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Corpus Christi Real Producers - May 2022


The Crisman Group | Keller Williams Coastal Bend


>> real mom and daughter team

by Ruth Gnirk

Photography by TresPiña Photography

We are truly yin and yang, and Katlyn is the one that helps level things out. When we are at work, she is my business partner; although we are definitely mother and daughter, we work well together because I always make sure to remember she is my equal. Sometimes, it’s a little scary because we are so in sync; other times, she’s more laid back, and I’m more headstrong.

I’m in awe of Katlyn and have enjoyed watching her grow and become a great agent who is a rockstar at marketing. She has some of the best design style of anyone I know, and I’m delighted to see her excel in her personal life and actually take the time to enjoy it. The day I saw her buy her first home, all on her own, with no help from her parents or anyone, was one of my proudest moments.

My mother passed away when I was young. Something I learned from that loss, and have stressed with Katlyn since she was young, is that no matter how angry you get with the other person, be careful with the words you choose to express that anger…you never know if they could be the last words they will ever hear. I truly believe that is one of the reasons Katlyn and I have had such strong and open communication.

-- Candy

As a kid, I was always tagging along on showings and listing appointments! No matter WHERE we were, someone would bring up real estate, and my mom would casually insert herself in the conversation, and next thing you know, she’s selling someone a home. She never shoved her job down anyone’s throat, she would just educate them, and people respected that and realized she was knowledgeable. Occasionally I tease her because she quips, “Do as I say and not as I do.”

It just fell in place for us to start working together, and now, five years later, I wouldn’t consider going off on my own. We put the miles on her car. All jokes aside, she takes real estate very seriously, and there is no one I trust more to guide me on this crazy journey. She also respects my opinions and treats me like a business partner, which plays a huge role in our success.

My mom has so much passion for her career, which inspires me more than she knows! Everyone knows my mom is a hustler. After her divorce, she was a self-employed single mother, and I can honestly say she always had a roof over my head and made sure there was food and running water; if we struggled, I never knew it.

Mom, your kind heart and spirit never go unnoticed. I strive to be as successful and confident as you are and have always been. But most of all, I hope to be as great of a mother as you are to me.


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