FREE This issue of The Beacon published for Monty Barringer.
Volume 1, Number 6
Shining a Positive Light on Coshocton County
July 17 to July 30, 2008
F.R.E.T.S. Roasting Company By Jan Myers
Alexis (age 13) and Madison (age 12) Speicher perform at F.R.E.T.S. Roasting Company on Saturday evening. They are the daughters of Doug and Angie Speicher of Coshocton.
Guitar players Gary Baker and Jason Pendola say they felt led to open the coffee house—FRETS. “Gary and I took a trip to a concert and started talking about music,” said Pendola. “We discovered we both had a dream of starting something like this.” For Baker that dream seed was planted at a songwriters’ conference in Colorado. “I was talking with some folks about some sings I’d written,” said Baker. “They said ‘those are the kind
of songs you sing at a coffee house’. I thought about that vacant building I had beneath Baker’s Management Offices (where the Linn Buffet had been) and thought that might make a great coffee house and suggested that to Jason.” Pendola and Baker began recruiting friends to help. Pendola remodeled the building and donated the sound equipment. “Doug Speicher and I put together the sound system,” said Pendola. “I wanted it to be something
that was modern and state-of-the-art. It has a high quality sound even at a low volume, so listeners can enjoy their coffee and talk while listening.” Baker says he wanted to find ways to incorporate coffee with music. He began searching the internet for songs that had references to coffee. You’ll find many of these quotes painted on the walls inside FRETS. The name itself was also an effort to incorporate the music and the coffee. “We wanted a
Now at our
(Next to the railroad tracks)
Next Issue of The Beacon will be on July 31st! Thank you, people of Coshocton County for reading The Beacon!
Small Through 3X, Plain & Printed Tops & Pants
Mon. - Thurs, 9:30 to 6:00; Friday 9:30 to 7:00; Saturday 9:00 to 5:00; Sunday 11:00 to 3:00
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See F.R.E.T.S. on page 2
447 Main St., Coshocton
word that had something to do with the guitar,” explained Baker. “We came up with FRETS since that is a guitar part, and then wanted to have the letters say something more about the place. The ‘F’ stands for Friends, ‘R’ for Refuge, ‘E’ for Espresso and the ‘T’ for Tunes.” Baker purchased the coffee equipment and orders the coffee from the Alliance World Coffee Company in Munsee, Indiana. The Alliance Company is actually a coffee ministry. They purchase coffee beans from all over the world from fairly- traded sources, usually small collectives of farmers in developing countries. “We buy four different kinds of coffee from Alliance World Coffee,” said Baker. “It’s is so nice to know where our coffee is coming from and that the money is going to a good cause. The Alliance Company employs seminary students in the Munsee area to roast the beans.” “We also know the coffee is fresh,” continued Baker. “We order it on a Monday, it’s roasted on Tuesday and we brew it on Friday or Saturday night.” Baker says that setting the grind involves quite a science, since there is an optimum time of 25 seconds for the shot (of ground coffee) to come out of the machine. If it grinds too long or too short of time, the coffee will be bitter. Along with espresso, coffees, and other hot drinks, the FRETS Roasting Company also serves frozen lattes, iced coffee, frozen mocha lattes, smoothies and decaf coffees. Currently, FRETS Roasting Company is open on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month from 7:00 p.m.
99 Each
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
From the Publisher
In Coshocton: The Coshocton County Beacon Courthouse The Corner Shell BP Baker’s IGA Buehler’s Village Marathon Starfire Gas Station High Caliber Pit Stop Coshocton Public Library Circle K Ameristop Food Mart The Corner Shell G&M 5 Point Auto Collins Meat Market Upper BP Agents Realty Hahn Quik Mart Red Head Gas Station Vicker’s Marathon New York Deli The Dock Your Pizza Shop Chamber of Commerce Coshocton County Convention and Visitor Bureau Carroll’s Buckeye Motors Chrysler Jeep Dodge of Coshocton Woodbury Outfitters The Coffee Company Peddicord Rice Auction Realty Dari Delight Earl’s Dari Drive-In Triplitt’s Drug Store Coshocton County Senior Center Good News Bookstore Scheetz Marketing Mission Auto Connection Jerry’s Restaurant In Fresno: Pearl Valley Cheese In West Lafayette: Dale Gress Real Estate Village Market Circle K Myer’s Country Diner West Lafayette Library Plainfield Restaurant & General Store In Warsaw: Warsaw Shopwise Mathews Citco Peggy Sue’s Steak & Ribs Mayor’s Corner Mom’s Market Warsaw Dari-Land In Newcomerstown: Baker’s IGA April’s Kountry Kitchen Shell Station (State Street)
Coshocton County Antique Power Association held their first annual antique power show at the fairgrounds last weekend with around 70 restored tractors and engines on display. That corn on the cob was delicious! Of course, the amount of butter and salt that you add is always dependent on how many napkins you can find. The fourth annual Memorial Fest to benefit Hospice endured some rain and threatening skies but the bikers, band and volunteers stuck it out for this worthy cause that was held at Agents Realty. These many local events do not bring any of the ballgames, fishing, swimming, camping or biking even into the picture! Speaking of giving to a good cause, the Coshocton County Board of Realtors is beginning their effort to collect for Toys for Tots. You can find out more and how to help from the article in this edition. Remember that you can always read The Beacon online at As evidenced by the articles and pictures in this edition of The Beacon, Coshocton County is a giving community with very loving and involved people that continues to make progress. The past few weeks have seen several new businesses open their doors, remodel or relocate. Why, even the Cleveland Indians are on a four game win streak as we write this! Okay, back to the county. Water lines are being run to Lake Park and the commissioners are continuing to work on internet access throughout the county. Let’s continue to support our community and keep Coshocton County moving forward! And with the beautiful weather on Sunday evening, we did get some golf in after all.
Mark Fortune
continued from page 1 Published by Good Fortune Advertising, LLC 226 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: 740-622-4237 Fax: 740-623-9937
Office Hours:
Mon – Fri. 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Classified Advertising Friday at 5 p.m. Display Advertising Wednesday at 5 p.m. Located at 226 Main Street Towne Centre, Coshocton, OH Owner/Publisher - Mark Fortune Circulation & Classified – Nicole Medley Graphic Artist – Peggy Whited Sales Consultant - Sandy Harvey Intern - Chelsey McPeek
Pick up your copy of The Coshocton County Beacon at the following locations.
As I glance out the window the rain is coming down again. No golf today! Sure seems like we have had a lot of rain this summer, doesn’t it? The torrential downpour we received throughout the county last week hopefully reminded us of our fellow citizens in the Midwest that have endured severe flooding and displacement from the rain this summer. We owe our thanks to the township, city, county and state workers that braved the elements to clear the roads and clogged culverts following the storm. We take so much for granted in our country and oftentimes I believe that we need these gentle reminders to help us appreciate our infrastructure and services. At least I do. Our community lost a couple of good friends since our last publication. Charlie Workman and Clifford Hardesty both gave a lot to our community – through voice, laughter and their gifts. Our sympathy and thanks goes to these men, their friends and families. Our community is blessed with people that give of themselves so that others may enjoy – whether it be through volunteerism, giving to youth by teaching, coaching and encouraging, those that are involved in area events, community benefits, social services and more. It would take more room to list all those that serve our community than space allows so if you have the opportunity to say “thanks” to someone that you personally know deserves a big “thank you” we encourage you to take this opportunity to do so. They will appreciate it. This sixth edition of The Beacon delivers several local features and articles about events in our community. If you cannot find something to do in Coshocton County is it possible that you have not searched hard enough? Several youth in our community put on “Oliver Twist” at the Triple Locks Theatre and despite water running across the stage the week of the first performance, the show did go on! The
Disclaimer: The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason. The publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertising beyond the amount paid for space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s employees or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. Classified refunds will be given only on mistakes reported during the first time the ad appears in The Coshocton County Beacon. Any reproduction without written consent of the publisher is prohibited. 2008 The Coshocton County Beacon
to 11:00 p.m. and will be open for the First Friday celebration in September. “We are run completely by volunteers,” added Baker. “We have about 20 people who volunteer their time to work here. And all the musicians perform for free. We only have performers who offer clean, wholesome music and messages.” Some favorites so far have been the Claxon Family, Jason Pendola’s band and Sheldon Mencer. Anyone interested in performing at FRETS can contact Gary Baker at 622-7979 or visit their website at “We want FRETS to be a fun place for adults to stop in after dinner to relax and enjoy some great coffee and entertainment,” said Baker. “So far, it’s been very well received,” added Pendola. “Sometimes we have 100 people here on a Saturday night. We want people to enjoy quality coffee, quality music in a quality atmosphere. We hope more people stop in and check it out.” Both Pendola and Baker stress that FRETS relies on donations and volunteers. “There are lots of people involved,” stated Pendola. “Gary and I know we couldn’t do it without all the volunteers.” For a complete list of offerings or more information, visit their website at www.
FRETS Roasting Company, 509 Main Street, Coshocton
Open the 2nd and 4th Saturdays from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. There is a $2 admission on Saturday nights to cover the overhead. Open Mic Night, Friday, September 5, no admission. The FRETS space is available for rental for such events as wedding rehearsals, receptions, anniversary and birthday parties. Contact Gary Baker at 622-7979 for rental information.
FRETS Mission is to provide:
• A healthy alternative to the bar scene. • A comfortable, non-threatening atmosphere where adults can mingle and socialize. • Quality, live music that uplifts, entertains and illuminates. For more information, visit their website at
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
Safety City Graduates 2008 Class of Youngsters!
Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge of Coshocton By Jan Myers
Rick Whetstone, Sr. GM Pictured receiving her certificate of completion from Deputy Dru Prater is 5 year old Evelyn Burton, daughter of Eric and Tara Burton of Coshocton.
The Coshocton Chapter of the American Red Cross recently graduated the 2008 safety city class. Area youngsters are given a full week (Monday thru Friday) of safety classes at the fairgrounds under the watchful eye of teen counselors, area volunteers, Sheriff’s office personnel and parents. Each year, the Coshocton Kiwanis Club provides the youth with a bicycle helmet, which is carefully measured for size earlier in the week and distributed by Kiwanis Club members at the conclusion of the week. Linnet Lowe served as a volunteer instructor. In addition, Leslie Fehrman and Ryan Wright served as community coordinator and managed the event. Boys and girls up to the age of five are given instructions on how to avoid strangers, fire safety, how to safely cross streets, obey traffic signals and other helpful tips that help them learn proper safety procedures using songs and rhymes.
4th Annual Coshocton Memorial Fest Benefits Hospice
Pictured left to right are; Bob Bish, Barb Emmons, Mike Parks, Jody Bolden, Angie Bolden, Lori Varns, Barb Wilson and Mary Mason.
The fourth annual Coshocton Memorial Fest to benefit Hospice was held at Agents Realty on Saturday, July 12th. Sunny skies and warm temperatures helped draw a large crowd of bikers and supporters to this year’s Memorial Fest. According to event chair, Jody Bolden, “We definitely appreciate all of the community support. We have thirty seven corporate sponsors and while times are tough in our area they still came through.” Asked why he is involved with the Fest, Bolden stated that “I can never repay Hospice for what they’ve done for my family.” Barb Emmons of Hospice stated that “Hospice can never repay this great group of people. They work the entire year to put on this event. They take vacation time and give of their own personal time to hold this event. We appreciate the monies raised (a total of $26,000 has been raised during the first three years of the event) but this Memorial Fest certainly raises the awareness of Hospice in our area.” Emmons also reported that Hospice served 130 patients in 2007. Bolden also mentioned that they are looking for volunteers for the 2009 Memorial Fest. You can contact Hospice at 622-7311.
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Rick Whetstone Sr., partner with the Jeff Drennen Dealerships, has been operating the Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge of Coshocton Dealership at 1921 Otsego Avenue, for the past year and a half. Whetstone is originally from the Canfield, Ohio, area and spent 15 years at Acura Mitsubishi Dealerships prior to making the move to Coshocton. “It was a bit of a culture shock of sorts moving to a smaller town,” admitted Whetstone. “I spent three months in Coshocton before deciding to move my family here. I’m a firm believer in Christ Jesus, and put a lot of prayer into the decision.” Whetstone says that it was the quality of the Coshocton people that helped him with his decision. “I was warmly welcomed by people like Jere and Joanne Butcher and a number of others from the Coshocton Nazarene Church where I started attending,” he said. “The people here are wholesome, good people and very personable.” His wife of 18 years, Laurie, is an RN and works for the Coshocton City Health Department. They have two boys attending Coshocton High School, Rick Jr., and Joel. “My family is enjoying it here,” said Whetstone. “The boys are active in sports and have made friends and seem to be fitting in well.” Whetstone says of the dealership, he is most proud of the staff, the product and the service offered. “Sometimes car dealers can get a bad name,” he said. “But there’s a strong sense of honesty and integrity that comes from the people within this dealership. These guys are about making a friend first then earning their business. I think that comes from Jeff (Drennen) being here and what all he established prior to me coming here.” Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge of Coshocton employees 20 people and Whetstone says they all have a lot of fun. “The atmosphere and attitude is right here,” he said. “I believe having fun is important in the work environment.” He stressed that the dealership is still growing and he is actually looking to fill several positions. “We’re looking for a couple of salesmen and a used car manager with experience,” he
added. “A lot has taken place within the dealership in the past five years and we are hoping to build a new facility in the future either at the location on Third Street in Coshocton or out on US 36.” Service is another area of pride for Whetstone. He feels they give customers the ‘red carpet treatment’. “You buy a car one time,” he said, “but service is important for the life of the vehicle. We are home of the ‘free oil change’ and offer free loaners, and a free car wash when cars are in for service. It is all part of how we truly want to take care of the customer.” The service department recently implemented a new $10,000 tool that will allow them to diagnose any make and model of car, including imports. Jerry Russell is the service manager and has been in the service business for 24 years. “We service any car, whether it was purchased here or not,” explained Whetstone. “We can also take care of all types of financing. Even if you are challenged in that area, our business manager, Josh Ward, will do anything he can to assist you.” Whetstone feels the Chrysler product, with it’s newly established lifetime power train warranty, is the best in the industry. “I feel proud to sell such a fantastic product,” he said. “That warranty just came out in the last year.” Taking pride in the product and the dealership is important to Whetstone, since it has been part of the overall plan for him to take over the dealership. He is one of the partners in the Jeff Drennen Dealerships. “After the purchase of the Zanesville dealership, Jeff had to spend a lot more time there, so that’s why I moved here to focus on the Coshocton store,” he explained. Whetstone truly enjoys his life here in Coshocton. He is able to focus on his priorities – those being God and his family. He is involved in Rotary and attends a men’s group from the church with Jere Butcher, Jason Pendola, Tom Lafferty and Greg Coffman. “I like living so close to my work,” he stated. “I’m also close to my boy’s school. I enjoy spending every free moment with my family.”
This is a paid article.
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
Susan’s Footwear & Fashions Moves to Main Street! Susan Klein, owner of Susan’s Footwear and Fashions, has announced that she is relocating the business from the Downtowner Plaza to 447 Main Street in Towne Centre, Coshocton, effective immediately. The business will be located in the former Dollar Towne, beside SOTA Technologies, next to the railroad tracks. Susan’s will offer a variety of name brand retail clothing, shoes, work boots, hunting clothing, sporting good supplies such as soccer, baseball, football and track. The business will also feature a large selection of scrubs and area school apparel.
Hours: Mon, Tue, Thur, Sat 7am - 5:30pm Wed, Fri. 7am - 8pm
Klein stated that her business is unique in that “We buy job lots, closeouts, discontinued styles of name brand work shoes and boots at a great price. Many times these items are offered only one time and these tremendous savings are then passed on to our customers”. Klein worked in the retail field at Senter’s Store for 15 years. Later, following the passing of her parents, she and Brother George McCoy bought the restaurant in Warsaw in November, 1995. It was named Pauline’s Pantry. The brother and sister team sold the restaurant in February 1998 and in June 1998 Klein opened a small store in the Downtowner Plaza. After five years she moved to a larger location next to Tractor Supply and The Party Package. Klein stated that “With my lease expiring this year I had the opportunity to move to Main Street and I took it! I am real excited about moving to Main Street. When I started working for Mildred Levison at Senter’s it was on Main Street. I have always liked the Main Street area and hope business is good”. Susan’s Footwear & Fashions also do a lot of special orders for customers. Susan reports that “she really wants the community to realize that she’ll try to furnish their needs”. Susan believes that this business will help save people gas and by supplying the needs of hunters, health
care, schools and of course, during the Christmas season, which will be here in a few months! Susan’s Footwear & Fashions will be open Monday thru Thursday from 9:30 am to 6 p, Friday until 7 pm, Saturday
from 9 am to 5 pm and Sunday 11 am to 3 pm. You can contact the business at 740-622-2775 or visit them at 447 Main Street in Towne Centre, Coshocton.
Nationwide Agent Sam Lowery Honored at Sales Conference
Sam Lowery, a Nationwide® Insurance agent in Coshocton, Ohio was recognized at an agency sales conference in Charleston, South Carolina as one of the company’s leading writers of farm insurance. The “FAST Track Conference” was held in recognition of top-producing agents in sales of new farms business during 2007. `“Farm coverage is a highly specialized line of insurance,” remarks Jerry Hillard, Exclusive Agency Sales Officer. “Only agents specially trained to focus
on this unique type of business can provide our farm customers with important advice and counsel. Our FAST Track Conference recognizes the agents who have made this commitment.” While more than 1,600 agents write farm business for Nationwide, only 22 qualified for the FAST Track Conference. Together with its affiliated companies Allied Insurance and Nationwide® Agribusiness, the Nationwide companies are the largest writers of farm business in the country. • Classified Hotline 622-4237
It’s Summer Time in Coshocton County and that means Ice Cream Socials Abound!
Pictured left to right are; Sharon Specht, Trilba Snyder, Kitten Crater, Kay Braniger, Bev Darr, Diane Meek, Carol Nelson, Marla Prince and Evan Youker. Oh, that’s Bob Nelson hiding behind Sharon Specht.
Despite an impending thunderstorm and downpour, friends and members of the Isleta United Methodist Church held their annual ice cream social on Saturday evening, June 28th in the church basement. The church will be celebrating their 150th year on July 20th. Isleta UMC is located on CR 9 at the eastern end of Coshocton County. This particular evening had an ice cream social at the Nellie UMC and here at Isleta UMC. The Beacon would be interested in hearing stories from the past about ice cream socials with special memories. Please drop off your story or photo at our office. We’re located at 226 Main Street in Towne Centre, Coshocton. (The former Workman’s Restaurant) 08
Mee Ok Won
Authorized Retailer
Operating Owner Cell: 740.502.0550 Office: 740.623.8840 139 South 3rd Street Coshocton, OH 43812
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008
Deadline for Canal Parade Entries August 1st
The Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce and the Canal Festival Parade Committee would like to remind you that the deadline for parade entries is August 1st. This year’s theme, A New Beginning, should be depicted in the floats and other entries for the parade commemorating the first canal boat’s landing in what is now Roscoe Village. The parade will begin at 5 p.m. and will follow the traditional parade route starting at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds, traveling north on 7th Street, turning west onto Main Street and proceeding past the courthouse and the reviewing stand. In an effort to truly reflect the spirit of the canal era of the 1830’s, entries should, as much as possible, use horses or tractors to pull the units. We hope that businesses in our area, as well as the private sector will participate by entering floats, riding horses, horse drawn wagons, walking units, or entering the auto show. As usual, judging will take place Saturday afternoon prior to the start of the parade. More information regarding entry guidelines will be available at the Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce as we get closer to the event. The date of this year’s parade is August 16th to coincide with the Canal Festival to be held in Towne Centre.
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
Community Happenings Ice Cream Socials
Fair Grounds; Tuesday sessions are at Burt Park, West Lafayette; Wednesdays at Conesville Park; and Thursdays at the Warsaw Fire Station. Interested parties are encouraged to call for more information or to let us know you’re coming. All sessions are from 10 A.M. to 12 Noon, and refreshments are included. JHM is offering Meet Me at the Park through a grant from Coshocton County Job and Family Services. Jam Session to be held at Linton Community Center (Plainfield School) located on College Avenue in Plainfield on July 4th & 5th from 1-9 p.m. All musicians and public welcome. Country, Blue Grass and Gospel. Rain or shine. Free open camping. Bring your lawn chairs and instruments. Donations welcome. Please contact JoLea Cognion at 545-6425 or Max Hardesty at 502-2901.
Amazing Grace Day Camp will be held for children who have completed kindergarten through sixth grade on Monday, July 21st through July 25th. There will be camp counselors from Lutheran Memorial Camp, a midweek ice cream social and special guest. Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 1500 Pleasant Valley Drive, Coshocton from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. 740-622-2550.
Class Reunions
Class Reunion. Ridgewood class of 1988 is holding their 20th class reunion on August 9th at Raven’s Glenn. Please contact Lisa Charpentier at 330-653-8140 for more information or log on to www.ridgewood88. com.
Workng with Men for Social Change Seminar presented by A Call To Men cofounder Ted Bunch will be held at Roscoe United Methodist Church in Roscoe on August 7th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. To register contact First Step FVIS, Inc. at 604 Walnut Street or by calling 622-8504 before July 31st. Dari Hut in West Lafayette Events. July 18th - Lawn Concert - R&G Acoustics from 7-9 p.m. July 19th - Square Dance from 7-10 p.m. July 26th - Poker Run call for information. Meet me at the Park. Hey kids! Beginning to get bored? Looking for something to do? Good news! Meet Me at the Park has been extended through July! Meet Me at the Park, a free arts and crafts program for youths going into grades 5 through 12, is taking place at four area parks in Coshocton County and it has just been extended through the month of July. Participants learn new skills at each weekly session, and are given additional supplies to continue the activity at home as well. Art Instructor Jennifer Holsclaw leads the arts and crafts activities, which include clay sculpture, pop art, and some surprise activities. The extended program continues the week of June 30th. Mondays are designated for the Commercial Building at the Coshocton
Giant Yard Sale. Donations and items for a “giant yard sale” are being accepted for the Coshocton County Hopewell School. The sale will be Friday, July 25, 2008 at the Hopewell School located on CR 202 beginning at 9 a.m. The money received from this sale will go towards the Hopewell School students on their trip to Walt Disney World in January 2009. There will be a food stand at the sale and lots of great items to purchase. If you have items to donate please call Stephanie at 622-1456 or 327-3430. River View Boys Basketball Golf Outing to be held on August 9th at Hilltop Golf Course with a 9:00 a.m. shot-gun start time. Limited to the first 27 teams. Includes a chance to win a new 2008 Ford Focus car sponsored by DeCosky Ford of Coshocton, 18 holes of golf, cart rental, snack at turn, many prizes and dinner catered by Schumaker Farms. You can register you team at Hilltop Golf Course or call Todd Herman at 330-204-7826.
American Red Cross Bloodmobile & Events
July 21st – Blood Drive to be held at New Castle Community located at 23379 SR 206, New Castle from 2-8p.m. July 21st -August 1st – Learn to Swim in Warsaw Pool. Some openings still available.
Vacation Bible School
C.J. Fowler has now joined the business!
Behind Coshocton Bowling Alley
July 21st - July 31st
Monday July 28 - Swiss Burger, Cottage Fries, Capri Blend Veggies, Peaches, Bun, Milk Tuesday July 29 - Baked Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, Broccoli, Jell-O w/fruit, Wheat Bread, Marg., Milk. Wednesday July 30 - Spaghetti w/Meatsauce, Tossed Salad, Pears, Italian Bread, Marg., Milk. Thursday July 31 – Turkey w/stuffing, Glazed Carrots, Succotash, Juice, Wheat Bread, Marg., Milk.
Monday July 21 - Baked Chicken, Potatoes, Peas & Carrots, Apricots, Corn Muffin, Marg., Milk. Tuesday July 22 - Tuna Salad, Garden Salad w/dressing, Tomato Juice, Grapes, Wheat Bun, Milk. Wednesday July 23 - Sausage Pattie, Home Fries, Hot Applesauce, Ambrosia Salad, English Muffin, Milk. Thursday July 24 - Beef & Noodles, Green Beans, Blueberry Crisp, Mandarin Oranges, Wheat Bread, Marg., Milk. Friday July 25 - Fish, Parsley Potatoes, California Blend Veggies, Pudding w/fruit, Bagel, Milk.
Park United Methodist Church, located at 122 Park Avenue will hold their VBS, “Lighthouse Kids Shining God’s Light” on August 3rd through the 8th from 6 p.m.
Lenny Fowler Owner/Barber Call to make an appointment 622-4947
To access ingredient content, please call Joyce Hale 740-622-4852 *A lower concentrated sweet or lower sodium meal is available upon request.
Kno-Ho-Co-Ashland Community Action Commission 201 Brown’s Lane, Coshocton
All seniors are welcome: bring a friend! Call for more information: 622-4852
to 8:30 p.m. at the Park United Methodist Church for children ages 4 years old through sixth grade. Pre-register by calling the church at 622-0821 or 295-5315.
At the Library
Friday, July 18: Teen Plugged and Unplugged Game Day West Lafayette Branch Library. Teen Plugged and Unplugged Game Day with free lunch for all teens. Online and board games available all day. For more information go to or call 740-545-6672. 10 AM - 5 PM Friday, July 18: Teen Monopoly Tournament Coshocton Public Library It’s the Annual Monopoly Tournament! You have a chance to win $50 in Coshocton County Bucks while having fun all day playing Monopoly. Pizza lunch provided. For teens only! 10 AM - 2:30 PM Saturday, July 19: Books Galore Book Store Coshocton Public Library The Friends of the Library used book store in the library basement has magazines, movies, audio books, and books galore, all at rock-bottom prices. Open to the public every Monday from 3-6 and Wednesday and Saturday from 10-1. Call 740-622-0956 for information. 10 AM - 1 PM Monday, July 21: Make-It-Take-It Craft West Lafayette Branch Library Children can come anytime between 10:00-11:15 am to make a craft. ‘Catch The Reading Bug!’ this summer at The West Lafayette Branch. No registration is required. Call 545-6672 for information. 10 AM - 11:15 AM Monday, July 21: Books Galore Book Store Coshocton Public Library The Friends of the Library used book store in the library basement has magazines, movies, audio books, and books galore, all at rock-bottom prices. Open to the public every Monday from 3-6 and Wednesday and Saturday from 10-1. Call 740-622-0956 for information. 3 PM - 6 PM Monday, July 21: West Lafayette Lecture and Tour Series: Seven Pines Alpaca Farm The West Lafayette Branch Library presents the third of a three part Lecture and Tour series for adults with a visit to Seven Pines Alpacas Farm on Monday, July 21, 2008 from 5:30 - 7:30pm. Participants will meet at the West Lafayette Branch Library and caravan to Seven Pines. Registration is required. Please call 740-545-6672 to sign-up. 5:30 – 7:30 PM Tuesday, July 22: Lunch Under The Shelter West Lafayette Branch Library Children and their families are invited to bring their lunch, we’ll provide the punch. Enjoy stories, songs, and fun. ‘Catch The Reading Bug!’ this summer at The West Lafayette Branch. No registration is required. Call 545-6672 for information. 11:30 AM - 12 PM Tuesday, July 22: Summer Chi Classes Coshocton Public Library Practice gentle exercises inspired by poetry that reduce stress, build stamina, and increase vitality. You will return to your day feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Call 740-622-0956 for information. 12 PM - 1 PM Wednesday, July 23: Make-It-Take-It Crafts Coshocton Public Library A Make-It-Take Craft can be created every Wednesday during June and July. Children, K-6th grade, are welcome to come to the Large Meeting Room anytime from 9:30 am - 11:30 am. ‘Catch The Reading
Bug! Call 740-622-0956 for information. 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM Wednesday, July 23: Books Galore Book Store Coshocton Public Library The Friends of the Library used book store in the library basement has magazines, movies, audio books, and books galore, all at rock-bottom prices. Open to the public every Monday from 3-6 and Wednesday and Saturday from 10-1. Call 740-622-0956 for information. 10 AM - 1 PM Wednesday, July 23: Teens: Plugged and Unplugged Coshocton Public Library Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-5 pm, the meeting room is open for teens only! Surf the Internet, play video and board games, watch movies! Refreshments provided. Call 740-622-0956 for information. 2 PM 5 PM Thursday, July 24: Lunch On The Deck Coshocton Public Library Stories for children and their families from 11:30-12:00 noon. Bring your lunch, we’ll provide the punch. Enjoy stories, songs, and fun. In case of inclement weather, the event will be in The Large Meeting Room. No registration is required. Call 740-622-0956 for information. 11:30 AM 12 PM Thursday, July 24: Teen Movie and a Craft Day Coshocton Public Library Feeling creative? Come to the library on Thursday afternoons to try out the weekly craft projects and watch a movie! 2 PM - 4 PM Thursday, July 24: The Natural Greenhouse with Ohio Author Gini Coover Coshocton Public Library Gini Coover, author of The Natural Greenhouse will present a program providing practical information on raising high quality plants and food beyond the normal growing season. Her book includes information from 26 year of work on a farm in Southeast Ohio. Copies of her book will be available for purchase. Call 740-622-0956 to sign-up. 7 PM - 8:30 PM Friday, July 25: Teen Plugged and Unplugged Game Day West Lafayette Branch Library Teen Plugged and Unplugged Game Day with free lunch for all teens. Online and board games available all day. For more information go to www.coshoctonlibrary. org/events or call 740-545-6672. 10 AM 5 PM Friday, July 25: Summer 2008 Teen Book Club Meeting Coshocton Public Library It’s Summer! Read for the Fun of It! Join the Teen Readers Club. Meetings are Friday, June 6, 20, July 11, 25. Games, Blogging, Free Books, Prizes, Friends, Food, Fun! A real club for real readers! Call 740-622-0956 for information. 2 PM - 4 PM Sunday, July 27: Summer Reading Program Pool Party The Summer Reading Program Grand Finale Pool Party will be held at Lake Park Aquatic Center for all participants of the Summer Reading Programs at the Coshocton Public Library, the West Lafayette Branch and Bookmobile. FREE Tickets may picked-up at any of the three locations beginning Monday July 21. 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Thursday, July 31: Annual Book Sale Coshocton Public Library Bargain Galore! Books for all ages, magazines, movies and more, all at prices you can’t beat. Silent Auction for items of collectible value. Book Sale will continue through Saturday. Call 740-622-0956 for information. 9:30 AM - 7 PM
Day Location: McFeeders Taekwondo, 134 Main Street, Coshocton 1– 2:00 pm Bring your childrenfor a fascinating demonstration of this martial art. Families will have an opportunity to learn some basic moves and maybe even break a board with their bare hands. Yikes!
Summer Family Fun is a Free program for all Families in Coshocton with Children ages 1day to 18 years. The activities are designed for parents and children to interact with each other while having fun and perhaps gaining some new experiences. Sponsored by Coshocton County Job and Family Services, this program is part of our Family Stability Program and open to all famlies, regardless of income. All events are absolutely FREE for ALL families in Coshocton with children under the age of 18 years. A parent or guardian must attend the activities with a child. Families may attend one or all of the events. Advanced registration at least four days prior to the event is suggested so enough supplies for each family will be available. (Some activities do have a limit, so please register early.) Simply call Katrina at 740-545-6717 with any questions and to sign-up your family for some summer fun! It is important when calling to leave your name, contact number, and the number and ages of children attending.
Monday 7/28/08: Family Theater. Location: Triple Lockes Theater 2:00 – 3:30 pm. Lights! Camera! Action! Tour the theater, create masks, and put on your own family skit. Tuesday 7/29/08: Family Putt-Putt. Location: Pomerene Center (Lawn) 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Create your own family putt-putt golf course as you enjoy an evening on the beautiful lawn of the Pomerene Center on 317 Mulberry Street. Wednesday 7/30/08: Mother & Daughter Self-Esteem. Location: Big Brothers Big Sisters 2 – 3:30 pm. You and your daughter(s) will spend an afternoon learning to pamper both your self and your souls. This is a great time for moms and daughters to learn to appreciate the inner and outer beauty of each other. (BBBS located on Main Street in the Sota Technologies building.)
Friday 7/18/08: Family Fleece Blanket Location: County Services Building Room 145 1–2:30 pm. Create a wonderful family memory as you and your children learn to cut and knot your own family fleece blanket. Lois will have supplies for everyone who registers!
Thursday 7/31/08: Cloud Pals. Location: Salvation Army 10:00 – 12:00 pm. A product designed to focus on the emotional wellness of children, cloud pals help parents learn to support their children as they learn to express their emotions in an appropriate way. Vickie plans to provide a pizza lunch for participants, and JFS is donating a set of Cloud Pals to each family.
Tuesday 7/15/08: Family Recycling Location: Salvation Army 1:00 – 2:30 pm You can do “what” with “that?” Join us as we learn to be good stewards of our environment and learn some good recycling tips.
Friday 8/1/08: Family Scrapbooks. Location: County Services Building Room 145 6–7:30 pm Capture those family memories in a lovely scrapbook. Angie will teach us how to organize photos and add creative touches to your own scrapbook to take home. (Please bring some photos!)
Thursday 7/24/08: Preschool Art. Location: Salvation Army 3:00 – 4:30 pm. Bring your pre-schoolers to this fun mini-art class. Heather has homemade play dough and other (hopefully not to messy!) activities planned for you and your little ones.
Monday 7/28/08: Family Theater. Location: Triple Lockes Theater 2:00 – 3:30 pm Lights! Camera! Action! Tour the theater, create masks, and put on your own family skit.
Friday 7/25/08: Family Outdoor Activities Location: Begin at Lake Park Playvillion 10–11:30 am. There’s more to do outside than mow the lawn! Angie has some great ideas to bring you and your kids together for some outdoors fun. Taekwondo Family
Emergency Services 622-9801 • •
Rental & Utility Assistance Homeless Shelter
Housing 622-1412 •
Heritage Apartments
Family Planning Reproductive Health Exams Colposcopy Services STD Testing Treatment for Men & Women Anonymous HIV Testing
Senior Services 622-4852
Echoing Hills Site
Energy Assistance 622-9801 • •
• • • • •
Head Start 327-0401 •
Health Services 622-2829
Home Energy Assistance Program Weatherization
• • • •
Congregate Meals Home Delivered Meals Exercise Programs RSVP / Foster Grandparent Programs
Saturday 7/26/08:
Tuesday 7/29/08: Family Putt-Putt. Location: Pomerene Center (Lawn) 7:00 – 8:30 pm. Create your own family putt-putt golf
course as you enjoy an evening on the beautiful lawn of the Pomerene Center on 317 Mulberry Street. Monday 8/4/08: Family Parties. Location: Salvation Army 5:00 – 6:30 pm. Stephanie will give us some tips for planning fun family parties. (She also is a guru cake decorator so we might learn some neat tricks to turn cup cakes into castles!) Tuesday 8/5/08: Families in the Kitchen. Location: Salvation Army 5:00 – 6:30 pm. Chef Cichon’s lively personality will inspire even the most work weary parents to gather those kids in the kitchen for great family times. The focus will be on creating yummy, healthy snacks.
“Where you can have just about anything printed, except money!” 520 Main Street, Coshocton
e-mail: Mon.-Fri. 8-5:30 p.m., Sat. 9-1 p.m.
529 Main Street • Coshocton OHio 43812 Office (740) 622-SOLD (7653) Cell (740) 294-7013 Fax (740) 622-2FAX (2329)
JoEllen Collins REALTOR®
Summer Family Fun
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
Christmas in July Toys-for-Tots Campaign Begins Toys for Tots – a national campaign inspired by Marine Corps reservist Major Bill Hendricks - has a long history of providing new toys to children at Christmas time. The program, which celebrated its 60th year last year, has given over 386 million toys to children all over the nation since its inception in 1947. Up until last year, however, Coshocton County didn’t participate. “We wanted to start the program here,” says this year’s Local Coordinating Officer (LCO) Christi Olinger, president of
Our Selection Of ” “Come See
Cherry Stoner In Stock! Hershberger Country Store
Stainless Steel Kitchenware, Canning Supplies and Pressure Cookers. Amway Supplies, Cards, Giftware, Hardware, Etc. “Hard to Find Items”
the Coshocton County Board of Realtors and a realtor with Peddicord Rice Auction Realty. “But we got off to a little bit of a late start last year.” Last fall, Olinger contacted the local coordinating officer of neighboring Carroll County who offered to help her get toys for the 2007 holiday season. “There were real needs in Coshocton, but the way the program is set up, donations received in one county have to stay in that county,” says Carroll County LCO Deborah Oberlin. Oberlin called the national Toys-for-Tots office in Washington and explained the local need in Coshocton. The office quickly established a needs case for Coshocton County and sent what amounted to four vans loaded with toys to Oberlin who arranged the transfer to Olinger in Coshocton. Olinger is now registered as the official LCO for Coshocton County for the 2008 program. Once an official Toys-for-Tots program is set-up within a county, a bank account for
2 ½ miles S.W. of New Bedford on TR 220 Open Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Sat. 7:30 – 5:00 Wed. & Fri. 7:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Kelly Shrimplin Realtor®
Office: (740) 622-3669 Fax: (740) 622-1261 Cell: (740) 502-6692
by Ginger Reiss
224 South Fourth Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812
“Where life is more about living!”
July Activity Calender
Monday, July 21
Thursday, July 24
Tuesday, July 29
9:30 am Hausey
9 – 11 am Line Dancing
9:30 am ROM
9:30 am Hausey
10:30 am Exercise
10:30 am Blood Pressure
10:30 am Grocery Bingo
1:00 Mah-Jongg
11:00 am Bible Study
Tuesday, July 22
11:30 am Water Exercise
9 - 3 Beltone Hearing
12:30 am Chair Massage
9 – 11 am Line Dancing 9:30 am Hausey 11:00 am Max Hardesty 11:30 am Water Exercise 1 – 3 pm Bridge Wednesday, July 30 9:30 am Hausey
9 – 11 am Line Dancing
Friday, July 25
9:30 am Hausey
9:30 am Hausey
11:30 am Water Exercise
10:30 am Exercise
1 – 3 pm Bridge
10:30 am Coffee Klatsch
Wednesday, July 23
11:00 pm Linda Weber
9:30 am Hausey
Monday, July 28
9:30 am ROM
9:30 am Hausey
10:30 am Exercise
9:30 am ROM
11:00 Dan Barnes - Piano
10:30 am Exercise 10:30 am Grocery Bingo 1:00 Mah-Jongg
12:30 pm Chair Massage
Coshocton County Senior Center 201 Brown’s Lane, Coshocton
Center hours are Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
the program is locally established. Toys can be locally collected and warehoused and monetary donations can officially be accepted. “Checks and cash are sent to the national office,” explains Oberlin. “Then the National office sends back a credit card which can be used to purchase products locally and directly from toy manufacturers.” Oberlin says that upscale toys such as DVD and MP3 players, watches and cameras can be purchased at substantial discounts as part of the program. For this reason, cash donations are usually better than toys, she says. This year, Olinger and other participants are getting and early start on the 2008 campaign. Olinger contacted Coshocton Mayor Steve Mercer to help her jump-start the program with a Christmasin-July toy drive. On Tuesday, July 8th, Mercer set forth a city proclamation, declaring the Christmas-in-July campaign start and inviting county residents to drop off new, unwrapped toys at any realtors’ office in town. To support the fast-start, Olinger has also arranged a special collection day on Saturday, July 19th. That day, county residents can drop off toys or offer monetary donations from 12:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. at the fairgrounds. “Annin Flag Company has offered us a trailer to store the toys,” says Olinger. “And, Santa and
his elves or reindeer will also be there helping to collect donations.” “Compared with the holiday season, summer is usually a little less hectic for many in the community. We’re hoping to get a good number of donations that day,” Olinger explains. Olinger says that the program provided toys to around 90 Coshocton children during the 2007 holiday season and that each child received two or three toys apiece. “The best thing about the campaign,” says Olinger, “is that donations made in Coshocton will only go toward helping children in Coshocton.”. This year, realtors involved are hoping to provide gifts to over 100 Coshocton children. Though the economy may be a bit down, Olinger, along with the members of the Coshocton County Board of Realtors®, believes it can be done. To register for toys for the 2008 Coshocton County Toys-for-Tots program, contact Coshocton County Job and Family Services at 622-1020 or the Coshocton County Food Pantry at 824-3958. The pantry is run by God’s Eternal Love Fellowship church, located at the old elementary school in Nellie. Program coordinators will verify eligibility and registration beginning in October.
Apple Crisp
9:30 am ROM 10:30 am Exercise 11:00 am Dan Barnes Piano 1:00 pm Open House Bingo Thursday, July 31 9 – 11 am Line Dancing 9:30 am Hausey 11:00 am Bible Study 11:00 am Jerry Weaver 11:30 am Water Exercise
Submitted by: Joy Higginbotham From: Jesse (It’s as good as apple pie but half the work.)
10 apples (preferably Jonathan) cored, pared and slice. 1 tsp. cinnamon ½ cup water 1 cup sugar ¾ cup flour 7 tablespoons butter or margarine
11:00 am Summer Fun Jingo 9:30 am ROM
Coshocton Mayor Steve Mercer offers the Christmas-in-July city proclamation to Toys-for-Tots local coordinating officer (LCO) Christi Olinger, while Santa (Century 21 Realtor, Jim Nelson) applauds.
Combine apples, cinnamon and water and put in bottom of 9” buttered pan. Combine sugar and flour, cut in butter. Crumble over apple mixture. Bake at 350 degrees about 30 minutes or until apples are cooked. Serve with ice cream if desired. Can be assembled ahead and refrigerated, then popped inton oven when ready.
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
no place to go she took another look. The plane was so close she thought it would hit the house and the noise was earsplitting. Later my friend stopped in to see my mother to see if she had been home to see his airplane. She said “yes� and started to give him the devil for flying so low in such a big plane. It so happened that I was also at home and we had a nice visit. The pilot was Don Richisson; his home was up near Bethlehem Grange. He told me that he and his crew were flying at about 30,000 feet over Columbus and started to let down over Newark. He said that he passed over Roscoe at about 500 feet! He knew that he would attract some attention. He also said that no one reported him for flying so low!
Bomber Buzzes Roscoe! A Piece of History by Max A. Williams We lived in Roscoe after my father purchased a property at 699 High Street during the depression year of 1933. I was only 13 years old and entered Roscoe School in the seventh grade. My dad was a postal employee at the Coshocton Post Office and put the six of us kids to work! We helped to paint and repair the house inside and out. It was a never ending job. We also did farm work on the 33 acres with cows, pigs and chickens. We also had a large garden that supplied most of our food. Actually we lived pretty good throughout the depression years. Then World War II came along. I, Max A. Williams, aged 21, was about to enter the armed forces. Throughout high school in Roscoe I had many friends most of which were also making plans to enter the armed forces. Thus we separated and became soldiers, pilots, seaman, Marines and officers. I became an infantry officer and was
discharged after a little over four years of service. My best friend Harold Turner became a bomber pilot and was killed while flying mission over France. Other close friends made it home after varied experiences. Prior to my shipment overseas, I was home on leave and my Mother was telling me about an experience she had that nearly scared her to death. Apparently one of my friends who had become a B17 pilot was ferrying a plane from a base just west of Ohio to a base in New York State. He knew that his route was taking him near Coshocton County, so he thought that he would let someone know that he was nearby. As my mother told me, she was in the hallway of her home when she heard an airplane. The back door that faced south was nearby and when she looked out, she saw a B17 diving toward the house at 699 High Street and it just kept coming. She was scared and with
“Ask, and it will be given you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened for you.� Matthew 7:7
Childcare Central, LLC receives generous donation for playground
Publisher’s note: Do you have an interesting story about the “good ‘ol days� in Coshocton County? The Beacon would be interested in publishing your article or old photos. You can drop them off at our office – we are located at a site of Coshocton’s history – the former Workman’s Restaurant at 226 Main Street. Office hours are from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Or, simply drop it in the mail addressed to “A Piece of History� % The Beacon, 226 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812. You can also email your article to: mark@coshoctoncountybeacon. com Thank you!
“The Short North has arrived in Historic Roscoe Village� Happy Hour Daily 5-7
The staff and children at Childcare Central, LLC would like to thank Mr. Robert Able for his generous donation that helped make their playground a reality. Mr. Able is responsible for our mulch to cover the playground as well as a reserve toward new equipment. We would also like to thank Mr. Scott and Alonna Hoffman for their generous donation that helped us put new fencing around out playground and to Mr. Kevin and Cheryl Smith for donating their time to install our new fencing with the help of Keith’s father who came up from Athens.
“Something to Talk about Tuesdays� Special prices on Beers and Call Liquors (Bartenders Choice)
“Something to Wine about Wednesdays� Menu Wine $3.50 glass
Ladies Night - Thursdays
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When you’re interested in buying a new home, your first step should be to The Home Loan Savings Bank. Our local, friendly lenders can help you determine the financing type that fits your income and lifestyle.
Come See Us Today. 413 Main Street, Coshocton ď ˇ 622-0444 590 Walnut Street, Coshocton ď ˇ 622-9417 503 W. Main Street, West Lafayette ď ˇ 545-0227
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Stop by and check out our beautiful wine bar and lounge.
We offer a full bar with wines, beers and spirituous liquors. We also offer wine by the bottle from our retail side for consumption on premise.
10 The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
CASOO Baker’s Best Event to Provide Wigs
Celebrity judges and volunteers take part in CASOO Baker’s Best event at Buehler’s this past Saturday. Proceeds from the baked goods silent auction will go to Children’s Cancer Research Fund and specifically to help provide wigs for those suffering from cancer in our area. Pictured from left to right are judges; Coshocton Mayor Steve Mercer, WTNS News Coordinator Ken Smailes, Coshocton County Commissioner Gary Fischer, C.A.S.O.O. area chair L. Wilson, local event volunteer Nicole Wilson, judge Brian Wilson, and event coordinator Tiffany Wilson. The two young men in front are Johnny Noon (left) and Brian Wilson.
Limburg’s Patio Grill
is a place to go to watch planes fly in and fly out, while enjoying a hamburg, hot dog or chicken sandwich.
Hours: Friday 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. • Saturday 11:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Come taste our home made baked beans or cole slaw. Then enjoy an Ice Cream Cone made with Velvet Ice Cream!
4-H Camp Counselors and Camp Staff enjoy “Coshocton County” week at Camp Ohio. Photos contributed by Woody Plants, FTW Photographers. Mon. Only Buffet with Drink for Only
Why is Penta Water the Worlds Best Hydration Drink? Increases Physical Performance Extends Endurance Levels Leaves Stomach Faster Fastest Hydration Faster Nerve Firing Powerful Anti-Oxidant Increased Muscle Power Increases Cell Survivability Now on Sale 16 oz (24 bottle) Case save $13.82 1-Liter (12 bottle) Case save $11.39
N ow Open
Marilyn’s Natural Foods
430 Main Street, Coshocton • 622-6792
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
Wings Over Coshocton Air Show: Featuring a Tribute to America’s Military
Potty ground acts and Jim “Fang� Maroney and the Super Chipmunk. The event will be held at the Richard Downing Airport in Coshocton from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The opening ceremony will take place at 1:30 p.m. with Grand Marshall, General Myron Ashcraft. The Air Show will take to the skies from approximately 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Throughout the day, visitors will also enjoy entertainment, helicopter and airplane rides, the popular
Historic Roscoe Village Hosts The “Happiest Music on Earth� COSHOCTON, OH – The “Happiest Music on Earth� featuring the Mid-America Chapter, Music Box Society International, is returning to Historic Roscoe Village for the 33rd Annual Band Organ Rally on Friday, July 18 and Saturday, July 19, 2008 from 10:00am to 5:00pm daily. Members will be operating and displaying a variety of hand cranked, paper operated table top Music Boxes and Organettes. There will also be larger trailer mounted Carousel and Fairground Band Organs, Calliopes and a variety of hand cranked portable organs known as HurdyGurdy’s or Monkey Organs. Chartered in 1949 the Music Box Society International is a non-profit organization dedicated to enjoying and preserving all types of automatic musical instruments. It has a membership in the thousands with representatives from all 50 states and nineteen foreign countries.
An annual convention is held in different areas, attracting hundreds of enthusiasts who spend the time discussing, listening to and learning about all forms of mechanical music. More information can be found at the society’s website at There is also a virtual museum where various examples of mechanical music can be seen and heard. Detailed information regarding Historic Roscoe Village can be obtained by contacting us at 740-622-9310 or 800-877-1830 or visit Featured in Neil Zurcher’s One Tank Trips, Roscoe Village is a 19th century living history community depicting life in Ohio’s Canal Era. The Village is located on State Routes 16 and 83 near the junction of US Route 36 in east-central Ohio.
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Kids Zone Fun Area, and bird shows from the Ohio Bird Sanctuary. Airport Administrator, Bethel Toler, says he’s excited about the line-up for this year. “I’m sure visitors will like what they see this year,� he said. “We are happy to have a couple of returning acts such as the Misty Blues and Jim Fang and the Super Chipmunk, but we are also thrilled to have added Paul Stender’s ground acts. You won’t believe what he does with his Dodge Ram and the port ‘o potty!� “We are also so fortunate to have the B25 coming since it is the only one of it’s kind still flying,� added Toler. “This is military history and we are pleased to be able to bring it to Coshocton.� The lead sponsor for the 2008 Wings Over Coshocton Air Show is the Jones Metal Corporation. Other business sponsors at this time include Oxford Mining, Organic Technologies, Coshocton County Memorial Hospital, Yager Consultants, Yankee Wire, Frontier Power, Time Warner Cable, Coshocton Convention and Visitors Bureau, Clow Water Systems, SanCast, Center-Wood Leasing, Coshocton Tire, Double D Ranch, Century National Bank, Auer Ace Hardware, Novelty Advertising,
Hampton Inn and Mission Auto. “We are truly grateful to these sponsors who help make this Air Show possible,� continued Toler. “Their commitment to this event helps the Airport raise the funds for the extension of our runway and other permanent improvements at the Airport. These improvements will allow larger planes to use our facility, which will help us be a major part of the economic impact for Coshocton and the surrounding areas. There are many levels of sponsorship available, including in-kind contributions and financial. Each level includes advertising exposure, tickets to the Air Show, tickets to a sponsors-only media event, VIP seating tickets and parking passes for the event. Last year, over 8,000 people attend the show. For information on how you or your business can become involved in sponsoring the Wings Over Coshocton Air Show, contact the Richard Downing Airport at (740) 622-2252. Admission to the September 20 event will be $6 for adults and $3 for children under 10. Check out a video clip of last year’s Air Show by visiting The Richard Downing Airport website at
Puchase any Willow Tree Angel and receive a Free Gift! (while supplies last)
Roscoe General Store RoTDPF 7JMMBHF r 0QFO %BZT B XFFL
COSHOCTON, OH—The 2008 Wings Over Coshocton Air Show will feature several military aircraft as well as aerobatic and ground acts. The September 20 show will include a Yankee Warrior, the only flying B-25D-35 (a North American B-25 Mitchell) and a Douglas C-47 Skytrain. Air Show visitors will also enjoy the Misty Blues All-woman Skydiving Team, Jack Knutson and his American Firebird, Paul Stender and his Dodge Ram Jet & Port ‘O
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
Clark Township Baptist Church Celebrates 175th Anniversary
Meet Me at the Park
Teens make “pop art” drawings at the fairgrounds on Monday, July 7th, during a free art workshop offered by the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum. Meet Me at the Park, geared for youth going into 5th through 12th grade, comes to four sites each weekCustom Remodeling -Mondays to the Commercial Building at Certified Wilsonart® Solid Surface Fabricator and Installer Kitchens Custom Cabinets Remodeling the fairgrounds, Tuesdays at Burt Park in Baths Solid Surface Additions West Lafayette, Wednesday at Conesville Ceramic Tile Countertops Decks Drywall Electrical and more! Park, and Thursdays at the Warsaw fire Plumbing station, from 10 to noon. For more inforFREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED mation, call the museum at 622-8710. (740) 622-1013 FAX: (740) 622-6037 Owens Corning® Preferred Contractor
Jason Beitzel - Owner
Everyday Low Prices on Treated Decking & Lumber 2x4 thru 2x12 and 5/4x6 Decking
Pictured from left to right are current Pastor Randy Gardner, former pastor’s Fred Taylor and Fred Vanderhoff. Close to one hundred church members and guests enjoyed an outdoor covered dish lunch and a special commemoration of Clark Township Baptist Church on Sunday, June 29th. Many of the members are descendants of the thirteen original members of the church, which is located in Helmick at the intersection of County Road 343 and County Road 25 in north central Coshocton County. Yes, this is where the covered bridge is!
Coshocton County Antique Power Association Holds Show at Fairgrounds
Check out our prices and quality before going out of town to purchase your Deck Project
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WHERE QUALITY STILL COUNTS Quality Storage Barns Since 1979
Paul Schonauer displays his form for corn hole while Carl Cognion looks on.
Close to one hundred church members and guests enjoyed an outdoor covered dish lunch and a special commemoration of Clark Township Baptist Church on Sunday, June 29th. Many of the members are descendants of the thirteen original members of the church, which is located in Helmick at the intersection of County Road 343 and County Road 25 in north central Coshocton County. Yes, this is where the covered bridge is!
Your Sparkling Clear Water Starts Here!
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Get Ready Seamless Gutters For The 468 Brown’s Lane, Coshocton 4th! 623-8006
4230 St. Rt. 39 • Millersburg Located 1.5 Miles East of Berlin
Mon. - Fri. 7 to 5; Sat. 8 to 3; Closed Sun.
M-F 8-6; Sat. 8-4; Sun. 10-4
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008
Master Gardener Summer Lunch & Learn
Bring your lunch to enjoy at Clary Gardens, learn a little more about gardening and be back to work on time! What more could you want? Join Tammi Rogers for some “quick ‘n dirty” classes designed to fit into your busy schedule. There is no registration fee or sign-up, simply bring your own lunch and enjoy a few moments of learning and beauty at Clary Gardens. The next class will be held on Tuesday, July 29- Five Overlooked Trees for the Landscape. All classes are from 12:15-12:45 p.m. at Clary Gardens– Tan House (588 West Chestnut Street, Coshocton– across from Cantwell Creek Garden Center) No fee– no registrations. Questions? Contact: Tammi Rogers, Master Gardener Coordinator at OSU Extension– Coshocton County, 724 South 7th Street, Room 110, Coshocton, OH 43812, phone: 740.622.2265 or email:
Lenny’s Barber Shop adds capable hands
740-623-0288 or 740-502-4261 ...better to be good than famous
John Gray and Sons Complete Home Remodeling
Windows/Doors Siding Decks/Ramps Kitchen/Baths Interior Remodeling
0008-071708 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
Serving Coshocton County for 30 Years Member of Chamber of Commerce and BBB
Dream Acres
A digging garden allows you to take your purchases at time of visit. Lenny Fowler, owner of Lenny’s Barber Shop in Coshocton is pleased to announce that his son, C.J. Fowler, joined the business in May. C.J. Fowler is a 2006 graduate of River View High School and a May, 2008 graduate of the Ohio State Barber College. Pictured is Coshocton’s newest barber, C.J. Fowler, giving Casey Jones a trim while his father Lenny Fowler works on Gene Hemminger. Lenny’s Barber Shop is located behind the Bowling Alley on South Second Street in Coshocton. Call 740-622-4947 for an appointment.
July 17TH - 24TH TREES & SHRUBS Weeping Crabapples Pink Pussy Willows Clump Birches
• Water Lettuce & Hyacinths Excluded!
Crape Myrtle
HOURS: Mon. - Sat. 9-6 Sun. 12-4
Fruit Trees
Shipping available. State inspected. Buses welcome. 43 / t $PTIPDUPO
622-9378 #Z $IBODF PS "QQPJOUNFOU Bring in this ad for a FREE Daylily
An AHS display garden featuring over 500 newer varieties of Daylilies.
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
Daylilies—The Perfect Perennial By Jan Myers
If you ask Steve Miller what retirement life is like, he might tell you it’s like a dream. Steve and Juanita Miller dreamed of acres of daylilies, and that’s exactly what they are enjoying. They have over 500 varieties (or cultivars) of daylilies with blooms that range in size from 3 inches to 13 inches across. They also divide their plants each year and sell them through their home business—Dream Acres Daylilies. The month of July is the prime blooming time for most varieties of daylilies. Steve caught the lily bug early. When he was a child, his grandparents and mother always grew them. His grandfather also hybridized lilies. “Most men don’t know how to enjoy stuff like this,” said Steve. The Millers have always grown lilies, but when Steve retired, they began raising them in full force. “We just really enjoy them,” said Steve. “The blooming lilies look different every day. We deadhead the spent buds each morning together. Juanita does the bookwork for our lily business and the labeling, and I take care of the plants and the weeding.” Steve says lilies are the perfect perennial since they will grow in any condition. “You just can’t kill them,” he said. “Lilies are a great plant to start with. You can even plant them where nothing else will grow and they require minimal care. They like full sun, but will tolerate partial sun.” Lily plants usually double each year and Steve says they will literally live forever. Their gardens are state-inspected, which means when you buy lilies from them, they are as bug and disease free as
FINANCING To Fit Your Needs!
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possible. They’re also an AHS Display Garden, so all the plants are labeled. “We go to other large lily farms throughout Ohio to hand-select new varieties for our gardens,” said Juanita. “Since these other lily farms are in Ohio, we know the plants will be ones that will grow in this region. Many of the plants you see for sale in catalogs are shipped out of Florida and may not tolerate Ohio weather.” The gardens at Dream Acres Daylilies see a lot of visitors, especially this time of year. The Millers welcome people to come and enjoy the lilies they feel they are blessed to be growing. “We want others to come and enjoy them as much as we do, whether or not they buy anything,” they said. Lilies come in a range of colors from all shades of purples, yellows, pinks and oranges. Some of the newer varieties have ruffled edges and many have double blooms. “They are also working on fragrant varieties and re-blooming lilies,” added Steve. “A couple of my favorites are the Regal Shield, which has a yellow bloom with a dark purple center and edging, and the Voodoo Dancer, which has a dark ebony double bloom.” “We have people buy plants for special occasions such as for an anniversary or because they like its name,” explained Steve. The lilies at Dream Acres Daylilies are sold in the range of $3 per plant to $50 per plant. They are located 2 miles from Lake Park on SR 83N on the right-hand side (look for the sign). The gardens are open by chance or appointment – just call (740) 622-9378. “We have order forms in the bird house near the driveway,” said Juanita. “So if we aren’t here, people can still place their lily order.” Once you see the Miller’s gardens, you just might start dreaming of your own acres of daylilies!
2003 Trailblazer
740.498.6500 Toll Free: 800.675.7013
700 E. State St., Newcomerstown Sales Hours: M, T, TH, F 8-6, W 8-5, Sat 9-1 Service Hours: M-F 8-5
ASE Certified Techs: Ron Fisher, Jason Quillin
Great 3 bedroom 1.5 bath house located in West Lafayette. You must see this property to appreciate the numerous updates inside and out which include: New fixtures, paint, 200 Amp electric service, newer roof, landscaping and more. This home also features a first floor master bedroom, bath and laundry. Schedule your showing today!
This is a very nice property. Beautiful woodwork. Three bedrooms. Lots of updates. Vinyl siding, replacement windows, new roof 2005, newer hot water tank, newer furnace. Fenced back yard. Two car garage with workshop.
Make this lovely 2 story, 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath home yours today. The exterior has been completely updated; roof, siding, windows, insulation and 2.5 car garage. Home also has a fenced yard. The inside is full of charm with pocket doors, stained glass $79,900 window and natural woodwork.
Completely remodeled! This home needs nothing and is ready for immediate possession. Great for first-time home-buyers that qualify for no down-payment programs. 3 bedrooms, 2 ½ bathroom.
Here it is! What everybody is looking for. . . an affordable home with acreage, close to town, on a paved road. This property has it all. Nice 2 bedroom 1 bath home sitting on 17+ acres. Tons of road frontage. Acreage is fenced on 3 sides. A great place to live, farm or hunt. Call now it won’t last long.
This home is simply gorgeous. Sellers have added many new updates to make this a super nice home. With 4 large bedrooms, and 2.5 baths it is waiting for you. Master bedroom has a large master bath featuring 2 sinks, shower, and large tub. A large office or nursery is part of the master suite. An exceptional home sitting on 1 acre.
office 740.622.3111 828 S. 2nd St., Coshocton E-mail:
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
Dealer in Pioneer Equipment Manufacturer of Express Wagons & Pony Wagons
Coshocton County Board of Realtors presents $1,000 Scholarships!
Easy Entry Pony Carts Laundry Carts • Sleds Runner Sleds • Steel Fabrication
32801 C.R. 12 • Millersburg, OH 44654
Located West of New Bedford Hrs. 7-5 Mon-Fri; Sat. 8-12
The Warsaw Lions Club will be holding auditions on Monday, August 4 beginning at 6:30 PM at the River View High School Auditorium for solo spots in their 51st Annual Minstrel Show to be held Friday, Saturday, & Sunday, November 21, 22, & 23. This year’s show is entitled ‘School Daze’ and performers are encouraged to sing songs from their high school days or songs with a school type theme. For more information or to schedule an audition time contact Jean Haumschild at 740-824-3120.
Childcare Central, LLC announces the addition of Trudy Gabbard
Childcare Central, LLC announces the addition of Trudy Gabbard to their staff. Trudy received her CDA in May 2007. She is currently the Administrator of Meadow View Christian Preschool where she previously taught preschool, and also holds a certificate for Drug and Alcohol Counseling. Trudy lives in Frazeysburg with her husband Jason and three children. In the fall she will begin classes in Early Childhood Education to earn her teaching degree. We welcome Trudy as a valuable member of our staff.
members of the scholarship committee include Carol Hardesty, Christi Olinger, Jim Nelson, Jessica Williams, John Thomas and Bob Nelson. Olinger stated that “The Coshocton County Board of Realtors is pleased to be able to present these young men and women with this award. We know that the cost of higher education is climbing and we want to help further develop the young men and women of Coshocton County with these scholarships.” Any youth that will be attending an institution of higher learning has the opportunity to apply for these annual scholarships through the Coshocton County Board of Realtors.
Saturday and Sunday July 19th and 20th • 1-4 p.m. 0013-071708
The Coshocton County Board of Realtors presented four scholarship awards in the amount of $1,000 each to one students from each of the area schools at their June meeting. Pictured from left to right are; Debbie Foster of Peddicord Rice Auction Realty, Scholarship Committee Chair, scholarship recipients Anthony Williams, Eric Pitcher, Kylie Bolden, Brittney Hughes and current Board President, Christi Olinger, also a Realtor with Peddicord Rice Auction Realty. Williams will be attending Wright State University, Pitcher and Bolden will be going to The Ohio State University and Hughes is going to Kent State Tuscarawas. While Foster is the Board of Realtors Scholarship Committee Chair, other
Asking Price
16-Acre Executive Farm - 3365 Township Road 484 (off Morgan Run Road) Coshocton 3,800 square feet of living space • 5 BR • 3 BA • Custom oak kitchen with granite counter tops
For more photos, check us out on the web at or at UTube: gentleman’s farm.
Call 740-622-2488 for private showing.
3 Bedroom 9+ Acres
3 Bedroom 3 Bath
Jim Stoffer 622-5705
3-4 Bedroom 2 Bath
3 Bedroom 2.5 Bath
Sally Foster 824-3630
3 Bedroom 1 Bath
3 Bedroom 4 Bath
Larry Corder 622-5950
4 Bedroom 3 Bath
2 Bedroom 3 Bath Townhouse
3 Bedroom 3 1/2 Bath Oaks
Gloria McDonald 622-8746
Tim Jackson 502-2895
STOFFER Real Estate INC. “Where Dreams Come True”
401 Walnut Street • Office 622-6660 • Fax: 622-5202
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
Singing Ambassadors Present Two Concerts The Cardinal Chorale, the traveling contingent of the All-Ohio Youth Choir, will sing two area concerts as part of the group’s four-day, seven-concert tour. The Chorale will sing at the Church of Holy Trinity in Bolivar at 7:30p.m. on Thursday, July 3, and at Walnut Creek
Heather Ames Guess CCB_0033_050108
Office: (740) 622-3669 Home: (740) 622-9306 Fax: (740) 622-1261 Cell: (740) 502-4292 224 South Fourth Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812
30 YEAR COLLECTION OF EQUIPMENT BY COMMERCIAL ELECTRICIAN. located at 350 Pittsburg Ave, Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050 on:
SATURDAY, JULY 19, 2008 - 10:00 A.M. This will be the largest auction in Knox County this year. We will sell 2 rings all day long and will open the doors at 8 AM. It will take 2 hours just to look around. A small fraction of the items in the sale are listed at #1636 Jerry Scott Auctioneer. Pictures are available on the page. Owner: Robert Jewell (deceased) Terms: Cash or check with ID Visa and Master Charge Auctioneers: Jerry Scott CAI BAS, Sam McQueen, Ron Burson Note: If you need tools this is the auction. Don’t forget JERRY SCOTT CAI 9933 BLUE ROAD MOUNT VERNON, OHIO 43050 740-397-1826 740-397-6333 FAX
We know 45 ways to do
Re Price du ce d!
Locals place in Red, White and Blue Best Ball Tournament River Greens held their annual July 4th Red White and Blue Best Ball on Saturday. The Cambridge team of Brad and Ed Wright fired a 61 to claim first place honors. George and Craig Bennington (Columbus) were second at 64. The teams of Tim Crouch/Mike Ruffner, Jim Stoffer/Tom Ross, Gary & Kyle Todd, and Caine Bricker/ Dan Lahmers all tied for third with 5 under par 67’s. 16 teams competed in the event that alternated all three tee boxes.
46141 County Road 55
00 9,9 9 $
Newer Home in Subdivision 3 bedroom home on large level lot, oak cabinets and kitchen flooring. 2 car attached garage. RWSD. $139,900
Owner wants offer! Very well maintained home with large family room, first floor laundry, Corian countertops. Close to Lincoln School.
Rural Living Close to town! Lots of room inside and out. Home has newer siding and some windows replaced. Walk up attic. 200 amp service. 28 by 26 garage built in 1997. Older workshop with newer roof. $ 99,900
0 ,90 9 $2
Extra Nice Home! Many updates. Oak kitchen cabinets, nice back yard. RWSD. $85,500
Situated on Quiet Street This home is in nice solid condition with 20 by 24 garage on quiet street. Offers living room, kitchen, dining room, 2 bedrooms and bath. CSD.
Extra Nice!
It is a GREAT time to buy YOUR first home!
HORSE LOVERS--4+ ACRES, Large Horse Barn with 50 x 75 Indoor Riding Arena, 11 stalls, potential source of income, barn painted in 2007, spouting in 2006, barn floor reinforced, built in 2002 by Sutton Construction, beautiful oak wood floors, 3 bedrooms, fenced, finished family room/bedroom/bath basement, privacy fence, dog kennel optional, taxes TBD. Survey to determine acreage. Owner will sell home w/one acre. Home/barns/4.8-/+ acres. All for one money or divide. Owner is motivated to sell. Ask listing agent for details and pricing on home with one acre. This is a must see property. $159,900
LOOK and Make An OFFER!!!!!! $214,900
Custom built home in 2000 on a little over an acre, secluded setting, very warm, open home, with 250’pond frontage and usage. Awesome view, comfortable, cozy, yet very spacious, wildlife in area, custom built cabinetry, oak flooring, oak woodwork, multiple fans, large master suite with jet tub, trade ceilings, transoms above windows, colonial / contemporary home, formal living room / great room. This is a must see home! MLS #1383002
26112 County Road 24, Coshocton
Next Auction July 18th 5:30 p.m.
Korean War Veterans (KWVA) Chapter 182 Coshocton, Ohio is now being reorganized and we need veterans who served in the Armed Forces from June 25, 1950 to January 31, 1955. Criteria for membership in the KWVA for regular members are service in the United States Armed Forces “Any person who has seen honorable services in any of the Armed Forces of the United States defined as Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force and Cost Guards, said service being within Korea including territorial waters and airspace or who served outside Korea from June 25, 1950 to Jan. 31, 1955 is eligible for membership.” Criteria for membership in the KWVA for associate members are any person with a legitimate interest in the affairs of the KWVA who wish to support its aims, and not being eligible for regular membership. Associate members do not have a vote on any National, Department or Chapter matters. The KWVA meets the 4th Thursday of July, October, January and April for luncheon at 12:00 p.m. Dues are $25.00 year for regular members and $16.00 year for associate members. For membership applications call 622-3532. Next meeting will be Thursday, July 24th at 12 Noon at the VFW 2040. Call 622-3532 for you lunch reservations.
KWVA Chapter 182 Coshocton Now Being Re-Organized
45713 State Route 541 West, Coshocton Built In Stereo System, Built In Hutch, Master Bath Has Skylights-garden Tub-double Sink-shower, 16x30 Deck on Back, Front Deck, A True Garage Lover’s Place, GARAGE 24 x 30, HEATED, SET UP WITH A PIT AND STEPS LEADING TO PIT FOR EASY ACCESS TO WORK ON VEHICLES, Home Warranty, Country Setting with Conveniences of Town.
Mennonite Church at 7:00p.m. on Friday, July 4. Other concerts will be in Bellevue, Lakeside, and Sebring. Tickets are not required, but offerings will be received to cover the group’s traveling costs. Local members of the Chorale include Kristin Amore, Jordan Desender, Micah Hudson, Derrick Luke, Laura McClain, Betsy Marinnuci, Julie Rice, Carly Ringenberg, Sam Schmitt and A.J. West. Organized in 1995 by its conductor, Charles R. Snyder, the Cardinal Chorale has become the traveling ambassadors for the Youth Choir and for the Ohio
State Fair. Post-Fair appearances have included four performances for the Ohio Music Education Association’s professional conferences, five state vocational educational conferences, the 1996 dedication of the Statehouse, three gubernatorial inaugurations, and the state funeral for four-term governor, James A. Rhodes. The Chorale has taken its music to the campuses of Capital University, Muskingum College, Kent State University, Ohio University, and Penn State University. In the summer of 1998, the Chorale delighted audience on a concert tour in England, Wales, and France. More information about the tour, the Chorale and the Youth Choir is available on the choir’s website: www.aosfyc. com
1973 mobile home with manufactured addon. 2 bedroom, large living room and kitchen. Central air, year old furnace, carport, new $10,500 carpet, Fairview Manor.
316 West Main St., West Lafayette Office: (740) 545-7186 Auction: (740) 545-7158 BRANCH OFFICE: (740) 498-4545 DALE GRESS REAL ESTATE DALE GRESS REAL ESTATE
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
McCullough supports ninth annual Crohn’s and Colitis Research Golf Benefit
ton Construction, Long John Silver’s, Bob Evans, DeCosky Ford, Sportzone, Hardee’s, Your Pizza Shop, Village Inn & Suites, Fortune’s Boot Shop & Repair, Temple-Inland, Walmart, Susan’s Footwear & Fashions, Sheree’s Salon & Spa, NAUS, Crowtown Pizza, Serenity Tea House, Raven’s Glenn Winery, Nationwide, Arby’s Coshocton Tribune, Sears, Wendy’s, Advance Auto Parts, Edie Ryan’s, McDonald’s Tim Horton’s, Tractor Supply Company, River Greens, Plaza Nail Salon, Jeff Drennen Dealerships, Spitler’s Owens & Manning, The Party Package, Lock 27 Tavern, Olde Warehouse, Dairy Queen, The Frame Shop, Burger King, Z Nails, Thomas’ Steakhouse, White Castle, Finton Equipment, Linnett’s Flowers on the Square, Ohio Heritage Bank, Century National Bank, Fifth Third, Huntington and U.S. Banks. If you will not be able to participate, but would like to make a donation for Crohn’s & Colitis Research, make your check payable to CCFA and send to Harry R. Meek, 1297 Doten Avenue, Columbus, OH 43212. Harry can be contacted at 614-488-6018. If you need additional information, please contact Joan McNeely, local coordinator at 740-622-5507.
Jack Lewis Auto Sales JACK LEWIS, OWNER 409 E. Main St. P.O. Box 115 Warsaw, Ohio 43844
Off: (740) 824-3571 Fax: (740) 824-4611 Res: (740) 824-4114 Cell: (740) 502-3120
2005 GMC Envoy Denali
1999 Pontiac Bonneville
4x4, Only 35k Miles, Fully Loaded! MUST SEE!
Local Trade, CD, PW, PL, Alloy Wheels, Only 77k Miles
$18,980 •
2005 Jeep Liberty Sport 4x4, PW, PL, CD, Low Miles!
$12,990 • $235.00/mo*
2008 Hyundai Sonata GLS Balance of Factory Warranty, P. Moonroof, CD, PW, PL, Cruise, Tilt
$16,990 •
2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo 4 x 4 Balance of Factory Warranty, CD, PW, PL, Tilt, Curise, Only 32k Miles!
$14,980 • *
MON. - FRI. 9AM - 5PM
2007 Honda Accord LX
$5,990 •
Harry (Dick) Meek, organizer, is pictured (left) with Mike McCullough, two time winner on the Champions Tour, prior to the ACE Golf Classic in Naples, Florida. McCullough, one of the 56 sponsors of the event, donates the proceeds from the sales of his autographed items to the cause of research. Shadow Boxes’ of McCullough’s autographed items are available for purchase at Shara Prindle’s Frame Shop. Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis (collectively known as inflammatory bowel disease or IBD because their symptoms and complications are similar) are chronic digestive disorders of the small and large intestines. Over 1.4 million people in America have been affected by Crohn’s and Colitis. Around 35,000 of those people live in Ohio. The ninth annual golf event will be held as a scramble format on Thursday, August 14 at River Greens Golf Course in West Lafayette. Tee times are 9 am and 11 am. The $45 fee includes golf, cart, balls, tees, prizes and a donation for Crohn’s and Colitis research. Registration forms (deadline is Friday, August 1) are available at many of the following businesses who are supporting the event: The Coshocton County Beacon, Sprint Print, Candy Bouquet, Super 8, KFC, Mary’s Glass House, WTNS, Sut-
2007 GMC Sierra Ext. Cab 4x4 Only 35k Miles, SLE, PW, PL, CD, Alloy Wheels
$18,990 •
2007 KIA Sorento LX Only 12k Miles, PW, PL, CD, 4x4 Balance of Factory Warranty
$15,980 •
2008 Pontiac G6 GT 4dr Only 14k Miles, Balance of Factory Warranty, Chrome Wheels, Beautiful Car!
$16,880 •
Only 16k Miles, PW, PL, CD, Balance of Factory Warranty.
We can Help Rebuild Your Credit! 1-800-938-FORD or
2002 Pontiac Grand Am SE 4 cylinder, GAS SAVER!, PW, PL, CD, Cruise, Tilt, Alloy Wheels, Local Trade
$6,980 •
801 South Second St., Coshocton Phone 740-622-0001 Fax 740-622-7347
See our selection on the web...
1102 Chestnut St., Coshocton at the 5-way Light • 623-2200 *Tax & Title Down, Rates range from 5.99% to 14%. terms from 24 months to 72 months.
$18,990 •
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008
Land Transfers
July 1, 2008 Jack D. Brown and other owners to William F. and Betty L. Brown: $47,000 Century National Bank to Dexter K. Conkle:
529 Main Street • Coshocton OHio 43812 Office (740) 622-SOLD (7653) Cell (740) 502-2124 Fax (740) 622-2FAX (2329)
(740) 502-3110 (740) 502-3111 (740) 294-2595
838 S. 2nd St. • 740-622-3111
Your Full Service Real Estate, Auctioneering & Appraisal Company
Owner: Huber Brenly Estate Co-Exec: Carol Ann Griffith Hazel Wachtel Attorney: Paul Scherbel Coshocton County Case #: 20810089 Auctioneers: Herb Peddicord Greg Rice Ryan LePage
Tractors: JD LX266 hydr. Riding mower, JD Hydro 165 w/snow blower. Garage Items: Stihl weed eater, Lawnboy push mower, pull type sprayer, Troy Bilt Pony roto tiller, 3 pt. Carry-all, air compressor, JD power washer, B & D bench grinder, workbench w/vise, old wooden tool chest, several hand tools. Antiques & Collectibles: Concerton Accordion (German made), handmade grandmother clock, curve front china cupboard, antique buffet, butter churn, old lamp, 2 mantel clocks, coffee grinder, several old wooden chairs & rockers, blanket chest, curve front desk, several collector plates & bowls, spoon collection w/display rack, many knick knacks. Furniture: 2 – 3 pc. bedroom suites, cane-bottom rocker, cedar wardrobe, drop leaf table w/2 chairs, dining room table, matching couch & chair, 2 end tables, handmade oak desk & chair. Appliances: Amana refrigerator/freezer, older Frigidaire washer, older Whirlpool dryer. Many articles not mentioned. Personal Property Terms: Cash or check time of auction. Positive I.D. required.
Robinson; $45,000 Danna Callahan to Jeanne Davis Callahan Family Trust: $30,000 Danna L. Callahan, Sheriff Tim Rogers to Jeanne Davis Callahan Family Trust: $13,334 July 9, 2008 Clarence J. and Evelyn L. Moran to Arlen D. and Fannie L. Erb: $60,000
Divorces Granted:
Tammy S. Lanham of Coshocton and Paul W. Lanham of Coshocton Nina L. Sampsel of Winston Salem, NC and James D. Sampsel of Coshocton Malynda Sue Booth Glass of Coshocton and John Millard Glass Jr. of Sugar Grove, OH Lois Elaine McNichols of Greenup, KY and Robert Eugene McNichols Sr. of Dresden
Dissolutions Granted:
Alicesun A. McKelvey of Big Prairie, OH and Matthew S. McKelvey of Coshocton Wendy Mae Rader of Sugarcreek, OH and Stephen Thomas Rader of Baltic, OH Bambi L. Deringer of Warsaw and Travis G. Deringer of Fresno Christina Williams of Coshocton and Jason C. Workman of Coshocton Jennifer Johnson of Coshocton and Steven Johnson of West Lafayette July 1, 2008 Aaron John Hreha of Coshocton and Nikki Ann Cecil of Coshocton July 2, 2008 Michael Beau Timmons of Coshocton and Kristi Lee Lusk of Coshocton Jeffrey Aaron Hawkins of Coshocton and Emily Anna Sheridan of Coshocton
Ryan Justin Forbes of Coshocton and Lindsey Ann Glazier of Coshocton July 3, 2008 Brandon Alan Kurtz of Elkhart, IN and Katherine Ann Meyer of Fresno Robert Michael Alaimo of Coshocton and Christina Renee Sexton of Coshocton Rick Alan Williams of West Lafayette and Jessica Elizabeth Clements of Newcomerstown Michael John Langdon of Coshocton and Kendra Rae Kempf of Coshocton July 7, 2008 Jeffrey O. Bradford of Walhonding and Emily Rose of Walhonding
July 1, 2008 Aaron John Hreha of Coshocton and Nikki Ann Cecil of Coshocton July 2, 2008 Michael Beau Timmons of Coshocton and Kristi Lee Lusk of Coshocton Jeffrey Aaron Hawkins of Coshocton and Emily Anna Sheridan of Coshocton Ryan Justin Forbes of Coshocton and Lindsey Ann Glazier of Coshocton July 3, 2008 Brandon Alan Kurtz of Elkhart, IN and Katherine Ann Meyer of Fresno Robert Michael Alaimo of Coshocton and Christina Renee Sexton of Coshocton Rick Alan Williams of West Lafayette and Jessica Elizabeth Clements of Newcomerstown Michael John Langdon of Coshocton and Kendra Rae Kempf of Coshocton July 7, 2008 Jeffrey O. Bradford of Walhonding and Emily
Rose of Walhonding
Professional Service Directory
Shown anytime by appointment, contact auctioneer.
Real Estate Terms: 10% down time of auction. Balance due at closing, no contingencies in contract, taxes to be prorated to date of closing.
3 bedroom brick ranch sitting on a 1+/- acre lot in a pretty rural setting. Home offers a nice hardwood cabinet kitchen, living room, dining room, 3 bedrooms and bath on main floor. Full walkout basement w/finished family room and ½ bath, central air, 200 amp electric service and concrete driveway.
From intersection of SR 83 & SR 643 take SR 643 N approximately 6 miles to auction site. From New Bedford take SR 643 S approximate 5 miles to auction site.
$77,000 July 2, 2008 Homesales, Inc DBA Homesales Inc. of Deleware to Christopher E. Miller: $65,000 July 3, 2008 Andy L. and Susie Hershberger to Elton A. and Laura Yoder: $65,000 July 7, 2008 Glen Darwin King and Sarah I. King to Dennis C. and Patty Tumblin: $120,000 Richard L. Spragg to John P. and Marsha M. Loper; $36,500 July 8, 2008 David H. and Betty Wilkinson to Martha J.
Cheryl Cooksey Multi-Million Dollar Producer Relocation Specialist • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
Auto Repair
Health & Nutrition
K C Auto Repair 125 S. 4th St., Cosh (740) 622–1919 1st & 2nd Shift Repairs “Honest Prices for Honest Repairs!”
Independent Herbalife Distributor: Terry Gephart, 740-552-5063 Local 1-888-746-9157 Voicemail To know more about Herbalife and for free sample pack.
Fence Posts
Lawn Care
Mitchell’s Fence Supply Posts, Gates, Wire & More Toll Free: 877-327-1018
Bryan’s Lawn Mowing Service (740) 623-0288 or (740) 502-4261 Lawn Mowing & More! Free Estimates!
Advertising Advertise your business HERE! 4 lines for $10.00 • Additional Lines – $2.00 • Logo – $10.00 Additional Categories may be added.
Call Nicole to place your Professional Service, Business, or home based business in The Coshocton County Beacon 740-622-4237 • Classified Hotline 622-4237
Used Gibson Upright Freezer, 21.2 cu. ft. $100. OBO. 740-828-2424
141 N 14th St. by RR off Chestnut St. Sat, July 19th, 9-2. Nice girls clothes, size 4-6, shoes 11-1, bike w/training wheels, Step 2-art desk, twin bed w/box springs, 2 pr. large country curtains, throw pillows, chair pads and lots of misc. Large 6 Family Garage Sale. 24924 Walnut Hill Drive (off SR 621). Friday, July 25, 9-4pm. Longaberger baskets, clothes, Longaberger pottery, lots of misc. Coshocton’s Outdoor Community Flea Market. 10’ by 20’ space only $10 per day. Bring your yard sale items to: the 4 lane location at Agents Realty (close to Walmart) 23024 CR 621, Coshocton. Call to reserve your 10’ by 20’ outdoor space today! 740-622-0700
New cattle squeeze chute w/palp cage, automatic headgate, side exit, rubber floor & transport, $4,500. 740-327-1018
8’ Finish Mower, 3 pt. good condition. $750. 740-623-8046 or 740-502-6763
Ford 1993 Pick-up Mark III Conversion, auto, tow package, new motor, 98k, Voltex 350, leather seats, wood trim. 740-397-0077, very sharp, $2,500.
Very nice 2 bedroom, air, attached garage, stove/refrigerator. $385 a month plus deposit. 1617 Orchard St. Call 740-294-1192
Next Auction is Friday, July 18th. Find a treasure or a bargain! Agents Realty & Auction Service Friday night auctions start at 5:30 pm. It’s not just an auction, it’s an event packed full of fun, food & entertainment! See pictures and details of upcoming auctions at or www.auctionzip. com. Location 23024 CR 621 in Coshocton. 740-622-0700
Dodge 2002 Ram 1500, CD, quad, cruise, running boards, 5.2, 8 cyl. $3,995. 740-623-8337
Experience with basic ofďŹ ce software (Word, Powerpoint, Excel). Experience with Adobe Photoshop. Ability to work directly with clients at all levels of organization. Ability to work on multiple projects and priorities Chevy 1997 Tahoe LT, 105k miles, at a time. Strong communications and 4x4, AC, CD, alloy, cruise, luggage administrative skills experience in the video editing ďŹ eld or study strongly preferred. rack, leather, running boards.
$6,895. 740-623-8337
GMC 2005 Envoy Denali, 4x4, only 35k miles, fully loaded. Must See! $18,980. 740-623-2200
Harley Davidson 2002 Sportster 1200 Custom, lots of extras and chrome. Asking $6,500. 740-545-5049 leave message.
CLASSIFIED AD FORM $-*1 "/% ."*- 50 $04)0$50/ $06/5: #&"$0/ t ."*/ 453&&5 $04)0$50/ 0) CLASSIFICATION: Private Party – 5 lines for $5.00 with each additional line only $1.00.
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Animals, Automotive Dealers, Broker Listings, Business Opportunities, Daycare Providers, Employment, Farm Products/Animals, Real Estate, Rentals & Services Offered.
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Jeep 1996 Grand Cherokee, leather, loaded, V8, auto, A/C, PS, PW, PDL, stereo, CD, black w/hot, gold wheels. 148k miles. $4,000. 740-622-2121
Pontiac 2008 G6 GT, 4dr, only 14k miles, balance of factory warranty, chrome wheels, beautiful car. $16,880. 740-623-2200
ENHANCEMENTS ď ą Bold Type $2.00 $1.00 ď ą ALL CAPS ď ą HEADING $2.00 $2.00 ď ą BORDER ď ą Centered text $2.00 $5.00 ď ą Picture $2.00 ď ą Logo TOTAL COST
Production, or Digital Media is preferred.
• Digital Video Capture • Graphics Creation • Some video production scheduling • Basic Lighting strategies • Some still photography • Video Scripting
Requirements include: Chrysler 2006 T&C, AC, CD, High School Diploma or GED. An Associates PW-L, tilt, CR, dual sliding doors. Degree (or greater) in a related ďŹ eld such $11,895. 740-623-8337 as Journalism, Graphic Design, Video
Buying? Selling? WE KNOW 45 WAYS TO DO FINANCING! 0% down payment, possible 1% interest rate. First time home buyers, call today! Mary Mason and Sheri Fortune of Agents Realty & Auction Service understand your needs and are ready to help. Call them at 740-622-0700. www.
We attempt to publish reputable advertisers but cannot guarantee those we do not know. The Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason.
Dodge 1971 Sightseer, 25’ Motorhome, air, generator, awning and kept in garage. Actual miles 45,034. Call 740-828-2424
Ford 2001 Ranger 4x4, ext cab, blue, runs excellent. CD player, Help Wanted 4.0, V6 engine, Tonneua cover (not on truck) available, A/C, cruise, Hasseman Marketing PW, PDL, 75k miles. $6,500 OBO & Communications Salvage title. Can be seen at Fortune’s Boot Shop. 740-502-0176 is seeking a Video Production Specialist. The job will be part time with potential for growth into full time. Pay will be VANS determined by level of experience and Chrysler 1998 Town & Country education. van LX1, loaded, leather, good Key responsibilities include: condition. 740-622-6340 • Digital Video Shooting • Digital Video Editing
Honda 2007 Accord LX, only 16k miles, PW, PL, CD, balance of factory warranty. $18,990. 740-623-2200 2004 J.D. 4510, 4-wheel drive, 39hp, hydrostatic, power reverse, new battery, 460 frontend loader “also a weight box:, approx. 425 hrs. Price $17,000. Call Ruth Ann at 740-622-9673
To submit a resume or application please contact: Jed McCoy, Employment Coordinator Coshocton County Opportunity Links Phone: (740)295-7519 Fax: (740)623-0770
Name Address City Phone Private
23 19
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008
Friday at 5 p.m. (Prior to Thursday Publication) Place your order by phone: 740-622-4237 or fax: 740-623-9937 Place your ad via e-mail:
State Commercial
Stop In – 226 Main St. Coshocton 0002-061208
The Coshocton County Beacon • July 17, 2008 • Classified Hotline 622-4ADS
Too New For Photo 2007 Toyota Siena LE
2007 Chrysler Town n Country
NADA Value: $22,125
NADA Value: $21,120
Your Price: $18,995
Your Price: $18,995
Stow-n-Go, Rear AC, Factory Warranty, 9k Miles
Red, Stow-n-Go, Quad, Factory Warranty, 29k Miles
You SAVE: $2,125
You SAVE: $3,130
00 Plymouth Voyager
99 Dodge Ram 1500 Van
AC, CD, Quad, PW-L-M, Tilt, CR, Luggage Rack, Dual Sliding Doors
CD, Quad, Cruise, Running Boards, 5.2, 8 Cyl
01 Chrysler Town n Country Quad Seating, Cruise, Luggage Rack
97 Chevy Tahoe LT
105k Miles, 4x4, AC, CD, Alloy, Cruise, Luggage Rack, Leather, Running Boards
06 Chrysler T & C
05 Dodge Caravan SXT
AC, CD, PW-L, Tilt, CR, Dual Sliding Doors
DVD Player, Cruise, Luggage Rack
$11,895 05 Dodge Grand Caravan
2005 Scion XB
Cruise, Rear AC, Dual Temp
Your Price: $12,895
AC, DC, Cruise, Rear Defront, 1.5, 4 Cyl
Too New For Photo 2003 Subaru Legacy Outback AWD, AC, CD, Alloy, Cruise, Heated Seats, Luggage Rack
Your Price: $11,995
View our inventory on line at
Honesty • Integrity • Savings
US RT 36 3 Miles Towards Warsaw 623-8337
Sales Hours: Mon.-Fri 9-6 • Special Hours: Sat. 9-2 • Service Hours: M-F 8-5:30