August 3, 2016 Coshocton County Beacon

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Positively Coshocton County!


The Beacon

Coshocton County’s locally-owned newspaper


August 3-9 2016 Volume 9 Number 14

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United Way fundraiser offers a taste of Coshocton

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By Josie Sellers

River View Park Social

Hall receives crown in West Lafayette

Keirstan Hall, the 15-year-old daughter of Grant and Kathy Ford, was overcome with emotion after her name was announced as the 2016/2017 West Lafayette Homecoming Festival Queen. Helping crown her were last year’s junior queen Kaelynn Robinson and Josey Lillibridge, last year’s queen. For more pictures from the contest, visit and also see page 14 for a story on the queen contest.

Memorabilia to be on display at open house




PERMIT NO. 25408

Celebrating 50 years

Josie Sellers | Beacon

By Beth Scott

COSHOCTON – The three county commissioners and Judge Bob Bachelor invite the community to attend the second annual Community Open House and Picnic on Sat-

urday, Aug. 6 from 5 – 8 p.m. at the Coshocton County Courthouse. During the event, the public is invited to tour the courthouse from the basement to the clock tower and especially view the newly-renovated jury assembly room. SEE DISPLAY ON PAGE 17

COSHOCTON – Come enjoy a taste of Coshocton at United Way of Coshocton County’s annual kick-off event. Seventeen local restaurants/caterers will be serving up samples of their food from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11 at Lake Park Pavilion to help United Way start its annual fundraising campaign. “They provide great tasting food and very generous samples,” said Lyn Mizer, executive director of United Way. “No one goes away hungry.” Participating in the event this year are: Amici’s, Baker’s IGA, Coshocton Yard, Grandma Minnie’s Munchies, Hannah Marie’s, Hardee’s/ Red Burrito, Healthy’s, Lava Rock Grill, Medbery Market, Olde Thyme Country Market, Papa John’s Pizza, Peggy Sue’s Steak & Ribs, Pearl Valley Cheese, Raven’s Glenn, Real McCoy BBQ, Schumaker Farms and Warehouse Steak N Stein. Each will have the opportunity to walk away with an award or runner up title in the sweet or savory category. SEE FUNDRAISER ON PAGE 17



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August 3, 2016

Indian Mud Run raises $10,000 for parks




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COSHOCTON - The Indian Mud Run is proud to announce that the 2016 race was able to donate $10,000 to the Coshocton County Park Board. On July 26, Hubie Cushman, race director, presented the park board with a check for $10,000. The Indian Mud Run was created solely to raise money for Coshocton County parks. This was the fifth year for the race, which had close to 600 participants. An additional $4,600 was distributed to organizations that helped out on race day: Contributed | Beacon Coshocton County EMS, Coshocton County SherThe Indian Mud Run was able to raise $10,000 for the Coshocton County Park riff’s Auxiliary, REACT, Board. Pictured from left are: Lori Everhart, park director; Hubie Cushman, IMR Three Rivers Firefighter’s Committee; David Erwin, park board chairman; Roger Moore, park board; and Association, West Lafayette Kathy Milligan, park board. Firefighters, and Boy Scout Troop 406. Next year’s race is scheduled for Saturday, June 24, The Indian Mud Run extends its appreciation to all 2017. More information about the Indian Mud Run can organizations that helped make this year’s race possibe found at ble including Wiley’s Finest Alaskan Fish Oil, the race Contributed | Beacon sponsor.

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THE COSHOCTON COUNTY BEACON is published weekly by Good Fortune Advertising LLC, 226 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812. All rights reserved © by Good Fortune Advertising LLC. Good Fortune Advertising LLC does not necessarily support the opinion of writers. Mailed at Periodicals Postage Pricing Permit No. 25408 at Coshocton, OH, 43812. Postmaster, send address changes to The Coshocton County Beacon, 226 Main Street, Coshocton, OH 43812. Address changes may be sent via email to addresschange@coshoctoncountybeacon. com. To request free in-county delivery of The Coshocton County Beacon, visit our office at 226 Main Street in Towne Centre, Coshocton to fill out a requestor card. You can also request free in-county delivery of The Beacon online at

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PUBLISHERS statement

AUGUST 14TH AT 10:00AM ON THE COURT SQUARE Presbyterian Church of Coshocton, Salvation Army, and the Upper Room Assembly are joining together for this time of fellowship and music.

All are welcome!

August 3, 2016

NEW PHILADELPHIA - Kent State University at Tuscarawas held its 46th commencement ceremonies in May. Students graduating with honors are appropriately marked. Cum laude has a grade point average of 3.3, Magna cum laude has a grade point average of 3.6 and Summa cum laude has a grade point average of 3.8. Those marked with “Distinction” are Associate Degree graduates with a grade point average of 3.5 or above. ( ) Indicates semester and year degree requirements were completed - F = Fall, SU = Summer. • Bachelor of Arts in Art Education: Katheryn W. Beall of Coshocton • Bachelor of Arts in Psychology: Mikayla J. Money of Coshocton • Bachelor of Business Administration in Business Management: Nathaniel J. Conidi of Coshocton • Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology: Jacob D. Fortune and Henry E. Grogro (summa cum laude) both of Coshocton and Mark D. Miller (magna cum laude, F ‘15) of Fresno • Bachelor of Science in Education in Early Childhood Education: Ashley N. Mason (cum laude) of Coshocton • Associate of Science: Marlee M. Sindelar (SU ‘15) of Fresno and Allison N. Norman of West Lafayette • Associate of Applied Science in Early Childhood Education Technology: Donna A. Covic (F ‘15) of Fresno

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August 3, 2016



ell over 100 than the good ‘ol U.S of A. countries are Michael Phelps is looking participating to put a giant exclamain the summer tion point on his career – Olympic games held in Rio. having competed in 2000, Athletes from around the 2004, 2008 and 2012. Thus world will compete in sports far, he has collected quite ranging from basketball to MARK’S MUSINGS a war chest of Olympic Taekwondo and just about precious metals – with 18 everything in between. golds, two silvers and two bronze medIn track and field, Usain Bolt is the als. He won four gold medals in London male to watch with Shelly-Ann-Fraser and eight gold medals in Beijing and six Pryce the female to monitor as she goes golds in Athens. for her third gold medal in the women’s Despite the scare of the Zika virus, the 100 meter run. At 29 years old, both ath- Rio summer games promise to deliver letes are considered beyond the prime a world stage of sport and elite athletic for the Olympics. But someone forgot to performances. tell the two phenoms from Jamaica that. The Tribe is up four and a half games Ashton Eaton and Justin Gatlin are over Detroit with a huge beat the deada pair of athletes to watch – at 32 years line trade for Andrew Miller. The Cubs old Gatlin is well beyond the prime but are up seven and a half games over the if anyone can knock Bolt off the gold Cardinals and a whole bunch of games medal stand it will be Gatlin. He won over the Reds. The Bucs are 10 and a the gold medal in the 2004 games but half back from Chicago, who made has yet to defeat Bolt in an Olympic some pretty good trades themselves. final. And keep in mind that you have August will not be the same here in to get to the final to have a shot at the Coshocton County without the Canal gold medal. That can sometimes prove Festival which had a good run for many difficult. years. Watch for a special issue in AuAllyson Felix is another female athlete gust from The Beacon about the canal to watch – she set a record in the 400 and Roscoe. meter trials and will compete in that The Buckeyes have one of the toughrace. est – if not the toughest – schedules in Brazil’s Flavia Saraiva is 4-foot-4 and college football this season. With games will have the home crowd advantage against Oklahoma (third game), Michwhen she takes her exciting perforigan State on the road, Wisconsin and mance to the gymnastics routine. the finale against Michigan, this year’s There are 12 basketball teams with team will have to face their own giants 12 men each – the United States team to make the playoff scenario. includes NBA playoff finals competitors Kyrie Irving from the Cavs and Draymond Green from the Warriors. Kevin Durant is also there. Experts predict the U.S. to win with Spain taking home the silver – again. But perhaps the ultimate athlete in this year’s game hails from none other


Final thoughts on Hilltop closing

One last comment about the closing of Hilltop Golf Course, other than the fact that it had been Coshocton’s only public golf course since 1928, Mr. Montgomery and Mr. Schooler purchased the course, from the last of many private owners, and donated it to the community in a benevolent manner in order to perpetuate the “gentleman’s game” locally. Let me remind you, however, that golf is also a family game which can be played by the young and old alike. Perhaps, we should think about the following article which I write in 1999, while I was serving as director of golf at Hilltop. Two boys shot their classmates yesterday. Then, they took their own lives and threw them away. And, the world wondered “why?” Two boys shot par yesterday Because their fathers had taught them to play. And, no one had to die. A lonely child took a club, and took a playmates life And, the world wondered “why?” A happy child took a club, and hit a long, straight drive. And, no one had to die

A troubled child took a tire iron and beat his “friend” to death. And, the world said, “He was mean.” Another child took a five iron and held his breath, As the ball bounced on the green. Two boys read about Hitler, they could not have understood. And, they were so misled. Two boys read about Hogan and dreamed of being that good. Because, they knew what they had read. A policeman grabbed a youngster and took away his gun. And, the law put the boy away. A father put his arm around his one and only son And said, “You played well today!” Perhaps, some of our so-called nonprofit organizations should realize that making big capital profits does not fit their job description. A lot of good can be done for others by just breaking even on the bottom line! I’m certain that is what Mr. Montgomery and Mr. Schooler realized when they donated Hilltop Golf Course to the people of Coshocton Joe Henderson Coshocton

Roscoe Village hosting Back to School celebration COSHOCTON – The Roscoe Village Foundation will be hosting a “Back-to-School Celebration” on Thursday, Aug. 18 in Historic Roscoe Village for children 12 and under. Every child will receive a ticket to be entered into a drawing for a backpack full of school supplies. From 11 a.m. - noon, the children will go on a nature walk with historical interpreter, Alice Hoover, to learn about the beautiful towpath and experience the history of the canal town. A light lunch will be provided from noon - 12:30 p.m. To end the “Back-to-School Celebration,” there will be an art workshop from 12:30 - 2:30 p.m. This is a free event and donations can be made. Reservations are required by calling Lynda Daniel at 740-622-7644 ext. 20. If interested, please arrive by 10:45 a.m. at the Lock Landing, located on the bottom floor of Roscoe’s Visitor Center. After the nature walk, children will return to the Lock Landing for the lunch and art workshop. Contributed | Beacon

The Beacon Wants Your Opinion! Have an opinion or want to comment on something you’ve read in The Beacon? Please email Mark Fortune at: The Coshocton County Beacon is now accepting Letters to the Editor! Be sure to include your first and last name. Emailing your “Letter to the Editor” in Microsoft Word format is preferred. The Beacon reserves the right to edit, refuse or otherwise reject any letter that is deemed inappropriate or offensive to our readers. No more than 500 words please. Please have your letter turned in by noon on Friday.

August 3, 2016


City council focused on hearing and directing citizens’ concerns By Josie Sellers

COSHOCTON – An Oak Avenue resident asked members of Coshocton City Council at their July 25 meeting if any of them could explain to him what their job description is. Councilman Roger Moore explained that he sees his job as being a messenger for the people he represents. “We relay concerns or complaints to the people who are paid to handle the situations,” he said. City Law Director Bob Skelton pointed the concerned citizen to a section of Ohio Revised Code that outlines council’s responsibilities. “You (council) are legislative only,” he said. “The executive branch takes care of issues, not you, but you can take them to task if they aren’t.” Questions also were raised about the new code inspector, Jon Cotterman, and if he will be attending council meetings to give reports. Stenner shared that Cotterman has already been very busy and will periodically attend council meetings.

“We are very pleased with him,” Mayor Steve Mercer said. “He’s building a database that will give reports on what issues he is dealing with and we are sending letters out to people on issues and getting responses back.” Mercer, who chairs the city’s health department board, also announced that the city is opening up discussion with the county board of health on the pros and cons of a possible consolidation. City Council President Cliff Biggers ended the meeting by stressing that council appreciates input from the public and the best thing the community can do is get with their councilperson so they can have their concerns addressed to the appropriate city department. Councilman Tom Grier also stated that the council members take their jobs seriously. “I’ve been on council 18 years and I take my position very seriously and the responsibilities that come along with it and I feel the others (on council) do too,” he said.


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COSHOCTON - Cheryl Lynn Cooksey, 64, of Coshocton passed at on Friday, July 29, 2016. Cheryl was born on April 16, 1952 in Coshocton to the late Elvin and Margaret (Yingling) Kreis. Cheryl was a member of the Grace United Methodist Church for most of her life. On November 16, 1975, she married Steve Cooksey. After graduating high school and attending Kent State College, Cheryl decided to pursue a career as a realtor. Cheryl was very passionate about her job and enjoyed 20 years working in real estate. Along with her husband, Cheryl is survived by her daughter, Melissa Ann Cooksey, three brothers, John (Sandy) Kreis, Jim (Treitha) Kreis, and Jeff (Kathy) Kreis, and many nieces and nephews. Calling hours for Cheryl will be held on Monday, August 1, 2016 at Given-Dawson Funeral Home from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. A funeral service will be held at the funeral home on Tuesday, August 2, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. with Reverend Keith Peachey officiating. Burial will follow at Coshocton County Memory Gardens. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to the Grace United Methodist Scholarship Fund 422 Walnut St. Coshocton, Oh 43812. An online memorial can be viewed at


FRESNO – Karl Leo “Windy” Kent, 72, went home to be with the Lord Tuesday, July 12, 2016. He was born in Knox County on June 16, 1944 to Cora (Huffman) and Allison Kent. He was a 1963 graduate of Warsaw High School, where he played baseball. He worked with Continental Can in Mount Vernon for 35 years and for 8 years at Clow. He was a long time member of the Princeton Bible Church. Karl was an avid hunter and never knew a stranger, but he loved his grandkids more than anything. He is survived by his wife, Carolyn Sue; children Tammy, Doug (Lisa), Melissa (Rich), Becky, and Kevin (April); grandchildren Tasha, Kali, Karlee Sue, Christopher (Amanda), Corey (Emily), and Kelsey; 5 great- grandchildren, with one more on the way; a sister, Wilma; and 2 brothers Paul (Kathy) and Rondale (Sheila). He was preceded in death by his parents; sisters, E. Irene and Shirley; a brother, Ralph; a grandson, Daniel Wiggins; and a son-in-law, Kenny Hostetler. A memorial service was held at 2 p.m. on Saturday, July 16, at New Beginnings Ministries, 331 E. Church St., Warsaw. Pastor Bill Dunfee officiated. The Fischer Funeral Home in Warsaw handled arrangements.

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August 3, 2016

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August 3, 2016


COSHOCTON – Youth involved in the Coshocton County Juvenile Court program are planning a fun filled evening for the public that will fulfill their community service hours and help a good cause. The Exchange, planned for 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 12, at the Word Worship Center located at 810 Orange St., will treat attendees to dinner and a show. The young people involved in the program will prepare and serve dinner, clear tables, put on a talent show and sell greeting cards that they designed. The dinner will include chicken parmesan, rotini, green beans, salad, garlic bread, dirty ice cream dessert and a beverage. Tickets for The Exchange will be sold in advance for a suggested donation of $10 per person. This event is made possible through willing volunteers and grant money from The Coshocton County Family and Children First Council. All proceeds will go to Coshocton Behavioral Health Choices (CBHC) for its new residential program called The Landing. “We were very surprised and grateful that they wanted to help us and kids helping kids is always a plus,” said Beth Cormack, executive director of CBHC. The Landing is a place where young adults, ages 18-24, can live in a safe and sober environment. “It’s been a great help to some of our court kids,” said Renee Corbett, diversion officer at juvenile court. “We’ve had some who graduated and may not have without the support they received from there.” The tenants at The Landing are given curfews, are expected to maintain employment or provide community service until they find work, and are expected to contribute to the safety, hygiene and wellbeing of the facility. The young adults meet weekly with a life coach who holds them accountable for their employment, educational goals, financial stability/savings and their life plan for eventually achieving independence and living a full, productive life in the community. For information, tickets or to purchase the greeting


Youth planning dinner and a show to help The Landing cards the youth designed, contact Corbett at Coshocton County Juvenile Court, 740-295-7406 or e-mail or stop by Coshocton Behavioral Health Choices for tickets and cards. “The packages of cards have an assortment in them that the kids designed and on the back it says who the artwork was designed by with their first name and age,” Corbett said. “They turned out really nice and we are really happy with them and that Novelty printed them up for us.” The suggestion donation for the cards is $10. Corbett is very thankful for all those who have volunteered to assist her in helping plan and organize this community service project. “There are a lot of people helping in this effort,” she said. “It’s really been a group effort and we are thankful to have a place to put it on and that it’s happening. I hope the kids learn that they can belong to a team effort and be part of something that is positive for the community and be proud of themselves.” Staff | Beacon



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Falls among older adults have reached epidemic proportions and rates continue to rise. The Coshocton Senior Center will be offering a free program called A Matter of Balance which will address the fear of falling and how you can reduce your risk. Each participant will receive a workbook and we will have group discussions and guest speakers, practice helpful exercises, learn how to recognize problem areas in your home and community, and set goals for increasing activity. The class will meet for 8 sessions starting Monday, Sept. 12th through Oct. 10th from 1:30 to 3:30. For more details or to register for the class, please call the Center at 740-622-4852


Minimum balance to open and obtain APY is $500.00. Federal Regulations On Certificates Of Deposit require substantial penalty for early Withdrawal. The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of March 31st, 2016. Fees could reduce earnings on account. Please ask a customer service representative for further information about applicable fees and terms. A copy of The Home Loan Savings Bank account Rules and Regulations is available upon request. Rate subject to change.

Afternoon Classes Cancelled due to Mobile Market

All seniors are welcome: bring a friend! Call for more information: 740-622-4852

Coshocton County Senior Center 201 Browns Lane, Coshocton • 740-622-4852 Center hours are Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


AUGUST 2, 1976 County residents of all ages were invited to the Pomerene Forest Laboratory to take part in Forest Day. The site was donated to the Ohio Agricultural Research Development Center in 1971 by Walter and Warner Pomerene. Due to the land’s topography and soil variety, it had proven quite useful to forestry researchers in Ohio. Visitors took part in wagon tours to seven areas where presentations on a variety of forestry and agricultural topics will be held. JULY 30, 1976 Canal Days festivities began a little early that year at the Downtowner Plaza. Beginning the 13th and running to the 17th, a variety of events had been planned by plaza merchants. Included in these events was a display of animals from the Columbus Zoo. The main event however was the Junior King and Queen contest for ages 3 - 7. Contestants were divided into five age groups. After winners were selected for each age group, they competed for the title of King and Queen. Serving as masters of ceremony for the contest was Big Chuck and Lil’ John, the stars of the Big Chuck and Lil’ John Show on WJW-TV Channel 8 out of Cleveland.

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vid L. Trautman. “The service style of our local lenders continues to be a driver of growth for our organization, and we look forward to the rest of 2016.” In the first half of 2016, The Park National Bank grew consumer loans by $46.5 million (9.6 percent annualized) and commercial loans by $24.0 million (1.9 percent annualized). Total loans for the bank were $5.09 billion at June 30, up $227.7 million (4.68 percent) from $4.86 billion at June 30, 2015. The bank generated net income of $21.1 million for the second quarter of 2016, compared to $21.3 million for the same period of 2015. The bank’s first half of 2016 net income was $42.8 million, compared to $40.5 million for the first half of 2015. The bank had total assets of $7.4 billion at June 30, rising from $7.2 billion at each of December 31, 2015 and June 30, 2015. Headquartered in Newark, Ohio, Park National Corporation had $7.4 billion in total assets (as of June 30). The Park organization principally consists of 11 community bank divisions, a non-bank subsidiary and two specialty finance companies. Park’s Ohio-based banking operations are conducted through Park subsidiary The Park National Bank and its divisions, which include Fairfield National Bank Division, Richland Bank Division, Century National Bank Division, First-Knox National Bank Division, Farmers Bank Division, United Bank, N.A. Division, Second National Bank Division, Security National Bank Division, Unity National Bank Division, and The Park National Bank of Southwest Ohio & Northern Kentucky Division; and Scope Leasing, Inc. (d.b.a. Scope Aircraft Finance). The Park organization also includes Guardian Financial Services Company (d.b.a. Guardian Finance Company) and SE Property Holdings, LLC. Contributed | Beacon

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AUGUST 1, 1966 Former CHS principal, Charles T. Merriner accepted a position at the Central Wesleyan College at Central, South Carolina. Merriner resigned June 30 and was succeeded by Chester A. Loos. Merriner, a graduate of Ohio University, spent his early career in Dover as a guidance counselor. He then spent two years in Agang, Guam where he worked with the Department of Education. He came to Coshocton in 1958 as a psychologist for CHS. He was made principal in 1959 and served in that position for seven years.

NEWARK - Park National Corporation (Park) (NYSE MKT: PRK) announced financial results for the second quarter and first half of 2016 (three and six months ended June 30, 2016). The board of directors also declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.94 per common share, payable on Sept. 9, to common shareholders of record as of Aug. 19. Park’s second quarter net income in 2016 was $20.0 million, a 4.9 percent decrease from $21.0 million for the same period in 2015. Net income per diluted common share for the second quarter of 2016 was $1.30, compared to $1.37 in the second quarter of 2015. Park’s net income for the first half of 2016 was $38.7 million, compared to $40.1 million for the same period in 2015, a decrease of 3.5 percent. Net income per diluted common share for the first half of 2016 was $2.51, compared to $2.60 in the same period of 2015. “Advancements in our consumer lending operations have helped us respond to requests even more swiftly and thoroughly,” said Park Chief Executive Officer Da-

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All information was obtained from microfilm of the Coshocton Tribune at the Coshocton County Library.

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AUGUST 3, 1956 Twenty-nine members of the Explorer Scouts, accompanied by three adults, went to the Philmont Scout Ranch in Cimarron, New Mexico. The 200-mile ranch is operated by the Boy Scouts and our intrepid young scouts also went there to camp. Expedition 806-F, as the group was officially known, was led by Scoutmaster Francis L. Perry of Coshocton. He was aided by Scoutmaster Dorian J. Kern of Killbuck and Assistant Scoutmaster of Coshocton, Thomas Cullison. The Philmont Ranch was 200 sq. miles of wilderness and featured 89 campsites, nine base camps and 17 trail camps. They travelled to the Philmont Ranch via Greyhound. On the way, they stayed overnight at air force bases. Before returning to Coshocton, they stayed in Colorado Springs to tour Pike’s Peak.

Park National Corporation reports financial results for second quarter and first half of 2016



August 3, 2016

August 3, 2016


Local crafter sells at Coshocton Farmers Market Peoples Bancorp Inc. declares quarterly dividend

Janet Childress and her granddaughter Harlea sell crafts, baked goods, produce and dog treats at Coshocton Farmers Market. The market is open every Saturday, 8:30 to noon, on the 300 block of Main Street. Heat oven to 450°. Trim the zucchini. Cut crosswise in half, then cut each piece into ¼-inch sticks. Add cheese to coating mix in shaker bag; shake gently to combine. Whisk egg in medium bowl. Add zucchini and toss to coat. Use tongs to place one-quarter of the zucchini sticks in shaker bag; close bag and shake gently to coat. Spread onto baking sheet sprayed with cooking spray. Repeat with remaining zucchini. Bake for 12-13 minutes, until golden brown, turning baking sheet 180° after 7 minutes for even baking. (Serves 8.) The Coshocton Farmers Market is open 8:30 a.m. to noon Saturdays, from May through October, on the 300 block of Main Street, Coshocton. For more information, visit Coshocton Farmers Market on Facebook. By Mary Meyer

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Contributed | Beacon

$ Va 17 lu 5 e

Contributed | Beacon

MARIETTA - The Board of Directors of Peoples Bancorp Inc. (“Peoples”) (NASDAQ: PEBO) declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.16 per common share on July 28, payable on Aug. 22, to shareholders of record on Aug. 8. This dividend represents a payout of approximately $2.9 million, or 36.5% of Peoples’ reported second quarter 2016 earnings. Based on the closing stock price of Peoples’ common shares of $22.48 on July 27, the quarterly dividend produces an annualized yield of 2.85%. Peoples Bancorp Inc. is a diversified financial products and services company with $3.3 billion in assets, 81 locations, including 73 full-service bank branches and 81 ATMs in Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky. Peoples makes available a complete line of banking, investment, insurance, and trust solutions through its subsidiaries - Peoples Bank and Peoples Insurance Agency, LLC. Peoples’ common shares are traded on the NASDAQ Global Select Market® under the symbol “PEBO”, and Peoples is a member of the Russell 3000 index of US publicly traded companies. Learn more about Peoples at

75 e $1 alu V

COSHOCTON - On most Saturday mornings this summer you can find Janet Childress in her booth at Coshocton Farmers Market on Main Street. Janet has been selling crafts, baked goods and fresh produce at the market for five straight years. It all began as something she and her granddaughter Harlea could do together, and as a summer venue to sell her crafts. Janet also sells at many winter craft shows. Her interest in sewing and crafts began at age 5, when her grandmother bought her an embroidery kit. She says, “I’ve been crafting ever since.” Crafts Janet sells at the farmers market include useful items such as kitchen towels to hang on a stove or cabinet, crocheted dishcloths and pot holders, baby bibs and aprons. Many of Janet’s hanging towels are trimmed with sports fabrics featuring favorite football and baseball teams. She buys the fabrics at Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores and online. The sports-themed towels are one of her most popular items at the market, along with her delicious date pinwheel and other cookies. Harlea’s homemade dog biscuits are also a good seller for those with furry friends. Janet lives at Cow Corners in Coshocton County now, but grew up in Highland County, Ohio. Her family moved to this area when Janet was 7 years old. She says, “I grew up in town but married a country boy. Now I wouldn’t dream of living where the corn doesn’t grow!” Janet and her husband of 39 years, Mark, have three children and five grandchildren. Her regular job is sewing American flags at Annin Flagmakers in Coshocton, but she still finds time to make her craft creations. “I can’t sit and watch TV without something to keep me busy,” she admits, “but it’s hard to find time in the summer when the garden is growing.” Janet shares this recipe for that summer staple, zucchini. Baked Zucchini Fries 3 zucchini squash (1 lb.) ¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese 1 packet Shake ’N Bake coating mix 1 small egg


August 3, 2016

| PUBLIC RECORD Divorces / Dissolutions None to Report Marriages Keith Scherer of Coshocton to Trudy Morris of Zanesville Bridget Jolene Caudill of Coshocton to Aaron Michael Wolverton of Surfside Beach, SC Sara Leanne Bowser of Coshocton to Jerry Paul Strupe of Coshocton Robbie Dale Latham of Walhonding to Kanyaphat Doungyod of Walhonding Chad Alan Lecraft of Coshocton to Elizabeth Gail Marie Myers of Frazeysburg Tabitha Rose Riggs of West Lafayette to Robert Ripley Paulun of West Lafayette Romeo Raugei of New York to Monica Lynn Hopkins of New York Ashley Elizabeth Moran of Coshocton to Wesley Alan Miller of Coshocton Land Transfers 7.21.16 Irma M. Amore, Edwin Roger Amore, et. al. to Wells Fargo Financial Ohio 1, Inc., 44424 County Road 58, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $20,000 7.22.16 Gloria J. Gardner to Rex A. Jenkins, 42009 CR 318, Blissfield, OH, 43805: $5,000 Gloria J. Gardner to Joellen Deutchle dba Gorilla Painting, CR 318, Blissfield, OH, 43805: $3,000 David C. and Jona Lee Mikesell to Devin T. and Samantha E. Lusk, 1121 South 16th Street, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $38,500 7.25.16 Eli E. Yoder and Rachel E. Yoder to Dan R. Miller and Mary E. Miller, 25601 CR 367, Walhonding, OH, 43843: $75,000 Gregory A. Laubert and Bonnie J. Laubert to Loretta M. Hatfield and Judith K. Zimmerman, 327 N. 8th Street, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $55,000 Robby L. Grandstaff to JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, 216 Second Street, Warsaw, OH, 43844: $30,000 Kipline L. Todd to Keri D. Rodhe, 23671 CR 476, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $125,500 Jill E. Helbling to Opha L. Lawson Jr. and Lana K. Lawson, 821 Sara Drive, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $193,500 Krista L. Elgin et al to Dominique Trey Rice and Rachel Marie Stewart, 2024 Buena Vista Drive, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $180,000 Grason Properties LLC to Austin M. Sampsel and Elizabeth L. White, 353 North 11th Street, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $54,900 7.26.16 Norma L. Eckelberry to Jennifer Stubbs, 1240 Chestnut Street, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $52,100 Dean Borntrager to JEAD Holdings, LLC, Township Road 321, Warsaw, OH, 43844: $408,438 Letitia Leona Hoffman to Charles Arthur Selders, 2561 South Lawn Extension, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $9,300 7.27.16 Estate of Marilyn M. Arron to Craig A. Casey, 1760 South Lawn Ext. Coshocton, OH, 43812: $9,500 Mark W. Arron and Tina M. Arron to Troxell Grogg, 937 Oak Avenue, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $26,000 Susanne Mohler to Emma K. and Roger L. Frazee, Jeffer-

son Twp. 0.937 acres, PN 014-00000116-00: $2,500 Gary R. and Lucille R. Bohley to Rusty L. and Tammy S. Haught, 16050 TR 118, Kimbolton, OH, 43749: $82,000 Bryan M. and Katie E. Parsons to Brent L. and Alicia C. Endsley, 26267 Township Road 37, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $244,000 William E. Gibson and Alicia J. Gibson by Graphic Packaging International Inc. to John E. Sharier and Robin J. Sharier, 2180 Forest Hill Dr., Coshocton, OH, 43812: $174,000 7.28.16 Britney Powell, nka Britney Mullett to Jason Lee Austin and Nicole Danielle Austin, 151 North 15th Street, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $36,500 Coshocton Community Housing Inc. to John W. Cottrill and Mary L. Cottrill, 376 South 10th Street, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $54,900 Brooke A. Markel, nka Brooke A. Potts to Paul Matthew Manter and Leigh Anne Manter, 1555 Hay Avenue, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $69,300 Bank of America, National Association to Cross Improvements LLC, 1752 Pareson Avenue, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $55,000 7.29.16 Bernard Ames, Executor of the Estate of Virginia R. Ames to Wayne Blankenship and Carol E. Shaw, 24119 TR 1173, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $40,742 Leroy E. and Betty D. Yoder to Milan C. and Sara R. Yoder, 52503 TR 186, Fresno, OH, 43824: $180,000 Sue Hindel Mahon, Administrator of the Est. of Gary L. Hindel, decd. to Dennis J. Custer and Lori L. Custer, 20104 TR 306, Jackson Twp.: $75,000 Justin and Sara Huntington to First National Acceptance, 1022 Orchard Street, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $28,000 Ruby P. Barnes to Warren E. Sturtz Jr., TR 106, Plainfield, OH, 43836: $18,410 The Huntington National Bank to Josiah J. Williams and Tori G. Williams, 26786 County Road 24, Coshocton, OH, 43812: $61,000 Ruby P. Barnes to Travis Oliver, TR 110, Plainfield, OH, 43836: $77,000 Ruby P. Barnes to Melanie Albertson and Zachary Binckley, TR 296, Adams Mills, OH, 43821: $15,600 Land Transfers without Conveyances 7.25.16 Carole L. Smith, Trustee of the Samuel Clark Smith and Carole L. Smith Revocable Trust to Carole L. Smith, 44244 US 36, Coshocton, OH, 43812 Sharon S. Layton, deceased, to Ronald G. Layton, 1603 Walnut Street, Coshocton, OH, 43812 Melissa Helmick and Timothy Helmick, successor co-trustees to John E. Dusenberry, 35831 County Road 99, Warsaw, OH, 43844 Tina M. Dovenbarger to David E. Dovenbarger, 925 Vine Street and 931 Vine Street, Coshocton, OH, 43812 Terry L. Bevins to Jean E. Bevins, Two Lots, Lafayette Township 7.26.16 Jack E. Olinger to Jay David Darr and Rita K. Darr, 44533 CR 55, Jackson Township Charles W. Peiter to Charles W. Peiter Irrevocable Gifting Trust Dated 11.18.2013, 21634 SR 93, West Lafayette, OH, 43845 7.27.16 Jerry Burnett to Wendy Burnett, 19440 CR 54, Warsaw,

OH, 43844 Amy L. Shaw and Debra E. Shaw to Amy L. Shaw, 1718 Hay Avenue, Coshocton, OH, 43812 Estate of Sheryl E. Murray, deceased, and Shelley E. Miller to Larry G. Murray and Shelley E. Miller, 922 Pine Street, Coshocton, OH, 43812 Harold E. Olinger to Gregory E. Olinger, CR 55, Coshocton, OH, 43812 Tabitha Lynn Cowdery to Robert Ivan Cowdery Jr., 24534 State Route 751, Newcomerstown, OH, 43832 Kim S. T. Guilliams to Timothy Thomas Guilliams and Jong Sun Guilliams, 1245 Vine Street, Coshocton, OH, 43812 Heather L. McCoun to Mark A. McCoun, 56090 SR 541 7.29.16 Estate of Barbara A. Foster, deceased, to Bradley J. Foster, Diana K. Grogg and Barbara L. Beer, 771 Ridgewood Dr., Coshocton , OH, 43812 Jerilee E. Moore to Jeffrey S. Moore, County Road 436 Jerilee E. Moore to Jennifer Jewitt, State Route 60 Jerilee E. Moore to Jeffrey Moore, Jody Little, Jennifer Jewitt, Joel Moore, Kenny Moore, Kendra Hindel, TR 71, Washington Township Charles W. Mobley III to Charles W. Mobley III and Jodi L. Mobley, 20341 Township Road 1184, Coshocton, OH, 43812 Estate of Marian L. Peoples to Brian Peoples, TR 186 Estate of Marian L. Peoples to Brian Peoples, TR 186 Estate of Marian L. Peoples to Brian Peoples, TR 186

Ladies leagues enjoy golf outing WEST LAFAYETE - Results for Hickory Flats Tuesday evening ladies golf league on July 26: Play of the day: Low putts Winners: A flight: Sue Olinger, B flight: Carol Moore, C flight: Darcie Keirns Low Scores: Connie Lahna – 41, Sue Olinger – 46, Linda Miller - 46 Results for River Greens Thursday morning ladies golf league on July 28: Play of the day: Closest to the pin on #5 Winners: A flight: Karen Blaho, B flight: Linda Miller Low Scores: Margaret Skelton – 37, Mardella Rice – 38, Bonnie Ramshaw – 39, Rhonda Barlan, Deb Bucklew, Connie Lahna – 44, Karen Blaho, Linda Miller – 47, Jane Mautz, Lynn Werry - 48. Contributed | Beacon

August 3, 2016


Farmers’ market alive and well at fairgrounds Schaeferle&Schaeferle D E N TA L

Matthew C. Schaeferle, DMD, FAGD Tammi Schaeferle, DMD, FAGD Husband & Wife General Dentists Drs. Matt and Tammi Schaeferle would like to welcome new patients to their new Coshocton County Dental office.

By Cassie Siegrist

Drs. Matt & Tammi Schaeferle & Family

Beth Scott | Beacon

Franklin Township Board of Trustees honored their past by meeting at the old East Franklin Township Building on SR 83 South for their July 25 meeting.

Franklin Township Trustees meet at former meeting location By Beth Scott

CONESVILLE – The Franklin Township Board of Trustees had their July 25 meeting in the old East Franklin Township Building located along SR 83 South. The building was used as a two-year high school from 1915 through 1918. The last trustee meeting in the building was in January 1958. The trustees used to meet there during summer months and had another meeting location during colder months. It has been used as storage for many years and has recently been restored to look similar to what it looked like when it was East Franklin Hall. “We are meeting here today to commemorate all those who came before us in the community and helped build the community,” said Larry Boal, trustee. “We appreciate that and wanted to show that appreciation by meeting here.” Boal also brought old-fashioned drinks for the trustees to cool down due to lack of air conditioning in the building. For more photos, visit our website at


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COSHOCTON - Yes, Coshocton, the fairgrounds still is home to a farmers’ market. We are aware that many don’t know that a market still continues due to the confusion of last year. Available produce includes early Lodi Apples for those that love homemade applesauce. The first local early Red Haven Peaches are now ripe and ready for slicing, pies and cobblers, and other varieties are coming soon as well. Enjoy fresh Coshocton County peaches now through September. You can enjoy fresh sweet corn, green beans, new red potatoes, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and more other local produce. You still have an empty space in your garden or landscape? There are many types of bushes and flowers still available at the market. The best cinnamon rolls, brownies and miniature pecan pies are ready to be enjoyed at the market, or take them home for a well deserved snack during the week. One of a kind decorative bird houses are on display each week, and no two are alike. Choose from sports themes, Harley, and many other unique designs. So, come out and see us at the fairgrounds. We have lots of parking and space to walk around and visit. Anyone interested in becoming a vendor or would like to have more information, please contact Debbie Gaumer at or 740-502-0849.


August 3, 2016

Awards handout at chamber of commerce luncheon By Josie Sellers

COSHOCTON – Bill Owens had the pleasure of presenting three community improvement awards at the recent Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce Luncheon. The first went to all those involved in a new building project in Warsaw that provided Coshocton County Emergency Medical Services with a new building and the village with office and meeting space. “A lot of effort went into making this happen and it shows what you can do when everyone works together,” said Todd Shroyer, Coshocton County EMS Director. The project cost $595,000 and was a collaborative effort between EMS, the Coshocton County Josie Sellers | Beacon Commissioners and the Village of Warsaw. “So many times you see groups working A community improvement award was presented for the separately, but this project showed unity,” said new Coshocton County EMS station in Warsaw. Bill OwWarsaw Mayor Ron Davis. “Ed Robinette (village ens, pictured at left, presented the award to Todd Shroyadministrator) put this together and showed what er, EMS director, Warsaw Mayor Ron Davis and Warsaw Coshocton County can do. This wouldn’t have Village Administrator Ed Robinette. happened if we didn’t all work together and drop our own agendas.” versity property from the National Guard Armory The second community improvement award went to down to County Road 193. Ryan and Camille McPeek for the M Event Centre they Another project the commissioners recently assistcreated at their Colonial Campground & RV Park. ed with was providing funding to help the fairboard “They are an example of young people coming here, update the grandstand. The commissioners typiputting money in the community and helping to expand cally give the fairboard $10,000 a year, but recently it,” Owens said. fronted them five years worth of the money so they The M Event Centre is available for weddings, recepcould have the matching funds to receive a $50,000 tions, parties, business meetings and other gatherings grant to help them with a $250,000 update project. and is just one example of how the McPeeks keep trying “The grandstand will get new siding and roofing to expand and add to their campground. between this fair and next year’s,” Lee said. “It’s like a ball that just keeps rolling and rolling,” Ryan Mindy Brems, interim director at the Coshocton said. “We are looking forward to working with everyVisitors Bureau, reminded attends of the luncheon one.” that tourism is still alive and well in Coshocton The final community improvement award was preCounty. sented to Roberta and Allison Cramer from the new “In our office alone here in the village we had Roberta’s Diner in Warsaw. visitors from 14 different countries and 35 different “If you haven’t gone up there yet they have great food states last year,” she said. and if you (Roberta) want to open up a branch let’s talk Coshocton County Auditor Chris Sycks shared about West Lafayette,” Owens said. that the board of revisions, a taxpayer appeal proA tearful Roberta gratefully accepted the award. cess to contest the fair market value of a property, “Thank you everybody,” she said. “It’s good to be back SEE CHAMBER ON PAGE 13 home supporting all the people that have support us all these years.” Coshocton County Commissioner Curtis Lee reported at the meeting that right now the commissioners will not be pursuing building a new justice center due to funding that fell through. He, however, was happy to report that Port Authority Executive Director Dorothy Skowrunski and Coshocton County Engineer Fred Wachtel are working together on another economic development paving project much like the one that was completed on County Road 12 last year. Lee reported that state funding for half a million dollars has been secured to help get six miles of County Road 10 from New Bedford to Chili paved. Lee also announced that progress is being made on a secondary access road to the airport. A memorandum of understanding was signed and the road will go through Ohio State Uni-

Josie Sellers | Beacon

The creators of Coshocton’s newest event center were presented with a community improvement award. Pictured presenting the award is Bill Owens and M Event Center owners Ryan and Camille McPeek.

Josie Sellers | Beacon

Roberta’s Diner received the third community improvement award that Bill Owens presented at the Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce Luncheon. Pictured are Owens and Roberta and Allison Cramer from the diner.

Josie Sellers | Beacon

Several local establishments are celebrating significant anniversaries this year including: COTC – 45 years; MFM Manufacturing – 55 years; Fisher Decorating – 70 years; Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum – 85 years; and Milligan Memorials – 120 years. Government representatives had accommodations for each of these places that they were prepared to pass out at the Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce Luncheon. Available to receive the certificates were: Dave and Tim Milligan from Milligan Memorials; Patti Malenke from the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum; and John McDonald, building supervisor and Vicki Maple, workforce development innovation center director for COTC.

August 3, 2016


Ridgewood holds football camp By Andrew Everhart

WEST LAFAYETTE - Ridgewood High School hosted a football camp from July 25-28 at its practice facility for players in grades seventh 12. According “Our camp is through to Terry Guilliams, the camp is designed to go specifically basic football princiaimed at making over ples in an effort to make the kids’ brains the younger players more coachable. like sponges so “Our camp is specifiaimed at making the they can soak cally kids’ brains like sponges up some of our so they can soak up some our base plays that we base plays that of teach them,” said GuilAndrew Everhart | Beacon we teach them.” liams. The varsity staff was Receivers locate the ball during a catching drill at the especially accredited by Ridgewood football camp on Tuesday, July 26. -Terry Guilliams Guilliams as he applauded their ability to effecAlthough much of the camp is centered on the fundatively teach players not only how to go about playing mentals of the game, Guilliams says that it’s all about specific roles, but also why they are playing those roles getting the younger players familiar with the play style in the first place. of the varsity team.


“Although our junior “If there is one high team can’t run the plays at the same level and thing that they consistency that the high take from this school team can, both teams essentially run the experience I same offensive and defensive schemes and that just hope that it helps greatly with the conwould be that tinuity of the program,” said Guilliams. we’re all one big At the end of the day, football family Guilliams said that if the players take away one and that, no thing from this camp, matter what, he hopes that they gain a greater sense of comwe put the radery and selflessness toward their fellow teamteam above mates and coaches. ourselves.” “If there is one thing that they take from this -Terry Guilliams experience I hope that it would be that we’re all one big football family and that, no matter what, we put the team above ourselves,” said Guilliams.


Elks’ golfers share results WEST LAFAYETTE - Coshocton #376 and Newcomerstown #1555 Elks League Golf teams met at Hickory Flats Golf Course on July 25. Low Gross (36) was Bill Olinger. Low Net (31) was Larry Murray. High Points (14.00) was Barry Shaffer. Most Pars (7) was Todd Davis. Most Birdies (3) was Ernie Conkle. Most Eagles (1) was Darin Desender. Leading team is team # 05 (89 points): Richard Skelton, Ernie Conkle and Jerry Norman. Contributed | Beacon

River View Community Park 0023_080316

just wrapped up and her appraisal staff is working on 2016 tax values that will be collected for next year. At the meeting Joy Padgett from the Ohio EPA division of environmental and financial assistance office of outreach and customer support spoke about how they are here to help businesses through environmental issues and celebrate their accomplishments of being good stewards of the environment. More on what Ohio EPA does can be found at Amy Stockdale, executive director of the Coshocton County Chamber of Commerce, had the pleasure of announcing milestone awards that government representatives presented to several businesses. Those honored for reaching significant anniversaries were: COTC – 45 years; MFM Manufacturing – 55 years; Fisher Decorating – 70 years; Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum – 85 years; and Milligan Memorials – 120 years. “Anniversaries like these are hard to obtain especially for small businesses,” said Senator Jay Hottinger. “Reaching these is a testament to the men and women that are committed to the ideals of the institutions and make them work day in and day out.”

Park Social & Chicken BBQ “FOOD, FUN & FELLOWSHIP”

August 5th, 6th & 7th, 2016

Come Join the Fun All Weekend at the Park!!!

Fri, Aug. 5th: Community Pool Party, “Superhero!” 8-10pm $2 Admission Sat, Aug. 6th: Bingo! At the large shelter, 6-9pm “Sparks in the Park!” Fireworks Show, 10:00pm


11:30am: Come hungry for BBQ Chicken by the Walhonding Valley Firefighters, Homemade Noodles, Sandwiches, Homemade Pies & HOMEMADE ICE CREAM! 12:00pm: McFarland Martial Arts School Demonstration 12:30pm-1:30pm: Walhonding Rube Band 2:00pm: $50 Coin Toss at the Pool. Kids dive for $$$ 1:30pm-3:00pm: “Chestnut Ridge Bluegrass Gospel” Band 3:00pm: Kids Watermelon Eating Contest & 50/50 Raffle Drawing 3:30pm: Post Time for the Beaver Run Duck Race! Adopt your plastic duck(s) for a donation and hope he finishes IN THE MONEY!

ALL DAY LONG: • Dunk Tank • Rollie Darr Memorial Baseball Tournament


Josie Sellers | Beacon

Keirstan Hall, the 15-year-old daughter of Grant and Kathy Ford, is the 2016/2017 West Lafayette Homecoming Festival Queen.

Josie Sellers | Beacon

Alyna Weaver, the 11-year-old daughter of Charles and Shanna Weaver, is the 2016/2017 West Lafayette Homecoming Festival Junior Queen.

August 3, 2016

Josie Sellers | Beacon

Alaena Huff, the 7-year-old daughter of Ed and Michelle Huff, is the 2016/2017 West Lafayette Homecoming Festival Mini Queen.

New royalty crowned in West Lafayette By Josie Sellers

WEST LAFAYETTE – Kerstin Hall was overcome with emotion when it was announced that she was selected as the 2016/2017 West Lafayette Homecoming Festival Queen. “I was in shock for about 2.5 seconds and then I started crying,” she said. “I was super excited and my heart was racing.” Hall received her crown during the queen contest held July 28 in Burt Park during the West Lafayette Homecoming Festival. “The last time I tried out for this was when my grandpa was still alive, but after I did it I stepped back into my comfort zone,” Hall said. “When he passed away last December I told myself, ‘Ok Keirstan it’s time to buck up and do this again.’” Hall is the 15-year-old daughter of Grant and Kathy Ford. “I’m super excited for her,” Kathy said. “She’s worked so hard for this. I was really shocked when she said she wanted to do this because she’s always been the sporty type, but we were all for it.” Hall said she was looking forward to meeting new people and traveling. Helping her represent West Lafayette at other festivals will be Gracee Robertson, the 14-year-old daughter of Doug and Mary Robertson, who won the attendant title. The junior queen title went to Alyna Weaver, the 11-year-old daughter of Charles and Shanna Weaver, and her court includes first attendant Allison Edie, the 10-year-old daughter of Randy and Angie Edie and second attendant Laney Hostetler, the 12-year-old daughter of Les Hostetler and Lori Wright. Alyna was on last year’s court and said she enjoyed going to festivals and all the little girls that looked up to them. “What I learned from last year is that being yourself is the best option,” she said. Alyna’s sister Kyra also competed in the contest and their mother Shanna said she was glad to see both of them participating. “The best part about this is that they learn public

speaking and to talk to people without being afraid,” Shanna said. She also noted that Alyna’s crown was literally a dream come true. “She told me a couple of weeks ago that she dreamed that they put the crown on her head,” Shanna said. Judges selected the queen and junior queen, but the mini queen was the lucky little girl who pulled the red rose and that happened to be Alaena Huff. “I’m excited for the parades,” Huff said. She is the 7-year-old daughter of Ed and Michelle Huff and her big sister Josey Lillibridge was the 2015/2016 Homecoming Queen. “She said she wanted to be just like her big sister,” Michelle said. “This has really given the girls confidence. Josey really had to step out of her comfort zone to do this. They can just talk to anyone.” Receiving the pink roses to serve alongside Huff as attendants were Sophia Bluck, the 8-year-old daughter of Rusty and Melissa Bluck, and Madeleine Larrison, the 8-year-old daughter of Tim and Shelly Larrison. The little miss winner was picked by a local photographer who reviewed photographs submitted by the contestants’ parents. Eva Hill, the 4-year-old daughter of Jonathan and Courtney Hill won this title and her attendant will be Ruby Bluck, the 3-year-old daughter of Rusty and Melissa Bluck. “I’m excited for her (Eva),” said Courtney. “The parade is all she has talked about.” The contest also included the crowing of a senior queen, which is selected through nominations from the community. The identity of the winner is usually kept a secret until the queen contest, but this year it leaked out to winner Mary Lou Heller who has lived in the community all her life, is involved with her church, 4-H, the Red Cross, and much more. “This is so exciting for me,” Heller said. “Thank you to everyone who nominated me and to the chamber for sponsoring this contest. I feel like Miss America.” Heller graduated from Ridgewood High School in 1974 and was the 1973 West Lafayette Homecoming Queen. “I never thought I’d be back up here,” she said.

Josie Sellers | Beacon

Eva Hill, the 4-year-old daughter of Jonathan and Courtney Hill, is the 2016/2017 West Lafayette Homecoming Festival Little Miss.

Josie Sellers | Beacon

Mary Lou Heller was named the 2016/2017 West Lafayette Homecoming Festival Senior Queen.

August 3, 2016


Coshocton County Youth Leadership class completes service project COSHOCTON - Coshocton County Youth Leadership (CCYL), a Leadership Coshocton County and Coshocton Foundation program, completed a service project at Salt Fork Lodge and Conference Center as part of the opening retreat for the class of 2017. The 15 youth enrolled were tasked with creating and building a butterfly garden the walking distance of the outdoor pool. Nestled a stone’s throw from the woods surrounding the lodge, the garden is something the lodge has wanted for years, but “kept getting put on the backburner,” said Bobbi Taylor, catering sales manager for Salt Fork. When approached about the service project idea, lodge staff was excited about the possibilities, and had several ideas. In the end, the butterfly garden was given precedence as it would provide the greatest benefit for staff and guests alike. The lodge provided materials, tools and flowers; design and completion of the garden were up to the young leaders. Divided into two groups and led by a Contributed | Beacon youth leader, the teens worked tirelessly to complete the project in the allotted time. The youth leaders were Coshocton County Youth Leadership (CCYL) completed a service project at Salt Fork Lodge and Conference to oversee the work being done and provide guidance Center as part of the opening retreat for the class of 2017. The 15 youth enrolled were tasked with creating and while CCYL adult leaders and facilitators were to remain building a butterfly garden the walking distance of the outdoor pool. as observers. One youth stated, “Planting a garden really sparked my passion for serving and makes me want to get more involved.” At the end of the day, youth leaders provided feedback on how each group member worked to complete the project, and members of the group were also asked to rate their leader. Luke Rose, front desk manager, stated that “Guests have commented about the garden. It’s a wonderful idea and wonderful thing. We’re all thrilled about it.” The lodge has plans to expand the garden, by adding milkweed and wildflower seeds next spring. It is also hoped that subsequent years of youth leadership will continue to add to the garden as well, completing additional service projects as part of the opening retreat. Members of the CCYL Class of 2017 include: Hallee Anderson; Luke Brown; Elle Coffman; Milena Cognion; Hannah Frank; Mattie Harrison; Madison Miller; Cassie Mladek; Sawyer Neal; Jordan Olinger; Elizabeth Porteus; Ashley Roahrig; Tara Salmans; Erica Schwartz and Celeste Vanfossen. Opening retreat facilitators were CaAmerican Family Insurance Company offers MyLife, with coverage thatthatcan sey Claxon and Shelly Payne; Executive Director Betsy American Family Life Insurance Company offers with coverage can change as your life changes. 230 S. Fourth Street American Family LifeMyLife, Insurance Company MyLife,your with coverage change as your life changes. It’s a new,aaffordable way to protect your family. It’s new, affordable way offers to protect family. that can Gosnell and youth mentor, Nate McNeal. Coshocton, Ohio 43812 change as your life changes. It’s a new, affordable way to protect your family.

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Did You Know?


August 3, 2016

Local pools flourish amid record temperatures By Andrew Everhart

Josie Sellers | Beacon

Josie Sellers | Beacon

Samples of herbs were passed around so attendees of the lecture and tour on herb gardening at Julia Brown’s farm could smell them.

Julia Brown is a certified master herbalist and operates A Simpler Thyme LTD.

Herb farm toured By Josie Sellers

COSHOCTON - The Friends of the Library hosted a lecture and tour on herb gardening at Julia Brown’s farm where she operates A Simpler Thyme LTD. Brown, a certified master herbalist, took attendees through her garden and explained some of the benefits of the multiple herbs she raises. “There is an herb for every facet of your body,” she said.



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One example she gave is that basil calms nerves relieving stress and anxiety and eases headaches. Brown, however, noted that our government does not recognize herbalist as a profession and she cannot say that an herb will fix, cure or heal a health problem. She can only give her opinion. Brown encouraged people to consult their healthcare provider before using an herb medicinally. Refreshments made using some of the herbs from Brown’s garden were enjoyed by attendees following the tour.

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COSHOCTON - For the Lake Park Aquatic Center and Warsaw Community Pool, this summer has been one for the record books. With the scorching temperatures that we have been experiencing, it’s no wonder that local pools are having one of their best summers in recent memory. With temperatures regularly climbing into the 90s, Warsaw Community Pool has been experiencing an especially large spike in attendance. According to head manager Nathan Asire, “Our average attendance this year has been around 200 people a day, but we have seen days where we bring in about 300 people as well which has been really great for our small pool.” Much of the same has been seen at the Lake Park Aquatic Center as well, but on a much larger scale. Lake Park has been consistently bringing in up to 400 people per day and can even reach up to 600 on especially hot days. According to park director Lori Everhart, the aquatic center is also experiencing one of its best summers in recent memory due to the heat. Both pools are offering regular discounts as well this summer such as a $5 swim day that Lake Park has every Monday and $5 swimming after 5 p.m. at Warsaw pool.

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August 3, 2016


Artificial turf rolled out at Stewart Field

Josie Sellers | Beacon

The first section of artificial turf at Stewart Field was rolled out Wednesday morning July 27 and a project three and a half years in the making is now one step closer to being completed. ProGrass from Pittsburgh, Pa. worked through the weekend for initial turf layout, but the entire process will not be complete until Aug. 12-15 according to CHS Athletic Director Tim Fortney. Once the field is done, CHS will have a multipurpose facility for soccer, football and band that also will give them the opportunity to host post-season games. The entire project will cost close to $500,000, but was funded through private donations.

FUNDRAISER “There are several that are new to us (at the event),” Mizer said. “Amici’s I think participated a long time ago, but hasn’t for the last couple of years. Raven’s Glenn has never done it before. Grandma Minnie’s Munchies is new to the area and Olde Thyme Country Market and Real McCoy’s BBQ never have taken part before. We appreciate the vendors bringing enough food to feed all the people who come which is usually around 500.” Tickets for A Taste of Coshocton County are $10 (10 tastes) for adults and $5 (five tastes for children 12 and under). They can be purchased at the United Way Office, 402 Main St., which also has raffle tickets for 14 Longaberger Gift Baskets, valued at least at $150 each. Each of United Ways partner agencies and Untied Way itself pick themes for the baskets. “Some (agencies) do the same theme over each year like the children’s dental clinic and its basket of dental hygiene items and the recreation leagues usually have outdoor sports things in theirs,” Mizer said. “There is one out there in our window right now that has a golf theme and I know the Red Cross did a handyman theme with a tool box and tools. For the United Way board’s basket we usually go to the vendors of the event and get gift certificates to show our support and appreciation to them.” Raffle tickets for the baskets are $1 each or $5 for six. While they are available at the United Way office, Mizer encourages people to buy them from the partner agen-



Memorabilia from bygone eras will also beon display during the open house. It will be displayed in four display cases that were purchased thanks to the Frontier Power Community Connections Grant, Gannett Make a Difference Grant, and Coshocton County Artists Guild as the courthouse made more than $2,000 from the windows that were painted by the artists guild and sold at the open house last year. “They are just beautiful,” said Irene Miller. “They have glass shelving and lighting so you can see memorabilia of years gone by.” Some of the items include a teaspoon dated 1904 with a picture of the courthouse in the ladle. “When I worked at the courthouse, they gave it to me as a birthday gift, and I want to donate that back to them,” said Miller. There is also a jury wheel that was used much like a lottery wheel to pull jurors’ names from. There are also c-rations from when the courthouse was used as a fall-out shelter and a 17 gallon tin government-issued shelter drinking water and commode. The memorabilia also features the first case that was filed in 1911, Brewer vs. Charles Roberts on May 22, 1811. It was a case of trespassing. Other items include skeleton keys, ornate hangers, and stamps that were used in probate court in 1875. Miller said that if anyone has any courthouse memorabilia they would like displayed, bring it to the county commissioners’ office at 401 ½ Main St. to be labeled and displayed. Entertainment for the evening will be provided by “The Fast Lane” and the Coshocton Boys Basketball Boosters will be selling hot dogs, chips, cookies, and a drink for $5. Popcorn and Whit’s ice cream will be provided by the Coshocton County Commissioners and Judge Batchelor. “I hope people get to come out and see the courthouse,” said Miller.


File | Beacon

Seventeen different restaurants/caterers including Schumaker Farms will take part in the annual A Taste of Coshocton County from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 11 at Lake Park Pavilion. cies to help them with their fundraising. “They have 100 to sell and theirs have their name on the back of them,” Mizer said. “Each one they sell they

get the money back dollar for dollar.” During the evening Brad Fuller will play music to entertain attendees and Lynn Jacobs will emcee the event. Mizer also said Buckeye Brine representatives will be there to make a large donation to the United Way fundraising campaign. “They are a pace setter and we really appreciate them doing that,” she said. “A pace setter sets the tone for the rest of the campaign and encourages other industries to give generously as they have in the past. We are mindful though that many industries want to take time and not rush their campaigns and will donate and contribute.” United Way’s fundraising goal is $375,000 and the corporate sponsor is COTC. “They are celebrating their 45th anniversary and we are glad to be able to partner with them in this special year and help them recognize their anniversary,” Mizer said. This is the 12th year for A Taste of Coshocton County and Mizer said they are lucky to have Lake Park Pavilion to hold it in. “When you get that many people under one roof it’s like one big family reunion,” she said. “You are fellowshipping over good food, listening to good music and seeing people you might not have seen for a while. It brings people together.” be able to use their farmer’s market coupons.


August 3, 2016

National Mutt Day reminds people to love mixed breeds By Josie Sellers

Beth Scott | Beacon

Including a pair of non-prescription Sunglasses!

This little mixed breed puppy is six months old.

rough, how they act if a treat is taken away, and how they do around other dogs and cats. One dog at the shelter that doesn’t play well with cats, but is otherwise well mannered is Sirius. “He’s real gentle and takes treats nice from us,” said Selders. Sirius is a German Shepherd/Husky mix who Selders believes is between four and five years old. Someone who has time to train an energetic mix breed puppy might be the perfect match for a six

month old one at the shelter. “She needs worked with,” Selders said. “She will probably be ok with a kitty, but might be rough on an older dog.” They also have a mixed breed male named Rebel. He is about one year old and has one dark eye and one blue eye that make him stand out from the crowd. “We were told he grew up around cats and is friendly, but was too hyper for the (past) owner,” Selders said. Haven has always been an outside dog and is believed to be a boxer/lab mix. Beth Scott | Beacon “She is seven years old and is one heck of a talker,” Selders said. “She is Haven is a boxer/lab mix who is supposed to like children and be dog quite the talker. friendly, but sometimes being in kennels can change dogs.” Another lovable mutt at the shelter is a one to two year old sweetie named Ginger. “She is just a regular old mutt and she is beautiful,” Selders said. “After she calms down she is very loving and will just sit at my feet.” When a dog chooses you and you are ready to take them home, Selders reminds people to be patient with them. “It’s hard to tell what they’ve gone Beth Scott | Beacon through,” she said. “We don’t always know their stories.” Ginger is a sweetie who is quite loving once she calms down.




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Beth Scott | Beacon

This big guy is named Rebel and needs someone with patience and time.

Sirius is a German Shepherd/Husky mix.

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Beth Scott | Beacon


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COSHOCTON – National Mutt Day is celebrated on July 31 and Dec. 2 to draw attention to mixed breed dogs, which are just as lovable, huggable and loyal as purebred dogs. “The Heinz 57s are the best,” said Rachael Selders from the Coshocton County Animal Shelter. “Purebreds usually have a lot of medical issues and there is a lot of over breading because of backyard breeders.” There are several mutts waiting for their forever homes at the Coshocton County Animal Shelter and Four Paws which will be featured over the next two weeks. “Animals will choose you,” Selders said. “Be prepared to stay here for a while and visit.” When people come looking for a dog to adopt Selders will ask them questions about their lifestyle, children and other pets to help them find a dog that is best for them. “We want them (the dogs) to be in the right circumstances and not end up back here,” she said. Selders tries to test the dogs to see if they can handle a child playing

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August 3, 2016

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Josie Sellers | Beacon

Volunteers at NewPointe Community Church met Friday, July 29 and Saturday, July 30 at the Coshocton County Career Center to give the exterior of the building a facelift. Caleb Mason is pictured here clearing the hedges.

NewPointe gives Career Center a facelift

COSHOCTON – Volunteers from NewPointe Community Church met Friday, July 29 at the Coshocton County Career Center at 10 a.m. to clean up the exterior of the building. Approximately 130 volunteers came Friday and Saturday, July 29 - 30 to help with the project. “We wanted to impact the entire county, and the Career Center has students from each of the county high schools,” said Pastor Chad Olinger. “We want to do a complete facelift on the outside of the building and offered our services. This is also the place where NewPointe launched when we first came to Coshocton.” Volunteers met during the two-day event to do everything from power-washing the building to trimming the hedges and everything in between. On Friday, the volunteers stayed until around 8 p.m. and on Saturday,

they wrapped up their community service with a 12hour day from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. On Sunday, all NewPointe churches didn’t have regular worship services. Instead, volunteers from all church locations went out in their community to perform community service projects with a lunch held afterward. In Coshocton, members of the church met at the career center to put the finishing touches on the building and to have a luncheon held afterward. “I think it’s making a big impact on the community,” said volunteer Vickie Bussard who has been a member of the church since it started in Coshocton. “There are a lot of unchurched people out there that we are trying to reach. This is a great thing to do for the community and for God.” NewPointe Church has worship services Sunday at 10 a.m. Learn more about the church at

Coshocton Farmers Market Every Saturday, May through Oct. 8:30 am to 12 noon 300 Block Main Street, Downtown Coshocton

Enjoy generous samples from these area restaurants and caterers: Amici’s Baker’s IGA Coshocton Yard Grandmom Minnie’s Munchies Hannah Marie’s Hardee’s/Red Burrito Healthy’s of Coshocton Lava Rock Grill Medbery Marketplace

Olde Thyme Country Market Papa John’s Pizza Pearl Valley Cheese Peggy Sue’s Steak & Ribs Raven’s Glenn Real McCoy BBQ Schumaker Farms Warehouse Steak N Stein



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By Beth Scott


River View Park Social celebrating 50 years By Beth Scott

WARSAW – For 50 years, the River View Park Social has been an annual tradition for many residents in the Warsaw area. This year, the event will honor its 50th anniversary with a special fireworks display on Saturday, Aug. 6 at 10 p.m. Fireworks will be shot off from the property behind the park by Big Midget Pyro, which works through Extreme Pyrotechnics LLC. The event will run Friday, Aug. 5 through Sunday, Aug. 7 at the River View Community Park. The threeday event kicks off Friday at 8 p.m. with a Community Pool Party with the theme, “Superhero”, which has changed from what was previously announced. Residents are invited to swim at the pool until 10 p.m. There is a $2 admission. Before the big fireworks show on Saturday night, there will be Bingo at the large shelter from 6 – 9 p.m. After the game, sit back and enjoy the fireworks. “The main difference is just to signify and celebrate our 50th park social,” said Jesse Fischer, president of the park board. Sunday will be the main event. Come hungry beginning at 11:30 a.m. for barbecue chicken by the Walhonding Valley Firefighters, homemade noodles, sandwiches, homemade pies, and homemade ice cream. “We couldn’t do this without volunteers,” said Fischer. “The volunteer firemen in Warsaw cooking the chicken, they’re here at 4 a.m. starting the process. About 50 to 60 people donate homemade pies, some even two pies. These fantastic people take time to do that for us. There are also 25 to 30 people in addition that help set up, serve food, and clean up.” At noon, McFarland Martial Arts School will give a demonstration. From 12:30 – 1:30 p.m., the Walhonding Rube Band will perform and from 1:30 – 3 p.m., the Chestnut Ridge Bluegrass Band will play. At 2 p.m., there will be a $50 coin toss in the pool, and at 3 p.m., the watermelon-eating contest will take place along with the 50/50 drawing. At 3:30 p.m., the Beaver Run Duck Race will begin. Adopt a plastic duck for a donation and hope it finishes in the money! All day, there will also be a dunk tank and the Rollie Darr Memorial Baseball Tournament. There will be no cruise-in car show this year. “Rollie was the former mayor of Warsaw and passed away in 1995,” said Fischer. “He was actually sitting mayor when he died. He was a big supporter of the youth and the park. It’s a big tribute to him that we

named the baseball tournament in his honor to show how much he believed in the youth of the area and supported the park.” The park social began in 1967 when the original park board decided to raise money to acquire land and buildings to be used as a community park. The first park social was held at Thompson’s IGA in Warsaw and the community raised $2,700 which is equivalent to $19,485 today. The park opened in 1969 and the social was moved to the newly-built park. The social hasn’t changed much over the years. The duck race started in 1990 and the watermelon-eating contest began in 2006. Since the very first park social, the community has supported the River View Community Park with their time and donations. “The community really shone through this year and raised $3,255,” said Fischer. “We are really tickled with that. The community involvement to put this event on every year never ceases to amaze me.”


August August 3, 3, 2016 2016

2016 AugustAugust 3, 20163,






Photo 1 The future site of the River View Community Park.

Photo 3 The brochure depicting the cost of constructing the River View Community Park.

Photo 2 The construction of the pool at River View Community Park.

Photo 4 The flier for the first River View Park Social in 1967.

Photo 5 Building the pool house at the River View Community Park.


Pomerene Center announces art contest

Helping Hands School Supply Drive coming up COSHOCTON - It’s hard to believe but school is just around the corner and it is time again for the Women of Witness (WOW) Helping Hands School Supply Drive. School is scheduled to begin on Wednesday, Aug. 24 for city and county students. Women of Witness Coshocton is now accepting school supplies or donations to help purchase supplies to assist families in preparing their children for back to school. The bags with supplies will be distributed on Saturday, Aug. 13 at New Life Ministries on South Seventh Street from 1 to 3 p.m. Families who need assistance with back to school supplies can show up at New Life Ministries Church on South Seventh Street across from the fairgrounds from 1 to 3 p.m. to receive a supply bag for their child. WOW Coshocton purchased drawstring bags again this year therefore, they do not need book bags. They anticipate the need will be great this year for book bags with supplies and are making an appeal to the

COSHOCTON - The Pomerene Center for the Arts is celebrating the ways our small town life is enhanced by the arts here and by our creative friends and family who live “outside.” The Pomerene is inviting people in Coshocton to invite people they know - musicians, actors, dancers, puppeteers, visual, media, graphic artists, and writers, people who grew up in Coshocton County, who live in Coshocton County, or who you’ve met along the way to enter to win $2,500 in prizes. The competition is open to any person 16 or older who has a connection to Coshocton County – such as having lived or worked here at any time or has been invited by someone who does. Any form of art is acceptable with the proviso that the work be presented professionally and be portable and suitable for public display either at the Pomerene Center for the Arts in Coshocton, or outdoors in the artPark on Main Street in Coshocton. Entry forms are due Monday, Aug. 8 and entries will be accepted from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 8-11 and 9 a.m. to noon Friday, Aug. 12. The exhibit will open with a reception at 6 p.m. Aug. 13 and then prizes will be awarded at 7 p.m. immediately preceding Jazz on the Pomerene Lawn. The exhibit closes at 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 23. Participants will be able to pick up their entries from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 24 or 1 to 5 p.m. Monday, Sept. 26.

community to help out with supplies or a donation to purchase supplies. They are off to a good start this year though thanks to the $1,000 Wal-Mart Community Grant they received to help with the purchase of supplies and the bags. “Thank you to our hometown Wal-Mart for their generosity and assistance with giving our families a hand with the burden of school supplies,” said Cindy Carroll from Women of Witness. If you have any questions about supply bag pickup feel free to contact the WOW office at 740-622-3797. Volunteers will pack the supply bags starting at 9 a.m. Friday, Aug. 12 at New Life Ministries. Anyone interested in helping should call the WOW office at 740-622-3797 and leave your name and phone. Contributed | Beacon

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Auer Hardware 1961 Otsego Ave. 740-622-4056 | Indicates products that are built in the United States from domestic and foreign parts and components. BES16-742-130792-18.indd 1


Charm Engine Ltd. 4741 S.R. 557 330-893-3033

August 3, 2016

New Bedford

New Bedford Engine LLC 33833 SR 643 330-897-2190


Troyer’s Engine Shop 29728 Coshocton Rd. 0048_072716 7/12/16 9:40 AM

Let me help you choose an FDIC-insured Certificate of Deposit from State Farm Bank® and watch your money grow. Bank with a good neighbor®. CALL ME TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION.


*Up to FDIC insured limits. Annual Percentage Yields as of 07/27/16. Advertised rates are subject to change at the Bank's discretion. The minimum balance required to earn the stated APY is $500 (rates apply to deposits less than $100,000). A penalty may be imposed for withdrawals prior to maturity. 1001287.3

State Farm Bank, F.S.B., Bloomington, IL

August 3, 2016

15th anniversary memorial planned for 9/11

Lumber Company

COSHOCTON - Brad Collmar is planning a 15th anniversary memorial service for 9/11 and needs the help of the community. The event will be held at 12:05 p.m. Friday, Sept. 9 on the court square. He is hoping to have one person from each war participate and one person from each branch of the service take part. Collmar also is looking for someone to play the bagpipes. Anyone who can help is welcomed to call him at 740-622-8275 or 740-291-7155. Families who have someone serving in the military also will be recognized with a Blue Star Banner, but they must call the Coshocton County Veterans Service Office in advance at 740-622-2313.



Contributed |Beacon

Correction COSHOCTON - There was a mistake in the Wednesday, July 27 article on the W.I.C. Nutrition Fair on the date of the event. The event is actually on Wednesday, Aug. 3 and is from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 724 S. Seventh St.

The Beacon is on Facebook!

The Beacon


w w w.coshoc

Seasonal Homegrown Produce


Organic 0028_061516

29575 T.R. 469 FRESNO, OH 43824 John Jr. & 1 mile west of Pearl Valley Cheese Ruth Miller PHONE 740-545-7536

Filter Sand & Gravel for Septic Systems A.D.S. Plastic Culvert & Drainage Pipe Supplier

Walhonding Valley Sand & graVel Co. Delivery Available • M-F 7-5

27679 SR 206 • WALHONDING



Visit Our Housewares Department for More Information 0006_080316 0026_050416


We Have All the Supplies Needed for Canning Season!

4465 SR 557 Charm, OH 44617 | 800-362-6682 | Mon. 7am-7pm Tue-Fri. 7am-4:30pm Sat. 7:30am-12 Noon


B E A C O N 2











August 3, 2016




F U N & G A M E S


Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.54)







6 7


5 8




8 2 1






Puzzle 2 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.46)








1 1




8 4 3 1

3 4 9







8 6


7 5

3 1



2 1 3 5

9 3

August 3, 2016



Dependable transportation... at affordable prices!




Hard to find vehicle! Long bed and extended cab. Rides and handles great! Bed liner, power sun roof, trailer tow package.

Local one owner trade has been babied since it was new! Leather interior, power sun roof, backup camera, Dimension speaker system.

Low miles! Soft velour leather-like interior, power sun roof, lumbar support, stereo with 6 CD changer, power windows, locks & mirrors.














A fun car to drive and own! Steering wheel audio controls, power mirrors, windows and door locks, traction control and more.

Under 50,000 miles, 1.6L engine for great fuel economy, side and head air bags for safety, keyless entry, lots of power assists, hatchback for cargo area.

Four cylinder economy and low miles in a 4x4 SUV! Power windows and door locks, power seats, power sun roof, lots of interior space.














Great value and low miles in a nice van. Full power assists, extra clean interior, keyless entry and more. This would make a great vehicle for a young family.

Great older car with power windows, door locks and mirrors, after market stereo with CD. Great car for a college or high school student.

Under 110,000 miles, great fuel economy, power windows, mirrors and door locks, lots of interior storage, large trunk and room for 4 adults.




US RT 36 3 Miles Towards Warsaw 740-623-8337 SR 16 by Edie Ryan’s 740-291-8337










Integrity, Quality & Savings for 20 Years

Like and Share our Facebook Page



August 3, 2016


CALL: 740-622-4237 HELP WANTED Help Wanted: Full-Time or Part-time. Apply in-person. Colonial Sports-N-Courts, 1101 Fairy Falls Dr. Cosh. Full-time nail technician. Call 740-623-8297. Do you have a passion for the people, places and activities of Coshocton County? Would you like to write about the people, places, events and possibly youth sports activities that happen in our community? If you can write, take photos and meet deadlines, The Coshocton County Beacon has what you’re looking for in a correspondent position. You would attend local events, interview the folks that make it happen and snap photos of the cool things that are happening and submit to us for publishing in print, web and social media. This position does require some weekend and evening hours. Please submit your resume, a brief sample of your writing, several photos and the camera equipment you use via email to: Submit via postal mail to: The Beacon, attn. Mark Fortune, 226 Main St, Coshocton, Ohio 43812. Your knowledge of Microsoft Outlook and the ability to use proper grammar and spelling skills are important. We look forward to hearing from you. with resume.


Garage Sale: 869 Green Dr., off Kenilworth. Friday 8/5 from 9:00 to 4:00 and Saturday 8/6 from 9:00 to 1:00. Adult clothing and Halloween costumes, jewelry, legos, lots of misc. Garage Sale August 5th 9-5 and August 6th 9-3. 317 W Russell Ave, West Lafayette. Boy’s clothes baby to young men, women’s clothes, shoes, large selection of nice toys (Little People, Weebles, Barbie & more), 2 Radio Flyer tricycles, Barbie Power Wheels Jeep, sandbox and much more! Eight-Family Sale! August 4-56, 9am -?. Go 36 West toward Warsaw, turn left onto

CR 23, one mile out on left. Well-organized and clean!!!! Longaberger baskets, portable hot tub, 16’ pool with supllies and accessories, jewelry, wedding decorations, portable greenhouses, clothes- baby to adults, including prom and lots of preteen, all house items, baby items, brand new QVC items & cookbooks. 1800 Bayberry Lane: Aug 6th, 8am - 2pm. TV stand, TV, purses, books, sewing machine, plant, light fixture, corningware, women’s plus-size clothing, shoes, purses, lots of misc household items. August 5th & 6th. 9am-?. 3/4 mile south of Warsaw. TR 8 Near Valley View cemetery. Signs posted. 1977 VW Bug, birdhouses, golf cart, 4-wheeler, lots of misc. 1941 Meadowbrook Way. August 5th & 6th. Friday 9-3, Saturday 9-12. Patio furniture, TV, printer, kids clothing, home decor, lots of misc. 25081 SR 83N. August 5th & 6th from 9am-3pm. Clothes, purses/totes, teacher supplies and holiday goodies. Homecoming/prom dresses, Thirty-One, and more! Garage Sale: 215 S. 15th St. 9am-3pm. Boys clothes 5-6, womens and mens clothes, toys, books, all kinds of misc items. Aug 5th & 6th. 9am-2pm. 1487 Windermere Lane, Coshocton. Glassware, fenton, McCoy full-size mattress, Christmas decorations and trees, 2 sweepers, Oak library table, pictures, weed eater, Delta crossback saw, some old tools, and lots of misc. Five Family Sale: August 3, 4, 5, 6. 8am-?. 497 E. Canal St. Newcomerstown. Clothing, puzzles, antiques, vintage, windows & shutters, quilts, glassware, furniture, toys. Newcomerstown village wide garage sales. August 5th & 6th. Rummage and Bake Sale: Salvation Army. August 4th & 5th. 9-4pm. Clothes of all

sizes, Christmas items, shoes, purses, lots of misc. Bag sale on Fri, Aug 5th.

FOR RENTSALES GARAGE/YARD 3 Bedroom Home in West Lafayette. New kitchen, carpet, paint. $600 per month, $600 deposit, references required. 740-545-0102.

LAWN/GARDEN Mulch. Natural Hardwood Mulch for sale. $50/pick-up truck or $20/yard. Eagle Hardwoods Inc., Stone Creek, OH, 43840. 330-339-8838

SERVICES OFFERED Looking for a few yards to mow, any size. Reasonable, quality workmanship, light landscaping, trimming, tree trims. Call 740-291-2324 anytime. Roofing, Siding, Windows, Doors, all home improvements. Professional results. Powerwashing and Painting. Drain cleaning. References, Insurance Claims. 740-294-8159 anytime. Custom Cabinetry: Kitchen cabinets, vanities, closets, fireplace mantles, and furniture. You dream it, we build it! 330204-7050. Leave a message if no answer. Have Dump Truck: Will do light hauling of stone, sand, gravel, mulch, brush, etc. Clean garages. 740-545-7451. Ask for Jim. C&R Tree Service. Pruning, trimming, stump removal, tree removal. Free estimates, senior discounts, fully insured. 740586-3843 Coshocton. 740-2212224 Zanesville. A proud member of the BBB. Now accepting all major credit cards. MSH Guitar Repairs and Supplies. Very finest in fretted instrument repairs. 25238 CR 93. 740-545-9845.

WANTED WANTED: Junk vehicles, scrap metal, appliances, batteries, junk mowers. 740-2945756.

HAY FOR SALE Hay: 4x4 round bales, first cutting. Cheap! 740-575-2341.

HOMES FOR SALE Open House Aug 6th & 7th from 1pm-4pm at 1628 Pleasant Valley Drive, or interested parties may call 740-610-7378 to schedule an appointment. 3 bedroom, 2 bath house which could easily be converted 4th bedroom or part could easily be converted to parent quarters if necessary. Many positive features still under warranty and house is larger than it appears outside and therefore must be seen to be appreciated. Electrical upgrade and automatic whole house Generac generator is only one of these features! Price reduced due to lack of realtor fees! Price can be discussed when viewing the home.

APARTMENTS FOR RENT SMOKE FREE 1 or 2 BR Coshocton. Clean, modern, electric heat & AC, new paint & carpet, lots of storage, garage. $399 & $475/mo. 740-295-4414. Nice 2 bedroom, 1 bath in Coshocton with stove, refrigerator, laundry, partially finished basement, utility shed, garage with opener. $550 per month plus utilities. References, deposit required. No pets. Non-smoking. Call 740-502-2810. Leave message. For rent is the lower unit of a beautiful Victorian home in Coshocton with very large rooms, beautiful woodworking, and a fireplace. $650/mo. 269924-6139. AREA RENTAL INFORMATION. Houses and Apartments. Rent or I’ll help you buy! Call 740-622-9791 today! Downstairs One bedroom apartment. Stove and refrigerator included. $375 per month plus $375 deposit. Tenant pays electric and gas. Call 740-6225806.

Large 2BR apartment. Modern kitchen, large rooms, gas heat, central air conditioning, washer/ dryer hookup, basement storage, off street parking. 740294-5605. 1 Bedroom Apartment: Upstairs. Stove, air conditioned. $350 per month plus electric and gas. 740-622-1251. 2 Bedroom for rent. Garage, coin operated laundry, all electric, all appliances. 740622-8020.

AUTOS FOR SALE 1995 Jeep Wrangler: Good condition. 87,000 miles. $4,000. 740-545-0102.

MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Lawn Mower: Troy-Bilt 46” riding lawn mower with 22 HP Kohler engine. Gently used and very clean condition. Asking price is $750. For more information, call: 740-622-7999. Antique 1989 Cadillac Coupe Deville. 79,000 miles. Mint Condition. Windmill. 8 ft wheel. 30 ft tower. Also, piping and pump. $1500. Call 740-545-9625.

Young Bull: 12 month old bull Main Shorthorn Cross. 740-8244156. Nice StarCraft Hybrid Travel Trailer: Model year 2000. Sleeps 6. $4,000. Call 740-5450102.

BOATS FOR SALE 2003 Glastron 20’ pleasure/ski boat. Open bow- 1/0 merc-crusier 5:0 motor- power steeringCD player. Only 196 hours. $15,000 OBO. Phone: 740-5022162.

LAND FOR SALE 26 wooded acres in Coshocton County, near Blissfield. Excellent for hunting and recreation, frontage on Kilbuck Creek. No minerals. Call 330-763-3074.



Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the Board of Virginia Township Trustees, Coshocton County, Ohio, for the following equipment being sold “AS IS”


2004 Swenson V-Box spreader 2004 GMC 2500HD Truck, 4x4, V-8, 37,000 miles with dump insert and a Meyer 7 ½’ snow plow Sealed bids are due by September 2, 2016. Bids will be opened at the September 6, 2016 meeting of the Virginia Township Trustees at 7:00 p.m. Anyone present that submitted a bid will have the opportunity to raise their bid, until the equipment is sold to the highest bidder. The Virginia Township Trustees reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Bids are to be in a sealed envelope with the item being bid on marked on the outside of the envelope. Mail bids to: Virginia Township Trustees Chairman, Brian Albertson, 43821 CR 75, Conesville, OH 43811. Contact Brian Albertson at 740-502-2452 with questions. (CCB: Aug 3,17’16)


IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER, TREASURE OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS BERT RENTALS, LLC ET AL. PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS Defendant In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the South door of the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 19th day of AUGUST 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE CITY OF COSHOCTON to wit: If said property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2016. 7th

NOTE: if the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code. TERMS OF SALE: $4,005.51 And any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in this foreclosure proceeding; including but not limited to title search fees in the amount of Two Hundred Ten and 00/100 (210.00) Dollars. TIMOTHY L. ROGERS, SHERIFF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO ATTORNEY: JAMES R. SKELTON, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 (Pub: CCB, Jul 20, 27, Aug 3’16 #Bert Rentals LLC 2015CI0454)

IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER, TREASURE OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS DAVID KEITH FARRELL, ET AL. PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS Defendant In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the South door of the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 19th day of AUGUST 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE CITY OF COSHOCTON to wit: If said property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2016. PROPERTY LOCATED: 901 EAST MAIN STREET, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 PARCEL# 043-00001107-00

State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2015 CI 0454


State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2016 CI 0146

NOTE: if the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code. TERMS OF SALE: $1,997.67 And any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in this foreclosure proceeding; including but not limited to title search fees in the amount of Two Hundred Ten and 00/100 (210.00) Dollars. TIMOTHY L. ROGERS, SHERIFF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO ATTORNEY: JAMES R. SKELTON, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 (Pub: CCB, Jul 20, 27, Aug 3’16 #Farrell, David Keith 2016CI0146)

DELINQUENT LAND TAX ORDER OF SALE ON COMPLAINT FOR FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT LAND TAX State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2016 CI 0057 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER, TREASURE OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS CHARLIE HARMON WELDING & SVC. LLC, ET AL. PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS Defendant In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the South door of the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 19th day of AUGUST 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE CITY OF COSHOCTON to wit: If said property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2016. PROPERTY LOCATED: 134 SOUTH 6TH STREET, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 PARCEL# 043-00004128-00 NOTE: if the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code.

TERMS OF SALE: $5,358.11 And any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in this foreclosure proceeding; including but not limited to title search fees in the amount of Two Hundred Ten and 00/100 (210.00) Dollars. TIMOTHY L. ROGERS, SHERIFF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO ATTORNEY: JAMES R. SKELTON, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 (Pub: CCB, Jul 20, 27, Aug 3’16 #Charlie Harmon Welding+Svc 2016CI0057)

DELINQUENT LAND TAX ORDER OF SALE ON COMPLAINT FOR FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT LAND TAX State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2011 CI 0508 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER, TREASURE OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS PEGGY S. STEVENS, ET AL. PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS Defendant In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the South door of the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 19th day of AUGUST 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE CITY OF COSHOCTON to wit: If said property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2016. PROPERTY LOCATED: 1145 KENILWORTH AVE., COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 PARCEL# 043-00002331-00 NOTE: if the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code. TERMS OF SALE: $6,265.60 And any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in this foreclosure proceeding; including but not limited to title search fees in the amount of Two Hundred Ten and 00/100 (210.00) Dollars. TIMOTHY L. ROGERS, SHERIFF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO ATTORNEY: JAMES R. SKELTON, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 (Pub: CCB, Jul 20, 27, Aug 3’16 #Stevens, Peggy S. 2011CI0508)

DELINQUENT LAND TAX ORDER OF SALE ON COMPLAINT FOR FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT LAND TAX State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2016 CI 0012 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER, TREASURE OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS ANNA GAYLE WILLEY, ET AL. PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS Defendant In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the South door of the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 19th day of AUGUST 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of

Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in TOWNSHIP OF BETHLEHEM to wit: If said property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on SEPTEMBER 23rd, 2016. PROPERTY LOCATED: U.S. 36, WARSAW, OHIO 43844 PARCEL# 015-00000160-00 NOTE: if the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code. TERMS OF SALE: $2,773.59 And any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in this foreclosure proceeding; including but not limited to title search fees in the amount of Two Hundred Ten and 00/100 (210.00) Dollars. TIMOTHY L. ROGERS, SHERIFF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO ATTORNEY: JAMES R. SKELTON, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 (Pub: CCB, Jul 20, 27, Aug 3’16 #Willey, Anna Gayle 2016CI0012)

DELINQUENT LAND TAX ORDER OF SALE ON COMPLAINT FOR FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT LAND TAX State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2016 CI 0069 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER, TREASURE OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS CAROLYN A. DEMOSS, ET AL. Defendant In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the South door of the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 2ND day of SEPTEMBER 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE CITY OF COSHOCTON to wit: If said property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on OCTOBER 7th, 2016. PROPERTY LOCATED: 1530 EAST MAIN STREET, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 PARCEL# 043-00000232-00 NOTE: if the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code. TERMS OF SALE: $6,803.31 And any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in this foreclosure proceeding; including but not limited to title search fees in the amount of Two Hundred Ten and 00/100 (210.00) Dollars. TIMOTHY L. ROGERS, SHERIFF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO ATTORNEY: JAMES R. SKELTON, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 (Pub: CCB Aug 3,10,17’16 #Demoss, C.A. 2016CI0069)

August 3, 2016


In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the South door of the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 2ND day of SEPTEMBER 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE CITY OF COSHOCTON to wit: If said property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on OCTOBER 7th, 2016. PROPERTY LOCATED: 517 SOUTH 10th ST., COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 PARCEL# 043-00002976-00

NOTE: if the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code.

TERMS OF SALE: $1,340.20 And any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in this foreclosure proceeding; including but not limited to title search fees in the amount of Two Hundred Ten and 00/100 (210.00) Dollars. TIMOTHY L. ROGERS, SHERIFF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO ATTORNEY: JAMES R. SKELTON, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 (Pub: CCB Aug 3,10,17’16 #Edmonds, M.C. 2016CI0152)

August 3, 2016

DELINQUENT LAND TAX ORDER OF SALE ON COMPLAINT FOR FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT LAND TAX State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2016 CI 0152 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER, TREASURE OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS MARCHELLE CHERIE EDMONDS, ET AL. Defendant In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the South door of the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 2ND day of SEPTEMBER 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE CITY OF COSHOCTON to wit: If said property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on OCTOBER 7th, 2016. PROPERTY LOCATED: 517 SOUTH 10th ST., COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 PARCEL# 043-00006232-00 NOTE: if the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code. TERMS OF SALE: $3,163.77 And any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in this foreclosure proceeding; including but not limited to title search fees in the amount of Two Hundred Ten and 00/100 (210.00) Dollars. TIMOTHY L. ROGERS, SHERIFF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO ATTORNEY: JAMES R. SKELTON, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 (Pub: CCB Aug 3,10,17’16 #Edmonds, M.C. 2016CI0152)

DELINQUENT LAND TAX ORDER OF SALE ON COMPLAINT FOR FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT LAND TAX State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2016 CI 0086 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER, TREASURE OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS ROBERT FAULKNER, ET AL. Defendant In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the South door of the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 2ND day of SEPTEMBER 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE TOWNSHIP OF LINTON to wit: If said property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on OCTOBER 7th, 2016. PROPERTY LOCATED: 51470 TR 146, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 PARCEL# 021-00000022-00 NOTE: if the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code.

TERMS OF SALE: $3,530.37 And any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in this foreclosure proceeding; including but not limited to title search fees in the amount of Two Hundred Ten and 00/100 (210.00) Dollars. TIMOTHY L. ROGERS, SHERIFF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO ATTORNEY: JAMES R. SKELTON, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 (Pub: CCB Aug 3,10,17’16 #Faulkner, R 2016CI0086)

DELINQUENT LAND TAX ORDER OF SALE ON COMPLAINT FOR FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT LAND TAX State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2016 CI 0086 IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLOSURE OF LIENS FOR DELINQUENT LAND TAXES BY ACTION IN REM, JANETTE DONAKER, TREASURE OF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO Plaintiff VS PARCELS OF LAND ENCUMBERED WITH DELINQUENT TAX LIENS ROBERT FAULKNER, ET AL. Defendant In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the South door of the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 2ND day of SEPTEMBER 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE TOWNSHIP OF LINTON to wit: If said property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on OCTOBER 7th, 2016. PROPERTY LOCATED: 51470 TR 146, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 PARCEL# 021-00000345-03 NOTE: if the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code.








State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2016 CI 0067

State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2013 CI 0159

State of Ohio, Coshocton County Case # 2016 CI 0147




In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the South door of the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 2ND day of SEPTEMBER 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE CITY OF COSHOCTON to wit: If said property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on OCTOBER 7th, 2016.

In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the South door of the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 2ND day of SEPTEMBER 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITE EYES to wit: If said property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on OCTOBER 7th, 2016.

In pursuance of an ORDER OF SALE in the above entitled action, I will offer for sale at public auction, at the South door of the Courthouse in Coshocton, Ohio, in the above named county on FRIDAY, the 2ND day of SEPTEMBER 2016, at 10:00 AM, the following described real estate, situated in the County of Coshocton, State of Ohio, and in THE TOWNSHIP OF VIRGINIA to wit: If said property does not receive a sufficient bid, it shall be offered for sale under the same terms and conditions of the first sale and at the same time of day and at the same place on OCTOBER 7th, 2016.


PROPERTY LOCATED: 54240 TR 172 FRESNO, OHIO 43824 PARCEL# 042-00000224-00

PROPERTY LOCATED: 16905 TR 287 CONESVILLE, OHIO 43811 PARCEL# 038-00000395-00

NOTE: if the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code.

NOTE: if the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code.

NOTE: if the United States of America holds a lien on the real estate, the United States of America shall have the right to redeem as provided by Title 28, Section 2410 (C), United States Code.

TERMS OF SALE: $13,344.60 And any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in this foreclosure proceeding; including but not limited to title search fees in the amount of Two Hundred Ten and 00/100 (210.00) Dollars.

TERMS OF SALE: $7,894.94 And any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in this foreclosure proceeding; including but not limited to title search fees in the amount of Two Hundred Ten and 00/100 (210.00) Dollars.

TERMS OF SALE: $4,221.16 And any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in this foreclosure proceeding; including but not limited to title search fees in the amount of Two Hundred Ten and 00/100 (210.00) Dollars.




ATTORNEY: JAMES R. SKELTON, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 (Pub: CCB Aug 3,10,17’16 #Means, D.R. 2016CI0067)

ATTORNEY: JAMES R. SKELTON, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 (Pub: CCB Aug 3,10,17’16 #Vermande, T.A. 2013CI0159)

ATTORNEY: JAMES R. SKELTON, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 (Pub: CCB Aug 3,10,17’16 #Tomon, M.L. 2016CI0147)

TERMS OF SALE: $1,650.88 And any other amount of taxes, assessments, charges, penalties, and interest due and payable subsequent to the delivery of the Delinquent Land Tax Certificate to the County Prosecuting Attorney plus costs incurred in this foreclosure proceeding; including but not limited to title search fees in the amount of Two Hundred Ten and 00/100 (210.00) Dollars. TIMOTHY L. ROGERS, SHERIFF COSHOCTON COUNTY, OHIO ATTORNEY: JAMES R. SKELTON, COSHOCTON, OHIO 43812 (Pub: CCB Aug 3,10,17’16 #Faulkner, R 2016CI0086)

Thursdays in the Park

Contributed | Beacon

Kids reenact Jonah and the whale during Thursdays in the Park in Baltic on July 28. Thursdays in the Park behind Millers Dutch Kitchen continues every Thursday in August at 6:30 p.m. Come enjoy fresh popped kettle corn, great activities for kids, and Pastor Neal Dearyan speaking on finding God in the everyday. Contact the church a 740-545-9707 or


Beth Scott | Beacon

Beth Scott | Beacon

Homecoming parade draws large crowd By Beth Scott

WEST LAFAYETTE - The streets of West Lafayette were crowded with bystanders on Friday, July 29 as the West

Lafayette Homecoming parade passed through the village, culminating at Burt Park for a special ceremony afterward. Floats consisted of government leaders, local sports teams, high school bands, local businesses, and others. Some floats had the homecoming theme, “Coal

August 3, 2016

Beth Scott | Beacon

was King” as part of their float. Approximately 100 floats participated in this year’s parade. See more photos of the parade on our website:

Frontier Power holds annual meeting By Mark Fortune

WARSAW - The Frontier Power Company held their 80th annual meeting at River View High School on Friday evening, July 29. Prior to the meeting, guests enjoyed grilled hot dogs, chips, cheese, beverage and Whit’s for dessert. Kelly Kendall, who is the manager of administration and office services for the company, said, “I think right now we have about 650 people here, it’s been a steady stream. I think people enjoy the yearly get together and perhaps seeing people that they haven’t seen since last year. I think they like the fellowship, I think they like the food even though it’s just a hot dog and chips. And we have the cheese and Whit’s.” “I also think it’s the $10 off of their bill. And if they stick around until the end they have a chance for a nice door prize.” “Everyone in the company is involved. Everyone has a job to do. They have their station to be at and it runs like clockwork. “ “This is our 80th year; Frontier Propane has been around for 16 years. We are both growing and Frontier Power is still providing reliable electric service. The one big thing that we enjoy is the balloon festival. That was a big event and we enjoy bringing that to the community.” Kendall said that one of the bigger things Frontier Power does on a daily basis to keep the power flowing is right of way. “That is a major thing. We need to keep our right of way clear. We need to keep the trees cleared back from the

Mark Fortune | Beacon

Frontier employees Corey Miller and Dakota Albertson grilled up hot dogs for the company’s annual meeting. lines. A tree can be taller than you realize, fall over, hit the lines and tear them down. If we can get out there and people will allow us to clean up our right of ways and keep them clear, that plays a big part in keeping the outages down. It is a constant job.” “We’re doing something every day and we do everything ourselves. That helps keep costs down.” Following the annual meeting, which included a review of financial statements,

Steve Nelson, General Manager of The Frontier Power Company, discussed the progress of The Frontier Power Company, Frontier Propane and Frontier Supply, which incorporates Progressive Water and Whit’s Frozen Custard. Following the meeting door prizes were drawn and awarded to those in attendance. The Frontier Power Company is a Touchstone Energy Cooperative.

Mark Fortune | Beacon

Dylan Raber, 2-years-old, enjoyed The Frontier Power Company 80th annual Meeting of Members with his parents Wayne and Heather Raber.

August 3, 2016


Miller announced as COTC Alumni Community Service Award Winner NEWARK - Over its 45 year history, Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) has had many outstanding graduates. But Sandra Miller of Newark may be one of the most selfless, and that is why she is the recipient of the COTC John C. “Jay” Barker Community Service Alumni Award. The award recognizes COTC alumni who have made a significant impact by their service for the betterment of our community. Miller, 69, graduated with a nursing degree from COTC in 1981. Miller grew up in Utica and got married when she was 21 years old. After having a child, she decided it was time to pursue her dream of becoming a nurse. “When I realized that I could go after my nursing degree at a college that was nearby, I knew I had to do it,” said Miller. “All my life I wanted to become a nurse. As a tiny kid, I would make myself little nurse hats and run around with them on. I would tell my parents all the time ‘I’m going to be a nurse when I grow up.’” Miller didn’t just become a nurse, she became a legend. She worked at health centers and hospitals after graduation, but eventually realized that she wanted to use her skills to help people across the nation as a disaster relief volunteer with the American Red Cross (ARC).

Miller served 19 years with the ARC and assisted in 38 disasters, including Sept. 11, 2001. “I’ll never get over 9-11 because of the smells and just how horrible it was,” said Miller. “I will never forget that.” Even though the situations she entered were devastating, Miller said she was able to lift the spirits of those who were experiencing traumatic situations. “I would tell everybody, you couldn’t pay me enough for as much as I got out of it,” said Miller. “Everyone would come up afterward, and they would hug you and kiss you and thank you. It was just phenomenal.” However, her work helping those in need ended abruptly in 2004. An accident during a disaster confined Contributed | Beacon Miller to a wheelchair. “I was hurt during Hurricane Ivan. It was a flood. I fell in the water, broke my leg in two places and broke my ankle. So, it kind of ended my nursing career in a hurry, but I have no regrets. I’m not angry at anyone,” said Miller. “It just happens.” Miller has a scrapbook that holds photos and awards to remember her time with the ARC. She received accolades from across the state of Ohio for her work. She was also recognized nationally with the Clara Barton Honor

Kent State Tuscarawas 5K scheduled NEW PHILADELPHIA - Registrations are being accepted for the 2016 the Kent State Tuscarawas Alumni Association Glowway Run 5K, presented by Geib Funeral Home and Crematories. Open to the public, the 5K run and 1.5 mile Fun Run/Walk will be Sept. 17 at Harry Clever Field in New Philadelphia. Registration begins at 6:15 p.m. and the race at 7:15 p.m. “We are excited to have the race at Harry Clever field,” said Chad Conrad, director of advancement at Kent State Tuscarawas and a member of the alumni association. “It’s a unique location to host the race. I encourage everyone to get their glow on to make the future brighter for some local, hardworking students!” Proceeds from the 5K and Fun Run/Walk go to the Kent State Tuscarawas Alumni Scholarship fund. “Join us in some highflying fun and help change lives here in the Tuscarawas Valley,” said Conrad. Pre-registration fee is $20 and $15 for students and alumni members. Entry fee the day of the race is $25. Preregistration deadline is Sept. 2. All pre-registered runners will receive a free T-shirt. Awards will be presented to the top three male and female runners overall and to the top three finishers in each male and female age group. Refreshments will be served at the end of the race. Refreshments will be served at the end of the race. Current race sponsors include Union Hospital, Dover-Phila Credit Union, Lauren International, Adventure Harley, Aqua Blue, Howard Hana, Baltic State Bank, Wendy’s Restaurants, First Federal Community Bank, First National Bank of Dennison, Dover Hydraulics, Tuscarawas Insurance, Sopher Insurance and WTUZ Radio. Registration forms are available at Contact Chad Conrad at 330-308-7445 or email for more information or sponsorship opportunities. Contributed | Beacon

Award for Meritorious Leadership. The award is one of the highest awards the ARC bestows on volunteers. Recipients of the award are inducted into the Clara Barton Honor Society. “My parents taught me to always help other people and always remember to treat others with respect while you’re on the way up because on the way down you are going to meet those same people again, and they’ll remember you,” said Miller. “People have been wonderful. They’ve helped me so much, and people have gone out of their way to be kind to me and to say nice things to me, which I very much appreciate.” Miller hopes her story inspires others to follow their dreams and use their talents to help others. She credits her ability to do that to COTC. “I have a great deal of respect for COTC because COTC really is where I got my start,” said Miller. “If I hadn’t gone to COTC, I would never have become a nurse, and I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to go around the world to help others.” Central Ohio Technical College opened in 1971 and is celebrating its 45th anniversary in 2016. COTC is a fully accredited, public college dedicated to providing high-quality, accessible programs of technical education in response to current and emerging employment needs, as well as encouraging the professional development of students, staff, faculty and administrators to assist them in achieving their maximum potential. COTC is the only technical college in Ohio operating four full-service campus locations: Newark, Coshocton, Knox and Pataskala. Contributed | Beacon

Home Loan Financial Corporation reports earnings COSHOCTON - Home Loan Financial Corporation, the parent company of The Home Loan Savings Bank, announced net income of $919,000, or $0.66 basic and diluted earnings per share, for the quarter ended June 30 compared to net income of $914,000, or $0.65 basic and diluted earnings per share, for the quarter ended June 30, 2015, an increase of $5,000, or 0.5%. Net income for the year ended June 30 was $3,209,000, or $2.30 basic and diluted earnings per share, compared to $2,932,000 for the year ended June 30, 2015, or $2.10 basic and diluted earnings per share, an increase of $277,000, or 9.4%. This increase in earnings for the year ended June 30 compared with June 30, 2015 was primarily attributable to an increase in net interest income of $505,000, partially offset by an increase in the provision for loan losses of $61,000, a decrease in noninterest income of $39,000, an increase in noninterest expense of 22,000, and an increase in income tax expense of $106,000. Total assets at June 30 were $200.3 million compared to June 30, 2015 assets of $187.9 million, an increase of $12.4 million, or 6.6%. Total deposits at June 30 were $150.0 million compared to June 30, 2015 deposits of $138.4 million, an increase of $11.6 million or 8.4%. Total equity at June 30 was $25.4 million compared to $24.1 million at June 30, 2015, an increase of $1.4 million, or 5.6%. Home Loan Financial Corporation and The Home Loan Savings Bank are headquartered at 413 Main Street, Coshocton. The Home Loan Savings Bank has two offices located in Coshocton, a branch in West Lafayette and a branch in Mount Vernon. Contributed | Beacon


August 3, 2016


Local Events

Car and Bike Show: 23rd annual downtown Dover car and bike show, Friday, Aug. 5. Hosted by Kustom Kemps of Ohio and Historical Canal Dover Association. Entertainment by the Spikeman. Registration is 5 – 7 p.m. and show is 6 – 9 a.m. Awards given at 9 p.m. Registration: $10. More than 60 awards with 19 special awards and trophies. Any vehicle entering after 7:30 p.m. will not be judged. Food, door prizes, and 50/50 drawing for local charities. Dash plaques to first 250 vehicles. 30 Year Celebration: Health Services and Hospice of Coshocton, 230 S. 4th St., Coshocton, Friday, Aug. 5, Noon to 8 p.m., free food, games, face painting, magic show, bounce house, yard sale, Bingo, string art class, and more. All proceeds will go to local student school supplies. They will also have an open house from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Aug. 2 through Aug. 5.

or e-mail: For a complete flyer, visit: Taste of Coshocton: Thursday, Aug. 11 at Lake Park Pavilion, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Seventeen local restaurants and caterers attending. Tickets are $10 for ten tastes and $5 for five tastes and for children 12 and under. Raffle drawing for 14 Longaberger Gift Baskets, valued at least $150 each. Tickets are $1 each or $5 for six tickets. Event tickets available at United Way Office, 402 Main Street. The Exchange: Friday, Aug. 12, 6 p.m., Word Worship Center, 810 Orange St., Coshocton. Tickets: $10. Limited seating. Tickets available at Coshocton Behavioral Health Choices. A community service project by the Coshocton County Juvenile Court designed to create an on-going positive learning environment by tapping into the youth’s creative side in a practical, hands-on, beneficial manner. All proceeds donated to The Landing, a residential program of Coshocton Behavioral Health Choices.

American Legion Post #65 Third Annual Car, Truck and Motorcycle Show: Saturday, Aug. 6. The post is located at 652 Main St., but the show will be at the rear of the building and in the Hopewell Industries parking lot, near the corner of Seventh and Chestnut streets. Dashboard plaques will be awarded to the first 100 entries and the top 30 will receive trophies, including those for best car; best bike; best truck; commander’s choice; and best of show. Awards will be presented at 3 p.m. Judging will start at noon. Registration will be from 9 a.m. to noon and the entry fee is $12 or $10 if pre-registered. For an entry form, contact the Post at 740-622-6106 or stop by the Veterans Office

5 & 10K: Annual 5k and 10k event to benefit New Life Ministries Food Pantry. Saturday, Aug. 13, 8 a.m. Starts and finishes at New Life Ministries, 727 S. 7th St. Coshocton, and the course is run on the streets of Coshocton. Registration for the 5k is $20 pre-registration and $25 on race day. Registration for the 10k is $30 pre-registration and $35 on race day. Race day registration and packet pick up: 7 - 7:45 a.m. Everyone that pre-registers by July 17 will be guaranteed a T-shirt. Medals will be awarded to the top male and female finishers overall and the top three in each age group. Register online:

Blue Ridge Grange Ice Cream Social: Saturday, Aug. 6, 4:30 p.m., SR 36 and SR 751. Full menu provided. All proceeds go to the grange. Presentation by Tom Hackenbrach on the USA Coast to Coast Bike Tour at 5, 6, and 7 p.m. Contact: Elizabeth Ridenour, 330-897-5293.

Coshocton Antique Flea Market: Saturday, Aug. 13, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Located in the Commercial Building #2 at the fairgrounds. Admission and parking are free. Contact: Erma 7 a.m. - 8 p.m., 740-622-6329. Fifth year sponsored by the Coshocton Agriculture Society.

Car Show: Newcomerstown Rotary Car Show, Saturday, Aug. 6 at the high school, 659 Beaver Street. Dash plaques to first 50 registered, registration fee: $10. Registration from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Awards presented at 3 p.m. Awards given to top 30 and Newcomerstown Rotary President Choice. Food, 50/50, music by Spikeman, held rain or shine. Contact: Corey Rehard, 740-4920326 or email Lunch & Learn: Join Coshocton County Master Gardener Volunteers for five classes. There is no registration fee. Classes held: Aug. 9 - Cool season Fall Crops. From 12:15 - 12:45 p.m. and will be held at the tan house at Clary Gardens. There is no cost to attend, but please call or email to RSVP. Contact: Tammi Rogers, Master Gardener Coordinator at OSU Extension Coshocton County, 724 South 7th Street, Room 110, Coshocton, 43812, phone: 740-622-2265

Poetry Reading: Sharon Fish Mooney returns to ready some of her poetry inspired by the art of Vincent Van Gogh at 10 a.m., Saturday, Aug. 13 at Hannah Marie’s, 139B S. Third St. Program is free but you must purchase your own bakery items. Books available for $12. Contact: Anne Cornell, 740-622-0326 or pomerenearts@gmail. com BeYOUtiful: Aug. 15, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m., Coshocton Church of the Nazarene. Register by Aug. 5. Call 740-622-4470. Event is limited to 30 participants. Offered to girls ages 12 – 15. A make-up session, hair care and styling tips, runway show, gift bags, and more. Family Fest: Aug. 20, noon to 9 p.m., 300 block of Main Street, Coshocton. Opening ceremony and vendors with DJ music. Games and food. Live entertainment starts at 2 p.m. and includes Upper Room Worship Team, Elliott Baccus

Project, Mrs. Tripple, Mother Scott, Everett Ferguson, Club Jesus Band, Country Specialist, and Git Shorty. $20 vendor fee. All proceeds go to the Upper Room expenses. Vendor application, contact 740-610-0082. Blue Grass Music: Three Rivers Bluegrass Music along with Relay for Life Team Alana presents Bluegrass Music at Coshocton Village Inn and Suites. Admission is $6 per person. Featured band plays from 7 - 9:15 p.m. with a jam session from 9:30 - 10:30 p.m. Featured band for Aug. 27: Chestnutr Ridge Band. Info: Duane or Clenda Hardesty at 740-498-8456 or Warsaw’s Farmers Market: 4 to 7 p.m. Fridays through Sept. 23, River View Community Park. Info: Mindi Duncan at 740-294-5212. Line Dancing: Line dancing lessons will be every Tuesday at Blue Ridge Grange. Beginners will be 5:45 p.m., Intermediate will be at 6:45 p.m. and open dance starts at 7:15 p.m. Couple’s dance begins at 8:30 p.m. Cost is $5.50 per person. Contact Vic at 545-7343 or Donna at (330) 827-5587.

Announcements Premium Fair Books Available: Jim McClure, Secretary of the Coshocton County Agricultural Society has advised that the Premium Books for the 2016 Coshocton County Fair are now available at the Fairboard office. You may pick them up in the office during regular office hours or anytime from the blue paper dispenser outside of the office. The Premium Book is also available on the Fair’s website: www.coshoctoncounty Entries may be made beginning Sept. 5. Livestock entries will close Sept. 16 at 5 p.m. All other entries will close Sept. 23 at 5 p.m. Call 740-622-2385 or email: coshoctonfair@ for additional information. Fundraiser Clearance Sale: Four Paws Friends, 504 Main St., Coshocton, is having a fundraising clearance sale to help with the spaying and neutering of our homeless animals. Mosquito Spraying: The City of Coshocton and Tuscarawas Township will be conducting mosquito spraying activities on weekday evenings, weather permitting, throughout the summer at dawn and dusk. Residents are asked to go indoors or stay clear of the spraying unit when it is in the neighborhood. Coupons: Coshocton County WIC announces 2016 Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program Coupons being distributed, first come, first severed. Eligibility: pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women and children ages 1 - 5. One set of coupons per family. Contact: 740-622-2929. PERI: Coshocton County Public Employee Retirees will meet Aug. 3 at noon at the Senior

Center. District Representative, John DeBonis, will be present to hear insurance and prescription problems or any other concerns. Contact: 740-622-4852. Neighborhood Watch Picnic: Aug. 6 from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Himebaugh Park. Free food, games, prizes, Coshocton K-9 unit. Reunion: River View High School Class of 1981 reunion to be held Saturday, Aug. 6 at the Steak ‘n Stein, Roscoe Village. For details and reservations, contact Kristene (Otterstedt) Mellor, 740-502-7947. Meeting Notice: Holmes County Chapter of Public Employees Retirees will meet Wednesday, Aug. 10 at 12:30 p.m. at the Darb Snyder Senior Center in Millersburg. Lunch is available at 11:30 a.m. Following the business meeting, special guest speaker, Kerry MacQueen, Injury Prevention Coordinator and Health Educator from the Holmes County Health Dept. will share valuable information and answer questions. All area PERI are encouraged to attend.

King and Queen Applications: Applications for the 2016 Coshocton County Fair King and Queen Contest sponsored by the Coshocton County Agricultural Society, locally known as the Coshocton County Senior Fairboard, are now available at the Coshocton County Extension Office at 724 S. 7th Street or on the Fairboard website at and must be returned to the Senior Fairboard office at 707 Kenilworth Avenue by Aug. 12. The County Fair King and Queen are selected to reign over activities at the fair and represent Coshocton County in other fairs and festivals. The applicant must be an upcoming high school senior and an active member of a Coshocton County youth organization of FFA, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, farm Bureau Youth, Junior Grange or 4-H to be able to apply. Get Together: Pretty Products get together, Aug. 12 at Moose Lodge at 4:30 p.m. Reunion: Coshocton Class of 1951 will have its 65th reunion on Friday, Aug. 19 at noon at Raven’s Glenn Restaurant and Winery. Anyone who graduated from Coshocton or Sacred Heart classes of 1950 and 1952 are welcome to come for lunch. Contact: Ralph Myers, 740-622-3791; Carole Todd, 740-622-6572; Janice Kobel, 740622-1253; or Joan McNeely, 740-622-5507. Craft Fair: The Center for Disability Services, located at 843 Walnut St., Coshocton will be having a craft and consignment fair on Aug. 26 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Cognion Reunion: Aug. 28, RHDD Gym (Old Washington School), 1517 Chestnut Street, Coshocton. Dinner at 12:30 p.m. Bring a covered dish; meat and drinks provided. Pass ther word along to the family.

August 3, 2016




Football Practice: Coshocton Junior High football practice begins Aug. 3 at 4 p.m. for 7th and 8th grades at Coshocton High School. Contact: Gary Forbes, 740-622-9622. Meet the Team: Meet the Team and parent informational meeting for Ridgewood football and cheerleading will be Thursday, Aug. 4 at 6 p.m. at Ridgewood High School auditorium. For Junior High through varsity athletics. Rules and requirements will be outlined as well as policies mandated by the OHSAA. Football boosters will be coordinating food sign-ups for away games and are requesting each football family drop off a case of water to be used during the season. Athletes are required to be at the school no later than 5:30 p.m. Football questions: Dianne, 740-502-5288. Cheer questions: Heather, 330663-1098. Sports Meeting: Coshocton High School will hold its OHSAA Fall Sports Parent meeting in the auditorium on Thursday Aug. 4, at 7 p.m. Parents should plan to attend, forms will be handed out. Coshocton Women’s Bowling: The Coshocton Women’s Bowling Association will be having its annual start up meeting on Sunday, Aug. 14 at 3 p.m. at the Coshocton Bowling Center. This meeting is open to all women bowlers. Contact: Ann Gamerstfelder at 740-622-1268 or Angie Pickrell at 740-294-4337.

Church Events IGNITE: Summer IGNITE youth program for ages 3-18 every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Chili Crossroads Bible Church. 29445 County Road 10 Fresno, 740-545-9707. Keene Ice Cream Social: Keene United Methodist Church, 27100 CR 1, Coshocton, Aug. 4, 4:30 - 7 p.m.; Full menu, homemade ice cream, pies, and cake; Air-conditioned hall. Concert: Sheldon Mencer will be in concert at Conesville Wesleyan Church, 703 Marquand Avenue, on Aug. 7 at 6 p.m. A love offering will be taken. Summer Music Schedule: Roscoe UMC music department announces summer music schedule: Aug. 7, 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., pianist Maxine Scott; Aug. 14, 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., pianist Riley Zimmerman; Aug. 21, 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., pianist Leah Brinker; Aug. 28, 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., vocal trio Bee Lehner, Tommy Fry, and Bob Boyd; Sept. 4, 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., vocalist Beth Nelson. Located at 475 High Street in Roscoe Village. Contact: 740-622-7780.

Fellowship Dinner: Shiloah Missionary Baptist Church, Aug. 12 from 3 - 7 p.m. Dinners are $7. Menu: Chicken, two sides, dessert, punch, and tea. Community Picnic: New Moscow United Methodist Church will have its 12th annual community picnic at 6 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 12 on the church lawn. Meat, soft drinks, and table service will be provided. Bring a covered dish and lawn chair. There will be a hay ride and activities for the kids. Church Events at Chili: Pizza, subs and salads available every Wednesday from 3 – 8 p.m. starting Sept. 7. Proceeds benefit area kids. Call ahead to order for carry-out or dine-in: 740-545-9707. AWANA for kids 0 - 18 starts on Sept. 7 every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. FaithTalks for adults and teens. Chili Crossroads Bible Church, 29445 County Road 10 Fresno. Learn more at or the church Facebook page. Helping Hands: Food distribution, third Thursday of the month, 6 - 6:30 p.m., Conesville United Methodist Church, 196 State Street, Conesville. Dates: Aug. 18, Sept. 15, Oct. 20, Nov. 17, and Dec. 15. Bible Study: Home of Christ Church will have a Bible Study Wednesday through Friday at 6 p.m. The church is located at 1010 Denman Ave. There will be free goods. Please call for baked goods at 740-575-3035 or 740-575-1897. Jacob’s Closet: Warsaw United Methodist Church has new hours for their Jacob’s Closet (free gently-used clothing for children, men, & women). Thursday, 9 a.m. - Noon, and on the last Thursday of each month, 9 a.m. - Noon and 5 - 8 p.m. Located at 130 E. Church St. Warsaw. Donations for the closet can be dropped off any weekday from 9 a.m. - Noon. Clothing Room: Church of Christ, 1800 Chestnut Street, Coshocton; Open every Thursday, 9 - 11 a.m. Community Meals: Presbyterian Church, 142 N. 4th St., Coshocton, first Thursday, 5:30 p.m.; Burt Avenue Weslyan Church, 230 Burt Ave., Coshocton, second Thursday, 5:30 p.m.; Grace United Methodist Church, 422 Walnut St., Coshocton, third Thursday, 5:30 p.m.; Park United Methodist Church, 122 Park Ave., Coshocton, fourth Thursday, 5:15 p.m.; Central Christian Church, 731 Main St., Coshocton, fifth Thursday, 5:30 p.m.

Vacation Bible Schools Get Submerged: Coshocton Baptist Church, 1631 Denman Ave., now through Aug. 5, 6 - 8:30 p.m. Van pick up is available. Call Mary, 740610-6756 or Angie, 740-502-9442.

Heartbeat Hospital: Warsaw First Presbyterian Church, 306 E. Fourth St., now through Aug. 5, 6 - 8:30 p.m., Ages 3 years to 6th grade welcome. Contact: 740-824-3678.

Clubs and Organizations Wildflower Walk: Master Gardener volunteers will be guiding a walk on summer wildflowers and invasive species around Lake Park to view some of our native Ohio wildflowers on Wednesday, Aug. 3 at 6:30 p.m. Meet in front of the Lake Park Office, located at 23253 State Route 83 North. Free and open to the public. For more information, log on to coshocton.osu. edu or contact Tammi Rogers at the OSU Extension Office 740-622-2265. Coalition Meeting: The Outreach/Community Awareness Committee for The Coshocton County Human Trafficking Coalition will be meeting on Monday, Aug. 8 from 7:45 - 9 a.m. at Hopewell School. Everyone is welcomed. If any questions, please call First Step at 740-622-8504 and ask for Robin. Genealogy Society: The Genealogy Society will meet Tuesday, Aug. 16 in the basement of the Coshocton Library from 7:30 - 9 p.m. Guest speaker will be Alice Hoover who will share memories of early Roscoe. Membership is $10 per person or $12 per couple. Coyotes Program: The OSU Extension Coshocton County will host a public program to learn about the somewhat misunderstood native animals, coyotes. Dr. Stan Gehrt, OSU Extension Wildlife Specialist and coyote expert will present an evening program. Dr. Gehrt will share details about coyotes, community-level strategies for coyote management, and more. The program is Thursday, Aug. 18, from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. at the Frontier Power Community Room, 770 South Second Street. The cost is free, but space is limited and reservations are required by returning the reservation form found online at:, email rogers.376@osu. edu or call 740-622-2265. Pink Ladies Fundraiser: The Pink Ladies will have a book sale, Aug. 26 at the Grand Central Station at the hospital. Blue Star Mothers: Blue Star Mothers meet the second Monday of each month at The Church of The Nazarene Adult Ministry Center from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. Vietnam Veterans: The Vietnam Veterans meet the second Saturday of each month at Hardees at 9 am. If you are a Vietnam Veteran who served during the Vietnam War, whether you served in country or not, you are welcome to attend.

John Bando Post 1330 VFW Auxiliary Meeting: 11:15 a.m., first Saturday of each month, 133 S. Sixth St. in Coshocton. TOPS Meeting: Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) meets every Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Presbyterian Church at 142 N. 4th St. in Coshocton. If you are interested in joining or sitting in on a meeting, contact Ann Lauvray at 740-5027438 for more information. Al-Anon: Coshocton Al-Anon Family Group meetings are at Central Christian Church located at the corner of 8th and Main Streets, Coshocton from 7 - 8 p.m. every Tuesday.

Library Events

Art: The West Lafayette Library is featuring the art of Dave Snyder during the month of August. View unique art of various subjects and techniques in art. Library hours are Monday – Wednesday from 11 a.m. – 7 p.m., Thursday and Friday from Noon – 5 p.m., Saturday from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Friends of the Library Annual Book Sale: Aug. 4 – 6, Coshocton Public Library, Large Meeting Room, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Thursday and Friday, and 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Saturday. A three-day sale of books, movies, and more. A $0.10 room offers paperbacks, a silent auction, and also a bag sale on Saturday. Contact: 740-622-0956. Think It. Ink It. Read It. A Teen Writing Club: Aug. 5, Coshocton Public Library, Small Meeting Room, 3:30 – 5 p.m. Facilitated by and for teens. Snacks, writing exercises, prompts, and free writes. Meets monthly. Registration required. Coffee Club: Aug. 8, Coshocton Public Library, Large Meeting Room, 10 a.m. – Noon. Adults 55 years and older can attend for a cup of coffee and conversation. A different topic is discussed each month. Maker Teens: A Maker Space Club: Aug. 9, Coshocton Public Library, Large Meeting Room, 3 – 5 p.m. Use littleBits to form functioning robots, learn binary code, or create your own masterpiece. Ideas will be provided. Meets the first Tuesday of each month. Registration required.

Friends of the Library Monthly Meeting: Aug. 10, Coshocton Public Library, Large Meeting Room, Noon – 1 p.m. Meets the second Wednesday of each month. Discuss volunteer opportunities, book store management, and other financial and support services to the library. Plugged and Unplugged: Aug. 10, 17, 24, 31, Coshocton Public Library, Large Meeting Room, 2:30 – 5 p.m. Games, snacks, friends, fun. Teens can play video games, access the internet, play board games, or just hang out. Held weekly on Wednesdays.


August 3, 2016

Swimming helps build muscle and weight loss SUN., AUG. 7TH 1PM TO 3PM

COSHOCTON – After an incident in Tanya Brillhart’s life in January 2015, she decided that she wanted to start making healthier choices and lose weight. Just this past May, Brillhart began swimming at Coshocton High School where approximately four or five people meet regularly to swim each weekday morning at 5 a.m. “I like it because it is a workout,” said Brillhart. “It is a total low-impact workout and it’s easy, it’s fun, and it’s been lovely getting to know the people there. Swimming has helped me achieve my goal.” Brillhart lost 207 pounds and began building muscle

You’re Invited! 1635 Tuscarawas Avenue, Coshocton


3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths


740.816.9673 Host: Christina Humphreys 2101 Cassingham Hollow Drive, Coshocton

AUCTION: August 18th at 4:30pm

19250 CR 106, Newcomerstown



4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths 740.565.0401

22103 Lee Lane, Coshocton

Give me a call to view this ranch home on17 acres that is just 3 miles out of town once you cross River Street Bridge. The home has a nice updated large kitchen & dining area. There are 3 bedrooms and a full basement. Some updates to the house include newer windows, vinyl siding and Lennox oil furnace, heat pump and air. All bedrooms have hard wood floors and the bathroom has a handicap shower. The acreage is a mixture of pasture, tillable and woods. All mineral rights of owner will transfer. Antiques & Collectibles: Millennium 999 fine silver coin, 1938 mint set, 1964 Canadian set, wood toy chest, trunk, cedar chest, child’s rocker, bookshelf/secretary desk, cherry chest of drawer w/mirror, 5 drawer dresser, egg beater, hand stitched quilts & rack, jewelry boxes, cuff links, Catholic gold cross necklaces, 14kt gold chain necklaces, costume jewelry, grandfather clock , rod iron bed, shoe shine box, baby dolls and Barbie’s, large log cabin dollhouse, Jadeite bowls, pink depression, Flow blue dinnerware, crocks, wood wagon planter, rocker, books, outside Nativity set, Reeves coal bucket. Household: upright vacuums, Cadence 78E treadmill, portable room filter, coffee & end tables, couch, lighted globe, elec. range & refrigerator, KitchenAid mixer, baker’s stand, serving side bar, pots & pans, electric heater, chest freezer, washer & dryer , small dog box. Tools & Outside: Toro Power Plus 17 Wheel Horse tractor, newer 4x6 lawn dump trailer, Homelite chain saw, wheel barrow, 5’ ladder, Toro blower, socket sets. Vehicle: 2000 Chevy S10 Extended Cab 4.2 automatic pickup with low mileage. Directions: I77 to Exit 65 to SR 36West to flashing light and turn on SR 258 Pilling St, then right on State St. to 2nd light and left on River Street. Continue across River Street bridge and go right up Smith Hill 0.7 mi and turn right onto Marlatt Run Rd. Go 3.1 miles and property is on the left. Terms: Come early to register. Cash or check auction day. The property must sell for 2/3 of the appraised value of $130,000 making the minimum bid just $87,000. Deposit of $5,000 down auction day with balance due at closing within 45 days. Real estate and vehicle will sell at 5:30 pm. Title for truck will transfer upon check clearing. Sale ordered by Mary Steed POA for Richard Allen.

4 Bedrooms, 3 Baths



Host: Jodie Meek 1631 Tuscarawas Avenue, Coshocton

3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths



Host: Phil Covic 771 Ridgewood Drive, Coshocton

3 Bedrooms, 3 Baths


Host: Stephanie Conrad


2018 Adams Street, Coshocton

4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths



Host: Carly Griffith 603 East 4th Street, West Lafayette

2 Bedrooms, 1 Bath Host: Tom Rager

740.281.7074 0009_080316



Auctioneer & Realtor 310 W. Main St., Newcomerstown 740-498-5275 or 330-204-1025


Re a l

Conesville to have community wiener roast CONESVILLE - The seventh annual community wiener roast and ice cream party will be held at the Conesville United Methodist Church at 196 State St. at 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 5. Please bring your own hot dogs and buns to the event as well as a lawn chair as they will not be provided. Homemade ice cream and toppings; however, will be provided as well as condiments, chips, various beverages, and table service. If you have any questions about this event, feel free to contact Karen Wortman at 740-829-2047. Staff | Beacon MLS # 3817029

Close to town on 2.4 acres. This home is in excellent condition, extra detached garage and abundant wildlife. Call Debbie.

MLS # 3816752

24.5 acres, 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, first floor laundry, covered porch, 2 car attached garage and a 2 level barn. Call Debbie to view this property.




740.622.3731 404 Main St., Coshocton


Host: Anita Angelo

by swimming. She has degenerate joint disease and can’t run or bike to stay physically active, so swimming is her workout of choice. “I was tired of waiting for the next meal,” she said. “I was tired of waiting for my next TV show. I was tired of waiting for my life to start. I want my grandchildren to remember grandma taking them to the fair and having fun with them, and not be too tired to play with them.” Not only has she lost weight by adding more protein to her diet and completely eliminating sugar, but she was able to stop taking all of her prescription medications within four months. “People think that weight loss is a continued downward spiral, but it’s not,” she said. “It doesn’t come off rapidly. It’s not a diet. It’s a lifestyle. A lot of it is a choice. You choose to fuel your body with a healthier alternative to what you’re eating.” Coshocton High School pool is open to the public each weekday at 5 a.m. for those who would like to swim. “I would not be where I am today if it weren’t for my parents and my children,” said Brillhart. “They are my support system.”


By Beth Scott


DEBBIE MYERS - REALTOR 224 N. Fourth Street • 740-502-1589

August 3, 2016

Softball Tryouts for Ohio Bulldawgs Elite



Split Level Home - Detached 2 car Garage/Workshop - 25 Unit Storage Facility Location: 33856 SR 83, Coshocton OH 43812 Directions: Located just south of Clark, on SR 83. Signs Posted.

If you are unable to attend the tryout, contact the coach for your age group to set up an additional tryout if needed for that team. Contact: Tim Wyatt, 740-607-1030. Contributed | Beacon


Location: 55072 TR 84 Baltic, Ohio 43804. From Baltic take SR 93 south 1/4 mile to TR 84 turn right go 3/4 mile to location. Signs Posted.

Tuesday August 9th @ 6:00 PM * 37.99 Acres * 4 Parcels * Coshocton County * Crawford Township * Free Gas * Garaway School District * Farm House * Outbuildings

Here is an excellent offering of a 2 story farm house with a good set of older farm buildings. The main floor of the home features a large kitchen, living room w/sitting area, walk in pantry, 1 bedroom, one bath, enclosed porch, sewing room or office with 3 additional bedrooms upstairs. Full basement has a wash room and cellar. The house has newer windows throughout and new flooring on most of the main floor. Buildings include a large bank barn, machinery shed, 2 car detached garage, pig barn. Free gas, hot water heat, spring water and septic w/house, private well w/ barn. Here is an opportunity to buy a good remodeled older home or building sites:



Parcel 1: 5.42 acres w/735’ frontage-Farm housesummer kitchen Parcel 2: 21.82 acres w/493’ frontage mostly open -building site Parcel 3: 5.65 acres w/533’ frontage- large bank barn, machinery shed, garage Parcel 4: 5.10 acres w/202’ frontage open and wooded, building site Will be offered in parcels and combination

Tax and Legal: Coshocton County Parcel #’s 0080000008201-0080000008100. Taxes TBD Terms: 10% nonrefundable down payment made day of auction, balance due at closing. No financing contingencies. Any required inspections must be completed prior to bidding. Buyer to pay for surveyed parcels. Acreage and frontage are approximate and subject to final survey. All information contained herein derived from sourced deemed reliable but not warranted. All parcels are subject to Coshocton County final approval Announcements the day of sale take precedence over all previous advertising.

Kaufman Realty and Auctions, LLC or (888) 852-4111 Aden Yoder, Realtor / Auctioneer 330.231.8983 or

OWNER: Marion Mulligan Sutton PEDDICORD RICE AUCTION REALTY Larry Corder, Auctioneer - (740) 502-3371 STOFFER REAL ESTATE JIM STOFFER - (740) 502-1577



LLC 0004_072716

Sale By Order of: Allen & Ida Mae Raber Abe & Fannie Miller

EXECUTIVE BRICK RAISED RANCH HOME situated on just over a one acre lot in one of Coshocton’s most prestigious neighborhoods. This home offers beautiful oak floors and a Large LR with Balcony View. There are 3 Bedrooms including a Master Bedroom w/dressing room/ laundry, 2 Full Baths, Living Room and Dining Room, Kitchen w/pantry and Screened Porch on the main floor. The Lower level offers a 4th Bedroom w/full Bath, 2 Car Heated Garage, Lots of Storage Space. Home has many updates including Electrical, Plumbing, Windows, Heating and Air, Whole House Generator, and more! Terms: $3,000 Non Refundable Down Payment day of auction, balance due at closing within 30 days of sale. Possession at closing. Any inspections must be completed prior to the bidding. Contract to contain no contingencies. Though the seller has the right to confirm the final bid, the seller is very motivated to sell. Real Estate will be offered at 5:30 PM on August 11th and will be open one hour prior to the auction. Plan to attend the August 4th open house and BE PREPARED TO BUY! Stoffer Real Estate and Peddicord Rice Auction Realty are proud to offer this fine home at auction.


316 N. 3rd St., Coshocton

STOFFER Real Estate inc. 740-502-1577 0027_072716

Tuesday August 16th @ 4:00 PM *6.205 Acres * Clark Township * Coshocton County * West Holmes Schools * 3 Parcels * Split Level 3 BR & 2 Bath Home * Attached 2 Car Garage * Detached 2 Car Garage/Shop * 25 Unit Storage Facility * Income Opportunity * Contents

Open for Inspection: Monday August 8th – 5:00 to 7:00 PM Plenty of options for all buyers on this fine real estate offering. With over 6 acres offered in 3 parcels you have the opportunity for a building site, a good home with detached garage, or a 25 Unit storage facility with excellent income and good rental history. The home, built in 1994, features kitchen, dining room, & living room on main level, along with 3 bedrooms & 2 full baths in upper level. The lower level has a spacious family room with gas brick fireplace and a large laundry/utility room and the basement has good storage area. The home also features a 2 car attached garage and rear patio area. Utilities include natural gas forced air heat, central air, and water softener and has a private well & septic. The detached garage is 30’x45’ and is fully insulated with 2 overhead doors and natural gas heat. The storage facility features 25 storage units all occupied with waiting list and produces approximately $1,200 per month income. There are 2 additional barns on the property both with newer metal roofs. All these improvements sit on over 6 acres easily accessible to Millersburg or Coshocton just outside of Clark. Take advantage of this excellent income to make all the payments and live in the home for free! Real Estate will sell at 6:00 PM. Legal: Parcel #’s 0060000036802 & 0060000036803 in Clark Township of Coshocton County & the River View School District. Taxes per half year are: $828.73 Terms: 10% nonrefundable down payment day of sale with the balance due at time of closing. No Contingencies. Sells subject to all articles of record. Announcements day of sale take precedence. Parcel 1: 3.292 Acres w/ 496’ Frontage. Features hillside building site with 2 barns. Parcel 2: 1.913 Acres w/ 449’ Frontage. Features well-kept home & detached garage. Parcel 3: 1 Acre w/ 137’ Frontage. Features the 25 unit storage building. INCOME PRODUCER! Household: Refrigerator; oak table & chairs; loveseat; glider rocker; queen cherry bed; full bed frame; deep freezer; toys; misc. small items not listed. Lawn & Garden: Hustler 60”Zero Turn; Toro 42” Walk-Behind; JD 46” Lawn Tractor; Toro Self-Pace lawn mower; Huskie 18” rear tine Tiller; Honda 2000 watt Inverter Generator; bicycles; pet cages; tools; tree stand; wheel barrow; double tubs; lawn chairs; picnic table; misc. small items not listed individually. Chattel Terms: Cash – check – credit. 3% buyer’s premium; waived for cash or check. NOTE: The Yoder family is committing to overseas mission work and are selling their home and contents. This is a tremendous opportunity to have a substantial income producing property with excellent improvements to live in. For additional pictures, brochure, and other information go to or contact Curt. LUNCH STAND (by church youth group)

Owners: Elton & Laura Yoder Kaufman Realty and Auctions, LLC or (888) 852-4111 Curt Yoder, Realtor & Auctioneer 330.204.2447 or



ZANESVILLE - Ohio Bulldawgs Elite, a 501c3 non-profit travel fastpitch softball organization, has set dates for tryouts for 2017 teams, Saturday, Aug. 13, Riverside Park, 1749 Lewis Drive State Route 666, Zanesville, Diamonds #1 and #3, 6 – 8 p.m. 10 and under, 11 and under, 12 and under; 8 – 10 p.m. 13 and under, 14 and under, 16 and under, 18 and under. Pre- register: Go to the link on the organization web page:



August 3, 2016


Ronald Perry Estate Friday August 26, 2016 at 10AM • Real Estate sells at 2PM

Location: 47882 TR 216 Millersburg. OH 44654 GPS: 40.415203, -81.858791 Directions: From Coshocton follow OH-83N to TWP RD21/TWP RD 211 to TWP RD 216 to Property. From Millersburg follow OH-83S to TWP RD 212 to TWP RD 216. *Excellent Home * 160 Acres * Offering in 6 Parcels * Free Gas! Oil & Minerals Transfer * Exceptional Hunting * Pasture * Tillable Acreage * Millcreek Township * Coshocton Co. * River View Local School District

Nina Drinko | Beacon


Annual RPAC Auction held

The Coshocton County Board of Realtors held its annual RPAC Auction at Shumaker Farms on Thursday, July 21 with a group of area realtors, affiliates and guests in attendance. Auctioneers Jim Nelson and Terry Longsworth (pictured) along with Joe Scott entertained the group as they auctioned off items donated by area real estate offices, brokers, affiliates and realtors. The money raised at the auction is used by the Realtors Political Action Committee (RPAC).

Ready for a game

Contributed | Beacon

Warsaw Youth Development runs baseball/softball programs for children ages 5-14. There were 11 teams and usually around 120 to 150 children participate each year including this group of girls who played 12-U softball.


New floors, fresh paint, newer roof, sump pump and gas furnace. Contact Stephanie Conrad for more details.

$72,000 0017_072716

Sale By order of: Corey D. Perry, Executor Coshocton County Probate Case No. is 21510093 Attorney Jeremy Nicholas, Esq. James A. Hardgrove, Co., LPA 7626 Slate Ridge Blvd. Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 614.868.8618 KAUFMAN REALTY & AUCTIONS 855.439.4111 or Jason L. Miller, CAI Auctioneer/Realtor 740.541.7475 or MOSSY OAK PROPERTIES Frank DiMarco, Realtor 740.393.1001 or


Description: Look no further for beautiful farmland in a sought-after area in Northern Coshocton County. This property offers wooded ground for excellent hunting as well as pasture and tillable acreage. Having a large flowing pond suggests a great water source for any livestock as well as wildlife. The 36x48 pole building, 24x30 garage, 12x48 canopy and 48x60 bank barn provide great storage, easy access with sliding doors, garage doors and entry doors. The 2 story, 4 bedroom 2.5 bath home offers 10 rooms, 2 fireplace openings, central air and full basement. Feel free to walk the property at your convenience and risk prior to auction and come bid your price! Parcel Splits: Parcel 1: 5.5+/- Acres Home and Barns Parcel 2: 11+/- Vacant Acres Parcel 3: 46+/- Acres Primarily Open Land Parcel 4: 59 Acres Timber and Recreational Land Parcel 5: 20 Acres with Mobile Home Parcel 6: 21 Vacant Acres Personal Property: Boats: Boat with trailer Chrysler 55 motor as is, Johnson 9.9 SeaHorse boat motor, Johnson 4 Boat motor, Johnson 1 ½ Boat Motor Model SC10S on stand, boat seats Autos/Mobile Homes: 1992 Georgia Boy by Impulse Class A Diesel 31’ Oshkosh chassis 55071 Miles Kohler 7000w generator GVWR1800 Serial Number 4CDR49M25N2300879-P10247376, F-350 Diesel Dual Range Truck 57243 mi, GMC 3500 73000 mi 1981, 1991 Jeep Wrangler 120,487 MI, , Ford Probe Coupe 1994 Standard 126775miHonda 250 4 wheeler, craftsman riding mower, snapper riding mower, generator w/Honda motor, 2 Honda trail 90 Mo-ped, Honda trail 110 mo-ped, cycle parts, Honda Motor cycle and motor cycle parts, Amerigo Truck Camper Farm Equipment: MF 20 Tractor w 2 buckets (12” and 18”) and Hoe 3144 Hrs, Oliver 1250 Tractor 3727 Hrs, 4 wheel drive model J20 Ditcher, MF 110 Tractor Dual Remote 2240 Hrs, JD Tractor 1010 2445 hrs(as is), MF 7ft 3pt sickle bar mower, JD 3pt. 7ft sickle bar mower, 3 pt. carry hauler, 3 pt broad caster, 3 pt 8 ft blade, 3 pt. lift boom, lawn roller, 7 ft. brush hog, 3 pt post hole digger, York rake, finish mower, 3 pt. fertilizer spreader, 4 ft. chisel plow, 2 new 6ft pipe gates, potato plow, 2 man saw, tire chains, corn sheller, Conibar traps, hay trolley, 2 rolls barbed wire, Tools/Equipment: Pressure washer chore master, 50gal air compressor on wheels, Acetlyen torches Harris gauges w Victor head, air hose, Lincoln arc welder, Stihl 032AV chain saw, Stihl MS192TC chain saw, shop vac, floor jack, 10” Delta chop saw, Craftsman sander, vises, bench grider, engine hoist, ½ ton chain hoist, hoist, ton long ram jack hoist, Milwauke angle drill, portable air tank, air impact wrenches, craftsman router and table, drill press 10.9 metric ton, large abrasive blast cabinet, drill bits, set of 4 Ford rims, bolt bin, 15 gal battery sprayer poly tank, Metal cabinets, shelf, draw bar, small hand tools, socket sets, 10” tile saw, Grizzly table saw, 14” band saw, post hold digger, chain saw sharpener, walk behind ditcher (as is), slip scraper, step ladder, aluminum, ladder, metal tool box loaded with tools, Sprunger lathe on stand, Dremel saw, wheel weights, push mower, sleds, wooden doors, appliance cart, fuel tanks, boxes of spray paint, extension cords, safety harness, plastic plumbing fittings, propane light Household: Cast Iron pots, wooden chairs, pitcher/bowl, Fisher-Price toys, bar stools, books, Eureka sweeper, 3 cushion sofa, coffee tables, recliners, stands, high chair, exercise equipment, wheel chair, 2 Bob Feller statue, handicap items, wooden rocker, rocking horse, popcorn popper, butcher block 24x24 1 in thick top, hickory rocker, sofa w/chair, coffee end table, 3 speed 3 wheel bike, pressure cooker, rainbow sweeper, Igloo ice chest, Maytag washer, Grandfather clock Hunting/Fishing: Turkey decoys, PSE compound bow, camo & hunting clothes, fishing tackle, rods and reels, game calls, sleeping bags, Fortress 45 gun safe, Sentry safe Legal: Parcel # 0230000011400. In Millcreek Township of Coshocton County. 2015 taxes were $1413.09 per half year. Terms: Cash, check and major credit cards will be accepted. Credit Cards are subject to a 3% processing fee. Real Estate Terms: 10% nonrefundable down payment, balance at closing in 30-45 days w/no financing contingencies. 10% Buyers Premium. Properties are sold “AS IS”. Land sells to highest bidder regardless of price. Potential Buyers must independently investigate and confirm any information or assumptions on which any bid is placed. Announcements day of sale take precedence over all previous advertising and statements.

Stephanie Marie Conrad 740.294.0864

Century 21 Court Square Realty & Auction, Inc.

404 Main St., Coshocton • 740.622.3731 •


Beacon is on The Beacon w w w.coshoc

August 3, 2016


Amazing Race held to help fund scholarship fund that is given to a River View senior who is entering the medical field. “When we were in the hospital for Addy, the community did a lot for us,” said Stephanie. “After Addy passed away, we wanted to do something to give back to the community since they have done so much for us.” Kendra Whiteus has known the Snyder family for many years. Stephanie was volleyball coach to her oldest daughter, who was a previous winner of the SnyderSTRONG scholarship. “We’ve just become really good friends,” said Whiteus, who was helping out at the event. “There couldn’t be two people who would be better parents. I want to help them in any way I can.”

By Beth Scott

WARSAW – In years past, Pat and Stephanie Snyder held a 5K in memory of their daughter, Addy and son, Grady who both passed away with unknown medical conditions. This year, they decided to do something a little different. Based off of the TV show, Amazing Race, the two decided to have something similar to the show in Coshocton County. The first SnyderSTRONG Amazing Race was held Saturday, July 30 with headquarters at River View High School. Twenty teams of four met at River View High School throughout the day from 9 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Each team left at 15-minute intervals to complete eight tasks in the county. All teams ended their journey at River View High School with a one-lap run around the track. When Addy was six weeks old, she was diagnosed with a rare genetic disease that the medical field currently has no name for. She passed away not long afterward while waiting on a liver transplant.

Beth Scott | Beacon

One of the 20 four-person teams, Team Mayhem, gets ready to begin their Amazing Race throughout the county. Grady also had similar symptoms before he was born and passed away as well. The

event raises money each year that goes into the SnyderSTRONG Scholarship

Fire fighters seek sponsors for golf event COSHOCTON - Coshocton Fire Fighters Local 216 will host a four man scramble on Sunday, Aug. 7 and are looking for hole sponsors. With a small donation of $20 per hole, you can show your support for the Coshocton Fire Fighters Local 216

Sudoku Answers Puzzle 1 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.54)

Puzzle 2 (Medium, difficulty rating 0.46)





































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and help raise funds for their organization. A sign with the sponsor’s name and their info will be placed at each hole. Make checks payable to Coshocton Fire Fighters Local 216 Golf and mail to Coshocton Fire Fighters Local

216, c/o Cory Wilson, 325 S. Seventh St., Coshocton OH 43812. Contributed | Beacon


Museums to open

PINE CREEK ACRES RETREAT REAL ESTATE AUCTION Location: Township Road 4 Brinkhaven, Ohio 43006.

SHREVE - Ken Miller Supply Oil, Gas, Car, Truck and Agriculture Museum will open on Saturday, Aug. 13 from noon - 3 p.m. The museum is located just north of Shreve and 12 minutes south of Wooster on State Route 226 (7920 Shreve Road). The museum houses a vast collection of early gas pumps, drilling machines, tractors, trucks and cars. There also is a display of the Pennsylvania Railroad and a Shreve Industry display. Volunteers from the County Line Historical Society host the museum. The museum is also open the second Saturday of each month noon - 3 p.m. with a fee of $5 for adults, children 12 and younger are admitted free, and a maximum of $15 per family. Paid-up members of any Historical Society will be admitted at half price. For more information, or to make a special appointment for a group, call 330-496-4024. Allow at least one and one-half hours for the self guided tour with a printed “Tour Guide” to move you through the two buildings housing thousands of items. Printed explanations are attached to the displays. There will be several volunteers from the County Line Historical Society available to answer any questions. Ken Mill-

GPS Coordinates: 40.480108,-82.173253 Directions: From Brinkhaven take State Rt. off of US 62 to left on Township Rd. 4 to property on left. From SR 520 take CR 75 to TR4 to location on right.

Thursday August 25th @ 6:00 PM * 37.2 Acres * 2 Parcels * Cape Cod Cabin * Pond * Stream * Richland Twp. * Holmes Co. * Danville LSD

Open for Inspection: Thursday August 11th • 5-7PM A very attractive retreat style property with everything you need to enjoy a getaway. Located on a township road and with pine trees providing seclusion it features a cape cod style cabin, stocked pond and stream. The 24’x32’ cabin is vinyl sided with a metal roof and has a kitchen with an open living room and a loft. Cabin is fully wired but not connected to electricity and features a wood burner for its heat source. The property has been in a QDMA program for the last 12 years and has produced quality mature deer over the years. All of seller’s owned mineral rights transfer with the property. It is currently HBP with the property receiving free gas. There are paths throughout and feel free to walk property at your convenience.


Parcel 1: 7.202 acres with 478’ Frontage. Features cabin, pond, stream, and wooded hillside.




Parcel 2: 30 acres with 123’ Frontage. Mostly wooded with small open areas. Will be offered in parcels and as a combination, and will sell whichever way nets most for the sellers. Legal: Holmes County Parcels 2000048001 and 2000048002 in Richland Township, Holmes County and Danville LSD. Taxes are $592.35 per ½ year. Terms: 10% nonrefundable down payment made day of auction, balance due at closing. No financing contingencies. Any required inspection must be completed prior to bidding. Buyer is responsible for any recoupment. All information contained herein is derived from sources deemed reliable but not warranted.

Sale By Order of: Jonas Masts and Aaron Troyers


Coshocton. 3 Bedroom, 3 car garage, very well maintained with large family room. This one won’t last long priced to sell. Call today for your private showing!


Fair book correction announced COSHOCTON - Due to a typographical error, the exhibitor pass prices for the 2016 Coshocton County Fair are incorrect as listed on the horse entry forms on pages 16, 20, and 22 of the new fair book. The correct cost, as listed on the fair book page 2, of $45 each, is the correct cost. Contributed | Beacon


Marc Lacy Cell: 740-502-3074

224 N. 4th St., Coshocton

The Beacon is on Facebook!

The Beacon

BeLinda Lacy

w w w.coshoc

Cell: 740-294-8869






C onsider

Ridgewood Schools. Super nice 3 bedroom brick, full basement, partially finished, oversized attached garage, many updates. Ready to move in!






H ome


Mini farm, 6+ acres, spring water, large bank barn, 2 story farm house with 3-4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, pasture and fruit trees in the CR 10 area. Call BeLinda for your showing or more information.

Contributed | Beacon

316 Main Street, West Lafayette • 740-545-7186 Fax: 740-545-6899 • Auction 740-545-7158

A must see inside. New kitchen, new full baths up and down, new roof on home and garage. Many more updates. Call today!


e nc ! Si 965 1

L ist


er spent most of his adult life collecting these tools of the trade he served. Museum is wheelchair accessible. County Line Historical Society Museum will open on Saturday, Aug. 13 from noon - 3 p.m. The museum is located at 281 North Market Street (State Route 226) across from Shreve Mobil. Parking is available at Shreve Mobil, PNC Bank, and the downtown parking lots. Handicap parking is available at the rear of the museum entering an alley off of East Robinson Street. The museum is full of constantly changing exhibits of military displays, collection of Shreve School displays, a library with scrapbooks with hundreds of old news stories of the area, and a Shreve Jail cell. The County Line Historical Society of Wayne/Holmes Museum will also be open from noon 3 p.m. on the second Saturday of each month with a $2 fee.



Kaufman Realty and Auctions, LLC or (888) 852-4111 Tim Miller, Realtor/Auctioneer 740.502.6786 or

August 3, 2016

Terry Longsworth Auctioneer/Broker®

August 3, 2016

Contributed | Beacon


Contributed | Beacon

Habitat announces winners of golf scramble Realty, McWane Ductile and MFM. All proceeds of this event will go toward 2016

building efforts located on North 15th Street. For volunteer opportunities, contact Brittleigh Smith at 740-622-7787.

1921 Otsego Ave, Coshocton 740.622.3936 • 866.622.0207


(740) 622.4237

226 Main Street The Beacon Coshocton, Ohio w w w.c o s h oc ton be ac onto d ay.c om

$89.77 for Cabin Fresh and Cabin Filter!

OIL CHANGE, & 23 POINT INSPECTION $28.95 Excludes diesel and synthetic oil vehicles.


Village Motors

784 Wooster Rd • SR 83 North • Millersburg, OH • 800-800-3814 0034_050416

Open Mon. & Thurs. 8am-9pm • Tues. Wed. & Fri. 8am-5pm; Sat. 8am-3pm


Habitat for Humanity of Coshocton County held its 11th annual golf scramble July 23 at River Greens Golf Course. First place teams with captains were: First Place Male Team - Brian Wheeler; First Place Female Team - Linda Miller; and First Place Co-Ed Team - Nina Drinko. Major sponsors of the event were: COTC, Lity Scrap, Old Towne


August 3, 2016

Late Model Used Sale! D ’ !


15 Chevy Sonic

15 Chevy Malibu

Only 8,300 Miles!!! Power Locks, Air, Bluetooth, Manual Transmission.

Only 14,000 Miles!!! Power Windows & Locks, Keyless Entry, Steering Wheel Audio Controls.





15 Chevy Sonic LTZ

15 Chevy Cruze LT

16 Chevy Cruze

Only 21,300 Miles!!! Turbo, Keyless Entry, Remote Start, Reverse Parking Aid, Fog Lights, Driver Info Center

16 Chevy Malibu LT

14 Mazda 6 I Touring

Power Seat, Steering Wheel Audio Controls, Alloy Wheels, Heated Leather

Only 19,500 Miles!!! Power Seat, Steering Wheel Audio Controls, Heated Leather, Alloy Wheels, OnStar

Only 17,700 Miles!!! Keyless Entry, Power Windows & Locks, Steering Wheel Audio Controls, 4G WiFi & Onstar, 16” Alloy Wheels

Power Seat, Leather, Steering Wheel Audio Controls, Alloy Wheels, Bose Speakers, Non Smoker, Navigation, 1 Owner











15 Buick Regal

14 Honda Accord

14 Subaru Outback AWD

14 Ford Escape 4x4

16 Mazda CX-5 AWD

Only 25,500 Miles!!! Power Sunroof, Heated Power Leather Seats, Alloy Wheels.

Only 15,500 Miles!!! Power Seat, Climate Control, Backup Camera, Keyless Entry, Steering Wheel Audio Controls

ALL WHEEL DRIVE! Steering Wheel Audio Controls, Alloy Wheels, Tow Package

Only 16,500 Miles!!! Navigation, Heated Leather, Power Seat, Remote Start.

Only 21,400 Miles!!! ALL WHEEL DRIVE, Power Seat, Steering Wheel Audio Controls, Alloy Wheels.










15 GMC Terrain SLT AWD

15 Chevy Equinox LTZ AWD

15 Chevy Traverse 2LT AWD

16 Buick Enclave AWD

Only 26,200 Miles!!! Power Sunroof, Chrome Wheels, Leather Heated Memory Seats, Pioneer Speakers

Power Heated Leather, Power Sunroof, Rear Camera, Alloy Wheels, Navigation

Only 19,700 Miles!!! Power Sunroof, Remote Start, TV/DVD, Navigation, Heated Leather, 3rd Row Seating

Only 16,000 Miles!!! Power Seats, Power Sunroof, Alloy Wheels, Front/Rear Air, Heated Leather, 3rd Row Seating

$26,931 14 Chevy Cruze SALE PRICE




PRICE $38,996 $34,921 14 Chevy Tahoe LT 4x4




Only 29,900 Miles!!! Power Sunroof, Rear TV/DVD, Alloy Wheels, Heated Leather Seats, Tow Package

Diesel, Only 16,000 Miles!!! Power Sunroof, Heated Leather, Navigation





Prices good thru August 6, 2016. Pictures may not reflect actual vehicle.


The Original



Chuck Nicholson

Barry Nicholson

Jim Simo

Randy Jameyson


• Mon. & Thurs. til 9 PM • Tues., Wed. & Fri. 5 PM • Saturday til 3 PM


Kevin Fair

Christi Wengerd

Dale Brown

Dave Brillhart

Chad Mills

Alan Ryan

Brian Sowards

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