September Newsletter

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L E X I N G TO N M I D D L E The School Year is Off to a Great Start Dear Parents,

intersession. Letters will be mailed on Friday to students who We have truly had an exciting need to attend intersession to 2010-2011 school year, and it is gain basic skills necessary for hard to believe we are already winding down the 1st nine weeks! progression. Our teachers look forward to I look forward to continuing to meeting you on Monday, Sept. 20 build a positive relationship with at Parent Teacher Conference. each of you.Your child’s likeliness Teachers will be available from of reaching his or her fullest 1-7 pm Monday. Because you will potential partially relies on a receive individual student data, we strong student/parent/teacher encourage each of you to attend. relationship. If you have any In this newsletter, you will find questions concerning your child’s assessments or average after information concerning 2010 receiving his or her progress TCAP data, nine week report today, please contact the assessment dates, intersession, subject area teacher. Mrs. Deere and dates in which nine week is available if you have further assessments will be given as questions after speaking with the retests. Please review this teacher. We hope to see you information carefully. With new Monday! 2010 TCAP data recently released to school officials, we will have new criteria for


Shannon Taylor LMS Principal



2010 Individual TCAP Reports are HERE! The 2010 TCAP information for each student will be available at Parent Teacher conference on Monday, Sept. 20. Those who cannot attend, TCAP information will be available Tuesday, Sept. 21 Friday, Sept 24 during the following times: 11:00am to 1:00pm or 3:00pm to 4:30pm

Progress Reports, Nine Week Testing, & Report Cards Nine Week Testing will begin on Sept. 28 & will conclude Sept. 30. Sept. 28 - Reading/Language Arts Sept. 29 - Math/Science Sept. 30 - Social Studies Report cards from the 1st quarter will go home Oct. 26. Be on the lookout for Progress Reports. They are sent home every three weeks. After today the progress report will be sent home on Nov. 3.

MAP Testing MAP testing was a success. All students at LMS participated in taking the Reading, Language Arts, Math & Science MAP tests. These test will help to assess where student learning levels are and can help each teacher tailor instruction to each student’s level. The Science MAP test was new this year. The data collected from each test will be sent home with each student so that you are able to see progress made from the prior year.

Student Opportunities VFW Patriot's Pen Essay Contest for 6-8th graders Topic: Does Patriotism Still Matter? 300-400 typewritten words Deadline: Nov. 1, 2010 National Prizes include a 1st place $10,000 Savings Bond See Mrs. Deere for more information Prudential Spirit of Community Award for 5-12th graders who have completed a voluntary activity/community service since 9/1/09 State prize - $1,000 National prizes up to $5,000 + $5,000 grant to a charity of your choice Applications must be completed by Nov. 1, 2010 See Mrs. Deere to apply.


Students still needing assistance for clothing/school supplies/back pack program, contact Mrs. Deere at 968-8457 (426). We are in need of black or brown belts for our students. If you would like to donate belts, please send them to Mrs. Deere or contact her at 968-8457 (426)

LITERACY Accelerated Reader is off to a great start! We are so proud of the students that have met their goals and those who are continuously striving to meet them. Only three more weeks are left to read and test! Please be encouraged to read and AR test. The field trip to see the play, Fame, will take place on Thursday, October 21. Thank you for working so hard to achieve your goals!


Attendance Reminders Parent Portal is available to all parents to keep up with their student’s progress online.You can access Parent Portal from the LMS website under the Parents link. If you have any trouble accessing this site, please contact Lori Maness at 968-8457 ext. 411 or by email

Parent Teacher Conference LCSS will have parent teacher conference on Monday, September 20 from 1:00 until 7:00 p.m. Because your student has multiple teachers in which you might want to speak, we have not offered designated conference times for parents. The teachers will be available until 7:00p.m. In the past we have had our largest percentage of parents to visit between the hours of 5 and 7p.m and felt it necessary to communicate the possibility of a longer wait time between those hours. We look forward to seeing you!

9-WEEK TEST RETAKES Re-takes WILL NOT be the same as the original test…the covered material will be the same, but the questions and/or format of the test will be different. Students who wish to retake any nine weeks assessment should sign up with the subject area teacher prior to leaving for fall break. Re-takes will be given from 3:15 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. each afternoon. The schedule is as follows: • Monday, Oct. 18 – Reading/Language Arts • Tuesday, Oct. 19 – Math • Wednesday, Oct. 20 – Science • Thursday, Oct. 21 – Social Studies Parents should pick up their students at 4:15 p.m. at the cafeteria entrance on the south end of the building, closest to the National Guard Armory.

Intersession Lexington Middle School will be conducting our fall intersession on Monday through Thursday, Oct. 4-7, 2010. Students who fall into the following categories will need to attend intersession for remediation and skill development needed for grade level progression: • Scoring at the “basic” OR “below basic” level on the 2010 TCAP assessment in reading • Scoring at the “basic” OR “below basic” level on the 2010 TCAP assessment in math • incomplete or missing assignments • A nine weeks grade of below 70 (“I” for incomplete)in any subject • Attendance that has affected skill progression The new TCAP test results will identify students as being Advanced, Proficient, Basic, or Below Basic based on assessment scores. One of the biggest changes in the assessment process is the definition of “Proficient.” Previously, the term referred to students who were at least minimally prepared for the next level of study. Now, “Proficient” indicates a mastery of the tested material. The following are the formal definitions for the four assessment levels: Basic – Student who perform at this level demonstrate partial mastery in academic performance, thinking abilities, and application of understandings that reflect the knowledge and skills specified by the grade/course level content standards and are minimally prepared for the next level of study. Below Basic – Students who perform at this level have not demonstrated mastery in academic performance, thinking abilities, and application of understandings that reflect the knowledge and skills specified by the grade/course level content standards and are not prepared for the next level of study.

BBQ Plate Dinner $6.00 per plate Fundraiser for the Minutemen Robotics Team Please help support our first ever Robotics Team in funding our trip to the First LEGO League Competition in Cookeville, TN. •BBQ Sandwich •Side of Baked Beans or Slaw •Chips •Drink WHEN:

September 16, 2010

WHERE: Caywood Minutemen Stadium TIME:

4:30 - 6:00 pm

OTHER: BBQ provided by Scott’s BBQ, Roger Gilliam, and 412 Meat Market

Come and eat with us prior to the Homecoming Football Game at the Caywood Minutemen Football Stadium.

LMS Minutemen vs. Beaver Hornets Food - 4:30 - 6:15 pm Festivities: 6:15 - 6:45 pm Game time: 7:00 pm

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