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Unnecessary taxes on energy generation must be eliminated, MEP says MEP Cyrus Engerer has called for the European Union to work towards joint procurement of gas supplies for all its Member States. Direct and indirect unnecessary taxes on energy generation must be eliminated and the European Union must work to become selfsustainable in energy production, he added. He was speaking as Europe was experiencing its biggest hikes in the price of energy production in its history. Ahead of a European Council summit to discuss the increase in energy prices, BusinessEurope called on European politicians to acknowledge that the current increase in energy prices has serious implications on households and businesses. “It is essential that national measures do not impact competitiveness or disrupt the Single Market,” BusinessEurope said. “The ‘toolbox’ of measures that Member States can take in the shortterm to tackle energy price spikes fully respecting EU rules, is an important step by the European Commission. Recent developments show how sensitive our economies are to energy prices. This should be thoroughly considered when discussing the Fit for 55 package, in particular long-term price energy signals to incentivise low carbon investment,” it added. “Against this situation, we need to ensure that vulnerable European citizens are protected,” Engerer noted. “No person in the Union should