What's On Herts October 2019

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Covering Harpenden, St Albans, Wheathampstead, Redbourn & surrounding villages.

News, Reviews and Local Events

The AL5 Aesthetics Brand New Premises!!! See page 74

Studio Spice Interior Design

October to December 2019


Full interior design service


See page 15

Bathing Mobility Advisory Service Showroom Opens Soon See Page 16

Rothamsted Conference Centre Diary Events See page 27 supported by FLAT PACK MIKE

‘mIKEA’ Flat Pack Assembly Service




See page 89

see inside for more



Exclusively from

Ranger All Black

Winter 2019 Contents A warm welcome to the Autumn edition of What’s On Herts! In this issue you can find out about what has been happening in our local area over the past few months and what we have to look forward to as autumn turns to winter. The nights are drawing in and the summer holidays seem a distant memory. Soon the trees will be adorned with amazing autumnal colours. Autumn is a busy time of the year and there are lots going on locally; among other things there are spectacular firework displays, a host of pantomimes, magical ‘Lights Up’ events and other festive activities, so be sure not to miss a thing! Many of these events are listed in our ‘Diary of events ‘ section which you will find on pages 47 – 73, so thumb through those pages to find out what’s On locally! Have fun over the next few months and remember...

Diary of Events Health and Beauty Recipes Homes Gardens Motors

Pages 47 – 73 Pages 74 – 77 Pages 78 – 81 Pages 82 - 97 Pages 98 - 103 Pages 104 - 105

Printed and Published by Your Local Media. 67 High Street, Harpenden, Herts AL5 2SL info@harpendendirectory.co.uk www.your-local-media.co.uk Publication Design & Artwork - Pete Salo 07956 596581 psdesign@rocketmail.com Advertising - Contact Tony or Mike on: Tel: 01582 469117 Tony Mcfarland - tony@harpendendirectory.co.uk Mike Hamilton - mike@harpendendirectory.co.uk Disclaimer:

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is true and correct at the time of going to press. However, Your Local Media cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of information in this publication.

Welcome to Your Local Media, a local business run by local people.



SLEEP EASY IN THE KNOWLEDGE THAT YOU’VE BROUGHT THE RIGHT BED, FOR A GREAT PRICE! In an era where on-line shopping is the choice for many, there is one purchase where ‘try before you buy’ is a must... and that is a bed or mattress.

If you find the same product cheaper elsewhere, we will match the price and our friendly delivery team will expertly deliver and assemble your new bed locally, free of charge and remove your old bed and dispose of it responsibly, again for free”. A visit to their website:


shows over 150 independent Google reviews from happy customers and it is obvious, talking to Darren that he and his team really believe in their products.

Bedknobs with branches in Marshallswick St Albans and Rossgate in Hemel Hempstead offer an extensive range of both beds and mattresses along with a variety of accessories, all at competitive prices! Bedknobs, has been fulfilling the needs of their customers, ever since the family business was established in 1983. Current director Darren Clark said “Our team are all self proclaimed #BedGeeks and proud of it! With a wealth of knowledge and many years of experience in the business, we can assist you in picking the correct bed or mattress every time! In store we aim to create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and with a massive selection beds and mattresses to choose from, including a number of major brands along with our Sleep Partners. We encourage you to take your time and have a good stretch out on our selection of beds and mattresses, to ensure you pick the one that suits you. We are also able to offer a number of different beds from Health beds for people with various medical needs to bespoke beds. Whatever your needs we can help. We are very confident of our competitive prices however; we do offer a “Price match guarantee”, that we will not be beaten on price. 4

Visitors can use our website as a brochure, showing some of the products they offer and there is a free mattress buyer’s guide available to download direct from the site, which will give you some handy tips. Other videos can be seen on their YouTube channel “Bedknobs Herts” We are bed and mattress tailors, with the ability to tailor beds and mattresses to your specific needs, so if you’re planning to buy a bed or mattress, look no further! BEDKNOBS 57 The Quadrant, Marshallswick, St Albans, Herts. AL4 9RD

Tel: 01727 833744

6 Rossgate, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. HP1 3LG

Tel: 01442 269989

FREE Mattress Protectors AND a Pair of Pillows with every bed order, with this voucher.

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Pick from over 40+ colour choices of beautiful Headboards & Divan fabrics, along with up to 10 Years Warranty. Massive Stock for Fast Delivery - Huge Range of Mattresses FREE Delivery, FREE Installation & FREE Disposal! Our team are all self proclaimed #BedGeeks, with a wealth of knowledge and experience, we can help you make the right choice for you at the right price! Price match guarantee - We will not be beaten on price!

St Albans Store: Tel: 01727 833744 Email: sales@bedknobsherts.co.uk 57 The Quadrant, Marshalswick, St Albans, AL4 9RD

Bedknobs Herts


Hemel Hempstead Store: Telephone: 01442 269989 Email: sales@bedknobsherts.co.uk 6 Rossgate, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, HP1 3LG


Bedknobs Herts



Major progress is being made to reduce the amount of single-use plastic across the District, Councillors have been told.

Now a series of further actions has been recommended to discourage use of the environmentally-harmful product. St Albans City and District Council became committed earlier this year to banning single-use plastics at its offices, facilities and events. A report, detailing progress, has shown that a number of key targets had either been met or were close to being so. These included the removal of plastic cups from the Council’s offices and a ban on Styrofoam from Councilrun events.

Traders have also been told that they have until the end of this year to use up any supplies they have of single-use plastics.

Styrofoam has also been largely phased out at the Charter Market with only one trader now using it until their current stock runs out.

The Council’s food waste contractor Veolia has arranged to meet with local food businesses to discuss options for recyclable food containers at takeaways.


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Details of the initiatives were given to a meeting of the Community, Environment and Sport Scrutiny Committee on Thursday 5th September. Councillors recommended several other proposals to the Portfolio Holder for Climate and Environment to consider implementing. They called for an information stall to be set up at the Charter Market to advise traders on alternatives to single-use plastic and the public about how to support the issue in their own homes. It was also recommended that the Council should work with its partner organisations, including schools and Town and Parish Councils, on measures to further combat the prevalence of the material. Steps should also be taken to give advice and to continue publicising the issue across the District through the Council’s website. Councillor Annie Brewster, the Committee’s Chair, said after the meeting: “I am very impressed by the amount of work that is going on across the City and District to reduce single-use plastics. “In particular, the response of our Charter Market traders has been incredibly positive. I applaud the enthusiasm with which they have got behind this vitally important issue. We have one of the leading street markets in the country so it is quite right that we can consider ourselves to be trailblazers. 8

On speaking to stallholders, many have already removed or replaced unsuitable products and others are keenly sourcing alternative materials. “The gold star must go to the Eat Whole Foods stall. For nearly 24 years I understand they have been using cellulose bags for all their products that, unlike normal plastic, break down within 12 months and can be composted in garden bins. They also offer eco-refill facilities for olive oil, shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, hand wash, toilet cleaner washing up liquid, laundry liquid and fabric conditioner. “However, it is clearly a complex science and the Committee felt that we must not get complacent and continue to seek a number of improvements as well as further promote the issue. “In particular, we would like to see more on our website and an information stall to be set up in the centre of the market, sharing not only the steps the traders have taken but also to help members of the public understand how they can support banning single-use plastic in their own homes. “We want to be known as one of the UK’s leading Districts and local authorities when it comes to banning the use or purchase of single-use plastic products and I hope the Portfolio Holder accepts these recommendations so we can look forward to speedy further improvements.”

For more information visit:


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Last year the event raised nearly £100,000 in sponsorship, which was a fantas!c achievement, and we’re hoping to raise even more this year.” “If everyone who has signed up Fri 11th & Sat 12th October 2019​ so far could raise just £50 in sponsorship, we’d already be well on the way to funding a nurse for a year.”Good luck if you are taking part, but if not, please come down and support all the runners, in this fantas!c charity event. Please After the huge success of Harpenden’s 2018remember Beer Festival theparking landlords and landlady there is NO at Rothamsted Research. from three local pubs are busy planning this year’s event which is now in October.


Sid and Daren from The Plough and Harrow, Pete There is Engineer now lessand than a week to go un!l the from The Tony from The Carpenters start of this year’s Herts 10K in Harpenden. Arms, are hosting Harpenden’s Ninth independent On Sunday 8th October, thousands take their marks Beer Festival on Friday 11th will & Saturday 12th at Rothamsted in Harpenden at the start of the October 2019Research at the Royal British Legion. mul!-terrain 10k course through the beau!ful Hertfordshire This year’s festival promises to be even better countryside. than 2018;in with real ales, Perry’s 11th and Founded 2006,over this seventy year marks the event’s Ciders, foodand willit’sbes!llavailable all day anniversary going strong. Analong. es!mated 20,000 people have taken part since the inaugural race 11 years This year’s live now music is supplied by feature a very popular ago and many make it a yearly on their local Scandal. is £5ofincluding runningband: calendar. RennieAdmission Grove Director Fundraisinga branded glass. CAMRA free admission & Marke!ng, Gillian Barne3,members said: “The Herts 10K raises before 6pm on bothfordays. much-needed funds Rennie Grove, suppor!ng local pa!ents with life-limi!ng illnesses and their families.

Harpenden Beer Festival

Friday 11th & Saturday 12th October 2019 From 12pm until 12am For the latest information about the festival please follow us on facebook “Harpenden Beer Festival” This event is brought to you by the publicans of The Engineer, The Plough & Harrow and The The raceArms, will start at 10:00am prompt Carpenters so come along and support To find about the event please visit them forout thismore fun event. www.herts10k.com

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Has Your Double Glazing Steamed Up? Established for over a decade Cloudy2Clear windows have become a leading company for glass replacement. Issues with double glazing can often be gradual and may only be noticed during a clear sunny day or during the winter. A failed glass unit may no longer provide you with the protection you need or be energy efficient. Why not spend a few minutes checking your home to see if you have any failed double glazing? If you act now you can avoid these problems. Now, you may think you need to replace the whole window

including the frames and all the hardware, however Cloudy2Clear have come up with a simple and cost saving solution‌ Just replace the glass!! If you see condensation in your windows just visit our website or give us a call on 0800 61 21 118. We will send out our highly experienced engineers for a free no obligation quote. A Cloudy2Clear quote takes on average no longer than 20 minutes. Once the quote is completed, we will sit down with you and explain the problem and tell you how we can fix it. With

years of experience Cloudy2Clear have a wealth of knowledge and are recognised as a Which Trusted Trader, plus our work is backed by an industry leading 25 year guarantee. Cloudy2Clear also replace faulty locks handles and hinges on all windows and doors. Your friendly local Cloudy2Clear specialist is Stephen Moon and he services Harpenden and surrounding areas. So, if your windows are steamed up, broken or damaged give Stephen a call for a free quotation on 0800 61 21 118.

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Tuesday 8th - Saturday 12th October Harpenden Musical Theatre - The Addams Family’

They’re spooky and they’re kooky The Addams Family A spooky evening awaits theatre-goers in Harpenden as Harpenden Musical Theatre perform ‘The Addams Family’, an original story based on the characters in the 1960s television series.And it’s every father’s worst nightmare come to life. Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family – a man her parents have never met. And if that weren’t upsetting enough,Wednesday confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother. Now, Gomez Addams must do something he’s never done before – keep a secret from his beloved wife, Morticia. What happens when the whole family host a dinner for Wednesday’s ‘normal’ boyfriend and his parents? Will they all live happily ever after, or will all hell break loose? Tickets are on sale now. Event takes place at Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden AL5 1TE Box Office 01582 767525, or visit

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www.harpendenmusicaltheatre.com for details.

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easy-access bathrooms Are you struggling to get in or out of the bath or to manage the step up into the shower? You may even be worried about slipping or falling. If you or a loved one are experiencing bathing difficulties, it makes sense to speak with a specialist before making any adaptations to your bathroom. Trust the mobility bathing experts

When using the Bathing Mobility Advisory Service, you really are in expert hands. Unlike some bathroom companies, we specialise in mobility bathing and are passionate about helping people bathe safely in their own home. With over a decade of experience, BMAS have installed hundreds of wet rooms, walk-in showers and walk-in baths. Built on family values, we put you at the heart of everything we do and pride ourselves on the personal service we offer.

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Free In-Home Design Consultations Available Now 17


HARPENDEN CONCERT IS A CELEBRATION OF THE WORK CARRIED OUT BY THE HOSPICE OF ST FRANCIS SONGS FOR A WINTER’S AFTERNOON PERFORMED BY CARITAS HARMONY CHOIR AND HOSPICE CHOIR SATURDAY 30TH NOVEMBER 2019 2.30PM -4.00PM FREE ADMISSION WITH A RETIRING COLLECTION – TICKET NOT REQUIRED Harpenden Methodist Church is the venue for a very special event featuring the award winning Choir, Caritas Harmony and The Choir of the Hospice of St Francis. The afternoon will be a celebration of the work carried out by The Hospice of St Francis at their Spring Centre. The concert also aims to raise awareness of the Hospice’s Support Group for people with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Caritas Harmony has been performing concerts in the Herts, Beds and Bucks area for 15 years raising in excess of £150,000 for charity. A highly accomplished award-winning choir, it has 40 members singing under the skilled guidance of Musical Director, Margaret Blenkin. They have built up a repertoire of over 130 pieces from modern pop songs to classical arrangements. Earlier in 2019, the choir won two choral competitions at Watford and Oundle Music Festivals. The Choir of the Hospice of St Francis is led by Musical Director Kate Davies. The Choir comprises singers from all facets of the Hospice including staff, carers and volunteers. They meet weekly and perform as and when required in support of Hospice Funds. The Hospice of St Francis Spring Centre is a free Health and Wellbeing hub in Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire, which supports adults who have a life-limiting illness and their loved ones. Celebrating 40 years of care in 2019, The Hospice of St Francis Spring Centre provides practical support as well as a range of services including physiotherapy, complementary and creative therapy to help improve wellbeing, health, independence and confidence. Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis is a progressive, fatal lung disease that few survive more than 3-5 years after diagnosis. As the disease progresses, the shortness of breath that accompanies it gets worse as scarring affects the lungs. IPF is a devastating lung disease with no known cure although antifibrotic drugs can slow down the progression of the disease. 18

The Hospice’s Spring Centre offers a support group for people with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis which meets regularly. This is a unique opportunity to hear songs with a winter’s theme performed by two choirs and should help to give everyone’s seasonal celebrations a joyful start. The concert is entirely free of charge and all are welcome. There will be a retiring collection to support the work of the Hospice. Further information about the concert can be found on Caritas Harmony’s website:

www.caritasharmony.co.uk or please call Julia Holder 01582 873465.

Award-Winning Choir

Caritas Harmony Presents

SONGS FOR A WINTER’S AFTERNOON A celebration of the work carried out at THE SPRING CENTRE by THE HOSPICE OF ST FRANCIS, BERKHAMSTED Also to raise awareness of the Hospice’s Support Group for people with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

With guest performance by The Choir of the Hospice of St Francis

Saturday 30th November 2019 2.30pm – 4.00pm (doors open at 2.00pm) Methodist Church, High Street, Harpenden AL5 2RU Light refreshments will be available at the end of the concert

Entry to the concert is free and all are welcome There will be a retiring collection to support the work of The Hospice of St Francis

Fill it up and and wallow wallow in the envy envy of of your your neighbours. neighbours.

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Join us for this free information session and find out more about: Dementia and how it affects a person Our plans to establish Harpenden as a Dementia Friendly Town What you can do to make a difference locally At the end of this session, you will become a Dementia Friend, joining more than 2.5 million people all of ages across the UK. There is no obligation for you to get involved in any other Dementia Friend activities after this session.

Thursday 17 October 2019 7pm-8pm Harpenden Town Hall, Leyton Road This event is FREE but booking is essential TO BOOK:

Email us at Harpenden.Town.Council@harpenden.gov.uk or call 01582 768278 Please note that there is limited on-site parking for this event; see our website for alternative public car parks

Hosted by:


There’s more to us than just chips and scratches BUMPER SCUFFS




For a free no obligation repair estimate, contact ChipsAway St Albans on: 07807 665380 brian.palmer@chipsaway.co.uk 10% discount by quoting NOW10. Unit 4, The Gryphon Industrial Park, Porters Wood, St Albans, Herts, AL3 6XZ www.chipsaway.co.uk/brianpalmer




Earth Landscapes is a Harpenden based practice specialising in the design and creation of private gardens since 2006. We provide a range of services - from a one-off consultation to the creation of the perfect garden, involving our clients throughout all stages of the project. Our professional and dedicated team of p garden designers and landscapers take pride in every aspect of their work, creating highly individual gardens.


Garden Design Our in-house team of qualified and experienced garden designers and landscape architects provide a full a range of garden design services. This includes one-off consultations, detailed master plans, planting schemes, 3D modelling and supporting landscape planning applications. Specimen Tree & Planting Services Planting plays an important role in all Plan of our designs and gardens. Our team has become specialists in the handling and installation of large, specimen trees and plants providing instant impact and maturity to a garden. We are happy to supply and install a single specimen tree, plant or instant hedging / screening through to a complete planting scheme. Visit: www.earthlandscapes.co.uk Call: 01582 761381 / 07731 993918 25


The benefits of a helipad at the L&D

Because of you…we can save more lives

When someone suffers a major trauma; the quicker they receive specialist emergency care, the more likely it is that the treatment will prevent death or serious disability. This is often referred to as the ‘Golden Hour’, when emergency services strive to get patients to the most appropriate place for lifesaving care within an hour of sustaining their injury. Helicopters offer a much more reliable way of transporting critically ill patients, as they significantly reduce travel time compared to a land ambulance.

Preparing To Land Did you know we are in the final stages of fundraising for a new helipad within the hospital complex? We need to raise a final £1.5m (the equivalent of just £16 for every person treated in our Emergency Department alone last year) to stay on track to be operational by the summer of 2021. We want to improve accessibility to our emergency medicine facilities for our local community, to ensure everyone has access to our care when they really need it.We are so excited to be planning this life saving facility and would welcome your support in helping us to make it happen.

The Emergency Department at the L&D is renowned as one of the best in the country and treats over 90,000 people each year. Approximately 25% of these have life threatening injuries and require immediate and specialist medical care. There is currently no helipad providing direct access to the hospital and no 24/7 helipads specifically for Herts, Beds and Bucks. At present, while it is possible on some occasions to airlift patients to the hospital, the helicopters must land in a local playing field and the patient is then transferred over the final distance by road.

Helipad Appeal


Rothamsted Restaurant

Rothamstead_HarpendenDirec_FullPageAd_190x130_AW.indd 1

Rothamsted Restaurant

27 23/09/2019 14:13

L&D Helipad Appeal (continued) Air ambulances travel from Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire to get to patients, and if the road journey from the current landing location to the hospital is deemed too risky, these patients can be taken to the nearest emergency helipad; 25 miles away, rather than being brought to the L&D. In addition to the care that a helipad would enable the L&D to provide, it would also make our hospital the only Level 3 NICU in the country (neonatal critical care unit capable of caring for very small or very sick babies) with 24-hour helipad access. We need your support Thanks to the support of our local community, and a remarkable donation of £2.5m from HELP Appeal, we have already raised an incredible £3.5million of our £5m fundraising target (project cost £7m). We are still actively seeking your support to raise the remaining money needed to make our vision a reality. The hospital is asking for the public’s help to raise more funds to enable the helipad to be installed. There are a number of ways that the valuable monies can be raised.

Be it through a fundraising event that you organise or by simply donating directly through the hospitals charitable fund in the following ways: Text HELI17 £5 to 70090 to donate £5. Online at www.justgiving.com/ ldhhelipad Call 01582 718289 to donate Sending a cheque made payable to Luton and Dunstable Hospital Charitable Fund (Helipad) to: Helipad Appeal, Luton and Dunstable Hospital, Luton, LU4 0DZ. Please include a covering note with your name and contact details and if you would like to give a Gift Aid donation. More information on the Helipad appeal and fundraising can be found on the dedicated website www.ldh.nhs.uk/charity/supportingwards-and-departments/helipad-appeal

Registered Charity in England and Wales: No. 1058704

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Stoptober is back again for the eighth year running, and Hertfordshire County Council encourages everyone who smokes to take advantage of the free support available to help them stop smoking for good. Hertfordshire resident, Carol, talks about her experience with the Hertfordshire Stop Smoking Service. She said: “After smoking for 40 years and not really ever giving up apart from once for six months, I came to the Hertfordshire Stop Smoking Service and I’ve actually stopped. I found it really useful, and using Champix is excellent, the whole programme is superb.” When Carol was asked about why she thought people should try to change and join the Stoptober challenge, she said: “Well I’m a lot richer and I feel healthier, so do the Stoptober challenge. It’s well worth it.” Cabinet Member for Public Health and Prevention,Tim Hutchings, said: “Smoking rates in Hertfordshire are the lowest they have ever been at 12 per cent, lower than the national average. However we are aware that there is still much work to do to bring these down further.


We build our mortgages around you At Handelsbanken, we provide a personal mortgage service, with a dedicated account manager and the power to make clear and timely decisions within the branch. We take the time to understand your needs, to help find a solution that is right for you, whether buying a new home or remortgaging. David Taylor - Individual Banking Manager Tel: 01727 848934, Email: data04@handelsbanken.co.uk, Mobile: 07767 115 298 Paula Martin - Individual Banking Manager Tel: 01727 848898, Email: pama03@handelsbanken.co.uk, Mobile: 07791 754 413 Joanne Prior - Individual Banking Manager Tel: 01727 848996, Email: jopr02@handelsbanken.co.uk, Mobile: 07792 413 838

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Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. Please note that our lending facilities are only available to persons aged 18 or over and are subject to status. Written quotations and Terms & Conditions are available on request Handelsbanken is the trading name of Handelsbanken plc, which is incorporated in England and Wales with company number 11305395. Registered office: 3 Thomas More Square, London, E1W 1WY, UK. Handelsbanken plc is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. Financial Services Register number 806852. Handelsbanken plc is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Svenska Handelsbanken AB (publ).

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06/03/2019 09:35:10

“There are some areas in Hertfordshire where the numbers of people who smoke remain high. Our Tobacco Control Strategic Plan 2019-2022 has identified the areas and groups we should prioritise to reduce the harm from tobacco.We are actively working to reduce smoking rates in these groups. “Stoptober is the perfect inspiration for the many smokers we know want to quit - and we can help them - so we urge anyone who wants to give up to get in touch.” Support from Stoptober includes an app, daily emails, the Stoptober Facebook group and a brand new web tool to help smokers find the right support. By answering three questions, you can receive tailored advice on smoking cessation support in the form of a Personal Quit Plan. Through Hertfordshire’s Stop Smoking Service you can to talk to a trained adviser and benefit from expert face-to-face advice. The Service also supports people to stop smoking using e-cigarettes, which are 95 per cent safer than smoking tobacco as well as being cheaper than conventional cigarettes and generally cheaper than other nicotine containing products. Simply text SMOKEFREE to 80818, call 0800 389 3 998 or visit: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/stopsmoking.

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Hitchin. 30 Market Place, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG5 1DY. Tel: 01462 437117



The Perfect Halloween Pumpkin!

Things You’ll Need.

Newspaper, Pumpkin, Felt-tip Pen or pencil, Sharp Knife, Tea Light. 1.

Select a fresh pumpkin in a shape that pleases you. Some people prefer their pumpkins low and round, while others like them tall and oval-shaped but it’s up to you.


Draw a circle or hexagon on the top of the pumpkin in preparation for making an opening large enough for your hand to reach through.


Cut through the stem end of the pumpkin along your outline with a sharp knife. Use a back-and-forth slicing motion to cut through the thick, tough skin.

4. Remove the stem end, which will act as a lid, making sure you scrape off any seeds or pulp on to the newspaper. 5.

Use a large spoon to scoop out the seeds and pulp from inside the pumpkin.

6. After you have emptied out the insides, draw a pattern for the face with a felt-tip pen, or scribe the lines into the skin using a pencil. Make sure to make the eyes, nose and mouth large enough to get the full effect later.

34 34


Follow your pattern as you cut all the way through the pumpkin.


Push the cut-out features gently from the inside of the pumpkin and discard the pieces.


Place a tea light inside the pumpkin to create an eerie glow.


Stand back and admire your handy work!

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in St Albans, Harpenden and the villages We can help you open your street for play up to 8 times a year, bringing neighbours together and building a stronger community where you live.

You can give children the space and freedom to: * Be outdoors and active * Gain skills and independence * Make friends on their street * Have fun!

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28/03/2019 10:21:56

Remember, Remember the 5th of November!! FIREWORK CODE

Top ten safety tips for adults Young people should watch and enjoy fireworks at a safe distance and follow the safety rules. Only adults should deal with firework displays and the lighting of fireworks. They should also take care of the safe disposal of fireworks once they have been used. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Plan your firework display to make it safe and enjoyable. Keep fireworks in a closed box and use them one at a time. Read and follow the instructions on each firework using a torch if necessary. Light the firework at arm’s length with a taper and stand well back. Keep naked flames, including cigarettes, away from fireworks. Never return to a firework once it has been lit. Don’t put fireworks in pockets and never throw them. Direct any rocket fireworks well away from spectators. Never use paraffin or petrol on a bonfire.

St Albans ----------------------------


Make sure that the fire is out and surroundings are made safe before leaving.

Sunday 10th November

Local Firework Displays 2018 Harpenden -------------------------Sunday 3rd November

Harpenden Rugby Club

Come along and join in the fun at this spectacular firework display. Gates open at 4pm Display starts at 6pm. Redbourn Lane, Harpenden Herts AL5 2BA. See website for full details www.hrc.com

Sunday 9th November

Crabtree Firework Display

Celebrating our 44th Fireworks Display in Harpenden.We’re proud to offer an unrivalled evening for families with an incredible firework display, traditional bonfire, delicious BBQ, refreshments and a quiet room for those who needs a break from the bangs.To find out about tickets, please like the Crabtree Fireworks Spectular Facebook Page or see www.crabtreeinfantsherts.sch.uk/fireworks. Event held at Crabtree School, Crabtree Lane, Harpenden Herts AL5 5PU.


Saturday 2nd November

St Albans Cathedral Fireworks Spectacular Come and enjoy a spectacular event full of fantastic fireworks, food and fun for the whole family! The display with musical accompaniment is produced by double winners of the British Fireworks Championships, Fantastic Fireworks.There will be a Food Village providing plenty of food and drink for you to enjoy too – with street food outlets, burgers and hot dogs.The bars will again be supplying beers brewed by Tring Brewery along with mulled wine, cider and gin! As well as the food village in Verulamium, the Abbot’s Kitchen will be open until 10pm, serving a number of hot food and drink options to help you stay warm and keep the hunger at bay. For more details and for tickets please visit www.stalbanscathedral.org For any Box Office queries, contact the Cathedral Box Office on 01727 890290.

Wheathampstead --------------------

Wheathampstead Fireworks Display Event address: Beech Hyde Primary & Nursery School, 11 Nurseries Road,Wheathampstead, Herts AL4 8TP.Tickets will go on sale very soon and will be available from Beech Hyde Primary School Office and Manor Pharmacy on Wheathampstead High Street.There will be a BBQ, hot and cold drinks, popcorn and candy floss available on the night. For more information visit facebook and search for “Wheathampstead Fireworks”

Redbourn -------------------Saturday 2nd November

Redbourn Common Fireworks Event Time 7pm There will also be a fun fair along with the Scouts selling hotdogs to make it a good family evening.Admission is free although there will be donation buckets if you would like to make a contribution. The event is self-funding so donations are much appreciated. Venue: Redbourn Common, Redbourn,AL3 7BU. For more information visit: www.mumsguideto.co.uk/harpenden

Talk to the experts to help you make better financial decisions. Independent Financial Advisers in Wealth Management Pensions Investments Mortgages Focus for Women Call 01582 715777 or 01462 441100 for a free initial consultation

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Our Team at Harpenden Swimming Pools has experience of over 40 years, our Local business specialises in design, construction and installation of luxury swimming pools and hot tubs built to the highest specification together with patio and garden design services have a long-standing reputation for knowledge,expertise and commitment to their projects. At Harpenden Swimming Pools our friendly team of professional designers and construction experts will answer your questions and give advice on how we can customise a pool or hot tub to complement your home. To take it one step further we can offer you a patio and garden design service to add that extra aesthetically pleasing finish. FROM PLANS TO CONSTRUCTION, EVERY STEP TO CREATE YOUR PERFECT POOL




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Redbourn Parish Council

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We’re proud to continue supporting our local communities

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Invitation to attend our

Seniors Fair

Tuesday 15th October 2019

Harpenden Public Halls 10.30am – 1.30pm

Free Entry

Over 30 local organisations have taken stands, 11 of which are new this year, to promote their work at this popular event Visitors will find a mix of charities, voluntary & commercial organisations.

Come along and find out what’s available locally, either for yourself, a family member, friend or neighbour. Refreshments by Harpenden Village W.I. in aid of a local charity.

Join HSF for FREE

Your source of information about local amenities, groups, services, organisations and tradespeople.

Contact us on: 01582 462926 (10-12 noon Mon-Fri) Email: harpendenseniorsforum@btconnect.com or visit our website: www.harpendenseniorsforum.org 44

Following the success of the Harpenden Snow Angels Winter 2018, we are delighted to be re-launching the volunteer-based initiative for Winter 2019/20! What are Snow Angels? Harpenden Snow Angels are a group of local residents who volunteer to clear snow and ice from the footways and pathways in their local area. As a Snow Angel, you can contribute to the safety of your community, especially in areas that typically don't receive as much attention as the main high streets and pedestrian routes.

How can I become a Snow Angel? If you're interested in becoming a Snow Angel, please contact Harpenden Town Council's Projects Officer, Sarah Brimley: Tel: 01582 463548 Email: Sarah.Brimley@harpenden.gov.uk

What happens once I've signed up? We'll arrange for the collection / delivery of your Snow Angel Kit, which comprises of; • 20kg bag of grit • a branded hi-visibility vest • protective gloves • snow shovel




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Stagecoach Performing Arts is the trading name of Stagecoach Theatre Arts Limited. Stagecoach Theatre Arts schools are operated under franchise and are independently owned by their Principals. Stagecoach and Creative Courage For Life are registered trademarks of Stagecoach Theatre Arts Limited.

















48 48

Harpenden Floral Decoration Club Floral demonstration by Barbara Collins “Shades of Autumn”, at 2pm, Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1PD. Visitors very welcome. For more information call 01582 621757.

Wine & Chocolate Pairing Evening We’ll sample seven exciting wines alongside chocolate from leading and specialist suppliers. Along the way we’ll try truffles, milk chocolates and dark chocolates with varying intensities of flavour, depending where the cocoa beans were harvested and how the chocolate was made. And, to cap it off, we’ll finish with homemade brownies or a slice of chocolate cake. Event Time 7pm – 9pm at The Plough & Harrow, 88 Southdown Road, Harpenden, AL5 1PR. For more information please visit: www.enjoystalbans.com

The Bohemians A Comprehensive re-enactment of Queens Greatest Hits Internationally renowned Queen Tribute band The Bohemians take you on a high energy roller coaster ride of a concert, featuring the back catalogue of one of the world’s most popular and iconic rock acts of all time. So many fabulous hits to be covered but they’re all here, from the early piano and harmony heavy masterpieces , to the later, catchy pop of the eighties and Rock anthems of the early nineties. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena. co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Pasta Night @ Rosanna’s! 2nd round Three generous testing of pasta: Spaghetti Norma , Pennette al Pistacchio , Spaghetti alla Catanese.Served with a glass of house wine at £17.90. To avoid any disappointment please book with us via email at H.Shop@rosannasbreakfastbar.co.uk or call us at 01582249944. Event Time 7pm – 9.30pm at Rosanna’s 1A Vaughan Rd, Harpenden AL5 4HU.

Toyah Willcox This concert –with her full electric band– will be a celebratory retrospective including hit singles, album classics and fan favourites. From punk princess to cult stage and screen actress, Toyah Willcox is a vibrant performer and an inextinguishable flame. Doors Open at 7pm, Auditorium 7.30pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.
















James Acaster - COLD LASAGNE HATE MYSELF 1999 One time I bought a lasagne from the supermarket, heated it up in the oven and ate a bit of it and it wasn’t very nice so I put it in the fridge because it felt wrong to dump a whole lasagne in the bin and then later on I ate a spoonful of the cold lasagne because I was drunk and it was absolutely delicious. It was 4am. I then changed the name of a WhatsApp I was a part of to COLD LASAGNE HATE MYSELF 1999 because I had been thinking a lot about how 1999 was the best year of my life and also about how much I hate myself sometimes. The next day I was asked to name my new show. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Cocktail Making at St Villa in St Albans Join us for a night of cocktail making with friends at St Villa Bar! On arrival you will receive an glass of Prosecco and your group can then decide which cocktail they would like to make. Florian and Rebecca will show you the tips and tricks to make your perfect drink step by step and you can all have a go at making your own to enjoy. Canapes and charcuterie will be available between 7pm-8pm to enjoy with your cocktail!. Event Time 6.30pm – 8.30pm at St Villa 2 Marlborough Rd, St Albans AL1 3XQ Call 01727 807222 to book!

Sprita Night at Rosanna’s 2nd round One Aperol Spritz , served with : Gnocco Fritto & Mortadella Ham and olive.*Vegetarian option available , just let us know on the night . All this for £7.90! Please inquiry with us via email at H.shop@ rosannasbreakfastbar.co.uk or give us a call at 01582249944. Event Time 7pm – 9.30pm at Rosanna’s 1A Vaughan Rd, Harpenden AL5 4HU.

Magic of Motown Celebrating the sound of a generation. Music fans are invited to the biggest party of the year as the unstoppable Magic of Motown show steams into town! Seen by over a million people, it’s no surprise that the show is one of the biggest success stories in British theatre history. Doors Open at 7pm, Auditorium 7.30pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD

George Street Gin & Jazz George Street Gin & Jazz is back for its third year. Shops, bars and restaurants open their doors for a celebration of the unique, boutique style of the Cathedral Quarter. Free entry with a variety of bars offering gin cocktails of every flavour. Music stage for dancing alongside fashion offers, styling sessions, street food and more. 7-10pm as part of St Albans Food & Drink Festival. For more information visit: www. enjoystalbans.com/event/george-street-gin-jazz/

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45 th-














50 50

Flagship Wines present ‘Rioja – from tinto to crianza, reserve & gran reserva’ Rioja is Spain’s best known wine region and it has a long history of winemaking. Here the traditional wines with silky vanillary flavours from long aging in oak now rub shoulders with innovative contemporary wines that are rich and velvety without the oaky components of flavour. Join our tasting and enjoy the diversity of styles of Rioja. Friday 4th October – 6pm to 7.30pm and Saturday 5th October – 11am to 6pm At Flagship Wines shop 417 Hatfield Rd, St Albans AL4 0XP Tel 01727 865309.

Mucky Pup family fun run 9.30am – 4pm Join the Royal Veterinary Collage in the Mucky Pup family fun run (or walk!) in the beautiful grounds of Hatfield House and raise money for the Animal Care Trust to support our animal hospitals that care and treat over 25,000 pets every year. You can take on the fun run as a dog and human team, a dog and family team, or on your own/in a group without a dog. After finishing, you will be awarded with a Mucky Pup Fun Run medal which you can wear with pride! For more information visit: www.hatfield-house.co.uk/event/mucky-pup-fun-run

Rip it Up the 70’s From the Producers of Rip it Up the 50s and 60s comes the greatest music decade ever! Join Olympic champion Louis Smith, Rachel Stevens (S Club 7) and Melody Thornton (Pussycat Dolls) for a groovy evening of singing & dancing. Further cast announcement to follow. Two shows starts at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Doors open 30 minutes before show times. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Sixties Gold Sixties Gold 2019 returns with an even stronger line-up of artists that, between them, scored over 50 chart-topping UK hits. Two shows starts at 2.30pm and 7.30pm. Doors open one hour before show times. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www. alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD

Josh Widdicombe – Bit Much

The guy everyone can do an impression of is back with a brand new stand up tour. A show that will change your life and how you perceive your place in the world. Bit much? Fine, it’ll be a very funny night of grumbles and jokes in which Josh will finally tackle the hot comedy topics of advent calendars, pesto and the closing time of his local park. Doors Open at 7pm, Auditorium 7.30pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD




8 12 th













Harpenden Gardening Society

Talk by Michael Brown, Author & Historian on ‘Death in the Garden’ (poisonous plants). Time: 8.00pm Roundwood Park School, Roundwood Park, Harpenden Herts AL5 3AE. Non members £3.00 entry. Free refreshments. For more information visit www.harpendengardeningsociety.org


Harpenden Musical Theatre - The Addams Family’

They’re spooky and they’re kooky The Addams Family A spooky evening awaits theatre-goers in Harpenden as Harpenden Musical Theatre perform ‘The Addams Family’, an original story based on the characters in the 1960s television series. And it’s every father’s worst nightmare come to life. Wednesday Addams, the ultimate princess of darkness, has grown up and fallen in love with a sweet, smart young man from a respectable family – a man her parents have never met. And if that weren’t upsetting enough, Wednesday confides in her father and begs him not to tell her mother. Now, Gomez Addams must do something he’s never done before – keep a secret from his beloved wife, Morticia. What happens when the whole family host a dinner for Wednesday’s ‘normal’ boyfriend and his parents? Will they all live happily ever after, or will all hell break loose? Tickets are on sale now. Event takes place at Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden AL5 1TE. Box Office 01582 767525, or visit www.harpendenmusicaltheatre.com for details.

Jim Davidson’s The People Fight Back Tour The people’s favourite and one of Britain’s greatest ever comedians, JIM DAVIDSON OBE telling it ‘like it is’. Are you fed up with this PC world we now find ourselves in? Well, come and see Jim’s brand-new and outrageous show. Enough is enough, It’s time to fight back! Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD

Thunder – Unplugged and Unscripted They usually headline arenas and festivals. But this Autumn, British rock band Thunder will celebrate their 30th anniversary with a series of up-close-and-personal shows for fans. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Sh*t-faced Shakespeare A Midsummer Night’s Dream The smash-hit, internationally acclaimed, award-winning, multi sell-out fringe phenomenon is finally off on a UK tour with their version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Sht-faced Shakespeare is the hilarious combination of an entirely serious adaptation of a Shakespearean classic, with an entirely sht-faced cast member. Doors Open at 7pm, Auditorium 7.30pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD

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What’s On OCTOBER Jimeoin





11 12

Harpenden Beer Festival - Times: 12pm - 12am

th Come along and join in the fun for the 9th Annual Beer Festival at the Royal British Legion in













Superb world-class stand-up from the Irishman from Australia acclaimed worldwide as one of live comedy’s true masters as Jimeoin brings his brilliantly observed, ever-evolving and hilarious comedy to The Alban Arena for one night only as part of his latest smash-hit tour. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD

Harpenden. Live Music on Saturday night from the popular local band: Scandal Food available on both Friday and Saturday. For more information www.harpendendirectory.co.uk/harpenden-beer-festival

Harpenden Music Makers Choir Concert A vivid arrangement of seven well-known American spirituals including: When the saints go marching in, Deep river & Joshua fit the battle of Jericho. Concert starts from 6pm at St George’s School, Harpenden AL5 4EY. Audience £5 (children 12yrs and under FREE) Available NOW from www.ticketsource.co.uk/musicmakers or on the door.

Highfield Oval Apple Festival. An annual highlight for many and a great way to kick autumn off with a family friendly afternoon of fun. Go along and try some home-grown pressed apple juice while listening to local live music, grab a tractor ride, or some enjoy some active fun on the bouncy castles. There will be fun themed games, craft and food stalls. Or simply enjoy a wander through the Apple Orchard and find out why it’s so unique. You don’t want to miss it! See you there October 12 | 2-5pm at 6 Highfield Oval Harpenden AL5 4BX. Entry is free. Parking on site - £2 per car fundraiser towards our ongoing site development.

The Sun Records, The Concert The legendary record label that brought you Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, Carl Perkins, Rufus Thomas and scores more rockin’ pioneers, comes to life live on stage. Revisit the blessed recording studio where the distinctive sound we know and love today was crafted from gospel, blues, hillbilly, country, boogie and western swing by musical visionary Sam Phillips. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

















Hertfordshire Wedding Fair The Hertfordshire Wedding Fair, St Albans is Hertfordshire’s premier wedding fair and is the oldest county wedding fair. Whether you are looking for the latest wedding gift ideas or a beautiful wedding venue from around Hertfordshire or beyond, this is the wedding fair to visit for inspiration. Free Admission. Event times 11am – 4pm. Visit www.alban-arena.co.uk for more details. Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD

Mud Pack Challenge Your mission, should you choose to accept it…is our legendary Mud Pack Challenge! Who are you calling to join your Mud Pack squad? Teamwork will help get you through so rally your work colleagues, inspire your friends & family and prepare for some jovial rivalry as you tackle the five (or 10) mile course together! Visit stfrancis.org.uk/mudpack

HERTS 10K The Herts 10K is set to return for its 14th year at Rothamsted Research! The HERTS 10K is Rennie Grove Hospice Care’s flagship fundraising event, attracting thousands of runners and walkers every year and raising valuable funds to support the charity’s services across Herts and Bucks. Come along and support the runners and walkers in this beautiful multi-terrain course through the Hertfordshire countryside, starting and finishing at Rothamsted Research, Harpenden. This event promises to be as popular as ever! For more information, please visit... www.herts10k.com

Only Fools And Boycie

Enjoy an intimate evening with John Challis, one of the nation’s greatest comedy actors, best known as Boycie in BBC1’s Only Fools and Horses. In this one-off show the national treasure will reveal secrets from the set with stories and anecdotes from his dazzling career. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Harpenden Seniors Forum - Seniors Fair Over 30 local organisations have taken stands to promote their work at this popular event. Visitors will find a mix of charities, voluntary & commercial organisations. Come along and find out what’s available locally, either for yourself, a family member, friend or neighbour. This event starts from 10.30am – 1.30pm at Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1PD.



















Sons of Pitches: Around the World International Hits & Skits to Have You in Fits

Ready to go on a journey like no other? This Autumn, Winners of BBC’s ‘The Naked Choir’, The Sons of Pitches are taking you on an A Cappella journey ‘Around The World’! They’ve sung 100 UK number ones in one night, they’ve channel hopped around the world of television but now they are singing songs from all over planet Earth. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

St Albans, Harpenden & District Philatelic Society

Display with commentary “THE SHIPS THAT LINKED NEW ZEALAND AND AUSTRALIA WITH EACH OTHER AND WITH ENGLAND”. We are the local club serving this area for those interested in stamps and postal history and offer monthly meetings between September and May normally featuring displays and talks on philatelic subjects. Our meetings are held at 8pm in the School Room, St Mary’s Church, Childwick Green, Childwickbury AL3 6JJ (off the A1081 between St Albans and Harpenden). For more details please call Peter Mellor Tel: 01582 762284 or email p.mellor@btinternet.com Website: www.stalbharpstampclub.org.uk

The Arts Society Harpenden Area DFAS

A lecture given by Dr John Stevens on Images of the British Empire. At the turn of the 20th century, the British Empire held sway over approximately one quarter of the total population of the world. British imperial power was projected through a variety of artistic mediums. Through considering a variety of paintings, buildings and objects from across the Empire, this lecture provides a fascinating insight into the ways in which the British viewed themselves and their subjects in the 19th and 20th centuries. For further details and to join as a member or attend as a guest, see www.theartssocietyharpendenareadfas.org.uk

Live at the Alban Arena 2019

Join us for our hilarious celebration of the biggest and best comedians on the UK circuit. Live at the Alban Arena is your chance to see TV comedy stars you know and love, alongside discovering some new favourites destined to become stars of the future. Book your seats today for our brand new night of fantastically funny stand-up. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD

The Drifters The Drifters are back on tour in the UK with a brand-new show performing all their classic hits from the last six decades. The legendary group have previously been inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, listed among the Greatest Artists of All Time by Rolling Stone magazine and have produced an incredible list of hits. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.





The Ballroom Boys – Ian Waite & Vincent Simone

Strictly Come Dancing favourites Ian Waite and Vincent Simone are joining forces in 2019 with their st brand new production – THE BALLROOM BOYS. Argentine Tango legend Vincent and King of the Ballroom Ian, will be joined by two professional female dancers and a wonderful vocalist. The night will be packed with dances, songs and loads of banter! Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

















Abba Mania Abbamania’s widely acclaimed tribute to Abba is a sensational two hour show featuring record breaking and timeless bits from ‘Waterloo, Dancing Queen, Mamma Mia, Fernando and Chiquitita’, which will have you dancing I the aisles! Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD

Milkshake! Live – Milkshake Monkey’s Musical Milkshake Monkey can’t wait to put on a spectacular new musical for you all! But when stage fright hits, his favourite Milkshake friends come to help, creating the most dazzling show you have ever seen! Be part of this fantastic production as you learn the amazing songs and dances with your favourite Milkshake friends, and watch as the music, the lights, the costumes and stage come together. With great Milkshake friends, anything is possible. Two show times 12pm & 3.30pm Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Harpenden Evening Floral Group Floral Demonstration - Lesley Sturdy ‘Around The World’ at All Saints Church Hall at 7.30pm - Visitors Welcome £8 entry on the door - Tel 01582 761277 for more information.

Lost in Music – One Night at The Disco Get ready to recreate the Magical 70’s and let us take you on a musical journey straight to the heart of Disco! This show boasts a sensational live band, incredibly talented cast and stunning vocals and is sure to have you dancing in the aisles! So, come dressed to impress as we celebrate the golden age of Disco! Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Pumpkin Trail and Treats To get in the Halloween spirit Pumpkin Trail visitors are encouraged to wear fancy dress, (yes, adults too!). Each day there will be a competition, which is judged at 3:00 PM in the Garden Terrace Tea Room. Children are encouraged to bring along a pumpkin that they have pre-decorated – there is a daily prize for the best. [Note- there have been some amazing pumpkins over the years, but the judges will be looking for pumpkins that are mostly the child’s own work, rather than those decorated by adults]. Upon arrival, children’s tickets will be exchanged for a ‘Pumpkin Passport’. Participate in a series of fun games and activities and earn stamps on their ‘Pumpkin Passport’ from the costumed staff on duty at each activity. Event times 12pm – 4pm (Last admission 2:00 PM to leave enough time to complete the trail). For more information visit: www. knebworthhouse.com Event address: Knebworth House, Old Knebworth Ln, Stevenage SG3 6PY




Roy Orbison & The Traveling Wilburys Experience


The Big O & the Wilburys show is back – bigger and better than ever! Come and celebrate with the band as they commemorate 30 YEARS since the Wilburys original album release and pay a special tribute to The Big O, who died later the same year. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


Harry Redknapp - I’m a Celebrity winner HARRY REDKNAPP comes to town! Harry is genuinely one of the funniest celebrity/football storytellers in the country. Come and see him LIVE! This will be a fun filled event with tales of the jungle and of a football manager’s life. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.















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All Star Superslam Wrestling - Professional Wrestling – The King of the action sports! You’ve seen it on television and now you can see it live when All Star Superslam Wrestling returns with an extravaganza of high-flying action that will feature all of your favourite heroes and villains of the ring. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD. Respect – The Aretha Franklin Songbook RESPECT: The Aretha Franklin Songbook is an amazing live concert that pays tribute to the Queen of Soul! Featuring sensational lead vocals from Cleopatra Higgins, Tanya Edwards, Stacy Francis and Cleo Stewart accompanied by a Live band and Gospel Choir. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena. co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Spooktacular 10am – 4pm Spooky activities in Heritage Close. Free facepainting, spooky characters, crafts, superheros, and a few surprises too! All activities are free to enjoy on a drop in basis throughout the day at Heritage Close, High Street St Albans AL3 4EB. For more information please visit: www.enjoystalbans.com

Mad About the Musicals Taking you on a whistle stop tour from the heart of London’s theatre land to the glitz of Broadway, the critically acclaimed Mad About The Musicals is back – celebrating the very best songs from the shows we all know and love! Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena. co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.








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Martin Kemp – Back To The 80’s Party! Spandau Ballet star Martin Kemp will be taking to the decks on Friday 1 November 2019 spinning all the best of the hits from the ’80s, presenting one of the biggest ’80s nights to hit Harpenden this Halloween! Show starts at 7.30pm, Venue opens 6.30pm, auditorium opens 7.00pm at Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1PD. For more information and tickets call 01582 767525 or visit www.harpendenpublichalls.co.uk

A Beautiful Noise Over 50 years since his first hit single, with sales of over 130 million records, there is no doubt that the legend that is Neil Diamond is one of the greatest performers and best-selling artists of all time. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

High Street Players Autumn production. Event Time: 8pm in St. Nicholas’ Church Hall, Harpenden. High Street Players present ‘The Birth of Gossip’, local author, Pamela Mann’s gripping tale of a young woman on trial as a witch in 16th century England is brought to life in this dramatic stage adaptation by Mike Lees. Tickets will be on sale in October from Manor Pharmacy, Church office or online from www.hsplayers.org.uk

St Albans Cathedral Fireworks Spectacular

Come and enjoy a spectacular event full of fantastic fireworks, food and fun for the whole family! The display with musical accompaniment is produced by double winners of the British Fireworks Championships, Fantastic Fireworks. There will be a Food Village providing plenty of food and drink for you to enjoy too – with street food outlets, burgers and hot dogs. The bars will again be supplying beers brewed by Tring Brewery along with mulled wine, cider and gin! As well as the food village in Verulamium, the Abbot’s Kitchen will be open until 10pm, serving a number of hot food and drink options to help you stay warm and keep the hunger at bay. For more details and for tickets please visit www.stalbanscathedral.org For any Box Office queries, contact the Cathedral Box Office on 01727 890290.

Redbourn Common Fireworks - Event Time 7pm There will also be a fun fair along with the Scouts selling hotdogs to make it a good family evening. Admission is free although there will be donation buckets if you would like to make a contribution. The event is self-funding so donations are much appreciated. Venue: Redbourn Common, Redbourn, AL3 7BU or more information visit: www.mumsguideto.co.uk/harpenden Whitney Queen of the Night A stunning celebration of the music and life of one of the greatest singers of our time. This award winning production features a sensational line-up of musicians and artistes, and together with a powerhouse and breath-taking performance in the spirit of Whitney, deliver a show that exceeds expectation on every level. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD








Petty Criminals – A Tribute to Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers

Petty Criminals bring you an evening of classic rock in the shape of an American icon and one of the greatest songwriters and greatest bands of our time: Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers. Show starts at 7.30pm, Venue opens 6.30pm, auditorium opens 7.00pm at Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1PD. For more information and tickets call 01582 767525 or visit www.harpendenpublichalls.co.uk

Harpenden Rugby Club Firework Display

Come along and join in the fun at this spectacular firework display. Gates open at 4pm Display starts at 6pm. Redbourn Lane, Harpenden Herts AL5 2BA. See website for full details www.hrc.com

My Fair Lady


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This tale of a cockney flower girl transformed into an elegant lady features one of musical theatre’s greatest scores, including: “Wouldn’t It Be Loverly?,” “With a Little Bit of Luck,” “The Rain in Spain,” “I Could Have Danced All Night,” “On the Street Where You Live,” “Get Me to the Church on Time,” and “I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face.” Evenings at 7.45pm & Saturday Matinee at 2.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD

Annual Art Exhibition by Harpenden Arts Club An opportunity to see over 250 vibrant and diverse artworks on display by more than 55 talented artists! The Harpenden Arts Club is building a reputation for showcasing some of the best recent artworks by local artists in a huge range of styles and media, so it promises something to delight everyone. The exhibition is open 10am – 5pm each day (to 4pm only on Sunday 10th November) at the Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden AL5 1PD. Admission free. For more information see www.harpendenartsclub.org.uk

The Knebworth Christmas Fair


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Join us for a traditional, festive 3 days at Knebworth House this winter. This is the event where you can kick off your festive shopping in style, meet the makers and designers and find that unique gift for family, friends or treat yourself to something extra special. Whether you are after an important object for your home, a beautiful piece of jewellery for a special friend, loved one or family member, some fantastic gift ideas from smellies to scarves, or some of the most sumptuous goodies to tantalise your guests over the Festive Season, we are sure you will find inspiration at iconic Knebworth House over the weekend. The Knebworth Christmas Fair takes place within the Lytton, Cobbold, Manor and Lodge Barns and Marquees which all are heated, lit and floored throughout and there are also outside trade stands for you to browse, sample and buy from. For more information about the event visit: www.knebworthhouse.com/knebworth-house-events/






Exhibition Friday 8th November, 10 am - 5 pm Saturday 9th November, 10 am - 5 pm Sunday 10th November, 10 am - 4 pm

Harpenden Public Halls Admission free 59





















Family Conservation Day - Event Time 10am – 2.30pm Learn how to use tools and help manage Harpenden Common. Bring along a packed lunch and have a picnic in the woods. refreshments will be provided. Suitable for all ages - Children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information please visit www.harpenden.gov.uk/event

Crabtree Firework Display

Celebrating our 44th Fireworks Display in Harpenden. We’re proud to offer an unrivalled evening for families with an incredible firework display, traditional bonfire, delicious BBQ, refreshments and a quiet room for those who needs a break from the bangs. To find out about tickets, please like the Crabtree Fireworks Spectular Facebook Page or see www.crabtreeinfantsherts.sch.uk/fireworks. Event held at Crabtree School, Crabtree Lane, Harpenden Herts AL5 5PU

Wheathampstead Firework Display

Event address: Beech Hyde Primary & Nursery School, 11 Nurseries Road, Wheathampstead, Herts AL4 8TP. Tickets will go on sale very soon and will be available from Beech Hyde Primary School Office and Manor Pharmacy on Wheathampstead High Street. There will be a BBQ, hot and cold drinks, popcorn and candy floss available on the night. For more information visit facebook and search for “Wheathampstead Fireworks”

Harpenden Gardening Society AGM AGM at7.45pm followed by Talk by Matthew Biggs, Broadcaster & Author on ‘Secrets of Great Botanists’. Time: 8.00pm Roundwood Park School, Roundwood Park, Harpenden Herts AL5 3AE. Non members £3.00 entry. Free refreshments. For more information visit www.harpendengardeningsociety.org

I Got Love for You 1980’s Show A beautiful blend of pop and soft rock guarantees an extraordinary evening of 80’s music. Our live band ‘Electric Dreams’ invites you for the ultimate throwback concert with a lineup of hits including Duran Duran, Dexy’s Midnight Runners, Kim Wilde, Rick Astley, The Human League, A-ha, Tears for Fears and so much more! It’s a set-list that the Top of The Pops would have been proud of. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

St Albans, Harpenden & District Philatelic Society Display with commentary “FRANCE 1929-1979”. We are the local club serving this area for those interested in stamps and postal history and offer monthly meetings between September and May normally featuring displays and talks on philatelic subjects. Our meetings are held at 8pm in the School Room, St Mary’s Church, Childwick Green, Childwickbury AL3 6JJ (off the A1081 between St Albans and Harpenden). For more details please call Peter Mellor Tel: 01582 762284 or email p.mellor@btinternet. com Website: www.stalbharpstampclub.org.uk

What’s On NOVEMBER The Lost Voice Guy




Due to popular demand following a sell-out tour in spring 2019, Lee Ridley (aka Lost Voice Guy) – the first comedian ever to win Britain’s Got Talent – is back on the road and coming to a disabled parking space near you this autumn. Show starts at 7.30pm, auditorium opens 7.00pm and venue opens 6.30pm, at Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1PD. For more information and tickets call 01582 767525 or visit www.harpendenpublichalls.co.uk

Jackson Live In Concert




Michael Jackson is not only remembered as one of the most influential artists of all time, but many of today’s artists have been inspired by his iconic style. His career spanned nearly five decades of music, and he was continually at the forefront of popular music. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Harpenden Evening Floral Group




Open Floral Demonstration - Lee Berrill ‘Made for Christmas’ Harpenden Public Halls at 7.30pm. Tickets £12 in advance - Tel 01582 761277 for more information.

Steve Steinman’s Anything For Love




Steve Steinman brings you his brand-new production featuring Meat Loaf’s greatest hits with special guest star Lorraine Crosby, the female lead vocalist on Meat Loaf’s Grammy Award winning song and No 1 hit the world over “I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)”. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD

John Mayall




For over 50 years, John Mayall has served as a pioneer of blues music, rightly earning him the title, ‘The Godfather of British Blues’ an OBE & a Hall of Fame induction. John’s early band John Mayall and The Bluesbreakers counted amongst its members Eric Clapton, Peter Green, John McVie & Mick Fleetwood (Fleetwood Mac), Andy Fraser (Free) Mick Taylor (The Stones) Still a prolific writer and performer, he has recently released the album ‘Nobody Told Me’ that also features Todd Rundgren & Joe Bonamassa. Doors Open at 7pm, Auditorium 7.30pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.







Harpenden Corps Leyton Green Harpenden AL5 2TG

The Colonels are also leading worship on Sunday morning at 10am followed by a shared Sunday lunch.

Time: Arrival from 3.30pm The Band will play prior to the opening from 3.45pm Official Opening at 4pm Followed by a Buffet and Soft drinks. 6.30pm Musical Festival

We do hope that you will be able to join us on this special occasion.

You and a guest are warmly invited to the official opening ceremony of our new building Conducted by The Chief Secretary Colonel Lee Graves and Colonel Debbie Graves.

H arp enden C o r p s

12th October 2019

A community Project 15 months in the making!



Lea Singers: A Tribute to Notre-Dame - Event Time: 7.30pm

The acoustic of Notre-Dame in Paris has been almost completely muted by the fire that raged on 15 April. The Lea Singers th are seeking to recreate its lost sound, inviting two organists to perform on Hauptwerk’s state-of-the-art virtual Metz CavailleColl organ, and the overhead loft organ at St John’s, which will be used to accompany the choir in Vierne and Yves Castagnet, two composer-organists associated with the Cathedral, and in Jonathan Dove’s Seek him that maketh the seven stars. Tickets £15 (£7 under-18s). Venue: St. John’s Church, Southdown, Harpenden, AL5 1DJ. More information and booking: www.leasingers.co.uk

















Dark Side – The Pink Floyd Show Seven musicians will deliver a show with empathy and passion, performing tracks from Pink Floyd’s massive back catalogue, from the early magical days of founder Syd Barrett through to later iconic albums, renowned for their complex structures, such as The Dark Side of The Moon. Show starts at 7.30pm, auditorium opens 7.00pm and venue opens 6.30pm, at Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1PD. For more information and tickets call 01582 767525 or visit www.harpendenpublichalls.co.uk

Ed Byrne: If I’m Honest… Join Ed as he takes a long hard look at himself and tries to decide if he has ANY traits that are worth passing on to his children. Ed Byrne presents his brand-new masterclass in observational comedy hot on the heels of his 17/18 Touring hit, Spoiler Alert! Doors Open at 7pm, Auditorium 7.30pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Rock for Heroes Following on from our hugely successful first year of touring the incredible new live music experience Rock For Heroes. Bringing the perfect combination of your favourite Rock & Pop artist across the eras, fundraising in support of Help for Heroes. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Kevin Bloody Wilson A long time ago, a long way from anywhere, in a West Australian mining town called Kalgoorlie, the legend of Kevin Bloody Wilson was born. It all started innocently enough – just a guy with too much time on his hands changing the words to other people’s songs, and writing a few of his own, purely for the fun of it. Thirty-five years later, countless live gigs and millions of album sales down the track, Kevin Bloody Wilson has not only found his niche, he’s grabbed an esky and a deckchair and he’s made himself really bloody comfortable in it! Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

The Big Band at Christmas Swing into Christmas with the unique Five Star Swing Big Band show – As featured at London’s Leicester Square Theatre and BBC “Children in Need”. Enjoy all your favourite Christmas songs with the dynamic Big Band treatment from Glenn Miller, Sinatra, Basie, Nat King Cole – jazzing up those Jingle Bells! “Superb – they swing like crazy!” says Sheila Tracy, BBC. Doors Open at 1pm, Auditorium 1.30pm and show starts at 2pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.


















Alexander Armstrong – All Mouth and Some Trousers Alexander Armstrong embarks on his first ever stand-up tour with ‘All Mouth and Some Trousers’. A brand new and “deliciously irreverent” account of a career that has taken him from Armstrong & Miller, to presenting, documentary making, singing and – ultimately – taking his rightful place as the Voice Of Toilet Duck. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

The Arts Society Harpenden Area DFAS A lecture given by Giles Ramsey on Pantomime: A Very British Feast. Over 2,500 years in the making, the great British pantomime is a very potent brew indeed. Mix the earliest Greek and Roman drama with commedia dell’arte and medieval morality plays, then stir in a sprig of 17th century masque, a dash of 18th century harlequinade and a hefty shot of Victorian music hall and, hey presto, you have the modern Christmas pantomime. (Oh no you don’t!). For further details and to join as a member or attend as a guest, see www.theartssocietyharpendenareadfas.org.uk

Hugh Cornwell Electric All big hits, all great songs, all written and sung by Hugh Cornwell, the songwriter behind the Stranglers such as ‘Golden Brown’, ‘Strange Little Girl’, ‘Always The Sun’, ‘Peaches’, ‘No More Heroes’, ‘Nice & Sleazy’… sound familiar? Show starts at 8.30pm and venue opens 7.30pm, at Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1PD. For more information and tickets call 01582 767525 or visit www.harpendenpublichalls.co.uk

Show Of Hands Show of Hands fans rejoice as Steve Knightley and Phil Beer, two undisputed kings of the folk, roots and acoustic scene reunite with long-term collaborator Miranda Sykes for a brand-new album and tour for 2019. Bass and vocal queen Sykes was much-missed during her recent sabbatical, and excitement is building around her return to the fold. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Ed Gamble After a sellout national tour in Spring 2018, Ed Gamble’s tour has been extended. Off of Live at The Apollo (BBC2) Mock the Week (BBC2), The Russell Howard Hour (Sky), Royal Variety (ITV) Comedy Central at the Comedy Store (Comedy Central), Hypothetical (Dave), Drunk History (Comedy Central), The Apprentice You’re Fired (BBC2), Man Down (Channel 4), Conan (TBS) and a short film he can’t remember the name of where he killed a man from The Bill (ITV) with a spade. Show starts at 8pm, auditorium opens 7.30pm and venue opens 7.00pm, at Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1PD. For more information and tickets call 01582 767525 or visit www.harpendenpublichalls.co.uk











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Steeleye Span ‘Space Oddity’. ‘Suspicious Minds’. ‘Pinball Wizard’. ‘Whole Lotta Love’. ‘Come Together’ – 1969 could easily be said to be a vintage year for music, the end of a decade that changed the world and the introduction to one that would prove equally inspirational. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

The Nutcracker Be swept away on a magical adventure in one of the most famous classical ballets of all time – The Nutcracker. With its combination of enchanting choreography and unforgettable music, this fabulous ballet is a Christmas treat like no other. Doors Open at 1.30pm, Auditorium 2.00pm and show starts at 2.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

The UCD “Old” School Disco Party! Hosted by Graham Kentsley & his “Hello Sailor” Discotheque! Plus all the Dirty Dozen DJ’s And back by Public Demand great live music from “The Push”, playing the “End of Term” Christmas party set! Great 70’s and 80’s music in the main arena and the best Soul Funk and Disco down in the “Soul Cellar” from all our guest DJ’s. Doors Open & Reception Events: 7pm Soul Cellar: 7.45pm Main Auditorium: 8.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Childwickbury Christmas Market Childwickbury Estate will open its gates for the ninth annual Childwickbury Christmas Market. The beautifully restored 19th century horse-stalls and tack rooms provide a unique setting for a wide variety of Christmas gifts including fine art, stained glass, jewellery, quilts, clothing, tableware, pottery, art materials, food gifts and much more. Free Entry, Free Parking and Dogs welcome on leads. For more information please visit www.childwickburyarts.com Email: info@childwickburyarts.com Or telephone: 01727 859495. Childwickbury Estate, Harpenden Road, St Albans, Herts, AL3 6JX.

Harpenden Christmas Carnival & Farmers Market

Event Time 12pm – 6pm Harpenden Town Council’s annual Christmas Carnival returns to Harpenden High Street from 12pm until 6pm. The festivities will include the monthly Farmers’ Market which is being extended for the occasion up Thompsons Close where the Santa’s Grotto is situated, the Henry Harris Funfair, Main Stage, stilt-walkers, walk about entertainment, Young Enterprise Trade Fair and the much-anticipated procession which will make its way down Sun lane, along the High Street and up Vaughan Road from 3pm. The entertainment gracing the Main Stage is better than ever this year whilst still featuring all the favourites. Make sure you don’t miss the spectacular CHRISTMAS LIGHT SWITCH ON at 5pm! For more information please visit: www.harpenden.gov.uk/event





















Cockney Singalong at The Plough and Harrow

Come along and join in the fun at this Cockney Singalong from 4pm at The Plough and Harrow 88 Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1PR Tel 01582 715844.

Ardal O’Hanlon The Showing Off Must Go On

Ardal O’Hanlon, star of Death in Paradise ,Father Ted, and My Hero (BBC), continues to tour his acclaimed stand-up shows worldwide. Because he loves it. And it’s a compulsion. And the world is a funny place. Doors Open at 7pm, Auditorium 7.30pm and show starts at 8pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

The Elvis Years at Christmas

It is time to get well and truly in the Christmas spirit as smash-hit musical production The Elvis Years brings its very special seasonal twist to theatres across the UK in December 2019. Experience an Elvis style Christmas like never before in an evening packed with solid-gold classics from ‘the King’, plus all the moments that help to make Christmas the most wonderful time of the year. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

That’ll Be The Day The Christmas Show

Topped with lashings of Christmas spirit get ready to party as That’ll Be The Day returns with its Brand New 2019 Christmas Show! The UK’s most popular Rock ‘N’ Roll variety show celebrates the festive season with all your favourite Christmas classics from the 50s, 60s & 70s, plus plenty of hilarious comedy! Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Nat King Cole Story

Featuring world class live music, alongside narration and projected archive images and footage, this is the unique concert celebrating the centenary of the birth of one the greatest vocalists of the Twentieth Century: Nat King Cole. Featuring acclaimed vocalist, Atila, alongside a world class group of musicians, this thoughtful and entertaining new show takes a fresh look at the life and work of the timeless Nat King Cole. Doors Open at 6.30pm, Auditorium 7.00pm and show starts at 7.30pm. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Southdown Lights and Lanterns Extravaganza

Event Time 5.30pm – 7.30pm This annual event which is held in Southdown, Harpenden, is being held on Friday 29 November 2019. There will be plenty to including a Santa’s grotto, fairground rides, carol singing, market stalls and more! The Christmas Lights will be switched on by the Town Mayor. For further details about the event contact the Town Council on Tel: 01582 768278.

What’s On NOVEMBER Sleeping Beauty


29 -31 th

st The ultimate seasonal treat for you, your family and friends, created especially for you in Watford by our

devoted team is back for 2019, with the classic tale Sleeping Beauty. The Palace has been the home of

NOV - DEC family panto in Watford for over a century. Don’t get caught napping – book early to avoid missing out!

For more information visit: www.watfordpalacetheatre.co.uk Venue address: Watford Palace Theatre, Clarendon Road, Watford, WD17 1JZ. Box Office: 01923 225671.

Beauty and the Beast - A family Panto full of Oo La La-ughs! A baddie wanting boos, goodies with some gags, a heroine in hot water...but what has happened to the handsome prince? Join us for a spectacular adventure as Dame ‘Derriere’ and son Potty Pierre, cause NOV - JAN chaos at the chateau. From the team that brought you 2018’s award-winning Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, once again we promise you live music and rip roaring adventure in true Panto style! Various show times available. Event address: Arts & Leisure Centre Lytton Way, Stevenage, Herts, SG1 1LZ. Box Office: 01438 363 200. Website www.gordon-craig.co.uk. FRI-SUN

29 -26 th


Concert at Harpenden




Award-winning ladies choir Caritas Harmony will be combining their love of music with their dedication to supporting good causes when they perform in Harpenden. To purchase tickets for the concert or for further information about a event, please contact Jackie Howe on 01582 599520 or visit www.caritasharmony.co.uk








Batford Lights Switch On

This annual event which is held in Batford is being held on again on Sunday 1st December. The Christmas Lights will be switched on by the Town Mayor. For further details about the event either contact the Town Council on Tel: 01582 768278 or visit facebook and search “Christmas Wonderland in Batford”.

Redbourn Christmas Market - 11-5pm

Experience the best of Redbourn at our annual winter festival. Visit the pretty historic village of Redbourn, as we come together to celebrate authentic and quality local crafts, food and music. 100+ stalls overflowing with delicious food, beautiful crafts and gift ideas. Seasonal music showcasing the best local talent playing your favourite carols and festive tunes. A yule raffle with lots of amazing prizes from local businesses and of course an opportunity to Visit Santa himself and his elves in his grotto, where every child will receive a gift and a chocolate. For more information visit: www.redbournchristmasmarket.com




Harpenden Floral Decoration Club




Floral demonstration by Theresa Rodrigues “No Humbugs Allowed”, at 2pm, Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1PD. Visitors very welcome. For more information call 01582 621757.


3 -24


6 -5 th







7 -3




Santa Claus And The Night Before Christmas

th A magical Christmas experience with songs, stories, a meet & greet with Santa and a free gift for every



Harpenden Gardening Society Talk by Chris Thorne of Ayletts Nursery on Christmas Pot Plants. Plants will be for sale. Time: 8.00pm Roundwood Park School, Roundwood Park, Harpenden Herts AL5 3AE. Non members £3.00 entry. Free refreshments. For more information visit www.harpendengardeningsociety.org


child! Recommended for children aged 2 - 7 years, but all ages welcome. Running time: Approximately 45 minute performance without an interval, followed by a meet-and-greet with Santa. Please allow at least an hour for the entire Santa Claus and the Night Before Christmas experience. Doors to the venue for early morning performances will open approximately 1 hour ahead of ShowTime. Please note this production is designed to be an introduction-to-theatre for young children and to provide an alternative to a Christmas pantomime. For more information about the event please visit: www.watfordcollosseum.co.uk Address: Rickmansworth Road, Watford WD17 3JN. Box Office: 01923 571 102.

Sleeping Beauty - PANTO Don’t miss this year’s spectacular family pantomime, Sleeping Beauty starring the wonderfully wicked RITA SIMONS (EastEnders’ Roxy Mitchell) and children’s favourite ANDY DAY (CBeebies). The show will also star local legend, BOB GOLDING (back in a dress!), St Albans favourites IAN KIRKBY and JEMMA CARLISLE, and West End star, LISA DAVINA PHILLIP. Various show times available. Tickets available by calling the Box Office on 01727 844488 or visit www.alban-arena.co.uk Venue: Alban Arena, Civic Centre, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3LD.

Rick Wakeman - The Grumpy Old Christmas Show Join Rick Wakeman for an intimate evening of music and laughter, featuring songs from YES, David Bowie, The Beatles and more! For more information about the event please visit: www.watfordcollosseum.co.uk Address: Rickmansworth Road, Watford WD17 3JN. Box Office: 01923 571 102.

Cinderella - PANTO Upstage Productions present another fabulous family pantomime! ! Cheer on our spirited heroine as she searches for love in spite of the exploits of her hideous Ugly Sisters and evil Stepmother, throw in a pair of singing mice, a magical Fairy Godmother, the sparkle of glass slippers with glittering sets, big song and dance numbers, slapstick comedy and a flying horse and you have the perfect Christmas family treat for the festive season. Various time and dates available. See website for details www.radlettcentre.co.uk Venue: The Radlett Centre, 1 Aldenham Avenue, Radlett, WD7 8HL Tel: 01923 857546.


7 -30 th















Beauty and The Beast - PANTO Following the incredible success of Snow White, Polka Dot Pantomimes are returning to Harpenden Public Halls for next year’s spellbinding festive family pantomime – Beauty and the Beast. Featuring spectacular scenery, glittering costumes, amazing special effects and plenty of audience participation this pantomime is suitable for anyone aged 3 – 103! With special discounts for families, groups and schools, this is family pantomime at its best so book your tickets now and be our guest for Harpenden’s finest festive treat! Various Show Times available at Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1PD. For more information and tickets call 01582 767525 or visit www.harpendenpublichalls.co.uk

Lunch with Santa Give your family an early Christmas treat with a fantastic lunch at Knebworth Barns, complete with a visit from Santa and a gift for every child. Pre-booking is essential. Arrival from midday with lunch served at 12.30pm. Vegetarian main course available. Venue: Knebworth House, Knebworth, Hertfordshire SG1 2AX. For more information about the event and menu visit: www.knebworthhouse.com

Chris Difford & Special Guest Boo Hewerdine A member of one of London’s best-loved bands, Squeeze co-founder Chris Difford has made a lasting contribution to English music with hits such as ‘Cool For Cats’, ‘Up The Junction’, ‘Labelled With Love’, ‘Hourglass’ and ‘Tempted’. Chris recently celebrated his 60th birthday but he’s not one to sit back and admire his past handiwork – the passion for innovation and love of playing still drives him. Show starts at 7.30pm, auditorium opens 7.00pm and venue opens 6.30pm, at Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden, Herts AL5 1PD. For more information and tickets call 01582 767525 or visit www.harpendenpublichalls.co.uk

Adam Kay - Twas The Nightshift Before Christmas Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat… but 1.4 million NHS staff are heading off to work. Following the million-selling success of This Is Going To Hurt, Adam Kay delves back into his diaries for a hilarious peek behind the blue curtain at Christmas time. For more information about the event please visit: www.watfordcollosseum.co.uk Address: Rickmansworth Road, Watford WD17 3JN. Box Office: 01923 571 102.

Watford Philharmonic Society ‘A Christmas Feast’

Conductor Michael Cayton and Watford Philharmonic Society invite you to join in their annual family celebration of Christmas with music to get the festive season going with a bang! For more information about the event please visit: www. watfordcollosseum.co.uk Address: Rickmansworth Road, Watford WD17 3JN. Box Office: 01923 571 102 69



Christmas Curry Night

th Sample the delights of the exotic east with our Christmas Curry party nights in the Cobbold

Barn at Knebworth House. Arrival from 7.00pm and enjoy a two-course hot buffet served at 7.30pm with a bar until 11.30pm and a disco until midnight. Venue: Knebworth House, Knebworth, Hertfordshire SG1 2AX. For more information about the event and menu visit: www.knebworthhouse.com


11 -31 th


Snow White - PANTO In a kingdom long, long ago, the Magic Mirror proclaims Snow White to be ‘the fairest of all’, which enrages her stepmother, the jealous Queen. The beautiful and kind-hearted princess Snow White is forced to flee into the dark and dangerous forest in fear of her life. Our plucky heroine takes refuge in the cosy cottage of seven loveable dwarfs who endeavour to hide her from the wicked Queen. Throw in a prince, a poisoned apple and the power of love’s true kiss, and it won’t be long before you are heigh-ho-ing all the way home! If you want the best seats in the house for the joy and magic of traditional pantomime, please book early to avoid disappointment. Campus West Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL8 6BX. Box Office 0300 3039 620.


Peter Pan - PANTO


Bigger, better and beastlier than any panto seen in Rickmansworth, Peter Pan will not disappoint with live music, wonderful sets, beautiful costumes and rip-roaring adventure in true panto style! Various Show Times. For more information please visit: www.watersmeet.co.uk Event address: Watersmeet Theatre, High Street, Rickmansworth, Herts WD3 1EH. Box Office Tel: 01923 711063.

12 -5








Sunday - Lunch with Santa Give your family an early Christmas treat with a fantastic lunch at Knebworth Barns, complete with a visit from Santa and a gift for every child. Pre-booking is essential. Arrival from midday with lunch served at 12.30pm. Vegetarian main course available. Venue: Knebworth House, Knebworth, Hertfordshire SG1 2AX. For more information about the event and menu visit: www.knebworthhouse.com

Christmas Curry Night

th Sample the delights of the exotic east with our Christmas Curry party nights in the Cobbold

Barn at Knebworth House. Arrival from 7.00pm and enjoy a two-course hot buffet served at 7.30pm with a bar until 11.30pm and a disco until midnight. Venue: Knebworth House, Knebworth, Hertfordshire SG1 2AX. For more information about the event and menu visit: www.knebworthhouse.com






The Christmas Extravaganza


19 -21 th


Enjoy a ‘show stopping’ festive three-course dinner with all the trimmings and live music from The Soul Enforcement Bureau, stunning entertainers and our resident DJ. Be sure to bring your dancing shoes so you can rock around that Christmas tree! This really is a party not to be missed! This fantastic event will begin at 7pm with carriages at 1am. For more information about the event please visit: www.watfordcollosseum.co.uk Address: Rickmansworth Road, Watford WD17 3JN. Box Office: 01923 571 102.


Give your family an early Christmas treat with a fantastic lunch at Knebworth Barns, complete with a visit from Santa and a gift for every child. Pre-booking is essential. Arrival from midday with lunch served at 12.30pm. Vegetarian main course available. Venue: Knebworth House, Knebworth, Hertfordshire SG1 2AX. For more information about the event and menu visit: www.knebworthhouse.com

Sunday - Lunch with Santa







23 -24 rd






The Snowman – 6pm This Christmas, join us on an immersive magical journey and experience the heart-warming tale of The Snowman, screened with live orchestra. Celebrating 40 years of its publication, this BAFTA winning classic, featuring the song “Walking in the Air”, this cinematic gem features Raymond Briggs’ story with music by Howard Blake, performed for you by Orpheus Sinfonia. This wonderful event is preceded by an interactive introduction, Orpheus Sinfonia will guide the audience to discover and find the instruments of the orchestra. A perfect festive outing for the whole family, that will charm the entire audience. Estimated length: 1 hour. For more information about the event please visit: www.watfordcollosseum.co.uk Address: Rickmansworth Road, Watford WD17 3JN. Box Office: 01923 571 102

Lea Singers: FestiveLea! - Event Time: 7.30pm Just in time for Christmas, the Lea Singers’ annual concert of Christmas music both traditional and new, with audience carols and free mulled wine and mince pies/festive cakes. Suitable for older children. Tickets £15 (£5 under-18s and students). Venue: Harpenden Public Halls, Southdown Road, Harpenden, AL5 1TE. More information and booking: www.leasingers.co.uk The Wizard of Oz Various show times available. Join Ballet Theatre UK as we follow the yellow brick road and discover all the wonders of Oz. Enjoy Dorothy, the Scarecrow, Tinman, and Lion, (and yes Toto too) as they seek the Wonderful Wizard to find that there’s no place like home! The Wizard of Oz is a two act, full-length, ballet adaptation of the iconic tale by L. Frank Baum, told through the magic of classical dance. Set to a classical score which brings the story to life, this production is family friendly and is the perfect way to introduce children to the classical ballet. For more information about the event please visit: www.watfordcollosseum.co.uk Address: Rickmansworth Road, Watford WD17 3JN. Box Office: 01923 571 102.

New Year’s Party of The Decade Our fabulous New Year’s Eve Gala is always the talk of the town. A stunning three-course gala menu followed by live entertainment and dancing until late. Celebrate the arrival of 2020 at Watford’s premier venue! For more information about the event please visit: www.watfordcollosseum.co.uk Address: Rickmansworth Road, Watford WD17 3JN. Box Office: 01923 571 102.


Weekly The Daylight Club We are a friendly social club for adults of working age with physical disabilities. Meet every Wednesday from 10am to 4pm at St Johns Church Hall, Harpenden and Friday from 11am to 3pm at Christchurch, High Oaks, St Albans. We are a member led club that provides a safe and supportive environment where members meet to participate in a variety of interactive workshops, guest speakers, day trips and community events. We welcome new members. www.stalbans.gov.uk/leisure-andculture/sports_physical_activity/ everyone/disability/daylight/ f: www.facebook.com/DaylightClub-223114177715673/

Phone: 01727 819214 or 07762 595936. Email salpi@1life.co.uk De Havilland Aircraft Heritage Centre Open from the first Sunday in March until the last Sunday in October Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays 10.30am until 5pm Tel: 01727 826400 www.dehavillandmuseum.co.uk

PARK STREET CAMERA CLUB Every Thursday 7.45 for 8.00 pm, St. Stephen Parish Centre, Station Road, Bricket Wood, AL2 3PJ. Visit www.parkstreetcameraclub.com or Tel: 01923 673323 for details.

Redbourn Watermill and Bakery Redbournbury Watermill is a working mill producing a range of stoneground organic flours principally from locally grown grains. It is run by a team of dedicated volunteers & was extensively restored following a fire in 1987. 1000 years of milling history at the last working mill on the river Ver. Redbournbury Lane, Redbourn Road, St Albans AL3 6RS. Tel: 01582 792874 Visit website for more information & opening times: www.redbournburymill.co.uk


Harpenden Concert Band The Harpenden Concert Band meets on Tuesday evenings at Crabtree Junior School, Harpenden and gives adults who play a wind or brass instrument or percussion a chance to come together and enjoy making music in a friendly, relaxed environment. For more information call or email Matt Harris on 07921 148397 matt.harrison259@gmail.com

Glaze Time

Pop-up pottery painting for everyone. Drop in and spend an hour creating something special for a loved one or just for fun... Capture your child’s hand/foot print for their grandparents to treasure. Catch up with friends whilst personalising ‘your’ mug. Let your little ones express themselves avoiding the mess at home! The options are endless with a paint brush, sponge, glaze and a piece of unglazed pottery. Find us weekly at the following venues (term time only) Search for us on facebook “Glaze Time”. Sopwell Nunnery

This romantic ruin is all that remains of the Tudor mansion built around 1560 by Sir Richard Lee, a soldier & royal engineer, granted the land by Henry VIII in 1540. Lee’s first house was built on top of the medieval nunnery, which itself dated back to 1140. Open: During daylight hours/at any reasonable time. Admission: Free DISABLED ACCESS: Sopwell Nunnery is situated in a mainly level grassed area, but there is no path. For further details, visit: www.stalbansmuseums.org.uk

St Albans, Harpenden & District Philatelic We are the local club serving this area for those interested in stamps and postal history and offer monthly meetings between September and May normally featuring displays and talks on philatelic subjects. The meetings start at 8pm and are held at the School Room, St Mary’s Church, Childwick Green, Childwickbury AL3 6JJ (off the A1081 between St Albans and Harpenden). For more details please call Peter Mellor Tel: 01582 762284 or email: p.mellor@btinternet.com

Verulamium Museum The Museum of everyday life in Roman Britain. Verulamium Museum is on the site of one of the major cities in Roman Britain, now an attractive park. Inside you will find: recreated Roman rooms, hands-on Discovery Areas, video presentations, touch screen databases, some of the finest Roman mosaics and wall plasters outside the Mediterranean. Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday 10.00am - 5.30pm, Sunday 2.00pm - 5.30pm Last admission 5.00pm Visit the website for admission charges & further info: www.stalbansmuseums.org.uk

St Albans Clock Tower Built between 1403 & 1412, the Clock Tower is the only medieval town belfry in England. It was first & foremost a political statement; the townspeople used it to assert their freedom, power and wealth in the face of St Albans’ Abbey. The Tower’s bell, which has survived over 600 years of use, allowed the town to sound its own hours and, until 1863, the Curfew. It also gave the alarm in case of “fire or fray”. Its bell rang out the first Battle of St. Albans during the Wars of the Roses in 1455. Today you can climb to the top of the Tower & enjoy magnificent views of St Albans & the surrounding countryside. Disabled access is difficult as there is a restricted entrance and 93 narrow steps to the top. Open Saturday and Sunday only (and selected Bank Holidays), Easter to end of September 10:30am - 5pm.

Weekly English Traditional Folk Dance

St Johns Church Social Club

Park Hall, Leyton Rd, Harpenden Regular practice for English traditional folk dance for children 6 - 18 years. 1st & 3rd Sunday of the month. Email: lynda.swaine@btinternet.com

A social club for adults with physical disabilities that meet at St Johns Church, St Johns Rd, Southdown, Harpenden AL1 5DJ. We meet from 10am to 4pm every Wednesday and the members Hertfordshire Chorus get involved in a range of workshops, Rehearses Wednesday 7.30pm-10.00pm listen to guest speakers and go on trips. www.hertfordshirechorus.org.uk or email: If you are interested please call Salpi on membership@hertfordshirechorus.org.uk 01727 819214 or 07762 595936 or pop in and say hello. Dance Summer School Monday Nights The Royal British Legion Harpenden Male Voice Tel: 07710 033363 Barbershop Harmony Club (The

St Albans Branch of the Locomotive Kings of Herts Chorus)Rehearse at Wood End School, Yeoman’s Avenue, Harpenden,AL5 3EF Club of Great Britain (LCGB) A voluntary railway study group, interested in all aspects of the subject. We meet on the 2nd Thurs of each month from Sept to May each year. We meet at the United Reformed Church Watford Rd, St Albans, Herts AL2 3HG, located about 2 miles from the centre of St Albans. Starting at 7pm & last for around 2.5 hrs. Cost is a £3.00 donation. The St Albans LCGB is one of 8 similar branches dotted around England, which serve as the ‘grass roots’ of the central LCGB, which has a head office in London. Further details of the LCGB can be found at www.lcgb. org.uk or contact Murray on 01442 251540 or email: murray@mustang100.plus.com

Harpenden Country Market

each Thursday evening from 7:30pm. Chairman: Peter Browell 01582 766318 Membership Secretary: Peter Phillips 01582 622582 Web: www.kingsofherts.co.uk

The Lea Singers Harpenden (Rehearse at St George’s School, Weds 19.45 – 22.00) Tel: 01582 620 993 Email: leasingerspress@fsmail.net Web: www.leasingers.co.uk

Caper Ceilidh Lourdes Hall, Southdown Road, Harpenden, AL5 1PF. Tel: 07803 016526 Web: www.caperceilidh.com

Arts Club Harpenden Public Hall, Southdown Rd. (7.30 – 9.30 most Thursday evenings) Web:www.harpendenartsclub.org.uk

Doodley Bugs Art & Craft Classes for under 5’s. Mon: 10-11 Harpenden Trust Hall. Booking essential. Tel: 07710 889092 www.doodleybugs.co.uk or email monica@ doodleybugs.co.uk

Hardynge Choir (Harpenden/ Wheathampstead based choral society) Harpenden Scottish Country Dancing Club Tel: 01582 760 854 Web: www.hardynegchoir.org

Harpenden Musical Theatre Company

Tuesdays at Lourdes Hall, SouthdownRd, Harpenden, AL5 1PF Web: www.hscdc.org.uk

Rehearses Tuesdays & Thursdays, Pensioners’ Coffee Mornings St John’s Hall. Every Thursday in first floor room High Email: websitehmtc@outlook.com Street Methodist Church Harpenden Web: www.harpendenmusicaltheatre.com Tel: 01582 460457

Harpenden Concert Bands


Meets on Tuesday evenings and gives adults who Inspiring, informative monthly presentations & social networkingplay a wind, brass or percussion instrument a Certified complementary health practitioners & public members chance to come together & enjoy making music meet monthly, every 2nd Tuesday from 7.30 pm to 9.30pm at in a friendly, relaxed environment. We are always The Plough & Harrow, 88 Southdown Road, Harpenden AL5 1PR. keen to welcome new members, so contact Matt Tel: 01582 461762.Email HCHealthorg@gmail.com via email on matt.harrison259@gmail.com for or visit www.hchealth.org.uk All Practitioner Members of the further information. Group have agreed to a strict Code of Ethics see English Miscellany Folk Dance Display Group hchealth.org.uk/member-practitioners Monkey Music Harpenden - East Hyde Village Hall, Lower Award winning classes for babies & young Children’s Card Making Workshop Harpenden Road, LU2 9QB. Children (from 3 months to 4 years). Email: Email: publicity@englishmiscellany.com 3nd Saturday every month at Artscape. harpenden.hitchin@monkeymusic.co.uk Booking Essential Tel: 01582 766385 Web: www. englishmiscellany.com or Tel: 01582 620446 or visit our website: Music Makers Choir of Harpenden Harpenden Photographic Society www.monkeymusic.co.uk Meet on Wednesdays at Harpenden Meet on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday night of each St Albans, Harpenden & District High Street Methodists Church at 8pm. month at the Trust Hall, 90 Southdown Road, Philatelic Society For more information contact Rebecca. Harpenden, Herts. AL5 1PS from 8pm – 10pm. The Philatelic Society offer monthly meetings Rebecca.al.mitchell@hotmail.co.uk Visit www.Harpendenphotographicsociety.co.uk between September and May. The meetings start Musicale Adult Band Magic Voices Mixed Contemporary Choir at 8pm and are held at the School Room, St Mary’s Tuesday evenings, all standards A contemporary choir, based in Harpenden. Church, Childwick Green, Childwickbury AL3 6JJ (off welcome. Tel: 01582 713 333 Monday eve - 8-10pm at Roundwood Park the A19081 between St Albans and Harpenden). Email: info@musicale.co.uk School, Harpenden. Visit www.magicvoices.co.uk Web: www.musicale.co.uk Please call Peter Mellor Tel: 01582 7762284. Friday mornings 9.00 - 11.30 Methodist Church Hall, High Street, Harpenden. Great range of fresh home baked, handcrafted foods inc: vegetarian Indian cuisine, breads, cakes, biscuits, savouries & preserves. Also, free range eggs, plants, hand-made cards, knitwear, quilts & crafts.


73 73



HAS MOVED TO A NEW LOCATION! WE HAVE RELOCATED TO WESTLEY HOUSE, COLDHARBOUR LANE, AL5 4UN, WITH AMPLE PARKING Situated in Harpenden, with easy access and flexible working hours, The AL5 Aesthetics offers a diverse range of tailored, bespoke beauty and aesthetic treatments. A warm welcome is guaranteed, to put you at ease and to provide you with a feeling of total wellbeing, relaxation and healthy indulgence.




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How many calories are in your favourite drink?

With Christmas around the corner, do you know what your favourite drink’s food equivalent is… It’s all very well talking in units, but what does this really mean when you’re at the pub or having drinks with dinner at home? With a pint of lager containing the same amount of calories as a slice of pizza! A standard glass of red or white wine (175ml) with 13% ABV could contain up to 160 calories, similar to a slice of Madeira cake A large glass of wine (250ml) with 13% ABV can add 228 calories to your dinner? That’s similar to an ice cream or two fish fingers! It’s a myth that drinks featuring clear spirits are low in calories. You might be surprised to hear that one vodka and coke made with a 25ml measure of 40% ABV vodka contains 110 calories – similar to a small slice of pizza. Clear spirits contain slightly fewer calories than dark spirits but the calories in vodka and other clear spirits can still quickly add up Dark Spirits contain slightly more calories, a 25ml measure 40% ABV shot, like whisky, with mixer contains 106 calories, similar to a chocolate mousse. Ordering a 50ml ‘double’ spirit measure with 37.5% ABV like gin and mixer contains 149 calories, similar to a chocolate filled pancake To keep health risks from alcohol to a low level, the UK Chief Medical Officers’ (CMO) low risk alcohol unit guidelines advise it is safest not to drink more than 14 units a week on a regular basis. Saving up your weekly units so you can drink them all on a Friday night is not the way to interpret the CMO’s advice, it’s best to spread your intake evenly across the week. 76 76

The size and strength of your drink will determine the number of units it contains. Unfortunately it’s not as simple as one drink, one unit. A glass of wine can range between just over one unit and more than three units, depending on the size of the glass and type of wine. And when you’re drinking at home, you tend to pour measures that are larger than you get in your local, so you could be regularly drinking far more than you think. A great way to avoid losing track of how much alcohol you’re pouring out at home is to use one of drinkaware Unit and Measure Cups, available on their website for 90p. Many people don’t have a realistic idea of how much they’re drinking. A good place to start is by finding out just how many units there are in your favourite drink. Visit: www.drinkaware.co.uk/understand-your-drinking/unit-calculator Also take a self-assessment test online at www.drinkaware. co.uk/selfassessment to understand more about the impact of your drinking or visit www.drinkaware.co.uk for helpful tips and advice. Drinkaware is an independent charity working to reduce alcohol misuse and harm in the UK. We’re here to help people make better choices about drinking. If you’re worried you, or someone you know is drinking too much, visit their page on alcohol dependence www.drinkaware.co.uk/alcohol-facts/drinking-habitsand-behaviours/am-i-alcohol-dependent

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food & Drink


Smoked Salmon Pâté Serves 4


Ingredients: 120g smoked salmon 160g hot smoked salmon, flaked 200g half fat crème fraiche 1 tbsp horseradish sauce 1 lemon, zested ½ pack fresh dill, finely chopped Sliced seeded bread, to serve Rocket leaves, to serve 1 lemon, cut into wedges to serve


Place both smoked salmons in a food processor bowl. Season well with black pepper then blend to a chunky paste.


Add the crème fraiche, horseradish, lemon zest and dill and pulse until combined.


Toast the bread and serve with the pâté, rocket and lemon wedges.

78 78

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Main Course

Meatballs Serves: 4


Prep: 30 minutes Cook: 30 to 60 minutes

Place the beef and pork mince in a large bowl and add the onion, garlic, breadcrumbs and dried herbs. Season with salt and freshly ground black pepper and mix well with clean hands. Divide the mixture into 20 portions and roll into small, neat balls.


For the meatballs 250g/9oz lean beef mince 250g/9oz pork mince 1 small onion, very finely chopped 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 25g/1oz fresh white breadcrumbs 2 tsp dried mixed herbs sea salt & freshly ground black pepper 2 tsp sunflower oil For the gravy 1 tbsp sunflower oil 1 medium onion, finely sliced 1 tbsp plain flour 150ml/5fl oz red wine 300ml/10fl oz beef stock made with one beef stock cube 1 tbsp tomato purée 80 80

Heat the sunflower oil in a large non-stick frying pan and fry the meatballs for 6–8 minutes, or until nicely browned on all sides. Roll the meatballs around in the pan as they brown to prevent them from becoming flattened on one side. Transfer the meatballs to a large lidded saucepan. To make the gravy, heat the sunflower oil in the frying pan and gently fry the onion over a low heat for five minutes, or until softened, stirring regularly. Sprinkle the flour into the pan and stir well. Slowly add the red wine, stock and tomato purée, stirring constantly. Pour the gravy over the meatballs and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave to simmer gently over a low heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the lid and increase the heat. Boil the gravy for another 3–5 minutes or until thickened. Season, to taste, with salt and freshly ground black pepper and serve.


Apple Tarte Tatin Serves 4 Total Time: 1 Hour Prep Time: 15 Minutes Cook Time: 45 Minutes



Let stand & toss again so that sugar is completely dissolved.

3 - 4 large cooking apples

In a 10 inch ovenproof skillet, melt butter over medium heat.

1 tablespoon lemon juice

Sprinkle remaining sugar evenly over butter.

3 tablespoons sugar 1/8 cup butter 1/2 frozen pie shell, slightly thawed or 1/4 packaged puff pastry, thawed


Peel, core & quarter apples; toss with lemon juice & 2 tbsp of the sugar.

Stir just until sugar is dissolved & remove from heat. Place as many apple wedges as you can into the pan. Place the pan back over medium heat and cook the apples for 20- 25 minutes or until syrup has formed a thickened caramel and leave to cool slightly.

1/2 to taste ice cream, whipped cream or

Gently roll out pie shell (or puff pastry) to fit slightly larger than the pan.

1/2 to taste cheese (optional)

Place over the pan, trim edges& bake in preheated 400F oven for 20- 25 minutes or until pastry is crisp.

300g /11oz blueberries

Turn out onto a large platter & serve. 81



Hands up who cleans their dirty pans in the sink? That’ll be most of us then. But turns out washing our frying pans in this way could be harming the environment.

The department released the guidance as part of its new Love Water campaign, which aims to reduce the amount of oil we pour into our waterways as a nation. If washed off with water, the oil and fat can harden in pipes, causing fatbergs to form - which is expensive to remove. Just one litre of oil poured down the sink can pollute one million litres of water, DEFRA said. The Food Standards Agency said there is no reason not to follow the advice regarding cleaning frying pans,“As long as utensils are washed appropriately after scraping out the oil, there is no health and safety issue.”

According to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), who have issued new guidance on how people should be cleaning pans in order to save water. Instead of just rinsing under the tap, they are The advice comes as campaigner’s fear England advising you wait until oil in your pan has cooled could run short on water in the next 25 years, before scraping the excess off to reuse or bin. They then suggest we wipe leftover grease out of with Environment Agency chief executive Sir James Bevan describing it as a “jaws of death” the pan with kitchen roll before finally washing. It is estimated the UK water industry spends situation. Cairns half blockages page ad.pdfcaused 1 16/03/2019 14:57 £100m each year &onHall clearing by the wrong things being put down sinks and toilets. For more information visit: www.gov.uk

❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑


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Email: cairnsandhall@gmail.com Web: www.cairnsandhall.co.uk 82

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We may still be enjoying mild weather but it won’t be long before temperatures drop again. Now is the time to start thinking about preparing your home for winter. IS YOUR HOME INSULATED? IS YOUR BOILER WORKING? ARE YOU HAVING TROUBLE PAYING YOUR BILLS?

Herts Warmer Homes is a District and County Council partnership project that provides support to people who are vulnerable to the cold. You could be entitled to free or discounted home energy improvements through the Hertfordshire Warmer Homes scheme due to age, ill health, disability, low income or because there are young children in the home. We don’t want anyone to be left out in the cold. Contact Herts Help and ask for Herts Warmer Homes: 0300 123 4044 (local rate) or visit: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk or email: info@hertshelp.net


Not just a paint shop! Not only can you buy all you need from our extensive Paint and Wallpaper shop, but now, with our Bathroom Department upstairs run by Jon Greer, you can now buy your bathroom suites and plumbing supplies. Pop in to see bathroom displays today!


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Decorating Tel: 01582 715004 Bathrooms Tel: 01582 622272

www.districtandmodern.co.uk 84


Your complete building service, large and small works, professional advice

Lafters, The Common, Kinsbourne Green, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 3PD

Telephone: Harpenden (01582) 713919 Email: enquiries@rcgrimwade.co.uk


Your complete plumbing, heating and friendly gas service. Bathroom and shower specialists.

Lafters, The Common, Kinsbourne Green, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 3PD

Telephone: Harpenden (01582) 713919 Email: enquiries@rcgrimwade.co.uk 85


WATER IS NOT PART OF THE CLIMATE CHANGE DEBATE It is treated like an-add on when it is critical to life. We need this to change now. #WhyNotWater is a campaign to fuel a national debate to ensure water conservation is at the heart of our actions and behaviour.

Customers in the South East also use more water daily – 152 litres per person per day, which is higher than the national average of 141 litres per person per day. Afinity Water wants Mandatory water efficiency labelling – labelling is currently rolled out in Australia, California, China and many other countries, so why not the UK? Labelling is also mandatory for energy, so #WhyNotWater? Tenants should have the right to use water efficient goods – landlords must have an energy performance certificate (EPC) by law, with financial penalties if they do not. Private tenants also have the rights to request that their landlord installs energy efficient measures – why can’t the same standards be implemented for water?

Household Charges Scheme

Why should we act? Climate change is likely to reduce our supply of water in our area by 39 million litres of water per day by 2080. The population is growing and is expected to increase 51% by 2080. This is equivalent to approximately 1.8 million more people in our supply area, putting further strain on our resources. Using water wisely is critical in the South East – a severely water-stressed area; did you know there was less rainfall than other parts of the country? Between July 2016 and April 2017 the area received 33% less rainfall than the national average.

Affinity Water


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www.harpendenplumbingandheating.co.uk enquires@harpendenplumbingandheating.co.uk – 86

Harpenden Blinds We Supply & Fit All Types of Blinds Awnings & Shutters Curtains Tracks & Poles Specialising in Bay Windows Domestic water efficiency through fittings and fixtures through mandatory certification – there is considerable potential to improve water efficiency use by households if changes are made to fixture and fittings through mandatory certification approvals.

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25% off Household Charges Scheme 2017/2018 ALL Shutters & Patio Awnings Affinity Water

Every local plan in a severely water stressed area should include the target of 110 litres per person per day.

Proposing some small changes to legislation and policy will have a big impact.

Sign the petition today via this link:



Teresa & Kevin Buckler

01582 461639 kevin.buckler@fit-ex.com www.fit-ex.com/hertfordshire 20 Bewdley Close Harpenden


The Perfect Painter! - ML Williams Martin Williams has lived in Harpenden for the last thirty years and in that time has built up a good reputation locally as a professional painter and decorator. Having worked in the trade for over 26 years, he is an experienced, professional, decorator who comes highly recommended by local estate agents and customers. Ken Whittaker, Director of John Curtis said “I have used Martin now for over 10 years and would have no hesitation in recommending his services. As well as working on my own home, I run a property business and Martin has worked for lots of my clients.Without exception, they have all been delighted with the quality of his work, as well as his ever cheerful manner!� Martin prides himself on his reliable, friendly, professional service and he can help with all types of painting and decorating, as well as property maintenance. Specializing in all types of domestic and commercial decorating, he has built up a trustworthy business solely based on recommendations. All jobs are completed and exceed customer expectations and work can be carried out for customers with tight deadlines, which ones agreed, are always met and completed to a master finish. Call Martin from M.L Williams today to arrange a Free, no obligation quotation. Tel: 01582 764978 Mobile: 07812 213036 Email: info@mlw-decorators.co.uk Website: www.mlw-decorators.co.uk


FLAT PACK MIKE Assembly Service

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www.flatpackmike.co.uk 89






Every year countless pieces of oral care products and packaging end up in landfill sites across the UK. Colgate® Oral Care are working with TerraCycle® to put an end to this enormous loss of resources. The Colgate® Oral Care Recycling Programme which operates through a network of private and public drop off locations throughout the UK allows people to recycle their oral care products and packaging (any make product) and prevent them from ending up in landfill. The public drop off point in Harpenden is Wayside Dental Practice, 2 Douglas Road. Tel: 01582 712470. When you drop off your waste at this public drop-off location,TerraCycle points will be earned for the waste and will be transferred to the location administrator’s charity account, who will then donate the points to the charity of their choice. Learn more at www.terracycle.co.uk

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info@jacksonskitchens.co.uk www.jacksonskitchens.co.uk

Opening Hours: Mon to Fri 9am –- 5.00pm Saturdays 9.30am -–3pm 3pm 90

F D S DRAINAGE SERVICES Welcome to Freeman Drainage Services, our local specialist drainage engineers are never far away.

• Drain Unblocking • Drain Re-Lining • CCTV Drainage Surveys • Homebuyer Reports • FREE Quotes • FREE Advice For a Full Quality Drainage Service Call: Mob: 07920 826484 Tel: 01582 483693 47a Front Street, Slip End, LU1 4BP.

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Ross Witton Decorators Limited

High Class Decorating at sensible prices

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ross@theharpendendecorator.co.uk www.theharpendendecorator.co.uk



• Vacuum it – Your vacuum cleaner’s upholstery attachment is your Number One ally in mattress cleaning.

• Deodorise it -To rid your mattress of rankness, sprinkle it well with baking soda and rub that in with a stiff-bristled brush. (If you’d like to scent your mattress, mix the baking soda with a few drops of essential oil first. Lavender is reputed to be a sleep aid, but sandalwood is nice, too.) Let the baking soda sit for 10 minutes, and then… • Vacuum again – By scrubbing the baking soda into your mattress you’ve helped it bond with surface moisture.Vacuuming it now will help pull out trace dampness and ensures you won’t wake up coated with powdery residue in the morning. • Get the stains out – Scrub again…using your preferred cleaning product.

Handyman Services


Contemporary and classical spaces designed to exceed your expectations. Nonpareil Kitchens and Bathrooms is a family run business that prides itself in offering an unrivalled level of service to the St Albans & Harpenden local area. The company offers bespoke kitchen and bathroom designs with a fully integrated installation service. Whether it’s a traditional, classical or modern installation, Nonpareil has the extensive knowledge to make your ideas and needs a reality. Nonpareil’s Gas Safe plumbing and heating division is also on hand to assist with all types of plumbing and heating requirements, from general plumbing to full central heating installations... Visit the showroom or get in touch today.

23 High Street, Wheathampstead, Her tfordshire, AL4 8BB 01582 832 121 - www.nonpareilsolutions.co.uk -


Discover our 360° Vir tual Tour - https://goo.gl/YB5qVe 93


Is heat leaking from your home? Borrow one of Sustainable St Albans' Thermal Imaging Cameras to find those draughts and cold spots. Create a more energy saving home this winter!

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CALL GARY ON: 01582 621366 OR 07966 397734 info@fineroofing.co.uk www.fineroofing.co.uk 28 VALE CLOSE, HARPENDEN, HERTS AL5 3LX 95


Harpenden Waste Away and Recycling are a Harpenden based, registered waste carrier that offers a friendly, affordable rubbish and waste removal service.

Our flexible approach ensures that we can meet your waste management needs in a quick, professional and friendly manner.

Often cheaper than a skip, we are the cost effective way to get rid of your waste legally and ethically with waste recycled where possible.

With the increase of fly-tipping, It’s very important to check that your waste carrier is fully licensed like Harpenden Waste Away which you can do easily, via this website:

At Harpenden Waste Away & Recycling our goal is to make waste removal fuss free for our customers and we take great pride in the work we do.

Call Harpenden Waste Away & Recycling today on:

Whether you want to clear out the garage, get rid of that old furniture, have some bulky waste that you can’t fit in your dustbin or have a full house clearance, it’s always worth giving us a call. Harpenden Waste Away will always provide a professional service at a reasonable price guaranteed. We are a company committed to recycling and take all rubbish to transfer stations that recycle all reusable materials.


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Harpenden Waste Away & Recycling is a professional, friendly, reliable service that remove rubbish from homes, gardens and commercial business premises. The company is fully licensed with the Environment Agency as a registered waste carrier and is fully insured. Local friendly service - Domestic house & garden clearance Commercial business waste removal - No Job too big or too small Removal of almost all types of rubbish – Same day collection Areas we cover: Harpenden, St. Albans, Redbourn, Wheathampstead, Welwyn Garden City, Hitchin, Luton, Hemel Hempstead, Watford, Dunstable & all surrounding areas.

Call Harpenden Waste Away & Recycling today and arrange your rubbish removal

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LOCAL LANDSCAPER WINS GOLD MEDAL AT BBC GARDENER’S WORLD LIVE Armstrong Landscapes Ltd were awarded a prestigious gold medal for their “Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush” garden, designed by Hana Leonard from Secrets of the Garden.

The lower deck slopes gently up on to an elevated seating area with pergola, to give a secluded feel to the garden. Bespoke Corten steel panels finished the show garden, with laser cut designs to enable views through to the existing planting behind. 98

The whole design was based around using recycled materials and included ramps for easy access. This BBC gold medal is the latest addition to 6 previous national BALI Awards, gained in over 25 years of landscape construction.

Creating award-winning gardens for over 25 years In Association with The Hertfordshire Garden Centre

01582 967487

www.armstronglandscapes.co.uk 99


GET YOUR SALT IN NOW IN TIME FOR WINTER Resident and community groups can get free salt to grit their streets from Hertfordshire County Council, as the council starts to gear up for the winter. The county council is also offering salt to schools to help them stay open during icy weather, as well as to parish and town councils who can use their local knowledge to identify exactly where best to use the salt during severe weather. District and borough councils that help with clearing high priority pavements can apply for up to 30 tonnes of salt to assist with highway treatments at no cost. Resident and community groups can apply for up to 680kg of salt, and schools can ask for up to 1 tonne. Badger halftook pageadvantage ad.pdf 1 Last year some 200Landscapes local groups of the offer.

The salt will be provided for use on the public highway, not on private property, and the county council can only make one delivery of salt at the beginning of the winter. Application forms can be found at: 14:11 www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/salting


& must be received by the county council by 31st October.

Badger Landscapes Landscape and Garden Services

A friendly and professional approach to our work is our key focus. Badger Landscapes specialises in the following products & services

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65 High Street, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 2SL.

Tel: 07989 394041 W: www.badgerlandscapes.com E: pete@badgerlandscapes.com 100

We are an enthusiastic team providing many specialist services throughout the South of England. Drives Patios Garden Walls Brick Work Fencing

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OUT IN THE GARDEN We spend so much time out in the garden over the summer months and I am always sad when summer draws to a close. All of that time spent planting, pruning, sowing, protecting and harvesting has come to an end, and I begin to wonder what I will do with all of my spare time (!) Well this year, I am going to continue to get outside and make sure my vegetable patch has a greater chance of thriving. There are vegetables which will survive the lowering temperatures and hopefully flourish as the days begin to get shorter. BROAD BEANS If the beans are in an exposed position and grow too tall (above a foot), they can wave around and split, so put in canes or sticks and string.Waste not want not- don’t forget, broad bean tops are as delicious as the bean itself - try them wilted with butter. ONIONS, SPRING ONIONS & SHALLOTS There are quite a few varieties of onions and spring onions from sets that can go in now. Many garden centres have shallots available for planting, these have a great subtle taste and store really well. WINTER LETTUCE Just because summer has drawn to an end and you are no longer able to dine al fresco, it doesn’t mean an end to salads! You can still sow a really hardy variety and plant it out under fleece or a perforated polythene sheet. LAMBS LETTUCE It is a perfect winter crop as it does not need high light levels and tolerates low temperatures; it can be sown up until the end of October outside; it can be picked until December or into the new year with some fleece or milder weather. SPINACH A versatile leafy vegetable; pick young leaves and gently wilt or add raw to salads. The big advantage of autumn sowing is that there is no tendency to bolt. 102

PEAS AND PEA SHOOTS For a late spring crop, it’s worth trying sowing seeds now. As with broad beans, don’t forget the other parts of the plant! Pea shoots are very fashionable and can be found on supermarket shelves. GARLIC Gardens quarter page ad.pdf If you areModern an amateur gardener and want to1get started with an easy crop, try garlic!

Flyer NEW April 2013_Layout 2 15/05/2013 12:04 Page 1

01582 840144 07939 623675

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Herts, Beds, Bucks & London + we will beat any written quotation Registered in England No. 5005478 VAT Reg. No. 847 4261 12

Thinking of selling your home but not looking forward to the experience? I provide an interface between you and the Estate Agent so you will only deal with me... Saving you time, money and stress. I have lived most of my life in Harpenden and have over 40 years’ experience in Estate Agency working in LondonROCOCO Landscaping and Building and Harpenden. Over these years I have gained an enviable was established in 2003. reputation for being honest and trustworthy.With Mya client always wealth of experience (including three Chelsea Flower Shows), comes first. we have a proven track record and

many ma testimonials Looking to buy a property? I can source, negotiatefrom andhappy clients. If you looking for a complete acquire residential properties for clients orare simply advise on garden make-over including build your purchase. and landscaping or perhaps something more modest then ring Peter on:

Tim Pearse: 07946 Independent 01582657899 621222 www.timpearse.com Home Sales Adviser 103




We all love the changing colours of autumn but for car owners there are a few jobs to do… 1. Antifreeze Not just for winter, antifreeze is important all year round as it contains additives to prevent corrosion and improve summer cooling too. A frozen engine is very expensive to repair! Call K.S & K.G Tyler in Southdown on 01582 713328 or Victoria Garage in Batford on 01582 760551 to get some professional advice on Antifreeze. – see page 98 & 99 for their adverts. 2. Battery This is one of the most common causes of breakdown at any time of year, but particularly in the winter when electrical loads are higher. If there’s any sign of the battery struggling now the time to change it. Available from Milehams A1 Motor Store 133 Southdown Rd, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 1PU. Tel: 01582 766333. 3. Bulbs Check all bulbs regularly not forgetting brake lights and number plate lights.

The handbook will show you how to change bulbs, though some headlight bulbs may require a visit to the garage. Available from Milehams A1 Motor Store 133 Southdown Rd, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 1PU Tel: 01582 766333 4. Tyres Check all tyres for condition, pressure and tread depth. The AA recommend at least 3mm of tread for winter motoring, so if the treads are getting low think about buying new tyres now. Call Big D’s tyres and get them fitted at your door at competitive prices. Big D’s Tyres Tel: 01582 467800 – see page 5 for advert. 5. Windscreen wipers and washer fluid Blades will last for two years at the most. New blades clear the screen more effectively and so help reduce dazzle from the sun. Top up your washer fluid and treat with a good quality, purpose-made additive to reduce the chance of freezing.Available from Milehams A1 Motor Store 133 Southdown Rd, Harpenden, Hertfordshire, AL5 1PU. Tel: 01582 766333.

K.S. & K.G. TYLER Motor engineers

All makes of cars serviced and repaired 60a Cravells Road, Harpenden, Herts

Tel: 01582 713328 Established since 1964

Email: info@tylersgarage.co.uk Web: www.tylersgarage.co.uk 104

Victoria garage New half page ad.pdf





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is a dynamic new agency with an unrivalled knowledge of Harpenden and the surrounding villages.

Whether you’re looking to buy, sell, let, or rent, KEN WHITTAKER and his experienced team will help you every step of the way.

Call Ken on 01582 761500 82c High Street Harpenden, Herts AL5 2SP Email sales@whittakerandco.co.uk www.whittakerandco.co.uk 108

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