Corporate DispatchPro Editorial
Education without end Industry 4.0 is still a realm in the making, but restless keynoters are already heralding the coming of Industry 5.0. Economies will change, societies will adapt, and education systems will fill in the blanks.
Here lies an elementary lesson of the modern era: education equals the addition of future society and economy. Logically, social and economic transformations must mean renewal in the educational sphere, too. Before we indiscriminately dismiss the current schooling process as a relic of the “factory model� established during the industrial revolution period, two important considerations have to be made. Firstly, that the education system has changed radically since the ill-famed Prussian prototype which introduced state-funded compulsory schooling in the late 18th century. Curricula have continued to expand both in specialisation tracks and in learning years from decade to decade. Indeed, the concept of continuing education is today a staple of knowledge-based societies. A second point about the systemic approach to education is that debates about the quality and purpose of schooling have raged fiercely within the education sector since those first experiments with formal teaching. Proponents of different ideas have successfully made the case for specially-trained teachers, for methods that stoke critical thinking, and for new technologies that facilitate learning. Education is not a static arrangement. While the basic formula of a ladder of classes has persisted through the centuries, the schooling process itself has changed with the evolution of society, the economy, and shared priorities. Seen from another perspective, 13