Avenir cherokee Poplar Fairview


Refined ideation & Type exploration: After exploring various typefaces, I couldn’t seem to find one that fullfilled the particular emotional response that I was looking for. Each face that I tried wasn’t expressing the intention for the brand I was seeking in a pleasing way. I then decided to create my own type face purely from a feeling that I would get when imagining Los angeles culture in the present as well as the future. With this intent I feel I was successful at creating a typeface that is unique to contemporary Los Angeles culture.

Logo/Type Development Final Refinement & Symbol Exploration Taking inspiration from existing bridge architecture, I explored the shapes and patterns that emerged from there stylized application with the type treatment. This lead to exploration of mexican tile art and its relationship with my type and overall branding aesthetic. However after exploring these two options I realized that I had strayed from my initial branding initiative. That being, an identity that is consistent with the modern architectural design standards to be used in the future renovation projects. With this in mind once again I finally came upon a graphic solution that is minimalistic and contemporary. It is also my intention that the environmental branding act as a harmoniously contrasting element to the natural environment of the river. I didn’t want something that mimiced natures curves, and as such, blended into the environment. A tastful contrast is necessary to maintain visual dynamcy between nature and industry. For it is something that cannot be avoided.

Color Studies Logo Color Refinement The choice of color was a challenge. I tackled this with the clear intent that I wanted to use natural earthtones to contrast with the geometric lines of the symbol and wordmark. In the end I chose a 3 color palette.

Final Logo / Type (B & W)


Symbol & Wordmark

Final Logo / Type (color)

Color Explanation


Symbol & Wordmark

I chose these particular colors for the following reasons: The diamond consists of a deep blue that has a hint of emerald in it. This is directly calling out the color of the water in the river. When visiting the river, as well as through research, I notice that the river had a very distinct color. Particularly in the more natural parts of the river. The green is also harkening to the flora of the river. Again, when visiting the river I was struck very deeply by the particular shade of green that was abundant in the environment. The shade of blue for the border acts as a framing element and helps to balance out the heaviness of the deeper blue.

Final Wordmark

Wordmark Intention This custom typeface is meant to embody the contemporary environmental design aesthetic that will be utilized in the future renovations of the L.A. River. It also takes subjective inspiration from the culture Los Angeles.


Application Development

Signage Primary Secondary Directional Informational -

Print Collateral Web and U.I.

Primary Signage

The Taylor Yard park will have several main entrances in residential neighborhoods on the west and east sides of the river, as well as access from the existing Rio De Los Angeles Park. Westside main entrance points will be located in residential neighborhoods. Directional Signage will guide patrons from main streets, through the residential areas to the park.

A bridge will lead patrons across the river to the adjecent park. In the middle of the bridge will ben an informational lookout station. This will provide guests with a 360 degree view of their surroundings. Informational signage along the walls of the building will provide patrons with wildlife and geographic info.

Primary Signage

Monument Signage This will be placed at the main entrances to parks, as well as various neighborhood entrances, as an indicator to people that they are near the river. It is 3 dimensional and consists of separate panels connected by metaal pegs.

Secondary Signage

These signs will line the immediate neighborhoods surrounding the park as well as inside the park itself on street lights in particular.




Directional Signage solar panel

solar panel

Lookout Center Bike Path

This directional signage will be at both ends of the bridge so patrons may utilize its map and directional graphics showing where the various attributes of the park are located.

Fishing Zone Wildlife Sanctuary Sports Park

average height: 5’

Directional Signage

smaller signs will be used as guides for the various trails that the taylor yard will offer. The arrows are clear and can easily be read from a distance. Slightly larger are directional signage leading patrons to restrooms and food truck vendors who frequent the park.



Bridge Outlook

Outlook facilities will be at the center of the bridges connecting the park on the east side with the neighborhoods on the west. These will be a hub where patrons can use their LA river app to exprience a virtual tour of the park. The also have a beautiful 360 degree view of the river from the best possible spot, right above it!

Bridge Outlook

The center pillar will be the center point for the augmented reality app inside of the station. A user can point their phone at it and instantly being to interact with a virtual reality consisting of educational facts about the area, to wildlife and more.

Web and U.I.

The L.A. river website will be a fantastic resource for any local angelinos, or curious southern californians alike. It will provide patrons with clear and easily accesible information regardin such topics as: the history of the river, current news, associates, community support and so forth. Its design aesthetic is clean and easy to understand.

Web and U.I.

Along with providing patrons with easily digestible information about the park, the history of the rivrer and the various activities taking place on any given day, it will primarily act as an interactive guide for users to experience the park in a far more entertaining and interactive manner. Utilizing augmented reality technology, the L.A. river app will recognize certain hot spots around the park and allow the user to gain a better understanding of their environment. One key feature is the ability to approach certain “hot spots� flip on the apps camera, and view various native animals in a virtual space. Since nature doesn’t wait for humans, it is far easier to just bring the animal right to you.


The revitalization of The Los Angeles River brings about many vastly important changes to our society. It will forever change the way ‘modern’ humans interact with their natural environment. Both in terms of interaction and respect. The branding of the L.A. river will represent and embody the contemporary architectural and environment design standards that will undoubtably be the future of The City of Los Angeles. Lastly, This revitalization presents unequalled opportunities to utilize the rivers natural resource, water, to its fullest potential. Be it through hydroelectric dams or advancd water filtration systems, there is no excuse for this opportunity to be overlook.

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