Your Guide to Spiritual Growth & Hope
for Coshocton County
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The Beac n Positively Coshocton County
Customer Index
Camp Warsaw ...........................................12 Christian Apostolic Church .........................7 Church of God ............................................3 Coshocton Baptist Church .......................11 Coshocton Presbyterian Church.................4 Gospel Hill ..................................................5 Grace United Methodist Church ................8 Keene United Methodist Church..............10 Liberty Church ............................................6 Mercantile on Main .....................................8 Perry Chapel ...............................................9 Roscoe General Store...............................10 Route 5 Auto Sales .....................................9 Sacred Heart Catholic School.....................2 Seton Coshocton ........................................6 The Good News Book Store ....................11 The Warehouse Steak ‘n Stien....................5 Three Rivers United Methodist Church ....16 Warsaw First Presbyterian Church ...........13 Warsaw United Methodist Church ...........10
Article Index
“The Event” coming to Coshocton ............4 Branch United Methodist Church .............10 Christ’s Kitchen in Newcomerstown ..........9 Church Directory .................................13-15 Coshocton Christian Tab Youth Programs................................................12 Easter Quiz................................................11 Fourty years of Coshocton Community Choir....................................................6&7 Good News Book Store offers more than just sales...................................................5 History of Three Wooden Crosses .............2 New Roscoe United Methodist Church Bell Choir ........................................................3 Sacred Heart Children’s Choir ....................8 Warsaw United Methodist Church Jacob’s Closet.......................................................3
History of the three wooden crosses by beth scott When you’re driving down the road passing other cars, billboards, trying not to hit any deer or any other four-legged creature, and suddenly you pass three crosses standing on top of a hill. You might smile a little, or completely ignore them, thinking more about your busy day at work or the errands that you have to run. But those crosses were put there for a purpose. They’re not to just look at and forget about, but have been placed there as a reminder, and it all started with one man’s vision. Bernard Coffindaffer was born on Jan. 27, 1937 in Craigsville, WV. His father died when he was very young and his mother died with cancer when he was only ten. Despite being left an orphan at such a young age, Coffindaffer rose above his circumstances, graduating high school at the age of 14 and serving six years in the U.S. Marines with duty in the Pacific, Iwo Jima, and Nagasaki, Japan. He graduated from the University of Charleston and went into business. Coffindaffer became a Christian when he was 42 years old. After liquidating his business, Coffindaffer became a self-proclaimed Methodist minister and served seven small churches in West Virginia, receiving an honorary degree in Florida. Two years after two heart bypass surgeries, Coffindaffer had a vision from God. He said that
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Published by Good Fortune Advertising, LLC 226 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: 740-622-4237 • Fax: 740-623-9937 Owner/Publisher - Mark Fortune Circulation & Classified – Nicole Medley Graphic Artist – Bryan Fox Sales Consultant - Sandy Grier Sales Consultant - Nina Drinko Reporting & Graphics - Beth Scott Disclaimer: The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason. The publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertising beyond the amount paid for space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s employees or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. Classified refunds will be given only on mistakes reported during the first time the ad appears in The Coshocton County Beacon. Any reproduction without written consent of the publisher is prohibited. 2010 The Coshocton County Beacon
805 Main Street, Coshocton, OH • 622-8817 Fr. William Hritsko, Pastor Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday 5:00pm (Daylight Savings Time) Saturday 4:00pm (Standard Time) Sunday 8:00am & 10:30am
the Holy Spirit spoke to him and told him to get the manpower and materials to start planting crosses. For nine years of his life, he spent over 3 million dollars in planting a cluster of crosses in 29 states, the District of Columbia, Zambia, and the Philippines. Site owners donated the land and Coffindaffer paid all the bills. The adventure of cross planting began on Sept. 28, 1984. Coffindaffer said that the crosses were, “…not for saints or sinners. For everybody. They’re up for only one sole reason, and that’s this: to remind people that Jesus was crucified on a cross at Calvary for our sins, and that He is soon coming again.” He said that he hoped the crosses along the highway would make people think. Coffindaffer had an office in his basement and seven full-time work crews across the nation erecting these crosses, which are all built from California Douglas Fir. The center cross is painted gold, which represents royalty. At each construction site, there was a solemn consecration service with scripture reading and prayers for mercy and forgiveness. The middle cross stands for the cross Jesus was crucified on and the other two on either side represent the two crosses the thieves were crucified on beside of Jesus. Coffindaffer was the subject of a PBS documentary on his life entitled, “Point Man for God” and was shown on the award-winning series, “Different Drummer”. CBS News also did a segment on him for “CBS Sunday Morning”. Coffindaffer died of a heart attack on Friday, Oct. 8, 1993. A total of 1,864 clusters of crosses have been erected. The information in this article was obtained from
Holy Day Schedule Vigil 7:00pm Holy Day 9:00am & 6:00pm
Weekday Mass Schedule Mon, Tues & Thurs 9:00am Wednesday 5:30pm
Confessions Saturday 3:30 pm (Standard Time) 4:30 pm (Daylight Savings Time) (or by appointment)
Sacred Heart School
39 Burt Avenue, Coshocton, OH • 622-3728 Mrs. Mary Stenner, Principal
FRG_002_2010 classified hotline 622-4ADS
The Beacon
April 13, 2011
Faith Renewed
The cover of the 2011 Faith Renewed is a picture of the entrance to the Branch United Methodist Church on County Road 4. The photo was taken by Beth Scott and the cover was designed by Bryan Fox.
Ju-BELL-ee is new bell choir at Roscoe church
by beth scott
Ju-BELL-ee practices every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. at the Roscoe United Methodist Church in the fellowship hall. Any member of the church is welcome to participate.
Warsaw UMC offers ministries to community
Come and join us in welcoming our new Pastor Pastor James Childers and Wife Pam The Church of God
703 S. Second St., Coshocton 740-622-0305 Pastor James Childers
Join us for our special Easter Services Sunrise Service 7:30am Breakfast 8:30am Morning Worship 10:00am
Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Morning Service 10:30 am Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Evening 7:00 pm
April 13, 2011 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ADS
The Warsaw United Methodist Church, located at 130 E. Church Street in Warsaw, offers free clothing to the community through Jacob’s Closet. They are open Thursday from 9 a.m. Noon and the last Thursday of the month, they are open from 9 a.m. – Noon and 5 – 8 p.m. They also offer a free meal to everyone the last Thursday of the month from 5 - 8 p.m. The meal is served by the men in the Fellowship Hall in the basement of the church. They have an after school program called “Faith Weavers” Kids Club. This program consists of Bible Stories, snacks, crafts, discovery lessons, games and journaling for kids K-6 grade. Kids Club runs October – March, Wednesdays from 3:30 – 5 p.m.
Faith Renewed
bells at one time. With that said, Les Widder, director and founder of the bell choir, encourages any church member who enjoys music to join. Each member has his or her own unique part in the bell choir and are sorely missed when they do not attend. Right now, the church is borrowing bells from the River View Junior High School, who were nice enough to lend them, as bells are very expensive. The bell choir is just getting its feet wet when performing for Ring those bells! Members of the newly-formed bell choir at audiences. They recently played the Roscoe United Methodist Church rehearse ‘Spirit of the Living God’ for the Habitat for Humanity at a recent Wednesday night rehearsal. Currently, there are about seven members of the choir and any member of the church is welcome to fundraiser and they have played join. Les Widder is the founder and director. Beacon photo by in their church a couple of times. Currently, they have about six beth scott songs in their repertoire. Just before Christmas last year, a few members “It’s a unique experience for somebody of the Roscoe United Methodist Church came who’s been involved in music all my life,” said together and decided to form their very first Mike Hammond, “but when you pick up a bell, bell choir, appropriately named Ju-BELL-ee. you’re looking at a piece of sheet music for Currently, there are about seven people in the the first time ever. It’s that different. It’s like choir, and each person is responsible for at least learning a foreign language.” two bells, and that number can be as high as six
“The Event” is coming to Coshocton County to save the unsaved by beth scott Sixteen pastors from 15 area churches have come together and are willing to do whatever it takes to host an evangelistic event for the unsaved in Coshocton County. Simply called, “The Event”, it will focus on spreading the Word of God to everyone in the county with their target audience being people who do not yet know God. “We believe that God can help and God is the answer,” said Pastor Larry Massie of Solid Rock Foursquare Church, “We believe that Coshocton is struggling right now and we believe the only answer there is for Coshocton is that God would help us.” The idea for The Event started last summer with Ric Bonice, who will be the speaker at The Event. He approached Massie and told him that God had put this idea on his heart and to pray about it. He felt the Lord wanted them to do something like The Event in Coshocton. Massie had felt that God was telling him the same thing for a long time, but things hadn’t worked out previously. During fair season last year, Bonice approached him again and said he really felt like God was telling him to start planning for The Event. A group from Solid Rock Foursquare Church began to pray about it and they realized this opportunity was bigger than what one church could handle, so they began inviting other churches to get involved. The result was something more than they could imagine. Massie is the Vice President of the Coshocton Ministerial Association and he began talking to other churches and pastors, including Ron Davis, President of the River View Ministerial
Association, and the Ridgewood Ministerial Association. Massie received a very positive feedback and 15 churches immediately got on board. They realized that Coshocton would not be won by one church, but it needed to be the work of the Body of Christ. “This thing isn’t going to work unless the Body of Christ realizes there is a genuine need in our community and there are lots of people who don’t know Jesus,” said Massie, “And if we don’t, as the Christians of this community, invite them, if we don’t talk to them, if we don’t share with them, if we don’t befriend them and share that message with them, then this thing will be a real flop.” Planning for The Event started out slow. Massie started sharing the idea with area pastors, which included a lot of meetings and took up a lot of time. Luckily, committees have been created to head up different areas of planning for The Event. Although the Solid Rock Foursquare Church took the lead, this is not intended to be looked upon as strictly a Foursquare Church event. It is to be conceived as a Body of Christ event, which has involved a lot of different pastors from various denominations coming together, putting aside formalities, and focusing on spreading the Word of God. “It’s just been a really phenomenal thing to see people just kind of set aside titles and work together,” said Massie, “and just be Christians and not worry about titles or anything like that. To see this is something worthwhile. We really need to work together. We need unity to make
Worship the risen Christ! Resurrection Sunday April 24th “I have seen the Lord!” (John 20:18) EVERYONE INVITED!
Vacation Bible School June 13-17 • 9am - Noon
0022_041311 classified hotline 622-4ADS
The Beacon
April 13, 2011
Faith Renewed
9:00 - Breakfast for everyone! 9:30 - Easter egg hunt for children through 6th grade - Please come and watch the kids! 10:10 - Organ prelude and Roscoe Brass Quintet Celebration of the Lord’s Supper Youth & Adult Choirs; Handbell Ringers; Men’s Octet
The Presbyterian Church
N. Fourth & Chestnut Streets (on the square) • • (740) 622-0486
this thing happen. It’s been a phenomenal thing to see God do that.” Volunteers for The Event have or will be taking training sessions to learn how to evangelize and answer questions people may have about the Christian faith in a loving way. About twenty people have gone through the first training sessions, which are taught by Bill Stockton, lay minister at the Solid Rock Foursquare church. The training is also to help people overcome their fear of evangelism. Classes are taught right up to the event and are at the Presbyterian Church in Coshocton. The next class will be an alter worker training on April 30 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. Another alter worker training class will be May 28 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. There will also be evangelism classes taught Tuesday, May 3 from 6:30 – 8 p.m. and Saturday, May 7 from 10 – 11:30 a.m. The evangelism classes will run three weeks consecutively. “This is supposed to be a natural part of who we are,” said Massie, “Out of our love for Christ, we just share our testimony. We share what he’s done for us. It’s the most exciting thing that can happen to a Christian is having the privilege of leading someone else to the Lord.” Another ministry happening at The Event will be a praise and worship team made up of people from different denominations. Massie said that has always been a dream of his to see a cross-denominational praise and worship team in Coshocton County. The Event will be Saturday, June 25 at the Coshocton County Fairgrounds at 7 p.m. This will be a non-denominational event open to anyone in the community. There will be three sessions happening simultaneously, one for adults, teens, and children. There are many areas people can help with, especially the day of the event. Massie estimates they will need 75 – 100 volunteers for the children and youth ministries and also to act as ushers. The only restriction is volunteers must pass a background check in order to work with the children. Anyone wanting to volunteer can call Pastor Larry Massie at 6221987. For those who cannot volunteer but would still like to contribute, they are also accepting additional funding that will go toward supplies for The Event. Massie said, “I truly believe the only answer for our community is God.”
Good News Book Store offers more than just sales to customers by beth scott
Open Sundays - 11am-8pm See you after church!
April 13, 2011 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ADS
Gospel Hill Ministry
Faith Renewed
For 34 years, The Good News Book Store the Book Store are always friendly and willing to lend an ear to their customers has been providing Christian products and also to any former employee who to the people of Coshocton County. may come back for a visit. They have Just recently within the last two years, had a lot of talented employees over the they upgraded their music experience last 34 years, including a special cat, to a new level. My Media Burn Bar has Balto, who used to fetch incoming faxes become a great help to both employees for them. and customers at the book store. My Media Burn Bar is a computer If a customer has a prayer where customers can listen to new request, someone is always there to pray Christian hits, scan a CD and listen to with them 90 seconds of each track, or find certain “I remember the first time I accompany arrangements to sing with. was new at the store, this older lady This is especially useful for customers came in and she was really burned about who may not be able to find the CD or something and I said, ‘Can I just pray accompany arrangement they are looking with you?’ and we went into the office. for in the store. Another available feature I’ll never forget it as long as I live, she on the Burn Bar is that customers can got down on her knees, she was an older search popular general artists they may Sharing the Good News Employees at the Good News Book lady, she got down on her knees in front like, for example, Aerosmith, and find a Store in Coshocton pose with the New King James version of The Wom- of a chair. I’ll never forget that. That was Christian artist who has a similar music en’s Study Bible. This is just one of the many Bibles the Book Store has to my first experience of knowing that it style. Once customers find the song they offer. From l-r: Karen Hunt, Cyndy Sedlock, and Kathy McKee. Beacon wasn’t just a job to sell. It was a ministry are looking for, employees can burn the photo by beth scott where we can really pray with people songs onto a CD, or customers can even and listen to people and encourage. I make their own custom CD from a variety think that’s one of our favorite parts of Kathy McKee, “People feel like this is a really of CDs they like. Employees at the book store safe place to come, and sometimes even if they’ve working here. That people will come in and share always receive weekly updates with the latest never been in, they’ll come in. I had a lady come their heart and their need.” Christian hits so they are able to keep favorite in and just start sharing all this stuff that was The Good News Book Store is open Monday CDs in stock. going on. But it was really a blessing because – Friday from 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and Saturday The book store also offers an assortment of they feel like it’s safe here to do that. So we get from 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. They will be launching a fiction and non-fiction books, Bibles, music, box a lot of opportunities Facebook page soon. cards, a large assortment of greeting cards, great here to pray with gifts, and church supplies such as candles, and people. A lot of it’s Vacation Bible School and Sunday school items. just listening because They also have a catalogue where customers can people sometimes just order items not found in the store. Employees can need somebody that also order general books for people who may not will just listen as they like to order online from home. Another service pour out their heart.” the store offers is the staff can send away old The employees at Be sure to tune in and listen to the Bibles or other books to Gospel Hill Radio Program be rebound. Monday through Friday 11:45 am on 99.3 WTNS One challenge that the employees face at Come & visit the Gospel Hill is located the book store is that modern technology Gospel Hill Lighthouse, 3 miles north off of has changed with how which is the largest U.S. Rt. 36, 6 miles people read books. inland lighthouse in west of RoscoeVillage. With the Nook from the U.S.A. The Lighthouse is open Barnes and Noble and From the top of the Monday - Friday Kindle from Amazon, lighthouse you can 9 AM - 3 PM people just aren’t look out over the evenings and buying books anymore. Because of this new beautiful valleys and weekends by technology, the Good forests of Coshocton appointment. News Book Store has County. Gospel Hill is For information call seen a decline in sales. a non-denominational 740-824-3300 But despite that, Christian Outreach or log on to the customers keep Ministry. coming, not only for the books and other 400 N. Whitewoman St. products, but for the in Historic Roscoe Village bond they have created with the employees. Open 7 Days a Week “We have a lot of ministry opportunities,” said
Soli Deo Gloria: Forty years of The Coshocton Community Choir by jan myers Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone be the Glory) is the motto of Coshocton Community Choir and the inspiration that led to the formation of the group over 40 years ago. In 1971, after his second year of teaching music at Coshocton City Schools, Charles R. Snyder felt led to begin a community choral group in Coshocton specializing in sacred music. “I had grown up in Coshocton from the sixth grade on and had experienced a great deal of fine music here during that time,” said Snyder. “As
Elderly Apartments classified hotline 622-4ADS
• Country Setting • Applicants must be at least 62 years of age. • Quietly Secluded • Social Activities • Library • Puzzle/Game Room • Pets Allowed
Seton Coshocton
The Beacon
April 13, 2011
Now Available!
BRC Properties Inc. Managing Agent A Fair Housing Community
377 Clow Lane, Coshocton • 622-7664
a grade school student, I was involved in the community sings at the ‘new gym’ at Coshocton High School (now Central Elementary). Then there were the major musical works that several churches would get together and perform each year, and I was always impressed with them. When I moved back to Coshocton after college, I remember thinking that it was too bad there wasn’t something like this that was ongoing.” Snyder began with a small group of 35 singers and they met at his music classroom at the school. “It was not a ‘Kodak Singing for 40 years The Coshocton Community Choir celebrates moment’,” said Snyder. “We its 40th anniversary this year. Director Charles R. Snyder is pictured here directing the choir in last year’s annual spring concert. This year’s concert only had one tenor. We didn’t will be May 1 at 3 p.m. at the Coshocton High School. beacon file have a regular accompanist, photo and we had to rehearse with a including Grace United Methodist, St. John’s record, but we did it. The first concert was held in December 1971 at Grace United Church of Christ and Emmanuel Lutheran United Methodist Church where we performed Church. “By 1975, I was growing a bit discouraged,” a portion of Messiah.” That was the tradition for the first few years of said Snyder. “It was a lot of effort to keep the choral group. They performed the Christmas things going—coordinating and funding the portion of Messiah each December and a couple organization. My parents even helped me pay of other concerts with the Community Band. the bills for the choir. That’s when Helen Wright The group eventually grew to approximately offered to take over the duties as coordinator and 45 members. Most of the choir’s early concerts to be our regular accompanist. She also got the were at various churches in the community Community Council of Churches on board to help support the group and that season we had over 800 people at our Christmas concert at the Presbyterian Church!” Helen Wright remained the accompanist until 1983 when Dickie Rohr Barrick took over as accompanist. In 1976, the choir added a spring concert. By the early 1980s, membership in the choir increased significantly to around 70 members and a more formal organization was established. The choir elected officers, appointed section leaders and commissioned a logo. Due to the larger group and the larger audiences, the choir’s concerts were moved to public auditoriums including the Triple Locks Theater and later, Coshocton High School’s McKinley Auditorium. The choir’s membership grew to the current number of 100 singers by 1984. The generosity of local foundations and individuals including the Coshocton Foundation, Mr. and Mrs. Seward Liberty Church Schooler, and Edward and Frances Montgomery regular service time assisted the group in purchasing robes, risers and Sunday 10:30 am
Celebrate Easter
s With Friend 10AM APRIL 24TH @ THE COSHOCTON COUNTY COURTSQUARE Music, Illustrated Message, Egg Hunt on the Square, Prize Drawing
Hey Kids Meet The Easter Bunny Liberty Church
Faith Renewed
Pastory Andy Loos 313 Main St (2nd Floor) Coshocton, OH 740-623-8017
article continues on page 7
article continued from page 6
know each other and supporting each other.” The next Coshocton Community Choir concert is the upcoming Spring Concert Soli Deo Gloria on Sunday, May 1 at 3 p.m. at Coshocton High School’s McKinley Auditorium. This concert features a tribute to Coshocton’s Bicentennial Celebration offering several Early American compositions. This is also the choir’s 40th Anniversary Celebration concert and all Choir Alumni are invited to join the choir in singing the final set of numbers during the concert. An alumni reunion dinner will be April 30. Former choir members can contact Lee Bown at (740) 622-3960 for details and reservations. Tickets for the Soli Deo Gloria concert on May 1 are $10 for adults and $5 for students and are available at the door. Presale tickets are also available from these outlets: Liberty House in Roscoe Village; Good News Bookstore, Buehlers, and Marilyn’s Natural Foods in Coshocton; Home Loan Savings Bank in West Lafayette and Baker’s Foods in Newcomerstown. For more information, contact the Coshocton Community Choir at (740) 623-0554.
The Christian Apostolic Church 78 West Pine Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812 (located across from the Sr. High Rise Building)
Reach us at: 740.622.9844 or 740.623.2255 Website: Rev. Wilbur F. White, Sr. Pastor ~ Rev. Chris J. Gimpel, Pastor
Schedule of Services Come visit one of the friendliest churches in the community! We are a Bible-believing, Spirit-filled church family that loves God and loves people! We hope you will come and visit us soon!
Sunday School — 10:00 AM Sunday Evangelistic—6:30 PM Wednesday Bible Study—7:00 PM “...a living church, with a living hope, in a living God…”
Easter Egg Hunt! Popcorn Sunday!
One day VBS! Saturday, June 25th 1-5 PM Ages 5-12 Don’t Miss It! Come learn new songs, play games, do a craft and learn a lesson about the love of God! 0020_041311
April 24th 10 AM
April 13, 2011 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ADS
Snyder. “We are so fortunate to have had a core group of people who have been involved for a long time. Several of the current singers have been singing with the Coshocton Community Choir for over 20 or 25 years. We have also had solid leadership, first with Helen Wright as our coordinator and accompanist for a number of years, and now with Dickie Barrick who has been our accompanist since 1983. Lee Bown has also provided consistent leadership as our business manager since 1984.” In 1987, Snyder organized the Coshocton Children’s Choir for students in grades four through eight. The Coshocton Youth Chorale for high school singers was established in 2002. Both choirs are projects of the Coshocton Community Choir and have students from various schools including Coshocton, Ridgewood, River View, Newcomerstown, Sacred Heart, Coshocton Christian School, Pataskala, Ohio Connections Academy, Granville, Coshocton County Career Center, Licking Heights and several home schools. “I look back at how the school rivalries used to be and I feel that the Children’s Choir and the Youth Chorale has helped to change some of that,” said Snyder. “I see these kids getting to
Faith Renewed
other equipment. The choir was re-inspired at least a couple of different times over the past four decades. “In 1982, we sang for the Festival of Religion and the Arts event that was held here in Coshocton,” said Snyder. “We hosted the Concordia Choir here about that same time for a concert, and that also really inspired our group. There was another real boost when we were able to purchase our own risers and choir robes.” More than 800 singers from all backgrounds and vocations have sung with the group over the past 40 years. The choir has been fortunate to have had the same dedicated director since its beginning. “This choir proves what is possible when a group of people come together for a common cause,” said Snyder. “When singers like each other, the harmony is also much better on the risers. Because we are a ‘community group’ people who have never heard the choir before often don’t expect the quality of our performances. Many who hear us for the first time tell us they are ‘blown away’. The concerts are a professional production put together with great care by many, many people.” “The average life-span for a community group like ours is about three years,” said
Sacred Heart Children’s Choir has shared the gift of music for the past four years by beth scott For the past four years, children at Sacred Heart have been bringing their unique gift of music to people in Coshocton County through their many festivals, concerts, and special appearances. Their goal is not only to sing and play beautiful music, but to spread the Word of God in song. “One of the good things about being in Coshocton is that prayer is important,” said Father Hritsko, director of the choir, “Singing sacred music here is not a problem like it would be in the big cities. You don’t have to apologize for your faith and belief in God.” Father William ‘Bill’ Hritsko started the children’s choir four years ago to fulfill the need for a music program in the school. Father Hritsko has a musical background and sang with his children’s choir in his parish, so he understands how important music is to young children and how it can influence their lives. Not only did the choir start with just their voices, but they
Palm Sunday 8:55 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Maundy Thursday 6:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
Praise Worship 8:55 a.m. Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m.
United Methodist Corner of 4th and Walnut Streets
Rev. Craig A. Redecker, Pastor
Sunrise Service 6:00 a.m. in the Sanctuary
also played instruments such as chimes, percussions and dulcimers, which they still use today and have even expanded their instrumental horizons. One of the first pieces they performed their first year was a beautiful fusion of a Latin hymn with the Appalachian dulcimers. Father Hritsko said the two diverse styles worked beautifully. These talented young students also perform their music in different languages. The first year of the choir, they sang in English, Latin, Spanish and Hawaiian, including a Hawaiian rendition Children’s Choir The Sacred Heart Children’s Choir practice one of ‘How Great Thou Art’. Each of their Hawaiian pieces during a recent rehearsal as they prepare for year, they have added new their trip to Columbus and for their spring concert. beacon photo languages and have now added by beth scott German, Italian, and French to their repertoire. One of the Father Hritsko says that new members pieces they performed last year included a piece catch on quickly and he jokingly said he almost from the Hansel and Gretel opera, “Evening forgets that they’re new members. Some of the Prayer”, which they sang in German. choir’s members travel to Sacred Heart from The choir started with 14 children and has public school just to perform in the choir. If a expanded to 23 in just four years. They learn member is not at a rehearsal because of a prior and memorize 17 songs each year, 13 of those commitment, the other members step up and fill being new songs. Last year’s choir sang in 18 in for the absent singer as if it’s not a big deal. performances with four completely different Although a member might miss a rehearsal does repertoires, music from the previous year, not mean that he or she will not have their music Christmas music, music for Good Friday, and memorized and polished when it is time to music for their spring concert. Four-year veterans perform. These know what’s expected of them of the choir can sing for up to three hours without and they do it. They also understand that they repeating a song, and one and a half hours of represent the Catholic Church and themselves. Christmas music without repeating. Therefore, misbehavior is not an option and the students understand and respect that. Even through all the hard work and dedication, the children’s choir is really all about learning about music, growing a little in faith, making new friends, and having fun. “I want it to be fun so they can see that music is a gift they can take with them the rest of their lives,” said Father Hritsko. See our new line He also said that it helps build students’ of Candles & Lotions confidence in standing in front of a large crowd and performing. He believes that’s one of the * Riccar Vacuums gifts of being in a performance group. Another gift is that the choir becomes like family and * Sales & Service each member can call on each other and count * Fabric * Classes * Yarn on each other. Everyone, whether from Sacred Heart or public school, is treated equally from their peers. After doing this for four years, Father Hritsko has one memory that sticks out in his mind. A small group of about six children sang for a funeral for someone who was dedicated heart and soul to the Sacred Heart School. The 603 Main St, Coshocton, OH students sang an Italian piece and Father Hritsko 740-622-5956 said they sounded just like angels and everyone
Good Friday Community Service 7:00 p.m.
0006_041311 classified hotline 622-4ADS
The Beacon
April 13, 2011
Faith Renewed
Mon-Fri: 9:30-5:30 • Sat: 9-4
article continues on page 9
“Christ’s Kitchen” serves home-cooked meal to community every week by beth scott
65 W. Pine Street, Coshocton • 740-622-8811
Sunday AM Small Group Study Classes – 9:30 am Coffee Worship Time – 10:15-10:30 am Sunday Worship – 10:30 am
Loving God Loving You 19476 Perry Twp. Road 380 • Warsaw Phone: 740.327.5800 Fax: 740.327.1020 Email: Web: FRG_0003_2010
was in tears. “Just the simplicity of the voices and the beauty of the piece…It was truly a prayer,” he said. Their next big performance will be at the Columbus Diocese fundraiser, which has a Hawaiian Luau theme this year, so the choir will be singing in Hawaiian. This is the first time a children’s group will be performing. They will also be having their spring concert on May 15 at 3 p.m. where they will be singing a Hawaiian set and also a special piece on ‘Simple Gifts’ with a ‘Lord of the Dance’ arrangement. The Sacred Heart Children’s Choir rehearses every Wednesday from 3:30 – 5 p.m. at the Sacred Heart School.
Baptist Church Wednesday Family Nite (September - March): Meal – 5:30-6:10 pm Activities – 6:30 pm Thursday Ladies Bible Study – 10 am Men’s Fellowship – Varies
article continued from page 8
“Providing Quality Affordable Vehicles & Satisfaction After the Sale Since 1972”
Perry Chapel
April 13, 2011 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ADS
Children’s Choir.................
dishes, helping to cook, or serving. Most of the volunteers are there each week doing their part in serving the community and serving God. “You feel God,” said June Eckelberry, volunteer, “You want to do it for God and you want to be around people and be thankful that they can come and have a good time. I try to help as much as I can and if I can make a cake for someone to have, I get a blessing from it. As long as they get a blessing, I get a blessing and that’s what it’s all about.” “It’s a great way to show the love of Christ to people in the community and it’s a way to give back to God for all that he has given me,” said Arlene Mayhew, volunteer. “Christ’s Kitchen” is open to everyone in the Newcomerstown and surrounding areas and is completely free of charge. Their current hours of serving are 4 – 6:30 p.m. The church is located at 648 Oak Street in Newcomerstown.
Faith Renewed
Church. The majority of the people who attend are not church-goers or do not attend the Christ United Methodist Church. But they like to come and experience a positive atmosphere, a place where they feel safe and enjoy each other’s company. This is also some of the first communications people in the community have had with Christians and the church wants to make sure they feel blessed. “God is a God of blessing,” said Pastor Russ Ham, “He wants everyone to have an abundance of good things, not riches, but Christ’s Kitchen The Christ United Methodist Church serves a blessings, and so we try to create a home-cooked meal every Monday night from 4 – 6:30 p.m. Pictured here space where people are blessed.” is volunteer Sarah Ashcraft serving food to a family on Monday, April 4. The church takes great pride in the food they serve and they beacon photo by beth scott want “Christ’s Kitchen” to serve the best meal in town every NEWCOMERSTOWN – The fellowship hall Monday night. The food used for the meals is at the Christ United Methodist Church comes obtained from Journey’s End in Newcomerstown alive on Monday afternoon as people in the and from the Akron-Canton Food Bank, and community and surrounding areas come to enjoy volunteers try to be creative in the different a home-cooked meal and fellowship with each kinds of food they make. The many desserts other. Volunteers from the church pass through are all home-made and donated from members the beautifully-decorated tables with a pot of of the congregation. “Christ’s Kitchen” is not a coffee, asking if anyone needs a refill or if they soup kitchen, and the staff tries to make it more would like to have prayer. Back in the kitchen, of a fine-dining restaurant experience. The food approximately 40 volunteers begin preparing a is served on silver and china for that restaurant meal that will feed from 125 to 180 people in feel and also to cut down on wasting paper and one evening. The ministry is called, “Christ’s Kitchen” and plastic materials. began two and a half years ago by Dick Miller For the volunteers, they are each assigned as his way of giving back to the community. their own job in the kitchen, either washing It started as a weekly community meal at his restaurant, but as the attendance began to grow, the meal was moved to Christ United Methodist
country church is growing and going strong by beth scott Out on County Road 4 stands a little Methodist Church with great faith and big plans for the future. For someone who’s looking for a little one-room country church, Branch United Methodist Church is the place to be. The Branch church was formed at the residence of Eli Smith on Jan. 3, 1839 by Reverends Kellogg and Brown, ministers of the Roscoe Circuit of the Ohio Conference and soon, a frame building was erected just a few feet south of where the present structure stands today. The present building was built in 1872
Keene United Methodist Church “Salt and Light in the World” Rev. Dairel Kaiser
Worship Service 9:30am
Sunday School Adult - 8:30am Jr./Sr. High - 9:00am Children - 9:30am
27100 CR 1 • Coshocton 740-622-8059
and in 1885, the church was remodeled. Joel Mason became pastor in July of 2010 and he has been experiencing and has witnessed life-changing events at the little country church. There are approximately 35 people who attend on a regular Sunday, and Pastor Mason has had about 80 first-time visitors come through the doors. Some of those visitors have even decided to make Branch United Methodist Church their church home. Another positive addition to the Sunday worship is the Children’s Chat. The idea started before Pastor Mason began with one exception. The children were removed from the service and taken into a small back room for their own children’s sermon. Pastor Mason has since expanded and changed that idea, and now the children have their own sermon during services where they gather in the front pew to hear a sermon prepared just for them. Children’s Chat has since grown from one little girl to 18 children, including teenagers. “The Holy Spirit has the power to speak to the little ones just as much as he does to the big ones,” said Pastor Mason. Preaching the Word of God. Joel Mason Mason said that the current economic is the pastor at Branch United Methodist Church on situation has influenced the church, but in a County Road 4. Worship services are Sunday at 9 a.m. positive light. He believes part of the reason beacon photo by beth scott the church continues to grow is because in Mason and the committee decided that 10% of these hard economic times, people are looking every dollar the church collected would be split for something bigger than themselves and their between New Life Ministries food pantry and current situation. Surprisingly, he said the tithing the Hope Clinic. He said since that time, the has gone through the roof. After Mason arrived, church has been doing well financially. he began going through the account books and The church building will be undergoing noticed something that disheartened him. The a major change soon. Because the building is church was barely staying afloat and threatened the original 1872 building, the roof is in need to close. After calling a business meeting, of repair. The congregation has raised almost $6,000 for the new roof. This also includes a generous donation by the American Legion in Dresden of $200. “When you’re getting people outside of your church community to give for the church’s purpose, that gives us a reason to keep doing what we’re doing and to do it better,” said Mason. Some of Pastor Mason’s greatest memories are of people finding the Lord and being saved. He remembers last Christmas Eve when over • Jim Shore Angels 100 people attended the church services, compared to 18 the year before. He also will • Willow Tree® Angels always remember the time two young teenagers • Prayer Journal laid hands on a friend and prayed for him. • Music Boxes “If you don’t know what your purpose in life is, you need to watch somebody give their life to • Stationary and the Lord. You need to be a part of it, and if that Greeting Cards don’t give you a fire, nothing will,” said Mason. He also recalls his first Sunday at Branch. He went in early to pray and left the door open. As he was asking the Holy Spirit to come into Roscoe Village the church, a sparrow flew in and remained for Open 7 Days a week the whole service. When the lay person asked
Warsaw United Roscoe Methodist Church General Store 740.824.3228 - 130 East Church Street P.O. Box 37 - Warsaw, OH 43844
Pastor Ron Little Bible Study: Tuesdays at 10am Kid’s Club: Wednesdays 3:30-5:00pm October - March Air-Conditioned, Elevator for Handicapped Mission Statement: That the glory of God is seen in all we say and do.
Sunday School: 9:30 - 10:20 am
Worship Time: 10:30 - 11:45am 0001_041311
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The Beacon
April 13, 2011
Faith Renewed
B-10 Little
article continues on page 11
How well do you know the story of Easter?
God’s Richest Blessings To You From...
Coshocton Baptist Church
1631 Denman Ave • Coshocton 740-622-9803 *NEW* *NEW*
Sunday School Sunday Morning Worship Sunday Evening Worship Wed. Night Bible Study Wed. AWANA (Sept. – April )
9:30 am 10:40 am 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:25 pm
article continued from page 10
Bibles • Gifts • Books • Cards • Music • Instrument Rentals & Accessories • myMEDIA BurnBarTM • Create Custom CDs Find us on -
313 Main St., Coshocton • 622-1651 Hours: M-F 9:30 - 5:30 • Sat 10-4 0023_041311
Music & Drama........all ages welcome Awana ........................................K-8th Youth .....................................7th-12th Young Adult .......................ages 18-30 Children’s Church ..................ages 3-8
UPCOMING EVENTS ***SPRING REVIVAL*** Revival Starts - April 17th at 10:40am Revival Continues - April 17th-22nd Each Night at 6:30pm Vacation Bible School July 24th-29th at 6:30pm-8pm 0032_041311
if anyone wanted to say anything, Pastor Mason stood up and said that he had been praying for the Holy Spirit to come into the church and the Lord sent them a ‘hick dove’. The Branch United Methodist Church has worship services every Sunday at 9 a.m. Anyone with or without a church home is welcome to attend. “Every saint has a past. Every sinner has a future,” said Pastor Mason, “What’s wrong with the church today is the people who are lost stand back, look at it and say, they all think they’re better than we are. What lost people need to understand and what we need to portray is, we’re not better, just weak enough to follow God.”
18. How many people were crucified beside of Jesus? a) 3 b) 2 c) 10 19. Of those crucified beside of Jesus, how many asked for forgiveness? a) 1 b) 6 c) 0 20. How much silver did Judas accept for the betrayal of Jesus? a) 20 pieces b) 15 pieces c) 30 pieces
April 13, 2011 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ADS
10. Who betrayed Jesus to the Roman soldiers? a) Thomas b) Peter c) Judas 11. Which disciple denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed? a) Peter b) Judas c) John 12. What did the Roman soldiers give to Jesus on the cross when he said he was thirsty? a) Water b) Vinegar c) Wine 13. The day Jesus entered Jerusalem is known as? a) Easter b) Palm Sunday c) Maundy Thursday 14. What is the name of the rock where Jesus died? a) Golgotha Hill b) Magdalene Rock c) Jerusalem Hill 15. How many times did Jesus speak while hanging on the cross? a) 10 b) 3 c) 7 16. Jesus wore a crown on the cross made by the Roman soldiers. What was the crown made of? a) thorns b) gold c) flowers 17. What was the name of the man who sentenced Jesus to death? a) Judas Iscariot b) Pontius Pilot c) Caesar
Faith Renewed
1.According to the gospels, how did the disciples know something had happened at Jesus’ tomb? a) A star shone over the tomb b) Four of Pilate’s soldiers were missing c)The stone was rolled back 2. Which follower of Jesus did not see him the day of the resurrection? a) Thomas b) Mary Magdalene c) Peter 3. What does the bread and wine symbolize when taking communion? a) The body and blood of Jesus b) The 12 disciples c) It has no symbolization 4.What did the ‘men in dazzling white’ say to the women who entered the tomb? a) ‘Why do you seek the living among the dead?’ b) ‘Go and seek the bread of life’ c) ‘Be not afraid’ 5. Which flower often symbolizes Jesus’ Resurrection? a) Crocus b) Rose with thorns c) Lily 6. The word “paschal” is derived from Pascha, which in turn is related to the Jewish holiday of: a) Rosh Hashanah b) The feast of the Ten Commandments c) Passover 7. Who wrote ‘O Death, where is thy sting?’ a) Saint Augustine b) The Apostle Paul c) William Shakespeare 8. Which word is most common in Easter hymns? a) Amen b) Abba c) Alleluia 9. What is Maundy Thursday? a) When Jesus was crucified b) When Jesus shared the Last Supper with his disciples c) When Jesus entered Jerusalem
Christian Tabernacle offers youth ministries for all ages by beth scott Stuff” or K4J (Kids for Jesus), meet upstairs and have a great time singing and dancing. “Kids Stuff” is for children from kindergarten up to 5th grade with 6th grade helpers. It is an interactive worship time where, after the singing and dancing, the kids learn their lesson through a skit where the kids are encouraged to get involved. The skit is related to their age group and deals with everyday issues they face such as bullying and peer pressure. “I just like being involved with the kids and make a difference in their lives,” said Angie Everhart, a volunteer for “Kids Stuff”. X4J (Excited for Jesus) is a youth ministry for junior and high minute to win it The Coshocton Christian Tabernacle offers school students age 13 – 19. They youth programs for children, teens, and young adults. Pictured here meet in the gymnasium and play are Allie McCloskey and Emilie Wesney playing a “Minute to Win It” basketball and socialize. They also game before Bible Study. beacon photo by beth scott play “Minute to Win It”, which is a spinoff of the popular game show, The Coshocton Christian Tabernacle, located and then study a Bible lesson with across from Wal-Mart on Airport Road, offers Pastor Jason Diaz, Associate Pastor of Student many opportunities for the youth of Coshocton Ministries. County to get involved in their community and “I really like that you walk in and it’s just a to learn and grow in the Word of God. The different atmosphere and it’s like, we get refilled Tabernacle features youth programs for infants when we come here,” said Arminta Coakley, all the way up to those who are in college or just 10th grader at Coshocton Christian Tabernacle, out of college and everything in between. “It’s a renewing of our souls. Jason is a really Two nights a week, children, youth, and good preacher. He’s not afraid to tell you how it young adults gather at the Tabernacle to sing, is, and usually if I’m going through something, dance, play some basketball with their peers, and he’s right there to help.” delve in the Word of God. Every Wednesday at X4J also has big competitions throughout 6:30 p.m., over 80 teens and 60 children attend the year and an outing once every three months their youth ministries. where they play laser tag, paintball, go bowling, The children’s ministry, called “Kids or other fun activities. Occasionally, the group travels out of state. For those who need a ride, the church also offers a bus which runs every Wednesday and Sunday for kids to ride to and from the church. 2011 Church of God The Tabernacle also has a nursery open Camp Meeting Wednesday nights from 6:15 – 8 p.m. for July 8-17 children infant through two years old. The youth groups also meet on Sundays at 6 Gospel Singing & Preaching p.m. for a “Diving Deep” devotional time with Day Camps for Children & Youth God and with each other. The children break 7:30pm General Services up into small groups according to their age and EVERYONE WELCOME each group is taught by a volunteer leader, which gives the children an opportunity to have oneon-one time with the leaders. After hearing the weekly lesson, the X4J group also breaks up into small groups of 8 – 10 and discusses the lesson in depth. The young adult group also meets on Sunday Camp Warsaw Retreat Center night either at the church or somewhere off site. This ministry is fairly new, but it’s doing 818 E. Main St, Warsaw well with at least 22 members. They meet in an upstairs room decorated like a coffee shop. They mingle, drink a cup of coffee, and choose their own topic they want to discuss. The X4J is starting something new this year. They will be having a summer camp at Echoing 740-824-4051 for more info
You’re invited to attend
CR AF classified hotline 622-4ADS
The Beacon
April 13, 2011
Faith Renewed
B-12 Coshocton
Hills. They will also be having a children’s camp called Kids Campout on Memorial Day weekend where they’ll be able to sleep out in tents and play games. In addition to the summer camp this year, the youth group will be going on a mission trip to Texas the summer of 2012. There, they will be facilitating a sports-driven youth outreach ministry and also help with VBS. Nineteen teens and 10 adults will be going for a 10-day stay. The youth group also offers a “Mud Ministry” to the community in conjunction with a church adult group, Stephen’s Ministry. This ministry offers help to local residents and businesses by fixing up their home or place of business free of charge. Last year, there was a member of the community who needed major home renovations and the group completely remodeled her home with a new stove, refrigerator, and new floor, all donated by members of the congregation. Their next project involves fixing up a local restaurant. “What we see here in Coshocton County is that there’s a lot of hurt,” said Pastor Diaz. “There’s a lot of pain, there’s a lot of loss, there’s a lot of trouble for those young people to really get into. There are a lot of opportunities to stay away from those things, but a lot of those opportunities aren’t consistent. Here, in the church-type setting, this is something that we run year-long and it’s something we are consistent with. We limit their excuses. You don’t have a ride, we’ll come and pick you up. It gives them an opportunity to see a positive peer environment. It gives them a place where it’s structures, and a safe place where they can be. It’s a haven for them to walk away from those things they have to deal with every single day and to be in a place where they can feel safe and secure and really get the influence they need as a young person.” The youth groups meet Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 6 p.m. at the church. The Christian Tabernacle has regular worship services Sunday at 10 a.m. Learn more about the Christian Tabernacle by visiting their Web site at
Answers to Quiz from page 11 1) C 2) A 3) A 4) A 5) C 6) C 7) B 8) C 9) B 10) C
11) A 12) B 13) B 14) A 15) C 16) A 17) B 18) B 19) A 20) C
Churches in Coshocton County
Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 43440 State Route 541 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0366 Pastor: John Gray Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m.
BAPTIST Calvary Baptist Church 46621 U.S. Rt. 36 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 623-0211 Web site: Pastor: Cal Searles Sunday School: 9 a.m. Worship: 10:15 a.m. Bible Study: Women’s: Tuesday from 10 – 11:30 a.m. and Sunday 5:45 – 7:15 p.m.; Men’s: Sunday 6 – 7 p.m. Coshocton Baptist Church 1631 Denman Ave. Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-9803 Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:40 a.m. and 6 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Web site:
First Baptist Church of West Lafayette 688 East Main Street West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 545-7864 Pastor: David Kraft
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church 227 Burt Ave. Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-3632 Victory Baptist Church – Independent Fundamental 355 Brown Lane Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-8852 Pastor: Ralph Johnson Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Prayer: Wednesday at 7 p.m. Village Baptist Church 22131 Orchard Street West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 545-6018 Pastor: A.C. Dockery Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Wednesday service: 6 p.m. BIBLE CHURCH Chili Crossroads Bible Church 29463 Coshocton County Road 10 Fresno, Ohio 43824 Phone: (740) 545-9707 Web site:
CATHOLIC Sacred Heart Church 805 Main Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-8817 Web site: Father: William Hritsko Sunday School: 9 – 10:15 a.m. Mass: Saturday at 4 p.m. Standard Time and 5 p.m. during Daylight Savings; Sunday at 8 and 10:30 a.m. Bible Study: Set by individual group each month.
If you do not see your church listed, please call us at 622-4237 or e-mail us at
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH “A Confessing Church” Pastor, Tim Thomas, CLP Join Us for Easter Sunrise Service at 7:00 a.m. lead by our children, breakfast is served following Sunrise Service and Worship at 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Schedule Divine Worship begins at 9:15 AM Sunday school begins at 10:15 AM
304 E. Fourth St., Warsaw, OH 43844 740-824-3173 Email:
First Baptist Church of Coshocton 618 Chestnut Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0300 Pastor: Murray McMillian Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Worship: 9:30 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday at 7 p.m.
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church 2094 South 9th Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0510 Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesday from 7 – 8 p.m. with fellowship afterwards
Fresno Bible Church 24629 State Route 93 Fresno, Ohio 43824 Phone: (740) 545-7382 Pastor: Chris Cutshall Sunday School: 9 a.m. Worship: 10 a.m. Prayer Meeting: Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. (Youth group and Awana also at this time.)
ASSEMBLY OF GOD First Assembly of God 803 Vine Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-7525 Web site: Pastor: Michael Cogley Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
Pastor: Neal Dearyan Sunday School: 10:45 a.m. Worship: 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesday at 7 p.m.
April 13, 2011 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ADS
Perry Chapel Baptist Church 19476 Township Road 380 Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 327-5800 Web site: Pastor: David Fowls Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:40 a.m. Bible Study: Adult Bible Study: Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.; Women’s Bible Study Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. and Thursday at 10 a.m.
Faith Renewed
APOSTOLIC Christian Apostolic Church 78 Pine Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-9844 Web site: Pastor: Rev. Chris Gimpel Senior Pastor: Wilbur White Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 6:30 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesday at 7 p.m. classified hotline 622-4ADS
The Beacon
April 13, 2011
Faith Renewed
Churches in Coshocton County
CHRISTIAN DISCIPLES OF CHRIST Central Christian Church 731 Main Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-2208 Reverend: Philip Hunt Worship: 10:30 a.m. Bible Study: Sunday at 9:15 a.m. at the church and Thursday at Windsorwood at 10:15 a.m.
CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Coshocton Alliance Church 730 West Chestnut Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-1078 Pastor: Michael Bilsza Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesday at 7 p.m. CHURCH OF CHRIST Church of Christ 1800 Chestnut Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-5461 Preacher: Lloyd Tenney Worship: 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesday at 7 p.m. Church of Christ 118 East Russell Ave West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 294-0503 Preacher: Floyd Bates Worship: 10:30 a.m. Church of Christ Parkview 21664 State Route 751 West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 545-9384 Preacher: John Gibson Worship: 10:30 a.m. Bible Study: Sunday at 9:30 a.m. First Church of Christ 1680 Otsego Ave Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-1410 St. John’s United Church of Christ 808 Orange Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-2781 Web site: Reverend: Joanna Lance Sunday School: During worship Worship: 11 a.m. Bible Study: Tuesdays 1 – 3 p.m.
CHURCH OF GOD Church of God 703 South 2nd Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0305 Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesday at 7 p.m.
EPISCOPAL St. Paul’s United Episcopal Church 1242 East Main Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0986 Father: John Jenkins Worship: 10 a.m. Trinity Episcopal Church 705 Main Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0860 Pastor: Diane Cook Worship: 10 a.m. FOURSQUARE GOSPEL Solid Rock Foursquare Church 46160 Coshocton County Road 55 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-7736 Pastor: Larry Massie Children’s Church: 10:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Wednesday Service: 6:30 p.m. Youth Group (JAGG): Sunday at 6 p.m. and Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. LUTHERAN Emmanuel Lutheran Church 1500 Pleasant Valley Dr. Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-2550 Pastor: Bryan Kittner Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Bible Study: Women’s is every Monday at 1 p.m. and Men’s is the first, third and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. NAZARENE Coshocton Nazarene Church 1058 Orange Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-1912 Web site: Pastor: Donald Lain Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Worship: 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 7 p.m.: Mid-Week Meeting: R.E.A.L. Deal, Caravan, and Adult Prayer Meeting
West Lafayette Church of the Nazarene 405 East Main St West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 545-6407 NON-DENOMINATIONAL Coshocton Christian Tabernacle 23891 Airport Rd. Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-4133 Web site: Pastor: Dan Keaton Sunday School: 9 a.m. (Adults only); 6 p.m. for all ages (X4J also at this time) Worship: 10 a.m. (11 a.m.: Children’s Church) Bible Study: Adult Bible Study Wednesday at 6 p.m. (K4J and X4J also at this time.) Gospel Hill Ministry 27610 Township Road 45 Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 824-3300 Web site: Email: Pastor: Ronald Davis Worship: 10:30 a.m. and Thursday at 7 p.m. Bible Class: Sunday at 9:30 a.m. New Beginnings Ministries 331 Church St Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 824-4878 Web site: Pastor: Bill Dunfee Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Bible Study: Thursday family night at 6:30 p.m. Set Free Community Church 117 South 6th Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-8703 Worship: 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesday at 7 p.m. Shepherd’s Christian Assembly 311 Main Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 623-3888 Pastor: Starkey Lawrence Sunday School: Junior church for ages 4 - 12 during the Sunday service Worship: 10 a.m. Bible Study: Thursday at 7 p.m. and the first and third Tuesday at 10 a.m.
Churches in Coshocton County
PENTECOSTAL New Life Ministries 727 South 7th Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-2181 Pastor: Mark Granger Sunday School: During worship Worship: 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Bible study: Wednesday at 7 p.m. PRESBYTERIAN Bakersville Presbyterian Church 28164 Coshocton County Road 97 Bakersville, Ohio 43803 Phone: (330) 897-2420 Pastor: Peter Mathewson Worship: 9:30 a.m. Christian Education: 10:45 a.m.
Worship: 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday at 6 p.m.
UNITED METHODIST Canal Lewisville United Methodist Church 198 East Church Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-3977 Pastor: Jane Betts Worship: 9:30 a.m. with Sunday School afterward.
Prairie Chapel United Methodist Church 45494 Coshocton County Road 23 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-3992 Web site: Reverend: Everett Stoddard Sunday School: 10:40 a.m. Worship: 9:15 a.m. Bible Study: Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. and Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
Conesville United Methodist Church 195 State St Conesville, Ohio 43811 Phone: (740) 829-2219 Pastor: Joy Blaney Worship: 9:40 a.m. at New Moscow and 11 a.m. at the Conesville church Sunday School: 10 a.m. Fresno United Methodist Church 54233 White Eyes Twp Rd 172 Fresno, Ohio 43824 Phone: (740) 545-6422 Pastor: Mary Owen Sunday School: 9 a.m. Worship: 10 a.m. Bible Study: Sunday at 6 p.m.
Presbyterian Church 142 North 4th Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0486 Web site: Reverend: Jon Carlisle Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m.
Keene United Methodist Church 27100 County Road 1 Keene, Ohio 43828 Phone: (740) 622-8059 Pastor: Dairel Kaiser Sunday School: Call for information Worship: 9:30 a.m. Bible Study: Monday at 6:30 p.m.
Warsaw First Presbyterian Church 304 E 4th St Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 824-3173
Park United Methodist Church 122 Park Ave. Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0821 Web site: Pastor: James Macdonald Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
Roscoe United Methodist Church 475 High Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-7780 Pastor: Coralee Cox Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Warsaw United Methodist Church 130 E Church St Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 824-3228 Pastor: Ron Little Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Bible Study: Tuesday at 10 a.m. West Lafayette United Methodist Church 120 West Union Avenue West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 545-6368 Reverend: Sue E. Chidley Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Bible Study: Monday at 7 p.m. and Wednesday at 10 a.m. WESLEYAN Burt Ave. Wesleyan Church 230 Burt Ave. Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0435 Pastor: Rodney Uhlig Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday prayer at 6:30 p.m.
Fresno Presbyterian Church 54169 White Eyes Township Rd 172 Fresno, Ohio 43824 Phone: (740) 920-4093 Pastor: Peter S. Mathewson Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m.
Grace United Methodist Church 422 Walnut Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-1302 Web site: Reverend: Craig Redecker Praise Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Traditional Service: 11 a.m.
Plainfield United Methodist Church 101 Church St. West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 545-6413 Pastor: Dale Thomas Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship: 11 a.m.
April 13, 2011 The Beacon classified hotline 622-4ADS
Word Worship Center 802 Walnut Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-4364 Web site: Pastor: Jim Gross Sunday School: 9:15 a.m. Worship: 10:15 a.m. (Junior Church also at this time) Bible Study: Sunday at 6 p.m. and Wednesday at 7 p.m.
SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Coshocton Seventh Day Adventist Church 46632 Coshocton County Rd. 495 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 623-0075 Web site: Pastor: Dr. Vincent Gardner Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 11 a.m.
Faith Renewed
Word of Life Ministries 472 West Russell Ave West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 545-6219 Pastor: Carl Cutlip Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Bible Study: Wednesdays at 6 p.m.
B-15 classified hotline 622-4ADS
The Beacon
April 13, 2011
Faith Renewed
Revs. Craig Redecker, Jan Coffman 622-1302
Palm Sunday, April 17 - 8:55 & 11 am - Each person will receive a palm. Come - Celebrate! Maundy Thursday - 7 pm - Worship with Roscoe, Park, and Canal Lewisville churches at the communion table for this very special evening. Rev. Jim Humphrey, our District Superintendent, will bring the message and combined choirs will share a song. Good Friday - Noon - Worship as Grace hosts this service for the greater Coshocton community. Easter Sunrise Service - 6 am - With fellowship breakfast to follow. Easter Sunday Praise - 8:55 am Easter Sunday Traditional Worship - 11 am
Rev. Coralee Cox 622-7780 Palm Sunday, April 17 - 10:30 am - Come join our celebration as the children lead us in praise! Maundy Thursday - 7 pm - Combined worship at Grace UMC (including Roscoe, Park, and Canal Lewisville UMCs) Rev. Jim Humphrey will preach, with Holy Communion. Service is open to all. Good Friday - Quiet prayer and reflection from 9 am - 3 pm in the sanctuary with printed suggestions for Bible reading and prayer. Easter Sunday - 7 am - “Son-Rise” Worship led by our “Teens Growing In Faith” Stay for breakfast. 10:30 am - Resurrection Rejoicing Worship with special music and sermon, “The First Words of the Risen Christ”.
Pastor Everett Stoddard 622-3992 Palm Sunday, April 17 - 9:15 am - Worship with celebration of Jesus’ entry to Jerusalem with the waving of the palms Good Friday - 11 - 1 - Open communion and prayer at the church. Good Friday - 7 pm - Combined worship with RVMA churches at Warsaw Retreat Center. Easter Sunday - 7 a.m. - “Son Rise” Worship at the Cemetery (weather permitting) followed by Sunrise Breakfast hosted by the United Methodist Men. Celebration Sunday - 9:15 am - Worship with baptisms. An Easter Egg hunt follows worship.
Rev. Dairel Kaiser 622-8059
Maundy Thursday, April 21- 7 pm - Worship Good Friday - 7 pm - Combined worship with RVMA churches at Warsaw Retreat Center. Easter Early (Youth Led): 7:30 am Easter Breakfast: 8:30 am Easter Worship: 9:30 am
Rev. Sue Chidley 545-6368
Pastor Ron Little 824-3228 Palm Sunday, April 17 - 10:30 am - Traditional waving of the palms Scripture Reading - Matthew 26:14-66 Theme: “The Passion Story, Jesus Confronts His Enemies” Easter Sunrise - 8 am at Spring Acres Farm, 28643 TR 341, Warsaw, with 8:45 am breakfast to follow at the church Easter Worship - 10:30 am after 9:30 Sunday School
Palm Sunday, April 17 - 10:30 am - Children and choir will process with palms. The Chancel Choir and Merrie Ringers will play. Maundy Thursday - 7 pm - Worship with Holy Communion Good Friday - 7:30 pm - Community worship at Plainfield Easter Sunday - 8 am - Early Service with breakfast to follow and an Easter Egg hunt. Easter Worship - 10:30 am - Worship with a choir cantata and the confirmation class joining the church.
Rev. Joy Blaney 829-2219
Palm Sunday, April 17 - 9:40 am at New Moscow, 11 am at Conesville Maundy Thursday – 7 pm In the Upper Room Resurrection Sunday - 6:30 am Sunrise Service at Conesville followed by breakfast 9:40 am - Celebration of the Resurrection at New Moscow 11 am - Celebration of the Resurrection at Conesville
Pastor Mary Owen 545-6422 Palm Sunday, April 17 - 10 am - Worship Service of Celebration Maundy Thursday - 7 pm - Service of Hand Washing & Communion Good Friday - 2 pm - Service of Contemplation Easter Sunrise - 6:30 am - Worship at the Fairview Cemetery on the hill above Fresno Easter Sunday - 10 am - Service of Renewal
He is Risen! He is Risen, INDEED!