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Grand Rapids

THE NEXT PHASE The Extended Family Home a NEW VIEW publication

Standale Lumber is the preferred choice for home builders in Western Michigan. What sets us apart is our ownership mentality and persistence for your projects. We have a 70-year history of getting it right for our customers. Here’s on to the next 70 years expanding our horizons with our best customers. To learn more about how we can service your residential building projects visit us at Standalelumber.com or call 616-530-8200.

4 | early spring 2022


Grand Rapids Cosmopolitan Home EARLY SPRING 2022

features 16 The Next Phase Ideal for entertaining the extended family, this lake home by Celebrity Builders has something for everyone 34 Living Bigger in the Not-So-Big House Maximizing space and prioritizing what matters most has this family of four loving life in East Grand Rapids 43 The 2022 Product Source Guide The ultimate resource book for your new build, renovation, or home makeover

departments 8 MONEY MATTERS Saving for College Strategies that won’t break your retirement 10 HEALTHWISE Strong is For Everyone The benefits of strength training 12 CUISINE Egg-Cellent Starts The ideal fuel to start your day

7 ON TREND New Jumbo Mortgage Limits Smart ways to leverage by Inlanta Mortgage 14 ON TREND Cabinet Doors Styles Matching your design aesthetic by TruKitchens 32 ON TREND Your Ultimate Custom Kitchen The beauty of Dutch Made Cabinetry by Standale Home Studio

PICTURED HERE: A neutral palette with thoughtful details give this renovated East Grand Rapids home ideal livability. See full article on page 34.

cover photo by Kate Bruinsma

Volume XXXIV Issue 1 No. 175 PUBLISHER

David J. Koning


Jennifer Vander Vliet


Marie Kamp


Lisa Cargill Lauren Carlson Jessica Fitnich Jonathan Arnold Alex Rowe Nanci Marsman


Ashley Avila Kate Bruinsma


Jennifer Koning Angie Brennan


David J. Koning Olivia Rhoades

Unsolicited manuscripts accepted. Send to Editor, newvieweditor@gmail.com ©2022 Summit Media. Grand Rapids Cosmopolitan Home is published by Summit Media Inc. Subscription Rate: 1 year, $18.00; single rate, $3.00 (includes third class postage). 616.828.6016 www.cosmogr.com No portion of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without the expressed written consent of the publisher.

6 | early spring 2022

ON•TREND by Inlanta Mortgage

New Jumbo Mortgage Limits and ways to leverage

WHETHER YOU’RE HOT ON the trail of your “forever” home, investment property, or you just want to capitalize the considerable equity you’ve accumulated, there may be ways you can leverage new Jumbo Mortgage limits to live your dream. For 2022 in Michigan, any mortgage over $647,200 is considered “Jumbo” – meaning it’s not a conventional mortgage. Changes in the jumbo mortgage environment over the last few years combined with low mortgage rates make these loans much more palatable for savvy players. Here are some ways to put this to work in your own wealth-building playbook: FOR BUYERS Higher Conventional Ceiling: • On one hand, the ceiling has been raised on what can be financed as a conventional mortgage, meaning you do not have to sacrifice a lower rate to offer your “highest and best” in a competitive market. If this spring market is anything like 2021, you’ll want to be house hunting with a rock-solid pre-qualification with a generous ceiling. If You Still Need a Jumbo Mortgage: • On the other hand, the gap between interest rates on conventional vs. jumbo loans has narrowed and is sometimes nonexistent. LoanTo-Value requirements aren’t as strict as they used to be. This means if you can afford a higher-value property you don’t need to sacrifice fluidity to buy it. • Example: To purchase a $800,000 home with a conventional mortgage – which is limited to $647,200 you’d need to put an extra $152,800 down. With a jumbo loan at 10% down, you’d bring $80,000 cash to the table, freeing up $72,800 which will earn far more invested than the interest cost of the loan.

FOR CASH-OUT REFINANCING For Investors: • Real estate investment is a great tool that can bring balance to your asset portfolio. The average return on rental properties is 15%. Vacancy rates are at a 30-year low, rents have gone up for 29 consecutive quarters, and high-income households have driven more than 75% of the renter growth, according to a Harvard study. If you’re ready to build wealth through real estate investment, you could: Maximize Liquidity for Rental Acquisition • Use a Jumbo Cash-Out Refi on your primary residence to finance the cash purchase and/or improvement of rental properties, with the option to use the income steam to pay down the Jumbo loan. This move would make you an agile purchaser in a tight market. FOR HELOC CONSOLIDATION & LIQUIDITY: Combine First Mortgage and HELOC • In this scenario, you can take advantage of the lower rates of a conventional mortgage with a higher ceiling OR • Leverage a Jumbo refi to consolidate and further amortize your liability

Qualifying for a Jumbo Loan • You'll need a strong credit history, typically a FICO credit score of 700 or higher. • You can get approved with a debt-to-income ratio as high as 43%, but these loans often have higher reserve requirements. • Like a conventional mortgage, the property's appraisal must justify the price –you may need two appraisals to do so. Building wealth through your real estate moves takes strategy and a deep grasp of what’s possible. Explore all your options for a winning playbook.

Jonathan Arnold Branch manager at the Ada office of Inlanta Mortgage NMLS# 1016. Connect with him at MoveUpMi.com. Jonathan is also licensed in Florida – learn more at FloridaHomeLoanSolutions.com

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 7



Saving for Education without sacrificing retirement

It’s no secret that many American parents want to support their kids by paying for their college education. According to recent research from Student Loan Hero, 92 percent of parents today have already paid for or plan to assist with these costs. Furthermore, 68 percent of parents say they would consider withdrawing from their retirement savings, potentially delaying retirement, to help their kids pay for college. While the choice to delay retirement to pay tuition is understandable and even admirable, the reality is doing so may not be the wisest financial decision. If you are considering how to balance saving for college and retirement, read on for some perspective. Prioritize college bills or retirement? Although it may be hard to hear, saving for retirement should take priority over college tuition. To understand why, consider the following: • You may not get to choose your retirement date. Injury, caring for an aging parent, or a layoff are among the factors that could ultimately make the decision for you. • You don’t want to run out of money in retirement. If your savings come up short, you don’t have the ability to apply for scholarships, grants or financial aid to help bridge the gap. (Your child has access to these options to help pay for college.) Instead, your options are likely to be working longer, finding other sources of income or spending less on travel and other retirement dreams. While it’s imperative to focus on your own financial security in retirement, funding higher education is still an important goal for many parents. The key is striking the right balance between saving for both goals. Consider the following tips as a starting point: • Paying for college doesn’t have to be all-or-nothing. Many parents choose to pay a percentage of the total bill, cover certain expenses (e.g. tuition, technology fees or room and board), pay for a set number of years, or contribute as much as they are able to save by the first day of school instead of funding the full cost. Revising your col-

8 | early spring 2022

lege savings goal in one of these ways could allow you to direct more money to retirement. • If your child has sights on graduate school, decide whether you will contribute to those bills too. This decision is particularly important if your child needs a graduate degree before entering his or her field of choice. If you intend to provide financial support, calculate how much the total cost will be so you have a clear savings target in mind. • Discuss your intentions with your child. No matter how much you contribute, talk to your child (if and when your child is old enough) about your financial commitment so he or she knows what to expect. Discuss how your contribution will look like at their preferred colleges. For example, if you agree to pay a set amount, perhaps this money will fully cover community college, a substantial amount at a state school, and leave a larger portion of the bill outstanding at a private college. Breaking down the costs for your child can help him or her make an informed decision about how much student debt (or scholarships, grants, etc.) is needed to cover the bill. No matter your financial situation, know that it is possible to make meaningful progress toward both goals, particularly if you are intentional about how to allocate your savings. Consult a financial advisor and tax professional if you want help setting specific savings goals and understanding the various investing options available to you. ❂ Lisa Cargill, ChFC®, CLU®,CRPC®, CDFA™ is a Financial Advisor with Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. She specializes in fee-based financial planning and asset management strategies. Ameriprise Financial and its representatives do not provide tax or legal advice. Consult your tax advisor or attorney regarding specific tax issues. Brokerage, investment and financial advisory services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. Some products and services may not be available in all jurisdictions or to all clients. © 2017 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 9



A Body in Motion Stays in Motion With the new year here many of us have made goals for ourselves to get more fit and to live a healthier lifestyle throughout the year. While this can seem like a large task there are several ways we can stay moving to prevent a burnout especially on the days where we lack the inspiration to exercise. Make it to the Warm Up Getting to the gym or out the door to exercise in some cases can be harder than the workout itself. On days where the thought of taking today off starts to creep into our mind the best solution is to get through a warm up before making the decision to take the day off. Oftentimes once we have those workout shoes on and our heart rate elevated, we feel much better and more inclined to tackle the workout ahead of us. Find an Activity You Enjoy While I’d love everyone to go to the gym and lift weights (being that I’m a trainer) I understand this may not always be possible. This is where finding an activity outside the gym can be super beneficial. Substituting the gym for a bike ride, a hike or even walking while playing a round of golf can be the perfect shake up to keep us inspired to exercise and keep us on our fitness path. Remember, something is always better than nothing. Find a Workout Partner Having someone to exercise with is a great way to keep moving because now we have someone holding us accountable. A workout partner can also add an extra boost of morale on the things that are more difficult and can help the workouts be more fun and engaging.

10 | early spring 2022

Another great aspect of a workout partner is the planning component. Most people will have to set a time and date to workout together which puts some skin in the game making both parties more reluctant to back out. Move Through The Soreness. It's inevitable that exercise will cause soreness in the muscle and sometimes joints. However, that shouldn’t deter us from moving. In fact, moving is the very antidote we need. Active recovery is a great way to get rid of muscle soreness as well as aid the body in the healing process. Not to mention getting some form of movement in on those sore and

achy days can be a huge mental win which can be very rewarding. Something is Better Than Nothing Something is better than nothing could not be more true when it comes to health and fitness. Not everyone can block off an hour of their day to go workout.They have family, work and other commitments keeping their schedule full. BUT this does not mean they can’t still get in a workout throughout the day. Five minutes here and there really adds up. Whether it's taking the stairs at work or doing bodyweight squats after they send an email the workout is still beneficial.

Come see us at our new location in Byron Center across from the Tanger Mall

I hope these tips help you to start and stay moving in 2022! ❂

Alex Rowe, D1 Grand Rapids Bachelors of Exercise Science Grand Valley State University NSCA - Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist

The original closet and storage specialist for over 30 years NEW LOCATION - FALL 2021 365 - 84th Street SW • Byron Center, MI 49315 • 616.913.9148 Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 11


THE TASTE OF HOME BROCCOLI AND CAULIFLOWER CHEDDAR QUINOA BITES Prep time: 20 minutes Total time: 40 minutes Servings: 6 Nonstick cooking spray 10 large eggs 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 1 cup cooked quinoa 1 cup tomatoes, quartered 1/2 cup finely chopped broccoli florets 1/2 cup finely chopped cauliflower florets 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh basil (optional) Preheat oven to 350 F. Lightly oil or coat 12 muffin cups with nonstick cooking spray and set aside. In large bowl, crack eggs. Whisk until well combined. Stir in cheese, quinoa, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower and basil, if desired, until well combined. Use 1/4-cup measuring cup to divide mixture evenly into prepared muffin cups. Bake 16-18 minutes until eggs are set. Allow to cool slightly before serving. Refrigerate leftovers for up to 3 days or freeze up to 1 month.

Egg-cellent Starts The ideal fuel for your day A typical school day can be full of challenges, so, how you fuel your kids for the day is an important part of their accomplishments. Affordable and easy to prepare, eggs are a key ingredient for successful days in the classroom. From a wide variety of breakfast options for even the pickiest of eaters to a nearly limitless menu of lunches, eggs keep kids full and energized to conquer each school day. As one of the only foods that naturally have vitamin D, eggs offer a nutrient critical for building strong bones. Eggs also help the body absorb nutrients like vitamin E and carotenoids that are found in plant foods, making them a perfect partner for veggies that might be a hard sell for some kids. Additionally, they’re one of the best sources of choline, which is critical for brain health and development at every age and stage. What’s more, between learning and down time, many kids spend a lot of hours in front of electronic screens.The lutein and zeaxanthin found in egg yolks can help protect their eyes from harmful blue light. Try these easy recipes that support eye health, brain health and nutrient absorption, and are easy to prepare ahead of time. To learn more about the nutritional benefits of eggs and find more family-friendly recipes featuring eggs, search #ProteinPrepSchool on social media or visit www.incredibleegg.org.

12 | early spring 2022

SIMPLE EGG SALAD SANDWICH Prep time: 10 minutes Total time: 10 minutes Servings: 8 6 large hard-boiled eggs, peeled 1/4 cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 tablespoon yellow mustard 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/2 cup finely chopped celery 1/4 cup thinly sliced green onions 8 slices rustic wheat bread 4 lettuce leaves Chop eggs. In medium bowl, mix mayonnaise, lemon juice, mustard, salt and pepper. Add chopped eggs, celery and green onions; mix well. Refrigerate, covered, to blend flavors. Serve on wheat bread with lettuce leaves.

BLUEBERRY, AVOCADO AND BANANA MUFFINS Prep time: 10 minutes Total time: 35 minutes Servings: 12 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup rolled oats 1 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 medium banana (about 1/3 cup), peeled 1 large avocado (about 3/4 cup), peeled and pitted 3/4 cup unsweetened applesauce 1 large egg 1/4 cup milk 1 cup blueberries Preheat oven to 350 F. Prepare standard muffin tin with paper liners. In bowl, whisk flour, oats, baking powder, baking soda and salt. In separate bowl, mash banana and avocado together. Add applesauce, egg and milk. Stir to combine then stir into flour mixture. Fold in blueberries and divide batter into prepared muffin tins. Bake 25-30 minutes. Allow to cool completely. Store leftovers in airtight container up to 3 days.

VEGGIE AND CHEESE FRITTATA FINGERS Prep time: 10 minutes Total time: 40 minutes Servings: 4 Nonstick cooking spray 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/2 cup red bell pepper, diced 1/2 cup yellow onion, diced 1/2 cup zucchini, diced 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 cups baby spinach, roughly chopped 12 large eggs 1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded 1 teaspoon salt 1/2teaspoon pepper Preheat oven to 350 F. Spray 9-by-9-inch baking dish with nonstick cooking spray. In skillet over medium heat, add olive oil then saute bell pepper, onion and zucchini until tender. Add garlic and spinach; cook until wilted. In bowl, beat eggs then add sauteed vegetables, cheese, salt and pepper. Pour mixture into prepared baking dish. Bake 25-30 minutes until fully set. Allow to cool. Cut into seven strips then down the middle to create 14 pieces. Refrigerate leftovers in airtight container up to 4 days. To freeze, place cooled frittata fingers in freezer bag and lay flat until frozen. When ready to eat, microwave 60-90 seconds, or until warmed. ❂

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 13

ON•TREND by TruKitchens

Cabinet Door Styles Matching your design aesthetic

TODAY, MANY HOMEOWNERS are looking to create a specific design aesthetic that reflects their personal style. They come to their initial design consultation with a general understanding of the types of interior design styles and where their preferences lie. It is a cabinet designer’s job to help them execute this design aesthetic through their cabinet door style and finish selections. When considering the overall design aesthetic, the door style is the biggest influence, second is the overlay choice. Cabinet overlay refers to the way the door integrates with the cabinet box. Types include partial overlay doors, full overlay doors, and inset doors. Partial Overlay cabinet doors have been around for many years and are easily recognizable. The doors only cover part of the frame of the cabinet leaving larger visible gaps between doors or drawers. This door type fits well with a more traditional design aesthetic. While it is the least expensive overlay option, it has fallen out of favor due to increased interest in inset cabinetry.

Interior Design: Kathryn Chaplow Interior Design Photo by: Werner Straube Photography Full Overlay cabinet doors overlap the box almost entirely and can be used on framed or frameless constructed boxes. This type leaves very tight gaps between doors or drawers, creating a seamless look throughout the space and lends itself to a contemporary or transitional style. This type of door requires more custom fabrication and installation and will price between a partial overlay and inset style.

Interior Design: Whit and Willow Photo by: Ashley Avila Photography

Inset cabinet doors sit inside the cabinet frame flush with the box, exposing the entire frame. Because of this flush detail, it has a more refined look than the partial overlay. This style has been around since the earliest days of cabinet making and works well with traditional and transitional styles. This is the most custom door type requiring very precise fabrication and installation, also making it the most expensive option.

Interior Design: Vision Interiors Photo by: Ashley Avila Photography 14 | early spring 2022

While the overlay detail complements specific interior design styles, the door style does even more so. Door style refers to the design of the door and drawer fronts, the most visible part of the cabinet. Each cabinet line has their own collection of door styles, but they generally fall into the following categories: flat panel, recessed panel, raised panel, and insert panel. Flat Panel or slab, cabinet doors are one flat surface with little to no decorative elements. They are most often used as a full overlay door. This door style can be made from wood, metal, or synthetic materials, creating a very wide range of design opportunities. This door style pairs well with contemporary or modern design aesthetics. Recessed Panel cabinet doors have a flat center panel set back from a frame. They can be used as a full overlay, partial overlay, or inset door. The center panel can be reeded, beaded, divided into sections, and more. The frame of the door can have a variety of profiles which can help to influence a more modern, transitional, or traditional look. The wide range of these options makes it the most versatile door, and thus, the most popular. The shaker door style is great example. Raised Panel cabinet doors have a middle panel that is raised above the rest of the door with a recessed border around it. They can be used as a full overlay, partial overlay, or inset door. The panel can be arched or straight. Both the panel and recessed border can feature a variety of profiles and details. This door style is commonly used in traditional, rustic, and country styling. Insert Panel cabinet doors have a frame that captures a different material for the center of the door. The frame of the door can match the cabinetry or even be a different material such as metal. The most common insert example is glass which can come in a variety of looks. However, the choice of materials is endless: from metal, fabric, and wood and beyond. Decorative mullion inserts can be added as well to enhance the design. This door can be used for any overlay type and the materials selected allow it to work with all design styles. At TruKitchens, our cabinet lines have been carefully selected to offer our clients variety, durability, and quality. The huge array of door styles and finishes we offer are sure to meet the design needs of even the most imaginative client. Our designers are well-versed in the depth of products we offer and the many components of interior design. We are passionate about employing creativity along with functionality to help our clients to create their dream spaces. Jessica Fitnich Senior Designer, TruKitchens 616.957.1969 hello@trukitchens.com trukitchens.com

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 15


A New Family Retreat in Georgetown Shores


There are phases of life that can be extremely special. For this empty-nester couple, that time is now. The realization that living “lake life” to the fullest with their nine grandchildren, who all love swimming, boating and sleepovers, made it clear that they’d outgrown their current home. For Randy and Judy Vugteveen, the time had arrived in which they were finally seeking more space and livability in their waterfront home in Georgetown Shores. They needed something that could better accommodate the next chapters in their journey.

Their original home was one of the first 20 homes built in Georgetown Shores. In that house, they raised three boys passionate about the outdoors and water sports. “We love outdoor living," said Judy. “That was the big draw,” she added about the decision to live on a lake. “They love boating and water skiing." But, after their sons had left to attend college and eventually start families of their own, Judy and Randy became empty nesters in an aging home. Ready to make a change, the two were faced with a decision: renovate their existing home, or build a new property? The decision quickly became an easy one, when one of their sons called attention to the only two remaining lots on the lake that had recently been listed for sale. Without a final plan for a new build, Judy and Randy snapped up one of the lots and began looking for partners to complete their vision. CHANGE IS GOOD The couple had many choices for custom builders in the area, but "We are so happy we went with Celebrity," says Judy. Celebrity Builders, a Hudsonville-based custom home company, was founded by Rob Vis and Troy DeHoop in 2003. Vis and DeHoop are lifelong friends who both bring their unique skillsets to each new project.

“Right off the get-go we felt trust. They just really had faith in us.”

“We were honored to sit across the table from them,” said Troy, who was familiar with Judy and Randy from the Hudsonville community. “Right away, after that first meeting, there was a comfort,” he added. Celebrity Builders understands that going through the custom home building process can be overwhelming for some clients due to the amount of decisions that need to be made. The Vugteveens relinquished creative control right away. “Right off the get-go we felt trust,” he said. “They just really had faith in us.” After that first meeting, Troy and Rob set to work designing a home that would be similar enough to their existing home in the interior, incorporate a fresh and different exterior and add new elements that would accommodate a large, busy family keen on entertaining and warm weather activities. “Overall,” said Troy, “the question for this project became: “What in this next house can we do better?" 18 | early spring 2022

The careful balance of modern and traditional can be seen in the slight curved archway above the front steps, a feature that contrasts with the simple geometry of the matte black and glass front door. The two-panel door opens to a spacious foyer where glass and metal walls, by GR Metal Works, reveal a charming music room. The warm tones of the wood-look flooring, from DeGraaf Interiors, complement the black and white decor found throughout. .

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 19

Because entertaining is such an important part of their daily lives, it's no surprise that the kitchen is the focal point of the open, main floor.

20 | early spring 2022

SOFT MODERN The answer took form in various elements throughout the home, but when it came to executing the desired style, interior designer Carly Visser was brought on board. Inside and out, the home exudes what Carly calls a "soft modern" feel, an aesthetic expressed in its open floor plan and use of mixed materials — like wood juxtaposed with cable — throughout. Oversized light fixtures communicate the grandeur of the spaces, while warm neutrals are inviting to party guests and grandchildren alike. Before even entering the home, this careful balance of modern and traditional can be seen in the slight curved archway above the front steps, a feature that contrasts with the simple geometry of the matte black and glass doors. Upon entering the foyer guests step onto an inviting wood-

look flooring that subtly warms the home — without distracting from — the incredible views. Neutrals such as these, carefully chosen by Carly, play off the abundance of natural light let in by floor-to-ceiling windows on the lakeside. This light permeates the main floor, including Randy's music room, just off the foyer, that can be viewed from all angles through full-length glass and metal windows. Carly noted that the music room was one of her favorites to design. With multiple guitars on display and a full drum set, it serves as the perfect setting for Randy to pursue his passion — teaching his grandchildren to play. Judy's favorite feature is the spacious butler's pantry that allows her to store and organize cook-

The kitchen features a custom island that is a mix of materials, featuring light stained wood topped with a beautiful quartz that complements four woven barstools. Three, modern, pendant light fixtures, from The Lighting Corner, hang from a unique ceiling feature and illuminate this central space. A spacious butler's pantry provides beautiful storage with painted cabinets and decorative hardware, from Modern Hardware, and makes organization a breeze. It also keeps the main kitchen tidy when entertaining and taking care of last minute details.

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 21

The home's outdoor spaces were carefully crafted to maximize family-time on the lake. The upper deck features panoramic views and a subtle privacy wall. This feature also contains a remote controlled screen function to keep out unwanted bugs on summer nights.

The home exudes ... a “soft modern” feel, an aesthetic expressed in its open floor plan and use of mixed materials ... 22 | early spring 2022

ing essentials, as well as make as much of a mess as necessary when entertaining. “We just love it,” she said. “I wouldn't have a house without it.” Because entertaining both friends and family is such an important part of the Vugteveens' daily lives, it's no surprise that the kitchen is an eyecatching focal point of the open main floor. Centrally located, the kitchen is a feast for the eyes. The custom island is a mix of materials, featuring light stained wood that complements four woven barstools. Three oversized pendent light fixtures hang from a unique ceiling fea-

ture and illuminate this central space. Forgoing a formal dining room, the family and their guests have plenty of space to enjoy meals around the island or the adjoining dining area. A black quartz-topped buffet punctuates the kitchen area providing another space for serving dishes and wine storage. LET US ENTERTAIN YOU The lower level is the shining star of this home's entertainment capabilities. A wide custom stairway leads visitors to an open space that immedi-

At the lake level, the family has multiple options for entertaining or just taking in the view. Two fire pit areas, a full kitchen, and seating galore accomodates both intimate and large gatherings alike. A custom, spiral staircase, featuring a railing by GR Metal Works, connects the upper and lower spaces beautifully.

The lower level features a wood-look, luxury viny plank flooring from DeGraaf Interiors as it is waterproof and makes for quick and easy cleanups. Three additional bedrooms are found on this level including a bunk room — perfect for grandkid sleepovers. A custom ping-pong table and an in-home sauna offer fun and relaxation while a separate mudroom/bathroom area provides the ideal space for rinsing off after long days in the sun, water and sand.

ately delights and surprises with a ping-pong table and an in-home sauna. A kitchenette with substantial island overlooks a cozy family room with stone fireplace and more exceptional views of the lake. The lake lovers appreciate a full mudroom/bathroom area ideally located for rinsing off sand after long days in the sun.

“Their backyard living is the best on the lake.”

With nine grandchildren visiting regularly, the Vugteveens prioritized living and sleeping spaces to accommodate loud and busy playdates. Throughout most of the lower level, including the hallways, family room and bar area, the homeowners chose vinyl plank flooring for quick and easy cleanups in these high-traffic spaces. This level also includes three additional bedrooms — one traditional guest room with an inviting view of the water and private bathroom access; one with two single beds; and, the Vugteveens' crowning achievement: the bunk bed room. Though this room features luxury carpeting like the other two bedrooms, it is truly one of a kind. Three carefully positioned bunk beds fit neatly into this surpris-

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 25

The primary bathroom features an inviting bathtub atop a Calcutta tile floor. The same tile is featured in the large glass shower by Studio G Inc.. A “tile rug” in a herringbone pattern adds a textural element to the beauty of the stone.

26 | early spring 2022

ingly spacious room, allowing for as many as six kids to spend the night. “It's just a lot of fun,” said Judy. “The kids love being together for sleepovers in there.” The home's outdoor space was also carefully crafted to maximize family-time on the lake. The main floor deck features panoramic views and a subtle privacy wall. This feature also contains a remote controlled screen function to keep out unwanted bugs on summer nights. From the upper deck, visitors can step down the custom spiral stairway, for even more lakeside enjoyment. The ground level includes a dining area, full kitchen, two fire pits and multiple seating options for dining or taking in views of the lake. Reflecting on the efficient use of space in the Vugteveens' outdoor area, Rob claims that: “Their backyard living is the best on the lake.” Despite pandemic-related setbacks that occurred shortly after construction began in fall 2019, the team worked cohesively to overcome each obstacle. It's obvious that, when this couple and their custom home team interact, they have formed a trusting friendship that resulted in a beautiful home that fits the homeowners needs to a tee. When leading tours through her new house, Judy is quick to point out a photo of one of her son's completing an impressive flip while wakeboarding behind the family boat. “We really love this lake,” she said, and it's this love that is at the core of a Hudsonville family retreat that will be hosting heart warming get togethers for many years to come. ❂




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Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 27

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28 | early spring 2022


Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 29


“Proud to be partners with Celebrity Builders for over a decade.”





616.285.9300 2618 EAST PARIS AVE. SE GRAND RAPIDS, MI 49546 30 | early spring 2022



ON•TREND by Standale Home Studio

Your Ultimate Custom Kitchen and the beauty of Dutch Made Cabinetry CLOSE YOUR EYES and visualize the most beautiful kitchen imaginable; as unique and special as you. Not one like your neighbors or your friends but truly yours in every sense of the word. That is precisely what you will achieve when you invest in a Dutch Made custom kitchen. We are thrilled to announce our partnership with this nearly-exclusive, luxury line of cabinets now available at Standale Home Studio. The kitchen has always been the heart of the home but even more so in these times where it may also function as a home office, a homework zone, or a place to take a break and create Grandma’s special recipes. It is important that the space is designed well and includes quality, timeless products. Dutch Made’s attention to detail and true furniture quality cabinets will not only streamline your daily tasks but add timeless beauty and elevated style to your home. Endless color choices and premium materials as well as luxury features such as pre-installed integrated interior lighting ensures your investment will stand the test of time. 32 | early spring 2022

Our partnership with this full, custom cabinet line is a natural collaboration between two legacy companies. Standale Home Studio has earned the reputation in their 60 plus years of business as a provider of superior products and unwavering customer service. This like-minded approach to business ensured that these two companies have stood the test of time and together we can elevate our ability to meet the needs of all our customers. Dutch Made’s Old World craftmanship, practiced by their artisans for over 50 years, will give you confidence that your cabinetry will be created masterfully and include an heirloom quality finish. If the time is right and you’re ready for your dream kitchen, please reach out to Standale Home Studio and schedule an appointment with one of our qualified designers. Allow your project to be fueled by your imagination and let us help you bring your dream to fruition.

Nanci Marsman Interior Design & Sales at Standale Home Studio In partnership with Dutch Made Cabinetry




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20% off cut and color and complimentary conditioning treatment with blowout.

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 33


BIGGER in the



hen Scott and Sue Sikkema made the decision to downsize from their 3200-square-foot house on the Northeast side of Grand Rapids, neither imagined the complex, threeyear project that would ultimately see them content and cozy in a renovated 1650-square-foot home in East Grand Rapids. Or, that their perfect place would take shape out of an existing rental property that Scott has owned for the past 30 years. “We thought it was going to be a lot of sacrifice,” said Scott, who found that this new project — and his family's new lifestyle — actually allows them to live bigger by maximizing storage space, prioritizing the things that really matter and intentionally crafting a home that fulfills the need to live with purpose.

REAL ESTATE BACKGROUND In 1989, when Scott had freshly earned his undergrad, he purchased the home on Wealthy near Eastown and lived there for the subsequent 12 years with a series of roommates. Even after moving out, he maintained the income property without making any major renovations over the next two decades. Meanwhile, he was building his career in design and manufacturing within a series of local companies. Thirteen years ago he founded Cleo, a commercial cabinetry company that, for the majority of its 13 years, focused on the office segment for local businesses. However, when COVID-19 all but halted commercial development as quarantine mandates forced office workers home, Scott and his staff began to shift into creating custom looks for residential consumers. These residential cabinets, adapted from commercial solutions in the same Europeanmodular inspired design, offer a higher-value option and a quicker turnaround than most custom companies. Scott accomplishes this by staying local, fabricating at a nearby factory in northeast Grand Rapids. “We aren't trying to sell outside of Western Michigan,” said Scott.

In addition to expanding into the residential market — which now makes up 90 percent of their business — Cleo recently added a new collection of materials and finishes to their designs. This nimbleness and recent success has positioned the company to quickly reenter the commercial business when it eventually returns. “We're eager for the office segment to come back,” said Scott. A FAMILY AFFAIR In their new/old East Grand Rapids home, Sue and Scott utilized Cleo cabinetry in almost every space to account for the decrease in square footage and need for storage. Much of this is reflected in the kitchen, where clean, white, floor-to-ceiling cabinets take center stage. By integrating custom solutions, "We were able to be really carefree and deliberate with storage," said Sue. The simple, open design — featuring an island topped in Quartz and illuminated by bronze light fixtures — makes the kitchen seem larger than its square footage. Sue, who did all of the painting herself, chose to incorporate warm taupes, engineered oak flooring and plenty of bright whites throughout the home, accomplishing a warm and inviting atmosphere. “I really wanted it to be neutral,” said Sue. “And,to be easily updated with accessories and furnishings.” In addition to pleasing aesthetics, “This kitchen is so functional,” said Sue, whose home office is just steps away. The kitchen opens onto the home's back deck, letting in plenty of natural light and making it extremely inviting — the true heart of the home. “It's just so central to everything,” she added. Understanding the needs of this family of four was essential to this unique downsizing project, which is why a partnership with Scott's sister Valerie Schmieder, founder and principal interior designer of Via Design, was a no-brainer for this project. "I knew their lifestyle already," said Valerie. Valerie founded Via in 1990 as a singular interior designer with no employees. Within the first year, she had hired an intern and a receptionist, and steadily added at least one employee per subsequent year. "I knew the company would change and I love working with people," she said. In 2010 she and co-owner Brian Barkwell joined forces with Scott in the founding of Cleo Cabinetry. "We have a lot of overlap, of course," said Valerie about her brother, who also serves as Via's CFO. Each of their unique skillsets — as well as their shared knowledge in both residential and commercial construction, design and finishings — strengthen each company's offerings and successes. "Working with family is super fun," said Valerie.

The simple, open design of the kitchen features an island topped in Quartz from Great Lake Granite Works and is illuminated by bronze light fixtures. The space opens to the back deck making dining alfresco very convenient. Engineered oak flooring complements both the warm taupes and bright whites found throughout the home. Just steps from the kitchen is a space that functions as the home office and is flooded with natural light.

"It's been an outstanding partnership," added Scott. MAKING INTENTIONAL SPACES But before this family team even started crafting Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 37

their new living space, Sue intentionally decreased her family's possessions by 70 to 80 percent. "It felt so good," she said. Inspired by the Marie Kondo method of removing items from your life that don't bring you joy, Sue and Scott both felt unburdened by removing the clutter. Sue learned, “I don't want all of this stuff.” Cutting down on possessions was the first step to transition from 3,200 square-feet to 1,650; then came a design that made the smaller living space functional for the Sikkemas' four-person family, a process that Valerie calls "The decluttering of your life," while at the same time, “Accommodating all the functions of your life.” The design started as a quick sketch by Valerie and Sue over a glass of wine, and blossomed into a fully fledged renovation that transformed the former rental property, including removing a few walls to open up the main floor. A two-story addition added 500 square feet to the home — the keystone in this transformative project. The renovation also included a new kitchen, laundry room, office and distinctive powder room on the main level and a primary suite on the upper level. The two-stall garage also increased in size, while the lower level was altered to make room for distinct hobby stations for each family member. The powder room itself is a striking feature because it departs from the classic neutrals of the rest of the home. With Palmetto Inkwell Blue/Khaki wallpaper accenting an almost antique Alape Sink and mirror, this room offers a welcome retreat for would-be guests. Valerie also incorporated wallpaper into the home's main entry. Here, a neutral Serena & Lilly design in Feather in Bone is as inviting as it is unique, accented by a large pendant light fixture in bronze and antique brass. By adhering to the Sikkemas' desire to express transitional design — a combination of traditional and modern styles — Valerie achieved an organic representation of their blended preferences. "Val nailed it," said Sue. Scott and Sue were most impressed with the deck, onto which visitors first enter the home. "When people come over, they're welcomed in right away," said Sue. "It's really inviting," added Scott. ENJOYING OUTDOOR LIVING At their previous property, the Sikkemas lived in an old house with a large yard and a pool. Upkeep for the outdoor spaces was “Extremely time-consuming," said Sue, and Scott noted that fall clean-up typically took as long as three weeks to complete. This extra work decreased the family's enjoyment of their outdoor spaces, which led to designing an easy-to-use, accessible dining/living area in their new backyard. “It’s our 38 | early spring 2022

OPPOSITE PAGE: Cleo Cabinetry was utilized in almost every space to account for the need for storage. The closet-size cabinets just off the kitchen and dining area keep the family of four easily organized. The powder room departs from the classic neutrals of the rest of the home with Palmetto Inkwell Blue/Khaki wallpaper accenting an almost antique Alape Sink and mirror. The home's main entry features a neutral Serena & Lilly design wallpaper in Feather in Bone. THIS PAGE: An essential part of the family’s lifestyle, the wood burning fireplace, by Brixstone Masonry, is a Petite Rumford, real masonry fireplace in exterior black.

most used living space in warmer months.” The raised platform is large enough to house an entire six-person dining table and chairs, as well as an additional seating area. Located directly off the kitchen and accessible by a sliding door, this dining feature is ideal for outdoor entertainment. Sue and Scott created the landscaping feature themselves, building a full-length boxwood privacy wall featuring easy-to-care-for ornamental grasses. The green, wood and black accents of this outdoor feature contrast neatly with the James Hardie board and batten siding, a hardy material carefully chosen by Scott. "It's a cement product. It lasts forever," he said. FINDING HOME One element that the Sikkemas sought to maintain from their previous lifestyle was the wood burning fireplace. Making room for a fireplace on the main floor, Scott chose Brixstone Masonry to build the Petite Rumford, real masonry fireplace in exterior black. "He did a phenomenal job on that," said Scott. “At our old house, we loved the fireplace,” said Sue. “Now,” she added, “we have a fire almost every night in the fall and winter." Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 39

Aside from the fireplace, much of the family's lifestyle has changed ... and for the better. “We have no plans of even shopping or looking around," said Scott. “[This house] completely fulfills all our needs." He added that the family has much more free time due to decreased maintenance, and fewer expenses due to the home's smaller foot- print. The couple's two children, now 16 and 13, enjoy the walkability of their new home's location, and frequently visit local favorites like Reeds Lake and Wilcox Park. Initially unsure about the transition from suburban to village living, “Now they've really embraced it,” said Sue. The couple was also happy to renovate a rental property in long need of some TLC. “It felt good to repurpose it ... and give it a new life,” she added. “This house will now serve the way people live❂for generations to come, or the ‘next 100 years.’” The two-story addition added 500 square feet to the home that includes a new, primary suite on the upper level with a spacious bathroom designed with classic style and yet a contemporary vibe. Warm taupes, engineered oak flooring and clean whites are found throughout the home, accomplishing a warm and inviting atmosphere. The neutral palette is a perfect backdrop for favorite furnishings and accessories.

40 | early spring 2022


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42 | early spring 2022

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Grand Rapids

PSG 2022


Grand Rapids Cosmopolitan Home PRODUCT SOURCE GUIDE 2022














G L A S S & M I R RO R S







Product photos by Ashely Avila



How a home lives for its inhabitants is clearly showcased in its kitchen and utility spaces. A kitchen that functions well might be the most importantly designed space of the home. Everyday life is more comfortable when there’s ease in the necessary daily tasks. And of course, nothing helps us more than our appliances. Today’s appliances are more helpful than ever due to the increasing connection with smart technology. From smartphones to smart refrigerators, there are more ways than ever to stay connected to your kitchen. A fresh new wave of tech-based trends, including a built-in vacuum sealer and the ability to control your stovetop without ever needing to turn a knob are just some of the latest advancements. And, if you’re excited about staying connected over Wi-Fi, you can look forward to several new functions that allow you to set everything up and sync with your smartphone. Many of the large appliance manufacturers, like GE and Whirlpool, are making it easier than ever to keep everything communicative so you can access it wirelessly. These devices are adding tremendous ease and efficiency to the overall kitchen cooking and cleaning experience. Another important lifestyle shift in the kitchen is the increased effort to eat healthier. And it’s not just the food we eat, it’s also the way the food is prepared. Multi-cookers are advanced new appliances that allow homeowners and food enthusiasts to prepare their meals in a variety of different ways. From the famous slow cooker to a variety of steam-based and air-based options, you can now enjoy your favorite meals without having to dip into the oil or butter to heat up your cookware. Simply add your ingredients and fill the cooker with water, and you’ll have a healthy, and delicious steamprepared meal in no time.

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QUICK CLICKS FOLLOW US Gerrit's Appliance www.gerritsappliances.com https://www.facebook.com/gerritsappliance https://www.instagram.com/gerritsappliance/ https://www.pinterest.com/gerritsappl/ Synergy Appliances https://www.facebook.com/synergyappliances/ https://www.instagram.com/synergyappliances/ https://www.pinterest.com/synergyappliances/ Decker and Sons https://www.facebook.com/pg/deckerandsons/reviews/? ref=page_internal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgv2iufCQO7h9g x6as0S0ZQ Northgate Appliance https://www.facebook.com/northgateappliance



Personalization is what it’s all about for 2022 (and most likely beyond).The appreciation for good design isn’t limited to the hottest trend or the favored style of the season, but rather, it’s about what speaks to the homeowner. A well designed space that meets the needs and wants of its users and has the look they love means endless optons for custom kitchens that are unique and personal. That being said, here’s what we’re seeing more and more of as late:

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Open Shelves Open kitchen shelves instead of wall cabinetry has become a steady trend. While you may find it hard to go without your beloved, closed-door wall cabinetry, open shelving has plenty of benefits. It introduces a light and airy feel, offering the illusion of more space which is especially great in smaller kitchens. It’s efficient, since you can see and grab what you need without taking the time to open cabinet doors to look inside. However, considering everything is out in the open, be thoughtful about whatever you place on the shelves. Every utensil, bowl or glass has an impact on the overall aesthetic of your kitchen’s look and feel. Double Islands Island living has become such a staple in kitchen design that it’s become common place to have more than one. Doubling your island space means one may be used solely for dining while the other is for food prep. If spaces allows, two is definitely better than one. Oak Cabinetry Starting in the 1970s and extending into the early ’90s, oak, with its strong grain and honey-stained color, dominated cabinetry lines — so much so, we never wanted to see it again. But, guess what? It’s starting to creep back into the kitchen and bathroom marketplace with cerused and driftwood finishes. Homeowners are seeking connections to their past and a renewed attention to vintage. However, today’s oak cabinets barley resemble their predecessor. Current oak is being crafted in a variety of door styles — from recessed panels to flat slabs. It’s raw, neutral color, dimension and texture offers a soft luxury that can be layered into almost any space. And, it’s usually given a coat of paint or stain in shades of black, blue, green and grey — all popular selections for today’s homeowners.

Minimalism As the heartbeat of the home, the kitchen serves its users best when it’s organized, clean and efficient. It’s no wonder then, that minimalist design in the kitchen is increasingly on the rise. It enables clear, clutter-free surfaces and stylish and sleek materials. This does not mean the area needs to be empty. The appearance must be clean but loaded with luxe stone, gorgeous finishes, and smart appliances.

QUICK CLICKS FOLLOW US Gallery Interiors https://www.facebook.com/GalleryInteriors/ Houtnerf Cabinet Co. https://www.facebook.com/HoutnerfCabinetCo/ https://www.instagram.com/houtnerfcabinetco/ Standale Home Studio https://www.facebook.com/standalehomestudio/ https://www.instagram.com/standalehome/ TruKitchens https://www.facebook.com/TruKitchens https://www.instagram.com/trukitchens Village Custom Interiors https://www.facebook.com/VillageCI/ https://www.instagram.com/village.custom.interiors/ West Michigan Kitchen Studio https://www.facebook.com/WestMichiganKitchenStudio/ Williams Studio https://www.pinterest.com/williamskitchen/ https://www.facebook.com/williamskitchen/ https://www.instagram.com/thewilliamsstudio/

7440 Clyde Park SW Byron Center, MI 49315 616.281.6684 NEW SHOWROOMS IN GRAND RAPIDS AND LUDINGTON www.wmkitchenstudio.com www.westmichiganlumber.com/kitchen-studio

West Michigan Lumber & Kitchen Studio has been providing our community with building materials since 1999. In 2005, we expanded our offerings to include kitchen and bath products. We have since been a source for many building materials to homeowners, designers, and builders alike. When homeowners come in looking to do a project, we are able to connect them with one of our many contacts to help them make their dream a reality. Your kitchen designer works closely with whomever will be doing the install to ensure a smooth flowing project; whether that be yourself as a DIY homeowner, or builder. Our goal is to help you create a space that you enjoy with the products you love. What sets the Kitchen Studio apart from other home centers is our people. Our design team is made up of industry professionals with diverse background in all facets of interior, kitchen, and bathroom design. No matter how big or small your project or budget may be, our team is here to assist and advise every step of the way.

As part of the design process, our designers meet with you to discuss what your needs are for the space. It’s very important to us that we understand how you work in your home, how the people in your home use your space, are you entertaining often, or simply need your kitchen for your daily family routines. With having a complete understanding of this, we are able to guide you through the design process and be sure you have everything that you will need to make your kitchen and/or bathroom more efficient and user friendly. When it comes to products offered, we carry several quality cabinet lines like Decora, Kemper, Kitchen Craft, Dura Supreme, Omega, Legend and Aristokraft. We are also able to complement your new cabinetry with fine quartz counters from top manufacturers like Cambria, Silestone, Dekton and LG Viatera. Our eagerness to provide you with great customer service has encouraged us to open two new stores in Grand Rapids and Ludington. Stop in today and let us help you with your next kitchen and/or bath project.

AT A GLANCE • Complete Showroom • Experienced Design Team • Personalized Service Offering cabinetry, countertops, cabinet hardware ESTABLISHED: 1999 EMPLOYEES: 46

6744 Cascade Road SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 P 616.957.1969 F 616.957.2030 trukitchens.com www.houzz.com/pro/trukitchens www.facebook.com/trukitchens www.instagram.com/trukitchens

Established in 2007,

TruKitchens is a boutique kitchen and bath dealership specializing in kitchens, bathrooms, closets, outdoor kitchens and home remodeling. We value more than exquisite design; we value the relationships built with our clients. With a full spectrum of design expertise, commitment to a seamless process, and the highest quality products, we are certain that if our clients can dream it, we can do it. Our process is as unique as our clients, tailored to fit their specific needs and design aesthetic. It all starts with an initial consultation in our showroom during which we listen to the ideas, requirements, and style preferences of each client to guide them through the many options and considerations for the space. Every one of our designers is passionate about what they do and enjoys helping our clients turn their ideas into a design they can envi-

sion in their home. Our most treasured moment is experiencing the excitement alongside our clients when walking into their finished living space for the first time … this pivotal moment where dreams meet reality is so very special.

... the results were even better than I imagined.

AT A GLANCE Kitchens, bathrooms, closets, outdoor kitchens, home remodeling ESTABLISHED: 2007 EMPLOYEES: 11 MOTTO: Your dream, our expertise. CLIENT COMMENTS: “TruKitchens was absolutely wonderful to work with! Our kitchen was done in a timely fashion, the contractors were all extremely professional, and the results were even better than I imagined. I would highly recommend them to anyone looking at remodeling their kitchen.” – Sarah Guthrie; Ada, Michigan


COMING TO THE SURFACE Could it be that the perfect countertop surface has come to be? Of course we’re talking about quartz as it remains, once again, year after year, the number one choice for countertops. Today’s technology has allowed quartz to replicate any natural stone or any color or pattern you could possibly desire. Add to that: It’s hygenic, stain resistant, extremely strong and durable. Did we mention that it’s low maintenance and doesn’t need re-sealing — it’s got it all. Marble, butcher block, concrete, and soapstone continue to be options for the chefs who prefer these surfaces for the attributes that are harder to duplicate: ideal chopping surface, a cooler temperature for pastry dough, or naturally aging beauty. These surfaces will always be on the list for various reasons and their beauty is undeniable. Finish choices also play a big role in the look and maintenance of a countertop, mainly: polished, honed or leathered. Textured and tactile surfaces are still all the rage and countertops play into this nicely. Honed and leather surfaces have become the number one option and can be applied to many different materials such as granite, marble, and quartz. A honed finish is a matte finish with little to no shine. The overall look will vary depending on the stone type but, it should have a low sheen and a smooth surface. A leathered finish has a soft sheen that is less glossy from a polished slab and to the touch has a different feel. The leather finish retains the stone’s natural color which can give it a more sophisticated look than honed. It also camouflages water spots and fingerprints nicely. Choosing a countertop made from sustainable materials is always a great choice. It’s a feel-good choice that reduces your carbon footprint and as of 54 | PSG 2022

late it’s becoming easier to find options. Made up of a combination of recycled glass and white cement., sustainable countertops are free of VOCs and plastic resins. Recycled glass surface colors range from neutrals to bold jewel tones. The material is durable and will bring your vision to life visually and responsibly. Concrete designs are continuing to meet the ongoing demand for a refined urban aesthetic. Instantly recognizable, even though texture, colors, and patterns offer great variety — from a cloud-like patina to multi-layer monochromatic tonal variations, or with flecks of contrasting colors, concrete is a statement-piece choice. And, like quartz, there is no need to reseal to avoid stains, cracking, or fissures over time, making it easier to keep clean and maintain.

QUICK CLICKS FOLLOW US Great Lakes Granite Works https://www.facebook.com/Great-Lakes-GraniteWorks-109217255792578/ https://www.instagram.com/great_lakes_granite_works Hard Topix https://www.facebook.com/hardtopix https://www.instagram.com/hard_topix/ Standale Home Studio https://www.facebook.com/standalehomestudio/ https://www.instagram.com/standalehome/ Williams Studio https://www.pinterest.com/williamskitchen/ https://www.facebook.com/williamskitchen/ https://www.instagram.com/thewilliamsstudio

616.785.3088 • greatlakesgranite.com Known for its quality stone, expert craftsmanship, and exceptional customer service, Great Lakes Granite Works has served builders and homeowners throughout West Michigan since 1992. The largest fabricator and installer of granite and quartz in West Michigan, the company designs and installs dramatic countertops, vanities, fireplaces, and tabletops to client specifications.

Great Lakes Granite Works has access to more than 500 spectacular granite colors, as well as an extensive variety of other natural and manmade materials, including a variety of quartz and porcelain products. You’re welcome to visit their showroom, located in Comstock Park, and choose your color or inspect your slab and approve it prior to the cutting and polishing process. In addition to their continued access of new material, the company maintains an inventory of over 1,500 remnants for use in various smaller projects.

Great Lakes Granite Works takes great pride in their hard earned reputation, and works tirelessly to maintain it. Their entire team, from sales to installation, cares about each project.They acquire the best material for each project, and invest in the area’s finest craftsmen and machinery.You can find comprehensive information about granite on their website: www.greatlakesgranite.com.

VISIT US AT OUR SHOWROOM: 3970 West River Drive, Comstock Park, MI 49321

AT A GLANCE GREAT LAKES GRANITE WORKS Established in 1992 Family owned and operated 30 full time employees OFFERING: granite, marble, quartzite, engineered stone, and porcelain. LARGEST OFFERING OF REMNANTS IN WEST MICHIGAN.

At Great Lake Granite Works, customer loyalty is about exceeding expectations.




6585 Belding Rd NE Suite A Rockford, MI 49341 MARY BURNS P: 616.874.7000 E: galleryinteriors@aol.com


Twenty five years in the making, our team of experienced designers and craftsmen partner with our suppliers so we can create innovative design, and overcome any challenge to execute the project of your dreams. Our staff is not only knowledgeable, detailed and energetic, but most importantly, fun to work with. Our philosophy has always been one of service and integrity. We strive to offer practical solutions that are not only visually pleasing and meet the needs of our clients, but stay within their budget. Targeting retail shoppers, potential new home buyers, existing homeowners and builders, Gallery Interiors is also a 'home experience' retail store that allows consumers to design, decorate and furnish their homes all in one place. Our design team can assist you with everything

from paint colors to window treatments, home furnishings, accessories, lamps and wall art. Gallery Interiors also houses the award winning Rockford Kitchen Design Studio. Featuring Fieldstone semi-custom cabinetry (www.fieldstonecabinetry.com) as well as hand-crafted custom. With the emphasis on interior space planning, from concept to execution we can identify your needs, wishes and budget to create your perfect space.

AT A GLANCE GALLERY INTERIORS AND ROCKFORD KITCHEN DESIGN specialize in full-service design and project management, including :

Interior design Kitchen Design Space Planning Remodeling and Building Services Lighting Flooring Window Treatments Furniture Home Staging



58 | PSG 2022

Although it’s been said many times, many ways: Details make the difference! The spaces that we love are designed with attention to every component and decorative hardware might be the most important “detail’ to consider. Beautiful cabinetry hardware can take your kitchen to the next level and stylish door hardware will punctuate any space with a special feel. Continuing to be a favorite choice from 2021, oversized drawer pulls and handles are still everywhere. Available in all styles and finishes, these pulls make a statement the moment you walk in the kitchen. Pulls can be used on both cabinets and drawers, making them a go-to for many homeowners.

Being environmentally conscious is always a good choice and there are a variety of eco-friendly, stylish options in cabinet hardware out there. Pulls made of bamboo offer a natural look while recycled glass knobs offer an air of sophistication. If the “grandmillennial style” is your thing (when a young-ish person takes ownership of something Grandma loved), repurposing retro pulls from an antique shop is both earth-friendly and fun when you find something you love.

Although dark finishes on kitchen hardware are nothing new, the rich darkness of flat (or matte) black continues its appeal. Graphite has also become a dark finish of choice that blends well with multi-toned cabinets.These finishes also have a very high impact on white or light cabinetry and doors. Brass, copper and gold add an elegant look to cabinet hardware. The current gold finishes tend to be rich and deep with a brushed finish. They stand out on both light and dark cabinetry and add a sophisticated touch to any kitchen or bathroom. The minimalist kitchen is going strong, with sleek cabinetry and smart technology. Hardware also plays into this look. Pulls and knobs in neutral colors that are thin or small in footprint complete this look nicely. Sleek pulls can also be installed on the top of drawers instead of the middle so they are distinctly less apparent.

QUICK CLICKS FOLLOW US Modern Hardware https://www.facebook.com/shopmodernhardware/ https://www.instagram.com/modernhardwaregr/ Progressive Hardware www.pro-hardware.com prohdw@sbcglobal.net


FIRST IMPRESSIONS You can’t judge a book by its cover but you can certainly judge a home by its curb appeal. Curb appeal is the attractiveness of the outside of a home, as it comes into view. It’s the first impression that is made of your home by friend or stranger. Countless more people see the outside of your home than inside. And with front porches and decorative walkways making a comeback, it’s easy to make a great first impression. Welcoming exterior spaces via a front porch creates a naturally inviting atmosphere and serves as a functional and intentional addition to your home.

Exterior colors can dramatically alter the look of the home and instantly boost curb appeal. For 2022, curb appeal trends are likely to see a rise in neutrals such as creamy white, pale gray, and beige. Michigan homeowners are also favoring the warmer tones that add appeal on those gray, winter days.

Walkways serve two purposes: the obvious is to provide you and your guests a path to your front door. The other purpose is visual, and is just as important in our work as exterior designers. Walkways guide the eye to a home’s front entry. Stone-and-paver walkways create an informal, organic aesthetic that complements most exteriors.

So remember, first impressions make an impact. Your home on the outside will let visitors and passersby appreciate the beautiful design even if only from your curbside.

Another curb appeal trend for 2022 is the stunning look of an oversized front door. Spiking from an average of eight feet tall to 10 or even 12 feet, nothing makes a lasting impression like a little drama. Front doors are also getting wider, spanning six feet or more. Oversized doors allow more light and air inside the home, two elements that are vital to our well-being. And, your installers will love you!


Natural wood elements and accents are also very appealing right now. Wood details, such as a beautiful front door, a bench or even gates and arbors, add architectural interest and warmth. And, for those who actually enter your home, nothing makes a better welcoming impression than a solid wood, handcrafted front door. Keep the wood elements of your exterior intentional and anchored in your home style and you’ll love the view every time you come home.

60 | PSG 2022

Stone siding is also on the rise and makes a great first impression. It comes in all sorts of shapes, colors and sizes but for 2022, light-colored stone accents seem to hit the mark. Light stone siding looks sleek and modern without feeling stuffy and complements most exterior colors.

FOLLOW US RJ Raven www.rjraven.com Bouma Bros. www.boumabros.com Standale Lumber & Supply www.standalelumber.com www.facebook.com/standalelumber

Exquisitely Hand-Crafted Designs Crafting Beauty Since 1980

RJ Raven offers exceptional handcrafted custom wood doors, entryways and windows in any style — traditional, historic or contemporary. Built by highly skilled artisans in our West Michigan studio. Let RJ Raven design and build your perfect door!

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255 Cottage Grove SE Grand Rapids, MI 49507 616.245.5684 www.rjraven.com


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Trends in flooring don’t move as fast as in other areas of home design. For obvious reasons, our flooring does not get “re-done” as regularly as our wall color or our furnishings. But, our floors sure can make the biggest impact to a space and new ideas, products and trends keep arising. Advancements in flooring technology have allowed manufacturers to replicate the exact look of real wood or stone onto all kinds of tile surfaces with luxury vinyl and porcelain being favorites. It has become almost impossible to differentiate the tile from the real thing. These replications also include a directional and textural finish, resembling that of the real thing. The variety seems endless and with faux tiles, you get the design benefits of a hardwood floor in terms of color, look and even texture but the ease of care and maintenance that nearly-indestructible vinyl offers. New technology has made its way to realistic-looking metallics as well for a pleasing, industrial look with various tile mediums. The designer-favorite flooring choice, however, is still engineered hardwood and there’s a reason why. It’s the real deal but even better. It has a top layer of hardwood —that gives it its authentic beauty — followed by layers of plywood in alternating directions —that give it its durability. Designers stay true to the natural material and homeowners love its durability. Natural stone is getting bolder with more prominent veining and color catching our eye. Different shaped tiles are being used more as well and can be seen mixed and matched and patterned with plain tiles. And, all sorts of floor tiles are making their way from the floor right up the wall — onto kitchen islands, on stair risers and in alcoves. There are a lot of ways to add architectural interest to our homes but one of our favorites that’s on the rise is floor framing. By simply laying out your floor-

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ing in a different pattern or direction, you can change the entire feel of your space. Pattern continues to be hot in 2022 and how your flooring is laid out can make a big impact on your interior design. Geometrics continue with their popularity in 2022 and carpet with vibrant patterns and bold colors is leading the way. In fact, we’re seeing soft flooring in two extremes: either natural and calming, with a quiet pattern; or an explosion of color and bold pattern. Area rugs in new, custom shapes and sizes are a hot trend as well. Sisal, seagrass, coir and jute, all sustainably harvested, bring a natural element, along with wool, these materials emit low or no VOC’s into our homes, so they’re not only good for the planet but good for our health as well.

QUICK CLICKS FOLLOW US Century https://www.facebook.com/CenturyGR/ https://www.instagram.com/centuryflooring/ DeGraaf Interiors https://www.facebook.com/DeGraaf-InteriorsInc-115751681223/ https://www.pinterest.com/degraafint/_saved/ Standale Home Studio https://www.facebook.com/standalehomestudio/ https://www.instagram.com/standalehome/ Village Custom Interiors https://www.facebook.com/VillageCI/ https://www.instagram.com/village.custom.interiors/


THE CLEAR WINNER A favorable atmosphere is one with and abundance of natural light. Natural light not only enhances our mood it’s significantly important to our mental health. Designers are using glass and mirrors more and more in unique and beautiful ways to maximize this commodity. Glass railings and bannisters, allglass showers, glass-front cabinetry, and many other innovative ideas are becoming common place in our homes. Glass can make people’s lives more comfortable, creative, colorful and enjoyable. One of our favorite interior glass trends is the black, steel-framed window look (Crittall style). Edgy and versatile, these slim-profile frames have the ability to completely transform a space; not just by giving it an edge that is somehow both retro and modern, but also by opening up a space and letting in more light. It’s a fabulous way to cleverly partition open areas to create different zones, without compromising on light or space. They can be used as internal partitions or connecting doorways, and they're great for dividing up and zoning spaces. Making more eco-friendly choices with the materials we use is always important. Using products that are recycled, reused or made from certified sustainable sources can make a positive impact on the planet and sustainability is a selling feature for your home. For those interested in reducing your impact on the environment, remember, glass increases the natural light in a space while simultaneously improving energy efficiency. It’s also recyclable. When it comes to durability, glass does not corrode with exposure to water, crack due to extreme temperatures or change color when exposed to sunlight. It doesn’t warp and is not susceptible to rot. Glass is extremely durable and

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will look great for a long period of time. Watch for glass countertops, backsplashes and wall cladding. A custom glass tabletop is a unique and functional piece. Retro Style is an eclectic mix of old styles and new forms or new forms with old materials and finishes. As style is becoming more personal in 2022, beloved retro elements make a statement. This style embraces a kaleidoscope of contrasting design features, colors, shapes and forms. Consider vintage mirrors in all sorts of shapes and frame options; colored glass, glass art or tinted lamp shades to bring different hues to your space. How about the chic look of a mirrored backsplash in your bar area or a metal-coated glass on the wall? The options and ideas are endless and the results are beautiful.

QUICK CLICKS FOLLOW US Norberts Glass & Mirror https://www.facebook.com/NorbertsGlassAndMi rrorCompany/ https://www.instagram.com/norbertsglassandmirrorco/ Sligh Closets & Glass https://www.facebook.com/SlighDesign/ Studio G https://www.instagram.com/studiogwmi www.studioginc.com


Norbert’s Glass & Mirror Co. has been a Southwest


Michigan staple for 30 years. We take great pride in the quality of our service, products, and professional installation.

Over 30 years in Business.

Please visit our large showroom, where we offer a one-stop shop for all your glass and mirror needs. Services include custom tub and shower glass, including heavy frameless Euro doors, barnstyle doors, and semi-frameless options, vanity mirrors, mirrored walls, custom framed mirrors, decorative cabinet glass, table tops and glass shelves, replacement of foggy and broken thermopanes, mirrored doors, deck railing glass, LED mirrors, glass and mirror backsplash, mirrored cover plates and safety glass.

Izzy, Katie K, Katie L and Keith are here to help you from 8:30 am–5:30 pm Monday through Friday.

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In 2022, things are looking bright and more brilliant than ever with something for everyone and every room. From striking, eye-catching chandeliers to subtle lamps and bulbs that gently envelop a room in light, here are the trends we have our eyes on and how to incorporate them into your spaces. Oversizing Lighting is a surefire way to make a space feel special. and oversized chandeliers do the trick nicely. They easily capture attention and are a great way to make a statement in a space. Keep in mind that chandeliers are no longer just reserved for dining rooms or foyers. Chandeliers are being used in a variety of different settings throughout the home, it's just a matter of finding that ideal selection that speaks to you. Layering Rather than relying on one source of light, there’s been a resurgence in the look of layered lighting with designers using multiple fixtures in a room. While this may sound like a lot of lights, it's a perfect layout for large spaces like living rooms and great rooms where lamps and overhead lights play important roles for different situations. Dimmer switches are always a must and allow for further ability to set a mood. Naturally Relaxing and calming spaces commonly feature some kind of natural texture or theme running through them. Nature and outdoor areas can be the most rejuvenating places to spend time in, and spaces that reflect this serene energy are extremely inviting. Lighting is a beautiful way to incorporate the natural into your spaces and natural textures are a great way to play with shadow design.

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Subtlety On one end of the spectrum we have statement lights, but on the other end, there are the gentle fixtures that blend into a room, diffusing it with a subtle light that still makes a drastic difference in the atmosphere and overall look. Lights that meld into spaces will be a huge draw in 2022 as they keep the desired aesthetic of a space open and airy. A light that almost disappears into the space allows for other design elements, like art or textiles to stay front and center.

QUICK CLICKS FOLLOW US The Lighiting Corner https://www.facebook.com/thelightingcorner/ https://www.instagram.com/thelightingcorner/ www.thelightingcorner.com



THE LIGHTING CORNER WORKS FOR YOU! 4269 Chicago Drive SW Grandville, MI 49418 616-534-8560

1051 Jackson Street Grand Haven, MI 49417 616-842-1650



For decades, the movies have been showing us homes of the future. From virtual assistants to talking refrigerators, our society has been enamored by the idea of a smarter house. But what was once an act of Hollywood magic is now standard practice in households across the nation. Let’s look at the latest and greatest in what your home can do for you. High-tech homes have raised the bar when it comes to the technology. One of the biggest trends in this industry is total home integration. By using the same products and services throughout (such as all Google or all Amazon Alexa devices), smart homes have become more streamlined and easier to use. This connective technology allows the components to interact with one another, saving homeowners valuable time and effort. Think about this: if a smart water monitor detects a leak in your home, it could communicate with the smart water shutoff system to turn off immediately, preventing extreme damage to your home. Artificial intelligence is also making strides. AI devices, such as voice assistants, are staples of the industry, and they make setting a timer or turning up your thermostat as easy as a voice command. Smart speakers were the go-to when it came to AI devices but, thanks to recent advances, artificial intelligence has begun to show up in other aspects of the home: fridges that track contents and create a grocery lists; mirrors that host workout videos and can critique your performance; ovens that turn on and off with your voice. Artificial intelligence has transformed the ordinary parts of our homes in so many ways, letting us interact with our homes like never before. We now live in a time where our health and wellbeing (both mentally and physically) have taken center stage like never before and our homes have become a focal point of this effort. Home automa-

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tion companies have gotten in on the action, offering devices aimed at increasing air quality and incorporating “contactless” appliances, faucets and fixtures. The recent pandemic has also increased the need for effective home office spaces. The most productive enviroments include elements such noise-canceling windows and air filtration systems. And, these at-home work areas many times serve other purposes, including remote classrooms for kids and study areas. By now you’ve heard the term dead zone. Dead zones are the dreaded areas of your home that you can’t get internet access, even though you’re likely paying your service provider top dollar. Never fear: the homes of the future (which is today) have the answer! Thanks to something called mesh WiFi, dead zones come back to life. Mesh WiFi works by connecting your main router with additional modules placed throughout your home. This ensures that all your new, integrated appliances will always have access to the internet. It also means you’ll never experience that dreaded drop out again just because you walked into a different room. If you think smart homes sound expensive, you’re correct. Whether you have upgraded your rooms yourself or bought a home with a smart system already installed, you likely paid a pretty penny. But when it comes to home tech, all the bases are covered including protection. Home protection systems typically include security cameras, alarm systems, video doorbells and plenty of motion-sensor lights. With all of these devices you know that your home is safe and secure. And, if an alarm goes off, you can check on your home from anywhere with your smart phone.

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INCREASING LIVABILITY The pandemic has inspired changes to the home, mainly with the need for more storage and using existing rooms for more than one purpose. Trends in how we organize our homes have shined a light on the many more tasks we are now doing ourselves from home instead of relying on outsourcing. Homeowners are looking to their garages as more than just shelter for their cars or a place to store their lawn and garden items. Today’s garages have become extensions of the home taking on a variety of roles from workout areas to pet grooming stations. But, this means clearing the clutter and having a place for everything. Rethinking your garage storage and organization will help expand its capacity allowing it to accomodate everything you desire it to do. Another part of the home that has become essential in 2022, is the mudroom. New home builds are including customized mudrooms that fit the specific lifestyle needs of their owners, while renovation projects are significantly improving these spaces to make homes function better for their owners. Mudrooms are no longer just used for putting on and taking off outerwear, they’ve become large spaces that organize family members with their various activities, hold packages and grocery deliveries — they even include gift wrapping stations and specialty laundry care areas. Pantries have gone to the next level as well. Small rooms that were once just used for storing food items and small appliances have become full-on, second kitchens that are organized from top to bottom with ingredients and functionality. The

desire for these spaces is high as they allow homeowners to keep their main kitchen uncluttered daily and spotless when entertaining. So, whether it’s cutting down on your messy junk drawers, or taking your garage to the next level, it’s been proven that a structured and organized enviroment adds to a better quality of life — less stress, and increased productivity. Customized, smart storage solutions are an essential component of the home.

QUICK CLICKS FOLLOW US Closet Concepts https://www.facebook.com/Closetconceptsofgr/ Sligh Closets & Glass https://www.facebook.com/SlighDesign/ Studio G https://www.instagram.com/studiogwmi www.studioginc.com ORG West Michigan https://www.facebook.com/ORGWestMichigan

Go with the Original ...

www.closetconceptsofgr.com 365 - 84th Street SW • Byron Center, MI 49315 • 616.913.9148

We Bring order and simplicity to people’s associated with a local company that has been lives by designing and installing organizational sys- a vital part of this community for many years. tems for: • Closets • Laundry Rooms • Pantries • Home Offices • Garages • Etc. Our Process is 3 Simple Steps: • Free, in-home design consultation • A detailed “3D” design Our desire is to brighten our client’s day everytime with a price quote • Professional installation they enter the space that we just transformed. Whether it be a “walk-in” master closet, a fresh Our experienced designers will meet with you in new pantry, a laundry area, or a well organized your home, or if you prefer, in our Showroom… garage…we want a Smile to come across their face we ask all the right questions to offer the best posevery single time. sible design solution for your needs and budget. After all of these years, we still get excited seeing the transformation that takes place everytime we complete a project…our installers send pictures back to our designers, and to their fellow installers, showing off their work…they are just that passionate about it. ”We Truly Love What We Do!”

You will receive a beautiful 3-D design that you can view and review from every angle to experience your newly transformed space before it’s even installed.

Next, our expert installation team will carefully and skillfully install the product needed to comWe’re Proud to be one of the longest serving plete your project, and leave your home as Authorized Dealers of ORG Home Products… clean as when we arrived. Beyond that, we are blessed that ORG Home Products are manufactured right here in Holland I guess step 4 is for you to enjoy your new Michigan. We consider it a privilege to be space and tell your friends!

AT A GLANCE Total Home Organization ... closets, pantries, garages, Murphy beds, home offices ESTABLISHED: 1986 Authorized ORG Home Products Dealer WHY WE COME TO WORK: To Brighten someones day —everyday! CLIENT COMMENTS: “Refreshingly great customer service! Every touch point was above average… my closet looks amazing! What a transformation. I would highly recommend the team at Closet Concepts.”

An Interactive Directory for the Home APPLIANCES, EQUIPMENT AND HARDWARE

Gerrit's Appliance, Inc. (616) 532-3626 www.gerritsappliances.com ARCHITECTS & DESIGNERS

42 North Architecture + Design (616) 340-8047 www.42northarchitects.com Brad Douglas Design www.braddouglasdesign.com David C. Bos Construction Co. (616) 842-2248 x116 Fitzpatrick Custom Design (616) 532-2000 J. Visser Design (616) 954-2509 www.jvisser.com Lucid Architecture, Inc (616) 741-0044 www.lucidarc.com Mathison Mathison Architects (616) 920-0545 www.mathisonarchitects.com Sears Architects (616)336-8495 www.searsarchitects.com Visbeen Architects, Inc. (616) 285-9901 x2 www. visbeen.com AWNINGS

Action Awning LLC (616) 874-7400 www.actionawning.com www.facebook.com/pages/ Action-AwningLLC/479665515420452 BRICK, STONE & MASONRY

Belden Brick & Supply Co. (616) 459-8367 BUILDER

Ashby Builders (616) 893-6284 Aukeman Development Co. (616) 669-4363 B.D.D. Construction Co. LLC (616) 696-1226 BDR Custom Homes, Inc. (616) 458-8505 Berghuis Construction LLC (616) 217-6565 Celebrity Builders LLC (616) 291-1808 Christin Homes (616) 874-2694 www.christinhomes.com chad@christinhomes.com Colonial Builders LLC (616) 534-2030 Curt Moran Builders, Inc. (616) 293-0660 Daeco Builders, Inc. (616) 682-2422 Dan Vis Builders LLC

(616) 293-3597 Dan Vos Construction Co., Inc. (616) 676-9169 Dave Dusendang Custom Homes, Inc. (616) 874-7085 www.dusendanghomes.com Dave Visser Builder LLC (616) 791-8899 David C. Bos Construction Co. (616) 842-2248 x116 DBC Custom Homes (616) 878-5400 www.dbccustomhomes.com www.facebook.com/DBCcust omhomes/ www.instagram.com/dbccustomhomes Diephuis Builders, Inc. (616) 956-7441 Eastbrook Homes, Inc. (616) 988-1324 Epique Homes, Inc. (616) 437-1767 Falcon Custom Homes, Inc. (616) 682-1700 Forest Hills Homes LLC (616) 940-9015 Habitat For Humanity of Kent County (616) 588-5220 Infiniti Custom Homes, Inc. (616) 322-3005 Insignia Homes (616) 940-1703 Interra Homes (616) 862-1292 J & J Concepts LLC (616) 540-3560 J. Peterson Homes LLC (616) 291-1816 Jim Tibbe Homes (616) 916-8895 John L. Koetje Builder, Inc. (616) 538-4241 Kenowa Associates, Inc. (616) 531-0069 KLH Custom Homes LLC (269) 823-8041 Koetje Builders, Inc. (616) 457-3450 Let Us, Inc. (616) 893-2341 Lown Homes LLC (616) 366-3436 Makuski Builders, Inc. (616) 299-1725 Maplewood Homes (616) 499-5054 www.maplewoodhomes.com Mike Schaap Builders, Inc. (616) 399-9925 www.mikeschaapbuilders.com Mosaic Properties & Homes (616) 235-0711 x201

Muston Construction, Inc. (616) 887-9088 www.mustonconstruction.com www.facebook.com/mustonconstruction www.houzz.com/pro/muston/__ public office@mustonconstruction.com New Urban Home Builders LLC (616) 401-5669 Nugent Builders, Inc. (616) 866-7663 P.A. DeHaan LLC (616) 299-1329 Raymar Homes (616) 299-7664 Schultz Builders LLC (616) 405-9316 Scott Christopher Homes (616) 784-4500 Scott Lamaire Custom Homes (616) 802-8850


Houtnerf Cabinet Co. info@houtnerf.design www.facebook.com/Houtner fCabinetCo/ www.instagram.com/houtnerfcabinetco Rivershores Building Products, Inc. (616) 738-8440 Rivershores Hardwood Flooring & Cabinetry Company (616) 243-7000 -EGR (616) 738-8440 - Holland www.facebook.com/Rivershore sHardwoodFlooringCompany/ www.houzz.com/pro/rivershoreshardwoodflooring/rive rshores-hardwood-flooring sales@rivershores.com

Progressive Hardware (616) 607-7373 www.pro-hardware.com prohdw@sbcglobal.net FLOOR COVERING

Century (616) 988-4524 DeGraaf Interiors (616) 669-1621 Johnson Carpet One (616) 531-3100 Klingman's Furniture (616) 942-7300 Village Custom Interiors www.villageci.com (616) 878-5000 /www.facebook.com/VillageCI

Sherwood Custom Homes LLC (616) 891-1865 www.sherwoodcustomhomes.com jeff@sherwoodcustomhomes.com

Standale Home Studio (616) 453-8201 www.standalehomestudio.com www.facebook.com/standaleinteriors www.houzz.com/pro/standaleinteriors www.pinterest.com/standaleint

Standale Home Studio (616) 453-8201 www.standalehomestudio.com www.facebook.com/standaleinteriors www.houzz.com/pro/standaleinteriors www.pinterest.com/standaleint

Snellink Builders (616) 437-4527 Snowden Builders LLC (616) 299-8455 Solomon Homes LLC (616) 437-1179

TruKitchens (616) 957-1969 https://www.facebook.com/T ruKitchens https://www.instagram.com/t rukitchens

Closet Concepts, Inc. (616) 913-9148 www.closetconceptsofgr.com info@closetconceptsofgr.com

Sligh Closet & Glass (616) 422-4321 www.slighdesign.com www.facebook.com/SlighDesign/ www.houzz.com/pro/slighclosetandglass/sligh-closetand-glass

Closet Design (616) 772-1119


Sytsma Construction LLC (616) 437-4966 www.sytsmaconstruction.com sytsmaconstllc@gmail.com Tim Schollaart Builder LLC (616) 890-1381 Tim VerStrate Custom Homes, Inc. (616) 677-6062 www.timverstratecustomhomes.com Whitmore Homes LLC (616) 446-3482 BUILDING MATERIALS

Eikenhout Building Supplies (616)-459-4523 Foundation Building Materials (616) 534-4903 CABINETRY

Benchmark Wood Studio (616)994-7374 benchmark-studios.com Closet & Room Solutions (616) 785-1021 www.closetandroomsolutions.com

Sligh Closet & Glass (616) 422-4321 The Williams Studio www.slighdesign.com (616) 771-0530 www.facebook.com/SlighDesign/ www.thewilliamsstudio.com www.houzz.com/pro/slighclosewww.facebook.com/TheWilli tandglass/sligh-closet-and-glass amsStudio sarahc@slighdesign.com www.houzz.com/pro/william sstudio1/williams-studio#8 Studio G (616) 994-7050 CLOSET ORGANIZERS https://www.instagram.com/studioCloset Concepts, Inc. gwmi www.studioginc.com (616) 913-9148 www.closetconceptsofgr.com info@closetconceptsofgr.com GLASS & MIRROR PRODUCTS

Norbert's Glass & Mirror Co. (616) 531-1110 www.norbertsglassandmirror.com

Sligh Closet & Glass (616) 422-4321 www.slighdesign.com Modern Hardware www.facebook.com/SlighDesign/ (616) 241-2655 www.houzz.com/pro/slighclosewww.modernhardware.com tandglass/sligh-closet-and-glass www.facebook.com/Modern- sarahc@slighdesign.com Hardware www.houzz.com/browseRevi Studio G ews/modernhardwaregr (616) 994-7050 https://instagram.com/modwww.instagram.com/studiogwmi ernhardware www.studioginc.com DECORATIVE HARDWARE


Created Control (616) 356-2660 Streamline Systems (616)457-5460 www.streamlinesystemsmi.com HOME ELECTRONICS INSTALLATION

Bekins Audio/Video & Appliances (616) 957-2333 Created Control (616) 356-2660 Streamline Systems (616)457-5460 www.streamlinesystemsmi.com

An Interactive Directory for the Home

Great Lakes Granite Works (616) 785-3088 www.greatlakesgranite.com www.facebook.com/GreatLakes-Granite-Works www.houzz.com/pro/greatlakesgraniteworks/greatlakes-granite-works www.instagram.com/great_lak es_granite_works DBurgess@greatlakesgranite.com Premier Granite & Stone (616) 647-5538 www.premiergranitetops.com Standale Home Studio (616) 453-8201 www.standalehomestudio.com


Closet Concepts (616) 913-9148 www.facebook.com/Closetcon ceptsofgr/ Studio G (616) 994-7050 https://www.instagram.com/studiogwmi www.studioginc.com Sligh Closets & Glass (616) 422-4321 https://www.facebook.com/Slig hDesign/ ORG West Michigan https://www.facebook.com/OR GWestMichigan INTERIOR DESIGN

42 North - Architecture + Design (616) 340-8047 Dwellings, Inc. (616) 532-7897 Rock Kauffman Design (616) 956-3008 Klingman's Furniture (616) 942-7300

Tru Kitchens (616) 957-1969 The Williams Studio (616) 771-0530 www.thewilliamsstudio.com www.facebook.com/TheWilli amsStudio www.houzz.com/pro/williams studio1/williams-studio#8 LANDSCAPE DESIGN

Alfresco Landcapes LLC (616) 453-2530 www.alfresco-landscapes.com LIGHTING FIXTURES

The Lighting Corner (616) 534-8560 (616) 842-1650 (G. Haven) www.thelightingcorner.com www.facebook.com/thelightingcorner/?fref=ts www.pinterest.com/TLC_1984 MORTGAGE SERVICES

Adventure Credit Union (616) 243-0125 xx1207 www.adventurecu.org

Standale Interiors (616) 453-8201 www.standaleinteriors.com

Chemical Bank (616) 588-7438 www.chemicalbankmi.com

Joseph Szymczak www.studioatslate.com

First United Credit Union (616) 532-9067 www.firstunitedcu.org


DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Greater Grand Rapids (616) 632-2284 www.dreammakergr.com Granite Transformations (616) 726-1388

Independent Bank (800) 285-3111 Inlanta Mortgage (616) 581-2374 www.MoveUpMi.com

Old National Bank (616) 802-3921 www.oldnational.com PNC Bank (616) 446-9632 www.pnc.com SHOWER & TUB ENCLOSURES

Closet Design (616) 772-1119


Great Lakes Granite Works (616) 785-3088 www.greatlakesgranite.com www.facebook.com/GreatLakes-Granite-Works109217255792578/ www.houzz.com/pro/greatlakesgraniteworks/great-lakesgranite-works www.instagram.com/great_lakes _granite_works DBurgess@greatlakesgranite.com

Norbert's Glass & Mirror Co. (616) 531-1110 www.norbertsglassandmirror.com

Top of the World Granite, Inc. (616) 791-7444

Sligh Closet & Glass (616) 422-4321 www.slighdesign.com www.facebook.com/SlighDesign/ www.houzz.com/pro/slighclosetandglass/sligh-closet-and-glass

Closet Concepts, Inc. (616) 913-9148 www.closetconceptsofgr.com info@closetconceptsofgr.com


ORG West Michigan https://www.facebook.com/OR GWestMichigan

Eikenhout, Inc. (616) 459-4523 Standale Lumber & Supply (616) 530-8200 www.standalelumber.com www.facebook.com/standalelumber SOLAR SCREENS

Action Awning LLC (616) 874-7400 http://actionawning.com https://www.facebook.com/pag es/Action-AwningLLC/479665515420452 SOLID SURFACE, GRANITE, FABRICATION/ INSTALLATION

Great Lakes Granite Works (616) 785-3088 www.greatlakesgranite.com www.facebook.com/GreatLakes-Granite-Works www.houzz.com/pro/greatlakesgraniteworks/great-lakesgranite-works www.instagram.com/great_lakes _granite_works DBurgess@greatlakesgranite.com Premier Granite & Stone (616) 647-5538 www.premiergranitetops.com Top of the World Granite, Inc. (616) 791-7444 Williams Kitchen & Bath (616) 771-0505


Sligh Closet & Glass (616) 422-4321


Klingman's Furniture (616) 942-7300 Standale Home Studio (616) 453-8201 www.standalehomestudio.com www.facebook.com/standaleinteriors www.houzz.com/pro/standaleinteriors www.pinterest.com/standaleint/ WINDOWS & DOORS

Eikenhout, Inc. (616) 459-4523 R J Raven Corporation (616) 245-5684 Standale Lumber & Supply (616) 530-8200 www.standalelumber.com

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