Premiere issue
This issue of The Beacon published for Mom and Dad, Shirley & Robert M. “Pinky” Fortune
Volume 1, Number 1
Shining a Positive Light on Coshocton County
Many of Coshocton County’s antique quilts have come out of storage and are on display, some even in a big way! Coshocton’s Quilt Barn Trail has officially been unveiled with the installation of the first two squares that took place on April 17. Patterns developed from antique Coshocton quilts have been designed, transferred and painted onto 8’ x 8’ wooden squares. The
outside of Coshocton. A number of Coshocton residents attended the event, and anxiously watched as employees from Frontier Power installed the square. Helen and Dan Moody also brought along and displayed the original quilt from which the pattern was taken. The artists who painted the quilt square were also in attendance. It has
Helen and Dan Moody also brought along and displayed the original quilt from which the pattern was taken.
first three squares have been completed and more are in the development stages. All of the quilt barn patterns that will be used for Coshocton County’s trail will be based on antique Coshocton County family quilts. The first square, depicting a garden rose quilt pattern, was hung at the Clary Gardens barn on State Route 541 just
been estimated that each quilt square takes approximately 30 man hours to paint. “It was a very proud moment seeing the first square go up,” said Lisa Jane Martin, one of the artists who worked on the square. “I’ve enjoyed being part of the process. I’ve worked on these first three squares and I can’t wait to get started on the next
ones.” Coshocton artists who have volunteered their painting time so far have been have been: Donna Gleckler, Gina Rupe, Lisa Jane Martin, Esther Marie Versch, Shara Prindle, and Dorothy and Malcolm Shaw. Brad Sarchet’s Building Trades class at the Coshocton Career Center cut and primed the wood panels for the 8 x 8 foot squares, and Bill Edwards volunteered to put the squares together. Assisting from Frontier Power have been: Mark Fabian, Ken Hunter, Chad Schumaker, Josh Haumschild, Kyle Cramblett and Andrew Vickers. The process of hanging the squares will be different for each location depending on the type of barn and the setting. “The assistance from Frontier Power in installing these quilt squares is invaluable,” stated Anne Cornell, member of Coshocton’s Quilt Barn Trail committee. “We certainly would have a difficult time doing this project if they weren’t willing to volunteer their time to help us. This has definitely been a project with high community participation.” Martin says it’s rather a misconception that you have to be a skilled artist to work on painting the quilt barn squares. “Although you do need to be able to paint, anyone who wants to help can certainly do so,” continued Martin. Another quilt square with a chalice design was also installed by Frontier Power employees on April 17th on the barn owned David and Brenda Lozowski along State Route 643. A third square is completed and will be installed in May on the Scheetz barn also on State Route 643. “It’s so striking to see that chalice pattern on the barn when I drive by,” continued Cornell. “It’s such a statement about the historical significance of quilts and family history in our community.”
May 1 to May 14, 2008
About Our Logo
I thought our readers might want to know what our logo signifies. The outline of Coshocton County obviously identifies our home and is a constant reminder of whom we serve while the extended branches of the tree represent growth and reaching out to our neighbors and friends that reside outside our area. The sun shining brightly behind the tree keeps our mission of “Shining a Positive Light on Coshocton County” in full view at all times. The roots growing into Coshocton County remind us of how deeply we are planted in this community and provide us with a visual constant of why we exist – to serve the people of Coshocton County. The Coshocton County Beacon logo was designed by our graphics artist, Peggy Whited.
Next Issue of The Beacon Thursday May 15th Deadline: Wed., May 7th
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
May 1, 2008 y To The People of Coshocton Count is the beginning of n County Beacon! This papernde cto sho Co e Th of ue iss t firs the rful community to you It is my pleasure to welcome and friends and neighbors in this wo, tulips, the brilliant our h wit ip nsh atio rel l itfu fru what we hope will be a long currently blessed with the beauty of spring; flowering dogwoods with one of the that we call home. Our area is pear trees in full bloom. The past two weeks have provided us yellow forsythia, crabapple and recent memory serves. more memorable springtime’s that cton County during the past sho Co of nts ide res and s ner ow ss nt for the launching versations with busine and much positive reinforceme And in a similar vein, our conwit nt me age our enc us ndo me y by publishing tre h mu two weeks have provided us a new publication? The purpose of this paper is to serve the com rk nit play. It would and of this new publication. Why about the events that make our county a great place to live, woging and sometimes positive messages and photos not get enough of this type of message during these challendream of owning my stand to reason that you can n County Beacon came about as the fulfillment of a lifelong love and call home uncertain times. The Coshocto a dream while at the same time serving the community that you own business. If you can fulfill – that is a good thing. our anizations and businesses in wil org , ple peo l rfu nde wo ny ma l the , to provide the seasons change, our paper how e lik d An y. nit Our goal is really pretty simple mu com the to ge ead their messa and let us know area with another source to spr w what you think, keep us humble kno us let you t tha t ues req We w. continue to evolve and gro the community. we can best continue serving doing tomer service is a natural part ofoot cus at gre en wh t tha e iev bel hly. we good thing and of things falls into place fairly ,sm e sid ss ine They say that competition is a abo bus the n the y ll nit we ls mu ut the com while striving for excellence falt really ue, iss t firs r business, and you care deeplybe som Ou y. wa the ng alo ps rrr! No e bum Oh, we’re sure that there will six or nine months from now – when the snow starts flying again. Brr be to nt short of where we wa ht now following this past winter! something I want to think about rig od Fortune e Nancy and I started called GoAn wif my t tha y pan com the by d that is ed is publish ht on Coshocton County”. all Lig ve siti The Coshocton County Beacon of Po a ng ini “Sh is know n aco The Be glasses. We Advertising LLC. The slogan an that we are always looking at things through rose coloredand es hom ir the even our mission. This does not mehave seen people in our community lose their jobs, benefits ssages d goo e, hop of that the past couple of years of circumstances. We believe that our mission is to spread mefelt that the name was through an unfortunate series idents of Coshocton County in the pages of The Beacon. We our goal is to be an and encouragement to the res that mission. There is much more positive here than not, and be in the midst of a struggle. ght mi t appropriate as is our slogan for tha se tho lift lly efu hop and e oft reminder of the blessings we hav following a that privilege to our communityWe urn ret and – er pap ned ow are proud ally y loc published in September 1994.our office – in s wa We are Coshocton County’s onl ser pri ter En e Fre y unt Co n shocto from the walls of 15 year absence – the final Co can also feel the history ooze wn and ” gey Fo ld “O the of ps Coshocton. Please come pay tste foo nto ntre, dow Ce to follow in the ne Tow in eet Str in Ma 226 at Our nt me at: mark@coshoctoncounty the former Workman’s Restaura to ail em an d sen or 237 2-4 -62 740 at: d us a visit – you can call us atfee ate loc is and – rk ma the on is it website will evolve until we l advertisers that - and believing. Be sure to tell our g din rea for nks tha y, nit and make a mu en com w what you think. We will list to, So, to our family, friends and ethe kno us let all; of st mo but n aco Be you saw their message in Th Be acon with your suggestions. e Th ve pro im to ort sincere eff Respectfully,
Mark D. Fortune Owner and Publisher • Classified Hotline 622-4237
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
ANTIQUE QUILTS continued from page 1
Quilt Documentation A number of historic quilts were documented at Coshocton’s Quilt Documentation Day on April 19 and new quilt barn trail patterns will be designed from many of those antique quilts. Theresa Scheetz, a local quilt expert and pattern designer, is designing the Quilt Barn Trail patterns from these historic family quilts. “We were so pleased that we had 90 quilts documented that day,” explained Cornell. “The response was so great that we will would like to plan to host another documentation day at a later date.” Coshocton’s Quilt Barn Trail and the Mark & Nancy Fortune Antique Quilt Documentation Day of were both projects that came out of the GOOD FORTUNE Coshocton Arts and Cultural Alliance, a ADVERTISING LLC group dedicated toward increasing the awareness and economic impact of the on the premiere issue of The Coshocton County Beacon! Arts in the community. The Quilt Barn Trail is designed to spur tourism in the rural areas of Coshocton County. For more information on Coshocton’s Quilt Barn project, visit www. Monetary donations
for Coshocton’s Quilt Barn Trail can be made to the Quilt Barn Project, c/o The Pomerene Center for the Arts. Call for more information or to volunteer to t 740622-0326.
Best wishes, the girl’s at Sue’s Hallmark
ANNOUNCING THE ARRIVAL OF CHILDCARE CENTRAL, LLC Childcare Central, LLC is now open and operating. Hours are from 6am to 6pm, Monday thru Friday.
Serving children 6 weeks to 12 years of age, we currently have a limited number of openings for childcare so don’t delay getting on board. • Sign up now for fall preschool. • Children who will be 3, 4, or 5 years old by September 30 may enroll now. • Preschool teachers are Tana West and Debra Wesney with a combined 40 years experience helping children learn and prepare for kindergarten. Please join us for a learning adventure in our new location at 619 Main Street. The pretty little yellow childcare center located between Serenity Tea House and the old YWCA. We invite you to call 623-0443 or stop in to see
Many of these antique quilts will be on display at the Pomerene Center for the Arts during the Dogwood Festival, May 3– 10. For more information visit or call (740) 6220326. Additional antique quilts will be on display during the Coshocton Canal Quilters Annual Quilt Show at the Civic Hall on May 2 from noon – 8 p.m., and May 3 & 4 from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. The Canal Quilters are also featuring Mary Louise Newell in a One Woman Quilt Show and two workshops with guest speaker, Judith Baker Montano. For more information call 740-824-4632or visit www.
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CCB-0013-050108 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008
Community Happenings
Safety Saturday will be held May 3, 2008 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Himebaugh Lot on S. Seventh Street, Coshocton sponsored by the St. John’s United Church of Christ. This event will include clowns, petting zoo by Millfork Valley 4H Club, balloons, tours of Coshocton Fire Dept., visits from Coshocton County Sheriff bicycle, motorcycle and canine officers, Auer Ace Hardware bicycle safety checks (kids bring you bikes), face painting, State Highway Patrol Stranger Danger, AEP Conesville Louie the Lightning Bug electrical safety, popcorn, Emergency Squad, Rube band and free food at Noon.
Bake Sale/Yard Sale – The Village of Conesville will be holding their annual Yard Sale, on Saturday, May 17 from 8 AM until 3 PM. The Conesville United Methodist Church will be having a bake sale throughout the day, as well as a breakfast from 7 AM until Noon. The Conesville Wesylan Church will also be having a bake sale throughout the day.
Coshocton Christian School 8th Annual Classic 100 Golf Marathon to be held Tuesday, May 13th 2008 at Hilltop Golf Course with Tee-off at 7:30 a.m. Prizes include: Most money raised: Grand Prize; Most money raised 1st Runner-up: 1st prize; Most money raised 2nd Runner-up: 2nd Prize; Most money raised 3rd Runner-up: 3rd Prize. Prizes will also be awarded for: Longest drive, Closest to the pin, Hole in One, Most Holes Finished under Par, Most Holes Golfed and First One Done (Must have played 100 holes). Golf marathon highlights include: 100 holes of golf in 1day! Free Breakfast and Lunch, Snacks and Drinks brought to you throughout the day; you have your own golf cart. For more information contact Coshocton Christian School, 23891 Airport Road, Coshocton, 740-622-5052 or email ccsadminoffice@gmail.
Fundraisers/Golf Hilltop Golf Course 1st Annual Leanne Marie Hittle Memorial Tournament held Saturday, May 10th 2008 with a shotgun start at 10:00 a.m. This is a 4-man scramble with a limit of 22 teams. Entry fee per person is $20.00 for members with cart and $29.00 for members without cart and non-members is $40.00. Top 3 places will win prizes (based on the number of teams). Prizes on every hole and Hole in 1 wins a New Car! (Sponsored by DeCosky Dealerships). All proceeds benefit the Leanne Marie Hittle Memorial Scholarship Fund. There will be a steak dinner at the end with 50/50, raffles and skin pot optional. Deadline for entry is Saturday, May 3rd, 2008. For questions contact Chad Gress at 740-294-8363 and make checks payable to Jeff Gress, 3984 CR 271, Coshocton, Ohio 43812.
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The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
Community Happenings com.
Food 2008 Cooking Class Schedule - America’s Harvest Bulk Foods is pleased to announce their 2008 Cooking Class Schedule. Our classes feature Culinary Chef Rashelle Cutshall of ‘Nature’s Gourment’ and Pastry Chef Amy Taylor of ‘la petite chef’. These young ladies demonstrate recipes using helpful techniques and fun, exciting new ways to turn wholesome fresh food into gourmet dishes. April 29th – 6 pm “In Season” This class will feature the use of in-season produce and the benefit of using locally grown. June 5th – 6 pm “Market Fresh” This calss will feature the best of what summer has to offer such as strawberries, sugar-snaps, eggs and more! August 5th – 6 pm “Height of the Season” This class will feature our favorites from the height of the growing season such as corn, squash, etc. October 2nd – 6 pm “Preserve and Store” This class will feature some delicious ways to preserve and store some late season garden varieties. November 15th – All Day – Our Holiday Open House – Come in and visit with our staff and both chefs. We will feature food samples, mini-classes for adults as well as children, and product specials from 9am-4pm. More info on our Open House will be announced later. Class sizes are limited to 50. Cost is $8.00 per person. Sign up now for any class listed. Call 622-2855 to reserve your space or email Open House Clary Gardens invites you to their Open House and Spring Bulb Celebration from April 19th through May 10th located at 588 West Chestnut St., Coshocton. Weekends there will be guided tours available on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Sundays from 12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Weekdays guided tours by appointment. Last fall, volunteers planted nearly 3,000 tulips! These tulips will be blooming throughout April and early May. The Double Early tulips will be blooming soon, followed by Darwin, Emperor, Triumph, Lily-Flowering and Single Late. Thousands of daffodils were planted in 2004 and are now naturalized throughout the garden. Clary Gardens is free and open to the public.
Library Events Dogwood Days will be celebrated at the Coshocton Public Library with a program for children of all ages. On Tuesday, May 6, from 4:00 - 5:00, children and their families are invited to “Tickle Your Fancy: stories and songs to play, sing, and dance.” Come enjoy this opportunity for creative and interactive fun with the family, and join the community in celebrating the return of spring and Dogwood Days. Call 740-622-0956 to sign-up Coshocton Public Library Adults – Thursday, May 8th – Mouserobics, 10am-12pm Friday, May 9th - Mouserobics, 10am-12pm Monday, May 12th – Coffee Club, 10am-12pm Thursday, May 15th – Introduction to computers, 10am-12pm Friday, May 16th - Introduction to computers, 10am-12pm Wednesday, May 21st – Books Galore Book Store, 10am-1pm hMonday, May 26th – Closed, Memorial Day Coshocton Public Library Teens – Tuesday, May 6th – Teen Writers Club, 4pm-5pm Wednesday, May 7th – Teens: Plugged and Unplugged 2pm-5pm Wednesday, May 7th – Teens: Animanga Club Meeting Wednesday, May 14th Teens: Plugged and Unplugged 2pm-5pm Tuesday, May 20th - Teen Writers Club, 4pm-5pm Wednesday, May 21st Teens: Plugged and Unplugged 2pm-5pm Monday, May 26th – Closed, Memorial Day Wednesday, May 28th Teens: Plugged and Unplugged 2pm-5pm West Lafayette Branch Library – Friday, May 2nd – WL Branch Annual Book Sale, 10am-5pm Saturday, May 3rd – WL Branch Annual Book Sale Monday, May 19th – Lecture and Tour Series – Matchett’s Greenhouse Wednesday, May 21st – Coffee Chat for Adults, 8:30am-10am Thursday, May 22nd – Teen Movie Night, 5pm-7:30pm Monday, May 26th – Closed, Memorial Day
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By Jan Myers
All women are invited to attend the No Ordinary Walk for No Ordinary Women (N.O.W.) on Saturday, May 10 in Roscoe Village. Mikki Nichols, manager at Timbuktu in Roscoe Village, is organizing this first walk and hopes it will become an annual event. The walk will begin t 9:00 a.m. at the stage in Roscoe. The walkers will each get a balloon at the first tunnel on the towpath and then will have a chance to release that balloon on the bridge. “As we let our balloons go we can make a commitment to whatever it is we want to do for ourselves such as quit smoking or loose weight,” explained Nichols. “Women typically give more than what we get and we tend to get involved in many other causes for other people and forget about ourselves. This is a chance for us to live in the now and do something for us.” Nichols says there will also be several booths set up on the Village street such as an antique dealer, jewelry designers, organic baby goods, hand-made wedding stationary, golf tips from Hilltop Golf Course, chocolate-dipped fruit and wine from The Warehouse Restaurant, and a fresh flower cart with last minute bouquets for mom. “There will be a photographer set up in the gazebo taking photos – so you can dress up and have photos taken with your friends or mother-daughter photos,” continued Nichols. “Miss Jennifer’s Elite Dance Force will be the entertainment and skin care classes will also be offered (by appointment) at Jillian’s Salon.” Special sales will also be taking place throughout the Village on May 10 as part of the N.O.W. festivities. Contact Mikki Nichols at Timbuktu for more information at (740) 291-8000. • Classified Hotline 622-4237
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008
Local man’s alter ego brings historic flair to Coshocton by Ginger Reiss Most folks around these parts know him as Jack time he wore it during the 1973 Canal Days festivities. Baumgardner’s repertoire has evolved to include Baumgardner, but local festival patrons and children Baumgardner added a bedroll and put a pot on his two other historical presentations that he offers to also know him as John Chapman… a.k.a. Johnny head for a hat. The pot, Baumgardner explained, was students and other groups. One is entitled Incredible Appleseed. Appleseed’s cooking and eating container when he was Maize and is the story of how the cultivation and use of Yes, he was a real historic figure and yes, he was a traveling. Reports were that Appleseed’s primary meal corn grew in early-American mid-Western pioneer life. bit… well, let’s say eccentric. Chapman actually hailed – when he wasn’t invited to the table of the frontier The other is a historical look at the Delaware Indians from New England, though most of his life was spent families he visited - was cornmeal mush. who inhabited the same areas that Appleseed traveled. traveling the rural country of Pennsylvania, Ohio and Not too much has changed in the way of his costume Baumgardner, a lifetime resident of Coshocton Indiana. Legend says he never married or had a family. and story, except for the fact that Baumgardner’s fame has also been very active in Kiwanis, serving once as He never had a real job, either. Some might say he has spread far beyond Coshocton county. “I’ve been Lieutenant Governor of the civic club. Up until very never amounted to much during his 71 years, but we all over the state, and even into West Virginia and recently, Baumgardner also served as a city councilman have him to thank for all the apples, right? Indiana,” he says. “I’ve been paid as much as $150 for member-at-large. “I’ve always loved to stay involved Though Appleseed never owned a home, some a performance and as little as a meal.” Baumgardner in the community that I love.” When he’s not playing accounts say he owned over 800 acres of choice says his primary purpose in giving the performances is Johnny Appleseed, Baumgardner enjoys fishing, adding Midwest land, financed or willed to him by one or more to bring history alive, especially to children, who are to his collection of plates, and, of course, staying acquaintances. He spent his life walking the creek his favorite audience. involved with local politics. banks, forests and pastures of the Midwest, a common visitor to many pioneer families, bringing apples harvested from trees he had planted from seed on prior visits. He traded what he could – usually apples or seeds - for food and lodging, but was just as happy sleeping under the stars on his bedroll, which he carried everywhere with him. “Pioneer life was hard and often lonely,” Baumgardner said. “These folks didn’t have too many visitors and were happy to have Johnny visit and bring them news of frontier happenings.” Baumgardner – also a living history tour guide at Roscoe Village for 18 years - is an expert on Johnny Appleseed. When asked why he wanted to bring Appleseed – the folk legend – into life in Coshocton, Baumgardner explained how it all started thirty-five years ago. Baumgarder, then a member of the Roscoe Village Singers, was looking for a way to become more involved in the festival and to bring in more historic folklore to the ensemble’s Canal Days show. Baumgardner knew the Johnny Appleseed legend, but decided to visit the library to see if he could find an illustration of what the folk hero might have looked like. The endeavor proved successful, and Baumgardner made his first costume out of an old burlap potato sack, with head and arm holes cut out of it. “I’ve always been thin anyway, so I just tied an old rope around my waist and underneath, Jack Baumgardner is pictured dressed in his full ‘Johnny Appleseed” garb. Editor’s note: Baumgardner was recently I wore an old pair of pants that I cut the hems off of, honored with the 2008 Coshoctonian Award at the 26th annual Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce dinner. (See “he said, recalling how itchy the costume was the first photo on page 19) We assigned this story as a “Getting’ to Know” feature column three weeks ago. Beacon photo by Mark Fortune
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008
America’s Favorite Mom Bouquet by Teleflora
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Nurse’s Day ~ May 6th • Angels • Precious Moments • Flowers
Memorial Day ~ May 30th Cemetary Saddles Cones • Memory Stones Cards • Musical Cards Fresh Arrangements • Hanging Baskets Balloon Bouquets • Spring Wreaths Store Hours: M-F 9:30 - 5:30 • S 9:30 - 5:00
422 Main Street, Coshocton 740-622-9661
Coshocton’s First Friday Celebrations Return for the Season COSHOCTON, OH – Coshocton’s First Friday Celebration kicks off once again for the season on Friday, May 2, from 5 to 8 p.m. the festivities will run in conjunction with the Annual Dogwood Festival which also begins on May 2. First Fridays is a free event that will take place on Coshocton’s historic Main Street from 2nd Street to 7th Street, and offers activities for all ages including musical entertainment, free kids’ activities, an art show and sale, food vendors, and a poker walk. For more information about First Fridays, call (740) 622-5411. First Friday Schedule for Friday, May 2, 5 pm – 8 pm • Family Activities include Kids’ Zone hosted by The Pomerene Center for the Arts. The Kids Zone will be set up on the Courtsquare. • The Maria Hay Forbes Center will hold an open house and tours of the building, an art show, a sidewalk chalk
contest, refreshments and a live radio remote from 92.7 The River. • Sidewalk artists will be set up along the street in front of the Blue Bean Artist Gallery, Glitter the Clown will be at Wilson Carpet and Furniture, free popcorn and balloons at Century 21 and there will be a giant gumball machine at Sue’s Hallmark. • To play in the Poker Walk, pick up your free program at the Chamber of Commerce table located at 401 Main Street or at participating businesses. The best hand of the evening wins gifts and Coshocton County Bucks. • Arts and Entertainment will be featured throughout the First Friday Celebration. Several area artists will display and sell their original art along the Courtsquare and the Taiko Drummers will perform at 6 p.m. in the Courtsquare Gazebo sending clear messages up and down the street from these dynamic Japanese drums. • Open Mic Night will be held at Fret’s Coffee House on Main Street. • Food vendors will round out the evening. Food vendors will be set up along Main Street. Near Triplitt’s Warehouse you’ll find Peggy Sue’s Ribs
& Pies, grilled specialties from CCMH, more musical entertainment by the group ‘Left of Center’ playing from 4-8 pm, and additional kids’ games. • Special sales will be going on throughout the Main Street shops including at The Coshocton Antique Mall and at Carton’s Shoes. And Dean’s Jewelry will be doing a Pandora Trunk Show. Also going on during the Dogwood Festival on the evening of May 2: • The Christmas Memories Quilt Show will be held at the Towne Center Civic Hall on Main Street. Over 100 quilts will be on display at the Coshocton Canal Quilters Annual Show ($3 admission) • Dearly Beloved production will be opening at the Triple Locks Theater in Roscoe Village. The comedy is presented by the Coshocton Footlight Players beginning at 8 pm, ($10adults /$5 students). Call (740) 622-2959 for reservations. For more information about the First Fridays Celebrations, contact the Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce at 740-622-5411.
10 Things to Do in our community during May! May 2 First Friday – Downtown Coshocton, 5-8 pm, Free, contact Coshocton Chamber of Commerce, 740622-5411
May 2, 3 & 4 Christmas Memories, Coshocton Canal Quilters Annual Quilt Show – Towne Centre Civic Hall, Admission: $3.00
May 2 & 3 Community Yellow Flag Yard Sales, West Lafayette, contact 740-545-9370
May 3 Crazy Quilt History Lecture
– Judith Baker Montano, Roscoe United Methodist Church, 10 am, contact 740824-4632
May 4 Community Band Concert,
Lake Park Pavilion, 2 pm, Free
May 5-9
Concerts & Box Lunches
on the Courtsquare, Noon, Concerts are free, Box lunches $6, contact Pomerene Center at 740-622-0326
May 10-August 3
“Weaving Traditions”, Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum, contact 740-622-8510
May 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 & 17 “Dearly Beloved”, Footlight Players at Triple Locks Theater, $10/$5 for students, for reservations, 740-622-2959
May 23 & 24
Coshocton Community Rib Fest sponsored by Shiloh Baptist Church, Noon-8pm, Himebaugh Lot-S. 7th Street, contact 614-937-3864
May 24 Monticello III Canal Boat begins its season and the Lake Park Aquatic Center opens, contact 740-6227528
Mothers Day ~ May 11th • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
Special Exhibit of American Indian Weavings at the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum About twenty contemporary works will also be exhibited. These works merely nod to the traditional pieces as they dance to new rhythms arising out of a different place and time. They do not have the gravitas of the traditional pieces, but they strut freedom, space, boldness and joy. Each of the seven featured artists will offer a unique interpretation of weaving. Artist Judy Dominic of Harrison, Ohio, creates sculpture from found materials—vines, limbs, and litter. Her pieces, which incorporate space in their design, tend to have minimal contact with the supporting surface. Some of her work suggests the lightness and mobility of a seed pod. In contrast, Gerry Fogarty’s art evokes tribal ceremony and protection. A mixed-media hanging entitled Necklace assimilates African textile motifs with the American Plains Indian breastplate form. Part of Fogarty’s Shield Series, this seven-foot high hanging juxtaposes beauty and menace. Other works by Fogarty, a Yellow Springs resident, will include Shields I, a mixed media quilt, and Quivers, a hanging sculpture. The exhibit will also feature tapestries by Katherine Uetz (Cincinnati) and Mary Zicafoose (Nebraska), fiber baskets by Phyllis Walla-Catania (Delaware) functional weavings by Deborah Yorde (Mt. Vernon). The Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum has five galleries. Three display permanent exhibits: Historic Ohio, American Indian and Asian. The Golden Gallery currently features a cookie jar collection and furnishings from the Victorian era. The Ohio Arts Council helps fund this organization with state tax dollars to encourage economic
growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans.
The Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum will present the special exhibit Weaving Traditions on May 10 through August 3, 2008. The framework for the show is derived from the museum’s American Indian collection. An array of 19thcentury Navajo blankets and basketry from Western tribes will be displayed. Complementing these historic pieces will be contemporary works that are either woven or incorporate weaving in their design. They include sculpture, hangings and functional fiber art and craft such as table runners and rugs. Weaving Traditions is sponsored by the Mary Taylor Family Fund. The American Indian works set the historical foundation for the show. Their presence—muscular, graceful and venerable—will ground viewers. The baskets draw one into an ancient place where a woman could express beauty and identity using fibers such as sumac, grass, willow and devil’s claw. Viewers will find that their designs, drawn from nature, appeal to our modern taste for simplicity and abstraction. Archaeologists have determined that the making of baskets predated even the use of pottery. They were made for such diverse purposes as carrying (anything from water to infants), cooking, storing, winnowing and wearing. What began as a necessity evolved into a work of art, which by the turn of the 20th century, was being exported all over the world. The Navajo blanket, like its basket counterpart, became the desire and envy of worldwide collectors by the 19th century. Navajo probably learned to weave from the Pueblo Indians who had been weaving cotton since about 800 AD.
“Where life is more about living!” Providing
Transportation is available for seniors to meals
and activities at the Center and weekly grocery shopping. Call for details. Medical Billing Assistance is available at no charge at the Center. Appointments must be made in advance by calling the Center. Lifeline Serves Safety monitoring system to notify emergency services in case of a fall or other emergency.
Pick 3 or More!
Mix or Match!
224 East Canal St. 604 South Second St. YOU GOT 30 MINUTES™ Newcomerstown Coshocton Because safety is a priority, “You Got 30 Minutes™” ®
is not a guarantee, just an estimate. You may get more.
Exercise We offer range of motion classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Arthritis Aquatic Exercise Specially designed exercises in a heated pool can help improve flexibility. Classes are scheduled on Tuesdays and Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Line Dancing Classes Safe, fun, aerobic dance instruction for seniors, intermediate classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m.
Coshocton County Senior Center 201 Brown’s Lane, Coshocton
Office hours are Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
T.J. JUSTICE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, COSHOCTON PORT AUTHORITY I am delighted to provide an economic development report for the first edition of The Coshocton County Beacon. This is an exciting time for Coshocton County with Altra Biofuels beginning production at the Coshocton Ethanol plant in Franklin Township. Production began about a month ago and has been running at about 75% capacity but has already operated at 100% capacity during its
T.J. Justice Executive director, coshocton port authority
launch. I have been on site twice since production began and it is quite an operation to see corn coming in by the truckload with carriers lined up waiting to be filled up with ethanol to head out. I’m also pleased to report that more than 90% of its employees have been hired locally and are meeting the company’s needs. I’m also pleased to report that a small distribution company from Newcomerstown has relocated to the West Lafayette area. Biolet distributes imported household products through out the country and is excited to be located in Coshocton County. Biolet is co-existing with Waste Parchment near the intersection of U.S. 36 and Ohio 93 in Lafayette Township. Waste Parchment is a company that maintains its primary operations in Millersburg but used proceeds from the port authority’s local revolving loan fund to build a warehouse facility near West Lafayette which is now being shared by Biolet. This is the beauty of the revolving loan fund where we sometimes see unanticipated benefits from local investments. The port authority continues to promote a 200+ acre site
owned by the Shurtz family along Johnson Road in West Lafayette and Lafayette Township. A variance has been obtained allowing for access to be gained from Coshocton County Road 16 to the site. A cost estimate has been obtained from the Coshocton County Engineer’s Office but funding is not imminent with a “bird in hand.” The port and the Ohio Department of Development views this as an ideal site in Eastern Ohio due to its flatness, infrastructure already in place, and proximity to I-77/U.S. 36. Other properties continue to be promoted and explored including the former General Electric industrial site on South Second Street in Coshocton. I hope to put the perceptions and realities to rest with a third party feasibility study to be conducted by an environmental consultant this summer or fall. I’m presently raising funds to conduct the $20,000 study to advise the port on which parcels of the property have been satisfactorily remediated and ready for reindustrialization. A goal of the port’s is to acquire portions of the site for development. The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency agrees with this strategy and has approved a Request For Proposals to conduct the study pending the arrangement of financing which is in process. Amidst these activities, the port authority has graduated to a point where it is aggressively marketing Coshocton County. The port authority now has a presence on a national site locators website located at under its “hot spot” links. My staff is also making follow-up calls, along with the Knox County Area Development Foundation, to more than 350 food processing and beverage companies which received three different “need water?” marketing pieces. This is an ongoing and ever changing effort to attract new jobs to our community while maintaining the ones we already have. I hope you thank those employers who are here and help me to look polished when potential investors visit our community. Speak highly of our community when approached by a stranger - it may, and could always be, someone thinking about bringing a business here. I encourage you to visit our always changing website which promotes Coshocton County to the rest of the world visiting us online - the address is www. I welcome your feedback and comments.
Senior Day May 20th
In recognition of Senior Citizen’s Month and National Community Action Month, Kno-Ho-Co-Ashland Community Action Commission’s Coshocton Senior Center, located at 201 Brown’s Lane, invites area seniors to join us for a free dinner on May 20th. The festivities begin at 10:30 a.m. with a dove release, Celeste Friedman will entertain from 11:00 a.m. – Noon, and Dan Barnes will perform from Noon until 1:00 when we will then have door prizes. Reservations are required and will be accepted beginning May 1st with a capacity of 220. Please call 6224852 to make your reservation. We hope you will join us for a fun filled day and learn more about the services provided at your local Senior Center!
Coshocton County Memorial Hospital Believes in Giving Back to Community Beacon article by Mark Fortune Those in attendance at the annual meeting of the Coshocton County Memorial Hospital heard Mr. Greg Nowak, Administrator and CEO, present facts and figures from the year 2007. And while the numbers represented the current story of our community at large, his comments also provided a glimpse into the more human side of the hospital story. As Mr. Nowak stated, “We are here to serve the Coshocton County community”, and serve they do. Some examples of that giving include; Charity care of over $1.3 million in 2007, almost $5 million in uncompensated care, and service to the community at just over $1 million dollars and significant losses in Medicare and Medicaid. Although the hospital recorded a loss in 2007 of a little over $800,000, in total the hospital gave back to our community over $15 million in services and contributions. Mr. Nowak stated that the Medicare and Medicaid losses are common among hospitals in the country today. More challenging to our local hospital is physician recruitment and staffing, due to our rural setting. This is also a trend that less than 100 bed hospitals are experiencing around the nation due to insurance and doctors that want to establish an office-
only practice. The hospital is the county’s largest employer, with 561 employees currently on staff. In 2007, CCMH performed over 2200 surgeries with 2600 admissions. Medical Services of Coshocton, a sister company of the hospital, employs 75 and experienced 8,500 Urgent Care visits in 2007. Medical Services of Coshocton was originally started to recruit physicians because, at the time, hospitals were not allowed to directly recruit physicians. One of the more significant events to occur at the hospital occurred in late 2007 when the hospital signed with Radiology Associates of Southeast Ohio. This large group also serves Genesis Health Systems in Zanesville and Southeastern Regional Medical Center in Cambridge. This group of 8 radiologists has brought fresh ideas and innovative services to our local hospital. This year, watch for more private rooms as well as improvements at the Extended Care Facility. Mr. Nowak also stated that it is the “employees and our many volunteer organizations that keep the hospital vibrant and provide donations that allow for the purchase of needed technology. It is this innovation
that we are known for at our hospital”. One of the many critical need items purchased in 2007 was a defibrillator unit for the Operating Room that a gift of $5,000 came from the Heart of Gold organization. The Pink Ladies provided gifts to the hospital in the amount of $18,500 and they are 50 active members strong and worked 9,370 hours in 2007. Other volunteer groups include T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More) and Teen. The Board of Trustees and the Development Council members are also volunteers. Our Opinion Our area is blessed to have a hospital of this caliber with a dedicated staff of volunteers, paid staff, administrators, physicians and nurses. The addition of innovative technology that allows a patient to travel locally versus going to Zanesville or Columbus with the current price of gasoline is something not to take for granted. • Classified Hotline 622-4237
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008
Please Display This Poster In Your Window on May 1st in Observance of May Day For Relay!
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
Please Display This Poster In Your Window on May 1st in Observance of May Day For Relay! • Classified Hotline 622-4237
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008
Please Display This Poster In Your Window on May 1st in Observance of May Day For Relay!
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
Please Display This Poster In Your Window on May 1st in Observance of May Day For Relay!
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
Grandma Doughty’s Orange Cookies
Frosting1/4 cup butter 1T. orange juice 2 cups powdered sugar 1 tsp. vanilla Beat well .
1/2 cup crisco 1 cup sugar 2 eggs 1/2 cup orange juice 1 1/2 tsp.baking powder 1/2 tsp,salt 1 T. orange rind grated 2 1/2 cups flour Cream crisco,sugar,and eggs. Add orange juice and dry ingredients. Drop on greased cookie sheet. Bake 350 degrees for 12 minutes. Frost cookies with butter frosting
Editor’s Note: This recipe was (and still is!) a favorite of mine. My Grandma Bernice Doughty made these cookies often and passed the recipe on to family members. The orange rind really makes this cookie special! This recipe was contributed by my Aunt Janet (Paul) Doughty. Readers may contribute their favorite recipe to The Beacon by dropping it at our office – 226 Main Street in Coshocton – faxing to 740-623-9937 or via email to: news@ Please be sure to include your name and contact information in case we have questions. Thank you!
Senior May 5th - May 16th
Monday • May 12 - Salisbury Steak, Hashbrown, Brussels Sprouts, Orange, Roll, Milk Tuesday • May 13 - Pork Cutlet, Redskin Potatoes, Broccoli, Pineapple Juice, Biscuit, Milk Wednesday • May 14 - Chicken Breast Patty, 3-Bean Bake, Mashed Potatoes, Fruit Cobbler, Wheat Bread, Milk Thursday • May 15 - Spaghetti w/Meat Sauce, Garden Salad, Applesauce, Italian Bread, Milk Friday • May 16 *Ham & Navy Beans, Pickled Beets, Pineapple/Cottage Kno-Ho-Co-Ashland Cheese, Cornbread, Community Action Commission Milk 201 Brown’s Lane, Coshocton
Monday • May 5 Turkey/Stuffing, Sweet Potatoes, Hot Apples, Fruit Juice, Bread, Milk Tuesday • May 6 - Pork Chop, Mashed Potatoes, Mixed Vegetables, Fruit, Biscuit, Milk Wednesday • May 7 - Cheeseburger on Bun, Baked Potato, Winter Blend Veggies, Peaches, Milk Thursday • May 8 - BBQ Chicken, Au gratin Potatoes, Carrots, Tropical Fruit, Muffin, Milk Friday • May 9 - Chef Salad, Juice, Crackers, Muffin, Milk *A lower concentrated sweet or lower sodium meal is available upon request.
All seniors are welcome: bring a friend! Call for more information: 622-4852
Shannon Williamson of Coshocton Job and Family Services provides a helping hand to Alexis Fisher, age 5, of Coshocton at the Triple R Riding Stables pony ride during family fun day. Family fun day has become an annual event sponsored by Coshocton Job and Family Services to observe child abuse month (April) and provide a family oriented fun spring event for our community. Several hundred people attended the event, held on Saturday, April 26 at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds. Beacon photo by Mark Fortune.
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Our approach to total body wellness will keep you active and energized. Don’t let fatigue or pain keep you from enjoying the activities you love. Chiropractic adjustments can bring your body back to its natural state of alignment, improving your body’s balance, Performance and Energy—at work and at play.
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
Olsen to Appear in Concert Appearing in concert at The Presbyterian Church
All Things Are Possible By Pastor Andy Loos - Liberty Church What do I do now? I have exhausted every option. Stress, overwhelming and tension has become my houseguest. I am standing at the crossroad forced to travel a path less than desirable. Have you ever felt like life itself has turned against you, and hope is a distant memory? Have you ever faced an impossible situation? Maybe you have lost your job and are facing financial difficulty. Maybe the doctor told you or someone you love, that disease has attacked your body and there is nothing medicine can do for you. You might have a child or spouse that is making horrific choices and you feel like a bystander watching your family unravel and fall to pieces. Life is full of hills and valleys. Sometimes you are on top of the world and life couldn’t be better. Other times you are at your lowest state and feel like crawling in a hole and rotting away. The truth is that the place you find yourself, right now, is subject to change. It is only temporary. I want to remind you that you are not alone. You are not the first to have these feelings that you are having or the thoughts that are bombarding your mind. Throughout history we read about men, women, and
children who face life altering situations and mind boggling decisions, and come out of their valley victorious. In fact those that have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior have promised victory in every situation. Remember that you are not alone. Even in the darkest valley of life, you can stand in confidence knowing that Jehovah God will never leave you nor forsake you. Psalms 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. Liberty Church 313 Main St. Coshocton, OH 43812 (740) 623-8017
on Sunday, May 4th, at 4:00 p.m. will be Dr. Timothy Olsen, organist.
Coshocton County Church Women United Will be observing May Friendship Day on Friday, May 2 a 11:45 a.m. at the Prairie Chapel UMC. The speaker will be Jennifer Biggers and special music by Jan Shannon. The cost for lunch is $6.00. Please call 622-2076 for more information.
“For I know the plans I have For you,” declares the lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to gIve you hope and a Future.” JeremIah 29:11
Buy 10 Hair Cuts Get 1 FREE! A Bit of History
Business Card SAFETY SATURDAY MAY 3, 2008 2.75x1.375 (Rain Date: May 10, 2008)
10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Sponsored by:
Tours of Coshocton Fire Dept. Visits from Coshocton County Sheriff Bicycle, Motorcycle & Canine Officers Auer Hardware Bicycle Safety Checks (Kids, bring your bikes) - Face Painting, State Highway Patrol Stranger Danger, AEP, Conseville Louie the Lightning Bug Electrical Safety, Popcorn, Emergency Squad, Rube Band
Each issue we hope to have an article on something of historical interest for our readers. For our debut issue I must gratefully acknowledge Cheryl Triplitt Wantuck, who provided us with a little booklet called “Coshocton County Turtle Derby”. This event was held at the Fair ground Ball Diamond on September 11, 1952. It was sponsored by the Coshocton Junior Chamber of Commerce and the program is filled with advertising sponsors that read like postcards from a decade that represented a strong manufacturing and vibrancy of business. While many of the business that have advertising in this program are gone today, there are several that are still thriving, albeit through another name and many that exist in a change of ownership. For example, page four of the program has James B. Clow and Sons and a few pages further in list Carton’s Shoes and The Jones Metal Products Company. How many recall Mohr’s (Sunnybrook) Truck Stop and Tumblin’s Cafe at Main and Third Streets in Coshocton. And, oh yes, there is Fortune’s Shoe Repair Drive In Shoe Service with the address listed as “Rear Webb Studio at 518 Main Street”. The Home Candy Company, Roscoe Hardware, Star Billiards – Elmer and Wayne Blackson, advertising Pool for Recreation. The PopeGosser China Company is listed as a sponsor and we would
Emergency Services 622-9801 • •
Housing 622-1412 •
Heritage Apartments
Health Services 622-2829 • • • • •
Head Start 327-0401
Family Planning Reproductive Health Exams Colposcopy Services STD Testing Treatment for Men & Women Anonymous HIV Testing
Senior Services 622-4852
Echoing Hills Site
Energy Assistance 622-9801 • •
Rental & Utility Assistance Homeless Shelter
imagine that brings back nostalgic memories for some of our older Coshoctonians. There are many more sponsors in the program that evoke fond memories of a bygone era but not really much mentioned about the Turtle Races themselves. Except, wait a minute, here are a few names that you may recognize; Cheryl Triplitt racing “Prescription” sponsored of course, by Triplitt’s Drug, and Mervin Baumgardner racing (is that really what you call it with turtles?”) Hoppy, sponsored by O’Neil’s. Jerry Sycks from Sycks Bakery had a turtle aptly named Cup Cake. Coshocton’s current city Service Director, Jerry Stenner, was racing “Treasure Chest” sponsored by The Style Center. Oh, and if you hadn’t guessed this part about the turtle race, yes, we are still waiting on the results! If you have an interesting bit of history that you would like to share with the people of Coshocton County, please visit our office at 226 Main Street in Towne Centre, Coshocton (the former Workman’s Restaurant) fax it to 740-623-9937, email to: or mail it to: The Coshocton County Beacon, 226 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812. We will share your memories with our readers. Please be sure to include your name and contact information in case we have questions.
Home Energy Assistance Program Weatherization
• • • •
Congregate Meals Home Delivered Meals Exercise Programs RSVP / Foster Grandparent Programs
Behind Coshocton Bowling Alley 774 S. 2nd St. • Coshocton
By Mark Fortune
Lenny Fowler Owner/Barber 622-4947
Tell ‘em you saw it in the Beacon!
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
“4-H Trap Shooting Helps Local Member in Youth Turkey Hunt” My name is Kayla Cowdery, I’m 13 years old and have lived on a farm for three years. I have been a member of the Coshocton County 4-H Golden Spurs Club for six years. I’m active with horses, archery, and shotgun I and II, which includes trapshooting. In addition to these projects, I am taking a swine this year also. This spring I have been invited to a guided Turkey Hunt. Due to this upcoming hunt, I was prompted to go Turkey hunting this past weekend. I contacted a friend, Mic Williams of “Willliam Bros. Construction” who is an avid Turkey hunter, to assist me on my first hunt. He explained things to me about the turkey and showed me the turkey calls, decoys, etc. On Saturday, April 19th (first day of Youth Turkey season), we decided to go hunting around 3:00 p.m. on my farm. By 4:30 p.m. I had shot my first turkey ever, a 21lb 2oz. tom with a nine-inch beard. I wsa so excited that I had to concentrate on what to do next, but with the help of Mic beside me, it was a great experience. My many thanks goes out to Mic Williams and 4-H Shotgun Instructors for encouraging me. Also thank you to my Mom and Dad for letting me have this wonderful experience.
Morgan Ashcraft, age 10 of Warsaw, conquers the rock climbing wall at the second annual Echoing Hills Pedal for a Purpose family event. Beacon photo by Mark Fortune.
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The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
New Childcare Center Announces Opening Childcare Central LLC announce they are now open and will be taking applications for new enrollments starting April 7th. Their hours are 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Childcare Central is located at 619 Main Street between Serenity Tea House and the old YWCA building. Childcare Central offers programs for children age 6 weeks to 13 years and are currently enrolling for the fall preschool program. Preschool offers kindergarten readiness classes and is accepting children who will be 3, 4 and 5 years of age by September 30th. Their preschool teachers are Tana West, who has a degree in Early Childhood Education and Debra Wesney, who has her Child Development Associate designation. Mr. Wesney is also the Administrator of Childcare Central. In addition to Ms. West and Ns. Wesney, staff members include, Lavonne Lillibridge, Connie Rettos, Samantha Vatter, who is working to complete her bachelor’s degree in education, and Tyler Groothuis. All staff members meet or
exceed the State of Ohio requirements for childcare providers and have a combined 75 years experience in the child care field. Also on staff is Jillian Wesney, who has a degree in communications and behavioral sciences and is currently working on her master’s degree to become and Intervention Specialist. Childcare Central is owned by Hazel Boyer, who is also the Director. Childcare Central is a completely secure building and remains locked during hours of operation with an external buzzer for admittance of pickup and drop off. This is a very important feature to us. Being able to completely secure the children is something we have always wanted to do. The set up we have now allows us to do that. This provides peace of mind to our parents as well. Questions about Childcare Central LLC may be directed to the center at 623-0443.
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The 98th annual Warsaw Alumni Banquet will be held Saturday, May 17, 2008 at Warsaw Elementary. Doors will open at 4 p.m. and the banquet will be served at 6 p.m. Complete reservation forms need to be sent to Bee Lehner at 293 Hillsdale Drive, Coshocton, OH 43812 (740-6227559). The deadline for registration is Wednesday, May 7, 2008. The registration fee is $12.00 for each person (pays annual dues of $3.50 and banquet fee of $8.50). The home cooked meal this year will be baked chicken breast which will be served by the Warsaw First Presbyterian Church. Honor classes this year will be 1928, 1933, 1938, 1943, 1948, 1953, 1958, 1963 and River View 1968. Harold Miller will serve as president, Rev. Bill Norman, president-elect, and Bee Buxton Lehner as secretary-treasurer. Registration forms are sent automatically to all honor classes, all who have attended the banquet or who have paid their association dues in the last five-years. Any graduate of Warsaw Elementary is eligible to attend the banquet. Any person who did not receive a registration may obtain one from Jim Lawrence, by calling 824-3890. Association members are encouraged to submit registration forms as soon as possible. Due to space limitations, banquet registrations will be cut off at 325.
The Village of Conesville is in the process of scheduling their annual barbershop show for 2008. Once again, the show will be held at River View High School in the auditorium following a dinner. The show is tentatively scheduled for August 2, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. We are currently looking for sponsors to cover the costs of the participating singers. At this time, The Singing Buckeyes as well as Off The Charts and Class Ring will be performing. Sponsoring will be mentioned in commercials on WTNS during the week prior to the show and they will have advertisements in the barbershop program. Sponsors may also provide banners to display on the front of the stage on the night of the performances. Gold Sponsor: $50.00 – Include a full page ad the Barbershop program. Ten Dinner & Show Tickets. Silver Sponsor: $300.00 – Includes a ½ page ad in the Barbershop program. Six Dinner & Show Tickets. Bronze Sponsor: $200.00 – Includes a ¼ page ad in the Barbershop program. Four Dinner & Show Tickets. This is our third annual show. With each year, the attendance and the talent gets bigger and better. During the intermission, our village takes time to recognize two outstanding volunteers in our community. The proceeds from the evening will go towards our new park located at Conesville School. If your business would like to participate as a sponsor for this wonderful dinner and show, please make checks payable to Village of Conesville or if you should have any further questions, please feel free to contact Bill Appis at 740-8292785.
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Annual Warsaw Alumni Banquet Approaching
Annual Barbershop Show
468 Brown’s Lane, Coshocton
Open: M-F 8-6; Sat. 8-4; Sun. 10-4
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
Baumgardner honored with Coshoctonian Award
Cornelius awarded Employee of the Year
Jack Baumgardner is the latest in a long line of respected Coshocton County citizens that have provided our community with many years of love and a passion for serving others. Baumgardner was honored at the recent 26th annual Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce annual dinner with the Coshoctonian Award. Baumgardner is pictured here with his sons Martin and Mervin.
Larry Cornelius, of Smurfit Stone Container, was awarded the Coshocton Rotary Club Employee of The Year honor at the 2008 Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce Dinner. Cornelius was nominated by Max Crown. Pictured are left to right: Larry Cornelius and Max Crown.
Beacon photo by Mark Fortune.
Beacon photo by Mark Fortune.
Triplett’s Pharmacy & Gifts earns Small Business of Year Award
Open: M-F 7am - 5pm • Sat. 7am - 12pm
g n i r Sp le g n i Sh ! ! t u o w o l B
“3 tab” starting at
$30.15 /sq. “Dimensionals” starting at
$33.00 /sq. limited supplies
Serving the Coshocton community for over 80 years, Triplett’s Pharmacy and Gifts was awarded the Richard Rea Small Business of the Year award at the 2008 annual Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce dinner held Friday, April 25 at the Pavilion at Lake Park. Cheryl Triplett Wantuck stated that their employees – fondly called “The Gang” are the key to their success. She also cited a long and proud history of being involved in the community another key reason for Triplett’s success. Pictured are several of ‘The Gang” from Triplett’s Pharmacy & Gifts. Left to Right: Ginger McClain, Kenny Griffith, Debra Shaw, Jim Pritchard, Barb Bosson, Cheryl Triplitt Wantuck, Jim Wantuck, and Joyce Mullett. Not Pictured: Karen Guinther, Sheran Babcock, Mindy Barton, and Tammy Lanham. Delivery staff are: Paul Markley, Mike Wilson, Rodney Chapman, Rocky Roahrig, and Harvey Cunningham
Beacon photo by Mark Fortune.
Business Card
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
Youth Leadership Program Graduates Class of 2008 Kelly Shrimplin Cheryl Cooksey REALTOR®
Multi-Million Dollar Producer Relocation Specialist CCB_0035_050108
529 Main Street • Coshocton Office (740) 622-SOLD (7653) Cell (740) 502-2124 Fax (740) 622-2FAX (2329)
Office: (740) 622-3669 Fax: (740) 622-1261 Cell: (740) 502-6692 224 South Fourth Street, Coshocton
Business Card 2.75x1.375
Coshocton County Youth Leadership (CCYL) held a graduation reception on April 16, 2008 in the Grace United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall to honor the Class of 2008, the 14th class to graduation from CCYL. Lena Crouso gave the keynote address. Gordon Spillman, chair of the Leadership Coshocton County Board of Directors, presented a certificate of graduation plaque to each class member. Participants in the Class of 2008 include: Ashley Albertson - Coshocton; Joseph Bairas, III - Coshocton; Allie Ball - Ridgewood; Morgan Carey - River View; Sam Carpenter - Ridgewood; Courtney Crown - Coshocton; Kyle Davis - Ridgewood; Jenni Gilmore - River View; Alexis Lawrentz - River View; Carrie Patterson - Ridgewood; Scott Poland - River View; Josh Saylor - Ridgewood; Laura
Stuckey - Ridgewood; and Adam Turner - Coshocton. Coshocton County Youth Leadership, a Coshocton Foundation program, provided a basic foundation of leadership skills for these high school juniors to build upon. It assisted in the development of communication skills and presented an opportunity to interact with community leaders and fellow participants. Though this experience CCYL participants gained an awareness of Coshocton County’s resources, challenges and opportunities. CCYL began in July with a two-day retreat followed by eight monthly halfday sessions. This program receives financial support from the Coshocton Foundation, the Coshocton Kiwanis Foundation, Endsley Insurance Agency and numerous individual donors.
exceptional service
office 740.622.3111 828 S. 2nd St.,Coshocton
Here is a fine 3 bedroom home that is ready for new owners. Numer- This is a nice 3BR home near the hospital. Large rooms, first floor ous updates to this home include: new roof and bedroom windows, bath. Many updates. Subject to short sale. $72,500 updated light fixtures, floor coverings, paint, and faucets. Kitchen has newer counter tops and stainless steel appliances! Home located on quiet cul-de-sac. Call for a private showing today. $132,900
See all our Listings & Auctions at E-mail:
What a great place Make this lovely 2 to call home! This story, 3 bedroom, spacious 2 story 1.5 bath home yours home in West Lafaytoday. The exterior ette boasts of 3 bedhas been completely rooms, replacement updated; roof, siding, vinyl siding, updated windows, insulation eat-in kitchen, dining and 2.5 car garage. room, central air, 200 Home also has a fenced yard. The inside is full of charm with pocket doors, stained glass window and AMP service and a 2 car detached garage with alley access. A welcoming patio offers a wonderful place natural woodwork. $94,900 to relax at the end of the day, too! $77,500
Are you looking for that home with the large kitchen for the wife and the extra big garage for the husband? Look no further this is it. This 3 bedroom home has a first floor bedroom and bathroom. Large kitchen with lots of cabinet space. The garage is 2 car with a work area and full bath. Vinyl siding, newer windows, and pulse furnace. $67,900
This home has been completely remodeled from top to bottom. It has a new roof, new flooring throughout, new window inserts, new insulation, new wiring, new plumbing, new furnace with central air, new concrete driveway & sidewalks, new ceilHere is a nice 3 bedroom, 1 ½ bath Cape Cod home that has ing fans, completely replacement windows and a finished basement with a laundry/bath- new kitchen w/built-in appliances, new ½ bath & laundry area on room. There is a detached 2 car garage that is insulated and has main floor, new hot water tank…just to name a few. This home needs 10x22 Sunroom with lots of windows. In the back yard there is a nothing and is ready for immediate possession. Great for first-time home buyers. $89,900 10x14 storage shed and room for a small garden. $99,900
Check out this 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch home in a quiet setting within Coshocton City Limits. Newly redecorated living room with faux fireplace, antique mantel and custom built-in bookshelves. Several updates within the past two years include wood laminate floors, kitchen and bathroom faucets, expanded LL family room…Family room adds and additional 500 sq. feet of living space. Home also has a nice screened in back porch. $119,900
This Cape Cod style home with 3 bedrooms and 1 bath room sits on 4.486 acres. The siding, roof, furnace, water heater and gutters are all new since 2004. There is a large window in the breakfast nook so you can watch the animals as you drink your morning coffee. $72,900
Have a seat on the front porch of this home and view one of the most beautiful sunsets in rural Coshocton. Enjoy peaceful country living just minutes from town. Farmhouse exterior completely renovated in 2006: siding, windows, roof, porch and insulation. 13+ acre mini farm includes large barn with horse stalls and small barn for little critters, equipment or storage. $144,900
Unique, One-of-a-kind Property. A Frank Lloyd Wright design with custom additions, such as second level great room, a gorgeous sunroom that can be used year-round, Custom-built Playhouse w/Storage. Beautiful stonewall accenting a circular driveway. Balcony off Living room overlooking the city. An Anchored Retaining wall with custom-made iron railing. This home is in immaculate condition and built like a tank. Make your appointment today. $175,000
A nice 2 bedroom ranch located in River View School District but close to town. Vinyl siding, replacement windows, newer oak kitchen and carpet also compliments this home. Located on .326 acre. $75,900 CCB_0020_050108
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
Spring Tour of Homes – A repeat performance sure to please By Ginger Reiss
Each year for the past twelve years, Coshoctonians have been treated to a Home shoppers or others who simply want to have a look can pick up tour home display like no other. The annual Tour of Homes, an event sponsored schedules at WTNS and at businesses that have funded the event. Those businesses by WTNS Radio and four local home financers, takes place each spring and is include: Ohio Heritage Bank, Century National Bank, Concorde Mortgage and designed to bring would-be buyers out of their dull, winter hibernation and into Taylor Insurance and Financial. The April 27 edition of the Coshocton County the sparkling, colorful dwellings that inspire not only Spring-fever, but loose Advertiser also included an insert listing the homes and times for this year’s Tour purse-strings. of Homes. This year’s event will take place Saturday, May 2nd and Sunday, May 3rd, “As everyone knows, this is with individual open houses scheduled between 10:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., each absolutely a buyers’ market right day. now,” says Olinger. “I wouldn’t think “In the past we’ve averaged between thirty and forty homes on the tour each of not participating, and certainly, Heather Ames Guess day,” says Coshocton County Board of Realtors president Christi Olinger, also if you are shopping for a new home, Realtor® (740) 622-3669 a Realtor with Peddicord Rice Auction Realty. “But that number’s really been you will want to take advantage of the Office: Fax: (740) 622-1261 growing in the last couple of years!” Olinger says that the tour is efficient for tour. There’s no better way to be able Cell: (740) 502-4292 both buyers and sellers. “It’s the one time of year when for one or two days, you to see so many beautiful homes at one can tour homes back-to-back, so it’s a good use of both buyers’ time as well as time!” 224 South Fourth Street, Coshocton sellers’ time.” The first tour took place in 1996 and was originally sponsored by (740) 622-0700 (740) 622-0700 Home Loan Savings Bank. It was set to coincide with the American Home Week, and the first tour had a total of forty homes included. The event has grown substantially from year-to-year, according to Jim Nelson a Realtor For coverage of your listings members of Coshocton County with Century 21, who was involved in the first tour. “This year, Century 21 Board of Realtors & Muskingum County Board of Realtors alone has over 40 homes on the tour, so that tells you how much it’s grown since 1996,” he says. “It’s a great time Sat. May 3rd. 2-4:00 Sat. May 3rd. 12-2:00 Sat. May 3rd. 10-12:00 to come out for anyone who’s even thinking about buying!” The annual tours take place in early May, primarily to take advantage of the warm sunshine and colorful budding flowers and trees, but also because spring is typically when most home buyers begin to look, according 836 Grandview Blvd. CHS 44401 SR 541 RVHS 22944 CR 420 RVHS to Olinger. This year as in years past, $46,500 $67,900 $67,900 Realtors from across the county are Sat. May 3rd. 2-4:00 Sat. May 3rd. 10-12:00 Sat. May 3rd. 12-2:00 participating. Preparations began back in February, when the Board of Realtors and WTNS, the primary publicity partner, begin their planning. After each participating Realtor’s office signs a document of understanding with WTNS, individual Realtors are invited to submit one or 359 Roscoe St. RVHS 46141 CR 55 RVHS 45713 SR 541 RVHS more homes to be included on the tour. $79,900 $225,000 $124,900 This year, there are eight Realtor’s Sun. May 4th. 2-4:00 Sun. May 4th. 12:00-2 Sun. May 4th. 10-12:00 offices participating and about 121 homes that will be toured. Each Realtor is also able to personally record a 30 second ad promoting their home. Longer remote segments are also scheduled which provide a room-by-room tour of individual homes. “This way, listeners 47800 TR 1142 RVHS 50485 TR 15 RVHS 1515 Skyline Heights CHS can get a real feel for what the home $99,950 $48,500 $59,900 truly offers, says Olinger. This, she Sun. May 4th. 2-4:00 Sun. May 4th. 12:00-2 Sun. May 4th. 12:00-2 Sun. May 4th. 10-12:00 explains is helpful to listeners who may decide which homes to tour based on that description. The ads are aired several times during the weeklong advertising blitz, which began Monday, April 28th. Participating has always been a positive experience for Cheryl 26548 CR 24 RVHS 26837 CR 1 RVHS 635 Walnut St. CHS 26112 CR 24 RVHS Cooksey, of Real Living – The Right $172,000 $41,000 $39,900 $159,900 Choice, a Realtor who has participated 0000254787 pg 8 Everything We Touch Turns To “Sold” So Let’s Work Together! since the very first tour. “During the 23024 CR 621 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 first tour, I actually sold a property that I had never personally been inside (Near the new Super Wal-Mart just off US 36/SR 16) of,” says Cooksey, who typically lists higher-end properties. “It’s just a great Toll Free: 1-888-216-8772 | Fax: 740-622-6800 event overall!”
� � � � � � � � � � �
Open Houses May 3-4
� � � �
Email: | 23024 CR 621 Coshocton, OH
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008
Business Card Jack Lewis Auto Sales “Jack Buys Vehicles!” Main Street in Warsaw Office: (740) 824-3571 Res: (740) 824-4114 Fax: (740) 824-4611 Cell: (740) 502-3120
“We’ll jump over hurdles to make a DEAL!” Alloy wheels, PW, PL, Local Trade, Cruise, Tilt
$2,280 2003 GMC Envoy SLE
4x4 PW, PL, CD, Alloy Wheels, DVD Player, Locally Owned, Clean! MUST SEE!
$10,990 • $223.00/mo* 2004 Mazda 6
PW, PL, CD, Alloy Wheels, Cruise, Tilt, GAS SAVER! 4 cylinder
$10,990 • $223.00/mo* 2005 Chrysler Crossfire Convertible
Only 18k Miles, SUMMER FUN! Fully Loaded, Leather, Heated Seats, Infinity Stereo, Navigation, Balance of Factory Warranty
$20,990 • $379.00/mo*
April 14, 2008 • Jeffrey Lee Briggs of Coshocton and Kindra Sue Winegar of Coshocton April 16, 2008 • Jason David Klein of Coshocton and Michelle Lynn Barnett of Coshocton • Craig Evan Bordenkircher of West Lafayette and Kendra Elaine Harstine of West Lafayette April 17, 2008 • William T. Moran of Coshocton and Joan M. Cramblett April 18, 2008 • John Roy Napier of Walhonding and Kathryn Louise Newberry of Walhonding April 21, 2008 • Leroy E. Yoder of Fresno and Betty D. Raber of Fresno April 22, 2008 • Frank Craiglow Priebe of Brinkhaven and Mary Alice McCombs of Brinkhaven
Coshocton Divorces/Dissolutions Dissolutions Granted • Lori M Jarvis of Coshocton and Nathan L. Jarvis of Coshocton • Kristina L. White of Keene and Michael A. White of Coshocton • Lori R. Wiggins of Coshocton and Patrick A. Wiggins of Coshocton • Angela M. Durbin of Walhonding and Matthew D. Durbin of Danville • Karen L. Hall of Warsaw and William E. Hall of Warsaw • Cassandra L. Dillon of Warsaw and Clayton C. Dillon of Warsaw
2005 Chevrolet Cavalier Only 25k Miles, GAS SAVER!
Divorces Granted • Jodi L. Brown of Coshocton and Clayton Brown of Coshocton • Diana M. Russell of Fredericktown and Branden A. Russell of West Lafayette • Betty B. Wysznski of Coshocton and Walter M. Wysznski of Elyria, OH • Eternity H. Tidrick of Coshocton and Matthew J. Tidrick of Caldwell, OH • Erin J. Lowe of Coshocton and Michael B. Lowe of Columbus, OH • Lorrie Jurin of Newcomerstown and Terry l. Jurin of Newcomerstown
$8,580 • $157.00/mo* 2008 Pontiac G6 GT
4dr Only 14k Miles, Balance of Factory Warranty, Chrome Wheels, Beautiful Car!
$17,480 • $295.00/mo*
Ride in Style and Comfort!
2005 Chrysler Town & Country Touring
Only 33k Miles, Entertainment Pks., Stow & Go Seating, CD, PW, PL, Tilt, Cruise
$14,980 • $272.00/mo*
2007 Ford Five Hundred SEL
2008 Dodge Avenger SXT 2005 Dodge Ram Quad Cab
PW, PL, CD, Alloy Wheels, Cruise, Tilt, Only 23k miles, Balance of Factory Warranty
Hemi - 4x4
2007 Jeep Gr. Cherokee 4x4
2004 Chevy Impala
2007 Jeep Liberty 4x4
2007 Dodge Ram Quad Cab
2005 Chevy Trail Blazer SXT
2007 Ford Ranger
2004 Chrysler T&C Limited
$15,990 • $289.00/mo*
2001 Ford Ranger XLT
Ext. Cab 4x4, local trade, 4.0L, 6 disc CD, PW, PL, Cruise, Tilt, 4dr
$10,990 • $230.00/mo*
1997 Dodge Grand Caravan SE
Coshocton Marriage Licenses
Hemi - 4x4
2001 Hyundai Elantra GLS
GAS SAVER! P. Moonroof, CD, PW, PL, Cruise, Tilt, Balance of Factory Warranty!
$13,980 • $253.00/mo*
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1102 Chestnut St., Coshocton at the 5-way Light • 623-2200
1921 Otsego Avenue • Coshocton 740-622-3936 • 1-866-622-0207
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
Two Old Cast Iron antique tubs. Good condition. $100. each. 740-8292785.
Garage Sale – 99 N. 20th Street, May 2nd & May 3rd, 9-? Girls and boys clothes – size NB-6X, toys, shoes, misc – accessories. Largest Annual Sale Ever. Rear 411 S 9th St. Saturday, May 3rd. 8:00-? Bedroom Suite, TV’s, dishes, lots of houseware, cook-
book, Avon, Fossil handbags, bathroom fixtures, screen door, lamps, ceiling lights, nice clothes. Yard Sale/Bake Sale – The Village of Conesville will be holding their annual Yard Sale, on Saturday, May 17 from 8 AM until 3 PM. The Conesville United Methodist Church will be having a bake sale throughout the day, as well as a breakfast from 7 AM until Noon. The Conesville Wesleyan Church will also be having a bake sale throughout the day.
Private Party –
5 lines for $5.00 with each additional line only $1.00. Add border, logo or bold type only $2.00. (one issue only)
Furnished $300 per person per month. Very clean. No deposit! 740-829-2785 or 740-829-2403
Located in Village of Conesville. Pay 10 months, get 2 months Free. $50 per month, no deposit. 740829-2785 or 740-8292403
Mercury 2000 Sable LS Premium Sedan, 4dr, 69k actual mi., 24V V6 200hp
Commercial Rate – 5 lines for
$8.00 each additional line is $2.00. Add border, logo or bold type only $2.00. (one issue only)
Duratec engine, Gold w/ tan interior, full leather, AC, PS, PW, tilt, cruise, AM/FM, power seat, alloy wheels, excellent condition, estate sale Coshocton. $5,750. 706-340-5540.
Ford 2001 Ranger 4x4, ext. cab, blue, runs excellent. CD player, V6 engine, Tonneua cover available (not on truck), A/C, cruise, loaded. $7,500. 740-6228381
Garage/Yard Sales – 5 lines for $10.00 each additional line only $1.00. Add border, logo or bold type only $2.00. (one issue only)
Nicole Medley
Nicole (Weaver) Medley has over fifteen years of experience in the newspaper field, excelling at customer service, classified and circulation. Nicole began her career at The Coshocton Tribune and continued advancing in her career at The Coshocton County Advertiser. While employed at The Advertiser she earned the Coshocton Rotary Club Employee of the Year award. Nicole is married to Brent Medley and they have one son, Nicholas (Nick) Medley, a sophomore at Coshocton High School.
Peggy Whited
Peggy (Simones) Whited has six years in the graphics field and most recently was the Graphics Team Leader at the Zanesville Muskingum Advertiser. Peggy resides in Cumberland and has been married to John Whited for almost 25 years and they have one son, John. She also teaches web design at Ohio University in Zanesville and has 10 years of experience with web design. Peggy is currently in the midst of restoring Cumberland High School in Cumberland.
Mark Fortune
Mark has over twenty-five years in the newspaper advertising sales and sales management field. A native of Coshocton, Fortune began his career at The Coshocton Tribune as an advertising salesperson in 1981. He has been married to Nancy (Eberwine) Fortune for almost 27 years and they have two children, Jessica, age 20, a sophomore at Mount Vernon Nazarene University and Jacob, age 14, an eighth grader at River View Junior High School. Fortune is an avid reader and has a passion for history.
Pick up your copy of The Coshocton County Beacon at the following locations. In Coshocton: Outside Distribution Boxes Coshocton County Beacon (226 Main Street) Coshocton County Courthouse – 3rd and Main Street Inside Distribution Boxes Baker’s IGA Buehler’s Food Market Village Marathon Starfire Gas Station High Caliber Pit Stop Coshocton Public Library Circle K (7th Street) Ameristop Food Mart The Corner Shell G&M 5 Point Auto Collins Meat Market Upper BP
Agents Realty Hahn Quik Mart Red Head Gas Station Vicker’s Marathon New York Deli The Dock Your Pizza Shop Chamber of Commerce Coshocton County Convention and Visitor Bureau Carroll’s Buckeye Motors/ Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Coshocton Woodbury Outfitters The Coffee Company Peddicord Rice Auction Realty Dari Delight Earl’s Dari Drive-In Triplitt’s Drug Store
Coshocton County Senior Center Good News Bookstore Scheetz Marketing Mission Auto Connection In Fresno: Pearl Valley Cheese In West Lafayette: Dale Gress Real Estate Village Market Circle K Myer’s Country Diner West Lafayette Library Plainfield Restaurant & General Store In Warsaw: Warsaw Shopwise Mathews Citco Peggy Sue’s Steak & Ribs Mayor’s Corner Mom’s Market
Ford 1974 TKY90 Dumptruck, 132,113 miles, good condition, and new battery. Call 740-6220700 or 740-622-0086.
To place your classified ad call Nicole at 622-4237 or fax to 623-9937 or visit us at 226 Main Street!
Commercial Rates include: Animals, Automotive Dealers, Broker Listings, Business Opportunities, Daycare Providers, Employment, Farm Products/Animals, Real Estate, Rentals & Services Offered.
The Coshocton County Beacon • May 1, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS