Early Winter 2021 Cosmopolitan Home

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Grand Rapids




EARLY WINTER 2021 $3.00 10


a NEW VIEW publication


Grand Rapids Cosmopolitan Home EARLY WINTER 2021

features 14 The House on the Hill Grand in scale, classic in design, an exceptional home by Colonial Builders graces an historic site with views for miles 42 Airstream Dream A 1966 International Ambassador Airstream gets a fabulous new interior — ready for today’s open road 51 Flashback Fave: A Little More Timeless A Reed’s Lake rebuild from 2014 maintains its timeless appeal and “original” presence

departments 6 MONEY MATTERS Inflation and Retirement Combatting higher expenses over time 8 HEALTHWISE Strong is For Everyone The benefits of strength training 10 CUISINE Holiday Delights Apple-licious treats to delight your guests

5 ON TREND Smart Money Moves Advice on owning a vacation home from Inlanta Mortgage 12 ON TREND Kitchen Remodeling Knowing the trends that are here to stay by Standale Home Studio 40 ON TREND Thoughtful Utility Spaces Customized spaces that make life easier from TruKitchens

PICTURED HERE: The lower level kitchenette island reveals one of the classic farmhouse elements found throughout “The House on the Hill.” See full article on page 14.

cover photo by Ashley Avila

Volume XXXIII Issue 5 No. 174 PUBLISHER

David J. Koning


Jennifer Vander Vliet


Marie Kamp


Lisa Cargill Lauren Carlson Jane Whittington Jonathan Arnold Derek Simon Nanci Marsman Todd Wiley


Ashley Avila


Jennifer Koning Angie Brennan


David J. Koning Olivia Rhoades

Unsolicited manuscripts accepted. Send to Editor, 6660 Old 28th SE. Ste. 106, Grand Rapids, MI 49546. ©2021 Summit Media. Grand Rapids Cosmopolitan Home is published by Summit Media Inc., 6660 Old 28th SE. Ste. 106, Grand Rapids, MI 49546. Subscription Rate: 1 year, $18.00; single rate, $3.00 (includes third class postage). Postmaster: send changes to 6660 Old 28th SE. Ste. 106, Grand Rapids, MI 49546. 616.828.6016 www.cosmogr.com No portion of this magazine may be reproduced in whole or in part without the expressed written consent of the publisher.

4 | early winter 2021

ON•TREND by Inlanta Mortgage

Smart Money Moves: Owning a Vacation Home IF YOU’RE NOT FEELING warm and fuzzy with chestnuts roasting on an open fire, and if Jack Frost is ticking you off, you might be ready to explore the charms of a more southern exposure. (One sure sign of winter-blah-phobia is the sudden onset of craving Pina Coladas and humming Jimmy Buffet tunes.) Even if you love the four seasons, a vacation home in the snowy mantle of the Mitten or sunny shores of Florida can actually build your investment portfolio. The right move on a vacation home can also lay the foundation for a future retirement nest, generate extra revenue and increase your family fun quotient. Relatively low mortgage rates make vacation home financing more affordable than ever. Travel hassles, such as cruise and resort risks during the time of COVID, make owning a vacation home more attractive than ever. With careful planning, you can leverage your assets to make memories that will last a lifetime. Benefits of Owning a Vacation Property: •Vacation properties tend to appreciate over time, so you’re turning your annual vacation expense into an investment! •You can generate rental revenue to pay down a future retirement home or a legacy family retreat. •You may even spend less annually on vacations, depending on the mortgage amount. •Depending on your unique financial picture, you could enjoy additional tax benefits and/or a relatively passive revenue stream. •You will have a great place to get away from it all!

Things You Should Know Before Buying: • You’ll need to spend at least 14 days a year or 10 percent of the days rented out to claim it as a residence on your taxes with associated benefits. • You’ll need a minimum of 10 percent or more for a downpayment • You’ll need a strong credit score, minimum 620 but you’ll have better terms at 680 or higher. • Because vacation home lending is more stringent, you’ll need a rock-solid pre-approval before you shop. • If one area of your application is weaker, you can often compensate for it by being strong in other areas. Thanks to this flexibility, it’s possible to qualify for a second home mortgage even without perfect credit or a huge down payment. Twin Benefits of a Cash-Out Refi If you’ve lived in your current home for any length of time, there’s a good chance you’re in a substantial equity position given the current real estate market. Using a cash-out refi may be a great instrument to finance a healthy down payment — or the entirety — of a vacation property, all while possibly netting you a lower interest rate.

According to the National Association of REALTORS®, about a fifth of buyers tap into their equity for all or part of a second home purchase, through either a cash-out refinance or a home equity line of credit (HELOC). So if owning a vacation home resonates with you, start strategizing with a trusted advisor to make your next getaway a smart money move!

Jonathan Arnold Branch manager at the Ada office of Inlanta Mortgage NMLS# 1016. Connect with him at MoveUpMi.com. Jonathan is also licensed in Florida – learn more at FloridaHomeLoanSolutions.com

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 5



Inflation and Retirement Combatting Higher Expenses Over Time

Today it’s common for Americans to spend two, three or even four decades in retirement. This means people have ample time to relax and achieve a bucket list of dreams. However, the flip side is that retirees need to ensure they have enough savings to last through their lifetime. One complicating factor is that inflation is a fact of life, and it can result in meaningfully higher expenses over time. As you’ve likely seen in recent headlines, inflation rates are the highest they’ve been in many years. Living costs have risen 5% over the past 12 months ending in June, based on the Consumer Price Index 1 – significantly higher than the 1-2% annual increases we’ve gotten used to seeing over the past decade. Inflation creates challenges for all consumers, but it can be particularly difficult for those who are retired and living on a limited income. Higher inflation can throw off the assumptions for regular expenses reflected in your retirement plan. It’s unknown whether this uptick in living costs will persist, but you should prepare for the impacts of inflation regardless. Here are a few things to know and do: Keep it in perspective Today’s inflation rate of 5% is high by recent standards, but nowhere near a record.We may be a long way from seeing an extended period of high inflation like we had in the 1970s and 1980s, where inflation in the United States peaked at 13.5%. Since 1982, inflation has only been higher than 5% in one calendar year (1991) until now.2 While another decade-long inflation threat is unlikely, living costs in the near-term may continue to rise at a fast pace. Revisit your expenses If the cost of essential items, such as food, gas, plus the cost of discretionary expenses, such as travel, are busting your budget, you may need to explore ways to cut back. Can you buy food in bulk to save money? Should you reduce your casual driving to cut down on gas?

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Are there other discretionary expenses you can forego, at least for now? Addressing these questions today could prevent you from spending down your assets too quickly. Adjust your investments Is your portfolio properly positioned to keep pace with inflation? It may make sense to keep a portion of your assets invested in stocks. Over the past 30 years, the Standard & Poor’s 500, a benchmark of U.S. large cap stock market performance, gained, on average, more than 10% annually3, well above the 2.3% average annual inflation rate over that same period.4 Earning higher returns on money you may need 10 to 20 years in the future should help it grow sufficiently to meet inflated income needs at that time, but a large portion of your portfolio should still be invested more conservatively to protect it from market volatility. Look at other options to improve your position If you are experiencing financial strains as living costs rise, you may want to consider other options, such as a part-time job or consulting. Even in retirement, it is important to be flexible to react to changing circumstances that may affect even your best-laid plans. Be sure to check with your financial advisor to discuss your most attractive options to manage today’s inflation risks. ❂ Lisa Cargill, ChFC®, CLU®,CRPC®, CDFA™ is a Financial Advisor with Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. She specializes in fee-based financial planning and asset management strategies. Ameriprise Financial and its representatives do not provide tax or legal advice. Consult your tax advisor or attorney regarding specific tax issues. Brokerage, investment and financial advisory services are made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member FINRA and SIPC. Some products and services may not be available in all jurisdictions or to all clients. © 2017 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Strong is for Everyone The benefits of strength training

Can still lose weight A very common misconception with strength training is that you can’t lose weight and gain muscle or strength at the same time. That is definitely not the case and is very achievable when supported by proper nutrition.

Every person who wishes to be healthier, feel stronger, and be Heart Health more confident with their body should strength train. Strength training or resistance training comes in many different forms and should not be confined to the perception that if you begin to strength train you will immediately pack on large amounts of muscle that will make you look “bulky.” There are many different forms of strength training aside from complex barbell movements that everyone can benefit from. Circuit training, muscular endurance, muscle hypertrophy, strength training, and power training are different forms of strength training with different adaptations that can be specific to the individual’s fitness goals.

Strength training can decrease blood pressure, lower bad cholesterol, and improve blood flow. Cardiovascular exercise is a great way to improve your cardiovascular health but there are many forms of strength training like circuit training, bodyweight training, and HIIT training that can produce similar effects! Good for mental health We live in an anxiety and stress filled world, however research has shown that strength training can reduce anxiety and boost mood endorphins.

The following highlights the many benefits of strength training and several reasons to consider starting now: At the end of the day there are many different ways to strength train and not all are for everyone. However everyone can benefit from Builds and maintains muscle mass some sort of strength training given the numerous amounts of health •Aside from being aesthetically pleasing, becoming stronger makes benefits these forms of exercise have to offer. There is never a bad everyday tasks much easier without your body restricting the life you time to start so why not today! ❂ want to live. Derek Simon, D1 Grand Rapids Increases Metabolism Bachelor of Exercise Science emphasis in Health Building muscles increases your metabolic rate, or your body’s abiland Fitness – Grand Valley State University ity to use a given amount of calories. Meaning that even after your Master of Exercise and Nutrition Science – workout is done you are still burning calories even at rest. The University of Tampa NASM – Certified Personal Trainer Bone and joint health E-FIT – Electrical Muscle Stimulation Certified While strength training is not the only way to increase your bone Training focuses: Injury Rehabilitation and Prevention density it is one the primary ways to do so. Additionally stronger muscles can relieve joint pain and decrease an athletes or any person's risk of injury.

8 | early winter 2021

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Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 9



Turn to an option like Envy Apples this holiday season for satisfying texture and taste with a consistently balanced, refreshing sweetness coupled with a crisp, elegant crunch. They make for an easy snack when eaten fresh out of hand but are also perfect for holding over pre-dinner appetites in small plates like this BellIssimo Brie Melt or Apple Stuffing Bites with Rosemary Gravy.

Holiday Dazzle Apple-licious delights

The versatile flavor of apples isn’t just limited to foods, however. For the adults in the room, Pumpkin Spice Apple Cider with a splash of bourbon is a seasonally appropriate way to quench thirst and break the ice. Simply omit the bourbon for a kid-friendly version so the whole party can savor a sip. Easy to spot with their crimson red skin over a golden background that practically glows, Envy Apples offer an easy, eye-catching way to try new tastes and celebrate joyful occasions together.The bright white flesh is naturally slow to brown when sliced for a fresher flavor in sweet treats like Apple Oat Crumble and Citrus Caramel Topping for a tasty way to elevate your holiday get-togethers. APPLE OAT CRUMBLE AND CITRUS CARAMEL TOPPING 3 tablespoons sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 Envy Apples, diced into large cubes 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/2 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 cup old-fashioned oats 1/2 cup cold butter, diced small 1/2 cup caramel sauce 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 orange, zest only 1 tablespoon orange juice vanilla ice cream Preheat oven to 350 F. In bowl, stir together sugar and ground cinnamon. Toss apples in lemon juice then in cinnamon sugar mixture. Spread in 9-inch pie dish. In another bowl, stir together brown sugar, flour and oats. Using hands or fork, cut in butter until pea size crumbs form. Sprinkle evenly over apples.

Entertaining guests during the holidays isn’t just about a main course that calls all to the table. What often makes a festive gathering more fruitful is a spread of delicious appetizers, delightful drinks and divine desserts that keep loved ones coming back to the kitchen for more. For appetizing dishes from the first guest at the house to the last out the door, you can heighten the flavor and appearance of favorite recipes with one simple ingredient: apples. Ranging from tart to sugary sweet, finding the right balance for your palate is key. Scent can also influence taste, especially when you have a balanced sweetness with an uplifting, fresh aroma.

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Bake 40-45 minutes until mixture is bubbling and golden brown. Remove from oven and let cool 15 minutes. In small pot, whisk caramel, salt, orange zest and orange juice until warm. Spoon apple oat crumble over large scoop vanilla ice cream and top with salted citrus caramel.


APPLE STUFFING BITES WITH ROSEMARY GRAVY 1 box stovetop stuffing 2 tablespoons butter 2 cups diced Envy Apples 1/2 onion, diced small Gravy: 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 2 cups beef broth 2 teaspoons kosher salt 20 turns fresh cracked pepper 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 1 tablespoon finely chopped rosemary

1 Envy Apple, diced 1 tablespoon butter 1 teaspoon pumpkin spice 2 ounces bourbon 4 ounces pumpkin spice apple cider demerara sugar Envy Apple slices, for garnish rosemary, for garnish cinnamon stick, for garnish In pan over medium heat, saute diced apples in butter and pumpkin spice 5-10 minutes. In glass, combine bourbon and pumpkin spice apple cider; top with sauteed apples. Add demerara sugar then garnish with apple slices, rosemary and cinnamon stick.

Preheat broiler. Cook stuffing according to package directions; set aside and allow to cool slightly. In large saute pan, melt butter saute apples and onion until tender. Set aside to cool slightly. Stir together stuffing and apple mixture. Spread stuffing on sheet tray and allow to cool in refrigerator. After cooling, form stuffing into medium bites and place on sheet tray lined with parchment paper. Broil the bites until golden brown and slightly crispy. To make gravy: In small pot, melt butter and whisk in flour. Cook flour 1 minute, whisking frequently. Whisk in beef broth, salt, pepper and Worcestershire sauce; bring to boil, whisking frequently. Remove from heat and stir in rosemary. If desired, continue gently simmering gravy to thicken. Arrange stuffing bites in serving dish and drizzle with gravy. Serve hot.

BELL-ISSIMO BRIE MELT 1 round brie (6-8 ounces) 2 Envy Apples 1/4 cup walnuts 1/4 cup dried cranberries firm crackers Unwrap brie and place on microwave-safe dish. Cut off top of brie round and microwave 60 seconds until middle is soft. Slice apples into thick wedges. Top brie with half the apples, crushed walnuts and dried cranberries. Serve with firm crackers and remaining apple wedges. ❂ Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 11

ON•TREND by Standale Home Studio

Kitchen Remodeling Knowing the trends THE BUTTERFLIES YOU MAY FEEL in your stomach when you think about remodeling your kitchen are likely exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. It’s a big and exciting undertaking. Knowing the trends and partnering with a trusted design studio is critical to the success of your project. When you partner with Standale Home Studio, Dura Supreme Cabinetry is a brand in which you can have complete confidence in your investment. Dura Supreme is a leader in design trends and styles, making it easy to insure you are making sound, timeless decisions that will bring you happiness for years to come. Although white paired with grays continues to be a strong trend, the whites are warming up and leaning more towards Dove White, Linen and even Putty. In the past white perimeters and white islands were expected; now we are introducing wood back into kitchen cabinets, often times in the island and coordinating wood hood, warming up the kitchen space while making it cozier and more personal to you and your style. Dura Supreme has just recently introduced a new product launch in which White Oak is now a standard offering. Whether your eye is drawn to the light, warm texture of natural White Oak or one with a whitewash creating a beach-like, driftwood feel, incorporating White Oak into your kitchen will add depth and texture creating an inviting space for all who enter your home. In addition to wood islands, we are also seeing strong accent colors such as navy or mossy greens — even black. Dura Supreme has a broad offering of standard paint colors as well as the everchanging Curated Color Collection making selecting an accent color seamless. If you can’t find the perfect color for your kitchen, no problem. Their Custom Paint Color Match program will allow your space to be uniquely you with very little effort.

12 | early winter 2021

Dura Supreme is a leader in design trends and styles, making it easy to insure you are making a sound, timeless decision with your cabinetry. As trends continue to alter, the always-popular whites are warming up and leaning more towards Dove White, Linen and even Putty. Strong accent colors such as navy or mossy greens — even black add depth and interest .

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As the kitchen continues to be the heart of the home, it has also morphed into the home office, the homework-virtual learning center and of course it is still where people gather to reconnect in a meaningful way. Large islands with seating and good organizational characteristics can serve the purposes for all the needs of a busy family. Dura Supreme offers ship lap, island caps and boxed columns which makes creating an interesting and eye appealing island effortless.

Nanci Marsman Interior Design & Sales at Standale Home Studio In partnership with Dura Supreme Cabinetry

The original closet and storage specialist for over 30 years NEW LOCATION - FALL 2021 365 - 84th Street SW • Byron Center, MI 49315 • 616.913.9148 Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 13






ith views for miles, the

open site seemed to yearn for a hilltop property.

When Builder Tim Nagelkirk, Architectural Designer Jeff Visser and Interior Designer Laura Davidson were first approached about a brand new build on an historic, open site, the team started by determining the best spot for the main living structure. “It's a pretty open lot,” said Jeff, who viewed the 50-acre blank slate as an opportunity to get creative and maximize on comfortable country living. With an existing hill offering views for miles, the open site seemed to yearn for a home at its top. With the "ability to see all the way to Downtown [Grand Rapids],” said Jeff. “We wanted to capture that view.” As they began surveying the land in detail, there was only one notable obstacle in the way of easily achieving the perfect view: an established tree line on the border between adjacent property and its neighbor to the north. Despite this hurdle, the team quickly found a solution for siting that worked around the tree line, ultimately achieving stunning panoramic views and a neatly positioned pool house that complements the design without distracting from the property's seemingly simple, farmhouse style. Jeff Visser, owner of J. Visser Design, has been designing custom homes since founding his firm over 30 years ago. “We're a boutique business,” he said. “We appreciate unique properties, unique challenges...really it's about the project itself and trying to make each one unique for every client.”

Jeff set to work on designing a home that checked all of the boxes for the homeowners: comfortable, modern with a farmhouse aesthetic allowing room for plenty of visitors. “It's about getting to know the homeowner and what their taste is ...what they like,” said Visser, who added that the structure(s) also needed to appropriately fit on the property. He wanted to design something that looked as if it belonged there always.

"It's a very open, modern floorplan with plenty of windows for capitalizing on views."

16 | early winter 2021

Jeff ultimately designed a sprawling, modernized farmhouse that delights in oversized scale and captures as much natural light as possible. “It's a very open, modern floorplan,” he said, “with an abundance of windows for capitalizing on the tremendous views." UNITED GOAL In order to achieve the homeowner's vision, a collection of meetings took place in the wind and snow. Tim Nagelkirk, owner of Colonial Builders LLC, began surveying the site in hopes of determining the best approach from the surrounding roads. “We had to start creating a flat spot for the home,” he said. As Jeff began designing the initial plans for the home itself, Tim staked the property and began moving thousands of yards of sand, gravel and clay.

The home was finally sited at the second highest point in Ottawa County. Despite this unique perch, Tim wanted the setting to be as natural and ideal as possible. Colonial Builders, located in Jenison, is a second generation construction company first established in 1975. Tim added that he's proud of his company's precise attention to detail, as well as its solid subcontractor and client relationships. “We are very accustomed to working on large estate projects which take a lot of vision to position the home perfectly to embrace the topography, light and site balance — to create the best finished product for the home,” said Tim. “I truly love this part of the process. I love pulling the vision of an amazing home together and melding it with the given site and it surroundings.” Laura Davidson — interior designer and owner of the full-service boutique interior design firm Dwellings — regularly works with both Tim and Jeff, and was brought on to oversee the style of the home as it intersected with its various functions. “My love for design and space planning started early in life and transferred naturally into a busi-

In the kitchen, oversized lantern light fixtures illuminate an expansive island crafted by Mulinari Cabinetry Co. to mimic an historic farmhouse cabinet. An impressive mixed-metal range hood contrasts beautifully with the classic and understated white perimeter cabinetry. Farmhouse details are found everywhere including an outdoor farm door that gives entrance to the pantry which serves as an extension of the kitchen.

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ness over 20 years ago,” said Laura. “We started small, and as our projects grew so did the studio with our product offerings as well as the staff.” “Both Laura and Tim have a great eye for detail and a passion for doing it right,” said Jeff. “They help elevate our design to another level so that it's cohesive inside and out.” FIRST IMPRESSIONS From the very moment visitors enter the house, it's clear that the oversized scale was designed to create a combined feeling of welcome and grandeur. “It has a great foyer,” said Tim. The home's oversized entryway includes bright whites mixed with soft creams to accent a rich hickory hardwood floor. Laura designed a wide, decorative storage system complete with a comfortable bench and floor-to-ceiling cubbies capped with metallic gold grill patterns. Originally planning to allow the entry unfettered access to the rest of the home, Laura was inspired to partially enclose the space with an additional decorative doorway that mimics the profile of the exterior door.

“When you put the right people together, when the project is finished, it always amazes me how beautiful it turns out.”

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 19

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From the very moment visitors enter the home, it's clear that the oversized scale was designed to create a combined feeling of welcome and grandeur. By mixing heavy metals and patinas with whites, creams and neutrals, the home has a “new, old house” appeal. These elements all create an effortless grandiosity in each hallway, room and corner.

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 21

"It's about getting to know the homeowner and what their taste is...what they like."

22 | early winter 2021

Laura grew up on a farm and took cues from her own childhood when designing the home's interior. With this inspiration, she artfully included crafty details such as using an outdoor farm door to enclose the pantry and she chose a historic bowtie pattern in the hardwood to harken back to classic flooring methods. By mixing heavy metals and patinas with whites, creams and neutrals, she created what the homeowner calls a “new old house.” “Scale is everything,” said Laura, who selected finishings like oversized penny round tiles in the guest bathroom, taller-than-usual wainscoting and countertops that seamlessly flow up the wall instead of punctuating it as a backsplash. These

elements all create an effortless impressiveness in each hallway, room and corner. The kitchen is a perfect reflection of this expertise in scale. An impressive mixed metal range hood contrasts beautifully against the classic and understated white perimeter cabinetry. Oversized lantern light fixtures illuminate an expansive island — crafted by Colonial Builder’s in-house cabinet company, Mulinari Cabinetry Co., and installed by the detail-oriented trim crew, the island cabinets mimic what you’d see in an historic farmhouse. CLASSIC YET UNEXPECTED Jeff and Laura's take on the home's primary suite

The lower level’s family/entertainment room and kitchenette is an exceptional space for entertaining. A wine room is tucked away just beyond and includes custom-built storage, slate flooring and a soap stone countertop from Great Lakes Granite Works.

is also a unique feature. When all of the doors of the main wing of the home are open, guests have an uninterrupted view from the north to south windows. But, when privacy is needed, the primary bedroom, dressing room and bathroom become their own private wing. Within this section of the home, a walk-in closet/dressing area takes center stage with his and hers closets. The adjoining bathroom, an open, airy room bookended with dual vanities, contains a modern version of a slipper-style tub, a relaxing fixture that overlooks the view with cafe curtains for privacy. The bedroom is a soothing area meant only for sleep and relaxation. Throughout

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OPPOSITE PAGE: The front courtyard is a welcoming space with beautiful hardwood doors from RJ Raven. The foyer is a bright, oversized entryway, with a mix of whites and soft creams that accent a rich hickory hardwood floor from Johnson’s Carpet One. A wide decorative storage system, complete with a comfortable bench and floor-to-ceiling cubbies, is capped with metallic gold grill patterns. THIS PAGE: The home’s grandiose scale is emphasized everywhere including the guest bath with its oversized, penny round tiled floor. The laundry room and guest bedroom continue the modern farmhouse feel.

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 25

26 | early winter 2021

The primary suite features an open, airy bathroom bookended with his/hers vanities and includes a slipper-style tub that overlooks the view with cafe curtains for privacy. The bedroom is a surprisingly modest area meant only for sleep and relaxation. The home offers stunning panoramic views and includes a neatly positioned pool house that complements the design without distracting from the property's seemingly simple, farmhouse style. Adjoined by a decorative stone wall garden, the two structures form a singular unit if viewed from the east.

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 27

The pool house/detached garage was sited to the hill flawlessly. The structure was purposely placed within the views of the main house but never obstructing them. The lower level of the pool house contains a two-stall garage with overhead doors from Bouma Bros., the main level houses an entire guest suite.

28 | early winter 2021

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the suite Laura again chose a mix of soft neutrals. “I'm a huge fan of creams and whites,” she said, adding that it's a common misnomer that the two shades cannot be mixed. One of the home's more unexpected elements — a wine room — is tucked away just beyond the lower level’s family/entertainment room and kitchenette. With custom-built storage, grass cloth wallpaper, slate flooring and a soap stone countertop, this specially-designed room has a “rich masculine feel,” said Laura. Just outside the main home is the pool house, a beautiful second living space that also houses the garage. “I really like the outbuilding — the whole structure of it and how it fits into the hill,” said Jeff. Adjoined by a decorative stone wall garden, the main house and the pool house form a singular unit if viewed from the east. “It adds to the experience of the home as well,” said Visser, who purposely placed the structure within — but not obstructing — the view. The lower level of the pool house contains a twostall garage but the upper level is an entire guest suite complete with a great room, kitchenette, bathroom, laundry and sleeping areas. With

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Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 29

turnbuckles on the ceiling, historic lights and a custom farmhouse table serving as a kitchen island, the pool house carries on the home's modern farmhouse aesthetic. A JOINT VISION Together, Tim, Jeff and Laura completed a project that fulfilled the homeowner's dream while remaining flexible and honoring the design process. “A house wants what it wants,” said Laura. This home is a reflection of that. “A house is extremely dynamic and extremely organic,” echoed Tim. He and his team pride themselves on carrying out precise planning, but always make room for the eventual tweaks and changes as the home takes shape. “The plan always tends to evolve, the best designs allow for this.” The team also persevered through delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, navigating slow30 | early winter 2021

downs while still completing the home and allowing the homeowner to move in within four weeks of their initial finish date. Overall, to combine traditional and modern styles requires a combined vision and careful teamwork. “Tim and his entire team show attention to detail and quality,” said Laura. “Working with him is special, because he not only has the technical details perfected, but has a great eye and input. He supports the design, knowing a house is dynamic and will grow and evolve. This collaboration is always in our client's best interest.” “I love the collaboration of ideas and the willingness to stretch each other to create an amazing finished product that is beyond our client's expectations no matter the difficulty,” said Tim. “I have great respect for Laura and her team and appreciate all they do to help us create these one-of-a-kind homes.”

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 31

The pool house includes a great room, kitchenette, bathroom, laundry room and sleeping areas. With turnbuckles on the ceiling, historic lights and a custom farmhouse table serving as a kitchen island, this “guest” house carries on the home's modern farmhouse aesthetic.

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“When you put the right talent together, when the project is finished, it always amazes me how beautiful it turns out,” said Jeff. From initial surveys on a 50-acre, open site to a modern, comfortable farmhouse, this team accomplished their task of a one-of-a-kind forever home — the home on the hill where it truly belongs. ❂

RESOURCE INDEX BUILDER Colonial Builders ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN J Visser Design INTERIOR DESIGN Laura Davidson BUILDING MATERIALS Standale Lumber CABINETRY Mulinari Cabinetry Co. CARPETING Johnson’s Carpet One COUNTERTOPS Great Lakes Granite Works CONCRETE TABLE Hard Topix DECORATIVE HARDWARE Modern Hardware DOORS RJ Raven ELECTRICAL E2 Electric MOULDING/MILLWORK Elenbaas Hardwood GLASSWORK/MIRRORS Glass Concepts HEATING/COOLING Koetje INSULATION Northwind Insulating Systems OVERHEAD DOORS Bouma Bros. PLUMBING Lameyer ROOFING Versatile Roofing

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34 | early winter 2021

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Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 35


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ON•TREND by TruKitchens

Thoughtful Utility Spaces Make Life Easier UTILITY SPACES LIKE MUDROOMS, laundry rooms, and pantries are never the main drivers in discussing a client’s dream home. Homeowners spend much more time fantasizing about the spaces that guests will see, like the kitchen and living room. However, it’s the often-unseen spaces that are crucial in keeping families organized, containing the mud and mess, helping prep for meals, and keeping piles of laundry contained every single day. Considerable time is spent in these spaces so considerable time should be spent in designing these spaces. The success of the utility spaces can mean the difference in a client loving their home or feeling like their home doesn’t fit their lifestyle. Mudrooms/Garage Entries The backdoor entry is not usually the place designed to set the first impression for guests. It’s the dumping ground for backpacks, keys, muddy shoes, and jackets for every Midwest season. But a backdoor entry should be an extension of the design of a home, not an afterthought. Important functional considerations should be made to make it more enjoyable to come home and instantly feel at ease because everything has a place. The design of this space should also make it easier to leave home feeling less frazzled.

space is limited, hooks, or pegs, with a built-in storage bench below also do the trick. Lower cabinetry with countertops create useful surfaces for setting mail and keys. Even better, are the integration of utility sinks and dog wash stations to keep the mud contained. For added luxury, a washer and dryer right in this space can make quick work of those dirty outdoor clothes and towels.

Custom cabinetry provides a beautiful place to hide the mess. Tall locker-type cabinets either in the garage or in the entry itself, are helpful in inspiring kids to keep their things organized. If

Laundry Rooms Laundry is rarely a favorite chore; add a few kids and it’s also the chore that’s never finished. In today’s busy world and thanks to modern appli-

40 | early winter 2021

ances, laundry is a task that often gets done in between all the other to-dos of the day. This translates to mountains of laundry jammed into one space or scattered throughout the home. A dedicated, thoughtfully designed space is a musthave when it comes to laundry. The laundry room location is flexible but placement nearest the bedrooms is best. Upper cabinetry keeps laundry products hidden but within reach. Lower cabinets with countertops create surfaces that make it possible to fold and store laundry until it can be put away. Utility sinks for

makers make their home in the modern pantry. Countertops, sinks, and electrical outlets make food prep right in the pantry easy. Many pantries also serve as the family command center displaying calendars, grocery lists, and keeping mail organized. These pivotal spaces aren’t always hidden behind doors anymore either. The beautiful designs in these pantries are often left open to the kitchen or are framed by unique doors. At TruKitchens, we have a passion for making home a place that functions well and is designed beautifully to reflect the people that live in it. We know the difference that a well-thought out design makes, especially in the utility spaces that keep a family going. Our designers find joy in flushing out the details and walking homeowners through the spaces they didn’t realize were so important. We want to help you create a home that is you, from top to bottom; it all starts with the initial consultation.

soaking and rinsing are especially helpful with very soiled clothing. Custom additions like built in hampers, dropout ironing boards, retractable drying racks, and hanging rods give clothing a place to live no matter the stage of completion. Laundry room luxuries include multiple washers and dryers or even dedicated appliances placed right inside a generous master closet.

the kitchen evolved into an informal space that served as the center of the home for family and guests alike, the pantry was paired down to a simple storage area. However, this space is receiving attention again thanks to the reignited passion for entertaining at home. Functionality and beauty are working together in these spaces like never before.

Pantries Since the Middle Ages, pantries have been storing food, tableware, and other kitchen items as well as aiding in food prep and meal cleanup. As

Functionally, pantries should have ample cabinetry to house all those modern kitchen gadgets and groceries. Small appliances like microwaves, built-in coffee makers, beverage centers, and ice

Todd Wiley Senior Designer, TruKitchens 616.957.1969 hello@trukitchens.com trukitchens.com

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 41



merica has always been in love with the romance of the open road. We are eager for new sights and sounds, new people and places, new adventures, and the anticipation of not knowing what might be discovered around the next corner. This sense of freedom is what leads us to leave the security of home and seek the excitement of what comes next. Americans also like to be comfortable, even when out having adventures. That feeling of loving the journey while still having a snug and relaxing place to rest when the day is done is exactly what inspired Wally Byam to begin building travel trailers in his backyard in Los Angeles in the late 1920s. And, in 1936, Byam introduced the first “Airstream Clipper,” the iconic silver trailer with the unmistakeable appearance. Despite economic ups and downs throughout the decades, Airstream has endured and flourished. In fact, while there were some 400 travel trailer builders operating at the beginning of the Great Depression in 1939, Airstream was the sole survivor when the Depression ended. The brand has become the gold standard for travel trailers and is immediately recognizable by its silver gleam and unique, aerodynamic shape. The Airstream is produced with skill, care, and expert craftmanship. In fact, according to research during Airstream’s 75th anniversary in 2006, 60 to 70 percent of the trailers are still operating.

Airstream dream

Amy Darooge attended Kendall School of Art and Design and is the owner of Décor Villa Boutique. She is much in demand as an innovative designer who not only brings her own aesthetic to each and every project but is also responsive to her customer’s needs and preferences. Blending Darooge’s design expertise with a customer’s vision results in outcomes that delight everyone. But, with the onset of the pandemic, like so many of us, Darooge found herself not quite as busy as usual. With an abundance of extra time on her hands, she decided to spend some of it on a new and exciting project for her family—restoring and refurbishing an International Ambassador Airstream from 1966. At 28 feet long; 7 feet, 4 inches wide; and coming in at 4,540 pounds, it presented both a challenge and an opportunity for Darooge. She wanted to retain the original spirit of the Airstream but to refurbish and redesign it for modern sensibilities and maximum comfort. All told, it was a six-month process which resulted in an outstanding fusion of form and function.

“When we bought the Airstream, it was in pretty good shape but, we did make a lot of changes,” said Darooge. “I’ve always wanted to renovate a travel trailer — it’s kinda in the same category as a ‘tiny home.’ “We kept the original footprint of the Airstream but made substantial changes to the interior finishes. I was interested in making it not only aesthetically pleasing but also wanted to maximize the functionality and the storage capacity of the space.” The Airstream’s windows, which Darooge did not change, let in considerable amounts of daylight, and, together with the neutral finishes, the interior feels light and airy, seemingly much larger than its actual square footage. Darooge’s expertise lies mainly in interior design so when it came to updating electrical and plumbing systems, she found professionals from Woodland Airstream who were able to update all the mechanicals. “Basically, we tore everything out except the middle section which was the bedroom and the closet and dresser,” Darooge explained. “I planned with the needs of my family in mind. We have three children, and I wanted to make sure there was enough room and comfort for everyone. There is now a bigger bed in the front and then a double bed in the back.

“The walnut veneer was in great condition but had faded over the years so we restained it. The arched ceiling was already there, and we added a skylight. We also put in a table with hydraulics — a custom design by Little Bay Boards in Petoskey. The cabinets and drawers are mostly white-painted maple with walnut counter tops— the light colors open up the space. Everything can be easily stowed away when the Airstream is on the road.” Darooge designed the kitchen with a microwave and electric burners but no oven, feeling that grilling outside is the best way to cook when “RV-ing.” “There was carpeting throughout, which I knew I had to replace,” said Darooge. “We chose a vinyl floor from Cali Bamboo.” There’s a full bathroom with a small sink, commode, and shower. Its aesthetic blends with the feel of the other areas in the home. “Since Covid hit, and throughout the pandemic, I think people have been re-evaluating their lifestyles,” said Darooge. “Now that working from home is the new normal, people can work from anywhere, so why not choose somewhere beautiful and peaceful?

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 47

“I feel that people are also re-evaluating what is important in their lives and leaning toward a sense of minimalism. We can all do with less, and this Airstream helps us consider what we really need in our lives.” “Rustic chic” or “nature-inspired minimalism” or even “boho comfort” could all describe Darooge’s Airstream interior. With her use of plants and other natural elements such as rattan, wood and antlers, Darooge has created a space that is not only comfortable but also complements romance of the open road. Darooge said she learned a lot during the renovation, and it’s a project she’s glad she undertook and would happily do again if asked. The results speak for themselves. Happy travels! ❂

48 | early winter 2021

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 49



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50 | early winter 2021

flashbackfave Autumn 2014


Grand Rapids

A Little More


2014: A Reed’s Lake rebuild showcases timeless design at its finest. With a classic exterior that looks original to the neighborhood and an interior that is just as appealing nearly a decade later, this beauty is definitely a fave. Enjoy!

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 51

A Little More



When faced with the decision to either remodel the old 1950s ranch they had purchased or demolish it and build new, the homeowners took their time to really weigh the benefits. They purchased this particular home because of its location, both for the proximity of the schools and for the lake frontage it offered.


he old ranch had undergone nearly zero updates. The windows, carpet, drapes, cabinets, plumbing and lighting fixtures looked original. Most items and systems were stained, broken, leaking and inoperable. The exterior was in better shape than the interior, so we intended to do a significant remodel,” said the homeowner. These homeowners made the right next move in forming a team of professionals that could lead them to the right decision with expert advice, creative concepts, and forethought to every detail. They hired J Visser Design to create the perfect plans, Villa Décor for the interior design, and BDR, Inc. to build their vision. After weighing the options of remodel versus new build, the benefits of new construction won. Although this home looks as though it has been there as long as the rest of the East Grand Rapids neighborhood, it has been newly constructed with all the modern amenities. Jeff Visser of J Visser Design brought forth what he does best, a classic design with a modern twist that envelops the site in a way that the views take over. “My favorite feature is the way the floor plan follows the angle of the hill to capture the view. Every one of those spaces has great views,” said Visser. Another key feature in the home is the incredible lighting. Light fixtures are often a detail that isn't thought about until late in the process or gets cut significantly due to budget but, it is one of the most important elements to creating functional and comfortable spaces. “This makes or breaks it, and you don’t want your home to look like everyone else’s house. Lighting is such a conversation piece,” said Amy Darooge, interior designer of Villa Decor. The natural light is just as crucial in this home as well. Every opportunity for a window was taken, and elements like transoms in the interior doors and floating stairs that let the natural light flow through the picture window at the landing enhance it as well. The laundry room really deserves a different name. “A lot of thought went into the laundry room for pets, laundry, storage, and organization, besides just a place where you wash clothes. It ends up being a room you use equally or more than your kitchen, so it should be given equal attention,” said Todd Wiley of Tru Kitchens, the company charged with most of the cabinetry in the home. The playful geometric backsplash along with the pet center add unique features to this space. A soft linen floor tile is the perfect complement to all of the other hard surfaces.

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The kitchen introduces the color palette seen throughout the home. Earthy browns with an overcast of grey make this home feel unobtrusive perched in this natural setting. “[The homeowner] liked some of the traditional that I tend to do, but then she wanted some of these modern elements,” said Darooge. Creamy cabinetry with beaded trim detail, Carerra marble backsplash, dual-stained windows accented with soft wall sconces — all the classic elements — mixed with stainless accents in the hood, floating shelves, and farmhouse sink add the modern touches to create an eclectic style that feels timeless yet fresh. The beverage center next to the oversized refrigerator is a great transition into the living space.

The kitchen showcases the eclectic style that gives the home a timeless yet fresh feel. Classic elements such as the creamy cabinetry from Tru Kitchens, Carerra marble backsplash, and dual-stained windows mix with modern touches like the stainless accents in the hood, floating shelves, and farmhouse sink from Richard’s Plumbing. The beverage center, next to the oversized refrigerator, is a great transition into the living space.

The living room is also a great blend of classic and contemporary with its travertine fireplace flanked with symmetrical floating cabinets and shelves and modern accessories. Plush upholstered seating surrounds a large tufted leather ottoman to ground the space. The living room is open to the dining room, which features a custom dining table that was stained to match the tones of the home, softened with linen chairs and lit by a lean, rectangular pendant. The main floor bath is gorgeous with deep contrasts between the charcoal cabinetry and the marble countertops, with a touch of glass in the drawer pulls. Custom pendant lights add modern drama in an unexpected way. Also, in this corner of the home, is the mudroom and mesCosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 55

A glass door leads to the home office, which is surrounded by garden views that are framed in rich linen drapery. Here, a natural cowhide rug grounds a floating trestle desk, and a chandelier with silk shade from Kendall Lighting and acrylic chair add elegance to the space. The three-season room has casual yet comfortable furnishings and offers scenic views of Reeds Lake.While the office has a more feminine feel, the three-season room is definitely more masculine with grey-washed woodwork on the walls and a limestone fireplace.

56 | early winter 2021

sage center, complete with metal grating for a magnetic backsplash. The office is tucked in the corner of the home, surrounded by garden views that are framed in rich linen drapery. A natural cowhide rug grounds a floating trestle desk, while the chandelier with a silk shade and the acrylic chair add an airiness to the space. Not only does the office have exceptional window views, it also has a glass door that leads to the three-season room. While the office has a more feminine feel, the three-season room is definitely more masculine with grey-washed woodwork on the walls and a limestone fireplace. In the opposite corner of the main floor lies the owners’ suite. It oozes coziness with ribbed wool carpeting, a tufted headboard and soft white bedding with accents of autumn gold. The white built-ins house the TV in a custom arched nook, finished off with luxurious linen window treatments from floor to ceiling to capture the view. The luxury continues with a private balcony with seating for two and his-and-her walk-in closet, customized for each. The owners’ bath has a doublesided vanity with symmetrical windows for plenty of natural light throughout. This took substantial planning and forethought from the entire team. “Jeff just always gives us an easy template to work with, and then we kind of run with it. We worked Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 57

58 | early winter 2021

hand in hand with BDR to make sure everything lined up,” said Wiley. Glass tile accents in the walkin shower and the bubbly crystal chandelier over a freestanding modern tub add a touch of glamour while the beadboard details and taupe cabinetry add a touch of masculinity. The outdoor space is spectacular, but it was definitely the biggest challenge. It is on a steep slope, which is intimidating from a building and design standpoint, but this team nailed it. “It’s a steep hill, so it was a pretty big challenge to make that happen. Later in the process the idea of the boat house came in to play, and that helped break it up,” said Visser. The boat house, vast lawn that cascades down to the water, and the conservative but ample patio create a very serene and natural setting. The boys’ bedroom suite has a much different look and feel, definitely more hip and masculine than classic and organic like the rest of the home. Dark wood tones, barn doors, and chunky hardware add to the masculine feel. This intentional shift was to give the boys a space totally suited for them. There is a sitting area for relaxing with a movie, a desk area for studying and keeping things organized, and even a washer and dryer is tucked behind double sliding barn doors so the boys can learn to do their own laundry. There is a lot of personality in the bedrooms, including a hammock in one of them. The second and third bedrooms share a Jack-and-Jill bathroom. The thoughtful layout of the space allowed for two separate vanities and additional storage and closet space. The doors have reeded glass transoms to allow natural light to filter through what would otherwise be a dark walkway.

The primary suite is a cozy retreat with ribbed, wool carpeting; a tufted headboard and soft bedding with accents of autumn gold; and luxurious linen window treatments that frame the view. The primary bath has a double-sided vanity with symmetrical windows for plenty of natural light. Glass tile accents in the walk-in shower and a bubbly crystal chandelier over a freestanding, modern tub add a touch of glamour while the beadboard details and taupe cabinetry add a touch of masculinity.

Cosmopolitan Home Grand Rapids | 59

the homeowners desire and the designer’s desire allows us to give them something that lasts, that’s timeless,” said Mark Homan of BDR, Inc. Everyone involved in this project had a similar approach and an openness to work together toward the end goal of a lifetime home for their client. “I do not intend to move ever again,” said the homeowner. That is a true definition of a satisfied client, and a true testament to the accomplishment of this team. “We spent a fair amount of time on each design element,” said Homan. “ … a lot of time figuring out just the right mix so everything was a little more timeless.” ❂

Although it is newly constructed with all the modern amenities, the home looks as though it has been there as long as the rest of the East Grand Rapids neighborhood. Jeff Visser of J. Visser Design brought forth what he does best, a classic design with a contemporary twist that envelops the site in a way that the views take over. The floor plan follows the angle of the hill to capture the view of Reeds Lake as much as possible.

The lower level is an active space. It houses the game room and bar, the fitness center, and what could essentially be considered a pool house inside the house. The walk-out to the lake is here, so this space has a modern take on the nautical theme. Clad in vintage prints of Reed’s Lake and driftwood accessories, this space offers as much style as it does function with the heavy-gauged hooks and hardware and spacious full bathroom. All the details of this home culminated into perfect livability for this family. “Our ability to read into

60 | early winter 2021

RESOURCE INDEX BUILDER BDR Custom Homes ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN J. Visser Design INTERIOR DESIGN Amy Darooge, Villa Decor CABINETRY Tru Kitchens FRONT ENTRY DOOR RJ Raven GRANITE Great Lakes Granite LIGHTING Kendall Lighting LUMBER Standale lumber PLUMBING FIXTURES Richard’s Plumbing

An Interactive Directory for the Home APPLIANCES, EQUIPMENT AND HARDWARE

Bekins Audio/Video & Appliances (616) 957-2333 Decker & Sons (616) 456-5121 Ferguson Bath, Kitchen & Lighting Gallery (616) 248-0605 Gerrit's Appliance, Inc. (616) 532-3626 www.gerritsappliances.com ARCHITECTS & DESIGNERS

42 North Architecture + Design (616) 340-8047 David C. Bos Construction Co. (616) 842-2248 x116 DeHaan Homes (616) 896-8300 www.dehaanhomes.com Fitzpatrick Custom Design (616) 532-2000 J. Visser Design (616) 954-2509 Lucid Architecture, Inc (616) 741-0044 Mathison Mathison Architects (616) 920-0545 Visbeen Architects, Inc. (616) 285-9901 x2 AUDIO-VIDEO RETAILER

Created Control (616) 356-2660 Decker & Sons (616) 456-5121 Streamline Systems (616)457-5460 www.streamlinesystemsmi.com AWNINGS

Action Awning LLC (616) 874-7400 www.actionawning.com www.facebook.com/pages/ Action-AwningLLC/479665515420452 BRICK, STONE & MASONRY

Belden Brick & Supply Co. (616) 459-8367 Bultema Bros. Builders Supply, Inc. (616) 245-1125 BUILDER

Ashby Builders (616) 893-6284 Aukeman Development Co. (616) 669-4363 B.D.D. Construction Co. LLC (616) 696-1226 BDR Custom Homes, Inc. (616) 458-8505 Berghuis Construction LLC (616) 217-6565

Celebrity Builders LLC (616) 291-1808 Christin Homes (616) 874-2694 www.christinhomes.com chad@christinhomes.com Colonial Builders LLC (616) 534-2030 Curt Moran Builders, Inc. (616) 293-0660 Daeco Builders, Inc. (616) 682-2422 Dan Vis Builders LLC (616) 293-3597 Dan Vos Construction Co., Inc. (616) 676-9169 Dave Dusendang Custom Homes, Inc. (616) 874-7085 www.dusendanghomes.com Dave Visser Builder LLC (616) 791-8899 David C. Bos Construction Co. (616) 842-2248 x116 DBC Custom Homes (616) 878-5400 www.dbccustomhomes.com www.facebook.com/DBCcust omhomes/ www.instagram.com/dbccustomhomes DeHaan Homes (616) 896-8300 www.dehaanhomes.com Diephuis Builders, Inc. (616) 956-7441 Eastbrook Homes, Inc. (616) 988-1324 Epique Homes, Inc. (616) 437-1767 Falcon Custom Homes, Inc. (616) 682-1700 Forest Hills Homes LLC (616) 940-9015 Habitat For Humanity of Kent County (616) 588-5220 Infiniti Custom Homes, Inc. (616) 322-3005 Insignia Homes (616) 940-1703 Interra Homes (616) 862-1292 J & J Concepts LLC (616) 540-3560 J. Peterson Homes LLC (616) 291-1816 Jim Tibbe Homes (616) 916-8895 John L. Koetje Builder, Inc. (616) 538-4241 Kenowa Associates, Inc. (616) 531-0069 KLH Custom Homes LLC (269) 823-8041 Koetje Builders, Inc. (616) 457-3450 LeBlanc Custom Homes (616) 723-1467 www.leblanccustomhome.com www.facebook.com/LeBlanc-CustomHomes-1546652642282852/ Drew@leblanccustomhome.com

Let Us, Inc. (616) 893-2341 Lown Homes LLC (616) 366-3436 Makuski Builders, Inc. (616) 299-1725 Maplewood Homes (616) 499-5054 www.maplewoodhomes.com Mike Schaap Builders, Inc. (616) 399-9925 www.mikeschaapbuilders.com Mosaic Properties & Homes (616) 235-0711 x201 Muston Construction, Inc. (616) 887-9088 www.mustonconstruction.com www.facebook.com/mustonconstruction www.houzz.com/pro/muston/__public office@mustonconstruction.com New Urban Home Builders LLC (616) 401-5669 Nugent Builders, Inc. (616) 866-7663 P.A. DeHaan LLC (616) 299-1329 Raymar Homes (616) 299-7664 Schultz Builders LLC (616) 405-9316 Scott Christopher Homes (616) 784-4500 Scott Lamaire Custom Homes (616) 802-8850 Sherwood Custom Homes LLC (616) 891-1865 www.sherwoodcustomhomes.com jeff@sherwoodcustomhomes.com Snellink Builders (616) 437-4527 Snowden Builders LLC (616) 299-8455 Solomon Homes LLC (616) 437-1179 Sytsma Construction LLC (616) 437-4966 www.sytsmaconstruction.com sytsmaconstllc@gmail.com Tim Schollaart Builder LLC (616) 890-1381 Tim VerStrate Custom Homes, Inc. (616) 677-6062 www.timverstratecustomhomes.com Tom Montsma Builders, Inc. (616) 662-0229 V.H. Construction, Inc. (616) 723-4243 Viersen Properties LLC (616) 299-6846 Whitmore Homes LLC (616) 446-3482 Woods Builders Homes, Inc. (616) 272-3468 BUILDING MATERIALS

Eikenhout Building Supplies (616)-459-4523 Foundation Building Materials (616) 534-4903




Benchmark Wood Studio (616)994-7374 benchmark-studios.com Closet & Room Solutions (616) 785-1021 www.closetandroomsolutions.com Rivershores Building Products, Inc. (616) 738-8440 Rivershores Hardwood Flooring & Cabinetry Company (616) 243-7000 -EGR (616) 738-8440 - Holland www.facebook.com/Rivershore sHardwoodFlooringCompany/ www.houzz.com/pro/rivershoreshardwoodflooring/rive rshores-hardwood-flooring sales@rivershores.com Standale Home Studio (616) 453-8201 www.standalehomestudio.com www.facebook.com/standaleinteriors www.houzz.com/pro/standaleinteriors www.pinterest.com/standaleint Starlite Kitchens (616) 583-9304 www.StarliteKitchens.com www.facebook.com/StarliteK itchensandBaths www.houzz.com/pro/rbronsink/starliteTru Kitchens (616) 957-1969 The Williams Studio (616) 771-0530 www.thewilliamsstudio.com www.facebook.com/TheWilli amsStudio www.houzz.com/pro/william sstudio1/williams-studio#8 CLOSET ORGANIZERS

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Century (616) 988-4524 DeGraaf Interiors (616) 669-1621 Johnson Carpet One (616) 531-3100 Klingman's Furniture (616) 942-7300 Village Custom Interiors www.villageci.com (616) 878-5000 https://www.facebook.com/VillageCI Standale Home Studio (616) 453-8201 www.standalehomestudio.com www.facebook.com/standaleinteriors www.houzz.com/pro/standaleinteriors www.pinterest.com/standaleint GARAGE ORGANIZERS

Closet & Room Solutions (616) 785-1021 www.closetandroomsolutions.com Closet Concepts, Inc. (616) 913-9148 www.closetconceptsofgr.com info@closetconceptsofgr.com

Closet & Room Solutions (616) 785-1021 www.closetandroomsolutions.com

Glass Concepts Inc. (616) 994-7050 www.glassconceptsinc.com www.glassconceptsinc.com/gallery

Closet Concepts, Inc. (616) 913-9148 www.closetconceptsofgr.com info@closetconceptsofgr.com Closet Design (616) 772-1119 Michigan Shelf West, Inc. (616) 863-6481

Sligh Closet & Glass (616) 422-4321 www.slighdesign.com www.facebook.com/SlighDesign/ www.houzz.com/pro/slighclosetandglass/sligh-closet-and-glass sarahc@slighdesign.com

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Closet Design (616) 772-1119

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THELIST Glass Concepts Inc. (616) 994-7050 www.glassconceptsinc.com www.glassconceptsinc.com/gallery Norbert's Glass & Mirror Co. (616) 531-1110 www.norbertsglassandmirror.com Sligh Closet & Glass (616) 422-4321 www.slighdesign.com www.facebook.com/SlighDesign/ www.houzz.com/pro/slighclosetandglass/sligh-closet-and-glass sarahc@slighdesign.com HOME AUTOMATION

Created Control (616) 356-2660 Streamline Systems (616)457-5460 www.streamlinesystemsmi.com HOME ELECTRONICS INSTALLATION

Bekins Audio/Video & Appliances (616) 957-2333 Bekins Audio/Video & Appliances (616) 957-2333 Created Control (616) 356-2660 Streamline Systems (616)457-5460 www.streamlinesystemsmi.com HOME ORGANIZATION

Closet Concepts, Inc. (616) 913-9148 Closet & Room Solutions (616) 785-1021 Sligh Closet & Glass (616) 422-4321 Systematic (616) 350-9597 INTERIOR DESIGN

42 North - Architecture + Design (616) 340-8047 Dwellings, Inc. (616) 532-7897 Great American Spaces (877) 553-9945 www.greatamericanspaces.com Rock Kauffman Design (616) 956-3008 Klingman's Furniture (616) 942-7300 Standale Interiors (616) 453-8201 www.standaleinteriors.com Joseph Szymczak www.studioatslate.com KITCHEN & BATH

DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Greater Grand Rapids (616) 632-2284 www.dreammakergr.com 62 | early winter 2021

An Interactive Directory for the Home

Granite Transformations (616) 726-1388 Great Lakes Granite Works (616) 785-3088 www.greatlakesgranite.com www.facebook.com/GreatLakes-Granite-Works109217255792578/ www.houzz.com/pro/greatlakesgraniteworks/greatlakes-granite-works www.instagram.com/great_lak es_granite_works DBurgess@greatlakesgranite.com Infusion Showrooms by Etna Supply (616) 514-5177 www.infusionshowrooms.com www.facebook.com/infusion.s howrooms www.instagram.com/infusionkitchenbathshowrooms/?hl=en Mont Granite (616) 647-0700 www.montsurfaces.com www.facebook.com/montgranite www.pinterest.com/montgranite/ www.youtube.com/channel/UC phAqTXwVEvQ9CDL1xiJ2iQ Premier Granite & Stone (616) 647-5538 www.premiergranitetops.com Richards Kitchen & Bath Showroom (616) 247-0965 Re-Bath of Grand Rapids (616) 949-8827 www.Rebathgr.com www.facebook.com/ReBath-of-Grand-Rapids399202116792753/ info@rebathgr.com Standale Home Studio (616) 453-8201 www.standalehomestudio.com Starlite Kitchens (616) 583-9304 www.StarliteKitchens.com www.facebook.com/StarliteKi tchensandBaths www.houzz.com/pro/rbronsink/starliteTru Kitchens (616) 957-1969 The Williams Studio (616) 771-0530 www.thewilliamsstudio.com www.facebook.com/TheWilli amsStudio www.houzz.com/pro/williams studio1/williams-studio#8 LANDSCAPE DESIGN

Alfresco Landcapes LLC (616) 453-2530 www.alfresco-landscapes.com

Landscape Design Services, Inc (616) 399-1734 www.landscapeds.com Rivertown Landscapes LLC (616) 866-1700 www.rivertownlandscapes.com LANDSCAPING & LAWN SPRINKLING

Alfresco Landcapes LLC (616) 453-2530 www.alfresco-landscapes.com Landscape Design Services, Inc (616) 399-1734 www.landscapeds.com

Re-Bath of Grand Rapids (616) 949-8827 www.Rebathgr.com www.facebook.com/ReBath-of-Grand-Rapids399202116792753/ info@rebathgr.com Sligh Closet & Glass (616) 422-4321 www.slighdesign.com www.facebook.com/SlighDesign/ www.houzz.com/pro/slighclosetandglass/sligh-closet-and-glass SIDING & ROOFING

Rivertown Landscapes LLC (616) 866-1700 www.rivertownlandscapes.com

Eikenhout, Inc. (616) 459-4523 Standale Lumber & Supply (616) 530-8200 www.standalelumber.com www.facebook.com/standalelumber



The Lighting Corner (616) 534-8560 (616) 842-1650 (G. Haven) www.thelightingcorner.com www.facebook.com/thelightingcorner/?fref=ts www.pinterest.com/TLC_1984

Action Awning LLC (616) 874-7400 http://actionawning.com https://www.facebook.com/pag es/Action-AwningLLC/479665515420452


Adventure Credit Union (616) 243-0125 xx1207 www.adventurecu.org Chemical Bank (616) 588-7438 www.chemicalbankmi.com First United Credit Union (616) 532-9067 www.firstunitedcu.org Independent Bank (800) 285-3111 Old National Bank (616) 802-3921 www.oldnational.com SECURITY

EPS Security/Engineered Protection Systems (616) 459-0281 www.facebook.com/EpsSecurity https://twitter.com/EPS_Security www.linkedin.com/company/ep s-security-inc-/ www.youtube.com/channel/UCP NhObLZqFHqhuYODhVTo9O/ www.houzz.com/pro/epssecurity/eps-security-systems SHOWER & TUB ENCLOSURES

Closet Design (616) 772-1119 Godwin Hardware & Plumbing, Inc. (616) 243-3131 Norbert's Glass & Mirror Co. (616) 531-1110 www.norbertsglassandmirror.com


Great Lakes Granite Works (616) 785-3088 www.greatlakesgranite.com www.facebook.com/GreatLakes-Granite-Works109217255792578/ www.houzz.com/pro/greatlakesgraniteworks/great-lakesgranite-works www.instagram.com/great_lakes _granite_works DBurgess@greatlakesgranite.com Premier Granite & Stone (616) 647-5538 www.premiergranitetops.com Starlite Kitchens (616) 583-9304 www.StarliteKitchens.com www.facebook.com/StarliteKit chensandBaths www.houzz.com/pro/rbronsink/starliteTop of the World Granite, Inc. (616) 791-7444 Williams Kitchen & Bath (616) 771-0505 STONE & TILE

Certified Tile and Stone Installers (616) 437-3520 Genesee Ceramic Tile Dist (616) 243-5811

Great Lakes Granite Works (616) 785-3088 www.greatlakesgranite.com www.facebook.com/GreatLakes-Granite-Works109217255792578/ www.houzz.com/pro/greatlakesgraniteworks/great-lakesgranite-works www.instagram.com/great_lakes _granite_works DBurgess@greatlakesgranite.com Mont Granite (616) 647-0700 www.montsurfaces.com www.facebook.com/montgranite www.pinterest.com/montgranite/ www.youtube.com/channel/UCp hAqTXwVEvQ9CDL1xiJ2iQ Premier Granite & Stone (616) 647-5538 www.premiergranitetops.com Top of the World Granite, Inc. (616) 791-7444 STORAGE

Closet & Room Solutions (616) 785-1021 www.closetandroomsolutions.com Sligh Closet & Glass (616) 422-4321 WINDOW COVERINGS

Klingman's Furniture (616) 942-7300 Standale Home Studio (616) 453-8201 www.standalehomestudio.com www.facebook.com/standaleinteriors www.houzz.com/pro/standaleinteriors www.pinterest.com/standaleint/ WINDOWS & DOORS

Eikenhout, Inc. (616) 459-4523 Pella Windows & Doors by HORNE (616) 889-5857 www.pellabranch.com/western-michigan www.facebook.com/pellawindowsanddoorswm www.instagram.com/pellawestmichigan www.pinterest.com/pellawestmichigan www.linkedin.com/company/pe lla-windows-&-doors-by-horne www.twitter.com/PellaWestMich R J Raven Corporation (616) 245-5684 Standale Lumber & Supply (616) 530-8200 www.standalelumber.com

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