Faith Renewed Your Guide to Spiritual Growth & Hope
for Coshocton County
- Directory of Area Churches - Churches Offer Community Dinners - Nazarene Easter Musical Revamped Proudly published by:
- NewPointe a Hit in Coshocton
Customer Index
Center for Medical Weight Loss............................. 5 Central Christian Church.......................................14 Church of God.......................................................20 Coshocton Nazarene Church ..................................8 Gospel Hill Ministry...............................................11 Grace United Methodist Church...........................16 Linnet’s Flowers on the Square.............................13 New Beginnings Ministries .....................................9 NewPointe Community Church ..............................7 Oscar Rose Steak and Seafood House ...................6 Perry Chapel Baptist Church.................................10 Presbyterian Church................................................2 Roscoe United Methodist Church...........................8 Route 5 Auto Sales................................................12 Sacred Heart Church ...............................................6 Seton Coshocton Apartments ................................4 Three Rivers United Methodist Church ..................3 Trinity Episcopal Church .......................................12 Warehouse Steak n’ Stein .....................................10 Warsaw Church of the Nazarene ..........................17 Warsaw First Presbyterian Church .......................14 Warsaw United Methodist Church........................13
Article Index
Area Churches ...................................14 - 15 Community Dinners ...................................9 Coshocton Hospital receives gift ...............8 Faith that Transforms................................12 Mayor works on prayer for Coshocton ....10 New Easter Musical ..................................13 New preschool opens...............................10 NewPointe Community Church ..................4 Ninth Annual Music Fest ............................7 Prison Ministry ..........................................12 Sacred Heart .............................................13 The Hope Clinic ..........................................6 Women of Witness .....................................2
Published by Good Fortune Advertising, LLC 226 Main Street, Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: 740-622-4237 • Fax: 740-623-9937 Owner/Publisher - Mark Fortune Circulation & Classified – Nicole Medley Graphic Artist – Bryan Fox Sales Consultant - Sandy Grier Sales Consultant - Nina Drinko Reporting & Graphics - Beth Scott News and Content Editor - Josie Sellers Disclaimer: The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising for any reason. The publisher shall not be liable for damages arising out of errors in advertising beyond the amount paid for space actually occupied by that portion of the advertisement in which the error occurred, whether such error is due to the negligence of the publisher’s employees or otherwise, and there shall be no liability for non-insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. Classified refunds will be given only on mistakes reported during the first time the ad appears in The Coshocton County Beacon. Any reproduction without written consent of the publisher is prohibited. 2010 The Coshocton County Beacon
Women of Witness shares Jesus through good deeds BY JOSIE SELLERS Women of Witness is a nondenominational organization. For information, call 622-3797 or e-mail The group’s office, located on Main Street between Goodwill and The Goodness Bookstore, is open on Tuesdays. COSHOCTON – In the Bible, Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” “This is the foundation for Women of Witness,” said Cindy Carroll. “We want to walk alongside women in the community who have spiritual, physical or even emotional needs and love and support them.” The overall goal is to be sisters in Christ. “We want to show them Jesus in the flesh through random acts of kindness,” Carroll said. The small, but mighty group was founded by Lena Crouso and is now led by Carroll who is the ministry director. Members are involved in jail ministry, praying for the community, helping with the National Day of Prayer, assisting mothers in need of diapers and wipes, distributing school supplies and offering fellowship opportunities through the fall rally and spring tea. “Our Helping Hands School Supply Drive helps family with back to school needs,” Carroll said. “We pack book bags full of basic school supplies and last year handed out between 250 and 300. It’s all done through community donations.” Women of Witness is a nonprofit organization and greatly appreciates the help of the community with its projects. “There are a lot of kind and generous hearts in this community,” Carroll said. The organization also is happy to announce
that New Beginnings Ministry in Warsaw will be assisting with this year’s Helping Hands School Supply Drive. “They offered a similar program, but also included haircuts and clothing so we decided to collaborate,” Carroll said. This year’s event will be Aug. 10 at the Coshocton County Career Center and include supplies and haircuts. Details about the clothing are being worked out and so is the possibility of presentations on healthy snacks by Mike Cichon from the Career Center. Women of Witness also is in the process of putting together its spring tea, which is set for April 13 at Emmanuel Lutheran Church and will include music, lunch and a guest speaker. The group also works hard to connect women in the community with its partner agencies that might be able to address their needs in difficult times. “God tells us to give our time, treasures and talents,” Carroll said. “It’s not always about money. Our time and talents are just as important.” Jesus was always there to minister to people and Carroll hopes that the community sees that through their actions. “People in our community need to know Jesus and how can you know him if you don’t see him?” she said. “It’s really all about showing people Jesus.” JOSIE@COSHOCTONCOUNTYBEACON.COM
Worship the risen Christ! Easter Sunday March 31st
“I have seen the Lord!” (John 20:18)
EVERYONE INVITED! 9:00am 9:30am
MARCH 20, 2013
Faith Renewed
- Breakfast for everyone! - Easter egg hunt for children through 6th grade 10:10am - Organ Prelude and Roscoe Brass Quintet 10:30am - Worship to follow the Organ Prelude Celebration of the Lord’s Supper Youth & Adult Choirs Nursery Care Provided
The Presbyterian Church
N. Fourth & Chestnut Streets (on the square) • • (740) 622-0486
Faith Renewed
Canal Lewisville UMC will present a choir cantata, “Then Came the Morning” at 9:30 a.m. There will also be a Procession of the Palms by the children. Conesville UMC – Palm Sunday Worship will be at 11:00 a.m. with Children’s Procession: No Greater Life. Fresno UMC – Palm Sunday Worship will be at 10:00 a.m. Roscoe UMC – Palm Sunday Worship will be held at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m., with Children’s Procession of the Palms at the 10:30 a.m. service. Warsaw UMC would like to announce that they will have special music for Palm Sunday and Easter from Michael W. Smith and Dallas Holm & Praise, with an Easter Musicale entitled “Hosanna/Rise Again.” Worship Service begins at 10:30 a.m. West Lafayette UMC – Palm Sunday Worship will be at 10:30 a.m. with Procession of Palms by the children and Chancel Choir and music by the Cherub Choir, Merrie Ringers, and Chancel Choir. At 3:00 p.m., the Merrie Ringers will be playing at Ring the Bells for Habitat at the Coshocton Presbyterian Church.
The Canal Lewisville, Grace, Park, and Roscoe families of faith invite you to a combined Maundy Thursday Service at Roscoe UMC at 7:00 p.m. A combined choir will be directed by Leslie Dawson. Pastor Jeremy Roseberry will be the speaker. Communion will be offered. Conesville UMC – Maundy Thursday Worship, “The Bridge Between Justice and Mercy,” including Holy Communion. Fresno UMC – Maundy Thursday Worship will be at 7:30 p.m., including Holy Communion. Keene UMC – Maundy Thursday Worship will be at 7:00 p.m. West Lafayette UMC – Maundy Thursday Worship will be at 7:00 p.m., including Holy Communion.
The Coshocton Ministerial Association invites all to a Good Friday Service of Tenebrae at 12:00 p.m. at Park UMC. United Methodist Churches involved are Grace, Park, and Roscoe. Fresno UMC – Good Friday Worship will be at 2:00 p.m. Prairie Chapel UMC – The sanctuary will be open from 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. for reflection. The Ridgewood Ministerial Fellowship invites all to a Good Friday Service at 7:30 p.m. at the West Lafayette First Baptist Church. A combined choir will present a cantata. United Methodist Churches involved are Fresno and West Lafayette. The River View Ministerial Association invites all to a Good Friday Service at 7:00 p.m. at the Warsaw Campground. A combined choir will sing. Rev. Steve Sullivan will be the speaker. United Methodist Churches involved are Blissfield, Branch, Canal Lewisville, Conesville, Keene, Nellie Chapel, New Guilford, New Moscow, Roscoe, Tyndal, and Warsaw.
Park – Pastor Jeremy Roseberry, Rev. Terrie Baker – 622-0821 Prairie Chapel – Pastor Dail Parrish – 622-3992 Roscoe – Rev. Steve Sullivan – 622-7780 Warsaw – Pastor John Rahter – 824-3228 West Lafayette – Rev. Sue Chidley – 545-6368
He is Risen! He is Risen, INDEED!
Canal Lewisville – Pastor Jeremy Roseberry – 622-3977 Christ – Rev. Larry Hukill, Pastor Derek Hickman – 498-8134 Conesville – Rev. Joy Blaney – 829-2219 Fresno – Pastor Mary Owen – 545-6422 Grace – Revs. Craig Redecker, Janice Coffman – 622-1302 Keene – Rev. Dairel Kaiser – 622-8059
Canal Lewisville UMC – An Easter Sunrise Service, “Testimonies From This Side of the Cross,” will be held at 7:30 a.m. with Park UMC. Following the service, there will be an Easter Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. We will conclude with Easter Worship at 9:30 a.m., including an Easter Egg Hunt for the children during Sunday School. Christ UMC – Easter Worship will be held at 9:00 a.m. (Traditional) and 10:30 a.m. (Contemporary). Conesville UMC – We will have a First Service of the Resurrection at 6:30 a.m., followed by breakfast. At 11:00 a.m., there will be a Celebration of the Resurrection with Ed Duling. Fresno UMC – An Easter Sunrise Service will be held at 7:00 a.m. at the Fresno Cemetery with breakfast to follow at 7:30 a.m. at the church. At 10:00 a.m., there will be Easter Worship with a Reaffirmation of Baptism. Grace UMC – An Easter Sunrise Service will be held at 7:30 a.m. The Easter Sunday message at the 9:00 a.m. Early Service and 11:00 a.m. Traditional Service will be “Let’s Call It The Real World,” delivered by Rev. Craig Redecker. Keene UMC – The youth will lead an early service at 7:00 a.m., followed by an Easter Breakfast at 8:15 a.m. The celebration will continue with regular worship at 9:30 a.m. Park UMC – Easter Worship will be held at 11:00 a.m. Prairie Chapel UMC – An Easter Sunrise Service will be held at 7:00 a.m. in our cemetery, weather permitting. We will gather again at 9:15 a.m. for Easter Worship, with an Easter Egg Hunt to follow. Roscoe UMC – An Easter Sunrise Service will be held at 7:00 a.m. with breakfast to follow. We will gather again at 10:30 a.m. to continue the celebration. Warsaw UMC – Easter will begin with a Sunrise Song Service at 8:00 a.m., followed by a free breakfast, before the Worship Service at 10:30 a.m. West Lafayette UMC – The youth will lead an early service at 8:00 a.m., with an Easter Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. At 9:15 a.m. there will be Sunday School, including an Easter Egg Hunt, and we will conclude with Easter Worship at 10:30 a.m. with the Chancel Choir singing.
NewPointe reaching out to hundreds The NewPointe Community Church Coshocton Campus has services at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. Sundays, at the Coshocton County Career Center, 23640 Airport Road. For more on the church, visit COSHOCTON - NewPointe Community Church had its first service in Coshocton in January and since then has shared the word of God with hundreds of people each week. “The first service blew our minds,” said Campus Pastor John Bunn. “There were 341 people there. We were kidding about what to
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
805 Main Street, Coshocton, OH • 622-8817 Fr. William Hritsko, Pastor Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday 5:00pm (Daylight Savings Time) Saturday 4:00pm (Standard Time) Sunday 8:00am & 10:30am Vigil 7:00pm Holy Day 9:00am & 6:00pm
Weekday Mass Schedule
Mon, Tues & Thurs 9:00am Wednesday 5:30pm
Saturday 4:30 pm (Daylight Savings Time) 3:30 pm (Standard Time) (or by appointment)
Sacred Heart School
39 Burt Avenue, Coshocton, OH • 622-3728 Mrs. Mary Stenner, Principal
Holy Day Schedule
expect and one person said 150 and another said 305 and we thought that was optimistic.” The church had its first service Jan. 6, at the Coshocton County Career Center and volunteers actually had to set up more chairs to accommodate everyone who attended. “It was crazy that morning, but our volunteers did an unbelievable job and had it handled,” Bunn said. He figured the crowd would grow smaller, but that did not happen. “The first Sunday is typically big because you get a lot of well wishers, but then you get a more normal attendance to build and grow on,” Bunn said. “Our second Sunday ended up being just as big and we didn’t expect that. We knew if we stayed at this level, there wouldn’t be enough room for people to see the screens or the stage.” The problem of overcrowding was solved by offering two services. “We went to two services on our seventh Sunday and attendance is still really good,” Bunn said. “I think we had 360 last Sunday (March 3) and that was one of our biggest.” The attendance numbers may sound impressive, but what really gets Bunn excited is the difference he sees God making in people’s lives. “There was a 65-year-old couple that I prayed at their home with to help them accept Christ,” Bunn said. “Stories like that about what God is doing are what encourage me. I share them with our team of volunteers and it gets them fired up.” Volunteers are another key part of the church. “I couldn’t do it without them,” Bunn said. “They deserve all the credit.” The church launched in January with
roughly 90 volunteers helping to make services run smoothly. “I have a bunch of people in Coshocton that make me look way better than I am,” Bunn said. Volunteers have especially been helpful in providing ministry to children. “When we had to go to two services, we were thin in the kids’ area so we had a volunteer training session and at least 60 people stayed to find out where they were needed,” Bunn said. Reaching families is a big goal of the church. “We want to minister to the whole family,” Bunn said. “What happens at home is more important than church.” Programs for birth through eighth grade are set up in classrooms at the school. “We take over for the day and transform the school into a church,” Bunn said. Volunteers start setting up at 6 a.m. and every Sunday load and unload trailers of supplies. “Our long-term goal is to have our own building, but right now we have no specific plans,” Bunn said. “We are just praying and trusting God while we build our core and continue to get established.” The church also has campuses in Canton, Dover and Millersburg and messages are delivered by video from Dwight Mason who is the lead pastor in Dover. “Services are upbeat and definitely make you think,” Bunn said. “We think you should be able to have fun in church and we are not afraid to laugh and be loud, but ultimately it’s all connect to where we are headed that day,” Bunn said. JOSIE@COSHOCTONCOUNTYBEACON.COM
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MARCH 20, 2013
Faith Renewed
at 10:45am Prayer Encounter - Tuesday 6:30pm Wednesday Family Night - 6:00pm A Place of Hope and Healing
377 Clow Lane, Coshocton 622-7664
1058 Orange St • 622-1912 0002_032013
B-5 Faith Renewed
Meeting at the Coshocton County Career Center 0005_032013
SUNDAY, MARCH 31 *8:30, 10, 11:30 a.m.
United Way features The Hope Clinic for its March Agency Spotlight CONTRIBUTED TO THE BEACON COSHOCTON - In May 2009, a group of individuals from the Coshocton area came together with the desire to give back to the community with some of the blessings that God had given them. In June 2009, the organization was formally brought together with the election of the Board of Directors. The Hope Clinic Current Board of Directors: Director of Outreach: Pastor Mark Granger Medical Director: Dr. Kevin Doherty Director of Quality Assurance: Dr. Jerold Meyer President: Maureen Karl Vice President: Rick Merrell Secretary: Deborah Johnson Treasurer: Steve Hoop The Hope Clinic of Coshocton opened its doors to our community on Sept. 10, 2009. Ten patients were seen on the first evening. On
All Are Welcome at
Roscoe United Methodist Church Pastor Steve Sullivan
“Leading Souls to Christ”
Worship Times Sunday • 8:30am & 10:30am
HOPE CLINIC The United Way featured The Hope Clinic as their March Agency spotlight. The Hope Clinic opened its doors on Sept. 10, 2009 and since then has seen 3,584 patients and had 183 volunteers, as of March 7 of this year. BEACON PHOTO BY BETH SCOTT
average, the Hope Clinic now sees 30 patients each Thursday. In March 2010, they were blessed with the gift of the Davis Dry Cleaning building at 131 S. 6th Street. They tore down walls and began to build a medical clinic. They now have five examining rooms, chiropractor room, optometry room, laboratory, meeting room, two prayer rooms, registration, child care, and two handicap accessible restrooms. This process was completed with volunteers. They moved into their new home on Thursday, May 26, 2011. The grand opening and ribbon cutting was on June 4, 2011 with more than 200 people in attendance. The Hope Clinic saw 25 new patients in the first three weeks at their new location. Patients are seen free of charge and everyone involved with the Hope Clinic of Coshocton is a volunteer. As of March 7, 2013, their 183 volunteers have logged 17,351.75 clinic hours. They have served 3,584 patients, 1,082 patients have sought
ministry in their prayer room while 2,234 have submitted prayer requests. The all-volunteer staff of the Hope Clinic has returned $677,271 worth of services to the community since they opened their doors. Hope Clinic became a United Way Partner Agency last fall, 2012. The Hope Clinic would like to thank each of the volunteers and anyone who has supported and continues to support them. Each of you makes a difference with The Hope Clinic of Coshocton.
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Summer Outdoor Worship
MARCH 20, 2013
Faith Renewed
Roscoe United Methodist to host Music Fest
Members of several area United Methodist Church choirs: Canal Lewisville, Conesville, Grace, Nellie, Park, and Roscoe joined together in song during the 2011 Music Fest. This year’s concert will feature five local churches and will be at 3 p.m. on April 14 at Roscoe United Methodist Church. BEACON FILE
Faith Renewed
Widder begins preparing for this annual concert in the fall when he purchases the music and distributes the music to instrumentalists and the five participating choirs in mid-January. Their first rehearsal together will be at 3 p.m. April 7 at the church. More than 100 people participate in this event each year. Widder said they had about 200 people attend last year and hopes to see the audience grow every year. “Our main vision is leading souls to Christ and this is just another way to do that through the power of music,” said Widder. “We want
them to be closer to the throne of God.” Malone University Chorale will be at Roscoe United Methodist Church on May 5 and has invited the choirs to sing “The Majesty and Glory of Your Name” with them. “It’s a lot of fun,” said Widder. “I really enjoy this.” BETH@COSHOCTONCOUNTYBEACON.COM
Dr. David Velasquez, M.D. Board Certified Internal Medicine Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
6pm-10pm 6pm–10pm Dr. Not In 6pm–10pm Dr. Not In 2pm–10pm 10am–6pm
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Walk-in Clinic Hours Starting Now!
COSHOCTON - Five local churches will showcase their musical talents at 3 p.m. on April 14 at Roscoe United Methodist Church as part of the ninth annual Music Fest. This year, the churches involved include Park United Methodist Church, West Lafayette United Methodist Church, Coshocton Nazarene Church, Roscoe United Methodist Church, and Nellie United Methodist Church. The choirs, along with various instrumentalists, will perform sacred music in the sanctuary of the church. No tickets are needed to come to the event. However, an offering will be taken to defray the cost of the music. Any profit made will go to the Hope Clinic. “I just think it’s a good project, helping those in need,” Les Widder, Director of Music Ministry at Roscoe, said about the Hope Clinic. Each choir will do two songs of its own and two songs will be sung as a group for the introduction and the benedict response. These two songs, “Until Then” and “The Majesty and Glory of Your Name”, will be sung with the choirs surrounding the audience. “Every choir wears their own church’s robe, so it’s very colorful on stage,” said Widder. He also commented on the quality of sound in the church, saying, “The acoustics in this church are wonderful.”
Coshocton Hospital OB receives gift CONTRIBUTED TO THE BEACON
Faith Renewed
BABY GIFTS Members of the Presbyterian Women joined with OB nurses in sorting through supplies they donated. Pictured from left are: Amanda Poorman, RN, OB; Betty Salvage; Sharon Sutton, moderator, Presbyterian Women; Grace Millspaugh, vice-moderator; Dee Lynn Grace, secretary; Wanda McFarland; and Beth McKeown, RN, OB. Not pictured: Marialice Mauch, treasurer. PHOTO CONTRIBUTED TO THE BEACON
Perry Chapel
Baptist Church Sunday AM Small Group Study Classes – 9:30 am Coffee Worship Time – 10:15-10:30 am Sunday Worship – 10:30 am Wednesday Family Nite (September - March): Meal – 5:30-6:10 pm Activities – 6:30 pm Thursday Ladies Bible Study – 10 am Men’s Fellowship – Varies
On The Square
Join Us for Rosie’s Grand Easter Buffet Sunday, March 31 • 11-2 $19.95 (10 & under $10.50)
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Formerly Thomas’ Steak House
Specializing in Steaks & Seafood 131 N. 3rd St., Coshocton, OH 43812
Loving God Loving You 19476 Perry Twp. Road 380 • Warsaw Phone: 740.327.5800 Fax: 740.327.1024 Email: Web: 0003_032812
F s ’ l t o e w n er n i L
MARCH 20, 2013
COSHOCTON - The Coshocton Presbyterian Women recently delivered a welcome surprise to the nurses in the Coshocton Hospital Birthing Center. The delivery was a gift of 26 boxes of diapers, 26 boxes of baby wipes and 27 bottles of ointments and lotions collected from the Presbyterian Church membership as a part of a year-long mission entitled “Touching Little Lives.” Included with the delivery were 10 blankets, each hand-crocheted by members Wanda McFarland and Betty Salvage, who have been regularly donating hand-crocheted infant blankets to the hospital for more than a decade. Presbyterian Women selects a project each year in keeping with the group’s mission statement: Disciples in Christ in Mission and Ministry. This year’s mission is intended to help Coshocton Hospital mothers who need assistance with basic infant supplies as they leave the hospital with their newborns. “When we have mothers who are struggling to afford the basic necessities for their babies, it’s important to have supplies to help give them the right start,” said Beth McKeown, RN, Coshocton Hospital Birthing Centre Head Nurse. “With this gift, the Presbyterian Women are reaching out to young families in need right here in our community and their help is truly appreciated.”
“Crystal Cross” Bouquet 248 Main Street • 740-622-5171 M-F: 9-5:30 Sat: 9-2
Visit us online at to keep up with all things Coshocton
Area churches offer free community dinners Burt Avenue Wesleyan Church, 212 Burt Avenue, Coshocton, 622-0435, Community Dinners: Second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Central Christian Church, 731 Main St, Coshocton, 622-2208, Community Dinners: Fifth Wednesday of each month from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
take a few minutes and talk to someone, you can learn so much about their lives. It’s very rewarding. This gives me an opportunity to think outside of myself and think about other people.” The monthly dinners average about 50 – 70 people per month. The community dinners could always use more volunteers. Contact Shirley at the church office to volunteer or send donations. “I think I have gained so much more over the last year than I could give,” said Carroll. “I hope we can continue to do this for a long time because it is making a difference. It’s been very rewarding to me.” The Central Christian Church just started having community dinners this year and have their dinners on the fifth Wednesday of the month whenever that occurs because at the end of the month is when people have the greatest needs. “The need here in Coshocton is big,” said Rev. Philip Hunt. “We’re glad to be able to do this.” Hunt commented that volunteers have been numerous and that members from other churches have stepped up to volunteer their time as well. “We’ve had quite a number of volunteers at the church,” said Hunt. “People have been very good about volunteering and we’ve had people volunteer from other churches as well.” Central Christian takes donations from the community closer to the time of the dinners. They serve their dinners at the church from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. We apologize if your church hosts a dinner and we missed you. If your church has a community dinner, send us your information to news@ and we will include it in our community calendar. BETH@COSHOCTONCOUNTYBEACON.COM
Gospel Hill Ministry Celebrating 40 years of ministry 1973 – 2013 10 year anniversary of the lighthouse 2003 – 2013
Gospel Hill is located 3 miles north off of U.S. Rt. 36, 6 miles west of RoscoeVillage. The Lighthouse is open Monday - Friday 9 AM - 3 PM evenings and weekends by appointment. For information call 740-824-3300 or log on to
Come & visit the Gospel Hill Lighthouse, which is the largest inland lighthouse in the U.S.A. From the top of the lighthouse you can look out over the beautiful valleys and forests of Coshocton County. Gospel Hill is a non-denominational Christian Outreach Ministry.
COSHOCTON - Many churches in our area are reaching out to the community through community dinners once a month. Whether you are struggling to make ends meet, or just want to have a hot meal with a group of friends from the community, these local churches cater to everyone’s needs. “We encourage anyone to come,” said Debbie Wallace, coordinator of the community meals at the Coshocton Presbyterian Church. “Come and eat with us. You don’t have to be in need of a meal to come and eat with us.” The Presbyterian Church started serving meals the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. in December of 2011. They currently have 20 volunteers, but more people are encouraged to sign up to help. The meal averages about 45 – 50 people per night. “We felt there was a need,” said Wallace, “and we also felt that we needed to do a project that would bring us closer to the need.” Once a month, the Presbyterian Church also has a meal and movie night. Wallace has noticed that some that have attended community dinners in the past have started coming to movie night and other outreach activities at the church. “A more important goal of these community dinners is to build relationships with these people,” said Wallace. Cindy Carroll, organizer of the community dinners for Burt Avenue Wesleyan Church, has also noticed that many people who attend their community dinners are also becoming more involved with their outreach programs. “We are starting to see them feel a part of the church and that’s our ultimate goal,” said Carroll. The Burt Avenue Wesleyan Church has their community dinners the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. and began serving in January 2012. They currently have about 15 – 20 volunteers helping to prepare and serve food each month. “When I decided to take this on, one thing I stressed was it needed to be a community effort,” said Carroll. “One or two people could not do this. It had to be a church effort.” Carroll said the church has really been helping with donations for the community dinners. The Sunday before the meal, Carroll circulates a list of ingredients needed for the meal, and the church’s response is overwhelming. “They’ve been very supportive,” said Carroll. “They just go above and beyond for such a small church.” The church tries to serve a wide-variety of food each month and collaborate with other churches so that they don’t serve the same meal that another church served the previous week. Carroll also commented that these meals in area churches help residents in the community stretch their food dollars. “We have had families say that community dinners make a difference to them,” said Carroll. “We’re doing something that meets a need.” Burt Avenue also makes sure to ask for prayer requests during the meal. People can fill out cards and place them in a prayer box. Carroll assures everyone that a prayer will be said for each concern. “We want to develop relationships with our neighbors and our community,” she said. “I love to sit and hear people’s stories. If you just
Faith Renewed
Coshocton Presbyterian Church, 142 N 4th St, Coshocton, 6220486, Community Dinners: Third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m.
B-10 Mayor
COSHOCTON - The concept of personalizing the Lord’s Prayer for Coshocton has been long in the making. Finally it was moved from concept to reality early on a Sunday morning in November 2011 when I was awakened to begin writing the details to make it happen. A draft sketch and three pages of notes started an amazing day under the direction of the Holy Spirit. Always seeking Divine confirmation to establish the validity of His “promptings,” Sharon and I were in awe when attending church that morning. We heard the announcement of a city wide prayer service for later that night at the Nazarene church, seeking community prayer for the city, with the theme to be “The Lord’s Prayer.” Somehow, until that morning, we had not heard about this event. We went to the well attended meeting and along with many others, joined with various pastors who led prayer following the path of Jesus’ prayer. It was
Over 100 Years! TRINITY
705 Main St. • 740-622-0860 The Rev. Dr. Diane Cook, Rector
plainly obvious this poster was something God was directing. The Lord’s Prayer is perhaps the most familiar passage of scripture and can be recited by almost all Christians. When the Messiah was asked how we should pray, He gave a blueprint for the simplicity of our approach to the Father. As Mayor, I have frequently been told by many individuals and churches that they are praying for the city, county and yes, all government officials. I am also asked, “What can I be praying for?” This prayer is that answer. The significance of personalizing the prayer to Coshocton is to take the global application of the sentence, “Thy will be done on Earth” to “Thy will be done in Coshocton.” All the needs and potential blessings for our city/county are summed up in this simple prayer. It’s not necessary to know all the details of issues we face, only to know that if you use this poster as a daily reminder, your prayer will be heard by our Father in Heaven, and He will act accordingly. Once a person can see the value of this daily prayer, it can be altered as needed with the changing of the word “Coshocton” to whatever is placed on your heart for daily prayer: Family, military, the sick, churches, groups, vocations such as fire-police-teachers, etc. To obtain a 12”x18” color poster or to customize one for your specific prayer need, contact The Signmaker Shop at 623-0033.
Book Discussion Group Wednesdays at Noon in the undercroft Choir Rehearsal Thursday 7:00 pm New Members and Visitors Always Welcome! 0023_032013
Parents of preschoolers will have one more choice this fall. The Coshocton Christian School will feature a preschool in addition to its kindergarten through 12th grade classes for the 2013-2014 school year. Brenda Kline, preschool teacher and director, will be available for more details during an open house scheduled for 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 9. Pictured are Principal Joseph Hedstrom and Kline. BEACON
See page 11
Warsaw United Methodist Church Sunday Holy Eucharist 10:00 am (September-May) 9:30 am (June-August) Holy Days as announced
740.824.3228 - 130 East Church Street P.O. Box 37 - Warsaw, OH 43844
Pastor John Rahter Bible Study: Tuesdays at 10am Kid’s Club: Wednesdays 3:30-5:00pm October - March Air-Conditioned, Elevator for Handicapped Jacob’s Closet: every Thursday from 9-12Noon, Last Thursday each month 9-12, 5-8pm Mission Statement: That the glory of God is seen in all we say and do.
Sunday School: 9:30 - 10:20 am
Worship Time: 10:30 - 11:45am 0004_032013
WarsaW First
Presbyterian ChurCh “A Confessing Church” Pastor, Tim Thomas, CLP Join us for Sunrise Service at 8:00 AM. This is a combined worship featuring our children, breakfast to follow worship.
Sunday Schedule
Divine Worship begins at 9:15 AM Sunday school begins at 10:15 AM 304 E. Fourth St., Warsaw, OH 43844 740-824-3173 Email:
MARCH 20, 2013
Faith Renewed
works on Lord’s Prayer for New preschool Coshocton CONTRIBUTED TO THE BEACON BY MAYOR STEVE MERCER to open
B-12 Faith
that transforms CLASSIFIED HOTLINE 622-4ADS
MARCH 20, 2013
Faith Renewed
Everyone has faith in something, for without faith it is impossible to survive. Whether we trust in ourselves, others, money, tradition, philosophy, or God, we all believe in something. Ultimately, we must trust in God. While we need to take responsibility for our actions, we cannot, by our ability and performance, ensure our spiritual well-being or earn eternal life. Instead, we are saved by grace--the free gift of God--and we receive this gift through faith--by following His plan instead of our own ideas, by depending on His work in our lives instead of our own goodness. Faith is not merely accepting a set of beliefs. In the fullest sense, faith means reliance and commitment, and it requires obedience to what we believe. If someone runs into the workplace yelling, “The building is on fire!” the response of faith is not merely a grin, a nod, and verbal acceptance. Rather, if we believe the warning, we will immediately act upon it. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a German theologian executed by the Nazis, said, “Only he who is obedient believes.” When Jesus called some Galilean fishermen to be his disciples, he said, “Cast aside your nets, and follow me.” They did not become disciples merely by believing him to be the Messiah, Lord, and Savior, or by verbally confessing him as such. They became his disciples only when they obeyed his instructions and began to follow him. Faith is only real in the act of obedience. Christianity is more than mental acknowledgment, verbal profession, or even performance of religious duties. If we truly have faith in Jesus Christ, we will obey his gospel, and our lives will be transformed by his Spirit. (See Acts 2:38-30.) Years ago, tightrope walkers used to demonstrate their talents by walking on a wire stretched over Niagara Falls. Crowds would gather to see this incredibly dangerous feat. Once, a performer promised to push a wheelbarrow across the wire. First, however, he wanted assurance from the audience that they believed he could do it. Eagerly, the crowd roared its approval several times. Finally, the performer pointed to one of his most vocal supporters and said, “Jump in! I’ll wheel you across.” Neither this man nor anyone else would accept the offer. They had “faith” in the sense of opinion or agreement, but they were not willing to commit their lives to what they professed. What kind of faith do we have? What kind of Faith does God expect?
Church starts prison ministry program BY JOSIE SELLERS
COSHOCTON - Dr. Christy Nicely wanted to help her Sunday school class make a difference. “I wanted us to do something, not just talk,” she said. Nicely attends the Faith Builders Sunday School class at Roscoe United Methodist Church. “As a class we were reading the book ‘Radical’ and talking about discipleship and how we bring people to church who didn’t grow up with it.” After talking to her father Jon Mosier, Nicely decided that a good project for the church would be prison ministry. “Dad retired from the Sheriff Office and is now a bailiff at common pleas court,” she said. “He’s seen a lot of the same people come into the system time and time again.” Nicely’s father felt that people failed when they got out of prison because they didn’t have a good support system that was a positive influence. “We don’t have a formal program, but we try to write letters to individuals who are incarcerated,” she said. The church started the program a little over a year ago and has received a lot of positive feedback. “We tell everyone that we are praying for them and their situation and a lot of them say they are praying for us too,” Nicely said. The church gets its names of people to write to from Mosier and hopes to continue the program as long as it can. “He asks people if they want to correspond with us and so far there hasn’t been a lack of interest,” Nicely said. In addition to being a friend to prisoners, the church members also hope to get to know them well enough to someday offer a reference for a job and point them in the right direction for other life issues. “We want to show them an alternative way of life,” Nicely said. “It’s been a very rewarding experience and has helped us grow in our faith.” If you would like to help Roscoe United Methodist Church with its prison ministry, call the church at 622-7780. JOSIE@COSHOCTONCOUNTYBEACON.COM
Grace United Methodist Welcomes All to
Central Christian Church
Praise Worship Service 9 a.m.
Sunday School 10 a.m. Classes for all ages! Traditional Worship Service 11 a.m. Youth Fellowship 6:00 p.m.
(Disciples of Christ)
Meet three Sundays a month with dinner at 6:00 p.m. and conclude our evening at 8:00 p.m. Upcoming luncheon with Bake Sale scheduled for April 7th at noon. All proceeds help the youth attend Methodist Day at Cedar Point. Group meets Sept. to May
Church Office: (740) 622-2208 E-mail: See us on Facebook
Cross Training
Wednesday evenings at 5:30 p.m. in Fall and Winter. This is a fun family night with studies and activities for all.
Join us for Sunday Morning Worship 10:30AM Kingdom Kids and Kingdom Tots available during worship 0022_032013
United Methodist 0024_032013
731 Main Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812
Corner of 4th and Walnut Streets
Rev. Craig A. Redecker Rev. Jan Coffman 740-622-1302
Coshocton Nazarene presents Celebrating Dr. B-13 BY BETH SCOTT Seuss’ birthday new Easter musical
FEET Sacred Heart School students in grades K-2 celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday. They read The Foot Book and then created a wall mural of feet to display in the gym. Afterwards, the students got very creative and decorated their feet with colorful markers! PHOTO CONTRIBUTED TO THE BEACON
SUNDAY S ERVICES Sunday Sc hool 9:30 Morning W orship 1 am Evening W 0:30am orship 6 :00pm T H U R S DA Y SERVICE Family Nig S h 6:30pm Youth Serv t ices 6:30pm
We are pleased to announce the Grand Opening of our New Worship Facility! It is our prayer that this extension of our Ministry will help us better serve the needs of our community and your family!
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14
~ Youth Outreach Ministries ~ Local, National and International Missions ~ On-site Homeschool Co-op
~ Discipleship Training ~ Children’s Ministries ~ Family Fellowship Ministries
New Beginnings Ministries
331 E Church St., Warsaw, OH 43844 Pastor Bill Dunfee • (740) 824-4878
We invite you to join our growing ministry as we strive to fulfill our calling to help people believe in Jesus, belong to family, become a disciple and build His kingdom.
COSHOCTON - The Coshocton Nazarene Church is back this year with a new and unique angle on the traditional Easter musical entitled, “This Light Remains”. The new musical was written and will be directed by Kris Hardesty. The music was written by Barry Hardesty, Larry Lain, and Heather Swanson, all members of the church. The musical not only tells of Christ’s death and resurrection, but focuses on the hope that Jesus provides for us every day and for our future. One song featured in the musical, ‘Hope of our Future’, reflects this theme. “This musical really focuses on the perspective on a newly-wed women and mother who had a child around Jesus’s birth who was killed by Hared,” said youth pastor, James Rose. “She has lived with this bitterness and resentment knowing that her child was killed in place of another child. She meets Jesus after His resurrection and comes to understand and believe
in Him. She comes to realize that He was killed in her place.” The initial planning and script-writing for the musical began in late October with rehearsals starting in late January. More than 100 people are involved in the play, either on stage or behind the scenes. Two new actors will be portraying Jesus this year, Nathan Lain and Matt Mathias. Each will perform every other night. The play will be performed at 7:30 p.m. March 23, 24, 29, and 30 at the Coshocton Nazarene Church. Tickets are $1 and can be purchased at the church, Buehler’s, the Good News Book Store, and Baker’s. Tickets are on sale now. “We’re really hoping we can reach out to not only people in the community, but to people who are unchurched and who may be going through some hard times,” said Rose. “We want them to understand that there’s more to Jesus and his resurrection than a chance for us to live eternally. We have hope in Jesus Christ and we can rely on His strength.” BETH@COSHOCTONCOUNTYBEACON.COM
Faith Renewed
“This Light Remains” will be performed at 7:30 p.m. March 23, 24, 29, and 30 at the Coshocton Nazarene Church. Tickets are $1 and can be purchased at the church, Buehler’s, the Good News Book Store, and Baker’s.
B-14 List
of area churches
Faith Renewed
Christian Apostolic Church 78 W. Pine Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-9844
ASSEMBLY OF GOD First Assembly of God 803 Vine Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-7525 CLASSIFIED HOTLINE 622-4ADS
MARCH 20, 2013
BAPTIST Calvary Baptist Church 46621 U.S. Rt. 36 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 623-0211 Coshocton Baptist Church 1631 Denman Ave. Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-9803 First Baptist Church of Coshocton 618 Chestnut Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0300 First Baptist Church of West Lafayette 688 East Main Street West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 545-9214 Perry Chapel Baptist Church 19476 Township Road 380 Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 327-5800 Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 43440 State Route 541 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 327-2075.
Village Baptist Church 22131 Orchard Street West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 545-6018
Walhonding Church of Christ 33214 TR 516 Walhonding, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 824-3171
Chili Crossroads Bible Church 29445 Coshocton County Road 10 Fresno, Ohio 43824 Phone: (740) 545-9707
Church of God 703 South 2nd Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0305
Fresno Bible Church 24629 State Route 93 Fresno, Ohio 43824 Phone: (740) 545-7382
St. Paul’s United Episcopal Church 1242 East Main Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0986
Sacred Heart Church 805 Main Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-8817
Trinity Episcopal Church 705 Main Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0860
Central Christian Church 731 Main Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-2208
CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Coshocton Alliance Church 730 West Chestnut Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-1078
CHURCH OF CHRIST Church of Christ 1800 Chestnut Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-5461
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church 2094 South 9th Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Pastor: Harold Sprague Phone: (740) 622-0510
Church of Christ 118 East Russell Ave West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 294-0503
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church 404 S 7th St Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-3632
Church of Christ Parkview 21664 State Route 751 West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 545-9633
Victory Baptist Church – Independent Fundamental 355 Brown Lane Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-8852
First Church of Christ 1540 Otsego Ave Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-1410 St. John’s United Church of Christ 808 Orange Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-2781
Solid Rock Foursquare Church 46460 Coshocton County Road 55 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-1987
LUTHERAN Emmanuel Lutheran Church 1500 Pleasant Valley Dr. Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-2550
MENNONITE Lafayette Christian Fellowship PO Box 56 West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 545-2222 or 545-6488
NAZARENE Coshocton Nazarene Church 1058 Orange Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-1912 Warsaw Church of the Nazarene 117 Bridge St (PO Box 235) Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 623-2599.
NON-DENOMINATIONAL Coshocton Christian Tabernacle 23891 Airport Rd. Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-4133
List of area churches
Word of Life Ministries 427 West Russell Ave West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 545-6219.
Grace United Methodist Church 422 Walnut Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-1302
Gospel Hill Ministry 27610 Township Road 45 Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 824-3300
Word Worship Center 802 Walnut Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-4364
Isleta United Methodist Church 58608 CR 9 Newcomerstown, Ohio 43832 Phone: (740) 498-5425
Jehovah’s Witness 43926 US 36 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 824-3679
Keene United Methodist Church 27100 County Road 1 Keene, Ohio 43828 Phone: (740) 622-8059
Liberty Church 219 N 15th St Coshocton, Ohio Phone: (740) 623-8017
New Beginnings Ministries 331 Church St Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 824-4878 New Bethel Ministries 191 Center St Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 294-9496 NewPointe Community Church 23640 Airport Road Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Website: The Salvation Army 219 N. Fourth St. Coshocton, OH 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0971 Set Free Community Church 115 South 6th Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-8703
Shepler Church 47507 Mill Creek TR 217 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-1568 West Carlisle Church 18536 CR 3 Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 327-6020
Bakersville Presbyterian Church 28164 Coshocton County Rd 97 Bakersville, Ohio 43803 Phone: (330) 897-2420 Fresno Presbyterian Church 54169 White Eyes Township Rd 172 Fresno, Ohio 43824 Phone: (740) 704-6332 Presbyterian Church 142 North 4th Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0486 Warsaw First Presbyterian Church 306 E 4th St Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 824-3173 Worship: 9:15 a.m.
SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST Coshocton Seventh Day Adventist Church 46633 Coshocton County Rd. 495 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 623-0075
UNITED METHODIST Canal Lewisville United Methodist Church 198 East Church Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-3977 Conesville United Methodist Church 195 State St Conesville, Ohio 43811 Phone: (740) 829-2219 Fresno United Methodist Church 54233 White Eyes Twp Rd 172 Fresno, Ohio 43824 Phone: (740) 545-6422
Plainfield United Methodist Church 101 Church St. Plainfield, Ohio 43836 Phone: (740) 545-6413 Prairie Chapel United Methodist Church 45494 Coshocton County Road 23 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-3992 Roscoe United Methodist Church 475 High Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-7780 Tyndall United Methodist Church 18091 Township Rd 284 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0379 Warsaw United Methodist Church 130 E Church St Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 824-3228 West Lafayette United Methodist Church 120 West Union Avenue West Lafayette, Ohio 43845 Phone: (740) 545-6368
WESLEYAN Burt Ave. Wesleyan Church 230 Burt Ave. Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0435 Conesville Wesleyan Church 703 Marquand Avenue Conesville, Ohio 43811 Phone: (740) 829-2223 To report errors or omissions, email us at
Shepherd’s Christian Assembly 311 Main Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 623-3888
Park United Methodist Church 122 Park Ave. Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-0821
Living Faith – Church of the Nazarene 405 E. Main Street West Lafayette, Ohio 43842 Phone: (740) 545-6407
New Life Ministries 727 South 7th Street Coshocton, Ohio 43812 Phone: (740) 622-2181
Faith Renewed
God’s Eternal Love Fellowship 24890 TR 444 Warsaw, Ohio 43844 Phone: (740) 824-3958
The Church of God
703 S. Second St., Coshocton • 740-622-0305 Pastor James Childers Maundy Thursday Service - March 28 at 7 p.m. We will be observing foot washing during this service.
Good Friday Service - March 29 at 7 p.m. CLASSIFIED HOTLINE 622-4ADS
MARCH 20, 2013
Observing Communion
Easter Sunrise Service - March 31 at 7 a.m. Breakfast will follow in the church fellowship hall.
Easter Celebration Service - March 31 at 10:30 a.m. The Public is welcome & invited to every service.
We will be having VBS in July this year. Our first session will be July 22 at 11 am & end at 1 pm. Last session will be July 26th at 11 am and end at 1 pm. Each session is 11 am - 1 pm. Monday thru Friday concluding with a picnic & games Friday the 26th. There will be a closing program for parents & grandparents on Sunday July 29th at 10:30 am. We will have pre-registration on Thursday, July 18th 10:30 am - 12 pm and Friday July 19th 2 - 3:30 pm at the church. Pre-registration is highly encouraged. If you need transportation please call Bill West at 740-502-9701.
Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday Morning Service 10:30 am Sunday Evening Service 6:00 pm Wednesday Evening 7:00 pm
Faith Renewed