CELL PHONE Any cell phone brought to school must be left in the student’s locker, turned off, and at no time will it be allowed to be visible to students or teachers. Students are not to have cell phones in purses, pockets, notebooks, etc. during the school day. All phones should be placed in the locker prior to the start of the school day. Phones will remain in the locker until school is dismissed. If the student is involved in any after school activity, the phone will remain off and not visible. The Principal/ School Resource Officer will investigate stolen cell phones. Their security is the sole responsibility of the student. There will be random checks for cell phones at principal’s discretion. We respect the wishes of many parents who want their children to keep cell phones for communications after school hours. However, we ask parents to recognize that the school system must strictly prohibit cell phone use in order to operate our schools in an orderly way and to maintain the academic integrity of your child’s school. If you have any concern about your child’s ability to follow this policy, it is recommended that cell phones and electronic devices be left at home. However, if you choose to allow your child to have a cell phone, please stress that the phone must remain “off” and out of sight at all times. We will stress these rules to students at school. The school administration reserves the right to totally prohibit cell phone use in the event student usage is abused. Consequences: 1st Violation-Phone confiscated/ Saturday School. Parent/Guardian must pick up the phone at the end of the day from the office, and student will not be allowed to bring a cell phone to school for 10 school days. 2nd Violation-Phone confiscated. Parent/Guardian must pick up the phone at the end of the day from the office, and student will not be allowed to bring a cell phone to school for 10 school days. In addition, 3 day BAC. rd 3 Violation-Phone confiscated for the remainder of the school year and issued to Parent/Guardian on the last day of school. In addition, 2 Saturday Schools will be issued. Continued cell phone infractions move from a cell phone issue to an insubordination issue.