May 18, 2016 Coshocton County Beacon

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The Beacon

Coshocton County’s locally-owned newspaper


May 18-24 2016 Volume 9 Number 3

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WL Police department receives donation


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Boomer Times!

Survivors unite

May edition of Boomer Times inside!





PERMIT NO. 25408

Eight-year-old Austin Finlay was the grand marshal of the survivor lap for the 2016 Relay For Life and had the pleasure of cutting the ribbon to start the event. Relay For Life was held May 13-14 at the fairgrounds. For more on the event see pages 20-21 and visit to view multiple photo galleries from Relay For Life. Josie Sellers | Beacon

Century National Bank purchases land COSHOCTON - Century National Bank (Century) has purchased property located at 229 N. Third St., and plans to build a full-service banking office there in 2016. A new, second location will better accommodate the current and future custom-

ers served by Century’s team of local bankers in Coshocton. The bank has operated a banking office in Coshocton for 37 years and will now have two locations to better serve our growing customer base. “We continue to grow, es-

pecially as more Coshocton families, individuals, and businesses rely on our local lenders for home, vehicle, and commercial financing. Our team is proud of the relationship we have with our

WEST LAFAYETTE – West Lafayette Rotary Club President Vic Cardenzana presented the West Lafayette Police Department with a $2,496 “I am pleased donation. to see the The money will be used outpour to purchase of support officers bullet proof shown by this vests, first aid bags that will organization,” be carried by officers when -Police Chief Stephen they are Klopfenstein. away from their vehicles and equipment for departmental issued weapons. “I am pleased to see the outpour of support shown by this organization,” said Police Chief Stephen Klopfenstein. “They have a great understanding to provide for the safety of the officers and community in which they serve.” Staff | Beacon



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Darlene Guess 740.502.2920

Kelly Shrimplin 740.824.3941

Paul Bratton Auctioneer 740.327.6331

2406 Maple Avenue Zanesville 740.453.6533

Jessica Williams 740.502.6095 224 N. 4th St., Coshocton

Robert Bennett 740.502.0487

Marc Lacy 740.829.2035

416 S. Market Street Danville 740.599.1509

John Thomas 740.502.4342

BeLinda Debbie Lacy Myers 740.829.2035 740.502.1589


May 18, 2016

Grafted to the Past special exhibit announced

Call for Show Times! 740-622-3456 (film) Now Showing: “Captain America, Civil War (PG-13)” Starting Fri. 20th: “Angry Birds (PG)” TUESDAY IS “MATINEE ALL DAY!”


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THE COSHOCTON COUNTY BEACON is published weekly by Good Fortune Advertising LLC, 226 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812. All rights reserved © by Good Fortune Advertising LLC. Good Fortune Advertising LLC does not necessarily support the opinion of writers. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Pricing Permit No. 25408 at Coshocton, OH, 43812. Postmaster, send address changes to The Coshocton County Beacon, 226 Main Street, Coshocton, OH 43812. Address changes may be sent via email to To request free in-county delivery of The Coshocton County Beacon, visit our office at 226 Main Street in Towne Centre, Coshocton to fill out a requestor card. You can also request free in-county delivery of The Beacon online at

The Beacon w w w.c o s h oc ton be ac onto d ay.c om

Paine and others to spread that word. This press is a symbol of not only freedom but of the art of creating legible type to spread the word of liberty.” Grafted to the Past is a joyful celebration of beauty, human inventiveness and spirit, both past and present. It also suggests a hopeful future as the museum continues to inspire young and old as it has done in the past 85 years. The museum will offer free admission over the opening weekend, May 21 and 22. Guests, both children and adults, are invited to participate in a drawing for prizes. The Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum is located in Historic Roscoe Village, a restored canal town, at 300 N. Whitewoman Street, Coshocton, Ohio. Museum hours are noon to 5 p.m. daily through October. For information, call the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum at 740-622-8710 or e-mail at jhmuseum@jhmuseum. org. Grafted to the Past is sponsored by the Mary Taylor Family Fund. The Ohio Arts Council helped fund this organization with state tax dollars to encourage economic growth, educational excellence and cultural enrichment for all Ohioans. Staff | Contributed



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Good Fortune Advertising, LLC 226 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: 740-622-4237 • Fax: 740-623-9937

Office Hours: Monday – Friday. 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Deadlines: Classified Advertising – Friday at 5 p.m. Display Advertising – Thursday at 12 p.m. Located at 226 Main Street, Coshocton, OH 43812 OWNER/PUBLISHER - MARK FORTUNE GRAPHICS & DESIGN – JOSEPH JOHNSTON GRAPHICS & DESIGN – AMY CASEY SALES CONSULTANT - SANDY GRIER SALES CONSULTANT - NINA DRINKO REPORTING & GRAPHICS - BETH SCOTT NEWS & CONTENT EDITOR - JOSIE SELLERS Disclaimer: The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason. The publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertising beyond the amount paid for space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s employees or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. Classified refunds will be given only on mistakes reported during the first time the ad appears in The Coshocton County Beacon. Any reproduction without written consent of the publisher is prohibited. 2016 The Coshocton County Beacon.

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a distant connection to the culture that preceded ours, such tiny clues to a life on the same land that we now occupied.” Her painting emanates from the present-day Porteus farm. Metal sculptor Todd Malenke forged a vessel with inlaid brass “fractures.” His inspiration is a mended Korean rice bowl. He reflects that its brokenness is the first step toward making it more beautiful than “As a child, when it was whole. “In I visited the the last 30 years I’ve visited the museum Johnsonmany times. Often I’m Humrickhouse drawn toward the Asian gallery. And when in the Museum on gallery I’m drawn to the many occasions, mended bowl. I love the mixing of two materiand I have vivid als - ceramic and gold. I also like the metamemories of phorical implications of the vast flint brokenness and beauty.” The Washington collection there...” Printing Press used in Coshocton’s advertisMegan Lightell ing art industry stirred painter Curt Derby who worked in Coshocton for over 60 years in the printing industry. He wrote, “The printed word spread the idea of liberty and justice in early America and sowed the seeds of revolution. The Washington Press enabled Thomas


COSHOCTON - The Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum is celebrating its 85th anniversary with a special exhibit featuring 30 new works of art that were inspired by the museum’s permanent collections. The exhibit, Grafted to the Past, will be displayed May 21 through July 31. Artists with Ohio connections were asked to pick an artifact from the museum’s collection to use as an inspiration for an original work of art. These new works were created in an array of media - ceramic, metal, leather, wood, textile, glass, acrylic, oil and photography. The new works will be displayed with their corresponding artifact. The artists found their muse in works displayed in each of the museum’s permanent exhibit galleries American Indian, Historic Ohio and Asian (Japanese & Chinese). Artists were asked to share the impetus of the inspiration. The poetry in many of the responses becomes a third muse, enhancing both the artifact and the new piece. Painter Megan Lightell writes, “As a child, I visited the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum on many occasions, and I have vivid memories of the vast flint collection there. Those hard fragments seemed like such

May 18, 2016 THE BEACON


Roscoe General Store reopens COSHOCTON - The Roscoe General Store in Historic Roscoe Village has reopened after being closed for a few weeks for renovation. The building was purchased by Roscoe Junction, LLC, a division of Junction Enterprises, owned and operated by the McKenna Family. Junction Enterprises also operates several businesses in Historic Roscoe Village: Medbery Marketplace, Caldersburgh Trading Company and Roscoe Village Sweets & Treats, and other businesses in the area including Unusual Junction, Lava Rock Grill, Universe Bridal and Prom, and McKenna’s Market and Guernsey Kitchen in Cambridge. Roscoe Junction acquired the building in late March of this year and worked on renovations throughout the month of April which included replacing windows, painting the building, adding a new sign, repairs to the roof and more to prepare for reopening. “We are so excited to bring in tons of great merchandise to this beautiful store,” said Teri McKenna-Misener of Roscoe Junction and Junction Enterprises. “We have antiques and collectibles, lots of historic toys, home decoratives, and many other items you’d expect to find in an old-fashioned general store. We also have the famous homemade fudge that has been a staple at the Roscoe General Store. We plan to have an open house in June once everything is completed in the store. We are still bringing in tons of new merchandise and can’t wait for everyone to see it.” The Roscoe General Store is located at 348 N. Whitewoman St. and is currently open seven days a week from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. Hours will expand during the summer months. For information, call the store at 740-622-7715 or find the Roscoe General Store on Facebook. Staff | Contributed

Contributed | Beacon

River View students clean up park Nick Schmitt Financial Services


On April 15, Bears in Service came to RV Community Park for a clean-up day. Forty-five students and four staff members showed up with rakes for over two hours to mulch, rake, and pick up sticks/trash. This is their third volunteer contribution to the park and the park district is very appreciative.

Nick Schmitt, ChFC, Financial Advisor 448 Main Street Suite 205 • Coshocton, Ohio 43812 740-575-3050 • 740-502-5314 •

Coshocton Farmers Market Every Saturday, May through Oct. 8:30 am to 12 noon 300 Block Main Street, Downtown Coshocton

Securities offered through Infinex Investments, Inc. Member FINRA/SIPC

Offering early Spring produce and flowering plants: • Asparagus, rhubarb, lettuce, baby greens, green onions • Hanging baskets, flowers, perennials, vegetable seedlings

**Brought to you by Coshocton County Job and Family Services** Youth job applications available May 2, 2016 – May 27, 2016 at

OhioMeansJobs – Coshocton County

(Located in the lower level of Coshocton Job and Family Services) 725 Pine Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812

Times Available:


This paid summer work program is income-based (For example: a family of 4 can make up to $48,000 per year, gross)


Monday-Friday ..............................9:00am-3:30pm

For participants between 16 and 24 years of age If the youth is under the age of 18, a parent must sign the job application. Questions about Coshocton Youth Workforce should be directed to:

Lisa Scott, (740) 295-7560 or Sheri Gibson, (740) 295-7519

Farm-fresh eggs, meats, homemade baked goods, and crafts

New Vendors Welcome! Call (740) 545-7828 Or Message Us on Facebook




May 18, 2016

Relay rallies community in fight against cancer

he 2016 Coshocton County Relay for Life is in the books with the goal of $100,000 surpassed in unofficial results. The committee, team captains, teams and all of the volunteers that help make this event a success for our community truly do us proud each and every year. Despite fickle weather (typical of Relay weekend most years – not all) a somewhat chilly Friday evening did not dampen the spirits of survivors, caregivers, team members and all of the volunteers that make this event possible. This event is a tribute and a wonderful example of what can happen when a community pulls together against a common enemy that has touched so many lives. And let’s face it. Cancer is a scourge and an enemy that must be fought with a vengeance that can only be wrought by a unified spirit and passion of a committed

community. That is Coyou and the inspiration you shocton County. Through are displaying in your fight. Relay’s past and future, the This community is in your dollars raised – well over a corner. million dollars at this point NBA Finals - looks in Coshocton County – like it’s the Cavs and the goes to fund the research Raptors in the East. Cavs that is helping defeat this MARK’S MUSINGS in 5 or 6 at the most. So it’s evil. Oklahoma State and GoldWay to go Coshocton County. And if en State in the West. Warriors in 5 or 6 at you didn’t have the opportunity to attend the most. It will be a repeat of last year’s the event – maybe you bought a candy finals. Can the Cavs somehow – someway bar, helped move the “pink flamingo – find a way to stop Stephen Curry and flock” from one yard to another – donated his merry band? at one of the many occasions volunteers I hope this does not jinx anything but were on Main Street with their donathis lowly “cub” reporter can’t possibly tion buckets regardless of the weather, have that much influence on things – the made something for a bake sale, bought Chicago Cubs have the best record in something at a bake sale or both, this is baseball at this point with the Bucs eight a community effort. Coshocton County games behind. The Indians are in second continues to amaze and inspire. And to – albeit five games back of the White Sox. young Austin Finlay, we are so proud of The Reds are bringing up the rear in the


basement of the National League Central division – but – they are not that many games back with their rivals packed in a tight bunch. As we all know, it’s a long season. Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has vowed to fight against the decree issued last week by the Obama Administration ordering public schools to allow transgender students access to facilities, including bathrooms that match their chosen gender identity. Patrick said, “We will not yield to blackmail”. Other public school officials announced that they are relieved to have the decree, as it clears up what was sure to be a very contentious issue for school boards and school administrators across the nation. Something tells me that we have not heard the last of this one. I think the key here is that it should be about the children.

County native elected to Big South Conference 2016 Hall of Fame Class CHARLOTTE, N.C. – Former UNC Asheville women’s basketball player and Coshocton County native Vicki Giffin is part of the 2016 Big South Conference Hall of Fame Class. She will be officially inducted on Thursday evening, June 2, during a special ceremony as part of the Big South’s annual spring meetings at the Marriott Resort in Hilton Head Island, S.C. The Big South Hall of Fame, created in 2003 as part of the League’s 20th Anniversary celebration, now totals 61 former Big South Conference student-athletes, coaches, administrators and contributors with the addition of this year’s class. Giffin capped her four-year career as

the Big South Women’s Basketball Player of the Year in 1996-97, and was also the Women’s Basketball Scholar-Athlete of the Year that season -- the first player in league history to win both awards in the same year. She completed her career as UNC Asheville’s third-leading scorer and seventh all-time in Big South history with 1,703 (now 14th in conference annals). Giffin also grabbed 540 rebounds in her career to become just the seventh player at the time with 1,500 points and 500 boards (now one of 15). She finished with 448 career free throws, third-most in Big South history at the time (now seventh) and she averaged 15.6 points and 4.9 rebounds in 109 career games. Giffin’s

career totals also include 343 assists and 243 steals, and she was just the second Big South player with 1,500 points, 500 rebounds, 300 assists and 200 steals when she graduated (now one of five players). The 1993-94 Women’s Basketball Rookie of the Year, Giffin led the Big South that season with a 59.7 field goal percentage. She was a three-time First-Team All-Conference selection (1995-96-97) and led the Bulldogs to their first-ever winning records as Big South members -- both overall and conference -- in her senior season of 1996-97, as the squad went 14-13 and posted a third-place standing in league games at 8-6 for its highest Big South finish at the time. She still holds Asheville’s single-season records for field goal accuracy and steals (71), as well as the all-time career marks for free throws made, steals and free throw percentage (74.1), in addition to the single-game

record for steals (8). Named UNC Asheville’s Female Athlete of the Year in 1994 and 1997, Giffin was a two-time Academic All-District honoree (1996, 1997), and was voted to the Big South Women’s Basketball All-Decade Team for 1990-99. She moved into coaching as an assistant at Nicholls State for two years before four more at Marietta College where she was head coach her final three years. Giffin was inducted into UNC Asheville’s Athletic Hall of Fame in 2013 and currently resides in her hometown of Coshocton, Ohio, where she co-owns Vicklynds Conesville Store in Conesville, Ohio. Staff | Contributed

The Beacon Wants Your Opinion! Have an opinion or want to comment on something you’ve read in The Beacon? Please email Mark Fortune at: The Coshocton County Beacon is now accepting Letters to the Editor! Be sure to include your first and last name. Emailing your “Letter to the Editor” in Microsoft Word format is preferred. The Beacon reserves the right to edit, refuse or otherwise reject any letter that is deemed inappropriate or offensive to our readers. No more than 500 words please. Please have your letter turned in by noon on Friday.

May 18, 2016 THE BEACON


Classes for children offered through Kent State NEW PHILADELPHIA - Eight new fun classes such at Makerspace Magic and The Art of Math are headlining the College for Kids 2016 schedule at Kent State University at Tuscarawas. This year marks the 26th year for the youth enrichment classes that will be June 20 - 24. A total of 13 engaging and interesting courses will be offered to students who are in grades first through sixth during the 2015-16 school year. The five-day session offers courses from 10 a.m. to noon and 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Additional new classes offered this year are Ready, Set, ACTION!; Nothing Simple About These Machines; Art in Air; 3D Modeling with SketchUp; and Advanced Photography and Editing. Life in 1772 Historic Schoenbrunn Village is also offered for the first time and is the first course to be offered offsite. Students will take this class at Historic Schoenbrunn Village as they learn to live like the settlers did. A few of the lessons include learning to cook on a hearth, churning butter, making candles, gardening and weaving. This class is offered from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. to students in grades four through six.

Returning favorites are Laboratory Fun!; Kids in the Kitchen, Beginner Photography and Editing; Snakes, Turtles, Frogs and Lizards; and Jumbie Jammin.’ A complete schedule with course descriptions is available at Also new this year are scholarships that will be given to all participants. Each registrant will receive a $100 scholarship to Kent State Tuscarawas with a limit of $500 over five years. Use of the limited scholarship must be in degree status. The scholarships are not transferrable. Class fees range from $60 to $110. Registrations will be accepted through June 14. Limited financial assistance


Beacon is on

is available for the College for Kids. For more information or to register, call the Office of Business and Community Services at 330-308-7434. Kent State Tuscarawas is located at 330 University Dr. NE, New Philadelphia. Staff | Contributed

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725 Pine St., Coshocton Call: (740) 295.7411 Ask for Pam or Sarah







IN THE MAY 25TH ISSUE OF THE COSHOCTON COUNTY BEACON For only $10 you can Honor your Veteran either In Memory of or In Honor of with a name listing. This listing will include their name under their Branch of Service. Partial proceeds from this page will be donated to a local Veterans organization.


Fill out the following form with a payment of $10 by Thursday, May 19th: Veteran’s Name: _________________________________________________________ Branch: ______________________________ Circle One: In Honor of

In Memory of

Contact information of person placing the ad: Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ State: __________ Zip: ___________________


Phone: ________________________ Email: __________________________________ Mail or drop off form and payment to: The Coshocton County Beacon 226 Main Street • Coshocton, OH 43812 740-622-4237 •

The Beacon w w w.coshoc


May 18, 2016

Edward Fredrick Gehrke

COSHOCTON - Edward Fredrick Gehrke, age 86, of Coshocton, passed away on Thursday, May 12, 2016. He was born on May 24, 1929 in Canal Lewisville, Ohio to the late Heinrich and Louise (Mader) Gehrke. After receiving his BS from The Ohio State University in 1951, he was commissioned a 2nd Lt in the United States Air Force. He received a Master’s Degree Gehrke in Business from George Washington University in 1964. On May 9, 1951, Ed married Elizabeth (Sheppard) Gehrke who survives.

Thursday, May 26

Tuesday, May 24

Swiss Steak w/ Tomato Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, California Blend Vegetables, Peach Slices, Dinner Roll & Milk

Wednesday, May 25

Chicken Salad on Croissant, Cream of Potato Soup, Broccoli Salad, Peach Crisp, Crackers & Milk

Baked Chicken Fettucine, Alfredo, Peas & Carrots, Cucumber & Tomato Salad, 100% Fruit Juice, Bread & Milk Chili, Baked Potato, Pineapple Chunks, Cornbread Muffin, Crackers & Milk

Monday, May 23

10:00 Senior Exercise Class 10:30 Grocery Bingo 10:30 Flex Exercise Class 12:45 Flex Exercise Class 1:30-3:30 Matter of Balance

Tuesday, May 24

9-11 Line Dancing 9:30 Nails with Penny 11:00 Blood Pressure Check by Coshocton Springs 1-4 Bridge

Wednesday, May 25

10:00 Senior Exercise Class 10:30 Flex Exercise Class 11:00 Blood Pressure Check 12:45 Flex Exercise Class 1:00 Open House Bingo

(BP Checks & Bingo Sponsored by Walnut Grove)

Friday, May 27

EVENING EXERCISE CLASSES Mondays and Wednesdays 5pm-5:45 pm May 2nd through June 29th


9-11 Line Dancing 10:30 Blood Pressure Check by City Health 12:15 Chair Massage 2-4 Adult Coloring Class


Sliced Ham, Sweet Potatoes, Green Beans, Tropical Fruit, Fruit Muffin, Bread & Milk

Friday, May 27

10:00 Senior Exercise Class 10:00 Foster Grandparents 10:30 Flex Exercise Class 10:30 Linda Bishop -

Insurance Counselor By Appt. Only

AK Cares

Beth Scott | Beacon

Thirty-five employees at AK Steel volunteered their time on Tuesday, May 3 and Friday, May 6 to repaint the shelters by the Playvillion at Lake Park. Over the two days, employees put in eight hours and approximately 140 man hours into the project. Both hourly and salary employees donated their time to repaint the shelters. “We’ve been looking for ways to get back into the community,” said Jerry Sturtz. “We were brainstorming at our morning meeting and everyone thought of something we could do at Lake Park. It’s part of the corporate AK Cares initiative.”

11:15 Linda Weber - Gospel 12:45 Flex Exercise Class

Please call one day in advance to make reservations for lunch. To access ingredient content, please call Bud Moore 740-622-4852

All seniors are welcome: bring a friend! Call for more information: 740-622-4852

Coshocton County Senior Center 201 Browns Lane, Coshocton • 740-622-4852 Center hours are Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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Monday, May 23

Elks, Kiwanis, and was past President of the Coshocton County Farm Bureau. Along with his wife Elizabeth, of 64 years, Ed is survived by many nieces and nephews who cherished his strength of character, integrity, and valued his words of encouragement. He is preceded in death by his parents and siblings, Henry Gehrke, Lillian Gehrke Peairs, Dr. Charles Gehrke, and Evelyn Gehrke Braniger. Calling hours will be held on Monday, May 16, 2016 at Given-Dawson Funeral Home from 10:00 am to 11:30 am. Graveside services will be held at Canal Lewisville Cemetery at 12:00 on Monday. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the local charity of your choice. An online memorial can be viewed at www.

May 23 - May 27



Ed served over 28 years in the United States Air Force before retiring in 1979 as a Colonel. He was the Commanding Officer at Lockbourne AFB and supervised the transition to Rickenbacker AFB. Ed flew B-52’s during the Vietnam War and received the Bronze Star, the Air Medal and the Legion of Merit with Oak Leaf Cluster and many other awards and commendations during his career in the Air Force. After retiring in 1979, Ed owned Eagle Reality and farmed in Coshocton County. He was a devoted husband, brother, uncle, and friend who was never happier than when he was surrounded by family and friends. Ed enjoyed working outdoors, fishing, playing Euchre, attending family reunions, and traveling. He has traveled all over the world including Europe, the Panama Canal, the Caribbean but he especially loved traveling to Germany many times throughout his life. He was an avid Ohio State Football fan and was a member of the AMVETS and the VFW #1330,

“Where you can have just about anything printed, except money!”

520 Main Street, Coshocton • Mon.-Fri. 8-4:30 p.m.



May 18, 2016 THE BEACON


Coshocton County Career students receive awards COSHOCTON - During the Ohio State SkillsUSA competition two Coshocton County Career Center students received awards for their accomplishments during the competition. Senior Elizabeth White received a second place award in the cosmetology division and senior Ben Bordenkircher received a second place award in the carpentry division by competing against more than 25 students from schools all across our state. Each of the students has sacrificed countless hours of practice and preparation leading up to the event that took place at The Greater Columbus Convention Center on April 26. Staff | Contributed

Contributed | Beacon

Elizabeth White placed second at a recent competition for career center students.

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Unusual Junction is open daily from 10-6 56310 US Rt. 36 W. Lafayette, OH (740) 545-9772

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• Baby Swiss - $3.89 lb.

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Medbery Marketplace is open daily from 10-6 403 N. Whitewoman St. Roscoe Village, OH (740) 291-8000


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Individual attempts to use more than one card

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Contributed | Beacon

Ben Bordenkircher came in second at a competition for career center students.


| MEMORIES MAY 20, 1956 For 12 years of schooling, Gary Haines had never missed a single day. Graduating from the Warsaw High School, he had spent his scholastic life without being tardy or absent. The Warsaw High School senior was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Haines, and planned to attend the Ohio State University College of Engineering in the fall where his streak hopefully continued. MAY 20, 1966 It had been announced that High School English teacher Miss Mary Beth Stewart and Sycamore Elementary teacher Miss Anna Crawford would be retiring at the end of the school year. The news came at the school board meeting Thursday night. Two other teachers, Mrs. Jane Kinkly and Mrs. Betty Maerker, Junior High School secretary Mrs. Alice Duling and Physical Education and assistant football coach Ronald Glass also announced resignations. Miss Stewart began her teaching career in 1919 after graduating from Denison University. In 1931 she obtained her master’s degree from Columbia University. She was the longest serving teacher at CHS and served as advisor on both the Tomahawk and Red & Black staffs. She had also directed several school plays. Miss Crawford graduated from Muskingum College and had taught for 30 years, nine at South Lawn and 21 at Sycamore. The Board hired three new staff to fill the vacancies, Mrs. Louise Cabot and David and Fran Stout. Mrs. Cabot would be replacing Mrs. Duling as secretary at the Junior High School. Mrs. Stout would teach English. Mr. Stout would be taking the Physical Education and assistant football coaching positions. MAY 16, 1976 Several changes have come to L.K. Family Restaurant on 299 South Whitewoman Street. The move was part of the Marion-based chain’s program designed to offer customers a wider variety of foods and a more comfortable dining experience. The restaurant was fully carpeted with real wood accents and soft lighting to create a comfortable setting. The restaurant featured an addition of a salad bar and several new menu items, including Icelandic Cod and a Surf-n-Turf platter. Manager Dave Miller said, “The individual changes are not really all that major, but the overall effect is very dramatic and must be experienced to be appreciated.” MAY 15, 1986 In the first week of Buehler’s “Cute Kids” contest, they raked in $893 for the March of Dimes. Pictures of children ages 1-5 were on display in the lobby of the grocery until May 31. Voters could vote by placing a donation of any size into an envelope and dropping it off. At the end of the contest, the winner was selected based on the money they earned for the cause.

All information was obtained from microfilm of the Coshocton Tribune at the Coshocton County Library.

May 18, 2016

Childcare Central recognized as Ohio Healthy Program By Beth Scott

COSHOCTON - Childcare Central, located at 619 Main St., Coshocton, is the first daycare center in Coshocton and surrounding counties to have been recognized as an Ohio Healthy Program. The award recognizes the center in their mission to promote healthy eating and physical activity. The program is funded by the Ohio Department of Health. In addition to the state recognition, two employees at the center, Christy Patterson and Samantha Vatter, took courses where they learned about the benefits of kids who are introduced to healthy foods and physical activity at a young age. The center started its health mission last summer by having the kids plant a garden. They grew vegetables, herbs, and flowers and are excited to start the garden again this year. “They really enjoyed it,” said Debby Wesney. “They’d go out every day to check their plants and they had

Beth Scott | Beacon

Childcare Central has been recognized by the state as an Ohio Healthy Program. Pictured from left to right are: Liam Babcock, Aurora Cox, Bristol Shortt, and Jiasia Conethan. fun watching their plants grow.” The kids now enjoy creating their own healthy snack and recognize the five food groups. The center is trying to get parents of the kids to submit their favorite healthy recipe. “It’s all about creating a balanced,

healthy plate,” said Wesney. The center has 31 students and has been in its current location on Main Street for eight years. During the school year, Childcare Central also runs a pre-school class.

Thank You

Words alone cannot express our deepest thanks, to all who helped in any way during the recent illness and passing of my husband. Thanks to Genesis Healthcare Systems, all the doctors and their staff, the nurses, the ER and staff, the security and staff, the spiritual staff, who helped Martin and family in any way. Thank you to all of those who visited, prayed with us, all the hugs, cards, food, etc. To Kraft Foods and their employees for their caring help. To Pastor Mark Granger for his visits, prayers and help. For his church & congregation for the dinner provided. To my family for all the cards, prayers, and love during his illness and passing. To Free Funeral Home and Alexander Funeral Home for all their care and help. To Paul Scherbel and his staff for all his care and help. And to all those I have missed, I say Thank You. God Bless You All. The Family of Martin (Douglas) Doug Nichols

Wife Linda & Stepsons James & Jon 0011_051816

Thank You

The family of Michael E. Stiteler would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who lovingly acknowledged Michael’s passing of cancer April 18, 2016, at his home in Northport, Alabama. To those who sent cards and made the trip to Alabama to the calling hours and service, we thank you. You provided the comfort we so needed to get us through. Michael will truly be missed by his family and many friends who truly loved him.

“Until we meet again” Mike “Pop’s”, Barb Stiteler, Kim, Chad, Spencer, Tumblin, Zack, Carter, Kelesy, Williamson and Liberty 0024_051816

May 18, 2016 THE BEACON


Students’ artwork judged during Teenage Talent exhibit By Beth Scott

2nd: Elle Coffman, Coshocton; Originality (Concept): 1st: Mary Jackson, Coshocton, 2nd: Nakeisha Sue Ianniello, Coshocton Opportunity 3-Dimensional: Composition: 1st: Ethan Woodie, Coshocton, 2nd: Jessica Clark, Coshocton; Technique (Craftsmanship or effective use of medium): 1st: Hanna Bush, Ridgewood, 2nd: Jessica Clark, Coshocton; Originality (Concept): 1st, Adriana Seiler, Homeschool, 2nd: Mariah Kettell, Coshocton Graphic Arts: Composition: 1st: Tristan Hahn, Ridgewood, 2nd: Payton Holdsworth, Coshocton; Technique (Craftsmanship or effective use of medium): 1st: Lauren Hire, Coshocton, 2nd: Ethan Woodie, Coshocton; Originality (Concept): 1st: Tristan Hahn, Coshocton, 2nd: Hannah Nelson, Coshocton

Plates & Plants workshop

Staff | Contributed

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COSHOCTON - Roscoe Landscape brings you a fun workshop for those who like plants and painting. Bring in a picture of a favorite flower to paint on a 7” dessert plate or a 10” serving plate. Or bring in a couple of pictures to paint on a couple of plates. The cost of this workshop is $16 - $22; all materials are supplied. Even if you don’t have that special talent, you can paint a plate with the help of Connie Miller. This workshop will be held on Thursday, June 2 at 6:30 p.m. in The Lock Landing at the Roscoe Village Visitor Center; park behind the Visitor Center. Reservations must be made by May 24. Call 740-622-7644 ext. 10 and leave your name, phone number, and type of plate desired. Plates will need to be “fired” and should be available for pick up June 9.


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Beth Scott | Beacon

Photography: Composition: 1st: Kassidy Logan, Coshocton; Technique: 1st: Courtney Elliott, Ridgewood Best of Show: Holly Sue McCoy, Ridgewood People’s Choice Award: Brian Armstrong, Homeschool

THANK YOU The Family of Kerry D. “Stoney” Stone

I would like to thank Matt Miller and the staff

at Miller Funeral Home for their thoughtfulness during a difficult time. To Pastor Mark Granger for his touching sermon and the New Life Ministries Church for the meal they provided after the service. Thank you also to the Coshocton County Honor Guard for their service. A special thanks to Janet Mosier and all my co-workers for their thoughts and prayers. To all those that attended calling hours, provided food and made phone calls, it was appreciated. Also, to the Coshocton County Emergency Squad for the compassion they expressed. Stoney was “one of a kind” and he will be missed by his entire family and his circle of many friends.

You will all be remembered,

Kathy J. Stone Amy & Brent Yekisa Grandchildren, Aubrey & Evan


Students’ artwork judged during Teenage Talent exhibit


COSHOCTON – The Johnson Humrickhouse Museum has announced winners for the Teenage Talent exhibit which closed on Wednesday, May 11. Two local artists, Kelsey Schott and Jenn Bush judged more than 100 submissions and chose winners in creativity, composition, and technique. “At one time, we gave ribbons for just creativity, but that left out some of the intent of the content,” said Patti Malenke, director of the museum. “The piece might not be very creative, but it’s the technique they were working on for the piece.” Forty-nine artists from local high schools and home schools provided the art for the exhibit, which was chosen by their teachers. Adriana Seiler is in 11th grade and this was her first time submitting a piece of art. She won first place in 3D creativity. Her piece was inspired by coral reefs. “We were doing coral reefs in art class,” she said. “I was inspired by the aquarium at the Columbus Zoo where they had simulated coral reefs and I wanted to reflect that in my work.” Seiler said it took a couple of weeks for her to complete her work. She used plaster, newspaper, aluminum foil, pipe cleaners, and paint. The museum’s next exhibit will be Grafted to the Past and will celebrate the museum’s 85th anniversary. “We’ve asked artists in the region to come in and find a piece that inspires them and then create a new piece from that,” said Malenke. The new piece will be featured beside the original piece that inspired the artists in the special exhibit room. This exhibit will run from May 21 through July 21. Award winners are as follows: Fine Art (Works that are viewed from one side): Composition: 1st: Holly Sue McCoy, Ridgewood, 2nd: Mariah Kittell, Coshocton; Technique (Craftsmanship or effective use of medium): 1st: Holly Sue McCoy, Ridgewood,


May 18, 2016

New cardiologist making an impact By Josie Sellers

401k options Are you concerned about what is best for your needs & goals? Joshua G. Fisher, CRPC®

Josie Sellers | Beacon

Pictured from left are Dr. Ahmed A. Habib, Norma Grewe and Nurse Practitioner Rajene Fox. Grewe was Dr. Habib’s first pacemaker patient since joining Coshocton Hospital. Habib and his team, which also includes Fox, treat patients with heart failure and cardiac rhythm disorders along with treating and diagnosing those with coronary, peripheral vascular and acute and chronic venous diseases. diagnosing those with coronary, peripheral vascular and acute and chronic venous diseases. Right now their office is located at 311 S. 15th St., Suite 101, but eventually they will move to the hospital and the Coshocton Heart and Vascular Care Center. “The idea is to have all diagnostic, intervention and patient care under one roof,” Dr. Habib said. “It helps to expedite patient care and provide efficient, timely attention to patients and their needs.” Fox and Habib want to do more than just treat people though. They also want to educate them. He wants people to be aware of signs that might mean they are having a cardiac problem. Feeling excessively tired, having chest pains, being dizzy or passing out are not symptoms to ignore. People also need to know their numbers, such as what a normal blood pressure is for them. Grewe’s blood pressure is getting better and she has felt pretty good since her procedure which occurred about a month ago. She was Habib’s first pacemaker pa-

The Time is Now! Get Fit for Summer! 0013_050416

COSHOCTON – High blood pressure was not a norm for Norma Grewe. “I had never had a problem before, but I was feeling a little tired and decided to test it,” said the 83-year-old. “Out of the blue it was high. I thought my cuff machine must not be right, but I decided to call my doctor anyway.” Grewe’s doctor, Brenda Lozowski ended up sending her for an EKG at Coshocton Hospital. While the test was going on the technician excused herself to speak with her supervisor. The next thing Grewe knew, Dr. Ahmed A. Habib was in the room and she was being sent to intensive care. “She had a blockage in the electrical system of her heart,” Dr. Habib said. “It was like she had faulty wiring in her heart. She could have had a significant issue or died within hours, days or minutes.” Grewe was monitored in ICU and the next day had a pacemaker implanted, a procedure she would have been transferred to another hospital for before Dr. Habib joined Coshocton’s staff this spring. “Being transferred adds time and expense to someone’s care,” Dr. Habib said. “Someone who is already unstable, not healthy and weak from heart or lung problems might not handle a transfer as well as Norma who was otherwise relatively healthy.” Dr. Habib is an invasive cardiologist and vascular medicine specialist. He is board certified in cardiology, general vascular and endovascular medicine. Grewe is very happy he made the move here from Missouri where he was the director of the Moberly Regional Medical Center. “God was at work to have him here at the hospital at the time of my test,” she said. Habib and his team, which also includes Nurse Practitioner Rajene Fox, will treat patients with heart failure and cardiac rhythm disorders along with treating and

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tient at Coshocton Hospital and she would recommend him to anyone. “Everyone here was just great,” Grewe said. Habib came to Coshocton because he has family in Ohio and believes he can make a difference here. “We want to help people improve their lifestyles so they can be productive citizens in the community,” Habib said. “This is one of the highest counties in Ohio with poor health care. We want to help people live healthy and prevent diseases. Factors that lead More info: to a heart attack can start To contact the two decades before it hits. What you do now can defiCoshocton nitely prevent things from Heart and happening later in life.” Fox hopes they can Vascular Care change the culture of peoCenter, call ple in the community. “I know folks have lost 740-623-4481. jobs and we have a lot of low income people, but that doesn’t mean you can’t live a healthy lifestyle,” she said. “We have to get people to be responsible for themselves.” Habib agreed with Fox. “People participating in their disease treatment is very critical,” he said. “What you do makes a difference. We see it all the time with people that have heart attacks. They do well for a while and then go back to their old lifestyles. We can be your guide and help educate you, but you are responsible for yourself.” As far as Grewe is concerned, Habib already has made a difference in the community. “We want everyone to make it to 80 and be like Norma,” Habib said.

May 18, 2016 THE BEACON

New Medicaid applicant phone number COSHOCTON - Coshocton County Job and Family Services announced that the public assistance division recently implemented a virtual service center for new Medicaid applications with nine other counties in east central Ohio. This new and innovative approach will allow counties to provide efficient and effective customer service to those who are applying for Medicaid assistance. The virtual call center operation brings together the resources of Columbiana, Coshocton, Fairfield, Guernsey, Licking, Monroe, Muskingum, Noble, Perry, and Wayne county departments of job and family services. Customers who call the state number at 844-640OHIO and live in one of the 10 counties will be routed to the first available customer service agent in any of the 10 counties. The county who takes the call will be able to assist the customer with Medicaid applications. This process is not available for customers applying for nursing home, waiver, or Aged, Blind or Disabled Medicaid. Those customers should continue to apply through their county job and family services agency. This virtual call center system allows each county to efficiently utilize

available resources to meet and respond to increases and decreases in caller volume. Highlights of the New Virtual Service Center • Workers in the virtual service centers remain in their county office but handle Medicaid applications across the ten counties. • Counties will work each case as close to completion as possible in the first contact or call. If follow-up verifications are necessary, such as income, the county of residence will communicate with the customer. • Customers will provide a verbal confirmation of their information and application and an audio signature will be obtained during the call. • Supervisors will be able to monitor reports identifying performance metrics of the virtual service center. Metrics such as number of customers in queue, customer wait times, and status of all agents signed into the system will ensure high levels of customer service. Staff | Contributed

F.C.V. Fire Department says thank you CONESVILLE - April 30, the date of the annual fish fry at the Conesville Fire Station was greeted with rain beginning about 1 p.m. The department also faced a challenge of an auto accident with injuries that occurred as they were making final preparations for the event. The inclement weather did not deter attendance although it made parking a challenging for some. The community continues to support the fish fry with generous monetary donations, pies, cakes and other foods. The auxiliary and friends of the department cooked, baked, fried and served food. Without their dedication, the annual fish fry simply would not be possible. This annual event has been a focal point in the community for over 61 years and creates an opportunity for many individuals and organizations to work together to accomplish a worthwhile goal. F.C.V. Volunteer Fire Department provides primary fire protection for Franklin Township, Conesville Village & Virginia Township in Coshocton County. Staff | Contributed

Health Services and Hospice of Coshocton honored COSHOCTON - Health Services and Hospice of Coshocton County has been named a 2016 Hospice Honors recipient by HEALTHCAREfirst, the leading provider of web-based home health and hospice software. “Hospice Honors is a prestigious program that recognizes hospices providing the highest level of quality as measured from the caregiver’s point of view,” said Angie Taylor, executive director of Health Services and Hospice of Coshocton County. Bobby Robertson, President and CEO of HEALTHCAREfirst said, “This is a tremendous award that honors the best patient and caregiver experiences. I am extremely proud of Health Services and Hospice of Coshocton County for achieving this highest of honors, and I congratulate them on their success.” Award recipients were identified by evaluating hospices’ performance on a set of 24 quality indicator measures. Individual hospice performance scores were aggregated and compared on a question-by-question basis to a national performance score calculated from all partnering hospices contained in the Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (CAHPS) database. “Health Services and Hospice has been dedicated to serving the Coshocton community for the past three decades,” Taylor said. “As a non-profit organization, our patients and families come first, and we could not be more honored to receive this award.” Health Services and Hospice of Coshocton is located at 230 S. Fourth St. in Coshocton and can be reached at 740-622-7311. Staff | Contributed



Contributed | Beacon

People packed the Conesville Fire Station for the annual fish fry this spring.



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May 18, 2016

River View choir and band receive high ratings WARSAW - The students in the music department at River View Junior High recently participated in a large group contest sponsored by the Ohio Music Education Association. The contest was at Morgan High School on Saturday, May 7. At large group contests, bands and choirs perform three selections of music for OMEA credentialed adjudicators in order to receive constructive feedback, and an overall rating of their performance. One of the selections must be chosen from a required list of songs. The River View Junior High Concert Band includes 38 instrumental musicians in seventh and eighth grade. At the contest, the band received a superior rating – the highest rating offered to performing ensembles. In recent history, the junior high concert band has been traveling to large group contests each spring for the past nine years, but this is the first time for them to receive a superior rating in that time frame. The students in band have worked hard this entire school year. Beginning in the fall, several eighth graders switched to playing new instruments in order to balance out the band’s instrumentation. There are also

Honors Band

Contributed | Beacon

Andrew Martin, Brett Kinzel, and Destiny Taylor were selected to participate in the Ohio Music Education Association’s District Ten Honors Band last December. They are eighth grade students at River View. a couple of students who joined the band during the middle of the year and started learning an instrument from square one. Each student is contributing to the band’s final performance product, and they each can be proud of their part in the overall success of the group at contest this year. Students have worked especially hard this spring in classroom rehearsals, by taking private

Contributed | Beacon

RVJH choir

Students in band and choir at River View Jr. High celebrate their recent success at Large Group Contest sponsored by the Ohio Music Education Association and held at Morgan High School. The Jr. High Band as well as the 7th Grade and 8th Grade choirs received superior ratings from the adjudicators. lessons, by voluntarily working in practice rooms during recess, and of course practice time spent at home. The entire band has also sacrificed recess time on several occasions in recent weeks in order to practice as a combined ensemble instead of the grade level groups which meet in different class periods. Jim Bundy, retired River View music teacher and band director has been gracious enough to help the band prepare. Three standout musicians in the eighth grade band were honored by being selected to participate in the Ohio Music Education Association’s District 10 Honors Band Festival last December. Brett Kinzel, Andrew Martin, and Destiny Taylor were chosen to represent River View in the 117 member band which rehearsed and performed with Columbus composer James Swearingen as their clinician. The students enjoyed the opportunity to play in a band with an extremely high caliber of musicianship and full balanced instrumentation. These students returned to River View with an enthusiasm for band and were a driving force among their fellow band members to constantly strive to be better musicians than the day before. The seventh grade choir with 40 members, and eighth grade women’s choir with 30 members, also performed at large group contest. Both of these groups also received superior ratings from the adjudicators, again the first time for that to happen in recent years. Both choirs received superior ratings from all three adjudicators. Four eighth grade members, Justin Mason, Colton Miller, Cheyenne Hutton and Marie Stufflebean were selected to participate in the District Ten Honors Choir in the fall. This was a special opportunity, as they were able to sing in the first performance of “Sing to Me,” written by nationally recognized songwriter, Laura Farnell and commissioned by OMEA District Ten. The eighth grade men’s choir previously performed at the solo and ensemble competition in April and also received a superior rating. Participating in band and choir is certainly about learning to be a good musician and performing well,

but it’s also about learning the importance of hard work, dedication to an art, and teamwork to accomplish a common goal. The instructors are proud of the students as musicians and equally impressed with their character as young men and women. It was nice to get many non-musical compliments from those running the contest, others in attendance, and even the judges themselves who took note of the mature way the kids supported each other and acted throughout the day. Besides band and choir which rehearse as a class period during the school day, students can also elect to participate in jazz band and Style Show Choir, which both rehearse after school. The junior high music department has previously performed in the Canal Days Parade, Christmas Parade, Christmas Concert, Junior High Dinner Theater, and several sporting events over the course of this school year. Remaining performances include: • Spring Band Concert for grades seventh through 12th - 7 p.m., Tuesday, May 17, high school auditorium • Spring Choir Concert for grades seventh through 12th – 7 p.m., Wednesday, May 18, high school auditorium • Spring Elementary Band and Honor Choir Concert for grades fifth and sixth – 7 p.m., Thursday, May 19, high school auditorium • Style Show Choir Performance – Friday, May 20, at Keene and Conesville elementary schools • Outdoor patio performance by junior high and high school jazz bands and high school Caribbean Steel Drums – 6 p.m., Wednesday, May 25, Warehouse Restaurant • Warsaw Memorial Day Parade – 1 p.m., Monday, May 30 Staff | Contributed

May 18, 2016 THE BEACON


Opportunity School organizes art show between herself and her best friend. She outlined themselves together and made sure to incorporate her son into the artwork. “She is an aunt to my son,” Brock said. “I also worked his foot print and hand print into it.” She and Duerson helped Austin Buckmaster hang his piece that had a don’t doubt yourself theme. “I didn’t used to like art as much as I do now,” he said. “It’s given me something to focus on.” Brock, who plans to go to art school, praised Staufer for the guidance she has given them. “Her method gets through to us and pushes us,” Brock said.

By Josie Sellers

COSHOCTON - Joan Staufer has introduced the Opportunity School students to the world of art and many of them couldn’t be more thankful for what she’s “They pour done. their heart and “She’s opened my eyes to new things in great soul into their ways,” said Nela Duerson. work and the “I’m very thankful for that woman. She’s helped me community so much the last couple of years. Art is my life. I want needed to see to go to OSU, travel and what they have own my own gallery.” Duerson was one of sevto say,” eral students who helped Staufer set up the Oppor-Joan Staufer tunity School’s art exhibit, Spaces Between the Lines, that was on display May 6 at The Coshocton Yard as part of the community’s Dogwood Festival celebration. “They pour their heart and soul into their work and the community needed to see what they have to say,” Staufer said. There were more than 50 pieces on display during the show including Duerson’s Closed Mind. “It’s about being stuck in your own head and missing out on the beautiful things in the world,” she said. “Life

isn’t always pretty, but it is beautiful.” A piece done by Sarah Brock celebrated the bond

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“Top of the Hill”

Josie Sellers | Beacon

Pictured are Austin Buckmaster, Joan Staufer, Nela Duerson and Sarah Brock, who paused for a photo while hanging art May 5 for the Opportunity School art show at The Coshocton Yard. For more photos of the students’ work, visit


May 18, 2016

Hasseman publishes ‘Fan of Happy’ By Mark Fortune

COSHOCTON - Kirby Hasseman has published his fourth book, “Fan of Happy, Life Lessons for My Daughters,” and said, “The concept behind the book is pretty simple. I have two teenage daughters and I think like a lot of people with teenagers, I have what I believe is wisdom to impart to them. But they aren’t always that interested in hearing said wisdom. I thought at one point, they will be.” “I want to make sure that the things I think are important that I put them on paper. So I started making a list and writing things down. Last year when I spoke at the Coshocton graduation ceremony I kind of put it all together and I thought there are lessons in here for other people, even good for myself to hear again.” “So that’s where the idea for the book hatched and I’ve got 110 different lessons in here that I think regardless of your age from teenager to retired, there’s some personal development rules for success that I think transcend age. I’m excited

Mark Fortune | Beacon

Kirby Hasseman has published his fourth book, “Fan of Happy, Life Lessons for My Daughters.” about it.” Hasseman said when it comes to who should read the book, “That’s one of the

toughest questions. I wrote it for my teenage daughters so I think it’s appropriate for that age but what I found is that it’s for anyone who is interested in personal development, anyone who is interested in growing and being better.” “I’ve heard some feedback that people are going to buy the book for leadership teams, for sales teams, board gifts, so they can get together and discuss the concepts and kind of grow together. It’s really for anyone who wants to grow and be happier.” Hasseman said, “The actual writing process for this book took longer because it was one of those where I really wanted there to be enough for it. It took time and a lot of observation. I would be in different places writing different lessons. I would be in an argument or have some experience that seemed like something I should share. The actual writing process wasn’t hard but it took longer. The publishing process was easier and shorter because I knew what to expect.” “The easiest place for people to get the book is on Amazon. We have limited

copies here at the office. You can have it in a day or two from them.” Hasseman offered some advice for those that want to publish a book. “The cool thing about the world we live in today is that if you want to write a book you can write a book. First, get the outline on paper and write it. The way I’m doing it is I’m self-publishing this book through a company called “Create Space, www., owned by Amazon. So if you publish through CreateSpace it makes it very easy to distribute through Amazon. That makes it pretty seamless and pretty painless. The hard part is the writing. The best advice I ever heard about writing is if you want to write, write every day.” Hasseman said, “As most people know, we create a lot of content at Hasseman Marketing. Along with that, I’ve created a new website at and that’s where I do a daily podcast, we do a weekly interview show, we do a weekly personal development piece and all of that is at

River View baccalaureate speaker announced WARSAW - The 2016 River View Baccalaureate Speaker is Rob Yanok who will speak at 7 p.m. Sunday, May 22, at River View High School. The program is sponsored by the River View Ministerial Association. Yanok is the bestselling author of “Divine Strategies for Success: Biblical Principles for Success at Life” and other books about successful transformational life. Rob and his wife Tricia are the founders and lead pastor of Grace Town Church, a thriving, growing, and diverse church in Columbus. They have been in full time ministry since 1990. Rob is also the President/CEO of Success@Life International, a leading edge transformational personal development company helping people around the world achieve boundless success in all areas of their lives. Rob has had the opportunity to accept speaking engagements with incredible organizations, churches, universities, and corporations from all around the country and the world, such as China, Singapore, throughout Europe, Canada, and Mexico. He has inspired thousands of people; sharing his breakthrough strategies on how to overcome adversity, achieve financial abundance and extraordinary success. Staff | Contributed

Time to register for 4-H Jr. Camp Josie Sellers | Beacon

First Fridays starts with a parade

Children watching the First Friday parade made out with lots of candy being thrown their way by parade participants. The next First Friday celebration will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, June 3 in Downtown Coshocton. First Fridays are free and offer fun activities for the entire family. For more photos, visit

COSHOCTON - Registrations for 4-H Junior Camp is now available at http:// When you bring in your completed forms with payment you will be able to sign up for your cabins. The 4-H staff suggests coming with whoever you plan to room with or bringing their forms with you so you can sign up together. Registrations are due by June 10. This year’s camp theme is “Challenges through the decades.” The week will start with the 90s and end with dance night under the disco ball in the 60s, then planning for the future on the last day at camp. Staff | Contributed

May 18, 2016 THE BEACON

Home Loan earnings


Commissioners discuss recycling options

COSHOCTON – Home Loan Financial Corporation (OTCBB: HLFN), the parent company of The Home Loan Savings Bank, announced net income of $713,000, or $0.51 basic and diluted earnings per share, for the quarter ended March 31, 2016 compared to net income of $623,000 or $0.45 basic and diluted earnings per share, for the quarter ended March 31, 2015, an increase of $89,000, or 14.3%. This increase in earnings for the quarter ended March 31, 2016 compared with March 31, 2015 was primarily attributable to an increase in net interest income of $208,000, a decrease in the provision for loan losses of $25,000, partially offset by a decrease in noninterest income of $16,000, an increase in noninterest expense of $82,000, and an increase of federal income tax expense of $45,000. Total assets at March 31, 2016 were $199.4 million compared to June 30, 2015 assets of $187.9 million, an increase of $11.5 million or 6.1%. Total deposits at March 31, 2016 were $146.3 million compared to June 30, 2015 deposits of $138.4 million, an increase of $7.9 million or 5.7%. Total equity at March 31, 2016 was $24.8 million compared to $24.1 million at June 30, 2015, an increase of $700,000. Home Loan Financial Corporation and The Home Loan Savings Bank are headquartered at 413 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812. The Home Loan Savings Bank has two offices located in Coshocton, Ohio, a branch in West Lafayette, Ohio and a branch in Mount Vernon, Ohio.

By Beth Scott

COSHOCTON – Ever since WestRock closed, businesses in Coshocton no longer have a convenient way to recycle their cardboard and paper. On Wednesday, May 11, the Coshocton County Commissioners met with Jeff Wherley, program director of the Coshocton County Recycling and Litter Prevention, to discuss options for convenient recycling for area businesses. Wherley told the commissioners that Waste Management would be willing to provide cardboard and paper recycling services at no charge if there was a central location to use as a drop off point. Wherley has been in contact with the Chamber and Port Authority asking for their input on a convenient location, but so far, none has been found. Wherley has spoken with businesses that have high cardboard and paper usage and given them recyclable options, but none are convenient as they are out of town drop off points. The county would either like to construct a pole barn in a central location which would provide the same services as with WestRock, or invest in a compactor. District funds can be used to purchase a compactor, but not to pay for its electricity. Commissioner Dane Shryock asked Wherley if he could come back next Wednesday, May 18 with some options on where to put either the compactor or pole building. Wherley said he would speak with a few businesses in the area.

The commissioners also met with Mark Wearstler and Kevin Butler of Tremco, Inc. out of Beachwood, Ohio. They are a roofing product manufacturer that has been in business since 1928. They have had the opportunity to look at a building owned by the county and they wanted to speak privately with the commissioners about how they can improve the building, which they will do at a later date.

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May 18, 2016

City Council passes ordinance to help school district safety of our children. Without your tower we will have trouble communicating with busses in the Morgan Run Road and upper Chestnut Street area. We don’t want to risk something happening and not being able to communicate with them.” Mayor Steve Mercer said the city’s utilities department director made some revisions to the contract allowing this antenna to be placed on the water tower and felt comfortable with the changes. He encouraged council to suspend its rules and go ahead and give this ordinance a third reading at the meeting. The second and third reading of the ordinance received unanimous yes votes and it passed. Council also amended and passed an ordinance establishing an hourly rate of pay for the new property code investigator position that is being created. The position was changed from salary to hourly and would make $19.80 an hour and roughly $24,700 a year. The person’s schedule would be flexible, but they would not be eligible for sick time or vacation days.

By Josie Sellers

COSHOCTON – Coshocton City Schools Board member Steve Clark was at Coshocton City Council’s May 9 meeting to address any questions regarding a request from the school district. The district needs to install an antenna used for communication purposes on the city’s water tower on State Route 541. “We’ve had our equipment on a Time Warner tower for 17 years and they’ve been very generous to us, but need us to take it off there,” Clark said. “Our concern is for the

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Presbyterians share youth musical


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“He (or she) would be out in the community and not just acting on complaints that are turned in,” said Service Director Jerry Stenner. “We really want to start being more proactive.” Councilman Roger Moore believes there is a possibility that the position could even help pay for itself because the person would be out in the community and able to keep an eye on contractors, the work they are doing, who is working for them and if they have the proper permits. Councilmen Jim Baker and Bob Fetters expressed some opposition to the position, but the ordinance ended up passing. Stenner also noted during the meeting that the city is addressing concerns from citizens about the transition to Kimble for trash pickup. City officials recently met with Kimble representatives and Stenner feels they have made progress with issues that have been brought up. “They are figuring out what is best for them and what is best for your citizens,” Stenner said.

COSHOCTON - Worship on Sunday, May 22 at The Presbyterian Church, North Fourth and Chestnut Streets, Coshocton, will include a musical for young voices, “The Tale of Three Trees.” Based on an American folk tale, the musical captures the story of Jesus in a way that is both fresh and timeless. Written by Tom Long and Allen Pote, “Three Trees” will be presented by members of the church’s Crusaders Choir: Lydia Black, Ruthie Cameron, Gage Haines, Georgia Haines, Sarah Heading, Kiera McPeck, Lukas Sycks, Dannan Stewart, Sydney Stewart, and Debra Taylor. John Brems will be the narrator, and Ann Leppla will be the accompanist; Erin R. Jobes and Charles R. Snyder are the directors.

Kerry Miller

Taylor Insurance and Financial Services

777 S. Second Street • Coshocton 740-623-2207 • M-F 9 AM - 5:30 PM

The service will begin at 10:30 a.m. and Pastor Jonathan T. Carlisle and Mike Williams will be the liturgists. Other musical leadership will be provided by the Chancel Choir, Cantaré, the young women’s sextet, and Alice M. Hoover, organist. All are invited to join in this worship celebration. Preschool childcare will be provided and ample parking is available. Staff | Contributed

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May 18, 2016 THE BEACON


Dorothy Skowrunski surprised with award By Josie Sellers

COSHOCTON – Coshocton Port Authority Executive Director Dorothy Skowrunski is the first ever recipient of the Eastern Ohio Development Alliance (EODA) Dale Hileman Economic Development Award. “I can’t think of anyone in EODA’s 16 county region more worthy of the first Dale Hileman Economic Development Award than Dorothy Skowrunski,” said Jim Schoch, executive director of EODA. Skowrunski was presented with the award for outstanding economic development achievements in the EODA 16 county region during the April 29 EODA annual meeting in Walnut Creek. “It was a total surprise,” she said. “I thought they were getting ready to introduce (keynote speaker U.S. Senator) Sherrod Brown and then they called my name.” The Coshocton County Commissioners nominated Skowrunski for the award for her efforts in coordinating the County Road 12 repaving project. “We pulled together so many different entities for that project and if one didn’t do their part the whole thing would have fallen apart,” she said. Skowrunski helped form a unique public-private partnership that worked together to collect funds to get approximately six and a half miles of County Road 12 in Millcreek Township blacktopped this fall. Paul Nisley, who operates the Amish business Penwood Manufacturing, originally contacted Skowrunski in the fall of 2014 about warehouse space, but he also helped her become aware of the economic development in the area and how the poor condition of CR 12 was impacting businesses there. There are 63 businesses in that area with more than 300 employees that touch another 1,000 companies. Their products

Contributed | Beacon

Dorothy Skowrunski, second from left was surprised with the Eastern Ohio Development Alliance (EODA) Dale Hileman Economic Development Award at EODA’s annual meeting. Also pictured from left are Chris Abbuhl, Tuscarawas County Commissioner and EODA President, Jim Schoch, EODA Executive Director, and U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown. are some of the finest, handmade furniture in the United States and they were not getting to their destination in good shape because of the road. The Northeast Coshocton Community Infrastructure Committee was formed and money collected from area residents and businesses was put into a special fund at the Coshocton Foundation to pay for this project and any future economic development infrastructure projects. In addition to community members, help for the $845,000 repaving project was received from: Coshocton Port Authority, Coshocton County Commissioners, Coshocton County Engineer, ARC/GOA, APEG, and ODOT Jobs and Commerce. “This was an economic development project that everyone pulled together on,” Skowrunski said. “The whole state of Ohio is impressed with what we were able to do. County engineers and county

CENTURY community and we are very excited about how the new office will make it easier for us to serve our loyal customers,” said Century Vice President (and Coshocton resident) Rebecca Porteus. “We view this as an investment in our community and the future of our bank.” Century has increased staffing at the Coshocton office to meet the demand for experienced, local lenders. The current lenders include Bob Bigrigg, Jennie Thompson, Kandy Sampsel, and Rebecca Porteus. The new office will provide them, as well as the bank’s trust and investment professionals, additional space in which to meet with clients. The new banking office will offer all aspects of person-

commissioners have called wanting to know how we got the Amish involved and pulled this all together.” Now she is working with the Northeast Coshocton Community Infrastructure Committee on getting County Road 10 paved. “When Schlabach (who makes cabinets) has to send its trucks 20 to 30 miles out of the way so their products don’t get damaged, that is an economic development issue,” Skowrunski said. Port authorities are vital to areas because Skowrunski said a lot of times site selectors for business don’t want to deal with politicians and government. They want port authorities to be their point people and keep their information as private as possible until details can be finalized. “This award was a big surprise,” Skowrunski said. “I didn’t expect it, but it is

nice to be recognized for all the work we do behind the scenes.” Schoch said the EODA Dale Hileman Economic Development Award is named after EODA’s long term economic development director and was thought of with Skowrunski in mind. “It may not be an annual award,” Schoch said. “What she did with CR 12 was amazing and not only that, in my opinion she is a phenomenal person. Coshocton County is very fortunate to have her as its economic development leader.” Coshocton County Commissioner Curtis Lee said he and fellow commissioners Dane Shryock and Gary Fisher nominated Skowrunski for the award not just for her work on the CR 12 project, but because of her ability to think outside of the box, the work she did with Kraft to help them on their expansion project that created hundreds of jobs, helping McWane Ductile expand and getting former industrial sites read for reuse. “She is very involved in the community and is very tenacious,” Lee said. “The CR 12 project got people from the public and private sector to work on the same job and no one was blaming or complaining. They were all there to find a solution to fix the problem. The whole project was done in less than five months. She is a very vital part of our community and we appreciate her, her assistant Renee and her board.”

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 al and business banking, including deposit accounts, loans, and cash management services. It will have an ATM and multi-lane drive-through, and will offer ease of ingress and egress with convenient parking. “We are committed to providing the Coshocton community great banking options and extraordinary customer service,” said Century President & CEO Patrick Nash. “We have patiently searched for the right opportunity to update our facilities in Coshocton. We have an excellent team, and feel this market can benefit from two convenient locations as we strive to continue building strong relationships by providing local customer service.”

Construction is expected to begin later this year. Founded in 1886, Century National Bank is headquartered in Zanesville, and frequently recognized as the top community bank in the communities it serves. Century provides deposit, loan, and trust and investment services for families and businesses. The bank has 15 offices across six counties and is one of the 11 Ohio community banks that make up The Park National Corporation (NYSE: PRK). For information, visit Staff | Contributed


May 18, 2016

Spring Showcase of Homes OPEN HOUSE





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May 18, 2016 THE BEACON




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Selling? Give me a call!

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740.622.3111 316 North 3rd St., Coshocton

CHARACTER! 3 Bedroom, 2 bath home with beautiful woodwork throughout. Several updates. Motivated seller! Don’t miss this great opportunity.

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Heather LePage 740-294-2222



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Beautifully maintained brick ranch home. 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths. Tons of living space. Several updates. Pride of ownership evident throughout. Call today to arrange a showing!


Heather LePage 740-294-2222


Cute Cape Cod ready to go! Home features hardwood floors, 2 car attached garage, large backyard and 3 level deck. Motivated seller! Call to schedule a showing today!

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MAY 18, 2016


REL AY LIFE Survivors cheered on

By Josie Sellers

COSHOCTON – Survivors and their caregivers were met with rounds of applause during the opening ceremony of the 2016 Relay For Life. Leading the way for this special moment was 8-year-old Austin Finlay. The Keene Elementary student was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia or ALL in 2015 when he was only 6-years-old. Since this year’s Relay For Life paid special recognition to Leukemia, the co-chairs decided to name Finlay grand marshal of the survivor lap. He is in remission and in the last stage of a two year treatment and his family couldn’t be more amazed by the support the community, especially the students and staff at Keene, has shown him. Keene launched an Austin United t-shirt fundraiser and Austin’s father told the Relay For Life co-chairs that it makes him so happy when he sees people wear the shirts and he tries to always tell them thank you. Before the survivors and their caregivers kicked off the walking for the night, Relay For Life co-chairs Amber Mercer, Missy Wilson, Melinda Courtright and Stefani Bush and Tracy Barnhouse, the American Cancer Society event leader addressed attendees. “We are all here for the same reason – to fight the fight against cancer, to celebrate those who won the battle and remember those who lost,” Wilson said. “We will keep fighting until we end this once and for all.”

May 18, 2016

Mercer said they had a goal this year of having 40 teams with eight new ones. “I’m happy to say we surpassed that with 39 teams and 14 new ones,” she said. “We also want to raise $100,000 to help end this dreaded disease known as cancer.” Barnhouse gave a big thank you to the leadership team that helped organize Relay For Life, the team captains, all the team members, the cancer survivors and their caregivers. “Thank you so much and welcome to the 2016 Relay For Life,” she said. “We are going to have a good year this year.” After Finlay cut the opening ceremony ribbon, cancer survivors and their caregivers walked around the track in two different directions and then met in the middle to walk together through the cheering crowd. After they did their lap, the teams took their processional lap. Team Mudrich, one of the new team’s this year was captained by Justin Freeman. “I’ve been a part of a couple of other teams before, but they kind of fell apart so we did our own one to keep participating,” he said. “I like seeing everyone gather together and cheer for everybody. Relay brings the whole community together.” There were 15 people on his team, including Janice Babcock and Layton Moran. “I like helping,” Moran said. Babcock agreed with him. “This is all for a good cause and if you can help someone you should,” she said.

Mark F mark@coshoctonc

COSHOCTON - Prize during the Coshocton Life wrap-up held on a morning at the fairgro ton High School awar Related campsite, Tea Original, and Most Ed United Methodist Chu the 2016 Relay for Life the World.”

‘The succe event is a r on your de spirit and p commitm fight again

Missy W

Missy Wilson, who c said, “Thank you for a We started 18 hours ag were here together to never sleeps. We’ve wo this point. We worked fight back against can we have all been touch disease.” “Without you cance save lives and get one ing the fight once and “A special thanks to ership event staff espe (Missy gesturing to th team). “The success of tion on your dedicatio sionate commitment t cancer.” The co-chairs

May 18, 2016 THE BEACON

MAY 18, 2016



Relay achieves goal

Mark Fortune

Prizes were awarded octon County Relay For d on a chilly Saturday airgrounds with Coshocawarded the Most Theme e, Team Hiccup for Most ost Educational was Keene t Church. The theme for r Life was “Relay Around

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issy Wilson

who co-chaired the event, for a wonderful Relay. urs ago and we said we er to fight a disease that ve worked hard to get to orked hard all year long to t cancer. We do it because touched by this terrible

ancer wins. With you we t one step closer to finishe and for all.” ks to the fabulous leadespecially these people to the rest of the co-chair ess of this event is a refleccation, spirit and pasment to the fight against hairs for this year’s Relay

were Amber Mercer, Missy Wilson, Stefani Bush and Melinda Courtright. “Relay For Life gives us the opportunity to celebrate. We celebrate the cancer survivors in our lives and support those who are fighting against this disease. We celebrate caregivers and thank them for everything that they do because without you the fights harder. We celebrate taking one more step towards a cancer free future and we celebrate being together at this great event called Relay For Life.” “Relay For Life also gives us time to remember those we’ve lost. They are never far from our hearts, and it’s at Relay that we can come together and remember their lives. We remember them in every step as we walk the track and they motivate us to keep going.” “Remember what brings us here. It is all the people that we’ve lost and all the people that come to Relay to fight back.” With a goal of $100,000 for this year’s Relay, the number of $100,218.91 was announced prior to the final lap. The number is unofficial and the final result will be announced later.

did not but we had a bunch of new teams come in who did wonderful and stepped up and helped us get there. We’re hit our goal and we’re very excited. It’s just been a wonderful year.” “It’s very important to raise this money. The research affects everybody. All of us will benefit from that someday. It also helps with the hotel stays when we’re traveling far away from home and we need to be there. All of those things are important.” “This year’s committee was awesome. We have had a great year. It’s been hard on them. There were a lot of changes and a lot of things that we had to do. They’ve taken a lot of flak for that but they have stepped up and really come through and done everything for us. It’s been great.”

‘Remember what brings us here. It is all the people that we’ve lost and all the people that come to Relay to fight back’ Missy Wilson

Tracy Barnhouse, who is the American Cancer Society event leader, said, “I love Coshocton County Relay. Coshocton is awesome. It’s been a wonderful year. We have done a lot of re-growing, we had a lot teams that we thought were returning and

Photo | Beth Scott

At the end of the 2016 Miss Relay contest, Miss Botswana and Miss Mexico had tied for first place. After a dance-off, it was announced that Miss Botswana (Jeff DeRan of Dean’s Jewelry team, center) was crowned 2016 Miss Relay and Miss Mexico (Steve Schlarb, right) was named runner-up. Miss Iceland (Charles Mack, left) was named second runner-up.


May 18, 2016





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Christi Olinger 740-202-0150


Christi Olinger 740-202-0150



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Spring Showcase of Homes

740.622.3111 316 North 3rd St., Coshocton



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May 18, 2016 THE BEACON



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May 18, 2016



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May 18, 2016 THE BEACON








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COSHOCTON - May is the month of fresh spring tastes at Coshocton Farmers Market on Main Street. After a long winter, the first bites of sweet homegrown asparagus, tender greens from the garden, and tart, tangy rhubarb are especially welcome.

Fresh tastes and flowers found at Coshocton Farmers Market Next month, strawberries, garlic scapes, fresh herbs, and peas will make their appearance at the market. In the meantime, you can find seedlings for your own garden — tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, peppers, herbs, and more. Other delicious tastes

at the market include homemade baked goods and candy, fresh-popped flavored popcorn, local honey and maple syrup. You can also find fresh eggs, grass fed beef, and pastured pork and chicken. There are plenty of

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0% ed ubject to cr for

May 18, 2016

flowering plants at the market, with several vendors selling colorful hanging baskets, bedding plants, perennials, and pot arrangements for sun or shade. And crafters offer unique gifts for that special someone. Try this easy asparagus recipe from Allrecipes. com for a taste of spring: Sautéed Garlic Asparagus 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 bunch fresh asparagus 3 cloves garlic, chopped Melt butter or margarine in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add garlic and asparagus spears; cover and cook 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, or until asparagus is tender. The market is open 8:30 a.m. to noon Saturdays, from May through October, on the 300 block of Main Street in Coshocton. For information, visit Coshocton Farmers Market on Facebook.

Contributed | Beacon

Jodi Shrimplin sells fragrant body butters and scrubs at the Coshocton Farmers Market. The market is open from 8:30 to noon every Saturday on the 300 block of Main Street.

Contributed by Mary Meyer

ents *S onthly paym Minimum m See dealer required. for details.

free local delivery




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May 18, 2016 THE BEACON


$10,000! 02 Chevy Impala LS

07 Ford Fusion SE

Only 85,700 Miles!!! Power Seats, Steering Wheel Audio Controls, Power Sunroof, Alloy Wheels, Heated Leather # MP7956B

Power Seat, Steering Wheel Audio Controls # B16075B


08 Dodge Intrepid

95 Honda Odyssey

Cloth # T16154A


03 Saturn L200

Only 88,000 Miles!!! ”Gas Saver”, Automatic, CD Stereo #MP7873A



07 Chevy HHR LS

Power Seat, Sunroof, Alloy Wheels, Air, 7 Passenger #MP8096A




09 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT

Power Seat, Power Sliding Side Door, Roof Rack, Alloy Wheels #B15254B



03 Ford Explorer XLT 4x4

Power Seat, Alloy Wheels #MP8061A

03 Chevy 1/2 Ton Ext 4x4 LS

Tow Package, Z71, Bed Liner, Alloy Wheels #GM15110B

SALE $7,950 PRICE $7,996 07 Buick Lucerne CXL




08 Ford 1/2 Ton Ext 4x4 XLT

Power Seat, Running Boards, Spray-in Bed Liner, Alloy Wheels, Tow Package #T15358A


Bed Liner, Bumper Tow Package #MP7835A


Power Seat, Power Sunroof, Leather Interior, Alloy Wheels, Pioneer Speakers, 3rd Row Seating #C15227B


02 Chevy 1/2 Ton Ext

Automatic, CD Stereo #MP7853C


05 Buick Lesabre Custom




02 Chevy 1/2 Ton Reg 4x4 Tow Package #GM15407A



04 Chevy 1/2 Ton Ext 4x4

Power Seat, Running Boards, Bed Liner, Alloy Wheels, Bose Speakers, Tow Package, 1 Owner #GM15408A


07 Chevy Impala LT

Power Seat, Remote Start, Alloy Wheels #MP7977A



12 Chevy Sonic

Only 51,600 Miles!!! Auto, Air, Power Locks, Rear Window Defogger, 15” Alloy Wheels #MP8125

SALE $8,950 PRICE $9,475 08 Nissan Altima S


Only 78,000 Miles!!! Power Seat, Remote Start, Alloy Wheels, Heated Memory Seats # B15368A

$5,975 05 Chevy Cobalt LS

Manual Transmission #T16166A



04 Dodge Dakota Crew SXT

Tilt Wheel, Cruise Control, Bed Liner, Alloy Wheels #MP7972A



10 Chevy Colorado Ext 4x4

Power Windows & Locks, Tilt Wheel, Cruise Control, Bed Liner #T16007A



Only 75,000 Miles!!! Power Seat, Power Windows & Locks, Tilt Wheel, Cruise Control, Alloy Wheels # MP7916






The Original



Chuck Nicholson

Barry Nicholson

Jim Simo

Randy Jameyson


• Mon. & Thurs. til 9 PM • Tues., Wed. & Fri. 5 PM • Saturday til 3 PM


Kevin Fair

Christi Wengerd

Dale Brown


Prices good thru May 27, 2016. Pictures may not reflect actual vehicle

Pat Kaiser

Dave Brillhart

Chad Mills



May 18, 2016

CALL: 740-622-4237

Part time Farm help wanted 740-824-3621 Upper BP Mart at 1414 Chestnut Street (beside Papa John’s) is now accepting applications for part-time help on evening shift. Please apply within. No phone calls please.

GARAGE/YARD SALES Garage Sale mile past Nellie on US 36, May 20 & 21, 9-5. Grill, western paperbacks, misc. household, Blue Willow, Milk Glass, wall shelves, vases, yard items, much more. Garage Sale, Fri. 5/20, Sat. 5/21, Sun. 5/22, rain or shine 9 to 5. Coca Cola, Longaberger baskets, wrought iron and some pottery. Lots of misc. Liberty 25 gun safe. 1137 Cambridge Road. Large multi-family Garage sale, 46729 CR 495, down from J.W.’s on 36 W. May 20th and 21st. Multi-family yard sale at Coshocton Fairgrounds in Agricultural Hall. May 19 & 20, 8-? Something for everyone, includes TY Attic Treasures. Rummage and Bake Sale at Riverside Towers in Community Room. May 20th 9-5

Friday & Saturday May 20 & 21, 8-3pm. 23492 County Road 17. Dishes, cooking utensils, books, cassettes, VHS tape, Longaberger Baskets and lots of misc. Huge Garage Sale Saturday only May 21, 8am-2pm. 45364 CR 23. Tent, EZ up, DVD’s, Tires $10, tools, computer, sink, dresser, pics, scanner, cheap. All Must Go

HAY First, second cut, Orchard Grass, Timothy, Clover hay. Round bales. 740-824-3621

“Handyman” I’ll do all different kinds of handyman work and home repair. Also, roofing, roof repair, roof coating, driveway sealing, house painting, siding, gutter cleaning, yard work, hauling brush, scrap metals and other things. “Dependable” “Reasonable Prices” Local number 740-575-4571 C&R Tree Service. Pruning, trimming, stump removal, tree removal. Free estimates, senior discounts, fully insured. 740586-3843 Coshocton. 740-2212224 Zanesville. A proud member of the BBB. Now accepting all major credit cards.

CEMETERY SADDLES Beautiful Cemetery Saddles, choice of colors, $25. 740-5459096

WANTED WANTED: Junk vehicles, scrap metal, appliances, batteries, junk mowers. 740-294-5756

SERVICES OFFERED Looking for a few yards to mow, any size. Reasonable, quality workmanship, light landscaping, trimming, tree trims. Call 740-291-2324 anytime. Roofing, Siding, Windows, Doors, all home improvements. Professional results. Powerwashing and Painting. Drain cleaning. References, Insurance Claims. 740-294-8159 anytime. Have dump truck, will do light hauling, stone, sand, gravel, mulch, brush, etc. Clean garages. 740-545-7451 ask for Jim.


HOMES FOR RENT Two bedroom, one bath, washer/dryer included, off street parking, no pets, $550 per month plus deposit. References & background check required. 1028 Adams Street, Coshocton. 740-202-3175.

FOR RENT 2 bedroom 14’x70’ mobile home in Pleasant Valley. $475 per month plus utilities. References required. Call 740-8245625. Block building for rent, 24x28 with 8’ 6” x 8’ 6” overhead door in Pleasant Valley. $175 per month. Call 740-824-5625.

HOMES FOR SALE House for sale, 1635 Tuscarawas Avenue. Call 740-622-1346

2 bedroom upstairs apartment, appliances furnished, utilities paid, $515 monthly with $515 deposit, 740-294-7954

1995 Clayton mobile home, 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, in good condition. Needs moved. Phone 740-294-5819. Asking $8,000

FOR SALE 17 Briar smoking pipes, vintage E.A. Carey “Magic Inch” with wall display cabinet $400. Call 740-294-8754.


We attempt to publish reputable advertisers but cannot guarantee those we do not know. The Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason.


Classified – 25 words for $10.00 each additional word only $.25. Includes website!

Help Wanted – 25 words for $15.00 each

additional word only $.50. Includes website!

Garage/Yard Sales – 25 words for $17.00 each KIT INCLUDED!

additional word only $.50. Includes website! Kit includes: 2 signs, checklist, pricing stickers, and tips!

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ENHANCEMENTS Bold Type $2.00 ALL CAPS $2.00 BORDER $2.00 Centered text $2.00 Picture $2.00 Logo $2.00 TOTAL COST 25 Words

Additional Words Enhancements Weekly Costs Number of Weeks TOTAL COST

+ + = x


2003 Buick Century 4 door. Runs good but needs some work, $650. 740-829-2642 or 740-819-4422

Ranch Home for rent 3 bedroom, 2 bath, full basement, garage, large lot. Very nice location in the country. $750.00 month plus deposit. Available June. 740-295-0392

AREA RENTAL INFORMATION. Houses and Apartments. Rent or I’ll help you buy! Call 740-622-9791 today!

2BR apartment for rent, garage, coin operated laundry, all electric, all appliances. 740-6228020


5’6” White Oak Plank Table-made out of old barn wood, also included 2-long and 2-short benches $300. 4 255-65-R17 tires 50% Tread $40.00. 740502-8521




























Name Address City Phone Classified

State Zip Email Address Help Wanted Garage Sale




LEGAL NOTICE Franklin Township Board of Trustees will hold their regular May meeting on May 23, 2016 at 6:00pm due to Memorial Day CCB # Franklin Township May 18’16

LEGAL NOTICE Ord 10-16 ammending wage ordinance for those exempt from collective bargaining. Ord 15-16 authorizing signing of agreement with city schools to install an antenna on the water tower on SR541. Ord 17-16 approve annexation agreement that will result in annexation of .3469 acres into the city. Complete text of this ordinance may be obtained or viewed at the Clerk of Council Office, City of Coshocton. CCB # Ord 10-16 Ord 15-16 Ord 17-16 May 18, 25’16

LEGAL NOTICE Sealed Bids will be received by the Board of Trustees of Monroe Township, Coshocton County, Ohio for MC3Thousand to be broomed, spread, and rolled with washed #8 gravel to be used in the chip and seal. All bids should be addressed as Follows: Sealed Bids Cathy Williamson, Fiscal Officer 29120 CR 49 Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Bids will be accepted until 7:00 pm June 13, 2016 at which time the bids will be opened. The Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids. CCB: May 18,25, June 1’16

LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO PROBATE DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF THE ADOPTION OF: SHAWNTAE MARIE SMITH CASE NO. 21650006 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION To Brandon Chaney, father, addresses unknown, you are hereby notified that on the 6th day of April, 2016, Larry E. and Judy A. Smith, residing at 25633 CR 10, Fresno, OH, filed in this Court a Petition to Adopt Shawntae Marie Smith, whose date of birth is April 21, 2004, and that her name shall remain Shawntae Marie Smith. The object of this adoption is to terminate all parental rights and responsibilities you as a biological father have to said minor child. It is alleged in the Petition that you have failed without justifiable cause to provide more than de minimis contact with the minor and provide for the maintenance and support of the minor for a period of at least one year immediately preceding the filing of the adoption petition. A hearing on said Petition will be held before the Probate Court at 426 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio, 43812 on the 1st day of August, 2016, at 1:00 p.m. You are required to respond to said Petition within twenty-eight (28) days after the last publication of this notice. In case of your failure to answer or otherwise respond as required by Ohio law, the relief requested in the Petition for Adoption may be granted by the Court and will also result in the waiver of your right to consent to said adoption. In the event your consent is dispensed with you are hereby given further notice of your right to attend the Best Interest Hearing on the date and time referred to herein and your right to be heard at said hearing as to whether the adoptions should be granted. Van Blanchard II, Judge and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas, Coshocton, Ohio Probate Division CCB Publish Dates: May 18 & 25 2016 June 1,8,15,22, 2016




LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COMMON PLEAS COURT OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER TREASURER OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS Defendant Case No. 2016 CI 0061, COMPLAINT Notice of Foreclosure of Liens for Delinquent Land Taxes, by Action in Rem by County Treasurer of Coshocton County, Ohio Public notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of February, 2016, the county treasurer of Coshocton County, Ohio, filed a complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Coshocton County, Ohio, at Coshocton, Ohio, for the foreclosure of liens for delinquent taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against certain personal property situated in such county, as described in that complaint. The object of the action is to obtain from the court a judgment foreclosing the tax liens against such personal property and ordering the sale of such personal property for the satisfaction of the tax liens on it. Such action is brought against the personal property only and no personal judgment shall be entered in it. However, if, pursuant to the action, the property if sold for an amount that is less than the amount of the delinquent taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against it, the court, in a separate order, may enter a deficiency judgement against the owner of record of a parcel for the amount of the difference; if that owner of record is a corporation, the court may enter the deficiency judgment against the stockholder holding a majority of that corporation’s stock. The permanent parcel number of each parcel included in such action; the full street address of the parcel, if available; a description of the parcel as set forth in the associated delinquent land tax certificate or master list of delinquent tracts (a complete description of the parcel can be reviewed at the clerk of courts office); a statement of the amount of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on the parcel; the name and address of the last known owner of the parcel as they appear on the general tax list; and the names and addresses of each lienholder and other person with an interest in the parcel identified in a statutorily required title search relating to the parcel; all as more fully set forth in the complaint are as follows: EXHIBIT “A” This Exhibit incorporated the use of Coshocton County’s Permanent Parcel Number System in lieu of a complete legal description to each of the following parcels may be obtained in the office of the Recorder of Coshocton County, Ohio in the document or documents found at the Deed Books and page numbers or other volumes cited below. 1) Parcel Number: 013002-9-1 ADDRESS: 46115 US 36, Lot 35, Coshocton, OH 43812 Description of personal property: 1981 Buddy Mobile Home Title is attached as Exhibit “B”

LEGAL NOTICE REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS ARCHITECT OF RECORD The Coshocton County Commissioners are soliciting Qualifications for an Architect of Record (A/E) for their New Correctional Facility Project (“Project”). The Project includes a new full-service jail consisting of 120-140 beds, a new Sheriff’s Office, and a new Prosecutor’s Office. Total building area is approximately 40,000 sf. The jail will include minimum, medium, and maximum security housing; intake; visitation; classrooms; outdoor recreation areas; full-service kitchen; sallyport; and other support spaces. The Project will include appropriate Site improvements such as parking and landscaping. The Site, which is at the northeast corner of 7th and Walnut Streets, is approximately 300 ft. x 300 ft. and is currently vacant. The A/E’s Preconstruction Phase services will include programming, schematic design, design development, construction documents, and other services required under the Contract. The A/E will also participate in the best-value selection of the CM and the evaluation/negotiation of one or more GMP Amendments to the CM’s contract. The A/E’s Construction Phase services will include usual and customary construction administration activities including site meetings, construction observation, submittal review, pay application processing, change processing, claims evaluation, and other services required under the Contract. The A/E’s qualifications required include: (1) competence of staff to perform the required services; (2) experience working on similar projects; (3) past performance on other projects; (4) financial responsibility; and (5) other qualifications consistent with the scope and needs of the Project. The complete Request for Qualifications may be obtained by contacting Mary Beck, Clerk/ Administrator; Coshocton County Commissioners; 401 1/2 Main St.; Coshocton, OH 43812;; (740) 622-1753; or at Statements of Qualifications are due by noon on June 10, 2016. By order of the Coshocton County Commissioners; 401 1/2 Main St.; Coshocton, OH 43812. 4839-6668-9585, v. 1 CCB: May 18’16

Amount Due: $3,420.27, plus any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in the foreclosure proceeding. Last Known Owner: Name: Randy L. Allen Address: 46115 US 36, Lot 35, Coshocton, OH 43812 Name and address of each lienholder or other person with an interest in the parcel: Name: All current tenants Address: 46115 US 36, Lot 35, Coshocton, OH 43812 Name: Westfield National Ins Co., c/o Jacobs Vanaman Agency, 530 Main St., Coshocton, OH 43812 Name: Bank One, Coshocton NA nka Chase 120 S. 4th St., Coshocton, OH 43812 Any person owning or claiming any right, title, or interest in, or lien upon, any parcel of personal property above listed may file an answer in such action setting forth the nature and amount of interest owned or claimed an any defence or objection to the foreclosure. Such answer shall be filed in the office of the undersigned clerk of the court, and a copy of

the answer shall be served on the prosecuting attorney, on or before June 15, 2016. If no answer is filed with respect to a parcel listed in the complaint, on or before the date specified as the last day for filing an answer, a judgment of foreclosure and forfeiture will be taken by default as to that parcel. Any parcel as to which a foreclosure and forfeiture is taken by default shall be sold for the satisfaction of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest, and the costs incurred in the foreclosure and forfeiture proceeding, which are due and unpaid. At any time prior to the filing of an entry of confirmation of sale, any owner or lienholder of, or other person with an interest in, a parcel listed in the complaint may redeem the parcel by tendering to the treasurer the amount of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on the parcel, together with all costs incurred in the proceeding instituted against the parcel under section 5721.14 of the Revised Code. Upon filing of any entry of confirmation of sale, there shall be no further equity of redemption. After the filing of any such entry, any person claiming any right, title, or interest in, or lien upon, any parcel shall be forever barred and foreclosed of any such right, title, or interest in, lien upon, and any equity of redemption in, such parcel. Janet S. Mosier, Clerk of Coshocton County Court of Common Pleas Coshocton, Ohio Answer Date: June 15, 2016 (Pub: CCB, May 4,11&18’16) #Allen,R.L. 2016CI0061

DELINQUENT LAND TAX LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COMMON PLEAS COURT OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER TREASURER OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS Defendant Case No. 2016 CI 0184, COMPLAINT Notice of Foreclosure of Liens for Delinquent Land Taxes, by Action in Rem by County Treasurer of Coshocton County, Ohio Public notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of April, 2016, the county treasurer of Coshocton County, Ohio, filed a complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Coshocton County, Ohio, at Coshocton, Ohio, for the foreclosure of liens for delinquent taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against certain real estate situated in such county, as described in that complaint. The object of the action is to obtain from the court a judgment foreclosing the tax liens against such real estate and ordering the sale of such real estate for the satisfaction of the tax liens on it. Such action is brought against the real estate only and no personal judgment shall be entered in it. However, if, pursuant to the action, the property if sold for an amount that is less than the amount of the delinquent taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against it, the court, in a separate order, may enter a deficiency judgement against the owner of record of a parcel for the amount of the difference; if that owner of record is a corporation, the court may enter the deficiency judgment against the stockholder holding a majority of that corporation’s stock. The permanent parcel number of each parcel included in such action; the full street address of the parcel, if available; a description of the parcel as set forth in the associated delinquent land tax certificate or master list of delinquent tracts (a complete description of the parcel can be reviewed at the clerk of courts office); a statement of the amount of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on the parcel; the name and address of the last known owner of the parcel as they appear on the general tax list; and the names and addresses of each lienholder and other person with an interest in the parcel identified in a statutorily required title search relating to the parcel; all as more fully set forth in the complaint are as follows:

May 18, 2016

EXHIBIT “A” This Exhibit incorporated the use of Coshocton County’s Permanent Parcel Number System in lieu of a complete legal description to each of the following parcels may be obtained in the office of the Recorder of Coshocton County, Ohio in the document or documents found at the Deed Books and page numbers or other volumes cited below. 1) Parcel Number: 003-00000537-05 ADDRESS: County Road 54, Coshocton, OH 43812 Amount Due: $957.74, plus any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in the foreclosure proceeding. Last Known Owner: Name: J.J. Detweiler Enterprises, Inc. Address: 2814 Edison St., N.W., Uniontown, OH 44685 Name and address of each lienholder or other person with an interest in the parcel: Name: The Second National Bank of Warren Address: 105 High St., Warren, OH 44481 Name: National City Bank Address: 6750 Miller Road, Loc#7120, Brecksville, OH 44141 Name: Peoples Bank, N.A. fka Ohio Heritage Bank, 200 Main Street, Coshocton, OH 43812 Name: Burdge Paul McLean and Patricia A. McLean Address: No address Name:James R. Fortney and Tana L. Fortney Address: No address Name: H. Robert Simmons and Ruth Ann Simmons, Trustees Address: No address Name: Richard J. Delgado and Carole C. Delgado Address: No address Name: Jerry Burnett and Wendy Burnett Address: No address Any person owning or claiming any right, title, or interest in, or lien upon, any parcel of personal property above listed may file an answer in such action setting forth the nature and amount of interest owned or claimed an any defence or objection to the foreclosure. Such answer shall be filed in the office of the undersigned clerk of the court, and a copy of the answer shall be served on the prosecuting attorney, on or before June 15, 2016. If no answer is filed with respect to a parcel listed in the complaint, on or before the date specified as the last day for filing an answer, a judgment of foreclosure and forfeiture will be taken by default as to that parcel. Any parcel as to which a foreclosure and forfeiture is taken by default shall be sold for the satisfaction of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest, and the costs incurred in the foreclosure and forfeiture proceeding, which are due and unpaid. At any time prior to the filing of an entry of confirmation of sale, any owner or lienholder of, or other person with an interest in, a parcel listed in the complaint may redeem the parcel by tendering to the treasurer the amount of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on the parcel, together with all costs incurred in the proceeding instituted against the parcel under section 5721.14 of the Revised Code. Upon filing of any entry of confirmation of sale, there shall be no further equity of redemption. After the filing of any such entry, any person claiming any right, title, or interest in, or lien upon, any parcel shall be forever barred and foreclosed of any such right, title, or interest in, lien upon, and any equity of redemption in, such parcel. Janet S. Mosier, Clerk of Coshocton County Court of Common Pleas Coshocton, Ohio Answer Date: June 15, 2016 (Pub: CCB, May 4,11,18’16) #J.J. Detweiler Enterprises, Inc 2016CI0184

May 18, 2016 THE BEACON


LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COMMON PLEAS COURT OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER TREASURER OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS Defendant Case No. 2016 CI 0181, COMPLAINT Notice of Foreclosure of Liens for Delinquent Land Taxes, by Action in Rem by County Treasurer of Coshocton County, Ohio Public notice is hereby given that on the 28th day of April, 2016, the county treasurer of Coshocton County, Ohio, filed a complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Coshocton County, Ohio, at Coshocton, Ohio, for the foreclosure of liens for delinquent taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against certain real estate situated in such county, as described in that complaint. The object of the action is to obtain from the court a judgment foreclosing the tax liens against such real estate and ordering the sale of such real estate for the satisfaction of the tax liens on it. Such action is brought against the real estate only and no personal judgment shall be entered in it. However, if, pursuant to the action, the property if sold for an amount that is less than the amount of the delinquent taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against it, the court, in a separate order, may enter a deficiency judgement against the owner of record of a parcel for the amount of the difference; if that owner of record is a corporation, the court may enter the deficiency judgment against the stockholder holding a majority of that corporation’s stock. The permanent parcel number of each parcel included in such action; the full street address of the parcel, if available; a description of the parcel as set forth in the associated delinquent land tax certificate or master list of delinquent tracts (a complete description of the parcel can be reviewed at the clerk of courts office); a statement of the amount of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on the parcel; the name and address of the last known owner of the parcel as they appear on the general tax list; and the names and addresses of each lienholder and other person with an interest in the parcel identified in a statutorily required title search relating to the parcel; all as more fully set forth in the complaint are as follows: EXHIBIT “A” This Exhibit incorporated the use of Coshocton County’s Permanent Parcel Number System in lieu of a complete legal description to each of the following parcels may be obtained in the office of the Recorder of Coshocton County, Ohio in the document or documents found at the Deed Books and page numbers or other volumes cited below. 1) Parcel Number: 040-00000086-06 ADDRESS: 18630 C.R. 18, Dresden, OH 43821 Amount Due: $4,965.67, plus any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in the foreclosure proceeding. Last Known Owner: Name: PCM, Trustee Address: 830 S. 2nd Street #139, Coshocton, OH 43812 Name and address of each lienholder or other person with an interest in the parcel: Name: All current tenants Address:18630 C.R. 18,Dresden,OH 43821 Name: Trade Management, LLC Address: No address Any person owning or claiming any right, title, or interest in, or lien upon, any parcel of personal property above listed may file an answer in such action setting forth the nature and amount of interest owned or claimed an any defence or objection to the foreclosure. Such answer shall be filed in the office of the undersigned clerk of the court, and a copy of the answer shall be served on the prosecuting attorney, on or before June 15, 2016. If no answer is filed with respect to a parcel listed in the complaint, on or before the date specified as the last day for filing an answer, a judgment of foreclosure and forfeiture will be taken by default as to that parcel. Any parcel as to which a foreclo-

sure and forfeiture is taken by default shall be sold for the satisfaction of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest, and the costs incurred in the foreclosure and forfeiture proceeding, which are due and unpaid. At any time prior to the filing of an entry of confirmation of sale, any owner or lienholder of, or other person with an interest in, a parcel listed in the complaint may redeem the parcel by tendering to the treasurer the amount of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on the parcel, together with all costs incurred in the proceeding instituted against the parcel under section 5721.14 of the Revised Code. Upon filing of any entry of confirmation of sale, there shall be no further equity of redemption. After the filing of any such entry, any person claiming any right, title, or interest in, or lien upon, any parcel shall be forever barred and foreclosed of any such right, title, or interest in, lien upon, and any equity of redemption in, such parcel. Janet S. Mosier, Clerk of Coshocton County Court of Common Pleas Coshocton, Ohio Answer Date: June 15, 2016 (Pub: CCB, May 4,11,18’16) #PCM 2016CI0181

DELINQUENT LAND TAX LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COMMON PLEAS COURT OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER TREASURER OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS Defendant Case No. 2016 CI 0046, COMPLAINT Notice of Foreclosure of Liens for Delinquent Land Taxes, by Action in Rem by County Treasurer of Coshocton County, Ohio Public notice is hereby given that on the 16th day of February, 2016, the county treasurer of Coshocton County, Ohio, filed a complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Coshocton County, Ohio, at Coshocton, Ohio, for the foreclosure of liens for delinquent taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against certain real estate situated in such county, as described in that complaint. The object of the action is to obtain from the court a judgment foreclosing the tax liens against such real estate and ordering the sale of such real estate for the satisfaction of the tax liens on it. Such action is brought against the real estate only and no personal judgment shall be entered in it. However, if, pursuant to the action, the property if sold for an amount that is less than the amount of the delinquent taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against it, the court, in a separate order, may enter a deficiency judgement against the owner of record of a parcel for the amount of the difference; if that owner of record is a corporation, the court may enter the deficiency judgment against the stockholder holding a majority of that corporation’s stock. The permanent parcel number of each parcel included in such action; the full street address of the parcel, if available; a description of the parcel as set forth in the associated delinquent land tax certificate or master list of delinquent tracts (a complete description of the parcel can be reviewed at the clerk of courts office); a statement of the amount of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on the parcel; the name and address of the last known owner of the parcel as they appear on the general tax list; and the names and addresses of each lienholder and other person with an interest in the parcel identified in a statutorily required title search relating to the parcel; all as more fully set forth in the complaint are as follows: EXHIBIT “A” This Exhibit incorporated the use of Coshocton County’s Permanent Parcel Number System in lieu of a complete legal description to each of the following parcels may be obtained in the office of the Recorder of Coshocton County, Ohio in the document or documents found at the Deed Books and page numbers or other volumes cited below. Parcel Number: 014-00001175-00 $1,446.01 Parcel Number: 014-00001184-00 $136.10 Parcel Number: 014-00001185-00

$136.10 Parcel Number: $49.40 Parcel Number: $1,128.55 Parcel Number: $155.46 Parcel Number: $300.96 Parcel Number: $13.97 Parcel Number: $117.56 Parcel Number: $77.44 Parcel Number: $77.44 Parcel Number: $13.69 Parcel Number: $14.30 Parcel Number: $29.84 Parcel Number: $70.34

032-00001217-00 033-00001051-00 033-00001054-00 033-00001055-00 033-00001055-01 033-00001057-00 033-00001080-00 033-00001081-00 042-00001078-00 042-00001079-00 027-00001163-00 027-00001184-00

Amount Due: $3,767.16, plus any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in the foreclosure proceeding. Last Known Owner: Name: Petro Drilling Any person owning or claiming any right, title, or interest in, or lien upon, any parcel of personal property above listed may file an answer in such action setting forth the nature and amount of interest owned or claimed an any defence or objection to the foreclosure. Such answer shall be filed in the office of the undersigned clerk of the court, and a copy of the answer shall be served on the prosecuting attorney, on or before June 15, 2016. If no answer is filed with respect to a parcel listed in the complaint, on or before the date specified as the last day for filing an answer, a judgment of foreclosure and forfeiture will be taken by default as to that parcel. Any parcel as to which a foreclosure and forfeiture is taken by default shall be sold for the satisfaction of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest, and the costs incurred in the foreclosure and forfeiture proceeding, which are due and unpaid. At any time prior to the filing of an entry of confirmation of sale, any owner or lienholder of, or other person with an interest in, a parcel listed in the complaint may redeem the parcel by tendering to the treasurer the amount of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on the parcel, together with all costs incurred in the proceeding instituted against the parcel under section 5721.14 of the Revised Code. Upon filing of any entry of confirmation of sale, there shall be no further equity of redemption. After the filing of any such entry, any person claiming any right, title, or interest in, or lien upon, any parcel shall be forever barred and foreclosed of any such right, title, or interest in, lien upon, and any equity of redemption in, such parcel. Janet S. Mosier, Clerk of Coshocton County Court of Common Pleas Coshocton, Ohio Answer Date: June 15, 2016 (Pub: CCB, May4,11,18’16) #Petro Drilling 2016CI0046

DELINQUENT LAND TAX LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COMMON PLEAS COURT OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER TREASURER OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS Defendant Case No. 2016 CI 0060, COMPLAINT Notice of Foreclosure of Liens for Delinquent Land Taxes, by Action in Rem by County Treasurer of Coshocton County, Ohio Public notice is hereby given that on the 19th day of February, 2016, the county treasurer of Coshocton County, Ohio, filed a complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Coshocton County, Ohio, at Coshocton, Ohio, for the foreclosure of liens for delinquent taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against certain personal property situated in

such county, as described in that complaint. The object of the action is to obtain from the court a judgment foreclosing the tax liens against such personal property and ordering the sale of such personal property for the satisfaction of the tax liens on it. Such action is brought against the personal property only and no personal judgment shall be entered in it. However, if, pursuant to the action, the property if sold for an amount that is less than the amount of the delinquent taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against it, the court, in a separate order, may enter a deficiency judgement against the owner of record of a parcel for the amount of the difference; if that owner of record is a corporation, the court may enter the deficiency judgment against the stockholder holding a majority of that corporation’s stock. The permanent parcel number of each parcel included in such action; the full street address of the parcel, if available; a description of the parcel as set forth in the associated delinquent land tax certificate or master list of delinquent tracts (a complete description of the parcel can be reviewed at the clerk of courts office); a statement of the amount of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on the parcel; the name and address of the last known owner of the parcel as they appear on the general tax list; and the names and addresses of each lienholder and other person with an interest in the parcel identified in a statutorily required title search relating to the parcel; all as more fully set forth in the complaint are as follows: EXHIBIT “A” This Exhibit incorporated the use of Coshocton County’s Permanent Parcel Number System in lieu of a complete legal description to each of the following parcels may be obtained in the office of the Recorder of Coshocton County, Ohio in the document or documents found at the Deed Books and page numbers or other volumes cited below. 1) Parcel Number: 018001-7-8 ADDRESS: 23601 State Route 93, Lot 121, Fresno, OH 43824 Description of personal property: 1996 Skyline Mobile Home Title is attached as Exhibit “B” Amount Due: $352.65, plus any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in the foreclosure proceeding. Last Known Owner: Name: Della and Margaret Vatter Address: 23601 State Route 93, Lot 121, Fresno, OH 43824 Name and address of each lienholder or other person with an interest in the parcel: Name: All current tenants Address: 23601 State Route 93, Lot 121, Fresno, OH 43824 Any person owning or claiming any right, title, or interest in, or lien upon, any parcel of personal property above listed may file an answer in such action setting forth the nature and amount of interest owned or claimed an any defence or objection to the foreclosure. Such answer shall be filed in the office of the undersigned clerk of the court, and a copy of the answer shall be served on the prosecuting attorney, on or before June 15, 2016. If no answer is filed with respect to a parcel listed in the complaint, on or before the date specified as the last day for filing an answer, a judgment of foreclosure and forfeiture will be taken by default as to that parcel. Any parcel as to which a foreclosure and forfeiture is taken by default shall be sold for the satisfaction of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest, and the costs incurred in the foreclosure and forfeiture proceeding, which are due and unpaid. At any time prior to the filing of an entry of confirmation of sale, any owner or lienholder of, or other person with an interest in, a parcel listed in the complaint may redeem the parcel by tendering to the treasurer the amount of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on the parcel, together with all costs incurred in the proceeding instituted against the parcel under section 5721.14 of the Revised Code. Upon filing of any entry of confirmation of sale, there shall be no further equity of redemption. After the filing of any such entry, any person claiming any right, title, or interest in, or lien upon, any parcel shall be forever barred and foreclosed of any such right, title, or interest in, lien upon, and any equity of redemption in, such parcel. Janet S. Mosier, Clerk of Coshocton County Court of Common Pleas Coshocton, Ohio Answer Date: June 15, 2016 (Pub: CCB, May4,11&18’16) #Vatter, D and M 2016CI0060



LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COMMON PLEAS COURT OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER TREASURER OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS Defendant Case No. 2016 CI 0086, COMPLAINT Notice of Foreclosure of Liens for Delinquent Land Taxes, by Action in Rem by County Treasurer of Coshocton County, Ohio Public notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of April, 2016, the county treasurer of Coshocton County, Ohio, filed a complaint in the Common Pleas Court of Coshocton County, Ohio, at Coshocton, Ohio, for the foreclosure of liens for delinquent taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against certain real estate situated in such county, as described in that complaint. The object of the action is to obtain from the court a judgment foreclosing the tax liens against such real estate and ordering the sale of such real estate for the satisfaction of the tax liens on it. Such action is brought against the real estate only and no personal judgment shall be entered in it. However, if, pursuant to the action, the property if sold for an amount that is less than the amount of the delinquent taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest against it, the court, in a separate order, may enter a deficiency judgement against the owner of record of a parcel for the amount of the difference; if that owner of record is a corporation, the court may enter the deficiency judgment against the stockholder holding a majority of that corporation’s stock. The permanent parcel number of each parcel included in such action; the full street address of the parcel, if available; a description of the parcel as set forth in the associated delinquent land tax certificate or master list of delinquent tracts (a complete description of the parcel can be reviewed at the clerk of courts office); a statement of the amount of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on the parcel; the name and address of the last known owner of the parcel as they appear on the general tax list; and the names and addresses of each lienholder and other person with an interest in the parcel identified in a statutorily required title search relating to the parcel; all as more fully set forth in the complaint are as follows: EXHIBIT “A” This Exhibit incorporated the use of Coshocton County’s Permanent Parcel Number System in lieu of a complete legal description to each of the following parcels may be obtained in the office of the Recorder of Coshocton County, Ohio in the document or documents found at the Deed Books and page numbers or other volumes cited below. 1) Parcel Number: 021-00000022-00 ADDRESS: 51470 T.R. 146, Coshocton, OH 43812 Amount Due: $1,611.83, plus any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in the foreclosure proceeding. Last Known Owner: Name: Robert Faulkner and Catherine McConnell Address: 38059 Princeton Drive, North Ridgeville, OH 44039 2) Parcel Number: 021-00000345-03 ADDRESS: T.R. 146, Coshocton, OH 43812 Amount Due: $37.74, plus any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in the foreclosure proceeding. Last Known Owner: Name: Robert Faulkner and Catherine McConnell Address: 38059 Princeton Drive, North Ridgeville, OH 44039 Name and address of each lienholder or other person with an interest in the parcel: Name: The Estate of Robert Faulkner Address: 38059 Princeton Drive, North Ridgeville, OH 44039 Name: All unknown heirs of Robert Faulkner Address: Addresses unknown Name: All current tenants

Address: 51470 T.R. 146, Coshocton, OH 43812 Name: Department of the Treasury Address: Stop 8420G Team, P.O. Box 145595, Cincinnati, OH 45250-9732 Name: Department of Taxation Address: 150 E. Gay Street, Floor 21, Columbus, OH 43215 Any person owning or claiming any right, title, or interest in, or lien upon, any parcel of personal property above listed may file an answer in such action setting forth the nature and amount of interest owned or claimed an any defence or objection to the foreclosure. Such answer shall be filed in the office of the undersigned clerk of the court, and a copy of the answer shall be served on the prosecuting attorney, on or before June 22, 2016. If no answer is filed with respect to a parcel listed in the complaint, on or before the date specified as the last day for filing an answer, a judgment of foreclosure and forfeiture will be taken by default as to that parcel. Any parcel as to which a foreclosure and forfeiture is taken by default shall be sold for the satisfaction of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest, and the costs incurred in the foreclosure and forfeiture proceeding, which are due and unpaid. At any time prior to the filing of an entry of confirmation of sale, any owner or lienholder of, or other person with an interest in, a parcel listed in the complaint may redeem the parcel by tendering to the treasurer the amount of the taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and unpaid on the parcel, together with all costs incurred in the proceeding instituted against the parcel under section 5721.14 of the Revised Code. Upon filing of any entry of confirmation of sale, there shall be no further equity of redemption. After the filing of any such entry, any person claiming any right, title, or interest in, or lien upon, any parcel shall be forever barred and foreclosed of any such right, title, or interest in, lien upon, and any equity of redemption in, such parcel. Janet S. Mosier, Clerk of Coshocton County Court of Common Pleas Coshocton, Ohio Answer Date: June 22, 2016 (Pub: CCB, May11,18,25’16) #Faulkner, R 2016CI0086



SHERIFF’S SALE State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2015 CI 0497

SHERIFF’S SALE State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2015 CI 0494



In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the Coshocton County Court House in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 27th day of May, 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE VILLAGE OF NELLIE to wit:

In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the Coshocton County Court House in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 27th day of May 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE TOWNSHIP OF BETHLEHEM to wit:

NOTE: If the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code.

NOTE: If the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code.

A legal description of the property may be found at the Coshocton County Recorder’s Office.

A legal description of the property may be found at the Coshocton County Recorder’s Office.

Said premises located at: 216 2ND STREET, NELLIE VILLAGE, WARSAW, OHIO 43844 Parcel # 015-00000066-00

Said premises located at: 42791 US 36, WARSAW, OHIO 43844 Parcel # 004-00000534-00

Said Property appraised at $45,000.00 Outside appraisal

Said Property appraised at $51,000.00 Outside appraisal









SHERIFF’S PLURIES SALE OF REAL ESTATE State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2014 CI 0322

SHERIFF’S SALE State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2016 CI 0010



In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 27th day of May, 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE TOWNSHIP OF VIRGINIA to wit: NOTE: If the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code. SAID PREMISES LOCATED AT: 14213 CR 294, CONESVILLE, OHIO 43811 Parcel # 039-00000057-01 Said Property appraised at $24,000.00 NOTE: Outside appraisal only And cannot be sold for less than two-thirds of that amount.

In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the Coshocton County Court House in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 27th day of May, 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE TOWNSHIP OF WASHINGTON to wit: NOTE: If the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code. A legal description of the property may be found at the Coshocton County Recorder’s Office. Said premises located at: 18170 SR 60, WARSAW, OHIO 43844 Parcel # 040-00000354-00 Said Property appraised at $75,000.00 Outside appraisal





ATTORNEY: NEIL C. SANDER, 2 MIRANOVA PLACE SUITE 700, COLUMBUS,OHIO 43215 (Pub: CCB, May4,11,18’16) #Scott-Briley, Laurie 2014CI0322


SHERIFF’S SALE SHERIFF’S SALE State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2015CI0174 U.S.D.A. VS MICHELLE A. MURPHY, ET AL. In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the Coshocton County Court House in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 27th day of May, 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in CITY of COSHOCTON to wit: NOTE: If the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code. A legal description of the property may be found at the Coshocton County Recorder’s Office. Said premises located at: 1512 ORCHARD STREET, COSHOCTON, OHIO Parcel # 043-00003682-00 Said Property appraised at $45,000.00 Outside appraisal TERMS OF SALE: ONE PERCENT (1%) OF APPRAISAL, AND NOT LESS THAN $500 DOWN AT THE TIME OF SALE, BALANCE DUE UPON RECEIPT OF DEED. BIDDING WILL START AT TWO-THIRDS OF THE APPRAISED VALUE. TIMOTHY L. ROGERS, SHERIFF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO ATTORNEY: GILBERT L. RIEGER RIEGER, CARPENTER & DAUGHERTY P.O. BOX 1429, WARREN, OHIO 44482 (Pub: CCB, May 4,11,18’16 #Murphy,M.A. 2015CI0174)

May 18, 2016

May 18, 2016 THE BEACON


Engagement announced

Ag Bag contest winners

Contributed | Beacon

DANVILLE – Bryan Keith Johnson and Whitney Nicole Hawk are engaged to be married May 21, 2016 in Danville. The future bride is the daughter of Doug and Mariah Hawk of Danville. She is a 2013 graduate of Danville High School and a 2015 graduate of The Ohio State University Agriculture Technical Institute where she earned a degree in Agriculture Commerce. She is employed by the family business, Danville Outdoors and Danville Feed and Supply. The prospective groom is the son of Chuck and Lisa Johnson of Warsaw. He is a 2010 graduate of East Knox High School and The Knox County Career Center. He is employed by Dynamic Construction of Pataskala and a farmer on the family farm. Staff | Contributed

Coshocton Farm Bureau recently honored the winners of its Ag Bag contest. Pictured from left are: Joshua Woolard, Emma Sluszka, Damantha Dickerson, Quinn Hoy, Riley Woodie, Sidney Perrico, and Logan Fechuch

Coshocton Fire Department to start using agility test

COSHOCTON - The Coshocton Civil Service Commission – Coshocton Fire Department will start using the FIREFIGHTER MILE agility test this year as part of the Entry Level Testing Procedure. The Firefighter Mile is a nationally-recognized standardized firefighter physical ability test designed to assess readiness for the physical demands of firefighting. This procedure will benefit the candidate as several departments currently use this program. For those taking multiple written tests, only one agility test is required as long as that agency recognizes the Firefighter Mile. Currently the Ohio Fire Academy is the testing center. The tests are conducted once each quarter. The academy will issue a card indicating success that is valid for one year. They plan on having several more testing centers on board within the next year. Information can be found at: gov and Any and all cost associated with this test is the responsibility of the candidate.

Contributed | Beacon

Millfork Valley 4-H meeting notes COSHOCTON - The Millfork Valley 4-H club met on May 10, at Roscoe United Methodist Church. Patience Miller, safety officer, presented on “Energy kit benefits.” Desirai Fry, health officer, reported on “The health benefits of honey.” Kamdyn Smith, recreation officer, did “Spider Web game”. Relay for life clean-up was May 14 at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds. They planted flowers on SR 541 after the clean-up at the fairgrounds. Please wear your 4-H shirts to the meetings. Also don’t forget dues are due. The next meeting is May 24 at 6 p.m. Meet at Pleasant Hill Church on SR 541 to put flags on graves. Meeting will follow at 7 p.m. at the Eaton’s house. Staff | Contributed

Staff | Contributed

Sudoku Answers Puzzle 1 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.41)

Puzzle 2 (Easy, difficulty rating 0.32)





































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Local Events

May 18, 2016

Community Calendar

Line Dancing: Line dancing lessons will be every Tuesday at Blue Ridge Grange. Beginners will be 5:45 p.m., Intermediate will be at 6:45 p.m. and open dance starts at 7:15 p.m. Couple’s dance begins at 8:30 p.m. Cost is $5.50 per person. Contact Vic at 545-7343 or Donna at (330) 827-5587. Senior Day: May is Older Americans Month and the Coshocton Senior Center will have a special “Senior Day” celebration on Friday, May 20 at 11 a.m. with a performance by the Stockdale Brothers. Lunch will be served at noon provided by Hospice of Central Ohio. There will be many door prizes donated by local businesses and a 50/50 drawing. Call the Center at 740-622-4852 to make your reservation by May 13. Self-Defense Class: On Friday, May 20 at 2 p.m., the Coshocton Senior Center will offer a free self-defense class presented by Mobile Martial Arts in which general awareness and safety techniques will be discussed. The instructors will demonstrate personal protection techniques and will offer participants the opportunity to practice them. Call the Center at 740-622-4852 to register for the class. Blue Grass Music: Three Rivers Bluegrass Music along with Relay for Life Team Alana presents Bluegrass Music at Coshocton Village Inn and Suites. Admission is $6 per person. Featured band plays from 7 - 9:15 p.m. with a jam session from 9:30 - 10:30 p.m. Featured band for May 21: Sawmill Ridge Bluegrass Band. Info: Duane or Clenda Hardesty at 740-498-8456 or Memorial Day Parade: The Coshocton County Veterans Service Office is preparing for the Annual Coshocton Memorial Day Parade. If you would like to participate, please contact Coshocton County Veterans Service Office, Monday thru Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 740-622-2313 or at the office located in the basement of the Court House for an entry form. Deadline for submission of parade forms will be Tuesday, May 24. The parade will be Monday, May 30, at 10 a.m. The line-up will begin at 9:30 a.m. between the Central Christian Church and Sacred Heart Church at the coner of Main and 8th Streets. Coshocton Memorial Day Service: 10 a.m. Monday, May 30. Applications for the parade entries have been sent to those who have participated in the past but any-one who may be interested and did not receive a form can obtain one at the Veterans Service Office, located in the basement of the courthouse. Lineup will again be at the corner of Eighth and Main streets, beginning at 9:30 a.m. In addition, the public is encouraged to attend the services to be held on the court square following the parade, at approximately 11 a.m. American Legion Post #65 Third Annual Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show: Saturday, Aug. 6. The post is located at 652 Main St., but the show will be at the rear of the building and in the Hopewell Industries parking lot, near the corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets. Dashboard plaques will be awarded to the first 100 entries and the top 30 will receive trophies, including those for best car; best bike; best truck; commander’s choice; and best of show. Awards will be presented at 3 p.m. Judging will start at noon. Registration will be from 9 a.m. to noon and the entry fee is $12 or $10 if pre-registered. For an entry form, contact the Post at 740-622-6106 or stop by the Veterans Office Warsaw’s Farmers Market: 4 to 7 p.m. Fridays May 6 - Sept. 23, River View Community Park. Info: Mindi Duncan at 740-294-5212.


Membership Discounts: The River View Community Swimming Pool in Warsaw is offering discounted group and single membership rates for the 2016 season if purchased in-person at the next membership sale days. Membership sale will be held Saturday, May 21 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the pool. For questions, call 740-824-3600.

Auditions: Coshocton Footlight Players are having auditions for the summer youth production of “Murder at the Goon Show”. Auditions: May 21 at 2 p.m. and May 22 at 2 p.m. at the Triple Locks Theatre. Performance Dates: July 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23, at 8 p.m. and July 17 and 24 at 2 p.m. Parts available for ages 8 – 18. Contact: Shelly Lillibridge at 740-294-8645. Preschool Registration: Parents with children 4 - 5 years old as of Aug. 1, 2016 who live in the River View School District, stop by Conesville Elementary any time May 23 - 26 to fill out enrollment papers. The school currently has two preschool classes. Bring with you: child’s birth certificate, shot record, a copy of the most recent tax returns, and custody papers, if applicable. Learn to Swim: Registration, Warsaw registration at Walhonding Fire Department, Monday, May 23, 6 - 7:30 p.m., Lake Park registration, Red Cross Office, May 24 - 27, 6 - 8 p.m. Warsaw morning classes, July 18 - 29, Lake Park evening classes, July 5 - 18. Everyone registering must call 740-302-8878 for important information. Open House: Open House celebrating Elva Sauer’s 100th birthday, Sunday, May 29, 2 p.m., Windsorwood Place. Quilt Raffle: Drawing of quilt to be June 3 at First Fridays. Tickets are $5 and available at Maternal and Child Health Center, Three Rivers Therapy, and Four Seasons Tanning. Quilt donated by retired Maternal and Child Health Nurse. Contact Maternal and Child Health Center for tickets, 740-622-2999. Alumni Banquet: Conesville High School Alumni Banquet, Saturday, June 4 at Conesville School auditorium. Social hour at 4 p.m., dinner at 6:30 p.m. Memorabilia will be on display. $100 scholarships will be given to River View High School graduates who attended Conesville Elementary School. Members and guests, $10. Send reservations or call 740-829-2488. Plainfield School Reunion: June 5 at the Linton Community Center. Open to anyone who attended Plainfield School. A buffet lunch catered by Schumaker Farms will be served at 1 p.m. Cost: $16 per person. Reservations required. If you do not receive an invitation, contact Anne Simmons, 740-545-6727 or Faye Maple, 740-545-7575. Reservations due May 20. Fresno Alumni Banquet: 6:30 p.m., Saturday, June 11, Ridgewood High School, 602 Johnson Rd., West Lafayette. Honored classes: 1946 and 1956. Anyone who attended Fresno School is welcome. Wade Zingg’s home movies of the Fresno area will be the program. Dinner served by Fresno United Methodist Church women. Reservations and scholarship donations may be made and mailed to: Ruth Marquand, 1649 Pleasant Valley, Coshocton, OH or call 740-623-0450. Jefferson Alumni Banquet: Saturday, June 18 at the Tri-Valley High School Cafetorium. Doors open at 4:30 p.m., dinner at 5:30 p.m. Reservations due Friday, June 10, $14 per person. Checks made payable to Jefferson Alumni Association and sent to Lillette Holdren, PO Box 102, Dreden, OH, 43821. Indicate your graduation year with payment. For info: 740-754-1691.

Free Legal Assistance for Coshocton County Senior Citizens (age 60+): 11 a.m., Tuesday, June 28 - Know Your Community Resources. Sessions will be held at the Coshocton Senior Center. A group presentation will start the session with optional one-on-one assistance to follow. This program is brought to you by the Southeastern Ohio Legal Services and Coshocton Job and Family Services. CHS Class of 1966 50 Year Reunion: The class is uniting May 28 and has members it can not locate: Diane (McKay) Bair, Toni (Woodrow) McCoart, Gary E. Grubbs, Suzanne E. (Blanchet) Ross, Faye (Jones) Durkin, Susan (Guthrie) Lahna, Sandra (Shryock) Reed or Carol and Mel Wilson. If you can help, contact Pat (Markley) Miller at 740622-2356, Barb (Grace) Fortner at 740-622-9337 or Rick Merrell at 740-622-8283.

Sports Golf Outing: The fourth annual Ridgewood Block R Fund Inc. Golf Outing will be May 21 at 1 p.m. at River View Golf Course. Cost: $200 per team, $50 per person. Dinner to follow. Contact Jake Lahna at 740-294-9751 or Chris Cabot at 740-502-7981. Prizes will be awarded. Basketball Camp: Coshocton Basketball Camp, June 1 - 3, Coshocton High School. 10 - 11:30 a.m. for boys going into grades 3-6; 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. for boys going into grades 7-10. Fee: $20. Contact: 330-447-7668. Make checks payable to Coshocton Boys Basketball and mail along with form to Jeremy Ady, 1205 Cambridge Rd., Coshocton. Football Camp: For Redskin football players entering grades 3 – 8, July 11 – 14, at Coshocton High School football practice field; Cost: $25 per camper or $35 per family. Grades 6 – 8 meet 8:30 – 10 a.m. Grades 3 – 5 meet 10:30 a.m. – Noon.

School Events

Open enrollment applications: Coshocton City School District open enrollment applications for the 2016-2017 school year will be available at the superintendent’s office, 1207 Cambridge Road, beginning March 29. All students currently attending Coshocton City Schools on open enrollment must re-apply. Info: Becky at 740-295-7626. Tour River View Elementary Schools: The River View School District has been discussing a building plan for a new elementary school for the past three years. A levy to help raise funds to build the new school and close the current four will be voted on by voters during a special election on Aug. 2. Prior to that, the public is invited to come tour the current four elementary school buildings in the district, which are all 100 years old or older. The tours are scheduled for: 6:30 p.m. , May 11 – Keene Elementary; 6:30 p.m., May 16 – Union Elementary; and 4:30 p.m., June 4 – Conesville Elementary.

Church Events Movie Night: Keene United Methodist Church’s movie night, May 20, 7 p.m. A faith-based movie will be shown. Snacks provided. Location: 27100 CR 1, Coshocton. Contact: 740-622-8059. Handicap accessible.

May 18, 2016 THE BEACON


Community Calendar Chalk Drawing: The Coshocton Alliance Church, 730 W. Chestnut St., Coshocton, will present a special chalk drawing and message May 22, 6 p.m. Pastor Glen West will present “Drawing to the Cross”, a Christian chalk drawing with a hidden picture revealed by ultraviolet light. IGNITE: Summer IGNITE youth program for ages 3-18 starting May 25 every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Chili Crossroads Bible Church. 29445 County Road 10 Fresno, 740-545-9707. Memorial Service: Special Memorial Day service honoring those who’ve served our country and first responders, Sunday, May 29, at 10:30 a.m. Welcome to display your photos, flags and memorabilia. Email photos for the church to display to info@ or bring to the church office by May 27. Chili Crossroads Bible Church, 29445 County Road 10 Fresno, 740-545-9707. Can You Trust the Bible? Conference with great food and fun kid’s program. July 24-26. Kid’s program includes petting zoo, 70-foot giant inflatable obstacle course and prizes for each child. Food includes BBQ and desserts. Speaker is Dr. Phil Stringer, PhD, Bible history expert, author who has spoken in 47 states and 20 foreign countries and is the vice president of Daysping Bible College and Seminary in Illinois. Event is free, but please pre-register at or call 740-545-9707. Chili Crossroads Bible Church 29445 County Road 10 Fresno Bible Study: Home of Christ Church will have a Bible Study Wednesday through Friday at 6 p.m. The church is located at 1010 Denman Ave. There will be free goods. Please call for baked goods at 740-575-3035 or 740-575-1897. Jacob’s Open Closet: Open the last Thursday each month, 9 a.m. - noon and 5 - 8 p.m. at Warsaw United Methodist Church, 130 E. Church St., Warsaw. Free gently-used clothing for children, men, and women. Community Meals: Presbyterian Church, 142 N. 4th St., Coshocton, first Thursday, 5:30 p.m.; Burt Avenue Weslyan Church, 230 Burt Ave., Coshocton, second Thursday, 5:30 p.m.; Grace United Methodist Church, 422 Walnut St., Coshocton, third Thursday, 5:30 p.m.; Park United Methodist Church, 122 Park Ave., Coshocton, fourth Thursday, 5:15 p.m.; Central Christian Church, 731 Main St., Coshocton, fifth Thursday, 5:30 p.m.

Vacation Bible Schools Cave Quest: June 20 - 24, 6 - 8:30 p.m., Prairie Chapel United Methodist Church, 45494 CR 23 & 36, Coshocton. Register by calling: 740-622-3992.

Clubs and Organizations Coshocton Community Band: Rehearsals for the Coshocton Community Band will be 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays through the end

of July at Coshocton High School in the band room. For information, call 740-623-0355 or 740-754-6291. Theater: Footlight Players is presenting “Incorruptible” by Michael Hollinger at the Triple Locks Theater, 685 N. Whitewoman Street. Production dates are May 20 and 21. Curtain time 8 p.m. For reservations call 740-622-2959 from 7 to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 2 to 4 p.m. on performance days or visit any time. Pink Ladies Fundraiser: The Pink Ladies wlll have a geranium sale on May 27 at the Business Annex building, corner of Walnut and 14th. May pick up pre-order sheets at the gift shop at the hospital. Next fundraiser: June 17 bake sale at the Grand Central Station at the hospital.

May 19: B.E.S.T. Night @ the Branch: 5 – 7 p.m.: West Lafayette Branch: Teens are invited to this after-hours program to enjoy laptops, gaming systems, books, friends, and snacks. Check your email, Facebook, play online games, catch up on homework, find a new read, and so much more. Space is limited. Registration is required for this free event the Monday before event date.

Plant Sale: Master Gardener Volunteers annual Plant Sale will be June 18 at the Rotary Pavilion at the Fairgrounds at 8:30 a.m. They will have a variety of plants available and garden-related items for sale. Blue Star Mothers: Blue Star Mothers meet the second Monday of each month at The Church of The Nazarene Adult Ministry Center from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Vietnam Veterans: The Vietnam Veterans meet the second Saturday of each month at Hardees at 9 am. If you are a Vietnam Veteran who served during the Vietnam War, whether you served in country or not, you are welcome to attend.

John Bando Post 1330 VFW Auxiliary Meeting: 11 a.m., first Monday of each month, 133 S. Sixth St. in Coshocton. TOPS Meeting: Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) meets every Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Presbyterian Church at 142 N. 4th St. in Coshocton. If you are interested in joining or sitting in on a meeting, contact Ann Lauvray at 740-502-7438 for more information. Al-Anon: Coshocton Al-Anon Family Group meetings are at Central Christian Church located at the corner of 8th and Main Streets, Coshocton from 7 - 8 p.m. every Tuesday.

Library Events

Beth Scott | Beacon

Photography Featured: The West Lafayette Library is featuring Rebekah Peiter of “Rebekah Michelle Photography” during the month of May. Library hours: Monday – Wednesday, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m., Thursday and Friday, noon – 5 p.m., Saturday, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. The library is located at 601 East Main Street, West Lafayette.

Frontier Power shows appreciation

May 18, 25: Plugged and Unplugged: 2:30 – 5 p.m.: Coshocton Public Library: Large Meeting Room: Teens are invited to gather at the library for video games, Internet access, board games, or just to hangout. This free event is held weekly on Wednesday. Registration is not required.

Frontier Power had its 15th annual Customer Appreciation Day on Friday, May 6. Despite the windy weather, there was a steady stream of people going through the food line and visiting with each other under the tent. In addition to lunch being served, there were door prizes, displays, and the Touchstone Energy balloon basket which will fly at this year’s Balloon Festival in June. The event also provided shuttle service to and from the parking lot. “This is just to show our appreciation to our members and our customers,” said Kelly Kendall, manager of administration. “It’s just for the whole community to let them know we appreciate their support.”

CHECK IT OUT! updated throughout the day

May 18: Coffee Chat for Readers: 9 – 10 a.m.: West Lafayette Branch: Held bi-monthly on the third Wednesday. New and best-selling fiction and non-fiction books will be featured. Andrea Smith, Branch Manager, will host. Space is limited, so call the West Lafayette Branch Library at 740-545-6672 to register. This program is free of charge and sponsored by the Friends of the Library.


May 18, 2016

3 ABSOLUTE COSHOCTON COUNTY REAL ESTATE AUCTIONS Home on 25 Acres - 27 Vacant Acres - Barn on 11.7 Acres Auction #1: Home on 25 Wooded Acres - 2 Parcels

Location: 19361 TR 411 Warsaw Ohio 43844 GPS Coordinates: 40.243460, -82.172244 Directions: From SR 36 between Warsaw & New Castle in Nellie take SR 79 south 10.5 miles to TR 411, turn right 1.1 mile to property. From SR 586 in Fallsburg take SR 79 northeast 4.8 miles to TR 411 left 1.1 mile to property. Signs Posted.

Sat., May 21st • 11:00 AM

* 24.349 Acres * Perry Township * Coshocton County * 2 Parcels * 2 Story Home * Mostly Wooded Land * Excellent Hunting & Recreation *

An affordable offering in a good proven hunting area with a 2 story house for getaway cabin or permanent home. The land is mostly wooded, good food plot areas, and has trails throughout. The home has had some improvements and offers great character including 2 old style brick fireplaces. The home could be converted to a duplex if desired and has a new roof, well & septic. All seller owned mineral rights transfer to the new owner. Both tacts of land have electric. Parcel 1: 14.349 Acres w/ 408’ frontage. Includes home and mostly wooded land. Parcel 2: 10 Acres w/ 315’ frontage. All wooded with electric. Legal: Parcel #’s 0310000002201 & 0310000002202 in Perry Township of Coshocton County. 2015 taxes were $944.50 per half year, any recoupment will be the responsibility of the buyer. Real Estate Terms: 10% nonrefundable down payment, balance at closing in 30-45 days w/no financing contingencies. 10% Buyers Premium. Will sell to highest bidder regardless of price. Properties are sold “AS IS”. Potential Buyers must independently investigate and confirm any information or assumptions on which any bid is placed. Will be offered individually and in combination. Announcements day of sale take precedence over all previous advertising and statements. Auction by order of: Miller & Miller

Auction #2: 27 Vacant Acres in 1 Parcel

Location: CR 18 Warsaw Ohio 43844 GPS Coordinates: 40.244757, -82.116028 Directions: From SR 36 between Warsaw & New Castle in Nellie take SR 79 south 8 miles to CR 18, turn left 1/2 mile to property. From SR 586 in Fallsburg take SR 79 northeast 7.2 miles to CR 18, turn right 1/2 mile to property. Signs Posted.

Sat., May 21st • 1:00 PM

Josie Selllers | Beacon

* 26.7664 Acres * Perry Township * Coshocton County * 1 Parcel * 1,380’ of Road Frontage * Wooded & Open Tillable Land * Hunting & Farming Acreage * Nearly 27 acres on excellent mix between farm land and wooded acreage. The land has approx. 11 acres of hay fields and the balance in woodlands. The property offers several good building sites and over 1,380’ frontage. This land has many possibilities from farming, to hunting, to building, and would make a solid investment for anyone. Legal: Parcel # 03100000036900 in Perry Township of Coshocton County. 2015 taxes were $391.00 & any recoupment will be the responsibility of the buyer. Real Estate Terms: 10% nonrefundable down payment, balance at closing in 30-45 days w/ no financing contingencies. Land sells to highest bidder regardless of price. Will be sold on a per acre basis subject to final survey. Properties are sold “AS IS”. Potential Buyers must independently investigate and confirm any information or assumptions on which any bid is placed. Announcements day of sale take precedence over all previous advertising statements. Auction by order of: Charles G. Radabaugh

Auction #3: Barn on 11.7 Acres in 2 Parcels

Location: 20724 SR 60 Warsaw Ohio 43833. GPS Coordinates: 40.259415, -82.046071 Directions: From SR 36 in Warsaw SR 60 south 6.5 miles to property. From SR 541 in Tunnel Hill take SR 60 north 1/4 mile to property. Signs Posted.

Sat., May 21st • 2:30 PM

Kaufman Realty and Auctions, LLC or (888) 852-4111 Curt Yoder, Realtor & Auctioneer (330) 204-2447 ot

Keene Fifth/Sixth Grade Teacher and Cross Country Coach Gwenna Neal got dunked for a good cause May 7 during the River View Local School District Black Bear Fest. For a small fee people got to take a chance a dunking a select group of teachers and administrators from the district and proceeds will help send sixth graders to Camp Ohio in the fall. The dunk tank was just one of numerous activities held during the event, which is designed to promote the district and its students. For more photos, visit


Marc Lacy


MLS# 3723394

Private, totally remodeled country home with 80.3 ac. just minutes from Warsaw. There is a 2.5 car garage, 30x40 pole barn, 12x14 storage barn, 7 springs and abundant wildlife. $485,000 Call Marc @ 740-502-3074


*11.698 Acres * Bedford Township * Coshocton County * 2 Parcels * Large Pole Barn * Wooded & Open Land * Building Sites * Almost 12 vacant acres on SR 60, just 1/8 mile from Woodbury Wildlife (ODNR). Property is 2/3 open field with solid mature woods on the ridgeline. Includes stoned driveway off SR 60, newer 44’x48’, 4 bay, rough-cut, equipment building with new metal siding, gutters and spouting plus a storage van and developed spring. Ideal get-a-way for recreation and hunting, camper/RV storage plus building sites. East to get to, near junction of SR 60 and SR 541. Unleased mineral rights included. Parcel 1: 5.849 Acres w/ 343’ frontage. Includes Barn & Building Site Parcel 2: 5,849 Acres w/ 383’ frontage. Building Site & common access driveway. Legal: Parcel #00300000013004 in Bedford Township of Coshocton County. 2015 taxes were $593; any recoupment will be the responsibility of the buyer. Real Estate Terms: 10% nonrefundable down payment, balance at closing in 30-45 days w/ no financing contingencies. 10” Buyers Premium. Will sell to highest bidder regardless of price. Properties are sold “AS IS”. Potential Buyers must independently investigate and confirm any information or assumptions on which any bid is placed. Will be offered individually and in combination, Announcements day of sale take precedence over all previous advertising and statements. Auction by order of: Mark Schwartz

Dunked for a cause

224 N. 4th St., Coshocton

Cell: 740-502-3074 0040_051816

Remodeled 3 bed. 2 ba. open concept, brick ranch home on 54.8 wooded ac. just 5 min. from Coshocton and Conesville. $349,000 Call Marc @ 740-502-3074

BeLinda Lacy

Cell: 740-294-8869

May 18, 2016 THE BEACON


Elks honors area youth Beacon Staff

Josie Selllers | Beacon

Dale Gress real estate Check out our new website that includes our auctions!! 316 West Main St., West Lafayette, OH 43845 OFFICE PHONE: (740) 545-7158

MFM Building Products Corp. is seeking to fill one Full-Time Maintenance Technician Required technical skills: High school diploma or equivalent, PLC & automation controls experience, mechanical diagnostics & repairs; knowledge of industrial electrical & mechanical equipment; Minimum of 2 years’ experience in industrial maintenance. Applications can be obtained and submitted at MFM Building Products Corp., 525 Orange Street, Coshocton. BUILDING PRODUCTS CORP. BUILDING PRODUCTS CORP.




1601 Marion Dr. $169,900

1717 S. 14th St. $99,900

858 S. Lawn Ave.


37821 CR 41, Warsaw

$225,000 with 5 Acres

$350,000 with 75 +/- Acres

Cabin/Land Sells First



Spencer McCrea was named the Elks Teen of the Year from Coshocton High School. For more photos from the May 5 banquet, visit

nts Realty Age



Agents Realty & Auction Service

23024 CR 621 (Next to Walmart) • Coshocton, OH 740-622-0700 • Fax: 740-622-6800 • Mobile: 740-502-5047 Email:


Abigail Ambrose was named the Elks Teen of the Year from River View High School.

Josie Selllers | Beacon




COSHOCTON – Several area youth were honored for their academic and athletic achievement and community involvement at the annual Coshocton Elks Youth Banquet. The first set of awards was presented to winners of the hoop shoot contest. Winners in the girls’ 10-11-year-old division were Aaliyah Better, first place and Prestyn Patterson, second place. The 12-13-year-old division was won by Ashlyn Bible and Kelsey Bowman took second place. The boys’ 8-9-year-old division was won by Colton Conkle and Aiden Stone took second. Hudson Wesney was the first place winner in the 10-11-year-old division and Camden Albertson was second. The boys’ 12-13-year-old division was won by Thomas Cannon. Throughout the school year, the Elks also select teens of the month from Coshocton and River View high schools. The honorees from CHS were: Spencer McCrea – September; Jeremy Breciani – October; Lauren Hire – November; Connor Roahrig – December; George Miles Hardesty – January; Skylar Hassman – February; Alexandra Simpson – March; and Gavin Beaumont – April. RVHS teens of the month were: Adam Croup – September; Meredith Stamper – October; Taylor Ireland – November; Kyle Daugherty – December; Olivia Welch – January; Abigail Ambrose – February; Caleb Fogle – March; and Collin McCoy – April. Ambrose was selected as teen of the year from RVHS and McCrea was teen of the year from CHS. “Congratulations to all the teens from Coshocton and River View,” said Mike Wilson, from the Elks. “Hopefully in a few years you will be leading our country down the right path and helping make sure all of us old people are well taken care of.” Winners of the Elks Americanism Essay Contest also were honored. The fifth and sixth grade division winners were: Jacob Lonsberry, Jacy Franks and Landen Wince. Seventh and eighth grade winners were: Lacey Richcreek, Tucker Nelson and Taylor Moats. Wince, who went on to the district competition, was asked to read his essay to all those in attendance. The theme of the contest this year was, “What I can do to promote Americanism and love of country.” “I feel Americanism starts at home,” Wince said while reading his essay. “Parents should be teaching their young children to honor our country and to be proud to live in the United States of America.” His essay goes on to remind people that freedom doesn’t come free. “I’d like to shake every soldier’s hand I possibly can,” Wince said. “I want them to know we appreciate their sacrifices.”


* 136.411 Acres* 4 Parcels* Wooded & Open *Tiverton Twp* Coshocton County* Riverview LSD

An exciting offering located in the heart of Ohio’s premier wildlife area. With the Whitetail herd having been carefully managed for the past 10 years the property offers open areas for food plots, bedding areas, and a good water source. The acreage is mostly wooded with about 10 acres of tillable ground that is organic. Smaller parcels would make excellent building sites. Parcel 1: 3 acres w/689’ frontage on SR 206. Open tillable ground. Parcel 2: 7.612 acres w/285’ frontage on SR 206. Open tillage ground. Parcel 3: 29.13 acres w/60’ frontage on SR 206. Mostly wooded land. Parcel 4: 96.7 acres w/60’ frontage on SR 206. Mostly wooded land with creek. Parcels 2,3, and 4 share a common access driveway.

Leroy and Anna Mae Yoder


The Beacon is on Facebook!

(West Lafayette Area)

LLC 0020_051816

The Beacon

Saturday May 21st, 2016 • 10:00 AM

Location: 21647 Tulip Lane, West Lafayette OH 43845. Directions: From West Lafayette take SR 751 east to Tulip Lane to location or from Newcomerstown take W. State St. west to CR 9 to Tulip Lane to location. Signs Posted.

w w w.coshoc

* Antiques * Arrowheads * Collectibles * Furniture * Glassware

Antique Furniture: flat wall cupboards; corner cupboards; drop leaf tables; table & chairs; plank bottom chairs; curios; hutches; drying racks; quilt rack; washstand; marble top dresser; china cabinet; slant front desk; Arrowheads: 100’s of arrowheads, points, flints, celts, etc.

Antiques –Collectibles: 75+ pcs. Flow Blue; Fenton glassware hand painted & signed; Goebel figurines; 100’s of pcs. of Germany, Nippon, & Lefton; water sets; tea sets; Depression glass; berry & wine sets; Roseville pottery; crocks & jugs including a M M Reynolds crock & bee sting crock; mantel clocks; old quilts; baskets; dresser sets; pictures & paintings; cast iron banks; Swiss bells; sewer tile pcs.; Ohio State cups; jars & zinc lids; records; Coke bottles; old cameras; collectors plates & trays; costume jewelry; and much more.

Mower & Misc.: Simplicity mower w/ 54” deck; chainsaw; air hoses; truck tool box; Hot Point refrigerator; GE washer & dryer; and misc.

Note: One of the better quality antique & collectible auctions with quality from start to finish. They say a picture is worth a 1,000 words so visit our website and you will see what we mean. We will be selling in 2 rings part of the day so bring a friend and a chair and we will see you on the 21st. For photos visit Terms: Cash, check, or any major credit card with valid I.D. 3% buyer’s premium will be waived for cash sales. Sale by Order of: Porcher Family

Kaufman Realty and Auctions, LLC or (888) 852-4111 Tim Miller Realtor/Auctioneer 740.502.6786 or

Contributed by Julia Brown, Fresno Farmers’ Market

Kaufman Realty and Auctions, LLC (330) 852-4111 or (888) 852-4111 Derrick Kandel, Auctioneer (330) 231-4524 ot Allen Troyer, Apprentice Auctioneer






Thursday May 26, 5:00 PM 316 Main St., West Lafayette, Ohio TOOLS & MISC: 18 in. Industrial Planer, Delta 14in band saw,

Delta 24in band saw, Craftsman radial arm saw, (220) 6in Delta jointer, Delta Dust collection, Craftsman router table & Router, Craftsman shaper, Buffalo shaper, disc sander, horizontal drill, Craftsman lathe, Ridgid pipe vise & threaders, gas power trial, bee keeping equipment, bench grinder, misc. hardware, many hand tools, c-clamps, furniture clamps, misc. plumbing & electrical supplies, go cart frame, 220 air compressor, Craftsman 10in table saw w/ 48in ext, engine hoist, metal cut off saw, alum ext. ladders, Craftsman 12 in planer, NIB toilets & sinks, Cement tools, two bag mortar mixer.

ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Old rockers, canes, BR lantern, Dazey butter churn, coffee grinder, cherry seeder, stillards, wood pulleys, oil lamps, misc. glassware & china, crocks, jugs, wooden keg, potbelly stove, 3 burner gas cook top, much more not listed.

SPECIALTY ITEM: 1987 Bass Boat, 35hp outboard with trailer. TERMS: Cash or approved check Day of Auction. I.D. Required. OWNER: Dan Blickensderfer Auctioneer: Terry Longsworth

316 West Main St., West Lafayette Office: (740) 545-7186 Auction: (740) 545-7158 BRANCH OFFICE: (740) 498-4545 •





Land will be offered in parcels and in its entirety and will sell whichever way nets most for the sellers. Feel free to walk property at your convenience. Call for map and brochure. Go to for more pics and info. Call Tim Miller for more details. Taxes and Legal: Taxes are $1,964.92 per year. Coshocton County Parcel numbers are 0330000005600, 0330000005800, and 0330000033701 Tiverton Township and Riverview LSD. Terms: 10% nonrefundable down payment made day of auction, balance due at closing. No financing contingencies. Any required inspection must be completed prior to bidding. Acreage and frontage amounts are approximate and are subject to final survey. Buyer is responsible for any recoupment. All information contained herein is derived from sources deemed reliable but not warranted. Announcements the day of sale take precedence over all previous advertising. Auction by Order of:

New vendors are always welcome to set up, as long as it is homegrown, handmade or homemade - set up is on a donation basis only. The market is open every Saturday morning from 8 a.m. to noon, rain or shine. For information, call 740-545-0849 anytime. Here’s a no cook, easy salad idea that is sure to get A+ reviews. Fresh Spinach & Feta Salad 1 bunch of fresh spinach - washed, trimmed & patted dry 1/4 cup crumbled feta cheese 1/8 cup toasted walnuts or pecans 1 medium orange - peeled and cut into sections 1 small purple onion - thinly sliced Combine all the above in large bowl and toss with a creamy poppy seed dressing.


Location: SR 206 in Tiverton, Ohio GPS Coordinates: 40.413076,-82.136104. Directions: From SR 62 between Killbuck and Danville take SR 206 south 4 miles through Tiverton to property on left. From US 36 in New Castle take SR 206 north 7 miles to location.

FRESNO - The Fresno Market is full of farm to table favorites just waiting to be discovered, from fresh brown eggs, noodles, bread and cakes to flowers, golden honey, local produce and herbal soaps. There is something for everyone to explore and enjoy. Freshness is one of the keys to quality and straight from the farm to your family’s table, it doesn’t get much better than that. Once you have tasted or experienced the difference that fresh from the grower and/or maker is all about, you will have a better understanding and value to the hard work, time and effort that goes into your loaf of bread, bunch of spinach or hanging basket. So without saying, a huge thank you goes out to all the vendors that do what they do and bring that very freshness and quality to market each week. As the Fresno Market continues to grow each Saturday and more items come in from the garden your selection keeps getting bigger and better. We encourage and invite everyone to come explore the Fresno Market in the heart of downtown Fresno, you can even stay for lunch! We are located next to the new Fresno Hardware and Surplus Store owned by new proprietors Levi & Bertha Stutzman.


Friday June 3rd, 2016 • 6:00 PM

Farm freshness rolling into Fresno



May 18, 2016

May 18, 2016 THE BEACON

Public Record

Marriages None to Report


Robert W. Bashoor Jr. to Robert W. Bashoor III; 1.124 acres, Monroe Township: $2,500 P. Douglas Reed to Shane Guilliams and Christian Reed; 1423 Pleasant Valley Dr., Coshocton, OH, 43812: $107,447.58


Land Transfers 5.4.16 Land Transfers Without Conveyances Ivan R. Miller to Marvin H. Yoder and 5.6.16 David H. Yoder; Twp. Rd. 33: $145,000 Cole J. Gerstner, successor trustee, to Derek K. Bennett and Tonya S. Bennett Dixie Lee Wyler and Blaine William Wyler; to Tony M. Jaqua and Lisa M. Jaqua; 40873 CR 294, Coshocton, OH, 43812 Township Road 78, Coshocton, OH, 43812: 5.9.16 $55,000 Jerilee E. Moore to Jody A. Little; 1005 5.5.16 Dresden Adamsville Road, Dresden, OH, Fred A. Williams and Deborah J. Wil43821 liams, Trustees, to James F. McConnell Jerry A. Yoder and Lisa R. Yoder to Jerry A. Yoder and Lisa R. Yoder; 644 Elm Street, and Shelia Y. McConnell; 0.160 acres, in-lot 5007, City of Coshocton: $8,000 Coshocton, OH, 43812 5.10.16 JPMorgan Chase Bank National Association to SEO Property Preservations, LLC; Ruby P. Barnes, successor trustee of the Charles L. Barnes Revocable Trust to Ruby 1414 Dehart Ave., Coshocton, OH, 43812: P. Barnes, Coshocton County Property $75,915 James R. Fortney and Tana L. Fortney Adele M. Goik, Trustee, to Adele M. Goik; 31003 County Road 401, Warsaw, OH, 43844 to Tessa Bordenkircher and Brock Baker; Barbara L. Warren and Don G. Warren to 19450 CR 54, Bedford Township: $170,000 Neal M. and Elizabeth A. Flothem, BarStormy Dawn Renner; PN 043-0000284800, part, and PN 043-00001545-00, all bara Kay and Ernest Conkle, Linda H. and Bernard Weaver, deceased, to Edward Ronald H. Storm to Linda H. and Ronald H. and Doris Jean Smith; 17940 State Route 93, Storm; Airport Rd., Coshocton, OH, 43812: Coshocton, Ohio, 43812 $156,000 5.6.16 Eugene Kocher and Frances L. Kocher to Richard D. Stottlemire to Nancy and Tara Hope Poland; 18361 County Road 80, Teresa DePalma; 20.2576 acres, Jackson Frazeysburg, Ohio, 43822 Township: $110,000 5.11.16 Jean Davis Callahan to Kelly H. Boals and 5.9.16 Annette R. Boals; Virginia Township, CR 6 Conrad D. and Lois A. Miller to Chad A. Leon Barrick and Beverly Barrick to Leon Cunningham; 18.059 acres, Bedford Township: $72,236 Barrick and Beverly Barrick; Parcel 014Robert J. and Sandra C. Johnson to Elmer 00000448-08 Susan A. Eveland fka Susan A. Trimmer Norris; 3.696 acres on CR 429, Coshocton, to Jeffrey L. Eveland and Susan A. Eveland; OH, 43812: $25,000 21368 State Route 751, West Lafayette, 5.11.16 Ohio, 43845 Daniel W. Lyons to Lawrence Invest5.12.16 ments of Ohio Inc.; 18755 Township Road Christopher M. Knapp, Jennifer Knapp, 441A, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $56,100 et al. to Federal Home Loan Mortgage Sharon R. Hammersley, Trustee, to Terry L. Bevins; 52865 Hal Kar Road, West LafayCorporation; 113 West Union Avenue, West ette, OH, 43845: $89,900 Lafayette, OH, 43845 Geoff Guthrie and Jenna Guthrie wtta Jenna West to Stacie K. Slasor; 22413 TR 1203, MLS #3803612 West Lafayette, OH, 43845: $115,000 Larry A. Hunt and JoAnn Hunt, Trustees of the Larry A. Hunt and JoAnn Hunt Family Trust to John R. Open House May 22 - 3 Oak Pointe Dr., $149,000 1:00-2:30pm Ayers and Kristine K. Ayers; Come and view this beautiful home in the Oaks with large living room, fireplace, family room, 2 car garage, patio, and many recent improvements. Stop and view this lovely 702 Conesville Road, Coneshome. Hostess - Debbie Myers ville, OH: $29,000 $149,000 Bryan J. Welsh and Kelly R. Welsh to Gerald DePalmo; 309 South Fourth Street, C R I S Coshocton, OH, 43812: $50,000 DEBBIE MYERS - REALTOR 5.13.16 224 N. Fourth Street • 740-502-1589

162 Acres in 7 Parcels - Blissfield Area • Northern Coshocton

Monday June 6th, 2016 • 4:00 PM

Location: 29068 C.R. 25 Warsaw, OH 43844. GPS Coordinates: 40°22’43.05”N- 81°34’46.88”W. From Killbuck take S.R. 60 south into Blissfield and take C.R. 343 East to C.R 25 and continue to property. Signs Posted 162 Acres * 7 Parcels * Older Home and Buildings* Clark Township * Coshocton County * River View Schools * Open & Wooded *Hunting Ground* Rolling Farm Land * Good Creek* Food Plot Areas* Excellent Wildlife Habitat* IH 574 Tractor * Tools* Misc. Household

Open House: Wednesday May 25th - 4 to 6 PM Exciting land auction in Northern Coshocton County! Offering at public auction we will be selling 162 acres in 7 parcels with a good balance of wooded, open and tillable acreage. The older 1 ½ story home has 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, eat in kitchen, living room and a sitting room. Other outbuildings include a nice bank barn and three other additional buildings. The southwestern half of the farm has a nice creek flowing through it. The oil and gas rights will transfer with the property subject to an oil & gas lease along with production from an existing gas well. Feel free to walk the property at your convenience or call the office to set up a private showing. Maps and brochures are available online at The property will be offered in parcels and then combined. Parcel 1: 5 Acres w/ Home & Buildings – 575’ of Frontage Parcel 2: 41.4 Acres – Open & Wooded – 1,013’ of Frontage Parcel 3: 20.1 Acres – Open & Wooded – 1,450’ of Frontage Parcel 4: 24.8 Acres – Mostly Wooded – 555’ of Frontage Parcel 5: 20.1 Acres – Open & Wooded – 1,387’ of Frontage Parcel 6: 29.7 Acres – Mostly Wooded – 599’ of Frontage Parcel 7: 21 Acres – Open & Wooded – 1,665’of Frontage Here is a perfect opportunity to add to your real estate portfolio. Don’t miss it! Real Estate sells at 6 PM Real Estate Terms: 10% nonrefundable down payment, balance at closing, no financing contingencies. Any required inspections must be completed prior to bidding. All information gathered from sources deemed accurate but is not guaranteed. Buyer must independently investigate and confirm any information or assumptions on which any bid is based. Announcements day of sale take precedence over all previous advertising and statements. Legal: Land Parcel #0050000015900, 0050000016000, 0050000016100, 0050000016200; in Clark Township of Coshocton County and River View Schools. Taxes are $648.81/half and will be prorated to time of closing; any CAUV recoupment will be the responsibility of the buyer. Chattels at 4 PM Tractors & Equipment – Tools – Misc: IH 574 Diesel Tractor, 3,995 hours, runs good; Allis Chalmers WD Tractor, runs; IH sickle bar Mower; JD 31 Post Hole Digger; JD 127 Brush Hog (Pull Type); Hay Wagon; Bale Spear. (Equipment As-Is: New Idea Rake, JD 4 Bar Rake; New Idea Manure Spreader; Allis-Chalmers Rake; 2 Bottom Plow; Disc); Diesel Fuel Tank; Surge Milkers; Water Trough; Gas Cans; Hose & Reel; Ladders; Hand Tools; Craftsman Air Compressor; Boomer; Scythe; Live Trap; Hand Seeder; Gardening Tools & Misc. Mowers – Appliances – Household: Toro GT2200 50” Riding Mower, 186 Hours; Craftsman Self Propelled Mower; Troy Bilt Horse Tiller, 8 HP; Wheel Horse Work Horse 700 Mower (as-is); Cimatti Moped (as-is); Kenmore Dryer; Whirlpool Washer; Frigidaire Refrigerator; Maytag Stove; Haeir & Gibson Small Chest Freezers; Dehumidifier; Microwave & Stand; Meat Grinder; Sausage Stuffer; Pro Com Gas Furnace; 3 pc. Bedroom Set; Full Bed; Dresser w/Mirror; Wardrobe; Couch & Chair; Loveseat w/ Sleeper; Coffee & End Tables; 2 Recliners; Rocking Chair; Sofa Table; Longaberger Baskets; Figurines, Glassware; Pink Depression; Lighting Rod; Knife Set; Fan; Oil Lamps; Home Décor & More. Terms on Chattels: Cash or Check Auction by Order of: Lunch Stand


Divorces / Dissolutions None to Report


Kaufman Realty and Auctions, LLC or (888) 852-4111 Cliff Sprang, Realtor & Auctioneer (330) 464-5155 or Jr. Miller, Realtor & Auctioneer (330) 231-1914 or

The McVey Family




May 18, 2016

We’re your vacation car headquarters!




Wonderful fuel efficient sedan with lots of options and a great ride.

Fun to drive - sporty styling that holds the road well. Nicely equipped.

Chrysler’s mid size luxury car - power sun roof, front size and head airbags.





7,527 $









Wonderful economy and Honda quality. New water pump & timing belt.

One of the most popular vehicle styles with lots of interior space.

Chevy’s popular compact offers great fuel economy and room for 5 adults.






Four cylinder economy and four wheel drive. Lots of interior space












Power to tow and room for the family. Select 2 WD, AWD, 4x4 Hi, or 4x4 Lo.

Low miles, power sun roof, fully equipped, soft suede cloth seats.


7,375 $



US RT 36 3 Miles Towards Warsaw 740-623-8337 SR 16 by Edie Ryan’s 740-291-8337






Sharon & Les

US 36 LOCATION: MON. 8-6 • TUES.-FRI. 8-5:30 • SAT. 10-2 ST. RT. 16 LOCATION: MON.-FRI. 8-5 • SAT. 9-NOON

Integrity, Quality & Savings for 20 Years

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