Visual Arts Barbados May 2023

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All information correct at time of publishing. Please phone or email relevant galleries to confirm dates of events as they may be subject to change. Published by Corrie Scott A completely free magazine created out of the need to inform so that we can get to exhibitions, artist talks, workshops and more, rather than hearing about events after they have taken place.
CELEBRATING 13 years of the Visual Arts Barbados free online magazine See 13 years of monthly issues here
Cover Art Heather-Dawn Scott

Welcome to Barbados Monthly Arts Events Magazine

Thirteen years of the publication

All issues

This is a completely free magazine created out of the need to inform so that we can get to exhibitions, artist talks, workshops and more, rather than hearing about events after they have taken place.

I encourage anyone with a visual arts event to get in contact with me at and I will add a free page for your exhibition, classes, workshops, talks etc.

Let’s get the arts out there!

Please, pass this magazine on to others and so help the creative side of Barbados get all the exposure possible.

VISUAL ARTS BARBADOS EVENTS on Facebook Open 24/7 Updated daily Link below




The Barbados Arts Events page was created to promote the Visual Arts Events in Barbados and artists whether exhibiting here in island or overseas. The focus is on the events for the fine arts, encompassing art, photography, sculpture and installations, gallery receptions, exhibitions, talks, interviews, workshops, publications, studios, residencies. I will also post visual art collaborations with writers, theatre, dance, videos, music and creatives but it has to encompass the visual arts/artists to be posted on this page.

I started this page because I felt that the visual arts were not getting much needed exposure to expose the talent in Barbados and around the world. I wish I could encompass all the creative arts as there is so much happening on this tiny wonderful island of ours but I am a one woman band doing this free. Over the years this page has become a support for all creative events in Barbados and I was happy for this but realised that it was diluting the fine arts section which it is meant to focus on.

I need to bring the focus back in these group pages to the visual arts.

Thank you for understanding.

The National Cultural Foundation (NCF) is partnering with a veteran visual artist, with over 50 years’ experience, to showcase a collection that captures the essence of the Barbadian landscape.

“ONE BIG PAINTING: Alison Chapman-Andrews Alison Chapman-andrews– 80 Years of Seeing”, will open at the Queen’s Park Gallery on Saturday, April 15, 2023, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The opening reception is free for the public.

Chapman-Andrews has been a fixture of the Barbadian art scene for over 50 years. Her perseverance, vivacity, unique way of seeing and prolific work ethic have produced an astounding oeuvre of work, displaying an unmistakable style that has, among many other things, come to typify the iconic image of Barbadian life.

Born Alison Armstrong in England, she is a native of Hertford, and studied from 1963 to 1966 at the Royal College of Art, receiving the ARCA Award for her painting.Chapman-Andrews moved to Barbados in 1971 and began painting the local landscape, which has since become central to her work. During her career she has worked as a teacher, curator and newspaper columnist as well as an artist, and in 2006 she received the Governor General’s Award for her work.

This exhibition treats the viewers to an exceptional experience. It gives access to the inner workings of the artist’s mind and process through this look at her illustrious career, categorised by concepts, imagery and motifs according to her own powerful vision for a retrospective .

In this display, Chapman-Andrews defines her practice on her own terms, with a purposeful sense of wisdom and agency. The show also commemorates her 80th birthday – a day she celebrated on November 30, 2022, alongside the island’s 56th year of Independence and our first year as a Republic.

As Barbados continues to make bold moves culturally and historically, the NCF is proud to uplift and honour the stalwarts of our creative community, ensuring their legacies are firmly in place and made visible for current and future generations to engage with. As we salute her past and future contributions to our nation, we invite you to explore the extensive canvas of her creative journey!

Barbados Today news.

With her life firmly devoted to the arts, the continued contribution of prolific painter Alison ChapmanAndrews is being showcased with an exhibition at the Queen’s Park Gallery.

ART. BEAUTY. MAGIC. ‘ONE BIG PAINTING Opens at Queens Park Gallery

“With her life firmly devoted to the arts, the continued contribution of prolific painter Alison ChapmanAndrews is being showcased with an exhibition at the Queen’s Park Gallery. The National Cultural Foundation (NCF) has partnered with the accomplished visual artist to stage One Big Painting: Alison Chapman-Andrews - 80 years of Seeing in celebration of her 80th birthday later this year.

Members of the art community gathered on Saturday evening for the opening. Among those in attendance was Carol Roberts-Reifer, Chief Executive Officer of the NCF. Embracing the essence of creativity which Chapman-Andrews embodies, her welcome remarks were delivered with a poignant narrative.

In her own inimitable style, Roberts-Reifer, in an impactful excerpt, said, “Sixty years and counting I marveled, sixty years of imagination, inspiration and expression, a treasure of her generation and ours, and those to come. Sixty years of beauty, of perseverance, of absolutely prolific work, of powerful statements about this land, her land… our land.”

Roberts-Reifer extended gratitude to Chapman-Andrews, stating, “Thank you Alison for your life’s work to date. Thank you for generously and selflessly affording us a glimpse of your soul. Thank you for nudging us towards an appreciation of this land and our land, and most importantly, thank you for the beauty, the creativity, and the magic.” As a token of appreciation, she presented the artiste with a bouquet of flowers.

Curator and collaborator Katherine Kennedy noted, “One Big Painting commemorates many things. Just as we see variations of the physical and the social landscape through Alison Chapman- Andrew’s artwork, we are also seeing recent landmarks such as the artiste’s 80th birthday, sixty years of artistic production, fifty- six years of Barbados’ Independence and recently our first anniversary as a Republic, milestones shared by Alison and the island she cherishes and calls home.”

Kennedy said, “The exhibition, first conceptualized as a virtual show with an accompanying catalogue and later expanded to include the physical manifestation that you see today, has been lovingly crafted through Alison’s own eyes, taking ownership in the framing and contextualization of her legacy. It was humbling to be asked to work with her to co-curate this final product, to facilitate, coordinate and support the artist’s vision and celebration of a lifetime dedicated to culture and art.”

Featured speaker Dr. Alison Thompson underscored the importance of the event paying homage to Chapman-Andrews, who is multifaceted but widely known for her landscapes. She said, “As an artiste, as a writer, as a collector as an agitator, Alison’s contribution to the story of art in Barbados and the wider Caribbean is tremendous and we are so very fortunate to once again be standing here in this gallery surrounded by her paintings and to experience all that they give to us the viewers.”

She admitted, “For her, seeing is more than just looking. Seeing is revelation. It is the ability to see anew and discover and understand in more nuanced ways, and that is what I have always found in Alison’s paintings. They continue to inspire us to look again at the familiar world that surrounds us and to reacquaint ourselves with the rich, mysterious, cosmic, ever evolving, ever shifting pleasures that are to be found there, and for that gift Alison, we thank you.”

The virtual component is available on the National Cultural Foundation website. Art lovers are invited to visit the gallery for the exhibition, which provides a new dimension for familiar images. It will be open Monday to Saturday between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. until May 13, 2023. (STT)”

Click here to read more in our epaper edition:


April 15 - October 29, 2023

Alberta Whittle. Her blood spoke in Creole, in Gaelic, in Twi and in Yoruba, 2022. Acrylic, Florida Water, Bay Rum on cotton, Overall: 200 x 200 cm. Art Gallery of Ontario. Purchase, with funds from the Friends of Global Africa & the Diaspora, 2022. © Alberta Whittle. Courtesy of the artist and Nicola Vassell Gallery. Photo: Adam Reich Photography. 2022/7089.

Joscelyn Gardner, Kara Springer and Alberta Whittle at The Gallery of Ontario, Canada. April 15 - October 29, 2023

‘Her Blood Spoke’: Joscelyn Gardner, Kara Springer, Alberta Whittle presents 16 artworks by three artists of Barbadian descent, reflecting on contemporary and historical experiences with Black maternal health and bodily autonomy. As access to reproductive healthcare remains precarious globally, this installation offers a consideration of the ways in which Black women's bodies have long been sites of conflict.

Featuring lithographs, photographs, painting and video, the artworks on view, use archival sleuthing, autobiography and conceptual storytelling to situate women's labour in conversation with themes of bodily agency, resistance, and ancestral care. Her Blood Spoke emerges from an awareness of the historical systems of racial and gendered violence that continue to shape our contemporary moment.

April 15 - October 29, 2023 berta-whittle

Here the BPS features the fine art photographer Hugh Walker who has his own unique style.

Hugh will be presenting a 3 day workshop this month which sold out within a day.

Due to the high demand for this workshop BPS and Hugh will be presenting this same workshop later in the year for those who missed this one.

The Barbados Museum and Historical Society’s Cunard Gallery.

World Art Day is a timely reminder that art can bring people together to inspire, heal and share. Visit the Cunard Gallery at the Barbados Museum & Historical Society until 5 pm today to discover a wide variety of paintings and prints which tell historic stories which depict Barbados, the wider Caribbean and so much more!

This gallery is home to historical scenes of Bridgetown as well as the 1848 original oil painting, Careenage by Percy William Justyne and the 17thcentury original oil painting Governor Robinson Going to Church. The work of several military artists are also on display including the work of Lieut. J. H. Caddy and Lieut. J.M. Carter. Caddy’s coloured prints feature St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Dominica and St. Kitts, while Carter developed a series of street and landscape scenes of Barbados. You can also view six original oil paintings by Agostino Brunias depicting West Indian lifestyles in the 17th century.

The Bonnie Cole Wilson Art Collection at Ocean Blue Boutique Hotel.

Generosity: It was never Bonnie's intention to form an art collection. Her goal was quite simply to support the artists, to give them the income that would allow them to continue with their work. Bonnie was made aware of the plight of the artist by her fully trained sister-in-law Barbara-Anne Preston who struggled to make a go of it in Barbados.

Bonnie sits in her beautiful St George family home surrounded by a stunning accumulation of local artworks which number over 1,600 pieces and speaks about her Trinidad childhood where her father a highly esteemed tenor filled the house with his extraordinary voice. It is here that her understanding and connection to the arts began.

First it was the Casuarina Hotel that housed the growing collection, there Bonnie filled every available space with paintings and sculpture. So many sculptures! It was joyful ! Now Bonnie's collection is once again being shared with the public. Last November after a sensitive restoration of an Ian Morrison boutique hotel by Bonnie's daughter Liesje Cole, pieces of the work have been lovingly displayed.

There is work by Ras Ishi Butcher, Alison Chapman Andrews, Oliver Burnett, Arthur Atkinson, Ras Akyem, Kenneth Blackman, Annalee Davis and on and on. Visit and enjoy their views and menu too. The Ocean Blue Hotel is the perfect example of generosity !

Article courtesy of Heather-Dawn Scott

Photography by Heather-Dawn Scott and Corrie Scott


The Barbados Photographic Society (BPS) is founded on an appreciation for and interest in photography. Website Email.

Our Facebook Group is open to everyone with an interest in photography! You are welcome to join, share your thoughts on photography, post your work, follow the work of our members and participate in our discussions

Barbados Photographic Society theme for April was ‘My Photo Style’. hashtag #bpsmyphotostyle

We each have a style that is often recognisable. Post images that convey your distinct style. As you walk, drive, cycle, bus around this month be aware of your unique style. Go through your files and post images you believe are your individual style.

Do check the submissions throughout the month by clicking on the hashtag #bpsmyphotostyle























“a scan of an autographed Polaroid of that same photo. It has all the charm and imperfection of an artist's sketch and the original is probably ridiculously valuable!”


This shows my love of light, graphic design, and a subtle insight to Jodie's sophisticated personality, even at 16, where she is channeling Veronica Lake, gorgeous movie star of the 40s. All done with the help of CD Marc Balet, stylist Freddie Leiba, HAMU by Sandra Bocas, and two assistants.

Lighting was a spot on camera right with two "cutters" to flag off the light except where I wanted it and a snooted spot hair liight on a boom stand overhead.

Hasselblad 500CM, 120mm Zeiss

Planar on Panatomic X film processed in my good ol' 3 1/2 gallon D-76 line.

Mural size print shown in situ at Cin Cin for my BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE OF THE 80s show in 2013.





A peek at Rosemary Pilgrim’s visual musings

Courtesy of Lilian Sten Nicholson

A peek at Rosemary Pilgrim’s visual musings.

“ So... let me begin with a simple stand alone drawing... where I begin working on to a collaged and painted substrate. This happens a lot after this piece. You can see where it began as a doodle in a staff meeting”.

‘Be Easy’

One of those times when you feel the urge to pick up the pencil, and the drawing draws itself”. Colour pencil drawing... 7 inches diameter”.

‘Orange Moon Rising’.

“So... whenever I prepare substrates I do several at a time.

Substrates seen in the last work sat for a while... life!

Then a series of 5 small pieces which I called 'Hestian musings' happened. You'll remember my identification with that particular goddess.

Today I'm sending an image of the first... and a peek at one of my sketches”.

“ Then 'stitch' entered my life at some point. It's in my DNA of course... it's easy to drop at a moments notice without detriment to the work... and the process is both meditative and spirit healing.”
“Hestia is the blue string of faith that connects us all”.

“Then Came the Shirts….”

“Then came the shirts…

By the middle of 2021 I was drowning... and decided then to spend a year just playing in my sketchbooks. I tried lots of stuff... always drawing of course... but also Gelli-plate printing, making paper cloth, several textile/stitch workshops online etc.

I can now feel my creative self, getting ready to move beyond the sketchbooks.

Anyways... back to the shirts... symbols for herself.”

“Most of the work on canvas are mixed-media... this one: 12 x 12 inches”.

Process photo of ‘Light Comes’. ‘Light Comes’. Conte drawing. Sketchbook ‘Phew’.

….And the Bundles.

And the song ended……. Love and light”.

“…..much of my work has become quite small... 8×8 inches or so... and a lot of drawing”.


Rodney Aaron’s Massiah

Kibun Art

“Depicted here are three elder Shaggy bears consulting with the statue of Errol Barrow and the spirit of Rihanna in Heroes square during the Heroes Day celebration to assert the importance of preserving, promoting and reimagining traditional Barbadian culture, including the art of storytelling.

On this day I envisioned symbols of the past (Errol Barrow), present (The shaggy Bears) & future (Rihanna) convening to discuss the state of our people and how they could cut through the noise to become cultural pioneers. Though some would say our people are born in games clothes, a lot of us are plagued with internal struggles which dim views of the bigger picture and sometimes cripple us from becoming our best selves. Heroes day is a reminder to not only show up for yourself and loved ones but to not lose focus, especially during this age of attention. It may be challenging to cope with mental issues, unemployment, and waves of overwork and overwhelm but sometimes, the most powerful step forward is taking a step back to remember that no matter what you are powerful and always in control.”

Veteran Artist Tracey Williams and her Love of Art group presents ‘Beauty In The Eye Of The Beholder’ at The Gallery Of Caribbean Art, Speightstown.

April 16th - May 10th

Works by artists of different levels of artistic maturity and also categories of children and beginners works. All art in exhibition may be viewed here

Opening of ‘Beauty In The Eye Of The Beholder’ exhibition at the Gallery of Caribbean Art. Featuring Angela Daniel, Julie-Anne King, Audrey Bryan, Bobby Williams, Christine Farmer, Christine Inniss, Deanna Clarke, Deidre Ishmael, Debbie Hutchinson, Elizabeth McKenzie, Erskine Nurse, Glenn Taylor, Hazel-Ann Mahy-Batson, Heather Da Silva, Heather Harrington Jones, Hopeton Peterson, Jenny Weetch, Jeanette Dellimore, Joy Wallace, Judy Nurse, Kavitha Shenoy, Kim Smith, Kristin Clarke, Kajonna Clarke, Marguerite Moe, Marilyn Weekes, Natasha Thakurdin, Opal Gibson, Rayna Price, Roseanne Milligan, Ruby Lloyd, Ryle Weekes, Sandra Rawlins, Shirley Chaderton, Suzanne Davis, Steve Scott.

Gallery of Caribbean Art

Northern Business Centre, Speightstown

Mon to Fri 10am-4pm. Sat 10am-2pm


Visual Arts Call for Submissions

National Cultural Foundation’s Season of Emancipation theme ‘We Came On Merchant Ships’.

���� PLEASE NOTE! Please note there are three sets of themes for submissions with different deadline dates!

Registration links below.

Please see 3 flyers for more details.

Here are the 3 separate links for registration

CELEBRATING THE WORKS OF LOCAL ARTISTS Barbados Today News Article by Anesta Henry Published on April 30, 2023

“Six local artists have created new works strategically installed as artistic interventions on the Barbados Trailway and incorporated into bus shelters in rural, underserved communities around the island.

The artists whose works are being celebrated include Anna Gibson, who has provided artwork for the rain shelter; Dion Gibson and Anya Greaves who provided artwork for the benches on the Trailway. The bus shelters will be situated in St John, St George, and St Andrew with a series of new works created by Joshnua Clarke, Versia Harris, and Amelia Rouse.

The collection of artistic interventions project, a collaboration between The Fresh Milk Art Platform, Future Centre Trust, Environ Ltd (Adopt A Stop Barbados) and The Healing Arts Initiative in partnership with Culturunners, was launched at the Carmichael/Trailway crossing on the Barbados Trailway Saturday evening.

During the launch, founding director of the Fresh Milk Art Platform, Annalee Davis, explained that in May 2021, New York based Heidi Holder, a committee member of the Future is Unwritten, a group dedicated to exploring the powerful role of art and artists in society reached out to Fresh Milk to share information about the Healing Arts Initiative established by Culturunners and the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Arts & Health Programme in 2020.

The initiative forms part of the United Nations’ 75th Anniversary Programme (UN75), as a cultural call to action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on societal mental health.

The future is Unwritten has since grown into a global campaign advocating for improved physical, mental and social health. Fresh Milk is one of the several projects they have supported including others in Iraq, Sudan, Yemen, United States of America, United Kingdom, India, and South Africa.

“The Future is Unwritten programme invited Fresh Milk to think about how we could work with art and artists to promote community and well-being in the context of Barbadian society,” Davis said.

“This was at a time when the COVID-19 pandemic was in full swing and Barbados was reeling from the eruption of the volcano in St Vincent followed by a category one hurricane.”

Davis noted that Trailway was chosen for the artistic intervention, given its close proximity to Fresh Milk and also for its unique features, including the fact that it is a “beautiful tract of land running through the St George Valley”.

She said while Barbados has been blessed with many beaches where locals can recreate, there seem not to be enough variety of safe outdoor recreational activities for young people and families, adding that the pandemic and volcanic eruption reminded Barbadians about the value of green spaces and the natural environment to enhance physical, mental and spiritual wellness. “And we were interested in fostering a linear outdoor exhibition opportunity allowing Bajan artists to engage with this location and foster more awareness of this historic easement open to all Barbadian and their families.

“Healing Arts also wanted us to think about expanding the project to include placing solar bus shelters into underserved communities. We settled on three locations at Barclays Park, Four Roads and Gun Hill which is an extension of this outdoor art project,” she said.

Chairman of the Future Centre Trust Barney Gibbs said that in light of the Trust ongoing Trailway Project, he was pleased that a section of the historical space was chosen to showcase the works of talented artists.

“By showcasing our talented artists on the Trailway, we enliven the space, we give it colour and soul and we make it more compelling showing that it is a space not just for exercising and commuting,” Gibbs said. (AH)”


April 29th, 5pm - 6pm at The Carmichael/Trailway Crossing, St. George

“Six local artists have been commissioned to create new works strategically installed as artistic interventions on the Trailway and incorporated into bus shelters placed in rural, underserved communities around the island as an outdoor exhibition opportunity.

The artists whose works we are celebrating include Anna Gibson who has provided artwork for the rain shelter, Dion Gibson and Anya Greaves who have provided artwork for the benches on the Trailway. The bus shelters will be situated in St. John, St. George, and St. Andrew with a series of new works created by Joshua Clarke, Versia Harris, and Amelia Rouse.”

Full details here. tiative-public-art-projects/

The Barbados Photographic Society already preparing for an exhibition at Queens Park Gallery in 2024.

There will also be an online virtual exhibition in 2023 celebrating the BPS’ 20th year.

‘20 YEARS OF LIGHT’ a Barbados Photographic Society exhibition

At Queen's Park Gallery

Show Dates: January 10th 2024 - February 3rd 2024

The Barbados Photographic Society is celebrating its 20th year with the physical exhibition 20 YEARS OF LIGHT' at the Queen's Park Gallery in association with the National Cultural Foundation.

20 YEARS OF LIGHT' will be an exhibition of curated photography from the talented members of the Barbados Photographic Society community. More information on the specifics of how to submit for consideration will be released in the coming months.

In anticipation for this exhibition, several workshops will be held to ensure that all those interested in submitting are prepared and understand the standard of work expected to be delivered to the gallery.

Email or or Whatsapp 846-8115/ 232-1322 for any questions.

Barbados Photographic Society

Barbados National Art Gallery

Featured Artist Keith Blackett

Barbados National Art Gallery Featured Artist

“Rum Shop”


Oil on Canvas

39 x 48.5cm

The work "Rum Shop" by Keith Blackett is a compelling example of the artist's fascination with the figurative, particularly traditional Barbadian objects and scenes. The piece portrays a historical Bajan landmark, namely The John Bull Bar in Bridgetown. Blackett's work effectively captures the rum shop as a social space for male patrons, ranging from white to black, foreign sailors to local Harbour policemen (in a historical uniform). Interestingly, the work also portrays the icon of a plump white man in a Union Jack vest, representing "John Bull".

For those unfamiliar with the character, John Bull is an archetype national UK figure, originally created as an 18th Century representation of a British "everyman". In the 20th Century, the character was briefly elevated as a British authority figure, similar to the "Uncle Sam" figure in the USA. Throughout the UK and Europe, pubs adopted the John Bull name as a signifier for an everyman British pub. It is likely that the pub motif was adapted for a Bajan rum shop.

In Blackett's depiction of The John Bull Bar, the character of John Bull is victorious in his raising of a beer bottle, providing a focal point for the piece. Set against the backdrop of a rum shop façade, "Rum Shop" effectively illustrates some aspects of Barbados' cultural creolisation. By portraying patrons of different races and backgrounds in a shared social space, Blackett highlights the intermingling of cultures and traditions that have shaped the island's history. Overall, "Rum Shop" serves as a testament to Blackett's skill as a figurative artist and his ability to capture the essence of Bajan culture in his work.

About the artist

Keith Blackett (1930-2021) was largely self-taught, although he trained with Collis Bailey between 1958 – 1961. He was active within the Barbados Arts Council, serving as their Treasurer, and exhibited widely in Barbados, including solo exhibitions at Pelican Art Gallery (1976, 1995, 1997) as well as group exhibitions at the Annual Agricultural Exhibition at Queens Park (1959-62) and the Barbados Museum & Historical Society (1960-1971) including the first national independence art exhibition in November 1966. In later years he was an active and enthusiastic participant in exhibitions at the Hilton Art Gallery (1977-79) and the Art Collection Foundation (1985-91). The painting “Rum Shop” was acquired by the Barbados National Art Gallery in 2004 and 2 other pieces are held in the National Collection of Barbados. Blackett’s work is also held in private collections in Guadeloupe, England, Scotland, Canada and the U.S.A. Blackett has been awarded various national art prizes from the Art Collection Foundation, the Crop Over exhibition, and NIFCA.


The BMHS Barbadian Art Database

Carolle Bourne “Veteran artist has a way with light”, Nation Newspaper, November 9th 1995

Just a few of the many pieces of art being exhibited at On The Wall Gallery at Limegrove in Holetown. Curated by Vanita Gopwani Comissiong Monday - Saturday, 10am - 6pm (246) 234 9145
Limegrove Lifestyle Centre, Holetown, St James

“Antillean Gallery of Art Inc. is an entirely online art gallery based in the Caribbean island of Barbados. Jeena Chatrani, one of our artists, started the Antillean Gallery in 2021 to represent some of the highest quality art in Barbados and throughout the Caribbean.

All artists are vetted by Jeena to confirm that they use professional quality materials. Each piece of art is then juried by a panel of anonymous jurors before getting added to the website. We represent both upcoming and recognised artists working in a variety of media. Whether you are a seasoned collector or are now discovering your love for original artwork for the first time, our gallery has something for you!


At Antillean Gallery we believe that original art belongs in EVERY home or office, regardless of budget. Our collection is diverse in media, style and price, with truly something for everyone and we want you to not only be happy, but thrilled with your investment. Our personalized, customized services are as follows:

If you are in Barbados we will deliver your purchase to you and can offer professional installation services.

We offer assistance with artist commissions. Consultancy services.


We highly value our artist-gallery partnerships and are always on the lookout for additional talent to join our AGA family. If you would like Antillean Gallery to consider your art for representation please send us an email to with your application form and we will get back to you.”

Jeena Chatrani

Antilles Gallery.

Hi! Welcome To Antillean Gallery of Art!

My name is Jeena Chatrani and I recently started Antillean Gallery with the intention of promoting and selling art from Caribbean artists online.

I'm an artist myself and I've found that the art scene in Barbados could greatly benefit from some online presence. For the last 6 years I've been a full time artist and have had to learn a lot about the business behind selling art. It's not easy to make it as an artist but it is so fulfilling.

With Antillean Gallery of Art I hope to help raise the standard of art and artists in Barbados, and eventually across the Caribbean.”

The artists of Antillean Gallery of Art online gallery: Catherine Forter Chee a Tow, Cathy Cummins, Chris Richards, Dana Sikkens, Jeena Chatrani, Julia Seymour, Julianne Gill, Lorna Wilson, Mario Holder, Maurice Forde, Sian Pampellonne, Tracey Williams, Trevor Desilvia Curator Jeena Chatrani

Heidi Berger and Julia Seymour are displaying their work at Hunte's Gardens.

Kerry Alaric Cheeseboro will be curating and presenting ‘KAC GFA “ABsolutely STRACTuous” an abstract art online exhibition, running May 4 through Jun 4, 2023.

“Here are abstract art pieces I created as examples of the wide open net of creative possibilities I’m inviting artists and photographers (who are also artists) to consider submitting their original, abstract work to the upcoming KAC GFA “ABsolutely STRACTuous” online exhibition, running May 4 through Jun 4, 2023.

All interested abstract artists should DM us through the KAC Gallery of Fellow Artists page. Link here

(We will consider up to three abstract works per artist, though all three works may not be selected.)



Heroes Day. Barbados 2023

Hoping to see a commissioned painting of Rihanna soon to add to this gallery of our heroes. Each year I write this in the hopes that at some point the relevant cultural entities give credit to the artists who created these paintings many years ago. Let us recognise them all.

Heroes Day. Barbados 2023.

Artists who painted the heroes.

Akyem-i Ramsay - Bussa

Patrick Michael Foster - Sarah Ann Gill

Adrian Compton - Samuel Jackman Prescod

Ras Ishi - Charles Duncan O'Neal

Winston Jordan - Clement Payne

David Alleyne - Sir Hugh Springer

Anthony Payne - Sir Frank Walcott

Coral Bernardine - Sir Garfield Sobers

Omowale Stewart - Errol Walton Barrow

David Skinner- Sir Grantley Adams

Rihanna -

Am truly saddened, that each year I post this, and each year I make this comment of the fact that on not one page of Government, NCF, Ministry of Culture, Tourism websites can I find the list of artists who painted the National Heroes. The images have been used for books, stamps and more and yet no credit is given to a single artist.

Years ago we in the arts collated the names.

(Please correct me if I am wrong and artists names have finally been added in any of these governmental pages).

Saddened that nowhere online in any of the government entities can one find the names of artists who painted these huge canvasses that used to hang every Heroes Day down the side of the Inland Revenue building opposite parliament.

On not one government website nor information portal can I find even just the artists names far less any information on them. I believe, that by law, when featuring art in public whether published, live or online there is a legal moral clause that artists names should be featured with the image.

Let us hope this can be corrected within GIS, MRD, NCF, Ministry of Culture and any other entity.

National Heroes Day in Barbados. But you can read about our National Heroes where you can click on each image and read more about them here

BARBADOS ARTS COUNCIL #20 Pelican Craft Centre, Harbour Road, Bridgetown, Barbados Tel: (246) 426-4385 Email: Facebook: Barbados Arts Council Official Page Instagram: BarbadosArtsCouncil
BARBADOS ARTS COUNCIL BAC Gallery, #2 Pelican Craft Centre, Bridgetown (246) 426 4385

COLOURS OF BARBADOS Art Show on the Boardwalk

Just a few of the images here from opening day. The longest show. 350 feet long (and growing as artists add more pieces). The exhibition will run for 18 months. Opened on November 29th, 2022 Organised and hosted by James Edgehill and Mark Hiorns For more information Tel: 1 (246) 228 0631

Artists participating so far

Adrian Burnett

Andrea Dennison

Anna Didier

Arianna Holligan

Catherine Cummins

Cher Antoinette Corbin

Cindy Walker tbc

Frank Cossey tbc

Heidi Berger

Hilary Arnstrong

Jeena Chatrani

Julia Seymour

Karen Pearson

Kirstie Hiorns

Korea Darnelle

Kristine Dear

Maria Stanford

Mark Hiorns

Micah Rubin

Michelle Bowe

Princess Johnson

Priscilla Richardson


Reginald Gill

Sian Pampellonne

Yazmin Vizcarrondo

Photography Sian Pampellonne, Princess Bilinda Johnson Plus.


on the boardwalk in Hastings.

“You are invited to exhibit your art in Hastings. Starting 1st November 2022. All you need to do is call 238 9014 to get all the details to enter.

This is a not for profit venture. The art will be for sale and artists will receive all sale proceeds

The sole aim is to bring colour and creativity of a truly Bajan flavour to the South Coast boardwalk. All works submitted will be hung on the recently erected site hoardings alongside the Boardwalk, located on the old Caribbee/Ocean View property, just West of Blakey's Restaurant in Hastings.

There will be a small fee of Bds $50.00 to cover cost of one board. Artists can purchase one or more sheets of PVC board 4ft × 4ft on which to apply their artwork.

Basic terms and conditions will apply

The hanging space has been provided courtesy of the property owners.”

Pages that add arts events, talks, lectures, workshops, opening receptions, exhibitions, shows and more on a regular/daily basis.

Barbados Visual Arts Page (updated daily)

On Facebook

On Instagram @visualartsbarbadosevents

Museum Facebook Page. Ask to be on their email listing.

Barbados Photographic Society

Gine On Magazine

What's On In Barbados

Errol Barrow Centre page

Theatre Eyes

NCF page and

BUY LOCAL Buy Local. A Collection of Local Artists and Craftspersons to display their work Created by Lilias Gardner
all, please consider buying local and supporting small business. There are so many amazing, talented Bajans offering special goods and services. Something for everyone.”


To provide dynamic, creative leadership in bringing the visual arts to the people, in order to facilitate their discovery, understanding and enjoyment of the visual culture of Barbados and the wider Caribbean.


Paint & Groove Studio “Welcome to our studio�� Our studio offers: ��Paint & Groove lessons every Thursday ��Art Club on Wednesday and Thursday morning ��Kid’s Club on Tuesday afternoons ��And private lessons during the week or weekends Contact us at 262-5500 for more information PAINT & GROOVE WITH YASMIN VIZCARRONDO intandgroove

Paint & Groove workshops coming up.

New art activities for the end of March and April at P&G Studio, for details view flyers below. Easter Holiday Art Workshops and Art Club with Kelly and Paint for Paws with Yasmin, a charity to help the K9 Friends Barbados, to register for the charity session by WhatsApp 2625500.

The Easter Holiday is just around the corner.

Paint & Groove Studio has some creative workshops available for kids ages 6-12. See details below. Book a spot with this link: Book early as spaces are limited.

2 Day Workshop Offerings:

1. Gratitude Graffiti - March 27 & March 28 from 9am-12pm (Mon & Tues)

Draw, paint, collage in this colourful mixed-media, mindful workshop!

$120 BDS (includes materials)

2. Playful Paper Mache - April 3 & April 4 from 9am-12pm (Mon & Tues)

Use recycled materials to sculpt a paper mache 3D creature!

$120 BDS (includes materials)

3. Wacky Weaving - April 11 & April 14 from 9am-12pm (Tues & Fri)

Learn how to make a loom & explore paper and yarn weaving techniques!

$120 BDS (includes materials)

1 Day Workshop Offerings:

Dreamy Drawings - Monday, April 17 from 9am-12pm

Draw a fantasy creature in this abstract-dreamy drawing workshop!

$60 BDS (includes materials)

And here for the Kids' Art Club - Tuesday: We are now booking for the April- June Kids’ Art Club at Paint & Groove Studio! Every Tuesday is an art adventure. Please see the details below. Book a spot with this link:

Book early as spaces are limited.

Teacher: Kelly

About the Classes:

Kids' Art Club classes are explorative in nature and lean into children's natural curiosities. We will draw, paint, collage and explore a variety of materials and tools. Artists can expect to work on both individual and collaborative projects, creating unique & imaginative artworks. A showcase of the artists' work will be scheduled at the end of the 11 weeks to share our creative journey!


6-12 years . 11 classes, every Tuesday April 18 - June 27, 2023. 3:30-5:00pm. $410 (includes all materials)

Paint & Groove Studio, Maxwell Road, Christ Church

Please wear appropriate clothing - sometimes art is messy ��

Date for showcase to be confirmed

Looking forward to welcoming returning and new artists!

Imaginatively yours, Yasmin & Kelly


Artist Natasia Rollock at Artsplash in Hastings.

Barbadian scenes available at ‘Barbados On Canvas’

Saturdays and Sundays and Wednesdays, 8am-1pm

Covid protocols will be in effect.


Henderson Reece is well-known among art lovers for his fresh, vibrant and cheery batik creations and excels at capturing familiar local scenes and iconic elements in this globally treasured medium

He offers workshops for BB$400 for an entire day under his tutelage, which includes all materials and lunch. His protégés-for-aday leave with a batik of their own design which they can proudly mount and frame in their homes.

Thank to Ins and Outs


https://www.insandoutsb atik-studio

The Frame & Art Co

We're super pleased to announce that we have now started printing in house! We offer photo printing, canvas printing, fine art printing & much more. Send us your beautiful photos and we can print & frame all in one location. Remember we also offer custom framing for your art pieces. Contact us at 271-6509 or email us at #frameartco

Books: Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n - Nyam JamaicaCulinaria: The Caribbean e-books: Shake Dat Cocktail, Cocktails & Hors d'Oeuvres, Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n (4 vol), Nyam Jamaica (2 vol) (see website)

Gourmand World Cookbook Awards: Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n: Best Cookbook of the Year, Best Self-Published Book, Best Historical Recipes, Best Cookbook Design for Barbados (2014) 'Best Self-Published Book In The World' (2015) Nyam Jamaica: 'Best Design In The World' (20082009) - honoured 2015 at Frankfurt Book Fair for the 20 years of Gourmand World Cookbook Award - Best of the Best Design In The World (2015)

Caribbean Tourism Award (2009)

Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n This amazing book by Rosemary Parkinson is on island. Two hard cover coffee table books, with a sleeve that encloses both, 656 pages and 1400 plus photos filled with history, tradition, culture, stories and recipes from Barbados.


Barbados Bu'n-Bu'n, a collector's item, has won 4 awards for Barbados –Best Photography, Best Design, Best Historical Recipes, Best Self-published Book –then against 5 of the best books in the world WON Best Self-Published Book In The World and honoured at the Frankfurt Book Fair 2015 with Best of the Best In The World by the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2015.

Want to paint with Plein Air Barbados arts group? Send them a message to find out when their next outdoor session will be.

Please click on this Plein Air Barbados link to send them a message. m/Bajanartists/


Do you consider what you use and discard of regularly?

What are you doing on a daily basis to minimize your consumption of single-use plastics?

EARTHWORKS POTTERY (246) 425 0223 EarthworksPotteryBarbados worksPotteryBarbados/
BLACK ART STUDIOS Durants Village, Holder's Hill St. James

Specialising in art supplies for the professional to student level. Offering a wide range of products


Golden Paints and mediums, Gamblin, Cotman, Liquitex, Reeves, Galeria, Sargent. Plus a wide range of drawing and colouring equipment.

Prisma, Derwent, Reeves, Sargent, Charcoal and Pastels.

Easels, Canvases, Watercolour paper, Drawing and Pastel paper. Screen printing and lino block printing supplies.Fabric paint and dyes. Waxes, pottery tools, stencils and more.

Monday – Friday 8.30am – 5pm

Saturday 8.30am – 3pm. Sunday Closed.

Telephone/Fax (246) 436 2950

James Fort Building, Hincks Street, Bridgetown

Somewhere, amid the darkness, a painter measures a blank canvas, a poet tests a line aloud, a songwriter brings a melody into tune. Art inspires, provokes thought, reflects beauty and pain. I seek it out even more in these times. And in so doing, I find hope in the human spirit.”

Tides Gallery Tides Restaurant Balmore House, Holetown, St. James Tel : (246) 432-2084 Cell (246)230-1968 Email:


Our Mission

To fuel the development of culture through training, research and the creation of opportunities in cultural industries.

The Role of the NCF

The NCF’s two major roles are: developmental and commercial. In its developmental role, the Foundation uses culture as a tool for national development fostering and supporting the various art forms and new cultural products. In its commercial role, the Foundation is responsible for the promotion, production and hosting of cultural festivals and associated events that are considered economically viable or socially acceptable. A key part of this function now includes the responsibility for the staging and execution of major governmental and national events. In addition, as culture becomes more pivotal to national and international policy, the National Cultural Foundation continues to re-assess its responsibilities in light of all its functions.

FUNCTIONS of the NCF are:

To stimulate and facilitate the development of culture generally

To develop, maintain and manage theatres and other cultural facilities and equipment provided by Government

To organize cultural festivals

Assist persons interested in developing cultural expression.

OBJECTIVES of the NCF are:

To provide opportunities for Barbadian artists/artistes to showcase their talents with the end result being an increased demand for local work

To educate Barbadians concerning their heritage

To offer Barbadians and visitors alike a high quality product that informs, educates and entertains

To equip our cultural workforce with technological skills and training to excel in their particular art forms

To strengthen the local cultural product and in the process increase profits to the shareholders

To create high quality products that will be competitive on the local, regional and international markets

To maximize the role of the cultural sector in the tourism industry

Rodney Ifill, Cultural Officer Visual Arts 424-0909 ext.234 Annette Nias Cultural Officer - Film and Photography 424-0909 Ext 238

Deebles Point Art Gallery & Cafe.

Featuring artists Frank Cossey, Trudi Johnson, Hilary Armstrong, Clermont

Mapp, Nancy Cole-O'Geest, Keisha Hinds, Joshua Simpson, Claire EvansonCeppi, Keren Evanson.

Industry Hall. East Point, St Philip. Tel 423 7943

THE FRAME & ART COMPANY & GALLERY Millhouse, Canewood • St. Michael, BB 11005 • Phone (246) 271-6509 • Cell (246) 266-9432

Purple Palm is a local business supplying homes and businesses with the highest quality Print and Mirror furnishings. Using the artwork of many local artists in Barbados and the Caribbean plus work from around the world.

We have been supplying to the hotel and villa industry for ten years, including prestigious clients such as Sandy Lane, Coral Reef, The Crane Beach Resort, Sugar Cane Club and Sandridge among others. We have also supplied numerous private villas, and work closely with local interior designers.

Being directly affiliated with a 40,000 sq ft framing factory our prices are very competitive. Appointments to view our gallery at Rockley Resort can be made through Paul Hoad or Karen McGuire.


THE ARTSPLASH CENTRE Paint * Draw * Create & Have Fun!

GINE ON MAGAZINE·Gine On?! is the online magazine brainchild of cultural practitioners DJ Simmons & Empress Zingha published every other Thursday on The husband and wife duo developed the digital publication with artists, entrepreneurs, and all the persons who support them in mind. Too many times do we hear; “Where else does events like this happen?” “Where can I hear live music?” “Anything else going on other than fetes?” “I didn't even know that was happening”. This online, access anytime hub is here; so YOU can find your next favourite time!

We broadcast bare Bajan culture to thousands of users to any device connected to the world through the web portal Link with us for original video content highlighting various art personalities, new music, videos, blogs, podcasts, I mean a couple clicks opens a wealth of entertainment. We build an engaging experience for hundreds of our supporters on social media connecting the world to know wuh gine on with arts and culture right here at home. See you somewhere sometime soon...

Sign up to our mailing list to make sure you always in de know at:

Hosting or performing at a live entertainment event, or doing any activity progressing performing arts in the island? Forward us an email ( with more information so we can help push it for you. Let's help and support each other in the arts! Come and hear wuh Gine On!

Along with a constantly updated cool callendar of events, the site is basically set up in the categories Art, Crumbs & Rums, Follow Fashion, Community.

Under Arts we tell the stories of powerful cultural influencers through video Features. Highlight strong up and coming talent in Artist Peeps. Digest the experiences of stalwarts in the industry in Craftsmen Of Our Men. We link you directly to Bajans producing quality content all over the web through the page New Brand. And coming soon you will be able to attend online workshops and masterclasses in Arts Training.

Bajans love to eat and drink and through Crumbs & Rums we take you into the lives of our local farmers and vendors in Bridgetown Market. Share homegrown recipes and food & beverage blogs in Eat Bajan. Explore the diner things around here in Eating Out In Bim and link up with those street stalls who save our bellies in On De Side. Nuff content coming to fill these pages just now!

Culture is only as strong its Community. Connect with some of the most engaging Bajans through our Features. See and hear the experience patrons and performers had at events under So How It Was. Discover new places to lime and truly treasure Barbados in Part You Carring Me.

We are so fussy to announce Gine On TV. A variety of video specials with a Bajan flair. Be uniquely entertained by some of your favourite local personalities. Real Reactions, Ask Me Anything and Top Ten Talk already in production, with more right around the corner.

You know Bajans know how to take care of ourselves and in Follow Fashion Features we direct you to some the local designers in the industry. Get tips and tricks in trends, hair and body care through Looking Like A Bajan and receive online masterclasses in hair and make up through Fashion Training. This page will be filled with vibrant content very soon so make sure you subscribe for the updates. Of course our official Gine On merchandise is also available. Hats and mugs; with fitted tees and tote bags coming soon!

This site is building an archive documenting Barbadian culture to connect our passions and creativity. Make sure you hit that link to receive notifications when we post something good. Any questions, suggestions, queries or just want to send some love; contact us at Enjoy your space to be a Bajan online and make sure you check regularly because we will be pushing out consistent content for you to enjoy. Join our social media community over at @gineonmagazine on Instagram and Facebook. Love all de time. See you somewhere sometime soon


Theatre Eyes

Very up to date on both local theatre and overseas happenings. Link here

A monthly programme is produced of all lectures, music and theatre events . To receive it by email or post please email or tel 436 9083 or 84 FRANK COLLYMORE HALL AND GRAND SALLE

To boldly and brilliantly pursue the adventure in everything artistic and to be a vital and uncommon cultural force in Barbados.

Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination

Telephone: (246) 417-4776 | Fax: (246) 417-8903




FINE ART FRAMING LTD, Pelican Industrial Park, Bridgetown, Barbados - (246) 426-5325

FAST FRAME FACTORY, Dayrell’s Road, St Michael (246) 426 9994 shaka@fastframefactory.biZ


At the Best of Barbados Head Office, Welches Plantation, H’way 2A 573 6904


Millhouse, Canewood • St. Michael, BB 11005 • Phone (246) 271-6509 • Cell (246) 266-9432



James Fort Building, Hincks Street, Bridgetown, St. Michael. Tel: 436-2950Monday - Saturday

8.30am - 5.00pm (Easy access to parking by the old Heliport Pad)

LAURIE DASH, Bay Street, Bridgetown.

Published by Corrie Scott Barbados, West Indies

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